{ "dictionary": { "senses": [ "A reference work with a list of words from one or more languages, normally ordered alphabetically, explaining each word's meaning, and sometimes containing information on its etymology, pronunciation, usage, translations, and other data", "Any work that has a list of material organized alphabetically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dictionary" ], "word": "dictionary", "num_translations": 344 }, "free": { "senses": [ "Unconstrained", "Obtainable without any payment", "Unconstrained", "Unconstrained", "Without", "not containing", "exempt", "clear", "liberated", "Ready", "eager", "acting without spurring or whipping", "spirited", "enjoying certain immunities or privileges", "admitted to special rights", "followed by of", "Certain or honourable", "the opposite of base", "Privileged or individual", "the opposite of common" ], "antonyms": [ "unfree" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "free", "num_translations": 455 }, "free2": { "senses": [ "set at liberty", "release", "To rid of something that confines or oppresses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "befree", "emancipate", "let loose", "liberate", "manumit", "release", "unchain", "unfetter", "unshackle" ], "word": "free", "num_translations": 103 }, "thesaurus": { "senses": [ "A publication, usually in the form of a book, that provides synonyms for the words of a given language", "A dictionary or encyclopedia", "A hierarchy of subject headings \u2014 canonic titles of themes and topics, the titles serving as search keys" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "synonymicon" ], "word": "thesaurus", "num_translations": 79 }, "cat1": { "senses": [ "To vomit something", "To go wandering at night" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cat", "num_translations": 20 }, "word": { "senses": [ "The smallest unit of language that has a particular meaning and can be expressed by itself", "the smallest discrete, meaningful unit of language", "Something like such a unit of language:", "The fact or act of speaking, as opposed to taking action", "Something that someone said", "a comment, utterance", "speech", "A proverb or motto", "News", "tidings", "An order", "a request or instruction", "an expression of will", "A promise", "an oath or guarantee", "A brief discussion or conversation", "Communication from God", "the message of the Christian gospel", "the Bible, Scripture", "Logos, Christ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:word" ], "word": "word", "num_translations": 230 }, "pound": { "senses": [ "A unit of mass equal to 12 troy ounces Today, this is a common unit of weight when measuring precious metals, and is little used elsewhere", "The symbol", "The unit of currency used in the United Kingdom and its dependencies It is divided into 100 pence", "Any of various units of currency used in Egypt and Lebanon, and formerly in the Republic of Ireland, Cyprus and Israel", "Any of various units of currency formerly used in the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pound", "num_translations": 144 }, "pound3": { "senses": [ "To strike hard, usually repeatedly", "To crush to pieces", "to pulverize", "To eat or drink very quickly", "To pitch consistently to a certain location", "To beat strongly or throb", "To penetrate sexually, with vigour", "To advance heavily with measured steps", "To make a jarring noise, as when running" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hammer", "pulverate", "bolt", "drill" ], "word": "pound", "num_translations": 91 }, "nonsense": { "senses": [ "Letters or words, in writing or speech, that have no meaning or pattern or seem to have no meaning", "An untrue statement", "That which is silly, illogical and lacks any meaning, reason or value", "that which does not make sense", "Something foolish", "A type of poetry that contains strange or surreal ideas, as, for example, that written by Edward Lear", "A damaged DNA sequence whose products are not biologically active, that is, that does nothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "falsehood", "lie", "untruth", "absurdity", "rubbish", "tosh", "silliness", "contradiction", "stupidity", "unreasoning" ], "word": "nonsense", "num_translations": 211 }, "pie": { "senses": [ "A type of pastry that consists of an outer crust and a filling", "Any of various other, non-pastry dishes that maintain the general concept of a shell with a filling", "A pizza", "The whole of a wealth or resource, to be divided in parts", "A disorderly mess of spilt type", "An especially badly bowled ball", "The vulva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pie", "num_translations": 107 }, "crow": { "senses": [ "A bird, usually black, of the genus Corvus, having a strong conical beak, with projecting bristles", "it has a harsh, croaking call", "The cry of the rooster", "Any of various dark-coloured nymphalid butterflies of the genus Euploea", "A bar of iron with a beak, crook, or claw", "a bar of iron used as a lever", "A gangplank used by the Ancient Roman navy to board enemy ships", "The mesentery of an animal", "A black person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crow", "num_translations": 294 }, "crow1": { "senses": [ "To make the shrill sound characteristic of a rooster", "to make a sound in this manner, either in gaiety, joy, pleasure, or defiance", "To shout in exultation or defiance", "to brag", "To test the reed of a double reed instrument by placing the reed alone in the mouth and blowing it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crow", "num_translations": 58 }, "elephant": { "senses": [ "A mammal of the order Proboscidea, having a trunk, and two large ivory tusks jutting from the upper jaw", "Anything huge and ponderous", "used when counting to add length, so that each count takes about one second", "Ivory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Elephas maximus", "Loxodonta africana", "see Appendix:Words used as placeholders to count seconds" ], "word": "elephant", "num_translations": 306 }, "brown": { "senses": [ "A colour like that of chocolate or coffee", "One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 4 points", "Black tar heroin", "A copper coin", "A person of Middle Eastern, Latino or South Asian descent", "someone of mulatto or biracial appearance", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of subfamily Satyrinae", "Any of certain species of nymphalid butterflies of subfamily Satyrinae, such as those of the genera Heteronympha and Melanitis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brown", "num_translations": 167 }, "brown2": { "senses": [ "To tan", "To turn progressively more Middle Eastern, Hispanic or Latino, in the context of the population of a geographic region", "To treat with deference, or respect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brown", "num_translations": 37 }, "march1": { "senses": [ "To walk with long, regular strides, as a soldier does", "To cause someone to walk somewhere", "To go to war", "to make military advances", "To make steady progress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "march", "num_translations": 63 }, "may": { "senses": [ "To be strong", "to have power", "To be able", "can", "To be able to go", "To have permission to, be allowed Used in granting permission and in questions to make polite requests", "Expressing a present possibility", "possibly", "Expressing a wish", "Used in modesty, courtesy, or concession, or to soften a question or remark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "may", "num_translations": 116 }, "monday": { "senses": [ "The second day of the week in many religious traditions, and the first day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 norm It follows Sunday and precedes Tuesday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mon" ], "word": "Monday", "num_translations": 263 }, "tuesday": { "senses": [ "The third day of the week in many religious traditions, and the second day of the week in systems that use the ISO 8601 norm", "it follows Monday and precedes Wednesday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tue" ], "word": "Tuesday", "num_translations": 266 }, "wednesday": { "senses": [ "The fourth day of the week in many religious traditions, and the third day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 norm", "it follows Tuesday and precedes Thursday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hump day", "Wed" ], "word": "Wednesday", "num_translations": 250 }, "thursday": { "senses": [ "The fifth day of the week in many religious traditions, and the fourth day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 norm", "it follows Wednesday and precedes Friday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "R" ], "word": "Thursday", "num_translations": 253 }, "friday": { "senses": [ "The sixth day of the week in many religious traditions, and the fifth day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 norm", "the Muslim Sabbath", "it follows Thursday and precedes Saturday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fri" ], "word": "Friday", "num_translations": 248 }, "saturday": { "senses": [ "The seventh day of the week in many religious traditions, and the sixth day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 norm", "it follows Friday and precedes Sunday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sat" ], "word": "Saturday", "num_translations": 235 }, "sunday": { "senses": [ "The first day of the week in many religious traditions, and the seventh day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 standard", "the Christian Sabbath", "the Lord's Day", "it follows Saturday and precedes Monday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sun" ], "word": "Sunday", "num_translations": 291 }, "connotation": { "senses": [ "A meaning of a word or phrase that is suggested or implied, as opposed to a denotation, or literal meaning A characteristic of words or phrases, or of the contexts that words and phrases are used in", "The attribute or aggregate of attributes connoted by a term, contrasted with denotation" ], "antonyms": [ "denotation" ], "synonyms": [ "intension" ], "word": "connotation", "num_translations": 49 }, "denotation": { "senses": [ "The act of denoting, or something that denotes", "The primary, surface, literal, or explicit meaning of a signifier such as a word, phrase, or symbol", "that which a word denotes, as contrasted with its connotation", "the aggregate or set of objects of which a word may be predicated", "The intension and extension of a word", "Something signified or referred to", "a particular meaning of a symbol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "denotation", "num_translations": 26 }, "synonym": { "senses": [ "A word whose meaning is the same as that of another word", "A word or phrase with a meaning that is the same as, or very similar to, another word or phrase", "Any of the formal names for a taxon, including the valid name", "Any name for a taxon, usually a validly published, formally accepted one, but often also an unpublished name", "An alternative name defined for an object in a database" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "synonym", "num_translations": 116 }, "dialect": { "senses": [ "A variety of a language that is characteristic of a particular area, community or social group, differing from other varieties of the same language in relatively minor ways as regards grammar, phonology, and lexicon", "Language that is perceived as substandard or wrong", "A language existing only in an oral or non-standardized form, especially a language spoken in a developing country or an isolated region", "A lect as part of a group or family of languages, especially if they are viewed as a single language, or if contrasted with a standardized idiom that is considered the 'true' form of the language", "A variant of a non-standardized programming language", "A variant form of the vocalizations of a bird species restricted to a certain area or population" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dialect", "num_translations": 160 }, "noun": { "senses": [ "A word that can be used to refer to a person, animal, place, thing, phenomenon, substance, quality, or idea", "one of the basic parts of speech in many languages, including English", "Either a word that can be used to refer to a person, animal, place, thing, phenomenon, substance, quality or idea, or a word that modifies or describes a previous word or its referent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "name", "noun substantive", "substantive noun", "substantive", "naming word" ], "word": "noun", "num_translations": 233 }, "hour": { "senses": [ "A time period of sixty minutes", "one twenty-fourth of a day", "A season, moment, or time", "The time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stound", "Singular: h", "hr", "Plural: h", "hrs" ], "word": "hour", "num_translations": 271 }, "minute": { "senses": [ "A unit of time equal to sixty seconds", "A short but unspecified time period", "A unit of angle equal to one-sixtieth of a degree", "A written record of a meeting or a part of a meeting", "A unit of purchase on a telephone or other network, especially a cell phone network, roughly equivalent in gross form to sixty seconds' use of the network", "A point in time", "a moment", "A nautical or a geographic mile", "An old coin, a half farthing", "A very small part of anything, or anything very small", "a jot", "a whit", "A fixed part of a module", "A while or a long unspecified period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "minute", "num_translations": 296 }, "minute2": { "senses": [ "Very small", "Very careful and exact, giving small details" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tiny", "Thesaurus:meticulous" ], "word": "minute", "num_translations": 72 }, "barter": { "senses": [ "An exchange of goods or services without the use of money", "The goods or services used in such an exchange" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quid pro quo", "swap", "swop", "trade" ], "word": "barter", "num_translations": 42 }, "barter1": { "senses": [ "To exchange goods or services without involving money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swap", "swop", "trade" ], "word": "barter", "num_translations": 31 }, "swap": { "senses": [ "To exchange or give in an exchange", "To hit, to strike", "To beat the air, or ply the wings, with a sweeping motion or noise", "to flap", "To descend or fall", "to rush hastily or violently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "interchange", "bang", "flap", "fly" ], "word": "swap", "num_translations": 53 }, "swap1": { "senses": [ "An exchange of two comparable things", "A financial derivative in which two parties agree to exchange one stream of cashflow against another stream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barter" ], "word": "swap", "num_translations": 47 }, "polysemic": { "senses": [ "Having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings" ], "antonyms": [ "monosemous", "univocal" ], "synonyms": [ "polysemantic", "polysemous" ], "word": "polysemic", "num_translations": 13 }, "trade": { "senses": [ "Buying and selling of goods and services on a market", "A particular instance of buying or selling", "An instance of bartering items in exchange for one another", "Those who perform a particular kind of skilled work", "Those engaged in an industry or group of related industries", "The skilled practice of a practical occupation", "An occupation in the secondary sector, as opposed to an agricultural, professional or military one", "The business given to a commercial establishment by its customers", "Steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator", "A publication intended for participants in an industry or related group of industries", "A brief sexual encounter", "Instruments of any occupation", "Refuse or rubbish from a mine", "A track or trail", "a way", "a path", "passage", "Course", "custom", "practice", "occupation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trade", "num_translations": 266 }, "trade1": { "senses": [ "To give in exchange for", "To give someone a plant and receive a different one in return", "To do business", "offer for sale as for one's livelihood", "To have dealings", "to be concerned or associated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trade", "num_translations": 22 }, "quidproquo": { "senses": [ "Something which is understood as something else", "an equivocation", "Substitution of one drug for another", "Something which is offered or asked for in exchange for something else", "A usually non-monetary exchange transaction, or series or process of exchange transactions", "#*", "Sexual harassment in which a person in a workplace implicitly or explicitly requires sexual favours in exchange for something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barter" ], "word": "quidproquo", "num_translations": 13 }, "verb": { "senses": [ "A word that indicates an action, event, or state", "Any word", "a vocable", "An action as opposed to a trait or thing", "A named command that performs a specific operation on an object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "verb", "num_translations": 181 }, "adjective": { "senses": [ "A word that modifies a noun or describes a noun's referent", "A dependent", "an accessory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:adjective" ], "word": "adjective", "num_translations": 173 }, "adjective1": { "senses": [ "Incapable of independent function", "Adjectival", "Applying to methods of enforcement and rules of procedure", "Needing the use of a mordant to be made fast to that which is being dyed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adjective", "num_translations": 19 }, "craft": { "senses": [ "Strength", "power", "might", "force", "Intellectual power", "skill", "art", "A work or product of art", "A device, a means", "a magical device, spell or enchantment", "Learning of the schools, scholarship", "a branch of learning or knowledge, a science, especially one of the \u2018seven liberal arts' of the medieval universities", "Skill, skilfulness, art, especially the skill needed for a particular profession", "A branch of skilled work or trade, especially one requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill, but sometimes applied equally to any business, calling or profession", "the skilled practice of a practical occupation", "A trade or profession as embodied in its practitioners collectively", "an association of these", "a trade's union, guild, or \u2018company'", "A vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space", "Implements used in catching fish, such as net, line, or hook Modern use primarily in whaling, as in harpoons, hand-lances, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "craft", "num_translations": 116 }, "substantive": { "senses": [ "of the essence or essential element of a thing", "having substance", "enduring", "solid", "firm", "substantial", "applying to essential legal principles and rules of right", "of a dye that does not need the use of a mordant to be made fast to that which is being dyed", "Depending on itself", "independent", "actually and legally held, as distinct from an acting, temporary or honorary rank or appointment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "substantive", "num_translations": 17 }, "tradewind": { "senses": [ "A steady wind that blows from east to west above and below the equator" ], "antonyms": [ "westerly" ], "synonyms": [ "easterly" ], "word": "tradewind", "num_translations": 25 }, "patronage": { "senses": [ "The act of providing approval and support", "backing", "championship", "Customers collectively", "clientele", "business", "A communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient", "condescension", "disdain", "Granting favours or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support", "Guardianship, as of a saint", "tutelary care", "The right of nomination to political office", "The right of presentation to church or ecclesiastical benefice", "advowson" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "patronage", "num_translations": 40 }, "deal": { "senses": [ "A division, a portion, a share", "An indefinite quantity or amount", "a lot", "*" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allotment" ], "word": "deal", "num_translations": 25 }, "deal1": { "senses": [ "To distribute among a number of recipients, to give out as one's portion or share", "To administer or give out, as in small portions", "To distribute cards to the players in a game", "To pitch", "To conduct oneself, to behave", "To take action", "to act", "To trade professionally", "To sell, especially to sell illicit drugs", "To be concerned with", "To handle, to manage, to cope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apportion", "administer", "allot", "deal out", "dish out", "dispense", "distribute", "dole out", "hand out", "lot", "mete out", "parcel out", "shell out", ")", "pitch", "sell", "sell" ], "word": "deal", "num_translations": 136 }, "deal2": { "senses": [ "The distribution of cards to players", "a player's turn for this", "A particular instance of buying or selling", "a transaction", "Specifically, a transaction offered which is financially beneficial", "a bargain", "An agreement between parties", "an arrangement", "A situation, occasion, or event", "A thing, an unspecified or unidentified object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hand", "business deal", "steal", "contract" ], "word": "deal", "num_translations": 65 }, "merchandise": { "senses": [ "Commodities offered for sale", "A commodity offered for sale", "an article of commerce", "The act or business of trading", "trade", "traffic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wares", "product" ], "word": "merchandise", "num_translations": 57 }, "product": { "senses": [ "A commodity offered for sale", "Any preparation to be applied to the hair, skin, nails, etc", "Anything that is produced", "a result", "Illegal drugs, especially cocaine, when viewed as a commodity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "product", "num_translations": 241 }, "head2": { "senses": [ "To be in command of", "To come at the beginning of", "to commence", "To move in a specified direction", "To originate", "to spring", "to have its course, as a river", "To cut off the top of", "to lop off", "to decapitate", "To go in front of", "To get in the front of, so as to hinder or stop", "to oppose", "To check or restrain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "head", "num_translations": 92 }, "head3": { "senses": [ "Foremost in rank or importance", "Placed at the top or the front", "Coming from in front" ], "antonyms": [ "tail" ], "synonyms": [ "chief", "first" ], "word": "head", "num_translations": 34 }, "pumpkin": { "senses": [ "A domesticated plant, in species Cucurbita pepo, similar in growth pattern, foliage, flower, and fruit to the squash or melon", "The round yellow or orange fruit of this plant", "Any of a number of cultivars from the genus Cucurbita", "known in the US as winter squash", "A term of endearment for someone small and cute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pumpkin", "num_translations": 302 }, "name": { "senses": [ "Any nounal word or phrase which indicates a particular person, place, class, or thing", "Reputation", "An abusive or insulting epithet", "A person", "a race", "a family", "A unique identifier, generally a string of characters", "An investor in Lloyds of London bearing unlimited liability", "Authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "name", "num_translations": 213 }, "name1": { "senses": [ "To mention, specify", "To identify as relevant or important", "To publicly implicate", "To designate for a role", "To initiate a process to temporarily remove a member of parliament who is breaking the rules of conduct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bename" ], "word": "name", "num_translations": 108 }, "fable": { "senses": [ "A fictitious narrative intended to enforce some useful truth or precept, usually with animals, etc as characters", "Any story told to excite wonder", "common talk", "the theme of talk", "Fiction", "untruth", "falsehood", "The plot, story, or connected series of events forming the subject of an epic or dramatic poem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fable", "num_translations": 108 }, "fable1": { "senses": [ "hence, to write or speak fiction", "to write or utter what is not true", "To make up", "to devise, and speak of, as true or real", "to tell of falsely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fable", "num_translations": 22 }, "aardvark": { "senses": [ "The nocturnal, insectivorous, burrowing, mammal Orycteropus afer, of the order Tubulidentata, somewhat resembling a pig, common in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa", "A silly or credulous person who is prone to mistakes or blunders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "African anteater", "fool" ], "word": "aardvark", "num_translations": 72 }, "aback": { "senses": [ "Towards the back or rear", "backwards", "In the rear", "a distance behind", "By surprise", "startled", "dumbfounded", "Backward against the mast", "said of the sails when pressed by the wind from the \"wrong\" side, or of a ship when its sails are set that way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aback", "num_translations": 71 }, "abacus": { "senses": [ "A table or tray scattered with sand which was used for calculating or drawing", "A device used for performing arithmetical calculations", "a table on which loose counters are placed, or an instrument with beads sliding on rods, or counters in grooves, with one row of beads or counters representing units, the next tens, etc", "The uppermost portion of the capital of a column immediately under the architrave, in some cases a flat oblong or square slab, in others more decorated", "A board, tray, or table, divided into perforated compartments for holding bottles, cups, or the like", "a kind of buffet, cupboard, or sideboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abacus", "num_translations": 150 }, "abaddon": { "senses": [ "The destroyer, or angel of the bottomless pit", "Apollyon", "Asmodeus", "Hell", "the bottomless pit", "a place of destruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Abaddon", "num_translations": 22 }, "abalone": { "senses": [ "An edible univalve mollusc of the genus Haliotis, having a shell lined with mother-of-pearl", "The meat of the aforementioned mollusc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ear-shell", "ormer", "paua", "pawa", "perlemoen" ], "word": "abalone", "num_translations": 57 }, "abandon": { "senses": [ "To give up or relinquish control of, to surrender or to give oneself over, or to yield to one's emotions", "To desist in doing, practicing, following, holding, or adhering to", "to turn away from", "to permit to lapse", "to renounce", "to discontinue", "To leave behind", "to desert as in a ship or a position, typically in response to overwhelming odds or impending dangers", "to forsake, in spite of a duty or responsibility", "To subdue", "to take control of", "To cast out", "to banish", "to expel", "to reject", "To no longer exercise a right, title, or interest, especially with no interest of reclaiming it again", "to yield", "to relinquish", "To surrender to the insurer , so as to claim a total loss" ], "antonyms": [ "acquire", "adopt", "advocate", "arrogate", "claim", "cherish", "defend", "embrace", "engage", "gain", "hold", "join", "keep", "maintain", "occupy", "protect", "retain", "undertake" ], "synonyms": [ "abdicate", "abjure", "blin", "cast aside", "cease", "cede", "deliver up", "desert", "depart from", "desist from", "discontinue", "dispense with", "drop", "forgo", "forlet", "forsake", "forswear", "give up" ], "word": "abandon", "num_translations": 280 }, "abandon1": { "senses": [ "A yielding to natural impulses or inhibitions", "freedom from artificial constraint, with loss of appreciation of consequences", "relinquishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wantonness" ], "word": "abandon", "num_translations": 24 }, "abandoned": { "senses": [ "Having given oneself up to vice", "immoral", "extremely wicked, or sinning without restraint", "irreclaimably wicked", "No longer maintained by its former owners, residents or caretakers", "forsaken, deserted", "Free from constraint", "uninhibited", "No longer being acted upon by the geologic forces that formed it" ], "antonyms": [ "commendable", "conscientious", "correct", "deserving", "excellent", "frequented", "good", "laudable", "penitent", "reclaimable", "righteous", "self-controlled", "sociable", "steady", "upright", "virtuous", "visited", "worthy" ], "synonyms": [ "bad", "careless", "cast aside", "corrupt", "demoralized", "depraved", "deserted", "discarded", "dissolute", "forsaken", "graceless", "hardened", "impetuous", "impenitent", "incorrigible", "irreclaimable", "licentious", "lost", "obdurate", "profligate", "reckless", "rejected", "reprobate", "shameless", "sinful", "uninhibited", "unprincipled", "unrestrained", "vicious", "vile", "wanton", "wicked", "wild" ], "word": "abandoned", "num_translations": 92 }, "abandonment": { "senses": [ "The act of abandoning, or the state of being abandoned", "total desertion", "relinquishment", "The voluntary leaving of a person to whom one is bound by a special relation, as a wife, husband or child", "desertion", "An abandoned building or structure", "The relinquishment of a right, claim, or privilege", "relinquishment of right to secure a patent by an inventor", "relinquishment of copyright by an author", "The relinquishment by the insured to the underwriters of what may remain of the property insured after a loss or damage by a peril insured against", "The cessation of service on a particular segment of the lines of a common carrier, as granted by a government agency", "A refusal to receive freight so damaged in transit as to be worthless and render carrier liable for its value", "The self-surrender to an outside influence", "Abandon", "careless freedom or ease", "surrender to one's emotions" ], "antonyms": [ "acquisition", "arrogation", "care", "completion", "conviviality", "correction", "custody", "entertainment", "heed", "help", "hospitality", "maintenance", "reception", "reclamation", "retention", "solicitude", "support", "tenacity", "vigilance", "watchfulness", "welcome" ], "synonyms": [ "abandoning", "abdication", "abjuration", "abnegation", "abrogation", "cession", "defection", "demission", "dereliction", "desertion", "rejection", "relinquishment", "renunciation", "resignation", "surrender" ], "word": "abandonment", "num_translations": 102 }, "abase": { "senses": [ "To lower, as in condition in life, office, rank, etc, so as to cause pain or hurt feelings", "to degrade, to depress, to humble, to humiliate", "To lower physically", "to depress", "to cast or throw down", "to stoop", "To lower in value, in particular by altering the content of alloys in coins", "to debase" ], "antonyms": [ "aggrandise", "dignify", "elevate", "exalt", "extol", "honor", "promote", "raise", "uplift" ], "synonyms": [ "degrade", "demean", "depress", "discredit", "disgrace", "dishonor", "humble", "humiliate", "sink", "bring down", "downgrade" ], "word": "abase", "num_translations": 60 }, "abasement": { "senses": [ "The act of abasing, humbling, or bringing low", "The state of being abased or humbled", "humiliation" ], "antonyms": [ "aggrandizement", "dignity", "elevation", "exaltation", "honor", "promotion", "reputation", "repute", "standing", "supremacy" ], "synonyms": [ "abjection", "debasement", "degeneracy", "degeneration", "degradation", "depravation", "depression", "deterioration", "discredit", "dishonor", "fall", "humiliation", "lowering", "perversion", "reduction", "shame", "subserviency", "vitiation" ], "word": "abasement", "num_translations": 40 }, "abash": { "senses": [ "To make ashamed", "to embarrass", "to destroy the self-possession of, as by exciting suddenly a consciousness of guilt, mistake, or inferiority", "to disconcert", "to discomfit", "To lose self-possession", "to become ashamed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:abash" ], "word": "abash", "num_translations": 40 }, "abate": { "senses": [ "To put an end to", "to cause to cease", "To become null and void", "To nullify", "make void", "To humble", "to lower in status", "to bring someone down physically or mentally", "To be humbled", "to be brought down physically or mentally", "To curtail", "to deprive", "To reduce in amount, size, or value", "To decrease in size, value, or amount", "To moderate", "to lessen in force, intensity, to subside", "To decrease in intensity or force", "to subside", "To deduct or omit", "To bar or except", "To cut away or hammer down, in such a way as to leave a figure in relief, as a sculpture, or in metalwork", "To dull the edge or point of", "to blunt", "To destroy, or level to the ground" ], "antonyms": [ "augment", "accelerate", "aggravate", "amplify", "continue", "develop", "enhance", "enlarge", "extend", "foment", "increase", "intensify", "magnify", "prolong", "raise", "rise", "revive" ], "synonyms": [ "lessen", "diminish", "humble", "fall through" ], "word": "abate", "num_translations": 168 }, "abatement": { "senses": [ "The act of abating, or the state of being abated", "a lessening, diminution, or reduction", "a moderation", "removal or putting an end to", "the suppression of", "The amount abated", "that which is taken away by way of reduction", "deduction", "decrease", "a rebate or discount allowed", "in particular from a tax", "A mark of dishonor on an escutcheon", "any figure added to the coat of arms tending to lower the dignity or station of the bearer" ], "antonyms": [ "accession", "accretion", "aggrandizement", "augmentation", "development", "dilation", "enlargement", "growth", "increase", "increment" ], "synonyms": [ "allowance", "assuagement", "declension", "decline", "decrease", "deduction", "depreciation", "diminution", "discount", "drawback", "ebb", "evanishment", "fading", "lessening", "lowering", "mitigation", "moderation", "rebate", "reduction", "remission", "settling", "sinking", "subsidence", "waning" ], "word": "abatement", "num_translations": 32 }, "abbess": { "senses": [ "A female superior or governess of a nunnery, or convent of nuns, having the same authority over the nuns which the abbots have over the monks", "A woman who runs a brothel", "a woman employed by a prostitute to find clients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mother superior", "bawd" ], "word": "abbess", "num_translations": 63 }, "abbey": { "senses": [ "The office or dominion of an abbot or abbess", "A monastery or society of people, secluded from the world and devoted to religion and celibacy, which is headed by an abbot or abbess", "also, the monastic building or buildings", "The church of a monastery", "A residence that was previously an abbatial building" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abbey", "num_translations": 98 }, "abbot": { "senses": [ "The superior or head of an abbey or monastery", "A layman who received the abbey's revenues, after the closing of the monasteries", "A brothel-owner's husband or lover", "A ponce", "a man employed by a prostitute to find clients, and who may also act as a bodyguard or equivalent to a bouncer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abbot", "num_translations": 79 }, "abbreviate": { "senses": [ "To shorten by omitting parts or details", "To speak or write in a brief manner", "To make shorter", "to shorten", "to abridge", "to shorten by ending sooner than planned", "To reduce a word or phrase by means of contraction or omission to a shorter recognizable form", "To reduce to lower terms, as a fraction" ], "antonyms": [ "amplify", "dilate", "elongate", "enlarge", "expand", "expatiate", "extend", "lengthen", "produce", "prolong", "stretch" ], "synonyms": [ "abridge", "compress", "condense", "contract", "curtail", "epitomize", "reduce", "shorten" ], "word": "abbreviate", "num_translations": 81 }, "abbreviated": { "senses": [ "Shortened", "made briefer", "Relatively short", "shorter than normal, or compared to others", "Scanty, as in clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abbreviated", "num_translations": 25 }, "abbreviation": { "senses": [ "The result of shortening or reducing", "abridgment", "A shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, utilizing omission of letters, and sometimes substitution of letters, or duplication of initial letters to signify plurality, including signs such as +, =, @", "The process of abbreviating", "A notation used in music score to denote a direction, as pp or mf", "One or more dashes through the stem of a note, dividing it respectively into quavers, semiquavers, demisemiquavers, or hemidemisemiquavers", "Any convenient short form used as a substitution for an understood or inferred whole", "Loss during evolution of the final stages of the ancestral ontogenetic pattern", "Reduction to lower terms, as a fraction" ], "antonyms": [ "amplification" ], "synonyms": [ "abbreviature", "abridgement", "abstract", "compend", "compression", "condensation", "contraction", "curtailment", "epitome", "reduction", "shortcut", "summary" ], "word": "abbreviation", "num_translations": 166 }, "abdicate": { "senses": [ "To disclaim and expel from the family, as a father his child", "to disown", "to disinherit", "To formally separate oneself from or to divest oneself of", "To depose", "To reject", "to cast off", "to discard", "To surrender, renounce or relinquish, as sovereign power", "to withdraw definitely from filling or exercising, as a high office, station, dignity", "to fail to fulfill responsibility for", "To relinquish or renounce a throne, or other high office or dignity", "to renounce sovereignty" ], "antonyms": [ "claim", "grasp", "maintain", "occupy", "retain", "seize", "usurp" ], "synonyms": [ "abandon", "abjure", "cast aside", "cast off", "cede", "desert", "disinherit", "disown", "forego", "forsake", "give up", "quit", "refuse", "reject", "relent", "relinquish", "renounce", "repudiate", "resign", "retire", "stand down", "surrender", "vacate", "waive", "yield" ], "word": "abdicate", "num_translations": 83 }, "abdication": { "senses": [ "The act of disowning or disinheriting a child", "The act of abdicating", "the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder", "The voluntary renunciation of sovereign power", "The renunciation of interest in a property or a legal claim", "abandonment", "The action of being deposed from the seat of power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abdication", "num_translations": 42 }, "abdomen": { "senses": [ "The fat surrounding the belly", "The belly, or that part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis, not including the back", "or in some lower vertebrates, the portion between the cardiac and caudal regions", "The cavity of the belly, which is lined by the peritoneum, and contains the viscera", "often restricted in humans to the part between the diaphragm and the commencement of the pelvis, the remainder being called the pelvic cavity", "The posterior section of the body, behind the thorax, in insects, crustaceans, and other Arthropoda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abdomen", "num_translations": 187 }, "abdominal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the abdomen", "ventral", "Having the ventral fins under the abdomen and behind the pectoral fins", "Ventral, in describing a fin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ventral" ], "word": "abdominal", "num_translations": 35 }, "abduct": { "senses": [ "To take away by force", "to carry away wrongfully and usually with violence or deception", "to kidnap", "To draw away, as a limb or other part, from the median axis of the body" ], "antonyms": [ "adduct", "reinstate", "restore" ], "synonyms": [ "carry off", "drag away", "kidnap", "run away with", "seize", "spirit away", "stretch", "take away" ], "word": "abduct", "num_translations": 66 }, "abduction": { "senses": [ "Leading away", "a carrying away", "The act of abducing or abducting", "a drawing apart", "the movement which separates a limb or other part from the axis, or middle line, of the body", "A syllogism or form of argument in which the major premise is evident, but the minor is only probable", "The wrongful, and usually forcible, carrying off of a human being" ], "antonyms": [ "adduction", "replacement" ], "synonyms": [ "appropriation", "retroduction" ], "word": "abduction", "num_translations": 91 }, "abductor": { "senses": [ "One who abducts", "a kidnapper" ], "antonyms": [ "abductee" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "abductor", "num_translations": 25 }, "abductor1": { "senses": [ "A muscle which serves to draw a part out, or from the median line of the body" ], "antonyms": [ "abductee", "adductor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "abductor", "num_translations": 27 }, "abelmosk": { "senses": [ "The edible and aromatic seed pods of the Abelmoschus moschatus", "The tropical evergreen shrub Abelmoschus moschatus itself", "Other members of the genus Abelmoschus, such as okra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ambrette", "musk mallow", "rose mallow", "musk seed" ], "word": "abelmosk", "num_translations": 11 }, "aberrant": { "senses": [ "Differing from the norm", "Straying from the right way", "deviating from morality or truth", "Deviating from the ordinary or natural type", "exceptional", "abnormal" ], "antonyms": [ "normal", "correct", "continuous" ], "synonyms": [ "abnormal", "devious" ], "word": "aberrant", "num_translations": 45 }, "aberration": { "senses": [ "The act of wandering", "deviation from truth, moral rectitude", "abnormal", "divergence from the straight, correct, proper, normal, or from the natural state", "The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, of rays of light emanating from one and the same point, or the deviation of such rays from a single focus", "a defect in a focusing mechanism that prevents the intended focal point", "A small periodical change of position in the stars and other heavenly bodies, due to the combined effect of the motion of light and the motion of the observer", "A partial alienation of reason", "A mental disorder, especially one of a minor or temporary character", "Atypical development or structure", "deviation from the normal type", "an aberrant organ", "A deviation of a tissue, organ or mental functions from what is considered to be within the normal range" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aberration", "num_translations": 126 }, "abet": { "senses": [ "To urge on, stimulate something desirable", "To incite", "to assist or encourage by aid or countenance in crime", "To support, countenance, maintain, uphold, or aid", "to maintain", "To back up one's forecast of a doubtful issue, by staking money, etc, to bet" ], "antonyms": [ "baffle", "confound", "contradict", "counteract", "denounce", "deter", "disapprove", "disconcert", "discourage", "dissuade", "expose", "frustrate", "hinder", "impede", "obstruct", "thwart" ], "synonyms": [ "incite", "instigate", "set on", "egg on", "foment", "advocate", "countenance", "encourage", "second", "uphold", "aid", "assist", "support", "sustain", "back", "connive", "promote", "sanction", "embolden", "favor", "cooperate" ], "word": "abet", "num_translations": 57 }, "abeyance": { "senses": [ "Expectancy", "condition of ownership of real property being undetermined", "lapse in succession of ownership of estate, or title", "Suspension", "temporary suppression", "dormant condition", "Expectancy of a title, its right in existence but its exercise suspended" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abeyance", "num_translations": 43 }, "abhor": { "senses": [ "To regard with horror or detestation", "to shrink back with shuddering from", "to feel excessive repugnance toward", "to detest to extremity", "to loathe", "To fill with horror or disgust", "To turn aside or avoid", "to keep away from", "to reject", "To protest against", "to reject solemnly", "To shrink back with horror, disgust, or dislike", "to be contrary or averse", "construed with from", "Differ entirely from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abhor", "num_translations": 52 }, "abhorrent": { "senses": [ "Inconsistent with, or far removed from, something", "strongly opposed", "Contrary to something", "discordant", "Abhorring", "detesting", "having or showing abhorrence", "loathing", "Detestable or repugnant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abhorrent", "num_translations": 35 }, "abide": { "senses": [ "To endure without yielding", "to withstand", "await defiantly", "to encounter", "to persevere", "To bear patiently", "to tolerate", "to put up with", "stand", "To pay for", "to stand the consequences of", "to answer for", "to suffer for", "to atone for", "To wait in expectation", "To pause", "to delay", "To stay", "to continue in a place", "to remain stable or fixed in some state or condition", "to be left", "To have one's abode", "to dwell", "to reside", "to sojourn", "To endure", "to remain", "to last", "To stand ready for", "to await for someone", "watch for", "*", "To endure or undergo a hard trial or a task", "to stand up under", "To await submissively", "accept without question", "submit to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hold on", "brook", "hold on", "dwell", "Thesaurus:persist", "await" ], "word": "abide", "num_translations": 137 }, "ability": { "senses": [ "Suitableness", "The quality or state of being able", "capacity to do or of doing something", "having the necessary power", "The legal wherewithal to act", "Physical power", "A unique power of the mind", "a faculty", "A skill or competence in doing", "mental power", "talent", "aptitude" ], "antonyms": [ "inability", "disability" ], "synonyms": [ "capacity", "Thesaurus:skill", "talent", "capability" ], "word": "ability", "num_translations": 160 }, "abiogenesis": { "senses": [ "The origination of living organisms from lifeless matter", "such genesis as does not involve the action of living parents" ], "antonyms": [ "biogenesis", "transformism" ], "synonyms": [ "abiogeny", "biopoiesis" ], "word": "abiogenesis", "num_translations": 71 }, "abject": { "senses": [ "Sunk to or existing in a low condition, state, or position", "Cast down in spirit or hope", "degraded", "servile", "grovelling", "despicable", "lacking courage", "offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit", "Showing utter hopelessness, helplessness", "showing resignation", "wretched", "Rejected", "cast aside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beggarly", "contemptible", "cringing", "degraded", "groveling", "ignoble", "mean", "mean-spirited", "slavish", "vile", "worthless" ], "word": "abject", "num_translations": 39 }, "abjection": { "senses": [ "A low or downcast condition", "meanness of spirit", "abasement", "degradation", "Something cast off", "garbage", "The act of bringing down or humbling", "casting down", "The act of casting off", "rejection", "The act of dispersing or casting off spores" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abjection", "num_translations": 12 }, "abjure": { "senses": [ "to renounce upon oath", "to forswear", "to disavow", "to cause one to renounce or recant", "to reject with solemnity", "to abandon forever", "to repudiate", "to disclaim", "to abstain from", "to avoid", "to shun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disavow", "disclaim", "avoid" ], "word": "abjure", "num_translations": 29 }, "ablation": { "senses": [ "A carrying or taking away", "removal", "The surgical removal of a body part, an organ, or especially a tumor", "the removal of an organ function", "amputation", "The progressive removal of material by any of a variety of processes such as vaporization under heat or chipping", "The removal of a glacier by melting and evaporation", "the lowering of a land surface by any of several means, as in wind erosion, mass wasting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ablation", "num_translations": 26 }, "ablative": { "senses": [ "Applied to one of the cases of the noun in some languages, the fundamental meaning of the case being removal, separation, or taking away, and to a lesser degree, instrument, place, accordance, specifications, price, or measurement", "Pertaining to taking away or removing", "Relating to the removal of a body part, tumor, or organ", "Relating to the erosion of a land mass", "relating to the melting or evaporation of a glacier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ablative", "num_translations": 19 }, "ablaut": { "senses": [ "The substitution of one root vowel for another, thus indicating a corresponding modification of use or meaning", "vowel permutation", "as, get and got", "sing and song", "hang and hung, distinct from the phonetic influence of a succeeding vowel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gradation", "alternation", "apophony" ], "word": "ablaut", "num_translations": 37 }, "ablaze": { "senses": [ "Burning fiercely", "in a blaze", "on fire", "Radiant with bright light and color", "In a state of glowing excitement or ardent desire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afire" ], "word": "ablaze", "num_translations": 82 }, "able": { "senses": [ "Easy to use", "competent", "Having the necessary powers or the needed resources to accomplish a task", "Free from constraints preventing completion of task", "permitted to", "not prevented from", "Having the physical strength", "robust", "healthy", "Rich", "well-to-do", "Gifted with skill, intelligence, knowledge, or competence", "Legally qualified or competent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skillful" ], "word": "able", "num_translations": 184 }, "able-bodied": { "senses": [ "Having a sound, strong body", "physically competent", "robust", "fit for service", "Capable of performing all requisite duties as a seaman, specifically in the Royal Navy, a rating between leading and ordinary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "able-bodied", "num_translations": 20 }, "abnegate": { "senses": [ "To deny", "to renounce or give up", "To relinquish", "to surrender", "to abjure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abnegate", "num_translations": 31 }, "abnegation": { "senses": [ "A denial", "a renunciation", "denial of desire or self-interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "repudiation", "self-denial", "renunciation" ], "word": "abnegation", "num_translations": 17 }, "abnormal": { "senses": [ "Not conforming to rule or system", "deviating from the usual or normal type", "Of or pertaining to that which is irregular, in particular, behaviour that deviates from norms of social propriety or accepted standards of mental health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aberrant", "anomalous", "atypical", "exceptional", "extraordinary", "irregular", "preternatural", "strange", "unusual" ], "word": "abnormal", "num_translations": 84 }, "abnormality": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being abnormal", "variation", "irregularity", "Something abnormal", "an aberration", "an abnormal occurrence or feature" ], "antonyms": [ "normality" ], "synonyms": [ "abnormalcy", "aberrant" ], "word": "abnormality", "num_translations": 48 }, "abnormally": { "senses": [ "In an abnormal manner", "in a way that deviates from a standard, norm, or average" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unusually" ], "word": "abnormally", "num_translations": 18 }, "aboard": { "senses": [ "On board", "into or within a ship or boat", "hence, into or within a railway car", "On or onto a horse, a camel, etc", "On base", "Into a team, group, or company", "Alongside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aboard", "num_translations": 43 }, "aboard1": { "senses": [ "On board of", "onto or into a ship, boat, train, plane", "Onto a horse", "Across", "athwart", "alongside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aboard", "num_translations": 16 }, "abode": { "senses": [ "Act of waiting", "delay", "Stay or continuance in a place", "sojourn", "A residence, dwelling or habitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:abode" ], "word": "abode", "num_translations": 65 }, "abolish": { "senses": [ "To end a law, system, institution, custom or practice", "To put an end to or destroy, as a physical object", "to wipe out" ], "antonyms": [ "establish" ], "synonyms": [ "abrogate" ], "word": "abolish", "num_translations": 97 }, "abolition": { "senses": [ "The act of abolishing", "an annulling", "abrogation", "The state of being abolished", "The ending of the slave trade or of slavery", "The ending of convict transportation", "An amnesty", "a putting out of memory" ], "antonyms": [ "establishment" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "abolition", "num_translations": 57 }, "abominable": { "senses": [ "Worthy of, or causing, abhorrence, as a thing of evil omen", "odious in the utmost degree", "very hateful", "detestable", "loathsome", "execrable", "Excessive, large", "Very bad or inferior", "Disagreeable or unpleasant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abominable", "num_translations": 66 }, "abominate1": { "senses": [ "To feel disgust towards", "to loathe or detest thoroughly", "to hate in the highest degree, as if with religious dread", "To dislike strongly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abhor", "Thesaurus:hate" ], "word": "abominate", "num_translations": 44 }, "abomination": { "senses": [ "An abominable act", "a disgusting vice", "a despicable habit", "The feeling of extreme disgust and hatred", "A state that excites detestation or abhorrence", "pollution", "That which is abominable, shamefully vile", "an object that excites disgust and hatred", "very often with religious undertones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abomination", "num_translations": 72 }, "aboriginal": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aboriginal", "aboriginal", "Native", "native", "Native American", "First Nations", "First Peoples", "Indian", "Eskimo", "Inuit", "Metis" ], "word": "Aboriginal", "num_translations": 13 }, "abort": { "senses": [ "A miscarriage", "an untimely birth", "The product of a miscarriage", "An early termination of a mission, action, or procedure in relation to missiles or spacecraft", "the craft making such a mission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abort", "num_translations": 59 }, "abort1": { "senses": [ "To miscarry", "to bring forth offspring prematurely", "To cause a premature termination of", "to end a pregnancy before term", "To end prematurely", "to stop in the preliminary stages", "to turn back", "To stop or fail at something in the preliminary stages", "To become checked in normal development, so as either to remain rudimentary or shrink away wholly", "to cease organic growth before maturation", "to become sterile", "To cause an organism to develop minimally", "to cause rudimentary development to happen", "to prevent maturation", "To abandon a mission at any point after the beginning of the mission and prior to its completion", "To terminate a mission involving a missile or rocket", "to destroy a missile or rocket prematurely", "To terminate a process prior to completion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abort", "num_translations": 117 }, "abortion": { "senses": [ "The expulsion from the womb of a foetus or embryo before it is fully developed, with loss of the foetus", "An aborted foetus", "an abortus", "A misshapen person or thing", "a monstrosity", "Failure or abandonment of a project, promise, goal etc", "Arrest of development of any organ, so that it remains an imperfect formation or is absorbed", "The cessation of an illness or disease at a very early stage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aborticide", "aborticide", "miscarriage", "misbirth" ], "word": "abortion", "num_translations": 218 }, "abortionist": { "senses": [ "One who performs an illegal abortion in a non-medical setting", "An abortion provider", "one who performs a legal abortion", "One who favors abortion being legal" ], "antonyms": [ "anti-abortionist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "abortionist", "num_translations": 32 }, "abortive": { "senses": [ "Produced by abortion", "born prematurely and therefore unnatural", "Coming to nothing", "failing in its effect", "miscarrying", "fruitless", "unsuccessful", "Imperfectly formed or developed", "rudimentary", "sterile", "Causing abortion", "abortifacient", "Cutting short", "acting to halt or slow the progress", "Made from the skin of a still-born animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abortive", "num_translations": 51 }, "abound": { "senses": [ "To be full to overflowing", "To be wealthy", "To be highly productive", "To be present or available in large numbers", "to be plentiful", "To revel in", "To be copiously supplied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abound", "num_translations": 67 }, "about": { "senses": [ "In a circle around", "all round", "on every side of", "on the outside of", "Near", "not far from", "approximately", "regarding time, size, quantity", "On the point or verge of", "On one's person", "nearby the person", "Over or upon different parts of", "through or over in various directions", "here and there in", "to and fro in", "throughout", "Concerned with", "engaged in", "intent on", "Concerning", "with regard to", "on account of", "on the subject of", "to affect", "In or near, as in mental faculties or in possession of", "in control of", "at one's command", "in one's makeup", "In the immediate neighborhood of", "in contiguity or proximity to", "near, as to place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "about", "num_translations": 413 }, "about1": { "senses": [ "Not distant", "approximate", "In succession", "one after another", "in the course of events", "On the move", "active", "astir", "To a reversed order", "half round", "facing in the opposite direction", "from a contrary point of view", "Preparing", "planning", "In circuit", "circularly", "by a circuitous way", "around the outside", "in circumference", "Going to", "on the verge of", "intending to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "about", "num_translations": 132 }, "above": { "senses": [ "Physically over", "on top of", "worn on top of, said of clothing", "In or to a higher place", "higher than", "on or over the upper surface", "Farther north than", "Rising", "appearing out of reach height-wise", "Higher than", "superior to in any respect", "surpassing", "higher in measure, degree, volume, or pitch, etc than", "out of reach", "not exposed to", "not likely to be affected by", "incapable of negative actions or thoughts", "Higher in rank, status, or position", "In addition to", "besides", "Surpassing in number or quantity", "more than", "In preference to", "Too proud to stoop to", "averse to", "disinclined towards", "Beyond", "on the other side", "Upstage of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "above", "num_translations": 198 }, "above1": { "senses": [ "Directly overhead", "vertically on top of", "Higher in the same page", "earlier in the order as far as writing products go", "Into or from heaven", "in the sky", "In a higher place", "upstairs", "farther upstream", "Higher in rank, power, or position", "In addition", "More in number", "On the upper half or the dorsal surface of an animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "above", "num_translations": 95 }, "above-mentioned": { "senses": [ "Mentioned or named before", "aforesaid" ], "antonyms": [ "following", "undermentioned" ], "synonyms": [ "above-named", "abovementioned", "aforementioned" ], "word": "above-mentioned", "num_translations": 41 }, "abrade": { "senses": [ "To rub or wear off", "erode", "To wear down or exhaust, as a person", "irritate", "To irritate by rubbing", "chafe", "To cause the surface to become more rough", "To undergo abrasion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abrade", "num_translations": 40 }, "abrahamic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to Abraham, the patriarch", "Descended from the religious tradition of Abraham" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Abrahamical", "Abrahamist" ], "word": "Abrahamic", "num_translations": 17 }, "abrasion": { "senses": [ "The act of abrading, wearing, or rubbing off", "the wearing away by friction", "The substance thus rubbed off", "debris", "The effect of mechanical erosion of rock, especially a river bed, by rock fragments scratching and scraping it", "An abraded, scraped, or worn area", "A superficial wound caused by scraping", "an area of skin where the cells on the surface have been scraped or worn away", "The wearing away of the surface of the tooth by chewing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:injury" ], "word": "abrasion", "num_translations": 71 }, "abreast": { "senses": [ "Side by side and facing forward", "Alongside", "parallel to", "Informed, well-informed, familiar, acquainted", "Followed by of or with: up to a certain level or line", "equally advanced", "Side by side", "also, opposite", "on a line with the vessel's beam", "At the same time", "simultaneously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apprised" ], "word": "abreast", "num_translations": 55 }, "abridge": { "senses": [ "To deprive", "to cut off", "To debar from", "To make shorter", "to shorten in duration or extent", "To shorten or contract by using fewer words, yet retaining the sense", "to epitomize", "to condense", "Cut short", "truncate", "To curtail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abridge", "num_translations": 76 }, "abridgment": { "senses": [ "The act of abridging", "reduction or deprivation", "The state of being abridged or lessened", "An epitome or compend, as of a book", "a shortened or abridged form", "an abbreviation", "That which abridges or cuts short", "hence, an entertainment that makes the time pass quickly", "Any of various brief statements of case law made before modern reporting of legal cases", "The leaving out of certain portions of a plaintiff's demand, the writ still holding good for the remainder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compendium" ], "word": "abridgment", "num_translations": 24 }, "abroad": { "senses": [ "Beyond the bounds of a country", "in foreign countries", "At large", "widely", "broadly", "over a wide space", "Without a certain confine", "outside the house", "away from one's abode", "Before the public at large", "throughout society or the world", "here and there", "moving without restriction", "Not on target", "astray", "in error", "confused", "dazed", "Played elsewhere than one's home grounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abroad", "num_translations": 112 }, "abrogate": { "senses": [ "To annul by an authoritative act", "to abolish by the authority of the maker or her or his successor", "to repeal", "\u2014 applied to the repeal of laws, decrees, ordinances, the abolition of customs, etc", "To put an end to", "to do away with", "To block a process or function" ], "antonyms": [ "promulgate", "establish", "fix" ], "synonyms": [ "abolish", "annul", "countermand", "invalidate", "nullify", "overrule", "overturn", "quash", "repeal", "rescind", "retract", "reverse", "revoke", "set aside", "supersede", "suspend", "undo", "veto", "void", "waive", "withdraw", "abjure", "annihilate", "cancel", "dissolve", "do away with", "end", "obliterate", "obviate", "recant", "subvert", "terminate", "vitiate", "wipe out" ], "word": "abrogate", "num_translations": 38 }, "abrupt": { "senses": [ "Broken away", "Without notice to prepare the mind for the event", "sudden", "hasty", "unceremonious", "Curt in manner", "Having sudden transitions from one subject or state to another", "unconnected", "disjointed", "Broken off", "Extremely steep or craggy as if broken up", "precipitous", "Suddenly terminating, as if cut off", "truncate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "broken", "sudden", "blunt", "disconnected" ], "word": "abrupt", "num_translations": 123 }, "abruptness": { "senses": [ "The state of being abrupt or broken", "Suddenness", "unceremonious haste or vehemence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spontaneity" ], "word": "abruptness", "num_translations": 12 }, "abscissa": { "senses": [ "The first of the two terms by which a point is referred to, in a system of fixed rectilinear coordinate axes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absciss" ], "word": "abscissa", "num_translations": 35 }, "traditionalchinese": { "senses": [ "Chinese written using the traditional form of Chinese characters, as opposed to Simplified Chinese" ], "antonyms": [ "Simplified Chinese" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "TraditionalChinese", "num_translations": 52 }, "simplifiedchinese": { "senses": [ "Chinese written using the forms of Chinese characters introduced by the PRC as script reform The characters are simplified compared to their pre-reform shapes" ], "antonyms": [ "Traditional Chinese" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "SimplifiedChinese", "num_translations": 63 }, "on": { "senses": [ "Performing according to schedule", "taking place", "Acceptable, appropriate", "involved, doomed", "Menstruating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "on", "num_translations": 34 }, "on1": { "senses": [ "To an operating state", "the left side for a right-handed batsman", "leg", "Later" ], "antonyms": [ "off", "off", "after" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "on", "num_translations": 22 }, "on2": { "senses": [ "At or near", "adjacent to", "Covering", "At the date of", "Some time during the day of", "Touching", "hanging from", "Because of, or due to", "at the time of", "Paid for by", "Used to indicate a means or medium", "Indicating a means of subsistence", "Away or occupied with", "hence, by means of", "with", "Regularly taking", "Under the influence of", "Having identical domain and codomain", "Having V^n as domain and V as codomain, for some set V and integer n", "Generated by", "Supported by", "At a given time after the start of something", "at", "besides", "of", "Indicating dependence or reliance", "Toward", "for", "At the peril of, or for the safety of", "In the service of", "of the number of", "By virtue of", "with the pledge of", "To the account or detriment of", "Against" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "about", "by dint of" ], "word": "on", "num_translations": 333 }, "abscond": { "senses": [ "To flee, often secretly", "to steal away, particularly to avoid arrest or prosecution", "To withdraw from", "To evade, to hide or flee from", "To conceal", "to take away", "To hide, to be in hiding or concealment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abscond", "num_translations": 64 }, "odd": { "senses": [ "Differing from what is usual, ordinary or expected", "Without a corresponding mate in a pair or set", "unmatched", "mismatched", "Left over, remaining after the rest have been paired or grouped", "Left over or remaining after counting, payment, etc", "Scattered", "occasional, infrequent", "not forming part of a set or pattern", "Not regular or planned", "Numerically indivisible by two", "About, approximately", "somewhat more than", "Out of the way, secluded", "On the left", "Singular in excellence", "matchless", "peerless", "outstanding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "odd", "num_translations": 183 }, "quiz1": { "senses": [ "To hoax", "to chaff or mock with pretended seriousness of discourse", "to make sport of, as by obscure questions", "To peer at", "to eye suspiciously or mockingly", "To question closely, to interrogate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quiz", "num_translations": 13 }, "calendar": { "senses": [ "Any system by which time is divided into days, weeks, months, and years", "A means to determine the date consisting of a document containing dates and other temporal information", "A list of planned events", "An orderly list or enumeration of persons, things, or events", "a schedule", "An appointment book , appointment diary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agenda" ], "word": "calendar", "num_translations": 239 }, "millennium": { "senses": [ "A period of time consisting of one thousand years", "The period of one thousand years during which Christ will reign on earth", "A period of universal happiness, peace or prosperity", "a utopia", "The year in which one period of one thousand years ends and another begins, especially the year 2000" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yearthousand", "kiloyear", "kiloannum" ], "word": "millennium", "num_translations": 87 }, "week": { "senses": [ "Any period of seven consecutive days", "A period of seven days beginning with Sunday or Monday", "A period of five days beginning with Monday", "Seven days after a specified date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hebdomad" ], "word": "week", "num_translations": 276 }, "leap": { "senses": [ "To jump", "To copulate with", "to cover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bound", "bound" ], "word": "leap", "num_translations": 128 }, "leap1": { "senses": [ "A group of leopards", "A significant move forward", "A large step in reasoning, often one that is not justified by the facts", "A fault", "Copulation with, or coverture of, a female beast", "A passing from one note to another by an interval, especially by a long one, or by one including several other intermediate intervals", "A salmon ladder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leap", "num_translations": 75 }, "bone2": { "senses": [ "To make level, using a particular procedure", "to survey a level line", "To have sexual intercourse with", "To study", "To polish boots to a shiny finish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "debone", "bury the bone", "bonk", "fuck", "screw", "shag", "Thesaurus:copulate", "Thesaurus:copulate with" ], "word": "bone", "num_translations": 57 }, "servant": { "senses": [ "One who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation As opposed to a slave", "One who serves another, providing help in some manner", "A person who dedicates themselves to God", "A professed lover", "A person of low condition or spirit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "servant", "num_translations": 233 }, "robot": { "senses": [ "A machine built to carry out some complex task or group of tasks by physically moving, especially one which can be programmed", "An intelligent mechanical being designed to look like a human or other creature, and usually made from metal", "A person who does not seem to have any emotions", "A traffic light", "A theodolite which follows the movements of a prism and can be used by a one-man crew" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "robot", "num_translations": 110 }, "english1": { "senses": [ "The people of England", "The non-Amish", "non-Amish people", "A size of type between pica and great primer , standardized as 14-point", "Plain or readily understandable language", "Spin or sidespin given to a ball, especially in pool or billiards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mittel", "Augustin" ], "word": "English", "num_translations": 158 }, "english2": { "senses": [ "The language originating in England but now spoken in all parts of the British Isles, the Commonwealth of Nations, North America, and other parts of the world", "An surname originally denoting a non-Celtic or non-Danish person in Britain", "male given name", "town/county seat co/Crawford County s/Indiana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "English", "num_translations": 296 }, "crudeoil": { "senses": [ "Unrefined oil", "as it is found underground, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crude" ], "word": "crudeoil", "num_translations": 37 }, "the": { "senses": [ "Definite grammatical article that implies necessarily that an entity it articulates is presupposed", "something already mentioned, or completely specified later in that same sentence, or assumed already completely specified", "Added to a superlative or an ordinal number to make it into a substantive", "Introducing a singular term to be taken generically: preceding a name of something standing for a whole class", "Used before an adjective, indicating all things described by that adjective", "Used to indicate a certain example of which is usually of most concern or most common or familiar", "Used before a body part , as an alternative to a possessive pronoun", "When stressed, indicates that it describes an object which is considered to be best or exclusively worthy of attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "le" ], "word": "the", "num_translations": 223 }, "absent": { "senses": [ "Being away from a place", "withdrawn from a place", "not present", "missing", "Not existing", "lacking", "Inattentive to what is passing", "preoccupied" ], "antonyms": [ "present" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "absent", "num_translations": 110 }, "absent3": { "senses": [ "To keep away", "To keep away", "Stay away", "withdraw", "Leave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "absent", "num_translations": 22 }, "absolutely": { "senses": [ "In an absolute or unconditional manner", "utterly, positively, wholly", "Independently", "viewed without relation to other things or factors", "In a manner that does not take an object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:completely", "Thesaurus:individually" ], "word": "absolutely", "num_translations": 48 }, "absoluteness": { "senses": [ "The fact of being finished or perfected", "completeness", "The characteristic of being absolute in nature or scope", "Absolute authority, unlimited power", "absolutism, despotism", "The fact of being without qualifications or conditions", "certainty, unconditionality", "Independent autonomy" ], "antonyms": [ "conditionality", "limitedness", "relativity" ], "synonyms": [ "unconditionality", "unlimitedness", "certainty" ], "word": "absoluteness", "num_translations": 17 }, "absolution": { "senses": [ "An absolving of sins from ecclesiastical penalties by an authority", "Forgiveness of sins, in a general sense", "The form of words by which a penitent is absolved", "An absolving, or setting free from guilt, sin, or penalty", "forgiveness of an offense", "An acquittal, or sentence of a judge declaring an accused person innocent", "Delivery, in speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "absolution", "num_translations": 47 }, "absolutism": { "senses": [ "Doctrine of preordination", "doctrine of absolute decrees", "doctrine that God acts in an absolute manner", "The principles or practice of absolute or arbitrary government", "despotism", "Belief in a metaphysical absolute", "belief in Absolute", "Positiveness", "the state of being absolute", "The characteristic of being absolute in nature or scope", "absoluteness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "absolutism", "num_translations": 32 }, "absolve": { "senses": [ "To set free, release or discharge", "To resolve", "to explain", "to solve", "To pronounce free from or give absolution for a penalty, blame, or guilt", "To pronounce not guilty", "to grant a pardon for", "To grant a remission of sin", "to give absolution to", "To remit a sin", "to give absolution for a sin", "To finish", "to accomplish", "To pass a course or test", "to gain credit for a class", "to qualify academically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "excuse", "acquit", "remit" ], "word": "absolve", "num_translations": 121 }, "absorbing": { "senses": [ "Engrossing, that sustains someone's interest", "Allowing a process to enter it, but not to leave it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "engrossing", "fascinating", "Thesaurus:exciting" ], "word": "absorbing", "num_translations": 12 }, "absquatulate": { "senses": [ "To leave quickly or in a hurry", "to depart, flee", "to abscond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abscond", "Thesaurus:leave" ], "word": "absquatulate", "num_translations": 16 }, "abstain": { "senses": [ "Keep or withhold oneself", "Refrain from", "keep from doing, especially an indulgence", "Fast", "Deliberately refrain from casting one's vote at a meeting where one is present", "Hinder", "keep back", "withhold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deny", "forbear", "forgo", "give up", "refrain", "relinquish", "withhold" ], "word": "abstain", "num_translations": 69 }, "abstemious": { "senses": [ "Refraining from freely consuming food or strong drink", "sparing in diet", "abstinent, temperate", "Sparing in the indulgence of the appetite or passions", "Sparingly used", "used with temperance or moderation", "Marked by, or spent in, abstinence" ], "antonyms": [ "immoderate" ], "synonyms": [ "abstentious", "abstinent", "continent", "self-abnegating", "self-denying", "sober", "temperate" ], "word": "abstemious", "num_translations": 42 }, "abstinent": { "senses": [ "Refraining from indulgence, especially from the indulgence of appetite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:moderate" ], "word": "abstinent", "num_translations": 19 }, "abstracted": { "senses": [ "Separated or disconnected", "withdrawn", "removed", "apart", "Separated from matter", "abstract", "ideal, not concrete", "Abstract", "abstruse", "difficult", "Inattentive to surrounding objects", "absent in mind", "meditative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abstracted", "num_translations": 12 }, "abstractness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being abstract" ], "antonyms": [ "concreteness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "abstractness", "num_translations": 11 }, "abstruse": { "senses": [ "Difficult to comprehend or understand", "Concealed or hidden out of the way", "secret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clandestine", "esoteric" ], "word": "abstruse", "num_translations": 27 }, "absurdity": { "senses": [ "That which is absurd", "an absurd action", "a logical contradiction", "The quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment", "Dissonance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "absurdity", "num_translations": 41 }, "abusive": { "senses": [ "Prone to treat someone badly by coarse, insulting words or other maltreatment", "vituperative", "reproachful", "scurrilous", "Tending to deceive", "fraudulent", "Tending to misuse", "practising or containing abuse", "Given to misusing", "Being physically injurious", "characterized by repeated violence", "Wrongly used", "perverted", "misapplied", "unjust", "illegal", "Catachrestic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reproachful", "scurrilous", "opprobrious", "insolent", "insulting", "injurious", "offensive", "reviling", "berate", "vituperative" ], "word": "abusive", "num_translations": 20 }, "abut": { "senses": [ "To touch by means of a mutual border, edge or end", "to border on", "to lie adjacent", "to be contiguous", "To border upon", "be next to", "be adjacent to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abut", "num_translations": 33 }, "academically": { "senses": [ "In an academic style or way", "from an academic perspective Brown, Lesley, ed The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 5th Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003" ], "antonyms": [ "non-academically" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "academically", "num_translations": 13 }, "academicism": { "senses": [ "The doctrines of Plato's academy", "specifically the skeptical doctrines of the later academy stating that nothing can be known", "a tenet of the Academic philosophy", "state of being Academic Brown, Lesley, ed The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 5th Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003", "Traditional or orthodox formalism", "conventionalism", "Speculative thoughts and attitudes", "A mannerism or mode peculiar to an academy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "academicism", "num_translations": 14 }, "accept": { "senses": [ "To receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval", "To admit to a place or a group", "To regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in", "To receive as adequate or satisfactory", "To receive or admit to", "to agree to", "to assent to", "to submit to", "To endure patiently", "To agree to pay", "To receive officially", "To receive something willingly" ], "antonyms": [ "reject", "decline" ], "synonyms": [ "receive", "take", "withtake", "admit", "onfang" ], "word": "accept", "num_translations": 254 }, "acceptability": { "senses": [ "The quality of being acceptable", "acceptableness", "Operation plan review criterion The determination as to whether the contemplated course of action is worth the cost in manpower, materiel, and time involved", "is consistent with the law of war", "and is militarily and politically supportable" ], "antonyms": [ "unacceptability", "inacceptability" ], "synonyms": [ "acceptableness" ], "word": "acceptability", "num_translations": 19 }, "acceptable": { "senses": [ "worthy, decent, sure of being accepted or received with at least moderate pleasure", "Barely worthy, less than excellent", "passable" ], "antonyms": [ "unacceptable", "inacceptable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "acceptable", "num_translations": 47 }, "acceptance": { "senses": [ "The act of accepting", "a receiving of something offered, with acquiescence, approbation, or satisfaction", "especially, favourable reception", "approval", "Belief in something", "agreement, assent", "The state of being accepted", "The usual or accepted meaning of a word or expression", "the bill of exchange itself when accepted", "An agreeing to the action, proposals, or terms of another by some act which results in the conclusion of a legally binding contract", "the reception or taking of a thing bought as that for which it was bought, or as that agreed to be delivered, or the taking of possession of a thing as owner", "The act of an authorized representative of the government by which the government assents to ownership of existing and identified supplies, or approves specific services rendered, as partial or complete performance of a contract", "A list of horses accepted as starters in a race", "synonym of \"etendue\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accepting", "acceptableness", "assent" ], "word": "acceptance", "num_translations": 59 }, "acceptor": { "senses": [ "One who accepts", "One who accepts a draft or a bill of exchange", "a drawee after he has accepted", "An atom or molecule which can accept an electron to form a chemical bond", "A transfer RNA molecule that can accept a specific amino acid", "A cluster of skin cells that respond to pain", "A kind of finite-state machine whose binary output indicates whether or not a received input was accepted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "acceptor", "num_translations": 12 }, "accessible": { "senses": [ "Easy of access or approach", "Built or designed as to be usable by people with disabilities", "Easy to get along with", "Open to the influence of", "Obtainable", "to be got at", "Easily understood or appreciated", "Capable of being used or seen" ], "antonyms": [ "inaccessible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "accessible", "num_translations": 79 }, "accidental": { "senses": [ "Not essential", "incidental, secondary", "Nonessential to something's inherent nature", "Adjusted by one or two semitones, in temporary departure from the key signature", "Occurring sometimes, by chance", "occasional", "Happening by chance, or unexpectedly", "taking place not according to the usual course of things", "by accident, unintentional", "Being a double point with two distinct tangent planes in 4-dimensional projective space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circumstantial", "Thesaurus:extrinsic", "adventitious", "casual", "contingent", "fortuitous", "incidental", "occasional", "serendipitous", "Thesaurus:accidental" ], "word": "accidental", "num_translations": 34 }, "accidentally": { "senses": [ "In an accidental manner", "by chance, unexpectedly", "Unintentionally" ], "antonyms": [ "intentionally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "accidentally", "num_translations": 38 }, "acclamation": { "senses": [ "A shout of approbation, favor, or assent", "eager expression of approval", "loud applause", "The process of electing a person to a post in the absence of other nominees", "A representation, in sculpture or on medals, of people expressing joy", "An oral vote taken without formal ballot and with much fanfare", "typically an overwhelmingly affirmative vote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:applause" ], "word": "acclamation", "num_translations": 16 }, "accolade": { "senses": [ "An expression of approval", "praise", "A special acknowledgment", "an award", "An embrace of greeting or salutation", "A salutation marking the conferring of knighthood, consisting of an embrace or a kiss, and a slight blow on the shoulders with the flat of a sword", "A brace used to join two or more staves", "Written Presidential certificate recognizing service by personnel who died or were wounded in action between 1917 and 1918, or who died in service between 1941 and 1947, or died of wounds received in Korea between June 27, 1950 and July 27, 1954 Service of civilians who died overseas or as a result of injury or disease contracted while serving in a civilian capacity with the United States Armed Forces during the dates and/or in areas prescribed is in like manner recognized", "synonym of \"curly bracket\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "panegyric" ], "word": "accolade", "num_translations": 38 }, "accommodating": { "senses": [ "Affording, or disposed to afford, accommodation", "obliging", "helpful", "Pliable", "easily corrupted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accommodating", "num_translations": 15 }, "accordingly": { "senses": [ "Agreeably", "correspondingly", "suitably", "In natural sequence", "consequently", "so" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consequently" ], "word": "accordingly", "num_translations": 51 }, "accordion": { "senses": [ "A small, portable, keyed wind instrument, whose tones are generated by play of the wind from a squeezed bellows upon free metallic reeds", "A vertical list of items that can be individually expanded and collapsed to reveal their contents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "squeezebox" ], "word": "accordion", "num_translations": 114 }, "accoucheur": { "senses": [ "A person who delivers a baby" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "midwife", "man-midwife" ], "word": "accoucheur", "num_translations": 23 }, "accrual": { "senses": [ "An increase", "something that accumulates, especially an amount of money that periodically accumulates for a specific purpose", "from the creditor's viewpoint, a charge incurred in one accounting period that has not been paid by the end of it" ], "antonyms": [ "deferral" ], "synonyms": [ "arisal", "deferral" ], "word": "accrual", "num_translations": 11 }, "accurate": { "senses": [ "Telling the truth or giving a true result", "exact", "not defective or faulty", "Deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits", "Precisely fixed", "executed with care", "careful" ], "antonyms": [ "inaccurate" ], "synonyms": [ "correct", "exact", "just", "nice", "particular" ], "word": "accurate", "num_translations": 85 }, "accurately": { "senses": [ "In an accurate manner", "exactly", "precisely", "without error or defect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exactly" ], "word": "accurately", "num_translations": 31 }, "firstname": { "senses": [ "The first element of a full name in cultures that place the given name first" ], "antonyms": [ "family name" ], "synonyms": [ "birth name" ], "word": "firstname", "num_translations": 56 }, "plural": { "senses": [ "Consisting of or containing more than one of something" ], "antonyms": [ "singular" ], "synonyms": [ "manifold", "multiple", "morefold", "several" ], "word": "plural", "num_translations": 51 }, "plural1": { "senses": [ "A word in the form in which it potentially refers to something other than one person or thing", "and other than two things if the language has a dual form" ], "antonyms": [ "singular" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "plural", "num_translations": 114 }, "avatar": { "senses": [ "the incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu", "The physical embodiment of an idea or concept", "a personification", "A digital representation of a person or being", "often, it can take on any of various forms, as a participant chooses eg 3D, animated, photo, sketch of a person or a person's alter ego, sometimes used in a virtual world or virtual chat room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "profile picture" ], "word": "avatar", "num_translations": 102 }, "alien": { "senses": [ "A person, animal, plant, or other thing which is from outside the family, group, organization, or territory under consideration", "A foreigner residing in a country", "Any life form of extraterrestrial or extradimensional origin", "One excluded from certain privileges" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fremd", "outlander", "Thesaurus:extraterrestrial" ], "word": "alien", "num_translations": 232 }, "definition": { "senses": [ "A statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol", "A statement expressing the essential nature of something", "formulation", "The action or process of defining", "The act of defining", "determination of the limits", "A product of defining", "The action or power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear", "Clarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail", "Clarity, especially of musical sound in reproduction", "Sharp demarcation of outlines or limits", "The degree to which individual muscles are distinct on the body", "A statement which provides a previous declaration with a value or body of a subroutine", "A statement that establishes the referent of a term or notation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:definition" ], "word": "definition", "num_translations": 228 }, "season": { "senses": [ "Each of the four divisions of a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter", "A part of a year when something particular happens", "That which gives relish", "The period over which a series of Test matches are played", "A group of episodes of a television or radio program broadcast in regular intervals with a long break between each group, usually with one year between the beginning of each", "An extended, undefined period of time", "A fixed period of time in a massively multiplayer online game in which new content becomes available, sometimes replacing earlier content" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "season", "num_translations": 260 }, "season1": { "senses": [ "To make fit for any use by time or habit", "to habituate", "to accustom", "to inure", "To prepare by drying or hardening, or removal of natural juices", "To become mature", "to grow fit for use", "to become adapted to a climate", "To become dry and hard, by the escape of the natural juices, or by being penetrated with other substance", "To mingle: to moderate, temper, or qualify by admixture", "To copulate with", "to impregnate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wont", "desiccate", "age", "desiccate", "admix", "coitize" ], "word": "season", "num_translations": 27 }, "autumn": { "senses": [ "Traditionally the third of the four seasons, when deciduous trees lose their leaves", "typically regarded as being from September 24 to December 22 in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and the months of March, April and May in the Southern Hemisphere", "The time period when someone or something is past its prime", "A person with relatively dark hair and a warm skin tone, seen as best suited to certain colours in clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fall", "harvest", "back end", "decline" ], "word": "autumn", "num_translations": 246 }, "summer": { "senses": [ "One of four seasons, traditionally the second, marked by the longest and typically hottest days of the year due to the inclination of the Earth and thermal lag Typically regarded as being from June 21 to September 22 or 23 in parts of the USA, the months of June, July and August in the United Kingdom and the months of December, January and February in the Southern Hemisphere", "year", "used to give the age of a person, usually a young one", "Someone with light, pinkish skin that has a blue undertone, light hair and eyes, seen as best suited to certain colors of clothing" ], "antonyms": [ "winter" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "summer", "num_translations": 264 }, "spring1": { "senses": [ "The time of something's growth", "the early stages of some process", "Someone with ivory or peach skin tone and eyes and hair that are not extremely dark, seen as best suited to certain colors of clothing", "An erection of the penis", "A crack which has sprung up in a mast, spar, or a plank or seam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "spring", "num_translations": 252 }, "color": { "senses": [ "The spectral composition of visible light", "A subset thereof:", "Human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity", "Richness of expression", "detail or flavour that is likely to generate interest or enjoyment", "A standard, flag, or insignia:", "An award for sporting achievement, particularly within a school or university", "The morning ceremony of raising the flag", "A property of quarks, with three values called red, green, and blue, which they can exchange by passing gluons", "A third-order measure of derivative price sensitivity, expressed as the rate of change of gamma with respect to time, or equivalently the rate of change of charm with respect to changes in the underlying asset price", "The relative lightness or darkness of a mass of written or printed text on a page", "A front or facade: an ostensible truth actually false", "An appearance of right or authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colour" ], "word": "color", "num_translations": 396 }, "color2": { "senses": [ "To become red through increased blood flow", "To affect without completely changing", "To attribute a quality to", "to portray" ], "antonyms": [ "decolor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "color", "num_translations": 120 }, "in4": { "senses": [ "popular", "Furled or stowed", "With privilege or possession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "in", "num_translations": 19 }, "foreigndebt": { "senses": [ "A debt that a country, an organization in a country, or a resident individual in a country owes to those in other countries", "An aggregate amount of such debts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "external debt" ], "word": "foreigndebt", "num_translations": 27 }, "lens": { "senses": [ "An object, usually made of glass, that focuses or defocuses the light that passes through it", "A device which focuses or defocuses electron beams", "A convex shape bounded by two circular arcs, joined at their endpoints, the corresponding concave shape being a lune", "A genus of the legume family", "its bean", "The transparent crystalline structure in the eye", "A construct used in statically-typed functional programming languages to access nested data structures", "A way of looking, literally or figuratively, at something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lens", "num_translations": 151 }, "whatever2": { "senses": [ "A holophrastic expression used discourteously to indicate that the speaker does not consider the matter worthy of further discussion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "so what", "whoopee do", "meh", "whatev" ], "word": "whatever", "num_translations": 45 }, "yourmileagemayvary": { "senses": [ "It may work differently in your situation, or be different in your experience", "Used to express a possible difference in taste: this is just my opinion, your opinion may be different" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "YMMV", "your mileage may differ" ], "word": "yourmileagemayvary", "num_translations": 24 }, "transvestite": { "senses": [ "A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex", "typically a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or personal choice", "A person, typically a heterosexual male, who compulsively seeks and derives paraphilic sexual arousal from cross-dressing, especially if the urges and behavior cause the patient distress or social impairment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cross-dresser", "tranny", "TV" ], "word": "transvestite", "num_translations": 37 }, "domesticdebt": { "senses": [ "debt owed to creditors resident in the same country as the debtor" ], "antonyms": [ "foreign debt" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "domesticdebt", "num_translations": 18 }, "orange": { "senses": [ "An evergreen tree of the genus Citrus such as Citrus sinensis", "a citrus fruit with a slightly sour flavour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "orange", "num_translations": 439 }, "orange1": { "senses": [ "yellowred", "reddish-yellow" ], "antonyms": [ "nonorange" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "orange", "num_translations": 100 }, "birth": { "senses": [ "The process of childbearing", "the beginning of life", "A beginning or start", "a point of origin", "The circumstances of one's background, ancestry, or upbringing", "That which is born", "misspelling of \"berth\"" ], "antonyms": [ "death" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "birth", "num_translations": 220 }, "accord": { "senses": [ "Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action", "A harmony in sound, pitch and tone", "concord", "Agreement or harmony of things in general", "An agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, prevents a lawsuit", "An international agreement", "Assent", "Voluntary or spontaneous impulse to act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consent", "treaty" ], "word": "accord", "num_translations": 47 }, "accord1": { "senses": [ "To make to agree or correspond", "to suit one thing to another", "to adjust", "To bring to an agreement", "to reconcile, settle, adjust or harmonize", "To agree or correspond", "to be in harmony", "to be concordant", "To agree in pitch and tone", "To grant as suitable or proper", "to concede or award", "To give consent", "To arrive at an agreement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accord", "num_translations": 20 }, "wolf": { "senses": [ "A man who makes amorous advances to many women", "Any very ravenous, rapacious, or destructive person or thing", "especially, want", "starvation", "One of the destructive, and usually hairy, larvae of several species of beetles and grain moths", "A white worm, or maggot, which infests granaries", "An eating ulcer or sore See lupus", "A willying machine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wolf", "num_translations": 338 }, "wolf1": { "senses": [ "To devour", "to gobble", "to eat voraciously", "To make amorous advances to many women", "to hit on women", "to cruise for sex", "To hunt for wolves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gulp down" ], "word": "wolf", "num_translations": 26 }, "planet": { "senses": [ "Each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky\u2014the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn", "A body which orbits the Sun directly and is massive enough to be in hydrostatic equilibrium and to dominate its orbit", "specifically, the eight major bodies of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune", "A large body which directly orbits any star but which has not attained nuclear fusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wandering star", "wanderstar" ], "word": "planet", "num_translations": 358 }, "obfuscate": { "senses": [ "To make dark", "overshadow", "To deliberately make more confusing in order to conceal the truth", "To alter code while preserving its behavior but concealing its structure and intent" ], "antonyms": [ "explain" ], "synonyms": [ "darken", "confuse" ], "word": "obfuscate", "num_translations": 60 }, "can": { "senses": [ "To know how to", "to be able to", "May", "to be permitted or enabled to", "To have the potential to", "be possible", "Used with verbs of perception", "To know" ], "antonyms": [ "cannot", "can't" ], "synonyms": [ "be able to", "may" ], "word": "can", "num_translations": 256 }, "can1": { "senses": [ "A more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids, usually of steel or aluminium, but sometimes of plastic, and with a carrying handle over the top", "A container used to carry and dispense water for plants", "A chamber pot, now a toilet or lavatory", "Buttocks", "Jail or prison", "Headphones", "A drinking cup", "A cube-shaped buoy or marker used to denote a port-side lateral mark", "A chimney pot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot", "and", "Thesaurus:toilet", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom", "tin" ], "word": "can", "num_translations": 201 }, "can2": { "senses": [ "To discard, scrap or terminate", "To shut up", "To fire or dismiss an employee", "To hole the ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "can", "num_translations": 82 }, "zero": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number occurring before one and that denotes no quantity or amount at all, represented in Arabic numerals as 0" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "0", "cipher", "goose egg", "love", "naught", "nought", "nil", "no", "null" ], "word": "zero", "num_translations": 212 }, "zero1": { "senses": [ "The digit 0 in the decimal, binary, and all other base numbering systems", "Nothing, or none", "The point on a scale at which numbering or measurement originates", "The additive identity element of a monoid or greater algebraic structure, particularly a group or ring", "A person of little or no importance", "A setting of calibrated instruments such as a firearm" ], "antonyms": [ "pole" ], "synonyms": [ "cipher", "slashed zero", "origin", "nadir", "naught", "nil", "nothing", "nought", "nowt", "null", "cipher", "root", "additive identity" ], "word": "zero", "num_translations": 206 }, "zero2": { "senses": [ "no, not any", "Of a cloud ceiling, limiting vision to 50 feet or less", "Of horizontal visibility, limited to 165 feet or less", "Present at an abstract level, but not realized in the data" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "no" ], "word": "zero", "num_translations": 28 }, "zero3": { "senses": [ "To eliminate", "to delete", "To disappear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tare", "zero out" ], "word": "zero", "num_translations": 29 }, "number": { "senses": [ "An abstract entity used to describe quantity", "A numeral: a symbol for a non-negative integer", "(Followed by a numeral", "used attributively) Indicating the position of something in a list or sequence Abbreviations: No or No, no or no The symbol \"#\" is also used in this manner", "Quantity", "A sequence of digits and letters used to register people, automobiles, and various other items", "Of a word or phrase, the state of being singular, dual or plural, shown by inflection", "Poetic metres", "verses, rhymes", "A performance", "especially, a single song or song and dance routine within a larger show", "A person", "An item of clothing, particularly a stylish one", "A marijuana cigarette, or joint", "also, a quantity of marijuana bought form a dealer", "An issue of a periodical publication", "A large amount, in contrast to a smaller amount", "numerical preponderance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "numeral", "scalar" ], "word": "number", "num_translations": 561 }, "countnoun": { "senses": [ "A noun which refers to something that can be counted Examples: house, car, bush, point" ], "antonyms": [ "mass noun", "non-count", "uncountable" ], "synonyms": [ "countable" ], "word": "countnoun", "num_translations": 16 }, "oxymoron": { "senses": [ "A figure of speech in which two words or phrases with opposing meanings are used together intentionally for effect", "A contradiction in terms" ], "antonyms": [ "pleonasm" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "oxymoron", "num_translations": 45 }, "numeral": { "senses": [ "A word representing a number", "A card whose rank is a number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "number" ], "word": "numeral", "num_translations": 145 }, "bureaucrat": { "senses": [ "An official who is part of a bureaucracy", "A wiki user with the right to change user access levels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bureaucrat" ], "word": "bureaucrat", "num_translations": 31 }, "alphabet": { "senses": [ "The set of letters used when writing in a language", "A writing system in which letters represent phonemes", "A typically finite set of distinguishable symbols", "The simplest rudiments", "elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ABC" ], "word": "alphabet", "num_translations": 204 }, "achievement": { "senses": [ "The act of achieving or performing", "a successful performance", "accomplishment", "A great or heroic deed or feat", "something accomplished by valor or boldness", "An escutcheon or ensign armorial", "now generally applied to the funeral shield commonly called hatchment", "An award for completing a particular task or meeting an objective in a video game", "The lexical aspect of verbs or predicates that change in an instant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "achievement", "num_translations": 104 }, "achillestendon": { "senses": [ "The strong tendon formed of the united tendons of the large muscles in the calf of the leg, and inserted into the bone of the heel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calcaneal tendon" ], "word": "Achillestendon", "num_translations": 50 }, "acid": { "senses": [ "Sour, sharp, or biting to the taste", "tart", "having the taste of vinegar", "Sour-tempered" ], "antonyms": [ "alkaline", "base" ], "synonyms": [ "acidic" ], "word": "acid", "num_translations": 161 }, "acid1": { "senses": [ "A sour substance", "Any of several classes of compound having the following properties:" ], "antonyms": [ "alkali", "base" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "acid", "num_translations": 167 }, "teleport": { "senses": [ "To travel, often instantaneously, from one point to another without physically crossing the distance between the two points", "To move in this fashion, as by telekinesis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beam" ], "word": "teleport", "num_translations": 17 }, "growth": { "senses": [ "An increase in size, number, value, or strength", "The act of growing, getting bigger or higher", "Something that grows or has grown", "An abnormal mass such as a tumor" ], "antonyms": [ "contraction", "nondevelopment" ], "synonyms": [ "enlargement", "development", "vegetation", "outgrowth" ], "word": "growth", "num_translations": 145 }, "quarter1": { "senses": [ "Any fourth of something, particularly:", "Any substantial fraction of something less than half, particularly:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fourth", "trimester", "district", "neighborhood", "ghetto", "borough", "capitoulate" ], "word": "quarter", "num_translations": 242 }, "quarter2": { "senses": [ "to divide by four", "To provide housing for military personnel or other equipment", "To lodge", "to have a temporary residence" ], "antonyms": [ "quadruple" ], "synonyms": [ "stay over" ], "word": "quarter", "num_translations": 28 }, "parole": { "senses": [ "The release of a former prisoner under condition of compliance with specific terms", "The amount of time a former prisoner spends on limited release", "A word of honor, especially given by a prisoner of war, to not engage in combat if released", "Language in use, as opposed to language as a system", "The permission for a foreigner who does not meet the technical requirements for a visa to be allowed to enter the US on humanitarian grounds", "A watchword given only to officers of guards", "distinguished from the countersign, which is given to all guards", "An oral declaration", "see parol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parole", "num_translations": 26 }, "german": { "senses": [ "A size of type between American and Saxon, -point type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Boche" ], "word": "German", "num_translations": 420 }, "pm": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"post meridiem\" to midnight )", "initialism of \"post mortem\"", "initialism of \"prime minister\"", "private message", "personal message", "initialism of \"price match\"", "initialism of \"project management\"", "initialism of \"project manager\"", "initialism of \"performance management\"", "initialism of \"perfect match\"", "initialism of \"product manager\"", "initialism of \"place marker\"", "initialism of \"permanent magnet\"", "initialism of \"particulate matter\"", "initialism of \"push money\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "PM", "num_translations": 16 }, "grass": { "senses": [ "Any plant of the family Poaceae, characterized by leaves that arise from nodes in the stem and leaf bases that wrap around the stem, especially those grown as ground cover rather than for grain", "A lawn", "Marijuana", "An informer, police informer", "one who betrays a group to the authorities", "Sharp, closely spaced discontinuities in the trace of a cathode-ray tube, produced by random interference", "Noise on an A-scope or similar type of radar display", "spring or summer", "That which is transitory", "Asparagus", "The surface of a mine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "or", "breakup", "ephemera" ], "word": "grass", "num_translations": 486 }, "grass1": { "senses": [ "to knock down", "to report on to the authorities", "to land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flatten" ], "word": "grass", "num_translations": 11 }, "one1": { "senses": [ "Any person", "Any person, entity or thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "you" ], "word": "one", "num_translations": 46 }, "one2": { "senses": [ "The digit or figure 1", "The neutral element with respect to multiplication in a ring", "a single", "A joke or amusing anecdote", "A particularly special or compatible person or thing", "Used instead of! to amplify an exclamation, parodying unskilled typists who forget to press the shift key while typing exclamation points, thus typing \"1\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unity", "single", "1" ], "word": "one", "num_translations": 55 }, "one3": { "senses": [ "Of a period of time, being particular", "Being a single, unspecified thing", "a", "any", "Sole, only", "Whole, entire", "In agreement", "The same", "Being a preeminent example", "Being an unknown person with the specified name", "see also \"a certain\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "one", "num_translations": 51 }, "three": { "senses": [ "A numerical value after two and before four Represented in Arabic digits as 3", "this many dots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leash" ], "word": "three", "num_translations": 430 }, "four1": { "senses": [ "The digit or figure 4", "an occurrence thereof", "A power forward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "four", "num_translations": 34 }, "five1": { "senses": [ "The digit/figure 5", "A basketball team, club or lineup" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "five", "num_translations": 49 }, "cia": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"Central Intelligence Agency\"", "initialism of \"Cleveland Institute of Art\"", "initialism of \"Culinary Institute of America\"", "initialism of \"circuit interactive analyzer\"", "initialism of \"Concept Illustration and Animation\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "CIA", "num_translations": 18 }, "ad": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"anno Domini\"", "in the year of our Lord" ], "antonyms": [ "AC" ], "synonyms": [ "AC" ], "word": "AD", "num_translations": 42 }, "crude": { "senses": [ "In a natural, untreated state", "Characterized by simplicity, especially something not carefully or expertly made", "Lacking concealing elements", "Lacking tact or taste", "Immature or unripe", "Pertaining to the uninflected stem of a word" ], "antonyms": [ "refined" ], "synonyms": [ "raw", "primitive", "obvious", "blunt", "raw", "See", "immature", "or", "unripe", "Thesaurus:raw" ], "word": "crude", "num_translations": 115 }, "propernoun": { "senses": [ "A noun denoting a particular person, place, organization, ship, animal, event, or other individual entity" ], "antonyms": [ "common noun" ], "synonyms": [ "nomen proprium", "selfname" ], "word": "propernoun", "num_translations": 76 }, "letter": { "senses": [ "A symbol in an alphabet", "A written or printed communication, generally longer and more formal than a note", "The literal meaning of something, as distinguished from its intended and remoter meaning", "Literature", "A size of paper, 8\u00bd in \u00d7 11 in", "A size of paper, 215 mm \u00d7 280 mm", "A single type", "type, collectively", "a style of type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bookstaff" ], "word": "letter", "num_translations": 375 }, "medicine": { "senses": [ "A substance which specifically promotes healing when ingested or consumed in some way", "A treatment or cure", "The study of the cause, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease or illness", "The profession of physicians, surgeons and related specialisms", "Among the Native Americans, any object supposed to give control over natural or magical forces, to act as a protective charm, or to cause healing", "Black magic, superstition", "A philter or love potion", "A physician", "Recreational drugs, especially alcoholic drinks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drug", "regimen", "Thesaurus:medicine", "Thesaurus:pharmaceutical" ], "word": "medicine", "num_translations": 391 }, "year": { "senses": [ "The time it takes for any astronomical object in direct orbit around a star to make one revolution around the star", "A level or grade in school or college" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twelvemonth", "anomalistic year", "calendar year", "fiscal year" ], "word": "year", "num_translations": 411 }, "second": { "senses": [ "Number-two", "following after the first one with nothing between them The ordinal number corresponding to the cardinal number two", "Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity, or rank", "subordinate", "inferior", "Being of the same kind as one that has preceded", "another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "other", "twoth" ], "word": "second", "num_translations": 194 }, "second2": { "senses": [ "Something that is number two in a series", "Something that is next in rank, quality, precedence, position, status, or authority", "The place that is next below or after first in a race or contest", "A manufactured item that, though still usable, fails to meet quality control standards", "An additional helping of food", "A chance or attempt to achieve what should have been done the first time, usually indicating success this time around", "The interval between two adjacent notes in a diatonic scale", "The agent of a party to an honour dispute whose role was to try to resolve the dispute or to make the necessary arrangements for a duel", "A Cub Scout appointed to assist the sixer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "second", "num_translations": 80 }, "second4": { "senses": [ "One-sixtieth of a minute", "the SI unit of time, defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of caesium-133 in a ground state at a temperature of absolute zero and at rest", "A unit of angle equal to one-sixtieth of a minute of arc or one part in 3600 of a degree", "A short, indeterminate amount of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "second of arc", "sec", "Appendix:Words used as placeholders to count seconds" ], "word": "second", "num_translations": 236 }, "second5": { "senses": [ "To transfer temporarily to alternative employment", "To assist or support", "to back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "second", "num_translations": 57 }, "second6": { "senses": [ "One who supports another in a contest or combat, such as a dueller's assistant", "Aid", "assistance", "help" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "second", "num_translations": 28 }, "century": { "senses": [ "A period of 100 consecutive years", "A unit in ancient Roman army, originally of 100 army soldiers as part of a cohort, later of more varied sizes soldiers or other men , commanded by a centurion", "A political division of ancient Rome, meeting in the Centuriate Assembly", "A hundred things of the same kind", "a hundred", "A hundred runs scored either by a single player in one innings, or by two players in a partnership", "A score of one hundred points", "A race a hundred units in length", "A banknote in the denomination of one hundred dollars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yearhundred", "centuria" ], "word": "century", "num_translations": 214 }, "clock": { "senses": [ "An instrument used to measure or keep track of time", "a non-portable timepiece", "The odometer of a motor vehicle", "An electrical signal that synchronizes timing among digital circuits of semiconductor chips or modules", "The seed head of a dandelion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "timepiece", "odometer" ], "word": "clock", "num_translations": 407 }, "clock1": { "senses": [ "To measure the duration of", "To measure the speed of", "To hit heavily", "To take notice of", "to realise", "to recognize someone or something", "To falsify the reading of the odometer of a vehicle", "To beat a video game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "time", "slug", "check out", "turn back clock", "wind back clock" ], "word": "clock", "num_translations": 22 }, "millisecond": { "senses": [ "One one-thousandth of a second Symbol: ms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "millisec" ], "word": "millisecond", "num_translations": 32 }, "computerscience": { "senses": [ "The study of computers and their architecture, languages, and applications, in all aspects, as well as the mathematical structures that relate to computers and computation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "computing", "comp sci" ], "word": "computerscience", "num_translations": 73 }, "few": { "senses": [ "An indefinite, but usually small, number of", "Not many", "a small but somewhat indefinite number of", "Obscuring one eighth to two eighths of the sky", "Having a 10 percent chance of measurable precipitation", "used interchangeably with isolated" ], "antonyms": [ "many" ], "synonyms": [ "little" ], "word": "few", "num_translations": 196 }, "meat": { "senses": [ "The flesh of an animal used as food", "A type of food, a dish", "A meal", "Meal", "flour", "Any relatively thick, solid part of a fruit, nut etc", "A penis", "The best or most substantial part of something", "The sweet spot of a bat or club", "A totem, or a clan or clansman which uses it" ], "antonyms": [ "drink" ], "synonyms": [ "flesh", "Thesaurus:penis", "crux" ], "word": "meat", "num_translations": 369 }, "iloveyou": { "senses": [ "An affirmation of affection or deep caring, especially to a family member", "An affirmation of romantic feeling to a lover or spouse", "A platonic expression of strong inclination or liking to a friend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "you are the sun and moon to me", "you are my everything" ], "word": "Iloveyou", "num_translations": 580 }, "beer": { "senses": [ "An alcoholic drink fermented from starch material, commonly barley malt, often with hops or some other substance to impart a bitter flavor", "A fermented extract of the roots and other parts of various plants, as spruce, ginger, sassafras, etc", "A solution produced by steeping plant materials in water or another fluid", "A glass, bottle, or can of any of the above beverages", "A variety of the above beverages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beer", "num_translations": 296 }, "asap": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"as soon as possible\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stat" ], "word": "ASAP", "num_translations": 36 }, "umbrella": { "senses": [ "Cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun", "Generally, anything that provides protection", "Something that covers a wide range of concepts, purposes, groups, etc", "The main body of a jellyfish, excluding the tentacles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rainshade", "brolly", "gamp", "parasol" ], "word": "umbrella", "num_translations": 244 }, "bit": { "senses": [ "A piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to the reins to direct the animal", "A rotary cutting tool fitted to a drill, used to bore holes", "A coin of a specified value", "A ten-cent piece, dime", "An eighth of a dollar Note that there is no coin minted worth 125 cents", "In the southern and southwestern states, a small silver coin formerly current", "commonly, one worth about 12\u00bd cents", "also, the sum of 12\u00bd cents", "A small amount of something", "Specifically, a small amount of time", "Fractions of a second", "A portion of something", "Somewhat", "something, but not very great", "A prison sentence, especially a short one", "An excerpt of material making up part of a show, comedy routine, etc", "The part of a key which enters the lock and acts upon the bolt and tumblers", "The cutting iron of a plane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coin", "morsel", "portion", "snaffle" ], "word": "bit", "num_translations": 242 }, "bit4": { "senses": [ "A binary digit, generally represented as a 1 or 0", "The smallest unit of storage in a digital computer, consisting of a binary digit", "Any datum that may take on one of exactly two values", "A unit of measure for information entropy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bit", "num_translations": 84 }, "bce": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"before Common Era or Christian Era\"" ], "antonyms": [ "CE" ], "synonyms": [ "AEV" ], "word": "BCE", "num_translations": 32 }, "bc": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"Before Christ\"" ], "antonyms": [ "a.d" ], "synonyms": [ "BCE" ], "word": "BC", "num_translations": 50 }, "ce": { "senses": [ "Common Era, Current Era or Christian Era Equivalent of AD Like other era initialisms, often written in small caps", "Church of England More commonly, C of E Used in the names of church schools in England", "Canadian English" ], "antonyms": [ "BCE" ], "synonyms": [ "AD/A.D", "e.v", "CanE" ], "word": "CE", "num_translations": 22 }, "point": { "senses": [ "A discrete division of something", "A sharp extremity", "One of the several different parts of the escutcheon", "A short piece of cordage used in reefing sails", "A string or lace used to tie together certain garments", "Lace worked by the needle", "An item of private information", "a hint", "a tip", "The perpendicular rising of a hawk over the place where its prey has gone into cover", "The gesture of extending the index finger in a direction in order to indicate something", "In various sports, a position of a certain player, or, by extension, the player occupying that position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "location", "ord", "moment", "end", "spot", "opinion", "mark" ], "word": "point", "num_translations": 500 }, "point1": { "senses": [ "To extend the index finger in the direction of something in order to show where it is or to draw attention to it", "To draw attention to something or indicate a direction", "To face in a particular direction", "To direct toward an object", "to aim", "to sharpen", "to cut, forge, grind, or file to an acute end", "To indicate a probability of something", "To repair mortar", "To fill up and finish the joints of , by introducing additional cement or mortar, and bringing it to a smooth surface", "To direct or encourage in a particular direction", "To mark with diacritics", "To supply with punctuation marks", "to punctuate", "To direct the central processing unit to seek information at a certain location in memory", "To direct requests sent to a domain name to the IP address corresponding to that domain name", "To sail close to the wind", "To indicate the presence of game by a fixed and steady look, as certain hunting dogs do", "To approximate to the surface", "to head", "to give particular prominence or force to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "point", "num_translations": 58 }, "man3": { "senses": [ "To supply with staff or crew", "To take up position in order to operate", "To wait on, attend to or escort", "To accustom to the presence of people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "man", "num_translations": 20 }, "are": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "used with", "thou" ], "word": "are", "num_translations": 131 }, "metric1": { "senses": [ "A measure for something", "a means of deriving a quantitative measurement or approximation for otherwise qualitative phenomena" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "measure", "distance function" ], "word": "metric", "num_translations": 34 }, "thanatos1": { "senses": [ "the death drive in Freudian psychoanalysis" ], "antonyms": [ "Eros" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Thanatos", "num_translations": 38 }, "quotidian": { "senses": [ "Recurring every twenty-four hours or daily", "Happening every day", "daily", "Having the characteristics of something which can be seen, experienced, etc, every day or very commonly", "commonplace, ordinary, mundane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quotidian", "num_translations": 56 }, "prolix": { "senses": [ "Tediously lengthy", "verbose", "dwelling on trivial details", "Long", "having great length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prolix", "num_translations": 54 }, "quality": { "senses": [ "Level of excellence", "A property or an attribute that differentiates a thing or person", "High social position", "The degree to which a man-made object or system is free from bugs and flaws, as opposed to scope of functions or quantity of items", "In a two-phase liquid-vapor mixture, the ratio of the mass of vapor present to the total mass of the mixture", "The third step in OPQRST where the responder investigates what the NOI/MOI feels like" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:characteristic" ], "word": "quality", "num_translations": 168 }, "nigger": { "senses": [ "A dark-skinned person, especially a person of, or primarily of, Negro descent", "a black person", "A person of Negro descent who acts in an unapproved manner, usually as an archetypical badass", "An informal term of address", "A friend", "A fish, the luderick", "A dark brown butterfly, Orsotriaena medus", "An impurity in the covering of an electrical conductor which serves to make a partial short circuit, and thus becomes sufficiently heated to burn and destroy the insulation", "A kind of sea cucumber, Holothuria forskali, the cotton spinner", "A black caterpillar, the larva of the turnip sawfly", "A strong iron-bound timber with sharp teeth or spikes protruding from its front face, forming part of the machinery of a sawmill, and used in canting logs, etc", "A steam-capstan on some Mississippi river boats, used to haul the boat over bars and snags by a rope fastened to a tree on the bank", "A black screen used in conjunction with the camera to block light or produce special lighting effects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blackie", "nigga", "coon", "darkie", "gator bait", "groid", "jigaboo", "jungle bunny", "kaffir", "macaca", "nig-nog", "porch monkey", "sambo", "shitskin", "spade", "spearchucker", "spook", "tarbaby", "wog", "homie" ], "word": "nigger", "num_translations": 85 }, "cunt": { "senses": [ "The female genitalia, especially the vulva", "An extremely unpleasant or objectionable person (in US, especially a woman", "in UK or Ireland, more usually a man)", "An objectionable object or item", "An unpleasant or difficult experience or incident", "A woman, women, or bottom as a source of sex", "A person", "compare bastard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prick", "asshole", "bitch", "bastard" ], "word": "cunt", "num_translations": 221 }, "dick": { "senses": [ "A male person", "The penis", "A highly contemptible person", "a jerk", "Absolutely nothing", "Sexual intercourse with a man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:penis", "dickhead", "asshole", "jerk" ], "word": "dick", "num_translations": 282 }, "dickhead": { "senses": [ "The glans penis", "A jerk", "a mean or rude person", "A stupid or useless person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:glans", "Thesaurus:jerk", "Thesaurus:fool", "Thesaurus:idiot" ], "word": "dickhead", "num_translations": 93 }, "motherfucker": { "senses": [ "An extremely contemptible or mean person", "Any person, often but not always with the connotation that the person is disliked or is threatening", "An extremely intense experience, often but not always negative", "A good very close friend or relative", "One who engages in incest with their mother", "One who engages in sex with a mother, not necessarily one's own" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "futhermucker" ], "word": "motherfucker", "num_translations": 160 }, "biblical": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the Bible", "In accordance with the teachings of the Bible", "Very great", "especially, exceeding previous records in scale" ], "antonyms": [ "unbiblical" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "biblical", "num_translations": 37 }, "flatulent": { "senses": [ "Affected by gas in the intestine", "likely to fart", "Empty", "vain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "windy", "gassy", "breezy", "curmurring", "Thesaurus:flatulent" ], "word": "flatulent", "num_translations": 21 }, "fart": { "senses": [ "To emit digestive gases from the anus", "to flatulate", "To waste time with idle and inconsequential tasks", "to go about one's activities in a lackadaisical manner", "to be lazy or over-relaxed in one's manner or bearing", "To emit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fart", "num_translations": 186 }, "fart1": { "senses": [ "An emission of digestive gases from the anus", "a flatus", "An irritating person", "a fool", "An elderly person", "especially one perceived to hold old-fashioned views" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:flatus", "barking spider", "bottom burp", "flatus", "fluffer-doodle", "air biscuit", "poot", "raspberry tart (Cockney rhyming slang)", "toot", "beef", "raspberry tart" ], "word": "fart", "num_translations": 182 }, "rape": { "senses": [ "The taking of something by force", "seizure, plunder", "The abduction of a woman, especially for sexual purposes", "The act of forcing sexual intercourse upon another person without their consent or against their will", "originally coitus forced by a man on a woman, but now any sex act forced by any person upon another person", "That which is snatched away", "Movement, as in snatching", "haste", "hurry", "Overpowerment", "utter defeat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rape", "num_translations": 99 }, "rape1": { "senses": [ "To seize by force", "To carry off against their will, especially for sex", "to abduct", "To force sexual intercourse or other sexual activity upon without their consent", "To plunder, to destroy or despoil", "To overpower, destroy", "to trounce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "theft", "ravish", "plunder" ], "word": "rape", "num_translations": 125 }, "cum2": { "senses": [ "Semen", "Female ejaculatory discharge", "An ejaculation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spunk", "Thesaurus:semen" ], "word": "cum", "num_translations": 71 }, "cum3": { "senses": [ "To have an orgasm, to feel the sensation of an orgasm", "To ejaculate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ejaculate", "climax" ], "word": "cum", "num_translations": 70 }, "uncountable": { "senses": [ "So many as to be incapable of being counted", "Incapable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers or any subset thereof", "Describes a meaning of a noun that cannot be used freely with numbers or the indefinite article, and which therefore usually takes no plural form Example: information" ], "antonyms": [ "countable" ], "synonyms": [ "countless", "non-count" ], "word": "uncountable", "num_translations": 92 }, "amoral": { "senses": [ "Neither moral nor immoral", "Not believing in or caring for morality and immorality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "non-moral" ], "word": "amoral", "num_translations": 17 }, "port": { "senses": [ "A place on the coast at which ships can shelter, or dock to load and unload cargo or passengers" ], "antonyms": [ "starboard" ], "synonyms": [ "harbour", "harbour city", "backboard" ], "word": "port", "num_translations": 163 }, "port1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "starboard" ], "synonyms": [ "larboard" ], "word": "port", "num_translations": 11 }, "port3": { "senses": [ "An entryway or gate", "An opening or doorway in the side of a ship, especially for boarding or loading", "an embrasure through which a cannon may be discharged", "A space between two stones wide enough for a delivered stone or bowl to pass through", "An opening where a connection is made", "A logical or physical construct in and from which data are transferred", "A female connector of an electronic device, into which a cable's male connector can be inserted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "port", "num_translations": 42 }, "port4": { "senses": [ "To hold or carry with both hands so that it lays diagonally across the front of the body, with the barrel or similar part near the left shoulder and the right hand grasping the small of the stock", "or, to throw into this position on command", "To adapt, modify, or create a new version of, a program so that it works on a different platform", "To carry or transfer an existing telephone number from one telephone service provider to another", "To transfer a voucher or subsidy from one jurisdiction to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "port", "num_translations": 19 }, "port5": { "senses": [ "Something used to carry a thing, especially a frame for wicks in candle-making", "The manner in which a person carries himself", "bearing", "a rifle position executed by throwing the weapon diagonally across the front of the body, with the right hand grasping the small of the stock and the barrel sloping upward and crossing the point of the left shoulder", "A program that has been adapted, modified, or recoded so that it works on a different platform from the one for which it was created", "the act of this adapting", "A set of files used to build and install a binary executable file from the source code of an application" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "port", "num_translations": 10 }, "cod1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "milwell", "Scotch cod", "common cod", "ogac", "haddock", "hapuku", "beardie" ], "word": "cod", "num_translations": 75 }, "pissed1": { "senses": [ "Drunk", "Annoyed, angry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drunk", "pissed off" ], "word": "pissed", "num_translations": 25 }, "six1": { "senses": [ "The digit or figure 6", "Rear, behind", "An event whereby a batsman hits a ball which does not bounce before passing over a boundary in the air, resulting in an award of 6 runs for the batting team", "A touchdown" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "six", "num_translations": 24 }, "anti-semitism": { "senses": [ "Prejudice, discrimination, hostility or political or religious opposition directed against ethnic or religious Jews or against Judaism", "antijudaism", "judeophobia", "Prejudice, discrimination or hostility directed against any Semitic people , such as Samaritans, Palestinians, Arabs or Assyrians" ], "antonyms": [ "philo-Semitism", "pro-Semitism" ], "synonyms": [ "anti-Semiticism" ], "word": "anti-Semitism", "num_translations": 72 }, "accordionist": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays the accordion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accordion" ], "word": "accordionist", "num_translations": 29 }, "jiffy": { "senses": [ "A very short, unspecified length of time", "A unit of time defined by the frequency of its basic timer - historically, and by convention, 001 of a second, but some computer operating systems use other values", "The length of an alternating current power cycle", "The time taken for light to travel a specified distance in a vacuum, usually one centimetre, but sometimes one foot or the width of a nucleon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jif", "jiff" ], "word": "jiffy", "num_translations": 32 }, "date1": { "senses": [ "The addition to a writing, inscription, coin, etc, which specifies the time when the writing or inscription was given, executed, or made", "A specific day in time at which a transaction or event takes place, or is appointed to take place", "a given point of time", "A point in time", "Assigned end", "conclusion", "Given or assigned length of life", "duration", "A pre-arranged meeting", "One's companion for social activities or occasions", "A romantic meeting or outing with a lover or potential lover, or the person so met" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "date", "num_translations": 352 }, "date2": { "senses": [ "To note the time of writing or executing", "to express in an instrument the time of its execution", "To note or fix the time of", "To determine the age of something", "To have a steady relationship with", "to be romantically involved with", "To have a steady relationship with each other", "to be romantically involved with each other", "To become old, especially in such a way as to fall out of fashion, become less appealing or attractive, etc", "To have beginning", "to begin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go out", "age" ], "word": "date", "num_translations": 107 }, "transitive": { "senses": [ "Making a transit or passage", "Affected by transference of signification", "Taking a direct object or objects", "Having the property that if an element x is related to y and y is related to z, then x is necessarily related to z", "Such that, for any two elements of the acted-upon set, some group element maps the first to the second", "Such that, for any two vertices there exists an automorphism which maps one to the other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transitive", "num_translations": 91 }, "because1": { "senses": [ "By or for the cause that", "on this account that", "for the reason that", "As is known, inferred, or determined from the fact that", "So that, in order that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "therefore", "since", "for", "for that", "forthy", "for sake", "forwhy", "as", "inasmuch as", "sith", "\u2235", "Thesaurus:because" ], "word": "because", "num_translations": 294 }, "worldexposition": { "senses": [ "Any of various large international expositions held since the mid 19th century, often called \"Expo\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "World's Fair", "Universal Exposition", "Expo", "World Expo" ], "word": "WorldExposition", "num_translations": 35 }, "flute": { "senses": [ "A woodwind instrument consisting of a tube with a row of holes that produce sound through vibrations caused by air blown across the edge of the holes, often tuned by plugging one or more holes with a finger", "A recorder, also a woodwind instrument", "A glass with a long, narrow bowl and a long stem, used for drinking wine, especially champagne", "a lengthwise groove, such as one of the lengthwise grooves on a classical column, or a groove on a cutting tool , which helps to form both a cutting edge and a channel through which chips can escape", "A semicylindrical vertical groove, as in a pillar, in plaited cloth, or in a rifle barrel to cut down the weight", "A long French bread roll, baguette", "A shuttle in weaving tapestry etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Western concert flute", "edge-blown aerophone" ], "word": "flute", "num_translations": 220 }, "railway": { "senses": [ "A transport system using rails used to move passengers or goods", "A track, consisting of parallel rails, over which wheeled vehicles such as trains may travel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "railroad track", "rail", "Ry" ], "word": "railway", "num_translations": 186 }, "tighten": { "senses": [ "To make tighter", "To become tighter", "To make money harder to borrow or obtain", "To raise short-term interest rates" ], "antonyms": [ "loosen" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tighten", "num_translations": 50 }, "billion": { "senses": [ "a thousand million : 1 followed by nine zeros, 109", "a milliard", "A million million : a 1 followed by twelve zeros", "1012", "An unspecified very large number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thousand million", "milliard", "trillion" ], "word": "billion", "num_translations": 154 }, "trillion": { "senses": [ "A million million: 1 followed by twelve zeros, 1012", "A million million million: 1 followed by eighteen zeros, 1018" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a long scale billion", "a short scale quintillion" ], "word": "trillion", "num_translations": 71 }, "morpheme": { "senses": [ "The smallest linguistic unit within a word that can carry a meaning, such as \"un-\", \"break\", and \"-able\" in the word \"unbreakable\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:morpheme" ], "word": "morpheme", "num_translations": 61 }, "eight1": { "senses": [ "The digit/figure 8", "A race in which such craft participate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "eight", "num_translations": 47 }, "nine1": { "senses": [ "The digit or figure 9", "A statistical unit of proportion", "A baseball club, team, or lineup" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IX" ], "word": "nine", "num_translations": 36 }, "ten1": { "senses": [ "A perfect specimen, a physically attractive person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "X", "tenner" ], "word": "ten", "num_translations": 133 }, "singular": { "senses": [ "Being only one of a larger population", "Being the only one of the kind", "unique", "Distinguished by superiority: peerless, unmatched, eminent, exceptional, extraordinary", "Out of the ordinary", "curious", "Referring to only one thing or person", "Having no inverse", "Having the property that the matrix of coefficients of the new variables has a determinant equal to zero", "Not equal to its own cofinality", "Each", "individual", "Engaged in by only one on a side", "single" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:specific", "Thesaurus:unique", "Thesaurus:strange" ], "word": "singular", "num_translations": 148 }, "crap": { "senses": [ "The husk of grain", "chaff", "Something worthless or of poor quality", "junk", "Nonsense", "something untrue", "Faeces/feces", "An act of defecation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poop" ], "word": "crap", "num_translations": 114 }, "everybody": { "senses": [ "All people" ], "antonyms": [ "nobody", "not everybody" ], "synonyms": [ "everyone" ], "word": "everybody", "num_translations": 106 }, "reality": { "senses": [ "The state of being actual or real", "A real entity, event or other fact", "The entirety of all that is real", "An individual observer's own subjective perception of that which is real", "Loyalty", "devotion", "Realty", "real estate" ], "antonyms": [ "fantasy" ], "synonyms": [ "truth", "actuality" ], "word": "reality", "num_translations": 143 }, "lexicographer": { "senses": [ "One who writes or compiles a dictionary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dictionarian", "dictionarist", "lexicographist" ], "word": "lexicographer", "num_translations": 39 }, "jitter": { "senses": [ "A nervous action", "a tic", "A state of nervousness", "An abrupt and unwanted variation of one or more signal characteristics", "A random positioning of data points to avoid visual overlap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jitter", "num_translations": 22 }, "weapon": { "senses": [ "An instrument of attack or defense in combat or hunting, eg most guns, missiles, or swords", "An instrument or other means of harming or exerting control over another", "A tool of any kind", "An idiot, an oaf, a fool, a tool", "a contemptible or incompetent person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:weapon" ], "word": "weapon", "num_translations": 161 }, "stock": { "senses": [ "A store or supply", "The capital raised by a company through the issue of shares The total of shares held by an individual shareholder", "The raw material from which things are made", "The trunk and woody main stems of a tree The base from which something grows or branches", "Any of the several species of cruciferous flowers in the genus Matthiola", "A handle or stem to which the working part of an implement or weapon is attached", "Part of a machine that supports items or holds them in place", "A bar, stick or rod", "A type of neckwear", "A bed for infants", "a crib, cot, or cradle", "A piece of wood magically made to be just like a real baby and substituted for it by magical beings", "A cover for the legs", "A block of wood", "something fixed and solid", "a pillar", "a firm support", "a post", "one who has little sense", "The longest part of a split tally stick formerly struck in the exchequer, which was delivered to the person who had lent the king money on account, as the evidence of indebtedness", "The frame or timbers on which a ship rests during construction", "Red and grey bricks, used for the exterior of walls and the front of buildings", "In tectology, an aggregate or colony of individuals, such as as trees, chains of salpae, etc", "The beater of a fulling mill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "livestock", "rolling stock", "feedstock", "card stock", "rootstock", "rudder stock", "stock-tie" ], "word": "stock", "num_translations": 195 }, "poppycock": { "senses": [ "foolish talk", "nonsense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balderdash" ], "word": "poppycock", "num_translations": 17 }, "hell": { "senses": [ "In various religions, the place where some or all spirits are believed to go after death", "The place where sinners suffer after death" ], "antonyms": [ "heaven" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:afterlife" ], "word": "hell", "num_translations": 189 }, "hell1": { "senses": [ "A place or situation of great suffering in life", "A place for gambling", "An extremely hot place", "Used as an intensifier in phrases grammatically requiring a noun", "A place into which a tailor throws shreds, or a printer discards broken type", "In certain games of chase, a place to which those who are caught are carried for detention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hell", "num_translations": 47 }, "hell2": { "senses": [ "Used to express discontent, unhappiness, or anger", "Used to emphasize", "Used to introduce an intensified statement following an understated one", "nay", "not only that, but" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hell", "num_translations": 11 }, "pencil": { "senses": [ "A writing utensil with a graphite shaft, usually blended with clay, clad in wood, and sharpened to a taper", "A paintbrush", "A family of geometric objects with a common property, such as the set of lines that pass through a given point in a projective plane", "An aggregate or collection of rays of light, especially when diverging from, or converging to, a point", "A small medicated bougie" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pencil", "num_translations": 192 }, "conceal": { "senses": [ "To hide something from view or from public knowledge, to try to keep something secret" ], "antonyms": [ "reveal", "uncover", "admit" ], "synonyms": [ "hide", "obfuscate", "secrete" ], "word": "conceal", "num_translations": 93 }, "acronym": { "senses": [ "An abbreviation formed by the initial letters of other words, sometimes exclusively such abbreviations when pronounced as a word rather than as individual letters", "An abbreviation formed by the beginning letters or syllables of other words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "initialism" ], "word": "acronym", "num_translations": 71 }, "operatingsystem": { "senses": [ "Software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, CPU time, disk space, and input and output devices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OS" ], "word": "operatingsystem", "num_translations": 82 }, "nato": { "senses": [ "acronym of \"North Atlantic Treaty Organization\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "North Atlantic Terrorist Organization" ], "word": "NATO", "num_translations": 64 }, "ussr": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"Union of Soviet Socialist Republics\"", "initialism of \"Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CCCP" ], "word": "USSR", "num_translations": 83 }, "music": { "senses": [ "A series of sounds organized in time, employing melody, harmony, tempo etc usually to convey a mood", "Any pleasing or interesting sounds", "A guide to playing or singing a particular tune", "Electronic signal jamming", "Heated argument", "Fun", "amusement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "melody", "vibe" ], "word": "music", "num_translations": 266 }, "secret": { "senses": [ "A piece of knowledge that is hidden and intended to be kept hidden", "The key or principle by which something is made clear", "the knack", "Something not understood or known", "Private seclusion", "The genital organs", "A form of steel skullcap", "Any prayer spoken inaudibly and not aloud", "especially, one of the prayers in the Mass, immediately following the \"orate, fratres\", said inaudibly by the celebrant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dern" ], "word": "secret", "num_translations": 134 }, "secret1": { "senses": [ "Being or kept hidden", "Withdrawn from general intercourse or notice", "in retirement or secrecy", "secluded", "not inclined to divulge or betray confidence", "Separate", "distinct" ], "antonyms": [ "overt" ], "synonyms": [ "see", "and" ], "word": "secret", "num_translations": 100 }, "most": { "senses": [ "superlative of \"much\"", "superlative of \"many\": the comparatively largest number of", "superlative of \"many\": the majority of", "more than half of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "much", "many" ], "word": "most", "num_translations": 45 }, "most1": { "senses": [ "Forms the superlative of many adjectives", "To a great extent or degree", "highly", "very", "superlative of \"many\"", "superlative of \"much\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "most", "num_translations": 119 }, "war": { "senses": [ "Organized, large-scale, armed conflict between countries or between national, ethnic, or other sizeable groups, usually involving the engagement of military forces", "A particular conflict of this kind", "Any conflict, or anything resembling a conflict", "Armed forces", "A particular card game for two players, notable for having its outcome predetermined by how the cards are dealt" ], "antonyms": [ "peace" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "war", "num_translations": 293 }, "peace": { "senses": [ "A state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony", "absence of violence For instance, a state free from civil disturbance", "A state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions", "Harmony in personal relations", "A state free of war, in particular war between different countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peace", "num_translations": 522 }, "country": { "senses": [ "An area of land", "a district, region", "A set region of land having particular human occupation or agreed limits, especially inhabited by members of the same race, speakers of the same language etc, or associated with a given person, occupation, species etc", "The territory of a nation, especially an independent nation state or formerly independent nation", "a political entity asserting ultimate authority over a geographical area", "a sovereign state", "A rural area, as opposed to a town or city", "The rock through which a vein runs", "The female genitalia, especially the vagina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "country", "num_translations": 534 }, "conjunction": { "senses": [ "The act of joining, or condition of being joined", "The alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth", "An aspect in which planets are in close proximity to one another", "The proposition resulting from the combination of two or more propositions using the \u2227 operator", "Sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conjunction", "num_translations": 167 }, "nullify": { "senses": [ "to make legally invalid", "to prevent from happening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annul" ], "word": "nullify", "num_translations": 34 }, "perfunctory": { "senses": [ "Done only to fulfil a duty, or in a careless or indifferent manner", "performed mechanically and as a thing of rote" ], "antonyms": [ "careful", "complete", "thorough" ], "synonyms": [ "automatic" ], "word": "perfunctory", "num_translations": 47 }, "embellish": { "senses": [ "To make more beautiful and attractive", "to decorate", "To make something sound or look better or more acceptable than it is in reality", "to distort, to embroider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adorn", "beautify", "decorate", "deck", "grace", "ornament", "prettify", "Thesaurus:decorate" ], "word": "embellish", "num_translations": 73 }, "laconic": { "senses": [ "Using as few words as possible", "pithy and concise" ], "antonyms": [ "bombastic" ], "synonyms": [ "concise" ], "word": "laconic", "num_translations": 34 }, "viable": { "senses": [ "Able to live on its own", "Able to be done, possible", "Able to live and develop" ], "antonyms": [ "inviable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "viable", "num_translations": 37 }, "belgium": { "senses": [ "country r/Western Europe that has borders with the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and France" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kingdom of Belgium" ], "word": "Belgium", "num_translations": 200 }, "greece": { "senses": [ "Country in southeastern Europe having borders with Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Turkey Official name: Hellenic Republic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Greekland", "Hellas", "Hellenic Republic" ], "word": "Greece", "num_translations": 185 }, "unitedkingdom": { "senses": [ "A kingdom and sovereign state in Western Europe comprising the four countries of England, Scotland and Wales in the island of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland in the island of Ireland Since 1922", "The Kingdom of Great Britain", "Kingdom consisting of several constituencies, actual, historical, or hypothetical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "UK", "U.K", "U. K", "Great Britain", "Britain", "England", "Great Britain" ], "word": "UnitedKingdom", "num_translations": 160 }, "unitedstatesofamerica": { "senses": [ "country cont/North America, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and including Alaska, Hawaii and several territories" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "America", "United States", "Yankee land", "arsenal of democracy", "land of the free" ], "word": "UnitedStatesofAmerica", "num_translations": 344 }, "germany": { "senses": [ "The Central European state formed by Prussia in 1871 or its successor states, with their capitals in Berlin", "A nominal medieval kingdom in Central Europe forming a region of the Carolingian and Holy Roman empires, with various capitals", "by extension, the Holy Roman Empire itself, the empire of the Austrian Habsburgs", "The nation of the German people, regardless of their political unification", "both, several, or all of these states, taken together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Federal Republic of Germany", "West Germany", "Nazi Germany", "Weimar Republic", "German Empire", "North German Confederation", "Holy Roman Empire", "Dutchland" ], "word": "Germany", "num_translations": 245 }, "czechrepublic": { "senses": [ "country r/Central Europe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Czechia", "Czechland", "CR" ], "word": "CzechRepublic", "num_translations": 197 }, "newzealand": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Maoriland", "Land of the Long White Cloud", "Aotearoa", "Aotearoa New Zealand", "Kiwiland", "NZ", "Enzed" ], "word": "NewZealand", "num_translations": 178 }, "israel": { "senses": [ "An ancient kingdom that occupied roughly the same area in ancient times", "An ancient kingdom that occupied the northern part of this area, as distinct from Judah", "The Jews, taken collectively", "male given name, notably borne by Jacob" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the State of Israel", "Jewsrael", "Zionistan", "the Land of Israel", "Palestine", "the Holy Land", "Canaan", "the Children of Israel", "the Israelites", "Zion" ], "word": "Israel", "num_translations": 182 }, "europeancentralbank": { "senses": [ "The Central bank for the European Union, administering the monetary policy of the 17 EU Eurozone member states" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ECB" ], "word": "EuropeanCentralBank", "num_translations": 60 }, "norway": { "senses": [ "country r/Scandinavia in northern cont/Europe", "The former name of a > in >, >, >, now Upper Beaches", "settlement p/Prince Edward Island c/Canada", "unincorporated community co/LaSalle County s/Illinois", "census-designated place co/White County s/Indiana", "small city co/Benton County s/Iowa", "rural unincorporated community co/Republic County s/Kansas", "town co/Oxford County s/Maine", "small city co/Dickinson County s/Michigan", "unincorporated community co/Thomas County s/Nebraska", "small town co/Herkimer County s/New York", "small town co/Orangeburg County s/South Carolina", "town co/Racine County s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Norway", "num_translations": 139 }, "egypt": { "senses": [ "country r/North Africa", "A civilization based around the river Nile, on its lower reaches nearer the Mediterranean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arab Republic of Egypt", "Ancient Egypt" ], "word": "Egypt", "num_translations": 189 }, "southafrica": { "senses": [ "Southern Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Republic of South Africa", "Azania", "Soufrica", "SA" ], "word": "SouthAfrica", "num_translations": 139 }, "treaty": { "senses": [ "A binding agreement concluded by subjects of international law, namely states and international organizations", "A formal agreement between two or more states" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "protocol", "covenant", "convention", "exchange of letters", "exchange of note" ], "word": "treaty", "num_translations": 128 }, "philippines": { "senses": [ "The Philippine Islands, an archipelago in Southeast Asia, that forms the basis of the Philippine republic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pilipinas", "Pinas" ], "word": "Philippines", "num_translations": 116 }, "greenland": { "senses": [ "A large self-governing territory in North America that is politically a part of the Kingdom of Denmark", "The ice-covered island on which it is located, the largest island in the world", "surname", "city s/Arkansas", "village c/Barbados", "ghost town s/California", "unincorporated community s/Colorado", "town s/New Hampshire", "community p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "unincorporated community s/West Virginia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Greenland", "num_translations": 187 }, "inflation": { "senses": [ "An act, instance of, or state of expansion or increase in size, especially by injection of a gas", "An increase in the general level of prices or in the cost of living", "A decline in the value of money", "An increase in the quantity of money, leading to a devaluation of existing money", "Undue expansion or increase, as of academic grades", "An extremely rapid expansion of the universe, theorised to have occurred very shortly after the big bang" ], "antonyms": [ "deflation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inflation", "num_translations": 111 }, "unemployment": { "senses": [ "The state of having no job", "joblessness", "The phenomenon of joblessness in an economy", "The level of joblessness in an economy, often measured as a percentage of the workforce", "A type of joblessness due to a particular economic mechanism", "An instance or period of joblessness" ], "antonyms": [ "employment" ], "synonyms": [ "joblessness" ], "word": "unemployment", "num_translations": 87 }, "wage": { "senses": [ "An amount of money paid to a worker for a specified quantity of work, usually calculated on an hourly basis and expressed in an amount of money per hour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earnings" ], "word": "wage", "num_translations": 145 }, "wage1": { "senses": [ "To expose oneself to, as a risk", "to incur, as a danger", "to venture", "to hazard", "to hire", "To conduct or carry out", "To adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward", "to hire out", "To give security for the performance of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wage", "num_translations": 23 }, "now1": { "senses": [ "At the present time", "Used to introduce a point, a remonstration or a rebuke", "Differently from the immediate past", "differently from a more remote past or a possible future", "differently from all other times", "Differently from the situation before a stated event or change of circumstance", "At the time reached within a narration", "In the context of urgency", "not long ago", "up to the present" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "now", "num_translations": 259 }, "bank": { "senses": [ "An institution where one can place and borrow money and take care of financial affairs", "A branch office of such an institution", "An underwriter or controller of a card game", "also banque", "A fund from deposits or contributions, to be used in transacting business", "a joint stock or capital", "money", "profit", "In certain games, such as dominos, a fund of pieces from which the players are allowed to draw", "A safe and guaranteed place of storage for and retrieval of important items or goods", "A device used to store coins or currency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bank", "num_translations": 256 }, "bank2": { "senses": [ "An edge of river, lake, or other watercourse", "An elevation, or rising ground, under the sea", "a shallow area of shifting sand, gravel, mud, and so forth", "A slope of earth, sand, etc", "The incline of an aircraft, especially during a turn", "An incline, a hill", "A mass noun for a quantity of clouds", "The face of the coal at which miners are working", "A deposit of ore or coal, worked by excavations above water level", "The ground at the top of a shaft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bank", "num_translations": 143 }, "bank3": { "senses": [ "To roll or incline laterally in order to turn", "To cover the embers of a fire with ashes in order to retain heat", "To raise a mound or dike about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bank", "num_translations": 19 }, "bank4": { "senses": [ "A row or panel of items stored or grouped together", "A row of keys on a musical keyboard or the equivalent on a typewriter keyboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "row", "panel" ], "word": "bank", "num_translations": 13 }, "bankofengland": { "senses": [ "The central bank of the United Kingdom", "The building in Threadneedle Street that houses it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BOE", "BofE", "Threadneedle Street", "Threadneedle Street" ], "word": "BankofEngland", "num_translations": 25 }, "deficit": { "senses": [ "Deficiency in amount or quality", "a falling short", "lack", "A situation wherein, or amount whereby, spending exceeds government revenue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiscal deficit" ], "word": "deficit", "num_translations": 26 }, "tax": { "senses": [ "Money paid to the government other than for transaction-specific goods and services", "A burdensome demand", "A task exacted from one who is under control", "a contribution or service, the rendering of which is imposed upon a subject", "charge", "censure", "A lesson to be learned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tax", "num_translations": 163 }, "tax1": { "senses": [ "To make excessive demands on", "To accuse", "To examine accounts in order to allow or disallow items" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tax", "num_translations": 23 }, "apple": { "senses": [ "A common, round fruit produced by the tree Malus domestica, cultivated in temperate climates", "The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, eaten by Adam and Eve according to post-Biblical Christian tradition", "the forbidden fruit", "A tree of the genus Malus, especially one cultivated for its edible fruit", "The ball in baseball", "When smiling, the round, fleshy part of the cheeks between the eyes and the corners of the mouth", "A Native American or red-skinned person who acts and/or thinks like a white person", "An assist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apple", "num_translations": 344 }, "economics": { "senses": [ "The study of resource allocation, distribution and consumption", "of capital and investment", "and of management of the factors of production" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dismal science", "Thesaurus:economics" ], "word": "economics", "num_translations": 119 }, "urban": { "senses": [ "Related to the city", "Characteristic of city life", "Relating to contemporary African American culture" ], "antonyms": [ "nonurban", "rural", "bucolic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "urban", "num_translations": 55 }, "open": { "senses": [ "Not closed", "Not physically drawn together, closed, folded or contracted", "extended", "Actively conducting or prepared to conduct business", "Receptive", "Public", "Candid, ingenuous, not subtle in character", "Having a free variable", "Which is part of a predefined collection of subsets of X, that defines a topological space on X", "Whose first and last vertices are different", "In current use", "mapped to part of memory", "Not fulfilled", "Not settled or adjusted", "not decided or determined", "not closed or withdrawn from consideration", "Of a note, played without pressing the string against the fingerboard", "Of a note, played without closing any finger-hole, key or valve", "Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing waterways, blocking roads, etc", "hence, not frosty or inclement", "mild", "used of the weather or the climate", "Written or sent with the intention that it may made public or referred to at any trial, rather than by way of confidential private negotiation for a settlement", "said of vowels", "Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure", "That ends in a vowel", "not having a coda", "Made public, usable with a free licence and without proprietary components", "Resulting from an incision, puncture or any other process by which the skin no longer protects an internal part of the body" ], "antonyms": [ "closed", "closed", "closed-source" ], "synonyms": [ "accessible", "free", "free" ], "word": "open", "num_translations": 273 }, "open1": { "senses": [ "To make something accessible or allow for passage by moving from a shut position", "To make by clearing away an obstacle or obstacles, in order to allow for passage, access, or visibility", "To bring up, broach", "To enter upon, begin", "To spread", "To make accessible to customers or clients", "To start", "To begin conducting business", "To begin a side's innings as one of the first two batsmen", "To bet before any other player has in a particular betting round in a game of poker", "To reveal one's hand", "To load into memory for viewing or editing", "To disclose", "to reveal", "to interpret", "to explain" ], "antonyms": [ "bare" ], "synonyms": [ "unseal", "raise", "start", "bare" ], "word": "open", "num_translations": 366 }, "open2": { "senses": [ "an exposed location", "Public knowledge or scrutiny", "full view", "A defect in an electrical circuit preventing current from flowing", "A sports event in which anybody can compete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "open", "num_translations": 24 }, "consensus": { "senses": [ "A process of decision-making that seeks widespread agreement among group members", "General agreement among the members of a given group or community, each of which exercises some discretion in decision-making and follow-up action", "Average projected value" ], "antonyms": [ "dissensus" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consensus", "num_translations": 51 }, "slow": { "senses": [ "Taking a long time to move or go a short distance, or to perform an action", "not quick in motion", "proceeding at a low speed", "Not happening in a short time", "spread over a comparatively long time", "Of reduced intellectual capacity", "not quick to comprehend", "Not hasty", "not tending to hurry", "acting with deliberation or caution", "Behind in time", "indicating a time earlier than the true time", "Lacking spirit", "deficient in liveliness or briskness", "Not busy", "lacking activity" ], "antonyms": [ "fast", "abrupt", "keen", "hasty", "accurate", "brisk", "hectic" ], "synonyms": [ "deliberate", "gradual", "dull-witted", "careful", "boring", "dilatory", "dull", "inactive", "tardy", "slothful", "sluggish", "Thesaurus:inactive", "Thesaurus:boring", "quiet" ], "word": "slow", "num_translations": 176 }, "slow1": { "senses": [ "To make run, move, etc less quickly", "to reduce the speed of", "To keep from going quickly", "to hinder the progress of", "to slacken in speed", "to decelerate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delay", "decelerate" ], "word": "slow", "num_translations": 24 }, "policy": { "senses": [ "The art of governance", "political science", "A state", "a polity", "A set political system", "civil administration", "A trick", "a stratagem", "A principle of behaviour, conduct etc thought to be desirable or necessary, especially as formally expressed by a government or other authoritative body", "Wise or advantageous conduct", "prudence, formerly also with connotations of craftiness", "Specifically, political shrewdness or cunning", "statecraft", "The grounds of a large country house", "Motive", "object", "inducement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "policy", "num_translations": 121 }, "policy2": { "senses": [ "An illegal daily lottery in late nineteenth and early twentieth century USA on numbers drawn from a lottery wheel", "A number pool lottery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "policy racket" ], "word": "policy", "num_translations": 26 }, "fruit": { "senses": [ "In general, a product of plant growth useful to man or animals", "A product of fertilization in a plant, specifically:", "An end result, effect, or consequence", "advantageous or disadvantageous result", "A homosexual man", "an effeminate man", "Offspring from a sexual union" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fruit", "num_translations": 458 }, "gratuitous": { "senses": [ "Given freely", "unearned", "unjustified or unnecessary", "not called for by the circumstances" ], "antonyms": [ "onerous" ], "synonyms": [ "free", "gratis", "unjustified", "groundless", "baseless", "unfounded", "unnecessary" ], "word": "gratuitous", "num_translations": 61 }, "aborigine": { "senses": [ "An Aboriginal person from Australia before British colonization), Aboriginal Australian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aboriginal", "Aboriginal people", "Aboriginal Australian" ], "word": "Aborigine", "num_translations": 19 }, "husband": { "senses": [ "The master of a house", "the head of a family", "a householder", "A tiller of the ground", "A prudent or frugal manager", "A man in a marriage or marital relationship, especially in relation to his spouse", "The male of a pair of animals", "A manager of property", "one who has the care of another's belongings, owndom, or interests", "a steward", "an economist", "A large cushion with arms meant to support a person in the sitting position", "A polled tree", "a pollard" ], "antonyms": [ "wife" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:husband" ], "word": "husband", "num_translations": 343 }, "husband1": { "senses": [ "To manage or administer carefully and frugally", "use to the best advantage", "economise", "To conserve", "To till", "cultivate", "farm", "nurture", "assume the care of or responsibility for", "accept as one's own" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "husband", "num_translations": 21 }, "religion": { "senses": [ "Belief in a spiritual reality , accompanied by practices or rituals pertaining to the belief", "A particular system of such belief, and the rituals and practices proper to it", "The way of life committed to by monks and nuns", "Rituals and actions associated with religious beliefs, but considered apart from them", "Any practice to which someone or some group is seriously devoted", "Faithfulness to a given principle", "conscientiousness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "religion", "num_translations": 198 }, "government": { "senses": [ "The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people or organization", "The relationship between a word and its dependents", "The state and its administration viewed as the ruling political power", "The management or control of a system", "The tenure of a chief of state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "government", "num_translations": 201 }, "big": { "senses": [ "Of great size, large", "Thought to have undue influence", "Popular", "Adult", "Fat", "Important or significant", "Enthusiastic", "Mature, conscientious, principled", "generous", "Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man", "Large with young", "pregnant", "swelling", "ready to give birth or produce", "Used as an intensifier, especially of negative-valence nouns", "populous", "old, mature Used to imply that somebody is too old for something, or acting immaturely" ], "antonyms": [ "little", "little" ], "synonyms": [ "ample", "all the rage", "adult", "chubby", "essential", "fanatical", "busty", "full" ], "word": "big", "num_translations": 340 }, "wall": { "senses": [ "A rampart of earth, stones etc built up for defensive purposes", "A structure built for defense surrounding a city, castle etc", "Each of the substantial structures acting either as the exterior of or divisions within a structure", "A point of desperation", "A point of defeat or extinction", "An impediment to free movement", "A type of butterfly", "A barrier", "A barrier to vision", "A divisive or containing structure in an organ or cavity", "A fictional bidder used to increase the price at an auction", "A doctor who tries to admit as few patients as possible", "A line of defenders set up between an opposing free-kick taker and the goal", "A personal notice board listing messages of interest to a particular user" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rampart", "chandelier" ], "word": "wall", "num_translations": 464 }, "morning": { "senses": [ "The part of the day from dawn to noon", "The part of the day between midnight and noon", "The early part of anything", "The first alcoholic drink of the day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forenoon", "a.m" ], "word": "morning", "num_translations": 393 }, "mexican": { "senses": [ "A Mexica", "an Aztec", "The Nahuatl language", "A person from, or of descent from, any Spanish-speaking country", "A person from either of the southern states of New South Wales and Victoria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mexica", "Nahuatl" ], "word": "Mexican", "num_translations": 70 }, "mexican2": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the Mexica people", "Of or pertaining to the Nahuatl language", "Of, from, or pertaining to Mexico" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mexica", "Nahuatl" ], "word": "Mexican", "num_translations": 45 }, "send": { "senses": [ "To make something go from one place to another", "To excite, delight, or thrill", "To bring to a certain condition", "To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an errand", "To cause to be or to happen", "to bestow", "to inflict", "to grant", "sometimes followed by a dependent proposition", "To pitch", "To make a successful free ascent of a sport climbing route" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emit" ], "word": "send", "num_translations": 166 }, "market": { "senses": [ "A gathering of people for the purchase and sale of merchandise at a set time, often periodic", "City square or other fairly spacious site where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise", "A grocery store", "A group of potential customers for one's product", "A geographical area where a certain commercial demand exists", "A formally organized, sometimes monopolistic, system of trading in specified goods or effects", "The sum total traded in a process of individuals trading for certain commodities", "hence, value", "worth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bazaar", "fair", "mart", "arcade" ], "word": "market", "num_translations": 379 }, "market1": { "senses": [ "To make available for sale and promote them", "To sell", "to buy or sell", "to make bargains for provisions or goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "market", "num_translations": 20 }, "food": { "senses": [ "Any solid substance that can be consumed by living organisms, especially by eating, in order to sustain life", "Anything that nourishes or sustains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belly-timber" ], "word": "food", "num_translations": 367 }, "meeting": { "senses": [ "The act of persons or things that meet", "A gathering of persons for a purpose", "an assembly", "The people at such a gathering", "An encounter between people, even accidental", "A place or instance of junction or intersection", "a confluence", "A religious service held by a charismatic preacher in small towns in the United States", "An administrative unit in the Religious Society of Friends" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assembly", "convocation", "gathering" ], "word": "meeting", "num_translations": 206 }, "global": { "senses": [ "Spherical, ball-shaped", "Of or relating to a globe or sphere", "Concerning all parts of the world", "Of a variable, accessible by all parts of a program", "Which has to be considered in its entirety" ], "antonyms": [ "domestic", "local" ], "synonyms": [ "ball-shaped", "world-wide" ], "word": "global", "num_translations": 123 }, "world": { "senses": [ "Human collective existence", "existence in general", "The Universe", "The Earth", "A planet, especially one which is inhabited or inhabitable", "A very large extent of country", "A realm, such as planet, containing one or multiple societies of beings, specially intelligent ones", "An individual or group perspective or social setting", "The part of an operating system distributed with the kernel, consisting of the shell and other programs", "A subdivision of a game, consisting of a series of stages or levels that usually share a similar environment or theme", "The twenty-second trump or major arcana card of the tarot", "A great amount", "Age, era" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Earth", "planet", "circle" ], "word": "world", "num_translations": 523 }, "take": { "senses": [ "To get into one's hands, possession or control, with or without force", "To receive or accept", "To remove", "To have sex with", "To defeat in a fight", "To grasp or grip", "To select or choose", "to pick", "To adopt as one's own", "To carry or lead", "To use as a means of transportation", "To visit", "to include in a course of travel", "To obtain for use by payment or lease", "To consume", "To experience, undergo, or endure", "To cause to change to a specified state or condition", "To regard in a specified way", "To conclude or form in the mind", "To understand", "To accept or be given", "assume", "To believe, to accept the statements of", "To assume or suppose", "to reckon", "to regard or consider", "To draw, derive, or deduce", "To derive", "to obtain from a source", "To catch or contract", "To come upon or catch", "To captivate or charm", "to gain or secure the interest or affection of", "To absorb or be impregnated by", "to be susceptible to being treated by", "To let in", "To require", "To proceed to fill", "To fill, to use up", "To avail oneself of", "To practice", "perform", "execute", "carry out", "do", "To assume or perform", "To bind oneself by", "To move into", "To go into, through, or along", "To have and use one's recourse to", "To ascertain or determine by measurement, examination or inquiry", "To write down", "to get in, or as if in, writing", "To make", "To obtain money from, especially by swindling", "To apply oneself to the study of", "To deal with", "To consider in a particular way, or to consider as an example", "To decline to swing at", "to refrain from hitting at, and allow to pass", "To accept as an input to a relation", "To get or accept into one's possession", "To become", "to be affected in a specified way", "To be able to be accurately or beautifully photographed", "An intensifier", "To deliver, bring, give to", "To give or deliver", "to strike or hit" ], "antonyms": [ "give", "bring", "drop" ], "synonyms": [ "confiscate", "capture", "garner", "knock off", "do in", "take away", "have", "beat", "grab", "ingest" ], "word": "take", "num_translations": 556 }, "take1": { "senses": [ "The or an act of taking", "a haul", "An interpretation or view, opinion or assessment", "perspective", "An approach, a treatment", "A scene recorded at one time, without an interruption or break", "a recording of such a scene", "A recording of a musical performance made during an uninterrupted single recording period", "A visible response to something, especially something unexpected", "a facial gesture in response to an event", "An instance of successful inoculation/vaccination", "A catch of the ball", "The quantity of copy given to a compositor at one time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "take", "num_translations": 80 }, "quisling": { "senses": [ "A traitor who collaborates with the enemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collaborator" ], "word": "quisling", "num_translations": 42 }, "but2": { "senses": [ "On the contrary, rather", "However, although, nevertheless, on the other hand", "Except that", "also, with omission of the subject of the subordinate clause, acting as a negative relative, \"except one that\", \"except such that\"", "Without its also being the case that", "unless that", "Except with", "unless with", "without", "Only", "solely", "merely", "Until" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bar", "yet" ], "word": "but", "num_translations": 510 }, "say": { "senses": [ "To pronounce", "To recite", "To tell, either verbally or in writing", "To indicate in a written form", "To have a common expression", "used in singular passive voice or plural active voice to indicate a rumor or well-known fact", "Suppose, assume", "used to mark an example, supposition or hypothesis", "To speak", "to express an opinion", "to make answer", "to reply", "To bet as a wager on an outcome", "by extension, used to express belief in an outcome by the speaker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "say", "num_translations": 404 }, "investment": { "senses": [ "The act of investing, or state of being invested", "A placement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use or appreciation", "A vestment", "The act of surrounding, blocking up, or besieging by an armed force, or the state of being so surrounded", "A mixture of silica sand and plaster which, by surrounding a wax pattern, creates a negative mold of the form used for casting, among other metals, bronze" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "investment", "num_translations": 79 }, "last": { "senses": [ "Final, ultimate, coming after all others of its kind", "Farthest of all from a given quality, character, or condition", "most unlikely, or least preferable", "Being the only one remaining of its class", "Supreme", "highest in degree", "utmost", "Lowest in rank or degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the end", "latest" ], "word": "last", "num_translations": 198 }, "last2": { "senses": [ "Most recently", "after everything else", "finally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "finally" ], "word": "last", "num_translations": 48 }, "last3": { "senses": [ "To perform, carry out", "To endure, continue over time", "To hold out, continue undefeated or entire" ], "antonyms": [ "disintegrate", "dissipate", "fall apart", "wear out" ], "synonyms": [ "continue", "endure", "survive" ], "word": "last", "num_translations": 81 }, "increase": { "senses": [ "To become larger or greater", "To make larger", "To multiply by the production of young", "to be fertile, fruitful, or prolific", "To become more nearly full", "to show more of the surface", "to wax" ], "antonyms": [ "decrease", "drop", "fall", "go down", "plummet", "reduce", "shrink", "sink", "cut", "wane" ], "synonyms": [ "wax", "increment", "proliferate", "wax", "Thesaurus:decrease" ], "word": "increase", "num_translations": 150 }, "increase1": { "senses": [ "For a quantity, the act or process of becoming larger", "Offspring, progeny", "The creation of one or more new stitches" ], "antonyms": [ "cut", "decrease", "decrement", "drop", "fall", "loss", "lowering", "reduction", "shrinkage", "decline" ], "synonyms": [ "gain", "increment", "raise", "rise", "Thesaurus:adjunct", "Thesaurus:acquisition", "enlargement", "Thesaurus:decrement" ], "word": "increase", "num_translations": 126 }, "company": { "senses": [ "A team", "a group of people who work together professionally", "A small group of birds or animals", "An entity having legal personality, and thus able to own property and to sue and be sued in its own name", "a corporation", "Any business, whether incorporated or not, that manufactures or sells products , or provides services as a commercial venture", "Social visitors or companions", "Companionship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corporation", "association", "fellowship" ], "word": "company", "num_translations": 348 }, "also": { "senses": [ "In addition", "besides", "as well", "further", "too", "To the same degree or extent", "so, as" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "too", "eke", "as well" ], "word": "also", "num_translations": 210 }, "add": { "senses": [ "To join or unite so as to increase the number, augment the quantity or enlarge the magnitude, or so as to form into one aggregate", "To sum up", "to put together mentally", "To combine elements of into one quantity", "To give by way of increased possession", "to bestow", "To append", "to say further information", "to augment", "to increase", "To summon minions or reinforcements" ], "antonyms": [ "subtract", "remove" ], "synonyms": [ "annex", "add up", "bestow", "coalesce", "mention", "augment" ], "word": "add", "num_translations": 189 }, "acacia": { "senses": [ "A shrub or tree of the tribe Acacieae Brown, Lesley, ed The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 5th Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003", "Gum arabic", "Any of several related trees, such as the locust tree", "A light to moderate greenish yellow with a hint of red" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wattle", "gum acacia" ], "word": "acacia", "num_translations": 40 }, "accommodation": { "senses": [ "Lodging in a dwelling or similar living quarters afforded to travellers in hotels or on cruise ships, or prisoners, etc", "Adaptation or adjustment", "Adaptation or adjustment", "The place where sediments can make, or have made, a sedimentation", "Modifications to make one's way of speaking similar to others involved in a conversation or discourse", "code-switching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accommodation", "num_translations": 102 }, "bollocks": { "senses": [ "The testicles", "Nonsense or information deliberately intended to mislead", "An idiot, an ignorant or disagreeable person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:testicles", "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "bollocks", "num_translations": 38 }, "bollocks2": { "senses": [ "An expression of anger, frustration, etc", "An expression of incredulity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Horlicks" ], "word": "bollocks", "num_translations": 21 }, "network": { "senses": [ "A fabric or structure of fibrous elements attached to each other at regular intervals", "Any interconnected group or system", "A directory of people maintained for their advancement", "A group of affiliated television stations that broadcast common programs from a parent company", "Multiple computers and other devices connected together to share information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "network", "num_translations": 192 }, "frequency": { "senses": [ "The rate of occurrence of anything", "the relationship between incidence and time period", "The property of occurring often rather than infrequently", "The quotient of the number of times n a periodic phenomenon occurs over the time t in which it occurs: f = n / t", "number of times an event occurred in an experiment" ], "antonyms": [ "period" ], "synonyms": [ "oftenness", "freq" ], "word": "frequency", "num_translations": 160 }, "mobile": { "senses": [ "Capable of being moved, especially on wheels", "Characterized by an extreme degree of fluidity", "moving or flowing with great freedom", "Easily moved in feeling, purpose, or direction", "excitable", "changeable", "fickle", "Changing in appearance and expression under the influence of the mind", "Capable of being moved, aroused, or excited", "capable of spontaneous movement" ], "antonyms": [ "fixed", "immobile", "sessile", "stationary" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mobile", "num_translations": 48 }, "mobilephone": { "senses": [ "A portable telephone that connects with the telephone network over radio wave transmission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mobile", "cellphone", "handphone", "cellular mobile" ], "word": "mobilephone", "num_translations": 259 }, "wireless": { "senses": [ "Not having any wires", "Of or relating to communication without a wired connection, such as by radio waves" ], "antonyms": [ "wired" ], "synonyms": [ "cordless" ], "word": "wireless", "num_translations": 59 }, "work": { "senses": [ "Employment", "Effort", "Sustained effort to achieve a goal or result, especially overcoming obstacles", "Product", "the result of effort", "The staging of events to appear as real", "Ore before it is dressed", "The equipment needed to inject a drug" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:occupation", "Thesaurus:work" ], "word": "work", "num_translations": 472 }, "work1": { "senses": [ "To do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers", "To effect by gradual degrees", "To embroider with thread", "To set into action", "To cause to ferment", "To ferment", "To shape, form, or improve a material", "To operate in a certain place, area, or speciality", "To operate in or through", "To provoke or excite", "to influence", "To use or manipulate to one's advantage", "To cause to happen or to occur as a consequence", "To function correctly", "to act as intended", "to achieve the goal designed for", "To influence", "To effect by gradual degrees", "To move in an agitated manner", "To behave in a certain way when handled", "To cause to feel", "to do unto somebody", "To hurt", "to ache" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "work", "num_translations": 375 }, "first": { "senses": [ "Preceding all others of a series or kind", "the ordinal of one", "earliest", "Most eminent or exalted", "most excellent", "chief", "highest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "first", "num_translations": 239 }, "first1": { "senses": [ "Before anything else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:firstly" ], "word": "first", "num_translations": 88 }, "first2": { "senses": [ "Something that has never happened before", "a new occurrence", "A fraction of an integer ending in one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "first", "num_translations": 60 }, "digital": { "senses": [ "Having to do with digits", "performed with a finger", "Property of representing values as discrete, usually binary, numbers rather than a continuous spectrum", "Of or relating to computers or the Information Age" ], "antonyms": [ "nondigital", "undigital", "analog" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "digital", "num_translations": 125 }, "radio": { "senses": [ "The technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tuner" ], "word": "radio", "num_translations": 263 }, "asian": { "senses": [ "A person from Asia", "A domestic cat of a breed similar to the Burmese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:Asian", "person from Asia", "person from east Asia", "loosely", "person from the Indian subcontinent" ], "word": "Asian", "num_translations": 126 }, "consent": { "senses": [ "To express willingness, to give permission", "To grant", "to allow", "to assent to", "To agree in opinion or sentiment", "to be of the same mind", "to accord", "to concur" ], "antonyms": [ "disagree" ], "synonyms": [ "acquiesce" ], "word": "consent", "num_translations": 55 }, "consent1": { "senses": [ "Voluntary agreement or permission", "Unity or agreement of opinion, sentiment, or inclination", "Advice", "counsel" ], "antonyms": [ "dissent" ], "synonyms": [ "agreement" ], "word": "consent", "num_translations": 48 }, "careful": { "senses": [ "Taking care", "attentive to potential danger, error or harm", "cautious", "Conscientious and painstaking", "meticulous", "Full of care or grief", "sorrowful, sad", "Full of cares or anxiety", "worried, troubled" ], "antonyms": [ "careless" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cautious", "Thesaurus:meticulous" ], "word": "careful", "num_translations": 129 }, "time1": { "senses": [ "To choose when something begins or how long it lasts", "to delay", "To measure, as in music or harmony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clock", "set" ], "word": "time", "num_translations": 51 }, "shadowing1": { "senses": [ "The effect of being shadowed , as from a light source or radio transmission", "The situation where an individual repeats speech immediately as they hear it", "Secretly or discreetly tracking or following someone, keeping under surveillance", "A faint representation", "an adumbration", "The technique of copying ROM contents to RAM to allow for shorter access times The ROM chip is then disabled while the initialized memory locations are switched in on the same block of addresses", "A work experience option where students learn about a job by walking through the work day as a shadow to a competent worker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shadowing", "num_translations": 13 }, "deceptive": { "senses": [ "Misleading, likely or attempting to deceive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deceptive" ], "word": "deceptive", "num_translations": 45 }, "shrink": { "senses": [ "To cause to become smaller", "To become smaller", "to contract", "To cower or flinch", "To draw back", "to withdraw", "To withdraw or retire, as from danger", "To move back or away, especially because of fear or disgust" ], "antonyms": [ "expand", "expand" ], "synonyms": [ "funk", "shrink back" ], "word": "shrink", "num_translations": 114 }, "shrink1": { "senses": [ "contraction", "recoil", "A psychiatrist or psychotherapist", "Loss of inventory, for example due to shoplifting or not selling items before their expiration date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shrink", "num_translations": 19 }, "angola": { "senses": [ "country r/Southern Africa", "The Louisiana State Penitentiary", "unincorporated community co/Sussex County s/Delaware c/USA", "city/county seat co/Steuben County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Labette County s/Kansas c/USA", "village co/Erie County s/New York c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Angola", "num_translations": 93 }, "canada": { "senses": [ "country cont/North America", "The most active province of New France Nowadays corresponds to the territory of much of Quebec, Ontario, and several US states", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "America's Hat", "Canuckistan", "Dominion of Canada", "Great White North", "neighbor to the north", "People's Republic of Canada", "Soviet Canuckistan" ], "word": "Canada", "num_translations": 173 }, "switzerland": { "senses": [ "A sovereign country in south central Europe Official name: Swiss Confederation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Swiss Confederation" ], "word": "Switzerland", "num_translations": 142 }, "sect": { "senses": [ "An offshoot of a larger religion", "a group sharing particular political and/or religious beliefs", "A group following a specific ideal or a leader", "A cutting", "a scion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sect", "num_translations": 73 }, "political": { "senses": [ "Concerning or relating to politics, the art and process of governing", "Concerning a polity or its administrative components", "Of or relating to views about social relationships that involve power or authority", "Interested in politics" ], "antonyms": [ "nonpolitical" ], "synonyms": [ "politic" ], "word": "political", "num_translations": 86 }, "false": { "senses": [ "Untrue, not factual, factually incorrect", "Based on factually incorrect premises", "Spurious, artificial", "Of a state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result", "dishonest or deceitful", "Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc", "untrue", "treacherous", "Not well founded", "not firm or trustworthy", "erroneous", "Not essential or permanent, as parts of a structure which are temporary or supplemental", "Used in the vernacular name of a species together with the name of another species to which it is similar in appearance", "Out of tune" ], "antonyms": [ "real" ], "synonyms": [ "lease", "Thesaurus:false" ], "word": "false", "num_translations": 213 }, "aids": { "senses": [ "Acquired immune deficiency syndrome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GRID", "gay cancer", "gay plague" ], "word": "AIDS", "num_translations": 111 }, "disease": { "senses": [ "An abnormal condition of a human, animal or plant that causes discomfort or dysfunction", "distinct from injury insofar as the latter is usually instantaneously acquired", "Any abnormal or harmful condition, as of society, people's attitudes, way of living etc", "Lack of ease", "uneasiness", "trouble", "vexation", "disquiet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affliction", "ailment", "coath", "complaint", "ill health", "illness", "malady", "medical condition", "morbus", "rot", "sickness", "Thesaurus:disease" ], "word": "disease", "num_translations": 218 }, "epidemic": { "senses": [ "A widespread disease that affects many individuals in a population", "An occurrence of a disease or disorder in a population at a frequency higher than that expected in a given time period" ], "antonyms": [ "endemic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "epidemic", "num_translations": 126 }, "epidemic1": { "senses": [ "widespread" ], "antonyms": [ "endemic" ], "synonyms": [ "common" ], "word": "epidemic", "num_translations": 24 }, "guyana": { "senses": [ "country cont/South America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "British Guiana" ], "word": "Guyana", "num_translations": 94 }, "ireland": { "senses": [ "large island in northwestern cont/Europe", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Emerald Isle", "\u00c9ire" ], "word": "Ireland", "num_translations": 150 }, "india": { "senses": [ "country r/South Asia", "An area of land in Southern Asia, traditionally delimited by the Himalayas and the Indus river", "The letter I in the ICAO spelling alphabet", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bharat", "Indian subcontinent" ], "word": "India", "num_translations": 203 }, "comma": { "senses": [ "The punctuation mark \u27e8,\u27e9 used to indicate a set off parts of a sentence or between elements of a list", "A similar-looking subscript diacritical mark", "A difference in the calculation of nearly identical intervals by different ways", "A delimiting marker between items in a genetic sequence", "A brief interval" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comma", "num_translations": 105 }, "colon": { "senses": [ "The punctuation mark \"''''''\"", "A rhetorical figure consisting of a clause which is grammatically, but not logically, complete", "A clause or group of clauses written as a line, or taken as a standard of measure in ancient manuscripts or texts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colon-point" ], "word": "colon", "num_translations": 76 }, "colon1": { "senses": [ "Part of the large intestine", "the final segment of the digestive system, after the ileum and before the anus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "large bowel" ], "word": "colon", "num_translations": 52 }, "fullstop": { "senses": [ "The punctuation mark \u201c\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "period", "dot", "point", "-x" ], "word": "fullstop", "num_translations": 94 }, "fullstop1": { "senses": [ "Used to emphasize the end of an important statement or point when speaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "North America" ], "word": "fullstop", "num_translations": 14 }, "early": { "senses": [ "At a time in advance of the usual or expected event", "Arriving a time before expected", "sooner than on time", "Near the start or beginning", "Having begun to occur" ], "antonyms": [ "late", "terminal" ], "synonyms": [ "premature", "first" ], "word": "early", "num_translations": 180 }, "early1": { "senses": [ "At a time before expected", "sooner than usual", "Soon", "in good time", "seasonably" ], "antonyms": [ "late" ], "synonyms": [ "prematurely" ], "word": "early", "num_translations": 83 }, "welcome": { "senses": [ "Whose arrival is a cause of joy", "received with gladness", "admitted willingly to the house, entertainment, or company", "Producing gladness", "Free to have or enjoy gratuitously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "welcome", "num_translations": 70 }, "welcome2": { "senses": [ "reception", "The utterance of such a greeting", "Kind reception of a guest or newcomer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "welcome", "num_translations": 64 }, "gas": { "senses": [ "Matter in a state intermediate between liquid and plasma that can be contained only if it is fully surrounded by a solid", "it can condense into a liquid, or can become a solid directly", "A chemical element or compound in such a state", "A humorous or entertaining event or person", "Frothy talk", "chatter", "A fastball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vapor", "wind" ], "word": "gas", "num_translations": 158 }, "gas2": { "senses": [ "a derivative of petroleum used as fuel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gasoline", "Thesaurus:petroleum" ], "word": "gas", "num_translations": 26 }, "gas3": { "senses": [ "To give a vehicle more fuel in order to accelerate it", "To fill with fuel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "step on the gas", "refuel" ], "word": "gas", "num_translations": 22 }, "lebanon": { "senses": [ "mountain range r/Middle East", "Various places in the United States of America:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mount Lebanon" ], "word": "Lebanon", "num_translations": 115 }, "malta": { "senses": [ "The largest island of the Maltese Archipelago", "small city/county seat co/Phillips County s/Montana c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Republic of Malta", "Malta Island" ], "word": "Malta", "num_translations": 153 }, "proprietary": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to property or ownership", "Owning something", "having ownership", "Created or manufactured exclusively by the owner of intellectual property rights, as with a patent or trade secret", "Nonstandard and controlled by one particular organization", "Privately owned", "Possessive, jealous, or territorial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "proprietary", "num_translations": 42 }, "french2": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to France", "Of or relating to the people or culture of France", "Of or related to oral sex, especially fellatio", "Used to form names or references to venereal diseases" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gallian" ], "word": "French", "num_translations": 201 }, "standard": { "senses": [ "Falling within an accepted range of size, amount, power, quality, etc", "Growing alone as a free-standing plant", "not trained on a post etc", "Having recognized excellence or authority", "Of a usable or serviceable grade or quality", "Having a manual transmission", "As normally supplied" ], "antonyms": [ "nonstandard" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "standard", "num_translations": 47 }, "standard1": { "senses": [ "A principle or example or measure used for comparison", "A vertical pole with something at its apex", "A manual transmission vehicle", "The upper petal or banner of a papilionaceous corolla", "An inverted knee timber placed upon the deck instead of beneath it, with its vertical branch turned upward from that which lies horizontally", "A large drinking cup" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "standard", "num_translations": 173 }, "feature": { "senses": [ "One's structure or make-up: form, shape, bodily proportions", "An important or main item", "A long, prominent article or item in the media, or the department that creates them", "frequently used technically to distinguish content from news", "Any of the physical constituents of the face", "A beneficial capability of a piece of software", "The cast or structure of anything, or of any part of a thing, as of a landscape, a picture, a treaty, or an essay", "any marked peculiarity or characteristic", "Something discerned from physical evidence that helps define, identify, characterize, and interpret an archeological site", "Characteristic forms or shapes of parts For example, a hole, boss, slot, cut, chamfer, or fillet", "An individual measurable property or characteristic of a phenomenon being observed", "The elements into which linguistic units can be broken down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:characteristic" ], "word": "feature", "num_translations": 149 }, "peru": { "senses": [ "country cont/South America", "city s/Illinois", "city s/Indiana", "city s/Kansas", "town s/Maine", "town s/Massachusetts", "city s/Nebraska", "town s/New York", "unincorporated community s/Pennsylvania", "town s/Vermont", "unincorporated community s/West Virginia", "town s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Peru", "num_translations": 93 }, "singapore": { "senses": [ "island/and/city-state r/Southeast Asia located off the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula", "a former British crown colony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lion City", "S'pore" ], "word": "Singapore", "num_translations": 105 }, "swaziland": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eSwatini", "Kingdom of eSwatini" ], "word": "Swaziland", "num_translations": 84 }, "turkey": { "senses": [ "Either of two species of bird in the genus Meleagris with fan-shaped tails and wattled necks", "The meat or flesh of this bird eaten as food", "A failure", "A foolish or inept person", "An act of throwing three strikes in a row", "The guinea fowl", "A patient feigning symptoms", "a person faking illness or injury", "a malingerer", "A large travel bag", "a suitcase", "a pack carried by a lumberman", "a bindle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Meleagris gallopavo", "Meleagris ocellata", "flop", "fool" ], "word": "turkey", "num_translations": 318 }, "unitedstates": { "senses": [ "Federal nation consisting of several states, actual, historical or hypothetical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Usania" ], "word": "UnitedStates", "num_translations": 119 }, "skillful": { "senses": [ "Possessing skill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skillful" ], "word": "skillful", "num_translations": 104 }, "skill": { "senses": [ "Capacity to do something well", "Discrimination", "judgment", "propriety", "reason", "cause", "Knowledge", "understanding", "Display of art", "exercise of ability", "contrivance", "address" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ability", "talent", "Thesaurus:skill" ], "word": "skill", "num_translations": 125 }, "industrial": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to industry, notably manufacturing", "Produced by such industry", "Used by such industry", "Suitable for use in such industry", "Massive in scale or quantity", "Employed as manpower by such industry", "Having many industries" ], "antonyms": [ "Dow Jones Industrial Average", "nonindustrial", "unindustrial" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "industrial", "num_translations": 45 }, "tradedeficit": { "senses": [ "A negative balance of trade" ], "antonyms": [ "trade surplus" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tradedeficit", "num_translations": 20 }, "pollution": { "senses": [ "The desecration of something holy or sacred", "defilement, profanation", "The ejaculation of semen outside of sexual intercourse, especially a nocturnal emission", "Moral or spiritual corruption", "impurity, degradation, defilement", "Physical contamination, now especially the contamination of the environment by harmful substances, or by disruptive levels of noise, light etc", "Something that pollutes", "a pollutant" ], "antonyms": [ "conservation", "purity" ], "synonyms": [ "soilage", "self-pollution" ], "word": "pollution", "num_translations": 75 }, "automatic": { "senses": [ "Capable of operating without external control or intervention", "Done out of habit or without conscious thought", "Firing continuously as long as the trigger is pressed until ammunition is exhausted", "An autoloader", "distinct from machine guns", "Having one or more finite-state automata" ], "antonyms": [ "manual", "voluntary" ], "synonyms": [ "perfunctory" ], "word": "automatic", "num_translations": 138 }, "pollute": { "senses": [ "To make something harmful, especially by the addition of some unwanted product", "To make something or somewhere less suitable for some activity, especially by the introduction of some unnatural factor", "To corrupt or profane", "To violate sexually", "to debauch", "to dishonour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pollute", "num_translations": 19 }, "computer": { "senses": [ "A person employed to perform computations", "one who computes", "A programmable electronic device that performs mathematical calculations and logical operations, especially one that can process, store and retrieve large amounts of data very quickly", "now especially, a small one for personal or home use employed for manipulating text or graphics, accessing the Internet, or playing games or media" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:computer" ], "word": "computer", "num_translations": 284 }, "frenchfries": { "senses": [ "Strips of deep-fried potatoes that have been frenched" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chips", "freedom fries", "French-fried potatoes", "fries" ], "word": "frenchfries", "num_translations": 86 }, "spanish1": { "senses": [ "A Romance language primarily spoken in Spain and in the Americas", "People of Spain, collectively", "People of Hispanic origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Castilian", "Spaniard", "Hispanic" ], "word": "Spanish", "num_translations": 214 }, "offset": { "senses": [ "Anything that acts as counterbalance", "a compensating equivalent", "A form of countertrade arrangement, in which the seller agrees to purchase within a set time frame products of a certain value from the buying country This kind of agreement may be used in large international public sector contracts such as arms sales", "A time at which something begins", "outset", "The difference between a target memory address and a base address", "The displacement between the base level of a measurement and the signal's real base level", "The distance by which one thing is out of alignment with another", "A short distance measured at right angles from a line actually run to some point in an irregular boundary, or to some object", "An abrupt bend in an object, such as a rod, by which one part is turned aside out of line, but nearly parallel, with the rest", "the part thus bent aside", "A short prostrate shoot that takes root and produces a tuft of leaves, etc", "A spur from a range of hills or mountains", "A horizontal ledge on the face of a wall, formed by a diminution of its thickness, or by the weathering or upper surface of a part built out from it", "a set-off", "A terrace on a hillside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "offset", "num_translations": 57 }, "board": { "senses": [ "A relatively long, wide and thin piece of any material, usually wood or similar, often for use in construction or furniture-making", "A device containing electrical switches and other controls and designed to control lights, sound, telephone connections, etc", "Regular meals or the amount paid for them in a place of lodging", "The side of a ship", "The distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward", "The wall that surrounds an ice hockey rink, often in plural", "A long, narrow table, like that used in a medieval dining hall", "A level or stage having a particular layout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "board", "num_translations": 303 }, "board1": { "senses": [ "To step or climb onto or otherwise enter a ship, aircraft, train or other conveyance", "To provide someone with meals and lodging, usually in exchange for money", "To receive meals and lodging in exchange for money", "To obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensation", "To approach", "to make advances to, accost" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "board", "num_translations": 73 }, "abettor": { "senses": [ "One that abets an offender", "one that incites", "instigates", "encourages", "A supporter or advocate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accessory", "accomplice", "advocate", "aid", "ally", "assistant", "confederate", "cooperator", "helper" ], "word": "abettor", "num_translations": 52 }, "absence": { "senses": [ "A state of being away or withdrawn from a place or from companionship", "the period of being away", "Failure to be present where one is expected, wanted, or needed", "nonattendance", "deficiency", "Lack", "deficiency", "nonexistence", "Inattention to things present", "abstraction", "Temporary loss or disruption of consciousness, with sudden onset and recovery, and common in epilepsy", "Lack of contact between blades" ], "antonyms": [ "presence", "existence" ], "synonyms": [ "missingness" ], "word": "absence", "num_translations": 138 }, "absorbency": { "senses": [ "The action of absorbing", "The quality of being absorbent", "The ratio of the absorbance or optical density of a substance to that of a similar body of pure solvent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absorptiveness" ], "word": "absorbency", "num_translations": 14 }, "absolute": { "senses": [ "Free of restrictions, limitations, qualifications or conditions", "unconditional", "Free from imperfection, perfect, complete", "especially, perfectly embodying a quality in its essential characteristics or to its highest degree", "Pure, free from mixture or adulteration", "unmixed", "Complete, utter, outright", "unmitigated, not qualified or diminished in any way", "Positive, certain", "unquestionable", "Certain", "free from doubt or uncertainty", "Fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic", "not relative", "independent of references or relations to other things or standards", "Independent of arbitrary units of measurement, standards, or properties", "not comparative or relative", "Not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence", "not in a syntactical relation with other parts of a text, or qualifying the text as a whole rather than any single word in it, like \"it being over\" in \"it being over, she left\"", "Indicating an expression that is true for all real numbers, or of all values of the variable", "unconditional", "Pertaining to a grading system based on the knowledge of the individual and not on the comparative knowledge of the group of students", "Independent of other arts", "expressing things only in one art", "Absolved", "free" ], "antonyms": [ "conditional", "relative" ], "synonyms": [ "categorical", "autocratic", "independent" ], "word": "absolute", "num_translations": 153 }, "absolute1": { "senses": [ "That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental", "In a plane, the two imaginary circular points at infinity", "in space of three dimensions, the imaginary circle at infinity", "A realm which exists without reference to anything else", "that which can be imagined purely by itself", "The unity of spirit and nature", "God", "The whole of reality", "the totality to which everything is reduced", "Concentrated natural flower oil, used for perfumes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "absolute", "num_translations": 11 }, "absorbent1": { "senses": [ "Anything which absorbs", "The vessels by which the processes of absorption are carried on, as the lymphatics in animals, the extremities of the roots in plants", "Any substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid fluid in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, chalk, etc", "A liquid used in the process of separating gases or volatile liquids, in oil refining" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "absorbent", "num_translations": 14 }, "abstention": { "senses": [ "The act of restraining oneself", "The act of abstaining", "a holding aloof", "refraining from", "The act of declining to vote on a particular issue", "Non-participation in the political world", "as a country avoiding international affairs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abstention", "num_translations": 31 }, "abstinence": { "senses": [ "The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from indulging a desire or appetite", "The practice of self-denial", "self-restraint", "forebearance from anything", "Self-denial", "abstaining", "or forebearance of anything", "Delay of spending to accrue capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abstinence", "num_translations": 79 }, "abstract": { "senses": [ "An abridgement or summary of a longer publication", "Something that concentrates in itself the qualities of a larger item, or multiple items", "The theoretical way of looking at things", "something that exists only in idealized form", "A summary title of the key points detailing a tract of land, for ownership" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abridgment" ], "word": "abstract", "num_translations": 137 }, "abstract1": { "senses": [ "Derived", "extracted", "Drawn away", "removed from", "apart from", "separate", "Expressing a property or attribute separately of an object that is considered to be inherent to that object", "Considered apart from any application to a particular object", "not concrete", "ideal", "non-specific", "general, as opposed to specific", "Difficult to understand", "abstruse", "hard to conceptualize", "Absent-minded", "Pertaining to the formal aspect of art, such as the lines, colors, shapes, and the relationships among them", "Insufficiently factual", "Apart from practice or reality", "vague", "theoretical", "impersonal", "not applied", "As a noun, denoting an intangible as opposed to an object, place, or person", "Of a class in object-oriented programming, being a partial basis for subclasses rather than a complete template for objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abstract", "num_translations": 95 }, "abstract2": { "senses": [ "To separate", "to disengage", "To remove", "to take away", "withdraw", "To steal", "to take away", "to remove without permission", "To summarize", "to abridge", "to epitomize", "To extract by means of distillation", "to contemplate separately or by itself", "to consider theoretically", "to look at as a general quality", "To withdraw oneself", "to retire", "To draw off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "remove", "abridge", "filch" ], "word": "abstract", "num_translations": 106 }, "absorb": { "senses": [ "To include so that it no longer has separate existence", "to overwhelm", "to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up", "to incorporate", "to assimilate", "to take in and use up", "To engulf, as in water", "to swallow up", "To suck up", "to drink in", "to imbibe, like a sponge or as the lacteals of the body", "to chemically take in", "To take in energy and convert it, as", "To engross or engage wholly", "to occupy fully", "To occupy or consume time", "Assimilate mentally", "To assume or pay for as part of a commercial transaction", "To defray the costs", "To accept or purchase in quantity" ], "antonyms": [ "emit" ], "synonyms": [ "assimilate", "draw", "drink in", "imbibe", "soak up", "sop up", "suck", "suck up", "steep", "take in", "take up", "use up", "engage", "assume", "to take in" ], "word": "absorb", "num_translations": 227 }, "abstraction": { "senses": [ "The act of abstracting, separating, withdrawing, or taking away", "withdrawal", "the state of being taken away", "A separation from worldly objects", "a recluse life", "the withdrawal from one's senses", "The act of focusing on one characteristic of an object rather than the object as a whole group of characteristics", "the act of separating said qualities from the object or ideas", "The act of comparing commonality between distinct objects and organizing using those similarities", "the act of generalizing characteristics", "the product of said generalization", "An idea or notion of an abstract or theoretical nature", "Absence or absorption of mind", "inattention to present objects", "preoccupation", "An abstract creation, or piece of art", "qualities of artwork that are free from representational aspects", "A separation of volatile parts by the act of distillation", "An idea of an unrealistic or visionary nature", "The result of mentally abstracting an idea", "the results of said process", "The merging of two river valleys by the larger of the two deepening and widening so much so, as to assimilate the smaller", "Any generalization technique that ignores or hides details to capture some kind of commonality between different instances for the purpose of controlling the intellectual complexity of engineered systems, particularly software systems" ], "antonyms": [ "specialization", "concretization" ], "synonyms": [ "universalization" ], "word": "abstraction", "num_translations": 41 }, "absurd": { "senses": [ "Contrary to reason or propriety", "obviously and flatly opposed to manifest truth", "inconsistent with the plain dictates of common sense", "logically contradictory", "nonsensical", "ridiculous", "silly", "Inharmonious", "dissonant", "Having no rational or orderly relationship to people's lives", "meaningless", "lacking order or value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foolish", "Thesaurus:absurd" ], "word": "absurd", "num_translations": 58 }, "abuse": { "senses": [ "Improper treatment or usage", "application to a wrong or bad purpose", "an unjust, corrupt or wrongful practice or custom", "Misuse", "improper use", "perversion", "A delusion", "an imposture", "misrepresentation", "deception", "Coarse, insulting speech", "abusive language", "language that unjustly or angrily vilifies", "Catachresis", "Physical maltreatment", "injury", "cruel treatment", "Violation", "defilement", "rape", "forcing of undesired sexual activity by one person on another, often on a repeated basis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "invective" ], "word": "abuse", "num_translations": 167 }, "abuse1": { "senses": [ "To put to a wrong use", "to misapply", "to use improperly", "to misuse", "to use for a wrong purpose or end", "to pervert", "To injure", "to maltreat", "to hurt", "to treat with cruelty, especially repeatedly", "To attack with coarse language", "to insult", "to revile", "malign", "to speak in an offensive manner to or about someone", "to disparage", "To imbibe a drug for a purpose other than it was intended", "to intentionally take more of a drug than was prescribed for recreational reasons", "to take illegal drugs habitually", "To violate", "defile", "to rape", "Misrepresent", "adulterate", "To deceive", "to trick", "to impose on", "misuse the confidence of", "Disuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abuse", "num_translations": 146 }, "abundance": { "senses": [ "A large quantity", "many", "An overflowing fullness or ample sufficiency", "profusion", "copious supply", "superfluity", "plentifulness", "Wealth", "affluence", "plentiful amount of resources", "Frequency, amount, ratio of something within a given environment or sample", "A bid to take nine or more tricks in solo whist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heap", "exuberance", "riches" ], "word": "abundance", "num_translations": 70 }, "abundant": { "senses": [ "Fully sufficient", "found in copious supply", "in great quantity", "overflowing", "Richly supplied", "wealthy", "possessing in great quantity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ample", "bountiful", "copious", "exuberant", "liberal", "overflowing", "plenteous", "plentiful", "profuse", "rich", "teeming", "Thesaurus:abundant" ], "word": "abundant", "num_translations": 71 }, "abutment": { "senses": [ "The point of junction between two things, in particular a support, that abuts", "The solid portion of a structure that supports the lateral pressure of an arch or vault", "A construction that supports the ends of a bridge", "a structure that anchors the cables on a suspension bridge", "Something that abuts, or on which something abuts", "The state of abutting", "That element that shares a common boundary or surface with its neighbor", "The tooth that supports a denture or bridge", "A fixed point or surface where resistance is obtained" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abutment", "num_translations": 24 }, "abyss": { "senses": [ "Hell", "the bottomless pit", "primeval chaos", "a confined subterranean ocean", "A bottomless or unfathomed depth, gulf, or chasm", "hence, any deep, immeasurable", "any void space", "Anything infinite, immeasurable, or profound", "Moral depravity", "vast intellectual or moral depth", "An impending catastrophic happening", "The center of an escutcheon", "A difference, especially a large difference, between groups" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gulf" ], "word": "abyss", "num_translations": 156 }, "academic": { "senses": [ "Belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato", "Belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning", "also a scholarly society or organization", "Theoretical or speculative", "abstract", "scholarly, literary or classical, in distinction to practical or vocational", "Having little practical use or value, as by being overly detailed, unengaging, or theoretical: having no practical importance", "Having a love of or aptitude for learning", "Conforming to set rules and traditions", "conventional", "formalistic", "So scholarly as to be unaware of the outside world", "lacking in worldliness", "Subscribing to the architectural standards of Vitruvius", "Study of humanities topics rather than science and engineering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "academic", "num_translations": 94 }, "academic1": { "senses": [ "A follower of Plato, a Platonist", "A senior member of an academy, college, or university", "a person who attends an academy", "a person engaged in scholarly pursuits", "A member of the Academy", "A student in a college" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "academic", "num_translations": 55 }, "academy": { "senses": [ "The garden where Plato taught Brown, Lesley, ed The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 5th Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003", "Plato's philosophical system based on skepticism", "Plato's followers", "An institution for the study of higher learning", "a college or a university", "typically a private school", "A school or place of training in which some special art is taught", "A society of learned people united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science", "Academia", "A body of established opinion in a particular field, regarded as authoritative", "A school directly funded by central government, independent of local control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "learned society" ], "word": "academy", "num_translations": 171 }, "accelerate": { "senses": [ "To cause to move faster", "to quicken the motion of", "to add to the speed of", "To quicken the natural or ordinary progression or process of", "To cause a change of velocity", "To hasten, as the occurrence of an event", "To enable a student to finish a course of study in less than normal time", "To become faster", "to begin to move more quickly", "Grow", "increase" ], "antonyms": [ "decelerate", "retard", "unaccelerate" ], "synonyms": [ "hasten", "expedite", "advance" ], "word": "accelerate", "num_translations": 136 }, "acceleration": { "senses": [ "The act of accelerating, or the state of being accelerated", "increase of motion or action", "as opposed to retardation or deceleration", "The amount by which a speed or velocity increases", "The change of velocity with respect to time", "The advancement of students at a rate that places them ahead of where they would be in the regular school curriculum" ], "antonyms": [ "deceleration" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "acceleration", "num_translations": 162 }, "accelerator": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, accelerates", "A device for causing acceleration", "A substance which speeds up chemical reactions", "A pedal causing the vehicle to accelerate when it is pressed", "A chemical that reduces development time", "A device that accelerates charged subatomic particles", "A muscle or nerve that speed the performance of an action", "A light van to take mails between a post office and a railway station" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gas pedal", "throttle", "go pedal", "particle accelerator", "atom smasher" ], "word": "accelerator", "num_translations": 95 }, "accomplished": { "senses": [ "Completed", "effected", "established", "Having many accomplishments, often as a result of study or training", "Showing skill and artistry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accomplished", "num_translations": 43 }, "accomplish": { "senses": [ "To finish successfully", "To complete, as time or distance", "To execute fully", "to fulfill", "to complete successfully", "To equip or furnish thoroughly", "hence, to complete in acquirements", "to polish", "To gain", "to obtain", "to fill out a form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "do", "perform", "fulfill", "realize", "effect", "effectuate", "complete", "consummate", "execute", "achieve", "perfect", "equip", "furnish", "carry out" ], "word": "accomplish", "num_translations": 66 }, "accent": { "senses": [ "A higher-pitched or stronger articulation of a particular syllable of a word or phrase in order to distinguish it from the others or to emphasize it", "Emphasis or importance in general", "Modulation of the voice in speaking", "the manner of speaking or pronouncing", "a peculiar or characteristic modification of the voice, expressing emotion", "tone", "The distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc, whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker", "the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect", "A distinctive manner of producing a sign language, such as someone who does not normally use a certain sign language might have when using it", "A word", "a significant tone or sound", "Expressions in general", "speech", "Stress laid on certain syllables of a verse", "A regularly recurring stress upon the tone to mark the beginning, and, more feebly, the third part of the measure", "A special emphasis of a tone, even in the weaker part of the measure", "The expressive emphasis and shading of a passage", "A mark used to represent specific stress on a note", "A mark placed at the right hand of a letter, and a little above it, to distinguish magnitudes of a similar kind expressed by the same letter, but differing in value, as y, y", "A mark at the right hand of a number, indicating minutes of a degree, seconds, etc, as in 12' 27, meaning twelve minutes and twenty-seven seconds", "A mark used to denote feet and inches, as in 6' 10, meaning six feet ten inches", "Emphasis laid on a part of an artistic design or composition", "an emphasized detail, in particular a detail in sharp contrast to its surroundings", "A very small gemstone set into a piece of jewellery", "A distinctive feature or quality", "Utterance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accent", "num_translations": 318 }, "accent1": { "senses": [ "To mark emphatically", "to emphasize", "to make prominent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accent", "num_translations": 29 }, "accentuate": { "senses": [ "To pronounce with an accent or vocal stress", "To bring out distinctly", "to make more noticeable or prominent", "to emphasize", "To mark with a written accent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accent" ], "word": "accentuate", "num_translations": 71 }, "access": { "senses": [ "A way or means of approaching or entering", "an entrance", "a passage", "The act of approaching or entering", "an advance", "The right or ability of approaching or entering", "admittance", "admission", "The quality of being easy to approach or enter", "Admission to sexual intercourse", "An increase by addition", "An onset, attack, or fit of disease", "an ague fit", "An outburst of an emotion", "a paroxysm", "a fit of passion", "The right of a noncustodial parent to visit their child", "The process of locating data in memory", "Connection to or communication with a computer program or to the Internet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "access", "num_translations": 162 }, "acclaim": { "senses": [ "To shout", "to call out", "To shout approval", "to express great approval", "To salute or praise with great approval", "to compliment", "to applaud", "to welcome enthusiastically", "To claim", "To declare by acclamations", "To elect to an office by having no opposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "acclaim", "num_translations": 56 }, "accomplice": { "senses": [ "An associate in the commission of a crime", "a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory", "A cooperator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abettor" ], "word": "accomplice", "num_translations": 88 }, "accompany": { "senses": [ "To go with or attend as a companion or associate", "to keep company with", "to go along with", "To supplement with", "add to", "To associate in a company", "to keep company", "To cohabit", "To cohabit with", "to coexist with", "occur with", "To be found at the same time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attend" ], "word": "accompany", "num_translations": 107 }, "accompaniment": { "senses": [ "A part, usually performed by instruments, that gives support or adds to the background in music, or adds for ornamentation", "also, the harmony of a figured bass", "That which accompanies", "something that attends as a circumstance, or which is added to give greater completeness to the principal thing, or by way of ornament, or for the sake of symmetry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attachment" ], "word": "accompaniment", "num_translations": 39 }, "accession": { "senses": [ "A coming to", "the act of acceding and becoming joined", "Increase by something added", "that which is added", "augmentation from without", "A mode of acquiring property, by which the owner of a corporeal substance which receives an addition by growth, or by labor, has a right to the part or thing added, or the improvement", "The act by which one power becomes party to engagements already in force between other powers", "The act of coming to or reaching a throne, an office, or dignity", "The invasion, approach, or commencement of a disease", "a fit or paroxysm", "Agreement", "Access", "admittance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accession", "num_translations": 39 }, "accessory": { "senses": [ "Having a secondary, supplementary or subordinate function by accompanying as a subordinate", "aiding in a secondary way", "being additional", "being connected as an incident or subordinate to a principal", "contributing or being contributory Said of people and things, and, when of people, usually in a bad sense", "Assisting a crime without actually participating in committing the crime itself", "Present in a minor amount, and not essential" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accompanying" ], "word": "accessory", "num_translations": 43 }, "accessory1": { "senses": [ "Something that belongs to part of another main thing", "something additional and subordinate, an attachment", "An article that completes one's basic outfit, such as a scarf or gloves", "A person who is not present at a crime, but contributes to it as an assistant or instigator", "Something in a work of art without being indispensably necessary, for example solely ornamental parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accompaniment", "abettor" ], "word": "accessory", "num_translations": 80 }, "affix": { "senses": [ "an appendage", "A bound morpheme added to the word's stem's end", "A bound morpheme added to a word's stem", "a prefix, suffix etc", "The complex number a+bi associated with the point in the Gauss plane with coordinates", "Any small feature, as a figure, a flower, or the like, added for ornament to a vessel or other utensil, to an architectural feature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affix", "num_translations": 70 }, "affix1": { "senses": [ "To attach", "To subjoin, annex, or add at the close or end", "to append to", "To fix or fasten figuratively", "with on or upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affix", "num_translations": 15 }, "greek": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant, resident, or person of descent from Greece", "Unintelligible speech or text, such as foreign speech or text, or regarding subjects the listener is not familiar with, such as mathematics or technical jargon", "or statements that the listener does not understand or agree with", "A cunning rogue", "a merry fellow", "Anal sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Greek", "num_translations": 254 }, "greek1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a fraternity or sorority", "Unintelligible, especially regarding foreign speech or text, or regarding subjects the speaker is not familiar with, such as mathematics or technical jargon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Graeco-", "Grecian", "Hellenic", "Helleno-" ], "word": "Greek", "num_translations": 96 }, "smiley1": { "senses": [ "A simplified representation of a smiling face", "A sequence of keyboard characters used to represent a happy mood, especially:) or:-) or other depiction of smiling", "An improvised street weapon consisting of a length of chain with padlocks and other heavy objects affixed to one end", "A roasted sheep's head", "The type of piercing of the upper frenulum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smiley face", "emoticon" ], "word": "smiley", "num_translations": 20 }, "accost": { "senses": [ "To approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request", "To join side to side", "to border", "To sail along the coast or side of", "To approach", "to come up to", "To speak to first", "to address", "to greet", "To adjoin", "to lie alongside", "To assault", "To solicit sexually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accost", "num_translations": 37 }, "accountability": { "senses": [ "The state of being accountable", "liability to be called on to render an account", "accountableness", "responsible for", "answerable for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accountableness" ], "word": "accountability", "num_translations": 38 }, "accountable": { "senses": [ "Obliged, when called upon, to answer", "answerable", "Obliged to keep accurate records", "Liable to be called on to render an account", "Capable of being accounted for", "explicable", "explainable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amenable" ], "word": "accountable", "num_translations": 36 }, "accountant": { "senses": [ "One who renders account", "one accountable", "A reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person", "One who is skilled in, keeps, or adjusts, accounts", "an officer in a public office, who has charge of the accounts", "One whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another The records are usually, but not always, financial records" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accountant", "num_translations": 208 }, "accredit": { "senses": [ "To ascribe", "attribute", "credit with", "To put or bring into credit", "to invest with credit or authority", "to sanction", "To send with letters credential, as an ambassador, envoy, or diplomatic agent", "to authorize, as a messenger or delegate", "To believe", "to put trust in", "To enter on the credit side of an account book", "To certify as meeting a predetermined standard", "to certify an educational institution as upholding the specified standards necessary for the students to advance", "To recognize as outstanding", "To credit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accredit", "num_translations": 38 }, "accretion": { "senses": [ "The act of increasing by natural growth", "especially the increase of organic bodies by the internal accession of parts", "organic growth", "The act of increasing, or the matter added, by an accession of parts externally", "an extraneous addition", "Something added externally to promote growth the external growth of an item", "Concretion", "coherence of separate particles", "A growing together of parts naturally separate, as of the fingers or toes", "The gradual increase of land by deposition of water-borne sediment", "The adhering of property to something else, by which the owner of one thing becomes possessed of a right to another", "generally, gain of land by the washing up of sand or sail from the sea or a river, or by a gradual recession of the water from the usual watermark", "Gain to an heir or legatee", "failure of a coheir to the same succession, or a co-legatee of the same thing, to take his share percentage" ], "antonyms": [ "decay", "erosion", "attrition" ], "synonyms": [ "growth" ], "word": "accretion", "num_translations": 26 }, "accrue": { "senses": [ "To increase, to augment", "to come to by way of increase", "to arise or spring as a growth or result", "to be added as increase, profit, or damage, especially as the produce of money lent", "To be incurred as a result of the passage of time", "to accumulate", "To become an enforceable and permanent right" ], "antonyms": [ "amortize" ], "synonyms": [ "rise", "add up" ], "word": "accrue", "num_translations": 37 }, "accumulate": { "senses": [ "To heap up in a mass", "to pile up", "to collect or bring together", "To grow or increase in quantity or number", "to increase greatly", "To take a higher degree at the same time with a lower degree, or at a shorter interval than usual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accumulate", "num_translations": 67 }, "accumulation": { "senses": [ "The act of amassing or gathering, as into a pile", "The process of growing into a heap or a large amount", "A mass of something piled up or collected", "The concurrence of several titles to the same proof", "The continuous growth of capital by retention of interest or savings", "The action of investors buying an asset from other investors when the price of the asset is low", "The practice of taking two higher degrees simultaneously, to reduce the length of study" ], "antonyms": [ "decumulation" ], "synonyms": [ "retained earnings" ], "word": "accumulation", "num_translations": 30 }, "accumulator": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, accumulates", "A wet-cell storage battery", "A collective bet on successive events, with both stake and winnings being carried forward to accumulate progressively", "A system of elastic springs for relieving the strain upon a rope, as in deep-sea dredging", "A vessel containing pressurized hot water ready for release as steam", "A container which stores hydraulic power for release, in the form of a pressurized fluid", "A register in a calculator or computer used for holding the intermediate results of a computation or data transfer", "A derivative contract under which the seller commits to sell shares of an underlying security at a certain strike price, which the buyer is obligated to buy", "One who takes two higher degrees simultaneously, to reduce their length of study" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collector", "parlay", "share forward accumulator", "shock absorber" ], "word": "accumulator", "num_translations": 55 }, "accuracy": { "senses": [ "The state of being accurate", "being free from mistakes, this exemption arising from carefulness", "exactness", "correctness", "Exact conformity to truth, or to a rule or model", "degree of conformity of a measure to a true or standard value" ], "antonyms": [ "inaccuracy" ], "synonyms": [ "correctness", "truthfulness" ], "word": "accuracy", "num_translations": 73 }, "accusation": { "senses": [ "The act of accusing", "A formal charge brought against a person in a court of law", "An allegation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allegation", "assertion", "censure", "charge", "crimination", "impeachment" ], "word": "accusation", "num_translations": 98 }, "accustom": { "senses": [ "To make familiar by use", "to cause to accept", "to habituate, familiarize, or inure", "To be wont", "To cohabit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "habituate" ], "word": "accustom", "num_translations": 28 }, "australia": { "senses": [ "country cont/Oceania", "* 1814, Matthew Flinders, A Voyage to Terra Australis, volume 1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aussie", "Meganesia" ], "word": "Australia", "num_translations": 253 }, "brunei": { "senses": [ "country r/Southeast Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Negara Brunei Darussalam" ], "word": "Brunei", "num_translations": 102 }, "belarus": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Belorussia", "Bielorussia", "Byelorussia", "White Russia" ], "word": "Belarus", "num_translations": 185 }, "burp": { "senses": [ "A belch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belch" ], "word": "burp", "num_translations": 65 }, "curvaceous": { "senses": [ "Having shapely and voluptuous curves", "curvy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:voluptuous" ], "word": "curvaceous", "num_translations": 19 }, "ace": { "senses": [ "A single point or spot on a playing card or die", "The ball marked with the number 1 in pool and related games", "A very small quantity or degree", "a particle", "an atom", "a jot", "A serve won without the opponent hitting the ball", "A single point won by a stroke, as in handball, rackets, etc", "The best pitcher on the team", "A run", "A hole in one", "An expert at something", "A military aircraft pilot who is credited with shooting down many enemy aircraft, typically five or more", "A perfect score on a school exam", "Any of various hesperiid butterflies", "A quark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ace", "num_translations": 175 }, "acetylene": { "senses": [ "Any organic compound having one or more carbon-carbon triple bonds", "an alkyne", "Ethyne", "the simplest alkyne, a hydrocarbon of formula HC\u2261CH It is a colourless, odorless gas, formerly used as an illuminating gas, but now used in welding or metallurgy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ethyne" ], "word": "acetylene", "num_translations": 35 }, "achieve": { "senses": [ "To succeed in something, now especially in academic performance", "To carry out successfully", "to accomplish", "To conclude, finish, especially successfully", "To obtain, or gain , as the result of exertion", "to succeed in gaining", "to win", "To conclude, to turn out", "To obtain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accomplish" ], "word": "achieve", "num_translations": 82 }, "achillesheel": { "senses": [ "A vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation", "The Achilles' tendon, the tendo Achillis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soft spot", "Thesaurus:weak spot" ], "word": "Achillesheel", "num_translations": 39 }, "acidic": { "senses": [ "Having a pH less than 7, or being sour, or having the strength to neutralize alkalis, or turning a litmus paper red", "Containing a high percentage of silica", "opposed to basic", "Of or relating to acid", "having the character of an acid" ], "antonyms": [ "basic" ], "synonyms": [ "acid" ], "word": "acidic", "num_translations": 42 }, "acidify": { "senses": [ "to make something acidic or sour", "to convert into an acid", "to sour, to embitter" ], "antonyms": [ "alkalify", "basify" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "acidify", "num_translations": 29 }, "initialpublicoffering": { "senses": [ "The first offering to members of the public of stock in a company, normally followed by a listing of that stock on a stock exchange" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "float", "go public" ], "word": "initialpublicoffering", "num_translations": 18 }, "poison": { "senses": [ "A substance that is harmful or lethal to a living organism", "Something that harms a person or thing", "A drink", "liquor", "Any substance that inhibits catalytic activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atter" ], "word": "poison", "num_translations": 210 }, "poison1": { "senses": [ "To pollute", "To cause to become much worse", "To cause to hate or to have unfair negative opinions", "To inhibit the catalytic activity of", "To place false information into as part of an exploit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contaminate", "corrupt" ], "word": "poison", "num_translations": 115 }, "quotation": { "senses": [ "A price that has been quoted for buying or selling", "The act of setting a price", "A quota, a share" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quote" ], "word": "quotation", "num_translations": 71 }, "general": { "senses": [ "Including or involving every part or member of a given or implied entity, whole etc", "as opposed to specific or particular", "Applied to a person to indicate supreme rank, in civil or military titles, and later in other terms", "pre-eminent", "Prevalent or widespread among a given class or area", "common, usual", "Not limited in use or application", "applicable to the whole or every member of a class or category", "Giving or consisting of only the most important aspects of something, ignoring minor details", "indefinite", "Not limited to a specific class", "miscellaneous, concerned with all branches of a given subject or area" ], "antonyms": [ "particular", "abnormal" ], "synonyms": [ "broad", "typical" ], "word": "general", "num_translations": 147 }, "general1": { "senses": [ "A great strategist or tactician", "The head of certain religious orders, especially Dominicans or Jesuits", "A commander of naval forces", "an admiral", "a maid with no specific duties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "general", "num_translations": 88 }, "choir": { "senses": [ "Singing group", "group of people who sing together", "company of people who are trained to sing together", "One of the nine ranks or orders of angels", "Set of strings for a harpsichord" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "choir", "num_translations": 102 }, "shuttle": { "senses": [ "The part of a loom that carries the woof back and forth between the warp threads", "The sliding thread holder in a sewing machine, which carries the lower thread through a loop of the upper thread, to make a lock stitch", "A transport service that goes back and forth between two places, sometimes more", "Such a transport vehicle", "Any other item that moves repeatedly back and forth between two positions, possibly transporting something else with it between those points", "A shutter, as for a channel for molten metal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shuttle", "num_translations": 69 }, "map": { "senses": [ "A visual representation of an area, whether real or imaginary", "A graphical representation of the relationships between objects, components or themes", "A function", "The face", "An imaginary or fictional area, often predefined and confined, where a game or a session thereof takes place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plan", "chart", "mapping", "level" ], "word": "map", "num_translations": 229 }, "map1": { "senses": [ "To create a visual representation of a territory, etc via cartography", "To inform someone of a particular idea", "To act as a function on something, taking it to something else", "To have a direct relationship", "to correspond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "map", "num_translations": 29 }, "index": { "senses": [ "An alphabetical listing of items and their location", "the forefinger", "A movable finger on a gauge, scale, etc", "A symbol resembling a pointing hand, used to direct particular attention to a note or paragraph", "That which points out", "that which shows, indicates, manifests, or discloses", "A sign", "an indication", "a token", "A single number calculated from an array of prices or of quantities", "A number representing a property or ratio, a coefficient", "A raised suffix indicating a power", "An integer or other key indicating the location of data eg within an array, vector, database table, associative array, or hash table", "A data structure that improves the performance of operations on a table", "A prologue indicating what follows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arrow-finger", "demonstrator", "forefinger", "index finger", "insignitor", "lickpot", "pointling", "showing finger", "teacher", "Thesaurus:index finger" ], "word": "index", "num_translations": 145 }, "index1": { "senses": [ "To inventory, to take stock", "To normalise in order to account for inflation", "to indicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "index", "num_translations": 16 }, "afghan1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pashtun", "Pashto" ], "word": "Afghan", "num_translations": 26 }, "wales": { "senses": [ "One of the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom, formerly a principality", "The area in which the Welsh language and culture predominated, roughly coincident with the modern country", "surname", "city s/Alaska", "village metbor/Rotherham co/South Yorkshire cc/England", "town s/Maine", "town s/Massachusetts", "town s/New York", "city s/North Dakota", "submerged ghost town p/Ontario c/Canada", "town s/Utah", "village s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Welshland", "The Principality" ], "word": "Wales", "num_translations": 122 }, "easttimor": { "senses": [ "A country in Oceania on the eastern half of the island of Timor Official name: Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Timor-Leste" ], "word": "EastTimor", "num_translations": 84 }, "turksandcaicosislands": { "senses": [ "A British overseas territory in the Caribbean, abbreviated as TCI" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Turks and Caicos" ], "word": "TurksandCaicosIslands", "num_translations": 28 }, "srilanka": { "senses": [ "The island comprising most of this country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ceylon", "Serendib", "Serendip" ], "word": "SriLanka", "num_translations": 116 }, "storm": { "senses": [ "Any disturbed state of the atmosphere, especially as affecting the earth's surface, and strongly implying destructive or unpleasant weather", "A violent agitation of human society", "a civil, political, or domestic commotion", "violent outbreak", "a wind scale for very strong wind, stronger than a gale, less than a hurricane", "A violent assault on a stronghold or fortified position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "storm", "num_translations": 262 }, "storm1": { "senses": [ "To rage or fume", "to be in a violent temper", "To assault with military forces", "To have the weather be violent, with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "storm", "num_translations": 37 }, "russia": { "senses": [ "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", "Rus, the medieval East Slavic state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Russian Federation" ], "word": "Russia", "num_translations": 307 }, "gag": { "senses": [ "A device to restrain speech, such as a rag in the mouth secured with tape or a rubber ball threaded onto a cord or strap", "An order or rule forbidding discussion of a case or subject", "A joke or other mischievous prank", "a device or trick used to create a practical effect", "a gimmick", "A convulsion of the upper digestive tract", "A mouthful that makes one retch or choke", "Mycteroperca microlepis, a species of grouper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gag order", "Thesaurus:joke" ], "word": "gag", "num_translations": 39 }, "gag1": { "senses": [ "To experience the vomiting reflex", "To cause to heave with nausea", "To restrain someone's speech by blocking his or her mouth", "To restrain someone's speech without using physical means", "To choke", "to retch", "To deceive", "to con" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gag", "num_translations": 26 }, "money": { "senses": [ "A legally or socially binding conceptual contract of entitlement to wealth, void of intrinsic value, payable for all debts and taxes, and regulated in supply", "A generally accepted means of exchange and measure of value", "A currency maintained by a state or other entity which can guarantee its value", "Hard cash in the form of banknotes and coins, as opposed to cheques/checks, credit cards, or credit more generally", "The total value of liquid assets available for an individual or other economic unit, such as cash and bank deposits", "Wealth", "a person, family or class that possesses wealth", "An item of value between two or more parties used for the exchange of goods or services", "A person who funds an operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beer ticket", "Thesaurus:money" ], "word": "money", "num_translations": 477 }, "ask": { "senses": [ "To request", "To put forward to be answered", "To interrogate or enquire of", "To request or petition", "usually with for", "To request permission to do something", "To require, demand, claim, or expect, whether by way of remuneration or return, or as a matter of necessity", "To invite", "To publish in church for marriage", "said of both the banns and the persons", "To take as an example" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ask", "num_translations": 341 }, "night": { "senses": [ "The period of darkness beginning at the end of evening astronomical twilight when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon, and ending at the beginning of morning astronomical twilight", "Darkness" ], "antonyms": [ "day", "brightness" ], "synonyms": [ "evening", "sleep", "dark", "blackness" ], "word": "night", "num_translations": 247 }, "army": { "senses": [ "A large, highly organized military force, concerned mainly with ground operations", "A large group of people working toward the same purpose", "A large group of social animals working toward the same purpose", "Any multitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "host", "here", "ferd" ], "word": "army", "num_translations": 307 }, "win": { "senses": [ "To conquer, defeat", "To reach some destination or object, despite difficulty or toil", "To triumph or achieve victory in", "To gain by succeeding in competition or contest", "To obtain by wooing", "to make an ally or friend of", "To achieve victory", "To have power, coercion or control", "To obtain", "To cause a victory for someone", "To extract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "win", "num_translations": 231 }, "win1": { "senses": [ "An individual victory", "A feat carried out successfully", "a victorious achievement", "Gain", "profit", "income", "Wealth", "goods owned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "win", "num_translations": 57 }, "drink": { "senses": [ "To consume through the mouth", "To consume the liquid contained within", "To consume alcoholic beverages", "To take in , in any manner", "to suck up", "to absorb", "to imbibe", "To take in", "to receive within one, through the senses", "to inhale", "to hear", "to see", "To smoke, as tobacco" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gulp", "drink alcohol", "hit the sauce" ], "word": "drink", "num_translations": 329 }, "drink1": { "senses": [ "A beverage", "A type of beverage", "A alcoholic beverage", "Alcoholic beverages in general", "Any body of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beverage", "beverage", "gulp", "beverage", "alcohol" ], "word": "drink", "num_translations": 348 }, "reminiscent": { "senses": [ "of, or relating to reminiscence", "suggestive of an earlier event or times", "tending to bring some memory etc to mind", "Remembering", "undergoing reminiscence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "evocative", "redolent", "remindful", "resonant" ], "word": "reminiscent", "num_translations": 18 }, "congo": { "senses": [ "country r/Central Africa", "country r/Central Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Congo-Brazzaville", "Congo-Kinshasa" ], "word": "Congo", "num_translations": 196 }, "britishvirginislands": { "senses": [ "A British overseas territory in the Caribbean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BVI" ], "word": "BritishVirginIslands", "num_translations": 36 }, "georgia": { "senses": [ "A > in the > region of > and >, on the coast of the Black Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gruzia" ], "word": "Georgia", "num_translations": 138 }, "georgia1": { "senses": [ "state c/United States", "A transitional serif typeface named after the state, designed by Matthew Carter in 1993" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jawjuh" ], "word": "Georgia", "num_translations": 49 }, "jordan": { "senses": [ "country r/Middle East", "river r/Middle East that empties into the Dead Sea, and after which the country is named", "male given name", "surname derived from the male given name", "female given name", "small town/county seat co/Garfield County s/Montana c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Jordan", "num_translations": 184 }, "puertorico": { "senses": [ "The island comprising most of that territory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PR" ], "word": "PuertoRico", "num_translations": 54 }, "westernsahara": { "senses": [ "A territory in northern Africa and a former Spanish colony, now mostly occupied by Morocco, which claims ownership over the territory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Spanish Sahara" ], "word": "WesternSahara", "num_translations": 74 }, "baby": { "senses": [ "A very young human, particularly from birth to a couple of years old or until walking is fully mastered", "Any very young animal, especially a vertebrate", "Unborn young", "a fetus", "A person who is immature or infantile", "The lastborn of a family", "the youngest sibling, irrespective of age", "Term of endearment for a girlfriend or boyfriend or spouse", "A form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive", "A pet project or responsibility", "An affectionate term for anything", "A small image of an infant", "a doll" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "babe", "Thesaurus:youngling", "big baby", "love" ], "word": "baby", "num_translations": 529 }, "baby1": { "senses": [ "Of a child: very young", "Of an animal: young", "Intended for babies", "Picked when small and immature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "little" ], "word": "baby", "num_translations": 20 }, "svalbard": { "senses": [ "A group of islands northeast of Greenland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Spitsbergen", "Greenland" ], "word": "Svalbard", "num_translations": 36 }, "yes": { "senses": [ "A word used to show agreement or acceptance", "A word used to indicate disagreement or dissent in reply to a negative statement", "Answer to a question presuming one answer when all answers are correct" ], "antonyms": [ "Standard form: no", "Nautical", "military", "telecommunications: negative", "Dialect or archaic forms: nay", "Colloquial or slang forms: ixnay", "nah", "naw", "nope" ], "synonyms": [ "Dialect or archaic forms: arr", "ay", "aye", "yea", "yassuh", "Nautical", "military", "telecommunications: affirmative", "Colloquial or slang forms: ya", "yah", "yeah", "yeh", "yep", "yeppers", "yup", "yuppers", "yus", "ahuh", "mhm", "uh huh", "Thesaurus:yes" ], "word": "yes", "num_translations": 337 }, "saintpierreandmiquelon": { "senses": [ "An overseas territory of France off the eastern coast of Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Territorial collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon" ], "word": "SaintPierreandMiquelon", "num_translations": 26 }, "skirmish": { "senses": [ "A brief battle between small groups, usually part of a longer or larger battle or war", "Any minor dispute", "A type of outdoor military style game using paintball or similar weapons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fight", "Thesaurus:dispute" ], "word": "skirmish", "num_translations": 42 }, "stand": { "senses": [ "To position or be positioned physically", "To position or be positioned mentally", "To position or be positioned socially", "Of a ship or its captain, to steer, sail", "To remain without ruin or injury", "To stop asking for more cards", "to keep one's hand as it has been dealt so far" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stand", "num_translations": 405 }, "stand1": { "senses": [ "A defensive position or effort", "A resolute, unwavering position", "firm opinion", "action for a purpose in the face of opposition", "A period of performance in a given location or venue", "A device to hold something upright or aloft", "The platform on which a witness testifies in court", "A particular grove or other group of trees or shrubs", "A contiguous group of trees sufficiently uniform in age-class distribution, composition, and structure, and growing on a site of sufficiently uniform quality, to be a distinguishable unit", "The situation of a shop, store, hotel, etc", "A partnership", "A single set, as of arms", "Rank", "post", "station", "A state of perplexity or embarrassment", "A young tree, usually reserved when other trees are cut", "A weight of from two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds, used in weighing pitch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stand", "num_translations": 178 }, "falklandislands": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Falklands", "Malvinas" ], "word": "FalklandIslands", "num_translations": 48 }, "bunk": { "senses": [ "One of a series of berths or beds placed in tiers", "A built-in bed on board ship, often erected in tiers one above the other", "A cot", "A wooden case or box, which serves for a seat in the daytime and for a bed at night", "A piece of wood placed on a lumberman's sled to sustain the end of heavy timbers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bunk", "num_translations": 38 }, "it": { "senses": [ "A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a child, especially of unknown gender", "The impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder for a delayed subject, or less commonly, object", "All or the end", "something after which there is no more", "what" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "it", "num_translations": 346 }, "derivative": { "senses": [ "Obtained by derivation", "not radical, original, or fundamental", "Imitative of the work of someone else", "Referring to a work, such as a translation or adaptation, based on another work that may be subject to copyright restrictions", "Having a value that depends on an underlying asset of variable value", "Lacking originality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "derivative", "num_translations": 20 }, "derivative1": { "senses": [ "Something derived", "A word that derives from another one", "A financial instrument whose value depends on the valuation of an underlying asset", "such as a warrant, an option etc", "A chemical derived from another", "The derived function of a function )", "The value of this function for a given value of its independent variable" ], "antonyms": [ "coincidental" ], "synonyms": [ "derivate", "derivate", "contingent claim", "derived function" ], "word": "derivative", "num_translations": 110 }, "abominablesnowman": { "senses": [ "A humanoid or apelike animal said to exist in the Himalayas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yeti" ], "word": "abominablesnowman", "num_translations": 21 }, "bigfoot": { "senses": [ "A very large, hairy, humanoid creature, similar to the yeti, said to live in the wilderness areas of the United States and Canada, especially the Pacific Northwest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sasquatch", "North American wood ape", "Skunk Ape", "Swamp Ape" ], "word": "Bigfoot", "num_translations": 17 }, "sasquatch": { "senses": [ "A large hairy humanoid creature of western North America", "a Bigfoot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bigfoot" ], "word": "sasquatch", "num_translations": 13 }, "radar": { "senses": [ "A method of detecting distant objects and determining their position, velocity, or other characteristics by analysis of sent radio waves reflected from their surfaces", "A type of system using such method, differentiated by platform, configuration, frequency, power, and other technical attributes", "An installation of such a system or of the transmitting and receiving apparatus", "A superior ability to detect something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RADAR" ], "word": "radar", "num_translations": 32 }, "icelandic": { "senses": [ "A North Germanic language, the national tongue of Iceland", "A native or inhabitant of Iceland", "an Icelander" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Icelandish" ], "word": "Icelandic", "num_translations": 67 }, "icelandic1": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the North Germanic language spoken in Iceland", "Of or relating to the natives or inhabitants of Iceland", "Of, relating to, or originating from Iceland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Icelandish" ], "word": "Icelandic", "num_translations": 81 }, "yiddish": { "senses": [ "Jewish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jewish" ], "word": "Yiddish", "num_translations": 33 }, "yiddish1": { "senses": [ "A West Germanic language that developed from Middle High German dialects, with an admixture of vocabulary from multiple source languages including Hebrew-Aramaic, Romance, Slavic, English, etc, and written in Hebrew characters which is used mainly among Ashkenazic Jews from central and eastern Europe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jewish" ], "word": "Yiddish", "num_translations": 74 }, "idcard": { "senses": [ "A card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "identity card" ], "word": "IDcard", "num_translations": 100 }, "hiv": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"human immunodeficiency virus\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HIV virus" ], "word": "HIV", "num_translations": 35 }, "macedonia": { "senses": [ "An ancient Greek kingdom, located to the north of Thessaly, comprising the Greek city of Thessaloniki and its surroundings", "The part of that region which is in south-western Bulgaria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Macedon", "Macedonia-Skopje", "North Macedonia", "Northern Macedonia", "Republic of Macedonia", "Republic of North Macedonia", "Republic of Northern Macedonia", "Socialist Republic of Macedonia", "Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", "former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", "FYROM", "New Macedonia", "Vardar Macedonia", "Aegean Macedonia", "Greek Macedonia", "South Macedonia", "Southern Macedonia", "Pirin Macedonia", "Bulgarian Macedonia", "Greater Macedonia" ], "word": "Macedonia", "num_translations": 231 }, "northernmarianas": { "senses": [ "A commonwealth in political union with the United States of America", "placed in Oceania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands" ], "word": "NorthernMarianas", "num_translations": 32 }, "usvirginislands": { "senses": [ "A group of islands in the Caribbean that is a dependency of the United States Official name: Virgin Islands of the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "United States Virgin Islands", "U.S. Virgin Islands", "U.S.V.I" ], "word": "USVirginIslands", "num_translations": 26 }, "president": { "senses": [ "The head of state of a republic", "Primary leader of a corporation Not to be confused with CEO, which is a related but separate position that is sometimes held by a different person", "A person presiding over a meeting, chair, presiding officer, presider", "obsolete form of \"precedent\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "POTUS", "provost", "prepositus", "prexy" ], "word": "president", "num_translations": 230 }, "security": { "senses": [ "The condition of not being threatened, especially physically, psychologically, emotionally, or financially", "Something that secures", "Something that secures the fulfillment of an obligation or law", "Freedom from apprehension", "A tradeable financial asset, such as a share of stockW", "Proof of ownership of stocks, bonds or other investment instruments", "Property etc temporarily relinquished to guarantee repayment of a loan", "A guarantee", "Carelessness", "negligence" ], "antonyms": [ "insecurity" ], "synonyms": [ "safety", "protection", "guarantee", "Thesaurus:security" ], "word": "security", "num_translations": 200 }, "fuck": { "senses": [ "To have sexual intercourse, to copulate", "To have sexual intercourse with", "To insert one's penis, a dildo or other phallic object, into a specified orifice or cleft", "To put in an extremely difficult or impossible situation", "To defraud or otherwise treat badly", "Used to express great displeasure with someone or something", "To break, to destroy", "To make a joke at one's expense", "to make fun of in an embarrassing manner", "To throw, to lob something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fuck", "num_translations": 352 }, "thin": { "senses": [ "Having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite", "Very narrow in all diameters", "having a cross section that is small in all directions", "Having little body fat or flesh", "slim", "slender", "lean", "gaunt", "Of low viscosity or low specific gravity", "Scarce", "not close, crowded, or numerous", "not filling the space", "Describing a poorly played golf shot where the ball is struck by the bottom part of the club head See fat, shank, toe", "Lacking body or volume", "small", "feeble", "not full", "Slight", "small", "slender", "flimsy", "superficial", "inadequate", "not sufficient for a covering" ], "antonyms": [ "thick" ], "synonyms": [ "narrow", "fine", "reedy", "runny", "spaced out", "scant" ], "word": "thin", "num_translations": 345 }, "ground": { "senses": [ "Terrain", "Soil, earth", "The bottom of a body of water", "Reason, justification, cause", "Advantage given or gained in any contest", "eg in football, chess, debate or academic discourse", "The plain surface upon which the figures of an artistic composition are set", "In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief", "In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied", "In etching, a gummy substance spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle", "One of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which mouldings etc are attached", "A soccer stadium", "An electrical conductor connected to the earth, or a large conductor whose electrical potential is taken as zero", "The area of grass on which a match is played", "the entire arena in which it is played", "the part of the field behind a batsman's popping crease where he can not be run out", "A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody", "The tune on which descants are raised", "the plain song", "The pit of a theatre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earth" ], "word": "ground", "num_translations": 270 }, "ground1": { "senses": [ "To punish, especially a child or teenager, by forcing him/her to stay at home and/or give up certain privileges", "To forbid to fly", "To give a basic education in a particular subject", "to instruct in elements or first principles", "to strike the bottom and remain fixed", "To found", "to fix or set, as on a foundation, reason, or principle", "to fix firmly", "To improve or focus the mental or emotional state of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ground", "num_translations": 46 }, "close": { "senses": [ "To remove a gap", "To finish, to terminate", "To come or gather around", "to encompass", "to confine", "To have a vector sum of 0" ], "antonyms": [ "open", "open", "begin", "extend", "open" ], "synonyms": [ "close off", "shut", "end", "narrow", "close out" ], "word": "close", "num_translations": 337 }, "close1": { "senses": [ "An end or conclusion", "The manner of shutting", "the union of parts", "junction", "A grapple in wrestling", "The conclusion of a strain of music", "cadence", "A double bar marking the end", "The time when checkin staff will no longer accept passengers for a flight" ], "antonyms": [ "beginning" ], "synonyms": [ "end" ], "word": "close", "num_translations": 24 }, "close2": { "senses": [ "Narrow", "confined", "At a little distance", "near", "Intimate", "well-loved", "Oppressive", "without motion or ventilation", "causing a feeling of lassitude", "Hot, humid, with no wind", "Strictly confined", "carefully guarded", "Out of the way of observation", "secluded", "secret", "hidden", "Nearly equal", "almost evenly balanced", "Short", "Dense", "solid", "compact", "Concise", "to the point", "Difficult to obtain", "Parsimonious", "stingy", "Adhering strictly to a standard or original", "exact", "Accurate", "careful", "precise", "also, attentive", "undeviating", "strict", "Marked, evident" ], "antonyms": [ "distant", "aloof", "open" ], "synonyms": [ "close by", "intimate", "muggy", "high", "Thesaurus:compact" ], "word": "close", "num_translations": 130 }, "know": { "senses": [ "To perceive the truth or factuality of", "to be certain of or that", "To be aware of", "to be cognizant of", "To be acquainted or familiar with", "to have encountered", "To experience", "To be able to distinguish, to discern, particularly by contrast or comparison", "to recognize the nature of", "To recognize as the same after an absence or change", "To understand or have a grasp of through experience or study", "To have sexual relations with", "to have information, be informed", "To be or become aware or cognizant", "To be acquainted", "To be able to play or perform" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coitize" ], "word": "know", "num_translations": 554 }, "indian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to India or its people", "or of the East Indies", "Eastern", "Oriental", "Of or relating to the indigenous peoples of the Americas", "Designating any of various chess openings now characterised by black's attempt to control the board through knights and fianchettoed bishops rather than with a central pawn advance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Indish" ], "word": "Indian", "num_translations": 120 }, "indian1": { "senses": [ "A person from India", "A Native American, a member of one of the indigenous peoples of the Americas", "An indigenous inhabitant of Australia, New Zealand or the Pacific islands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asian Indian", "American Indian", "Thesaurus:Native American" ], "word": "Indian", "num_translations": 206 }, "create": { "senses": [ "To bring into existence", "To cause, to bring about by an action, behavior, or event, to occasion", "To confer or invest with a rank or title of nobility, to appoint, ordain or constitute", "To be or do something creative, imaginative, originative", "In theatre, to be the first performer of a role", "to originate a character", "To make a fuss, complain", "to shout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "create", "num_translations": 153 }, "efficacy": { "senses": [ "Ability to produce a desired effect under ideal testing conditions", "Degree of ability to produce a desired effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "efficacity" ], "word": "efficacy", "num_translations": 36 }, "couchpotato": { "senses": [ "A person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down, often watching television, eating snacks or drinking alcohol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "couchpotato", "num_translations": 20 }, "kill": { "senses": [ "To put to death", "to extinguish the life of", "To render inoperative", "To stop, cease or render void", "to terminate", "To amaze, exceed, stun or otherwise incapacitate", "To cause great pain, discomfort or distress to", "To produce feelings of dissatisfaction or revulsion in", "To use up or to waste", "To exert an overwhelming effect on", "To overpower, overwhelm or defeat", "To force a company out of business", "To produce intense pain", "To punish severely", "To strike with such force and placement as to make a shot that is impossible to defend against, usually winning a point", "To cause to be out of play, resulting in a stoppage of gameplay", "To succeed with an audience, especially in comedy", "To cause to assume the value zero", "To disconnect involuntarily from the network", "To deadmelt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assassinate", "bump off", "dispatch", "ice", "knock off", "liquidate", "murder", "rub out", "slaughter", "slay", "top", "whack", "fritter away", "break", "annihilate", "Thesaurus:kill" ], "word": "kill", "num_translations": 365 }, "kill1": { "senses": [ "Specifically, the death blow", "The grounding of the ball on the opponent's court, winning the rally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kill", "num_translations": 95 }, "buy": { "senses": [ "To obtain in exchange for money or goods", "To obtain by some sacrifice", "To bribe", "To be equivalent to in value", "to accept as true", "to believe", "To make a purchase or purchases, to treat", "To make a bluff, usually a large one" ], "antonyms": [ "cheap", "disbelieve" ], "synonyms": [ "cheap", "accept", "make a buy" ], "word": "buy", "num_translations": 233 }, "drug": { "senses": [ "A substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose", "A psychoactive substance, especially one which is illegal and addictive, ingested for recreational use, such as cocaine", "Anything, such as a substance, emotion or action, to which one is addicted", "Any commodity that lies on hand, or is not salable", "an article of slow sale, or in no demand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pharmaceutical" ], "word": "drug", "num_translations": 124 }, "after1": { "senses": [ "Subsequently to", "following in time", "later than", "Behind", "In pursuit of, seeking", "In allusion to, in imitation of", "following or referencing", "Next in importance or rank", "As a result of", "In spite of", "Used to indicate recent completion of an activity", "According to an author or text", "Denoting the aim or object", "concerning", "in relation to", "According to the direction and influence of", "in proportion to", "befitting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "after", "num_translations": 351 }, "here": { "senses": [ "In, on, or at this place", "To this place", "used in place of the more dated hither", "In this context", "At this point in the argument, narration, or other, usually written, work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "here", "num_translations": 342 }, "next": { "senses": [ "Nearest in place or position, having nothing similar intervening", "adjoining", "Nearest in order, succession, or rank", "immediately following in order", "Following in a hypothetical sequence of some kind", "Nearest in relationship" ], "antonyms": [ "previous", "last" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:former", "Thesaurus:subsequent" ], "word": "next", "num_translations": 178 }, "next2": { "senses": [ "In a time, place, rank or sequence closest or following", "On the first subsequent occasion" ], "antonyms": [ "previously" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "next", "num_translations": 55 }, "absinthe": { "senses": [ "The herb absinthium Artemisia absinthium", "essence of wormwood", "Bitterness", "sorrow", "A distilled, highly alcoholic, anise-flavored liquor originally made from grande wormwood, anise, and other herbs", "A moderate yellow green", "Sagebrush" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green fairy" ], "word": "absinthe", "num_translations": 83 }, "stylus": { "senses": [ "A sharp stick used in ancient times for writing on clay tablets or other surfaces", "a sharp tool for engraving", "A tool for making small dots on a piece of heavy paper, used to produce Braille writing for the blind by hand", "A phonograph needle", "synonym of \"style\"", "A small plastic stick used as a pen for writing on the touch-sensitive screen of an electronic device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stylus", "num_translations": 69 }, "catalan2": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to Catalonia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Catalonian" ], "word": "Catalan", "num_translations": 43 }, "give": { "senses": [ "To move, shift, provide something abstract or concrete to someone or something or somewhere", "To estimate or predict for", "To yield slightly when a force is applied", "To collapse under pressure or force", "To provide, as, a service or a broadcast", "To lead", "To provide a view of", "To exhibit as a product or result", "to produce", "to yield", "To cause", "to make", "used with the infinitive", "To cause to have", "produce in", "effectuate", "To allow or admit by way of supposition", "to concede", "To attribute", "to assign", "to adjudge", "To communicate or announce", "to pronounce or utter", "To grant power or permission to", "to allow", "To devote or apply", "To become soft or moist", "To shed tears", "to weep", "To have a misgiving", "To be going on, to be occurring" ], "antonyms": [ "get", "not bend/cede/flex/give/move/yield", "resist" ], "synonyms": [ "bend", "estimate" ], "word": "give", "num_translations": 249 }, "dare": { "senses": [ "To have enough courage", "To defy or challenge", "To have enough courage to meet or do something, go somewhere, etc", "to face up to", "To terrify", "to daunt", "To catch by producing terror through the use of mirrors, scarlet cloth, a hawk, etc, so that they lie still till a net is thrown over them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dare", "num_translations": 134 }, "dare1": { "senses": [ "A challenge to prove courage", "The quality of daring", "venturesomeness", "boldness", "Defiance", "challenge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dare", "num_translations": 12 }, "banana": { "senses": [ "An elongated curved tropical fruit that grows in bunches and has a creamy flesh and a smooth skin", "A person of Asian descent, especially a Chinese American, who has assimilated into Western culture or married a Caucasian Compare coconut or Oreo", "A catamorphism", "The penis" ], "antonyms": [ "egg" ], "synonyms": [ "jook-sing" ], "word": "banana", "num_translations": 269 }, "tiger": { "senses": [ "'''', a large predatory mammal of the cat family, indigenous to Asia", "A representation of a large mythological cat, used on a coat of arms", "A servant in livery, who rides with his master or mistress", "A leopard", "A person who is very athletic during sexual intercourse", "A ferocious, bloodthirsty and audacious person", "A kind of growl or screech, after cheering", "A pneumatic box or pan used in refining sugar", "A relatively small country or group of countries with a fast-growing economy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Panthera tigris" ], "word": "tiger", "num_translations": 254 }, "twelve": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number occurring after eleven and before thirteen, represented in Arabic numerals as 12 and in Roman numerals as XII", "Law enforcement", "the police" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twelveteen" ], "word": "twelve", "num_translations": 203 }, "bomb": { "senses": [ "An explosive device used or intended as a weapon", "A failure", "an unpopular commercial product", "A large amount of money", "Something highly effective or attractive", "A cyclone whose central pressure drops at an average rate of at least one millibar per hour for at least 24 hours", "A heavy-walled container designed to permit chemical reactions under high pressure", "A great booming noise", "a hollow sound", "A woman's breast", "A professional wrestling throw in which an opponent is lifted and then slammed back-first down to the mat", "A recreational drug ground up, wrapped, and swallowed", "An act of jumping into water while keeping one's arms and legs tucked into the body, as in a squatting position, to maximize splashing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bomb", "num_translations": 141 }, "bomb1": { "senses": [ "To fail dismally", "To jump into water in a squatting position, with the arms wrapped around the legs", "To sound", "to boom", "to make a humming or buzzing sound", "To cover an area in many graffiti tags", "To add an excessive amount of chlorine to a pool when it has not been maintained properly", "To make oneself drunk", "To move at high speed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bomb", "num_translations": 53 }, "england": { "senses": [ "The region of the island of Great Britain which is to the east of Wales and the south of Scotland", "one of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom", "surname", "The United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Limeyland" ], "word": "England", "num_translations": 157 }, "pulpit": { "senses": [ "A raised platform in a church, usually enclosed, where the minister or preacher stands when giving the sermon", "A raised desk, lectern, or platform for an orator or public speaker", "other texts use the term pushpit", "A bow platform for harpooning", "A plane's cockpit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "office" ], "word": "pulpit", "num_translations": 70 }, "church": { "senses": [ "A Christian house of worship", "a building where Christian religious services take place", "Christians collectively seen as a single spiritual community", "Christianity", "A local group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs, local or general", "A particular denomination of Christianity", "service", "A religion", "a religious group", "Assembly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chapel", "congregation" ], "word": "church", "num_translations": 407 }, "small": { "senses": [ "Not large or big", "insignificant", "few in number", "Young, as a child", "Minuscule or lowercase, referring to written or printed letters", "Envincing little worth or ability", "not large-minded", "paltry", "mean", "Not prolonged in duration", "not extended in time", "short", "Slender, gracefully slim" ], "antonyms": [ "capital", "adult", "big" ], "synonyms": [ "little", "little", "lowercase" ], "word": "small", "num_translations": 341 }, "minuscule1": { "senses": [ "Very small, tiny" ], "antonyms": [ "majuscule" ], "synonyms": [ "lower-case", "microscopic", "Thesaurus:tiny" ], "word": "minuscule", "num_translations": 22 }, "nuisance": { "senses": [ "A minor annoyance or inconvenience", "A person or thing causing annoyance or inconvenience", "Anything harmful or offensive to the community or to a member of it, for which a legal remedy exists" ], "antonyms": [ "enjoyment" ], "synonyms": [ "annoyance", "bother" ], "word": "nuisance", "num_translations": 97 }, "supersede": { "senses": [ "To take the place of", "To displace in favour of itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "replace" ], "word": "supersede", "num_translations": 56 }, "unionofsovietsocialistrepublics": { "senses": [ "A confederation of nominally independent socialist republics led by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1922 to 1991" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Soviet Union", "USSR" ], "word": "UnionofSovietSocialistRepublics", "num_translations": 97 }, "cherry": { "senses": [ "A small fruit, usually red, black or yellow, with a smooth hard seed and a short hard stem", "Prunus subg Cerasus, trees or shrubs that bear cherries", "Virginity, especially female virginity as embodied by a hymen", "A subtree consisting of a node with exactly two leaves", "A cricket ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cherry", "num_translations": 309 }, "japanese": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or derived from Japan, its people, language, or culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nipponese" ], "word": "Japanese", "num_translations": 95 }, "japanese1": { "senses": [ "The main language spoken in Japan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nihongo" ], "word": "Japanese", "num_translations": 234 }, "slovene": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to Slovenia, the Slovenian people or the Slovenian language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Slovenian" ], "word": "Slovene", "num_translations": 63 }, "slovene1": { "senses": [ "A person from Slovenia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Slovenian" ], "word": "Slovene", "num_translations": 66 }, "bench": { "senses": [ "A long seat with or without a back, found for example in parks and schools", "The people who decide on the verdict", "the judiciary", "The place where the judges sit", "The dignity of holding an official seat", "The place where players and coaches sit when not playing", "The number of players on a team able to participate, expressed in terms of length", "A place where assembly or hand work is performed", "A horizontal padded surface, usually with a weight rack, used for support during exercise", "A bracket used to mount land surveying equipment onto a stone or a wall", "A flat ledge in the slope of an earthwork, work of masonry, or similar", "A thin strip of relatively flat land bounded by steeper slopes above and below", "A kitchen surface on which to prepare food, a counter", "A bathroom surface which holds the washbasin, a vanity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bench", "num_translations": 150 }, "solarsystem1": { "senses": [ "Any collection of heavenly bodies including a star or binary star, and any lighter stars, brown dwarfs, planets, and other objects in orbit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "planetary system" ], "word": "solarsystem", "num_translations": 28 }, "academician": { "senses": [ "A member of the faculty at a college or university", "an academic", "A member or follower of an academy, or society for promoting science, art, or literature, such as the French Academy, or the Royal Academy of Arts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "academian", "academic" ], "word": "academician", "num_translations": 50 }, "blue": { "senses": [ "Depressed, melancholic, sad", "Pale, without redness or glare", "said of a flame", "Of the higher-frequency region of the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation", "Extra rare", "left very raw and cold", "Having a coat of fur of a slaty gray shade", "Severe or overly strict in morals", "gloomy", "literary", "Risque or obscene" ], "antonyms": [ "nonblue", "antiblue" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "blue", "num_translations": 353 }, "blue1": { "senses": [ "The colour of the clear sky or the deep sea, between green and violet in the visible spectrum, and one of the primary additive colours for transmitted light", "the colour obtained by subtracting red and green from white light using magenta and cyan filters", "or any colour resembling this", "Any of several processes to protect metal against rust", "A member of law enforcement", "The sky, literally or figuratively", "The ocean", "deep waters", "The far distance", "a remote or distant place", "A dog or cat with a slaty gray coat", "One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of five points", "An argument", "A type of firecracker", "One of the three color charges for quarks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blue", "num_translations": 156 }, "blue2": { "senses": [ "To treat the surface of steel so that it is passivated chemically and becomes more resistant to rust", "To spend extravagantly", "to blow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blue", "num_translations": 42 }, "gold1": { "senses": [ "Premium, superior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "golden" ], "word": "gold", "num_translations": 141 }, "magenta": { "senses": [ "A vibrant light purple, purplish-red, reddish-purple, or pinkish purple colour obtained by mixing red and blue light , but primary in the CMYK colour system used in printing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fuchsia", "fuchsine" ], "word": "magenta", "num_translations": 38 }, "pink4": { "senses": [ "Any of various flowers in the genus Dianthus, sometimes called carnations", "A perfect example", "excellence, perfection", "the embodiment of some quality", "The colour of this flower, between red and white", "pale red", "scarlet, as worn by hunters", "One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 6 points", "An unlettered and uncultured, but relatively prosperous, member of the middle classes", "compare babbitt, bourgeoisie", "The vagina or vulva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pink", "num_translations": 158 }, "pink5": { "senses": [ "Having a colour between red and white", "pale red", "Of a fox-hunter's jacket: scarlet", "Having conjunctivitis", "Relating to women or girls", "Relating to homosexuals as a group within society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pink", "num_translations": 110 }, "purple": { "senses": [ "A colour/color that is a dark blend of red and blue", "dark magenta", "Purpura", "Earcockle, a disease of wheat", "A cardinalate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "purple", "num_translations": 163 }, "purple1": { "senses": [ "Having a colour/color that is a dark blend of red and blue", "Mixed between social democrats and liberals", "Imperial", "regal", "Blood-red", "bloody", "Completed in the fastest time so far in a given session" ], "antonyms": [ "nonpurple" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "purple", "num_translations": 105 }, "red": { "senses": [ "Having an orange-brown or orange-blond colour", "ginger", "Of the hearts or diamonds suits Compare black", "Amerind", "relating to Amerindians or First Nations", "Of the lower-frequency region of the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation" ], "antonyms": [ "nonred", "unred", "antired" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "red", "num_translations": 173 }, "red1": { "senses": [ "Any of a range of colours having the longest wavelengths, 670 nm, of the visible spectrum", "a primary additive colour for transmitted light: the colour obtained by subtracting green and blue from white light using magenta and yellow filters", "the colour of blood, ripe strawberries, etc", "A revolutionary socialist or a Communist", "a Bolshevik, a supporter of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War", "An Amerind", "The drug secobarbital", "a capsule of this drug", "One of the three color charges for quarks", "chili con carne" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "red", "num_translations": 89 }, "violet": { "senses": [ "A plant or flower of the genus, especially the fragrant Viola odorata''", "similar-looking plants and flowers", "A person thought to resemble V odorata, especially in its beauty and delicacy", "A bluish-purple colour resembling that of most V odorata", "Clothes and vestments of such a colour", "The characteristic scent of V odorata", "synonym of \"onion\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rooster" ], "word": "violet", "num_translations": 139 }, "white1": { "senses": [ "The color/colour of snow or milk", "the colour of light containing equal amounts of all visible wavelengths", "A person of European descent with light-coloured skin", "Any butterfly of the family Pieridae", "the centre of a mark at which a missile is shot", "The enclosed part of a letter of the alphabet, especially when handwritten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "white", "num_translations": 333 }, "yellow": { "senses": [ "Lacking courage", "Characterized by sensationalism, lurid content, and doubtful accuracy", "Far East Asian", "Of mixed Aboriginal and Caucasian ancestry", "Related to the Liberal Democrats", "Related to the Free Democratic Party of Germany" ], "antonyms": [ "nonyellow" ], "synonyms": [ "cowardly" ], "word": "yellow", "num_translations": 287 }, "yellow1": { "senses": [ "The colour of gold, butter, or a lemon", "the colour obtained by mixing green and red light, or by subtracting blue from white light", "The intermediate light in a set of three traffic lights, the illumination of which indicates that drivers should stop short of the intersection if it is safe to do so", "One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 2 points", "One of two groups of object balls, or a ball from that group, as used in the principally British version of pool that makes use of unnumbered balls and red)", "contrast stripes and solids in the originally American version with numbered balls)" ], "antonyms": [ "red" ], "synonyms": [ "amber" ], "word": "yellow", "num_translations": 113 }, "primenumber": { "senses": [ "Any natural number greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers", "Any natural number that is divisible only by itself and 1" ], "antonyms": [ "composite number" ], "synonyms": [ "prime" ], "word": "primenumber", "num_translations": 113 }, "fourth1": { "senses": [ "A quarter, one of four equal parts of a whole", "A musical interval which spans four degrees of the diatonic scale, for example C to F" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fourth part" ], "word": "fourth", "num_translations": 42 }, "third": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the cardinal number three", "Coming after the second" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "3rd" ], "word": "third", "num_translations": 143 }, "third1": { "senses": [ "One of three equal parts of a whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "third gear", "\u2153" ], "word": "third", "num_translations": 134 }, "fifth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "5th" ], "word": "fifth", "num_translations": 126 }, "fifth1": { "senses": [ "One of five equal parts of a whole", "The musical interval between one note and another seven semitones higher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u2155" ], "word": "fifth", "num_translations": 79 }, "ontology": { "senses": [ "The branch of metaphysics that addresses the nature or essential characteristics of being and of things that exist", "the study of being qua being", "In a subject view, or a world view, the set of conceptual or material things or classes of things that are recognised as existing, or are assumed to exist in context", "The theory of a particular philosopher or school of thought concerning the fundamental types of entity in the universe", "A logical system involving theory of classes, developed by Stanislaw Lesniewski", "A structure of concepts or entities within a domain, organized by relationships", "a system model" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ontology", "num_translations": 55 }, "chinese": { "senses": [ "Language:", "People:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Han", "Chinaman", "Sinese" ], "word": "Chinese", "num_translations": 471 }, "chinese1": { "senses": [ "Of China, its languages or people", "Exotic", "unfamiliar", "unexpected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sinic" ], "word": "Chinese", "num_translations": 119 }, "trumpet": { "senses": [ "A musical instrument of the brass family, generally tuned to the key of B-flat", "by extension, any type of lip-vibrated aerophone, most often valveless and not chromatic", "The cry of an elephant, or any similar loud cry", "One who praises, or propagates praise, or is the instrument of propagating it", "A funnel, or short flaring pipe, used as a guide or conductor, as for yarn in a knitting machine", "A kind of traffic interchange involving at least one loop ramp connecting traffic either entering or leaving the terminating expressway with the far lanes of the continuous highway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cornet" ], "word": "trumpet", "num_translations": 125 }, "trumpet1": { "senses": [ "To sound loudly, be amplified", "Of an elephant, to make its cry", "To give a loud cry like that of an elephant", "To proclaim loudly", "to promote enthusiastically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trumpet", "num_translations": 48 }, "tuba": { "senses": [ "A large brass musical instrument, usually in the bass range, played through a vibration of the lips upon the mouthpiece and fingering of the keys", "A large reed stop in organs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grunt-horn" ], "word": "tuba", "num_translations": 26 }, "clapper": { "senses": [ "One who claps", "a person who applauds by clapping the hands", "An object so suspended inside a bell that it may hit the bell and cause it to ring", "a clanger or tongue", "A wooden mechanical device used as a scarecrow", "A clapstick", "A pounding block", "The chattering damsel of a mill", "A slapshot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clapstick" ], "word": "clapper", "num_translations": 58 }, "cane1": { "senses": [ "to destroy", "to comprehensively defeat", "to do something well, in a competent fashion", "to produce extreme pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cane", "num_translations": 20 }, "tempo": { "senses": [ "A frequency or rate", "A move which is part of one's own plan or strategy and forces, eg by means of a check or attacking a piece, the opponent to make a move which is not bad but of no use for him , or equivalently a player achieves the same result in fewer moves by one approach rather than another", "The timing advantage of being on lead, thus being first to initiate a strategy to develop tricks for one's side", "The timing of a particular event - earlier or later than in an alternative situation", "The number of beats per minute in a piece of music", "also, an indicative term denoting approximate rate of speed in written music", "The steady pace set by the frontmost riders", "A rapid rate of play by the offense resulting from reducing the amount of time which elapses after one play ends and the next starts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tempo", "num_translations": 46 }, "sixth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in names of monarchs and popes" ], "word": "sixth", "num_translations": 117 }, "sixth1": { "senses": [ "One of six equal parts of a whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u2159" ], "word": "sixth", "num_translations": 76 }, "seventh": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in names of monarchs and popes" ], "word": "seventh", "num_translations": 112 }, "eighth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "8th" ], "word": "eighth", "num_translations": 108 }, "eighth1": { "senses": [ "One of eight equal parts of a whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eighth one", "\u215b" ], "word": "eighth", "num_translations": 64 }, "ninth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number nine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "9th" ], "word": "ninth", "num_translations": 113 }, "tenth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal numeral form of \"ten\"", "next in order after that which is ninth", "Being one of ten equal parts of a whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "10th", "tithe", "X" ], "word": "tenth", "num_translations": 119 }, "tenth1": { "senses": [ "The person or thing coming next after the ninth in a series", "One of ten equal parts of a whole", "the octave of the third", "A temporary aid issuing out of personal property, and granted to the king by Parliament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decim", "decima" ], "word": "tenth", "num_translations": 66 }, "italian": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to Italy, its people or its language", "Using an italic style", "italic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Italish" ], "word": "Italian", "num_translations": 168 }, "musical": { "senses": [ "Of, belonging or relating to music, or to its performance or notation", "Pleasing to the ear", "sounding agreeably", "having the qualities of music", "melodious", "harmonious", "Fond of music", "discriminating with regard to music", "gifted or skilled in music", "Pertaining to a class of games in which players move while music plays, but have to take a fixed position when it stops", "by extension, any situation where people repeatedly change positions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "musical", "num_translations": 59 }, "football": { "senses": [ "A sport played on foot in which teams attempt to get a ball into a goal or zone defended by the other team", "rugby league", "rugby union", "Practice of these particular games, or techniques used in them", "An item of discussion, particularly in a back-and-forth manner", "The leather briefcase containing classified nuclear war plans which is always near the US President" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "football", "num_translations": 266 }, "yours": { "senses": [ "That which belongs to you", "the possessive second-person singular pronoun used without a following noun", "That which belongs to you", "the possessive second-person plural pronoun used without a following noun", "Written at the end of a letter, before the signature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "yours", "num_translations": 157 }, "your": { "senses": [ "Belonging to you", "of you", "related to you (singular", "one owner)", "Belonging to you", "of you", "related to you (plural", "more owners)", "A determiner that conveys familiarity and mutual knowledge of the modified noun", "That", "the specified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "your", "num_translations": 345 }, "younger": { "senses": [ "comparative of \"young\"" ], "antonyms": [ "elder", "older" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "younger", "num_translations": 19 }, "young": { "senses": [ "In the early part of growth or life", "born not long ago", "At an early stage of existence or development", "having recently come into existence", "advanced in age", "at a specified stage of existence or age", "Junior", "Early", "Youthful", "Of or belonging to the early part of life", "Having little experience", "inexperienced", "unpracticed", "ignorant", "weak" ], "antonyms": [ "old", "aged", "senior", "mature" ], "synonyms": [ "youthful", "youthful", "juvenile", "underdeveloped" ], "word": "young", "num_translations": 248 }, "young1": { "senses": [ "youth", "An individual offspring", "a single recently born or hatched organism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "young", "num_translations": 64 }, "yet": { "senses": [ "Thus far", "up to the present", "up to some specified time", "Continuously up to the current time", "still", "At some future time", "eventually", "Not as of the time referenced", "In addition", "Even" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "erenow", "still", "at last", "still", "besides", "still" ], "word": "yet", "num_translations": 170 }, "yet1": { "senses": [ "Nevertheless", "however", "but", "despite that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be that as it may" ], "word": "yet", "num_translations": 49 }, "wrought": { "senses": [ "Having been worked or prepared somehow" ], "antonyms": [ "unwrought" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wrought", "num_translations": 13 }, "wrong": { "senses": [ "Incorrect or untrue", "Asserting something incorrect or untrue", "Immoral, not good, bad", "Improper", "unfit", "unsuitable", "Not working", "out of order", "Designed to be worn or placed inward", "Twisted", "wry" ], "antonyms": [ "right" ], "synonyms": [ "injurious", "unjust", "faulty", "detrimental", "unfit", "unsuitable", "Thesaurus:false" ], "word": "wrong", "num_translations": 251 }, "wrong2": { "senses": [ "Something that is immoral or not good", "The incorrect or unjust position or opinion", "The opposite of right", "the concept of badness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wrength" ], "word": "wrong", "num_translations": 42 }, "wrong3": { "senses": [ "To treat unjustly", "to injure or harm", "To deprive of some right, or to withhold some act of justice", "To slander", "to impute evil to unjustly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wrong", "num_translations": 30 }, "heinous": { "senses": [ "Totally reprehensible" ], "antonyms": [ "unheinous" ], "synonyms": [ "abominable" ], "word": "heinous", "num_translations": 50 }, "writer": { "senses": [ "A person who writes, or produces literary work", "Anything that writes or produces output", "A clerk of a certain rank in the service of the East India Company, who, after serving a certain number of years, became a factor", "An ordinary legal practitioner in Scottish country towns", "A petty officer in the United States navy who keeps the watch-muster and other books of the ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "author", "Thesaurus:writer" ], "word": "writer", "num_translations": 187 }, "write": { "senses": [ "To form letters, words or symbols on a surface in order to communicate", "To be the author of", "To send written information to", "To show in written form", "To be an author", "To record data mechanically or electronically", "To fill in, to complete using words", "To impress durably", "to imprint", "to engrave", "To make known by writing", "to record", "to prove by one's own written testimony", "often used reflexively" ], "antonyms": [ "load" ], "synonyms": [ "inscribe", "author", "to) to post", "display", "save", "sit", "Thesaurus:write" ], "word": "write", "num_translations": 363 }, "wring": { "senses": [ "To extract from something wet, especially cloth, by squeezing and twisting it", "To obtain by force", "To draw", "to generate as a response", "To hold tightly and press or twist", "To cause pain or distress to", "To twist, as if in pain", "To give an incorrect meaning to", "To subject to extortion", "to afflict or oppress in order to enforce compliance", "To bend or strain out of its position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wring", "num_translations": 71 }, "weave": { "senses": [ "To form something by passing lengths or strands of material over and under one another", "To spin a cocoon or a web", "To unite by close connection or intermixture", "To compose creatively and intricately", "to fabricate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "weave", "num_translations": 157 }, "wound": { "senses": [ "An injury, such as a cut, stab, or tear, to a part of the body", "A hurt to a person's feelings, reputation, prospects, etc", "An injury to a person by which the skin is divided or its continuity broken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "injury", "slight", "Thesaurus:injury" ], "word": "wound", "num_translations": 196 }, "wound1": { "senses": [ "To hurt or injure by cutting, piercing, or tearing the skin", "To hurt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ ")" ], "word": "wound", "num_translations": 124 }, "would": { "senses": [ "As a past-tense form of will", "As a modal verb, the subjunctive of will" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly", "used to express a polite request" ], "word": "would", "num_translations": 15 }, "worst": { "senses": [ "superlative of \"bad\"", "superlative of \"ill\"" ], "antonyms": [ "best" ], "synonyms": [ "baddest", "illest" ], "word": "worst", "num_translations": 50 }, "edible": { "senses": [ "That can be eaten without harm", "innocuous to humans", "suitable for consumption", "That can be eaten without disgust" ], "antonyms": [ "inedible" ], "synonyms": [ "comestible", "eatable", "eatworthy" ], "word": "edible", "num_translations": 69 }, "throne": { "senses": [ "Leadership, particularly the position of a monarch", "The seat of a bishop in the cathedral-church of his diocese", "Other seats, particularly:", "A member of an order of angels ranked above dominions and below cherubim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot", "Thesaurus:toilet", "and", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "throne", "num_translations": 148 }, "laugh": { "senses": [ "An expression of mirth particular to the human species", "Something that provokes mirth or scorn", "A fun person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cackle", "joke" ], "word": "laugh", "num_translations": 116 }, "laugh1": { "senses": [ "To show mirth, satisfaction, or derision, by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat", "To be or appear cheerful, pleasant, mirthful, lively, or brilliant", "to sparkle", "to sport", "to make fun of", "to deride", "to mock" ], "antonyms": [ "cry" ], "synonyms": [ "cackle", "chortle", "chuckle", "giggle", "guffaw", "snicker", "snigger", "titter", "Thesaurus:laugh" ], "word": "laugh", "num_translations": 255 }, "twig": { "senses": [ "A small thin branch of a tree or bush" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tillow" ], "word": "twig", "num_translations": 83 }, "twig2": { "senses": [ "To realise something", "to catch on", "to recognize someone or something", "To understand the meaning of", "to comprehend", "To observe slyly", "also, to perceive", "to discover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clock", "fathom", "check out" ], "word": "twig", "num_translations": 17 }, "kindle3": { "senses": [ "To start or light", "To arouse or inspire", "To begin to grow or take hold" ], "antonyms": [ "douse", "extinguish", "dampen" ], "synonyms": [ "ignite", "arouse", "inspire" ], "word": "kindle", "num_translations": 105 }, "queen": { "senses": [ "The wife or widow of a king", "The most powerful piece, able to move any number of spaces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally", "A red disk that is the most valuable piece in the Asian game of carom", "A powerful or forceful female person", "An effeminate male homosexual", "A reproductive female animal in a hive, such as an ant, bee, termite or wasp", "An adult female cat valued for breeding See also tom", "A monarch butterfly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "queen regnant", "queen consort", "See", "bitch" ], "word": "queen", "num_translations": 557 }, "sausage": { "senses": [ "A food made of ground meat and seasoning, packed in a section of the animal's intestine, or in a similarly cylindrical shaped synthetic casing", "a length of this food", "Penis", "A term of endearment", "A saucisse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sausage", "num_translations": 209 }, "colloquial": { "senses": [ "Denoting a manner of speaking or writing that is characteristic of familiar conversation, of common parlance", "informal", "Of or pertaining to a conversation", "conversational or chatty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colloq" ], "word": "colloquial", "num_translations": 52 }, "cast": { "senses": [ "To move, or be moved, away", "To direct", "To add up", "To predict, to decide, to plan", "To perform, bring forth", "To throw on or upon something, or in a given direction", "To give birth to prematurely", "to miscarry", "To shape by pouring into a mould", "to make in such a way", "To twist or warp", "To bring the bows of a sailing ship on to the required tack just as the anchor is weighed by use of the headsail", "to bring round", "To deposit", "to formally register", "To change a variable type from, for example, integer to real, or integer to text", "Of dogs, hunters: to spread out and search for a scent", "To open a circle in order to begin a spell or meeting of witches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cast", "num_translations": 200 }, "cast1": { "senses": [ "An act of throwing", "An instance of throwing out a fishing line", "Something which has been thrown, dispersed etc", "A small mass of earth \"thrown off\" or excreted by a worm", "The collective group of actors performing a play or production together Contrasted with crew", "An object made in a mould", "A supportive and immobilising device used to help mend broken bones", "a pair", "A squint", "Visual appearance", "The form of one's thoughts, mind etc", "An animal, especially a horse, that is unable to rise without assistance", "Animal and insect remains which have been regurgitated by a bird", "A group of crabs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cast", "num_translations": 142 }, "see": { "senses": [ "To perceive or detect with the eyes, or as if by sight", "To form a mental picture of", "To meet, to visit", "To be the setting or time of", "To ensure that something happens, especially while witnessing it", "To respond to another player's bet with a bet of equal value", "To determine by trial or experiment", "to find out", "To reference or to study for further details", "To include as one of something's experiences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "behold", "follow", "go out" ], "word": "see", "num_translations": 330 }, "see2": { "senses": [ "A diocese, archdiocese", "a region of a church, generally headed by a bishop, especially an archbishop", "The office of a bishop or archbishop", "bishopric or archbishopric", "A seat", "a site", "a place where sovereign power is exercised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "see", "num_translations": 36 }, "midnight": { "senses": [ "The middle of the night: the sixth temporal hour, equidistant between sunset and sunrise", "12 o'clock at night exactly" ], "antonyms": [ "noon" ], "synonyms": [ "12 am", "00:00", "12 a.m", "12 midnight", "Thesaurus:midnight" ], "word": "midnight", "num_translations": 262 }, "mouse": { "senses": [ "Any small rodent of the genus Mus", "A member of the many small rodent and marsupial species resembling such a rodent", "A quiet or shy person", "An input device that is moved over a pad or other flat surface to produce a corresponding movement of a pointer on a graphical display", "Hematoma", "A turn or lashing of spun yarn or small stuff, or a metallic clasp or fastening, uniting the point and shank of a hook to prevent its unhooking or straightening out", "A familiar term of endearment", "A match used in firing guns or blasting", "A small model of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with desirable properties", "A small cushion for a woman's hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mouse", "num_translations": 395 }, "mouse1": { "senses": [ "To hunt or catch mice , usually of cats", "To close the mouth of a hook by a careful binding of marline or wire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mouse", "num_translations": 18 }, "noon": { "senses": [ "The ninth hour of the day counted from sunrise", "Time of day when the sun is in its zenith", "twelve o'clock in the day, midday", "The corresponding time in the middle of the night", "midnight", "The highest point", "culmination" ], "antonyms": [ "midnight" ], "synonyms": [ "nones", "midday", "noon of night", "capstone" ], "word": "noon", "num_translations": 139 }, "keyboard": { "senses": [ "A set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc", "A component of many instruments including the piano, organ, and harpsichord consisting of usually black and white keys that cause different tones to be produced when struck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "electronic keyboard" ], "word": "keyboard", "num_translations": 204 }, "dual": { "senses": [ "characterized by having two components", "Acting as a counterpart", "Double", "Pertaining to grammatical number , referring to two of something, such as a pair of shoes, in the context of the singular, plural and, in some languages, trial grammatical number", "Being the space of all linear functionals of", "containing the same objects but with source and target reversed for all morphisms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "double", "double", "opposite" ], "word": "dual", "num_translations": 77 }, "age": { "senses": [ "The whole duration of a being, whether animal, plant, or other kind, being alive", "The number of full years, months, days, hours, etc, that someone, or something, has been alive", "The time of life at which some particular power or capacity is understood to become vested", "A particular period of time in history, as distinguished from others", "A great period in the history of the Earth", "A period of one hundred years", "a century", "The people who live during a particular period", "A generation", "A long time", "A unit of geologic time subdividing an epoch into smaller parts", "The right of the player to the left of the dealer to pass the first round in betting, and then to come in last or stay out", "also, the player holding this position", "the eldest hand", "That part of the duration of a being or a thing which is between its beginning and any given time", "specifically the size of that part", "especially, the time of life at which one attains full personal rights and capacities", "An advanced period of life", "the latter part of life", "the state of being old", "eld, seniority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lifespan", "eld", "epoch", "centennium", "eternity", "dotage" ], "word": "age", "num_translations": 550 }, "age1": { "senses": [ "To cause to grow old", "To postpone an action that would extinguish something, as a debt", "to become old" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mature", "elden" ], "word": "age", "num_translations": 72 }, "weekday": { "senses": [ "A day of the week except those which form the weekend", "that is:", "Any day of the week" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "workday", "working day", "business day" ], "word": "weekday", "num_translations": 55 }, "leapyear": { "senses": [ "A year in the Julian or Gregorian calendars with an intercalary day added to February, used to adjust for the extra hours of the solar year", "Any other year featuring intercalation, such as a year in a lunisolar calendar with 13 months instead of 12, used to maintain its alignment with the seasons of the solar year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bissextile" ], "word": "leapyear", "num_translations": 73 }, "hourglass": { "senses": [ "A clock made of two glass vessels connected by a narrow passage through which sand flows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sandglass" ], "word": "hourglass", "num_translations": 50 }, "penny": { "senses": [ "In the United Kingdom and Ireland, a copper coin worth of a pound sterling or Irish pound before decimalisation Abbreviation: d", "In the United Kingdom, a copper coin worth of a pound sterling Abbreviation: p", "In Ireland, a coin worth of an Irish pound before the introduction of the euro Abbreviation: p", "In the US and Canada, a one-cent coin, worth of a dollar Abbreviation: \u00a2", "In various countries, a small-denomination copper or brass coin", "Money in general" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "old penny", "new penny", "cent" ], "word": "penny", "num_translations": 55 }, "nickel": { "senses": [ "A silvery elemental metal with an atomic number of 28 and symbol Ni", "A coin worth 5 cents", "Five dollars", "Five hundred dollars", "Interstate 5, a highway that runs along the west coast of the United States", "A playing card with the rank of five", "A five-year prison sentence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nickel", "num_translations": 107 }, "counterfeit": { "senses": [ "False, especially of money", "intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine", "Inauthentic", "Assuming the appearance of something", "deceitful", "hypocritical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fake" ], "word": "counterfeit", "num_translations": 80 }, "counterfeit1": { "senses": [ "A non-genuine article", "a fake", "That which resembles another thing", "a likeness", "a portrait", "a counterpart", "An impostor", "a cheat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "counterfeit", "num_translations": 32 }, "counterfeit2": { "senses": [ "To falsely produce what appears to be official or valid", "to produce a forged copy of", "To produce a faithful copy of", "To feign", "to mimic", "Of a turn or river card, to invalidate a player's hand by making a better hand on the board" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "counterfeit", "num_translations": 29 }, "symptom": { "senses": [ "A perceived change in some function, sensation or appearance of a person that indicates a disease or disorder, such as fever, headache or rash", "A signal", "anything that indicates, or is characteristic of, the presence of something else, especially of something undesirable" ], "antonyms": [ "symptoms" ], "synonyms": [ "indication", "manifestation", "sign", "Thesaurus:symptom" ], "word": "symptom", "num_translations": 73 }, "pit": { "senses": [ "A hole in the ground", "An area at a racetrack used for refueling and repairing the vehicles during a race", "A section of the marching band containing mallet percussion instruments and other large percussion instruments too large to march, such as the tam tam Also, the area on the sidelines where these instruments are placed", "A mine", "A hole or trench in the ground, excavated according to grid coordinates, so that the provenance of any feature observed and any specimen or artifact revealed may be established by precise measurement", "The bottom part of something", "A luggage hold", "A small surface hole or depression, a fossa", "The indented mark left by a pustule, as in smallpox", "The grave, or underworld", "An enclosed area into which gamecocks, dogs, and other animals are brought to fight, or where dogs are trained to kill rats", "Formerly, that part of a theatre, on the floor of the house, below the level of the stage and behind the orchestra", "now, in England, commonly the part behind the stalls", "in the United States, the parquet", "also, the occupants of such a part of a theatre", "Part of a casino which typically holds tables for blackjack, craps, roulette, and other games", "A maneuver by which a police officer, by use of a police car, nudges the vehicle of a fleeing suspect enough for the suspect's vehicle to lose control and become disabled so the police officer can catch and apprehend the suspect", "The fissile core of a nuclear weapon, commonly made of plutonium surrounded by high-explosive lenses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pibble", "pit bull", "pittie", "shitbull", "velvet hippo" ], "word": "pit", "num_translations": 114 }, "pit1": { "senses": [ "to mark with little hollows", "To bring into opposition with something else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pit", "num_translations": 13 }, "nature": { "senses": [ "The natural world", "that which consists of all things unaffected by or predating human technology, production, and design", "The innate characteristics of a thing What something will tend by its own constitution, to be or do Distinct from what might be expected or intended", "The summary of everything that has to do with biological, chemical and physical states and events in the physical universe", "Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artificial, or forced, or remote from actual experience", "Kind, sort", "character", "quality", "Physical constitution or existence", "the vital powers", "the natural life", "Natural affection or reverence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quintessence" ], "word": "nature", "num_translations": 332 }, "person": { "senses": [ "An individual", "usually a human being", "The physical body of a being seen as distinct from the mind, character, etc", "Any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts", "The human genitalia", "specifically, the penis", "A shoot or bud of a plant", "a polyp or zooid of the compound Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, etc", "also, an individual, in the narrowest sense, among the higher animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:person" ], "word": "person", "num_translations": 493 }, "welsh": { "senses": [ "British", "pertaining to the Celtic peoples who inhabited much of Britain before the Roman occupation", "Foreign", "non-native", "Of or pertaining to Wales", "Of or pertaining to the Celtic language of Wales", "Designating plants or animals from or associated with Wales" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Welsh", "num_translations": 79 }, "welsh1": { "senses": [ "The people of Wales", "A breed of pig, kept mainly for bacon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cymric" ], "word": "Welsh", "num_translations": 97 }, "presentparticiple": { "senses": [ "A verb form that indicates an ongoing action or state in the present and which can function as an adjective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "p.pr" ], "word": "presentparticiple", "num_translations": 29 }, "imperfect": { "senses": [ "not perfect", "unisexual: having either male or female flowers, but not with both", "known or expected to be polyphyletic, as of a form taxon", "lacking some elementary organ that is essential to successful or normal activity", "belonging to a tense of verbs used in describing a past action that is incomplete or continuous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "imperfect", "num_translations": 33 }, "hebrew1": { "senses": [ "A member or descendant of a Semitic people claiming descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob", "A descendant of the biblical Patriarch Eber", "Unintelligible speech or writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Hebrew", "num_translations": 157 }, "frisian2": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the natives or inhabitants of Frisia", "Of or relating to the region of Frisia", "Of or relating to the natives or inhabitants of the Dutch province of Friesland", "Of or relating to the Dutch province of Friesland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Frisian", "num_translations": 63 }, "russian1": { "senses": [ "A person from Russia", "A domestic cat breed", "A cat of this breed", "A type of juggling ball with a hard outer shell, filled with salt, sand or another similar substance", "A person from the Soviet Union", "A sex act in which the penis is stimulated by rubbing between a woman's breasts", "a tit fuck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Russian", "num_translations": 473 }, "of": { "senses": [ "Expressing distance or motion", "#*, II53ii:", "Expressing separation", "Expressing origin", "Expressing agency", "Expressing composition, substance", "Introducing subject matter", "Having partitive effect", "Expressing possession", "Forming the \"objective genitive\"", "Expressing qualities or characteristics", "Expressing a point in time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "of", "num_translations": 302 }, "slovak": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Slovakian", "Slovakish" ], "word": "Slovak", "num_translations": 68 }, "or": { "senses": [ "Otherwise", "Connects two equivalent names" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "and/or" ], "word": "or", "num_translations": 208 }, "hungarian": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hungarish", "Magyar" ], "word": "Hungarian", "num_translations": 102 }, "hungarian1": { "senses": [ "The main language of Hungary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Magyar" ], "word": "Hungarian", "num_translations": 206 }, "thirteen": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen, represented in Roman numerals as XIII and in Arabic numerals as 13" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baker's dozen", "long dozen", "throtteen" ], "word": "thirteen", "num_translations": 214 }, "czech": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Czechian", "Czechic", "Czechish" ], "word": "Czech", "num_translations": 92 }, "cube": { "senses": [ "A regular polyhedron having six identical square faces", "The third power of a number, value, term or expression", "A data structure consisting of a three-dimensional array" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regular hexahedron", "block", "third" ], "word": "cube", "num_translations": 156 }, "cube1": { "senses": [ "To raise to the third power", "to determine the result of multiplying by itself twice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dice" ], "word": "cube", "num_translations": 37 }, "parallel": { "senses": [ "Equally distant from one another at all points", "Having the same overall direction", "the comparison is indicated with \"to\"", "Either not intersecting, or coinciding", "Involving the processing of multiple tasks at the same time" ], "antonyms": [ "perpendicular", "skew", "serial" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "parallel", "num_translations": 76 }, "parallel2": { "senses": [ "Direction conformable to that of another line", "A line of latitude", "An arrangement of electrical components such that a current flows along two or more paths", "Something identical or similar in essential respects", "A comparison made", "elaborate tracing of similarity" ], "antonyms": [ "perpendicular" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "parallel", "num_translations": 44 }, "parallel3": { "senses": [ "Of a process etc: To be analogous to something else", "To compare or liken something to something else", "To make to conform to something else in character, motive, aim, etc", "To equal", "to match", "to correspond to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parallel", "num_translations": 10 }, "eleventh": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number eleven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in names of monarchs and popes" ], "word": "eleventh", "num_translations": 61 }, "twelfth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number twelve, describing a person or thing in position number 12 of a sequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "12th" ], "word": "twelfth", "num_translations": 74 }, "twelfth1": { "senses": [ "One of twelve equal parts of a whole", "An interval equal to an octave plus a fifth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dozenth" ], "word": "twelfth", "num_translations": 18 }, "thirteenth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number thirteen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in names of monarchs and popes" ], "word": "thirteenth", "num_translations": 62 }, "fourteenth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number fourteen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "14th" ], "word": "fourteenth", "num_translations": 49 }, "fifteenth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number fifteen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in names of monarchs and popes" ], "word": "fifteenth", "num_translations": 50 }, "perpendicular": { "senses": [ "at or forming a right angle", "Exactly upright", "extending in a straight line toward the centre of the earth, etc", "Independent of or irrelevant to each other", "orthogonal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "perpendicular", "num_translations": 51 }, "triangle": { "senses": [ "A polygon with three sides and three angles", "A set square", "A percussion instrument made by forming a metal rod into a triangular shape which is open at one angle It is suspended from a string and hit with a metal bar to make a resonant sound", "A triangular piece of equipment used for gathering the balls into the formation required by the game being played", "The structure of systems composed with three interrelated objects", "A frame formed of three poles stuck in the ground and united at the top, to which soldiers were bound when undergoing corporal punishment", "Any of various large papilionid butterflies of the genus Graphium", "A triangular formation of railway tracks, with a curve on at least one side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "threeside", "love triangle", "Thesaurus:triangle" ], "word": "triangle", "num_translations": 179 }, "rational": { "senses": [ "Capable of reasoning", "Logically sound", "not contradictory or otherwise absurd", "Healthy or balanced intellectually", "exhibiting reasonableness", "Of a number, capable of being expressed as the ratio of two integers", "Of an algebraic expression, capable of being expressed as the ratio of two polynomials", "Expressing the type, structure, relations, and reactions of a compound", "graphic", "said of formulae", "Expressing a physical object" ], "antonyms": [ "absurd", "arational", "irrational" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rational", "num_translations": 115 }, "square": { "senses": [ "A polygon with four sides of equal length and four right angles", "an equilateral rectangle", "a regular quadrilateral", "An L- or T-shaped tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles", "The product of a number or quantity multiplied by itself", "the second power of a number, value, term or expression", "A socially conventional or conservative person", "a person who has little or no interest in the latest fads or trends: still sometimes used in modern terminology", "The symbol # on a telephone", "hash", "The central area of a cricket field, with one or more pitches of which only one is used at a time", "A mortarboard", "Exact proportion", "justness of workmanship and conduct", "regularity", "rule", "The relation of harmony, or exact agreement", "equality", "level", "The position of planets distant ninety degrees from each other", "a quadrate", "The act of squaring, or quarrelling", "a quarrel", "Cigarette", "A vat used for fermentation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mainstreamer" ], "word": "square", "num_translations": 371 }, "square1": { "senses": [ "Forming a right angle, especially at right angles with the mast or the keel, and parallel to the horizon", "Of numbers formed by multiplying two equal numbers", "Used in the names of units of area formed by multiplying a unit of length by itself", "Honest", "straightforward", "Fair", "Even", "tied", "Socially conventional", "boring", "In line with the batsman's popping crease", "Correctly aligned with respect to something else", "Hearty", "vigorous", "Having a shape broad for the height, with angular rather than curving outlines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "square", "num_translations": 129 }, "square2": { "senses": [ "To adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle to something else", "in particular:", "To resolve or reconcile", "to suit or fit", "To adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something", "Of a value, term or expression, to multiply by itself", "to raise to the second power", "To make a short low pass sideways across the pitch", "To take opposing sides", "to quarrel", "To accord or agree exactly", "to be consistent with", "to suit", "to fit", "To go to opposite sides", "to take an attitude of offense or defense, or of defiance", "to quarrel", "To take a boxing attitude", "often with up or off", "To form with four sides and four right angles", "To form with right angles and straight lines, or flat surfaces", "To compare with, or reduce to, any given measure or standard", "To hold a quartile position respecting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "square", "num_translations": 52 }, "hemisphere": { "senses": [ "Half of the celestial sphere, as divided by either the ecliptic or the celestial equator", "A realm or domain of activity", "Any half-sphere, formed by a plane intersecting the center of a sphere", "Either of the two halves of the cerebrum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celestial hemisphere", "terrestrial hemisphere", "sphere", "half-sphere", "cerebral hemisphere", "planisphere" ], "word": "hemisphere", "num_translations": 136 }, "fifteen": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number occurring after fourteen and before sixteen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Roman numerals: XV", "Arabic numerals: 15" ], "word": "fifteen", "num_translations": 188 }, "forty": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 40", "Roman numerals: XL" ], "word": "forty", "num_translations": 178 }, "fifty": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 50", "Roman numerals: L", "fitty" ], "word": "fifty", "num_translations": 179 }, "pi": { "senses": [ "The 16th letter of the Classical and Modern Greek alphabets and the seventeenth in Old Greek", "An irrational and transcendental constant representing the ratio of the circumference of a Euclidean circle to its diameter", "approximately 314159265358979323846264338327950", "usually written \u03c0" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Archimedes' constant" ], "word": "pi", "num_translations": 76 }, "sixty": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 60", "Roman numerals: LX" ], "word": "sixty", "num_translations": 154 }, "seventy": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 70", "Roman numerals: LXX" ], "word": "seventy", "num_translations": 155 }, "ninety": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 90", "Roman numerals: XC" ], "word": "ninety", "num_translations": 165 }, "hundred": { "senses": [ "A numerical value equal to 100 , occurring after ninety-nine", "The pronunciation of \u201c00\" for the two digits denoting the minutes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one hundred" ], "word": "hundred", "num_translations": 298 }, "hundred1": { "senses": [ "An administrative subdivision of southern English counties formerly reckoned as comprising 100 hides and notionally equal to 12,000 acres", "Similar divisions in other areas, particularly in other areas of Britain or the British Empire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Franklin", "barony", "century" ], "word": "hundred", "num_translations": 29 }, "onehundredone": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number one hundred plus one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Roman symbols: CI", "Western (Arabic) Numeral", "101" ], "word": "onehundredone", "num_translations": 25 }, "sevenhundredandfifty": { "senses": [ "Seven hundred plus fifty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hindu-Arabic numerals: 750", "Roman numerals: DCCL" ], "word": "sevenhundredandfifty", "num_translations": 17 }, "thousand": { "senses": [ "A numerical value equal to 1,000 = 10 \u00d7 100 = 103" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a thousand" ], "word": "thousand", "num_translations": 213 }, "elevenhundred": { "senses": [ "one thousand one hundred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Symbolic: 1100", "Roman symbols: MC" ], "word": "elevenhundred", "num_translations": 26 }, "stye": { "senses": [ "A bacterial infection in the eyelash or eyelid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hordeolum" ], "word": "stye", "num_translations": 68 }, "symbol": { "senses": [ "A character or glyph representing an idea, concept or object", "Any object, typically material, which is meant to represent another even if there is no meaningful relationship", "A type of noun whereby the form refers to the same entity independently of the context", "A summary of a dogmatic statement of faith", "The numerical expression which defines a plane's position relative to the assumed axes", "That which is thrown into a common fund", "hence, an appointed or accustomed duty", "Share", "allotment", "An internal identifier used by a debugger to relate parts of the compiled program to the corresponding names in the source code", "A signalling event on a communications channel", "a signal that cannot be further divided into meaningful information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "symbol", "num_translations": 224 }, "jack": { "senses": [ "A man or men in general", "A male animal", "A male ass", "A playing card with the letter \"J\" and the image of a knave or prince on it, the eleventh card in a given suit Also called a knave", "The eleventh batsman to come to the crease in an innings", "A detective", "A knave", "A target ball in bowls, etc", "A small flag at the bow of a ship", "A naval ensign flag flown from the main mast, mizzen mast, or the aft-most major mast of British sailing warships", "A coarse and cheap medieval coat of defense, especially one made of leather", "A penny with a head on both sides, used for cheating", "Money", "A smooth often ovoid large gravel or small cobble in a natural water course", "Mangifera caesia, related to the mango tree", "The freshwater pike, green pike or pickerel", "A large California rockfish, the bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis", "Any of the marine fish in the family Carangidae", "A drinking measure holding half a pint or, sometimes, a quarter of a pint", "A mechanical contrivance, an auxiliary machine, or a subordinate part of a machine", "A surface-mounted connector for electrical, especially telecommunications, equipment", "Female ended electrical connector", "Electrical connector in a fixed position" ], "antonyms": [ "plug" ], "synonyms": [ "knave", "jackass" ], "word": "jack", "num_translations": 227 }, "jack1": { "senses": [ "To raise or increase", "To produce by freeze distillation", "to distil by freezing it and removing the ice , leaving the alcohol", "To dance by moving the torso forward and backward in a rippling motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jack", "num_translations": 21 }, "invest": { "senses": [ "To spend money, time, or energy on something, especially for some benefit or purpose", "used with in", "To clothe or wrap", "To put on", "To envelop, wrap, cover", "To commit money or capital in the hope of financial gain", "To ceremonially install someone in some office", "To formally give some power or authority", "To formally give", "To surround, accompany, or attend", "To lay siege to", "To be involved in", "to form strong attachments to" ], "antonyms": [ "divest", "divest", "disinvest" ], "synonyms": [ "beclothe", "besiege" ], "word": "invest", "num_translations": 99 }, "design": { "senses": [ "A specification of an object or process, referring to requirements to be satisfied and thus conditions to be met for them to solve a problem", "A plan for the structure and functions of an artifact, building or system", "A pattern, as an element of a work of art or architecture", "The composition of a work of art", "Intention or plot", "The shape or appearance given to an object, especially one that is intended to make it more attractive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "design", "num_translations": 215 }, "design1": { "senses": [ "To plan and carry out", "To plan", "To assign, appoint", "To mark out and exhibit", "to indicate", "to show", "to point out", "to appoint", "To manifest requirements to be satisfied by an object or process for them to solve a problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "design", "num_translations": 32 }, "zeal": { "senses": [ "The fervour or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtherance", "diligent enthusiasm", "powerful interest", "A person who exhibits such fervour or tireless devotion", "The collective noun for a group of zebras" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "zeal", "num_translations": 66 }, "compass": { "senses": [ "A magnetic or electronic device used to determine the cardinal directions", "The range of notes of a musical instrument or voice", "A space within limits", "an area", "An enclosing limit", "a boundary, a circumference", "Moderate bounds, limits of truth", "moderation", "due limits", "used with within", "scope", "A passing round", "circuit", "circuitous course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "magnetic compass", "pair of compasses" ], "word": "compass", "num_translations": 175 }, "compass1": { "senses": [ "To surround", "to encircle", "to environ", "to stretch round", "To go about or round entirely", "to traverse", "To accomplish", "to reach", "to achieve", "to obtain", "To plot", "to scheme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "encircle", "cover", "accomplish", "conspire" ], "word": "compass", "num_translations": 17 }, "deuce": { "senses": [ "A card with two pips, one of four in a standard deck of playing cards", "A side of a die with two spots", "A cast of dice totalling two", "The number two", "A tie in which one player can win by scoring two consecutive points", "A curveball", "A '32 Ford", "2-barrel carburetors", "A table seating two diners", "A piece of excrement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "deuce", "num_translations": 55 }, "knight": { "senses": [ "A young servant or follower", "a trained military attendant in service of a lord", "A minor nobleman with an honourable military rank who had served as a page and squire", "An armored and mounted warrior of the Middle Ages", "A brave, chivalrous and honorable man devoted to a noble cause or love interest", "A chess piece, often in the shape of a horse's head, that is moved two squares in one direction and one at right angles to that direction in a single move, leaping over any intervening pieces", "the knave or jack", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Ypthima" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horse" ], "word": "knight", "num_translations": 237 }, "skew1": { "senses": [ "To bias or distort in a particular direction", "To shape or form in an oblique way", "to cause to take an oblique position", "To throw or hurl obliquely", "To walk obliquely", "to go sidling", "to lie or move obliquely", "To start aside", "to shy, as a horse", "To look obliquely", "to squint", "hence, to look slightingly or suspiciously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skew", "num_translations": 16 }, "currency": { "senses": [ "Money or other items used to facilitate transactions", "Paper money", "The state of being current", "general acceptance or recognition", "Current value", "general estimation", "the rate at which anything is generally valued", "fluency", "readiness of utterance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "currency", "num_translations": 124 }, "existence": { "senses": [ "The state of being, existing, or occurring", "beinghood", "Empirical reality", "the substance of the physical universe (Dictionary of Philosophy", "1968)" ], "antonyms": [ "nonexistence" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:existence" ], "word": "existence", "num_translations": 107 }, "polyglot1": { "senses": [ "One who has mastered, notably speaks, several languages", "A publication containing several versions of the same text, or the same subject matter in several languages", "especially, the Bible in several languages", "A mixture of languages or nomenclatures", "A program written in multiple programming languages", "A file that can be validly interpreted as multiple formats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "polyglot", "num_translations": 73 }, "ass1": { "senses": [ "Buttocks", "Sex", "Anus", "Used in similes to express something bad or unpleasant", "Used after an adjective to indicate extremes or excessiveness", "One's self or person, chiefly their body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "poontang" ], "word": "ass", "num_translations": 178 }, "cock": { "senses": [ "A male bird, especially:", "A valve or tap for controlling flow in plumbing", "The hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism", "The notch of an arrow or crossbow", "The penis", "The circle at the end of the rink", "an upward turn, tilt or angle", "A stupid person", "Nonsense", "rubbish", "Term of address", "A boastful tilt of one's head or hat", "A chief man", "a leader or master", "The style or gnomon of a sundial", "The indicator of a balance", "The bridge piece that affords a bearing for the pivot of a balance in a clock or watch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cockbird", "rooster", "stopcock", "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "cock", "num_translations": 98 }, "cock1": { "senses": [ "to prepare to be fired", "To erect", "to turn up", "To copulate with", "To turn or twist something upwards or to one side", "to lift or tilt boastfully", "To turn obliquely and partially close its lid, as an expression of derision or insinuation", "To strut", "to swagger", "to look big, pert, or menacing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cock", "num_translations": 27 }, "tick1": { "senses": [ "A relatively quiet but sharp sound generally made repeatedly by moving machinery", "A mark on any scale of measurement", "a unit of measurement", "A jiffy", "A short period of time, particularly a second", "A periodic increment of damage or healing caused by an ongoing status effect", "A mark made to indicate agreement, correctness or acknowledgement", "The whinchat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tick", "num_translations": 43 }, "tick2": { "senses": [ "To make a clicking noise similar to the movement of the hands in an analog clock", "To work or operate, especially mechanically", "To strike gently", "to pat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tick", "num_translations": 27 }, "copulate": { "senses": [ "To engage in sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fuck", "Thesaurus:copulate" ], "word": "copulate", "num_translations": 54 }, "shit": { "senses": [ "Solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels", "feces", "An instance of defecation", "Rubbish", "worthless matter", "Stuff, things", "The best of its kind", "Nonsense", "A nasty, despicable person, used particularly of men", "Anything", "A problem or difficult situation", "A strong rebuke", "any recreational drug, usually cannabis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "See", "See" ], "word": "shit", "num_translations": 362 }, "shit2": { "senses": [ "To defecate", "To excrete through the anus", "To fool or try to fool someone", "to be deceitful", "To annoy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "shit with" ], "word": "shit", "num_translations": 159 }, "shit3": { "senses": [ "Expression of worry, failure, shock, etc, often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term", "To show displeasure or surprise", "Used for mere emphasis", "heck, hey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poo" ], "word": "shit", "num_translations": 54 }, "some": { "senses": [ "A certain number, at least two", "An indefinite quantity", "An indefinite amount, a part" ], "antonyms": [ "many", "much", "none" ], "synonyms": [ "a few" ], "word": "some", "num_translations": 165 }, "some1": { "senses": [ "A certain proportion of, at least two", "An unspecified quantity or number of", "An unspecified amount of", "A certain, an unspecified or unknown", "A considerable quantity or number of", "approximately", "A remarkable" ], "antonyms": [ "many", "much", "no" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "some", "num_translations": 169 }, "coin": { "senses": [ "A piece of currency, usually metallic and in the shape of a disc, but sometimes polygonal, or with a hole in the middle", "A token used in a special establishment like a casino", "That which serves for payment or recompense", "One of the suits of minor arcana in tarot, or a card of that suit", "A corner or external angle", "A small circular slice of food", "A cryptocurrency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coin", "num_translations": 200 }, "prick": { "senses": [ "A small hole or perforation, caused by piercing", "An indentation or small mark made with a pointed object", "A dot or other diacritical mark used in writing", "a point", "A tiny particle", "a small amount of something", "a jot", "A small pointed object", "The experience or feeling of being pierced or punctured by a small, sharp object", "A feeling of remorse", "The penis", "Someone who is unpleasant, rude or annoying", "A small roll of yarn or tobacco", "The footprint of a hare", "A point or mark on the dial, noting the hour", "The point on a target at which an archer aims", "the mark", "the pin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prick", "num_translations": 163 }, "prick1": { "senses": [ "To pierce or puncture slightly", "To form by piercing or puncturing", "To mark or denote by a puncture", "to choose", "to mark", "especially, to trace a ship's course on", "To run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail", "To fix by the point", "to attach or hang by puncturing", "To be punctured", "to suffer or feel a sharp pain, as by puncture", "To make or become sharp", "to erect into a point", "to raise, as something pointed", "said especially of the ears of an animal, such as a horse or dog", "and usually followed by up", "To incite, stimulate, goad", "To urge one's horse on", "to ride quickly", "To affect with sharp pain", "to sting, as with remorse", "To make acidic or pungent", "To become sharp or acid", "to turn sour, as wine", "To aim at a point or mark", "to prink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prick", "num_translations": 14 }, "animal1": { "senses": [ "Raw, base, unhindered by social codes", "Pertaining to the spirit or soul", "relating to sensation or innervation", "Excellent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "animal", "num_translations": 55 }, "sieve": { "senses": [ "A device with a mesh bottom to separate, in a granular material, larger particles from smaller ones, or to separate solid objects from a liquid", "A process, physical or abstract, that arrives at a final result by filtering out unwanted pieces of input from a larger starting set of input", "A kind of coarse basket", "A person, or their mind, that cannot remember things or is unable to keep secrets", "A collection of morphisms in a category whose codomain is a certain fixed object of that category, which collection is closed under pre-composition by any morphism in the category" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sieve", "num_translations": 165 }, "at": { "senses": [ "In, near, or in the general vicinity of a particular place", "In the direction of", "Denotes a price", "Occupied in", "Because of", "or areas of knowledge) On the subject of", "regarding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "at", "num_translations": 283 }, "too": { "senses": [ "Likewise", "Also", "in addition", "To an excessive degree", "over", "more than enough", "To a high degree, very", "Used to contradict a negative assertion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as well", "excessively" ], "word": "too", "num_translations": 236 }, "toe": { "senses": [ "Each of the five digits on the end of the foot", "An equivalent part in an animal", "An advanced form of ballet primarily for the females, dancing ballet primarily using a Pointe shoe", "The journal, or pivot, at the lower end of a revolving shaft or spindle, which rests in a step", "A lateral projection at one end, or between the ends, of a piece, such as a rod or bolt, by means of which it is moved", "A projection from the periphery of a revolving piece, acting as a cam to lift another piece", "The long side of an angled cut" ], "antonyms": [ "heel", "tail", "heel" ], "synonyms": [ "hoof" ], "word": "toe", "num_translations": 194 }, "it's": { "senses": [ "It is", "It has", "There's, there is", "there're, there are" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "'tis" ], "word": "it's", "num_translations": 38 }, "for": { "senses": [ "Because, as, since" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "given that" ], "word": "for", "num_translations": 89 }, "for1": { "senses": [ "Towards", "in the direction of", "Directed at", "intended to belong to", "In order to help, benefit, gratify, honor etc", "To be used or treated in a stated way, or with a stated purpose", "Supporting", "in favour of", "Because of", "Over", "Throughout or across", "On behalf of", "In the role or capacity of", "instead of", "in place of", "in correspondence or equivalence with", "In order to obtain or acquire", "By the standards of, usually with the implication of those standards being lower than one might otherwise expect", "Despite, in spite of", "Used to indicate the subject of a to-infinitive", "Indicating something desired or anticipated", "Introducing the first item in a potential sequence", "In honor of", "after", "Due or facing", "Out of", "used to indicate a fraction, a ratio", "Used as part of a score to indicate the number of wickets that have fallen", "To be, or as being", "Indicating that in prevention of which, or through fear of which, anything is done", "Used in various more-or-less idiomatic ways to construe individual verbs, indicating various semantic relationships such as target, purpose, result, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "against" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "for", "num_translations": 294 }, "this": { "senses": [ "The here", "The known", "The known", "A known Compare with \"a certain\"", "Designates the current or next instance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "this", "num_translations": 433 }, "regime": { "senses": [ "Mode of rule or management", "A form of government, or the government in power", "A period of rule", "A regulated system", "A set of characteristics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regime", "num_translations": 105 }, "handsome": { "senses": [ "Having a good appearance", "good-looking", "Good, appealing, appropriate", "Generous or noble in character", "Ample", "moderately large", "Dexterous", "skillful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "good looking", "hefty" ], "word": "handsome", "num_translations": 83 }, "fall": { "senses": [ "The act of moving to a lower position under the effect of gravity", "A reduction in quantity, pitch, etc", "autumn", "the season of the year between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice", "A loss of greatness or status", "A crucial event or circumstance", "A hairpiece for women consisting of long strands of hair on a woven backing, intended primarily to cover hair loss", "Blame or punishment for a failure or misdeed", "The part of the rope of a tackle to which the power is applied in hoisting", "An old Scots unit of measure equal to six ells", "A short, flexible piece of leather forming part of a bullwhip, placed between the thong and the cracker" ], "antonyms": [ "ascent", "increase", "ascent" ], "synonyms": [ "descent", "decrease", "autumn", "downfall", "rap" ], "word": "fall", "num_translations": 96 }, "fall1": { "senses": [ "To be moved downwards", "To move downwards", "To happen, to change negatively", "To be allotted to", "to arrive through chance, fate, or inheritance", "To diminish", "to lessen or lower", "To bring forth", "To issue forth into life", "to be brought forth", "said of the young of certain animals", "To descend in character or reputation", "to become degraded", "to sink into vice, error, or sin", "To become ensnared or entrapped", "to be worse off than before", "To assume a look of shame or disappointment", "to become or appear dejected", "said of the face", "To happen", "to come to pass", "to chance or light", "To begin with haste, ardour, or vehemence", "to rush or hurry", "To be dropped or uttered carelessly", "To hang down" ], "antonyms": [ "ascend", "get up", "beat", "defeat", "overthrow", "smite", "vanquish", "): rise" ], "synonyms": [ "drop", "come down", "drop", "be beaten by", "be defeated by", "be overthrown by", "be smitten by", "be vanquished by,", "die", "be the responsibility of", "be up to", "): dip", "drop", "become", "to descend to the ground): cut down", "fell", "knock down", "knock over", "strike down" ], "word": "fall", "num_translations": 314 }, "finish": { "senses": [ "An end", "the end of anything", "A protective coating given to wood or metal and other surfaces", "The result of any process changing the physical or chemical properties of cloth", "careful elaboration", "polish", "A shot on goal, especially one that ends in a goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "finish", "num_translations": 78 }, "finish1": { "senses": [ "To complete", "To apply a treatment to", "To change an animal's food supply in the months before it is due for slaughter, with the intention of fattening the animal", "To come to an end", "To put an end to", "to destroy" ], "antonyms": [ "initiate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "finish", "num_translations": 224 }, "pristine": { "senses": [ "Unspoiled", "still with its original purity", "uncorrupted or unsullied", "Primitive, pertaining to the earliest state of something", "Perfect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pristine", "num_translations": 72 }, "raccoon": { "senses": [ "A nocturnal omnivore native to North America, typically with a mixture of gray, brown, and black fur, a mask-like marking around the eyes and a striped tail", "Procyon lotor", "Any mammal of the genus Procyon", "Any mammal of the subfamily Procyoninae, a procyonine", "Any mammal of the family Procyonidae, a procyonid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coon" ], "word": "raccoon", "num_translations": 124 }, "dear": { "senses": [ "High in price", "expensive", "Loved", "lovable", "Loving, affectionate, heartfelt", "Precious to or greatly valued by someone", "A formal way to start addressing somebody at the beginning of a letter, memo etc", "A formal way to start addressing somebody one likes or regards kindly", "An ironic way to start addressing an inferior", "Noble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dear", "num_translations": 288 }, "dear1": { "senses": [ "A very kind, loving person", "A beloved person", "An affectionate, familiar term of address, such as used between husband and wife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "darling" ], "word": "dear", "num_translations": 18 }, "deer": { "senses": [ "a ruminant mammal with antlers and hooves of the family Cervidae, or one of several similar animals from related families of the order Artiodactyla", "one of the smaller animals of this family, distinguished from a moose or elk", "the meat of such an animal", "venison", "an animal, especially a quadrupedal mammal, as opposed to a bird, fish, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deer", "num_translations": 234 }, "anoa": { "senses": [ "Any of either Bubalus quarlesi or Bubalus depressicornis, being species of small Indonesian water buffalo similar in appearance to a deer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dwarf buffalo", "midget buffalo", "sapiutan" ], "word": "anoa", "num_translations": 16 }, "zebra": { "senses": [ "A referee", "An unlikely diagnosis, especially for symptoms probably caused by a common ailment", "A biracial person, specifically one born to a member of the Sub-Saharan African race and a Caucasian", "Any of various papilionid butterflies of the subgenus Paranticopsis of the genus Graphium, having black and white markings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fascinoma" ], "word": "zebra", "num_translations": 154 }, "spanishchestnut": { "senses": [ "Castanea sativa, a deciduous tree with edible deep brown nutlike fruits The fruits have a little white, fluffy tail", "The fruit of this tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweet chestnut" ], "word": "Spanishchestnut", "num_translations": 18 }, "carcass": { "senses": [ "The body of a dead animal", "The body of a slaughtered animal, stripped of unwanted viscera, etc", "The body of a dead human, a corpse", "The framework of a structure, especially one not normally seen", "An early incendiary ship-to-ship projectile consisting of an iron shell filled with saltpetre, sulphur, resin, turpentine, antimony and tallow with vents for flame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:corpse" ], "word": "carcass", "num_translations": 81 }, "alpaca": { "senses": [ "A sheep-like animal of the Andes, Vicugna pacos, in the camel family, closely related to the llama, guanaco, and vicu\u00f1a" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alpaco" ], "word": "alpaca", "num_translations": 59 }, "vicuna": { "senses": [ "A South American mammal, Vicugna vicugna, closely related to the alpaca, llama, and guanaco" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Binomial name" ], "word": "vicuna", "num_translations": 19 }, "anarchy": { "senses": [ "The state of a society being without authorities or an authoritative governing body", "Anarchism", "the political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals, rather than by a government, which is regarded as being coercive by nature", "A chaotic and confusing absence of any form of political authority or government", "Confusion in general", "disorder" ], "antonyms": [ "nonanarchy", "order" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:disorder" ], "word": "anarchy", "num_translations": 109 }, "picture": { "senses": [ "A representation of anything upon canvas, paper, or other surface, by drawing, painting, printing, photography, etc", "An image", "a representation as in the imagination", "A painting", "A photograph", "Cinema", "A paragon, a perfect example or specimen", "An attractive sight", "The art of painting", "representation by painting", "A figure", "a model", "Situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "image" ], "word": "picture", "num_translations": 253 }, "blackvulture": { "senses": [ "An American vulture species, Coragyps atratus, with black plumage", "A north African and Eurasian vulture species, Aegypius monachus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American black vulture", "Eurasian black vulture" ], "word": "blackvulture", "num_translations": 22 }, "griffonvulture": { "senses": [ "A large Old World vulture, Gyps fulvus, native to mountainous areas from Iberia to Burma" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurasian griffon" ], "word": "griffonvulture", "num_translations": 63 }, "guanaco": { "senses": [ "A South American ruminant, Lama guanicoe", "closely related to the other lamoids, the alpaca, llama, and vicu\u00f1a in the family Camelidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Auchenia huanaco" ], "word": "guanaco", "num_translations": 24 }, "x-ray": { "senses": [ "Short wavelength electromagnetic radiation usually produced by bombarding a metal target in a vacuum Used to create images of the internal structure of objects", "The letter X in the ICAO spelling alphabet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "R\u00f6ntgen radiation", "R\u00f6ntgen rays", "X-ray radiation" ], "word": "X-ray", "num_translations": 122 }, "mind": { "senses": [ "The ability for rational thought", "The ability to be aware of things", "The ability to remember things", "The ability to focus the thoughts", "Somebody that embodies certain mental qualities", "Judgment, opinion, or view", "Desire, inclination, or intention", "A healthy mental state", "The non-material substance or set of processes in which consciousness, perception, affectivity, judgement, thinking, and will are based", "Continual prayer on a dead person's behalf for a period after their death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brain", "head", "intellect", "intelligence", "nous", "psyche", "reason", "wit", "Thesaurus:intelligence", "awareness", "memory", "attention", "genius", "judgment", "desire", "disposition", "idea", "inclination", "intention", "mood", "Thesaurus:desire", "Thesaurus:intention", "sanity", "process of" ], "word": "mind", "num_translations": 340 }, "mind1": { "senses": [ "To dislike, to object to", "to be bothered by", "To look after, to take care of, especially for a short period of time", "To make sure, to take care", "To be careful about", "Take note", "used to point out an exception or caveat", "To remember", "to intend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remember", "Thesaurus:dislike", "heed", "Thesaurus:care" ], "word": "mind", "num_translations": 76 }, "marshbuck": { "senses": [ "A swamp-dwelling antelope found throughout Central Africa, Tragelaphus spekii", "An antelope found in forests throughout sub-Saharan Africa, Tragelaphus scriptus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sitatunga", "bushbuck" ], "word": "marshbuck", "num_translations": 11 }, "kangaroo": { "senses": [ "A member of the Macropodidae family of large marsupials with strong hind legs for hopping, native to Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "macropod", "bunny hug" ], "word": "kangaroo", "num_translations": 122 }, "koala": { "senses": [ "A tree-dwelling marsupial, Phascolarctos cinereus, that resembles a small bear with a broad head, large ears and sharp claws, mainly found in eastern Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Phascolarctos cinereus" ], "word": "koala", "num_translations": 86 }, "hunt": { "senses": [ "To find or search for an animal in the wild with the intention of killing the animal for its meat or for sport", "To try to find something", "search", "To drive", "to chase", "with down, from, away, etc", "To use or traverse in pursuit of game", "To move or shift the order of in a regular course of changes", "To shift up and down in order regularly", "To be in a state of instability of movement or forced oscillation, as a governor which has a large movement of the balls for small change of load, an arc-lamp clutch mechanism which moves rapidly up and down with variations of current, etc", "also, to seesaw, as a pair of alternators working in parallel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hunt", "num_translations": 156 }, "boomerang": { "senses": [ "A flat curved airfoil, that spins about an axis perpendicular to the direction of flight, that was originally used in various parts of the world as hunting weapons or, in returnable types, for sports or training", "A breakdancing move in which the performer walks on his or her hands while keeping the legs raised off the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kylie" ], "word": "boomerang", "num_translations": 85 }, "u-turn": { "senses": [ "A turn in a vehicle carried out by driving in a semicircle in order to travel in the opposite direction", "A reversal of policy", "a volte-face, a backflip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "uey" ], "word": "U-turn", "num_translations": 42 }, "to1": { "senses": [ "Indicating destination: In the direction of, and arriving at", "Denotes the end of a range", "As a", "indicates exponentiation", "Preceding", ") At" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "to", "num_translations": 255 }, "tree": { "senses": [ "A perennial woody plant, not exactly defined, but differentiated from a shrub by its larger size or growth habit, usually having a single main axis or trunk unbranched for some distance above the ground and a head of branches and foliage", "A device used to hold or stretch a shoe open", "The structural frame of a saddle", "A connected graph with no cycles or, if the graph is finite, equivalently a connected graph with n vertices and n\u22121 edges", "A recursive data structure in which each node has zero or more nodes as children", "A display or listing of entries or elements such that there are primary and secondary entries shown, usually linked by drawn lines or by indenting to the right", "Any structure or construct having branches representing divergence or possible choices", "The structure or wooden frame used in the construction of a saddle used in horse riding", "Marijuana", "A cross or gallows", "Wood", "timber", "A mass of crystals, aggregated in arborescent forms, obtained by precipitation of a metal from solution", "The fifth Lenormand card" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sapling", "seedling" ], "word": "tree", "num_translations": 517 }, "arabianoryx": { "senses": [ "A species of oryx, Oryx leucoryx" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "white oryx" ], "word": "Arabianoryx", "num_translations": 14 }, "asianlion": { "senses": [ "Panthera leo persica, a subspecies of lion that inhabited Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asiatic lion", "Indian lion", "Felis leo persicus" ], "word": "Asianlion", "num_translations": 21 }, "greywolf": { "senses": [ "it shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "timber wolf" ], "word": "greywolf", "num_translations": 22 }, "snowleopard": { "senses": [ "A large feline mammal, Panthera uncia , native to mountain ranges of central Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ounce" ], "word": "snowleopard", "num_translations": 94 }, "example": { "senses": [ "Something that is representative of all such things in a group", "Something that serves to illustrate or explain a rule", "Something that serves as a pattern of behaviour to be imitated or not to be imitated", "A person punished as a warning to others", "A parallel or closely similar case, especially when serving as a precedent or model", "An instance serving to illustrate the rule or precept or to act as an exercise in the application of the rule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:model", "Thesaurus:exemplar" ], "word": "example", "num_translations": 253 }, "boy": { "senses": [ "A young male", "A male child: a son of any age", "A male of any age, particularly one rather younger than the speaker", "A male of low station, a worthless male, a wretch", "a mean and dishonest male, a knave", "A male servant, slave, assistant, or employee, particularly:", "Any non-white male, regardless of age", "A male animal, especially, in affectionate address, a male dog", "A former low rank of various armed services", "a holder of this rank", "Heroin", "A male" ], "antonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:girl" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:boy", "chap", "See", "son", "manservant", "brat", "See", "Thesaurus:heroin" ], "word": "boy", "num_translations": 435 }, "girl": { "senses": [ "A female child, adolescent, or a young woman", "A young female animal", "A woman, especially a young woman", "A female servant", "a maid", "A queen", "A term of endearment", "One's daughter", "A roebuck two years old", "Cocaine, especially in powder form", "A female", "A boy or man who is weak or sentimental" ], "antonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:boy" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:girl", "girlie", "See", "daughter", "char#Etymology_3", "See", "Thesaurus:cocaine" ], "word": "girl", "num_translations": 411 }, "centipede": { "senses": [ "Any arthropod of class Chilopoda, which have a segmented body with one pair of legs per segment and from about 20 to 300 legs in total" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chilopod" ], "word": "centipede", "num_translations": 126 }, "antecedent1": { "senses": [ "Any thing that precedes another thing, especially the cause of the second thing", "An ancestor", "A word, phrase or clause referred to by a pronoun", "The first of two subsets of a sequent, consisting of all the sequent's formulae which are valuated as true", "The first term of a ratio, ie the term a in the ratio a:b, the other being the consequent", "Previous principles, conduct, history, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "consequent", "anaphor" ], "synonyms": [ "precedent", "ascendant" ], "word": "antecedent", "num_translations": 78 }, "definitearticle": { "senses": [ "An article that introduces a noun and specifies it as the particular noun that is being considered" ], "antonyms": [ "indefinite article" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "definitearticle", "num_translations": 39 }, "adjunct": { "senses": [ "An appendage", "something attached to something else in a subordinate capacity", "A person associated with another, usually in a subordinate position", "a colleague", "An unmalted grain or grain product that supplements the main mash ingredient", "A quality or property of the body or mind, whether natural or acquired, such as colour in the body or judgement in the mind", "A key or scale closely related to another as principal", "a relative or attendant key", "A dispensable phrase in a clause or sentence that amplifies its meaning, such as \"for a while\" in \"I typed for a while\"", "A constituent which is both the daughter and the sister of an X-bar", "Symploce", "One of a pair of morphisms which relate to each other through a pair of adjoint functors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "addition", "colleague", "subordinate" ], "word": "adjunct", "num_translations": 17 }, "affirmative": { "senses": [ "pertaining to truth", "asserting that something is", "affirming", "pertaining to any assertion or active confirmation that favors a particular result", "positive", "Confirmative", "ratifying", "dogmatic", "Expressing the agreement of the two terms of a proposition", "positive", "not negative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affirmative", "num_translations": 20 }, "his": { "senses": [ "Belonging to him", "Belonging to a person of unspecified gender", "Its", "belonging to it", "Used as a genitive marker in place of 's after a noun, especially a masculine noun ending in -s, to express the possessive case" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "his", "num_translations": 158 }, "subordinateclause": { "senses": [ "A clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence, but functions as either a noun, adjective or adverb in a sentence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dependent clause" ], "word": "subordinateclause", "num_translations": 35 }, "action": { "senses": [ "Something done so as to accomplish a purpose", "A way of motion or functioning", "Fast-paced activity", "A mechanism", "a moving part or assembly", "The mechanism, that is the set of moving mechanical parts, of a keyboard instrument, like a piano, which transfers the motion of the key to the sound-making device", "The distance separating the strings and the fretboard on a guitar", "Sexual intercourse", "Combat", "A charge or other process in a law court", "The product of energy and time, especially the product of the Lagrangian and time", "The event or connected series of events, either real or imaginary, forming the subject of a play, poem, or other composition", "the unfolding of the drama of events", "The attitude or position of the several parts of the body as expressive of the sentiment or passion depicted", "spin put on the bowling ball", "A share in the capital stock of a joint-stock company, or in the public funds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deed" ], "word": "action", "num_translations": 228 }, "cardinalnumber": { "senses": [ "A number used to denote quantity", "a counting number", "a cardinal", "A generalized kind of number used to denote the size of a set, including infinite sets", "A word that expresses a countable quantity", "a cardinal numeral" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cardinal", "cardinal numeral" ], "word": "cardinalnumber", "num_translations": 67 }, "concrete": { "senses": [ "Real, actual, tangible", "Being or applying to actual things, not abstract qualities or categories", "Particular, specific, rather than general", "United by coalescence of separate particles, or liquid, into one mass or solid" ], "antonyms": [ "intangible", "intangible", "discrete" ], "synonyms": [ "tangible", "tangible", "Thesaurus:specific" ], "word": "concrete", "num_translations": 114 }, "concrete1": { "senses": [ "A solid mass formed by the coalescence of separate particles", "a compound substance, a concretion", "Specifically, a building material created by mixing cement, water, and aggregate such as gravel and sand", "A term designating both a quality and the subject in which it exists", "Sugar boiled down from cane juice to a solid mass", "A dessert of frozen custard with various toppings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concrete", "num_translations": 76 }, "dative": { "senses": [ "Noting the case of a noun which expresses the remoter or indirect object, generally indicated in English by to or for with the objective", "In one's gift", "capable of being disposed of at will and pleasure, as an office or other privilege", "Removable, as distinguished from perpetual", "\u2014 said of an officer", "Given by a judge, as distinguished from being cast upon a party by the law itself", "Formed by two electrons contributed by one atom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dative", "num_translations": 49 }, "mainclause": { "senses": [ "A clause that can stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence and contains at least a subject and a verb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "independent clause", "matrix clause" ], "word": "mainclause", "num_translations": 19 }, "imperative": { "senses": [ "Essential", "crucial", "extremely important", "Having a semantics that incorporates mutable variables", "Expressing a command", "authoritatively or absolutely directive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "imperative", "num_translations": 54 }, "imperative1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imperative mood", "required" ], "word": "imperative", "num_translations": 18 }, "auxiliaryverb": { "senses": [ "A verb that accompanies the main verb in a clause in order to make distinctions in tense, mood, voice or aspect" ], "antonyms": [ "full verb", "modal verb", "modal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "auxiliaryverb", "num_translations": 65 }, "vowel": { "senses": [ "A sound produced by the vocal cords with relatively little restriction of the oral cavity, forming the prominent sound of a syllable" ], "antonyms": [ "consonant", "consonant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "vowel", "num_translations": 177 }, "copula": { "senses": [ "A word, usually a verb, used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate , that unites or associates the subject with the predicate", "A function that represents the association between two or more variables, independent of the individual marginal distributions of the variables", "A device that connects two or more keyboards of an organ", "mating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "linking verb" ], "word": "copula", "num_translations": 72 }, "article": { "senses": [ "A piece of nonfictional writing such as a story, report, opinion piece, or entry in a newspaper, magazine, journal, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc", "An object, a member of a group or class", "A section of a legal document, bylaws, etc or, in the plural, the entire document seen as a collection of these", "A part or segment of something joined to other parts, or, in combination, forming a structured set", "A person", "A wench", "Subject matter", "concern", "A distinct part", "A precise point in time", "a moment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "article", "num_translations": 262 }, "passivevoice": { "senses": [ "The form of a transitive verb in which its subject receives the action" ], "antonyms": [ "active voice" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "passivevoice", "num_translations": 49 }, "masculine": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the male gender", "manly", "Of or pertaining to the male sex", "biologically male, not female", "Belonging to males", "typically used by males", "Having the qualities stereotypically associated with men: virile, aggressive, not effeminate", "Of, pertaining or belonging to the male grammatical gender, in languages that have gender distinctions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "masculine", "num_translations": 244 }, "consonant1": { "senses": [ "Characterized by harmony or agreement", "Having the same sound", "Harmonizing together", "accordant" ], "antonyms": [ "disconsonant", "dissonant", "discordant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consonant", "num_translations": 19 }, "case": { "senses": [ "An actual event, situation, or fact", "A given condition or state", "A piece of work, specifically defined within a profession", "An instance or event as a topic of study", "A legal proceeding, lawsuit", "A specific inflection of a word depending on its function in the sentence", "An instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms", "A section of code representing one of the actions of a conditional switch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "befall", "grammatical case" ], "word": "case", "num_translations": 183 }, "case2": { "senses": [ "A box that contains or can contain a number of identical items of manufacture", "A box, sheath, or covering generally", "A piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus such as a sewing machine", "An enclosing frame or casing", "A piece of furniture, constructed partially of transparent glass or plastic, within which items can be displayed", "The outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus such as a computer", "The nature of a piece of alphabetic type, whether a \u201ccapital\" or \u201csmall\" letter", "Four of a kind", "A unit of liquid measure used to measure sales in the beverage industry, equivalent to 192 fluid ounces", "A small fissure which admits water into the workings", "A thin layer of harder metal on the surface of an object whose deeper metal is allowed to remain soft", "A cardboard box that holds beer bottles or cans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "case", "num_translations": 190 }, "nominativecase": { "senses": [ "The case used to indicate the subject\u2014or agent\u2014of a finite verb", "The subject of a verb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subjective case" ], "word": "nominativecase", "num_translations": 89 }, "nounphrase": { "senses": [ "A phrase that can serve as the subject or the object of a verb", "it is usually headed by a noun, , with any associated dependents such as determiners or modifiers", "Examples", "\u201cFred\" in \u201cFred fell asleep at the keyboard\"", "\u201cThe day Fred keyboard\" in \u201cThe day Fred fell asleep at the keyboard was very hot, and he had had too much to drink at lunchtime\"", "Additional examples", "banana", "big bananas", "a big banana", "this big banana", "a very big banana", "a very big banana that tastes great (an article, an adverb defining an adjective, and a singular noun", "followed by a relative clause made up of a relative pronoun 'that', a verb 'tastes', and an adjective 'great')" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nounphrase", "num_translations": 35 }, "nominative": { "senses": [ "Giving a name", "naming", "designating", "Being in that case or form of a noun which stands as the subject of a finite verb", "Making a selection or nomination", "choosing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nominative", "num_translations": 30 }, "indefinitearticle": { "senses": [ "A word preceding a noun to indicate that the noun refers to any member of the class of objects named by the noun" ], "antonyms": [ "definite article" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indefinitearticle", "num_translations": 28 }, "subject": { "senses": [ "Likely to be affected by or to experience something", "Conditional upon", "Placed or situated under", "lying below, or in a lower situation", "Placed under the power of another", "owing allegiance to a particular sovereign or state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "subject", "num_translations": 29 }, "subject1": { "senses": [ "An actor", "one who takes action", "The main topic of a paper, work of art, discussion, field of study, etc", "A particular area of study", "A citizen in a monarchy", "A person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority", "The main theme or melody, especially in a fugue", "A human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined, treated, analysed, etc", "That of which something is stated", "The variable in terms of which an expression is defined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "matter" ], "word": "subject", "num_translations": 328 }, "subject2": { "senses": [ "To cause to undergo a particular experience, especially one that is unpleasant or unwanted", "To make subordinate or subservient", "to subdue or enslave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underbring" ], "word": "subject", "num_translations": 30 }, "irregular": { "senses": [ "nonstandard", "not conforming to rules or expectations", "rough", "without symmetry, regularity, or uniformity", "not regular", "having sides that are not equal or angles that are not equal", "whose faces are not all regular polygons", "not following the regular or expected patterns of inflection in a given language" ], "antonyms": [ "regular" ], "synonyms": [ "abnormal", "coarse", "unstable" ], "word": "irregular", "num_translations": 89 }, "presentcontinuous": { "senses": [ "A tense that describes an ongoing action in the present In English it is formed by use of a form of be with a present participle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "present progressive" ], "word": "presentcontinuous", "num_translations": 10 }, "future": { "senses": [ "The time ahead", "those moments yet to be experienced", "Something that will happen in moments yet to come", "Goodness in what is yet to come Something to look forward to", "An object that retrieves the value of a promise", "A minor-league prospect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to-come" ], "word": "future", "num_translations": 182 }, "conditional": { "senses": [ "a statement that depends on a condition being true or false", "A statement that one sentence is true if another is", "An instruction that branches depending on the truth of a condition at that point", "A limitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "if-then" ], "word": "conditional", "num_translations": 40 }, "conditional1": { "senses": [ "Limited by a condition", "Stating that one sentence is true if another is", "Expressing a condition or supposition" ], "antonyms": [ "absolute", "categorical", "unconditional" ], "synonyms": [ "conditioned", "relative", "limited", "hypothetical" ], "word": "conditional", "num_translations": 40 }, "superlative": { "senses": [ "The highest extent or degree of something", "The form of an adjective that expresses which of several items has the highest degree of the quality expressed by the adjective", "in English, formed by appending \"-est\" to the end of the adjective or putting \"most\" before it", "An adjective used to praise something exceptional" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acme" ], "word": "superlative", "num_translations": 73 }, "superlative1": { "senses": [ "Exceptionally good", "of the highest quality", "superb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "above and beyond" ], "word": "superlative", "num_translations": 38 }, "neuter": { "senses": [ "Neutral", "on neither side", "neither one thing nor another", "Having a form which is not masculine nor feminine", "or having a form which is not of common gender", "Intransitive", "Sexless: having no or imperfectly developed sex organs", "Sexless, nonsexual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "sexless", "genderless" ], "word": "neuter", "num_translations": 99 }, "neuter1": { "senses": [ "An organism, either vegetable or animal, which at its maturity has no generative organs, or but imperfectly developed ones, as a plant without stamens or pistils, as the garden Hydrangea", "especially, one of the imperfectly developed females of certain social insects, as of the ant and the common honeybee, which perform the labors of the community, and are called workers", "A person who takes no part in a contest", "someone remaining neutral", "An intransitive verb or state-of-being verb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "neuter", "num_translations": 64 }, "neuter2": { "senses": [ "To remove sex organs from an animal to prevent it from having offspring", "to castrate or spay, particularly as applied to domestic animals", "To rid of sexuality", "To drastically reduce the effectiveness of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "castrate" ], "word": "neuter", "num_translations": 37 }, "ordinalnumber": { "senses": [ "A word that expresses the relative position of an item in a sequence", "A natural number used to denote position in a sequence", "Such a number generalised to correspond to any cardinal number", "formally, the order type of some well-ordered set of some cardinality a, which represents an equivalence class of well-ordered sets under the equivalence relation \"existence of an order-preserving bijection\"" ], "antonyms": [ "cardinal" ], "synonyms": [ "ordinal", "ordinal", "ordinal" ], "word": "ordinalnumber", "num_translations": 52 }, "regular": { "senses": [ "Bound by religious rule", "belonging to a monastic or religious order", "Having a constant pattern", "showing evenness of form or appearance", "Both equilateral and equiangular", "having all sides of the same length, and all angles of the same size", "Demonstrating a consistent set of rules", "showing order, evenness of operation or occurrence", "Well-behaved, orderly", "restrained", "Happening at constant intervals", "Following a set or common pattern", "according to the normal rules of a given language", "Having the expected characteristics or appearances", "normal, ordinary, standard", "Permanently organised", "being part of a set professional body of troops", "Having bowel movements or menstrual periods at constant intervals in the expected way", "Exemplary", "excellent example of", "utter, downright", "Having all the parts of the same kind alike in size and shape", "Isometric", "Riding with the left foot forward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regular", "num_translations": 159 }, "regular2": { "senses": [ "A member of the British Army", "A frequent, routine visitor to an establishment", "A frequent customer, client or business partner", "A coffee with one cream and one sugar", "Anything that is normal or standard", "A member of a religious order who has taken the three ordinary vows", "A number for each year, giving, added to the concurrents, the number of the day of the week on which the Paschal full moon falls", "A fixed number for each month serving to ascertain the day of the week, or the age of the moon, on the first day of any month" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frequenter" ], "word": "regular", "num_translations": 24 }, "stem": { "senses": [ "The stock of a family", "a race or generation of progenitors", "A branch of a family", "An advanced or leading position", "the lookout", "The above-ground stalk of a vascular plant, and certain anatomically similar, below-ground organs such as rhizomes, bulbs, tubers, and corms", "A slender supporting member of an individual part of a plant such as a flower or a leaf", "also, by analogy, the shaft of a feather", "A narrow part on certain man-made objects, such as a wine glass, a tobacco pipe, a spoon", "A person's leg", "The penis", "A vertical stroke of a letter", "A vertical stroke marking the length of a note in written music", "A premixed portion of a track for use in audio mastering and remixing", "The vertical or nearly vertical forward extension of the keel, to which the forward ends of the planks or strakes are attached", "A component on a bicycle that connects the handlebars to the bicycle fork", "A part of an anatomic structure considered without its possible branches or ramifications", "A crack pipe", "or the long, hollow portion of a similar pipe resembling a crack pipe", "A winder on a clock, watch, or similar mechanism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tail" ], "word": "stem", "num_translations": 232 }, "stem1": { "senses": [ "To be caused or derived", "to originate", "To descend in a family line", "to make headway against", "to ram", "To ram into a blasting hole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to be due to", "to arise from" ], "word": "stem", "num_translations": 65 }, "stem2": { "senses": [ "To stop, hinder", "To move the feet apart and point the tips of the skis inward in order to slow down the speed or to facilitate a turn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "stem", "num_translations": 41 }, "interjection": { "senses": [ "An exclamation or filled pause", "a word or phrase with no particular grammatical relation to a sentence, often an expression of emotion", "An interruption", "something interjected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exclamation" ], "word": "interjection", "num_translations": 109 }, "ending": { "senses": [ "A termination or conclusion", "The last part of something", "The last morpheme of a word, added to some base to make an inflected form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "termination or conclusion", "last part of something", "grammar" ], "word": "ending", "num_translations": 73 }, "declension": { "senses": [ "A falling off, decay or descent", "The act of declining a word", "the act of listing the inflections of a noun, pronoun or adjective in order", "A way of categorizing nouns, pronouns, or adjectives according to the inflections they receive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "declination" ], "word": "declension", "num_translations": 108 }, "comparative": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to comparison", "Using comparison as a method of study, or founded on something using it", "Approximated by comparison", "relative", "Comparable", "bearing comparison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comparative", "num_translations": 51 }, "comparative1": { "senses": [ "of evil, more evil", "Data used to make a comparison", "An equal", "a rival", "a compeer", "One who makes comparisons", "one who affects wit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comparative degree" ], "word": "comparative", "num_translations": 69 }, "castilian": { "senses": [ "The main and official language of Spain, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Castilian Spanish" ], "word": "Castilian", "num_translations": 31 }, "kiwi": { "senses": [ "A flightless bird of the genus Apteryx native to New Zealand", "A New Zealand dollar", "A member of the air force who does not fly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apteryx", "Chinese gooseberry" ], "word": "kiwi", "num_translations": 56 }, "bullbar": { "senses": [ "A welded framework of metal bars at a vehicle's front, designed to protect it during collisions with animals, but often purchased as a fashion accessory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kangaroo bar" ], "word": "bullbar", "num_translations": 12 }, "englishman": { "senses": [ "A male native or inhabitant of England", "a man who is English by ancestry, birth, descent or naturalisation", "The grey partridge", "A Canadian of British descent and/or whose first language is English", "A South African of British descent, and/or whose first language is English" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Englishman", "num_translations": 83 }, "kiwifruit": { "senses": [ "A Chinese gooseberry vine fruit, having a hairy brown skin and dark green flesh with fine black seeds, almost always varieties of Actinidia deliciosa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kiwi" ], "word": "kiwifruit", "num_translations": 82 }, "gringo": { "senses": [ "a white person from an English-speaking country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:white person" ], "word": "gringo", "num_translations": 11 }, "yeah": { "senses": [ "Yes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yes", "hurrah" ], "word": "yeah", "num_translations": 68 }, "mill": { "senses": [ "A grinding apparatus for substances such as grains, seeds, etc", "The building housing such a grinding apparatus", "A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc, from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process", "A machine for grinding and polishing", "A manufacturing plant for paper, steel, textiles, etc", "A building housing such a plant", "An institution awarding educational certificates not officially recognised", "An engine", "A boxing match, fistfight", "A hardened steel roller with a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a softer metal, such as copper", "An excavation in rock, transverse to the workings, from which material for filling is obtained", "A passage underground through which ore is shot", "A typewriter used to transcribe messages received" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "factory" ], "word": "mill", "num_translations": 290 }, "mill1": { "senses": [ "To shape, polish, dress or finish using a machine", "To engrave one or more grooves or a pattern around the edge of", "To move about in an aimless fashion", "To swim underwater", "To swim suddenly in a new direction", "To beat", "to pound", "to full, as cloth", "To roll into bars", "To make frothy, as by churning", "To undergo hulling", "To take part in a fistfight", "to box", "To fill with broken ore, to be drawn out at the bottom", "To commit burglary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roam" ], "word": "mill", "num_translations": 58 }, "leather": { "senses": [ "A tough material produced from the skin of animals, by tanning or similar process, used eg for clothing", "A piece of the above used for polishing", "A cricket ball or football", "clothing made from the skin of animals, often worn by motorcycle riders", "A good defensive play", "A punch", "The skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leather", "num_translations": 123 }, "again": { "senses": [ "Another time", "once more", "Over and above a factor of one", "Used metalinguistically, with the repetition being in the discussion, or in the linguistic or pragmatic context of the discussion, rather than in the subject of discussion", "Back in the reverse direction, or to an original starting point", "Back", "In return, as a reciprocal action", "back", "In any other place", "On the other hand", "Moreover", "besides", "further" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "again", "num_translations": 303 }, "quack2": { "senses": [ "A fraudulent healer or incompetent professional", "especially, a doctor of medicine who makes false diagnoses or inappropriate treatment", "an impostor who claims to have qualifications to practice medicine", "A charlatan", "A doctor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medicaster", "quacksalver" ], "word": "quack", "num_translations": 70 }, "advertisement": { "senses": [ "A commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar", "A public notice", "A recommendation of a particular product, service or person", "Notoriety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ad" ], "word": "advertisement", "num_translations": 193 }, "adjustment": { "senses": [ "The action of adjusting something", "The result of adjusting something", "a small change", "a minor correction", "a modification or alteration", "The settling or balancing of a financial account", "The behavioural process of balancing conflicting needs, or needs against obstacles in the environment", "The assessment, by an insurance company, of a claim", "the settlement of such a claim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "change", "correction", "modification" ], "word": "adjustment", "num_translations": 83 }, "island": { "senses": [ "A contiguous area of land, smaller than a continent, totally surrounded by water", "An entity surrounded by other entities that are very different from itself", "A superstructure on an aircraft carrier's deck", "An unincorporated area wholly surrounded by one or more incorporated areas", "A phrase from which a wh-word cannot be extracted without yielding invalid grammar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ait", "oasis" ], "word": "island", "num_translations": 372 }, "island1": { "senses": [ "To surround with water", "To isolate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "isle" ], "word": "island", "num_translations": 22 }, "quadrant": { "senses": [ "One of the four sections made by dividing an area with two perpendicular lines", "One of the four regions of the Cartesian plane bounded by the x-axis and y-axis", "One fourth of a circle or disc", "a sector with an angle of 90\u00b0", "A measuring device with a graduated arc of 90\u00b0 used in locating an altitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quadrant", "num_translations": 47 }, "quadruped": { "senses": [ "a four-footed or four-legged animal", "a mammal ambulating on all fours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tetrapod" ], "word": "quadruped", "num_translations": 52 }, "quadrupedal": { "senses": [ "Walking on four feet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "four-legged" ], "word": "quadrupedal", "num_translations": 13 }, "prisonerofwar": { "senses": [ "A soldier or combatant who is captured by the enemy Abbreviations POW, PW" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "POW" ], "word": "prisonerofwar", "num_translations": 65 }, "species": { "senses": [ "Type or kind", "An image, an appearance, a spectacle", "Either of the two elements of the Eucharist after they have been consecrated", "Coin, or coined silver, gold, or other metal, used as a circulating medium", "specie", "A component part of compound medicine", "a simple", "An officinal mixture or compound powder of any kind", "especially, one used for making an aromatic tea or tisane", "a tea mixture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "species", "num_translations": 133 }, "bird": { "senses": [ "A member of the class of animals Aves in the phylum Chordata, characterized by being warm-blooded, having feathers and wings usually capable of flight, and laying eggs", "A man, fellow", "A girl or woman, especially one considered sexually attractive", "Girlfriend", "An airplane", "A satellite", "A chicken", "the young of a fowl", "a young eaglet", "a nestling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fowl", "chap", "broad", "Thesaurus:woman", "Thesaurus:girl" ], "word": "bird", "num_translations": 516 }, "fish2": { "senses": [ "To find or get hold of an object by searching among other objects", "To talk to people in an attempt to get them to say something, or seek to obtain something by artifice", "Of a batsman, to attempt to hit a ball outside off stump and miss it", "To repair by fastening a beam or other long object over the damaged part", "To hoist the flukes of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "angle", "drop in a line", "rifle", "rummage", ") angle" ], "word": "fish", "num_translations": 69 }, "quail": { "senses": [ "To waste away", "to fade, to wither", "To daunt or frighten", "To lose heart or courage", "to be daunted or fearful", "Of courage, faith, etc: to slacken, to give way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quail", "num_translations": 13 }, "qualm": { "senses": [ "A feeling of apprehension, doubt, fear etc", "A sudden sickly feeling", "queasiness", "A prick of the conscience", "a moral scruple, a pang of guilt", "Mortality", "plague", "pestilence", "A calamity or disaster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compunction", "misgiving", "scruple", "uneasy", "Thesaurus:apprehension" ], "word": "qualm", "num_translations": 44 }, "quantity": { "senses": [ "A fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement of a scalar, vector, number of items or to some other way of denominating the value of a collection or group of items", "An indefinite amount of something", "A specific measured amount", "A considerable measure or amount", "Property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as number and a reference", "Indicates that the entire preceding expression is henceforth considered a single object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Qty" ], "word": "quantity", "num_translations": 172 }, "quarantine1": { "senses": [ "A sanitary measure to prevent the spread of a contagious plague by isolating those believed or feared to be infected", "Such official detention of a ship at or off port due to suspicion that it may be carrying a contagious disease aboard", "A certain place for isolating persons suspected of suffering from a contagious disease", "A certain period of time during which a person is isolated to determine whether they've been infected with a contagious disease", "Any rigorous measure of isolation, regardless of the reason", "A record system kept by port health authorities in order to monitor and prevent the spread of contagious diseases", "A place where email messages or other files which are suspected of harboring a computer virus are stored" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quarantine", "num_translations": 129 }, "quarrel": { "senses": [ "A verbal dispute or heated argument", "A ground of dispute or objection", "a complaint", "earnest desire or longing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dispute" ], "word": "quarrel", "num_translations": 126 }, "quarrel1": { "senses": [ "To disagree", "To contend, argue fiercely, squabble", "To find fault", "to cavil", "To argue or squabble with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quarrel", "num_translations": 92 }, "quarrel2": { "senses": [ "A diamond-shaped piece of coloured glass forming part of a stained glass window", "A square tile", "quarry tile", "A bolt or arrow for a crossbow, traditionally with the head square in cross-section", "A small opening in window tracery, of which the cusps etc make the form nearly square", "A four-sided cutting tool or chisel with a diamond-shaped end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quarrel", "num_translations": 12 }, "quebec": { "senses": [ "province in eastern c/Canada", "The letter Q in the ICAO spelling alphabet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Quebec City" ], "word": "Quebec", "num_translations": 78 }, "montreal": { "senses": [ "A river >, the > in >, >", "island p/Quebec c/Canada, on which the city is situated", "river dist/Algoma,Sudbury p/Ontario c/Canada", "river dist/Timiskaming p/Ontario c/Canada", "river cdiv/No 18 p/Saskatchewan c/Canada", "unincorporated community co/Camden County s/Missouri c/USA", "small city co/Iron County s/Wisconsin c/USA", "river on the pen:Suf/Keweenaw s/Michigan c/USA", "A > in northern > and the > of >, >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mtl" ], "word": "Montreal", "num_translations": 62 }, "air1": { "senses": [ "To discuss varying viewpoints on a given topic", "To broadcast", "To be broadcast", "To ignore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "air", "num_translations": 93 }, "all": { "senses": [ "Every individual or anything of the given class, with no exceptions", "Throughout the whole of (a stated period of time", "Any", "Only", "alone", "nothing but" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "all", "num_translations": 245 }, "all2": { "senses": [ "Intensifier", "Entirely", "completely", "Apiece", "each", "So much", "Even", "just" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "completely" ], "word": "all", "num_translations": 75 }, "almost": { "senses": [ "Very close to, but not quite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nearly" ], "word": "almost", "num_translations": 144 }, "angle": { "senses": [ "A figure formed by two rays which start from a common point or by three planes that intersect", "A corner where two walls intersect", "A change in direction", "A viewpoint", "a way of looking at something", "The focus of a news story", "Any of various hesperiid butterflies", "A storyline between two wrestlers, providing the background for and approach to a feud", "An ulterior motive", "a scheme or means of benefitting from a situation, usually hidden, often immoral", "A projecting or sharp corner", "an angular fragment", "Any of the four cardinal points of an astrological chart: the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Descendant and the Imum Coeli" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corner", "swerve", "-gon", "opinion" ], "word": "angle", "num_translations": 266 }, "angry": { "senses": [ "Displaying or feeling anger", "Inflamed and painful", "Dark and stormy, menacing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mad", "enraged", "wrathful", "furious", "apoplectic", "Thesaurus:angry" ], "word": "angry", "num_translations": 211 }, "answer1": { "senses": [ "To make a reply or response to", "To speak in defence against", "to reply to in defence", "To respond to a call by someone at a door or telephone, or other similar piece of equipment", "To suit a need or purpose satisfactorily", "To be accountable or responsible", "to make amends", "To file a document in response to a complaint", "To correspond to", "to be in harmony with", "to be in agreement with", "To be opposite, or to act in opposition", "To be or act in conformity, or by way of accommodation, correspondence, relation, or proportion", "to conform", "to correspond", "to suit", "usually with to", "To respond to satisfactorily", "to meet successfully by way of explanation, argument, or justification", "to refute", "To be or act in compliance with, in fulfillment or satisfaction of, as an order, obligation, or demand", "To render account to or for", "To atone for", "to be punished for", "To be or act as an equivalent to, or as adequate or sufficient for", "to serve for", "to repay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "answer", "num_translations": 184 }, "ant": { "senses": [ "Any of various insects in the family Formicidae in the order Hymenoptera, typically living in large colonies composed almost entirely of flightless females", "A Web spider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emmet" ], "word": "ant", "num_translations": 338 }, "approval": { "senses": [ "An expression granting permission", "an indication of agreement with a proposal", "an acknowledgement that a person, thing or event meets requirements", "An expression of favorable acceptance and encouragement", "a compliment that also condones", "Something mailed by a seller to a collector to match his stated interests", "he can approve of or return the item" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "approbation", "commendation" ], "word": "approval", "num_translations": 70 }, "argument": { "senses": [ "A fact or statement used to support a proposition", "a reason", "A verbal dispute", "a quarrel", "A process of reasoning", "A series of propositions organized so that the final proposition is a conclusion which is intended to follow logically from the preceding propositions, which function as premises", "The independent variable of a function", "The phase of a complex number", "A value, or reference to a value, passed to a function", "A parameter at a function call", "an actual parameter, as opposed to a formal parameter", "Any of the phrases that bears a syntactic connection to the verb of a clause", "The quantity on which another quantity in a table depends", "The subject matter of a discourse, writing, or artistic representation", "theme or topic", "also, an abstract or summary, as of the contents of a book, chapter, poem", "Matter for question", "business in hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "actual argument", "Thesaurus:argument", "Thesaurus:dispute" ], "word": "argument", "num_translations": 214 }, "arm3": { "senses": [ "A weapon", "Heraldic bearings or insignia", "War", "hostilities", "deeds or exploits of war" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:weapon" ], "word": "arm", "num_translations": 67 }, "arm4": { "senses": [ "To prepare a tool or a weapon for action", "to activate", "To cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will add strength, force, security, or efficiency", "To furnish with means of defence", "to prepare for resistance", "to fortify, in a moral sense", "To take up weapons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beweapon" ], "word": "arm", "num_translations": 62 }, "art": { "senses": [ "The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colours, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the senses and emotions, usually specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium", "The creative and emotional expression of mental imagery, such as visual, auditory, social, etc", "Skillful creative activity, usually with an aesthetic focus", "The study and the product of these processes", "Aesthetic value", "A nonscientific branch of learning", "Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation", "Contrivance, scheming, manipulation" ], "antonyms": [ "mundacity" ], "synonyms": [ "craft" ], "word": "art", "num_translations": 317 }, "as": { "senses": [ "To such an extent or degree", "to the same extent or degree", "In the manner or role", "Considered to be, in relation to something else", "in the relation", "For example", "for instance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "as", "num_translations": 63 }, "as1": { "senses": [ "In the way or manner that", "to the degree that", "At the time that", "during the time when:", "Being that, considering that, because, since", "Than" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "albeit", "while", "given that" ], "word": "as", "num_translations": 268 }, "twenty-fourseven": { "senses": [ "24 hours per day, seven days per week Designates a round-the-clock service, typically including holidays, as might be offered by a supermarket, ATM, gas station, concierge service or manned data center", "Constantly, without interruption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all the time" ], "word": "twenty-fourseven", "num_translations": 13 }, "accident": { "senses": [ "An unexpected event with negative consequences occurring without the intention of the one suffering the consequences", "Especially, a collision or similar unintended event that causes damage or death", "Any chance event", "Chance", "Any property, fact, or relation that is the result of chance or is nonessential", "An instance of incontinence", "An unintended pregnancy", "A quality or attribute in distinction from the substance, as sweetness, softness", "A property attached to a word, but not essential to it, such as gender, number, or case", "An irregular surface feature with no apparent cause", "A sudden discontinuity of ground such as fault of great thickness, bed or lentil of unstable ground", "A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms", "casus", "such unforeseen, extraordinary, extraneous interference as is out of the range of ordinary calculation", "Appearance, manifestation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mishap", "befalling", "fortune", "casus" ], "word": "accident", "num_translations": 224 }, "adamant": { "senses": [ "Firm", "unshakeable", "unyielding", "determined", "Very difficult to break, pierce, or cut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "adamant", "num_translations": 54 }, "adamant1": { "senses": [ "An imaginary rock or mineral of impenetrable hardness", "a name given to the diamond and other substances of extreme hardness", "An embodiment of impregnable hardness", "A magnet", "a lodestone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adamant", "num_translations": 12 }, "adore": { "senses": [ "To worship", "To love with one's entire heart and soul", "regard with deep respect and affection", "To be very fond of", "To adorn" ], "antonyms": [ "disdain" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "adore", "num_translations": 54 }, "advice": { "senses": [ "An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed", "counsel", "Deliberate consideration", "knowledge", "Information or news given", "intelligence", "In commercial language, information communicated by letter", "used chiefly in reference to drafts or bills of exchange", "Counseling to perform a specific illegal act", "In aspect-oriented programming, the code whose execution is triggered when a join point is reached" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counsel", "Thesaurus:advice" ], "word": "advice", "num_translations": 142 }, "indonesian1": { "senses": [ "A person living in or coming from Indonesia", "The common language spoken in Indonesia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bahasa Indonesia" ], "word": "Indonesian", "num_translations": 105 }, "north": { "senses": [ "The up or positive direction" ], "antonyms": [ "south" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "north", "num_translations": 225 }, "north1": { "senses": [ "More or greater than" ], "antonyms": [ "south" ], "synonyms": [ "boreal" ], "word": "north", "num_translations": 99 }, "east1": { "senses": [ "oriental", "Designating, or situated in, that part of a church which contains the choir or chancel" ], "antonyms": [ "westward", "westerly", "western" ], "synonyms": [ "eastward", "easterly", "eastern", "oriental" ], "word": "east", "num_translations": 127 }, "east2": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "west" ], "synonyms": [ "eastwards" ], "word": "east", "num_translations": 31 }, "south2": { "senses": [ "Downward", "In an adverse direction or trend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "south", "num_translations": 23 }, "west1": { "senses": [ "occidental", "Designating, or situated in, that part of a church which is opposite to, and farthest from, the east, or the part containing the chancel and choir" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "west", "num_translations": 114 }, "boom3": { "senses": [ "A spar extending the foot of a sail", "a spar rigged outboard from a ship's side to which boats are secured in harbour", "A movable pole used to support a microphone or camera", "A horizontal member of a crane or derrick, used for lifting", "The longest element of a Yagi antenna, on which the other, smaller ones are transversally mounted", "A floating barrier used to obstruct navigation, for military or other purposes", "or used for the containment of an oil spill or to control the flow of logs from logging operations", "A wishbone-shaped piece of windsurfing equipment", "The section of the arm on a backhoe closest to the tractor", "A gymnastics apparatus similar to a balance beam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boom", "num_translations": 40 }, "boom5": { "senses": [ "A period of prosperity, growth, progress, or high market activity" ], "antonyms": [ "recession" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "boom", "num_translations": 33 }, "boom6": { "senses": [ "To flourish, grow, or progress", "To cause to advance rapidly in price" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flourish" ], "word": "boom", "num_translations": 13 }, "earth1": { "senses": [ "Soil", "Any general rock-based material", "The ground, land", "on equipment: a terminal connected in that manner", "The lair of an animal such as fox", "A region of the planet", "a land or country", "Worldly things, as against spiritual ones", "The world of our current life", "The people on the globe", "The human body", "The aforementioned soil- or rock-based material, considered one of the four or five classical elements", "Any of certain substances now known to be oxides of metal, which were distinguished by being infusible, and by insolubility in water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "earth", "num_translations": 574 }, "earth2": { "senses": [ "To bury", "to chase into a burrow or den", "To burrow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "earth", "num_translations": 52 }, "snake": { "senses": [ "A legless reptile of the sub-order Serpentes with a long, thin body and a fork-shaped tongue", "A treacherous person", "A tool for unclogging plumbing", "A tool to aid cable pulling", "the penis", "A series of B\u00e9zier curves", "The seventh Lenormand card", "Somebody who acts deceitfully for social gain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snake", "num_translations": 367 }, "snake1": { "senses": [ "To follow or move in a winding route", "To steal slyly", "often with out", "To wind round spirally, as a large rope with a smaller, or with cord, the small rope lying in the spaces between the strands of the large one", "to worm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snake", "num_translations": 28 }, "thick": { "senses": [ "Relatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite in its smallest solid dimension", "Measuring a certain number of units in this dimension", "Heavy in build", "Densely crowded or packed", "Having a viscous consistency", "Abounding in number", "Impenetrable to sight", "Prominent, strong", "Stupid", "Friendly or intimate", "Deep, intense, or profound", "troublesome", "unreasonable", "Curvy and voluptuous, and especially having large hips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thick", "num_translations": 302 }, "northeast": { "senses": [ "The compass point halfway between north and east, specifically 45\u00b0, abbreviated as NE" ], "antonyms": [ "southwest" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "northeast", "num_translations": 68 }, "wax": { "senses": [ "Any oily, water-resistant substance", "normally long-chain hydrocarbons, alcohols or esters", "The phonograph record format for music", "A thick syrup made by boiling down the sap of the sugar maple and then cooling it", "A type of drugs with as main ingredients weed oil and butane", "hash oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beeswax", "cerumen", "polish", "disc" ], "word": "wax", "num_translations": 134 }, "wax2": { "senses": [ "To defeat utterly", "To kill, especially to murder a person", "To record" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polish", "buff", "bump off" ], "word": "wax", "num_translations": 39 }, "wax3": { "senses": [ "To increasingly assume the specified characteristic, become", "To grow", "To appear larger each night as a progression from a new moon to a full moon", "To move from low tide to high tide" ], "antonyms": [ "wane", "wane" ], "synonyms": [ "become" ], "word": "wax", "num_translations": 44 }, "beeswax": { "senses": [ "A wax secreted by bees from which they make honeycomb", "or, the processed form of this wax used in the manufacture of various goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E901" ], "word": "beeswax", "num_translations": 61 }, "laundry": { "senses": [ "A laundering", "a washing", "A place or room where laundering is done - including, by extension, other forms of laundering than clothes washing", "That which needs to be, is being, or has been laundered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "washing", "lavatory" ], "word": "laundry", "num_translations": 187 }, "what": { "senses": [ "Which thing, event, circumstance, etc: used interrogatively in asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc", "That which", "those that", "the thing that", "That", "which", "who" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "what", "num_translations": 343 }, "what1": { "senses": [ "In some manner or degree", "in part", "Such", "Why", "Used to introduce each of two coordinate phrases or concepts", "both\u2026and", "alternative form of \"wat\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "such" ], "word": "what", "num_translations": 39 }, "what2": { "senses": [ "An expression of surprise or disbelief", "A part of speech used to initiate a sentence Usually followed by a" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "what-what", "come again" ], "word": "what", "num_translations": 44 }, "what3": { "senses": [ "Which", "which kind of", "How much", "how great" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "what", "num_translations": 90 }, "contactlens": { "senses": [ "A thin lens, made of flexible or rigid plastic, that is placed directly on to the eye to correct vision, used as an alternative to spectacles, or, if coloured, to change one's eye color cosmetically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contact", "lens" ], "word": "contactlens", "num_translations": 51 }, "right": { "senses": [ "Straight, not bent", "Of an angle, having a size of 90 degrees, or one quarter of a complete rotation", "the angle between two perpendicular lines", "Complying with justice, correctness or reason", "correct, just, true", "Appropriate, perfectly suitable", "fit for purpose", "Healthy, sane, competent", "Real", "veritable", "not requiring assistance", "Most favourable or convenient", "fortunate", "Designed to be placed or worn outward", "conservative" ], "antonyms": [ "bowed", "wrong", "left" ], "synonyms": [ "correct", "dexter", "conservative", "see Appendix:English tag questions" ], "word": "right", "num_translations": 422 }, "right1": { "senses": [ "Exactly, precisely", "Immediately, directly", "Very, extremely, quite", "According to fact or truth", "actually", "truly", "really", "In a correct manner", "To a great extent or degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rightward", "rightward", "exactly", "right smack", "ever so", "in point of fact", "correctly" ], "word": "right", "num_translations": 143 }, "right2": { "senses": [ "Yes, that is correct", "I agree", "I agree with whatever you say", "I have no opinion", "Signpost word to change the subject in a discussion or discourse", "Used to check agreement at the end of an utterance", "Used to add seriousness or decisiveness before a statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "right", "num_translations": 120 }, "right3": { "senses": [ "That which complies with justice, law or reason", "A legal, just or moral entitlement", "political conservatives as a group", "The outward or most finished surface, as of a coin, piece of cloth, a carpet, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "duty" ], "synonyms": [ "starboard" ], "word": "right", "num_translations": 224 }, "right4": { "senses": [ "To correct", "To do justice to", "to relieve from wrong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "right", "num_translations": 78 }, "parent": { "senses": [ "One of the two persons from whom one is immediately biologically descended", "a mother or father", "A surrogate mother", "A third person who has provided DNA samples in an IVF procedure in order to alter faulty genetic material", "A relative", "The source or origin of something", "An organism from which a plant or animal is immediately biologically descended", "Sponsor, supporter, owner, protector", "The object from which a child or derived object is descended", "a node superior to another node" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parent", "num_translations": 193 }, "father": { "senses": [ "A title given to priests", "One of the chief ecclesiastical authorities of the first centuries after Christ", "One of the triune gods of the Horned God in Wicca, representing a man, younger than the elderly Sage and older than the boyish Master" ], "antonyms": [ "Mother" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Father", "num_translations": 87 }, "father1": { "senses": [ "to sire", "To give rise to", "to support and nurture", "To adopt as one's own" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "father", "num_translations": 18 }, "brother": { "senses": [ "Son of the same parents as another person", "A male having at least one parent in common with another", "A male fellow member of a religious community, church, trades union etc", "A form of address to a man", "A black male", "Somebody, usually male, connected by a common cause or situation", "Someone who is a peer, whether male or female" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brother", "num_translations": 288 }, "sister": { "senses": [ "A daughter of the same parents as another person", "a female sibling", "A female member of a religious order", "especially one devoted to more active service", "a nun", "Any butterfly in the genus Adelpha, so named for the resemblance of the dark-colored wings to the black habit traditionally worn by nuns", "A senior or supervisory nurse, often in a hospital", "Any woman or girl with whom a bond is felt through common membership of a race, profession, religion or organization, such as feminism", "A black woman", "A form of address to a woman", "A woman, in certain labour or socialist circles", "also as a form of address", "An entity that has a special or affectionate, non-hierarchical relationship with another", "A node in a data structure that shares its parent with another node", "Something in the same class" ], "antonyms": [ "brother" ], "synonyms": [ "sis", "nun", "charge nurse", "darling", "affiliate" ], "word": "sister", "num_translations": 534 }, "child": { "senses": [ "A person who has not yet reached adulthood, whether natural , cultural , or legal", "One's direct descendant by birth, regardless of age", "a son or daughter", "The thirteenth Lenormand card", "A figurative offspring, particularly:" ], "antonyms": [ "father", "adult", "parent" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:child", "Thesaurus:boy", "Thesaurus:girl", "binary clone", "See", "descendant", "product" ], "word": "child", "num_translations": 498 }, "daughter": { "senses": [ "One's female offspring", "A female descendant", "A nuclide left over from radioactive decay", "A descendant", "A female character of a creator" ], "antonyms": [ "son", "mother", "father", "parent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "daughter", "num_translations": 303 }, "grandparent": { "senses": [ "the parent of someone's parent" ], "antonyms": [ "with regard to ancestry" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "grandparent", "num_translations": 57 }, "grandmother": { "senses": [ "A mother of someone's parent", "A female ancestor or progenitor" ], "antonyms": [ "grandfather", "granddaughter" ], "synonyms": [ "baba" ], "word": "grandmother", "num_translations": 293 }, "grandchild": { "senses": [ "A child of someone's child" ], "antonyms": [ "grandparent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "grandchild", "num_translations": 121 }, "uncle": { "senses": [ "The brother or brother-in-law of one's parent", "The male cousin of one's parent", "A companion to one's mother", "A source of advice, encouragement, or help", "A pawnbroker", "An affectionate term for a man of an older generation than oneself, especially a friend of one's parents, by means of fictive kin", "An older male African-American person" ], "antonyms": [ "aunt", "niece", "boy", "aunty" ], "synonyms": [ "eam" ], "word": "uncle", "num_translations": 346 }, "aunt": { "senses": [ "The sister or sister-in-law of one's parent", "The female cousin of one's parent", "A woman of an older generation than oneself, especially a friend of one's parents, by means of fictive kin", "Any elderly woman", "A procuress or bawd" ], "antonyms": [ "uncle", "niece", "nephew" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aunt", "num_translations": 307 }, "niece": { "senses": [ "A daughter of one's sibling, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law", "either the daughter of one's brother , or of one's sister" ], "antonyms": [ "nephew", "aunt", "uncle" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "niece", "num_translations": 131 }, "cousin": { "senses": [ "The child of a person's uncle or aunt", "Any relation who is not a direct ancestor or descendant but part of one's extended family", "one more distantly related than an uncle, aunt, granduncle, grandaunt, nephew, niece, grandnephew, grandniece, etc", "A title formerly given by a king to a nobleman, particularly to those of the council In English writs, etc, issued by the crown, it signifies any earl", "Something kindred or related to something else", "A member of the British intelligence services or of the American intelligence services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cousin", "num_translations": 297 }, "parents": { "senses": [ "plural of \"parent\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "folks", "parentals", "old fogies", "'rents" ], "word": "parents", "num_translations": 138 }, "bee": { "senses": [ "A flying insect, of the clade Anthophila within the hymenopteran superfamily Apoidea, known for its organised societies , for collecting pollen and producing wax and honey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "king of insects" ], "word": "bee", "num_translations": 365 }, "honey": { "senses": [ "A viscous, sweet fluid produced from plant nectar by bees Often used to sweeten tea or to spread on baked goods", "A variety of this substance", "Nectar", "Something sweet or desirable", "A term of affection", "A woman, especially an attractive one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mel", "darling" ], "word": "honey", "num_translations": 357 }, "car": { "senses": [ "A wheeled vehicle that moves independently, with at least three wheels, powered mechanically, steered by a driver and mostly for personal transportation", "A wheeled vehicle, drawn by a horse or other animal", "a chariot", "An unpowered unit in a railroad train", "an individual vehicle, powered or unpowered, in a multiple unit", "The part of an airship, such as a balloon or dirigible, which houses the passengers and control apparatus", "A sliding fitting that runs along a track", "A floating perforated box for living fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:automobile" ], "word": "car", "num_translations": 359 }, "wing": { "senses": [ "An appendage of an animal's body that enables it to fly", "a similar fin at the side of a ray or similar fish", "Human arm", "Part of an aircraft that produces the lift for rising into the air", "One of the large pectoral fins of a flying fish", "One of the broad, thin, anterior lobes of the foot of a pteropod, used as an organ in swimming", "Any membranaceous expansion, such as that along the sides of certain stems, or of a fruit of the kind called samara", "Either of the two side petals of a papilionaceous flower", "A side shoot of a tree or plant", "Passage by flying", "flight", "Motive or instrument of flight", "means of flight or of rapid motion", "A part of something that is lesser in size than the main body, such as an extension from the main building", "An ornament worn on the shoulder", "a small epaulet or shoulder knot", "A cosmetic effect where eyeliner curves outward and ends at a point", "A fraction of a political movement Usually implies a position apart from the mainstream center position", "An organizational grouping in a military aviation service:", "A panel of a car which encloses the wheel area, especially the front wheels", "A platform on either side of the bridge of a vessel, normally found in pairs", "That part of the hold or orlop of a vessel which is nearest the sides In a fleet, one of the extremities when the ships are drawn up in line, or when forming the two sides of a triangle", "A position in several field games on either side of the field", "A h\u00e1\u010dek", "One of the unseen areas on the side of the stage in a theatre", "The insignia of a qualified pilot or aircrew member", "A portable shelter consisting of a fabric roof on a frame, like a tent without sides", "On the Enneagram, one of the two adjacent types to an enneatype that forms an individual's subtype of his or her enneatype" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fender", "forward" ], "word": "wing", "num_translations": 364 }, "wing1": { "senses": [ "To fly", "To act or speak extemporaneously", "to improvise", "To throw", "to bear in flight, or speedily", "To traverse by flying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wing", "num_translations": 16 }, "cold": { "senses": [ "Having a low temperature", "Unfriendly, emotionally distant or unfeeling", "Dispassionate, not prejudiced or partisan, impartial", "Completely unprepared", "without introduction", "Unconscious or deeply asleep", "deprived of the metaphorical heat associated with life or consciousness", "Perfectly, exactly, completely", "by heart", "Cornered, done for", "Not pungent or acrid", "Unexciting", "dull", "uninteresting", "Affecting the sense of smell only feebly", "having lost its odour", "Not sensitive", "not acute", "Distant", "said, in the game of hunting for some object, of a seeker remote from the thing concealed Compare warm and hot", "Having a bluish effect", "not warm in colour", "Rarely used or accessed, and thus able to be relegated to slower storage", "Without compassion", "heartless", "ruthless" ], "antonyms": [ "baking", "hot", "hot", "amiable", "prepared" ], "synonyms": [ "chilled", "brass monkeys", "nippy", "parky", "taters", "aloof", "unprepared", "Thesaurus:cold" ], "word": "cold", "num_translations": 385 }, "cold1": { "senses": [ "A condition of low temperature", "A common, usually harmless, viral illness, usually with congestion of the nasal passages and sometimes fever", "rheum, sleepy dust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coldness", "common cold" ], "word": "cold", "num_translations": 216 }, "hot": { "senses": [ "Having a high temperature", "Feeling the sensation of heat, especially to the point of discomfort", "Easily provoked to anger", "Feverish", "Spicy", "Very good, remarkable, exciting", "Stolen", "Electrically charged", "Radioactive", "Very physically and/or sexually attractive", "Sexual or sexy", "involving sexual intercourse or sexual excitement", "Sexually aroused", "randy", "Attracted to", "Popular", "in demand", "Very close to finding or guessing something to be found or guessed", "Performing strongly", "having repeated successes", "Fresh", "just released", "Uncomfortable, difficult to deal with", "awkward, dangerous, unpleasant", "Used to emphasize the short duration or small quantity of something", "Characterized by police presence or activity" ], "antonyms": [ "chilled", "chilly", "cold", "cold as ice", "freezing", "freezing cold", "frigid", "glacial", "ice-cold", "icy", "cold", "freezing", "bland", "neutral", "lifeless" ], "synonyms": [ "heated", "baking", "baking", "feverish", "piquant", "stolen", "live", "radioactive", "attractive", "beautiful", "cute", "fit", "foxy", "gorgeous", "handsome", "hunky", "lush", "pretty", "sexy", "studly", "tasty", "yummy" ], "word": "hot", "num_translations": 421 }, "warm": { "senses": [ "Having a temperature slightly higher than usual, but still pleasant", "mildly hot", "Caring and friendly, of relations to another person", "Having a color in the red-orange-yellow part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum", "Fresh, of a scent", "still able to be traced", "Communicating a sense of comfort, ease, or pleasantness", "Ardent, zealous", "Well off as to property, or in good circumstances", "rich", "Requiring arduous effort" ], "antonyms": [ "Arctic", "Arctic" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:warm", "Thesaurus:affectionate", "Thesaurus:difficult" ], "word": "warm", "num_translations": 226 }, "warm1": { "senses": [ "To favour increasingly", "To become ardent or animated", "To make engaged or earnest", "to interest", "to engage", "to excite ardor or zeal in", "to enliven", "To beat or spank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warm", "num_translations": 64 }, "temperature": { "senses": [ "A measure of cold or heat, often measurable with a thermometer", "A property of macroscopic amounts of matter that serves to gauge the average intensity of the random actual motions of the individually mobile particulate constituents", "The state or condition of being tempered or moderated", "The balance of humours in the body, or one's character or outlook as considered determined from this", "temperament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "temperature", "num_translations": 171 }, "lukewarm": { "senses": [ "Between warm and cool", "Not very enthusiastic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tepid" ], "word": "lukewarm", "num_translations": 127 }, "fresh": { "senses": [ "Newly produced or obtained", "recent", "Not cooked, dried, frozen, or spoiled", "Still green and not dried", "Without salt", "not saline", "Rested", "not tired or fatigued", "In a raw or untried state", "uncultured", "unpracticed", "Youthful", "florid", "Good, fashionable", "Tipsy", "drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fresh", "num_translations": 217 }, "fresh4": { "senses": [ "Rude, cheeky, or inappropriate", "presumptuous", "disrespectful", "forward", "Sexually aggressive or forward", "prone to caress too eagerly", "overly flirtatious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheeky" ], "word": "fresh", "num_translations": 32 }, "expression": { "senses": [ "The action of expressing thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc", "A particular way of phrasing an idea", "A colloquialism or idiom", "A facial appearance usually associated with an emotion", "An arrangement of symbols denoting values, operations performed on them, and grouping symbols", "The process of translating a gene into a protein", "A piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value", "A specific blend of whisky", "The act of pressing or squeezing out", "The tone of voice or sound in music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "expression", "num_translations": 261 }, "cool": { "senses": [ "Having a slightly low temperature", "mildly or pleasantly cold", "Allowing or suggesting heat relief", "Of a person, not showing emotion", "calm and in control of oneself", "Unenthusiastic, lukewarm, skeptical", "Calmly audacious", "Applied facetiously to a sum of money, commonly as if to give emphasis to the largeness of the amount", "Of a person, knowing what to do and how to behave", "considered popular by others", "In fashion, part of or fitting the in crowd", "originally hipster slang", "Of an action, all right", "acceptable", "that does not present a problem", "Of a person, not upset by circumstances that might ordinarily be upsetting", "Quietly impudent, defiant, or selfish", "deliberately presuming: said of persons and acts" ], "antonyms": [ "lukewarm", "tepid", "warm", "passionate", "awkward", "uncool", "d\u00e9mod\u00e9", "old hat", "out", "out of fashion", "not cricket", "not on", "unacceptable", "bothered", "upset", "warm" ], "synonyms": [ "chilly", "distant", "phlegmatic", "standoffish", "unemotional", "acceptable", "all right", "OK", "easy", "fine", "not bothered", "not fussed" ], "word": "cool", "num_translations": 320 }, "cool1": { "senses": [ "A moderate or refreshing state of cold", "moderate temperature of the air between hot and cold", "A calm temperament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cool", "num_translations": 14 }, "cool2": { "senses": [ "To lose heat, to get colder", "To become less intense, eg less amicable or passionate", "To make less intense, eg less amicable or passionate", "To kill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cool", "num_translations": 46 }, "thai1": { "senses": [ "A domestic cat breed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thailander", "Thailandish" ], "word": "Thai", "num_translations": 172 }, "quadruple": { "senses": [ "Being four times as long, as big or as many of something" ], "antonyms": [ "quarter" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "quadruple", "num_translations": 26 }, "quadruple1": { "senses": [ "To multiply by four", "To increase by a factor of four" ], "antonyms": [ "quarter" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "quadruple", "num_translations": 18 }, "quaint": { "senses": [ "Of a person: cunning, crafty", "Cleverly made", "artfully contrived", "Strange or odd", "unusual", "Overly discriminating or needlessly meticulous", "fastidious", "prim", "Pleasingly unusual", "especially, having old-fashioned charm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fastidious" ], "word": "quaint", "num_translations": 72 }, "rainbow": { "senses": [ "A multicoloured arch in the sky, produced by prismatic refraction of light within droplets of rain in the air", "Any prismatic refraction of light showing a spectrum of colours", "A wide assortment", "a varied multitude", "An illusion, mirage", "A curveball, particularly a slow one", "In Texas hold 'em or Omaha hold 'em, a flop that contains three different suits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spectrum" ], "word": "rainbow", "num_translations": 481 }, "rainbow1": { "senses": [ "Multicolored", "Made up of several races or ethnicities, or of several cultural or ideological factions", "Composed entirely of different suits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "motley", "multiethnic", "multipartisan" ], "word": "rainbow", "num_translations": 15 }, "xerox1": { "senses": [ "To make a paper copy or copies by means of a photocopier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "copy" ], "word": "xerox", "num_translations": 36 }, "pimple": { "senses": [ "An inflamed spot on the surface of the skin that is usually painful and fills with pus", "An annoying person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acker", "acne", "pustule", "spot", "zit" ], "word": "pimple", "num_translations": 125 }, "other": { "senses": [ "second", "Alien", "Different", "Left, as opposed to right" ], "antonyms": [ "same" ], "synonyms": [ "additional", "alternate", "foreign", "different", "disparate", "dissimilar", "distinctive", "distinguishable", "diverse", "unalike", "unlike", "Thesaurus:different" ], "word": "other", "num_translations": 142 }, "other2": { "senses": [ "Not the one or ones previously referred to" ], "antonyms": [ "same" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "other", "num_translations": 48 }, "not2": { "senses": [ "Used to indicate that the previous phrase was meant sarcastically or ironically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bender" ], "word": "not", "num_translations": 16 }, "that": { "senses": [ "Introducing a clause which is the subject or object of a verb , or which is a complement to a previous statement", "Introducing \u2014 especially, but not exclusively, with an antecedent like so or such \u2014 a subordinate clause expressing a result, consequence or effect", "Introducing a premise or supposition for consideration: seeing as", "inasmuch as", "Introducing a subordinate clause modifying an adverb", "Introducing an exclamation expressing a desire or wish", "Introducing an exclamation expressing a strong emotion such as sadness or surprise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "that", "num_translations": 130 }, "that2": { "senses": [ "The thing, person, idea, quality, event, action or time indicated or understood from context, especially if more remote geographically, temporally or mentally than one designated as \"this\", or if expressing distinction", "The known", "used to refer to something just said", "The aforementioned quality or proposition", "used to emphatically affirm or deny a previous statement or question", "Which, who", "representing a subject, direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition", "Used in place of relative adverbs such as where or when", "often omitted" ], "antonyms": [ "here" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "that", "num_translations": 252 }, "that3": { "senses": [ "To a given extent or degree", "To a great extent or degree", "very, particularly", "To such an extent", "so" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "that", "num_translations": 52 }, "finger1": { "senses": [ "To steal", "to purloin", "To execute, as any delicate work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inform", "fingerbang" ], "word": "finger", "num_translations": 63 }, "flower": { "senses": [ "A colorful, conspicuous structure associated with angiosperms, frequently scented and attracting various insects, and which may or may not be used for sexual reproduction", "A reproductive structure in angiosperms , often conspicuously colourful and typically including sepals, petals, and either or both stamens and/or a pistil", "Of plants, a state of bearing blooms", "The vulva, especially the labia majora", "The best examples or representatives of a group", "The best state of things", "the prime", "Flour", "A substance in the form of a powder, especially when condensed from sublimation", "A figure of speech", "an ornament of style", "Ornamental type used chiefly for borders around pages, cards, etc", "Menstrual discharges" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "head", "cream", "prime" ], "word": "flower", "num_translations": 348 }, "flower1": { "senses": [ "To put forth blooms", "To reach a state of full development or achievement", "To froth", "to ferment gently, as new beer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bloom", "flourish" ], "word": "flower", "num_translations": 99 }, "good": { "senses": [ "Holy" ], "antonyms": [ "bad", "bad" ], "synonyms": [ "not bad", "well", "accomplished", "Thesaurus:goodness" ], "word": "good", "num_translations": 641 }, "good3": { "senses": [ "The forces or behaviours that are the enemy of evil Usually consists of helping others and general benevolence", "A result that is positive in the view of the speaker", "that which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc", "An item of merchandise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "good", "num_translations": 89 }, "male": { "senses": [ "Belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or to the gender which is typically associated with it", "Characteristic of this sex/gender", "Tending to lead to or regulate the development of sexual characteristics typical of this sex", "Masculine", "of the masculine grammatical gender" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manly", "plug" ], "word": "male", "num_translations": 137 }, "female": { "senses": [ "Belonging to the sex which typically produces eggs , or to the gender which is typically associated with it", "Characteristic of this sex/gender", "Tending to lead to or regulate the development of sexual characteristics typical of this sex", "Feminine", "of the feminine grammatical gender", "Having an internal socket, as in a connector or pipe fitting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "womanly", "socket" ], "word": "female", "num_translations": 135 }, "thumb": { "senses": [ "The short thick digit of the hand that for humans has the most mobility and can be made to oppose all of the other fingers", "The part of a slider that may be moved linearly along the slider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pollex" ], "word": "thumb", "num_translations": 207 }, "forefinger": { "senses": [ "The index finger: the first finger next to the thumb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:index finger" ], "word": "forefinger", "num_translations": 128 }, "middlefinger": { "senses": [ "The finger between the forefinger and the ring finger", "An insult directed at someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "digit III", "fuck finger", "tall man", "third digit" ], "word": "middlefinger", "num_translations": 139 }, "littlefinger": { "senses": [ "The outermost and smallest finger of the hand, next to the ring finger, farthest from the thumb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auricular", "digit V", "ear-finger", "fifth digit", "fourth finger", "mercurial finger", "pinkie", "pinkie finger", "Thesaurus:little finger" ], "word": "littlefinger", "num_translations": 138 }, "duck": { "senses": [ "To quickly lower the head or body in order to prevent it from being struck by something", "To quickly lower in order to prevent it from being struck by something", "To lower into water", "to thrust or plunge under liquid and suddenly withdraw", "To go under the surface of water and immediately reappear", "to plunge one's head into water or other liquid", "To bow", "To evade doing something", "To lower the volume of so that other sounds in the mix can be heard more clearly", "To enter a place for a short moment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duck down", "dip", "dip" ], "word": "duck", "num_translations": 101 }, "duck1": { "senses": [ "An aquatic bird of the family Anatidae, having a flat bill and webbed feet", "A batsman's score of zero after getting out", "A playing card with the rank of two", "A partly-flooded cave passage with limited air space", "A building intentionally constructed in the shape of an everyday object to which it is related", "A marble to be shot at with another marble in children's games", "A cairn used to mark a trail", "One of the weights used to hold a spline in place for the purpose of drawing a curve", "A long-necked medical urinal for men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "duck", "num_translations": 413 }, "rue": { "senses": [ "Sorrow", "repentance", "regret", "Pity", "compassion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rue", "num_translations": 13 }, "rue2": { "senses": [ "Any of various perennial shrubs of the genus Ruta, especially the herb Ruta graveolens , formerly used in medicines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garden rue", "herb of grace" ], "word": "rue", "num_translations": 54 }, "vegetable": { "senses": [ "Any plant", "A plant raised for some edible part of it, such as the leaves, roots, fruit or flowers, but excluding any plant considered to be a fruit, grain, herb, or spice in the culinary sense", "The edible part of such a plant", "A person whose brain has been damaged so that they cannot interact with the surrounding environment", "a brain-dead person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vegetable", "num_translations": 273 }, "habit": { "senses": [ "An action performed on a regular basis", "An action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness", "A long piece of clothing worn by monks and nuns", "A piece of clothing worn uniformly for a specific activity", "Outward appearance", "attire", "dress", "Form of growth or general appearance of a variety or species of plant or crystal", "An addiction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "habit", "num_translations": 228 }, "habitable": { "senses": [ "Safe and comfortable, where humans, or other animals, can live", "fit for habitation" ], "antonyms": [ "unhabitable", "uninhabitable" ], "synonyms": [ "inhabitable" ], "word": "habitable", "num_translations": 21 }, "habitual": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a habit", "established as a habit", "performed over and over again", "recurrent, recurring", "Regular or usual", "Of a person or thing: engaging in some behaviour as a habit or regularly", "Pertaining to an action performed customarily, ordinarily, or usually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "habitual", "num_translations": 66 }, "habitually": { "senses": [ "By habit", "in a habitual manner", "Occurring regularly or usually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ritually", "customarily" ], "word": "habitually", "num_translations": 22 }, "hack": { "senses": [ "To chop or cut down in a rough manner", "To cough noisily", "To withstand or put up with a difficult situation", "To make a quick code change to patch a computer program, often one that, while being effective, is inelegant or makes the program harder to maintain", "To accomplish a difficult programming task", "To work with something on an intimately technical level", "To apply a trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to something to increase productivity, efficiency or ease", "to gain unauthorized access to by manipulating code", "to crack", "By extension, to gain unauthorised access to a computer or online account belonging to", "To strike an opponent's leg with one's hockey stick", "To make a flailing attempt to hit the puck with a hockey stick", "To swing at a pitched ball", "To kick on the shins", "To strike in a frantic movement", "To strike lightly as part of tapotement massage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crack", "frob", "tweak" ], "word": "hack", "num_translations": 94 }, "hack1": { "senses": [ "A tool for chopping", "A gouge or notch made by such a blow", "A dry cough", "a catch in speaking", "a short, broken cough", "A try, an attempt", "The foothold traditionally cut into the ice from which the person who throws the rock pushes off for delivery", "A mattock or a miner's pickaxe", "An expedient, temporary solution, such as a small patch or change to code, meant to be replaced with a more elegant solution at a later date", "An interesting technical achievement, particularly in computer programming", "A trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to increase productivity, efficiency or ease", "An illegal attempt to gain access to a computer network", "A video game or any computer software that has been altered from its original state", "Time check", "A swing of the bat at a pitched ball by the batter", "A kick on the shins in football", "confinement of an officer to their stateroom as a punishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crack", "band-aid", "lifehack" ], "word": "hack", "num_translations": 35 }, "hack4": { "senses": [ "A horse for hire, especially one which is old and tired", "A person, often a journalist, hired to do routine work", "Someone who is available for hire", "hireling, mercenary", "A taxicab driver", "A vehicle let for hire", "A hearse", "An untalented writer", "One who is professionally successful despite producing mediocre work", "A talented writer-for-hire, paid to put others' thoughts into felicitous language", "A political agitator", "A writer who hires himself out for any sort of literary work", "an overworked man", "a drudge", "A procuress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nag" ], "word": "hack", "num_translations": 21 }, "galician1": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of Galicia, a region of the northwestern Iberian peninsula", "The language of Galicia", "a Romance language spoken in the northwestern corner of the Iberian peninsula" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Galizan", "Galizan" ], "word": "Galician", "num_translations": 70 }, "mine1": { "senses": [ "Any source of wealth or resources", "A passage dug toward or underneath enemy lines, which is then packed with explosives", "A device intended to explode when stepped upon or touched, or when approached by a ship, vehicle, or person", "A type of firework that explodes on the ground, shooting sparks upward", "The cavity made by a caterpillar while feeding inside a leaf", "A machine or network of machines used to extract units of a cryptocurrency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mine", "num_translations": 200 }, "mine2": { "senses": [ "To remove from the ground", "To dig into, for ore or metal", "To dig a tunnel or hole", "to burrow in the earth", "To dig away, or otherwise remove, the substratum or foundation of", "to sap", "To ruin or destroy by slow degrees or secret means", "To pick one's nose", "To earn new units of cryptocurrency by doing certain calculations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mine", "num_translations": 68 }, "very": { "senses": [ "True, real, actual", "The same", "identical", "With limiting effect: mere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ilk" ], "word": "very", "num_translations": 39 }, "very1": { "senses": [ "To a great extent or degree", "Conforming to fact, reality or rule", "true", "Used to firmly establish that nothing else surpasses in some respect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ever so", "main", "mighty", "sore", "swith", "way too", "eminently" ], "word": "very", "num_translations": 298 }, "kingdom": { "senses": [ "A realm having a king and/or queen as its actual or nominal sovereign", "A realm, region, or conceptual space where something is dominant", "A rank in the classification of organisms, below domain and above phylum", "a taxon at that rank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regnum" ], "word": "kingdom", "num_translations": 230 }, "jump": { "senses": [ "To propel oneself rapidly upward, downward and/or in any horizontal direction such that momentum causes the body to become airborne", "To cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward", "To pass by a spring or leap", "to overleap", "To employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location", "To react to a sudden, often unexpected, stimulus by jerking the body violently", "To employ a move in certain board games where one game piece is moved from one legal position to another passing over the position of another piece", "To move to a position in that is further forward", "To attack suddenly and violently", "To engage in sexual intercourse with", "To move the distance between two opposing subjects", "To increase the height of a tower crane by inserting a section at the base of the tower and jacking up everything above it", "To increase speed aggressively and without warning", "To expose to danger", "to risk", "to hazard", "To join by a buttweld", "To thicken or enlarge by endwise blows", "to upset", "To coincide", "to agree", "to accord", "to tally", "followed by with", "To start executing code from a different location, rather than following the program counter", "To flee", "to make one's escape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leap", "jump down", "skydive", "flinch", "skip", "ambush", "hump", "Thesaurus:make hole", "beat it" ], "word": "jump", "num_translations": 331 }, "jump1": { "senses": [ "a leap", "a spring", "a bound", "An effort", "an attempt", "a venture", "A dislocation in a stratum", "a fault", "An abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry", "An instance of propelling oneself upwards", "An instance of causing oneself to fall from an elevated location", "An instance of employing a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location", "An instance of reacting to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body", "An early start or an advantage", "A discontinuity in the graph of a function, where the function is continuous in a punctured interval of the discontinuity", "An instance of faster-than-light travel, not observable from ordinary space", "A change of the path of execution to a different location", "synonym of \"one-night stand\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leap", "flinch" ], "word": "jump", "num_translations": 156 }, "both": { "senses": [ "Each of the two", "one and the other", "referring to two individuals or items", "Each of the two kinds", "one and the other kind", "referring to several individuals or items which are divided into two groups" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "both", "num_translations": 123 }, "hole": { "senses": [ "A hollow place or cavity", "an excavation", "a pit", "an opening in or through a solid body, a fabric, etc", "a perforation", "a rent", "a fissure", "In games", "An excavation pit or trench", "A weakness", "a flaw or ambiguity", "A container or receptacle", "In semiconductors, a lack of an electron in an occupied band behaving like a positively charged particle", "A security vulnerability in software which can be taken advantage of by an exploit", "An orifice, in particular the anus When used with shut it always refers to the mouth", "Sex, or a sex partner", "Solitary confinement, a high-security prison cell often used as punishment", "An undesirable place to live or visit", "a hovel", "Difficulty, in particular, debt", "A chordless cycle in a graph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hole", "administrative segregation", "ad-seg", "block", "box" ], "word": "hole", "num_translations": 320 }, "wood": { "senses": [ "The substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree Used as a material for construction, to manufacture various items, etc or as fuel", "An erection of the penis", "Chess pieces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "timber", "wood lot" ], "word": "wood", "num_translations": 322 }, "former": { "senses": [ "Previous", "First of aforementioned two items Used with the, often without a noun" ], "antonyms": [ "next", "latter" ], "synonyms": [ "erstwhile" ], "word": "former", "num_translations": 109 }, "anterior": { "senses": [ "Before in place", "Before or earlier in time", "prior to", "preceding", "Nearer the forward end", "nearer the head of an animal or the front of a human" ], "antonyms": [ "posterior", "posterior" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:former" ], "word": "anterior", "num_translations": 49 }, "astronaut": { "senses": [ "A member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft that travels beyond Earth's atmosphere, or someone trained to serve that purpose", "A returnee who frequently flies back and forth between Hong Kong and his/her adopted home country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cosmonaut" ], "word": "astronaut", "num_translations": 100 }, "crew": { "senses": [ "A group of people together", "The sport of competitive rowing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ship's company", "team", "staff", "clique", "crowd", "posse", "crewer", "seaman" ], "word": "crew", "num_translations": 211 }, "remote": { "senses": [ "At a distance", "disconnected", "Distant or otherwise inaccessible", "Slight", "Emotionally detached" ], "antonyms": [ "attached", "close", "considerable", "companionable" ], "synonyms": [ "disconnected", "far", "faint", "aloof" ], "word": "remote", "num_translations": 95 }, "remote1": { "senses": [ "An element of broadcast programming originating away from the station's or show's control room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clicker" ], "word": "remote", "num_translations": 19 }, "complete": { "senses": [ "To finish", "to make done", "to reach the end", "To make whole or entire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accomplish", "consummate" ], "word": "complete", "num_translations": 110 }, "complete1": { "senses": [ "With all parts included", "with nothing missing", "full", "Finished", "ended", "concluded", "Generic intensifier", "In which every Cauchy sequence converges to a point within the space", "In which every set with a lower bound has a greatest lower bound", "In which all small limits exist", "In which every semantically valid well-formed formula is provable", "That is in a given complexity class and is such that every other problem in the class can be reduced to it" ], "antonyms": [ "incomplete" ], "synonyms": [ "entire", "concluded", "downright" ], "word": "complete", "num_translations": 119 }, "project1": { "senses": [ "To extend beyond a surface", "To cast upon a surface", "to throw or cast forward", "to shoot forth", "To extend outward", "To make plans for", "to forecast", "To present , to convey a certain impression, usually in a good way", "To assume qualities or mindsets in others based on one's own personality", "To draw straight lines from a fixed point through every point of any body or figure, and let these fall upon a surface so as to form the points of a new figure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jut", "cast", "extend", "forecast" ], "word": "project", "num_translations": 83 }, "visit": { "senses": [ "To habitually go to to comfort them", "To go and meet as an act of friendliness or sociability", "Of God: to appear to to comfort, bless, or chastise or punish them", "To punish, to inflict harm upon", "Of a sickness, misfortune etc: to afflict", "To inflict punishment, vengeance for on or upon someone", "To go to for worship", "To go to for pleasure, on an errand, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "call on" ], "word": "visit", "num_translations": 116 }, "experiment1": { "senses": [ "To experience", "to feel", "to perceive", "to detect", "to try out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "experiment", "num_translations": 22 }, "learn": { "senses": [ "To acquire, or attempt to acquire knowledge or an ability to do something", "To attend a course or other educational activity", "To gain knowledge from a bad experience so as to improve", "To be studying", "To come to know", "to become informed of", "to find out" ], "antonyms": [ "forget", "teach" ], "synonyms": [ "study" ], "word": "learn", "num_translations": 301 }, "bold1": { "senses": [ "Courageous, daring", "Visually striking", "conspicuous", "Having thicker strokes than the ordinary form of the typeface", "Presumptuous, forward or impudent", "Naughty", "insolent", "badly-behaved", "Full-bodied", "Pornographic", "depicting nudity", "Steep or abrupt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "audacious", "Thesaurus:brave" ], "word": "bold", "num_translations": 147 }, "azure": { "senses": [ "A blue colour on a coat of arms, represented in engraving by horizontal parallel lines", "The clear blue colour of the sky", "also, a pigment or dye of this colour", "The unclouded sky", "the blue vault above", "Any of various widely distributed lycaenid butterflies of the genus Celastrina", "Any of various Australasian lycaenid butterflies of the genus Ogyris", "Lapis lazuli" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "azure", "num_translations": 87 }, "afrikaans": { "senses": [ "A Germanic language descending from Dutch", "the primary language of the descendants of Dutch and other European settlers, as well as many mixed-race living in South Africa and in Namibia Also, one of the eleven official languages of South Africa and until 1990 one of three official languages of Namibia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Afrikaner" ], "word": "Afrikaans", "num_translations": 162 }, "collateral": { "senses": [ "Parallel, along the same vein, side by side", "Corresponding", "accompanying, concomitant", "Being aside from the main subject, target, or goal", "tangential, subordinate, ancillary", "Of an indirect ancestral relationship, as opposed to lineal descendency", "Expensive to the extent of being paid through a loan", "Coming or directed along the side", "Acting in an indirect way", "Having the phloem and xylem adjacent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collateral", "num_translations": 56 }, "collateral1": { "senses": [ "A security or guarantee pledged for the repayment of a loan if one cannot procure enough funds to repay", "A branch of a bodily part or system of organs", "Printed materials or content of electronic media used to enhance sales of products", "A thinner blood vessel providing an alternate route to blood flow in case the main vessel becomes occluded", "A contemporary or rival" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pledge" ], "word": "collateral", "num_translations": 57 }, "annually": { "senses": [ "Once every year without fail, yearly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perennially" ], "word": "annually", "num_translations": 29 }, "monthly2": { "senses": [ "A publication that is published once a month", "The menstrual period" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "every month" ], "word": "monthly", "num_translations": 12 }, "weekly": { "senses": [ "Once every week", "Every week" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hebdomadally" ], "word": "weekly", "num_translations": 58 }, "weekly1": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a week", "Happening once a week, or every week" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hebdomadal" ], "word": "weekly", "num_translations": 49 }, "mortgage1": { "senses": [ "To borrow against a property, to obtain a loan for another purpose by giving away the right of seizure to the lender over a fixed property such as a house or piece of land", "to pledge a property in order to get a loan", "To pledge and make liable", "to make subject to obligation", "to achieve an immediate result by paying for it in the long term" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mortgage", "num_translations": 49 }, "cream": { "senses": [ "The butterfat/milkfat part of milk which rises to the top", "this part when separated from the remainder", "A yellowish white colour", "The best part of something", "A viscous aqueous oil/fat emulsion with a medicament added, used to apply that medicament to the skin", "Semen", "The chrism or consecrated oil used in anointing ceremonies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ream" ], "word": "cream", "num_translations": 280 }, "cream2": { "senses": [ "To puree, to blend with a liquifying process", "To turn a yellowish white colour", "To obliterate, to defeat decisively", "To ejaculate", "To ejaculate in", "To take off the best or choicest part of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cream", "num_translations": 43 }, "bombard1": { "senses": [ "To attack something with bombs, artillery shells or other missiles or projectiles", "To attack something or someone by directing objects at them", "To direct at a substance an intense stream of high-energy particles, usually sub-atomic or made of at most a few atoms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bomb" ], "word": "bombard", "num_translations": 53 }, "dye": { "senses": [ "A colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied", "Any hue, color, or blee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colourant", "tincture" ], "word": "dye", "num_translations": 58 }, "finale": { "senses": [ "The grand end of something, especially a show or piece of music", "The chronological conclusion of a series of narrative works" ], "antonyms": [ "premiere" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "finale", "num_translations": 42 }, "maul": { "senses": [ "A heavy long-handled hammer, used for splitting logs by driving a wedge into them, or in combat", "A situation where the player carrying the ball, who must be on his feet, is held by one or more opponents, and one or more of the ball carrier's team mates bind onto the ball carrier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "club" ], "word": "maul", "num_translations": 26 }, "maul1": { "senses": [ "To handle someone or something in a rough way", "To savage", "to cause serious physical wounds", "To criticise harshly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maul", "num_translations": 36 }, "skimmilk": { "senses": [ "Non-fat milk", "milk that has had the cream removed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "non-fat milk" ], "word": "skimmilk", "num_translations": 48 }, "kerosene": { "senses": [ "A petroleum-based thin and colorless fuel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coal oil", "kero", "lamp oil" ], "word": "kerosene", "num_translations": 91 }, "candidate": { "senses": [ "A person who is running in an election", "A person who is applying to a position for a job", "A participant in an examination", "Something or somebody that may be suitable", "A gene which may play a role in a given disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "candidate", "num_translations": 101 }, "gossip": { "senses": [ "Someone who likes to talk about other people's private or personal business", "Idle talk about someone's private or personal matters, especially someone not present", "Idle conversation in general", "A genre in contemporary media, usually focused on the personal affairs of celebrities", "A sponsor", "a godfather or godmother", "the godparent of one's child", "A familiar acquaintance", "Title used with the name of one's child's godparent or of a friend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gossip", "num_translations": 181 }, "gossip1": { "senses": [ "To talk about someone else's private or personal business, especially in a manner that spreads the information", "To talk idly", "To stand godfather to", "to provide godparents for", "To enjoy oneself during festivities, to make merry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gossip", "num_translations": 79 }, "martyr": { "senses": [ "One who willingly accepts being put to death for adhering openly to one's religious beliefs", "One who sacrifices his or her life, station, or something of great personal value, for the sake of principle or to sustain a cause", "One who suffers greatly and/or constantly, even involuntarily" ], "antonyms": [ "confessor" ], "synonyms": [ "shaheed" ], "word": "martyr", "num_translations": 150 }, "available": { "senses": [ "Such as one may avail oneself of", "capable of being used for the accomplishment of a purpose", "Readily obtainable", "Valid", "Having sufficient power, force, or efficacy to achieve the purpose", "availing, effective", "Free to meet someone, speak on the telephone, enter a romantic relationship or the like" ], "antonyms": [ "unavailable" ], "synonyms": [ "usable", "effectual" ], "word": "available", "num_translations": 120 }, "update": { "senses": [ "An advisement providing more up-to-date information than currently known", "A change in information, a modification of existing or known data", "An additional piece of information An addition to existing information", "A modification of something to a more recent, up-to-date version", "a minor upgrade", "A version of something which is newer than other versions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "update", "num_translations": 64 }, "handcuffs": { "senses": [ "A fastening consisting of two metal rings, designed to go around a person's wrists, and connected by a chain or hinge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manacles", "shackles" ], "word": "handcuffs", "num_translations": 62 }, "rat": { "senses": [ "A person who is known for betrayal", "a scoundrel", "a quisling", "An informant or snitch", "A scab: a worker who acts against trade union policies", "A person who routinely spends time at a particular location", "A wad of shed hair used as part of a hairstyle", "A roll of material used to puff out the hair, which is turned over it", "Vagina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "traitor", "stool pigeon" ], "word": "rat", "num_translations": 264 }, "rat1": { "senses": [ "To betray a person or party, especially by telling their secret to an authority or an enemy", "to turn someone in", "To work as a scab, going against trade union policies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tell on" ], "word": "rat", "num_translations": 20 }, "room": { "senses": [ "Opportunity or scope", "Space for something, or to carry out an activity", "A particular portion of space", "Sufficient space for or to do something", "A space between the timbers of a ship's frame", "Place", "stead", "A separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling", "one's lodgings", "An area for working in a coal mine", "A portion of a cave that is wider than a passage", "Place or position in society", "office", "rank", "post, sometimes when vacated by its former occupant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elbow room", "legroom", "space", "chamber", "quarters", "rm", "Thesaurus:room" ], "word": "room", "num_translations": 322 }, "lob": { "senses": [ "To throw or hit a ball into the air in a high arch", "To throw", "To put, place", "To hit, kick, or throw a ball over another player in a game", "To let fall heavily or lazily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lob", "num_translations": 13 }, "khaki": { "senses": [ "A dull, yellowish-brown colour, the colour of dust", "A strong cloth of wool or cotton, often used for military or other uniforms", "A British person (from the colour of the uniform of British troops, originally in the Second Boer War", "compare rooinek)" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "khaki", "num_translations": 38 }, "turtle": { "senses": [ "Any land or marine reptile of the order Testudines, characterised by a protective shell enclosing its body See also tortoise", "A marine reptile of that order", "An Ancient Roman attack method, where the shields held by the soldiers hide them, not only left, right, front and back, but also from above", "A type of robot having a domed case , used in education, especially for making line drawings by means of a computer program", "The curved plate in which the form is held in a type-revolving cylinder press", "A small element towards the end of a list of items to be bubble sorted, and thus tending to take a long time to be swapped into its correct position Compare rabbit", "A breakdancing move consisting of a float during which the dancer's weight shifts from one hand to the other, producing rotation or a circular \"walk\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "turtle", "num_translations": 251 }, "turtle1": { "senses": [ "To flip over onto the back or top", "to turn upside down", "To turn and swim upside down", "To build up a large defense force and strike only punctually, rather than going for an offensive strategy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "turtle", "num_translations": 11 }, "vertebra": { "senses": [ "Any of the small bones which make up the backbone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spondyle" ], "word": "vertebra", "num_translations": 61 }, "bronze2": { "senses": [ "to tan", "To make hard or unfeeling", "to brazen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bronze", "num_translations": 13 }, "backbone": { "senses": [ "The series of vertebrae, separated by disks, that encloses and protects the spinal cord, and runs down the middle of the back in vertebrate animals", "Any fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure", "Courage, fortitude, or strength" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spine", "spinal column", "vertebral column", "Thesaurus:backbone" ], "word": "backbone", "num_translations": 159 }, "alligator": { "senses": [ "dwarf crocodile", "Any of various vehicles that have relatively long, low noses in front of a cab or other, usually windowed, structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gator" ], "word": "alligator", "num_translations": 103 }, "comet": { "senses": [ "A celestial body consisting mainly of ice, dust and gas in a orbit around the Sun and having a \"tail\" of matter blown back from it by the solar wind as it approaches the Sun", "A celestial phenomenon with the appearance given by the orbiting celestial body", "Any of several species of hummingbird found in the Andes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faxed star" ], "word": "comet", "num_translations": 125 }, "hobby": { "senses": [ "An activity that one enjoys doing in one's spare time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "avocation" ], "word": "hobby", "num_translations": 104 }, "tadpole": { "senses": [ "A young toad or frog in its larval stage of development that lives in water, has a tail and no legs, and, like a fish, breathes through gills", "The aquatic larva of any amphibian", "A type of cargo bike that has two wheels in front and one in back", "A child's basic drawing of a human being, having a detailed head but only sticks for the body and limbs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "porriwiggle" ], "word": "tadpole", "num_translations": 131 }, "ebony1": { "senses": [ "A deep, dark black colour", "Dark-skinned", "black", "especially in reference to African-Americans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ebony", "num_translations": 28 }, "recipe": { "senses": [ "A formula for preparing or using a medicine", "a prescription", "also, a medicine prepared from such instructions", "Any set of instructions for preparing a mixture of ingredients", "By extension, a plan or procedure to obtain a given end result", "a prescription", "Now especially, a set of instructions for making or preparing food dishes", "A set of conditions and parameters of an industrial process to obtain a given result" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recipe", "num_translations": 82 }, "tide": { "senses": [ "The periodic change of the sea level, particularly when caused by the gravitational influence of the sun and the moon", "A stream, current or flood", "Time, notably anniversary, period or season linked to an ecclesiastical feast", "A time", "A point or period of time identified or described by a qualifier", "The period of twelve hours", "Tendency or direction of causes, influences, or events", "course", "current", "Violent confluence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tide", "num_translations": 94 }, "travel": { "senses": [ "To be on a journey, often for pleasure or business and with luggage", "to go from one place to another", "To pass from here to there", "to move or transmit", "to go from one place to another", "To move illegally by walking or running without dribbling the ball", "To force to journey", "To labour", "to travail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fare" ], "word": "travel", "num_translations": 166 }, "travel1": { "senses": [ "passage from place to place", "A series of journeys", "The activity or traffic along a route or through a given point", "The working motion of a piece of machinery", "the length of a mechanical stroke", "Labour", "parturition", "travail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "journey", "traffic", "stroke" ], "word": "travel", "num_translations": 108 }, "olive": { "senses": [ "An tree, Olea europaea, cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean for its fruit and the oil obtained from it", "The small oval fruit of this tree, eaten ripe or unripe", "An olivary body, part of the medulla oblongata", "A component of a plumbing compression joint", "a ring which is placed between the nut and the pipe and compressed during fastening to provide a seal", "A small slice of meat seasoned, rolled up, and cooked", "Any shell of the genus Oliva and allied genera", "so called from the shape", "An oystercatcher, a shore bird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "olive", "num_translations": 187 }, "plum": { "senses": [ "The edible, fleshy stone fruit of Prunus domestica, often of a dark red or purple colour", "The stone-fruit tree which bears this fruit, Prunus domestica", "A desirable thing", "A handsome fortune or property", "formerly, in cant language, the sum of \u00a3100,000 sterling, or a person possessing it", "A good or choice thing of its kind, as among appointments, positions, parts of a book, etc", "A raisin, when used in a pudding or cake", "A fool, idiot", "A testicle", "The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species sharing Prunus subg Prunus with Prunus domestica including, among others:", "The stone-fruit trees which bear these fruits", "The trees and shrubs bearing those fruits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plum tree", "ume" ], "word": "plum", "num_translations": 263 }, "pen2": { "senses": [ "A tool, originally made from a feather but now usually a small tubular instrument, containing ink used to write or make marks", "A writer, or his style", "A feather, especially one of the flight feathers of a bird, angel etc", "A wing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pen", "num_translations": 216 }, "copper": { "senses": [ "A reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity, symbol Cu, and atomic number 29" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chestnut" ], "word": "copper", "num_translations": 264 }, "copper1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coppern", "coppery" ], "word": "copper", "num_translations": 56 }, "copper3": { "senses": [ "A police officer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "police officer" ], "word": "copper", "num_translations": 27 }, "chair": { "senses": [ "An item of furniture used to sit on or in, comprising a seat, legs, back, and sometimes arm rests, for use by one person Compare stool, couch, sofa, settee, loveseat and bench", "The seating position of a particular musician in an orchestra", "An iron block used on railways to support the rails and secure them to the sleepers, and similar devices", "A distinguished professorship at a university", "A vehicle for one person", "either a sedan borne upon poles, or a two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse", "a gig", "The seat or office of a person in authority, such as a judge or bishop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chair", "num_translations": 253 }, "ochre": { "senses": [ "An earth pigment containing silica, aluminum and ferric oxide", "A somewhat dark yellowish orange colour", "The stop codon sequence \"UAA\"", "Money, especially gold", "Any of various brown-coloured hesperiid butterflies of the genus Trapezites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ochre", "num_translations": 60 }, "rose": { "senses": [ "A pale pink wine made by removing the dark grape skins at the required point during fermentation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blush" ], "word": "rose", "num_translations": 30 }, "tin": { "senses": [ "A malleable, ductile, metallic element, resistant to corrosion, with atomic number 50 and symbol Sn", "The bottom part of the front wall, which is \"out\" if a player strikes it with the ball", "money", "Computer hardware" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "can" ], "word": "tin", "num_translations": 200 }, "tin1": { "senses": [ "Made of galvanised iron or built of corrugated iron" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tinnen" ], "word": "tin", "num_translations": 21 }, "chairperson": { "senses": [ "A chairman or chairwoman, someone who presides over a meeting, board, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chair", "presiding" ], "word": "chairperson", "num_translations": 121 }, "alloy": { "senses": [ "A metal that is a combination of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal", "A metal of lesser value, mixed with a metal of greater value", "An admixture", "something added which stains, taints etc", "Fusion, marriage, combination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alloy", "num_translations": 85 }, "chain": { "senses": [ "A series of interconnected rings or links usually made of metal", "A series of interconnected things", "A series of stores or businesses with the same brand name", "A number of atoms in a series, which combine to form a molecule", "A series of interconnected links of known length, used as a measuring device", "A long measuring tape", "A totally ordered set, especially a totally ordered subset of a poset", "A sequence of linked house purchases, each of which is dependent on the preceding and succeeding purchase", "That which confines, fetters, or secures", "a bond", "Iron links bolted to the side of a vessel to bold the dead-eyes connected with the shrouds", "also, the channels", "The warp threads of a web" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rackle", "Thesaurus:sequence" ], "word": "chain", "num_translations": 274 }, "chain1": { "senses": [ "To link multiple items together", "To secure someone with fetters", "To obligate", "To load and automatically run" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chain", "num_translations": 26 }, "turquoise": { "senses": [ "A sky-blue, greenish-blue, or greenish-gray semi-precious gemstone", "A pale greenish-blue colour, like that of the gemstone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blue-green" ], "word": "turquoise", "num_translations": 134 }, "sill": { "senses": [ "A horizontal slat which forms the base of a window", "A horizontal layer of igneous rock between older rock beds", "A piece of timber across the bottom of a canal lock for the gates to shut against", "A raised area at the base of the nasal aperture in the skull", "The inner edge of the bottom of an embrasure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sill", "num_translations": 50 }, "silly": { "senses": [ "Laughable or amusing through foolishness or a foolish appearance", "Blessed, particularly:", "Pitiful, inspiring compassion, particularly:", "Simple, plain, particularly:", "Mentally simple, foolish, particularly:", "Very close to the batsman, facing the bowler", "closer than short" ], "antonyms": [ "pious" ], "synonyms": [ "charming" ], "word": "silly", "num_translations": 173 }, "delineate": { "senses": [ "To sketch out, draw or trace an outline", "To depict, represent with pictures", "To describe or depict with words or gestures", "To outline or mark out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demark" ], "word": "delineate", "num_translations": 31 }, "sienna": { "senses": [ "A form of clay containing iron and manganese", "A pigment with a reddish-brown colour", "A light reddish-brown colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "raw sienna" ], "word": "sienna", "num_translations": 11 }, "retreat": { "senses": [ "The act of pulling back or withdrawing, as from something dangerous, or unpleasant", "The act of reversing direction and receding from a forward position", "A peaceful, quiet place affording privacy or security", "A peaceful, quiet place in which to urinate and defecate: an outhouse", "a lavatory", "A period of retirement, seclusion, or solitude", "A period of meditation, prayer or study", "Withdrawal by military force from a dangerous position or from enemy attack", "A signal for a military withdrawal", "A bugle call or drumbeat signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset, as on a military base", "A military ceremony to lower the flag", "The move of a piece from a threatened position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "retreat", "num_translations": 56 }, "fascism": { "senses": [ "Any right-wing, authoritarian, nationalist ideology characterized by centralized, totalitarian governance, strong regimentation of the economy and of society, and repression of criticism or opposition", "Any system of strong autocracy or oligarchy usually to the extent of bending and breaking the law, race-baiting, and/or violence against largely unarmed populations" ], "antonyms": [ "antifascism", "anti-fascism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fascism", "num_translations": 86 }, "however": { "senses": [ "Nevertheless", "yet, still", "in spite of", "To whatever degree or extent", "In whatever way or manner", "An emphatic form of how", "In any case, at any rate, at all events" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonetheless", "ad lib", "anyhow", "how", "after all" ], "word": "however", "num_translations": 153 }, "slate": { "senses": [ "A fine-grained homogeneous sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash which has been metamorphosed so that it cleaves easily into thin layers", "A record of money owed", "A list of affiliated candidates for an election", "A thin plate of any material", "a flake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slate blue", "account" ], "word": "slate", "num_translations": 128 }, "slate2": { "senses": [ "To criticise harshly", "To schedule", "To anticipate or strongly expect", "To set a dog upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slate", "num_translations": 49 }, "vermilion": { "senses": [ "A vivid red synthetic pigment made of mercury sulfide", "A bright orange-red colour", "A type of red dye worn in the parting of the hair by married Hindu women", "The red skin of the lips or its border with the skin of the face", "The kermes or cochineal insect", "The cochineal dye made from this insect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vermilion", "num_translations": 62 }, "helicopter": { "senses": [ "An aircraft that is borne along by one or more sets of long rotating blades which allow it to hover, move in any direction including reverse, or land", "and typically having a smaller set of blades on its tail that stabilize the aircraft", "A powered troweling machine with spinning blades used to spread concrete", "The winged fruit of certain trees, such as ash, elm, and maple", "A dragonfly", "A whirling trick performed with devil sticks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chopper", "power trowel", "samara" ], "word": "helicopter", "num_translations": 142 }, "moose": { "senses": [ "The largest member of the deer family , of which the male has very large, palmate antlers", "An ugly person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elk" ], "word": "moose", "num_translations": 126 }, "hello": { "senses": [ "A greeting said when meeting someone or acknowledging someone's arrival or presence", "A greeting used when answering the telephone", "A call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening, or if a telephone conversation may have been disconnected", "Used sarcastically to imply that the person addressed or referred to has done something the speaker or writer considers to be foolish", "An expression of puzzlement or discovery" ], "antonyms": [ "bye" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hello", "num_translations": 703 }, "hi": { "senses": [ "A friendly, informal, casual greeting said when meeting someone", "An exclamation to call attention", "Expressing wonder or derision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hello" ], "word": "hi", "num_translations": 166 }, "gun": { "senses": [ "A device for projecting a hard object very forcefully", "a firearm or cannon", "A device operated by a trigger and acting in a manner similar to a firearm", "A long surfboard designed for surfing big waves", "A pattern that \"fires\" out other patterns", "The biceps", "Violent blasts of wind", "An expert" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gun", "num_translations": 297 }, "gun1": { "senses": [ "To shoot someone or something, usually with a firearm", "To speed something up", "To offer vigorous support to a person or cause", "To seek to attack someone", "to take aim at someone", "To practice fowling or hunting small game", "To masturbate while observing and visible to a corrections officer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gun", "num_translations": 25 }, "hibernate": { "senses": [ "To spend winter time in hibernation", "To live in seclusion", "To enter a standby state which conserves power without losing the contents of memory" ], "antonyms": [ "aestivate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hibernate", "num_translations": 30 }, "goodbye": { "senses": [ "Farewell", "a formula used to another person or persons when the speaker, writer, or person addressed is departing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adieu", "catch you later", "bye", "bye-bye", "see ya", "see you", "so long", "mind how you go", "ta ta", "tatty bye", "toodeloo", "toodles", "TTFN", "ttyl", "buh-bye", "adios", "cheerio" ], "word": "goodbye", "num_translations": 357 }, "primrose": { "senses": [ "A flowering plant of the genus Primula", "A plant of the family Primulaceae", "A light yellow colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "primula" ], "word": "primrose", "num_translations": 65 }, "amber": { "senses": [ "A yellow-orange colour", "The intermediate light in a set of three traffic lights, which when illuminated indicates that drivers should stop short of the intersection if it is safe to do so", "The stop codon \"UAG\", or a mutant which has this stop codon at a premature place in its DNA sequence" ], "antonyms": [ "red" ], "synonyms": [ "yellow", "ambergris" ], "word": "amber", "num_translations": 156 }, "caracal": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "African lynx", "Asian lynx", "Persian lynx", "Indian lynx", "desert lynx", "lynx" ], "word": "caracal", "num_translations": 53 }, "computing": { "senses": [ "The process or act of calculation", "The use of a computer or computers", "The study, field of computers and computer programming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "computation" ], "word": "computing", "num_translations": 29 }, "calculator": { "senses": [ "A mechanical or electronic device that performs mathematical calculations", "A person who performs mathematical calculation", "A person who calculates", "A set of mathematical tables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "electronic calculator", "adding machine", "computer", "plotter", "ready reckoner" ], "word": "calculator", "num_translations": 200 }, "boss": { "senses": [ "A person who oversees and directs the work of others", "a supervisor", "A person in charge of a business or company", "A leader, the head of an organized group or team", "The head of a political party in a given region or district", "A term of address to a man", "An enemy, often at the end of a level, that is particularly challenging and must be beaten in order to progress", "Wife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "employer", "line manager", "manager", "supervisor", "head", "leader", "leader", "gov/guv", "guvnor", "mate", "Thesaurus:boss" ], "word": "boss", "num_translations": 211 }, "boss3": { "senses": [ "A swelling, lump or protuberance in an animal, person or object", "A lump-like mass of rock, especially one projecting through a stratum of different rock", "A convex protuberance in hammered work, especially the rounded projection in the centre of a shield", "A protrusion, frequently a cylinder of material that extends beyond a hole", "A knob or projection, usually at the intersection of ribs in a vault", "A target block, made of foam but historically made of hay bales, to which a target face is attached", "A wooden vessel for the mortar used in tiling or masonry, hung by a hook from the laths, or from the rounds of a ladder", "A head or reservoir of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boss", "num_translations": 33 }, "city": { "senses": [ "Any of several other cities in metropolitan areas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Square Mile" ], "word": "City", "num_translations": 11 }, "minister": { "senses": [ "A person who is trained to preach, to perform religious ceremonies and to afford pastoral care at a Protestant church", "A politician who heads a ministry", "At a diplomacy, the rank of diplomat directly below ambassador", "A servant", "a subordinate", "an officer or assistant of inferior rank", "hence, an agent, an instrument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "minister", "num_translations": 149 }, "yahweh": { "senses": [ "the name of the God of Israel worshipped by the Jahwist prophets in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah in antiquity", "in \"Sacred Name Bibles\", translating the Tetragrammaton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Yahuwah", "Jah", "Jehovah", "\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5\u05d4" ], "word": "Yahweh", "num_translations": 38 }, "strawberry": { "senses": [ "The sweet, usually red, edible fruit of certain plants of the genus Fragaria", "Any plant of the genus Fragaria", "A dark pinkish red colour, like that of the fruit", "A prostitute who exchanges sexual services for crack cocaine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earthberry" ], "word": "strawberry", "num_translations": 258 }, "scarlet": { "senses": [ "A brilliant red colour tinged with orange" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scarlet red" ], "word": "scarlet", "num_translations": 71 }, "lemon": { "senses": [ "A yellowish citrus fruit", "A semitropical evergreen tree, Citrus limon, that bears such fruits", "A defective or inadequate item or individual", "Favor", "A piece of fanfiction involving explicit sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bomb", "PWP" ], "word": "lemon", "num_translations": 244 }, "tower": { "senses": [ "A very tall iron-framed structure, usually painted red and white, on which microwave, radio, satellite, or other communication antennas are installed", "mast", "A similarly framed structure with a platform or enclosed area on top, used as a lookout for spotting fires, plane crashes, fugitives, etc", "Any very tall building or structure", "skyscraper", "Any item, such as a computer case, that is usually higher than it is wide", "A strong refuge", "a defence", "A tall fashionable headdress worn in the time of King William III and Queen Anne", "High flight", "elevation", "The sixteenth trump or Major Arcana card in many Tarot decks, usually deemed an ill omen", "The nineteenth Lenormand card, representing structure, bureaucracy, stability and loneliness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "donjon" ], "word": "tower", "num_translations": 218 }, "emerald": { "senses": [ "Any of various green gemstones, especially a green transparent form of beryl, highly valued as a precious stone", "Any hummingbird in the genera Chlorostilbon and Elvira", "and some in the genus Amazilia", "A size of type between nonpareil and minion, standardized as 6\u00bd-point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smaragd", "minionette" ], "word": "emerald", "num_translations": 137 }, "avocado": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "avocado pear", "alligator pear", "butter fruit", "butter pear" ], "word": "avocado", "num_translations": 156 }, "epilogue": { "senses": [ "A short speech, spoken directly at the audience at the end of a play", "The performer who gives this speech", "A brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece", "an afterword", "A component of a computer program that prepares the computer to return from a routine" ], "antonyms": [ "prologue", "prologue" ], "synonyms": [ "endspeech", "afterword" ], "word": "epilogue", "num_translations": 61 }, "ray": { "senses": [ "A beam of light or radiation", "A rib-like reinforcement of bone or cartilage in a fish's fin", "One of the spheromeres of a radiate, especially one of the arms of a starfish or an ophiuran", "A radiating part of a flower or plant", "the marginal florets of a compound flower, such as an aster or a sunflower", "one of the pedicels of an umbel or other circular flower cluster", "radius", "Sight", "perception", "vision", "from an old theory of vision, that sight was something which proceeded from the eye to the object seen", "A line extending indefinitely in one direction from a point", "A tiny amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ray", "num_translations": 163 }, "auburn1": { "senses": [ "Of a reddish-brown colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cupreous" ], "word": "auburn", "num_translations": 20 }, "hazel": { "senses": [ "freestone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "filbert" ], "word": "hazel", "num_translations": 76 }, "ruby": { "senses": [ "A clear, deep, red variety of corundum, valued as a precious stone", "A red spinel", "A deep red colour", "The tincture red or gules", "The size of type between pearl and nonpareil, standardized as 5\u00bd-point", "A red bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea rubra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ruby", "num_translations": 97 }, "chestnut": { "senses": [ "A tree or shrub of the genus Castanea", "The nut of this tree or shrub", "A reddish-brown horse", "An old joke", "a worn-out meme, phrase, ploy, etc so often repeated as to have grown tiresome or ineffective", "A round or oval horny plate found on the inner side of the leg of a horse or other animal, similar to a birthmark on a human" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chestnut tree" ], "word": "chestnut", "num_translations": 146 }, "carmine": { "senses": [ "A purplish-red pigment, made from dye obtained from the cochineal beetle", "carminic acid or any of its derivatives", "A purplish-red colour, resembling that pigment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crimson" ], "word": "carmine", "num_translations": 47 }, "carnation": { "senses": [ "A type of Eurasian plant widely cultivated for its flowers", "The type of flower they bear, originally flesh-coloured, but since hybridizing found in a variety of colours", "A rosy pink colour", "The pinkish colors used in art to render human face and flesh", "A scarlet colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clove pink", "cottage pink", "Dianthus plumarius" ], "word": "carnation", "num_translations": 89 }, "buff": { "senses": [ "A brownish yellow colour", "A person who is very interested in a particular subject", "an enthusiast", "An effect that makes a character or item stronger", "Compressive coupler force that occurs during a slack bunched condition", "The bare skin", "A substance used to dilute drugs in order to increase profits" ], "antonyms": [ "debuff", "nerf" ], "synonyms": [ "aficionado", "revamp" ], "word": "buff", "num_translations": 13 }, "unveil": { "senses": [ "To remove a veil from", "to uncover", "to reveal something hidden", "To remove a veil", "to reveal oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unveil", "num_translations": 48 }, "masquerade": { "senses": [ "An assembly or party of people wearing masks and costumes, and amusing themselves with dancing, conversation, or other diversions", "An act of living under false pretenses", "a concealment of something by a false or unreal show", "a disguise, a pretence", "also, a pretentious display", "An assembly of varied, often fanciful, things", "A cosplay event at which costumed attendees perform skits", "A dramatic performance by actors in masks", "a mask or masque", "A Spanish entertainment or military exercise in which squadrons of horses charge at each other, the riders fighting with bucklers and canes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "masquerade", "num_translations": 26 }, "masquerade1": { "senses": [ "to assemble in masks and costumes", "to wear a disguise", "To pass off as a different person or a person with qualities that one does not possess", "also, to make a pretentious show of being what one is not", "To conceal with, or as if with, a mask", "to disguise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "masquerade", "num_translations": 16 }, "whitewash": { "senses": [ "A lime and water mixture for painting walls and fences bright white", "A complete victory or series of victories without suffering any losses", "a clean sweep", "Any liquid composition for whitening something, such as a wash for making the skin fair", "A campaign to paper over unfavorable elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whitewash", "num_translations": 32 }, "whitewash1": { "senses": [ "To paint over with a lime and water mixture so as to brighten up a wall or fence", "To cover over errors or bad actions", "To repay the financial debts of", "To prevent a team from scoring any runs", "In various games, to defeat so that they fail to score, or to reach a certain point in the game", "to skunk", "To make over so that it is or seems more white, for example by applying makeup to a person, or by covering over the participation of people of color in an event and focusing on only white participation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whitewash", "num_translations": 55 }, "hamster": { "senses": [ "Any of various Old-World rodent species belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Syrian hamster" ], "word": "hamster", "num_translations": 86 }, "fortune": { "senses": [ "Destiny, especially favorable", "The arrival of something in a sudden or unexpected manner", "chance", "accident", "Good luck", "One's wealth", "the amount of money one has", "especially, if it is vast", "A large amount of money" ], "antonyms": [ "doom" ], "synonyms": [ "hap", "riches" ], "word": "fortune", "num_translations": 160 }, "distinct": { "senses": [ "Capable of being perceived very clearly", "Different from one another", "Noticeably different from others", "Separate in place", "not conjunct or united", "with from", "Distinguished", "having the difference marked", "separated by a visible sign", "marked out", "specified", "Marked", "variegated" ], "antonyms": [ "confusing", "same" ], "synonyms": [ "clear", "different", "characteristic", "discrete", "specified", "patterned" ], "word": "distinct", "num_translations": 87 }, "sequoia": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "giant sequoia", "redwood" ], "word": "sequoia", "num_translations": 25 }, "overweight": { "senses": [ "Heavier than what is generally considered healthy for a given body type and height", "Weighing more than what is allowed for safety or legal commerce", "Having a portfolio relatively heavily invested in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fat", "Thesaurus:obese" ], "word": "overweight", "num_translations": 36 }, "plaza": { "senses": [ "A town's public square", "An open area used for gathering in a city, often having small trees and sitting benches", "A strip mall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "square" ], "word": "plaza", "num_translations": 71 }, "flatfish": { "senses": [ "A fish of the order Pleuronectiformes, the adults of which have both eyes on one side and usually swim with the other side down, such as a flounder, a halibut, or a sole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pleuronectiform" ], "word": "flatfish", "num_translations": 44 }, "luck": { "senses": [ "Something that happens to someone by chance, a chance occurrence, especially a favourable one", "A superstitious feeling that brings fortune or success", "Success", "The results of a random number generator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chance", "fortune" ], "word": "luck", "num_translations": 98 }, "guineapig": { "senses": [ "A tailless rodent of the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia, with short ears and larger than a hamster", "the species Cavia porcellus is often kept as a pet", "A rodent of any of several species within the family Caviidae", "A living experimental subject", "A professional company director, without time or real qualifications for the duties", "Term of contempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guineapig", "num_translations": 135 }, "pancreas": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gutbread", "stomach sweetbread", "belly sweetbread" ], "word": "pancreas", "num_translations": 95 }, "handy": { "senses": [ "Easy to use, useful", "Nearby, within reach", "Of a person: dexterous, skilful", "Physically violent", "tending to use one's fists", "Of a freight ship: having a small cargo capacity" ], "antonyms": [ "awkward" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "handy", "num_translations": 97 }, "leaflet": { "senses": [ "One of the components of a compound leaf", "A small plant leaf", "A small sheet of paper containing information, used for dissemination of said information, often an advertisement", "A flap of a valve of a heart or blood vessel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leafling", "flier", "flyer", "folder", "handbill", "pamphlet" ], "word": "leaflet", "num_translations": 68 }, "tract": { "senses": [ "An area or expanse", "A small booklet such as a pamphlet, often for promotional or informational uses", "A brief treatise or discourse on a subject", "A commentator's view or perspective on a subject", "Part of the proper of the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist for many Christian denominations, used instead of the alleluia during Lenten or pre-Lenten seasons, in a Requiem Mass, and on a few other penitential occasions", "Continuity or extension of anything", "Traits", "features", "lineaments", "The footprint of a wild animal", "Track", "trace", "Treatment", "exposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "system" ], "word": "tract", "num_translations": 49 }, "gnaw": { "senses": [ "To bite something persistently, especially something tough", "To produce excessive anxiety or worry", "To corrode", "to fret away", "to waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gnaw", "num_translations": 105 }, "merger1": { "senses": [ "The act or process of merging two or more parts into a single unit", "The legal union of two or more corporations into a single entity, typically assets and liabilities being assumed by the buying party", "An absorption of one or more estate or contract into one other, all being held by the same owner", "of several counts of accusation into one judgement, etc", "A type of sound change where two or more sounds merge into one" ], "antonyms": [ "division" ], "synonyms": [ "combination", "fusion", "phonemic merger" ], "word": "merger", "num_translations": 57 }, "toilet": { "senses": [ "Personal grooming, in other words washing, dressing, etc", "One's style of dressing: dress, outfit", "A dressing room", "A chamber pot", "A fixture used for urination and defecation, particularly those with a large bowl and ring-shaped seat which use water to flush the waste material into a septic tank or sewer system", "A very shabby or dirty place", "A covering of linen, silk, or tapestry, spread over a table in a chamber or dressing room", "A dressing table" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom", "half bath", "Thesaurus:chamber pot", "See", "Thesaurus:toilet", "head" ], "word": "toilet", "num_translations": 593 }, "bucket": { "senses": [ "A container made of rigid material, often with a handle, used to carry liquids or small items", "The amount held in this container", "A unit of measure equal to four gallons", "An old vehicle that is not in good working order", "The basket", "A field goal", "A mechanism for avoiding the allocation of targets in cases of mismanagement", "A storage space in a hash table for every item sharing a particular key", "A large amount of liquid", "The leather socket for holding the whip when driving, or for the carbine or lance when mounted", "The pitcher in certain orchids" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pail", "scoop", "banger" ], "word": "bucket", "num_translations": 237 }, "bucket1": { "senses": [ "To rain heavily", "To travel very quickly", "To ride hard or mercilessly", "To make, or cause to make , with a certain hurried or unskillful forward swing of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chuck it down", "hurtle" ], "word": "bucket", "num_translations": 10 }, "dub": { "senses": [ "To confer knighthood", "the conclusion of the ceremony was marked by a tap on the shoulder with a sword", "To name, to entitle, to call", "To deem", "To clothe or invest", "to ornament", "to adorn", "To strike, rub, or dress smooth", "to dab", "To prepare for fighting, by trimming the hackles and cutting off the comb and wattles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knight", "designate", "consider", "deck out" ], "word": "dub", "num_translations": 32 }, "dub4": { "senses": [ "To add sound to film or change audio on film", "To make a copy from an original or master audio tape", "To replace the original soundtrack of a film with a synchronized translation", "To mix audio tracks to produce a new sound", "to remix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dub", "num_translations": 47 }, "proverb": { "senses": [ "A phrase expressing a basic truth which may be applied to common situations", "A striking or paradoxical assertion", "an obscure saying", "an enigma", "a parable", "A familiar illustration", "a subject of contemptuous reference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adage", "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "proverb", "num_translations": 138 }, "ac": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"absolute ceiling\"", "initialism of \"anterior chamber\"", "initialism of \"adult contemporary\",", "initialism of \"adjuvant chemotherapy\"", "initialism of \"air conditioning\"", "initialism of \"air corps\"", "initialism of \"aircraftman\"", "initialism of \"alternating current\",", "initialism of \"appellation contr\u00f4l\u00e9e\"", "initialism of \"area code\"", "initialism of \"army corps\"", "initialism of \"athletic club\"", "initialism of \"audible chuckle\"", "initialism of \"author's correction\"", "initialism of \"automobile club\"", "initialism of \"Auxiliary Collier\",", "initialism of \"axiom of choice\"", "Companion of the Order of Australia", "initialism of \"aviation cadet\"", "initialism of \"ammonium chloride\"" ], "antonyms": [ "DC" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "AC", "num_translations": 18 }, "bad": { "senses": [ "Unfavorable", "negative", "not good", "Not suitable or fitting", "Not appropriate, of manners etc", "Unhealthy", "liable to cause health problems", "Sickly, unhealthy, unwell", "Not behaving or misbehaving", "mischievous or disobedient", "Tricky", "stressful", "unpleasant", "Evil", "wicked", "Faulty", "not functional", "Spoiled, rotten, overripe", "Malodorous", "foul", "False", "counterfeit", "illegitimate", "Unskilled", "of limited ability", "not good", "Of poor physical appearance", "Bold and daring", "Good, superlative, excellent, cool", "Severe, urgent", "Overly promiscuous, licentious" ], "antonyms": [ "good", "right", "worthy", "competent", "benevolent", "true", "honest", "just", "sincere", "beneficial", "advantageous", "profitable", "virtuous", "reputable", "upright", "propitious", "choice", "excellent", "exceptional", "first-class", "first-rate", "premium", "prime", "superior", "adequate", "sufficient" ], "synonyms": [ "unfavorable", "inappropriate", "unhealthful", "ill", "foul", "wicked", "faulty", "rotten", "malodorous", "false", "bungling", "repulsive", "badass", "Thesaurus:good", "dire", "Thesaurus:promiscuous", "disgusting", "wrong", "corrupt", "base", "abandoned", "vicious", "abominable", "detestable", "deficient", "inferior", "lousy", "off", "poor", "punk", "substandard", "unacceptable", "ungodly", "unsatisfactory", "wanting", "wretched" ], "word": "bad", "num_translations": 519 }, "tasmania": { "senses": [ "One of the six federal > of >, consisting of one large, eponymous and several much smaller islands, off the eastern part of Australia's south coast, having its capital at Hobart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tassie", "Van Diemen's Land" ], "word": "Tasmania", "num_translations": 64 }, "victoria": { "senses": [ "The Roman goddess of victory", "equivalent to the Greek goddess Nike", "female given name", "The queen of the United Kingdom from 1837 to 1901", "A placename:", "large railway terminus in central city/London cc/England", "A locale in the Philippines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Victoria", "num_translations": 111 }, "islandstate": { "senses": [ "A state consisting of one or more islands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "island country" ], "word": "islandstate", "num_translations": 60 }, "friend1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "defriend" ], "synonyms": [ "befriend" ], "word": "friend", "num_translations": 29 }, "gripe1": { "senses": [ "A complaint, often a petty or trivial one", "A wire rope, often used on davits and other life raft launching systems", "grasp", "clutch", "grip", "That which is grasped", "a handle", "a grip", "A device for grasping or holding anything", "a brake to stop a wheel", "Oppression", "cruel exaction", "affliction", "pinching distress", "Pinching and spasmodic pain in the intestines", "The piece of timber that terminates the keel at the fore end", "the forefoot", "The compass or sharpness of a ship's stern under the water, having a tendency to make her keep a good wind", "An assemblage of ropes, dead-eyes, and hocks, fastened to ringbolts in the deck, to secure the boats when hoisted", "A vulture, Gyps fulvus", "the griffin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gripe", "num_translations": 32 }, "kind": { "senses": [ "A type, race or category", "a group of entities that have common characteristics such that they may be grouped together", "A makeshift or otherwise atypical specimen", "One's inherent nature", "character, natural disposition", "Family, lineage", "Manner", "Goods or services used as payment, as eg in barter", "Equivalent means used as response to an action", "Each of the two elements of the communion service, bread and wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genre", "sort", "type", "derivative", "generation", "offspring", "child", "Thesaurus:class", "or" ], "word": "kind", "num_translations": 157 }, "kind1": { "senses": [ "Having a benevolent, courteous, friendly, generous, gentle, liberal, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature or disposition, marked by consideration for - and service to - others", "Affectionate", "Favorable", "Mild, gentle, forgiving", "Gentle", "tractable", "easily governed", "Characteristic of the species", "belonging to one's nature", "natural", "native" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:affectionate" ], "word": "kind", "num_translations": 135 }, "upbraid": { "senses": [ "To criticize severely", "To charge with something wrong or disgraceful", "to reproach", "to cast something in the teeth of", "- followed by with or for, and formerly of, before the thing imputed", "To treat with contempt", "To object or urge as a matter of reproach", "to cast up", "- with to before the person", "To rise on the stomach", "vomit", "retch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exprobrate" ], "word": "upbraid", "num_translations": 12 }, "soak": { "senses": [ "To be saturated with liquid by being immersed in it", "To immerse in liquid to the point of saturation or thorough permeation", "To penetrate or permeate by saturation", "To allow to be absorbed", "to take in, receive", "To take money from", "To drink intemperately or gluttonously", "To heat before shaping it", "To hold a kiln at a particular temperature for a given period of time", "To absorb", "to drain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "soak", "num_translations": 93 }, "soil": { "senses": [ "A mixture of sand and organic material, used to support plant growth", "The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants", "Country or territory", "a stain", "A marshy or miry place to which a hunted boar resorts for refuge", "hence, a wet place, stream, or tract of water, sought for by other game, as deer", "Dung", "compost", "manure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dirt" ], "word": "soil", "num_translations": 216 }, "soil1": { "senses": [ "To make dirty", "To stain or mar, as with infamy or disgrace", "to tarnish", "to sully", "To dirty one's clothing by accidentally defecating while clothed", "To make invalid, to ruin", "to manure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smirch" ], "word": "soil", "num_translations": 46 }, "ban": { "senses": [ "To summon", "to call out", "To anathematize", "to pronounce an ecclesiastical curse upon", "To curse", "to execrate", "To prohibit", "to interdict", "to proscribe", "to forbid or block from participation", "To curse", "to utter curses or maledictions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forbid", "prohibit", "disallow" ], "word": "ban", "num_translations": 55 }, "ban1": { "senses": [ "Prohibition", "A public proclamation or edict", "a summons by public proclamation Chiefly, in early use, a summons to arms", "The gathering of the king's vassals for war", "the whole body of vassals so assembled, or liable to be summoned", "A curse or anathema" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ban", "num_translations": 58 }, "basin": { "senses": [ "a wide bowl for washing, sometimes affixed to a wall", "a shallow bowl used for a single serving of a drink or liquidy food", "a depression, natural or artificial, containing water", "an area of land from which water drains into a common outlet", "a rock formation scooped out by water erosion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "basin", "num_translations": 180 }, "bat": { "senses": [ "Any of the small, nocturnal, flying mammals of the order Chiroptera, which navigate by means of echolocation", "An old woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chiropter" ], "word": "bat", "num_translations": 280 }, "bat1": { "senses": [ "A club made of wood or aluminium used for striking the ball in sports such as baseball, softball and cricket", "The piece of wood on which the spinner places the coins and then uses for throwing them", "Shale or bituminous shale", "A sheet of cotton used for filling quilts or comfortables", "A part of a brick with one whole end", "A stroke", "a sharp blow", "A stroke of work", "Rate of motion", "speed", "A spree", "a jollification", "Manner", "rate", "condition", "state of health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kip" ], "word": "bat", "num_translations": 56 }, "beat": { "senses": [ "A stroke", "a blow", "A pulsation or throb", "A rhythm", "specifically The rhythm signalled by a conductor or other musician to the members of a group of musicians", "The interference between two tones of almost equal frequency", "A short pause in a play, screenplay, or teleplay, for dramatic or comedic effect", "a plot point or story development", "The route patrolled by a police officer or a guard", "An area of a person's responsibility, especially", "An act of reporting news or scientific results before a rival", "a scoop", "A precinct", "A place of habitual or frequent resort", "A low cheat or swindler", "The instrumental portion of a piece of hip-hop music", "The act of scouring, or ranging over, a tract of land to rouse or drive out game", "also, those so engaged, collectively", "A smart tap on the adversary's blade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beat", "num_translations": 74 }, "beat1": { "senses": [ "To hit", "strike", "To strike or pound repeatedly, usually in some sort of rhythm", "To strike repeatedly", "to inflict repeated blows", "to knock vigorously or loudly", "To move with pulsation or throbbing", "To win against", "to defeat or overcome", "to do better than, outdo, or excel in a particular, competitive event", "To sail to windward using a series of alternate tacks across the wind", "To strike in order to drive out game", "to travel through for hunting", "To mix food in a rapid fashion Compare whip", "of a buyer, to persuade the seller to reduce a price", "To tread, as a path", "To exercise severely", "to perplex", "to trouble", "To be in agitation or doubt", "To make a sound when struck", "To make a succession of strokes on a drum", "To sound with more or less rapid alternations of greater and less intensity, so as to produce a pulsating effect", "said of instruments, tones, or vibrations, not perfectly in unison", "To arrive at a place before someone", "To have sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beat", "num_translations": 280 }, "beat2": { "senses": [ "exhausted", "fabulous", "boring", "ugly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fatigued", "Thesaurus:ramshackle", "fantabulosa", "Thesaurus:boring", "Thesaurus:ugly" ], "word": "beat", "num_translations": 13 }, "so": { "senses": [ "In order that", "With the result that", "therefore", "Provided that", "on condition that, as long as" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "so that" ], "word": "so", "num_translations": 96 }, "so1": { "senses": [ "To the extent that", "To the extent", "In a particular manner", "In the same manner or to the same extent as aforementioned", "To such an extent or degree", "as" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "really", "that", "like", "really" ], "word": "so", "num_translations": 177 }, "so2": { "senses": [ "True, accurate", "In that state or manner", "with that attribute A proadjective that replaces the aforementioned adjective phrase", "Homosexual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "correct", "musical" ], "word": "so", "num_translations": 24 }, "so3": { "senses": [ "Used after a pause for thought to introduce a new topic, question or story", "Used to connect previous conversation or events to the following question", "Be as you are", "stand still", "used especially to cows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "so", "num_translations": 51 }, "sanction1": { "senses": [ "To ratify", "to make valid", "To give official authorization or approval to", "to countenance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sanction", "num_translations": 37 }, "hear": { "senses": [ "To perceive sounds through the ear", "To perceive with the ear, to recognize in an auditory way", "To exercise this faculty intentionally", "to listen to", "To listen favourably to", "to grant", "To receive information about", "to come to learn of", "To be contacted by", "To listen to in a court of law", "to try", "To sympathize with", "to understand the feelings or opinion of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hear", "num_translations": 230 }, "listen": { "senses": [ "To pay attention to a sound or speech", "To expect or wait for a sound, such as a signal", "To accept advice or obey instruction", "to agree or assent", "To hear , to pay attention to" ], "antonyms": [ "ignore", "disobey" ], "synonyms": [ "attend", "await", "agree", "hear", "Thesaurus:listen" ], "word": "listen", "num_translations": 510 }, "touch": { "senses": [ "Primarily physical senses", "Primarily non-physical senses", "To try", "to add a slight stroke to with the pencil or brush", "To infect", "to affect slightly", "To strike", "to manipulate", "to play on", "To perform, as a tune", "to play", "To influence by impulse", "to impel forcibly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "touch", "num_translations": 253 }, "touch1": { "senses": [ "The faculty or sense of perception by physical contact", "The style or technique with which one plays a musical instrument", "The particular or characteristic mode of action, or the resistance of the keys of an instrument to the fingers", "A distinguishing feature or characteristic", "A little bit", "a small amount", "A relationship of close communication or understanding", "The ability to perform a task well", "aptitude", "Act or power of exciting emotion", "An emotion or affection", "Personal reference or application", "A single stroke on a drawing or a picture", "A brief essay", "Examination or trial by some decisive standard", "test", "proof", "tried quality", "The broadest part of a plank worked top and but, or of one worked anchor-stock fashion", "also, the angles of the stern timbers at the counters", "The children's game of tag", "A set of changes less than the total possible on seven bells, ie less than 5,040", "An act of borrowing or stealing something", "Tallow", "Form", "standard of performance", "A disposal of the ball during a game, ie a kick or a handball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "touch", "num_translations": 122 }, "bite": { "senses": [ "To cut off a piece by clamping the teeth", "To hold something by clamping one's teeth", "To attack with the teeth", "To behave aggressively", "to reject advances", "To take hold", "to establish firm contact with", "To have significant effect, often negative", "To accept something offered, often secretly or deceptively, to cause some action by the acceptor", "To sting", "To cause a smarting sensation", "to have a property which causes such a sensation", "to be pungent", "To cause sharp pain or damage to", "to hurt or injure", "To cause sharp pain", "to produce anguish", "to hurt or injure", "to have the property of so doing", "To take or keep a firm hold", "To take hold of", "to hold fast", "to adhere to", "To lack quality", "to be worthy of derision", "to suck", "To perform oral sex on Used in invective", "To plagiarize, to imitate", "To deceive or defraud", "to take in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bite", "num_translations": 349 }, "bite1": { "senses": [ "The act of biting", "The wound left behind after having been bitten", "The swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting", "A piece of food of a size that would be produced by biting", "a mouthful", "Something unpleasant", "An act of plagiarism", "A small meal or snack", "aggression", "The hold which the short end of a lever has upon the thing to be lifted, or the hold which one part of a machine has upon another", "A cheat", "a trick", "a fraud", "A sharper", "one who cheats", "A blank on the edge or corner of a page, owing to a portion of the frisket, or something else, intervening between the type and paper", "A cut, a proportion of profits", "an amount of money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sting", "mouthful", "snack" ], "word": "bite", "num_translations": 127 }, "smile1": { "senses": [ "To have on one's face", "To express by smiling", "To express amusement, pleasure, or love and kindness", "To look cheerful and joyous", "to have an appearance suited to excite joy", "To be propitious or favourable", "to countenance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smile", "num_translations": 152 }, "think": { "senses": [ "To ponder, to go over in one's head", "To communicate to oneself in one's mind, to try to find a solution to a problem", "To conceive of something or someone (usually followed by of", "infrequently, by on)", "To be of opinion", "to consider, judge, regard, or look upon as", "To guess", "to reckon", "To plan", "to be considering", "to be of a mind", "To presume", "to venture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ ")", "guess" ], "word": "think", "num_translations": 491 }, "talk": { "senses": [ "To communicate, usually by means of speech", "To discuss", "To speak", "Used to emphasise the importance, size, complexity etc of the thing mentioned", "To confess, especially implicating others", "To criticize someone for something of which one is guilty oneself", "To gossip", "to create scandal", "To influence someone to express something, especially a particular stance or viewpoint or in a particular manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:talk" ], "word": "talk", "num_translations": 134 }, "talk1": { "senses": [ "A conversation or discussion", "usually serious, but informal", "A lecture", "Gossip", "rumour", "(preceded by the", "often qualified by a following of) A major topic of social discussion", "A customary conversation by parent or guardian with their child about a reality of life", "in particular:", "Empty boasting, promises or claims", "Meeting to discuss a particular matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:talk", "conference" ], "word": "talk", "num_translations": 130 }, "breath": { "senses": [ "Air expelled from the lungs", "A rest or pause", "A small amount of something, such as wind, or common sense", "Fragrance", "exhalation", "odor", "perfume", "Gentle exercise, causing a quicker respiration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breath", "num_translations": 209 }, "remember": { "senses": [ "To recall from one's memory", "to have an image in one's memory", "To memorize", "to put something into memory", "To keep in mind, be mindful of", "To not forget", "To convey greetings from", "To put in mind", "to remind", "To engage in the process of recalling memories", "To give money as a token of appreciation of past service or friendship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recall", "reminisce" ], "word": "remember", "num_translations": 273 }, "song": { "senses": [ "A former dynasty in China, reigning from the end of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms to the beginning of the Yuan", "former empire c/China, occupying the eastern half of modern China", "The era of Chinese history during which the dynasty reigned", "surname", "river c/Papua New Guinea", "Various minor rivers in China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sung", "Sung", "Songjiang" ], "word": "Song", "num_translations": 11 }, "sing": { "senses": [ "To produce musical or harmonious sounds with one's voice", "To express audibly by means of a harmonious vocalization", "To confess under interrogation", "To make a small, shrill sound", "To relate in verse", "to celebrate in poetry", "To display fine qualities", "to stand out as excellent", "To be capable of being sung", "to produce a certain effect by being sung" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:confess", "Thesaurus:rat out" ], "word": "sing", "num_translations": 229 }, "cry": { "senses": [ "To shed tears", "to weep", "To utter loudly", "to call out", "to declare publicly", "To shout, scream, yell", "To utter inarticulate sounds, as animals do", "To make oral and public proclamation of", "Hence, to publish the banns of, as for marriage" ], "antonyms": [ "laugh" ], "synonyms": [ "bawl", "blubber", "sob", "wail", "weep", "whimper", "Thesaurus:weep", "Thesaurus:shout" ], "word": "cry", "num_translations": 296 }, "cry1": { "senses": [ "A shedding of tears", "A shout or scream", "Words shouted or screamed", "A group of hounds", "A pack or company of people", "A typical sound made by the species in question", "A desperate or urgent request", "Common report", "gossip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cry", "num_translations": 148 }, "tear": { "senses": [ "To rend by holding or restraining in two places and pulling apart, whether intentionally or not", "to destroy or separate", "To injure as if by pulling apart", "To destroy or reduce abstract unity or coherence, such as social, political or emotional", "To make with force or energy", "To demolish", "To become torn, especially accidentally", "To move or act with great speed, energy, or violence", "To smash or enter something with great force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rend", "rip out", "tear off", "tear out" ], "word": "tear", "num_translations": 207 }, "tear2": { "senses": [ "A drop of clear, salty liquid produced from the eyes by crying or irritation", "Something in the form of a transparent drop of fluid matter", "A partially vitrified bit of clay in glass", "a lament", "a dirge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tear", "num_translations": 178 }, "breathe": { "senses": [ "To draw air into , and expel air from , the lungs in order to extract oxygen and excrete waste gases", "To take in needed gases and expel waste gases in a similar way", "To inhale to sustain life", "To live", "To draw something into the lungs", "To expel air from the lungs, exhale", "To exhale or expel in the manner of breath", "To give an impression of, to exude", "To whisper quietly", "To pass like breath", "noiselessly or gently", "to emanate", "to blow gently", "To exchange gases with the environment", "To rest", "to stop and catch one's breath", "*:", "To stop, to give an opportunity to catch its breath", "To exercise", "to tire by brisk exercise", "To passionately devote much of one's life to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:breathe", "live and breathe" ], "word": "breathe", "num_translations": 254 }, "begin": { "senses": [ "To start, to initiate or take the first step into something", "To be in the first stage of some situation", "To come into existence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commence", "initiate", "start" ], "word": "begin", "num_translations": 193 }, "beginner": { "senses": [ "Someone who is just starting at something, or has only recently started", "Someone who sets something in motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amateur", "Thesaurus:beginner" ], "word": "beginner", "num_translations": 75 }, "sound": { "senses": [ "Healthy", "Complete, solid, or secure", "Good", "acceptable", "decent", "Heavy", "laid on with force", "Founded in law", "legal", "valid", "not defective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sound", "num_translations": 86 }, "sound3": { "senses": [ "A sensation perceived by the ear caused by the vibration of air or some other medium", "A vibration capable of causing such sensations", "A distinctive style and sonority of a particular musician, orchestra etc", "Noise without meaning", "empty noise", "Earshot, distance within which a certain noise may be heard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sound" ], "word": "sound", "num_translations": 218 }, "sound4": { "senses": [ "to be spread or published", "To arise or to be recognizable as arising in or from a particular area of law", "To pronounce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "echo", "Thesaurus:sound" ], "word": "sound", "num_translations": 111 }, "ok": { "senses": [ "Endorsement", "approval" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "approval" ], "word": "OK", "num_translations": 108 }, "ok1": { "senses": [ "To approve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "approve", "greenlight" ], "word": "OK", "num_translations": 17 }, "ok2": { "senses": [ "All right, permitted", "Satisfactory, reasonably good", "not exceptional", "In good health or a good emotional state" ], "antonyms": [ "forbidden", "bad", "ill" ], "synonyms": [ "allowed", "adequate", "fine" ], "word": "OK", "num_translations": 127 }, "ok3": { "senses": [ "Satisfactorily, sufficiently well" ], "antonyms": [ "badly" ], "synonyms": [ "adequately" ], "word": "OK", "num_translations": 16 }, "safeandsound": { "senses": [ "Having come to no harm, especially after being exposed to danger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in one piece" ], "word": "safeandsound", "num_translations": 52 }, "safe": { "senses": [ "Not in danger", "out of harm's reach", "Free from risk", "Providing protection from danger", "providing shelter", "When a batter successfully reaches first base, or when a baserunner successfully advances to the next base or returns to the base he last occupied", "not out", "Properly secured", "Not susceptible to a specified source of harm", "Great, cool, awesome, respectable", "a term of approbation, often as interjection", "Lenient, usually describing a teacher that is easy-going", "Reliable", "trusty", "Cautious" ], "antonyms": [ "unsafe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "safe", "num_translations": 213 }, "safe1": { "senses": [ "A condom", "A ventilated or refrigerated chest or closet for securing provisions from noxious animals or insects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coffer", "Thesaurus:condom" ], "word": "safe", "num_translations": 94 }, "positron": { "senses": [ "The antimatter equivalent of an electron, having the same mass but a positive charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antielectron" ], "word": "positron", "num_translations": 50 }, "payment": { "senses": [ "The act of paying", "A sum of money paid in exchange for goods or services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scot" ], "word": "payment", "num_translations": 80 }, "acre": { "senses": [ "An English unit of land area originally denoting a day's plowing for a yoke of oxen, now standardized as 4,840 square yards or 4,04686 square meters", "Any of various similar units of area in other systems", "A wide expanse", "A large quantity", "A field", "A duel fought between individual Scots and Englishmen in the borderlands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "day's math", "feddan", "morgen", "arpent", "cawney", "Irish acre", "juger", "Scottish acre", "Welsh acre" ], "word": "acre", "num_translations": 44 }, "save": { "senses": [ "river in southeastern cont/Africa that flows about 400 km from south of Harare in Zimbabwe, through Mozambique, to the Indian Ocean", "river in southern c/France that flows about 143 km from the Pyrenees to the Garonne at Grenade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sabi" ], "word": "Save", "num_translations": 16 }, "save2": { "senses": [ "Except", "with the exception of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barring" ], "word": "save", "num_translations": 31 }, "handful": { "senses": [ "The amount that a hand will grasp or contain", "A hand's breadth", "four inches", "A small number, usually approximately five", "A group or number of things", "a bunch", "Something which can only be managed with difficulty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fistful", "handbreadth" ], "word": "handful", "num_translations": 131 }, "piece": { "senses": [ "A part of a larger whole, usually in such a form that it is able to be separated from other parts", "A single item belonging to a class of similar items", "One of the figures used in playing chess, specifically a higher-value figure as distinguished from a pawn", "by extension, a similar counter etc in other games", "A coin, especially one valued at less than the principal unit of currency", "An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, musical composition, literary work, etc", "An article published in the press", "An artillery gun", "A gun", "A toupee or wig, especially when worn by a man", "A slice or other quantity of bread, eaten on its own", "a sandwich or light snack", "A sexual encounter", "A shoddy or worthless object", "A cannabis pipe", "Used to describe a pitch that has been hit but not well, usually either being caught by the opposing team or going foul Usually used in the past tense with got", "An individual", "a person", "A castle", "a fortified building", "A pacifier", "A distance", "A structured practice row, often used for performance evaluation", "An amount of work to be done at one time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:piece" ], "word": "piece", "num_translations": 242 }, "from": { "senses": [ "With the source or provenance of or at", "With the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at", "Denoting a subtraction operation", "With the separation, exclusion or differentiation of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "out of", "take away" ], "word": "from", "num_translations": 281 }, "read": { "senses": [ "To look at and interpret letters or other information that is written", "To speak aloud words or other information that is written Often construed with a to phrase or an indirect object", "To interpret, or infer a meaning, significance, thought, intention, etc from", "To consist of certain text", "To substitute", "used to introduce an emendation of a text", "Used after a euphemism to introduce the intended, more blunt meaning of a term", "To be able to hear what another person is saying over a radio connection", "To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks", "To fetch data from", "To think, believe", "to consider", "To advise", "to counsel See rede", "To tell", "to declare", "to recite", "To recognise as being transgender", "To call attention to the flaws of in either a playful, a taunting, or an insulting way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "read", "num_translations": 388 }, "read1": { "senses": [ "a written work", "a taunt or insult)" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "read", "num_translations": 13 }, "since1": { "senses": [ "From: referring to a period of time ending in the present and defining it by the point in time at which it started, or the period in which its starting point occurred" ], "antonyms": [ "until" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "since", "num_translations": 103 }, "since2": { "senses": [ "From the time that", "Because", "When or that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sithen", "sith" ], "word": "since", "num_translations": 138 }, "oral": { "senses": [ "Relating to the mouth", "Spoken rather than written" ], "antonyms": [ "written" ], "synonyms": [ "mouthly", "spoken" ], "word": "oral", "num_translations": 89 }, "draw": { "senses": [ "To move or develop something", "To exert or experience force", "To remove or separate or displace", "To change in size or shape", "To attract or be attracted", ": to rely on", "utilize as a source", "To disembowel", "To choose by means of a random selection process", "To make a shot that lands gently in the house without knocking out other stones", "To play with an inclined bat so as to deflect the ball between the legs and the wicket", "To hit with the toe of the club so that it is deflected toward the left", "To strike below the center so as to give it a backward rotation which causes it to take a backward direction on striking another ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "draw", "num_translations": 351 }, "draw1": { "senses": [ "The result of a contest that neither side has won", "a tie", "The procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined", "Something that attracts eg a crowd", "The result of a two-innings match in which at least one side did not complete all their innings before time ran out", "A golf shot that curves intentionally to the left See hook, slice, fade", "A shot that is intended to land gently in the house without knocking out other stones", "cf takeout", "A dry stream bed that drains surface water only during periods of heavy rain or flooding", "A bag of cannabis", "Cannabis", "In a commission-based job, an advance on future commissions given to an employee by the employer", "A situation in which one or more players has four cards of the same suit or four out of five necessary cards for a straight and requires a further card to make their flush or straight", "The act of pulling back the strings in preparation of firing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stalemate", "dry creek" ], "word": "draw", "num_translations": 66 }, "drawing1": { "senses": [ "A picture, likeness, diagram or representation, usually drawn on paper", "The act of producing such a picture", "Such acts practiced as a graphic art form", "An act or event in which the outcome is selected by chance in the form of a blind draw, notably of lots", "especially such a contest in which a winning name or number is selected randomly by removing it from a container, popularly a hat)", "A small portion of tea for steeping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drawing", "num_translations": 160 }, "look": { "senses": [ "To try to see, to pay attention to with one's eyes", "To appear, to seem", "To give an appearance of being", "To search for, to try to find", "To face or present a view", "To expect or anticipate", "To make sure of, to see to", "to turn the eyes toward", "To seek", "to search for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "look", "num_translations": 373 }, "graffiti": { "senses": [ "Drawings or words drawn on a surface in a public place, usually made without authorization", "Informal inscriptions, figure drawings, etc, as opposed to official inscriptions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cave painting" ], "word": "graffiti", "num_translations": 31 }, "vernacular": { "senses": [ "The language of a people or a national language", "Everyday speech or dialect, including colloquialisms, as opposed to standard, literary, liturgical, or scientific idiom", "Language unique to a particular group of people", "jargon, argot", "A language lacking standardization or a written form", "The indigenous language of a people, into which the words of the Mass are translated" ], "antonyms": [ "lingua franca" ], "synonyms": [ "dialect", "vulgate" ], "word": "vernacular", "num_translations": 109 }, "vernacular1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to everyday language, as opposed to standard, literary, liturgical, or scientific idiom", "Belonging to the country of one's birth", "one's own by birth or nature", "native", "indigenous", "Of or related to local building materials and styles", "not imported", "Connected to a collective memory", "not imported" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common", "folk" ], "word": "vernacular", "num_translations": 36 }, "jargon": { "senses": [ "A technical terminology unique to a particular subject", "Language characteristic of a particular group", "Speech or language that is incomprehensible or unintelligible", "gibberish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "argot", "vernacular" ], "word": "jargon", "num_translations": 93 }, "slang": { "senses": [ "Language outside of conventional usage and in the informal register", "Language that is unique to a particular profession or subject", "jargon", "The specialized language of a social group, sometimes used to make what is said unintelligible to those not members of the group", "cant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vernacular" ], "word": "slang", "num_translations": 59 }, "pedantic": { "senses": [ "Like a pedant, overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning", "Being showy of one's knowledge, often in a boring manner", "Being finicky or fastidious, especially with language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anal-retentive", "fussy", "nit-picky", "nit-picky", "ostentatious", "pedagogical", "pretentious", "fussy", "Thesaurus:fastidious" ], "word": "pedantic", "num_translations": 44 }, "twit1": { "senses": [ "A reproach, gibe or taunt", "A foolish or annoying person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool" ], "word": "twit", "num_translations": 14 }, "gibberish": { "senses": [ "Speech or writing that is unintelligible, incoherent or meaningless", "Needlessly obscure or overly technical language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gibber", "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "gibberish", "num_translations": 115 }, "gaffer1": { "senses": [ "An old man", "A foreman", "A sailor", "The baby in the house" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:old man" ], "word": "gaffer", "num_translations": 28 }, "cadre": { "senses": [ "A frame or framework", "The framework or skeleton upon which a new regiment is to be formed", "the officers of a regiment forming the staff", "The core of a managing group, or a member of such a group", "A small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cadre", "num_translations": 36 }, "voxpopuli": { "senses": [ "voice of the people", "The public comment portion of a public meeting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vox pop" ], "word": "voxpopuli", "num_translations": 11 }, "capital": { "senses": [ "Already-produced durable goods available for use as a factor of production, such as steam shovels and office buildings", "Money and wealth The means to acquire goods and services, especially in a non-barter system", "A city designated as a legislative seat by the government or some other authority, often the city in which the government is located", "otherwise the most important city within a country or a subdivision of it", "The most important city in the field specified", "An uppercase letter", "The uppermost part of a column", "Knowledge", "awareness", "proficiency", "The chief or most important thing" ], "antonyms": [ "minuscule" ], "synonyms": [ "caps" ], "word": "capital", "num_translations": 148 }, "capital1": { "senses": [ "Of prime importance", "Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation", "Excellent", "Involving punishment by death", "Uppercase", "Of or relating to the head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "capital", "num_translations": 81 }, "we": { "senses": [ "The speakers/writers, or the speaker/writer and at least one other person", "The speaker/writer and the person being addressed", "The speaker/writer alone", "The plural form of you, including everyone being addressed", "A second- or third-person pronoun for a person in the speaker's care" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "we", "num_translations": 290 }, "he": { "senses": [ "A male person or animal already known or implied", "A person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant", "An animal whose gender is unknown", "A genderless object regarded as masculine, such as certain stars or certain ships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one", "you", "he or she", "he/she", "they", "s/he", "it" ], "word": "he", "num_translations": 266 }, "she": { "senses": [ "The female person or animal previously mentioned or implied", "A ship or boat", "A country, or sometimes a city, province, planet, etc", "Any machine or thing, such as a car, a computer, or a season", "A person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "she", "num_translations": 240 }, "they": { "senses": [ "A group of people, animals, plants or objects previously mentioned", "A single person, previously mentioned, especially if of unknown or non-binary gender, but not if previously named and identified as male or female", "People", "some people", "people in general", "someone, excluding the speaker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "they", "num_translations": 427 }, "taiwanese2": { "senses": [ "The popular name of the variant of Hokkien spoken in Taiwan, the native language of the Hoklo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Holo" ], "word": "Taiwanese", "num_translations": 36 }, "canadian": { "senses": [ "Of, belonging to, or relating to Canada, its people or culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canajun", "Canuck", "Canuckistani" ], "word": "Canadian", "num_translations": 57 }, "canadian1": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of Canada", "canoe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canajun", "Canuck", "Canuckistani", "hoser" ], "word": "Canadian", "num_translations": 90 }, "talent": { "senses": [ "A marked natural ability or skill", "A unit of weight and money used in ancient times in Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Middle East", "A desire or inclination for something", "The men or women of a place or area, judged by their attractiveness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skill" ], "word": "talent", "num_translations": 143 }, "graft1": { "senses": [ "To insert in a branch or stem of another tree", "to propagate by insertion in another stock", "To insert scions from one tree, or kind of tree, etc, into another", "To implant a portion of in a lesion so as to form an organic union", "To cover, as a ring bolt, block strap, splicing, etc, with a weaving of small cord or rope-yarns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affix" ], "word": "graft", "num_translations": 60 }, "graft3": { "senses": [ "Corruption in official life", "Illicit profit by corrupt means, especially in public life", "A criminal's special branch of practice", "A con job", "A cut of the take", "A bribe, especially on an ongoing basis", "Work", "labor", "A job or trade", "Effort needed for doing hard work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "graft", "num_translations": 31 }, "handicap": { "senses": [ "Something that prevents, hampers, or hinders", "An allowance of a certain amount of time or distance in starting, granted in a race to the competitor possessing disadvantages", "or an additional weight or other hindrance imposed upon the one possessing advantages, in order to equalize, as much as possible, the chances of success", "The disadvantage itself, in particular physical or mental disadvantages of people", "A race or similar contest in which there is an allowance of time, distance, weight, or other advantage, to equalize the chances of the competitors", "An old card game, similar to lanterloo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "handicap", "num_translations": 42 }, "tooth": { "senses": [ "A hard, calcareous structure present in the mouth of many vertebrate animals, generally used for eating", "A sharp projection on the blade of a saw or similar implement", "A projection on the edge of a gear that meshes with similar projections on adjacent gears, or on the circumference of a cog that engages with a chain", "A pointed projection from the margin of a leaf", "The rough surface of some kinds of cel or other films that allows better adhesion of artwork", "Liking, fondness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tooth", "num_translations": 379 }, "hair": { "senses": [ "A pigmented filament of keratin which grows from a follicle on the skin of humans and other mammals", "The collection or mass of such growths growing from the skin of humans and animals, and forming a covering for a part of the head or for any part or the whole body", "A cellular outgrowth of the epidermis, consisting of one or of several cells, whether pointed, hooked, knobbed, or stellated", "Any very small distance, or degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hair", "num_translations": 497 }, "ear2": { "senses": [ "The fruiting body of a grain plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "head", "spike" ], "word": "ear", "num_translations": 26 }, "nose1": { "senses": [ "To move cautiously by advancing its front end", "To snoop", "To detect by smell or as if by smell", "to nuzzle", "To defeat by a narrow margin", "sometimes with out", "To utter in a nasal manner", "to pronounce with a nasal twang", "To confront", "be closely face to face or opposite to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nose", "num_translations": 33 }, "mouth": { "senses": [ "The opening of a creature through which food is ingested", "The end of a river out of which water flows into a sea or other large body of water", "An outlet, aperture or orifice", "A loud or overly talkative person", "A principal speaker", "one who utters the common opinion", "Cry", "voice", "Speech", "language", "testimony", "A wry face", "a grimace", "a mow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mouth" ], "word": "mouth", "num_translations": 421 }, "tongue": { "senses": [ "The flexible muscular organ in the mouth that is used to move food around, for tasting and that is moved into various positions to modify the flow of air from the lungs in order to produce different sounds in speech", "This organ, as taken from animals used for food \u2212", "A language", "Speakers of a language, collectively", "Voice", "accent", "Manner of speaking, often habitually", "A person speaking in a specified manner", "The power of articulate utterance", "speech generally", "Discourse", "fluency of speech or expression", "Discourse", "fluency of speech or expression", "Honourable discourse", "eulogy", "Glossolalia", "In a shoe, the flap of material that goes between the laces and the foot", "Any large or long physical protrusion on an automotive or machine part or any other part that fits into a long groove on another part", "A projection, or slender appendage or fixture", "A long, narrow strip of land, projecting from the mainland into a sea or lake", "The pole of a vehicle", "especially, the pole of an ox cart, to the end of which the oxen are yoked", "The clapper of a bell", "An individual point of flame from a fire", "A small sole", "A short piece of rope spliced into the upper part of standing backstays, etc", "also, the upper main piece of a mast composed of several pieces", "A reed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tongue", "num_translations": 365 }, "leg": { "senses": [ "The lower limb of a human being or animal that extends from the groin to the ankle", "The portion of the lower appendage of a human that extends from the knee to the ankle", "Something that supports", "A stage of a journey, race etc", "A distance that a sailing vessel does without changing the sails from one side to the other", "One side of a multiple-sided course in a sailing race", "A single game or match played in a tournament or other sporting contest", "One of the two sides of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse", "One of the branches of a hyperbola or other curve which extend outward indefinitely", "A rod-like protrusion from an inanimate object, supporting it from underneath", "evidence, the ability for a thing or idea to succeed or persist", "A disreputable sporting character", "An extension of a steam boiler downward, in the form of a narrow space between vertical plates, sometimes nearly surrounding the furnace and ash pit, and serving to support the boiler", "In a grain elevator, the case containing the lower part of the belt which carries the buckets", "A fielder whose position is on the outside, a little in rear of the batter", "A branch or lateral circuit connecting an instrument with the main line", "A branch circuit", "one phase of a polyphase system", "An underlying instrument of a derivatives strategy", "An army soldier assigned to a paratrooper unit who has not yet been qualified as a paratrooper", "A gesture of submission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cathetus" ], "word": "leg", "num_translations": 377 }, "foot": { "senses": [ "A biological structure found in many animals that is used for locomotion and that is frequently a separate organ at the terminal part of the leg", "Travel by walking", "The base or bottom of anything", "The part of a flat surface on which the feet customarily rest", "The end of a rectangular table opposite the head", "A unit of measure equal to twelve inches or one third of a yard, equal to exactly 3048 centimetres", "A unit of measure for organ pipes equal to the wavelength of two octaves above middle C, approximately 328 mm", "infantry", "The end of a cigar which is lit, and usually cut before lighting", "The part of a sewing machine which presses downward on the fabric, and may also serve to move it forward", "The bottommost part of a typed or printed page", "The base of a piece of type, forming the sides of the groove", "The basic measure of rhythm in a poem", "The parsing of syllables into prosodic constituents, which are used to determine the placement of stress in languages along with the notions of constituent heads", "The bottom edge of a sail", "In a bryophyte, that portion of a sporophyte which remains embedded within and attached to the parent gametophyte plant", "The muscular part of a bivalve mollusc or a gastropod by which it moves or holds its position on a surface", "The globular lower domain of a protein", "The point of intersection of one line with another that is perpendicular to it", "Fundamental principle", "basis", "plan", "Recognized condition", "rank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "foot", "num_translations": 525 }, "foot1": { "senses": [ "To pay", "To tread to measure or music", "to dance", "to trip", "to skip", "To walk", "To tread", "to establish", "to land", "To sum up, as the numbers in a column", "sometimes with up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "foot", "num_translations": 41 }, "neck": { "senses": [ "The part of the body connecting the head and the trunk found in humans and some animals", "The corresponding part in some other anatomical contexts", "The tapered part of a bottle toward the opening", "The slender tubelike extension atop an archegonium, through which the sperm swim to reach the egg", "The extension of any stringed instrument on which a fingerboard is mounted", "A long narrow tract of land projecting from the main body, or a narrow tract connecting two larger tracts", "A reduction in size near the end of an object, formed by a groove around it", "The constriction between the root and crown of a tooth", "The gorgerin of a capital", "The small part of a gun between the chase and the swell of the muzzle", "A person's life", "A falsehood", "a lie", "shapeshifting water spirits in Germanic mythology and folklore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "neck", "num_translations": 386 }, "neck1": { "senses": [ "strangle", "kill, eliminate", "To make love", "to intently kiss or cuddle", "to canoodle", "To drink rapidly", "To decrease in diameter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "neck", "num_translations": 36 }, "canary": { "senses": [ "Any of various small birds of different countries, most of which are largely yellow in colour", "A light, slightly greenish, yellow colour", "A lively dance, possibly of Spanish origin", "Any test subject, especially an inadvertent or unwilling one", "A value placed in memory such that it will be the first data corrupted by a buffer overflow, allowing the program to identify and recover from it", "A female singer, soprano, a coloratura singer", "An informer or snitch", "a squealer", "A capsule of the short-acting barbiturate pentobarbital/pentobarbitone", "A yellow sticker of unroadworthiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "canary", "num_translations": 99 }, "phrase": { "senses": [ "A short written or spoken expression", "A word or group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence, usually consisting of a head, or central word, and elaborating words", "A small section of music in a larger piece", "A mode or form of speech", "diction", "expression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "figure of speech", "Thesaurus:phrase" ], "word": "phrase", "num_translations": 209 }, "snail": { "senses": [ "Any of very many animals , of the class Gastropoda, having a coiled shell", "A slow person", "a sluggard", "A spiral cam, or a flat piece of metal of spirally curved outline, used for giving motion to, or changing the position of, another part, as the hammer tail of a striking clock", "A tortoise or testudo", "a movable roof or shed to protect besiegers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dodman" ], "word": "snail", "num_translations": 246 }, "angel": { "senses": [ "An incorporeal and sometimes divine messenger from a deity, or other divine entity, often depicted in art as a youthful winged figure in flowing robes", "One of the lowest order of such beings, below virtues", "Attendant spirit", "genius", "demon", "An official who heads a Christian church, especially a Catholic Apostolic church", "An altitude, measured in thousands of feet", "An unidentified flying object detected by air traffic control radar", "An affluent individual who provides capital for a startup, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity", "The person who funds a show" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "errand-ghost" ], "word": "angel", "num_translations": 252 }, "idiom": { "senses": [ "A manner of speaking, a mode of expression peculiar to a language, person, or group of people", "A language or language variety", "specifically, a restricted dialect used in a given historical period, context etc", "An established expression whose meaning is not deducible from the literal meanings of its component words, often peculiar to a given language", "An artistic style", "an instance of such a style", "A programming construct or phraseology that is characteristic of the language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lect", "languoid", "dialect", "vernacular", "language", "expression" ], "word": "idiom", "num_translations": 153 }, "predicate2": { "senses": [ "To announce, assert, or proclaim publicly", "To assume or suppose", "to infer", "to base", "to assert on the grounds of", "To assert or state as an attribute or quality of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "predicate", "num_translations": 15 }, "face1": { "senses": [ "To have its front closest to, or in the direction of", "To be presented or confronted with", "to have in prospect", "To deal with", "to accept even when undesirable", "To have the front in a certain direction", "To have as an opponent", "To be the batsman on strike", "To confront impudently", "to bully", "To cover in front, for ornament, protection, etc", "to put a facing upon", "To line near the edge, especially with a different material", "To arrange the products in so that they are tidy and attractive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "confront" ], "word": "face", "num_translations": 110 }, "pizza": { "senses": [ "A baked Italian dish of a thinly rolled bread dough crust typically topped before baking with tomato sauce, cheese and other ingredients such as meat, vegetables or fruit", "A single instance of this dish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pizza pie", "pie" ], "word": "pizza", "num_translations": 132 }, "molar": { "senses": [ "A back tooth having a broad surface used for grinding one's food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheektooth", "grinder", "wangtooth" ], "word": "molar", "num_translations": 80 }, "slug": { "senses": [ "Any of many terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks, having no shell", "A slow, lazy person", "A bullet", "A counterfeit coin, especially one used to steal from vending machines", "A shot of a drink, usually alcoholic", "A title, name or header, a catchline, a short phrase or title to indicate the content of a newspaper or magazine story for editing use", "the Imperial unit of mass that accelerates by 1 foot per second squared when a force of one pound-force is exerted on it", "A discrete mass of a material that moves as a unit, usually through another material", "A motile pseudoplasmodium formed by amoebae working together", "An accessory to a diesel-electric locomotive, used to increase adhesive weight and allow full power to be applied at a lower speed It has trucks with traction motors but lacks a prime mover", "A black screen", "A piece of type metal imprinted by a linotype machine", "also a black mark placed in the margin to indicate an error", "also said in application to typewriters", "A stranger picked up as a passenger to enable legal use of high occupancy vehicle lanes", "A hitchhiking commuter", "The last part of a clean URL, the displayed resource name, similar to a filename", "A hindrance, an obstruction", "A ship that sails slowly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drink" ], "word": "slug", "num_translations": 100 }, "perfect": { "senses": [ "Fitting its definition precisely", "Having all of its parts in harmony with a common purpose", "Without fault or mistake", "thoroughly skilled or talented", "Excellent and delightful in all respects", "Representing a completed action", "Sexually mature and fully differentiated", "Of flowers, having both male parts and female parts", "Describing an interval or any compound interval of a unison, octave, or fourths and fifths that are not tritones", "Made with equal parts of sweet and dry vermouth", "Well informed", "certain", "sure", "Innocent, guiltless" ], "antonyms": [ "flawed", "faulty", "imperfect" ], "synonyms": [ "accurate", "faultless", "expert", "mature", "bisexual", "Thesaurus:flawless" ], "word": "perfect", "num_translations": 171 }, "perfect2": { "senses": [ "to improve or hone", "To take an action, usually the filing of a document in the correct venue, that secures a legal right" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enhance" ], "word": "perfect", "num_translations": 25 }, "precise": { "senses": [ "exact, accurate", "consistent, clustered close together, agreeing with each other", "adhering too much to rules", "prim or punctilious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:meticulous" ], "word": "precise", "num_translations": 83 }, "who": { "senses": [ "What person or people", "which person or people", "asks for the identity of someone", "What is one's position", "asks whether someone deserves to say or do something", "The person or people that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "who", "num_translations": 362 }, "whom": { "senses": [ "What person or people", "which person or people, as the object of a verb", "What person or people", "which person or people, as the object of a preposition", "Him", "her", "them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whom", "num_translations": 134 }, "which1": { "senses": [ "What one or ones", "Who", "whom", "what", "Used of people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "which", "num_translations": 124 }, "slim": { "senses": [ "Slender, thin", "Very small, tiny", "Bad, of questionable quality", "not strongly built, flimsy", "Sly, crafty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lithe", "fine", "infinitesimal", "flimsy", "cunning" ], "word": "slim", "num_translations": 68 }, "britishcolumbia": { "senses": [ "Province in western Canada which has Victoria as its capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BC", "B.C", "B. C" ], "word": "BritishColumbia", "num_translations": 56 }, "saskatchewan": { "senses": [ "river c/Canada", "Prairie province in western Canada which has Regina as its capital city" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SK", "Sk", "Sask", "SSK" ], "word": "Saskatchewan", "num_translations": 47 }, "manitoba": { "senses": [ "A province in Western Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Province of Manitoba", "MB", "Man" ], "word": "Manitoba", "num_translations": 61 }, "ontario": { "senses": [ "province in eastern c/Canada", "village dist/Cayo District c/Belize", "city co/San Bernardino County s/California", "unincorporated community co/Knox County s/Illinois", "unincorporated community twp/Lima Township co/LaGrange County s/Indiana c/USA", "community city/Ames co/Story County s/Iowa c/USA", "county s/New York", "town/hamlet/and/CDP co/Wayne County s/New York", "city co/Richland County s/Ohio", "city co/Malheur County s/Oregon", "populated place twp/North Bethlehem co/Washington County s/Pennsylvania", "populated place co/Charlotte County s/Virginia", "village co/Vernon County s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ontario", "num_translations": 60 }, "princeedwardisland": { "senses": [ "province in eastern c/Canada", "island in eastern c/Canada, which forms the majority of the eponymous province" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PEI", "PE", "\u00cele Saint Jean" ], "word": "PrinceEdwardIsland", "num_translations": 28 }, "nunavut": { "senses": [ "Territory in northern Canada which has Iqaluit as its capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nunavut Territory" ], "word": "Nunavut", "num_translations": 46 }, "smell": { "senses": [ "A sensation, pleasant or unpleasant, detected by inhaling air carrying airborne molecules of a substance", "The sense that detects odours", "A conclusion or intuition that a situation is wrong, more complex than it seems, or otherwise inappropriate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "olfaction" ], "word": "smell", "num_translations": 212 }, "smell1": { "senses": [ "to stink", "To have a particular tincture or smack of any quality", "to savour", "To exercise sagacity", "To detect or perceive", "often with out", "To give heed to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smell", "num_translations": 219 }, "pants": { "senses": [ "An outer garment that covers the body from the waist downwards, covering each leg separately, usually as far as the ankles", "trousers", "An undergarment that covers the genitals and often the buttocks and the neighbouring parts of the body", "Rubbish", "something worthless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breeks", "see" ], "word": "pants", "num_translations": 265 }, "meaculpa1": { "senses": [ "an apology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "my bad", "peccavi", "stand corrected" ], "word": "meaculpa", "num_translations": 31 }, "handicraft": { "senses": [ "A trade requiring skill of hand", "manual occupation", "handcraft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handcraft" ], "word": "handicraft", "num_translations": 62 }, "hammerhead": { "senses": [ "The portion of a hammer containing the metal striking face", "Any of various sharks of the genus Sphyrna or Zygaena having the eyes set on projections from the sides of the head, which gives it a hammer shape", "A fresh-water fish", "the stone-roller, in the minnow family Cyprinidae", "An African fruit bat, the hammer-headed fruit bat, Hypsignathus monstrosus, so called from its large blunt nozzle", "A stupid person, a dunce", "A turn-around", "a parking area constructed in a subdivision for initial access and construction", "A kind of ribozyme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hammerhead shark" ], "word": "hammerhead", "num_translations": 13 }, "beetle": { "senses": [ "Any of numerous species of insect in the order Coleoptera characterized by a pair of hard, shell-like front wings which cover and protect a pair of rear wings when at rest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bug" ], "word": "beetle", "num_translations": 139 }, "sikkim": { "senses": [ "State in eastern India which has Gangtok as its capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kingdom of Sikkim", "Indrakil", "the garden of the war god Indra" ], "word": "Sikkim", "num_translations": 47 }, "arunachalpradesh": { "senses": [ "State in north-eastern India which has Itanagar as its capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Orchid State of India", "Paradise of Botanists" ], "word": "ArunachalPradesh", "num_translations": 39 }, "manipur": { "senses": [ "State in north-eastern India which has Imphal as its capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Meeteileipak", "Kangleipak", "Sanaleibak", "Meckley" ], "word": "Manipur", "num_translations": 44 }, "meghalaya": { "senses": [ "State in north-eastern India which has Shillong as its capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Scotland of the east" ], "word": "Meghalaya", "num_translations": 37 }, "karnataka": { "senses": [ "state in southern c/India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "state of Mysore" ], "word": "Karnataka", "num_translations": 82 }, "lakshadweep": { "senses": [ "Indian union territory comprising twelve atolls in the Arabian Sea, having Kavaratti as its capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Laccadive", "Minicoy", "and Aminidivi Islands", "Laccadive Islands" ], "word": "Lakshadweep", "num_translations": 23 }, "grafting1": { "senses": [ "The act, art, or process of inserting grafts", "The act or method of weaving a cover for a ring, rope end, etc", "The transplanting of a portion of flesh or skin to a denuded surface", "autoplastic", "A scarfing or endwise attachment of one timber to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grafting", "num_translations": 11 }, "carpediem": { "senses": [ "enjoy the present, make the most of today, seize the day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gather rosebuds", "take the cash and let the credit go" ], "word": "carpediem", "num_translations": 28 }, "saying1": { "senses": [ "A proverb or maxim", "That which is said", "a statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maxim", "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "saying", "num_translations": 80 }, "linguafranca": { "senses": [ "A common language used by people of diverse backgrounds to communicate with one another, often a basic form of speech with simplified grammar, particularly, one not the first language of any of its speakers" ], "antonyms": [ "vernacular" ], "synonyms": [ "koine" ], "word": "linguafranca", "num_translations": 51 }, "sydney": { "senses": [ "surname, a spelling variant of Sidney", "unisex given name", "major port city/state capital s/New South Wales c/Australia", "seaport/and/former city p/Nova Scotia c/Canada, now part of the amalgamated Cape Breton Regional Municipality on Cape Breton Island", "Dharuk, an Aboriginal language of Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Darug", "SYD", "Syd" ], "word": "Sydney", "num_translations": 55 }, "brisbane": { "senses": [ "large city/capital city s/Queensland c/Australia", "A river that flows through the city in Australia", "city co/San Mateo County s/California c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Brissie" ], "word": "Brisbane", "num_translations": 31 }, "darwin": { "senses": [ "municipality p:suf/R\u00edo Negro c/Argentina", "capital city terr/Northern Territory c/Australia", "ghost town s/Tasmania c/Australia", "settlement on the pen:pref/Lafonia isl:suf/East Falkland terr/Falkland Islands", "unincorporated community/and/CDP co/Inyo County s/California c/USA", "ghost town co/Fresno County s/California c/USA", "tiny city co/Meeker County s/Minnesota c/USA", "small unincorporated community twp/Bedford Township co/Meigs County s/Ohio c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Pushmataha County s/Oklahoma c/USA", "ghost town co/Webb County s/Texas c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Dickenson County s/Virginia c/USA", "male given name, deriving from the Old English name D\u0113orwine and revived through the surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Darwin", "num_translations": 25 }, "perth": { "senses": [ "city s/Western Australia", "town s/Ontario c/Canada", "town s/Tasmania c/Australia", "river in the Southern Alps of c/New Zealand a tributary of the Whataroa", "locale c/US", "A Scottish earldom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Perth", "num_translations": 42 }, "melbourne": { "senses": [ "capital city s/Victoria c/Australia", "community in the distmun/Municipality of the District of Yarmouth p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "township municipality rcomun/Le Val-Saint-Fran\u00e7ois p/Quebec c/Canada", "market town/and/civil parish lgdist/South Derbyshire co/Derbyshire cc/England, located in the East Midlands", "village/and/civil parish co/East Riding of Yorkshire cc/England", "small city/county seat co/Izard County s/Arkansas c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Mendocino County s/California c/USA, previously spelt Melburne", "city co/Brevard County s/Florida c/USA", "small city co/Marshall County s/Iowa c/USA", "tiny home rule city co/Campbell County s/Kentucky c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Melbourne", "num_translations": 43 }, "hobart": { "senses": [ "surname derived from a variant of Hubert", "city s/Indiana", "village s/New York", "city/county seat co/Kiowa County s/Oklahoma", "A census-designated place in Washington", "village s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Hobart", "num_translations": 10 }, "edmonton": { "senses": [ "capital city p/Alberta c/Canada", "former town/and/suburb city/Cairns s/Queensland c/Australia", "hamlet cpar/St Breock co/Cornwall cc/England", "area lbor/Enfield in northern co/Greater London cc/England", "city/county seat co/Metcalfe County s/Kentucky c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Edmonchuk" ], "word": "Edmonton", "num_translations": 63 }, "winnipeg": { "senses": [ "capital city p/Manitoba c/Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Peg", "Winterpeg", "WPG" ], "word": "Winnipeg", "num_translations": 23 }, "toronto": { "senses": [ "The > of >, > and largest city in Canada", "lakeside suburb within the lgarea/City of Lake Macquarie s/New South Wales c/Australia", "unincorporated area/and/community twp:pref/Lot 23 par/Grenville Parish co/Queens County p/Prince Edward Island c/Canada", "village county/County Durham c/England", "A > in >, now a > of >, >, >", "ghost town twp/Helt Township co/Vermillion County s/Indiana", "small town co/Clinton County s/Iowa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Big Smoke", "Hogtown", "Hollywood North", "Muddy York", "Queen City", "T.O", "York" ], "word": "Toronto", "num_translations": 58 }, "goose": { "senses": [ "Any of various grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae, which have feathers and webbed feet and are capable of flying, swimming, and walking on land, and which are bigger than ducks", "A silly person", "A tailor's iron, heated in live coals or embers, used to press fabrics", "A young woman or girlfriend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goose iron" ], "word": "goose", "num_translations": 233 }, "heel": { "senses": [ "The rear part of the foot, where it joins the leg", "The rear part of a sock or similar covering for the foot", "The part of the palm of a hand closest to the wrist", "The back, upper part of the stock", "The last or lowest part of anything", "A crust end-piece of a loaf of bread", "The base of a bun sliced in half lengthwise", "A contemptible, inconsiderate or thoughtless person", "A headlining wrestler regarded as a \"bad guy,\" whose ring persona embodies villainous or reprehensible traits and demonstrates characteristics of a braggart and a bully", "The cards set aside for later use in a patience or solitaire game", "a protuberance", "a knob", "The lower end of a timber in a frame, as a post or rafter", "The obtuse angle of the lower end of a rafter set sloping", "A cyma reversa", "The short side of an angled cut", "The part of a club head's face nearest the shaft", "In a carding machine, the part of a flat nearest the cylinder" ], "antonyms": [ "babyface", "toe" ], "synonyms": [ "ender" ], "word": "heel", "num_translations": 292 }, "heel1": { "senses": [ "to chase closely", "To arm with a gaff, as a cock for fighting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heel", "num_translations": 17 }, "whitehorse": { "senses": [ "capital city terr/Yukon c/Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "White Horse" ], "word": "Whitehorse", "num_translations": 13 }, "ottawa": { "senses": [ "An Algonquian people closely related to the Ojibwe", "also spelt Ottowa", "also spelt Odawa or Odaawaa", "city p/Ontario c/Canada", "capital city c/Canada", "The government of Canada", "A > flowing SE between > and >, > into the >", "city/county seat co/LaSalle County s/Illinois", "city/county seat co/Franklin County s/Kansas", "village/county seat co/Putnam County s/Ohio", "town/and/unincorporated community co/Waukesha County s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "National Capital Region" ], "word": "Ottawa", "num_translations": 53 }, "lose": { "senses": [ "To cause to cease to be in one's possession or capability due to unfortunate or unknown circumstances, events or reasons", "To wander from", "to miss, so as not to be able to find", "to go astray from", "To fail to win", "To be unable to follow or trace any longer", "To cause to be unable to follow or trace one any longer", "To cease exhibiting", "to overcome", "To shed, remove, discard, or eliminate", "Of a clock, to run slower than expected", "To cause the loss of something", "to deprive of", "To fail to catch with the mind or senses", "to miss", "To cause to part with", "to deprive of" ], "antonyms": [ "come across", "discover", "find", "gain", "acquire", "procure", "get", "pick up", "snag", "win", "gain", "die)", "find", "pick up", "come first" ], "synonyms": [ "leave behind", "forfeit", "drop", "die)", "any longer)", "ditch" ], "word": "lose", "num_translations": 336 }, "loose": { "senses": [ "Of a grip or hold, to let go", "to shoot", "To set sail", "To solve", "to interpret" ], "antonyms": [ "bind", "bind", "tighten", "tighten", "fast" ], "synonyms": [ "free", "loosen", "loosen", "let go", "fire" ], "word": "loose", "num_translations": 81 }, "loose1": { "senses": [ "Not fixed in place tightly or firmly", "Not held or packaged together", "Not under control", "Not fitting closely", "Not compact", "Relaxed", "Not precise or exact", "vague", "indeterminate", "Indiscreet", "Free from moral restraint", "immoral, unchaste", "Not being in the possession of any competing team during a game", "Not costive", "having lax bowels" ], "antonyms": [ "firm", "packaged", "bound", "close-fitting", "compact", "tense", "discreet", "faithful" ], "synonyms": [ "unfastened", "separate", "free", "baggy", "diffuse", "loose-limbed", "indiscreet", "polygamous" ], "word": "loose", "num_translations": 164 }, "street": { "senses": [ "A paved part of road, usually in a village or a town", "A road as above but including the sidewalks and buildings", "The people who live in such a road, as a neighborhood", "An illicit or contraband source, especially of drugs", "A great distance", "Each of the three opportunities that players have to bet, after the flop, turn and river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "street", "num_translations": 222 }, "road": { "senses": [ "The act of riding on horseback", "A hostile ride against a particular area", "a raid", "A partly sheltered area of water near a shore in which vessels may ride at anchor", "A path chosen in life or career", "An underground tunnel in a mine", "A railway or a single railway track", "A journey, or stage of a journey", "A way or route" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "road", "num_translations": 276 }, "trail": { "senses": [ "To follow behind", "to tail", "To drag behind on the ground", "To leave", "to release or publish a preview of in advance of the full publication", "To hang or drag loosely behind", "to move with a slow sweeping motion", "To run or climb like certain plants", "To drag oneself lazily or reluctantly along", "To be losing, to be behind in a competition", "To carry with the breech near the ground and the upper part inclined forward, the piece being held by the right hand near the middle", "To flatten by walking through it", "to tread down", "To take advantage of the ignorance of", "to impose upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trail", "num_translations": 52 }, "trail1": { "senses": [ "A route for travel over land, especially a narrow, unpaved pathway for use by hikers, horseback riders, etc", "A walk in which all the edges are distinct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spoor", "dirt track" ], "word": "trail", "num_translations": 75 }, "traffic": { "senses": [ "Pedestrians or vehicles on roads, or the flux or passage thereof", "Commercial transportation or exchange of goods, or the movement of passengers or people", "Illegal trade or exchange of goods, often drugs", "Exchange or flux of information, messages or data, as in a computer or telephone network", "Commodities of the market" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "traffic", "num_translations": 134 }, "path": { "senses": [ "A trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians", "A course taken", "A Pagan tradition, for example witchcraft, Wicca, druidism, Heathenry", "A metaphorical course", "A method or direction of proceeding", "A human-readable specification for a location within a hierarchical or tree-like structure, such as a file system or as part of a URL", "A continuous map f from the unit interval I = 0,1 to a topological space X", "A slot available for allocation to a railway train over a given route in between other trains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "track", "trail", "Thesaurus:way" ], "word": "path", "num_translations": 287 }, "highway": { "senses": [ "A main, direct public road, especially a multi-lane, high speed thoroughfare connecting major population centers", "Any public road for vehicular traffic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hwy" ], "word": "highway", "num_translations": 133 }, "thoroughfare": { "senses": [ "A passage", "a way through", "A road open at both ends or connecting one area with another", "a highway or main street", "The act of going through", "passage", "travel, transit", "An unobstructed waterway allowing passage for ships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thoroughfare", "num_translations": 68 }, "expressway": { "senses": [ "A divided highway where intersections and direct access to adjacent properties have been eliminated", "A road built to freeway standards", "A road built for high speed traffic, but not up to motorway standards or designated a motorway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ewy", "expwy", "expy" ], "word": "expressway", "num_translations": 31 }, "avenue": { "senses": [ "A broad street, especially one bordered by trees", "A way or opening for entrance into a place", "a passage by which a place may be reached", "a way of approach or of exit", "The principal walk or approach to a house which is withdrawn from the road, especially, such approach bordered on each side by trees", "any broad passageway thus bordered", "A method or means by which something may be accomplished", "A street, especially, in cities laid out in a grid pattern, one that is in a particular side of the city or that runs in a particular direction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drive", "av" ], "word": "avenue", "num_translations": 83 }, "exit": { "senses": [ "An act of going out or going away, or leaving", "a departure", "A way out", "The act of departing from life", "death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exit", "num_translations": 181 }, "exit1": { "senses": [ "To go out or go away from a place or situation", "to depart, to leave", "To depart from life", "to die", "To end or terminate", "To depart from or leave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exit", "num_translations": 93 }, "freeway": { "senses": [ "A road designed for safe, high-speed operation of motor vehicles through the elimination of at-grade intersections, usually divided and having at least two lanes in each direction", "a dual carriageway with no at-grade crossings, a motorway", "A toll-free highway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fwy" ], "word": "freeway", "num_translations": 43 }, "motorway": { "senses": [ "A broad highway designed for high speed traffic, having restrictions on the vehicle types permitted and merging lanes instead of cross traffic", "in parts of the United States and other places called freeway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "controlled-access highway", "freeway", "others regionally" ], "word": "motorway", "num_translations": 70 }, "entrance": { "senses": [ "The action of entering, or going in", "The act of taking possession, as of property, or of office", "The place of entering, as a gate or doorway", "The right to go in", "The entering upon", "the beginning, or that with which the beginning is made", "the commencement", "initiation", "The causing to be entered upon a register, as a ship or goods, at a customhouse", "an entering", "The angle which the bow of a vessel makes with the water at the water line", "The bow, or entire wedgelike forepart of a vessel, below the water line", "When a musician starts playing or singing, entry" ], "antonyms": [ "exit" ], "synonyms": [ "ingang" ], "word": "entrance", "num_translations": 157 }, "lane": { "senses": [ "A road, street, or similar thoroughfare", "A narrow passageway between fences, walls, hedges or trees", "A lengthwise division of roadway intended for a single line of vehicles", "A similar division of a racetrack to keep runners apart", "A course designated for ships or aircraft", "An elongated wooden strip of floor along which a bowling ball is rolled", "An empty space in the tableau, formed by the removal of an entire row of cards", "Any of the parallel slots in which values can be stored in a SIMD architecture", "In MOBA games, a particular path on the map that may be traversed by enemy characters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carriageway" ], "word": "lane", "num_translations": 120 }, "alley": { "senses": [ "A narrow street or passageway, especially one through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings", "The area between the outfielders", "An establishment where bowling is played", "An elongated wooden strip of floor along which a bowling ball is rolled", "The extra area between the sidelines or tramlines on a tennis court that is used for doubles matches", "A walk or passage in a garden or park, bordered by rows of trees or bushes", "A passageway between rows of pews in a church", "Any passage having the entrance represented as wider than the exit, so as to give the appearance of length", "The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alley", "num_translations": 119 }, "turnpike": { "senses": [ "A frame consisting of two bars crossing each other at right angles and turning on a post or pin, to hinder the passage of animals, but admitting a person to pass between the arms", "a turnstile", "A gate or bar set across a road to stop carriages, animals, and sometimes people, until a toll is paid,", "A winding stairway", "A beam filled with spikes to obstruct passage", "a cheval de frise", "A toll road, especially a toll expressway", "A trajectory on a finite time interval that satisfies an optimality criterion which is associated with a cost function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "turnpike", "num_translations": 24 }, "zulu1": { "senses": [ "The letter Z in the ICAO spelling alphabet", "A designation for time along the prime meridian", "The language of these people, a Bantu language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Zulu", "num_translations": 64 }, "zoom1": { "senses": [ "to move fast with a humming noise", "to fly an airplane straight up", "to move rapidly", "to go up sharply", "to manipulate a display so as to magnify or shrink it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "zoom", "num_translations": 25 }, "gangway": { "senses": [ "A passageway through which to enter or leave, such as one between seating areas in an auditorium, or between two buildings", "An articulating bridge or ramp, such as from land to a dock or a ship", "A temporary passageway, such as one made of planks", "A clear path through a crowd or a passageway with people", "An aisle", "A passage along either side of a ship's upper deck", "A passage through the side of a ship or an opening in the railing through which the ship may be boarded", "An earthen and plank ramp leading from the stable yard into the upper storey or mow of a dairy barn", "The narrow space between two buildings or houses, used to access the backyard/alleyway from the front", "A passageway through a passenger car" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gangway", "num_translations": 97 }, "pavement": { "senses": [ "Any paved floor", "A paved footpath, especially at the side of a road", "Any paved exterior surface, as of a road or sidewalk", "The interior flooring, especially when of stone, of large buildings such as a cathedral" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sidewalk", "roadway" ], "word": "pavement", "num_translations": 111 }, "sidewalk": { "senses": [ "a footpath, usually paved, at the side of a road for the use of pedestrians", "a pavement or footpath", "any paved footpath, even if not located at the side of a road" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footpath" ], "word": "sidewalk", "num_translations": 80 }, "romanian1": { "senses": [ "A native of Romania", "The official language of Romania and Moldova" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Daco-Romanian" ], "word": "Romanian", "num_translations": 157 }, "chat": { "senses": [ "To be engaged in informal conversation", "To talk more than a few words", "To talk of", "to discuss", "To exchange text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, as if having a face-to-face conversation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chat", "num_translations": 142 }, "chat1": { "senses": [ "Informal conversation", "A conversation to stop an argument or settle situations", "An exchange of text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, resembling a face-to-face conversation", "Any of various small Old World passerine birds in the muscicapid tribe Saxicolini or subfamily Saxicolinae that feed on insects", "Any of several small Australian honeyeaters in the genus Epthianura" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chat", "num_translations": 106 }, "givenname": { "senses": [ "A first name, a name chosen for a child, usually by the child's parents", "a forename" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christian name" ], "word": "givenname", "num_translations": 57 }, "womb": { "senses": [ "In female mammals, the organ in which the young are conceived and grow until birth", "the uterus", "The abdomen or stomach", "The stomach of a person or creature", "A place where something is made or formed", "Any cavity containing and enveloping anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "uterus" ], "word": "womb", "num_translations": 211 }, "virtue": { "senses": [ "Accordance with moral principles", "conformity of behaviour or thought with the strictures of morality", "good moral conduct", "A particular manifestation of moral excellence in a person", "an admirable quality", "An inherently advantageous or excellent quality of something or someone", "a favourable point, an advantage", "A creature embodying divine power, specifically one of the orders of heavenly beings, traditionally ranked above angels and below archangels", "Specifically, moral conduct in sexual behaviour, especially of women", "chastity", "The inherent power of a god, or other supernatural being", "The inherent power or efficacy of something" ], "antonyms": [ "vice", "foible" ], "synonyms": [ "douth", "Thesaurus:goodness" ], "word": "virtue", "num_translations": 136 }, "axe": { "senses": [ "A tool for felling trees or chopping wood etc consisting of a heavy head flattened to a blade on one side, and a handle attached to it", "An ancient weapon consisting of a head that has one or two blades and a long handle", "A dismissal or rejection", "A gigging musician's particular instrument, especially a guitar in rock music or a saxophone in jazz", "A position, interest, or reason in buying and selling stock, often with ulterior motives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "axe", "num_translations": 321 }, "kualalumpur": { "senses": [ "federal territory in western c/Malaysia, in which the country's current capital of the same name is located", "capital city c/Malaysia, located in the federal territory of the same name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "KL" ], "word": "KualaLumpur", "num_translations": 43 }, "turk": { "senses": [ "A Muslim", "A bloodthirsty and savage person", "vandal", "barbarian", "A homosexual, assuming the active role in anal sex", "A member of a Mestee group in South Carolina", "A person from Llanelli, Wales", "The plum curculio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Turk", "num_translations": 111 }, "british": { "senses": [ "With the, the residents or inhabitants of Great Britain collectively", "With the, the citizens or inhabitants of the United Kingdom collectively", "The ancient inhabitants of the southern part of Britain before the Anglo-Saxon invasion, also called ancient Britons", "The Celtic language of the ancient Britons", "Common Brittonic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "British", "num_translations": 136 }, "british1": { "senses": [ "Of Britain", "Of the United Kingdom", "Of the ancient inhabitants of the southern part of Britain", "Brythonic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "British", "num_translations": 99 }, "briton": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of Great Britain", "A citizen of the United Kingdom", "A Celtic-speaking inhabitant of southern Great Britain at the time of the Roman conquest", "A male inhabitant of Great Britain", "A male citizen of the United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Brit", "Welshman" ], "word": "Briton", "num_translations": 73 }, "hay": { "senses": [ "Grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder", "Any mix of green leafy plants used for fodder", "Cannabis", "marijuana", "A net set around the haunt of an animal, especially a rabbit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hay", "num_translations": 168 }, "deem": { "senses": [ "To judge, to pass judgment on", "to doom, to sentence", "To adjudge, to decree", "To dispense", "to administer", "To hold in belief or estimation", "to adjudge as a conclusion", "to regard as being", "to evaluate according to one's beliefs", "to account", "To think, judge, or have or hold as an opinion", "to decide or believe on consideration", "to suppose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deem", "num_translations": 54 }, "hungry": { "senses": [ "Affected by hunger", "desiring of food", "having a physical need for food", "Eager, having an avid desire for something", "Not rich or fertile", "poor", "barren", "starved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "famished" ], "word": "hungry", "num_translations": 170 }, "usage": { "senses": [ "The manner or the amount of using", "use", "Habit or accepted practice", "The ways and contexts in which spoken and written words are used, determined by a lexicographer's intuition or from corpus analysis", "The treatment of someone or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "usage", "num_translations": 76 }, "weather": { "senses": [ "The short term state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place, including the temperature, relative humidity, cloud cover, precipitation, wind, etc", "Unpleasant or destructive atmospheric conditions, and their effects", "The direction from which the wind is blowing", "used attributively to indicate the windward side", "A situation", "A storm", "a tempest", "A light shower of rain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meteorology", "weatherboard" ], "word": "weather", "num_translations": 218 }, "weather2": { "senses": [ "To sustain the trying effect of", "to bear up against and overcome", "to endure", "to resist", "To break down, of rocks and other materials, under the effects of exposure to rain, sunlight, temperature, and air", "To pass to windward in a vessel, especially to beat 'round", "To endure or survive an event or action without undue damage", "To place unhooded in the open air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "weather", "num_translations": 20 }, "surfeit": { "senses": [ "An excessive amount of something", "Overindulgence in either food or drink", "overeating", "A sickness or condition caused by overindulgence", "Disgust caused by excess", "satiety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "excess", "gluttony", "nausea" ], "word": "surfeit", "num_translations": 21 }, "surfeit1": { "senses": [ "To fill to excess", "To feed to excess", "To make sick as a result of overconsumption", "To supply with something to excess", "to disgust through overabundance", "To satisfy to excess", "To overeat or feed to excess", "To indulge to excess", "To become sick from overindulgence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "surfeit", "num_translations": 15 }, "although": { "senses": [ "Though, even though, in spite of or despite the fact that: introducing a clause that expresses a concession", "But, except" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "notwithstanding" ], "word": "although", "num_translations": 215 }, "while": { "senses": [ "An uncertain duration of time, a period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spell" ], "word": "while", "num_translations": 46 }, "while1": { "senses": [ "During the same time that", "Although", "Until", "As long as", "Used to denote an individual experiencing racial profiling when performing a seemingly benign activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whilst", "as much as", "till", "provided that" ], "word": "while", "num_translations": 135 }, "thankyou": { "senses": [ "An expression of gratitude or politeness in response to something done or given" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheers", "much appreciated", "gracias", "gramercy", "much obliged", "ta", "thank you very much", "thanks", "ty" ], "word": "thankyou", "num_translations": 396 }, "thankyouverymuch": { "senses": [ "Said to express greater gratitude than would be conveyed by thank you", "Expressing indignation that anyone could doubt the preceding statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "thankyouverymuch", "num_translations": 144 }, "hyderabad": { "senses": [ "caplc s/Telengana c/India", ", and de-jure capital of Andhra Pradesh", "district s/Telengana c/India", "A >, landlocked in south-central >, which was ruled from 1724 until 1948 by a line of nizams", "city p/Sindh c/Pakistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Hyderabad", "num_translations": 33 }, "panaji": { "senses": [ "city/state capital s/Goa c/India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Panjim", "Ponjim", "Ponnji" ], "word": "Panaji", "num_translations": 20 }, "hard": { "senses": [ "Having a severe property", "presenting difficulty", "Having a severe property", "presenting difficulty", "Unquestionable", "Having a comparatively larger or a ninety-degree angle", "Sexually aroused", "Having muscles that are tightened as a result of intense, regular exercise", "Having a severe property", "presenting a barrier to enjoyment", "Far, extreme", "Of silk: not having had the natural gum boiled off" ], "antonyms": [ "soft", "easy", "bearable", "agreeable", "controvertible", "soft", "soft" ], "synonyms": [ "resistant", "solid", "stony", "Thesaurus:hard", "confusing", "difficult", "puzzling", "tough", "tricky", "difficult", "intolerable", "tough", "unbearable", "harsh", "hostile", "severe", "strict", "tough", "unfriendly", "incontrovertible", "indubitable", "unambiguous", "unequivocal", "unquestionable", "strong", "Thesaurus:difficult" ], "word": "hard", "num_translations": 344 }, "hard1": { "senses": [ "With much force or effort", "With difficulty", "So as to raise difficulties", "Compactly", "Near, close" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hard", "num_translations": 11 }, "bangalore": { "senses": [ "megacity/state capital s/Karnataka c/India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bengaluru", "Kalyanapura", "Devarayanagara" ], "word": "Bangalore", "num_translations": 39 }, "chennai": { "senses": [ "caplc s/Tamil Nadu c/India, formerly known as Madras" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Madras" ], "word": "Chennai", "num_translations": 30 }, "madras": { "senses": [ "former name of \"Chennai\", caplc s/Tamil Nadu c/India", "city/county seat co/Jefferson County s/Oregon c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chennai" ], "word": "Madras", "num_translations": 28 }, "calcutta": { "senses": [ "former name of \"Kolkata\", the > of >, >", "resort c/Suriname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kolkata" ], "word": "Calcutta", "num_translations": 21 }, "georgetown": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Guyana", "named for George III of the United Kingdom", "city/county seat co/Williamson County s/Texas", "named for landowner George Washington Glasscock", "community p/Ontario", "named for Canadian businessman George Kennedy", "city/county seat co/Scott County s/Kentucky", "named for George Washington", "neighborhood of city/Washington, DC", "named for George II of Great Britain", "named for George III", "town s/Massachusetts", "town/county seat co/Sussex County s/Delaware", "named for Delaware statesman George Mitchell", "village/county seat co/Brown County s/Ohio", "named for the city in Kentucky", "city s/Illinois", "perhaps named for landowner George Beckwith, or George Haworth, son of James Haworth, who platted the city", "town s/Indiana", "named for George Waltz, who platted the town", "city/county seat co/Quitman County s/Georgia c/US named for the neighborhood of Washington, DC", "suburb of city/Newcastle state/New South Wales", "named for landowner George Moate", "CDP county/Luzerne County s/Pennsylvania", "town island/Saint Vincent", "municipality/county seat co/Clear Creek County s/Colorado", "named for founder George Griffith", "town s/Maine", "CDP county/Lancaster County s/Pennsylvania", "town county/Polk County s/Wisconsin", "town s/New York", "CDP co/El Dorado County s/California c/US", "named for British politician George Phipps, 2nd Marquess of Normanby", "town p/Prince Edward Island", "named for George III", "city s/Idaho", "named for George Q Cannon, an early high-ranking Mormon", "capital city terr/Ascension Island", "named for George III", "village s/Louisiana", "town s/Mississippi", "village p/Newfoundland and Labrador", "town s/Queensland", "named for early gold commissioner Howard St George", "borough county/Beaver County s/Pennsylvania", "town county/Price County s/Wisconsin", "city s/Minnesota", "town s/Arkansas", "town s/South Australia", "unincorporated community county/Berkeley County s/West Virginia", "unincorporated community county/Lewis County s/West Virginia", "unincorporated community county/Marshall County s/West Virginia", "unincorporated community county/Monongalia County s/West Virginia", "named for early settler George Pratt", "village s/Alaska", "named for traders George Hoffman, George Fredericks, and George Morgan", "ghost town p/Alberta" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Georgetown", "num_translations": 62 }, "ail": { "senses": [ "To cause to suffer", "to trouble, afflict", "To be ill", "to suffer", "to be troubled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ail", "num_translations": 33 }, "force": { "senses": [ "Strength or energy of body or mind", "active power", "vigour", "might", "capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect", "Power exerted against will or consent", "compulsory power", "violence", "coercion", "Anything that is able to make a substantial change in a person or thing", "A physical quantity that denotes ability to push, pull, twist or accelerate a body and which has a direction and is measured in a unit dimensioned in mass \u00d7 distance/time\u00b2 : SI: newton", "CGS: dyne", "Something or anything that has the power to produce a physical effect upon something else, such as causing it to move or change shape", "A group that aims to attack, control, or constrain", "The ability to attack, control, or constrain", "A magic trick in which the outcome is known to the magician beforehand, especially one involving the apparent free choice of a card by another person", "Legal validity", "Ability of an utterance or its element to effect a given meaning", "A binding, metaphysical and ubiquitous power from the fictional Star Wars universe created by George Lucas See usage note" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "force", "num_translations": 282 }, "force1": { "senses": [ "To violate", "to rape", "*", "To exert oneself, to do one's utmost", "To compel to do something", "to overcome the limitations or resistance of", "To cause to occur", "To forcibly open", "To obtain or win by strength", "to take by violence or struggle", "specifically, to capture by assault", "to storm, as a fortress", "To create an out by touching a base in advance of a runner who has no base to return to while in possession of a ball which has already touched the ground", "To compel to trump a trick by leading a suit that he/she does not hold", "to cause to be executed", "to make binding", "to strengthen by soldiers", "to man", "to garrison", "to value", "to care for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "force", "num_translations": 98 }, "mass1": { "senses": [ "to form into a collective body", "to assemble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:assemble", "Thesaurus:coalesce", "Thesaurus:round up", "weigh" ], "word": "mass", "num_translations": 10 }, "gravity": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of having weight", "weight", "heaviness", "The state or condition of being grave", "seriousness", "The lowness of a note", "Force on Earth's surface, of the attraction by the Earth's masses, and the centrifugal pseudo-force caused by the Earth's rotation, resulting from gravitation", "Gravitation, universal force exercised by two bodies onto each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weightfulness", "graveness" ], "word": "gravity", "num_translations": 163 }, "law": { "senses": [ "The body of binding rules and regulations, customs and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities", "A binding regulation or custom established in a community in this way", "A rule, such as:", "The control and order brought about by the observance of such rules", "A person or group that act with authority to uphold such rules and order", "The profession that deals with such rules", "Jurisprudence, the field of knowledge which encompasses these rules", "Litigation, legal action", "An allowance of distance or time given to a weaker competitor in a race, to make the race more fair", "One of two metaphysical forces ruling the world in some fantasy settings, also called order, and opposed to chaos", "An oath sworn before a court, especially disclaiming a debt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "law", "num_translations": 330 }, "velocity": { "senses": [ "A vector quantity that denotes the rate of change of position with respect to time, or a speed with the directional component", "Rapidity of motion", "The rate of occurrence", "The number of times that an average unit of currency is spent during a specific period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speed" ], "word": "velocity", "num_translations": 122 }, "distance": { "senses": [ "The amount of space between two points, usually geographical points, usually measured along a straight line", "Length or interval of time", "The difference", "the subjective measure between two quantities", "Remoteness of place", "a remote place", "Remoteness in succession or relation", "A space marked out in the last part of a racecourse", "The entire amount of progress to an objective", "A withholding of intimacy", "alienation", "variance", "The remoteness or reserve which respect requires", "hence, respect", "ceremoniousness", "The space measured back from the winning-post which a racehorse running in a heat must reach when the winner has covered the whole course, in order to run in the final heat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "farness" ], "word": "distance", "num_translations": 134 }, "friction": { "senses": [ "The rubbing of one object or surface against another", "A force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of two bodies in contact", "Massage of the body to restore circulation", "Conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests", "clash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "friction", "num_translations": 125 }, "unit": { "senses": [ "Oneness, singularity, seen as a component of a whole number", "a magnitude of one", "A standard measure of a quantity", "The number one", "An organized group comprising people and/or equipment", "A member of a military organization", "Any military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority, such as a table of organization and equipment", "specifically, part of an organizationJoint Publication 1-02 US Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms", "12 April 2001 '''''", "An organization title of a subdivision of a group in a task force", "The identity element, neutral element", "An element having an inverse, an invertible element", "In an adjunction, a natural transformation from the identity functor of the domain of the left adjoint functor to the composition of the right adjoint functor with the left adjoint functor", "A volume of rock or ice of identifiable origin and age range that is defined by the distinctive and dominant, easily mapped and recognizable petrographic, lithologic or paleontologic features that characterize it", "An item which may be sold singly", "One kilowatt-hour", "a measure of housing equivalent to the living quarters of one household", "an apartment where a group of apartments is contained in one or more multi-storied buildings or a group of dwellings is in one or more single storey buildings, usually arranged around a driveway", "A gold coin of the reign of James I, worth twenty shillings", "A physically large person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "identity element", "unity", "unit element" ], "word": "unit", "num_translations": 150 }, "dimension": { "senses": [ "A single aspect of a given thing", "A measure of spatial extent in a particular direction, such as height, width or breadth, or depth", "A construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished", "The number of independent coordinates needed to specify uniquely the location of a point in a space", "also, any of such independent coordinates", "The number of elements of any basis of a vector space", "One of the physical properties that are regarded as fundamental measures of a physical quantity, such as mass, length and time", "A universe or plane of existence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "single aspect of a thing", "measure of spatial extent", "construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished" ], "word": "dimension", "num_translations": 147 }, "transgender": { "senses": [ "Having a gender which is different from the sex one was assigned at birth: being assigned male at birth but having a female or non-binary gender or vice versa", "or, pertaining to such people", "Not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles and categories of male or female", "having changed gender identity from male to female or female to male, or identifying with elements of both, or having some other gender identity", "or, pertaining to such people" ], "antonyms": [ "cisgender" ], "synonyms": [ "TG", "trans", "transgendered" ], "word": "transgender", "num_translations": 35 }, "businessman": { "senses": [ "a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "businessperson" ], "word": "businessman", "num_translations": 106 }, "childlanguage": { "senses": [ "The language spoken by a child who is still in the process of developing verbal skills" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "childspeak" ], "word": "childlanguage", "num_translations": 11 }, "jellyfish": { "senses": [ "An almost transparent aquatic animal", "any one of the acalephs, especially one of the larger species, having a jellylike appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jelly" ], "word": "jellyfish", "num_translations": 143 }, "wife": { "senses": [ "A married woman, especially in relation to her spouse", "The female of a pair of mated animals", "synonym of \"woman\"" ], "antonyms": [ "husband" ], "synonyms": [ "little woman", "Thesaurus:wife" ], "word": "wife", "num_translations": 359 }, "liberal": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to those arts and sciences the study of which is considered to provide general knowledge, as opposed to vocational/occupational, technical or mechanical training", "Generous", "willing to give unsparingly", "Ample, abundant", "generous in quantity", "Unrestrained, licentious", "Widely open to new ideas, willing to depart from established opinions or conventions", "permissive" ], "antonyms": [ "conservative" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "liberal", "num_translations": 51 }, "liberal1": { "senses": [ "Someone left-wing", "one with a left-wing ideology", "compare libertarian)" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "liberal", "num_translations": 26 }, "hayfever": { "senses": [ "An allergy to the pollen of grass or other plants that causes symptoms similar to those of a cold", "pollinosis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allergic rhinitis", "hay asthma", "hay cold", "pollinosis", "rose fever" ], "word": "hayfever", "num_translations": 40 }, "activate": { "senses": [ "To encourage development or induce increased activity", "to stimulate", "To put a device, mechanism or system into action or motion", "to trigger, to actuate, to set off, to enable", "To render more reactive", "excite", "To render a molecule reactive, active, or effective in performing its function", "To render a substance radioactive", "To hasten a chemical reaction, especially by heating", "To remove the limitations of demoware by providing a license", "to unlock", "To aerate in order to aid decomposition of organic matter", "To organize or create a military unit or station", "To bring a player back after an injury" ], "antonyms": [ "deactivate", "inactivate" ], "synonyms": [ "actuate", "enable", "get going", "set going", "set in motion", "set off", "spur", "start", "stimulate", "trigger", "turn on" ], "word": "activate", "num_translations": 53 }, "activity": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being active", "activeness", "the state of having many things happening", "Something done as an action or a movement", "Something done for pleasure or entertainment, especially one involving movement or an excursion", "Use", "The lexical aspect of verbs or predicates that change over time and have no natural end point" ], "antonyms": [ "rest", "passivity" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:activity" ], "word": "activity", "num_translations": 151 }, "experience": { "senses": [ "The effect upon the judgment or feelings produced by any event, whether witnessed or participated in", "personal and direct impressions as contrasted with description or fancies", "personal acquaintance", "actual enjoyment or suffering", "An activity one has performed", "A collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge, opinions, and skills", "The knowledge thus gathered", "Trial", "a test or experiment" ], "antonyms": [ "inexperience" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "experience", "num_translations": 163 }, "experience1": { "senses": [ "To observe certain events", "undergo a certain feeling or process", "or perform certain actions that may alter one or contribute to one's knowledge, opinions, or skills" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "undergo" ], "word": "experience", "num_translations": 74 }, "train1": { "senses": [ "To practice an ability", "To teach and form by practice", "to educate", "to exercise with discipline", "To improve one's fitness", "To proceed in sequence", "To move laterally so that it points in a different direction", "To encourage to grow in a particular direction or shape, usually by pruning and bending", "To trace to its head", "to apply cheats to", "To draw along", "to trail", "to drag", "To draw by persuasion, artifice, or the like", "to attract by stratagem", "to entice", "to allure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "train", "num_translations": 155 }, "rail": { "senses": [ "A horizontal bar extending between supports and used for support or as a barrier", "A horizontal piece of wood that serves to separate sections of a door or window", "One of the lengthwise edges of a surfboard", "A vertical section on one side of a web page", "A large line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rail", "num_translations": 91 }, "accomplishment": { "senses": [ "The act of accomplishing", "completion", "fulfillment", "That which completes, perfects, or equips thoroughly", "acquirement", "attainment", "that which constitutes excellence of mind, or elegance of manners, acquired by education or training", "Something accomplished", "an achievement", "The lexical aspect of verbs or predicates that change over time until a natural end point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accomplishment", "num_translations": 65 }, "accordance": { "senses": [ "Agreement", "harmony", "conformity", "compliance", "The act of granting something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harmony" ], "word": "accordance", "num_translations": 22 }, "eventually": { "senses": [ "In the end", "at some later time, especially after a long time, a series of problems, struggles, delays or setbacks", "For some tail", "for all terms beyond some term", "with only finitely many exceptions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at last" ], "word": "eventually", "num_translations": 81 }, "down": { "senses": [ "From a higher position to a lower one", "At a lower or further place or position along a set path", "South", "Away from the city", "Towards the opponent's side", "Into a state of non-operation", "To a subordinate or less prestigious position or rank", "In the direction leading away from the principal terminus, away from milepost zero", "Away from Oxford or Cambridge", "From a remoter or higher antiquity", "From a greater to a less bulk, or from a thinner to a thicker consistence", "From less to greater detail", "Used with verbs to add emphasis to the action of the verb", "Used with verbs to indicate that the action of the verb was carried to some state of completion, rather than being of indefinite duration" ], "antonyms": [ "up", "up", "up", "up", "up", "across" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "down", "num_translations": 171 }, "down1": { "senses": [ "From the higher end to the lower of", "From one end to another of" ], "antonyms": [ "up" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "down", "num_translations": 31 }, "down2": { "senses": [ "Sad, unhappy, depressed, feeling low", "Sick or ill", "At a lower level than before", "Having a lower score than an opponent", "Out", "With \"on\", negative about, hostile to", "Comfortable with, accepting of, approachable", "Inoperable", "out of order", "out of service", "Finished", "defeated or dealt with", "elapsed Often coupled with to go", "Wounded and unable to move normally, or killed", "Thoroughly practiced, learned or memorised", "mastered", "absolute", "positive" ], "antonyms": [ "up", "up", "up", "up" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "down", "num_translations": 44 }, "down3": { "senses": [ "To lower", "To defeat", "to overpower", "Specifically, to cause to fall to the ground", "to descend", "To drink or swallow, especially without stopping before the vessel containing the liquid is empty", "To render dead, typically by touching the ground while in possession", "To sink into a hole or pocket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drink" ], "word": "down", "num_translations": 45 }, "down6": { "senses": [ "Soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds Used as insulating material in duvets, sleeping bags and jackets", "The pubescence of plants", "the hairy crown or envelope of the seeds of certain plants, such as the thistle", "The soft hair of the face when beginning to appear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "down", "num_translations": 65 }, "downsyndrome": { "senses": [ "A medical condition caused by a chromosomal excess, whereby the patients bear a certain resemblance to the Mongoloid race, such as a small head and tilted eyelids, and typically have a delay in cognitive ability and physical growth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mongolism", "trisomy 21" ], "word": "Downsyndrome", "num_translations": 34 }, "palm1": { "senses": [ "The inner and somewhat concave part of the human hand that extends from the wrist to the bases of the fingers", "The corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal", "A linear measure equal either to the breadth of the hand or to its length from the wrist to the ends of the fingers", "a hand", "used in measuring a horse's height", "used to push the needle through the canvas, in sewing sails, etc", "The broad flattened part of an antler, as of a full-grown fallow deer", "The flat inner face of an anchor fluke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "palm", "num_translations": 164 }, "adhoc": { "senses": [ "For a particular purpose", "Created on the spur of the moment", "impromptu", "Postulated solely to save a theory from being falsified, without making any new predictions", "Special" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adhoc", "num_translations": 40 }, "adhoc1": { "senses": [ "On the spur of the moment", "For a particular purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ad hocly" ], "word": "adhoc", "num_translations": 13 }, "adlib": { "senses": [ "At pleasure", "At will", "To whatever extent", "Extemporaneously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a piacere" ], "word": "adlib", "num_translations": 19 }, "adherent": { "senses": [ "Adhesive, sticking to something", "Having the quality of clinging or sticking fast to something", "Attaching or pressing against a different organ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adhering" ], "word": "adherent", "num_translations": 27 }, "aforementioned": { "senses": [ "Previously mentioned" ], "antonyms": [ "following", "undermentioned" ], "synonyms": [ "above-mentioned", "abovementioned", "aforesaid", "mentioned" ], "word": "aforementioned", "num_translations": 59 }, "aforementioned1": { "senses": [ "The one or ones mentioned previously" ], "antonyms": [ "following", "undermentioned" ], "synonyms": [ "abovementioned", "aforesaid", "mentioned" ], "word": "aforementioned", "num_translations": 16 }, "against": { "senses": [ "A close but separated relationship", "A contrasting or competitive relationship", "In exchange for", "As counterbalance to", "As a charge on", "As protection from", "Exposed to", "In anticipation of", "in preparation for", "To be paid now in contrast to the following amount to be paid later under specified circumstances, usually that a movie is made or has started filming" ], "antonyms": [ "for", "with" ], "synonyms": [ "versus" ], "word": "against", "num_translations": 272 }, "pain": { "senses": [ "An ache or bodily suffering, or an instance of this", "an unpleasant sensation, resulting from a derangement of functions, disease, or injury by violence", "hurt", "The condition or fact of suffering or anguish especially mental, as opposed to pleasure", "torment", "distress", "An annoying person or thing", "Suffering inflicted as punishment or penalty", "Labour", "effort", "great care or trouble taken in doing something" ], "antonyms": [ "pleasure" ], "synonyms": [ "pest", "Thesaurus:pain" ], "word": "pain", "num_translations": 316 }, "pain1": { "senses": [ "To hurt", "to put to bodily uneasiness or anguish", "to afflict with uneasy sensations of any degree of intensity", "to torment", "to torture", "To render uneasy in mind", "to disquiet", "to distress", "to grieve", "To inflict suffering upon as a penalty", "to punish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pain", "num_translations": 48 }, "acidity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being acid", "sourness", "tartness", "sharpness to the taste", "Excessive acid quality, as in gastric secretions" ], "antonyms": [ "alkalinity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "acidity", "num_translations": 34 }, "pin": { "senses": [ "A small nail with a head and a sharp point", "A cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts", "The victory condition of holding the opponent's shoulders on the wrestling mat for a prescribed period of time", "A slender object specially designed for use in a specific game or sport, such as skittles or bowling", "A leg", "Any of the individual connecting elements of a multipole electrical connector", "A scenario in which moving a lesser piece to escape from attack would expose a more valuable piece to attack", "The flagstick: the flag-bearing pole which marks the location of a hole", "The spot at the exact centre of the house", "A mood, a state of being", "One of a row of pegs in the side of an ancient drinking cup to mark how much each person should drink", "Caligo", "A thing of small value", "a trifle", "A peg in musical instruments for increasing or relaxing the tension of the strings", "A short shaft, sometimes forming a bolt, a part of which serves as a journal", "The tenon of a dovetail joint", "A size of brewery cask, equal to half a firkin, or eighth of a barrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nail", "peg", "skittle", "brooch" ], "word": "pin", "num_translations": 176 }, "pin1": { "senses": [ "To enclose", "to confine", "to pen", "to pound", "To attach to another item", "To fix so that it cannot be modified", "alternative form of \"peen\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pin", "num_translations": 18 }, "vocal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the voice or speech", "Having a voice", "Uttered or modulated by the voice", "oral", "Of or pertaining to a voice sound", "spoken", "Consisting of, or characterized by, voice, or tone produced in the larynx, which may be modified, either by resonance, as in the case of the vowels, or by obstructive action, as in certain consonants, such as v, l, etc, or by both, as in the nasals,, ng", "sonant", "intonated", "voiced See voice, and vowel", "Of or pertaining to a vowel", "having the character of a vowel", "vowel", "loud", "getting oneself heard" ], "antonyms": [ "inaudible", "inaudible" ], "synonyms": [ "audible", "audible" ], "word": "vocal", "num_translations": 107 }, "galaxy": { "senses": [ "The Milky Way", "the apparent band of concentrated stars which appears in the night sky over earth", "Any of the collections of many millions or billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc existing as independent and coherent systems, of which there are billions in the known universe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "G" ], "word": "galaxy", "num_translations": 106 }, "festoon": { "senses": [ "An ornament such as a garland or chain which hangs loosely from two tacked spots", "A bas-relief, painting, or structural motif resembling such an ornament", "A raised cable with light globes attached", "A cloud on Jupiter that hangs out of its home belt or zone into an adjacent area forming a curved finger-like image or a complete loop back to its home belt or zone", "Any of a series of wrinkles on the backs of some ticks", "A specific style of electric light bulb consisting of a cylindrical enclosure with two points of contact on either end providing power to the filament or diode", "Two sets of rollers used to create a buffer of material on web handling equipment", "Any of various papilionid butterflies of the genus Zerynthia", "Texturing applied to a denture to simulate human tissue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "festoon", "num_translations": 29 }, "race": { "senses": [ "Swift progress", "rapid motion", "an instance of moving or driving at high speed", "A progressive movement toward a goal", "A fast-moving current of water, such as that which powers a mill wheel", "A water channel, esp one built to lead water to or from a point where it is utilised", "Competitive action of any kind, especially when prolonged", "hence, career", "course of life", "The bushings of a rolling element bearing which contacts the rolling elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "race", "num_translations": 96 }, "race1": { "senses": [ "To move or drive at high speed", "to hurry or speed", "Of a motor, to run rapidly when not engaged to a transmission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "race", "num_translations": 51 }, "race2": { "senses": [ "A group of sentient beings, particularly people, distinguished by common ancestry, heritage or characteristics:", "A population geographically separated from others of its species that develops significantly different characteristics", "an informal term for a subspecies", "A breed or strain of domesticated animal", "A category or species of something that has emerged or evolved from an older one", "Peculiar flavour, taste, or strength, as of wine", "that quality, or assemblage of qualities, which indicates origin or kind, as in wine", "hence, characteristic flavour", "Characteristic quality or disposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subspecies", "breed", "variety" ], "word": "race", "num_translations": 191 }, "maid": { "senses": [ "A girl or an unmarried young woman", "A female servant or cleaner", "A virgin, now female but originally one of either gender" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "damsel", "handmaiden", "chambermaid" ], "word": "maid", "num_translations": 164 }, "maiden": { "senses": [ "A girl or an unmarried young woman", "A female virgin", "A man with no experience of sex, especially because of deliberate abstention", "A maidservant", "An unmarried woman, especially an older woman", "A racehorse without any victory, ie one having a \"virgin record\"", "A Scottish counterpart of the guillotine", "A machine for washing linen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bachelorette" ], "word": "maiden", "num_translations": 174 }, "braid": { "senses": [ "To make a sudden movement with, to jerk", "To start into motion", "To weave together, intertwine", "To mix, or make uniformly soft, by beating, rubbing, or straining, as in preparing food", "To reproach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "braid", "num_translations": 67 }, "braid1": { "senses": [ "A sudden movement", "a jerk, a wrench", "A weave of three or more strands of fibers, ribbons, cords or hair often for decoration", "A stranded wire composed of a number of smaller wires twisted together", "A fancy", "freak", "caprice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "braid", "num_translations": 110 }, "ribbon": { "senses": [ "A long, narrow strip of material used for decoration of clothing or the hair or gift wrapping", "An inked strip of material against which type is pressed to print letters in a typewriter or printer", "A narrow strip or shred", "alternative form of \"ribband\"", "A painted moulding on the side of a ship", "A watchspring", "A bandsaw", "Reins for a horse", "A bearing similar to the bend, but only one eighth as wide", "A sliver", "A toolbar that incorporates tabs and menus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ribbon", "num_translations": 142 }, "hither": { "senses": [ "To this place, to here", "over here" ], "antonyms": [ "hence" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hither", "num_translations": 49 }, "thither": { "senses": [ "To that place", "To that point, end, or result" ], "antonyms": [ "thence" ], "synonyms": [ "there" ], "word": "thither", "num_translations": 72 }, "hoist": { "senses": [ "To raise", "to lift", "to elevate", "To lift a trophy or similar prize into the air in celebration of a victory", "To lift someone up to be flogged", "To be lifted up", "To extract from a loop construct as part of optimization", "To steal, to rob" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hoist", "num_translations": 56 }, "hoist1": { "senses": [ "a lift", "The perpendicular height of a flag, as opposed to the fly, or horizontal length, when flying from a staff", "The vertical edge of a flag which is next to the staff", "The height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hoist", "num_translations": 19 }, "dish": { "senses": [ "A vessel such as a plate for holding or serving food, often flat with a depressed region in the middle", "The contents of such a vessel", "A specific type of prepared food", "Tableware that is to be or is being washed after being used to prepare, serve and eat a meal", "A type of antenna with a similar shape to a plate or bowl", "A sexually attractive person", "A hollow place, as in a field", "A trough in which ore is measured", "That portion of the produce of a mine which is paid to the land owner or proprietor", "Gossip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plate", "dishful", "babe" ], "word": "dish", "num_translations": 253 }, "raspberry": { "senses": [ "The plant Rubus idaeus", "Any of many other species in the genus Rubus", "The juicy aggregate fruit of these plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hindberry", "raspis" ], "word": "raspberry", "num_translations": 196 }, "fortitude": { "senses": [ "Mental or emotional strength that enables courage in the face of adversity", "Physical strength" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inner strength" ], "word": "fortitude", "num_translations": 33 }, "primeminister": { "senses": [ "In a parliamentary democracy, the chief member of the cabinet and head of the government", "often the leader of the majority party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "premier" ], "word": "primeminister", "num_translations": 143 }, "environment": { "senses": [ "The surroundings of, and influences on, a particular item of interest", "The natural world or ecosystem", "All the elements that affect a system or its inputs and outputs", "A particular political or social setting, arena or condition", "The software and/or hardware existing on any particular computer system", "The set of variables and their values in a namespace that an operating system associates with a process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "umbworld" ], "word": "environment", "num_translations": 177 }, "hongkong": { "senses": [ "city in southeastern c/China, located on an island east of the Pearl River delta in the South China Sea", "formerly owned by the United Kingdom", "special administrative region c/China, which includes the city and island of the same name as well as nearby islands and the Kowloon Peninsula", "colony c/United Kingdom, which previously administered the area of the present-day Chinese special administrative region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HK" ], "word": "HongKong", "num_translations": 165 }, "science": { "senses": [ "A particular discipline or branch of learning, especially one dealing with measurable or systematic principles rather than intuition or natural ability", "Knowledge gained through study or practice", "mastery of a particular discipline or area", "The fact of knowing something", "knowledge or understanding of a truth", "The collective discipline of study or learning acquired through the scientific method", "the sum of knowledge gained from such methods and discipline", "Knowledge derived from scientific disciplines, scientific method, or any systematic effort", "The scientific community" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sci" ], "word": "science", "num_translations": 283 }, "earthquake": { "senses": [ "A shaking of the ground, caused by volcanic activity or movement around geologic faults", "Such a quake specifically occurring on the planet Earth, as opposed to other celestial bodies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earthdin", "quake", "seism", "temblor", "terremote", "tremblor", "tremor" ], "word": "earthquake", "num_translations": 261 }, "disguise": { "senses": [ "Material used to alter one's visual appearance in order to hide one's identity or assume another", "The appearance of something on the outside which masks what's beneath", "The act of disguising, notably as a ploy", "A change of behaviour resulting from intoxication" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camouflage", "guise", "mask", "pretense" ], "word": "disguise", "num_translations": 54 }, "disguise1": { "senses": [ "To change the appearance of so as to hide, or to assume an identity", "To avoid giving away or revealing", "to hide by a false appearance", "To affect or change by liquor", "to intoxicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camouflage", "cloak", "mask", "hide" ], "word": "disguise", "num_translations": 52 }, "dismal": { "senses": [ "Disappointingly inadequate", "Gloomy and bleak", "Depressing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheerless" ], "word": "dismal", "num_translations": 76 }, "nurse": { "senses": [ "A person who takes care of other people's young", "A person trained to provide care for the sick", "One who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow, trains, or fosters", "A shrub or tree that protects a young plant", "A lieutenant or first officer who takes command when the captain is unfit for his place", "A larva of certain trematodes, which produces cercariae by asexual reproduction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nurse", "num_translations": 240 }, "nurse1": { "senses": [ "To breastfeed: to feed at the breast", "to suckle", "To breastfeed: to be fed at the breast", "To care for , especially in sickness", "to tend to", "to treat kindly and with extra care", "to manage with care and economy", "to drink slowly", "to foster, to nourish", "to hold closely to one's chest", "To strike gently, so as to keep them in good position during a series of shots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sip" ], "word": "nurse", "num_translations": 93 }, "balderdash": { "senses": [ "Senseless talk or writing", "nonsense", "A worthless mixture, especially of liquors", "Obscene language or writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bunk", "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "balderdash", "num_translations": 19 }, "jerk": { "senses": [ "A sudden, often uncontrolled movement, especially of the body", "A quick, often unpleasant tug or shake", "A dull or stupid person", "A person with unlikable or obnoxious qualities and behavior, typically mean, self-centered or disagreeable", "The rate of change in acceleration with respect to time", "A lift in which the weight is taken with a quick motion from shoulder height to a position above the head with arms fully extended and held there for a brief time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jolt", "yank", "numbskull", "asshole", "jolt" ], "word": "jerk", "num_translations": 167 }, "jerk1": { "senses": [ "To make a sudden uncontrolled movement", "To give a quick, often unpleasant tug or shake", "To masturbate", "To beat, to hit", "To throw with a quick and suddenly arrested motion of the hand", "To flout with contempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jerk", "num_translations": 26 }, "bear3": { "senses": [ "To carry something", "To support, sustain, or endure", "To support, keep up, or maintain", "To produce, yield, give birth to", "To move or extend in a specified direction", "To take effect", "to have influence or force", "to be relevant", "To gain or win", "To admit or be capable of", "to suffer or sustain without violence, injury, or change", "To warrant, justify the need for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brook" ], "word": "bear", "num_translations": 157 }, "sweet": { "senses": [ "Having a pleasant taste, especially one relating to the basic taste sensation induced by sugar", "Having a taste of sugar", "Retaining a portion of sugar", "Not having a salty taste", "Having a pleasant smell", "Not decaying, fermented, rancid, sour, spoiled, or stale", "Having a pleasant sound", "Having a pleasing disposition", "Having a helpful disposition", "Free from excessive unwanted substances like acid or sulphur", "Very pleasing", "agreeable", "Doing well", "in a good or happy position", "Romantically fixated, enamoured with, fond of", "Fresh", "not salt or brackish", "Pleasing to the eye", "beautiful", "mild and attractive", "fair" ], "antonyms": [ "bitter", "nonsweet", "dry", "decaying", "salty", "sour", "lame" ], "synonyms": [ "saccharine", "sugared", "fresh", "fragrant", "fresh", "dulcet", "cute", "kind", "rad" ], "word": "sweet", "num_translations": 592 }, "sweet3": { "senses": [ "The basic taste sensation induced by sugar", "A confection made from sugar, or high in sugar content", "a candy", "A food eaten for dessert", "darling", "a perfume", "something pleasant to the mind or senses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "sweetness", "bonbon", "See", "dessert" ], "word": "sweet", "num_translations": 67 }, "bullshit": { "senses": [ "The faeces of a bull", "False or exaggerated statements made to impress and deceive the listener rather than inform", "nonsense", "Statements that may be true but misleading nonetheless", "A card game in which the object is to bluff about cards laid down and to determine when one's opponents are bluffing", "also known as \"BS\", \"Cheat\" or \"I Doubt It\"", "An object of frustration and/or disgust, often caused by a perceived deception", "Statements made without any particular reference to their truth value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BS", "bull", "bulldada", "bullpucky", "bull puckey", "bushwah", "malarkey", "cheat" ], "word": "bullshit", "num_translations": 119 }, "bullshit2": { "senses": [ "To tell lies, exaggerate", "to mislead", "to deceive", "To have casual conversation with no real point", "to shoot the breeze", "To come up with on the spot, to improvise poorly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crap" ], "word": "bullshit", "num_translations": 36 }, "darmstadtium": { "senses": [ "A transuranic chemical element with atomic number 110" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eka-platinum", "ununnilium" ], "word": "darmstadtium", "num_translations": 34 }, "tribe": { "senses": [ "A socially, ethnically, or politically cohesive group of people", "A society larger than a band but smaller than a state", "The collective noun for various animals", "A hierarchal rank between family and genus", "A family of animals descended from some particular female progenitor, through the female line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tribe", "num_translations": 142 }, "citizen": { "senses": [ "A resident of a city or town, especially one with legally-recognized rights or duties", "A legally-recognized member of a state, with associated rights and obligations", "a person considered in terms of this role", "An inhabitant or occupant: a member of any place", "A resident of the heavenly city or of the kingdom of God: a Christian", "a good Christian", "A civilian, as opposed to a police officer, soldier, or member of some other specialized group", "An ordinary person, as opposed to nobles and landed gentry on one side and peasants, craftsmen, and laborers on the other", "a term of address among socialists and communists", "An object" ], "antonyms": [ "countryfolk" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "citizen", "num_translations": 241 }, "nationality": { "senses": [ "Membership of a particular nation or state, by origin, birth, naturalization, ownership, allegiance or otherwise", "National, ie ethnic and/or cultural, character or identity", "A people sharing a common origin, culture and/or language, and possibly constituting a nation-state", "Political existence, independence or unity as a national entity", "Nationalism or patriotism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affiliation", "allegiance", "ancestry", "citizenship", "descent", "enfranchisement", "ethnicity", "national status", "naturalization", "origin", "parentage", "race", "residence", "status", "ancestry", "clan", "confederation", "cultural group", "culture", "denomination", "ethnic group", "ethnicity", "faith", "group", "nation", "people", "persuasion", "race", "sect", "tribe", "autarchy", "autonomy", "freedom", "independence", "liberty", "nationhood", "self-determination", "self-government", "self-rule", "separation", "sovereignty", "nationalism" ], "word": "nationality", "num_translations": 104 }, "human": { "senses": [ "Of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens or its closest relatives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mannish" ], "word": "human", "num_translations": 176 }, "provenance": { "senses": [ "Place or source of origin", "The place and time of origin of some artifact or other object See Usage note below", "The history of ownership of a work of art", "The copy history of a piece of data, or the intermediate pieces of data utilized to compute a final data element, as in a database record or web site", "The execution history of computer processes which were utilized to compute a final piece of data", "Background", "history", "place of origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "provenance", "num_translations": 43 }, "family": { "senses": [ "A group of people who are closely related to one another", "kin", "for example, a set of parents and their children", "a group of people who are related to one another by blood or marriage", "A group of people related by blood, friendship, marriage, law, or custom, especially if they live or work together", "lineage, especially an honorable one", "A rank in the classification of organisms, below order and above genus", "a taxon at that rank", "Any group or aggregation of things classed together as kindred or related from possessing in common characteristics which distinguish them from other things of the same order", "A group of instruments having the same basic method of tone production", "A group of languages believed to have descended from the same ancestral language", "Used attributively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flesh and blood", "Thesaurus:class" ], "word": "family", "num_translations": 439 }, "grammar": { "senses": [ "A system of rules and principles for speaking and writing a language", "The study of the internal structure of words and the use of words in the construction of phrases and sentences", "A formal system specifying the syntax of a language", "Actual or presumed prescriptive notions about the correct use of a language", "A formal system defining a formal language", "The basic rules or principles of a field of knowledge or a particular skill", "A textbook" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glomery", "morpho-syntax" ], "word": "grammar", "num_translations": 255 }, "there": { "senses": [ "In a place or location at some distance from the speaker", "In that matter, relation, etc", "at that point, stage, etc, regarded as a distinct place", "To or into that place", "thither", "In existence or in this world", "see pronoun section below" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "over there", "over there" ], "word": "there", "num_translations": 318 }, "arise": { "senses": [ "To come up from a lower to a higher position", "To come up from one's bed or place of repose", "to get up", "To spring up", "to come into action, being, or notice", "to become operative, sensible, or visible", "to begin to act a part", "to present itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rise", "awaken", "appear", "emerge", "originate", "pop up", "reappear", "surface", "Thesaurus:come into being", "come about" ], "word": "arise", "num_translations": 83 }, "muslim": { "senses": [ "A person who is a follower and believer of Islam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:Muslim" ], "word": "Muslim", "num_translations": 182 }, "muslim1": { "senses": [ "Being or relating to a believer of Islam" ], "antonyms": [ "non-Muslim", "kafir" ], "synonyms": [ "Islamic" ], "word": "Muslim", "num_translations": 77 }, "islam": { "senses": [ "A monotheistic Abrahamic religion followed by Muslims that is based on the teachings of Muhammad and the Qur'an", "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mohammedanism", "Moslemism" ], "word": "Islam", "num_translations": 168 }, "cork1": { "senses": [ "To injure through a blow", "to induce a haematoma", "To position one's drift net just outside of another person's net, thereby intercepting and catching all the fish that would have gone into that person's net" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cork", "num_translations": 12 }, "facet": { "senses": [ "Any one of the flat surfaces cut into a gem", "One among many similar or related, yet still distinct things", "One of a series of things, such as steps in a project", "One member of a compound eye, as found in insects and crustaceans", "A smooth circumscribed surface", "Any of the small joints at each segment of the spine that provide stability and help guide motion", "The narrow plane surface between flutings of a column", "A face of codimension 1 of a polytope", "A criterion that can be used to sort and filter, such as the colour or size of products in an online store" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "facet", "num_translations": 78 }, "eyelid": { "senses": [ "A thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blepharon" ], "word": "eyelid", "num_translations": 149 }, "awake1": { "senses": [ "To become conscious after having slept", "To cause to stop sleeping", "* 1665 Robert Hooke, Micrographia", "to excite or to stir up something latent", "To rouse from a state of inaction or dormancy", "To come out of a state of inaction or dormancy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "awake", "num_translations": 150 }, "advocate": { "senses": [ "Someone whose job is to speak for someone's case in a court of law", "a counsel", "Anyone who argues the case of another", "an intercessor", "A person who speaks in support of something", "A person who supports others to make their voices heard, or ideally for them to speak up for themselves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "advocate", "num_translations": 115 }, "advocate1": { "senses": [ "To plead in favour of", "to defend by argument, before a tribunal or the public", "to support, vindicate, or recommend publicly", "To encourage support for something", "To engage in advocacy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:advise" ], "word": "advocate", "num_translations": 61 }, "bore": { "senses": [ "To make a hole through something", "To make a hole with, or as if with, a boring instrument", "to cut a circular hole by the rotary motion of a tool", "To form or enlarge by means of a boring instrument or apparatus", "To make by laborious effort, as in boring", "to force a narrow and difficult passage through", "To be pierced or penetrated by an instrument that cuts as it turns", "To push forward in a certain direction with laborious effort", "To shoot out the nose or toss it in the air", "To fool", "to trick" ], "antonyms": [ "interest" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:make hole" ], "word": "bore", "num_translations": 98 }, "bore1": { "senses": [ "A hole drilled or milled through something, or its diameter", "The tunnel inside of a gun's barrel through which the bullet travels when fired, or its diameter", "A tool, such as an auger, for making a hole by boring", "A capped well drilled to tap artesian water The place where the well exists", "Something that wearies by prolixity or dullness", "a tiresome affair", "Calibre", "importance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bore" ], "word": "bore", "num_translations": 43 }, "bore2": { "senses": [ "A sudden and rapid flow of tide occuring in certain rivers and estuaries which rolls up as a wave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eagre" ], "word": "bore", "num_translations": 10 }, "become": { "senses": [ "To arrive, come", "*:", "To come about", "happen", "come into being", "arise", "begin to be", "turn into", "To be proper for", "to beseem", "Of an adornment, piece of clothing etc: to look attractive on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "befit" ], "word": "become", "num_translations": 170 }, "befall": { "senses": [ "To fall upon", "fall all over", "overtake", "To happen", "To happen to", "To fall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to pass" ], "word": "befall", "num_translations": 12 }, "behold1": { "senses": [ "look, a call of attention to something", "lo!" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lo" ], "word": "behold", "num_translations": 16 }, "bend": { "senses": [ "To cause to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means", "To become curved", "To cause to change direction", "To change direction", "To be inclined", "to direct itself", "To stoop", "To bow in prayer, or in token of submission", "To force to submit", "To submit", "To apply to a task or purpose", "To apply oneself to a task or purpose", "To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary", "To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat", "to shackle a chain to an anchor", "make fast", "To smoothly change the pitch of a note", "To swing the body when rowing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bend", "num_translations": 175 }, "bend1": { "senses": [ "A curve", "Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines", "A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood", "decompression sickness", "One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base", "it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third", "Turn", "purpose", "inclination", "ends", "In the leather trade, the best quality of sole leather", "a butt", "sometimes, half a butt cut lengthwise", "Hard, indurated clay", "bind", "The thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides, more generally called wales, which have the beams, knees, and futtocks bolted to them", "The frames or ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of the sides", "A glissando, or glide between one pitch and another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bend", "num_translations": 70 }, "bent1": { "senses": [ "folded, dented", "corrupt, dishonest", "Homosexual", "Determined or insistent", "leading a life of crime", "inaccurately aimed", "Suffering from the bends", "High from both marijuana and alcohol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crooked", "queer" ], "word": "bent", "num_translations": 86 }, "bent2": { "senses": [ "An inclination or talent", "A predisposition to act or react in a particular way", "The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line", "flexure", "curvity", "A declivity or slope, as of a hill", "Particular direction or tendency", "flexion", "course", "A transverse frame of a framed structure", "a subunit of framing", "Tension", "force of acting", "energy", "impetus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disposition" ], "word": "bent", "num_translations": 11 }, "bet1": { "senses": [ "To stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event", "to wager", "To be sure of something", "to be able to count on something", "To place money into the pot in order to require others do the same, usually only used for the first person to place money in the pot on each round" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bet", "num_translations": 70 }, "bid": { "senses": [ "To issue a command", "to tell", "To invite", "to summon", "To utter a greeting or salutation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bid", "num_translations": 45 }, "bid1": { "senses": [ "To make an offer to pay or accept a certain price", "To offer as a price", "To make an attempt", "To announce , before starting play", "To proclaim", "to pray" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bid", "num_translations": 48 }, "bind": { "senses": [ "To tie", "to confine by any ligature", "To cohere or stick together in a mass", "To be restrained from motion, or from customary or natural action, as by friction", "To tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc", "To confine, restrain, or hold by physical force or influence of any kind", "To couple", "To oblige, restrain, or hold, by authority, law, duty, promise, vow, affection, or other social tie", "To put under definite legal obligations, especially, under the obligation of a bond or covenant", "To place under legal obligation to serve", "To make fast about or upon something, as by tying", "to encircle with something", "To cover, as with a bandage", "To prevent or restrain from customary or natural action, as by producing constipation", "To put together in a cover, as of books", "To make two or more elements stick together", "To associate an identifier with a value", "to associate a variable name, method name, etc with the content of a storage location", "To complain", "to whine about something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fetter", "bandage", "restrain", "transitive, legal", "indenture" ], "word": "bind", "num_translations": 193 }, "bound1": { "senses": [ "Obliged", "Very likely , certain to", "That cannot stand alone as a free word", "Constrained by a quantifier", "Constipated", "costive", "Confined or restricted to a certain place", "Unable to move in certain conditions" ], "antonyms": [ "free" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "bound", "num_translations": 40 }, "bound5": { "senses": [ "To leap, move by jumping", "To cause to leap", "to bounce", "to bounce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bound", "num_translations": 17 }, "bleed": { "senses": [ "To lose blood through an injured blood vessel", "To let or draw blood from", "To take large amounts of money from", "To steadily lose", "To spread from the intended location and stain the surrounding cloth or paper", "To remove air bubbles from a pipe containing other fluids", "to make bloody", "To show one's group loyalty by showing in one's blood", "To lose sap, gum, or juice", "To issue forth, or drop, like blood from an incision", "To destroy the environment where another phonological rule would have applied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bleed", "num_translations": 116 }, "blow": { "senses": [ "To produce an air current", "To propel by an air current", "To be propelled by an air current", "To force a current of air upon with the mouth, or by other means", "To clear of contents by forcing air through", "To exhale visibly through the spout the seawater which it has taken in while feeding", "To explode", "To cause to explode, shatter, or be utterly destroyed", "To cause sudden destruction of", "To suddenly fail destructively", "Damn", "To be very undesirable", "To recklessly squander", "To fellate", "to perform oral sex on", "To leave, especially suddenly or in a hurry", "To spread by report", "to publish", "to disclose", "To inflate, as with pride", "to puff up", "To breathe hard or quick", "to pant", "to puff", "To put out of breath", "To talk loudly", "to boast", "to storm", "To sing", "To leave the Church of Scientology in an unauthorized manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blow", "num_translations": 360 }, "blow1": { "senses": [ "A strong wind", "A chance to catch one's breath", "Cocaine", "Cannabis", "Heroin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snow" ], "word": "blow", "num_translations": 17 }, "break": { "senses": [ "To separate into two or more pieces, to fracture or crack, by a process that cannot easily be reversed for reassembly", "To divide into smaller units", "To cause to lose spirit or will", "to crush the spirits of", "To be crushed, or overwhelmed with sorrow or grief", "To interrupt", "to destroy the continuity of", "to dissolve or terminate", "To ruin financially", "To violate, to not adhere to", "To pass the most dangerous part of the illness", "to go down, in terms of temperature", "To end", "To begin", "to end", "To arrive", "To render unchallenging by altering its rules or exploiting loopholes or weaknesses in them in a way that gives a player an unfair advantage", "To stop, or to cause to stop, functioning properly or altogether", "To cause to no longer bar", "To destroy the arrangement of", "to throw into disorder", "to pierce", "To collapse into surf, after arriving in shallow water thumb", "To burst forth", "to make its way", "to come into view", "To interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily", "To interrupt by inserting something so that the falling object does not hit something else beneath", "To disclose or make known an item of news, etc", "To become audible suddenly", "To change a steady state abruptly", "To suddenly become", "Of a male voice, to become deeper at puberty", "Of a voice, to alter in type due to emotion or strain: in men generally to go up, in women sometimes to go down", "to crack", "To surpass or do better than , to do better than , setting a new record", ":", "To demote, to reduce the military rank of", "To end , to disconnect", "To demulsify", "To counter-attack", "To lay open, as a purpose", "to disclose, divulge, or communicate", "To become weakened in constitution or faculties", "to lose health or strength", "To fail in business", "to become bankrupt", "To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of", "To destroy the official character and standing of", "to cashier", "to dismiss", "To make an abrupt or sudden change", "to change the gait", "To fall out", "to terminate friendship" ], "antonyms": [ "assemble", "hold" ], "synonyms": [ "burst", "crack", "break in", "contravene", "break down" ], "word": "break", "num_translations": 738 }, "break1": { "senses": [ "A physical space that opens up in something or between two things", "A rest or pause, usually from work", "a time for students to talk or play", "A short holiday", "A temporary split with a romantic partner", "An interval or intermission between two parts of a performance, for example a theatre show, broadcast, or sports game", "A significant change in circumstance, attitude, perception, or focus of attention", "The beginning", "An act of escaping", "The separation between lines or paragraphs of a written text", "A change, particularly the end of a spell of persistent good or bad weather", ":", "A large four-wheeled carriage, having a straight body and calash top, with the driver's seat in front and the footman's behind", "A sharp bit or snaffle", "A short section of music, often between verses, in which some performers stop while others continue", "The point in the musical scale at which a woodwind instrument is designed to overblow, that is, to move from its lower to its upper register", "usu plural An area along a river that features steep banks, bluffs, or gorges" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "split", "breach", "time-out", "playtime", "day off", "crack of dawn" ], "word": "break", "num_translations": 142 }, "broke1": { "senses": [ "Financially ruined, bankrupt", "Without any money, penniless", "Emotionally shattered, humbled or crushed", "Demoted, deprived of a commission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "broke", "num_translations": 48 }, "broken1": { "senses": [ "Fragmented, in separate pieces", "Breached", "violated", "not kept", "Non-functional", "not functioning properly", "Completely defeated and dispirited", "shattered", "destroyed", "Having no money", "bankrupt, broke", "Uneven", "Overpowered", "overly powerful", "too powerful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burst", "intermittent", "violated", "borked", "rekt", "destitute", "OP" ], "word": "broken", "num_translations": 216 }, "breed": { "senses": [ "To produce offspring sexually", "to bear young", "To give birth to", "to be the native place of", "Of animals, to mate", "To keep animals and have them reproduce in a way that improves the next generation's qualities", "To arrange the mating of specific animals", "To propagate or grow plants trying to give them certain qualities", "To take care of in infancy and through childhood", "to bring up", "To yield or result in", "To be formed in the parent or dam", "to be generated, or to grow, like young before birth", "To educate", "to instruct", "to form by education", "to train", "sometimes followed by up", "To produce or obtain by any natural process", "To have birth", "to be produced, developed or multiplied", "to ejaculate inside someone's ass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "raise" ], "word": "breed", "num_translations": 134 }, "bring": { "senses": [ "To transport toward somebody/somewhere", "To supply or contribute", "To raise against somebody", "To persuade", "to induce", "to draw", "to lead", "to guide", "To produce in exchange", "to sell for", "to fetch", "To pitch, often referring to a particularly hard thrown fastball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bring", "num_translations": 224 }, "broadcast": { "senses": [ "Cast or scattered widely in all directions", "cast abroad", "Communicated, signalled, or transmitted through radio waves or electronic means", "Relating to transmissions of messages or signals through radio waves or electronic means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "widespread" ], "word": "broadcast", "num_translations": 13 }, "broadcast3": { "senses": [ "To transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means", "To transmit a message over a wide area", "specifically, to send an email in a single transmission to a number of people", "To sow seeds over a wide area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "broadcast", "num_translations": 86 }, "repository": { "senses": [ "A location for storage, often for safety or preservation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "depository" ], "word": "repository", "num_translations": 64 }, "browbeat": { "senses": [ "To bully in an intimidating, bossy, or supercilious way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bully" ], "word": "browbeat", "num_translations": 26 }, "build": { "senses": [ "To form by combining materials or parts", "To develop or give form to according to a plan or process", "To increase or strengthen by adding gradually to", "To establish a basis for", "To form by combining materials or parts", "To develop in magnitude or extent", "To construct by compiling its source code", "To be converted into software by compilation, usually with minimal human intervention" ], "antonyms": [ "demolish", "decrease" ], "synonyms": [ "construct", "create", "build up", "base" ], "word": "build", "num_translations": 212 }, "burn": { "senses": [ "A physical injury caused by heat, cold, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals", "A sensation resembling such an injury", "An intense non-physical sting, as left by shame or an effective insult", "Physical sensation in the muscles following strenuous exercise, caused by build-up of lactic acid", "Tobacco", "The writing of data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip", "A disease in vegetables", "brand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "burn", "num_translations": 165 }, "burn1": { "senses": [ "To cause to be consumed by fire", "To be consumed by fire, or in flames", "To overheat so as to make unusable", "To become overheated to the point of being unusable", "To injure with heat or chemicals that produce similar damage", "To cauterize", "To consume, injure, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat", "to affect as fire or heat does", "To be hot, eg due to embarrassment", "To cause to combine with oxygen or other active agent, with evolution of heat", "to consume", "to oxidize", "To combine energetically, with evolution of heat", "To write data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip", "To betray", "To insult or defeat", "To waste", "to waste money or other resources", "In certain games, to approach near to a concealed object which is sought", "To accidentally touch a moving stone", "In pontoon, to swap a pair of cards for another pair, or to deal a dead card", "To increase the exposure for certain areas of a print in order to make them lighter", "To be converted to another element in a nuclear fusion reaction, especially in a star", "To discard", "To shoot someone with a firearm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "burn", "num_translations": 447 }, "burst": { "senses": [ "To break from internal pressure", "To cause to break from internal pressure", "To cause to break by any means", "To separate at perforation lines", "To enter or exit hurriedly and unexpectedly", "To erupt", "To interrupt suddenly in a violent or explosive manner", "to shatter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "burst", "num_translations": 112 }, "bust": { "senses": [ "A sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders", "The breasts and upper thorax of a woman", "a recession", "A police raid or takedown of a criminal enterprise", "A disappointment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bust", "num_translations": 61 }, "bust1": { "senses": [ "To break", "To arrest for a crime", "To catch in the act of doing something wrong, socially and morally inappropriate, or illegal, especially when being done in a sneaky or secretive state", "An emphatic synonym of do or get", "To reduce in rank", "To lose all of one's chips", "To exceed a score of 21", "To break in", "To ejaculate", "to eject semen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nick" ], "word": "bust", "num_translations": 49 }, "bust2": { "senses": [ "The act of arresting someone for a crime, or raiding a suspected criminal operation", "A failed enterprise", "a bomb", "A refutation of an opening, or of a previously published analysis", "A player who fails to meet expectations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bust", "num_translations": 23 }, "busted1": { "senses": [ "Broke", "having no money", "Caught in the act of doing something one shouldn't do", "Extremely ugly", "Tired", "Broken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fatigued" ], "word": "busted", "num_translations": 11 }, "catch": { "senses": [ "The act of seizing or capturing", "The act of noticing, understanding or hearing", "Something which is captured or caught", "A find, in particular a boyfriend or girlfriend or prospective spouse", "A stopping mechanism, especially a clasp which stops something from opening", "A hesitation in voice, caused by strong emotion", "A concealed difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation", "A crick", "a sudden muscle pain during unaccustomed positioning when the muscle is in use", "A fragment of music or poetry", "A state of readiness to capture or seize", "an ambush", "A crop which has germinated and begun to grow", "A type of strong boat, usually having two masts", "a ketch", "usually sung by men and often having bawdy lyrics", "The refrain", "a line or lines of a song which are repeated from verse to verse", "The first contact of an oar with the water", "A stoppage of breath, resembling a slight cough", "Passing opportunities seized", "snatches", "A slight remembrance", "a trace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seizure", "capture", "collar", "snatch", "grasp", "observation", "prize", "find", "conquest", "beau", "haul", "take", "stop", "chock", "clasp", "hasp", "latch", "snag", "problem", "trick", "gimmick", "hitch", "fragment", "snippet", "bit", "chorus", "refrain", "burden" ], "word": "catch", "num_translations": 104 }, "catch1": { "senses": [ "To capture, overtake", "To seize hold of", "To intercept", "To receive", "To take in with one's senses or intellect", "To seize attention, interest", "To obtain or experience" ], "antonyms": [ "drop" ], "synonyms": [ "fang", "snatch", "grab", "capture", "take", "snare", "hook", "get" ], "word": "catch", "num_translations": 239 }, "choose": { "senses": [ "To pick", "to make the choice of", "to select", "To elect", "To decide to act in a certain way", "To wish", "to desire", "to prefer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "choose", "num_translations": 261 }, "cling1": { "senses": [ "To hold very tightly, as to not fall off", "To adhere to an object, without being affixed, in such a way as to follow its contours Used especially of fabrics and films", "To cause to adhere to, especially by twining round or embracing", "To cause to dry up or wither", "To dry up or wither", "to be fond of, to feel strongly about and dependent on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clinch", "cleave" ], "word": "cling", "num_translations": 62 }, "icon": { "senses": [ "An image, symbol, picture, or other representation usually as an object of religious devotion", "A type of religious painting portraying a saint or scene from Scripture, often done on wooden panels", "A person or thing that is the best example of a certain profession or some doing", "A small picture that represents something", "A word, character, or sign whose form reflects and is determined by the referent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "idol", "See", "and" ], "word": "icon", "num_translations": 171 }, "come": { "senses": [ "To move from further away to nearer to", "To arrive", "To appear, to manifest itself", "To begin to have an opinion or feeling", "To do something by chance, without intending to do it", "To take a position relative to something else in a sequence", "To achieve orgasm", "to cum", "to ejaculate", "To approach a state of being or accomplishment", "To take a particular approach or point of view in regard to something", "To be supplied, or made available", "to exist", "To carry through", "to succeed in", "Happen", "To have as an origin, originate", "To germinate", "To pretend to be", "to behave in the manner of" ], "antonyms": [ "leave" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "come", "num_translations": 325 }, "cost": { "senses": [ "To incur a charge of", "to require payment of a price", "To cause something to be lost", "to cause the expenditure or relinquishment of", "To require to be borne or suffered", "to cause", "To calculate or estimate a price" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cost", "num_translations": 91 }, "creep": { "senses": [ "To move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground", "Of plants, to grow across a surface rather than upwards", "To move slowly and quietly in a particular direction", "To make small gradual changes, usually in a particular direction", "To move in a stealthy or secret manner", "to move imperceptibly or clandestinely", "to steal in", "to insinuate itself or oneself", "To slip, or to become slightly displaced", "To move or behave with servility or exaggerated humility", "to fawn", "to crawl", "To covertly have sex with", "to cheat with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "creep", "num_translations": 67 }, "creep1": { "senses": [ "A relatively small gradual change, variation or deviation in a measure", "A slight displacement of an object: the slight movement of something", "The gradual expansion or proliferation of something beyond its original goals or boundaries, considered negatively", "In sewn books, the tendency of pages on the inside of a quire to stand out farther than those on the outside of it", "An increase in strain with time", "the gradual flow or deformation of a material under stress", "The imperceptible downslope movement of surface rock", "Someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric", "A frightening and/or disconcerting person, especially one who gives the speaker chills", "A barrier with small openings used to keep large animals out while allowing smaller animals to pass through" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "creep", "num_translations": 41 }, "cut": { "senses": [ "To admit of incision or severance", "To separate, remove, reject or reduce", "To cease recording activities", "To make an abrupt transition from one scene or image to another", "To edit a film by selecting takes from original footage", "To remove and place in memory for later use", "To enter a queue in the wrong place", "To intersect or cross in such a way as to divide in half or nearly so", "To make the ball spin sideways by running one's fingers down the side of the ball while bowling it", "To deflect to the off, with a chopping movement of the bat", "To change direction suddenly", "To divide a pack of playing cards into two", "To write", "To dilute or adulterate something, especially a recreational drug", "To exhibit", "To stop or disengage", "To drive to one side, as by hitting it fine with another ball, or striking it with the racket inclined", "To lose body mass after bulking, aiming to keep the additional muscle but lose the fat", "To perform" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cut" ], "word": "cut", "num_translations": 353 }, "cut1": { "senses": [ "Reduced", "Omitted from a literary or musical work", "Carved into a shape", "not raw", "Played with a horizontal bat to hit the ball backward of point", "Having muscular definition in which individual groups of muscle fibers stand out among larger muscles", "Circumcised or having been the subject of female genital mutilation", "Emotionally hurt", "Eliminated from consideration during a recruitment drive", "Removed from a team roster", "Intoxicated as a result of drugs or alcohol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "cut", "num_translations": 73 }, "cut2": { "senses": [ "an incision or wound", "a furrow", "a groove", "A share or portion", "A batsman's shot played with a swinging motion of the bat, to hit the ball backward of point", "Sideways movement of the ball through the air caused by a fast bowler imparting spin to the ball", "In lawn tennis, etc, a slanting stroke causing the ball to spin and bound irregularly", "also, the spin thus given to the ball", "In a strokeplay competition, the early elimination of those players who have not then attained a preannounced score, so that the rest of the competition is less pressed for time and more entertaining for spectators", "A passage omitted or to be omitted from a play", "A particular version or edit of a film", "The act or right of dividing a deck of playing cards", "The card obtained by dividing the pack", "The manner or style a garment etc is fashioned in", "A slab, especially of meat", "An attack made with a chopping motion of the blade, landing with its edge or point", "A deliberate snub, typically a refusal to return a bow or other acknowledgement of acquaintance", "An unkind act", "a cruelty", "A definable part, such as an individual song, of a recording, particularly of commercial records, audio tapes, CDs, etc", "A truncation, a context that represents a moment in time when other archaeological deposits were removed for the creation of some feature such as a ditch or pit", "The partition of a graph's vertices into two subgroups", "A string of railway cars coupled together", "An engraved block or plate", "the impression from such an engraving", "A common workhorse", "a gelding", "The failure of a college officer or student to be present at any appointed exercise", "A skein of yarn", "That which is used to dilute or adulterate a recreational drug", "A notch shaved into an eyebrow", "A time period when one tries to lose fat while retaining muscle mass", "A hidden or secure place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cut", "num_translations": 141 }, "dig": { "senses": [ "To move hard-packed earth out of the way, especially downward to make a hole with a shovel Or to drill, or the like, through rocks, roads, or the like More generally, to make any similar hole by moving material out of the way", "to take from the ground", "often with up", "To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore", "to study ploddingly and laboriously", "To investigate, to research, often followed by out or up", "To thrust", "to poke", "To defend against an attack hit by the opposing team by successfully passing the ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dig", "num_translations": 158 }, "dig1": { "senses": [ "An archeological or paleontological investigation, or the site where such an investigation is taking place", "A plodding and laborious student", "A thrust", "a poke", "A defensive pass of the ball that has been attacked by the opposing team", "A cutting, sarcastic remark", "a jibe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "excavation", "jab" ], "word": "dig", "num_translations": 22 }, "dive": { "senses": [ "To swim under water", "To jump into water head-first", "To descend sharply or steeply", "To undertake with enthusiasm", "To deliberately fall down after a challenge, imitating being fouled, in the hope of getting one's opponent penalised", "To cause to descend, dunk", "to plunge something into water", "To explore by diving", "to plunge into", "To plunge or to go deeply into any subject, question, business, etc", "to penetrate", "to explore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dive", "num_translations": 127 }, "dive1": { "senses": [ "A jump or plunge into water", "A downward swooping motion", "A swim under water", "A decline", "A seedy bar, nightclub, etc", "Aerial descent with the nose pointed down", "A deliberate fall after a challenge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dive", "num_translations": 79 }, "dove": { "senses": [ "A pigeon, especially one smaller in size", "a bird of more than 300 species of the family Columbidae", "A person favouring conciliation and negotiation rather than conflict", "Term of endearment for one regarded as pure and gentle", "A greyish, bluish, pinkish colour like that of the bird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "columbid" ], "word": "dove", "num_translations": 166 }, "done": { "senses": [ "Ready, fully cooked", "Having completed or finished an activity", "Being exhausted or fully spent", "Without hope or prospect of completion or success", "Fashionable, socially acceptable, tasteful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "completed", "Thesaurus:fatigued", "Thesaurus:doomed", "Thesaurus:fashionable" ], "word": "done", "num_translations": 66 }, "fire1": { "senses": [ "To terminate the employment contract of , especially for cause", "To shoot", "To shoot a gun, cannon, or similar weapon", "To shoot", "to attempt to score a goal", "To cause an action potential in a cell", "To forcibly direct", "To initiate an event", "To inflame", "to irritate, as the passions", "To animate", "to give life or spirit to", "to illuminate", "To cauterize", "to be kindled", "To be irritated or inflamed with passion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "let off", "dehire", "dismiss", "Thesaurus:lay off" ], "word": "fire", "num_translations": 124 }, "dream": { "senses": [ "Imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping", "A hope or wish", "A visionary scheme", "a wild conceit", "an idle fancy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dream", "num_translations": 270 }, "dream1": { "senses": [ "To see imaginary events in one's mind while sleeping", "To hope, to wish", "To envision as an imaginary experience", "To consider the possibility" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dream", "num_translations": 198 }, "drunk": { "senses": [ "Intoxicated as a result of excessive alcohol consumption, usually by drinking alcoholic beverages", "Habitually or frequently in a state of intoxication", "Elated or emboldened", "Drenched or saturated with moisture or liquid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk", "boozy", "Thesaurus:wet" ], "word": "drunk", "num_translations": 236 }, "drunk1": { "senses": [ "One who is intoxicated with alcohol", "A habitual drinker, especially one who is frequently intoxicated", "A drinking-bout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drunk", "num_translations": 184 }, "drive": { "senses": [ "Motivation to do or achieve something", "ability coupled with ambition", "Violent or rapid motion", "a rushing onward or away", "especially, a forced or hurried dispatch of business", "An act of driving animals forward, as to be captured, hunted etc", "A sustained advance in the face of the enemy to take a strategic objective", "A motor that does not take fuel, but instead depends on a mechanism that stores potential energy for subsequent use", "A trip made in a vehicle", "A type of public roadway", "A place suitable or agreeable for driving", "a road prepared for driving", "Desire or interest", "A ball struck in a flat trajectory", "A type of shot played by swinging the bat in a vertical arc, through the line of the ball, and hitting it along the ground, normally between cover and midwicket", "A straight level shot or pass", "An offensive possession, generally one consisting of several plays and/ or first downs, often leading to a scoring opportunity", "A campaign aimed at selling more of a certain product, eg by offering a discount", "An impression or matrix formed by a punch drift", "a mass of logs to be floated down a river" ], "antonyms": [ "inertia" ], "synonyms": [ "ambition", "attack", "engine", "ride", "approach", "avenue", "desire", "disk drive", "line drive" ], "word": "drive", "num_translations": 137 }, "drive1": { "senses": [ "To impel or urge onward by force", "to push forward", "to compel to move on", "To direct a vehicle powered by a horse, ox or similar animal", "To cause animals to flee out of", "To move by hitting it with great force", "To cause to operate", "To operate", "To motivate", "to provide an incentive for", "To compel", "To cause to become", "To travel by operating a wheeled motorized vehicle", "To convey in a wheeled motorized vehicle", "To move forcefully", "To be moved or propelled forcefully", "To urge, press, or bring to a point or state", "To carry or to keep in motion", "to conduct", "to prosecute", "To clear, by forcing away what is contained", "To dig horizontally", "to cut a horizontal gallery or tunnel", "To distrain for rent", "To separate the lighter from the heavier, by exposing them to a current of air", "To be the dominant party in a sex act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "herd", "force", "move", ")", "impel", "compel", "make", "motorvate", "take" ], "word": "drive", "num_translations": 296 }, "drove": { "senses": [ "A number of cattle driven to market or new pastures", "A large number of people on the move", "A group of hares", "A road or track along which cattle are habitually driven", "A narrow drain or channel used in the irrigation of land", "A broad chisel used to bring stone to a nearly smooth surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drove", "num_translations": 31 }, "dwell1": { "senses": [ "To live", "to reside", "To linger a particular thought, idea etc", "to remain fixated", "To be in a given state", "To abide", "to remain", "to continue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reside" ], "word": "dwell", "num_translations": 82 }, "eat": { "senses": [ "To ingest", "to be ingested", "To use up", "To cause to worry", "To take the loss in a transaction", "To be injured or killed by , especially in the mouth", "To corrode or erode", "To perform oral sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consume", "bother", "dine" ], "word": "eat", "num_translations": 405 }, "fallen1": { "senses": [ "Having dropped by the force of gravity", "Killed in battle", "Having lost one's chastity", "Having collapsed", "Having lost prestige, grace, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collapsed" ], "word": "fallen", "num_translations": 40 }, "feed": { "senses": [ "To give food to eat", "To eat", "To give to as food", "To give to a machine to be processed", "To satisfy, gratify, or minister to", "To supply with something", "To graze", "To pass to", "To create the environment where another phonological rule can apply", "to be applied before another rule", "To create the syntactic environment in which another syntactic rule is applied", "to be applied before another syntactic rule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nourish" ], "word": "feed", "num_translations": 147 }, "feed1": { "senses": [ "Food given to animals", "Something supplied continuously", "The part of a machine that supplies the material to be operated upon", "The forward motion of the material fed into a machine", "A gathering to eat, especially in quantity", "Encapsulated online content, such as news or a blog, that can be subscribed to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "feed", "num_translations": 68 }, "feel": { "senses": [ "To use the sense of touch", "To sense or think emotionally or judgmentally", "To be or become aware of", "To experience the consequences of", "To seem", "To understand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "feel", "num_translations": 273 }, "feel1": { "senses": [ "A quality of an object experienced by touch", "A vague mental impression", "An act of fondling", "A vague understanding", "An intuitive ability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "feel", "num_translations": 29 }, "fight": { "senses": [ "To contend in physical conflict, either singly or in war, battle etc", "To contend in physical conflict with each other, either singly or in war, battle etc", "To strive for something", "to campaign or contend for success", "To conduct or engage in", "To engage in combat with", "to oppose physically, to contest with", "To try to overpower", "to fiercely counteract", "Of colours or other design elements: to clash", "to fail to harmonize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fight" ], "word": "fight", "num_translations": 330 }, "fight1": { "senses": [ "A battle between opposing armies", "A physical confrontation or combat between two or more people or groups", "A boxing or martial arts match", "A conflict, possibly nonphysical, with opposing ideas or forces", "strife", "A screen for the combatants in ships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fight" ], "word": "fight", "num_translations": 253 }, "flesh": { "senses": [ "The soft tissue of the body, especially muscle and fat", "The skin of a human or animal", "Bare arms, bare legs, bare torso", "Animal tissue regarded as food", "meat", "* c1530s, William Tyndale, Tyndale Bible, Leviticus, 7, xix-xxi,", "The human body as a physical entity", "The mortal body of a human being, contrasted with the spirit or soul", "The evil and corrupting principle working in man", "The soft, often edible, parts of fruits or vegetables", "Tenderness of feeling", "gentleness", "Kindred", "stock", "race", "A yellowish pink colour", "the colour of some Caucasian human skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:body" ], "word": "flesh", "num_translations": 185 }, "flesh1": { "senses": [ "To inure or habituate someone in or to a given practice", "To glut", "to fatten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flesh", "num_translations": 16 }, "find": { "senses": [ "To encounter or discover by accident", "to happen upon", "To encounter or discover something being searched for", "to locate", "To discover by study or experiment direct to an object or end", "To gain, as the object of desire or effort", "To attain to", "to arrive at", "to acquire", "To point out", "To decide that, to discover that, to form the opinion that", "To arrive at, as a conclusion", "to determine as true", "to establish", "To supply", "to furnish", "To provide for", "To determine or judge", "To discover game" ], "antonyms": [ "lose" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deem" ], "word": "find", "num_translations": 234 }, "find1": { "senses": [ "Anything that is found , as objects on an archeological site or a person with talent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discovery" ], "word": "find", "num_translations": 39 }, "found2": { "senses": [ "To start", "To begin building" ], "antonyms": [ "ruin", "dissolve" ], "synonyms": [ "establish" ], "word": "found", "num_translations": 94 }, "fit": { "senses": [ "Suitable, proper", "Adapted to a purpose or environment", "In good shape", "physically well", "Sexually attractive", "good-looking", "fanciable", "Prepared", "ready" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fit", "num_translations": 94 }, "fit1": { "senses": [ "To be suitable for", "To conform to in size and shape", "To be of the right size and shape", "To make conform in size and shape", "To be in agreement with", "To adjust", "To attach, especially when requiring exact positioning or sizing", "To equip or supply", "To make ready", "To be seemly", "To be proper or becoming", "To be in harmony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fit", "num_translations": 146 }, "flee": { "senses": [ "To run away", "to escape", "To escape from", "To disappear quickly", "to vanish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flee", "num_translations": 205 }, "fling": { "senses": [ "An act of throwing, often violently", "An act of moving the limbs or body with violent movements, especially in a dance", "An act or period of unrestrained indulgence", "A short casual sexual relationship", "An attempt, a try", "A severe or contemptuous remark", "an expression of sarcastic scorn", "a gibe or taunt", "A lively Scottish country dance", "an object of contempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fling", "num_translations": 68 }, "fling1": { "senses": [ "To move abruptly or violently", "to rush or dash", "To throw with violence or quick movement", "to hurl", "To throw", "to wince", "to flounce", "To utter abusive language", "to sneer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fling", "num_translations": 63 }, "fly": { "senses": [ "Any insect of the order Diptera", "A lightweight fishing lure resembling an insect", "A chest exercise performed by moving extended arms from the sides to in front of the chest", "A witch's familiar", "A parasite", "A simple dance in which the hands are shaken in the air, popular in the 1960s" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fly", "num_translations": 280 }, "fly1": { "senses": [ "To travel through the air, another gas or a vacuum, without being in contact with a grounded surface", "To flee, to escape", "To be accepted, come about or work out", "To travel very fast, hasten", "To move suddenly, or with violence", "to do an act suddenly or swiftly", "To display on a flagpole", "To hunt with a hawk" ], "antonyms": [ "walk", "remain" ], "synonyms": [ "soar", "escape", "dart", "hurry" ], "word": "fly", "num_translations": 281 }, "fly2": { "senses": [ "flight", "A type of small, fast carriage", "A piece of canvas that covers the opening at the front of a tent", "A strip of material at the front of a pair of trousers, pants, underpants, bootees, etc", "The free edge of a flag", "The horizontal length of a flag", "An exercise that involves wide opening and closing of the arms perpendicular to the shoulders", "The part of a vane pointing the direction from which the wind blows", "That part of a compass on which the points are marked", "the compass card", "Two or more vanes set on a revolving axis, to act as a fanner, or to equalize or impede the motion of machinery by the resistance of the air, as in the striking part of a clock", "A light horse-drawn carriage that can be hired for transportation", "In a knitting machine, the piece hinged to the needle, which holds the engaged loop in position while the needle is penetrating another loop", "a latch", "The pair of arms revolving around the bobbin, in a spinning wheel or spinning frame, to twist the yarn", "A shuttle driven through the shed by a blow or jerk", "The person who took the printed sheets from the press", "A vibrating frame with fingers, attached to a power printing press for doing the same work", "One of the upper screens of a stage in a theatre", "waste cotton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fly", "num_translations": 65 }, "fly4": { "senses": [ "Quick-witted, alert, mentally sharp", "Well dressed, smart in appearance", "in style, cool", "Beautiful", "displaying physical beauty", "Sneaky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fly", "num_translations": 20 }, "forbid": { "senses": [ "To disallow", "to proscribe", "To deny, exclude from, or warn off, by express command", "To oppose, hinder, or prevent, as if by an effectual command", "To accurse", "to blast", "To defy", "to challenge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prohibit", "disallow", "ban", "veto", "Thesaurus:prohibit" ], "word": "forbid", "num_translations": 163 }, "foregone1": { "senses": [ "previous, former", "bygone", "inevitable, predictable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preceding", "forepassed", "avoidless" ], "word": "foregone", "num_translations": 23 }, "syntax": { "senses": [ "A set of rules that govern how words are combined to form phrases and sentences", "The formal rules of formulating the statements of a computer language", "The study of the structure of phrases, sentences and language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "syntaxis" ], "word": "syntax", "num_translations": 119 }, "sentence": { "senses": [ "The decision or judgement of a jury or court", "a verdict", "The judicial order for a punishment to be imposed on a person convicted of a crime", "A punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime", "A saying, especially from a great person", "a maxim, an apophthegm", "A grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate, even if one or the other is implied, and typically beginning with a capital letter and ending with a full stop", "A formula with no free variables", "Any of the set of strings that can be generated by a given formal grammar", "Sense", "meaning", "significance", "One's opinion", "manner of thinking", "A pronounced opinion or judgment on a given question" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "verdict", "conviction" ], "word": "sentence", "num_translations": 252 }, "sentence1": { "senses": [ "to doom", "to condemn to punishment", "To utter sententiously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sentence", "num_translations": 40 }, "account": { "senses": [ "A registry of pecuniary transactions", "a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of other things subjected to a reckoning or review", "A sum of money deposited at a bank and subject to withdrawal", "A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc, explanatory of some event", "a reason of an action to be done", "A reason, grounds, consideration, motive", "a person's sake", "A business relationship involving the exchange of money and credit", "A record of events", "recital of transactions", "a relation or narrative", "a report", "a description", "An estimate or estimation", "valuation", "judgment", "Importance", "worth", "value", "esteem", "judgement", "An authorization to use a service", "A reckoning", "computation", "calculation", "enumeration", "a record of some reckoning", "Profit", "advantage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "narrative", "accounting", "defense", "membership" ], "word": "account", "num_translations": 217 }, "enterprise": { "senses": [ "A company, business, organization, or other purposeful endeavor", "An undertaking, venture, or project, especially a daring and courageous one", "A willingness to undertake new or risky projects", "energy and initiative", "Active participation in projects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "initiative" ], "word": "enterprise", "num_translations": 100 }, "entertain": { "senses": [ "To amuse", "to engage the attention of agreeably", "To have someone over at one's home for a party or visit", "To receive and take into consideration", "to have a thought in mind", "To take or keep in one's service", "to maintain", "to support", "to harbour", "to keep", "To meet or encounter, as an enemy", "To lead on", "to bring along", "to introduce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "entertain", "num_translations": 71 }, "entertainment": { "senses": [ "An activity designed to give pleasure, enjoyment, diversion, amusement, or relaxation to an audience, no matter whether the audience participates passively as in watching opera or a movie, or actively as in games", "A show put on for the enjoyment or amusement of others", "Maintenance or support", "Admission into service", "service", "Payment of soldiers or servants", "wages", "Reception", "food to guests or travellers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "entertainment", "num_translations": 101 }, "dart": { "senses": [ "A pointed missile weapon, intended to be thrown by the hand, for example a short lance or javelin", "Any sharp-pointed missile weapon, such as an arrow", "Anything resembling such a missile", "something that pierces or wounds like such a weapon", "A plan or scheme", "A sudden or fast movement", "A fold that is stitched on a garment", "the dace", "A cigarette" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dart", "num_translations": 54 }, "dart1": { "senses": [ "To throw with a sudden effort or thrust", "to hurl or launch", "To send forth suddenly or rapidly", "to emit", "to shoot", "to move rapidly in one direction", "to shoot out quickly", "To start and run with speed", "to shoot rapidly along" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dart", "num_translations": 26 }, "airtight": { "senses": [ "Impermeable to air or other gases", "Having no weak points or flaws", "Highly reserved in some matter, particularly tight-lipped or tight-fisted" ], "antonyms": [ "breathable", "transpirable" ], "synonyms": [ "hermetic" ], "word": "airtight", "num_translations": 52 }, "graduate": { "senses": [ "A person who is recognized by a university as having completed the requirements of a degree studied at the institution", "A person who is recognized by a high school as having completed the requirements of a course of study at the school", "A person who is recognized as having completed any level of education" ], "antonyms": [ "student" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "graduate", "num_translations": 50 }, "graduate2": { "senses": [ "To be recognized by a school or university as having completed the requirements of a degree studied at the institution", "To be certified as having earned a degree from", "To certify as having earned a degree", "To mark with degrees", "to divide into regular steps or intervals, as the scale of a thermometer, a scheme of punishment or rewards, etc", "To change gradually", "To prepare gradually", "to arrange, temper, or modify by degrees or to a certain degree", "to determine the degrees of", "To bring to a certain degree of consistency, by evaporation, as a fluid", "To taper, as the tail of certain birds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "graduate", "num_translations": 68 }, "graduation": { "senses": [ "The action or process of graduating and receiving a diploma for completing a course of study", "A commencement ceremony", "A marking indicating a measurement, usually one of many such markings that are each separated by a constant interval", "The exposure of a liquid in large surfaces to the air, so as to hasten its evaporation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\ud83c\udf93" ], "word": "graduation", "num_translations": 65 }, "linguistics": { "senses": [ "The scientific study of language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glossology", "linguistry", "speechlore" ], "word": "linguistics", "num_translations": 174 }, "linguistic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to language", "Relating to a computer language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "linguistical" ], "word": "linguistic", "num_translations": 106 }, "foretell": { "senses": [ "To predict", "to tell before it occurs", "to prophesy", "To tell of the future" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foresay", "forespeak" ], "word": "foretell", "num_translations": 40 }, "forget": { "senses": [ "To lose remembrance of", "To unintentionally not do, neglect", "To unintentionally leave something behind", "To cease remembering", "Euphemism for fuck, screw" ], "antonyms": [ "acquire" ], "synonyms": [ "obliviate" ], "word": "forget", "num_translations": 278 }, "freeze": { "senses": [ "Especially of a liquid, to become solid due to low temperature", "To drop to a temperature below zero degrees celsius, where water turns to ice", "To be affected by extreme cold", "To come to a sudden halt, stop working", "To stop or be stopped due to attentiveness, fear, surprise, etc", "To cause someone to become motionless", "To lose or cause to lose warmth of feeling", "to shut out", "to ostracize", "To cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat", "to give the sensation of cold to", "to chill", "To prevent the movement or liquidation of a person's financial assets", "Of prices, spending etc, to keep at the same level, without any increase" ], "antonyms": [ "defrost" ], "synonyms": [ "solidify", "freeze up", "halt" ], "word": "freeze", "num_translations": 246 }, "freeze1": { "senses": [ "A period of intensely cold weather", "A halt of a regular operation", "The state when either a single computer program, or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs", "A precise draw weight shot where a delivered stone comes to a stand-still against a stationary stone, making it nearly impossible to knock out", "A block on pay rises or on the hiring of new employees etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hang" ], "word": "freeze", "num_translations": 39 }, "get": { "senses": [ "To obtain", "to acquire", "To receive", "To have See usage notes", "To become", "To cause to become", "to bring about", "To fetch, bring, take", "To cause to do", "(intransitive with various prepositions, such as into, over, or behind", "To cover while travelling", "To cause to come or go or move", "To cause to be in a certain status or position", "To begin", "To take or catch", "To respond to", "To be able, permitted", "to have the opportunity", "To understand", "To be told", "be the recipient of", "To be Used to form the passive of verbs", "To become ill with or catch", "To catch out, trick successfully", "To perplex, stump", "To find as an answer", "To bring to reckoning", "to catch", "to effect retribution", "To hear completely", "catch", "To learn", "to commit to memory", "to memorize", "sometimes with out", "Used with a personal pronoun to indicate that someone is being pretentious or grandiose", "Go away", "To kill", "To make acquisitions", "to gain", "to profit", "To measure" ], "antonyms": [ "lose" ], "synonyms": [ "acquire", "receive", "bring", "become", "cause", "make", "arrive", "come", "): go", "move", "begin", "): catch", "take", "): answer", "be able to", "dig", "): be", "): catch", "come down with", "con", "confuse", "obtain", "): catch", "nab", "nobble", "assault", "catch", "getter" ], "word": "get", "num_translations": 436 }, "given3": { "senses": [ "Already arranged", "Currently discussed", "Particular, specific", "Assumed as fact or hypothesis", "Prone, disposed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "given", "num_translations": 13 }, "hidden1": { "senses": [ "Located or positioned out of sight", "not visually apparent", "Obscure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hidden" ], "word": "hidden", "num_translations": 81 }, "grind": { "senses": [ "To reduce to smaller pieces by crushing with lateral motion", "To shape with the force of friction", "To remove material by rubbing with an abrasive surface", "To become ground, pulverized, or polished by friction", "To move with much difficulty or friction", "to grate", "To slide the flat portion of a skateboard or snowboard across an obstacle such as a railing", "To oppress, hold down or weaken", "To rotate the hips erotically", "To dance in a sexually suggestive way with both partners in very close proximity, often pressed against each other", "To repeat a task a large number of times in a row to achieve a specific goal", "To operate by turning a crank", "To produce mechanically and repetitively as if by turning a crank", "To automatically format and indent code", "To instill through repetitive teaching", "To eat", "To work or study hard", "to hustle or drudge", "To annoy or irritate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grind", "num_translations": 166 }, "grind1": { "senses": [ "The act of reducing to powder, or of sharpening, by friction", "Something that has been reduced to powder, something that has been ground", "A specific degree of pulverization of coffee beans", "A tedious and laborious task", "One who studies hard", "a swot", "hustle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grind", "num_translations": 15 }, "grow": { "senses": [ "To become bigger", "To appear or sprout", "To cause or allow something to become bigger, especially to cultivate plants", "To assume a condition or quality over time", "To become attached or fixed", "to adhere" ], "antonyms": [ "shrink" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "grow", "num_translations": 253 }, "hang": { "senses": [ "To be or remain suspended", "To float, as if suspended", "To rebound unexpectedly or unusually slowly, due to backward spin on the ball or imperfections of the ground", "To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position instead of erect", "To execute by suspension from the neck", "To be executed by suspension by one's neck from a gallows, a tree, or other raised bar, attached by a rope tied into a noose", "To damn", "To apply", "To remain persistently in one's thoughts", "To prevent from reaching a decision, especially by refusing to join in a verdict that must be unanimous", "To stop responding to manual input devices such as keyboard and mouse", "To cause to stop responding", "To cause to become vulnerable to capture", "To be vulnerable to capture", "Of a pitcher, to throw a hittable off-speed pitch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be suspended", "dangle", "float", "lynch", "go to the gallows", "swing", "take a ride to Tyburn", "Thesaurus:die by hanging", "hang about", "freeze", "suspend", "drop", "hook", "hang up", "exhibit", "put up", "bedeck", "freeze" ], "word": "hang", "num_translations": 400 }, "hung1": { "senses": [ "Suspended by hanging", "Having hanging additions or appendages", "Of a jury, unable to reach a unanimous verdict in a trial", "Of a legislature, lacking a majority political party", "Of a computer or similar device, receiving power but not functioning as desired", "working very slowly or not at all The condition is often corrected by rebooting the computer", "Having large genitals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:macrophallic" ], "word": "hung", "num_translations": 44 }, "have": { "senses": [ "To possess, own", "To hold, as something at someone's disposal", "Used to state the existence or presence of someone in a specified relationship with the subject", "To partake of", "To be scheduled to attend, undertake or participate in", "To experience, go through, undergo", "To be afflicted with, suffer from", "Used in forming the perfect aspect", "To give birth to", "To engage in sexual intercourse with", "To accept as a romantic partner", "To cause to, by a command, request or invitation", "To cause to be", "To be affected by an occurrence", "To depict as being", "To defeat in a fight", "take", "To be able to speak", "To feel or be aware of", "To trick, to deceive", "To allow", "to tolerate", "To believe, buy, be taken in by", "To host someone", "to take in as a guest", "To get a reading, measurement, or result from an instrument or calculation", "To consider a court proceeding that has been completed", "to begin deliberations on a case" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "have one's way with" ], "word": "have", "num_translations": 309 }, "sandbox": { "senses": [ "A children's play area consisting of a box filled with sand", "A box filled with sand that is shaped to form a mould for metal casting", "A container for sand or pounce, used historically before blotting paper", "An animal's litter box", "A box carried on locomotives, from which sand runs onto the rails in front of the driving wheels, to prevent slipping", "An isolated area where a program can be executed with a restricted portion of the resources available", "A page on a wiki where users are free to experiment without destroying or damaging any legitimate content", "The Middle East" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sandpit" ], "word": "sandbox", "num_translations": 59 }, "hide1": { "senses": [ "The skin of an animal", "The human skin", "One's own life or personal safety, especially when in peril", "A covered structure from which hunters, birdwatchers, etc can observe animals without scaring them", "A secret room for hiding oneself or valuables", "A covered structure to which a pet animal can retreat, as is recommended for snakes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hide", "num_translations": 68 }, "hit": { "senses": [ "To strike", "To manage to touch in the right place", "To briefly visit", "To encounter an obstacle or other difficulty", "To attain, to achieve", "To affect negatively", "To attack", "To make a play", "To use", "to connect to", "To have sex with", "To inhale an amount of smoke from a narcotic substance, particularly marijuana" ], "antonyms": [ "miss" ], "synonyms": [ "beat", "bump off", "beset", "bang", "smoke up" ], "word": "hit", "num_translations": 208 }, "hit1": { "senses": [ "A blow", "a punch", "a striking against", "the collision of one body against another", "the stroke that touches anything", "Something very successful, such as a song, film, or video game, that receives widespread recognition and acclaim", "An attack on a location, person or people", "A collision of a projectile with the target", "A match found by searching a computer system or search engine", "A measured visit to a web site, a request for a single file from a web server", "An approximately correct answer in a test set", "The complete play, when the batter reaches base without the benefit of a walk, error, or fielder's choice", "A dose of an illegal or addictive drug", "A premeditated murder done for criminal or political purposes", "A peculiarly apt expression or turn of thought", "A move that throws one of the opponent's men back to the entering point", "A game won after the adversary has removed some of his men It counts for less than a gammon" ], "antonyms": [ "miss", "flop" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hit", "num_translations": 144 }, "hold": { "senses": [ "To grasp or grip", "To contain or store", "To maintain or keep to a position or state", "To maintain or keep to particular opinions, promises, actions", "To win one's own service game", "To take place, to occur", "To organise an event or meeting", "To derive right or title", "In a food or drink order at an informal restaurant, bar, or diner, requesting that a component normally included in that order be omitted" ], "antonyms": [ "release" ], "synonyms": [ "clasp", "own", "Thesaurus:stop", "Thesaurus:persevere", "Thesaurus:desist", "happen" ], "word": "hold", "num_translations": 325 }, "hold1": { "senses": [ "A grasp or grip", "A place where animals are held for safety", "An order that something is to be reserved or delayed, limiting or preventing how it can be dealt with", "Something reserved or kept", "Power over someone or something", "The ability to persist", "The property of maintaining the shape of styled hair", "A position or grip used to control the opponent", "The part of an object one is intended to grasp, or anything one can use for grasping with hands or feet", "A fruit machine feature allowing one or more of the reels to remain fixed while the others spin", "A pause facility", "The queueing system on telephones and similar communication systems which maintains a connection when all lines are busy", "A statistic awarded to a relief pitcher who is not still pitching at the end of the game and who records at least one out and maintains a lead for his team" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "isometric exercise" ], "word": "hold", "num_translations": 25 }, "hurt": { "senses": [ "To be painful", "To cause physical pain and/or injury", "To cause emotional pain", "To undermine, impede, or damage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smart", "wound" ], "word": "hurt", "num_translations": 199 }, "hurt1": { "senses": [ "Wounded, physically injured", "Pained" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imbrued", "aching" ], "word": "hurt", "num_translations": 54 }, "input": { "senses": [ "The act or process of putting in", "infusion", "That which is put in, as in an amount", "Contribution of work or information, as an opinion or advice", "Something fed into a process with the intention of it shaping or affecting the output of that process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "input", "num_translations": 42 }, "drunken1": { "senses": [ "Drunk, in the state of intoxication after having drunk an alcoholic beverage", "Given to habitual excessive use of alcohol", "Saturated with liquid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drunk" ], "word": "drunken", "num_translations": 53 }, "imply": { "senses": [ "to have as a necessary consequence", "to suggest by logical inference", "to hint", "to insinuate", "to suggest tacitly and avoid a direct statement", "to enfold, entangle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entail", "allude" ], "word": "imply", "num_translations": 71 }, "implied": { "senses": [ "Suggested without being stated directly", "implicated or hinted at" ], "antonyms": [ "verbal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "implied", "num_translations": 18 }, "infer": { "senses": [ "To introduce as a reasoned conclusion", "to conclude by reasoning or deduction, as from premises or evidence", "To lead to as a consequence", "to imply", "To cause, inflict upon or to someone", "To introduce in speaking, writing etc", "to bring in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assume" ], "word": "infer", "num_translations": 56 }, "polygamy": { "senses": [ "The condition of having more than one spouse or marriage partner at one time", "synonym of \"polygyny\"", "The state or habit of having more than one sexual mate", "The condition or state of a plant which bears both perfect and unisexual flowers" ], "antonyms": [ "monogamy", "polyandry" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "polygamy", "num_translations": 60 }, "keep": { "senses": [ "To continue in", "not to intermit or fall from", "to uphold or maintain", "To hold the status of something", "To hold or be held in a state", "To take care", "to be solicitous", "to watch", "To be in session", "to take place", "To observe", "to adhere to", "to fulfill", "not to swerve from or violate", "To visit often", "to frequent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "retain", "preserve", "Thesaurus:sojourn" ], "word": "keep", "num_translations": 234 }, "keep1": { "senses": [ "The main tower of a castle or fortress, located within the castle walls", "one's support, maintenance", "custody", "guard", "care", "heed", "charge", "notice", "The state of being kept", "hence, the resulting condition", "case", "That which is kept in charge", "a charge", "A cap for holding something, such as a journal box, in place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "keep", "num_translations": 40 }, "knit": { "senses": [ "To turn thread or yarn into a piece of fabric by forming loops that are pulled through each other This can be done by hand with needles or by machine", "To join closely and firmly together", "To become closely and firmly joined", "become compacted", "To grow together", "To combine from various elements", "Of bones: to heal following a fracture", "To form into a knot, or into knots", "to tie together, as cord", "to fasten by tying", "To draw together", "to contract into wrinkles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knit", "num_translations": 96 }, "lightning": { "senses": [ "A flash of light produced by short-duration, high-voltage discharge of electricity within a cloud, between clouds, or between a cloud and the earth", "A discharge of this kind", "Anything that moves very fast", "The act of making bright, or the state of being made bright", "enlightenment", "brightening, as of the mental powers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lightning", "num_translations": 349 }, "northpole": { "senses": [ "The northernmost point on celestial bodies other than Earth", "The positive pole of a magnetic dipole that seeks geographic north" ], "antonyms": [ "negative pole" ], "synonyms": [ "positive pole" ], "word": "northpole", "num_translations": 37 }, "southpole": { "senses": [ "The southernmost point on celestial bodies other than Earth", "The negative pole of a magnetic dipole that seeks geographic south" ], "antonyms": [ "north pole" ], "synonyms": [ "negative pole" ], "word": "southpole", "num_translations": 35 }, "euphemism": { "senses": [ "The use of a word or phrase to replace another with one that is considered less offensive, blunt or vulgar than the word or phrase which it replaces", "A word or phrase that is used to replace another in this way" ], "antonyms": [ "dysphemism", "expletive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "euphemism", "num_translations": 88 }, "lay": { "senses": [ "To place down in a position of rest, or in a horizontal position", "To cause to subside or abate", "To prepare", "to set out, establish", "To produce and deposit an egg", "To bet", "To deposit as a wager", "to stake", "to risk", "To have sex with", "To take a position", "to come or go", "To state", "to allege", "To point", "to aim", "To put the strands of in their proper places and twist or unite them", "To place and arrange for a form upon the imposing stone", "To place properly in the cases", "To apply", "to put", "To impose", "To impute", "to charge", "to allege", "To present or offer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lay", "num_translations": 146 }, "lay1": { "senses": [ "Arrangement or relationship", "A share of the profits in a business", "A lyrical, narrative poem written in octosyllabic couplets that often deals with tales of adventure and romance", "The direction a rope is twisted", "A casual sexual partner", "An act of sexual intercourse", "A plan", "a scheme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:casual sexual partner" ], "word": "lay", "num_translations": 11 }, "lay3": { "senses": [ "Not belonging to the clergy, but associated with them", "Non-professional", "not being a member of an organized institution", "Not educated or cultivated", "ignorant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lay", "num_translations": 49 }, "lean": { "senses": [ "To incline, deviate, or bend, from a vertical position", "to be in a position thus inclining or deviating", "To incline in opinion or desire", "to conform in conduct", "with to, toward, etc", "To rest or rely, for support, comfort, etc", "with on, upon, or against", "To hang outwards", "To press against" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lean", "num_translations": 103 }, "lean2": { "senses": [ "Slim", "not fleshy", "Having little fat", "Having little extra or little to spare", "scanty", "meagre", "Having a low proportion or concentration of a desired substance or ingredient", "Of a character which prevents the compositor from earning the usual wages", "opposed to fat", "Efficient, economic, frugal, agile, slimmed-down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lean", "num_translations": 97 }, "learned": { "senses": [ "Having much learning, knowledgeable, erudite", "highly educated", "scholarly" ], "antonyms": [ "ignorant" ], "synonyms": [ "brainy", "Thesaurus:learned" ], "word": "learned", "num_translations": 61 }, "leave": { "senses": [ "To have a consequence or remnant", "To depart", "to separate from", "To transfer something", "To remain", "to stay", "*", "To stop, desist from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "depart" ], "word": "leave", "num_translations": 384 }, "leave2": { "senses": [ "Permission to be absent", "time away from one's work", "Permission", "Farewell, departure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annual leave", "authorisation" ], "word": "leave", "num_translations": 88 }, "lend1": { "senses": [ "To allow to be used by someone temporarily, on condition that it or its equivalent will be returned", "To make a loan", "To be suitable or applicable, to fit", "To afford", "to grant or furnish in general", "To borrow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "borrow" ], "word": "lend", "num_translations": 83 }, "let": { "senses": [ "To allow to, not to prevent", "To leave", "To allow the release of", "To allow possession of in exchange for rent", "To give, grant, or assign, as a work, privilege, or contract", "often with out", "Used to introduce an imperative in the first or third person", "To cause", "* 1818, John Keats, \"To\u2014\":" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allow" ], "word": "let", "num_translations": 134 }, "lie": { "senses": [ "To rest in a horizontal position on a surface", "To be placed or situated", "To abide", "to remain for a longer or shorter time", "to be in a certain state or condition", "Used with in: to be or exist", "to belong or pertain", "to have an abiding place", "to consist", "Used with with: to have sexual relations with", "Used with on/upon: to be incumbent", "to be the responsibility of a person", "To lodge", "to sleep", "To be still or quiet, like one lying down to rest", "To be sustainable", "to be capable of being maintained" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lie", "num_translations": 152 }, "lie2": { "senses": [ "To give false information intentionally with intent to deceive", "To convey a false image or impression", "To be mistaken or unintentionally spread false information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prevaricate" ], "word": "lie", "num_translations": 156 }, "lie3": { "senses": [ "An intentionally false statement", "an intentional falsehood", "A statement intended to deceive, even if literally true", "a half-truth", "Anything that misleads or disappoints" ], "antonyms": [ "truth" ], "synonyms": [ "alternative fact", "bullshit", "deception", "falsehood", "fib", "leasing", "prevarication", "Thesaurus:lie" ], "word": "lie", "num_translations": 220 }, "partofspeech": { "senses": [ "A linguistic category of words sharing syntactic or morphological behaviour and semantic properties, such as noun or verb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lexical category", "lexical class", "syntactic category", "word class" ], "word": "partofspeech", "num_translations": 78 }, "light1": { "senses": [ "To start", "To set fire to", "to set burning", "To illuminate", "To become ignited", "to take fire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "light", "num_translations": 73 }, "light2": { "senses": [ "bright", "clear", "not dark or obscure", "Pale or whitish in color", "highly luminous and more or less deficient in chroma", "Served with extra milk or cream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bright", "pale", "white", "with milk", "with cream" ], "word": "light", "num_translations": 50 }, "light3": { "senses": [ "Having little or relatively little actual weight", "not cumbrous or unwieldy", "Having little weight as compared with bulk", "of little density or specific gravity", "Of short or insufficient weight", "weighing less than the legal, standard or proper amount", "clipped or diminished", "Lacking that which burdens or makes heavy", "Not heavy or soggy", "spongy", "well raised", "Gentle", "having little force or momentum", "Easy to endure or perform", "Low in fat, calories, alcohol, salt, etc", "Unimportant, trivial, having little value or significance", "Unchaste, wanton", "Not encumbered", "unembarrassed", "clear of impediments", "hence, active", "nimble", "swift", "Easily influenced by trifling considerations", "unsteady", "unsettled", "volatile", "Indulging in, or inclined to, levity", "lacking dignity or solemnity", "frivolous", "airy", "Not quite sound or normal", "somewhat impaired or deranged", "dizzy", "giddy", "Easily interrupted by stimulation" ], "antonyms": [ "heavy", "cumbersome", "forceful", "calorific", "crucial" ], "synonyms": [ "lightweight", "delicate", "lite", "inconsequential" ], "word": "light", "num_translations": 71 }, "lit1": { "senses": [ "Illuminated", "intoxicated or under the influence of drugs", "stoned", "Sexually aroused , especially visibly sexually aroused", "Exciting, captivating", "fun", "Excellent, fantastic", "cool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lighted", "Thesaurus:stoned", "Thesaurus:drunk", "Thesaurus:randy", "Thesaurus:excellent" ], "word": "lit", "num_translations": 21 }, "pastparticiple": { "senses": [ "A participle indicating a completed action or state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perfect participle" ], "word": "pastparticiple", "num_translations": 48 }, "inflect": { "senses": [ "To cause to curve inwards", "To change the tone or pitch of the voice when speaking or singing", "To vary the form of a word to express tense, gender, number, mood, etc", "To influence in style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inbend" ], "word": "inflect", "num_translations": 40 }, "drivel": { "senses": [ "senseless talk", "nonsense", "saliva, drool", "A fool", "an idiot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drivel", "num_translations": 61 }, "drivel1": { "senses": [ "To have saliva drip from the mouth", "to drool", "To talk nonsense", "to talk senselessly", "To be weak or foolish", "to dote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drool", "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "drivel", "num_translations": 27 }, "baloney1": { "senses": [ "Nonsense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "baloney", "num_translations": 19 }, "hooey": { "senses": [ "Silly talk or writing", "nonsense, silliness, or fake assertion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "hooey", "num_translations": 14 }, "lost1": { "senses": [ "Having wandered from, or unable to find, the way", "In an unknown location", "unable to be found", "Not perceptible to the senses", "no longer visible", "Parted with", "no longer held or possessed", "Not employed or enjoyed", "thrown away", "employed ineffectually", "wasted", "squandered", "Ruined or destroyed, either physically or morally", "past help or hope", "Hardened beyond sensibility or recovery", "alienated", "insensible", "Occupied with, or under the influence of, something, so as not to notice external things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lost", "num_translations": 79 }, "reading1": { "senses": [ "The process of interpreting written language", "The process of interpreting a symbol, a sign or a measuring device", "A value indicated by a measuring device", "A meeting where written material is read aloud", "An interpretation", "Something to read", "The extent of what one has read", "One of several stages a bill passes through before becoming law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reading", "num_translations": 125 }, "make": { "senses": [ "To create", "To behave, to act", "To tend", "to contribute", "to have effect", "with for or against", "To constitute", "To add up to, have a sum of", "To interpret", "To bring into success", "To cause to be", "To cause to appear to be", "to represent as", "To cause", "to compel", "To force to do", "To indicate or suggest to be", "To cover neatly with bedclothes", "To recognise, identify", "To arrive at a destination, usually at or by a certain time", "To proceed", "To cover by travelling", "To move at", "To appoint", "to name", "To induct into the Mafia or a similar organization", "To defecate or urinate", "To earn, to gain", "To pay, to cover", "chiefly used after expressions of inability", "To compose verses", "to write poetry", "to versify", "To enact", "to establish", "To develop into", "to prove to be", "To form or formulate in the mind", "To perform a feat", "To gain sufficient audience to warrant its existence", "To act in a certain manner", "to have to do", "to manage", "to interfere", "to be active", "To increase", "to augment", "to accrue", "To be engaged or concerned in", "To cause to be , used after a subjective what", "To take the virginity of", "To have sexual intercourse with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fabricate", "twig", "coitize" ], "word": "make", "num_translations": 393 }, "make1": { "senses": [ "Brand or kind", "model", "Manner or style of construction", "form", "Origin", "manufacture", "production", "A person's character or disposition", "The act or process of making something, especially in industrial manufacturing", "Quantity produced, especially of materials", "A software utility for automatically building large applications, or an implementation of this utility", "Identification or recognition , especially from police records or evidence", "Past, present or future target of seduction", "A promotion", "A home-made project", "Turn to declare the trump for a hand , or to shuffle the cards", "A made basket", "The closing of an electrical circuit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brand", "type", "manufacturer", "origin", "manufacture", "makeup", "disposition", "character", "way", "making", "manufacturing", "production", "construction", "output", "ID", "identification", "lay", "closing", "completion", "actuation" ], "word": "make", "num_translations": 25 }, "meet": { "senses": [ "To make contact while in proximity", "To come together", "To make physical or perceptual contact", "To satisfy", "to comply with", "To balance or come out correct", "To perceive", "to come to a knowledge of", "to have personal acquaintance with", "to experience", "to suffer", "To be mixed with, to be combined with aspects of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "meet", "num_translations": 320 }, "mislead": { "senses": [ "To lead astray, in a false direction", "To deceive by telling lies or otherwise giving a false impression", "To deceptively trick into something wrong", "To accidentally or intentionally confuse" ], "antonyms": [ "guide" ], "synonyms": [ "forlead", "deceive", "seduce" ], "word": "mislead", "num_translations": 77 }, "mistake": { "senses": [ "To understand wrongly, taking one thing or person for another", "To misunderstand", "To commit an unintentional error", "to do or think something wrong", "To take or choose wrongly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mistake", "num_translations": 114 }, "mistake1": { "senses": [ "An error", "a blunder", "A pitch which was intended to be pitched in a hard-to-hit location, but instead ends up in an easy-to-hit place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:error" ], "word": "mistake", "num_translations": 160 }, "misunderstand": { "senses": [ "To understand incorrectly, while believing one has understood correctly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take the wrong way" ], "word": "misunderstand", "num_translations": 48 }, "writing": { "senses": [ "Graphism of symbols such as letters that express some meaning", "Something written, such as a document, article or book", "The process of representing a language with symbols or letters", "A work of an author" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "text", "document", "manuscript", "text", "work", "hand", "handwriting", "alphabet", "character", "ideogram", "logogram", "pictogram", "script", "syllabary", "writing system" ], "word": "writing", "num_translations": 216 }, "handiwork": { "senses": [ "Work done by the hands", "A handmade object", "handicraft", "Work done personally", "The result of personal efforts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handwork" ], "word": "handiwork", "num_translations": 11 }, "back": { "senses": [ "Near the rear", "Not current", "Far from the main area", "In arrear", "overdue" ], "antonyms": [ "front", "current", "main" ], "synonyms": [ "rear", "former", "remote" ], "word": "back", "num_translations": 117 }, "back1": { "senses": [ "To or in a previous condition or place", "Away from the front or from an edge", "In a manner that impedes", "In a reciprocal manner", "in return", "Earlier, ago" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "back", "num_translations": 106 }, "back3": { "senses": [ "The rear of the body, especially the part between the neck and the end of the spine and opposite the chest and belly", "That which is farthest away from the front", "A support or resource in reserve", "The keel and keelson of a ship", "The roof of a horizontal underground passage", "Effort, usually physical", "A non-alcoholic drink , to go with hard liquor or a cocktail", "Among leather dealers, one of the thickest and stoutest tanned hides" ], "antonyms": [ "front", "front" ], "synonyms": [ "reverse", "dorsum" ], "word": "back", "num_translations": 394 }, "back4": { "senses": [ "To go in the reverse direction", "To support", "To change direction contrary to the normal pattern", "that is, to shift anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise in the southern hemisphere", "To brace the yards so that the wind presses on the front of the sail, to slow the ship", "To lay out a second, smaller anchor to provide additional holding power", "To stand still behind another dog which has pointed", "to mount", "To adjoin behind", "To sign or endorse" ], "antonyms": [ "veer" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "back", "num_translations": 59 }, "archaic1": { "senses": [ "Of or characterized by antiquity", "old-fashioned, quaint, antiquated", "No longer in ordinary use, though still used occasionally to give a sense of antiquity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dated" ], "word": "archaic", "num_translations": 74 }, "cliche": { "senses": [ "Something, most often a phrase or expression, that is overused or used outside its original context, so that its original impact and meaning are lost A trite saying", "a platitude", "A stereotype" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "platitude", "stereotype", "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "cliche", "num_translations": 76 }, "bull": { "senses": [ "An adult male of domesticated cattle or oxen", "A male of domesticated cattle or oxen of any age", "Any adult male bovine", "An adult male of certain large mammals, such as whales, elephants and seals", "A large, strong man", "An investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices", "A policeman", "A crown coin", "its value,", "A man", "A man who has sex with another man's wife or girlfriend with the consent of both", "A drink made by pouring water into a cask that previously held liquor" ], "antonyms": [ "bear" ], "synonyms": [ "guy", "cop" ], "word": "bull", "num_translations": 238 }, "bull2": { "senses": [ "To force oneself", "To lie, to tell untruths", "To be in heat", "to manifest sexual desire as cows do", "To polish boots to a high shine", "To endeavour to raise the market price of", "To endeavour to raise prices in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bull", "num_translations": 10 }, "bull5": { "senses": [ "A lie", "Nonsense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "bull", "num_translations": 16 }, "contraction": { "senses": [ "A reversible reduction in size", "A period of economic decline or negative growth", "A shortening of a muscle when it is used", "A strong and often painful shortening of the uterine muscles prior to or during childbirth", "A process whereby one or more sounds of a free morpheme are lost or reduced, such that it becomes a bound morpheme that attaches phonologically to an adjacent word", "A word with omitted letters replaced by an apostrophe, usually resulting from the above process", "A shorthand symbol indicating an omission for the purpose of brevity", "The process of contracting a disease", "Syncope, the loss of sounds from within a word", "The acquisition of something, generally negative", "A distinct stage of wound healing, wherein the wound edges are gradually pulled together" ], "antonyms": [ "expansion", "dilatation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "contraction", "num_translations": 153 }, "bog": { "senses": [ "An area of decayed vegetation which forms a wet spongy ground too soft for walking", "a marsh or swamp", "Confusion, difficulty, or any other thing or place that impedes progress in the manner of such areas", "The acidic soil of such areas, principally composed of peat", "marshland, swampland", "A place to defecate: originally specifically a latrine or outhouse but now used for any toilet", "An act or instance of defecation", "A little elevated spot or clump of earth, roots, and grass, in a marsh or swamp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bogland", "bogmire", "fen", "marsh", "marshland", "mire", "morass", "peat bog", "slough", "swamp", "swampland", "quagmire", "wetlands", "moss", "pakihi", "muskeg", "mire", "Thesaurus:toilet", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "bog", "num_translations": 71 }, "means": { "senses": [ "plural of \"mean\"", "An instrument or condition for attaining a purpose", "Resources", "riches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wherewithal" ], "word": "means", "num_translations": 49 }, "tomorrow": { "senses": [ "On the day after the present day", "At some point in the future", "later on" ], "antonyms": [ "yesterday" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tomorrow", "num_translations": 250 }, "tomorrow1": { "senses": [ "The day after the present day" ], "antonyms": [ "yesterday" ], "synonyms": [ "morrow" ], "word": "tomorrow", "num_translations": 108 }, "paint": { "senses": [ "A substance that is applied as a liquid or paste, and dries into a solid coating that protects or adds color/colour to an object or surface to which it has been applied", "The free-throw lane, construed with the", "A face card", "Graphics drawn using an input device, not scanned or generated", "Makeup", "Any substance fixed with latex to harden it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paint", "num_translations": 127 }, "paint1": { "senses": [ "To draw an element in a graphical user interface", "To depict or portray", "To color one's face by way of beautifying it", "To direct a radar beam toward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paint", "num_translations": 175 }, "machine": { "senses": [ "A device that directs and controls energy, often in the form of movement or electricity, to produce a certain effect", "A vehicle operated mechanically, such as an automobile or an airplane", "A computer", "Especially, the group that controls a political or similar organization", "a combination of persons acting together for a common purpose, with the agencies which they use", "Supernatural agency in a poem, or a superhuman being introduced to perform some exploit", "The system of special interest groups that supports a political party, especially in urban areas", "Penis", "A contrivance in the Ancient Greek theatre for indicating a change of scene, by means of which a god might cross the stage or deliver a divine message", "the deus ex machina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:machine" ], "word": "machine", "num_translations": 200 }, "sheep": { "senses": [ "A woolly ruminant of the genus Ovis", "A timid, shy person who is easily led by others", "A religious adherent, a member of a congregation or religious community", "A person who is easily understood by a speech recognition system", "contrasted with goat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sheep" ], "word": "sheep", "num_translations": 318 }, "rod": { "senses": [ "A straight, round stick, shaft, bar, cane, or staff", "A longitudinal pole used for forming part of a framework such as an awning or tent", "A long slender usually tapering pole used for angling", "A stick, pole, or bundle of switches or twigs , used for personal defense or to administer corporal punishment by whipping", "A stick used to measure distance, by using its established length or task-specific temporary marks along its length, or by dint of specific graduated marks", "A unit of length equal to 1 pole, a perch, chain, yards, feet, or exactly 50292 meters", "An implement held vertically and viewed through an optical surveying instrument such as a transit, used to measure distance in land surveying and construction layout", "Any of a number of long, slender microorganisms", "A pistol", "a gun", "A penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stick", "Thesaurus:penis", "skyfish" ], "word": "rod", "num_translations": 234 }, "oar": { "senses": [ "A type of lever used to propel a boat, having a flat blade at one end and a handle at the other, and pivoted in a rowlock atop the gunwale, whereby a rower seated in the boat and pulling the handle can pass the blade through the water by repeated strokes against the water's resistance, thus moving the boat", "a rower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paddle" ], "word": "oar", "num_translations": 122 }, "with": { "senses": [ "Against", "In the company of", "alongside, close to", "near to", "In addition to", "as an accessory to", "Used to indicate simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence", "In support of", "In regard to", "To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc", "- sometimes equivalent to by", "Using as an instrument", "by means of", "Using as nourishment", "more recently replaced by on", "Having, owning", "Affected by", "Prompted by" ], "antonyms": [ "without", "against" ], "synonyms": [ "w/", "c\u0304" ], "word": "with", "num_translations": 423 }, "wool": { "senses": [ "The hair of the sheep, llama and some other ruminants", "A fine fiber obtained from the leaves of certain trees, such as firs and pines", "Short, thick hair, especially when crisped or curled", "yarn", "Derogatory term for residents of the satellite towns outside Liverpool, such as St Helens or Warrington See also Yonner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wool", "num_translations": 189 }, "rake": { "senses": [ "A garden tool with a row of pointed teeth fixed to a long handle, used for collecting grass or debris, or for loosening soil", "A lot, plenty", "A set of coupled rail vehicles, normally coaches or wagons", "A puffer that emits a stream of spaceships rather than a trail of debris", "The scaled commission fee taken by a cardroom operating a poker game", "A toothed machine drawn by a horse, used for collecting hay or grain", "A fissure or mineral vein traversing the strata vertically, or nearly so" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consist" ], "word": "rake", "num_translations": 105 }, "rake1": { "senses": [ "To search thoroughly", "To spray with gunfire", "To claw at", "to scratch", "To gather, especially quickly", "To pass with violence or rapidity", "to scrape along" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comb" ], "word": "rake", "num_translations": 57 }, "rake4": { "senses": [ "A man habituated to immoral conduct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rou\u00e9" ], "word": "rake", "num_translations": 13 }, "-logy": { "senses": [ "A branch of learning", "a study of a particular subject", "Something said, or a way of speaking, a narrative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-ics" ], "word": "-logy", "num_translations": 97 }, "tractor": { "senses": [ "A vehicle used in farms eg for pulling farm equipment and preparing the fields", "A truck for pulling a semi-trailer or trailer", "Any piece of machinery that pulls something", "An airplane where the propeller is located in front of the fuselage", "A British Rail Class 37 locomotive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tractor", "num_translations": 133 }, "conductor": { "senses": [ "One who conducts or leads", "a guide", "a director", "A person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble", "a professional whose occupation is conducting", "A person who takes tickets on public transportation and also helps passengers", "Something that can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound", "An ideal of a ring that measures how far it is from being integrally closed", "A grooved sound or staff used for directing instruments, such as lithontriptic forceps", "a director", "A leader" ], "antonyms": [ "non-conductor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conductor", "num_translations": 166 }, "trite": { "senses": [ "Often in reference to a word or phrase: used so many times that it is commonplace, or no longer interesting or effective", "worn out, hackneyed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hackneyed" ], "word": "trite", "num_translations": 47 }, "legal": { "senses": [ "Relating to the law or to lawyers", "Having its basis in the law", "Being allowed or prescribed by law" ], "antonyms": [ "banned", "black-market", "underage" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "legal", "num_translations": 150 }, "legible": { "senses": [ "Clear enough to be read", "readable, particularly of handwriting" ], "antonyms": [ "illegible", "unreadable" ], "synonyms": [ "clean", "clear", "decipherable", "fair", "readable" ], "word": "legible", "num_translations": 48 }, "criminal": { "senses": [ "Against the law", "forbidden by law", "Guilty of breaking the law", "Of or relating to crime or penal law", "Abhorrent or very undesirable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crimeful", "illegal", "delictuous" ], "word": "criminal", "num_translations": 116 }, "criminal1": { "senses": [ "A person who is guilty of a crime, notably breaking the law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:criminal" ], "word": "criminal", "num_translations": 115 }, "actor": { "senses": [ "A person who performs in a theatrical play or film", "One who acts", "a doer", "One who takes part in a situation", "An advocate or proctor in civil courts or causes", "One who institutes a suit", "plaintiff or complainant", "One who enacts a certain policy action", "The entity that performs a role", "The most agent-like argument of a clause, eg 'the torpedo' in \"The torpedo sank the boat\" and \"The torpedo fired\"" ], "antonyms": [ "undergoer" ], "synonyms": [ "performer", "doer", "participant", "complainant", "role" ], "word": "actor", "num_translations": 249 }, "factor": { "senses": [ "A doer, maker", "a person who does things for another person or organization", "An agent or representative", "One of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result", "Any of various objects multiplied together to form some whole", "Influence", "a phenomenon that affects the nature, the magnitude, and/or the timing of a consequence", "A steward or bailiff of an estate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "factor", "num_translations": 120 }, "cable": { "senses": [ "A long object used to make a physical connection", "A unit of length equal to one tenth of a nautical mile", "100 fathoms, 600 imperial feet, approximately 185 m", "The currency pair British Pound against United States Dollar", "A moulding, shaft of a column, or any other member of convex, rounded section, made to resemble the spiral twist of a rope", "A textural pattern achieved by passing groups of stitches over one another" ], "antonyms": [ "hawser" ], "synonyms": [ "wire rope", "cord", "cablegram", "cable length", "Thesaurus:string" ], "word": "cable", "num_translations": 202 }, "rhetoric1": { "senses": [ "The art of using language, especially public speaking, as a means to persuade", "Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wordcraft" ], "word": "rhetoric", "num_translations": 53 }, "intertwine": { "senses": [ "To twine something together", "To become twined together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entwine" ], "word": "intertwine", "num_translations": 32 }, "internal": { "senses": [ "inside of something", "within the body", "concerned with the domestic affairs of a nation, state or other political community", "concerned with the non-public affairs of a company or other organisation" ], "antonyms": [ "external", "exterior" ], "synonyms": [ "inner", "inly", "interior", "intern" ], "word": "internal", "num_translations": 86 }, "interior": { "senses": [ "Within any limits, enclosure, or substance", "inside", "internal", "inner", "Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore", "inland" ], "antonyms": [ "exterior" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "interior", "num_translations": 39 }, "interior1": { "senses": [ "The inside of a building, container, cavern, or other enclosed structure", "The inside regions of a country, distanced from the borders or coasts" ], "antonyms": [ "exterior" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "interior", "num_translations": 47 }, "exterior": { "senses": [ "Relating to the outside parts or surface of something", "Being from outside a country", "foreign", "Outdoors" ], "antonyms": [ "interior" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "exterior", "num_translations": 15 }, "comic": { "senses": [ "Funny", "amusing", "Relating to comedy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:funny", "comedic" ], "word": "comic", "num_translations": 50 }, "comical": { "senses": [ "Originally, relating to comedy", "Funny, whimsically amusing", "Laughable", "ridiculous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:funny", "comic" ], "word": "comical", "num_translations": 42 }, "ideal": { "senses": [ "Optimal", "being the best possibility", "Perfect, flawless, having no defects", "Pertaining to ideas, or to a given idea", "Existing only in the mind", "conceptual, imaginary", "Not actually present, but considered as present when limits at infinity are included" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:flawless" ], "word": "ideal", "num_translations": 94 }, "ideal1": { "senses": [ "A perfect standard of beauty, intellect etc, or a standard of excellence to aim at", "A subring closed under multiplication by its containing ring", "A non-empty lower set which is closed under binary suprema", "A collection of sets, considered small or negligible, such that every subset of each member and the union of any two members are also members of the collection", "A Lie subalgebra \ud835\udd8d of a given Lie algebra \ud835\udd8c such that the Lie bracket \ud835\udd8c,\ud835\udd8d is a subset of \ud835\udd8d" ], "antonyms": [ "filter" ], "synonyms": [ "Lie ideal" ], "word": "ideal", "num_translations": 61 }, "inflection": { "senses": [ "A change in the form of a word that reflects a change in grammatical function", "A change in pitch or tone of voice", "A change in curvature from concave to convex or from convex to concave", "A turning away from a straight course", "diffraction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flection" ], "word": "inflection", "num_translations": 102 }, "spell2": { "senses": [ "To read as though letter by letter", "to peruse slowly or with effort", "To write or say the letters that form a word or part of a word", "To be able to write or say the letters that form words", "Of letters: to compose", "To clarify", "to explain in detail", "To indicate that will occur", "To constitute", "to measure", "To speak, to declaim", "To tell", "to relate", "to teach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forebode", "relieve", "comprise" ], "word": "spell", "num_translations": 119 }, "spell4": { "senses": [ "A shift", "a set of workers responsible for a specific turn of labour", "A definite period", "An indefinite period of time", "by extension, a relatively short distance", "A period of rest", "time off", "A period of illness, or sudden interval of bad spirits, disease etc", "An uninterrupted series of alternate overs bowled by a single bowler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spell", "num_translations": 31 }, "spelling1": { "senses": [ "The act, practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words", "orthography" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orthography" ], "word": "spelling", "num_translations": 133 }, "skirt": { "senses": [ "An article of clothing, usually worn by women and girls, that hangs from the waist and covers the lower part of the body", "The part of a dress or robe, etc, that hangs below the waist", "A loose edging to any part of a dress", "A petticoat", "A woman", "Women collectively, in a sexual context", "Sexual intercourse with a woman", "Border", "edge", "margin", "extreme part of anything", "The diaphragm, or midriff, in animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skirt", "num_translations": 185 }, "skirt1": { "senses": [ "To be on or form the border of", "To move around or along the border of", "to avoid the center of", "to surround", "To avoid or ignore", "to manage to avoid", "to skate by" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skirt", "num_translations": 19 }, "i.e.": { "senses": [ "That is, namely, in other words, that is to say" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:in other words" ], "word": "i.e.", "num_translations": 75 }, "spelt1": { "senses": [ "A grain, considered either a subspecies of wheat,, or a separate species or ''''" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dinkel wheat" ], "word": "spelt", "num_translations": 46 }, "speak": { "senses": [ "To communicate with one's voice, to say words out loud", "To have a conversation", "To communicate or converse by some means other than orally, such as writing or facial expressions", "To deliver a message to a group", "to deliver a speech", "To be able to communicate in a language", "To utter", "To communicate", "To understand", "To produce a sound", "to sound", "To address", "to accost" ], "antonyms": [ "be silent" ], "synonyms": [ "articulate" ], "word": "speak", "num_translations": 326 }, "substance": { "senses": [ "Physical matter", "material", "The essential part of anything", "the most vital part", "Substantiality", "solidity", "firmness", "Material possessions", "estate", "property", "resources", "A form of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic properties", "Drugs", "Hypostasis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:substance", "Thesaurus:gist", "Thesaurus:recreational drug" ], "word": "substance", "num_translations": 188 }, "straight": { "senses": [ "Not crooked or bent", "having a constant direction throughout its length", "Direct, undeviating", "Perfectly horizontal or vertical", "not diagonal or oblique", "Describing the bat as held so as not to incline to either side", "on, or near a line running between the two wickets", "Direct in communication", "Free from dishonesty", "honest, law-abiding", "Serious rather than comedic", "In proper order", "as it should be", "In a row, in unbroken sequence", "consecutive", "Describing the sets in a match of which the winner did not lose a single set", "Making no exceptions or deviations in one's support of the organization and candidates of a political party", "Containing the names of all the regularly nominated candidates of a party and no others", "Conventional, mainstream, socially acceptable", "Heterosexual", "Not using alcohol, drugs, etc", "Not plus size", "thin", "Strait", "narrow", "Stretched out", "fully extended", "Thorough", "utter", "unqualified", "Of spirits: undiluted, unmixed", "neat", "Concerning the property allowing the parallel-transport of vectors along a course that keeps tangent vectors remain tangent vectors throughout that course" ], "antonyms": [ "bent", "crooked", "curved" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "straight", "num_translations": 208 }, "straight1": { "senses": [ "Of a direction relative to the subject, precisely", "as if following a direct line", "Directly", "without pause, delay or detour", "Continuously", "without interruption or pause" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "straight", "num_translations": 41 }, "straight2": { "senses": [ "Something that is not crooked or bent such as a part of a road or track", "Five cards in sequence", "A heterosexual", "A normal person", "someone in mainstream society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hetero", "Thesaurus:mainstreamer" ], "word": "straight", "num_translations": 43 }, "thunder1": { "senses": [ "to sound, rattle, or roar, as a discharge of atmospheric electricity", "often used impersonally", "To talk with a loud, threatening voice", "To say with a loud, threatening voice", "To produce something with incredible power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thunder", "num_translations": 74 }, "zenith": { "senses": [ "The point in the sky vertically above a given position or observer", "the point in the celestial sphere opposite the nadir", "The highest point in the sky reached by a celestial body", "Highest point or state", "peak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "zenith", "num_translations": 114 }, "secretary": { "senses": [ "Someone entrusted with a secret", "a confidant", "A person who keeps records, takes notes and handles general clerical work", "The head of a department of government", "A managerial or leading position in certain non-profit organizations, such as political parties, trade unions, international organizations", "a secretaire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "secretary", "num_translations": 228 }, "statement": { "senses": [ "A declaration or remark", "A presentation of opinion or position", "A document that summarizes financial activity", "An instruction in a computer program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "statement", "num_translations": 127 }, "involuntary": { "senses": [ "Without intention", "unintentional", "Not voluntary or willing", "contrary or opposed to explicit will or desire", "unwilling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inadvertent", "unbewised" ], "word": "involuntary", "num_translations": 31 }, "invisibly": { "senses": [ "In a way that can not be seen", "in an invisible manner" ], "antonyms": [ "visibly", "apparently" ], "synonyms": [ "hiddenly", "latently" ], "word": "invisibly", "num_translations": 19 }, "bug": { "senses": [ "An insect of the order Hemiptera", "Any of various species of marine or freshwater crustaceans", "Any insect, arachnid, or other terrestrial arthropod that is a pest", "Any insect, arachnid, myriapod or entognath", "A problem that needs fixing", "A contagious illness", "a bacterium or virus causing it", "An enthusiasm for something", "an obsession", "A keen enthusiast or hobbyist", "A concealed electronic eavesdropping or intercept device", "A small and usually invisible file on a World Wide Web page, primarily used to track users", "A small, usually transparent or translucent image placed in a corner of a television program to indicate what network or cable channel is televising it", "A manually positioned marker in flight instruments", "A semi-automated telegraph key", "Hobgoblin, scarecrow", "anything that terrifies", "A limited form of wild card in some variants of poker", "A trilobite", "A young apprentice jockey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defect" ], "word": "bug", "num_translations": 266 }, "bug1": { "senses": [ "To annoy", "To install an electronic listening device or devices in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:annoy" ], "word": "bug", "num_translations": 67 }, "brief": { "senses": [ "Of short duration", "happening quickly", "Concise", "taking few words", "Occupying a small distance, area or spatial extent", "short", "Rife", "common", "prevalent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ephemeral", "Thesaurus:concise" ], "word": "brief", "num_translations": 68 }, "brief1": { "senses": [ "A writ summoning one to answer to any action", "An answer to any action", "A memorandum of points of fact or of law for use in conducting a case", "A position of interest or advocacy", "An attorney's legal argument in written form for submission to a court", "The material relevant to a case, delivered by a solicitor to the barrister who tries the case", "A short news story or report", "A summary, pr\u00e9cis or epitome", "an abridgement or abstract", "A letter patent, from proper authority, authorizing a collection or charitable contribution of money in churches, for any public or private purpose", "A ticket of any type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brief", "num_translations": 11 }, "together": { "senses": [ "At the same time, in the same place", "in close association or proximity", "Into one place", "into a single thing", "combined", "In a relationship or partnership, for example a business relationship or a romantic partnership", "Without intermission or interruption", "continuously", "uninterruptedly" ], "antonyms": [ "apart" ], "synonyms": [ "at the same time", "collectively" ], "word": "together", "num_translations": 206 }, "why": { "senses": [ "For what cause, reason, or purpose", "For which cause, reason, or purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "how come" ], "word": "why", "num_translations": 294 }, "why1": { "senses": [ "reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wherefore" ], "word": "why", "num_translations": 34 }, "when1": { "senses": [ "At that time that", "at the time that", "if", "During the time that", "at the time of the action of the following clause or participle phrase", "At what time", "at which time", "Since", "given the fact that", "considering that", "Whereas", "although", "at the same time as", "in spite of the fact that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as soon as", "whenever", "while", "whenever", "given that", "but" ], "word": "when", "num_translations": 257 }, "where": { "senses": [ "While on the contrary", "although", "At or in which place or situation", "To which place or situation", "In a position, case, etc, in which" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "where", "num_translations": 260 }, "where1": { "senses": [ "Interrogative adverb, used in either a direct or indirect question: at what place", "to what place", "what place", "In what situation", "At which, on which" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "where", "num_translations": 319 }, "addition": { "senses": [ "The act of adding anything", "Anything that is added", "The arithmetic operation of adding", "A dot at the right side of a note as an indication that its sound is to be lengthened one half", "A title annexed to a person's name to identify him or her more precisely, as in \"John Doe, Esq\", \"Robert Dale, Mason\", \"Thomas Way, of New York\"", "Something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of honour", "opposed to abatement" ], "antonyms": [ "exclusion", "deduction", "subtraction" ], "synonyms": [ "add", "extra" ], "word": "addition", "num_translations": 191 }, "among": { "senses": [ "Denotes a mingling or intermixing with distinct or separable objects", "Denotes a belonging of a person or a thing to a group", "Denotes a sharing of a common feature in a group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amongst", "amidst", "amid" ], "word": "among", "num_translations": 94 }, "apparatus": { "senses": [ "The entirety of means whereby a specific production is made existent or task accomplished", "A complex machine or instrument", "An assortment of tools and instruments", "A bureaucratic organization, especially one influenced by political patronage", "A vehicle used for emergency response", "Any of the equipment on which the gymnasts perform their movements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apparatus", "num_translations": 95 }, "attack": { "senses": [ "An attempt to cause damage, injury to, or death of opponent or enemy", "An attempt to detract from the worth or credibility of, a person, position, idea, object, or thing, by physical, verbal, emotional, or other assault", "the offence of a battle", "The beginning of active operations on anything", "An attempt to exploit a vulnerability in a computer system", "Collectively, the bowlers of a cricket side", "Any contact with the ball other than a serve or block which sends the ball across the plane of the net", "The sudden onset of a disease or condition", "An active episode of a chronic or recurrent disease", "The onset of a musical note, particularly with respect to the strength of that onset", "The amount of time it takes for the volume of an audio signal to go from zero to maximum level" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:attack" ], "word": "attack", "num_translations": 211 }, "attack1": { "senses": [ "To apply violent force to someone or something", "To aggressively challenge a person, idea, etc, with words", "To begin to affect", "to act upon injuriously or destructively", "to begin to decompose or waste", "To deal with something in a direct way", "to set to work upon", "To aim balls at the batsman's wicket", "To set a field, or bowl in a manner designed to get wickets", "To bat aggressively, so as to score runs quickly", "To move forward in an active attempt to score a point, as opposed to trying not to concede", "To accelerate quickly in an attempt to get ahead of the other riders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:attack" ], "word": "attack", "num_translations": 158 }, "outdo": { "senses": [ "To excel", "go beyond in performance", "surpass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to outperform", "to outrival" ], "word": "outdo", "num_translations": 22 }, "attempt": { "senses": [ "To try", "To try to move, by entreaty, by afflictions, or by temptations", "to tempt", "To try to win, subdue, or overcome", "To attack", "to make an effort or attack upon", "to try to take by force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take a stab at" ], "word": "attempt", "num_translations": 106 }, "attempt1": { "senses": [ "The action of trying at something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "effort", "try" ], "word": "attempt", "num_translations": 94 }, "overcast1": { "senses": [ "Covered with clouds", "overshadowed", "darkened", "more than 90% covered by clouds", "In a state of depression", "gloomy", "melancholy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overcast", "num_translations": 59 }, "overcome": { "senses": [ "To surmount", "to prevail over, to get the better of", "To win or prevail in some sort of battle, contest, etc", "To come or pass over", "to spread over", "To overflow", "to surcharge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overcome", "num_translations": 70 }, "overdo": { "senses": [ "To do too much", "to exceed what is proper or true in doing", "to carry too far", "To cook for too long", "To give too much work", "to require too much effort or strength of", "to use up too much of", "To do more than", "to do to a greater extent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overdo", "num_translations": 27 }, "shrike": { "senses": [ "Any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae which are known for their habit of catching other birds and small animals and impaling the uneaten portions of their bodies on thorns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "butcherbird" ], "word": "shrike", "num_translations": 36 }, "myself": { "senses": [ "Me, as direct or indirect object the speaker as the object of a verb or preposition, when the speaker is also the subject", "Personally, for my part", "used in apposition to I, sometimes for simple emphasis and sometimes with implicit exclusion of any others performing the activity described", "In my normal state of body or mind", "Me", "my name is" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "me" ], "word": "myself", "num_translations": 138 }, "verbal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to words", "Concerned with the words, rather than the substance of a text", "Consisting of words only", "Expressly spoken rather than written", "oral", "Derived from, or having the nature of a verb", "Used to form a verb", "Capable of speech", "Word for word", "Abounding with words", "verbose" ], "antonyms": [ "implied", "unsaid" ], "synonyms": [ "lectic" ], "word": "verbal", "num_translations": 129 }, "boot": { "senses": [ "A heavy shoe that covers part of the leg", "A blow with the foot", "a kick", "A flexible cover of rubber or plastic, which may be preformed to a particular shape and used to protect a shaft, lever, switch, or opening from dust, dirt, moisture, etc", "A parking enforcement device used to immobilize a car until it can be towed or a fine is paid", "a wheel clamp", "A place at the side of a coach, where attendants rode", "also, a low outside place before and behind the body of the coach", "A place for baggage at either end of an old-fashioned stagecoach", "A recently arrived recruit", "a rookie", "The luggage storage compartment of a sedan or saloon car", "The act or process of removing or firing someone", "unattractive person, ugly woman", "A hard plastic case for a long firearm, typically moulded to the shape of the gun and intended for use in a vehicle", "A bobbled ball", "The inflated flag leaf sheath of a wheat plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buskin", "kick", "trunk", "wheel clamp", "fired" ], "word": "boot", "num_translations": 137 }, "boot1": { "senses": [ "To kick", "To apply corporal punishment", "To forcibly eject", "To disconnect forcibly", "to eject from an online service, conversation, etc", "To vomit", "To shoot, to kill by gunfire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoof", "kick" ], "word": "boot", "num_translations": 34 }, "simile": { "senses": [ "A figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another, in the case of English generally using like or as" ], "antonyms": [ "dissimile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "simile", "num_translations": 54 }, "figureofspeech": { "senses": [ "A word or phrase that departs from straightforward, literal language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turn of phrase" ], "word": "figureofspeech", "num_translations": 33 }, "neologism": { "senses": [ "A word or phrase which has recently been coined", "a new word or phrase", "The act or instance of coining, or uttering a new word", "The newly coined, meaningless words or phrases of someone with a psychosis, usually schizophrenia", "The introduction of new doctrine, for example in theology" ], "antonyms": [ "paleologism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "neologism", "num_translations": 54 }, "distend": { "senses": [ "To extend or expand, as from internal pressure", "to swell", "To extend", "to stretch out", "to spread out", "To cause to swell", "To cause gravidity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "distend", "num_translations": 17 }, "scissors": { "senses": [ "A tool used for cutting thin material, consisting of two crossing blades attached at a pivot point in such a way that the blades slide across each other when the handles are closed", "An attacking move conducted by two players", "the player without the ball runs from one side of the ball carrier, behind the ball carrier, and receives a pass from the ball carrier on the other side", "A method of skating with one foot significantly in front of the other", "plural of \"scissor\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pair of scissors", "switch" ], "word": "scissors", "num_translations": 215 }, "separate1": { "senses": [ "To disunite from a group or mass", "to disconnect", "To set apart", "to select from among others, as for a special use or service" ], "antonyms": [ "annex", "combine" ], "synonyms": [ "partition", "Thesaurus:disjoin", "split up", "break down", "earmark" ], "word": "separate", "num_translations": 143 }, "brush": { "senses": [ "An implement consisting of multiple more or less flexible bristles or other filaments attached to a handle, used for any of various purposes including cleaning, painting, and arranging hair", "A piece of conductive material, usually carbon, serving to maintain electrical contact between the stationary and rotating parts of a machine", "Wild vegetation, generally larger than grass but smaller than trees", "A short and sometimes occasional encounter or experience", "The furry tail of an animal, especially of a fox", "A tuft of hair on the mandibles", "A short contest, or trial, of speed", "An on-screen tool for \"painting\" a particular colour or texture", "In 3D video games, a convex polyhedron, especially one that defines structure of the play area", "The floorperson of a poker room, usually in a casino", "Evergreen boughs, especially balsam, locally cut and baled for export, usually for use in making wreaths" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brush", "num_translations": 240 }, "brush1": { "senses": [ "To remove with a sweeping motion", "To touch with a sweeping motion, or lightly in passing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brush", "num_translations": 104 }, "cough1": { "senses": [ "A sudden, usually noisy expulsion of air from the lungs, often involuntary", "Used to focus attention on a following utterance, often a euphemism or an attribution of blame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tussis" ], "word": "cough", "num_translations": 134 }, "belief": { "senses": [ "Mental acceptance of a claim as true", "Faith or trust in the reality of something", "often based upon one's own reasoning, trust in a claim, desire of actuality, and/or evidence considered", "Something believed", "The quality or state of believing", "Religious faith", "One's religious or moral convictions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "belief", "num_translations": 245 }, "circle": { "senses": [ "A two-dimensional geometric figure, a line, consisting of the set of all those points in a plane that are equally distant from a given point", "A two-dimensional geometric figure, a disk, consisting of the set of all those points of a plane at a distance less than or equal to a fixed distance from a given point", "Any shape, curve or arrangement of objects that approximates to or resembles the geometric figures", "A specific group of persons", "especially one who shares a common interest", "The orbit of an astronomical body", "Compass", "circuit", "enclosure", "A series ending where it begins, and repeating itself", "A form of argument in which two or more unproved statements are used to prove each other", "inconclusive reasoning", "Indirect form of words", "circumlocution", "A territorial division or district", "A bagginess of the skin below the eyes from lack of sleep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "circle", "num_translations": 345 }, "cheese": { "senses": [ "A dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk", "That which is melodramatic, overly emotional, or clich\u00e9, ie cheesy", "Money", "In skittles, the roughly ovoid object that is thrown to knock down the skittles", "A fastball", "Smegma", "Holed pattern of circuitry to decrease pattern density", "The flat, circular, mucilaginous fruit of the dwarf mallow or marshmallow", "A low curtsey" ], "antonyms": [ "fill" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cheese", "num_translations": 341 }, "bright": { "senses": [ "Visually dazzling", "luminous, lucent, clear, radiant", "not dark", "Having a clear, quick intellect", "intelligent", "Vivid, colourful, brilliant", "Happy, in good spirits", "Sparkling with wit", "lively", "vivacious", "cheerful", "Illustrious", "glorious", "Clear", "transparent", "Manifest to the mind, as light is to the eyes", "clear", "evident", "plain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intelligent" ], "word": "bright", "num_translations": 288 }, "business": { "senses": [ "A specific commercial enterprise or establishment", "A person's occupation, work, or trade", "Commercial, industrial, or professional activity", "The volume or amount of commercial trade", "One's dealings", "patronage", "Private commercial interests taken collectively", "The management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management", "A particular situation or activity", "Any activity or objective needing to be dealt with", "especially, one of a financial or legal matter", "Something involving one personally", "Matters that come before a body for deliberation or action", "Action carried out with a prop or piece of clothing, usually away from the focus of the scene", "The collective noun for a group of ferrets", "Something very good", "top quality", "Excrement, particularly that of a non-human animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "business", "num_translations": 275 }, "attention": { "senses": [ "Mental focus", "An action or remark expressing concern for or interest in someone or something, especially romantic interest", "A state of alertness in the standing position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heed" ], "word": "attention", "num_translations": 148 }, "bell": { "senses": [ "A percussive instrument made of metal or other hard material, typically but not always in the shape of an inverted cup with a flared rim, which resonates when struck", "A telephone call", "A signal at a school that tells the students when a class is starting or ending", "The flared end of a brass or woodwind instrument", "The flared end of a pipe, designed to mate with a narrow spigot", "A device control code that produces a beep", "The part of the capital of a column included between the abacus and neck molding", "also used for the naked core of nearly cylindrical shape, assumed to exist within the leafage of a capital", "An instrument situated on a bicycle's handlebar, used by the cyclist to warn of his or her presence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "campane", "tintinnabule" ], "word": "bell", "num_translations": 231 }, "card": { "senses": [ "A resource or an argument, used to achieve a purpose", "Any flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc", "A map or chart", "An amusing or entertaining person, often slightly eccentrically so", "A list of scheduled events or of performers or contestants", "A tabular presentation of the key statistics of an innings or match: batsmen's scores and how they were dismissed, extras, total score and bowling figures", "A removable electronic device that may be inserted into a powered electronic device to provide additional capability", "A published note, containing a brief statement, explanation, request, expression of thanks, etc", "A printed programme", "An attraction or inducement", "A paper on which the points of the compass are marked", "the dial or face of the mariner's compass", "A perforated pasteboard or sheet-metal plate for warp threads, making part of the Jacquard apparatus of a loom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "card", "num_translations": 125 }, "card2": { "senses": [ "Material with embedded short wire bristles", "A comb- or brush-like device or tool to raise the nap on a fabric", "A machine for disentangling the fibres of wool prior to spinning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "card", "num_translations": 13 }, "card3": { "senses": [ "To scrape or tear someone's flesh using a metal comb, as a form of torture", "To mix or mingle, as with an inferior or weaker article" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "card", "num_translations": 14 }, "comparison": { "senses": [ "The act of comparing or the state or process of being compared", "An evaluation of the similarities and differences of one or more things relative to some other or each-other", "With a negation, the state of being similar or alike", "The ability of adjectives and adverbs to form three degrees, as in hot, hotter, hottest", "That to which, or with which, a thing is compared, as being equal or like", "illustration", "similitude", "A simile", "The faculty of the reflective group which is supposed to perceive resemblances and contrasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comparison", "num_translations": 141 }, "conscious": { "senses": [ "Alert, awake", "with one's mental faculties active", "Aware of one's own existence", "aware of one's own awareness", "Aware of, sensitive to", "observing and noticing, or being strongly interested in or concerned about", "Deliberate, intentional, done with awareness of what one is doing", "Known or felt personally, internally by a person" ], "antonyms": [ "asleep", "unaware", "unconscious" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conscious", "num_translations": 73 }, "cheap1": { "senses": [ "Low and/or reduced in price", "Of poor quality", "Of little worth", "Underhand or unfair", "Stingy", "mean", "excessively frugal", "Trading at a price level which is low relative to historical trends, a similar asset, or a theoretical value" ], "antonyms": [ "dear", "precious", "rich" ], "synonyms": [ "bargain", "flimsy" ], "word": "cheap", "num_translations": 269 }, "common": { "senses": [ "Mutual", "shared by more than one", "Occurring or happening regularly or frequently", "usual", "Found in large numbers or in a large quantity", "usual", "Simple, ordinary or vulgar", "In some languages, particularly Germanic languages, of the gender originating from the coalescence of the masculine and feminine categories of nouns", "Profane", "polluted", "Given to lewd habits", "prostitute" ], "antonyms": [ "personal", "special", "rare", "exceptional", "technical term" ], "synonyms": [ "mutual", "normal", "widespread", "common-or-garden", "epicene", "appellative", "common parlance" ], "word": "common", "num_translations": 250 }, "common1": { "senses": [ "Mutual good, shared by more than one", "The people", "the community" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "common", "num_translations": 19 }, "chin": { "senses": [ "The bottom of a face, the typically jutting jawline below the mouth", "Talk", "A lie, a falsehood", "The lower part of the front of an aircraft, below the nose", "The bottom part of a mobile phone, below the screen" ], "antonyms": [ "See", "glass jaw" ], "synonyms": [ "mentum" ], "word": "chin", "num_translations": 289 }, "then": { "senses": [ "At that time", "Soon afterward", "Next in order", "in addition", "In that case", "At the same time", "on the other hand", "Used to contradict an assertion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the time", "and then", "and then", "accordingly", "concurrently" ], "word": "then", "num_translations": 380 }, "theory": { "senses": [ "A description of an event or system that is considered to be accurate", "Mental conception", "reflection, consideration", "A coherent statement or set of ideas that explains observed facts or phenomena and correctly predicts new facts or phenomena not previously observed, or which sets out the laws and principles of something known or observed", "a hypothesis confirmed by observation, experiment etc", "The underlying principles or methods of a given technical skill, art etc, as opposed to its practice", "A field of study attempting to exhaustively describe a particular class of constructs", "A hypothesis or conjecture", "A set of axioms together with all statements derivable from them", "or, a set of statements which are deductively closed Equivalently, a formal language plus a set of axioms The statements may be required to all be bound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:supposition" ], "word": "theory", "num_translations": 188 }, "weight": { "senses": [ "The force on an object due to the gravitational attraction between it and the Earth", "An object used to make something heavier", "A standardized block of metal used in a balance to measure the mass of another object", "Importance or influence", "Mass", "synonym of \"mass\"", "Mass", "A variable which multiplies a value for ease of statistical manipulation", "The smallest cardinality of a base", "The boldness of a font", "the relative thickness of its strokes", "The illusion of mass", "The thickness and opacity of paint", "Pressure", "burden", "The resistance against which a machine acts, as opposed to the power which moves it", "Shipments of drugs", "One pound of drugs, especially cannabis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "weight", "num_translations": 230 }, "weight1": { "senses": [ "to make something heavier", "To load, burden or oppress someone", "To bias something", "to slant", "To give a certain amount of force to a throw, kick, hit, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "weight", "num_translations": 28 }, "whistler": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that whistles, or who plays a whistle as a musical instrument", "A bird that whistles", "The whistling marmot", "The goldeneye", "The mountain beaver", "An audio-frequency electromagnetic wave produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning", "A broken-winded horse", "The keeper of a whistling shop, or shebeen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoary marmot" ], "word": "whistler", "num_translations": 11 }, "pledge": { "senses": [ "To make a solemn promise", "To deposit something as a security", "to pawn", "To give assurance of friendship by the act of drinking", "to drink to one's health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pledge", "num_translations": 94 }, "pledge1": { "senses": [ "A solemn promise to do something", "A security to guarantee payment of a debt", "A drinking toast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commitment", "collateral" ], "word": "pledge", "num_translations": 83 }, "attend": { "senses": [ "To listen to", "to pay attention to", "regard", "heed", "To listen", "To turn one's consideration", "to deal with , to look after", "To wait upon as a servant etc", "to accompany to assist", "To be present at in order to take part in some action or proceedings", "to regularly go to", "To go to for some purpose", "To be present with", "to accompany", "to be united or consequent to", "To wait for", "to await", "to remain, abide, or be in store for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "behear", "notice", "bestand", "Thesaurus:wait for" ], "word": "attend", "num_translations": 84 }, "whistle": { "senses": [ "A device designed to be placed in the mouth and blown, or driven by steam or some other mechanism, to make a whistling sound", "An act of whistling", "A shrill, high-pitched sound made by whistling", "Any high-pitched sound similar to the sound made by whistling", "A suit", "The mouth and throat", "so called as being the organs of whistling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whistle", "num_translations": 211 }, "though": { "senses": [ "Despite that", "however", "Used to intensify statements or questions", "indeed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all the same", "anyhow", "anyway", "even so", "in any case", "nevertheless", "nonetheless", "still", "yet", "Thesaurus:nevertheless" ], "word": "though", "num_translations": 60 }, "though1": { "senses": [ "Despite the fact that", "If, that, even if" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "although" ], "word": "though", "num_translations": 56 }, "thing": { "senses": [ "That which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept", "A word, symbol, sign, or other referent that can be used to refer to any entity", "An individual object or distinct entity", "A genuine concept, entity or phenomenon", "The latest fad or fashion", "Clothes, possessions or equipment", "A unit or container, usually containing edible goods", "A problem, dilemma, or complicating factor", "A penis", "A living being or creature", "That which matters", "the crux", "Used after a noun to refer dismissively to the situation surrounding the noun's referent", "That which is favoured", "personal preference", "A public assembly or judicial council in a Germanic country", "A romantic relationship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "item", "Thesaurus:penis", "Thesaurus:predilection" ], "word": "thing", "num_translations": 229 }, "simple": { "senses": [ "Uncomplicated", "taken by itself, with nothing added", "Without ornamentation", "plain", "Free from duplicity", "guileless, innocent, straightforward", "Undistinguished in social condition", "of no special rank", "Trivial", "insignificant", "Feeble-minded", "foolish", "Structurally uncomplicated", "Mere", "not other than", "being only" ], "antonyms": [ "complex", "subtle" ], "synonyms": [ "onefold", "plain", "Thesaurus:easy", "Thesaurus:bare-bones" ], "word": "simple", "num_translations": 198 }, "bubble": { "senses": [ "A spherically contained volume of air or other gas, especially one made from soapy liquid", "A small spherical cavity in a solid material", "Anything resembling a hollow sphere", "An officer's station in a prison dormitory, affording views on all sides", "a dupe", "The emotional and/or physical atmosphere in which the subject is immersed", "a Greek", "A small, hollow, floating bead or globe, formerly used for testing the strength of spirits", "The globule of air in the spirit tube of a level", "Anything lacking firmness or solidity", "a cheat or fraud", "an empty project", "A laugh", "The point in a poker tournament when the last player without a prize loses all their chips and leaves the game, leaving only players that are going to win prizes", "A group of people who are in quarantine together" ], "antonyms": [ "antibubble" ], "synonyms": [ "giraffe", "bubble bath" ], "word": "bubble", "num_translations": 200 }, "bubble1": { "senses": [ "To churn or foment, as if wishing to rise to the surface", "To cheat, delude", "To cry, weep", "To pat a baby on the back so as to cause it to belch", "To cause to feel as if bubbling or churning", "To express in a bubbly or lively manner", "To form into a protruding round shape", "to mark a response on a form by filling in a circular area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bubble", "num_translations": 31 }, "itself": { "senses": [ "it", "A thing as the object of a verb or preposition that also appears as the subject", "it", "used to intensify the subject, especially to emphasize that it is the only participant in the predicate", "it", "used to refer back to an earlier subject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "itself", "num_translations": 73 }, "self1": { "senses": [ "One individual's personality, character, demeanor, or disposition", "The subject of one's own experience of phenomena: perception, emotions, thoughts", "An individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness", "Identity or personality", "A flower having its colour uniform as opposed to variegated", "Any molecule, cell, or tissue of an organism's own , as opposed to a foreign molecule, cell, or tissue" ], "antonyms": [ "nonself" ], "synonyms": [ "cyberself", "herself", "himself", "itself", "myself", "non-self", "one's self", "oneself", "ourselves", "technoself", "themselves", "thyself", "yourself", "yourselves" ], "word": "self", "num_translations": 61 }, "oneself": { "senses": [ "A person's self: general form of himself, herself or yourself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one's self" ], "word": "oneself", "num_translations": 48 }, "himself": { "senses": [ "Him", "the male object of a verb or preposition that also appears as the subject", "He", "used as an intensifier, often to emphasize that the referent is the exclusive participant in the predicate", "The subject or non-reflexive object of a predicate", "The subject or non-reflexive object of a predicate", "he" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hisself" ], "word": "himself", "num_translations": 74 }, "herself": { "senses": [ "Her", "the female object of a verb or preposition that also appears as the subject", "She", "an intensive repetition of the female subject, often used to indicate the exclusiveness of that person as the only satisfier of the predicate", "The subject or non-reflexive object of a predicate", "she" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "herself", "num_translations": 62 }, "bag": { "senses": [ "A flexible container made of cloth, paper, plastic, etc", "A suitcase", "One's preference", "An ugly woman", "The cloth-covered pillow used for first, second, and third base", "First, second, or third base", "A collection of objects, disregarding order, but in which elements may be repeated", "A sac in animal bodies, containing some fluid or other substance", "A pouch tied behind a man's head to hold the back-hair of a wig", "A scrotum", "A unit of measure of cement equal to 94 pounds", "A dark circle under the eye, caused by lack of sleep, drug addiction etc", "A small envelope that contains drugs, especially narcotics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bag", "num_translations": 239 }, "bag1": { "senses": [ "To catch or kill, especially when fishing or hunting", "To gain possession of something, or to make first claim on something", "To bring a woman one met on the street with one", "To laugh uncontrollably", "To criticise sarcastically", "To drop away from the correct course", "To swell with arrogance", "To become pregnant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bag", "num_translations": 55 }, "boat": { "senses": [ "A craft used for transportation of goods, fishing, racing, recreational cruising, or military use on or in the water, propelled by oars or outboard motor or inboard motor or by wind", "A full house" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "craft" ], "word": "boat", "num_translations": 294 }, "body": { "senses": [ "Physical frame", "Main section", "Coherent group", "Material entity", "The shank of a type, or the depth of the shank", "A three-dimensional object, such as a cube or cone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:body", "Thesaurus:corpse" ], "word": "body", "num_translations": 660 }, "button": { "senses": [ "A knob or disc that is passed through a loop or , serving as a fastener", "A mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger in order to open or close an electric circuit or to activate a mechanism", "An on-screen control that can be selected as an activator of an attached function", "A badge worn on clothes, fixed with a pin through the fabric", "A bud", "The head of an unexpanded mushroom", "The clitoris", "The center of the house", "The soft circular tip at the end of a foil", "A plastic disk used to represent the person in last position in a poker game", "A person who acts as a decoy", "A raised pavement marker to further indicate the presence of a pavement marking painted stripe", "A methaqualone tablet", "A piece of wood or metal, usually flat and elongated, turning on a nail or screw, to fasten something, such as a door", "A globule of metal remaining on an assay cupel or in a crucible, after fusion", "A knob", "a small ball", "a small, roundish mass", "A small white blotch on a cat's coat", "A unit of length equal to inch", "The means for initiating a nuclear strike or similar cataclysmic occurrence", "In an instrument of the violin family, the near-semicircular shape extending from the top of the back plate of the instrument, meeting the heel of the neck", "synonym of \"adjuster\"", "The least amount of care or interest", "a whit or jot", "The final joke at the end of a comedic act", "a professional assassin", "The final segment of a rattlesnake's rattle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "button", "num_translations": 353 }, "chance": { "senses": [ "An opportunity or possibility", "Random occurrence", "luck", "The probability of something happening", "What befalls or happens to a person", "their lot or fate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortune" ], "word": "chance", "num_translations": 191 }, "chance3": { "senses": [ "To befall", "to happen to", "To try or risk", "To rob, cheat or swindle someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to pass", "test", "come across", "deceive" ], "word": "chance", "num_translations": 25 }, "bread": { "senses": [ "A foodstuff made by baking dough made from cereals", "Money", "Food", "sustenance", "support of life, in general" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dough" ], "word": "bread", "num_translations": 387 }, "before": { "senses": [ "Earlier than", "In front of in space", "In the presence of", "Under consideration, judgment, authority of", "In store for, in the future of", "In front of, according to a formal system of ordering items", "At a higher or greater position than, in a ranking" ], "antonyms": [ "after", "behind", "after" ], "synonyms": [ "by", "ahead of", "ahead of" ], "word": "before", "num_translations": 251 }, "before1": { "senses": [ "At an earlier time", "In advance", "At the front end" ], "antonyms": [ "after", "behind" ], "synonyms": [ "previously", "ahead", "in front" ], "word": "before", "num_translations": 85 }, "before2": { "senses": [ "In advance of the time when", "Rather or sooner than" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lest" ], "word": "before", "num_translations": 28 }, "basket": { "senses": [ "A lightweight container, generally round, open at the top, and tapering toward the bottom", "In an online shop, a notional place to store items before ordering them", "A circular hoop, from which a net is suspended, which is the goal through which the players try to throw the ball", "A dance movement in some line dances, where men put their arms round the women's lower backs, and the women put their arms over the mens' shoulders, and the group spins round, which should result in the women's feet leaving the ground", "The bulge of the male genitals seen through clothing", "In a stage-coach, two outside seats facing each other", "A protection for the hand on a sword or a singlestick", "a guard of a bladed weapon", "The bell or vase of the Corinthian capital", "Bastard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cart", "cart", "basketball", "Thesaurus:male crotch bulge" ], "word": "basket", "num_translations": 311 }, "condition": { "senses": [ "A requirement or requisite", "A clause in a contract or agreement indicating that a certain contingency may modify the principal obligation in some way", "The health status of a medical patient", "The state or quality", "A particular state of being", "The situation of a person or persons, particularly their social and/or economic class, rank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fettle" ], "word": "condition", "num_translations": 253 }, "condition1": { "senses": [ "To subject to the process of acclimation", "To shape the behaviour of someone to do something", "To contract", "to stipulate", "to agree", "To test or assay, as silk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "condition", "num_translations": 43 }, "complex": { "senses": [ "Made up of multiple parts", "composite", "not simple", "Not simple, easy, or straightforward", "complicated", "Of a number, of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is a square root of \u22121", "A curve, polygon or other figure that crosses or intersects itself" ], "antonyms": [ "basic" ], "synonyms": [ "complicated" ], "word": "complex", "num_translations": 130 }, "complex1": { "senses": [ "A problem", "A network of interconnected systems", "A collection of buildings with a common purpose, such as a university or military base", "An assemblage of related things", "a collection", "A psychological dislike or fear of a particular thing", "An organized cluster of thunderstorms", "A structure consisting of a central atom or molecule weakly connected to surrounding atoms or molecules" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "complex", "num_translations": 57 }, "cruel": { "senses": [ "Intentionally causing or reveling in pain and suffering", "merciless, heartless", "Harsh", "severe", "Cool", "awesome", "neat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cruel", "num_translations": 117 }, "bridge": { "senses": [ "A construction or natural feature that spans a divide", "An arch or superstructure", "A connection, real or abstract", "Any of several electrical devices that measure characteristics such as impedance and inductance by balancing different parts of a circuit", "A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc", "The situation where a lone rider or small group of riders closes the space between them and the rider or group in front", "A solid crust of undissolved salt in a water softener" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bridge", "num_translations": 397 }, "branch": { "senses": [ "The woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing", "A creek or stream which flows into a larger river", "One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance", "A location of an organization with several locations", "A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock", "any descendant in such a line", "A local congregation of the LDS Church that is not large enough to form a ward", "see Wikipedia article on ward in LDS church", "An area in business or of knowledge, research", "A certificate given by Trinity House to a pilot qualified to take navigational control of a ship in British waters", "A sequence of code that is conditionally executed", "A group of related files in a source control system, including for example source code, build scripts, and media such as images" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bough" ], "word": "branch", "num_translations": 341 }, "branch1": { "senses": [ "To divide into separate parts or subdivisions", "To jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "branch", "num_translations": 50 }, "curtain": { "senses": [ "A piece of cloth covering a window, bed, etc to offer privacy and keep out light", "A similar piece of cloth that separates the audience and the stage in a theater", "By extension, the beginning of a show", "The flat area of wall which connects two bastions or towers", "the main area of a fortified wall", "Death", "That part of a wall of a building which is between two pavilions, towers, etc", "A flag", "an ensign" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curtain", "num_translations": 215 }, "curve1": { "senses": [ "A gentle bend, such as in a road", "A simple figure containing no straight portions and no angles", "A continuous map from a one-dimensional space to a multidimensional space", "A one-dimensional figure of non-zero length", "the graph of a continuous map from a one-dimensional space", "a polynomial relation of the planar coordinates", "A one-dimensional continuum", "The attractive shape of a woman's body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curve", "num_translations": 139 }, "curve2": { "senses": [ "To bend", "to crook", "To cause to swerve from a straight course", "To bend or turn gradually from a given direction", "To reject, to turn down romantic advances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curve", "num_translations": 49 }, "coat": { "senses": [ "An outer garment covering the upper torso and armsWp", "A covering of material, such as paintWp", "The fur or feathers covering an animal's skinWp", "Canvas painted with thick tar and secured round a mast or bowsprit to prevent water running down the sides into the hold", "The habit or vesture of an order of men, indicating the order or office", "cloth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coat", "num_translations": 180 }, "beautiful": { "senses": [ "Attractive and possessing beauty", "Pleasant", "clear", "Well executed" ], "antonyms": [ "grotesque", "bad", "average" ], "synonyms": [ "beauteous", "attractive", "cute", "fair", "good-looking", "gorgeous", "sheen", "handsome", "hot", "clear", "excellent", "great", "marvellous", "Thesaurus:beautiful" ], "word": "beautiful", "num_translations": 376 }, "brick": { "senses": [ "A hardened rectangular block of mud, clay etc, used for building", "Considered collectively, as a building material", "A helpful and reliable person", "A shot which misses, particularly one which bounces directly out of the basket because of a too-flat trajectory, as if the ball were a heavier object", "an external power supply consisting of a small box with an integral male power plug and an attached electric cord terminating in another power plug", "An electronic device, especially a heavy box-shaped one, that has become non-functional or obsolete", "A community card which does not improve a player's hand", "One kilo of cocaine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brick", "num_translations": 265 }, "cell": { "senses": [ "A single-room dwelling for a hermit", "A small monastery or nunnery dependent on a larger religious establishment", "A small room in a monastery or nunnery accommodating one person", "A room in a prison or jail for one or more inmates", "Each of the small hexagonal compartments in a honeycomb", "Any of various chambers in a tissue or organism having specific functions", "Specifically, any of the supposed compartments of the brain, formerly thought to be the source of specific mental capacities, knowledge, or memories", "A section or compartment of a larger structure", "Any small dwelling", "a remote nook, a den", "A device which stores electrical power", "used either singly or together in batteries", "the basic unit of a battery", "A small thunderstorm, caused by convection, that forms ahead of a storm front", "A small group of people forming part of a larger organization, often an outlawed one", "A short, fixed-length packet as in asynchronous transfer mode", "A region of radio reception that is a part of a larger radio network", "A three-dimensional facet of a polytope", "The unit in a statistical array where a row and a column intersect", "The space between the ribs of a vaulted roof", "An area of an insect wing bounded by veins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cell" ], "word": "cell", "num_translations": 299 }, "themselves": { "senses": [ "The reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun The group of people, animals or objects previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition", "The reflexive case of they, the third-person singular personal pronoun The single person previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "theirselves", "themself", "theirself", "himself", "herself" ], "word": "themselves", "num_translations": 52 }, "overhear": { "senses": [ "To hear something that was not meant for one's ears" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eavesdrop" ], "word": "overhear", "num_translations": 20 }, "tendency": { "senses": [ "A likelihood of behaving in a particular way or going in a particular direction", "a tending toward", "An organised unit or faction within a larger political organisation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inclination", "disposition", "propensity", "penchant", "trend" ], "word": "tendency", "num_translations": 44 }, "overlay": { "senses": [ "To lay, spread, or apply something over or across", "cover", "To overwhelm", "to press excessively upon", "To lie over in order to smother it", "to suffocate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overlay", "num_translations": 12 }, "overpay": { "senses": [ "To pay too much", "To be more than an ample reward for" ], "antonyms": [ "underpay" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overpay", "num_translations": 15 }, "override": { "senses": [ "To ride across or beyond something", "To ride a horse too hard", "To counteract the normal operation of something", "to countermand with orders of higher priority", "To define a new behaviour of a method by creating the same method of the superclass with the same name and signature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "override", "num_translations": 32 }, "oversee": { "senses": [ "To survey, look at something in a wide angle", "To supervise, guide, review or direct the actions of a person or group", "To inspect, examine", "To fail to see", "to overlook, ignore", "To observe secretly or unintentionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "oversee", "num_translations": 39 }, "oversleep": { "senses": [ "To sleep for longer than intended", "To sleep for longer than one intended", "To sleep beyond , to sleep through" ], "antonyms": [ "undersleep" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "oversleep", "num_translations": 21 }, "overtake": { "senses": [ "To pass a more slowly moving object or entity", "To become greater than something else", "To occur unexpectedly", "take by surprise", "surprise and overcome", "carry away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overtake", "num_translations": 63 }, "sleep": { "senses": [ "To rest in a state of reduced consciousness", "To spin on its axis with no other perceptible motion", "To cause to spin on its axis with no other perceptible motion", "To accommodate in beds", "To be slumbering in", "To be careless, inattentive, or unconcerned", "not to be vigilant", "to live thoughtlessly", "To be dead", "to lie in the grave", "To be, or appear to be, in repose", "to be quiet", "to be unemployed, unused, or unagitated", "to rest", "to lie dormant", "To wait for a period of time without performing any action", "To place into a state of hibernation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sleep", "num_translations": 236 }, "sleep1": { "senses": [ "The state of reduced consciousness during which a human or animal rests in a daily rhythm", "A night", "A state of plants, usually at night, when their leaflets approach each other and the flowers close and droop, or are covered by the folded leaves", "The hibernation of animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sleep", "sleepies", "bed booger", "eye bogey", "eye bogie", "eye booger", "eye crust", "eye goop", "eye gunk", "eye sand", "eye-snot", "eye snot", "sleepy booger" ], "word": "sleep", "num_translations": 241 }, "pay": { "senses": [ "To give money or other compensation to in exchange for goods or services", "To discharge, as a debt or other obligation, by giving or doing what is due or required", "To be profitable for", "To give", "To be profitable or worth the effort", "To discharge an obligation or debt", "To suffer consequences", "To admit that a joke, punchline, etc, was funny" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pay", "num_translations": 214 }, "prove": { "senses": [ "To demonstrate that something is true or viable", "to give proof for", "To turn out", "to manifest", "To turn out to be", "To put to the test, to make trial of", "To ascertain or establish the genuineness or validity of", "to verify", "To experience", "To take a trial impression of", "to take a proof of", "alternative form of \"proof\" to rise", "test the activeness of )" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prove", "num_translations": 100 }, "put": { "senses": [ "To place something somewhere", "To bring or set into a certain relation, state or condition", "To express something in a certain manner", "To throw a heavy iron ball, as a sport", "To steer", "to direct one's course", "to go", "To attach or attribute", "to assign", "To lay down", "to give up", "to surrender", "To set before one for judgment, acceptance, or rejection", "to bring to the attention", "To incite", "to entice", "to urge", "to constrain", "to oblige", "To convey coal in the mine, as for example from the working to the tramway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "put", "num_translations": 198 }, "report": { "senses": [ "To relate details of", "to recount, describe", "To repeat , to retell", "to pass on, convey", "To take oneself for guidance or support", "to appeal", "Formally to notify someone of", "to make notification to relevant authorities", "To make a formal statement, especially of complaint, about", "To show up or appear at an appointed time", "to present oneself", "To be accountable to or subordinate to in a hierarchy", "to receive orders from", "to give official updates to", "To return or present as the result of an examination or consideration of any matter officially referred", "To take minutes of", "to write down from the lips of a speaker", "To refer", "To return or repeat, as sound", "to echo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "report", "num_translations": 100 }, "stay": { "senses": [ "To prop", "support", "sustain", "hold up", "steady", "To support from sinking", "to sustain with strength", "to satisfy in part or for the time", "To stop", "detain", "keep back", "delay", "hinder", "To restrain", "withhold", "check", "stop", "To cause to cease", "to put an end to", "To put off", "defer", "postpone", "delay", "keep back", "To hold the attention of", "To bear up under", "to endure", "to hold out against", "to resist", "To wait for", "await", "To remain for the purpose of", "to wait for", "To rest", "depend", "rely", "To stop", "come to a stand or standstill", "To come to an end", "cease", "To dwell", "linger", "tarry", "wait", "To make a stand", "to stand firm", "To hold out, as in a race or contest", "last or persevere to the end", "To remain in a particular place, especially for a definite or short period of time", "sojourn", "abide", "To wait", "rest in patience or expectation", "To wait as an attendant", "give ceremonious or submissive attendance", "To continue to have a particular quality", "To live", "reside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bear", "Thesaurus:hinder", "curb", "cancel", "Thesaurus:procrastinate", "endure", "await", "Thesaurus:rely", "blin", "cease", "Thesaurus:tarry", "contend", "Thesaurus:persist", "abide", "wait", "attend", "continue", "Thesaurus:reside" ], "word": "stay", "num_translations": 187 }, "stay1": { "senses": [ "Continuance or a period of time spent in a place", "abode for an indefinite time", "sojourn", "A postponement, especially of an execution or other punishment", "A stop", "a halt", "a break or cessation of action, motion, or progress", "A fixed state", "fixedness", "stability", "permanence", "A station or fixed anchorage for vessels", "Restraint of passion", "prudence", "moderation", "caution", "steadiness", "sobriety", "Hindrance", "let", "check" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stay", "num_translations": 37 }, "stay3": { "senses": [ "A strong rope or wire supporting a mast, and leading from one masthead down to some other, or other part of the vessel", "A guy, rope, or wire supporting or stabilizing a platform, such as a bridge, a pole, such as a tentpole, the mast of a derrick, or other structural element", "The transverse piece in a chain-cable link" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mastrope" ], "word": "stay", "num_translations": 11 }, "rebound": { "senses": [ "The recoil of an object bouncing off another", "A return to health or well-being", "a recovery", "An effort to recover from a setback", "A romantic partner with whom one begins a relationship for the sake of getting over a previous, recently-ended romantic relationship", "The strike of the ball after it has bounced off a defending player, the crossbar or goalpost", "An instance of catching the ball after it has hit the rim or backboard without a basket being scored, generally credited to a particular player" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rebound", "num_translations": 33 }, "rebound1": { "senses": [ "To bound or spring back from a force", "To give back an echo", "To jump up or get back up again", "To send back", "to reverberate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rebound", "num_translations": 20 }, "rebuild": { "senses": [ "To build again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reassemble", "reconstruct", "remanufacture" ], "word": "rebuild", "num_translations": 23 }, "capitalism": { "senses": [ "A socio-economic system based on private ownership of resources or capital", "An economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit", "A socio-economic system based on private property rights, including the private ownership of resources or capital, with economic decisions made largely through the operation of a market unregulated by the state", "An economic system based on the abstraction of resources into the form of privately owned capital, with economic decisions made largely through the operation of a market unregulated by the state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "free enterprise" ], "word": "capitalism", "num_translations": 94 }, "democracy": { "senses": [ "Rule by the people, especially as a form of government", "either directly or through elected representatives", "A government under the direct or representative rule of the people of its jurisdiction", "Belief in political freedom and equality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "democratism" ], "word": "democracy", "num_translations": 201 }, "deflation": { "senses": [ "An act or instance of deflating", "A decrease in the general price level, that is, in the nominal cost of goods and services as well as wages", "An economic contraction" ], "antonyms": [ "inflation" ], "synonyms": [ "disinflation", "impoverishment" ], "word": "deflation", "num_translations": 35 }, "rerun": { "senses": [ "A television program shown after its initial presentation \u2014 particularly many weeks after its initial presentation", "a repeat", "Another printing run (impression", "batch of copies of a given edition) of a book, cartoon, etc", "A political candidate who holds the same political agenda or doctrine as a past or incumbent holder of a given political office", "A second or subsequent run of a program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "repeat" ], "word": "rerun", "num_translations": 14 }, "southchinasea": { "senses": [ "The western arm of the Pacific Ocean, between the Asian mainland and Taiwan, Borneo and the Philippines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "East Sea", "West Philippine Sea" ], "word": "SouthChinaSea", "num_translations": 57 }, "ride": { "senses": [ "To transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, later also a bicycle etc", "To be transported in a vehicle", "to travel as a passenger", "To transport in a vehicle", "Of a ship: to sail, to float on the water", "To be carried or supported by something lightly and quickly", "to travel in such a way, as though on horseback", "To traverse by riding", "To convey, as by riding", "to make or do by riding", "to move under the saddle", "To mount to have sex with them", "to have sexual intercourse with", "To nag or criticize", "to annoy", "Of clothing: to gradually move and crease", "to ruckle", "To rely, depend", "Of clothing: to rest", "To play defense on the defensemen or midfielders, as an attackman", "To manage insolently at will", "to domineer over", "To overlap", "said of bones or fractured fragments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "do it" ], "word": "ride", "num_translations": 184 }, "ride1": { "senses": [ "An instance of riding", "A vehicle", "An amusement ridden at a fair or amusement park", "A lift given to someone in another person's vehicle", "A road or avenue cut in a wood, for riding", "a bridleway or other wide country path", "A saddle horse", "A person that is visually attractive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ride", "num_translations": 74 }, "ring": { "senses": [ "A solid object in the shape of a circle", "A group of objects arranged in a circle", "A place where some sports or exhibitions take place", "hence the field of a political contest", "An exclusive group of people, usually involving some unethical or illegal practices", "A group of atoms linked by bonds to form a closed chain in a molecule", "A planar geometrical figure included between two concentric circles", "A diacritical mark in the shape of a hollow circle placed above or under the letter", "a krou\u017eek", "An old English measure of corn equal to the coomb or half a quarter", "A hierarchical level of privilege in a computer system, usually at hardware level, used to protect data and functionality", "Either of the pair of clamps used to hold a telescopic sight to a rifle", "The twenty-fifth Lenormand card" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ring", "num_translations": 385 }, "ring1": { "senses": [ "To enclose or surround", "To make an incision around", "to girdle", "To rise in the air spirally", "To steal and change the identity of in order to resell them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ring", "num_translations": 22 }, "ring2": { "senses": [ "The resonant sound of a bell, or a sound resembling it", "A pleasant or correct sound", "A sound or appearance that is characteristic of something", "A telephone call", "Any loud sound", "the sound of numerous voices", "a sound continued, repeated, or reverberated", "A chime, or set of bells harmonically tuned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ring", "num_translations": 34 }, "ring3": { "senses": [ "Of a bell, etc, to produce a resonant sound", "To make produce a resonant sound", "To produce the sound of a bell or a similar sound", "Of something spoken or written, to appear to be, to seem, to sound", "To telephone", "to resound, reverberate, echo", "To produce music with bells", "To repeat often, loudly, or earnestly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ring", "num_translations": 140 }, "rung": { "senses": [ "A crosspiece forming a step of a ladder", "a round", "A crosspiece between legs of a chair", "A position in a hierarchy", "A floor timber in a ship", "One of the stakes of a cart", "a spar", "a heavy staff", "One of the radial handles projecting from the rim of a steering wheel", "One of the pins or trundles of a lantern wheel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rung", "num_translations": 55 }, "parasol": { "senses": [ "A small light umbrella used as protection from the sun", "A miniature paper umbrella used as a decoration in tropical-themed cocktails", "A roof or covering of a structure designed to provide cover from wind, rain, or sun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sunshade" ], "word": "parasol", "num_translations": 54 }, "rise": { "senses": [ "To move, or appear to move, physically upwards relative to the ground", "To increase in value or standing", "To begin", "to develop", "To go up", "to ascend", "to climb", "To cause to go up or ascend", "To retire", "to give up a siege", "To come", "to offer itself", "To be lifted, or capable of being lifted, from the imposing stone without dropping any of the type", "said of a form" ], "antonyms": [ "descend", "set", "be reduced", "decrease", "drop", "fall", "go down" ], "synonyms": [ "climb", "arise", "come back from the dead", "climb" ], "word": "rise", "num_translations": 199 }, "rise1": { "senses": [ "The process of or an action or instance of moving upwards or becoming greater", "The process of or an action or instance of coming to prominence", "An increase", "The amount of material extending from waist to crotch in a pair of trousers or shorts", "An increase in someone's pay rate", "a raise", "A small hill", "used chiefly in place names", "An area of terrain that tends upward away from the viewer, such that it conceals the region behind it", "a slope", "An angry reaction" ], "antonyms": [ "fall" ], "synonyms": [ "raise" ], "word": "rise", "num_translations": 60 }, "run": { "senses": [ "To move swiftly", "To flow", "To sail before the wind, in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled", "To carry out an activity", "To extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time", "To execute or carry out a plan, procedure or program", "To pass or go quickly in thought or conversation", "To become different in a way mentioned", "To cost a large amount of money", "Of stitches or stitched clothing, to unravel", "To pursue in thought", "to carry in contemplation", "To cause to enter", "to thrust", "To drive or force", "to cause, or permit, to be driven", "To cause to be drawn", "to mark out", "to indicate", "to determine", "To encounter or incur", "To put at hazard", "to venture", "to risk", "To tease with sarcasms and ridicule", "To sew by passing the needle through material in a continuous line, generally taking a series of stitches on the needle at the same time", "To control or have precedence in a card game", "To be in form thus, as a combination of words", "To be popularly known", "to be generally received", "To have growth or development", "To tend, as to an effect or consequence", "to incline", "To have a legal course", "to be attached", "to continue in force, effect, or operation", "to follow", "to go in company", "To encounter or suffer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extend", "go", "lead", "hunt", "hunt down", "hurry", "pass", "track down", "travel", "speed" ], "word": "run", "num_translations": 413 }, "run1": { "senses": [ "Act or instance of hurrying", "dash or errand, trip", "A pleasure trip", "Flight, instance or period of fleeing", "Migration", "A group of fish that migrate, or ascend a river for the purpose of spawning", "A single trip down a hill, as in skiing and bobsledding", "A trip or route", "The distance sailed by a ship", "A voyage", "An enclosure for an animal", "a track or path along which something can travel", "State of being current", "currency", "popularity", "A continuous period marked by a trend", "a period marked by a continuing trend", "A sequence of cards in a suit in a card game", "A rapid passage in music, especially along a scale", "A trial", "A flow of liquid", "a leak", "A small creek or part thereof", "A production quantity", "The period of showing of a play, film, TV series, etc", "A quick pace, faster than a walk", "A sudden series of demands on a bank or other financial institution, especially characterised by great withdrawals", "Any sudden large demand for something", "The top of a step on a staircase, also called a tread, as opposed to the rise", "The horizontal length of a set of stairs", "A standard or unexceptional group or category", "the point scored for this", "The act of passing from one wicket to another", "the point scored for this", "A gain of a distance", "A line of knit stitches that have unravelled, particularly in a nylon stocking", "The stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve upward and inward", "Horizontal dimension of a slope", "The horizontal distance to which a drift may be carried, either by licence of the proprietor of a mine or by the nature of the formation", "also, the direction which a vein of ore or other substance takes", "A pair or set of millstones", "The execution of a program or model", "A playthrough", "A period of extended drug use", "The distance a ball travels after touching the ground from a stroke" ], "antonyms": [ "rise", "rise" ], "synonyms": [ "tread", "ladder", "execute", "Thesaurus:walk" ], "word": "run", "num_translations": 167 }, "saw2": { "senses": [ "Something spoken", "speech, discourse", "A saying or proverb", "Opinion, idea, belief", "Proposal, suggestion", "possibility", "Dictate", "command", "decree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "saw", "num_translations": 32 }, "seek": { "senses": [ "To try to find", "to look for", "to search for", "To ask for", "to solicit", "to beseech", "To try to acquire or gain", "to strive after", "to aim at", "To go, move, travel", "To try to reach or come to", "to go to", "to resort to", "To attempt, endeavour, try", "To navigate through a stream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "look for", "search" ], "word": "seek", "num_translations": 134 }, "sell": { "senses": [ "To transfer goods or provide services in exchange for money", "To be sold", "To promote a product or service", "To promote a particular viewpoint", "To betray for money", "To trick, cheat, or manipulate someone", "To pretend that an opponent's blows or maneuvers are causing legitimate injury", "to act" ], "antonyms": [ "buy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sell", "num_translations": 171 }, "set": { "senses": [ "To put down, to rest", "To attach or affix to something else, or in or upon a certain place", "To put in a specified condition or state", "to cause to be", "To start", "To cause to stop or stick", "to obstruct", "to fasten to a spot", "To adjust", "To punch into wood so that its head is below the surface", "To introduce or describe", "To locate", "to assign a backdrop to", "To compile, to make", "To prepare", "To fit up in a situation", "To arrange", "To devise and assign to", "To direct to a teammate for an attack", "To solidify", "To render stiff or solid", "especially, to convert into curd", "to curdle", "Of a heavenly body, to disappear below the horizon of a planet, etc, as the latter rotates", "To defeat a contract", "To begin to move", "to go forth", "To produce after pollination", "To be fixed for growth", "to strike root", "to begin to germinate or form", "To sit", "Of a dog, to indicate the position of game", "To apply oneself", "to undertake earnestly", "To fit music to words", "To place plants or shoots in the ground", "to plant", "To become fixed or rigid", "to be fastened", "To have a certain direction of motion", "to flow", "to move on", "to tend", "To acknowledge a dancing partner by facing him or her and moving first to one side and then to the other, while she or he does the opposite", "To put in order in a particular manner", "to prepare", "To extend and bring into position", "to spread", "To give a pitch to, as a tune", "to start by fixing the keynote", "To reduce from a dislocated or fractured state", "To lower into place and fix solidly, as the blocks of cut stone in a structure", "To wager in gambling", "to risk", "To adorn with something infixed or affixed", "to stud", "to variegate with objects placed here and there", "To value", "to rate", "used with at", "To establish as a rule", "to furnish", "to prescribe", "to assign", "To suit", "to become" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "set", "num_translations": 418 }, "set1": { "senses": [ "A device for receiving broadcast radio waves", "a radio or television", "The amount the teeth of a saw protrude to the side in order to create the kerf", "That which is staked", "a wager", "hence, a gambling game", "Permanent change of shape caused by excessive strain, as from compression, tension, bending, twisting, etc", "A bias of mind", "an attitude or pattern of behaviour", "A piece placed temporarily upon the head of a pile when the latter cannot otherwise be reached by the weight, or hammer", "The width of the body of a type", "A young oyster when first attached", "Collectively, the crop of young oysters in any locality", "A series or group of something", "fit", "The pattern of a tartan, etc", "The camber of a curved roofing tile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "set", "num_translations": 46 }, "set2": { "senses": [ "Fixed in position", "Rigid, solidified", "Ready, prepared", "Intent, determined", "Prearranged", "Fixed in one's opinion", "Fixed in a certain style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "determined", "dictated", "fixed" ], "word": "set", "num_translations": 103 }, "set3": { "senses": [ "a slip", "shoot", "A rudimentary fruit", "the close of the day", "General movement", "direction", "drift", "tendency", "A matching collection of similar things", "A collection of various objects for a particular purpose", "An object made up of several parts", "A collection of zero or more objects, possibly infinite in size, and disregarding any order or repetition of the objects which may be contained within it", "A group of people, usually meeting socially", "The scenery for a film or play", "The initial or basic formation of dancers", "A group of repetitions of a single exercise performed one after the other without rest", "A complete series of games, forming part of a match", "A complete series of points, forming part of a match", "The act of directing the ball to a teammate for an attack", "A musical performance by a band, disc jockey, etc, consisting of several musical pieces", "A class group in a subject where pupils are divided by ability", "Three of a kind, especially if two cards are in one's hand and the third is on the board Compare trips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dusk", "direction", "suite", "set theory", "club", "scenery", "gig", "drum", "three of a kind" ], "word": "set", "num_translations": 219 }, "sew": { "senses": [ "To use a needle to pass thread repeatedly through in order to join them together", "To use a needle to pass thread repeatedly through pieces of fabric in order to join them together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stitch" ], "word": "sew", "num_translations": 153 }, "shake": { "senses": [ "To cause to move rapidly in opposite directions alternatingly", "To move from side to side, especially to indicate refusal, reluctance or disapproval", "To move or remove by agitating", "to throw off by a jolting or vibrating motion", "To disturb emotionally", "to shock", "To lose, evade, or get rid of", "To move from side to side", "To dance", "To give a tremulous tone to", "to trill", "To threaten to overthrow", "To be agitated", "to lose firmness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shake", "num_translations": 199 }, "shake1": { "senses": [ "tremulous or back-and-forth motion", "A beverage made by adding ice cream to a drink", "a float", "A thin shingle", "A crack or split between the growth rings in wood", "A fissure in rock or earth", "A basic wooden shingle made from split logs, traditionally used for roofing etc", "Instant, second", "One of the staves of a hogshead or barrel taken apart", "A rapid alternation of a principal tone with another represented on the next degree of the staff above or below it", "a trill", "A shook of staves and headings", "The redshank, so called from the nodding of its head while on the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shake", "num_translations": 41 }, "shear": { "senses": [ "To remove the fleece from a sheep etc by clipping", "To deform because of forces pushing in opposite directions", "To transform by displacing every point in a direction parallel to some given line by a distance proportional to the point's distance from the line", "To make a vertical cut in the coal", "To reap, as grain", "To deprive of property", "to fleece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shear", "num_translations": 115 }, "shear1": { "senses": [ "A cutting tool similar to scissors, but often larger", "Forces that push in opposite directions", "A transformation that displaces every point in a direction parallel to some given line by a distance proportional to the point's distance from the line", "The response of a rock to deformation usually by compressive stress, resulting in particular textures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shear", "num_translations": 27 }, "shed": { "senses": [ "To part, separate or divide", "To part with, separate from, leave off", "cast off, let fall, be divested of", "To pour", "to make flow", "To allow to flow or fall", "To radiate, cast, give off", "To pour forth, give off, impart", "To fall in drops", "to pour", "To sprinkle", "to intersperse", "to cover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shed", "num_translations": 113 }, "shed2": { "senses": [ "A slight or temporary structure built to shade or shelter something", "a structure usually open in front", "an outbuilding", "a hut", "A large temporary open structure for reception of goods", "An automobile which is old, worn-out, slow, or otherwise of poor quality", "A British Rail Class 66 locomotive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shed", "num_translations": 110 }, "shine": { "senses": [ "To emit light", "To reflect light", "To distinguish oneself", "to excel", "To be effulgent in splendour or beauty", "To be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished", "to exhibit brilliant intellectual powers", "To be immediately apparent", "To create light with", "To make bright" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beam", "gleam", "excel", "wax" ], "word": "shine", "num_translations": 191 }, "shine1": { "senses": [ "Brightness from a source of light", "Brightness from reflected light", "Excellence in quality or appearance", "splendour", "illicitly brewed alcoholic drink", "The amount of shininess on a cricket ball, or on each side of the ball", "A liking for a person", "a fancy", "A caper", "an antic", "a row" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "effulgence", "luster", "brilliance", "See", "shoeshine", "See", "sunshine", "See", "moonshine" ], "word": "shine", "num_translations": 66 }, "shine2": { "senses": [ "polish", "To polish a cricket ball using saliva and one's clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polish" ], "word": "shine", "num_translations": 26 }, "allege": { "senses": [ "To state under oath, to plead", "To cite or quote an author or his work for or against", "To adduce as a reason, excuse, support etc", "To make a claim as justification or proof", "to make an assertion without proof" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "allege", "num_translations": 38 }, "ambivalent": { "senses": [ "Simultaneously experiencing or expressing opposing or contradictory feelings, beliefs, or motivations", "Alternately having one opinion or feeling, and then the opposite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conflicted", "vacillating" ], "word": "ambivalent", "num_translations": 39 }, "anomaly": { "senses": [ "A deviation from a rule or from what is regarded as normal", "an outlier", "Something or someone that is strange or unusual", "Any event or measurement that is out of the ordinary regardless of whether it is exceptional or not", "Any of various angular distances", "A defect or malformation", "A failure of a classical symmetry due to quantum corrections", "An irregularity or disproportion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anomaly", "num_translations": 97 }, "arbitrary": { "senses": [ "Based on individual discretion or judgment", "not based on any objective distinction, perhaps even made at random", "Determined by impulse rather than reason", "heavy-handed", "Any, out of all that are possible", "Determined by independent arbiter", "Not representative or symbolic", "not iconic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "arbitrary", "num_translations": 143 }, "asylum": { "senses": [ "A place of safety", "The protection, physical and legal, afforded by such a place", "A place of protection or restraint for one or more classes of the disadvantaged, especially the mentally ill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sanctuary", "shelter" ], "word": "asylum", "num_translations": 121 }, "bourgeois": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the middle class, their presumed overly conventional, conservative, and materialistic values", "Of or relating to the capitalist class, the capitalist exploitation of the proletariat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "square" ], "word": "bourgeois", "num_translations": 41 }, "bourgeois1": { "senses": [ "The middle class", "An individual member of the middle class", "A capitalist, an exploiter of the proletariat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bourgeois", "num_translations": 35 }, "bourgeois3": { "senses": [ "A size of type between brevier and long primer, standardized as 9-point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "galliard" ], "word": "bourgeois", "num_translations": 10 }, "browse": { "senses": [ "To scan, to casually look through in order to find items of interest, especially without knowledge of what to look for beforehand", "To move about while sampling, such as with food or products on display", "To move about while eating parts of plants, especially plants other than pasture, such as shrubs or trees", "To feed on, as pasture", "to pasture on", "to graze" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "browse", "num_translations": 93 }, "candor": { "senses": [ "Whiteness", "brilliance", "purity", "The state of being sincere and open in speech", "honesty in expression", "Impartiality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "candor", "num_translations": 46 }, "capricious": { "senses": [ "Impulsive and unpredictable", "determined by chance, impulse, or whim" ], "antonyms": [ "conscientious", "rigorous" ], "synonyms": [ "whimsical", "arbitrary" ], "word": "capricious", "num_translations": 51 }, "circuitous": { "senses": [ "Not direct or to the point", "Of a long and winding route" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indirect", "roundabout", "roundabout", "tortuous" ], "word": "circuitous", "num_translations": 24 }, "cogent": { "senses": [ "Reasonable and convincing", "based on evidence", "Appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning", "Forcefully persuasive", "relevant, pertinent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cogent", "num_translations": 58 }, "congregation": { "senses": [ "The act of congregating or collecting together", "A corporate body whose members gather for worship, or the members of such a body", "Any large gathering of people", "A group of eagles", "The main body of university staff, comprising academics, administrative staff, heads of colleges, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "congregation", "num_translations": 70 }, "filibuster": { "senses": [ "A mercenary soldier", "a freebooter", "specifically, a mercenary who travelled illegally in an organized group from the United States to a country in Central America or the Spanish West Indies in the mid-19th century seeking economic and political benefits through armed force", "A tactic employed to delay the proceedings of, or the making of a decision by, a legislative body, particularly the United States Senate", "A member of a legislative body causing such an obstruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mercenary" ], "word": "filibuster", "num_translations": 27 }, "dupe": { "senses": [ "A person who has been deceived" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dupe" ], "word": "dupe", "num_translations": 26 }, "empirical": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or based on experience", "Pertaining to, derived from, or testable by observations made using the physical senses or using instruments which extend the senses", "Verifiable by means of scientific experimentation" ], "antonyms": [ "nonempirical", "anecdotal" ], "synonyms": [ "empiric" ], "word": "empirical", "num_translations": 55 }, "emulate": { "senses": [ "To attempt to equal or be the same as", "To copy or imitate, especially a person", "To feel a rivalry with", "to be jealous of, to envy", "of a program or device: to imitate another program or device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "emulate", "num_translations": 33 }, "engender": { "senses": [ "To beget", "to bear or conceive", "To give existence to, to produce", "To bring into existence", "to give rise to, cause, create", "To assume form", "to come into existence", "to be caused or produced", "To copulate, to have sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beget", "conjure", "create", "produce", "make", "craft", "manufacture", "invent", "assemble", "generate", "do it" ], "word": "engender", "num_translations": 38 }, "euphoria": { "senses": [ "An excited state of joy", "a feeling of intense happiness" ], "antonyms": [ "dysphoria", "bad trip" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "euphoria", "num_translations": 36 }, "fortuitous": { "senses": [ "Happening by chance", "coincidental, accidental", "Happening by a lucky chance", "lucky or fortunate", "Happening independently of human will" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by accident", "happy" ], "word": "fortuitous", "num_translations": 44 }, "freight": { "senses": [ "Payment for transportation", "Goods or items in transport", "Transport of goods", "Cultural or emotional associations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cargo", "luggage" ], "word": "freight", "num_translations": 61 }, "gregarious": { "senses": [ "Describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing", "Of animals that travel in herds or packs" ], "antonyms": [ "ungregarious", "nongregarious" ], "synonyms": [ "outgoing" ], "word": "gregarious", "num_translations": 55 }, "impetuous": { "senses": [ "Making arbitrary decisions, especially in an impulsive and forceful manner", "Characterized by sudden violence or vehemence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impulsive", "hasty", "rash", "hotheaded" ], "word": "impetuous", "num_translations": 82 }, "inconsequential": { "senses": [ "Having no consequence", "not consequential", "of little importance", "Not logically following from the premises" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unimportant", "negligible", "trivial", "trifling", "Thesaurus:insignificant" ], "word": "inconsequential", "num_translations": 14 }, "increment": { "senses": [ "The action of increasing or becoming greater", "The waxing of the moon", "The amount of increase", "An amplification without strict climax, as in the following passage: \"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things\"", "The amount of time added to a player's clock after each move", "A syllable in excess of the number of the nominative singular or the second-person singular present indicative" ], "antonyms": [ "decrement" ], "synonyms": [ "enlargement", "addition" ], "word": "increment", "num_translations": 24 }, "jubilant": { "senses": [ "In a state of elation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delighted" ], "word": "jubilant", "num_translations": 11 }, "longevity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being long-lasting, especially of life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "permanence" ], "word": "longevity", "num_translations": 40 }, "mollify": { "senses": [ "To ease a burden, particularly worry", "make less painful", "to comfort", "To appease , pacify, gain the good will of", "To soften", "to make tender" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assuage", "appease", "Thesaurus:calm" ], "word": "mollify", "num_translations": 15 }, "ominous": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to an omen or to omens", "being or exhibiting an omen", "significant", "Specifically, giving indication of a coming ill", "being an evil omen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "portentous", "threatening" ], "word": "ominous", "num_translations": 69 }, "ponderous": { "senses": [ "Heavy, massive, weighty", "Serious, onerous, oppressive", "Clumsy, unwieldy, or slow, especially due to weight", "Dull, boring, tedious", "long-winded in expression", "Characterized by or associated with pondering", "Dense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heavy", "oppressive" ], "word": "ponderous", "num_translations": 43 }, "procrastination": { "senses": [ "The act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially habitually or intentionally" ], "antonyms": [ "precrastination" ], "synonyms": [ "deferral" ], "word": "procrastination", "num_translations": 47 }, "pugnacious": { "senses": [ "Naturally aggressive or hostile", "combative", "belligerent", "bellicose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:combative" ], "word": "pugnacious", "num_translations": 35 }, "volatile": { "senses": [ "evaporating or vaporizing readily under normal conditions", "explosive", "variable or erratic", "quick to become angry or violent", "fickle", "temporary or ephemeral", "potentially violent", "having its associated memory immediately updated with any changes in value", "whose content is lost when the computer is powered down", "Passing through the air on wings, or by the buoyant force of the atmosphere", "flying", "having the power to fly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ephemeral" ], "word": "volatile", "num_translations": 100 }, "repeal": { "senses": [ "To cancel, invalidate, annul", "To recall", "to summon again", "to bring back from exile or banishment", "To suppress", "to repel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annul" ], "word": "repeal", "num_translations": 31 }, "sedentary": { "senses": [ "Not moving", "relatively still", "staying in the vicinity", "Living in a fixed geographical location", "the opposite of nomadic", "Not moving much", "sitting around", "inactive", "motionless", "sluggish", "tranquil", "Caused by long sitting" ], "antonyms": [ "migratory", "active", "active" ], "synonyms": [ "immobile", "settled", "chairborne", "abeyant" ], "word": "sedentary", "num_translations": 47 }, "simulate": { "senses": [ "To model, replicate, duplicate the behavior, appearance or properties of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:imitate" ], "word": "simulate", "num_translations": 24 }, "spurious": { "senses": [ "False, not authentic, not genuine", "Extraneous", "stray", "not relevant or wanted", "bastardly, illegitimate" ], "antonyms": [ "genuine" ], "synonyms": [ "counterfeit", "Thesaurus:fake", "Thesaurus:illegitimate" ], "word": "spurious", "num_translations": 64 }, "stevedore": { "senses": [ "A dockworker involved in loading and unloading cargo, or in supervising such work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "docker", "dockworker", "longshoreman", "wharfie" ], "word": "stevedore", "num_translations": 34 }, "tout": { "senses": [ "Someone advertising for customers in an aggressive way", "A person, at a racecourse, who offers supposedly inside information on which horse is likely to win", "A spy for a smuggler, thief, or similar", "An informer in the Irish Republican Army" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barker" ], "word": "tout", "num_translations": 19 }, "tout1": { "senses": [ "To flaunt, to publicize/publicise", "to boast or brag", "to promote", "To look upon or watch", "To spy out information about", "To give a tip on to a person, with the expectation of sharing in any winnings", "To spy out the movements of racehorses at their trials, or to get by stealth or other improper means the secrets of the stable, for betting purposes", "to give a tip on a racehorse", "To look for, try to obtain", "used with for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pimp", "pitch", "promote", "spruik" ], "word": "tout", "num_translations": 22 }, "ambiguous": { "senses": [ "Open to multiple interpretations", "Vague and unclear", "Hesitant", "uncertain", "not taking sides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ambiguous", "num_translations": 103 }, "adulation": { "senses": [ "Flattery", "fulsome praise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:flattery" ], "word": "adulation", "num_translations": 17 }, "anachronistic": { "senses": [ "Erroneous in date", "containing an anachronism", "in a wrong time", "not applicable to or not appropriate for the time", "Having opinions from the past", "preferring things or values of the past", "behind the times", "overly conservative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anachronous", "outdated", "behind the times" ], "word": "anachronistic", "num_translations": 44 }, "contemporary": { "senses": [ "From the same time period, coexistent in time", "Modern, of the present age" ], "antonyms": [ "anachronistic", "archaic" ], "synonyms": [ "contemporaneous", "current" ], "word": "contemporary", "num_translations": 126 }, "carp1": { "senses": [ "To complain about a fault", "to harp on", "To say", "to tell", "To find fault with", "to censure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "carp", "num_translations": 11 }, "curtail": { "senses": [ "To cut short the tail of an animal", "To shorten or abridge the duration of something", "to truncate", "To limit or restrict, keep in check" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crop", "abbreviate", "behedge" ], "word": "curtail", "num_translations": 80 }, "denigrate": { "senses": [ "To criticise so as to besmirch", "traduce, disparage or defame", "To treat as worthless", "belittle, degrade or disparage", "To blacken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "denigrate", "num_translations": 92 }, "disdain": { "senses": [ "A feeling of contempt or scorn", "The state of being despised", "shame" ], "antonyms": [ "adoration", "admiration", "honor", "respect", "reverence" ], "synonyms": [ "abomination", "condescension", "contempt", "despisal", "scorn", "Thesaurus:contempt" ], "word": "disdain", "num_translations": 56 }, "disdain1": { "senses": [ "To regard with strong contempt", "To be indignant or offended" ], "antonyms": [ "adore", "admire", "honor", "respect", "revere" ], "synonyms": [ "abominate", "contemn", "Thesaurus:despise" ], "word": "disdain", "num_translations": 48 }, "dogged1": { "senses": [ "stubbornly persevering, steadfast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "committed", "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "dogged", "num_translations": 26 }, "dogmatic": { "senses": [ "Adhering only to principles which are true a priori, rather than truths based on evidence or deduction", "Pertaining to dogmas", "doctrinal", "Asserting dogmas or beliefs in a superior or arrogant way", "opinionated, dictatorial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dogmatic", "num_translations": 25 }, "interest": { "senses": [ "The price paid for obtaining, or price received for providing, money or goods in a credit transaction, calculated as a fraction of the amount or value of what was borrowed", "Any excess over and above an exact equivalent", "A great attention and concern from someone or something", "intellectual curiosity", "Attention that is given to or received from someone or something", "An involvement, claim, right, share, stake in or link with a financial, business, or other undertaking or endeavor", "Condition or quality of exciting concern or being of importance", "Injury, or compensation for injury", "damages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cost of money" ], "word": "interest", "num_translations": 216 }, "interest1": { "senses": [ "To engage the attention of", "to excite emotion or passion in, in behalf of a person or thing", "To be concerned with or engaged in", "to affect", "to concern", "to excite", "To cause or permit to share" ], "antonyms": [ "bore", "disinterest" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "interest", "num_translations": 53 }, "shoot": { "senses": [ "To launch a projectile", "To move or act quickly or suddenly", "To act or achieve", "To measure the distance and direction to", "To inject a drug intravenously", "To develop, move forward", "To protrude", "to jut", "to project", "to extend", "To plane straight", "to fit by planing", "To variegate as if by sprinkling or intermingling", "to color in spots or patchesW" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shoot", "num_translations": 202 }, "shoot1": { "senses": [ "The emerging stem and embryonic leaves of a new plant", "A photography session", "An event that is unscripted or legitimate", "the discharge of a missile", "a shot", "A rush of water", "a rapid", "A weft thread shot through the shed by the shuttle", "a pick", "A shoat", "a young pig", "A vein of ore running in the same general direction as the lode", "An inclined plane, either artificial or natural, down which timber, coal, ore, etc, are caused to slide", "a chute", "The act of taking all point cards in one hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shoot", "num_translations": 51 }, "shoot2": { "senses": [ "A mild expletive, expressing disbelief or disdain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "darn" ], "word": "shoot", "num_translations": 16 }, "shot": { "senses": [ "Worn out or broken", "Woven from warp and weft strands of different colours, resulting in an iridescent appearance", "Tired, weary", "Discharged, cleared, or rid of something", "Scarred silly or crazy of something or someone usually due to a traumatic experience with said fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shot", "num_translations": 25 }, "shot1": { "senses": [ "The result of launching a projectile or bullet", "The act of launching a ball or similar object toward a goal", "Small metal balls used as ammunition", "Metal balls used as ammunition", "not necessarily small", "Someone who shoots regularly", "An opportunity or attempt", "A remark or comment, especially one which is critical or insulting", "A punch or other physical blow", "1 fluid ounce)", "A single serving of espresso", "A reckoning, a share of a tavern bill, etc", "an unedited sequence of frames", "A vaccination or injection", "A home run that scores one, two, or three runs", "Written documentation of a behavior infraction", "A cast of one or more nets", "A place or spot for setting nets", "A single draft or catch of fish made" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shot", "num_translations": 173 }, "show": { "senses": [ "To display, to have somebody see", "To bestow", "to confer", "To indicate to be true", "to demonstrate", "To guide or escort", "To be visible", "to be seen", "to appear", "To put in an appearance", "To have an enlarged belly and thus be recognizable as pregnant", "To finish third, especially of horses or dogs", "To have a certain appearance, such as well or ill, fit or unfit", "to become or suit", "to appear" ], "antonyms": [ "conceal", "disprove" ], "synonyms": [ "display", "demonstrate", "arrive" ], "word": "show", "num_translations": 231 }, "show1": { "senses": [ "A play, dance, or other entertainment", "An exhibition of items", "A demonstration", "A broadcast program/programme", "A movie", "A project or presentation", "Mere display or pomp with no substance", "Outward appearance", "wileful or deceptive appearance", "The major leagues", "A pale blue flame at the top of a candle flame, indicating the presence of firedamp", "Pretence", "Sign, token, or indication", "Semblance", "likeness", "appearance", "Plausibility", "A discharge, from the vagina, of mucus streaked with blood, occurring a short time before labor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exhibition", "demonstration", "program", "fa\u00e7ade", "big leagues" ], "word": "show", "num_translations": 178 }, "shut": { "senses": [ "To close, to stop from being open", "To close, to stop being open", "To close a business temporarily, or to be closed", "To confine in an enclosed area", "To preclude", "to exclude", "to bar out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shut", "num_translations": 127 }, "sit": { "senses": [ "To remain in a state of repose", "to rest", "to abide", "To be a member of a deliberative body", "Of a legislative or, especially, a judicial body such as a court, to be in session", "To lie, rest, or bear", "to press or weigh", "To be adjusted", "to fit", "To be accepted or acceptable", "to work", "to furnish a seat to", "To accommodate in seats", "to seat", "To take, to undergo or complete", "To cover and warm eggs for hatching, as a fowl", "to brood", "to incubate", "to have direction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be seated", "be seated", "be", "be accepted", "be welcomed", "be well received", "seat" ], "word": "sit", "num_translations": 210 }, "slay": { "senses": [ "To kill, murder", "To eradicate or stamp out", "To defeat, overcome", "To delight or overwhelm, especially with laughter", "To amaze, stun or otherwise incapacitate by awesomeness", "to be awesome at something", "to kill", "to have sex with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kill", "conquer", "kill", "coitize" ], "word": "slay", "num_translations": 51 }, "slew1": { "senses": [ "To rotate or turn something about its axis", "To veer a vehicle", "To insert extra ticks or skip some ticks of a clock to slowly correct its time", "To pivot", "To skid", "to move something sideways", "To make a public mockery of someone through insult or wit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slew", "num_translations": 12 }, "slide": { "senses": [ "To move in continuous contact with a surface", "To move on a low-friction surface", "To drop down and skid into a base", "To lose one's balance on a slippery surface", "To pass or put imperceptibly", "to slip", "To pass inadvertently", "To pass along smoothly or unobservedly", "to move gently onward without friction or hindrance", "To pass from one note to another with no perceptible cessation of sound", "To pass out of one's thought as not being of any consequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slide", "num_translations": 117 }, "slide1": { "senses": [ "The falling of large amounts of rubble, earth and stones down the slope of a hill or mountain", "avalanche", "The act of sliding", "smooth, even passage or progress", "A lever that can be moved in two directions", "A valve that works by sliding, such as in a trombone", "A transparent plate bearing an image to be projected to a screen", "A page of a computer presentation package such as PowerPoint", "The act of dropping down and skidding into a base", "A lively dance from County Kerry, in 12/8 time", "A small dislocation in beds of rock along a line of fissure", "A grace consisting of two or more small notes moving by conjoint degrees, and leading to a principal note either above or below", "A sound which, by a gradual change in the position of the vocal organs, passes imperceptibly into another sound", "A clasp or brooch for a belt, etc", "A shoe that is backless and open-toed", "A voluntary stutter used as a technique to control stuttering in one's speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slippery dip", "chute", "runner" ], "word": "slide", "num_translations": 158 }, "sling1": { "senses": [ "An instrument for throwing stones or other missiles, consisting of a short strap with two strings fastened to its ends, or with a string fastened to one end and a light stick to the other", "A kind of hanging bandage put around the neck, in which a wounded arm or hand is supported", "A loop of cloth, worn around the neck, for supporting a baby or other such load", "A loop of rope, or a rope or chain with hooks, for suspending a barrel, bale, or other heavy object, in hoisting or lowering", "A strap attached to a firearm, for suspending it from the shoulder", "A band of rope or iron for securing a yard to a mast", "a throw", "figuratively, a stroke", "A loop of rope or fabric tape used for various purposes: eg as part of a runner, or providing extra protection when abseiling or belaying", "A drink composed of a spirit and water sweetened" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sling", "num_translations": 107 }, "slit": { "senses": [ "A narrow cut or opening", "a slot", "The opening of the vagina", "A woman, usually a sexually loose woman", "a prostitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slit", "num_translations": 44 }, "slit1": { "senses": [ "To cut a narrow opening", "To split into strips by lengthwise cuts", "To cut", "to sever", "to divide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slit", "num_translations": 28 }, "spoken": { "senses": [ "Relating to speech", "Speaking in a specified way" ], "antonyms": [ "unspoken" ], "synonyms": [ "oral" ], "word": "spoken", "num_translations": 18 }, "speed": { "senses": [ "The state of moving quickly or the capacity for rapid motion", "rapidity", "The rate of motion or action, specifically / the magnitude of the velocity", "the rate distance is traversed in a given time", "The sensitivity to light of film, plates or sensor", "The duration of exposure, the time during which a camera shutter is open", "The largest size of the lens opening at which a lens can be used", "The ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a photographic objective", "Amphetamine or any amphetamine-based drug used as a stimulant, especially illegally", "Luck, success, prosperity", "Personal preference", "A third-order measure of derivative price sensitivity, expressed as the rate of change of gamma with respect to changes in the underlying asset price" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celerity", "velocity", "DgammaDspot" ], "word": "speed", "num_translations": 180 }, "speed1": { "senses": [ "To succeed", "to prosper, be lucky", "To help someone, to give them fortune", "to aid or favour", "To go fast", "To increase the rate at which something occurs", "To be under the influence of stimulant drugs, especially amphetamines", "To be expedient", "To hurry to destruction", "to put an end to", "to ruin", "To wish success or good fortune to, in any undertaking, especially in setting out upon a journey", "To cause to make haste", "to dispatch with celerity", "hence, to hasten", "to hurry", "To hasten to a conclusion", "to expedite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "speed", "num_translations": 19 }, "spend": { "senses": [ "To pay out", "To bestow", "to employ", "often with on or upon", "To squander", "To exhaust, to wear out", "To consume, to use up", "To have an orgasm", "to ejaculate sexually", "To waste or wear away", "to be consumed", "To be diffused", "to spread", "To break ground", "to continue working" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spend", "num_translations": 123 }, "spend1": { "senses": [ "Amount of money spent", "expenditure", "Expenditures", "money or pocket money", "Discharged semen", "Vaginal discharge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spend", "num_translations": 11 }, "spin": { "senses": [ "To rotate, revolve, gyrate", "to partially or completely rotate to face another direction", "To make yarn by twisting and winding fibers together", "To present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant, so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance", "To make the ball move sideways when it bounces on the pitch", "To move sideways when bouncing", "To form into thin strips or ribbons, as with sugar", "To form from threads produced by the extrusion of a viscid, transparent liquid, which hardens on coming into contact with the air", "said of the spider, the silkworm, etc", "To shape, as malleable sheet metal, into a hollow form, by bending or buckling it by pressing against it with a smooth hand tool or roller while the metal revolves, as in a lathe", "To move swiftly", "To stream or issue in a thread or a small current or jet", "To wait in a loop until some condition becomes true", "To play as a disc jockey", "To use an exercise bicycle, especially as part of a gym class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whitewash" ], "word": "spin", "num_translations": 122 }, "spin1": { "senses": [ "Rapid circular motion", "A quantum angular momentum associated with subatomic particles, which also creates a magnetic moment", "A favourable comment or interpretation intended to bias opinion on an otherwise unpleasant situation", "Rotation of the ball as it flies through the air", "sideways movement of the ball as it bounces", "A brief trip by vehicle, especially one made for pleasure", "A bundle of spun material", "a mass of strands and filaments", "A single play of a record by a radio station", "A search of a prisoner's cell for forbidden articles", "The use of an exercise bicycle, especially as part of a gym class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spin", "num_translations": 60 }, "spit2": { "senses": [ "To evacuate from the mouth, etc", "To emit or expel in a manner similar to evacuating saliva from the mouth", "specifically, to rain or snow slightly", "To utter violently", "To rap, to utter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spit", "num_translations": 145 }, "spat3": { "senses": [ "A covering or decorative covering worn over a shoe", "A piece of bodywork that covers the upper portions of the rear tyres of a car" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fender skirt" ], "word": "spat", "num_translations": 24 }, "split1": { "senses": [ "A crack or longitudinal fissure", "A breach or separation, as in a political party", "a division", "a splinter", "a fragment", "One of the sections of a skin made by dividing it into two or more thicknesses", "A maneuver of spreading or sliding the feet apart until the legs are flat on the floor 180 degrees apart, either sideways to the body or with one leg in front and one behind, thus lowering the body completely to the floor in an upright position", "A result of a first throw that leaves two or more pins standing with one or more pins between them knocked down", "A unit of measure used for champagne or other spirits: 1875 centiliters or one quarter of a standard 75-centiliter bottle Commercially comparable to gallon, which is of a fifth", "A bottle of wine containing 375 centiliters, half the volume of a standard 75-centiliter bottle", "a demi", "The elapsed time at specific intermediate points in a race", "The elapsed time at specific intermediate points in a speedrun", "A tear resulting from tensile stresses", "A division of a stake happening when two cards of the kind on which the stake is laid are dealt in the same turn", "A recording containing songs by multiple artists" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "split", "num_translations": 82 }, "split2": { "senses": [ "Of something solid, to divide fully or partly along a more or less straight line", "Of something solid, particularly wood, to break along the grain fully or partly along a more or less straight line", "To share", "to divide", "To leave", "To separate", "To break up", "to throw into discord", "To factor into linear factors", "To be broken", "to be dashed to pieces", "To burst out laughing", "To divulge a secret", "to betray confidence", "to peach", "In athletics , for both teams involved in a doubleheader to win one game each and lose another game", "To vote for candidates of opposite parties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "split", "num_translations": 200 }, "spoil": { "senses": [ "To strip of their arms or armour", "To strip or deprive of their possessions", "To plunder, pillage", "To carry off by force", "to steal", "To ruin", "to damage in some way making it unfit for use", "To ruin the character of, by overindulgence", "to coddle or pamper to excess", "Of food, to become bad, sour or rancid", "to decay", "To render invalid by deliberately defacing it", "To reveal the ending or major events of", "to ruin by exposing it ahead of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "damage", "coddle" ], "word": "spoil", "num_translations": 155 }, "spoil1": { "senses": [ "Plunder taken from an enemy or victim", "Material removed in the course of an excavation, or in mining or dredging Tailings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gangue" ], "word": "spoil", "num_translations": 40 }, "spoilt": { "senses": [ "Having lost its original value", "Of food, that has deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible", "Having a selfish or greedy character, especially due to pampering" ], "antonyms": [ "food", "person" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "spoilt", "num_translations": 69 }, "spread": { "senses": [ "To stretch out, open out so that it more fully covers a given area of space", "To extend", "to stretch out in varying or opposing directions", "To disperse, to scatter or distribute over a given area", "To proliferate", "to become more widely present, to be disseminated", "To disseminate", "to cause to proliferate, to make widely known or present", "To take up a larger area or space", "to expand, be extended", "To smear, to distribute in a thin layer", "To cover with a thin layer of some substance, as of butter", "To prepare", "to set and furnish with provisions", "To open one's legs, especially for sexual favours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disseminate", "circulate", "propagate", "diffuse", "put about" ], "word": "spread", "num_translations": 248 }, "spread1": { "senses": [ "A layout, pattern or design of cards arranged for a reading", "An expanse of land", "A large tract of land used to raise livestock", "a cattle ranch", "A piece of material used as a cover", "A large meal, especially one laid out on a table", "Food improvised by inmates from various ingredients to relieve the tedium of prison food", "An item in a newspaper or magazine that occupies more than one column or page", "Two facing pages in a book, newspaper etc", "A numerical difference", "The difference between the wholesale and retail prices", "The difference between the price of a futures month and the price of another month of the same commodity", "The purchase of a futures contract of one delivery month against the sale of another futures delivery month of the same commodity", "The purchase of one delivery month of one commodity against the sale of that same delivery month of a different commodity", "An arbitrage transaction of the same commodity in two markets, executed to take advantage of a profit from price discrepancies", "The difference between bidding and asking price", "The difference between the prices of two similar items", "An unlimited expanse of discontinuous points", "The surface in proportion to the depth of a cut gemstone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "straddle" ], "word": "spread", "num_translations": 82 }, "stick": { "senses": [ "An elongated piece of wood or similar material, typically put to some use, for example as a wand or baton", "Any roughly cylindrical unit of a substance", "Ability", "specifically:", "A person or group of people", "Encouragement or punishment, or vigour or other improved behavior", "A measure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stick" ], "word": "stick", "num_translations": 350 }, "stick3": { "senses": [ "To become or remain attached", "to adhere", "To jam", "to stop moving", "To persist", "Of snow, to remain frozen on landing", "To remain loyal", "to remain firm", "To hesitate, to be reluctant", "to refuse", "To be puzzled , have difficulty understanding", "To cause difficulties, scruples, or hesitation", "To attach with glue or as if by gluing", "To place, set down", "To press into something else", "To fix on a pointed instrument", "to impale", "To adorn or deck with things fastened on as by piercing", "To perform perfectly", "To propagate plants by cuttings", "To run or plane in a machine, in contradistinction to working them by hand Such mouldings are said to be stuck", "To bring to a halt", "to stymie", "to puzzle", "To impose upon", "to compel to pay", "sometimes, to cheat", "To have sexual intercourse with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cleave", "jam", "live with", "abide", "stand by", "falter", "puzzle", "agglutinate", "pop", "pierce", "fix", "stump", "have sex" ], "word": "stick", "num_translations": 181 }, "sting": { "senses": [ "A bump left on the skin after having been stung", "A bite by an insect", "A pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack", "A sharp, localised pain primarily on the epidermis", "A sharp-pointed hollow hair seated on a gland which secretes an acrid fluid, as in nettles", "A police operation in which the police pretend to be criminals in order to catch a criminal", "A short percussive phrase played by a drummer to accent the punchline in a comedy show", "A support for a wind tunnel model which extends parallel to the air flow", "The harmful or painful part of something", "A goad", "incitement", "The concluding point of an epigram or other sarcastic saying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stinger" ], "word": "sting", "num_translations": 62 }, "stink": { "senses": [ "To have a strong bad smell", "To be greatly inferior", "to perform badly", "To give an impression of dishonesty or untruth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pong", "suck", "be fishy" ], "word": "stink", "num_translations": 100 }, "stink1": { "senses": [ "A strong bad smell", "A complaint or objection", "A failure or unfortunate event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fetor" ], "word": "stink", "num_translations": 42 }, "strew": { "senses": [ "To distribute objects or pieces of something over an area, especially in a random manner", "To cover, or lie upon, by having been scattered", "To spread abroad", "to disseminate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scatter" ], "word": "strew", "num_translations": 46 }, "stride": { "senses": [ "To walk with long steps", "To stand with the legs wide apart", "to straddle", "To pass over at a step", "to step over", "To straddle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stride", "num_translations": 17 }, "strive": { "senses": [ "To try to achieve a result", "to make strenuous effort", "to try earnestly and persistently", "To struggle in opposition", "to be in contention or dispute", "to contend", "to contest", "To vie", "to compete as a rival" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strive", "num_translations": 108 }, "impact": { "senses": [ "The striking of one body against another", "collision", "The force or energy of a collision of two objects", "A forced impinging", "A significant or strong influence", "an effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impact", "num_translations": 81 }, "impact1": { "senses": [ "To collide or strike, the act of impinging", "To compress", "to compact", "to press into something or pack together", "To influence", "to affect", "To stamp or impress onto something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impact", "num_translations": 32 }, "stimulate": { "senses": [ "To encourage into action", "To arouse an organism to functional activity" ], "antonyms": [ "de-energize" ], "synonyms": [ "encourage", "animate" ], "word": "stimulate", "num_translations": 58 }, "stiffen": { "senses": [ "To make stiff", "To become stiff" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "starken" ], "word": "stiffen", "num_translations": 44 }, "stiffness": { "senses": [ "Rigidity or a measure of rigidity", "Inflexibility or a measure of inflexibility", "Inelegance", "a lack of relaxedness", "Muscular tension due to unaccustomed or excessive exercise or work", "soreness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stiffness", "num_translations": 33 }, "stiff": { "senses": [ "Rigid", "hard to bend", "inflexible", "Inflexible", "rigid", "Formal in behavior", "unrelaxed", "Harsh, severe", "Painful as a result of excessive or unaccustomed exercise", "Potent", "Dead, deceased", "Erect", "Beaten until so aerated that they stand up straight on their own", "Of an equation: for which certain numerical solving methods are numerically unstable, unless the step size is taken to be extremely small", "Keeping upright" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stiff", "num_translations": 116 }, "stiff1": { "senses": [ "A person who is deceived, as a mark or pigeon in a swindle", "A cadaver", "a dead person", "A flop", "a commercial failure", "A person who leaves without paying the bill", "A customer who does not leave a tip", "Any hard hand where it is possible to exceed 21 by drawing an additional card", "Negotiable instruments, possibly forged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stiff", "num_translations": 21 }, "strike": { "senses": [ "To delete or cross out", "to scratch or eliminate", "To have a sharp or sudden effect", "To thrust in", "to cause to enter or penetrate", "To have a sharp or severe effect", "To touch", "to act by appulse", "To take down, especially in the following contexts", "To set off on a walk or trip", "To pass with a quick or strong effect", "to dart", "to penetrate", "To break forth", "to commence suddenly", "with into", "To become attached to something", "said of the spat of oysters", "To make and ratify", "To level with a straight instrument, scraping off what is above the level of the top", "To cut off even with the face of the wall, or inward at a slight angle", "To hit upon, or light upon, suddenly", "To lade thickened sugar cane juice from a teache into a cooler", "To stroke or pass lightly", "to wave", "To advance", "to cause to go forward", "used only in the past participle", "To balance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strike", "num_translations": 263 }, "strike1": { "senses": [ "The act of knocking down all ten pins in on the first roll of a frame", "A work stoppage as a form of protest", "A blow or application of physical force against something", "In an option contract, the price at which the holder buys or sells if they choose to exercise the option", "An old English measure of corn equal to the bushel", "The status of being the batsman that the bowler is bowling at", "The primary face of a hammer, opposite the peen", "The compass direction of the line of intersection between a rock layer and the surface of the Earth", "An instrument with a straight edge for levelling a measure of grain, salt, etc, scraping off what is above the level of the top", "a strickle", "Fullness of measure", "hence, excellence of quality", "An iron pale or standard in a gate or fence", "A puddler's stirrer", "The extortion of money, or the attempt to extort money, by threat of injury", "blackmail", "The discovery of a source of something" ], "antonyms": [ "industrial peace" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "strike", "num_translations": 137 }, "string": { "senses": [ "A long, thin and flexible structure made from threads twisted together", "Such a structure considered as a substance", "Any similar long, thin and flexible object", "A thread or cord on which a number of objects or parts are strung or arranged in close and orderly succession", "hence, a line or series of things arranged on a thread, or as if so arranged", "A series of items or events", "In various games and competitions, a certain number of turns at play, of rounds, etc", "A drove of horses, or a group of racehorses kept by one owner or at one stable", "An ordered sequence of text characters stored consecutively in memory and capable of being processed as a single entity", "The conditions and limitations in a contract collectively", "Cannabis or marijuana", "Part of the game of billiards, where the order of the play is determined by testing who can get a ball closest to the bottom rail by shooting it onto the end rail", "The buttons strung on a wire by which the score is kept", "The points made in a game of billiards", "The line from behind and over which the cue ball must be played after being out of play, as by being pocketed or knocked off the table", "A strip, as of leather, by which the covers of a book are held together", "A fibre, as of a plant", "a little fibrous root", "A nerve or tendon of an animal body", "An inside range of ceiling planks, corresponding to the sheer strake on the outside and bolted to it", "The tough fibrous substance that unites the valves of the pericarp of leguminous plants", "A small, filamentous ramification of a metallic vein", "A hoax", "a fake story", "synonym of \"stable\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cord", "rope", "line", "cord", "rope", "twine", "sequence", "series", "the strings, or the string section", "conditions", "provisos", "Thesaurus:string" ], "word": "string", "num_translations": 319 }, "string1": { "senses": [ "To drive the ball against the end of the table and back, in order to determine which player is to open the game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thread", "lace" ], "word": "string", "num_translations": 18 }, "swear": { "senses": [ "To take an oath, to promise", "To use offensive, profane, or obscene language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:swearword", "Thesaurus:swear" ], "word": "swear", "num_translations": 166 }, "sweep": { "senses": [ "to clean by means of a stroking motion of a broom or brush", "to move through a arc or similar long stroke", "to search methodically", "to travel quickly", "to brush the ice in front of a moving stone, causing it to travel farther and to curl less", "to win without drawing or losing any of the games in that series", "to defeat in a series without drawing or losing any of the games in that series", "to remove something abruptly and thoroughly", "to brush against or over", "to rub lightly along", "to carry with a long, swinging, or dragging motion", "hence, to carry in a stately or proud fashion", "to strike with a long stroke", "To row with one oar to either the port or starboard side", "to draw or drag something over", "to pass over, or traverse, with the eye or with an instrument of observation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sweep", "num_translations": 142 }, "sweep1": { "senses": [ "the person who steers a dragon boat", "a person who stands at the stern of a surf boat, steering with a steering oar and commanding the crew", "a methodical search, typically for bugs", "a batsman's shot, played from a kneeling position with a swinging horizontal bat", "a lottery, usually on the results of a sporting event, where players win if their randomly chosen team wins", "a flow of water parallel to shore caused by wave action at an ocean beach or at a point or headland", "a throw or takedown that primarily uses the legs to attack an opponent's legs", "violent and general destruction", "a movable templet for making moulds, in loam moulding", "in the game casino, the act of capturing all face-up cards from the table", "the compass of any turning body or of any motion", "direction or departure of a curve, a road, an arch, etc away from a rectilinear line", "a large oar used in small vessels, partly to propel them and partly to steer them", "A rowing style in which each rower rows with oar on either the port or starboard side", "the almond furnace", "a long pole, or piece of timber, moved on a horizontal fulcrum fixed to a tall post and used to raise and lower a bucket in a well for drawing water", "any of the blades of a windmill", "any of several sea chub in the kyphosid subfamily Scorpidinae", "an expanse or a swath, a strip of land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sweep", "num_translations": 31 }, "swell": { "senses": [ "To become bigger, especially due to being engorged", "To cause to become bigger", "To grow gradually in force or loudness", "To raise to arrogance", "to puff up", "to inflate", "To be raised to arrogance", "To be elated", "to rise arrogantly", "To be turgid, bombastic, or extravagant", "To protuberate", "to bulge out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swell", "num_translations": 124 }, "swell1": { "senses": [ "increase in size", "A bulge or protuberance", "Increase of power in style, or of rhetorical force", "A long series of ocean waves, generally produced by wind, and lasting after the wind has ceased", "A gradual crescendo followed by diminuendo", "A device for controlling the volume of a pipe organ", "A division in a pipe organ, usually the largest enclosed division", "A hillock or similar raised area of terrain", "An upward protrusion of strata from whose central region the beds dip quaquaversally at a low angle", "A person who dresses in a fancy or elegant manner", "A person of high social standing", "an important person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dandy", "toff" ], "word": "swell", "num_translations": 47 }, "swim": { "senses": [ "To move through the water, without touching the bottom", "to propel oneself in water by natural means", "To become immersed in, or as if in, or flooded with, or as if with, a liquid", "To move around freely because of excess space", "To float", "To be overflowed or drenched", "To immerse in water to make the lighter parts float", "To test by throwing into a river", "those who floated rather than sinking were deemed to be witches", "To glide along with a waving motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swim", "num_translations": 186 }, "swing": { "senses": [ "To rotate about an off-centre fixed point", "To dance", "to participate in wife-swapping", "To hang from the gallows", "to move sideways in its trajectory", "To fluctuate or change", "To move backward and forward", "to wave", "To change", "especially to change the outcome of an election", "To make work", "especially to afford financially", "To play notes that are in pairs by making the first of the pair slightly longer than written and the second shorter, resulting in a bouncy, uneven rhythm", "to make the ball move sideways in its trajectory", "To move one's arm in a punching motion", "In dancing, to turn around in a small circle with one's partner, holding hands or arms", "To admit or turn something for the purpose of shaping it", "said of a lathe", "To turn round by action of wind or tide when at anchor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swing", "num_translations": 136 }, "swing1": { "senses": [ "The manner in which something is swung", "A hanging seat in a children's playground, for acrobats in a circus, or on a porch for relaxing", "A dance style", "The genre of music associated with this dance style", "The amount of change towards or away from something", "Sideways movement of the ball as it flies through the air", "Capacity of a turning lathe, as determined by the diameter of the largest object that can be turned in it", "In a musical theater production, a performer who understudies several roles", "A basic dance step in which a pair link hands and turn round together in a circle", "Free course", "unrestrained liberty", "Influence or power of anything put in motion", "A type of hook with the arm more extended" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swing", "num_translations": 132 }, "teach": { "senses": [ "To show the way", "to guide, conduct", "to point, indicate", "To pass on knowledge to", "To pass on knowledge, especially as one's profession", "To cause to learn or understand", "To cause to know the disagreeable consequences of some action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "teach", "num_translations": 240 }, "tell": { "senses": [ "To count, reckon, or enumerate", "To narrate", "To convey by speech", "to say", "To instruct or inform", "To order", "to direct, to say to someone", "To discern, notice, identify or distinguish", "To reveal", "To be revealed", "To have an effect, especially a noticeable one", "to be apparent, to be demonstrated", "To use beads or similar objects as an aid to prayer", "To inform someone in authority about a wrongdoing", "To reveal information in prose through outright expository statement -- contrasted with show" ], "antonyms": [ "ask" ], "synonyms": [ "count", "narrate", "advise", "disclose", "grass up" ], "word": "tell", "num_translations": 223 }, "thought": { "senses": [ "Form created in the mind, rather than the forms perceived through the five senses", "an instance of thinking", "The operation by which such forms arise or are manipulated", "the process of thinking", "the agency by which thinking is accomplished", "A way of thinking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thought", "num_translations": 253 }, "throw": { "senses": [ "To hurl", "to cause an object to move rapidly through the air", "To eject or cause to fall off", "To move to another position or condition", "to displace", "To make by shaping clay as it turns on a wheel", "to deliver illegally by straightening the bowling arm during delivery", "To send to an exception-handling mechanism in order to interrupt normal processing", "To intentionally lose a game", "To confuse or mislead", "To send desperately", "To imprison", "To organize an event, especially a party", "To roll", "To cause a certain number on the die or dice to be shown after rolling it", "To discard", "To change in order to give the illusion that the voice is that of someone else", "To show sudden emotion, especially anger", "To project or send forth", "To put on hastily", "to spread carelessly", "To twist two or more filaments of so as to form one thread", "to twist together, as singles, in a direction contrary to the twist of the singles themselves", "sometimes applied to the whole class of operations by which silk is prepared for the weaver", "To select", "to assign a pitcher to a given role", "To install", "To twist or turn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:throw" ], "word": "throw", "num_translations": 231 }, "throw1": { "senses": [ "A distance travelled", "displacement", "A piece of fabric used to cover a bed, sofa or other soft furnishing", "A single instance, occurrence, venture, or chance", "A violent effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "throw", "num_translations": 36 }, "thrust": { "senses": [ "An attack made by moving the sword parallel to its length and landing with the point", "A push, stab, or lunge forward", "The force generated by propulsion, as in a jet engine", "The primary effort", "the goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "push, stab, or lunge forward", "force generated by propulsion", "primary effort or goal" ], "word": "thrust", "num_translations": 62 }, "thrust1": { "senses": [ "To make advance with force", "To force something upon someone", "To push out or extend rapidly or powerfully", "To push or drive with force", "to shove", "To enter by pushing", "to squeeze in", "To stab", "to pierce", "usually with through" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attack", "compel", "dart" ], "word": "thrust", "num_translations": 62 }, "tread": { "senses": [ "To step or walk", "to trample", "To step or walk upon", "To beat or press with the feet", "To go through or accomplish by walking, dancing, etc", "To crush under the foot", "to trample in contempt or hatred", "to subdue", "To copulate", "said of birds", "To copulate with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tread", "num_translations": 82 }, "tread1": { "senses": [ "A step taken with the foot", "A manner of stepping", "The sound made when someone or something is walking", "A way", "a track or path", "The horizontal part of a step in a flight of stairs", "The grooves carved into the face of a tire, used to give the tire traction", "The grooves on the bottom of a shoe or other footwear, used to give grip or traction", "The chalaza of a bird's egg", "The act of avian copulation in which the male bird mounts the female by standing on her back", "The top of the banquette, on which soldiers stand to fire over the parapet", "A bruise or abrasion produced on the foot or ankle of a horse that interferes, or strikes its feet together" ], "antonyms": [ "rise" ], "synonyms": [ "run" ], "word": "tread", "num_translations": 51 }, "underlay1": { "senses": [ "A layer that lies under another", "substratum", "A soft floor covering that lies under a carpet", "Anything that is underlaid", "A piece of paper pasted under woodcuts, stereotype plates, etc in a form, to bring them up to the necessary level for printing", "Lyrics", "or more specifically, the way in which lyrics are assigned to musical notes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "underlay", "num_translations": 19 }, "understand": { "senses": [ "To grasp a concept fully and thoroughly, especially to be aware of the meaning of and to be aware of the intent of", "To believe or impute, to think one grasps sufficiently despite potentially incomplete knowledge", "To stand underneath, to support" ], "antonyms": [ "misunderstand" ], "synonyms": [ "apprehend", "comprehend", "grasp", "know", "perceive", "pick up what someone is putting down", "realise", "grok", "believe" ], "word": "understand", "num_translations": 298 }, "undertake": { "senses": [ "To take upon oneself", "to start, to embark on", "To commit oneself", "To overtake on the wrong side", "To pledge", "to assert, assure", "to dare say", "To take by trickery", "to trap, to seize upon", "To assume, as a character", "to take on", "To engage with", "to attack, take on in a fight", "To have knowledge of", "to hear", "To have or take charge of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "undertake", "num_translations": 42 }, "undo": { "senses": [ "To reverse the effects of an action", "To unfasten", "To impoverish or ruin, as in reputation", "to cause the downfall of" ], "antonyms": [ "redo", "do up", "button", "button up", "tie up", "zip", "zip up," ], "synonyms": [ "cancel", "reverse", "unbuckle", "unbutton", "untie", "unzip" ], "word": "undo", "num_translations": 97 }, "unwind": { "senses": [ "To separate", "To disentangle", "To relax", "to chill out", "to rest and relieve of stress", "To be or become unwound", "to be capable of being unwound or untwisted", "To undo something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unwind", "num_translations": 32 }, "uphold": { "senses": [ "To hold up", "to lift on high", "to elevate", "To keep erect", "to support", "to sustain", "to keep from falling", "To support by approval or encouragement, to confirm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "uphold", "num_translations": 36 }, "upset": { "senses": [ "Angry, distressed or unhappy", "Feeling unwell, nauseated, or ready to vomit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "and" ], "word": "upset", "num_translations": 80 }, "upset1": { "senses": [ "Disturbance or disruption", "An unexpected victory of a competitor or candidate that was not favored to win", "An overturn", "An upper set", "a subset of a partially ordered set with the property that, if x is in U and x\u2264y, then y is in U", "The dangerous situation where the flight attitude or airspeed of an aircraft is outside the designed bounds of operation, possibly resulting in loss of control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disruption" ], "word": "upset", "num_translations": 29 }, "upset2": { "senses": [ "To make angry, distressed, or unhappy", "To disturb, disrupt or adversely alter", "To tip or overturn", "To defeat unexpectedly", "To set up", "to put upright", "To thicken and shorten, as a heated piece of iron, by hammering on the end", "To shorten in the process of resetting, originally by cutting it and hammering on the ends" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make (a person) angry, distressed or unhappy", "See", "and", "disrupt", "invert" ], "word": "upset", "num_translations": 80 }, "wake": { "senses": [ "To stop sleeping", "To make somebody stop sleeping", "to rouse from sleep", "To put in motion or action", "to arouse", "to excite", "To be excited or roused up", "to be stirred up from a dormant, torpid, or inactive state", "to be active", "To lay out a body prior to burial in order to allow family and friends to pay their last respects", "To watch, or sit up with, at night, as a dead body", "not to sleep", "To be alert", "to keep watch", "To sit up late for festive purposes", "to hold a night revel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wake", "num_translations": 115 }, "wake2": { "senses": [ "A period after a person's death before or after the body is buried, cremated, etc", "in some cultures accompanied by a party and/or collectively sorting through the deceased's personal effects", "An annual parish festival formerly held in commemoration of the dedication of a church Originally, prayers were said on the evening preceding, and hymns were sung during the night, in the church", "subsequently, these vigils were discontinued, and the day itself, often with succeeding days, was occupied in rural pastimes and exercises, attended by eating and drinking", "A number of vultures assembled together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "death watch" ], "word": "wake", "num_translations": 23 }, "wear": { "senses": [ "To carry or have equipped on or about one's body, as an item of clothing, equipment, decoration, etc", "To have or carry on one's person habitually, consistently", "or, to maintain in a particular fashion or manner", "To bear or display in one's aspect or appearance", "To overcome one's reluctance and endure a situation", "To eat away at, erode, diminish, or consume gradually", "to cause a gradual deterioration in", "to produce through attrition, exposure, or constant use", "To undergo gradual deterioration", "become impaired", "be reduced or consumed gradually due to any continued process, activity, or use", "To last or remain durable under hard use or over time", "to retain usefulness, value, or desirable qualities under any continued strain or long period of time", "sometimes said of a person, regarding the quality of being easy or difficult to tolerate", "To pass slowly, gradually or tediously", "To bring onto the other tack by bringing the wind around the stern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wear", "num_translations": 172 }, "wed": { "senses": [ "To perform the marriage ceremony for", "to join in matrimony", "To take as one's spouse", "To take a spouse", "To join or commit to, more or less permanently, as if in marriage", "To take to oneself and support", "to espouse", "To wager, stake, bet, place a bet, make a wager" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marry" ], "word": "wed", "num_translations": 79 }, "weep": { "senses": [ "To cry", "shed tears", "To lament", "to complain", "To produce secretions", "To flow in drops", "to run in drops", "To hang the branches, as if in sorrow", "to be pendent", "to droop", "said of a plant or its branches", "to bewail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:weep" ], "word": "weep", "num_translations": 148 }, "wet": { "senses": [ "Made up of liquid or moisture, usually water", "Of an object, etc: covered or impregnated with liquid, usually water", "Of a burrito, sandwich, or other food: covered in a sauce", "Of calligraphy and fountain pens: depositing a large amount of ink from the nib or the feed", "Of a sound recording: having had audio effects applied", "Of weather or a time period: rainy", "Of a person: inexperienced in a profession or task", "having the characteristics of a rookie", "Sexually aroused and thus having the vulva moistened with vaginal secretions", "Ineffectual, feeble, showing no strength of character", "Permitting alcoholic beverages", "Refreshed with liquor", "drunk", "Of a scientist or laboratory: working with biological or chemical matter", "Employing, or done by means of, water or some other liquid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wet", "num_translations": 248 }, "wet2": { "senses": [ "To cover or impregnate with liquid", "To accidentally urinate in or on", "To form an intermetallic bond between a solder and a metal substrate", "To celebrate by drinking alcohol", "misspelling of \"whet\"", "To kill or seriously injure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wet", "num_translations": 114 }, "withdraw": { "senses": [ "To pull back, aside, or away", "To stop talking to, or interacting with, other people and start thinking thoughts that are not related to what is happening around", "To take back", "To remove, to stop providing", "to take out of service", "To extract", "To retreat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recant" ], "word": "withdraw", "num_translations": 189 }, "era": { "senses": [ "A unit of time, smaller than eons and greater than periods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "age", "Thesaurus:era" ], "word": "era", "num_translations": 157 }, "charm": { "senses": [ "An object, act or words believed to have magic power", "The ability to persuade, delight or arouse admiration", "often constructed in the plural", "A small trinket on a bracelet or chain, etc, traditionally supposed to confer luck upon the wearer", "A second-order measure of derivative price sensitivity, expressed as the instantaneous rate of change of delta with respect to time" ], "antonyms": [ "boredom" ], "synonyms": [ "amulet", "appeal", "amulet", "delta decay" ], "word": "charm", "num_translations": 142 }, "charm1": { "senses": [ "To seduce, persuade or fascinate someone or something", "to subdue, control, or summon by incantation or supernatural influence", "To make music upon", "To subdue or overcome by some secret power, or by that which gives pleasure", "to allay", "to soothe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delight", "bewitch" ], "word": "charm", "num_translations": 66 }, "incorporate": { "senses": [ "To include as a part", "To mix as an ingredient", "to blend", "To admit as a member of a company", "To form into a legal company", "To include as a part", "To form into a body", "to combine, as different ingredients, into one consistent mass", "To unite with a material body", "to give a material form to", "to embody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incorporate", "num_translations": 61 }, "chancel": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apse", "presbytery", "sanctuary" ], "word": "chancel", "num_translations": 53 }, "concern": { "senses": [ "That which affects one's welfare or happiness A matter of interest to someone The adposition before the matter of interest is usually over, about or for", "The expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person", "A business, firm or enterprise", "a company", "Any set of information that affects the code of a computer program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "interest" ], "word": "concern", "num_translations": 85 }, "concern1": { "senses": [ "To relate or belong to", "to have reference to or connection with", "to affect the interest of", "to be of importance to", "To engage by feeling or sentiment", "to interest", "To make somebody worried" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pertain" ], "word": "concern", "num_translations": 77 }, "shape": { "senses": [ "The status or condition of something", "Condition of personal health, especially muscular health", "The appearance of something in terms of its arrangement in space, especially its outline", "often a basic geometric two-dimensional figure", "Form", "formation", "A rolled or hammered piece, such as a bar, beam, angle iron, etc, having a cross section different from merchant bar", "A piece which has been roughly forged nearly to the form it will receive when completely forged or fitted", "In the Hack programming language, a group of data fields each of which has a name and a data type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shape", "num_translations": 175 }, "shape1": { "senses": [ "To create or make", "To give influence to", "To suit", "to be adjusted or conformable", "To imagine", "to conceive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "form" ], "word": "shape", "num_translations": 32 }, "threaten": { "senses": [ "To make a threat against someone", "to use threats", "To menace, or be dangerous", "To portend, or give a warning of", "To be close to equaling or surpassing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "threaten", "num_translations": 141 }, "round": { "senses": [ "Shape", "Complete, whole, not lacking", "for example, ending in a zero", "Pronounced with the lips drawn together", "Outspoken", "plain and direct", "unreserved", "not mincing", "Finished", "polished", "not defective or abrupt", "said of authors or their writing style", "Consistent", "fair", "just", "applied to conduct", "Large in magnitude", "Well-written and well-characterized", "complex and reminiscent of a real person", "Vaulted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circular", "spherical", "rounded", "plump", "complete", "rounded", "rounded" ], "word": "round", "num_translations": 242 }, "round1": { "senses": [ "A circular or spherical object or part of an object", "A circular or repetitious route", "A general outburst from a group of people at an event", "A song that is sung by groups of people with each subset of people starting at a different time", "A serving of something", "a portion of something to each person in a group", "A single individual portion or dose of medicine", "One sandwich", "A long-bristled, circular-headed paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting", "One of the specified pre-determined segments of the total time of a sport event, such as a boxing or wrestling match, during which contestants compete before being signaled to stop", "A stage in a competition", "A stage or level of a game", "A strip of material with a circular face that covers an edge, gap, or crevice for decorative, sanitary, or security purposes", "The hindquarters of a bovine", "A rung, as of a ladder", "A crosspiece that joins and braces the legs of a chair", "A series of changes or events ending where it began", "a series of like events recurring in continuance", "a cycle", "a periodical revolution", "A course of action or conduct performed by a number of persons in turn, or one after another, as if seated in a circle", "A series of duties or tasks which must be performed in turn, and then repeated", "A circular dance", "Rotation, as in office", "succession", "A general discharge of firearms by a body of troops in which each soldier fires once", "An assembly", "a group", "a circle", "A brewer's vessel in which the fermentation is concluded, the yeast escaping through the bunghole", "A vessel filled, as for drinking" ], "antonyms": [ "fillet" ], "synonyms": [ "canon", "rump" ], "word": "round", "num_translations": 189 }, "round4": { "senses": [ "To shape something into a curve", "To become shaped into a curve", "To finish", "to complete", "to fill out", "To approximate a number, especially a decimal number by the closest whole number", "To turn past a boundary", "To turn and attack someone or something", "To advance to home plate", "To encircle", "to encompass", "hence, to attain to fullness, completeness, or perfection", "to wheel about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "round", "num_translations": 67 }, "bib": { "senses": [ "An item of clothing for people tied around their neck to protect their clothes from getting dirty when eating", "Similar items of clothing such as the Chinese dudou and Vietnamese yem", "A colourful polyester or plastic vest worn over one's clothes, usually to mark one's team during group activities", "The upper part of an apron or overalls", "A patch of colour around an animal's upper breast and throat", "A north Atlantic fish , allied to the cod", "the pouting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bib", "num_translations": 75 }, "sot": { "senses": [ "stupid person", "fool", "drunkard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idiot", "Thesaurus:fool", "alcoholic" ], "word": "sot", "num_translations": 11 }, "cause": { "senses": [ "The source of, or reason for, an event or action", "that which produces or effects a result", "Sufficient reason for a state, as of emotion", "A goal, aim or principle, especially one which transcends purely selfish ends", "Sake", "interest", "advantage", "Any subject of discussion or debate", "a matter", "an affair", "A suit or action in court", "any legal process by which a party endeavors to obtain his claim, or what he regards as his right", "case", "ground of action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grounds" ], "word": "cause", "num_translations": 117 }, "cause1": { "senses": [ "To set off an event or action", "To actively produce as a result, by means of force or authority", "to give a reason", "to make excuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cause", "num_translations": 69 }, "cook1": { "senses": [ "To prepare for eating by heating it, often by combining it with other ingredients", "To prepare food for eating by heating it, often by combining it with other ingredients", "To be uncomfortably hot", "To execute by electric chair", "To hold onto briefly after igniting the fuse, so that it explodes almost immediately after being thrown", "To concoct or prepare", "To tamper with or alter", "To play or improvise in an inspired and rhythmically exciting way", "To play music vigorously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bake", "cook off" ], "word": "cook", "num_translations": 264 }, "crush": { "senses": [ "A violent collision or compression", "a crash", "destruction", "ruin", "Violent pressure, as of a moving crowd", "A crowd that produces uncomfortable pressure", "A violent crowding", "A crowd control barrier", "A drink made by squeezing the juice out of fruit", "An infatuation with somebody one is not dating", "A standing stock or cage with movable sides used to restrain livestock for safe handling", "A party or festive function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crush", "num_translations": 69 }, "crush1": { "senses": [ "To press between two hard objects", "to squeeze so as to alter the natural shape or integrity of it, or to force together into a mass", "To reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding", "To overwhelm by pressure or weight", "To oppress or grievously burden", "To overcome completely", "to subdue totally", "To be or become broken down or in, or pressed into a smaller compass, by external weight or force", "To feel infatuation or unrequited love" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crush", "num_translations": 176 }, "competition": { "senses": [ "The action of competing", "A contest for a prize or award", "The competitors in such a contest" ], "antonyms": [ "cooperation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "competition", "num_translations": 198 }, "bitter": { "senses": [ "Having an acrid taste", "Harsh, piercing or stinging", "Hateful or hostile", "Cynical and resentful" ], "antonyms": [ "optimistic" ], "synonyms": [ "jaded" ], "word": "bitter", "num_translations": 238 }, "bottle": { "senses": [ "A container, typically made of glass or plastic and having a tapered neck, used primarily for holding liquids", "The contents of such a container", "Nerve, courage", "A container of hair dye, hence with one's hair color produced by dyeing", "A bundle, especially of hay", "something tied in a bundle", "Intoxicating liquor", "alcohol", "the tendency of pages printed several on a sheet to rotate slightly when the sheet is folded two or more times" ], "antonyms": [ "cowardice" ], "synonyms": [ "baby's bottle", "balls" ], "word": "bottle", "num_translations": 273 }, "bottle1": { "senses": [ "To feed baby formula", "To refrain from doing at the last moment because of a sudden loss of courage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bottle", "num_translations": 43 }, "behavior": { "senses": [ "Human conduct relative to social norms", "The way a living creature behaves or acts generally", "A state of probation about one's conduct", "An instance of the way a living creature behaves", "Observable response produced by an organism", "The way a device or system operates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "behavior", "num_translations": 183 }, "change": { "senses": [ "To become something different", "To make something into something else", "To replace", "To replace one's clothing", "To replace the clothing of", "To transfer to another vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alter", "transform" ], "word": "change", "num_translations": 460 }, "change1": { "senses": [ "The process of becoming different", "Balance of money returned from the sum paid after deducting the price of a purchase", "Usually coins , but sometimes inclusive of paper money", "A transfer between vehicles", "Any order in which a number of bells are struck, other than that of the diatonic scale", "A place where merchants and others meet to transact business", "A public house", "an alehouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transition", "transformation" ], "word": "change", "num_translations": 312 }, "cloth": { "senses": [ "A woven fabric such as used in dressing, decorating, cleaning or other practical use", "Substance or essence", "the whole of something complex", "Appearance", "seeming", "A form of attire that represents a particular profession or status", "Priesthood, clergy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "material", "Thesaurus:fabric" ], "word": "cloth", "num_translations": 168 }, "comb": { "senses": [ "A toothed implement for grooming the hair or for keeping it in place", "A machine used in separating choice cotton fibers from worsted cloth fibers", "A fleshy growth on the top of the head of some birds and reptiles", "crest", "A structure of hexagon cells made by bees for storing honey", "An old English measure of corn equal to the half quarter", "The top part of a gun's stock", "The toothed plate at the top and bottom of an escalator that prevents objects getting trapped between the moving stairs and fixed landings", "The main body of a harmonica containing the air chambers and to which the reed plates are attached", "A former, commonly cone-shaped, used in hat manufacturing for hardening soft fibre", "A toothed tool used for chasing screws on work in a lathe", "a chaser", "The notched scale of a wire micrometer", "One of a pair of peculiar organs on the base of the abdomen in scorpions", "The curling crest of a wave", "A toothed plate used for creating wells in agar gels for electrophoresis", "A toothed wooden pick used to push the weft thread tightly against the previous pass of thread to create a tight weave", "A connected and reduced curve with irreducible components consisting of a smooth subcurve and one or more additional irreducible components that each intersect the handle in a single point that is unequal to the unique point of intersection for any of the other teeth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cockscomb" ], "word": "comb", "num_translations": 194 }, "comb1": { "senses": [ "To groom with a toothed implement", "To separate choice cotton fibers from worsted cloth fibers", "To roll over, as the top or crest of a wave", "to break with a white foam, as waves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comb", "num_translations": 130 }, "by": { "senses": [ "Near or next to", "past", "Not later than", "not later than the end of", "Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of", "Indicates the creator of a work: Existing through the authorship etc of", "Indicates a means of achieving something: Involving/using the means of", "Indicates an authority according to which something is done", "Indicates a means of classification or organisation", "Indicates the amount of change, difference or discrepancy", "Indicates a referenced source: According to", "Used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something", "Designates a horse's male parent", "cf out of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "by", "num_translations": 379 }, "box": { "senses": [ "Senses relating to a three-dimensional object or space", "Senses relating to a two-dimensional object or space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "case", "boxful", "loge", "box seat", "shelter", "telly", "slang, vulgar", "see", "computer", "cup", "text box" ], "word": "box", "num_translations": 444 }, "box1": { "senses": [ "Usually followed by in: to surround and enclose in a way that restricts movement", "to corner, to hem in", "To mix two containers of paint of similar colour to ensure that the color is identical", "To make an incision or hole in for the purpose of procuring the sap", "To enclose with boarding, lathing, etc, so as to conceal or to bring to a required form", "To place a value of a primitive type into a corresponding object" ], "antonyms": [ "unbox" ], "synonyms": [ "box up" ], "word": "box", "num_translations": 36 }, "box3": { "senses": [ "A blow with the fist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow", "cuff", "punch" ], "word": "box", "num_translations": 25 }, "box4": { "senses": [ "To strike with the fists", "to punch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "box", "num_translations": 69 }, "cloud1": { "senses": [ "To become foggy or gloomy, or obscured from sight", "To make obscure", "To make less acute or perceptive", "To make gloomy or sullen", "To blacken", "to sully", "to stain", "to tarnish", "To mark with, or darken in, veins or sports", "to variegate with colors", "To become marked, darkened or variegated in this way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cloud", "num_translations": 45 }, "brain": { "senses": [ "The control center of the central nervous system of an animal located in the skull which is responsible for perception, cognition, attention, memory, emotion, and action", "An intelligent person", "Intellect", "Oral sex", "Mind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harns", "Thesaurus:brain", "Thesaurus:genius" ], "word": "brain", "num_translations": 350 }, "lark2": { "senses": [ "A romp, frolic, some fun", "A prank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whim" ], "word": "lark", "num_translations": 14 }, "analysis": { "senses": [ "Decomposition into components in order to study", "The result of such a process", "The mathematical study of functions, sequences, series, limits, derivatives and integrals", "Proof by deduction from known truths", "The process of breaking down a substance into its constituent parts, or the result of this process", "The analytical study of melodies, harmonies, sequences, repetitions, variations, quotations, juxtapositions, and surprises" ], "antonyms": [ "synthesis" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "analysis", "num_translations": 194 }, "anchor": { "senses": [ "A tool used to moor a vessel to the bottom of a sea or river to resist movement", "An iron device so shaped as to grip the bottom and hold a vessel at her berth by the chain or rope attached", "Representation of the nautical tool, used as a heraldic charge", "a device to hold the end of a bridge cable etc", "or a device used in metalworking to hold the core of a mould in place", "A marked point in a document that can be the target of a hyperlink", "The final runner in a relay race", "A point that is touched by the draw hand or string when the bow is fully drawn and ready to shoot", "A superstore or other facility that serves as a focus to bring customers into an area", "That which gives stability or security", "A metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building together", "One of the calcareous spinules of certain holothurians, as in species of Synapta", "The thirty-fifth Lenormand card" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anchor", "num_translations": 193 }, "anchor1": { "senses": [ "To connect an object, especially a ship or a boat, to a fixed point", "To stop", "to fix or rest", "To provide emotional stability for a person in distress", "To be stuck", "to be unable to move away from a position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affix", "drop anchor", "cease", "support", "host", "bog down" ], "word": "anchor", "num_translations": 40 }, "benefit": { "senses": [ "An advantage", "help or aid from something", "A payment made in accordance with an insurance policy or a public assistance scheme", "An event such as a performance, given to raise funds for some cause", "beneficence", "liberality" ], "antonyms": [ "harm" ], "synonyms": [ "foredeal", "subsidy" ], "word": "benefit", "num_translations": 154 }, "benefit1": { "senses": [ "to be a beneficiary" ], "antonyms": [ "malefic", "detriment" ], "synonyms": [ "help" ], "word": "benefit", "num_translations": 51 }, "cement": { "senses": [ "A powdered substance produced by firing calcium carbonate and clay that develops strong cohesive properties when mixed with water The main ingredient of concrete", "The paste-like substance resulting from mixing such a powder with water, or the rock-like substance that forms when it dries", "Any material with strong adhesive and cohesive properties such as binding agents, glues, grout", "A bond of union", "that which unites firmly, as persons in friendship or in society", "The layer of bone investing the root and neck of a tooth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cement", "num_translations": 144 }, "goldeneagle": { "senses": [ "A large bird of prey, Aquila chrysaetos, that hunts while soaring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "berkut" ], "word": "goldeneagle", "num_translations": 90 }, "long-earedowl": { "senses": [ "Asio otus, a species of owl which breeds in Europe, Asia, and North America Long eared owls are partially migratory, moving south in winter from the northern parts of their range" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Strix otus" ], "word": "long-earedowl", "num_translations": 66 }, "internationalphoneticalphabet": { "senses": [ "A standardized set of symbols for representing the sounds of human speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IPA" ], "word": "InternationalPhoneticAlphabet", "num_translations": 72 }, "act": { "senses": [ "Something done, a deed", "Something done once and for all, as distinguished from a work", "A product of a legislative body, a statute", "The process of doing something", "A formal or official record of something done", "A division of a theatrical performance", "A performer or performers in a show", "A display of behaviour", "A thesis maintained in public, in some English universities, by a candidate for a degree, or to show the proficiency of a student", "A display of behaviour meant to deceive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deed", "statute", "pretense" ], "word": "act", "num_translations": 253 }, "act1": { "senses": [ "To do something", "To do", "to perform", "To perform a theatrical role", "To behave in a certain way", "To convey an appearance of being", "To do something that causes a change binding on the doer", "To have an effect", "To play", "To feign", "To map via a homomorphism to a group of automorphisms", "to animate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "act", "num_translations": 187 }, "balance": { "senses": [ "A state in which opposing forces harmonise", "equilibrium", "Mental equilibrium", "mental health", "calmness, a state of remaining clear-headed and unperturbed", "Something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium", "counterweight", "A pair of scales", "Awareness of both viewpoints or matters", "neutrality", "rationality", "objectivity", "The overall result of conflicting forces, opinions etc", "the influence which ultimately \"weighs\" more than others", "Apparent harmony in art", "A list accounting for the debits on one side, and for the credits on the other", "The result of such a procedure", "the difference between credit and debit of an account", "A device used to regulate the speed of a watch, clock etc", "The remainder", "Libra" ], "antonyms": [ "nonequilibrium", "bias" ], "synonyms": [ "pair of scales", "set of scales", "scales", "weighing machine", "weighbridge", "equilibrium", "disinterest", "account" ], "word": "balance", "num_translations": 228 }, "balance1": { "senses": [ "To make agree", "To hold precariously", "to support on a narrow base, so as to keep from falling", "To compare in relative force, importance, value, etc", "to estimate", "To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally", "To contract, as a sail, into a narrower compass", "To make the credits and debits of correspond", "To be in equilibrium", "To have matching credits and debits", "To hesitate or fluctuate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "balance", "num_translations": 69 }, "certain": { "senses": [ "Sure, positive, not doubting", "Determined", "resolved", "Not to be doubted or denied", "established as a fact", "Actually existing", "sure to happen", "inevitable", "Unfailing", "infallible", "Fixed or stated", "regular", "determinate", "Known but not specifically named", "indeterminate", "indefinite", "one or some", "see also \"one\"" ], "antonyms": [ "uncertain", "impossible", "particular" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:certain", "unavoidable" ], "word": "certain", "num_translations": 130 }, "ball": { "senses": [ "A solid or hollow sphere, or roughly spherical mass", "A round or ellipsoidal object", "A testicle", "formerly used by printers for inking the form, then superseded by the roller", "A large pill, a form in which medicine was given to horses", "a bolus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sphere", "globe", "See", "See", "chutzpah" ], "word": "ball", "num_translations": 488 }, "ball1": { "senses": [ "To have sexual intercourse with", "To be hip or cool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roll", "bonk", "fuck", "lay", "screw", "shag", "Thesaurus:copulate with" ], "word": "ball", "num_translations": 17 }, "ball3": { "senses": [ "A formal dance", "A very enjoyable time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blast" ], "word": "ball", "num_translations": 63 }, "brake4": { "senses": [ "An ancient engine of war analogous to the crossbow and ballista", "The handle of a pump", "A device used to slow or stop the motion of a wheel, or of a vehicle, by friction", "also, the controls or apparatus used to engage such a mechanism such as the pedal in a car", "A baker's kneading trough", "A device used to confine or prevent the motion of an animal", "That part of a carriage, as of a movable battery, or engine, which enables it to turn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brake", "num_translations": 127 }, "brake5": { "senses": [ "To be stopped or slowed by braking" ], "antonyms": [ "floor it", "accelerate" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stop" ], "word": "brake", "num_translations": 51 }, "cake": { "senses": [ "A rich, sweet dessert food, typically made of flour, sugar and eggs and baked in an oven, and often covered in icing", "A small mass of baked dough, especially a thin loaf from unleavened dough", "A thin wafer-shaped mass of fried batter", "A block of any of various dense materials", "A trivially easy task or responsibility", "Money", "A buttock, especially one that is exceptionally plump" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cake", "num_translations": 234 }, "care": { "senses": [ "Grief, sorrow", "Close attention", "concern", "responsibility", "Worry", "Maintenance, upkeep", "The treatment of those in need", "The object of watchful attention or anxiety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "care", "num_translations": 176 }, "care1": { "senses": [ "To be concerned , to have an interest", "to feel concern", "To want, to desire", "to like", "to be inclined towards", "To look after or look out for", "To mind", "to object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "care", "num_translations": 127 }, "clean": { "senses": [ "Free of dirt or impurities or protruberances", "Free of immorality or criminality", "smooth, exact, and performed well", "Total", "utter", "Cool or neat", "Being free of sexually transmitted diseases", "That does not damage the environment", "Free from that which is useless or injurious", "without defects", "Free from restraint or neglect", "complete", "entire", "Well-proportioned", "shapely", "Ascended without falling" ], "antonyms": [ "dirty", "unclean" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:clean" ], "word": "clean", "num_translations": 230 }, "clean2": { "senses": [ "To remove dirt from a place or object", "To tidy up, make a place neat", "To remove equipment from a climbing route after it was previously lead climbed", "To remove unnecessary files, etc from", "To brush the ice lightly in front of a moving rock to remove any debris and ensure a correct line", "less vigorous than a sweep", "To purge a raw of any blemishes caused by the scanning process such as brown tinting and poor color contrast", "To remove guts and/or scales of a butchered animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:make clean" ], "word": "clean", "num_translations": 185 }, "poetess": { "senses": [ "A female poet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poetress" ], "word": "poetess", "num_translations": 50 }, "clear": { "senses": [ "Transparent in colour", "Bright, not dark or obscured", "Free of obstacles", "Without clouds", "Of the sky, such that less than one eighth of its area is obscured by clouds", "Free of ambiguity or doubt", "Distinct, sharp, well-marked", "Free of guilt, or suspicion", "Without a thickening ingredient", "Possessing little or no perceptible stimulus", "Free from the influence of engrams", "keen", "acute", "penetrating", "discriminating", "Not clouded with passion", "serene", "cheerful", "Easily or distinctly heard", "audible", "Unmixed", "entirely pure", "Without defects or blemishes, such as freckles or knots", "Without diminution", "in full", "net" ], "antonyms": [ "opaque", "cloudy", "thick", "obscure" ], "synonyms": [ "pellucid", "Thesaurus:comprehensible", "Thesaurus:explicit", "Thesaurus:distinct", "Thesaurus:audible", "homogeneous" ], "word": "clear", "num_translations": 322 }, "clear1": { "senses": [ "All the way", "entirely", "Not near something or touching it", "free from others", "plainly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clear", "num_translations": 23 }, "clear2": { "senses": [ "To remove obstructions, impediments or other unwanted items from", "To remove so as to leave something unobstructed or open", "To become free from obstruction or obscurement", "to become transparent", "To eliminate ambiguity or doubt from", "to clarify or resolve", "To remove from suspicion, especially of having committed a crime", "To pass without interference", "to miss", "To exceed a stated mark", "To finish or complete", "Of a check or financial transaction, to go through as payment", "to be processed so that the money is transferred", "To earn a profit of", "to net", "To approve or authorise for a particular purpose or action", "To obtain approval or authorisation in respect of", "To obtain permission to use in another track", "To disengage oneself from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements", "to become free", "To hit, kick, head, punch etc away in order to defend one's goal", "To reset or unset", "to return to an empty state or to zero", "To style so that it is not permitted to float at a given position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stub" ], "word": "clear", "num_translations": 138 }, "base": { "senses": [ "Something from which other things extend", "a foundation", "The starting point of a logical deduction or thought", "basis", "A permanent structure for housing military personnel and material", "The place where decisions for an organization are made", "headquarters", "A basic but essential component or ingredient", "A substance used as a mordant in dyeing", "Foundation: a cosmetic cream to make the face appear uniform", "Any of a class of generally water-soluble compounds, having bitter taste, that turn red litmus blue, and react with acids to form salts", "Important areas in games and sports", "The lowermost part of a column, between the shaft and the pedestal or pavement", "The end of a leaf, petal or similar organ where it is attached to its support", "The name of the controlling terminal of a bipolar transistor", "The lowest side of a in a triangle or other polygon, or the lowest face of a cone, pyramid or other polyhedron laid flat", "The lowest third of a shield or escutcheon", "The lower part of the field See escutcheon", "A number raised to the power of an exponent", "synonym of \"radix\"", "The set of sets from which a topology is generated", "A topological space, looked at in relation to one of its covering spaces, fibrations, or bundles", "A sequence of elements not jointly stabilized by any nontrivial group element", "In hand-to-hand balance, the person who supports the flyer", "the person that remains in contact with the ground", "A morpheme that serves as a basic foundation on which affixes can be attached", "dated form of \"bass\"", "The smallest kind of cannon", "The housing of a horse", "A kind of skirt which hung from the middle to about the knees, or lower", "The lower part of a robe or petticoat", "An apron", "A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles", "A group of voters who almost always support a single party's candidates for elected office", "The forces and relations of production that produce the necessities and amenities of life", "A material that holds paint or other materials together", "a binder" ], "antonyms": [ "acid", "apex" ], "synonyms": [ "alkali" ], "word": "base", "num_translations": 430 }, "base1": { "senses": [ "To give as its foundation or starting point", "to lay the foundation of", "To be located", "to be the person supporting the flyer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "base", "num_translations": 38 }, "base2": { "senses": [ "Low in height", "short", "Low in place or position", "Of low value or degree", "Of low social standing or rank", "vulgar, common", "Morally reprehensible, immoral", "cowardly", "Inferior", "unworthy, of poor quality", "Designating those metals which are not classed as precious or noble", "Alloyed with inferior metal", "Of illegitimate birth", "bastard", "Not classical or correct", "obsolete form of \"bass\"", "Not held by honourable service" ], "antonyms": [ "likeable", "desirable", "admirable", "noble" ], "synonyms": [ "little", "low-lying", "common" ], "word": "base", "num_translations": 68 }, "agreement": { "senses": [ "An understanding between entities to follow a specific course of conduct", "A state whereby several parties share a view or opinion", "the state of not contradicting one another", "A legally binding contract enforceable in a court of law", "Rules that exist in many languages that force some parts of a sentence to be used or inflected differently depending on certain attributes of other parts", "An agreeable quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concord", "convention", "covenant", "meeting of the minds", "pact", "treaty", "Thesaurus:pact", "congeniality", "settlement", "concord", "amenity" ], "word": "agreement", "num_translations": 255 }, "cover": { "senses": [ "A lid", "Area or situation which screens a person or thing from view", "The front and back of a book, magazine, CD package, etc", "The top sheet of a bed", "A cloth, usually fitted, placed over an item such as a car or sofa to protect it from dust, rain, etc when not in use", "A setting at a restaurant table or formal dinner", "A new performance or rerecording of a previously recorded song", "A fielding position on the off side, between point and mid off, about 30\u00b0 forward of square", "a fielder in this position", "A set of sets, whose union contains the given set", "An envelope complete with stamps and postmarks etc", "A solid object, including terrain, that provides protection from enemy fire", "In commercial law, a buyer's purchase on the open market of goods similar or identical to the goods contracted for after a seller has breached a contract of sale by failure to deliver the goods contracted for", "An insurance contract", "A swindler's confederate", "The portion of a slate, tile, or shingle that is hidden by the overlap of the course above", "In a steam engine, the lap of a slide valve", "The distance between reinforcing steel and the exterior of concrete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cover", "num_translations": 268 }, "cover2": { "senses": [ "To place something over or upon, as to conceal or protect", "To be over or upon, as to conceal or protect", "To be upon all of, so as to completely conceal", "To set upon all of, so as to completely conceal", "To put on one's hat", "To invest", "to bring upon", "To discuss thoroughly", "To deal with or include someone or something", "To be enough money for", "To act as a replacement", "To have as an assignment or responsibility", "To protect using an aimed firearm and the threat of firing", "or to threaten using an aimed firearm", "To copulate with", "To protect or control", "To extend over a given period of time or range, to occupy, to stretch over a given area", "To defend a particular player or area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cover", "num_translations": 232 }, "collar": { "senses": [ "Anything that encircles the neck", "A piece of meat from the neck of an animal", "Any encircling device or structure", "Of or pertaining to a certain category of professions as symbolized by typical clothing", "The neck or line of junction between the root of a plant and its stem", "A ringlike part of a mollusk in connection with the esophagus", "An eye formed in the bight or bend of a shroud or stay to go over the masthead", "also, a rope to which certain parts of rigging, as dead-eyes, are secured", "An arrest", "A trading strategy using options such that there is both an upper limit on profit and a lower limit on loss, constructed through taking equal but opposite positions in a put and a call with different strike prices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collar", "num_translations": 227 }, "collar1": { "senses": [ "To seize, capture or detain", "To preempt, control stringently and exclusively", "To arrest", "To bind in conversation", "To roll up and bind it with string preparatory to cooking", "To bind to a dominant under specific conditions or obligations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collar", "num_translations": 17 }, "control": { "senses": [ "To exercise influence over", "to suggest or dictate the behavior of", "To design so that the effects of one or more variables are reduced or eliminated" ], "antonyms": [ "defy", "obey" ], "synonyms": [ "ctrl" ], "word": "control", "num_translations": 84 }, "control1": { "senses": [ "Influence or authority over something", "A separate group or subject in an experiment against which the results are compared where the primary variable is low or non-existent", "The method and means of governing the performance of any apparatus, machine or system, such as a lever, handle or button", "A security mechanism, policy, or procedure that can counter system attack, reduce risks, and resolve vulnerabilities", "a safeguard or countermeasure", "A means of monitoring for, and triggering intervention in, activities that are not going according to plan", "A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register", "An interface element that a computer user interacts with, such as a window or a text box", "Any of the physical factors determining the climate of a place, such as latitude, distribution of land and water, altitude, exposure, prevailing winds, permanent high- or low-barometric-pressure areas, ocean currents, mountain barriers, soil, and vegetation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "control", "num_translations": 118 }, "between": { "senses": [ "In the position or interval that separates , or intermediate in quantity or degree", "Done together or reciprocally", "Shared in confidence", "In transit from", "Combined", "One of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atween", "atwix" ], "word": "between", "num_translations": 210 }, "iron2": { "senses": [ "to fetter or handcuff" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "press" ], "word": "iron", "num_translations": 44 }, "connection": { "senses": [ "The act of connecting", "The point at which two or more things are connected", "A feeling of understanding and ease of communication between two or more people", "An established communications or transportation link", "A transfer from one transportation vehicle to another in scheduled transportation service", "A kinship relationship between people", "An individual who is related to oneself, through either family or business", "A set of sets that contains the empty set, all one-element sets for any element that is included in any of the sets, and the union of any group of sets that are elements where the intersections of those sets is non-empty", "coherence", "lack of disjointedness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "connection", "num_translations": 160 }, "buzzard": { "senses": [ "Any of several Old World birds of prey of the genus Buteo with broad wings and a broad tail", "Any scavenging bird such as the American black vulture or the turkey vulture", "In North America, a curmudgeonly or cantankerous man", "an old person", "a mean, greedy person", "A blockhead", "a dunce", "synonym of \"double bogey\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buteo", "broadwing", "turkey vulture", "vulture" ], "word": "buzzard", "num_translations": 98 }, "cuckoo": { "senses": [ "Any of various birds, of the family Cuculidae, famous for laying its eggs in the nests of other species", "The sound of that particular bird", "A person who inveigles themselves into a place where they should not be", "Someone who is crazy", "alternative form of \"coo-coo\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cuckoo", "num_translations": 158 }, "robin": { "senses": [ "Any of various passerine birds of the families Muscicapidae, Turdidae and Petroicidae , typically with a red breast", "A trimming in front of a dress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "redbreast", "ruddock" ], "word": "robin", "num_translations": 124 }, "ipa": { "senses": [ "International Phonetic Alphabet", "International Phonetic Association", "International Police Association" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IPAss", "IPAlph" ], "word": "IPA", "num_translations": 56 }, "altitude": { "senses": [ "The absolute height of a location, usually measured from sea level", "A vertical distance", "The distance measured perpendicularly from a figure's vertex to the opposite side of the vertex", "The angular distance of a heavenly body above our Earth's horizon", "Height of rank or excellence", "superiority", "Elevation of spirits", "heroics", "haughty airs", "Highest point or degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "altitude", "num_translations": 103 }, "applaud1": { "senses": [ "To express approval by clapping the hands", "To praise, or express approval for something or someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beclap#Etymology_2" ], "word": "applaud", "num_translations": 65 }, "basis": { "senses": [ "A physical base or foundation", "A starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis", "An underlying condition or circumstance", "A regular frequency", "In a vector space, a linearly independent set of vectors spanning the whole vector space", "Amount paid for an investment, including commissions and other expenses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "base" ], "word": "basis", "num_translations": 81 }, "relaxed": { "senses": [ "Having an easy-going mood or temperament", "Eased or loosened", "Free from tension or anxiety, at ease" ], "antonyms": [ "stressed" ], "synonyms": [ "calm" ], "word": "relaxed", "num_translations": 30 }, "belly": { "senses": [ "The abdomen, especially a fat one", "The stomach", "The womb", "The lower fuselage of an airplane", "the innermost part", "The hollow part of a curved or bent timber, the convex part of which is the back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "belly", "num_translations": 225 }, "bestow": { "senses": [ "To lay up in store", "deposit for safe keeping", "to stow or place", "to put something somewhere", "To lodge, or find quarters for", "provide with accommodation", "To dispose of", "To give", "confer", "impart gratuitously", "present something to someone or something, especially as a gift or honour", "To give in marriage", "To apply", "make use of", "use", "employ", "To behave or deport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bestow", "num_translations": 103 }, "blanket1": { "senses": [ "General", "covering or encompassing everything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all-encompassing" ], "word": "blanket", "num_translations": 16 }, "blanket2": { "senses": [ "To traverse or complete thoroughly", "To take the wind out of the sails of by sailing to windward of it", "To nullify the impact of someone or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blanket", "num_translations": 20 }, "microbe": { "senses": [ "Any microorganism, but especially a harmful bacterium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:microorganism" ], "word": "microbe", "num_translations": 82 }, "jeer1": { "senses": [ "To utter sarcastic or mocking comments", "to speak with mockery or derision", "to use taunting language", "To mock", "treat with mockery", "to taunt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scoff", "deride", "Thesaurus:mock", "Thesaurus:deride" ], "word": "jeer", "num_translations": 49 }, "journey": { "senses": [ "A set amount of travelling, seen as a single unit", "a discrete trip, a voyage", "A day", "A day's travelling", "the distance travelled in a day", "A day's work", "The weight of finished coins delivered at one time to the Master of the Mint", "A group of giraffes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "journey", "num_translations": 101 }, "journey1": { "senses": [ "To travel, to make a trip or voyage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wayfare" ], "word": "journey", "num_translations": 48 }, "venom": { "senses": [ "A poison carried by an animal, usually injected into an enemy or prey by biting or stinging", "Feeling or speech marked by spite or malice", "vitriol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atter" ], "word": "venom", "num_translations": 72 }, "vertebrate1": { "senses": [ "An animal having a backbone" ], "antonyms": [ "invertebrate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "vertebrate", "num_translations": 55 }, "ice1": { "senses": [ "to freeze", "To make icy", "to freeze", "To murder", "To cover with icing", "to frost", "as cakes, tarts, etc", "To put out a team for a match", "To shoot the puck the length of the playing surface, causing a stoppage in play called icing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ice", "num_translations": 61 }, "lake": { "senses": [ "A small stream of running water", "a channel for water", "a drain", "A large, landlocked stretch of water", "A large amount of liquid", "A pit, or ditch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lake" ], "word": "lake", "num_translations": 458 }, "southern": { "senses": [ "Of, facing, situated in, or related to the south", "Of a wind: blowing from the south", "southerly" ], "antonyms": [ "northern", "boreal", "septentrional" ], "synonyms": [ "southerly", "austral", "meridional" ], "word": "southern", "num_translations": 92 }, "sovereign": { "senses": [ "Exercising power of rule", "Exceptional in quality", "Extremely potent or effective", "Having supreme, ultimate power", "Princely", "royal", "Predominant", "greatest", "utmost", "paramount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autonomous", "supreme" ], "word": "sovereign", "num_translations": 49 }, "sovereign1": { "senses": [ "A monarch", "the ruler of a country", "One who is not a subject to a ruler or nation", "A gold coin of the United Kingdom, with a nominal value of one pound sterling but in practice used as a bullion coin", "A very large champagne bottle with the capacity of about 25 liters, equivalent to 33\u2153 standard bottles", "Any butterfly of the tribe Nymphalini, or genus Basilarchia, as the ursula and the viceroy", "A large, garish ring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sovereign", "num_translations": 60 }, "sovereignty": { "senses": [ "The state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations", "Supreme authority over all things", "The liberty to decide one's thoughts and actions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nationhood" ], "word": "sovereignty", "num_translations": 117 }, "spaceman": { "senses": [ "An astronaut, often a male astronaut" ], "antonyms": [ "spacewoman" ], "synonyms": [ "astronaut", "rocketman" ], "word": "spaceman", "num_translations": 34 }, "spaceship": { "senses": [ "A vehicle that flies through space", "A finite pattern that reappears after a certain number of generations in the same orientation but in a different position", "The operator in the Perl, PHP and Ruby programming languages, which compares two values and indicates whether the first is lesser than, greater than, or equal to the second" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spacecraft" ], "word": "spaceship", "num_translations": 129 }, "sophistication": { "senses": [ "Enlightenment or education", "Cultivated intellectual worldliness", "savoir-faire", "Deceptive logic", "sophistry", "Falsification or contamination", "Complexity", "Ability to deal with complexity", "The act of sophisticating", "adulteration" ], "antonyms": [ "provincialism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sophistication", "num_translations": 17 }, "decline": { "senses": [ "Downward movement, fall", "A sloping downward, eg of a hill or road", "A weakening", "A reduction or diminution of activity", "The act of declining or refusing something" ], "antonyms": [ "incline" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "decline", "num_translations": 79 }, "decline1": { "senses": [ "To move downwards, to fall, to drop", "To become weaker or worse", "To bend downward", "to bring down", "to depress", "to cause to bend, or fall", "To cause to decrease or diminish", "To turn or bend aside", "to deviate", "to stray", "to withdraw", "To refuse, forbear", "To inflect for case, number and sometimes gender", "To run through from first to last", "to repeat like a schoolboy declining a noun", "To reject a penalty against the opposing team, usually because the result of accepting it would benefit the non-penalized team less than the preceding play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "decline", "num_translations": 107 }, "acolyte": { "senses": [ "One who has received the highest of the four minor orders in the Catholic Church, being ordained to carry the wine, water and lights at Mass", "An attendant, assistant or follower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sidekick" ], "word": "acolyte", "num_translations": 27 }, "recession": { "senses": [ "The act or an instance of receding or withdrawing", "A period of reduced economic activity", "The ceremonial filing out of clergy and/or choir at the end of a church service", "The act of ceding something back" ], "antonyms": [ "boom" ], "synonyms": [ "withdrawal", "return procession" ], "word": "recession", "num_translations": 41 }, "effect": { "senses": [ "The result or outcome of a cause", "Impression left on the mind", "sensation produced", "Execution", "performance", "realization", "operation", "An illusion produced by technical means", "An alteration, or device for producing an alteration, in sound after it has been produced by an instrument", "A scientific phenomenon, usually named after its discoverer", "Consequence intended", "purpose", "meaning", "general intent", "with to", "Reality", "actual meaning", "fact, as distinguished from mere appearance", "Manifestation", "expression", "sign" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "effect", "num_translations": 174 }, "distribution": { "senses": [ "An act of distributing or state of being distributed", "An apportionment by law", "The process by which goods get to final consumers over a geographical market, including storing, selling, shipping and advertising", "The frequency of occurrence or extent of existence", "Anything distributed", "portion", "share", "The result of distributing", "arrangement", "the set of relative likelihoods that a variable will have a value in a given interval", "A set of bundled software components", "distro", "The apportionment of income or wealth in a population", "The process or result of the sale of securities, especially their placement among investors with long-term investment strategies", "The resolution of a whole into its parts", "The process of sorting the types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases", "The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston: admission, suppression or cutting off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam prior to the next admission", "A rhetorical technique in which a subject is divided into multiple cases based on some property or properties, and each case is addressed individually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "distribution", "num_translations": 162 }, "dry": { "senses": [ "Free from or lacking moisture", "Unable to produce a liquid, as water, oil, or milk", "Built without or lacking mortar", "Anhydrous: free from or lacking water in any state, regardless of the presence of other liquids", "Athirst, eager", "Free from or lacking alcohol or alcoholic beverages", "Describing an area where sales of alcoholic or strong alcoholic beverages are banned", "Free from or lacking embellishment or sweetness, particularly:", "Involving computations rather than work with biological or chemical matter", "Free from applied audio effects", "Without a usual complement or consummation", "impotent", "Of a mass, service, or rite: involving neither consecration nor communion" ], "antonyms": [ "wet", "wet" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dry", "num_translations": 176 }, "dry2": { "senses": [ "To lose moisture", "To remove moisture from", "To be thirsty", "To exhaust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dry", "num_translations": 150 }, "doubt": { "senses": [ "To be undecided about", "to lack confidence in", "to disbelieve, to question", "To harbour suspicion about", "suspect", "To anticipate with dread or fear", "to apprehend", "To fill with fear", "to affright", "To dread, to fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "doubt", "num_translations": 103 }, "different": { "senses": [ "Not the same", "exhibiting a difference", "Various, assorted, diverse", "Distinct, separate", "used for emphasis after numbers and other determiners of quantity", "Unlike most others", "unusual" ], "antonyms": [ "alike", "homogeneous", "coherent", "normal", "undifferent" ], "synonyms": [ "other", "sundry", "apart", "aberrant" ], "word": "different", "num_translations": 200 }, "difference": { "senses": [ "The quality of being different", "A characteristic of something that makes it different from something else", "A disagreement or argument", "Significant change in or effect on a situation or state", "The result of a subtraction", "sometimes the absolute value of this result", "Choice", "preference", "An addition to a coat of arms to distinguish two people's bearings which would otherwise be the same See augmentation and cadency", "The quality or attribute which is added to those of the genus to constitute a species", "a differentia", "A Boolean operation which is TRUE when the two input variables are different but is otherwise FALSE", "the XOR operation", "the set of elements that are in one set but not another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "departure", "conflict", "remainder", "nevermind" ], "word": "difference", "num_translations": 266 }, "difference1": { "senses": [ "To distinguish or differentiate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "differentiate" ], "word": "difference", "num_translations": 14 }, "dirty": { "senses": [ "Unclean", "covered with or containing unpleasant substances such as dirt or grime", "That makes one unclean", "corrupting, infecting", "Morally unclean", "obscene or indecent, especially sexually", "Dishonourable", "violating accepted standards or rules", "Corrupt, illegal, or improper", "Out of tune", "Of color, discolored by impurities", "Containing data needing to be written back to memory or disk", "Carrying illegal drugs among one's possessions or inside of one's bloodstream", "Used as an intensifier, especially in conjunction with \"great\"", "Sleety", "gusty", "stormy", "Of an alcoholic beverage, especially a cocktail or mixed drink: served with the juice of olives" ], "antonyms": [ "clean", "sportsmanlike", "bright", "neat" ], "synonyms": [ "filthy", "cheating", "ill-gotten", "base", "dishonest", "dishonorable", "filthy", "despicable", "lousy", "mean", "sordid", "unethical", "vile", "indecent", "dingy" ], "word": "dirty", "num_translations": 388 }, "dirty2": { "senses": [ "To stain or tarnish with dishonor", "To debase by distorting the real nature of", "To become soiled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soil", "sully" ], "word": "dirty", "num_translations": 82 }, "drawer1": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of draw", "one who draws", "An artist who primarily makes drawings", "One who writes a bank draft, check/cheque, or promissory note", "A barman", "a person who draws the beer from the taps", "Someone who taps palm sap for making toddy", "A wagoner or person who pushes underground tubs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drawer", "num_translations": 72 }, "deep": { "senses": [ "Extending far away from a point of reference, especially downwards", "Complex, involved", "Low in pitch", "Highly saturated", "Sound, heavy", "Immersed, submerged", "Muddy", "boggy", "sandy", "said of roads", "Distant in the past, ancient" ], "antonyms": [ "shallow", "frivolous", "light", "shallow", "superficial", "shallow", "shallow", "thin", "shallow", "small", "high", "high-pitched", "piping", "light", "pale", "desaturated", "washed-out", "light" ], "synonyms": [ "heavy", "meaningful", "profound", "thick", "great", "large", "voluminous", "low", "low-pitched", "bright", "rich", "vivid", "fast", "heavy" ], "word": "deep", "num_translations": 331 }, "deep2": { "senses": [ "A silent time", "quiet isolation", "The profound part of a problem", "The sea, the ocean", "A fielding position near the boundary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deep", "num_translations": 20 }, "depth": { "senses": [ "the vertical distance below a surface", "the degree to which something is deep", "the intensity, complexity, strength, seriousness or importance of an emotion, situation, etc", "lowness", "the total palette of available colors", "the property of appearing three-dimensional", "the deepest part", "a very remote part", "the most severe part", "the number of simple elements which an abstract conception or notion includes", "the comprehension or content", "a pair of toothed wheels which work together", "the perpendicular distance from the chord to the farthest point of an arched surface", "the lower of the two ranks of a value in an ordered set of values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abyss" ], "word": "depth", "num_translations": 92 }, "goat": { "senses": [ "A mammal, Capra aegagrus hircus, and similar species of the genus Capra", "A lecherous man", "A Pontiac GTO car", "A person who is not easily understood by a speech recognition system", "contrasted with sheep", "A person who graduates from West Point with a 20 GPA", "A fool, loser, or object of ridicule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:libertine", "Thesaurus:scapegoat" ], "word": "goat", "num_translations": 343 }, "end": { "senses": [ "The terminal point of something in space or time", "The cessation of an effort, activity, state, or motion", "Death", "The most extreme point of an object, especially one that is longer than it is wide", "Result", "A purpose, goal, or aim", "One of the two parts of the ground used as a descriptive name for half of the ground", "A period of play in which each team throws eight rocks, two per player, in alternating fashion", "An ideal point of a graph or other complex", "That which is left", "a remnant", "a fragment", "a scrap", "One of the yarns of the worsted warp in a Brussels carpet", "Money" ], "antonyms": [ "beginning" ], "synonyms": [ "conclusion", "Thesaurus:goal" ], "word": "end", "num_translations": 221 }, "electric": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to an electronic version of a musical instrument that has an acoustic equivalent", "Being emotionally thrilling", "electrifying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "electrical" ], "word": "electric", "num_translations": 79 }, "flat": { "senses": [ "Having no variations in height", "Without variations in pitch", "Having small or invisible breasts and/or buttocks", "Lowered by one semitone", "Of a note or voice, lower in pitch than it should be", "Uninteresting", "With all or most of its carbon dioxide having come out of solution so that the drink no longer fizzes or contains any bubbles", "Lacking acidity without being sweet", "Unable to emit power", "dead", "Without spin", "spinless", "Lacking liveliness or action", "depressed", "dull and boring", "Absolute", "downright", "peremptory", "sonant", "vocal, as distinguished from a sharp consonant", "Not having an inflectional ending or sign, such as a noun used as an adjective, or an adjective as an adverb, without the addition of a formative suffix", "or an infinitive without the sign \"to\"", "Having a head at a very obtuse angle to the shaft", "Lacking in depth, substance, or believability", "underdeveloped", "one-dimensional", "Fixed", "unvarying" ], "antonyms": [ "bumpy", "sharp", "sharp" ], "synonyms": [ "even", "deflate", "monotone", "boring", "still", "flabby" ], "word": "flat", "num_translations": 290 }, "flat1": { "senses": [ "Bluntly", "Not exceeding", "Completely", "Directly", "Without allowance for accrued interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bluntly", "tops", "absolutely" ], "word": "flat", "num_translations": 43 }, "flat2": { "senses": [ "An area of level ground", "A note played a semitone lower than a natural, denoted by the symbol \u266d sign placed after the letter representing the note or in front of the note symbol", "A type of ladies' shoes with very low heels", "A thin, broad brush used in oil and watercolor/watercolour painting", "A wide, shallow container or pallet", "A large mail piece measuring at least 8 1/2 by 11 inches, such as catalogs, magazines, and unfolded paper enclosed in large envelopes", "A railroad car without a roof, and whose body is a platform without sides", "A subset of n-dimensional space that is congruent to a Euclidean space of lower dimension", "A straw hat, broad-brimmed and low-crowned", "A platform on a wheel, upon which emblematic designs etc are carried in processions", "A horizontal vein or ore deposit auxiliary to a main vein", "also, any horizontal portion of a vein not elsewhere horizontal", "A dull fellow", "a simpleton", "A rectangular wooden structure covered with masonite, lauan, or muslin that depicts a building or other part of a scene, also called backcloth and backdrop", "Any of various hesperiid butterflies that spread their wings open when they land" ], "antonyms": [ "sharp", "high heels" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "flat", "num_translations": 68 }, "violin": { "senses": [ "A musical four-string instrument, generally played with a bow or by plucking the string, with the pitch set by pressing the strings at the appropriate place with the fingers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiddle" ], "word": "violin", "num_translations": 120 }, "guitar": { "senses": [ "A stringed musical instrument, of European origin, usually with a fretted fingerboard and six strings, played with the fingers or a plectrum", "Any type of musical instrument of the lute family, characterized by a flat back, along with a neck whose upper surface is in the same plane as the soundboard, with strings along the neck and parallel to the soundboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "axe", "gat" ], "word": "guitar", "num_translations": 110 }, "bankrupt": { "senses": [ "unable to pay one's debts", "Having been legally declared insolvent", "Destitute of, or wholly lacking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "bankrupt", "num_translations": 48 }, "crisis": { "senses": [ "A crucial or decisive point or situation", "a turning point", "An unstable situation, in political, social, economic or military affairs, especially one involving an impending abrupt change", "A sudden change in the course of a disease, usually at which point the patient is expected to either recover or die", "A traumatic or stressful change in a person's life", "A point in a drama at which a conflict reaches a peak before being resolved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crisis", "num_translations": 163 }, "following": { "senses": [ "Coming next, either in sequence or in time", "About to be specified", "Blowing in the direction of travel" ], "antonyms": [ "preceding", "abovementioned" ], "synonyms": [ "succeeding", "undermentioned" ], "word": "following", "num_translations": 63 }, "following2": { "senses": [ "A group of followers, attendants or admirers", "an entourage", "Vocation", "business", "profession", "A thing or things to be mentioned immediately after" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "following", "num_translations": 17 }, "demonym": { "senses": [ "A name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place, usually derived from the name of the place", "A pseudonym formed of an adjective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gentilic" ], "word": "demonym", "num_translations": 14 }, "octopus": { "senses": [ "Any of several marine molluscs/mollusks, of the family Octopodidae, having no internal or external protective shell or bone and eight arms each covered with suckers", "The flesh of these marine molluscs eaten as food", "An organization that has many powerful branches controlled from the centre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polypus" ], "word": "octopus", "num_translations": 162 }, "penis": { "senses": [ "The male reproductive organ used for sexual intercourse that in the human male and some other mammals is also used for urination", "the tubular portion of the male genitalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tarse", "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "penis", "num_translations": 423 }, "testicle": { "senses": [ "The male sex and endocrine gland, found in some types of animals, that produces sperm and male sex hormones, including the steroid testosterone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "testis", "ball", "bollock", "lamb fries", "Thesaurus:testicles" ], "word": "testicle", "num_translations": 187 }, "peregrinefalcon": { "senses": [ "A medium-sized, very swift falcon, Falco peregrinus, that hunts small birds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duck hawk" ], "word": "peregrinefalcon", "num_translations": 82 }, "kestrel": { "senses": [ "Any of various small falcons of the genus Falco that hover while hunting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "windhover" ], "word": "kestrel", "num_translations": 128 }, "chicken": { "senses": [ "A domestic fowl, Gallus gallus, especially when young", "The meat from this bird eaten as food", "A coward", "A young or inexperienced person", "A young, attractive, slim man, usually having little body hair", "The game of dare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biddy", "see", "Thesaurus:coward", "spring chicken", "twink" ], "word": "chicken", "num_translations": 497 }, "rooster": { "senses": [ "A male domestic chicken or other gallinaceous bird", "A bird or bat which roosts or is roosting", "An informer", "A violent or disorderly person", "A powerful, prideful, or pompous person", "A man", "A wild violet, when used in a children's game based on cockfighting", "Legislation solely devised to benefit the legislators proposing it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cock", "See", "Thesaurus:informant", "brawler", "See", "Thesaurus:important person", "cock of the walk", "See", "Thesaurus:man" ], "word": "rooster", "num_translations": 190 }, "jay": { "senses": [ "Any one of the numerous species of birds belonging to several genera within the family Corvidae, including Garrulus, Cyanocitta, Aphelocoma, Perisoreus, Cyanocorax, Gymnorhinus, Cyanolyca, Ptilostomus, and Calocitta, allied to the crows, but smaller, more graceful in form, often handsomely colored, usually having a crest, and often noisy", "Other birds of similar appearance and behavior", "Any of various large papilionid butterflies of the genus Graphium", "Promiscuous woman", "prostitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jenny jay", "jay pie", "k", "kae", "bluejay", "whisky jack", "Thesaurus:ignoramus", "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman", "Thesaurus:prostitute" ], "word": "jay", "num_translations": 86 }, "swallow": { "senses": [ "To cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach", "to take into the stomach through the throat", "To take in so that it disappears", "to consume, absorb", "To take food down into the stomach", "to make the muscular contractions of the oesophagus to achieve this, often taken as a sign of nervousness or strong emotion", "To accept easily or without questions", "to believe, accept", "To engross", "to appropriate", "usually with up", "To retract", "to recant", "To put up with", "to bear patiently or without retaliation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consume", "absorb", "gulp", "buy", "absorb", "disavow", "brook" ], "word": "swallow", "num_translations": 246 }, "swallow2": { "senses": [ "A small, migratory bird of the Hirundinidae family with long, pointed, moon-shaped wings and a forked tail which feeds on the wing by catching insects", "The aperture in a block through which the rope reeves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "martin" ], "word": "swallow", "num_translations": 151 }, "gull": { "senses": [ "A seabird of the genus Larus or of the family Laridae", "Any of various pierid butterflies of the genus Cepora" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mew" ], "word": "gull", "num_translations": 110 }, "commongull": { "senses": [ "A medium-sized gull, Larus canus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common mew" ], "word": "commongull", "num_translations": 77 }, "nightingale": { "senses": [ "A European songbird, Luscinia megarhynchos, of the family Muscicapidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "philomel" ], "word": "nightingale", "num_translations": 128 }, "apex": { "senses": [ "The highest or the greatest point of something", "The moment of greatest success, expansion, etc", "The topmost vertex of a cone or pyramid", "The \"pointed\" fine end of something", "The end of a leaf, petal or similar organ opposed to the end where it is attached to its support", "the tip", "The point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun appears to move relative to nearby stars", "The lowest point on a pendant drop of a liquid", "The end or edge of a vein nearest the surface", "A diacritic in Classical Latin that resembles and gave rise to the acute", "A diacritic in Middle Vietnamese that indicates", "A sharp upward point formed by two strokes that meet at an acute angle, as in \"W\", uppercase \"A\", and closed-top \"4\", or by a tapered stroke, as in lowercase \"t\"", "The top of the food chain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peak", "acme", "end", "Thesaurus:apex" ], "word": "apex", "num_translations": 100 }, "tit": { "senses": [ "A mammary gland, teat", "A woman's breast", "An idiot", "a fool", "A police officer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tit", "num_translations": 131 }, "tit3": { "senses": [ "A chickadee", "a small passerine bird of the genus Parus or the family Paridae, common in the Northern Hemisphere", "Any of various other small passerine birds", "A small horse", "a nag", "A young girl, later especially a minx, hussy", "A morsel", "a bit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tit", "num_translations": 13 }, "sparrow": { "senses": [ "a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers", "A member of the family Passeridae, comprising small Old World songbirds", "A member of the family Emberizidae, comprising small New World songbirds", "Generically, any small, nondescript bird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spadger" ], "word": "sparrow", "num_translations": 145 }, "peacock": { "senses": [ "A male peafowl, especially Pavo cristatus, notable for its brilliant iridescently ocellated tail", "A peafowl , either male or female", "A vainglorious person", "Any of various Asian species of papilionid butterflies of the genus Papilio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peafowl" ], "word": "peacock", "num_translations": 149 }, "butterfly": { "senses": [ "A flying insect of the order Lepidoptera, distinguished from moths by their diurnal activity and generally brighter colouring", "A use of surgical tape, cut into thin strips and placed across an open wound to hold it closed", "A sensation of excited anxiety felt in the stomach", "Someone seen as being unserious and dressed gaudily", "someone flighty and unreliable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lep" ], "word": "butterfly", "num_translations": 595 }, "rumor": { "senses": [ "A statement or claim of questionable accuracy, from no known reliable source, usually spread by word of mouth", "Information or misinformation of the kind contained in such claims" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gossip" ], "word": "rumor", "num_translations": 95 }, "authority": { "senses": [ "The power to enforce rules or give orders", "Persons in command", "specifically, government", "A person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject", "Government-owned agency which runs a revenue-generating activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "authority", "num_translations": 184 }, "enforce": { "senses": [ "To keep up, impose or bring into effect something, not necessarily by force", "To give strength or force to", "to affirm, to emphasize", "To strengthen with extra troops, fortifications etc", "To intensify, make stronger, add force to", "To exert oneself, to try hard", "To compel, oblige", "to force", "To make or gain by force", "to force", "To put in motion or action by violence", "to drive", "To give force to", "to strengthen", "to invigorate", "to urge with energy", "To urge", "to ply hard", "to lay much stress upon", "To prove", "to evince" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enforce", "num_translations": 54 }, "impose": { "senses": [ "To establish or apply by authority", "to be an inconvenience", "to enforce: compel to behave in a certain way", "To practice a trick or deception", "To lay on, as the hands, in the religious rites of confirmation and ordination", "To arrange in proper order on a table of stone or metal and lock up in a chase for printing", "said of columns or pages of type, forms, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impose", "num_translations": 48 }, "power": { "senses": [ "Ability to do or undergo something", "Ability to coerce, influence or control", "Effectiveness", "A large amount or number", "Any of the elementary forms or parts of machines: three primary and three secondary", "A measure of the effectiveness that a force producing a physical effect has over time If linear, the quotient of: \u00f7 time If rotational, the quotient of: \u00f7 time", "In Christian angelology, an intermediate level of angels, ranked above archangels, but exact position varies by classification scheme" ], "antonyms": [ "impotence", "weakness" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:power" ], "word": "power", "num_translations": 452 }, "proportion": { "senses": [ "A quantity of something that is part of the whole amount or number", "Harmonious relation of parts to each other or to the whole", "Proper or equal share", "The relation of one part to another or to the whole with respect to magnitude, quantity, or degree", "A statement of equality between two ratios", "The \"rule of three\", in which three terms are given to find a fourth", "Size" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "proportion", "num_translations": 32 }, "magpie": { "senses": [ "One of several kinds of bird in the family Corvidae", "A superficially similar Australian bird, Gymnorhina tibicen or Cracticus tibicen", "A fan or member of Newcastle United FC", "The 3rd circle on a target, between the inner and outer", "A halfpenny" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurasian magpie", "maggie", "pie", "piet" ], "word": "magpie", "num_translations": 179 }, "woodpecker": { "senses": [ "Any bird of many-species subfamily Picinae, with a sharp beak suitable for pecking holes in wood", "Type 92 heavy machine gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speight" ], "word": "woodpecker", "num_translations": 145 }, "greenwoodpecker": { "senses": [ "A European bird, Picus viridis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "popinjay" ], "word": "greenwoodpecker", "num_translations": 66 }, "blackbird": { "senses": [ "A common true thrush, Turdus merula, found in woods and gardens over much of Eurasia, and introduced elsewhere", "A variety of New World birds of the family Icteridae", "A native of the South Pacific islands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common blackbird", "icterid" ], "word": "blackbird", "num_translations": 97 }, "americanbison": { "senses": [ "A bovine mammal, a species of bison, Bison bison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American buffalo", "North American buffalo", "North American bison", "buffalo", "bison" ], "word": "Americanbison", "num_translations": 57 }, "wisent": { "senses": [ "The European bison, ''''" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "European bison" ], "word": "wisent", "num_translations": 78 }, "cattle": { "senses": [ "Domesticated bovine animals", "Certain other livestock, such as sheep, pigs or horses", "People who resemble domesticated bovine animals in behavior or destiny", "chattel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neat", "sheeple" ], "word": "cattle", "num_translations": 216 }, "donkey": { "senses": [ "a domestic animal, Equus asinus asinus, similar to a horse", "a stubborn person", "a fool", "a small auxiliary engine", "a bad poker player" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stubborn person" ], "word": "donkey", "num_translations": 355 }, "hedgehog": { "senses": [ "A small mammal, of the family Erinaceidae or subfamily Erinaceinae", "A type of moveable military barricade made from crossed logs or steel bars, laced with barbed wire, used to damage or impede tanks and vehicles", "A spigot mortar-type of depth charge weapon from World War II that simultaneously fires a number of explosives into the water to create a pattern of underwater explosions intended to attack submerged submarines", "A type of chocolate cake , somewhat similar to an American brownie", "A form of dredging machine", "Certain flowering plants with parts resembling a member of family Erinaceidae", "The edible fungus Hydnum repandum", "A kind of electrical transformer with open magnetic circuit, the ends of the iron wire core being turned outward and presenting a bristling appearance", "A way of serving food at a party, consisting of a half melon or potato etc with individual cocktail sticks of cheese and pineapple stuck into it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "urchin", "furze-pig", "fuzz-pig", "hedgepig", "hedgy-boar", "prickly-pig", "Erinaceus europaeus", "Medicago intertexta" ], "word": "hedgehog", "num_translations": 158 }, "wildcat": { "senses": [ "An undomesticated felid, as tigers or lions", "A feral cat", "alternative spelling of \"wildcat\", the Old World wildcats or the bobcat and other New World lynxes", "alternative spelling of \"wildcat\" in its other extended senses" ], "antonyms": [ "domestic cat" ], "synonyms": [ "big cat" ], "word": "wildcat", "num_translations": 11 }, "badger": { "senses": [ "Any mammal of three subfamilies, which belong to the family Mustelidae: Melinae , Mellivorinae , and Taxideinae", "A native or resident of the American state, Wisconsin", "A crew of desperate villains who robbed near rivers, into which they threw the bodies of those they murdered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brock", "Wisconsinite" ], "word": "badger", "num_translations": 143 }, "badger1": { "senses": [ "To pester, to annoy persistently", "To pass gas", "to fart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:flatulate" ], "word": "badger", "num_translations": 37 }, "ermine": { "senses": [ "its dark brown fur turns white in winter", "The white fur of this animal, traditionally seen as a symbol of purity and used for judges' robes", "The office of a judge", "A white field with black spots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stoat", "short-tailed weasel", "wild otter" ], "word": "ermine", "num_translations": 118 }, "muskrat": { "senses": [ "A large aquatic rodent", "Any of several species of shrews in the family Soricidae, especially the Asian house shrew, Suncus murinus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "'rat", "musquash", "musk shrew" ], "word": "muskrat", "num_translations": 78 }, "rabbit": { "senses": [ "A mammal of the family Leporidae, with long ears, long hind legs and a short, fluffy tail", "The meat from this animal", "A runner in a distance race whose goal is mainly to set the pace, either to tire a specific rival so that a teammate can win or to help another break a record", "a pacesetter", "A very poor batsman", "selected as a bowler or wicket-keeper", "A large element at the beginning of a list of items to be bubble sorted, and thus tending to be quickly swapped into its correct position Compare turtle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bunny", "bunny rabbit", "coney" ], "word": "rabbit", "num_translations": 250 }, "squirrel": { "senses": [ "Any of the rodents of the family Sciuridae distinguished by their large bushy tail", "A person, usually a freezoner, who applies L Ron Hubbard's technology in a heterodox manner", "One of the small rollers of a carding machine which work with the large cylinder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scug" ], "word": "squirrel", "num_translations": 245 }, "pig": { "senses": [ "Any of several intelligent mammalian species of the genus Sus, having cloven hooves, bristles and a nose adapted for digging", "especially the domesticated animal Sus scrofa", "The edible meat of such an animal", "pork", "Someone who overeats or eats rapidly and noisily", "A lecherous or sexist man", "A dirty or slovenly person", "A police officer", "A difficult problem", "A block of cast metal", "The mold in which a block of metal is cast", "The general-purpose M60 machine gun, considered to be heavy and bulky", "A simple dice game in which players roll the dice as many times as they like, either accumulating a greater score or losing previous points gained" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hog", "Thesaurus:glutton", "Thesaurus:jerk", "Thesaurus:police officer", "Thesaurus:fat person" ], "word": "pig", "num_translations": 572 }, "mole": { "senses": [ "A pigmented spot on the skin, a naevus, slightly raised, and sometimes hairy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "birthmark", "nevus" ], "word": "mole", "num_translations": 92 }, "mole1": { "senses": [ "Any of several small, burrowing insectivores of the family Talpidae", "An internal spy, a person who involves himself or herself with an enemy organisation, especially an intelligence or governmental organisation, to determine and betray its secrets from within", "A kind of self-propelled excavator used to form underground drains, or to clear underground pipelines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mouldwarp" ], "word": "mole", "num_translations": 206 }, "mole4": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units, the base unit of amount of substance", "the amount of substance of a system which contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0012 kg of carbon-12 Symbol: mol The number of atoms is known as Avogadro's number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gram molecule" ], "word": "mole", "num_translations": 39 }, "fox": { "senses": [ "The gemmeous dragonet, a fish, Callionymus lyra, so called from its yellow color", "A cunning person", "A physically attractive man or woman", "A small strand of rope made by twisting several rope-yarns together Used for seizings, mats, sennits, and gaskets", "A wedge driven into the split end of a bolt to tighten it", "The fourteenth Lenormand card", "A sword" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tod", "Thesaurus:beautiful woman" ], "word": "fox", "num_translations": 395 }, "fox1": { "senses": [ "To trick, fool or outwit by cunning or ingenuity", "To confuse or baffle", "To act slyly or craftily", "To make sour, as beer, by causing it to ferment", "To turn sour", "said of beer, etc, when it sours in fermenting", "To intoxicate", "to stupefy with drink", "To repair with new front upper leather, or to piece the upper fronts of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fox", "num_translations": 18 }, "shrew": { "senses": [ "Any of numerous small, mouselike, chiefly nocturnal, mammals of the family Soricidae", "An ill-tempered, nagging woman: a scold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ranny" ], "word": "shrew", "num_translations": 87 }, "usa": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"United States of America\"", "initialism of \"United States Army\"", "initialism of \"Union of South Africa\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Usania", "US", "U.S. of A", "Army", "United States Army" ], "word": "USA", "num_translations": 103 }, "laser": { "senses": [ "A device that produces a monochromatic, coherent beam of light", "A beam of light produced by such a device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LASER", "optical maser" ], "word": "laser", "num_translations": 75 }, "christian2": { "senses": [ "Of, like or relating to Jesus Christ", "Kind, charitable", "moral", "a term of approbation" ], "antonyms": [ "agnostic", "corrupt" ], "synonyms": [ "charitable" ], "word": "Christian", "num_translations": 71 }, "dairy": { "senses": [ "A place, often on a farm, where milk is processed and turned into products such as butter and cheese", "Products produced from milk", "A corner-store, superette or 'mini-mart' of some description" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "milkhouse", "milkery" ], "word": "dairy", "num_translations": 132 }, "nit": { "senses": [ "The egg of a louse", "A young louse", "A head louse regardless of its age", "A minor shortcoming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dickies" ], "word": "nit", "num_translations": 96 }, "goggles": { "senses": [ "Protective eyewear set in a flexible frame to fit snugly against the face", "Blinds for shying horses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pair of goggles" ], "word": "goggles", "num_translations": 28 }, "rom1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Romani", "Roma", "Sinti", "Romanichal", "Gypsy", "gypsy", "tzigane" ], "word": "Rom", "num_translations": 141 }, "sap": { "senses": [ "The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition", "Any juice", "Vitality", "a naive person", "a simpleton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sap", "num_translations": 114 }, "sap5": { "senses": [ "To subvert by digging or wearing away", "to mine", "to undermine", "to destroy the foundation of", "To make unstable or infirm", "to unsettle", "to weaken", "To gradually weaken", "To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sap", "num_translations": 35 }, "plate": { "senses": [ "A slightly curved but almost flat dish from which food is served or eaten", "Such dishes collectively", "The contents of such a dish", "A course at a meal", "An agenda of tasks, problems, or responsibilities", "A flat metallic object of uniform thickness", "A layer of a material on the surface of something, usually qualified by the type of the material", "plating", "A material covered with such a layer", "A decorative or food service item coated with silver or gold", "A weighted disk, usually of metal, with a hole in the center for use with a barbell, dumbbell, or exercise machine", "An engraved surface used to transfer an image to paper", "An image or copy", "An illustration in a book, either black and white, or colour, usually on a page of paper of different quality from the text pages", "A shaped and fitted surface, usually ceramic or metal that fits into the mouth and in which teeth are implanted", "A horizontal framing member at the top or bottom of a group of vertical studs", "Any of various larger scales found in some reptiles", "A flat electrode such as can be found in an accumulator battery, or in an electrolysis tank", "The anode of a vacuum tube", "Silver or gold, in the form of a coin, or less often silver or gold utensils or dishes", "A roundel of silver or tinctured argent", "A prize given to the winner in a contest", "Any flat piece of material such as coated glass or plastic", "A metallic card, used to imprint tickets with an airline's logo, name, and numeric code", "The ability of a travel agent to issue tickets on behalf of a particular airline", "One of the thin parts of the brisket of an animal", "A very light steel horseshoe for racehorses", "Skins for fur linings of garments, sewn together and roughly shaped, but not finally cut or fitted", "The fine nap on a hat whose body is made from inferior material", "A record, usually vinyl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plate", "num_translations": 315 }, "plate1": { "senses": [ "To cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material, usually a metal", "To score a run", "To specify which airline a ticket will be issued on behalf of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plate", "num_translations": 21 }, "heart": { "senses": [ "A muscular organ that pumps blood through the body, traditionally thought to be the seat of emotion", "Emotions, kindness, moral effort, or spirit in general", "The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, etc", "rarely, the seat of the understanding or will", "usually in a good sense", "personality", "Courage", "courageous purpose", "spirit", "Vigorous and efficient activity", "power of fertile production", "condition of the soil, whether good or bad", "A term of affectionate or kindly and familiar address", "Personality, disposition", "A wight or being", "The twenty-fourth Lenormand card", "The centre, essence, or core" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bravery", "honey", "crux" ], "word": "heart", "num_translations": 329 }, "castle": { "senses": [ "A large building that is fortified and contains many defences", "in previous ages often inhabited by a nobleman or king", "An instance of castling", "A rook", "A defense structure in Japanese chess in which the king is positioned in a certain way so that it is protected by pawns and silver general and/or gold general often with an additional knight and lance", "A close helmet", "Any strong, imposing, and stately mansion", "A small tower, as on a ship, or an elephant's back", "The wicket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortress" ], "word": "castle", "num_translations": 194 }, "castle1": { "senses": [ "To protect or separate in a similar way", "To move the king 2 squares right or left and, in the same turn, the nearest rook to the far side of the king The move now has special rules: the king cannot be in, go through, or end in check", "the squares between the king and rook must be vacant", "and neither piece may have been moved before castling", "To create a similar defensive position in Japanese chess through several moves", "To bowl a batsman with a full-length ball or yorker such that the stumps are knocked over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "castellate", "fortify" ], "word": "castle", "num_translations": 20 }, "pawn": { "senses": [ "The most common chess piece, or a similar piece in a similar game In chess each side has eight", "moves are only forward, and attacks are only forward diagonally or en passant", "Someone who is being manipulated or used to some end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pawn" ], "word": "pawn", "num_translations": 107 }, "pawn1": { "senses": [ "The state of being held as security for a loan, or as a pledge", "An item given as security on a loan, or as a pledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pawn", "num_translations": 38 }, "pawn2": { "senses": [ "To pledge", "to stake or wager", "To give as security on a loan of money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hock" ], "word": "pawn", "num_translations": 22 }, "dialogue": { "senses": [ "A conversation or other form of discourse between two or more individuals", "In a dramatic or literary presentation, the verbal parts of the script or text", "the verbalizations of the actors or characters", "A literary form, where the presentation resembles a conversation" ], "antonyms": [ "introspection", "monologue", "trialogue", "quadralogue", "multilogue" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dialogue", "num_translations": 171 }, "logic1": { "senses": [ "The study of the principles and criteria of valid inference and demonstration", "The mathematical study of relationships between rigorously defined concepts and of mathematical proof of statements", "A formal or informal language together with a deductive system or a model-theoretic semantics", "Any system of thought, whether rigorous and productive or not, especially one associated with a particular person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "formal logic", "formal system", "philosophy" ], "word": "logic", "num_translations": 125 }, "checkmate": { "senses": [ "Word called out by the victor when making a move that wins the game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mate" ], "word": "checkmate", "num_translations": 67 }, "capture": { "senses": [ "An act of capturing", "a seizing by force or stratagem", "The securing of an object of strife or desire, as by the power of some attraction", "a captive", "The recording or storage of something for later playback", "A particular match found for a pattern in a text string" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "capture", "num_translations": 47 }, "capture1": { "senses": [ "To take control of", "to seize by force or stratagem", "To store for later revisitation", "To reproduce convincingly", "To remove or take control of an opponent's piece in a game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "capture", "num_translations": 96 }, "dark": { "senses": [ "Having an absolute or relative lack of light", "Dull or deeper in hue", "not bright or light", "Hidden, secret, obscure", "Without moral or spiritual light", "sinister, malign", "Conducive to hopelessness", "depressing or bleak", "Lacking progress in science or the arts", "said of a time period", "With emphasis placed on the unpleasant aspects of life", "said of a work of fiction, a work of nonfiction presented in narrative form or a portion of either" ], "antonyms": [ "bright", "bright" ], "synonyms": [ "dim", "hidden", "malign", "deep", "hopeless", "unenlightened" ], "word": "dark", "num_translations": 297 }, "dark1": { "senses": [ "A complete or partial absence of light", "Ignorance", "Nightfall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "darkness", "cluelessness", "crepusculum" ], "word": "dark", "num_translations": 142 }, "dead": { "senses": [ "No longer living", "Figuratively, not alive", "lacking life", "So hated that they are absolutely ignored", "Doomed", "marked for death", "Without emotion", "Stationary", "static", "Without interest to one of the senses", "dull", "flat", "Unproductive", "Completely inactive", "currently without power", "without a signal", "Unable to emit power, being discharged or faulty", "Broken or inoperable", "No longer used or required", "Not imparting motion or power by design", "Not in play", "Lying so near the hole that the player is certain to hole it in the next stroke", "Tagged out", "Full and complete", "Exact", "Experiencing pins and needles", "Constructed so as not to transmit sound", "soundless", "Bringing death", "Cut off from the rights of a citizen", "deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property", "Indifferent to, no longer subject to or ruled by" ], "antonyms": [ "alive", "living" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dead" ], "word": "dead", "num_translations": 198 }, "dead2": { "senses": [ "Time when coldness, darkness, or stillness is most intense", "Those who have died" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deceased" ], "word": "dead", "num_translations": 45 }, "death": { "senses": [ "The cessation of life and all associated processes", "the end of an organism's existence as an entity independent from its environment and its return to an inert, nonliving state", "the Grim Reaper", "The collapse or end of something", "Spiritual lifelessness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:death" ], "word": "death", "num_translations": 430 }, "if": { "senses": [ "Supposing that, assuming that, in the circumstances that", "used to introduce a condition or choice", "In the event that a statement is true", "Supposing that", "used with past or past perfect subjunctive indicating that the condition is closed", "Supposing that", "given that", "supposing it is the case that", "Although", "used to introduce a concession", "Whether", "used to introduce a noun clause, an indirect question, that functions as the direct object of certain verbs", "even in the circumstances that", "Introducing a relevance conditional" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "if", "num_translations": 291 }, "true": { "senses": [ "Conforming to the actual state of reality or fact", "factually correct", "Conforming to a rule or pattern", "exact", "accurate", "Of the state in Boolean logic that indicates an affirmative or positive result", "Loyal, faithful", "Genuine", "legitimate", "Used in the designation of group of species, or sometimes a single species, to indicate that it belongs to the clade its common name is restricted to in technical speech, or to distinguish it from a similar species, the latter of which may be called false", "Accurate", "following a path toward the target", "Fair, unbiased, not loaded", "based on actual historical events" ], "antonyms": [ "false", "untrue" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "true", "num_translations": 266 }, "else1": { "senses": [ "Otherwise, if not" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "otherwise" ], "word": "else", "num_translations": 44 }, "join": { "senses": [ "An intersection of piping or wiring", "an interconnect", "An intersection of data in two or more database tables", "The lowest upper bound, an operation between pairs of elements in a lattice, denoted by the symbol \u2228" ], "antonyms": [ "meet" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "join", "num_translations": 24 }, "join1": { "senses": [ "To connect or combine into one", "to put together", "To come together", "to meet", "To come into the company of", "To become a member of", "To produce an intersection of data in two or more database tables", "To unite in marriage", "to command", "To accept, or engage in, as a contest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewed" ], "word": "join", "num_translations": 191 }, "danger": { "senses": [ "Exposure to likely harm", "peril", "An instance or cause of likely harm", "Mischief", "The stop indication of a signal", "Ability to harm", "Liability", "Difficulty", "sparingness", "Coyness", "disdainful behavior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:danger" ], "word": "danger", "num_translations": 173 }, "jewel": { "senses": [ "A precious or semi-precious stone", "gem, gemstone", "A valuable object used for personal ornamentation, especially one made of precious metals and stones", "Anything precious or valuable", "A bearing for a pivot in a watch, formed of a crystal or precious stone", "Any of various lycaenid butterflies of the genus Hypochrysops", "The clitoris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gemstone" ], "word": "jewel", "num_translations": 150 }, "judge": { "senses": [ "A public official whose duty it is to administer the law, especially by presiding over trials and rendering judgments", "a justice", "A person who decides the fate of someone or something that has been called into question", "A person officiating at a sports event or similar", "A person who evaluates something or forms an opinion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "magistrate", "justice", "justiciar", "justiciary", "Chief Justice", "Chief Justiciar", "Capital Justiciary", "Chief Justiciary", "justicer", "sheriff", "bailiff", "reeve", "deemer" ], "word": "judge", "num_translations": 287 }, "judge1": { "senses": [ "To sit in judgment on", "to pass sentence on", "To form an opinion on", "To arbitrate", "to pass opinion on something, especially to settle a dispute etc", "To have as an opinion", "to consider, suppose", "To form an opinion", "to infer", "To criticize or label another person or thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deem" ], "word": "judge", "num_translations": 190 }, "list": { "senses": [ "A strip of fabric, especially from the edge of a piece of cloth", "Material used for cloth selvage", "A register or roll of paper consisting of a compilation or enumeration of a set of possible items", "the compilation or enumeration itself", "The barriers or palisades used to fence off a space for jousting or tilting tournaments", "especially, in the LISP programming language, a data structure consisting of a sequence of zero or more items", "A little square moulding", "A narrow strip of wood, especially sapwood, cut from the edge of a board or plank", "A piece of woollen cloth with which the yarns are grasped by a worker", "The first thin coating of tin", "a wire-like rim of tin left on an edge of the plate after it is coated", "A stripe", "A boundary or limit", "a border" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see" ], "word": "list", "num_translations": 130 }, "list1": { "senses": [ "To sew together, as strips of cloth, so as to make a show of colours, or to form a border", "To prepare for a cotton crop by making alternating beds and alleys with a hoe", "To cut away a narrow strip, as of sapwood, from the edge of", "To enclose for combat", "To engage a soldier, etc", "To engage in public service by enrolling one's name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tabulate" ], "word": "list", "num_translations": 37 }, "low": { "senses": [ "not high or lofty", "Of less than normal height", "Not high in status, esteem or rank, dignity, or quality", "Humble, meek, not haughty", "Disparaging", "assigning little value or excellence", "Being a nadir, a bottom", "Depressed in mood, dejected, sad", "Lacking health or vitality, strength or vivacity", "feeble", "weak", "Small, not high", "Simple in complexity or development", "favoring simplicity", "Being near the equator", "flat", "Quiet", "soft", "not loud", "Made with a relatively large opening between the tongue and the palate", "Lesser in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc", "Not rich, seasoned, or nourishing", "plain, simple" ], "antonyms": [ "high", "tall" ], "synonyms": [ "nether", "underslung", "short", "small", "blue", "depressed", "down", "miserable", "sad", "unhappy", "gloomy", "reduced", "devalued", "low-level", "low-pitched", "deep", "flat", "low-toned", "soft", "immoral", "abject", "scummy", "scurvy" ], "word": "low", "num_translations": 194 }, "low1": { "senses": [ "The minimum value attained by some quantity within a specified period", "A depressed mood or situation", "a depression", "a cheap, cost-efficient, or advantageous payment or expense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "low", "num_translations": 24 }, "low2": { "senses": [ "Close to the ground", "not loudly", "gently", "Under the usual price", "at a moderate price", "cheaply", "humbly", "meanly", "In a time approaching our own", "In a path near the equator, so that the declination is small, or near the horizon, so that the altitude is small", "said of the heavenly bodies with reference to the diurnal revolution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "low", "num_translations": 27 }, "long": { "senses": [ "Having much distance from one terminating point on an object or an area to another terminating point (usually applies to horizontal dimensions", "see Usage Notes below)", "Having great duration", "Seemingly lasting a lot of time, because it is boring or tedious or tiring", "Not short", "tall", "Possessing or owning stocks, bonds, commodities or other financial instruments with the aim of benefiting of the expected rise in their value", "Of a fielding position, close to the boundary", "Landing beyond the baseline, and therefore deemed to be out", "Occurring or coming after an extended interval", "distant in time", "far away" ], "antonyms": [ "low", "brief", "short" ], "synonyms": [ "deep", "extended" ], "word": "long", "num_translations": 255 }, "long1": { "senses": [ "Over a great distance in space", "For a particular duration" ], "antonyms": [ "a short distance", "a short way", "an instant", "a minute", "a moment", "a second", "a short time", "not long" ], "synonyms": [ "a long way", "far", "a long time" ], "word": "long", "num_translations": 61 }, "long4": { "senses": [ "To await, aspire, desire greatly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ache" ], "word": "long", "num_translations": 40 }, "tall": { "senses": [ "Having its top a long way up", "having a great vertical extent", "high", "A cup of coffee smaller than grande, usually 8 ounces", "Obsequious", "obedient", "Seemly", "suitable", "fitting, becoming, comely", "attractive, handsome", "Bold", "brave", "courageous", "valiant", "Fine", "proper", "admirable", "great", "excellent" ], "antonyms": [ "short", "short" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tall", "num_translations": 188 }, "short": { "senses": [ "Having a small distance from one end or edge to another, either horizontally or vertically", "Of comparatively little height", "Having little duration", "that is relatively close to the batsman", "that bounced relatively far from the batsman", "Brittle, crumbly, especially due to the use of a large quantity of fat", "Abrupt", "brief", "pointed", "petulant", "Limited in quantity", "inadequate", "insufficient", "scanty", "Insufficiently provided", "inadequately supplied", "scantily furnished", "lacking", "Deficient", "less", "not coming up to a measure or standard", "Undiluted", "neat", "Not distant in time", "near at hand", "Being in a financial investment position that is structured to be profitable if the price of the underlying security declines in the future" ], "antonyms": [ "tall", "tall", "long", "long", "long" ], "synonyms": [ "low", "little", "brief", ") an abbreviation of", "a short form of" ], "word": "short", "num_translations": 266 }, "short2": { "senses": [ "A summary account", "An integer variable having a smaller range than normal integers", "usually two bytes long" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "short", "num_translations": 12 }, "short3": { "senses": [ "To provide with a smaller than agreed or labeled amount", "To sell something, especially securities, that one does not own at the moment for delivery at a later date in hopes of profiting from a decline in the price" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "short", "num_translations": 24 }, "shallow": { "senses": [ "Having little depth", "significantly less deep than wide", "Extending not far downward", "Concerned mainly with superficial matters", "Lacking interest or substance", "Not intellectually deep", "not penetrating deeply", "simple", "not wise or knowing", "Not deep in tone", "Not far forward, close to the net" ], "antonyms": [ "deep" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "shallow", "num_translations": 189 }, "narrow": { "senses": [ "Having a small width", "not wide", "having opposite edges or sides that are close, especially by comparison to length or depth", "Of little extent", "very limited", "circumscribed", "Restrictive", "without flexibility or latitude", "Contracted", "of limited scope", "bigoted", "Having a small margin or degree", "Limited as to means", "straitened", "Parsimonious", "niggardly", "covetous", "selfish", "Scrutinizing in detail", "close", "accurate", "exact", "Formed by a close position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate", "or by a tense condition of the pharynx", "distinguished from wide" ], "antonyms": [ "wide", "broad" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "narrow", "num_translations": 186 }, "narrow2": { "senses": [ "To reduce in width or extent", "to contract", "To partially lower one's eyelids in a way usually taken to suggest a defensive, aggressive or penetrating look", "To contract the size of, as a stocking, by taking two stitches into one", "To convert to a data type that cannot hold as many distinct values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "taper" ], "word": "narrow", "num_translations": 43 }, "wide": { "senses": [ "Having a large physical extent from side to side", "Large in scope", "Operating at the side of the playing area", "On one side or the other of the mark", "too far sideways from the mark, the wicket, the batsman, etc", "Made, as a vowel, with a less tense, and more open and relaxed, condition of the organs in the mouth", "Vast, great in extent, extensive", "Located some distance away", "distant, far", "Far from truth, propriety, necessity, etc", "Of or supporting a greater range of text characters than can fit into the traditional 8-bit representation" ], "antonyms": [ "narrow", "thin", "skinny" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wide", "num_translations": 185 }, "wide1": { "senses": [ "extensively", "completely", "away from a given goal", "So as to leave or have a great space between the sides", "so as to form a large opening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wide", "num_translations": 13 }, "high": { "senses": [ "Very elevated", "extending or being far above a base", "tall", "lofty", "Relatively elevated", "rising or raised above the average or normal level from which elevation is measured", "Having a specified elevation or height", "tall", "Elevated in status, esteem, prestige", "exalted in rank, station, or character", "Of great importance and consequence: grave or solemn", "Consummate", "advanced to the utmost extent or culmination, or possessing a quality in its supreme degree, at its zenith", "Remote in distance or time", "Very traditionalist and conservative, especially in favoring older ways of doing things", "Elevated in mood", "marked by great merriment, excitement, etc", "Luxurious", "rich", "Lofty, often to the point of arrogant, haughty, boastful, proud", "Keen, enthused", "With tall waves", "Large, great", "Acute or shrill in pitch, due to being of greater frequency, ie produced by more rapid vibrations", "Greater in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc", "Strong-scented", "slightly tainted/spoiled", "beginning to decompose", "Intoxicated", "under the influence of a mood-altering drug, formerly usually alcohol, but now usually not alcohol but rather marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc", "Near, in its direction of travel, to the wind" ], "antonyms": [ "low" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tall", "Thesaurus:stoned", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "high", "num_translations": 280 }, "broad": { "senses": [ "Wide in extent or scope", "Extended, in the sense of diffused", "open", "clear", "full", "Having a large measure of any thing or quality", "unlimited", "unrestrained", "Comprehensive", "liberal", "enlarged", "Plain", "evident", "Unsubtle", "obvious", "Free", "unrestrained", "unconfined", "Gross", "coarse", "indelicate", "Strongly regional", "Velarized, ie not palatalized" ], "antonyms": [ "thin", "skinny", "all-encompassing", "slender" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "broad", "num_translations": 24 }, "broad2": { "senses": [ "A prostitute, a woman of loose morals", "A woman or girl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prostitute", "Thesaurus:woman", "Thesaurus:girl" ], "word": "broad", "num_translations": 21 }, "living1": { "senses": [ "Having life", "In use or existing", "Of everyday life", "True to life", "Used as an intensifier" ], "antonyms": [ "dead", "nonliving" ], "synonyms": [ "extant", "extant", "lifey", "blasted" ], "word": "living", "num_translations": 79 }, "living2": { "senses": [ "The state of being alive", "Those who are alive", "Financial means", "a means of maintaining life", "livelihood", "A style of life", "A position in a church that has attached to it a source of income", "an ecclesiastical benefice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "living", "num_translations": 50 }, "liquid1": { "senses": [ "Flowing freely like water", "fluid", "not solid and not gaseous", "composed of particles that move freely among each other on the slightest pressure", "Easily sold or disposed of without losing value", "Having sufficient trading activity to make buying or selling easy", "Flowing or sounding smoothly or without abrupt transitions or harsh tones", "Pronounced without any jar or harshness", "smooth", "Fluid and transparent" ], "antonyms": [ "solid", "illiquid", "illiquid" ], "synonyms": [ "flowy" ], "word": "liquid", "num_translations": 95 }, "solid": { "senses": [ "That can be picked up or held, having a texture, and usually firm Unlike a liquid or a gas", "Large in size, quantity, or value", "Lacking holes, hollows or admixtures of other materials", "Strong or unyielding", "Excellent, of high quality, or reliable", "hearty", "filling", "Worthy of credit, trust, or esteem", "substantial", "not frivolous or fallacious", "Financially well off", "wealthy", "Sound", "not weak", "Written as one word, without spaces or hyphens", "Not having the lines separated by leads", "not open", "United", "without division", "unanimous", "Of a single color throughout", "Continuous", "unbroken", "not dotted or dashed", "Having all the geometrical dimensions", "cubic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solid", "num_translations": 243 }, "solid1": { "senses": [ "A substance in the fundamental state of matter that retains its size and shape without need of a container", "A three-dimensional figure", "A favor", "An article of clothing which is of a single color throughout", "Food which is not liquid-based" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solid", "num_translations": 56 }, "plasma": { "senses": [ "A state of matter consisting of partially ionized gas", "A clear component of blood or lymph containing fibrin", "A variety of green quartz, used in ancient times for making engraved ornaments", "A mixture of starch and glycerin, used as a substitute for ointments", "A visual effect in which cycles of changing colours are warped in various ways to give the illusion of liquid organic movement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plasma", "num_translations": 79 }, "melt1": { "senses": [ "To change from a solid state to a liquid state, usually by a gradual heat", "To dissolve, disperse, vanish", "To soften, as by a warming or kindly influence", "to relax", "to render gentle or susceptible to mild influences", "sometimes, in a bad sense, to take away the firmness of", "to weaken", "To be discouraged", "To be emotionally softened or touched", "To be very hot and sweat profusely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to found", "to thaw" ], "word": "melt", "num_translations": 133 }, "sublimate": { "senses": [ "To change state from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state", "To purify or refine a substance through such a change of state", "To modify the natural expression of a sexual or primitive instinct in a socially acceptable manner", "to divert the energy of such an instinct into some acceptable activity", "To raise to a place of honor", "to refine and exalt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sublimate", "num_translations": 51 }, "evaporate": { "senses": [ "to transition from a liquid state into a gaseous state", "to expel moisture from , leaving the solid portion", "to give vent to", "to dissipate", "to disappear", "to escape or pass off without effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "evaporate", "num_translations": 41 }, "fluid1": { "senses": [ "In a state of flux", "subject to change", "Moving smoothly, or giving the impression of a liquid in motion", "Convertible into cash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fluidical", "unstable", "fluent" ], "word": "fluid", "num_translations": 68 }, "loss": { "senses": [ "The result of no longer possessing an object, a function, or a characteristic due to external causes or misplacement", "The destruction or ruin of an object", "Something that has been destroyed or ruined", "Defeat", "an instance of being defeated", "The death of a person or animal", "The condition of grief caused by losing someone or something, especially someone who has died", "The sum an entity loses on balance", "Electricity of kinetic power expended without doing useful work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "loss", "num_translations": 105 }, "knowledge": { "senses": [ "The fact of knowing about something", "general understanding or familiarity with a subject, place, situation etc", "Awareness of a particular fact or situation", "a state of having been informed or made aware of something", "Intellectual understanding", "the state of appreciating truth or information", "Familiarity or understanding of a particular skill, branch of learning etc", "Justified true belief", "Sexual intimacy or intercourse", "Information or intelligence about something", "notice", "The total of what is known", "all information and products of learning", "Something that can be known", "a branch of learning", "a piece of information", "a science", "Notice, awareness", "The deep familiarity with certain routes and places of interest required by taxicab drivers working in London, England" ], "antonyms": [ "ignorance" ], "synonyms": [ "awareness", "cognizance", "ken", "knowingness", "learning" ], "word": "knowledge", "num_translations": 289 }, "important": { "senses": [ "Having relevant and crucial value", "Pompous" ], "antonyms": [ "negligible", "ignorable", "petty", "slight", "unimportant" ], "synonyms": [ "significant", "weighty", "Thesaurus:important" ], "word": "important", "num_translations": 133 }, "house": { "senses": [ "A structure built or serving as an abode of human beings", "A building used for something other than a residence", "The audience for a live theatrical or similar performance", "A theatre", "A building where a deliberative assembly meets", "whence the assembly itself, particularly a component of a legislature", "A dynasty", "a family with its ancestors and descendants, especially a royal or noble one", "A place of rest or repose", "A grouping of schoolchildren for the purposes of competition in sports and other activities", "An animal's shelter or den, or the shell of an animal such as a snail, used for protection", "One of the twelve divisions of an astrological chart", "The fourth Lenormand card", "A square on a chessboard, regarded as the proper place of a piece", "The four concentric circles where points are scored on the ice", "Lotto", "bingo", "A small stand of trees in a swamp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shop", "shop" ], "word": "house", "num_translations": 316 }, "hospital": { "senses": [ "A large medical facility, usually in a building with multiple floors, where seriously ill or injured patients are given extensive medical and/or surgical treatment", "A building founded for the long-term care of its residents, such as an almshouse The residents may have no physical ailments, but simply need financial support", "A place of lodging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sickhouse", "infirmary" ], "word": "hospital", "num_translations": 236 }, "doctor": { "senses": [ "A physician", "a member of the medical profession", "A veterinarian", "a medical practitioner who treats non-human animals", "A nickname for a person who has special knowledge or talents to manipulate or arrange transactions", "A teacher", "one skilled in a profession or a branch of knowledge", "a learned man", "Any mechanical contrivance intended to remedy a difficulty or serve some purpose in an exigency", "A fish, the friar skate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doc", "Thesaurus:physician", "vet" ], "word": "doctor", "num_translations": 89 }, "doctor1": { "senses": [ "To physically alter a living being in order to change growth or behavior", "To genetically alter an extant species", "To alter or make obscure, as with the intention to deceive, especially a document", "To take medicine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "doctor", "num_translations": 39 }, "knife1": { "senses": [ "To betray, especially in the context of a political slate", "To positively ignore, especially in order to denigrate compare cut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knife", "num_translations": 39 }, "metal": { "senses": [ "Chemical elements or alloys, and the mines where their ores come from", "A light tincture used in a coat of arms, specifically argent and or", "Molten glass that is to be blown or moulded to form objects", "A category of rock music encompassing a number of genres characterized by strong drum-beats and distorted guitars", "The substance that constitutes something or someone", "matter", "hence, character or temper", "mettle", "The effective power or calibre of guns carried by a vessel of war", "The rails of a railway", "The actual airline operating a flight, rather than any of the codeshare operators" ], "antonyms": [ "nonmetal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "metal", "num_translations": 192 }, "mountain": { "senses": [ "An elevation of land of considerable dimensions rising more or less abruptly, forming a conspicuous figure in the landscape, usually having a small extent of surface at its summit", "Something very large in size or quantity", "a huge amount", "a great heap", "A difficult task or challenge", "A woman's large breast", "The twenty-first Lenormand card" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barrow", "berg", "berry", "pike" ], "word": "mountain", "num_translations": 447 }, "salt1": { "senses": [ "Saline", "Bitter", "sharp", "pungent", "Salacious", "lecherous", "lustful", "in heat", "Costly", "expensive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "salt", "num_translations": 27 }, "salt2": { "senses": [ "To insert or inject something into an object to give it properties it would not naturally have", "To include colorful language in", "To add filler bytes before encrypting, in order to make brute-force decryption more resource-intensive" ], "antonyms": [ "desalt" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "salt", "num_translations": 23 }, "sugar1": { "senses": [ "To make seem less so", "to approach or reach the state of granulation", "with the preposition off", "To compliment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweeten", "sweeten", "sugar-coat" ], "word": "sugar", "num_translations": 35 }, "tail": { "senses": [ "The caudal appendage of an animal that is attached to its posterior and near the anus", "The back, last, lower, or inferior part of anything", "The feathers attached to the pygostyle of a bird", "The rear structure of an aircraft, the empennage", "The visible stream of dust and gases blown from a comet by the solar wind", "The latter part of a time period or event, or persons or objects represented in this part", "The part of a distribution most distant from the mode", "One who surreptitiously follows another", "The lower order of batsmen in the batting order, usually specialist bowlers", "The lower loop of the letters in the Roman alphabet, as in g, q or y", "The side of a coin not bearing the head", "normally the side on which the monetary value of the coin is indicated", "the reverse", "All the last terms of a sequence, from some term on", "The buttocks or backside", "The penis of a person or animal", "Sexual intercourse", "The stern", "the back of the kayak", "A train or company of attendants", "a retinue", "The distal tendon of a muscle", "A filamentous projection on the tornal section of each hind wing of certain butterflies", "A downy or feathery appendage of certain achens, formed of the permanent elongated style", "A portion of an incision, at its beginning or end, which does not go through the whole thickness of the skin, and is more painful than a complete incision", "One of the strips at the end of a bandage formed by splitting the bandage one or more times", "A rope spliced to the strap of a block, by which it may be lashed to anything", "The part of a note which runs perpendicularly upward or downward from the head", "the stem", "The bottom or lower portion of a member or part such as a slate or tile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ass" ], "word": "tail", "num_translations": 354 }, "tail1": { "senses": [ "To follow and observe surreptitiously", "To hold by the end", "said of a timber when it rests upon a wall or other support", "with in or into", "To swing with the stern in a certain direction", "said of a vessel at anchor", "to be attached closely to, as that which can not be evaded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tail", "num_translations": 16 }, "whip": { "senses": [ "A lash", "a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod or a plaited or braided rope or thong used to create a sharp \"crack\" sound for directing or herding animals", "A member of a political party who is in charge of enforcing the party's policies in votes", "A purchase in which one block is used to gain a 2:1 mechanical advantage", "A mode of personal motorized transportation", "an automobile, all makes and models including motorcycles, excluding public transportation", "A move in which one player transfers momentum to another", "a thrashing about", "suppleness, as of the shaft of a golf club", "Any of various pieces that operate with a quick vibratory motion", "A coach driver", "a coachman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crop", "cat", "party whip" ], "word": "whip", "num_translations": 162 }, "whip1": { "senses": [ "To hit with any flexible object", "To defeat, as in a contest or game", "To mix in a rapid aerating fashion, especially food", "To urge into action or obedience", "To enforce a member voting in accordance with party policy", "To bind the end of a rope with twine or other small stuff to prevent its unlaying: fraying or unravelling", "To sew lightly", "specifically, to form into gathers by loosely overcasting the rolled edge and drawing up the thread", "To throw or kick an object at a high velocity", "To fish a body of water especially by making repeated casts", "To move very fast", "To move very fast", "often with up, out, etc", "To transfer momentum from one skater to another", "To lash with sarcasm, abuse, etc", "To thrash", "to beat out, as grain, by striking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:whip", "flail", "thrash", "thresh" ], "word": "whip", "num_translations": 123 }, "blade": { "senses": [ "The flat functional end of a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, skate, etc", "The narrow leaf of a grass or cereal", "The thin, flat part of a plant leaf, attached to a stem The lamina", "The flat part of the tongue", "A sword or knife", "A piece of prepared, sharp-edged stone, often flint, at least twice as long as it is wide", "a long flake of ground-edge stone or knapped vitreous stone", "A throw characterized by a tight parabolic trajectory due to a steep lateral attitude", "The rudder, daggerboard, or centerboard of a vessel", "A dashing young man", "A homosexual, usually male", "Thin plate, foil", "One of a series of small plates that make up the aperture or the shutter of a camera", "The principal rafters of a roof", "The four large shell plates on the sides, and the five large ones of the middle, of the carapace of the sea turtle, which yield the best tortoise shell", "Airfoil in windmills and windturbines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blade", "num_translations": 163 }, "sword": { "senses": [ "A long-bladed weapon with a hilt, and usually a pommel and cross-guard, which is designed to stab, slash, and/or hack", "A suit in the minor arcana in tarot", "A card of this suit", "One of the end bars by which the lay of a hand loom is suspended", "The weapon, often used as a heraldic charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sword", "num_translations": 271 }, "brass": { "senses": [ "A metallic alloy of copper and zinc used in many industrial and plumbing applications", "A class of wind instruments, usually made of metal , that use vibrations of the player's lips to produce sound", "Spent shell casings", "the part of the cartridge left over after bullets have been fired", "High-ranking officers", "A brave or foolhardy attitude", "impudence", "Money", "Inferior composition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brass", "num_translations": 171 }, "brass1": { "senses": [ "Impertinent, bold: brazen", "Bad, annoying", "Of inferior composition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brass", "num_translations": 15 }, "heavy": { "senses": [ "Having great weight", "Serious, somber", "Not easy to bear", "burdensome", "oppressive", "Good", "Profound", "High, great", "Armed", "Louder, more distorted", "Hot and humid", "Doing the specified activity more intensely than most other people", "High in fat or protein", "difficult to digest", "Of great force, power, or intensity", "deep or intense", "Laden to a great extent", "Laden with that which is weighty", "encumbered", "burdened", "bowed down, either with an actual burden, or with grief, pain, disappointment, etc", "Slow", "sluggish", "inactive", "or lifeless, dull, inanimate, stupid", "Impeding motion", "cloggy", "clayey", "Not raised or leavened", "Having much body or strength", "With child", "pregnant", "Containing one or more isotopes that are heavier than the normal one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweer" ], "word": "heavy", "num_translations": 221 }, "far": { "senses": [ "Distant", "remote in space", "Remote in time", "Long", "More remote or longer of two", "Extreme, as measured from some central position", "Outside the currently selected segment in a segmented memory architecture", "Widely different in nature or quality", "opposite in character" ], "antonyms": [ "close" ], "synonyms": [ "distant" ], "word": "far", "num_translations": 194 }, "near": { "senses": [ "Physically close", "Close in time", "Closely connected or related", "Close to one's interests, affection, etc", "intimate", "dear", "Close to anything followed or imitated", "not free, loose, or rambling", "So as barely to avoid or pass injury or loss", "close", "narrow", "Approximate, almost", "Next to the driver, when he is on foot", "on the left of an animal or a team", "Immediate", "direct", "close", "short", "Stingy", "parsimonious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:near" ], "word": "near", "num_translations": 133 }, "near2": { "senses": [ "Physically close to, in close proximity to", "Close to in time", "Close to in nature or degree" ], "antonyms": [ "far from" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "near", "num_translations": 76 }, "sharp": { "senses": [ "Terminating in a point or edge, especially one that can cut easily", "not obtuse or rounded", "Intelligent", "Higher than usual by one semitone", "Higher in pitch than required", "Having an intense, acrid flavour", "Sudden and intense", "Illegal or dishonest", "Keenly or unduly attentive to one's own interests", "shrewd", "Exact, precise, accurate", "keen", "Offensive, critical, or acrimonious", "Stylish or attractive", "Observant", "alert", "acute", "Forming a small angle", "especially, forming an angle of less than ninety degrees", "Steep", "precipitous", "abrupt", "Said of as extreme a value as possible", "Tactical", "risky", "Piercing", "keen", "severe", "painful", "Eager or keen in pursuit", "impatient for gratification", "Fierce", "ardent", "fiery", "violent", "impetuous", "Composed of hard, angular grains", "gritty", "Uttered in a whisper, or with the breath alone", "aspirated", "unvoiced", "Hungry" ], "antonyms": [ "blunt", "dim", "blunt", "flat", "flat", "bland", "dull", "above-board", "inaccurate", "complimentary", "inelegant", "unobservant" ], "synonyms": [ "keen", "brainy", "pointed", "acrid", "abrupt", "dishonest", "accurate", "acrimonious", "chic", "acute" ], "word": "sharp", "num_translations": 369 }, "sharp1": { "senses": [ "To a point or edge", "piercingly", "eagerly", "Exactly", "In a higher pitch than is correct or desirable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exactly" ], "word": "sharp", "num_translations": 13 }, "sharp2": { "senses": [ "The symbol \u266f, placed after the name of a note in the key signature or before a note on the staff to indicate that the note is to be played a semitone higher", "A note that is played a semitone higher than usual", "denoted by the name of the note that is followed by the symbol \u266f", "A dishonest person", "a cheater", "Part of a stream where the water runs very rapidly", "A sewing needle with a very slender point, more pointed than a blunt or a between", "Fine particles of husk mixed with coarse particle of flour of cereals", "middlings", "An expert" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sharp", "num_translations": 49 }, "dull": { "senses": [ "Lacking the ability to cut easily", "not sharp", "Boring", "not exciting or interesting", "Not shiny", "having a matte finish or no particular luster or brightness", "Not bright or intelligent", "stupid", "having slow understanding", "Sluggish, listless", "Cloudy, overcast", "Insensible", "unfeeling", "Heavy", "lifeless", "inert", "Not intense", "felt indistinctly or only slightly", "Not clear, muffled" ], "antonyms": [ "bright", "intelligent", "sharp" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:boring", "Thesaurus:stupid", "lackluster" ], "word": "dull", "num_translations": 208 }, "dull1": { "senses": [ "to remove or blunt an edge or something that was sharp", "To soften, moderate or blunt", "to stupefy", "To lose a sharp edge", "To render dim or obscure", "to sully", "to tarnish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dullen" ], "word": "dull", "num_translations": 54 }, "old": { "senses": [ "Of an object, concept, relationship, etc, having existed for a relatively long period of time", "Having been used and thus no longer new or unused", "Having existed or lived for the specified time", "Of an earlier time", "Tiresome", "Said of subdued colors, particularly reds, pinks and oranges, as if they had faded over time", "A grammatical intensifier, often used in describing something positive", "Excessive, abundant" ], "antonyms": [ "brand new", "young", "current" ], "synonyms": [ "ancient", "aged", "aged", "erstwhile", "antiquated" ], "word": "old", "num_translations": 518 }, "smooth": { "senses": [ "Having a texture that lacks friction Not rough", "Without difficulty, problems, or unexpected consequences or incidents", "Bland", "glib", "Flowing or uttered without check, obstruction, or hesitation", "not harsh", "fluent", "Suave", "sophisticated", "Natural", "unconstrained", "Unbroken", "Placid, calm", "Lacking projections or indentations", "not serrated", "Not grainy", "having an even texture", "Having a pleasantly rounded flavor", "neither rough nor astringent", "Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function's domain", "That factors completely into small prime numbers", "Lacking marked aspiration", "Involuntary and non-striated" ], "antonyms": [ "rough", "uneven", "bumpy" ], "synonyms": [ "even", "fluid" ], "word": "smooth", "num_translations": 205 }, "smooth3": { "senses": [ "To make straightforward or easy", "To calm or palliate", "To capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise", "To stroke", "especially to stroke an animal's fur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smooth", "num_translations": 30 }, "rough": { "senses": [ "Not smooth", "uneven", "Approximate", "hasty or careless", "not finished", "Turbulent", "Difficult", "trying", "Crude", "unrefined", "Violent", "not careful or subtle", "Loud and hoarse", "offensive to the ear", "harsh", "grating", "Not polished", "uncut", "said of a gem", "Harsh-tasting", "Somewhat ill", "sick", "Unwell due to alcohol", "hungover" ], "antonyms": [ "smooth" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rough", "num_translations": 170 }, "live": { "senses": [ "to have life", "To have permanent residence somewhere, to inhabit, to reside", "To survive", "to persevere", "to continue", "To cope", "To pass life in a specified manner", "To spend, as one's life", "to pass", "to maintain", "to continue in, constantly or habitually", "To act habitually in conformity with", "to practice", "to exemplify in one's way of life", "To outlast danger", "to float", "To maintain or support one's existence", "to provide for oneself", "to feed", "to subsist", "To make the most of life", "to experience a full, rich life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dwell", "go on" ], "word": "live", "num_translations": 319 }, "live1": { "senses": [ "Having life", "Being in existence", "actual", "Having active properties", "being energized", "Operational", "being in actual use rather than in testing", "Taken from a living animal", "Imparting power", "having motion", "Still in active play", "Seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens", "Of a performance or speech, in person", "Of a recorded performance, made in front of an audience, or not having been edited after recording", "Of firearms or explosives, capable of causing harm", "Electrically charged or energized, usually indicating that the item may cause electrocution if touched", "Being a bet which can be raised by the bettor, usually in reference to a blind or straddle", "Featuring humans", "Being in a state of ignition", "burning", "Full of earnestness", "active", "wide awake", "glowing", "Vivid", "bright" ], "antonyms": [ "dead", "blank", "neutral", "recorded", "broadcast", "animated" ], "synonyms": [ "living", "real", "hot", "in person" ], "word": "live", "num_translations": 110 }, "fear": { "senses": [ "A strong, uncontrollable, unpleasant emotion or feeling caused by actual or perceived danger or threat", "Terrified veneration or reverence, particularly towards God, gods, or sovereigns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:fear", "dread" ], "word": "fear", "num_translations": 293 }, "fear1": { "senses": [ "to be afraid of", "to consider or expect with alarm", "To worry about, to feel concern for, to be afraid for", "To venerate", "to feel awe towards", "To regret", "to frighten", "* 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, London: William Ponsonbie, Book III, Canto IV, p 448,", "To be anxious or solicitous for", "To suspect", "to doubt" ], "antonyms": [ "belittle" ], "synonyms": [ ") be afraid of", "be frightened of", "be scared of", "be terrorised/terrorized", "be in awe of", "revere", "venerate" ], "word": "fear", "num_translations": 196 }, "guts": { "senses": [ "plural of \"gut\"", "The entrails or contents of the abdomen", "Courage", "determination", "Content, substance", "The essential, core parts", "One's innermost feelings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entrails", "balls" ], "word": "guts", "num_translations": 92 }, "vomit": { "senses": [ "To regurgitate or eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth", "puke", "To regurgitate and discharge", "to spew", "To eject from any hollow place", "to belch forth", "to emit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barf", "chunder", "hurl", "puke", "sick", "throw up", "Thesaurus:regurgitate" ], "word": "vomit", "num_translations": 234 }, "vomit1": { "senses": [ "The regurgitated former contents of a stomach", "The act of regurgitating", "an emetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vomit" ], "word": "vomit", "num_translations": 91 }, "stomach": { "senses": [ "An organ in animals that stores food in the process of digestion", "The belly", "Pride, haughtiness", "Appetite", "Desire, appetite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stomach", "num_translations": 358 }, "stomach1": { "senses": [ "To tolerate , emotionally, physically, or mentally", "to stand or handle something", "To be angry", "To resent", "to remember with anger", "to dislike", "to sicken or repel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brook", "Thesaurus:dislike" ], "word": "stomach", "num_translations": 10 }, "suck1": { "senses": [ "To use the mouth and lips to pull in", "To perform such an action", "to feed from a breast or teat", "To put the mouth or lips to to draw in milk", "To extract, draw in from or out of something", "To work the lips and tongue on to extract moisture or nourishment", "to absorb in the mouth", "To pull in a given direction, especially without direct contact", "To perform fellatio", "To be inferior or objectionable: a general term of disparagement, sometimes used with at to indicate a particular area of deficiency" ], "antonyms": [ "to blow", "to rock", "to rule" ], "synonyms": [ "To draw", "To attract", "To blow", "Thesaurus:give head" ], "word": "suck", "num_translations": 191 }, "stab": { "senses": [ "Pain inflicted on a person's feelings", "An attempt", "Criticism", "A single staccato chord that adds dramatic impact to a composition", "A bacterial culture made by inoculating a solid medium, such as gelatin, with the puncture of a needle or wire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stab", "num_translations": 59 }, "stab1": { "senses": [ "To pierce or to wound with a pointed tool or weapon, especially a knife or dagger", "To recklessly hit with the tip of a pointed object, such as a weapon or finger", "To cause a sharp, painful sensation", "To injure secretly or by malicious falsehood or slander", "To roughen a brick wall with a pick so as to hold plaster", "To pierce folded sheets, near their back edges, for the passage of thread or wire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stab", "num_translations": 81 }, "pull": { "senses": [ "To apply a force to so that it comes toward the person or thing applying the force", "To gather with the hand, or by drawing toward oneself", "to pluck", "To attract or net", "To persuade to have sex with one", "To remove , especially from public circulation or availability", "To retrieve or generate for use", "To do or perform", "To copy or emulate the actions or behaviour that is associated with the person or thing mentioned", "To toss a frisbee with the intention of launching the disc across the length of a field", "To row", "To achieve by rowing on a rowing machine", "To draw apart", "to tear", "to rend", "To strain", "To draw into combat, or toward or away from some location or target", "To score a certain number of points in a sport", "To hold back, and so prevent from winning", "To take or make", "To strike the ball in a particular manner", "To draw beer from a pump, keg, or other source", "to leave" ], "antonyms": [ "push" ], "synonyms": [ "drag", "score", "recall", "carry out", "generate", "score" ], "word": "pull", "num_translations": 176 }, "pull2": { "senses": [ "An attractive force which causes motion towards the source", "Something in one's favour in a comparison or a contest", "an advantage", "means of influencing", "Appeal or attraction", "A journey made by rowing", "A contest", "a struggle", "Loss or violence suffered", "The act of drinking", "a mouthful or swig of a drink", "A kind of stroke by which a leg ball is sent to the off side, or an off ball to the side", "A mishit shot which travels in a straight line and left of the intended path", "A single impression from a handpress" ], "antonyms": [ "push", "repulsion", "button" ], "synonyms": [ "tug", "attraction", "handle", "influence", "drag" ], "word": "pull", "num_translations": 28 }, "push": { "senses": [ "To apply a force to such that it moves away from the person or thing applying the force", "To continually attempt to persuade into a particular course of action", "To press or urge forward", "to drive", "To continually promote", "To continually exert oneself in order to achieve a goal", "To approach", "to come close to", "To tense the muscles in the abdomen in order to expel its contents", "To continue to attempt to persuade a person into a particular course of action", "To make a higher bid at an auction", "To make an all-in bet", "To move directly forward", "To add to the top of a stack", "To publish by transmitting it to other computers", "To thrust the points of the horns against", "to gore", "To burst out of its pot, as a bud or shoot", "To strike the cue ball in such a way that it stays in contact with the cue and object ball at the same time" ], "antonyms": [ "draw", "pop" ], "synonyms": [ "press", "press", "press", "approach", "press", "bear down" ], "word": "push", "num_translations": 199 }, "push1": { "senses": [ "A short, directed application of force", "An act of tensing the muscles of the abdomen in order to expel its contents", "A great effort", "An attempt to persuade someone into a particular course of action", "A marching or drill maneuver/manoeuvre performed by moving a formation forward or toward the audience, usually to accompany a dramatic climax or crescendo in the music", "A wager that results in no loss or gain for the bettor as a result of a tie or even score", "The addition of a data item to the top of a stack", "A particular crowd or throng or people", "A foul shot in which the cue ball is in contact with the cue and the object ball at the same time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "push", "num_translations": 31 }, "float": { "senses": [ "Of an object or substance, to be supported by a liquid of greater density than the object so as that part of the object or substance remains above the surface", "To cause something to be suspended in a liquid of greater density", "To drift or wander aimlessly", "To drift gently through the air", "To move in a fluid manner", "To circulate", "To be viable", "To propose for consideration", "To automatically adjust a parameter as related parameters change", "To have an exchange value determined by the markets as opposed to by rule", "To allow to be determined by the markets", "To extend a short-term loan to", "To issue or sell shares in a company to members of the public, followed by listing on a stock exchange" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "float", "num_translations": 170 }, "float1": { "senses": [ "A buoyant device used to support something in water or another liquid", "A mass of timber or boards fastened together, and conveyed down a stream by the current", "a raft", "A tool similar to a rasp, used in various trades", "A sort of trowel used for finishing concrete surfaces or smoothing plaster", "An elaborately decorated trailer or vehicle, intended for display in a parade or pageant", "Funds committed to be paid but not yet paid", "An offering of shares in a company to members of the public, normally followed by a listing on a stock exchange", "The total amount of checks/cheques or other drafts written against a bank account but not yet cleared and charged against the account", "Premiums taken in but not yet paid out", "A small sum of money put in a cashier's till at the start of business to enable change to be made", "A maneuver where a player calls on the flop or turn with a weak hand, with the intention of bluffing after a subsequent community card", "One of the loose ends of yarn on an unfinished work", "a car carrier or car transporter truck or truck-and-trailer combination", "a lowboy trailer", "A device sending a copious stream of water to the heated surface of a bulky object, such as an anvil or die", "The act of flowing", "flux", "flow", "A quantity of earth, eighteen feet square and one foot deep", "A polishing block used in marble working", "a runner", "A coal cart", "A breakdancing move in which the body is held parallel to the floor while balancing on one or both hands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "initial public offering" ], "word": "float", "num_translations": 61 }, "count": { "senses": [ "To recite numbers in sequence", "To determine the number", "To be of significance", "to matter", "To be an example of something: often followed by as and an indefinite noun", "To consider something an example of something", "To plead orally", "to argue a matter in court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enumerate" ], "word": "count", "num_translations": 168 }, "count1": { "senses": [ "The result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set", "A charge of misconduct brought in a legal proceeding", "The number of balls and strikes, respectively, on a batter's in-progress plate appearance", "value", "estimation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "count", "num_translations": 84 }, "count3": { "senses": [ "A nobleman holding a rank intermediate between dukes and barons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earl", "comte", "conte", "graf" ], "word": "count", "num_translations": 54 }, "play": { "senses": [ "To act in a manner such that one has fun", "to engage in activities expressly for the purpose of recreation or entertainment", "To perform in", "to participate in", "To take part in amorous activity", "to make love, fornicate", "to have sex", "To act as the indicated role, especially in a performance", "To produce music or theatre", "To behave in a particular way", "To move in any manner", "especially, to move regularly with alternate or reciprocating motion", "to operate", "To move to and fro", "To put in action or motion", "To manipulate, deceive, or swindle someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "get it on", "cook", "defraud" ], "word": "play", "num_translations": 488 }, "play1": { "senses": [ "Activity for amusement only, especially among the young", "Similar activity in young animals, as they explore their environment and learn new skills", "The conduct, or course, of a game", "An individual's performance in a sport or game", "A short sequence of action within a game", "A literary composition, intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialogue", "A theatrical performance featuring actors", "A major move by a business or investor", "A geological formation that contains an accumulation or prospect of hydrocarbons or other resources", "The extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely", "Activity relating to martial combat or fighting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drama", "Thesaurus:drama" ], "word": "play", "num_translations": 223 }, "flow": { "senses": [ "A movement in people or things with a particular way in large numbers or amounts", "The movement of a real or figurative fluid", "A formalization of the idea of the motion of particles in a fluid, as a group action of the real numbers on a set", "The rising movement of the tide", "Smoothness or continuity", "The amount of a fluid that moves or the rate of fluid movement", "A mental state characterized by concentration, focus and enjoyment of a given task", "The emission of blood during menstruation", "The ability to skilfully rap along to a beat" ], "antonyms": [ "ebb" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:continuity" ], "word": "flow", "num_translations": 120 }, "flow1": { "senses": [ "To move as a fluid from one position to another", "To proceed", "to issue forth", "To move or match smoothly, gracefully, or continuously", "To have or be in abundance", "To hang loosely and wave", "To rise, as the tide", "opposed to ebb", "To arrange so that it wraps neatly into a designated space", "To cover with water or other liquid", "to inundate", "to flood", "To cover with varnish", "To discharge excessive blood from the uterus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flow", "num_translations": 122 }, "dust": { "senses": [ "Fine, dry particles of matter found in the air and covering the surface of objects, typically consisting of soil lifted up by the wind, pollen, hair, etc", "A single particle of earth or other material", "The earth, as the resting place of the dead", "The earthy remains of bodies once alive", "the remains of the human body", "Something worthless", "A low or mean condition", "cash", "money", "A disturbance or uproar", "A totally disconnected set of points with a fractal structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dust", "num_translations": 221 }, "dust1": { "senses": [ "To spray or cover something with fine powder or liquid", "To leave", "to rush off", "To reduce to a fine powder", "to levigate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dust", "num_translations": 55 }, "stone": { "senses": [ "A hard earthen substance that can form large rocks", "The central part of some fruits, particularly drupes", "consisting of the seed and a hard endocarp layer", "A playing piece made of any hard material, used in various board games such as backgammon, and go", "A 42-pound, precisely shaped piece of granite with a handle attached, which is bowled down the ice", "A monument to the dead", "A mirror, or its glass", "A testicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rock", "pebble", "pit", "pip", "calculus", "rock" ], "word": "stone", "num_translations": 19 }, "fog": { "senses": [ "A thick cloud that forms near the ground", "the obscurity of such a cloud", "A mist or film clouding a surface", "A state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion", "A silver deposit or other blur on a negative or developed photographic image" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fog", "num_translations": 259 }, "fog1": { "senses": [ "To become obscured in condensation or water", "To become dim or obscure", "To make dim or obscure", "To disperse insecticide into so as to collect organisms", "To obscure in condensation or water", "To make confusing or obscure", "To practice in a small or mean way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fog", "num_translations": 53 }, "smoke1": { "senses": [ "hence, to fill with incense", "to perfume", "To make unclear or blurry", "To perform energetically or skillfully Almost always in present participle form", "To beat someone at something", "To kill, especially with a gun", "To smell out", "to hunt out", "to find out", "to detect", "To ridicule to the face", "to mock", "To burn", "to be kindled", "to rage", "To suffer severely", "to be punished", "To punish for a minor offense by excessive physical exercise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "have a smoke" ], "word": "smoke", "num_translations": 179 }, "flame": { "senses": [ "The visible part of fire", "a stream of burning vapour or gas, emitting light and heat", "A romantic partner or lover in a usually short-lived but passionate affair", "Intentionally insulting criticism or remark meant to incite anger", "A brilliant reddish orange-gold fiery colour", "The contrasting light and dark figure seen in wood used for stringed instrument making", "the curl", "Burning zeal, passion, imagination, excitement, or anger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flame", "num_translations": 160 }, "flame1": { "senses": [ "to break out in violence of passion", "to be kindled with zeal or ardour", "To post a destructively critical or abusive message" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flame", "num_translations": 36 }, "ash": { "senses": [ "The solid remains of a fire", "The nonaqueous remains of a material subjected to any complete oxidation process", "Human remains after cremation", "What remains after a catastrophe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cremains" ], "word": "ash", "num_translations": 195 }, "ash2": { "senses": [ "A shade tree of the genus Fraxinus", "The wood of this tree", "The traditional name for the ae ligature , as used in Old English" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ash tree" ], "word": "ash", "num_translations": 30 }, "full": { "senses": [ "Containing the maximum possible amount of that which can fit in the space available", "Complete", "with nothing omitted", "Total, entire", "replete", "Replete, abounding with", "Plump, round", "Of a garment, of a size that is ample, wide, or having ample folds or pleats to be comfortable", "Having depth and body", "rich", "Having the mind filled with ideas", "stocked with knowledge", "stored with information", "Having the attention, thoughts, etc, absorbed in any matter, and the feelings more or less excited by it", "Filled with emotions", "Impregnated", "made pregnant", "Drunk, intoxicated" ], "antonyms": [ "empty", "incomplete", "partial", "empty", "close-fitting" ], "synonyms": [ "abounding", "brimful", "bursting", "chock-a-block", "chock-full", "full up", "complete", "entire", "glutted", "baggy", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "full", "num_translations": 333 }, "full5": { "senses": [ "To make cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing, to waulk, walk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to walk", "waulk" ], "word": "full", "num_translations": 17 }, "decrease": { "senses": [ "Of a quantity, to become smaller", "To make smaller" ], "antonyms": [ "go up", "increase" ], "synonyms": [ "drop", "fall", "go down", "plummet", "reduce", "shrink", "sink", "Thesaurus:decrease", "abate" ], "word": "decrease", "num_translations": 101 }, "decrease1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "gain" ], "synonyms": [ "cut" ], "word": "decrease", "num_translations": 31 }, "space": { "senses": [ "Of time", "Unlimited or generalized extent, physical or otherwise", "A bounded or specific extent, physical or otherwise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leisure time", "duration", "spell", "break", "volume", "room", "place", "outer space", "blank", "quad", "ether" ], "word": "space", "num_translations": 347 }, "vacuum": { "senses": [ "A region of space that contains no matter", "The condition of rarefaction, or reduction of pressure below that of the atmosphere, in a vessel, such as the condenser of a steam engine, which is nearly exhausted of air or steam, etc", "A spacetime having tensors of zero magnitude" ], "antonyms": [ "plenum" ], "synonyms": [ "vacancy", "hoover" ], "word": "vacuum", "num_translations": 75 }, "vacuum1": { "senses": [ "To optimise a database or database table by physically removing deleted tuples" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to hoover", "to do the hoovering", "to hoover" ], "word": "vacuum", "num_translations": 50 }, "plenum": { "senses": [ "A space that is completely filled with matter", "A state of fullness, a great quantity", "A legislative meeting in which all members are present", "An enclosed space having greater than atmospheric pressure", "The space above a false ceiling used for cables, ducts etc" ], "antonyms": [ "vacuum" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "plenum", "num_translations": 30 }, "matter": { "senses": [ "Substance, material", "A condition, subject or affair, especially one of concern", "An approximate amount or extent", "The essence", "the pith", "the embodiment", "Inducing cause or reason, especially of anything disagreeable or distressing", "Pus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "material", "stuff", "substance" ], "word": "matter", "num_translations": 272 }, "matter1": { "senses": [ "To be important", "To care about, to mind", "to find important", "to maturate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "signify" ], "word": "matter", "num_translations": 45 }, "volume": { "senses": [ "A three-dimensional measure of space that comprises a length, a width and a height It is measured in units of cubic centimeters in metric, cubic inches or cubic feet in English measurement", "Strength of sound", "loudness", "The issues of a periodical over a period of one year", "A bound book", "A single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia", "A roll or scroll, which was the form of ancient books", "Quantity", "A rounded mass or convolution", "The total supply of money in circulation or, less frequently, total amount of credit extended, within a specified national market or worldwide", "An accessible storage area with a single file system, typically resident on a single partition of a hard disk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "volume", "num_translations": 214 }, "noone": { "senses": [ "Not one person, nobody", "The logical negation of someone" ], "antonyms": [ "everyone" ], "synonyms": [ "nobody" ], "word": "noone", "num_translations": 104 }, "everyone": { "senses": [ "Every person" ], "antonyms": [ "no one" ], "synonyms": [ "everybody" ], "word": "everyone", "num_translations": 130 }, "someone": { "senses": [ "Some person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anybody" ], "word": "someone", "num_translations": 105 }, "none": { "senses": [ "Not any of a given number or group" ], "antonyms": [ "some", "all" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "none", "num_translations": 128 }, "somebody": { "senses": [ "Some unspecified person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "someone" ], "word": "somebody", "num_translations": 84 }, "wow": { "senses": [ "An indication of excitement, surprise, astonishment, or pleasure", "An expression of amazement, awe, or admiration", "Used sarcastically to express disapproval of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wow" ], "word": "wow", "num_translations": 140 }, "many": { "senses": [ "An indefinite large number of" ], "antonyms": [ "few" ], "synonyms": [ "a lot of" ], "word": "many", "num_translations": 194 }, "many1": { "senses": [ "A collective mass of people", "An indefinite large number of people or things" ], "antonyms": [ "few" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "many", "num_translations": 32 }, "correct": { "senses": [ "Free from error", "true", "accurate", "With good manners", "well behaved", "conforming with accepted standards of behaviour" ], "antonyms": [ "incorrect", "uncouth" ], "synonyms": [ "right", "well-mannered" ], "word": "correct", "num_translations": 154 }, "correct2": { "senses": [ "To make something that was wrong become right", "to remove error from", "To grade", "To inform of their error", "To discipline", "to punish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "correct", "num_translations": 79 }, "snow": { "senses": [ "The frozen, crystalline state of water that falls as precipitation", "Any similar frozen form of a gas or liquid", "a blanket of frozen, crystalline water", "A shade of the color white", "The moving pattern of random dots displayed on a television, etc, when no transmission signal is being received", "Cocaine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow" ], "word": "snow", "num_translations": 221 }, "meter": { "senses": [ "A device that measures things", "One who metes or measures", "The base unit of length in the International System of Units , conceived of as 1/10000000 of the distance from the North Pole to the Equator, and now defined as the distance light will travel in a vacuum in 1/299792458 second", "An increment of music", "the overall rhythm", "particularly, the number of beats in a measure", "The rhythm pattern in a poem", "A line above or below a hanging net, to which the net is attached in order to strengthen it", "A poem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "meter", "num_translations": 110 }, "whoopingcrane": { "senses": [ "Grus americana, a species of crane native to North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trumpeter crane" ], "word": "whoopingcrane", "num_translations": 16 }, "sandhillcrane": { "senses": [ "A crane native to North America and parts of Siberia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trumpeter crane" ], "word": "sandhillcrane", "num_translations": 12 }, "lift": { "senses": [ "To raise or rise", "To steal", "To arrest", "To remove", "To alleviate, to lighten", "to cause to move upwards", "To try to raise something", "to exert the strength for raising or bearing", "To elevate or improve in rank, condition, etc", "often with up", "To bear", "to support", "To collect, as moneys due", "to raise", "To transform into a corresponding function in a different context", "To buy a security or other asset previously offered for sale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lift", "num_translations": 151 }, "lift1": { "senses": [ "The act of transporting someone in a vehicle", "a ride", "a trip", "Mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people between floors in a building", "an elevator", "An upward force, such as the force that keeps aircraft aloft", "The difference in elevation between the upper pool and lower pool of a waterway, separated by lock", "A thief", "An improvement in mood", "A rise", "a degree of elevation", "A rope leading from the masthead to the extremity of a yard below, and used for raising or supporting the end of the yard", "One of the steps of a cone pulley", "A layer of leather in the heel of a shoe", "That portion of the vibration of a balance during which the impulse is given" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elevator", "ride", "uplift" ], "word": "lift", "num_translations": 220 }, "ether": { "senses": [ "The substance formerly supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere above the clouds, in particular as a medium breathed by deities", "its existence was disproved by the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment and the theory of relativity propounded by Albert Einstein", "The atmosphere or space as a medium for broadcasting radio and television signals", "also, a notional space through which Internet and other digital communications take place", "cyberspace", "A particular quality created by or surrounding an object, person, or place", "an atmosphere, an aura", "Any of a class of organic compounds containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ether", "num_translations": 124 }, "europeanunion": { "senses": [ "A supranational organisation, consisting of 27 member states, created in the 1950s to bring the nations of Europe into closer economic and political connection", "An antifascist resistance group active during Germany's Nazi era" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "EU" ], "word": "EuropeanUnion", "num_translations": 129 }, "augment": { "senses": [ "To increase", "to make larger or supplement", "To grow", "to increase", "to become greater", "To slow the tempo or meter, eg for a dramatic or stately passage", "To increase an interval, especially the largest interval in a triad, by a half step" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "augment", "num_translations": 66 }, "key": { "senses": [ "An object designed to open and close a lock", "An object designed to fit between two other objects in a mechanism and maintain their relative orientation", "A crucial step or requirement", "A guide explaining the symbols or terminology of a map or chart", "a legend", "A guide to the correct answers of a worksheet or test", "The general pitch or tone of a sentence or utterance", "A modification of an advertisement so as to target a particular group or demographic", "An indehiscent, one-seeded fruit furnished with a wing, such as the fruit of the ash and maple", "a samara", "A manual electrical switching device primarily used for the transmission of Morse code", "A piece of information used to encode or decode a message or messages", "A password restricting access to an IRC channel", "In a relational database, a field used as an index into another table", "A value that uniquely identifies an entry in a container", "A series of logically organized groups of discriminating information which aims to allow the user to correctly identify a taxon", "A piece of wood used as a wedge", "The last board of a floor when laid down", "That part of the plastering which is forced through between the laths and holds the rest in place", "A wooden support for a rail on the bullhead rail system", "The degree of roughness, or retention ability of a surface to have applied a liquid such as paint, or glue", "The thirty-third card of the Lenormand deck", "The black ink layer, especially in relation to the three color layers of cyan, magenta, and yellow See also CMYK", "A color to be masked or made transparent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "key", "num_translations": 595 }, "key2": { "senses": [ "To mark or indicate with a symbol indicating membership in a class", "To depress", "To operate", "To link", "To modify so as to target a particular group or demographic", "To attune to", "to set at", "to pitch", "To fasten or secure firmly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "key", "num_translations": 34 }, "engine": { "senses": [ "A large construction used in warfare, such as a battering ram, catapult etc", "A tool", "a utensil or implement", "A complex mechanical device which converts energy into useful motion or physical effects", "A person or group of people which influence a larger group", "a driving force", "The part of a car or other vehicle which provides the force for motion, now especially one powered by internal combustion", "A self-powered vehicle, especially a locomotive, used for pulling cars along a track", "A software or hardware system responsible for a specific technical task", "Ingenuity", "cunning, trickery, guile", "The result of cunning", "something ingenious, a contrivance", "a plot, a scheme", "Natural talent", "genius", "Anything used to effect a purpose", "any device or contrivance", "an agent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "motor", "locomotive" ], "word": "engine", "num_translations": 147 }, "field": { "senses": [ "A land area free of woodland, cities, and towns", "open country", "A wide, open space that is usually used to grow crops or to hold farm animals", "A place where competitive matches are carried out", "Any of various figurative meanings, regularly dead metaphors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "area", "course", "input field" ], "word": "field", "num_translations": 614 }, "field1": { "senses": [ "To intercept or catch and play it", "To be the team catching and throwing the ball, as opposed to hitting it", "To place in a game", "To answer", "to address", "To defeat", "To execute research" ], "antonyms": [ "bat" ], "synonyms": [ "and play it)", ")", "address" ], "word": "field", "num_translations": 19 }, "heaven": { "senses": [ "The sky, specifically:", "The abode of God or the gods, traditionally conceived as beyond the sky", "especially:", "The afterlife of the blessed dead, traditionally conceived as opposed to an afterlife of the wicked and unjust", "specifically:" ], "antonyms": [ "hell", "horror" ], "synonyms": [ "firmament", "paradise", "pearly gates", "delight" ], "word": "heaven", "num_translations": 254 }, "bible": { "senses": [ "The main religious text in Christianity", "The analogous holy book of another religion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christian Bible", "Holy Bible", "Good Book", "Book", "Tanakh", "Tanach", "Jewish Bible", "Hebrew Bible", "Old Testament", "bible" ], "word": "Bible", "num_translations": 184 }, "deity": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"divinity\": the state, position, or fact of being a god", "A supernatural divine being", "a god or goddess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "deity", "num_translations": 81 }, "crown": { "senses": [ "A royal, imperial or princely headdress", "a diadem", "A wreath or band for the head, especially one given as reward of victory or a mark of honor", "Any reward of victory or mark of honor", "Imperial or regal power, or those who wield it", "The sovereign , as head of state", "The state, the government", "The top part of something:", "A kind of spire or lantern formed by converging flying buttresses", "Splendor", "culmination", "acme", "various currencies known by similar names in their native languages, such as the koruna, kruna, krone", "A former pre-decimalization British coin worth five shillings", "The part of a plant where the root and stem meet", "The top of a tree", "The part of a tooth above the gums", "A prosthetic covering for a tooth", "A knot formed in the end of a rope by tucking in the strands to prevent them from unravelling", "The part of an anchor where the arms and the shank meet", "The rounding, or rounded part, of the deck from a level line", "The bights formed by the turns of a cable", "In England, a standard size of printing paper measuring 20 \u00d7 15 inches", "In American, a standard size of writing paper measuring 19 \u00d7 15 inches", "A monocyclic ligand having three or more binding sites, capable of holding a guest in a central location", "During childbirth, the appearance of the baby's head from the mother's vagina", "A rounding or smoothing of the barrel opening", "The area enclosed between two concentric perimeters", "A round spot shaved clean on the top of the head, as a mark of the clerical state", "the tonsure", "A whole bird with the legs and wings removed to produce a joint of white meat", "A formal hat worn by women to Sunday church services", "The knurled knob or dial, on the outside of a watch case, used to wind it or adjust the hands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crown", "num_translations": 452 }, "crown2": { "senses": [ "To formally declare a king, queen, emperor, etc", "To bestow something upon as a mark of honour, dignity, or recompense", "to adorn", "to dignify", "To form the topmost or finishing part of", "to complete", "to consummate", "to perfect", "To declare a winner", "Of a baby, during the birthing process", "for the surface of the baby's head to appear in the vaginal opening", "To cause to round upward", "to make anything higher at the middle than at the edges, such as the face of a machine pulley", "To hit on the head", "To shoot an opponent in the back of the head with a shotgun in a first-person shooter video game", "In checkers, to stack two checkers to indicate that the piece has become a king", "To widen the opening of the barrel", "To effect a lodgment upon, as upon the crest of the glacis, or the summit of the breach", "To lay the ends of the strands of over and under each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crown", "num_translations": 77 }, "covenant": { "senses": [ "An agreement to do or not do a particular thing", "A promise, incidental to a deed or contract, either express or implied", "A pact or binding agreement between two or more parties", "An incidental clause in an agreement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pact", "Thesaurus:agreement" ], "word": "covenant", "num_translations": 67 }, "courage": { "senses": [ "The quality of being confident, not afraid or easily intimidated, but without being incautious or inconsiderate", "The ability to overcome one's fear, do or live things which one finds frightening", "The ability to maintain one's will or intent despite either the experience of fear, or the occurrence of adversity, frustration, defeat or reversal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:courage" ], "word": "courage", "num_translations": 219 }, "cute": { "senses": [ "Possessing physical features, behaviors, personality traits or other properties that are mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals", "eg fair, dainty, round, and soft physical features, disproportionately large eyes and head, playfulness, fragility, helplessness, curiosity or shyness, innocence, affectionate behavior", "Generally, attractive or pleasing, especially in a youthful, dainty, quaint or fun-spirited way", "Affected or contrived to charm", "mincingly clever", "precious", "Mentally keen or discerning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "endearing", "pretty" ], "word": "cute", "num_translations": 117 }, "electron": { "senses": [ "The subatomic particle having a negative charge and orbiting the nucleus", "Alloys of magnesium and other metals, like aluminum or zinc, that were manufactured by the German company Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "negatron" ], "word": "electron", "num_translations": 77 }, "energy": { "senses": [ "The impetus behind all motion and all activity", "The capacity to do work", "A quantity that denotes the ability to do work and is measured in a unit dimensioned in mass \u00d7 distance\u00b2/time\u00b2 or the equivalent", "An intangible, modifiable force believed in some New Age religions to emanate from a person, place or thing and which is preserved and transferred in human interactions", "shared mood or group habit", "a vibe, a feeling, an impression", "A measure of how many actions a player or unit can take", "in the fantasy genre often called magic points or mana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pep" ], "word": "energy", "num_translations": 202 }, "feminine": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the female gender", "womanly", "Of or pertaining to the female sex", "biologically female, not male", "Belonging to females", "typically used by females", "Having the qualities stereotypically associated with women: nurturing, not aggressive", "Of, pertaining or belonging to the female grammatical gender, in languages that have gender distinctions" ], "antonyms": [ "male", "manly", "butch", "masculine", "masculine", "neuter" ], "synonyms": [ "female", "womanly", "caring", "ladylike", "nurturing" ], "word": "feminine", "num_translations": 190 }, "horizontal": { "senses": [ "perpendicular to the vertical", "parallel to the plane of the horizon", "level, flat", "pertaining to the horizon", "involving wines of the same vintages but from different wineries" ], "antonyms": [ "vertical" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "horizontal", "num_translations": 72 }, "jew": { "senses": [ "An adherent of Judaism", "A miserly or greedy person", "a spendthrift", "a cheapskate", "A ship's tailor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "Thesaurus:Jew" ], "word": "Jew", "num_translations": 338 }, "orbit": { "senses": [ "A circular or elliptical path of one object around another object, particularly in astronomy and space travel", "A sphere of influence", "an area of control", "The course of one's usual progression, or the extent of one's typical range", "The bony cavity containing the eyeball", "the eye socket", "A mathematical function that describes the wave-like behavior of an electron in an atom", "area of the highest probability of electron\u00b4s occurrence around the atom's nucleus", "A collection of points related by the evolution function of a dynamical system", "The subset of elements of a set X to which a given element can be moved by members of a specified group of transformations that act on X", "A state of increased excitement, activity, or anger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "orbit", "num_translations": 107 }, "orbit1": { "senses": [ "To circle or revolve around another object", "To move around the general vicinity of something" ], "antonyms": [ "deorbit" ], "synonyms": [ "circumambulate", "launch" ], "word": "orbit", "num_translations": 33 }, "vein": { "senses": [ "A blood vessel that transports blood from the capillaries back to the heart", "The entrails of a shrimp", "In leaves, a thickened portion of the leaf containing the vascular bundle", "The nervure of an insect's wing", "A stripe or streak of a different colour or composition in materials such as wood, cheese, marble or other rocks", "A topic of discussion", "a train of association, thoughts, emotions, etc", "A style, tendency, or quality", "A fissure, cleft or cavity, as in the earth or other substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vein", "num_translations": 200 }, "sorry": { "senses": [ "Regretful for an action", "grieved or saddened, especially by the loss of something or someone", "Poor, pitifully sad or regrettable", "Pathetic and inferior to the point of causing others disgust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apologetic", "attritional", "compunctious", "contrite", "heavyhearted", "melancholy", "mournful", "penitent", "penitential", "regretful", "remorseful", "repentant", "sad", "unhappy" ], "word": "sorry", "num_translations": 79 }, "sorry1": { "senses": [ "Expresses regret, remorse, or sorrow", "Used as a request for someone to repeat something not heard or understood clearly", "Used to correct oneself in speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soz", "I beg your pardon", "say again", "come again", "what", "huh", "say what", "Thesaurus:say again" ], "word": "sorry", "num_translations": 300 }, "prince": { "senses": [ "A ruler, a sovereign", "a king, monarch", "A female monarch", "Someone who is preeminent in their field", "a great person", "The ruler or head of a principality", "A male member of a royal family other than the ruler", "especially the son or grandson of the monarch", "A non-royal high title of nobility, especially in France and the Holy Roman Empire", "The mushroom Agaricus augustus", "A type of court card used in tarot cards, the equivalent of the jack", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Rohana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Agaricus augustus" ], "word": "prince", "num_translations": 293 }, "princess": { "senses": [ "A female member of a royal family other than a queen, especially a daughter or granddaughter", "A woman or girl who excels in a given field or class", "A female ruler or monarch", "a queen", "The wife of a prince", "the female ruler of a principality", "A young girl", "used as a term of endearment", "A young girl or woman who is vain, spoiled or selfish", "a prima donna", "A tinted crystal marble used in children's games", "A type of court card in the Tarot pack, coming between the 10 and the prince", "A female lemur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "princess", "num_translations": 184 }, "emperor": { "senses": [ "The male monarch or ruler of an empire", "Specifically, the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire", "the world-monarch", "The fourth trump or major arcana card of the tarot deck", "A large, relatively valuable marble in children's games", "Any fish of the family Lethrinidae", "Any various butterflies of the subfamily Charaxinae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "emperor", "num_translations": 152 }, "empress": { "senses": [ "The female monarch of an empire", "The wife or widow of an emperor or equated ruler", "The third trump or major arcana card of most tarot decks", "A female chimpanzee", "A deciduous tree, Paulownia tomentosa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "empress", "num_translations": 95 }, "principality": { "senses": [ "A region or sovereign nation headed by a prince or princess", "A spiritual being, specifically in Christian angelology, the fifth level of angels, ranked above powers and below dominions", "The state of being a prince or ruler", "sovereignty, absolute authority", "The state of being principal", "pre-eminence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "principality", "num_translations": 54 }, "empire": { "senses": [ "A political unit, typically having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations and ruled by a single supreme authority", "A political unit ruled by an emperor or empress", "A group of states or other territories that owe allegiance to a foreign power", "An expansive and powerful enterprise under the control of one person or group", "control, dominion, sway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "empire", "num_translations": 227 }, "monarchy": { "senses": [ "A government in which sovereignty is embodied within a single, today usually hereditary head of state", "The territory ruled over by a monarch", "a kingdom", "A form of government where sovereignty is embodied by a single ruler in a state and his high aristocracy representing their separate divided lands within the state and their low aristocracy representing their separate divided fiefs", "States based on a system of governance headed by a king or a queen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:government", "kingdom" ], "word": "monarchy", "num_translations": 88 }, "baron": { "senses": [ "A male member of the lowest rank of English nobility", "A particular cut of beef, made up of a double sirloin", "A person of great power in society, especially in business and politics", "A prisoner who gains power and influence by lending or selling tobacco", "A husband", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Euthalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "baron", "num_translations": 53 }, "barony": { "senses": [ "The domain of a baron or baroness, usually as part of a larger kingdom or empire", "The baronage: the body of barons in a realm", "Baronship, the rank or position of a baron", "The legal tenure of a baron's land", "military tenure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "hundred" ], "word": "barony", "num_translations": 26 }, "duke": { "senses": [ "The male ruler of a duchy", "The sovereign of a small state", "A high title of nobility", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genera Bassarona and Dophla", "A fist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "duke", "num_translations": 135 }, "state": { "senses": [ "A condition", "a set of circumstances applying at any given time", "High social standing or circumstance", "A polity", "An element of the range of the random variables that define a random process", "The lexical aspect of verbs or predicates that do not change over time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "state", "num_translations": 388 }, "state1": { "senses": [ "To declare to be a fact", "To make known" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:communicate" ], "word": "state", "num_translations": 70 }, "digestion": { "senses": [ "The process, in the gastrointestinal tract, by which food is converted into substances that can be utilized by the body", "The result of this process", "The ability to use this process", "The processing of decay in organic matter assisted by microorganisms", "The assimilation and understanding of ideas", "Generation of pus", "suppuration", "Dissolution of a sample into a solution by means of adding acid and heat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "digestion", "num_translations": 111 }, "vertical": { "senses": [ "Standing, pointing, or moving straight up or down", "along the direction of a plumb line", "perpendicular to something horizontal", "In a two-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate system, describing the axis y oriented normal to the horizontal axis x", "In a three-dimensional co-ordinate system, describing the axis z oriented normal to the basic plane xy", "Involving different vintages of the same wine type from the same winery" ], "antonyms": [ "horizontal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "vertical", "num_translations": 76 }, "dagger": { "senses": [ "A stabbing weapon, similar to a sword but with a short, double-edged blade", "The text character \u2020", "the obelus", "a point scored near the end of the game to take or increase the scorer's team lead, so that they are likely to win" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dirk", "knife", "obelisk", "obelus", "barb" ], "word": "dagger", "num_translations": 130 }, "monarch": { "senses": [ "A police officer", "A stag which has sixteen or more points or tines on its antlers", "The chief or best thing of its kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autocrat" ], "word": "monarch", "num_translations": 112 }, "analog": { "senses": [ "in which the value of a data item is represented by a continuous variable physical quantity that can be measured" ], "antonyms": [ "digital", "discrete" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "analog", "num_translations": 31 }, "subpoena": { "senses": [ "A writ requiring a defendant to appear in court to answer a plaintiff's claim", "A writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "witness summons" ], "word": "subpoena", "num_translations": 45 }, "tissue": { "senses": [ "Thin, woven, gauze-like fabric", "A fine transparent silk material, used for veils, etc", "specifically, cloth interwoven with gold or silver threads, or embossed with figures", "Absorbent paper as material", "A group of cells similar in origin that function together to do a specific job", "Web", "texture", "complicated fabrication", "connected series" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tissue", "num_translations": 149 }, "people": { "senses": [ "Used as plural of person", "a body of human beings considered generally or collectively", "a group of two or more persons", "Persons forming or belonging to a particular group, such as a nation, class, ethnic group, country, family, etc", "A group of persons regarded as being employees, followers, companions or subjects of a ruler", "One's colleagues or employees", "A person's ancestors, relatives or family", "The mass of a community as distinguished from a special class", "the commonalty", "the populace", "the vulgar", "the common crowd", "the citizens", "plural of \"person\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "people", "num_translations": 477 }, "people1": { "senses": [ "to populate", "To become populous or populated", "To inhabit", "to occupy", "to populate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "people", "num_translations": 44 }, "dictatorship": { "senses": [ "A type of government where absolute sovereignty is allotted to an individual or a small clique", "A government which exercises autocratic rule", "Any household, institution, or other organization that is run under such sovereignty or autocracy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autocracy", "dictatorialism" ], "word": "dictatorship", "num_translations": 77 }, "election": { "senses": [ "A process of choosing a leader, members of parliament, councillors or other representatives by popular vote", "The choice of a leader or representative by popular vote", "An option that is selected", "Any conscious choice", "In Calvinism, God's predestination of saints including all of the elect", "Those who are elected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chosenness" ], "word": "election", "num_translations": 133 }, "vote": { "senses": [ "a formalized choice on matters of administration or other democratic activities", "an act or instance of participating in such a choice, eg, by submitting a ballot", "an ardent wish or desire", "a vow", "a prayer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vote", "num_translations": 133 }, "longsword": { "senses": [ "Any type of sword that is comparatively long", "depending on context, applied to swords of the Bronze Age, Migration period, Viking Age and Renaissance era", "A European sword with a long, straight double-edged blade, a cruciform hilt, and a grip for two-handed use", "prevalent from the 14th to 16th centuries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bastard sword" ], "word": "longsword", "num_translations": 18 }, "handle": { "senses": [ "The part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved", "An instrument for effecting a purpose", "a tool, or an opportunity or pretext", "The gross amount of wagering within a given period of time or for a given event at one of more establishments", "The tactile qualities of a fabric, eg, softness, firmness, elasticity, fineness, resilience, and other qualities perceived by touch", "A name, nickname or pseudonym", "A title attached to one's name, such as Doctor or Colonel", "A reference to an object or structure that can be stored in a variable", "A 10 fl oz glass of beer in the Northern Territory", "A half-gallon bottle of alcohol", "A point, an extremity of land", "A topological space homeomorphic to a ball but viewed as a product of two lower-dimensional balls", "The smooth, irreducible subcurve of a comb which connects to each of the other components in exactly one point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "handle", "num_translations": 168 }, "handle1": { "senses": [ "To touch", "to feel or hold with the hand", "To accustom to the hand", "to take care of with the hands", "To manage, use, or wield with the hands", "To manage, control, or direct", "To treat, to deal with", "To deal with in speaking, in writing, or in art", "To receive and transfer", "to have pass through one's hands", "hence, to buy and sell", "To be concerned with", "to be an expert in", "To put up with", "to endure", "To use the hands", "To illegally touch the ball with the hand or arm", "to commit handball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feel", "finger", "touch", "deal", "manage", "treat" ], "word": "handle", "num_translations": 81 }, "display1": { "senses": [ "To show conspicuously", "to exhibit", "to demonstrate", "to manifest", "to act as one making a show or demonstration", "To extend the front of , bringing it into line", "To make conspicuous by using large or prominent type", "To discover", "to descry", "To spread out, to unfurl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "display", "num_translations": 51 }, "attachment": { "senses": [ "The act or process of attaching", "A strong bonding with or fondness for someone or something", "A dependence, especially a strong one", "A device attached to a piece of equipment or a tool", "The means by which something is physically attached", "A file sent along with an email", "Taking a person's property to satisfy a court-ordered debt", "The act or process by which any leader connects to any available streamer in a lightning flash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attachment", "num_translations": 104 }, "klingon1": { "senses": [ "An artificial language created by Marc Okrand, for the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Klingonese" ], "word": "Klingon", "num_translations": 33 }, "chivalry": { "senses": [ "Cavalry", "horsemen armed for battle", "The fact or condition of being a knight", "knightly skill, prowess", "The ethical code of the knight prevalent in Medieval Europe, having such primary virtues as mercy towards the poor and oppressed, humility, honour, sacrifice, fear of God, faithfulness, courage and utmost graciousness and courtesy to ladies", "Courtesy, respect and honourable conduct between opponents in wartime", "Courteous behaviour, especially that of men towards women", "A tenure of lands by knightly service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chivalry", "num_translations": 52 }, "dejure": { "senses": [ "By right, in accordance with the law, legally" ], "antonyms": [ "de facto" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dejure", "num_translations": 22 }, "still": { "senses": [ "Not moving", "calm", "Not effervescing", "not sparkling", "Uttering no sound", "silent", "Having the same stated quality continuously from a past time", "Comparatively quiet or silent", "soft", "gentle", "low", "Constant", "continual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fixed", "flat", "noiseless", "hushed", "incessant" ], "word": "still", "num_translations": 79 }, "still1": { "senses": [ "Without motion", "Up to a time, as in the preceding time", "To an even greater degree Used to modify comparative adjectives or adverbs", "Nevertheless", "Always", "invariably", "constantly", "continuously", "Even, yet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "akinetically", "yet", "yet", "nonetheless", "consistently" ], "word": "still", "num_translations": 218 }, "still2": { "senses": [ "A period of calm or silence", "A photograph, as opposed to movie footage", "A resident of the Falkland Islands", "A steep hill or ascent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lull", "Benny" ], "word": "still", "num_translations": 32 }, "still3": { "senses": [ "a large water boiler used to make tea and coffee", "the area in a restaurant used to make tea and coffee, separate from the main kitchen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "still", "num_translations": 32 }, "still4": { "senses": [ "to calm down, to quiet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becalm" ], "word": "still", "num_translations": 20 }, "seep1": { "senses": [ "A small spring, pool, or other spot where liquid from the ground has oozed to the surface", "A seafloor vent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seep", "num_translations": 34 }, "skein": { "senses": [ "A web, a weave, a tangle", "The membrane of a fish ovary", "A metallic strengthening band or thimble on the wooden arm of an axle", "A group of wild fowl, when they are in flight", "A winning streak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skein", "num_translations": 40 }, "wedge": { "senses": [ "One of the simple machines", "a piece of material, such as metal or wood, thick at one edge and tapered to a thin edge at the other for insertion in a narrow crevice, used for splitting, tightening, securing, or levering", "A piece having this shape", "A five-sided polyhedron with a rectangular base, two rectangular or trapezoidal sides meeting in an edge, and two triangular ends", "Something that creates a division, gap or distance between things", "A flank of cavalry acting to split some portion of an opposing army, charging in an inverted V formation", "A type of iron club used for short, high trajectories", "A group of geese, swans or other birds when they are in flight in a V formation", "A quantity of money", "A sandwich made on a long, cylindrical roll", "h\u00e1\u010dek", "The IPA character \u028c, which denotes an open-mid back unrounded vowel", "The symbol \u2227, denoting a meet operation or logical conjunction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skein", "turned v" ], "word": "wedge", "num_translations": 145 }, "wedge1": { "senses": [ "To force into a narrow gap", "To work wet clay by cutting or kneading for the purpose of homogenizing the mass and expelling air bubbles", "Of a computer program or system: to get stuck in an unresponsive state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wedge", "num_translations": 30 }, "stop": { "senses": [ "To cease moving", "To not continue", "To cause to cease moving or progressing", "To cease", "to no longer continue", "To cause to come to an end", "To close or block an opening", "To adjust the aperture of a camera lens", "To stay", "to spend a short time", "to reside or tarry temporarily", "To regulate the sounds of by pressing them against the fingerboard with the finger, or otherwise shortening the vibrating part", "To punctuate", "To make fast" ], "antonyms": [ "continue", "continue", "continue", "continue" ], "synonyms": [ "brake", "blin", "arrest", "blin", "hang about", "lodge" ], "word": "stop", "num_translations": 355 }, "stop1": { "senses": [ "A place where buses, trams or trains halt to let passengers get on and off, usually smaller than a station", "interruption of travel", "an obstacle", "an impediment", "A device intended to block the path of a moving object", "A consonant sound in which the passage of air through the mouth is temporarily blocked by the lips, tongue, or glottis", "A knob or pin used to regulate the flow of air in an organ", "A very short shot which touches the ground close behind the net and is intended to bounce as little as possible", "The depression in a dog's face between the skull and the nasal bones", "The diaphragm used in optical instruments to cut off the marginal portions of a beam of light passing through lenses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stop", "num_translations": 134 }, "crowd": { "senses": [ "To press forward", "to advance by pushing", "To press together or collect in numbers", "To press or drive together, especially into a small space", "to cram", "To fill by pressing or thronging together", "To push, to press, to shove", "To approach another ship too closely when it has right of way", "To carry excessive sail in the hope of moving faster", "To press by solicitation", "to urge", "to dun", "hence, to treat discourteously or unreasonably" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crowd", "num_translations": 11 }, "crowd1": { "senses": [ "A group of people congregated or collected into a close body without order", "Several things collected or closely pressed together", "also, some things adjacent to each other", "The so-called lower orders of people", "the populace, vulgar", "A group of people united or at least characterised by a common interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aggregation", "audience", "everyone" ], "word": "crowd", "num_translations": 199 }, "stroke": { "senses": [ "An act of stroking", "A blow or hit", "A single movement with a tool", "One of a series of beats or movements against a resisting medium, by means of which movement through or upon it is accomplished", "A powerful or sudden effort by which something is done, produced, or accomplished", "also, something done or accomplished by such an effort", "A line drawn with a pen or other writing implement, particularly:", "A streak made with a brush", "The time when a clock strikes", "A style, a single movement within a style", "The loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted", "A sudden attack of any disease, especially when fatal", "any sudden, severe affliction or calamity", "The oar nearest the stern of a boat, by which the other oars are guided", "The rower who is nearest the stern of the boat", "Backstage influence", "A point awarded to a player in case of interference or obstruction by the opponent", "An individual discharge of lightning", "The result or effect of a striking", "injury or affliction", "soreness", "An addition or amendment to a written composition", "a touch", "A throb or beat, as of the heart", "Power", "influence", "Appetite", "In transactional analysis, a reaction to a person, fulfilling their needs or desires" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caress", "blow", "stroke of the pen", "hour", "cerebrovascular accident" ], "word": "stroke", "num_translations": 326 }, "washer": { "senses": [ "Something that washes", "A person who washes for a living", "A flat disk, placed beneath a nut or at some joint, to distribute pressure, alleviate friction or prevent leakage", "A face cloth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blotter" ], "word": "washer", "num_translations": 135 }, "throttle1": { "senses": [ "To cut back on the speed of", "To strangle or choke someone", "To have the throat obstructed so as to be in danger of suffocation", "to choke", "to suffocate", "To breathe hard, as when nearly suffocated", "To utter with breaks and interruption, in the manner of a person half suffocated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "throttle", "num_translations": 33 }, "shock": { "senses": [ "A sudden, heavy impact", "A discontinuity arising in the solution of a partial differential equation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:surprise" ], "word": "shock", "num_translations": 105 }, "nut": { "senses": [ "A hard-shelled seed", "A piece of metal, usually square or hexagonal in shape, with a hole through it having machined internal threads, intended to be screwed onto a bolt or other threaded shaft", "A crazy person", "The head", "Monthly expense to keep a venture running", "The amount of money necessary to set up some venture", "set-up costs", "A stash of money owned by an extremely rich investor, sufficient to sustain a high level of consumption if all other money is lost", "On stringed instruments such as guitars and violins, the small piece at the peghead end of the fingerboard that holds the strings at the proper spacing and, in most cases, the proper height", "En, a unit of measurement equal to half of the height of the type in use", "An extravagantly fashionable young man", "A testicle", "Semen, ejaculate", "Orgasm , ejaculation, release of semen", "An extreme enthusiast", "A shaped piece of metal, threaded by a wire loop, which is jammed in a crack in the rockface and used to protect a climb", "The tumbler of a gunlock", "A projection on each side of the shank of an anchor, to secure the stock in place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nut", "num_translations": 308 }, "drill": { "senses": [ "To practice, especially in a military context", "to train in military arts", "To repeat an idea frequently in order to encourage someone to remember it", "To investigate or examine something in more detail or at a different level", "To hit or kick with a lot of power", "To hit someone with a pitch, especially in an intentional context", "To have sexual intercourse with", "to penetrate", "to drain by trickling", "To sow by dribbling them along a furrow or in a row", "To entice or allure", "to decoy", "with on", "To cause to slip or waste away by degrees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drill", "num_translations": 124 }, "drill1": { "senses": [ "A tool used to remove material so as to create a hole, typically by plunging a rotating cutting bit into a stationary workpiece", "An agricultural implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to contain seeds and drop them into the hole made", "A light furrow or channel made to put seed into, when sowing", "A row of seed sown in a furrow", "An activity done as an exercise or practice , particularly in preparation for some possible future event or occurrence", "A small trickling stream", "a rill", "A style of trap music with gritty, violent lyrics, originating on the South Side of Chicago" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drill", "num_translations": 126 }, "clutch": { "senses": [ "To seize, as though with claws", "To grip or grasp tightly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clasp" ], "word": "clutch", "num_translations": 37 }, "clutch1": { "senses": [ "The claw of a predatory animal or bird", "A grip, especially one seen as rapacious or evil", "A device to interrupt power transmission, commonly used between engine and gearbox in a car", "The pedal in a car that disengages power transmission", "Any device for gripping an object, as at the end of a chain or tackle", "A small handbag or purse with no straps or handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clutch bag" ], "word": "clutch", "num_translations": 118 }, "cylinder": { "senses": [ "A surface created by projecting a closed two-dimensional curve along an axis intersecting the plane of the curve", "A cylindrical cavity or chamber in a mechanism, such as the counterpart to a piston found in a piston-driven engine", "The space in which a piston travels inside a reciprocating engine or pump", "The part of a revolver that contains chambers for the cartridges", "The corresponding tracks on a vertical arrangement of disks in a disk drive considered as a unit of data capacity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cylinder", "num_translations": 201 }, "valve": { "senses": [ "A device that controls the flow of a gas or fluid through a pipe", "A device that admits fuel and air into the cylinder of an internal combustion engine, or one that allows combustion gases to exit", "One or more membranous partitions, flaps, or folds, which permit the passage of the contents of a vessel or cavity in one direction, but stop or control the flow in the opposite direction", "One of the leaves of a folding-door, or a window-sash", "A vacuum tube", "One of the pieces into which certain fruits naturally separate when they dehisce", "A small portion of certain anthers, which opens like a trapdoor to allow the pollen to escape, such as in the barberry", "One of the two similar portions of the shell of a diatom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "valve", "num_translations": 145 }, "gearbox": { "senses": [ "An enclosed gear train", "That part of a car's transmission containing the train of gears, and to which the gear lever is connected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transmission" ], "word": "gearbox", "num_translations": 35 }, "cardoon": { "senses": [ "Cynara cardunculus, a prickly perennial plant related to the artichoke which has leaf stalks eaten as a vegetable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "artichoke thistle", "ground thistle", "prickly artichoke" ], "word": "cardoon", "num_translations": 33 }, "artichoke": { "senses": [ "A plant related to the thistle with enlarged flower heads eaten as a vegetable while immature, Cynara cardunculus var scolymus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "globe artichoke", "cardoon" ], "word": "artichoke", "num_translations": 117 }, "hazelnut": { "senses": [ "The fruit of the hazel tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cob", "cobnut" ], "word": "hazelnut", "num_translations": 117 }, "batch": { "senses": [ "The quantity of bread or other baked goods baked at one time", "A quantity of anything produced at one operation", "A set of data to be processed with one execution of a program", "A bread roll", "A graduating class", "The process of baking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recipe", "pressing", "group" ], "word": "batch", "num_translations": 73 }, "mare": { "senses": [ "An adult female horse", "A foolish woman" ], "antonyms": [ "stallion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mare", "num_translations": 133 }, "stallion": { "senses": [ "An adult male horse", "A very virile and sexually-inclined man or woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entire", "studhorse" ], "word": "stallion", "num_translations": 127 }, "colt": { "senses": [ "A young male horse", "A young crane", "A youthful or inexperienced person", "a novice", "A short piece of rope once used by petty officers as an instrument of punishment", "A young camel or donkey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "colt", "num_translations": 77 }, "calf": { "senses": [ "A young cow or bull", "especially, a fine, light-coloured leather used in bookbinding", "A young deer, elephant, seal or whale", "A chunk of ice broken from a larger glacier, ice shelf, or iceberg", "A small island, near a larger island", "A cabless railroad engine", "An awkward or silly boy or young man", "any silly person", "a dolt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cowling" ], "word": "calf", "num_translations": 188 }, "vessel": { "senses": [ "Any craft designed for transportation on water, such as a ship or boat", "A craft designed for transportation through air or space", "Dishes and cutlery collectively, especially if made of precious metals", "A container of liquid or other substance, such as a glass, goblet, cup, bottle, bowl, or pitcher", "A person as a container of qualities or feelings", "A tube or canal that carries fluid in an animal or plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vessel" ], "word": "vessel", "num_translations": 170 }, "nozzle": { "senses": [ "A short tube, usually tapering, forming the vent of a hose or pipe", "A short outlet or inlet pipe projecting from the end or side of a hollow vessel, as a steam-engine cylinder or a steam boiler", "The nose of an animal", "muzzle", "The part of an earbud that accomodates eartips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nozzle", "num_translations": 63 }, "tracer": { "senses": [ "A compound, element, or isotope used to track the progress or history of a natural process", "A round of ammunition for a firearm that contains magnesium or another flammable substance arranged such that it will burn and produce a visible trail when fired in the dark", "The act or state of tracking or investigating something", "A request to trace the movements of a person or an object, such as a shipment", "A person who traces something", "A device or instrument used to assist in making tracings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tracer", "num_translations": 11 }, "gyre": { "senses": [ "A swirling vortex", "A circular current, especially a large-scale ocean current", "A circular motion, or a circle described by a moving body", "a turn or revolution", "a circuit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gyre", "num_translations": 17 }, "rate": { "senses": [ "The worth of something", "value", "The proportional relationship between one amount, value etc and another", "Speed", "The relative speed of change or progress", "The price of thing", "cost", "A set price or charge for all examples of a given case, commodity, service etc", "A wage calculated in relation to a unit of time", "Any of various taxes, especially those levied by a local authority", "A class into which ships were assigned based on condition, size etc", "by extension, rank", "Established portion or measure", "fixed allowance", "ration", "Order", "arrangement", "Ratification", "approval", "The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rate", "num_translations": 133 }, "rate1": { "senses": [ "To assign or be assigned a particular rank or level", "To evaluate or estimate the value of", "To consider or regard", "To deserve", "to be worth", "To determine the limits of safe functioning for a machine or electrical device", "To evaluate a property's value for the purposes of local taxation", "To like", "to think highly of", "To have position", "To have value or standing", "To ratify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rank" ], "word": "rate", "num_translations": 10 }, "settle": { "senses": [ "To conclude or resolve :", "To place or arrange in a desired state, or make final disposition of", "To become calm, quiet, or orderly", "to stop being agitated", "To establish or become established in a steady position:", "To fix one's residence in a place", "to establish a dwelling place, home, or colony", "To move to , so as to colonize it", "to cause to take residence in", "To sink, or cause to sink down, especially so as to become clear or compact", "To make a jointure for a spouse", "To make or become pregnant" ], "antonyms": [ "remove", "disturb", "agitate", "wander" ], "synonyms": [ "adjust", "arrange", "compose", "decide", "determine", "establish", "fix", "regulate" ], "word": "settle", "num_translations": 69 }, "continuous": { "senses": [ "Without stopping", "without a break, cessation, or interruption", "Without intervening space", "continued", "Not deviating or varying from uniformity", "not interrupted", "not joined or articulated", "Such that, for every x in the domain, for each small open interval D about f, there's an interval containing x whose image is in D", "Such that each open set in the target space has an open preimage", "Expressing an ongoing action or state" ], "antonyms": [ "without break, cessation, or interruption in time", "without break, cessation, or interruption in space", "in mathematical analysis" ], "synonyms": [ "constant", "nonstop", "continual", "incessant", "never-ending", "ongoing", "unbroken", "unceasing", "unending", "uninterrupted", "unremitting", "relentless", "Thesaurus:continuous", "connected" ], "word": "continuous", "num_translations": 152 }, "powder1": { "senses": [ "To reduce to fine particles", "To sprinkle with salt", "to corn, as meat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pound" ], "word": "powder", "num_translations": 47 }, "impersonal": { "senses": [ "Not personal", "not representing a person", "not having personality", "Lacking warmth or emotion", "cold", "Not having a subject, or having a third person pronoun without an antecedent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monopersonal" ], "word": "impersonal", "num_translations": 50 }, "prefix": { "senses": [ "Something placed before another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forefix" ], "word": "prefix", "num_translations": 87 }, "prefix1": { "senses": [ "To determine beforehand", "to set in advance", "*", "To put or fix before, or at the beginning of something", "to place at the start" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prefix", "num_translations": 16 }, "flash": { "senses": [ "To cause to shine briefly or intermittently", "To blink", "to shine or illuminate intermittently", "To be visible briefly", "To make visible briefly", "To briefly, and often unintentionally, expose one's naked body or underwear, or part of it, in public", "To show or expose an \"inappropriate\" part of the body to someone for humorous reasons or as an act of contempt", "To break forth like a sudden flood of light", "to show a momentary brilliance", "To flaunt", "to display in a showy manner", "To communicate quickly", "To move, or cause to move, suddenly", "To telephone a person, only allowing the phone to ring once, in order to request a call back", "To evaporate suddenly", "To climb successfully on the first attempt", "To write to the memory of", "To cover with a thin layer, as objects of glass with glass of a different colour", "To expand into a disc", "To send by some startling or sudden means", "To burst out into violence", "To release the pressure from a pressurized vessel", "To trick up in a showy manner", "To strike and throw up large bodies of water from the surface", "to splash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glint", "beep" ], "word": "flash", "num_translations": 84 }, "flash1": { "senses": [ "A sudden, short, temporary burst of light", "A very short amount of time", "an electric torch", "A sudden and brilliant burst, as of genius or wit", "Material left around the edge of a moulded part at the parting line of the mould", "The strips of bright cloth or buttons worn around the collars of market traders", "A pattern where each prop is thrown and caught only once", "A language, created by a minority to maintain cultural identity, that cannot be understood by the ruling class", "A preparation of capsicum, burnt sugar, etc, for colouring liquor to make it look stronger", "A form of military insignia", "Any of various lycaenid butterflies of the genera Artipe, Deudorix and Rapala", "The sudden sensation of being \"high\" after taking a recreational drug" ], "antonyms": [ "aeon" ], "synonyms": [ "gleam", "moulding flash" ], "word": "flash", "num_translations": 63 }, "flash2": { "senses": [ "Expensive-looking and demanding attention", "stylish", "showy", "Having plenty of ready money", "Liable to show off expensive possessions or money", "Occurring very rapidly, almost instantaneously", "Relating to thieves and vagabonds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flash", "num_translations": 10 }, "pass": { "senses": [ "To change place", "To change in state or status", "To move through time", "To be accepted", "In any game, to decline to play in one's turn", "To do or be better", "To take heed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spend", "pledge" ], "word": "pass", "num_translations": 274 }, "pass1": { "senses": [ "especially, one through or over some dangerous or otherwise impracticable barrier such as a mountain range", "a defile", "a ford", "A channel connecting a river or body of water to the sea, for example at the mouth of a river", "A single movement, especially of a hand, at, over or along anything", "An attempt", "Success in an examination or similar test", "A thrust or push", "an attempt to stab or strike an adversary", "A thrust", "a sally of wit", "A sexual advance", "The act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another", "a ticket permitting free transit or admission", "An intentional walk", "The state of things", "condition", "predicament", "Estimation", "character", "A run through a document as part of a translation, compilation or reformatting process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pass", "num_translations": 82 }, "dew": { "senses": [ "Any moisture from the atmosphere condensed by cool bodies upon their surfaces", "Moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc in the morning, resulting in drops", "An instance of such moisture settling on plants, etc", "Anything that falls lightly and in a refreshing manner", "An emblem of morning, or fresh vigour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dew", "num_translations": 186 }, "blower": { "senses": [ "A person who blows", "Any device that blows", "Telephone", "A ducted fan, usually part of a heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning system", "A braggart, or loud talker", "The whale", "so called by seamen, from its habit of spouting up a column of water", "A small fish of the Atlantic coast, Sphoeroides maculatus", "the puffer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blower", "num_translations": 29 }, "muffler": { "senses": [ "Part of the exhaust pipe of a car that dampens the noise the engine produces", "A silencer or suppressor fitted to a gun", "A type of scarf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "silencer" ], "word": "muffler", "num_translations": 37 }, "exhaust": { "senses": [ "To draw or let out wholly", "to drain off completely", "To empty by drawing or letting out the contents", "To drain", "to use up or expend wholly, or until the supply comes to an end", "to tire out", "to wear out", "to cause to be without any energy", "To bring out or develop completely", "to discuss thoroughly or completely", "To subject to the action of various solvents in order to remove all soluble substances or extractives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spend", "tire out", "Thesaurus:fatigue" ], "word": "exhaust", "num_translations": 74 }, "exhaust1": { "senses": [ "A system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged", "The steam let out of a cylinder after it has done its work there", "The dirty air let out of a room through a register or pipe provided for the purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exhaust", "num_translations": 36 }, "hammer": { "senses": [ "A tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding", "A moving part of a firearm that strikes the firing pin to discharge a gun", "The malleus, a small bone of the middle ear", "In a piano or dulcimer, a piece of wood covered in felt that strikes the string", "A device made of a heavy steel ball attached to a length of wire, and used for throwing", "The last stone in an end", "A frisbee throwing style in which the disc is held upside-down with a forehand grip and thrown above the head", "Part of a clock that strikes upon a bell to indicate the hour", "One who, or that which, smites or shatters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hammer", "num_translations": 440 }, "hammer1": { "senses": [ "to shape by beating", "To emphasize a point repeatedly", "To hit particularly hard", "To ride very fast", "To defeat resoundingly", "To make high demands on", "To declare a defaulter on the stock exchange", "To beat down the price of , or depress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hammer", "num_translations": 63 }, "humanoid1": { "senses": [ "A being having the appearance or characteristics of a human" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "humaniform" ], "word": "humanoid", "num_translations": 10 }, "investigate": { "senses": [ "To inquire into or study in order to ascertain facts or information", "To examine, look into, or scrutinize in order to discover something hidden or secret", "To conduct an inquiry or examination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underseek" ], "word": "investigate", "num_translations": 99 }, "defeat": { "senses": [ "To overcome in battle or contest", "To reduce, to nothing, the strength of", "To nullify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vanquish" ], "word": "defeat", "num_translations": 129 }, "defeat1": { "senses": [ "a loss", "Frustration , stymieing", "nullification", "Destruction, ruin" ], "antonyms": [ "victory" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "defeat", "num_translations": 103 }, "ductile": { "senses": [ "Capable of being pulled or stretched into thin wire by mechanical force without breaking", "Molded easily into a new form", "Led easily", "prone to follow" ], "antonyms": [ "brittle" ], "synonyms": [ "flexible", "tractable" ], "word": "ductile", "num_translations": 37 }, "unbinilium": { "senses": [ "The systematic element name for the chemical element with atomic number 120" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eka-radium" ], "word": "unbinilium", "num_translations": 17 }, "array": { "senses": [ "Clothing and ornamentation", "A collection laid out to be viewed in full", "An orderly series, arrangement or sequence", "Order", "a regular and imposing arrangement", "disposition in regular lines", "hence, order of battle", "A large collection", "Common name for matrix", "Any of various data structures designed to hold multiple elements of the same type", "especially, a data structure that holds these elements in adjacent memory locations so that they may be retrieved using numeric indices", "A ranking or setting forth in order, by the proper officer, of a jury as impanelled in a cause", "the panel itself", "or the whole body of jurors summoned to attend the court", "A militia", "A group of hedgehogs" ], "antonyms": [ "disarray" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "array", "num_translations": 113 }, "array1": { "senses": [ "To clothe and ornament", "to adorn or attire", "To lay out in an orderly arrangement", "to deploy or marshal", "To set in order, as a jury, for the trial of a cause", "that is, to call them one at a time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "don" ], "word": "array", "num_translations": 18 }, "worship": { "senses": [ "The condition of being worthy", "honour, distinction", "* 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III3:", "The devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object", "The religious ceremonies that express this devotion", "Voluntary, utter submission", "voluntary, utter deference", "Ardent love", "Honour", "respect", "civil deference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adoration", "reverence", "idolatry" ], "word": "worship", "num_translations": 134 }, "worship1": { "senses": [ "To reverence with supreme respect and veneration", "to perform religious exercises in honour of", "To honour with extravagant love and extreme submission, as a lover", "to adore", "to idolize", "To participate in religious ceremonies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "worship", "num_translations": 84 }, "prostitute": { "senses": [ "To offer for sexual activity in exchange for money", "To sacrifice in return for profit or other advantage", "to exploit for base purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sell one's body", "pimp", "sell out" ], "word": "prostitute", "num_translations": 50 }, "prostitute2": { "senses": [ "Any person who has sexual intercourse or engages in other sexual activity for payment, especially as a means of livelihood", "A person who does, or offers to do, a demeaning or dishonourable activity for money or personal gain", "someone who acts in a dishonourable way for personal advantage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whore" ], "word": "prostitute", "num_translations": 249 }, "rationalnumber": { "senses": [ "A number that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers" ], "antonyms": [ "irrational number" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rationalnumber", "num_translations": 34 }, "integer": { "senses": [ "A number that is not a fraction", "an element of the infinite and numerable set {, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,}" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whole number", "integral number" ], "word": "integer", "num_translations": 54 }, "annotation": { "senses": [ "a critical or explanatory commentary or analysis", "a comment added to a text", "the process of writing such comment or commentary", "metadata added to a document or program", "information relating to the genetic structure of sequences of bases" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "annotation", "num_translations": 86 }, "celestial": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"heavenly\": of or related to Heaven and the divine", "Relating to the sky or outer space, regarded as the realm of the sun, moon, planets, and stars", "Of or pertaining to the highest degree of glory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heavenly" ], "word": "celestial", "num_translations": 93 }, "potable": { "senses": [ "Good for drinking without fear of poisoning or disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drinkable" ], "word": "potable", "num_translations": 35 }, "peer2": { "senses": [ "Somebody who is, or something that is, at a level or of a value equal", "Someone who is approximately the same age", "A comrade", "a companion", "an associate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peer", "num_translations": 101 }, "perch1": { "senses": [ "a rod, staff, or branch of a tree etc used as a roost by a bird", "a pole connecting the fore gear and hind gear of a spring carriage", "a reach", "a position that is secure and advantageous, especially one which is prominent or elevated", "a position that is overly elevated or haughty", "a linear measure of yards, equal to a rod, a pole or chain", "the related square measure", "a cubic measure of stonework equal to 166 \u00d7 15 \u00d7 1 feet", "a frame used to examine cloth", "a bar used to support a candle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "perch", "num_translations": 24 }, "perch2": { "senses": [ "to roost", "To stay in an elevated position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "perch", "num_translations": 20 }, "bass1": { "senses": [ "A low spectrum of sound tones", "A section of musical group that produces low-pitched sound, lower than the baritone and tenor", "The clef sign that indicates that the pitch of the notes is below middle C" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "basso", "F clef" ], "word": "bass", "num_translations": 94 }, "beard": { "senses": [ "Facial hair on the chin, cheeks, jaw and neck", "The cluster of small feathers at the base of the beak in some birds", "The appendages to the jaw in some cetaceans, and to the mouth or jaws of some fishes", "The byssus of certain shellfish", "The gills of some bivalves, such as the oyster", "In insects, the hairs of the labial palpi of moths and butterflies", "Long or stiff hairs on a plant", "the awn", "A barb or sharp point of an arrow or other instrument, projecting backward to prevent the head from being easily drawn out", "That part of the underside of a horse's lower jaw which is above the chin, and bears the curb of a bridle", "That part of a type which is between the shoulder of the shank and the face", "A fake customer or companion, especially a woman who accompanies a gay man in order to give the impression that he is heterosexual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beard", "num_translations": 258 }, "seam": { "senses": [ "A folded-back and stitched piece of fabric", "especially, the stitching that joins two or more pieces of fabric", "A suture", "A thin stratum, especially of an economically viable material such as coal or mineral", "A joint formed by mating two separate sections of materials", "A line or depression left by a cut or wound", "a scar", "a cicatrix", "A line of junction", "a joint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seam", "num_translations": 91 }, "domain": { "senses": [ "A geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization", "A field or sphere of activity, influence or expertise", "A group of related items, topics, or subjects", "The set of all possible mathematical entities where a given function is defined", "The set of input values for which a function is defined", "A ring with no zero divisors", "that is, in which no product of nonzero elements is zero", "An open and connected set in some topology For example, the interval as a subset of the real numbers", "A small region of a magnetic material with a consistent magnetization direction", "Such a region used as a data storage element in a bubble memory", "A form of technical metadata that represent the type of a data item, its characteristics, name, and usage", "The highest rank in the classification of organisms, above kingdom", "A folded section of a protein molecule that has a discrete function", "the equivalent section of a chromosome" ], "antonyms": [ "range", "codomain" ], "synonyms": [ "demesne", "domain of definition", "domain name" ], "word": "domain", "num_translations": 174 }, "profile": { "senses": [ "The outermost shape, view, or edge of an object", "The shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side", "a side view", "A summary or collection of information, especially about a person", "A specific space or field in which users can provide various types of personal information in software or Internet systems", "Reputation", "The amount by which something protrudes", "Prominence", "noticeability", "A smoothed vertical surface of an excavation showing evidence of at least one feature or diagnostic specimen", "the graphic recording of such as by sketching, photographing, etc", "Character", "totality of related characteristics", "signature", "status", "A section of any member, made at right angles with its main lines, showing the exact shape of mouldings etc", "A drawing exhibiting a vertical section of the ground along a surveyed line, or graded work, as of a railway, showing elevations, depressions, grades, etc", "An exemption from certain types of duties due to injury or disability" ], "antonyms": [ "print mode or selection" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "profile", "num_translations": 95 }, "humongous": { "senses": [ "Of an extremely large size" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enormous", "gigantic", "ginormous", "immense", "huge", "massive", "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "humongous", "num_translations": 31 }, "brew": { "senses": [ "To make tea or coffee by mixing tea leaves or coffee beans with hot water", "To heat wine, infusing it with spices", "to mull", "To make a hot soup by combining ingredients and boiling them in water", "To make beer by steeping a starch source in water and fermenting the resulting sweet liquid with yeast", "To be in a state of preparation", "to be mixing, forming, or gathering", "To boil or seethe", "to cook" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brew", "num_translations": 72 }, "home": { "senses": [ "A dwelling", "One's native land", "the place or country in which one dwells", "the place where one's ancestors dwell or dwelt", "The locality where a thing is usually found, or was first found, or where it is naturally abundant", "habitat", "seat", "A focus point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tenement", "home base" ], "word": "home", "num_translations": 402 }, "home3": { "senses": [ "in one's place of residence or one's customary or official location", "To a full and intimate degree", "to the heart of the matter", "fully, directly", "into the goal", "into the right, proper or stowed position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "homeward" ], "word": "home", "num_translations": 128 }, "commission": { "senses": [ "A sending or mission", "An official charge or authority to do something, often used of military officers", "The thing to be done as agent for another", "A body or group of people, officially tasked with carrying out a particular function", "A fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction", "The act of committing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commission", "num_translations": 170 }, "upside": { "senses": [ "the highest or uppermost side or portion of something", "a favourable aspect of something that also has an unfavourable aspect", "an upward tendency, especially in a financial market etc" ], "antonyms": [ "downside" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "upside", "num_translations": 27 }, "funnel": { "senses": [ "A utensil in the shape of an inverted hollow cone terminating in a narrow pipe, for channeling liquids or granular material", "typically used when transferring said substances from any container into ones with a significantly smaller opening", "A passage or avenue for a fluid or flowing substance", "specifically, a smoke flue or pipe", "the chimney of a steamship or the like" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "funnel", "num_translations": 113 }, "funnel1": { "senses": [ "to narrow or condense", "To direct, focus or channel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "funnel", "num_translations": 11 }, "connoisseur": { "senses": [ "A specialist in a given field whose opinion is highly valued, especially in one of the fine arts or in matters of taste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cognoscente" ], "word": "connoisseur", "num_translations": 40 }, "stir": { "senses": [ "To incite to action", "To disturb the relative position of the particles of, as of a liquid, by passing something through it", "to agitate", "To agitate the content of , by passing something through it", "To bring into debate", "to agitate", "to moot", "To change the place of in any manner", "to move", "To move", "to change one's position", "To be in motion", "to be active or bustling", "to exert or busy oneself", "To become the object of notice", "to be on foot", "To rise, or be up and about, in the morning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stir", "num_translations": 153 }, "stir1": { "senses": [ "agitation", "tumult", "bustle", "noise or various movements", "Public disturbance or commotion", "tumultuous disorder", "seditious uproar", "Agitation of thoughts", "conflicting passions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stir", "num_translations": 27 }, "pour": { "senses": [ "To cause to flow in a stream, either out of a container or into it", "To send out as in a stream or a flood", "to cause to come out", "to cause to escape", "To send forth from, as in a stream", "to discharge uninterruptedly", "To flow, pass or issue in a stream", "to fall continuously and abundantly", "To rain hard", "Of a beverage, to be on tap or otherwise available for serving to customers", "To move in a throng, as a crowd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shink" ], "word": "pour", "num_translations": 149 }, "read-onlymemory": { "senses": [ "A computer memory chip that stores values but does not allow updates, in which the values are nonvolatile in that they are retained even when the computer is unpowered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ROM" ], "word": "read-onlymemory", "num_translations": 46 }, "temporarily": { "senses": [ "For a limited period of time", "not permanently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ephemerally" ], "word": "temporarily", "num_translations": 32 }, "ukrainian": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bohunk", "Cossack", "Little Russian", "Malo-Russian", "Rusnak", "Ruthenian", "Uke", "Ukrainer" ], "word": "Ukrainian", "num_translations": 190 }, "ukrainian1": { "senses": [ "Relating to Ukraine or its people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Little Russian", "Rusnak", "Ruthenian", "Ukie" ], "word": "Ukrainian", "num_translations": 82 }, "verbalnoun": { "senses": [ "A noun that is morphologically related to a verb and similar to it in meaning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "verbal substantive", "masdar" ], "word": "verbalnoun", "num_translations": 39 }, "hyperbole": { "senses": [ "Deliberate or unintentional overstatement, particularly extreme overstatement", "An instance or example of such overstatement", "A hyperbola" ], "antonyms": [ "See" ], "synonyms": [ "overstatement" ], "word": "hyperbole", "num_translations": 38 }, "pet": { "senses": [ "An animal kept as a companion", "Something kept as a companion, including inanimate objects", "One who is excessively loyal to a superior", "Any person or animal especially cherished and indulged", "a darling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "companion animal" ], "word": "pet", "num_translations": 113 }, "pet1": { "senses": [ "To stroke or fondle", "To stroke or fondle amorously", "Of two or more people, to stroke and fondle one another amorously", "to fondle", "to indulge", "To be peevish", "to sulk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pat", "feel up", "coddle", "mope" ], "word": "pet", "num_translations": 63 }, "waffle2": { "senses": [ "Speech or writing that is vague, pretentious or evasive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:chatter" ], "word": "waffle", "num_translations": 14 }, "waffle3": { "senses": [ "To move in a side-to-side motion and descend before landing Cf wiffle, whiffle", "To speak or write vaguely and evasively", "To speak or write at length without any clear point or aim", "To vacillate", "To rotate back and forth in a gesture of vacillation or ambivalence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow hot and cold", "beat around the bush", "Thesaurus:prattle" ], "word": "waffle", "num_translations": 11 }, "ebb": { "senses": [ "The receding movement of the tide", "A gradual decline", "A low state", "a state of depression", "A European bunting, the corn bunting" ], "antonyms": [ "flood", "flow" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ebb", "num_translations": 50 }, "ebb1": { "senses": [ "to flow back or recede", "to fall away or decline", "To cause to flow back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ebb away", "ebb down", "ebb off", "ebb out", "reflux", "wane" ], "word": "ebb", "num_translations": 25 }, "content": { "senses": [ "that which is contained", "Subject matter", "that which is contained in writing or speech", "the amount of material contained", "capacity for holding", "the n-dimensional space contained by an n-dimensional polytope", "the greatest common divisor of the coefficients", "the common factor of the coefficients which, when removed, leaves the adjusted coefficients with no common factor that is noninvertible", "Satisfaction", "acquiescence without examination", "that which if attained would make one happy", "an expression of assent to a bill or motion", "an affirmate vote", "a member who votes in assent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "content", "num_translations": 103 }, "content3": { "senses": [ "to satisfy", "to make happy", "to satisfy the expectations of", "to pay", "to requite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "content", "num_translations": 19 }, "american": { "senses": [ "now, a person born in, or a citizen, national or inhabitant of, the United States of America", "An indigenous inhabitant of the Americas", "A size of type smaller than German, 1-point type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "US-American", "Western Hemispherian" ], "word": "American", "num_translations": 184 }, "american2": { "senses": [ "Of, from, or pertaining to the Americas", "Of, from, or pertaining to the United States of America, its people or its culture", "That can be exercised on any date between the issue date and the expiry date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Western Hemispherian", "United Statesian", "USAian", "Usanian", "Usonian", "US American", "US-ian", "Usonan", "Septic" ], "word": "American", "num_translations": 173 }, "attorney": { "senses": [ "A lawyer", "one who advises or represents others in legal matters as a profession", "One such who practised in the courts of the common law", "A solicitor", "An agent or representative authorized to act on someone else's behalf", "A title given to lawyers and notaries public, or those holders by profession who also do other jobs Usually capitalized or abbreviated as Atty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mouthpiece", "advocate" ], "word": "attorney", "num_translations": 80 }, "anime": { "senses": [ "An artistic style originating in, and associated with, Japanese animation, and that has also been adopted by a comparatively low number of animated works from other countries", "An animated work that originated in Japan, regardless of the artistic style", "An animated work, regardless of the country of origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Japanimation" ], "word": "anime", "num_translations": 90 }, "sensei": { "senses": [ "a Japanese teacher", "a suffix attached to the name of a teacher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sifu, shifu" ], "word": "sensei", "num_translations": 28 }, "corporation": { "senses": [ "A body corporate, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members", "The municipal governing body of a borough or city", "In Fascist Italy, a joint association of employers' and workers' representatives", "A protruding belly", "a paunch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "public limited company" ], "word": "corporation", "num_translations": 43 }, "corporate": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a corporation", "Formed into a corporation", "Unified into one body", "collective", "Related to corporation that franchises rather than an individual franchise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "corporate", "num_translations": 33 }, "party": { "senses": [ "A person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal action", "A person", "A group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc", "A political group considered as a formal whole, united under one specific political platform of issues and campaigning to take part in government", "A discrete detachment of troops, especially for a particular purpose", "A social gathering", "A part or division" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bash", "Thesaurus:party" ], "word": "party", "num_translations": 225 }, "platform": { "senses": [ "A raised stage from which speeches are made and on which musical and other performances are made", "A raised floor for any purpose, eg for workmen during construction, or formerly for military cannon", "A place or an opportunity to express one's opinion", "a tribune", "A kind of high shoe with an extra layer between the inner and outer soles", "Something that allows an enterprise to advance", "a foundation or stage", "A set of components shared by several vehicle models", "A particular type of operating system or environment such as a database or other specific software, and/or a particular type of computer or microprocessor, used to describe a particular environment for running other software, or for defining a specific software or hardware environment for discussion purposes", "A flat expanse of rock, often the result of wave erosion", "A light deck, usually placed in a section of the hold or over the floor of the magazine", "A political stance on a broad set of issues, which are called planks", "A raised structure from which passengers can enter or leave a train, metro etc", "A plan", "a sketch", "a model", "a pattern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dais", "podium" ], "word": "platform", "num_translations": 196 }, "plank": { "senses": [ "A long, broad and thick piece of timber, as opposed to a board which is less thick", "A political issue that is of concern to a faction or a party of the people and the political position that is taken on that issue", "Physical exercise in which one holds a pushup position for a measured length of time", "A stupid person, idiot", "That which supports or upholds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idiot" ], "word": "plank", "num_translations": 67 }, "plank1": { "senses": [ "To bake on a piece of cedar lumber", "to stake or pay cash", "To harden, as hat bodies, by felting", "To splice together the ends of slivers of wool, for subsequent drawing", "To pose for a photograph while lying rigid, face down, arms at side, in an unusual place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plank", "num_translations": 11 }, "opinion": { "senses": [ "A subjective belief, judgment or perspective that a person has formed about a topic, issue, person or thing", "The judgment or sentiment which the mind forms of persons or things", "estimation", "Favorable estimation", "hence, consideration", "reputation", "fame", "public sentiment or esteem", "Obstinacy in holding to one's belief or impression", "opiniativeness", "conceitedness", "The formal decision, or expression of views, of a judge, an umpire, a doctor, or other party officially called upon to consider and decide upon a matter or point submitted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "opinion", "num_translations": 187 }, "fact": { "senses": [ "Something actual as opposed to invented", "Something which is real", "Something which has become real", "Something concrete used as a basis for further interpretation", "An objective consensus on a fundamental reality that has been agreed upon by a substantial number of experts", "Information about a particular subject, especially actual conditions and/or circumstances", "An individual value or measurement at the lowest level of granularity in a data warehouse", "Action", "the realm of action", "A wrongful or criminal deed", "A feat or meritorious deed" ], "antonyms": [ "fiction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fact", "num_translations": 257 }, "objective": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a material object, actual existence or reality", "Not influenced by the emotions or prejudices", "Based on observed facts", "Of, or relating to a noun or pronoun used as the object of a verb", "Of, or relating to verbal conjugation that indicates the object of an action" ], "antonyms": [ "subjective" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "objective", "num_translations": 94 }, "objective1": { "senses": [ "A material object that physically exists", "A goal that is striven for", "The lens or lenses of a camera, microscope, or other optical device closest to the object being examined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:goal" ], "word": "objective", "num_translations": 89 }, "subjective": { "senses": [ "Formed, as in opinions, based upon a person's feelings or intuition, not upon observation or reasoning", "coming more from within the observer than from observations of the external environment", "Pertaining to subjects as opposed to objects (A subject is one who perceives or is aware", "an object is the thing perceived or the thing that the subject is aware of)", "Resulting from or pertaining to personal mindsets or experience, arising from perceptive mental conditions within the brain and not necessarily or directly from external stimuli", "Lacking in reality or substance", "As used by Carl Jung, the innate worldview orientation of the introverted personality types", "Experienced by a person mentally and not directly verifiable by others", "Describing conjugation of a verb that indicates only the subject , not indicating the object of the action" ], "antonyms": [ "objective" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "subjective", "num_translations": 31 }, "observation": { "senses": [ "The act of observing, and the fact of being observed", "The act of noting and recording some event", "or the record of such noting", "A remark or comment", "A judgement based on observing", "Performance of what is prescribed", "adherence in practice", "observance", "A regime under which a subject is routinely observed", "Philosophically as: the phenomenal presence of human being existence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "observation", "num_translations": 83 }, "similarity": { "senses": [ "Closeness of appearance to something else", "The relation of sharing properties", "A transformation that preserves angles and the ratios of distances" ], "antonyms": [ "difference" ], "synonyms": [ "resemblance" ], "word": "similarity", "num_translations": 56 }, "gain": { "senses": [ "To acquire possession of", "To have or receive advantage or profit", "to grow rich", "to advance in interest, health, or happiness", "to make progress", "To come off winner or victor in", "to be successful in", "to obtain by competition", "To increase", "To be more likely to catch or overtake an individual", "To reach", "To draw into any interest or party", "to win to one's side", "to conciliate", "To put on weight", "To run fast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gain", "num_translations": 64 }, "gain1": { "senses": [ "acquisition", "The factor by which a signal is multiplied" ], "antonyms": [ "loss" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "gain", "num_translations": 78 }, "quote": { "senses": [ "A quotation", "a statement attributed to a person", "A quotation mark", "A summary of work to be done with a set price", "A price set for a financial security or commodity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quote", "num_translations": 130 }, "quote1": { "senses": [ "To repeat the exact words of", "To repeat", "To prepare a summary of work to be done and set a price", "To name the current price, notably of a financial security", "To indicate verbally or by equivalent means the start of a quotation", "To observe, to take account of" ], "antonyms": [ "end quote", "unquote" ], "synonyms": [ "cite" ], "word": "quote", "num_translations": 86 }, "freespeech": { "senses": [ "The right to express an opinion in public without being restrained or censored" ], "antonyms": [ "compelled speech" ], "synonyms": [ "freedom of speech" ], "word": "freespeech", "num_translations": 56 }, "constitution": { "senses": [ "The act, or process of setting something up, or establishing something", "the composition or structure of such a thing", "its makeup", "The formal or informal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions", "A legal document describing such a formal system", "A person's physical makeup or temperament, especially in respect of robustness", "The general health of a person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "configuration" ], "word": "constitution", "num_translations": 210 }, "revenue": { "senses": [ "The income returned by an investment", "The total income received from a given source", "All income generated for some political entity's treasury by taxation and other means", "The total sales", "turnover", "A return", "something paid back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "net sales" ], "word": "revenue", "num_translations": 70 }, "price": { "senses": [ "The cost required to gain possession of something", "The cost of an action or deed", "Value", "estimation", "excellence", "worth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "price", "num_translations": 228 }, "price1": { "senses": [ "To determine the monetary value of", "to make reparation for", "to value", "to prize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "price", "num_translations": 23 }, "asset": { "senses": [ "Something or someone of any value", "any portion of one's property or effects so considered", "Any component, model, process or framework of value that can be leveraged or reused", "The private parts", "a woman's breasts or buttocks, or a man's genitalia" ], "antonyms": [ "liability" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "asset", "num_translations": 68 }, "deposit": { "senses": [ "Sediment or rock that is not native to its present location or is different from the surrounding material Sometimes refers to ore or gems", "That which is placed anywhere, or in anyone's hands, for safekeeping", "something entrusted to the care of another", "Money placed in an account", "Anything left behind on a surface", "A sum of money or other asset given as an initial payment, to show good faith, or to reserve something for purchase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deposit", "num_translations": 141 }, "deposit1": { "senses": [ "To lay down", "to place", "to put", "To lay up or away for safekeeping", "to put up", "to store", "To entrust one's assets to the care of another Sometimes done as collateral", "To put money or funds into an account", "To lay aside", "to rid oneself of" ], "antonyms": [ "withdrawal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deposit", "num_translations": 62 }, "withdrawal": { "senses": [ "Receiving from someone's care what one has earlier entrusted to them Usually refers to money", "A method of birth control which consists of removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation", "A type of metabolic shock the body undergoes when a substance, usually a toxin such as heroin, to which a patient is dependent is withheld Sometimes used with the substance as modifier", "An act of withdrawing" ], "antonyms": [ "deposit" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "withdrawal", "num_translations": 71 }, "gem": { "senses": [ "A precious stone, usually of substantial monetary value or prized for its beauty or shine", "Any precious or highly valued thing or person", "A type of geometrid moth, Orthonama obstipata", "A package containing programs or libraries for the Ruby programming language", "A size of type between brilliant and diamond , running 222 lines to the foot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gemstone" ], "word": "gem", "num_translations": 124 }, "gemstone": { "senses": [ "A gem, usually made of minerals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gemstone" ], "word": "gemstone", "num_translations": 81 }, "kin": { "senses": [ "Race", "family", "breed", "Persons of the same race or family", "One or more relatives, such as siblings or cousins, taken collectively", "Relationship", "same-bloodedness or affinity", "near connection or alliance, as of those having common descent", "sort", "manner", "way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kin", "num_translations": 41 }, "yonder": { "senses": [ "At or in a distant but indicated place", "synonym of \"thither\": to a distant but indicated place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "there" ], "word": "yonder", "num_translations": 52 }, "hydrogen": { "senses": [ "The lightest chemical element , with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 100794", "An atom of the element", "A sample of the element" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waterstuff", "E949" ], "word": "hydrogen", "num_translations": 231 }, "civilization": { "senses": [ "An organized culture encompassing many communities, often on the scale of a nation or a people", "a stage or system of social, political or technical development", "Human society, particularly civil society", "The act or process of civilizing or becoming civilized", "The state or quality of being civilized", "The act of rendering a criminal process civil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "culture", "sphere", "education", "home" ], "word": "civilization", "num_translations": 155 }, "band": { "senses": [ "A strip of material used for strengthening or coupling", "A long strip of material, color, etc, that is different from the surrounding area", "A strip of decoration", "That which serves as the means of union or connection between persons", "a tie", "A linen collar or ruff worn in the 16th and 17th centuries", "Two strips of linen hanging from the neck in front as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dress", "A part of the electromagnetic spectrum", "A group of energy levels in a solid state material", "A bond", "Pledge", "security", "A ring, such as a wedding ring , or a ring put on a bird's leg to identify it", "Any distinguishing line formed by chromatography, electrophoresis etc", "money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "band", "num_translations": 130 }, "band2": { "senses": [ "A group of musicians who perform together as an ensemble, usually for a professional recording artist", "A type of orchestra originally playing janissary music", "A group of people loosely united for a common purpose", "A small group of people living in a simple society", "A group of aboriginals that has official recognition as an organized unit by the federal government of Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "band", "num_translations": 133 }, "mock1": { "senses": [ "To mimic, to simulate", "To create an artistic representation of", "To make fun of by mimicking, to taunt", "To tantalise, and disappoint the hopes of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mock", "Thesaurus:imitate" ], "word": "mock", "num_translations": 66 }, "transsexual": { "senses": [ "Having changed, or being in the process of changing, physical sex by undergoing medical treatment such as hormone replacement therapy and optionally sex reassignment surgery , or rarely only SRS" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transsex" ], "word": "transsexual", "num_translations": 28 }, "transsexual1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "TS", "trans person" ], "word": "transsexual", "num_translations": 32 }, "governor": { "senses": [ "The chief executive officer of a first-level division of a country", "A device which regulates or controls some action of a machine through automatic feedback", "A member of a decision-making for an organization or entity similar to or equivalent to a board of directors", "Father", "Boss, employer", "A constituent of a phrase that governs another", "One who has the care or guardianship of a young man", "a tutor", "a guardian", "A pilot", "a steersman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "viceroy", "proconsul", "bailiff", "seneschal", "intendant", "tao tai", "circuit intendant", "daotai", "provost", "gubernator" ], "word": "governor", "num_translations": 116 }, "mayor": { "senses": [ "The steward of some royal courts, particularly in early Medieval France" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mayoress", "burgomaster", "boroughmaster", "provost", "Lord Provost", "praetor", "seneschal" ], "word": "mayor", "num_translations": 127 }, "blackhole": { "senses": [ "A gravitationally domineering celestial body with an event horizon from which even light cannot escape", "the most dense material in the universe, condensed into a singularity, usually formed by a collapsing massive star", "A void into which things disappear, or from which nothing emerges", "A dungeon or dark cell in a prison", "a military lock-up or guardroom", "A place where incoming traffic is silently discarded", "A bit bucket", "a place of permanent oblivion for data" ], "antonyms": [ "white hole" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "blackhole", "num_translations": 94 }, "singularity": { "senses": [ "the state of being singular, distinct, peculiar, uncommon or unusual", "a point where all parallel lines meet", "a point where a measured variable reaches unmeasurable or infinite value", "the value or range of values of a function for which a derivative does not exist", "a point or region in spacetime in which gravitational forces cause matter to have an infinite density", "associated with black holes", "A proposed point in the technological future at which artificial intelligences become capable of augmenting and improving themselves, leading to an explosive growth in intelligence", "Anything singular, rare, or curious", "Possession of a particular or exclusive privilege, prerogative, or distinction", "celibacy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "centrohub", "monosemy" ], "word": "singularity", "num_translations": 83 }, "whitehole": { "senses": [ "A theoretically possible but physically highly unlikely singularity from which matter and energy are able to escape", "the antithesis of a black hole" ], "antonyms": [ "black hole" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "whitehole", "num_translations": 12 }, "proton": { "senses": [ "A positively charged subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and determining the atomic number of an element, composed of two up quarks and a down quark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "p" ], "word": "proton", "num_translations": 63 }, "neutron": { "senses": [ "A subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and having no charge", "it is a combination of an up quark and two down quarks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "n" ], "word": "neutron", "num_translations": 60 }, "hoop": { "senses": [ "A circular band of metal used to bind a barrel", "A ring", "a circular band", "A circular band of metal, wood, or similar material used for forming part of a framework such as an awning or tent", "A circle, or combination of circles, of thin whalebone, metal, or other elastic material, used for expanding the skirts of ladies' dresses", "A quart pot", "An old measure of capacity, variously estimated at from one to four pecks", "The rim part of a basketball net", "The game of basketball", "A jockey", "from a common pattern on the blouse", "A horizontal stripe on the jersey", "A requirement that must be met in order to proceed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hoop", "num_translations": 63 }, "moron": { "senses": [ "A stupid person", "an idiot", "a fool", "A person of mild mental subnormality in the former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50-70" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool", "Thesaurus:idiot" ], "word": "moron", "num_translations": 70 }, "delegate": { "senses": [ "a person authorized to act as representative for another", "a deputy", "a representative at a conference, etc", "an appointed representative in some legislative bodies", "a type of variable storing a reference to a method with a particular signature, analogous to a function pointer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deputy" ], "word": "delegate", "num_translations": 91 }, "metrosexual": { "senses": [ "A man \u2014 typically urban, heterosexual and affluent \u2014 who is concerned with personal appearance, such as personal grooming, fashion, and aesthetics in general", "A heterosexual man who is seen, sociologically, as having attributes common to homosexuals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boulevardier", "dandy", "fop", "dude", "man about town", "masher" ], "word": "metrosexual", "num_translations": 30 }, "harem": { "senses": [ "The private part of an Arab household, traditionally forbidden to male strangers", "A group of someone's girlfriends, wives and/or concubines in a polygamous household", "A group of female animals herded and controlled by a male animal of that species for breeding purposes Such behaviour is exhibited by bovids including cattle and buffalo as well as moose, elephants, seals, sea lions, baboons, and elephant seals", "Any significant number of women together as a group", "a bevy", "A genre of anime and manga in which a man is the love interest of three or more women" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harem", "num_translations": 99 }, "dissertation": { "senses": [ "A formal exposition of a subject, especially a research paper that students write in order to complete the requirements for a doctoral degree", "a thesis", "A lengthy lecture on a subject", "a treatise", "a discourse", "a sermon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dissertation", "num_translations": 46 }, "sabbath": { "senses": [ "Saturday, observed in Judaism and some Christian denominations as a day of rest and worship", "Sunday, observed in most of Christianity as a day of rest and worship", "Friday, observed in Islam as a day of rest and worship", "A meeting of witches", "Among the ancient Jews and Hebrews, the seventh year, when the land was left fallow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Sabbath", "num_translations": 108 }, "blooming1": { "senses": [ "Opening in blossoms", "flowering", "Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour", "indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health", "bloody", "bleeding", "extremely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "opening in blossoms", "thriving in health, beauty and vigor/vigour", "euphemism for \"bloody\"" ], "word": "blooming", "num_translations": 37 }, "squash": { "senses": [ "A sport played in a walled court with a soft rubber ball and bats like tennis racquets", "A soft drink made from a fruit-based concentrate diluted with water", "A place or a situation where people have limited space to move", "Something soft and easily crushed", "especially, an unripe pod of peas", "Something unripe or soft", "A sudden fall of a heavy, soft body", "also, a shock of soft bodies", "An extremely one-sided, usually short, match", "A hangover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squash", "num_translations": 29 }, "squash1": { "senses": [ "To beat or press into pulp or a flat mass", "to crush", "To compress or restrict into a small space", "to squeeze", "To suppress", "to force into submission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condense" ], "word": "squash", "num_translations": 36 }, "obsolete": { "senses": [ "No longer in use", "gone into disuse", "disused or neglected", "Imperfectly developed", "not very distinct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obsolete" ], "word": "obsolete", "num_translations": 53 }, "tangle": { "senses": [ "to become mixed together or intertwined", "to enter into an argument, conflict, dispute, or fight", "to mix together or intertwine", "to catch and hold", "to ensnare" ], "antonyms": [ "untangle" ], "synonyms": [ "dishevel", "argue", "entangle", "entrap" ], "word": "tangle", "num_translations": 61 }, "tangle1": { "senses": [ "A complicated or confused state or condition", "An argument, conflict, dispute, or fight", "A region of the projection of a knot such that the knot crosses its perimeter exactly four times", "A form of art which consists of sections filled with repetitive patterns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knot", "maze", "argument" ], "word": "tangle", "num_translations": 45 }, "gourmet1": { "senses": [ "A connoisseur in eating and drinking", "someone who takes their food seriously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foodie" ], "word": "gourmet", "num_translations": 58 }, "grooming1": { "senses": [ "Care for one's personal appearance, hygiene, and clothing", "The practice of primates picking through the hair of others, looking for insects etc", "The act of teaching someone, often for advancement at work", "Caring for horses or other animals by brushing and cleaning them", "The act of attempting to gain the trust of a minor with the intention of having a sexual relationship with him or her", "In agile software development, the reviewing and prioritization of items in the development backlog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coaching", "curry" ], "word": "grooming", "num_translations": 16 }, "ripen": { "senses": [ "to grow ripe", "to become mature", "To approach or come to perfection", "To cause to mature", "to make ripe", "To mature", "to fit or prepare", "to bring to perfection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ripen", "num_translations": 78 }, "slimy": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to slime", "resembling, of the nature of, covered or daubed with, or abounding in slime", "Friendly in a false, calculating way", "underhanded", "sneaky", "slick", "smarmy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lubricous", "conniving" ], "word": "slimy", "num_translations": 31 }, "simplepast": { "senses": [ "A tense used to describe something that happened in the past, formed by the inflection of a single word, without any auxiliary verb such as be or have" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preterite" ], "word": "simplepast", "num_translations": 32 }, "molding1": { "senses": [ "The act or process of shaping in or on a mold, or of making molds", "the art or occupation of a molder", "Anything cast in a mold, or which appears to be so, as grooved or ornamental bars of wood or metal", "A plane, or curved, narrow surface, either sunk or projecting, used for decoration by means of the lights and shades upon its surface and to conceal joints, especially between unlike materials", "A machine to assist in making molds for castings", "A mill for shaping timber", "A kind of sand containing clay, used in making molds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "molding", "num_translations": 58 }, "poor": { "senses": [ "With no or few possessions or money, particularly in relation to contemporaries who do have them", "Of low quality", "Used to express pity", "Deficient in a specified way", "Inadequate, insufficient", "Free from self-assertion", "not proud or arrogant", "meek" ], "antonyms": [ "rich", "good", "rich", "adequate" ], "synonyms": [ "inferior", "pitiable" ], "word": "poor", "num_translations": 347 }, "significantother": { "senses": [ "One's romantic partner, regardless of marital status or gender", "A person with whom one has an important bond of some kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "better half" ], "word": "significantother", "num_translations": 34 }, "orient3": { "senses": [ "To build or place so as to face eastward", "To align or place so that his, her, or its east side, north side, etc, is positioned toward the corresponding points of the compass", "to rotate until the line of direction between any two of its points is parallel to the corresponding direction in nature", "To direct towards or point at a particular direction", "To determine which direction one is facing", "To familiarize with a circumstance or situation", "To set the focus of so as to appeal or relate to a certain group", "To change direction to face a certain way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "orient", "num_translations": 19 }, "device": { "senses": [ "Any piece of equipment made for a particular purpose, especially a mechanical or electrical one", "an item of hardware", "A project or scheme, often designed to deceive", "a stratagem", "an artifice", "A technique that an author or speaker uses to evoke an emotional response in the audience", "Power of devising", "invention", "contrivance", "An image used in whole or in part as a trademark or service mark", "An image or logo denoting official or proprietary authority or provenience", "A spectacle or show", "Opinion", "decision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apparatus", "scheme", "invention" ], "word": "device", "num_translations": 187 }, "kannada": { "senses": [ "The Dravidian language that is the official language of the state of Karnataka, India", "The alphasyllabary used to write the aforementioned language, along with Konkani and Tulu" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canarese" ], "word": "Kannada", "num_translations": 62 }, "organizer": { "senses": [ "A person who arranges the details of a public event", "A hand-held micro-computer that will perform specific tasks", "can be used as an electronic diary, alarm clock, recorder of memos and notes, a portable database etc", "A group of cells that, together with the evocator, control differentiation in the embryo", "the inductor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chief" ], "word": "organizer", "num_translations": 46 }, "note": { "senses": [ "A symbol or annotation", "A written or printed communication or commitment", "A sound", "Observation", "notice", "heed", "Reputation", "distinction", "Notification", "information", "intelligence", "Mark of disgrace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blemish", "attention" ], "word": "note", "num_translations": 239 }, "note1": { "senses": [ "To notice with care", "to observe", "to remark", "to heed", "To record in writing", "to make a memorandum of", "to designate", "To annotate", "To set down in musical characters", "To record on the back of a refusal of acceptance, as the ground of a protest, which is done officially by a notary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "note", "num_translations": 80 }, "login": { "senses": [ "A combination of a user's identification and password used to enter a computer, program, network, etc", "The process of logging in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "logon" ], "word": "login", "num_translations": 62 }, "password": { "senses": [ "A word used to gain admittance or to gain access to information", "watchword", "A string of characters used to log in to a computer or network, to access a level in a video game, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "watchword", "passcode", "pw" ], "word": "password", "num_translations": 173 }, "suspension": { "senses": [ "The act of suspending, or the state of being suspended", "A temporary or conditional delay, interruption or discontinuation", "The state of a solid or substance produced when its particles are mixed with, but not dissolved in, a fluid, and are capable of separation by straining", "The act of keeping a person who is listening in doubt and expectation of what is to follow", "The temporary barring of a person from a workplace, society, etc pending investigation into alleged misconduct", "The process of barring a student from school grounds as a form of punishment", "The act of or discord produced by prolonging one or more tones of a chord into the chord which follows, thus producing a momentary discord, suspending the concord which the ear expects", "A topological space derived from another by taking the product of the original space with an interval and collapsing each end of the product to a point", "The system of springs and shock absorbers connected to the wheels in an automobile, which allows the vehicle to move smoothly with reduced shock to its occupants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "out-of-school suspension", "halt", "syncope" ], "word": "suspension", "num_translations": 54 }, "plea": { "senses": [ "An appeal, petition, urgent prayer or entreaty", "An excuse", "an apology", "That which is alleged by a party in support of his cause", "An allegation of fact in a cause, as distinguished from a demurrer", "The defendant's answer to the plaintiff's declaration and demand", "A cause in court", "a lawsuit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plaidoyer" ], "word": "plea", "num_translations": 86 }, "demur": { "senses": [ "To linger", "to stay", "to tarry", "To delay", "to pause", "to suspend proceedings or judgment in view of a doubt or difficulty", "to hesitate", "to put off the determination or conclusion of an affair", "To scruple or object", "to take exception", "to oppose", "to balk", "To suspend judgment concerning", "to doubt of or hesitate about", "To cause delay to", "to put off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "demur", "num_translations": 36 }, "suit": { "senses": [ "A set of clothes to be worn together, now especially a man's matching jacket and trousers , or a similar outfit for a woman", "A person who wears matching jacket and trousers, especially a boss or a supervisor", "A full set of armour", "The attempt to gain an end by legal process", "a process instituted in a court of law for the recovery of a right or claim", "The act of following or pursuing", "wooing, courtship", "The act of suing", "The full set of sails required for a ship", "Each of the sets of a pack of cards distinguished by color and/or specific emblems, such as the spades, hearts, diamonds or clubs of traditional Anglo, Hispanic and French playing cards", "Regular order", "succession", "A company of attendants or followers", "a retinue", "A group of similar or related objects or items considered as a whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suit", "num_translations": 170 }, "suit1": { "senses": [ "to adapt or fit", "To be appropriate or apt for", "To dress", "to clothe", "To please", "to make content", "to fit one's taste", "To agree", "to be fitted", "to correspond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to agree:" ], "word": "suit", "num_translations": 58 }, "synergy": { "senses": [ "A synonym of binding energy", "The cooperation of two or more nerves, muscles, organs, etc", "The combined action of two or more drugs where the effects are stronger than their mere sum", "Benefits resulting from combining different groups, people, objects or processes" ], "antonyms": [ "asynergy", "antisynergy" ], "synonyms": [ "binding energy" ], "word": "synergy", "num_translations": 38 }, "mop": { "senses": [ "An implement for washing floors, or the like, made of a piece of cloth, or a collection of thrums, or coarse yarn, fastened to a handle", "A dense head of hair", "A fair where servants are hired", "The young of any animal", "also, a young girl", "A made-up face", "a grimace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mop", "num_translations": 65 }, "floor": { "senses": [ "The interior bottom or surface of a house or building", "the supporting surface of a room", "Ground", "The lower inside surface of a hollow space", "A structure formed of beams, girders, etc, with proper covering, which divides a building horizontally into storeys/stories", "The supporting surface or platform of a structure such as a bridge", "A storey/story of a building", "In a parliament, the part of the house assigned to the members, as opposed to the viewing gallery", "Hence, the right to speak at a given time during a debate or other public event", "That part of the bottom of a vessel on each side of the keelson which is most nearly horizontal", "The rock underlying a stratified or nearly horizontal deposit", "A horizontal, flat ore body", "The largest integer less than or equal to a given number", "A lower limit on the interest rate payable on an otherwise variable-rate loan, used by lenders to defend against falls in interest rates Opposite of a cap", "The area in which business is conducted at a convention or exhibition" ], "antonyms": [ "ceiling" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:floor", "possession" ], "word": "floor", "num_translations": 189 }, "floor1": { "senses": [ "to knock down", "To accelerate rapidly", "To silence by a conclusive answer or retort", "To amaze or greatly surprise", "To finish or make an end of", "To set a lower bound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "floor", "num_translations": 24 }, "scrub1": { "senses": [ "One who labors hard and lives meanly", "a mean fellow", "One who is incompetent or unable to complete easy tasks", "A thicket or jungle, often specified by the name of the prevailing plant", "One of the common livestock of a region of no particular breed or not of pure breed, especially when inferior in size, etc Often used to refer to male animals unsuited for breeding", "Vegetation of inferior quality, though sometimes thick and impenetrable, growing in poor soil or in sand", "also, brush", "One not on the first team of players", "a substitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scrub", "num_translations": 24 }, "scrub2": { "senses": [ "To rub hard", "to wash with rubbing", "usually, to rub with a wet brush, or with something coarse or rough, for the purpose of cleaning or brightening", "To rub anything hard, especially with a wet brush", "to scour", "To be diligent and penurious", "To call off a scheduled event", "to cancel", "To eliminate or to correct data from a set of records to bring it inline with other similar datasets", "To maneuver the play position on a media editing system by using a scroll bar or touch-based interface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scrub", "num_translations": 43 }, "moisturize": { "senses": [ "To make more moist", "To make more humid" ], "antonyms": [ "dry", "dehumidify" ], "synonyms": [ "moisten", "moisturise", "humidify" ], "word": "moisturize", "num_translations": 10 }, "moisture": { "senses": [ "That which moistens or makes damp or wet", "exuding fluid", "liquid in small quantity", "The state of being moist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weakiness" ], "word": "moisture", "num_translations": 108 }, "lash": { "senses": [ "The thong or braided cord of a whip, with which the blow is given", "A leash in which an animal is caught or held", "hence, a snare", "A stroke with a whip, or anything pliant and tough", "A stroke of satire or sarcasm", "an expression or retort that cuts or gives pain", "a cut", "A hair growing from the edge of the eyelid", "In carpet weaving, a group of strings for lifting simultaneously certain yarns, to form the figure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lash", "num_translations": 43 }, "lash1": { "senses": [ "To throw out with a jerk or quickly", "To scold", "to berate", "to satirize", "to censure with severity", "To ply the whip", "to strike", "To utter censure or sarcastic language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:whip" ], "word": "lash", "num_translations": 26 }, "mark": { "senses": [ "Boundary, land within a boundary", "Characteristic, sign, visible impression", "Indicator of position, objective etc", "Attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mk", "heed" ], "word": "mark", "num_translations": 128 }, "mark1": { "senses": [ "to label or write on", "To have a long-lasting negative impact on", "To create an indication of", "To be an indication of", "to show where is located", "To indicate in writing or by other symbols", "To create on a surface", "To celebrate or acknowledge through an action of some kind", "To identify", "To assign to a particular category or class", "To choose or intend for a particular end or purpose", "To be a point in time or space at which something takes place", "to accompany or be accompanied by", "to coincide with", "To be typical or characteristic of", "To distinguish", "To focus one's attention on", "to pay attention to, to take note of", "To become aware of through the physical senses", "To hold in one's line of sight", "To indicate the correctness of and give a score to", "To record that has a particular status", "To keep account of", "to enumerate and register", "to keep score", "To follow a player not in possession of the ball when defending, to prevent them receiving a pass easily", "To catch the ball directly from a kick of 15 metres or more without having been touched in transit, resulting in a free kick", "To sing softly, sometimes an octave lower than usual, in order to protect one's voice during a rehearsal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mark", "num_translations": 108 }, "mark2": { "senses": [ "A measure of weight , once used throughout Europe, equivalent to 8 oz", "An English and Scottish unit of currency , equivalent to 13 shillings and fourpence", "Any of various European monetary units, especially the base unit of currency of Germany between 1948 and 2002, equal to 100 pfennigs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Deutschmark" ], "word": "mark", "num_translations": 46 }, "forever": { "senses": [ "For all time, for all eternity", "for a lifetime", "for an infinite amount of time", "For a very long time, a seeming eternity", "Constantly or frequently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "always", "continually", "eternally", "evermore", "for good", "forevermore", "for ever more", "forever and a day", "incessantly", "until Kingdom come", "permanently" ], "word": "forever", "num_translations": 139 }, "homosexual": { "senses": [ "Possessing sexual and/or emotional attraction towards members of the same sex Examples being a male androphile or a female gynephile", "Between two people of the same gender-area", "gay" ], "antonyms": [ "heterosexual", "heterosexual", "heterosexual" ], "synonyms": [ "gay", "lesbian", "sodomite", "gay", "gay", "LGBT" ], "word": "homosexual", "num_translations": 121 }, "homosexual1": { "senses": [ "A person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "of either sex", "gay", "invert", "same-sexer", "only of men", "company man", "Uranian", "only of women", "lesbian", "sapphist", "bugger", "fruit", "homo", "moffie", "queer", "fag", "faggot", "pole-smoker", "fairy", "flamer", "nance", "pansy", "poofter", "queen", "pederast", "sodomite", "light in the loafers", "lesbo", "dyke", "muff-diver", "carpet muncher", "scissor sister" ], "word": "homosexual", "num_translations": 156 }, "dump": { "senses": [ "A place where waste or garbage is left", "a disposal site", "a mess", "A formatted listing of the contents of program storage, especially when produced automatically by a failing program", "A storage place for supplies, especially military", "An unpleasant, dirty, disreputable, unfashionable, boring or depressing looking place", "An act of defecation", "a defecating", "A sad, gloomy state of the mind", "sadness", "melancholy", "despondency", "Absence of mind", "revery", "A pile of ore or rock", "A melancholy strain or tune in music", "any tune", "An old kind of dance", "A small coin made by punching a hole in a larger coin", "A temporary display case that holds many copies of an item being sold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dump", "num_translations": 29 }, "dump1": { "senses": [ "To release, especially in large quantities and chaotic manner", "To discard", "to get rid of something one does not want anymore", "To sell below cost or very cheaply", "To copy data from a system to another place or system, usually in order to archive it", "To output the contents of storage or a data structure, often in order to diagnose a bug", "To end a relationship with", "To knock heavily", "to stump", "To put or throw down with more or less of violence", "hence, to unload from a cart by tilting it", "To precipitate heavily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:junk" ], "word": "dump", "num_translations": 55 }, "community": { "senses": [ "A group sharing a common understanding, and often the same language, law, manners, and/or tradition", "A residential or religious collective", "a commune", "A group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other", "A group of people interacting by electronic means for educational, professional, social, or other purposes", "The condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common", "Common enjoyment or possession", "participation", "Common character", "likeness", "Commonness", "frequency" ], "antonyms": [ "anticommunity", "noncommunity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "community", "num_translations": 181 }, "therefore": { "senses": [ "For that or this purpose, referring to something previously stated", "Consequently, by or in consequence of that or this cause", "referring to something previously stated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "so", "hence" ], "word": "therefore", "num_translations": 190 }, "incorrigible": { "senses": [ "Defective and impossible to materially correct or set aright", "Incurably depraved", "not reformable", "Impervious to correction by punishment or pain", "Unmanageable", "Determined, unalterable, hence impossible to improve upon", "Incurable" ], "antonyms": [ "corrigible" ], "synonyms": [ "irredeemable", "irreparable", "uncorrectable" ], "word": "incorrigible", "num_translations": 30 }, "frenchkiss": { "senses": [ "A kiss in the French style, variously understood as" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tongue kiss" ], "word": "Frenchkiss", "num_translations": 88 }, "sake": { "senses": [ "cause, interest or account", "purpose or end", "reason", "the benefit or regard of someone or something", "contention, strife", "guilt, sin, accusation or charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sake", "num_translations": 53 }, "outlet": { "senses": [ "A vent or similar passage to allow the escape of something", "Something which allows for the release of one's desires", "A river that runs out of a lake", "A shop that sells the products of a particular manufacturer or supplier", "A wall-mounted device such as a socket or receptacle connected to an electrical system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment or appliances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outlet", "num_translations": 50 }, "wire": { "senses": [ "Metal formed into a thin, even thread, now usually by being drawn through a hole in a steel die", "A piece of such material", "a thread or slender rod of metal, a cable", "A metal conductor that carries electricity", "A finish line of a racetrack", "An electric telegraph", "a telegram", "A hidden listening device on the person of an undercover operative for the purposes of obtaining incriminating spoken evidence", "A deadline or critical endpoint", "hence, the network of hidden influences controlling the action of a person or organization", "strings", "A pickpocket who targets women", "A covert signal sent between people cheating in a card game", "A knitting needle", "The slender shaft of the plumage of certain birds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cable", "conducting wire", "barbed wire", "See", "telegraph", "See", "telegram", "score string" ], "word": "wire", "num_translations": 164 }, "wire1": { "senses": [ "To add something into an electrical system by means of wiring", "to incorporate or include something", "To send a message or monetary funds to another person through a telecommunications system, formerly predominantly by telegraph", "To make someone tense or psyched up", "To install eavesdropping equipment" ], "antonyms": [ "unwire" ], "synonyms": [ "electrify", "cable", "telegraph" ], "word": "wire", "num_translations": 37 }, "reason": { "senses": [ "A cause:", "Rational thinking", "the cognitive faculties, collectively, of conception, judgment, deduction and intuition", "justice", "Ratio", "proportion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cause", "rationale", "excuse" ], "word": "reason", "num_translations": 223 }, "reason1": { "senses": [ "To deduce or come to a conclusion by being rational", "To perform a process of deduction or of induction, in order to convince or to confute", "to argue", "To converse", "to compare opinions", "to examine or discuss by arguments", "to debate or discuss", "To find by logical process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reason", "num_translations": 50 }, "dutchman": { "senses": [ "A Dutch man", "a man from the Netherlands", "A man of Dutch descent", "A male Pennsylvania German", "A male German", "A male white Afrikaner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Dutchman", "num_translations": 42 }, "dutchwoman": { "senses": [ "A Dutch woman", "a woman from the Netherlands", "A woman of Dutch descent", "A female Pennsylvania German", "A woman from Germany", "A female white Afrikaner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Dutchwoman", "num_translations": 26 }, "want": { "senses": [ "To wish for or desire", "to feel a need or desire for", "to crave or demand", "To wish, desire or demand to see, have the presence of or do business with", "To lack and be in need of or require", "To lack and be without, to not have", "To lack and do without", "To have occasion for", "to require or need", "To desire", "to wish", "To be lacking or deficient or absent", "To be in a state of destitution", "to be needy", "to lack", "To be advised to do something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "set one's heart on", "be without", "need" ], "word": "want", "num_translations": 225 }, "want1": { "senses": [ "A desire, wish, longing", "Lack, absence", "Poverty", "Something needed or desired", "a thing of which the loss is felt", "A depression in coal strata, hollowed out before the subsequent deposition took place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "want", "num_translations": 59 }, "start": { "senses": [ "The beginning of an activity", "A sudden involuntary movement", "The beginning point of a race, a board game, etc", "An appearance in a sports game, horserace, etc, from the beginning of the event", "A young plant germinated in a pot to be transplanted later", "An initial advantage over somebody else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "start", "num_translations": 132 }, "start1": { "senses": [ "To begin, commence, initiate", "To begin an activity", "To have its origin , begin", "to move or be moved suddenly", "To break away, to come loose", "To put into play", "To pour out", "to empty", "to tap and begin drawing from" ], "antonyms": [ "stop", "end" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "start", "num_translations": 244 }, "colloquy": { "senses": [ "A conversation or dialogue", "A formal conference", "A church court held by certain Reformed denominations", "A written discourse", "A discussion during a trial in which a judge ensures that the defendant understands what is taking place in the trial and what their rights are" ], "antonyms": [ "soliloquy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "colloquy", "num_translations": 42 }, "sofa": { "senses": [ "A raised area of a building's floor, usually covered with carpeting, used for sitting", "An upholstered seat with a raised back and one or two raised ends, long enough to comfortably accommodate two or more people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "couch" ], "word": "sofa", "num_translations": 160 }, "reprehensible": { "senses": [ "Blameworthy, censurable, guilty", "Deserving of reprehension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at fault" ], "word": "reprehensible", "num_translations": 33 }, "wealth": { "senses": [ "Riches", "valuable material possessions", "A great amount", "an abundance or plenty", "Prosperity", "well-being", "happiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wealth" ], "word": "wealth", "num_translations": 132 }, "burden": { "senses": [ "A heavy load", "A responsibility, onus", "A cause of worry", "that which is grievous, wearisome, or oppressive", "The capacity of a vessel, or the weight of cargo that she will carry", "The tops or heads of stream-work which lie over the stream of tin", "The proportion of ore and flux to fuel, in the charge of a blast furnace", "A fixed quantity of certain commodities", "A birth", "The total amount of toxins, parasites, cancer cells, plaque or similar present in an organism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "burden", "num_translations": 165 }, "breakfast1": { "senses": [ "To eat the morning meal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break one's fast" ], "word": "breakfast", "num_translations": 54 }, "gender": { "senses": [ "Identification as a man, a woman or something else, and association with a role or set of behavioral and cultural traits, clothing, etc", "a category to which a person belongs on this basis", "Sex", "A division of nouns and pronouns into masculine or feminine, and sometimes other categories like neuter or common, and animate or inanimate", "synonym of \"voice\"", "Class", "kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "voice", "sex", "genre" ], "word": "gender", "num_translations": 251 }, "adult": { "senses": [ "A fully grown human or animal", "A person who has reached the legal age of majority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grown up" ], "word": "adult", "num_translations": 118 }, "adult1": { "senses": [ "Fully grown", "Containing material of an explicit sexual nature", "of, or pertaining to, pornography", "Vulgar or profane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big", "grown up", "pornographic", "blue" ], "word": "adult", "num_translations": 65 }, "womanly": { "senses": [ "Having the characteristics of a woman", "feminine, female" ], "antonyms": [ "masculine" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "womanly", "num_translations": 48 }, "dragonfly": { "senses": [ "An insect of the suborder Epiprocta or, more strictly, the infraorder Anisoptera, having four long transparent wings held perpendicular to a long body when perched" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adderbolt", "darner", "darning needle", "dining needle", "horse-stinger", "mosquito hawk", "needle", "snake doctor", "spindle" ], "word": "dragonfly", "num_translations": 165 }, "tuft": { "senses": [ "A bunch of feathers, grass or hair, etc, held together at the base", "A cluster of threads drawn tightly through upholstery, a mattress or a quilt, etc, to secure and strengthen the padding", "A small clump of trees or bushes", "A gold tassel on the cap worn by titled undergraduates at English universities", "A person entitled to wear such a tassel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tuft", "num_translations": 60 }, "loch": { "senses": [ "A lake", "A bay or arm of the sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lough", "lake", "bay" ], "word": "loch", "num_translations": 10 }, "peach": { "senses": [ "A tree , native to China and now widely cultivated throughout temperate regions, having pink flowers and edible fruit", "A light moderate to strong yellowish pink to light orange color", "A particularly admirable or pleasing person or thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peachtree" ], "word": "peach", "num_translations": 241 }, "evil": { "senses": [ "Intending to harm", "malevolent", "Morally corrupt", "Unpleasant, foul", "Producing or threatening sorrow, distress, injury, or calamity", "unpropitious", "calamitous", "Having harmful qualities", "not good", "worthless or deleterious", "undesirable", "harmful", "bad practice" ], "antonyms": [ "good" ], "synonyms": [ "nefarious", "malicious", "malevolent", "wicked", "Thesaurus:evil" ], "word": "evil", "num_translations": 190 }, "evil1": { "senses": [ "Moral badness", "wickedness", "malevolence", "the forces or behaviors that are the opposite or enemy of good", "Something which impairs the happiness of a being or deprives a being of any good", "something which causes suffering of any kind to sentient beings", "harm", "injury", "mischief", "A malady or disease" ], "antonyms": [ "good" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "evil", "num_translations": 87 }, "instrumental": { "senses": [ "essential or central", "of great importance or relevance", "Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, especially a musical instrument", "Applied to a case expressing means or agency, generally indicated in English by by or with with the objective" ], "antonyms": [ "noninstrumental" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "instrumental", "num_translations": 51 }, "thirty-one": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following thirty and before thirty-two", "thirty plus one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Symbolic: 31", "Roman symbols: XXXI" ], "word": "thirty-one", "num_translations": 65 }, "pipe": { "senses": [ "Meanings relating to a wind instrument", "Meanings relating to a hollow conduit", "Meanings relating to a container", "Meanings relating to something resembling a tube", "Meanings relating to computing", "Meanings relating to a smoking implement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:tube", "bar", "pan" ], "word": "pipe", "num_translations": 221 }, "quiet": { "senses": [ "With little or no sound", "free of disturbing noise", "Having little motion or activity", "calm", "Not busy, of low quantity", "Not talking much or not talking loudly", "reserved", "Not showy", "undemonstrative", "Requiring little or no interaction" ], "antonyms": [ "loud", "sounded", "vocal" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:silent", "Thesaurus:calm", "slow", "Thesaurus:taciturn", "modest" ], "word": "quiet", "num_translations": 259 }, "mayonnaise": { "senses": [ "A dressing made from vegetable oil, raw egg yolks and seasoning, used on salads, with french fries, in sandwiches etc", "Any cold dish with that dressing as an ingredient", "Any cream, for example for moisturizing the face or conditioning the hair, for which the base is egg yolks and oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mayo" ], "word": "mayonnaise", "num_translations": 91 }, "nadir": { "senses": [ "The point of the celestial sphere, directly opposite the zenith", "inferior pole of the horizon", "point of the celestial sphere directly under the place of observation", "The lowest point", "time of greatest depression", "The axis of a projected conical shadow", "the direction of the force of gravity at a location", "down", "An empty box added beneath a full one in a beehive to give the colony more room to expand or store honey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nadir", "num_translations": 33 }, "masculinity": { "senses": [ "The degree or property of being masculine or manly", "manliness" ], "antonyms": [ "feminility", "feminineness", "womanlikeness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "masculinity", "num_translations": 50 }, "mash": { "senses": [ "A mass of mixed ingredients reduced to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure", "a mass of anything in a soft pulpy state", "Ground or bruised malt, or meal of rye, wheat, corn, or other grain steeped and stirred in hot water for making the wort", "A mixture of meal or bran and water fed to animals", "A mess", "trouble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mash", "num_translations": 30 }, "mash1": { "senses": [ "to reduce to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure", "To press down hard", "To press", "To prepare a cup of tea in a teapot", "to brew", "To act violently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mash", "num_translations": 29 }, "mask": { "senses": [ "A cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection", "That which disguises", "a pretext or subterfuge", "a masquerade", "A grotesque head or face, used to adorn keystones and other prominent parts, to spout water in fountains, and the like", "In a permanent fortification, a redoubt which protects the caponiere", "A screen for a battery", "The lower lip of the larva of a dragonfly, modified so as to form a prehensile organ", "A pattern of bits used in bitwise operations", "A two-color bitmap generated from an image, used to create transparency in the image", "The head of a fox, shown face-on and cut off immediately behind the ears" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vizard" ], "word": "mask", "num_translations": 168 }, "mask1": { "senses": [ "To cover , in order to conceal the identity or protect against injury", "To disguise", "to cover", "to hide", "To conceal", "also, to intervene in the line of", "To cover or keep in check", "to be disguised in any way", "To disable by setting or unsetting the associated bit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mask", "num_translations": 17 }, "masonry": { "senses": [ "The art or occupation of a mason", "The work or performance of a mason", "That which is built by a mason", "The craft, institution, or mysteries of Freemasons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stonecraft" ], "word": "masonry", "num_translations": 38 }, "massacre": { "senses": [ "The killing of a considerable number where little or no resistance can be made, with indiscriminate violence, without necessity, and contrary to civilized norms", "Murder", "Any overwhelming defeat, as in a game or sport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "butchery", "slaughter", "decimation" ], "word": "massacre", "num_translations": 83 }, "masseur": { "senses": [ "A person who performs massage", "An instrument used in the performance of massage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:massotherapist" ], "word": "masseur", "num_translations": 47 }, "masseuse": { "senses": [ "A woman who performs massage", "a female masseur", "A masseur", "a man who performs massage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:massotherapist" ], "word": "masseuse", "num_translations": 22 }, "particle": { "senses": [ "A very small piece of matter, a fragment", "especially, the smallest possible part of something", "Any of various physical objects making up the constituent parts of an atom", "A part of speech which cannot be inflected: an adverb, preposition, conjunction or interjection", "In the Roman Catholic church, a crumb of consecrated bread", "also the smaller breads used in the communion of the laity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see" ], "word": "particle", "num_translations": 192 }, "invariable": { "senses": [ "Not variable", "unalterable", "uniform", "always having the same value", "Constant", "That cannot undergo inflection, conjugation or declension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "invariable", "num_translations": 29 }, "rodent": { "senses": [ "A person lacking in maturity, social skills, technical competence or intelligence", "lamer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gnawer" ], "word": "rodent", "num_translations": 87 }, "magician": { "senses": [ "A person who plays with or practices allegedly supernatural magic", "A spiritualist or practitioner of mystic arts", "A performer of tricks or an escapologist or an illusionist", "An amazingly talented craftsman or scientist", "A person who astounds", "an enigma" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sorcerer", "spiritualist", "wizard", "whizz", "phenomenon", "Thesaurus:magician" ], "word": "magician", "num_translations": 197 }, "palpable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being touched, felt or handled", "touchable, tangible", "Obvious or easily perceived", "noticeable", "That can be detected by palpation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "palpable", "num_translations": 43 }, "indolent": { "senses": [ "habitually lazy, procrastinating, or resistant to physical labor/labour", "Inducing laziness", "causing little or no physical pain", "progressing slowly", "inactive", "healing slowly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "work-shy", "Thesaurus:lazy" ], "word": "indolent", "num_translations": 43 }, "extremity": { "senses": [ "The most extreme or furthest point of something", "An extreme measure", "A hand or foot", "A limb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tip", "appendage" ], "word": "extremity", "num_translations": 67 }, "generation": { "senses": [ "The fact of creating something, or bringing something into being", "production, creation", "The act of creating a living creature or organism", "procreation", "Race, family", "breed", "A single step or stage in the succession of natural descent", "a rank or degree in genealogy, the members of a family from the same parents, considered as a single unit", "Descendants, progeny", "offspring", "The average amount of time needed for children to grow up and have children of their own, generally considered to be a period of around thirty years, used as a measure of time", "A set stage in the development of computing or of a specific technology", "The formation or production of any geometrical magnitude, as a line, a surface, a solid, by the motion, in accordance with a mathematical law, of a point or a magnitude, by the motion of a point, of a surface by a line, a sphere by a semicircle, etc", "A specific age range whose members can relate culturally to one another", "A version of a form of pop culture which differs from later or earlier versions", "A copy of a recording made from an earlier copy and thus further degraded in quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "generation", "num_translations": 206 }, "drag": { "senses": [ "Resistance of the air to something moving through it", "The bottom part of a sand casting mold", "A puff on a cigarette or joint", "Someone or something that is annoying or frustrating, or disappointing", "an obstacle to progress or enjoyment", "A long open horse-drawn carriage with transverse or side seats", "A large amount of backspin on the cue ball, causing the cue ball to slow down", "A heavy harrow for breaking up ground", "A kind of sledge for conveying heavy objects", "also, a kind of low car or handcart", "The bottom part of a flask or mould, the upper part being the cope", "A steel instrument for completing the dressing of soft stone", "The difference between the speed of a screw steamer under sail and that of the screw when the ship outruns the screw", "or between the propulsive effects of the different floats of a paddle wheel", "Anything towed in the water to retard a ship's progress, or to keep her head up to the wind", "especially, a canvas bag with a hooped mouth , so used", "A skid or shoe for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel", "Motion affected with slowness and difficulty, as if clogged", "Witch house music", "The last position in a line of hikers", "The act of suppressing wind flow to slow an aircraft in flight, as by use of flaps when landing", "A push somewhat under the centre of the cue ball, causing it to follow the object ball a short way", "A device for guiding wood to the saw", "A mailcoach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drag", "num_translations": 66 }, "drag1": { "senses": [ "To pull along a surface or through a medium, sometimes with difficulty", "To move onward heavily, laboriously, or slowly", "to advance with weary effort", "to go on lingeringly", "To act or proceed slowly or without enthusiasm", "to be reluctant", "To draw along", "hence, to pass in pain or with difficulty", "To serve as a clog or hindrance", "to hold back", "To move on the computer display by means of a mouse or other input device", "To unintentionally rub or scrape on a surface", "To hit or kick off target", "to harrow", "To roast, say negative things about, or call attention to the flaws of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drag", "num_translations": 92 }, "palestine": { "senses": [ "The region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River", "The territory of the State of Israel, West Bank and Gaza Strip combined, taken to be the rightful homeland of the Palestinian people by some", "A British colonial entity administering approximately the lands mentioned in definition 3", "Any of four Ancient Roman and Byzantine provinces in the eastern Mediterranean: Syria Palaestina, Palaestina Prima, Palaestina Secunda and Palaestina Salutaris", "city/county seat co/Anderson County s/Texas c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canaan", "Palaestina", "State of Palestine" ], "word": "Palestine", "num_translations": 216 }, "britain": { "senses": [ "The United Kingdom", "Brittany", "The British state and its dominions and holdings", "the British Empire", "The British Empire", "The British Isles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gramarye" ], "word": "Britain", "num_translations": 75 }, "hawaii": { "senses": [ "An Oceanian > of the > The capital is Honolulu, on the island of Oahu", "archipelago ocean/Pacific Ocean between North America and Oceania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sandwich Islands" ], "word": "Hawaii", "num_translations": 136 }, "biology": { "senses": [ "The study of all life or living matter", "The living organisms of a particular region", "The structure, function, and behavior of an organism or type of organism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lifelore" ], "word": "biology", "num_translations": 121 }, "sunset": { "senses": [ "The time of day when the sun disappears below the western horizon", "The final period of the life of a person or thing", "Having a set termination date", "The region where the sun sets", "the west" ], "antonyms": [ "sunrise" ], "synonyms": [ "dusk", "end", "last" ], "word": "sunset", "num_translations": 185 }, "bribe": { "senses": [ "Something given in exchange for influence or as an inducement to dishonesty", "That which seduces", "seduction", "allurement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:bribe" ], "word": "bribe", "num_translations": 125 }, "cycle": { "senses": [ "An interval of space or time in which one set of events or phenomena is completed", "A complete rotation of anything", "A process that returns to its beginning and then repeats itself in the same sequence", "The members of the sequence formed by such a process", "A series of poems, songs or other works of art", "A programme on a washing machine, dishwasher, or other such device", "A single, a double, a triple, and a home run hit by the same player in the same game", "A closed walk or path, with or without repeated vertices allowed", "A chain whose boundary is zero", "An imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens", "one of the celestial spheres", "An age", "a long period of time", "An orderly list for a given time", "a calendar", "One entire round in a circle or a spire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cycle", "num_translations": 96 }, "locate": { "senses": [ "To place", "to set in a particular spot or position", "To designate the site or place of", "to define the limits of", "To place oneself", "to take up one's residence", "to settle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "locate", "num_translations": 22 }, "masturbation": { "senses": [ "Manual erotic stimulation of the genitals or other erotic regions, often to orgasm, either by oneself or a partner", "A vain activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:masturbation", "fingering" ], "word": "masturbation", "num_translations": 141 }, "translocation": { "senses": [ "Removal of things from one place to another", "displacement", "substitution of one thing for another", "A transfer of a chromosomal segment to a new position, especially on a nonhomologous chromosome", "the segment so transferred", "A transfer of a molecule through a membrane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "translocation", "num_translations": 11 }, "shitfaced": { "senses": [ "Very drunk", "Under the influence of mind altering drugs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk", "Thesaurus:stoned" ], "word": "shitfaced", "num_translations": 13 }, "artificial": { "senses": [ "Man-made", "of artifice", "False, misleading", "Unnatural" ], "antonyms": [ "natural" ], "synonyms": [ "artificious" ], "word": "artificial", "num_translations": 145 }, "handkerchief": { "senses": [ "A piece of cloth, usually square and often fine and elegant, carried for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands", "a neckerchief or neckcloth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hanky", "pocket handkerchief" ], "word": "handkerchief", "num_translations": 169 }, "handmade": { "senses": [ "Manufactured by hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handcrafted" ], "word": "handmade", "num_translations": 23 }, "hispanic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to Spain", "Of or pertaining to the Iberian peninsula, its people, its culture or its languages", "Of or relating to a Spanish-speaking people or culture, as in Latin America", "mestizo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Spanish", "Latin", "Iberian" ], "word": "Hispanic", "num_translations": 10 }, "pinnacle": { "senses": [ "The highest point", "A tall, sharp and craggy rock or mountain", "An all-time high", "a point of greatest achievement or success" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:apex" ], "word": "pinnacle", "num_translations": 70 }, "stepfather": { "senses": [ "The husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father, especially following the divorce or death of the father" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stepdad", "co-father" ], "word": "stepfather", "num_translations": 111 }, "happy": { "senses": [ "Having a feeling arising from a consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment", "enjoying good of any kind, such as comfort, peace, or tranquillity", "blissful, contented, joyous", "Experiencing the effect of favourable fortune", "favored by fortune or luck", "fortunate, lucky, propitious", "Content, satisfied", "having no objection", "Appropriate, apt, felicitous", "Favoring or inclined to use", "Dexterous, ready, skilful" ], "antonyms": [ "blue", "unfortunate", "disenchanted", "inappropriate" ], "synonyms": [ "cheerful", "content", "delighted", "elated", "exultant", "glad", "joyful", "jubilant", "merry", "orgasmic", "fortunate" ], "word": "happy", "num_translations": 345 }, "hara-kiri": { "senses": [ "Ceremonial suicide by disembowelment, as by slicing open the abdomen with a dagger or knife: formerly practised in Japan by the Samurai when disgraced or sentenced to death", "Suicide or any suicidal action", "An act against one's own interests" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seppuku" ], "word": "hara-kiri", "num_translations": 30 }, "unwise": { "senses": [ "Not wise", "lacking wisdom" ], "antonyms": [ "wise" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unwise", "num_translations": 12 }, "arrogant": { "senses": [ "Having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt or disrespect for others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "arrogant", "num_translations": 146 }, "penultimate": { "senses": [ "Next to last, second to last", "immediately preceding the end of a sequence, list, etc", "Of or pertaining to a penult", "Relating to or denoting an element of a related collection of curves that is arbitrarily close to a degenerate form" ], "antonyms": [ "second" ], "synonyms": [ "next to last", "next-to-last", "second to last", "second-to-last", "second from last", "second-from-last", "second last", "second-last" ], "word": "penultimate", "num_translations": 44 }, "kidney": { "senses": [ "An organ in the body that filters the blood, producing urine", "This organ cooked as food", "Constitution, temperament, nature, type, character, disposition", "A waiter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rein", "nephros", "ren" ], "word": "kidney", "num_translations": 213 }, "postulate": { "senses": [ "Something assumed without proof as being self-evident or generally accepted, especially when used as a basis for an argument Sometimes distinguished from axioms as being relevant to a particular science or context, rather than universally true, and following from other axioms rather than being an absolute assumption", "A fundamental element", "a basic principle", "An axiom", "A requirement", "a prerequisite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "postulate", "num_translations": 44 }, "alert": { "senses": [ "Attentive", "awake", "on guard", "brisk", "nimble", "moving with celerity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alert", "num_translations": 63 }, "wee2": { "senses": [ "Urine", "An act of urination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wee-wee", "See", "See" ], "word": "wee", "num_translations": 31 }, "wee3": { "senses": [ "To urinate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wee-wee" ], "word": "wee", "num_translations": 27 }, "aggression": { "senses": [ "The act of initiating hostilities or invasion", "The practice or habit of launching attacks", "Hostile or destructive behavior or actions" ], "antonyms": [ "nonaggression" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aggression", "num_translations": 99 }, "astral": { "senses": [ "Relating to or resembling the stars", "starry", "Relating to an aster", "Relating to a supposed supersensible substance taking the form of an aura discernible by certain gifted individuals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "starly" ], "word": "astral", "num_translations": 25 }, "brat": { "senses": [ "A child who is regarded as mischievous, unruly, spoiled, or selfish", "A son or daughter of an active military service member", "a turbot or flatfish", "A rough cloak or ragged garment", "A coarse kind of apron for keeping the clothes clean", "a bib", "The young of an animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:child" ], "word": "brat", "num_translations": 67 }, "churn": { "senses": [ "To agitate rapidly and repetitively, or to stir with a rowing or rocking motion", "generally applies to liquids, notably cream", "To produce excessive and sometimes undesirable or unproductive activity or motion", "To move rapidly and repetitively with a rocking motion", "to tumble, mix or shake", "To repeatedly cancel and rebook a reservation in order to refresh ticket time limits or other fare rule restrictions", "To continually sign up for new credit cards in order to earn signup bonuses, airline miles, and other benefits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "churn", "num_translations": 56 }, "penalty": { "senses": [ "A legal sentence", "A punishment for violating rules of procedure", "A payment forfeited for an early withdrawal from an account or an investment", "A punishment for an infraction of the rules, often in the form of being removed from play for a specified amount of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "punition", "punishment", "sentence" ], "word": "penalty", "num_translations": 75 }, "precedence": { "senses": [ "The state of preceding in importance or priority", "Precedent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:anteriority" ], "word": "precedence", "num_translations": 18 }, "information": { "senses": [ "That which resolves uncertainty", "anything that answers the question of \"what a given entity is\"", "Things that are or can be known about a given topic", "communicable knowledge of something", "The act of informing or imparting knowledge", "notification", "A statement of criminal activity brought before a judge or magistrate", "in the UK, used to inform a magistrate of an offence and request a warrant", "in the US, an accusation brought before a judge without a grand jury indictment", "The act of informing against someone, passing on incriminating knowledge", "accusation", "The systematic imparting of knowledge", "education, training", "The creation of form", "the imparting of a given quality or characteristic", "forming, animation", "\u2026 the meaning that a human assigns to data by means of the known conventions used in its representation", "Divine inspiration", "A service provided by telephone which provides listed telephone numbers of a subscriber", "Any unambiguous abstract data, the smallest possible unit being the", "Any ordered sequence of symbols" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "information", "num_translations": 155 }, "cardinal1": { "senses": [ "One of the officials appointed by the pope in the Roman Catholic Church, ranking only below the pope and the patriarchs, constituting the special college which elects the pope", "A woman's short cloak with a hood, originally made of scarlet cloth", "Mulled red wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cardinal", "num_translations": 107 }, "stepmother": { "senses": [ "The wife of one's biological father, other than one's biological mother", "A viola, especially Viola tricolor, heartsease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stepma", "stepmam", "stepmama", "stepmamma", "stepmom", "stepmum", "Dialectal forms:" ], "word": "stepmother", "num_translations": 106 }, "genoa": { "senses": [ "province r/Liguria c/Italy", "town lgarea/Shire of Eastern Gippsland s/Victoria c/Australia", "unincorporated community co/Miller County s/Arkansas c/USA", "small statutory town co/Lincoln County s/Colorado c/USA", "city co/DeKalb County s/Illinois c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Olmsted County s/Minnesota c/USA", "small city co/Nance County s/Nebraska c/USA", "unincorporated town co/Douglas County s/Nevada c/USA", "town co/Cayuga County s/New York c/USA", "village co/Ottawa County s/Ohio c/USA", "The former name of Perry Heights, an > in >, >, >", "village/and/town co/Vernon County s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Genoa", "num_translations": 137 }, "size": { "senses": [ "A regulation determining the amount of money paid in fees, taxes etc", "A fixed standard for the magnitude, quality, quantity etc of goods, especially food and drink", "The dimensions or magnitude of a thing", "how big something is", "A regulation, piece of ordinance", "A specific set of dimensions for a manufactured article, especially clothing", "A number of edges in a graph", "Degree of rank, ability, character, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:size" ], "word": "size", "num_translations": 142 }, "size1": { "senses": [ "To order food or drink from the buttery", "hence, to enter a score, as upon the buttery book", "To swell", "to increase the bulk of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "size", "num_translations": 10 }, "directory": { "senses": [ "A list of names, addresses etc, of specific classes of people or organizations, often in alphabetical order or in some classification", "A structured listing of the names and characteristics of the files on a storage device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "folder" ], "word": "directory", "num_translations": 102 }, "group": { "senses": [ "A number of things or persons being in some relation to one another", "A set with an associative binary operation, under which there exists an identity element, and such that each element has an inverse", "An effective divisor on a curve", "A small number of galaxies that are near each other", "A column in the periodic table of chemical elements", "A subset of a culture or of a society", "An air force formation", "A collection of formations or rock strata", "A number of users with same rights with respect to accession, modification, and execution of files, computers and peripherals", "An element of an espresso machine from which hot water pours into the portafilter", "A number of eighth, sixteenth, etc, notes joined at the stems", "sometimes rather indefinitely applied to any ornament made up of a few short notes", "A set of teams playing each other in the same division, while not during the same period playing any teams that belong to other sets in the division", "A commercial organization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collection", "band", "Thesaurus:group" ], "word": "group", "num_translations": 214 }, "group1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amass", "categorise", "categorize", "classify", "collect", "collect up", "gather", "gather up", "Thesaurus:round up", "assemble" ], "word": "group", "num_translations": 26 }, "urination": { "senses": [ "The process of passing urine, that is, of eliminating liquid waste from the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "urination", "num_translations": 25 }, "bestregards": { "senses": [ "Used as a polite closing of a letter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regards" ], "word": "bestregards", "num_translations": 59 }, "sequence": { "senses": [ "A set of things next to each other in a set order", "a series", "The state of being sequent or following", "order of succession", "A series of musical phrases where a theme or melody is repeated, with some change each time, such as in pitch or length", "An ordered list of objects, typically indexed with natural numbers", "A subsequent event", "A series of shots that depict a single action or style in a film, television show etc", "A meld consisting of three or more cards of successive ranks in the same suit, such as the four, five and six of hearts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sequence" ], "word": "sequence", "num_translations": 95 }, "slingshot": { "senses": [ "A Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bean shooter", "catapult" ], "word": "slingshot", "num_translations": 89 }, "cwm": { "senses": [ "A valley head created through glacial erosion and with a shape similar to an amphitheatre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cirque" ], "word": "cwm", "num_translations": 15 }, "cornet": { "senses": [ "A musical instrument of the brass family, slightly smaller than a trumpet, usually in the musical key of B-flat", "A piece of paper twisted to be used as a container", "A pastry shell to be filled with ice-cream, hence an ice cream cone", "A troop of cavalry", "A kind of organ stop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cornet", "num_translations": 48 }, "pellet": { "senses": [ "A small, compressed, hard chunk of matter", "A lead projectile used as ammunition in rifled air guns", "Compressed byproduct of digestion regurgitated by owls Serves as a waste disposal mechanism for indigestible parts of food, such as fur and bones", "A roundel sable (black circular spot", "also called ogress)" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pellet", "num_translations": 30 }, "nocturnal": { "senses": [ "Primarily active during the night", "Taking place at night, nightly" ], "antonyms": [ "diurnal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nocturnal", "num_translations": 63 }, "diurnal": { "senses": [ "Happening or occurring during daylight, or primarily active during that time", "Said of a flower open, or releasing its perfume during daylight hours, but not at night", "Having a daily cycle that is completed every 24 hours, usually referring to tasks, processes, tides, or sunrise to sunset", "circadian", "Done once every day", "daily, quotidian", "Published daily" ], "antonyms": [ "nocturnal", "nocturnal" ], "synonyms": [ "circadian" ], "word": "diurnal", "num_translations": 71 }, "feces": { "senses": [ "Digested waste material discharged from the bowels", "excrement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dung", "night soil", "doo", "crap", "Thesaurus:feces" ], "word": "feces", "num_translations": 190 }, "excrement": { "senses": [ "Human and animal solid waste excreted from the bowels", "feces", "Any waste matter excreted from the human or animal body, or discharged by bodily organs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:feces" ], "word": "excrement", "num_translations": 136 }, "manure1": { "senses": [ "Animal excrement, especially that of common domestic farm animals and when used as fertilizer Generally speaking, from cows, horses, sheep, pigs and chickens", "Any fertilizing substance, whether of animal origin or not", "fertiliser", "Rubbish", "nonsense", "bullshit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "manure", "num_translations": 126 }, "wolverine": { "senses": [ "A solitary, fierce mammal of the Mustelidae family, Gulo gulo species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carcajou", "skunk bear", "glutton", "quickhatch" ], "word": "wolverine", "num_translations": 91 }, "eclectic": { "senses": [ "Selecting a mixture of what appears to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles", "Unrelated and unspecialized", "heterogeneous" ], "antonyms": [ "exclusive" ], "synonyms": [ "heterogeneous" ], "word": "eclectic", "num_translations": 52 }, "game": { "senses": [ "A playful or competitive activity", "A field of gainful activity, as an industry or profession", "An exercise simulating warfare, whether computerized or involving human participants", "Wild animals hunted for food", "The ability to seduce someone, usually by strategy", "Mastery", "the ability to excel at something", "A questionable or unethical practice in pursuit of a goal", "a scheme" ], "antonyms": [ "drudgery" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:game", "pastime", "play", "recreation", "frolic", "sport", "diversion", "fun", "amusement", "merriment", "festivity", "entertainment", "spree", "prank", "lark", "gambol", "merrymaking", "gaiety", "match", "line", "wargame", "racket", "racket" ], "word": "game", "num_translations": 265 }, "fighter": { "senses": [ "A person who fights", "a combatant", "A warrior", "fighting soldier", "A pugnacious, competitive person", "A person with a strong determination to resist protracted or severe adversity, especially illness", "A class of fixed-wing aircraft whose primary purpose is that of shooting down other aircraft Some of these also have a secondary purpose of attacking ground targets", "A boxer or participant in any martial art", "A game with a focus on physical combat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "warrior" ], "word": "fighter", "num_translations": 142 }, "bulletinboardsystem": { "senses": [ "A type of computer system, now largely obsolete, used to exchange messages and data over a telecommunications network" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BBS", "bulletin board service" ], "word": "bulletinboardsystem", "num_translations": 13 }, "original": { "senses": [ "relating to the origin or beginning", "preceding all others", "first in a series or copies/versions", "newly created", "fresh, different", "pioneering", "having as its origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autograph", "prototype" ], "word": "original", "num_translations": 111 }, "original1": { "senses": [ "an object or other creation from which all later copies and variations are derived", "a person with a unique and interesting personality and/or creative talent", "an eccentric" ], "antonyms": [ "copy", "derivative", "ultimate" ], "synonyms": [ "autograph", "prototype" ], "word": "original", "num_translations": 48 }, "precedent": { "senses": [ "An act in the past which may be used as an example to help decide the outcome of similar instances in the future", "A decided case which is cited or used as an example to justify a judgment in a subsequent case", "An established habit or custom", "The aforementioned", "The previous version", "A rough draught of a writing which precedes a finished copy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "precedent", "num_translations": 60 }, "obsessive": { "senses": [ "Prone to cause obsession", "Having one thought or pursuing one activity to the absolute or nearly absolute exclusion of all others", "Excessive, as results from obsession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unrelenting", "unyielding", "headstrong" ], "word": "obsessive", "num_translations": 14 }, "intuitive": { "senses": [ "Spontaneous, without requiring conscious thought", "Easily understood or grasped by intuition", "Having a marked degree of intuition" ], "antonyms": [ "unintuitive", "nonintuitive", "counterintuitive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intuitive", "num_translations": 26 }, "context": { "senses": [ "The surroundings, circumstances, environment, background or settings that determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event or other occurrence", "The text in which a word or passage appears and which helps ascertain its meaning", "The surroundings and environment in which an artifact is found and which may provide important clues about the artifact's function and/or cultural meaning", "The trama or flesh of a mushroom", "For a formula: a finite set of variables, which set contains all the free variables in the given formula" ], "antonyms": [ "isolation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "context", "num_translations": 98 }, "kernel": { "senses": [ "The core, center, or essence of an object or system", "The central part of a nut, especially once the hard shell has been removed", "A single seed or grain, especially of corn or wheat", "The stone of certain fruits, such as peaches or plums", "A small mass around which other matter is concreted", "a nucleus", "a concretion or hard lump in the flesh", "The central part of many computer operating systems which manages the system's resources and the communication between hardware and software components", "The core engine of any complex software system", "A function used to define an integral transform", "A set of pairs of a mapping's domain which are mapped to the same value", "For a given function , the set of elements in the domain which are mapped to zero", "given f: X \u2192 Y, the set {x \u2208 X: f = 0}", "For a category with zero morphisms: the equalizer of a given morphism and the zero morphism which is parallel to that given morphism", "The set of members of a fuzzy set that are fully included", "The human clitoris", "The nucleus and electrons of an atom excluding its valence electrons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gist" ], "word": "kernel", "num_translations": 128 }, "garden": { "senses": [ "An outdoor area containing one or more types of plants, usually plants grown for food or ornamental purposes", "The grounds at the front or back of a house", "The twentieth Lenormand card", "A cluster", "a bunch", "Pubic hair or the genitalia it masks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "park", "yard", "See" ], "word": "garden", "num_translations": 355 }, "unreal": { "senses": [ "fake", "not real", "very impressive", "amazing", "unbelievable", "incredible", "larger or more fantastic than typical of real life" ], "antonyms": [ "real" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fake", "Thesaurus:insubstantial", "Thesaurus:awesome" ], "word": "unreal", "num_translations": 30 }, "tournament": { "senses": [ "During the Middle Ages, a series of battles and other contests designed to prepare knights for war", "A series of games", "either the same game played many times, or a succession of games related by a single theme", "played competitively to determine a single winning team or individual", "A digraph obtained by assigning a direction to each edge in an undirected complete graph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tournament", "num_translations": 51 }, "collect": { "senses": [ "To gather together", "amass", "To get", "particularly, get from someone", "To accumulate , particularly for a hobby or recreation", "To form a conclusion", "to deduce, infer", "To come together in a group or mass", "To infer", "to conclude", "To collide with or crash into" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aggregate", "receive", "amound", "assume", "group", "bump into" ], "word": "collect", "num_translations": 203 }, "classic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the first class or rank, especially in literature or art", "Exemplary of a particular style", "defining a class/category", "Exhibiting timeless quality", "Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially to Greek or Roman authors of the highest rank, or of the period when their best literature was produced", "of or pertaining to places inhabited by the ancient Greeks and Romans, or rendered famous by their deeds", "Traditional", "original" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "classic", "num_translations": 53 }, "classic1": { "senses": [ "A perfect and/or early example of a particular style", "An artistic work of lasting worth, such as a film or song", "The author of such a work", "A major, long-standing sporting event", "One learned in the literature of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "classic", "num_translations": 44 }, "fast": { "senses": [ "Firmly or securely fixed in place", "stable", "Firm against attack", "fortified by nature or art", "impregnable", "strong", "Moving with great speed, or capable of doing so", "swift, rapid", "Causing unusual rapidity of play or action", "Able to transfer data in a short period of time", "Deep or sound", "Not running or fading when subjected to detrimental conditions such as wetness or intense light", "permanent", "Tenacious", "retentive", "Having an extravagant lifestyle or immoral habits", "Ahead of the correct time or schedule", "More sensitive to light than average" ], "antonyms": [ "slow" ], "synonyms": [ "quick", "Thesaurus:speedy", "easy", "Thesaurus:tight" ], "word": "fast", "num_translations": 264 }, "fast1": { "senses": [ "In a firm or secure manner, securely", "in such a way as not to be moved", "safe, sound", "Deeply or soundly", "Immediately following in place or time", "close, very near", "Quickly, with great speed", "within a short time", "Ahead of the correct time or schedule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fast", "num_translations": 139 }, "derive": { "senses": [ "To obtain or receive from something else", "To deduce by reasoning", "To find the derivation of", "To create from another by means of a reaction", "To originate or stem", "To turn the course of", "to divert and distribute into subordinate channels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "derive", "num_translations": 97 }, "persevere": { "senses": [ "To persist steadfastly in pursuit of an undertaking, task, journey, or goal, even if hindered by distraction, difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:persevere" ], "word": "persevere", "num_translations": 32 }, "nitrogen": { "senses": [ "The chemical element with an atomic number of 7 and atomic weight of 140067 It is a colorless and odorless gas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "azote", "E941" ], "word": "nitrogen", "num_translations": 164 }, "sodium": { "senses": [ "The chemical element with an atomic number of 11 and atomic weight of 2298977 It is a soft, waxy, silvery, reactive alkali metal that is never found unbound in nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "natrium" ], "word": "sodium", "num_translations": 120 }, "oxygen": { "senses": [ "The chemical element with an atomic number of 8 and relative atomic mass of 159994 It is a colorless and odorless gas", "An atom of this element" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sourstuff", "E948" ], "word": "oxygen", "num_translations": 217 }, "granary": { "senses": [ "A storage facility for grain or sometimes animal feed", "A fertile, grain-growing region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breadbasket" ], "word": "granary", "num_translations": 64 }, "paper": { "senses": [ "A sheet material used for writing on or printing on , usually made by draining cellulose fibres from a suspension in water", "A written document, generally shorter than a book , in particular one written for the Government", "A written document that reports scientific or academic research and is usually subjected to peer review before publication in a scientific journal or in the proceedings of a scientific or academic meeting", "A scholastic essay", "Money", "A university course", "Free passes of admission to a theatre, etc", "The people admitted by free passes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bookfell" ], "word": "paper", "num_translations": 289 }, "file": { "senses": [ "A collection of papers collated and archived together", "A roll or list", "Course of thought", "thread of narration", "An aggregation of data on a storage device, identified by a name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "document" ], "word": "file", "num_translations": 160 }, "file1": { "senses": [ "To commit to some office", "To place in an archive in a logical place and order", "To submit a formal request to some office", "To set in order", "to arrange, or lay away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "file", "num_translations": 87 }, "edit": { "senses": [ "A change to the text of a document", "A change in the text of a file, a website or the code of software", "An interruption or change to an improvised scene", "An alteration to the DNA sequence of a chromosome", "an act of gene splicing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "edit", "num_translations": 48 }, "edit1": { "senses": [ "To change a text, or a document", "To change the contents of a file, website, etc", "To alter the DNA sequence of a chromosome", "to perform gene splicing", "To alter a film by cutting and splicing frames", "To cut short or otherwise alter an improvised scene" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "retouch", "splice", "cut" ], "word": "edit", "num_translations": 86 }, "view": { "senses": [ "Visual perception", "A picture, drawn or painted", "a sketch", "Opinion, judgement, imagination", "A virtual or logical table composed of the result set of a query in relational databases", "The part of a computer program which is visible to the user and can be interacted with", "A wake" ], "antonyms": [ "model" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "view", "num_translations": 228 }, "view1": { "senses": [ "To look at", "To regard in a stated way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deem" ], "word": "view", "num_translations": 55 }, "image": { "senses": [ "An optical or other representation of a real object", "a graphic", "a picture", "A mental picture of something not real or not present", "A statue or idol", "A file that contains all information needed to produce a live working copy", "A characteristic of a person, group or company etc, style, manner of dress, how one is, or wishes to be, perceived by others", "Something mapped to by a function", "A form of interference: a weaker \"copy\" of a strong signal that occurs at a different frequency", "Show", "appearance", "cast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "picture", "idea", "value", "range" ], "word": "image", "num_translations": 172 }, "image1": { "senses": [ "to portray", "To reflect, mirror", "To create a complete backup copy of a file system or other entity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "image", "num_translations": 16 }, "help": { "senses": [ "Action given to provide assistance", "aid", "Something or someone which provides assistance with a task", "Documentation provided with computer software, etc and accessed using the computer", "Correction of deficits, as by psychological counseling or medication or social support or remedial training" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aid" ], "word": "help", "num_translations": 241 }, "help1": { "senses": [ "To provide assistance to", "To assist in getting something, especially food or drink at table", "used with to", "To contribute in some way to", "To provide assistance", "To avoid", "to prevent", "to refrain from", "to restrain Usually used in nonassertive contexts with can" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aid", "contribute", "assist" ], "word": "help", "num_translations": 248 }, "link": { "senses": [ "A connection between places, people, events, things, or ideas", "One element of a chain or other connected series", "The connection between buses or systems", "A space comprising one or more disjoint knots", "an individual person or element in a system", "A sausage that is not a patty", "Any one of the several elementary pieces of a mechanism, such as the fixed frame, or a rod, wheel, mass of confined liquid, etc, by which relative motion of other parts is produced and constrained", "Any intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion, especially a short connecting rod with a bearing at each end", "The length of one joint of Gunter's chain, being the hundredth part of it, or 792 inches, the chain being 66 feet in length", "A bond of affinity, or a unit of valence between atoms", "applied to a unit of chemical force or attraction", "The windings of a river", "the land along a winding stream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "connection" ], "word": "link", "num_translations": 221 }, "link1": { "senses": [ "To connect two or more things", "To demonstrate a correlation between two things", "To combine objects generated by a compiler into a single executable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affix" ], "word": "link", "num_translations": 48 }, "numb": { "senses": [ "Physically unable to feel, not having the power of sensation", "Emotionally unable to feel or respond in a normal way" ], "antonyms": [ "sensible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "numb", "num_translations": 85 }, "andrew": { "senses": [ "male given name", "The first Apostle in the New Testament", "surname", "village p/Alberta c/Canada", "city s/Iowa c/US", "unincorporated community s/West Virginia c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Andrew", "num_translations": 152 }, "silica": { "senses": [ "Silicon dioxide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E551" ], "word": "silica", "num_translations": 12 }, "quadrillion": { "senses": [ "A thousand trillion : 1 followed by fifteen zeros, 1015", "A million trillion : 1 followed by twenty-four zeros, 1024" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a long scale billiard", "a short scale septillion" ], "word": "quadrillion", "num_translations": 37 }, "physics": { "senses": [ "The branch of science concerned with the study of the properties and interactions of space, time, matter and energy", "The physical aspects of a phenomenon or a system, especially those studied scientifically" ], "antonyms": [ "nonphysics" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "physics", "num_translations": 109 }, "oddball": { "senses": [ "An eccentric or unusual person", "A deviant stimulus that appears among repetitive stimuli during an experiment, to trigger an event-related potential in the participant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kook" ], "word": "oddball", "num_translations": 22 }, "occupation": { "senses": [ "An activity or task with which one occupies oneself", "usually specifically the productive activity, service, trade, or craft for which one is regularly paid", "a job", "The act, process or state of possessing a place", "The control of a country or region by a hostile army" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "profession", "vocation", "interest", "employment" ], "word": "occupation", "num_translations": 170 }, "labour": { "senses": [ "Effort expended on a particular task", "toil, work", "That which requires hard work for its accomplishment", "that which demands effort", "Workers in general", "the working class, the workforce", "The act of a mother giving birth", "The time period during which a mother gives birth", "The pitching or tossing of a vessel which results in the straining of timbers and rigging", "An old measure of land area in Mexico and Texas, approximately 177 acres" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swink" ], "word": "labour", "num_translations": 178 }, "labour1": { "senses": [ "To toil, to work", "To be oppressed with difficulties or disease", "to do one's work under conditions which make it especially hard or wearisome", "to move slowly, as against opposition, or under a burden", "To suffer the pangs of childbirth", "To pitch or roll heavily, as a ship in a turbulent sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "labour", "num_translations": 31 }, "mammarygland": { "senses": [ "A gland that secretes milk for suckling an infant or offspring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breast", "boob" ], "word": "mammarygland", "num_translations": 32 }, "breast": { "senses": [ "Either of the two organs on the front of a female human's chest, which contain the mammary glands", "also the analogous organs in males", "The chest, or front of the human thorax", "The figurative seat of the emotions, feelings etc", "one's heart or innermost thoughts", "The ventral portion of an animal's thorax", "The front or forward part of anything", "The face of a coal working", "The front of a furnace", "The power of singing", "a musical voice" ], "antonyms": [ "thigh" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:breasts", "chest", "heart", "white meat", "brisket" ], "word": "breast", "num_translations": 407 }, "boob3": { "senses": [ "A breast, especially that of an adult or adolescent human female" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:breasts" ], "word": "boob", "num_translations": 62 }, "window": { "senses": [ "An opening, usually covered by one or more panes of clear glass, to allow light and air from outside to enter a building or vehicle", "An opening, usually covered by glass, in a shop which allows people to view the shop and its products from outside", "A period of time when something is available", "A restricted range", "A rectangular area on a computer terminal or screen containing some kind of user interface, displaying the output of and allowing input for one of a number of simultaneously running computer processes", "A figure formed of lines crossing each other", "The time between first infection and detectability", "synonym of \"chaff\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "window", "num_translations": 422 }, "hardware": { "senses": [ "Equipment", "The part of a computer that is fixed and cannot be altered without replacement or physical modification", "motherboard, expansion cards, etc Compare software", "Electronic equipment", "Metal implements", "A firearm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hardware", "num_translations": 177 }, "firearm": { "senses": [ "A personal weapon that uses explosive powder to propel a projectile often made of lead" ], "antonyms": [ "cold weapon" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "firearm", "num_translations": 80 }, "bullet": { "senses": [ "A projectile, usually of metal, shot from a gun at high speed", "An entire round of unfired ammunition for a firearm, including the projectile, the cartridge casing, the propellant charge, etc", "Ammunition for a sling or slingshot which has been manufactured for such use", "A printed symbol in the form of a solid circle, , often used in lieu of numbers for marking items in a list", "A large scheduled repayment of the principal of a loan", "a balloon payment", "A rejection letter, as for employment, admission to a school or a competition", "One year of prison time", "An ace", "Anything that is projected extremely fast", "Very fast", "A plumb or sinker", "The heavy projectile thrown in a game of road bowling", "A small ball", "A cannonball", "The fetlock of a horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cap" ], "word": "bullet", "num_translations": 168 }, "passage": { "senses": [ "A paragraph or section of text or music with particular meaning", "Part of a path or journey", "An incident or episode", "The official approval of a bill or act by a parliament", "The advance of time", "The use of tight brushwork to link objects in separate spatial plains Commonly seen in Cubist works", "An underground cavity, formed by water or falling rocks, which is much longer than it is wide", "The vagina", "The act of passing", "movement across or through", "The right to pass from one place to another", "A fee paid for passing or for being conveyed between places" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "passage", "num_translations": 96 }, "refresh": { "senses": [ "To renew or revitalize", "To reload and show any new changes", "To perform the periodic energizing required to maintain the contents of computer memory, the display luminance of a computer screen, etc", "To become fresh again", "to be revitalized", "to eat or drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "refresh", "num_translations": 58 }, "memory": { "senses": [ "The ability of the brain to record information or impressions with the facility of recalling them later at will", "A record of a thing or an event stored and available for later use by the organism", "The part of a computer that stores variable executable code or data or unalterable executable code or default data", "The time within which past events can be or are remembered", "which returns to its original shape when heated", "A memorial", "A term of venery for a social group of elephants, normally called a herd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recall", "core", "recall" ], "word": "memory", "num_translations": 279 }, "execute": { "senses": [ "To kill as punishment for capital crimes", "To carry out", "to put into effect", "To perform", "To carry out, to perform an act", "to put into effect or cause to become legally binding or valid by so doing", "To start, launch or run", "To run, usually successfully" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "start" ], "word": "execute", "num_translations": 139 }, "twenty-one": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number occurring after twenty and before twenty-two, represented in Roman numerals as XXI and in Arabic numerals as 21" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eleventeen", "one and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 21", "Roman numerals: XXI" ], "word": "twenty-one", "num_translations": 108 }, "twenty-two": { "senses": [ "The number after twenty-one and before twenty-three Represented in Arabic digits as 22" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "two and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 22", "Roman numerals: XXII" ], "word": "twenty-two", "num_translations": 84 }, "twenty-three": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number after twenty-two and before twenty-four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "three and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 23", "Roman numerals: XXIII" ], "word": "twenty-three", "num_translations": 82 }, "twenty-four": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following twenty-three and preceding twenty-five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "four and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 24", "Roman numerals: XXIV" ], "word": "twenty-four", "num_translations": 86 }, "twenty-five": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following twenty-four and preceding twenty-six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "five and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 25", "Roman numerals: XXV" ], "word": "twenty-five", "num_translations": 80 }, "twenty-six": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following twenty-five and preceding twenty-seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "six and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 26", "Roman numerals: XXVI" ], "word": "twenty-six", "num_translations": 80 }, "twenty-seven": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following twenty-six and preceding twenty-eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seven and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 27", "Roman numerals: XXVII" ], "word": "twenty-seven", "num_translations": 79 }, "twenty-eight": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following twenty-seven and preceding twenty-nine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eight and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 28", "Roman numerals: XXVIII" ], "word": "twenty-eight", "num_translations": 79 }, "twenty-nine": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following twenty-eight and preceding thirty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nine and twenty", "Arabic numerals: 29", "Roman numerals: XXIX" ], "word": "twenty-nine", "num_translations": 77 }, "queer": { "senses": [ "Weird, odd or different", "whimsical", "Slightly unwell", "Homosexual", "Not heterosexual: homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc", "Pertaining to sexual behaviour or identity which does not conform to conventional heterosexual norms, assumptions etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "queer", "num_translations": 100 }, "essential": { "senses": [ "Necessary", "Very important", "of high importance", "necessary for survival but not synthesized by the organism, thus needing to be ingested", "Being in the basic form", "showing its essence", "Really existing", "existent", "Such that each complementary region is irreducible, the boundary of each complementary region is incompressible by disks and monogons in the complementary region, and no leaf is a sphere or a torus bounding a solid torus in the manifold", "Idiopathic" ], "antonyms": [ "inessential" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "essential", "num_translations": 112 }, "extreme": { "senses": [ "Of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost", "In the greatest or highest degree", "intense", "Excessive, or far beyond the norm", "Drastic, or of great severity", "Of sports, difficult or dangerous", "performed in a hazardous environment", "Ultimate, final or last" ], "antonyms": [ "close", "least", "moderate", "moderate" ], "synonyms": [ "far", "great", "excessive", "drastic", "dangerous", "final" ], "word": "extreme", "num_translations": 160 }, "bowels": { "senses": [ "plural of \"bowel\"", "The deepest or innermost part", "The concept or quality that defines something at its very core", "The intestines", "Compassion, sympathy", "The body as the source of offspring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "centre", "entrails" ], "word": "bowels", "num_translations": 47 }, "search1": { "senses": [ "To look in for something", "To look thoroughly", "To look for, seek", "To probe or examine", "To examine", "to try", "to put to the test" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comb", "look for" ], "word": "search", "num_translations": 183 }, "parliament": { "senses": [ "A formal council summoned to discuss important issues", "In many countries, the legislative branch of government, a deliberative assembly or set of assemblies whose elected or appointed members meet to debate the major political issues of the day, make, amend, and repeal laws, authorize the executive branch of government to spend money, and in some cases exercise judicial powers", "a legislature", "A particular assembly of the members of such a legislature, as convened for a specific purpose or period of time", "A gathering of birds, especially rooks or owls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parliament", "num_translations": 154 }, "tired1": { "senses": [ "In need of some rest or sleep", "Fed up, annoyed, irritated, sick of", "Overused, clich\u00e9", "ineffectual", "incompetent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exhausted", "sleepy", "Thesaurus:annoyed", "Thesaurus:hackneyed" ], "word": "tired", "num_translations": 133 }, "ps": { "senses": [ "postal service", "public school", "public service", "PlayStation", "Photoshop", "PostScript, a page description language", "packet-switched", "Initialism of a number of proto-languages' names:", "paddle steamer", "power supply", "polystyrene", "parallel slalom", "post scriptum, postscriptum, postscript" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "PS", "num_translations": 18 }, "lullaby": { "senses": [ "A cradlesong, a soothing song to calm children or lull them to sleep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "berceuse", "cradle song" ], "word": "lullaby", "num_translations": 115 }, "ruin": { "senses": [ "The remains of a destroyed or dilapidated construction, such as a house or castle", "Something that leads to serious trouble or destruction", "A fall or tumble", "A change that destroys or defeats something", "destruction", "overthrow", "Complete financial loss", "bankruptcy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ruin", "num_translations": 124 }, "ruin1": { "senses": [ "To destroy or make something no longer usable", "To cause severe financial loss to", "to bankrupt or drive out of business", "To upset or overturn the plans or progress of, or to put into disarray", "to spoil", "To reveal the ending of", "to spoil", "To fall into a state of decay", "To seduce or debauch, and thus harm the social standing of" ], "antonyms": [ "build", "construct", "found", "produce" ], "synonyms": [ "destroy", "fordo", "ruinate", "wreck" ], "word": "ruin", "num_translations": 93 }, "university": { "senses": [ "Institution of higher education where subjects are studied and researched in depth and degrees are offered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "academy", "college", "institute", "uni", "varsity" ], "word": "university", "num_translations": 181 }, "spider": { "senses": [ "Any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order Araneae, most of which spin webs to catch prey", "A program which follows links on the World Wide Web in order to gather information", "A float made by mixing ice-cream and a soda or fizzy drink", "An alcoholic drink made with brandy and lemonade or ginger beer", "A spindly person", "A man who persistently approaches or accosts a woman in a public social setting, particularly in a bar", "A stick with a convex arch-shaped notched head used to support the cue when the cue ball is out of reach at normal extension", "a bridge", "A cast-iron frying pan with three legs, once common in open-hearth cookery", "Implement for moving food in and out of hot oil for deep frying, with a circular metal mesh attached to a long handle", "A part of a crank, to which the chainrings are attached", "Heroin", "Part of a resonator instrument that transmits string vibrations from the bridge to a resonator cone at multiple points", "A skeleton or frame with radiating arms or members, often connected by crosspieces, such as a casting forming the hub and spokes to which the rim of a fly wheel or large gear is bolted", "the body of a piston head", "or a frame for strengthening a core or mould for a casting", "a soft-hackle fly", "The network of wires separating the areas of a dartboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attercop" ], "word": "spider", "num_translations": 351 }, "damp": { "senses": [ "In a state between dry and wet", "moderately wet", "moist", "Despondent", "dispirited, downcast", "Permitting the possession of alcoholic beverages, but not their sale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moist", "glum" ], "word": "damp", "num_translations": 61 }, "damp1": { "senses": [ "Moisture", "humidity", "Fog", "fogginess", "vapor", "Dejection or depression", "something that spoils a positive emotion or a desired activity", "A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pits, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "damp", "num_translations": 31 }, "damp2": { "senses": [ "to make moderately wet", "To put out, as fire", "to weaken, restrain, or make dull", "To suppress vibrations or oscillations by converting energy to heat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "damp", "num_translations": 29 }, "dampen": { "senses": [ "To make damp or moist", "to make slightly wet", "To become damp or moist", "To depress", "to check", "to make dull", "to lessen", "To become damped or deadened" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dampen", "num_translations": 26 }, "host": { "senses": [ "One which receives or entertains a guest, socially, commercially, or officially", "One that provides a facility for an event", "A person or organization responsible for running an event", "A moderator or master of ceremonies for a performance", "Any computer attached to a network", "A cell or organism which harbors another organism or biological entity, usually a parasite", "An organism bearing certain genetic material", "A paid male companion offering conversation and in some cases sex, as in certain types of bar in Japan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "presenter" ], "word": "host", "num_translations": 218 }, "flock": { "senses": [ "A large number of birds, especially those gathered together for the purpose of migration", "A large number of animals, especially sheep or goats kept together", "Those served by a particular pastor or shepherd", "A large number of people", "A religious congregation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bunch" ], "word": "flock", "num_translations": 207 }, "waterfowl": { "senses": [ "Any of the birds, such as ducks, geese and swans, that spend most of their non-flying time on water", "especially those of the family Anatidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wildfowl" ], "word": "waterfowl", "num_translations": 27 }, "impudence": { "senses": [ "The quality of being impudent, not showing due respect", "Impudent language, conduct or behavior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheek", "sauciness", "Thesaurus:impudence" ], "word": "impudence", "num_translations": 60 }, "nipponize": { "senses": [ "To make or become Japanese, as to customs, culture, or style", "To convert to katakana or to enable to work with the Japanese script", "To translate into Japanese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "japanize" ], "word": "nipponize", "num_translations": 32 }, "hence": { "senses": [ "from here, from this place, away", "from the living or from this world", "in the future from now", "as a result", "therefore, for this reason" ], "antonyms": [ "hither" ], "synonyms": [ "herefrom", "consequently" ], "word": "hence", "num_translations": 133 }, "avocation": { "senses": [ "A calling away", "a diversion", "A hobby or recreational or leisure pursuit", "That which calls one away from one's regular employment or vocation", "Pursuits", "duties", "affairs which occupy one's time", "usual employment", "vocation", "The calling of a case from an inferior to a superior court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hobby" ], "word": "avocation", "num_translations": 26 }, "sense": { "senses": [ "Any of the manners by which living beings perceive the physical world: for humans sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste", "Perception through the intellect", "apprehension", "awareness", "Sound practical or moral judgment", "The meaning, reason, or value of something", "A natural appreciation or ability", "The way that a referent is presented", "A single conventional use of a word", "one of the entries for a word in a dictionary", "One of two opposite directions in which a vector may point See also polarity", "One of two opposite directions of rotation, clockwise versus anti-clockwise", "referring to the strand of a nucleic acid that directly specifies the product" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sense", "num_translations": 308 }, "discreet": { "senses": [ "Respectful of privacy or secrecy", "exercising caution in order to avoid causing embarrassment", "quiet", "diplomatic", "Not drawing attention, anger or challenge", "inconspicuous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "discreet", "num_translations": 35 }, "southpaw": { "senses": [ "One who is left-handed, especially in sports" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "left-hander" ], "word": "southpaw", "num_translations": 20 }, "kerf": { "senses": [ "The act of cutting or carving something", "a stroke or slice", "The groove or slit created by cutting or sawing something", "an incision", "The distance between diverging saw teeth", "The flattened, cut-off end of a branch or tree", "a stump or sawn-off cross-section", "The portion or quantity cut off in a given stroke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kerf", "num_translations": 16 }, "quest": { "senses": [ "A journey or effort in pursuit of a goal", "a mission", "The act of seeking, or looking after anything", "attempt to find or obtain", "search", "pursuit", "desire", "solicitation", "A group of people making search or inquiry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quest", "num_translations": 44 }, "pitch2": { "senses": [ "A throw", "a toss", "a cast, as of something from the hand", "An effort to sell or promote something", "The distance between evenly spaced objects, eg the teeth of a saw or gear, the turns of a screw thread, the centres of holes, or letters in a monospace font", "The angle at which an object sits", "A level or degree, or , a peak or highest degree", "The rotation angle about the transverse axis", "The place where a busker performs", "An area in a market allocated to a particular trader", "An area on a campsite intended for occupation by a single tent, caravan or similar", "A point or peak", "the extreme point of elevation or depression", "Prominence", "importance", "A section of a climb or rock face", "specifically, the climbing distance between belays or stances", "A vertical cave passage, only negotiable by using rope or ladders", "A person's or animal's height", "A descent", "a fall", "a thrusting down", "The point where a declivity begins", "hence, the declivity itself", "a descending slope", "the degree or rate of descent or slope", "slant", "The limit of ground set to a miner who receives a share of the ore taken out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pitch", "num_translations": 133 }, "pitch3": { "senses": [ "To throw", "To throw toward a batter at home plate", "To throw away", "discard", "To promote, advertise, or attempt to sell", "To deliver in a certain tone or style, or with a certain audience in mind", "To assemble or erect", "To fix or place a tent or temporary habitation", "to encamp", "To move so that the front of an aircraft or ship goes alternatively up and down", "To play a short, high, lofty shot that lands with backspin", "To bounce on the playing surface", "To settle and build up, without melting", "To alight", "to settle", "to come to rest from flight", "To fix one's choice", "To plunge or fall", "especially, to fall forward", "to decline or slope", "To set, face, or pave with rubble or undressed stones", "To set or fix", "To discard for some gain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pitch", "num_translations": 93 }, "squelch": { "senses": [ "to halt, stop, eliminate, stamp out, or put down, often suddenly or by force", "to suppress the unwanted hiss or static between received transmissions by adjusting a threshold level for signal strength, below which the signal is suppressed by applying a gain of zero, and above which a positive gain is applied", "to make a sucking, splashing noise as when walking on muddy ground", "to walk or step through a substance such as mud" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quash" ], "word": "squelch", "num_translations": 15 }, "hey": { "senses": [ "An exclamation to get attention", "A protest or reprimand", "An expression of surprise", "An informal greeting, similar to hi", "A request for repetition or explanation", "an expression of confusion", "A meaningless beat marker or extra, filler syllable in song lyrics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oi", "blimey", "eh", "hi" ], "word": "hey", "num_translations": 194 }, "putup1": { "senses": [ "To place in a high location", "To hang or mount", "To style up on the head instead of letting it hang down", "To cajole or dare to do something", "To store away", "To house, shelter, or take in", "To provide funds in advance", "To build a structure", "To make available, to offer", "To can", "to process by sterilising and storing in a bottle or can" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "putup", "num_translations": 30 }, "putupwith": { "senses": [ "To endure, tolerate, suffer through, or allow, especially something annoying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tolerate" ], "word": "putupwith", "num_translations": 37 }, "putdown": { "senses": [ "To insult, belittle, or demean", "To pay", "To halt, eliminate, stop, or squelch, often by force", "To euthanize", "To write", "To terminate a call", "to hang up", "To add a name to a list", "To make prices, or taxes, lower", "To place a baby somewhere to sleep", "To land", "To drop someone off, or let them out of a vehicle", "To cease, temporarily or permanently, reading" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "register", "touch down" ], "word": "putdown", "num_translations": 49 }, "putout2": { "senses": [ "To blind", "To place outside, to remove, particularly", "To cause something to be out, particularly", "To go out, to head out, especially to set sail", "To cause something to go out, particularly", "To consent to sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "putout", "num_translations": 97 }, "putoff": { "senses": [ "To procrastinate", "To delay", "To distract", "to disturb the concentration of", "To cause to dislike", "to discourage", "To take off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "putoff", "num_translations": 43 }, "puton": { "senses": [ "To don", "To fool, kid, deceive", "To assume, adopt or affect", "to behave in a particular way as a pretense", "To play", "To initiate cooking or warming, especially on a stovetop", "To perform for an audience", "To organize a performance for an audience", "To hurry up", "to move swiftly forward" ], "antonyms": [ "take off", "doff", "take off" ], "synonyms": [ "put down", "beclothe", "hoodwink", "hasten" ], "word": "puton", "num_translations": 101 }, "trustworthy": { "senses": [ "Deserving of trust, reliable" ], "antonyms": [ "untrustworthy" ], "synonyms": [ "believable", "convincing", "credible", "dependable", "ethical", "honest", "honorable", "kosher", "principled", "reliable", "responsible", "righteous", "secure", "sensible", "straight", "true", "trustable", "trusty", "truthful", "unfailing" ], "word": "trustworthy", "num_translations": 61 }, "order": { "senses": [ "Arrangement, disposition, or sequence", "A position in an arrangement, disposition, or sequence", "The state of being well arranged", "Conformity with law or decorum", "freedom from disturbance", "general tranquillity", "public quiet", "A command", "A request for some product or service", "a commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods", "A group of religious adherents, especially monks or nuns, set apart within their religion by adherence to a particular rule or set of principles", "An association of knights", "any group of people with common interests", "A decoration, awarded by a government, a dynastic house, or a religious body to an individual, usually for distinguished service to a nation or to humanity", "A rank in the classification of organisms, below class and above family", "a taxon at that rank", "A number of things or persons arranged in a fixed or suitable place, or relative position", "a rank", "a row", "a grade", "especially, a rank or class in society", "a distinct character, kind, or sort", "An ecclesiastical grade or rank, as of deacon, priest, or bishop", "the office of the Christian ministry", "often used in the plural", "The disposition of a column and its component parts, and of the entablature resting upon it, in classical architecture", "hence a style or manner of architectural designing", "The sequence in which a side's batsmen bat", "a power of polynomial function in an electronic circuit's block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc", "The overall power of the rate law of a chemical reaction, expressed as a polynomial function of concentrations of reactants and products", "The cardinality, or number of elements in a set, group, or other structure regardable as a set", "For given group G and element g \u2208 G, the smallest positive natural number n, if it exists, such that , gn = e, where e is the identity element of G", "The number of vertices in a graph", "The sum of the exponents on the variables in a monomial, or the highest such among all monomials in a polynomial", "A written direction to furnish someone with money or property" ], "antonyms": [ "chaos" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "order", "num_translations": 547 }, "order1": { "senses": [ "To issue a command to", "To request some product or service", "to ordain", "to receive into the ranks of the ministry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sort", "command" ], "word": "order", "num_translations": 275 }, "untrustworthy": { "senses": [ "Not deserving of trust", "unreliable" ], "antonyms": [ "true" ], "synonyms": [ "inaccurate" ], "word": "untrustworthy", "num_translations": 16 }, "hanger": { "senses": [ "One who hangs, or causes to be hanged", "A person who attempts suicide by hanging", "That by which a thing is suspended", "A short and broad backsword, worn so to hang at the side, especially popular in the 18th century", "A steep, wooded slope", "A hanging pitch", "a pitch that is poorly executed, hence easy to hit", "synonym of \"spectacular mark\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hanger", "num_translations": 49 }, "hanger-on": { "senses": [ "Someone who hangs on, or sticks to, a person, place, or service", "An onsetter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "onhanger" ], "word": "hanger-on", "num_translations": 19 }, "ouch": { "senses": [ "An expression of one's own physical pain", "An expression in sympathy at another's pain", "A reply to an insult", "An expression of disappointment", "Expressing surprise at the high price of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ow" ], "word": "ouch", "num_translations": 128 }, "putaway": { "senses": [ "To put in its usual storage place", "to place out of the way, clean up", "To store, add to one's stores for later use", "To consume , especially in large quantities", "To send to prison or mental asylum", "To kill someone", "To knock out an opponent", "To discard, divest oneself of", "To fend off, deflect", "to dismiss", "To divorce", "To take a large lead in a game, especially enough to guarantee victory or make the game no longer competitive", "To strike out a batter", "To catch a fly ball or tag out a baserunner", "To hit the ball in such a way that the opponent cannot reach it", "see passing shot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "putaway", "num_translations": 28 }, "call": { "senses": [ "A telephone conversation", "A short visit, usually for social purposes", "A visit by a ship or boat to a port", "A cry or shout", "A decision or judgement", "The characteristic cry of a bird or other animal", "A beckoning or summoning", "The right to speak at a given time during a debate or other public event", "the floor", "An option to buy stock at a specified price during or at a specified time", "A work shift which requires one to be available when requested", "The act of jumping to a subprogram, saving the means to return to the original point", "A statement of a particular state, or rule, made in many games such as bridge, craps, jacks, and so on", "The act of matching a bet made by a player who has previously bet in the same round of betting", "A note blown on the horn to encourage the dogs in a hunt", "A whistle or pipe, used by the boatswain and his mate to summon the sailors to duty", "An invitation to take charge of or serve a church as its pastor", "Vocation", "employment", "A meeting with a client for paid sex", "hookup", "job" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "call", "num_translations": 277 }, "call1": { "senses": [ "To use one's voice", "To visit", "To name, identify or describe", "Direct or indirect use of the voice", "To require, demand", "To announce the early extinction of a debt by prepayment, usually at a premium", "To demand repayment of a loan", "To jump to to perform some operation, returning to the original point on completion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "holler", "drop a line", "wake up", "designate", "augur" ], "word": "call", "num_translations": 394 }, "defenestrate": { "senses": [ "To eject or throw from a window", "compare transfenestrate", "To throw out", "to remove or dismiss from a position of power or authority", "To remove a Windows operating system from a computer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "defenestrate", "num_translations": 16 }, "magic": { "senses": [ "The application of rituals or actions, especially those based on occult knowledge, to subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces in order to have some benefit from them", "a spell", "The supernatural forces which are drawn on in such a ritual", "Something producing successful and remarkable results, especially when not fully understood", "an enchanting quality", "exceptional skill", "A conjuring trick or illusion performed to give the appearance of supernatural phenomena or powers", "Complicated or esoteric code that is not expected to be generally understood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dwimmer", "dweomercraft", "sleight of hand" ], "word": "magic", "num_translations": 262 }, "magic1": { "senses": [ "wonderful, amazing", "Pertaining to conjuring tricks or illusions performed for entertainment etc", "Great", "excellent", "Describing the number of nucleons in a particularly stable isotopic nucleus", "2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126, and 184", "Being a literal number or string value with no meaning or context, not defined as a constant or variable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "magical" ], "word": "magic", "num_translations": 64 }, "splash": { "senses": [ "The sound made by an object hitting a liquid", "A small amount of liquid", "A small amount", "A mark or stain made from a small amount of liquid", "An impact or impression", "A body press", "a move where the wrestler jumps forward from a raised platform such as the top turnbuckle, landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below", "A cosmetic powder for the complexion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plash" ], "word": "splash", "num_translations": 34 }, "splash1": { "senses": [ "To hit or agitate liquid so that part of it separates from the principal liquid mass", "To disperse a fluid suddenly", "to splatter", "to hit or expel liquid at", "To create an impact or impression", "to print, post or publicize prominently", "To spend", "To launch a ship", "To stab , causing them to bleed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "splash", "num_translations": 51 }, "abc": { "senses": [ "The alphabet", "A type of poem in which the lines start with the letters of the alphabet in order", "A primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading", "The fundamentals of any subject", "A straightforward, uniform playing style, often focusing on betting for value, folding weak hands, and avoiding bluffing", "A British alphabetized guidebook for trains and their stations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absey", "basic" ], "word": "ABC", "num_translations": 30 }, "oh": { "senses": [ "Expression of surprise", "Expression of wonder, amazement, or awe", "Expression of understanding, affirmation, recognition, or realization", "A word to precede an offhand or annoyed remark", "A word to precede an added comment or afterthought", "An invocation or address , often with a term of endearment", "Exclamation for drama or emphasis", "Expression of pain See ouch", "Space filler or extra syllable, especially in music", "Expression of mild scepticism", "A word to mark a spoken phrase as imaginary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "oh", "num_translations": 96 }, "ha1": { "senses": [ "A representation of laughter", "An exclamation of triumph or discovery", "An exclamation of grief", "A sound of hesitation", "er, um" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ha", "num_translations": 21 }, "kick": { "senses": [ "To strike or hit with the foot or other extremity of the leg", "To make a sharp jerking movement of the leg, as to strike something", "To direct to a particular place by a blow with the foot or leg", "To eject summarily", "To forcibly remove a participant from an online activity", "To overcome", "to free oneself of", "To move or push suddenly and violently", "To recoil", "to push by recoiling", "To attack in order to force it to move", "To accelerate quickly with a few pedal strokes in an effort to break away from other riders", "To show opposition or resistance", "To work a press by impact of the foot on a treadle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kick", "num_translations": 132 }, "kick1": { "senses": [ "A hit or strike with the leg, foot or knee", "The action of swinging a foot or leg", "Something that tickles the fancy", "something fun or amusing", "The removal of a person from an online activity", "Any bucking motion of an object that lacks legs or feet", "Piquancy", "A stimulation provided by an intoxicating substance", "A recoil of a gun", "Pocket", "An increase in speed in the final part of a running race" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kick", "num_translations": 59 }, "kickout": { "senses": [ "To eject, dismiss, expel, or forcefully remove", "To stop, stall, or disconnect suddenly", "To perform a kickout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boot out" ], "word": "kickout", "num_translations": 22 }, "kickthebucket": { "senses": [ "To die", "Of a machine, to break down such that it cannot be repaired" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bite the dust", "buy the farm", "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "kickthebucket", "num_translations": 65 }, "sea": { "senses": [ "A large body of salt water", "A lake, especially if large or if salty or brackish", "a single wave", "billow", "A constant flux of gluons splitting into quarks, which annihilate to produce further gluons", "A large, dark plain of rock", "a mare", "A very large lake of liquid hydrocarbon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sea", "num_translations": 332 }, "tare2": { "senses": [ "To take into account the weight of the container, wrapping etc in weighting merchandise", "To set a zero value on an instrument that discounts the starting point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zero" ], "word": "tare", "num_translations": 10 }, "please": { "senses": [ "To make happy or satisfy", "to give pleasure to", "To desire", "to will" ], "antonyms": [ "annoy" ], "synonyms": [ "satisfy", "desire" ], "word": "please", "num_translations": 102 }, "holdup": { "senses": [ "To wait or delay", "To impede", "detain", "To support or lift", "To withstand", "to stand up to", "to survive", "To fulfil or complete one's part of an agreement", "To rob at gunpoint", "To keep up", "not to fall behind", "not to lose ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "holdup", "num_translations": 45 }, "holdon": { "senses": [ "To grasp or grip firmly", "To keep", "to store something for someone", "Wait a short while", "To remain loyal", "To persist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belock", "keep", "cool one's heels", "keep faith", "go on" ], "word": "holdon", "num_translations": 35 }, "hangon": { "senses": [ "To wait a moment", "To hold, grasp, or grip", "To keep", "to store something for someone", "To pay close attention to, or regard with admiration", "To continually believe in something", "to have faith in", "To persevere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wait", "Thesaurus:grasp", "keep", "keep faith", "Thesaurus:persevere" ], "word": "hangon", "num_translations": 37 }, "holdout": { "senses": [ "to extend forward", "To wait, or refuse in hopes of getting something better", "To survive, endure", "To withhold something", "To set something aside or save it for later" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "holdout", "num_translations": 49 }, "ham": { "senses": [ "A son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Shem", "Two > in >, >, < symbol, which has specific meanings in various programming languages", "The inflorescence or tassel of a mature sugar cane plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "streal", "arc" ], "word": "arrow", "num_translations": 315 }, "armor": { "senses": [ "A protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces", "A natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body", "Metal plate, protecting a ship, military vehicle, or aircraft", "A tank, or other heavy mobile assault vehicle", "A military formation consisting primarily of tanks or other armoured fighting vehicles, collectively", "The naturally occurring surface of pebbles, rocks or boulders that line the bed of a waterway or beach and provide protection against erosion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "body armour", "horn", "armour plate", "mechanized" ], "word": "armor", "num_translations": 132 }, "slash": { "senses": [ "Something resembling such a mark, particularly:" ], "antonyms": [ "backslash" ], "synonyms": [ "gash", "slash mark", "solidus", "stroke", "forward slash", "forward stroke", "foreslash", "frontslash", "front slash", "virgule", "shilling mark", "slant", "slant line", "separatrix", "scratch comma", "oblique", "oblique mark", "oblique stroke", "oblique dash", "diagonal", "diagonal mark", "virgula", "virgil", "whack", "bar", "cunt" ], "word": "slash", "num_translations": 77 }, "slash1": { "senses": [ "To cut or attempt to cut, particularly:", "To strike violently and randomly, particularly:", "To move quickly and violently", "To clear land, with violent action such as logging or brushfires or through grazing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lash", "crack" ], "word": "slash", "num_translations": 28 }, "fireball": { "senses": [ "A ball of fire, especially one associated with an explosion", "A meteor bright enough to cast shadows", "A class of sailing dinghy with a single trapeze and a symmetrical spinnaker, sailed by a crew of two", "A charge made of a disc-shaped bomb shell, with four sets of flames, at the top, bottom and on either side", "A ball filled with combustibles to be thrown among enemies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fireball", "num_translations": 33 }, "monolith": { "senses": [ "A large single block of stone, used in architecture and sculpture", "Anything massive, uniform and unmovable, especially a towering social, political, or cultural structure", "A continuous stationary-phase cast as a homogeneous column in a single piece" ], "antonyms": [ "chimera" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "monolith", "num_translations": 20 }, "rock": { "senses": [ "A formation of minerals, specifically:", "A large hill or island having no vegetation", "Something that is strong, stable, and dependable", "a person who provides security or support to another", "A lump or cube of ice", "A type of confectionery made from sugar in the shape of a stick, traditionally having some text running through its length", "A crystallized lump of crack cocaine", "An unintelligent person, especially one who repeats mistakes", "An Afrikaner", "An extremely conservative player who is willing to play only the very strongest hands", "Any of several fish:", "A basketball", "A cricket ball, especially a new one that has not been softened by use", "A crystal used to control the radio frequency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stone", "cliff", "boulder", "foundation", "gem", "ice", "crack", "Afrikaner", "bedrock" ], "word": "rock", "num_translations": 349 }, "rock1": { "senses": [ "To move gently back and forth", "To cause to shake or sway violently", "To sway or tilt violently back and forth", "To disturb the emotional equilibrium of", "to distress", "to greatly impact", "To do well or to be operating at high efficiency", "to make love to or have sex with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waver", "agitate", "judder", "cook with gas", "go to bed with" ], "word": "rock", "num_translations": 116 }, "rock4": { "senses": [ "To be very favourable or skilful", "excel", "be fantastic", "to do something with excitement yet skillfully", "To wear successfully or with style", "to carry off" ], "antonyms": [ "stink" ], "synonyms": [ "rule" ], "word": "rock", "num_translations": 21 }, "weird": { "senses": [ "Having an unusually strange character or behaviour", "Deviating from the normal", "bizarre", "Of or pertaining to the Fates", "Connected with fate or destiny", "able to influence fate", "Of or pertaining to witches or witchcraft", "supernatural", "unearthly", "suggestive of witches, witchcraft, or unearthliness", "wild", "uncanny", "Having supernatural or preternatural power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eerie", "fremd", "bizarre", "fateful" ], "word": "weird", "num_translations": 107 }, "strange": { "senses": [ "Not normal", "odd, unusual, surprising, out of the ordinary", "Unfamiliar, not yet part of one's experience", "Of an attractor: having a fractal structure", "Belonging to another country", "foreign", "Reserved", "distant in deportment", "Backward", "slow", "Not familiar", "unaccustomed", "inexperienced", "Not belonging to one" ], "antonyms": [ "everyday", "familiar", "known" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:strange", "new", "unfamiliar", "unknown" ], "word": "strange", "num_translations": 228 }, "ply1": { "senses": [ "To bend", "to fold", "to mould", "to adapt, to modify", "to change mind, to cause to submit", "To bend, to flex", "to be bent by something, to give way or yield" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ply", "num_translations": 16 }, "ply2": { "senses": [ "To work at diligently", "To wield or use steadily or vigorously", "To press upon", "to urge persistently", "To persist in offering something to, especially for the purpose of inducement or persuasion", "To travel over regularly", "To work diligently", "To manoeuvre a sailing vessel so that the direction of the wind changes from one side of the vessel to the other", "to work to windward, to beat, to tack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ply", "num_translations": 12 }, "forest": { "senses": [ "A dense uncultivated tract of trees and undergrowth, larger than woods", "Any dense collection or amount", "A defined area of land set aside in England as royal hunting ground or for other privileged use", "all such areas", "A graph with no cycles", "ie, a graph made up of trees", "A group of domains that are managed as a unit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forest", "num_translations": 375 }, "muse": { "senses": [ "A source of inspiration", "A poet", "a bard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pierian spring" ], "word": "muse", "num_translations": 32 }, "muse1": { "senses": [ "To become lost in thought, to ponder", "To say with due consideration or thought", "To think on", "to meditate on", "To wonder at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ponder" ], "word": "muse", "num_translations": 38 }, "crash": { "senses": [ "A sudden, intense, loud sound, as made for example by cymbals", "An automobile, airplane, or other vehicle accident", "A malfunction of computer software or hardware which causes it to shut down or become partially or totally inoperable", "A sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks", "A comedown from a drug", "A group of rhinoceroses", "dysphoria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crash", "num_translations": 130 }, "crash2": { "senses": [ "To collide with something destructively, fall or come down violently", "To severely damage or destroy something by causing it to collide with something else", "To attend a social event without invitation, usually with unfavorable intentions", "To accelerate a project or a task or its schedule by devoting more resources to it", "To make or experience informal temporary living arrangements, especially overnight", "To give, as a favor", "To lie down for a long rest, sleep or nap, as from tiredness or exhaustion", "To terminate extraordinarily", "To cause to terminate extraordinarily", "To experience a period of depression and/or lethargy after a period of euphoria, as after the euphoric effect of a psychotropic drug has dissipated", "To hit or strike with force", "To take a sudden and severe turn for the worse", "to rapidly deteriorate", "To make a sudden loud noise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crash", "num_translations": 92 }, "rash": { "senses": [ "Acting too quickly without considering the risks and consequences", "not careful", "hasty", "So dry as to fall out of the ear with handling, as corn", "Requiring sudden action", "pressing", "urgent", "Fast-acting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brash", "heady", "hotheaded", "impulsive", "inconsiderate", "precipitate" ], "word": "rash", "num_translations": 43 }, "rash1": { "senses": [ "An area of reddened, irritated, and inflamed skin", "A surge in problems", "a spate, string or trend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epidemic" ], "word": "rash", "num_translations": 51 }, "cash": { "senses": [ "Money in the form of notes/bills and coins, as opposed to cheques/checks or electronic transactions", "Liquid assets, money that can be traded quickly, as distinct from assets that are invested and cannot be easily exchanged", "Money", "A place where money is kept, or where it is deposited and paid out", "a money box" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cash", "num_translations": 130 }, "gash": { "senses": [ "A deep cut", "A vulva", "A woman", "Rubbish, spare kit", "Rubbish on board an aircraft", "Unused film or sound during film editing", "Poor quality beer, usually watered down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gash", "num_translations": 13 }, "dash": { "senses": [ "Any of the following symbols: \u2012 , - , \u2014 , or \u2015", "The longer of the two symbols of Morse code", "A short run, flight", "A rushing or violent onset", "Violent strike", "a whack", "A small quantity of a liquid substance etc", "less than 1/8 of a teaspoon", "A slight admixture", "Ostentatious vigor", "A bribe or gratuity", "a gift", "A stand-in for a censored word, like \"Devil\" or \"damn\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dash", "num_translations": 123 }, "dash1": { "senses": [ "To run quickly or for a short distance", "To leave or depart", "To destroy by striking", "To throw violently", "To sprinkle", "to splatter", "To mix, reduce, or adulterate, by throwing in something of an inferior quality", "To ruin", "to destroy", "To dishearten", "to sadden", "To complete hastily, usually with down or off", "To draw quickly", "jot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dash", "num_translations": 132 }, "wash": { "senses": [ "To clean with water", "To move or erode by the force of water in motion", "To separate valuable material from worthless material by the action of flowing water", "To clean oneself with water", "To cover with water or any liquid", "to wet", "to fall on and moisten", "to lap or splash", "To be eroded or carried away by the action of water", "To be cogent, convincing", "to withstand critique", "To be wasted or worn away by the action of water, as by a running or overflowing stream, or by the dashing of the sea", "said of road, a beach, etc", "To cover with a thin or watery coat of colour", "to tint lightly and thinly", "To overlay with a thin coat of metal", "To cause dephosphorization of by adding substances containing iron oxide, and sometimes manganese oxide", "To pass through or over a liquid for the purpose of purifying it, especially by removing soluble constituents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wash", "num_translations": 272 }, "wash1": { "senses": [ "A lotion or other liquid with medicinal or hygienic properties", "A smooth and translucent painting created using a paintbrush holding a large amount of solvent and a small amount of paint", "The sound of breaking of the seas, eg, on the shore", "The wake of a moving ship", "The turbulence left in the air by a moving airplane", "the shallowest part of a river, or arm of the sea", "also, a bog", "a marsh", "A shallow body of water", "In arid and semi-arid regions, the normally dry bed of an intermittent or ephemeral stream", "an arroyo or wadi", "A situation in which losses and gains or advantages and disadvantages are equivalent", "a situation in which there is no net change", "A fictitious kind of sale of stock or other securities between parties of one interest, or by a broker who is both buyer and seller, and who minds his own interest rather than that of his clients", "In distilling, the fermented wort before the spirit is extracted", "A mixture of dunder, molasses, water, and scummings, used in the West Indies for distillation", "A thin coat of paint or metal laid on anything for beauty or preservation", "The blade of an oar", "The backward current or disturbed water caused by the action of oars, or of a steamer's screw or paddles, etc", "Ten strikes, or bushels, of oysters", "The upper surface of a member or material when given a slope to shed water", "hence, a structure or receptacle shaped so as to receive and carry off water", "A lighting effect that fills a scene with a chosen colour", "A lighting fixture that can cast a wide beam of light to evenly fill an area with light, as opposed to a spotlight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lavatory" ], "word": "wash", "num_translations": 54 }, "hash": { "senses": [ "A confused mess", "The symbol", "A new mixture of old material", "a second preparation or exhibition", "A stupid fellow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "checksum", "hash mark", "hash sign", "hashtag", "number sign", "octothorn", "octothorpe", "pound", "pound sign", "sharp sign", "square" ], "word": "hash", "num_translations": 112 }, "clash": { "senses": [ "A loud sound, like the crashing together of metal objects", "A skirmish, a hostile encounter", "a match", "a game between two sides", "An angry argument", "Opposition", "contradiction", "such as between differing or contending interests, views, purposes etc", "A combination of garments that do not look good together, especially because of conflicting colours", "An instance of restarting the game after a \"dead ball\", where it is dropped between two opposing players, who can fight for possession", "Chatter", "gossip", "idle talk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clash", "num_translations": 49 }, "clash1": { "senses": [ "To come into violent conflict", "To argue angrily", "To face each other in an important game", "To fail to look good together", "to contrast unattractively", "to fail to harmonize", "To coincide, to happen at the same time, thereby rendering it impossible to attend all", "To chatter or gossip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clash", "num_translations": 23 }, "lunch": { "senses": [ "A light meal usually eaten around midday, notably when not as main meal of the day", "A break in play between the first and second sessions", "Any small meal, especially one eaten at a social gathering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "luncheon" ], "word": "lunch", "num_translations": 162 }, "dinner": { "senses": [ "A midday meal", "The main meal of the day, often eaten in the evening", "An evening meal", "A meal given to an animal", "A formal meal for many people eaten for a special occasion", "The food provided or consumed at any such meal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "evening meal", "chow", "lunch", "banquet" ], "word": "dinner", "num_translations": 193 }, "kennel": { "senses": [ "A house or shelter for a dog", "A facility at which dogs are reared or boarded", "The dogs kept at such a facility", "a pack of hounds", "The hole of a fox or other animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doghouse", "pound", "pack", "burrow" ], "word": "kennel", "num_translations": 83 }, "kiss": { "senses": [ "To touch with the lips or press the lips against, usually to show love or affection or passion, or as part of a greeting", "To touch lightly or slightly", "to come into contact", "Of two or more people, to touch each other's lips together, usually to express love or affection or passion", "To treat with fondness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:kiss" ], "word": "kiss", "num_translations": 399 }, "kiss1": { "senses": [ "A touch with the lips, usually to express love or affection, or as a greeting", "An 'X' mark placed at the end of a letter or other type of message" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:buss" ], "word": "kiss", "num_translations": 189 }, "college": { "senses": [ "A corporate group", "a group of colleagues", "A group sharing common purposes or goals", "An academic institution", "A specialized division of a university", "An institution of higher education teaching undergraduates", "Attendance at an institution of higher education", "A postsecondary institution that offers vocational training and/or associate's degrees", "A non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university, with its own faculty, departments, library, etc", "An institution of further education at an intermediate level", "sixth form", "An institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level", "A high school or secondary school", "A private primary or high school", "A residential hall associated with a university, possibly having its own tutors", "A bilingual school" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "department", "faculty", "school" ], "word": "college", "num_translations": 185 }, "fraction": { "senses": [ "A part of a whole, especially a comparatively small part", "A ratio of two numbers, the numerator and the denominator, usually written one above the other and separated by a horizontal bar", "In a eucharistic service, the breaking of the host", "A small amount", "The act of breaking, or state of being broken, especially by violence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fraction", "num_translations": 112 }, "consume": { "senses": [ "To use up", "To eat", "To completely occupy the thoughts or attention of", "To destroy completely", "To waste away slowly", "To trade money for good or services as an individual", "To absorb information, especially through the mass media" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burn", "devour", "occupy", "annihilate" ], "word": "consume", "num_translations": 127 }, "consumption": { "senses": [ "The act of eating, drinking or using", "The amount consumed", "The act of consuming or destroying", "The wasting away of the human body through disease", "Pulmonary tuberculosis and other diseases that cause wasting away, lung infection, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "consumption", "num_translations": 80 }, "maximum": { "senses": [ "The highest limit", "An upper bound of a set which is also an element of that set", "The largest value of a batch or sample or the upper bound of a probability distribution", "A 147 break", "the highest possible break", "A score of 180 with three darts", "A scoring shot for 6 runs" ], "antonyms": [ "minimum" ], "synonyms": [ "max" ], "word": "maximum", "num_translations": 60 }, "minimum": { "senses": [ "The lowest limit", "The smallest amount", "A lower bound of a set which is also an element of that set", "The smallest member of a batch or sample or the lower bound of a probability distribution" ], "antonyms": [ "maximum" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "minimum", "num_translations": 40 }, "minimum1": { "senses": [ "To the lowest degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "minimal" ], "word": "minimum", "num_translations": 20 }, "crook": { "senses": [ "A bend", "turn", "curve", "curvature", "a flexure", "A bending of the knee", "a genuflection", "A bent or curved part", "a curving piece or portion", "A lock or curl of hair", "A gibbet", "A support beam consisting of a post with a cross-beam resting upon it", "a bracket or truss consisting of a vertical piece, a horizontal piece, and a strut", "a staff with a semi-circular bend at one end used by shepherds", "A bishop's staff of office", "An artifice", "a trick", "a contrivance", "A person who steals, lies, cheats or does other dishonest or illegal things", "a criminal", "A pothook", "A small tube, usually curved, applied to a trumpet, horn, etc, to change its pitch or key" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:criminal" ], "word": "crook", "num_translations": 80 }, "crook1": { "senses": [ "To bend, or form into a hook", "To become bent or hooked", "To turn from the path of rectitude", "to pervert", "to misapply", "to twist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crook", "num_translations": 10 }, "staff": { "senses": [ "A long, straight, thick wooden rod or stick, especially one used to assist in walking", "A series of horizontal lines on which musical notes are written", "a stave", "The employees of a business", "A mixture of plaster and fibre used as a temporary exterior wall coveringW", "A pole, stick, or wand borne as an ensign of authority", "a badge of office", "A pole upon which a flag is supported and displayed", "The rung of a ladder", "A series of verses so disposed that, when it is concluded, the same order begins again", "a stanza", "a stave", "An arbor, as of a wheel or a pinion of a watch", "The grooved director for the gorget, or knife, used in cutting for stone in the bladder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stick", "stave", "personnel" ], "word": "staff", "num_translations": 182 }, "americanenglish": { "senses": [ "The form of the English language that is chiefly used in the United States, contrasted with British English or Canadian English and that of other places", "The form of the English language that is chiefly used in North America, contrasted with British English and that of other places" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "AmE", "North American English", "United States English" ], "word": "AmericanEnglish", "num_translations": 43 }, "enumerate": { "senses": [ "To specify each member of a sequence individually in incrementing order", "To determine the amount of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "number" ], "word": "enumerate", "num_translations": 33 }, "octillion": { "senses": [ "A thousand trillion trillion, a billion billion billion: 1 followed by 27 zeros, 1027", "A quadrillion quintillion: 1 followed by 48 zeros, 1048" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a short scale quindecillion" ], "word": "octillion", "num_translations": 19 }, "mania": { "senses": [ "Violent derangement of mind", "madness", "insanity", "Excessive or unreasonable desire", "insane passion affecting one or many people", "fanaticism", "*", "The state of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, arousal, and/or energy levels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mania", "num_translations": 37 }, "net": { "senses": [ "A mesh of string, cord or rope", "A device made from such mesh, used for catching fish, butterflies, etc", "A device made from such mesh, generally used for trapping something", "Anything that has the appearance of such a device", "A trap", "Of a polyhedron, any set of polygons joined edge to edge that, when folded along the edges between adjoining polygons so that the outer edges touch, form the polyhedron", "A system that interconnects a number of users, locations etc allowing transport or communication between them", "A framework backed by a mesh, serving as the goal in hockey, soccer, lacrosse, etc", "A mesh stretched to divide the court in tennis, badminton, volleyball, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mesh", "snare", "reticulation", "development", "network" ], "word": "net", "num_translations": 322 }, "net1": { "senses": [ "To catch in a trap, or by stratagem", "To score", "to knit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catch", "catch" ], "word": "net", "num_translations": 13 }, "net2": { "senses": [ "Good, desirable", "clean, decent, clear", "Free from extraneous substances", "pure", "unadulterated", "neat", "Remaining after expenses or deductions", "Final", "end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "net", "num_translations": 28 }, "navel": { "senses": [ "The indentation or bump remaining in the abdomen of mammals where the umbilical cord was attached before birth", "The central part or point of anything", "the middle", "An eye on the underside of a carronade for securing it to a carriage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bellybutton" ], "word": "navel", "num_translations": 205 }, "side": { "senses": [ "A bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape", "A flat surface of a three-dimensional object", "a face", "One half of something or someone", "A region in a specified position with respect to something", "The portion of the human torso usually covered by the arms when they are not raised", "the areas on the left and right between the belly or chest and the back", "One surface of a sheet of paper", "One possible aspect of a concept, person or thing", "One set of competitors in a game", "A sports team", "A group having a particular allegiance in a conflict or competition", "A recorded piece of music", "a record, especially in jazz", "english", "A television channel, usually as opposed to the one currently being watched", "A dish that accompanies the main course", "A line of descent traced through one parent as distinguished from that traced through another", "The batters faced in an inning by a particular pitcher", "An unjustified air of self-importance", "A written monologue or part of a scene to be read by an actor at an audition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "edge", "face", "half", "page", "team", "channel" ], "word": "side", "num_translations": 308 }, "accustomed": { "senses": [ "Familiar with something through repeated experience", "adapted to existing conditions", "Familiar through use", "usual", "customary", "Frequented by customers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "habituate" ], "word": "accustomed", "num_translations": 35 }, "porthole": { "senses": [ "A circular window set in the hull of a ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scuttle" ], "word": "porthole", "num_translations": 18 }, "switch": { "senses": [ "A device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow", "A change", "A movable section of railroad track which allows the train to be directed down one of two destination tracks", "points", "A slender woody plant stem used as a whip", "a thin, flexible rod, associated with corporal punishment in the United States", "synonym of \"rute\"", "A command line notation allowing specification of optional behavior", "A programming construct that takes different actions depending on the value of an expression", "A networking device connecting multiple wires, allowing them to communicate simultaneously, when possible Compare to the less efficient hub device that solely duplicates network packets to each wire", "A system of specialized relays, computer hardware, or other equipment which allows the interconnection of a calling party's telephone line with any called party's line", "One who is willing to take either a submissive or a dominant role in a sexual relationship", "A separate mass or tress of hair, or of some substance made to resemble hair, formerly worn on the head by women" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "UK", "crop", "flag" ], "word": "switch", "num_translations": 220 }, "switch1": { "senses": [ "To exchange", "To change places, tasks, etc", "To get angry suddenly", "to quickly or unreasonably become enraged", "To swing or whisk", "To be swung or whisked", "To trim", "To turn from one railway track to another", "generally with off, from, etc", "To shift to another circuit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "interchange" ], "word": "switch", "num_translations": 82 }, "simultaneous": { "senses": [ "Happening at the same moment", "To be solved for the same values of variables" ], "antonyms": [ "sequential" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "simultaneous", "num_translations": 49 }, "simultaneously": { "senses": [ "Occurring at the same time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:simultaneously" ], "word": "simultaneously", "num_translations": 52 }, "simultaneity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being simultaneous", "simultaneousness", "More than one complete musical texture occurring at the same time This first appeared in the music of Charles Ives, and is common in the music of Conlon Nancarrow, and others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concurrentness" ], "word": "simultaneity", "num_translations": 28 }, "simultaneousness": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being simultaneous", "simultaneity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concurrentness" ], "word": "simultaneousness", "num_translations": 15 }, "requiem": { "senses": [ "A mass to honor and remember a dead person", "A musical composition for such a mass", "A piece of music composed to honor a dead person", "rest", "peace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "requiem", "num_translations": 58 }, "daniel": { "senses": [ "A book in the Old Testament of the Bible", "male given name in regular use since the Middle Ages", "surname", "surname", "An surname, a rare adopted anglicization of \u00d3 Domhnaill", "village in central c/Poland", "town s/Utah c/US", "CDP s/Wyoming c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Daniel", "num_translations": 187 }, "ship1": { "senses": [ "To send by water-borne transport", "To send to a recipient", "To release a product to vendors", "to launch", "To engage to serve on board a vessel", "To put in its place", "To take in over the sides of a vessel", "To pass", "To go all in", "To trade or send a player to another team", "To bungle a kick and give the opposing team possession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ship", "num_translations": 49 }, "textile": { "senses": [ "A non-nudist" ], "antonyms": [ "naturist" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fabric" ], "word": "textile", "num_translations": 29 }, "limitedliabilitycompany": { "senses": [ "A type or form of for-profit incorporated company where ownership is divided into shares, and where the governing rules are set forth in a contract entered into by all of the initial shareholders The name derives from the fact that regardless of potential losses or even bankruptcy of the corporation, individual shareholders will bear a maximum liability of the price they paid for their shares" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LLC" ], "word": "limitedliabilitycompany", "num_translations": 40 }, "realestate": { "senses": [ "Property that cannot easily be moved, usually buildings and the ground they are built on", "Space used for a particular purpose" ], "antonyms": [ "personalty", "chattels" ], "synonyms": [ "immovable", "immovable property", "realty", "real property" ], "word": "realestate", "num_translations": 70 }, "trumpeter": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays a trumpet", "Any of three species of bird in the family Psophiidae from South America named for the trumpeting threat call of the males", "Any of a number of breeds of fancy pigeon , originally bred for their peculiar gurgling voice, a prolonged coo called \"trumpeting\" or \"drumming\"", "One who proclaims, publishes, or denounces", "An American swan with a very loud honk", "A perciform fish of the family Latridae, native to Australia, New Zealand and Chile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trumpetist", "Olor buccinator" ], "word": "trumpeter", "num_translations": 50 }, "americanism": { "senses": [ "A custom peculiar to the United States or the Americans", "A word, phrase or linguistic feature originating from or specific to American language usage", "A preference to the United States and the ideas it represents" ], "antonyms": [ "anti-Americanism" ], "synonyms": [ "Usonianism", "Yankeeism" ], "word": "Americanism", "num_translations": 33 }, "smegma": { "senses": [ "A whitish sebaceous secretion that collects between the glans penis and foreskin or in the vulva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheese" ], "word": "smegma", "num_translations": 41 }, "acerbic": { "senses": [ "Tasting sour or bitter", "Sharp, harsh, biting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acerb", "acrid" ], "word": "acerbic", "num_translations": 33 }, "harp1": { "senses": [ "To repeatedly mention a subject", "To play on", "To develop or give expression to by skill and art", "to hit upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keep on", "perseverate" ], "word": "harp", "num_translations": 10 }, "amharic": { "senses": [ "A Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Abyssinian" ], "word": "Amharic", "num_translations": 54 }, "splinter": { "senses": [ "A long, sharp fragment of material, often wood", "A group that formed by splitting off from a larger membership", "A double-jump bid which indicates shortage in the bid suit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shard", "faction" ], "word": "splinter", "num_translations": 110 }, "epistemology": { "senses": [ "The branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge", "theory of knowledge, asking such questions as \"What is knowledge?\", \"How is knowledge acquired?\", \"What do people know?\", \"How do we know what we know?\"", "A particular theory of knowledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epistemics" ], "word": "epistemology", "num_translations": 145 }, "acetabulum": { "senses": [ "The bony cup of the pelvis which receives the head of the femur", "The cavity in which the leg of an insect is inserted at its articulation with the body", "A sucker of the sepia or cuttlefish and related animals", "The large posterior sucker of the leeches", "One of the lobes of the placenta in ruminating animals", "A vinegar cup", "The socket of the hipbone", "A measure of about one eighth of a pint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cotyloid cavity" ], "word": "acetabulum", "num_translations": 23 }, "tagalog": { "senses": [ "A language spoken in the Philippines, in the area of central to southern Luzon", "A member of the largest Filipino ethnic group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tagal" ], "word": "Tagalog", "num_translations": 42 }, "privacy": { "senses": [ "The state of being secluded from the presence, sight, or knowledge of others", "Freedom from unwanted or undue disturbance of one private life", "Freedom from damaging publicity, public scrutiny, surveillance, and disclosure of personal information, usually by a government or a private organization", "A place of seclusion", "A relationship between parties seen as being a result of their mutual interest or participation in a given transaction, contract etc", "Privity", "Secrecy", "A private matter", "a secret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "privacy", "num_translations": 58 }, "needle": { "senses": [ "A fine, sharp implement usually for piercing such as sewing, or knitting, acupuncture, tattooing, body piercing, medical injections, etc", "A sensor for playing phonograph records, a phonograph stylus", "A strong beam resting on props, used as a temporary support during building repairs", "The death penalty carried out by lethal injection", "A text string that is searched for within another string" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "needle", "num_translations": 345 }, "needle1": { "senses": [ "To tease in order to provoke", "to poke fun at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goad" ], "word": "needle", "num_translations": 30 }, "closed": { "senses": [ "Sealed, made inaccessible or impassable", "not open", "Not operating or conducting trade", "Not public", "Having an open complement", "Such that its image under the specified operation is contained in it", "Lacking a free variable", "Formed by closing the mouth and nose passages completely, like the consonants /t/, /d/ and /p/", "Having the sound cut off sharply by a following consonant, like the /\u026a/ in pin" ], "antonyms": [ "open" ], "synonyms": [ "shut" ], "word": "closed", "num_translations": 131 }, "christmas": { "senses": [ "A festival, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ and incorporating various Christian, pre-Christian and secular customs, which is celebrated on December 25 in most places", "the season around the holiday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chrimble", "Chrissy", "Noel", "Yule" ], "word": "Christmas", "num_translations": 204 }, "homogeneous": { "senses": [ "Of the same kind", "alike, similar", "Having the same composition throughout", "of uniform make-up", "in the same state of matter", "Of which the properties of a smaller set apply to the whole", "scalable" ], "antonyms": [ "heterogeneous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "homogeneous", "num_translations": 52 }, "chop": { "senses": [ "A cut of meat, often containing a section of a rib", "A blow with an axe, cleaver, or similar utensil", "A blow delivered with the hand rigid and outstretched", "Ocean waves, generally caused by wind, distinguished from swell by being smaller and not lasting as long", "A hand where two or more players have an equal-valued hand, resulting in the chips being shared equally between them", "Termination, especially from employment", "A crack or cleft", "a chap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "axe" ], "word": "chop", "num_translations": 47 }, "chop1": { "senses": [ "To cut into pieces with short, vigorous cutting motions", "To sever with an axe or similar implement", "to give a downward cutting blow or movement, typically with the side of the hand", "To hit the ball downward so that it takes a high bounce", "To divide the pot between two or more players", "To make a quick, heavy stroke or a series of strokes, with or as with an ax", "To do something suddenly with an unexpected motion", "to catch or attempt to seize", "To interrupt", "with in or out", "To remove the final character from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chop", "num_translations": 61 }, "hilarity": { "senses": [ "A great amount of amusement, usually accompanied by laughter", "Something that induces laughter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheerfulness", "buoyancy", "delight", "gaiety", "glee", "jauntiness", "merriment", "mirth" ], "word": "hilarity", "num_translations": 19 }, "destructive": { "senses": [ "Causing destruction", "damaging", "Causing breakdown or disassembly", "Lossy", "causing irreversible change" ], "antonyms": [ "constructive", "nondestructive", "productive" ], "synonyms": [ "calamitous", "catastrophic", "devastate", "disastrous", "eradicative", "harmful", "pernicious", "ruinous", "wrackful", "wreckful" ], "word": "destructive", "num_translations": 59 }, "cheesy": { "senses": [ "Overdramatic, excessively emotional or clich\u00e9d, trite, contrived", "Of or relating to cheese", "Resembling, or containing cheese", "Cheap, of poor quality", "Exaggerated and likely to be forced or insincere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheeseball", "corny", "tacky" ], "word": "cheesy", "num_translations": 63 }, "respective": { "senses": [ "Relating to particular persons or things, each to each", "particular", "own", "Noticing with attention", "careful", "wary", "Looking toward", "having reference to", "relative, not absolute", "Fitted to awaken respect", "Rendering respect", "respectful", "regardful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corresponding" ], "word": "respective", "num_translations": 20 }, "wholesale": { "senses": [ "The sale of products, often in large quantities, to retailers or other merchants" ], "antonyms": [ "retail" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wholesale", "num_translations": 34 }, "logarithm": { "senses": [ "For a number x, the power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain x Written \\log_b x For example, \\log_{10} 1000 = 3 because 10^3 = 1000 and \\log_2 16 = 4 because 2^4 = 16" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "log" ], "word": "logarithm", "num_translations": 58 }, "desiccate": { "senses": [ "To remove moisture from", "to dry", "To preserve by drying", "To become dry", "to dry up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "desiccate", "num_translations": 22 }, "lupine": { "senses": [ "Of, or pertaining to, the wolf", "Wolflike", "wolfish", "Having the characteristics of a wolf", "Ravenous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ferocious" ], "word": "lupine", "num_translations": 23 }, "mercurial1": { "senses": [ "Having a lively or volatile character", "animated, changeable, quick-witted", "Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Mercury", "having the characteristics of a person under such influence", "Pertaining to the planet Mercury", "Of or pertaining to the element mercury or quicksilver", "containing mercury", "Caused by the action of mercury or a mercury compound", "Pertaining to Mercury, the Roman god of, among other things, commerce, financial gain, communication, and thieves and trickery", "hence , money-making", "crafty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mercurial", "num_translations": 25 }, "apotheosis": { "senses": [ "The fact or action of becoming or making into a god", "deification", "Glorification, exaltation", "crediting someone or something with extraordinary power or status", "A glorified example or ideal", "the apex or pinnacle", "The best moment or highest point in the development of something, for example of a life or career", "the apex, culmination, or climax", "Release from earthly life, ascension to heaven", "death", "The latent entity that mediates between a person's psyche and their thoughts The id, ego and superego in Freudian Psychology are examples of this" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apotheosis", "num_translations": 57 }, "libertarian": { "senses": [ "One who advocates liberty, either generally or in relation to a specific issue", "A believer in a political doctrine that emphasizes individual liberty and a lack of governmental regulation, intervention, and oversight both in matters of the economy and in personal behavior where no one's rights are being violated or threatened", "also, a \u2018classical liberal', akin to an \u2018anarcho-capitalist'", "A believer in the freedom of thinking beings to choose their own destiny, ie a believer in free will as opposed to those who believe the future is predetermined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eleutheromaniac" ], "word": "libertarian", "num_translations": 16 }, "pleasure": { "senses": [ "A state of being pleased or contented", "gratification", "A person, thing or action that causes enjoyment", "One's preference", "The will or desire of someone or some agency in power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pleasure", "num_translations": 177 }, "recyclebin": { "senses": [ "A container in which items to be recycled may be placed", "In Microsoft Windows, a storage location for deleted files, from which they can be retrieved or permanently deleted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recycling bin", "trash" ], "word": "recyclebin", "num_translations": 26 }, "etc.": { "senses": [ "And so on: used to note that the rest of a list or piece of information has been left out on the assumption that it is similar or already known" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "et al", "..", "rest", "and so on", "and so forth", "blah blah blah" ], "word": "etc.", "num_translations": 156 }, "merrychristmas": { "senses": [ "Used to express good wishes on or before Christmas Day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Merry Xmas" ], "word": "merryChristmas", "num_translations": 154 }, "mep1": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"Member of the European Parliament\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurodeputy", "Euro-MP" ], "word": "MEP", "num_translations": 49 }, "scarecrow": { "senses": [ "An effigy, typically made of straw and dressed in old clothes, fixed to a pole in a field to deter birds from eating seeds or crops planted there", "A tall, thin, awkward person", "Anything that appears terrifying but presents no danger", "A person clad in rags and tatters", "A bird, the black tern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "scarecrow", "num_translations": 145 }, "bang": { "senses": [ "A sudden percussive noise", "A strike upon an object causing such a noise", "An explosion", "The symbol!, known as an exclamation point", "A factorial, in mathematics, because the factorial of n is often written as n!", "An act of sexual intercourse", "An offbeat figure typical of reggae songs and played on guitar and piano", "An explosive product", "An injection, a shot", "An abrupt left turn", "strong smell", "A thrill" ], "antonyms": [ "hang" ], "synonyms": [ "strike", "explosion", "exclamation point" ], "word": "bang", "num_translations": 103 }, "bang1": { "senses": [ "To make sudden loud noises, and often repeatedly, especially by exploding or hitting something", "To hit hard", "To engage in sexual intercourse", "To hammer or to hit anything hard", "To cut squarely across, as the tail of a horse, or a person's forelock", "to cut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bang", "num_translations": 79 }, "pennsylvania": { "senses": [ "state c/USA", "largest city: Philadelphia", "The first, and historically largest, now defunct US railroad, a hallmark of the industrial age" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PA" ], "word": "Pennsylvania", "num_translations": 43 }, "mating1": { "senses": [ "Pairing of organisms for copulation", "Sexual union", "copulation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pairing" ], "word": "mating", "num_translations": 25 }, "mate": { "senses": [ "An evergreen tree, Ilex paraquariensis, native to South America, cultivated for its leaves", "A beverage, resembling tea, made from the dried leaves of this plant", "A cup of this drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yerba mate", "mat\u00e9 tea" ], "word": "mate", "num_translations": 29 }, "mate1": { "senses": [ "To match, fit together without space between", "To copulate", "To pair in order to raise offspring", "To arrange in matched pairs", "To introduce together for the purpose of breeding", "To copulate with", "To marry", "to match", "To match oneself against", "to oppose as equal", "to compete with", "To fit together without space between", "To move onto the back of an aircraft that can carry it" ], "antonyms": [ "demate" ], "synonyms": [ "couple", "match", "pair" ], "word": "mate", "num_translations": 35 }, "apron": { "senses": [ "An article of clothing worn over the front of the torso and/or legs for protection from spills", "also historically worn by Freemasons and as part of women's fashion", "The short cassock ordinarily worn by English bishops", "A hard surface bordering a structure or area", "The sides of a tree's canopy", "The cap of a cannon", "a piece of lead laid over the vent to keep the priming dry", "A removable cover for the passengers' feet and legs in an open horse carriage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apron", "num_translations": 140 }, "largeintestine": { "senses": [ "The second to last part of the digestive system, comprising the cecum and colon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "large bowel" ], "word": "largeintestine", "num_translations": 40 }, "belt": { "senses": [ "A band worn around the waist to hold clothing to one's body , hold weapons , or serve as a decorative piece of clothing", "A band that is used in a machine to help transfer motion or power", "a strip or stripe", "A collection of rocky-constituted bodies which orbit a star", "One of certain girdles or zones on the surface of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, supposed to be of the nature of clouds", "A powerful blow, often made with a fist or heavy object", "A quick drink of liquor", "A geographical region known for a particular product, feature or demographic", "The part of the strike zone at the height of the batter's waist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "girdle", "restraint", "blow", "dram" ], "word": "belt", "num_translations": 290 }, "belt1": { "senses": [ "To encircle", "To scream or sing in a loud manner", "To drink quickly, often in gulps", "To hit someone or something", "To hit a pitched ball a long distance, usually for a home run", "To move very fast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circle", "buckle", "strap", "gulp", "bash", "book" ], "word": "belt", "num_translations": 23 }, "characteristic": { "senses": [ "Being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing" ], "antonyms": [ "uncharacteristic", "untypical" ], "synonyms": [ "distinctive", "exclusive", "idiosyncratic", "indicative", "representative", "signature", "specific", "typical" ], "word": "characteristic", "num_translations": 53 }, "characteristic1": { "senses": [ "A distinguishing feature of a person or thing", "The integer part of a logarithm", "The distinguishing features of a navigational light on a lighthouse etc by which it can be identified", "For a given field or ring, a natural number that is either the smallest positive number n such that n instances of the multiplicative identity summed together yield the additive identity or, if no such number exists, the number 0" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attribute", "Thesaurus:characteristic" ], "word": "characteristic", "num_translations": 73 }, "waist": { "senses": [ "The part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach", "The narrow connection between the thorax and abdomen in certain insects", "The middle portion of the hull of a ship or the fuselage of an aircraft", "That part of the upper deck of a ship between the quarterdeck and the forecastle", "The middle part of anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waist", "num_translations": 129 }, "relate": { "senses": [ "To tell in a descriptive way", "To bring into a relation, association, or connection", "To have a connection", "To interact", "To respond through reaction", "To identify with", "to understand", "To bring back", "to restore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chronicle", "describe", "divulge", "recount", "state" ], "word": "relate", "num_translations": 29 }, "contain": { "senses": [ "To hold inside", "To include as a part", "To put constraint upon", "to restrain", "to confine", "to keep within bounds", "To have as an element or subset", "To restrain desire", "to live in continence or chastity" ], "antonyms": [ "exclude", "release" ], "synonyms": [ "enclose", "comprise", "control" ], "word": "contain", "num_translations": 64 }, "injure": { "senses": [ "To wound or cause physical harm to a living creature", "To damage or impair", "To do injustice to" ], "antonyms": [ "praise", "help", "preserve", "benefit" ], "synonyms": [ "harm", "damage", "hurt", "disfigure", "wound", "mar", "impair" ], "word": "injure", "num_translations": 57 }, "discharge": { "senses": [ "To accomplish or complete, as an obligation", "To free of a debt, claim, obligation, responsibility, accusation, etc", "to absolve", "to acquit", "to forgive", "to clear", "To send away satisfied by payment", "to pay one's debt or obligation to", "To set aside", "to annul", "to dismiss", "To expel or let go", "To let fly, as a missile", "to shoot", "To release", "To relieve of an office or employment", "to send away from service", "to dismiss", "To release legally from confinement", "to set at liberty", "To operate", "To release from the list of assumptions used in arguments, and return to the main argument", "To unload a ship or another means of transport", "To put forth, or remove, as a charge or burden", "to take out, as that with which anything is loaded or filled", "To give forth", "to emit or send out", "To let fly", "to give expression to", "to utter", "To bleach out or to remove or efface, as by a chemical process", "To prohibit", "to forbid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "discharge", "num_translations": 117 }, "discharge1": { "senses": [ "Pus or exudate from a wound or orifice, usually due to infection or pathology", "The act of accomplishing or repaying a debt etc", "performance", "The act of expelling or letting go", "The act of firing a projectile, especially from a firearm", "The process of unloading something", "The process of flowing out", "The act of releasing an accumulated charge", "The act of releasing an inpatient from hospital", "The act of releasing a member of the armed forces from service", "The volume of water transported by a river in a certain amount of time, usually in units of m3/s" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "discharge", "num_translations": 83 }, "gunshot": { "senses": [ "The act of discharging a firearm", "The sound made by a discharging firearm", "The distance to which shot can be thrown from a gun", "the reach or range of a gun", "A bullet, projectile, or other shot fired from a gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gunshot", "num_translations": 25 }, "bitch": { "senses": [ "A female dog or other canine, particularly a recent mother", "A promiscuous woman, slut, whore", "A despicable or disagreeable, aggressive person, usually a woman", "A woman", "A man considered weak, effeminate, timid or pathetic in some way", "A submissive person who does what others want", "a man forced or coerced into a homoerotic relationship", "A playful variation on dog", "Friend", "A complaint, especially when the complaint is unjustified", "A difficult or confounding problem", "A queen , particularly the queen of spades in the card game of hearts", "Something unforgiving and unpleasant", "Place", "situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "female", "doormat", "punk", "gripe", "toughie" ], "word": "bitch", "num_translations": 267 }, "bitch1": { "senses": [ "To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected", "To spoil, to ruin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "badmouth" ], "word": "bitch", "num_translations": 29 }, "movie": { "senses": [ "A recorded sequence of images displayed on a screen at a rate sufficiently fast to create the appearance of motion", "A cinema" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "film" ], "word": "movie", "num_translations": 202 }, "center": { "senses": [ "The point in the interior of a circle that is equidistant from all points on the circumference", "The point in the interior of a sphere that is equidistant from all points on the circumference", "The middle portion of something", "the part well away from the edges", "The point on a line that is midway between the ends", "The point in the interior of any figure of any number of dimensions that has as its coordinates the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all points on the perimeter of the figure", "The subgroup , denoted Z, of those elements of a given group G that commute with every element of G", "A place where the greater part of some function or activity occurs", "A topic that is particularly important in a given context", "The player, generally the tallest, who plays closest to the basket", "The forward that generally plays between the left wing and right wing and usually takes the faceoffs", "The person who holds the ball at the beginning of each play", "A player who can go all over the court, except the shooting circles", "A pass played into the centre of the pitch", "One of the backs operating in a central area of the pitch, either the inside centre or outside centre", "A temporary structure upon which the materials of a vault or arch are supported in position until the work becomes self-supporting", "One of the two conical steel pins in a lathe, etc, upon which the work is held, and about which it revolves", "The ensemble of moderate or centrist political parties" ], "antonyms": [ "periphery" ], "synonyms": [ "midpoint", "centroid", "middle" ], "word": "center", "num_translations": 402 }, "center2": { "senses": [ "To cause to be adjusted to a value which is midway between the extremes", "To give a central basis", "To concentrate on , to pay close attention to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "center", "num_translations": 38 }, "attribute": { "senses": [ "A characteristic or quality of a thing", "A word that qualifies a noun, a qualifier", "That which is predicated or affirmed of a subject", "a predicate", "an accident", "An option or setting belonging to some object", "A semantic item with which a method or other code element may be decorated", "A numeric value representing the colours of part of the screen display" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:characteristic" ], "word": "attribute", "num_translations": 104 }, "intersection": { "senses": [ "The junction of two paths, streets, highways, or other thoroughfares", "Any overlap, confluence, or crossover", "The point or set of points common to two geometrical objects", "The set containing all the elements that are common to two or more sets", "The element where two or more straight lines of synchronized skaters pass through each other", "The pullback of a corner of monics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crossroads" ], "word": "intersection", "num_translations": 156 }, "alacrity": { "senses": [ "Eagerness", "liveliness", "enthusiasm", "Promptness", "speed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alacrity", "num_translations": 45 }, "rust": { "senses": [ "The deteriorated state of iron or steel as a result of moisture and oxidation", "A similar substance based on another metal", "A reddish-brown color", "A disease of plants caused by a reddish-brown fungus", "Damage caused to stamps and album pages by a fungal infection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rust", "num_translations": 194 }, "rust1": { "senses": [ "To oxidize, especially of iron or steel", "To cause to oxidize", "To degenerate in idleness", "to make or become dull or impaired by inaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oxidise", "corrode" ], "word": "rust", "num_translations": 60 }, "amalgam": { "senses": [ "An alloy containing mercury", "A combination of different things", "One of the ingredients in an alloy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alloy" ], "word": "amalgam", "num_translations": 30 }, "pair": { "senses": [ "Two similar or identical things taken together", "often followed by of", "Two people in a relationship, partnership or friendship", "Used with binary nouns", "A couple of working animals attached to work together, as by a yoke", "A poker hand that contains two cards of identical rank, which cannot also count as a better hand", "A score of zero runs in both innings of a two-innings match", "A double play, two outs recorded in one play", "A doubleheader, two games played on the same day between the same teams", "A boat for two sweep rowers", "The exclusion of one member of a parliamentary party from a vote, if a member of the other party is absent for important personal reasons", "Two members of opposite parties or opinion, as in a parliamentary body, who mutually agree not to vote on a given question, or on issues of a party nature during a specified time", "A number of things resembling one another, or belonging together", "a set", "In a mechanism, two elements, or bodies, which are so applied to each other as to mutually constrain relative motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duo", "Thesaurus:breasts" ], "word": "pair", "num_translations": 209 }, "pair1": { "senses": [ "To group into one or more sets of two", "To bring two together for mating", "To engage with another of opposite opinions not to vote on a particular question or class of questions", "To suit", "to fit, as a counterpart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pair", "num_translations": 13 }, "operation": { "senses": [ "The method by which a device performs its function", "The method or practice by which actions are done", "The act or process of operating", "agency", "the exertion of power, physical, mechanical, or moral", "A planned undertaking", "A business or organization", "A surgical procedure", "a procedure for generating a value from one or more other values", "A military campaign", "Effect produced", "influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "function" ], "word": "operation", "num_translations": 182 }, "furtive": { "senses": [ "Stealthy", "Exhibiting guilty or evasive secrecy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "surreptitious", "Thesaurus:covert" ], "word": "furtive", "num_translations": 33 }, "phalanx": { "senses": [ "An ancient Greek and Macedonian military unit that consisted of several ranks and files of soldiers in close array with joined shields and long spears", "A Fourierite utopian community", "a phalanstery", "A large group of people, animals or things, compact or closely massed, or tightly knit and united in common purpose", "One of the bones of the finger or toe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phalange" ], "word": "phalanx", "num_translations": 75 }, "surreptitious": { "senses": [ "Stealthy, furtive, well hidden, covert" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "surreptitious", "num_translations": 35 }, "sylvan": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the forest, or woodlands", "Residing in a forest or wood", "Wooded, or covered in forest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forestlike", "grovy" ], "word": "sylvan", "num_translations": 18 }, "lemonade": { "senses": [ "A flavoured beverage consisting of water, lemon, and sweetener, sometimes ice, served mainly as a refreshment", "A clear, usually carbonated, beverage made from lemon or artificial lemon flavouring, water, and sugar", "Recreational drugs of poor or weak quality, especially heroin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lemon soda" ], "word": "lemonade", "num_translations": 98 }, "calculus": { "senses": [ "Calculation", "computation", "Any formal system in which symbolic expressions are manipulated according to fixed rules", "analysis", "A stony concretion that forms in a bodily organ", "Deposits of calcium phosphate salts on teeth", "A decision-making method, especially one appropriate for a specialised realm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ciphering", "infinitesimal calculus", "stone", "dental calculus" ], "word": "calculus", "num_translations": 133 }, "sine": { "senses": [ "In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the side opposite an angle to the length of the hypotenuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Symbol: sin" ], "word": "sine", "num_translations": 43 }, "tangent": { "senses": [ "A straight line touching a curve at a single point without crossing it there", "A function of an angle that gives the ratio of the sine to the cosine, in either the real or complex numbers Symbols: tan, tg", "A topic nearly unrelated to the main topic, but having a point in common with it", "A small metal blade in a clavichord that strikes the strings to produce sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tangent line" ], "word": "tangent", "num_translations": 85 }, "binomial1": { "senses": [ "A polynomial with two terms", "A quantity expressed as the sum or difference of two terms", "A scientific name at the rank of species, with two terms: a generic name and a specific name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binomen", "binome" ], "word": "binomial", "num_translations": 31 }, "associative": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, resulting from, or characterised by association", "capable of associating", "tending to associate or unite", "Such that, for any operands a, b and c, * c = a *", "Addressable by a key more complex than an integer index" ], "antonyms": [ "antiassociative" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "associative", "num_translations": 21 }, "commutative": { "senses": [ "Such that the order in which the operands are taken does not affect their image under the operation", "Such that any two sequences of morphisms with the same initial and final positions compose to the same morphism", "Relating to exchange", "interchangeable" ], "antonyms": [ "anticommutative" ], "synonyms": [ "abelian" ], "word": "commutative", "num_translations": 25 }, "mail": { "senses": [ "A bag or wallet", "A bag containing letters to be delivered by post", "The material conveyed by the postal service", "A stagecoach, train or ship that delivers such post", "The postal service or system in general", "The letters, parcels, etc delivered to a particular address or person", "A trunk, box, or bag, in which clothing, etc, may be carried" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "post" ], "word": "mail", "num_translations": 154 }, "mail2": { "senses": [ "Armour consisting of metal rings or plates linked together", "A contrivance of interlinked rings, for rubbing off the loose hemp on lines and white cordage", "Any hard protective covering of an animal, as the scales and plates of reptiles, shell of a lobster, etc", "A spot on a bird's feather", "by extension, a spotted feather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mail", "num_translations": 21 }, "effigy": { "senses": [ "A dummy or other crude representation of a person, group or object that is hated", "A likeness of a person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "figure" ], "word": "effigy", "num_translations": 38 }, "bagel": { "senses": [ "A toroidal bread roll that is boiled before it is baked", "A score of 6-0 in a set", "An overly materialistic and selfish young Jewish man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "JAP" ], "word": "bagel", "num_translations": 76 }, "torus": { "senses": [ "A topological space which is a product of two circles", "The standard representation of such a space in 3-dimensional Euclidean space: a shape consisting of a ring with a circular cross-section: the shape of an inner tube or hollow doughnut", "The product of the specified number of circles", "A molding which projects at the base of a column and above the plinth", "The end of the peduncle or flower stalk to which the floral parts are attached", "receptacle, thalamus", "A rounded ridge, especially one on the occipital bone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "torus", "num_translations": 29 }, "flue": { "senses": [ "A pipe or duct that carries gaseous combustion products away from the point of combustion", "An enclosed passageway in which to direct air or other gaseous current along", "A woolly or downy substance", "down, nap", "a piece of this" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flue", "num_translations": 22 }, "furnace": { "senses": [ "An industrial heating device, eg for smelting metal or baking ceramics", "A device that provides heat for a building", "a space heater", "Any area that is excessively hot", "A place or time of punishment, affliction, or great trial", "severe experience or discipline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "furnace", "num_translations": 94 }, "heat": { "senses": [ "Thermal energy", "The condition or quality of being hot", "An attribute of a spice that causes a burning sensation in the mouth", "A period of intensity, particularly of emotion", "An undesirable amount of attention", "The police", "One or more firearms", "A fastball", "A condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile and therefore eager to mate", "A preliminary race, used to determine the participants in a final race", "One cycle of bringing metal to maximum temperature and working it until it is too cool to work further", "A hot spell", "a system that raises the temperature of a room or building" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heat", "num_translations": 342 }, "heat1": { "senses": [ "To cause an increase in temperature of", "to cause to become hot", "To become hotter", "To excite or make hot by action or emotion", "to make feverish", "To excite ardour in", "to rouse to action", "to excite to excess", "to inflame, as the passions", "To arouse, to excite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stoke", "warm up", "heat up" ], "word": "heat", "num_translations": 97 }, "factory": { "senses": [ "A trading establishment, especially set up by merchants working in a foreign country", "The position or state of being a factor", "A building or other place where manufacturing takes place", "A device which produces or manufactures something", "In a computer program or library, a function, method, etc which creates an object", "A police station" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "factory", "num_translations": 192 }, "lastnight": { "senses": [ "The evening or night immediately before the present" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yesterday night", "yestereve" ], "word": "lastnight", "num_translations": 71 }, "gnu": { "senses": [ "A large antelope of the genus '''', native to Africa having curved horns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wildebeest" ], "word": "gnu", "num_translations": 47 }, "christmastree": { "senses": [ "A conifer used during the Christmas holiday season, typically decorated with lights and ornaments and often a star or angel at its tip", "A pole with lights, similar to a traffic signal, used for signalling the start of an automobile race", "The collection of valves sometimes found at the top of a working oil well", "A pattern of muscles visible in the lower back, resembling in outline the shape of a conifer", "A type of alert area constructed by the Strategic Air Command of the United States Air Force during the Cold War" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Christmastree", "num_translations": 71 }, "esoteric": { "senses": [ "Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest, or an enlightened inner circle", "Having to do with concepts that are highly theoretical and without obvious practical application", "often with mystical or religious connotations", "Confidential", "private" ], "antonyms": [ "exoteric" ], "synonyms": [ "arcane", "cerebral", "secretive" ], "word": "esoteric", "num_translations": 73 }, "flammable": { "senses": [ "Capable of burning, especially a liquid", "Easily set on fire", "Subject to easy ignition and rapid flaming combustion" ], "antonyms": [ "non-flammable" ], "synonyms": [ "inflammable" ], "word": "flammable", "num_translations": 44 }, "gasoline": { "senses": [ "A flammable liquid consisting of a mixture of refined petroleum hydrocarbons, mainly used as a motor fuel", "petrol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gas", "petrol" ], "word": "gasoline", "num_translations": 149 }, "combustion": { "senses": [ "The act or process of burning", "A process where two chemicals are combined to produce heat", "A process wherein a fuel is combined with oxygen, usually at high temperature, releasing heat", "Violent agitation, tumult" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incineration" ], "word": "combustion", "num_translations": 75 }, "nail": { "senses": [ "The thin, horny plate at the ends of fingers and toes on humans and some other animals", "The basal thickened portion of the anterior wings of certain hemiptera", "The terminal horny plate on the beak of ducks, and other allied birds", "The claw of a bird or other animal", "An archaic English unit of length equivalent to of an ell or of a yard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nail", "num_translations": 361 }, "nail1": { "senses": [ "To catch", "To expose as a sham", "To accomplish completely and successfully", "To hit effectively with some weapon", "Of a male, to engage in sexual intercourse with", "To spike, as a cannon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nail", "num_translations": 79 }, "punch": { "senses": [ "A hit or strike with one's fist", "Power, strength, energy", "Impact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow", "oomph" ], "word": "punch", "num_translations": 69 }, "punch1": { "senses": [ "To strike with one's fist", "To herd", "To operate by depressing a button, key, bar, or pedal, or by similar means", "To enter on a device or system", "To hit with less than full force", "To make holes in something", "To thrust against", "to poke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "box" ], "word": "punch", "num_translations": 58 }, "punch2": { "senses": [ "A device, generally slender and round, used for creating holes in thin material, for driving an object through a hole in a containing object, or to stamp or emboss a mark or design on a surface", "An extension piece applied to the top of a pile", "a dolly", "A prop, as for the roof of a mine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "punch", "num_translations": 58 }, "inflammable": { "senses": [ "Capable of burning", "easily set on fire", "Easily excited", "set off by the slightest excuse", "easily enraged or inflamed" ], "antonyms": [ "fireproof", "level-headed" ], "synonyms": [ "combustible", "hot-headed" ], "word": "inflammable", "num_translations": 56 }, "venal1": { "senses": [ "For sale", "available for purchase", "Of a position, privilege etc: available for purchase rather than assigned on merit", "Capable of being bought", "willing to take bribes", "Corrupt, mercenary" ], "antonyms": [ "straight" ], "synonyms": [ "purchasable", "crooked" ], "word": "venal", "num_translations": 43 }, "snowstorm": { "senses": [ "Bad weather involving blowing winds and snow, or blowing winds and heavy snowfall amount", "A snow globe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blizzard", "snowdome" ], "word": "snowstorm", "num_translations": 75 }, "perdition": { "senses": [ "Eternal damnation", "Hell", "Absolute ruin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abyss", "Hades", "inferno", "netherworld", "underworld", "hell" ], "word": "perdition", "num_translations": 45 }, "snowblower": { "senses": [ "A device that picks up snow off the ground and blows it to one side in order to clear a path or road" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snowthrower" ], "word": "snowblower", "num_translations": 11 }, "epiphany": { "senses": [ "The appearance of Jesus Christ to the Magi on the twelfth day after Christmas", "An annual Christian feast celebrating this event", "The day of the celebration, January 6th, or sometimes , the Sunday between January 2nd and 8th" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Twelfth Day", "Twelfthtide" ], "word": "Epiphany", "num_translations": 67 }, "constant": { "senses": [ "Unchanged through time or space", "permanent", "Consistently recurring over time", "persistent", "Steady in purpose, action, feeling, etc", "Firm", "solid", "not fluid", "Consistent", "logical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonchanging" ], "word": "constant", "num_translations": 89 }, "constant1": { "senses": [ "That which is permanent or invariable", "A quantity that remains at a fixed value throughout a given discussion", "Any property of an experiment, determined numerically, that does not change under given circumstances", "An identifier that is bound to an invariant value", "a fixed value given a name to aid in readability of source code" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "constant", "num_translations": 92 }, "matrix": { "senses": [ "The womb", "The material or tissue in which more specialized structures are embedded", "Part of the mitochondrion", "The medium in which bacteria are cultured", "A rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms having various uses such as transforming coordinates in geometry, solving systems of linear equations in linear algebra and representing graphs in graph theory", "A two-dimensional array", "A grid-like arrangement of electronic components, especially one intended for information coding, decoding or storage", "A table of data", "The sediment surrounding and including the artifacts, features, and other materials at a site", "The environment from which a given sample is taken", "In hot metal typesetting, a mold for casting a letter", "In printmaking, the plate or block used, with ink, to hold the image that makes up the print", "The cavity or mold in which anything is formed", "The five simple colours from which all the others are formed", "A binding agent of composite materials, eg resin in fibreglass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "array", "array", "array" ], "word": "matrix", "num_translations": 99 }, "vector": { "senses": [ "A directed quantity, one with both magnitude and direction", "the signed difference between two points", "An ordered tuple representing a directed quantity or the signed difference between two points", "A chosen course or direction for motion, as of an aircraft", "A carrier of a disease-causing agent", "A person or entity that passes along an urban legend or other meme", "A recurring psychosocial issue that stimulates growth and development in the personality", "The way in which the eyes are drawn across the visual text The trail that a book cover can encourage the eyes to follow from certain objects to others", "A memory address containing the address of a code entry point, usually one which is part of a table and often one that is dereferenced and jumped to during the execution of an interrupt", "A one-dimensional array", "A graphical representation using outlines", "A DNA molecule used to carry genetic information from one organism into another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vector", "num_translations": 100 }, "operator": { "senses": [ "One who operates", "A telecommunications facilitator whose job is to establish temporary network connections", "A function or other mapping that carries variables defined on a domain into another variable or set of variables in a defined range", "The game of Chinese whispers", "A person who is adept at making deals or getting results, especially one who uses questionable methods", "A member of a military special operations unit", "The administrator of a channel or network on IRC", "A symbol that represents a construct in a programming language and differs from a normal function in its syntax", "A kind of expression that enters into an a-bar movement dependency and is said to bind a variable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "operator", "num_translations": 86 }, "scalarproduct": { "senses": [ "The product of two vectors computed as the sum of the corresponding elements of the vectors, or, equivalently, as the product of the magnitudes of the vectors and the cosine of the angle between their directions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dot product" ], "word": "scalarproduct", "num_translations": 19 }, "vectorproduct": { "senses": [ "a vector with the size given by the product of two vectors computed as the product of the magnitudes of the vectors and the sine of the angle between their directions, and directed perpendicular to the given two vectors, with positive orientation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cross product" ], "word": "vectorproduct", "num_translations": 29 }, "addisababa": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Ethiopia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "City of Humans", "Adisaba", "Sheger", "Adu", "Adu Genet" ], "word": "AddisAbaba", "num_translations": 36 }, "bangkok": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Thailand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Krung Thep" ], "word": "Bangkok", "num_translations": 69 }, "barcelona": { "senses": [ "capital city acomm/Catalonia c/Spain", "province acomm/Catalonia c/Spain", "municipality s/Rio Grande do Norte c/Brazil", "hamlet par/Pelynt co/Cornwall cc/England", "municipality p/Sorsogon c/Philippines", "unincorporated community co/Crawford County s/Arkansas c/USA", "capital city s:pref/Anzo\u00e1tegui c/Venezuela" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Barcelona", "num_translations": 42 }, "berlin": { "senses": [ "caplc c/Germany", "The German government", "state c/Germany containing the capital city", "surname", "civil parish mun:pref/Seedorf dist/Segeberg s/Schleswig-Holstein c/Germany", "The former name of Kitchener, a > in the >, >, >", "village obl/Chelyabinsk c/Russia", "small town p:suf/Eastern Cape c/South Africa", "The former name of Genevra, an > in >, >, >", "town co/Hartford County s/Connecticut c/USA", "small city co/Colquitt County s/Georgia c/USA", "village co/Sangamon County s/Illinois c/USA", "ghost town twp/Johnson Township co/Clinton County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Bourbon County s/Kansas c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Bracken County s/Kentucky c/USA", "town co/Worcester County s/Maryland c/USA", "town co/Worcester County s/Mississippi c/USA", "The former name of Marne, an > in >, >, >", "The former name of Otoe, a > in >, >, >", "ghost town co/Nye County s/Nevada c/USA", "city co/Co\u00f6s County s/New Hampshire c/USA", "borough co/Camden County s/New Jersey c/USA", "town co/Rensselaer County s/New York c/USA", "tiny city co/LaMoure County s/North Dakota c/USA", "unincorporated community twp/Florence Township co/Williams County s/Ohio c/USA", "borough co/Somerset County s/Pennsylvania c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Marshall County s/Tennessee c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Washington County s/Texas c/USA", "town co/Washington County s/Vermont c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Lewis County s/West Virginia c/USA", "city co/Green Lake County,Waushara County s/Wisconsin c/USA", "town co/Green Lake County s/Wisconsin c/USA, mostly surrounding the city of the same name", "town co/Marathon County s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Berlin", "num_translations": 123 }, "centralamerica": { "senses": [ "The part of continental North America which lies between Mexico and South America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mesoamerica" ], "word": "CentralAmerica", "num_translations": 42 }, "dublin": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Ireland", "small town s/South Australia", "village r:Suf/Gomel c/Belarus", "community mun:pref/West Perth co/Perth County p/Ontario c/Canada", "unincorporated community co/Montgomery County s/Alabama c/USA", "city co/Alameda County s/California c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Lake County s/Florida c/USA", "city/county seat co/Laurens County s/Georgia c/USA", "town twp/Jackson Township co/Wayne County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Graves County s/Kentucky c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Hartford County s/Maryland c/USA", "ghost town co/Barton County s/Missouri c/USA", "town co/Cheshire County s/New Hampshire c/USA", "former neighborhood city:pref/Paterson s/New Jersey c/USA", "small town co/Bladen County s/North Carolina c/USA", "city co/Franklin County,Delaware County,Union County s/Ohio c/USA", "borough co/Bucks County s/Pennsylvania c/USA", "city co/Erath County s/Texas c/USA", "town co/Pulaski County s/Virginia c/USA", "The former name of Royal, an > in >, >, >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Dublin", "num_translations": 60 }, "florence": { "senses": [ "capital city r/Tuscany c/Italy", "metropolitan city r/Tuscany c/Italy", "female given name", "community rmun:Suf/Cape Breton p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "suburb city:pref/Stoke-on-Trent co/Staffordshire cc/England", "city/county seat co/Lauderdale County s/Alabama c/USA", "town/county seat co/Pinal County s/Arizona c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Los Angeles County s/California c/USA", "statutory city co/Fremont County s/Colorado c/USA", "village co/Pike County s/Illinois c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Stephenson County s/Illinois c/USA", "unincorporated CDP twp/York Township co/Switzerland County s/Indiana c/USA", "tiny city co/Marion County s/Kansas c/USA", "home rule city co/Boone County s/Kentucky c/USA", "unincorporated community par/St Mary Parish s/Louisiana c/USA", "village city:pref/Northampton co/Hampshire County s/Massachusetts", "tiny city co/Lyon County s/Minnesota c/USA", "town co/Rankin County s/Mississippi c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Morgan County s/Missouri c/USA", "CDP co/Ravalli County s/Montana c/USA", "neighborhood city/Omaha s/Nebraska c/USA", "township s/New Jersey c/USA", "town co/Oneida County s/New York c/USA", "unincorporated community twp/Paint Township co/Madison County s/Ohio c/USA", "coastal city co/Lane County s/Oregon c/USA", "unincorporated community twp/Hanover Township co/Washington County s/Pennsylvania c/USA", "town co/Codington County s/South Dakota c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Rutherford County s/Tennessee c/USA", "city co/Williamson County s/Texas c/USA", "unincorporated community town:pref/Pittsford co/Rutland County s/Vermont c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Snohomish County s/Washington c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Florence", "num_translations": 119 }, "florida": { "senses": [ "state c/US", "The > which makes up most of the state of >, >", "province dept/Santa Cruz c/Bolivia", "municipality s/Paran\u00e1 c/Brazil", "town/and/commune r:suf/Biob\u00edo c/Chile", "town dept/Valle del Cauca c/Colombia", "municipality/and/city p:suf/Camag\u00fcey s/Cuba", "municipality dept/Cop\u00e1n c/Honduras", "district r:suf/Amazonas c/Peru", "Several places in Puerto Rico:", "suburb city/Johannesburg p:suf/Gauteng c/South Africa", "perhaps named for the state", "department c/Uruguay", "Several places in the United States:", "river s/Colorado", "flowing from Lillie Lake in the Weminuche Wilderness into the Animas near Durango" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Florida", "num_translations": 58 }, "plastic1": { "senses": [ "Capable of being moulded", "malleable, flexible, pliant", "Producing tissue", "Creative, formative", "Capable of adapting to varying conditions", "characterized by environmental adaptability", "Of or pertaining to the inelastic, non-brittle, deformation of a material", "Inferior or not the real thing", "Fake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plastic", "num_translations": 48 }, "insolent": { "senses": [ "insulting in manner or words", "rude", "cheeky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheeky", "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "insolent", "num_translations": 60 }, "onomatopoeia": { "senses": [ "The property of a word of sounding like what it represents", "A word that sounds like what it represents, such as \"gurgle\" or \"hiss\"", "The use of language whose sound imitates that which it names" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "echoism", "imitative harmony", "mimesis", "sound symbolism" ], "word": "onomatopoeia", "num_translations": 118 }, "railroad1": { "senses": [ "To manipulate and hasten a procedure, as of formal approval of a law or resolution", "To convict of a crime by circumventing due process", "To procedurally bully someone into an unfair agreement", "To force characters to complete a task before allowing the plot to continue", "To run fabric horizontally instead of the usual vertically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "railroad", "num_translations": 11 }, "gear": { "senses": [ "Equipment or paraphernalia, especially that used for an athletic endeavor", "Clothing", "garments", "Goods", "property", "household items", "A wheel with grooves engraved on the outer circumference, such that two such devices can interlock and convey motion from one to the other", "A configuration of the transmission of a motor car so as to achieve a particular ratio of engine to axle torque", "Recreational drugs, including steroids", "Stuff", "Business matters", "affairs", "concern", "Anything worthless", "nonsense", "rubbish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gear", "num_translations": 165 }, "polymath": { "senses": [ "A person with extraordinarily broad and comprehensive knowledge" ], "antonyms": [ "monomath" ], "synonyms": [ "polyhistor", "renaissance man" ], "word": "polymath", "num_translations": 35 }, "sail": { "senses": [ "a vessel of any kind", "a craft", "The blade of a windmill", "A tower-like structure found on the dorsal surface of submarines", "The floating organ of siphonophores, such as the Portuguese man-of-war", "an outward projection of the spine, occurring in certain dinosaurs and synapsids" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sail", "num_translations": 159 }, "sail1": { "senses": [ "to be impelled on a body of water by steam or other power", "To move through or on the water", "to swim, as a fish or a waterfowl", "to begin a voyage", "To move briskly and gracefully through the air", "To move briskly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sail", "num_translations": 85 }, "obtuse": { "senses": [ "Blunt", "not sharp, pointed, or acute in form", "Intellectually dull or dim-witted", "Of sound, etc: deadened, muffled, muted", "Indirect or circuitous" ], "antonyms": [ "bright", "intelligent", "on the ball", "quick off the mark", "quick-witted", "sharp", "smart", "clear", "acute", "acute", "pointed" ], "synonyms": [ "dense", "deadened", "obtuse-angled", "blunt" ], "word": "obtuse", "num_translations": 104 }, "acute": { "senses": [ "Brief, quick, short", "High or shrill", "Intense, sensitive, sharp", "Urgent", "Of an angle: less than 90 degrees", "Of a triangle: having all three interior angles measuring less than 90 degrees", "Of an accent or tone: generally higher than others", "Of an abnormal condition of recent or sudden onset, in contrast to delayed onset", "this sense does not imply severity, unlike the common usage", "Of a short-lived condition, in contrast to a chronic condition", "this sense also does not imply severity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "acute", "num_translations": 143 }, "pyramid": { "senses": [ "An ancient massive construction with a square or rectangular base and four triangular sides meeting in an apex, such as those built as tombs in Egypt or as bases for temples in Mesoamerica", "A solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base", "The game of pool in which the balls are placed in the form of a triangle at spot", "An approximately triangular headline consisting of several centered lines of text of increasing length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pyramid", "num_translations": 146 }, "illicit": { "senses": [ "Not approved by law, but not invalid", "Breaking social norms", "Unlawful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "criminal", "illegal", "illegitimate", "prohibited", "unlawful" ], "word": "illicit", "num_translations": 37 }, "pyramidscheme": { "senses": [ "An illicit money-making investment scheme whereby early investors are paid primarily or wholly by later investors Eventually all such schemes fail to the detriment of recent investors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ponzi scam" ], "word": "pyramidscheme", "num_translations": 25 }, "detriment": { "senses": [ "Harm, hurt, damage", "A charge made to students and barristers for incidental repairs of the rooms they occupy" ], "antonyms": [ "benefit" ], "synonyms": [ "harm", "hurt", "illfare", "damage", "expense" ], "word": "detriment", "num_translations": 21 }, "glasgow": { "senses": [ "major city/and/council area cc/Scotland", ", largest city cc/Scotland", "community rmun/Durham p/Ontario c/Canada", "community town:pref/Caledon rmun/Peel p/Ontario c/Canada", "settlement dist/Nickerie c/Suriname", "ghost town co/San Bernardino County s/California", "CDP co/New Castle County s/Delaware", "unincorporated community co/Thomas County s/Georgia c/USA", "village co/Scott County s/Illinois", "ghost town co/Black Hawk County s/Iowa", "home rule city/county seat co/Barren County s/Kentucky", "small city co/Howard County,Chariton County s/Missouri", "small city/county seat co/Valley County s/Montana", "unincorporated community co/Columbiana County s/Ohio c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Tuscarawas County s/Ohio c/USA", "unincorporated community/and/CDP co/Coos County s/Oregon c/USA", "tiny borough co/Beaver County s/Pennsylvania", "town co/Rockbridge County s/Virginia", "small town co/Kanawha County s/West Virginia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Glasgow", "num_translations": 59 }, "guernsey": { "senses": [ "the second-largest of the Channel Islands", "unincorporated community s/California", "city s/Iowa", "hamlet p/Saskatchewan c/Canada", "town s/Wyoming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Guernsey", "num_translations": 42 }, "economy": { "senses": [ "Effective management of a community or system, or especially its resources", "The study of money, currency and trade, and the efficient use of resources", "Frugal use of resources", "The system of production and distribution and consumption The overall measure of a currency system", "The method of divine government of the world )", "The part of a commercial passenger airplane or train reserved for those paying the lower standard fares", "Management of one's residency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "economy", "num_translations": 181 }, "slave": { "senses": [ "A person who is the property of another person and whose labor is subject to the owner's volition", "A person who is legally obliged by prior contract to work for another, with contractually limited rights to bargain", "an indentured servant", "A drudge", "One who has lost the power of resistance", "one who surrenders to something", "An abject person", "a wretch", "A submissive partner in a BDSM relationship who submits to serving one or more masters or mistresses", "A person who is forced against their will to perform, for another person or group, sexual acts or services on a regular or continuing basis", "A device that is controlled by another device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slave", "num_translations": 344 }, "campaign": { "senses": [ "A series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal", "The period during which a blast furnace is continuously in operation", "An open field", "a large, open plain without considerable hills", "a champaign", "An excursion into the countryside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "campaign", "num_translations": 81 }, "union": { "senses": [ "The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one", "The state of being united or joined", "That which is united, or made one", "something formed by a combination or coalition of parts or members", "a confederation", "a consolidated body", "a league", "An association of students at a university for social and/or political purposes", "also in some cases a debating body", "A joint or other connection uniting parts of machinery, such as pipes", "The set containing all of the elements of two or more sets", "The act or state of marriage", "Sexual intercourse", "A data structure that can store any of various types of item, but only one at a time", "A large, high-quality pearl", "An affiliation of several parishes for joint support and management of their poor", "also the jointly-owned workhouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "junction" ], "word": "union", "num_translations": 287 }, "risk": { "senses": [ "A possible adverse event or outcome", "The probability of a negative outcome to a decision or event", "The magnitude of possible loss consequent to a decision or event", "The potential effect of an event, determined by combining the likelihood of the event occurring with the effect should it occur", "An entity insured by an insurer or the specific uncertain events that the insurer underwrites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "risk", "num_translations": 91 }, "province": { "senses": [ "A region of the earth or of a continent", "a district or country", "An administrative subdivision of certain countries, including Canada and China", "An area outside Italy which is administered by a Roman governor", "An area under the jurisdiction of an archbishop, typically comprising a number of adjacent dioceses", "An area under the jurisdiction of a provincial within a monastic order", "The parts of a country outside its capital city", "An area of activity, responsibility or knowledge", "the proper concern of a particular person or concept" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circuit" ], "word": "province", "num_translations": 169 }, "morose": { "senses": [ "Sullen, gloomy", "showing a brooding ill humour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "melancholy", "sulky", "crabby", "glum", "grouchy", "gruff", "moody" ], "word": "morose", "num_translations": 29 }, "nexus": { "senses": [ "A form of connection", "A connected group", "The centre of something", "In Ancient Rome, a person who had contracted a nexum or obligation of such a kind that, if he failed to pay, his creditor could compel him to work as a servant until the debt was paid", "The relationship between a vendor and a jurisdiction for the purpose of taxation, established for example by the vendor operating a physical store in that jurisdiction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bond", "network", "hub" ], "word": "nexus", "num_translations": 72 }, "genetic": { "senses": [ "Caused by genes", "Of or relating to origin", "Based on shared membership in a linguistic family", "Based on a shared membership in a religious family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hereditary", "genealogical" ], "word": "genetic", "num_translations": 31 }, "jest": { "senses": [ "An act performed for amusement", "a joke", "Someone or something that is ridiculed", "the target of a joke", "A deed", "an action", "a gest", "A mask", "a pageant", "an interlude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prank", "Thesaurus:joke" ], "word": "jest", "num_translations": 41 }, "jest1": { "senses": [ "To tell a joke", "to talk in a playful manner", "to make fun of something or someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banter" ], "word": "jest", "num_translations": 18 }, "xenophobe": { "senses": [ "One who fears that which is unknown", "one who fears people who are different from oneself, especially foreigners" ], "antonyms": [ "xenophile" ], "synonyms": [ "xenophobian" ], "word": "xenophobe", "num_translations": 55 }, "hilarious": { "senses": [ "Very funny", "causing great merriment and laughter", "Full of hilarity", "merry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:funny" ], "word": "hilarious", "num_translations": 42 }, "user": { "senses": [ "One who uses or makes use of something, a consumer/client or an express or implied licensee or a trespasser", "A person who uses drugs, especially illegal drugs", "In land law, meaning either 1 or 2 above or use Usually in singular form to mean use wherever there is assiduous re-use of precedents and aloof textbooks verbatim Modern law, guarded against ambiguity, widely disfavors the term" ], "antonyms": [ "nonuser" ], "synonyms": [ "parasite" ], "word": "user", "num_translations": 231 }, "latvian1": { "senses": [ "The official language of Latvia", "Lettish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lettish", "Lett" ], "word": "Latvian", "num_translations": 125 }, "yearly": { "senses": [ "Happening once every year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annual", "per annum", "perennial" ], "word": "yearly", "num_translations": 51 }, "yearly1": { "senses": [ "Once a year", "Every year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annually", "perennially" ], "word": "yearly", "num_translations": 29 }, "transcendence": { "senses": [ "The act of surpassing usual limits", "The state of being beyond the range of normal perception", "The state of being free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a deity", "Superior excellence", "supereminence" ], "antonyms": [ "immanence" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "transcendence", "num_translations": 31 }, "bald": { "senses": [ "Having no hair, fur or feathers", "Denuded of any hair- or fur-like covering", "Of tyres: whose surface is worn away", "Unembellished", "Without evidence or support being provided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bald", "num_translations": 162 }, "feckless": { "senses": [ "Lacking purpose", "Without skill, ineffective, incompetent", "Lacking the courage to act in any meaningful way", "Lacking vitality" ], "antonyms": [ "effective", "purposeful" ], "synonyms": [ "futile", "unpurposed" ], "word": "feckless", "num_translations": 57 }, "equanimity": { "senses": [ "the state of being calm, stable and composed, especially under stress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "composure", "calmness", "even-mindedness", "Thesaurus:calm" ], "word": "equanimity", "num_translations": 40 }, "draconian": { "senses": [ "Very severe or strict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cruel" ], "word": "draconian", "num_translations": 22 }, "execrable": { "senses": [ "Of the poorest quality", "Hateful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abhorrent", "abominable", "atrocious", "deplorable", "despicable", "detestable", "disgusting", "foul", "heinous", "horrific", "loathsome", "low", "monstrous", "repulsive", "revolting", "sickening", "vile", "wretched" ], "word": "execrable", "num_translations": 24 }, "prosaic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose", "Straightforward", "matter-of-fact", "lacking the feeling or elegance of poetry", "Overly plain, simple or commonplace, to the point of being boring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prosaic", "num_translations": 45 }, "malfeasance": { "senses": [ "Wrongdoing", "Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official and causing damage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misconduct" ], "word": "malfeasance", "num_translations": 19 }, "jerusalem": { "senses": [ "city in the range/Judean Mountains between the sea/Mediterranean Sea,Dead Sea holy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam", "the claimed > of >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "al-Quds", "Hierosolyma" ], "word": "Jerusalem", "num_translations": 168 }, "kiev": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Ukraine", "oblast c/Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kiev Oblast" ], "word": "Kiev", "num_translations": 104 }, "temple": { "senses": [ "male given name", "female given name", "surname", "Places in the United Kingdom:", "Places in the United States:", "neighbourhood city/Calgary p/Alberta c/Canada", "Either of two of the Inns of Court in London , built on a site once occupied by the Knights Templar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Temple", "num_translations": 12 }, "solstice": { "senses": [ "One of the two points in the ecliptic at which the sun is furthest from the celestial equator This corresponds to one of two days in the year when the day is either longest or shortest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sunstead" ], "word": "solstice", "num_translations": 74 }, "liverpool": { "senses": [ "city/and/metropolitan borough co/Merseyside cc/England", "an important seaport in the United Kingdom, and once one of the biggest in the world", "city s/New South Wales c/Australia, which is a suburb of Sydney", "town p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "village co/Fulton County s/Illinois c/USA", "village co/Onondaga County s/New York c/USA", "borough co/Perry County s/Pennsylvania c/USA", "small city co/Brazoria County s/Texas c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Liverpool", "num_translations": 82 }, "losangeles": { "senses": [ "known for being an urban area that covers a large area", "CDP co/Willacy County s/Texas c/USA", "unincorporated community co/La Salle County s/Texas c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LA" ], "word": "LosAngeles", "num_translations": 49 }, "maine": { "senses": [ "province in northwest c/France", "state c/US", "probably named for the province in France", "town s/New York", "town county/Outagamie County s/Wisconsin", "named for the state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Maine", "num_translations": 33 }, "cross": { "senses": [ "A geometrical figure consisting of two straight lines or bars intersecting each other such that at least one of them is bisected by the other", "A wooden post with a perpendicular beam attached and used to execute criminals", "A modified representation of the crucifixion stake, worn as jewellery or displayed as a symbol of religious devotion", "A difficult situation that must be endured", "the act of passing from one side to the other", "A hybrid of any kind", "A hook thrown over the opponent's punch", "A place where roads intersect and lead off in four directions", "A monument that marks such a place", "hence, money in general", "Church lands", "An instrument for laying of offsets perpendicular to the main course", "A pipe-fitting with four branches whose axes usually form a right angle", "The thirty-sixth Lenormand card" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hybrid", "True Cross" ], "word": "cross", "num_translations": 393 }, "cross1": { "senses": [ "Transverse", "Opposite, opposed to", "Opposing, adverse", "being contrary to what one would hope or wish for", "Bad-tempered, angry, annoyed", "Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation", "mutually inverse", "interchanged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contrarily", "angry" ], "word": "cross", "num_translations": 63 }, "cross3": { "senses": [ "To move relatively", "To oppose", "To stamp or mark a cheque in such a way as to prevent it being cashed, thus requiring it to be deposited into a bank account" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cross-fertilize" ], "word": "cross", "num_translations": 170 }, "wade-giles": { "senses": [ "A system, formerly extremely popular, for transcribing the Beijing dialect of spoken Chinese into the Latin alphabet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wade" ], "word": "Wade-Giles", "num_translations": 17 }, "consanguinity": { "senses": [ "A consanguineous or family relationship through parentage or descent A blood relationship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "same-bloodedness" ], "word": "consanguinity", "num_translations": 26 }, "cohort": { "senses": [ "A group of people supporting the same thing or person", "A demographic grouping of people, especially those in a defined age group, or having a common characteristic", "Any division of a Roman legion, normally of about 500 men", "An accomplice", "abettor", "associate", "Any band or body of warriors", "A natural group of orders of organisms, less comprehensive than a class", "A colleague", "A set of individuals in a program, especially when compared to previous sets of individuals within the same program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cohort", "num_translations": 41 }, "newyork": { "senses": [ "state c/USA", "former colony of the c/United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Empire State", "New York State", "NY", "NYS", "State of New York", "Big Apple" ], "word": "NewYork", "num_translations": 75 }, "nice": { "senses": [ "Pleasant, satisfactory", "Of a person: friendly, attractive", "Respectable", "virtuous", "Shows that the given adjective is desirable, or acts as a mild intensifier", "pleasantly, quite", "Silly, ignorant", "foolish", "Particular in one's conduct", "scrupulous, painstaking", "choosy", "Particular as regards rules or qualities", "strict", "Showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment", "subtle", "Easily injured", "delicate", "dainty", "Doubtful, as to the outcome", "risky" ], "antonyms": [ "horrible", "horrible", "awful", "disgusting", "foul", "horrible", "horrid", "nasty", "nauseating", "putrid", "rancid", "rank", "sickening", "distasteful", "gross", "unsatisfactory", "naughty" ], "synonyms": [ "charming", "charming", "appetising", "fine" ], "word": "nice", "num_translations": 162 }, "nicosia": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Cyprus", "capital city c/Northern Cyprus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lefkosia" ], "word": "Nicosia", "num_translations": 33 }, "oxford": { "senses": [ "An surname derived from the city in England", "city/county seat co/Lafayette County s/Mississippi", "named for the city in England", "city s/Ohio", "city s/Alabama", "town s/Massachusetts", "town s/Connecticut", "named for the city in England", "town/county seat co/Granville County s/North Carolina", "borough s/Pennsylvania", "town s/Maine", "named for the city in England", "town/and/village in s/New York", "named for the town in Massachusetts", "village s/Michigan", "neighborhood of city/Edmonton p/Alberta", "city s/Georgia c/US", "named for the university", "town p/Nova Scotia", "town s/Indiana", "CDP s/New Jersey", "city s/Kansas", "city s/Iowa", "named for its township, itself named for the town in New York", "village s/Nebraska", "city s/Arkansas", "town s/Maryland", "town/and/village in s/Wisconsin", "city s/Idaho", "settlement on island/Saint Croix in the territory/US Virgin Islands", "unincorporated community s/Colorado", "unincorporated community s/Florida", "unincorporated community s/Kentucky", "unincorporated community s/West Virginia", "town r/Canterbury c/New Zealand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Oxford", "num_translations": 93 }, "philadelphia": { "senses": [ "The largest > in >, >, and the > of coterminous >", "former capital c/US", "An > Greek > in the > in modern >", "An > Greek > in > in modern >", "locale c/US", "named for the city in Pennsylvania", "village s/Brandenburg c/Germany", "named for the city in Pennsylvania", "village city/Sunderland co/Tyne and Wear c/England", "named for the city in Pennsylvania", "suburb city/Cape Town c/South Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Philadelphia", "num_translations": 40 }, "newbie": { "senses": [ "A newcomer, someone new to something", "A new user or participant", "someone who is extremely new and inexperienced A beginner", "Anything recently introduced into a setting, especially something that replaces an older version" ], "antonyms": [ "knowbie" ], "synonyms": [ "novice", "newcomer", "newling", "rookie", "Thesaurus:beginner" ], "word": "newbie", "num_translations": 48 }, "flood": { "senses": [ "A overflow of water from a lake or other body of water due to excessive rainfall or other input of water", "A large number or quantity of anything appearing more rapidly than can easily be dealt with", "The flowing in of the tide, opposed to the ebb", "Menstrual discharge", "menses", "Water as opposed to land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flood", "num_translations": 223 }, "flood1": { "senses": [ "To overflow, as by water from excessive rainfall", "To provide with a larger number or quantity of something than can easily be dealt with", "To paste numerous lines of text to in order to disrupt the conversation", "To bleed profusely, as after childbirth" ], "antonyms": [ "drain" ], "synonyms": [ "overfill", "inundate", "inundate" ], "word": "flood", "num_translations": 95 }, "import": { "senses": [ "Something brought in from an exterior source, especially for sale or trade" ], "antonyms": [ "export", "export", "insignificance" ], "synonyms": [ "importancy" ], "word": "import", "num_translations": 79 }, "incarcerate": { "senses": [ "To lock away", "to imprison, especially for breaking the law", "To confine", "to shut up or enclose", "to hem in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imprison", "jail" ], "word": "incarcerate", "num_translations": 35 }, "rome": { "senses": [ "A > on the > on the >", "ancient capital empire/Roman Empire", "capital city c/Italy", "the former Roman Empire", "Roman civilization", "The Holy See, the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly prior to the establishment of the Vatican City in the 19th century", "metropolitan city r/Lazio c/Italy", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "archaic", "dated", "Istanbul", "Moscow" ], "word": "Rome", "num_translations": 174 }, "saintpetersburg": { "senses": [ "federal city c/Russia, known between 1914 and 1924 as Petrograd and between 1924 and 1991 as Leningrad, and former capital of Russia", "alternative form of \"St Petersburg\", city s/Florida c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Logan County s/Colorado c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Leningrad", "Northern Palmyra", "Petersburg", "Petrograd", "Piter", "Sankt-Peterburg" ], "word": "SaintPetersburg", "num_translations": 108 }, "sanfrancisco": { "senses": [ "A major coastal city in California of over 800,000 widely known for its unique culture, architecture, and LGBT population", "formerly Yerba Buena", "The extinct culture of the city of the same name also known as the Ramaytush", "Any place or institution named after St Francis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SF", "San Fran", "Frisco", "Baghdad by the Bay", "San Fagcisco", "Bay City", "Ramaytush" ], "word": "SanFrancisco", "num_translations": 56 }, "shanghai": { "senses": [ "To force or trick into joining a ship as part of the crew", "To abduct or coerce", "To trick into entering a jurisdiction where they can lawfully be arrested", "To commandeer", "appropriate", "hijack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "press-gang" ], "word": "shanghai", "num_translations": 10 }, "syracuse": { "senses": [ "province r/Sicily c/Italy", "city c/Italy", "the capital city of the province", "city/county seat co/Onondaga County s/New York", "city/county seat co/Hamilton County s/Kansas", "city s/Utah", "city s/Missouri", "city s/Nebraska", "town s/Indiana", "village s/Ohio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Syracuse", "num_translations": 74 }, "hamburg": { "senses": [ "The second-largest > in, and a > of, >", "locale c/US", "named for the German city", "town p/Eastern Cape c/South Africa", "named for the German city" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Hamburg", "num_translations": 41 }, "feta": { "senses": [ "A variety of curd cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk and originating from Greece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feta cheese" ], "word": "feta", "num_translations": 17 }, "explosion": { "senses": [ "A violent release of energy", "A bursting due to pressure", "A sudden uncontrolled increase", "A sudden outburst" ], "antonyms": [ "implosion" ], "synonyms": [ "blast", "burst", "detonation", "eruption", "fulmination", "bang", "boom" ], "word": "explosion", "num_translations": 112 }, "nuclear": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the nucleus of an atom", "Involving an extreme course of action", "Pertaining to the nucleus of a cell", "Pertaining to a centre around which something is developed or organised", "central, pivotal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nuclear", "num_translations": 120 }, "detonate": { "senses": [ "To explode", "to blow up Specifically, to combust supersonically via shock compression", "To cause to explode" ], "antonyms": [ "deflagrate" ], "synonyms": [ "blast", "discharge", "fulminate" ], "word": "detonate", "num_translations": 29 }, "wealthy": { "senses": [ "Possessing financial wealth", "rich", "Abundant in quality or quantity", "profuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affluent", "Thesaurus:wealthy" ], "word": "wealthy", "num_translations": 77 }, "presenttense": { "senses": [ "or with future tense, an event, transaction or occurrence that has not yet happened, is expected to happen in the future, or might never happen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "present" ], "word": "presenttense", "num_translations": 84 }, "unknown1": { "senses": [ "A variable whose value is to be found", "Any thing, place, or situation about which nothing is known", "A person of no identity", "a nonentity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unknown", "num_translations": 28 }, "skin": { "senses": [ "The outer protective layer of the body of any animal, including of a human", "The outer protective layer of the fruit of a plant", "A congealed layer on the surface of a liquid", "A set of resources that modifies the appearance and/or layout of the graphical user interface of a computer program", "An alternate appearance for a character model in a video game", "Rolling paper for cigarettes", "A subgroup of Australian aboriginal people", "Bare flesh, particularly bare breasts", "That part of a sail, when furled, which remains on the outside and covers the whole", "The covering, as of planking or iron plates, outside the framing, forming the sides and bottom of a vessel", "the shell", "also, a lining inside the framing", "A drink of whisky served hot", "person, chap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dermis", "peel", "hide", "film", "moiety" ], "word": "skin", "num_translations": 392 }, "skin1": { "senses": [ "To high five", "To use tricks to go past a defender", "hence, to cover superficially", "To produce, in recitation, examination, etc, the work of another for one's own, or to use cribs, memoranda, etc, which are prohibited", "To strip of money or property", "to cheat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bark", "flay" ], "word": "skin", "num_translations": 68 }, "clap": { "senses": [ "The act of striking the palms of the hands, or any two surfaces, together", "The explosive sound of thunder", "Any loud, sudden, explosive sound made by striking hard surfaces together, or resembling such a sound", "A slap with the hand, usually in a jovial manner", "A single, sudden act or motion", "a stroke", "a blow", "The nether part of the beak of a hawk", "A dropping of cow dung" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thunderclap", "Thesaurus:applause" ], "word": "clap", "num_translations": 27 }, "clap1": { "senses": [ "To strike the palms of the hands together, creating a sharp sound", "To applaud", "To slap with the hand in a jovial manner", "To bring two surfaces together forcefully, creating a sharp sound", "To come together suddenly with noise", "To create or assemble hastily", "To set or put, usually in haste", "To shoot with a gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clap", "num_translations": 71 }, "publish": { "senses": [ "To issue for distribution and/or sale", "To announce to the public", "To issue the work of", "To disseminate publicly via a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc", "To issue a medium", "To have one's work accepted for a publication", "To be made available in a printed publication or other medium", "To convert data of a Web page to HTML in a local directory and copy it to the Web site on a remote system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disclose", "post" ], "word": "publish", "num_translations": 125 }, "tap": { "senses": [ "A device used to dispense liquids", "hence, a certain kind or quality of liquor", "A place where liquor is drawn for drinking", "A device used to cut an internal screw thread", "A connection made to an electrical or fluid conductor without breaking it", "An interception of communication by authority", "A device used to listen in secretly on telephone calls", "A procedure that removes fluid from a body cavity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tap", "num_translations": 171 }, "tap1": { "senses": [ "To draw off liquid from a vessel", "To exploit", "To place a listening or recording device on a telephone or wired connection", "To intercept a communication without authority", "To cut an internal screw thread", "To turn or flip a card or playing piece to remind players that it has already been used that turn", "To cadge, borrow or beg", "To drain off fluid by paracentesis", "To advance someone for a post or job, or for membership of a club" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tap", "num_translations": 56 }, "tap2": { "senses": [ "To strike lightly", "To touch one's finger, foot, or other body parts on a surface repeatedly", "To make a sharp noise", "To have sexual intercourse with", "To force to submit", "To put a new sole or heel on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tap", "num_translations": 32 }, "primary": { "senses": [ "first or earliest in a group or series", "main", "principal", "chief", "placed ahead of others", "Earliest formed", "fundamental", "Illustrating, possessing, or characterized by, some quality or property in the first degree", "having undergone the first stage of substitution or replacement", "Relating to the place where a disorder or disease started to occur", "Relating to day-to-day care provided by health professionals such as nurses, general practitioners, dentists etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "primary", "num_translations": 61 }, "primary1": { "senses": [ "a preliminary election to select a political candidate of a political party", "The first year of grade school", "A base or fundamental component", "something that is irreducible", "The most massive component of a gravitationally bound system, such as a planet in relation to its satellites", "Any flight feather attached to the manus of a bird", "original location or source of the disease", "A directly driven inductive coil, as in a transformer or induction motor that is magnetically coupled to a secondary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "primary", "num_translations": 25 }, "payroll": { "senses": [ "A list of employees who receive salary or wages, together with the amounts due to each", "The total sum of money paid to employees", "The calculation of salaries and wages and the deduction of taxes etc", "the department in a company responsible for this", "Bribes paid to people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paysheet" ], "word": "payroll", "num_translations": 29 }, "tehran": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Iran" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Zawra" ], "word": "Tehran", "num_translations": 94 }, "tokyo": { "senses": [ "prefecture/capital city c/Japan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Edo" ], "word": "Tokyo", "num_translations": 125 }, "noise": { "senses": [ "Various sounds, usually unwanted or unpleasant", "Sound or signal generated by random fluctuations", "Unwanted part of a signal", "Unwanted fuss or bustle", "useless activity", "The measured level of variation in gene expression among cells, regardless of source, within a supposedly identical population", "Rumour or complaint", "Music, in general", "a concert", "also, a company of musicians", "a band", "A genre of rock music that uses static and other non-musical sounds, also influenced by art rock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sound" ], "word": "noise", "num_translations": 170 }, "tripoli": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Libya", "city c/Greece", "city c/Lebanon", "city s/Iowa c/USA", "unincorporated community s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Tripoli", "num_translations": 75 }, "silence": { "senses": [ "The absence of any sound", "The act of refraining from speaking", "Form of meditative worship practiced by the Society of Friends", "meeting for worship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quietness" ], "word": "silence", "num_translations": 128 }, "silence1": { "senses": [ "To make silent", "To repress the expression of something", "To suppress criticism, etc", "To block gene expression", "murder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "silence", "num_translations": 42 }, "silence2": { "senses": [ "Be silent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be quiet", "hush", "whist" ], "word": "silence", "num_translations": 35 }, "loud": { "senses": [ "Of great intensity", "Noisy", "Not subtle or reserved, brash", "Having unpleasantly and tastelessly contrasting colours or patterns", "gaudy", "High-quality", "premium", "having a strong or pungent odour indicating good quality" ], "antonyms": [ "quiet", "quiet" ], "synonyms": [ "garish" ], "word": "loud", "num_translations": 191 }, "valencia": { "senses": [ "town/and/municipality dept/C\u00f3rdoba in northern c/Colombia", "canton p:Suf/Los R\u00edos c/Ecuador", "Several places in the Philippines:", "area barrio:pref/Universidad in the city:pref/San Juan terr/Puerto Rico", "town in northeastern isl:suf/Trinidad c/Trinidad and Tobago", "Several places in the United States:", "capital city s:pref/Carabobo c/Venezuela" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Valencia", "num_translations": 30 }, "vancouver": { "senses": [ "A family name", "seaport/largest city p/British Columbia c/Canada", "large island p/British Columbia c/Canada", "river in southern p/British Columbia c/Canada", "mountain between s/Alaska c/USA and terr/Yukon c/Canada in", "mountain in the range/Southern Alps on the isl/South Island c/New Zealand", "city/county seat co/Clark County s/Washington c/USA", "lake co/Clark County s/Washington c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hollywood North" ], "word": "Vancouver", "num_translations": 39 }, "verona": { "senses": [ "A city straddling the river Adige in Veneto, northern Italy, and the capital city of the province of the same name", "province r/Veneto in northern c/Italy", "village s/Illinois", "census-designated place s/Kentucky", "city s/Mississippi", "city/and/town s/Missouri", "township s/New Jersey", "town s/New York", "city/and/village s/North Dakota", "village s/Ohio", "borough s/Pennsylvania", "city/and/town s/Wisconsin", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Verona", "num_translations": 16 }, "warsaw": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Poland", "capital city voi/Masovian Voivodeship", "city/county seat co/Kosciusko County s/Indiana c/USA", "home rule city/county seat co/Gallatin County s/Kentucky c/USA", "city/county seat co/Benton County s/Missouri c/USA", "village/county seat co/Wyoming County s/New York c/USA", "town/county seat co/Richmond County s/Virginia c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Warsaw", "num_translations": 80 }, "wellington": { "senses": [ "capital city c/New Zealand", "Several places in England:", "Any of several places in a select number of countries, including:", "by extension, the Government of New Zealand", "surname from the places in England", "In the game of nap, a bid that results in the bidder winning quadruple, or losing double, the amount staked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Wellington", "num_translations": 51 }, "verisimilitude": { "senses": [ "The property of seeming true, of resembling reality", "resemblance to reality, realism", "A statement which merely appears to be true", "Faithfulness to its own rules", "internal cohesion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "verisimilitude", "num_translations": 18 }, "glossary": { "senses": [ "A list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with their definitions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clavis", "idioticon", "vocabulary" ], "word": "glossary", "num_translations": 62 }, "dumbass": { "senses": [ "A stupid or foolish person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool" ], "word": "dumbass", "num_translations": 41 }, "twenty-first1": { "senses": [ "One of twenty-one equal parts of a whole, usually written" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twenty-oneth" ], "word": "twenty-first", "num_translations": 19 }, "yellowish": { "senses": [ "Somewhat yellow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yellowy" ], "word": "yellowish", "num_translations": 51 }, "thirtieth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number thirty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "30th", "trigesimal" ], "word": "thirtieth", "num_translations": 67 }, "seventieth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number seventy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "70th" ], "word": "seventieth", "num_translations": 46 }, "eightieth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number eighty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "80th" ], "word": "eightieth", "num_translations": 53 }, "hundredth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number one hundred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "100th" ], "word": "hundredth", "num_translations": 55 }, "millionth": { "senses": [ "The ordinal form of the number one million" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1,000,000th", "1,000,000th" ], "word": "millionth", "num_translations": 15 }, "crossing": { "senses": [ "An intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross", "A place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed", "The act by which terrain or a road etc is crossed", "A voyage across a body of water", "The volume formed by the intersection of chancel, nave and transepts in a cruciform church", "often with a tower or cupola over it", "Movement into a crossed position", "A pair of intersecting edges", "A pair of parallel lines printed on a cheque" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crossing", "num_translations": 72 }, "alchemist": { "senses": [ "One who practices alchemy", "One who blends material or substances in the nature or supposed nature of alchemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:alchemist" ], "word": "alchemist", "num_translations": 65 }, "fate": { "senses": [ "The presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events", "The effect, consequence, outcome, or inevitable events predetermined by this cause", "Destiny", "often with a connotation of death, ruin, misfortune, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "choice", "free will", "freedom" ], "synonyms": [ "destiny", "doom", "fortune", "kismet", "lot", "necessity", "orlay", "predestination", "wyrd" ], "word": "fate", "num_translations": 346 }, "eighty-one": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number following eighty and preceding eighty-two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one and eighty", "Arabic numerals: 81" ], "word": "eighty-one", "num_translations": 42 }, "believe": { "senses": [ "To accept as true, particularly without absolute certainty", "To accept that someone is telling the truth", "To have religious faith" ], "antonyms": [ "disbelieve" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "believe", "num_translations": 287 }, "paradise": { "senses": [ "Heaven", "The Garden of Eden", "town co/Butte County s/California c/US", "town c/Grenada", "city s/Kansas", "unincorporated town co/Clark County s/Nevada c/US", "census-designated place s/Montana", "town p/Newfoundland and Labrador", "rural location at the head of Lake Wakatipu in c/New Zealand", "community p/Nova Scotia", "census-designated place s/Pennsylvania", "village c/Suriname", "city s/Texas", "town s/Utah", "A settlement on the island of Saint Croix in the United States Virgin Islands", "CDP co/Mono County s/California c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Heaven", "Eden" ], "word": "Paradise", "num_translations": 40 }, "screed": { "senses": [ "A long discourse or harangue", "A piece of writing", "A tool, usually a long strip of wood or other material, for producing a smooth, flat surface on, for example, a concrete floor or a plaster wall", "A smooth flat layer of concrete or similar material", "A piece torn off", "a shred", "A rent", "a tear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "screed", "num_translations": 15 }, "sandwich": { "senses": [ "A dish or foodstuff where two or more slices of bread serve as the wrapper or container of some other food", "Any combination formed by layering one type of material between two layers of some other material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "sandwich", "num_translations": 143 }, "village": { "senses": [ "A rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town", "A rural habitation that has a church, but no market", "A planned community such as a retirement community or shopping district", "A gated community" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thorp" ], "word": "village", "num_translations": 289 }, "perennial": { "senses": [ "Lasting or remaining active throughout the year, or all the time", "Having a life cycle of more than two years", "Continuing without cessation or intermission", "perpetual", "never failing", "Enduring", "lasting", "timeless", "Recurrent", "appearing or recurring again and again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "perennial", "num_translations": 77 }, "tau": { "senses": [ "The letter \u03a4/\u03c4 in the Greek, Hebrew and ancient Semitic alphabets, being the nineteenth letter of the Classical and Modern Greek, the twenty-first letter of Old and Ancient Greek", "A -shaped sign or structure", "a Saint Anthony's cross, sometimes regarded as a sacred symbol", "An unstable heavy lepton, which decays into a muon or electron", "A measurement of the sensitivity of the value of an option to changes in the implied volatility of the price of the underlying asset", "An irrational and transcendental constant representing the ratio of the circumference of a Euclidean circle to its radius, approximately 62831853071", "equal to twice the value of pi Often written \u03c4" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kappa" ], "word": "tau", "num_translations": 40 }, "upsilon": { "senses": [ "The twentieth letter of Classical and Modern Greek", "the twenty-second letter of Old and Ancient Greek" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ypsilon" ], "word": "upsilon", "num_translations": 31 }, "nothing": { "senses": [ "Not any thing", "no thing", "An absence of anything, including empty space, brightness, darkness, matter, or a vacuum" ], "antonyms": [ "anything", "everything", "something" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nothing" ], "word": "nothing", "num_translations": 194 }, "berry": { "senses": [ "A small succulent fruit, of any one of many varieties", "A soft fruit which develops from a single ovary and contains seeds not encased in pits", "A coffee bean", "One of the ova or eggs of a fish", "A police car" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "berry", "num_translations": 146 }, "onehundredandone": { "senses": [ "One hundred plus one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Symbolic: 101", "Roman symbols: CI" ], "word": "onehundredandone", "num_translations": 40 }, "atleast": { "senses": [ "At the least", "at a minimum or lower limit", "In any event", "anyway" ], "antonyms": [ "at most" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "atleast", "num_translations": 126 }, "toiletpaper": { "senses": [ "Paper, usually on a roll, to clean oneself after defecation, or to pat oneself dry after urination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "TP", "toilet roll", "toilet tissue", "bathroom tissue", "bog paper", "bog roll", "lavvy paper", "loo roll", "loo paper" ], "word": "toiletpaper", "num_translations": 126 }, "vent": { "senses": [ "An opening through which gases, especially air, can pass", "A small aperture", "The opening of a volcano from which lava flows", "A verbalized frustration", "The excretory opening of lower orders of vertebrates", "A slit in the seam of a garment", "The opening at the breech of a firearm, through which fire is communicated to the powder of the charge", "touchhole", "In steam boilers, a sectional area of the passage for gases divided by the length of the same passage in feet", "Opportunity of escape or passage from confinement or privacy", "outlet", "Emission", "escape", "passage to notice or expression", "publication", "utterance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vent", "num_translations": 46 }, "vent1": { "senses": [ "To allow gases to escape", "To express a strong emotion", "To snuff", "to breathe or puff out", "to snort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vent", "num_translations": 30 }, "videogameconsole": { "senses": [ "A dedicated electronic device that is designed to play video games, especially in accompaniment with a television" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "game console", "games console", "gaming console" ], "word": "videogameconsole", "num_translations": 51 }, "snowflake": { "senses": [ "A crystal of snow, having approximate hexagonal symmetry", "Any of several bulbous European plants, of the genus Leucojum, having white flowers", "The snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis", "someone hypersensitive to insult or offense, especially a young person with politically correct sensibilities", "A type of lesion that appears as scattered white-brown spots under high magnification light microscopy", "Something that is unique in every presentation", "A Caucasian person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snowflake", "num_translations": 137 }, "fan": { "senses": [ "A hand-held device consisting of concertinaed material, or slats of material, gathered together at one end, that may be opened out into the shape of a sector of a circle and waved back and forth in order to move air towards oneself and cool oneself", "An electrical or mechanical device for moving air, used for cooling people, machinery, etc", "agitation of the air", "An instrument for winnowing grain, by moving which the grain is tossed and agitated, and the chaff is separated and blown away", "A small vane or sail, used to keep the large sails of a smock mill always in the direction of the wind", "A section of a tree having a finite number of branches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fan", "num_translations": 221 }, "fan1": { "senses": [ "To slap", "To perform a maneuver that involves flicking the top rear of an old-style gun", "To winnow grain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fan", "num_translations": 71 }, "fan2": { "senses": [ "A person who is fond of something or someone, especially an admirer of a performer or aficionado of a sport" ], "antonyms": [ "hater" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fan", "num_translations": 152 }, "fail": { "senses": [ "To be unsuccessful", "Not to achieve a particular stated goal", "To neglect", "Of a machine, etc: to cease to operate correctly", "To be wanting to, to be insufficient for, to disappoint, to desert", "To receive one or more non-passing grades in academic pursuits", "To give a student a non-passing grade in an academic endeavour", "To miss attaining", "to lose", "To be wanting", "to fall short", "to be or become deficient in any measure or degree up to total absence", "To be affected with want", "to come short", "to lack", "to be deficient or unprovided", "used with of", "To fall away", "to become diminished", "to decline", "to decay", "to sink", "To deteriorate in respect to vigour, activity, resources, etc", "to become weaker", "To perish", "to die", "used of a person", "To err in judgment", "to be mistaken", "To become unable to meet one's engagements", "especially, to be unable to pay one's debts or discharge one's business obligation", "to become bankrupt or insolvent" ], "antonyms": [ "succeed" ], "synonyms": [ "fall on one's face", "flunk" ], "word": "fail", "num_translations": 191 }, "interpreter": { "senses": [ "One who listens to a speaker in one language and relates that utterance to the audience in a different language Contrasted with translator", "One who explains something, such as an art exhibit One who does heritage interpretation", "A program which executes another program written in a programming language other than machine code" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "terp", "docent" ], "word": "interpreter", "num_translations": 204 }, "songster": { "senses": [ "A man who sings songs, especially as a profession", "a male singer", "A male songbird", "One who writes songs", "A book of songs", "songbook" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "songster", "num_translations": 17 }, "songstress": { "senses": [ "A female singer", "A female songbird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "singeress" ], "word": "songstress", "num_translations": 29 }, "policeofficer": { "senses": [ "A peace officer and member of a police force, ie policeman or policewoman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:police officer" ], "word": "policeofficer", "num_translations": 154 }, "coppersmith": { "senses": [ "A person who forges things out of copper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "redsmith" ], "word": "coppersmith", "num_translations": 34 }, "lad": { "senses": [ "A boy or young man", "a boyo", "A familiar term of address for a young man", "A groom who works with horses", "The penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lad", "num_translations": 76 }, "dharma": { "senses": [ "The natural order of the universe", "natural law, cosmic order", "One's obligation in respect to one's position in society, one's duty", "The teachings of the Buddha as one's personal path to enlightenment", "The teachings of the Buddha as a practice to be promulgated and taught" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dharma", "num_translations": 69 }, "infamous": { "senses": [ "Having a bad reputation, disreputable", "notoriously bad, unpleasant or evil", "widely known, especially for something bad", "Causing infamy", "disgraceful", "this included a prohibition against holding public office, exercising the franchise, receiving a public pension, serving on a jury, or giving testimony in a court of law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "infamous", "num_translations": 75 }, "deserve": { "senses": [ "To be entitled to, as a result of past actions", "to be worthy to have", "To earn, win", "To reward, to give in return for service", "To serve", "to treat", "to benefit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "merit", "Thesaurus:deserve" ], "word": "deserve", "num_translations": 76 }, "glass": { "senses": [ "An amorphous solid, often transparent substance made by melting sand with a mixture of soda, potash and lime", "The quantity of liquid contained in such a vessel", "A mirror", "A barrier made of solid, transparent material", "A barometer", "Transparent or translucent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glass", "num_translations": 376 }, "strong": { "senses": [ "Capable of producing great physical force", "Capable of withstanding great physical force", "Having a lot of power", "Determined", "unyielding", "Highly stimulating to the senses", "Having an offensive or intense odor or flavor", "Having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient", "Having a high alcoholic content", "Inflecting in a different manner than the one called weak, such as Germanic verbs which change vowels", "That completely ionizes into anions and cations in a solution", "Not easily subdued or taken", "Having wealth or resources", "Impressive, good", "Having a specified number of people or units", "Severe", "very bad or intense", "Having a wide range of logical consequences", "widely applicable", "Convincing" ], "antonyms": [ "forceless", "fragile", "diluted", "regular", "weak", "weak" ], "synonyms": [ "forceful", "durable", "ardent", "extreme", "rank", "concentrated", "hard", "irregular", "impregnable" ], "word": "strong", "num_translations": 417 }, "barbadian": { "senses": [ "A person from Barbados or descended from a person from Barbados" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bajan" ], "word": "Barbadian", "num_translations": 17 }, "barbadian1": { "senses": [ "Of, from, or relating to Barbados or the people of Barbados" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bajan" ], "word": "Barbadian", "num_translations": 14 }, "fugitive": { "senses": [ "A person who flees or escapes and travels secretly from place to place, and sometimes using disguises and aliases to conceal his/her identity, as to avoid law authorities in order to avoid an arrest or prosecution", "or to avoid some other unwanted situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abscotchalater", "nomad", "wanderer", "runaway" ], "word": "fugitive", "num_translations": 53 }, "icecream": { "senses": [ "A dessert made from frozen sweetened cream or a similar substance, usually flavoured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "iced cream", "cone" ], "word": "icecream", "num_translations": 223 }, "belarusian1": { "senses": [ "The Slavic language spoken in Belarus", "A citizen of Belarus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Belarusan", "Belarussian", "Belorussian", "Bielorussian", "Byelorussian", "White Russian", "White Ruthenian" ], "word": "Belarusian", "num_translations": 227 }, "barbarian": { "senses": [ "Relating to people, countries or customs perceived as uncivilized or inferior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barbaric", "barbarous" ], "word": "barbarian", "num_translations": 45 }, "barbarian1": { "senses": [ "A non-Greek or a non-Roman", "An uncivilized or uncultured person, originally compared to the hellenistic Greco-Roman civilisation", "often associated with fighting or other such shows of strength", "Someone from a developing country or backward culture", "A warrior, clad in fur or leather, associated with sword and sorcery stories", "A person destitute of culture", "a Philistine", "A cruel, savage, brutal person", "one without pity or humanity", "A foreigner, especially with barbaric qualities as in the above definitions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alien" ], "word": "barbarian", "num_translations": 96 }, "dane": { "senses": [ "A person from Denmark or of Danish descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Danish" ], "word": "Dane", "num_translations": 86 }, "ethiopian1": { "senses": [ "Of, from, or pertaining to Africa and the African diaspora" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ethiopic" ], "word": "Ethiopian", "num_translations": 33 }, "georgian": { "senses": [ "The language of Georgia, a country in Eastern Europe", "A person or a descendant of a person from Georgia, a country in Eastern Europe", "A native or resident of the state of Georgia in the United States of America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goober" ], "word": "Georgian", "num_translations": 176 }, "useless": { "senses": [ "Without use or possibility to be used", "Unhelpful, not useful", "pointless", "Good-for-nothing", "not dependable" ], "antonyms": [ "skillful" ], "synonyms": [ "good-for-nothing", "unskillful" ], "word": "useless", "num_translations": 129 }, "beach": { "senses": [ "The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly", "A horizontal strip of land, usually sandy, adjoining water", "The loose pebbles of the seashore, especially worn by waves", "shingle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sand" ], "word": "beach", "num_translations": 204 }, "beach1": { "senses": [ "To run into an obstacle or rough or soft ground, so that the floor of the vehicle rests on the ground and the wheels cannot gain traction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "strand" ], "word": "beach", "num_translations": 28 }, "apulia": { "senses": [ "region in southern c/Italy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Puglia" ], "word": "Apulia", "num_translations": 86 }, "palestinian1": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of Palestine or an Arab descending from that area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pal", "Filastini", "Falestinian", "Fakestinian" ], "word": "Palestinian", "num_translations": 66 }, "lesbian": { "senses": [ "Homosexual, gay", "preferring mostly or exclusively women as romantic or sexual partners", "Between two or more women", "homosexual, gay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dyke", "dyke" ], "word": "lesbian", "num_translations": 97 }, "lesbian1": { "senses": [ "A homosexual woman, one who is mostly or exclusively sexually or romantically attracted to other women", "A homosexual female animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sapphist", "Thesaurus:female homosexual" ], "word": "lesbian", "num_translations": 123 }, "element": { "senses": [ "One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based", "A small part of the whole", "The sky", "Atmospheric forces such as strong winds and rains", "A place or state of being that an individual or object is best suited to", "The bread and wine taken at Holy Communion", "A group of people within a larger group having a particular common characteristic", "A component in electrical equipment, often in the form of a coil, having a high resistance, thereby generating heat when a current is passed through it", "One of the conceptual objects in a markup language, usually represented in text by tags" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chemical element", "member" ], "word": "element", "num_translations": 298 }, "iranian1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Iranic", "Irani" ], "word": "Iranian", "num_translations": 71 }, "indulge": { "senses": [ ": To yield to a temptation or desire", "To satisfy the wishes or whims of", "To give way to", "not to oppose or restrain", "To grant an extension to the deadline of a payment", "To grant as by favour", "to bestow in concession, or in compliance with a wish or request" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coddle", "Thesaurus:indulge" ], "word": "indulge", "num_translations": 83 }, "pole": { "senses": [ "Originally, a stick", "now specifically, a long and slender piece of metal or wood, used for various construction or support purposes", "A type of basic fishing rod", "now made of glassfiber or carbon fiber, formerly also metal, bamboo and wood have been used", "A telescope used to identify birds, aeroplanes or wildlife", "A unit of length, equal to a rod", "A gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stick", "rod" ], "word": "pole", "num_translations": 95 }, "pole2": { "senses": [ "Either of the two points on the earth's surface around which it rotates", "also, similar points on any other rotating object", "A point of magnetic focus, especially each of the two opposing such points of a magnet", "A fixed point relative to other points or lines", "A contact on an electrical device at which electric current enters or leaves", "For a meromorphic function f, any point a for which f \\rightarrow \\infty as z \\rightarrow a", "The firmament", "the sky", "Either of the states that characterize a bipolar disorder" ], "antonyms": [ "zero" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pole", "num_translations": 92 }, "violinist": { "senses": [ "A person who plays the violin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "violin" ], "word": "violinist", "num_translations": 45 }, "pianist": { "senses": [ "A person who plays the piano, particularly with skill or as part of an orchestra", "A spy using radio or wireless telegraphy to keep in touch with headquarters during the Second World War" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pianoist", "piano player" ], "word": "pianist", "num_translations": 60 }, "firefighter": { "senses": [ "A person who puts out fires" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smoke eater" ], "word": "firefighter", "num_translations": 97 }, "hockey": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ice hockey", "field hockey", "shinny", "shinny hockey" ], "word": "hockey", "num_translations": 83 }, "southafrican1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Soufrican", "Sou'frican" ], "word": "SouthAfrican", "num_translations": 30 }, "mozambican1": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of Mozambique, or a descendant of such person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mozambiquan" ], "word": "Mozambican", "num_translations": 22 }, "builder": { "senses": [ "A person who builds or constructs things", "Master artisan, who receives his instructions from the architect, and employs workers" ], "antonyms": [ "destroyer" ], "synonyms": [ "constructor" ], "word": "builder", "num_translations": 83 }, "medievallatin": { "senses": [ "The Latin language as spoken and written during the Middle Ages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Middle Latin" ], "word": "MedievalLatin", "num_translations": 12 }, "newlatin": { "senses": [ "The Latin language spoken and written after the Middle Ages, including Renaissance Latin, Ecclesiastical Latin and Contemporary Latin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Neo-Latin" ], "word": "NewLatin", "num_translations": 13 }, "prescribe": { "senses": [ "To order for use by a particular patient", "To specify by writing as a required procedure or ritual", "to lay down authoritatively as a guide, direction, or rule of action" ], "antonyms": [ "proscribe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "prescribe", "num_translations": 89 }, "proscribe": { "senses": [ "To forbid or prohibit", "To denounce", "To banish or exclude" ], "antonyms": [ "prescribe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "proscribe", "num_translations": 39 }, "length": { "senses": [ "The distance measured along the longest dimension of an object", "Duration", "Distance between the two ends of a line segment", "The distance down the pitch that the ball bounces on its way to the batsman", "Total extent", "Part of something that is long", "a physical piece of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "length", "num_translations": 140 }, "probity": { "senses": [ "Integrity, especially of the quality of having strong moral principles", "honesty and decency" ], "antonyms": [ "wickedness" ], "synonyms": [ "decency" ], "word": "probity", "num_translations": 13 }, "taranto": { "senses": [ "city/and/associated province r/Apulia c/Italy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tarentum" ], "word": "Taranto", "num_translations": 33 }, "andalusia": { "senses": [ "The most populated and second largest of the seventeen autonomous communities that constitute Spain, whose capital is Seville", "city/county seat co/Covington County s/Alabama c/USA", "unincorporated area co/Flagler County s/Florida c/USA", "village co/Rock Island County s/Illinois c/USA", "historic neighbourhood twp/Bensalem Township co/Bucks County s/Pennsylvania c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Andalusia", "num_translations": 36 }, "hamburger": { "senses": [ "A hot sandwich consisting of a patty of cooked ground beef or a meat substitute, in a sliced bun, sometimes also containing salad vegetables, condiments, or both", "The patty used in such a sandwich", "An animal or human, or the flesh thereof, that has been badly injured as a result of an accident or conflict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beefburger", "hamburger patty" ], "word": "hamburger", "num_translations": 129 }, "tie": { "senses": [ "A knot", "a fastening", "A knot of hair, as at the back of a wig", "The situation in which two or more participants in a competition are placed equally", "A strong connection between people or groups of people", "A structural member firmly holding two pieces together", "The situation at the end of all innings of a match where both sides have the same total of runs", "A meeting between two players or teams in a competition", "A curved line connecting two notes of the same pitch denoting that they should be played as a single note with the combined length of both notes", "One or more equal values or sets of equal values in the data set", "A bearing and distance between a lot corner or point and a benchmark or iron off site", "A connection between two vertices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tie", "num_translations": 54 }, "tie1": { "senses": [ "To twist around itself securely", "To form in a string or the like", "To attach or fasten by string or the like", "To secure by string or the like", "To have the same score or position as another in a competition or ordering", "To have the same score or position as in a competition or ordering", "To unite with a line or slur in the notation", "To believe", "to credit", "In the Perl programming language, to extend so that standard operations performed upon it invoke custom functionality instead" ], "antonyms": [ "unfasten", "untie" ], "synonyms": [ "fasten", "link", "bind" ], "word": "tie", "num_translations": 134 }, "complaisant": { "senses": [ "Compliant", "Willing to do what pleases others", "obliging", "Polite", "showing respect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "complaisant", "num_translations": 28 }, "affect": { "senses": [ "To influence or alter", "To move to emotion", "Of an illness or condition, to infect or harm", "To dispose or incline", "To tend to by affinity or disposition", "To assign", "to appoint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affect", "num_translations": 89 }, "affect1": { "senses": [ "To make a show of", "to put on a pretence of", "to feign", "to assume To make a false display of", "To aim for, to try to obtain", "to like, be fond of", "To show a fondness for", "to choose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fake" ], "word": "affect", "num_translations": 23 }, "affect2": { "senses": [ "One's mood or inclination", "mental state", "A desire, an appetite", "A subjective feeling experienced in response to a thought or other stimulus", "mood, emotion, especially as demonstrated in external physical signs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affect", "num_translations": 13 }, "corinthian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to Corinth", "Elaborate, ornate", "Debauched in character or practice", "impure", "Being a sporting event restricted to gentleman amateurs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Corinthian", "num_translations": 17 }, "corinthian1": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant or a resident of Corinth, and its suburbs", "An inhabitant, a resident of", "a thing that originates from Corinthia", "An accomplished amateur athlete", "A sailboat owner who helms his or her own boat in competitive racing", "A worldly, fashionable person, accepted in society though possibly dissolute", "Horse show-class in which contestants are members of a formal hunt and wear its livery, as opposed to appointment show-class", "A small tubular wafer used in desserts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Corinthian", "num_translations": 11 }, "typeface": { "senses": [ "The particular design of some type, font, or a font family", "The surface of type which inked, or the impression it makes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "face" ], "word": "typeface", "num_translations": 27 }, "kelvin": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units, the base unit of thermodynamic temperature", "1/27316 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water Shown as \"K\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "degree Celsius", "degree absolute", "degree absolute" ], "word": "kelvin", "num_translations": 30 }, "kilogram": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units, the base unit of mass", "conceived of as the mass of one litre of water, but now defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6626 070 15 \u00d7 10-34 when expressed in units of kg\u22c5m2\u22c5s\u22121 Symbol: kg" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kilo", "kg" ], "word": "kilogram", "num_translations": 121 }, "degreecelsius": { "senses": [ "A metric unit of temperature, a derived unit of the International System of Units Symbol: \u00b0C" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "degree centigrade" ], "word": "degreeCelsius", "num_translations": 30 }, "lumen": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units, the derived unit of luminous flux", "the light that is emitted in a solid angle of one steradian from a source of one candela Symbol: lm", "The cavity or channel within a tube or tubular organ", "The cavity bounded by a plant cell wall", "The bore of a tube such as a hollow needle or catheter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lumen", "num_translations": 30 }, "hertz": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units, the derived unit of frequency", "one per second Symbol: Hz" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cycle" ], "word": "hertz", "num_translations": 45 }, "burmese": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to Burma or its people or language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Myanma" ], "word": "Burmese", "num_translations": 53 }, "burmese1": { "senses": [ "A medium-sized, short-haired domestic cat breed, originating in Thailand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Burman" ], "word": "Burmese", "num_translations": 59 }, "siemens": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units, the derived unit of electrical conductance", "the electric conductance in a body that has a resistance of one ohm Symbol: S" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mho" ], "word": "siemens", "num_translations": 14 }, "steradian": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units, the derived unit of solid angle", "the solid angle subtended at the centre of a sphere of radius r by a portion of the surface of the sphere that has area r2 Symbol: sr" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sr" ], "word": "steradian", "num_translations": 16 }, "guitarist": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays a guitar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plank spanker", "axeman", "guitar-player" ], "word": "guitarist", "num_translations": 48 }, "trombonist": { "senses": [ "A person who plays the trombone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tromboner", "trombone-player" ], "word": "trombonist", "num_translations": 18 }, "lesbos": { "senses": [ "island c/Greece in the northeastern sea/Aegean Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mytilene" ], "word": "Lesbos", "num_translations": 20 }, "whereas1": { "senses": [ "In contrast", "whilst on the contrary", "although", "It being the fact that", "inasmuch as" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whereas", "num_translations": 77 }, "loquacious": { "senses": [ "Talkative", "chatty" ], "antonyms": [ "laconic" ], "synonyms": [ "chatty", "Thesaurus:talkative" ], "word": "loquacious", "num_translations": 55 }, "berth": { "senses": [ "A fixed bunk for sleeping", "Room for maneuvering or safety", "A space for a ship to moor or a vehicle to park", "A room in which a number of the officers or ship's company mess and reside", "A job or position, especially on a ship", "Position or seed in a tournament bracket", "position on the field of play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "berth", "num_translations": 55 }, "whattimeisit": { "senses": [ "What is the time of day?" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "what time have you got" ], "word": "whattimeisit", "num_translations": 120 }, "limb": { "senses": [ "A major appendage of human or animal, used for locomotion", "A branch of a tree", "The part of the bow, from the handle to the tip", "An elementary piece of the mechanism of a lock", "A thing or person regarded as a part or member of, or attachment to, something else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "limb", "num_translations": 135 }, "newzealander": { "senses": [ "A person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Maorilander", "Aotearoan", "flax-stick", "Kiwi", "sheepshagger", "NZer" ], "word": "NewZealander", "num_translations": 37 }, "byzantine": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to Byzantium", "Belonging to the civilization of the Eastern Roman empire between 331, when its capital was moved to Constantinople, and 1453, when that capital was conquered by the Turks and ultimately renamed Istanbul", "Of a style of architecture prevalent in the Eastern Empire down to 1453, marked by the round arch springing from columns or piers, the dome supported upon pendentives, capitals elaborately sculptured, mosaic or other encrustations, etc", "Overly complex or intricate", "Of a devious, usually stealthy, manner or practice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Byzantine", "num_translations": 60 }, "goal": { "senses": [ "A result that one is attempting to achieve", "In many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object", "A noun or noun phrase that receives the action of a verb The subject of a passive verb or the direct object of an active verb Also called a patient, target, or undergoer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a result one is attempting to achieve:", "Thesaurus:goal" ], "word": "goal", "num_translations": 262 }, "edessa": { "senses": [ "city c/Greece, capital in Pella Prefecture, in periphery of Central Macedonia", "Ancient city in northwestern Mesopotamia, the capital of Osroene, on the site of modern \u015eanl\u0131urfa in Turkey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u015eanl\u0131urfa" ], "word": "Edessa", "num_translations": 10 }, "score": { "senses": [ "The total number of goals, points, runs, etc earned by a participant in a game", "The number of points accrued by each of the participants in a game, expressed as a ratio or a series of numbers", "The performance of an individual or group on an examination or test, expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol", "a grade", "Twenty, 20", "A distance of twenty yards, in ancient archery and gunnery", "A weight of twenty pounds", "The written form of a musical composition showing all instrumental and vocal parts below each other", "The music of a movie or play", "Subject", "Account", "reason", "motive", "sake", "behalf", "A notch or incision", "especially, one that is made as a tally mark", "hence, a mark, or line, made for the purpose of account", "An account or reckoning", "account of dues", "bill", "debt", "a criminal act, especially:", "A sexual conquest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prostitute's client" ], "word": "score", "num_translations": 164 }, "score1": { "senses": [ "To cut a notch or a groove in a surface", "To record the tally of points for a game, a match, or an examination", "To obtain something desired" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "groove", "keep", "come by", "shake down", "pull", "soundtrack" ], "word": "score", "num_translations": 79 }, "luxembourger": { "senses": [ "A person from the independent grand duchy of Luxembourg or of Luxembourgish descent", "An inhabitant of the former duchy of Luxemburg", "An inhabitant of the Belgian province Luxemburg , which was cut from the above at the grandducal separation from the house of Orange's Dutch crown", "An inhabitant of the city of Luxemburg, which is/was the capital of all the above terriories" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Luxemburger" ], "word": "Luxembourger", "num_translations": 43 }, "brood": { "senses": [ "The young of certain animals, especially a group of young birds or fowl hatched at one time by the same mother", "The young of any egg-laying creature, especially if produced at the same time", "The children in one family", "offspring", "That which is bred or produced", "breed", "species", "Parentage", "Heavy waste in tin and copper ores" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brood", "num_translations": 46 }, "brood2": { "senses": [ "To keep an egg warm to make it hatch", "To protect", "to foster", "To dwell upon moodily and at length, mainly alone", "To be bred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brood", "num_translations": 71 }, "somali": { "senses": [ "A domestic cat breed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:Somali" ], "word": "Somali", "num_translations": 92 }, "salvadoran1": { "senses": [ "Of, from, or pertaining to El Salvador or the Salvadorian people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Salvadorian" ], "word": "Salvadoran", "num_translations": 16 }, "red-hot": { "senses": [ "Heated to the point that it glows with a visible red color", "very hot", "Emotionally charged, especially with anger or enthusiasm", "Having a very strong sexual appeal", "Very fresh, new, recent and up to date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "red-hot", "num_translations": 12 }, "pauper": { "senses": [ "One who is extremely poor", "One living on or eligible for public charity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pauper" ], "word": "pauper", "num_translations": 70 }, "swahili": { "senses": [ "An agglutinative language of the Bantu branch widely spoken in East Africa Born of the hybridization of the Arabic and Bantu cultures, it was the language of the traders in East Africa, and spread along the routes of trade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "KiSwahili" ], "word": "Swahili", "num_translations": 72 }, "shadow": { "senses": [ "A dark image projected onto a surface where light is blocked by the shade of an object", "Relative darkness, especially as caused by the interruption of light", "gloom, obscurity", "A area protected by an obstacle", "A reflected image, as in a mirror or in water", "A small degree", "a shade", "An imperfect and faint representation", "A trainee, assigned to work with an experienced officer", "One who secretly or furtively follows another", "An inseparable companion", "An influence, especially a pervasive or a negative one", "A spirit", "a ghost", "a shade", "An uninvited guest accompanying one who was invited", "In Jungian psychology, an unconscious aspect of the personality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shadow", "num_translations": 349 }, "shadow1": { "senses": [ "To shade, cloud or darken", "To block light or radio transmission from", "To secretly or discreetly track or follow another, to keep under surveillance", "To represent faintly and imperfectly", "To hide", "to conceal", "To accompany during the working day, so as to learn about an occupation one intends to take up", "To make inaccessible by declaring another of the same name within the scope of the first" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shadow", "num_translations": 25 }, "grain": { "senses": [ "The harvested seeds of various grass food crops eg: wheat, corn, barley", "Similar seeds from any food crop, eg, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa", "A single seed of grass food crops", "A linear texture of a material or surface", "A single particle of a substance", "A region within a material having a single crystal structure or direction", "A reddish dye made from the coccus insect, or kermes", "hence, a red color of any tint or hue, as crimson, scarlet, etc", "sometimes used by the poets as equivalent to Tyrian purple", "The hair side of a piece of leather, or the marking on that side", "hence, any residuum Also called draff", "A rounded prominence on the back of a sepal, as in the common dock", "Temper", "natural disposition", "inclination", "Visual texture in processed photographic film due to the presence of small particles of a metallic silver, or dye clouds, developed from silver halide that have received enough photons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grain", "num_translations": 272 }, "grain1": { "senses": [ "To make granular", "to granulate", "To remove the hair or fat from a skin", "To soften leather", "To yield fruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grain", "num_translations": 11 }, "violence": { "senses": [ "Extreme force", "Action which causes destruction, pain, or suffering", "Widespread fighting", "Injustice, wrong", "ravishment", "rape", "violation" ], "antonyms": [ "peace" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "violence", "num_translations": 192 }, "beehive": { "senses": [ "An enclosed structure in which some species of honey bees live and raise their young", "A man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey", "Any place full of activity, or in which people are very busy", "A women's hairstyle, popular in the 1960s, in which long hair is styled into a hive-shaped form on top of the head and usually held in place with lacquer", "A particular style of hat", "A type of anti-personnel ammunition round containing flechettes, and characterised by the buzzing sound made as they fly through the air", "In Conway's Game of Life, a particular still life configuration with a rounded appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "home of bees", "man-made structure", "busy workplace", "hairstyle" ], "word": "beehive", "num_translations": 206 }, "drone": { "senses": [ "A male ant, bee or wasp, which does not work but can fertilize the queen bee", "Someone who does not work", "a lazy person, an idler", "One who performs menial or tedious work", "A remotely controlled aircraft, an unmanned aerial vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drone", "num_translations": 118 }, "radius": { "senses": [ "The long bone in the forearm, on the side of the thumb", "The lighter bone in the forelimb of an animal", "One of the major veins of the insect wing, between the subcosta and the media", "A line segment between any point of a circle or sphere and its center", "The length of this line segment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "R" ], "word": "radius", "num_translations": 138 }, "worker": { "senses": [ "A person who performs labor for a living, especially manual labor", "A nonreproductive social insect, such as ant, bee, termite, or wasp", "A thread performing one instance of a particular task within a program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laborer" ], "word": "worker", "num_translations": 211 }, "electricity": { "senses": [ "Originally, a property of amber and certain other nonconducting substances to attract lightweight material when rubbed, or the cause of this property", "now understood to be a phenomenon caused by the distribution and movement of charged subatomic particles and their interaction with the electromagnetic field", "The study of electrical phenomena", "the branch of science dealing with such phenomena", "A feeling of excitement", "a thrill", "Electric power/energy as used in homes etc, supplied by power stations or generators" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "electricity", "num_translations": 221 }, "glyph": { "senses": [ "A figure carved in relief or incised, especially representing a sound, word, or idea", "Any non-verbal symbol that imparts information", "A visual representation of a letter, character, or symbol, in a specific font and style", "A vertical groove" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sort" ], "word": "glyph", "num_translations": 29 }, "childish": { "senses": [ "Of or suitable for a child", "Behaving immaturely" ], "antonyms": [ "adult", "adultish" ], "synonyms": [ "childly", "infantile" ], "word": "childish", "num_translations": 76 }, "holdone'sown": { "senses": [ "To demonstrate oneself to be capable", "to provide a respectable performance or worthy competition", "to stick up for oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stand tall" ], "word": "holdone'sown", "num_translations": 15 }, "holdone'shorses": { "senses": [ "To be patient", "to wait" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hold one's water" ], "word": "holdone'shorses", "num_translations": 14 }, "forte": { "senses": [ "A strength or talent", "The strong part of a sword blade, close to the hilt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:forte" ], "word": "forte", "num_translations": 21 }, "showup": { "senses": [ "To appear, arrive, or attend, especially suddenly or erratically", "To make visible or expose faults and deficiencies in, usually by comparison", "To make visible", "to expose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turn up" ], "word": "showup", "num_translations": 32 }, "atto-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 10\u221218 Symbol: a" ], "antonyms": [ "exa-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "atto-", "num_translations": 12 }, "exa-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 1018, a quintillion Symbol: E" ], "antonyms": [ "atto-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "exa-", "num_translations": 19 }, "giga-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 109", "billion- Symbol: G", "Multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 230 or 1,073,741,824" ], "antonyms": [ "nano-" ], "synonyms": [ "gibi-" ], "word": "giga-", "num_translations": 23 }, "nano-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 10\u22129 Symbol: n", "Derived from the nanotechnology industry", "Very small" ], "antonyms": [ "giga-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nano-", "num_translations": 36 }, "peta-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 1015, a quadrillion Symbol: P" ], "antonyms": [ "femto-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "peta-", "num_translations": 20 }, "tera-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 1012, a trillion Symbol: T" ], "antonyms": [ "pico-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tera-", "num_translations": 21 }, "yotta-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 1024", "septillion- Symbol: Y" ], "antonyms": [ "yocto-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "yotta-", "num_translations": 19 }, "zepto-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 10\u221221 Symbol: z" ], "antonyms": [ "zetta-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "zepto-", "num_translations": 11 }, "zetta-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 1021, a sextillion Symbol: Z" ], "antonyms": [ "zepto-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "zetta-", "num_translations": 18 }, "nipple": { "senses": [ "The projection of a mammary gland from which, on female mammals, milk is secreted", "A mechanical device through which liquids or gases can be passed in a regulated manner", "Any small physical protrusion, such as the lumps on the F and J keys on computer keyboards", "Any small physical protrusion on an automotive, a machine part or any other part that fits into a groove on another part", "A perforated segment that fits into the muzzle of a breech-loading gun, on which the percussion cap is fixed", "A short tube threaded at both ends, used as a connector", "An internally threaded piece which holds a bicycle spoke in place on the rim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nipples", "teat", "tit" ], "word": "nipple", "num_translations": 185 }, "turn": { "senses": [ "to make a non-linear physical movement", "To change condition or attitude", "To change one's course of action", "to take a new approach", "To complete", "To make", "Of a player, to go past an opposition player with the ball in one's control", "To bring down the feet of a child in the womb, in order to facilitate delivery", "To invert a type of the same thickness, as a temporary substitute for any sort which is exhausted", "To translate", "To magically or divinely attack undead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rotate", "rotate", "steer", "swerve", "tack", "by folding it back on itself):", "become", "rebel", "lathe", "go bad", "complete" ], "word": "turn", "num_translations": 339 }, "turn1": { "senses": [ "A change of direction or orientation", "A walk to and fro", "A single loop of a coil", "A chance to use shared in sequence with others", "A spell of work, especially the time allotted to a person in a rota or schedule", "One's chance to make a move in a game having two or more players", "A figure in music, often denoted ~, consisting of the note above the one indicated, the note itself, the note below the one indicated, and the note itself again", "The time required to complete a project", "A fit or a period of giddiness", "A change in temperament or circumstance", "A sideways movement of the ball when it bounces", "The fourth communal card in Texas hold 'em", "The flop in Texas hold 'em", "A deed done to another", "an act of kindness or malice", "A pass behind or through an object", "Character", "personality", "nature", "An instance of going past an opposition player with the ball in one's control", "A short skit, act, or routine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "360\u00b0 turn", "complete rotation", "complete turn", "full rotation", "full turn", "loop", "shared in sequence with others): go", "go", "move", "dizziness", "change" ], "word": "turn", "num_translations": 180 }, "turndown": { "senses": [ "To refuse, decline, or deny", "To reduce the power, etc of something by means of a control, such as the volume, heat, or light", "To reposition by turning, flipping, etc in a downward direction" ], "antonyms": [ "accept", "turn up" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "turndown", "num_translations": 68 }, "turnup": { "senses": [ "To show up", "to appear suddenly or unexpectedly", "To cause to appear", "to find by searching, etc", "To increase the amount of something by means of a control, such as the volume, heat, or light", "To reposition by rotating, flipping, etc upwards", "To belay or make fast a line on a cleat or pin", "To party hard, especially when involving alcohol or drugs" ], "antonyms": [ "turn down" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "turnup", "num_translations": 43 }, "soporific": { "senses": [ "Something inducing sleep, especially a drug", "Something boring or dull" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:soporific" ], "word": "soporific", "num_translations": 28 }, "soporific1": { "senses": [ "Tending to induce sleep", "Boring, dull" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:soporific" ], "word": "soporific", "num_translations": 33 }, "watch": { "senses": [ "A portable or wearable timepiece", "The act of guarding and observing someone or something", "A particular time period when guarding is kept", "A person or group of people who guard", "A period of time on duty, usually four hours in length", "The act of seeing, or viewing, for a period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "watch", "num_translations": 296 }, "watch1": { "senses": [ "To look at, see, or view for a period of time", "To observe over a period of time", "to notice or pay attention", "To mind, attend, or guard", "To be wary or cautious of", "To attend to dangers to or regarding", "To remain awake with a sick or dying person", "to maintain a vigil", "To be vigilant or on one's guard", "To act as a lookout", "To be awake" ], "antonyms": [ "ignore" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "watch", "num_translations": 282 }, "coventry": { "senses": [ "industrial city/and/metropolitan borough co/West Midlands in central cc/England" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cov" ], "word": "Coventry", "num_translations": 13 }, "ifonly": { "senses": [ "I wish that", "signifies a wish or desire for the present or the future", "I wish that", "signifies a regret about an action in the past", "Even if for no other reason than", "only just" ], "antonyms": [ "God forbid" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ifonly", "num_translations": 71 }, "flux": { "senses": [ "The act of flowing", "a continuous moving on or passing by, as of a flowing stream", "A state of ongoing change", "A chemical agent for cleaning metal prior to soldering or welding", "A disease which causes diarrhea, especially dysentery", "Diarrhea or other fluid discharge from the body", "The state of being liquid through heat", "fusion" ], "antonyms": [ "stasis" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "flux", "num_translations": 46 }, "turnover": { "senses": [ "To flip over", "to rotate uppermost to bottom", "To relinquish", "give back", "To transfer", "To produce, complete, or cycle through", "To generate", "To mull, ponder", "To spin the crankshaft of an internal combustion engine using the starter or hand crank in an attempt to make it run", "To give up control", "To cause extensive disturbance or disruption to , eg while searching for an item, or ransacking a property" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "turnover", "num_translations": 34 }, "spam1": { "senses": [ "To use rapidly and repeatedly", "To post the same text repeatedly with disruptive effect", "to flood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spam", "num_translations": 25 }, "propolis": { "senses": [ "An aromatic glue-like substance produced by honeybees from tree resin, waxes, and their own secretions, used in the construction of their hives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bee glue", "sour honey" ], "word": "propolis", "num_translations": 28 }, "fathom1": { "senses": [ "To encircle with outstretched arms, especially to take a measurement", "to embrace", "To measure the depth of, take a sounding of", "To get to the bottom of", "to manage to comprehend", "understand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fathom", "num_translations": 76 }, "suchislife": { "senses": [ "Used to express the acceptance of misfortune in one's life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "c'est la vie", "che sara sara", "que sera sera", "that's life" ], "word": "suchislife", "num_translations": 60 }, "trial": { "senses": [ "An opportunity to test something out", "a test", "Appearance at judicial court in order to be examined", "A difficult or annoying experience", "A tryout to pick members of a team", "A piece of ware used to test the heat of a kiln", "An internal examination set by Eton College" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trial", "num_translations": 152 }, "exclamationmark": { "senses": [ "Punctuation mark \u201c!\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exclamation", "exclamation point", "ecphoneme" ], "word": "exclamationmark", "num_translations": 72 }, "-ism": { "senses": [ "Used to form nouns of action or process or result based on the accompanying verb in -ise or -ize", "Used to form the name of a system, school of thought or theory based on the name of its subject or object or alternatively on the name of its founder )", "Used to form names of a tendency of behaviour, action, state, condition or opinion belonging to a class or group of persons, or the result of a doctrine, ideology or principle or lack thereof", "Used to form nouns indicating a peculiarity or characteristic of language", "Used to form names of ideologies expressing belief in the superiority of a certain class within the concept expressed by the root word, or a pattern of behavior or a social norm that benefits members of the group indicated by the root word )", "Used to form names of conditions or syndromes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-ism", "num_translations": 76 }, "tuberculosis": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phthisic", "consumption", "TB" ], "word": "tuberculosis", "num_translations": 114 }, "hound": { "senses": [ "A dog, particularly a breed with a good sense of smell developed for hunting other animals", "Any canine animal", "Someone who seeks something", "A male who constantly seeks the company of desirable women", "A despicable person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hound", "num_translations": 64 }, "lathe2": { "senses": [ "A machine tool used to shape a piece of material, or workpiece, by rotating the workpiece against a cutting tool", "The movable swing frame of a loom, carrying the reed for separating the warp threads and beating up the weft", "a lay, or batten", "A granary", "a barn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lathe", "num_translations": 66 }, "turninto": { "senses": [ "To transform into", "become", "To transform into", "cause to become" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "become", "make" ], "word": "turninto", "num_translations": 29 }, "turnin": { "senses": [ "to submit something", "to give", "to relinquish", "give up", "to tell on someone to the authorities", "to go to bed", "retire to bed", "To convert a goal using a turning motion of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hand in", "capitulate", "inform", "hit the sack" ], "word": "turnin", "num_translations": 30 }, "turnaround": { "senses": [ "The act of turning to face in the other direction", "A reversal of policy", "The time required to carry out a task", "A turnabout", "a reversal of circumstances", "A series of sketches of a character as seen from different angles", "A cadence linking the end of a verse to the beginning of the next", "The notation for the addition of a grace note above then below a given note", "synonym of \"goback\"", "The scheduled shutdown of an industrial plant, such as an oil rig, for maintenance and testing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "U-turn" ], "word": "turnaround", "num_translations": 12 }, "turnoveranewleaf": { "senses": [ "To engage in self-improvement", "to begin a good habit or shed a bad habit" ], "antonyms": [ "break bad" ], "synonyms": [ "start with a clean sheet" ], "word": "turnoveranewleaf", "num_translations": 14 }, "turnout": { "senses": [ "The act of coming forth", "The number of people who attend or participate in an event or are present at a venue", "A place to pull off a road", "A place where moveable rails allow a train to switch tracks", "a set of points", "A quitting of employment for the purpose of forcing increase of wages", "a strike", "A striker", "That which is prominently brought forward or exhibited", "hence, an equipage", "Net quantity of produce yielded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lay-by" ], "word": "turnout", "num_translations": 11 }, "ahem": { "senses": [ "the sound of a quiet cough or of clearing one's throat", "an exclamation or cough to get attention", "an exclamation of disapproval or annoyance", "an exclamation to indicate sarcasm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hey", "Thesaurus:tut tut" ], "word": "ahem", "num_translations": 14 }, "achoo": { "senses": [ "The sound of a sneeze" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atishoo", "kerchoo" ], "word": "achoo", "num_translations": 39 }, "tricycle": { "senses": [ "A cycle with three wheels, powered by pedals and usually intended for young children", "A cycle rickshaw" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trike" ], "word": "tricycle", "num_translations": 66 }, "turnoff": { "senses": [ "To power down, to put out of operation, to deactivate", "To rotate a tap or valve so as to interrupt the outflow of liquid or gas", "To repulse, disgust, or discourage", "To leave a road", "to exit" ], "antonyms": [ "turn on" ], "synonyms": [ "shut off", "shut off" ], "word": "turnoff", "num_translations": 138 }, "zany": { "senses": [ "Unusual and awkward in a funny, comical manner", "outlandish", "clownish", "Ludicrously or incongruously comical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wacky" ], "word": "zany", "num_translations": 37 }, "turnon": { "senses": [ "To set a flow of fluid or gas running by rotating a tap or valve", "To power up, to put into operation, to start, to activate", "To start operating", "to power up, to become on", "To fill with enthusiasm", "to intoxicate, give pleasure to", "To sexually arouse", "To cause to take up drugs, especially hallucinogens", "To violently rebel against", "to suddenly attack", "To depend upon", "to pivot around, to have as a central subject" ], "antonyms": [ "turn off" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "turnon", "num_translations": 152 }, "standby": { "senses": [ "A state of readiness without immediate involvement", "remaining in preparation for", "sleep mode", "Waiting at the airport in the hope of getting a seat on a flight that is already booked out", "Something that is standard, well-tested, or frequently used" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the ready" ], "word": "standby", "num_translations": 14 }, "standout": { "senses": [ "To be obvious or conspicuous, in contrast to the surroundings", "To be extraordinary and different or to have features and qualities which make someone or something special", "To sail in a direction away from shore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stand out" ], "word": "standout", "num_translations": 25 }, "standstill": { "senses": [ "complete immobility", "halt" ], "antonyms": [ "motion", "movement" ], "synonyms": [ "deadlock", "grind", "halt", "idle", "impasse" ], "word": "standstill", "num_translations": 45 }, "standup": { "senses": [ "To rise from a lying or sitting position", "To bring something up and set it into a standing position", "To avoid a prearranged meeting, especially a date, with without prior notification", "to jilt or shirk", "To last or endure over a period of time", "To continue to be believable, consistent, or plausible", "To stand immediately behind the wicket so as to catch balls from a slow or spin bowler, and to attempt to stump the batsman", "To launch, propel upwards", "To formally activate and commission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "standup", "num_translations": 129 }, "crossword": { "senses": [ "A word puzzle in which interlocking words are entered usually horizontally and vertically into a grid based on clues given for each word" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crossword puzzle" ], "word": "crossword", "num_translations": 67 }, "slowly": { "senses": [ "At a slow pace" ], "antonyms": [ "quickly", "rapidly" ], "synonyms": [ "ponderously" ], "word": "slowly", "num_translations": 113 }, "greenthumb": { "senses": [ "A natural skill for gardening", "A person with this skill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green fingers" ], "word": "greenthumb", "num_translations": 12 }, "thumbone'snose": { "senses": [ "To place a thumb upon the tip of the nose, typically with the fingers spread and while simultaneously wiggling one's fingers, in a gesture of disrespect", "To act disrespectfully, especially by flouting the object of disrespect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cock a snook" ], "word": "thumbone'snose", "num_translations": 10 }, "perfume": { "senses": [ "A pleasant smell", "the scent, odor, or odoriferous particles emitted from a sweet-smelling substance", "a pleasant odor", "A substance created to provide a pleasant smell or one which emits an agreeable odor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aroma", "fragrance" ], "word": "perfume", "num_translations": 206 }, "gym": { "senses": [ "A sports facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise", "physical education class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fitness center" ], "word": "gym", "num_translations": 59 }, "grid": { "senses": [ "A rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size, such as in a crossword puzzle", "A system for delivery of electricity, consisting of various substations, transformers and generators, connected by wire", "A system or structure of distributed computers working mostly on a peer-to-peer basis, used mainly to solve single and complex scientific or technical problems or to process data at high speeds", "A method of marking off maps into areas", "The pattern of starting positions of the drivers for a race", "The third electrode of a vacuum tube", "A battery-plate somewhat like a grating, especially a zinc plate in a primary battery, or a lead plate in a secondary or storage battery", "A grating of parallel bars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grid", "num_translations": 137 }, "check": { "senses": [ "A situation in which the king is directly threatened by an opposing piece", "An inspection or examination", "A control", "a limit or stop", "A mark used as an indicator", "An order to a bank to pay money to a named person or entity", "A bill, particularly in a restaurant", "A maneuver performed by a player to take another player out of the play", "A token used instead of cash in gaming machines, or in gambling generally", "A lengthwise separation through the growth rings in wood", "A mark, certificate or token by which errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified", "The forsaking by a hawk of its proper game to follow other birds", "A small chink or crack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "check", "num_translations": 194 }, "check1": { "senses": [ "To inspect", "to examine", "To verify the accuracy of a text or translation, usually making some corrections or many", "To mark items on a list that have been chosen for keeping or removal or that have been dealt with", "To control, limit, or halt", "To verify or compare with a source of information", "To leave in safekeeping", "To leave with a shipping agent for shipping", "To pass or bounce the ball to an opponent from behind the three-point line and have the opponent pass or bounce it back to start play", "To disrupt another player with the stick or body to obtain possession of the ball or puck", "To remain in a hand without betting Only legal if no one has yet bet", "To chide, rebuke, or reprove", "To slack or ease off, as a brace which is too stiffly extended", "To crack or gape open, as wood in drying", "to cause to crack", "To make a stop", "to pause", "with at", "To clash or interfere", "To act as a curb or restraint", "To turn, when in pursuit of proper game, and fly after other birds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "check", "num_translations": 170 }, "gymnasium": { "senses": [ "A large room or building for indoor sports", "A type of secondary school in some European countries which typically prepares students for university", "A public place or building where Ancient Greek youths took exercise, with running and wrestling grounds, baths, and halls for conversation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gym", "prep school" ], "word": "gymnasium", "num_translations": 94 }, "fishy": { "senses": [ "diminutive of \"fish\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fishy wishy" ], "word": "fishy", "num_translations": 32 }, "fishy1": { "senses": [ "Of, from, or similar to fish", "Suspicious", "inspiring doubt", "Of drag queens: appearing feminine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fishlike" ], "word": "fishy", "num_translations": 44 }, "quibble": { "senses": [ "A trivial or minor complaint, objection or argument", "A shift or turn from the point in question", "a trifling or evasive distinction", "a cavil", "A pun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dispute" ], "word": "quibble", "num_translations": 21 }, "quibble1": { "senses": [ "To complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:squabble" ], "word": "quibble", "num_translations": 21 }, "knock": { "senses": [ "An abrupt rapping sound, as from an impact of a hard object against wood", "A sharp impact", "Criticism", "Preignition, a type of abnormal combustion occurring in spark ignition engines caused by self-ignition", "A batsman's innings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knock", "num_translations": 63 }, "knock1": { "senses": [ "To strike for admittance", "to rap upon, as a door", "To criticize verbally", "to denigrate", "to undervalue", "To kick a ball towards another player", "to pass", "To impress forcibly or strongly", "to astonish", "to move to admiration or applause", "To bump or impact", "To rap one's knuckles against something, especially wood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knock", "num_translations": 106 }, "knockoff1": { "senses": [ "To halt one's work or other activity", "To kill", "To remove, as a discount or estimate", "To rob", "To make a copy of, as of a design", "To assign to a bidder at an auction, indicated by knocking on the counter", "To have sex with", "To accomplish hastily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "call it a day", "bump off", "deduct", "mill", "plagiarize", "coitize", "knock out" ], "word": "knockoff", "num_translations": 11 }, "knockout": { "senses": [ "The act of making someone unconscious, or at least unable to come back on their feet within a certain period of time", "a TKO", "The deactivation of anything", "Something wildly popular, entertaining, or funny", "A very attractive person, especially a beautiful woman", "A partially punched opening meant for optional later removal", "The deactivation of a particular gene", "A creature engineered with a particular gene deactivated", "An event where a foreground color causes a background color not to print", "A tournament in which a team or player must beat the opponent in order to progress to the next round", "A simple game for two or more players, derived from basketball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knockout", "num_translations": 11 }, "ginger": { "senses": [ "The pungent aromatic rhizome of a tropical Asian herb, Zingiber officinale, used as a spice and as a stimulant and acarminative", "The plant that produces this rhizome", "Other species belonging to the same family, Zingiberaceae, especially those of the genus Zingiber", "A reddish-brown color", "A person with reddish-brown hair", "a redhead", "Vitality, vigour, liveliness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ginger", "num_translations": 249 }, "knockout1": { "senses": [ "Rendering someone unconscious", "Amazing", "gorgeous", "beautiful", "Designating an organism in which a particular gene has been removed or deactivated", "Causing elimination from a competition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knockout", "num_translations": 10 }, "weesmallhours": { "senses": [ "The very early morning, just after midnight, when most people are asleep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oh dark thirty" ], "word": "weesmallhours", "num_translations": 14 }, "prototype": { "senses": [ "An original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects , or for its generalizations and models", "An early sample or model built to test a concept or process", "A declaration of a function that specifies the name, return type, and parameters, but none of the body or actual code", "An instance of a category or a concept that combines its most representative attributes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see" ], "word": "prototype", "num_translations": 37 }, "mushroom": { "senses": [ "Any of the fleshy fruiting bodies of fungi typically produced above ground on soil or on their food sources", "A fungus producing such fruiting bodies", "A concrete column with a thickened portion at the top, used to support a slab", "One who rises suddenly from a low condition in life", "an upstart", "Something that grows very quickly or seems to appear suddenly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mushroom", "num_translations": 260 }, "club": { "senses": [ "A heavy stick intended for use as a weapon or plaything", "An association of members joining together for some common purpose, especially sports or recreation", "A joint charge of expense, or any person's share of it", "a contribution to a common fund", "A black clover shape , one of the four symbols used to mark the suits of playing cards", "Any set of people with a shared characteristic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cudgel", "team" ], "word": "club", "num_translations": 312 }, "club1": { "senses": [ "To join together to form a group", "To pay an equal or proportionate share of a common charge or expense", "To raise, or defray, by a proportional assessment", "To drift in a current with an anchor out", "To throw, or allow to fall, into confusion", "To unite, or contribute, for the accomplishment of a common end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "club", "num_translations": 21 }, "vanish": { "senses": [ "To become invisible or to move out of view unnoticed", "To become equal to zero" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disappear" ], "word": "vanish", "num_translations": 80 }, "invisible": { "senses": [ "Unable to be seen", "out of sight", "not visible", "Not appearing on the surface", "Apparently, but not actually, offline", "That is ignored by a person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "invisible", "num_translations": 86 }, "shiny": { "senses": [ "Reflecting light", "Emitting light", "Excellent", "remarkable", "Bright", "luminous", "clear", "unclouded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shiny", "num_translations": 39 }, "radiologist": { "senses": [ "A person who is skilled in or practices radiology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shadow gazer" ], "word": "radiologist", "num_translations": 36 }, "borrow": { "senses": [ "To receive from somebody temporarily, expecting to return it", "To take money from a bank under the agreement that the bank will be paid over the course of time", "To adopt as one's own", "To adopt a word from another language", "In a subtraction, to deduct from a digit of the minuend and add ten to the following digit, in order that the subtraction of a larger digit in the subtrahend from the digit in the minuend to which ten is added gives a positive result", "To lend", "To temporarily obtain for", "To feign or counterfeit", "To secure the release of from prison", "To receive from somebody, with little possibility of returning it" ], "antonyms": [ "give back", "carry" ], "synonyms": [ "adopt" ], "word": "borrow", "num_translations": 144 }, "amorphous": { "senses": [ "Lacking a definite form or clear shape", "Being without definite character or nature", "Lacking organization or unity", "In the non-crystalline solid state of a typically crystalline solid", "Infinite and not the disjoint union of two infinite subsets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amorphous", "num_translations": 61 }, "foible1": { "senses": [ "A quirk, idiosyncrasy, or mannerism", "unusual habit or way , that is slightly strange or silly", "A weakness or failing of character", "Part of a sword between the middle and the point, weaker than the forte" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fault" ], "word": "foible", "num_translations": 29 }, "quirk": { "senses": [ "an idiosyncrasy", "a slight glitch, mannerism", "something unusual about the manner or style of something or someone", "An acute angle dividing a molding", "a groove that runs lengthwise between the upper part of a moulding and a soffit", "A quibble, evasion, or subterfuge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quirk", "num_translations": 37 }, "biennial": { "senses": [ "Happening every two years", "Lasting for two years" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biennary" ], "word": "biennial", "num_translations": 28 }, "diaphanous": { "senses": [ "Transparent or translucent", "allowing light to pass through", "capable of being seen through", "Of a fine, almost transparent, texture", "gossamer", "light and insubstantial", "Isorefractive, having an identical refractive index" ], "antonyms": [ "opaque", "concrete" ], "synonyms": [ "translucent", "delicate" ], "word": "diaphanous", "num_translations": 32 }, "away": { "senses": [ "From a place, hence", "Aside", "off", "in another direction", "From a state or condition of being", "out of existence", "On", "in continuance", "without intermission or delay", "Without restraint", "Being so engaged for the entire time", "At a distance in time or space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at bay" ], "word": "away", "num_translations": 119 }, "away2": { "senses": [ "Not here, gone, absent, unavailable, traveling", "on vacation", "At a specified distance in space, time, or figuratively", "Not on one's home territory", "Out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "away", "num_translations": 41 }, "backslash": { "senses": [ "The punctuation mark \\", "Used erroneously in reference to, or in reading out, the ordinary slash, that is, the punctuation mark /" ], "antonyms": [ "slash" ], "synonyms": [ "reverse solidus", "slosh", "whack" ], "word": "backslash", "num_translations": 38 }, "nostril": { "senses": [ "Either of the two orifices located on the nose", "used as a passage for air and other gases to travel the nasal passages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "naris", "nosehole" ], "word": "nostril", "num_translations": 110 }, "feast": { "senses": [ "A very large meal, often of a ceremonial nature", "Something delightful", "A festival", "a holy day or holiday", "a solemn, or more commonly, a joyous, anniversary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banquet" ], "word": "feast", "num_translations": 165 }, "signal": { "senses": [ "A sequence of states representing an encoded message in a communication channel", "Any variation of a quantity or change in an entity over time that conveys information upon detection", "A sign made to give notice of some occurrence, command, or danger, or to indicate the start of a concerted action", "An on-off light, semaphore, or other device used to give an indication to another person", "An electromagnetic action, normally a voltage that is a function of time, that conveys the information of the radio or TV program or of communication with another party", "An action, change or process done to convey information and thus reduce uncertainty", "A token", "an indication", "a foreshadowing", "a sign", "Useful information, as opposed to noise", "A simple interprocess communication used to notify a process or thread of an occurrence" ], "antonyms": [ "noise" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "signal", "num_translations": 119 }, "procrastinate": { "senses": [ "To delay taking action", "to wait until later", "To put off", "to delay" ], "antonyms": [ "precrastinate" ], "synonyms": [ "delay", "delay" ], "word": "procrastinate", "num_translations": 74 }, "curious": { "senses": [ "Tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate", "inquisitive", "nosy, prying", "Caused by curiosity", "Leading one to ask questions about", "somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual", "Careful, fastidious, particular", "demanding a high standard of excellence, difficult to satisfy", "Carefully or artfully constructed", "made with great elegance or skill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curious", "num_translations": 101 }, "curiosity": { "senses": [ "Inquisitiveness", "the tendency to ask and learn about things by asking questions, investigating, or exploring", "A unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest", "Careful, delicate construction", "fine workmanship, delicacy of building" ], "antonyms": [ "ignorance" ], "synonyms": [ "inquisitiveness" ], "word": "curiosity", "num_translations": 102 }, "negligible": { "senses": [ "Able to be neglected, ignored or excluded from consideration", "too small or unimportant to be of concern" ], "antonyms": [ "considerable", "important", "significant", "innegligible", "unignorable" ], "synonyms": [ "ignorable", "neglectable", "slight", "trivial", "Thesaurus:tiny" ], "word": "negligible", "num_translations": 31 }, "occult1": { "senses": [ "Secret", "hidden from general knowledge", "undetected", "pertaining to mysticism, magic, or astrology", "Esoteric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "occult", "num_translations": 44 }, "factotum": { "senses": [ "A person having many diverse activities or responsibilities", "A general servant", "An individual employed to do all sorts of duties", "A jack of all trades", "A printer's ornament forming a decorative border into which any letter can be inserted to mark the beginning of a section of text" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "factotum", "num_translations": 31 }, "aggregate": { "senses": [ "A mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars", "something consisting of elements but considered as a whole", "A mass formed by the union of homogeneous particles", "- in distinction from a compound, formed by the union of heterogeneous particles", "A set", "The full chromatic scale of twelve equal tempered pitches", "The total score in a set of games between teams or competitors, usually the combination of the home and away scores", "Crushed stone, crushed slag or water-worn gravel used for surfacing a built-up roof system", "Solid particles of low aspect ratio added to a composite material, as distinguished from the matrix and any fibers or reinforcements, especially the gravel and sand added to concrete", "Any of the five attributes that constitute the sentient being" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cluster", "skandha" ], "word": "aggregate", "num_translations": 76 }, "aggregate1": { "senses": [ "Formed by a collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum", "collective", "combined", "added up", "Consisting or formed of smaller objects or parts", "Formed into clusters or groups of lobules", "Composed of several florets within a common involucre, as in the daisy", "or of several carpels formed from one flower, as in the raspberry", "Having the several component parts adherent to each other only to such a degree as to be separable by mechanical means", "United into a common organized mass", "said of certain compound animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aggregate", "num_translations": 14 }, "aggregate2": { "senses": [ "To bring together", "to collect into a mass or sum", "To add or unite , to an association" ], "antonyms": [ "segregate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aggregate", "num_translations": 22 }, "event": { "senses": [ "An occurrence", "something that happens", "A prearranged social activity", "One of several contests that combine to make up a competition", "An end result", "an outcome", "A point in spacetime having three spatial coordinates and one temporal coordinate", "A set of some of the possible outcomes", "a subset of the sample space", "An affair in hand", "business", "enterprise", "An episode of severe health conditions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "event", "num_translations": 206 }, "humour": { "senses": [ "The quality of being amusing, comical, funny", "A mood, especially a bad mood", "a temporary state of mind or disposition brought upon by an event", "an abrupt illogical inclination or whim", "Moist vapour, moisture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comedy" ], "word": "humour", "num_translations": 106 }, "bodilyfluid": { "senses": [ "Any liquid portion of the body, such as blood, urine, semen, saliva, especially when expelled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biofluid", "body fluid", "humor", "humour" ], "word": "bodilyfluid", "num_translations": 27 }, "britishisles": { "senses": [ "A group of islands off the northwest coast of mainland Europe, including Great Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Wight, the Isles of Scilly, the Isle of Man, the Outer Hebrides, the Inner Hebrides, the Orkney Islands, the Shetland Islands and many other smaller islands Use may include the Channel Islands, although these are physically closer to mainland Europe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:British Isles" ], "word": "BritishIsles", "num_translations": 64 }, "onion": { "senses": [ "A monocotyledonous plant , allied to garlic, used as vegetable and spice", "The bulb of such a plant", "The genus as a whole", "A ball", "A person from Bermuda or of Bermudian descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "violet" ], "word": "onion", "num_translations": 259 }, "secluded": { "senses": [ "Hidden, isolated, remote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "off the grid", "isolated" ], "word": "secluded", "num_translations": 27 }, "celibacy": { "senses": [ "Abstaining from marriage", "the state of being unmarried", "Abstinence from sexual relations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sexlessness" ], "word": "celibacy", "num_translations": 52 }, "hemorrhage": { "senses": [ "A heavy release of blood within or from the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bleeding" ], "word": "hemorrhage", "num_translations": 36 }, "marrow": { "senses": [ "The substance inside bones which produces blood cells", "A kind of vegetable like a large courgette/zucchini or squash", "The pith of certain plants", "The essence", "the best part", "The inner meaning or purpose", "Semen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crux" ], "word": "marrow", "num_translations": 107 }, "cantankerous": { "senses": [ "Given to or marked by an ill-tempered nature", "ill-tempered, cranky, surly, crabby" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cranky", "grouchy", "grumpy", "ornery", "surly", "truculent" ], "word": "cantankerous", "num_translations": 54 }, "lock": { "senses": [ "Something used for fastening, which can only be opened with a key or combination", "A mutex or other token restricting access to a resource", "A segment of a canal or other waterway enclosed by gates, used for raising and lowering boats between levels", "The firing mechanism", "Complete control over a situation", "Something sure to be a success", "A player in the scrum behind the front row, usually the tallest members of the team", "A fastening together or interlacing", "a closing of one thing upon another", "a state of being fixed or immovable", "A device for keeping a wheel from turning", "A grapple in wrestling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lock", "num_translations": 205 }, "lock1": { "senses": [ "To become fastened in place", "To be capable of becoming fastened in place", "To intertwine or dovetail", "To freeze one's body or a part thereof in place", "To seize by turning the left arm around it, to disarm him", "To officially prevent other users from posting in" ], "antonyms": [ "unlock" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lock", "num_translations": 104 }, "manual": { "senses": [ "A handbook", "A booklet that instructs on the usage of a particular machine or product", "A drill in the use of weapons, etc", "An old office-book like the modern Roman Catholic ritual", "A keyboard for the hands on a harpsichord, organ, or other musical instrument", "a gearbox, especially of a motorized vehicle, shifted by the operator", "A bicycle technique whereby the front wheel is held aloft by the rider, without the use of pedal force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enchiridion", "handbook" ], "word": "manual", "num_translations": 89 }, "manual1": { "senses": [ "Performed with the hands", "Operated by means of the hands", "Performed by a human rather than a machine" ], "antonyms": [ "automatic" ], "synonyms": [ "handly" ], "word": "manual", "num_translations": 43 }, "moses": { "senses": [ "The pharaonic patriarch who led the slaved Hebrews out of Egypt, the brother of Aaron and Miriam described in the Book of Exodus and the Quran", "male given name", "surname", "A dialect of the Columbia-Wenatchi language", "pseudonym for Harriet Tubman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Moishe", "Moshe" ], "word": "Moses", "num_translations": 112 }, "married": { "senses": [ "In a state of marriage", "having a wife or a husband", "Showing commitment or devotion normally reserved for a spouse" ], "antonyms": [ "single" ], "synonyms": [ "autem" ], "word": "married", "num_translations": 101 }, "bridegroom": { "senses": [ "A man in the context of his own wedding", "one who is going to marry or has just been married" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "groom" ], "word": "bridegroom", "num_translations": 134 }, "arc": { "senses": [ "That part of a circle which a heavenly body appears to pass through as it moves above and below the horizon", "A continuous part of the circumference of a circle or of another curve", "A curve, in general", "A band contained within parallel curves, or something of that shape", "A flow of current across an insulating medium", "especially a hot, luminous discharge between either two electrodes or as lightning", "A continuous mapping from a real interval into a space", "A directed edge", "The three-point line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "curve", "circular arc", "arrow" ], "word": "arc", "num_translations": 87 }, "priestess": { "senses": [ "A woman with religious duties and responsibilities in certain non-Christian religions", "A female Christian priest or minister, typically in a Protestant, Old Catholic, or independent Catholic denomination", "A priest's wife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kahuna", "presbytera" ], "word": "priestess", "num_translations": 40 }, "axis": { "senses": [ "An imaginary line around which an object spins or is symmetrically arranged", "A fixed one-dimensional figure, such as a line or arc, with an origin and orientation and such that its points are in one-to-one correspondence with a set of numbers", "The second cervical vertebra of the spine", "A form of classification and descriptions of mental disorders or disabilities used in manuals such as the DSM", "The main stem or central part about which organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "axis", "num_translations": 144 }, "tuna": { "senses": [ "Any of several species of fish of the genus Thunnus in the family Scombridae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tuna fish" ], "word": "tuna", "num_translations": 64 }, "barber": { "senses": [ "A person whose profession is cutting customers' hair and beards", "A storm accompanied by driving ice spicules formed from sea water, especially one occurring on the Gulf of St Lawrence", "so named from the cutting ice spicules" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hairdresser", "hairstylist" ], "word": "barber", "num_translations": 120 }, "idolatry": { "senses": [ "The worship of idols", "The excessive admiration of somebody or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adoration", "reverence", "worship" ], "word": "idolatry", "num_translations": 60 }, "lawyer": { "senses": [ "A professional person qualified and authorized to practice law, ie represent parties in lawsuits or trials and give legal advice", "A legal layman who argues points of law", "The burbot", "The stem of a bramble", "Any of various plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "advocate", "attorney", "counselor" ], "word": "lawyer", "num_translations": 197 }, "farmer": { "senses": [ "A person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock, especially on a farm", "Agent noun of farm", "someone or something that farms", "One who takes taxes, customs, excise, or other duties, to collect for a certain rate per cent", "The lord of the field, or one who farms the lot and cope of the crown" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "farmer", "num_translations": 216 }, "penumbra": { "senses": [ "A partially shaded area around the edges of a shadow, especially an eclipse", "A region around the edge of a sunspot, darker than the sun's surface but lighter than the middle of the sunspot", "An area of uncertainty or intermediacy between two mutually exclusive states or categories", "An area that lies on the edge of something", "a fringe", "Something related to, connected to, and implied by, the existence of something else that is necessary for the second thing to be full and complete in its essential aspects", "A region of the brain that has lost only some of its blood supply, and retains structural integrity but has lost function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grey area", "periphery" ], "word": "penumbra", "num_translations": 41 }, "salubrious": { "senses": [ "Promoting health or well-being", "wholesome, especially as related to air" ], "antonyms": [ "insalubrious" ], "synonyms": [ "healthful" ], "word": "salubrious", "num_translations": 27 }, "panacea": { "senses": [ "A remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life that was originally sought by alchemists", "a cure-all", "Something that will solve all problems", "The plant allheal , believed to cure all ills" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catholicon", "miracle", "allheal" ], "word": "panacea", "num_translations": 57 }, "flightless": { "senses": [ "Unable to fly Usually used with birds such as the penguin, ostrich, and emu" ], "antonyms": [ "flighted", "volant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "flightless", "num_translations": 13 }, "bovinespongiformencephalopathy": { "senses": [ "A fatal, neurodegenerative disease of cattle, which is transmissible to humans through misshaped prion proteins, caused by eating infected tissues" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mad cow disease", "variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease" ], "word": "bovinespongiformencephalopathy", "num_translations": 52 }, "graphite": { "senses": [ "An allotrope of carbon, consisting of planes of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal arrays with the planes stacked loosely, that is used as a dry lubricant and in \"lead\" pencils", "A grey colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plumbago", "carbon fiber" ], "word": "graphite", "num_translations": 51 }, "orkneyislands": { "senses": [ "A group of islands off north-east Scotland", "The region of Scotland comprising these islands", "council area cc/Scotland, one of the 32, the council was originally formed in 1975" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Orkney" ], "word": "OrkneyIslands", "num_translations": 25 }, "rhombus": { "senses": [ "Snails, now in genus Conus or family Conidae", "A parallelogram having all sides of equal length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diamond" ], "word": "rhombus", "num_translations": 75 }, "wheel": { "senses": [ "A circular device capable of rotating on its axis, facilitating movement or transportation or performing labour in machines", "A person with a great deal of power or influence", "The lowest straight in poker: ace, 2, 3, 4, 5", "A round portion of cheese", "A rolling or revolving body", "anything of a circular form", "a disk", "an orb", "A turn or revolution", "rotation", "compass", "A dollar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breaking wheel", "rim" ], "word": "wheel", "num_translations": 289 }, "wheel1": { "senses": [ "To ride a bicycle or tricycle", "To cause to change direction quickly, turn", "To travel around in large circles, particularly in the air", "To put into a rotatory motion", "to cause to turn or revolve", "to make or perform in a circle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wheel", "num_translations": 25 }, "tire": { "senses": [ "To become sleepy or weary", "To make sleepy or weary", "To become bored or impatient", "To bore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tire", "Thesaurus:cause boredom" ], "word": "tire", "num_translations": 107 }, "turku": { "senses": [ "city c/Finland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u00c5bo" ], "word": "Turku", "num_translations": 23 }, "pizzicato": { "senses": [ "To be played by plucking the strings instead of using the bow" ], "antonyms": [ "arco" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pizzicato", "num_translations": 10 }, "mule": { "senses": [ "The generally sterile male or female hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse", "The generally sterile hybrid offspring of any two species of animals", "A hybrid plant", "A stubborn person", "A person paid to smuggle drugs", "A coin or medal minted with obverse and reverse designs not normally seen on the same piece, either intentionally or in error", "A MMORPG character, or NPC companion in a tabletop RPG, used mainly to store extra inventory for the owner's primary character", "Any of a group of cocktails involving ginger ale or ginger beer, citrus juice, and various liquors", "A kind of triangular sail for a yacht", "A kind of cotton-spinning machine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Missouri canary", "Thesaurus:stubborn person" ], "word": "mule", "num_translations": 138 }, "lofty": { "senses": [ "high, tall, having great height or stature", "idealistic, implying over-optimism", "extremely proud", "arrogant", "haughty" ], "antonyms": [ "mean", "familiar" ], "synonyms": [ "noble" ], "word": "lofty", "num_translations": 54 }, "loft": { "senses": [ "air, the air", "the sky, the heavens", "An attic or similar space in the roof of a house or other building", "The thickness of a soft object when not under pressure", "A gallery or raised apartment in a church, hall, etc", "The pitch or slope of the face of a golf club", "A floor or room placed above another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "loft", "num_translations": 29 }, "sterile": { "senses": [ "Unable to reproduce", "Terse", "lacking sentiment or emotional stimulation, as in a manner of speaking", "Fruitless, uninspiring, or unproductive", "Germless", "free from all living or viable microorganisms", "Free from dangerous objects, as a zone in an airport that can be only be entered via a security checkpoint", "Of weapons: foreign-made and untraceable to the United States" ], "antonyms": [ "non-sterile", "unsterile" ], "synonyms": [ "barren" ], "word": "sterile", "num_translations": 87 }, "offspring": { "senses": [ "A person's daughter and/or son", "a person's children", "All of a person's descendants, including further generations", "An animal or plant's progeny or young", "Anything produced", "the result of an entity's efforts", "A process launched by another process" ], "antonyms": [ "genitor", "ancestor" ], "synonyms": [ "baby", "descendant" ], "word": "offspring", "num_translations": 168 }, "hybrid": { "senses": [ "Offspring resulting from cross-breeding different entities, eg two different species or two purebred parent strains", "Something of mixed origin or composition", "often, a tool or technology that combines the benefits of formerly separate tools or technologies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bastard" ], "word": "hybrid", "num_translations": 103 }, "progeny": { "senses": [ "Offspring or descendants considered as a group", "Descent, lineage, ancestry", "A result of a creative effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binary clone" ], "word": "progeny", "num_translations": 69 }, "prodigy": { "senses": [ "An extraordinary thing seen as an omen", "a portent", "An extraordinary occurrence or creature", "an anomaly, especially a monster", "a freak", "An amazing or marvellous thing", "a wonder", "A wonderful example of something", "An extremely talented person, especially a child" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wunderkind" ], "word": "prodigy", "num_translations": 83 }, "grease": { "senses": [ "Animal fat in a melted or soft state", "Any oily or fatty matter", "Shorn but not yet cleansed wool", "Inflammation of a horse's heels, also known as scratches or pastern dermatitis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fat" ], "word": "grease", "num_translations": 121 }, "grease1": { "senses": [ "To bribe", "To cause to go easily", "to facilitate", "To perform a landing extraordinarily smoothly", "To kill, murder", "To cheat or cozen", "to overreach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lard", "bump off" ], "word": "grease", "num_translations": 38 }, "asleep": { "senses": [ "In a state of sleep", "also, broadly, resting", "Inattentive", "Having a numb or prickling sensation accompanied by a degree of unresponsiveness", "dead" ], "antonyms": [ "awake" ], "synonyms": [ "dormant" ], "word": "asleep", "num_translations": 77 }, "nonplussed": { "senses": [ "Bewildered", "unsure how to respond or act", "Unfazed, unaffected, or unimpressed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perplexed" ], "word": "nonplussed", "num_translations": 21 }, "sick": { "senses": [ "Having an urge to vomit", "In poor health", "Mentally unstable, disturbed", "In bad taste", "Tired of or annoyed by something", "Very good, excellent, awesome, badass", "In poor condition", "Failing to sustain adequate harvests of crop, usually specified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:diseased", "Thesaurus:nauseated", "Thesaurus:excellent" ], "word": "sick", "num_translations": 32 }, "sick1": { "senses": [ "vomit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vomit" ], "word": "sick", "num_translations": 32 }, "stepbrother": { "senses": [ "The son of one's stepparent who is not the son of either of one's biological parents", "The stepson of one's parent who is not one's half-brother" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stepbro" ], "word": "stepbrother", "num_translations": 50 }, "land": { "senses": [ "The part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water", "a partitioned and measurable area which is owned and on which buildings can be erected", "A country or region", "A person's country of origin and/or homeplace", "The soil, in respect to its nature or quality for farming", "realm, domain", "The ground left unploughed between furrows", "any of several portions into which a field is divided for ploughing", "A fright", "A conducting area on a board or chip which can be used for connecting wires", "In a compact disc or similar recording medium, an area of the medium which does not have pits", "The non-airline portion of an itinerary Hotel, tours, cruises, etc", "The ground or floor", "The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat", "the lap of plates in an iron vessel", "In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, such as the level part of a millstone between the furrows", "A group of dwellings or tenements under one roof and having a common entry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "land", "num_translations": 365 }, "land1": { "senses": [ "To descend to a surface, especially from the air", "To alight, to descend from a vehicle", "To come into rest", "To acquire", "to secure", "To deliver" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "land", "num_translations": 119 }, "intractable": { "senses": [ "Not tractable", "not able to be managed, controlled, governed or directed", "Not able to be solved", "Difficult to deal with, solve, or manage", "Stubborn", "obstinate", "Difficult to treat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intractable", "num_translations": 49 }, "lip": { "senses": [ "Either of the two fleshy protrusions around the opening of the mouth", "The projecting rim of an open container", "a short open spout", "Backtalk", "verbal impertinence", "The edge of a high spot of land", "The sharp cutting edge on the end of an auger", "One of the two opposite divisions of a labiate corolla", "The distinctive petal of the Orchis family", "One of the edges of the aperture of a univalve shell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lip", "num_translations": 218 }, "cent": { "senses": [ "A subunit of currency equal to one-hundredth of the main unit of currency in many countries Symbol: \u00a2", "A small sum of money", "A subunit of currency equal to one-hundredth of the euro", "A hundredth of a semitone or half step" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dollarcent", "eurocent", "penny" ], "word": "cent", "num_translations": 99 }, "reception": { "senses": [ "The act of receiving", "The act or ability to receive radio or similar signals", "A social engagement, usually to formally welcome someone", "A reaction", "the treatment received on first talking to a person, arriving at a place, etc", "The desk of a hotel or office where guests are received", "The school year, or part thereof, between preschool and Year 1, when children are introduced to formal education", "The conscious adoption or transplantation of legal phenomena from a different culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "front desk" ], "word": "reception", "num_translations": 170 }, "outrage": { "senses": [ "An excessively violent or vicious attack", "an atrocity", "An offensive, immoral or indecent act", "The resentful anger aroused by such acts", "A destructive rampage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outrage", "num_translations": 86 }, "outrage1": { "senses": [ "to treat with violence or abuse", "To violate", "to rape", "To rage in excess of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outrage", "num_translations": 14 }, "atrocity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being atrocious", "enormous wickedness", "extreme criminality or cruelty", "An extremely cruel act", "a horrid act of injustice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "atrocity", "num_translations": 65 }, "wasabi": { "senses": [ "A pungent green Japanese condiment made from the plant Eutrema japonicum", "An imitation of this condiment made from horseradish with green dye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green mustard" ], "word": "wasabi", "num_translations": 37 }, "horseradish": { "senses": [ "A plant of the mustard family, Armoracia rusticana", "A pungent condiment made from the root of the plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horseradish sauce" ], "word": "horseradish", "num_translations": 151 }, "scent": { "senses": [ "A distinctive odour or smell", "An odour left by an animal that may be used for tracing", "The sense of smell", "A perfume", "Any trail or trace that can be followed to find something or someone, such as the paper left behind in a paperchase", "Sense, perception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aroma", "fragrance", "nosegay", "odor", "perfume", "smell" ], "word": "scent", "num_translations": 129 }, "scent1": { "senses": [ "to discern by the sense of smell", "To have a suspicion of", "To impart an odour to", "To have a smell", "To hunt animals by means of the sense of smell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scent", "num_translations": 30 }, "horn": { "senses": [ "A hard growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animals, usually paired", "An antler", "Any of several musical wind instruments", "A loud alarm, especially one on a motor vehicle", "A sound signaling the expiration of time", "A conical device used to direct waves", "Generally, any brass wind instrument", "A telephone", "An erection of the penis", "A peninsula or crescent-shaped tract of land", "A diacritical mark that may be attached to the top right corner of the letters o and u when writing in Vietnamese, thus forming \u01a1 and \u01b0", "An incurved, tapering and pointed appendage found in the flowers of the milkweed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "horn", "num_translations": 363 }, "something": { "senses": [ "An uncertain or unspecified thing", "one thing", "A quality to a moderate degree", "A talent or quality that is difficult to specify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sth", "je ne sais quoi" ], "word": "something", "num_translations": 142 }, "labia": { "senses": [ "The folds of tissue at the opening of the vulva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:labia" ], "word": "labia", "num_translations": 37 }, "weak": { "senses": [ "Lacking in force or ability", "Unable to sustain a great weight, pressure, or strain", "Unable to withstand temptation, urgency, persuasion, etc", "easily impressed, moved, or overcome", "accessible", "vulnerable", "Dilute, lacking in taste or potency", "Displaying a particular kind of inflection, including:", "That does not ionize completely into anions and cations in a solution", "One of the four fundamental forces associated with nuclear decay", "Bad or uncool", "Having a narrow range of logical consequences", "narrowly applicable", "Resulting from, or indicating, lack of judgment, discernment, or firmness", "unwise", "hence, foolish", "Not having power to convince", "not supported by force of reason or truth", "unsustained", "Lacking in vigour or expression", "Not prevalent or effective, or not felt to be prevalent", "not potent", "feeble", "Tending towards lower prices", "Lacking contrast" ], "antonyms": [ "healthy", "potent", "strong" ], "synonyms": [ "feeble", "dilute", "Thesaurus:weak" ], "word": "weak", "num_translations": 249 }, "againstthegrain": { "senses": [ "Preventing a smooth, level surface from being formed by raising the nap of the wood or causing larger splinters to form ahead of the cutting tool below the cutting surface", "Contrary to what is expected", "especially, of behavior different from what society expects", "Unwillingly, reluctantly", "contrary to one's nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "againstthegrain", "num_translations": 10 }, "bight": { "senses": [ "A corner, bend, or angle", "a hollow", "An area of sea lying between two promontories, larger than a bay, wider than a gulf", "A bend or curve in a coastline, river, or other geographical feature", "A curve in a rope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bight", "num_translations": 28 }, "flamingo": { "senses": [ "A wading bird of the family Phoenicopteridae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phenicopter" ], "word": "flamingo", "num_translations": 76 }, "cheetah": { "senses": [ "A distinctive member of the cat family, slightly smaller than the leopard, but with proportionately longer limbs and a smaller head It is native to Africa and also credited with being the fastest terrestrial animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hunting leopard" ], "word": "cheetah", "num_translations": 100 }, "jackal": { "senses": [ "Any of certain wild canids of the genus Canis, native to the tropical Old World and smaller than a wolf", "A person who performs menial/routine tasks, a dogsbody", "A person who behaves in an opportunistic way", "especially a base collaborator", "A jack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jackal", "num_translations": 124 }, "leopard": { "senses": [ "Panthera pardus, a large wild cat with a spotted coat native to Africa and Asia, especially the male of the species", "A lion passant guardant", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Phalanta, having black markings on an orange base" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pard", "See", "clouded leopard", "See", "snow leopard" ], "word": "leopard", "num_translations": 128 }, "hippopotamus": { "senses": [ "A large, semi-aquatic, herbivorous African mammal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hippo", "hippo", "----" ], "word": "hippopotamus", "num_translations": 160 }, "hyrax": { "senses": [ "Any of several small, paenungulate herbivorous mammals, of the order Hyracoidea, with a bulky frame and fang-like incisors", "they are native to Africa and the Middle East" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coney" ], "word": "hyrax", "num_translations": 44 }, "flag": { "senses": [ "A piece of cloth, often decorated with an emblem, used as a visual signal or symbol", "A variable or memory location that stores a true-or-false, yes-or-no value, typically either recording the fact that a certain event has occurred or requesting that a certain optional action take place", "In a command line interface, a command parameter requesting optional behavior or otherwise modifying the action of the command being invoked", "A mechanical indicator that pops up to draw the pilot's attention to a problem or malfunction", "A sequence of faces of a given polytope, one of each dimension up to that of the polytope , such that each face in the sequence is part of the next-higher dimension face", "A sequence of subspaces of a vector space, beginning with the null space and ending with the vector space itself, such that each member of the sequence is a proper subspace of the next" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Boolean", "switch", "dart" ], "word": "flag", "num_translations": 324 }, "flag1": { "senses": [ "To signal to, especially to stop a passing vehicle etc", "To note, mark or point out for attention", "To signal", "To set a program variable to true", "To penalize for an infraction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flag", "num_translations": 55 }, "flag2": { "senses": [ "To weaken, become feeble", "To hang loose without stiffness", "to bend down, as flexible bodies", "to be loose, yielding, limp", "To let droop", "to suffer to fall, or let fall, into feebleness", "To enervate", "to exhaust the vigour or elasticity of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flag", "num_translations": 29 }, "flag4": { "senses": [ "A slice of turf", "a sod", "A slab of stone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flag", "num_translations": 17 }, "dynamic": { "senses": [ "Changing", "active", "in motion", "Powerful", "energetic", "Able to change and adapt", "Having to do with the volume of sound", "Happening at runtime instead of being predetermined at compile time", "Of a verb: not stative, but fientive", "indicating continued or progressive action on the part of the subject" ], "antonyms": [ "static", "static" ], "synonyms": [ "active", "fluid", "moving", "energetic", "powerful" ], "word": "dynamic", "num_translations": 65 }, "dynamic1": { "senses": [ "A characteristic or manner of an interaction", "a behavior", "A moving force", "The varying loudness or volume of a song or the markings that indicate the loudness", "A symbol in a musical score that indicates the desired level of volume", "A verb that indicates continued or progressive action on the part of the subject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apparatus", "course of action", "design", "effect", "function", "functioning", "implementation", "interchange", "interplay", "mechanism", "method", "modus operandi", "motif", "nature", "operation", "pattern", "process", "regimen", "workings" ], "word": "dynamic", "num_translations": 12 }, "static": { "senses": [ "Unchanging", "that cannot or does not change", "Immobile", "fixed in place", "having no motion", "Computed, created or allocated before the program starts running, and usually not changeable at runtime", "Defined for the class itself, as opposed to instances of it", "thus shared between all instances and accessible even without an instance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "static", "num_translations": 48 }, "agglutinative": { "senses": [ "sticky, tacky, adhesive", "having words derived by combining parts, each with a separate meaning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "claggy" ], "word": "agglutinative", "num_translations": 31 }, "pronghorn": { "senses": [ "A North American mammal, Antilocapra americana, that resembles an antelope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pronghorn antelope" ], "word": "pronghorn", "num_translations": 32 }, "monkey": { "senses": [ "Any member of the clade Simiiformes not also of the clade Hominoidea containing humans and apes, from which they are usually, but not universally, distinguished by smaller size, a tail, and cheek pouches", "Any nonhuman simian primate, including apes", "A mischievous child", "A dance move popular in the 1960s", "Five hundred pounds sterling", "five hundred dollars", "A person or the role of the person on the sidecar platform of a motorcycle involved in sidecar racing", "A person with minimal intelligence and/or an unattractive appearance", "A face card", "The weight or hammer of a pile driver", "a heavy mass of iron, which, being raised high, falls on the head of the pile, and drives it into the earth", "the falling weight of a drop hammer used in forging", "A small trading vessel of the sixteenth century", "A drug habit", "an addiction", "a compulsion", "A fluid consisting of hydrochloric acid and zinc, used in the process of soldering", "A person's temper, said to be \"up\" when they are angry", "A black person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "monkey", "num_translations": 260 }, "crocodile": { "senses": [ "Any of the predatory amphibious reptiles of the family Crocodylidae", "a crocodilian, any species of the order Crocodilia, which also includes the alligators, caimans and gavials", "A long line or procession of people walking together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "croc" ], "word": "crocodile", "num_translations": 179 }, "lyre": { "senses": [ "An ancient stringed musical instrument of Greek origin, consisting of two arms extending from a body to a crossbar , and strings, parallel to the soundboard, connecting the body to the yoke", "A composer of lyric poetry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yoke lute" ], "word": "lyre", "num_translations": 47 }, "venomous": { "senses": [ "Full of venom", "Toxic", "poisonous", "Noxious", "evil", "Malignant", "spiteful", "hateful", "Producing venom in glands or accumulating venom from food", "powerful" ], "antonyms": [ "non-venomous" ], "synonyms": [ "noxious", "poisonous", "toxic" ], "word": "venomous", "num_translations": 70 }, "toxic": { "senses": [ "Having a chemical nature that is harmful to health or lethal if consumed or otherwise entering into the body in sufficient quantities", "Appearing grossly unwell", "characterised by serious, potentially life-threatening compromise in the respiratory, circulatory or other body systems", "Severely negative or harmful", "Hateful or strongly antipathetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toxic", "num_translations": 68 }, "erase": { "senses": [ "to remove markings or information", "To obliterate information from , such as to clear or to demagnetize", "To obliterate from a storage medium, such as to clear or to overwrite", "To remove a runner from the bases via a double play or pick off play", "To disregard", "to prevent from having an active role in society", "To kill", "assassinate" ], "antonyms": [ "record" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "erase", "num_translations": 116 }, "atlas": { "senses": [ "The son of Iapetus and Clymene, war leader of the Titans ordered by the god Zeus to support the sky on his shoulders", "father to Hesperides, the Hyades, and the Pleiades", "king of the legendary Atlantis", "A moon of Saturn", "A crater in the last quadrant of the moon", "A triple star system in the Pleiades open cluster also known as 27 Tauri", "An intercontinental ballistic missile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Atlas", "num_translations": 40 }, "fair": { "senses": [ "Beautiful, of a pleasing appearance, with a pure and fresh quality", "Unblemished", "clean and pure", "innocent", "Light in color, pale, particularly with regard to skin tone but also referring to blond hair", "Just, equitable", "Adequate, reasonable, or decent", "Favorable to a ship's course", "Not overcast", "cloudless", "clear", "pleasant", "propitious", "said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc", "Free from obstacles or hindrances", "unobstructed", "unencumbered", "open", "direct", "said of a road, passage, etc", "Without sudden change of direction or curvature", "smooth", "flowing", "said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines", "Between the baselines", "Taken direct from an opponent's foot, without the ball touching the ground or another player", "Not a no-ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beautiful", "pure", "pale", "honest" ], "word": "fair", "num_translations": 242 }, "fare": { "senses": [ "A going", "journey", "travel", "voyage", "course", "passage", "Money paid for a transport ticket", "A paying passenger, especially in a taxi", "Food and drink", "Supplies for consumption or pleasure", "A prostitute's client" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:journey", "Thesaurus:prostitute's client" ], "word": "fare", "num_translations": 105 }, "fare1": { "senses": [ "To go, travel", "To get along, succeed", "to be in any state, or pass through any experience, good or bad", "to be attended with any circumstances or train of events", "To eat, dine", "To happen well, or ill", "To move along", "proceed", "progress", "advance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fare", "num_translations": 38 }, "valley": { "senses": [ "An elongated depression between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it", "The area which drains into a river", "Any structure resembling one, eg, the meeting point of two pitched roofs", "The internal angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:valley" ], "word": "valley", "num_translations": 192 }, "ox": { "senses": [ "An adult castrated male of cattle", "Any bovine animal A neat, a beef" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bullock" ], "word": "ox", "num_translations": 149 }, "fountain": { "senses": [ "A natural source of water", "a spring", "An artificial, usually ornamental, water feature consisting of one or more streams of water originating from a statue or other structure", "A reservoir from which liquid can be drawn", "A source or origin of a flow", "A roundel barry wavy argent and azure", "A juggling pattern typically done with an even number of props where each prop is caught by the same hand that throws it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fount", "wellspring", "syke" ], "word": "fountain", "num_translations": 143 }, "witch": { "senses": [ "An ugly or unpleasant woman", "One who exercises more-than-common power of attraction", "One given to mischief, especially a woman or child", "A certain curve of the third order, described by Maria Agnesi under the name versiera", "The stormy petrel", "Any of a number of flatfish:", "The Indomalayan butterfly Araotes lapithis, of the family Lycaenidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wizardess", "wizard" ], "word": "witch", "num_translations": 314 }, "gothic1": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the Goths or their language", "Barbarous, rude, unpolished, belonging to the \u201cDark Ages\", medieval as opposed to classical", "Of or relating to the architectural style favored in Western Europe in the 12th to 16th centuries, with high-pointed arches, clustered columns, etc", "Of the name of type formerly used to print, at last, German, also known as black letter", "Of a sans serif typeface using straight, even-width lines, also known as grotesque", "Of or relating to the goth subculture, music or lifestyle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Gothic", "num_translations": 100 }, "lizard": { "senses": [ "Any reptile of the order Squamata that is not a snake, usually having four legs, external ear openings, movable eyelids and a long slender body and tail", "An unctuous person", "A coward", "A person who idly spends time in a specified place, especially a promiscuous female" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lizard", "num_translations": 273 }, "type": { "senses": [ "A grouping based on shared characteristics", "a class", "An individual considered typical of its class, one regarded as typifying a certain profession, environment, etc", "An individual that represents the ideal for its class", "an embodiment", "A letter or character used for printing, historically a cast or engraved block", "Something, often a specimen, selected as an objective anchor to connect a scientific name to a taxon", "this need not be representative or typical", "Preferred sort of person", "sort of person that one is attracted to", "A blood group", "A word that occurs in a text or corpus irrespective of how many times it occurs, as opposed to a token", "An event or person that prefigures or foreshadows a later event - commonly an Old Testament event linked to Christian times", "A tag attached to variables and values used in determining which kinds of value can be used in which situations", "The original object, or class of objects, scene, face, or conception, which becomes the subject of a copy", "especially, the design on the face of a medal or a coin", "A simple compound, used as a mode or pattern to which other compounds are conveniently regarded as being related, and from which they may be actually or theoretically derived", "A part of the partition of the object domain of a logical theory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "category", "data type", "sort", "sort", "Thesaurus:class" ], "word": "type", "num_translations": 213 }, "type1": { "senses": [ "To enter text or commands into a computer using a keyboard", "to prefigure", "To furnish an expression or copy of", "to represent", "to typify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "type", "num_translations": 97 }, "sort": { "senses": [ "A general type", "Manner", "form of being or acting", "Condition above the vulgar", "rank", "A person evaluated in a certain way", "Group, company", "A good-looking woman", "A piece of metal type used to print one letter, character, or symbol in a particular size and style", "A type", "Chance", "lot", "destiny", "A full set of anything, such as a pair of shoes, or a suit of clothesSamuel Johnson, \"A Dictionary of the English Language\", publisher=W G Jones year=1768" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genre", "character", "sort-out", "sort algorithm", "sorting algorithm", "glyph", "Thesaurus:class" ], "word": "sort", "num_translations": 173 }, "sort1": { "senses": [ "To arrange into some sequence, usually numerically, alphabetically or chronologically", "To conjoin", "to put together in distribution", "to class", "To conform", "to adapt", "to accommodate", "To choose from a number", "to select", "to cull", "To join or associate with others, especially with others of the same kind or species", "to agree", "To suit", "to fit", "to be in accord", "to harmonize", "To fix or handle", "To attack physically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sort", "num_translations": 78 }, "steel": { "senses": [ "An artificial metal produced from iron, harder and more elastic than elemental iron", "used figuratively as a symbol of hardness", "Any item made of this metal, particularly including:", "Medicinal consumption of this metal", "chalybeate medicine", "any iron or iron-treated water consumed as a medical treatment", "Varieties of this metal", "The gray hue of this metal", "Extreme hardness or resilience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "steel", "num_translations": 223 }, "demo": { "senses": [ "A march or gathering to make a political protest", "An edition of limited functionality to give the user an example of how the program works" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "floor model" ], "word": "demo", "num_translations": 32 }, "plan": { "senses": [ "A drawing showing technical details of a building, machine, etc, with unwanted details omitted, and often using symbols rather than detailed drawing to represent doors, valves, etc", "A set of intended actions, usually mutually related, through which one expects to achieve a goal", "A two-dimensional drawing of a building as seen from above with obscuring or irrelevant details such as roof removed, or of a floor of a building, revealing the internal layout", "as distinct from the elevation", "A method", "a way of procedure", "a custom", "A subscription to a service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plan", "num_translations": 148 }, "miner": { "senses": [ "A person who works in a mine", "An operator of ordnance mines and similar explosives", "Any bird of one of four species of Australian endemic honeyeaters in the genus Manorina", "Any bird of one of several species of South American ovenbirds in the genus Geositta", "Software that mines, or creates new units of cryptocurrency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "miner", "num_translations": 87 }, "minor": { "senses": [ "Of little significance or importance", "Of a scale which has lowered scale degrees three, six, and seven relative to major, but with the sixth and seventh not always lowered", "being the smaller of the two intervals denoted by the same ordinal number" ], "antonyms": [ "major" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:insignificant", "Thesaurus:small" ], "word": "minor", "num_translations": 48 }, "minor1": { "senses": [ "A person who is below the age of majority, consent, criminal responsibility or other adult responsibilities and accountabilities", "A subject area of secondary concentration of a student at a college or university, or the student who has chosen such a secondary concentration", "determinant of a square submatrix", "A younger brother", "A small worker in a leaf-cutter ant colony, sized between a minim and a media", "The term of a syllogism which forms the subject of the conclusion" ], "antonyms": [ "adult", "major" ], "synonyms": [ "underage" ], "word": "minor", "num_translations": 47 }, "major1": { "senses": [ "Of great significance or importance", "Greater in number, quantity, or extent", "Of a scale that follows the pattern: tone - tone - semitone - tone - tone - tone - semitone", "Being the larger of two intervals denoted by the same ordinal number" ], "antonyms": [ "minor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "major", "num_translations": 62 }, "major2": { "senses": [ "The main area of study of a student working toward a degree at a college or university", "A student at a college or university concentrating on a given area of study", "A person of legal age", "A large, commercially successful company, especially a record label that is bigger than an indie", "An elder brother", "A large leaf-cutter ant that acts as a soldier, defending the nest" ], "antonyms": [ "minor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "major", "num_translations": 47 }, "stepsister": { "senses": [ "The daughter of one's stepparent who is not the daughter of either of one's parents", "The stepdaughter of one's parent which is not one's half-sister" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stepsis" ], "word": "stepsister", "num_translations": 43 }, "alexandria": { "senses": [ "city/and/port c/Egypt", "census-designated place co/Calhoun County s/Alabama c/USA", "city twp/Monroe Township co/Madison County s/Indiana c/USA", "A > in >, > and one of the two >s of >", "city/parish seat par/Rapides Parish s/Louisiana c/USA", "city/county seat co/Douglas County s/Minnesota c/USA", "city co/Clark County s/Missouri c/USA", "village co/Thayer County s/Nebraska c/USA", "town co/Grafton County s/New Hampshire c/USA", "town co/Jefferson County s/New York c/USA", "village co/Licking County s/Ohio c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Scioto County s/Ohio c/USA", "borough co/Huntingdon County s/Pennsylvania c/USA", "town co/DeKalb County s/Tennessee c/USA", "independent city s/Virginia c/USA", "city co/Hanson County s/South Dakota c/USA", "A former town in United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario, Canada", "now a part of the township of North Glengarry", "ghost town p/British Columbia c/Canada", "A town in Sarah Baartman District Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa", "A town in Ehlanzeni District Municipality, Mpumalanga, South Africa", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Alexandria", "num_translations": 104 }, "drama": { "senses": [ "A composition, normally in prose, telling a story and intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialogue", "Such a work for television, radio or the cinema", "Theatrical plays in general", "A situation in real life that has the characteristics of such a theatrical play", "Rumor, lying or exaggerated reaction to life events", "an angry dispute or scene", "intrigue or spiteful interpersonal maneuvering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drama" ], "word": "drama", "num_translations": 139 }, "parrot": { "senses": [ "A kind of bird, many species of which are colourful and able to mimic human speech, of the order Psittaciformes or of the family Psittacidae", "a person who repeats the words or ideas of others", "A puffin", "Channel coal", "A transponder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parrot", "num_translations": 233 }, "bracket": { "senses": [ "A fixture attached to a wall to hold up a shelf", "Any intermediate object that connects a smaller part to a larger part, the smaller part typically projecting sideways from the larger part", "A short crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as a support", "The cheek or side of an ordnance carriage, supporting the trunnions", "Any of the characters \"\", \"\", \"\", \"{\", \"}\", \"\", used in pairs to enclose parenthetic remarks, sections of mathematical expressions, etc", "A printed diagram of games in a tournament", "A prediction of the outcome of games in a tournament, used for betting purposes", "One of several ranges of numbers", "A pair of values that represent the smallest and largest elements of a range", "In artillery, the endangered region between two shell impacts The next shell fired is likely to hit accurately", "The small curved or angular corner formed by a serif and a stroke in a letter", "a mark cut into a stone by land surveyors to secure a bench" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parentheses", "benchmark" ], "word": "bracket", "num_translations": 139 }, "subtle": { "senses": [ "Hard to grasp", "not obvious or easily understood", "barely noticeable", "Cleverly contrived", "Cunning, skillful", "Insidious, deceptive, malicious", "Tenuous", "rarefied", "of low density or thin consistency", "Refined", "exquisite" ], "antonyms": [ "simple" ], "synonyms": [ "crafty", "insidious" ], "word": "subtle", "num_translations": 64 }, "cockatoo": { "senses": [ "A bird of the family Cacatuidae with a curved beak and a zygodactyl foot", "A lookout posted during a two-up game, when gambling was illegal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cocky" ], "word": "cockatoo", "num_translations": 46 }, "budgerigar": { "senses": [ "A species of small parakeet native to Australia and often kept as pets, Melopsittacus undulatus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "budgie" ], "word": "budgerigar", "num_translations": 28 }, "participant": { "senses": [ "One who participates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "partaker" ], "word": "participant", "num_translations": 81 }, "perspective": { "senses": [ "A view, vista or outlook", "The appearance of depth in objects, especially as perceived using binocular vision", "The technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface", "An artwork that represents three-dimensional objects in this way", "The choice of a single angle or point of view from which to sense, categorize, measure or codify experience", "A sound recording technique to adjust and integrate sound sources seemingly naturally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "perspective", "num_translations": 60 }, "proper": { "senses": [ "Suitable", "Possessed, related", "Accurate, strictly applied" ], "antonyms": [ "incorrect", "inappropriate", "inappropriate", "partial", "incomplete" ], "synonyms": [ "correct", "appropriate", "appropriate", "comprehensive", "strictly", "full", "complete" ], "word": "proper", "num_translations": 215 }, "shelf": { "senses": [ "A flat, rigid structure, fixed at right angles to a wall or forming a part of a cabinet, desk etc, and used to support, store or display objects", "The capacity of such an object", "A projecting ledge that resembles such an object", "A reef, shoal or sandbar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shelfful" ], "word": "shelf", "num_translations": 175 }, "front": { "senses": [ "The foremost side of something or the end that faces the direction it normally moves", "The side of a building with the main entrance", "A field of activity", "A person or institution acting as the public face of some other, covert group", "An area where armies are engaged in conflict, especially the line of contact", "The lateral space occupied by an element measured from the extremity of one flank to the extremity of the other flank", "The direction of the enemy", "When a combat situation does not exist or is not assumed, the direction toward which the command is faced", "A major military subdivision of the Soviet Army", "Cheek", "boldness", "impudence", "An act, show, fa\u00e7ade, persona: an intentional and false impression of oneself", "The most conspicuous part", "The beginning", "The forehead or brow, the part of the face above the eyes", "sometimes, also, the whole face", "A grill" ], "antonyms": [ "back", "rear" ], "synonyms": [ "fore" ], "word": "front", "num_translations": 180 }, "front1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "back", "back" ], "synonyms": [ "first" ], "word": "front", "num_translations": 20 }, "front2": { "senses": [ "To face", "to be pointed in a given direction", "To face, be opposite to", "To move to the start of a sentence", "to cover", "To lead or be the spokesperson of", "To provide money or financial assistance in advance to", "To assume false or disingenuous appearances", "To deceive or attempt to deceive someone with false or disingenuous appearances", "To appear before" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "put on airs" ], "word": "front", "num_translations": 11 }, "process": { "senses": [ "A series of events which produce a result", "A set of procedures used to produce a product, most commonly in the food and chemical industries", "A path of succession of states through which a system passes", "Successive physiological responses to keep or restore health", "Documents issued by a court in the course of a lawsuit or action at law, such as a summons, mandate, or writ", "An outgrowth of tissue or cell", "A structure that arises above a surface", "An executable task or program", "The centre mark that players aim at in the game of squails" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "process", "num_translations": 118 }, "process1": { "senses": [ "To retrieve, store, classify, manipulate, transmit etc , especially using computer techniques", "To think about a piece of information, or a concept, in order to assimilate it, and perhaps accept it in a modified state", "To develop photographic film", "To take legal proceedings against" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "process", "num_translations": 30 }, "code": { "senses": [ "A short symbol, often with little relation to the item it represents", "A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form", "a compilation of laws by public authority", "a digest", "Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject", "A set of rules for converting information into another form or representation", "A message represented by rules intended to conceal its meaning", "Instructions for a computer, written in a programming language", "A program", "A particular lect or language variety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "code", "num_translations": 169 }, "code1": { "senses": [ "To write software programs", "To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "code", "num_translations": 47 }, "management": { "senses": [ "Administration", "the use of limited resources combined with forecasting, planning, leadership and execution skills to achieve predetermined specific goals", "The executives of an organisation, especially senior executives", "Judicious use of means to accomplish an end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mgt" ], "word": "management", "num_translations": 122 }, "virtual": { "senses": [ "In effect or essence, if not in fact or reality", "imitated, simulated", "Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or measurable part", "potential", "Nearly, almost", "Simulated in a computer or online", "Operating by computer or in cyberspace", "not physically present", "Capable of being overridden with a different implementation in a subclass", "Pertaining to particles in temporary existence due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle" ], "antonyms": [ "real" ], "synonyms": [ "de facto" ], "word": "virtual", "num_translations": 78 }, "vision": { "senses": [ "The sense or ability of sight", "Something seen", "an object perceived visually", "Something imaginary one thinks one sees", "Something unreal or imaginary", "a creation of fancy", "An ideal or a goal toward which one aspires", "A religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance", "A person or thing of extraordinary beauty", "Pre-recorded film or tape", "footage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sight", "apparition", "dream" ], "word": "vision", "num_translations": 172 }, "carry": { "senses": [ "To lift and take it to another place", "to transport by lifting", "To transfer from one place to another", "To convey by extension or continuance", "to extend", "To move", "to convey by force", "to impel", "to conduct", "to lead or guide", "To stock or supply", "To adopt", "take over", "To adopt or resolve upon, especially in a deliberative assembly", "In an addition, to transfer the quantity in excess of what is countable in the units in a column to the column immediately to the left in order to be added there", "To have or maintain", "To be transmitted", "to travel", "To insult, to diss", "To capture a ship by coming alongside and boarding", "To transport whilst maintaining possession", "To have on one's person", "To be pregnant", "To have propulsive power", "to propel", "To hold the head", "said of a horse", "To have earth or frost stick to the feet when running, as a hare", "To bear or uphold successfully through conflict, as a leader or principle", "hence, to succeed in, as in a contest", "to bring to a successful issue", "to win", "To get possession of by force", "to capture", "To contain", "to comprise", "to bear the aspect of", "to show or exhibit", "to imply", "To bear", "to behave or conduct", "To bear the charges or burden of holding or having, as stocks, merchandise, etc, from one time to another", "To have a weapon on one's person", "to be armed", "To be disproportionately responsible for a team's success" ], "antonyms": [ "borrow" ], "synonyms": [ "bear", "stock, supply", "adopt", "have, maintain", "be transmitted, travel" ], "word": "carry", "num_translations": 207 }, "carry1": { "senses": [ "A manner of transporting or lifting something", "the grip or position in which something is carried", "A tract of land over which boats or goods are carried between two bodies of navigable water", "a portage", "The bit or digit that is carried in an addition operation", "The benefit or cost of owning an asset over time", "The distance travelled by the ball when struck, until it hits the ground", "Carried interest", "The sky", "cloud-drift" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "carry", "num_translations": 14 }, "transport": { "senses": [ "To carry or bear from one place to another", "to remove", "to convey", "To deport to a penal colony", "To move to strong emotion", "to carry away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "convey", "banish", "carry away" ], "word": "transport", "num_translations": 82 }, "transport1": { "senses": [ "conveyance", "rapture", "A tractor-trailer", "the vehicles used in such a system", "A device that moves recording tape across the read/write heads of a tape recorder or video recorder etc", "A deported convict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conveyance", "rapture", "military", "See", "deportee" ], "word": "transport", "num_translations": 79 }, "farm": { "senses": [ "A place where agricultural and similar activities take place, especially the growing of crops or the raising of livestock", "A tract of land held on lease for the purpose of cultivation", "A location used for an industrial purpose, having many similar structures", "A group of coordinated servers", "Food", "provisions", "a meal", "A banquet", "feast", "A fixed yearly amount payable as rent or tax", "A fixed yearly sum accepted from a person as a composition for taxes or other moneys which he is empowered to collect", "also, a fixed charge imposed on a town, county, etc, in respect of a tax or taxes to be collected within its limits", "The condition of being let at a fixed rent", "lease", "a lease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "farm", "num_translations": 146 }, "farm1": { "senses": [ "To grow", "To give up to another, as an estate, a business, the revenue, etc, on condition of receiving in return a percentage of what it yields", "To lease or let for an equivalent, eg land for a rent", "to yield the use of to proceeds", "To take at a certain rent or rate", "To engage in grinding in a particular area or against specific enemies for a particular drop or item" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "farm", "num_translations": 37 }, "scanner": { "senses": [ "A device which scans documents in order to convert them to a digital medium", "A radio receiver which iterates through a sequence of frequencies to detect signal", "A device which uses radiation to generate images of tissue or surfaces for diagnostic purposes", "A device which uses optics to detect printed data", "One who scans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scanner", "num_translations": 72 }, "retail": { "senses": [ "The sale of goods directly to the consumer, encompassing the storefronts, mail-order, websites, etc, and the corporate mechanisms, branding, advertising, etc that support them", "full price", "an abbreviated expression, meaning the full suggested price of a particular good or service, before any sale, discount, or other deal" ], "antonyms": [ "wholesale" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "retail", "num_translations": 47 }, "request1": { "senses": [ "Condition of being sought after", "A message sent over a network to a server" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "request", "num_translations": 152 }, "producer": { "senses": [ "An individual or organization that creates goods and services", "One who produces an artistic production like a CD, a theater production, a film, a TV program and so on", "An organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple molecules and an external source of energy", "An arrest for speeding after which the driver is allowed seven days in which to produce his/her driving licence and related documents at a police station", "A furnace for producing combustible gas for fuel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "producer", "num_translations": 76 }, "substitute": { "senses": [ "To use in place of something else, with the same function", "to replace X with Y", "To remove from the field of play and bring on another in his place", "To serve as a replacement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exchange" ], "word": "substitute", "num_translations": 71 }, "substitute1": { "senses": [ "A replacement or stand-in for something that achieves a similar result or purpose", "A player who is available to replace another if the need arises, and who may or may not actually do so", "One who enlists for military service in the place of a conscript" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "surrogate" ], "word": "substitute", "num_translations": 74 }, "random": { "senses": [ "A roving motion", "course without definite direction", "lack of rule or method", "chance", "Speed, full speed", "impetuosity, force", "*", "The full range of a bullet or other projectile", "hence, the angle at which a weapon is tilted to allow the greatest range", "An undefined, unknown or unimportant person", "a person of no consequence", "The direction of a rake-vein" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "force", "rando" ], "word": "random", "num_translations": 20 }, "random1": { "senses": [ "Having unpredictable outcomes and, in the ideal case, all outcomes equally probable", "resulting from such selection", "lacking statistical correlation", "Of or relating to probability distribution", "Representative and undistinguished", "typical and average", "selected for no particular reason", "Apropos of nothing", "lacking context", "unexpected", "having apparent lack of plan, cause or reason", "habitually using non sequiturs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aleatory", "stochastic", "pseudorandom", "average", "arbitrary" ], "word": "random", "num_translations": 153 }, "reference": { "senses": [ "A relationship or relation", "A measurement one can compare to", "Information about a person, provided by someone with whom they are well acquainted", "A person who provides this information", "a referee", "The act of referring: a submitting for information or decision", "A relation between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object", "A short written identification of a previously published work which is used as a source for a text", "A previously published written work thus indicated", "a source", "An object containing information which refers to data stored elsewhere, as opposed to containing the data itself", "A special sequence used to represent complex characters in markup languages, such as &trade", "for the \u2122 symbol", "Appeal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reference", "num_translations": 100 }, "reputation": { "senses": [ "What somebody is known for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "name" ], "word": "reputation", "num_translations": 60 }, "offer1": { "senses": [ "To propose or express one's willingness", "To present in words", "to make a proposal of", "to suggest", "To place at someone's disposal", "to present to be either accepted or turned down", "To present to God or gods as a gesture of worship, or for a sacrifice", "To place in a position where it can be added to an existing mechanical assembly", "To bid, as a price, reward, or wages", "To happen, to present itself", "To make an attempt", "typically used with at", "To put in opposition to", "to manifest in an offensive way", "to threaten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "offer", "num_translations": 142 }, "form": { "senses": [ "To do with shape", "To do with structure or procedure", "A blank document or template to be filled in by the user", "A specimen document to be copied or imitated", "A grouping of words which maintain grammatical context in different usages", "the particular shape or structure of a word or part of speech", "The den or home of a hare", "A window or dialogue box", "An infraspecific rank", "The type or other matter from which an impression is to be taken, arranged and secured in a chase", "A quantic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shape", "cast", "configuration", "formular", "grade", "f" ], "word": "form", "num_translations": 141 }, "form1": { "senses": [ "To assume", "To give to a thing or person", "To take shape", "To put together or bring into being", "assemble", "To create by inflection or derivation", "To constitute, to compose, to make up", "To mould or model by instruction or discipline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beshape", "take form", "compose" ], "word": "form", "num_translations": 97 }, "cocoa": { "senses": [ "The dried and partially fermented fatty seeds of the cacao tree from which chocolate is made", "A serving of this drink", "A light to medium brown colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chocolate" ], "word": "cocoa", "num_translations": 91 }, "potato": { "senses": [ "A plant tuber, Solanum tuberosum, eaten as a starchy vegetable, particularly in the Americas and Europe", "A conspicuous hole in a sock or stocking", "A camera that takes poor-quality pictures", "A mentally handicapped person", "An underpowered computer or other device, especially when small in size" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spud", "earthapple" ], "word": "potato", "num_translations": 328 }, "historical": { "senses": [ "Of, concerning, or in accordance with recorded history, as opposed to legends, myths, and fictions", "Of, concerning, or in accordance with the past generally", "Of, concerning, or in accordance with the scholarly discipline of history" ], "antonyms": [ "ahistorical", "modern", "future" ], "synonyms": [ "historic", "past" ], "word": "historical", "num_translations": 86 }, "history": { "senses": [ "The aggregate of past events", "The branch of knowledge that studies the past", "the assessment of notable events", "A set of events involving an entity", "A record or narrative description of past events", "A list of past and continuing medical conditions of an individual or family", "A record of previous user events, especially of visited web pages in a browser", "Something that no longer exists or is no longer relevant", "Shared experience or interaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "background", "account", "medical history", "log" ], "word": "history", "num_translations": 446 }, "historic": { "senses": [ "Very important", "noteworthy: having importance or significance in history", "Old-fashioned, untouched by modernity", "Various grammatical tenses and moods specially used in retelling past events" ], "antonyms": [ "unhistoric" ], "synonyms": [ "important", "dated", "bygone" ], "word": "historic", "num_translations": 41 }, "waste": { "senses": [ "Excess of material, useless by-products or damaged, unsaleable products", "garbage", "rubbish", "Excrement or urine", "an uninhabited desolate region", "a wilderness or desert", "A large tract of uncultivated land", "The part of the land of a manor not used for cultivation or grazing, nowadays treated as common land", "A vast expanse of water", "A disused mine or part of one", "The action or progress of wasting", "extravagant consumption or ineffectual use", "Large abundance of something, specifically without it being used", "Gradual loss or decay", "A decaying of the body by disease", "wasting away", "Destruction or devastation caused by war or natural disasters", "A cause of action which may be brought by the owner of a future interest in property against the current owner of that property to prevent the current owner from degrading the value or character of the property, either intentionally or through neglect", "Material derived by mechanical and chemical erosion from the land, carried by streams to the sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waste", "num_translations": 143 }, "waste1": { "senses": [ "Uncultivated, uninhabited", "Barren", "desert", "Rejected as being defective", "eliminated as being worthless", "produced in excess", "Superfluous", "needless", "Dismal", "gloomy", "cheerless", "Unfortunate", "disappointing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waste", "num_translations": 45 }, "waste2": { "senses": [ "to devastate, destroy", "To squander uselessly", "to spend idly", "To kill", "to murder", "To wear away by degrees", "to impair gradually", "to diminish by constant loss", "to use up", "to consume", "to spend", "to wear out", "Gradually lose weight, weaken, become frail", "To be diminished", "to lose bulk, substance, strength, value etc gradually", "To damage, impair, or injure voluntarily, or by allowing the buildings, fences, etc, to fall into decay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cack" ], "word": "waste", "num_translations": 145 }, "research": { "senses": [ "Diligent inquiry or examination to seek or revise facts, principles, theories, applications, etc", "laborious or continued search after truth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "investigation", "exploration", "examination", "study", "inquiry", "scrutiny" ], "word": "research", "num_translations": 98 }, "melon": { "senses": [ "Any of various plants of the family Cucurbitaceae grown for food, generally not including the cucumber", "The fruit of such plants", "Breasts", "The head", "A member of the Green Party, or similar environmental group", "A mass of adipose tissue found in the forehead of all toothed whales, used to focus and modulate vocalizations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "melon", "num_translations": 125 }, "underpants": { "senses": [ "underwear, clothing covering the genitalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boxers", "briefs", "bloomers" ], "word": "underpants", "num_translations": 106 }, "don1": { "senses": [ "To put on, to dress in" ], "antonyms": [ "doff" ], "synonyms": [ "clothe" ], "word": "don", "num_translations": 33 }, "preference": { "senses": [ "The selection of one thing or person over others", "The option to so select, and the one selected", "The state of being preferred over others", "A strong liking or personal valuation", "A preferential bias", "partiality", "discrimination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forechoice", "Thesaurus:predilection" ], "word": "preference", "num_translations": 98 }, "heater": { "senses": [ "A device that produces and radiates heat, typically to raise the temperature of a room or building", "A person who heats something, for example in metalworking", "A gun", "A fastball, especially one thrown at high velocity", "An extended winning streak", "A medieval European shield having a rounded triangle shape like a clothes iron" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heater", "num_translations": 46 }, "thong": { "senses": [ "A strip of leather", "An item of footwear, usually of rubber, secured by two straps which join to pass between the big toe and its neighbour", "An undergarment or swimwear consisting of very narrow strips designed to cover just the genitals and nothing more", "The largest section of a bullwhip constructed of many straps of braided leather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flip-flop", "G-string" ], "word": "thong", "num_translations": 102 }, "flip-flop": { "senses": [ "A bistable", "an electronic switching circuit that has either two stable states or a stable and an unstable state , and which is thereby capable of serving as one bit of memory", "A sandal consisting of a rubber sole fastened to the foot by a rubber thong fitting between the toes and around the sides of the foot", "A change of places", "an inversion or swap", "The sound of a regular footfall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jandal", "thong", "slop", "zori", "beach sandal" ], "word": "flip-flop", "num_translations": 17 }, "nahuatl": { "senses": [ "The polysynthetic Aztecan language spoken by an indigenous people of Mexico", "A group of people indigenous to the Central Mexico region spanning multiple tribal groups including the Aztecs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aztec", "Mexican", "Nahuatlato" ], "word": "Nahuatl", "num_translations": 55 }, "awe1": { "senses": [ "To inspire fear and reverence in", "To control by inspiring dread" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enthral" ], "word": "awe", "num_translations": 17 }, "peanut": { "senses": [ "A legume resembling a nut, the fruit of the plant Arachis hypogaea", "A very small clam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goober" ], "word": "peanut", "num_translations": 151 }, "pale": { "senses": [ "Light in color", "Having a pallor", "Feeble, faint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pallid" ], "word": "pale", "num_translations": 85 }, "pale1": { "senses": [ "to lose colour", "To become insignificant", "to diminish the brightness of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pale", "num_translations": 30 }, "pale3": { "senses": [ "A wooden stake", "a picket", "Fence made from wooden stake", "palisade", "Limits, bounds", "A vertical band down the middle of a shield", "A territory or defensive area within a specific boundary or under a given jurisdiction", "The jurisdiction of an authority", "A cheese scoop", "A shore for bracing a timber before it is fastened" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pale", "num_translations": 47 }, "coarse": { "senses": [ "Composed of large parts or particles", "of inferior quality or appearance", "not fine in material or close in texture", "Lacking refinement, taste or delicacy" ], "antonyms": [ "of inferior quality" ], "synonyms": [ "of inferior quality", "not refined" ], "word": "coarse", "num_translations": 116 }, "course": { "senses": [ "A sequence of events", "A path that something or someone moves along", "The lowest square sail in a fully rigged mast, often named according to the mast", "Menses", "A row or file of objects", "One or more strings on some musical instruments : if multiple, then closely spaced, tuned in unison or octaves and intended to played together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "course", "num_translations": 199 }, "course1": { "senses": [ "To run or flow", "To run through or over", "to follow or chase after", "To cause to chase after or pursue game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "course", "num_translations": 25 }, "lite": { "senses": [ "Light in composition, notably low in fat, calories etc Most commonly used commercially", "Lightweight", "informal spelling of \"light\"", "Lacking substance or seriousness", "watered down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lite", "num_translations": 13 }, "guess": { "senses": [ "To reach a partly unqualified conclusion", "To solve by a correct conjecture", "to conjecture rightly", "to suppose", "To hit upon or reproduce by memory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypothesize", "take a stab", "speculate", "assume" ], "word": "guess", "num_translations": 132 }, "guest": { "senses": [ "A recipient of hospitality, specifically someone staying by invitation at the house of another", "A patron or customer in a hotel etc", "An invited visitor or performer to an institution or to a broadcast", "A user given temporary access to a system despite not having an account of their own", "Any insect that lives in the nest of another without compulsion and usually not as a parasite", "An inquiline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guest", "num_translations": 250 }, "juice": { "senses": [ "A liquid from a plant, especially fruit", "A soft drink", "Electricity", "Liquor", "Political power", "Petrol", "gasoline", "Vitality", "The amount charged by a bookmaker for betting services", "Steroids", "Semen", "The vaginal lubrication that a woman naturally produces when sexually aroused", "Musical agreement between instrumentalists" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cut" ], "word": "juice", "num_translations": 261 }, "grasp": { "senses": [ "To grip", "to take hold, particularly with the hand", "To understand", "To take advantage of something, to seize, to jump at a chance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clasp", "comprehend", "jump at the chance" ], "word": "grasp", "num_translations": 110 }, "happen": { "senses": [ "To occur or take place", "to befall", "To do or occur by chance or unexpectedly", "To encounter by chance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to pass" ], "word": "happen", "num_translations": 185 }, "frown1": { "senses": [ "To manifest displeasure or disapprobation", "to look with disfavour or threateningly", "To repress or repel by expressing displeasure or disapproval", "to rebuke with a look" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scowl" ], "word": "frown", "num_translations": 59 }, "success": { "senses": [ "Something which happens as a consequence", "the outcome or result", "The achievement of one's aim or goal", "Financial profitability", "One who, or that which, achieves assumed goals", "The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect or fame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "success", "num_translations": 123 }, "parkinson'sdisease": { "senses": [ "A chronic neurological disorder affecting movement, characterized by tremor, slowness of movement , cogwheel or lead-pipe rigidity, and postural instability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Parkinson's" ], "word": "Parkinson'sdisease", "num_translations": 69 }, "cant": { "senses": [ "An argot, the jargon of a particular class or subgroup", "A private or secret language used by a religious sect, gang, or other group", "A language spoken by some Irish Travellers", "Shelta", "Empty, hypocritical talk", "Whining speech, such as that used by beggars", "A call for bidders at a public fair", "an auction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cant", "num_translations": 71 }, "heir": { "senses": [ "Someone who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another", "One who inherits, or has been designated to inherit, a hereditary title or office", "A successor in a role, representing continuity with the predecessor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beneficiary", "inheritor", "Thesaurus:successor" ], "word": "heir", "num_translations": 154 }, "yore": { "senses": [ "a time long past" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foretime" ], "word": "yore", "num_translations": 16 }, "yawn": { "senses": [ "To open the mouth widely and take a long, rather deep breath, often because one is tired or bored, and sometimes accompanied by pandiculation", "To present a wide opening", "To open the mouth, or to gape, through surprise or bewilderment", "To be eager", "to desire to swallow anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "yawn", "num_translations": 156 }, "jaw": { "senses": [ "One of the bones, usually bearing teeth, which form the framework of the mouth", "The part of the face below the mouth", "especially plural, the mouth or way of entrance", "A notch or opening", "A notched or forked part, adapted for holding an object in place", "One of a pair of opposing parts which are movable towards or from each other, for grasping or crushing anything between them", "The inner end of a boom or gaff, hollowed in a half circle so as to move freely on a mast", "Impudent or abusive talk", "Axle guard", "The curved part of the cushion marking the entry to the pocket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jaw", "num_translations": 163 }, "paw1": { "senses": [ "To draw the forefoot along the ground", "to beat or scrape with the forefoot", "To touch someone in a sexual way", "To clumsily dig through something", "To flatter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paw", "num_translations": 23 }, "pause": { "senses": [ "To take a temporary rest, take a break for a short period after an effort", "To interrupt an activity and wait", "To hesitate", "to hold back", "to delay", "To halt the play or playback of, temporarily, so that it can be resumed from the same point", "To consider", "to reflect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pause", "num_translations": 45 }, "pause1": { "senses": [ "A temporary stop or rest", "an intermission of action", "interruption", "suspension", "cessation", "A short time for relaxing and doing something else", "Hesitation", "suspense", "doubt", "In writing and printing, a mark indicating the place and nature of an arrest of voice in reading", "a punctuation mark", "A break or paragraph in writing", "A sign indicating continuance of a note or rest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus", "break", "vacillation" ], "word": "pause", "num_translations": 56 }, "gaunt": { "senses": [ "lean, angular and bony", "haggard, drawn and emaciated", "bleak, barren and desolate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scraggy" ], "word": "gaunt", "num_translations": 64 }, "haunt": { "senses": [ "To inhabit, or visit frequently", "To make uneasy, restless", "To stalk, to follow", "To live habitually", "to stay, to remain", "To accustom", "habituate", "make accustomed to", "To practise", "to devote oneself to", "To persist in staying or visiting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nag", "live" ], "word": "haunt", "num_translations": 58 }, "main": { "senses": [ "Of chief or leading importance", "prime, principal", "Chief, most important, or principal in extent, size, or strength", "consisting of the largest part", "Full, sheer, undivided", "Big", "angry", "Belonging to or connected with the principal mast in a vessel", "Great in size or degree", "important, powerful, strong, vast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "main", "num_translations": 78 }, "stalk": { "senses": [ "The stem or main axis of a plant, which supports the seed-carrying parts", "The petiole, pedicel, or peduncle of a plant", "One of the two upright pieces of a ladder", "An iron bar with projections inserted in a core to strengthen it", "a core arbor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stalk", "num_translations": 93 }, "stalk1": { "senses": [ "To approach slowly and quietly in order not to be discovered when getting closer", "To follow or contact someone constantly, often resulting in harassmentWp", "To walk slowly and cautiously", "to walk in a stealthy, noiseless manner", "To walk behind something, such as a screen, for the purpose of approaching game", "to proceed under cover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stalk", "num_translations": 64 }, "purge": { "senses": [ "An act of purging", "An evacuation of the bowels or a vomiting", "A cleansing of pipes", "A forcible removal of people, for example, from political activity", "especially, a medicine that evacuates the intestines", "a cathartic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "purge", "num_translations": 48 }, "purge1": { "senses": [ "To clean thoroughly", "to cleanse", "to rid of impurities", "to free from sin, guilt, or the burden or responsibility of misdeeds", "To remove by cleansing", "to wash away", "To void or evacuate", "to defecate or vomit", "to clear of a charge, suspicion, or imputation", "To clarify", "to clear the dregs from", "To become pure, as by clarification", "To have or produce frequent evacuations from the intestines, as by means of a cathartic", "To trim, dress or prune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "purge", "num_translations": 50 }, "service": { "senses": [ "An act of being of assistance to someone", "A department in a company, an organization, a government department, etc", "A function that is provided by one program or machine for another", "The state of being subordinate to or employed by an individual or group", "The military", "A set of dishes or utensils", "The act of initially starting, or serving, the ball in play in tennis, volleyball, and other games", "A religious rite or ritual", "The serving, or delivery, of a summons or writ", "A taxi shared among unrelated passengers, each of whom pays part of the fare", "often, it has a fixed route between cities", "A musical composition for use in churches", "Profession of respect", "acknowledgment of duty owed", "The materials used for serving a rope, etc, such as spun yarn and small lines" ], "antonyms": [ "good", "capital" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "service", "num_translations": 236 }, "service1": { "senses": [ "To serve", "To perform maintenance", "To inseminate through sexual intercourse", "To perform a sexual act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attend", "be with" ], "word": "service", "num_translations": 33 }, "cruise1": { "senses": [ "To sail about, especially for pleasure", "To travel at constant speed for maximum operating efficiency", "To move about an area leisurely in the hope of discovering something, or looking for custom", "To inspect for the purpose of estimating the quantity of lumber it will yield", "To actively seek a romantic partner or casual sexual partner by moving about a particular area", "to troll", "To walk while holding on to an object", "To win easily and convincingly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cruise", "num_translations": 23 }, "reliable": { "senses": [ "Suitable or fit to be relied on", "worthy of dependence or reliance", "trustworthy", "Such that either a sent packet will reach its destination, even if it requires retransmission, or the sender will be told that it didn't" ], "antonyms": [ "unreliable" ], "synonyms": [ "secure", "dependable", "trustworthy", "trusty" ], "word": "reliable", "num_translations": 52 }, "trust": { "senses": [ "Confidence in or reliance on some person or quality", "Dependence upon something in the future", "hope", "Confidence in the future payment for goods or services supplied", "credit", "something received in confidence", "a charge", "That upon which confidence is reposed", "ground of reliance", "hope", "The condition or obligation of one to whom anything is confided", "responsible charge or office", "The confidence vested in a person who has legal ownership of a property to manage for the benefit of another", "An estate devised or granted in confidence that the devisee or grantee shall convey it, or dispose of the profits, at the will, or for the benefit, of another", "an estate held for the use of another", "Affirmation of the access rights of a user of a computer system" ], "antonyms": [ "distrust", "mistrust", "untrust", "wantrust" ], "synonyms": [ "belief", "confidence", "expectation", "faith", "hope" ], "word": "trust", "num_translations": 163 }, "trust1": { "senses": [ "To place confidence in", "to rely on, to confide, or have faith, in", "To give credence to", "to believe", "to credit", "To hope confidently", "to believe", "To commit, as to one's care", "To give credit to", "to sell to upon credit, or in confidence of future payment", "To risk", "to venture confidently", "to be credulous", "to be won to confidence", "to confide", "To be confident, as of something future", "to hope", "To sell or deliver anything in reliance upon a promise of payment", "to give credit" ], "antonyms": [ "distrust", "mistrust", "trust" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "trust", "num_translations": 113 }, "simian": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to apes", "apelike", "Bearing resemblance to an ape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apelike", "apely", "apish", "simial", "simious" ], "word": "simian", "num_translations": 23 }, "bearcub": { "senses": [ "A young bear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bear-whelp" ], "word": "bearcub", "num_translations": 57 }, "immature": { "senses": [ "Not fully formed or developed, unripe, not mature", "Childish in behavior, not mature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infantile" ], "word": "immature", "num_translations": 63 }, "spitsbergen": { "senses": [ "Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago located to the east of Greenland", "The largest island of this archipelago" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Svalbard", "West Spitsbergen" ], "word": "Spitsbergen", "num_translations": 13 }, "glad": { "senses": [ "Pleased, happy, gratified", "Having a bright or cheerful appearance", "expressing or exciting joy" ], "antonyms": [ "sorrowful", "sad", "downcast", "peevish", "cranky", "heavy", "depressed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "glad", "num_translations": 103 }, "pineapple": { "senses": [ "A tropical plant, Ananas comosus, native to South America, having thirty or more long, spined and pointed leaves surrounding a thick stem", "An Australian fifty dollar note", "A web burrfish", "A pinecone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ananas", "ananas" ], "word": "pineapple", "num_translations": 274 }, "yam": { "senses": [ "Any climbing vine of the genus Dioscorea in the Eastern and Western hemispheres, usually cultivated", "The edible, starchy, tuberous root of that plant, a tropical staple food", "A sweet potato", "a tuber from the species Ipomoea batatas", "Potato", "A oca", "a tuber from the species Oxalis tuberosa", "Taro" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "yam", "num_translations": 81 }, "maize": { "senses": [ "Corn", "a type of grain of the species Zea mays" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corn" ], "word": "maize", "num_translations": 223 }, "bbs1": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"bulletin board system or bulletin board service\"", "Bachelor of Business Studies", "initialism of \"BIOS boot sequence\"", "initialism of \"BIOS boot specification\"", "initialism of \"Bardet-Biedl syndrome\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "BBS", "num_translations": 11 }, "heptagon": { "senses": [ "A polygon with seven sides and seven angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "septagon" ], "word": "heptagon", "num_translations": 44 }, "decagon": { "senses": [ "A polygon with ten sides and ten angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "10-gon" ], "word": "decagon", "num_translations": 27 }, "dodecagon": { "senses": [ "A polygon with twelve edges and twelve angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "12-gon", "duodecagon" ], "word": "dodecagon", "num_translations": 18 }, "achromatic": { "senses": [ "Free from color", "transmitting light without color-related distortion", "Uncolored", "not absorbing color from a fluid", "-- said of tissue", "Having only the diatonic notes of the scale", "not modified by accidentals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "achromatic", "num_translations": 24 }, "pope": { "senses": [ "An honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state", "An honorary title of the Coptic bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his church", "An honorary title of the Orthodox bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his autocephalous church", "Any bishop of the early Christian church", "The ruffe, a small Eurasian freshwater fish", "others of its genus", "The Atlantic puffin", "The painted bunting", "The red-cowled cardinal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bishop of Rome", "Patriarch of Rome", "Vicar of Christ", "Bishop of Alexandria", "Patriarch of Alexandria", "Orthodox Bishop of Alexandria", "See", "their respective entries" ], "word": "pope", "num_translations": 125 }, "identify": { "senses": [ "To establish the identity of someone or something", "To disclose the identity of someone", "To establish the taxonomic classification of an organism", "To equate or make the same", "to unite or combine into one", "To have a strong affinity with", "to feel oneself to be modelled on or connected to", "To associate oneself with some group", "To claim an identity", "to describe oneself as a member of a group", "to assert the use of a particular term to describe oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to ID" ], "word": "identify", "num_translations": 74 }, "undermine": { "senses": [ "To dig underneath , to make a passage for destructive or military purposes", "to sap", "To weaken or work against", "to hinder, sabotage" ], "antonyms": [ "undergird" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "undermine", "num_translations": 64 }, "exile": { "senses": [ "The state of being banished from one's home or country", "Someone who is banished from their home or country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banishment", "expatriate" ], "word": "exile", "num_translations": 116 }, "two-faced": { "senses": [ "having two faces or plane surfaces", "deceitful, duplicitous", "hypocritical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "double-faced", "hypocritical", "Janus-faced" ], "word": "two-faced", "num_translations": 35 }, "double": { "senses": [ "Made up of two matching or complementary elements", "Of twice the quantity", "Of a family relationship, related on both the maternal and paternal sides of a family", "Designed for two users", "Folded in two", "composed of two layers", "Stooping", "bent over", "Having two aspects", "ambiguous", "False, deceitful, or hypocritical", "Of flowers, having more than the normal number of petals", "Of an instrument, sounding an octave lower", "Of time, twice as fast" ], "antonyms": [ "half", "half" ], "synonyms": [ "binary", "duplicate", "twofold" ], "word": "double", "num_translations": 148 }, "double2": { "senses": [ "Twice the number, amount, size, etc", "A person who resembles and stands in for another person, often for safety purposes", "A drink with two portions of alcohol", "A ghostly apparition of a living person", "doppelg\u00e4nger", "A sharp turn, especially a return on one's own tracks", "A redundant item for which an identical item already exists", "A two-base hit", "A call that increases certain scoring points if the last preceding bid becomes the contract", "A strike in which the object ball is struck so as to make it rebound against the cushion to an opposite pocket", "A bet on two horses in different races in which any winnings from the first race are placed on the horse in the later race", "The narrow outermost ring on a dartboard", "A hit on this ring", "A tile that has the same value on both sides", "Two competitions, usually one league and one cup, won by the same team in a single season", "A boat for two scullers", "The feat of scoring twice in one game", "The feat of winning two events in a single meet or competition", "A former French coin worth one-sixth of a sou", "A copper coin worth one-eighth of a penny", "Playing the same part on two instruments, alternately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "double", "num_translations": 55 }, "double3": { "senses": [ "To multiply by two", "To fold over so as to make two folds", "to exceed by twofold", "to contain or be worth twice as much as", "To increase by 100%, to become twice as large in size", "To get a two-base hit", "To clench", "To join or couple", "To repeat exactly", "copy", "To play a second part or serve a second role", "To turn sharply, following a winding course", "To sail around", "To duplicate either in unison or at the octave above or below it", "To be capable of performing", "To cause to rebound from a cushion before entering the pocket", "To act as substitute", "To go or march at twice the normal speed", "To multiply the strength or effect of by two", "To unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one from each two", "To transmit simultaneously on the same channel as another station, either unintentionally or deliberately, causing interference" ], "antonyms": [ "halve" ], "synonyms": [ "redouble", "facsimilize" ], "word": "double", "num_translations": 107 }, "hirsute": { "senses": [ "Covered in hair or bristles", "hairy" ], "antonyms": [ "glabrous" ], "synonyms": [ "hairy" ], "word": "hirsute", "num_translations": 15 }, "antagonist": { "senses": [ "An opponent or enemy", "One who antagonizes or stirs", "A chemical that binds to a receptor but does not produce a physiological response, blocking the action of agonist chemicals", "The main character or force opposing the protagonist in a literary work or drama", "A muscle that acts in opposition to another" ], "antonyms": [ "protagonist", "agonist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "antagonist", "num_translations": 53 }, "ghetto": { "senses": [ "An area of a city in which Jews are concentrated by force and law", "An area of a city inhabited predominantly by members of a specific nationality, ethnicity or race", "An area in which people who are distinguished by sharing something other than ethnicity concentrate or are concentrated", "An isolated, self-contained, segregated subsection, area or field of interest", "often of minority or specialist interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:slum", "ivory tower" ], "word": "ghetto", "num_translations": 71 }, "pare": { "senses": [ "to remove the outer covering or skin of something with a cutting device, typically a knife", "to reduce, diminish or trim gradually something as if by cutting off", "to trim the hoof of a horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to peel", "to skin" ], "word": "pare", "num_translations": 28 }, "magazine": { "senses": [ "A non-academic periodical publication, generally consisting of sheets of paper folded in half and stapled at the fold", "An ammunition storehouse", "A chamber in a firearm enabling multiple rounds of ammunition to be fed into the firearm", "A reservoir or supply chamber for a stove, battery, camera, typesetting machine, or other apparatus", "A country or district especially rich in natural products", "A city viewed as a marketing center", "A store, or shop, where goods are kept for sale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "magazine", "num_translations": 226 }, "mug1": { "senses": [ "A large cup for hot liquids, usually having a handle and used without a saucer", "The face, often used deprecatingly", "A gullible or easily-cheated person", "A stupid or contemptible person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mush", "Thesaurus:dupe" ], "word": "mug", "num_translations": 166 }, "mug2": { "senses": [ "To strike in the face", "To assault for the purpose of robbery", "To exaggerate a facial expression for communicative emphasis", "to make a face, to pose, as for photographs or in a performance, in an exaggerated or affected manner", "To photograph for identification", "To learn or review a subject as much as possible in a short time", "cram" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mug", "num_translations": 14 }, "cosy": { "senses": [ "Affording comfort and warmth", "snug", "social" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snug" ], "word": "cosy", "num_translations": 45 }, "cartouche": { "senses": [ "An ornamental figure, often on an oval shield", "An oval figure containing the characters of an important personal name, such as that of royal or divine people", "A paper cartridge", "A wooden case filled with balls, to be shot from a cannon", "A gunner's bag for ammunition", "A military pass for a soldier on furlough" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cartouche", "num_translations": 36 }, "formaldehyde": { "senses": [ "The simplest aldehyde, H-CHO, a colourless gas that has many industrial applications", "it dissolves in water to give formol and formalin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E240" ], "word": "formaldehyde", "num_translations": 34 }, "myxomatosis": { "senses": [ "A usually fatal viral disease of rabbits, causing skin tumors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "myxo" ], "word": "myxomatosis", "num_translations": 14 }, "ignominious": { "senses": [ "Marked by shame or disgrace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "debasing", "degrading", "humiliating" ], "word": "ignominious", "num_translations": 26 }, "erudite": { "senses": [ "Learned, scholarly, with emphasis on knowledge gained from books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:learned" ], "word": "erudite", "num_translations": 38 }, "moat": { "senses": [ "A deep, wide defensive ditch, normally filled with water, surrounding a fortified habitation", "An aspect of a business which makes it more \"defensible\" from competitors, either because of the nature of its products, services, franchise or other reason", "A circular lowland between a resurgent dome and the walls of the caldera surrounding it", "A hill or mound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fosse" ], "word": "moat", "num_translations": 81 }, "smite": { "senses": [ "To hit, to strike", "To strike down or kill with godly force", "To injure with divine power", "To put to rout in battle", "to overthrow by war", "To afflict", "to chasten", "to punish", "To strike with love or infatuation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smite", "num_translations": 47 }, "adversary": { "senses": [ "An opponent or rival" ], "antonyms": [ "hero" ], "synonyms": [ "villain" ], "word": "adversary", "num_translations": 83 }, "brine": { "senses": [ "Salt water", "water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt", "a salt-and-water solution for pickling", "The sea or ocean", "the water of the sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brine", "num_translations": 87 }, "brine1": { "senses": [ "To preserve food in a salt solution", "To prepare and flavor food for cooking by soaking in a salt solution" ], "antonyms": [ "debrine", "desalinate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "brine", "num_translations": 10 }, "shrimp": { "senses": [ "Any of many swimming, often edible crustaceans, chiefly of the infraorder Caridea or the suborder Dendrobranchiata, with slender legs, long whiskers and a long abdomen", "The flesh of such crustaceans", "A small, puny or unimportant person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prawn" ], "word": "shrimp", "num_translations": 161 }, "amongst": { "senses": [ "Denotes a mingling or intermixing with distinct or separable objects See usage note at amidst" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "among", "amidst", "amid" ], "word": "amongst", "num_translations": 28 }, "amaze": { "senses": [ "To fill with wonder and surprise", "to astonish, astound, surprise or perplex", "to be astounded", "To stupefy", "to knock unconscious", "To bewilder", "to stupefy", "to bring into a maze", "To terrify, to fill with panic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amaze", "num_translations": 35 }, "amazing1": { "senses": [ "Causing wonder and amazement", "very surprising", "Possessing uniquely wonderful qualities", "Very good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:awesome" ], "word": "amazing", "num_translations": 60 }, "maggot": { "senses": [ "A soft, legless larva of a fly or other dipterous insect, that often eats decomposing organic matter", "A worthless person", "A whimsy or fancy", "A fan of the American metal band Slipknot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grub" ], "word": "maggot", "num_translations": 120 }, "peep": { "senses": [ "A quiet sound, particularly one from a baby bird", "A feeble utterance or complaint", "The sound of a steam engine's whistle", "typically shrill", "A kind of bird", "a sandpiper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peep", "num_translations": 18 }, "peep2": { "senses": [ "To look, especially through a narrow opening, or while trying not to be seen or noticed", "To begin to appear", "to look forth from concealment", "to make the first appearance", "To take a look at", "check out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peep", "num_translations": 21 }, "busy": { "senses": [ "Crowded with business or activities", "having a great deal going on", "Engaged in activity or by someone else", "Having a lot going on", "complicated or intricate", "Officious", "meddling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swamped" ], "word": "busy", "num_translations": 155 }, "pretty": { "senses": [ "Pleasant to the sight or other senses", "attractive, especially of women or children, but less strikingly than something beautiful", "Of objects or things: nice-looking, appealing", "Fine-looking", "only superficially attractive", "initially appealing but having little substance", "see petty", "Cunning", "clever, skilful", "Moderately large", "considerable", "Excellent, commendable, pleasing", "fitting or proper", "Awkward, unpleasant" ], "antonyms": [ "ugly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pretty", "num_translations": 138 }, "slip1": { "senses": [ "A twig or shoot", "a cutting", "A descendant, a scion", "A young person", "A long, thin piece of something", "A small piece of paper, especially one longer than it is wide, typically a form for writing on or one giving printed information", "A memorandum of the particulars of a risk for which a policy is to be executed It usually bears the broker's name and is initiated by the underwriters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slip", "num_translations": 25 }, "slip2": { "senses": [ "to slide due to a lack of friction", "To err", "To accidentally reveal a secret or otherwise say something unintentional", "To move or fly", "to shoot", "often with out, off, etc", "To pass , often covertly", "To cause to move smoothly and quickly", "to slide", "to convey gently or secretly", "To move quickly and often secretively", "to depart, withdraw, enter, appear, intrude, or escape as if by sliding", "To move down", "to slide", "To release to go after a quarry", "To omit", "to lose by negligence", "to cut", "to take off", "To bring forth prematurely", "to slink", "To cause to go beyond the allotted deadline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slip", "num_translations": 109 }, "slip3": { "senses": [ "A woman's undergarment worn under a skirt or dress to conceal unwanted nudity that may otherwise be revealed by the skirt or dress itself", "a shift", "A mistake or error", "A berth", "a space for a ship to moor", "A difference between the theoretical distance traveled per revolution of the propeller and the actual advance of the vessel", "A one-time return to previous maladaptive behaviour after cure", "Any of several fielding positions to the off side of the wicket keeper, designed to catch the ball after being deflected from the bat", "a fielder in that position", "A number between 0 and 1 that is the difference between the angular speed of a rotating magnetic field and the angular speed of its rotor, divided by the angular speed of the magnetic field", "A leash or string by which a dog is held", "An escape", "a secret or unexpected desertion", "A portion of the columns of a newspaper etc struck off by itself", "a proof from a column of type when set up and in the galley", "A child's pinafore", "An outside covering or case", "A counterfeit piece of money, made from brass covered with silver", "Matter found in troughs of grindstones after the grinding of edge tools", "An aqueous suspension of minerals, usually clay, used, among other things, to stick workpieces together", "A particular quantity of yarn", "A narrow passage between buildings", "A long seat or narrow pew in churches, often without a door", "A dislocation of a lead, destroying continuity", "The motion of the centre of resistance of the float of a paddle wheel, or the blade of an oar, through the water horizontally, or the difference between a vessel's actual speed and the speed it would have if the propelling instrument acted upon a solid", "also, the velocity, relatively to still water, of the backward current of water produced by the propeller", "The difference between the actual and synchronous speeds of an induction motor", "A fish, the sole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blooper", "blunder", "boo-boo", "defect", "error", "fault", "faux pas", "fluff", "gaffe", "lapse", "mistake", "stumble", "thinko", "lapse" ], "word": "slip", "num_translations": 53 }, "ink": { "senses": [ "A pigment -based fluid used for writing, printing etc", "A particular type, color or container of this fluid", "The black or dark-colored fluid ejected by squid, octopus etc, as a protective strategy", "Publicity", "Tattoo work", "Cheap red wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ink", "num_translations": 180 }, "ink1": { "senses": [ "To sign", "To apply a tattoo to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "endorse" ], "word": "ink", "num_translations": 19 }, "peculiar": { "senses": [ "Out of the ordinary", "odd", "strange", "unusual", "Common or usual for a certain place or circumstance", "specific or particular", "One's own", "belonging solely or especially to an individual", "not shared or possessed by others", "Particular", "individual", "special", "appropriate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strange", "Thesaurus:specific" ], "word": "peculiar", "num_translations": 87 }, "explore": { "senses": [ "To seek for something or after someone", "To examine or investigate something systematically", "To travel somewhere in search of discovery", "To examine diagnostically", "To experience first hand", "To be engaged exploring in any of the above senses", "To wander without any particular aim or purpose", "To seek sexual variety, to sow one's wild oats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delve" ], "word": "explore", "num_translations": 120 }, "manifold": { "senses": [ "Various in kind or quality", "diverse", "Many in number, numerous", "multiple, multiplied", "Complicated", "Exhibited at diverse times or in various ways" ], "antonyms": [ "onefold", "singlefold" ], "synonyms": [ "diverse", "multiple" ], "word": "manifold", "num_translations": 33 }, "manifold2": { "senses": [ "A pipe fitting or similar device that connects multiple inputs or outputs", "The third stomach of a ruminant animal, an omasum", "A topological space that looks locally like the \"ordinary\" Euclidean space \\mathbb{R}^n and is Hausdorff", "A polygon mesh representing the continuous, closed surface of a solid object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "manifold", "num_translations": 34 }, "include": { "senses": [ "To bring into a group, class, set, or total as a part or member", "To contain, as parts of a whole", "to comprehend", "To enclose, confine", "To conclude", "to terminate", "To use a directive that allows the use of source code from another file" ], "antonyms": [ "exclude" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "include", "num_translations": 64 }, "raw": { "senses": [ "Not cooked", "Not treated or processed", "in a natural state, unrefined, unprocessed", "Having had the skin removed or abraded", "chafed, tender", "exposed, lacerated", "New or inexperienced", "Crude in quality", "rough, uneven, unsophisticated", "Uncorrected, without analysis", "Unpleasantly cold or damp", "Unmasked, undisguised, strongly expressed", "Candid in a representation of unpleasant facts, conditions, etc", "Unrefined, crude, or insensitive, especially with reference to sexual matters", "Not covered", "bare", "bald" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:raw" ], "word": "raw", "num_translations": 193 }, "canyon": { "senses": [ "A valley, especially a long, narrow, steep valley, cut in rock by a river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gorge", "Thesaurus:valley" ], "word": "canyon", "num_translations": 73 }, "doppelganger": { "senses": [ "A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts such a person", "An evil twin", "A remarkably similar double", "a lookalike", "A monster that takes the forms of people, usually after killing them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alter ego", "evil twin", "lookalike", "double" ], "word": "doppelganger", "num_translations": 38 }, "poltergeist": { "senses": [ "An unseen ghost which makes noises and causes disruption, especially by causing physical objects to move or fly about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ghost" ], "word": "poltergeist", "num_translations": 36 }, "ghost": { "senses": [ "The spirit", "the soul of man", "The disembodied soul", "the soul or spirit of a deceased person", "a spirit appearing after death", "Any faint shadowy semblance", "an unsubstantial image", "A false image formed in a telescope, camera, or other optical device by reflection from the surfaces of one or more lenses", "An unwanted image similar to and overlapping or adjacent to the main one on a television screen, caused by the transmitted image being received both directly and via reflection", "An unresponsive user on IRC, resulting from the user's client disconnecting without notifying the server", "An image of a file or hard disk", "An understudy", "A covert agent", "The faint image that remains after an attempt to remove graffiti", "An opponent in a racing game that follows a previously recorded route, allowing players to compete against previous best times", "White or pale", "Transparent or translucent", "Abandoned", "Remnant", "the remains of a", "Perceived or listed but not real", "Of cryptid, supernatural or extraterrestrial nature", "Substitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "essence", "apparition", "glimmer", "echo", "ghostwriter", "backup", "understudy", "spook", "shadow", "Thesaurus:ghost" ], "word": "ghost", "num_translations": 331 }, "pretext": { "senses": [ "A false, contrived, or assumed purpose or reason", "a pretense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pretext" ], "word": "pretext", "num_translations": 52 }, "nasty": { "senses": [ "Dirty, filthy", "Contemptible, unpleasant", "Objectionable, unpleasant", "repellent, offensive", "Indecent or offensive", "obscene, lewd", "Spiteful, unkind", "Awkward, difficult to navigate", "dangerous", "Grave or dangerous", "Formidable, terrific", "wicked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nasty", "num_translations": 63 }, "horrid": { "senses": [ "Bristling, rough, rugged", "Causing horror or dread", "Offensive, disagreeable, abominable, execrable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abominable", "alarming", "appalling", "awful", "dire", "dreadful", "frightful", "harrowing", "hideous", "horrible", "revolting", "shocking", "terrific" ], "word": "horrid", "num_translations": 23 }, "contribute": { "senses": [ "To give something that is or becomes part of a larger whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "add", "assist", "bestow", "bring", "chip in", "impart", "kick in", "lend", "provide", "put up" ], "word": "contribute", "num_translations": 46 }, "honeycomb": { "senses": [ "A structure of hexagonal cells made by bees primarily of wax, to hold their larvae and for storing the honey to feed the larvae and to feed themselves during winter", "voids left in concrete resulting from failure of the mortar to effectively fill the spaces among coarse aggregate particles", "Manufactured material used manufacture light, stiff structural components using a sandwich design", "The texture of the surface of a solar cell, intended to increase its surface area and capture more sunlight", "A space-filling packing of polytopes in 3- or higher-dimensional space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "honeycomb", "num_translations": 117 }, "poo": { "senses": [ "Feces", "A piece of feces or an act of defecation", "Cannabis resin", "Champagne" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "See" ], "word": "poo", "num_translations": 77 }, "poo1": { "senses": [ "To defecate", "To dirty something with feces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "poo", "num_translations": 50 }, "poker": { "senses": [ "A metal rod, generally of wrought iron, for adjusting the burning logs or coals in a fire", "a firestick", "One who pokes", "A kind of duck, the pochard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "firestick" ], "word": "poker", "num_translations": 62 }, "decompose": { "senses": [ "to separate or break down something into its components", "to disintegrate or fragment", "to rot, decay or putrefy" ], "antonyms": [ "assemble" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "decompose", "num_translations": 53 }, "compose": { "senses": [ "To make something by merging parts", "To make up the whole", "to constitute", "To comprise", "To construct by mental labor", "to think up", "particularly, to produce or create a literary or musical work", "To calm", "to free from agitation", "To arrange the elements of a photograph or other picture", "To settle", "to come to a settlement", "To arrange in proper form", "to reduce to order", "to put in proper state or condition", "To arrange in a composing stick for printing", "to typeset" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "constitute" ], "word": "compose", "num_translations": 132 }, "onceuponatime": { "senses": [ "The traditional beginning of children's stories, especially fairy tales", "A long time ago" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anciently" ], "word": "onceuponatime", "num_translations": 99 }, "compress": { "senses": [ "To make smaller", "to press or squeeze together, or to make something occupy a smaller space or volume", "To condense into a more economic, easier format", "To abridge", "To make digital information smaller by encoding it using fewer bits", "To embrace sexually" ], "antonyms": [ "press together", "be pressed together", "condense, abridge", "make computing data smaller" ], "synonyms": [ "compact", "contract", "abridge" ], "word": "compress", "num_translations": 61 }, "zeeland": { "senses": [ "province c/Netherlands", "city s/Michigan", "city s/North Dakota" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Zealand" ], "word": "Zeeland", "num_translations": 43 }, "horsepower": { "senses": [ "Power derived from the motion of a horse", "A metric unit , approximately equal to 7355 watts", "Strength" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hp" ], "word": "horsepower", "num_translations": 109 }, "racetrack": { "senses": [ "A course over which any type of races are run", "A characteristic circular erosion pattern in deposition processes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circuit" ], "word": "racetrack", "num_translations": 29 }, "spaceport": { "senses": [ "A site for launching spacecraft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cosmodrome" ], "word": "spaceport", "num_translations": 21 }, "skater": { "senses": [ "A person who skates", "A member of skateboarding subculture, characterized by dingy and baggy clothes, and often wallet chains", "A player who is not a goaltender", "Any of numerous hemipterous insects in the family Gerridae, which run rapidly over the surface of the water, as if skating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "field", "water strider" ], "word": "skater", "num_translations": 44 }, "turf": { "senses": [ "A layer of earth covered with grass", "sod", "A piece of such a layer cut from the soil May be used as sod to make a lawn, dried for peat, stacked to form earthen structures, etc", "A sod of peat used as fuel", "The territory claimed by a person, gang, etc as their own", "A racetrack", "or the sport of racing horses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "turf", "num_translations": 61 }, "clitoris": { "senses": [ "A sensitive elongated erectile organ at the anterior part of the vulva in female humans and mammals, homologous with the penis", "A similar erectile sexual organ present in the cloacas of female ratites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boy in the boat", "button", "clit", "love button", "pearl" ], "word": "clitoris", "num_translations": 158 }, "bury": { "senses": [ "To ritualistically inter in a grave or tomb", "To place in the ground", "To hide or conceal as if by covering with earth or another substance", "To suppress and hide away in one's mind", "To put an end to", "to abandon", "To score a goal", "To kill or murder", "To render imperceptible by other, more prominent stimuli", "drown out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bury", "num_translations": 167 }, "billiards": { "senses": [ "A two-player cue sport played with two cue balls and one red ball, on a snooker sized table", "The collective noun for games played on a tabletop, usually with several balls, one or more of which is hit by a cue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cue sport" ], "word": "billiards", "num_translations": 64 }, "pool": { "senses": [ "A small and rather deep collection of fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream", "a reservoir for water", "A small body of standing or stagnant water", "a puddle", "A supply of resources", "A set of resources that are kept ready to use", "A small amount of liquid on a surface", "A localized glow of light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pool", "num_translations": 102 }, "pirate": { "senses": [ "A criminal who plunders at sea", "commonly attacking merchant vessels, though often pillaging port towns", "An armed ship or vessel that sails for the purpose of plundering other vessels", "One who breaks intellectual property laws by reproducing protected works without permission", "A bird which practises kleptoparasitism", "A kind of marble in children's games" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buccaneer", "bootlegger" ], "word": "pirate", "num_translations": 163 }, "pirate1": { "senses": [ "To appropriate by piracy, plunder at sea", "To create and/or sell an unauthorized copy of", "To knowingly obtain an unauthorized copy of", "To engage in piracy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plagiarize" ], "word": "pirate", "num_translations": 30 }, "pirate2": { "senses": [ "Illegally imitated or reproduced, said of a trademarked product or copyrighted work, or of the counterfeit itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pirated", "counterfeit" ], "word": "pirate", "num_translations": 12 }, "buccaneer": { "senses": [ "Any of a group of seamen who cruised on their own account on the Spanish Main and in the Pacific in the 17th century", "similar to pirates but did not prey on ships of their own nation", "A pirate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "privateer" ], "word": "buccaneer", "num_translations": 28 }, "autopsy": { "senses": [ "A dissection performed on a cadaver to find possible cause of death", "An after-the-fact examination, especially of the causes of a failure", "An eyewitness observation, the presentation of an event as witnessed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "necropsy", "postmortem" ], "word": "autopsy", "num_translations": 55 }, "great": { "senses": [ "Relatively large in scale, size, extent, number or duration", "very big", "Of larger size or more importance than others of its kind", "Pregnant", "large with young", "full of", "Intimate", "familiar", "Extreme or more than usual", "Of significant importance or consequence", "important", "Arising from or possessing idealism", "admirable", "superior", "commanding", "heroic", "illustrious", "eminent", "Impressive or striking", "Much in use", "favoured", "Endowed with extraordinary powers", "of exceptional talents or achievements", "uncommonly gifted", "able to accomplish vast results", "remarkable", "strong", "powerful", "mighty", "noble", "Title referring to an important leader", "Doing or exemplifying on a large scale", "active or enthusiastic", "Skilful or adroit", "Very good", "excellent", "wonderful", "fantastic", "Intensifying a word or expression, used in mild oaths" ], "antonyms": [ "tiny", "mediocre" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:large", "Thesaurus:excellent" ], "word": "great", "num_translations": 245 }, "great2": { "senses": [ "A person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim", "The main division in a pipe organ, usually the loudest division" ], "antonyms": [ "mediocre" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "great", "num_translations": 11 }, "grate": { "senses": [ "a horizontal metal grill through which water, ash, or small objects can fall, while larger objects cannot", "a frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grill" ], "word": "grate", "num_translations": 23 }, "grate2": { "senses": [ "to make an unpleasant rasping sound, often as the result of rubbing against something", "to get on one's nerves", "to irritate, annoy", "to annoy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grate", "num_translations": 55 }, "more": { "senses": [ "comparative of \"many\": in greater number", "comparative of \"much\": in greater quantity, amount, or proportion" ], "antonyms": [ "fewer", "less" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "more", "num_translations": 123 }, "more1": { "senses": [ "To a greater degree or extent", "In negative constructions: any further, any longer", "Used alone to form the comparative form of adjectives and adverbs", "Used in addition to an inflected comparative form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "more", "num_translations": 134 }, "kitsch": { "senses": [ "Art, decorative objects and other forms of representation of questionable artistic or aesthetic value", "a representation that is excessively sentimental, overdone, or vulgar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camp" ], "word": "kitsch", "num_translations": 25 }, "kitsch1": { "senses": [ "Of art and decor: of questionable aesthetic value", "excessively sentimental, overdone or vulgar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corny" ], "word": "kitsch", "num_translations": 14 }, "nude": { "senses": [ "Without clothing or other covering of the skin", "without clothing on the genitals or female nipples", "Characterized by the nudity of people concerned or to whom the described noun is attributed", "Of a color that evokes bare flesh", "Not valid", "void" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flesh-colored" ], "word": "nude", "num_translations": 122 }, "lexical": { "senses": [ "Concerning the vocabulary, words, sentences or morphemes of a language", "Concerning lexicography or a lexicon or dictionary", "Denoting a content word as opposed to a function word" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lexic" ], "word": "lexical", "num_translations": 45 }, "log": { "senses": [ "The trunk of a dead tree, cleared of branches", "Any bulky piece as cut from the above, used as timber, fuel etc", "A unit of length equivalent to 16 feet, used for measuring timber, especially the trunk of a tree", "a cylinder", "A floating device, usually of wood, used in navigation to estimate the speed of a vessel through water", "A blockhead", "a very stupid person", "A longboard", "A rolled cake with filling", "A weight or block near the free end of a hoisting rope to prevent it from being drawn through the sheave", "A piece of feces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "log", "num_translations": 161 }, "luggage": { "senses": [ "The bags and other containers that hold a traveller's belongings", "The contents of such containers", "A specific bag or container holding a traveller's belongings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baggage" ], "word": "luggage", "num_translations": 117 }, "special": { "senses": [ "Distinguished by a unique or unusual quality", "Of particular personal interest or value", "dear", "beloved", "Of or related to learning or intellectual disabilities", "Constituting or relating to a species", "Chief in excellence" ], "antonyms": [ "common" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "special", "num_translations": 129 }, "special1": { "senses": [ "A reduction in consumer cost for items or services rendered", "One of a rotation of meals systematically offered for a lower price at a restaurant", "Unusual or exceptional episode of a series", "Anything that is not according to normal practice, plan, or schedule, as an unscheduled run of transportation that is normally scheduled", "Any unlicensed medicine produced or obtained for a specific individual patient", "A correspondent", "a journalist sent to the scene of an event to report back", "A light that illuminates a specific person or thing on the stage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "special", "num_translations": 21 }, "recent": { "senses": [ "Having happened a short while ago", "Up-to-date", "not old-fashioned or dated", "Having done something a short while ago that distinguishes them as what they are called", "Particularly in geology, palaeontology, and astronomy: having occurred a relatively short time ago, but still potentially thousands or even millions of years ago", "Of the Holocene, particularly pre-21st century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nudiustertian" ], "word": "recent", "num_translations": 92 }, "whore": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"prostitute\": a person who offers sexual services for payment", "A person who is sexually promiscuous", "a slut", "A person who is unscrupulous, especially one who compromises their principles for gain", "A person who will violate behavioral standards to achieve something desired", "A contemptible person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prostitute", "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman" ], "word": "whore", "num_translations": 309 }, "whore1": { "senses": [ "To prostitute oneself", "To engage the services of a prostitute", "To pimp", "to pander", "To promote shamelessly", "To pursue false gods", "To pursue false goals", "To overuse something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sell one's body", "pander", "tout" ], "word": "whore", "num_translations": 35 }, "jesus2": { "senses": [ "An exclamation, the use of which is considered blasphemous among some Christians" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christ" ], "word": "Jesus", "num_translations": 22 }, "couch": { "senses": [ "An item of furniture, often upholstered, for the comfortable seating of more than one person", "A bed, a resting-place", "The den of an otter", "A preliminary layer, as of colour or size", "A mass of steeped barley spread upon a floor to germinate, in malting", "or the floor occupied by the barley" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "davenport" ], "word": "couch", "num_translations": 84 }, "couch1": { "senses": [ "To lie down", "to recline", "To bend the body, as in reverence, pain, labor, etc", "to stoop", "to crouch", "To lay something upon a bed or other resting place", "To arrange or dispose as if in a bed", "To lay or deposit in a bed or layer", "to bed", "To lower to the position of attack", "In the treatment of a cataract in the eye, to displace the opaque lens with a sharp object such as a needle The technique is regarded as largely obsolete", "To transfer from the wire mould to a felt blanket for further drying", "To attach a thread onto fabric with small stitches in order to add texture", "To phrase in a particular style", "to use specific wording for", "To lie down for concealment", "to conceal, to hide", "to be concealed", "to be included or involved darkly or secretly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "couch", "num_translations": 16 }, "lounge": { "senses": [ "A waiting room in an office, airport etc", "A domestic living room", "An establishment, similar to a bar, that serves alcohol and often plays background music or shows television", "A large comfortable seat for two or three people or more, a sofa or couch", "idle reclining" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loungeroom", "Thesaurus:pub" ], "word": "lounge", "num_translations": 82 }, "manatee": { "senses": [ "Any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae, found in tropical regions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lamantin" ], "word": "manatee", "num_translations": 98 }, "marshallese": { "senses": [ "The Austronesian language of the Marshall Islands", "An inhabitant of the Marshall Islands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ebon", "Marshall" ], "word": "Marshallese", "num_translations": 28 }, "biweekly": { "senses": [ "Occurring once every two weeks", "Occurring twice a week" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortnightly", "twice-weekly" ], "word": "biweekly", "num_translations": 16 }, "biweekly1": { "senses": [ "Every two weeks", "Twice a week" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortnightly", "twice" ], "word": "biweekly", "num_translations": 11 }, "annual": { "senses": [ "Happening once every year", "Of, for, or relating to a whole year, often as a recurring cycle", "determined or reckoned by the year", "accumulating in the course of a year", "Having a life cycle that is completed in only one growing season", "Living or lasting just one season or year, as certain insects or insect colonies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yearly" ], "word": "annual", "num_translations": 84 }, "annual1": { "senses": [ "a book, periodical, journal, report, comic book, yearbook, etc, which is published serially once a year, which may or may not be in addition to regular weekly or monthly publication", "a plant with a life span of just one growing season", "a plant which naturally germinates, flowers and dies in one year Compare biennial, perennial", "A medical checkup taking place once a year", "A pantomime taking place once a year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "annual", "num_translations": 22 }, "millennial": { "senses": [ "Referring to the 1,000th anniversary of an event or happening", "Occurring every thousand years", "Occurring at the end or beginning of a millennium", "Of or relating to people born in the last two decades of the 20th century", "Referring to the millennium, the period of one thousand years during which Christ will reign on earth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "millennial", "num_translations": 14 }, "dated": { "senses": [ "Marked with a date", "Anachronistic", "being obviously inappropriate for its present context", "No longer fashionable" ], "antonyms": [ "undated", "up-to-date", "a la mode" ], "synonyms": [ "outdated", "anachronous", "d\u00e9mod\u00e9" ], "word": "dated", "num_translations": 78 }, "pulchritudinous": { "senses": [ "Having great physical beauty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comely" ], "word": "pulchritudinous", "num_translations": 11 }, "carburetor": { "senses": [ "A device in an internal combustion engine where fuel is vaporized and mixed with air prior to ignition", "A water pipe or bong", "a device or contrivance for mixing air with burning cannabis or cocaine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carb", "carby", "gasifier" ], "word": "carburetor", "num_translations": 62 }, "meek": { "senses": [ "Humble, non-boastful, modest, meager, or self-effacing", "Submissive, dispirited" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:humble" ], "word": "meek", "num_translations": 72 }, "eerie": { "senses": [ "Strange, weird, fear-inspiring", "Frightened, timid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strange" ], "word": "eerie", "num_translations": 85 }, "earthworm": { "senses": [ "A worm that lives in the ground", "A worm of the family Lumbricidae, or, more generally, of the suborder Lumbricina", "A contemptible person", "a groveller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rainworm", "groundworm" ], "word": "earthworm", "num_translations": 123 }, "vixen": { "senses": [ "A female fox", "A malicious, quarrelsome or temperamental woman", "A racy or salacious woman", "a wife who has sex with other men with her husband's consent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "female fox" ], "word": "vixen", "num_translations": 91 }, "little": { "senses": [ "Small in size", "Insignificant, trivial", "Very young", "Younger", "Used with the name of place, especially of a country, to denote a neighborhood whose residents or storekeepers are from that place", "Small in amount or number, having few members", "Short in duration", "brief", "Small in extent of views or sympathies", "narrow", "shallow", "contracted", "mean", "illiberal", "ungenerous" ], "antonyms": [ "large", "big", "big" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "little", "num_translations": 267 }, "little1": { "senses": [ "Not much", "Not at all" ], "antonyms": [ "much" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "little", "num_translations": 72 }, "less": { "senses": [ "To a smaller extent or degree" ], "antonyms": [ "more" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "less", "num_translations": 51 }, "less1": { "senses": [ "comparative of \"little\": a smaller amount", "not as much", "comparative of \"few\": fewer", "a smaller number of", "comparative of \"little\"" ], "antonyms": [ "more" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "less", "num_translations": 40 }, "less2": { "senses": [ "Minus", "not including" ], "antonyms": [ "plus" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "less", "num_translations": 12 }, "least1": { "senses": [ "Used for forming superlatives of adjectives, especially those that do not form the superlative by adding -est", "In the smallest or lowest degree", "in a degree below all others" ], "antonyms": [ "most" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "least", "num_translations": 10 }, "leaf": { "senses": [ "The usually green and flat organ that represents the most prominent feature of most vegetative plants", "A sheet of any substance beaten or rolled until very thin", "A sheet of a book, magazine, etc", "Tea leaves", "A flat section used to extend the size of a table", "A moveable panel, eg of a bridge or door, originally one that hinged but now also applied to other forms of movement", "In a tree, a node that has no descendants", "One of the teeth of a pinion, especially when small", "Marijuana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leaf", "num_translations": 466 }, "coyote": { "senses": [ "Canis latrans, a species of canine native to North America", "A smuggler of illegal immigrants across the land border from Mexico into the United States of America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prairie wolf" ], "word": "coyote", "num_translations": 114 }, "rowing1": { "senses": [ "The action of the verb to row", "The action of propelling a boat with oars", "The act of having a row, or argument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sculling" ], "word": "rowing", "num_translations": 41 }, "pudding": { "senses": [ "Any of various dishes, sweet or savoury, prepared by boiling or steaming, or from batter", "A type of cake or dessert cooked usually by boiling or steaming", "A type of dessert that has a texture similar to custard or mousse but using some kind of starch as the thickening agent", "Dessert", "the dessert course of a meal", "A sausage made primarily from blood", "An overweight person", "Entrails", "Any food or victuals", "A piece of good fortune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black pudding", "afters", "custard" ], "word": "pudding", "num_translations": 81 }, "pairofcompasses": { "senses": [ "A tool used to draw circles, usually consisting of two arms joined at one end in such a way that the arms can be opened and closed", "one of the arms is pointed at its free end while the other holds a pencil, pencil lead or some other implement for making marks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compass" ], "word": "pairofcompasses", "num_translations": 55 }, "row": { "senses": [ "A line of objects, often regularly spaced, such as seats in a theatre, vegetable plants in a garden etc", "A line of entries in a table, etc, going from left to right, as opposed to a column going from top to bottom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "line", "line" ], "word": "row", "num_translations": 103 }, "muck": { "senses": [ "mud, sludge", "Soft manure", "Anything filthy or vile Dirt", "something that makes another thing dirty", "grub, slop, swill", "money", "The pile of discarded cards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "muck", "num_translations": 34 }, "timber": { "senses": [ "Trees in a forest regarded as a source of wood", "Wood that has been pre-cut and is ready for use in construction", "A heavy wooden beam, generally a whole log that has been squared off and used to provide heavy support for something such as a roof", "Material for any structure", "The wooden stock of a rifle or shotgun", "A certain quantity of fur skins packed between boards", "in some cases forty skins, in others one hundred and twenty Also timmer, timbre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "timberland", "lumber", "beam" ], "word": "timber", "num_translations": 124 }, "lumber": { "senses": [ "Wood intended as a building material", "Useless things that are stored away", "A pawnbroker's shop, or room for storing articles put in pawn", "hence, a pledge, or pawn", "A baseball bat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "timber", "wood" ], "word": "lumber", "num_translations": 37 }, "bengali1": { "senses": [ "A language spoken in Bangladesh and the states of Tripura and West Bengal, India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bangla" ], "word": "Bengali", "num_translations": 113 }, "luo": { "senses": [ "An ethnic group in southern Sudan, Kenya, and neighboring countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dholuo" ], "word": "Luo", "num_translations": 11 }, "mohawk1": { "senses": [ "A hairstyle where both sides are shaved, with the hair along the crest of the head kept long, and usually styled so as to stand straight up", "A member of a gang that terrorized London in the early 18th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Iroquois", "Mohican" ], "word": "Mohawk", "num_translations": 37 }, "antenna": { "senses": [ "A feeler organ on the head of an insect, crab, or other animal", "An apparatus to receive or transmit electromagnetic waves and convert respectively to or from an electrical signal", "The faculty of intuitive astuteness", "A fragment of an oligosaccharide", "The spar to which a lateen sail is attached, which is then hoisted up the mast", "For the faculty of intuitive astuteness, the Latinate plural is used most frequently but both forms are found" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feeler", "aerial" ], "word": "antenna", "num_translations": 56 }, "appendix": { "senses": [ "Something attached to something else", "an attachment or accompaniment", "A text added to the end of a book or an article, containing additional information", "Any process, prolongation or projection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "addition" ], "word": "appendix", "num_translations": 125 }, "trunk": { "senses": [ "Part of a body", "A container", "A channel for flow of some kind", "In software projects under source control: the most current source tree, from which the latest unstable builds are compiled", "The main line or body of anything", "A large pipe forming the piston rod of a steam engine, of sufficient diameter to allow one end of the connecting rod to be attached to the crank, and the other end to pass within the pipe directly to the piston, thus making the engine more compact", "Shorts used for swimming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boot", "tree trunk", "proboscis" ], "word": "trunk", "num_translations": 372 }, "bureau": { "senses": [ "An administrative unit of government", "office", "An organization or office for collecting or providing information or news", "An office", "A desk, usually with a cover and compartments that are located above the level of the writing surface rather than underneath, and often used for storing papers", "A chest of drawers for clothes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bureau", "num_translations": 120 }, "beau": { "senses": [ "A man with a reputation for fine dress and etiquette", "a dandy or fop", "A male lover", "a boyfriend", "A male escort", "A suitor of a lady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beau", "num_translations": 12 }, "batter": { "senses": [ "To hit or strike violently and repeatedly", "To defeat soundly", "to thrash", "To intoxicate", "To flatten by hammering, so as to compress it inwardly and spread it outwardly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "batter", "num_translations": 47 }, "aerial": { "senses": [ "Living or taking place in the air", "Made up of air or gas", "gaseous", "Positioned high up", "elevated", "Ethereal, insubstantial", "imaginary", "Pertaining to the air or atmosphere", "atmospheric", "Pertaining to a vehicle which travels through the air", "airborne", "relating to or conducted by means of aircraft", "Above the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aerial", "num_translations": 37 }, "aerial1": { "senses": [ "A rod, wire, or other structure for receiving or transmitting radio, television signals etc", "A move, as in dancing or skateboarding, involving one or both feet leaving the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antenna", "air step" ], "word": "aerial", "num_translations": 81 }, "method": { "senses": [ "A process by which a task is completed", "a way of doing something :", "A technique for acting based on the ideas articulated by Constantin Stanislavski and focusing on authentically experiencing the inner life of the character being portrayed", "A subroutine or function belonging to a class or object, synonym of member function", "Marijuana", "An instruction book systematically arranged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "method", "num_translations": 172 }, "shared1": { "senses": [ "Used by multiple entities or for multiple purposes or in multiple ways" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common" ], "word": "shared", "num_translations": 23 }, "truck": { "senses": [ "A small wheel or roller, specifically the wheel of a gun carriage", "The ball on top of a flagpole", "On a wooden mast, a circular disc of wood near or at the top of the mast, usually with holes or sheaves to reeve signal halyards", "A semi-tractor trailer", "a lorry", "Any motor vehicle designed for carrying cargo, including delivery vans, pickups, and other motorized vehicles fitted with a bed designed to carry goods", "A garden cart, a two-wheeled wheelbarrow", "A small wagon or cart, of various designs, pushed or pulled by hand or pulled by an animal, as with those in hotels for moving luggage, or in libraries for transporting books", "A pantechnicon", "A flatbed railway car", "a flatcar", "A pivoting frame, one attached to the bottom of the bed of a railway car at each end, that rests on the axle and which swivels to allow the axle to turn with curves in the track", "a bogie", "The part of a skateboard or roller skate that joins the wheels to the deck, consisting of a hanger, baseplate, kingpin, and bushings, and sometimes mounted with a riser in between", "A platform with wheels or casters", "Dirt or other messiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rig" ], "word": "truck", "num_translations": 172 }, "label": { "senses": [ "A small ticket or sign giving information about something to which it is attached or intended to be attached", "A name given to something or someone to categorise them as part of a particular social group", "A company that sells records", "A user-defined alias for a numerical designation, the reverse of an enumeration", "A named place in source code that can be jumped to using a GOTO or equivalent construct", "A charge resembling the strap crossing the horse's chest from which pendants are hung", "A tassel", "A piece of writing added to something, such as a codicil appended to a will", "A brass rule with sights, formerly used with a circumferentor to take altitudes", "The projecting moulding by the sides, and over the tops, of openings in mediaeval architecture", "In mediaeval art, the representation of a band or scroll containing an inscription", "A non-interactive control or widget displaying text, often used to describe the purpose of another control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "label", "num_translations": 79 }, "label1": { "senses": [ "To replace specific atoms by their isotope in order to track the presence or movement of this isotope through a reaction, metabolic pathway or cell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tag", "categorise" ], "word": "label", "num_translations": 46 }, "buyer": { "senses": [ "A person who makes one or more purchases", "A person who purchases items for resale in a retail establishment", "A person who purchases items consumed or used as components in the manufacture of products" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "purchaser", "purchasing agent" ], "word": "buyer", "num_translations": 94 }, "local": { "senses": [ "From or in a nearby location", "Having limited scope", "only being accessible within a certain portion of a program", "Applying to each point in a space rather than the space as a whole", "Of or pertaining to a restricted part of an organism", "Descended from an indigenous population" ], "antonyms": [ "global" ], "synonyms": [ "topical" ], "word": "local", "num_translations": 118 }, "local1": { "senses": [ "A person who lives near a given place", "A branch of a nationwide organization such as a trade union", "A train that stops at all, or almost all, stations between its origin and destination, including very small ones", "One's nearest or regularly frequented public house or bar", "An item of news relating to the place where the newspaper is published" ], "antonyms": [ "fast" ], "synonyms": [ "stopper" ], "word": "local", "num_translations": 38 }, "scanty": { "senses": [ "Somewhat less than is needed in amplitude or extent", "Sparing", "niggardly", "parsimonious", "stingy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scanty", "num_translations": 18 }, "flour": { "senses": [ "Powder obtained by grinding or milling cereal grains, especially wheat, or other foodstuffs such as soybeans and potatoes, and used to bake bread, cakes, and pastry", "The food made by grinding and bolting cleaned wheat until it meets specified levels of fineness, dryness and freedom from bran and germ, also containing any of certain enzymes, ascorbic acid and certain bleaching agents", "Powder of other material", "obsolete form of \"flower\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smeddum" ], "word": "flour", "num_translations": 215 }, "mango": { "senses": [ "A tropical Asian fruit tree, Mangifera indica", "A pickled vegetable or fruit with a spicy stuffing", "A green bell pepper suitable for pickling", "A type of muskmelon, Cucumis melo", "Any of various hummingbirds of the genus Anthracothorax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mango", "num_translations": 200 }, "curry2": { "senses": [ "To groom", "To dress after it is tanned by beating, rubbing, scraping and colouring", "To beat, thrash", "to drub", "To try to win or gain by flattering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curry", "num_translations": 13 }, "gab": { "senses": [ "Idle chatter", "The mouth or gob", "One of the open-forked ends of rods controlling reversing in early steam engines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:talkative" ], "word": "gab", "num_translations": 21 }, "gab1": { "senses": [ "To jest", "to tell lies in jest", "exaggerate", "lie", "To talk or chatter a lot, usually on trivial subjects", "To speak or tell falsely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gab", "num_translations": 10 }, "defunct": { "senses": [ "Deceased, dead", "No longer in use, inactive", "Specifically, of a program: that has terminated but is still shown in the list of processes because the parent process that created it is still running and has not yet reaped it See also zombie, zombie process", "No longer in business or service", "No longer spoken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antiquated" ], "word": "defunct", "num_translations": 29 }, "follower": { "senses": [ "One who follows, comes after another", "Something that comes after another thing", "One who is a part of master's physical group, such as a servant or retainer", "One who follows mentally, adherer to the opinions, ideas or teachings of another, a movement etc", "An imitator, who follows another's example", "A pursuer", "An account holder who subscribes to see content from another account on a social media platform", "A machine part receiving motion from another", "A man courting a maidservant", "Young cattle", "A metal piece placed at the top of a candle to keep the wax melting evenly", "Any of the three players who usually follow the ball around the ground rather than occupying a fixed position", "A debt collector" ], "antonyms": [ "leader", "precursor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "follower", "num_translations": 76 }, "foolishness": { "senses": [ "The state of being foolish", "A thing or event that is foolish, or an absurdity" ], "antonyms": [ "wisdom" ], "synonyms": [ "imprudence", "extravagance", "indiscretion", "ridiculousness", "stupidity" ], "word": "foolishness", "num_translations": 67 }, "rope": { "senses": [ "Thick strings, yarn, monofilaments, metal wires, or strands of other cordage that are twisted together to form a stronger line", "An individual length of such material", "A cohesive strand of something", "A continuous stream", "A hard line drive", "A long thin segment of soft clay, either extruded or formed by hand", "A data structure resembling a string, using a concatenation tree in which each leaf represents a character", "A unit of distance equivalent to the distance covered in six months by a god flying at ten million miles per second", "A necklace of at least 1 meter in length", "Cordage of at least 1 inch in diameter, or a length of such cordage", "A unit of length equal to 20 feet", "Flunitrazepam, also known as Rohypnol", "A shot of semen that a man releases during ejaculation", "The small intestines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twine", "line", "cord", "Thesaurus:string", "rajju", "infinitude" ], "word": "rope", "num_translations": 226 }, "killer": { "senses": [ "One who or that which kills", "That which causes stress or is extremely difficult, especially that which may cause failure at a task", "Something that is so far ahead of its competition that it effectively kills off that competition", "A knockout form of darts or pool involving several players", "A club used for killing fish", "A diacritic mark used in Indic scripts to suppress an inherent vowel or render the entire syllable silent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assassin", "virama" ], "word": "killer", "num_translations": 171 }, "cyclone": { "senses": [ "A weather phenomenon consisting of a system of winds rotating around a center of low atmospheric pressure", "Such weather phenomenon occurring in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean", "A low pressure system", "The more or less violent, small-scale circulations such as tornadoes, waterspouts, and dust devils", "A strong wind", "the cylindrical vortex tube within such a separator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cyclone", "num_translations": 67 }, "lust": { "senses": [ "A feeling of strong desire, especially such a feeling driven by sexual arousal", "A general want or longing, not necessarily sexual", "A delightful cause of joy, pleasure", "virility", "vigour", "active power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:craving", "Thesaurus:lust", "Thesaurus:desire", "Thesaurus:pleasure", "lustihood" ], "word": "lust", "num_translations": 164 }, "glean": { "senses": [ "To collect left behind after the main harvest or gathering", "To gather what is left in", "To gather information in small amounts, with implied difficulty, bit by bit", "To frugally accumulate resources from low-yield contexts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lease", "learn" ], "word": "glean", "num_translations": 50 }, "knocker": { "senses": [ "A device, usually hinged with a striking plate, used for knocking on a door", "A person who knocks", "A critic", "one who disparages", "A person who knocks something", "A woman's breasts", "A dwarf, goblin, or sprite imagined to dwell in mines and to indicate the presence of ore by knocking", "A mechanical device in a pinball table that produces a loud percussive noise", "A person who is strikingly handsome or otherwise admirable", "a stunner", "A large cockroach, especially Blaberus giganteus, of semitropical America, which is able to produce a loud knocking sound", "A large, boulder-shaped outcrop of bedrock in an otherwise low-lying landscape, chiefly associated with a m\u00e9lange", "One who defaults on payment of a wager" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:breasts" ], "word": "knocker", "num_translations": 11 }, "argue": { "senses": [ "To show grounds for concluding", "to indicate, imply", "To debate, disagree or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints", "To have an argument, a quarrel", "To present", "To prove", "To accuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "argue", "num_translations": 122 }, "focus": { "senses": [ "A point at which reflected or refracted rays of light converge", "A point of a conic at which rays reflected from a curve or surface converge", "The fact of the convergence of light on the photographic medium", "The quality of the convergence of light on the photographic medium", "Concentration of attention", "The exact point of where an earthquake occurs, in three dimensions", "The indicator of the currently active element in a user interface", "The most important word or phrase in a sentence or passage, or the one that imparts information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "focus", "num_translations": 124 }, "focus1": { "senses": [ "To cause to converge at a single point", "To adjust in order to position an image with respect to the focal plane", "To concentrate one's attention", "To concentrate one's attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "focus", "num_translations": 97 }, "formula": { "senses": [ "Any mathematical rule expressed symbolically", "A symbolic expression of the structure of a compound", "A plan or method for dealing with a problem or for achieving a result", "a prescription", "a mixture or solution made in a prescribed manner", "the identity and quantities of ingredients of such a mixture", "A formal statement of doctrine, as in religion", "drink given to babies to substitute for mother's milk", "A syntactic expression of a proposition, built up from quantifiers, logical connectives, variables, relation and operation symbols, and, depending on the type of logic, possibly other operators such as modal, temporal, deontic or epistemic ones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "formula", "num_translations": 154 }, "hypothesis": { "senses": [ "Used loosely, a tentative conjecture explaining an observation, phenomenon or scientific problem that can be tested by further observation, investigation and/or experimentation As a scientific term of art, see the attached quotation Compare to theory, and quotation given there", "An assumption taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation", "The antecedent of a conditional statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "supposition", "theory", "thesis", "educated guess", "guess", "Thesaurus:supposition" ], "word": "hypothesis", "num_translations": 94 }, "medium": { "senses": [ "The chemistry of the surrounding environment, eg solid, liquid, gas, vacuum, or a specific substance such as a solvent", "The materials or empty space through which signals, waves or forces pass", "A format for communicating or presenting information", "The materials used to finish a workpiece using a mass finishing or abrasive blasting process", "A nutrient solution for the growth of cells in vitro", "The means, channel, or agency by which an aim is achieved", "A liquid base which carries pigment in paint", "A tool used for painting or drawing", "Someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world", "Anything having a measurement intermediate between extremes, such as a garment or container", "A person whom garments or apparel of intermediate size fit", "A half-pint serving of Guinness", "A middle place or degree", "An average", "sometimes the mathematical mean", "The mean or middle term of a syllogism, that by which the extremes are brought into connection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "medium", "num_translations": 95 }, "medium1": { "senses": [ "Arithmetically average", "Of intermediate size, degree, amount etc", "Of meat, cooked to a point greater than rare but less than well done", "typically, so the meat is still red in the centre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intermediate" ], "word": "medium", "num_translations": 35 }, "oasis": { "senses": [ "A spring of fresh water, surrounded by a fertile region of vegetation, in a desert", "A quiet, peaceful place or situation separated from surrounding noise or bustle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "island" ], "word": "oasis", "num_translations": 73 }, "parenthesis": { "senses": [ "A clause, phrase or word which is inserted into a passage which is already grammatically complete, and usually marked off with brackets, commas or dashes", "Either of a pair of brackets, especially round brackets,", "A digression", "the use of such digressions", "Such brackets as used to clarify expressions by grouping those terms affected by a common operator, or to enclose the components of a vector or the elements of a matrix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parenthetical expression", "round bracket", "paren", "Thesaurus:bracket" ], "word": "parenthesis", "num_translations": 130 }, "phenomenon": { "senses": [ "A thing or being, event or process, perceptible through senses", "or a fact or occurrence thereof", "A knowable thing or event", "Appearance", "a perceptible aspect of something that is mutable", "A fact or event considered very unusual, curious, or astonishing by those who witness it", "A wonderful or very remarkable person or thing", "An experienced object whose constitution reflects the order and conceptual structure imposed upon it by the human mind" ], "antonyms": [ "noumenon" ], "synonyms": [ "event", "marvel", "marvel" ], "word": "phenomenon", "num_translations": 128 }, "series": { "senses": [ "A number of things that follow on one after the other or are connected one after the other", "A television or radio program which consists of several episodes that are broadcast in regular intervals", "The sequence of partial sums \\sum_{i=1}^n{a_i} of a given sequence ai", "A group of matches between two sides, with the aim being to win more matches than the opposition", "An unranked taxon", "A subdivision of a genus, a taxonomic rank below that of section but above that of species", "A parcel of rough diamonds of assorted qualities", "A set of consonants that share a particular phonetic or phonological feature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "series", "num_translations": 152 }, "stimulus": { "senses": [ "Any external phenomenon that has an influence on a system, by triggering or modifying an internal phenomenon", "Something external that elicits or influences a physiological or psychological activity or response", "Anything effectively impinging upon any of the sensory apparatuses of a living organism, including physical phenomena both internal and external to the body", "Anything that induces a person to take action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "influence", "impetus" ], "word": "stimulus", "num_translations": 55 }, "stratum": { "senses": [ "One of several parallel horizontal layers of material arranged one on top of another", "A layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout", "Any of the regions of the atmosphere, such as the stratosphere, that occur as layers", "A layer of tissue", "A class of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status", "A layer of vegetation, usually of similar height", "The level of accuracy of a computer's clock, relative to others on the network" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stratum", "num_translations": 64 }, "synthesis": { "senses": [ "The formation of something complex or coherent by combining simpler things", "The reaction of elements or compounds to form more complex compounds", "A deduction from the general to the particular", "The combination of thesis and antithesis", "In intelligence usage, the examining and combining of processed information with other information and intelligence for final interpretation", "An apt arrangement of elements of a text, especially for euphony", "The uniting of ideas into a sentence", "The reunion of parts that have been divided" ], "antonyms": [ "analysis" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "synthesis", "num_translations": 67 }, "synopsis": { "senses": [ "A brief summary of the major points of a written work, either as prose or as a table", "an abridgment or condensation of a work", "A prayer book for use by the laity of the church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abridgment", "abstract", "conspectus", "outline", "overview", "summary" ], "word": "synopsis", "num_translations": 64 }, "thesis": { "senses": [ "A statement supported by arguments", "A written essay, especially one submitted for a university degree", "The accented part of the measure, expressed by the downward beat", "the opposite of arsis", "The depression of the voice in pronouncing the syllables of a word", "The part of the metrical foot upon which such a depression falls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thesis", "num_translations": 100 }, "sum": { "senses": [ "A quantity obtained by addition or aggregation", "An arithmetic computation, especially one posed to a student as an exercise", "A quantity of money", "the principal points or thoughts when viewed together", "the amount", "the substance", "compendium", "A central idea or point", "The utmost degree", "An old English measure of corn equal to the quarter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amount", "calculation", "amount", "See", "summary", "center", "See", "summit", "quarter" ], "word": "sum", "num_translations": 109 }, "sum1": { "senses": [ "To add together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "add", "See", "summarize" ], "word": "sum", "num_translations": 18 }, "torso": { "senses": [ "The main part of the body that extends from the neck to the groin, excluding the head and limbs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trunk" ], "word": "torso", "num_translations": 129 }, "shortage": { "senses": [ "A lack or deficiency", "an insufficient amount" ], "antonyms": [ "glut", "mountain" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "shortage", "num_translations": 51 }, "glut": { "senses": [ "An excess, too much", "That which is swallowed", "Something that fills up an opening", "a clog", "A wooden wedge used in splitting blocks", "A piece of wood used to fill up behind cribbing or tubbing", "A bat, or small piece of brick, used to fill out a course", "An arched opening to the ashpit of a kiln", "A block used for a fulcrum", "The broad-nosed eel , found in Europe, Asia, the West Indies, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "lack", "shortage" ], "synonyms": [ "excess" ], "word": "glut", "num_translations": 17 }, "debate": { "senses": [ "An argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting, often with more than two people, generally ending with a vote or other decision", "An informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views", "Discussion of opposing views", "A type of literary composition, taking the form of a discussion or disputation, commonly found in the vernacular medieval poetry of many European countries, as well as in medieval Latin", "Strife, discord" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "debate", "num_translations": 131 }, "debate1": { "senses": [ "to dispute, argue, especially in a public arena", "To fight", "To engage in combat for", "to strive for", "To consider , to think over, to attempt to decide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "debate", "num_translations": 45 }, "breeze": { "senses": [ "A light, gentle wind", "Any activity that is easy, not testing or difficult", "Wind blowing across a cricket match, whatever its strength", "Ashes and residue of coal or charcoal, usually from a furnace See Wikipedia article on Clinker", "An excited or ruffled state of feeling", "a flurry of excitement", "a disturbance", "a quarrel", "A brief workout for a racehorse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cakewalk" ], "word": "breeze", "num_translations": 113 }, "pattern": { "senses": [ "Model, example", "A design, motif or decoration, especially formed from regular repeated elements", "A naturally-occurring or random arrangement of shapes, colours etc which have a regular or decorative effect", "The given spread, range etc of shot fired from a gun", "A particular sequence of events, facts etc which can be understood, used to predict the future, or seen to have a mathematical, geometric, statistical etc relationship", "An intelligible arrangement in a given area of language", "A sequence of notes, percussion etc in a tracker module, usable once or many times within the song" ], "antonyms": [ "antipattern" ], "synonyms": [ "original", "stencil", "tessellation", "category", "cycle", "similarity", "Thesaurus:model" ], "word": "pattern", "num_translations": 114 }, "table": { "senses": [ "Furniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses", "A two-dimensional presentation of data", "The top of a stringed instrument, particularly a member of the violin family: the side of the instrument against which the strings vibrate", "The flat topmost facet of a cut diamond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grid" ], "word": "table", "num_translations": 376 }, "table1": { "senses": [ "To tabulate", "to feed", "To delineate", "to represent, as in a picture", "to depict", "to propose for formal discussion or consideration, to put on the agenda", "To remove from the agenda, to postpone dealing with", "to shelve", "To join together using coaks", "To make board hems in the skirts and bottoms of in order to strengthen them in the part attached to the bolt-rope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "table", "num_translations": 35 }, "hippie": { "senses": [ "A teenager who imitated the beatniks", "(1960s slang", "still widely used in reference to that era) One who chooses not to conform to prevailing social norms: especially one who subscribes to values or actions such as acceptance or self-practice of recreational drug use, liberal or radical sexual mores, advocacy of communal living, strong pacifism or anti-war sentiment, etc", "A person who keeps an unkempt or sloppy appearance and wearing unusually long hair , and because of it, often stereotyped as a deadbeat", "One who is hip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beatnik", "treehugger" ], "word": "hippie", "num_translations": 35 }, "tram": { "senses": [ "A passenger vehicle for public use that runs on tracks in the road", "A similar vehicle for carrying materials", "A people mover", "An aerial cable car", "A train with wheels that runs on a road", "a trackless train", "The shaft of a cart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "streetcar" ], "word": "tram", "num_translations": 105 }, "spew": { "senses": [ "To eject forcibly and in a stream", "To speak or write quickly and voluminously, especially words that are not worth listening to or reading", "to vomit", "to ejaculate", "To develop a white powder or dark crystals on the surface of finished leather, as a result from improper tanning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spew", "num_translations": 28 }, "crust": { "senses": [ "A more solid, dense or hard layer on a surface or boundary", "The external, hardened layer of certain foodstuffs, including most types of bread, fried meat, etc", "An outer layer composed of pastry", "The bread-like base of a pizza", "The outermost layer of the lithosphere of the Earth", "The shell of crabs, lobsters, etc", "Nerve, gall", "A living" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crust", "num_translations": 124 }, "praise": { "senses": [ "commendation", "favourable representation in words", "worship" ], "antonyms": [ "blame", "criticize" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:praise" ], "word": "praise", "num_translations": 149 }, "praise1": { "senses": [ "to commend, glorify, or worship" ], "antonyms": [ "blame" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "praise", "num_translations": 141 }, "happiness": { "senses": [ "The emotion of being happy", "joy", "prosperity, thriving, wellbeing", "Good luck", "good fortune", "Fortuitous elegance", "unstudied grace", "\u2014 used especially of language" ], "antonyms": [ "unhappiness", "haplessness", "suffering" ], "synonyms": [ "felicity", "blessedness", "bliss", "joy", "pleasure" ], "word": "happiness", "num_translations": 215 }, "joy": { "senses": [ "A feeling of extreme happiness or cheerfulness, especially related to the acquisition or expectation of something good", "Anything that causes such a feeling", "Luck or success", "a positive outcome", "gaiety", "merriment", "festivity" ], "antonyms": [ "infelicity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "joy", "num_translations": 188 }, "trailer": { "senses": [ "Someone who or something that trails", "Part of an object which extends some distance beyond the main body of the object", "An unpowered wheeled vehicle, not a caravan or camper, that is towed behind another, and used to carry equipment, etc, that cannot be carried in the leading vehicle", "A furnished vehicle towed behind another, and used as a dwelling when stationary", "a caravan", "a camper", "A prefabricated home that could be towed to a new destination but is typically permanently left in an area designated for such homes", "A preview of a film, video game or TV show", "A short blank segment of film at the end of a reel, for convenient insertion of the film in a projector", "The final record of a list of data items, often identified by a key field with an otherwise invalid value that sorts last alphabetically or numerically", "The last part of a packet, often containing a check sequence" ], "antonyms": [ "header" ], "synonyms": [ "camper", "mobile home", "preview", "sentinel" ], "word": "trailer", "num_translations": 111 }, "venus": { "senses": [ "The second planet in our solar system, named for the goddess", "represented in astronomy and astrology by \u2640", "The goddess of love, beauty, and natural productivity", "the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite", "female given name", "Sexual activity or intercourse", "sex, lust, venery", "Love", "sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Venus", "num_translations": 226 }, "veto": { "senses": [ "A political right to disapprove of the process of a decision, a law etc", "An invocation of that right", "An authoritative prohibition or negative", "a forbidding", "an interdiction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "veto", "num_translations": 58 }, "crystal": { "senses": [ "A solid composed of an array of atoms or molecules possessing long-range order and arranged in a pattern which is periodic in three dimensions", "A piece of glimmering, shining mineral resembling ice or glass", "A fine type of glassware, or the material used to make it", "The glass over the dial of a watch case" ], "antonyms": [ "amorphous" ], "synonyms": [ "grain" ], "word": "crystal", "num_translations": 220 }, "diamond": { "senses": [ "A glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded by four others in the form of a tetrahedron", "A gemstone made from this mineral", "A very pale blue color/colour", "A rhombus, especially when oriented so that its longer axis is vertical", "The polyiamond made up of two triangles", "The entire field of play used in the game", "The infield of a baseball field", "A size of type, standardised as point" ], "antonyms": [ "baseball: infield of a baseball field" ], "synonyms": [ "sparkler", "diamond ring", "adamant", "lozenge", "2-iamond", "ball field", "baseball diamond" ], "word": "diamond", "num_translations": 324 }, "diamond1": { "senses": [ "of, relating to, or being a sixtieth anniversary", "of, relating to, or being a seventy-fifth anniversary", "First-rate", "excellent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diamond", "num_translations": 16 }, "widespread": { "senses": [ "Affecting a large area", "broad in extent", "widely diffused" ], "antonyms": [ "limited" ], "synonyms": [ "extensive" ], "word": "widespread", "num_translations": 41 }, "collapse": { "senses": [ "To break apart and fall down suddenly", "to cave in", "To cease to function due to a sudden breakdown", "to fail suddenly and completely", "To fold compactly", "To hide additional directory levels below the selected directory levels When a folder contains no additional folders, a minus sign appears next to the folder", "For several batsmen to get out in quick succession", "To pass out and fall to the floor or ground, as from exhaustion or other illness", "to faint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collapse", "num_translations": 137 }, "envelope": { "senses": [ "A paper or cardboard wrapper used to enclose small, flat items, especially letters, for mailing", "Something that envelops", "a wrapping", "A bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship", "fabric that encloses the gas-bags of an airship", "A mathematical curve, surface, or higher-dimensional object that is the tangent to a given family of lines, curves, surfaces, or higher-dimensional objects", "The shape of a sound, which may be controlled by a synthesizer or sampler", "The information used for routing a message that is transmitted with the message but not part of its contents", "An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane", "a space between two membranes", "The set of limitations within which a technological system can perform safely and effectively", "The nebulous covering of the head or nucleus of a comet", "a coma", "An earthwork in the form of a single parapet or a small rampart, sometimes raised in the ditch and sometimes beyond it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "something that envelops", "bag containing the lifting gas" ], "word": "envelope", "num_translations": 148 }, "liberator": { "senses": [ "A person who frees or liberates" ], "antonyms": [ "oppressor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "liberator", "num_translations": 15 }, "cafeteria": { "senses": [ "A restaurant in which customers select their food at a counter then carry it on a tray to a table to eat", "A dining area in an institution where meals may be purchased , provided, or brought in from elsewhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lunchroom", "canteen" ], "word": "cafeteria", "num_translations": 158 }, "anaconda": { "senses": [ "Any of various large nonvenomous snakes of the genus Eunectes, found mainly in northern South America Their length can grow to as much as 5 m", "A large penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:macropenis" ], "word": "anaconda", "num_translations": 38 }, "bottomless": { "senses": [ "Having no bottom", "Extremely deep", "Having no bounds", "limitless", "Difficult to understand", "unfathomable", "Not wearing clothes below the waist", "particularly not wearing clothes that would cover the genitalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boundless" ], "word": "bottomless", "num_translations": 33 }, "anal": { "senses": [ "of, related to, intended for or involving the anus", "Proximate to the thorax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fussy", "pernickety", "picky", "anal-retentive" ], "word": "anal", "num_translations": 60 }, "dress": { "senses": [ "To fit out with the necessary clothing", "to clothe, put clothes on", "To clothe oneself", "to put on clothes", "To put on the uniform and equipment necessary to play the game", "Of a man, to allow the genitals to fall to one side or other within the trousers", "To prepare for cooking, especially by seasoning it", "To prepare oneself", "to make ready", "To adorn, ornament", "To ornament by hoisting the national colours at the peak and mastheads, and setting the jack forward", "To prepare by installing the props, scenery, etc", "To treat", "To prepare for use", "to fit for any use", "to render suitable for an intended purpose", "to get ready", "To prepare the surface of (a material", "usually stone or lumber)", "To manure", "To bolt or sift flour", "To arrange in exact continuity of line, as soldiers", "commonly to adjust to a straight line and at proper distance", "to align", "To break and train for use, as a horse or other animal" ], "antonyms": [ "strip", "disrobe" ], "synonyms": [ "clothe", "get dressed", "bandage" ], "word": "dress", "num_translations": 189 }, "gale1": { "senses": [ "A very strong wind, more than a breeze, less than a storm", "number 7 through to 9 winds on the 12-step Beaufort scale", "An outburst, especially of laughter", "A light breeze", "A song or story" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gale", "num_translations": 56 }, "flatulence": { "senses": [ "The state of having gas, often smelly, trapped in the digestive system of a human and some other animals", "wind", "and when released, a flatus, a fart", "The release of such gas", "breaking wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flatulence", "num_translations": 42 }, "just": { "senses": [ "Factually right, correct", "factual", "Rationally right, correct", "Morally right", "upright, righteous, equitable", "fair", "Proper, adequate" ], "antonyms": [ "unjust" ], "synonyms": [ "right", "righteous", "proper" ], "word": "just", "num_translations": 110 }, "just1": { "senses": [ "Only, simply, merely", "Used to reduce the force of an imperative", "simply", "Used to convey a less serious or formal tone", "Used to show humility", "absolutely, positively", "Moments ago, recently", "By a narrow margin", "closely", "nearly", "Exactly, precisely, perfectly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "merely", "freshly", "barely", "on the dot" ], "word": "just", "num_translations": 274 }, "eggon": { "senses": [ "To encourage or coax a person to do something, especially something foolhardy or reckless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provoke" ], "word": "eggon", "num_translations": 28 }, "metropolis": { "senses": [ "The mother polis of a colony, especially in the Hellenistic world", "A large, busy city, especially as the main city in an area or country or as distinguished from surrounding rural areas", "The see of a metropolitan archbishop, ranking above its suffragan diocesan bishops", "A generic focus in the distribution of plants or animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mother city", "archbishopric" ], "word": "metropolis", "num_translations": 73 }, "exaggerate": { "senses": [ "To overstate, to describe more than is fact" ], "antonyms": [ "belittle" ], "synonyms": [ "big up", "overexaggerate", "overstate", "hyperbolize" ], "word": "exaggerate", "num_translations": 60 }, "top": { "senses": [ "The highest or uppermost part of something", "A child's spinning toy", "Someone who is eminent", "A dominant partner in a BDSM relationship or roleplay", "A man penetrating or with a preference for penetrating during homosexual intercourse", "The utmost degree", "the acme", "the summit", "A plug, or conical block of wood, with longitudinal grooves on its surface, in which the strands of the rope slide in the process of twisting", "Highest pitch or loudest volume", "A bundle or ball of slivers of combed wool, from which the noils, or dust, have been taken out", "Eve", "verge", "point", "The part of a cut gem between the girdle, or circumference, and the table, or flat upper surface", "a group of a specified number of people eating at a restaurant" ], "antonyms": [ "bottom", "foot", "bottom", "bottom", "See" ], "synonyms": [ "peak", "head", "cap", "dom", "See" ], "word": "top", "num_translations": 297 }, "top1": { "senses": [ "To excel, to surpass, to beat", "To be in the lead, to be at number one position", "To commit suicide", "To murder", "To be the dominant partner in a BDSM relationship or roleplay", "To be the partner who penetrates in anal sex", "To anally penetrate", "To rise aloft", "to be eminent", "to tower", "To predominate", "To excel", "to rise above others", "To raise one end of , making it higher than the other", "To cover with another dye", "To put a stiffening piece or back on", "To improve by crossing certain individuals or breeds with other superior breeds", "To strike above the centre", "also, to make by hitting the ball in this way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beat" ], "word": "top", "num_translations": 31 }, "spice": { "senses": [ "Aromatic or pungent plant matter used to season or flavour food", "Appeal, interest", "an attribute that makes something appealing, interesting, or engaging", "A synthetic cannabinoid drug", "Sweets, candy", "Species", "kind", "A characteristic touch or taste", "smack", "flavour", "An aromatic odour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spice", "num_translations": 119 }, "herb": { "senses": [ "Any green, leafy plant, or parts thereof, used to flavour or season food", "A plant whose roots, leaves or seeds, etc are used in medicine", "Marijuana", "A plant whose stem is not woody and does not persist beyond each growing season", "Grass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grass" ], "word": "herb", "num_translations": 127 }, "khmer": { "senses": [ "A member of an ethnolinguistic group that constitutes most of the population of Cambodia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cambodian", "Kampuchean" ], "word": "Khmer", "num_translations": 79 }, "kampuchea": { "senses": [ "former name of \"Cambodia\", used from 1975 to 1989" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cambodia" ], "word": "Kampuchea", "num_translations": 30 }, "tsarina": { "senses": [ "An empress of several Eastern European countries, especially Russia, or the wife of a tsar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tsaritsa" ], "word": "tsarina", "num_translations": 52 }, "wag": { "senses": [ "To swing from side to side, such as of an animal's tail, or someone's head, to express disagreement or disbelief", "To play truant from school", "To be in action or motion", "to move", "progress", "To go", "to depart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wag", "num_translations": 53 }, "bare": { "senses": [ "Minimal", "that is or are just sufficient", "Naked, uncovered", "Having no supplies", "Having no decoration", "Having had what usually covers removed", "A lot or lots of", "With head uncovered", "Without anything to cover up or conceal one's thoughts or actions", "open to view", "exposed", "Mere", "without embellishment", "Not insured" ], "antonyms": [ "ample", "covered", "full", "adorn", "covered" ], "synonyms": [ "mere", "Thesaurus:condomless", "exposed", "empty", "empty", "having had what usually covers (something) removed" ], "word": "bare", "num_translations": 104 }, "bare3": { "senses": [ "To uncover", "to reveal" ], "antonyms": [ "cover" ], "synonyms": [ "expose" ], "word": "bare", "num_translations": 10 }, "naked": { "senses": [ "Bare, not covered by clothing", "Lacking some clothing", "clothed only in underwear", "Glib, without decoration, put bluntly", "Unarmed", "Unaided, unaccompanied", "Unprotected, uncovered", "without a condom", "Resourceless, poor, lacking means", "Lacking or devoid of something", "Blank, clean, empty", "Barren, having no foliage, unvegetated", "Uncomfortable or vulnerable, as if missing something important", "Without any additives, or without some component that would usually be included", "Of a singularity, not hidden within an event horizon and thus observable from other parts of spacetime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bare", "bareskin", "nude", "starkers", "unclad", "unclothed", "butt-naked", "bare-assed", "in one's birthday suit", "skyclad", "Thesaurus:nude", "Thesaurus:condomless" ], "word": "naked", "num_translations": 244 }, "ton": { "senses": [ "A unit of weight equal to 2240 pounds or 2000 pounds or 1000 kilograms", "A unit of volume", "A large amount", "A speed of 100 mph", "One hundred pounds sterling", "One hundred runs", "One hundred points scored" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heap", "century", "Thesaurus:lot" ], "word": "ton", "num_translations": 93 }, "nudism": { "senses": [ "The belief in or practice of going nude in social, nonsexualized and frequently mixed-gender groups specifically in cultures where going nude in the social situation is not the norm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Adamitism", "naturism" ], "word": "nudism", "num_translations": 63 }, "nudist": { "senses": [ "A person who practices nudism" ], "antonyms": [ "clothist" ], "synonyms": [ "naturist" ], "word": "nudist", "num_translations": 24 }, "naturist": { "senses": [ "One who follows a philosophical belief in a naked, natural life and prefers to live without clothes, often for reasons of health, ecology, religious belief, and/or ethical concerns", "One who believes in the doctrine of naturism, which attributes everything to nature" ], "antonyms": [ "clothist" ], "synonyms": [ "nudist" ], "word": "naturist", "num_translations": 10 }, "naturism": { "senses": [ "The belief in or practice of going nude in social settings, often in mixed-gender groups, specifically either in cultures where this is not the norm or for health reasons", "The worship of the powers of nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nudism" ], "word": "naturism", "num_translations": 31 }, "whole": { "senses": [ "Entire", "Sound, uninjured, healthy", "From which none of its constituents has been removed", "As yet unworked" ], "antonyms": [ "ground" ], "synonyms": [ "total", "hale" ], "word": "whole", "num_translations": 126 }, "whole1": { "senses": [ "In entirety", "entirely", "wholly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:completely" ], "word": "whole", "num_translations": 21 }, "whole2": { "senses": [ "Something complete, without any parts missing", "An entirety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entireness" ], "word": "whole", "num_translations": 34 }, "value": { "senses": [ "The quality that renders something desirable or valuable", "The degree of importance given to something", "The amount that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else", "The relative duration of a musical note", "The relative darkness or lightness of a color in a painting etc", "Any definite numerical quantity or other mathematical object, determined by being measured, computed, or otherwise defined", "Precise meaning", "import", "The valuable ingredients to be obtained by treating a mass or compound", "specifically, the precious metals contained in rock, gravel, etc", "Esteem", "regard", "Valour", "also spelled valew" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "valence" ], "word": "value", "num_translations": 309 }, "value1": { "senses": [ "judge the worth of something", "To regard highly", "think much of", "place importance upon", "To hold dear" ], "antonyms": [ "belittle", "derogate", "despise", "disesteem", "disrespect" ], "synonyms": [ "appreciate", "assess", "esteem", "prize", "rate", "respect", "treasure", "valuate", "worthen" ], "word": "value", "num_translations": 104 }, "vehicle": { "senses": [ "A conveyance", "a device for carrying or transporting substances, objects or individuals", "A medium for expression of talent or views", "A liquid content which acts as a binding and drying agent in paint", "The main excipient that conveys the active ingredient of a drug", "An entity to achieve an end", "A mode or method of spiritual practice", "a yana", "An animal or a plant on which a Hindu deity rides or sits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vahan" ], "word": "vehicle", "num_translations": 168 }, "persia": { "senses": [ "The former term referring to Iran in the West" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Persis" ], "word": "Persia", "num_translations": 99 }, "rude": { "senses": [ "Bad-mannered", "Somewhat obscene, pornographic, offensive", "Tough, robust", "Undeveloped, unskilled, basic", "Hearty, vigorous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ill-mannered", "adult", "primitive" ], "word": "rude", "num_translations": 128 }, "outsmart": { "senses": [ "To beat in a competition of wits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outfox" ], "word": "outsmart", "num_translations": 14 }, "jim": { "senses": [ "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jimmy", "----" ], "word": "Jim", "num_translations": 10 }, "direct": { "senses": [ "Proceeding without deviation or interruption", "Straight", "not crooked, oblique, or circuitous", "leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end", "Straightforward", "sincere", "Immediate", "express", "plain", "unambiguous", "In the line of descent", "not collateral", "in the order of the signs", "not retrograde", "said of the motion of a celestial body", "Pertaining to, or effected immediately by, action of the people through their votes instead of through one or more representatives or delegates", "having a single flight number" ], "antonyms": [ "indirect" ], "synonyms": [ "explicit" ], "word": "direct", "num_translations": 65 }, "direct2": { "senses": [ "To manage, control, steer", "To aim at", "To point out or show to the right course or way", "to guide, as by pointing out the way", "To point out to with authority", "to instruct as a superior", "to order", "to mark with the name and residence of the person to whom anything is sent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "direct", "num_translations": 63 }, "felon": { "senses": [ "A wicked person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "criminal" ], "word": "felon", "num_translations": 21 }, "practical1": { "senses": [ "Based on practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis", "Being likely to be effective and applicable to a real situation", "able to be put to use", "Of a prop: having some degree of functionality, rather than being a mere imitation" ], "antonyms": [ "theoretical", "impractical", "impractical" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "practical", "num_translations": 66 }, "chortle": { "senses": [ "A joyful, somewhat muffled laugh, rather like a snorting chuckle", "A similar sounding vocalisation of various birds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chuckle" ], "word": "chortle", "num_translations": 12 }, "chortle1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chuckle", "Thesaurus:laugh" ], "word": "chortle", "num_translations": 10 }, "mood": { "senses": [ "A mental or emotional state, composure", "A sullen mental state", "A disposition to do something", "A prevalent atmosphere or feeling", "Courage, heart, valor", "also vim and vigor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mood", "num_translations": 147 }, "lady": { "senses": [ "The mistress of a household", "A woman of breeding or higher class, a woman of authority", "The feminine of lord", "A title for someone married to a lord or gentleman", "A title that can be used instead of the formal terms of marchioness, countess, viscountess or baroness", "A woman: an adult female human", "A polite reference or form of address to women", "Used to address a female", "Toilets intended for use by women", "A wife or girlfriend", "a sweetheart", "A woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid", "a woman to whom one is devoted or bound", "A queen", "Who is a woman", "The triturating apparatus in the stomach of a lobster, consisting of calcareous plates", "so called from a fancied resemblance to a seated female figure", "A five-pound note", "A woman's breast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lady", "num_translations": 238 }, "carbonmonoxide": { "senses": [ "A colourless, odourless, flammable, highly toxic gas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CO" ], "word": "carbonmonoxide", "num_translations": 46 }, "marriage": { "senses": [ "The state of being married", "A union of two or more people that creates a family tie and carries legal, social, and/or religious rights and responsibilities", "A homosexual relationship between male prisoners", "A wedding", "a ceremony in which people wed", "A close union", "A joining of two parts", "A king and a queen, when held as a hand in Texas hold 'em or melded in pinochle", "In solitaire or patience games, the placing a card of the same suit on the next one above or below it in value" ], "antonyms": [ "divorce" ], "synonyms": [ "matrimony", "wedding", "civil union" ], "word": "marriage", "num_translations": 339 }, "vain": { "senses": [ "Overly proud of oneself, especially concerning appearance", "having a high opinion of one's own accomplishments with slight reason", "Having no real substance, value, or importance", "empty", "void", "worthless", "unsatisfying", "Effecting no purpose", "pointless, futile", "Showy", "ostentatious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conceited", "pointless", "Thesaurus:arrogant", "Thesaurus:futile" ], "word": "vain", "num_translations": 88 }, "keen": { "senses": [ "Often with a prepositional phrase, or with to and an infinitive: showing a quick and ardent responsiveness or willingness", "eager, enthusiastic, interested", "Fierce, intense, vehement", "Having a fine edge or point", "sharp", "Acute of mind, having or expressing mental acuteness", "penetrating, sharp", "Acrimonious, bitter, piercing", "Of cold, wind, etc: cutting, penetrating, piercing, sharp", "Of prices, extremely low as to be competitive", "Marvelous", "Brave, courageous", "audacious, bold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ardent", "sharp", "biting", "acute" ], "word": "keen", "num_translations": 69 }, "derogatory": { "senses": [ "Tending to derogate:" ], "antonyms": [ "honorific" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "derogatory", "num_translations": 71 }, "moment": { "senses": [ "A brief, unspecified amount of time", "The smallest portion of time", "an instant", "Weight or importance", "A definite period of time, specifically one-tenth of a point, or one-fortieth or one-fiftieth of an hour", "A petit mal episode", "such a spell", "A fit", "a brief tantrum", "An infinitesimal change in a varying quantity", "an increment or decrement", "A quantitative measure of the shape of a set of points" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stound", "moment of force" ], "word": "moment", "num_translations": 235 }, "rob": { "senses": [ "To steal from, especially using force or violence", "To deprive of, or withhold from, unjustly or injuriously", "to defraud", "To deprive", "To burgle", "To steal", "To take possession of the ball, puck etc from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rob", "num_translations": 95 }, "seaurchin": { "senses": [ "Any of many marine echinoderms, of the class, commonly found in shallow water, having a complex chewing structure named Aristotle's lantern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hurcheon" ], "word": "seaurchin", "num_translations": 125 }, "urchin": { "senses": [ "A mischievous child", "A hedgehog", "A mischievous elf supposed sometimes to take the form of a hedgehog", "One of a pair in a series of small card cylinders arranged around a carding drum", "so called from its fancied resemblance to the hedgehog", "A neutron-generating device that triggered the nuclear detonation of the earliest plutonium atomic bombs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "urchin", "num_translations": 29 }, "seacow": { "senses": [ "Any of several marine mammals of the order Sirenia, including the manatee and dugong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sirenian" ], "word": "seacow", "num_translations": 14 }, "thieve": { "senses": [ "To commit theft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steal", "rob" ], "word": "thieve", "num_translations": 18 }, "seacucumber": { "senses": [ "An echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea, with an elongated body and leathery skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "b\u00eache-de-mer" ], "word": "seacucumber", "num_translations": 45 }, "smith": { "senses": [ "An English surname", "hamlet p/Alberta c/Canada", "ghost town co/Humboldt County s/California", "unincorporated community twp/Galena Township co/LaPorte County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Harlan County s/Kentucky", "small unincorporated community co/Lyon County s/Nevada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Smith", "num_translations": 138 }, "rapid": { "senses": [ "Very swift or quick", "Steep, changing altitude quickly", "Needing only a brief exposure time", "Violent, severe", "Happy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rapid", "num_translations": 50 }, "identification": { "senses": [ "The act of identifying, or proving to be the same", "The state of being identified", "A particular instance of identifying something", "A document or documents serving as evidence of a person's identity", "A feeling of support, sympathy, understanding or belonging towards somebody or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "identification", "num_translations": 74 }, "eskimo": { "senses": [ "A group of indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic, from Siberia, through Alaska and Northern Canada, to Greenland, including the Inuit and Yupik" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Inuit" ], "word": "Eskimo", "num_translations": 55 }, "griffin": { "senses": [ "A mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle", "A large vulture found in the mountainous parts of Southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia Minor, supposed to be the \"eagle\" of the Bible", "An English variety of apple", "A person who has just arrived from Europe", "A cadet newly arrived in British India: half English, half Indian", "A watchful guardian, especially a duenna in charge of a young woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "griffin", "num_translations": 67 }, "bulk": { "senses": [ "Size, specifically, volume", "Any huge body or structure", "The major part of something", "The result of water retained by fibre", "Unpackaged goods when transported in large volumes, eg coal, ore or grain", "a cargo or any items moved or communicated in the manner of cargo", "Excess body mass, especially muscle", "A period where one tries to gain muscle", "A hypothetical higher-dimensional space within which our own four-dimensional universe may exist", "The body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bulk", "num_translations": 62 }, "spanner": { "senses": [ "A hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts", "a wrench", "One who, or that which, spans", "A hand tool shaped like a small crank handle, for winding the spring of a wheel lock on a musket", "A device in early steam engines for moving the valves for the alternate admission and shutting off of the steam", "A problem, dilemma or obstacle", "something unexpected or troublesome", "A stupid or unintelligent person", "one prone to making mistakes, especially in language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wrench" ], "word": "spanner", "num_translations": 50 }, "wrench": { "senses": [ "A movement that twists or pulls violently", "a tug", "An injury caused by a violent twisting or pulling of a limb", "strain, sprain", "A trick or artifice", "Deceit", "guile", "treachery", "A turn at an acute angle", "A winch or windlass", "A screw", "A distorting change from the original meaning", "A hand tool for making rotational adjustments, such as fitting nuts and bolts, or fitting pipes", "a spanner", "An adjustable spanner used by plumbers", "A violent emotional change caused by separation", "In screw theory, a screw assembled from force and torque vectors arising from application of Newton's laws to a rigid body", "means", "contrivance", "In coursing, the act of bringing the hare round at less than a right angle, worth half a point in the recognised code of points for judging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spanner" ], "word": "wrench", "num_translations": 99 }, "wrench1": { "senses": [ "To violently move in a turn or writhe", "To pull or twist violently", "To turn aside or deflect", "To slander", "To tighten with or as if with a winch", "To injure by pulling or twisting", "To distort from the original meaning", "To thrust a weapon in a twisting motion", "To disarm an opponent by whirling his or her blade away", "To rack with pain", "To deprive by means of a violent pull or twist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wrench", "num_translations": 39 }, "nerd": { "senses": [ "A person who is intellectual but generally introverted", "One who has an intense, obsessive interest in something", "An unattractive, socially awkward, annoying, undesirable, and/or boring, person", "a dork", "A member of a subculture revolving around video games, fantasy and science fiction, comic books and assorted media" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dork" ], "word": "nerd", "num_translations": 60 }, "draft": { "senses": [ "A current of air, usually coming into a room or vehicle", "Draw through a flue of gasses resulting from a combustion process", "An act of drinking", "The quantity of liquid drunk in one swallow", "A dose", "Beer drawn from a cask or keg rather than a bottle or can", "Depth of water needed to float a ship", "depth below the water line to the bottom of a vessel's hull", "depth of water drawn by a vessel", "An early version of a written work or drawing", "A preliminary sketch or outline for a plan", "A cheque, an order for money to be paid", "Conscription, the system of forcing people to serve in the military", "A system of forcing or convincing people to take an elected position", "A system of assigning rookie players to professional sports teams", "The bevel given to the pattern for a casting, so that it can be drawn from the sand without damaging the mould", "The action or an act of pulling something along or back", "The act of drawing in a net for fish", "That which is drawn in", "a catch, a haul", "A quantity that is requisitioned or drawn out from a larger population" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swig" ], "word": "draft", "num_translations": 274 }, "draft1": { "senses": [ "To write a first version, make a preliminary sketch", "To draw in outline", "to make a draught, sketch, or plan of, as in architectural and mechanical drawing", "To write a law", "To conscript a person, force a person to serve in some capacity, especially in the military", "To select and separate an animal or animals from a group", "To select a rookie player onto a professional sports team", "To follow very closely behind another vehicle, thereby providing an aerodynamic advantage to both lead and follower and conserving energy or increasing speed", "To draw out", "to call forth", "To draw fibers out of a clump, for spinning in the production of yarn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "draft", "num_translations": 56 }, "draught": { "senses": [ "alternative form of \"draft\" in its various senses", "Ale: a type of beer brewed using top-fermenting yeast", "A mild vesicatory", "An outhouse: an outbuilding used as a lavatory", "Any picture or drawing", "A sudden attack upon an enemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draught-house", "checker" ], "word": "draught", "num_translations": 12 }, "reply": { "senses": [ "To give a written or spoken response, especially to a question, request, accusation or criticism", "to answer", "To act or gesture in response", "To repeat something back", "to echo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "respond", "answer", "retort", "answer back", "react", "rejoin", "counter", "return", "revert", "follow up", "get back to" ], "word": "reply", "num_translations": 81 }, "reply1": { "senses": [ "A written or spoken response", "part of a conversation", "A counterattack", "The answer of a figure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "answer" ], "word": "reply", "num_translations": 67 }, "empty": { "senses": [ "Devoid of content", "containing nothing or nobody", "vacant", "Containing no elements , opposed to being null", "Free", "clear", "devoid", "often with of", "unburdened", "Destitute of effect, sincerity, or sense", "said of language", "Unable to satisfy", "hollow", "vain", "Destitute of reality, or real existence", "unsubstantial", "Destitute of, or lacking, sense, knowledge, or courtesy", "Not pregnant", "not producing offspring when expected to do so during the breeding season", "Producing nothing", "unfruitful", "said of a plant or tree" ], "antonyms": [ "full", "non-empty" ], "synonyms": [ "unoccupied" ], "word": "empty", "num_translations": 130 }, "empty1": { "senses": [ "to void", "to remove the contents of", "Of a river, duct, etc: to drain or flow toward an ultimate destination" ], "antonyms": [ "fill" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "empty", "num_translations": 74 }, "job": { "senses": [ "A task", "An economic role for which a person is paid", "Plastic surgery", "A task, or series of tasks, carried out in batch mode", "A sudden thrust or stab", "a jab", "A public transaction done for private profit", "something performed ostensibly as a part of official duty, but really for private gain", "a corrupt official business", "Any affair or event which affects one, whether fortunately or unfortunately", "A thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "job", "num_translations": 253 }, "job1": { "senses": [ "To take the loss", "To buy and sell for profit, as securities", "to speculate in", "To subcontract a project or delivery in small portions to a number of contractors", "To seek private gain under pretence of public service", "to turn public matters to private advantage", "To strike or stab with a pointed instrument", "To thrust in, as a pointed instrument", "To hire or let in periods of service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "job", "num_translations": 15 }, "haze": { "senses": [ "Very fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in the air, slightly limiting visibility", "A reduction of transparency of a clear gas or liquid", "An analogous dullness on a surface that is ideally highly reflective or transparent", "The degree of cloudiness or turbidity in a clear glass or plastic, measured in percent", "Any substance causing turbidity in beer or wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "haze", "num_translations": 74 }, "final1": { "senses": [ "Last", "ultimate", "Conclusive", "decisive", "Respecting an end or object to be gained", "respecting the purpose or ultimate end in view", "Expressing purpose" ], "antonyms": [ "initial", "early", "first" ], "synonyms": [ "dernier" ], "word": "final", "num_translations": 73 }, "semifinal": { "senses": [ "A playoff in the round with only four players or teams left, the stage before the final", "A competition that narrows a field of contestants to a set of finalists, for a subsequent final" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "last four", "semi" ], "word": "semifinal", "num_translations": 32 }, "per": { "senses": [ "For each", "To each, in each", "By the, by means of the, via the, through the", "In accordance with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "p", "an" ], "word": "per", "num_translations": 87 }, "corporal1": { "senses": [ "A non-commissioned officer rank in the police force, below a sergeant but above a private or patrolman", "A worker in charge of the wagonway, reporting to the deputy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bombardier" ], "word": "corporal", "num_translations": 32 }, "incorporeal": { "senses": [ "Having no material form or physical substance", "Relating to an asset that does not have a material form", "such as a patent" ], "antonyms": [ "corporeal" ], "synonyms": [ "disembodied" ], "word": "incorporeal", "num_translations": 13 }, "idiot": { "senses": [ "A person of low general intelligence", "A person who makes stupid decisions", "a fool", "A person of the lowest intellectual standing, a person who lacks the capacity to develop beyond the mental age of a normal four-year-old", "a person with an IQ below 30" ], "antonyms": [ "genius" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idiot" ], "word": "idiot", "num_translations": 203 }, "inevitable": { "senses": [ "Impossible to avoid or prevent", "Predictable, or always happening" ], "antonyms": [ "evitable", "impossible" ], "synonyms": [ "inescapable", "natural", "certain" ], "word": "inevitable", "num_translations": 71 }, "similar": { "senses": [ "Having traits or characteristics in common", "alike, comparable", "Of geometrical figures including triangles, squares, ellipses, arcs and more complex figures, having the same shape but possibly different size, rotational orientation, and position", "in particular, having corresponding angles equal and corresponding line segments proportional", "such that one can be had from the other using a sequence of rotations, translations and scalings" ], "antonyms": [ "different" ], "synonyms": [ "akin" ], "word": "similar", "num_translations": 116 }, "same": { "senses": [ "Not different or other", "not another or others", "not different as regards self", "identical", "Lacking variety from", "indistinguishable", "Similar, alike", "Used to express the unity of an object or person which has various different descriptions or qualities", "A reply of confirmation of identity" ], "antonyms": [ "another", "different", "opposite", "other" ], "synonyms": [ "identical", "equal", "equivalent", "similar", "alike" ], "word": "same", "num_translations": 234 }, "distinctive": { "senses": [ "Distinguishing, used to or enabling the distinguishing of some thing", "Discriminating, discerning, having the ability to distinguish between things", "Characteristic, typical", "Distinguished, being distinct in character or position", "Used to separate clauses in place of stops", "Distinguishing a particular sense of word" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "distinctive", "num_translations": 34 }, "entity": { "senses": [ "That which has a distinct existence as an individual unit Often used for organisations which have no physical form", "The existence of something considered apart from its properties", "Anything about which information or data can be stored in a database", "in particular, an organised array or set of individual elements or parts", "The state or quality of being or existence", "A visual image of a spirit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:entity" ], "word": "entity", "num_translations": 56 }, "inflagrantedelicto": { "senses": [ "In the act of committing a misdeed", "While performing sexual activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flat-footed", "in flagrante", "in flagrant delict", "in the act", "red-handed", "with one's dick in one's hand", "with one's fingers in the cookie jar", "with one's hand in the cookie jar", "with one's pants down" ], "word": "inflagrantedelicto", "num_translations": 13 }, "bobby": { "senses": [ "A police officer", "A railway signaller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:police officer" ], "word": "bobby", "num_translations": 11 }, "cherokee": { "senses": [ "An indigenous North American people", "Their Iroquoian language, spoken in Oklahoma and North Carolina", "town co/Colbert County s/Alabama", "census-designated place co/Butte County s/California", "A former gold mining settlement in Nevada County, California", "city co/Crawford County s/Kansas", "census-designated place co/Swain County and co/Jackson County s/North Carolina", "unincorporated community co/Logan County s/Ohio", "city/county seat co/Alfalfa County s/Oklahoma", "unincorporated community co/Grainger County s/Tennessee", "unincorporated community co/San Saba County s/Texas", "unincorporated community co/McDowell County s/West Virginia", "unincorporated community town/Hull co/Marathon County s/Wisconsin", "town s/Victoria c/Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cherokee Village" ], "word": "Cherokee", "num_translations": 53 }, "independent": { "senses": [ "Not dependent", "not contingent or depending on something else", "free", "Not affiliated with any political party", "Providing a comfortable livelihood", "Not subject to bias or influence", "self-directing", "Separate from", "exclusive", "irrespective" ], "antonyms": [ "contingent", "dependent" ], "synonyms": [ "autonomous", "free", "selfstanding" ], "word": "independent", "num_translations": 105 }, "alternative": { "senses": [ "Relating to a choice between two or more possibilities", "Not traditional, outside the mainstream, underground", "Other", "different from something else", "Alternate, reciprocal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alternative", "num_translations": 42 }, "alternative1": { "senses": [ "A situation which allows a mutually exclusive choice between two or more possibilities", "a choice between two or more possibilities", "One of several mutually exclusive things which can be chosen", "The remaining option", "something available after other possibilities have been exhausted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:option" ], "word": "alternative", "num_translations": 46 }, "traveller": { "senses": [ "One who travels, especially to distant lands", "A salesman who travels from place to place on behalf of a company", "Someone who lives in a caravan, bus or other vehicle rather than a fixed abode", "A list and record of instructions that follows a part in a manufacturing process", "A metal ring that moves freely on part of a ship's rigging", "A rail or track for a sliding curtain", "A sheet of paper that is circulated with the board of cards, on which players record their scores", "A styrofoam cup filled with liquor and usually ice, to be taken away from a place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "traveller", "num_translations": 107 }, "ironic": { "senses": [ "Characterized by or constituting irony", "Given to the use of irony", "sarcastic", "Contrary or opposite to what may be expected", "Odd or coincidental", "strange" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ironical" ], "word": "ironic", "num_translations": 24 }, "beast": { "senses": [ "Any animal other than a human", "usually only applied to land vertebrates, especially large or dangerous four-footed ones", "A domestic animal, especially a bovine farm animal", "A person who behaves in a violent, antisocial or uncivilized manner", "Anything regarded as larger or more powerful than one of its normal size or strength", "Someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physically", "A sex offender", "Something unpleasant and difficult", "A thing or matter, especially a difficult or unruly one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beast", "num_translations": 180 }, "sedan": { "senses": [ "An enclosed windowed chair suitable for a single occupant, carried by at least two porters, in equal numbers in front and behind, using wooden rails that passed through metal brackets on the sides of the chair", "An automobile designed in a configuration with separate compartments for engine space, driver/passenger space and luggage space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "litter", "saloon" ], "word": "sedan", "num_translations": 36 }, "estate": { "senses": [ "The collective property and liabilities of someone, especially a deceased person", "state", "condition", "Status, rank", "The condition of one's fortunes", "prosperity, possessions", "a nobleman or noblewoman", "* Bible, Mark vi 21", "A major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights", "The nature and extent of a person's interest in, or ownership of, land", "An area of land, under a single ownership", "The landed property owned or controlled by a government or a department of government", "A station wagon", "a car with a tailgate and storage space to the rear of the seating which is coterminous with the passenger compartment", "The state", "the general body politic", "the common-wealth", "the general interest", "state affairs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "estate car", "station sedan", "station wagon", "wagon" ], "word": "estate", "num_translations": 99 }, "stationwagon": { "senses": [ "A vehicle providing transport to and from a railway station", "A body style for cars in which the roof is extended rearward to produce an enclosed area in the position and serving the function of the boot of a sedan / saloon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "estate car", "station sedan", "wagon" ], "word": "stationwagon", "num_translations": 22 }, "guard": { "senses": [ "A person who, or thing that, protects or watches over something", "A garda", "a police officer", "A squad responsible for protecting something", "The part of a sword that protects the wielder's hand", "A part of a machine which blocks access to dangerous parts", "A watchchain", "A panel of a car that encloses the wheel area, especially the front wheels", "A state of caution", "posture of defence", "Something worn to protect part of the body, eg the shins in cricket", "A relatively short player, playing farther from the basket than a forward or center", "The position on the popping crease where a batsman makes a mark to align himself with the wicket", "Either of two offensive positions between the center and each of the offensive tackles, whose main responsibilities are to protect the quarterback, and open up \"holes\" through which offensive players can run", "An employee, normally travelling in the last vehicle of a train, responsible for the safety of the train", "A Boolean expression that must evaluate to true for a branch of program execution to continue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quillon", "protection", "fender" ], "word": "guard", "num_translations": 154 }, "guard1": { "senses": [ "To protect from danger", "to secure against surprise, attack, or injury", "to keep in safety", "to defend", "To keep watch over, in order to prevent escape or restrain from acts of violence, or the like", "To watch by way of caution or defense", "to be caution", "to be in a state or position of defense or safety", "To protect the edge of, especially with an ornamental border", "hence, to face or ornament with lists, laces, etc", "To fasten by binding", "to gird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guard", "num_translations": 93 }, "fender": { "senses": [ "panel of a car which encloses the wheel area, especially the front wheels", "a shield, usually of plastic or metal, on a bicycle that protects the rider from mud or water", "any shaped cushion-like object normally made from polymers, rubber or wood that is placed along the sides of a boat to prevent damage when moored alongside another vessel or jetty, or when using a lock, etc Modern variations are cylindrical although older wooden version and rubbing strips can still be found", "old tyres are used as a cheap substitute", "a low metal framework in front of a fireplace, intended to catch hot coals, soot, and ash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fender", "num_translations": 48 }, "dreadnought": { "senses": [ "a battleship, especially of the World War I era, in which most of the firepower is concentrated in large guns that are of the same caliber", "a type of warship heavier in armour or armament than a typical battleship", "One that is the largest or the most powerful of its kind", "A garment made of thick woollen cloth that can defend against storm and cold", "The cloth itself", "fearnaught", "A person who fears nothing", "Something that assures against fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dreadnought", "num_translations": 16 }, "sheet": { "senses": [ "A thin bed cloth used as a covering for a mattress or as a layer over the sleeper", "A piece of paper, usually rectangular, that has been prepared for writing, artwork, drafting, wrapping, manufacture of packaging , and for other uses The word does not include scraps and irregular small pieces destined to be recycled, used for stuffing or cushioning or paper mache, etc", "A flat metal pan, often without raised edge, used for baking", "A thin, flat layer of solid material", "A broad, flat expanse of a material on a surface", "A line used to adjust the trim of a sail", "A sail", "The area of ice on which the game of curling is played", "A layer of veneer", "Precipitation of such quantity and force as to resemble a thin, virtually solid wall", "An extensive bed of an eruptive rock intruded between, or overlying, other strata", "The space in the forward or after part of a boat where there are no rowers", "A distinct level or stage within a game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "page", "rope", "blanket" ], "word": "sheet", "num_translations": 162 }, "bead": { "senses": [ "Prayer, later especially with a rosary", "Each in a string of small balls making up the rosary or paternoster", "A small round object", "A ridge, band, or molding", "Knowledge sufficient to direct one's activities to a purpose", "A glassy drop of molten flux, as borax or microcosmic salt, used as a solvent and color test for several mineral earths and oxides, as of iron, manganese, etc, before the blowpipe", "Front sight of a gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bead", "num_translations": 85 }, "best": { "senses": [ "superlative of \"good\"", "Most", "largest" ], "antonyms": [ "baddest", "worst" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "best", "num_translations": 75 }, "best3": { "senses": [ "To surpass in skill or achievement", "To beat in a contest" ], "antonyms": [ "worst" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "best", "num_translations": 34 }, "petrograd": { "senses": [ "The former name, from 1914 to 1924 , of Saint Petersburg, a > in >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Leningrad", "Saint Petersburg" ], "word": "Petrograd", "num_translations": 11 }, "leningrad": { "senses": [ "Saint Petersburg, major city c/Russia, from the time of Lenin's death in 1924 until 1991", "oblast c/Russia, which surrounds, but no longer contains, Saint Petersburg, its former administrative centre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Petrograd", "Saint Petersburg" ], "word": "Leningrad", "num_translations": 62 }, "automobile": { "senses": [ "A type of vehicle designed to move on the ground under its own stored power and intended to carry a driver, a small number of additional passengers, and a very limited amount of other load A car or motorcar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auto", "Thesaurus:automobile" ], "word": "automobile", "num_translations": 189 }, "lid": { "senses": [ "The top or cover of a container", "A cap or hat", "One ounce of cannabis", "A bodyboard or bodyboarder", "A motorcyclist's crash helmet", "In amateur radio, an incompetent operator", "A hermetically sealed top piece on a microchip such as the integrated heat spreader on a CPU" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lid", "num_translations": 108 }, "unicorn": { "senses": [ "A mythical beast resembling a horse or deer with a single, straight, spiraled horn projecting from its forehead", "Any large beetle having a horn-like prominence on the head or prothorax, especially the Hercules beetle, Dynastes tityus", "A howitzer", "Someone or something that is rare and hard to find", "Being many colours", "multicoloured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unicorn", "num_translations": 105 }, "dragon": { "senses": [ "A legendary serpentine or reptilian creature", "The constellation Draco", "A fierce and unpleasant woman", "a harridan", "The Chinese empire or the People's Republic of China", "Something very formidable or dangerous", "A type of playing-tile in the game of mahjong", "A luminous exhalation from marshy ground, seeming to move through the air like a winged serpent", "A short musket hooked to a swivel attached to a soldier's belt", "A background process similar to a daemon", "A variety of carrier pigeon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drake", "dragon lady" ], "word": "dragon", "num_translations": 221 }, "skid": { "senses": [ "An out-of-control sliding motion as would result from applying the brakes too hard in a car", "A shoe or clog, as of iron, attached to a chain, and placed under the wheel of a wagon to prevent its turning when descending a steep hill", "a drag", "A hook attached to a chain, used for the same purpose", "A piece of timber or other material used as a support, or to receive pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skid", "num_translations": 34 }, "wafer": { "senses": [ "A light, thin, flat biscuit/cookie", "A thin disk of consecrated unleavened bread used in communion", "A soft disk originally made of flour, and later of gelatin or a similar substance, used to seal letters, attach papers etc", "A thin disk of silicon or other semiconductor on which an electronic circuit is produced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "host" ], "word": "wafer", "num_translations": 63 }, "cannon": { "senses": [ "A complete assembly, consisting of an artillery tube and a breech mechanism, firing mechanism or base cap, which is a component of a gun, howitzer or mortar It may include muzzle appendages", "Any similar device for shooting material out of a tube", "A bone of a horse's leg, between the fetlock joint and the knee or hock", "A large muzzle-loading artillery piece", "A carom", "The arm of a player that can throw well", "A hollow cylindrical piece carried by a revolving shaft, on which it may, however, revolve independently", "alternative form of \"canon\"", "A piece which moves horizontally and vertically like a rook but captures another piece by jumping over a different piece in the line of attack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cannon", "num_translations": 131 }, "muzzle": { "senses": [ "The protruding part of an animal's head which includes the nose, mouth and jaws", "the snout", "The mouth or the end for entrance or discharge of a gun, pistol etc, that the bullet emerges from as opposed to the breech", "A device used to prevent animal from biting or eating, which is worn on its snout", "A piece of the forward end of the plow-beam by which the traces are attached", "bridle", "An openwork covering for the nose, used for the defense of the horse, and forming part of the bards in the 15th and 16th centuries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "muzzle", "num_translations": 124 }, "muzzle1": { "senses": [ "To restrain", "gag, silence, censor", "To veil, mask, muffle", "To fondle with the closed mouth", "to nuzzle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "muzzle", "num_translations": 43 }, "speaker": { "senses": [ "One who speaks", "The chair or presiding officer of certain legislative bodies, such as the UK House of Commons or the US House of Representatives", "One who makes a speech to an audience", "A book containing passages of text for use in speeches", "The producer of a given utterance , whether actually spoken or eg written", "A key on a woodwind instrument of the clarinet family which induces the instrument to overblow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "talker" ], "word": "speaker", "num_translations": 250 }, "canon": { "senses": [ "A generally accepted principle", "a rule", "A group of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a field", "The works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic", "A religious law or body of law decreed by the church", "In monasteries, a book containing the rules of a religious order", "A member of a cathedral chapter", "one who possesses a prebend in a cathedral or collegiate church", "A piece of music in which the same melody is played by different voices, but beginning at different times", "a round", "Those sources, especially including literary works, which are considered part of the main continuity regarding a given fictional universe", "A rolled and filleted loin of meat", "also called cannon", "The part of a bell by which it is suspended", "the ear or shank of a bell", "A carom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "French canon" ], "word": "canon", "num_translations": 98 }, "conversation": { "senses": [ "Interaction", "commerce or intercourse with other people", "dealing with others", "Behaviour, the way one conducts oneself", "a person's way of life", "Sexual intercourse", "Engagement with a specific subject, idea, field of study etc", "understanding, familiarity", "Expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people", "also, a set instance or occasion of such talking", "The back-and-forth play of the blades in a bout", "The protocol-based interaction between systems processing a transaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banter", "chat", "chinwag", "dialogue", "discussion", "interlocution", "powwow", "table talk" ], "word": "conversation", "num_translations": 155 }, "culture": { "senses": [ "The arts, customs, lifestyles, background, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation", "The beliefs, values, behaviour and material objects that constitute a people's way of life", "The conventional conducts and ideologies of a community", "the system comprising of the accepted norms and values of a society", "Any knowledge passed from one generation to the next, not necessarily with respect to human beings", "Cultivation", "The process of growing a bacterial or other biological entity in an artificial medium", "The growth thus produced", "A group of bacteria", "The details on a map that do not represent natural features of the area delineated, such as names and the symbols for towns, roads, meridians, and parallels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "culture", "num_translations": 210 }, "frog": { "senses": [ "A small tailless amphibian of the order Anura that typically hops", "The part of a violin bow located at the end held by the player, to which the horsehair is attached", "The depression in the upper face of a pressed or handmade clay brick", "An organ on the bottom of a horse's hoof that assists in the circulation of blood", "The part of a railway switch or turnout where the running-rails cross" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frosh", "pad", "common crossing" ], "word": "frog", "num_translations": 301 }, "mountaingoat": { "senses": [ "A sure-footed goat antelope, Oreamnos americanus, of the North American mountains, having black curved horns and a shaggy coat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rocky Mountain goat" ], "word": "mountaingoat", "num_translations": 14 }, "puppy": { "senses": [ "A young dog, especially before sexual maturity", "A young rat", "A young seal", "A woman's breast", "A thing", "particularly something that is a nuisance", "a sucker", "A conceited and impertinent person, especially a young man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dogling", "pup", "Thesaurus:breast" ], "word": "puppy", "num_translations": 175 }, "sow": { "senses": [ "A female pig", "A female bear, she-bear", "A channel that conducts molten metal to molds", "A mass of metal solidified in a mold", "A contemptible, often fat woman", "A kind of covered shed, formerly used by besiegers in filling up and passing the ditch of a besieged place, sapping and mining the wall, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ingot", "bitch" ], "word": "sow", "num_translations": 136 }, "sow1": { "senses": [ "To scatter, disperse, or plant", "To spread abroad", "to propagate", "To scatter over", "to besprinkle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plant" ], "word": "sow", "num_translations": 77 }, "cob": { "senses": [ "A male swan", "A round, often crusty roll or loaf of bread", "A building material consisting of clay, sand, straw, water, and earth, similar to adobe", "A horse having a stout body and short legs", "A gull, especially the black-backed gull", "Any of the gold and silver coins that were minted in the Spanish Empire and valued in reales or escudos, such as the piece of eight\u2014especially those which were crudely struck and irregularly shaped", "A Spanish coin formerly current in Ireland, worth about four shillings and sixpence", "One who is eminent, great, large, or rich", "A spider", "A small fish, the miller's thumb", "A large fish, especially the kabeljou", "The head of a herring", "The top or head of anything", "A lump or piece of anything, usually of a somewhat large size, as of coal, or stone", "A punishment consisting of blows inflicted on the buttocks with a strap or a flat piece of wood", "A cylinder with pins in it, encoding music to be played back mechanically by a barrel organ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cob", "num_translations": 24 }, "cygnet": { "senses": [ "The young of a swan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swanling" ], "word": "cygnet", "num_translations": 35 }, "grasshopper": { "senses": [ "A herbivorous insect of the order Orthoptera, noted for its ability to jump long distances and for the habit of some species communicating by stridulation", "they are related to but distinct from crickets", "A cocktail made with cr\u00e8me de menthe and optionally with cr\u00e8me de cacao", "A young student in initial stages of training who has been chosen on account of their obvious talent", "In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out and replaced with the key" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grasshopper", "num_translations": 176 }, "hop": { "senses": [ "A short jump", "A jump on one leg", "A short journey, especially in the case of air travel, one that take place on private plane", "A bounce, especially from the ground, of a thrown or batted ball", "A dance", "The sending of a data packet from one host to another as part of its overall journey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hop", "num_translations": 20 }, "hop1": { "senses": [ "To jump a short distance", "To jump on one foot", "To be in state of energetic activity", "To suddenly take a mode of transportation that one does not drive oneself, often surreptitiously", "To jump onto, or over", "To move frequently from one place or situation to another similar one", "To walk lame", "to limp", "To dance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hop", "num_translations": 39 }, "hop2": { "senses": [ "The plant from whose flowers, beer or ale is brewed", "Opium, or some other narcotic drug", "The fruit of the dog rose", "a hip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hop", "num_translations": 76 }, "ethnic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a group of people having common racial, ancestral, national, religious or cultural origins", "Characteristic of a foreign, usually non-Western culture", "Representative of a folk or traditional mode of expression", "Heathen, not Jewish, Christian, or Muslim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exotic", "pagan" ], "word": "ethnic", "num_translations": 77 }, "tom": { "senses": [ "The male of the domesticated cat", "The male of the turkey", "The male of the orangutan", "The male of certain other animals", "prostitutes", "A lesbian", "The jack of trumps in the card game gleek", "A close-stool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tomcat", "turkey-cock", "male", "Thesaurus:prostitute" ], "word": "tom", "num_translations": 82 }, "tubular": { "senses": [ "Shaped like a tube", "Relating to, or composed of tubes or tubules", "Cool, awesome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cannular", "tubiform" ], "word": "tubular", "num_translations": 11 }, "tube": { "senses": [ "Anything that is hollow and cylindrical in shape", "An approximately cylindrical container, usually with a crimped end and a screw top, used to contain and dispense semiliquid substances", "The London Underground railway system, originally referred to the lower level lines that ran in tubular tunnels as opposed to the higher ones which ran in rectangular section tunnels", "A tin can containing beer", "A wave which pitches forward when breaking, creating a hollow space inside", "An idiot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tube", "num_translations": 105 }, "doubledutch": { "senses": [ "Incomprehensible language", "A language game akin to pig Latin", "A game of jump rope with two ropes and frequently two jumpers", "Sex using a condom and the contraceptive pill at the same time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all Greek to me", "gibberish", "gobbledygook", "nonsense" ], "word": "doubleDutch", "num_translations": 17 }, "gander": { "senses": [ "A male goose", "A fool, simpleton", "A glance, look", "A man living apart from his wife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "butcher's" ], "word": "gander", "num_translations": 85 }, "tender": { "senses": [ "Sensitive or painful to the touch", "Easily bruised or injured", "not firm or hard", "delicate", "Physically weak", "not able to endure hardship", "Soft and easily chewed", "Sensible to impression and pain", "easily pained", "Fond, loving, gentle, sweet", "Young and inexperienced", "Adapted to excite feeling or sympathy", "expressive of the softer passions", "pathetic", "Apt to give pain", "causing grief or pain", "delicate", "Heeling over too easily when under sail", "said of a vessel", "Exciting kind concern", "dear", "precious", "Careful to keep inviolate, or not to injure", "used with of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nesh", "Thesaurus:affectionate" ], "word": "tender", "num_translations": 107 }, "tender4": { "senses": [ "Someone who tends or waits on someone", "A railroad car towed behind a steam engine to carry fuel and water", "A naval ship that functions as a mobile base for other ships", "A smaller boat used for transportation between a large ship and the shore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dinghy" ], "word": "tender", "num_translations": 18 }, "tender7": { "senses": [ "To offer, to give", "to offer a payment, as at sales or auctions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "offer" ], "word": "tender", "num_translations": 18 }, "sacrifice": { "senses": [ "To offer as a gift to a deity", "To give away to get at least a possibility of gaining something else of value , or to avoid an even greater loss", "To trade for something of lesser worth in order to gain something else valued more, such as an ally or business relationship, or to avoid an even greater loss", "to sell without profit to gain something other than money", "To intentionally give up in order to improve one's position on the board", "To advance by batting the ball so it can be caught or fielded, placing the batter out, but with insufficient time to put the runner out", "To sell at a price less than the cost or actual value", "To destroy", "to kill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Molochize", "sell" ], "word": "sacrifice", "num_translations": 128 }, "sacrifice1": { "senses": [ "The offering of anything to a god", "a consecratory rite", "The destruction or surrender of anything for the sake of something else", "the devotion of something desirable to something higher, or to a calling deemed more pressing", "A loss of profit", "A sale at a price less than the cost or the actual value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sacrifice", "num_translations": 93 }, "carrier": { "senses": [ "A person or object that carries someone or something else", "A person or company in the business of shipping freight", "A signal such as radio, sound, or light that is modulated to transmit information", "A mobile network operator", "A certified airline", "That which drives or carries", "A catalyst or other intermediary in a chemical reaction", "A person or other organism that has a genetic trait, mutation or infection liable to cause a disease, but displays no symptoms", "A liquid or gas used as a medium for another substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "carrier", "num_translations": 72 }, "telephone": { "senses": [ "A telecommunication device used for two-way talking with another person", "The game of Chinese whispers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blower", "Thesaurus:phone" ], "word": "telephone", "num_translations": 210 }, "telephone1": { "senses": [ "To convey by telephoning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "call", "Thesaurus:telephone" ], "word": "telephone", "num_translations": 80 }, "keystone": { "senses": [ "The top stone of an arch", "Something on which other things depend for support", "A native or resident of the American state of Pennsylvania", "A retail price that is double the cost price", "a markup of 100%" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "keystone", "num_translations": 63 }, "mode": { "senses": [ "One of several ancient Greek scales", "A particular means of accomplishing something", "A particular state of being, or frame of mind", "The most frequently occurring value in a distribution", "A state of a system that is represented by an eigenfunction of that system", "One of various related sets of rules for processing data", "more generally, any state of the system associated with certain behaviours", "A series of settings on a device used for a specific purpose", "A variation in gameplay, such as a difficulty level", "A verb form that depends on how its containing clause relates to the speaker's or writer's wish, intent, or assertion about reality", "That which exists only as a quality of substance", "In lace-making, a small decorative piece inserted into a pattern", "The openwork between the solid parts of a pattern", "A woman's mantle with a hood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mode", "num_translations": 105 }, "scale": { "senses": [ "A ladder", "a series of steps", "a means of ascending", "An ordered, usually numerical sequence used for measurement, means of assigning a magnitude", "Size", "scope", "The ratio of depicted distance to actual distance", "A line or bar associated with a drawing, used to indicate measurement when the image has been magnified or reduced", "A series of notes spanning an octave, tritave, or pseudo-octave, used to make melodies", "A mathematical base for a numeral system", "radix", "Gradation", "succession of ascending and descending steps and degrees", "progressive series", "scheme of comparative rank or order", "A standard amount of money to be received by a performer or writer, negotiated by a union" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scale", "num_translations": 161 }, "scale1": { "senses": [ "To change the size of something whilst maintaining proportion", "especially to change a process in order to produce much larger amounts of the final product", "To climb to the top of", "To tolerate significant increases in throughput or other potentially limiting factors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scale", "num_translations": 35 }, "scale2": { "senses": [ "Part of an overlapping arrangement of many small, flat and hard pieces of keratin covering the skin of an animal, particularly a fish or reptile", "A small piece of pigmented chitin, many of which coat the wings of a butterfly or moth to give them their color", "A flake of skin of an animal afflicted with dermatitis", "Part of an overlapping arrangement of many small, flat and hard protective layers forming a pinecone that flare when mature to release pine nut seeds", "The flaky material sloughed off heated metal", "The thin metallic side plate of the handle of a pocketknife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scale", "num_translations": 113 }, "scale3": { "senses": [ "To become scaly", "to pare off, as a surface", "To separate and come off in thin layers or laminae", "To scatter", "to spread", "To clean, as the inside of a cannon, by the explosion of a small quantity of powder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scale", "num_translations": 24 }, "ipaddress": { "senses": [ "A number assigned to each computer's or other device's network interface which are active on a network supporting the Internet Protocol, in order to distinguish each network interface from every other network interface anywhere on the network" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IP number" ], "word": "IPaddress", "num_translations": 28 }, "baa": { "senses": [ "The characteristic cry or bleating of a sheep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bleat", "bleating" ], "word": "baa", "num_translations": 27 }, "bleat": { "senses": [ "The characteristic cry of a sheep or a goat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baa" ], "word": "bleat", "num_translations": 40 }, "bleat1": { "senses": [ "Of a sheep or goat, to make its characteristic cry", "Of a person, to complain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baa", "kvetch", "moan", "whinge", "whine" ], "word": "bleat", "num_translations": 42 }, "elephantine": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of elephants", "Very large" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elephantic", "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "elephantine", "num_translations": 11 }, "wit": { "senses": [ "Sanity", "The senses", "Intellectual ability", "faculty of thinking, reasoning", "The ability to think quickly", "mental cleverness, especially under short time constraints", "Intelligence", "common sense", "Humour, especially when clever or quick", "A person who tells funny anecdotes or jokes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intelligence" ], "word": "wit", "num_translations": 99 }, "hen": { "senses": [ "A female chicken , particularly a sexually mature one kept for its eggs", "A female of other bird species, particularly a sexually mature female fowl", "A female fish or crustacean", "A woman, particularly", "An affectionate term of address used to women or girls", "The hard clam , a bivalve shellfish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hen-bird", "bachelorette", "hard clam" ], "word": "hen", "num_translations": 212 }, "aquarium": { "senses": [ "A tank, often made of glass, for keeping live fish or other aquatic animals", "A public place where live fish and other aquatic animals are exhibited" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fish tank" ], "word": "aquarium", "num_translations": 118 }, "fucker": { "senses": [ "An undesirable person", "The object of some effort", "People, friends, especially of very high solidarity", "One who fucks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:copulator", "Thesaurus:git" ], "word": "fucker", "num_translations": 45 }, "motherfucking": { "senses": [ "An intensifier, used in the same contexts as fucking, but more intense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cousinfucking" ], "word": "motherfucking", "num_translations": 18 }, "fucking1": { "senses": [ "An act of sexual intercourse, especially one lacking passion or a feeling of sincere love", "An act of mistreatment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frig", "frigging" ], "word": "fucking", "num_translations": 28 }, "fucking2": { "senses": [ "An intensifier, often applying more to the whole utterance than to the specific word it grammatically modifies", "Offensive, annoying or worthless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:damned" ], "word": "fucking", "num_translations": 101 }, "hutch": { "senses": [ "A cage for keeping rabbits, guinea pigs, etc", "A piece of furniture in which items may be displayed", "A measure of two Winchester bushels", "The case of a flour bolt", "A car on low wheels, in which coal is drawn in the mine and hoisted out of the pit", "A jig or trough for ore dressing or washing ore", "A baker's kneading-trough" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hutch", "num_translations": 16 }, "owlet": { "senses": [ "diminutive of \"owl\"", "A young owl", "owling", "One of a species of small owls, such as Athene noctua" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "owling" ], "word": "owlet", "num_translations": 12 }, "doe": { "senses": [ "A female deer", "also used of similar animals such as antelope,", "A female rabbit", "A female hare", "A female squirrel", "A female kangaroo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hind", "blue flyer" ], "word": "doe", "num_translations": 149 }, "hatch": { "senses": [ "A horizontal door in a floor or ceiling", "A trapdoor", "An opening in a wall at window height for the purpose of serving food or other items A pass through", "A small door in large mechanical structures and vehicles such as aircraft and spacecraft often provided for access for maintenance", "An opening through the deck of a ship or submarine", "A gullet", "A frame or weir in a river, for catching fish", "A floodgate", "a sluice gate", "A bedstead", "An opening into, or in search of, a mine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hatch", "num_translations": 38 }, "hatch2": { "senses": [ "To emerge from an egg", "To break open when a young animal emerges from it", "To incubate eggs", "To devise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hatch", "num_translations": 94 }, "buck": { "senses": [ "A male deer, antelope, sheep, goat, rabbit, hare, and sometimes the male of other animals such as the ferret and shad", "An uncastrated sheep, a ram", "an adventurous, impetuous, dashing, or high-spirited young man", "A fop or dandy", "A black or Native American man", "A dollar", "A rand", "Money", "One hundred", "An object of various types, placed on a table to indicate turn or status", "such as a brass object, placed in rotation on a US Navy wardroom dining table to indicate which officer is to be served first, or an item passed around a poker table indicating the dealer or placed in the pot to remind the winner of some privilege or obligation when his or her turn to deal next comes", "Blame", "responsibility", "scapegoating", "finger-pointing", "The body of a post mill, particularly in East Anglia See Wikipedia:Windmill machinery", "One million dollars", "A euro", "A frame on which firewood is sawed", "a sawhorse", "synonym of \"mule\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stag", "billygoat", "hob", "ram", "bill", "bone", "clam", "cucumber", "dead president", "greenback", "note", "one-spot", "paper", "simoleon", "single", "smackeroo", "button" ], "word": "buck", "num_translations": 81 }, "buck2": { "senses": [ "To bend", "To leap upward arching its back, coming down with head low and forelegs stiff, forcefully kicking its hind legs upward, often in an attempt to dislodge or throw a rider or pack", "To subject to a mode of punishment which consists of tying the wrists together, passing the arms over the bent knees, and putting a stick across the arms and in the angle formed by the knees", "To resist obstinately", "oppose or object strongly", "To move or operate in a sharp, jerking, or uneven manner", "To overcome or shed , in pursuit of a goal", "to force a way through despite", "to resist or proceed against", "To press a reinforcing device against in order to absorb vibration and increase expansion See Wikipedia: Rivet:Installation", "To saw a felled tree into shorter lengths, as for firewood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buck", "num_translations": 13 }, "disseminate": { "senses": [ "To sow and scatter principles, ideas, opinions, etc, or concrete things, for growth and propagation, like seeds", "To become widespread" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spread", "circulate", "propagate" ], "word": "disseminate", "num_translations": 46 }, "kip1": { "senses": [ "A place to sleep", "a rooming house", "a bed", "Sleep, snooze, nap, forty winks, doze", "A very untidy house or room", "A brothel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kip", "num_translations": 16 }, "kip2": { "senses": [ "To sleep", "often with the connotation of a temporary or charitable situation, or one borne out of necessity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crash" ], "word": "kip", "num_translations": 11 }, "thread": { "senses": [ "A long, thin and flexible form of material, generally with a round cross-section, used in sewing, weaving or in the construction of string", "A continued theme or idea", "A sequence of connections", "The line midway between the banks of a stream", "A filament, as of a flower, or of any fibrous substance, as of bark", "Composition", "quality", "fineness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thread", "num_translations": 264 }, "entire": { "senses": [ "Whole", "complete", "Having a smooth margin without any indentation", "Consisting of a single piece, as a corolla", "Complex-differentiable on all of \u2102", "Not gelded", "morally whole", "pure", "sheer", "Internal", "interior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "entire", "num_translations": 91 }, "poke": { "senses": [ "To prod or jab with an object such as a finger or a stick", "To stir up a fire to remove ash or promote burning", "To rummage", "to feel or grope around", "To modify the value stored in", "To thrust at with the horns", "to gore", "To notify of activity on social media or an instant messenger", "To thrust in a particular direction such as the tongue", "To penetrate in sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fumble", "drill" ], "word": "poke", "num_translations": 64 }, "murder": { "senses": [ "The crime of deliberately killing another person without justification", "The act of deliberate killing of another person or other being without justification, especially with malice aforethought", "The commission of an act which abets the commission of a crime the commission of which causes the death of a human", "Something terrible to endure", "A group of crows", "the collective noun for crows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "homicide", "flock" ], "word": "murder", "num_translations": 191 }, "murder1": { "senses": [ "To deliberately kill without justification, especially with malice aforethought", "To defeat decisively", "To kick someone's ass or chew someone out", "To botch or mangle", "To devour, ravish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assassinate", "thrash", "kill" ], "word": "murder", "num_translations": 124 }, "worm": { "senses": [ "A generally tubular invertebrate of the annelid phylum", "A type of wingless \"dragon\", especially a gigantic sea serpent", "A contemptible or devious being", "A self-replicating program that propagates through a network", "A graphical representation of the total runs scored in an innings", "Anything helical, especially the thread of a screw", "Any creeping or crawling animal, such as a snake, snail, or caterpillar", "An internal tormentor", "something that gnaws or afflicts one's mind with remorse", "A strip of linked tiles sharing parallel edges in a tiling", "The lytta", "A dance, or dance move, in which the dancer lies on the floor and undulates the body horizontally thereby moving forwards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "worm", "num_translations": 302 }, "worm1": { "senses": [ "To make with a crawling motion", "To move with one's body dragging the ground", "To work one's way by artful or devious means", "To work gradually or slowly", "to insinuate", "To effect, remove, drive, draw, or the like, by slow and secret means", "often followed by out", "To drag out of, to get information that someone is reluctant or unwilling to give", "To fill in the contlines of before parcelling and serving", "to draw a wad or cartridge from, as a firearm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "worm", "num_translations": 25 }, "spirit": { "senses": [ "The soul of a person or other creature", "A supernatural being, often but not exclusively without physical form", "ghost, fairy, angel", "Enthusiasm", "The manner or style of something", "Energy", "ardour", "One who is vivacious or lively", "one who evinces great activity or peculiar characteristics of mind or temper", "Temper or disposition of mind", "mental condition or disposition", "intellectual or moral state", "often in the plural", "Air set in motion by breathing", "breath", "hence, sometimes, life itself", "A rough breathing", "an aspirate, such as the letter h", "also, a mark denoting aspiration", "Intent", "real meaning", "opposed to the letter, or formal statement", "Any of the four substances: sulphur, sal ammoniac, quicksilver, and arsenic", "stannic chloride" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spirit", "num_translations": 318 }, "seed": { "senses": [ "A fertilized and ripened ovule, containing an embryonic plant", "A fragment of coral", "Semen", "A precursor", "The initial state, condition or position of a changing, growing or developing process", "the ultimate precursor in a defined chain of precursors", "Offspring, descendants, progeny", "Race", "generation", "birth", "A small bubble formed in imperfectly fused glass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seed", "num_translations": 303 }, "seed1": { "senses": [ "To cover thinly with something scattered", "To start", "to provide, assign or determine the initial resources for, position of, state of", "To leave available for others to download through peer-to-peer file sharing protocols", "To be qualified to compete, especially in a quarter-final, semi-final or final", "To grow to maturity", "To ejaculate inside the penetratee during intercourse, especially in the rectum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seed", "num_translations": 28 }, "root": { "senses": [ "The part of a plant, generally underground, that anchors and supports the plant body, absorbs and stores water and nutrients, and in some plants is able to perform vegetative reproduction", "The part of a tooth extending into the bone holding the tooth in place", "The part of a hair under the skin that holds the hair in place", "The part of a hair near the skin that has not been dyed, permed, or otherwise treated", "The primary source", "origin", "Of a number or expression, a number which, when raised to a specified power, yields the specified number or expression", "A zero", "The single node of a tree that has no parent", "A word from which another word or words are derived", "The fundamental tone of any chord", "the tone from whose harmonics, or overtones, a chord is composed", "The lowest place, position, or part", "the person who manages accounts on a UNIX system", "The highest directory of a directory structure which may contain both files and subdirectories", "A penis, especially the base of a penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "root", "num_translations": 501 }, "root2": { "senses": [ "To turn up or dig with the snout", "To seek favour or advancement by low arts or grovelling servility", "to fawn", "To rummage", "to search as if by digging in soil", "to abolish", "To have sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "root", "num_translations": 42 }, "lattice": { "senses": [ "A flat panel constructed with widely-spaced crossed thin strips of wood or other material, commonly used as a garden trellis", "A bearing with vertical and horizontal bands that cross each other", "A regular spacing or arrangement of geometric points, often decorated with a motif", "A discrete subgroup of Rn which is isomorphic to Zn and spans the real vector space Rn''", "A model of the tuning relationships of a just intonation system, comprising an array of points in a periodic multidimensional pattern", "A discrete subgroup L of a given locally compact group G whose quotient space G/L has finite invariant measure", "A partially ordered set in which every pair of elements has a unique supremum and a unique infimum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "latticework" ], "word": "lattice", "num_translations": 65 }, "cancer": { "senses": [ "A constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a crab", "The zodiac sign for the crab, ruled by the Moon and covering June 22 - July 22 or July 16 - August 15" ], "antonyms": [ "Capricornus" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Cancer", "num_translations": 122 }, "capricornus": { "senses": [ "a constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a goat", "Capricorn" ], "antonyms": [ "Cancer" ], "synonyms": [ "\u2651" ], "word": "Capricornus", "num_translations": 47 }, "toad": { "senses": [ "An amphibian, a kind of frog with shorter hindlegs and a drier, wartier skin, many in family Bufonidae", "A contemptible or unpleasant person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pad", "paddock" ], "word": "toad", "num_translations": 175 }, "piglet": { "senses": [ "A young pig" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bonham", "pigling", "shoat" ], "word": "piglet", "num_translations": 165 }, "tramp": { "senses": [ "A homeless person", "a vagabond", "A disreputable, promiscuous woman", "a slut", "Any ship which does not have a fixed schedule or published ports of call", "A long walk, possibly of more than one day, in a scenic or wilderness area", "Of objects, stray and intrusive and unwanted", "A metal plate worn by diggers under the hollow of the foot to save the shoe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tramp", "num_translations": 70 }, "obese": { "senses": [ "Extremely overweight, especially: weighing more than 20% or 25% over their ideal weight determined by height and build", "or, having a body mass index over 30 kg/m2" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obese" ], "word": "obese", "num_translations": 55 }, "bark": { "senses": [ "To make a short, loud, explosive noise with the vocal organs", "To make a clamor", "to make importunate outcries", "To speak sharply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "latrate" ], "word": "bark", "num_translations": 153 }, "bark2": { "senses": [ "The exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree", "Hard candy made in flat sheets, for instance out of chocolate, peanut butter, toffee or peppermint", "The crust formed on barbecued meat that has had a rub applied to it", "The envelopment or outer covering of anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rind" ], "word": "bark", "num_translations": 164 }, "bark3": { "senses": [ "to peel", "To abrade or rub off any outer covering from", "To girdle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bark", "num_translations": 45 }, "vacation": { "senses": [ "Freedom from some business or activity", "Free time given over to a specific purpose", "occupation, activity", "A period during which official activity or business is formally suspended", "an official holiday from university, law courts etc", "A holiday", "a stretch of leisure time away from work or duty and devoted to rest or pleasure", "The act of vacating something", "moving out", "The act of making legally void" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "holiday", "annulment", "holiday", "departure" ], "word": "vacation", "num_translations": 154 }, "vacation1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go on holiday", "go on vacation", "holiday" ], "word": "vacation", "num_translations": 26 }, "marine": { "senses": [ "Belonging to or characteristic of the sea", "existing or found in the sea", "formed or produced by the sea", "Relating to or connected with the sea , especially as pertains to shipping, a navy, or naval forces", "Used or adapted for use at sea", "Inhabiting the high seas", "oceanic", "pelagic", "Belonging to or situated at the seaside", "maritime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "marine", "num_translations": 54 }, "marine1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "devil dog", "jarhead", "leatherneck" ], "word": "marine", "num_translations": 22 }, "colored": { "senses": [ "Having a color", "Having a particular color or kind of color", "Having prominent colors", "colorful", "Influenced pervasively but subtly", "Of skin color other than white", "in particular, black", "Of neither black nor white skin color" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "colored", "num_translations": 62 }, "colorful": { "senses": [ "Possessing prominent and varied colors", "Interesting, multifaceted, energetic, distinctive", "Profane, obscene, offensive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "motley" ], "word": "colorful", "num_translations": 79 }, "walk": { "senses": [ "To move on the feet by alternately setting each foot forward, with at least one foot on the ground at all times Compare run", "Of an object, to go missing or be stolen", "done as a matter of sportsmanship when the batsman believes he is out", "To allow a batter to reach base by pitching four balls", "To full", "to beat cloth to give it the consistency of felt", "To operate the left and right throttles of in alternation", "To leave, resign", "To behave", "to pursue a course of life", "to conduct oneself", "To be stirring", "to be abroad", "to go restlessly about", "said of things or persons expected to remain quiet, such as a sleeping person, or the spirit of a dead person", "To be in motion", "to act", "to move", "To move a guest to another hotel if their confirmed reservation is not available on day of check-in" ], "antonyms": [ "run" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:walk", "be acquitted", "get off", "go free", "be/get stolen", "be/get nicked", "be/get pinched", "full" ], "word": "walk", "num_translations": 370 }, "walk1": { "senses": [ "An Olympic Games track event requiring that the heel of the leading foot touch the ground before the toe of the trailing foot leaves the ground", "A situation where all players fold to the big blind, as their first action , once they get their cards", "An award of first base to a batter following four balls being thrown by the pitcher", "known in the rules as a \"base on balls\"", "In coffee, coconut, and other plantations, the space between them", "An area of an estate planted with fruit-bearing trees", "A place for keeping and training puppies for dogfighting", "An enclosed area in which a gamecock is confined to prepare him for fighting", "A sequence of alternating vertices and edges, where each edge's endpoints are the preceding and following vertices in the sequence", "Something very easily accomplished", "A cheque drawn on a bank that was not a member of the London Clearing and whose sort code was allocated on a one-off basis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stroll", "hike", "gait", "footpath" ], "word": "walk", "num_translations": 126 }, "squeeze": { "senses": [ "To apply pressure to from two or more sides at once", "To embrace closely", "to give a tight hug to", "To fit into a tight place", "To remove something with difficulty, or apparent difficulty", "To put in a difficult position by presenting two or more choices", "To oppress with hardships, burdens, or taxes", "to harass", "To attempt to score a runner from third by bunting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compress" ], "word": "squeeze", "num_translations": 189 }, "squeeze1": { "senses": [ "A close or tight fit", "A difficult position", "A hug or other affectionate grasp", "A romantic partner", "An illicit alcoholic drink made by squeezing Sterno through cheesecloth, etc, and mixing the result with fruit juice", "The act of bunting in an attempt to score a runner from third", "A play that forces an opponent to discard a card that gives up one or more tricks", "A traversal of a narrow passage", "An impression of an inscription formed by pressing wet paper onto the surface and peeling off when dry", "The gradual closing of workings by the weight of the overlying strata", "A bribe or fee paid to a middleman, especially in China", "the practice of requiring such a bribe or fee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squeeze", "num_translations": 25 }, "rub": { "senses": [ "A difficulty or problem", "A quip or sarcastic remark", "In the game of crown green bowls, any obstacle by which a bowl is diverted from its normal course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hitch", "hiccup", "catch", "kink", "glitch", "snag" ], "word": "rub", "num_translations": 13 }, "rub1": { "senses": [ "To move while maintaining contact with another object over some area, with pressure and friction", "To spread a substance thinly over", "to smear", "To move or pass with difficulty", "To scour", "to burnish", "to polish", "to brighten", "to cleanse", "often with up or over", "To hinder", "to cross", "to thwart", "To touch the jack with the bowl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rub", "num_translations": 179 }, "wipe": { "senses": [ "To move an object over, maintaining contact, with the intention of removing some substance from the surface", "To remove by rubbing", "to rub off", "to obliterate", "usually followed by away, off, or out", "To cheat", "to defraud", "to trick", "usually followed by out", "To erase", "To make , by surrounding the junction with a mass of solder, applied in a plastic condition by means of a rag with which the solder is shaped by rubbing", "To remove an expression from one's face", "To deperm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wipe", "num_translations": 116 }, "across": { "senses": [ "To, toward or from the far side of", "On the opposite side of", "From one side to the other within", "At or near the far end of", "Spanning", "Throughout", "So as to intersect or pass through or over at an angle", "In possession of full, up-to-date information about", "abreast of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "across", "num_translations": 172 }, "attraction": { "senses": [ "The tendency to attract", "The feeling of being attracted", "An event, location, or business that has a tendency to draw interest from visitors, and in many cases, local residents", "The sacrifice of pieces in order to expose the enemy king" ], "antonyms": [ "repulsion" ], "synonyms": [ "charm", "pull" ], "word": "attraction", "num_translations": 91 }, "attract": { "senses": [ "To pull toward without touching", "To arouse interest", "To draw by moral, emotional or sexual influence", "to engage or fix, as the mind, attention, etc", "to invite or allure" ], "antonyms": [ "repel" ], "synonyms": [ "allure" ], "word": "attract", "num_translations": 67 }, "attractive": { "senses": [ "Causing attraction", "having the quality of attracting by inherent force", "Having the power of charming or alluring by agreeable qualities", "enticing", "Pleasing or appealing to the senses, especially of the opposite sex" ], "antonyms": [ "repulsive", "repulsive", "unattractive" ], "synonyms": [ "magnetic" ], "word": "attractive", "num_translations": 113 }, "canvas": { "senses": [ "A type of coarse cloth, woven from hemp, useful for making sails and tents or as a surface for paintings", "A basis for creative work", "A region on which graphics can be rendered", "Sails in general", "A tent", "A rough draft or model of a song, air, or other literary or musical composition", "especially one to show a poet the measure of the verses he is to make" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "canvas", "num_translations": 100 }, "carriage": { "senses": [ "The act of conveying", "carrying", "Means of conveyance", "A wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power", "A rail car, especially one designed for the conveyance of passengers", "A manner of walking and moving in general", "how one carries oneself, bearing, gait", "One's behaviour, or way of conducting oneself towards others", "The part of a typewriter supporting the paper", "A shopping cart", "A stroller", "The charge made for conveying", "That which is carried, baggage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "carriage", "num_translations": 192 }, "chest": { "senses": [ "A box, now usually a large strong box with a secure convex lid", "A coffin", "The place in which public money is kept", "a treasury", "The portion of the front of the human body from the base of the neck to the top of the abdomen", "the thorax Also the analogous area in other animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breast", "trunk" ], "word": "chest", "num_translations": 333 }, "chief": { "senses": [ "A leader or head of a group of people, organisation, etc", "The top part of a shield or escutcheon", "more specifically, an ordinary consisting of the upper part of the field cut off by a horizontal line, generally occupying the top third", "The principal part or top of anything", "An informal term of address, sometimes ironic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:boss" ], "word": "chief", "num_translations": 165 }, "countable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being counted", "having a quantity", "Finite or countably infinite", "having a one-to-one correspondence with a subset of the natural numbers", "Countably infinite", "having a bijection with the natural numbers", "Freely usable with the indefinite article and with numbers, and therefore having a plural form" ], "antonyms": [ "non-denumerable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "countable", "num_translations": 54 }, "naturalnumbers": { "senses": [ "The set of positive integers, {1, 2, 3,}", "The set of non-negative integers, {0, 1, 2, 3,}" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counting number", "whole number", "\u2115" ], "word": "naturalnumbers", "num_translations": 13 }, "grub": { "senses": [ "An immature stage in the life cycle of an insect", "a larva", "Food", "A short, thick man", "a dwarf", "A dirty person", "A despicable person", "a lowlife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grub", "num_translations": 68 }, "penchant": { "senses": [ "Taste, liking, or inclination", "A card game resembling bezique" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desire" ], "word": "penchant", "num_translations": 29 }, "clue": { "senses": [ "A strand of yarn etc as used to guide one through a labyrinth", "something which points the way, a guide", "Information which may lead one to a certain point or conclusion", "An object or a kind of indication which may be used as evidence", "Insight or understanding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hint", "signature", "idea" ], "word": "clue", "num_translations": 62 }, "responsible": { "senses": [ "Having the duty of taking care of something", "answerable for an act performed or for its consequences", "accountable", "amenable, especially legally or politically", "Being a primary cause of a situation or action and thus able to be blamed or credited for it", "Answerable to", "Involving important duties", "involving a degree of personal accountability on the part of the person concerned", "Having good judgment in decision-making", "Able to be trusted", "reliable", "trustworthy", "Capable of rational conduct and thus morally accountable for one's behavior" ], "antonyms": [ "irresponsible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "responsible", "num_translations": 138 }, "uncomfortable": { "senses": [ "Not comfortable", "Experiencing discomfort", "Uneasy or anxious", "Put off or disgusted" ], "antonyms": [ "comfortable", "ergonomic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "uncomfortable", "num_translations": 38 }, "insistence": { "senses": [ "The state of being insistent", "An urgent demand", "The forcing of an attack through the parry, using strength" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinacy" ], "word": "insistence", "num_translations": 13 }, "blame1": { "senses": [ "To censure", "to criticize", "To bring into disrepute", "To assert or consider that someone is the cause of something negative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reproach", "hold to account" ], "word": "blame", "num_translations": 87 }, "opposition": { "senses": [ "The action of opposing or of being in conflict", "An opposite or contrasting position", "The apparent relative position of two celestial bodies when one is at an angle of 180 degrees from the other as seen from the Earth", "A political party or movement opposed to the party or government in power", "In United States intellectual property law, a proceeding in which an interested party seeks to prevent the registration of a trademark or patent", "A position in which the player on the move must yield with his king allowing his opponent to advance with his own king", "The difference of quantity or quality between two propositions having the same subject and predicate" ], "antonyms": [ "apposition" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "opposition", "num_translations": 116 }, "oppose": { "senses": [ "To attempt to stop the progression of", "to resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments, etc", "to contend against", "To object to", "To present or set up in opposition", "to pose", "To place in front of, or over against", "to set opposite", "to exhibit" ], "antonyms": [ "support" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "oppose", "num_translations": 53 }, "opposite": { "senses": [ "Located directly across from something else, or from each other", "Of leaves and flowers, positioned directly across from each other on a stem", "Facing in the other direction", "Of either of two complementary or mutually exclusive things", "Extremely different", "inconsistent", "contrary", "repugnant", "antagonistic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "opposite", "num_translations": 92 }, "detonator": { "senses": [ "A device used to detonate an explosive device etc", "a small explosive device attached to the railhead to provide an audible warning when a train passes over it", "Any explosive whose action is practically instantaneous", "A gun fired by a percussion cap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "torpedo" ], "word": "detonator", "num_translations": 25 }, "deny": { "senses": [ "To disallow or reject", "To assert that something is not true", "To refuse to give or grant something to someone", "To take something away from someone", "to deprive of", "To prevent from scoring", "To disclaim connection with, responsibility for, etc", "to refuse to acknowledge", "to disown", "to abjure", "to disavow", "To refuse" ], "antonyms": [ "allow", "confirm" ], "synonyms": [ "gainsay" ], "word": "deny", "num_translations": 81 }, "anonymous": { "senses": [ "Lacking a name", "not named, for example an animal not assigned to any species", "Without any name acknowledged of a person responsible", "Of unknown name", "whose name is withheld", "Lacking individuality" ], "antonyms": [ "onymous" ], "synonyms": [ "nameless", "unidentified", "faceless", "on the merits" ], "word": "anonymous", "num_translations": 120 }, "tumult": { "senses": [ "Confused, agitated noise as made by a crowd", "Violent commotion or agitation, often with confusion of sounds", "A riot or uprising" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "uproar", "ruckus" ], "word": "tumult", "num_translations": 44 }, "neighbour": { "senses": [ "A person living on adjacent or nearby land", "a person situated adjacently or nearby", "anything in an adjacent or nearby position", "One who is near in sympathy or confidence", "A fellow human being" ], "antonyms": [ "stranger" ], "synonyms": [ "bydweller", "fellow human being" ], "word": "neighbour", "num_translations": 268 }, "neighbour1": { "senses": [ "To be adjacent to", "(intransitive followed by \"on\"", "figurative) To be similar to, to be almost the same as", "To associate intimately with", "to be close to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "neighbour", "num_translations": 16 }, "passion": { "senses": [ "Any great, strong, powerful emotion, especially romantic love or extreme hate", "Fervor, determination", "Sexual intercourse, especially when very emotional", "The suffering of Jesus leading up to and during his crucifixion", "A display, musical composition, or play meant to commemorate the suffering of Jesus", "Suffering or enduring of imposed or inflicted pain", "any suffering or distress", "The state of being acted upon", "subjection to an external agent or influence", "a passive condition", "The capacity of being affected by external agents", "susceptibility of impressions from external agents", "An innate attribute, property, or quality of a thing", "Disorder of the mind", "madness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ardor" ], "word": "passion", "num_translations": 170 }, "snog": { "senses": [ "To kiss passionately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make out", "pash" ], "word": "snog", "num_translations": 16 }, "biannual": { "senses": [ "Occurring twice a year", "semiannual", "Occurring once every two years", "biennial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "half-yearly", "semiannual", "twice-yearly" ], "word": "biannual", "num_translations": 13 }, "semiannual": { "senses": [ "Biannual: occurring twice a year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biannual" ], "word": "semiannual", "num_translations": 12 }, "beauty": { "senses": [ "The quality of being attractive, pleasing, fine or good-looking", "comeliness", "Someone who is beautiful", "Something that is particularly good or pleasing", "An excellent or egregious example of something", "The excellence or genius of a scheme or decision", "cosmetology", "Prevailing style or taste", "rage", "fashion", "Beautiful passages or extracts of poetry" ], "antonyms": [ "repulsiveness" ], "synonyms": [ "good-lookingness", "belle", "gem" ], "word": "beauty", "num_translations": 280 }, "gdansk": { "senses": [ "city on the north coast of c/Poland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Danzig" ], "word": "Gdansk", "num_translations": 56 }, "duty": { "senses": [ "That which one is morally or legally obligated to do", "The state of being at work and responsible for or doing a particular task", "A tax placed on imports or exports", "a tariff", "One's due, something one is owed", "a debt or fee", "Respect", "reverence", "regard", "act of respect", "homage", "The efficiency of an engine, especially a steam pumping engine, as measured by work done by a certain quantity of fuel", "usually, the number of pounds of water lifted one foot by one bushel of coal , or by 1 cwt" ], "antonyms": [ "duty-free", "right" ], "synonyms": [ "obligation" ], "word": "duty", "num_translations": 186 }, "crack": { "senses": [ "To break apart under pressure", "To become debilitated by psychological pressure", "To break down or yield, especially under interrogation or torture", "To change rapidly in register", "To alternate between high and low register in the process of eventually lowering", "To make a sharply humorous comment", "To break open or crush to small pieces by impact or stress", "To strike forcefully", "To open slightly", "To cause to yield under interrogation or other pressure", "To solve a difficult problem", "To overcome a security system or a component", "To cause to make a sharp sound", "To tell", "To break down , especially with the application of heat: to pyrolyse", "To circumvent software restrictions such as regional coding or time limits", "To open a canned beverage, or any packaged drink or food", "To brag, boast", "To be ruined or impaired", "to fail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crack", "num_translations": 209 }, "crack1": { "senses": [ "A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material", "A narrow opening", "A sharply humorous comment", "A potent, relatively cheap, addictive variety of cocaine", "The sharp sound made when solid material breaks", "Any sharp sound", "An attempt at something", "Vagina", "The space between the buttocks", "Conviviality", "fun", "good conversation, chat, gossip, or humorous storytelling", "good company", "Business", "events", "news", "A program or procedure designed to circumvent restrictions or usage limits on software", "a meaningful chat", "Extremely silly, absurd or off-the-wall ideas or prose", "The tone of voice when changed at puberty", "A mental flaw", "a touch of craziness", "partial insanity", "A boast", "boasting", "Breach of chastity", "A boy, generally a pert, lively boy", "A brief time", "an instant", "a jiffy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bum", "crack cocaine", "crackpot" ], "word": "crack", "num_translations": 229 }, "credit": { "senses": [ "To believe", "to put credence in", "To add to an account", "To acknowledge the contribution of", "To bring honour or repute upon", "to raise the estimation of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "credit", "num_translations": 45 }, "credit1": { "senses": [ "Reliance on the truth of something said or done", "faith", "trust", "Recognition and respect", "Acknowledgement of a contribution, especially in the performing arts", "Written titles and other information about the TV program or movie shown at the beginning and/or end of the TV program or movie", "A privilege of delayed payment extended to a buyer or borrower on the seller's or lender's belief that what is given will be repaid", "The time given for payment for something sold on trust", "An addition to certain accounts", "the side of an account on which payments received are entered", "A reduction in taxes owed, or a refund for excess taxes paid", "A source of value, distinction or honour", "An arbitrary unit of value, used in many token economies", "Recognition for having taken a course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unit" ], "word": "credit", "num_translations": 166 }, "cup": { "senses": [ "A concave vessel for drinking from, usually made of opaque material and with a handle", "The contents of said vessel", "A customary unit of measure", "The main knockout tournament in a country, organised alongside the league", "Any of various sweetened alcoholic drinks", "A rigid concave protective covering for the male genitalia", "One of the two parts of a brassiere which each cover a breast, used as a measurement of size", "A suit of the minor arcana in tarot, or one of the cards from the suit", "or those three players", "A flexible concave membrane used to temporarily attach a handle or hook to a flat surface by means of suction", "That which is to be received or indured", "that which is allotted to one", "a portion of blessings and afflictions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cup", "num_translations": 368 }, "comfort": { "senses": [ "Contentment, ease", "A consolation", "something relieving suffering or worry", "A cause of relief or satisfaction" ], "antonyms": [ "austerity" ], "synonyms": [ "liss" ], "word": "comfort", "num_translations": 118 }, "comfort1": { "senses": [ "To relieve the distress or suffering of", "To make strong", "to invigorate", "to fortify", "to corroborate", "To assist or help", "to aid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "besoothe" ], "word": "comfort", "num_translations": 53 }, "comfortable": { "senses": [ "Providing physical comfort and ease", "agreeable", "In a state of comfort and content", "Comforting, providing comfort", "consolatory", "Amply sufficient, satisfactory", "Strong", "vigorous", "valiant", "Serviceable", "helpful" ], "antonyms": [ "comfortless" ], "synonyms": [ "comforting", "safe" ], "word": "comfortable", "num_translations": 114 }, "copy": { "senses": [ "an identical duplicate of an original", "An imitation, sometimes of inferior quality", "The text that is to be typeset", "The text of newspaper articles", "A school work pad", "A printed edition of a book or magazine", "Writing paper of a particular size, called also bastard", "That which is to be imitated, transcribed, or reproduced", "a pattern, model, or example", "An abundance or plenty of anything", "tenure", "lease", "The result of gene or chromosomal duplication" ], "antonyms": [ "original" ], "synonyms": [ "duplicate", "facsimile", "image", "likeness", "reduplication", "replica", "replication", "reproduction", "simulacrum", "fake", "forgery", "phony", "sham" ], "word": "copy", "num_translations": 184 }, "copy1": { "senses": [ "To produce an object identical to a given object", "To imitate", "To receive a transmission successfully" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:imitate" ], "word": "copy", "num_translations": 131 }, "kitten": { "senses": [ "A young cat, especially before sexual maturity #* 1752 January, The London Magazine, and Monthly Chronologer, pages 243 and 244", "A young rabbit, rat, hedgehog, squirrel, fox, beaver, badger, etc", "A moth of the genus Furcula" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kitty" ], "word": "kitten", "num_translations": 171 }, "steward": { "senses": [ "A person who manages the property or affairs for another entity, particularly the chief administrator of a medieval manor", "A ship's officer who is in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions", "A flight attendant, a male flight attendant", "A union member who is selected as a representative for fellow workers in negotiating terms with management", "A person who has charge of buildings and/or grounds and/or animals", "A fiscal agent of certain bodies", "In some colleges, an officer who provides food for the students and superintends the kitchen", "also, an officer who attends to the accounts of the students", "In Scotland, a magistrate appointed by the crown to exercise jurisdiction over royal lands", "In information technology, somebody who is responsible for managing a set of projects, products or technologies and how they affect the IT organization to which they belong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bailiff", "air steward", "shop steward", "caretaker" ], "word": "steward", "num_translations": 68 }, "glottalstop": { "senses": [ "A plosive sound articulated with the glottis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glottal plosive", "hiatus" ], "word": "glottalstop", "num_translations": 34 }, "glottal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the glottis", "Articulated with the glottis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glottic", "glottidean" ], "word": "glottal", "num_translations": 15 }, "fool": { "senses": [ "A person with poor judgment or little intelligence", "A jester", "a person whose role was to entertain a sovereign and the court", "Someone who derives pleasure from something specified", "Buddy, dude, person", "A type of dessert made of pur\u00e9ed fruit and custard or cream", "A particular card in a tarot deck, representing a jester" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool", "jester", "gobshite" ], "word": "fool", "num_translations": 304 }, "fool1": { "senses": [ "To trick", "to deceive", "To act in an idiotic manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deceive" ], "word": "fool", "num_translations": 52 }, "sneeze": { "senses": [ "To expel air as a reflex induced by an irritation in the nose", "To expel air as if the nose were irritated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sternutate" ], "word": "sneeze", "num_translations": 149 }, "sneeze1": { "senses": [ "An act of sneezing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sternutation", "ptarmus" ], "word": "sneeze", "num_translations": 67 }, "belch": { "senses": [ "To expel loudly from the stomach through the mouth", "To eject or emit with spasmodic force or noise", "To be ejected or emitted with spasmodic force or noise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burp" ], "word": "belch", "num_translations": 84 }, "belch1": { "senses": [ "Malt liquor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burp" ], "word": "belch", "num_translations": 30 }, "snore": { "senses": [ "To breathe during sleep with harsh, snorting noises caused by vibration of the soft palate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saw wood" ], "word": "snore", "num_translations": 112 }, "snore1": { "senses": [ "The act of snoring, and the noise produced", "An extremely boring person or event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snoozefest", "snorefest" ], "word": "snore", "num_translations": 42 }, "figure": { "senses": [ "A drawing or diagram conveying information", "The representation of any form, as by drawing, painting, modelling, carving, embroidering, etc", "especially, a representation of the human body", "A person or thing representing a certain consciousness", "The appearance or impression made by the conduct or career of a person", "Distinguished appearance", "magnificence", "conspicuous representation", "splendour", "show", "the shape of a human body", "A numeral", "A number, an amount", "A shape", "A visible pattern as in wood or cloth", "Any complex dance moveW", "The form of a syllogism with respect to the relative position of the middle term", "A horoscope", "the diagram of the aspects of the astrological houses", "Any short succession of notes, either as melody or as a group of chords, which produce a single complete and distinct impression", "A form of melody or accompaniment kept up through a strain or passage", "a motif", "a florid embellishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "figure", "num_translations": 158 }, "figure1": { "senses": [ "To calculate, to solve a mathematical problem", "To come to understand", "To think, to assume, to suppose, to reckon", "To be reasonable", "To enter into", "to be a part of", "to make an image of, either palpable or ideal", "also, to fashion into a determinate form", "to shape", "To embellish with design", "To indicate by numerals", "To represent by a metaphor", "to signify or symbolize", "to foreshow", "To embellish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "figure", "num_translations": 32 }, "speech": { "senses": [ "The faculty of uttering articulate sounds or words", "the ability to speak or to use vocalizations to communicate", "A session of speaking, especially a long oral message given publicly by one person", "A style of speaking", "A dialect or language", "Talk", "mention", "rumour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monologue" ], "word": "speech", "num_translations": 205 }, "globe": { "senses": [ "Any spherical object", "The planet Earth", "A spherical model of Earth or any planet", "A light bulb", "A circular military formation used in Ancient Rome, corresponding to the modern infantry square", "A woman's breast", "A group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Earth" ], "word": "globe", "num_translations": 108 }, "flashlight": { "senses": [ "A battery-powered hand-held light source", "A flashgun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "torch" ], "word": "flashlight", "num_translations": 85 }, "address": { "senses": [ "a discourse or speech", "Manner of speaking to another", "delivery", "Skill", "skillful management", "dexterity", "adroitness", "Act of preparing oneself", "A description of the location of a property, usually with at least a street name and number", "The property itself", "A storage location in computer memory", "A text string designating a resource to be fetched, such as a web page", "a URL" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adroitness", "discourse", "harangue", "ingenuity", "lecture", "oration", "petition", "readiness", "speech", "tact" ], "word": "address", "num_translations": 236 }, "address1": { "senses": [ "To prepare oneself", "To direct speech", "To aim", "to direct", "To prepare or make ready", "To prepare oneself", "to apply one's skill or energies", "to betake", "To direct one's remarks", "To clothe or array", "to dress", "To direct, as words", "to make, as a speech, petition, etc", "To direct speech to", "to make a communication to, whether spoken or written", "to apply to by words, as by a speech, petition, etc, to speak to", "To direct in writing, as a letter", "to superscribe, or to direct and transmit", "To make suit to as a lover", "to court", "to woo", "To consign or entrust to the care of another, as agent or factor", "to prepare oneself for", "to apply oneself to", "to direct one's speech or discourse to", "To direct attention towards a problem or obstacle, in an attempt to resolve it", "To refer to a location in computer memory", "To get ready to hit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "address", "num_translations": 101 }, "study": { "senses": [ "To review materials already learned in order to make sure one does not forget them, usually in preparation for an examination", "To take a course or courses on a subject", "To acquire knowledge on a subject with the intention of applying it in practice", "To look at minutely", "To fix the mind closely upon a subject", "to dwell upon anything in thought", "to muse", "to ponder", "To endeavor diligently", "to be zealous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "con", "elucubrate", "research", "revise", "swot" ], "word": "study", "num_translations": 242 }, "study1": { "senses": [ "Mental effort to acquire knowledge or learning", "examination", "Any particular branch of learning that is studied", "any object of attentive consideration", "A room in a house intended for reading and writing", "traditionally the private room of the male head of household", "An artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique", "The human face, bearing an expression which the observer finds amusingly typical of a particular emotion or state of mind", "A piece for special practice", "an \u00e9tude", "An academic publication", "One who commits a theatrical part to memory", "A state of mental perplexity or worried thought", "Thought, as directed to a specific purpose", "one's concern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cabinet" ], "word": "study", "num_translations": 144 }, "sleepy": { "senses": [ "Tired", "feeling the need for sleep", "Suggesting tiredness", "Tending to induce sleep", "soporific", "Dull", "lazy", "heavy", "sluggish", "Quiet", "without bustle or activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tired", "Thesaurus:sleepy" ], "word": "sleepy", "num_translations": 98 }, "tabernacle": { "senses": [ "Any temporary dwelling", "a hut, tent, or booth", "The portable tent used before the construction of the temple, where the shekinah was believed to dwell", "The Jewish Temple at Jerusalem", "Any portable shrine used in heathen or idolatrous worship", "A small ornamented cupboard or box used for the reserved sacrament of the Eucharist, normally located in an especially prominent place in a Roman Catholic church", "A temporary place of worship, especially a tent, for a tent meeting, as with a venue for revival meetings", "Any house of worship", "used especially of Mormon churches", "Any abode or dwelling place, or especially the human body as the temporary dwelling place of the soul, or life", "A hinged device allowing for the easy folding of a mast 90 degrees from perpendicular, as for transporting the boat on a trailer, or passing under a bridge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tabernacle", "num_translations": 74 }, "vestry": { "senses": [ "A room in a church where the clergy put on their vestments and where these are stored", "also used for meetings and classes", "a sacristy", "A committee of parishioners elected to administer the temporal affairs of a parish", "An assembly of persons who manage parochial affairs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vestry", "num_translations": 14 }, "sinister": { "senses": [ "Inauspicious, ominous, unlucky, illegitimate", "Evil or seemingly evil", "indicating lurking danger or harm", "Of the left side", "On the left side of a shield from the wearer's standpoint, and the right side to the viewer", "Wrong, as springing from indirection or obliquity", "perverse", "dishonest" ], "antonyms": [ "dexter", "dexter" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sinister", "num_translations": 54 }, "rogue": { "senses": [ "A scoundrel, rascal or unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person", "A mischievous scamp", "A vagrant", "Deceitful software pretending to be anti-spyware, but in fact being malicious software itself", "An aggressive animal separate from the herd, especially an elephant", "A plant that shows some undesirable variation", "A character class focusing on stealthy conduct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:villain" ], "word": "rogue", "num_translations": 120 }, "fetish": { "senses": [ "Something which is believed to possess, contain, or cause spiritual or magical powers", "an amulet or a talisman", "Sexual attraction to or arousal at something sexual or nonsexual, such as an object or a part of the body", "An irrational, or abnormal fixation or preoccupation", "an obsession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fetish", "num_translations": 63 }, "library": { "senses": [ "An institution which holds books and/or other forms of media for use by the public or qualified people often lending them out, as well as providing various other services for its users", "Any institution that lends out its goods for use by the public or a community", "A collection of books or other forms of stored information", "A collection of software routines that provide functionality to be incorporated into or used by a computer program", "A collection of DNA material from a single organism or relative to a single disease", "The deck or draw pile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bookhouse" ], "word": "library", "num_translations": 284 }, "lunacy": { "senses": [ "The state of being mad, insanity", "Something deeply misguided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insanity" ], "word": "lunacy", "num_translations": 27 }, "qualify": { "senses": [ "To describe or characterize something by listing its qualities", "To make someone, or to become competent or eligible for some position or task", "To certify or license someone for something", "To modify, limit, restrict or moderate something", "especially to add conditions or requirements for an assertion to be true", "To mitigate, alleviate", "to make less disagreeable", "To compete successfully in some stage of a competition and become eligible for the next stage", "To give individual quality to", "to modulate", "to vary", "to regulate", "To throw and catch each object at least twice" ], "antonyms": [ "unqualify" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "qualify", "num_translations": 67 }, "revelation": { "senses": [ "The final book of the New Testament of the Bible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "The Apocalypse", "The Apocalypse of John", "The Book of Revelation", "The Revelation of St. John the Divine", "The Revelation to John" ], "word": "Revelation", "num_translations": 90 }, "reveal1": { "senses": [ "To uncover", "to show and display that which was hidden", "To communicate that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "uncover", "disclose" ], "word": "reveal", "num_translations": 77 }, "compel": { "senses": [ "To drive together, round up", "To overpower", "to subdue", "To force, constrain or coerce", "To exact, extort, produce by force", "To force to yield", "to overpower", "to subjugate", "To gather or unite in a crowd or company", "To call forth", "to summon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "compel", "num_translations": 72 }, "decision": { "senses": [ "The act of deciding", "A choice or judgement", "Firmness of conviction", "A result arrived at by the judges when there is no clear winner at the end of the contest", "A win or a loss awarded to a pitcher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "decision", "num_translations": 117 }, "delicate": { "senses": [ "Easily damaged or requiring careful handling", "Characterized by a fine structure or thin lines", "Intended for use with fragile items", "Refined", "gentle", "scrupulous not to trespass or offend", "considerate", "said of manners, conduct, or feelings", "Of weak health", "easily sick", "unable to endure hardship", "Unwell, especially because of having drunk too much alcohol", "Addicted to pleasure", "luxurious", "voluptuous", "alluring", "Pleasing to the senses", "refined", "adapted to please an elegant or cultivated taste", "Slight and shapely", "lovely", "graceful", "Light, or softly tinted", "said of a colour", "Of exacting tastes and habits", "dainty", "fastidious", "Highly discriminating or perceptive", "refinedly critical", "sensitive", "exquisite", "Affected by slight causes", "showing slight changes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fragile" ], "word": "delicate", "num_translations": 107 }, "dependent": { "senses": [ "Relying upon", "depending upon", "Having a probability that is affected by the outcome of a separate event", "Used in questions, negative sentences and after certain particles and prepositions", "Affecting the lower part of the body, such as the legs while standing up, or the back while supine", "Hanging down" ], "antonyms": [ "independent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dependent", "num_translations": 62 }, "desire": { "senses": [ "To want", "to wish for earnestly", "To put a request to", "to entreat", "To want emotionally or sexually", "To express a wish for", "to entreat", "to request", "To require", "to demand", "to claim", "To miss", "to regret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "desire", "num_translations": 145 }, "desire1": { "senses": [ "Someone or something wished for", "Strong attraction, particularly romantic or sexual", "The feeling of desiring", "an eager longing for something", "Motivation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wanna", "wanna" ], "word": "desire", "num_translations": 245 }, "endeavor1": { "senses": [ "To exert oneself", "To attempt through application of effort", "to try strenuously", "To attempt", "To work with purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "strive" ], "word": "endeavor", "num_translations": 53 }, "pee": { "senses": [ "Urine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:urine" ], "word": "pee", "num_translations": 57 }, "pee1": { "senses": [ "To urinate", "To drizzle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:urinate" ], "word": "pee", "num_translations": 72 }, "atm": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"automated teller machine\" or initialism of \"automatic teller machine\"", "Any source of a large amount of money", "initialism of \"Adobe Type Manager\"", "initialism of \"asynchronous transfer mode\"", "initialism of \"active traffic management\"", "initialism of \"advanced traffic management\"", "initialism of \"air traffic management\"", "initialism of \"available ton mile\"", "initialism of \"ass to mouth\"", "initialism of \"amateur telescope maker\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ATM", "num_translations": 66 }, "bowel": { "senses": [ "A part or division of the intestines, usually the large intestine", "The entrails or intestines", "the internal organs of the stomach", "The interior of something", "The seat of pity or the gentler emotions", "pity or mercy", "offspring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bowel", "num_translations": 73 }, "ticket": { "senses": [ "A pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc", "A pass entitling the holder to board a train, a bus, a plane, or other means of transportation", "A citation for a traffic violation", "A permit to operate a machine on a construction site", "A service request, used to track complaints or requests that an issue be handled", "A list of candidates for an election, or a particular theme to a candidate's manifesto", "A solution to a problem", "something that is needed", "A little note or notice", "A tradesman's bill or account", "A label affixed to goods to show their price or description", "A certificate or token of a share in a lottery or other scheme for distributing money, goods, etc", "A visiting card" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ticket", "num_translations": 244 }, "receipt": { "senses": [ "The act of receiving, or the fact of having been received", "The fact of having received a blow, injury etc", "A quantity or amount received", "takings", "A written acknowledgment that a specified article or sum of money has been received", "evidence, documentation, etc to prove one's past actions, accomplishments, etc", "evidence of past wrongdoing or problematic behavior or statements", "A recipe, instructions, prescription", "A receptacle", "A revenue office", "Reception, as an act of hospitality", "Capability of receiving", "capacity", "A recess", "a retired place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "receipt", "num_translations": 169 }, "token": { "senses": [ "Something serving as an expression of something else", "sign, symbol", "A keepsake, memento, souvenir", "A piece of stamped metal or plastic, etc, used as a substitute for money", "a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services", "Evidence, proof", "a confirming detail", "physical trace, mark, footprint", "Support for a belief", "grounds for an opinion", "reason, reasoning", "An extraordinary event serving as evidence of supernatural power, a miracle", "An object or disclosure to attest or authenticate the bearer or an instruction", "a password", "A seal guaranteeing the quality of an item", "Something given or shown as a symbol or guarantee of authority or right", "a sign of authenticity, of power, good faith", "A tally", "A particular thing to which a concept applies", "An atomic piece of data, such as a word, for which a meaning may be inferred during parsing Also called a symbol", "A meaningless placeholder used as a substitute for sensitive data", "A lexeme", "a basic, grammatically indivisible unit of a language such as a keyword, operator or identifier", "A single example of a certain word in a text or corpus, as opposed to a type", "A characteristic sign of a disease or of a bodily disorder, a symptom", "a sign of a bodily condition, recovery, or health", "A livid spot upon the body, indicating, or supposed to indicate, the approach of death", "Ten and a half quires, or, commonly, 250 sheets, of paper printed on both sides", "also, in some cases, the same number of sheets printed on one side, or half the number printed on both sides", "A bit of leather having a peculiar mark designating a particular miner Each hewer sends one of these with each corf or tub he has hewn", "A thin bed of coal indicating the existence of a thicker seam at no great distance", "A physical object used for exchange between drivers and signalmen on single track lines", "In a loom, a colored signal to show the weaver which shuttle to use", "A piece of metal given beforehand to each person in the congregation who is permitted to partake of the Lord's Supper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sign", "symbol" ], "word": "token", "num_translations": 89 }, "diagonal": { "senses": [ "Joining two nonadjacent vertices", "Having slanted or oblique lines or markings", "Having a slanted or oblique direction", "Of or related to the cater-corner legs of a quadruped, whether the front left and back right or front right and back left" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aslant" ], "word": "diagonal", "num_translations": 53 }, "diagonal1": { "senses": [ "A line joining non-adjacent vertices of a polygon", "Anything forming or resembling such a line, particularly:" ], "antonyms": [ "backslash" ], "synonyms": [ "bias", "slash" ], "word": "diagonal", "num_translations": 32 }, "source": { "senses": [ "The person, place or thing from which something comes or is acquired", "Spring", "fountainhead", "wellhead", "any collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates", "A reporter's informant", "The name of one terminal of a field effect transistor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wellspring" ], "word": "source", "num_translations": 156 }, "sauce": { "senses": [ "A liquid condiment or accompaniment to food", "Alcohol, booze", "Anabolic steroids", "A soft crayon for use in stump drawing or in shading with the stump", "alternative form of \"source\", often used when requesting the source of an image or other posted material", "Cheek", "impertinence", "backtalk", "sass", "Vegetables", "Any garden vegetables eaten with meat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sowl" ], "word": "sauce", "num_translations": 134 }, "peg": { "senses": [ "A cylindrical wooden or metal object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects", "A protrusion used to hang things on", "A support", "a reason", "a pretext", "A fixed exchange rate, where a currency's value is matched to the value of another currency or measure such as gold", "A small quantity of a strong alcoholic beverage", "A place formally allotted for fishing", "A leg or foot", "One of the pins of a musical instrument, on which the strings are strained", "A step", "a degree", "A topic of interest, such as an ongoing event or an anniversary, around which various features can be developed", "A stump" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shot" ], "word": "peg", "num_translations": 48 }, "peg1": { "senses": [ "To affix or pin", "To fix a value or price", "To throw", "To indicate or ascribe an attribute to", "To reach or exceed the maximum value on", "To engage in anal sex by penetrating with a dildo", "To keep working hard at something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peg", "num_translations": 23 }, "intestine": { "senses": [ "The alimentary canal of an animal through which food passes after having passed all stomachs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bowel", "gut", "tharm" ], "word": "intestine", "num_translations": 218 }, "geography": { "senses": [ "an atlas or gazetteer", "The study of the physical properties of the earth, including how humans affect and are affected by them", "Terrain: the physical properties of a region of the earth", "Any subject considered in terms of its physical distribution", "Similar books, studies, or regions concerning other planets", "The physical arrangement of any place, particularly a house", "The lavatory: a room used for urination and defecation", "The relative arrangement of the parts of anything", "A territory: a geographical area as a field of business or market sector" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loo" ], "word": "geography", "num_translations": 133 }, "geologist": { "senses": [ "A person who is skilled at geology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geologer" ], "word": "geologist", "num_translations": 45 }, "exoteric": { "senses": [ "Suitable to be imparted to the public without secrecy or other reserves", "Accessible", "capable of being readily or fully comprehended", "or, having an obvious application", "Public or popular", "having wide currency", "External" ], "antonyms": [ "arcane", "esoteric", "exclusive", "cerebral" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "exoteric", "num_translations": 19 }, "underwater": { "senses": [ "beneath the surface of the water, or of or pertaining to the region beneath the water surface", "beneath the water line of a vessel", "Under water", "having negative equity", "owing more on an asset than its market value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subaqueous", "subaquatic", "submarine", "upside down" ], "word": "underwater", "num_translations": 34 }, "battery": { "senses": [ "A device used to power electric devices, consisting of a set of electrically connected electrochemical or, archaically, electrostatic cells A single such cell when used by itself", "The infliction of unlawful physical violence on a person, legally distinguished from assault, which includes the threat of impending violence", "A coordinated group of artillery weapons", "An elevated platform on which cannon could be placed", "An array of similar things", "A set of small cages where hens are kept for the purpose of farming their eggs", "The catcher and the pitcher together", "Two or more major pieces on the same rank, file, or diagonal", "A marching percussion ensemble", "a drumline", "The state of a firearm when it is possible to be fired", "Apparatus for preparing or serving meals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "battery", "num_translations": 227 }, "gig": { "senses": [ "A performing engagement by a musical group", "or, generally, any job or role, especially for a musician or performer", "Any job", "especially one that is temporary", "or alternately, one that is very desirable", "A forked spear for catching fish, frogs, or other small animals", "A two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage", "A six-oared sea rowing boat commonly found in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly", "A demerit received for some infraction of military dress or deportment codes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leister" ], "word": "gig", "num_translations": 68 }, "fertility": { "senses": [ "The condition, or the degree, of being fertile", "The birthrate of a population", "the number of live births per 1000 people per year", "The average number of births per woman within a population" ], "antonyms": [ "infertility" ], "synonyms": [ "fecundity" ], "word": "fertility", "num_translations": 42 }, "infertile": { "senses": [ "Not fertile" ], "antonyms": [ "fertile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "infertile", "num_translations": 55 }, "fertile": { "senses": [ "capable of growing abundant crops", "productive", "capable of reproducing", "fecund, fruitful", "capable of developing past the egg stage", "productive or prolific" ], "antonyms": [ "barren", "infertile" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:productive", "fecund" ], "word": "fertile", "num_translations": 109 }, "trio": { "senses": [ "A group of three people or things", "A group of three musicians", "A piece of music written for three musicians", "A passage in the middle of a minuet, frequently in a different key", "Any cocktail made with a spirit, a liqueur, and a creamy ingredient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "threesome" ], "word": "trio", "num_translations": 42 }, "destruction": { "senses": [ "The act of destroying", "The results of a destructive event" ], "antonyms": [ "construction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "destruction", "num_translations": 100 }, "destroy": { "senses": [ "To damage beyond use or repair", "To cause destruction", "To neutralize, undo a property or condition", "To put down or euthanize", "To severely disrupt the well-being of", "ruin", "To defeat soundly", "To remove data", "To sing a song poorly" ], "antonyms": [ "build", "construct", "create", "make", "raise", "repair" ], "synonyms": [ "annihilate", "break", "demolish", "kill", "ruin", "waste", "Thesaurus:destroy" ], "word": "destroy", "num_translations": 214 }, "detail": { "senses": [ "Something small enough to escape casual notice", "The small things that can escape casual notice", "Something considered trivial enough to ignore", "A person's name, address and other personal information", "A temporary unit or assignment", "An individual feature, fact, or other item, considered separately from the whole of which it is a part", "A narrative which relates minute points", "an account which dwells on particulars", "a selected portion of a painting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "minutia", "particular", "contingent", "portion" ], "word": "detail", "num_translations": 131 }, "detail1": { "senses": [ "to clean carefully", "to assign to a particular task" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "specify", "detach" ], "word": "detail", "num_translations": 37 }, "scum": { "senses": [ "A layer of impurities that accumulates at the surface of a liquid", "A greenish water vegetation , usually found floating on the surface of ponds", "The topmost liquid layer of a cesspool or septic tank", "semen", "A reprehensible person or persons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dross", "cinder", "bastard" ], "word": "scum", "num_translations": 68 }, "jam": { "senses": [ "A difficult situation", "Blockage, congestion", "An informal, impromptu performance or rehearsal", "A song", "a track", "An informal event where people brainstorm and collaborate on projects", "A difficult situation for a pitcher or defending team", "A forceful dunk", "A play during which points can be scored", "Any of several maneuvers requiring wedging of an extremity into a tight space", "luck", "sexual relations or the contemplation of them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conserve", "Thesaurus:difficult situation" ], "word": "jam", "num_translations": 185 }, "jam1": { "senses": [ "To get something stuck in a confined space", "To brusquely force something into a space", "cram, squeeze", "To cause congestion or blockage Often used with \"up\"", "To block or confuse a broadcast signal", "To throw a pitch at or near the batter's hands", "To play music", "To injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of the digit's tip", "To attempt to score points", "To bring so close to the wind that half her upper sails are laid aback", "To give up on a date or some joint endeavour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ram" ], "word": "jam", "num_translations": 74 }, "swig": { "senses": [ "To drink", "to quaff", "To suck", "To take up the last bit of slack in rigging by taking a single turn around a cleat, then hauling on the line above and below the cleat while keeping tension on the line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drink" ], "word": "swig", "num_translations": 19 }, "swig1": { "senses": [ "Drink, liquor", "A long draught from a drink", "A person who drinks deeply", "A tackle with ropes which are not parallel", "Warm beer flavoured with spices, lemon, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drink" ], "word": "swig", "num_translations": 10 }, "dandy": { "senses": [ "Very good", "better than expected but not as good as could be", "Excellent", "first-rate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all very well" ], "word": "dandy", "num_translations": 22 }, "fop": { "senses": [ "A vain man", "a dandy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dandy" ], "word": "fop", "num_translations": 23 }, "sleeve": { "senses": [ "The part of a garment that covers the arm", "A covering or lining to protect a piece of machinery etc", "A protective jacket or case, especially for a record, containing art and information about the contents", "also the analogous leaflet found in a packaged CD", "A tattoo covering the whole arm", "A narrow channel of water", "sleave", "untwisted thread", "A serving of beer measuring between 14 and 16 ounces", "A long, cylindrical plastic bag of cookies or crackers", "A double tube of copper into which the ends of bare wires are pushed so that when the tube is twisted an electrical connection is made The joint thus made is called a McIntire joint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sleeve", "num_translations": 227 }, "spout1": { "senses": [ "To gush forth in a jet or stream", "To eject water or liquid in a jet", "To speak tediously or pompously", "To utter magniloquently", "to recite in an oratorical or pompous manner", "To pawn", "to pledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spout", "num_translations": 40 }, "sprout1": { "senses": [ "To grow from seed", "to germinate", "To cause to grow from a seed", "To emerge haphazardly from a surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sprout", "num_translations": 59 }, "incubus": { "senses": [ "An evil spirit supposed to oppress people while asleep, especially to have sex with women as they sleep", "A feeling of oppression during sleep, sleep paralysis", "night terrors, a nightmare", "Any oppressive thing or person", "a burden", "One of various of parasitic insects, especially subfamily Aphidiinae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incubus", "num_translations": 74 }, "portal": { "senses": [ "An entrance, entry point, or means of entry", "A website or page that acts as an entrance to other websites or pages on the Internet", "A short vein that carries blood into the liver", "A magical or technological doorway leading to another location, period in time or dimension", "A lesser gate, where there are two of different dimensions", "Formerly, a small square corner in a room separated from the rest of an apartment by wainscoting, forming a short passage to another apartment", "A grandiose and often lavish entrance", "The space, at one end, between opposite trusses when these are terminated by inclined braces", "A prayer book or breviary", "a portass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "portal", "num_translations": 72 }, "toss": { "senses": [ "A throw, a lob, of a ball etc, with an initial upward direction, particularly with a lack of care", "A haughty throwing up of the head", "A state of agitation", "commotion", "A measure of sprats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toss", "num_translations": 36 }, "toss1": { "senses": [ "To throw with an initial upward direction", "To lift with a sudden or violent motion", "To agitate", "to make restless", "To subject to trials", "to harass", "To flip a coin, to decide a point of contention", "To stir or mix", "To masturbate", "To search , sometimes leaving visible disorder, as for valuables or evidence of a crime", "To roll and tumble", "to be in violent commotion", "To keep in play", "to tumble over", "To peak , to lift them from the rowlocks and hold them perpendicularly, the handle resting on the bottom of the boat", "To drink in large draughts", "to gulp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toss", "num_translations": 86 }, "jelly": { "senses": [ "A dessert made by boiling gelatine, sugar and some flavouring and allowing it to set, known as \"jello\" in North America", "A clear or translucent fruit preserve, made from fruit juice and set using either naturally occurring, or added, pectin Known as \"jam\" in Commonwealth English", "A savoury substance, derived from meat, that has the same texture as the dessert", "A pretty girl", "a girlfriend", "A large backside, especially a woman's", "clipping of \"gelignite\"", "Blood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jello", "Jell-O", "jam" ], "word": "jelly", "num_translations": 116 }, "pejorative": { "senses": [ "Disparaging, belittling or derogatory" ], "antonyms": [ "approbative", "eulogistic", "meliorative" ], "synonyms": [ "derogatory", "dyslogistic" ], "word": "pejorative", "num_translations": 51 }, "pejorative1": { "senses": [ "A disparaging, belittling, or derogatory word or expression" ], "antonyms": [ "euphemism" ], "synonyms": [ "dyslogism", "dysphemism" ], "word": "pejorative", "num_translations": 33 }, "frost": { "senses": [ "The cold weather that causes these ice crystals to form", "Coldness or insensibility", "severity or rigidity of character", "The act of freezing", "the congelation of water or other liquid", "A disappointment", "a cheat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frost", "num_translations": 218 }, "frost1": { "senses": [ "To anger or annoy", "To sharpen to prevent it from slipping on ice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frost", "num_translations": 37 }, "rescue": { "senses": [ "To save from any violence, danger or evil", "To free or liberate from confinement or other physical restraint", "To recover forcibly", "To deliver by arms, notably from a siege", "To remove or withdraw from a state of exposure to evil and sin", "To achieve something positive under difficult conditions" ], "antonyms": [ "abandon", "endanger", "enslave", "bind", "kidnap", "arrest", "corrupt" ], "synonyms": [ "free", "liberate", "release", "recapture", "liberate", "redeem" ], "word": "rescue", "num_translations": 109 }, "rescue1": { "senses": [ "An act or episode of rescuing, saving", "A liberation, freeing", "The forcible ending of a siege", "liberation from similar military peril", "A special airliner flight to bring home passengers who are stranded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rescue", "num_translations": 62 }, "development": { "senses": [ "The process of developing", "growth, directed change", "The process by which a mature multicellular organism or part of an organism is produced by the addition of new cells", "Something which has developed", "A project consisting of one or more commercial or residential buildings", "The building of such a project", "The application of new ideas to practical problems", "The active placement of the pieces, or the process of achieving it", "The process by in which previous material is transformed and restated", "The second section of a piece of music in sonata form, in which the original theme is revisited in altered and varying form", "The expression of a function in the form of a series" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "development", "num_translations": 140 }, "develop": { "senses": [ "To change with a specific direction, progress", "To progress through a sequence of stages", "To advance", "to further", "to promote the growth of", "To create", "To bring out images latent in photographic film", "To acquire something usually over a period of time", "To place one's pieces actively", "To cause a ball to become more open and available to be played on later Usually by moving it away from the cushion, or by opening a pack", "To change the form of by executing certain indicated operations without changing the value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "develop", "num_translations": 193 }, "onsale": { "senses": [ "Available for purchase", "Available for purchase at reduced prices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for sale", "on offer" ], "word": "onsale", "num_translations": 36 }, "moccasin": { "senses": [ "A traditional Native North American shoe, usually without a heel or sole, made of a piece of deerskin or other soft leather turned up at the edges which are either stitched together at the top of the shoe, or sewn to a vamp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moc" ], "word": "moccasin", "num_translations": 41 }, "fiction": { "senses": [ "Literary type using invented or imaginative writing, instead of real facts, usually written as prose", "A verbal or written account that is not based on actual events" ], "antonyms": [ "documentary", "fact", "non-fiction", "truth" ], "synonyms": [ "fabrication", "figment" ], "word": "fiction", "num_translations": 91 }, "whitecoffee": { "senses": [ "Coffee with milk added", "A serving of such" ], "antonyms": [ "black coffee" ], "synonyms": [ "coffee with milk" ], "word": "whitecoffee", "num_translations": 17 }, "fabricate": { "senses": [ "To form into a whole by uniting its parts", "to construct", "to build", "To form by art and labor", "to manufacture", "to produce", "To invent and form", "to forge", "to devise falsely", "To cut up an animal as preparation for cooking, particularly used in reference to fowl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manufacture" ], "word": "fabricate", "num_translations": 66 }, "kid": { "senses": [ "A young goat", "The meat of a young goat", "A young antelope", "A child , teenager, or young adult", "a juvenile", "An inexperienced person or one in a junior position", "A small wooden mess tub in which sailors received their food", "A person whose childhood took place in a particular time period or area", "One's son or daughter, regardless of age", "Used as a form of address for a child, teenager or young adult", "A deception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kid leather", "cabrito", "Thesaurus:child" ], "word": "kid", "num_translations": 233 }, "kid1": { "senses": [ "To make a fool of", "To dupe or deceive", "To make a joke with", "To joke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kid", "num_translations": 46 }, "wanker": { "senses": [ "A person who wanks", "An idiot, a stupid person", "An annoying person", "An ineffectual person", "Someone who shows off too much, a poser or poseur", "someone who is overly self-satisfied", "A very informal address used between friends" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tosser" ], "word": "wanker", "num_translations": 72 }, "ocean": { "senses": [ "One of the large bodies of water separating the continents", "An immense expanse", "any vast space or quantity without apparent limits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the ogin" ], "word": "ocean", "num_translations": 251 }, "telescope": { "senses": [ "A monocular optical instrument that magnifies distant objects, especially in astronomy", "Any instrument used in astronomy for observing distant objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "optical telescope", "radio telescope", "reflecting telescope", "refracting telescope", "terrestrial telescope", "X-ray telescope" ], "word": "telescope", "num_translations": 124 }, "headache": { "senses": [ "A pain or ache in the head", "A nuisance or unpleasant problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cephalalgia", "bother" ], "word": "headache", "num_translations": 125 }, "location": { "senses": [ "A particular point or place in physical space", "An act of locating", "An apartheid-era urban area populated by non-white people", "township", "A leasing on rent", "A contract for the use of a thing, or service of a person, for hire", "The marking out of the boundaries, or identifying the place or site of, a piece of land, according to the description given in an entry, plan, map, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "place" ], "word": "location", "num_translations": 98 }, "callipygian": { "senses": [ "Having beautifully shaped buttocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bootylicious" ], "word": "callipygian", "num_translations": 13 }, "eunuch": { "senses": [ "A castrated human male", "Such a man employed as harem guard or in certain monarchies as court or state officials", "A man who is not inclined to marry and procreate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gelding" ], "word": "eunuch", "num_translations": 100 }, "latte": { "senses": [ "A drink of coffee made from espresso and steamed milk, generally topped with foam", "A similar drink, where the espresso is replaced with some other flavoring ingredient such as chai, mat\u00e9 or matcha" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caffe latte", "cafe latt\u00e9", "coffee latt\u00e9" ], "word": "latte", "num_translations": 26 }, "recursive": { "senses": [ "drawing upon itself, referring back", "of an expression, each term of which is determined by applying a formula to preceding terms", "of a program or function that calls itself", "which can be computed by a theoretical model of a computer, in a finite amount of time" ], "antonyms": [ "non-recursive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "recursive", "num_translations": 41 }, "recur": { "senses": [ "To have recourse someone or something for assistance, support etc", "To happen again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "repeat" ], "word": "recur", "num_translations": 17 }, "baluster": { "senses": [ "A short column used in a group to support a rail, as commonly found on the side of a stairway", "a banister" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banister" ], "word": "baluster", "num_translations": 27 }, "lung": { "senses": [ "A biological organ that controls breathing, and oxygenates the blood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bellows", "lights" ], "word": "lung", "num_translations": 199 }, "hendecagon": { "senses": [ "a polygon with eleven edges and eleven angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "11-gon", "undecagon" ], "word": "hendecagon", "num_translations": 13 }, "trap": { "senses": [ "A machine or other device designed to catch animals, either by holding them in a container, or by catching hold of part of the body", "A trick or arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense", "a snare", "A covering over a hole or opening", "Any device used to hold and suddenly release an object", "A bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents the escape of noxious gases, but permits the flow of liquids", "A place in a water pipe, pump, etc, where air accumulates for lack of an outlet", "A light two-wheeled carriage with springs", "A person's mouth", "Belongings", "A cubicle", "A geological structure that creates a petroleum reservoir", "An exception generated by the processor or by an external event", "A mining license inspector during the Australian gold rush", "A vehicle, residential building, or sidewalk corner where drugs are manufactured, packaged, or sold", "A kind of movable stepladder", "A non-op trans woman or transvestite Some speakers distinguish the term from transgender on the basis of self-designation", "A fictional character from anime, or related media, who is coded as or has qualities typically associated with a gender other than the character's textual gender", "A genre of hip-hop music, with half-time drums and heavy sub-bass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trap", "num_translations": 167 }, "trap1": { "senses": [ "To ensnare", "to take by stratagem", "To leave suddenly, to flee", "To sell illegal drugs, especially in a public area", "To capture in order to handle or process it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trap", "num_translations": 31 }, "betimes": { "senses": [ "In good season or time", "early, especially in the morning", "seasonably", "In a short time, soon", "quickly, forthwith" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "betimes", "num_translations": 16 }, "den": { "senses": [ "A small cavern or hollow place in the side of a hill, or among rocks", "especially, a cave used by a wild animal for shelter or concealment", "A squalid or wretched place", "a haunt", "A comfortable room not used for formal entertaining", "A narrow glen", "a ravine", "a dell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lair" ], "word": "den", "num_translations": 135 }, "faitaccompli": { "senses": [ "An accomplished fact, something that has already occurred", "a \"done deal\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "done deal" ], "word": "faitaccompli", "num_translations": 28 }, "bout": { "senses": [ "A period of something, usually painful or unpleasant", "A boxing match", "An assault at which the score is kept", "A roller derby match", "A fighting competition", "A bulge or widening in a musical instrument, such as either of the two characteristic bulges of a guitar", "The going and returning of a plough, or other implement used to mark the ground and create a headland, across a field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bout", "num_translations": 18 }, "direction": { "senses": [ "A theoretical line followed from a point of origin or towards a destination May be relative , geographical , rotational , or with respect to an object or location", "A general trend for future action", "Guidance, instruction", "The work of the director in cinema or theater", "the skill of directing a film, play etc", "The body of persons who guide or manage a matter", "the directorate", "A person's address" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "direction", "num_translations": 158 }, "up": { "senses": [ "Away from the surface of the Earth or other planet", "in opposite direction to the downward pull of gravity", "Used as an aspect marker to indicate a completed action or state", "thoroughly, completely", "To or from one's possession or consideration", "North", "To a higher level of some quantity or notional quantity, such as price, volume, pitch, happiness, etc", "To or in a position of equal advance or equality", "not short of, back of, less advanced than, away from, etc", "usually followed by to or with", "Aside, so as not to be in use", "Traditional term for the direction leading to the principal terminus, towards milepost zero", "Against the wind or current", "In a positive vertical direction", "Relatively close to the batsman", "Without additional ice", "Towards Cambridge or Oxford" ], "antonyms": [ "down", "down", "down", "down" ], "synonyms": [ "alley oop" ], "word": "up", "num_translations": 164 }, "up1": { "senses": [ "Toward the top of", "Toward the center, source, or main point of reference", "toward the end at which something is attached", "Further along", "From south to north of", "From the mouth towards the source", "Of a man: having sex with", "At" ], "antonyms": [ "down" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "up", "num_translations": 57 }, "up2": { "senses": [ "Awake", "Finished, to an end", "In a good mood", "Willing", "ready", "Next in a sequence", "Happening", "new", "facing toward the top", "Larger", "greater in quantity", "Ahead", "leading", "winning", "Standing", "On a higher level", "Available", "made public", "Said of the higher-ranking pair in a two pair", "Well-informed", "current", "Functional", "working", "Traveling towards a major terminus", "Chilled and strained into a stemmed glass", "Erect", "Above the horizon, in the sky", "well-known", "renowned", "Riding the horse", "mounted" ], "antonyms": [ "down", "down", "down", "down" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "up", "num_translations": 124 }, "up4": { "senses": [ "To increase or raise", "To promote", "To act suddenly, usually with another verb", "To ascend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turn up" ], "word": "up", "num_translations": 29 }, "she-wolf": { "senses": [ "A female wolf", "A predatory woman" ], "antonyms": [ "he-wolf" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "she-wolf", "num_translations": 63 }, "wolfcub": { "senses": [ "A young wolf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wolfkin" ], "word": "wolfcub", "num_translations": 55 }, "caterpillar": { "senses": [ "The larva of a butterfly or moth", "leafworm", "a crawler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leafworm" ], "word": "caterpillar", "num_translations": 193 }, "powerful": { "senses": [ "Having, or capable of exerting power, potency or influence", "Large", "capacious", "said of veins of ore" ], "antonyms": [ "powerless", "strengthless" ], "synonyms": [ "mightful", "mighty", "powersome", "strengthful", "strong", "forceful" ], "word": "powerful", "num_translations": 104 }, "zit": { "senses": [ "pimple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acker" ], "word": "zit", "num_translations": 12 }, "rent": { "senses": [ "A payment made by a tenant at intervals in order to occupy a property", "A similar payment for the use of equipment or a service", "A profit from possession of a valuable right, as a restricted license to engage in a trade or business", "Income", "revenue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rent", "num_translations": 110 }, "discovery": { "senses": [ "Something discovered", "The discovering of new things", "An act of uncovering or revealing something", "a revelation", "A pre-trial phase in which evidence is gathered", "Materials revealed to the opposing party during the pre-trial phase in which evidence is gathered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "discovery", "num_translations": 102 }, "discover": { "senses": [ "To find or learn something for the first time", "To remove the cover from", "to uncover", "To expose, uncover", "To create by moving a piece out of another piece's line of attack", "To reveal", "to divulge, make known", "To reconnoitre, explore", "To manifest without design", "to show", "to exhibit" ], "antonyms": [ "conceal" ], "synonyms": [ "expose", "come across" ], "word": "discover", "num_translations": 150 }, "interregnum": { "senses": [ "The period of time between the end of a sovereign's reign and the accession of another sovereign", "A period of time during which normal executive leadership is suspended or interrupted", "An intermission in any order of succession", "any breach of continuity in action or influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus" ], "word": "interregnum", "num_translations": 24 }, "drawbridge": { "senses": [ "A hinged bridge which can be raised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bascule bridge" ], "word": "drawbridge", "num_translations": 35 }, "cambridge": { "senses": [ "village/county seat co/Henry County s/Illinois c/USA", "city/county seat co/Dorchester County s/Maryland c/USA", "city co/Middlesex County s/Massachusetts c/USA, famous for being the location of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology It was formerly one of the county seats", "city/county seat co/Isanti County s/Minnesota c/USA", "city/county seat co/Guernsey County s/Ohio c/USA", "town/and/village co/Lamoille County s/Vermont c/USA", "A city in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada", "town in the r/Waikato c/New Zealand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Cambridge", "num_translations": 43 }, "vendor": { "senses": [ "A person or a company that vends or sells", "A vending machine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "merchant", "seller" ], "word": "vendor", "num_translations": 98 }, "snare": { "senses": [ "A trap", "A mental or psychological trap", "A loop of cord used in obstetric cases, to hold or to pull a fetus from the mother animal", "A similar looped instrument formerly used to remove tumours etc", "A set of stiff wires held under tension against the lower skin of a drum to create a rattling sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snare", "num_translations": 109 }, "maniac": { "senses": [ "An insane person, especially one who suffers from a mania", "A fanatic, a person with an obsession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "madling" ], "word": "maniac", "num_translations": 49 }, "longfor": { "senses": [ "To have a desire for", "to yearn for", "to crave for", "to pine for", "to hanker for", "To miss someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "longfor", "num_translations": 42 }, "connect": { "senses": [ "To join : to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to another object", "To join: to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to each other", "To join , or to join to : to be a link between two objects, thereby attaching them to each other", "To join , or to join to : to take one object and attach it to another", "To join an electrical or telephone line to a circuit or network", "To associate", "to establish a relation between", "to switch from one means of transport to another as part of the same trip" ], "antonyms": [ "disconnect" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "connect", "num_translations": 107 }, "seizetheday": { "senses": [ "To enjoy the present and not worry about the future", "to live for the moment", "To make the most of today by achieving fulfillment in a philosophical or spiritual sense", "To attack the day's efforts with vigor and purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carpe diem" ], "word": "seizetheday", "num_translations": 18 }, "isleofman": { "senses": [ "island sea/Irish Sea, a British Crown dependency that is part of the British Isles but not of the United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Man" ], "word": "IsleofMan", "num_translations": 47 }, "chickadee": { "senses": [ "A small passerine bird of the genus Parus or the family Paridae", "Affectionate term of address" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tit", "titmouse" ], "word": "chickadee", "num_translations": 63 }, "soul": { "senses": [ "The spirit or essence of a person usually thought to consist of one's thoughts and personality Often believed to live on after the person's death", "The spirit or essence of anything", "Life, energy, vigor", "A person, especially as one among many", "An individual life", ":" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crux", "Thesaurus:person" ], "word": "soul", "num_translations": 287 }, "holyspirit": { "senses": [ "The aspect of the Trinity or Godhead corresponding to divine essence present in the faithful and considered to proceed either from God the Father alone or from Him together with God the Son", "The spirit of God, especially the gifts of wisdom and prophecy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "God the Holy Spirit", "Holy Ghost", "Comforter", "Spirit", "Perfecter of the Elect", "Shekinah" ], "word": "HolySpirit", "num_translations": 106 }, "tape": { "senses": [ "Flexible material in a roll with a sticky surface on one or both sides", "Thin and flat paper, plastic or similar flexible material, usually produced in the form of a roll", "Magnetic or optical recording media in a roll", "Any video or audio recording, regardless of the method used to produce it", "An unthinking, patterned response triggered by a particular stimulus", "The series of prices at which a financial instrument trades", "The wrapping of the primary puck-handling surface of a hockey stick", "A strong flexible band rotating on pulleys for directing the sheets in a printing machine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tape", "num_translations": 43 }, "canard": { "senses": [ "A false or misleading report or story, especially if deliberately so", "A type of aircraft in which the primary horizontal control and stabilization surfaces are in front of the main wing", "Any small winglike structure on a vehicle, usually used for stabilization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoax" ], "word": "canard", "num_translations": 44 }, "confidence": { "senses": [ "Self-assurance", "A feeling of certainty", "firm trust or belief", "faith", "Information held in secret", "Boldness", "presumption" ], "antonyms": [ "timidity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "confidence", "num_translations": 142 }, "confident": { "senses": [ "Very sure of something", "positive" ], "antonyms": [ "insecure" ], "synonyms": [ "self-assured" ], "word": "confident", "num_translations": 48 }, "acknowledge": { "senses": [ "To admit the knowledge of", "to recognize as a fact or truth", "to declare one's belief in", "To own or recognize in a particular quality, character or relationship", "to admit the claims or authority of", "to give recognition to", "To be grateful of", "To report", "To own as genuine or valid", "to assent to to give it validity", "to avow or admit in legal form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "avow" ], "word": "acknowledge", "num_translations": 85 }, "acquaintance": { "senses": [ "A state of being acquainted with a person", "originally indicating friendship, intimacy, but now suggesting a slight knowledge less deep than that of friendship", "A person or persons with whom one is acquainted", "Such people collectively", "Personal knowledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "familiarity", "Thesaurus:acquaintance" ], "word": "acquaintance", "num_translations": 112 }, "acquiesce": { "senses": [ ") To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discontent", "to accept or consent by silence or by omitting to object", "To concur upon conviction", "to assent to", "usually, to concur, not heartily but so far as to forbear opposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accept", "agree", "assent", "comply", "concur", "consent", "submit", "yield" ], "word": "acquiesce", "num_translations": 25 }, "acquiescence": { "senses": [ "A silent or passive assent or submission, or a submission with apparent content", "- distinguished from avowed consent on the one hand, and on the other, from opposition or open discontent", "quiet satisfaction", "Inaction, passivity, or neglect to take legal action when it is called for in order to assert, preserve, or safeguard a right, and which inaction implies the abandonment of said right" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sufferance" ], "word": "acquiescence", "num_translations": 28 }, "acquire": { "senses": [ "To get", "To gain, usually by one's own exertions", "to get as one's own", "To contract", "To sample signals and convert them into digital values" ], "antonyms": [ "abandon" ], "synonyms": [ "attain" ], "word": "acquire", "num_translations": 97 }, "acquittal": { "senses": [ "The act of fulfilling the duties", "A legal decision that someone is not guilty with which they have been charged, or the formal dismissal of a charge by some other legal process", "Payment of a debt or other obligation", "reparations, amends", "The act of releasing someone from debt or other obligation", "acquittance", "Avoidance of danger", "deliverance" ], "antonyms": [ "conviction", "condemnation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "acquittal", "num_translations": 33 }, "acrid": { "senses": [ "Sharp and harsh, or bitter and not to the taste", "pungent", "Causing heat and irritation", "corrosive", "Caustic", "bitter", "bitterly irritating" ], "antonyms": [ "delectable", "delicious", "tasteful" ], "synonyms": [ "acerbic", "acrimonious" ], "word": "acrid", "num_translations": 44 }, "out": { "senses": [ "Away from the inside or the centre", "Away from home or one's usual place", "not indoors", "Away from", "at a distance", "Into a state of non-operation", "into non-existence", "To the end", "completely", "Used to intensify or emphasize", "So as to be visible in the sky, and not covered by clouds, fog, etc", "Of a player, so as to be disqualified from playing further by some action of a member of the opposing team" ], "antonyms": [ "in" ], "synonyms": [ "away" ], "word": "out", "num_translations": 91 }, "out1": { "senses": [ "Away from the inside" ], "antonyms": [ "in" ], "synonyms": [ "through" ], "word": "out", "num_translations": 18 }, "out2": { "senses": [ "A means of exit, escape, reprieve, etc", "A dismissal", "a state in which a member of the batting team finishes his turn at bat, due to the application of various rules of the game, such as the bowler knocking over the batsman's wicket with the ball", "A card which can make a hand a winner", "a nook or corner", "an open space", "A word or words omitted by the compositor in setting up copy", "an omission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "out", "num_translations": 13 }, "out4": { "senses": [ "Not at home", "not at one's office or place of employment", "Released, available for purchase, download or other use", "(in various games", "used especially of a batsman or batter in cricket or baseball) Dismissed from play under the rules of the game", "Openly acknowledging that one is queer and/or genderqueer", "In bloom", "Visible in the sky", "not obscured by clouds", "Not shining or burning", "Discarded", "no longer a possibility", "No longer popular or in fashion", "no longer in possession of", "not having more", "Containing errors or discrepancies", "in error by a stated amount", "Of a young lady: having entered society and available to be courted" ], "antonyms": [ "in", "closeted" ], "synonyms": [ "openly", "d\u00e9mod\u00e9" ], "word": "out", "num_translations": 14 }, "fairy": { "senses": [ "The realm of faerie", "enchantment, illusion", "A mythical being with magical powers, known in many sizes and descriptions, although often depicted in modern illustrations only as a small sprite with gauze-like wings, and revered in some modern forms of paganism", "An enchantress, or creature of overpowering charm", "A male homosexual, especially one who is effeminate", "A member of two species of hummingbird in the genus Heliothryx" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fay", "fag" ], "word": "fairy", "num_translations": 162 }, "buttock": { "senses": [ "Each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body between the base of the back, the perineum and the top of the legs", "The convexity of a ship behind, under the stern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asscheek", "butt-cheek", "arsecheek", "bum-cheek", "cheek", "ham", "mound", "hurdies", "Thesaurus:buttocks" ], "word": "buttock", "num_translations": 186 }, "tale": { "senses": [ "An account of an asserted fact or circumstance", "a rumour", "a report, especially an idle or malicious story", "a piece of gossip or slander", "a lie", "A rehearsal of what has occurred", "narrative", "discourse", "statement", "history", "story", "A number told or counted off", "a reckoning by count", "an enumeration", "The fraudulent opportunity presented by a confidence man to the mark or victim", "Number", "tally", "quota", "Account", "estimation", "regard", "heed", "Speech", "language", "A speech", "a statement", "talk", "conversation", "discourse", "A count", "declaration", "A number of things considered as an aggregate", "sum", "A report of any matter", "a relation", "a version" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tale", "num_translations": 132 }, "candyfloss": { "senses": [ "Heated sugar spun into thin threads and collected into a mass, usually on a stick" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cotton candy", "fairy floss" ], "word": "candyfloss", "num_translations": 62 }, "instrument": { "senses": [ "A device used to produce music", "A means or agency for achieving an effect", "A measuring or displaying device", "A tool, implement used for manipulation or measurement", "A legal document, such as a contract, deed, trust, mortgage, power, indenture, or will", "A person used as a mere tool for achieving a goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:instrument" ], "word": "instrument", "num_translations": 182 }, "active": { "senses": [ "Having the power or quality of acting", "causing change", "communicating action or motion", "acting", "\u2014opposed to passive, that receives", "Quick in physical movement", "of an agile and vigorous body", "nimble", "In action", "actually proceeding", "working", "in force", "Given to action", "constantly engaged in action", "energetic", "diligent", "busy", "Requiring or implying action or exertion", "Given to action rather than contemplation", "practical", "operative", "Brisk", "lively", "Implying or producing rapid action", "About verbs", "Eligible to be processed by a compiler or interpreter", "Not passive", "enjoying a role in anal sex in which he penetrates, rather than being penetrated by his partner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:active" ], "word": "active", "num_translations": 244 }, "actual": { "senses": [ "relating to a person's acts or deeds", "active, practical", "Existing in reality, not just potentially", "really acted or acting", "occurring in fact", "in action at the time being", "now existing", "current", "Used as intensifier to emphasise a following noun", "exact, very" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "positive" ], "word": "actual", "num_translations": 140 }, "actually": { "senses": [ "In act or in fact", "really", "in truth", "positively", "Actively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as a matter of fact" ], "word": "actually", "num_translations": 88 }, "acumen": { "senses": [ "Quickness of perception or discernment", "penetration of mind", "the faculty of nice discrimination", "A sharp, tapering point extending from a plant", "A bony, often sharp, protuberance, especially that of the ischium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "acumen", "num_translations": 41 }, "acuteness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being acute or pointed", "The faculty of precise discernment or perception", "sensitiveness", "Shrillness", "high pitch", "- said of sounds", "Violence of a disease, which brings it speedily to a crisis", "Shrewdness, quickness of mind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sharpness" ], "word": "acuteness", "num_translations": 11 }, "adapt": { "senses": [ "To make suitable", "to make to correspond", "to fit or suit", "To fit by alteration", "to modify or remodel for a different purpose", "to adjust", "To make by altering or fitting something else", "to produce by change of form or character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adapt", "num_translations": 121 }, "adaptable": { "senses": [ "Capable of adapting or of being adapted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adaptive" ], "word": "adaptable", "num_translations": 28 }, "addiction": { "senses": [ "A state that is characterized by compulsive drug use or compulsive engagement in rewarding behavior, despite negative consequences", "The state of being addicted", "devotion", "inclination", "A habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes or shortens one's life but when ceased causes trauma", "A pathological relationship to mood altering experience that has life damaging consequences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "addiction", "num_translations": 89 }, "adhere": { "senses": [ "To stick fast or cleave, as a glutinous substance does", "to become joined or united", "To be attached or devoted by personal union, in belief, on principle, etc", "To be consistent or coherent", "to be in accordance", "to agree", "To affirm a judgment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adhere", "num_translations": 65 }, "adhesive": { "senses": [ "sticky", "tenacious, as glutinous substances", "apt or tending to adhere", "clinging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "claggy" ], "word": "adhesive", "num_translations": 30 }, "adjacent": { "senses": [ "Lying next to, close, or contiguous", "neighboring", "bordering on", "Just before, after, or facing", "Related to", "suggestive of", "bordering on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adjacent", "num_translations": 94 }, "adjoining": { "senses": [ "Being in contact at some point or line", "joining to" ], "antonyms": [ "separated" ], "synonyms": [ "adjacent", "bordering" ], "word": "adjoining", "num_translations": 20 }, "imp": { "senses": [ "A young or inferior devil", "a malevolent supernatural creature, similar to a demon but smaller and less powerful", "A mischievous child", "A baby Tasmanian devil", "A young shoot of a plant, tree etc", "A scion, offspring", "a child", "Something added to, or united with, another, to lengthen it out or repair it, such as an addition to a beehive", "a feather inserted in a broken wing of a bird", "or a length of twisted hair in a fishing line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brat", "urchin", "little dickens" ], "word": "imp", "num_translations": 85 }, "employment": { "senses": [ "A use, purpose", "The act of employing", "The state of being employed", "The work or occupation for which one is used, and often paid", "An activity to which one devotes time", "The number or percentage of people at work" ], "antonyms": [ "unemployment", "underemployment" ], "synonyms": [ "employ", "hire" ], "word": "employment", "num_translations": 170 }, "spot": { "senses": [ "A round or irregular patch on the surface of a thing having a different color, texture etc and generally round in shape", "A stain or disfiguring mark", "A pimple, papule or pustule", "A small, unspecified amount or quantity", "A bill of five-dollar or ten-dollar denomination in dollars", "A location or area", "A parking space", "An official determination of placement", "A bright lamp", "A brief advertisement or program segment on television", "Difficult situation", "predicament", "Commodities, such as merchandise and cotton, sold for immediate delivery", "An autosoliton", "A decimal point", "point", "Any of various points marked on the table, from which balls are played, in snooker, pool, billiards, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spot", "num_translations": 109 }, "spot1": { "senses": [ "To see, find", "to pick out, notice, locate, distinguish or identify", "To loan a small amount of money to someone", "To stain", "To remove, or attempt to remove, a stain", "To support or assist a maneuver, or to be prepared to assist if safety dictates", "To keep the head and eyes pointing in a single direction while turning", "To stain", "to blemish", "to taint", "to disgrace", "to tarnish, as reputation", "To cut or chip in preparation for hewing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spot", "num_translations": 54 }, "stale": { "senses": [ "Clear, free of dregs and lees", "old and strong", "No longer fresh, in reference to food, urine, straw, wounds, etc", "No longer fresh, new, or interesting, in reference to ideas and immaterial things", "cliche, hackneyed, dated", "No longer nubile or suitable for marriage, in reference to people", "past one's prime", "Fallow, in reference to land", "Unreasonably long in coming, in reference to claims and actions", "Taking a long time to change", "Worn out, particularly due to age or over-exertion, in reference to athletes and animals in competition", "Out of date, unpaid for an unreasonable amount of time, particularly in reference to checks", "Of data: out of date", "not synchronized with the newest copy" ], "antonyms": [ "fresh" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "stale", "num_translations": 88 }, "phishing": { "senses": [ "The malicious act of keeping a false website or sending a false e-mail with the intent of masquerading as a trustworthy entity in order to acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details", "The act of circumventing security with an alias" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spoofing" ], "word": "phishing", "num_translations": 44 }, "unemployed": { "senses": [ "Having no job despite being able and willing to work", "Having no use, not doing work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:unemployed" ], "word": "unemployed", "num_translations": 73 }, "liaison": { "senses": [ "Communication between two parties or groups", "Co-operation, working together", "A relayer of information between two forces in an army or during war", "A tryst, romantic meeting", "An illicit sexual relationship or affair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "liaison", "num_translations": 57 }, "snug": { "senses": [ "Warm and comfortable", "cosy", "Satisfactory", "Close-fitting", "Close", "concealed", "not exposed to notice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comfy", "acceptable", "clingy", "covered" ], "word": "snug", "num_translations": 25 }, "escape": { "senses": [ "To get free", "to free oneself", "To avoid", "to elude, get away from", "To avoid capture", "to get away with something, avoid punishment", "To elude the observation or notice of", "to not be seen or remembered by", "To cause to be interpreted literally, instead of with any special meaning it would usually have in the same context, often by prefixing with another character", "To halt a program or command by pressing a key or combination of keys" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "escape", "num_translations": 249 }, "escape1": { "senses": [ "The act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation", "Leakage or outflow, as of steam or a liquid, or an electric current through defective insulation", "The text character represented by 27 or 1B", "A successful shot from a snooker position", "A defective product that is allowed to leave a manufacturing facility", "a mistake, oversight, or transgression", "A sally", "An apophyge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "escape", "num_translations": 85 }, "administration": { "senses": [ "The act of administering", "government of public affairs", "the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting affairs", "the conducting of any office or employment", "direction", "A body that administers", "the executive part of government", "the persons collectively who are entrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of public affairs", "the chief magistrate and his cabinet or council", "or the council, or ministry, alone, as in Great Britain", "The act of administering, or tendering something to another", "dispensation", "Management", "An arrangement whereby an insolvent company can continue trading under supervision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "supervision" ], "word": "administration", "num_translations": 155 }, "administrator": { "senses": [ "One who administers affairs", "one who directs, manages, executes, or dispenses, whether in civil, judicial, political, or ecclesiastical affairs", "a manager", "A person who manages or settles the estate of an intestate, or of a testator when there is no competent executor", "one to whom the right of administration has been committed by competent authority", "One who is responsible for software installation, management, information and maintenance of a computer or network" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chief", "head", "head man", "controller", "comptroller", "foreman", "organizer", "overseer", "superintendent", "supervisor", "admin" ], "word": "administrator", "num_translations": 113 }, "admiral": { "senses": [ "A naval officer of the highest rank", "the commander of a country's naval forces", "the commander of a fleet or squadron", "also, the most considerable ship of a fleet", "A prince or Saracen leader under the Sultan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "admiral", "num_translations": 110 }, "admiration": { "senses": [ "A positive emotion including wonder and approbation", "the regarding of another as being wonderful", "Wondering or questioning", "something to excite wonder, or pleased surprise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "approval" ], "word": "admiration", "num_translations": 59 }, "admire": { "senses": [ "To be amazed at", "to view with surprise", "to marvel at", "To regard with wonder and delight", "To look upon with an elevated feeling of pleasure, as something which calls out approbation, esteem, love or reverence", "To estimate or value highly", "to hold in high esteem", "To be enthusiastic about", "to want or like" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "admire", "num_translations": 60 }, "admission": { "senses": [ "The act or practice of admitting", "permission to enter, or the entrance itself", "admittance", "entrance", "access", "The granting of an argument or position not fully proved", "the act of acknowledging something asserted", "acknowledgement", "concession", "A fact, point, or statement admitted", "Declaration of the bishop that he approves of the presentee as a fit person to serve the cure of the church to which he is presented", "The cost or fee associated with attendance or entry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "admittance" ], "word": "admission", "num_translations": 82 }, "admit": { "senses": [ "To allow to enter", "to grant entrance , whether into a place, into the mind, or into consideration", "To allow to enter a profession or to enjoy a privilege", "to recognize as qualified for a franchise", "To concede as true", "to acknowledge or assent to, as an allegation which it is impossible to deny", "To be capable of", "to permit In this sense, \"of\" may be used after the verb, or may be omitted", "To give warrant or allowance, to grant opportunity or permission", "To allow to enter a hospital or similar facility for treatment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inlet", "acknowledge" ], "word": "admit", "num_translations": 142 }, "admonish": { "senses": [ "To warn or notify of a fault", "to reprove gently or kindly, but seriously", "to exhort", "To counsel against wrong practices", "to caution or advise", "to warn against danger or an offense", "\u2014 followed by of, against, or a subordinate clause", "To instruct or direct", "to inform", "to notify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reprimand", "chide", "Thesaurus:advise", "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "admonish", "num_translations": 47 }, "ado": { "senses": [ "trouble", "troublesome business", "fuss, commotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:commotion" ], "word": "ado", "num_translations": 22 }, "indefinite": { "senses": [ "Without limit", "forever, or until further notice", "not definite", "Vague or unclear", "Undecided or uncertain", "Being an integral without specified limits", "Designating an unspecified or unidentified person or thing or group of persons or things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unlimited", "hazy", "indeterminate" ], "word": "indefinite", "num_translations": 64 }, "definite": { "senses": [ "Having distinct limits", "Free from any doubt", "Determined", "resolved", "Designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing, or group of persons or things" ], "antonyms": [ "indefinite" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "definite", "num_translations": 40 }, "incense1": { "senses": [ "To anger or infuriate", "To incite, stimulate", "To set on fire", "to inflame", "to kindle", "to burn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incense", "num_translations": 13 }, "playwright": { "senses": [ "A writer and creator of theatrical plays" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dramatist" ], "word": "playwright", "num_translations": 75 }, "heterosexual": { "senses": [ "Sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "straight" ], "word": "heterosexual", "num_translations": 44 }, "heterosexual1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "homosexual" ], "synonyms": [ "straight" ], "word": "heterosexual", "num_translations": 59 }, "halve": { "senses": [ "To reduce to half the original amount", "To make up half of", "To join two pieces of timber etc by cutting away each for half its thickness at the joining place, and fitting together", "In match play, to achieve a tie or draw on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dichotomize" ], "word": "halve", "num_translations": 55 }, "adorn": { "senses": [ "To make more beautiful and attractive", "to decorate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beautify", "bedeck", "decorate", "deck", "grace", "ornament", "prettify", "Thesaurus:decorate" ], "word": "adorn", "num_translations": 57 }, "advance": { "senses": [ "To promote or advantage", "To move forward in space or time", "To raise, be raised" ], "antonyms": [ "regress" ], "synonyms": [ "raise" ], "word": "advance", "num_translations": 129 }, "advance1": { "senses": [ "A forward move", "improvement or progression", "An amount of money or credit, especially given as a loan, or paid before it is due", "An addition to the price", "rise in price or value", "An opening approach or overture, especially of an unwelcome or sexual nature" ], "antonyms": [ "regress" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "advance", "num_translations": 82 }, "advanced1": { "senses": [ "At or close to the state of the art", "Enhanced", "Having moved forward in time or space", "In a late stage of development", "greatly developed beyond an initial stage", "Pronounced farther to the front of the vocal tract", "Indicating a time ahead of the correct time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "progressive" ], "word": "advanced", "num_translations": 34 }, "advancement": { "senses": [ "The act of advancing,", "promotion to a higher place or dignity", "The state of being advanced", "An advance of money or value", "payment in advance", "Property given, usually by a parent to a child, in advance of a future distribution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "advancement", "num_translations": 33 }, "advent": { "senses": [ "The first or the expected second coming of Christ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christmas season" ], "word": "Advent", "num_translations": 60 }, "advantage": { "senses": [ "Any condition, circumstance, opportunity or means, particularly favorable to success, or to any desired end", "Superiority", "mastery", "\u2014 used with of to specify its nature or with over to specify the other party", "Superiority of state, or that which gives it", "benefit", "gain", "profit", "The score where one player wins a point after deuce but needs the next to carry the game", "Interest of money", "increase", "overplus" ], "antonyms": [ "disadvantage" ], "synonyms": [ "foredeal", "vantage" ], "word": "advantage", "num_translations": 139 }, "advantage1": { "senses": [ "to do something for one's own benefit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "favor", "benefit" ], "word": "advantage", "num_translations": 11 }, "adventure": { "senses": [ "The encountering of risks", "hazardous and striking enterprise", "a bold undertaking, in which hazards are to be encountered, and the issue is staked upon unforeseen events", "a daring feat", "A remarkable occurrence", "a striking event", "A mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard", "a venture", "a shipment by a merchant on his own account", "A feeling of desire for new and exciting things", "That which happens by chance", "hazard", "hap", "Chance of danger or loss", "Risk", "danger", "peril" ], "antonyms": [ "abstention" ], "synonyms": [ "fortune", "hazard", "jeopardy" ], "word": "adventure", "num_translations": 170 }, "adventure1": { "senses": [ "To risk or hazard", "jeopard", "venture", "To venture upon", "to run the risk of", "to dare", "To try the chance", "to take the risk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adventure", "num_translations": 12 }, "adventurer": { "senses": [ "One who enjoys adventures", "A person who seeks a fortune in new and possibly dangerous enterprises", "A soldier of fortune, a speculator", "A person who tries to advance their social position by somewhat devious means", "A player of adventure games or text adventures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "man of action", "Thesaurus:mercenary" ], "word": "adventurer", "num_translations": 41 }, "adventurous": { "senses": [ "Inclined to adventure", "willing to incur risks", "prone to embark in hazardous enterprise", "rashly daring", "Full of hazard", "attended with risk", "exposing to danger", "requiring courage", "rash" ], "antonyms": [ "nervous", "safe" ], "synonyms": [ "enterprising", "rash" ], "word": "adventurous", "num_translations": 58 }, "advertise": { "senses": [ "To give notice of", "to announce publicly", "To provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others", "To provide public information about in order to attract public awareness and increase sales", "To notify of something", "to call someone's attention to something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "notify", "make known", "announce", "proclaim", "promulgate", "publish", "promote" ], "word": "advertise", "num_translations": 89 }, "advise": { "senses": [ "To give advice to", "to offer an opinion to, as worthy or expedient to be followed", "To recommend", "to offer as advice", "To give information or notice to", "to inform or counsel", "\u2014 with of before the thing communicated", "To consider, to deliberate", "To look at, watch", "to see", "To consult" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counsel", "inform" ], "word": "advise", "num_translations": 156 }, "admittance": { "senses": [ "The act of admitting", "Permission to enter, the power or right of entrance", "Actual entrance, reception", "The act of giving possession of a copyhold estate", "The reciprocal of impedance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "admission" ], "word": "admittance", "num_translations": 19 }, "affable": { "senses": [ "Receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner", "friendly, courteous, sociable", "Mild", "benign" ], "antonyms": [ "inaffable" ], "synonyms": [ "accessible", "benign" ], "word": "affable", "num_translations": 51 }, "affair": { "senses": [ "Something which is done or is to be done", "business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public", "Any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely", "An action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be called a battle", "A material object", "An adulterous relationship", "A romantic relationship with someone who is not one's regular partner", "A person with whom someone has an adulterous relationship", "A party or social gathering, especially of a formal nature", "The genitals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affair", "num_translations": 119 }, "affectation": { "senses": [ "An attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real", "false display", "artificial show", "An unusual mannerism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eccentricity" ], "word": "affectation", "num_translations": 28 }, "affection": { "senses": [ "The act of affecting or acting upon", "The state of being affected", "An attribute", "a quality or property", "a condition", "An emotion", "a feeling or natural impulse acting upon and swaying the mind", "A feeling of love or strong attachment", "Disease", "morbid symptom", "malady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attachment" ], "word": "affection", "num_translations": 95 }, "affectionate": { "senses": [ "Having affection or warm regard", "loving", "fond", "Characterised by or proceeding from affection", "indicating love", "tender", "Eager", "passionate", "strongly inclined toward something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tender", "Thesaurus:affectionate" ], "word": "affectionate", "num_translations": 38 }, "affiliate1": { "senses": [ "To adopt", "to receive into a family as one's offspring", "to bring or receive into close connection", "to ally", "To fix the paternity of", "To connect in the way of descent", "to trace origin to", "To attach or unite", "to receive into a society as a member, and initiate into its mysteries, plans, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affiliate", "num_translations": 32 }, "affluent": { "senses": [ "Somebody who is wealthy", "A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake", "a tributary stream", "a tributary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:moneybags" ], "word": "affluent", "num_translations": 23 }, "affluent1": { "senses": [ "Abundant", "copious", "plenteous", "Abounding in goods or riches", "having a moderate level of material wealth", "Tributary", "Flowing to", "flowing abundantly" ], "antonyms": [ "indigent" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wealthy" ], "word": "affluent", "num_translations": 57 }, "afford": { "senses": [ "To incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, as an act which might under other circumstances be injurious", "\u2014with an auxiliary, as can, could, might, etc", "to be able or rich enough", "To offer, provide, or supply, as in selling, granting, expending, with profit, or without loss or too great injury", "To give forth", "to supply, yield, or produce as the natural result, fruit, or issue", "To give, grant, or confer, with a remoter reference to its being the natural result", "to provide", "to furnish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "afford", "num_translations": 81 }, "afoot": { "senses": [ "On foot", "On foot", "In motion", "in action", "astir", "stirring", "in progress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "afoot", "num_translations": 30 }, "afraid": { "senses": [ "Impressed with fear or apprehension", "in fear", "regretful, sorry", "Worried about, feeling concern for, fearing for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afeared", "sorry", "Thesaurus:afraid" ], "word": "afraid", "num_translations": 78 }, "sphinx": { "senses": [ "An ancient, large statue in Egypt, with the face of a man and the body of a lion, lying near the Great Pyramids", "One of the many offspring of Typhon and Echidna, a winged lion-like creature with a woman's face, who commited suicide out of frustration after Oedipus managed to solve her riddles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "The Great Sphinx", "The Great Sphinx of Giza" ], "word": "Sphinx", "num_translations": 37 }, "omen": { "senses": [ "Something which portends or is perceived to portend either a good or evil event or circumstance in the future, or which causes a foreboding", "a portent or augury", "A thing of prophetic significance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:omen" ], "word": "omen", "num_translations": 60 }, "bigben": { "senses": [ "The hour bell in the Elizabeth Tower , adjacent to the Houses of Parliament in London in the United Kingdom", "The clock tower itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Great Clock" ], "word": "BigBen", "num_translations": 37 }, "comparable": { "senses": [ "Able to be compared", "Similar", "like", "Constituting a pair in a particular partial order", "Said of an adjective that has a comparative and superlative form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comparable", "num_translations": 34 }, "-er": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that does an action indicated by the root verb", "used to form an agent noun", "A person or thing to which the root verb can satisfactorily be done", "A person whose occupation is", "A name for a person or thing that is based on a number", "Used to form nouns shorter than more formal synonyms", "One who enjoys", "Person who subscribes to a particular conspiracy theory or unorthodox belief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-er", "num_translations": 198 }, "interpolation": { "senses": [ "An abrupt change in elements, with continuation of the first idea", "The process of estimating the value of a function at a point from its values at nearby points", "The process of including and processing externally-fetched data in a document or program", "see interpolate", "That which is introduced or inserted, especially something foreign or spurious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transclusion" ], "word": "interpolation", "num_translations": 14 }, "amalgamation": { "senses": [ "The process of amalgamating", "a mixture, merger or consolidation", "The result of amalgamating", "a mixture or alloy", "The intermarriage and interbreeding of different ethnicities or races" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amalgamation", "num_translations": 17 }, "gradation": { "senses": [ "A sequence of gradual, successive stages", "a systematic progression", "A passing by small degrees from one tone or shade, as of color, to another", "The act of gradating or arranging in grades", "Any degree or relative position in an order or series", "A calibration marking", "A gradual change within one parameter, or an overlapping of two blocks of sound", "A diatonic succession of chords", "Apophony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gradation", "num_translations": 17 }, "shackle": { "senses": [ "A restraint fit over a human or animal appendage, such as a wrist, ankle or finger", "normally used in pairs joined by a chain", "A U-shaped piece of metal secured with a pin or bolt across the opening, or a hinged metal loop secured with a quick-release locking pin mechanism", "A restraint on one's action, activity, or progress", "A fetter-like band worn as an ornament", "A link for connecting railroad cars", "a drawlink or draglink", "A length of cable or chain equal to fathoms or 75 feet, or later to 15 fathoms", "Stubble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shackle", "num_translations": 59 }, "shackle1": { "senses": [ "To render immobile or incapable", "to inhibit the progress or abilities of" ], "antonyms": [ "unshackle", "free" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "shackle", "num_translations": 20 }, "shackles": { "senses": [ "plural of \"shackle\"", "Restraints, usually of metal and often joined by a chain, placed around a prisoner's wrists or ankles to restrict their movement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fetter" ], "word": "shackles", "num_translations": 29 }, "maneuver": { "senses": [ "The planned movement of troops, vehicles etc", "a strategic repositioning", "a large training field-exercise of fighting units", "Any strategic or cunning action", "a stratagem", "A movement of the body, or with an implement, instrument etc, especially one performed with skill or dexterity", "A specific medical or surgical movement, often eponymous, done with the doctor's hands or surgical instruments", "A controlled movement taken while steering a vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maneuver", "num_translations": 42 }, "manioc": { "senses": [ "The tropical plant Manihot esculenta, from which cassava and tapioca are prepared", "Cassava root, eaten as a food", "A food starch prepared from the root" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cassava", "cassava", "cassava" ], "word": "manioc", "num_translations": 33 }, "cassava": { "senses": [ "Manioc , a tropical plant which is the source of tapioca", "Tapioca, a starchy pulp made with manioc roots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yuca" ], "word": "cassava", "num_translations": 119 }, "maniple": { "senses": [ "A handful", "A division of the Roman army numbering 60 or 120 men exclusive of officers", "any small body of soldiers", "a company", "Originally, a napkin", "later, an ornamental band or scarf worn upon the left arm as a part of the vestments of a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, and sometimes worn in the English Church service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maniple", "num_translations": 11 }, "tantrum": { "senses": [ "An often childish display or fit of bad temper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dummy spit" ], "word": "tantrum", "num_translations": 73 }, "apocryphal": { "senses": [ "Of, or pertaining to, the Apocrypha", "Of doubtful authenticity, or lacking authority", "not regarded as canonical", "Of dubious veracity", "of questionable accuracy or truthfulness", "anecdotal or in the nature of an urban legend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apocryphal", "num_translations": 42 }, "absent-mindedly": { "senses": [ "Preoccupiedly", "in an absent-minded manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absently" ], "word": "absent-mindedly", "num_translations": 19 }, "reluctant": { "senses": [ "Opposing", "offering resistance", "Not wanting to take some action", "unwilling", "Tending to match as little text as possible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "refractory", "unwilling" ], "word": "reluctant", "num_translations": 78 }, "fuss1": { "senses": [ "To be very worried or excited about something, often too much", "To fiddle", "fidget", "wiggle, or adjust", "To cry or be ill-humoured", "To show affection for, especially animals", "To pet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fuss", "num_translations": 39 }, "groom1": { "senses": [ "A person who cares for horses", "One of several officers of the English royal household, chiefly in the lord chamberlain's department", "A brushing or cleaning, as of a dog or horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ostler" ], "word": "groom", "num_translations": 29 }, "groom2": { "senses": [ "To attend to one's appearance and clothing", "To care for by brushing and cleaning them", "To prepare for election or appointment", "To prepare for skiers by packing down the snow", "To attempt to gain the trust of with the intention of subjecting them to abusive or exploitative behaviour such as sexual abuse or human trafficking", "In agile software development, to review and prioritize the items in the development backlog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "groom", "num_translations": 42 }, "thrush1": { "senses": [ "A fungal infection caused by Candida, now especially of the vagina", "candidiasis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "candidiasis" ], "word": "thrush", "num_translations": 25 }, "weigh": { "senses": [ "To determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object, to evaluate", "To judge", "to estimate", "To consider a subject", "to be heavy", "to press down", "To be considered as important", "To raise an anchor free of the seabed", "To bear up", "to raise", "to lift into the air", "to swing up", "To consider as worthy of notice", "to regard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "weigh", "num_translations": 156 }, "spear": { "senses": [ "A long stick with a sharp tip used as a weapon for throwing or thrusting, or anything used to make a thrusting motion", "A soldier armed with such a weapon", "A lance with barbed prongs, used by fishermen to retrieve fish", "An illegal maneuver using the end of a hockey stick to strike into another hockey player", "In professional wrestling, a running tackle in which the wrestler's shoulder is driven into the opponent's midsection", "A shoot, as of grass", "a spire", "The feather of a horse", "The rod to which the bucket, or plunger, of a pump is attached", "a pump rod", "A long, thin strip from a vegetable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spear", "num_translations": 195 }, "hurry1": { "senses": [ "To do things quickly", "Often with up, to speed up the rate of doing something", "To cause to be done quickly", "To hasten", "to impel to greater speed", "to urge on", "To impel to precipitate or thoughtless action", "to urge to confused or irregular activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:rush" ], "word": "hurry", "num_translations": 93 }, "haste": { "senses": [ "Speed", "swiftness", "dispatch", "Urgency", "sudden excitement of feeling or passion", "precipitance", "vehemence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "haste", "num_translations": 31 }, "hasten": { "senses": [ "To move or act in a quick fashion", "To make someone speed up or make something happen quicker", "To cause some scheduled event to happen earlier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dart", "accelerate", "hurry" ], "word": "hasten", "num_translations": 75 }, "bulldozer": { "senses": [ "A tractor with an attached blade for pushing earth and building debris for coarse preliminary surface grading, demolishing building structures, etc", "One who bulldozes", "A member of a self-identified group of white US Southerners who colluded to influence outcomes of post-Reconstruction elections by intimidating, coercing and bullying black voters and legislators, including burning down houses and churches, flogging and murdering opponents", "A bully", "an overbearing individual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regulator", "blade" ], "word": "bulldozer", "num_translations": 61 }, "bacteriophage": { "senses": [ "A virus that specifically infects bacteria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phage" ], "word": "bacteriophage", "num_translations": 22 }, "concubine": { "senses": [ "A sexual partner, especially a woman, to whom one is not or cannot be married", "A woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife", "A slave-girl or woman, kept for instance in a harem, who is held for sexual service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mistress", "cohabitor", "odalisque" ], "word": "concubine", "num_translations": 60 }, "meow": { "senses": [ "The cry of a cat", "Said in reply to a spiteful or catty comment", "Said to denote seductiveness, mimicking a growl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nyao" ], "word": "meow", "num_translations": 81 }, "meow2": { "senses": [ "Of a cat, to make its cry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mew" ], "word": "meow", "num_translations": 63 }, "croak1": { "senses": [ "To utter in a low, hoarse voice", "To make its cry", "To die", "To kill someone or something", "To complain", "especially, to grumble", "to forebode evil", "to utter complaints or forebodings habitually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "croak", "num_translations": 77 }, "roar": { "senses": [ "To make a loud, deep cry, especially from pain, anger, or other strong emotion", "To laugh in a particularly loud manner", "Of animals , to make a loud deep noise", "Generally, of inanimate objects etc, to make a loud resounding noise", "To proceed vigorously", "To cry aloud", "to proclaim loudly", "To be boisterous", "to be disorderly", "To make a loud noise in breathing, as horses do when they have a certain disease", "to cry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roar", "num_translations": 110 }, "roar1": { "senses": [ "A long, loud, deep shout, as of rage or laughter, made with the mouth wide open", "The cry of the lion", "The deep cry of the bull", "A loud resounding noise", "A show of strength or character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roar", "num_translations": 70 }, "grunt": { "senses": [ "A short snorting sound, often to show disapproval, or used as a reply when one is reluctant to speak", "The snorting cry of a pig", "Any fish of the perciform family Haemulidae", "A person who does ordinary and boring work", "An infantry soldier", "The amount of power of which a vehicle is capable", "A dessert of steamed berries and dough, usually blueberries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gofer", "fungy" ], "word": "grunt", "num_translations": 55 }, "grunt1": { "senses": [ "To break wind", "to fart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grunt", "num_translations": 58 }, "tangible": { "senses": [ "Touchable", "able to be touched or felt", "perceptible by the sense of touch", "Possible to be treated as fact", "real or concrete", "Comprehensible by the mind", "understandable" ], "antonyms": [ "intangible" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tactile", "Thesaurus:substantial", "Thesaurus:comprehensible" ], "word": "tangible", "num_translations": 68 }, "materialism": { "senses": [ "Constant concern over material possessions and wealth", "a great or excessive regard for worldly concerns", "The philosophical belief that nothing exists beyond what is physical", "Material substances in the aggregate", "matter" ], "antonyms": [ "idealism" ], "synonyms": [ "physicalism", "philosophical materialism" ], "word": "materialism", "num_translations": 47 }, "layoff": { "senses": [ "To dismiss from employment, eg at a time of low business volume, often with a severance package", "To place all or part of a bet with another bookmaker in order to reduce risk", "To cease, quit, stop", "To stop bothering, teasing, or pestering someone", "to leave alone", "In painting, to apply gentle strokes to smooth a wet coat of paint so as to remove visible roller- or brush-marks, commonly using a dry brush", "a similar technique, but using a loaded laying-off brush, may produce a smooth coat of paint when using a roller or the usual brush techniques would leave marks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make redundant", "let go", "Thesaurus:lay off" ], "word": "layoff", "num_translations": 22 }, "overall": { "senses": [ "All-encompassing, all around" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big", "exhaustive" ], "word": "overall", "num_translations": 32 }, "overall1": { "senses": [ "Generally", "with everything considered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all things considered" ], "word": "overall", "num_translations": 22 }, "overall2": { "senses": [ "A garment worn over other clothing to protect it", "A garment, worn for manual labor, with an integral covering extending to the chest, supported by straps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overslop", "slop" ], "word": "overall", "num_translations": 21 }, "overalls": { "senses": [ "Loose fitting garment worn over regular clothes to protect them", "Loose fitting pair of pants with supporting cross-straps and a panel of material in the chest , often associated with farm work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boiler suit", "dungarees" ], "word": "overalls", "num_translations": 40 }, "overbearing1": { "senses": [ "Overly bossy, domineering, or arrogant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demanding", "Thesaurus:bossy", "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "overbearing", "num_translations": 30 }, "saboteur": { "senses": [ "A person who intentionally causes the destruction of property in order to hinder the efforts of his/her enemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sabotageur" ], "word": "saboteur", "num_translations": 33 }, "vandal": { "senses": [ "A person who needlessly destroys, defaces, or damages other people's property" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "destroyer", "ruiner", "wrecker" ], "word": "vandal", "num_translations": 39 }, "worldwari": { "senses": [ "The war from 1914 to 1918 between the Entente Powers of the British Empire, Russian Empire, France, Italy, the United States and other allied nations, against the Central Powers represented by the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the First World War", "the Great War", "the war to end all wars", "World War 1" ], "word": "WorldWarI", "num_translations": 60 }, "aft1": { "senses": [ "At, near, or towards the stern of a vessel" ], "antonyms": [ "fore" ], "synonyms": [ "abaft" ], "word": "aft", "num_translations": 13 }, "afternoon": { "senses": [ "The part of the day from noon or lunchtime until sunset, evening, or suppertime or 6pm", "The later part of anything, often with implications of decline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arvo" ], "word": "afternoon", "num_translations": 126 }, "afterwards": { "senses": [ "At a later or succeeding time" ], "antonyms": [ "beforehand" ], "synonyms": [ "afterhand" ], "word": "afterwards", "num_translations": 140 }, "agape": { "senses": [ "In a state of astonishment, wonder, expectation, or eager attention", "as with mouth hanging open", "Wide open" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "open-mouthed", "agog" ], "word": "agape", "num_translations": 11 }, "agate": { "senses": [ "A semi-pellucid, uncrystallized variety of quartz, presenting various tints in the same specimen, with colors delicately arranged in stripes or bands, or blended in clouds", "The size of type between pearl and nonpareil, standardized as -point", "One fourteenth of an inch", "A diminutive person", "A tool used by gold-wire drawers, bookbinders, etc", "A testicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ruby", "aggie" ], "word": "agate", "num_translations": 107 }, "so-so": { "senses": [ "Neither good nor bad", "tolerable, passable, indifferent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neither good nor bad" ], "word": "so-so", "num_translations": 41 }, "so-so1": { "senses": [ "Neither very well nor very poorly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neither well nor poorly" ], "word": "so-so", "num_translations": 33 }, "aged": { "senses": [ "Old", "Having the age of", "Having undergone the improving effects of time", "matured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eldern", "-year-old", "matured" ], "word": "aged", "num_translations": 15 }, "joker": { "senses": [ "A person who makes jokes", "A funny person", "A jester", "An unspecified, vaguely disreputable person", "A man", "A clause in a contract that undermines its apparent provisions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "joker", "num_translations": 78 }, "keepsake": { "senses": [ "Some object given by a person and retained in memory of something or someone", "something kept for sentimental or nostalgic reasons", "Specifically, a type of literary album popular in the nineteenth-century, containing scraps of poetry and prose, and engravings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "memento", "souvenir", "memorabilia" ], "word": "keepsake", "num_translations": 28 }, "luxurious": { "senses": [ "Very fine in quality and comfortable", "Enjoying the pleasures of luxury" ], "antonyms": [ "impoverished", "abstemious" ], "synonyms": [ "epicurean" ], "word": "luxurious", "num_translations": 28 }, "luxury": { "senses": [ "Very wealthy and comfortable surroundings", "Something desirable but expensive", "Something very pleasant but not really needed in life" ], "antonyms": [ "necessity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "luxury", "num_translations": 82 }, "agency": { "senses": [ "The capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power", "action or activity", "operation", "A medium through which power is exerted or an end is achieved: instrumentality, means", "The office or function of an agent", "also, the relationship between a principal and that person's agent", "An establishment engaged in doing business for another", "A department or other administrative unit of a government", "also, the office or headquarters of, or the district administered by such unit of government" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "action", "operation", "efficiency", "instrumentality", "management" ], "word": "agency", "num_translations": 108 }, "cadaver": { "senses": [ "A dead body", "especially the corpse of a human to be dissected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:body", "Thesaurus:corpse", "body", "corpse" ], "word": "cadaver", "num_translations": 70 }, "agenda": { "senses": [ "A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to", "A list of matters to be taken up", "A ritual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "docket" ], "word": "agenda", "num_translations": 71 }, "agent": { "senses": [ "One who exerts power, or has the power to act", "One who acts for, or in the place of, another , by authority from him/her", "someone entrusted to do the business of another", "A person who looks for work for another person", "Someone who works for an intelligence agency", "An active power or cause or substance", "something which has the power to produce an effect", "The participant of a situation that carries out the action in this situation, eg \"the boy\" in the sentences \"The boy kicked the ball\" and \"The ball was kicked by the boy\"", "A cheat who is assisted by dishonest casino staff" ], "antonyms": [ "patient" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:doer", "Thesaurus:deputy", "manager", "Thesaurus:spy", "actor" ], "word": "agent", "num_translations": 134 }, "aggravate": { "senses": [ "To make worse or more severe", "to increase in offensiveness or heinousness", "To make worse", "to exacerbate", "To give extra weight or intensity to", "to exaggerate, to magnify", "To pile or heap on or upon someone", "To exasperate", "to provoke or irritate" ], "antonyms": [ "alleviate" ], "synonyms": [ "heighten", "provoke", "Thesaurus:annoy" ], "word": "aggravate", "num_translations": 37 }, "aggressive": { "senses": [ "Characterized by aggression", "unjustly attacking", "prone to behave in a way that involves attacking or arguing", "Of heuristics, source code optimization techniques, etc: exploiting every opportunity to be applied", "That spreads quickly or extensively", "virulent", "malignant" ], "antonyms": [ "passive" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:combative" ], "word": "aggressive", "num_translations": 82 }, "agile": { "senses": [ "Having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs", "apt or ready to move", "Characterised by quick motion" ], "antonyms": [ "unagile" ], "synonyms": [ "active" ], "word": "agile", "num_translations": 62 }, "agitate": { "senses": [ "To cause to move with a violent, irregular action", "To move or actuate", "To stir up", "to disturb or excite", "to perturb", "To discuss with great earnestness", "to debate", "To revolve in the mind, or view in all its aspects", "to contrive busily", "to devise", "to plot" ], "antonyms": [ "appease" ], "synonyms": [ "discuss", "move" ], "word": "agitate", "num_translations": 54 }, "agitation": { "senses": [ "The act of agitating, or the state of being agitated", "the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular action", "commotion", "A stirring up or arousing", "disturbance of tranquillity", "disturbance of mind which shows itself by physical excitement", "perturbation", "Excitement of public feeling by discussion, appeals, etc", "Examination or consideration of a subject in controversy, or of a plan proposed for adoption", "earnest discussion", "debate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emotion" ], "word": "agitation", "num_translations": 39 }, "agony": { "senses": [ "Violent contest or striving", "Extreme pain", "The sufferings of Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane", "Paroxysm of joy", "keen emotion", "The last struggle of life", "death struggle" ], "antonyms": [ "ecstasy" ], "synonyms": [ "anguish", "Thesaurus:agony" ], "word": "agony", "num_translations": 88 }, "register": { "senses": [ "A formal recording of names, events, transactions etc", "A book of such entries", "An entry in such a book", "A certificate issued by the collector of customs of a port or district to the owner of a vessel, containing the description of a vessel, its name, ownership, and other material facts It is kept on board the vessel, to be used as evidence of nationality or as a muniment of title", "a registrar", "especially, a public officer charged with the duty of recording certain transactions or events", "A distinct horizontal section of a work of art or inscription that is divided into several such sections", "A device that automatically records a quantity", "The part of a telegraphic apparatus that automatically records the message received", "A list of received calls in a phone set", "A small unit of very fast memory that is directly accessible to the central processing unit, and is mostly used to store inputs, outputs or intermediate results of computations", "The exact alignment of lines, margins and colors", "The inner part of the mould in which types are cast", "The range of a voice or instrument", "An organ stop", "A style of a language used in a particular context", "A grille at the outflow of a ventilation duct, capable of being opened and closed to direct the air flow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:list" ], "word": "register", "num_translations": 92 }, "register1": { "senses": [ "To enroll, especially to vote", "To record, especially in writing", "To buy the full version of trial software by providing one's details and payment", "To express outward signs", "To record officially and handle specially", "To make or adjust so as to be properly or precisely aligned", "To make an impression", "To be in proper alignment", "to align or correspond exactly", "To voluntarily sign over for safe keeping, abandoning complete ownership for partial" ], "antonyms": [ "unregister" ], "synonyms": [ "enroll" ], "word": "register", "num_translations": 72 }, "agree": { "senses": [ "To harmonize in opinion, statement, or action", "to be in unison or concord", "to be or become united or consistent", "to concur", "To yield assent", "to accede", "\u2014followed by to", "To yield assent to", "to approve", "To make a stipulation by way of settling differences or determining a price", "to exchange promises", "to come to terms or to a common resolve", "to promise", "To be conformable", "to resemble", "to coincide", "to correspond", "To suit or be adapted in its effects", "to do well", "To correspond to in a grammatical category, such as gender, number, case, or person", "To consent to a contract or to an element of a contract" ], "antonyms": [ "disagree" ], "synonyms": [ "concur", "accede", "approve", "bargain", "coincide", "fit" ], "word": "agree", "num_translations": 193 }, "agreeable": { "senses": [ "Pleasing, either to the mind or senses", "pleasant", "grateful", "Willing", "ready to agree or consent", "Agreeing or suitable", "conformable", "correspondent", "concordant", "adapted", "followed by to, or rarely by with", "In pursuance, conformity, or accordance", "used adverbially" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "agreeable", "num_translations": 42 }, "ague": { "senses": [ "An acute fever", "An intermittent fever, attended by alternate cold and hot fits", "The cold fit or rigor of the intermittent fever", "A chill, or state of shaking, as with cold", "Malaria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ague", "num_translations": 22 }, "ahead": { "senses": [ "In or to the front", "in advance", "onward", "In the direction one is facing or moving", "In or for the future", "At an earlier time", "Having progressed more" ], "antonyms": [ "astern", "behind" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ahead", "num_translations": 34 }, "aid": { "senses": [ "Help", "assistance", "succor, relief", "A helper", "an assistant", "Something which helps", "a material source of help", "An historical subsidy granted to the crown by Parliament for an extraordinary purpose, such as a war effort", "An exchequer loan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aid", "num_translations": 88 }, "aid1": { "senses": [ "To provide support to", "to further the progress of", "to help", "to assist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assist", "befriend", "bestand", "cooperate", "help", "promote", "relieve", "succor", "support", "sustain", "Thesaurus:help", "Thesaurus:serve" ], "word": "aid", "num_translations": 37 }, "aim": { "senses": [ "The pointing of a weapon, as a gun, a dart, or an arrow, or object, in the line of direction with the object intended to be struck", "the line of fire", "the direction of anything, such as a spear, a blow, a discourse, a remark, towards a particular point or object, with a view to strike or affect it", "The point intended to be hit, or object intended to be attained or affected", "Intention or goal", "one's faculty for being able to hit a physical target", "Conjecture", "guess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aspiration", "design", "end", "ettle", "intention", "mint", "object", "purpose", "scheme", "scope", "tendency", "Thesaurus:goal", "Thesaurus:intention" ], "word": "aim", "num_translations": 89 }, "aim1": { "senses": [ "To point or direct a missile, or a weapon which propels as missile, towards an object or spot with the intent of hitting it", "To direct the intention or purpose", "to attempt the accomplishment of a purpose", "to try to gain", "to endeavor", "\u2014followed by at, or by an infinitive", "To direct or point , at a particular object", "to direct, as a missile, an act, or a proceeding, at, to, or against an object", "To direct towards a certain person, thing, or group", "To guess or conjecture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aim", "num_translations": 70 }, "rhythm": { "senses": [ "The variation of strong and weak elements of sounds, notably in speech or music, over time", "a beat or meter", "A specifically defined pattern of such variation", "A flow, repetition or regularity", "The tempo or speed of a beat, song or repetitive event", "not or less melody) in a musical ensemble", "A regular quantitative change in a variable process", "Controlled repetition of a phrase, incident or other element as a stylistic figure in literature and other narrative arts", "the effect it creates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meter", "prosody", "rhythm section" ], "word": "rhythm", "num_translations": 122 }, "airy": { "senses": [ "Consisting of air", "Relating or belonging to air", "high in air", "aerial", "Open to a free current of air", "exposed to the air", "breezy", "Resembling air", "thin", "unsubstantial", "not material", "airlike", "Relating to the spirit or soul", "delicate", "graceful", "Not based on reality", "having no solid foundation", "light-hearted", "vivacious", "Having an affected manner", "being in the habit of putting on airs", "affectedly grand", "Having the light and aerial tints true to nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aereous", "ethereal", "empty", "flippant", "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "airy", "num_translations": 24 }, "akin": { "senses": [ "Of the same kin", "related by blood", "Allied by nature", "similar", "of the same kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:consanguine", "Thesaurus:akin" ], "word": "akin", "num_translations": 39 }, "alarm": { "senses": [ "A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy", "Any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger", "a warning sound to arouse attention", "a warning of danger", "A sudden attack", "disturbance", "Sudden surprise with fear or terror excited by apprehension of danger", "in the military use, commonly, sudden apprehension of being attacked by surprise", "A mechanical device for awaking people, or rousing their attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alarm", "num_translations": 109 }, "alarm1": { "senses": [ "To call to arms for defense", "To give notice of approaching danger", "To rouse to vigilance and action", "to put on the alert", "To surprise with apprehension of danger", "to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil", "to excite with sudden fear", "To keep in excitement", "to disturb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alarm", "num_translations": 30 }, "wisdom": { "senses": [ "An element of personal character that enables one to distinguish the wise from the unwise", "A piece of wise advice", "The discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good", "The ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way, especially to different situations from that in which the knowledge was gained", "The ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding", "The ability to know and apply spiritual truths" ], "antonyms": [ "foolishness", "folly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wisdom", "num_translations": 213 }, "feceate": { "senses": [ "To discharge feces from the digestive tract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defecate", "shit" ], "word": "feceate", "num_translations": 12 }, "sham": { "senses": [ "Intended to deceive", "false", "counterfeit", "unreal" ], "antonyms": [ "genuine", "sincere", "real" ], "synonyms": [ "mock", "Thesaurus:fake" ], "word": "sham", "num_translations": 14 }, "sham1": { "senses": [ "A fake", "an imitation that purports to be genuine", "Trickery, hoaxing", "A false front, or removable ornamental covering", "A decorative cover for a pillow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sham", "num_translations": 36 }, "sham2": { "senses": [ "To deceive, cheat, lie", "To obtrude by fraud or imposition", "To assume the manner and character of", "to imitate", "to ape", "to feign" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sham", "num_translations": 12 }, "chord": { "senses": [ "A harmonic set of three or more notes that is heard as if sounding simultaneously", "A straight line between two points of a curve", "A horizontal member of a truss", "The distance between the leading and trailing edge of a wing, measured in the direction of the normal airflow", "An imaginary line from the luff of a sail to its leech", "A keyboard shortcut that involves two or more distinct keypresses, such as Ctrl+M followed by P", "The string of a musical instrument", "A cord", "An edge that is not part of a cycle but connects two vertices of the cycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chord", "num_translations": 86 }, "interval": { "senses": [ "A distance in space", "A period of time", "The difference in pitch between two notes, often referring to those two pitches themselves", "A connected section of the real line which may be empty or have a length of zero", "An intermission", "half time, a scheduled intermission between the periods of play", "Either of the two breaks, at lunch and tea, between the three sessions of a day's play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "interval", "num_translations": 122 }, "dyad": { "senses": [ "A set of two elements treated as one", "a pair", "Any set of two different pitch classes", "A pair of things standing in particular relation", "An element, atom, or radical having a valence or combining power of two", "A secondary unit of organisation consisting of an aggregate of monads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dyad", "num_translations": 17 }, "cuticle": { "senses": [ "The outermost layer of the skin of vertebrates", "the epidermis", "The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail", "Dead or cornified epidermis", "A noncellular protective covering outside the epidermis of many invertebrates and plants", "A thin skin formed on the surface of a liquid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuticula" ], "word": "cuticle", "num_translations": 29 }, "monk": { "senses": [ "A male member of a monastic order who has devoted his life for religious service", "in earlier usage, an eremite or hermit devoted to solitude, as opposed to a cenobite, who lived communally", "A male who leads an isolated life", "a loner, a hermit", "An unmarried man who does not have sexual relationships", "A judge", "A blotch or spot of ink on a printed page, caused by the ink not being properly distributed", "distinguished from a friar, or white spot caused by a deficiency of ink", "A piece of tinder made of agaric, used in firing the powder hose or train of a mine", "also applied to other species, as Cebus xanthosternos", "The bullfinch, common bullfinch, European bullfinch, or Eurasian bullfinch", "A fuse for firing mines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:recluse" ], "word": "monk", "num_translations": 151 }, "ale": { "senses": [ "A beer made without hops", "A beer produced by so-called warm fermentation and not pressurized", "A festival in English country places, so called from the liquor drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beer" ], "word": "ale", "num_translations": 47 }, "alewife1": { "senses": [ "A migrating North American fish, Alosa pseudoharengus", "Any of several species similar in appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "branch herring" ], "word": "alewife", "num_translations": 24 }, "alias1": { "senses": [ "Another name", "an assumed name", "A second or further writ which is issued after a first writ has expired without effect", "An abbreviation that replaces a string of commands and thereby reduces typing when performing routine actions or tasks", "An spurious signal generated as a technological artifact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pseudonym" ], "word": "alias", "num_translations": 44 }, "alight": { "senses": [ "To get off or exit a vehicle or animal", "to descend", "to dismount", "To descend and settle, lodge, rest, or stop", "To find by accident", "to come upon", "To befall or betide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unlight" ], "word": "alight", "num_translations": 24 }, "alive": { "senses": [ "Having life", "living", "not dead", "In a state of action", "in force or operation", "existent", "Busy with activity of many living beings", "swarming", "thronged", "busy", "Sprightly", "lively", "brisk", "Having susceptibility", "easily impressed", "having lively feelings, as opposed to apathy", "sensitive", "out of all living creatures" ], "antonyms": [ "dead" ], "synonyms": [ "alive and kicking", "existing", "frisky", "ever" ], "word": "alive", "num_translations": 164 }, "alkali": { "senses": [ "One of a class of caustic bases, such as soda, soda ash, caustic soda, potash, ammonia, and lithia, whose distinguishing peculiarities are solubility in alcohol and water, uniting with oils and fats to form soap, neutralizing and forming salts with acids, turning to brown several vegetable yellows, and changing reddened litmus to blue", "Soluble mineral matter, other than common salt, contained in soils of natural waters" ], "antonyms": [ "acid" ], "synonyms": [ "base" ], "word": "alkali", "num_translations": 69 }, "allay": { "senses": [ "To make quiet or put at rest", "to pacify or appease", "to quell", "to calm", "To alleviate", "to abate", "to mitigate", "To subside, abate, become peaceful", "To mix", "to mix with a baser metal", "to alloy", "to deteriorate", "To make worse by the introduction of inferior elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "allay", "num_translations": 34 }, "alliance": { "senses": [ "The state of being allied", "The act of allying or uniting", "A union or connection of interests between families, states, parties, etc, especially between families by marriage and states by compact, treaty, or league", "Any union resembling that of families or states", "union by relationship in qualities", "affinity", "The persons or parties allied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "connection", "union", "coalition" ], "word": "alliance", "num_translations": 120 }, "ally": { "senses": [ "To unite, or form a connection between, as between families by marriage, or between princes and states by treaty, league, or confederacy", "To connect or form a relation between by similitude, resemblance, friendship, or love" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make common cause" ], "word": "ally", "num_translations": 22 }, "ally1": { "senses": [ "One united to another by treaty or league", "a confederate", "Anything associated with another as a helper", "an auxiliary", "Anything akin to something else by structure, etc", "A person who is not a member of the LGBT+ community but is supportive of it", "A relative", "a kinsman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ally", "num_translations": 90 }, "allotment": { "senses": [ "The act of allotting", "Something allotted", "a share, part, or portion granted or distributed", "The allowance of a specific amount of money or other credit of a particular thing to a particular person", "A plot of land rented from the council for growing fruit and vegetables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "allotment", "num_translations": 30 }, "allow": { "senses": [ "To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield", "to let one have", "To acknowledge", "to accept as true", "to concede", "to accede to an opinion", "To grant as a deduction or an addition", "especially to abate or deduct", "To grant license to", "to permit", "to consent to", "To not bar or obstruct", "To acknowledge or concede", "To render physically possible", "To praise", "to approve of", "hence, to sanction", "To sanction", "to invest", "to entrust", "To like", "to be suited or pleased with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allot" ], "word": "allow", "num_translations": 211 }, "allowance": { "senses": [ "permission", "granting, conceding, or admitting", "Acknowledgment", "That which is allowed", "a share or portion allotted or granted", "a sum granted as a reimbursement, a bounty, or as appropriate for any purpose", "a stated quantity", "Abatement", "deduction", "the taking into account of mitigating circumstances", "A customary deduction from the gross weight of goods, different in different countries", "pocket money", "A permissible deviation in the fineness and weight of coins, owing to the difficulty in securing exact conformity to the standard prescribed by law", "approval", "approbation", "license", "indulgence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "authorization", "permission", "sanction", "tolerance", "stipend", "remedy" ], "word": "allowance", "num_translations": 55 }, "allude": { "senses": [ "To refer to something indirectly or by suggestion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:allude" ], "word": "allude", "num_translations": 36 }, "allure1": { "senses": [ "To entice", "to attract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attract" ], "word": "allure", "num_translations": 38 }, "almighty": { "senses": [ "Unlimited in might", "omnipotent", "all-powerful", "Great", "extreme", "terrible", "Having very great power, influence, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "omnipotent", "all-powerful" ], "word": "almighty", "num_translations": 62 }, "beekeeper": { "senses": [ "A person who maintains hives and keeps bees, especially for the production of honey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apiarist", "apiculturist", "beemaster", "beemistress" ], "word": "beekeeper", "num_translations": 121 }, "chip": { "senses": [ "A small piece broken from a larger piece of solid material", "A damaged area of a surface where a small piece has been broken off", "A token used in place of cash", "A sovereign", "A circuit fabricated in one piece on a small, thin substrate", "A hybrid device mounted in a substrate, containing electronic circuitry and miniaturised mechanical, chemical and/or biochemical devices", "A fried strip of potato of square or rectangular cross-section", "a french fry", "A thin, crisp, fried slice of potato, or sometimes another vegetable", "A shot during which the ball travels more predominantly upwards than in a regular shot, as to clear an obstacle", "A takeout that hits a rock at an angle", "A dried piece of dung used as fuel", "A receptacle, usually for strawberries or other fruit", "A small, near-conical piece of food added in baking", "A small rectangle of colour printed on coated paper for colour selection and matching A virtual equivalent in software applications", "The triangular piece of wood attached to the log line", "Wood or Cuban palm leaf split into slips, or straw plaited in a special manner, for making hats or bonnets", "Anything dried up, withered, or without flavour", "A low shot that travels further along the ground than it does in the air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flake", "IC", "crisp", "fries", "punnet" ], "word": "chip", "num_translations": 231 }, "chip1": { "senses": [ "To chop or cut into small pieces", "To break small pieces from", "To play a shot hitting the ball predominantly upwards rather than forwards", "In association football, specifically, to play a shot on goal by kicking the ball in an arc, over the goalkeeper's reach In this usage, the opposing goalkeeper is often the direct object of the verb", "to upgrade an engine management system, usually to increase power", "To ante", "to contribute", "to make fun of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chip", "num_translations": 23 }, "alone": { "senses": [ "By oneself, solitary", "Apart from, or exclusive of, others", "Considered separately", "Without equal", "Unique", "rare", "matchless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alone", "num_translations": 38 }, "alone1": { "senses": [ "By oneself", "apart from, or exclusive of, others", "solo", "Without outside help", "Exclusively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alone", "num_translations": 148 }, "along": { "senses": [ "By the length of", "in a line with the length of", "lengthwise next to", "In a line with, with a progressive motion on", "onward on", "forward on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alongst", "endlong" ], "word": "along", "num_translations": 84 }, "along1": { "senses": [ "In company", "together", "Onward, forward, with progressive action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alongst" ], "word": "along", "num_translations": 61 }, "aloof": { "senses": [ "At or from a distance, but within view, or at a small distance", "apart", "away", "Without sympathy", "unfavorably" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aloof", "num_translations": 37 }, "gnome1": { "senses": [ "An elemental associated with earth", "One of a legendary race of human-like beings, usually imagined as short and possibly bearded males, who inhabit the inner parts of the earth and act as guardians of mines, mineral treasure, etc", "A dwarf", "a goblin", "a person of small stature or misshapen features, or of strange appearance", "The northern pygmy owl, Glaucidium gnoma, a small owl of the western United States", "A small statue of a dwarf-like character, often bearded, placed in a garden", "An upper atmospheric optical phenomenon associated with thunderstorms, a compact blue starter", "A banker, especially a secretive international one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gnome", "num_translations": 67 }, "gnomon": { "senses": [ "An object such as a pillar or a rod that is used to tell time by the shadow it casts when the sun shines on it, especially the pointer on a sundial", "An object such as a pillar used by an observer to calculate the meridian altitude of the sun , for the purpose of determining the observer's latitude", "The index of the hour circle of a globe", "A plane figure formed by removing a parallelogram from a corner of a larger parallelogram", "A number representing the increment between two figurate numbers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gnomon", "num_translations": 51 }, "altercation": { "senses": [ "Heated or angry dispute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dispute" ], "word": "altercation", "num_translations": 56 }, "alternate": { "senses": [ "Being or succeeding by turns", "one following the other in succession of time or place", "by turns first one and then the other", "hence, reciprocal", "Designating the members in a series, which regularly intervene between the members of another series, as the odd or even numbers of the numerals", "every other", "every second", "Other", "alternative", "Distributed, as leaves, singly at different heights of the stem, and at equal intervals as respects angular divergence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alternate", "num_translations": 35 }, "alternate1": { "senses": [ "vicissitude", "A substitute", "an alternative", "one designated to take the place of another, if necessary, in performing some duty", "A proportion derived from another proportion by interchanging the means", "A replacement of equal or greater value or function", "Figures or tinctures that succeed each other by turns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alternate", "num_translations": 11 }, "alternate2": { "senses": [ "To perform by turns, or in succession", "to cause to succeed by turns", "to interchange regularly", "To happen, succeed, or act by turns", "to follow reciprocally in place or time", "followed by with", "To vary by turns", "To perform an alternation on", "to remove vertices as part of an alternation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alternate", "num_translations": 37 }, "alternately": { "senses": [ "In reciprocal succession", "succeeding by turns", "in alternate order", "By alternation", "when, in a proportion, the antecedent term is compared with antecedent, and consequent", "Alternatively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alternately", "num_translations": 21 }, "alternation": { "senses": [ "The reciprocal succession of things in time or place", "the act of following and being followed by turns", "alternate succession, performance, or occurrence", "The response of the congregation speaking alternately with the minister", "Ablaut", "A pattern by which more than one construct is possible, as with \"Alice cooked Bob dinner\" and \"Alice cooked dinner for Bob\"", "The \"inclusive or\" truth function", "A sequence that alternates between positive and negative values", "sometimes incorrectly used to mean permutation", "A construct in a regular expression that can match any of several specified subexpressions", "A type of partial truncation of a polygon, polyhedron or tiling in which alternate vertices are removed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alternation", "num_translations": 19 }, "altogether": { "senses": [ "Without exception", "wholly", "completely", "On the whole", "with everything considered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "altogether", "num_translations": 75 }, "superficial": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the surface", "Being near the surface", "Shallow, lacking substance", "At face value", "Two-dimensional", "drawn on a flat surface" ], "antonyms": [ "in-depth", "thorough", "substantive" ], "synonyms": [ "surficial" ], "word": "superficial", "num_translations": 48 }, "pointer": { "senses": [ "Anything that points or is used for pointing", "A needle-like component of a timepiece or measuring device that indicates the time or the current reading of the device", "A breed of hunting dog, trained to point out game", "A variable that holds the address of a memory location where a value can be stored", "An icon that indicates the position of the mouse", "a cursor", "A tip, a bit of advice", "Something worth a given number of points" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fescue", "hand", "needle", "cursor", "reference" ], "word": "pointer", "num_translations": 106 }, "cacophony": { "senses": [ "A mix of discordant sounds", "dissonance" ], "antonyms": [ "euphony", "harmony" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cacophony", "num_translations": 34 }, "migratory": { "senses": [ "Migrating", "Roving", "wandering", "nomadic" ], "antonyms": [ "sedentary" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "migratory", "num_translations": 11 }, "migrate": { "senses": [ "To relocate periodically from one region to another, usually according to the seasons", "To change one's geographic pattern of habitation", "To change habitations across a border", "to move from one country or political region to another", "To move slowly towards, usually in groups", ": To move computer code or files from one computer or network to another", "To induce customers to shift purchases from one set of a company's related products to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "migrate", "num_translations": 17 }, "migration": { "senses": [ "An instance of moving to live in another place for a while", "Seasonal moving for animals, as birds or fishes, to breed or find a new home", "Movement in general", "Instance of changing a platform from an environment to another one", "The movement of cells in particular directions to specific locations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "migration", "num_translations": 91 }, "valuable": { "senses": [ "Having a great value", "Estimable", "deserving esteem" ], "antonyms": [ "worthless" ], "synonyms": [ "worthy" ], "word": "valuable", "num_translations": 65 }, "dial": { "senses": [ "A graduated, circular scale over which a needle moves to show a measurement", "A clock face", "A panel on a radio etc showing wavelengths or channels", "a knob that is turned to change the wavelength etc", "A disk with finger holes on a telephone", "used to select the number to be called", "A person's face", "A miner's compass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dial", "num_translations": 36 }, "shark": { "senses": [ "A scaleless, predatory fish of the superorder Selachimorpha, with a cartilaginous skeleton and 5 to 7 gill slits on each side of its head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haye" ], "word": "shark", "num_translations": 196 }, "whale": { "senses": [ "Any of several species of large sea mammals of the infraorder Cetacea", "Something, or someone, that is very large", "Something, or someone, that is excellent", "In a casino, a person who routinely bets at the maximum limit allowable", "An investor who deals with very large amounts of money", "A video game player who spends large amounts of money on premium content" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whale", "num_translations": 200 }, "glutton1": { "senses": [ "One who eats voraciously, obsessively, or to excess", "a gormandizer", "One who consumes voraciously, obsessively, or to excess", "The wolverine, Gulo gulo, of the family Mustelidae, a carnivorous mammal about the size of a large badger, native to the northern parts of America, Europe, and Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:glutton" ], "word": "glutton", "num_translations": 109 }, "amass": { "senses": [ "To collect into a mass or heap", "to gather a great quantity of", "to accumulate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heap up", "accumulate" ], "word": "amass", "num_translations": 28 }, "amateur": { "senses": [ "A lover of something", "A person attached to a particular pursuit, study, or science as to music or painting", "especially one who cultivates any study or art, from taste or attachment, without pursuing it professionally", "Someone who is unqualified or insufficiently skillful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hobbyist", "dilettante" ], "word": "amateur", "num_translations": 82 }, "amazement": { "senses": [ "The condition of being amazed", "overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear, horror, or admiration", "astonishment", "A particular feeling of wonder, surprise, fear, or horror", "Something which amazes", "Madness, frenzy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amazement", "num_translations": 36 }, "amazingly": { "senses": [ "In an amazing manner", "in a way that causes amazement", "wonderfully", "Difficult to believe", "strange but true", "To a wonder-inspiring extent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amazingly", "num_translations": 48 }, "ambition": { "senses": [ "Eager or inordinate desire for some object that confers distinction, as preferment, honor, superiority, political power, or literary fame", "desire to distinguish one's self from other people", "An object of an ardent desire", "A desire, as in , for another person to achieve these things", "A personal quality similar to motivation, not necessarily tied to a single goal", "The act of going about to solicit or obtain an office, or any other object of desire", "canvassing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ambition", "num_translations": 81 }, "ambitious": { "senses": [ "Having or showing ambition", "wanting a lot of power, honor, respect, superiority, or other distinction", "Very desirous", "Resulting from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition", "Hard to achieve" ], "antonyms": [ "nonambitious", "unambitious" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ambitious", "num_translations": 66 }, "exclude": { "senses": [ "To bar from entering", "to keep out", "To expel", "to put out", "To omit from consideration", "To refuse to accept as valid", "To eliminate from diagnostic consideration" ], "antonyms": [ "include" ], "synonyms": [ "debar", "eject", "omit" ], "word": "exclude", "num_translations": 49 }, "expel": { "senses": [ "To eject or erupt", "To fire", "To remove from membership", "To deport" ], "antonyms": [ "impel" ], "synonyms": [ "fordrive" ], "word": "expel", "num_translations": 95 }, "impel": { "senses": [ "To urge a person", "to press on", "to incite to action or motion via intrinsic motivation", "To drive forward", "to propel an object" ], "antonyms": [ "expel" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "impel", "num_translations": 29 }, "knot": { "senses": [ "A looping of a piece of string or of any other long, flexible material that cannot be untangled without passing one or both ends of the material through its loops", "A tangled clump", "A maze-like pattern", "A difficult situation", "The whorl left in lumber by the base of a branch growing out of the tree's trunk", "Local swelling in a tissue area, especially skin, often due to injury", "A protuberant joint in a plant", "Any knob, lump, swelling, or protuberance", "the swelling of the bulbus glandis in members of the dog family, Canidae", "The point on which the action of a story depends", "the gist of a matter", "A node", "A kind of epaulet", "A group of people or things", "A bond of union", "a connection", "a tie", "A unit of speed, equal to one nautical mile per hour in a standard time Traditionally spaced at one every of a mile)", "A nautical mile", "The bulbus glandis", "In omegaverse fan fiction, a bulbus glandis-like structure on the penis of a male alpha, which ties him to an omega during intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knot", "num_translations": 279 }, "knot1": { "senses": [ "To form wrinkles in the forehead, as a sign of concentration, concern, surprise, etc", "To unite closely", "to knit together", "To entangle or perplex", "to puzzle" ], "antonyms": [ "loosen" ], "synonyms": [ "bind", "knit", "attach", "baffle" ], "word": "knot", "num_translations": 61 }, "fussy": { "senses": [ "Anxious or particular about petty details", "Having a tendency to fuss, cry, or be bad-tempered/ill-tempered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fastidious" ], "word": "fussy", "num_translations": 58 }, "bother": { "senses": [ "To annoy, to disturb, to irritate", "To feel care or anxiety", "to make or take trouble", "to be troublesome", "To do something which is of negligible inconvenience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annoy", "care" ], "word": "bother", "num_translations": 113 }, "bother1": { "senses": [ "Fuss, ado", "Trouble, inconvenience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:commotion", "Thesaurus:nuisance" ], "word": "bother", "num_translations": 48 }, "bother2": { "senses": [ "A mild expression of annoyance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blast" ], "word": "bother", "num_translations": 10 }, "annoy": { "senses": [ "To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts", "to bother with unpleasant deeds", "To do something to upset or anger someone", "to be troublesome", "To molest", "to harm", "to injure" ], "antonyms": [ "please" ], "synonyms": [ "bother", "bug", "hassle", "irritate", "pester", "nag", "irk", "Thesaurus:annoy" ], "word": "annoy", "num_translations": 153 }, "extensive": { "senses": [ "having a great extent", "covering a large area", "vast", "considerable in amount", "Serving to extend or lengthen", "characterized by extension", "Having a combined system entropy that equals the sum of the entropies of the independent systems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "extensive", "num_translations": 41 }, "intensive": { "senses": [ "Thorough", "to a great degree", "with intensity", "Demanding", "requiring a great amount of work etc", "Highly concentrated", "Stretched", "allowing intension, or increase of degree", "that can be intensified", "Characterized by persistence", "intent", "assiduous", "Serving to give force or emphasis", "Related to the need to manage life-threatening conditions by means of sophisticated life support and monitoring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intensive", "num_translations": 34 }, "intent": { "senses": [ "A purpose", "something that is intended", "The state of someone's mind at the time of committing an offence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intention" ], "word": "intent", "num_translations": 25 }, "breadth": { "senses": [ "The extent or measure of how broad or wide something is", "A piece of fabric of standard width", "Scope or range, especially of knowledge or skill", "A style in painting in which details are strictly subordinated to the harmony of the whole composition", "The length of the longest path between two vertices in a graph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "width", "extent" ], "word": "breadth", "num_translations": 14 }, "width": { "senses": [ "The state of being wide", "The measurement of the extent of something from side to side", "A piece of material measured along its smaller dimension, especially fabric", "The horizontal distance between a batsman and the ball as it passes him" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breadth" ], "word": "width", "num_translations": 97 }, "height": { "senses": [ "The distance from the base of something to the top", "The vertical distance from the ground to the highest part of a standing person or animal", "The highest point or maximum degree", "A high point", "An area of land at the top of a cliff" ], "antonyms": [ "depth" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:apex" ], "word": "height", "num_translations": 167 }, "public": { "senses": [ "Able to be seen or known by everyone", "open to general view, happening without concealment", "Pertaining to the people as a whole", "concerning the whole country, community etc", "Officially representing the community", "carried out or funded by the state on behalf of the community", "Open to all members of a community", "especially, provided by national or local authorities and supported by money from taxes", "Accessible to the program in general, not only to the class or any subclasses" ], "antonyms": [ "private" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "public", "num_translations": 154 }, "private": { "senses": [ "Belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group", "Not accessible by the public", "Not in governmental office or employment", "Not publicly known", "not open", "secret", "Protected from view or disturbance by others", "secluded", "Not traded by the public", "Secretive", "reserved", "Not shared with another patient", "Accessible only to the class itself or instances of it, and not to other classes or even subclasses" ], "antonyms": [ "public" ], "synonyms": [ "secluded", "personal", "not accessible by the public", "secret" ], "word": "private", "num_translations": 129 }, "private1": { "senses": [ "A soldier of the lowest rank in the army", "The genitals", "A secret message", "a personal unofficial communication", "Personal interest", "particular business", "Privacy", "retirement", "One not invested with a public office" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bit" ], "word": "private", "num_translations": 41 }, "stuff": { "senses": [ "Miscellaneous items or objects", "personal effects", "Unspecified things or matters", "The tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object", "A material for making clothing", "any woven textile, but especially a woollen fabric", "Boards used for building", "Abstract substance or character", "Used as placeholder, usually for material of unknown type or name", "Narcotic drugs, especially heroin", "Furniture", "goods", "domestic vessels or utensils", "A medicine or mixture", "a potion", "Refuse or worthless matter", "hence, also, foolish or irrational language", "nonsense", "trash", "A melted mass of turpentine, tallow, etc, with which the masts, sides, and bottom of a ship are smeared for lubrication", "Money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stuff", "num_translations": 87 }, "stuff1": { "senses": [ "To fill by packing or crowding something into", "to cram with something", "to load to excess", "To fill a space with in a compressed manner", "To fill with seasoning", "To load goods into for transport", "To sate", "To eat, especially in a hearty or greedy manner", "To break", "to destroy", "To sexually penetrate", "To heavily defeat or get the better of", "To cut off another competitor in a race by disturbing his projected and committed racing line by an abrupt manoeuvre", "To preserve a dead bird or other animal by filling its skin", "To obstruct, as any of the organs", "to affect with some obstruction in the organs of sense or respiration", "To form or fashion by packing with the necessary material", "To crowd with facts", "to cram the mind of", "sometimes, to crowd or fill with false or idle tales or fancies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stuff", "num_translations": 113 }, "stuffing1": { "senses": [ "The matter used to stuff hollow objects such as pillows and saddles", "Any of many food items used to stuff another", "A mixture of oil and tallow used in softening and dressing leather", "The insertion of many copies of a word into a web page in an attempt to increase its search engine ranking", "A tax loophole whereby a corporation acquires property that will result in a loss of revenue, purely in order to reduce its tax liability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stuffing", "num_translations": 32 }, "hardy": { "senses": [ "Having rugged physical strength", "inured to fatigue or hardships", "Brave and resolute", "Impudent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "robust", "rugged", "strong" ], "word": "hardy", "num_translations": 31 }, "skinny": { "senses": [ "thin, generally in a negative sense", "Low-fat", "Naked", "nude", "tight-fitting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrawny" ], "word": "skinny", "num_translations": 75 }, "horologist": { "senses": [ "Someone who makes or repairs watches or clocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "watchmaker" ], "word": "horologist", "num_translations": 14 }, "diversion": { "senses": [ "A tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action", "A hobby", "an activity that distracts the mind", "The act of diverting", "Removal of water via a canal", "A detour, such as during road construction", "The rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new transshipment point or destination, or to a different mode of transportation before arrival at the ultimate destinationUS FM 55-15 TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE DATA", "9 June 1886'''''", "Officially halting or suspending a formal criminal or juvenile justice proceeding and referral of the accused person to a treatment or care program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hobby" ], "word": "diversion", "num_translations": 90 }, "amendment": { "senses": [ "An alteration or change for the better", "correction of a fault or of faults", "reformation of life by quitting vices", "In public bodies, any alteration made or proposed to be made in a bill or motion that adds, changes, substitutes, or omits", "Correction of an error in a writ or process", "An addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution", "That which is added", "that which is used to increase or supplement something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "improvement", "reformation" ], "word": "amendment", "num_translations": 65 }, "amends": { "senses": [ "plural of \"amend\"", "Compensation for a loss or injury", "recompense", "reparation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reparation" ], "word": "amends", "num_translations": 14 }, "amiable": { "senses": [ "Friendly", "kind", "sweet", "gracious", "Of a pleasant and likeable nature", "kind-hearted", "easy to like" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "likable" ], "word": "amiable", "num_translations": 113 }, "amidst": { "senses": [ "In the midst or middle of", "surrounded or encompassed by", "among" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amid" ], "word": "amidst", "num_translations": 14 }, "ammonia": { "senses": [ "A gaseous compound of hydrogen and nitrogen, NH3, with a pungent smell and taste", "a solution of this compound in water used domestically as a cleaning fluid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spirits of hartshorn", "volatile alkali" ], "word": "ammonia", "num_translations": 53 }, "ammunition": { "senses": [ "Articles used in charging firearms and ordnance of all kinds", "as powder, balls, shot, shells, percussion caps, rockets, etc", "Military stores, or provisions of all kinds for attack or defense", "arguments and information that can be used against the other party in a conflict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ammo" ], "word": "ammunition", "num_translations": 62 }, "ample": { "senses": [ "Large", "great in size, extent, capacity, or bulk", "Fully sufficient", "abundant", "plenty", "Not contracted or brief", "not concise", "extended", "diffusive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "full", "spacious", "extensive", "wide", "capacious", "abundant", "plentiful", "plenteous", "copious", "bountiful", "Thesaurus:ample", "Thesaurus:large", "Thesaurus:abundant" ], "word": "ample", "num_translations": 59 }, "amplify": { "senses": [ "To render larger, more extended, or more intense", "To enlarge by addition or commenting", "to treat copiously by adding particulars, illustrations, etc", "to expand", "To increase the amplitude of something, especially of an electric current", "To add content that is not present in the source text to the target text, usually to improve the fluency of the translation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amplify", "num_translations": 32 }, "amuse": { "senses": [ "To entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner", "to stir with pleasing emotions", "to be funny", "To keep in expectation", "to beguile", "to delude", "To occupy or engage the attention of", "to lose in deep thought", "to absorb", "also, to distract", "to bewilder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entertain" ], "word": "amuse", "num_translations": 72 }, "analogous": { "senses": [ "Having analogy", "corresponding to something else", "bearing some resemblance or proportion", "Functionally similar, but arising through convergent evolution rather than being homologous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "correspondent" ], "word": "analogous", "num_translations": 33 }, "anarchist": { "senses": [ "One who believes in or advocates the absence of hierarchy and authority in most forms , especially one who works toward the realization of such", "One who disregards laws and social norms as a form of rebellion against authority", "One who promotes chaos and lawlessness", "a nihilist", "One who resents outside control or influence on his or her life, in particular a government, and therefore desires the absence of political control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anarchist", "num_translations": 50 }, "anatomical": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to anatomy or dissection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anatomic" ], "word": "anatomical", "num_translations": 26 }, "anatomy": { "senses": [ "The art of studying the different parts of any organized body, to discover their situation, structure, and economy", "The science that deals with the form and structure of organic bodies", "anatomical structure or organization", "The act of dividing anything, corporeal or intellectual, for the purpose of examining its parts", "The form of an individual", "The human body, especially in reference to the private parts", "A skeleton, or dead body", "The physical or functional organization of an organism, or part of it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anatomy", "num_translations": 64 }, "wallpaper": { "senses": [ "Decorative paper-like material used to cover the inner walls of buildings", "A style or design of such material", "Anything that serves as a background or part of the surroundings", "An image or tiled pattern used as the background of a computer desktop", "Generic footage of a building or location that may be used in the background of a related news report", "Gaudy mass-produced stamps, typically of little or no value and only produced for sale to collectors", "A radio operator's collection of awards and QSL cards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desktop image", "desktop pattern" ], "word": "wallpaper", "num_translations": 97 }, "cursor": { "senses": [ "a part of any of several scientific instruments that moves back and forth to indicate a position", "a moving icon or other representation of the position of the pointing device", "an indicator, often a blinking line or bar, indicating where the next insertion or other edit will take place", "a reference to a row of data in a table, which moves from row to row as data is retrieved by way of it", "a design pattern in object oriented methodology in which a collection is iterated uniformly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cursor", "num_translations": 78 }, "rip1": { "senses": [ "To divide or separate the parts of , by cutting or tearing", "to tear off or out by violence", "To tear apart", "to rapidly become two parts", "To get by, or as if by, cutting or tearing", "To move quickly and destructively", "To cut wood along the grain", "To copy data from CD, DVD, Internet stream, etc to a hard drive, portable device, etc", "To take a \"hit\" of marijuana", "To fart", "To mock or criticize", "To steal", "To move or act fast, to rush headlong", "To tear up for search or disclosure, or for alteration", "to search to the bottom", "to discover", "to disclose", "usually with up", "To surf extremely well" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tear" ], "word": "rip", "num_translations": 63 }, "tilde": { "senses": [ "The grapheme of character ~", "The character used to represent negation, usually ~ or \u00ac" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "squiggle" ], "word": "tilde", "num_translations": 51 }, "influenza": { "senses": [ "An acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs, caused by a virus, which rapidly spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flu", "grippe" ], "word": "influenza", "num_translations": 70 }, "clairvoyant1": { "senses": [ "A person able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses", "A person able to foresee the future" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medium", "fortune teller" ], "word": "clairvoyant", "num_translations": 44 }, "treble2": { "senses": [ "The highest singing voice or part in musical composition", "a boy soprano", "The highest tuned in a ring of bells", "Any high-pitched or shrill voice or sound", "A threefold quantity or number", "something having three parts or having been tripled", "A drink with three portions of alcohol", "Any of the narrow areas enclosed by the two central circles on a dartboard, worth three times the usual value of the segment", "Three goals, victories, awards etc in a given match or season" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "treble", "num_translations": 10 }, "treble3": { "senses": [ "To multiply by three", "to make into three parts, layers, or thrice the amount", "To become multiplied by three or increased threefold", "To make a shrill or high-pitched noise", "to whine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "triple", "keen", "whine" ], "word": "treble", "num_translations": 16 }, "guide1": { "senses": [ "to lead or direct in a way", "to conduct in a course or path", "to steer or navigate, especially a ship or as a pilot", "to exert control or influence over someone or something", "to supervise the education or training of someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guide", "num_translations": 67 }, "ditch1": { "senses": [ "To discard or abandon", "To deliberately crash-land an airplane on water", "To deliberately not attend classes", "to play hookey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abandon", "discard", "dump", "jettison", "lose", "shed", "Thesaurus:junk" ], "word": "ditch", "num_translations": 43 }, "discard": { "senses": [ "to throw away, to reject", "to throw out a card", "To dismiss from employment, confidence, or favour", "to discharge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cast away", "dismiss", "dispose", "eliminate", "get rid of", "throw away", "Thesaurus:junk" ], "word": "discard", "num_translations": 56 }, "discord": { "senses": [ "Lack of concord, agreement or harmony", "Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement", "dissension", "An inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones", "a dissonance", "Any harsh noise, or confused mingling of sounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "discord", "num_translations": 95 }, "discordant": { "senses": [ "not in harmony or accord", "harsh or dissonant-sounding", "of a differing type of rock cutting across a formation", "of opposite sign" ], "antonyms": [ "concordant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "discordant", "num_translations": 13 }, "lovechild": { "senses": [ "A child born as a result of a romantic liaison between parents not married to one another", "an illegitimate child" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bastard" ], "word": "lovechild", "num_translations": 31 }, "trace": { "senses": [ "An act of tracing", "An enquiry sent out for a missing article, such as a letter or an express package", "A mark left as a sign of passage of a person or animal", "A residue of some substance or material", "A very small amount", "A current-carrying conductive pathway on a printed circuit board", "An informal road or prominent path in an arid area", "One of two straps, chains, or ropes of a harness, extending from the collar or breastplate to a whippletree attached to a vehicle or thing to be drawn", "a tug", "A connecting bar or rod, pivoted at each end to the end of another piece, for transmitting motion, especially from one plane to another", "specifically, such a piece in an organ stop action to transmit motion from the trundle to the lever actuating the stop slider", "The ground plan of a work or works", "The intersection of a plane of projection, or an original plane, with a coordinate plane", "The sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix", "An empty category occupying a position in the syntactic structure from which something has been moved, used to explain constructions such as wh-movement and the passive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "track", "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "trace", "num_translations": 68 }, "trace1": { "senses": [ "To follow the trail of", "To follow the history of", "To draw or sketch lightly or with care", "To copy onto a sheet of paper superimposed over the original, by drawing over its lines", "To copy", "to imitate", "To walk", "to go", "to travel", "To walk over", "to pass through", "to traverse", "To follow the execution of the program by making it to stop after every instruction, or by making it print a message after every step" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trace", "num_translations": 39 }, "sketch1": { "senses": [ "A rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work, often consisting of a multitude of overlapping lines", "A rough design, plan, or draft, as a rough draft of a book", "A brief description of a person or account of an incident", "a general presentation or outline", "A brief, light, or unfinished dramatic, musical, or literary work or idea", "especially a short, often humorous or satirical scene or play, frequently as part of a revue or variety show, a skit", "An amusing person", "A lookout", "vigilant watch for something", "A humorous newspaper article summarizing political events, making heavy use of metaphor, paraphrase and caricature", "A formal specification of a mathematical structure or a data type described in terms of a graph and diagrams ) on it It can be implemented by means of \u201cmodels\", which are functors which are graph homomorphisms from the formal specification to categories such that the diagrams become commutative, the cones become limiting , the cocones become colimiting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sketch", "num_translations": 111 }, "sketchbook": { "senses": [ "A book or pad with blank pages for sketching", "a sketch pad", "A book of printed sketches", "A printed book of literary sketches or skits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "visual diary" ], "word": "sketchbook", "num_translations": 14 }, "sketchy": { "senses": [ "Roughly or hastily laid out", "intended for later refinement", "Resembling a comedy sketch, of sketch quality", "Of questionable or doubtful quality", "Suspected of taking part in illicit or dishonorable dealings", "Disturbing or unnerving, often in such a way that others may suspect them of intending physical or sexual harm or harassment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dicey", "dodgy", "seedy", "shady" ], "word": "sketchy", "num_translations": 32 }, "rubber": { "senses": [ "a hydrocarbon polymer of isoprene", "An eraser", "A condom", "Someone or something which rubs", "The cushion of an electric machine", "The rectangular pad on the pitcher's mound from which the pitcher must pitch", "Water-resistant shoe covers, galoshes, overshoes", "Tires, particularly racing tires", "A hardship or misfortune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "pitcher" ], "word": "rubber", "num_translations": 172 }, "numismatist": { "senses": [ "One who studies and/or collects coins and/or currencies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "numismat", "numismatician" ], "word": "numismatist", "num_translations": 17 }, "outstanding1": { "senses": [ "Prominent or noticeable", "standing out from others", "Exceptionally good", "distinguished from others by its superiority", "Projecting outwards", "Unresolved", "not settled or finished", "Owed as a debt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outstanding", "num_translations": 136 }, "inherit": { "senses": [ "To take possession of as a right", "To receive , by legal succession or bequest after the previous owner's death", "To receive a characteristic from one's ancestors by genetic transmission", "To derive from people or conditions previously in force", "To derive from a superclass", "To derive a new class from", "To put in possession of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inherit", "num_translations": 96 }, "malay1": { "senses": [ "Type of mild curry made with yoghurt and fruit, usually pineapple or lychee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bahasa Malaysia" ], "word": "Malay", "num_translations": 86 }, "readable": { "senses": [ "legible, possible to read or at least decipher", "which can be read\u2014ie accessed or played\u2014by a certain technical type of device", "enjoyable to read, of an acceptable stylistic quality or at least functionally composed" ], "antonyms": [ "unreadable", "illegible" ], "synonyms": [ "legible" ], "word": "readable", "num_translations": 19 }, "invent": { "senses": [ "To design a new process or mechanism", "To create something fictional for a particular purpose", "To come upon", "to find", "to discover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fangle", "discover" ], "word": "invent", "num_translations": 85 }, "vary": { "senses": [ "To change with time or a similar parameter", "To institute a change in, from a current state", "to modify", "Not to remain constant: to change with time or a similar parameter", "To display differences", "To be or act different from the usual", "To make of different kinds", "to make different from one another", "to diversity", "to variegate", "To embellish", "to change fancifully", "to present under new aspects, as of form, key, measure, etc See variation", "To disagree", "to be at variance or in dissension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alter", "fluctuate", "Thesaurus:differ", "Thesaurus:diversify", "dissent" ], "word": "vary", "num_translations": 30 }, "variable": { "senses": [ "Able to vary or be varied", "Likely to vary", "Marked by diversity or difference", "Having no fixed quantitative value", "Tending to deviate from a normal or recognized type" ], "antonyms": [ "constant", "constant", "unchanging", "constant" ], "synonyms": [ "alterable", "fickle", "fluctuating", "inconstant", "shifting", "unstable", "unsteady", "Thesaurus:unsteady", "Thesaurus:changeable", "varying", "aberrant" ], "word": "variable", "num_translations": 145 }, "variable1": { "senses": [ "Something whose value may be dictated or discovered", "A quantity that may assume any one of a set of values", "A named memory location in which a program can store intermediate results and from which it can read them", "A shifting wind, or one that varies in force", "Those parts of the sea where a steady wind is not expected, especially the parts between the trade-wind belts" ], "antonyms": [ "constant" ], "synonyms": [ "changeable", "parameter", "variable quantity" ], "word": "variable", "num_translations": 146 }, "candlestick": { "senses": [ "A holder with a socket or spike for a candle", "A gymnastics move in which the legs are pointed vertically upward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "candle holder" ], "word": "candlestick", "num_translations": 84 }, "candelabrum": { "senses": [ "A candle holder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chandelier" ], "word": "candelabrum", "num_translations": 47 }, "drought": { "senses": [ "A period of unusually low rainfall, longer and more severe than a dry spell", "A longer than expected term without success, particularly in sport" ], "antonyms": [ "winning streak" ], "synonyms": [ "losing streak" ], "word": "drought", "num_translations": 150 }, "demon": { "senses": [ "An evil supernatural spirit", "A neutral supernatural spirit", "Someone with great strength, passion or skill for a particular activity, pursuit etc", "an enthusiast", "A form of patience", "Any of various hesperiid butterflies of the genera Notocrypta and Udaspes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "genius" ], "word": "demon", "num_translations": 265 }, "manx1": { "senses": [ "A member or descendant of the Celto-Germanic people of the Isle of Man", "A breed of domestic cat native to the Isle of Man, principally characterized by suppression of the tail, and with a short-haired coat and rounded, cobby body", "With a truncated or missing tail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Manx cat" ], "word": "Manx", "num_translations": 11 }, "heretic": { "senses": [ "Someone who believes contrary to the fundamental tenets of a religion they claim to belong to", "Someone who does not conform to generally accepted beliefs or practices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apostate", "dissident", "nonconformist", "sectarian", "separatist", "withersake" ], "word": "heretic", "num_translations": 81 }, "unorthodox": { "senses": [ "unusual, unconventional, or idiosyncratic" ], "antonyms": [ "orthodox" ], "synonyms": [ "heretical", "heterodox", "inorthodox" ], "word": "unorthodox", "num_translations": 18 }, "conventional": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to a convention, as in following generally accepted principles, methods and behaviour", "Ordinary, commonplace", "Banal, trite, hackneyed, unoriginal or clich\u00e9d", "Pertaining to a weapon which is not a weapon of mass destruction", "Making use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides", "In accordance with a bidding convention, as opposed to a natural bid" ], "antonyms": [ "atypical", "out of the ordinary", "unconventional", "imaginative", "nuclear", "organic", "natural" ], "synonyms": [ "typical", "canonical", "stereotypical" ], "word": "conventional", "num_translations": 38 }, "convention": { "senses": [ "A meeting or gathering", "A formal deliberative assembly of mandated delegates", "The convening of a formal meeting", "A formal agreement, contract or pact", "A treaty or supplement to such", "A practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction", "a custom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "convention", "num_translations": 133 }, "ancient": { "senses": [ "Having lasted from a remote period", "having been of long duration", "of great age, very old", "Existent or occurring in time long past, usually in remote ages", "belonging to or associated with antiquity", "old, as opposed to modern", "Relating to antiquity as a primarily European historical period", "the time before the Middle Ages", "Experienced", "versed", "Former", "sometime" ], "antonyms": [ "modern" ], "synonyms": [ "aged" ], "word": "ancient", "num_translations": 219 }, "chap1": { "senses": [ "Of the skin, to split or flake due to cold weather or dryness", "To cause to open in slits or chinks", "to split", "to cause the skin of to crack or become rough", "To strike, knock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chap", "num_translations": 12 }, "giddyup": { "senses": [ "Move on!, go faster!" ], "antonyms": [ "whoa" ], "synonyms": [ "gee up" ], "word": "giddyup", "num_translations": 39 }, "film": { "senses": [ "A thin layer of some substance", "a pellicle", "a membranous covering, causing opacity", "A medium used to capture images in a camera", "A movie", "Cinema", "movies as a group", "A slender thread, such as that of a cobweb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "movie" ], "word": "film", "num_translations": 109 }, "stodgy": { "senses": [ "Having a thick, semi-solid consistency", "glutinous", "heavy on the stomach", "Dull, old-fashioned", "Badly put together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stodgy", "num_translations": 10 }, "fun": { "senses": [ "amusement, enjoyment or pleasure", "playful, often noisy, activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amusement", "boisterousness" ], "word": "fun", "num_translations": 100 }, "ancestor": { "senses": [ "One from whom a person is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any distance of time", "a progenitor", "a forefather", "An earlier type", "a progenitor", "One from whom an estate has descended", "\u2014the correlative of heir", "One who had the same role or function in former times" ], "antonyms": [ "descendant", "afterbear" ], "synonyms": [ "forebear", "fore-elder", "forefather" ], "word": "ancestor", "num_translations": 157 }, "tswana": { "senses": [ "The Bantu language of these people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Motswana", "Setswana" ], "word": "Tswana", "num_translations": 16 }, "cassation": { "senses": [ "The abrogation of a law by a higher authority", "annulment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quashing" ], "word": "cassation", "num_translations": 10 }, "outside": { "senses": [ "The part of something that faces out", "the outer surface", "The external appearance of someone or something", "The space beyond some limit or boundary", "The furthest limit, as to number, quantity, extent, etc", "The part of a road towards the central division: towards the right if one drives on the left, or towards the left if one drives on the right", "The side of a curved road, racetrack etc that has the longer arc length", "the side of a racetrack furthest from the interior of the course or some other point of reference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outside", "num_translations": 47 }, "outside1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the outer surface, limit or boundary", "Of, pertaining to or originating from beyond the outer surface, limit or boundary", "Away from the interior or center of something", "Extending or going beyond the borders or scope of an organization, group, etc", "Away from the batter as it crosses home plate", "Reaching the extreme or farthest limit, as to extent, quantity, etc", "maximum", "Positioned towards the central division of a road: towards the right-hand side if one drives on the left, or left-hand side if one drives on the right", "Not legally married to or related to , and/or not residing with, a specified other person", "existing between two such people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outside", "num_translations": 31 }, "outside3": { "senses": [ "Beyond the scope, limits or borders of", "Near, but not in", "Except, apart from" ], "antonyms": [ "inside" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "outside", "num_translations": 33 }, "inside": { "senses": [ "The interior or inner part", "The left-hand side of a road if one drives on the left, or right-hand side if one drives on the right", "The side of a curved road, racetrack etc that has the shorter arc length", "the side of a racetrack nearer the interior of the course or some other point of reference", "The interior organs of the body, especially the guts", "A passenger within a coach or carriage, as distinguished from one upon the outside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inside", "num_translations": 47 }, "inside1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the inner surface, limit or boundary", "Nearer to the interior or centre of something", "Legally married to or related to , and/or residing with, a specified other person", "existing between two such people", "Toward the batter as it crosses home plate", "At or towards or the left-hand side of the road if one drives on the left, or right-hand side if one drives on the right" ], "antonyms": [ "outside" ], "synonyms": [ "indoors" ], "word": "inside", "num_translations": 32 }, "inside2": { "senses": [ "Within or towards the interior of something", "within the scope or limits of something , especially a building", "Indoors", "Intimately, secretly", "without expressing what one is feeling or thinking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inside", "num_translations": 79 }, "choice": { "senses": [ "An option", "a decision", "an opportunity to choose or select something", "The power to choose", "One selection or preference", "that which is chosen or decided", "the outcome of a decision", "Anything that can be chosen", "The best or most preferable part", "Care and judgement in selecting", "discrimination, selectiveness", "A sufficient number to choose among" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "option", "assortment", "the cream", "abundance" ], "word": "choice", "num_translations": 146 }, "choice1": { "senses": [ "Especially good or preferred", "Cool", "excellent", "Careful in choosing", "discriminating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prime" ], "word": "choice", "num_translations": 18 }, "tow2": { "senses": [ "An untwisted bundle of fibers such as cellulose acetate, flax, hemp or jute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hards" ], "word": "tow", "num_translations": 34 }, "towtruck": { "senses": [ "A motor vehicle typically equipped with winches, chains, and related equipment, and used to tow disabled vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breakdown lorry" ], "word": "towtruck", "num_translations": 34 }, "brilliant": { "senses": [ "Shining brightly", "Both bright and saturated", "having a sharp, clear tone", "Of surpassing excellence", "Magnificent or wonderful", "Highly intelligent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glittering", "excellent", "exceptional", "brainy", "Thesaurus:intelligent" ], "word": "brilliant", "num_translations": 134 }, "ugly": { "senses": [ "Displeasing to the eye", "not aesthetically pleasing", "Displeasing to the ear or some other sense", "Offensive to one's sensibilities or morality", "Ill-natured", "crossgrained", "quarrelsome", "Unpleasant", "disagreeable", "likely to cause trouble or loss" ], "antonyms": [ "attractive", "attractive", "moral" ], "synonyms": [ "hideous", "displeasing", "corrupt", "Thesaurus:ugly" ], "word": "ugly", "num_translations": 195 }, "pity": { "senses": [ "A feeling of sympathy at the misfortune or suffering of someone or something", "Something regrettable", "Piety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ruth", "shame" ], "word": "pity", "num_translations": 109 }, "rigid": { "senses": [ "Stiff, rather than flexible", "Fixed, rather than moving", "Rigorous and unbending", "Uncompromising" ], "antonyms": [ "flexible", "moving", "compromising" ], "synonyms": [ "unbending" ], "word": "rigid", "num_translations": 97 }, "ancestry": { "senses": [ "Condition as to ancestors", "ancestral lineage", "hence, birth or honorable descent", "A series of ancestors or progenitors", "lineage, or those who compose the line of natural descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ancestry", "num_translations": 50 }, "andamanislands": { "senses": [ "A group of islands in the Bay of Bengal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Andamans" ], "word": "AndamanIslands", "num_translations": 19 }, "angelic": { "senses": [ "Belonging to, or proceeding from, angels", "resembling, characteristic of, or partaking of the nature of, an angel", "Very sweet-natured or well-behaved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "angelical" ], "word": "angelic", "num_translations": 38 }, "anger": { "senses": [ "A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with an urge to harm", "Pain or stinging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:anger" ], "word": "anger", "num_translations": 175 }, "anger1": { "senses": [ "To cause such a feeling of antagonism in", "To become angry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enrage", "get" ], "word": "anger", "num_translations": 94 }, "steer": { "senses": [ "To guide the course of a vessel, vehicle, aircraft etc", "To guide the course of a vessel, vehicle, aircraft etc", "To be directed and governed", "to take a direction, or course", "to obey the helm", "To direct a group of animals", "To maneuver or manipulate a person or group into a place or course of action", "To direct a conversation", "To conduct oneself", "to take or pursue a course of action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "steer", "num_translations": 180 }, "steer2": { "senses": [ "The castrated male of cattle, especially one raised for beef production" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ox" ], "word": "steer", "num_translations": 36 }, "yard2": { "senses": [ "A unit of length equal to 3 feet in the US customary and British imperial systems of measurement, equal to precisely 09144 m since 1959 or 1963", "Units of similar composition or length in other systems", "Any spar carried aloft", "A branch, twig, or shoot", "A staff, rod, or stick", "A penis", "100 dollars", "The rod, a surveying unit of 15 or feet", "The rood, area bound by a square rod, acre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "ell", "See", "hundred", "See", "rod", "See", "virgate", "See", "rood" ], "word": "yard", "num_translations": 82 }, "archenemy": { "senses": [ "A principal enemy", "A supreme and most powerful enemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "archfoe" ], "word": "archenemy", "num_translations": 28 }, "torch": { "senses": [ "A stick with a flame on one end, used chiefly as a light source", "a similarly shaped implement with a replaceable supply of flammable material", "A portable light source powered by electricity", "a flashlight", "An arsonist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brand", "flashlight" ], "word": "torch", "num_translations": 90 }, "allele": { "senses": [ "One of a number of alternative forms of the same gene occupying a given position, or locus, on a chromosome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allelomorph" ], "word": "allele", "num_translations": 31 }, "junk": { "senses": [ "Discarded or waste material", "rubbish, trash", "A collection of miscellaneous items of little value", "Any narcotic drug, especially heroin", "The genitalia", "Salt beef", "Pieces of old cable or cordage, used for making gaskets, mats, swabs, etc, and when picked to pieces, forming oakum for filling the seams of ships", "A fragment of any solid substance", "a thick piece", "a chunk", "Material or resources of a kind lacking commercial value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:trash", "Thesaurus:cameltoe", "Thesaurus:male crotch bulge" ], "word": "junk", "num_translations": 96 }, "junk1": { "senses": [ "To throw away", "To find something for very little money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bin", "chuck", "chuck away", "chuck out", "discard", "dispose", "Thesaurus:junk" ], "word": "junk", "num_translations": 11 }, "anguish": { "senses": [ "Extreme pain, either of body or mind", "excruciating distress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agony" ], "word": "anguish", "num_translations": 66 }, "angular": { "senses": [ "Relating or pertaining to an angle or angles", "Having an angle or angles", "forming an angle or corner", "Sharp-cornered", "pointed", "Measured by an angle", "Lean, lank", "Ungraceful", "lacking grace", "Sharp and stiff in character", ":", "Composed of three or more rings attached to a single carbon atom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "angular", "num_translations": 50 }, "animated": { "senses": [ "Full of life or spirit", "lively", "vigorous", "spritely", "Endowed with life", "Composed of inanimate objects or drawings that appear to move thought the use of computer graphics or stop-action filming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brisk", "animate", "claymated" ], "word": "animated", "num_translations": 13 }, "animation": { "senses": [ "The act of animating, or giving life or spirit", "The technique of making inanimate objects or drawings appear to move in motion pictures or computer graphics", "the object so produced", "The state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor", "vivacity", "spiritedness", "The condition of being animate or alive", "conversion from the inanimate to animate grammatical category" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vitalization", "vivification", "enlivenment", "airiness", "ardor", "buoyancy", "earnestness", "energy", "enthusiasm", "liveliness", "promptitude", "spirit", "sprightliness", "vivacity", "life" ], "word": "animation", "num_translations": 62 }, "animosity": { "senses": [ "Violent hatred leading to active opposition", "active enmity", "energetic dislike" ], "antonyms": [ "peace" ], "synonyms": [ "enmity", "hatred", "opposition", "acrimony" ], "word": "animosity", "num_translations": 40 }, "annals": { "senses": [ "plural of \"annal\"", "A relation of events in chronological order, each event being recorded under the year in which it happened", "Historical records", "chronicles", "history", "A periodic publication, containing records of discoveries, transactions of societies, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "history" ], "word": "annals", "num_translations": 30 }, "annihilation": { "senses": [ "The act of destroying or otherwise turning into nothing, or nonexistence", "The act of destroying the form or combination of parts under which a thing exists, so that the name can no longer be applied to it", "The state of being annihilated", "The process of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle combining to produce energy" ], "antonyms": [ "creation", "generation" ], "synonyms": [ "extinction", "extinction" ], "word": "annihilation", "num_translations": 56 }, "announce": { "senses": [ "to give public notice, especially for the first time", "to make known", "to pronounce", "to declare by judicial sentence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:announce" ], "word": "announce", "num_translations": 91 }, "vacillate": { "senses": [ "To sway unsteadily from one side to the other", "oscillate", "To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stagger", "blow hot and cold" ], "word": "vacillate", "num_translations": 49 }, "announcement": { "senses": [ "An act of announcing, or giving notice", "That which conveys what is announced", "The content which is announced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proclamation", "publication" ], "word": "announcement", "num_translations": 105 }, "annoying1": { "senses": [ "present participle of \"annoy\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:annoying" ], "word": "annoying", "num_translations": 80 }, "annoyance": { "senses": [ "That which annoys", "An act or instance of annoying", "The psychological state of being annoyed or irritated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nark" ], "word": "annoyance", "num_translations": 78 }, "anoint": { "senses": [ "To smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance", "also, to spread over, as oil", "To apply oil to or to pour oil upon, etc, as a sacred rite, especially for consecration", "To choose or nominate somebody for a leading or otherwise important position, especially formally or officially, or as an intended successor", "To mark somebody as an official ruler, especially a king or queen, as a part of a religious ceremony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salve" ], "word": "anoint", "num_translations": 72 }, "sessile": { "senses": [ "Permanently attached to a substrate", "not free to move about", "Attached directly by the base", "not having an intervening stalk", "stalkless" ], "antonyms": [ "mobile" ], "synonyms": [ "attached" ], "word": "sessile", "num_translations": 23 }, "anon": { "senses": [ "Straight away", "at once", "Soon", "in a little while", "At another time", "then", "again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anon", "num_translations": 12 }, "another": { "senses": [ "One more, in addition to a former number", "a second or additional one, similar in likeness or in effect", "Not the same", "different", "Any or some", "any different person, indefinitely", "anyone else", "someone else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "another", "num_translations": 150 }, "answerable": { "senses": [ "Required to justify one's actions", "accountable, responsible", "Able to be answered", "Correspondent, in accordance", "comparable", "Proportionate", "commensurate in amount", "suitable", "Capable of being answered or refuted", "admitting a satisfactory answer" ], "antonyms": [ "unanswerable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "answerable", "num_translations": 13 }, "antagonistic": { "senses": [ "Contending or acting against", "Relating to an antagonist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:combative" ], "word": "antagonistic", "num_translations": 18 }, "anticipate": { "senses": [ "To act before , especially to prevent an action", "to take up or introduce prematurely", "to know of before it happens", "to expect", "to eagerly wait for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preclude", "expect", "look forward to" ], "word": "anticipate", "num_translations": 50 }, "antic1": { "senses": [ "A grotesque representation of a figure", "a gargoyle", "A caricature", "A ludicrous gesture or act", "ridiculous behaviour", "caper", "A grotesque performer or clown, buffoon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "antic", "num_translations": 49 }, "antipathy": { "senses": [ "A feeling of dislike", "repugnance or distaste", "Natural contrariety or incompatibility" ], "antonyms": [ "sympathy" ], "synonyms": [ "hatred", "aversion", "dislike", "disgust", "distaste", "enmity", "ill will", "repugnance", "contrariety", "opposition" ], "word": "antipathy", "num_translations": 31 }, "antiquity": { "senses": [ "Ancient times", "faraway history", "former ages", "The people of ancient times", "An old gentleman", "The historical period preceding the Middle Ages , primarily relating to European history", "A relic or monument of ancient times, such as a coin, a statue, etc", "an ancient institution", "The state of being ancient or of ancient lineage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "antiquity", "num_translations": 57 }, "anxiety": { "senses": [ "An unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event", "An uneasy or distressing desire", "A state of restlessness and agitation, often accompanied by a distressing sense of oppression or tightness in the stomach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "care", "solicitude", "foreboding", "uneasiness", "perplexity", "disquietude", "disquiet", "trouble", "apprehension", "restlessness", "distress" ], "word": "anxiety", "num_translations": 153 }, "anxious": { "senses": [ "Nervous and worried", "Full of anxiety or disquietude", "greatly concerned or solicitous, especially respecting something future or unknown", "Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety", "worrying", "Earnestly desirous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "angstful", "careful", "concerned", "disturbed", "restless", "solicitous", "uneasy", "unquiet", "watchful" ], "word": "anxious", "num_translations": 99 }, "anybody": { "senses": [ "Any one out of an indefinite number of persons", "anyone", "any person", "A person of some consideration or standing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anyone" ], "word": "anybody", "num_translations": 12 }, "anyhow": { "senses": [ "In any way or manner whatever", "In any case Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anyway" ], "word": "anyhow", "num_translations": 40 }, "anyone": { "senses": [ "Any person", "anybody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anybody" ], "word": "anyone", "num_translations": 97 }, "anyway": { "senses": [ "Regardless", "anyhow", "Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement See anyhow and at least", "Used to indicate a change of subject", "In any way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anywise" ], "word": "anyway", "num_translations": 169 }, "apart": { "senses": [ "Placed separately", "separately, exclusively, not together", "Aside", "away", "In or into two or more parts" ], "antonyms": [ "together" ], "synonyms": [ "independently", "asunder" ], "word": "apart", "num_translations": 74 }, "apartment": { "senses": [ "A complete domicile occupying only part of a building", "A suite of rooms within a domicile, designated for a specific person or persons and including a bedroom", "A division of an enclosure that is separate from others", "a compartment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flat" ], "word": "apartment", "num_translations": 152 }, "apathetic": { "senses": [ "Void of feeling", "not susceptible of deep emotion", "Of, or pertaining to apatheism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incurious", "Thesaurus:calm" ], "word": "apathetic", "num_translations": 41 }, "aperture": { "senses": [ "An opening, gap, or hole, usually small and narrow", "Something which restricts the diameter of the light path through one plane in an optical system", "The large-diameter antenna used for receiving and transmitting radio frequency energy containing the data used in communication satellites, especially in the geostationary belt For a comsat, this is typically a large reflective dish antenna", "sometimes called an array", "The maximum angle between the two generatrices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aperture", "num_translations": 70 }, "fraternal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a brother or brothers", "Of or pertaining to a fraternity", "Platonic or friendly", "Of twins or embryos, produced from two different eggs and sperm, and genetically distinct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brotherly" ], "word": "fraternal", "num_translations": 26 }, "fraternity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being brothers or brotherly", "brotherhood", "A group of people associated for a common purpose", "A social organization of male students at a college or university", "usually identified by Greek letters" ], "antonyms": [ "disfavor" ], "synonyms": [ "brotherhood" ], "word": "fraternity", "num_translations": 45 }, "crumb": { "senses": [ "A small piece which breaks off from baked food", "A small piece of other material, such as rubber", "A bit, small amount", "The soft internal portion of bread, surrounded by crust", "A mixture of sugar, cocoa and milk, used to make industrial chocolate", "A nobody", "a worthless person", "A body louse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crumbling", "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "crumb", "num_translations": 129 }, "impress": { "senses": [ "To affect strongly and often favourably", "To mark or stamp using pressure", "To produce", "to imprint", "To fix deeply in the mind", "to present forcibly to the attention, etc", "to imprint", "to inculcate", "To compel to serve in a military force", "To seize or confiscate by force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make an impression", "cut a figure", "imprint", "to serve in a military force): pressgang", "by force): confiscate", "impound", "seize", "sequester" ], "word": "impress", "num_translations": 36 }, "impress1": { "senses": [ "Characteristic", "mark of distinction", "stamp", "A heraldic device", "an impresa", "compulsion to serve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impress", "num_translations": 10 }, "asymmetric": { "senses": [ "Not symmetric", "Not involving a mutual exchange of keys between the sender and receiver", "Of a relation R on a set S: having the property that for any two elements of S , at least one is not related to the other via R" ], "antonyms": [ "symmetrical" ], "synonyms": [ "asymmetrical", "nonsymmetric", "unsymmetrical" ], "word": "asymmetric", "num_translations": 22 }, "vertex": { "senses": [ "The highest point of something", "The highest surface on the skull", "The common point of the two rays of the angle, or its equivalent structure in polyhedra and higher order polytopes", "A point on the curve with a local minimum or maximum of curvature", "One of the elements of a graph joined or not by edges to other vertices", "A point in 3D space, usually given in terms of its Cartesian coordinates", "The point where the surface of a lens crosses the optical axis", "An interaction point", "The point where the prime vertical meets the ecliptic in the western hemisphere of a natal chart", "A sharp downward point opposite a crotch, as in the letters \"V\" and \"W\" but not \"Y\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acme", "node" ], "word": "vertex", "num_translations": 125 }, "edge": { "senses": [ "The boundary line of a surface", "A one-dimensional face of a polytope In particular, the joining line between two vertices of a polygon", "the place where two faces of a polyhedron meet", "An advantage", "The thin cutting side of the blade of an instrument, such as an ax, knife, sword, or scythe", "A sharp terminating border", "a margin", "a brink", "an extreme verge", "Sharpness", "readiness or fitness to cut", "keenness", "intenseness of desire", "The border or part adjacent to the line of division", "the beginning or early part", "A connected pair of vertices in a graph", "In male masturbation, a level of sexual arousal that is maintained just short of reaching the point of inevitability, or climax", "see also edging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "advantage", "brink", "line" ], "word": "edge", "num_translations": 250 }, "leaven1": { "senses": [ "To cause to rise by fermentation", "To temper an action or decision", "To imbue", "to infect", "to vitiate", "To rise or become larger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leaven", "num_translations": 14 }, "uracil": { "senses": [ "One of the bases of RNA, pairing with adenine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "U" ], "word": "uracil", "num_translations": 14 }, "suicide": { "senses": [ "Intentional killing of oneself", "A particular instance of a person intentionally killing himself or herself, or of multiple people doing so", "A person who has intentionally killed him/herself", "An action that could cause the literal or figurative death of a person or organization, although death is not the aim of the action", "A beverage combining all available flavors at a soda fountain", "A diabolo trick where one of the sticks is released and allowed to rotate 360\u00b0 round the diabolo until it is caught by the hand that released it", "A run comprising a series of sprints of increasing lengths, each followed immediately by a return to the start, with no pause between one sprint and the next", "A children's game of throwing a ball against a wall and at other players, who are eliminated by being struck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-killing", "self-killed", "Thesaurus:kill" ], "word": "suicide", "num_translations": 184 }, "tone": { "senses": [ "A specific pitch", "An interval of a major second", "A recitational melody", "The character of a sound, especially the timbre of an instrument or voice", "General character, mood, or trend", "The pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning, for example in Chinese", "A whining style of speaking", "a kind of mournful or artificial strain of voice", "an affected speaking with a measured rhythm and a regular rise and fall of the voice", "The manner in which speech or writing is expressed", "State of mind", "temper", "mood", "The shade or quality of a colour", "The favourable effect of a picture produced by the combination of light and shade, or of colours", "The definition and firmness of a muscle or organ", "see also: tonus", "The state of a living body or of any of its organs or parts in which the functions are healthy and performed with due vigor", "Normal tension or responsiveness to stimuli" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whole tone" ], "word": "tone", "num_translations": 179 }, "tone1": { "senses": [ "to change the colour of", "to make firmer", "to harmonize, especially in colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "color", "firm", "harmonise" ], "word": "tone", "num_translations": 15 }, "mellifluous": { "senses": [ "Flowing like honey", "Sweet, smooth and musical", "pleasant to hear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "birdsweet" ], "word": "mellifluous", "num_translations": 25 }, "dulcet": { "senses": [ "Sweet, especially when describing voice or tones", "melodious", "Generally pleasing", "agreeable", "Sweet to the taste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "birdsweet", "agreeable", "sugary" ], "word": "dulcet", "num_translations": 23 }, "-y": { "senses": [ "Added to nouns and adjectives to form adjectives meaning \u201chaving the quality of\"", "Added to verbs to form adjectives meaning \"inclined to\"" ], "antonyms": [ "-less" ], "synonyms": [ "-ish" ], "word": "-y", "num_translations": 46 }, "antiquated": { "senses": [ "old-fashioned, out of date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "backward" ], "word": "antiquated", "num_translations": 31 }, "ornament": { "senses": [ "An element of decoration", "that which embellishes or adorns", "A Christmas tree decoration", "The articles used in church services", "A characteristic that has a decorative function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ornament", "num_translations": 75 }, "ornament1": { "senses": [ "To decorate", "To add to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adorn" ], "word": "ornament", "num_translations": 25 }, "step": { "senses": [ "An advance or movement made from one foot to the other", "a pace", "A rest, or one of a set of rests, for the foot in ascending or descending, as a stair, or a rung of a ladder", "A distinct part of a process", "stage", "phase", "The space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running", "A small space or distance", "A print of the foot", "a footprint", "track", "A gait", "manner of walking", "Proceeding", "measure", "action", "act", "A walk", "passage", "A portable framework of stairs, much used indoors in reaching to a high position", "A framing in wood or iron which is intended to receive an upright shaft", "specifically, a block of wood, or a solid platform upon the keelson, supporting the heel of the mast", "A bearing in which the lower extremity of a spindle or a vertical shaft revolves", "The interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale", "A change of position effected by a motion of translation", "A constant difference between consecutive values in a series" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stride" ], "word": "step", "num_translations": 303 }, "step1": { "senses": [ "To move the foot in walking", "to advance or recede by raising and moving one of the feet to another resting place, or by moving both feet in succession", "To walk", "to go on foot", "especially, to walk a little distance", "To walk slowly, gravely, or resolutely", "To move mentally", "to go in imagination", "To set, as the foot", "to erect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "step", "num_translations": 74 }, "large": { "senses": [ "Of considerable or relatively great size or extent", "Abundant", "ample", "Full in statement", "diffuse", "profuse", "Free", "unencumbered", "Unrestrained by decorum", "said of language", "Crossing the line of a ship's course in a favorable direction", "said of the wind when it is abeam, or between the beam and the quarter" ], "antonyms": [ "small" ], "synonyms": [ "big", "Thesaurus:large" ], "word": "large", "num_translations": 131 }, "bootstrap": { "senses": [ "A loop sewn at the side or top rear of a boot to help in pulling the boot on", "A means of advancing oneself or accomplishing something without aid", "The process by which the operating system of a computer is loaded into its memory", "The process necessary to compile the tools that will be used to compile the rest of the system or program", "Any method or instance of estimating properties of an estimator by measuring those properties when sampling from an approximating distribution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bootstrap", "num_translations": 49 }, "bootstrap1": { "senses": [ "To help without the aid of others", "To load the operating system into the memory of a computer Usually shortened to boot", "To compile the tools that will be used to compile the rest of the system or program", "To expand or advance an activity or a collection based solely on previous actions, work, findings, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bootstrap", "num_translations": 12 }, "strap": { "senses": [ "A long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like", "A strip of thick leather used in flogging", "Something made of such a strip, or of a part of one, or a combination of two or more for a particular use", "A piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, used to hone the sharpened edge of a razor", "a strop", "A narrow strip of anything, as of iron or brass", "The flat part of the corolla in ligulate florets, as those of the white circle in the daisy", "The leaf, exclusive of its sheath, in some grasses", "A gun, normally a personal firearm such as a pistol or machine pistol", "Credit offered to a customer, especially for alcoholic drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strap", "num_translations": 94 }, "tension": { "senses": [ "The condition of being held in a state between two or more forces, which are acting in opposition to each other", "Psychological state of being tense", "A feeling of nervousness, excitement, or fear that is created in a movie, book, etc", "suspense", "State of an elastic object which is stretched in a way which increases its length", "Force transmitted through a rope, string, cable, or similar object", "LT is normally a few volts, HT a few hundreds of volts, and EHT thousands of volts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tension", "num_translations": 73 }, "move": { "senses": [ "To change place or posture", "to go, in any manner, from one place or position to another", "To act", "to take action", "to begin to act", "To change residence, for example from one house, town, or state, to another", "To change the place of a piece in accordance with the rules of the game", "To cause to change place or posture in any manner", "to set in motion", "to carry, convey, draw, or push from one place to another", "To transfer from one space or position to another, according to the rules of the game", "To excite to action by the presentation of motives", "to rouse by representation, persuasion, or appeal", "to influence", "To arouse the feelings or passions of", "especially, to excite to tenderness or compassion, to excite", "To propose", "to recommend", "specifically, to propose formally for consideration and determination, in a deliberative assembly", "to submit", "To mention", "to raise", "to suggest", "to lodge", "To incite, urge", "to solicit", "to make a proposal to", "To apply to, as for aid", "To request an action from the court", "To bow or salute upon meeting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "actuate", "agitate", "impel", "incite", "incline", "induce", "influence", "instigate", "offer", "persuade", "prompt", "propose", "rouse", "stir", "transfer" ], "word": "move", "num_translations": 427 }, "move1": { "senses": [ "The act of moving", "An act for the attainment of an object", "a step in the execution of a plan or purpose", "A formalized or practiced action used in athletics, dance, physical exercise, self-defense, hand-to-hand combat, etc", "The event of changing one's residence", "A change in strategy", "A transfer, a change from one employer to another", "The act of moving a token on a gameboard from one position to another according to the rules of the game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "removal" ], "word": "move", "num_translations": 67 }, "dune": { "senses": [ "A ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind" ], "antonyms": [ "dyke" ], "synonyms": [ "sand dune" ], "word": "dune", "num_translations": 94 }, "roof": { "senses": [ "The external covering at the top of a building", "The top external level of a building", "The upper part of a cavity", "The surface or bed of rock immediately overlying a bed of coal or a flat vein" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rooftop", "ceiling" ], "word": "roof", "num_translations": 219 }, "ceiling": { "senses": [ "The overhead closure of a room", "The upper limit of an object or action", "The highest altitude at which an aircraft can safely maintain flight", "The measurement of visible distance from ground or sea level to an overcast cloud cover", "The smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number", "The inner planking of a vessel" ], "antonyms": [ "floor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ceiling", "num_translations": 138 }, "nordiccountries": { "senses": [ "plural of \"Nordic country\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Scandinavia" ], "word": "Nordiccountries", "num_translations": 43 }, "deceive": { "senses": [ "To trick or mislead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deceive" ], "word": "deceive", "num_translations": 121 }, "deception": { "senses": [ "An instance of actions and/or schemes fabricated to mislead someone into believing a lie or inaccuracy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deception" ], "word": "deception", "num_translations": 68 }, "fee": { "senses": [ "A right to the use of a superior's land, as a stipend for services to be performed", "also, the land so held", "a fief", "An inheritable estate in land held of a feudal lord on condition of the performing of certain services", "An estate of inheritance in land, either absolute and without limitation to any particular class of heirs or limited to a particular class of heirs", "Property", "owndom", "estate", "Money paid or bestowed", "payment", "emolument", "A monetary payment charged for professional services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fee", "num_translations": 109 }, "manage": { "senses": [ "To direct or be in charge of", "To handle or control", "To handle with skill, wield", "To succeed at an attempt", "To achieve without fuss, or without outside help", "To train in the man\u00e8ge", "to exercise in graceful or artful action", "To treat with care", "to husband", "To bring about", "to contrive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewield" ], "word": "manage", "num_translations": 122 }, "manager": { "senses": [ "A person whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team", "The head coach", "An administrator, for a singer or group", "A window or application whose purpose is to give the user the control over some aspect of the system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "administrator", "boss", "chief", "controller", "comptroller", "foreman", "head", "head man", "overseer", "organizer", "superintendent", "supervisor" ], "word": "manager", "num_translations": 182 }, "healthy": { "senses": [ "Enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: well", "Conducive to health", "Evincing health", "Significant, hefty", "beneficial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "healthy", "num_translations": 182 }, "copious": { "senses": [ "Vast in quantity or number, profuse, abundant", "taking place on a large scale", "Having an abundant supply", "Full of thought, information, or matter", "exuberant in words, expression, or style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "copious", "num_translations": 28 }, "cornucopia": { "senses": [ "A goat's horn endlessly overflowing with fruit, flowers and grain", "or full of whatever its owner wanted", "A hollow horn- or cone-shaped object, filled with edible or useful things", "An abundance or plentiful supply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horn of plenty", "Thesaurus:cornucopia" ], "word": "cornucopia", "num_translations": 47 }, "plenty": { "senses": [ "A more-than-adequate amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abundance", "profusion" ], "word": "plenty", "num_translations": 43 }, "member": { "senses": [ "One who officially belongs to a group", "A part of a whole", "Part of an animal capable of performing a distinct office", "an organ", "a limb", "The penis", "One of the propositions making up a syllogism", "An element of a set", "A function or piece of data associated with each separate instance of a class", "the judge or adjudicator in a consumer court", "A part of a discourse or of a period, sentence, or verse", "a clause", "Either of the two parts of an algebraic equation, connected by the equality sign", "A file stored within an archive file" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "member", "num_translations": 161 }, "functional": { "senses": [ "In good working order", "Useful", "serving a purpose, fulfilling a function", "Having semantics defined purely in terms of mathematical functions, without side-effects", "Of a disease, such that its symptoms cannot be referred to any appreciable lesion or change of structure", "opposed to organic disease, in which the organ itself is affected" ], "antonyms": [ "dysfunctional", "non-functional", "organic" ], "synonyms": [ "functioning", "utilitarian" ], "word": "functional", "num_translations": 74 }, "dysfunctional": { "senses": [ "Not performing its proper or intended function", "Functioning incorrectly or abnormally", "especially, designating of a business, family or social group with harmful, aberrant, strange or abnormal behavior" ], "antonyms": [ "eufunctional", "functional" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dysfunctional", "num_translations": 23 }, "tri-": { "senses": [ "three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ter-" ], "word": "tri-", "num_translations": 24 }, "catamaran": { "senses": [ "A twin-hulled ship or boat", "A quarrelsome woman", "a scold", "A raft of three pieces of wood lashed together, the middle piece being longer than the others, and serving as a keel on which the rower squats while paddling", "An old kind of fireship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twinhull" ], "word": "catamaran", "num_translations": 29 }, "enthusiasm": { "senses": [ "Possession by a god", "divine inspiration or frenzy", "Intensity of feeling", "excited interest or eagerness", "Something in which one is keenly interested" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enthusiasm", "num_translations": 68 }, "use": { "senses": [ "The act of using", "The act of consuming alcohol or narcotics", "A function", "a purpose for which something may be employed", "Occasion or need to employ", "necessity", "Interest for lent money", "usury", "Continued or repeated practice", "usage", "habit", "Common occurrence", "ordinary experience", "A slab of iron welded to the side of a forging, such as a shaft, near the end, and afterward drawn down, by hammering, so as to lengthen the forging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "employment", "benefit" ], "word": "use", "num_translations": 152 }, "use1": { "senses": [ "To utilize or employ", "To accustom", "see usage notes)", "To habitually do", "to be wont to do (Now chiefly in past-tense forms", "To behave toward", "to act with regard to", "to treat", "To behave, act, comport oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "engage", "take advantage of" ], "word": "use", "num_translations": 191 }, "clog": { "senses": [ "A type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole sometimes with an open heel", "A blockage", "A shoe of any type", "A weight, such as a log or block of wood, attached to a person or animal to hinder motion", "That which hinders or impedes motion", "an encumbrance, restraint, or impediment of any kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clog", "num_translations": 60 }, "clog1": { "senses": [ "To block or slow passage through", "To encumber or load, especially with something that impedes motion", "to hamper", "To burden", "to trammel", "to embarrass", "to perplex", "To enforce a mortgage lender right that prevents a borrower from exercising a right to redeem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clog", "num_translations": 39 }, "snot": { "senses": [ "Mucus, especially mucus from the nose", "A contemptible child", "A mean fellow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "booger" ], "word": "snot", "num_translations": 127 }, "discuss": { "senses": [ "To converse or debate concerning a particular topic", "To communicate, tell, or disclose", "To break to pieces", "to shatter", "To deal with, in eating or drinking", "consume", "To examine or search thoroughly", "to exhaust a remedy against, as against a principal debtor before proceeding against the surety", "To drive away, disperse, shake off", "said especially of tumors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bespeak" ], "word": "discuss", "num_translations": 121 }, "bastard": { "senses": [ "A person who was born out of wedlock, and hence often considered an illegitimate descendant", "A mongrel", "A contemptible, inconsiderate, overly or arrogantly rude or spiteful person", "A man, a fellow, a male friend", "A person deserving of pity", "A child who does not know his or her father", "Something extremely difficult or unpleasant to deal with", "A variation that is not genuine", "something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin, fake or counterfeit", "An intermediate-grade file", "A sweet wine", "A sword that is midway in length between a short-sword and a long sword", "An inferior quality of soft brown sugar, obtained from syrups that have been boiled several times", "A large mould for straining sugar", "A writing paper of a particular size", "A Eurosceptic Conservative MP, especially in the government of John Major" ], "antonyms": [ "legitimate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "bastard", "num_translations": 308 }, "bastard1": { "senses": [ "Of abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities", "Spurious, lacking authenticity: counterfeit, fake", "Used in the vernacular name of a species to indicate that it is similar in some way to another species, often one of another genus", "Very unpleasant", "Abbreviated, as the half title in a page preceding the full title page of a book", "Consisting of one predominant color blended with small amounts of complementary color", "used to replicate natural light because of their warmer appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bastard", "num_translations": 48 }, "drain": { "senses": [ "A conduit allowing liquid to flow out of an otherwise contained volume", "a plughole", "Something consuming resources and providing nothing in return", "An act of urination", "One terminal of a field effect transistor", "An outhole", "A drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drain", "num_translations": 79 }, "drain1": { "senses": [ "To lose liquid", "To flow gradually", "To cause liquid to flow out of", "To convert a perennially wet place into a dry one", "To deplete of energy or resources", "To draw off by degrees", "to cause to flow gradually out or off", "hence, to exhaust", "To filter", "To fall off the bottom of the playfield" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drain", "num_translations": 83 }, "drop": { "senses": [ "A small mass of liquid just large enough to hold its own weight via surface tension, usually one that falls from a source of liquid", "The space or distance below a cliff or other high position into which someone or something could fall", "A fall, descent", "A place where items or supplies may be left for others to collect, sometimes associated with criminal activity", "A small amount of an alcoholic beverage", ") Alcoholic spirits in general", "A single measure of whisky", "a lozenge", "In a woman, the difference between bust circumference and hip circumference", "in a man, the difference between chest circumference and waist circumference", "relegation from one division to a lower one", "A point in a song, usually electronic-styled music such as dubstep, house, trance or trap, where there is a very noticeable and pleasing change in tempo, bass, and/or overall tone", "also known as the highlight or climax", "An unsolicited credit card issue", "The vertical length of a hanging curtain", "A gutta", "A mechanism for lowering something, such as: a trapdoor", "a machine for lowering heavy weights onto a ship's deck", "a device for temporarily lowering a gas jet", "a curtain which falls in front of a theatrical stage", "etc", "A gallows", "a sentence of hanging", "The distance of the axis of a shaft below the base of a hanger", "The depth of a square sail", "generally applied to the courses only", "The cover mounted on a swivel over a keyhole, that rests over the keyhole when not in use to keep out debris, but is swiveled out of the way before inserting the key" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drop", "num_translations": 172 }, "drop1": { "senses": [ "To drip", "Generally, to fall", "To let fall", "to allow to fall", "To lower", "to move to a lower position", "To set down from a vehicle", "to deliver or deposit by stopping", "To sink quickly to the ground", "To fall dead, or to fall in death", "To come to an end", "to stop", "To mention casually or incidentally, usually in conversation", "To part with or spend", "To cease concerning oneself over", "to have nothing more to do with", "To lessen, decrease, or diminish in value, condition, degree, etc", "To let fall into a postbox", "to send in an offhand manner", "To make fall to the ground from a blow, gunshot etc", "to bring down, to shoot down", "To fail to write, or to pronounce", "To fail to make a catch from a batted ball that would have led to the batsman being out", "To swallow , particularly LSD", "To dispose", "get rid of", "to remove", "to lose", "To eject", "to dismiss", "to cease to include, as if on a list", "To impart", "To release to the public", "To play a portion of music in the manner of a disc jockey", "To enter public distribution", "To tune to a lower note", "To cancel or end a scheduled event, project or course", "To cook, especially by deep-frying or grilling", "To lower in timbre, often relating to puberty", "To lower in pitch, tempo, key, or other quality", "To visit informally", "used with in or by", "To give birth to", "to variegate", "To hang lower and begin producing sperm due to puberty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drop", "num_translations": 163 }, "calculate": { "senses": [ "To determine the value of something or the solution to something by a mathematical process", "To determine values or solutions by a mathematical process", "reckon", "To plan", "to expect", "to think", "To ascertain or predict by mathematical or astrological computations the time, circumstances, or other conditions of", "to forecast or compute the character or consequences of", "To adjust for purpose", "to adapt by forethought or calculation", "to fit or prepare by the adaptation of means to an end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compute", "compute" ], "word": "calculate", "num_translations": 182 }, "follow": { "senses": [ "To go after", "to pursue", "to move behind in the same path or direction", "To go or come after in a sequence", "To carry out", "To live one's life according to", "To understand, to pay attention to", "To watch, to keep track of some event or person", "To subscribe to see content from an account on a social media platform", "To be a logical consequence of something", "To walk in, as a road or course", "to attend upon closely, as a profession or calling" ], "antonyms": [ "guide", "precede", "unfollow" ], "synonyms": [ "trail", "succeed", "pursue", "ensue" ], "word": "follow", "num_translations": 237 }, "cabbage": { "senses": [ "An edible plant having a head of green leaves", "The leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable", "A person with severely reduced mental capacities due to brain damage", "Used as a term of endearment", "Money", "Marijuana leaf, the part that is not smoked but from which cannabutter can be extracted", "The terminal bud of certain palm trees, used for food", "Shreds and patches of cloth cut off by a tailor when cutting out clothes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cabbage plant", "cole", "cole", "vegetable" ], "word": "cabbage", "num_translations": 285 }, "cucumber": { "senses": [ "A vine in the gourd family, Cucumis sativus", "The edible fruit of this plant, having a green rind and crisp white flesh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuke" ], "word": "cucumber", "num_translations": 221 }, "wc": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"water closet\": a lavatory", "a toilet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:toilet", "and", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "WC", "num_translations": 14 }, "inning": { "senses": [ "A similar period of play", "A player 's turn at the table to make shots until ended by a miss or a foul", "A chance or opportunity to perform some deed or act", "The gathering of a crop", "harvesting", "Lands recovered from the sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inning", "num_translations": 12 }, "softball": { "senses": [ "A game similar to baseball but played with a larger and softer ball which can be thrown overhand or underhand", "The ball used to play the sport", "A question designed to be easy to answer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diamond ball", "indoor baseball", "kitten ball", "mush ball", "pumpkin ball", "town ball" ], "word": "softball", "num_translations": 25 }, "metricton": { "senses": [ "A tonne, a unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tonne", "megagram", "MT" ], "word": "metricton", "num_translations": 19 }, "sesquipedalian1": { "senses": [ "Long", "polysyllabic", "Pertaining to or given to the use of overly long words" ], "antonyms": [ "monosyllabic" ], "synonyms": [ "polysyllabic" ], "word": "sesquipedalian", "num_translations": 14 }, "pileus": { "senses": [ "The cap of a mushroom", "The bell of a jellyfish", "A small thin cloud attached to a cumulus cloud", "A conical felt hat worn in Ancient Rome and Greece", "The top of the head of a bird, from the bill to the nape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pileus", "num_translations": 33 }, "binary": { "senses": [ "Being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions such as on or off, true or false, molten or frozen, presence or absence of a signal", "Having two equally important parts", "related to something with two parts", "Of an operation, function, procedure or logic gate, taking exactly two operands, arguments, parameters or inputs", "having domain of dimension 2", "Of data, consisting coded values not interpretable as plain or ASCII text", "Focusing on two mutually exclusive conditions" ], "antonyms": [ "non-binary", "ASCII" ], "synonyms": [ "dyadic", "Boolean", "double", "base-2" ], "word": "binary", "num_translations": 104 }, "binary1": { "senses": [ "A thing which can have only two values", "The bijective base-2 numeral system, which uses only the digits 0 and 1", "An executable computer file", "A satellite system consisting of two stars or other bodies orbiting each other" ], "antonyms": [ "non-binary" ], "synonyms": [ "base 2", "binary star" ], "word": "binary", "num_translations": 21 }, "sofar": { "senses": [ "Until now", "previously", "yet", "A limited distance, literal or metaphorical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hitherto" ], "word": "sofar", "num_translations": 72 }, "kilo-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 1,000 Symbol: k", "Multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 210" ], "antonyms": [ "milli-" ], "synonyms": [ "chilia-" ], "word": "kilo-", "num_translations": 53 }, "mega-": { "senses": [ "Very large, great", "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by one million SI Symbol: M", "Multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 220 Computing symbol: Mi", "Multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 213 \u00d7 53", "Really, very, uber-, super-" ], "antonyms": [ "micro-" ], "synonyms": [ "megalo-", "meg-" ], "word": "mega-", "num_translations": 49 }, "elastic": { "senses": [ "Capable of stretching", "particularly, capable of stretching so as to return to an original shape or size when force is released", "Sensitive to changes in price", "springy", "bouncy", "vivacious", "Able to return quickly to a former state or condition, after being depressed or overtaxed", "having power to recover easily from shocks and trials" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stretchy", "stretchable" ], "word": "elastic", "num_translations": 62 }, "urinate": { "senses": [ "To pass urine from the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", ":Thesaurus:urinate" ], "word": "urinate", "num_translations": 118 }, "apologetic": { "senses": [ "Having the character of apology", "regretfully excusing", "Defending by words or arguments", "said or written in defense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sorry" ], "word": "apologetic", "num_translations": 13 }, "apologize": { "senses": [ "To make an apology or excuse", "to acknowledge some fault or offense, with expression of regret for it, by way of amends", "To express regret that a certain event has occurred", "To make an apologia or defense", "to act as apologist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apologize", "num_translations": 76 }, "apostolic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to apostles or their practice of teaching", "pertaining to the apostles or their teachings", "According to the doctrines of the apostles", "delivered or taught by the apostles", "Of or pertaining to the pope or the papacy", "papal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apostolic", "num_translations": 42 }, "appall": { "senses": [ "To fill with horror", "to dismay", "To make pale", "to blanch", "To weaken", "to reduce in strength", "To grow faint", "to become weak", "to become dismayed or discouraged", "To lose flavour or become stale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dismay", "Thesaurus:frighten" ], "word": "appall", "num_translations": 25 }, "appalling1": { "senses": [ "Horrifying and astonishing", "Extremely bad", "terrible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "awful" ], "word": "appalling", "num_translations": 46 }, "apparel": { "senses": [ "Clothing", "Aspect, guise, form", "A small ornamental piece of embroidery worn on albs and some other ecclesiastical vestments", "The furniture of a ship, such as masts, sails, rigging, anchors, guns, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:clothing" ], "word": "apparel", "num_translations": 35 }, "apparel1": { "senses": [ "To dress or clothe", "to attire", "To furnish with apparatus", "to equip", "to fit out", "To dress with external ornaments", "to cover with something ornamental" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dight", "kit out", "adorn" ], "word": "apparel", "num_translations": 22 }, "apparent": { "senses": [ "Capable of being seen, or easily seen", "open to view", "visible to the eye, eyely", "within sight or view", "Clear or manifest to the understanding", "plain", "evident", "obvious", "known", "palpable", "indubitable", "Appearing to the eye or mind", "seeming" ], "antonyms": [ "hidden", "ambiguous" ], "synonyms": [ "visible", "distinct", "plain", "obvious", "clear", "certain", "evident", "manifest", "indubitable", "notorious", "transparent", "illusory" ], "word": "apparent", "num_translations": 96 }, "apparently": { "senses": [ "Plainly", "clearly", "manifestly", "evidently", "Seemingly", "in appearance only", "According to what the speaker has read or heard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apparently", "num_translations": 134 }, "apparition": { "senses": [ "An act of becoming visible", "appearance", "visibility", "An unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance", "especially something such as a ghost or phantom", "The first appearance of a star or other luminary after having been invisible or obscured", "opposed to occultation", "A period of consecutive days or nights when a particular celestial body may be observed, beginning with the heliacal rising of the body and ending with its heliacal setting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appearance", "vision", "Thesaurus:ghost" ], "word": "apparition", "num_translations": 51 }, "appeal": { "senses": [ "To call upon another to decide a question controverted, to corroborate a statement, to vindicate one's rights, etc", "To call on for aid", "To apply for the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior judge or court for the purpose of reexamination or for decision", "To be attractive", "To ask an umpire for a decision on whether a batsman is out or not, usually by saying \"How's that\" or \"Howzat\"", "To accuse", "To summon", "to challenge", "To invoke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "appeal", "num_translations": 75 }, "appeal1": { "senses": [ "A summons to answer to a charge", "A call to a person or an authority for help, proof or a decision", "entreaty", "Resort to physical means", "recourse", "The power to attract or interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "appeal", "num_translations": 65 }, "urine": { "senses": [ "Liquid waste consisting of water, salts and urea, which is made in the kidneys, stored in the bladder, then released through the urethra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:urine" ], "word": "urine", "num_translations": 221 }, "urinal": { "senses": [ "A device or fixture used for urination, particularly:", "A room or structure used for urination: a latrine", "an outhouse", "a lavatory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot", "See", "Thesaurus:toilet", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "urinal", "num_translations": 46 }, "equal": { "senses": [ "The same in all respects", "Exactly identical, having the same value", "Fair, impartial", "Adequate", "sufficiently capable or qualified", "Not variable", "equable", "uniform", "even", "Intended for voices of one kind only, either all male or all female", "not mixed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "identical", "equivalent", "even" ], "word": "equal", "num_translations": 133 }, "equal1": { "senses": [ "to correspond to", "To make equivalent to", "to cause to match", "To have as its consequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be", "entail" ], "word": "equal", "num_translations": 25 }, "even": { "senses": [ "Flat and level", "Without great variation", "Equal in proportion, quantity, size, etc", "Divisible by two", "Convenient for rounding other numbers to", "for example, ending in a zero", "On equal monetary terms", "neither owing nor being owed", "On equal terms of a moral sort", "quits", "parallel", "on a level", "reaching the same limit", "Without an irregularity, flaw, or blemish", "pure", "Associate", "fellow", "of the same condition" ], "antonyms": [ "uneven", "odd" ], "synonyms": [ "flat", "regular", "level", "round", "quits", "quits" ], "word": "even", "num_translations": 222 }, "even1": { "senses": [ "To make flat and level", "To equal", "To be equal", "To place in an equal state, as to obligation, or in a state in which nothing is due on either side", "to balance, as accounts", "to make quits", "To set right", "to complete", "To act up to", "to keep pace with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flatten", "match", "settle" ], "word": "even", "num_translations": 33 }, "even2": { "senses": [ "Exactly, just, fully", "In reality", "implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality", "Emphasizing a comparative", "Signalling a correction of one's previous utterance", "rather, that is" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "definitely", "so much as", "Thesaurus:in other words" ], "word": "even", "num_translations": 175 }, "asshole": { "senses": [ "The anus", "A jerk", "an inappropriately or objectionably mean, inconsiderate, contemptible, obnoxious, intrusive, stupid, and/or rude person", "An unpleasant or uninviting place", "By extension, anything unpleasant or undesirable Often used appositionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jerk", "dick", "Thesaurus:jerk", "Thesaurus:anus", "Thesaurus:pleasant#antonyms" ], "word": "asshole", "num_translations": 176 }, "anus": { "senses": [ "The lower orifice of the alimentary canal, through which feces and flatus are ejected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:anus" ], "word": "anus", "num_translations": 218 }, "every": { "senses": [ "All of a countable group , without exception", "Used with ordinal numbers to denote those items whose position is divisible by the corresponding cardinal number, or a portion of equal size to that set" ], "antonyms": [ "no", "none" ], "synonyms": [ "each", "e'ry" ], "word": "every", "num_translations": 127 }, "exchange": { "senses": [ "An act of exchanging or trading", "A place for conducting trading", "The fourth through sixth digits of a ten-digit phone number", "A conversation", "The loss of one piece and associated capture of another", "The thing given or received in return", "The transfer of substances or elements like gas, amino-acids, ions etc sometimes through a surface like a membrane", "The difference between the values of money in different places" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exchange", "num_translations": 105 }, "exchange1": { "senses": [ "To trade or barter", "To replace with, as a substitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "truck", "interchange" ], "word": "exchange", "num_translations": 100 }, "descriptive": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or providing a description", "Of an adjective, stating an attribute of the associated noun", "Describing the structure, grammar, vocabulary and actual use of a language", "Describing and seeking to classify, as opposed to normative or prescriptive" ], "antonyms": [ "prescriptive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "descriptive", "num_translations": 44 }, "describe": { "senses": [ "To represent in words", "To represent by drawing", "to draw a plan of", "to delineate", "to trace or mark out", "To give rise to a geometrical structure", "To introduce a new taxon to science by explaining its characteristics and particularly how it differs from other taxa", "To distribute into parts, groups, or classes", "to mark off", "to class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "portray", "bewrite" ], "word": "describe", "num_translations": 106 }, "expansion": { "senses": [ "The act or process of expanding", "The fractional change in unit length per unit length per unit temperature change", "A new addition", "A product to be used with a previous product", "That which is expanded", "expanse", "extended surface", "The operation of steam in a cylinder after its communication with the boiler has been cut off, by which it continues to exert pressure upon the moving piston" ], "antonyms": [ "contraction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "expansion", "num_translations": 59 }, "description": { "senses": [ "A sketch or account of anything in words", "a portraiture or representation in language", "an enumeration of the essential qualities of a thing or species", "The act of describing", "a delineation by marks or signs", "A set of characteristics by which someone or something can be recognized", "A scientific documentation of a taxon for the purpose of introducing it to science", "The act or practice of recording and describing actual language usage in a given speech community, as opposed to prescription, ie laying down norms of language usage", "A descriptive linguistic survey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sort" ], "word": "description", "num_translations": 101 }, "expand": { "senses": [ "To change from a smaller form and/or size to a larger one", "to spread out or lay open", "To increase the extent, number, volume or scope of", "To express at length and/or in detail", "To rewrite as a longer, yet equivalent sum of terms", "To become, by rewriting, a longer, yet equivalent sum of terms", "To multiply both the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by the same natural number yielding a fraction of equal value", "To change from a smaller form/size to a larger one", "To increase in extent, number, volume or scope", "To speak or write at length or in detail", "To feel generous or optimistic" ], "antonyms": [ "contract", "contract", "factor" ], "synonyms": [ "open out", "spread", "spread out", "unfold", "enlarge", "elaborate" ], "word": "expand", "num_translations": 120 }, "expert": { "senses": [ "Extraordinarily capable or knowledgeable" ], "antonyms": [ "inexpert", "nonexpert" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skillful" ], "word": "expert", "num_translations": 42 }, "uterine": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the uterus", "Born of the same mother" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wombly" ], "word": "uterine", "num_translations": 14 }, "grab": { "senses": [ "To grip suddenly", "to seize", "to clutch", "To make a sudden grasping or clutching motion", "To restrain someone", "to arrest", "To grip the attention", "to enthrall", "To quickly collect or retrieve", "To consume something quickly", "To take the opportunity of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grab", "num_translations": 114 }, "grab1": { "senses": [ "A sudden snatch at something", "An acquisition by violent or unjust means", "A sound bite", "That which is seized", "A simple card game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catch", "clutch", "grasp", "seize", "snatch" ], "word": "grab", "num_translations": 26 }, "snatch": { "senses": [ "To grasp and remove quickly", "To attempt to seize something suddenly", "To take or seize hastily, abruptly, or without permission or ceremony", "To steal", "To take at the last moment", "To do something quickly in the limited time available" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grab", "Thesaurus:steal" ], "word": "snatch", "num_translations": 88 }, "snatch1": { "senses": [ "A quick grab or catch", "A competitive weightlifting event in which a barbell is lifted from the platform to locked arms overhead in a smooth continuous movement", "A piece of some sound, usually music or conversation", "The vulva", "A brief period of exertion", "A catching of the voice", "A hasty snack", "a bite to eat", "A quibble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snatch", "num_translations": 30 }, "everysecond": { "senses": [ "Every other", "each alternate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "every other" ], "word": "everysecond", "num_translations": 23 }, "micro-": { "senses": [ "Very small", "One millionth" ], "antonyms": [ "mega-", "macro-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "micro-", "num_translations": 52 }, "hotel": { "senses": [ "A large town house or mansion", "a grand private residence, especially in France", "An establishment that provides accommodation and other services for paying guests", "normally larger than a guesthouse, and often one of a chain", "A restaurant", "any dining establishment", "The letter H in the ICAO spelling alphabet", "The larger red property in the game of Monopoly, in contradistinction to houses", "The guest accommodation and dining section of a cruise ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lodging place" ], "word": "hotel", "num_translations": 191 }, "hostel": { "senses": [ "A temporary refuge for the homeless providing a bed and sometimes food", "A small, unendowed college in Oxford or Cambridge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lodging place" ], "word": "hostel", "num_translations": 79 }, "pico-": { "senses": [ "In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 10\u221212 Symbol: p" ], "antonyms": [ "tera-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pico-", "num_translations": 14 }, "regulation": { "senses": [ "The act of regulating or the condition of being regulated", "A law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization", "A type of law made by the executive branch of government, usually by virtue of a statute made by the legislative branch giving the executive the authority to do so", "A form of legislative act which is self-effecting, and requires no further intervention by the Member States to become law", "Mechanism controlling DNA transcription", "Physiological process which consists in maintaining homoeostasis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regulation", "num_translations": 82 }, "marinecorps": { "senses": [ "A military organization of marines, soldiers who are trained and equipped to fight on or from ships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "naval infantry", "marines" ], "word": "marinecorps", "num_translations": 33 }, "homosexuality": { "senses": [ "The state of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to persons of the same sex", "Sexual activity with a person of the same sex" ], "antonyms": [ "heterosexuality", "straightness" ], "synonyms": [ "gayness", "homosexualism", "lesbianism", "uranism" ], "word": "homosexuality", "num_translations": 181 }, "bi-": { "senses": [ "two, paired, both", "half", "bio-" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "di-", "duo-" ], "word": "bi-", "num_translations": 29 }, "heterosexuality": { "senses": [ "The state of being sexually and romantically attracted primarily or exclusively to persons of the opposite sex", "Sexual activity with a person of the opposite sex" ], "antonyms": [ "homosexuality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heterosexuality", "num_translations": 39 }, "lesbianism": { "senses": [ "Female homosexuality", "the state of being attracted to other women" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gayness", "homosexuality" ], "word": "lesbianism", "num_translations": 20 }, "sexualorientation": { "senses": [ "One's tendencies of sexual attraction, considered as a whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sexuality", "sexual preference" ], "word": "sexualorientation", "num_translations": 98 }, "bisexual": { "senses": [ "Sexually attracted to both men and women or to people of multiple or any genders (by a broad definition", "compare pansexual)", "Having both male and female parts or functions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perfect", "Thesaurus:bisexual" ], "word": "bisexual", "num_translations": 86 }, "outof": { "senses": [ "Expressing motion, literal or figurative", "opposed to into", "Expressing position", "opposed to in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exterior", "external", "outside", "without", "from" ], "word": "outof", "num_translations": 80 }, "commodore": { "senses": [ "A naval officer holding a rank between captain and rear admiral", "A commander over a collection of ships who is not an admiral", "The leading ship in a fleet of merchantmen", "The president of a yacht club", "A yacht-club president's vessel in a regatta", "A rear admiral", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus Parasarpa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "senior captain", "senior captain", "CDRE", "Cmdre" ], "word": "commodore", "num_translations": 29 }, "captain": { "senses": [ "A chief or leader", "The person lawfully in command of a ship or other vessel", "An army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major", "A naval officer with a rank between commander and commodore", "One of the athletes on a sports team who is designated to make decisions, and is allowed to speak for his team with a referee or official", "The leader of a group of workers", "The head boy of a school", "A ma\u00eetre d', a headwaiter", "An honorific title given to a prominent person See colonel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "supervisor", "skipper", "pilot", "CAPT" ], "word": "captain", "num_translations": 221 }, "lieutenant": { "senses": [ "The lowest Junior Commissioned Officer rank in many military forces, often Army and Marines", "A person who manages or executes the plans and directives of another, more senior person - ie a manager to his director", "The second-in-command of a group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lt" ], "word": "lieutenant", "num_translations": 79 }, "ensign": { "senses": [ "A badge of office, rank, or power", "The lowest grade of commissioned officer in the United States Navy, junior to a lieutenant junior grade", "A flag or banner carried by military units", "a standard or color/colour", "The principal flag or banner flown by a ship to indicate nationality", "Any prominent flag or banner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:badge", "coronet", "second lieutenant" ], "word": "ensign", "num_translations": 46 }, "appear": { "senses": [ "To come or be in sight", "to be in view", "to become visible", "To come before the public", "To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, etc", "to present oneself as a party or advocate before a court, or as a person to be tried", "To become visible to the apprehension of the mind", "to be known as a subject of observation or comprehension, or as a thing proved", "to be obvious or manifest", "To seem", "to have a certain semblance", "to look", "To bring into view" ], "antonyms": [ "disappear" ], "synonyms": [ "emerge", "look" ], "word": "appear", "num_translations": 223 }, "septum": { "senses": [ "A wall separating two cavities", "a partition", "A partition that separates the cells of a fruit", "A partition that separates the cells of a fungus", "One of the radial calcareous plates of a coral", "One of the transverse partitions dividing the shell of a mollusk, or of a rhizopod, into several chambers", "One of the transverse partitions dividing the body cavity of an annelid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "septum", "num_translations": 18 }, "reduce": { "senses": [ "To bring down the size, quantity, quality, value or intensity of something", "to diminish, to lower", "To lose weight", "To bring to an inferior rank", "to degrade, to demote", "To humble", "to conquer", "to subdue", "to capture", "To bring to an inferior state or condition", "To decrease the liquid content of food by boiling much of its water off", "To add electrons / hydrogen or to remove oxygen", "To produce metal from ore by removing nonmetallic elements in a smelter", "To simplify an equation or formula without changing its value", "To express the solution of a problem in terms of another algorithm", "To convert a syllogism to a clearer or simpler form", "To convert to written form", "To perform a reduction", "to restore a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment", "To reform a line or column from", "To strike off the payroll", "To annul by legal means", "To translate" ], "antonyms": [ "increase" ], "synonyms": [ "cut", "inspissate" ], "word": "reduce", "num_translations": 138 }, "appearance": { "senses": [ "The act of appearing or coming into sight", "the act of becoming visible to the eye", "A thing seen", "a phenomenon", "an apparition", "The way something looks", "personal presence", "Apparent likeness", "the way which something or someone appears to others", "That which is not substance, essence, hypostasis", "the outward reality as opposed to the underlying reality", "The act of appearing in a particular place, or in society, a company, or any proceedings", "a coming before the public in a particular character", "An instance of someone coming into a court of law to be part of a trial, either in person or represented by an attorney or such like", "Chiefly used by nurses: the act of defecation by a patient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arrival", "spectacle", "aspect", "semblance", "debut" ], "word": "appearance", "num_translations": 173 }, "appetite": { "senses": [ "Desire for, or relish of, food or drink", "hunger", "Any strong desire", "an eagerness or longing", "The desire for some personal gratification, either of the body or of the mind", "A taste, preference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "craving" ], "word": "appetite", "num_translations": 105 }, "applause": { "senses": [ "The act of applauding", "approbation and praise publicly expressed by the clapping of hands, stamping or tapping of the feet, acclamation, huzzas, or other means", "marked commendation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acclaim" ], "word": "applause", "num_translations": 81 }, "expensive": { "senses": [ "Given to expending a lot of money", "profligate, lavish", "Having a high price or cost", "Taking a lot of system time or resources" ], "antonyms": [ "cheap", "inexpensive", "low-priced" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:expensive" ], "word": "expensive", "num_translations": 163 }, "chew": { "senses": [ "To crush with the teeth by repeated closing and opening of the jaws", "done to food to soften it and break it down by the action of saliva before it is swallowed", "To grind, tear, or otherwise degrade or demolish something with teeth or as with teeth", "To think about something", "to ponder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bite", "grind", "contemplate", "Thesaurus:ponder" ], "word": "chew", "num_translations": 101 }, "chewinggum": { "senses": [ "A flavoured preparation of chicle or synthetic rubber, made for chewing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chewie" ], "word": "chewinggum", "num_translations": 127 }, "gum": { "senses": [ "The flesh around the teeth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gingiva" ], "word": "gum", "num_translations": 134 }, "gum2": { "senses": [ "Any of various viscous or sticky substances that are exuded by certain plants", "Any viscous or sticky substance resembling those that are exuded by certain plants", "hence, any roughly made hive", "A vessel or bin made from a hollow log", "A rubber overshoe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gum", "num_translations": 43 }, "remainder": { "senses": [ "A part or parts remaining after some has/have been removed", "The amount left over after subtracting the divisor as many times as possible from the dividend without producing a negative result If and d are integers, then can always be expressed in the form n = dq + r, where q and r are also integers and 0 \u2264 r < d", "The number left over after a simple subtraction", "Excess stock items left unsold and subject to reduction in price", "An estate in expectancy which only comes in its heir's possession after an estate created by the same instrument has been determined" ], "antonyms": [ "dearth" ], "synonyms": [ "remnant", "surplus" ], "word": "remainder", "num_translations": 123 }, "bubbly": { "senses": [ "Full of bubbles", "Cheerful, lively", "Having the characteristics of bubbles", "Having the characteristics of economic bubbles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bubbly" ], "word": "bubbly", "num_translations": 12 }, "evenly": { "senses": [ "So as to form a flat surface", "In a fair manner of distribution, giving the same amount or number to each", "equally", "In a manner that leaves no remainder", "In terms of or by means of even numbers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "evenly", "num_translations": 28 }, "commander": { "senses": [ "One who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization", "One who exercises control and direction over a group of persons", "A designation or rank in certain non-military organizations such as NASA and various police forces", "The chief officer of a commandry", "A heavy beetle or wooden mallet, used in paving, in sail lofts, etc", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus Moduza" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commander", "num_translations": 93 }, "takefrenchleave": { "senses": [ "To leave unannounced or without permission", "To desert To go AWOL" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abscond", "AWOL" ], "word": "takeFrenchleave", "num_translations": 15 }, "dessert": { "senses": [ "A sweet confection served as the last course of a meal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afters" ], "word": "dessert", "num_translations": 109 }, "starboard": { "senses": [ "One of the two traditional watches aboard a ship standing a watch in two" ], "antonyms": [ "backboard", "larboard", "port" ], "synonyms": [ "right" ], "word": "starboard", "num_translations": 35 }, "disallow": { "senses": [ "To refuse to allow", "To reject as invalid, untrue, or improper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prohibit" ], "word": "disallow", "num_translations": 10 }, "imperial": { "senses": [ "Related to an empire, emperor, or empress", "Very grand or fine", "Of special, superior, or unusual size or excellence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "old money" ], "word": "imperial", "num_translations": 75 }, "plethora": { "senses": [ "An excessive amount or number", "an abundance", "An excess of red blood cells or bodily humours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glut" ], "word": "plethora", "num_translations": 32 }, "qualification": { "senses": [ "The act or process of qualifying for a position, achievement etc", "An ability or attribute that aids someone's chances of qualifying for something", "specifically, completed professional training", "A certificate, diploma, or degree awarded after successful completion of a course, training, or exam", "A clause or condition which qualifies something", "a modification, a limitation", "A quality or attribute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "qualification", "num_translations": 54 }, "greens": { "senses": [ "Leaves and leaf-like parts of edible plants when eaten as vegetables or in salads", "Green vegetables", "edible plants or plant parts that contain chlorophyll", "Leafy plants that are used for decoration", "The green uniform of the United States Marine Corps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "greens", "num_translations": 38 }, "bacillophobia": { "senses": [ "The fear of microbes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "germophobia" ], "word": "bacillophobia", "num_translations": 12 }, "hesitate": { "senses": [ "To stop or pause respecting decision or action", "to be in suspense or uncertainty as to a determination", "To stammer", "to falter in speaking", "To utter with hesitation or to intimate by a reluctant manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demur", "balbucinate", "falter" ], "word": "hesitate", "num_translations": 103 }, "waver": { "senses": [ "To sway back and forth", "to totter or reel", "To flicker, glimmer, quiver, as a weak light", "To fluctuate or vary, as commodity prices or a poorly sustained musical pitch", "To shake or tremble, as the hands or voice", "To falter", "become unsteady", "begin to fail or give way", "To be indecisive between choices", "to feel or show doubt or indecision", "to vacillate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waver", "num_translations": 48 }, "waver1": { "senses": [ "Someone who waves, enjoys waving, etc", "Someone who specializes in waving", "A tool that accomplishes hair waving", "A sapling left standing in a fallen wood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waver", "num_translations": 13 }, "falter1": { "senses": [ "To waver or be unsteady", "to weaken or trail off", "To stammer", "to utter with hesitation, or in a weak and trembling manner", "To fail in distinctness or regularity of exercise", "said of the mind or of thought", "To stumble", "To lose faith or vigor", "to doubt or abandon", "To hesitate in purpose or action", "To cleanse or sift, as barley" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "falter", "num_translations": 32 }, "totter": { "senses": [ "To walk, move or stand unsteadily or falteringly", "threatening to fall", "To be on the brink of collapse", "To collect junk or scrap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reel" ], "word": "totter", "num_translations": 44 }, "crescent": { "senses": [ "The figure of the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter, with concave and convex edges terminating in points", "A representation of the symbol used by Islamic caliphates", "Any of three orders of knighthood conferred upon foreigners to whom Turkey might be indebted for valuable services", "The emblem of the waxing Moon with horns directed upward, when used in a coat of arms", "often used as a mark of cadency to distinguish a second son and his descendants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crescent", "num_translations": 91 }, "bicephalous": { "senses": [ "Having two heads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bicephalic" ], "word": "bicephalous", "num_translations": 16 }, "stammer": { "senses": [ "To keep repeating a particular sound involuntarily during speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stutter" ], "word": "stammer", "num_translations": 126 }, "meaning": { "senses": [ "The entity, perception, feeling or concept thereby represented or evoked", "The value, purpose, importance, point or significance", "The object or concept that a word or phrase denotes, or that which a sentence says", "Intention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sense", "definition" ], "word": "meaning", "num_translations": 216 }, "average": { "senses": [ "The arithmetic mean", "Any measure of central tendency, especially any mean, the median, or the mode", "Financial loss due to damage to transported goods", "compensation for damage or loss", "Customs duty or similar charge payable on transported goods", "Proportional or equitable distribution of financial expense", "An indication of a player's ability calculated from his scoring record, etc", "In the corn trade, the medial price of the several kinds of grain in the principal corn markets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "average", "num_translations": 69 }, "average1": { "senses": [ "Neither very good nor very bad", "rated somewhere in the middle of all others in the same category", "Typical", "Not outstanding, not good, banal", "bad or poor" ], "antonyms": [ "extraordinary" ], "synonyms": [ "av", "mediocre", "conventional", "ordinary" ], "word": "average", "num_translations": 95 }, "fluent": { "senses": [ "That flows", "flowing, liquid", "Able to use a language accurately, rapidly, and confidently - in a flowing way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fluent" ], "word": "fluent", "num_translations": 63 }, "arithmeticmean": { "senses": [ "The measure of central tendency of a set of values computed by dividing the sum of the values by their number", "commonly called the mean or the average" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "average" ], "word": "arithmeticmean", "num_translations": 24 }, "median": { "senses": [ "A line segment joining the vertex of triangle to the midpoint of the opposing side", "the area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "central reservation" ], "word": "median", "num_translations": 48 }, "median1": { "senses": [ "Situated in the middle", "central, intermediate", "In the middle of an organ, structure etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "median", "num_translations": 16 }, "goodfriday": { "senses": [ "The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Black Friday" ], "word": "GoodFriday", "num_translations": 81 }, "shilling": { "senses": [ "A coin formerly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and many other Commonwealth countries", "The currency of Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda", "A currency in the United States, differing in value between states", "The Spanish real, formerly having the value of one eighth of a dollar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bob", "deener" ], "word": "shilling", "num_translations": 42 }, "resurrection": { "senses": [ "The act of arising from the dead and becoming alive again", "bodysnatching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gainrising" ], "word": "resurrection", "num_translations": 71 }, "pendant": { "senses": [ "A supporting post attached to the main rafter", "A piece of jewellery which hangs down as an ornament, especially worn on a chain around the neck", "The dangling part of an earring", "A short rope hanging down, used to attach hooks for tackles", "a pennant", "One of a pair", "a counterpart", "An appendix or addition, as to a book", "Testicles", "A pendulum", "The stem and ring of a watch, by which it is suspended", "A lamp hanging from the roof", "An ornament of wood or of stone hanging downwards from a roof", "A long narrow flag at the head of the principal mast in a royal ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pendant", "num_translations": 53 }, "typewriter": { "senses": [ "A device, at least partially mechanical, used to print text by pressing keys that cause type to be impressed through an inked ribbon onto paper", "a typist", "A machine gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "typist" ], "word": "typewriter", "num_translations": 115 }, "possibly": { "senses": [ "Perhaps", "indicates that the proposition may be true regardless of any facts or circumstances known to, stated by or implied by the speaker", "In the realm of possibility", "indicates that the action may successfully be performed regardless of any facts or circumstances known to, stated by or implied by the speaker that might limit the performance" ], "antonyms": [ "impossibly", "inevitably", "certainly" ], "synonyms": [ "conceivably" ], "word": "possibly", "num_translations": 13 }, "possible": { "senses": [ "Able but not certain to happen", "Capable of being done or achieved", "feasible", "Being considered, eg for a position", "Apparently valid, likely, plausible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "possible", "num_translations": 115 }, "propeller": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, propels", "A mechanical device with evenly-shaped blades that turn on a shaft to push against air or water, especially one used to propel an aircraft or boat", "A steamboat thus propelled", "a screw steamer", "A spinnerbait" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "propeller", "num_translations": 62 }, "mighty1": { "senses": [ "Very strong", "possessing might", "Very heavy and powerful", "Very large", "hefty", "Accomplished by might", "hence, extraordinary", "wonderful", "Excellent, extremely good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mighty", "num_translations": 36 }, "bloody": { "senses": [ "Covered in blood", "Characterised by bloodshed", "Used as an intensifier", "Badly behaved", "unpleasant", "beastly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bally", "blasted", "bleeding", "blinking", "blooming", "damn", "damned", "dang", "darned", "doggone", "flaming", "freaking", "fricking", "frigging", "fucking", "goddam", "goddamn", "goddamned", "godforsaken", "wretched", "rotten", "Thesaurus:damned" ], "word": "bloody", "num_translations": 159 }, "thrombus": { "senses": [ "A blood clot formed from platelets and other elements", "that forms in a blood vessel in a living organism, and causes thrombosis or obstruction of the vessel at its point of formation or travel to other areas of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blood clot" ], "word": "thrombus", "num_translations": 32 }, "holiday": { "senses": [ "A day on which a festival, religious event, or national celebration is traditionally observed", "A day declared free from work by the state or government", "A period of one or more days taken off work for leisure and often travel", "often plural", "A period during which pupils do not attend their school", "often plural", "rarely used for students at university", "A gap in coverage, eg of paint on a surface, or sonar imagery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feast day", "bank holiday", "leave", "vacation", "lacuna" ], "word": "holiday", "num_translations": 299 }, "execution": { "senses": [ "The act, manner or style of executing", "The state of being accomplished", "The act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty, or actions so associated", "The carrying into effect of a court judgment, or of a will", "The formal process by which a contract is made valid and put into binding effect", "The carrying out of an instruction, program or program segment by a computer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "execution", "num_translations": 125 }, "executor": { "senses": [ "A person who carries out some task", "A component of a system that executes or runs something", "Someone appointed by a testator to administer a will", "an administrator", "An executioner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "executor", "num_translations": 35 }, "over1": { "senses": [ "Thoroughly", "completely", "from beginning to end", "To an excessive degree", "From an upright position to being horizontal", "Horizontally", "left to right or right to left", "From one position or state to another", "Again", "another time", "once more", "a procedure word meaning that a station is finished transmitting and is expecting a response" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "over", "num_translations": 39 }, "over3": { "senses": [ "Physical positioning", "By comparison", "Indicating relative status, authority, or power", "Divided by", "Separates the three of a kind from the pair in a full house", "Finished with", "done with", "from one state to another via a hindrance that must be solved or defeated", "or via a third state that represents a significant difference from the first two", "While using, especially while consuming", "Concerning or regarding", "Above, implying superiority after a contest", "in spite of", "notwithstanding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "over", "num_translations": 136 }, "under": { "senses": [ "In or at a lower level than", "As a subject of", "subordinate to", "Less than", "Below the surface of", "In the face of", "in response to", "As, in the character of" ], "antonyms": [ "above", "over" ], "synonyms": [ "below", "beneath", "underneath" ], "word": "under", "num_translations": 171 }, "under1": { "senses": [ "In a way lower or less than", "In a way inferior to", "In an unconscious state" ], "antonyms": [ "above", "over" ], "synonyms": [ "below", "beneath" ], "word": "under", "num_translations": 10 }, "oath": { "senses": [ "A solemn pledge or promise, appealing to a deity, a ruler, or another entity to attest to the truth of a statement or sincerity of one's desire to fulfill a contract or promise", "A statement or promise which is strengthened by such a pledge", "A light, irreverent or insulting appeal to a deity or other entity", "A curse, a curse word" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pledge", "vow", "avowal" ], "word": "oath", "num_translations": 168 }, "leafy": { "senses": [ "covered with leaves", "containing much foliage", "in the form of leaves", "resembling a leaf", "wealthy, middle- or upper-class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "): foliated", "laminate", "layered" ], "word": "leafy", "num_translations": 39 }, "ante-": { "senses": [ "Prior to in time", "In front of in space", "anterior" ], "antonyms": [ "post-", "post-" ], "synonyms": [ "pre-", "fore-" ], "word": "ante-", "num_translations": 11 }, "anti-": { "senses": [ "Against, hostile to", "Contrasting with the norm", "Opposite of, reverse", "Physically opposite: applied to mountain ranges", "Counteracting, neutralizing", "Related to antiparticles", "That reacts with immunoglobins found in the specified animal" ], "antonyms": [ "against, hostile to" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "anti-", "num_translations": 57 }, "antebellum": { "senses": [ "Of the time period prior to a war", "In the United States of America, of the period prior to the American Civil War, especially in reference to the culture of the southern states" ], "antonyms": [ "postbellum" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "antebellum", "num_translations": 27 }, "precipice": { "senses": [ "A very steep cliff", "The brink of a dangerous situation", "A headlong fall or descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cliff", "cliffdrop" ], "word": "precipice", "num_translations": 47 }, "confused1": { "senses": [ "unable to think clearly or understand", "disoriented", "chaotic, jumbled or muddled", "making no sense", "illogical", "embarrassed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "puzzled" ], "word": "confused", "num_translations": 111 }, "confuse": { "senses": [ "to puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder", "To mix up, muddle up", "to mistake", "To mix thoroughly", "to confound", "to disorder", "To make uneasy and ashamed", "to embarrass", "To rout", "discomfit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flummox", "mistake", "Thesaurus:confuse" ], "word": "confuse", "num_translations": 107 }, "confusing": { "senses": [ "difficult to understand", "not clear as lacking order, chaotic etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "muddlesome", "mistakable", "misleading" ], "word": "confusing", "num_translations": 44 }, "roe": { "senses": [ "The eggs of fish", "The sperm of certain fish", "The ovaries of certain crustaceans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "milt" ], "word": "roe", "num_translations": 87 }, "sturgeon": { "senses": [ "Any marine or freshwater fish of the family Acipenseridae that are prized for their roe and are endemic to temperate seas and rivers of the northern hemisphere, especially central Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acipenserid" ], "word": "sturgeon", "num_translations": 67 }, "delicacy": { "senses": [ "The quality of being delicate", "Fineness or elegance of construction or appearance", "Frailty of health or fitness", "Refinement in taste or discrimination", "Tact and propriety", "the need for such tact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "delicacy", "num_translations": 72 }, "passive": { "senses": [ "Being subjected to an action without producing a reaction", "Taking no action", "Being inactive and submissive in a relationship, especially in a sexual one", "Not participating in management", "Without motive power", "Of a component: that consumes but does not produce energy, or is incapable of power gain" ], "antonyms": [ "active", "aggressive" ], "synonyms": [ "inactive", "idle", "disinterested", "uninvolved" ], "word": "passive", "num_translations": 103 }, "versatile": { "senses": [ "Capable of doing many things competently", "Having varied uses or many functions", "Changeable or inconstant", "Capable of moving freely in all directions", "Being a switch", "capable of taking either a dominant or a submissive role", "Capable of taking both a top and bottom role" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "versatile", "num_translations": 99 }, "algolagnia": { "senses": [ "A physical condition that causes a person to gain sexual pleasure by suffering pain, particularly to erogenous zones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sadomasochism" ], "word": "algolagnia", "num_translations": 13 }, "sadomasochism": { "senses": [ "The practices of sadism and masochism collectively, usually in reference to consensual practices within the BDSM community", "Sadism and masochism: the enjoyment by one person of both inflicting and receiving pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "algolagnia", "S&M", "S and M", "SM", "s-m", "s/m" ], "word": "sadomasochism", "num_translations": 27 }, "ambidextrous": { "senses": [ "Having equal ability in both hands", "in particular, able to write equally well with both hands", "Equally usable by left-handed and right-handed people", "Practising or siding with both parties", "Of a person, bisexual", "Exceptionally skillful", "adept in more than one medium, genre, style, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "ambilevous", "ambisinistrous" ], "synonyms": [ "both-handed", "either-handed" ], "word": "ambidextrous", "num_translations": 34 }, "analsex": { "senses": [ "A sexual activity involving stimulation of a sexual partner's anus and/or rectum, especially by penetration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:anal sex" ], "word": "analsex", "num_translations": 66 }, "penetration": { "senses": [ "The act of penetrating something", "Specifically, the insertion of the penis during sexual intercourse", "The act of penetrating a given situation with the mind or faculties", "perception, discernment", "A number or fraction that represents how many cards/decks will be dealt before shuffling, in contrast to the total number of cards/decks in play", "The proportion of the target audience who buy the advertised product or service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "penetration", "num_translations": 20 }, "masochism": { "senses": [ "The enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation" ], "antonyms": [ "sadism" ], "synonyms": [ "algophilia" ], "word": "masochism", "num_translations": 29 }, "whine1": { "senses": [ "To utter a high-pitched cry", "To make a sound resembling such a cry", "To move with a whining sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:complain" ], "word": "whine", "num_translations": 69 }, "hat": { "senses": [ "A covering for the head, often in the approximate form of a cone or a cylinder closed at its top end, and sometimes having a brim and other decoration", "Any receptacle from which numbers/names are pulled out in a lottery", "The h\u00e1\u010dek symbol", "The caret symbol ^", "User rights on a website, such as the right to edit pages others cannot", "A student who is also the son of a nobleman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gold hatband" ], "word": "hat", "num_translations": 240 }, "sad": { "senses": [ "Emotionally negative", "Sated, having had one's fill", "satisfied, weary", "Steadfast, valiant", "Dignified, serious, grave", "Naughty", "troublesome", "wicked", "Unfashionable", "socially inadequate or undesirable", "Soggy", "Heavy", "weighty", "ponderous", "close", "hard" ], "antonyms": [ "happy", "cheerful", "gleeful", "decent" ], "synonyms": [ "discomforted", "depressed", "poignant", "lamentable", "pitiful", "Thesaurus:sad", "Thesaurus:lamentable" ], "word": "sad", "num_translations": 182 }, "dangerous": { "senses": [ "Full of danger", "Causing danger", "ready to do harm or injury", "In a condition of danger, as from illness", "threatened with death", "Hard to suit", "difficult to please", "Reserved", "not affable" ], "antonyms": [ "safe" ], "synonyms": [ "hazardous", "perilous", "risky", "unsafe", "Thesaurus:dangerous" ], "word": "dangerous", "num_translations": 123 }, "inversion": { "senses": [ "The action of inverting", "Being upside down, in an inverted state", "Being in a reverse sequence, in an inverted state", "The move of one pitch in an interval up or down an octave", "The reversal of an interval", "The reversal of the pitch contour", "The reversal of a pitch class succession, such as a contrapuntal line or melody", "The subtraction of pitch classes in a set from twelve, which maps intervals onto their complements with respect to 0, and preserves interval classes, symbolized IX", "a segment of DNA in the context of a chromosome that is reversed in orientation relative to a reference karyotype or genome", "Deviation from standard word order by putting the predicate before the subject It takes place in questions with auxiliary verbs and in normal, affirmative clauses beginning with a negative particle, for the purpose of emphasis", "An operation on a group, analogous to negation", "Homosexuality, particularly in early psychoanalysis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inversion", "num_translations": 18 }, "serial": { "senses": [ "Having to do with or arranged in a series", "Published or produced in installments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sequential" ], "word": "serial", "num_translations": 12 }, "-ous": { "senses": [ "Used to form adjectives from nouns, to denote possession or presence of a quality in any degree, commonly in abundance", "Used in chemical nomenclature to name chemical compounds in which a specified chemical element has a lower oxidation number than in the equivalent compound whose name ends in the suffix -ic For example sulphuric acid has more oxygen atoms per molecule than sulphurous acid See Inorganic nomenclature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-y" ], "word": "-ous", "num_translations": 55 }, "squareroot": { "senses": [ "The number which, when squared, yields another number", "The positive number which, when squared, yields another number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u221a", "principal square root" ], "word": "squareroot", "num_translations": 40 }, "rooted": { "senses": [ "Having roots, or certain type of roots", "Fixed in one position", "immobile", "unable to move", "Ingrained, as through repeated use", "entrenched", "habitual or instinctive", "Having a basic or fundamental connection", "based, originating", "Having a root", "In trouble or in strife, screwed", "Broken, damaged, non-functional", "Having a root account that has been compromised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rooted", "num_translations": 12 }, "rootfor": { "senses": [ "To encourage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barrack", "support", "cheer on" ], "word": "rootfor", "num_translations": 17 }, "conjugate": { "senses": [ "To inflect for each person, in order, for one or more tenses", "To multiply on the left by one element and on the right by its inverse", "To join together, unite", "to juxtapose", "To temporarily fuse, exchanging or transferring DNA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conjugate", "num_translations": 37 }, "imaginarynumber": { "senses": [ "A number of the form bi, where b is any real number and i denotes the imaginary unit", "A number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and b is nonzero" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "purely imaginary number" ], "word": "imaginarynumber", "num_translations": 47 }, "conjugation": { "senses": [ "The coming together of things", "union", "The temporary fusion of organisms, especially as part of sexual reproduction", "Sexual relations within marriage", "In some languages, one of several classifications of verbs according to what inflections they take", "The act of conjugating a verb", "The conjugated forms of a verb", "A system of delocalized orbitals consisting of alternating single bonds and double bonds", "A mapping sending x to gxg-1, where g and x are elements of a group", "inner automorphism", "A function which negates the non-real part of a complex or hypercomplex number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conjugation", "num_translations": 168 }, "declination": { "senses": [ "At a given point, the angle between magnetic north and true north", "At a given point, the angle between the line connecting this point with the geographical center of the earth and the equatorial plane", "A refusal", "Declension", "The act or state of bending downward", "inclination", "The act or state of falling off or declining from excellence or perfection", "deterioration", "decay", "decline", "Deviation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "declination", "num_translations": 28 }, "pedestriancrossing": { "senses": [ "A place where pedestrians are permitted to or advised to cross a street" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crosswalk", "ped xing" ], "word": "pedestriancrossing", "num_translations": 43 }, "pedestrian": { "senses": [ "Of or intended for those who are walking", "Ordinary, dull", "everyday", "unexceptional", "Pertaining to ordinary, everyday movements incorporated in postmodern dance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pedestrian", "num_translations": 64 }, "pedestrian1": { "senses": [ "A walker", "one who walks or goes on foot, especially as opposed to one who uses a vehicle", "Specifically, an expert or professional walker or runner", "one who performs feats of walking or running" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footman" ], "word": "pedestrian", "num_translations": 102 }, "gravy": { "senses": [ "A thick sauce made from the fat or juices that come out from meat or vegetables as they are being cooked", "Sauce used for pasta", "Curry sauce", "Unearned gain", "Extra benefit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gravy", "num_translations": 76 }, "realnumber": { "senses": [ "The limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers, whether the limit is a rational number such as 2, -5, or 2/7 or whether the limit is an irrational number such as the square root of two or the circumference of the circle whose radius is one", "A floating-point number" ], "antonyms": [ "imaginary number" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "realnumber", "num_translations": 38 }, "identity": { "senses": [ "Sameness, identicalness", "the quality or fact of being the same", "The difference or character that marks off an individual from the rest of the same kind, selfhood", "A name or persona\u2014the mask or appearance one presents to the world\u2014by which one is known", "Sense of who one is", "Any function which maps all elements of its domain to themselves", "An element of an algebraic structure which, when applied to another element under an operation in that structure, yields this second element", "A well-known or famous person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sameness", "individuality", "identity function", "celebrity" ], "word": "identity", "num_translations": 135 }, "inverse": { "senses": [ "Opposite in effect, nature or order", "Reverse, opposite in order", "Inverted", "having a position or mode of attachment the reverse of that which is usual", "said with reference to any two operations, which, when both are performed in succession upon any quantity, reproduce that quantity", "that is constructed by circle inversion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inverse", "num_translations": 26 }, "inverse1": { "senses": [ "An inverted state: a state in which something has been turned upside down or inside out or backwards", "The result of an inversion, particularly:", "A second element which negates a first", "in a binary operation, the element for which the binary operation\u2014when applied to both it and an initially given element\u2014yields the operation's identity element, specifically:", "The winning of the coup in a game of rouge et noir by a card of a color different from that first dealt", "the area of the table reserved for bets upon such an outcome", "A grammatical number marking that indicates the opposite grammatical number of the default number specification of noun class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "additive", "multiplicative", "compositional", "point" ], "word": "inverse", "num_translations": 17 }, "glider": { "senses": [ "One who glides", "Any heavier-than-air aircraft optimised for unpowered flight", "a sailplane", "Any animal with the ability to glide, such as the gliding possum", "synonym of \"glide\"", "A kind of garden swing", "In the Game of Life cellular automaton, a particular configuration of five cells that recurs periodically at fixed offsets and appears to \"walk\" across the grid", "A vehicle, of a usually motorised type, without a powertrain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glider", "num_translations": 88 }, "redhead": { "senses": [ "A person with red hair", "A North American duck highly esteemed as a game bird", "A kind of milkweed , with red flowers, formerly used in medicine", "Chinese red-headed centipede", "red-headed bunting", "red-headed titi", "red-headed vulture", "red-headed woodpecker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bloodnut" ], "word": "redhead", "num_translations": 69 }, "bratislava": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Slovakia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pressborough", "Pressburgh" ], "word": "Bratislava", "num_translations": 64 }, "submarine1": { "senses": [ "A boat that can go underwater", "A kind of sandwich made in a long loaf of bread", "Pitch delivered with an underhand motion", "A stowaway on a seagoing vessel" ], "antonyms": [ "surface ship" ], "synonyms": [ "sub", "grinder" ], "word": "submarine", "num_translations": 116 }, "pest": { "senses": [ "Any destructive insect or caterpillar that attacks crops or livestock", "An annoying person, a nuisance", "An animal regarded as a nuisance, destructive, or a parasite, vermin", "An invasive weed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bug" ], "word": "pest", "num_translations": 72 }, "germ": { "senses": [ "The small mass of cells from which a new organism develops", "a seed, bud or spore", "A pathogenic microorganism", "The origin of an idea or project", "An equivalence class that includes a specified function defined in an open neighborhood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "germ", "num_translations": 106 }, "sperm": { "senses": [ "The reproductive cell or gamete of the male", "Semen", "the generative substance of male animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cum", "spermatozoon" ], "word": "sperm", "num_translations": 149 }, "demi-": { "senses": [ "half" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "half-", "hemi-", "semi-" ], "word": "demi-", "num_translations": 13 }, "semi-": { "senses": [ "half", "partial, incomplete", "somewhat, rather, quasi-" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demi-", "half-", "hemi-" ], "word": "semi-", "num_translations": 32 }, "mono-": { "senses": [ "one, single, only" ], "antonyms": [ "poly-", "multi-" ], "synonyms": [ "uni-" ], "word": "mono-", "num_translations": 31 }, "uni-": { "senses": [ "one, single" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mono-" ], "word": "uni-", "num_translations": 27 }, "minim": { "senses": [ "A half note, drawn as a semibreve with a stem", "A unit of volume, in the Imperial and US customary systems, 1/60 fluid drachm Approximately equal to 1 drop, 62 \u03bcL or 09 grain of water", "A short vertical stroke used in handwriting", "Anything very minute", "applied to animalcula and the like", "The smallest kind of worker in a leaf-cutter ant colony", "A little man or being", "a dwarf", "A small fish", "a minnow", "A short poetical encomium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "minim", "num_translations": 15 }, "crotchet": { "senses": [ "A musical note one beat long in 4/4 time", "A sharp curve or crook", "a shape resembling a hook", "a whim or a fancy", "A forked support", "a crotch", "An indentation in the glacis of the covered way, at a point where a traverse is placed", "The arrangement of a body of troops, either forward or rearward, so as to form a line nearly perpendicular to the general line of battle", "A square bracket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quarter note" ], "word": "crotchet", "num_translations": 24 }, "poly-": { "senses": [ "many", "polymer" ], "antonyms": [ "mono-", "oligo-", "pauci-", "uni-" ], "synonyms": [ "mani-", "multi-" ], "word": "poly-", "num_translations": 23 }, "multi-": { "senses": [ "More than one", "pertaining to more than one thing", "Many", "pertaining to many things" ], "antonyms": [ "oligo-", "pauci-", "mono-", "uni-" ], "synonyms": [ "poly-", "pluri-" ], "word": "multi-", "num_translations": 27 }, "uppercase": { "senses": [ "Collective term for the capital letters A, B, C, as opposed to the small letters a, b, c," ], "antonyms": [ "lower case" ], "synonyms": [ "majuscule", "u/c" ], "word": "uppercase", "num_translations": 41 }, "lowercase": { "senses": [ "The minuscule or small letters" ], "antonyms": [ "uppercase", "majuscule", "capital", "big letter", "block letter" ], "synonyms": [ "small letter", "minuscule" ], "word": "lowercase", "num_translations": 41 }, "casesensitive": { "senses": [ "Distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters Often used in computer science to indicate a distinction is made in comparison or equality of letters based on case For example, a case-sensitive password will not recognize \"Password\" and \"password\" as the same, but a case insensitive comparison would" ], "antonyms": [ "case insensitive" ], "synonyms": [ "case dependent" ], "word": "casesensitive", "num_translations": 15 }, "smallcaps": { "senses": [ "Capital letters shown in the same form but in small size" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "small capital" ], "word": "smallcaps", "num_translations": 11 }, "fiat": { "senses": [ "An arbitrary or authoritative command or order to do something", "an effectual decree", "Authorization, permission or sanction", "A warrant of a judge for certain processes", "An authority for certain proceedings given by the Lord Chancellor's signature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fiat", "num_translations": 24 }, "freckle": { "senses": [ "A small brownish or reddish pigmentation spot on the surface of the skin", "Any small spot or discoloration", "A small sweet consisting of a flattish mound of chocolate covered in hundreds and thousands", "The anus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ephelis", "lentigo" ], "word": "freckle", "num_translations": 89 }, "period": { "senses": [ "A length of time", "an epoch, era", "The punctuation mark \u201c\"", "Female menstruation", "A section of an artist's, writer's career distinguished by a given quality, preoccupation etc", "Each of the divisions into which a school day is split, allocated to a given subject or activity", "Each of the intervals into which various sporting events are divided", "The length of time for a disease to run its course", "An end or conclusion", "the final point of a process etc", "A complete sentence, especially one expressing a single thought or making a balanced, rhythmic whole", "A specific moment during a given process", "a point, a stage", "A subdivision of an era, typically lasting from tens to hundreds of millions of years, see Appendix: Geologic timescale", "A Drosophila gene, the gene product of which is involved in regulation of the circadian rhythm", "*", "Two phrases", "often the least such length", "End point, conclusion" ], "antonyms": [ "frequency" ], "synonyms": [ "point", "dot", "full-point", "plain point", "Thesaurus:menstruation", "Thesaurus:period" ], "word": "period", "num_translations": 221 }, "period2": { "senses": [ "That's final", "that's the end of the matter", "end of story" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "full stop" ], "word": "period", "num_translations": 24 }, "plussign": { "senses": [ "The symbol + used to denote the operation of addition and to indicate that a number is positive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "symbol" ], "word": "plussign", "num_translations": 43 }, "greaterthan": { "senses": [ "The character '''''', denoting having a larger amount or number" ], "antonyms": [ "less than" ], "synonyms": [ "greater-than sign" ], "word": "greaterthan", "num_translations": 13 }, "lessthan1": { "senses": [ "inferior in consideration, rank, or importance" ], "antonyms": [ "greater than" ], "synonyms": [ "less-than sign" ], "word": "lessthan", "num_translations": 11 }, "capitalletter": { "senses": [ "An upper-case letter , used for emphasis, for starting sentences and proper names, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "lower case letter", "minuscule", "small letter" ], "synonyms": [ "big" ], "word": "capitalletter", "num_translations": 61 }, "george": { "senses": [ "male given name", "An surname", "surname", "surname, a variant of Georg", "An surname, an anglicization of Seoirse", "female given name", "The autopilot of an aircraft", "town p/Western Cape c/South Africa", "locale c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Geo", "Georgeson" ], "word": "George", "num_translations": 144 }, "essay": { "senses": [ "A written composition of moderate length, exploring a particular issue or subject", "A test, experiment", "an assay", "An attempt", "A proposed design for a postage stamp or a banknote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "essay", "num_translations": 92 }, "rhyme": { "senses": [ "Rhyming verse", "A thought expressed in verse", "a verse", "a poem", "a tale told in verse", "Rhyming: sameness of sound of part of some words", "rime", "Number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rhyme", "num_translations": 121 }, "rhyme1": { "senses": [ "To compose or treat in verse", "versify", "Of a word, to be pronounced identically with another from the vowel in its stressed syllable to the end", "Of two or more words, to be pronounced identically from the vowel in the stressed syllable of each to the end of each", "To number", "count", "reckon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rhyme", "num_translations": 56 }, "stare": { "senses": [ "To look fixedly", "To influence in some way by looking fixedly", "To be very conspicuous on account of size, prominence, colour, or brilliancy", "To stand out", "to project", "to bristle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stare", "num_translations": 69 }, "single": { "senses": [ "Not accompanied by anything else", "one in number", "Not divided in parts", "Designed for the use of only one", "Performed by one person, or one on each side", "Not married or not involved in a romantic relationship without being married or not dating anyone exclusively", "Having only one rank or row of petals", "Simple and honest", "sincere, without deceit", "Uncompounded", "pure", "unmixed", "Simple", "foolish", "weak", "silly" ], "antonyms": [ "divorced", "living apart together" ], "synonyms": [ "lone", "unbroken", "unmarried" ], "word": "single", "num_translations": 167 }, "single1": { "senses": [ "A 45 RPM vinyl record with one song on side A and one on side B", "A popular song released and sold nominally on its own though usually having at least one extra track", "One who is not married or does not have a romantic partner", "A score of one run", "A hit in baseball where the batter advances to first base", "A tile that has a different value at each end", "A bill valued at $1", "A one-way ticket", "A score of one point, awarded when a kicked ball is dead within the non-kicking team's end zone or has exited that end zone Officially known in the rules as a rouge", "A game with one player on each side, as in tennis", "One of the reeled filaments of silk, twisted without doubling to give them firmness", "A handful of gleaned grain", "A floating-point number having half the precision of a double-precision value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "single", "num_translations": 87 }, "only": { "senses": [ "Alone in a category", "Singularly superior", "the best", "Without sibling", "without a sibling of the same gender", "Mere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sole", "peerless" ], "word": "only", "num_translations": 127 }, "only1": { "senses": [ "Without others or anything further", "exclusively", "No more than", "just", "As recently as", "Used to express surprise or consternation at an action", "Above all others", "particularly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:solely", "Thesaurus:merely" ], "word": "only", "num_translations": 188 }, "lone": { "senses": [ "Solitary", "having no companion", "lacking companionship", "Sole", "being the only one of a type", "Situated by itself or by oneself, with no neighbours", "Unfrequented by human beings", "solitary", "Single", "unmarried, or in widowhood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "only" ], "word": "lone", "num_translations": 43 }, "theme": { "senses": [ "A subject of a talk or an artistic piece", "a topic", "A recurring idea", "a motif", "An essay written for school", "The main melody of a piece of music, especially one that is the source of variations", "A song, or a snippet of a song, that identifies a film, a TV program, a character, etc by playing at the appropriate time", "The collection of color schemes, sounds, artwork etc, that \"skin\" an environment towards a particular motif", "The stem of a word", "thematic relation of a noun phrase to a verb", "Theta role in generative grammar and government and binding theory", "Topic, what is generally being talked about, as opposed to rheme", "A regional unit of organisation in the Byzantine empire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "theme", "num_translations": 96 }, "notable": { "senses": [ "Worthy of note", "remarkable", "memorable", "noted or distinguished", "Capable of being noted", "noticeable", "plain", "evident" ], "antonyms": [ "non-notable", "nameless", "subtle" ], "synonyms": [ "eminent", "apparent" ], "word": "notable", "num_translations": 38 }, "forehead": { "senses": [ "The part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline", "confidence", "audacity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brow" ], "word": "forehead", "num_translations": 232 }, "queue": { "senses": [ "An animal's tail", "A men's hairstyle whose primary attribute is a braid or ponytail at the back of the head, such as that worn by men in Imperial China", "A line of people, vehicles or other objects, in which one at the front end is dealt with first, the one behind is dealt with next, and so on, and which newcomers join at the opposite end", "A waiting list or other means of organizing people or objects into a first-come-first-served order" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "line" ], "word": "queue", "num_translations": 149 }, "queue1": { "senses": [ "To put oneself or itself at the end of a waiting line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "join" ], "word": "queue", "num_translations": 38 }, "hail3": { "senses": [ "to greet", "give salutation to", "salute", "To name", "to designate", "to call", "to call out loudly in order to gain the attention of", "To signal in order to initiate communication with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hail", "num_translations": 55 }, "rusty": { "senses": [ "Marked or corroded by rust", "Of the rust color, reddish or reddish-brown", "Lacking recent experience, out of practice, especially with respect to a skill or activity", "Of clothing, especially dark clothing: worn, shabby", "Affected with the fungal plant disease called rust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rusty", "num_translations": 72 }, "shepherd": { "senses": [ "A person who tends sheep, especially a grazing flock", "Someone who watches over, looks after, or guides somebody", "The pastor of a church", "one who guides others in religion", "A swain", "a rustic male lover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sheepherder" ], "word": "shepherd", "num_translations": 198 }, "author": { "senses": [ "The originator or creator of a work, especially of a literary composition", "Someone who writes books for a living" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bookwright" ], "word": "author", "num_translations": 144 }, "skirtchaser": { "senses": [ "A man with amorous intentions who habitually seeks out female companionship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "womanizer", "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "skirtchaser", "num_translations": 10 }, "application": { "senses": [ "The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense", "The substance applied", "The act of applying as a means", "the employment of means to accomplish an end", "specific use", "The act of directing or referring something to a particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or disagreement, fitness, or correspondence", "A verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar", "A petition, entreaty, or other request, with the adposition for denoting the subject matter", "The act of requesting, claiming, or petitioning something", "Diligence", "close thought or attention", "A kind of needlework", "appliqu\u00e9", "Compliance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "software" ], "word": "application", "num_translations": 212 }, "apply": { "senses": [ "To lay or place", "to put", "To put to use", "to use or employ for a particular purpose, or in a particular case", "to appropriate", "to devote", "To make use of, declare, or pronounce, as suitable, fitting, or relative", "To fix closely", "to engage and employ diligently, or with attention", "to attach", "to incline", "To betake", "to address", "to refer", "generally used reflexively", "To submit oneself as a candidate", "To pertain or be relevant to a specified individual or group", "To busy", "to keep at work", "to ply", "To visit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apply", "num_translations": 116 }, "appoint": { "senses": [ "To set, fix or determine by authority or agreement", "To name", "To furnish or equip completely", "to provide with all the equipment or furnishings necessary", "to fit out", "To equip with", "to assign authoritatively", "To fix the disposition of by designating someone to take use of", "To fix with power or firmness by decree or command", "to ordain or establish", "To resolve", "to determine", "to ordain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "appoint", "num_translations": 67 }, "appointment": { "senses": [ "The act of appointing a person to hold an office or to have a position of trust", "The state of being appointed to a service or office", "an office to which one is appointed", "Stipulation", "agreement", "the act of fixing by mutual agreement", "An arrangement between people to meet", "an engagement", "Decree", "direction", "established order or constitution", "The exercise of the power of designating a person to enjoy an estate or other specific property", "also, the instrument by which the designation is made", "Equipment, furniture", "A honorary part or exercise, as an oration, etc, at a public exhibition of a college", "The allowance paid to a public officer" ], "antonyms": [ "dismissal" ], "synonyms": [ "command", "designation", "direction", "equipment", "establishment", "order" ], "word": "appointment", "num_translations": 102 }, "whatchamacallit": { "senses": [ "A metasyntactic term used for any object whose actual name the speaker does not know or cannot remember", "a doodad, gizmo, thingamajig, thingy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "whatchamacallit", "num_translations": 45 }, "joseph": { "senses": [ "Eleventh and favorite son of Jacob, by his wife Rachel", "The husband of Virgin Mary", "The 12th sura of the Qur'an", "man who donated his own prepared tomb for the burial of Jesus", "male given name", "An surname", "surname", "locale c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Joseph", "num_translations": 287 }, "waiter": { "senses": [ "A male or sometimes female attendant who serves customers at their tables in a restaurant, caf\u00e9 or similar", "Someone who waits for somebody or something", "a person who is waiting", "A person working as an attendant at the London Stock Exchange", "A vessel or tray on which something is carried, as dishes, etc", "a salver", "A custom house officer", "A watchman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waiter", "num_translations": 169 }, "inebriation": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of drunkenness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drunkenness" ], "word": "inebriation", "num_translations": 26 }, "drunkenness": { "senses": [ "A state of being drunk" ], "antonyms": [ "soberness" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunkenness" ], "word": "drunkenness", "num_translations": 68 }, "parameter": { "senses": [ "A value kept constant during an experiment, equation, calculation or similar, but varied over other versions of the experiment, equation, calculation, etc", "a variable that describes some system or some aspect thereof", "An input variable of a procedure definition, that gets an actual value at execution time", "A characteristic or feature that distinguishes something from others", "In the ellipse and hyperbola, a third proportional to any diameter and its conjugate, or in the parabola, to any abscissa and the corresponding ordinate", "The ratio of the three crystallographic axes which determines the position of any plane", "The fundamental axial ratio for a given species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "argument", "distinguishing", "Thesaurus:characteristic" ], "word": "parameter", "num_translations": 65 }, "tele-": { "senses": [ "over a distance", "television", "telegraph", "telephone", "teleport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tele-", "num_translations": 22 }, "thermo-": { "senses": [ "heat" ], "antonyms": [ "cryo-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thermo-", "num_translations": 13 }, "resist": { "senses": [ "To attempt to counter the actions or effects of", "To withstand the actions of", "To oppose", "To be distasteful to" ], "antonyms": [ "obey", "submit" ], "synonyms": [ "gainstay", "oppose", "withset" ], "word": "resist", "num_translations": 77 }, "-phobia": { "senses": [ "Used to form nouns meaning fear of a specific thing", "Used to form nouns meaning hate, dislike, or repression of a specific thing" ], "antonyms": [ "-philia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "-phobia", "num_translations": 42 }, "-phobe": { "senses": [ "Used to form nouns denoting a person having a fear of a specific thing", "Used to form nouns denoting a person who hates or dislikes a type of person, thing, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "-philiac" ], "synonyms": [ "-phobiac" ], "word": "-phobe", "num_translations": 21 }, "lord": { "senses": [ "The master of the servants of a household", "the master of a feudal manor", "One possessing similar mastery over others", "any feudal superior generally", "any nobleman or aristocrat", "any chief, prince, or sovereign ruler", "in Scotland, a male member of the lowest rank of nobility", "One possessing similar mastery in figurative senses", "The heavenly body considered to possess a dominant influence over an event, time, etc", "A hunchback", "Sixpence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drighten" ], "word": "lord", "num_translations": 235 }, "orb": { "senses": [ "A spherical body", "a globe", "especially, one of the celestial spheres", "a sun, planet, or star", "One of the azure transparent spheres conceived by the ancients to be enclosed one within another, and to carry the heavenly bodies in their revolutions", "A circle", "A period of time marked off by the revolution of a heavenly body", "The eye, as luminous and spherical", "A revolving circular body", "a wheel", "A sphere of action", "A globus cruciger", "a ceremonial sphere used to represent royal power", "A translucent sphere appearing in flash photography )", "A body of soldiers drawn up in a circle, as for defence, especially infantry to repel cavalry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ball", "circle", "roller", "area", "globe", "globe" ], "word": "orb", "num_translations": 28 }, "apportion": { "senses": [ "To divide and distribute portions of a whole", "Specifically, to do so in a fair and equitable manner", "to allocate proportionally" ], "antonyms": [ "divide and distribute" ], "synonyms": [ "divide and distribute" ], "word": "apportion", "num_translations": 31 }, "appreciate": { "senses": [ "To be grateful or thankful for", "To view as valuable", "To be fully conscious of", "understand", "be aware of", "detect", "To increase in value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "appreciate", "num_translations": 202 }, "appreciation": { "senses": [ "A fair valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc", "recognition of excellence", "Accurate perception", "true estimation", "A rise in value" ], "antonyms": [ "depreciation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "appreciation", "num_translations": 58 }, "cheers2": { "senses": [ "A common toast used when drinking in company", "goodbye", "thank you" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bottoms up", "skoal", "chin chin", "down the hatch", "here's mud in your eye", "ta", "thanks", "Thesaurus:thank you" ], "word": "cheers", "num_translations": 193 }, "cheer": { "senses": [ "happiness", "a good, happy, or positive mood", "provisions prepared for a feast", "entertainment", "A cry expressing joy, approval or support such as \"hurray\"", "A chant made in support of a team at a sports event", "One's facial expression or countenance", "*", "One's attitude, mood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cheer", "num_translations": 16 }, "cheer1": { "senses": [ "To gladden", "often with up", "To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into", "to inspirit", "to solace or comfort" ], "antonyms": [ "boo" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cheer", "num_translations": 42 }, "health": { "senses": [ "The state of being free from physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction", "wellness", "A state of well-being or balance, often physical but sometimes also mental and social", "the overall level of function of an organism from the cellular level to the social level", "Physical condition", "Cure, remedy", "A toast to prosperity", "The amount of damage an in-game object can withstand before it is destroyed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "health", "num_translations": 224 }, "toast": { "senses": [ "A proposed salutation while drinking alcohol", "A person, group, or notable object to which a salutation with alcohol is made", "a person or group held in similar esteem", "Something that will be no more", "something subject to impending destruction, harm or injury", "Extemporaneous narrative poem or rap", "A transient, informational pop-up window" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toast", "num_translations": 119 }, "toast1": { "senses": [ "To lightly cook by browning via direct exposure to a fire or other heat source", "To engage in a salutation and/or accompanying raising of glasses while drinking alcohol in honor of someone or something", "To warm thoroughly", "To perform extemporaneous narrative poem or rap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toast", "num_translations": 74 }, "toaster": { "senses": [ "One who toasts", "One who toasts", "An electrical device for toasting bread, English muffins, crumpets, etc", "A self-contained software package distributable over the Internet or by burning onto CDs", "An electronic organ, especially a crude one that uses analog technology", "Any of several small, box-like automobiles exemplified by the Scion xB and Honda Element", "A fish ready for toasting", "A firearm, especially a pistol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toaster", "num_translations": 48 }, "bottom": { "senses": [ "The lowest part of anything", "Character, reliability, staying power, dignity, integrity or sound judgment", "A valley, often used in place names", "The buttocks or anus", "A cargo vessel, a ship", "Certain parts of a vessel, particularly the cargo hold or the portion of the ship that is always underwater", "The second half of an inning, the home team's turn at bat", "A submissive in sadomasochistic sexual activity", "A person with a preference for being penetrated during sexual intercourse", "The lowest part of a container", "A ball or skein of thread", "a cocoon", "The bed of a body of water, as of a river, lake, or sea", "An abyss", "Power of endurance", "Dregs or grounds", "lees", "sediment", "Low-lying land near a river with alluvial soil" ], "antonyms": [ "top", "top", "See" ], "synonyms": [ "base", "See", "sit upon", "catcher", "See" ], "word": "bottom", "num_translations": 262 }, "bum": { "senses": [ "The buttocks", "The anus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arse", "Thesaurus:anus" ], "word": "bum", "num_translations": 67 }, "bum3": { "senses": [ "A homeless person, usually a man", "A lazy, incompetent, or annoying person, usually a man", "A player or racer who often performs poorly", "A drinking spree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hobo", "loafer", "binge", "Thesaurus:vagabond", "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "bum", "num_translations": 46 }, "bum4": { "senses": [ "To ask someone to give one for free", "to beg for something", "To stay idle and unproductive, like a hobo or vagabond", "to loiter", "To wet the end of a marijuana cigarette" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cadge" ], "word": "bum", "num_translations": 12 }, "bum5": { "senses": [ "Of poor quality or highly undesirable", "Unfair", "Injured and without the possibility of full repair, defective", "Unpleasant or unhappy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duff" ], "word": "bum", "num_translations": 17 }, "you-know-who": { "senses": [ "Person or entity whose name one does not want to mention but which is known to the person to whom one is speaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "what's-his-name" ], "word": "you-know-who", "num_translations": 44 }, "alcohol": { "senses": [ "Any of a class of organic compounds containing a hydroxyl functional group", "Ethanol", "Beverages containing ethanol, collectively", "Any very fine powder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:alcoholic beverage" ], "word": "alcohol", "num_translations": 234 }, "fluffy": { "senses": [ "Covered with fluff", "Light", "soft", "airy", "Warm and comforting", "Not clearly defined or explained", "fuzzy", "Lightweight", "superficial", "lacking depth or seriousness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "puffy", "bushy", "fuzzy" ], "word": "fluffy", "num_translations": 59 }, "constellation": { "senses": [ "An asterism, an arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure or pattern, or a division of the sky including it, especially one officially recognised by astronomers", "An image associated with a group of stars", "The configuration of planets at a given time , as used for determining a horoscope", "A wide, seemingly unlimited assortment", "A fleet of satellites of the same purpose", "A configuration or grouping", "A network of connections that exists between people who are in polyamorous relationships, for example between one person, their partner, and that person's partner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asterism", "Thesaurus:constellation" ], "word": "constellation", "num_translations": 194 }, "millibar": { "senses": [ "A non-SI unit of pressure equal to 100 pascals, used primarily to report atmospheric pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Symbol", "hectopascal" ], "word": "millibar", "num_translations": 13 }, "fallasleep": { "senses": [ "To pass from a state of wakefulness into sleep", "To be affected by paresthesia", "to go numb", "To die" ], "antonyms": [ "awake", "awaken", "wake", "wake up" ], "synonyms": [ "drift off", "drop off", "go to sleep", "nod off", "Thesaurus:fall asleep", "pass", "pass away", "pass over" ], "word": "fallasleep", "num_translations": 92 }, "fallinlove": { "senses": [ "To come to have feelings of love directed at another person or a thing", "To come to have feelings of love towards each other", "To come to have feelings of intense liking directed at another person or a thing" ], "antonyms": [ "fall out of love", "disenamour" ], "synonyms": [ "enamour" ], "word": "fallinlove", "num_translations": 109 }, "barchart": { "senses": [ "A graph in the form of boxes of different heights, with each box representing a different value or category of data, and the heights representing frequencies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bar graph" ], "word": "barchart", "num_translations": 16 }, "extra-": { "senses": [ "Outside of, beyond" ], "antonyms": [ "intra-", "inter-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "extra-", "num_translations": 13 }, "package": { "senses": [ "Something which is packed, a parcel, a box, an envelope", "Something which consists of various components, such as a piece of computer software", "The act of packing something", "A football formation", "The male genitalia", "A charge made for packing goods", "A group of related stories spread over several pages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "package", "num_translations": 139 }, "hetero-": { "senses": [ "other, different" ], "antonyms": [ "homo-", "auto-", "iso-", "ortho-", "syn-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hetero-", "num_translations": 14 }, "homo-": { "senses": [ "same" ], "antonyms": [ "hetero-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "homo-", "num_translations": 13 }, "kidneystone": { "senses": [ "A calculus in the kidney" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kidney gravel" ], "word": "kidneystone", "num_translations": 37 }, "hobo": { "senses": [ "A wandering homeless person, especially one illegally travelling by rail or a penniless, unemployed bum", "Any migratory laborer, whether homeless or not", "A kind of large handbag" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vagabond" ], "word": "hobo", "num_translations": 52 }, "vagabond": { "senses": [ "A person on a trip of indeterminate destination and/or length of time", "One who wanders from place to place, having no fixed dwelling, or not abiding in it, and usually without the means of honest livelihood", "a vagrant", "a hobo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:vagabond" ], "word": "vagabond", "num_translations": 75 }, "arrive": { "senses": [ "To reach", "to get to a certain place", "To obtain a level of success or fame", "to succeed", "To come", "said of time", "To happen or occur", "To reach", "to come to", "To bring to shore" ], "antonyms": [ "depart" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "arrive", "num_translations": 313 }, "arrival": { "senses": [ "The act of arriving or something that has arrived", "The attainment of an objective, especially as a result of effort", "A person who has arrived" ], "antonyms": [ "departure" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "arrival", "num_translations": 109 }, "departure": { "senses": [ "The act of departing or something that has departed", "A deviation from a plan or procedure", "A death", "The distance due east or west made by a ship in its course reckoned in plane sailing as the product of the distance sailed and the sine of the angle made by the course with the meridian", "The difference in easting between the two ends of a line or curve", "The desertion by a party to any pleading of the ground taken by him in his last antecedent pleading, and the adoption of another", "Division", "separation", "putting away" ], "antonyms": [ "arrival" ], "synonyms": [ "leaving" ], "word": "departure", "num_translations": 110 }, "depart": { "senses": [ "To leave", "To set out on a journey", "* 1886, Thomas Hardy, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Chapter28,", "To die", "To disappear, vanish", "to cease to exist", "To deviate , be different , fail to conform", "To go away from", "to leave", "To divide up", "to distribute, share", "To separate, part" ], "antonyms": [ "arrive", "come", "stay", "live", "conform" ], "synonyms": [ "deviate", "leave" ], "word": "depart", "num_translations": 172 }, "long-winded": { "senses": [ "Tediously long in speaking", "consuming much time", "unnecessarily verbose" ], "antonyms": [ "laconic" ], "synonyms": [ "garrulous", "Thesaurus:verbose" ], "word": "long-winded", "num_translations": 26 }, "shithouse": { "senses": [ "An outhouse, an outbuilding used as a lavatory", "A coward: one who is overly fearful or timid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "craphouse", "See", "Thesaurus:coward" ], "word": "shithouse", "num_translations": 15 }, "quart": { "senses": [ "A unit of liquid capacity equal to two pints", "one-fourth of a gallon Equivalent to 1136 liters in the UK and 0946 liter or 1101 liters in the US", "Four successive cards of the same suit", "A fourth", "hence, a region of the earth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quart", "num_translations": 38 }, "distant": { "senses": [ "Far off", "Emotionally unresponsive or unwilling to express genuine feelings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faraway", "aloof" ], "word": "distant", "num_translations": 113 }, "heterogeneous": { "senses": [ "Diverse in kind or nature", "composed of diverse parts", "Incommensurable because of different kinds", "Having more than one phase present in a system or process", "Visibly consisting of different components", "Of a network comprising different types of computers, potentially with vastly differing memory sizes, processing power and even basic underlying architecture", "alternatively, of a data resource with multiple types of formats" ], "antonyms": [ "homogeneous" ], "synonyms": [ "diverse" ], "word": "heterogeneous", "num_translations": 44 }, "sailboat": { "senses": [ "A boat propelled by a sail", "A playing card with the rank of four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sailboat" ], "word": "sailboat", "num_translations": 53 }, "defective": { "senses": [ "Having one or more defects", "Lacking some forms", "eg, having only one tense or being usable only in the third person", "Having a root whose final consonant is weak" ], "antonyms": [ "complete", "perfect" ], "synonyms": [ "faulty" ], "word": "defective", "num_translations": 56 }, "defect": { "senses": [ "A fault or malfunction", "The quantity or amount by which anything falls short", "A part by which a figure or quantity is wanting or deficient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defect" ], "word": "defect", "num_translations": 50 }, "defect1": { "senses": [ "To abandon or turn against", "to cease or change one's loyalty, especially from a military organisation or political party", "To desert one's army, to flee from combat", "To join the enemy army", "To flee one's country and seek asylum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "defect", "num_translations": 50 }, "combine": { "senses": [ "To bring together", "to unite", "To have two or more things or properties that function together", "To come together", "to unite", "In the game of casino, to play a card which will take two or more cards whose aggregate number of pips equals those of the card played", "To bind", "to hold by a moral tie" ], "antonyms": [ "divide", "separate", "disunite" ], "synonyms": [ "fuse", "merge", "unite" ], "word": "combine", "num_translations": 52 }, "combine1": { "senses": [ "A combination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kombinat" ], "word": "combine", "num_translations": 10 }, "combination": { "senses": [ "The act of combining, the state of being combined or the result of combining", "An object formed by combining", "One or more elements selected from a set without regard to the order of selection", "An association or alliance of people for some common purpose", "a billiard", "a shot where the cue ball hits a ball that strikes another ball on the table", "A motorcycle and sidecar", "A rapid sequence of punches or strikes in boxing or other combat sports" ], "antonyms": [ "division", "permutation" ], "synonyms": [ "fusion" ], "word": "combination", "num_translations": 94 }, "foreigner": { "senses": [ "A person from a foreign country", "A private job run by an employee at a trade factory rather than going through the business" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alien" ], "word": "foreigner", "num_translations": 170 }, "crepe": { "senses": [ "A flat round pancake-like pastry from Lower Brittany, made with wheat", "A soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface", "thin, crinkled tissue paper", "Rubber in sheets, used especially for shoe soles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crape", "French pancake", "crepe rubber" ], "word": "crepe", "num_translations": 32 }, "puzzle": { "senses": [ "Anything that is difficult to understand or make sense of", "A game for one or more people that is more or less difficult to work out or complete", "A riddle", "Something made with marvellous skill", "something of ingenious construction", "perplexity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anybody's guess", "anyone's guess", "conundrum", "enigma", "mystery", "brain-teaser", "poser", "crossword", "crossword puzzle", "jigsaw", "jigsaw puzzle", "guessing game", "riddle" ], "word": "puzzle", "num_translations": 130 }, "puzzle1": { "senses": [ "To perplex", "To think long and carefully, in bewilderment", "To make intricate", "to entangle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:confuse" ], "word": "puzzle", "num_translations": 16 }, "chapter": { "senses": [ "One of the main sections into which the text of a book is divided", "A section of a social or religious body", "A sequence , especially when presumed related and likely to continue", "A decretal epistle", "A location or compartment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chapter", "num_translations": 128 }, "astronomicalunit": { "senses": [ "149,597,870,700 metres, the approximate mean distance from the Earth to the Sun , , used to measure distances in the solar system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "A.U", "AU", "au", "ua", "\u3373", "a. u" ], "word": "astronomicalunit", "num_translations": 56 }, "kickass": { "senses": [ "To win decisively", "To be very impressive", "To beat to a pulp", "beat up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kick butt", "rock", "rule", "put foot to ass" ], "word": "kickass", "num_translations": 82 }, "workout": { "senses": [ "To calculate", "To make sense of", "To smooth or perfect", "To conclude with the correct solution", "To succeed", "to result in a satisfactory situation", "To exercise", "To habitually exercise rigorously, especially by lifting weights, in order to increase strength or muscle mass or maintain fitness", "To earn a wage working away from one's farm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "workout", "num_translations": 68 }, "junction": { "senses": [ "The act of joining, or the state of being joined", "A place where two things meet, especially where two roads meet", "The boundary between two physically different materials, especially between conductors, semiconductors, or metals", "The place where a distributary departs from the main stream", "A place where two or more railways or railroads meet", "A point in time between two unrelated consecutive broadcasts", "A kind of symbolic link to a directory", "In the Raku programming language, a construct representing a composite of several values connected by an operator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intersection" ], "word": "junction", "num_translations": 72 }, "pap": { "senses": [ "Food in the form of a soft paste, often a porridge, especially as given to very young children", "Nonsense", "Porridge", "Support from official patronage", "The pulp of fruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pap", "num_translations": 20 }, "correction": { "senses": [ "The act of correcting", "A substitution for an error or mistake", "Punishment that is intended to rehabilitate an offender", "An amount or quantity of something added or subtracted so as to correct", "A decline in a stock market price after a large rise", "a station's indication that previous information was incorrect and will continue with correct information from the last correct transmitted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "correction", "num_translations": 93 }, "atomic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to atoms", "composed of atoms", "Employing or relating to nuclear energy or processes", "Infinitesimally small", "Unable to be split or made any smaller", "Of an operation: guaranteed to complete either fully or not at all while waiting in a pause, and running synchronously when called by multiple asynchronous threads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "atomic", "num_translations": 91 }, "spoon": { "senses": [ "An implement for eating or serving", "a scooped utensil whose long handle is straight, in contrast to a ladle", "An implement for stirring food while being prepared", "A wooden-headed golf club with moderate loft, similar to the modern three wood", "An oar", "A safety handle on a hand grenade, a trigger", "A metaphoric unit of energy remaining to cope with problems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spoon", "num_translations": 289 }, "spoon1": { "senses": [ "To flirt", "to make advances", "to court, to interact romantically or amorously", "To hit weakly, pushing it with a lifting motion, instead of striking with an audible knock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spoon", "num_translations": 15 }, "piss": { "senses": [ "Urine", "Alcoholic beverage, especially of inferior quality", "An intensifier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:urine" ], "word": "piss", "num_translations": 79 }, "piss1": { "senses": [ "To urinate", "To discharge as or with the urine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:urinate" ], "word": "piss", "num_translations": 75 }, "xylose": { "senses": [ "One of the pentoses, C5H10O5, a white crystalline sugar, derived from wood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wood sugar" ], "word": "xylose", "num_translations": 15 }, "xenophobia": { "senses": [ "A fear of strangers or foreigners", "A strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners" ], "antonyms": [ "xenomania", "xenophilia", "xenophily", "allophilia" ], "synonyms": [ "xenophoby" ], "word": "xenophobia", "num_translations": 80 }, "tablespoon": { "senses": [ "A large spoon, used for eating food from a bowl", "A spoon too large for eating, usually used for cooking or serving", "A unit of volume, the value of which varies regionally", "in the US: three teaspoons or roughly 15 ml", "in Britain and Canada: exactly 15 ml", "in Australia: four teaspoons or 20 ml" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dessertspoon", "tablespoonful" ], "word": "tablespoon", "num_translations": 85 }, "teaspoon": { "senses": [ "A small spoon used to stir the contents of a cup or glass", "A unit of measure, equivalent to one-third of a tablespoon or roughly five milliliters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tsp" ], "word": "teaspoon", "num_translations": 83 }, "puppet": { "senses": [ "Any small model of a person or animal able to be moved by strings or rods, or in the form of a glove", "A person, country, etc, controlled by another", "A poppet", "a small image in the human form", "a doll", "The upright support for the bearing of the spindle in a lathe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "puppet", "num_translations": 143 }, "ladle": { "senses": [ "A deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle", "A container used in a foundry to transport and pour out molten metal", "The float of a mill wheel", "An instrument for drawing the charge of a cannon", "A ring, with a handle or handles fitted to it, for carrying shot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dipper" ], "word": "ladle", "num_translations": 121 }, "silverware": { "senses": [ "Anything made from silver", "Anything with a silvery colour", "Knives, forks and spoons", "Trophies, success in a competition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cutlery" ], "word": "silverware", "num_translations": 31 }, "cutlery": { "senses": [ "A collective ensemble of eating and serving utensils such as knives, forks and spoons", "The business of a cutler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "silverware", "flatware", "Thesaurus:cutlery" ], "word": "cutlery", "num_translations": 54 }, "hooker": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, hooks", "A small fishing boat", "Any antiquated craft", "A player who hooks the ball out of the scrum with his foot", "A crocheter", "A thief who uses a pole with a hook on the end to steal goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "angler" ], "word": "hooker", "num_translations": 17 }, "blossom": { "senses": [ "A flower, especially one indicating that a fruit tree is fruiting", "a mass of such flowers", "The state or season of producing such flowers", "A blooming period or stage of development", "something lovely that gives rich promise", "The colour of a horse that has white hairs intermixed with sorrel and bay hairs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blossom", "num_translations": 97 }, "blossom1": { "senses": [ "to bloom", "To begin to thrive or flourish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bloom", "bloom" ], "word": "blossom", "num_translations": 92 }, "stage": { "senses": [ "A phase", "A platform", "a surface, generally elevated, upon which show performances or other public events are given", "A floor or storey of a house", "A floor elevated for the convenience of mechanical work, etc", "scaffolding", "staging", "A platform, often floating, serving as a kind of wharf", "A place of rest on a regularly travelled road", "a station", "a place appointed for a relay of horses", "A degree of advancement in a journey", "one of several portions into which a road or course is marked off", "the distance between two places of rest on a road", "The number of an electronic circuit's block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc", "The place on a microscope where the slide is located for viewing", "A level", "one of the sequential areas making up the game", "A place where anything is publicly exhibited, or a remarkable affair occurs", "the scene", "The succession of rock strata laid down in a single age on the geologic time scale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tier", "level" ], "word": "stage", "num_translations": 205 }, "stage1": { "senses": [ "To demonstrate in a deceptive manner", "To carry out", "To place in position to prepare for use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fake", "Demonstrate in a deceptive manner" ], "word": "stage", "num_translations": 45 }, "decisecond": { "senses": [ "SI unit of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "0.1 seconds", "tenth", "ds" ], "word": "decisecond", "num_translations": 11 }, "provost": { "senses": [ "One placed in charge: a head, a chief, particularly:", "A senior deputy, a superintendent, particularly:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dean", "president", "See", "Thesaurus:ruler", "mayor", "prepositus", "steward", "viceroy", "governor", "reeve", "prefect", "See", "Thesaurus:police officer" ], "word": "provost", "num_translations": 41 }, "tenure": { "senses": [ "A status of possessing a thing or an office", "an incumbency", "A period of time during which something is possessed", "A status of having a permanent post with enhanced job security within an academic institution", "A right to hold land under the feudal system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incumbency" ], "word": "tenure", "num_translations": 65 }, "coach": { "senses": [ "A wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power", "A passenger car, either drawn by a locomotive or part of a multiple unit", "A trainer or instructor", "A single-decked long-distance, or privately hired, bus", "The forward part of the cabin space under the poop deck of a sailing ship", "the fore-cabin under the quarter deck", "The part of a commercial passenger airplane or train reserved for those paying the lower standard fares", "the economy section" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coach", "num_translations": 180 }, "coach1": { "senses": [ "To train", "To instruct", "to train", "To study under a tutor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coach", "num_translations": 30 }, "trainer": { "senses": [ "A person who trains another", "a coach", "A person responsible for treating injuries sustained by players during matches", "a physiotherapist", "A running shoe or sneaker", "A patch for a video game that applies cheats", "A piece of indoor equipment allowing a bicycle to be ridden while stationary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coach", "dap" ], "word": "trainer", "num_translations": 64 }, "runner": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of run", "one who runs", "A quick escape away from a scene", "A deserter", "Part of a shoe that is stitched to the bottom of the upper so it can be glued to the sole", "A part of an apparatus that moves quickly", "A mechanical part intended to guide or aid something else to move", "An automobile", "a working or driveable automobile", "A strip of fabric used to decorate or protect a table or dressing table", "A long, narrow carpet for a high traffic area such as a hall or stairs", "A part of a cigarette that is burning unevenly", "A short sling with a carabiner on either end, used to link the climbing rope to a bolt or other protection such as a nut or friend", "A competitor in a poker tournament", "A restaurant employee responsible for taking food from the kitchens to the tables", "A leaping food fish of Florida and the West Indies", "the skipjack, shoemaker, or yellowtail", "An employee of a sports agent who tries to recruit possible player clients for the agent", "A rope to increase the power of a tackle", "An idea or plan that has potential to be adopted or put into operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quick-draw" ], "word": "runner", "num_translations": 92 }, "moist": { "senses": [ "Slightly wet", "damp", "Of eyes: tearful, wet with tears", "Of weather, climate etc: rainy, damp", "Pertaining to one of the four essential qualities formerly believed to be present in all things, characterised by wetness", "Watery, liquid, fluid", "Characterised by the presence of pus, mucus etc", "Sexually lubricated", "sexually aroused, turned on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "damp", "dewy-eyed", "dank", "liquidlike" ], "word": "moist", "num_translations": 74 }, "fribourg": { "senses": [ "canton c/Switzerland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the canton of Fribourg" ], "word": "Fribourg", "num_translations": 18 }, "geneva1": { "senses": [ "city c/Switzerland", "The largest lake in Switzerland", "city/county seat co/Kane County s/Illinois c/USA", "city/county seat co/Fillmore County s/Nebraska c/USA", "female given name or confused with Genevieve or Ginevra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Geneva", "num_translations": 168 }, "middleman": { "senses": [ "An intermediary, agent between two parties", "An intermediate dealer between the manufacturer and the retailer or customer", "One who rents land in large tracts, and lets it in small portions to the peasantry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intermediary", "go-between", "mediator", "grocer" ], "word": "middleman", "num_translations": 21 }, "middle": { "senses": [ "A centre, midpoint", "The part between the beginning and the end", "The central part of a human body", "the waist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "centre", "centre" ], "word": "middle", "num_translations": 185 }, "middle1": { "senses": [ "in between", "Central" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intermediate" ], "word": "middle", "num_translations": 68 }, "crowbar": { "senses": [ "An iron or steel bar, often with a flattened end which may also be hook-shaped, to be used as a lever to manually force things apart", "An electrical circuit that prevents an overvoltage from causing damage", "A type of cocktail made with only Crown Royal whiskey and lemon lime soda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jemmy" ], "word": "crowbar", "num_translations": 80 }, "yankee": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of the United States", "A native or inhabitant of the Northern United States", "A native or inhabitant of New England", "An Anglo, as opposed to someone with French ancestry", "a native or inhabitant of the rest of the United States", "A large triangular headsail used in light or moderate winds and set on the fore topmast stay Unlike a genoa it does not fill the whole fore triangle, but is set in combination with the working staysail", "A wager on four selections, consisting of 11 separate bets: six doubles, four trebles and a fourfold accumulator A minimum two selections must win to gain a return" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Yankee", "num_translations": 48 }, "hunter": { "senses": [ "One who hunts game for sport or for food", "a huntsman or huntswoman", "A dog used in hunting", "A horse used in hunting, especially a thoroughbred, bred and trained for hunting", "One who hunts or seeks after anything", "A person who bottles up their aggression and eventually releases it explosively", "A kind of spider, the huntsman or hunting spider", "A pocket watch with a spring-hinged circular metal cover that closes over the dial and crystal, protecting them from dust and scratches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hunter", "num_translations": 167 }, "librarian": { "senses": [ "The keeper, manager of a library", "One who cares for the publications, files etc in a library, whether staff or volunteer", "A person who processes and organizes information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "library-keeper" ], "word": "librarian", "num_translations": 132 }, "expressive": { "senses": [ "Effectively conveying thought or feeling" ], "antonyms": [ "inexpressive", "unexpressive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "expressive", "num_translations": 25 }, "express": { "senses": [ "Moving or operating quickly, as a train not making local stops", "Specific or precise", "directly and distinctly stated", "not merely implied", "Truly depicted", "exactly resembling", "Providing a more limited but presumably faster service than a full or complete dealer of the same kind or type" ], "antonyms": [ "implied" ], "synonyms": [ "fast", "explicit" ], "word": "express", "num_translations": 30 }, "express1": { "senses": [ "A mode of transportation, often a train, that travels quickly or directly", "A service that allows mail or money to be sent rapidly from one destination to another", "A clear image or representation", "a plain declaration", "A messenger sent on a special errand", "a courier" ], "antonyms": [ "local" ], "synonyms": [ "fast train" ], "word": "express", "num_translations": 22 }, "express2": { "senses": [ "To convey or communicate", "to make known or explicit", "To press, squeeze out", "To translate messenger RNA into protein", "To transcribe deoxyribonucleic acid into messenger RNA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outspeak" ], "word": "express", "num_translations": 77 }, "newyear'sday": { "senses": [ "A holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year of the Gregorian calendar on January 1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "New Year's" ], "word": "NewYear'sDay", "num_translations": 55 }, "nearby": { "senses": [ "adjacent, near, close-by" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "close" ], "word": "nearby", "num_translations": 34 }, "palimpsest": { "senses": [ "A manuscript or document that has been erased or scraped clean, for reuse of the paper, parchment, vellum, or other medium on which it was written", "Monumental brasses that have been reused by engraving of the blank back side", "Circular features believed to be lunar craters that have been obliterated by later volcanic activity", "Geological features thought to be related to features or effects below the surface", "Memory that has been erased and re-written", "The partial erasure of or superimposition on an older society or culture by a newer one", "Something bearing the traces of an earlier, erased form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "codex rescriptus" ], "word": "palimpsest", "num_translations": 21 }, "grisons": { "senses": [ "canton c/Switzerland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Graub\u00fcnden" ], "word": "Grisons", "num_translations": 10 }, "schaffhausen": { "senses": [ "canton c/Switzerland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the canton of Schaffhausen" ], "word": "Schaffhausen", "num_translations": 10 }, "saintgallen": { "senses": [ "canton c/Switzerland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "or", "followed by", "or any of these synonyms" ], "word": "SaintGallen", "num_translations": 11 }, "finite": { "senses": [ "Having an end or limit", "constrained by bounds", "whose number of elements is a natural number", "limited by person or number" ], "antonyms": [ "infinite", "unlimited", "endless", "eternal", "everlasting" ], "synonyms": [ "limited" ], "word": "finite", "num_translations": 44 }, "infinite": { "senses": [ "Indefinably large, countlessly great", "immense", "Boundless, endless, without end or limits", "innumerable", "Greater than any positive quantity or magnitude", "limitless", "Not limited by person or number", "Capable of endless repetition", "said of certain forms of the canon, also called perpetual fugues, constructed so that their ends lead to their beginnings" ], "antonyms": [ "finite", "infinitesimal", "limited" ], "synonyms": [ "immeasurable", "amaranthine", "boundless", "endless", "interminable", "limitless", "unbounded", "unending", "unlimited", "Thesaurus:infinite", "Thesaurus:eternal", "countless" ], "word": "infinite", "num_translations": 124 }, "neo-": { "senses": [ "new", "contemporary", "Having a structure, similar to that of neopentane, in which each hydrogen atom of a methyl group has been replaced by an alkyl group", "Being a newly-discovered or -synthesized variant of an existing compound" ], "antonyms": [ "paleo-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "neo-", "num_translations": 25 }, "-ly": { "senses": [ "Used to form adjectives from nouns, the adjectives having the sense of \"like or characteristic of what is denoted by the noun\"", "Used to form adjectives from nouns specifying time intervals, the adjectives having the sense of \"occurring at such intervals\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-ish", "-like", "-ous", "-y" ], "word": "-ly", "num_translations": 54 }, "-ing": { "senses": [ "Used to form gerunds, a type of verbal nouns, from verbs", "Used to form uncountable nouns from verbs denoting the act of doing something, an action", "Used to form uncountable nouns from various parts of speech denoting materials or systems of objects considered collectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-tion", "-ery", "-age" ], "word": "-ing", "num_translations": 53 }, "lightyear": { "senses": [ "A unit of length (abbreviation ly", "equal to just under 10 trillion kilometres ) equal to the distance light travels in one Julian year", "used to measure extremely large distances", "A very long way", "A very long time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lightyear", "num_translations": 91 }, "clockwise": { "senses": [ "In a curve or twist corresponding to the movement of the hands of a clock" ], "antonyms": [ "ACW", "anticlockwise", "CCW", "counterclockwise", "counter-clockwise", "withershins", "widdershins" ], "synonyms": [ "CW" ], "word": "clockwise", "num_translations": 53 }, "anticlockwise": { "senses": [ "in a circular fashion so as to be moving to the left at the top of the circle and to the right at the bottom , in the opposite direction to the way the hands of an analogue clock move" ], "antonyms": [ "clockwise" ], "synonyms": [ "counterclockwise" ], "word": "anticlockwise", "num_translations": 41 }, "anticlockwise1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "clockwise" ], "synonyms": [ "counterclockwise", "in a counterclockwise direction" ], "word": "anticlockwise", "num_translations": 40 }, "parsec": { "senses": [ "parallax second" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pc", "second of parallax", "parallax second" ], "word": "parsec", "num_translations": 18 }, "battle": { "senses": [ "A contest, a struggle", "A general action, fight, or encounter, in which all the divisions of an army are or may be engaged", "a combat, an engagement", "A division of an army", "a battalion", "The main body of an army, as distinct from the vanguard and rear", "the battalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "battle", "num_translations": 206 }, "match": { "senses": [ "Any contest or trial of strength or skill, or to determine superiority", "Someone with a measure of an attribute equaling or exceeding the object of comparison", "A marriage", "A candidate for matrimony", "one to be gained in marriage", "Suitability", "Equivalence", "a state of correspondence", "Equality of conditions in contest or competition", "A pair of items or entities with mutually suitable characteristics", "An agreement or compact", "A perforated board, block of plaster, hardened sand, etc, in which a pattern is partly embedded when a mould is made, for giving shape to the surfaces of separation between the parts of the mould" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "match", "num_translations": 138 }, "match1": { "senses": [ "To agree", "to be equal", "to correspond", "To agree with", "to be equal to", "to correspond to", "To equal or exceed in achievement", "To unite in marriage, to mate", "To fit together, or make suitable for fitting together", "specifically, to furnish with a tongue and groove at the edges" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "match", "num_translations": 68 }, "apprehend": { "senses": [ "To take or seize", "to take hold of", "To take hold of with the understanding, that is, to conceive in the mind", "to become cognizant of", "to understand", "to recognize", "to consider", "To anticipate", "especially, to anticipate with anxiety, dread, or fear", "to fear", "To think, believe, or be of opinion", "to understand", "to suppose", "To be apprehensive", "to fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catch" ], "word": "apprehend", "num_translations": 90 }, "friendlyfire": { "senses": [ "Weapons fire from allied or friendly forces, as opposed to fire coming from enemy forces or enemy fire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blue-on-blue" ], "word": "friendlyfire", "num_translations": 36 }, "apprehension": { "senses": [ "The physical act of seizing or taking hold of", "seizing", "The act of seizing or taking by legal process", "arrest", "perception", "the act of understanding using one's intellect without affirming, denying, or passing any judgment", "Opinion", "conception", "sentiment", "idea", "The faculty by which ideas are conceived or by which perceptions are grasped", "understanding", "Anticipation, mostly of things unfavorable", "dread or fear at the prospect of some future ill" ], "antonyms": [ "inapprehension" ], "synonyms": [ "alarm", "awareness", "Thesaurus:apprehension" ], "word": "apprehension", "num_translations": 120 }, "approach": { "senses": [ "To come or go near, in place or time", "to draw nigh", "to advance nearer", "To draw near, in a figurative sense", "to make advances", "to approximate", "To come near to in place, time, character or value", "to draw nearer to", "To make an attempt at", "To speak to, as to make a request or ask a question", "To bring near", "to cause to draw near" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "approach", "num_translations": 149 }, "approach1": { "senses": [ "The act of drawing near", "a coming or advancing near", "An access, or opportunity of drawing near", "Movements to gain favor", "advances", "an access", "A manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made", "The advanced works, trenches, or covered roads made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or military post", "The way an aircraft comes in to land at an airport", "The area before the lane, in which a player may stand or run up before bowling the ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "approach", "num_translations": 116 }, "appropriate": { "senses": [ "Suitable or fit", "proper", "Suitable to the social situation or to social respect or social discreetness", "socially correct", "socially discreet", "well-mannered", "proper", "Set apart for a particular use or person", "reserved" ], "antonyms": [ "inappropriate" ], "synonyms": [ "apt" ], "word": "appropriate", "num_translations": 126 }, "appropriate1": { "senses": [ "To make suitable", "to suit", "To take to oneself", "to claim or use, especially as by an exclusive right", "To set apart for, or assign to, a particular person or use, especially in exclusion of all others", "with to or for", "To annex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "help oneself", "allocate" ], "word": "appropriate", "num_translations": 83 }, "nuke1": { "senses": [ "To use a nuclear weapon on a target", "To destroy or erase completely", "To carry out a denial-of-service attack against", "To expose to some form of radiation", "To cook in a microwave oven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nuke", "num_translations": 11 }, "object": { "senses": [ "A thing that has physical existence", "the goal, end or purpose of something", "The noun phrase which is an internal complement of a verb phrase or a prepositional phrase In a verb phrase with a transitive action verb, it is typically the receiver of the action", "A person or thing toward which an emotion is directed", "An instantiation of a class or structure", "Sight", "show", "appearance", "aspect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "article", "target", "Thesaurus:goal" ], "word": "object", "num_translations": 242 }, "object1": { "senses": [ "To disagree with something or someone", "To offer in opposition as a criminal charge or by way of accusation or reproach", "To set before or against", "to bring into opposition", "to oppose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "object", "num_translations": 60 }, "alcoholic": { "senses": [ "A person addicted to alcohol", "One who abuses alcohol" ], "antonyms": [ "teetotaler" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunkard" ], "word": "alcoholic", "num_translations": 120 }, "alcoholic1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to alcohol", "Having more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents", "Of, pertaining to, or affected by alcoholism" ], "antonyms": [ "nonalcoholic" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:alcoholic" ], "word": "alcoholic", "num_translations": 65 }, "nonalcoholic": { "senses": [ "Containing no more than trace amounts of alcohol", "Not involving alcohol as its cause" ], "antonyms": [ "alcoholic" ], "synonyms": [ "alcohol-free" ], "word": "nonalcoholic", "num_translations": 21 }, "bistro": { "senses": [ "A small restaurant", "A small bar or pub" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pub" ], "word": "bistro", "num_translations": 37 }, "fireup": { "senses": [ "To ignite", "Of an engine or similar, to start", "To launch", "to run", "To excite", "to infuse with energy", "To grow irritated or angry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fireup", "num_translations": 11 }, "onfire": { "senses": [ "Being burned by fire", "Achieving good results at a rapid rate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afire", "on a roll" ], "word": "onfire", "num_translations": 20 }, "dysphemism": { "senses": [ "The use of a derogatory, offensive or vulgar word or phrase to replace a neutral original", "A word or phrase that is used to replace another in this way" ], "antonyms": [ "euphemism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dysphemism", "num_translations": 24 }, "fry": { "senses": [ "A method of cooking food", "To be affected by extreme heat or current" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cook" ], "word": "fry", "num_translations": 135 }, "fry2": { "senses": [ "Offspring", "progeny", "children", "brood", "Young fish", "fishlings", "A swarm, especially of something small", "The spawn of frogs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fry", "num_translations": 26 }, "hatter": { "senses": [ "A person who makes, sells, or repairs hats", "A person who lives alone in the bush", "A miner who works by himself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hatmaker", "milliner" ], "word": "hatter", "num_translations": 32 }, "rosemary": { "senses": [ "A shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis, that originates from Europe and Asia Minor and produces a fragrant herb used in cooking and perfumes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rosmarine" ], "word": "rosemary", "num_translations": 74 }, "glory": { "senses": [ "Great or overwhelming beauty or splendour", "Honour, admiration, or distinction, accorded by common consent to a person or thing", "high reputation", "renown", "That quality in a person or thing which secures general praise or honour", "Worship or praise", "An optical phenomenon caused by water droplets, consisting of concentric rings and somewhat similar to a rainbow", "Victory", "success", "An emanation of light supposed to shine from beings that are specially holy It is represented in art by rays of gold, or the like, proceeding from the head or body, or by a disk, or a mere line", "The manifestation of the presence of God as perceived by humans in Abrahamic religions", "Pride", "boastfulness", "arrogance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "halo", "praise", "worship", "fame", "honor", "honour" ], "word": "glory", "num_translations": 162 }, "relieveoneself": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "and", "See" ], "word": "relieveoneself", "num_translations": 16 }, "leek": { "senses": [ "The vegetable Allium ampeloprasum var porrum, having edible leaves and an onion-like bulb but with a milder flavour than the onion", "Any of several species of Allium, broadly resembling the domesticated plant in appearance in the wild" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Cambrian symbol" ], "word": "leek", "num_translations": 115 }, "dachshund": { "senses": [ "A certain breed of dog having short legs and a long trunk, including miniature, long-haired, and short-haired varieties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dashhound", "sausage dog", "wiener dog" ], "word": "dachshund", "num_translations": 54 }, "beagle": { "senses": [ "A small short-legged smooth-coated scenthound, often tricolored and sometimes used for hunting hares Its friendly disposition makes it suitable as a family pet", "A person who snoops on others", "a detective", "A bailiff", "A small kind of shark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beagle", "num_translations": 21 }, "pester": { "senses": [ "To bother, harass, or annoy persistently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "badger", "bug", "hound" ], "word": "pester", "num_translations": 17 }, "perhaps": { "senses": [ "Modifies a verb, indicating a lack of certainty", "By chance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belike", "maybe", "mayhap", "mayhaps", "peradventure", "perchance" ], "word": "perhaps", "num_translations": 155 }, "maybe": { "senses": [ "Modifies a verb, indicating a lack of certainty: it may be that", "Perhaps that is true" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mayhaps", "could be" ], "word": "maybe", "num_translations": 196 }, "debris": { "senses": [ "Rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed", "Litter and discarded refuse", "The ruins of a broken-down structure", "Large rock fragments left by a melting glacier etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:debris", "Thesaurus:trash", "ruins" ], "word": "debris", "num_translations": 79 }, "program": { "senses": [ "A set of structured activities", "A leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity", "A performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television", "A software application, or a collection of software applications, designed to perform a specific task", "A particular mindset or method of doing things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "show", "for a play", "application", "computer program" ], "word": "program", "num_translations": 249 }, "programmer": { "senses": [ "One who writes computer programs", "a software developer", "One who decides which programs will be shown on a television station, or which songs will be played on a radio station", "A device that installs or controls a software program in some other machine", "A short film feature as part of a longer film program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "programmer", "num_translations": 61 }, "syllogism": { "senses": [ "An argument whose conclusion is supported by two premises, of which one contains the term that is the predicate of the conclusion, and the other contains the term that is the subject of the conclusion", "common to both premises is a term that is excluded from the conclusion", "A trick, artifice", "an extremely subtle, sophisticated, or deceptive argument", "a sophism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "syllogism", "num_translations": 31 }, "patient": { "senses": [ "Willing to wait if necessary", "not losing one's temper while waiting", "Constant in pursuit or exertion", "persevering", "calmly diligent", "Physically able to suffer or bear" ], "antonyms": [ "impatient", "antsy", "macrophobic" ], "synonyms": [ "composed" ], "word": "patient", "num_translations": 66 }, "patient1": { "senses": [ "A person or animal who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person", "The noun or noun phrase that is semantically on the receiving end of a verb's action", "One who, or that which, is passively affected", "a passive recipient" ], "antonyms": [ "agent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "patient", "num_translations": 81 }, "marry": { "senses": [ "To enter into the conjugal or connubial state", "to take a husband or a wife", "To be joined to as spouse according to law or custom", "To arrange for the marriage of", "to give away as wife or husband", "To take as husband or wife", "To unite", "to join together into a close union", "To unite in wedlock or matrimony", "to perform the ceremony of joining spouses", "to bring about a marital union according to the laws or customs of a place", "To place alongside each other so that they may be grasped and hauled on at the same time", "To join end to end so that both will pass through a block" ], "antonyms": [ "divorce" ], "synonyms": [ "dowrying", "get married", "wed" ], "word": "marry", "num_translations": 287 }, "reincarnation": { "senses": [ "A rebirth of a soul, in a physical life form, such as a body", "The philosophy of such a rebirth, a specific belief or doctrine on how such a rebirth occurs", "A fresh embodiment", "A new, considerably improved, version" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rebirth" ], "word": "reincarnation", "num_translations": 73 }, "impactcrater": { "senses": [ "A crater formed from an impact, typically of a meteorite, as opposed to one formed by other means such as vulcanism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "astrobleme", "meteor crater" ], "word": "impactcrater", "num_translations": 19 }, "shedlighton": { "senses": [ "To illuminate", "to make clear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enlighten", "clear", "elucidate" ], "word": "shedlighton", "num_translations": 16 }, "treasure": { "senses": [ "A collection of valuable things", "accumulated wealth", "a stock of money, jewels, etc", "Anything greatly valued", "A term of endearment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "treasure", "num_translations": 161 }, "treasure1": { "senses": [ "To consider to be precious", "to value highly", "To store or stow in a safe place", "To enrich" ], "antonyms": [ "despise" ], "synonyms": [ "cherish" ], "word": "treasure", "num_translations": 18 }, "treasuretrove": { "senses": [ "A hidden treasure, subsequently discovered", "A valuable discovery", "Precious metal objects that were buried or concealed by an unknown owner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoard" ], "word": "treasuretrove", "num_translations": 30 }, "lastbutnotleast": { "senses": [ "An expression to start the last item of a list, emphasising that while it is listed last, it is just as important as the rest of the items" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "last but by no means least", "last, but by no means least," ], "word": "lastbutnotleast", "num_translations": 44 }, "harmony": { "senses": [ "Agreement or accord", "A pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds", "The academic study of chords", "Two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord", "The relationship between two distinct musical pitches played simultaneously", "A literary work which brings together or arranges systematically parallel passages of historians respecting the same events, and shows their agreement or consistency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harmony", "num_translations": 156 }, "swarf": { "senses": [ "The waste chips or shavings from an abrasive activity, such as metalworking, a saw cutting wood, or the use of a grindstone or whetstone", "A particular waste chip or shaving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turning" ], "word": "swarf", "num_translations": 30 }, "politicallycorrect": { "senses": [ "Possessing or conforming to the correct political positions", "following the official policies of the government or a political party", "Respectful of and avoiding offending certain genders, ethnicities, sexualities and/or other demographics", "Possessing stereotypical left-wing social views" ], "antonyms": [ "heretical", "impolite", "politically incorrect" ], "synonyms": [ "dogmatic", "polite", "right-on", "PC" ], "word": "politicallycorrect", "num_translations": 30 }, "correctly": { "senses": [ "In a correct manner" ], "antonyms": [ "incorrectly" ], "synonyms": [ "accurately" ], "word": "correctly", "num_translations": 33 }, "determiner": { "senses": [ "A member of a class of words functioning in a noun phrase to identify or distinguish a referent without describing or modifying it", "A dependent function in a noun phrase marking the NP as definite or indefinite This function is usually filled by words in the determinative class but may be filled by other elements such as a genitive pronoun", "Something that determines, or helps someone to determine, something else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "determinative", "determinative" ], "word": "determiner", "num_translations": 47 }, "determine": { "senses": [ "To set the boundaries or limits of", "To ascertain definitely", "to figure out, find out, or conclude by analyzing, calculating, or investigating", "To fix the form or character of", "to shape", "to prescribe imperatively", "to regulate", "to settle", "To fix the course of", "to impel and direct", "with a remoter object preceded by to", "To bring to a conclusion, as a question or controversy", "to settle authoritative or judicial sentence", "to decide", "To resolve on", "to have a fixed intention of", "also, to cause to come to a conclusion or decision", "to lead", "To define or limit by adding a differentia", "To bring to an end", "to finish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "determine", "num_translations": 59 }, "schism": { "senses": [ "A split or separation within a group or organization, typically caused by discord", "A formal division or split within a religious body", "a split within Christianity whereby a group no longer recognizes the Bishop of Rome as the head of the Church, but shares essentially the same beliefs with the Church of Rome In other words, a political split without the introduction of heresy" ], "antonyms": [ "unity" ], "synonyms": [ "division", "separation", "split" ], "word": "schism", "num_translations": 48 }, "impatient": { "senses": [ "Restless and intolerant of delays", "Anxious and eager, especially to begin something", "Not to be borne", "unendurable", "Prompted by, or exhibiting, impatience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impatient", "num_translations": 60 }, "impatiently": { "senses": [ "without patience" ], "antonyms": [ "patiently" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "impatiently", "num_translations": 19 }, "bigtoe": { "senses": [ "The largest of the toes of a human and some other animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "great toe", "hallux" ], "word": "bigtoe", "num_translations": 62 }, "fount": { "senses": [ "Something from which water flows", "A device from which poultry may drink", "That from which something flows or proceeds", "a source" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "font", "fountain", "waterer" ], "word": "fount", "num_translations": 31 }, "macau": { "senses": [ "A Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China just west of Hong Kong, previously under Portuguese control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aomen" ], "word": "Macau", "num_translations": 99 }, "till": { "senses": [ "Until", "to, up to", "as late as", "To, up to", "To make it possible that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "til" ], "word": "till", "num_translations": 66 }, "till1": { "senses": [ "Until, until the time that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "til" ], "word": "till", "num_translations": 33 }, "till3": { "senses": [ "To develop so as to improve or prepare for usage", "to cultivate", "To work or cultivate or plough", "to prepare for growing vegetation and crops", "To cultivate soil", "To prepare", "to get" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "till", "num_translations": 31 }, "until": { "senses": [ "Up to the time of", "Before", "To", "physically towards" ], "antonyms": [ "since" ], "synonyms": [ "till", "'til", "up to" ], "word": "until", "num_translations": 141 }, "until1": { "senses": [ "Up to the time that", "Before" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "till", "afore" ], "word": "until", "num_translations": 58 }, "denture": { "senses": [ "a set of teeth, the teeth viewed as a unit", "an artificial replacement of one or more teeth", "a complete replacement of all teeth in a mouth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "choppers" ], "word": "denture", "num_translations": 44 }, "hero": { "senses": [ "Somebody who possesses great bravery and carries out extraordinary or noble deeds", "A role model", "The protagonist in a work of fiction", "A large sandwich made from meats and cheeses", "The product chosen from several candidates to be photographed", "the portion above the fold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hero", "see" ], "word": "hero", "num_translations": 284 }, "dystopia": { "senses": [ "A vision of a future that is a corrupted utopian society", "A miserable, dysfunctional state or society that has a very poor standard of living", "Anatomical tissue that is not found in its usual place" ], "antonyms": [ "utopia" ], "synonyms": [ "cacotopia", "ectopia" ], "word": "dystopia", "num_translations": 39 }, "print1": { "senses": [ "To produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine", "To write very clearly, especially, to write without connecting the letters as in cursive", "To publish in a book, newspaper, etc", "To stamp or impress with coloured figures or patterns", "To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc, into or upon something", "To stamp something in or upon", "to make an impression or mark upon by pressure, or as by pressure", "To display a string on the terminal", "To produce an observable value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "print", "num_translations": 85 }, "print2": { "senses": [ "Clear handwriting, especially, writing without connected letters as in cursive", "The letters forming the text of a document", "A newspaper", "A visible impression on a surface", "A copy of a film that can be projected", "A plaster cast in bas relief" ], "antonyms": [ "cursive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "print", "num_translations": 63 }, "fingerprint": { "senses": [ "The unique natural pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers", "The patterns left on surfaces where uncovered fingertips have touched", "Unique identification for public key in asymmetric cryptosystem", "A unique combination of features that serves as an identification of something", "A trace that gives evidence of someone's involvement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fingerprint", "num_translations": 80 }, "pornography": { "senses": [ "The explicit literary or visual depiction of sexual subject matter", "any display of material of an erotic nature", "The depiction of subject matter so that it elicits feelings analogous to erotic pleasure", "any such depiction", "The graphic, detailed, often gratuitous depiction of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pornography", "num_translations": 97 }, "possessiveadjective": { "senses": [ "An adjective expressing possession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "possessive determiner" ], "word": "possessiveadjective", "num_translations": 12 }, "pornographic": { "senses": [ "Containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pornographical" ], "word": "pornographic", "num_translations": 48 }, "pornographer": { "senses": [ "One who is involved in the creation or dissemination of pornography" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pornographist" ], "word": "pornographer", "num_translations": 46 }, "broom": { "senses": [ "A domestic utensil with fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping", "An implement with which players sweep the ice to make a stone travel further and curl less", "a sweeper", "Any of several yellow-flowered shrubs of the family Fabaceae, in the tribe Genisteae, including genera Cytisus, Genista, and Spartium, with long, thin branches and small or few leaves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "besom" ], "word": "broom", "num_translations": 363 }, "radical": { "senses": [ "Favoring fundamental change, or change at the root cause of a matter", "Pertaining to a root", "Pertaining to the basic or intrinsic nature of something", "Thoroughgoing", "far-reaching", "Of or pertaining to the root of a word", "Produced using the root of the tongue", "Relating to a radix or mathematical root", "Excellent", "awesome" ], "antonyms": [ "derivative" ], "synonyms": [ "primitive" ], "word": "radical", "num_translations": 74 }, "radical1": { "senses": [ "A member of the most progressive wing of the Liberal Party", "someone favouring social reform", "A member of an influential, centrist political party favouring moderate social reform, a republican constitution, and secular politics", "A root", "In logographic writing systems such as the Chinese writing system, the portion of a character that provides an indication of its meaning, as opposed to phonetic", "In Semitic languages, any one of the set of consonants that make up a root", "A group of atoms, joined by covalent bonds, that take part in reactions as a single unit", "Given an ideal I in a commutative ring R, another ideal, denoted Rad or \\sqrt{I}, such that an element x \u2208 R is in Rad if, for some positive integer n, xn \u2208 I", "equivalently, the intersection of all prime ideals containing I", "Given a ring R, an ideal containing elements of R that share a property considered, in some sense, \"not good\"", "The intersection of maximal submodules of a given module", "The product of the distinct prime factors of a given positive integer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "radical", "num_translations": 78 }, "diet2": { "senses": [ "To regulate the food of", "To modify one's food and beverage intake so as to decrease or increase body weight or influence health", "To eat", "to take one's meals", "To cause to take food", "to feed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diet", "num_translations": 17 }, "necrophilia": { "senses": [ "A pathological attraction to dead bodies, especially sexual attraction or intercourse", "Pathological fascination with death" ], "antonyms": [ "necrophobia" ], "synonyms": [ "necrophilism", "necrophily" ], "word": "necrophilia", "num_translations": 44 }, "mechanical": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of someone who does manual labour for a living", "coarse, vulgar", "Related to mechanics", "Related to mechanics", "Done by machine", "Using mechanics : being a machine", "As if performed by a machine: lifeless or mindless", "Acting as if one were a machine: lifeless or mindless", "Handy with machines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mechanical", "num_translations": 52 }, "sever": { "senses": [ "To cut free", "To suffer disjunction", "to be parted or separated", "To make a separation or distinction", "to distinguish", "To disunite", "to disconnect", "to terminate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becut", "cut off" ], "word": "sever", "num_translations": 61 }, "-ee": { "senses": [ "Added to transitive verbs to form words meaning a person or thing that is the object of that verb", "Less commonly added to intransitive verbs to form words meaning a person or thing that is the subject of that verb , especially where a passive sense of the verb is implied", "Used to form words meaning a person who is the other party to a contract or other transaction involving a person described by the corresponding word ending in -or", "Used to form words meaning a person who has undergone a particular medical procedure", "Irregularly added to nouns to mean a person somehow associated with the object denoted by the noun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-ee", "num_translations": 15 }, "-ess": { "senses": [ "Suffix appended to words to make a female formExamples:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-a" ], "word": "-ess", "num_translations": 53 }, "ward2": { "senses": [ "To keep in safety, to watch over, to guard", "To defend, to protect", "To fend off, to repel, to turn aside, as anything mischievous that approaches", "-- usually followed by off", "To be vigilant", "to keep guard", "To act on the defensive with a weapon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ward off" ], "word": "ward", "num_translations": 40 }, "ex-": { "senses": [ "out of", "outside", "former, but still living", "Lacking" ], "antonyms": [ "in-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ex-", "num_translations": 18 }, "procurement": { "senses": [ "The purchasing department of a company", "The act of procuring or obtaining", "obtainment", "attainment", "Efficient contrivance", "management", "agency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "procurement", "num_translations": 46 }, "binoculars": { "senses": [ "A hand-held device consisting of a series of lenses and prisms, used to magnify objects so that they can be better seen from a distance, and looked at through both eyes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binocs", "field glasses", "opera glasses", "spyglass" ], "word": "binoculars", "num_translations": 114 }, "weepingwillow": { "senses": [ "A species of willow with pendulous branches, native to China", "Any of the numerous decorative cultivars and hybrids of Salix babylonica or crack willow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Peking willow" ], "word": "weepingwillow", "num_translations": 33 }, "turnip": { "senses": [ "The white root of a yellow-flowered plant, Brassica rapa, grown as a vegetable and as fodder for cattle", "The yellow root of a related plant, the swede or Brassica napus", "A large, heavy pocket watch, so called because its profile resembled the vegetable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "summer turnip", "white turnip", "rutabaga", "swede", "tumshie" ], "word": "turnip", "num_translations": 116 }, "rutabaga": { "senses": [ "the swede, or Swedish turnip", "the European plant Brassica napus var napobrassica", "the edible root of this plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swede" ], "word": "rutabaga", "num_translations": 91 }, "snob": { "senses": [ "A person who wishes to be seen as a member of the upper classes and who looks down on those perceived to have inferior or unrefined tastes", "A cobbler or shoemaker", "A member of the lower classes", "a commoner", "A workman who works for lower wages than his fellows, or who will not join a strike", "A townsman, as opposed to a gownsman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snob", "num_translations": 42 }, "outhouse": { "senses": [ "An outbuilding\u2014typically permanent\u2014containing a toilet or seat over a cesspit", "Any outbuilding: any small structure located apart from a main building" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:outhouse", "outbuilding" ], "word": "outhouse", "num_translations": 55 }, "portabletoilet": { "senses": [ "A movable toilet, a portable outhouse used where other lavatories are unavailable or insufficient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "portapotty", "portajohn", "port-o-john", "port-o-potty", "portalet", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "portabletoilet", "num_translations": 18 }, "shitload": { "senses": [ "A large amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buttload", "shitful" ], "word": "shitload", "num_translations": 15 }, "enteric": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, within, or by way of the intestines", "Staying intact in the stomach, then dissolving in the intestine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enteral" ], "word": "enteric", "num_translations": 11 }, "counterpart": { "senses": [ "Either of two parts that fit together, or complement one another", "A duplicate of a legal document", "One which resembles another", "One which has corresponding functions or characteristics", "Either half of a flattened fossil when the rock has split along the plane of the fossil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equivalent", "homolog", "opposite number", "pendant" ], "word": "counterpart", "num_translations": 62 }, "consummate": { "senses": [ "Complete in every detail, perfect, absolute", "Highly skilled and experienced", "fully qualified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absolute" ], "word": "consummate", "num_translations": 46 }, "consummate1": { "senses": [ "To bring to completion", "to accomplish", "To make perfect, achieve, give the finishing touch", "To make complete by engaging in first sexual intercourse", "To become perfected, receive the finishing touch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "complete", "complete", "come to a head" ], "word": "consummate", "num_translations": 37 }, "wanton": { "senses": [ "Undisciplined, unruly", "not able to be controlled", "Playful, sportive", "merry or carefree", "Lewd, immoral", "sexually open, unchaste", "Capricious, reckless of morality, justice etc", "acting without regard for the law or the well-being of others", "gratuitous", "Extravagant, unrestrained, excessive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wanton", "frolicsome", "lewd", "inhumane", "extravagant" ], "word": "wanton", "num_translations": 69 }, "wanton1": { "senses": [ "A pampered or coddled person", "An overly playful person", "a trifler", "A self-indulgent person, fond of excess", "A lewd or immoral person, especially a prostitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wanton", "num_translations": 21 }, "debauchery": { "senses": [ "Indulgence in sensual pleasures", "scandalous activities involving sex, alcohol, or drugs without inhibition", "Seduction from duty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "licentiousness" ], "word": "debauchery", "num_translations": 58 }, "colony": { "senses": [ "A governmental unit created on land of another country owned by colonists from a country", "A settlement of emigrants who move to a new place, but remain culturally tied to their place of origin", "Region or governmental unit created by another country and generally ruled by another country", "An apartment complex", "A group of people with the same interests or ethnic origin concentrated in a particular geographic area", "A group of organisms of same or different species living together in close association", "A local group of Beaver Scouts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "colony", "num_translations": 106 }, "complement": { "senses": [ "Something that completes", "the consummation", "The act of completing something, or the fact of being complete", "completion, completeness, fulfilment", "The totality, the full amount or number which completes something", "Something which completes one's equipment, dress etc", "an accessory", "The whole working force of a vessel", "Fullness", "An angle which, together with a given angle, makes a right angle", "Something which completes, something which combines with something else to make up a complete whole", "loosely, something perceived to be a harmonious or desirable partner or addition", "A word or group of words that completes a grammatical construction in the predicate and that describes or is identified with the subject or object", "An interval which, together with the given interval, makes an octave", "The color which, when mixed with the given color, gives black or white", "Given two sets, the set containing one set's elements that are not members of the other set", "One of several blood proteins that work with antibodies during an immune response", "An expression related to some other expression such that it is true under the same conditions that make other false, and vice versa", "A voltage level with the opposite logical sense to the given one", "A bit with the opposite value to the given one", "Old spelling of compliment", "synonym of \"alexin\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "complement", "num_translations": 64 }, "chromatic": { "senses": [ "Relating to or characterised by hue", "Having the capacity to separate spectral colours by refraction", "Related to or using notes not belonging to the diatonic scale of the key in which a passage is written", "Moving in semitones", "Relating to chromatin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chromatic", "num_translations": 30 }, "cap": { "senses": [ "A close-fitting hat, either brimless or peaked", "A special hat to indicate rank, occupation, etc", "An academic mortarboard", "A protective cover or seal", "A crown for covering a tooth", "The summit of a mountain, etc", "An artificial upper limit or ceiling", "The top part of a mushroom", "A small amount of percussive explosive in a paper strip or plastic cup for use in a toy gun", "A small explosive device used to detonate a larger charge of explosives", "A bullet used to shoot someone", "An international appearance", "The top, or uppermost part", "the chief", "A respectful uncovering of the head", "The whole top of the head of a bird from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck", "The uppermost of any assemblage of parts", "Something covering the top or end of a thing for protection or ornament", "A collar of iron or wood used in joining spars, as the mast and the topmast, the bowsprit and the jib boom", "also, a covering of tarred canvas at the end of a rope", "A portion of a spherical or other convex surface", "A large size of writing paper", "A lie or exaggeration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cap", "num_translations": 187 }, "lover": { "senses": [ "One who loves and cares for another person in a romantic way", "a sweetheart, love, soulmate, boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse", "A sexual partner, especially one with whom someone is having an affair", "A person who loves something", "An informal term of address for any friend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "love", "Thesaurus:sexual partner", "connoisseur", "Thesaurus:friend" ], "word": "lover", "num_translations": 246 }, "wonder": { "senses": [ "Something that causes amazement or awe", "a marvel", "Something astonishing and seemingly inexplicable", "Someone very talented at something, a genius", "The sense or emotion which can be inspired by something curious or unknown", "surprise", "astonishment, often with awe or reverence", "A mental pondering, a thought", "A kind of donut", "a cruller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wonder", "num_translations": 135 }, "wonder1": { "senses": [ "To be affected with surprise or admiration", "to be struck with astonishment", "to be amazed", "to marvel", "often followed by at", "To ponder", "to feel doubt and curiosity", "to query in the mind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thauma" ], "word": "wonder", "num_translations": 85 }, "novel": { "senses": [ "Newly made, formed or evolved", "having no precedent", "of recent origin", "new", "Original, especially in an interesting way", "new and striking", "not of the typical or ordinary type", "unusual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:new" ], "word": "novel", "num_translations": 45 }, "everything": { "senses": [ "All the things under discussion", "Many or most things", "A state of well-being", "Considerable effort", "The most important thing" ], "antonyms": [ "nothing" ], "synonyms": [ "all" ], "word": "everything", "num_translations": 125 }, "everywhere": { "senses": [ "In or to all locations under discussion", "In or to a few or more locations" ], "antonyms": [ "nowhere" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "everywhere", "num_translations": 103 }, "somewhere": { "senses": [ "In an uncertain or unspecified location", "To an uncertain or unspecified location" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "someplace", "somewheres" ], "word": "somewhere", "num_translations": 138 }, "pace": { "senses": [ "Passage, route", "Step", "Way of stepping", "Speed or velocity in general", "A measure of the hardness of a pitch and of the tendency of a cricket ball to maintain its speed after bouncing", "A group of donkeys The collective noun for donkeys" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pace", "num_translations": 94 }, "bypass": { "senses": [ "a road that passes around something, such as a residential area", "a circumvention", "a section of pipe that conducts a fluid around some other fixture", "an electrical shunt", "an alternative passage created to divert a bodily fluid around a damaged organ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bypass", "num_translations": 94 }, "humanbeing": { "senses": [ "A person", "a large sapient, bipedal primate, with notably less hair than others of that order, of the species Homo sapiens", "Another, extinct member of the genus Homo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "human", "man", "person", "Thesaurus:person" ], "word": "humanbeing", "num_translations": 261 }, "being1": { "senses": [ "A living creature", "The state or fact of existence, consciousness, or life, or something in such a state", "That which has actuality", "One's basic nature, or the qualities thereof", "essence or personality", "An abode", "a cottage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:creature", "Thesaurus:existence" ], "word": "being", "num_translations": 174 }, "arsehole": { "senses": [ "The anus", "An inconsiderate or mean-spirited person Less vulgar and intense than fucker", "A variant of the card game big two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:anus" ], "word": "arsehole", "num_translations": 49 }, "starter": { "senses": [ "Someone who starts something", "Something that starts something", "The first course of a meal, consisting of a small, usually savoury, dish", "A player in the lineup of players that a team fields at the beginning of a game", "A dog that rouses game", "A short length of rope formerly used for casual chastisement in the Navy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "starter", "num_translations": 62 }, "squarefoot": { "senses": [ "A unit of area equal to the area of a square whose sides are one foot long" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sq ft" ], "word": "squarefoot", "num_translations": 11 }, "beef": { "senses": [ "The meat from a cow, bull or other bovine", "A grudge", "dislike", "lack of faith or trust", "a reason for a dislike or grudge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cowflesh", "oxflesh" ], "word": "beef", "num_translations": 129 }, "approve": { "senses": [ "To sanction officially", "to ratify", "to confirm", "To regard as good", "to commend", "to be pleased with", "to think well of", "To make proof of", "to demonstrate", "to prove or show practically", "To consider worthy", "to be pleased", "to accept", "To show to be worthy", "to demonstrate the merits of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "approve", "num_translations": 96 }, "hydrochloricacid": { "senses": [ "A strong acid made by dissolving the gas, hydrogen chloride, in water It reacts with alkalis, bases and many metals to form chlorides", "it has many industrial applications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E507", "muriatic acid", "spirit of salt", "spirits of salts" ], "word": "hydrochloricacid", "num_translations": 48 }, "tsunami": { "senses": [ "A large and generally unstoppable surge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seismic sea wave", "tidal wave" ], "word": "tsunami", "num_translations": 103 }, "carnage": { "senses": [ "Death and destruction", "The corpses, gore, etc that remain after a massacre", "Any chaotic situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insurrectionism", "bloodbath", "massacre" ], "word": "carnage", "num_translations": 37 }, "heavywater": { "senses": [ "Water containing deuterium instead of normal hydrogen", "used as a moderator in nuclear reactors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "D2O", "2H2O", "deuterium oxide", "dideuterium oxide", "deuterium monoxide", "dideuterium monoxide", "deuterated water", "fully deuterated water", "deuterium water", "water-d2" ], "word": "heavywater", "num_translations": 26 }, "pro": { "senses": [ "An advantage of something, especially when contrasted with its disadvantages", "A person who supports a concept or principle" ], "antonyms": [ "con", "anti" ], "synonyms": [ "advantage" ], "word": "pro", "num_translations": 15 }, "pro1": { "senses": [ "In favor of" ], "antonyms": [ "anti" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pro", "num_translations": 12 }, "cubiccentimetre": { "senses": [ "A unit of volume equal to that of a cube having sides each one centimetre in length, equal to 10-6 cubic metres and 1 millilitre Commonly used in fluid measure and for engine sizes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cm\u00b3", "cc", "ccm" ], "word": "cubiccentimetre", "num_translations": 26 }, "term": { "senses": [ "That which limits the extent of anything", "limit, extremity, bound, boundary", "A chronological limitation or restriction", "Any of the binding conditions or promises in a legal contract", "A point, line, or superficies that limits", "A word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge", "Relations among people", "Part of a year, especially one of the three parts of an academic year", "Duration of a set length", "period in office of fixed length", "With respect to a pregnancy, the period during which birth usually happens", "The maximum period during which the patent can be maintained into force", "A menstrual period", "The subject or the predicate of a proposition", "one of the three component parts of a syllogism, each one of which is used twice", "An essential dignity in which unequal segments of every astrological sign have internal rulerships which affect the power and integrity of each planet in a natal chart", "A quadrangular pillar, adorned on top with the figure of a head, as of a man, woman, or satyr", "A piece of carved work placed under each end of the taffrail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "term", "num_translations": 228 }, "adhominem": { "senses": [ "A fallacious objection to an argument or factual claim by appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim", "an attempt to argue against an opponent's idea by discrediting the opponent himself", "A personal attack" ], "antonyms": [ "ad verecundiam", "appeal to authority", "ipse dixit" ], "synonyms": [ "argumentum ad hominem" ], "word": "adhominem", "num_translations": 16 }, "umlaut": { "senses": [ "An assimilatory process whereby a vowel is pronounced more like a following vocoid that is separated by one or more consonants", "A vowel so assimilated", "The diacritical mark placed over a vowel when it indicates a front vowel", "diaeresis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trema", "vowel mutation" ], "word": "umlaut", "num_translations": 53 }, "approximate": { "senses": [ "Approaching", "proximate", "nearly resembling", "Nearing correctness", "nearly exact", "not perfectly accurate" ], "antonyms": [ "exact" ], "synonyms": [ "close" ], "word": "approximate", "num_translations": 44 }, "approximate1": { "senses": [ "To estimate", "To come near to", "to approach", "To carry or advance near", "to cause to approach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "approximate", "num_translations": 39 }, "apropos": { "senses": [ "Of an appropriate or pertinent nature", "by the way, incidental" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by the way" ], "word": "apropos", "num_translations": 15 }, "apropos1": { "senses": [ "Regarding or concerning" ], "antonyms": [ "malapropos" ], "synonyms": [ "about" ], "word": "apropos", "num_translations": 13 }, "apropos2": { "senses": [ "By the way", "Timely", "at a good time", "To the purpose", "appropriately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apropos", "num_translations": 22 }, "apt": { "senses": [ "Suitable", "appropriate", "fit or fitted", "suited", "Having a habitual tendency", "habitually liable or likely", "disposed towards", "Ready", "especially fitted or qualified", "quick to learn", "prompt", "expert" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appropriate", "disposed", "fit" ], "word": "apt", "num_translations": 103 }, "aristocrat": { "senses": [ "One of the aristocracy, nobility, or people of rank in a community", "one of a ruling class", "a noble", "A proponent of aristocracy" ], "antonyms": [ "plebeian" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aristocrat", "num_translations": 39 }, "grace": { "senses": [ "Charming, pleasing qualities", "A short prayer of thanks before or after a meal", "In the games of patience or solitaire: a special move that is normally against the rules", "Elegant movement", "balance or poise", "An allowance of time granted to a debtor during which he or she is free of at least part of his normal obligations towards the creditor", "Free and undeserved favour, especially of God", "unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification, or for resisting sin", "An act or decree of the governing body of an English university" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grace", "num_translations": 160 }, "grace1": { "senses": [ "To adorn", "to decorate", "to embellish and dignify", "To dignify or raise by an act of favour", "to honour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mense" ], "word": "grace", "num_translations": 22 }, "ontogeny": { "senses": [ "ontogenesis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ontogenesis" ], "word": "ontogeny", "num_translations": 13 }, "inconvenience": { "senses": [ "The quality of being inconvenient", "Something that is not convenient, something that bothers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annoyance" ], "word": "inconvenience", "num_translations": 47 }, "inconvenience1": { "senses": [ "to bother", "to discomfort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discommodate" ], "word": "inconvenience", "num_translations": 17 }, "handgun": { "senses": [ "A small gun with a relatively short barrel, designed to be held and operated with a single hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pistol" ], "word": "handgun", "num_translations": 26 }, "shotgun": { "senses": [ "A gun which fires loads typically consisting of small metal balls, called shot, from a cartridge", "The front passenger seat in a vehicle, next to the driver", "A one-story dwelling with no hallways or corridors, with the rooms arranged in a straight line", "An offensive formation in which the quarterback receives the snap at a distance behind the center, often with a running back set to one or both sides of him" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scattergun" ], "word": "shotgun", "num_translations": 82 }, "busybody": { "senses": [ "Someone who interferes with others", "one who is nosy, intrusive or meddlesome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marplot" ], "word": "busybody", "num_translations": 51 }, "congruence": { "senses": [ "The quality of agreeing or corresponding", "being suitable and appropriate", "A relation between two numbers indicating they give the same remainder when divided by some given number", "The quality of being isometric \u2014 roughly, the same measure and shape", "More generally: any equivalence relation defined on an algebraic structure which is preserved by operations defined by the structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "congruency" ], "word": "congruence", "num_translations": 22 }, "atonement": { "senses": [ "Making amends to restore a damaged relationship", "expiation", "The reconciliation of God and mankind through the death of Jesus", "Reconciliation", "restoration of friendly relations", "concord" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "atonement", "num_translations": 69 }, "triad": { "senses": [ "A grouping of three", "A word of three syllables", "A branch of a Chinese underground criminal society, mostly based in Hong Kong", "on a CRT display, a group of three neighbouring phosphor dots, coloured green, red, and blue", "A chord consisting of a root tone, the tone two degrees higher, and the tone four degrees higher in a given scale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "triad", "num_translations": 34 }, "utmost": { "senses": [ "Situated at the most distant limit", "farthest", "The most extreme", "ultimate", "greatest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "utmost", "num_translations": 49 }, "stern1": { "senses": [ "The rear part or after end of a ship or vessel", "The post of management or direction", "The hinder part of anything", "The tail of an animal", "now used only of the tail of a dog" ], "antonyms": [ "bow" ], "synonyms": [ "poop" ], "word": "stern", "num_translations": 67 }, "silverfish": { "senses": [ "Certain insects", "Certain fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fishmoth" ], "word": "silverfish", "num_translations": 49 }, "legato": { "senses": [ "Smoothly, in a connected manner" ], "antonyms": [ "portato" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "legato", "num_translations": 15 }, "crescendo": { "senses": [ "An instruction to play gradually more loudly, denoted by a long, narrow angle with its apex on the left , by musicians called a hairpin", "A gradual increase of anything, especially to a dramatic climax", "The climax of a gradual increase" ], "antonyms": [ "decrescendo", "climax" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "crescendo", "num_translations": 25 }, "sour": { "senses": [ "Having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste", "Made rancid by fermentation, etc", "Tasting or smelling rancid", "Peevish or bad-tempered", "Excessively acidic and thus infertile", "Containing excess sulfur", "Unfortunate or unfavorable", "Off-pitch, out of tune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sour", "num_translations": 186 }, "sour2": { "senses": [ "To spoil or mar", "to make disenchanted", "To become disenchanted", "To make cold and unproductive", "To macerate and render it fit for plaster or mortar", "To process after bleaching, using hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid to wash out the lime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sour", "num_translations": 26 }, "taste": { "senses": [ "One of the sensations produced by the tongue in response to certain chemicals", "the quality of giving this sensation", "The sense that consists in the perception and interpretation of this sensation", "A small sample of food, drink, or recreational drugs", "A person's implicit set of preferences, especially esthetic, though also culinary, sartorial, etc", "Personal preference", "liking", "predilection", "A small amount of experience with something that gives a sense of its quality as a whole", "A kind of narrow and thin silk ribbon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smack", "discernment", "Thesaurus:predilection", "impression" ], "word": "taste", "num_translations": 189 }, "taste1": { "senses": [ "To sample the flavor of something orally", "to excite a particular sensation by which flavour is distinguished", "To experience", "To take sparingly", "To try by eating a little", "to eat a small quantity of", "To try by the touch", "to handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smack", "hint" ], "word": "taste", "num_translations": 170 }, "bareback": { "senses": [ "Without a saddle", "Without a condom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:condomless" ], "word": "bareback", "num_translations": 12 }, "closet": { "senses": [ "Any private area, particularly bowers in the open air", "Any private or inner room, particularly:", "A pew or side-chapel reserved for a monarch or other feudal lord", "A private cabinet, particularly:", "Any small room or side-room, particularly:", "An ordinary similar to a bar but half as broad", "A sewer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "armchair", "cabinet", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "closet", "num_translations": 85 }, "bender": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, bends", "A device to aid bending of pipes to a specific angle", "A bout of heavy drinking", "A homosexual man", "A simple shelter, made using flexible branches or withies", "A suspended sentence", "A sixpence", "A spree, a frolic", "Something exceptional" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binge", "bender tent" ], "word": "bender", "num_translations": 39 }, "unidentifiedflyingobject": { "senses": [ "Anything not readily explainable appearing to move through or be suspended in the air, primarily used to refer to objects that seem to be at least of small familiar aircraft size Abbreviated UFO", "An alien spacecraft More commonly called a UFO" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "UFO", "UAP", "flying saucer" ], "word": "unidentifiedflyingobject", "num_translations": 68 }, "flyingsaucer": { "senses": [ "An unidentified flying object", "usually with disc-like properties", "An alien interplanetary vessel with a disc-like shape and generally metallic appearance", "A form of confectionery, a small spheroidal capsule of rice paper filled with sherbet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flyingsaucer", "num_translations": 38 }, "breeder": { "senses": [ "A person who breeds plants or animals", "A person who has had or who is capable of having children", "a person who is focussed on the rearing of their own children", "A heterosexual", "ie one whose sexual intercourse can lead to breeding", "a type of nuclear reactor that creates material suitable for the production of atomic weapons", "A pattern that exhibits quadratic growth by generating multiple copies of a secondary pattern, each of which then generates multiple copies of a tertiary pattern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breeder", "num_translations": 40 }, "otiose": { "senses": [ "Having no effect", "Done in a careless or perfunctory manner", "Reluctant to work or to exert oneself", "Of a person, possessing a bored indolence", "Having no reason for being", "having no point, reason, or purpose" ], "antonyms": [ "productive", "useful", "hardworking", "essential", "necessary" ], "synonyms": [ "futile", "ineffective", "indolent", "lazy", "sluggish", "superfluous", "irrelevant", "pointless" ], "word": "otiose", "num_translations": 38 }, "colonize": { "senses": [ "To settle with colonists, and hence make into a colony", "To settle in a place as a colony", "To settle among and establish control over", "To begin a colony or colonies", "To intrude into and take over", "to commandeer or appropriate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "colonize", "num_translations": 21 }, "prude": { "senses": [ "A person who is or tries to be excessively proper, especially one who is easily offended by matters of a sexual nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prig", "goody-goody", "puritan", "celibacist", "erotophobe", "antisexualist" ], "word": "prude", "num_translations": 28 }, "moral": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour", "Conforming to a standard of right behaviour", "sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment", "Capable of right and wrong action", "Probable but not proved", "Positively affecting the mind, confidence, or will" ], "antonyms": [ "immoral" ], "synonyms": [ "ethical", "virtual" ], "word": "moral", "num_translations": 73 }, "moral1": { "senses": [ "The ethical significance or practical lesson", "A certainty", "An exact counterpart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ethics" ], "word": "moral", "num_translations": 43 }, "nowise": { "senses": [ "no way, no manner, definitely not" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nohow" ], "word": "nowise", "num_translations": 17 }, "godly": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a god", "Devoted to a god or God", "devout", "righteous", "Gloriously good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "godly", "num_translations": 34 }, "demigod": { "senses": [ "A half-god or hero", "the offspring of a deity and a mortal", "A lesser deity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "halfgod" ], "word": "demigod", "num_translations": 64 }, "augmentative1": { "senses": [ "A form of word that expresses large size, intensity, or seniority" ], "antonyms": [ "diminutive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "augmentative", "num_translations": 27 }, "inperson": { "senses": [ "With one's own body and presence", "not through a representative or indirectly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "face to face", "in the flesh", "vis-\u00e0-vis" ], "word": "inperson", "num_translations": 31 }, "islamist": { "senses": [ "A Muslim", "A scholastic Muslim who specializes in Muslim academics", "A Muslim who espouses Islamic fundamentalist beliefs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mohammedan", "Islamicist", "Quran thumper" ], "word": "Islamist", "num_translations": 19 }, "islamist1": { "senses": [ "Relating to Islam", "Islamic, Muslim", "Motivated by fundamentalist Muslim beliefs, particularly in the political sphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Muslimistic" ], "word": "Islamist", "num_translations": 10 }, "islamic": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, originating in, characteristic of, or deriving from Muslims or Islam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Muslim" ], "word": "Islamic", "num_translations": 48 }, "smart": { "senses": [ "To hurt or sting", "To feel a pungent pain of mind", "to feel sharp pain or grief", "to suffer", "to feel the sting of evil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smart", "num_translations": 21 }, "smart1": { "senses": [ "Exhibiting social ability or cleverness", "Exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books", "Equipped with intelligent behaviour", "Good-looking", "well dressed", "fine", "fashionable", "Cleverly shrewd and humorous in a way that may be rude and disrespectful", "Sudden and intense", "Causing sharp pain", "stinging", "Sharp", "keen", "poignant", "Intense in feeling", "painful Used usually with the adverb intensifier right", "Efficient", "vigorous", "brilliant", "Pretentious", "showy", "spruce", "Brisk", "fresh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smart", "num_translations": 169 }, "bogie": { "senses": [ "One of two sets of wheels under a locomotive or railcar", "the structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi", "A railway carriage", "A toy similar to a violin bow, consisting of a wooden stick with notches along one or more sides or edges to produce a rattly noise when stroked against a hard edge, eg, the lip of container", "alternative form of \"bogey\": various hostile supernatural creatures, especially a ghost", "alternative form of \"bogey\": an unknown or hostile aircraft", "alternative form of \"bogey\": a score of one over par on a hole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goblin", "railroad truck" ], "word": "bogie", "num_translations": 13 }, "bogey": { "senses": [ "The Devil", "A ghost, goblin, or other hostile supernatural creature", "A bugbear: any terrifying thing", "alternative form of \"bogie\", one of two sets of wheels under a locomotive or railcar", "the structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi", "A standard of performance set up as a mark to be aimed at in competition", "An unidentified aircraft, especially as observed as a spot on a radar screen and suspected to be hostile", "synonym of \"bandit\": a known hostile aircraft", "A score of one over par on a hole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Devil", "goblin", "railroad truck" ], "word": "bogey", "num_translations": 17 }, "consist": { "senses": [ "To be", "To exist", "To be comprised or contained", "To be composed, formed, or made up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:exist", "comprise" ], "word": "consist", "num_translations": 40 }, "consist1": { "senses": [ "A lineup or sequence of railroad carriages or cars, with or without a locomotive, that form a unit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rake" ], "word": "consist", "num_translations": 12 }, "phrenology": { "senses": [ "The science, now generally discredited, which studies the relationships between a person's character and the morphology of the skull" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cranioscopy" ], "word": "phrenology", "num_translations": 13 }, "sodapop": { "senses": [ "Any of several sweetened, carbonated beverages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coke", "fizzy", "fizzy drink", "lemonade", "pop", "soda", "soft drink", "tonic", "Thesaurus:soft drink" ], "word": "sodapop", "num_translations": 21 }, "dustdevil": { "senses": [ "A small atmospheric vortex appearing in clear, dry conditions, made visible by swirling dust picked up from the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sand pillar", "willy willy" ], "word": "dustdevil", "num_translations": 26 }, "devil": { "senses": [ "An evil creature", "Satan", "A fictional image of a man, usually red or orange in skin color", "with a set of horns on his head, a pointed goatee and a long tail and carrying a pitchfork", "that represents evil", "The bad part of the conscience", "the opposite to the angel", "A wicked or naughty person, or one who harbors reckless, spirited energy, especially in a mischievous way", "usually said of a young child", "A thing that is awkward or difficult to understand or do", "Hell", "A person, especially a man", "An evil or erring entity", "A barren, unproductive and unused area", "A dish, as a bone with the meat, broiled and excessively peppered", "a grill with Cayenne pepper", "A machine for tearing or cutting rags, cotton, etc", "An endurance event where riders who fall behind are periodically eliminated" ], "antonyms": [ "angel", "God", "angel", "cakewalk", "angel" ], "synonyms": [ "a creature of hell", "the chief devil", "UK", "US", "thing awkward or difficult to understand or do", "wicked or naughty person", "as a euphemistic intensifier", "euphemistic", "only in senses with", "the", "taboo slang", "a person, especially a man (as in \"poor devil\")", "used of a woman" ], "word": "devil", "num_translations": 405 }, "devil1": { "senses": [ "To annoy or bother", "to work for a lawyer or writer without fee or recognition", "To prepare with spices, making it spicy:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annoy or bother" ], "word": "devil", "num_translations": 17 }, "subversive": { "senses": [ "Intending to subvert, overturn or undermine a government or authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insurgent" ], "word": "subversive", "num_translations": 14 }, "wise": { "senses": [ "Showing good judgement or the benefit of experience", "Disrespectful", "Aware, informed" ], "antonyms": [ "unwise", "foolish" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wise", "num_translations": 120 }, "bias": { "senses": [ "Inclination towards something", "predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection", "The diagonal line between warp and weft in a woven fabric", "A wedge-shaped piece of cloth taken out of a garment to diminish its circumference", "A voltage or current applied to an electronic device, such as a transistor electrode, to move its operating point to a desired part of its transfer function", "The difference between the expectation of the sample estimator and the true population value, which reduces the representativeness of the estimator by systematically distorting it", "In the games of crown green bowls and lawn bowls: a weight added to one side of a bowl so that as it rolls, it will follow a curved rather than a straight path", "the oblique line followed by such a bowl", "the lopsided shape or structure of such a bowl In lawn bowls, the curved course is caused only by the shape of the bowl The use of weights is prohibited", "A person's favourite member of a K-pop band" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bias", "num_translations": 93 }, "wave": { "senses": [ "To move back and forth repeatedly and somewhat loosely", "To move one's hand back and forth in greeting or departure", "To call attention to, or give a direction or command to, by a waving motion, as of the hand", "to signify by waving", "to beckon", "to signal", "to indicate", "To have an undulating or wavy form", "To raise into inequalities of surface", "to give an undulating form or surface to", "To swing and miss at a pitch", "To cause to move back and forth repeatedly", "To signal with a waving movement", "To fluctuate", "to be in an unsettled state", "to waft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wave", "num_translations": 127 }, "wave1": { "senses": [ "A moving disturbance in the level of a body of liquid", "an undulation", "The ocean", "A moving disturbance in the energy level of a field", "A shape that alternatingly curves in opposite directions", "Any of a number of species of moths in the geometrid subfamily Sterrhinae, which have wavy markings on the wings", "A loose back-and-forth movement, as of the hands", "A sudden unusually large amount of something that is temporarily experienced", "One of the successive swarms of enemies sent to attack the player in certain games" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "und", "Mexican wave" ], "word": "wave", "num_translations": 227 }, "fireman": { "senses": [ "Someone who is skilled in the work of fighting fire", "A person who keeps the fire going underneath a steam boiler , particularly on a railroad locomotive or steamship", "By extension of the above, an assistant on any locomotive, whether steam-powered or not", "A relief pitcher", "A safety inspector in coal mines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fireman", "num_translations": 44 }, "trepanation": { "senses": [ "The practice of drilling a hole in the skull as a physical, mental, or spiritual treatment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trepanning" ], "word": "trepanation", "num_translations": 47 }, "stub": { "senses": [ "A piece of certain paper items, designed to be torn off and kept for record or identification purposes", "A placeholder procedure that has the signature of the planned procedure but does not yet implement the intended behavior", "A procedure that translates requests from external systems into a format suitable for processing and then submits those requests for processing", "A page providing only minimal information and intended for later development", "The remaining part of the docked tail of a dog", "An unequal first or last interest calculation period, as a part of a financial swap contract", "A log or block of wood", "A blockhead", "A pen with a short, blunt nib", "An old and worn horseshoe nail", "The smallest remainder of a smoked cigarette", "a butt" ], "antonyms": [ "skeleton" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "stub", "num_translations": 58 }, "honest": { "senses": [ "Scrupulous with regard to telling the truth", "not given to swindling, lying, or fraud", "upright", "True, especially as far as is known by the person making the statement", "fair", "unbiased", "In good faith", "without malice", "Accurate", "Authentic", "full", "Earned or acquired in a fair manner", "Open", "frank", "Decent", "honourable", "suitable", "becoming", "Chaste", "faithful", "virtuous" ], "antonyms": [ "dishonest" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:honest" ], "word": "honest", "num_translations": 114 }, "honesty": { "senses": [ "The act, quality, or condition of being honest", "Honor", "decency, propriety", "Chastity", "Any of various crucifers in the genus Lunaria, several of which are grown as ornamentals, particularly Lunaria annua" ], "antonyms": [ "dishonesty" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "honesty", "num_translations": 77 }, "edifice": { "senses": [ "A building", "a structure", "an architectural fabric, especially a large and spectacular one", "An abstract structure", "a school of thought" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "edifice", "num_translations": 49 }, "fixed1": { "senses": [ "Not changing, not able to be changed, staying the same", "Stationary", "Attached", "Chemically stable", "Supplied with what one needs", "Of sound, recorded on a permanent medium", "Surgically rendered infertile", "Rigged", "fraudulently prearranged", "Resolved", "corrected", "Repaired" ], "antonyms": [ "mobile" ], "synonyms": [ "stable" ], "word": "fixed", "num_translations": 35 }, "misdemeanor": { "senses": [ "A crime usually punishable upon conviction by a small fine or by a short term of imprisonment In the USA, misdemeanants usually are incarcerated in county jail for less than one year, but felons usually are incarcerated in state or federal prison for more than one year Crimes which are punishable by large fines or by longer imprisonment are sometimes called felonies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "petty crime" ], "word": "misdemeanor", "num_translations": 31 }, "imprisonment": { "senses": [ "A confinement in a place, especially a prison or a jail, as punishment for a crime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incarceration", "jaildom" ], "word": "imprisonment", "num_translations": 63 }, "legless": { "senses": [ "Without legs", "Too drunk to stand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "legless", "num_translations": 11 }, "mojibake": { "senses": [ "Corrupt characters or letters, especially from display or transfer through an inappropriate character set or encoding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "krakozyabry" ], "word": "mojibake", "num_translations": 48 }, "yemenarabrepublic": { "senses": [ "A former country in the northern part of what is now Yemen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "North Yemen" ], "word": "YemenArabRepublic", "num_translations": 10 }, "middleeast": { "senses": [ "The region between the Near East and the Far East", "The region comprising Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mid East", "Mideast" ], "word": "MiddleEast", "num_translations": 91 }, "decimal": { "senses": [ "A number expressed in the base-ten system, a fractional numeral written in this system" ], "antonyms": [ "See", "fraction" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "decimal number", "See", "decimal system", "See", "decimal place" ], "word": "decimal", "num_translations": 32 }, "hexadecimal": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arithmetic, computing", "hex", "sexidecimal", "sexadecimal" ], "word": "hexadecimal", "num_translations": 21 }, "bonus": { "senses": [ "Something extra that is good", "an added benefit", "An extra sum given as a premium, eg to an employee or to a shareholder", "An addition to the player's score based on performance, eg for time remaining", "One or more free throws awarded to a team when the opposing team has accumulated enough fouls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bonus", "num_translations": 68 }, "cognate": { "senses": [ "Allied by blood", "kindred by birth", "specifically related on the mother's side", "Of the same or a similar nature", "of the same family", "proceeding from the same stock or root", "Descended from the same source lexeme of an ancestor language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cognate", "num_translations": 35 }, "filter": { "senses": [ "A device which separates a suspended, dissolved, or particulate matter from a fluid, solution, or other substance", "any device that separates one substance from another", "Electronics or software that separates unwanted signals from wanted signals or that attenuates selected frequencies", "Any item, mechanism, device or procedure that acts to separate or isolate", "self-restraint in speech", "A non-empty upper set which is closed under binary infima" ], "antonyms": [ "ideal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "filter", "num_translations": 127 }, "filter1": { "senses": [ "To sort, sift, or isolate", "To diffuse", "to cause to be less concentrated or focused", "To move slowly or gradually", "to come or go a few at a time", "To ride a motorcycle between lanes on a road" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to filter out" ], "word": "filter", "num_translations": 79 }, "morality": { "senses": [ "Recognition of the distinction between good and evil or between right and wrong", "respect for and obedience to the rules of right conduct", "the mental disposition or characteristic of behaving in a manner intended to produce morally good results", "A set of social rules, customs, traditions, beliefs, or practices which specify proper, acceptable forms of conduct", "A set of personal guiding principles for conduct or a general notion of how to behave, whether respectable or not", "A lesson or pronouncement which contains advice about proper behavior", "Moral philosophy, the branch of philosophy which studies the grounds and nature of rightness, wrongness, good, and evil", "A particular theory concerning the grounds and nature of rightness, wrongness, good, and evil" ], "antonyms": [ "amorality" ], "synonyms": [ "decency", "morals", "convention", "homily", "ethics", "ethics" ], "word": "morality", "num_translations": 103 }, "folksy": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of simple country life", "Informal, affable and familiar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chummy" ], "word": "folksy", "num_translations": 10 }, "inaccuracy": { "senses": [ "The property of being inaccurate", "lack of accuracy", "A statement, passage etc that is inaccurate or false", "Incorrect calibration of a measuring device, or incorrect use", "lack of precision" ], "antonyms": [ "accuracy" ], "synonyms": [ "imprecision", "incorrectness", "inexactness", "error", "mistake", "fault" ], "word": "inaccuracy", "num_translations": 47 }, "yuck": { "senses": [ "Uttered to indicate disgust usually toward an objectionable taste or odour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:yuck" ], "word": "yuck", "num_translations": 62 }, "yum1": { "senses": [ "Delicious" ], "antonyms": [ "yuck" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "yum", "num_translations": 28 }, "delicious": { "senses": [ "Pleasing to taste", "tasty", "Metaphorically pleasing to taste", "pleasing to the eyes or mind", "Having tremendous sex appeal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:delicious" ], "word": "delicious", "num_translations": 206 }, "quixotic": { "senses": [ "Possessing or acting with the desire to do noble and romantic deeds, without thought of realism and practicality", "exceedingly idealistic", "Impulsive", "Like Don Quixote", "romantic to extravagance", "absurdly chivalric", "apt to be deluded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quixotic", "num_translations": 21 }, "fin": { "senses": [ "One of the appendages of a fish, used to propel itself and to manoeuvre/maneuver", "A similar appendage of a cetacean or other marine animal", "A thin, rigid component of an aircraft, extending from the fuselage and used to stabilise and steer the aircraft", "A similar structure on the tail of a bomb, used to help keep it on course", "A device worn by divers and swimmers on their feet", "An extending part on a surface of a radiator, engine, heatsink, etc, used to facilitate cooling", "A sharp raised edge capable of damaging a roof membrane or vapor retarder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flipper", "vane", "Mohican", "flipper" ], "word": "fin", "num_translations": 162 }, "acquisition": { "senses": [ "The act or process of acquiring", "The thing acquired or gained", "a gain", "The process of sampling signals that measure real world physical conditions and converting these signals into digital numeric values that can be manipulated by a computer" ], "antonyms": [ "abandonment" ], "synonyms": [ "accession", "accession" ], "word": "acquisition", "num_translations": 51 }, "vicissitude": { "senses": [ "Regular change or succession from one thing to another, or one part of a cycle to the next", "alternation", "mutual succession", "interchange", "A change, especially in one's life or fortunes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vicissitude", "num_translations": 35 }, "dental": { "senses": [ "Of or concerning dentistry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toothly" ], "word": "dental", "num_translations": 70 }, "meteorology": { "senses": [ "The science that deals with the study of the atmosphere and its phenomena, especially with weather and weather forecasting", "The atmospheric phenomena in a specific region or period" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:meteorology" ], "word": "meteorology", "num_translations": 106 }, "off": { "senses": [ "In a direction away from the speaker or object", "Into a state of non-operation", "into a state of non-existence", "So as to remove or separate, or be removed or separated" ], "antonyms": [ "on", "in" ], "synonyms": [ "away", "out" ], "word": "off", "num_translations": 32 }, "off1": { "senses": [ "Inoperative, disabled", "Cancelled", "not happening", "Rancid, rotten", "Less than normal, in temperament or in result", "Inappropriate", "untoward", "Circumstanced", "Started on the way", "Far", "Designating a time when one is not strictly attentive to business or affairs, or is absent from a post, and, hence, a time when affairs are not urgent", "Designating a time when one is not performing to the best of one's abilities", "Presently unavailable", "On the side furthest from the kerb", "In, or towards the half of the field away from the batsman's legs", "the right side for a right-handed batsman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "off", "num_translations": 32 }, "off2": { "senses": [ "Not positioned upon", "away from a position upon", "Detached, separated, excluded or disconnected from", "away from a position of attachment or connection to", "Used to indicate the location or direction of one thing relative to another, implying adjacency or accessibility via", "Used to express location at sea relative to land or mainland", "Removed or subtracted from", "No longer wanting or taking", "Out of the possession of", "Placed after a number , in commerce or engineering" ], "antonyms": [ "on" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "off", "num_translations": 29 }, "sterilize": { "senses": [ "To deprive of the ability to procreate", "To make unable to produce", "to make unprofitable", "To kill, deactivate , or destroy all living, viable microorganisms and spores on a surface, in a fluid, or contained in a compound, such as culture media or a medical product", "To redact , removing classified or sensitive material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sterilize", "num_translations": 36 }, "patron": { "senses": [ "One who protects or supports", "a defender or advocate", "An influential, wealthy person who supported an artist, craftsman, a scholar or a noble", "A regular customer, as of a certain store or restaurant", "A protector of a dependent, especially a master who had freed a slave but still retained some paternal rights", "One who has gift and disposition of a benefice", "A padrone", "A property owner, a landlord, a master" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "patron", "num_translations": 69 }, "eject": { "senses": [ "To compel to leave", "To throw out or remove forcefully", "To compel to leave the field because of inappropriate behaviour", "To project oneself from an aircraft", "To cause to come out of a machine", "To come out of a machine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boot out", "discharge", "dismiss", "drive out", "evict", "expel", "kick out", "oust", "toss", "turf out", "Thesaurus:kick out", "throw out", "kick out", "remove", "bail out", "come out" ], "word": "eject", "num_translations": 105 }, "germanempire": { "senses": [ "The German state which existed, with Berlin as its capital, between 1871 and 1918" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Second Reich" ], "word": "GermanEmpire", "num_translations": 30 }, "adoration": { "senses": [ "An act of religious worship", "Admiration or esteem", "The act of adoring", "loving devotion or fascination", "The selection of a pope by acclamation and before any formal ballot" ], "antonyms": [ "disdain" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "adoration", "num_translations": 47 }, "brave": { "senses": [ "Strong in the face of fear", "courageous", "Having any sort of superiority or excellence", "Making a fine show or display" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:brave" ], "word": "brave", "num_translations": 193 }, "bravery": { "senses": [ "Being brave, courageousness", "A brave act", "Splendor, magnificence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bravehood" ], "word": "bravery", "num_translations": 92 }, "converse": { "senses": [ "to talk", "to engage in conversation", "to keep company", "to hold intimate intercourse", "to commune", "followed by with", "to have knowledge of , from long intercourse or study" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "converse", "num_translations": 52 }, "converse3": { "senses": [ "the opposite or reverse", "of a proposition or theorem of the form: given that \"If A is true, then B is true\", then \"If B is true, then A is true\" equivalently: given that \"All Xs are Ys\", then \"All Ys are Xs\"", "one of a pair of terms that name or describe a relationship from opposite perspectives", "relational antonym" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "converse", "num_translations": 28 }, "much": { "senses": [ "A large amount of", "A great number of", "many", "* 1526, Bible, tr William Tyndale, Matthew VI:", "Many" ], "antonyms": [ "little" ], "synonyms": [ "a great deal of", "a lot of" ], "word": "much", "num_translations": 105 }, "much2": { "senses": [ "To a great extent", "Often", "frequently", "Almost" ], "antonyms": [ "less" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "much", "num_translations": 41 }, "roast": { "senses": [ "To cook food by heating in an oven or over a fire without covering, resulting in a crisp, possibly even slightly charred appearance", "To cook by surrounding with hot embers, ashes, sand, etc", "To process by drying through exposure to sun or artificial heat", "To heat to excess", "to heat violently", "to burn", "To admonish someone vigorously", "To subject to bantering, severely criticize, sometimes as a comedy routine", "To dissipate by heat the volatile parts of, as ores" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roast", "num_translations": 101 }, "entail": { "senses": [ "To imply or require", "To settle or fix inalienably on a person or thing, or on a person and his descendants or a certain line of descendants", "-- said especially of an estate", "to bestow as a heritage", "To appoint hereditary possessor", "To cut or carve in an ornamental way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "entail", "num_translations": 29 }, "wait": { "senses": [ "To delay movement or action until the arrival or occurrence of", "To delay movement or action until some event or time", "to remain neglected or in readiness", "to serve customers in a restaurant or other eating establishment", "To attend on", "to accompany", "especially, to attend with ceremony or respect", "To attend as a consequence", "to follow upon", "to accompany", "To defer or postpone", "To remain celibate while one's lover is unavailable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "await", "hold one's breath", "wait on", "bestand", "attend", "defer" ], "word": "wait", "num_translations": 194 }, "wait1": { "senses": [ "A delay", "An ambush", "One who watches", "a watchman", "Hautboys, or oboes, played by town musicians", "Musicians who sing or play at night or in the early morning, especially at Christmas time", "serenaders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wait", "num_translations": 23 }, "waiton": { "senses": [ "To wait for an event", "To wait for a person", "To serve someone", "to be a waiter or waitress for a table in a restaurant", "To attend", "to go to see", "to visit on business or for ceremony", "To follow, as a consequence", "to await", "To attend to", "to perform", "To fly above its master, waiting till game is sprung" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waiton", "num_translations": 13 }, "fluke3": { "senses": [ "Either of the two lobes of a whale's or similar creature's tail", "Any of the triangular blades at the end of an anchor, designed to catch the ground", "A metal hook on the head of certain staff weapons , made in various forms depending on function, whether used for grappling or to penetrate armour when swung at an opponent", "In general, a winglike formation on a central piece", "Waste cotton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fluke", "num_translations": 41 }, "scottishgaelic": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gaelic", "Scots Gaelic" ], "word": "ScottishGaelic", "num_translations": 45 }, "office": { "senses": [ "A ceremonial duty or service, particularly:", "A position of responsibility", "Official position, particularly high employment within government", "tenure in such a position", "An official or group of officials", "A duty, particularly owing to one's position or station", "a charge, trust, or role", "moral duty", "The performance of a duty", "an instance of performing a duty", "Function: anything typically done by or expected of something", "A bodily function, urination and defecation", "an act of urination or defecation", "A service, a kindness", "Inside information", "A room, set of rooms, or building used for non-manual work, particularly:", "The staff of such places", "The administrative departments housed in such places, particularly:", "The parts of a house or estate devoted to manual work and storage, as the kitchen, scullery, laundry, stables, etc, particularly a house or estate's facilities for urination and defecation: outhouses or lavatories", "A piece of land used for hunting", "the area of land overseen by a gamekeeper", "A hangout: a place where one is normally found", "A plane's cockpit, particularly an observer's cockpit", "A collection of business software typically including a word processor and spreadsheet and slideshow programs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "service", "Divine Office", "See", "Thesaurus:office", "surgery", "department", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "office", "num_translations": 263 }, "castiron1": { "senses": [ "Durable", "tough", "resiliant", "Inflexible or without exception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bulletproof", "iron-clad" ], "word": "castiron", "num_translations": 26 }, "quicken": { "senses": [ "To give life to", "to animate, make alive, revive", "To come back to life, receive life", "To take on a state of activity or vigour comparable to life", "to be roused, excited", "Of a pregnant woman: to first feel the movements of the foetus, or reach the stage of pregnancy at which this takes place", "of a foetus: to begin to move", "To make quicker", "to hasten, speed up", "To become faster", "To shorten the radius of", "to make sharper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quicken", "num_translations": 19 }, "quicksilver": { "senses": [ "The metal mercury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mercury" ], "word": "quicksilver", "num_translations": 43 }, "super": { "senses": [ "better than average, better than usual", "wonderful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "awesome" ], "word": "super", "num_translations": 25 }, "shutup": { "senses": [ "To close so that no one can enter", "To terminate", "To enclose in a room or other place so that it cannot leave", "To put in a secure enclosed place", "Of a person, to stop talking or making noise", "I don't believe it!, no way!", "To murder, kill" ], "antonyms": [ "open", "establish", "release" ], "synonyms": [ "close off", "end", "lock", "lock up", "hush", "Thesaurus:stop talking", "get out" ], "word": "shutup", "num_translations": 328 }, "regard": { "senses": [ "A steady look, a gaze", "One's concern for another", "esteem", "relation, reference", "A particular aspect or detail", "respect, sense", "The worth or estimation in which something or someone is held" ], "antonyms": [ "neglect" ], "synonyms": [ "consideration" ], "word": "regard", "num_translations": 38 }, "regard1": { "senses": [ "To look at", "to observe", "To consider, look upon in a given way etc", "To take notice of, pay attention to", "To face toward", "To have to do with, to concern", "To set store by , to hold in esteem", "to consider to have value, to respect" ], "antonyms": [ "ignore", "neglect" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "regard", "num_translations": 40 }, "ubiquitous": { "senses": [ "Being everywhere at once: omnipresent", "Appearing to be everywhere at once", "being or seeming to be in more than one location at the same time", "Widespread", "very prevalent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:widespread" ], "word": "ubiquitous", "num_translations": 80 }, "epoch": { "senses": [ "A particular period of history, especially one considered noteworthy or remarkable", "A notable event which marks the beginning of such a period", "A precise instant of time that is used as a point of reference", "Uses in computing", "A unit of geologic time subdividing a period into smaller parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "age", "epoch", "era" ], "word": "epoch", "num_translations": 107 }, "contrabassoon": { "senses": [ "A larger version of the bassoon sounding one octave lower, having a technique similar to the bassoon but offers more resistance in every way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contrafagotto", "double bassoon" ], "word": "contrabassoon", "num_translations": 10 }, "romanize": { "senses": [ "To put letters or words written in another writing system into the Latin alphabet", "To bring under the authority or influence of Rome", "To make or become Roman in character or style", "To make or become Roman Catholic in religion , character or style", "To fill with Latin words or idioms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "romanize", "num_translations": 35 }, "coverversion": { "senses": [ "A version of a song that is a new performance or rerecording of that song by a different artist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cover" ], "word": "coverversion", "num_translations": 21 }, "tenor": { "senses": [ "A musical range or section higher than bass and lower than alto", "The lowest tuned in a ring of bells", "Tone, as of a conversation", "duration", "continuance", "a state of holding on in a continuous course", "general tendency", "career", "The subject in a metaphor to which attributes are ascribed", "Time to maturity of a bond", "Stamp", "character", "nature", "An exact copy of a writing, set forth in the words and figures of it It differs from purport, which is only the substance or general import of the instrument", "That course of thought which holds on through a discourse", "the general drift or course of thought", "purport", "intent", "meaning", "understanding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tenor", "num_translations": 40 }, "layman": { "senses": [ "Layperson, someone who is not an ordained cleric or member of the clergy", "Someone who is not a professional in a given field", "A common person", "A person who is untrained or lacks knowledge of a subject", "A generally ignorant person", "Lay-sister or lay-brother, person received into a convent of monks, following the vows, but not being member of the order" ], "antonyms": [ "expert", "specialist", "professional" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "layman", "num_translations": 66 }, "alto": { "senses": [ "A musical part or section higher than tenor and lower than soprano, formerly the part that performed a countermelody above the tenor or main melody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contratenor altus" ], "word": "alto", "num_translations": 32 }, "contralto": { "senses": [ "the equivalent male form is counter-tenor Originally the contratenor altus was a high countermelody sung against the tenor or main melody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alto" ], "word": "contralto", "num_translations": 12 }, "baritone": { "senses": [ "The male voice between tenor and bass", "The musical range between tenor and bass", "A person, instrument, or group that performs in the range between tenor and bass", "a brass instrument similar to the euphonium, but with a cylindrical bore instead of a conical one", "alternative form of \"barytone\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "baritone", "num_translations": 61 }, "like": { "senses": [ "To enjoy, be pleased by", "favor", "be in favor of", "To please", "To derive pleasure of, by or with someone or something", "To prefer and maintain as a regular habit or activity", "To have an appearance or expression", "to look", "to seem to be", "To come near", "to avoid with difficulty", "to escape narrowly", "To find attractive", "to prefer the company of", "to have mild romantic feelings for", "to compare", "To show support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet by marking it with a vote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "like", "num_translations": 248 }, "like3": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for example", "such as", "as" ], "word": "like", "num_translations": 63 }, "like4": { "senses": [ "Someone similar to a given person, or something similar to a given object", "a comparative", "a type", "a sort", "The stroke that equalizes the number of strokes played by the opposing player or side" ], "antonyms": [ "antithesis" ], "synonyms": [ "ilk" ], "word": "like", "num_translations": 17 }, "like6": { "senses": [ "Similar to, reminiscent of", "Typical of", "Approximating", "In the manner of, similarly to", "Such as", "As if there would be" ], "antonyms": [ "unlike" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "like", "num_translations": 94 }, "like7": { "senses": [ "A delayed filler", "A mild intensifier", "indicating approximation or uncertainty", "When preceded by any form of the verb to be, used to mean \u201cto say\" or \u201cto think\"", "used to precede an approximate quotation or paraphrase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I mean", "you know", "I mean", "well", "you know", "I mean", "well", "you know", "be all", "go" ], "word": "like", "num_translations": 39 }, "fix": { "senses": [ "A repair or corrective action", "A difficult situation", "a quandary or dilemma", "a predicament", "A single dose of an addictive drug administered to a drug user", "A prearrangement of the outcome of a supposedly competitive process, such as a sporting event, a game, an election, a trial, or a bid", "A determination of location", "fettlings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:difficult situation" ], "word": "fix", "num_translations": 52 }, "fix1": { "senses": [ "To pierce", "To attach", "to hold in place or at a particular time", "To mend, to repair", "To prepare", "To make unfair", "to privilege one contestant or a particular group of contestants, usually before the contest begins", "to arrange immunity for defendants by tampering with the justice system via bribery or extortion", "To surgically render an animal, especially a pet, infertile", "To map a to itself", "To take revenge on, to best", "to serve justice on an assumed miscreant", "To render permanent by treating with such applications as will make it insensitive to the action of light", "To convert into a stable or available form", "to settle or remain permanently", "to cease from wandering", "to rest", "To become firm, so as to resist volatilization", "to cease to flow or be fluid", "to congeal", "to become hard and malleable, as a metallic substance" ], "antonyms": [ "move" ], "synonyms": [ "impale", "join", "patch", "doctor", "neuter", "establish" ], "word": "fix", "num_translations": 165 }, "untenable": { "senses": [ "Not able to be held, as of an opinion or position", "unholdable, indefensible", "Unfit for habitation" ], "antonyms": [ "tenable", "habitable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "untenable", "num_translations": 29 }, "certitude": { "senses": [ "Sureness, certainty", "Something that is a certainty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "certainty" ], "word": "certitude", "num_translations": 13 }, "incipient": { "senses": [ "In an initial stage", "beginning, starting, coming into existence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beginning" ], "word": "incipient", "num_translations": 25 }, "timorous": { "senses": [ "fearful", "afraid", "timid" ], "antonyms": [ "daredevil" ], "synonyms": [ "fearful" ], "word": "timorous", "num_translations": 17 }, "frock": { "senses": [ "A dress, a piece of clothing for a female, which consists of a skirt and a cover for the upper body", "An outer garment worn by priests and other clericals", "a habit", "A sailor's jersey", "An undress regimental coat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frock", "num_translations": 23 }, "undress": { "senses": [ "To remove one's clothing", "To remove one's clothing", "To remove the clothing of", "To strip of something", "To take the dressing, or covering, from" ], "antonyms": [ "dress" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "undress", "num_translations": 104 }, "takeoff": { "senses": [ "The rising or ascent of an aircraft or rocket into flight", "A parody or lampoon of someone or something", "A quantification, especially of building materials", "The removal of sheets from the press", "The spot from which one takes off", "specifically, the place from which a jumper rises in leaping" ], "antonyms": [ "landing" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "takeoff", "num_translations": 26 }, "alsatian1": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of Alsace", "A German shepherd dog", "A rogue or debauchee, like those who haunted Alsatia in London" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Elsatian", "Alsatian shepherd" ], "word": "Alsatian", "num_translations": 16 }, "germanshepherd": { "senses": [ "A large-sized breed of dog often used as a guard dog or police dog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alsatian" ], "word": "GermanShepherd", "num_translations": 79 }, "genitalia": { "senses": [ "External sex organs", "A collection of external sex organs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genitals", "Thesaurus:genitalia", "Thesaurus:male genitalia" ], "word": "genitalia", "num_translations": 69 }, "relative": { "senses": [ "Connected to or depending on something else", "comparative", "Expressed in relation to another item, rather than in complete form", "That relates to an antecedent", "Having the same key but differing in being major or minor", "Relevant", "pertinent", "related", "Capable to be changed by other beings or circumstance", "conditional" ], "antonyms": [ "absolute", "unlimited" ], "synonyms": [ "comparative", "conditional", "limited" ], "word": "relative", "num_translations": 53 }, "relative1": { "senses": [ "Someone in the same family", "someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:relative" ], "word": "relative", "num_translations": 192 }, "affirmation": { "senses": [ "That which is affirmed", "a declaration that something is true", "The solemn declaration made by Quakers and others incapable of taking an oath", "A form of self-forced meditation or repetition", "autosuggestion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assertion" ], "word": "affirmation", "num_translations": 24 }, "damn": { "senses": [ "To condemn to hell", "To condemn", "to declare guilty", "to doom", "to adjudge to punishment", "To put out of favor", "to ruin", "to label negatively", "To condemn as unfit, harmful, invalid, immoral or illegal", "To curse", "put a curse upon", "to curse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "damn", "num_translations": 80 }, "agglomeration": { "senses": [ "The act or process of collecting in a mass", "a heaping together", "State of being collected in a mass", "a mass", "cluster", "An extended city area comprising the built-up area of a central city and any suburbs linked by continuous urban area", "a mass of large volcanic fragments bonded under heat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "agglomeration", "num_translations": 46 }, "agglutination": { "senses": [ "The act of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance", "the state of being thus united", "adhesion of parts", "Combination in which root words are united with little or no change of form or loss of meaning See agglutinative", "The clumping together of red blood cells or bacteria, usually in response to a particular antibody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "agglutination", "num_translations": 33 }, "aggravation": { "senses": [ "The act of aggravating, or making worse", "used of evils, natural or moral", "the act of increasing in severity or heinousness", "something additional to a crime or wrong and enhancing its guilt or injurious consequences", "Exaggerated representation", "An extrinsic circumstance or accident which increases the guilt of a crime or the misery of a calamity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provocation" ], "word": "aggravation", "num_translations": 18 }, "senior": { "senses": [ "Older", "superior", "Higher in rank, dignity, or office", "Of or pertaining to a student's final academic year at a high school or university" ], "antonyms": [ "junior" ], "synonyms": [ "geriatric" ], "word": "senior", "num_translations": 22 }, "senior1": { "senses": [ "An old person", "Someone older than someone else", "Someone seen as deserving respect or reverence because of their age", "An elder or presbyter in the early Church", "Somebody who is higher in rank, dignity, or office", "A final-year student at a high school or university" ], "antonyms": [ "junior" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "senior", "num_translations": 27 }, "junior": { "senses": [ "Low in rank", "having a subordinate role, job, or situation", "Younger", "Belonging to a younger person, or an earlier time of life", "Of or pertaining to a third academic year in a four-year high school or university" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "junior", "num_translations": 23 }, "junior1": { "senses": [ "A younger person", "A name suffix used after a son's name when his father has the same name", "A third-year student at a high school or university" ], "antonyms": [ "senior" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "junior", "num_translations": 14 }, "tautology": { "senses": [ "Redundant use of words, a pleonasm, an unnecessary and tedious repetition", "In propositional logic: a statement that is true for all truth values of its propositional variables In first-order logic: a statement that is true for all truth values of its Boolean atoms" ], "antonyms": [ "contradiction in terms", "contradiction", "oxymoron" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tautology", "num_translations": 61 }, "sexy": { "senses": [ "Having sexual appeal", "suggestive of sex", "That can sexually attract or arouse", "interesting, attractive or appealing", "Sexual", "Used to describe prime numbers that differ from each other by six" ], "antonyms": [ "unsexy", "nonsexy" ], "synonyms": [ "alluring", "dishy", "gorgeous", "Thesaurus:sexy" ], "word": "sexy", "num_translations": 71 }, "aggregation": { "senses": [ "The act of collecting together", "The state of being collected into a mass, assemblage, or sum", "A collection of particulars", "an aggregate", "Summarizing multiple routes into one route", "The majority of the parasite population concentrated into a minority of the host population", "Kind of object composition which does not imply ownership" ], "antonyms": [ "disgregation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aggregation", "num_translations": 37 }, "agitator": { "senses": [ "One who agitates", "one who stirs up or excites others, for example political reformers", "An implement for shaking or mixing", "One of a body of men appointed by the army, in Cromwell's time, to look after their interests", "called also adjutators" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "agitator", "num_translations": 23 }, "babe": { "senses": [ "A baby or infant", "a very young human or animal", "An attractive person, especially a young woman", "Darling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baby", "darling" ], "word": "babe", "num_translations": 11 }, "saint": { "senses": [ "A person whom a church or another religious group has officially recognised as especially holy or godly", "one eminent for piety and virtue", "A person with positive qualities", "one who does good", "One of the blessed in heaven", "A holy object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hallow" ], "word": "saint", "num_translations": 184 }, "duplex": { "senses": [ "Double, made up of two parts", "Bidirectional", "Having horizons with contrasting textures" ], "antonyms": [ "simplex" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "duplex", "num_translations": 15 }, "cynosure": { "senses": [ "Ursa Minor or Polaris, the North Star, used as a guide by navigators", "That which serves to guide or direct", "a guiding star", "Something that is the center of attention", "an object that serves as a focal point of attraction and admiration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cynosure", "num_translations": 25 }, "vale": { "senses": [ "A valley" ], "antonyms": [ "hill" ], "synonyms": [ "dale" ], "word": "vale", "num_translations": 12 }, "calve": { "senses": [ "to give birth to a calf", "to assist in a cow's giving birth to a calf", "to give birth to", "to shed a large piece, eg an iceberg or a smaller block of ice", "to break off", "to shed", "to set loose , eg a block of ice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "calve", "num_translations": 43 }, "clothing1": { "senses": [ "Any of a wide variety of articles, usually made of fabrics, animal hair, animal skin, or some combination thereof, used to cover the human body for warmth, to preserve modesty, or for fashion", "An act or instance of putting clothes on", "The art or process of making cloth", "A covering of non-conducting material on the outside of a boiler, or steam chamber, to prevent radiation of heat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clothes" ], "word": "clothing", "num_translations": 214 }, "jacket": { "senses": [ "A piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse, often waist length to thigh length", "A piece of a person's suit, beside trousers and, sometimes, waistcoat", "coat", "A protective or insulating cover for an object", "A police record", "In ordnance, a strengthening band surrounding and reinforcing the tube in which the charge is fired", "The tough outer skin of a baked potato" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coat", "sleeve" ], "word": "jacket", "num_translations": 164 }, "kit": { "senses": [ "A circular wooden vessel, made of hooped staves", "A kind of basket made especially from straw of rushes, especially for holding fish", "by extension, the contents of such a basket or similar container, used as a measure of weight", "A collection of items forming the equipment of a soldier, carried in a knapsack", "Any collection of items needed for a specific purpose, especially for use by a workman, or personal effects packed for travelling", "A collection of parts sold for the buyer to assemble", "The set of skills and abilities chosen for a playable character", "The standard set of clothing, accessories and equipment worn by players", "Clothing", "A full software distribution, as opposed to a patch or upgrade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kit", "num_translations": 46 }, "try": { "senses": [ "To attempt", "to endeavour Followed by infinitive", "To divide", "to separate", "To test, to work out", "To experiment, to strive", "To lie to in heavy weather under just sufficient sail to head into the wind", "To strain", "to subject to excessive tests", "To want" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attempt", "sample" ], "word": "try", "num_translations": 322 }, "try1": { "senses": [ "An attempt", "An act of tasting or sampling", "A score in rugby league and rugby union, analogous to a touchdown in American football", "A screen, or sieve, for grain", "a field goal or extra point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bash", "sampling", "touchdown", "extra point" ], "word": "try", "num_translations": 74 }, "auntie": { "senses": [ "diminutive of \"aunt\"", "Term of familiarity or respect for a middle-aged or elderly woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aunt" ], "word": "auntie", "num_translations": 27 }, "muezzin": { "senses": [ "The person who issues the call to prayer from one of the minarets of a mosque" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provost" ], "word": "muezzin", "num_translations": 69 }, "harangue": { "senses": [ "An impassioned, disputatious public speech", "A tirade, harsh scolding or rant, whether spoken or written" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "admonition", "condemnation", "criticism", "diatribe", "polemic", "rant", "screed", "tirade" ], "word": "harangue", "num_translations": 34 }, "harangue1": { "senses": [ "To give a forceful and lengthy lecture or criticism to someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "admonish" ], "word": "harangue", "num_translations": 12 }, "boner": { "senses": [ "An erect penis", "One who or that which bones", "A blunder", "a silly mistake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "erection", "deboner", "blooper" ], "word": "boner", "num_translations": 48 }, "getup": { "senses": [ "To move in an upwards direction", "to ascend or climb", "To rise from one's bed", "To move from a sitting or lying position to a standing position", "to stand up", "To materialise", "to grow stronger", "To bring together, amass", "To gather or grow larger by accretion", "To go towards the attacking goal", "To criticise", "To annoy", "To dress in a certain way, especially extravagantly" ], "antonyms": [ "go to bed", "sit down" ], "synonyms": [ "alley oop", "rise", "stand up", "come into being", "amound", "gather", "berate", "exasperate" ], "word": "getup", "num_translations": 118 }, "bun": { "senses": [ "A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced", "A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head", "A cupcake", "A drunken spree", "A newbie", "A buttock", "vagina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cake" ], "word": "bun", "num_translations": 131 }, "morningwood": { "senses": [ "An erection of the penis upon waking up, usually unrelated to erotic thoughts or dreams" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "morning glory", "morning tent", "nocturnal penile tumescence" ], "word": "morningwood", "num_translations": 31 }, "cataract": { "senses": [ "A waterspout", "A large waterfall", "steep rapids in a river", "A flood of water", "An overwhelming downpour or rush", "a clouding of the lens in the eye leading to a decrease in vision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cataract", "num_translations": 78 }, "dirt": { "senses": [ "Soil or earth", "A stain or spot", "any foreign substance that worsens appearance, filth", "Previously unknown facts, or the invented \"facts\", about a person", "gossip", "kompromat", "Meanness", "sordidness", "In placer mining, earth, gravel, etc, before washing", "freckles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dirt", "num_translations": 144 }, "stain1": { "senses": [ "To discolour", "To taint or tarnish someone's character or reputation", "To treat with a dye, especially one that dyes specific features", "To cause to seem inferior or soiled by comparison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stain", "num_translations": 37 }, "filth": { "senses": [ "Dirt", "foul matter", "that which soils or defiles", "Smut", "that which sullies or defiles the moral character", "corruption", "pollution", "The police", "A vile or disgusting person", "Weeds growing on pasture land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "filth", "num_translations": 103 }, "smut": { "senses": [ "Soot", "A flake of ash or soot", "Sexually vulgar material", "something that is sexual in a dirty way", "pornographic material", "Obscene language", "ribaldry", "obscenity", "Any of a range of fungi, mostly Ustilaginomycetes, that cause plant disease in grasses, including cereal crops", "the disease so caused", "Bad, soft coal containing earthy matter, found in the immediate locality of faults" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "filth", "filth" ], "word": "smut", "num_translations": 18 }, "vulgar": { "senses": [ "Debased, uncouth, distasteful, obscene", "Having to do with ordinary, common people", "Common, usual", "of the typical kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inappropriate", "common" ], "word": "vulgar", "num_translations": 131 }, "soldier": { "senses": [ "A member of an army, of any rank", "A private in military service, as distinguished from an officer", "A guardsman", "A member of the Salvation Army", "A piece of buttered bread , cut into a long thin strip for dipping into a soft-boiled egg", "A term of affection for a young boy", "Someone who fights or toils well", "The red gunnard or cuckoo gurnard", "A red herring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grunt" ], "word": "soldier", "num_translations": 288 }, "bathe": { "senses": [ "To clean oneself by immersion in water or using water", "to take a bath, have a bath", "To immerse oneself, or part of the body, in water for pleasure or refreshment", "to swim", "To clean a person by immersion in water or using water", "to give someone a bath", "To apply water or other liquid to", "to suffuse or cover with liquid", "To cover or surround" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bathe", "num_translations": 171 }, "enlarge": { "senses": [ "To make larger", "To grow larger", "To increase the capacity of", "to expand", "to give free scope or greater scope to", "also, to dilate, as with joy, affection, etc", "To speak or write at length upon or on", "To release", "to set at large", "To get more astern or parallel with the vessel's course", "to draw aft", "said of the wind", "To extend the time allowed for compliance with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "embiggen", "dilate" ], "word": "enlarge", "num_translations": 51 }, "blindness": { "senses": [ "The condition of being blind", "unable to see", "Want of intellectual or moral discernment", "mental darkness", "ignorance, heedlessness", "concealment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ablepsy", "blindhood", "cecity", "sightlessness" ], "word": "blindness", "num_translations": 62 }, "dissent": { "senses": [ "To disagree", "to withhold assent Construed with from", "To differ from, especially in opinion, beliefs, etc", "To be different", "to have contrary characteristics" ], "antonyms": [ "agree" ], "synonyms": [ "disagree", "Thesaurus:differ" ], "word": "dissent", "num_translations": 19 }, "dissent1": { "senses": [ "Disagreement with the ideas, doctrines, decrees, etc of a political party, government or religion", "An act of disagreeing with, or deviating from, the views and opinions of those holding authority", "A separate opinion filed in a case by judges who disagree with the outcome of the majority of the court in that case", "A violation that arises when disagreement with an official call is expressed in an inappropriate manner such as foul language, rude gestures, of failure to comply" ], "antonyms": [ "agreement" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dissent", "num_translations": 26 }, "masturbate": { "senses": [ "To stimulate oneself sexually, especially by use of one's hand or a sex toy made for this purpose, often to the point of ejaculation", "To stimulate someone else sexually without penetration of the penis", "To stimulate or please oneself by means of anything, not necessarily sexual, that does not get them anywhere", "something that wastes their time", "something that does not help others or achieve any important goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bash the bishop", "beat off", "beat the meat", "choke the chicken", "diddle", "fap", "flog the dong", "flick the bean", "have fun with Dick and Jane", "jack it", "jack off", "jerk off", "jill", "jill off", "knock one off", "knock one out", "play with oneself", "polish the pole", "rub one out", "slap the salami", "spank the monkey", "stroke it", "tickle the sausage", "toss off", "wank", "whack off", "Thesaurus:masturbate" ], "word": "masturbate", "num_translations": 118 }, "welldone1": { "senses": [ "An exclamation of praise or endorsement of an achievement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bravo" ], "word": "welldone", "num_translations": 52 }, "raise": { "senses": [ "To cause to rise", "to lift or elevate", "To create, increase or develop", "To establish contact with", "To respond to a bet by increasing the amount required to continue in the hand", "To exponentiate, to involute", "To extract out of an inner clause", "To produce a vowel with the tongue positioned closer to the roof of the mouth", "To increase the nominal value of by fraudulently changing the writing or printing in which the sum payable is specified", "To throw" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lift" ], "word": "raise", "num_translations": 197 }, "raise1": { "senses": [ "An increase in wages or salary", "a rise", "A shoulder exercise in which the arms are elevated against resistance", "A shot in which the delivered stone bumps another stone forward", "A bet that increases the previous bet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "raise", "num_translations": 26 }, "fold": { "senses": [ "To bend over so that it comes in contact with itself", "To make the proper arrangement by bending", "To fall over", "to be crushed", "To give way on a point or in an argument", "To withdraw from betting", "To withdraw or quit in general", "Of a company, to cease to trade", "To double or lay together, as the arms or the hands", "To cover or wrap up", "to conceal" ], "antonyms": [ "unfold" ], "synonyms": [ "bend", "fall over", "concede" ], "word": "fold", "num_translations": 149 }, "fold1": { "senses": [ "A bend or crease", "Any correct move in origami", "The division between the part of a web page visible in a web browser window without scrolling", "embrace", "The bending or curving of one or a stack of originally flat and planar surfaces, such as sedimentary strata, as a result of plastic deformation", "In functional programming, any of a family of higher-order functions that process a data structure recursively to build up a value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fold", "num_translations": 63 }, "fold2": { "senses": [ "A pen or enclosure for sheep or other domestic animals", "A group of sheep or goats", "Home, family", "A church congregation, a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church", "the Christian church as a whole, the flock of Christ", "A group of people with shared ideas or goals or who live or work together", "A boundary or limit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fold", "num_translations": 26 }, "philosopher'sstone": { "senses": [ "A supposed substance able to turn base metals, such as lead or mercury, into gold or silver, also sometimes claimed to cure any illness or confer immortality , among other functions", ", a piece composed of said substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sorcerer's stone", "For more see:" ], "word": "philosopher'sstone", "num_translations": 72 }, "surface": { "senses": [ "The overside or up-side of a flat object such as a table, or of a liquid", "The outside hull of a tangible object", "Outward or external appearance", "The locus of an equation in a more-than-two-dimensional space", "That part of the side which is terminated by the flank prolonged, and the angle of the nearest bastion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overside", "superfice" ], "word": "surface", "num_translations": 79 }, "surface1": { "senses": [ "To come out of hiding", "For information or facts to become known", "To make information or facts known", "To appear or be found" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "surface", "num_translations": 28 }, "canned": { "senses": [ "Preserved in cans", "Previously prepared", "not fresh or new", "standardized, mass produced, or lacking originality or customization", "Drunk", "Terminated, fired from a job" ], "antonyms": [ "dried" ], "synonyms": [ "tinned", "boilerplate", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "canned", "num_translations": 32 }, "courgette": { "senses": [ "A particular variety of Cucurbita pepo, a small marrow/squash", "The edible fruit of this marrow/squash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zucchini" ], "word": "courgette", "num_translations": 77 }, "placenta": { "senses": [ "A vascular organ in mammals, except monotremes and marsupials, present only in the female during gestation It supplies food and oxygen from the mother to the foetus, and passes back waste It is implanted in the wall of the uterus and links to the foetus through the umbilical cord It is expelled after birth", "It is an endocrine gland which secret human chorionic gonadotropin hormoneThe HCG if detected in woman's urine then the pregnancy is confirmed", "In flowering plants, the part of the ovary where ovules develop", "in non-flowering plants where the spores develop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afterbirth" ], "word": "placenta", "num_translations": 108 }, "antique": { "senses": [ "Having existed in ancient times, descended from antiquity", "used especially in reference to Greece and Rome", "Belonging to former times, not modern, out of date, old-fashioned", "Designating a style of type", "Embossed without gilt", "synonym of \"antic\", specifically:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antiquated" ], "word": "antique", "num_translations": 39 }, "antique1": { "senses": [ "In general, anything very old", "specifically:", "A style of type of thick and bold face in which all lines are of equal or nearly equal thickness", "synonym of \"antic\", specifically:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coffin dodger", "ancient" ], "word": "antique", "num_translations": 29 }, "bugger": { "senses": [ "A heretic", "a sodomite", "A foolish or worthless person or thing", "a despicable person", "A situation that causes dismay", "Someone viewed with affection", "a chap", "A damn, anything at all", "Someone who is very fond of something", "A whippersnapper, a tyke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "and" ], "word": "bugger", "num_translations": 35 }, "bugger1": { "senses": [ "To sodomize", "To break or ruin", "To be surprised", "To feel contempt for some person or thing", "To feel frustration with something, or to consider that something is futile", "To be fatigued" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bugger", "num_translations": 33 }, "bugger2": { "senses": [ "An expression of annoyance or displeasure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bummer", "damn", "whoops", "Thesaurus:dammit" ], "word": "bugger", "num_translations": 15 }, "madam": { "senses": [ "A polite form of address for a woman or lady", "The mistress of a household", "A conceited or quarrelsome girl", "A woman who runs a brothel, particularly one that specializes in finding prostitutes for rich and important clients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dame", "abbess" ], "word": "madam", "num_translations": 137 }, "erection": { "senses": [ "The act of building or putting up or together of something", "Anything erected or built", "The physiological process by which erectile tissue, such as a penis or clitoris, becomes erect by being engorged with blood", "The state or quality of being erect from engorgement with blood", "A penis or clitoris that is erect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "building", "building", "Thesaurus:erection", "Thesaurus:erect penis" ], "word": "erection", "num_translations": 139 }, "repent": { "senses": [ "To feel pain, sorrow, or regret for what one has done or omitted to do", "To be sorry for sin as morally evil, and to seek forgiveness", "to cease to practice sin and to love", "To feel pain on account of", "to remember with sorrow", "To be sorry for, to regret", "To cause to have sorrow or regret", "To cause to feel pain or regret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afterthink", "regret", "rue" ], "word": "repent", "num_translations": 90 }, "duet": { "senses": [ "A musical composition in two parts, each performed by a single voice", "A song composed for and/or performed by a duo", "A pair or couple, especially one that is harmonious or elegant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duo", "couple" ], "word": "duet", "num_translations": 34 }, "imbroglio": { "senses": [ "A complicated situation", "an entanglement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snarl" ], "word": "imbroglio", "num_translations": 13 }, "chamber": { "senses": [ "A room or set of rooms, particularly:", "The legislature or division of the legislature itself", "Any enclosed space occupying or similar to a room", "An enlarged space in an underground tunnel of a burrowing animal", "The area holding the ammunition round at the initiation of its discharge", "One of the bullet-holding compartments in the cylinder of a revolver", "A short piece of ordnance or cannon which stood on its breech without any carriage, formerly used chiefly for celebrations and theatrical cannonades", "One of the two atria or two ventricles of the heart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot" ], "word": "chamber", "num_translations": 145 }, "enjoy": { "senses": [ "To receive pleasure or satisfaction from something", "To have the use or benefit of something", "To be satisfied or receive pleasure", "To have sexual intercourse with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appreciate", "coitize" ], "word": "enjoy", "num_translations": 125 }, "madder": { "senses": [ "A herbaceous plant, Rubia tinctorum, native to Asia, cultivated for a red-purple dye obtained from the root", "The root of the plant, used as a medicine or a dye", "A dye made from the plant", "A deep reddish purple colour, like that of the dye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common madder", "dyer's madder" ], "word": "madder", "num_translations": 92 }, "birch": { "senses": [ "Any of various trees of the genus Betula, native to countries in the Northern Hemisphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "makepeace" ], "word": "birch", "num_translations": 176 }, "commonnoun": { "senses": [ "A noun that denotes any member, or all members, of a class", "an ordinary noun such as \"dog\" or \"city\"" ], "antonyms": [ "proper noun" ], "synonyms": [ "appellative" ], "word": "commonnoun", "num_translations": 56 }, "bicameral": { "senses": [ "Being or having a system with two, often unequal, chambers or compartments", "of, signifying, relating to, or being the product of such a two-chambered system", "Of, having or relating to two separate legislative chambers or houses", "Of a script or typeface: having two cases, upper case and lower case" ], "antonyms": [ "caseless" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "bicameral", "num_translations": 27 }, "conspire": { "senses": [ "To secretly plot or make plans together, often with the intention to bring bad or illegal results", "To agree, to concur to one end", "To try to bring about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collogue" ], "word": "conspire", "num_translations": 27 }, "albino": { "senses": [ "Congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers", "born with albinism" ], "antonyms": [ "hypermelanistic" ], "synonyms": [ "albinal" ], "word": "albino", "num_translations": 20 }, "albino1": { "senses": [ "A person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers", "one born with albinism" ], "antonyms": [ "hypermelanoid" ], "synonyms": [ "albinoid" ], "word": "albino", "num_translations": 35 }, "chaste": { "senses": [ "Abstaining from sexual intercourse", "celibate", "Virginal, innocent, having had no sexual experience", "Austere, simple, undecorative", "Decent, modest, morally pure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chaste", "num_translations": 31 }, "album": { "senses": [ "A book specially designed to keep photographs, stamps, or autographs", "A collection, especially of literary items", "A phonograph record that is composed of several tracks", "A jacket or cover for such a phonograph record", "A group of audio recordings, on any medium, intended for distribution as a group", "In Ancient Rome, a white tablet or register on which the praetor's edicts and other public notices were recorded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disk", "disc", "LP", "long-playing" ], "word": "album", "num_translations": 94 }, "skull": { "senses": [ "The main bones of the head considered as a unit", "including the cranium, facial bones, and mandible", "A symbol for death", "death's-head", "The mind or brain", "A crust formed on the ladle, etc by the partial cooling of molten metal", "The crown of the headpiece in armour", "A shallow bow-handled basket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brainpan", "harnpan" ], "word": "skull", "num_translations": 249 }, "whiterussian1": { "senses": [ "A cocktail consisting of coffee liqueur, vodka, and milk", "a White Guardist, a Russian who supported the tsar in the 1917 Revolution and the Russian Civil War , and afterward", "A Belarusian person", "The Belarusian language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Belarusan", "Belarusian", "Belorussian", "Bielorussian", "Byelorussian", "person of Belarusian nationality" ], "word": "WhiteRussian", "num_translations": 14 }, "student": { "senses": [ "A person who studies or learns about a particular subject", "A person who is formally enrolled at a school, a college or university, or another educational institution" ], "antonyms": [ "teacher" ], "synonyms": [ "candlewaster" ], "word": "student", "num_translations": 350 }, "encyclopedic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the characteristics of an encyclopedia", "concerning all subjects, having comprehensive information or knowledge", "Relating to or containing descriptive information rather than only linguistic or lexical information", "about facts and concepts, and not only a word or term", "including proper names, biographical and geographical information and illustrations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "encyclopedical" ], "word": "encyclopedic", "num_translations": 29 }, "forebode": { "senses": [ "To predict a future event", "to hint at something that will happen", "To be prescient of", "to have an inward conviction of, as of a calamity which is about to happen", "to augur despondingly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foretell", "portend", "predict" ], "word": "forebode", "num_translations": 10 }, "homage": { "senses": [ "A demonstration of respect, such as towards an individual after their retirement or death", "An artistic work imitating another in a flattering style Recently, the pronunciation /o\u028a\u02c8m\u0252\u02d0\u0292/ has been introduced from French for this usage", "see hommage, which preserves the French spelling", "In feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to honor his or her lord's rights" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manred" ], "word": "homage", "num_translations": 54 }, "aflame": { "senses": [ "in flames, on fire, flaming, with flames coming from it", "showing anger or contempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ablaze", "afire", "flaming" ], "word": "aflame", "num_translations": 12 }, "ready": { "senses": [ "Prepared for immediate action or use", "Inclined", "apt to happen", "Liable at any moment", "Not slow or hesitating", "quick in action or perception of any kind", "Offering itself at once", "at hand", "opportune", "convenient" ], "antonyms": [ "unready" ], "synonyms": [ "good to go" ], "word": "ready", "num_translations": 124 }, "ready1": { "senses": [ "To prepare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yark" ], "word": "ready", "num_translations": 21 }, "primadonna": { "senses": [ "The principal female singer or the leading lady", "A person who considers himself or herself much more important than others, has high expectations of others and becomes angry when his or her standards or demands are not met" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diva" ], "word": "primadonna", "num_translations": 23 }, "zazaki": { "senses": [ "The language spoken by the Zaza people of eastern Anatolia in Turkey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zza", "D\u0131mli", "Zazaki", "K\u0131rdki", "Zazaish", "Zaza" ], "word": "Zazaki", "num_translations": 13 }, "resign": { "senses": [ "To give up", "to relinquish ownership of", "To hand over , place into the care or control of another", "To quit", "To submit passively", "to give up as hopeless or inevitable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quit" ], "word": "resign", "num_translations": 97 }, "cage": { "senses": [ "An enclosure made of bars, normally to hold animals", "The passenger compartment of a lift", "The goal", "An automobile", "Something that hinders freedom", "The area from which competitors throw a discus or hammer", "An outer framework of timber, enclosing something within it", "A skeleton frame to limit the motion of a loose piece, such as a ball valve", "A wirework strainer, used in connection with pumps and pipes", "The drum on which the rope is wound in a hoisting whim", "The catcher's wire mask", "A regular graph that has as few vertices as possible for its girth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cage", "num_translations": 134 }, "scatter": { "senses": [ "To separate and go in different directions", "to disperse", "To distribute loosely as by sprinkling", "To deflect", "To occur or fall at widely spaced intervals", "To frustrate, disappoint, and overthrow", "To be dispersed upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:disperse" ], "word": "scatter", "num_translations": 110 }, "enter": { "senses": [ "To go or come into an enclosed or partially enclosed space", "To cause to go , or to be received", "to put in", "to insert", "to cause to be admitted", "To go or come into", "To type into a computer", "to input", "To record in an account, ledger, etc", "To become a party to an agreement, treaty, etc", "To become effective", "to come into effect", "To go into or upon, as lands, and take actual possession of them", "To place in regular form before the court, usually in writing", "to put upon record in proper from and order", "to make report of at the custom house", "to submit a statement of , with the original invoices, to the proper customs officer for estimating the duties See entry", "To file, or register with the land office, the required particulars concerning in order to entitle a person to a right of preemption", "to deposit for copyright the title or description of", "To initiate", "to introduce favourably" ], "antonyms": [ "exit" ], "synonyms": [ "go in", "come in" ], "word": "enter", "num_translations": 237 }, "entropy": { "senses": [ "A measure of the amount of information and noise present in a signal", "The tendency of a system that is left to itself to descend into chaos" ], "antonyms": [ "aggregation", "exergy", "free entropy", "negentropy" ], "synonyms": [ "anergy", "bound entropy", "disgregation" ], "word": "entropy", "num_translations": 53 }, "crop": { "senses": [ "A plant, especially a cereal, grown to be harvested as food, livestock fodder or fuel or for any other economic purpose", "The natural production for a specific year, particularly of plants", "A group, cluster or collection of things occurring at the same time", "A group of vesicles at the same stage of development in a disease", "The lashing end of a whip", "An entire short whip, especially as used in horse-riding", "A photograph or other image that has been reduced by removing the outer parts", "A short haircut", "A pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds , used to store food before digestion, or for regurgitation", "a craw", "The foliate part of a finial", "The head of a flower, especially when picked", "an ear of corn", "the top branches of a tree", "Tin ore prepared for smelting", "An entire oxhide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harvest", "hunting crop", "craw" ], "word": "crop", "num_translations": 171 }, "crop1": { "senses": [ "To remove the top end of something, especially a plant", "To mow, reap or gather", "To cut short", "To remove the outer parts of a photograph or other image, typically in order to frame the subject better", "To yield harvest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crop", "num_translations": 54 }, "blaze": { "senses": [ "A fire, especially a fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light", "Intense, direct light accompanied with heat", "The white or lighter-coloured markings on a horse's face", "A high-visibility orange colour, typically used in warning signs and hunters' clothing", "A bursting out, or active display of any quality", "an outburst", "A spot made on trees by chipping off a piece of the bark, usually as a surveyor's mark", "A hand consisting of five face cards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blaze", "num_translations": 44 }, "blaze1": { "senses": [ "To be on fire, especially producing bright flames", "To send forth or reflect a bright light", "shine like a flame", "To be conspicuous", "shine brightly a brilliancy", "burn", "To cause to shine forth", "exhibit vividly", "be resplendent with", "To mark with a white spot on the face", "To set a mark on", "To set a precedent for the taking-on of a challenge", "lead by example", "To smoke marijuana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blaze", "num_translations": 34 }, "freedom": { "senses": [ "The state of being free, of not being imprisoned or enslaved", "The lack of a specific constraint, or of constraints in general", "a state of being free, unconstrained", "Frankness", "openness", "unreservedness", "Improper familiarity", "violation of the rules of decorum" ], "antonyms": [ "slavery", "imprisonment", "bondage", "constraint" ], "synonyms": [ "liberty", "license", "exemption" ], "word": "freedom", "num_translations": 297 }, "cynophobia": { "senses": [ "An irrational fear or hatred of dogs or other canines" ], "antonyms": [ "cynophilia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cynophobia", "num_translations": 18 }, "inthered": { "senses": [ "Having net losses", "in debt" ], "antonyms": [ "in the black" ], "synonyms": [ "in the hole" ], "word": "inthered", "num_translations": 10 }, "yay": { "senses": [ "An expression of happiness", "misspelling of \"yea\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hooray" ], "word": "yay", "num_translations": 42 }, "creature": { "senses": [ "A living being", "an animal or a human", "A created thing, whether animate or inanimate", "a creation", "A being subservient to or dependent upon another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "creature", "num_translations": 108 }, "monster": { "senses": [ "A terrifying and dangerous creature", "A bizarre or whimsical creature", "A cruel or antisocial person, especially a criminal", "A horribly deformed person", "A badly behaved child, a brat", "Something unusually large", "A prodigy", "someone very talented in a specific domain", "A non-player character that player fight against in role-playing games" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "monster", "num_translations": 206 }, "reed": { "senses": [ "Any of various types of tall stiff perennial grass-like plants growing together in groups near water", "The hollow stem of these plants", "Part of the mouthpiece of certain woodwind instruments, comprising a thin piece of wood or metal which shakes very quickly to produce sound when a musician blows over it", "A comb-like part of a beater for beating the weft when weaving", "A piece of whalebone or similar for stiffening the skirt or waist of a woman's dress", "A tube containing the train of powder for igniting the charge in blasting", "Straw prepared for thatching a roof", "A missile weapon", "A measuring rod" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reed", "num_translations": 163 }, "scour": { "senses": [ "To clean, polish, or wash something by rubbing and scrubbing it vigorously, frequently with an abrasive or cleaning agent", "To remove debris and dirt by purging", "to sweep along or off", "To clear the digestive tract by administering medication that induces defecation or vomiting", "to purge", "To suffer from diarrhoea or dysentery", "To cleanse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scour", "num_translations": 55 }, "scour2": { "senses": [ "To search an area thoroughly", "To run with speed", "to scurry", "To move swiftly over", "to brush along" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scour", "num_translations": 28 }, "righttriangle": { "senses": [ "A triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "right-angled triangle" ], "word": "righttriangle", "num_translations": 30 }, "keg": { "senses": [ "A round, traditionally wooden container of lesser capacity than a barrel, often used to store beer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barrel" ], "word": "keg", "num_translations": 34 }, "acutetriangle": { "senses": [ "A triangle all of the angles of which are acute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acute-angled triangle" ], "word": "acutetriangle", "num_translations": 19 }, "obtusetriangle": { "senses": [ "A triangle one of whose angles is obtuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "obtuse-angled triangle" ], "word": "obtusetriangle", "num_translations": 14 }, "trinity": { "senses": [ "In Christian belief, the three persons of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit", "male given name", "small coastal town p/Newfoundland and Labrador c/Canada", "town s/Alabama", "city s/North Carolina", "city/and/town s/Texas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Threeness" ], "word": "Trinity", "num_translations": 86 }, "trinitarian1": { "senses": [ "Believing in the Trinity", "Of or pertaining in the doctrine of Trinity", "Of or pertaining to Trinity" ], "antonyms": [ "antitrinitarian", "nontrinitarian" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Trinitarian", "num_translations": 18 }, "bulwark": { "senses": [ "A defensive wall or rampart", "A defense or safeguard", "A breakwater", "The planking or plating along the sides of a nautical vessel above her gunwale that reduces the likelihood of seas washing over the gunwales and people being washed overboard", "Any means of defence or security" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bulwark", "num_translations": 80 }, "ethereal": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the hypothetical upper, purer air, or to the higher regions beyond the earth or beyond the atmosphere", "celestial", "otherworldly", "Consisting of ether", "hence, exceedingly light or airy", "tenuous", "spiritlike", "characterized by extreme delicacy, as form, manner, thought, etc", "Delicate, light and airy", "To do with ether" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aereous", "ethereous", "gossamer", "ethereous" ], "word": "ethereal", "num_translations": 38 }, "bane": { "senses": [ "A cause of misery or death", "Poison, especially any of several poisonous plants", "A killer, murderer, slayer", "Destruction", "death", "A disease of sheep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bane", "num_translations": 40 }, "boilerplate": { "senses": [ "A sheet of copper or steel used in the construction of a boiler", "The rating plate or nameplate required to be affixed to a boiler by the Boiler Explosions Act", "A plate attached to industrial machinery, identifying information such as manufacturer, model number, serial number, and power requirements", "Syndicated material", "Standard text or program code used routinely and added with a text editor or word processor", "text of a legal or official nature added to documents or labels", "Hard, icy snow which may be dangerous to ski on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boilerplate code" ], "word": "boilerplate", "num_translations": 19 }, "samizdat": { "senses": [ "The secret copying and sharing of illegal publications, chiefly in the Soviet Union", "underground publishing and its publications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "samvydav", "zine" ], "word": "samizdat", "num_translations": 31 }, "bullfighting": { "senses": [ "A traditional spectacle, popular in Spain and many former Spanish colonies, in which a matador manipulates and ultimately kills a bull at close range" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tauromachy" ], "word": "bullfighting", "num_translations": 38 }, "bowl": { "senses": [ "A roughly hemispherical container used to hold, mix or present food, such as salad, fruit or soup, or other items", "The round hollow part of anything", "A round crater in the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bowlful", "bowl cut", "crater" ], "word": "bowl", "num_translations": 195 }, "kentucky": { "senses": [ "state c/USA", "village on the r/Northern Tablelands s/New South Wales c/Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bluegrass State", "Corn-cracker State", "Dark and Bloody Ground State", "Hemp State", "Kaintuck", "Tobacco State" ], "word": "Kentucky", "num_translations": 30 }, "teacher": { "senses": [ "A person who teaches, especially one employed in a school", "The index finger", "the forefinger", "An indication", "a lesson", "The second highest office in the Aaronic priesthood, held by priesthood holders of at least the age of 14" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:index finger" ], "word": "teacher", "num_translations": 439 }, "unique": { "senses": [ "Being the only one of its kind", "unequaled, unparalleled or unmatched", "Of a feature, such that only one holder has it", "Particular, characteristic", "Of a rare quality, unusual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unique", "num_translations": 74 }, "each": { "senses": [ "All", "every", "qualifying a singular noun, indicating all examples of the thing so named seen as individual or separate items", "Every one", "every thing", "For one", "per" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "each", "num_translations": 140 }, "soon1": { "senses": [ "Immediately, instantly", "Within a short time", "quickly", "Early", "Readily", "willingly", "used with would, or some other word expressing will" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "soon", "num_translations": 138 }, "bravo": { "senses": [ "A hired soldier", "an assassin", "a desperado", "The letter B in the ICAO spelling alphabet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mercenary" ], "word": "bravo", "num_translations": 10 }, "bravo1": { "senses": [ "Used to express acclaim, especially to a performer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:well done" ], "word": "bravo", "num_translations": 26 }, "soonerorlater": { "senses": [ "Eventually, at some undetermined time in the not-too-distant future" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one day" ], "word": "soonerorlater", "num_translations": 48 }, "zee": { "senses": [ "Something Z-shaped Found in compounds", "Sleep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zed", "izzard" ], "word": "zee", "num_translations": 44 }, "vice": { "senses": [ "A bad habit", "Any of various crimes related to prostitution, pornography, gambling, alcohol, or drugs", "A defect in the temper or behaviour of a horse, such as to make the animal dangerous, to injure its health, or to diminish its usefulness" ], "antonyms": [ "virtue" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "vice", "num_translations": 103 }, "calm": { "senses": [ "Peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and anxiety", "Free of noise and disturbance", "with few or no waves on the surface", "not rippled", "Without wind or storm" ], "antonyms": [ "stressed", "disturbed", "windy" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:calm" ], "word": "calm", "num_translations": 144 }, "calm1": { "senses": [ "peacefulness", "absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion", "absence of noise and disturbance", "A period of time without wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:calmness" ], "word": "calm", "num_translations": 87 }, "calm2": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "agitate", "excite" ], "synonyms": [ "allay" ], "word": "calm", "num_translations": 76 }, "cease": { "senses": [ "To stop", "To stop doing", "To be wanting", "to fail", "to pass away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discontinue", "arrest", "desert" ], "word": "cease", "num_translations": 87 }, "mummy": { "senses": [ "An embalmed human or animal corpse wrapped in linen bandages for burial, especially as practised by the ancient Egyptians and some Native American tribes", "A reanimated embalmed human corpse, as a typical character in horror films", "Any naturally preserved human or animal body", "A brown pigment originally prepared from the ground-up remains of Egyptian animal or human mummies mixed with bitumen, etc", "A pulp", "A substance used in medicine, prepared from mummified flesh", "A sort of wax used in grafting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mummy", "num_translations": 111 }, "elixir": { "senses": [ "A liquid which converts lead to gold", "A substance or liquid which is believed to cure all ills and give eternal life", "The alleged cure for all ailments", "cure-all, panacea", "A sweet flavored liquid used in compounding medicines to be taken by mouth in order to mask an unpleasant taste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elixir", "num_translations": 60 }, "spawn": { "senses": [ "To produce or deposit in water", "To generate, bring into being, especially non-mammalian beings in very large numbers", "To bring forth in general", "To deposit eggs in water", "To reproduce, especially in large numbers", "to appear spontaneously in a game at a certain point and time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spawn", "num_translations": 50 }, "spawn1": { "senses": [ "The numerous eggs of an aquatic organism", "Mushroom mycelium prepared for propagation", "Any germ or seed, even a figurative source", "offspring", "The buds or branches produced from underground stems", "The location in a game where characters or objects spontaneously appear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spawn", "num_translations": 47 }, "vampire": { "senses": [ "A mythological undead creature said to feed on the blood of the living", "A person with the medical condition systemic lupus erythematosus, colloquially known as vampirism, with effects such as photosensitivity and brownish-red stained teeth", "A blood-sucking bat", "A person who drains one's time, energy, money, etc", "A vamp: a seductive woman who exploits men", "A medical technician who works with patients' blood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nosferatu", "vampire bat", "hemovore" ], "word": "vampire", "num_translations": 143 }, "pariah": { "senses": [ "A person who is rejected from society or home", "an outcast", "A demographic group, species, or community that is generally despised", "Someone in exile", "A member of one of the oppressed social castes in India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:outcast" ], "word": "pariah", "num_translations": 44 }, "beanie": { "senses": [ "A cap that fits the head closely, usually knitted from wool", "A head-hugging brimless cap, with or without a visor, made from triangular sections of cloth, leather, or silk joined by a button at the crown and seamed together around the sides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knit cap", "knit hat", "skull cap", "skullie", "skully", "snow cap", "snow hat", "ski cap", "sock cap", "stocking cap", "toque", "watch cap", "woolly hat", "wooly hat" ], "word": "beanie", "num_translations": 20 }, "virama": { "senses": [ "A diacritic used in most writing systems of the Indian subcontinent to signify the lack of an inherent vowel", "A sign which serves the same purpose in any writing system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "halant", "killer", "vowel killer" ], "word": "virama", "num_translations": 34 }, "gooff": { "senses": [ "To explode", "To fire, especially accidentally", "To explode metaphorically", "to become very angry", "To begin clanging or making noise", "To stop operating", "to switch off", "To depart", "to leave", "To putrefy or become inedible, or to become unusable in any way", "To like less", "To pass off", "to take place", "to be accomplished", "To ejaculate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gooff", "num_translations": 65 }, "uniformresourcelocator": { "senses": [ "A universal address for resources on the internet, which is most commonly used for websites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "web address" ], "word": "UniformResourceLocator", "num_translations": 21 }, "web": { "senses": [ "The silken structure which a spider builds using silk secreted from the spinnerets at the caudal tip of its abdomen", "A latticed or woven structure", "A tall tale with more complexity than a myth or legend", "A plot or scheme", "The interconnection between flanges in structural members, increasing the effective lever arm and so the load capacity of the member", "The thinner vertical section of a railway rail between the top and bottom of the rail right", "A fold of tissue connecting the toes of certain birds, or of other animals", "The series of barbs implanted on each side of the shaft of a feather, whether stiff and united together by barbules, as in ordinary feathers, or soft and separate, as in downy feathers", "A continuous strip of material carried by rollers during processing", "A long sheet of paper which is fed from a roll into a printing press, as opposed to individual sheets of paper", "A thin metal sheet, plate, or strip, as of lead", "A major broadcasting network" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yarn" ], "word": "web", "num_translations": 106 }, "format": { "senses": [ "The layout of a publication or document", "The form of presentation of something", "The type of programming that a radio station broadcasts", "such as a certain genre of music, news, sports, talk, etc", "A file type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "format", "num_translations": 85 }, "format1": { "senses": [ "To create or edit the layout of a document", "Change a document so it will fit onto a different type of page", "To prepare a mass storage medium for initial use, erasing any existing data in the process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reformat", "initialise" ], "word": "format", "num_translations": 34 }, "manufacture": { "senses": [ "The action or process of making goods systematically or on a large scale", "Anything made, formed or produced", "product", "The process of such production", "generation, creation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "manufacture", "num_translations": 22 }, "dispose": { "senses": [ "To eliminate or to get rid of something", "To distribute or arrange", "to put in place", "To deal out", "to assign to a use", "To incline", "To bargain", "to make terms", "To regulate", "to adjust", "to settle", "to determine" ], "antonyms": [ "indispose", "disincline" ], "synonyms": [ "incline", "discard" ], "word": "dispose", "num_translations": 37 }, "profession": { "senses": [ "A declaration of belief, faith or one's opinion, whether genuine or pretended", "An occupation, trade, craft, or activity in which one has a professed expertise in a particular area", "a job, especially one requiring a high level of skill or training", "The practitioners of such an occupation collectively", "A promise or vow made on entering a religious order" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "profession", "num_translations": 154 }, "pebble": { "senses": [ "A small stone, especially one rounded by the action of water", "A particle from 4 to 64 mm in diameter, following the Wentworth scale", "A small droplet of water intentionally sprayed on the ice that cause irregularities on the surface", "Transparent and colourless rock crystal", "A form of slow-burning gunpowder in large cubical grains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pebble", "num_translations": 100 }, "dismount": { "senses": [ "To get off", "To make unavailable for use", "To come down", "to descend", "To throw off their carriages" ], "antonyms": [ "get on", "mount" ], "synonyms": [ "unmount", "umount" ], "word": "dismount", "num_translations": 44 }, "facsimile": { "senses": [ "A copy or reproduction", "A fax, a machine for making and sending copies of printed material and images via radio or telephone network", "The image sent by the machine itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autotype", "facsimile machine", "fax", "fax machine", "facsimile reproduction", "fax" ], "word": "facsimile", "num_translations": 28 }, "tabletennis": { "senses": [ "A game or sport that involves the hitting of a light plastic ball across a table by racquets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flim flam" ], "word": "tabletennis", "num_translations": 100 }, "fecundity": { "senses": [ "Ability to produce offspring", "Ability to cause growth", "Number, rate, or capacity of offspring production", "Rate of production of young by a female" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fertileness" ], "word": "fecundity", "num_translations": 51 }, "octet": { "senses": [ "A group or set of eight of something", "A group of eight musicians performing together", "A composition for such a group of musicians", "A byte of eight bits Abbreviation: o", "A group of three bits, representing any of eight possible values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "octet", "num_translations": 28 }, "dine": { "senses": [ "To eat", "to eat dinner or supper", "To give a dinner to", "to furnish with the chief meal", "to feed", "to have to eat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dine", "num_translations": 47 }, "embrace": { "senses": [ "To clasp in the arms with affection", "to take in the arms", "to hug", "To seize eagerly or with alacrity", "to accept or take up with cordiality", "to welcome", "To submit to", "to undergo", "To encircle", "to enclose, to encompass", "To enfold, to include", "to encompass", "To fasten on, as armour", "To accept as a friend", "to accept help gladly", "To attempt to influence corruptly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "embrace", "num_translations": 97 }, "embrace1": { "senses": [ "An act of putting arms around someone and bringing the person close to the chest", "a hug", "An enclosure partially or fully surrounding someone or something", "Full acceptance", "An act of enfolding or including" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "embrace", "num_translations": 39 }, "refuse1": { "senses": [ "Collectively, items or material that have been discarded", "rubbish, garbage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discards", "garbage", "rubbish", "trash", "Thesaurus:trash" ], "word": "refuse", "num_translations": 42 }, "refuse2": { "senses": [ "To decline", "To decline a request or demand, forbear", "to withhold permission", "To throw back, or cause to keep back , out of the regular alignment when troops are about to engage the enemy", "To disown" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decline", "say no", "forbear" ], "word": "refuse", "num_translations": 107 }, "embark": { "senses": [ "To get on a boat or ship or an aeroplane", "To start, begin", "To cause to go on board a vessel or boat", "to put on shipboard", "To engage, enlist, or invest in any affair" ], "antonyms": [ "disembark" ], "synonyms": [ "make sail" ], "word": "embark", "num_translations": 51 }, "forty-five": { "senses": [ "Cardinal number after forty-four and before forty-six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 45", "Roman numerals: XLV" ], "word": "forty-five", "num_translations": 50 }, "expire": { "senses": [ "To die", "To lapse and become invalid", "To exhale", "to breathe out", "To give forth insensibly or gently, as a fluid or vapour", "to emit in minute particles", "To bring to a close", "to terminate" ], "antonyms": [ "inspire" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "expire", "num_translations": 33 }, "negress": { "senses": [ "A black female" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sheboon" ], "word": "negress", "num_translations": 32 }, "hermit": { "senses": [ "A religious recluse", "someone who lives alone for religious reasons", "an eremite", "A recluse", "someone who lives alone and shuns human companionship", "A spiced cookie made with molasses, raisins, and nuts", "A hummingbird in the subfamily Phaethornithinae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anchorite", "eremite", "recluse", "Thesaurus:recluse", "In the sense of hermit:" ], "word": "hermit", "num_translations": 69 }, "friar": { "senses": [ "A member of a mendicant Christian order such as the Augustinians, Carmelites , Franciscans or the Dominicans", "A white or pale patch on a printed page", "An American fish, the silverside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brother" ], "word": "friar", "num_translations": 35 }, "celibate": { "senses": [ "Not married", "Abstaining from sexual relations and pleasures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unmarried", "abstinent" ], "word": "celibate", "num_translations": 61 }, "celibate1": { "senses": [ "One who is not married, especially one who has taken a religious vow not to get married, usually because of being a member of a religious community", "celibacy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "volcel", "cel" ], "word": "celibate", "num_translations": 24 }, "shoehorn": { "senses": [ "A smooth tool that assists in putting the foot into a shoe, by sliding the heel in after the toe is in place This reduces discomfort and damage to the back of the shoe By slipping it into the back of the shoe behind the heel, the user prevents the heel from squashing down the back of the shoe and causing difficulty", "Anything by which a transaction is facilitated", "a medium", "Anything which draws on or allures", "an inducement", ":" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shoeing-horn", "slipper spoon" ], "word": "shoehorn", "num_translations": 76 }, "shoehorn1": { "senses": [ "To force into", "to squeeze into", "to exert great effort to insert or include", "to include despite potent reasons not to", "To force some current event into alignment with a some agenda, especially when it is fallacious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shoehorn", "num_translations": 28 }, "protest": { "senses": [ "To make a strong objection", "To affirm", "To object to", "To call as a witness in affirming or denying, or to prove an affirmation", "to appeal to", "to make a solemn written declaration, in due form, on behalf of the holder, against all parties liable for any loss or damage to be sustained by non-acceptance or non-payment of This should be made by a notary public, whose seal it is the usual practice to affix", "To publish", "to make known" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "protest", "num_translations": 76 }, "protest1": { "senses": [ "A formal objection, especially one by a group", "A collective gesture of disapproval", "a demonstration", "The noting by a notary public of an unpaid or unaccepted bill", "A written declaration, usually by the master of a ship, stating the circumstances attending loss or damage of ship or cargo, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dissent", "objection", "protestation" ], "word": "protest", "num_translations": 78 }, "zap1": { "senses": [ "To use a remote control to repeatedly change channels on a television", "To strike with electricity or energy, as by shooting", "To kill", "to eliminate", "To damage with electrostatic discharge", "To heat in a microwave oven", "To delete or discard", "To further energize or charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "zap", "num_translations": 17 }, "wade": { "senses": [ "to walk through water or something that impedes progress", "to progress with difficulty", "to walk through", "to pass through by wading", "To enter recklessly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wade", "num_translations": 39 }, "royal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a monarch or their family", "Having the air or demeanour of a monarch", "illustrious", "magnanimous", "of more than common size or excellence", "In large sailing ships, of a mast right above the topgallant mast and its sails", "Free-for-all, especially involving multiple combatants", "Used as an intensifier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kingly", "majestic", "major" ], "word": "royal", "num_translations": 83 }, "royal1": { "senses": [ "A standard size of printing paper, measuring 25 by 20 inches", "A standard size of writing paper, measuring 24 by 19 inches", "The Australian decimal currency intended to replace the pound in 1966", "was changed to \"dollar\" before it was actually circulated", "Any of various lycaenid butterflies", "The fourth tine of an antler's beam", "A stag with twelve points", "In large sailing ships, square sail over the topgallant sail", "An old English gold coin, the rial", "A small mortar", "A tuft of beard on the lower lip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "royal", "num_translations": 20 }, "fleece": { "senses": [ "Hair or wool of a sheep or similar animal", "Insulating skin with the wool attached", "A textile similar to velvet, but with a longer pile that gives it a softness and a higher sheen", "An insulating wooly jacket", "Mat or felts composed of fibers, sometimes used as a membrane backer", "The fine web of cotton or wool removed by the doffing knife from the cylinder of a carding machine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fleece", "num_translations": 105 }, "bishopric": { "senses": [ "A diocese or region of a church which a bishop governs", "The office or function of a bishop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diocese" ], "word": "bishopric", "num_translations": 50 }, "eachother": { "senses": [ "To one another", "one to the other", "signifies that a verb applies to two or more entities both as subjects and as direct objects:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one another" ], "word": "eachother", "num_translations": 86 }, "badge": { "senses": [ "A distinctive mark, token, sign, emblem or cognizance, worn on one's clothing, as an insignia of some rank, or of the membership of an organization", "A small nameplate, identifying the wearer, and often giving additional information", "A card, sometimes with a barcode or magnetic strip, granting access to a certain area", "Something characteristic", "a mark", "a token", "A brand on the hand of a thief, etc", "A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, containing a window or the representation of one", "A distinctive mark worn by servants, retainers, and followers of royalty or nobility, who, being beneath the rank of gentlemen, have no right to armorial bearings", "A small overlay on an icon that shows additional information about that item, such as the number of new alerts or messages", "An icon or emblem awarded to a user for some achievement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:badge" ], "word": "badge", "num_translations": 128 }, "quartet": { "senses": [ "A music composition in four parts, each performed by a single voice or instrument", "The set of four musicians who perform a piece of music together in four parts", "A group of four singers, usually males, who sings together in four-part harmony", "Any group of four, especially people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foursome" ], "word": "quartet", "num_translations": 66 }, "verve": { "senses": [ "Excitement of imagination such as that which animates a poet, artist, or musician, in composing or performing", "Artistic energy and enthusiasm", "Vigour, vitality and liveliness", "Rapture, enthusiasm", "Spirit, energy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "verve", "num_translations": 16 }, "frank": { "senses": [ "honest, especially in a manner that seems slightly blunt", "candid", "not reserved or disguised", "unmistakable, clinically obvious, self-evident", "Unbounded by restrictions, limitations, etc", "free", "Liberal", "generous", "profuse", "Unrestrained", "loose", "licentious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frank", "num_translations": 49 }, "pedophilia": { "senses": [ "Sexual attraction to children by adults", "Sexual activity between adults and children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pedophilic disorder" ], "word": "pedophilia", "num_translations": 30 }, "rule": { "senses": [ "A regulation, law, guideline", "device for measuring, a straightedge, a measure", "A straight line , especially one lying across a paper as a guide for writing", "A regulating principle", "The act of ruling", "administration of law", "government", "empire", "authority", "control", "A normal condition or state of affairs", "Conduct", "behaviour", "An order regulating the practice of the courts, or an order made between parties to an action or a suit", "A determinate method prescribed for performing any operation and producing a certain result", "A thin plate of brass or other metal, of the same height as the type, and used for printing lines, as between columns on the same page, or in tabular work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rule", "num_translations": 147 }, "rule1": { "senses": [ "To regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over", "To excel", "To decide judicially", "to fix by universal or general consent, or by common practice" ], "antonyms": [ "suck" ], "synonyms": [ "rock" ], "word": "rule", "num_translations": 102 }, "into": { "senses": [ "Going inside", "Going to a geographic region", "Against, especially with force or violence", "Producing, becoming", "After the start of", "Interested in or attracted to", "Taking distinct arguments to distinct values", "Expressing the operation of multiplication", "Expressing the operation of division, with the denominator given first Usually with \"goes\"", "Investigating the subject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "into", "num_translations": 100 }, "goodday": { "senses": [ "A somewhat formal greeting generally used between sunrise and sunset", "A dismissal", "sometimes used to express annoyance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "g'day" ], "word": "goodday", "num_translations": 109 }, "dude": { "senses": [ "A man, generally a younger man", "A term of address for someone, typically a man, particularly when cautioning him or offering him advice", "An inexperienced cowboy", "A tourist", "A man who is very concerned about his dress and appearance", "a dandy, a fop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bloke", "chap", "cove", "guy", "mate", "dandy" ], "word": "dude", "num_translations": 112 }, "goof": { "senses": [ "A mistake or error", "A foolish and/or silly person", "A child molester" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blooper", "boo-boo", "error", "faux pas", "fluff", "gaffe", "lapse", "mistake", "slip", "stumble", "thinko", "Thesaurus:error" ], "word": "goof", "num_translations": 58 }, "goof1": { "senses": [ "To make a mistake", "To engage in mischief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:make a mistake" ], "word": "goof", "num_translations": 14 }, "sojourn": { "senses": [ "A short stay somewhere", "A temporary residence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abode#Noun" ], "word": "sojourn", "num_translations": 28 }, "sojourn1": { "senses": [ "To reside somewhere temporarily, especially as a guest or lodger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stay over" ], "word": "sojourn", "num_translations": 18 }, "chiaroscuro": { "senses": [ "An artistic technique developed during the Renaissance, referring to the use of exaggerated light contrasts in order to create the illusion of volume", "A monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color", "The use of blocks of wood of different colors in a woodcut", "A photographic technique in which one side of, for example, a face is well lit and the other is in shadow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rembrandt lighting" ], "word": "chiaroscuro", "num_translations": 68 }, "obliterate": { "senses": [ "To remove completely, leaving no trace", "to wipe out", "to destroy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:destroy" ], "word": "obliterate", "num_translations": 27 }, "annihilate": { "senses": [ "To reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate", "To react with antimatter, producing gamma radiation", "To treat as worthless, to vilify", "To render null and void", "to abrogate" ], "antonyms": [ "create" ], "synonyms": [ "benothing" ], "word": "annihilate", "num_translations": 61 }, "ire1": { "senses": [ "Great anger", "wrath", "keen resentment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fury", "rage", "wrath" ], "word": "ire", "num_translations": 37 }, "cad": { "senses": [ "A low-bred, presuming person", "a mean, vulgar fellow", "A person who stands at the door of an omnibus to open and shut it, and to receive fares", "an idle hanger-on about innyards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "villain" ], "word": "cad", "num_translations": 14 }, "retrograde": { "senses": [ "Directed backwards, retreating", "reverting, especially to an inferior state, declining", "inverse, reverse", "movement opposite to normal or intended motion, often circular motion", "Counterproductive to a desired outcome", "In the opposite direction to the orbited body's spin", "Describing a metamorphic change resulting from a decreasing pressure or temperature", "A person who opposes social reforms, favoring the maintenance of the status quo, conservative" ], "antonyms": [ "liberal", "reformist", "progressist" ], "synonyms": [ "traditionalist", "reactionary" ], "word": "retrograde", "num_translations": 16 }, "motion": { "senses": [ "A state of progression from one place to another", "A change of position with respect to time", "A change from one place to another", "A parliamentary action to propose something A similar procedure in any official or business meeting", "An entertainment or show, especially a puppet show", "from \u03ba\u03af\u03bd\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", "any change Traditionally of four types: generation and corruption, alteration, augmentation and diminution, and change of place", "Movement of the mind, desires, or passions", "mental act, or impulse to any action", "internal activity", "A formal request, oral or written, made to a judge or court of law to obtain an official court ruling or order for a legal action to be taken by, or on behalf of, the movant", "A movement of the bowels", "the product of such movement", "Change of pitch in successive sounds, whether in the same part or in groups of parts", "A puppet, or puppet show", "A piece of moving mechanism, such as on a steam locomotive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "motion", "num_translations": 76 }, "quiver2": { "senses": [ "To shake or move with slight and tremulous motion", "to tremble", "to quake", "to shudder", "to shiver" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quiver", "num_translations": 51 }, "blend": { "senses": [ "A mixture of two or more things", "A word formed by combining two other words", "a grammatical contamination, portmanteau word" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mixture", "in linguistics" ], "word": "blend", "num_translations": 34 }, "blend1": { "senses": [ "To mingle", "to mix", "to unite intimately", "to pass or shade insensibly into each other", "To be mingled or mixed", "To pollute by mixture or association", "to spoil or corrupt", "to blot", "to stain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:homogenize", "Thesaurus:mix" ], "word": "blend", "num_translations": 35 }, "dab": { "senses": [ "To press lightly in a repetitive motion with a soft object without rubbing", "To apply a substance in this way", "To strike by a thrust", "to hit with a sudden blow or thrust", "To apply hash oil to a heated surface for the purpose of efficient combustion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dab", "num_translations": 11 }, "yokel": { "senses": [ "An unsophisticated person", "A person of rural background" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boor", "bumpkin", "joskin", "hillbilly", "hick", "simpleton", "nincompoop", "lubber", "booby", "yahoo" ], "word": "yokel", "num_translations": 73 }, "eliminate": { "senses": [ "To completely remove, get rid of, put an end to", "To kill", "To excrete", "To exclude", "To record amounts in a consolidation statement to remove the effects of inter-company transactions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abrogate", "See", "and" ], "word": "eliminate", "num_translations": 50 }, "wordy": { "senses": [ "Using an excessive number of words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "verbose", "pleonastic", "sesquipedalian", "Thesaurus:verbose" ], "word": "wordy", "num_translations": 16 }, "enormous": { "senses": [ "Deviating from the norm", "unusual, extraordinary", "Exceedingly wicked", "atrocious or outrageous", "Extremely large", "greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "massive", "huge", "gigantic", "humongous", "abnormal", "tremendous", "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "enormous", "num_translations": 51 }, "gigantic": { "senses": [ "Very large", "In the manner of a giant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gigantesque", "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "gigantic", "num_translations": 55 }, "govern": { "senses": [ "To make and administer the public policy and affairs of", "to exercise sovereign authority in", "To control the actions or behavior of", "to keep under control", "to restrain", "To exercise a deciding or determining influence on", "To control the speed, flow etc of", "to regulate", "To exercise political authority", "To have or exercise a determining influence", "To require that a certain preposition, grammatical case, etc be used with a word", "sometimes used synonymously with collocate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "govern", "num_translations": 133 }, "performer": { "senses": [ "One who performs for, or entertains, an audience", "One who performs or does anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kinker" ], "word": "performer", "num_translations": 34 }, "exactly": { "senses": [ "without approximation", "precisely", "Used to provide emphasis" ], "antonyms": [ "approximately" ], "synonyms": [ "accurately" ], "word": "exactly", "num_translations": 54 }, "pronounce": { "senses": [ "To declare formally, officially or ceremoniously", "To declare authoritatively, or as a formal expert opinion", "To pass judgment", "To sound out", "to articulate", "To produce the components of speech", "To read aloud" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pronounce", "num_translations": 128 }, "howler": { "senses": [ "A person hired to howl at a funeral", "A painfully obvious mistake", "A hilarious joke", "A bitterly cold day", "A person who expresses aggression openly in the form of threats", "A heavy fall", "compare come a cropper)", "A tremendous lie", "a whopper", "A fashionably but extravagantly overdressed man, a \"howling swell\"", "A 32-ounce ceramic, plastic, or stainless steel jug used to transport draft beer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "howler", "num_translations": 18 }, "logorrhea": { "senses": [ "An excessive and often uncontrollable flow of words", "Excessive talkativeness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garrulousness" ], "word": "logorrhea", "num_translations": 27 }, "virus": { "senses": [ "Venom, as produced by a poisonous animal etc", "A submicroscopic, non-cellular structure consisting of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat, that requires a living host cell to replicate, and often causes disease in the host organism", "A disease caused by these organisms", "A type of malware which can covertly transmit itself between computers via networks or removable storage such as disks, often causing damage to systems and data", "Any type of malware" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:virus" ], "word": "virus", "num_translations": 187 }, "weakestlink": { "senses": [ "The part of a system that is most likely to fail or cause problems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Achilles' heel", "weak point" ], "word": "weakestlink", "num_translations": 10 }, "commons": { "senses": [ "plural of \"common\"", "A dining hall, usually at a college or university", "A central section of town, designated as a shared area, a common", "The mutual good of all", "the abstract concept of resources shared by more than one, for example air, water, information", "An outhouse", "Food served at a fixed rate from the college buttery, distinguished from battels", "Food in general", "rations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common house" ], "word": "commons", "num_translations": 13 }, "deliver": { "senses": [ "To set free from restraint or danger", "To do with birth", "To free from or disburden of anything", "To bring or transport something to its destination", "To hand over or surrender to another", "To produce what was expected or required", "To express in words or vocalizations, declare, utter, or vocalize", "To give forth in action or exercise", "to discharge", "To discover", "to show", "To admit", "to allow to pass", "To administer a drug" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "free", "utter", "come through" ], "word": "deliver", "num_translations": 163 }, "decimate": { "senses": [ "To kill one-tenth of a group, as a military punishment in the Roman army selected by lot, usually carried out by the surviving soldiers", "To destroy or remove one-tenth of anything", "To devastate: to reduce or destroy significantly but not completely", "To exact a tithe or other 10% tax", "To tithe: to pay a 10% tax", "To decimalize: to divide into tenths, hundredths etc", "To reduce to one-tenth: to destroy or remove nine-tenths of anything", "To replace a high-resolution model with another of lower but acceptable quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tithe", "tithe", "See", "devastate", "See", "tithe", "See", "decimalize" ], "word": "decimate", "num_translations": 32 }, "grieve": { "senses": [ "To cause sorrow or distress to", "To feel very sad about", "to mourn", "to sorrow for", "To experience grief", "To harm", "To submit or file a grievance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grieve", "num_translations": 54 }, "tour": { "senses": [ "A journey through a particular building, estate, country, etc", "A guided visit to a particular place, or virtual place", "A journey through a given list of places, such as by an entertainer performing concerts", "A trip taken to another country in which several matches are played", "A closed trail", "A going round", "a circuit", "A turn", "a revolution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tour", "num_translations": 103 }, "default": { "senses": [ "The condition of failing to meet an obligation", "the original software programming settings as set by the factory", "A loss incurred by failing to compete", "A selection made in the absence of an alternative", "A value used when none has been given", "a tentative value or standard that is presumed", "The failure of a defendant to appear and answer a summons and complaint", "A failing or failure", "omission of that which ought to be done", "neglect to do what duty or law requires", "Lack", "absence", "Fault", "offence", "wrong act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "default", "num_translations": 78 }, "abbeville": { "senses": [ "town/and/commune dept/Somme r/Hauts-de-France c/France", "townland bar/Ormond Lower co/Tipperary c/Ireland", "city/county seat co/Henry County s/Alabama c/USA", "city/county seat co/Wilcox County s/Georgia c/USA", "city/parish seat par/Vermilion Parish s/Louisiana c/USA", "town co/Lafayette County s/Mississippi c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Abbeville", "num_translations": 14 }, "aah": { "senses": [ "Indication of amazement or surprise or enthusiasm", "Indication of joyful pleasure", "Indication of sympathy", "Indication of mouth being opened wide", "To express understanding", "The sound of one screaming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aah", "num_translations": 25 }, "moot": { "senses": [ "Subject to discussion", "arguable, debatable, unsolved or impossible to solve", "Being an exercise of thought", "academic", "Having no practical impact or relevance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "irrelevant" ], "word": "moot", "num_translations": 32 }, "jab": { "senses": [ "A quick stab or blow", "a poking or thrusting motion", "A short straight punch", "A medical injection", "A vaccination, whether or not delivered via conventional injection", "A verbal annoyance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jab", "num_translations": 52 }, "nab": { "senses": [ "To seize, arrest or take into custody", "To grab or snatch something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nick" ], "word": "nab", "num_translations": 13 }, "spiralstaircase": { "senses": [ "A staircase in the form of a helix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circular stairs", "helical stairs", "screw stair", "screw staircase", "spiral stairs" ], "word": "spiralstaircase", "num_translations": 24 }, "vociferous": { "senses": [ "Making or characterized by a noisy outcry", "clamorous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "noisy" ], "word": "vociferous", "num_translations": 17 }, "brand": { "senses": [ "A conflagration", "a flame", "A piece of burning wood or peat, or a glowing cinder", "A torch used for signaling", "A sword", "A mark or scar made by burning with a hot iron, especially to mark cattle or to classify the contents of a cask", "The symbolic identity, represented by a name and/or a logo, which indicates a certain product or service to the public", "A specific product, service, or provider so distinguished", "Any specific type or variety of something", "a distinct style or manner", "The public image or reputation and recognized, typical style of an individual or group", "A mark of infamy", "stigma", "Any minute fungus producing a burnt appearance in plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trademark", "logo", "brand name", "marque", "tradename", "proprietary name", "repute", "name", "good name" ], "word": "brand", "num_translations": 115 }, "brand1": { "senses": [ "To burn the flesh with a hot iron, either as a marker or to cauterise a wound", "To make an indelible impression on the memory or senses", "To stigmatize, label", "To associate a product or service with a trademark or other name and related images" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brand", "num_translations": 42 }, "refute": { "senses": [ "To prove to be false or incorrect", "To deny the truth or correctness of" ], "antonyms": [ "to be false): demonstrate", "prove", "accept", "embrace" ], "synonyms": [ "to be false): debunk", "disprove", "rebut", "deny", "gainsay", "rebut", "reject", "repudiate" ], "word": "refute", "num_translations": 67 }, "staircase": { "senses": [ "A flight of stairs", "a stairway", "A connected set of flights of stairs", "a stairwell", "A set of locks mounted one above the next" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "staircase", "num_translations": 99 }, "transcend": { "senses": [ "to pass beyond the limits of something", "to surpass, as in intensity or power", "to excel", "To climb", "to mount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exceed", "better", "ascend" ], "word": "transcend", "num_translations": 18 }, "keeper": { "senses": [ "One who keeps something", "A person or thing worth keeping", "A person charged with guarding or caring for, storing, or maintaining something", "a custodian, a guard", "A part of a mechanism that catches or retains another part, for example the part of a door lock that fits in the frame and receives the bolt", "An offensive play in which the quarterback runs toward the goal with the ball after it is snapped", "One who remains or keeps in a place or position", "A fruit or vegetable that keeps for some time without spoiling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "keeper", "num_translations": 60 }, "chaser": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that chases", "A hunter", "A person who does the chasing on metalwork", "A horse: a horse used for hunting", "A strong alcoholic drink that is drunk after a weaker alcoholic drink", "A mild drink consumed immediately after a drink of hard liquor", "Someone that follows logs out of the forest in order to signal a yarder engineer to stop them if they become fouled", "One who unhooks chokers from the logs at the landing", "A piece of music, etc played after a performance while the audience leaves", "One of a series of adjacent light bulbs that cycle on and off to give the illusion of movement", "A person who seeks out sexual partners with a particular quality:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chaser", "num_translations": 26 }, "beater": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that beats", "A kitchen implement for mixing", "A stick used to play a percussion instrument", "A person who drives game towards shooters in a hunting party, often working in a group", "A papermaking machine for processing fibres by fibrillation in order to improve bonding strength", "An automobile in poor operating condition", "A weaving tool designed to push the weft yarn securely into place It contains the comb-like insert reed and is sometimes a part of the loom", "A harp seal pup after its first moult and before its second moult" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drum stick" ], "word": "beater", "num_translations": 39 }, "either": { "senses": [ "Any one", "Each of two", "both", "Any one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "both" ], "word": "either", "num_translations": 22 }, "snitch": { "senses": [ "To inform on, especially in betrayal of others", "To contact or cooperate with the police for any reason", "To steal, quickly and quietly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "filch", "drop a dime" ], "word": "snitch", "num_translations": 63 }, "snitch1": { "senses": [ "A thief", "An informer, usually one who betrays his group", "A nose", "A tiny morsel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "filcher", "grass", "schnozz", "bite" ], "word": "snitch", "num_translations": 67 }, "bijection": { "senses": [ "A one-to-one correspondence, a function which is both a surjection and an injection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one-to-one correspondence" ], "word": "bijection", "num_translations": 23 }, "surjection": { "senses": [ "A function that is a many-to-one mapping", "Any function f: X\\rightarrow Y for which for every y \\in Y, there is at least one x \\in X such that f = y" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "surjective function" ], "word": "surjection", "num_translations": 17 }, "confluence": { "senses": [ "The place where two rivers, streams, or other continuously flowing bodies of water meet and become one, especially where a tributary joins a river", "The act of combining which occurs at the place where rivers and the lake meet", "A convergence or combination of forces, people, or things", "The proportion of cells, in a culture medium, that adhere to each other", "In rewriting systems, property describing which terms can be rewritten with other, equivalent terms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conflux" ], "word": "confluence", "num_translations": 49 }, "yob": { "senses": [ "A boy", "A person who engages in antisocial behaviour or drunkenness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bully" ], "word": "yob", "num_translations": 37 }, "whelp": { "senses": [ "A young offspring of a canid , especially of a dog or a wolf, the young of a bear or similar mammal", "a pup, wolf cub", "An insolent youth", "a mere child", "A kind of ship", "One of several wooden strips to prevent wear on a windlass on a clipper-era ship", "A tooth on a sprocket wheel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whelp", "num_translations": 29 }, "swine": { "senses": [ "Any of various omnivorous, even-toed ungulates of the family Suidae", "A contemptible person", "A police officer", "a \"pig\"", "Something difficult or awkward", "a pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swine", "num_translations": 25 }, "cretin": { "senses": [ "A person who fails to develop mentally and physically due to a congenital hypothyroidism", "An idiot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idiot" ], "word": "cretin", "num_translations": 29 }, "dissimilar": { "senses": [ "Not similar", "unalike", "different" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:different" ], "word": "dissimilar", "num_translations": 30 }, "tatterdemalion1": { "senses": [ "A person with tattered clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ragamuffin" ], "word": "tatterdemalion", "num_translations": 22 }, "labyrinthine": { "senses": [ "Physically resembling a labyrinth", "with the qualities of a maze", "Convoluted, baffling, confusing, perplexing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "labyrinthal", "baffling" ], "word": "labyrinthine", "num_translations": 32 }, "dirge": { "senses": [ "A mournful poem or piece of music composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person", "A song or piece of music that is considered too slow, bland or boring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lament" ], "word": "dirge", "num_translations": 52 }, "faroese": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Faroe", "Faroish" ], "word": "Faroese", "num_translations": 33 }, "faroese1": { "senses": [ "A person from the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islander or Faeroe Islander", "The language of the Faroe Islands, closely related to Icelandic, and more distantly to Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Faroish", "Faroe Islander" ], "word": "Faroese", "num_translations": 98 }, "gate": { "senses": [ "A doorlike structure outside a house", "Doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or wall", "Movable barrier", "A logical pathway made up of switches which turn on or off Examples are and, or, nand, etc", "The gap between a batsman's bat and pad", "The amount of money made by selling tickets to a concert or a sports event", "A line that separates particle type-clusters on two-dimensional dot plots", "Passageway where passengers can embark or disembark", "The controlling terminal of a field effect transistor", "In a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into", "The channel or opening through which metal is poured into the mould", "The waste piece of metal cast in the opening", "a sprue or sullage piece Also written geat and git", "A mechanism, in a film camera and projector, that holds each frame momentarily stationary behind the aperture", "A tally mark consisting of four vertical bars crossed by a diagonal, representing a count of five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "logic gate", "doorway" ], "word": "gate", "num_translations": 227 }, "position": { "senses": [ "A place or location", "A post of employment", "a job", "A status or rank", "An opinion, stand or stance", "A posture", "A place on the playing field, together with a set of duties, assigned to a player", "An amount of securities, commodities, or other financial instruments held by a person, firm or institution", "also called the rule of trial and error", "The full state of a chess game at any given turn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stead" ], "word": "position", "num_translations": 181 }, "position1": { "senses": [ "To put into place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stell" ], "word": "position", "num_translations": 17 }, "gormless": { "senses": [ "Lacking intelligence, sense or understanding", "foolish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dull" ], "word": "gormless", "num_translations": 11 }, "nonillion": { "senses": [ "1030", "1054" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a long scale quintillion", "a short scale septendecillion" ], "word": "nonillion", "num_translations": 18 }, "scion": { "senses": [ "A descendant, especially a first-generation descendant", "A detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting", "a shoot or twig in a general sense", "The heir to a throne", "A guardian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scion", "num_translations": 121 }, "incursion": { "senses": [ "An aggressive movement into somewhere", "an invasion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attack", "movement" ], "word": "incursion", "num_translations": 20 }, "indubitably": { "senses": [ "In a manner that leaves no possibility of doubt", "undoubtedly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "undoubtably" ], "word": "indubitably", "num_translations": 15 }, "fine": { "senses": [ "Senses referring to subjective quality", "Senses referring to objective quality", "Behind the batsman and at a small angle to the line between the wickets", "Subtle", "thin", "tenuous" ], "antonyms": [ "coarse", "coarse" ], "synonyms": [ "good", "being acceptable, adequate, passable, or satisfactory", "fine-grained", "fine-threaded" ], "word": "fine", "num_translations": 184 }, "fine1": { "senses": [ "Expression of reluctant agreement", "Well, nicely, in a positive way", "elegantly", "delicately", "In a manner so that the driven ball strikes the object ball so far to one side as to be barely deflected, the object ball being driven to one side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all right", "alright", "OK", "very well" ], "word": "fine", "num_translations": 17 }, "fine3": { "senses": [ "to purify or clarify", "To clarify by filtration", "to diminish", "to dwindle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clarify" ], "word": "fine", "num_translations": 21 }, "fine4": { "senses": [ "A fee levied as punishment for breaking the law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amercement" ], "word": "fine", "num_translations": 118 }, "odessa": { "senses": [ "community twp/Loyalist co/Lennox and Addington County p/Ontario c/Canada", "village rurmun/Francis No 127 p/Saskatchewan c/Canada", "ghost town co/Kings County s/California", "small town co/New Castle County s/Delaware", "census-designated place co/Pasco County s/Florida", "tiny city co/Big Stone County s/Minnesota", "city co/Lafayette County s/Missouri", "census-designated place co/Buffal County s/Nebraska", "village co/Schuyler County s/New York", "unincorporated community co/Klamath County s/Oregon", "city/county seat co/Ector County s/Texas", "small town co/Lincoln County s/Washington", "unincorporated community co/Clay County s/West Virginia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Khadjibey", "Odesa Oblast" ], "word": "Odessa", "num_translations": 43 }, "texas": { "senses": [ "A > in the south central part of the >", "unisex given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lone Star State" ], "word": "Texas", "num_translations": 44 }, "bacon": { "senses": [ "Cured meat from the sides, belly or back of a pig", "Thin slices of the above in long strips", "The police or spies", "Road rash", "A misogynist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ham" ], "word": "bacon", "num_translations": 121 }, "elect": { "senses": [ "One chosen or set apart", "In Calvinist theology, one foreordained to Heaven In other Christian theologies, someone chosen by God for salvation" ], "antonyms": [ "reprobate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "elect", "num_translations": 13 }, "select1": { "senses": [ "To choose one or more elements of a set, especially a set of options", "To obtain a set of data from a database using a query" ], "antonyms": [ "deselect" ], "synonyms": [ "choose" ], "word": "select", "num_translations": 79 }, "pick": { "senses": [ "A tool used for digging", "A tool for unlocking a lock without the original key", "A comb with long widely spaced teeth, for use with tightly curled hair", "A choice", "ability to choose", "the best", "A screen", "An offensive tactic in which a player stands so as to block a defender from reaching a teammate", "An interception", "A good defensive play by an infielder", "A tool used for strumming the strings of a guitar", "a plectrum", "A pointed hammer used for dressing millstones", "A pike or spike", "the sharp point fixed in the center of a buckler", "A particle of ink or paper embedded in the hollow of a letter, filling up its face, and causing a spot on a printed sheet", "The blow that drives the shuttle, used in calculating the speed of a loom", "hence, in describing the fineness of a fabric, a weft thread" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pick", "num_translations": 57 }, "pick1": { "senses": [ "To grasp and pull with the fingers or fingernails", "To harvest a fruit or vegetable for consumption by removing it from the plant to which it is attached", "to harvest an entire plant by removing it from the ground", "To pull apart or away, especially with the fingers", "to pluck", "To take up", "especially, to gather from here and there", "to collect", "to bring together", "To remove something from somewhere with a pointed instrument, with the fingers, or with the teeth", "To decide upon, from a set of options", "to select", "To seek where the opportunity arises", "To recognise the type of ball being bowled by a bowler by studying the position of the hand and arm as the ball is released", "To pluck the individual strings of a musical instrument or to play such an instrument", "To eat slowly, sparingly, or by morsels", "to nibble", "To do anything fastidiously or carefully, or by attending to small things", "to select something with care", "To steal", "to pilfer", "To throw", "to pitch", "To peck at, as a bird with its beak", "to strike at with anything pointed", "to act upon with a pointed instrument", "to pierce", "to prick, as with a pin", "To separate or open by means of a sharp point or points", "To screen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pick", "num_translations": 70 }, "option": { "senses": [ "One of a set of choices that can be made", "The freedom or right to choose", "A contract giving the holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a set strike price", "can apply to financial market transactions, or to ordinary transactions for tangible assets such as a residence or automobile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alternative", "choice", "possibility", "Thesaurus:option" ], "word": "option", "num_translations": 67 }, "rejoice": { "senses": [ "To be very happy, be delighted, exult", "to feel joy", "To have as a lover or spouse", "to enjoy sexually", "To make happy, exhilarate", "To enjoy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rejoice", "num_translations": 107 }, "exclusive": { "senses": [ "Excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions", "Referring to a membership organisation, service or product: of high quality and/or renown, for superior members only A snobbish usage, suggesting that members who do not meet requirements, which may be financial, of celebrity, religion, skin colour etc, are excluded", "Exclusionary", "Whole, undivided, entire", "Of or relating to the first-person plural pronoun when excluding the person being addressed", "Having a romantic or sexual relationship with one another, to the exclusion of others" ], "antonyms": [ "inclusive", "non-exclusive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "exclusive", "num_translations": 30 }, "fragment": { "senses": [ "A part broken off", "a small, detached portion", "an imperfect part, either physically or not", "A sentence not containing a subject or a predicate", "An incomplete portion of code", "A portion of a URL referring to a subordinate resource , introduced by the # sign" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fragment", "num_translations": 87 }, "fragment1": { "senses": [ "To break apart", "To cause to be broken into pieces", "To break up and disperse into non-contiguous areas of a disk" ], "antonyms": [ "defragment" ], "synonyms": [ "fragmentize" ], "word": "fragment", "num_translations": 42 }, "pardon2": { "senses": [ "Often used when someone does not understand what another person says" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:say again" ], "word": "pardon", "num_translations": 46 }, "outcast2": { "senses": [ "One that has been excluded from a society or system, a pariah", "Someone who does not belong", "a misfit", "A quarrel", "The amount of increase in bulk of grain in malting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:outcast" ], "word": "outcast", "num_translations": 58 }, "permeate": { "senses": [ "To pass through the pores or interstices of", "to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or displacement", "applied especially to fluids which pass through substances of loose texture", "To enter and spread through", "to pervade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "permeate", "num_translations": 27 }, "penetrate": { "senses": [ "To enter into", "to make way into the interior of", "to pierce", "To achieve understanding of, despite some obstacle", "to comprehend", "to understand", "To affect profoundly through the senses or feelings", "to move deeply", "To infiltrate an enemy to gather intelligence", "To insert the penis into an opening, such as a vagina or anus", "To move a piece past the defending pieces of one's opponent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "penetrate", "num_translations": 63 }, "morsel": { "senses": [ "A small fragment or share of something, commonly applied to food", "A mouthful of food", "A very small amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "morsel", "num_translations": 34 }, "parity": { "senses": [ "Equality", "comparability of strength or intensity", "A set with the property of having all of its elements belonging to one of two disjoint subsets, especially a set of integers split in subsets of even and odd elements", "Symmetry of interactions under spatial inversion", "In reversi, the last move within a given sector of the board", "Resemblance", "analogy" ], "antonyms": [ "chirality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "parity", "num_translations": 40 }, "portion": { "senses": [ "An allocated amount", "That which is divided off or separated, as a part from a whole", "a separated part of anything", "One's fate", "lot", "The part of an estate given or falling to a child or heir", "an inheritance", "A wife's fortune", "a dowry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "part", "piece" ], "word": "portion", "num_translations": 53 }, "counsel": { "senses": [ "The exchange of opinions and advice especially in legal issues", "consultation", "Exercise of judgment", "prudence", "Advice", "guidance", "Deliberate purpose", "design", "intent", "scheme", "plan", "A secret opinion or purpose", "a private matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:advice" ], "word": "counsel", "num_translations": 79 }, "counsel1": { "senses": [ "To give advice, especially professional advice, to", "To recommend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:advise" ], "word": "counsel", "num_translations": 29 }, "disingenuous": { "senses": [ "Not honourable", "unworthy of honour", "Not ingenuous", "not frank or open", "Assuming a pose of na\u00efvet\u00e9 to make a point or for deception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disingenuous", "num_translations": 39 }, "rasher1": { "senses": [ "A strip of bacon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collop", "slice", "strip" ], "word": "rasher", "num_translations": 15 }, "foremost": { "senses": [ "first, either in time or in space", "Most forward", "front", "of a higher rank or position", "paramount", "closest to the bow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "foremost", "num_translations": 21 }, "conform": { "senses": [ "To act in accordance with expectations", "to behave in the manner of others, especially as a result of social pressure", "To be in accordance with a set of specifications or regulations, or with a policy or guideline", "To make similar in form or nature", "to make suitable for a purpose", "to adapt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acquiesce" ], "word": "conform", "num_translations": 27 }, "conformity": { "senses": [ "The state of things being similar or identical", "A point of resemblance", "a similarity", "The state of being conforming, of complying with a set of rules, with a norm or standard", "The ideology of adhering to one standard or social uniformity" ], "antonyms": [ "nonconformity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conformity", "num_translations": 28 }, "confirm": { "senses": [ "To strengthen", "to make firm or resolute", "To assure the accuracy of previous statements" ], "antonyms": [ "infirm", "disconfirm", "deny", "dispute", "contradict", "question" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strengthen" ], "word": "confirm", "num_translations": 96 }, "evolve": { "senses": [ "To move in regular procession through a system", "To change", "transform", "To come into being", "develop", "Of a population, to change genetic composition over successive generations through the process of evolution", "To give off", "To cause something to change or transform" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "evolve", "num_translations": 59 }, "evolution": { "senses": [ "A change of position", "An unfolding", "Process of development" ], "antonyms": [ "stagnation", "revolution", "extinction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "evolution", "num_translations": 156 }, "transform": { "senses": [ "To change greatly the appearance or form of", "To change the nature, condition or function of", "to change in nature, disposition, heart, character, etc", "to convert", "to change into another form without altering the value", "to change in appearance or character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alter", "alter", "alter" ], "word": "transform", "num_translations": 90 }, "transformation": { "senses": [ "The act of transforming or the state of being transformed", "A marked change in appearance or character, especially one for the better", "The replacement of the variables in an algebraic expression by their values in terms of another set of variables", "a mapping of one space onto another or onto itself", "a function that changes the position or direction of the axes of a coordinate system", "A rule that systematically converts one syntactic form into another", "a sentence derived by such a rule", "The alteration of a bacterial cell caused by the transfer of DNA from another, especially if pathogenic", "Ideologically driven government policy - becoming more conformant with socialist and African nationalist groupthink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "metamorphosis", "transmogrification", "transmutation", "transfiguration" ], "word": "transformation", "num_translations": 61 }, "purpose": { "senses": [ "An object to be reached", "a target", "an aim", "A result that is desired", "an intention", "The act of intending to do something", "resolution", "determination", "The subject of discourse", "the point at issue", "The reason for which something is done, or the reason it is done in a particular way", "Instance", "example" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aim", "aim", "determination", "matter", "reason" ], "word": "purpose", "num_translations": 170 }, "purpose1": { "senses": [ "resolve to accomplish", "intend", "plan", "To discourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aim", "intend", "mean", "plan", "set out", "intended" ], "word": "purpose", "num_translations": 18 }, "justification": { "senses": [ "A reason, explanation, or excuse which provides convincing, morally acceptable support for behavior or for a belief or occurrence", "The alignment of text to the left margin , the right margin , or both margins" ], "antonyms": [ "conviction", "condemnation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "justification", "num_translations": 63 }, "situation": { "senses": [ "The way in which something is positioned vis-\u00e0-vis its surroundings", "The place in which something is situated", "a location", "Position or status with regard to conditions and circumstances", "The combination of circumstances at a given moment", "a state of affairs", "A position of employment", "a post", "A difficult or unpleasant set of circumstances", "a problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condition" ], "word": "situation", "num_translations": 256 }, "credibility": { "senses": [ "Reputation impacting one's ability to be believed", "Believability of statements by a witness, as measured by whether the testimony is probable or improbable when judged by common experience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "believability" ], "word": "credibility", "num_translations": 33 }, "auction": { "senses": [ "A public event where goods or property are sold to the highest bidder", "The first stage of a deal, in which players bid to determine the final contract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roup sale" ], "word": "auction", "num_translations": 102 }, "perceive": { "senses": [ "To become aware of, through the physical senses or by thinking", "to see", "to understand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ken" ], "word": "perceive", "num_translations": 53 }, "mercenary": { "senses": [ "One motivated by gain, especially monetary", "A person employed to fight in an armed conflict who is not a member of the state or military group for which they are fighting and whose primary motivation is private gain", "One hired to engage in a figurative battle, as a corporate takeover, a lawsuit, or a political campaign" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mercenary" ], "word": "mercenary", "num_translations": 71 }, "mercenary1": { "senses": [ "Motivated by private gain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "greedy", "hired gun" ], "word": "mercenary", "num_translations": 16 }, "gentile": { "senses": [ "Non-Jewish", "Heathen, pagan", "Relating to a clan, tribe, or nation", "clannish, tribal, national", "Of or pertaining to a gens or several gentes", "Of a part of speech such as an adjective, noun or verb: relating to a particular city, nation or country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gentile", "num_translations": 23 }, "foreign": { "senses": [ "Located outside a country or place, especially one's own", "Originating from, characteristic of, belonging to, or being a citizen of a country or place other than the one under discussion", "Relating to a different nation", "Not characteristic of or naturally taken in by an organism or system", "Alien", "strange", "Held at a distance", "excluded", "exiled", "From a different one of the states of the United States, as of a state of residence or incorporation", "Belonging to a different organization, company etc", "Outside, outdoors, outdoor" ], "antonyms": [ "domestic", "native", "indigenous" ], "synonyms": [ "overseas", "alien", "extraneous" ], "word": "foreign", "num_translations": 261 }, "native": { "senses": [ "Belonging to one by birth", "Characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from prehistoric times", "Born or grown in the region in which it lives or is found", "not foreign or imported", "Which occurs of its own accord in a given locality, to be contrasted with a species introduced by man", "Pertaining to the system or architecture in question", "Occurring naturally in its pure or uncombined form", "Arising by birth", "having an origin", "born", "Original", "constituting the original substance of anything", "Naturally related", "cognate", "connected" ], "antonyms": [ "foreign" ], "synonyms": [ "inborn", "aboriginal" ], "word": "native", "num_translations": 142 }, "native1": { "senses": [ "a person who was born in a place", "Ostrea edulis, a kind of oyster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "homeling" ], "word": "native", "num_translations": 52 }, "indigenous": { "senses": [ "Born or engendered in, native to a land or region, especially before an intrusion", "Innate, inborn", "Of or relating to the native inhabitants of a land", "Of or relating to a language, culture, or ethnic group that has not spread by colonization, or that has been on the receiving end of colonization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aboriginal", "connatural", "local" ], "word": "indigenous", "num_translations": 68 }, "nirvana": { "senses": [ "Complete cessation of suffering", "a blissful state attained through realization of sunyata", "enlightened experience", "State of paradise", "heightened or great pleasure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nirvana", "num_translations": 84 }, "sororal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a sister", "Related through someone's sister" ], "antonyms": [ "fraternal", "maternal" ], "synonyms": [ "sisterly" ], "word": "sororal", "num_translations": 16 }, "quarry": { "senses": [ "A site for mining stone, limestone, or slate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delf" ], "word": "quarry", "num_translations": 50 }, "quarry2": { "senses": [ "A part of the entrails of a hunted animal, given to the hounds as a reward", "An animal, often a bird or mammal, which is hunted", "An object of search or pursuit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mark", "prey", "target" ], "word": "quarry", "num_translations": 27 }, "heading1": { "senses": [ "The title or topic of a document, article, chapter, or of a section thereof", "The direction into which a seagoing or airborne vessel's bow is pointing and/or the direction into which it is actually moving relative to the ground", "Material for the heads of casks, barrels, etc", "A gallery, drift, or adit in a mine", "also, the end of a drift or gallery", "the vein above a drift", "The extension of a line ruffling above the line of stitch", "The end of a stone or brick which is presented outward", "A strip of material at the hoist end of a flag, used for attaching the flag to its halyard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heading", "num_translations": 26 }, "dreadlocks": { "senses": [ "A hairstyle worn by Rastafarians and others in which the hair is left to grow into long matted strings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dreads", "locks" ], "word": "dreadlocks", "num_translations": 34 }, "dread1": { "senses": [ "Great fear in view of impending evil", "fearful apprehension of danger", "anticipatory terror", "Reverential or respectful fear", "awe", "A person highly revered", "Fury", "A Rastafarian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dread", "num_translations": 44 }, "vast": { "senses": [ "Very large or wide", "Very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially extent", "Waste", "desert", "desolate", "lonely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vast", "num_translations": 51 }, "belonging1": { "senses": [ "The feeling that one belongs", "Something physical that is owned", "family", "relations", "household" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "possession" ], "word": "belonging", "num_translations": 21 }, "bludgeon1": { "senses": [ "To strike or hit with something hard, usually on the head", "to club" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cudgel", "harass" ], "word": "bludgeon", "num_translations": 19 }, "inn": { "senses": [ "Any establishment where travellers can procure lodging, food, and drink", "A tavern", "One of the colleges in London, for students of the law barristers", "The town residence of a nobleman or distinguished person", "A place of shelter", "hence, dwelling", "habitation", "residence", "abode" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pub", "Thesaurus:lodging place" ], "word": "inn", "num_translations": 122 }, "vampirebat": { "senses": [ "Any of the three small bats of the subfamily Desmodontinae, native to South America, which use their teeth to nick larger animals while they are asleep, allowing it to surreptitiously lap a blood meal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vampire" ], "word": "vampirebat", "num_translations": 13 }, "question": { "senses": [ "A sentence, phrase or word which asks for information, reply or response", "an interrogative", "A subject or topic for consideration or investigation", "A doubt or challenge about the truth or accuracy of a matter", "A proposal to a meeting as a topic for deliberation", "Interrogation by torture", "Talk", "conversation", "speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inquiry", "subject", "issue", "proposal" ], "word": "question", "num_translations": 296 }, "question1": { "senses": [ "to interrogate", "to enquire for information", "To raise doubts about", "have doubts about", "To argue", "to converse", "to dispute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frain" ], "word": "question", "num_translations": 89 }, "hooter": { "senses": [ "A person who hoots", "The horn in a motor vehicle", "A nose, especially a large one", "A woman's breast", "A penis", "An owl", "A large cannabis cigarette" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nose", "Thesaurus:breasts", "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "hooter", "num_translations": 17 }, "greenhouse": { "senses": [ "A building used to grow plants, particularly one with large glass windows or plastic sheeting to trap heat from sunlight even in intemperate seasons or climates", "The glass of a plane's cockpit", "A structure that shields the operating table to protect against bacteria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glasshouse" ], "word": "greenhouse", "num_translations": 62 }, "vapour1": { "senses": [ "To use insubstantial language", "to boast or bluster", "to depress, to bore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vapour", "num_translations": 13 }, "spectacles": { "senses": [ "plural of \"spectacle\"", "A pair of lenses set in a frame worn on the nose and ears in order to correct deficiencies in eyesight or to ornament the face", "synonym of \"pair\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eyeglasses" ], "word": "spectacles", "num_translations": 169 }, "premiere": { "senses": [ "The first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment, often held as a special event with celebrity guests", "The first episode of a television show or a particular season of that show", "In a series of narrative works, the installment that is chronologically set first", "The leading woman of a group, especially in a theatrical cast" ], "antonyms": [ "finale" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "premiere", "num_translations": 34 }, "superfluous": { "senses": [ "In excess of what is required or sufficient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "excessive" ], "word": "superfluous", "num_translations": 47 }, "caltrop": { "senses": [ "A small, metal object with spikes arranged so that, when thrown onto the ground, one always faces up as a threat to pedestrians, horses, and vehicles", "The same object represented as a heraldic charge", "The starthistle, Centaurea calcitrapa, a plant with sharp thorns", "Any of a number of flowering plants in the family Zygophyllaceae, including several members of the genus Kallstroemia and the species Tribulus terrestris, native to warm temperate and tropical regions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caltrap", "knapweed", "puncturevine" ], "word": "caltrop", "num_translations": 68 }, "pundit": { "senses": [ "An expert in a particular field, especially as called upon to provide comment or opinion in the media", "a commentator, a critic", "A learned person in India", "someone with knowledge of Sanskrit, philosophy, religion and law", "a Hindu scholar", "A native surveyor in British India, trained to carry out clandestine surveillance beyond British borders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pundit", "num_translations": 61 }, "hippocampus": { "senses": [ "A mythological creature with the front head and forelimbs of a horse and the rear of a dolphin", "A part of the brain located inside the temporal lobe, consisting mainly of grey matter It is a component of the limbic system and plays a role in memory and emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HIPP" ], "word": "hippocampus", "num_translations": 29 }, "block": { "senses": [ "A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance", "cuboid base for cutting or beheading", "A group of urban lots of property, several acres in extent, not crossed by public streets", "A residential building consisting of flats", "The distance from one street to another in a city that is built to a grid pattern", "Interference or obstruction of cognitive processes", "The human head", "A mould on which hats, bonnets, etc, are shaped", "A set of sheets joined together at one end", "A logical data storage unit containing one or more physical sectors", "A region of code in a program that acts as a single unit, such as a function or loop", "A fixed-length group of bits making up part of a message", "A case with one or more sheaves/pulleys, used with ropes to increase or redirect force, for example, as part of the rigging of a sailing ship", "A portion of a macromolecule, comprising many units, that has at least one feature not present in adjacent portions", "Something that prevents something from passing", "An action to interfere with the movement of an opposing player or of the object of play", "A shot played by holding the bat vertically in the path of the ball, so that it loses momentum and drops to the ground", "A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitter's court", "A joined group of four postage stamps, forming a roughly square shape", "A section of split logs used as fuel", "Solitary confinement", "The perch on which a bird of prey is kept", "A piece of hard wood on which a stereotype or electrotype plate is mounted", "a stupid fellow", "a dolt", "The position of a player or bat when guarding the wicket", "The popping crease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:head", "city block", "stuff" ], "word": "block", "num_translations": 241 }, "block1": { "senses": [ "To fill so that it is not possible to pass", "To prevent from passing", "To prevent", "To impede an opponent", "To specify the positions and movements of the actors", "To disable communication via telephone, instant messaging, etc, with an undesirable someone", "To wait", "To stretch or mould into the desired shape", "To shape or sketch out roughly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "block", "num_translations": 134 }, "getoff": { "senses": [ "To move from being on top of to not being on top of it", "To move from being on top of to not being on top of it", "To stop touching or physically interfering with something or someone", "To cause to stop touching or interfering with", "To stop using a piece of equipment, such as a telephone or computer", "To disembark, especially from mass transportation such as a bus or train", "to depart from", "To make or help someone be ready to leave a place", "To leave and start", "To leave one's job as scheduled or with permission", "To reserve or have a period of time as a vacation from work", "To acquire from", "To escape serious or severe consequences", "to receive only mild or no punishment for something one has done or been accused of", "To help someone to escape serious or severe consequences and receive only mild or no punishment", "To send", "to discharge", "To utter", "To make fall asleep", "To fall asleep", "To excite or arouse, especially in a sexual manner, as to cause to experience orgasm", "To experience great pleasure, especially sexual pleasure", "in particular, to experience an orgasm", "To kiss", "to smooch", "To get high", "To find enjoyment", "Indicates annoyance or dismissiveness" ], "antonyms": [ "get on" ], "synonyms": [ "get down", "stop", "alight", "drop off", "cop off" ], "word": "getoff", "num_translations": 87 }, "press": { "senses": [ "A printing machine", "A collective term for the print-based media", "A publisher", "An enclosed storage space", "An exercise in which weight is forced away from the body by extension of the arms or legs", "An additional bet in a golf match that duplicates an existing wager in value, but begins even at the time of the bet", "Pure, unfermented grape juice", "A commission to force men into public service, particularly into the navy", "A crowd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "closet", "printing press", "press-gang" ], "word": "press", "num_translations": 144 }, "press1": { "senses": [ "to exert weight or force against, to act upon with force or weight", "to clasp, hold in an embrace", "to hug", "To flatten a selected area of fabric using an iron with an up-and-down, not sliding, motion, so as to avoid disturbing adjacent areas", "to force to a certain end or result", "to urge strongly, impel", "To try to force", "to urge or inculcate", "to hasten, urge onward", "to urge, beseech, entreat", "to lay stress upon, emphasize", "to throng, crowd", "to print", "To force into service, particularly into naval service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thring", "thring", "thring", "press-gang" ], "word": "press", "num_translations": 66 }, "cupboard": { "senses": [ "A board or table used to openly hold and display silver plate and other dishware", "a sideboard", "a buffet", "Things displayed on a sideboard", "dishware, particularly valuable plate", "A cabinet, closet, or other piece of furniture with shelves intended for storing cookware, dishware, or food", "similar cabinets or closets used for storing other items", "particularly food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sideboard", "pantry" ], "word": "cupboard", "num_translations": 135 }, "wardrobe": { "senses": [ "A room for keeping clothes and armor safe, particularly a dressing room or walk-in closet beside a bedroom", "A governmental office or department in a monarchy which purchases, keeps, and cares for royal clothes", "The building housing such a department", "Any closet used for storing anything", "A room for keeping costumes and other property safe at a theater", "a prop room", "The department of a theater, movie studio, etc which purchases, keeps, and cares for costumes", "its staff", "its room or building", "A movable cupboard or cabinet designed for storing clothes, particularly as a large piece of bedroom furniture", "A tall built-in cupboard or closet for storing clothes, often including a rail for coat-hangers, and usually located in a bedroom", "Anything that similarly stores or houses something", "Any collection of clothing", "Any collection of anything", "A private chamber, particularly one used for sleeping or urinating and defecating", "Badger feces, particularly used in tracking game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "armoir", "dresser", "costume department", "bedroom", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "wardrobe", "num_translations": 173 }, "trouble": { "senses": [ "A distressing or dangerous situation", "A difficulty, problem, condition, or action contributing to such a situation", "A violent occurrence or event", "Efforts taken or expended, typically beyond the normal required", "A malfunction", "Liability to punishment", "conflict with authority", "A fault or interruption in a stratum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:difficult situation" ], "word": "trouble", "num_translations": 160 }, "trouble1": { "senses": [ "To disturb, stir up, agitate", "To mentally distress", "to cause to be anxious or perplexed", "In weaker sense: to bother or inconvenience", "To take pains to do something", "To worry", "to be anxious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trouble", "num_translations": 47 }, "incident1": { "senses": [ "Arising as the result of an event, inherent", "Falling on or striking a surface", "Coming or happening accidentally", "not in the usual course of things", "not in connection with the main design", "not according to expectation", "casual", "fortuitous", "Liable to happen", "apt to occur", "befalling", "hence, naturally happening or appertaining", "Dependent upon, or appertaining to, another thing, called the principal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incident", "num_translations": 37 }, "sue": { "senses": [ "To file a legal action against someone, generally a non-criminal action", "To seek by request", "to make application", "to petition", "to entreat", "to plead", "To clean", "To leave high and dry on shore", "To court", "To follow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sue", "num_translations": 47 }, "hardcore": { "senses": [ "Having an extreme dedication to a certain activity", "diehard", "Particularly intense", "thrillingly dangerous or erratic", "desirably violent in appearance", "pleasing or \"cool\" due to intensity or danger", "Resistant to change", "Obscene or explicit", "Depicting penetration and abnormal sexual activity", "Faster or more intense than the regular style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diehard" ], "word": "hardcore", "num_translations": 28 }, "oralsex": { "senses": [ "Stimulation of the genitals using the mouth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:oral sex" ], "word": "oralsex", "num_translations": 57 }, "furniture": { "senses": [ "Large movable item, usually in a room, which enhance the room's characteristics, functionally or decoratively", "The harness, trappings etc of a horse, hawk, or other animal", "Fittings, such as handles, of a door, coffin, or other wooden item", "The stock and forearm of a weapon", "The pieces of wood or metal put round pages of type to make proper margins and fill the spaces between the pages and the chase", "Any material on the page other than the text and pictures of stories" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "furniture", "num_translations": 116 }, "earn": { "senses": [ "To gain through applied effort or work", "To receive payment for work", "To receive payment for work", "To cause to receive payment or reward", "To achieve by being worthy of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deserve", "receive payment for work)", "receive payment for work)", "yield" ], "word": "earn", "num_translations": 98 }, "left-handed1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "right-handed" ], "synonyms": [ "sinistral", "southpaw" ], "word": "left-handed", "num_translations": 55 }, "bachelor": { "senses": [ "A person, especially a man, who is socially regarded as able to marry, but has not yet", "The first or lowest academical degree conferred by universities and colleges", "An unmarried woman", "A knight who had no standard of his own, but fought under the standard of another in the field", "Among London tradesmen, a junior member not yet admitted to wear the livery", "A kind of bass, an edible freshwater fish of the southern United States" ], "antonyms": [ "wedder", "bachelorette" ], "synonyms": [ "baccalaureate" ], "word": "bachelor", "num_translations": 124 }, "bachelorparty": { "senses": [ "A party held for a man who is about to be married, normally attended only by male friends and relatives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stag party" ], "word": "bachelorparty", "num_translations": 30 }, "bacheloretteparty": { "senses": [ "A party held for a woman who is about to be married" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hen party" ], "word": "bacheloretteparty", "num_translations": 24 }, "bake": { "senses": [ "To cook in an oven", "To be cooked in an oven", "To be warmed to drying and hardening", "To dry by heat", "To be hot", "To cause to be hot", "To smoke marijuana", "To harden by cold", "To fix as part of the texture of an object to improve rendering performance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cook" ], "word": "bake", "num_translations": 145 }, "chronic": { "senses": [ "Of a problem, that continues over an extended period of time", "Prolonged or slow to heal", "Of a person, suffering from an affliction that is prolonged or slow to heal", "Inveterate or habitual", "Very bad, awful", "Extremely serious", "Good, great", "\"wicked\"" ], "antonyms": [ "acute" ], "synonyms": [ "diuturnal", "abysmal", "gnarly" ], "word": "chronic", "num_translations": 64 }, "tumor": { "senses": [ "An abnormal growth", "differential diagnosis includes abscess, metaplasia, and neoplasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neoplasm" ], "word": "tumor", "num_translations": 74 }, "duvet": { "senses": [ "A thick, padded quilt used instead of blankets", "A cover for a quilt or comforter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doona" ], "word": "duvet", "num_translations": 48 }, "pissoff": { "senses": [ "To leave, to go away", "To annoy, anger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bugger off", "cheese off" ], "word": "pissoff", "num_translations": 90 }, "pissedoff": { "senses": [ "Very annoyed, upset, angry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "browned off", "cheesed off", "Thesaurus:angry" ], "word": "pissedoff", "num_translations": 18 }, "takeplace": { "senses": [ "To happen, to occur", "To take precedence or priority", "To take effect", "to prevail", "To sit in a particular location, take one's place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to pass" ], "word": "takeplace", "num_translations": 52 }, "character": { "senses": [ "A being involved in the action of a story", "A distinguishing feature", "trait", "phene", "A complex of traits marking a person, group, breed, or type", "Strength of mind", "resolution", "independence", "individuality", "moral strength", "A unique or extraordinary individual", "A written or printed symbol, or letter", "Style of writing or printing", "handwriting", "the particular form of letters used by a person or people", "A secret cipher", "a way of writing in code", "A person or individual, especially one who is unknown or raises suspicions", "A complex number representing an element of a finite Abelian group", "Quality, position, rank, or capacity", "quality or conduct with respect to a certain office or duty", "The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing", "reputation", "A reference given to a servant, attesting to his/her behaviour, competence, etc", "Personal appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "character", "num_translations": 325 }, "flay2": { "senses": [ "to strip skin off", "to lash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fleece" ], "word": "flay", "num_translations": 30 }, "await": { "senses": [ "To wait for", "To expect", "To be in store for", "to be ready or in waiting for", "To serve or attend", "to wait on, wait upon", "To watch, observe", "To wait", "to stay in waiting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wait for", "attend to" ], "word": "await", "num_translations": 175 }, "monitor": { "senses": [ "Someone who watches over something", "a person in charge of something or someone", "A device that detects and informs on the presence, quantity, etc, of something", "A device similar to a television set used as to give a graphical display of the output from a computer", "A program for viewing and editing", "A student leader in a class", "One of a class of relatively small armored warships designed for shore bombardment or riverine warfare rather than combat with other ships", "An ironclad", "One who admonishes", "one who warns of faults, informs of duty, or gives advice and instruction by way of reproof or caution", "A tool holder, as for a lathe, shaped like a low turret, and capable of being revolved on a vertical pivot so as to bring the several tools successively into position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "monitor", "num_translations": 121 }, "monitor1": { "senses": [ "To watch over", "to guard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oversee" ], "word": "monitor", "num_translations": 39 }, "replete": { "senses": [ "Abounding", "Gorged, filled to near the point of bursting, especially with food or drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plentiful", "stuffed" ], "word": "replete", "num_translations": 36 }, "mounteverest": { "senses": [ "The world's highest mountain, located in the Himalayas between Nepal and Tibet", "Epitome, ultimate", "an endeavor that is very demanding yet rewarding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Peak XV", "Sagarmatha", "Chomolungma", "Qomolangma", "Zhumulangma", "mother of all" ], "word": "MountEverest", "num_translations": 84 }, "facile": { "senses": [ "Easy, now especially in a disparaging sense", "contemptibly easy", "Amiable, flexible, easy to get along with", "Effortless, fluent", "Lazy, simplistic", "Of a reaction or other process, taking place readily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skillful" ], "word": "facile", "num_translations": 14 }, "breakdown": { "senses": [ "To fail, to cease to function", "To render or to become unstable due to stress, to collapse physically or mentally", "To render or to become weak and ineffective", "To decay, to decompose", "To divide into parts to give more details, to provide a more indepth analysis of", "To digest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breakdown", "num_translations": 73 }, "cabriolet": { "senses": [ "An automobile with a retractable top", "A light two- or four-wheeled carriage with a folding top, pulled by a single horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "convertible", "roadster" ], "word": "cabriolet", "num_translations": 28 }, "eccentric": { "senses": [ "Not at or in the centre", "away from the centre", "Not perfectly circular", "elliptical", "Having a different center", "not concentric", "Deviating from the norm", "behaving unexpectedly or differently", "Against or in the opposite direction of contraction of a muscle by an external force while contracting the triceps and other elbow extensor muscles to control that movement", "opening of the jaw while flexing the masseter)", "Having different goals or motives" ], "antonyms": [ "concentric" ], "synonyms": [ "eccentrical", "eccentrical", "eccentrical", "eccentrical", "eccentrical" ], "word": "eccentric", "num_translations": 64 }, "eccentric1": { "senses": [ "One who does not behave like others", "A kook", "a person of bizarre habits or beliefs", "A circle not having the same centre as another", "A disk or wheel with its axis off centre, giving a reciprocating motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misfit", "crank" ], "word": "eccentric", "num_translations": 43 }, "wormhole": { "senses": [ "a hole burrowed by a worm", "A hypothetical shortcut between two points in spacetime, permitting faster-than-light travel and sometimes time travel", "A location in a monitor program containing the address of a routine, allowing the user to substitute different functionality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Einstein-Rosen bridge" ], "word": "wormhole", "num_translations": 42 }, "place": { "senses": [ "An area", "somewhere within an area", "A location or position in space", "A particular location in a book or document, particularly the current location of a reader", "A passage or extract from a book or document", "A topic", "A frame of mind", "A chess position", "a square of the chessboard", "A responsibility or position in an organization", "A fortified position: a fortress, citadel, or walled town", "Numerically, the column counting a certain quantity", "Ordinal relation", "position in the order of proceeding", "Reception", "effect", "implying the making room for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "courtyard", "seat", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom", "location", "frame of mind" ], "word": "place", "num_translations": 443 }, "place1": { "senses": [ "To put in a specific location", "To earn a given spot in a competition", "To remember where and when has been previously encountered", "To achieve as in a horse race", "To sing with the correct pitch", "To arrange for or to make", "To recruit or match an appropriate person for a job" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deposit", "achieve", "reach", ")" ], "word": "place", "num_translations": 157 }, "hypothetical": { "senses": [ "Based upon a hypothesis", "conjectural", "conditional", "contingent upon some hypothesis/antecedent" ], "antonyms": [ "actual", "categorical" ], "synonyms": [ "conjectural", "conditional" ], "word": "hypothetical", "num_translations": 41 }, "tachyon": { "senses": [ "A hypothetical particle that travels faster than the speed of light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tachyonic particle" ], "word": "tachyon", "num_translations": 34 }, "jap": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Japanese", "Nip" ], "word": "Jap", "num_translations": 21 }, "story": { "senses": [ "A sequence of real or fictional events", "or, an account of such a sequence", "A lie, fiction", "A soap opera", "A sequence of events, or a situation, such as might be related in an account", "A temporary collection of a user's recently publicized snaps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tome", "lie", "soap opera", "narrative" ], "word": "story", "num_translations": 201 }, "skinflint": { "senses": [ "One who is excessively stingy or cautious with money", "a tightwad", "a miser" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:miser" ], "word": "skinflint", "num_translations": 57 }, "joke": { "senses": [ "An amusing story", "Something said or done for amusement, not in seriousness", "The root cause or main issue, especially an unexpected one", "A laughably worthless thing or person", "a sham" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:joke" ], "word": "joke", "num_translations": 257 }, "joke1": { "senses": [ "To do or say something for amusement rather than seriously", "To dupe in a friendly manner for amusement", "to mess with, play with", "To make merry with", "to rally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "joke", "num_translations": 67 }, "practicaljoke": { "senses": [ "A playful trick done for amusement to the detriment of someone else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prank" ], "word": "practicaljoke", "num_translations": 31 }, "equine": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a horse or horses", "Of or relating to any member or members of the genus Equus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horsely", "horsen", "horsey" ], "word": "equine", "num_translations": 19 }, "horsy": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to horses", "Of a person or people, involved in breeding or riding horses", "Of a graphic design or typographical treatment which is clumsy, clunky, or unrefined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horsely" ], "word": "horsy", "num_translations": 12 }, "worldwarii": { "senses": [ "The war from 1939 to 1945 of the Allied forces, including the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, the United States, France, and China, against the Axis Powers, including Germany, Italy, and Japan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Second World War" ], "word": "WorldWarII", "num_translations": 68 }, "worldwariii": { "senses": [ "A hypothetical world war following, and on an equal or greater scale to, World War II" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Third World War", "World War Three" ], "word": "WorldWarIII", "num_translations": 31 }, "telephonenumber": { "senses": [ "The sequence of digits used to identify a particular destination telephone in a network", "A large number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "number", "phone number" ], "word": "telephonenumber", "num_translations": 64 }, "incest": { "senses": [ "Sexual relations between close relatives, especially immediate family members and first cousins, usually considered taboo" ], "antonyms": [ "outbreeding" ], "synonyms": [ "inbreeding" ], "word": "incest", "num_translations": 90 }, "nerve": { "senses": [ "A bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics", "A neuron", "A vein in a leaf", "a grain in wood", "Courage, boldness", "Patience", "Stamina, endurance, fortitude", "Audacity, gall", "The elastic resistance of raw rubber or other polymers to permanent deformation during processing", "Agitation caused by fear, stress or other negative emotion", "Sinew, tendon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brashness", "brazenness", "balls" ], "word": "nerve", "num_translations": 197 }, "werewolf": { "senses": [ "A person who is transformed or can transform into a wolf or a wolflike human, often said to transform during a full moon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wolfman", "lycanthrope", "man-wolf" ], "word": "werewolf", "num_translations": 113 }, "ruminate": { "senses": [ "To chew cud Involves regurgitating partially digested food from the rumen", "To meditate or reflect", "To meditate or ponder over", "to muse on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ponder", "Thesaurus:think" ], "word": "ruminate", "num_translations": 59 }, "sheath": { "senses": [ "A holster for a sword", "Anything that has a similar shape to a scabbard for a sword that is for the purpose of holding an object that is longer than it is wide", "The insulating outer cover of an electrical cable", "A tight-fitting dress", "A condom", "The foreskin of certain animals, eg dogs and horses", "One of the elytra of an insect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sheath", "num_translations": 44 }, "immense": { "senses": [ "Huge, gigantic, very large", "Supremely good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "immense", "num_translations": 53 }, "girth": { "senses": [ "A band passed under the belly of an animal, which holds a saddle or a harness saddle in place", "One's waistline circumference, most often a large one", "A small horizontal brace or girder", "The distance measured around an object", "The length of the shortest cycle in a graph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circumference", "cinch" ], "word": "girth", "num_translations": 39 }, "sulfuricacid": { "senses": [ "A transparent, oily liquid, formula H2SO4, that is a strong acid with very many industrial applications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E513" ], "word": "sulfuricacid", "num_translations": 34 }, "earwax": { "senses": [ "A waxy substance secreted by the ear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cerumen" ], "word": "earwax", "num_translations": 122 }, "sheathe": { "senses": [ "To put something, such as a knife, into a sheath", "To encase something with a protective covering" ], "antonyms": [ "unsheathe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sheathe", "num_translations": 20 }, "and/or": { "senses": [ "Joins two alternatives to mean either or both", "indicates that inclusive or is meant where or alone might be taken to mean exclusive or" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "or" ], "word": "and/or", "num_translations": 30 }, "diaeresis": { "senses": [ "A diacritic placed over a vowel letter indicating that it is sounded separately, usually forming a distinct syllable, as in the English words na\u00efve, No\u00ebl and Bront\u00eb, the French ha\u00efr and the Dutch ru\u00efne", "Distraction", "the separation of a vowel, often a diphthong, into two distinct syllables", "A natural break in rhythm when a word ends at the end of a metrical foot, in a line of verse", "Hiatus", "the occurrence of separate vowel sounds in adjacent syllables without an intervening consonant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diaeresis", "num_translations": 54 }, "past": { "senses": [ "The period of time that has already happened, in contrast to the present and the future" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foretime" ], "word": "past", "num_translations": 130 }, "past1": { "senses": [ "Having already happened", "finished", "Following expressions of time to indicate how long ago something happened", "ago", "Of a period of time: having just gone by", "previous", "Of a tense, expressing action that has already happened or a previously-existing state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bygone", "foregone" ], "word": "past", "num_translations": 103 }, "present": { "senses": [ "Relating to now, for the time being", "current", "Located in the immediate vicinity", "Having an immediate effect", "fast-acting", "Not delayed", "immediate", "instant", "Ready", "quick in emergency", "Favorably attentive", "propitious", "Relating to something a person is referring to in the very context, with a deictic use similar to the demonstrative adjective this", "Attentive", "alert", "focused" ], "antonyms": [ "future", "absent", "slow-acting", "delayed", "distracted" ], "synonyms": [ "current", "close", "presentaneous", "instantaneous", "audient" ], "word": "present", "num_translations": 118 }, "present1": { "senses": [ "The current moment or period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "now" ], "word": "present", "num_translations": 72 }, "present3": { "senses": [ "To bring into the presence of", "to introduce formally", "To nominate for an ecclesiastical benefice", "to offer to the bishop or ordinary as a candidate for institution", "To offer to a court or other authority for consideration", "To charge with a crime or accusation", "to bring before court", "To come forward, appear in a particular place or before a particular person, especially formally", "To put forward in order for it to be seen", "to show, exhibit", "To make clear to one's mind or intelligence", "to put forward for consideration", "To put on, stage", "To point at something, to hold in a position ready to fire", "To offer oneself for mental consideration", "to occur to the mind", "To come to the attention of medical staff, especially with a specific symptom", "To appear for delivery", "to appear first at the mouth of the uterus during childbirth", "To give to someone", "to bestow", "To deliver as though as a gift", "to offer", "To hand over to be paid", "To display one's female genitalia in a way that signals to others that one is ready for copulation Also referred to as lordosis behaviour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "present", "num_translations": 89 }, "earwig": { "senses": [ "Any of various insects of the order Dermaptera that have elongated bodies, large membranous wings folded underneath short leathery forewings and a pair of large pincers protruding from the rear of the abdomen", "One who whispers insinuations", "a secret counsellor", "A flatterer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forkytail" ], "word": "earwig", "num_translations": 63 }, "postposition": { "senses": [ "A word that has the same purpose as a preposition but comes after the noun", "The act of placing after, or the state of being placed after" ], "antonyms": [ "preposition" ], "synonyms": [ "postpositive preposition" ], "word": "postposition", "num_translations": 34 }, "circumference": { "senses": [ "The line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional figure", "The length of such a line", "The surface of a round or spherical object", "The length of the longest cycle of a graph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perimeter", "distance measured around any object", "distance measured around a race track" ], "word": "circumference", "num_translations": 85 }, "sheeple": { "senses": [ "People who unquestioningly accept as true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny" ], "antonyms": [ "free-thinker", "sceptic" ], "synonyms": [ "sheep" ], "word": "sheeple", "num_translations": 22 }, "cannibal": { "senses": [ "An organism which eats others of its own species or kind, especially a human who eats human flesh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "man-eater", "anthropophagus" ], "word": "cannibal", "num_translations": 76 }, "optimize": { "senses": [ "To act optimistically or as an optimist", "To make optimal", "To make more efficient, such as a computer program", "To become optimal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perfect", "enhance" ], "word": "optimize", "num_translations": 47 }, "principle": { "senses": [ "A fundamental assumption or guiding belief", "A rule used to choose among solutions to a problem", "Moral rule or aspect", "A rule or law of nature, or the basic idea on how the laws of nature are applied", "A fundamental essence, particularly one producing a given quality", "A beginning", "A source, or origin", "that from which anything proceeds", "fundamental substance or energy", "primordial substance", "ultimate element, or cause", "An original faculty or endowment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tenet" ], "word": "principle", "num_translations": 167 }, "back-formation": { "senses": [ "The process by which a new word is formed from an older word by interpreting the former as a derivative of the latter, often by removing a morpheme from the older word, such as the verb burgle, formed by removing -ar from burglar", "A word created in this way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "back-form" ], "word": "back-formation", "num_translations": 26 }, "positive": { "senses": [ "Not negative or neutral", "Formally laid down", "Stated definitively and without qualification", "Fully assured in opinion", "Of number, greater than zero", "Characterized by constructiveness or influence for the better", "Overconfident, dogmatic", "Actual, real, concrete, not theoretical or speculative", "Having more protons than electrons", "Describing the primary sense of an adjective, adverb or noun", "not comparative, superlative, augmentative nor diminutive", "Derived from an object by itself", "not dependent on changing circumstances or relations", "absolute", "Characterized by the existence or presence of distinguishing qualities or features, rather than by their absence", "Characterized by the presence of features which support a hypothesis", "Of a visual image, true to the original in light, shade and colour values", "Favorable, desirable by those interested or invested in that which is being judged", "Wholly what is expressed", "colloquially downright, entire, outright", "Optimistic", "basic", "metallic", "not acid", "opposed to negative, and said of metals, bases, and basic radicals", "Good, desirable, healthful, pleasant, enjoyable" ], "antonyms": [ "negative", "nonpositive", "uncertain", "bad" ], "synonyms": [ "certain" ], "word": "positive", "num_translations": 140 }, "positive1": { "senses": [ "A thing capable of being affirmed", "something real or actual", "A favourable point or characteristic", "A degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs", "one that displays true colors and shades, as opposed to a negative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "positive", "num_translations": 42 }, "elixiroflife": { "senses": [ "A substance which when drunk brings immortality: eternal life, eternal youth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hundreds of synonyms exist" ], "word": "elixiroflife", "num_translations": 33 }, "hypercube": { "senses": [ "A geometric figure in four or more dimensions, which is analogous to a cube in three dimensions Specifically, the n-dimensional equivalent of a cube for any non-negative integer n", "Such a figure in four dimensions", "a tesseract", "A data cube with more than three dimensions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "8-cell" ], "word": "hypercube", "num_translations": 15 }, "conservative": { "senses": [ "A person who favors maintenance of the status quo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "traditionalist", "right-winger", "reactionary" ], "word": "conservative", "num_translations": 87 }, "conservative1": { "senses": [ "Cautious", "Tending to resist change or innovation", "Based on pessimistic assumptions", "Supporting some combination of fiscal, political or social conservatism", "Neither creating nor destroying a given quantity", "Having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste, or injury", "preservative", "Conventional, traditional, and moderate in style and appearance", "not extreme, excessive, faddish, or intense", "Not including any operation or intervention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conservative", "num_translations": 77 }, "pothead": { "senses": [ "A person who smokes cannabis frequently, to excess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stoner", "weedhead" ], "word": "pothead", "num_translations": 14 }, "offal": { "senses": [ "The rejected or waste parts of a butchered animal", "The internal organs of an animal other than a bird, these organs being used as food", "A by-product of the grain milling process, which may include bran, husks, etc", "A dead body", "carrion", "That which is thrown away as worthless or unfit for use", "refuse", "rubbish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "offal", "num_translations": 55 }, "dope": { "senses": [ "Any viscous liquid or paste, such as a lubricant, used in preparing a surface", "An absorbent material used to hold a liquid", "Any varnish used to coat a part, such as an airplane wing or a hot-air balloon in order to waterproof, strengthen, etc", "Any illicit or narcotic drug that produces euphoria or satisfies an addiction", "particularly heroin", "Information, usually from an inside source, originally in horse racing and other sports", "Ballistic data on previously fired rounds, used to calculate the required hold over a target", "A stupid person", "Dessert topping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool" ], "word": "dope", "num_translations": 59 }, "dope1": { "senses": [ "To affect with drugs", "To add a dopant such as arsenic to", "To use drugs", "especially, to use prohibited performance-enhancing drugs in sporting competitions", "To judge or guess", "to predict the result of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dope", "num_translations": 20 }, "inept": { "senses": [ "Not able to do something", "not proficient", "displaying incompetence", "Unfit", "unsuitable" ], "antonyms": [ "adept", "skillful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inept", "num_translations": 49 }, "pile": { "senses": [ "A mass of things heaped together", "a heap", "A group or list of related items up for consideration, especially in some kind of selection process", "A mass formed in layers", "a pyre", "A large building, or mass of buildings", "A bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be worked over into bars or other shapes by rolling or hammering at a welding heat", "a fagot", "A vertical series of alternate disks of two dissimilar metals , laid up with disks of cloth or paper moistened with acid water between them, for producing a current of electricity", "an early form of nuclear reactor", "The reverse of a coin", "A list or league" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lot" ], "word": "pile", "num_translations": 86 }, "pile1": { "senses": [ "to heap up", "to collect into a mass", "to accumulate", "To cover with heaps", "or in great abundance", "to fill or overfill", "to load", "To add something to a great number", "To create a hold-up", "To place together in threes so that they can stand upright, supporting each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heap" ], "word": "pile", "num_translations": 26 }, "pile2": { "senses": [ "A dart", "an arrow", "The head of an arrow or spear", "A large stake, or piece of pointed timber, steel etc, driven into the earth or sea-bed for the support of a building, a pier, or other superstructure, or to form a cofferdam, etc", "One of the ordinaries or subordinaries having the form of a wedge, usually placed palewise, with the broadest end uppermost" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pile", "num_translations": 33 }, "trapezium": { "senses": [ "A four-sided polygon with two sides parallel", "A four-sided polygon with no parallel sides and no sides equal", "a simple convex irregular quadrilateral", "A region on the ventral side of the brain, either just back of the pons Varolii, or, as in man, covered by the posterior extension of its transverse fibers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trapezoid", "trapezoid", "irregular quadrilateral" ], "word": "trapezium", "num_translations": 63 }, "tumbler": { "senses": [ "One who tumbles", "one who plays tricks by various motions of the body", "an acrobat", "A movable obstruction in a lock, consisting of a lever, latch, wheel, slide, or the like, which must be adjusted to a particular position by a key or other means before the bolt can be thrown in locking or unlocking", "A rotating device for smoothing and polishing rough objects, placed inside it, on relatively small parts", "A piece attached to, or forming part of, the hammer of a gunlock, upon which the mainspring acts and in which are the notches for sear point to enter", "A drinking glass that has no stem, foot, or handle \u2014 so called because such glasses originally had a pointed or convex base and could not be set down without spilling This compelled the drinker to finish his measure", "A variety of the domestic pigeon remarkable for its habit of tumbling, or turning somersaults, during its flight", "A beverage cup, typically made of stainless steel, that is broad at the top and narrow at the bottom commonly used in India", "A dog of a breed that tumbles when pursuing game, formerly used in hunting rabbits", "A kind of cart", "a tumbril", "The pupa of a mosquito", "One of a set of levers from which the heddles hang in some looms", "A porpoise", "A service that mixes potentially identifiable or 'tainted' cryptocurrency funds with others, so as to obscure the audit trail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tumbler", "num_translations": 33 }, "obstruction": { "senses": [ "The act of obstructing, or state of being obstructed", "Something which obstructs or impedes, either intentionally or unintentionally", "The condition of having the natural powers obstructed in their usual course", "the arrest of the vital functions", "death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "block", "hindrance", "impedance", "roadblock", "stop", "Thesaurus:hindrance" ], "word": "obstruction", "num_translations": 32 }, "obtain": { "senses": [ "To get hold of", "to gain possession of, to procure", "to acquire, in any way", "To secure a specific objective or state of affairs be reached", "To prevail, be victorious", "to succeed", "To hold", "to keep, possess or occupy", "To exist or be the case", "to hold true, be in force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "obtain", "num_translations": 87 }, "occasion": { "senses": [ "A favorable opportunity", "a convenient or timely chance", "The time when something happens", "An occurrence or state of affairs which causes some event or reaction", "a motive or reason", "Something which causes something else", "a cause", "An occurrence or incident", "A particular happening", "an instance or time when something occurred", "Need", "requirement, necessity", "A special event or function", "A reason or excuse", "a motive", "a persuasion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "occasion", "num_translations": 107 }, "occidental": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or situated in, the occident, or west", "western", "Of a gem or precious stone: of inferior value or quality" ], "antonyms": [ "oriental" ], "synonyms": [ "western" ], "word": "occidental", "num_translations": 16 }, "odor": { "senses": [ "Any smell, whether fragrant or offensive", "scent", "perfume", "A strong, pervasive quality", "Esteem", "repute", "Something which produces a scent", "incense, a perfume" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perfume", "esteem", "Thesaurus:smell" ], "word": "odor", "num_translations": 74 }, "offense": { "senses": [ "The act of offending:", "The state of being offended or displeased", "anger", "displeasure", "A strategy and tactics employed when in position to score", "contrasted with defense", "The portion of a team dedicated to scoring when in position to do so", "contrasted with defense" ], "antonyms": [ "defense" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:offense" ], "word": "offense", "num_translations": 65 }, "onanism": { "senses": [ "Masturbation", "Ejaculating outside the vagina during intercourse", "coitus interruptus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:masturbation" ], "word": "onanism", "num_translations": 17 }, "fade2": { "senses": [ "To grow weak", "to lose strength", "to decay", "to perish gradually", "to wither, as a plant", "To lose freshness, color, or brightness", "to become faint in hue or tint", "hence, to be wanting in color", "To sink away", "to disappear gradually", "to grow dim", "to vanish", "To bet against" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weaken", "blanch", "decrease" ], "word": "fade", "num_translations": 108 }, "pack": { "senses": [ "A bundle made up and prepared to be carried", "especially, a bundle to be carried on the back, but also a load for an animal, a bale", "A multitude", "A number or quantity of connected or similar things", "a collective", "A full set of playing cards", "The assortment of playing cards used in a particular game", "A group of hounds or dogs, hunting or kept together", "A group of people associated or leagued in a bad design or practice", "a gang", "A group of Cub Scouts", "A shook of cask staves", "A bundle of sheet iron plates for rolling simultaneously", "A large area of floating pieces of ice driven together more or less closely", ": A loose, lewd, or worthless person", "A tight group of object balls in cue sports Usually the reds in snooker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deck" ], "word": "pack", "num_translations": 117 }, "pack1": { "senses": [ "To put or bring things together in a limited or confined space, especially for storage or transport", "To cheat", "to load", "to encumber", "To move, send or carry", "To block a shot, especially in basketball", "To play together cohesively, specially with reference to their technique in the scrum", "To wear a prosthetic penis inside one's trousers for better verisimilitude" ], "antonyms": [ "unpack" ], "synonyms": [ "stack" ], "word": "pack", "num_translations": 51 }, "pervert1": { "senses": [ "To turn another way", "to divert", "To corrupt", "to cause to be untrue", "corrupted or otherwise impure", "To misapply, misuse, use for a nefarious purpose", "to misinterpret designedly", "to take the wrong course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pervert", "num_translations": 19 }, "parsimonious": { "senses": [ "Exhibiting parsimony", "sparing in the expenditure of money", "frugal to excess", "Using a minimal number of assumptions, steps, or conjectures", "Not conceding many goals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parsimonious", "num_translations": 31 }, "pad": { "senses": [ "A flattened mass of anything soft, to sit or lie on", "A cushion used as a saddle without a tree or frame", "A soft, or small, cushion", "A cushion-like thickening of the skin on the under side of the toes of animals", "The mostly hairless flesh located on the bottom of an animal's foot or paw", "Any cushion-like part of the human body, especially the ends of the fingers", "A stuffed guard or protection, especially one worn on the legs of horses to prevent bruising", "A soft bag or cushion to relieve pressure, support a part, etc", "A sanitary napkin", "A floating leaf of a water lily or similar plant", "A soft cover for a batsman's leg that protects it from damage when hit by the ball", "A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting, especially one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper", "now especially such a block of paper sheets as used to write on", "A panel or strip of material designed to be sensitive to pressure or touch", "A flat surface or area from which a helicopter or other aircraft may land or be launched", "An electrical extension cord with a multi-port socket one end: \"trip cord\"", "The effect produced by sustained lower reed notes in a musical piece, most common in blues music", "A synthesizer instrument sound used for sustained background sounds", "A bed", "A small house, apartment, or mobile home occupied by a single person", "such as a bachelor, playboy, etc", "A prison cell", "A random key of the same length as the plaintext", "The amount by which a signal has been reduced", "A piece of timber fixed on a beam to fit the curve of the deck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pad", "num_translations": 87 }, "page": { "senses": [ "One of the many pieces of paper bound together within a book or similar document", "One side of a paper leaf on which one has written or printed", "Any record or writing", "a collective memory", "A screenful of text and possibly other content", "A block of contiguous memory of a fixed length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "side", "account" ], "word": "page", "num_translations": 216 }, "page2": { "senses": [ "A serving boy - a youth attending a person of high degree, especially at courts, as a position of honor and education", "A youth employed for doing errands, waiting on the door, and similar service in households", "A boy or girl employed to wait upon the members of a legislative body", "The common name given to an employee whose main purpose is to replace materials that have either been checked out or otherwise moved, back to their shelves", "A boy child", "A contrivance, as a band, pin, snap, or the like, to hold the skirt of a woman's dress from the ground", "A track along which pallets carrying newly molded bricks are conveyed to the hack", "Any one of several species of colorful South American moths of the genus Urania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "page boy", "boy" ], "word": "page", "num_translations": 32 }, "painful": { "senses": [ "Causing pain or distress, either physical or mental", "Afflicted or suffering with pain", "Requiring effort or labor", "difficult, laborious", "Painstaking", "careful", "industrious", "Very bad, poor" ], "antonyms": [ "painless" ], "synonyms": [ "doleful", "laborious" ], "word": "painful", "num_translations": 91 }, "pant": { "senses": [ "A quick breathing", "a catching of the breath", "a gasp", "Eager longing", "A violent palpitation of the heart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pant", "num_translations": 39 }, "pant1": { "senses": [ "To breathe quickly or in a labored manner, as after exertion or from eagerness or excitement", "to respire with heaving of the breast", "to gasp", "To long eagerly", "to desire earnestly", "To long for", "to be eager for", "Of the heart, to beat with unnatural violence or rapidity", "to palpitate", "To sigh", "to flutter", "to languish", "To heave, as the breast", "To bulge and shrink successively, of iron hulls, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gasp", "crave", "crave", "palpitate" ], "word": "pant", "num_translations": 73 }, "paternal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to one's father, his genes, his relatives, or his side of a family", "Fatherly", "behaving as or characteristic of a father", "Received or inherited from one's father", "Acting as a father" ], "antonyms": [ "maternal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "paternal", "num_translations": 70 }, "maternal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a mother", "having the characteristics of a mother", "motherly", "Related through the mother, or her side of the family", "Derived from the mother as opposed to the foetus during pregnancy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maternal", "num_translations": 61 }, "parch": { "senses": [ "To burn the surface of, to scorch", "To roast, as dry grain", "To dry to extremity", "to shrivel with heat", "To make thirsty", "To boil something slowly", "To become superficially burnt", "be become sunburned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parch", "num_translations": 28 }, "park": { "senses": [ "An area of land set aside for environment preservation or recreation", "A wide, flat-bottomed valley in a mountainous region", "An area used for specific purposes", "An inventory of mat\u00e9riel", "A space in which to leave a car" ], "antonyms": [ "building" ], "synonyms": [ "courtyard" ], "word": "park", "num_translations": 147 }, "park1": { "senses": [ "To bring to a halt or store in a specified place", "To defer until a later date", "To engage in romantic or sexual activities inside a nonmoving vehicle", "To sit, recline, or put, especially in a manner suggesting an intent to remain for some time", "To invest money temporarily in an investment instrument considered to relatively free of risk, especially while awaiting other opportunities", "To register a domain name, but make no use of it" ], "antonyms": [ "unpark" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "park", "num_translations": 57 }, "parse": { "senses": [ "To resolve into its elements, pointing out the several parts of speech, and their relation to each other by agreement or government", "to analyze and describe grammatically", "To examine closely", "to scrutinize", "To split into pieces of data that can be easily manipulated or stored", "To resolve into its elements to determine if it conforms to a particular grammar", "Of a string of code or text, sentence, etc: to conform to rules of grammar, to be syntactically valid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parse", "num_translations": 37 }, "patch": { "senses": [ "A piece of cloth, or other suitable material, sewed or otherwise fixed upon a garment to repair or strengthen it, especially upon an old garment to cover a hole", "A small piece of anything used to repair damage or a breach", "A repair intended to be used for a limited time", ", This usage can mean that the repair is temporary because it is an early but necessary step in the process of properly, completely repairing something,", "A small, usually contrasting but always somehow different or distinct, part of something else", "A small area, a small plot of land or piece of ground", "A local region of professional responsibility", "A small piece of black silk stuck on the face or neck to heighten beauty by contrast, worn by ladies in the 17th and 18th centuries", "an imitation beauty mark", "A piece of material used to cover a wound", "An adhesive piece of material, impregnated with a drug, which is worn on the skin, the drug being slowly absorbed over a period of time", "A block on the muzzle of a gun, to do away with the effect of dispart, in sighting", "A small piece of material that is manually passed through a gun barrel to clean it", "A piece of greased cloth or leather used as wrapping for a rifle ball, to make it fit the bore", "A sound setting for a musical synthesizer", "An overlay used to obtain a stronger impression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beauty spot", "section", "tract", "diff file" ], "word": "patch", "num_translations": 111 }, "patch1": { "senses": [ "To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like", "To mend with pieces", "to repair by fastening pieces on", "To join or unite the pieces of", "To employ a temporary, removable electronic connection, as one between two components in a communications system", "To repair or arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner", "To connect two pieces of electrical equipment using a cable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "patch", "num_translations": 43 }, "professor": { "senses": [ "A teacher or faculty member at a college or university regardless of formal rank", "One who professes something, such as a religious doctrine", "A pianist in a saloon, brothel, etc", "The puppeteer who performs a Punch and Judy show", "a Punchman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prof" ], "word": "professor", "num_translations": 136 }, "perfidy": { "senses": [ "A state or act of violating faith or allegiance", "violation of a promise or vow, or of trust", "Specifically, in warfare, an illegitimate act of deception, such as using symbols like the Red Cross or white flag to gain proximity to an enemy for purposes of attack", "A state or act of deceit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perfidiousness" ], "word": "perfidy", "num_translations": 23 }, "convict": { "senses": [ "to find guilty", "to convince, persuade", "to cause to believe in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sentence", "disapprove" ], "word": "convict", "num_translations": 42 }, "convict1": { "senses": [ "A person deported to a penal colony", "A common name for the sheepshead , owing to its black and gray stripes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assigned servant", "penal colonist" ], "word": "convict", "num_translations": 48 }, "penitent": { "senses": [ "Feeling pain or sorrow on account of one's sins or offenses", "repentant", "contrite", "feeling sincere guilt", "Doing penance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remorseful" ], "word": "penitent", "num_translations": 20 }, "penitent1": { "senses": [ "One who repents of sin", "one sorrowful on account of his or her transgressions", "One under church censure, but admitted to penance", "one undergoing penance", "One under the direction of a confessor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penaunt" ], "word": "penitent", "num_translations": 19 }, "acquit": { "senses": [ "To declare or find innocent or not guilty", "To discharge", "to clear off, to pay off", "to fulfil", "Followed by of '': to discharge, release, or set free from a burden, duty, liability, or obligation, or from an accusation or charge", "To bear or conduct oneself", "to perform one's part", "To clear oneself", "To release, to rescue, to set free", "To pay for", "to atone for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:acquit" ], "word": "acquit", "num_translations": 108 }, "peremptory": { "senses": [ "Precluding debate or expostulation", "not admitting of question or appeal", "Positive in opinion or judgment", "absolutely certain, overconfident, unwilling to hear any debate or argument", "dogmatic", "Firmly determined, resolute", "obstinate, stubborn", "Accepting no refusal or disagreement", "imperious, dictatorial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peremptory", "num_translations": 44 }, "performance": { "senses": [ "The act of performing", "carrying into execution or action", "execution", "achievement", "accomplishment", "representation by action", "That which is performed or accomplished", "a thing done or carried through", "an achievement", "a deed", "an act", "a feat", "especially, an action of an elaborate or public character", "A live show or concert", "The amount of useful work accomplished estimated in terms of time needed, resources used, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "performance", "num_translations": 119 }, "polypropylene": { "senses": [ "A thermoplastic resin made by the polymerization of propylene, and used for films, fibres, or moulding materials Also known as polypropene" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polypropene" ], "word": "polypropylene", "num_translations": 11 }, "perpetrator": { "senses": [ "One who perpetrates", "especially, one who commits an offence or crime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arrestee", "perp", "collar", "Thesaurus:criminal" ], "word": "perpetrator", "num_translations": 32 }, "personal": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to human beings as distinct from things", "Of or pertaining to a particular person", "relating to, or affecting, an individual, or each of many individuals", "peculiar or proper to private concerns", "not public or general", "Pertaining to the external or bodily appearance", "corporeal", "Done in person", "without the intervention of another", "Relating to an individual, their character, conduct, motives, or private affairs, in an invidious and offensive manner", "Denoting a person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "personally" ], "word": "personal", "num_translations": 82 }, "perspicacious": { "senses": [ "Of acute discernment", "having keen insight", "mentally perceptive", "Able to physically see clearly", "quick-sighted", "sharp-sighted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "perspicacious", "num_translations": 56 }, "pert": { "senses": [ "Attractive", "Well-formed, shapely", "Lively", "alert and cheerful", "bright", "Open", "evident", "unhidden", "Clever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheeky" ], "word": "pert", "num_translations": 23 }, "perverse": { "senses": [ "Turned aside", "hence, specifically, turned away from the right", "willfully erring", "wicked", "perverted", "Obstinately in the wrong", "stubborn", "intractable", "hence, wayward", "vexing", "contrary", "Ignoring the evidence or the judge's opinions" ], "antonyms": [ "docile", "innocent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "perverse", "num_translations": 20 }, "petty": { "senses": [ "Little, small, secondary in rank or importance", "Insignificant, trifling, or inconsiderable", "Narrow-minded, small-minded", "Begrudging in nature, especially over insignificant matters" ], "antonyms": [ "broad-minded" ], "synonyms": [ "grudgeful", "grudging" ], "word": "petty", "num_translations": 60 }, "scarab": { "senses": [ "A symbol, seal, amulet, or gem fashioned to resemble the sacred beetle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cockchafer" ], "word": "scarab", "num_translations": 41 }, "phase": { "senses": [ "A distinguishable part of a sequence or cycle occurring over time", "That which is exhibited to the eye", "the appearance which anything manifests, especially any one among different and varying appearances of the same object", "Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view", "Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration", "one portion of a series of such changes, in distinction from a contrasted portion, as the portion on one side of a position of equilibrium, in contrast with that on the opposite side", "In certain organisms, one of two or more colour variations characteristic of the species, but independent of the ordinary seasonal and sexual differences, and often also of age", "The period of play between consecutive breakdowns", "A haplotype", "The arctangent of the quotient formed by dividing the imaginary part of a complex number by the real part", "A distortion caused by a difference in the speed of propagation for different frequencies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "phase", "num_translations": 100 }, "pimp1": { "senses": [ "To act as a procurer of prostitutes", "to pander", "To prostitute someone", "To excessively customize something, especially a vehicle, according to ghetto standards", "To ask progressively harder and ultimately unanswerable questions of a resident or medical student", "To promote, to tout", "To persuade, smooth talk or trick another into doing something for your benefit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hustle", "pitch" ], "word": "pimp", "num_translations": 34 }, "pious": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to piety, exhibiting piety, devout, godfearing" ], "antonyms": [ "impious" ], "synonyms": [ "reverent" ], "word": "pious", "num_translations": 84 }, "pique": { "senses": [ "A feeling of enmity", "ill-feeling, animosity", "a transient feeling of wounded pride", "A feeling of irritation or resentment, awakened by a social slight or injury", "offence, especially taken in an emotional sense with little thought or consideration", "Keenly felt desire", "a longing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pique", "num_translations": 18 }, "pique1": { "senses": [ "To wound the pride of", "to excite to anger", "To take pride in", "to pride oneself on", "To excite to action by causing resentment or jealousy", "to stimulate", "to offend by slighting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pique", "num_translations": 10 }, "phlegm": { "senses": [ "One of the four humors making up the body in ancient and mediaeval medicine", "said to be cold and moist, and often identified with mucus", "Viscid mucus produced by the body, later especially mucus expelled from the bronchial passages by coughing", "A watery distillation, especially one obtained from plant matter", "an aqueous solution", "Calmness of temperament, composure", "also seen negatively, sluggishness, indifference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "phlegm", "num_translations": 135 }, "physique": { "senses": [ "The natural constitution, or physical structure, of a person", "The trained muscular structure of a person's body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "body" ], "word": "physique", "num_translations": 11 }, "taxi": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cab", "taxicab" ], "word": "taxi", "num_translations": 152 }, "plait": { "senses": [ "A flat fold", "a doubling, as of cloth", "a pleat", "A braid, as of hair or straw", "a plat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plait", "num_translations": 11 }, "quite": { "senses": [ "To the greatest extent or degree", "completely, entirely", "In a fully justified sense", "truly, perfectly, actually", "To a moderate extent or degree", "somewhat, rather" ], "antonyms": [ "slightly" ], "synonyms": [ "absolutely" ], "word": "quite", "num_translations": 150 }, "quota": { "senses": [ "A proportional part or share", "the share or proportion assigned to each in a division", "A prescribed number or percentage that may serve as, for example, a maximum, a minimum, or a goal", "A restriction on the import of something to a specific quantity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allocation" ], "word": "quota", "num_translations": 56 }, "quoll": { "senses": [ "Any of the various carnivorous marsupials of the genus Dasyurus found in Australia and New Guinea, roughly the size of a cat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "native cat" ], "word": "quoll", "num_translations": 23 }, "impossible": { "senses": [ "Not possible", "not able to be done or happen", "Very difficult to deal with", "imaginary" ], "antonyms": [ "possible" ], "synonyms": [ "unpossible" ], "word": "impossible", "num_translations": 119 }, "originally": { "senses": [ "As it was in the beginning", "In an original manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at first", "innovatively" ], "word": "originally", "num_translations": 29 }, "kitchen": { "senses": [ "A room or area for preparing food", "Cuisine", "The nape of a person's hairline, often referring to its uncombed or \"nappy\" look", "The percussion section of an orchestra", "A utensil for roasting meat", "A domesticated or uneducated form of a language", "A public gaming room in a casino", "Anything eaten as a relish with bread, potatoes, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kitchen", "num_translations": 160 }, "knackered": { "senses": [ "Tired or exhausted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cream crackered" ], "word": "knackered", "num_translations": 24 }, "knackered2": { "senses": [ "Broken, inoperative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "broken" ], "word": "knackered", "num_translations": 16 }, "spite": { "senses": [ "Ill will or hatred toward another, accompanied with the desire to irritate, annoy, or thwart", "a want to disturb or put out another", "mild malice", "Vexation", "chagrin", "mortification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spite", "num_translations": 55 }, "spite1": { "senses": [ "To treat maliciously", "to try to injure or thwart", "To be angry at", "to hate", "to offend", "to vex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spite", "num_translations": 19 }, "mad": { "senses": [ "Insane", "crazy, mentally deranged", "(chiefly US", "UK dated + regional) Angry, annoyed", "Bizarre", "incredible", "Wildly confused or excited", "Extremely foolish or unwise", "irrational", "imprudent", "Extremely enthusiastic about", "crazy about", "infatuated with", "overcome with desire for", "Abnormally ferocious or furious", "or, rabid, affected with rabies", "Intensifier, signifies an abundance or high quality of a thing", "very, much or many", "Having impaired polarity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wicked" ], "word": "mad", "num_translations": 155 }, "dryer": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, dries", "a desiccative", "A household appliance that removes the water from clothing by accelerating evaporation, usually though heat and a tumbling motion", "Any other device or substance, household or industrial, designed to remove water or humidity", "A catalyst used to promote the drying of paints and varnishes by oxidative crosslinking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clothes dryer" ], "word": "dryer", "num_translations": 46 }, "maestro": { "senses": [ "A master in some art, especially a composer or conductor", "A gang elder in prison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "master" ], "word": "maestro", "num_translations": 13 }, "libel": { "senses": [ "A written or pictorial false statement which unjustly seeks to damage someone's reputation", "The act or crime of displaying such a statement publicly", "Any defamatory writing", "a lampoon", "a satire", "A written declaration or statement by the plaintiff of their cause of action, and of the relief they seek", "A brief writing of any kind, especially a declaration, bill, certificate, request, supplication, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:slander" ], "word": "libel", "num_translations": 51 }, "komododragon": { "senses": [ "Varanus komodoensis, an endangered species of monitor lizard native to certain Indonesian islands east of Java, the world's largest lizard, growing to 10 feet or 3 meters, known for its ability to kill prey with its septic saliva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dragon lizard", "giant lizard", "Komodo lizard" ], "word": "Komododragon", "num_translations": 26 }, "vanilla1": { "senses": [ "Standard, plain, default, unmodified, basic", "Not kinky, not involving BDSM", "Plain", "conventional", "unimaginative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vanillar", "Thesaurus:bare-bones", "normophilic" ], "word": "vanilla", "num_translations": 17 }, "mute": { "senses": [ "Not having the power of speech", "dumb", "Silent", "not making a sound", "Not uttered", "unpronounced", "silent", "also, produced by complete closure of the mouth organs which interrupt the passage of breath", "said of certain letters", "Not giving a ringing sound when struck", "said of a metal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mute", "num_translations": 141 }, "mute1": { "senses": [ "A stopped consonant", "a stop", "An actor who does not speak", "a mime performer", "A person who does not have the power of speech", "A hired mourner at a funeral", "an undertaker's assistant", "An object for dulling the sound of an instrument, especially a brass instrument, or damper for pianoforte", "a sordine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mute", "num_translations": 40 }, "perse": { "senses": [ "In and of itself", "by itself", "without determination by or involvement of extraneous factors", "In a true or literal sense", "as one would expect from the name", "Being a thing that posits itself and is a principle of its own determination", "Not leaving discretion to the judge to take into account additional factors that could rebut the judgment, deriving the qualification from the statute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as such" ], "word": "perse", "num_translations": 50 }, "belligerent": { "senses": [ "Engaged in warfare, warring", "Eager to go to war, warlike", "Of or pertaining to war", "Aggressively hostile, eager to fight", "Acting violently towards others", "Uncooperative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aggressive" ], "word": "belligerent", "num_translations": 86 }, "bosom": { "senses": [ "The breast or chest of a human", "The seat of one's inner thoughts, feelings etc", "one's secret feelings", "desire", "The protected interior or inner part of something", "the area enclosed as by an embrace", "The part of a dress etc covering the chest", "a neckline", "A woman's breast", "Any thing or place resembling the breast", "a supporting surface", "an inner recess", "the interior", "A depression round the eye of a millstone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:breasts" ], "word": "bosom", "num_translations": 58 }, "astute": { "senses": [ "Quickly and critically discerning", "Shrewd or crafty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crafty" ], "word": "astute", "num_translations": 52 }, "packed1": { "senses": [ "Put into a package", "Filled with a large number or large quantity of something", "Filled to capacity with people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crowded" ], "word": "packed", "num_translations": 28 }, "puke": { "senses": [ "vomit", "A drug that induces vomiting", "A worthless, despicable person", "A person from Missouri" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vomit", "rotter" ], "word": "puke", "num_translations": 33 }, "puke1": { "senses": [ "To vomit", "to throw up", "to eject from the stomach", "To sell securities or investments at a loss, often under duress or pressure, in order to satisfy liquidity or margin requirements, or out of a desire to exit a deteriorating market" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:regurgitate" ], "word": "puke", "num_translations": 47 }, "adage": { "senses": [ "An old saying which has obtained credit by long use", "An old saying which has been overused or considered a clich\u00e9", "a trite maxim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proverb", "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "adage", "num_translations": 31 }, "adam": { "senses": [ "The first man and the progenitor of the human race", "male given name", "Original sin or human frailty", "An surname", "surname", "surname", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Adam", "num_translations": 158 }, "affray1": { "senses": [ "The act of suddenly disturbing anyone", "an assault or attack", "A tumultuous assault or quarrel", "The fighting of two or more persons, in a public place, to the terror of others", "Terror" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fray", "alarm" ], "word": "affray", "num_translations": 14 }, "paste": { "senses": [ "A soft moist mixture, in particular:", "A substance that behaves as a solid until a sufficiently large load or stress is applied, at which point it flows like a fluid", "A hard lead-containing glass, or an artificial gemstone made from this glass", "Pasta", "The mineral substance in which other minerals are embedded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paste", "num_translations": 78 }, "paste1": { "senses": [ "To insert a piece of media previously copied or cut from somewhere else", "To strike or beat someone or something", "To defeat decisively or by a large margin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paste", "num_translations": 44 }, "ma1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mama", "mamma", "mater", "maw", "mom", "mommy", "mother", "mum", "mummy" ], "word": "ma", "num_translations": 15 }, "ambulatory": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or adapted to walking", "Able to walk about and not bedridden", "Accustomed to move from place to place", "not stationary", "movable", "Not yet legally fixed or settled", "alterable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ambulatory", "num_translations": 22 }, "giant": { "senses": [ "A mythical human of very great size", "A very tall and large person", "A tall species of a particular animal or plant", "A star that is considerably more luminous than a main sequence star of the same temperature", "An Ethernet packet that exceeds the medium's maximum packet size of 1,518 bytes", "A very large organisation", "A person of extraordinary strength or powers, bodily or intellectual", "jotun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:giant" ], "word": "giant", "num_translations": 180 }, "giant1": { "senses": [ "Very large" ], "antonyms": [ "dwarf", "midget" ], "synonyms": [ "colossal", "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "giant", "num_translations": 40 }, "frigid": { "senses": [ "Very cold", "lacking warmth", "icy", "Chilly in manner", "lacking affection or zeal", "impassive", "Sexually unresponsive, especially of a woman" ], "antonyms": [ "fervid" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "frigid", "num_translations": 36 }, "divulge": { "senses": [ "To make public or known", "to communicate to the public", "to tell so that it may become generally known", "To indicate publicly", "to proclaim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewray", "bring out", "uncover", "disclose", "discover", "expose", "give away", "impart", "let on", "let out", "reveal", "Thesaurus:divulge" ], "word": "divulge", "num_translations": 46 }, "bilge": { "senses": [ "The rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides", "The lowest inner part of a ship's hull, where water accumulates", "Stupid talk or writing", "nonsense", "The bulging part of a barrel or cask" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bilge", "num_translations": 32 }, "nowadays": { "senses": [ "At the present time", "in the current era" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "currently" ], "word": "nowadays", "num_translations": 106 }, "bilgewater": { "senses": [ "Water which collects in the bilges of a ship", "Stupid talk or writing", "nonsense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tosh" ], "word": "bilgewater", "num_translations": 15 }, "onset": { "senses": [ "A rushing or setting upon", "an attack", "an assault", "a storming", "especially, the assault of an army", "The initial phase of a disease or condition, in which symptoms first become apparent", "The initial portion of a syllable, preceding the syllable nucleus", "The beginning of a musical note or other sound, in which the amplitude rises from zero to an initial peak", "A setting about", "a beginning", "Anything set on, or added, as an ornament or as a useful appendage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "onset", "num_translations": 27 }, "roc": { "senses": [ "An enormous mythical bird in Eastern legend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peng" ], "word": "roc", "num_translations": 10 }, "clown": { "senses": [ "A slapstick performance artist often associated with a circus and usually characterized by bright, oversized clothing, a red nose, face paint, and a brightly colored wig", "A person who acts in a silly fashion", "A stupid person", "A man of coarse nature and manners", "an awkward fellow", "an illbred person", "a boor", "One who works upon the soil", "a rustic", "a churl", "a yokel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buffoon" ], "word": "clown", "num_translations": 150 }, "part": { "senses": [ "A portion", "a component", "Duty", "responsibility", "The dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions", "In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar, a unit of time equivalent to 3\u2153 seconds", "A constituent of character or capacity", "quality", "faculty", "talent", "usually in the plural with a collective sense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piece", "portion", "component", "element", "faction", "party", "position", "role", "shed", "chelek", "Thesaurus:part" ], "word": "part", "num_translations": 284 }, "part1": { "senses": [ "To leave the company of", "shed", "To divide in two", "To be divided in two or separated", "shed", "To divide up", "to share", "To separate or disunite", "to remove from contact or contiguity", "to sunder", "to stand or intervene between", "To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion", "To leave", "to quit", "To leave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "part", "num_translations": 68 }, "aye1": { "senses": [ "yes", "yea", "a word expressing assent, or an affirmative answer to a question" ], "antonyms": [ "nay", "no" ], "synonyms": [ "yes", "yea" ], "word": "aye", "num_translations": 17 }, "litter": { "senses": [ "A platform mounted on two shafts, or a more elaborate construction, designed to be carried by two people to transport one third person or a cargo, such as a religious idol", "The offspring of a mammal born in one birth", "Material used as bedding for animals", "Collectively, items discarded on the ground", "Layer of fallen leaves and similar organic matter in a forest floor", "A covering of straw for plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "palanquin", "sedan chair", "stretcher", "cacolet", "waste", "rubbish", "garbage", "trash", "junk" ], "word": "litter", "num_translations": 179 }, "litter1": { "senses": [ "To drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it", "To scatter carelessly about", "To strew with scattered articles", "To give birth to, used of animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "litter", "num_translations": 29 }, "axiom": { "senses": [ "A seemingly self-evident or necessary truth which is based on assumption", "a principle or proposition which cannot actually be proved or disproved", "A fundamental assumption that serves as a basis for deduction of theorems", "a postulate", "An established principle in some artistic practice or science that is universally received" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "axioma", "postulate" ], "word": "axiom", "num_translations": 102 }, "axiomatic": { "senses": [ "Self-evident or unquestionable", "Relating to or containing axioms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "axiomatical", "self-evident" ], "word": "axiomatic", "num_translations": 36 }, "axolotl": { "senses": [ "A critically endangered salamander found in the elevated lakes of Mexico, Ambystoma mexicanum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mexican salamander", "Mexican walking fish" ], "word": "axolotl", "num_translations": 29 }, "award": { "senses": [ "A judgment, sentence, or final decision Specifically: The decision of arbitrators in a case submitted", "The paper containing the decision of arbitrators", "that which is warded", "A trophy or medal", "something that denotes an accomplishment, especially in a competition A prize or honor based on merit", "A negotiated minimum wage that is set for a particular trade or industry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "award", "num_translations": 68 }, "award1": { "senses": [ "To give by sentence or judicial determination", "to assign or apportion, after careful regard to the nature of the case", "to adjudge", "To determine", "To give" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crown" ], "word": "award", "num_translations": 45 }, "aware": { "senses": [ "Vigilant or on one's guard against danger or difficulty", "Conscious or having knowledge of something" ], "antonyms": [ "unaware" ], "synonyms": [ "wary", "apprised" ], "word": "aware", "num_translations": 61 }, "awful": { "senses": [ "Very bad", "Exceedingly great", "usually applied intensively", "Causing fear or horror", "appalling, terrible", "Inspiring awe", "filling with profound reverence or respect", "profoundly impressive", "Struck or filled with awe", "Terror-stricken", "Worshipful", "reverential", "law-abiding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frightening" ], "word": "awful", "num_translations": 105 }, "awhile": { "senses": [ "For some time", "for a short time", "In the meantime", "during an implicit ongoing process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for a minute", "for the moment" ], "word": "awhile", "num_translations": 28 }, "awkward1": { "senses": [ "Lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments", "Not easily managed or effected", "embarrassing", "Lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction", "Perverse", "adverse", "difficult to handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "awkward", "num_translations": 137 }, "awry1": { "senses": [ "Turned or twisted toward one side", "crooked, distorted, out of place", "Wrong or distorted", "perverse, amiss" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wonky" ], "word": "awry", "num_translations": 25 }, "avail": { "senses": [ "To turn to the advantage of", "To be of service to", "To promote", "to assist", "To be of use or advantage", "to answer or serve the purpose", "to have strength, force, or efficacy sufficient to accomplish the object", "To provide" ], "antonyms": [ "disavail" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "avail", "num_translations": 59 }, "avail1": { "senses": [ "Effect in achieving a goal or aim", "purpose, use", "Proceeds", "profits from business transactions", "An advertising slot or package", "Benefit", "value, profit", "advantage toward success", "*", "Effort", "striving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "avail", "num_translations": 10 }, "availability": { "senses": [ "The quality of being available", "That which is available" ], "antonyms": [ "non-availability" ], "synonyms": [ "availableness" ], "word": "availability", "num_translations": 37 }, "avalanche": { "senses": [ "A large mass or body of snow and ice sliding swiftly down a mountain side, or falling down a precipice", "A sudden, great, or irresistible descent or influx", "a barrage, blitz, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snowslide" ], "word": "avalanche", "num_translations": 145 }, "lurk": { "senses": [ "To remain concealed in order to ambush", "To remain unobserved", "To hang out or wait around a location, preferably without drawing attention to oneself", "To view an internet forum without posting comments", "To saddle with an undesirable task or duty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lurk", "num_translations": 74 }, "avant-guard": { "senses": [ "The vanguard or advanced body of an army" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "advance guard", "vanguard" ], "word": "avant-guard", "num_translations": 13 }, "avarice": { "senses": [ "Excessive or inordinate desire of gain", "greed for wealth", "Inordinate desire for some supposed good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "avariciousness", "Thesaurus:greed" ], "word": "avarice", "num_translations": 72 }, "avenge": { "senses": [ "To take vengeance", "to exact satisfaction for by punishing the injuring party", "to vindicate by inflicting pain or evil on a wrongdoer", "To take vengeance", "To treat revengefully", "to wreak vengeance on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewreak", "spite", "Thesaurus:avenge" ], "word": "avenge", "num_translations": 94 }, "aver": { "senses": [ "To assert the truth of, to affirm with confidence", "to declare in a positive manner", "To prove or justify a plea", "To avouch, prove, or verify", "to offer to verify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aver", "num_translations": 19 }, "avert": { "senses": [ "To turn aside or away", "To ward off, or prevent, the occurrence or effects of", "To turn away", "To turn away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forestall", "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "avert", "num_translations": 54 }, "avian": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of or pertaining to birds, or to bird-like or flying creatures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "birdly" ], "word": "avian", "num_translations": 18 }, "aviation": { "senses": [ "The art or science of making and flying aircraft", "Flying, operating, or operation of aircraft", "Industry that produces aircraft", "aircraft", "A cocktail made with gin, maraschino liqueur, cr\u00e8me de violette and lemon juice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aviation", "num_translations": 55 }, "aviator": { "senses": [ "An experimenter in aviation", "A flying machine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flier" ], "word": "aviator", "num_translations": 25 }, "avidity": { "senses": [ "Greediness", "strong appetite", "Eagerness", "intenseness of desire", "The measure of the synergism of the strength of individual interactions between proteins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eagerness" ], "word": "avidity", "num_translations": 14 }, "avoid": { "senses": [ "to try not to meet or communicate with", "to shun", "to keep away from", "to keep clear of", "to stay away from", "To try not to do something or to have something happen", "To make empty", "to clear", "To make void, to annul", "to refute", "To defeat or evade", "to invalidate", "To emit or throw out", "to void", "To leave, evacuate", "to leave as empty, to withdraw or come away from", "To get rid of", "To retire", "to withdraw, depart, go away", "To become void or vacant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "avoid", "num_translations": 87 }, "avoidable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being vacated", "liable to be annulled or made invalid", "voidable", "Capable of being avoided, shunned, or escaped" ], "antonyms": [ "inavoidable", "inviolable", "inevitable" ], "synonyms": [ "annullable", "evitable" ], "word": "avoidable", "num_translations": 14 }, "avoidance": { "senses": [ "The act of annulling", "annulment", "The act of becoming vacant, or the state of being vacant", "- specifically used for the state of a benefice becoming void by the death, deprivation, or resignation of the incumbent", "A dismissing or a quitting", "removal", "withdrawal", "The act of avoiding or shunning", "keeping clear of", "Any thing that is to be avoided", "The courts by which anything is carried off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "avoidance", "num_translations": 23 }, "heavens1": { "senses": [ "The distant sky of the sun, moon, and stars", "plural of \"heaven\": the abode of God or the gods", "the abode of the blessed departed", "plural of \"heaven\": the near sky of the weather, etc", "plural of \"heaven\" the will of God or the gods, Providence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heavens", "num_translations": 33 }, "hurl": { "senses": [ "To throw with force", "To utter , especially at its target", "To vomit", "To twist or turn", "To move rapidly with a noise", "to whirl", "To convey in a wheeled vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hurl", "num_translations": 60 }, "hollow": { "senses": [ "A small valley between mountains", "A sunken area or unfilled space in something solid", "a cavity, natural or artificial", "A sunken area", "A feeling of emptiness", "An exercise in which one lies on one's back with legs and head in the air and arms in the air extended above the head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hollow", "num_translations": 84 }, "hollow2": { "senses": [ "Having an empty space or cavity inside", "Distant, eerie", "dull, muffled", "often low-pitched", "Without substance", "having no real or significant worth", "meaningless", "Insincere, devoid of validity", "specious", "Concave", "gaunt", "sunken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hollow", "num_translations": 118 }, "hoax1": { "senses": [ "Anything deliberately intended to deceive or trick" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "canard" ], "word": "hoax", "num_translations": 54 }, "palate": { "senses": [ "The roof of the mouth", "the uraniscus", "The sense of taste", "relish", "taste", "liking", "Mental relish", "intellectual taste", "A projection in the throat of such flowers as the snapdragon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "palate", "num_translations": 84 }, "below": { "senses": [ "Lower in spatial position than", "Lower in value, price, rank or concentration than", "Downstream of", "South of", "Unsuitable to the rank or dignity of", "beneath", "Downstage of" ], "antonyms": [ "above", "over", "upstream" ], "synonyms": [ "beneath", "under", "downstream", "beneath" ], "word": "below", "num_translations": 112 }, "below1": { "senses": [ "In a lower place", "On a lower storey", "Further down", "On a lower deck" ], "antonyms": [ "aloft", "upstairs", "upwards" ], "synonyms": [ "beneath", "downstairs", "downwards" ], "word": "below", "num_translations": 63 }, "palette": { "senses": [ "A thin board on which a painter lays and mixes colours", "The range of colors in a given work or item or body of work", "A visual selection of colours, tools, commands, etc", "A plate of armour covering the points of junction at the bend of the shoulders and elbows", "A plate against which a person presses their breast to give force to a hand-operated drill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "palette", "num_translations": 39 }, "ridicule": { "senses": [ "to criticize or disapprove of someone or something through scornful jocularity", "to make fun of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outlaugh" ], "word": "ridicule", "num_translations": 47 }, "ridicule1": { "senses": [ "derision", "mocking or humiliating words or behaviour", "An object of sport or laughter", "a laughing stock", "The quality of being ridiculous", "ridiculousness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ridicule" ], "word": "ridicule", "num_translations": 10 }, "gentleman": { "senses": [ "A man of gentle but not noble birth, particularly a man of means who does not work for a living but has no official status in a peerage", "an armiferous man ranking below a knight", "Any well-bred, well-mannered, or charming man", "An effeminate or oversophisticated man", "Any man", "An amateur or dabbler in any field, particularly those of independent means", "An amateur player, particularly one whose wealth permits him to forego payment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gentleman", "num_translations": 161 }, "faggot": { "senses": [ "A bundle of sticks or brushwood intended to be used for fuel tied together for carrying", "Burdensome baggage", "A bundle of pieces of iron or steel cut off into suitable lengths for welding", "A burning or smouldering piece of firewood", "A meatball made with offcuts and offal, especially pork", "An annoying or inconsiderate person", "A shrewish woman", "A homosexual man, especially an effeminate one", "A man considered weak, effeminate, timid, pathetic, emotional, non-heteronormative in some way", "A soldier numbered on the muster-roll, but not really existing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "faggot", "num_translations": 31 }, "ryan": { "senses": [ "An surname, anglicized from \u00d3 Riaghain, \u00d3 Riain Riaghan/R\u00edan is perhaps from r\u00ed + -\u00e1n, meaning \u201clittle king\"", "An surname, an alternate anglicization of \u00d3 Maoilriaghain, \u00d3 Maoilriain", "An surname, a rare anglicization of \u00d3 Ruadh\u00e1in, \u00d3 Ruaidh\u00edn", "An surname, a rare anglicization of \u00d3 Sraithe\u00e1in, \u00d3 Sruithe\u00e1in, \u00d3 Sruth\u00e1in", "locale c/Australia", "locale c/US", "male given name, popular in English-speaking countries from the 1970s to the 1990s", "female given name", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ryan", "num_translations": 41 }, "kolkata": { "senses": [ "capital city s/West Bengal c/India, formerly known in English as Calcutta" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Calcutta" ], "word": "Kolkata", "num_translations": 32 }, "geek": { "senses": [ "A carnival performer specializing in bizarre and unappetizing behavior", "A person who is intensely interested in a particular field or hobby and often having limited or nonstandard social skills Often used with an attributive noun", "An expert in a technical field, particularly one having to do with computers", "an esoteric subject of interest that is marginal to the social mainstream", "An unfashionable or socially undesirable person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freak", "dork", "freak", "loser" ], "word": "geek", "num_translations": 71 }, "supper": { "senses": [ "Food consumed before going to bed", "Any meal eaten in the evening", "dinner eaten in the evening, rather than at noon", "A meal from a chip shop consisting of a deep-fried food with chips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dinner" ], "word": "supper", "num_translations": 146 }, "savage": { "senses": [ "Wild", "not cultivated", "Barbaric", "not civilized", "Fierce and ferocious", "Brutal, vicious or merciless", "Unpleasant or unfair", "Great, brilliant, amazing", "Nude", "naked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "savage", "num_translations": 143 }, "jewess": { "senses": [ "A female Jew" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jew" ], "word": "Jewess", "num_translations": 55 }, "nonceword": { "senses": [ "A word invented for the occasion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonce", "occasionalism" ], "word": "nonceword", "num_translations": 29 }, "unitary": { "senses": [ "Having the quality of oneness", "That concentrates power in a single body, rather than sharing it with more local bodies", "That contains an identity element", "Whose inverse is equal to its adjoint" ], "antonyms": [ "federalist" ], "synonyms": [ "unital" ], "word": "unitary", "num_translations": 24 }, "towit": { "senses": [ "that is to say", "namely", "specifically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "namely" ], "word": "towit", "num_translations": 26 }, "jazz": { "senses": [ "A musical art form rooted in West African cultural and musical expression and in the African American blues tradition, with diverse influences over time, commonly characterized by blue notes, syncopation, swing, call and response, polyrhythms and improvisation", "Energy, excitement, excitability", "The substance or makeup of a thing", "Unspecified thing", "Something of excellent quality, the genuine article", "Nonsense", "Semen, jizz" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jazz", "num_translations": 77 }, "shuriken": { "senses": [ "A dart or throwing blade, sometimes with multiple points, used as a weapon by ninja" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "throwing star" ], "word": "shuriken", "num_translations": 21 }, "squab": { "senses": [ "A baby pigeon, dove, or chicken", "The meat of such a baby bird used as food", "A baby rook", "A thick cushion, especially a flat one covering the seat of a chair or sofa", "A person of a short, fat figure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piper", "rook chick", "young rook" ], "word": "squab", "num_translations": 54 }, "piper": { "senses": [ "A musician who plays a pipe", "A baby pigeon", "A common European gurnard , having a large head, with prominent nasal projection, and with large, sharp, opercular spines", "A sea urchin with very long spines, native to the American and European coasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bagpiper", "squab" ], "word": "piper", "num_translations": 11 }, "lair": { "senses": [ "A place inhabited by a wild animal, often a cave or a hole in the ground", "A shed or shelter for domestic animals", "A place inhabited by a criminal or criminals, a superhero or a supervillain", "a refuge, retreat, haven or hideaway", "A bed or resting place", "A grave", "a cemetery plot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burrow", "den" ], "word": "lair", "num_translations": 66 }, "rattlesnake": { "senses": [ "Any of various venomous American snakes, of genera Crotalus and Sistrurus, having a rattle at the end of its tail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rattler" ], "word": "rattlesnake", "num_translations": 45 }, "specter": { "senses": [ "A ghostly apparition, a phantom", "A threatening mental image" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ghost" ], "word": "specter", "num_translations": 54 }, "maker": { "senses": [ "Someone who makes", "a person or thing that makes or produces something", "God", "A poet", "Someone who signs a promissory note, thereby becoming responsible for payment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maker", "num_translations": 46 }, "tabloid": { "senses": [ "A newspaper having pages half the dimensions of the standard format", "A newspaper, especially one in this format, that favours stories of a sensational or even fictitious nature over serious news", "A compressed portion of drugs, chemicals, etc", "a tablet" ], "antonyms": [ "broadsheet" ], "synonyms": [ "scandal sheet" ], "word": "tabloid", "num_translations": 25 }, "foxcub": { "senses": [ "A young fox" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cub" ], "word": "foxcub", "num_translations": 19 }, "nigh": { "senses": [ "near, close by", "Not remote in degree, kindred, circumstances, etc", "closely allied", "intimate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "close" ], "word": "nigh", "num_translations": 31 }, "prolific": { "senses": [ "Fertile", "producing offspring or fruit in abundance \u2014 applied to plants producing fruit, animals producing young, etc", "Similarly producing results or works in abundance", "Of a flower: from which another flower is produced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fertile", "fecund", "Thesaurus:productive" ], "word": "prolific", "num_translations": 52 }, "turncoat": { "senses": [ "A traitor", "one who turns against a previous affiliation or allegiance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apostate" ], "word": "turncoat", "num_translations": 45 }, "sauna": { "senses": [ "A room or a house designed for heat sessions", "a front for a brothel in some countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "firebath" ], "word": "sauna", "num_translations": 71 }, "siege": { "senses": [ "Military action", "A seat", "#* 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queen, IIvii:", "A place with a toilet seat: an outhouse", "a lavatory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "siege", "num_translations": 52 }, "effeminate": { "senses": [ "Exhibiting behaviour or mannerisms considered typical of a female", "unmasculine", "Womanly", "tender, affectionate, caring" ], "antonyms": [ "uneffeminate" ], "synonyms": [ "camp" ], "word": "effeminate", "num_translations": 97 }, "effeminacy": { "senses": [ "The quality of being effeminate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "effeminateness", "invirility", "morbidezza", "niceness", "unmasculinity", "effemination" ], "word": "effeminacy", "num_translations": 23 }, "pigout": { "senses": [ "To eat voraciously or ravenously", "to gorge oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stuff oneself" ], "word": "pigout", "num_translations": 14 }, "camp": { "senses": [ "An outdoor place acting as temporary accommodation in tents or other temporary structures", "An organised event, often taking place in tents or temporary accommodation", "A base of a military group, not necessarily temporary", "A single hut or shelter", "A group of people with the same strong ideals or political leanings", "A prison", "A mound of earth in which potatoes and other vegetables are stored for protection against frost", "Conflict", "battle", "An ancient game of football, played in some parts of England" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "camp", "num_translations": 155 }, "camp1": { "senses": [ "To live in a tent or similar temporary accommodation", "To afford rest or lodging for", "To stay in an advantageous location in a video game, such as next to a power-up's spawning point or in order to guard an area", "To fight", "contend in battle or in any kind of contest", "to strive with others in doing anything", "compete", "To wrangle", "argue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "camp", "num_translations": 37 }, "sepulchre": { "senses": [ "A burial chamber", "A recess in some early churches in which the reserved sacrament, etc were kept from Good Friday till Easter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tomb" ], "word": "sepulchre", "num_translations": 25 }, "merry-go-round": { "senses": [ "A carousel", "a pleasure ride, typically found at fairs and amusement parks, consisting of a slowly revolving circular platform on which various seats are fixed, frequently shaped like horses or other animals", "A piece of playground equipment consisting of a circular platform that is made to revolve by pushing while users stand on it", "A meaningless cycle", "a bustle of activity that gets nowhere", "A freight train of hopper goods wagons which loads and unloads its cargo while moving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carousel" ], "word": "merry-go-round", "num_translations": 64 }, "mechanic1": { "senses": [ "A manual worker", "a labourer or artisan", "Someone who builds or repairs machinery, a technician", "A device, command, or feature which allows someone to achieve a specific task", "A hit man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mechanic", "num_translations": 61 }, "apostate1": { "senses": [ "A person who has renounced a religion or faith", "One who, after having received sacred orders, renounces his clerical profession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deconvert", "recreant", "withersake", "murtad" ], "word": "apostate", "num_translations": 53 }, "victim": { "senses": [ "One that is harmed\u2014killed, injured, subjected to oppression, deceived, or otherwise adversely affected\u2014by someone or something, especially another person or event, force, or condition", "in particular:", "A living being which is slain and offered as a sacrifice, usually in a religious rite" ], "antonyms": [ "offender" ], "synonyms": [ "injured party" ], "word": "victim", "num_translations": 224 }, "murderer": { "senses": [ "A person who commits murder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:killer" ], "word": "murderer", "num_translations": 128 }, "morgue": { "senses": [ "A supercilious or haughty attitude", "arrogance", "A building or room where dead bodies are kept before their proper burial or cremation, particularly in legal and law enforcement contexts", "The archive and background information division of a newspaper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "mortuary" ], "word": "morgue", "num_translations": 110 }, "godmother": { "senses": [ "A woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner", "a female godparent who sponsors the baptism of a child" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "co-mother", "cummer" ], "word": "godmother", "num_translations": 73 }, "mathematics": { "senses": [ "An abstract representational system used in the study of numbers, shapes, structure, change and the relationships between these concepts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "numeracy", "abbreviation: maths", "math", "Thesaurus:mathematics" ], "word": "mathematics", "num_translations": 216 }, "mirror": { "senses": [ "A smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside, that reflects light so as to give an image of what is in front of it", "An object, person, or event that reflects or gives a picture of another", "A website or other online resource that contains replicated data", "A kind of political self-help book, advising kings, princes, etc on how to behave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glass" ], "word": "mirror", "num_translations": 350 }, "there'smorethanonewaytoskinacat": { "senses": [ "A problem generally has more than one solution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all roads lead to Rome", "there's more than one way to cook an egg", "there's more than one way to crack an egg", "there's more than one way to peel an orange" ], "word": "there'smorethanonewaytoskinacat", "num_translations": 18 }, "fur": { "senses": [ "The hairy coat of various mammal species, especially when fine, soft and thick", "The hairy skin of an animal processed into clothing for humans", "A pelt used to make, trim or line clothing apparel", "One of several patterns or diapers used as tinctures", "Rabbits and hares, as opposed to partridges and pheasants", "Pubic hair", "Sexual attractiveness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fur", "num_translations": 154 }, "hill": { "senses": [ "An elevated location smaller than a mountain", "A sloping road", "A heap of earth surrounding a plant", "A single cluster or group of plants growing close together, and having the earth heaped up about them", "The pitcher's mound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hill", "num_translations": 255 }, "skeleton": { "senses": [ "The system that provides support to an organism, internal and made up of bones and cartilage in vertebrates, external in some other animals", "A very thin person", "The central core of something that gives shape to the entire structure", "A frame that provides support to a building or other construction", "A client-helper procedure that communicates with a stub", "The vertices and edges of a polyhedron, taken collectively", "A very thin form of light-faced type" ], "antonyms": [ "stub" ], "synonyms": [ "ottomy", "backbone" ], "word": "skeleton", "num_translations": 219 }, "bookseller": { "senses": [ "A person engaged in the business of selling books", "A business that sells books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bookman" ], "word": "bookseller", "num_translations": 59 }, "driver": { "senses": [ "One who drives something, in any sense of the verb to drive", "Something that drives something, in any sense of the verb to drive", "A person who drives a motorized vehicle such as a car or a bus", "A person who drives some other vehicle", "A program that acts as an interface between an application and hardware, written specifically for the device it controls", "A golf club used to drive the ball a great distance", "A mallet", "A tamping iron", "A cooper's hammer for driving on barrel hoops" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "driver", "num_translations": 313 }, "driver'slicense": { "senses": [ "A document issued to a specific person by a government authority, permitting this person to drive one or more classes of motor vehicle on public roads and highways As the licence generally has a photograph of the licensee, it is generally used as an identification document, and may be required when making credit purchases, cashing checks, applying for employment etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "driving licence", "driver's licence" ], "word": "driver'slicense", "num_translations": 110 }, "icebox": { "senses": [ "A box or compartment containing ice", "A compartment in a refrigerator that is colder than the rest of the refrigerator and is used as a freezer", "A refrigerator", "A prison", "A morgue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "icebox", "num_translations": 22 }, "refrigerator": { "senses": [ "A household appliance used for keeping food fresh by refrigeration", "One who has a chilling influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chiller", "coolchest", "fridge", "icebox" ], "word": "refrigerator", "num_translations": 162 }, "anniversary": { "senses": [ "A day that is an exact number of years since a given significant event occurred Often preceded by an ordinal number indicating the number of years", "A day subsequent in time to a given event by some significant period other than a year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yearday", "yeartide" ], "word": "anniversary", "num_translations": 108 }, "aside2": { "senses": [ "An incidental remark made quietly so as to be heard by the person to whom it is said and not by any others in the vicinity", "A brief comment by a character addressing the audience, unheard by other characters", "A minor related mention, an afterthought" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sidebar", "side note" ], "word": "aside", "num_translations": 13 }, "range": { "senses": [ "A line or series of mountains, buildings, etc", "A fireplace", "a fire or other cooking apparatus", "now specifically, a large cooking stove with many hotplates", "Selection, array", "An area for practicing shooting at targets", "An area for military training or equipment testing", "The distance from a person or sensor to an object, target, emanation, or event", "Maximum distance of capability", "An area of open, often unfenced, grazing land", "Extent or space taken in by anything excursive", "compass or extent of excursion", "reach", "scope", "The set of values which a function can obtain", "The length of the smallest interval which contains all the data in a sample", "the difference between the largest and smallest observations in the sample", "The defensive area that a player can cover", "The scale of all the tones a voice or an instrument can produce", "The geographical area or zone where a species is normally naturally found", "A sequential list of values specified by an iterator", "An aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree", "an order", "a class", "The step of a ladder", "a rung", "A bolting sieve to sift meal", "A wandering or roving", "a going to and fro", "an excursion", "a ramble", "an expedition", "In the public land system, a row or line of townships lying between two succession meridian lines six miles apart", "The scope of something, the extent that something covers or includes", "The variety of roles that an actor can play in a satisfactory way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "range", "num_translations": 282 }, "range1": { "senses": [ "To travel over", "to roam, wander", "To rove over or through", "To exercise the power of something over something else", "to cause to submit to, over", "To bring into a specified position or relationship with something else", "To classify", "To form a line or a row", "To be placed in order", "to be ranked", "to rank", "To set in a row, or in rows", "to place in a regular line or lines, or in ranks", "to dispose in the proper order", "To place among others in a line, row, or order, as in the ranks of an army", "usually, reflexively and figuratively, to espouse a cause, to join a party, etc", "To be native to, or live in, a certain district or region", "To separate into parts", "to sift", "To sail or pass in a direction parallel to or near", "Of a player, to travel a significant distance for a defensive play", ":" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "range", "num_translations": 21 }, "photographer": { "senses": [ "One who takes photographs, typically as an occupation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "photographist" ], "word": "photographer", "num_translations": 118 }, "autobiography": { "senses": [ "A self-written biography", "the story of one's own life" ], "antonyms": [ "heterobiography" ], "synonyms": [ "memoir", "life story" ], "word": "autobiography", "num_translations": 59 }, "circumcision": { "senses": [ "The surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis", "The surgical removal of the clitoral hood of the clitoris", "The surgical removal of the clitoris", "clitoridectomy, usually referred to as female genital mutilation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circ" ], "word": "circumcision", "num_translations": 105 }, "column": { "senses": [ "A solid upright structure designed usually to support a larger structure above it, such as a roof or horizontal beam, but sometimes for decoration", "A vertical line of entries in a table, usually read from top to bottom", "A body of troops or army vehicles, usually strung out along a road", "A body of text meant to be read line by line, especially in printed material that has multiple adjacent such on a single page", "A recurring feature in a periodical, especially an opinion piece, especially by a single author or small rotating group of authors, or on a single theme", "The gynostemium", "An object used to separate the different components of a liquid or to purify chemical compounds" ], "antonyms": [ "row" ], "synonyms": [ "post" ], "word": "column", "num_translations": 214 }, "chestofdrawers": { "senses": [ "A piece of furniture which has multiple parallel, horizontal drawers stacked one above each other, used mainly for the storage of clean clothes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bureau", "dresser" ], "word": "chestofdrawers", "num_translations": 44 }, "precede": { "senses": [ "To go before, go in front of", "to preface", "to introduce", "To have higher rank than" ], "antonyms": [ "succeed" ], "synonyms": [ "forego" ], "word": "precede", "num_translations": 36 }, "paperaeroplane": { "senses": [ "A toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paper flier" ], "word": "paperaeroplane", "num_translations": 26 }, "gasstation": { "senses": [ "filling station / petrol station", "an establishment which sells gasoline and diesel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:filling station" ], "word": "gasstation", "num_translations": 129 }, "spaghetti": { "senses": [ "A type of pasta made in the shape of long thin strings", "Any type of pasta", "Electrical insulating tubing", "Anything tangled or confusing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spaghetti", "num_translations": 91 }, "mat": { "senses": [ "a coaster", "A floor pad to protect athletes", "A thickly tangled mess", "A thin surface layer", "superficial cover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mat", "num_translations": 90 }, "armpit": { "senses": [ "The cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder", "Somewhere or something considered unpleasant or undesirable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "axilla" ], "word": "armpit", "num_translations": 155 }, "cave": { "senses": [ "A large, naturally-occurring cavity formed underground or in the face of a cliff or a hillside", "A hole, depression, or gap in earth or rock, whether natural or man-made", "A storage cellar, especially for wine or cheese", "A naturally-occurring cavity in bedrock which is large enough to be entered by an adult", "A shielded area where nuclear experiments can be carried out", "Debris, particularly broken rock, which falls into a drill hole and interferes with drilling", "The vagina", "A group that breaks from a larger political party or faction on a particular issue", "Any hollow place, or part", "a cavity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earthhole" ], "word": "cave", "num_translations": 265 }, "cave1": { "senses": [ "To surrender", "To collapse", "To hollow out or undermine", "In room-and-pillar mining, to extract a deposit of rock by breaking down a pillar which had been holding it in place", "To work over tailings to dress small pieces of marketable ore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cave", "num_translations": 13 }, "nest": { "senses": [ "A structure built by a bird as a place to incubate eggs and rear young", "A place used by another mammal, fish, amphibian or insect, for depositing eggs and hatching young", "A snug, comfortable, or cosy residence or job situation", "A retreat, or place of habitual resort", "A hideout for bad people to frequent or haunt", "a den", "A home that a child or young adult shares with a parent or guardian", "A fixed number of cards in some bidding games awarded to the highest bidder allowing him to exchange any or all with cards in his hand", "A fortified position for a weapon", "A circular bed of pasta, rice, etc to be topped or filled with other foods", "An aggregated mass of any ore or mineral, in an isolated state, within a rock", "A collection of boxes, cases, or the like, of graduated size, each put within the one next larger", "A compact group of pulleys, gears, springs, etc, working together or collectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nest", "num_translations": 310 }, "nest1": { "senses": [ "To settle into a home", "To successively neatly fit inside another", "To place one thing neatly inside another, and both inside yet another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nest", "num_translations": 65 }, "elevator": { "senses": [ "Anything that raises or uplifts", "A permanent construction with a built-in platform that is lifted vertically, used to transport people and goods", "A silo used for storing wheat, corn or other grain", "A control surface of an aircraft responsible for controling the pitching motion of the machine", "A dental instrument used to pry up teeth in difficult extractions, or depressed portions of bone", "Any muscle that serves to raise a part of the body, such as the leg or the eye", "A type of shoe having an insert lift to make the wearer appear taller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lift" ], "word": "elevator", "num_translations": 11 }, "silo": { "senses": [ "A vertical building, usually cylindrical, used for the production of silage", "from the shape, a building used for the storage of grain", "An underground bunker used to hold missiles which may be launched", "An organizational unit that has poor interaction with other units, negatively affecting overall performance", "A structure in the information system that is poorly networked with other structures, with data exchange hampered", "A self-enclosed group of like-minded individuals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "silo", "num_translations": 43 }, "stairway": { "senses": [ "A set of steps allowing one to walk up or down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "staircase", "stairs" ], "word": "stairway", "num_translations": 29 }, "aphelion": { "senses": [ "The point in the elliptical orbit of a planet, comet, etc, where it is farthest from the Sun" ], "antonyms": [ "perihelion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aphelion", "num_translations": 32 }, "determinant": { "senses": [ "A determining factor", "an element that determines the nature of something", "A scalar that encodes certain characteristics of a given transformation matrix", "the unique scalar function over square matrices which is distributive over matrix multiplication, multilinear in the rows and columns, and takes the value 1 for the unit matrix", "abbreviated as: det", "A substance that causes a cell to adopt a particular fate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "determinant", "num_translations": 32 }, "eigenvalue": { "senses": [ "A scalar, \\lambda, such that there exists a non-zero vector x for which the image of x under a given linear operator \\mathrm{A} is equal to the image of x under multiplication by \\lambda", "ie \\mathrm{A} x = \\lambda x" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "characteristic root" ], "word": "eigenvalue", "num_translations": 27 }, "eigenvector": { "senses": [ "given a linear transformation T, a vector x such that Ax=\\lambda x for some scalar \\lambda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "latent vector" ], "word": "eigenvector", "num_translations": 24 }, "disappear": { "senses": [ "To vanish", "To make vanish", "especially, to abduct and murder surreptitiously for political reasons", "To go away", "to become lost" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disappear", "num_translations": 114 }, "rest": { "senses": [ "Relief from work or activity by sleeping", "sleep", "Any relief from exertion", "a state of quiet and relaxation", "Peace", "freedom from worry, anxiety, annoyances", "tranquility", "A state of inactivity", "a state of little or no motion", "a state of completion", "A final position after death", "A pause of a specified length in a piece of music", "A written symbol indicating such a pause in a musical score such as in sheet music", "Absence of motion", "A stick with a U-, V- or X-shaped head used to support the tip of a cue when the cue ball is otherwise out of reach", "Any object designed to be used to support something else", "A projection from the right side of the cuirass of armour, serving to support the lance", "A short pause in reading poetry", "a caesura", "A set or game at tennis" ], "antonyms": [ "activity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rest", "num_translations": 297 }, "rest1": { "senses": [ "To cease from action, motion, work, or performance of any kind", "stop", "desist", "be without motion", "To come to a pause or an end", "end", "To be free from that which harasses or disturbs", "be quiet or still", "be undisturbed", "To stay, remain, be situated", "To lean, lie, or lay", "To complete one's active advocacy in a trial or other proceeding, and thus to wait for the outcome", "To sleep", "slumber", "To lie dormant", "To sleep the final sleep", "sleep in death", "die", "be dead", "To rely or depend on", "To be satisfied", "to acquiesce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "relax", "relieve", "have a breather", "be", "lay", "lean" ], "word": "rest", "num_translations": 178 }, "rest2": { "senses": [ "That which remains", "Those not included in a proposition or description", "the remainder", "others", "A surplus held as a reserved fund by a bank to equalize its dividends, etc", "in the Bank of England, the balance of assets above liabilities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remainder" ], "word": "rest", "num_translations": 52 }, "mnemonic1": { "senses": [ "Anything used to help remember something", "The textual, human-readable form of an assembly language instruction, not including operands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aide-m\u00e9moire" ], "word": "mnemonic", "num_translations": 16 }, "porcupine": { "senses": [ "Any of several rodents of either of the taxonomic families Hystricidae or Erethizontidae , both from the infraorder Hystricognathi, noted for their sharp spines or quills, which are raised when the animal is attacked or surprised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spine pig" ], "word": "porcupine", "num_translations": 130 }, "alienate2": { "senses": [ "To convey or transfer to another, as title, property, or right", "to part voluntarily with ownership of", "To estrange", "to withdraw affections or attention from", "to make indifferent or averse, where love or friendship before subsisted" ], "antonyms": [ "accept" ], "synonyms": [ "estrange" ], "word": "alienate", "num_translations": 54 }, "misspelling": { "senses": [ "A misspelt word" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heterography", "spelling error", "spelling mistake" ], "word": "misspelling", "num_translations": 38 }, "bleach1": { "senses": [ "To be whitened or lightened", "to lose color due to stress-induced expulsion of symbiotic unicellular algae", "To make meaningless", "to divest of meaning", "to make empty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blanch" ], "word": "bleach", "num_translations": 42 }, "bladder": { "senses": [ "A flexible sac that can expand and contract and that holds liquids or gases", "A hollow, inflatable organ of a plant", "The inflatable bag inside various balls used in sports, such as footballs and rugby balls", "A sealed plastic bag that contains wine and is usually packaged in a cask", "Anything inflated, empty, or unsound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vesica" ], "word": "bladder", "num_translations": 64 }, "baker": { "senses": [ "A person who bakes and sells bread, cakes and similar items", "A portable oven for baking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dougher" ], "word": "baker", "num_translations": 126 }, "beep": { "senses": [ "The sound produced by the horn of a car, or any similar sound", "A short, electronically produced tone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bleep" ], "word": "beep", "num_translations": 29 }, "bean": { "senses": [ "Any plant of several genera of the taxonomic family Fabaceae that produces large edible seeds or edible seedpods", "The large edible seed of such a plant", "The edible seedpod of such a plant", "coffee in the general", "The head or brain", "A guinea coin", "Money", "The clitoris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bean", "num_translations": 194 }, "beak": { "senses": [ "Anatomical uses", "Figurative uses", "Colloquial uses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bill", "honker" ], "word": "beak", "num_translations": 135 }, "demonstrate": { "senses": [ "to show how to use", "to show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation", "to participate in or organize a demonstration", "to show, display, or present", "to prove or make evident" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "demonstrate", "num_translations": 71 }, "beech": { "senses": [ "A tree of the genus Fagus having a smooth, light grey trunk, oval, pointed leaves and many branches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beech tree" ], "word": "beech", "num_translations": 102 }, "wench": { "senses": [ "A girl or young woman, especially a buxom or lively one", "Used as a term of endearment for a female person, especially a wife, daughter, or girlfriend: darling, sweetheart", "A woman servant", "a maidservant", "A promiscuous woman", "a mistress", "A prostitute", "A black woman , especially if in a condition of servitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wench", "num_translations": 56 }, "buxom": { "senses": [ "Pliant, obedient, tractable", "Submissive, humble, meek", "Gracious, indulgent, favourable", "obliging, amiable, courteous, affable, kindly", "With infinitive: Easily moved, prone, ready", "Flexible, pliant", "Blithe, gladsome, bright, lively, gay", "Cheerful, happy", "Full of health, vigour, and good temper", "well-favoured, plump and comely, 'jolly', comfortable-looking", "Having a full, voluptuous figure, especially possessing large breasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bosomy", "big-breasted", "busty", "chesty", "curvaceous", "curvy", "shapely", "round", "full-throated", "Thesaurus:voluptuous" ], "word": "buxom", "num_translations": 34 }, "cartesiancoordinate": { "senses": [ "The coordinates of a point measured from an origin along a horizontal axis from left to right and along a vertical axis from bottom to top This can be extended to three-dimensions by the z-axis perpendicular to the x- and y-axes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rectangular coordinates" ], "word": "Cartesiancoordinate", "num_translations": 10 }, "cartesiancoordinates": { "senses": [ "The coordinates of a point measured as its perpendicular distance to the right of a vertical axis and its perpendicular distance above a horizontal axis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rectangular coordinates" ], "word": "Cartesiancoordinates", "num_translations": 12 }, "hydrophobia": { "senses": [ "An aversion to water, as a symptom of rabies", "the disease of rabies itself", "A morbid fear of water", "aquaphobia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aquaphobia", "water fear", "waterfright" ], "word": "hydrophobia", "num_translations": 51 }, "yew": { "senses": [ "A species of coniferous tree, Taxus baccata, with dark-green flat needle-like leaves and seeds bearing red arils, native to western, central and southern Europe, northwest Africa, northern Iran and southwest Asia", "Any tree or shrub of the genus Taxus", "Other conifers resembling plants in genus Taxus", "The wood of the such trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English yew", "European yew", "common yew" ], "word": "yew", "num_translations": 142 }, "patronymic1": { "senses": [ "A name acquired from one's father" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "patronym" ], "word": "patronymic", "num_translations": 37 }, "serene": { "senses": [ "Peaceful, calm, unruffled", "Without worry or anxiety", "unaffected by disturbance", "fair and unclouded", "clear", "unobscured", "Used as part of certain titles, originally to indicate sovereignty or independence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "serene", "num_translations": 81 }, "granny": { "senses": [ "A grandmother", "An elderly woman", "An older ewe that may lure a lamb away from its mother" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gran", "old dear" ], "word": "granny", "num_translations": 62 }, "tranny": { "senses": [ "A transsexual, transgender or transvestite person, usually a trans woman", "A transistor radio", "A mechanical transmission, a gearbox", "A transformer", "A transition between moves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tranny", "num_translations": 10 }, "comprehensive": { "senses": [ "Broadly or completely covering", "including a large proportion of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exhaustive" ], "word": "comprehensive", "num_translations": 67 }, "fancy": { "senses": [ "The imagination", "An image or representation of anything formed in the mind", "conception", "thought", "idea", "An opinion or notion formed without much reflection", "an impression", "A whim", "Love or amorous attachment", "The object of inclination or liking", "Any sport or hobby pursued by a group", "The enthusiasts of such a pursuit", "A diamond with a distinctive colour", "That which pleases or entertains the taste or caprice without much use or value", "A sort of love song or light impromptu ballad", "In the game of jacks, a style of play involving additional actions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:whim", "Thesaurus:predilection", "Thesaurus:fan", "Thesaurus:hobby" ], "word": "fancy", "num_translations": 57 }, "fancy1": { "senses": [ "Decorative", "Of a superior grade", "Executed with skill", "Unnecessarily complicated", "Extravagant", "above real value" ], "antonyms": [ "plain", "simple" ], "synonyms": [ "fancible", "decorative", "high-end", "highfalutin" ], "word": "fancy", "num_translations": 32 }, "fancy3": { "senses": [ "To appreciate without jealousy or greed", "would like", "To be sexually attracted to", "To imagine, suppose", "To form a conception of", "to portray in the mind", "to imagine", "to like", "to be pleased with, particularly on account of external appearance or manners", "To breed as a hobby" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "like", "feel like" ], "word": "fancy", "num_translations": 39 }, "rectitude": { "senses": [ "Straightness", "the state or quality of having a constant direction and not being crooked or bent", "The fact or quality of being right or correct", "correctness of opinion or judgement", "Conformity to the rules prescribed for moral conduct", "uprightness, virtue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "honesty" ], "word": "rectitude", "num_translations": 32 }, "discombobulate": { "senses": [ "To throw into a state of confusion", "to befuddle or perplex" ], "antonyms": [ "combobulate", "recombobulate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "discombobulate", "num_translations": 25 }, "composure": { "senses": [ "Calmness of mind or matter, self-possession", "The act of composing, or that which is composed", "a composition", "Orderly adjustment", "disposition", "Frame", "make", "temperament", "A combination", "a union", "a bond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equanimity", "Thesaurus:calm" ], "word": "composure", "num_translations": 41 }, "spouse": { "senses": [ "A person in a marriage or marital relationship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:spouse" ], "word": "spouse", "num_translations": 152 }, "piecemeal": { "senses": [ "Made or done in pieces or one stage at a time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stepwise" ], "word": "piecemeal", "num_translations": 19 }, "piecemeal1": { "senses": [ "Piece by piece", "in small amounts, stages, or degrees", "Into pieces or parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "little by little", "apart" ], "word": "piecemeal", "num_translations": 25 }, "inflate": { "senses": [ "To enlarge an object by pushing air into it", "to raise or expand abnormally", "To enlarge by filling with air", "To swell", "to puff up", "To decompress that was previously deflated" ], "antonyms": [ "deflate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inflate", "num_translations": 69 }, "deflate": { "senses": [ "To remove air or some other gas from within an elastic container, eg a balloon or tyre", "To cause an object to decrease or become smaller in some parameter, eg to shrink", "To reduce the amount of available currency or credit and thus lower prices", "To let down or disappoint", "To compress according to a particular algorithm" ], "antonyms": [ "inflate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deflate", "num_translations": 22 }, "fifthgear": { "senses": [ "The fifth and typically highest gear of an engine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fifth" ], "word": "fifthgear", "num_translations": 10 }, "birdofprey": { "senses": [ "A carnivorous bird that hunts for its food, especially one that preys on vertebrates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "raptor", "Thesaurus:bird of prey" ], "word": "birdofprey", "num_translations": 52 }, "amphibian1": { "senses": [ "An animal of the Amphibia", "any four-legged vertebrate that does not have amniotic eggs, living both on land and in water", "A vehicle which can operate on land and water See Wikipedia article on \"Amphibious aircraft\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amphibium" ], "word": "amphibian", "num_translations": 89 }, "barge": { "senses": [ "A large flat-bottomed towed or self-propelled boat used mainly for river and canal transport of heavy goods or bulk cargo", "A richly decorated ceremonial state vessel propelled by rowers for river processions", "A large flat-bottomed coastal trading vessel having a large spritsail and jib-headed topsail, a fore staysail and a very small mizen, and having leeboards instead of a keel", "One of the boats of a warship having fourteen oars", "The wooden disk in which bread or biscuit is placed on a mess table", "A double-decked passenger or freight vessel, towed by a steamboat", "A large omnibus used for excursions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lighter" ], "word": "barge", "num_translations": 58 }, "carnivore": { "senses": [ "An organism that feeds chiefly on animals", "an animal that feeds on meat as the main part of its diet", "A mammal belonging to the order Carnivora", "A person who is not a vegetarian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zoophage", "meatarian" ], "word": "carnivore", "num_translations": 73 }, "dinosaur": { "senses": [ "A person or organisation that is very old, has very old-fashioned views, or is not willing to change and adapt", "Anything no longer in common use or practice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonavian", "fossil" ], "word": "dinosaur", "num_translations": 115 }, "dot": { "senses": [ "A small, round spot", "A punctuation mark used to indicate the end of a sentence or an abbreviated part of a word", "a full stop", "a period", "A point used as a diacritical mark above or below various letters of the Latin script, as in \u0226, \u1ea0, \u1e04, \u1e02, \u010a", "A symbol used for separating the fractional part of a decimal number from the whole part, for indicating multiplication or a scalar product, or for various other purposes", "One of the two symbols used in Morse code", "A lump or clot", "Anything small and like a speck comparatively", "a small portion or specimen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speck", "full stop", "tittle", "decimal point", "dit" ], "word": "dot", "num_translations": 239 }, "crane": { "senses": [ "Any bird of the family Gruidae, large birds with long legs and a long neck which is extended during flight", "Ardea herodias, the great blue heron", "A mechanical lifting machine or device, often used for lifting heavy loads for industrial or construction purposes", "An iron arm with horizontal motion, attached to the side or back of a fireplace for supporting kettles etc over the fire", "A siphon, or bent pipe, for drawing liquors out of a cask", "A forked post or projecting bracket to support spars, etc", "generally used in pairs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crane", "num_translations": 203 }, "herbivore": { "senses": [ "An organism that feeds chiefly on plants", "an animal that feeds on herbage or vegetation as the main part of its diet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phytophage", "vegetarian" ], "word": "herbivore", "num_translations": 54 }, "osprey": { "senses": [ "A bird of prey that feeds on fish and has white underparts and long, narrow wings each ending in four finger-like extensions", "aigrette" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fish eagle", "fish hawk", "orfray", "ossifrage", "osspringer" ], "word": "osprey", "num_translations": 69 }, "crappy": { "senses": [ "Of very poor quality", "unpleasant", "distasteful", "Bad, sick, or depressed", "Covered in crap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shitty", "shitty" ], "word": "crappy", "num_translations": 22 }, "diaper": { "senses": [ "A textile fabric having a diamond-shaped pattern formed by alternating directions of thread", "A towel or napkin made from such fabric", "An absorbent garment worn by a baby, by a young child not yet toilet trained, or by an adult who is incontinent", "a nappy", "Surface decoration of any sort which consists of the constant repetition of one or more simple figures or units of design evenly spaced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nappy" ], "word": "diaper", "num_translations": 128 }, "yap": { "senses": [ "The high-pitched bark of a small dog, or similar", "Casual talk", "chatter", "The mouth, which produces speech", "A badly behaved child", "a brat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "yap", "num_translations": 11 }, "shortening": { "senses": [ "Fat that is solid at room temperature, such as margarine or lard , used to make shortcrust pastry", "verbal noun of \"shorten\" - a reduction in length" ], "antonyms": [ "extension", "lengthening" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "shortening", "num_translations": 12 }, "pre-": { "senses": [ "Before", "physically in front of", "anterior", "Before", "earlier in time" ], "antonyms": [ "after-", "post-" ], "synonyms": [ "ante-", "before", "fore-", "in front of" ], "word": "pre-", "num_translations": 34 }, "bulldog": { "senses": [ "A breed of dog developed in England by the crossing of the bullbaiting dog and the Pug to produce a ladies companion dog Having a very smooth coat, a flattened face, wrinkly cheeks, powerful front legs and smaller hind legs", "A stubborn person", "A refractory material used as a furnace lining, obtained by calcining the cinder or slag from the puddling furnace of a rolling mill", "One of the proctors' officers", "Any move in which the wrestler grabs an opponent's head and jumps forward, so that the wrestler lands, often in a sitting position, and drives the opponent's face into the mat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English bulldog", "Thesaurus:stubborn person" ], "word": "bulldog", "num_translations": 34 }, "crayfish": { "senses": [ "Any of numerous freshwater decapod crustaceans in superfamilies Astacoidea and Parastacoidea, resembling the related lobster but usually much smaller", "A rock lobster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crawdad" ], "word": "crayfish", "num_translations": 69 }, "lobster1": { "senses": [ "A crustacean of the Nephropidae family, dark green or blue-black in colour turning bright red when cooked, with a hard shell and claws, which is used as a seafood", "A crustacean of the Palinuridae family, pinkish red in colour, with a hard, spiny shell but no claws, which is used as a seafood", "A soldier or officer of the imperial British Army", "An Australian twenty dollar note, due to its reddish-orange colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "British soldier" ], "word": "lobster", "num_translations": 128 }, "domestic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the home", "Of or relating to activities normally associated with the home, wherever they actually occur", "Kept by someone, for example as a farm animal or a pet", "Internal to a specific country", "Tending to stay at home", "not outgoing" ], "antonyms": [ "adventurous", "foreign", "wild" ], "synonyms": [ "bourgeois", "domesticated" ], "word": "domestic", "num_translations": 124 }, "crab": { "senses": [ "A crustacean of the infraorder Brachyura, having five pairs of legs, the foremost of which are in the form of claws, and a carapace", "The meat of this crustacean, served as food", "A bad-tempered person", "An infestation of pubic lice", "A playing card with the rank of three", "A position in rowing where the oar is pushed under the rigger by the force of the water", "A defect in an outwardly normal object that may render it inconvenient and troublesome to use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crab", "num_translations": 196 }, "within": { "senses": [ "In the inner part, spatially", "physically inside", "In the scope or range of", "Before the specified duration ends" ], "antonyms": [ "without", "outside", "outwith" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "within", "num_translations": 75 }, "stepchild": { "senses": [ "The child of one's spouse but not one's own", "A bereaved child", "one who has lost father or mother" ], "antonyms": [ "stepparent" ], "synonyms": [ "orphan" ], "word": "stepchild", "num_translations": 31 }, "redeem": { "senses": [ "To recover ownership of something by buying it back", "To liberate by payment of a ransom", "To set free by force", "To save, rescue", "To clear, release from debt or blame", "To expiate, atone", "To convert into cash", "To save from a state of sin", "To repair, restore", "To reform, change", "To restore the honour, worth, or reputation of oneself or something", "To reclaim" ], "antonyms": [ "abandon" ], "synonyms": [ "buy back", "repurchase" ], "word": "redeem", "num_translations": 123 }, "scant": { "senses": [ "Very little, very few", "Not full, large, or plentiful", "scarcely sufficient", "meager", "not enough", "Sparing", "parsimonious", "chary" ], "antonyms": [ "ample" ], "synonyms": [ "few", "geason" ], "word": "scant", "num_translations": 28 }, "founder": { "senses": [ "One who founds or establishes", "Someone for whose parents one has no data" ], "antonyms": [ "ruiner" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "founder", "num_translations": 70 }, "founder2": { "senses": [ "Of a ship, to fill with water and sink", "To fall", "to stumble and go lame, as a horse", "To fail", "to miscarry", "To cause to fill and sink, as a ship", "To disable or lame by causing internal inflammation and soreness in the feet or limbs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "founder", "num_translations": 40 }, "disorder": { "senses": [ "Absence of order", "state of not being arranged in an orderly manner", "A disturbance of civic peace or of public order", "A physical or mental malfunction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chaos", "Thesaurus:riot" ], "word": "disorder", "num_translations": 111 }, "database": { "senses": [ "A collection of organized information in a regular structure, usually but not necessarily in a machine-readable format accessible by a computer", "A combination of and" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "databank", "database management system" ], "word": "database", "num_translations": 141 }, "deaf": { "senses": [ "Unable to hear, or only partially able to hear", "Unwilling to listen or be persuaded", "determinedly inattentive", "regardless", "Obscurely heard", "stifled", "deadened", "Decayed", "tasteless", "dead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hard of hearing", "hearing-impaired" ], "word": "deaf", "num_translations": 154 }, "chase": { "senses": [ "a pursuit", "A hunt", "A large country estate where game may be shot or hunted", "A wild animal that is hunted", "Any of the guns that fire directly ahead or astern", "A division of the floor of a gallery, marked by a figure or otherwise", "the spot where a ball falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must drive the ball in order to gain a point", "One or more riders who are ahead of the peloton and trying to join the race or stage leaders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chase", "num_translations": 55 }, "chase1": { "senses": [ "To pursue", "To consume another beverage immediately after drinking hard liquor, typically something better tasting or less harsh such as soda or beer", "To attempt to win by scoring the required number of runs in the final innings", "To swing at a pitch outside of the strike zone, typically an outside pitch", "To produce enough offense to cause the pitcher to be removed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pursue" ], "word": "chase", "num_translations": 122 }, "chase4": { "senses": [ "To groove", "indent", "To place piping or wiring in a groove encased within a wall or floor, or in a hidden space encased by a wall", "To cut", "To decorate by engraving or embossing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chase", "num_translations": 11 }, "whack": { "senses": [ "The sound of a heavy strike", "The strike itself", "The stroke itself, regardless of its successful impact", "An attempt, a chance, a turn, a go, originally an attempt to beat someone or something", "A share, a portion, especially a full share or large portion", "A deal, an agreement", "The backslash," ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whack", "num_translations": 18 }, "whack1": { "senses": [ "To hit, slap or strike", "To kill, bump off", "To share or parcel out", "often with up", "To beat convincingly", "to thrash", "To surpass", "to better" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:kill" ], "word": "whack", "num_translations": 30 }, "chatty": { "senses": [ "Of a person, chatting a lot or fond of chatting", "Of a text or speech, expressed in a conversational style", "Supplying more information than necessary", "verbose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:talkative" ], "word": "chatty", "num_translations": 30 }, "fatty1": { "senses": [ "An obese person", "A large marijuana cigar", "a blunt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fat person", "Thesaurus:marijuana cigarette" ], "word": "fatty", "num_translations": 28 }, "catty": { "senses": [ "With subtle hostility in an effort to hurt, annoy or upset, particularly among women", "Resembling or characteristic of a cat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bitchy" ], "word": "catty", "num_translations": 22 }, "scuttle1": { "senses": [ "A small hatch or opening in a boat Also, small opening in a boat or ship for draining water from open deck", "A hatch that provides access to the roof from the interior of a building" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roof hatch" ], "word": "scuttle", "num_translations": 14 }, "sack": { "senses": [ "A bag", "especially a large bag of strong, coarse material for storage and handling of various commodities, such as potatoes, coal, coffee", "or, a small bag for small items, a satchel", "also, an archaic or historical measure of varying capacity, depending on commodity type and according to local usage", "an old English measure of weight, usually of wool, equal to 13 stone , or in other sources, 26 stone", "The plunder and pillaging of a captured town or city", "Loot or booty obtained by pillage", "A successful tackle of the quarterback See verb sense4 below", "One of the square bases anchored at first base, second base, or third base", "Bed", "or, formerly, a loose-fitting hip-length jacket, cloak or cape", "a kind of coat worn by men, and extending from top to bottom without a cross seam", "The scrotum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bag", "axe", "pink slip", "give the boot", "get the chop", "give the elbow", "hay" ], "word": "sack", "num_translations": 196 }, "sack1": { "senses": [ "To plunder or pillage, especially after capture", "to obtain spoils of war from", "To tackle, usually to tackle the offensive quarterback behind the line of scrimmage before he is able to throw a pass", "To discharge from a job or position", "to fire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loot", "can", "dismiss", "fire", "lay off", "let go", "terminate", "Thesaurus:lay off", "rack" ], "word": "sack", "num_translations": 46 }, "banns": { "senses": [ "The announcement of a forthcoming marriage", "Historically, any public announcement of a coming event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banns of marriage" ], "word": "banns", "num_translations": 10 }, "gallon": { "senses": [ "A unit of volume, equivalent to eight pints", "exactly 454609 liters", "231 cubic inches or approximately 3785 liters for liquids", "one-eighth of a US bushel or approximately 4405 liters for dry goods", "A large quantity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gallon", "num_translations": 43 }, "conjecture": { "senses": [ "A statement or an idea which is unproven, but is thought to be true", "a guess", "A supposition based upon incomplete evidence", "a hypothesis", "A statement likely to be true based on available evidence, but which has not been formally proven", "Interpretation of signs and omens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "halseny", "Thesaurus:supposition" ], "word": "conjecture", "num_translations": 110 }, "slut": { "senses": [ "A sexually promiscuous woman or girl", "Any sexually promiscuous person, often a gay man", "A slovenly, untidy person, usually a woman", "A bold, outspoken woman", "A female dog", "A maidservant", "A rag soaked in a flammable substance and lit for illumination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman", "Thesaurus:prostitute", "Thesaurus:untidy person" ], "word": "slut", "num_translations": 166 }, "pod": { "senses": [ "A seed case for legumes", "A small vehicle, especially used in emergency situations", "A bag", "a pouch", "A group of whales, dolphins, seals, porpoises or hippopotami", "A small section of a larger office, compartmentalised for a specific purpose", "A subsection of a prison, containing a number of inmates", "A nicotine cartridge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pod", "num_translations": 86 }, "herd1": { "senses": [ "to feed or run together, or in company", "To associate", "to ally oneself with, or place oneself among, a group or company" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "herd", "num_translations": 14 }, "proselytize": { "senses": [ "To advertise one's religious beliefs", "to convert to one's own faith or religious movement or encourage them to do so", "To advertise a non-religious belief, way of living, cause, point of view, hypothesis, social or other position, political party, or other organization", "to convince someone to join such a cause or organization or support such a position", "to recruit someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "proselytize", "num_translations": 37 }, "voyage": { "senses": [ "A long journey, especially by ship", "The act or practice of travelling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adventure", "exploration", "expedition", "excursion", "journey", "tour", "vacation" ], "word": "voyage", "num_translations": 60 }, "pork": { "senses": [ "The meat of a pig", "swineflesh", "Funding proposed or requested by a member of Congress for special interests or his or her constituency as opposed to the good of the country as a whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pigmeat", "swineflesh" ], "word": "pork", "num_translations": 108 }, "four-legged": { "senses": [ "Having four legs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quadruped" ], "word": "four-legged", "num_translations": 11 }, "atheist": { "senses": [ "A person who does not believe in deities", "A person who does not believe in a particular deity , notwithstanding that they may believe in another deity" ], "antonyms": [ "theist" ], "synonyms": [ "nontheist", "atheitard" ], "word": "atheist", "num_translations": 147 }, "venison": { "senses": [ "The meat of a deer", "The meat of an antelope", "The meat of any wild animal that has been hunted rather than raised domestically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deer meat" ], "word": "venison", "num_translations": 56 }, "equity": { "senses": [ "Fairness, impartiality, or justice as determined in light of \"natural law\" or \"natural right\"", "The power of a court of law having extra-statutory discretion, to decide legal matters and to provide legal relief apart from, though not in violation of, the prevailing legal code", "A right which accrues to a party in a transaction because of the nature of the transaction itself, and which is exercisable upon a change of circumstances or conditions", "in other words, an equitable claim", "Value of property minus liens or other encumbrances", "The body of law which was developed in the English Court of Chancery, which Court had extra-statutory discretion, and is now administered alongside the common law of Britain", "Ownership, especially in terms of net monetary value of some business", "Ownership interest in a company as determined by subtracting liabilities from assets", "A player's expected share of the pot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "equity", "num_translations": 73 }, "dock3": { "senses": [ "A fixed structure attached to shore to which a vessel is secured when in port", "A structure attached to shore for loading and unloading vessels", "The body of water between two piers", "The place of arrival and departure of a train in a railway station", "A section of a hotel or restaurant", "A device designed as a base for holding a connected portable appliance such as a laptop computer , or a mobile telephone, for providing the necessary electrical charge for its autonomy, or as a hardware extension for additional capabilities", "A toolbar that provides the user with a way of launching applications, and switching between running applications", "joining two things together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slip", "wharf" ], "word": "dock", "num_translations": 77 }, "prostitution": { "senses": [ "Engaging in sexual activity with another person for pay", "Debasement for profit or impure motives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harlotry", "oldest profession", "oldest occupation", "whoredom" ], "word": "prostitution", "num_translations": 67 }, "stake": { "senses": [ "A piece of wood or other material, usually long and slender, pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground as a marker or a support or stay", "A piece of wood driven in the ground, placed in the middle of the court, that is used as the finishing point after scoring 12 hoops in croquet", "A stick inserted upright in a lop, eye, or mortise, at the side or end of a cart, flat car, flatbed trailer, or the like, to prevent goods from falling off", "The piece of timber to which a person condemned to death was affixed to be burned", "A share or interest in a business or a given situation", "That which is laid down as a wager", "a pledge", "A small anvil usually furnished with a tang to enter a hole in a bench top, as used by tinsmiths, blacksmiths, etc, for light work, punching hole in or cutting a work piece, or for specific forming techniques etc", "A territorial division comprising all the Mormons in a geographical area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peg" ], "word": "stake", "num_translations": 147 }, "stake1": { "senses": [ "To put at risk upon success in competition, or upon a future contingency", "To provide another with money in order to engage in an activity as betting or a business venture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bet" ], "word": "stake", "num_translations": 14 }, "coupon": { "senses": [ "A section of a ticket, showing the holder to be entitled to some specified accommodation or service, as to a passage over a designated line of travel, a particular seat in a theater, a discount, etc", "A voucher issued by a manufacturer or retailer which offers a discount on a particular product", "A certificate of interest due, printed at the bottom of transferable bonds , given for a term of years, designed to be cut off and presented for payment when the interest is due", "an interest warrant", "Any interest payment made or due on a bond, debenture or similar", "The letter sent to parliamentary candidates at the 1918 general election, endorsing them as official representatives of the coalition government", "A person's face" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "voucher" ], "word": "coupon", "num_translations": 52 }, "takeup1": { "senses": [ "To pick up", "To begin doing on a regular basis", "To address", "To occupy", "to consume", "To shorten by hemming", "To remove the surface or bed of a road", "To accept from", "To resume", "To implement, to employ, to put into use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "takeup", "num_translations": 34 }, "stitch": { "senses": [ "A single pass of a needle in sewing", "the loop or turn of the thread thus made", "An intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage, brought on by exercise", "A single turn of the thread round a needle in knitting", "a link, or loop, of yarn", "A space of work taken up, or gone over, in a single pass of the needle", "A fastening, as of thread or wire, through the back of a book to connect the pages", "Any space passed over", "distance", "A local sharp pain", "an acute pain, like the piercing of a needle", "A contortion, or twist", "Any least part of a fabric or dress", "A furrow", "The space between two double furrows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stitch", "num_translations": 107 }, "testament": { "senses": [ "A solemn, authentic instrument in writing, by which a person declares his or her will as to disposal of his or her inheritance after his or her death, benefiting specified heir", "A tangible proof or tribute", "A credo, expression of conviction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "will" ], "word": "testament", "num_translations": 93 }, "proof": { "senses": [ "An effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth", "an act of testing", "a test", "a trial", "The degree of evidence which convinces the mind of any truth or fact, and produces belief", "a test by facts or arguments which induce, or tend to induce, certainty of the judgment", "conclusive evidence", "demonstration", "The quality or state of having been proved or tried", "firmness or hardness which resists impression, or does not yield to force", "impenetrability of physical bodies", "Experience of something", "Firmness of mind", "stability not to be shaken", "a trial impression, as from type, taken for correction or examination", "A process for testing the accuracy of an operation performed Compare prove, transitive verb, 5", "Armour of excellent or tried quality, and deemed impenetrable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "proof", "num_translations": 107 }, "waterproof": { "senses": [ "Unaffected by water", "Made of or covered with material that doesn't allow water in", "Incapable of failing", "unassailable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "watertight" ], "word": "waterproof", "num_translations": 64 }, "liquor": { "senses": [ "A liquid, a fluid", "A drinkable liquid", "A liquid obtained by cooking meat or vegetables", "A parsley sauce commonly served with traditional pies and mash", "Strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation", "more broadly, any alcoholic drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spirits", "stock" ], "word": "liquor", "num_translations": 69 }, "chipmunk": { "senses": [ "A squirrel-like rodent of the genus Tamias, native mainly to North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ground squirrel" ], "word": "chipmunk", "num_translations": 59 }, "coypu": { "senses": [ "A large, crepuscular, semiaquatic rodent resembling a large rat, having bright orange-yellow incisors, native to South America and introduced to Europe, Asia and North America, valued for its fur in eastern Europe and central Asia and considered a pest elsewhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nutria" ], "word": "coypu", "num_translations": 30 }, "jerboa": { "senses": [ "Any of a number of species comprising most of the family Dipodidae, native to the deserts of Asia and northern Africa, being a small, jumping rodent with a long tufted tail, very small forefeet and very long hind legs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dipodid" ], "word": "jerboa", "num_translations": 32 }, "paca": { "senses": [ "Any of the large rodents of the genus Cuniculus , native to Central America and South America, which have dark brown or black fur, a white or yellowish underbelly and rows of white spots along the sides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gibnut", "labba", "royal rat" ], "word": "paca", "num_translations": 18 }, "disambiguation": { "senses": [ "The removal of ambiguity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clarification" ], "word": "disambiguation", "num_translations": 35 }, "sysop": { "senses": [ "A system operator, especially someone who administers an online communications system or bulletin board", "An administrator on a wiki" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "admin" ], "word": "sysop", "num_translations": 13 }, "technical": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the useful or mechanic arts, or to any academic, legal, science, engineering, business, or the like terminology with specific and precise meaning or shades of meaning", "specially appropriate to any art, science or engineering field, or business", "adept with science and technology", "Relating to, or requiring, technique", "Requiring advanced techniques for successful completion", "Relating to the internal mechanics of a market rather than more basic factors", "In the strictest sense, but not practically or meaningfully" ], "antonyms": [ "non-technical" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "technical", "num_translations": 39 }, "appliedmathematics": { "senses": [ "Mathematics used to solve problems in other sciences such as physics, engineering or electronics, as opposed to pure mathematics" ], "antonyms": [ "pure mathematics" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "appliedmathematics", "num_translations": 22 }, "bargain": { "senses": [ "An agreement between parties concerning the sale of property", "or a contract by which one party binds himself to transfer the right to some property for a consideration, and the other party binds himself to receive the property and pay the consideration", "An agreement or stipulation", "mutual pledge", "An item purchased for significantly less than the usual, or recommended, price", "A gainful transaction", "an advantageous purchase", "The thing stipulated or purchased" ], "antonyms": [ "rip-off" ], "synonyms": [ "contract", "steal" ], "word": "bargain", "num_translations": 48 }, "bargain1": { "senses": [ "to make a deal or contract for the exchange of property or services", "to negotiate", "To transfer for a consideration", "to barter", "to trade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bargain", "num_translations": 50 }, "grave": { "senses": [ "An excavation in the earth as a place of burial", "Any place of interment", "a tomb", "a sepulcher", "Death, destruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grave", "num_translations": 185 }, "grave1": { "senses": [ "To dig", "To carve or cut, as letters or figures, on some hard substance", "To carve out or give shape to, by cutting with a chisel", "to sculpture", "To impress deeply", "to fix indelibly", "To entomb", "to bury", "To write or delineate on hard substances, by means of incised lines", "to practice engraving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grave", "num_translations": 27 }, "grave2": { "senses": [ "Characterised by a dignified sense of seriousness", "not cheerful", "Low in pitch, tone etc", "Serious, in a negative sense", "important, formidable", "Influential, important", "authoritative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weightsome", "sage" ], "word": "grave", "num_translations": 64 }, "sweaty": { "senses": [ "Covered in sweat", "Having a tendency to sweat", "Likely to cause one to sweat", "Caused by sweat", "Strenuous", "laborious", "exhausting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sudorific" ], "word": "sweaty", "num_translations": 54 }, "sweatshop": { "senses": [ "A factory or other place of work where pay is low and conditions are poor or even illegal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweat factory" ], "word": "sweatshop", "num_translations": 14 }, "alice": { "senses": [ "female given name popular in England since the Middle Ages", "The person or system that sends a message to another person or system conventionally known as Bob", "city s/North Dakota", "city/county seat co/Jim Wells County s/Texas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Party A", "Alice Springs" ], "word": "Alice", "num_translations": 35 }, "yugoslavian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to Yugoslavia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Yugoslav" ], "word": "Yugoslavian", "num_translations": 31 }, "yugoslavian1": { "senses": [ "A native of Yugoslavia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Yugoslav" ], "word": "Yugoslavian", "num_translations": 35 }, "lank": { "senses": [ "Slender or thin", "not well filled out", "not plump", "shrunken", "lean", "Meagre, paltry, scant in quantity", "Straight and flat", "thin and limp", "Languid", "drooping, slack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lithe", "insufficient", "lax" ], "word": "lank", "num_translations": 15 }, "oblique": { "senses": [ "Not erect or perpendicular", "neither parallel to, nor at right angles from, the base", "slanting", "inclined", "Not straightforward", "indirect", "obscure", "hence, disingenuous", "underhand", "perverse", "sinister", "Not direct in descent", "not following the line of father and son", "collateral", "Of leaves, having the base of the blade asymmetrical, with one side lower than the other", "Of branches or roots, growing at an angle that is neither vertical nor horizontal", "Of speech or narration, indirect, employing the actual words of the speaker, but as related by a third person, having the first person in pronoun and verb converted into the third person, adverbs of present time into the past, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "oblique", "num_translations": 73 }, "toobad": { "senses": [ "That's a pity", "that's unfortunate", "It is unfortunate that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pity" ], "word": "toobad", "num_translations": 26 }, "jamesbond": { "senses": [ "A fictional British spy in the novels of Ian Fleming and the motion pictures based on these novels, famous for his suavity, ingenuity, ruthlessness and supply of gadgets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "007" ], "word": "JamesBond", "num_translations": 12 }, "countdracula": { "senses": [ "The fictional vampire in the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dracula" ], "word": "CountDracula", "num_translations": 16 }, "dracula": { "senses": [ "The fictional vampire in the novel of the same name by Bram Stoker", "A former prince of Wallachia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Count Dracula" ], "word": "Dracula", "num_translations": 26 }, "finishline": { "senses": [ "A line marking the end of a race", "The end of a process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "finishing line" ], "word": "finishline", "num_translations": 34 }, "kite": { "senses": [ "A bird of prey of the family Accipitridae", "A rapacious person", "A lightweight toy or other device, traditionally flat and shaped like a triangle with a segment of a circle attached to its base or like a quadrilateral , carried on the wind and tethered and controlled from the ground by one or more lines", "A tethered object which deflects its position in a medium by obtaining lift and drag in reaction with its relative motion in the medium", "A planetary configuration wherein one planet of a grand trine is in opposition to an additional fourth planet", "A blank cheque", "a fraudulent cheque, such as one issued even though there are insufficient funds to honour it, or one that has been altered without authorization", "An accommodation bill", "A rider who is good at climbs but less good at descents", "An aeroplane or aircraft", "In a square-rigged ship: originally a sail positioned above a topsail", "later a lightweight sail set above the topgallants, such as a studding sail or a jib topsail", "A spinnaker", "The brill , a type of flatfish", "A letter or oral message, especially one passed illegally into, within, or out of a prison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kite", "num_translations": 257 }, "kite1": { "senses": [ "also to cause to increase rapidly", "To tamper with a document or record by increasing the quantity of something beyond its proper amount so that the difference may be unlawfully retained", "in particular, to alter a medical prescription for this purpose by increasing the number of pills or other items", "To keep ahead of in order to attack repeatedly from a distance, without exposing oneself to danger", "To write or present on an account with insufficient funds, either to defraud or expecting that funds will become available by the time the cheque clears", "To steal", "To move rapidly", "to rush", "To deflect sideways in the water", "To pass a letter or oral message, especially illegally into, within, or out of a prison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kite", "num_translations": 20 }, "kidneybean": { "senses": [ "A variety of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, with a dark-red skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red bean" ], "word": "kidneybean", "num_translations": 24 }, "keel": { "senses": [ "A large beam along the underside of a ship's hull from bow to stern", "Sometimes, a rigid, flat piece of material anchored to the lowest part of the hull of a ship to give it greater control and stability", "in an aeroplane, a fin or fixed surface employed to increase stability and to hold the machine to its course", "A type of flat-bottomed boat", "The periphery of a whorl extended to form a more or less flattened plate", "a prominent spiral ridge", "The two lowest petals of the corolla of a papilionaceous flower, united and enclosing the stamens and pistil", "a carina", "A brewer's cooling vat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "keel", "num_translations": 55 }, "plenary": { "senses": [ "Fully attended", "for everyone's attendance", "Complete", "full", "entire", "absolute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plenary", "num_translations": 28 }, "halcyon1": { "senses": [ "Calm, undisturbed, peaceful, serene" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at peace" ], "word": "halcyon", "num_translations": 11 }, "icehockey": { "senses": [ "A form of hockey played on an ice rink with a puck, rather than a ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hockey" ], "word": "icehockey", "num_translations": 49 }, "favor": { "senses": [ "A kind or helpful deed", "an instance of voluntarily assisting", "Goodwill", "benevolent regard", "A small gift", "Mildness or mitigation of punishment", "lenity", "The object of regard", "person or thing favoured", "Appearance", "look", "countenance", "face", "Partiality", "bias", "A letter, a written communication", "Lovelocks" ], "antonyms": [ "disfavor", "discriminate", "discrimination", "harm", "sabotage" ], "synonyms": [ "aid", "help", "lend a hand", "token" ], "word": "favor", "num_translations": 72 }, "favor1": { "senses": [ "To look upon fondly", "to prefer", "to show beneficence toward", "To treat with care", "To resemble, to look like" ], "antonyms": [ "disfavor", "discriminate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "favor", "num_translations": 33 }, "cheat": { "senses": [ "To violate rules in order to gain advantage from a situation", "To be unfaithful to one's spouse or partner", "To manage to avoid something even though it seemed unlikely", "To deceive", "to fool", "to trick", "To beguile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belirt", "blench", "break the rules", "lirt" ], "word": "cheat", "num_translations": 147 }, "cheat1": { "senses": [ "An act of deception or fraud", "that which is the means of fraud or deception", "a fraud", "a trick", "imposition", "imposture", "A card game where the goal is to have no cards remaining in a hand, often by telling lies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bullshit", "BS", "I doubt it" ], "word": "cheat", "num_translations": 74 }, "presentiment": { "senses": [ "A premonition", "a feeling that something, often of undesirable nature, is going to happen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boding", "foreboding", "forefeeling", "premonition" ], "word": "presentiment", "num_translations": 15 }, "lace": { "senses": [ "A light fabric containing patterns of holes, usually built up from a single thread Wp", "A cord or ribbon passed through eyelets in a shoe or garment, pulled tight and tied to fasten the shoe or garment firmly Wp", "A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords", "a net", "Spirits added to coffee or another beverage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lace", "num_translations": 54 }, "lace1": { "senses": [ "To add alcohol, poison, a drug or anything else potentially harmful to", "To interweave items", "To interweave the spokes of a bicycle wheel", "To beat", "to lash", "to make stripes on", "To adorn with narrow strips or braids of some decorative material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lace", "num_translations": 53 }, "shoelace": { "senses": [ "A lace used for fastening a shoe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shoestring" ], "word": "shoelace", "num_translations": 89 }, "woodlouse": { "senses": [ "Any of the terrestrial isopod crustaceans of suborder Oniscidea, which have a rigid, segmented exoskeleton, often being capable of rolling into a ball, and feed only on dead plant matter, usually living in damp, dark places, such as under stones or bark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oniscidean", "Thesaurus:woodlouse" ], "word": "woodlouse", "num_translations": 91 }, "bouncer": { "senses": [ "A member of security personnel employed by bars, nightclubs, etc to maintain order and deal with patrons who cause trouble", "A short-pitched ball that bounces up towards, or above the height of the batsman's head", "An account or server that invisibly redirects requests to another, used for anonymity or vanity", "One who bounces", "a large, heavy person who makes much noise in moving", "A boaster", "a bully", "A bold lie", "A liar", "Something big", "a good stout example of the kind", "A bouncy castle", "A kind of seat mounted in a framework in which a baby can bounce up and down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bouncer", "num_translations": 45 }, "demonstration": { "senses": [ "The act of demonstrating", "showing or explaining something", "An event at which something will be demonstrated", "Expression of one's feelings by outward signs", "A public display of group opinion, such as a protest march", "A show of military force", "A mathematical proof" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "demonstration", "num_translations": 123 }, "seventy-five": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy-four and preceding seventy-six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 75", "Roman numerals: LXXV" ], "word": "seventy-five", "num_translations": 42 }, "disco": { "senses": [ "A genre of dance music that was popular in the 1970s, characterized by elements of soul music with a strong Latin-American beat and often accompanied by pulsating lights" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "club", "nightclub" ], "word": "disco", "num_translations": 60 }, "eviscerate": { "senses": [ "To disembowel, to remove the viscera", "To destroy or make ineffectual or meaningless", "To elicit the essence of", "To remove a bodily organ or its contents", "To protrude through a surgical incision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exenterate" ], "word": "eviscerate", "num_translations": 34 }, "messenger": { "senses": [ "One who brings messages", "A light line with which a heavier line may be hauled eg from the deck of a ship to the pier", "The supporting member of an aerial cable", "A person appointed to perform certain ministerial duties under bankrupt and insolvent laws, such as to take charge of the estate of the bankrupt or insolvent", "A forerunner", "A light scudding cloud preceding a storm", "A piece of paper, etc, blown up a string to a kite", "A weight dropped down a line to close a Nansen bottle", "The secretary bird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "messenger", "num_translations": 123 }, "jacob": { "senses": [ "One of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca, and twin brother of Esau", "father of the Israelites", "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Israel", "Yaakov" ], "word": "Jacob", "num_translations": 125 }, "professionalism": { "senses": [ "The status, methods, character or standards expected of a professional or of a professional organization, such as reliability, discretion, evenhandedness, and fair play", "The use of professionals rather than amateurs in any sport etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "professionality", "professionalness", "professionalship" ], "word": "professionalism", "num_translations": 20 }, "chorus": { "senses": [ "A group of singers and dancers in the religious festivals of ancient Greece", "A group of people in a play or performance who recite together", "A group of singers", "singing group who perform together", "A repeated part of a song", "The improvised solo section in a small group performance", "A setting or feature in electronic music that makes one voice sound like many", "A group of people or animals who make sounds together", "The noise made by such a group", "An actor who reads the opening and closing lines of a play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chorus", "num_translations": 98 }, "proto-indo-european": { "senses": [ "The reconstructed ancestor language or protolanguage of the Indo-European family of languages, which includes most European, Iranian, and Indian languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Indo-European", "Indo-Germanic" ], "word": "Proto-Indo-European", "num_translations": 56 }, "scare": { "senses": [ "A minor fright", "A cause of slight terror", "something that inspires fear or dread", "A device or object used to frighten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fright" ], "word": "scare", "num_translations": 29 }, "scare1": { "senses": [ "To frighten, terrify, startle, especially in a minor way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frighten", "terrify", "Thesaurus:frighten" ], "word": "scare", "num_translations": 69 }, "russiandoll": { "senses": [ "One of a set of hollow nesting dolls, usually wooden and decorated", "An issue or situation which repeatedly reveals more levels of complexity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "matryoshka", "nesting doll" ], "word": "Russiandoll", "num_translations": 90 }, "a.m.": { "senses": [ "Before noon" ], "antonyms": [ "p.m", "in the afternoon" ], "synonyms": [ "in the forenoon" ], "word": "a.m.", "num_translations": 39 }, "p.m.": { "senses": [ "after noon" ], "antonyms": [ "a.m", "in the forenoon" ], "synonyms": [ "in the afternoon" ], "word": "p.m.", "num_translations": 30 }, "autonomous": { "senses": [ "Self-governing Intelligent, sentient, self-aware, thinking, feeling, governing independently", "Acting on one's own or independently", "of a child, acting without being governed by parental or guardian rules", "Used with no subject, indicating an unknown or unspecified agent", "used in similar situations as the passive in English" ], "antonyms": [ "heteronomous" ], "synonyms": [ "sovereign", "selfstanding" ], "word": "autonomous", "num_translations": 81 }, "americanfootball": { "senses": [ "A game similar to rugby football played on a field of 100 yards long and 53 1/3 yards wide in which two teams of 11 players attempt to get an ovoid ball into each other's territory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American handegg", "handegg" ], "word": "Americanfootball", "num_translations": 64 }, "protocol": { "senses": [ "The minutes, or official record, of a negotiation or transaction", "especially a document drawn up officially which forms the legal basis for subsequent agreements based on it", "An official record of a diplomatic meeting or negotiation", "later specifically, a draft document setting out agreements to be signed into force by a subsequent formal treaty", "An amendment to an official treaty", "The first leaf of a roll of papyrus, or the official mark typically found on such a page", "The official formulas which appeared at the beginning or end of certain official documents such as charters, papal bulls etc", "The original notes of observations made during an experiment", "also, the precise method for carrying out or reproducing a given experiment", "The official rules and guidelines for heads of state and other dignitaries, governing accepted behaviour in relations with other diplomatic representatives or over affairs of state", "An accepted code of conduct", "acceptable behaviour in a given situation or group", "A set of formal rules describing how to transmit or exchange data, especially across a network", "The set of instructions allowing a licensed medical professional to start, modify, or stop a medical or patient care order" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "procedure", "policy" ], "word": "protocol", "num_translations": 50 }, "section": { "senses": [ "A cutting", "a part cut out from the rest of something", "A part, piece, subdivision of anything", "A part of a document", "An act or instance of cutting", "An incision or the act of making an incision", "A thin slice of material prepared as a specimen for research", "A taxonomic rank below the genus , but above the species", "An informal taxonomic rank below the order ranks and above the family ranks", "A group of 10-15 soldiers led by a non-commissioned officer and forming part of a platoon", "A right inverse", "A piece of residential land", "a plot", "A one-mile square area of land, defined by a government survey", "Any of the squares, each containing 640 acres, into which the public lands of the United States were divided", "A sequence of rock layers" ], "antonyms": [ "whole" ], "synonyms": [ "sectio", "cutting", "division", "volume" ], "word": "section", "num_translations": 131 }, "foreskin": { "senses": [ "The nerve-dense, retractable fold of skin which covers and protects the head of the penis in humans and some other animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prepuce", "Thesaurus:foreskin" ], "word": "foreskin", "num_translations": 91 }, "opium": { "senses": [ "Anything that numbs or stupefies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:recreational drug" ], "word": "opium", "num_translations": 141 }, "twist": { "senses": [ "A sliver of lemon peel added to a cocktail, etc", "A sudden bend in a road, path, etc", "A distortion to the meaning of a word or passage", "An unexpected turn in a story, tale, etc", "A rotation of the body when diving", "A sprain, especially to the ankle", "A twig", "A girl, a woman", "A small roll of tobacco", "The spiral course of the rifling of a gun barrel or a cannon", "A beverage made of brandy and gin", "A strong individual tendency or bent", "inclination", "An appetite for food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "twist", "num_translations": 75 }, "twist1": { "senses": [ "To turn the ends of something, usually thread, rope etc, in opposite directions, often using force", "To join together by twining one part around another", "To contort", "to writhe", "to complicate", "to crook spirally", "to convolve", "To wreathe", "to wind", "to encircle", "to unite by intertexture of parts", "To wind into", "to insinuate", "To turn a knob etc", "To distort or change the truth or meaning of words when repeating", "To injure by bending it in the wrong direction", "To wind", "to follow a bendy or wavy course", "to have many bends", "To cause to rotate", "To coax", "In the game of blackjack , to be dealt another card" ], "antonyms": [ "stick", "stay" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "twist", "num_translations": 108 }, "shatter": { "senses": [ "to violently break something into pieces", "to destroy or disable something", "to smash, or break into tiny pieces", "to dispirit or emotionally defeat", "To scatter about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shatter", "num_translations": 75 }, "murre": { "senses": [ "Any seabird of the genus Uria in the family Alcidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guillemot" ], "word": "murre", "num_translations": 12 }, "toy": { "senses": [ "Something to play with, especially as intended for use by a child", "A thing of little importance or value", "a trifle", "A simple, light piece of music, written especially for the virginal", "Love play, amorous dalliance", "fondling", "A vague fancy, a ridiculous idea or notion", "a whim", "An inferior graffiti artist", "An old story", "a silly tale", "A headdress of linen or wool that hangs down over the shoulders, worn by old women of the lower classes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:toy" ], "word": "toy", "num_translations": 109 }, "smoker": { "senses": [ "A person who smokes tobacco habitually", "A smoking car on a train", "An informal social gathering for men only, at which smoking tobacco is allowed", "A social event featuring sketches, songs, etc, whether or not smoking is carried out", "A vent in the deep ocean floor from which a plume of superheated seawater, rich in minerals, erupts", "An illicit boxing match", "see Wikipedia:Battle Royal", "A device that releases smoke intended to distract bees", "A person or an apparatus that smokes food", "A two-stroke engine", "Any vehicle with a two-stroke engine, especially a motorcycle, as opposed to a four-stroke motorcycle or stroker", "A fastball", "synonym of \"stag film\"" ], "antonyms": [ "non-smoker" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "smoker", "num_translations": 54 }, "constitutional": { "senses": [ "Relating to a legal or political constitution", "In compliance with or valid under a legal or political constitution", "Belonging to, or inherent in, the constitution, or in the structure of body or mind", "For the benefit of one's constitution or health" ], "antonyms": [ "unconstitutional", "anticonstitutional" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "constitutional", "num_translations": 81 }, "foil": { "senses": [ "A very thin sheet of metal", "Thin aluminium/aluminum used for wrapping food", "A thin layer of metal put between a jewel and its setting to make it seem more brilliant", "In literature, theatre/theater, etc, a character who helps emphasize the traits of the main character and who usually acts as an opponent or antagonist", "Anything that acts by contrast to emphasise the characteristics of something", "A very thin sword with a blunted tip", "A thin, transparent plastic material on which marks are made and projected for the purposes of presentation See transparency", "A stylized flower or leaf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aluminium foil" ], "word": "foil", "num_translations": 88 }, "foil2": { "senses": [ "To prevent from being accomplished", "To prevent from accomplishing something", "To blunt", "to dull", "to spoil", "To tread underfoot", "to trample" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "put the kibosh on" ], "word": "foil", "num_translations": 26 }, "foolish": { "senses": [ "Lacking good sense or judgement", "unwise", "Resembling or characteristic of a fool" ], "antonyms": [ "wise" ], "synonyms": [ "absurd", "idiotic", "ridiculous", "silly", "unwise" ], "word": "foolish", "num_translations": 162 }, "forward": { "senses": [ "Toward the front or at the front", "Without customary restraint or modesty", "bold, cheeky, pert, presumptuous or pushy", "Expected in the future", "Ready", "prompt", "ardently inclined", "in a bad sense, eager or hasty", "Advanced beyond the usual degree", "advanced for the season", "precocious" ], "antonyms": [ "back", "restrained", "past" ], "synonyms": [ "anterior", "bold", "forecast" ], "word": "forward", "num_translations": 128 }, "forward1": { "senses": [ "Towards the front or from the front", "In the usual direction of travel", "Into the future" ], "antonyms": [ "back", "back", "backward" ], "synonyms": [ "forwards", "ahead", "forth" ], "word": "forward", "num_translations": 129 }, "forward2": { "senses": [ "To advance, promote", "To send to a third party", "To assemble by sewing sections, attaching cover boards, and so on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pass on" ], "word": "forward", "num_translations": 76 }, "forward3": { "senses": [ "One of the eight players whose primary task is to gain and maintain possession of the ball", "A player on a team in football in the row nearest to the opposing team's goal, who are therefore principally responsible for scoring goals", "An umbrella term for a centre or winger in ice hockey", "two frontcourt positions that are taller than guards but shorter than centers", "The front part of a vessel", "an electronic chain letter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attacker" ], "word": "forward", "num_translations": 45 }, "cooperate": { "senses": [ "To work or act together, especially for a common purpose or benefit", "To allow for mutual unobstructed action", "To function in harmony, side by side", "To engage in economic cooperation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to coact", "co-op", "make common cause" ], "word": "cooperate", "num_translations": 60 }, "dispatch": { "senses": [ "To send with promptness", "To send away hastily", "To send promptly, by means of a diplomat or military officer", "To send to a place in order to report", "To dispose of speedily, as business", "to execute quickly", "to make a speedy end of", "to finish", "to perform", "To rid", "to free", "To destroy quickly and efficiently", "To hurry", "To deprive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "destroy", "kill", "make haste", "send" ], "word": "dispatch", "num_translations": 42 }, "dispatch1": { "senses": [ "A message sent quickly, as a shipment, a prompt settlement of a business, or an important official message sent by a diplomat, or military officer", "The act of doing something quickly", "A mission by an emergency response service, typically attend to an emergency in the field", "A dismissal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dispatch", "num_translations": 20 }, "frame": { "senses": [ "To fit, as for a specific end or purpose", "make suitable or comfortable", "adapt", "adjust", "To construct by fitting or uniting together various parts", "fabricate by union of constituent parts", "To bring or put into form or order", "adjust the parts or elements of", "compose", "contrive", "plan", "devise", "Of a constructed object such as a building, to put together the structural elements", "Of a picture such as a painting or photograph, to place inside a decorative border", "To position visually within a fixed boundary", "To construct in words so as to establish a context for understanding or interpretation", "To move", "To proceed", "to go", "To strengthen", "refresh", "support", "To execute", "perform", "To cause", "to bring about", "to produce", "To profit", "avail", "To fit", "accord", "To succeed in doing or trying to do something", "manage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fit up" ], "word": "frame", "num_translations": 90 }, "frame1": { "senses": [ "The structural elements of a building or other constructed object", "Anything composed of parts fitted and united together", "a fabric", "a structure", "The structure of a person's body", "the human body", "A rigid, generally rectangular mounting for paper, canvas or other flexible material", "A piece of photographic film containing an image", "A context for understanding or interpretation", "A complete game of snooker, from break-off until all the balls have been potted", "An independent chunk of data sent over a network", "A movable structure used for the cultivation or the sheltering of plants", "The outer decorated portion of a stamp's image, often repeated on several issues although the inner picture may change", "The outer circle of a cancellation mark", "A division of time on a multimedia timeline, such as 1/30th or 1/60th of a second", "An individually scrollable region of a webpage", "An inning", "disposition", "Contrivance", "the act of devising or scheming", "A stage or level of a video game", "A way of dividing nucleotide sequences into a set of consecutive triplets", "A form of knowledge representation in artificial intelligence", "A complete lattice in which meets distribute over arbitrary joins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frame", "num_translations": 169 }, "frequent": { "senses": [ "Done or occurring often", "common", "Occurring at short intervals", "Addicted to any course of conduct", "inclined to indulge in any practice", "habitual", "persistent", "Full", "crowded", "thronged", "Often or commonly reported" ], "antonyms": [ "rare", "uncommon" ], "synonyms": [ "regular", "recurring", "continual", "steady" ], "word": "frequent", "num_translations": 57 }, "glove": { "senses": [ "An item of clothing other than a mitten, covering all or part of the hand and fingers, but usually allowing independent movement of the fingers", "A baseball mitt", "The ability to catch a hit ball", "A condom", "A challenge from one to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glove", "num_translations": 202 }, "modern": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to a current or recent time and style", "not ancient" ], "antonyms": [ "ancient", "premodern" ], "synonyms": [ "contemporary" ], "word": "modern", "num_translations": 84 }, "commercialization": { "senses": [ "The act of commercializing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commodification" ], "word": "commercialization", "num_translations": 10 }, "barrier": { "senses": [ "A structure that bars passage", "An obstacle or impediment", "A boundary or limit", "A node said to intervene between other nodes A and B if it is a potential governor for B, c-commands B, and does not c-command A", "A separation between two areas of the body where specialized cells allow the entry of certain substances but prevent the entry of others", "The lists in a tournament", "A martial exercise of the 15th and 16th centuries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hindrance" ], "word": "barrier", "num_translations": 97 }, "malodorous": { "senses": [ "Having a bad odor", "Highly improper" ], "antonyms": [ "fragrant" ], "synonyms": [ "foul", "putrid", "smelly", "stinky", "stenchy", "fetid", "funky", "noisome", "reeky", "reeking", "stinking", "mephitic", "foul-smelling", "rank", "rotten", "vile", "offensive", "Thesaurus:malodorous" ], "word": "malodorous", "num_translations": 17 }, "integral": { "senses": [ "Constituting a whole together with other parts or factors", "not omittable or removable", "Of, pertaining to, or being an integer", "Relating to integration", "Whole", "undamaged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "immanent" ], "word": "integral", "num_translations": 39 }, "integral1": { "senses": [ "A number, the limit of the sums computed in a process in which the domain of a function is divided into small subsets and a possibly nominal value of the function on each subset is multiplied by the measure of that subset, all these products then being summed", "Antiderivative" ], "antonyms": [ "derivative" ], "synonyms": [ "definite integral", "antiderivative" ], "word": "integral", "num_translations": 39 }, "anglo-saxon2": { "senses": [ "Related to nations which speak primarily English and influenced by English culture and customs", "especially Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States", "Favouring a liberal free market economy", "Descended from some other North European settlers like the British" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Anglo-Saxon", "num_translations": 48 }, "grip": { "senses": [ "To take hold of, particularly with the hand", "To help or assist, particularly in an emotional sense", "To do something with another that makes you happy/gives you relief", "To trench", "to drain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clasp", "aid", "hang out" ], "word": "grip", "num_translations": 45 }, "grip1": { "senses": [ "A hold or way of holding, particularly with the hand", "A visual component on a window etc enabling it to be resized and/or moved", "A person responsible for handling equipment on the set", "A channel cut through a grass verge", "A lot of something", "A long time", "An apparatus attached to a car for clutching a traction cable", "Assistance", "help or encouragement", "A helpful, interesting, admirable, or inspiring person", "As much as one can hold in a hand", "a handful", "A tenacious grasp", "a holding fast", "A device for grasping or holding fast to something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grip", "num_translations": 65 }, "violent": { "senses": [ "Involving extreme force or motion", "Involving physical conflict", "Likely to use physical force", "Intensely vivid", "Produced or effected by force", "not spontaneous", "unnatural" ], "antonyms": [ "peaceful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "violent", "num_translations": 127 }, "verse": { "senses": [ "A poetic form with regular meter and a fixed rhyme scheme", "Poetic form in general", "One of several similar units of a song, consisting of several lines, generally rhymed", "A small section of the Jewish or Christian Bible", "A portion of an anthem to be performed by a single voice to each part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "verse", "num_translations": 120 }, "conspiracy": { "senses": [ "The act of two or more persons, called conspirators, working secretly to obtain some goal, usually understood with negative connotations", "An agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future", "A group of ravens", "A group of lemurs", "A situation in which different phonological or grammatical rules lead to similar or related outcomes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conspiracy", "num_translations": 96 }, "seat1": { "senses": [ "To put an object into a place where it will rest", "to fix", "to set firm", "To provide with places to sit", "To request or direct one or more persons to sit", "To cause to occupy a post, site, or situation", "to station", "to establish", "to fix", "to settle", "To rest", "to lie down", "To settle", "to plant with inhabitants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seat", "num_translations": 37 }, "judoka": { "senses": [ "A practitioner of the Japanese martial art of judo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "judoist" ], "word": "judoka", "num_translations": 25 }, "zombie": { "senses": [ "A snake god or fetish in religions of West Africa and elsewhere", "A person, usually undead, animated by unnatural forces , with no soul or will of his/her own", "A deceased person who becomes reanimate to attack the living", "An apathetic person", "A human being in a state of extreme mental exhaustion", "An information worker who has signed a nondisclosure agreement", "A process or task which has terminated but has not been removed from the list of processes, typically because it has an unresponsive parent process", "A computer affected by malware which causes it to do whatever the attacker wants it to do without the user's knowledge", "A cocktail of rum and fruit juices", "A conscripted member of the Canadian military during World War II who was assigned to home defence rather than to combat in Europe", "Marijuana, or similar drugs", "A hypothetical being that is indistinguishable from a normal human being except in that it lacks conscious experience, qualia, or sentience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "living dead", "intellectual prostitute" ], "word": "zombie", "num_translations": 61 }, "lonely": { "senses": [ "Unhappy because of feeling isolated from contact with other people", "Unfrequented by people", "desolate", "Without companions", "solitary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lonesome", "desolate", "solitary" ], "word": "lonely", "num_translations": 100 }, "hope1": { "senses": [ "To want something to happen, with a sense of expectation that it might", "To be optimistic", "To place confidence", "to trust with confident expectation of good", "usually followed by in", "To wish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hope", "num_translations": 134 }, "conviction": { "senses": [ "A firmly held belief", "A judgement of guilt in a court of law", "The state of being found or proved guilty", "The state of being wholly convinced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinacy" ], "word": "conviction", "num_translations": 52 }, "waive": { "senses": [ "To relinquish", "to give up claim to", "to forego", "To put aside, avoid", "To outlaw", "To abandon, give up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waive", "num_translations": 32 }, "dearth": { "senses": [ "A period or condition when food is rare and hence expensive", "famine", "Scarcity", "a lack or short supply", "Dearness", "the quality of being rare or costly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "famine", "lack" ], "word": "dearth", "num_translations": 76 }, "polyandry": { "senses": [ "The having of a plurality of husbands at the same time", "usually, the marriage of a woman to more than one man, or the practice of having several husbands, at the same time", "The mating pattern whereby a female copulates with plural males", "Sexual relations with multiple males, by a female or a male, human or non-human, within or without marriage" ], "antonyms": [ "monandry", "monogamy", "polygyny" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "polyandry", "num_translations": 32 }, "inter-": { "senses": [ "between, amid, among, during, within, mutual, reciprocal" ], "antonyms": [ "intra-", "extra-" ], "synonyms": [ "intra-" ], "word": "inter-", "num_translations": 46 }, "vine": { "senses": [ "The climbing plant that produces grapes", "Any plant of the genus Vitis", "Any similar climbing or trailing plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grapevine", "climber" ], "word": "vine", "num_translations": 92 }, "grapevine": { "senses": [ "The plant, a vine of genus Vitis, on which grapes grow", "A rumor", "An informal person-to-person means of circulating information or gossip", "A move in which the feet are alternately placed in front of each other, while both remaining on the ice or ground, incorporating half-turns", "A leglock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bush telegraph" ], "word": "grapevine", "num_translations": 95 }, "plantation": { "senses": [ "A large farm", "estate or area of land designated for agricultural growth Often includes housing for the owner and workers", "An area where trees are planted for commercial purposes", "The importation of large numbers of workers and soldiers to displace the local population, such as in medieval Ireland and in the Americas", "colonization", "A colony established thus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plantation", "num_translations": 39 }, "speck": { "senses": [ "A tiny spot, especially of dirt etc", "A very small thing", "a particle", "a whit", "A small etheostomoid fish, Etheostoma stigmaeum, common in the eastern United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "speck", "num_translations": 27 }, "immure": { "senses": [ "To cloister, confine, imprison: to lock up behind walls", "To put or bury within a wall", "To trap or capture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cloister", "inter" ], "word": "immure", "num_translations": 25 }, "creative": { "senses": [ "Tending to create things, or having the ability to create", "often, excellently, in a novel fashion, or any or all of these", "Original, expressive and imaginative", "A type of set of natural numbers, related to mathematical logic", "Designed or executed to deceive or mislead" ], "antonyms": [ "imitative", "annihilative" ], "synonyms": [ "inventive", "original" ], "word": "creative", "num_translations": 77 }, "sponge": { "senses": [ "Any of various marine invertebrates, mostly of the phylum Porifera, that have a porous skeleton often of silica", "A piece of porous material used for washing", "A heavy drinker", "A type of light cake", "A type of steamed pudding", "A person who takes advantage of the generosity of others", "A form of contraception that is inserted vaginally", "A mop for cleaning the bore of a cannon after a discharge It consists of a cylinder of wood, covered with sheepskin with the wool on, or cloth with a heavy looped nap, and having a handle, or staff", "The extremity, or point, of a horseshoe, corresponding to the heel", "A nuclear power plant worker routinely exposed to radiation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sponge", "num_translations": 166 }, "sponge1": { "senses": [ "To take advantage of the kindness of others", "To get by imposition", "to scrounge", "To deprive of something by imposition", "to efface", "to destroy all trace of", "To be converted, as dough, into a light, spongy mass by the agency of yeast or leaven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sponge", "num_translations": 20 }, "froth1": { "senses": [ "To bubble", "to rage, vent one's anger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "froth", "num_translations": 28 }, "doughnut": { "senses": [ "A deep-fried piece of dough or batter, commonly of a toroidal shape, often mixed with various sweeteners and flavourings", "or flattened sphere shape filled with jam, custard or cream", "Anything in the shape of a torus", "A peel-out or skid mark in the shape of a circle", "a 360-degree skid", "A spare car tyre, usually stored in the boot, that is smaller than a full-sized tyre and is only intended for temporary use", "A vulva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ring" ], "word": "doughnut", "num_translations": 120 }, "brownie": { "senses": [ "A junior Girl Guide", "A junior Girl Scout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rosebud" ], "word": "Brownie", "num_translations": 10 }, "garbage": { "senses": [ "The bowels of an animal", "refuse parts of flesh", "offal", "Food waste material of any kind", "Useless or disposable material", "waste material of any kind", "A place or receptacle for waste material", "Nonsense", "gibberish", "Something or someone worthless" ], "antonyms": [ "artifact" ], "synonyms": [ "junk", "Thesaurus:trash" ], "word": "garbage", "num_translations": 165 }, "grimreaper": { "senses": [ "A personification of Death as an old man, or a skeleton, carrying a scythe, taking souls to the afterlife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reaper" ], "word": "GrimReaper", "num_translations": 72 }, "seventy-eight": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy-seven and preceding seventy-nine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 78", "Roman numerals: LXXVIII" ], "word": "seventy-eight", "num_translations": 37 }, "pine2": { "senses": [ "To languish", "to lose flesh or wear away through distress", "To long, to yearn so much that it causes suffering", "To grieve or mourn for", "To inflict pain upon", "to torment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pine", "num_translations": 74 }, "normal": { "senses": [ "According to norms or rules or to a regular pattern", "Usual, healthy", "not sick or ill or unlike oneself", "teaching teachers how to teach", "Of, relating to, or being a solution containing one equivalent weight of solute per litre of solution", "Describing a straight chain isomer of an aliphatic hydrocarbon, or an aliphatic compound in which a substituent is in the 1- position of such a hydrocarbon", "In which all parts of an object vibrate at the same frequency", "In the default position, set for the most frequently used route", "Perpendicular to a tangent of a curve or derivative of a surface" ], "antonyms": [ "unconventional", "ill", "tangential", "reverse" ], "synonyms": [ "conventional", "customary", "ordinary", "standard", "usual", "regular", "routine", "average", "expected", "natural", "typical", "everyday", "common", "commonplace", "general", "hale", "at right angles to", "perpendicular", "orthogonal", "Gaussian" ], "word": "normal", "num_translations": 122 }, "normal1": { "senses": [ "A line or vector that is perpendicular to another line, surface, or plane", "The usual state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mainstreamer" ], "word": "normal", "num_translations": 17 }, "johndoe": { "senses": [ "A fictitious name used in legal documents for an unknown or anonymous male person" ], "antonyms": [ "Jane Doe", "Jane Roe" ], "synonyms": [ "Richard Roe" ], "word": "JohnDoe", "num_translations": 14 }, "apostle": { "senses": [ "A missionary, or leader of a religious mission, especially one in the early Christian Church", "A pioneer or early advocate of a particular cause, prophet of a belief", "A top-ranking ecclesiastical official in the twelve seat administrative council of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", "A person who is plucked, that is, refused an academic degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disciple" ], "word": "apostle", "num_translations": 60 }, "doll": { "senses": [ "A toy in the form of a human", "An attractive young woman", "A term of endearment: darling, sweetheart", "a good-natured, cooperative or helpful girl", "The smallest or pet pig in a litter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "doll", "num_translations": 182 }, "nursery": { "senses": [ "A place where nursing is carried on", "The act of nursing", "That which forms and educates", "That which is nursed", "The first year of preschool", "A club or team for developing the skills of young players" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nursery", "num_translations": 83 }, "dolphin": { "senses": [ "A carnivorous aquatic mammal in one of several families of order Cetacea, famed for its intelligence and occasional willingness to approach humans", "A fish, the mahi-mahi or dorado, Coryphaena hippurus, with a dorsal fin that runs the length of the body, also known for iridescent coloration", "A depiction of a fish, with a broad indented fin, usually embowed", "The dauphin, eldest son of the kings of France", "A mass of iron or lead hung from the yardarm, in readiness to be dropped through the deck and the hull of an enemy's vessel to sink it", "A kind of wreath or strap of plaited cordage", "A spar or buoy held by an anchor and furnished with a ring to which ships may fasten their cables", "A mooring post on a wharf or beach", "A permanent fender around a heavy boat just below the gunwale", "One of the handles above the trunnions by which a gun was lifted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mereswine" ], "word": "dolphin", "num_translations": 186 }, "porpoise": { "senses": [ "A small cetacean of the family Phocoenidae, related to dolphins and whales", "Any small dolphin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garfish" ], "word": "porpoise", "num_translations": 68 }, "intriguing": { "senses": [ "Causing a desire to know more", "mysterious", "Having clandestine or illicit intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fascinating" ], "word": "intriguing", "num_translations": 31 }, "repentant": { "senses": [ "Feeling or showing sorrow for wrongdoing" ], "antonyms": [ "unrepentant" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remorseful" ], "word": "repentant", "num_translations": 15 }, "aperitif": { "senses": [ "An alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser" ], "antonyms": [ "digestif" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:alcoholic beverage" ], "word": "aperitif", "num_translations": 27 }, "terse": { "senses": [ "Of speech or style: brief, concise, to the point", "Of manner or speech: abruptly or brusquely short", "curt", "Burnished, polished", "fine, smooth", "neat, spruce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "terse", "num_translations": 105 }, "shakespeareansonnet": { "senses": [ "A sonnet comprising three quatrains and a final couplet, in iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Elizabethan sonnet", "English sonnet" ], "word": "Shakespeareansonnet", "num_translations": 56 }, "feeble": { "senses": [ "Deficient in physical strength", "Lacking force, vigor, or efficiency in action or expression", "faint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weak", "faint" ], "word": "feeble", "num_translations": 104 }, "feeling1": { "senses": [ "Sensation, particularly through the skin", "Emotion", "impression", "Emotional state or well-being", "Emotional attraction or desire", "Intuition", "An opinion, an attitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "feeling", "num_translations": 280 }, "hanging1": { "senses": [ "Suspended", "Unprotected and exposed to capture", "Hittable", "poorly executed by the pitcher hence relatively easy to hit", "ugly", "very unattractive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hanging", "num_translations": 26 }, "hanging2": { "senses": [ "A sometimes public event at which a person is hanged", "Anything that is hung as a decorative element" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a quick drop and a sudden stop" ], "word": "hanging", "num_translations": 60 }, "yell": { "senses": [ "shout", "holler", "make a loud sound with the voice", "to convey by shouting", "to tell someone off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "call", "Thesaurus:shout" ], "word": "yell", "num_translations": 76 }, "load": { "senses": [ "A burden", "a weight to be carried", "A certain number of articles or quantity of material that can be transported or processed at one time", "A quantity of washing put into a washing machine for a wash cycle", "Used to form nouns that indicate a large quantity, often corresponding to the capacity of a vehicle", "A large number or amount", "The volume of work required to be performed", "The force exerted on a structural component such as a beam, girder, cable etc", "The electrical current or power delivered by a device", "A resistive force encountered by a prime mover when performing work", "Any component that draws current or power from an electrical circuit", "A unit of measure for various quantities", "A very small explosive inserted as a gag into a cigarette or cigar", "The charge of powder for a firearm", "Weight or violence of blows", "The contents of an ejaculation", "Nonsense", "rubbish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charge", "fodder", "cumwad" ], "word": "load", "num_translations": 113 }, "load1": { "senses": [ "To place in or on a conveyance or a place of storage", "To be placed into storage or conveyance", "To fill with munition", "To insert into an apparatus so as to ready it for operation, such as a reel of film into a camera, sheets of paper into a printer etc", "To fill with raw material", "To be put into use in an apparatus", "To read from a storage medium into computer memory", "To transfer from a storage medium into computer memory", "To put runners on first, second and third bases", "To tamper with so as to produce a biased outcome", "To ask or adapt a question so that it will be more likely to be answered in a certain way", "To encumber with something negative, to place as an encumbrance", "To provide in abundance", "To weight with lead or similar", "To adulterate or drug", "To magnetize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "load", "num_translations": 149 }, "wishbone": { "senses": [ "A forked bone between the neck and breast of a bird consisting chiefly of the two clavicles fused at their median or lower end, regarded as a lucky charm in some countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "furcula" ], "word": "wishbone", "num_translations": 30 }, "aphorism": { "senses": [ "An original, laconic phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "aphorism", "num_translations": 39 }, "pouch": { "senses": [ "A small bag usually closed with a drawstring", "A pocket in which a marsupial carries its young", "A protuberant belly", "a paunch", "A cyst or sac containing fluid", "A silicle, or short pod, as of the shepherd's purse", "A bulkhead in the hold of a vessel, to prevent grain etc from shifting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pouch", "num_translations": 57 }, "harbor": { "senses": [ "Any place of shelter", "A sheltered expanse of water, adjacent to land, in which ships may anchor or dock, especially for loading and unloading", "A mixing box for materials", "A house of the zodiac, or the mansion of a heavenly body", "Shelter, refuge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harbor", "num_translations": 155 }, "hearing1": { "senses": [ "The sense used to perceive sound", "The act by which something is heard", "A proceeding at which discussions are heard", "A scolding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hearing", "num_translations": 105 }, "scrap": { "senses": [ "A piece", "a fragment", "a detached, incomplete portion", "Leftover food", "The crisp substance that remains after drying out animal fat", "A Hispanic criminal, especially a Mexican or one affiliated with the Norte gang", "A snare for catching birds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scrap", "num_translations": 88 }, "scrap1": { "senses": [ "To discard", "To stop working on indefinitely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scrap", "num_translations": 20 }, "denial": { "senses": [ "The negation in logic", "A refusal to comply with a request", "An assertion of untruth", "Refusal to believe a problem exists", "A defense mechanism involving a refusal to accept the truth of a phenomenon or prospect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "denial", "num_translations": 97 }, "diopter": { "senses": [ "The dioptre adjustment mechanism of a pair of binoculars", "Any lens system, such as a telescope", "A theodolite or similar surveyor's angle measuring device", "An alidade", "A surgical speculum", "An instrument for drawing the skull by projections" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diopter", "num_translations": 15 }, "mundane": { "senses": [ "Worldly, earthly, profane, vulgar as opposed to heavenly", "Pertaining to the Universe, cosmos or physical reality, as opposed to the spiritual world", "Ordinary", "not new", "Tedious", "repetitive and boring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mundane", "num_translations": 95 }, "rank": { "senses": [ "Strong of its kind or in character", "unmitigated", "virulent", "thorough", "utter", "Strong in growth", "growing with vigour or rapidity, hence, coarse or gross", "Suffering from overgrowth or hypertrophy", "plethoric", "Causing strong growth", "producing luxuriantly", "rich and fertile", "Strong to the senses", "offensive", "noisome", "Having a very strong and bad taste or odor", "Complete, used as an intensifier", "Gross, disgusting", "Strong", "powerful", "capable of acting or being used with great effect", "energetic", "vigorous", "headstrong", "Inflamed with venereal appetite", "ruttish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stinky", "complete" ], "word": "rank", "num_translations": 36 }, "rank2": { "senses": [ "A row of people or things organized in a grid pattern, often soldiers the corresponding term for the perpendicular columns in such a pattern is \"file\"", "In a pipe organ, a set of pipes of a certain quality for which each pipe corresponds to one key or pedal", "One's position in a list sorted by a shared property such as physical location, population, or quality", "The level of one's position in a class-based society", "a hierarchical level in an organization such as the military", "a level in a scientific taxonomy system", "Maximal number of linearly independent columns of a matrix", "The dimensionality of an array or tensor", "The maximum quantity of D-linearly independent elements of a module", "The size of any basis of a given matroid", "one of the eight horizontal lines of squares on a chessboard The analog vertical lines are the files", "A category of people, such as those who share an occupation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rank", "num_translations": 133 }, "rank3": { "senses": [ "To place abreast, or in a line", "To assign a suitable place in a class or order", "to classify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rank", "num_translations": 18 }, "pocket": { "senses": [ "A bag stitched to an item of clothing, used for carrying small items", "Such a receptacle seen as housing someone's money", "hence, financial resources", "An indention and cavity with a net sack or similar structure at each corner and one centered on each side of a pool or snooker table", "An enclosed volume of one substance surrounded by another", "An area of land surrounded by a loop of a river", "The region directly behind the offensive line in which the quarterback executes plays", "An area where military units are completely surrounded by enemy units", "The position held by a second defensive middle, where an advanced middle must retreat after making a touch on the attacking middle", "A large bag or sack formerly used for packing various articles, such as ginger, hops, or cowries", "A hole or space covered by a movable piece of board, as in a floor, boxing, partitions, etc", "A cavity in a rock containing a nugget of gold, or other mineral", "a small body of ore contained in such a cavity", "A strip of canvas sewn upon a sail so that a batten or a light spar can placed in the interspace", "The pouch of an animal", "The ideal point where the pins are hit by the bowling ball", "A socket for receiving the base of a post, stake, etc", "A bight on a lee shore", "A small space between a tooth and the adjoining gum, formed by an abnormal separation of the two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pocket", "num_translations": 241 }, "pocket1": { "senses": [ "to complete a shot", "To take and keep", "To shoplift", "to steal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pot", "trouser" ], "word": "pocket", "num_translations": 23 }, "pocket2": { "senses": [ "Smaller or more compact than usual", "Referring to the two initial hole cards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pocket-size" ], "word": "pocket", "num_translations": 15 }, "tame": { "senses": [ "Not or no longer wild", "domesticated", "Mild and well-behaved", "accustomed to human contact", "Not exciting", "Crushed", "subdued", "depressed", "spiritless", "Capable of being represented as a finite closed polygonal chain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tame", "num_translations": 60 }, "selection": { "senses": [ "The process or act of selecting", "Something selected", "A variety of items taken from a larger collection", "A musical piece", "A set of data obtained from a database using a query", "The ability of predicates to determine the semantic content of their arguments Wp", "A list of items on which user operations will take place Wp", "A unary operation that denotes a subset of a relation", "The stage of a genetic algorithm in which individual genomes are chosen from a population for later breeding Wp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "choice", "number", "option", "piece", "subset" ], "word": "selection", "num_translations": 116 }, "naturalselection": { "senses": [ "A process by which heritable traits conferring survival and reproductive advantage to individuals, or related individuals, tend to be passed on to succeeding generations and become more frequent in a population, whereas other less favourable traits tend to become eliminated", "the differential survival and reproduction of phenotypes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "survival of the fittest" ], "word": "naturalselection", "num_translations": 60 }, "fuzzy": { "senses": [ "Covered with fuzz or a large number of tiny loose fibres like a carpet or many stuffed animals", "Vague or imprecise", "Not clear", "unfocused" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ambiguous", "blurry" ], "word": "fuzzy", "num_translations": 78 }, "serious": { "senses": [ "Without humor or expression of happiness", "grave in manner or disposition", "Important", "weighty", "not insignificant", "Really intending what is said", "in earnest", "not jocular or deceiving" ], "antonyms": [ "trifling", "jesting" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:serious" ], "word": "serious", "num_translations": 153 }, "shade": { "senses": [ "Darkness where light, particularly sunlight, is blocked", "Something that blocks light, particularly in a window", "A variety of a colour/color, in particular one obtained by adding black", "A subtle variation in a concept", "An aspect that is reminiscent of something", "A very small degree of a quantity, or variety of meaning", "A ghost or specter", "a spirit", "A postage stamp showing an obvious difference in colour/color to the original printing and needing a separate catalogue/catalog entry", "Subtle insults" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shade", "num_translations": 190 }, "shade1": { "senses": [ "To shield from light", "To alter slightly", "To vary or approach something slightly, particularly in color", "To move slightly from one's normal fielding position", "To darken, particularly in drawing", "To surpass by a narrow margin", "To reduce so that only its title bar is visible", "To shelter", "to cover from injury", "to protect", "to screen", "To present a shadow or image of", "to shadow forth", "to represent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shade", "num_translations": 40 }, "shame": { "senses": [ "Uncomfortable or painful feeling due to recognition or consciousness of one's own impropriety or dishonor or something being exposed that should have been kept private", "Something to regret", "Reproach incurred or suffered", "dishonour", "ignominy", "derision", "that which brings reproach and ignominy" ], "antonyms": [ "honor" ], "synonyms": [ "dishonor", "dishonor", "Thesaurus:shame" ], "word": "shame", "num_translations": 198 }, "shame2": { "senses": [ "To cover with reproach or ignominy", "to dishonor", "to disgrace", "*", "To mock at", "to deride" ], "antonyms": [ "honor" ], "synonyms": [ "demean" ], "word": "shame", "num_translations": 30 }, "fever": { "senses": [ "A higher than normal body temperature of a person , usually caused by disease", "Any of various diseases", "A state of excitement or anxiety", "A group of stingrays" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medical term", "excitation", "excitement", "passion" ], "word": "fever", "num_translations": 160 }, "sunglasses": { "senses": [ "Tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shades", "sunnies", "cooling glasses", "smoked" ], "word": "sunglasses", "num_translations": 78 }, "contact": { "senses": [ "The act of touching physically", "being in close association", "The establishment of communication", "A nodule designed to connect a device with something else", "Someone with whom one is in communication", "A device designed for repetitive connections", "The plane between two adjacent bodies of dissimilar rock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "contact", "num_translations": 154 }, "cooked": { "senses": [ "Of food, that has been prepared by cooking", "Corrupted by conversion through a text format, requiring uncooking to be properly listenable", "Partially or wholly fabricated, falsified", "Done in, exhausted, pooped", "Done in, defeated, hopeless" ], "antonyms": [ "raw", "uncooked" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cooked", "num_translations": 26 }, "fudge": { "senses": [ "Light or frothy nonsense", "A deliberately misleading or vague answer", "A made-up story", "A less than perfect decision or solution", "an attempt to fix an incorrect solution after the fact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fudge", "num_translations": 40 }, "misanthrope": { "senses": [ "One who hates all mankind", "one who hates the human race" ], "antonyms": [ "philanthrope" ], "synonyms": [ "misanthropist" ], "word": "misanthrope", "num_translations": 35 }, "surprise": { "senses": [ "Something unexpected", "The feeling that something unexpected has happened", "A dish covered with a crust of raised pastry, but with no other contents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "more than one bargained for", "unexpected", "astonishment" ], "word": "surprise", "num_translations": 113 }, "surprise1": { "senses": [ "To cause to feel unusually alarmed or delighted by something unexpected", "To undergo or witness something unexpected", "To attack unexpectedly", "To take unawares" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overtake" ], "word": "surprise", "num_translations": 81 }, "karelian1": { "senses": [ "Someone from Karelia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kareli" ], "word": "Karelian", "num_translations": 14 }, "support": { "senses": [ "To keep from falling", "To answer questions and resolve problems regarding something sold", "To back a cause, party, etc, mentally or with concrete aid", "To help, particularly financially", "To verify", "to make good", "to substantiate", "to establish", "to sustain", "To serve, as in a customer-oriented mindset", "To be designed to function compatibly with or provide the capacity for", "To be accountable for, or involved with, but not responsible for", "To endure without being overcome", "bear", "undergo", "to tolerate", "To assume and carry successfully, as the part of an actor", "to represent or act", "to sustain" ], "antonyms": [ "oppose" ], "synonyms": [ "underprop" ], "word": "support", "num_translations": 153 }, "support1": { "senses": [ "Financial or other help", "Answers to questions and resolution of problems regarding something sold", "in relation to a function, the set of points where the function is not zero, or the closure of that set", "A set whose elements are at least partially included in a given fuzzy set", "Evidence", "Compatibility and functionality for a given product or feature", "An actor playing a subordinate part with a star", "An accompaniment in music" ], "antonyms": [ "kernel" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "support", "num_translations": 148 }, "population": { "senses": [ "The people living within a political or geographical boundary", "The people with a given characteristic", "A count of the number of residents within a political or geographical boundary such as a town, a nation or the world", "A collection of organisms of a particular species, sharing a particular characteristic of interest, most often that of living in a given area", "A group of units enumerated in a census or from which a sample is drawn", "The act of filling initially empty items in a collection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "population", "num_translations": 179 }, "skullcap": { "senses": [ "A small domed cap that covers the area from the forehead to just above the back of the neck", "A yarmulke-like hat worn as an element of ghetto fashion", "The calvaria, the top part of the skull, covering the cranial cavity containing the brain", "Any of several species of flowering plants of the genus Scutellaria, in the Lamiaceae family", "A torture device for compressing the skull" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kippah" ], "word": "skullcap", "num_translations": 39 }, "store": { "senses": [ "A place where items may be accumulated or routinely kept", "A supply held in storage", "A place where items may be purchased", "a shop", "Memory", "A great quantity or number", "abundance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stock", "boutique", "memory" ], "word": "store", "num_translations": 53 }, "excited": { "senses": [ "Having great enthusiasm", "Being in a state of higher energy", "Having an erection", "erect", "Sexually aroused" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enthusiastic" ], "word": "excited", "num_translations": 89 }, "seal2": { "senses": [ "A stamp used to impress a design on a soft substance such as wax", "A design or insignia usually associated with an organization or an official role", "Anything that secures or authenticates", "Something which will be visibly damaged if a covering or container is opened, and which may or may not bear an official design", "Confirmation or approval, or an indication of this", "Something designed to prevent liquids or gases from leaking through a joint", "A tight closure, secure against leakage", "A chakra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seal", "num_translations": 151 }, "seal3": { "senses": [ "To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality", "To fasten so that it cannot be opened without visible damage", "To prevent people or vehicles from crossing", "To close securely to prevent leakage", "To guarantee", "To fix, as a piece of iron in a wall, with cement or plaster, etc", "To confirm or set apart as a second or additional wife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seal", "num_translations": 74 }, "apocalypse": { "senses": [ "A revelation", "The unveiling of events prophesied in the Revelation", "the second coming and the end of life on Earth", "global destruction", "The Book of Revelation", "A disaster", "a cataclysmic event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "armageddon", "doomsday", "Ragnarok", "end times", "eschaton" ], "word": "apocalypse", "num_translations": 84 }, "petrarchansonnet": { "senses": [ "A sonnet comprising an octet and a closing sestet, following the rhyme scheme of either abba abba cde cde or abba abba cd cd cd or abba abba cce dde or abba abba cdd cee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Italian sonnet" ], "word": "Petrarchansonnet", "num_translations": 60 }, "venue": { "senses": [ "A theater, auditorium, arena, or other area designated for sporting or entertainment events", "A neighborhood or near place", "the place or county in which anything is alleged to have happened", "also, the place where an action is laid, or the district from which a jury comes", "A bout", "a hit", "a turn See venew" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come", "and confer venew", "veney" ], "word": "venue", "num_translations": 42 }, "neighborhood": { "senses": [ "The quality of being a neighbor, of living nearby, next to each-other", "proximity", "Close proximity, nearby area", "particularly, close proximity to one's home", "The inhabitants of a residential area", "A formal or informal division of a municipality or region", "An approximate amount", "The quality of physical proximity", "The disposition becoming a neighbor", "neighborly kindness or good will", "Within a topological space:", "Within a metric space:", "The infinitesimal open set of all points that may be reached directly from a given point", "The set of all the vertices adjacent to a given vertex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vicinity", "proximity", "quarter" ], "word": "neighborhood", "num_translations": 178 }, "ragnarok": { "senses": [ "A series of future events culminating in a battle, fought between the \u00c6sir and einherjar on one side and the forces of Surt, Loki and Loki's children on the other, in which all of creation is burned down and almost all life is extinguished" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apocalypse" ], "word": "Ragnarok", "num_translations": 21 }, "pagan": { "senses": [ "Relating to, characteristic of religions that differ from main world religions", "Savage, immoral, uncivilized, wild" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heathen", "barbarian" ], "word": "pagan", "num_translations": 44 }, "pagan1": { "senses": [ "A person not adhering to a main world religion", "a follower of a pantheistic or nature-worshipping religion", "An uncivilized or unsocialized person", "An unruly, badly educated child" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paynim", "philistine", "brat" ], "word": "pagan", "num_translations": 66 }, "tag": { "senses": [ "A small label", "A chasing game played by two or more children in which one child attempts to catch and touch one of the others, who then becomes \"it\"", "A type of cardboard", "Graffiti in the form of a stylized signature particular to the artist", "A dangling lock of sheep's wool, matted with dung", "An attribution in narrated dialogue or attributed words", "The last line of a song's chorus that is repeated to indicate the end of the song", "The last scene of a TV program that often focuses on the program's subplot", "a vehicle number plate", "a medal bearing identification data", "An instance of touching the baserunner with the ball or the ball in a gloved hand to rule him \"out\"", "A piece of markup representing an element in a markup language", "A keyword, term, or phrase associated with or assigned to data, media, and/or information enabling keyword-based classification", "often used to categorize content", "Any slight appendage, as to an article of dress", "something slight hanging loosely", "A metallic binding, tube, or point, at the end of a string, or lace, to stiffen it", "The end, or catchword, of an actor's speech", "cue", "Something mean and paltry", "the rabble", "A sheep in its first year", "Any short peptide sequence artificially attached to proteins mostly in order to help purify, solubilize or visualize these proteins", "A person's name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tag", "num_translations": 109 }, "tag1": { "senses": [ "To label", "To hit the ball hard", "To put a runner out by touching them with the ball or the ball in a gloved hand", "To catch and touch", "To fasten", "to attach" ], "antonyms": [ "untag" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tag", "num_translations": 16 }, "affinity": { "senses": [ "A natural attraction or feeling of kinship to a person or thing", "A family relationship through marriage of a relative , as opposed to consanguinity", "A kinsman or kinswoman of a such relationship", "one who is affinal", "The fact of and manner in which something is related to another", "Any romantic relationship", "Any passionate love for something", "resemblances between biological populations", "resemblances that suggest that they are of a common origin, type or stock", "structural resemblances between minerals", "resemblances that suggest that they are of a common origin or type", "An attractive force between atoms, or groups of atoms, that contributes towards their forming bonds", "The attraction between an antibody and an antigen", "tendency to keep a task running on the same processor in a symmetric multiprocessing operating system to reduce the frequency of cache misses", "An automorphism of affine space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affinity", "num_translations": 82 }, "ubermensch": { "senses": [ "An overman who has overcome his humanity", "A member of the proposed Aryan super race" ], "antonyms": [ "Untermensch", "Untermensch" ], "synonyms": [ "overman" ], "word": "ubermensch", "num_translations": 21 }, "obey": { "senses": [ "To do as ordered by , to act according to the bidding of", "To do as one is told", "To be obedient, compliant" ], "antonyms": [ "disobey", "defy", "rebel", "resist", "violate" ], "synonyms": [ "hearken" ], "word": "obey", "num_translations": 91 }, "stupid": { "senses": [ "Lacking in intelligence or exhibiting the quality of having been done by someone lacking in intelligence", "To the point of stupor", "Characterized by or in a state of stupor", "paralysed", "Lacking sensation", "inanimate", "destitute of consciousness", "insensate", "Dulled in feeling or sensation", "torpid", "Amazing", "Darn, annoying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inept" ], "word": "stupid", "num_translations": 270 }, "ill": { "senses": [ "Evil", "wicked", "Morally reprehensible", "blameworthy", "Indicative of unkind or malevolent intentions", "harsh, cruel", "Unpropitious, unkind, faulty, not up to reasonable standard", "Unwell in terms of health or physical condition", "sick", "Having an urge to vomit", "Sublime, with the connotation of being so in a singularly creative way", "Extremely bad Generally used indirectly with to be", "Unwise", "not a good idea" ], "antonyms": [ "fine", "good", "wack" ], "synonyms": [ "diseased", "disgusted", "bad", "dope", "Thesaurus:diseased" ], "word": "ill", "num_translations": 174 }, "intellect": { "senses": [ "the faculty of thinking, judging, abstract reasoning, and conceptual understanding", "the cognitive faculty", "the capacity of that faculty", "a person who has that faculty to a great degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intelligence" ], "word": "intellect", "num_translations": 40 }, "infidel": { "senses": [ "One who does not believe in a certain religion", "One who does not believe in a certain principle", "One with no religious beliefs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unbeliever", "nonbeliever", "disbeliever", "atheist" ], "word": "infidel", "num_translations": 69 }, "heal": { "senses": [ "To make better from a disease, wound, etc", "to revive or cure", "To reconcile, as a breach or difference", "to make whole", "to free from guilt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cure", "get better" ], "word": "heal", "num_translations": 145 }, "cure": { "senses": [ "A method, device or medication that restores good health", "Act of healing or state of being healed", "restoration to health after a disease, or to soundness after injury", "A solution to a problem", "A process of preservation, as by smoking", "A process of solidification or gelling", "A process whereby a material is caused to form permanent molecular linkages by exposure to chemicals, heat, pressure and/or weathering", "Care, heed, or attention", "Spiritual charge", "care of soul", "the office of a parish priest or of a curate", "That which is committed to the charge of a parish priest or of a curate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cure", "num_translations": 77 }, "cure1": { "senses": [ "To restore to health", "To bring to an end", "To cause to be rid of", "To prepare or alter especially by chemical or physical processing for keeping or use", "To be undergoing a chemical or physical process for preservation or use", "To preserve , typically by salting", "To solidify or gel", "To become healed", "To pay heed", "to care", "to give attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cure", "num_translations": 113 }, "pharyngeal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the pharynx" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pharyngal" ], "word": "pharyngeal", "num_translations": 51 }, "usually": { "senses": [ "Most of the time", "less than always, but more than occasionally", "Under normal conditions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "generally", "mainly", "commonly", "regularly", "mostly", "on the whole", "in the main", "for the most part", "by and large", "most often", "ordinarily", "wontedly", "Thesaurus:usually", "customarily" ], "word": "usually", "num_translations": 69 }, "harsh": { "senses": [ "Unpleasantly rough to the touch or other senses", "Severe or cruel" ], "antonyms": [ "genteel" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "harsh", "num_translations": 118 }, "murky": { "senses": [ "Hard to see through, as a fog or mist", "Dark, dim, gloomy", "Cloudy, indistinct, obscure", "Dishonest, shady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dark" ], "word": "murky", "num_translations": 22 }, "hopeless": { "senses": [ "Without hope", "despairing", "not expecting anything positive", "Giving no ground of hope", "promising nothing desirable", "desperate", "Without talent, not skilled", "Incurable" ], "antonyms": [ "hopeful" ], "synonyms": [ "desperate", "unhopeful" ], "word": "hopeless", "num_translations": 50 }, "transpire": { "senses": [ "To give off", "to exhale", "To perspire", "Of plants, to give off water and waste products through the stomata", "To become known", "to escape from secrecy", "To happen, take place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be revealed", "be discovered", "come to light", "come about", "perspire" ], "word": "transpire", "num_translations": 27 }, "sign": { "senses": [ "A visible indication", "Physical evidence left by an animal", "A clearly visible object, generally flat, bearing a short message in words or pictures", "A wonder", "miracle", "prodigy", "A specific gesture or motion used to communicate by those with speaking or hearing difficulties", "An omen", "A property of the body that indicates a disease and, unlike a symptom, is unlikely to be noticed by the patient", "A military emblem carried on a banner or standard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sign", "num_translations": 346 }, "slope": { "senses": [ "An area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward", "The degree to which a surface tends upward or downward", "The ratio of the vertical and horizontal distances between two points on a line", "zero if the line is horizontal, undefined if it is vertical", "The angle a roof surface makes with the horizontal, expressed as a ratio of the units of vertical rise to the units of horizontal length", "A person of Chinese or other East Asian descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bank", "gradient", "first derivative", "Chinaman" ], "word": "slope", "num_translations": 187 }, "slope1": { "senses": [ "To tend steadily upward or downward", "to give an oblique or slanting direction to", "to incline or slant", "To try to move surreptitiously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slope", "num_translations": 29 }, "foamy": { "senses": [ "Full of foam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frothy" ], "word": "foamy", "num_translations": 17 }, "adjust": { "senses": [ "To modify", "To improve or rectify", "To settle an insurance claim", "To change to fit circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "change" ], "word": "adjust", "num_translations": 92 }, "middleenglish": { "senses": [ "The ancient or older language of Modern English, spoken in England and parts of Scotland from about 1100 AD to 1500 AD It developed from Anglo-Saxon, also called Old English, with heavy influence from French and Latin after the Norman invasion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Medieval English" ], "word": "MiddleEnglish", "num_translations": 33 }, "inthenickoftime": { "senses": [ "At the last possible moment", "at the last minute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eleventh hour", "under the wire", "just in time", "Thesaurus:just in time" ], "word": "inthenickoftime", "num_translations": 27 }, "infuriate": { "senses": [ "To make furious or mad with anger", "to fill with fury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:enrage" ], "word": "infuriate", "num_translations": 16 }, "hiatus": { "senses": [ "A gap in a series, making it incomplete", "An interruption, break or pause", "An unexpected break from work", "A gap in geological strata", "An opening in an organ", "A syllable break between two vowels, without an intervening consonant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break", "breather" ], "word": "hiatus", "num_translations": 104 }, "slander": { "senses": [ "A false or unsupported, malicious statement , especially one which is injurious to a person's reputation", "the making of such a statement" ], "antonyms": [ "glorification" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:slander" ], "word": "slander", "num_translations": 75 }, "slander1": { "senses": [ "baselessly speak ill of" ], "antonyms": [ "glorify" ], "synonyms": [ "defame", "libel", "Thesaurus:defame" ], "word": "slander", "num_translations": 69 }, "slanderous": { "senses": [ "Both untrue and harmful to a reputation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defamatory", "libelous", "Thesaurus:defamatory" ], "word": "slanderous", "num_translations": 11 }, "gypsy": { "senses": [ "A member of the Romani people, or one of the sub-groups", "A member of other nomadic peoples, not only of the Romani people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Romani", "Rom", "Roma", "zigeuner", "tzigane" ], "word": "Gypsy", "num_translations": 66 }, "let'sgo": { "senses": [ "hortative of go", "Let us begin or get started", "Hurry up", "be quick", "Bring it on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be quick", "chop chop", "come on", "get a move on", "hurry up", "look lively", "shake a leg," ], "word": "let'sgo", "num_translations": 123 }, "spur": { "senses": [ "A rigid implement, often roughly y-shaped, that is fixed to one's heel for the purpose of prodding a horse Often worn by, and emblematic of, the cowboy or the knight", "An appendage or spike pointing rearward, near the foot, for instance that of a rooster", "Any protruding part connected at one end, for instance a highway that extends from another highway into a city", "Roots, tree roots", "A mountain that shoots from another mountain or range and extends some distance in a lateral direction, or at right angles", "A spiked iron worn by seamen upon the bottom of the boot, to enable them to stand upon the carcass of a whale to strip off the blubber", "A brace strengthening a post and some connected part, such as a rafter or crossbeam", "a strut", "The short wooden buttress of a post", "A projection from the round base of a column, occupying the angle of a square plinth upon which the base rests, or bringing the bottom bed of the base to a nearly square form It is generally carved in leafage", "Ergotized rye or other grain", "A wall in a fortification that crosses a part of a rampart and joins to an inner wall", "A piece of timber fixed on the bilgeways before launching, having the upper ends bolted to the vessel's side", "A curved piece of timber serving as a half to support the deck where a whole beam cannot be placed", "A branch of a vein", "A very short branch line of a railway line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spur", "num_translations": 147 }, "spur1": { "senses": [ "To prod on the side or flank, with the intent to urge motion or haste, to gig", "To urge or encourage to action, or to a more vigorous pursuit of an object", "To press forward", "to travel in great haste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spur", "num_translations": 71 }, "delude": { "senses": [ "To deceive into believing something which is false", "to lead into error", "to dupe", "To frustrate or disappoint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deceive" ], "word": "delude", "num_translations": 19 }, "touchdown": { "senses": [ "A six-point score occurring when the ball enters possession of a team's player in the opponent's end zone", "A defensive action of grounding the ball in the team's own in-goal to stop the play", "A try", "The moment when an aircraft or spacecraft makes first or final contact with the ground during a landing", "The moment of contact of a tornado with the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "touchdown", "num_translations": 18 }, "cocaine": { "senses": [ "A stimulant narcotic, derived from cultivated plants of the genus Erythroxylum, in the form of a white powder that users generally self-administer by insufflation through the nose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow", "booger sugar", "Bolivian marching powder", "boots", "California corn flakes", "charlie", "coke", "girl", "nose candy", "powder", "rock", "slim", "snow", "snuff", "white lady", "yay", "yayo", "Chyna Whyte", "Thesaurus:cocaine" ], "word": "cocaine", "num_translations": 54 }, "delay": { "senses": [ "A period of time before an event occurs", "procrastination", "lingering inactivity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cunctation" ], "word": "delay", "num_translations": 68 }, "delay1": { "senses": [ "To put off until a later time", "to defer", "To retard", "to stop, detain, or hinder, for a time", "To allay", "to temper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adjourn", "defer", "forslow", "penelopize", "postpone", "put off", "on ice", "suspend", "Thesaurus:procrastinate", "forslow", "calm" ], "word": "delay", "num_translations": 72 }, "blogger": { "senses": [ "A contributor to a blog or online journal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blogmaster" ], "word": "blogger", "num_translations": 53 }, "outlier": { "senses": [ "A person or thing situated away from the main body or outside its proper place", "A part of a formation separated from the rest of the formation by erosion", "A value in a statistical sample which does not fit a pattern that describes most other data points", "specifically, a value that lies 15 IQR beyond the upper or lower quartile" ], "antonyms": [ "inlier" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "outlier", "num_translations": 26 }, "flop": { "senses": [ "To fall heavily due to lack of energy", "To cause to drop heavily", "To fail completely", "not to be successful at all", "To pretend to be fouled in sports, such as basketball, hockey", "To strike about with something broad and flat, as a fish with its tail, or a bird with its wings", "to rise and fall", "to flap", "To stay, sleep or live in a place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flop", "num_translations": 43 }, "flop1": { "senses": [ "An incident of a certain type of fall", "a plopping down", "A complete failure, especially in the entertainment industry", "The first three cards turned face-up by the dealer in a community card poker game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dud", "fiasco", "turkey", "box office bomb" ], "word": "flop", "num_translations": 38 }, "floppy1": { "senses": [ "An insurgent in the Rhodesian Bush War, called as such for the way they \"flop\" when shot", "A comic book" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diskette" ], "word": "floppy", "num_translations": 19 }, "floppydisk": { "senses": [ "A removable disk used for storing digital data, measuring between 2 and 8 inches diagonally and storing between 80 KB and 240 MB" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disk", "floppy", "floppy diskette" ], "word": "floppydisk", "num_translations": 63 }, "rachel": { "senses": [ "Younger daughter of Laban, sister to Leah, and second wife of Jacob", "female given name", "CDP s/Nevada c/US", "named for the first baby born in the town", "CDP s/West Virginia c/US", "named for the daughter of a local mine owner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Rachel", "num_translations": 45 }, "bay": { "senses": [ "A berry", "'''', a tree or shrub of the family Lauraceae, having dark green leaves and berries", "The leaves of this shrub, woven into a garland used to reward a champion or victor", "hence, fame, victory", "A kind of mahogany obtained from Campeche in Mexico" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bay laurel", "laurel" ], "word": "bay", "num_translations": 44 }, "bay1": { "senses": [ "A body of water more or less three-quarters surrounded by land", "A bank or dam to keep back water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gulf" ], "word": "bay", "num_translations": 110 }, "bay2": { "senses": [ "An opening in a wall, especially between two columns", "An internal recess", "a compartment or area surrounded on three sides", "The distance between two supports in a vault or building with a pitched roof", "Each of the spaces, port and starboard, between decks, forward of the bitts, in sailing warships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bay", "num_translations": 22 }, "bay4": { "senses": [ "To howl", "To bark at", "hence, to follow with barking", "To pursue noisily, like a pack of hounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bay", "num_translations": 13 }, "tumble1": { "senses": [ "To fall end over end", "to roll", "To perform gymnastics such as somersaults, rolls, and handsprings", "To roll over and over", "To drop rapidly", "To have sexual intercourse", "To smooth and polish a rough surface on relatively small parts", "To muss, to make disorderly", "to tousle or rumple", "To suddenly realise, to get wind of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bump uglies", "mess up" ], "word": "tumble", "num_translations": 71 }, "humility": { "senses": [ "The characteristic of being humble", "humbleness in character and behavior" ], "antonyms": [ "pride" ], "synonyms": [ "egolessness" ], "word": "humility", "num_translations": 75 }, "rebate": { "senses": [ "A deduction from an amount that is paid", "an abatement", "The return of part of an amount already paid", "The edge of a roll of film, from which no image can be developed", "A rectangular groove made to hold two pieces together", "a rabbet", "A piece of wood hafted into a long stick, and serving to beat out mortar", "An iron tool sharpened something like a chisel, and used for dressing and polishing wood", "A kind of hard freestone used in making pavements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rebate", "num_translations": 18 }, "slot": { "senses": [ "A broad, flat, wooden bar, a slat, especially as used to secure a door, window, etc", "A metal bolt or wooden bar, especially as a crosspiece", "An implement for baring, bolting, locking or securing a door, box, gate, lid, window or the like", "A channel opening in the stator or rotor of a rotating machine for ventilation and insertion of windings", "The barrel or tube of a wave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slot", "num_translations": 10 }, "slot2": { "senses": [ "A narrow depression, perforation, or aperture", "especially, one for the reception of a piece fitting or sliding in it", "A gap in a schedule or sequence", "The allocated time for an aircraft's departure or arrival at an airport's runway", "In a flying display, the fourth position", "after the leader and two wingmen", "A space in memory or on disk etc in which a particular type of object can be stored", "The vagina", "The track of an animal, especially a deer", "spoor", "A crack or fissure in a glacier or snowfield", "a chasm", "a crevasse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slot", "num_translations": 33 }, "boxing1": { "senses": [ "A sport where two opponents punch each other with gloved fists, the object being to score more points by the end of the match or by knockout, or technical knockout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fisticuffs" ], "word": "boxing", "num_translations": 82 }, "boxer": { "senses": [ "A participant in a boxing match", "A breed of stocky, medium-sized, short-haired dog with a square-jawed muzzle", "A type of internal combustion engine in which cylinders are arranged in two banks on either side of a single crankshaft", "The person running a game of two-up", "One who packs boxes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pugilist", "boxer engine" ], "word": "boxer", "num_translations": 84 }, "whatabout": { "senses": [ "Used to make a suggestion", "Used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered", "To repeat a question but referring to a different subject or object", "To express approval of an occurrence or a result" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "how about", "what of" ], "word": "whatabout", "num_translations": 59 }, "hip3": { "senses": [ "Aware, informed, up-to-date, trendy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cool" ], "word": "hip", "num_translations": 11 }, "inhale": { "senses": [ "To draw air into the lungs, through the nose or mouth by action of the diaphragm", "To draw air or any form of gas into the lungs, through the nose or mouth by action of the diaphragm", "To eat very quickly" ], "antonyms": [ "exhale" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inhale", "num_translations": 87 }, "exhale": { "senses": [ "To expel air from the lungs through the nose or mouth by action of the diaphragm, to breathe out", "To expel from the lungs by action of the diaphragm", "To pass off in the form of vapour", "to emerge", "To emit", "To draw out", "to cause to be emitted in vapour" ], "antonyms": [ "inbreathe", "inbreathe" ], "synonyms": [ "outbreathe", "outbreathe" ], "word": "exhale", "num_translations": 43 }, "diaphragm": { "senses": [ "In mammals, a sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen, contracted and relaxed in respiration to draw air into and expel air from the lungs", "Any of various membranes or sheets of muscle or ligament which separate one cavity from another", "A contraceptive device consisting of a flexible cup, used to cover the cervix during intercourse", "A flexible membrane separating two chambers and fixed around its periphery that distends into one or other chamber as the difference in the pressure in the chambers varies", "In a speaker, the thin, semi-rigid membrane which vibrates to produce sound", "A thin opaque structure with a central aperture, used to limit the passage of light into a camera or similar device", "A permeable or semipermeable membrane", "A floor slab, metal wall panel, roof panel or the like, having a sufficiently large in-plane shear stiffness and sufficient strength to transmit horizontal forces to resisting systems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diaphragm", "num_translations": 107 }, "dozen": { "senses": [ "A set of twelve", "A large, unspecified number of, comfortably estimated in small multiples of twelve, thus generally implied to be significantly more than ten or twelve, but less than perhaps one or two hundred", "many", "An old English measure of ore containing 12 hundredweight" ], "antonyms": [ "few" ], "synonyms": [ "a great deal" ], "word": "dozen", "num_translations": 98 }, "autonomy": { "senses": [ "Self-government", "freedom to act or function independently", "The capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision", "The capacity of a system to make a decision about its actions without the involvement of another system or operator", "The status of a church whose highest-ranking bishop is appointed by the patriarch of the mother church, but which is self-governing in all other respects Compare autocephaly" ], "antonyms": [ "dependency", "heteronomy" ], "synonyms": [ "sovereignty" ], "word": "autonomy", "num_translations": 98 }, "bakery": { "senses": [ "A shop in which bread is baked and/or sold", "The trade of a baker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bakehouse" ], "word": "bakery", "num_translations": 118 }, "deprecate": { "senses": [ "To belittle or express disapproval of", "To declare something obsolescent", "to recommend against a function, technique, command, etc that still works but has been replaced", "To pray against", "To regret deeply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deprecate", "num_translations": 46 }, "embryo": { "senses": [ "In the reproductive cycle, the stage after the fertilization of the egg that precedes the development into a fetus", "An organism in the earlier stages of development before it emerges from the egg, or before metamorphosis", "In viviparous animals, the young animal's earliest stages in the mother's body", "In humans, usually the cell growth up to the end of the seventh week in the mother's body", "A rudimentary plant contained in the seed", "The beginning", "the first stage of anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "embryo", "num_translations": 144 }, "baker'sdozen": { "senses": [ "Thirteen", "a group of thirteen", "A cousin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "devil's dozen" ], "word": "baker'sdozen", "num_translations": 22 }, "scar": { "senses": [ "A permanent mark on the skin, sometimes caused by the healing of a wound", "A permanent negative effect on someone's mind, caused by a traumatic experience", "Any permanent mark resulting from damage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cicatrice" ], "word": "scar", "num_translations": 119 }, "loaf": { "senses": [ "A block of bread after baking", "Any solid block of food, such as meat or sugar", "A solid block of soap, from which standard bars are cut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bonce" ], "word": "loaf", "num_translations": 88 }, "loaf1": { "senses": [ "To do nothing, to be idle", "To headbutt," ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "idle" ], "word": "loaf", "num_translations": 35 }, "solve": { "senses": [ "To find an answer or solution to a problem or question", "to work out", "To find the values of variables that satisfy a system of equations and/or inequalities", "To algebraically manipulate an equation or inequality into a form that isolates a chosen variable on one side, so that the other side consists of an expression that may be used to generate solutions", "To loosen or separate the parts of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solve", "num_translations": 61 }, "resolve": { "senses": [ "To find a solution to", "To reduce to simple or intelligible notions", "to make clear or certain", "to unravel", "to explain", "To make a firm decision to do something", "To determine or decide in purpose", "to make ready in mind", "to fix", "to settle", "To come to an agreement or make peace", "patch up relationship, settle differences, bury the hatchet", "To break down into constituent parts", "to decompose", "to disintegrate", "to return to a simpler constitution or a primeval state", "To cause to perceive or understand", "to acquaint", "to inform", "to convince", "to assure", "to make certain", "To cause a chord to go from dissonance to consonance", "To render visible or distinguishable the parts of something", "To find the IP address of a hostname, or the entity referred to by a symbol in source code", "to look up", "To melt", "to dissolve", "to liquefy or soften", "To melt", "to dissolve", "to become liquid", "To liquefy", "To disperse or scatter", "to discuss, as an inflammation or a tumour", "To relax", "to lay at ease", "To separate racemic compounds into their enantiomers", "To solve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "resolve", "num_translations": 89 }, "resolve1": { "senses": [ "Determination", "will power", "A determination to do something", "a fixed decision", "An act of resolving something", "resolution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortitude" ], "word": "resolve", "num_translations": 15 }, "oldchurchslavonic": { "senses": [ "The first literary and liturgical Slavic language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Old Church Slavic", "Old Slavonic" ], "word": "OldChurchSlavonic", "num_translations": 57 }, "mitigate": { "senses": [ "To reduce, lessen, or decrease", "to make less severe or easier to bear", "To downplay" ], "antonyms": [ "aggrandize" ], "synonyms": [ "alleviate" ], "word": "mitigate", "num_translations": 36 }, "formation": { "senses": [ "Something possessing structure or form", "The act of assembling a group or structure", "A rock or face of a mountain", "An arrangement of players designed to facilitate certain plays", "The process of influencing or guiding a person to a deeper understanding of a particular vocation", "The process during which something comes into being and gains its characteristics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "formation", "num_translations": 62 }, "obsequious": { "senses": [ "Obedient", "compliant with someone else's orders or wishes", "Excessively eager and attentive to please or to obey instructions", "fawning, subservient, servile", "Of or pertaining to obsequies, funereal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obedient", "fawning", "ingratiating", "servile", "slavish", "sycophantic", "truckling", "smarmy", "asskissing", "Thesaurus:sycophantic" ], "word": "obsequious", "num_translations": 64 }, "sobriquet": { "senses": [ "A familiar name for a person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "byname", "to-name" ], "word": "sobriquet", "num_translations": 23 }, "taciturn": { "senses": [ "Silent", "temperamentally untalkative", "disinclined to speak" ], "antonyms": [ "garrulous" ], "synonyms": [ "reticent", "Thesaurus:taciturn" ], "word": "taciturn", "num_translations": 52 }, "sententious": { "senses": [ "Full of meaning", "Using as few words as possible", "pithy and concise", "Tending to use aphorisms or maxims, especially given to trite moralizing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concise", "aphoristic" ], "word": "sententious", "num_translations": 30 }, "iconoclastic": { "senses": [ "Characterized by attack on established and accepted beliefs, customs, or institutions", "of or pertaining to iconoclasm" ], "antonyms": [ "iconodulic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "iconoclastic", "num_translations": 15 }, "malignant": { "senses": [ "Harmful, malevolent, injurious", "Tending to produce death", "threatening a fatal issue" ], "antonyms": [ "benign" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "malignant", "num_translations": 60 }, "immutable": { "senses": [ "unable to be changed without exception", "not able to be altered in the memory after its value is set initially" ], "antonyms": [ "mutable", "nonimmutable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "immutable", "num_translations": 16 }, "iniquitous": { "senses": [ "wicked or sinful", "morally objectionable" ], "antonyms": [ "righteous" ], "synonyms": [ "flagitious", "perverse" ], "word": "iniquitous", "num_translations": 18 }, "quiescent": { "senses": [ "Inactive, quiet, at rest", "Not sounded", "silent", "Non-proliferating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dormant", "calm", "servile" ], "word": "quiescent", "num_translations": 15 }, "dubious": { "senses": [ "Arousing doubt", "questionable", "open to suspicion", "In disbelief", "wavering, uncertain, or hesitating in opinion", "inclined to doubt", "undecided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dubious", "num_translations": 81 }, "ameliorate": { "senses": [ "To make better, or improve, something perceived to be in a negative condition", "To become better", "improve" ], "antonyms": [ "deteriorate", "worsen" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:improve" ], "word": "ameliorate", "num_translations": 31 }, "aryan": { "senses": [ "A member of an alleged master race with no fixed definition, comprising people of Germanic descent , or all non-Jewish Caucasians", "A person of Caucasian ethnicity", "a white non-Jew", "An Indo-European, a Proto-Indo-European", "An Indo-Iranian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Aryan", "num_translations": 128 }, "aryan1": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the Caucasian ethnicity", "Pertaining to Caucasian racists or their organisations, theories, etc", "Of or pertaining to Indo-Iranian peoples, cultures, and languages", "Of or pertaining to Indo-European peoples, cultures and languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Aryan", "num_translations": 58 }, "leeway": { "senses": [ "The drift of a ship or airplane in a leeward direction", "A varying degree or amount of freedom or flexibility", "margin, latitude, elbowroom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freedom" ], "word": "leeway", "num_translations": 37 }, "leeward": { "senses": [ "On the side sheltered from the wind", "in that direction" ], "antonyms": [ "windward" ], "synonyms": [ "downwind" ], "word": "leeward", "num_translations": 21 }, "leeward1": { "senses": [ "Away from the direction from which the wind is blowing", "downwind" ], "antonyms": [ "windward" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "leeward", "num_translations": 14 }, "gratitude": { "senses": [ "The state of being grateful" ], "antonyms": [ "ingratitude" ], "synonyms": [ "appreciation", "thankfulness", "gratefulness" ], "word": "gratitude", "num_translations": 52 }, "grateful": { "senses": [ "Appreciative", "thankful", "Pleasing, welcome" ], "antonyms": [ "ungrateful" ], "synonyms": [ "thankful", "appreciative" ], "word": "grateful", "num_translations": 81 }, "plenipotentiary1": { "senses": [ "Invested with full power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plenipotent" ], "word": "plenipotentiary", "num_translations": 15 }, "rack": { "senses": [ "A series of one or more shelves, stacked one above the other", "Any of various kinds of frame for holding clothes, bottles, animal fodder, mined ore, shot on a vessel, etc", "A frame on the back or front of a bike that enables fastening of luggage", "A piece or frame of wood, having several sheaves, through which the running rigging passes", "A bunk", "Sleep", "A distaff", "A bar with teeth on its face or edge, to work with those of a gearwheel, pinion, or worm, which is to drive or be driven by it", "A bar with teeth on its face or edge, to work with a pawl as a ratchet allowing movement in one direction only, used for example in a handbrake or crossbow", "A device, incorporating a ratchet, used to torture victims by stretching them beyond their natural limits", "A set of antlers", "A cut of meat involving several adjacent ribs", "A hollow triangle used for aligning the balls at the start of a game", "A woman's breasts", "A friction device for abseiling, consisting of a frame with five or more metal bars, around which the rope is threaded", "A climber's set of equipment for setting up protection and belays, consisting of runners, slings, carabiners, nuts, Friends, etc", "A grate on which bacon is laid", "That which is extorted", "exaction", "A set with a distributive binary operation whose result is unique", "A thousand pounds , especially such proceeds of crime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rack block", "Thesaurus:breasts" ], "word": "rack", "num_translations": 66 }, "blast": { "senses": [ "A violent gust of wind", "A forcible stream of gas or liquid from an orifice, for example from a bellows, the mouth, etc", "A hit from a pipe", "The continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace", "The exhaust steam from an engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire", "An explosion, especially for the purpose of destroying a mass of rock, etc", "A loud, sudden sound", "A sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants", "a blight", "A good time", "an enjoyable moment", "A promotional message sent to an entire mailing list", "A flatulent disease of sheep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blast", "num_translations": 72 }, "blast1": { "senses": [ "To make a loud noise", "To shatter, as if by an explosion", "To open up a hole in, usually by means of a sudden and imprecise method", "To curse", "to damn", "To shoot, especially with an energy weapon", "To shoot", "kick the ball in hope of scoring a goal", "To criticize or reprimand severely", "to verbally discipline or punish", "To blight or wither", "To be blighted or withered", "To blow, for example on a trumpet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blast", "num_translations": 27 }, "bin": { "senses": [ "A box, frame, crib, or enclosed place, used as a storage container", "A container for rubbish or waste", "Any of the discrete intervals in a histogram, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "container", "dustbin" ], "word": "bin", "num_translations": 55 }, "gist": { "senses": [ "The most essential part", "the main idea or substance", "the crux of a matter", "the pith", "The essential ground for action in a suit, without which there is no cause of action", "Resting place , lodging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crux", "gravamen", "lair" ], "word": "gist", "num_translations": 52 }, "bluewhale": { "senses": [ "A whale , blue in color and the largest known living animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sulfur-bottom whale", "sulphur bottom whale" ], "word": "bluewhale", "num_translations": 50 }, "bruise1": { "senses": [ "A purplish mark on the skin due to leakage of blood from capillaries under the surface that have been damaged by a blow", "A dark mark on fruit or vegetables caused by a blow to the surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ecchymosis", "Thesaurus:injury" ], "word": "bruise", "num_translations": 103 }, "purplish": { "senses": [ "Somewhat purple in colour/color" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "purply" ], "word": "purplish", "num_translations": 15 }, "breakfastcereal": { "senses": [ "A food made from processed grains, such as maize, oats, wheat or rice, usually eaten for breakfast with milk and sometimes sugar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cereal" ], "word": "breakfastcereal", "num_translations": 40 }, "nickname": { "senses": [ "A familiar, invented given name for a person or thing used instead of the actual name of the person or thing", "A kind of byname that describes a person by a characteristic of that person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handle", "antonomasia" ], "word": "nickname", "num_translations": 146 }, "ninja": { "senses": [ "A person trained in ninjutsu, especially one used for espionage, assassination, and other tasks requiring stealth during Japan's shogunate period", "synonym of \"man\" as a friendly term of address" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shinobi", "killer" ], "word": "ninja", "num_translations": 56 }, "plot": { "senses": [ "The course of a story, comprising a series of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means", "An area or land used for building on or planting on", "A graph or diagram drawn by hand or produced by a mechanical or electronic device", "A secret plan to achieve an end, the end or means usually being illegal or otherwise questionable", "Contrivance", "deep reach thought", "Participation in any stratagem or conspiracy", "A plan", "a purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plot", "num_translations": 194 }, "plot1": { "senses": [ "To conceive", "To trace out", "To mark", "To conceive a crime, misdeed, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becast", "scheme", "lot" ], "word": "plot", "num_translations": 88 }, "cereal": { "senses": [ "A type of grass cultivated for its edible grains", "The grains of such a grass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foodgrain" ], "word": "cereal", "num_translations": 86 }, "realm": { "senses": [ "An abstract sphere of influence, real or imagined", "The domain of a certain abstraction", "A scope of operation in networking or security", "A territory or state, as ruled by a specific power, especially by a king", "An otherworldly dimension or domain \u2014 magical, ethereal, or otherwise \u2014 usually ruled or created by a mystical character", "A taxonomic rank in the phylogeny of viruses, higher than kingdoms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "country", "field" ], "word": "realm", "num_translations": 92 }, "rye": { "senses": [ "A grain used extensively in Europe for making bread, beer, and for animal fodder", "The grass Secale cereale from which the grain is obtained", "Caraway", "A disease of hawks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rye", "num_translations": 97 }, "fodder": { "senses": [ "Food for animals", "that which is fed to cattle, horses, and sheep, such as hay, cornstalks, vegetables, etc", "A load: various English units of weight or volume based upon standardized cartloads of certain commodities, generally around 1000 kg", "Tracing paper", "Stuff", "material", "something that serves as inspiration or encouragement, especially for satire or humour", "The text to be operated on within a clue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forage", "See", "load" ], "word": "fodder", "num_translations": 72 }, "vetch": { "senses": [ "any of several leguminous plants, of the genus Vicia, often grown as green manure and for their edible seeds", "any of several similar plants within the subfamily Faboideae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tare" ], "word": "vetch", "num_translations": 32 }, "hatred": { "senses": [ "Strong aversion", "intense dislike" ], "antonyms": [ "love", "amity" ], "synonyms": [ "hate", "antipathy", "hostility" ], "word": "hatred", "num_translations": 146 }, "virgin": { "senses": [ "Mary, the mother of Jesus", "The constellation and star sign Virgo", "A conglomeration of various businesses founded by Richard Branson", "surname", "town s/Utah" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Blessed Virgin Mary" ], "word": "Virgin", "num_translations": 16 }, "virgin1": { "senses": [ "chaste, not having had sexual intercourse", "Of a physical object, untouched", "Not yet cultivated, explored, or exploited by humans or humans of certain civilizations", "Of olive oil, obtained by mechanical means, so that the oil is not altered", "Of mixed drinks, not containing alcohol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brand new" ], "word": "virgin", "num_translations": 82 }, "conjugal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to marriage, or the relationship of spouses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "connubial" ], "word": "conjugal", "num_translations": 17 }, "duplicitous": { "senses": [ "Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deceitful" ], "word": "duplicitous", "num_translations": 20 }, "recapitulation": { "senses": [ "A subsequent brief recitement or enumeration of the major points in a narrative, article, or book", "The third major section of a musical movement written in sonata form, representing thematic material that originally appeared in the exposition section", "The reenactment of the embryonic development in evolution of the species", "The symmetry provided by Christ's life to the teachings of the Old Testament", "the summation of human experience in Jesus Christ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "summary" ], "word": "recapitulation", "num_translations": 24 }, "pentagram": { "senses": [ "The shape of a five-pointed star constructed of five intersecting lines meeting at the vertices, such that a central pentagon and five surrounding isosceles triangles are formed", "often with magical connotations", "a 5/2 star polygon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pentacle", "pentalpha", "pentangle" ], "word": "pentagram", "num_translations": 57 }, "smash": { "senses": [ "The sound of a violent impact", "a violent striking together", "A traffic collision", "Something very successful", "A very hard overhead shot hit sharply downward", "A bankruptcy", "A kind of julep cocktail containing chunks of fresh fruit that can be eaten after finishing the drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crash", "crash", "smash hit" ], "word": "smash", "num_translations": 28 }, "smash1": { "senses": [ "To break violently", "To hit extremely hard", "To ruin completely and suddenly", "To defeat overwhelmingly", "to gain a comprehensive success", "To deform through continuous pressure", "To have sexual intercourse with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dash", "shatter", "pound", "dash", "slaughter", "coitize" ], "word": "smash", "num_translations": 70 }, "soap": { "senses": [ "A substance able to mix with both oil and water, used for cleaning, often in the form of a solid bar or in liquid form, derived from fats or made synthetically", "A metallic salt derived from a fatty acid", "Flattery or excessively complacent conversation", "Money, specially when used as a bribe", "A solid masonry unit or brick reduced in depth or height from standard dimensions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "soap", "num_translations": 209 }, "soap1": { "senses": [ "To be discreet about", "To flatter", "to wheedle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soft soap" ], "word": "soap", "num_translations": 30 }, "temporal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to time", "Of limited time", "transient", "passing", "not perpetual", "Of or relating to the material world, as opposed to spiritual", "Lasting a short time only", "Civil or political, as distinguished from ecclesiastical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "temporal", "num_translations": 91 }, "ultimate": { "senses": [ "Final", "last in a series", "Last in a word or other utterance", "Being the greatest possible", "maximum", "most extreme", "Being the most distant or extreme", "farthest", "That will happen at some time", "eventual", "Last in a train of progression or consequences", "tended toward by all that precedes", "arrived at, as the last result", "final", "Incapable of further analysis", "incapable of further division or separation", "constituent", "elemental" ], "antonyms": [ "initial", "original" ], "synonyms": [ "utmost" ], "word": "ultimate", "num_translations": 90 }, "mild": { "senses": [ "Gentle and not easily angered", "Of only moderate severity", "not strict", "Not overly felt or seriously intended", "Not serious or dangerous", "Moderately warm, especially less cold than expected", "Acting gently and without causing harm", "Not sharp or bitter", "not strong in flavor" ], "antonyms": [ "strong", "harsh" ], "synonyms": [ "soft", "gentle", "bland", "calm", "tranquil", "soothing", "pleasant", "placid", "meek", "kind", "tender", "indulgent", "clement", "mollifying", "lenitive", "assuasive", "Thesaurus:intermediate" ], "word": "mild", "num_translations": 57 }, "sickness": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being sick or diseased", "illness", "Nausea", "qualmishness", "The analogical misuse of a rarer or marked grammatical case in the place of a more common or unmarked case" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disease" ], "word": "sickness", "num_translations": 67 }, "blackberry": { "senses": [ "A fruit-bearing shrub of the species Rubus fruticosus and some hybrids", "The soft fruit borne by this shrub, formed of a black cluster of drupelets", "The blackcurrant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bramble" ], "word": "blackberry", "num_translations": 194 }, "nudity": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being without clothing on the body", "specifically, the quality of being without clothing on the genitals", "Something or someone without clothes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nakedness", "nude" ], "word": "nudity", "num_translations": 65 }, "nakedness": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being naked", "nudity", "bareness", "defenselessness", "undisguisedness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nakedhood", "nudity" ], "word": "nakedness", "num_translations": 42 }, "fabric": { "senses": [ "An edifice or building", "The structure of anything, the manner in which the parts of a thing are united", "workmanship, texture, make", "The framework underlying a structure", "A material made of fibers, a textile or cloth", "The appearance of crystalline grains in a rock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fabric" ], "word": "fabric", "num_translations": 170 }, "society": { "senses": [ "A long-standing group of people sharing cultural aspects such as language, dress, norms of behavior and artistic forms", "A group of people who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest", "an association or organization", "The sum total of all voluntary interrelations between individuals", "The people of one's country or community taken as a whole", "A number of people joined by mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act toward a common goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "society", "num_translations": 223 }, "crestfallen": { "senses": [ "Sad because of a recent disappointment", "Depressed", "Having the crest, or upper part of the neck, hanging to one side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disappointed", "disillusioned", "blue", "dejected", "despondent", "depressed", "downcast", "down in the dumps", "sorrowful" ], "word": "crestfallen", "num_translations": 44 }, "through": { "senses": [ "From one side of an opening to the other", "Entering, then later leaving", "Surrounded by", "By means of", "In consequence of", "as a result of", "To and including, with all intermediate values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "through", "num_translations": 170 }, "thus": { "senses": [ "In this way or manner", "As a result" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as such", "as such" ], "word": "thus", "num_translations": 145 }, "fig": { "senses": [ "A fruit-bearing tree or shrub of the genus Ficus that is native mainly to the tropics", "A small piece of tobacco", "a fico", "a whit", "a raisin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fig", "num_translations": 240 }, "purse": { "senses": [ "A small bag for carrying money", "A handbag", "A quantity of money given for a particular purpose", "A specific sum of money in certain countries: formerly 500 piastres in Turkey or 50 tomans in Persia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pocketbook", "handbag", "bursary" ], "word": "purse", "num_translations": 152 }, "purse1": { "senses": [ "To press in and together so that they protrude", "To draw up or contract into folds or wrinkles", "to pucker", "to knit", "to rob" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pucker" ], "word": "purse", "num_translations": 15 }, "soft": { "senses": [ "Easily giving way under pressure", "Smooth and flexible", "not rough, rugged, or harsh", "Quiet", "Gentle", "Expressing gentleness or tenderness", "mild", "conciliatory", "courteous", "kind", "Gentle in action or motion", "easy", "Weak in character", "impressible", "Requiring little or no effort", "easy", "Not bright or intense", "Having a slight angle from straight", "Voiced", "sonant", "voiceless", "palatalized", "Lacking strength or resolve", "not tough, wimpy", "Low in dissolved calcium compounds", "Foolish", "Of a ferromagnetic material", "a material that becomes essentially non-magnetic when an external magnetic field is removed, a material with a low magnetic coercivity", "Physically or emotionally weak", "Incomplete, or temporary", "not a full action", "Effeminate", "Agreeable to the senses", "Not harsh or offensive to the sight", "not glaring or jagged", "pleasing to the eye", "Made up of nonparallel rays, tending to wrap around a subject and produce diffuse shadows" ], "antonyms": [ "hard", "abrasive", "harsh", "hard", "loud", "firm", "hard", "sensible" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:soft", "non-abrasive", "gentle", "quiet", "meek", "daft" ], "word": "soft", "num_translations": 265 }, "adjutant": { "senses": [ "A lower-ranking officer who assists a higher-ranking officer with administrative affairs", "An assistant", "Any bird of the genus Leptoptilos, a branch of the stork family native to India and Southeast Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bird" ], "word": "adjutant", "num_translations": 26 }, "parcel": { "senses": [ "A package wrapped for shipment", "An individual consignment of cargo for shipment, regardless of size and form", "A division of land bought and sold as a unit", "A group of birds", "An indiscriminate or indefinite number, measure, or quantity", "a collection", "a group", "A small amount of food that has been wrapped up, for example a pastry", "A portion of anything taken separately", "a fragment of a whole", "a part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "package", "plot" ], "word": "parcel", "num_translations": 107 }, "bud": { "senses": [ "A newly sprouted leaf or blossom that has not yet unfolded", "Something that has begun to develop", "A small rounded body in the process of splitting from an organism, which may grow into a genetically identical new organism", "Potent cannabis taken from the flowering part of the plant , or marijuana generally", "A pretty young girl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bud", "num_translations": 116 }, "stamp": { "senses": [ "A small piece of paper bearing a design on one side and adhesive on the other, used to decorate letters or craft work", "A small piece of paper, with a design and a face value, used to prepay postage or other costs such as tax or licence fees", "A tattoo", "A single dose of lysergic acid diethylamide", "A kind of heavy pestle, raised by water or steam power, for crushing ores", "Cast", "form", "character", "distinguishing mark or sign", "evidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "postage stamp" ], "word": "stamp", "num_translations": 124 }, "stamp1": { "senses": [ "To step quickly and heavily, once or repeatedly", "To move quickly and heavily, once or repeatedly", "To strike, beat, or press forcibly with the bottom of the foot, or by thrusting the foot downward", "To mark by pressing quickly and heavily", "To give an official marking to, generally by impressing or imprinting a design or symbol", "To mark", "to impress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emboss", "impress" ], "word": "stamp", "num_translations": 94 }, "physical": { "senses": [ "Having to do with the body", "Having to do with the material world", "Involving bodily force", "Having to do with physics", "Not virtual", "directly corresponding to hardware operation", "Relating to physic, or medicine", "medicinal", "curative", "also, cathartic", "purgative" ], "antonyms": [ "mental" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "physical", "num_translations": 134 }, "station": { "senses": [ "A stopping place", "The Roman Catholic fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion", "A church in which the procession of the clergy halts on stated days to say stated prayers", "Standing", "rank", "position", "A broadcasting entity", "A harbour or cove with a foreshore suitable for a facility to support nearby fishing", "Any of a sequence of equally spaced points along a path", "The particular place, or kind of situation, in which a species naturally occurs", "a habitat", "An enlargement in a shaft or galley, used as a landing, or passing place, or for the accommodation of a pump, tank, etc", "Post assigned", "office", "the part or department of public duty which a person is appointed to perform", "sphere of duty or occupation", "employment", "The position of the foetal head in relation to the distance from the ischial spines, measured in centimetres", "The fact of standing still", "motionlessness, stasis", "The apparent standing still of a superior planet just before it begins or ends its retrograde motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "channel", "sta", "base", "farm" ], "word": "station", "num_translations": 221 }, "supreme": { "senses": [ "Dominant, having power over all others", "Greatest, most excellent, extreme, most superior, highest, or utmost", "Situated at the highest part or point" ], "antonyms": [ "inferior", "minor" ], "synonyms": [ "predominant" ], "word": "supreme", "num_translations": 55 }, "immortal": { "senses": [ "Not susceptible to death", "living forever", "never dying", "Never to be forgotten", "that merits being always remembered", "Exceedingly great", "excessive", "grievous" ], "antonyms": [ "mortal" ], "synonyms": [ "undeadly", "deathless", "everlasting" ], "word": "immortal", "num_translations": 77 }, "immortal1": { "senses": [ "One who is not susceptible to death", "A member of an elite regiment of the Persian army", "A member of the Acad\u00e9mie fran\u00e7aise", "An administrator of a multi-user dungeon", "a wizard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "immortal", "num_translations": 25 }, "mortal": { "senses": [ "Susceptible to death by aging, sickness, injury, or wound", "Causing death", "deadly, fatal, killing, lethal", "Punishable by death", "Fatally vulnerable", "Of or relating to the time of death", "Affecting as if with power to kill", "deathly", "Human", "Very painful or tedious", "wearisome", "Very drunk", "wasted", "smashed", "Of a sin: involving the penalty of spiritual death, rather than merely venial" ], "antonyms": [ "immortal", "natal", "vital" ], "synonyms": [ "fatal" ], "word": "mortal", "num_translations": 79 }, "mortality": { "senses": [ "The condition of being susceptible to death", "The death rate of a population" ], "antonyms": [ "immortality", "eternality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mortality", "num_translations": 60 }, "immortality": { "senses": [ "The condition of being immortal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "undeadliness" ], "word": "immortality", "num_translations": 53 }, "thicken": { "senses": [ "To make thicker", "To make thicker", "To become thicker", "To become thicker", "To strengthen", "to confirm", "To make more frequent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "broaden", "condense", "widen", "inspissate", "build up" ], "word": "thicken", "num_translations": 51 }, "darken": { "senses": [ "To make dark or darker by reducing light", "To become dark or darker", "To get dark", "To make dark or darker in colour", "To become dark or darker in colour", "To render gloomy, darker in mood", "To become gloomy, darker in mood", "To blind, impair the eyesight", "To be blinded, lose one's eyesight", "To cloud, obscure, or perplex", "to render less clear or intelligible", "To make foul", "to sully", "to tarnish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blacken" ], "word": "darken", "num_translations": 75 }, "boil": { "senses": [ "A localized accumulation of pus in the skin, resulting from infection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abscess", "carbuncle", "cyst", "furuncle", "pimple", "pustule" ], "word": "boil", "num_translations": 87 }, "boil2": { "senses": [ "To heat to the point where it begins to turn into a gas", "To begin to turn into a gas, seethe", "To be uncomfortably hot", "To feel uncomfortably hot", "To steep or soak in warm water", "to bubble", "to effervesce", "To be moved or excited with passion", "to be hot or fervid" ], "antonyms": [ "condense", "freeze", "freeze" ], "synonyms": [ "seethe", "bake", "seethe" ], "word": "boil", "num_translations": 215 }, "handbag": { "senses": [ "A small bag used by women for carrying various small personal items", "An subgenre of house music of the late 1980s, often with booming vocals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "purse", "diva house" ], "word": "handbag", "num_translations": 56 }, "newt": { "senses": [ "A small lizard-like amphibian in the family Salamandridae that lives in the water as an adult" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ask", "eft", "salamander" ], "word": "newt", "num_translations": 64 }, "cardamom": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"grains of paradise\", the seeds or seed capsules of the East African Aframomum melegueta" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elaichi" ], "word": "cardamom", "num_translations": 120 }, "plough": { "senses": [ "A device pulled through the ground in order to break it open into furrows for planting", "tillage", "A joiner's plane for making grooves", "A bookbinder's implement for trimming or shaving off the edges of books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sull", "See", "carucate" ], "word": "plough", "num_translations": 160 }, "plough1": { "senses": [ "To have sex with, penetrate", "To move with force", "To furrow", "to make furrows, grooves, or ridges in", "To run through, as in sailing", "To cut a groove in, as in a plank, or the edge of a board", "especially, a rectangular groove to receive the end of a shelf or tread, the edge of a panel, a tongue, etc", "To fail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chamfer", "get up in", "flunk" ], "word": "plough", "num_translations": 160 }, "sticky": { "senses": [ "Able or likely to stick", "Potentially difficult to escape from", "Persistent", "Appearing on all virtual desktops", "Fixed at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view", "Compelling enough to keep visitors from leaving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "claggy", "close" ], "word": "sticky", "num_translations": 53 }, "meteor": { "senses": [ "A fast-moving streak of light in the night sky caused by the entry of extraterrestrial matter into the earth's atmosphere: A shooting star or falling star", "A prop similar to poi balls, in that it is twirled at the end of a cord or cable", "A striking weapon resembling a track and field hammer consisting of a weight swung at the end of a cable or chain", "Any short-lived source of wonderment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "falling star" ], "word": "meteor", "num_translations": 94 }, "eternity": { "senses": [ "Existence without end, infinite time", "Existence outside of time", "A period of time which extends infinitely far into the future", "The remainder of time that elapses after death", "A comparatively long time" ], "antonyms": [ "sempiternity" ], "synonyms": [ "atemporality", "all", "evermore", "afterlife", "ages" ], "word": "eternity", "num_translations": 138 }, "define": { "senses": [ "To determine with precision", "to mark out with distinctness", "to ascertain or exhibit clearly", "To settle, decide", "To express the essential nature of something", "To state the meaning of a word, phrase, sign, or symbol", "To describe, explain, or make definite and clear", "To demark sharply the outlines or limits of an area or concept", "To establish the referent of a term or notation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "define", "num_translations": 74 }, "viz.": { "senses": [ "Videlicet: namely, to wit, that is to say, specifically, as an illustration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "namely" ], "word": "viz.", "num_translations": 12 }, "contradictioninterms": { "senses": [ "A phrase or expression in which the component words contradict one another, often unintentionally, or are claimed to do so when seen from a particular point of view" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oxymoron", "contradictio in terminis" ], "word": "contradictioninterms", "num_translations": 20 }, "contradiction": { "senses": [ "The act of contradicting", "A statement that contradicts itself, ie, a statement that makes a claim that the same thing is true and that it is false at the same time and in the same senses of the terms", "A logical inconsistency among two or more elements or propositions", "A proposition that is false for all values of its variables" ], "antonyms": [ "tautology" ], "synonyms": [ "oxymoron", "\u21af" ], "word": "contradiction", "num_translations": 102 }, "fiend": { "senses": [ "A devil or demon", "a malignant or diabolical being", "an evil spirit", "A very evil person", "An enemy", "a foe", "The enemy of mankind, specifically, the Devil", "Satan", "An addict or fanatic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fiend", "num_translations": 103 }, "trepidation": { "senses": [ "A fearful state", "a state of concern or hesitation", "An involuntary trembling, sometimes an effect of paralysis, but usually caused by terror or fear", "quaking", "quivering", "A libration of the starry sphere in the Ptolemaic system", "a motion ascribed to the firmament, to account for certain small changes in the position of the ecliptic and of the stars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trepidation", "num_translations": 44 }, "harbinger": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that foreshadows or foretells the coming of someone or something", "One who provides lodgings", "especially, the officer of the English royal household who formerly preceded the court when travelling, to provide and prepare lodgings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forewarning" ], "word": "harbinger", "num_translations": 49 }, "harbinger1": { "senses": [ "To announce or precede" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "herald" ], "word": "harbinger", "num_translations": 18 }, "butt": { "senses": [ "The larger or thicker end of something", "the blunt end, in distinction from the sharp or narrow end", "The waste end of anything", "An end of something, often distinguished in some way from the other end", "A limit", "a bound", "a goal", "the extreme bound", "the end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "butt", "num_translations": 300 }, "barrel": { "senses": [ "A round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads Sometimes applied to a similar cylindrical container made of metal, usually called a drum", "A solid drum, or a hollow cylinder or case", "A metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is discharged", "A tube", "The hollow basal part of a feather", "A wave that breaks with a hollow compartment", "A waste receptacle", "The ribs and belly of a horse or pony", "A jar", "Any of the dark-staining regions in the somatosensory cortex of rodents, etc, where somatosensory inputs from the contralateral side of the body come in from the thalamus", "A statistic derived from launch angle and exit velocity of a ball hit in play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cask" ], "word": "barrel", "num_translations": 196 }, "apposite": { "senses": [ "Strikingly appropriate or relevant", "well suited to the circumstance or in relation to something", "Positioned at rest in respect to another, be it side-to-side, front-to-front, back-to-back, or even three-dimensionally: in apposition", "Related, homologous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to the point", "Thesaurus:connected" ], "word": "apposite", "num_translations": 28 }, "measure": { "senses": [ "A prescribed quantity or extent", "The act or result of measuring", "Metrical rhythm", "A course of action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bar", "metric" ], "word": "measure", "num_translations": 209 }, "measure1": { "senses": [ "To ascertain the quantity of a unit of material via calculated comparison with respect to a standard", "To be of , to have", "To estimate the unit size of something", "To judge, value, or appraise", "To obtain or set apart", "to mark in even increments", "To traverse, cross, pass along", "to travel over", "To adjust by a rule or standard", "often with out or off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "measure", "num_translations": 110 }, "hurdle": { "senses": [ "An artificial barrier, variously constructed, over which athletes or horses jump in a race", "A perceived obstacle", "A movable frame of wattled twigs, osiers, or withes and stakes, or sometimes of iron, used for enclosing land, for folding sheep and cattle, for gates, etc", "also, in fortification, used as revetments, and for other purposes", "A sled or crate on which criminals were formerly drawn to the place of execution", "misspelling of \"hurtle\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hindrance" ], "word": "hurdle", "num_translations": 55 }, "grope": { "senses": [ "To feel with or use the hands", "to handle", "To search or attempt to find something in the dark, or, as a blind person, by feeling", "to move about hesitatingly, as in darkness or obscurity", "to feel one's way, as with the hands, when one can not see", "To touch closely and sexually", "To intentionally and inappropriately touch another person, in such a manner as to make the contact appear accidental, for the purpose of one's sexual gratification", "To examine", "to test", "to sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "touch", "fumble", "caress" ], "word": "grope", "num_translations": 103 }, "clout": { "senses": [ "Influence or effectiveness, especially political", "A blow with the hand", "A home run", "The center of the butt at which archers shoot", "probably once a piece of white cloth or a nail head", "A swaddling cloth", "A cloth", "a piece of cloth or leather", "a patch", "a rag", "An iron plate on an axletree or other wood to keep it from wearing", "a washer", "A piece", "a fragment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clout", "num_translations": 50 }, "faith": { "senses": [ "A trust or confidence in the intentions or abilities of a person, object, or ideal from prior empirical evidence", "The process of forming or understanding abstractions, ideas, or beliefs, without empirical evidence, experience or observation", "A religious or spiritual belief system", "An obligation of loyalty or fidelity and the observance of such an obligation", "Credibility or truth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belief", "confidence", "trust", "conviction", "religion" ], "word": "faith", "num_translations": 207 }, "roll": { "senses": [ "To cause to revolve by turning over and over", "to move by turning on an axis", "to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a supporting surface", "To turn over and over", "To tumble in gymnastics", "to do a somersault", "To wrap round on itself", "to form into a spherical or cylindrical body by causing to turn over and over", "To bind or involve by winding, as in a bandage", "to enwrap", "often with up", "To be wound or formed into a cylinder or ball", "To utter copiously, especially with sounding words", "to utter with a deep sound", "\u2014 often with forth, or out", "To leave or begin a journey", "To compete, especially with vigor", "To beat with rapid, continuous strokes, as a drum", "To apply to another without slipping", "to bring all the parts of into successive contact with another, in such a manner that at every instant the parts that have been in contact are equal", "To turn over in one's mind", "to revolve", "To behave in a certain way", "to adopt a general disposition toward a situation", "To throw dice", "To create a new character in a role-playing game, especially by using dice to determine properties", "To generate a random number", "To rotate on its fore-and-aft axis, causing its sides to go up and down Compare with pitch", "To travel by sailing", "To beat up", "to attack and cause physical damage to", "To cause to betray secrets or to testify for the prosecution", "To betray secrets", "To be under the influence of MDMA", "To film", "To slip past with the ball", "To perform a periodical revolution", "to move onward as with a revolution", "To move, like waves or billows, with alternate swell and depression", "to move and cause an effect on someone", "To make a loud or heavy rumbling noise", "To utter with an alveolar trill", "To enrobe in toilet-paper", "To create a customized version of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roll", "num_translations": 182 }, "roll1": { "senses": [ "going head over heels A tumble", "A heavy, reverberatory sound", "The uniform beating of a drum with strokes so rapid as scarcely to be distinguished by the ear", "The oscillating movement of a nautical vessel as it rotates from side to side, on its fore-and-aft axis, causing its sides to go up and down, as distinguished from the alternate rise and fall of bow and stern called pitching", "or the equivalent in an aircraft", "The measure or extent to which a vessel rotates from side to side, on its fore-and-aft axis", "The rotation angle about the longitudinal axis", "A winning streak of continuing luck, especially at gambling", "A training match for a fighting dog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roll", "num_translations": 106 }, "roll2": { "senses": [ "An official or public document", "a register", "a record", "A catalogue or list", "A quantity of cloth wound into a cylindrical form", "A cylindrical twist of tobacco", "Part", "office", "duty", "r\u00f4le", "A measure of parchments, containing five dozen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roll", "num_translations": 131 }, "andiron": { "senses": [ "A utensil for supporting wood when burning in a fireplace, one being placed on each side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "firedog" ], "word": "andiron", "num_translations": 19 }, "garnish": { "senses": [ "To decorate with ornaments", "to adorn", "to embellish", "To ornament with something placed around it", "To furnish", "to supply", "To fit with fetters", "to fetter", "to give notice to", "To have set aside by court order" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "garnish", "num_translations": 54 }, "garnish1": { "senses": [ "A set of dishes, often pewter, containing a dozen pieces of several types", "Pewter vessels in general", "Something added for embellishment", "Clothes", "garments, especially when showy or decorative", "Something set round or upon a dish as an embellishment", "Fetters", "A fee", "specifically, in English jails, formerly an unauthorized fee demanded from a newcomer by the older prisoners", "Cash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "garnish", "num_translations": 29 }, "scab": { "senses": [ "An incrustation over a sore, wound, vesicle, or pustule, formed during healing", "The mange, especially when it appears on sheep", "Any of several different diseases of potatoes producing pits and other damage on their surface, caused by streptomyces bacteria", "Any one of various more or less destructive fungal diseases that attack cultivated plants, forming dark-colored crustlike spots", "A slight irregular protuberance which defaces the surface of a casting, caused by the breaking away of a part of the mold", "A mean, dirty, paltry fellow", "A worker who acts against trade union policies, especially a strikebreaker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:villain", "blackleg" ], "word": "scab", "num_translations": 96 }, "verbose": { "senses": [ "Abounding in words, containing more words than necessary", "long-winded", "Producing unusually detailed output for diagnostic purposes" ], "antonyms": [ "concise", "terse" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "verbose", "num_translations": 50 }, "pepperspray": { "senses": [ "A non-lethal chemical agent which is used in riot control and personal self-defense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capsicum spray" ], "word": "pepperspray", "num_translations": 37 }, "kneecap": { "senses": [ "The flat, roundish bone in the knee", "A metal cover trim that fits over a panel rib after it has been cut and bent", "A cap or strong covering for the knees, used chiefly for horses, to protect their knees in case of a fall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kneepan" ], "word": "kneecap", "num_translations": 83 }, "id": { "senses": [ "The unconscious impulsive component of the personality personality in the Freudian psychoanalytic model" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lizard brain", "reptilian brain" ], "word": "id", "num_translations": 22 }, "pederasty": { "senses": [ "Erotic love, sexually expressed or chaste, between a man and an adolescent boy", "analogous to korephilia", "Anal intercourse in general, usually between a man and an adolescent boy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boylove" ], "word": "pederasty", "num_translations": 46 }, "-like": { "senses": [ "Having some of the characteristics of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-esque", "Note: the suffixes below cannot necessarily replace \"-like\", but are also used to form words having the same sense as words formed using \"-like\"" ], "word": "-like", "num_translations": 27 }, "-oid": { "senses": [ "Of similar form to, but not the same as Having the likeness of Forms adjectives and nouns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-like" ], "word": "-oid", "num_translations": 12 }, "acknowledgment": { "senses": [ "The act of acknowledging", "The act of recognizing in a particular character or relationship", "recognition of existence, authority, truth, or genuineness", "A reward or other expression or token of gratitude", "An expression of gratitude for a benefit or an obligation", "A message from the addressee informing the originator that the originator's communication has been received and understood", "A response sent by a receiver to indicate successful receipt of a transmission", "A recognition as genuine or valid", "an avowing or admission in legal form", "The act of a person admitting a child as their own", "A formal statement or document recognizing the fulfillment or execution of a legal requirement or procedure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "confession", "concession", "recognition", "admission", "avowal", "recognizance", "ACK" ], "word": "acknowledgment", "num_translations": 96 }, "acme": { "senses": [ "The top or highest point", "pinnacle", "culmination", "The crisis or height of a disease", "Mature age", "full bloom of life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:apex" ], "word": "acme", "num_translations": 29 }, "deed": { "senses": [ "An action or act", "something that is done", "A brave or noteworthy action", "a feat or exploit", "Action or fact, as opposed to rhetoric or deliberation", "A legal instrument that is executed under seal or before witnesses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "act", "document" ], "word": "deed", "num_translations": 157 }, "ease": { "senses": [ "Ability, the means to do something, particularly:", "Comfort, a state or quality lacking unpleasantness, particularly:", "Relief, an end to discomfort, particularly:", "A convenience", "a luxury", "A relief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ability", "comfort", "peace of mind", "free time" ], "word": "ease", "num_translations": 56 }, "ease1": { "senses": [ "To free from pain, worry, agitation, etc", "To alleviate, assuage or lessen", "To give respite to", "To loosen or slacken the tension on a line", "To reduce the difficulty of", "To move slowly and carefully", "To lessen in severity", "To proceed with little effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assuage", "allay", "give someone a break", "loosen", "facilitate", "lessen", "cruise" ], "word": "ease", "num_translations": 43 }, "charge": { "senses": [ "The amount of money levied for a service", "A ground attack against a prepared enemy", "A forceful forward movement", "An accusation", "The scope of someone's responsibility", "Someone or something entrusted to one's care, such as a child to a babysitter or a student to a teacher", "A load or burden", "cargo", "An instruction", "An offensive foul in which the player with the ball moves into a stationary defender", "A measured amount of powder and/or shot in a firearm cartridge", "An image displayed on an escutcheon", "A position fitted for attack", "A sort of plaster or ointment", "Weight", "import", "value", "A measure of thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds", "a charre", "An address given at a church service concluding a visitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "charge", "num_translations": 285 }, "charge1": { "senses": [ "to assign a duty or responsibility to", "to assign to an account", "to pay on account, by using a credit card", "to require payment", "to sell at a given price", "to formally accuse of a crime", "to impute or ascribe", "to call to account", "to challenge", "to place a burden or load on or in", "to load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials", "to move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback", "to lie on the belly and be still" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "charge", "num_translations": 238 }, "editor": { "senses": [ "A person who edits or makes changes to documents", "A person who edited a specific document", "A person at a newspaper, publisher or similar institution who edits stories and/or decides which ones to publish", "A machine used for editing movie film", "A program for creating and making changes to files, especially text files", "Someone who manipulates video footage and assembles it into the correct order etc for broadcast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "editor", "num_translations": 177 }, "coppice": { "senses": [ "A grove of small growth", "a thicket of brushwood", "a wood cut at certain times for fuel or other purposes, typically managed to promote growth and ensure a reliable supply of timber See copse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "copse" ], "word": "coppice", "num_translations": 27 }, "tuyere": { "senses": [ "A nozzle or similar fixture through which the blast is delivered to the interior of a blast furnace, or to the fire of a forge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tue-iron", "twyer", "twire-pipe" ], "word": "tuyere", "num_translations": 10 }, "bloom": { "senses": [ "A blossom", "the flower of a plant", "an expanded bud", "Flowers, collectively", "The opening of flowers in general", "the state of blossoming or of having the flowers open", "A state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor", "an opening to higher perfection, analogous to that of buds into blossoms", "Rosy colour", "the flush or glow on a person's cheek", "The delicate, powdery coating upon certain growing or newly-gathered fruits or leaves, as on grapes, plums, etc", "Anything giving an appearance of attractive freshness", "The clouded appearance which varnish sometimes takes upon the surface of a picture", "A yellowish deposit or powdery coating which appears on well-tanned leather", "A bright-hued variety of some minerals", "A white area of cocoa butter that forms on the surface of chocolate when warmed and cooled", "An undesirable halo effect that may occur when a very bright region is displayed next to a very dark region of the screen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blossom", "flower", "blossom", "flower", "flush", "glow" ], "word": "bloom", "num_translations": 32 }, "bloom1": { "senses": [ "To cause to blossom", "to make flourish", "Of a person, business, etc, to flourish", "to be in a state of healthful, growing youth and vigour", "to show beauty and freshness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blossom", "blossom" ], "word": "bloom", "num_translations": 11 }, "woolly": { "senses": [ "Made of wool", "Having a thick, soft texture, as if made of wool", "Based on emotions rather than logic", "Unclear, fuzzy, hazy, cloudy", "Clothed in wool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "woolly", "num_translations": 32 }, "daddy": { "senses": [ "Father", "A male lover", "An informal term of address for a man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "da", "dad", "dadda", "daddio", "pa", "papa", "paw", "pop", "poppa", "Thesaurus:father" ], "word": "daddy", "num_translations": 77 }, "screenshot": { "senses": [ "An image of computer or smartphone screen output at a given moment in time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "screencast", "screen capture", "screen dump", "screengrab", "screenie", "screencap" ], "word": "screenshot", "num_translations": 47 }, "setonfire": { "senses": [ "To cause to begin to burn", "To arouse passionate feelings in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fire", "inflame" ], "word": "setonfire", "num_translations": 86 }, "firefly": { "senses": [ "Any beetle of the family Lampyridae, which exhibit bioluminescence during twilight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lightning bug" ], "word": "firefly", "num_translations": 190 }, "clusterfuck": { "senses": [ "A chaotic situation where everything seems to go wrong It is often caused by incompetence, communication failure, or a complex environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "car crash", "CF", "Charlie Foxtrot", "comedy of errors", "debacle", "dysfunction", "fiasco", "FUBAR", "goatfuck", "goat rope", "imbroglio", "omnishambles", "quagmire", "SNAFU", "trainwreck" ], "word": "clusterfuck", "num_translations": 20 }, "material": { "senses": [ "Having to do with matter", "consisting of matter", "Worldly, as opposed to spiritual", "Significant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:substantial", "mundane", "Thesaurus:pertinent" ], "word": "material", "num_translations": 70 }, "material1": { "senses": [ "Matter which may be shaped or manipulated, particularly in making something", "Text written for a specific purpose", "A sample or specimens for study", "Cloth to be made into a garment Fabric", "The people collectively who are qualified for a certain position or activity", "Related data of various kinds, especially if collected as the basis for a document or book", "The substance that something is made or composed of", "All of a player's pieces and pawns on the chessboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:material" ], "word": "material", "num_translations": 116 }, "significant": { "senses": [ "Signifying something", "carrying meaning", "Having a covert or hidden meaning", "Having a noticeable or major effect", "notable", "Reasonably large in number or amount", "Having a low probability of occurring by chance" ], "antonyms": [ "insignificant", "ignorable", "negligible", "slight" ], "synonyms": [ "important" ], "word": "significant", "num_translations": 75 }, "reaction": { "senses": [ "An action or statement in response to a stimulus or other event", "A transformation in which one or more substances is converted into another by combination or decomposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reax", "rxn" ], "word": "reaction", "num_translations": 122 }, "boiler": { "senses": [ "A person who boils something", "An apparatus for heating circulating water or other heat transferring liquid", "A device consisting of a heat source and a tank for storing hot water, typically for space heating, domestic hot water etc, disregarding the source of heat", "A kitchen vessel for steaming, boiling or heating food", "A sunken reef, especially a coral reef, on which the sea breaks heavily", "A tough old chicken only suitable for cooking by boiling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boiler", "num_translations": 76 }, "fireplace": { "senses": [ "An open hearth for holding a fire at the base of a chimney" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hearthstead" ], "word": "fireplace", "num_translations": 128 }, "chimney": { "senses": [ "A vertical tube or hollow column used to emit environmentally polluting gaseous and solid matter", "a flue", "The glass flue surrounding the flame of an oil lamp", "The smokestack of a steam locomotive", "A narrow cleft in a rock face", "a narrow vertical cave passage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chimney", "num_translations": 190 }, "descendant1": { "senses": [ "One who is the progeny of a specified person, at any distance of time or through any number of generations", "A thing that derives directly from a given precursor or source", "A later evolutionary type", "A language that is descended from another", "A word or form in one language that is descended from a counterpart in an ancestor language" ], "antonyms": [ "ascendant", "ancestor", "forebear" ], "synonyms": [ "afterbear" ], "word": "descendant", "num_translations": 137 }, "hearth": { "senses": [ "A brick, stone or cement floor to a fireplace or oven", "An open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire may be built", "The lowest part of a metallurgical furnace", "A brazier, chafing dish, or firebox", "Home or family life", "A household or group following the modern pagan faith of Heathenry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fireplace" ], "word": "hearth", "num_translations": 107 }, "dimple": { "senses": [ "A small depression or indentation in a surface", "Specifically, a small natural depression on the skin, especially on the face near the corners of the mouth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "depression in a surface" ], "word": "dimple", "num_translations": 75 }, "dimple1": { "senses": [ "to sink into depressions or little inequalities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dent" ], "word": "dimple", "num_translations": 12 }, "cleavage": { "senses": [ "The act of cleaving or the state of being cleft", "The hollow or separation between a woman's breasts, especially as revealed by a low neckline", "Any similar separation between two body parts, such as the buttocks or toes", "The repeated division of a cell into daughter cells after mitosis", "The splitting of a large molecule into smaller ones", "The tendency of a crystal to split along specific planes", "The division of voters into voting blocs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intermammary sulcus" ], "word": "cleavage", "num_translations": 95 }, "aquatic": { "senses": [ "Relating to water", "living in or near water, taking place in water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waterly" ], "word": "aquatic", "num_translations": 45 }, "prison": { "senses": [ "A place or institution of confinement, especially of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes or otherwise considered undesirable by the government", "Any restrictive environment, such as a harsh academy or home" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bridewell", "imprisonment" ], "word": "prison", "num_translations": 293 }, "strand": { "senses": [ "The shore or beach of the sea or ocean", "shore", "beach", "The shore or beach of a lake or river", "A small brook or rivulet", "A passage for water", "gutter", "A street" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strand", "num_translations": 34 }, "strand1": { "senses": [ "To run aground", "to beach", "To leave in a difficult situation", "to abandon or desert", "To cause the third out of an inning to be made, leaving a runner on base" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beach", "abandon" ], "word": "strand", "num_translations": 26 }, "strand2": { "senses": [ "Each of the strings which, twisted together, make up a yarn, rope or cord", "A string", "An individual length of any fine, string-like substance", "A group of wires, usually twisted or braided", "A series of programmes on a particular theme or linked subject", "An element in a composite whole", "a sequence of linked events or facts", "a logical thread", "A nucleotide chain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:string" ], "word": "strand", "num_translations": 55 }, "record1": { "senses": [ "To fix in a medium, usually in a tangible medium", "To repeat", "to practice", "To sing or repeat a tune", "To reflect", "to ponder" ], "antonyms": [ "erase", "erase" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "record", "num_translations": 96 }, "strife": { "senses": [ "Striving", "earnest endeavor", "hard work", "Exertion or contention for superiority, either by physical or intellectual means", "Bitter conflict, sometimes violent", "A trouble of any kind", "That which is contended against", "occasion of contest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strife", "num_translations": 76 }, "gratuity": { "senses": [ "An additional payment given freely as thanks for service", "euphemistic form of \"fee\", in contexts where such additional payments have been made obligatory", "euphemistic form of \"bribe\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "douceur", "grace", "pourboire", "tip", "baksheesh", "cumshaw", "gift", "service charge", "Thesaurus:bribe", "lagniappe" ], "word": "gratuity", "num_translations": 17 }, "mordant1": { "senses": [ "Any substance used to facilitate the fixing of a dye to a fibre", "usually a metallic compound which reacts with the dye using chelation", "Any corrosive substance used in etching", "A glutinous size used as a ground for gilding, to make the gold leaf adhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "etchant" ], "word": "mordant", "num_translations": 11 }, "prolixity": { "senses": [ "Long-windedness, an excess of words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "verbosity" ], "word": "prolixity", "num_translations": 15 }, "jail": { "senses": [ "A place or institution for the confinement of persons held in lawful custody or detention, especially for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding", "The condition created by the requirement that a horse claimed in a claiming race not be run at another track for some period of time", "In dodgeball and related games, the area where players who have been struck by the ball are confined", "A kind of sandbox for running a guest operating system instance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slammer" ], "word": "jail", "num_translations": 98 }, "cider": { "senses": [ "An alcoholic, often sparkling beverage made from fermented apples", "A non-alcoholic still beverage consisting of the juice of early-harvest apples, usually unfiltered and still containing pulp", "A non-alcoholic carbonated beverage made from apples", "A non-alcoholic drink, normally carbonated", "equivalent to soft drink", "A cup, glass or serving of any of these beverages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hard cider", "sweet cider" ], "word": "cider", "num_translations": 74 }, "sparkling1": { "senses": [ "Of an object, reflecting light as if giving off tiny sparks", "Of a beverage, especially an alcoholic beverage, containing dissolved carbon dioxide that comes out of solution in the form of many tiny bubbles", "Brilliant and vivacious" ], "antonyms": [ "noncarbonated" ], "synonyms": [ "glisten", "fizzy" ], "word": "sparkling", "num_translations": 53 }, "drinkingstraw": { "senses": [ "A long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk by suction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "straw" ], "word": "drinkingstraw", "num_translations": 104 }, "stripe": { "senses": [ "A long, relatively straight region of a single colour", "The badge worn by certain officers in the military or other forces", "Distinguishing characteristic", "sign", "likeness", "sort", "A long, narrow mark left by striking someone with a whip or stick", "a blow with a whip or stick", "A pattern produced by arranging the warp threads in sets of alternating colours, or in sets presenting some other contrast of appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stripe", "num_translations": 59 }, "stretch": { "senses": [ "To lengthen by pulling", "To lengthen when pulled", "To pull tight", "To get more use than expected from a limited resource", "To make inaccurate by exaggeration", "To extend physically, especially from limit point to limit point", "To extend one's limbs or another part of the body in order to improve the elasticity of one's muscles", "To extend to a limit point", "To increase", "to exaggerate", "To sail by the wind under press of canvas", "To execute by hanging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stretch", "num_translations": 181 }, "stretch1": { "senses": [ "The ability to lengthen when pulled", "A course of thought which diverts from straightforward logic, or requires extraordinary belief or exaggeration", "A segment of a journey or route", "A segment or length of material", "A quick pitching delivery used when runners are on base where the pitcher slides his leg instead of lifting it", "A long reach in the direction of the ball with a foot remaining on the base by a first baseman in order to catch the ball sooner", "Term of address for a tall person", "A length of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stretch", "num_translations": 52 }, "bygone": { "senses": [ "Having been or happened in the distant past" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foregone" ], "word": "bygone", "num_translations": 22 }, "plumber": { "senses": [ "One who works in or with lead", "One who furnishes, fits, and repairs pipes and other apparatus for the conveyance of water, gas, or drainage", "A person who investigates or prevents leaks of information", "In the Royal Navy, an apprentice, a boy aged 16 to 18, who is trained in technical skills at the Dockyard Schools to become an artificer", "A urologist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plumber", "num_translations": 60 }, "plumbing": { "senses": [ "The pipes, together with the joints, tanks, stopcocks, taps and other fixtures of a water, gas or sewage system in a house or other building", "The trade or occupation of a plumber", "A system of vessels or ducts in the human body, especially the genitourinary system", "Practical, concrete work serving to support other work", "A Murasugi sum where each disk summed along has its boundary subdivided into four segments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waterworks" ], "word": "plumbing", "num_translations": 46 }, "hairstyle": { "senses": [ "The style in which someone's hair has been cut and arranged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haircut", "hairdo" ], "word": "hairstyle", "num_translations": 74 }, "oats": { "senses": [ "plural of \"oat\"", "A mass of oat plants", "Seeds of an oat plant, especially prepared as food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haver" ], "word": "oats", "num_translations": 51 }, "toll": { "senses": [ "Loss or damage incurred through a disaster", "A fee paid for some liberty or privilege, particularly for the privilege of passing over a bridge or on a highway, or for that of vending goods in a fair, market, etc", "A fee for using any kind of material processing service", "A liberty to buy and sell within the bounds of a manor", "A portion of grain taken by a miller as a compensation for grinding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toll", "num_translations": 70 }, "disaster": { "senses": [ "An unexpected natural or man-made catastrophe of substantial extent causing significant physical damage or destruction, loss of life or sometimes permanent change to the natural environment", "An unforeseen event causing great loss, upset or unpleasantness of whatever kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:disaster" ], "word": "disaster", "num_translations": 138 }, "dyslexia": { "senses": [ "A learning disability characterized by reading and writing difficulties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "word-blindness" ], "word": "dyslexia", "num_translations": 50 }, "vest": { "senses": [ "A loose robe or outer garment worn historically by men in Arab or Middle Eastern countries", "A sleeveless garment that buttons down the front, worn over a shirt, and often as part of a suit", "a waistcoat", "A sleeveless garment, often with a low-cut neck, usually worn under a shirt or blouse", "A sleeveless top, typically with identifying colours or logos, worn by an athlete or member of a sports team", "Any sleeveless outer garment, often for a purpose such as identification, safety, or storage", "Clothing generally", "array", "garb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "singlet", "waistcoat" ], "word": "vest", "num_translations": 101 }, "vet2": { "senses": [ "To thoroughly check or investigate particularly with regard to providing formal approval" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "evaluate" ], "word": "vet", "num_translations": 12 }, "waterfall": { "senses": [ "A flow of water over the edge of a cliff", "The action of drinking from a vessel without touching it with the lips, considered more sanitary for a shared vessel", "A necktie", "A chignon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cascade", "cataract", "sault" ], "word": "waterfall", "num_translations": 244 }, "aurora": { "senses": [ "Roman goddess of the dawn", "equivalent of the Greek Eos Sister of Luna and Sol", "female given name, in regular use since the 19th century", "the dawn", "town p/Ontario c/Canada", "named for the goddess", "town p/Western Cape c/South Africa", "named for the goddess", "town c/Suriname", "province c/Philippines", "suburb city/Melbourne c/Australia", "historic district of city/Turin c/Italy", "locale c/Brazil", "locale c/Philippines", "locale c/US", "island c/Vanuatu", "island territory/French Polynesia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Aurora", "num_translations": 27 }, "velocipede": { "senses": [ "An early two-wheeled conveyance upon which one rode astride a wooden frame propelled by means of pushing the feet against the ground", "Any three- or four-wheeled machine driven by foot or hand levers to the rear or front axle", "A late-1860s bicycle driven by cranks on the front axle", "A bicycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boneshaker" ], "word": "velocipede", "num_translations": 29 }, "bounce": { "senses": [ "To change the direction of motion after hitting an obstacle", "To move quickly up and then down, or vice versa, once or repeatedly", "To cause to move quickly up and down, or back and forth, once or repeatedly", "To suggest or introduce to somebody, in order to gain feedback", "To leap or spring suddenly or unceremoniously", "to bound", "To move rapidly", "To be refused by a bank because it is drawn on insufficient funds", "To fail to cover", "To leave", "To eject violently, as from a room", "to discharge unceremoniously, as from employment", "To have sexual intercourse", "To attack unexpectedly", "To turn power off and back on", "to reset", "To return undelivered", "To land hard and lift off again due to excess momentum", "To land hard at unsurvivable velocity with fatal results", "To mix and record the result onto a single track, in order to free up tracks for further material to be added", "To bully", "to scold", "To strike or thump, so as to rebound, or to make a sudden noise", "to knock loudly", "To boast", "to bluster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bounce back", "bob", "bang" ], "word": "bounce", "num_translations": 53 }, "bounce1": { "senses": [ "A change of direction of motion after hitting the ground or an obstacle", "A movement up and then down , once or repeatedly", "An email return with any error", "The sack, licensing", "A bang, boom", "A drink based on brandyW", "A heavy, sudden, and often noisy, blow or thump", "Bluster", "brag", "untruthful boasting", "audacious exaggeration", "an impudent lie", "Scyliorhinus canicula, a European dogfish", "A genre of New Orleans music", "Drugs", "Swagger", "A 'good' beat", "A talent for leaping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rebound", "bob", "ups" ], "word": "bounce", "num_translations": 25 }, "castrate1": { "senses": [ "To remove the testicles of an animal", "To remove the ovaries and/or uterus of an animal", "To take something from", "to render imperfect or ineffectual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emasculate", "geld", "spay", "sterilize" ], "word": "castrate", "num_translations": 78 }, "those": { "senses": [ "plural of \"that\"" ], "antonyms": [ "these" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "those", "num_translations": 44 }, "tbilisi": { "senses": [ "capital city c:pref/Georgia", "The government of Georgia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tiflis" ], "word": "Tbilisi", "num_translations": 86 }, "spay": { "senses": [ "To remove or destroy the ovaries so that it cannot become pregnant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "castrate", "geld", "neuter", "sterilize" ], "word": "spay", "num_translations": 19 }, "withhold": { "senses": [ "To keep to oneself rather than giving it back to its owner", "To keep to oneself rather than revealing it", "To stay back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "retain" ], "word": "withhold", "num_translations": 50 }, "wrap": { "senses": [ "To enclose completely in any flexible, thin material such as fabric or paper", "To enclose or coil around an object or organism, as a form of grasping", "To conceal by enveloping or enfolding", "to hide", "To finish shooting a video, television show, or movie", "To break a continuous line onto the next line", "To reset to an original value after passing a maximum" ], "antonyms": [ "unwrap" ], "synonyms": [ "enfold" ], "word": "wrap", "num_translations": 80 }, "knuckle": { "senses": [ "Any of the joints between the phalanges of the fingers", "A mechanical joint", "A cut of meat", "The curved part of the cushion at the entrance to the pockets on a cue sports table", "The kneejoint of a quadruped, especially of a calf", "formerly used of the kneejoint of a human being", "The joint of a plant", "A convex portion of a vessel's figure where a sudden change of shape occurs, as in a canal boat, where a nearly vertical side joins a nearly flat bottom", "A contrivance, usually of brass or iron, and furnished with points, worn to protect the hand, to add force to a blow, and to disfigure the person struck", "The rounded point where a flat changes to a slope on a piste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knuckle", "num_translations": 62 }, "joint": { "senses": [ "Done by two or more people or organisations working together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:joint" ], "word": "joint", "num_translations": 30 }, "joint1": { "senses": [ "The point where two components of a structure join, but are still able to rotate", "The point where two components of a structure join rigidly", "Any part of the body where two bones join, in most cases allowing that part of the body to be bent or straightened", "The means of securing together the meeting surfaces of components of a structure", "A cut of meat", "A fracture in which the strata are not offset", "A place of business, particularly in the food service or hospitality industries", "Prison", "A marijuana cigarette", "A syringe used to inject an illicit drug", "The penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:marijuana cigarette", "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "joint", "num_translations": 229 }, "joint2": { "senses": [ "to fit together", "to prepare so as to fit together", "To join", "to connect", "to unite", "to combine", "to articulate", "of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "joint", "num_translations": 24 }, "scarce": { "senses": [ "Uncommon, rare", "difficult to find", "insufficient to meet a demand", "Scantily supplied", "deficient", "used with of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geason" ], "word": "scarce", "num_translations": 43 }, "upon": { "senses": [ "Physically above and in contact with", "Physically directly supported by", "Being followed by another so as to form a series", "At", "On" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on", "at" ], "word": "upon", "num_translations": 61 }, "synonymy": { "senses": [ "The quality of being synonymous", "sameness of meaning", "A list or collection of synonyms, often compared and contrasted", "The study of synonyms", "A system of synonyms", "The collective synonyms", "The state of not being a correct name, of being a synonym", "The collective synonyms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "synonymy", "num_translations": 15 }, "gangue": { "senses": [ "The earthy waste substances occurring in metallic ore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "veinstone" ], "word": "gangue", "num_translations": 14 }, "impulse": { "senses": [ "A thrust", "a push", "a sudden force that impels", "A wish or urge, particularly a sudden one prompting action", "The integral of force over time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impulse", "num_translations": 72 }, "late": { "senses": [ "Near the end of a period of time", "Specifically, near the end of the day", "Associated with the end of a period", "Not arriving until after an expected time", "Not having had an expected menstrual period", "Deceased, dead: used particularly when speaking of the dead person's actions while alive (Often used with \"the\"", "see usage notes)", "Existing or holding some position not long ago, but not now", "departed, or gone out of office", "Recent \u2014 relative to the noun it modifies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "late", "num_translations": 253 }, "late2": { "senses": [ "After a deadline has passed, past a designated time", "Formerly, especially in the context of service in a military unit", "Not long ago", "just now" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belatedly", "erenow", "freshly" ], "word": "late", "num_translations": 70 }, "chainmail": { "senses": [ "A flexible defensive armor, made of a mesh of interlinked metal rings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mail" ], "word": "chainmail", "num_translations": 39 }, "later": { "senses": [ "comparative of \"late\"", "Afterward in time", "At some unspecified time in the future" ], "antonyms": [ "earlier" ], "synonyms": [ "afterwards", "later on" ], "word": "later", "num_translations": 124 }, "later1": { "senses": [ "comparative of \"late\"", "Coming afterward in time", "At some time in the future" ], "antonyms": [ "earlier" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "later", "num_translations": 23 }, "medical": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the practice of medicine", "Intended to have a therapeutic effect", "medicinal", "Pertaining to the state of one's health", "Pertaining to or requiring treatment by other than surgical means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "curative" ], "word": "medical", "num_translations": 27 }, "probable": { "senses": [ "Likely or most likely to be true", "Likely to happen", "Supporting, or giving ground for, belief, but not demonstrating", "Capable of being proved" ], "antonyms": [ "improbable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "probable", "num_translations": 76 }, "structure": { "senses": [ "A cohesive whole built up of distinct parts", "The underlying shape of a solid", "The overall form or organization of something", "A set of rules defining behaviour", "Several pieces of data treated as a unit", "Underwater terrain or objects that tend to attract fish", "A body, such as a political party, with a cohesive purpose or outlook", "A set along with a collection of finitary functions and relations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "structure", "num_translations": 149 }, "throat": { "senses": [ "The front part of the neck", "The gullet or windpipe", "A narrow opening in a vessel", "The part of a chimney between the gathering, or portion of the funnel which contracts in ascending, and the flue", "The upper fore corner of a boom-and-gaff sail, or of a staysail", "That end of a gaff which is next to the mast", "The angle where the arm of an anchor is joined to the shank", "The inside of a timber knee", "The orifice of a tubular organ", "the outer end of the tube of a monopetalous corolla", "the faux, or fauces" ], "antonyms": [ "peak" ], "synonyms": [ "esophagus", "trachea", "neck" ], "word": "throat", "num_translations": 241 }, "chauvinism": { "senses": [ "Excessive patriotism, eagerness for national superiority", "jingoism", "Unwarranted bias, favoritism, or devotion to one's own particular group, cause, or idea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jingoism" ], "word": "chauvinism", "num_translations": 83 }, "idon'tthinkso": { "senses": [ "I think what has been said is untrue", "No" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I think not", "absolutely not", "hardly", "not in a million years", "not on your life", "not on your nelly" ], "word": "Idon'tthinkso", "num_translations": 105 }, "kamikaze": { "senses": [ "An attack requiring the suicide of the one carrying it out, especially when done with an aircraft", "One who carries out a suicide attack, especially with an aircraft", "One who takes excessive risks, as for example in a sporting event", "A cocktail made of equal parts vodka, triple sec and lime juice", "A deliberate wipeout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kamikaze", "num_translations": 54 }, "loyal": { "senses": [ "Having or demonstrating undivided and constant support for someone or something", "Firm in allegiance to a person or institution", "Faithful to a person or cause" ], "antonyms": [ "disloyal", "fickle", "treacherous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "loyal", "num_translations": 100 }, "wig": { "senses": [ "A head of real or synthetic hair worn on the head to disguise baldness, for cultural or religious reasons, for fashion, or by actors to help them better resemble the character they are portraying", "An old seal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hairpiece", "toupee", "peruke", "periwig" ], "word": "wig", "num_translations": 96 }, "baldness": { "senses": [ "The condition or state of being bald" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alopecia", "hairlessness", "calvities", "calvity" ], "word": "baldness", "num_translations": 55 }, "oink1": { "senses": [ "The sound made by a pig, or an imitation thereof" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grunt" ], "word": "oink", "num_translations": 19 }, "oink2": { "senses": [ "Of a pig or in imitation thereof, to make its characteristic sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grunt" ], "word": "oink", "num_translations": 20 }, "lingual": { "senses": [ "related to the tongue", "related to language or linguistics", "articulated with the tongue", "of a tooth, on the side facing the tongue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tonguely" ], "word": "lingual", "num_translations": 30 }, "industry": { "senses": [ "The tendency to work persistently Diligence", "Businesses of the same type, considered as a whole Trade", "Businesses that produce goods as opposed to services", "The sector of the economy consisting of large-scale enterprises", "Automated production of material goods", "A typological classification of stone tools, associated with a technocomplex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diligence", "sector", "manufacturing" ], "word": "industry", "num_translations": 185 }, "industrious": { "senses": [ "Hard-working and persistent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:industrious" ], "word": "industrious", "num_translations": 84 }, "nation": { "senses": [ "A historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture", "A sovereign state", "An association of students based on its members' birthplace or ethnicity", "A great number", "a great deal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thede", "student nation" ], "word": "nation", "num_translations": 249 }, "precipitate": { "senses": [ "To make something happen suddenly and quickly", "To throw an object or person from a great height", "To send violently into a certain state or condition", "To come out of a liquid solution into solid form", "To separate a substance out of a liquid solution into solid form", "To have water in the air fall to the ground, for example as rain, snow, sleet, or hail", "be deposited as condensed droplets", "To cause to condense or fall to the ground", "To fall headlong", "To act too hastily", "to be precipitous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headlong" ], "word": "precipitate", "num_translations": 62 }, "precipitate1": { "senses": [ "headlong", "falling steeply or vertically", "Very steep", "precipitous", "With a hasty impulse", "hurried", "headstrong", "Moving with excessive speed or haste", "Performed very rapidly or abruptly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headlong", "brant", "hotheaded", "abrupt" ], "word": "precipitate", "num_translations": 13 }, "property": { "senses": [ "Something that is owned", "A piece of real estate, such as a parcel of land", "Real estate", "the business of selling houses", "The exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing", "An attribute or abstract quality associated with an individual, object or concept", "An attribute or abstract quality which is characteristic of a class of objects", "An editable or read-only parameter associated with an application, component or class, or the value of such a parameter", "A prop, an object used in a dramatic production", "Propriety", "correctness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "property", "num_translations": 371 }, "relation": { "senses": [ "The manner in which two things may be associated", "A member of one's family", "The act of relating a story", "A set of ordered tuples", "Specifically, a set of ordered pairs", "a table", "A statement of equality of two products of generators, used in the presentation of a group", "A subobject of a product of objects", "The act of intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "connection", "relative", "recount", "correspondence", "Thesaurus:relative" ], "word": "relation", "num_translations": 116 }, "such": { "senses": [ "Like this, that, these, those", "used to make a comparison with something implied by context", "Any", "Used as an intensifier", "roughly equivalent to very much of", "A certain", "representing the object as already particularized in terms which are not mentioned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "such", "num_translations": 86 }, "tight": { "senses": [ "Firmly held together", "compact", "not loose or open", "Narrow, such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it", "Well-rehearsed and accurate in execution", "Intoxicated", "drunk or acting like being drunk", "Extraordinarily great or special", ") Mean", "unfair", "unkind", "Not ragged", "whole", "neat", "tidy", "Handy", "adroit", "brisk", "Of a player, who plays very few hands", "Using a strategy which involves playing very few hands" ], "antonyms": [ "baggy", "loose", "sagging", "saggy", "slack", "loose", "generous", "broad", "slack", "clearheaded", "crap", "nice", "unruly", "bungling" ], "synonyms": [ "close", "crowded", "taut", "niggardly", "narrow", "figure-hugging", "polished", "close", "blotto", "ace", "Thesaurus:mean", "ruly", "crafty" ], "word": "tight", "num_translations": 100 }, "gusset": { "senses": [ "A small piece of cloth inserted in a garment, for the purpose of strengthening some part or giving it a tapering enlargement", "A small piece of mail, providing some protection where two plates of armor are joined, usually at the elbows, under the shoulders, and behind the knees", "A kind of bracket, or angular piece of iron, fastened in the angles of a structure to give strength or stiffness", "especially, the part joining the barrel and the fire box of a locomotive boiler", "A large flat metal piece wider than the valley to help prevent build-up at the base of the valley, either from debris or ice dam formations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gusset", "num_translations": 16 }, "shield": { "senses": [ "Anything that protects or defends", "defense", "shelter", "protection", "usually, an inverted triangle with sides that curve inward to form a pointed bottom, commonly used for police identifications and company logos", "A large expanse of exposed stable Precambrian rock", "A place with a toilet seat: an outhouse", "a lavatory", "Parts at the front and back of a vehicle which are meant to absorb the impact of a collision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "shield", "num_translations": 281 }, "target": { "senses": [ "A butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a projectile", "A goal or objective", "A kind of small shield or buckler, used as a defensive weapon in war", "A shield resembling the Roman scutum, larger than the modern buckler", "A bearing representing a buckler", "The pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by a marksman on a butt or mark", "The sliding crosspiece, or vane, on a leveling staff", "A conspicuous disk attached to a switch lever to show its position, or for use as a signal", "the number of runs that the side batting last needs to score in the final innings in order to win", "The tenor of a metaphor", "The translated version of a document, or the language into which translation occurs", "A person that a person or organization is trying to employ or to have as a customer, audience etc", "A thin cut", "a slice", "specifically, of lamb, a piece consisting of the neck and breast joints", "A tassel or pendant", "A shred", "a tatter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:goal", "target language" ], "word": "target", "num_translations": 96 }, "buckler": { "senses": [ "One who buckles something", "A shield resembling the Roman scutum In modern usage, a smaller variety of shield is usually implied by this term", "One of the large, bony, external plates found on many ganoid fishes", "The anterior segment of the shell of a trilobites", "A block of wood or plate of iron made to fit a hawse hole, or the circular opening in a half-port, to prevent water from entering when the vessel pitches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buckler", "num_translations": 28 }, "roundel": { "senses": [ "Anything having a round form", "a round figure", "a circle", "A small circular shield, sometimes not more than a foot in diameter, used by soldiers in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries", "A circular spot", "a charge in the form of a small coloured circle", "a circular insignia painted on an aircraft to identify its nationality or service", "A bastion of a circular form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roundel", "num_translations": 15 }, "orphan": { "senses": [ "A person, especially a minor, both or one of whose parents have died", "A person, especially a minor, whose parents have permanently abandoned them", "A young animal with no mother", "Anything that is unsupported, as by its source, provider or caretaker, by reason of the supporter's demise or decision to abandon", "A single line of type, beginning a paragraph, at the bottom of a column or page", "Any unreferenced object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "orphan", "num_translations": 179 }, "dire": { "senses": [ "Warning of bad consequences: ill-boding", "portentous", "Requiring action to prevent bad consequences: urgent, pressing", "Expressing bad consequences: dreadful", "dismal", "Bad in quality, awful, terrible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dire", "num_translations": 66 }, "vortex": { "senses": [ "A whirlwind, whirlpool, or similarly moving matter in the form of a spiral or column", "Anything that involves constant violent or chaotic activity around some centre", "Anything that inevitably draws surrounding things into its current", "A supposed collection of particles of very subtle matter, endowed with a rapid rotary motion around an axis which was also the axis of a sun or planet", "part of a Cartesian theory accounting for the formation of the universe, and the movements of the bodies composing it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vortex", "num_translations": 67 }, "poloshirt": { "senses": [ "A casual top with buttons and a protruding collar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "golf shirt" ], "word": "poloshirt", "num_translations": 19 }, "underdog": { "senses": [ "A competitor thought unlikely to win", "Somebody at a disadvantage", "A high swing wherein the person pushing the swing runs beneath the swing while the person being pushed is at the forward limit of the arc" ], "antonyms": [ "favourite", "sure bet", "safe bet", "top dog" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "underdog", "num_translations": 46 }, "devastate": { "senses": [ "To ruin many or all things over a large area, such as most or all buildings of a city, or cities of a region, or trees of a forest", "To destroy a whole collection of related ideas, beliefs, and strongly held opinions", "To break beyond recovery or repair so that the only options are abandonment or the clearing away of useless remains and starting over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decimate" ], "word": "devastate", "num_translations": 25 }, "barb": { "senses": [ "The point that stands backward in an arrow, fishhook, etc, to prevent it from being easily extracted Hence: Anything which stands out with a sharp point obliquely or crosswise to something else", "A hurtful or disparaging remark", "A beard, or that which resembles it, or grows in the place of it", "Armor for a horse, corrupted from bard", "A horse", "One of the side branches of a feather, which collectively constitute the vane", "Menticirrhus americanus , found along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States", "A hair or bristle ending in a double hook", "A muffler, worn by nuns and mourners", "A bit for a horse", "A plastic fastener, shaped roughly like a capital I , used to attach socks etc to their packaging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "barb", "num_translations": 31 }, "divide": { "senses": [ "To split or separate into two or more parts", "To share by dividing it", "To calculate the number by which you must multiply one given number to produce a second given number", "To be a divisor of", "To separate into two or more parts", "Of a cell, to reproduce by dividing", "To disunite in opinion or interest", "to make discordant or hostile", "to set at variance", "To break friendship", "to fall out", "To have a share", "to partake", "To vote, as in the British parliament and other legislatures, by the members separating themselves into two parties , that is, the ayes dividing from the noes", "To mark divisions on", "to graduate", "To play or sing in a florid style, or with variations" ], "antonyms": [ "combine", "multiply" ], "synonyms": [ "cut up", "divvy up", "separate" ], "word": "divide", "num_translations": 171 }, "divide1": { "senses": [ "An act of dividing", "A distancing between two people or things", "A large chasm, gorge, or ravine between two areas of land", "The topographical boundary dividing two adjacent catchment basins, such as a ridge or a crest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "divide", "num_translations": 13 }, "brazen": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, made of, or resembling brass", "Sounding harsh and loud, like brass cymbals or brass instruments", "Extremely strong", "impenetrable", "resolute", "Shamelessly shocking and offensive", "audacious", "impudent", "barefaced", "immodest, unblushing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brazen", "num_translations": 49 }, "layer": { "senses": [ "A single thickness of some material covering a surface", "A horizontal deposit", "a stratum", "One of the items in a hierarchy", "one in a stack of drawing surfaces that comprise an image", "used to keep elements of an image separate so that they can be modified independently from one another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lay", "stratum" ], "word": "layer", "num_translations": 138 }, "hacker": { "senses": [ "One who is expert at programming and solving problems with a computer", "One who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data, or to carry out malicious attacks", "A computer security professional", "Something that hacks", "a tool or device for hacking", "A fork-shaped tool used to harvest root vegetables", "Someone who hacks", "One who is inexperienced or unskilled at a particular activity, especially a sport such as golf or tennis", "One who operates a taxicab" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hacker", "num_translations": 86 }, "armour": { "senses": [ "A protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces", "A natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body", "Metal plate, protecting a ship, military vehicle, or aircraft", "A tank, or other heavy mobile assault vehicle", "The naturally occurring surface of pebbles, rocks or boulders that line the bed of a waterway or beach and provide protection against erosion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "armour", "num_translations": 125 }, "level": { "senses": [ "The same height at all places", "parallel to a flat ground", "At the same height as some reference", "Unvaried in frequency", "Unvaried in volume", "Calm", "In the same position or rank", "Straightforward", "direct", "clear", "Well balanced", "even", "just", "steady", "impartial", "Of even tone", "without rising or falling inflection", "monotonic", "Perpendicular to a gravitational force" ], "antonyms": [ "tilted", "unbalanced", "uneven" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "level", "num_translations": 118 }, "level1": { "senses": [ ":", "A distance relative to a given reference elevation", "Degree or amount", "Achievement or qualification", "Distance from the root node of a tree structure", "One of several discrete segments of a game, generally increasing in difficulty and representing different locations in the game world", "A numeric value that quantifies a character's experience and power", "A floor of a multi-storey building", "An area of almost perfectly flat land", "A school grade or year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "level", "num_translations": 259 }, "level2": { "senses": [ "To adjust so as to make as flat or perpendicular to the ground as possible", "to raze", "To aim or direct", "To direct or impose at or upon", "To make the score of a game equal", "To speak honestly and openly with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "level", "num_translations": 76 }, "transfer": { "senses": [ "To move or pass from one place, person or thing to another", "To convey the impression of from one surface to another", "To arrange for something to belong to or be officially controlled by somebody else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carry over", "copy" ], "word": "transfer", "num_translations": 90 }, "transfer1": { "senses": [ "The act of conveying or removing something from one place, person or thing to another", "An instance of conveying or removing from one place, person or thing to another", "A design conveyed by contact from one surface to another", "A soldier removed from one troop, or body of troops, and placed in another", "A pathological process by which a unilateral morbid condition on being abolished on one side of the body makes its appearance in the corresponding region upon the other side", "The conveying of genetic material from one cell to another", "A conventional bid which requests partner to bid the next available suit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transferal", "transferal" ], "word": "transfer", "num_translations": 56 }, "impecunious": { "senses": [ "lacking money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poor", "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "impecunious", "num_translations": 12 }, "really": { "senses": [ "In a way or manner that is real, not unreal", "Actually", "in fact", "in reality", "Very", "very much" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "actually", "so" ], "word": "really", "num_translations": 125 }, "really1": { "senses": [ "Indicating surprise at, or requesting confirmation of, some new information", "to express skepticism", "Indicating that what was just said was obvious and unnecessary", "contrived incredulity", "Indicating affirmation, agreement", "Indicating displeasure at another person's behaviour or statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "you don't say" ], "word": "really", "num_translations": 122 }, "zest": { "senses": [ "The outer skin of a citrus fruit, used as a flavouring or garnish", "General vibrance of flavour", "Enthusiasm", "keen enjoyment", "relish", "gusto", "The woody, thick skin enclosing the kernel of a walnut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gusto", "punch" ], "word": "zest", "num_translations": 46 }, "sheaf": { "senses": [ "A quantity of the stalks and ears of wheat, rye, or other grain, bound together", "a bundle of grain or straw", "Any collection of things bound together", "a bundle", "A bundle of arrows sufficient to fill a quiver, or the allowance of each archer", "A quantity of arrows, usually twenty-four", "A sheave", "An abstract construct in topology that associates data to the open sets of a topological space, together with well-defined restrictions from larger to smaller open sets, subject to the condition that compatible data on overlapping open sets corresponds, via the restrictions, to a unique datum on the union of the open sets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reap" ], "word": "sheaf", "num_translations": 108 }, "lush": { "senses": [ "Lax", "slack", "limp", "flexible", "Mellow", "soft", "easily turned", "fertile", "Juicy, succulent", "Dense, teeming with life", "luxuriant", "Savoury, delicious", "Thriving", "rife", "sumptuous", "Beautiful, sexy", "Amazing, cool, fantastic, wicked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lush", "num_translations": 52 }, "rich": { "senses": [ "Wealthy: having a lot of money and possessions", "Having an intense fatty or sugary flavour", "Plentiful, abounding, abundant, fulfilling", "Yielding large returns", "productive or fertile", "fruitful", "Composed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients", "procured at great outlay", "highly valued", "precious", "sumptuous", "costly", "Not faint or delicate", "vivid", "Very amusing", "Ridiculous, absurd, outrageous, preposterous", "Elaborate, having complex formatting, multimedia, or depth of interaction", "Of a fuel-air mixture, having less air than is necessary to burn all of the fuel", "Trading at a price level which is high relative to historical trends, a similar asset, or a theoretical value" ], "antonyms": [ "poor", "needy", "plain", "lean", "cheap" ], "synonyms": [ "wealthy" ], "word": "rich", "num_translations": 153 }, "assent": { "senses": [ "To agree", "to give approval", "To admit a thing as true" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consent", "affirm" ], "word": "assent", "num_translations": 28 }, "assent1": { "senses": [ "agreement", "act of agreeing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "approval" ], "word": "assent", "num_translations": 26 }, "mallet": { "senses": [ "A type of hammer with a larger-than-usual head made of wood, rubber or similar non-iron material, used by woodworkers for driving a tool, such as a chisel A kind of maul", "A weapon resembling the tool, but typically much larger", "A small hammer-like tool used for playing certain musical instruments", "A light beetle with a long handle used in playing croquet", "The stick used to strike the ball in the sport of polo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mallet", "num_translations": 53 }, "truncheon": { "senses": [ "A fragment or piece broken off from something, especially a broken-off piece of a spear or lance", "The shaft of a spear", "A short staff, a club", "a cudgel", "A baton, or military staff of command, now especially the stick carried by a police officer", "A stout stem, as of a tree, with the branches lopped off, to produce rapid growth", "A penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "truncheon", "num_translations": 13 }, "need": { "senses": [ "A requirement for something", "Lack of means of subsistence", "poverty", "indigence", "destitution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "need", "num_translations": 120 }, "need1": { "senses": [ "To have an absolute requirement for", "To want strongly", "to feel that one must have something", "To be obliged or required", "To be required", "to be necessary", "To be necessary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desire", "be", "be in need of", "require" ], "word": "need", "num_translations": 168 }, "organization": { "senses": [ "The quality of being organized", "The way in which something is organized, such as a book or an article", "A group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules", "A group of people consciously cooperating", "A major league club and all its farm teams" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "organization", "num_translations": 189 }, "prose": { "senses": [ "Language, particularly written language, not intended as poetry", "Language which evinces little imagination or animation", "dull and commonplace discourse", "A hymn with no regular meter, sometimes introduced into the Mass" ], "antonyms": [ "poetry", "verse" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "prose", "num_translations": 72 }, "representative1": { "senses": [ "One who may speak for another in a particular capacity, especially in negotiation", "A member of a legislative or governing body who represents a constituency", "Something regarded as typical of its class", "A company agent who visits potential purchasers", "a salesman", "An heir" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rep", "Thesaurus:deputy" ], "word": "representative", "num_translations": 183 }, "sudden": { "senses": [ "Happening quickly and with little or no warning", "Hastily prepared or employed", "quick", "rapid", "Hasty", "violent", "rash", "precipitate" ], "antonyms": [ "gradual", "unsudden" ], "synonyms": [ "abrupt", "hotheaded" ], "word": "sudden", "num_translations": 73 }, "tray": { "senses": [ "A small, typically rectangular or round, flat, and rigid object upon which things are carried", "A flat carrier for items being transported", "A component of a device into which an item is placed for use in the device's operations", "A notification area used for icons and alerts", "truck bed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tray", "num_translations": 126 }, "maritime": { "senses": [ "Relating to or connected with the sea or its uses", "Bordering on the sea", "living near the seacoast", "coastal", "Inhabiting the seashore", "living coastwise", "littoral", "Of or relating to a sailor or seaman", "nautical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maritime", "num_translations": 33 }, "concise": { "senses": [ "brief, yet including all important information" ], "antonyms": [ "verbose" ], "synonyms": [ "succinct", "terse", "Thesaurus:concise" ], "word": "concise", "num_translations": 53 }, "suddenly": { "senses": [ "Happening quickly and with little or no warning", "in a sudden manner" ], "antonyms": [ "unsuddenly" ], "synonyms": [ "all of a sudden", "without warning" ], "word": "suddenly", "num_translations": 126 }, "palaver": { "senses": [ "A village council meeting", "Talk, especially unnecessary talk", "chatter", "Talk intended to deceive", "Fuss", "A meeting at which there is much talk", "a debate", "a moot", "Disagreement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hot air", "ado" ], "word": "palaver", "num_translations": 17 }, "newfoundlandandlabrador": { "senses": [ "province in eastern c/Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Newfoundland", "Nfld", "NL", "NF" ], "word": "NewfoundlandandLabrador", "num_translations": 34 }, "hajji": { "senses": [ "One who has participated in a hajj", "A Muslim or Arab" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "muhajir" ], "word": "hajji", "num_translations": 53 }, "invention": { "senses": [ "Something invented", "The act of inventing", "The capacity to invent", "The act of discovering or finding", "the act of finding out", "discovery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discovery" ], "word": "invention", "num_translations": 118 }, "flavor": { "senses": [ "The quality produced by the sensation of taste or, especially, of taste and smell in combined effect", "A variety attributed to an object", "The characteristic quality of something", "A kind or type", "One of the six types of quarks or three types of leptons", "The quality produced by the sensation of smell", "odour", "fragrance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flavor", "num_translations": 97 }, "kettle": { "senses": [ "A vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food, usually metal and equipped with a lid", "A vessel for boiling water for tea", "A collective term for a group of raptors riding a thermal, especially when migrating", "A steam locomotive", "An instance of kettling", "a group of protesters or rioters confined in a limited area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kettle", "num_translations": 133 }, "limit": { "senses": [ "A restriction", "a bound beyond which one may not go", "The cone of a diagram through which any other cone of that same diagram can factor uniquely", "The final, utmost, or furthest point", "the border or edge", "That which terminates a period of time", "hence, the period itself", "the full time or extent", "A restriction", "a check or curb", "a hindrance", "A determining feature", "a distinguishing characteristic", "The first group of riders to depart in a handicap race", "A person who is exasperating, intolerable, astounding, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bound" ], "word": "limit", "num_translations": 111 }, "limit2": { "senses": [ "To restrict", "not to allow to go beyond a certain bound, to set boundaries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "limit", "num_translations": 39 }, "mixed1": { "senses": [ "Having two or more separate aspects", "Not completely pure, tainted or adulterated", "Including both male and female", "Stemming from two or more races or breeds" ], "antonyms": [ "homogeneous", "unmixed", "pure", "single-sex", "pedigree", "pure", "pureblooded", "purebred" ], "synonyms": [ "heterogeneous", "ambivalent", "conflicted", "equivocal", "Thesaurus:heterogeneous", "impure", "co-ed", "unsegregated", "hybrid", "mongrel" ], "word": "mixed", "num_translations": 51 }, "mix": { "senses": [ "To stir together", "To combine", "To form by mingling", "to produce by the stirring together of ingredients", "to concoct from different parts", "To combine", "To produce a finished version of", "To unite with in company", "to join", "to associate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blend", "mix together" ], "word": "mix", "num_translations": 149 }, "mix1": { "senses": [ "The result of combining items normally kept separate", "The finished version of a recording" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mix", "num_translations": 40 }, "owner": { "senses": [ "One who owns something", "The captain of a ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "possessor" ], "word": "owner", "num_translations": 106 }, "pump": { "senses": [ "A device for moving or compressing a liquid or gas", "A device for dispensing liquid or gas to be sold, particularly fuel", "A swelling of the muscles caused by increased blood flow following high intensity weightlifting", "A ride on a bicycle given to a passenger, usually on the handlebars or fender", "The heart", "The vagina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vagina" ], "word": "pump", "num_translations": 123 }, "pump1": { "senses": [ "To fill with air", "To shake vigorously", "To gain information from by persistent questioning", "To be going very well", "To kick, throw or hit the ball far and high", "To pass gas", "to fart", "To pass into a program so that it can obey them", "To copulate", "to weightlift" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handshake", "grill", "trump", "bang", "big up" ], "word": "pump", "num_translations": 44 }, "suggestion": { "senses": [ "Something suggested", "The act of suggesting", "Something implied, which the mind is liable to take as fact", "The act of exercising control over a hypnotised subject by communicating some belief or impulse by means of words or gestures", "the idea so suggested", "information, insinuation, speculation, as opposed to a sworn testimony and evidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hint", "Thesaurus:advice" ], "word": "suggestion", "num_translations": 73 }, "suggest": { "senses": [ "To imply but stop short of saying explicitly", "To make one suppose", "cause one to suppose", "To mention something as an idea, typically in order to recommend it", "To seduce", "to prompt to evil", "to tempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allude", "propose", "Thesaurus:advise" ], "word": "suggest", "num_translations": 120 }, "trick": { "senses": [ "Something designed to fool or swindle", "A single element of a magician's act", "An entertaining difficult physical action", "An effective, clever or quick way of doing something", "Mischievous or annoying behavior", "a prank", "A particular habit or manner", "a peculiarity", "a trait", "A knot, braid, or plait of hair", "A sequence in which each player plays a card and a winning play is determined", "A sex act, chiefly one performed for payment", "an act of prostitution", "A customer to a prostitute", "A daily period of work, especially in shift-based jobs", "A sailor's spell of work at the helm, usually two hours long", "A toy", "a trifle", "a plaything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "artifice", "illusion", "john", "shift" ], "word": "trick", "num_translations": 142 }, "trick1": { "senses": [ "To fool", "to cause to believe something untrue", "to deceive", "To draw", "To dress", "to decorate", "to adorn fantastically", "often followed by up, off, or out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "con", "mod", "Thesaurus:deceive" ], "word": "trick", "num_translations": 50 }, "brightness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being bright", "The perceived luminance of an object", "Intelligence, cleverness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intelligence" ], "word": "brightness", "num_translations": 50 }, "firedrill": { "senses": [ "An organized practice to prepare occupants of an office, school or other public building for evacuation in the event of a fire", "Any pointless, unproductive, useless, or chaotic activity", "A fire-starting tool consisting of a wooden rod and some primitive means of rapidly rotating the rod on a flat surface like a drill until tinder can be ignited" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bow drill", "Chinese fire drill", "fire practice" ], "word": "firedrill", "num_translations": 15 }, "sorbian": { "senses": [ "A group of Slavic languages spoken by a minority in eastern Germany" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lusatian", "Wendish" ], "word": "Sorbian", "num_translations": 53 }, "stereo": { "senses": [ "A system of recording or reproducing sound that uses two channels, each playing a portion of the original sound in such a way as to create the illusion of locating the sound at a particular position, each offset from the other, thereby more accurately imitating the location of the original sound when the recorded or reproduced sound is heard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hi-fi", "music centre", "console", "radiogram" ], "word": "stereo", "num_translations": 19 }, "stereo1": { "senses": [ "Of a pair of images: one depicting the view as would be seen from one eye and the other from the other eye, so that when viewed appropriately, they combine to give an impression of three dimensions" ], "antonyms": [ "mono", "monophonic", "monaural" ], "synonyms": [ "in stereo", "stereophonic", "in stereo", "stereographic" ], "word": "stereo", "num_translations": 24 }, "fetter": { "senses": [ "A chain or similar object used to bind a person or animal - often by its legs", "Anything that restricts or restrains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leg irons" ], "word": "fetter", "num_translations": 102 }, "martyrdom": { "senses": [ "The condition of a martyr", "the death of a martyr", "the suffering of death on account of adherence to the Christian faith, or to any cause", "Extreme suffering, affliction", "torment", "torture, especially without reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "martyrdom", "num_translations": 34 }, "unite": { "senses": [ "To bring together as one", "To come together as one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewed" ], "word": "unite", "num_translations": 82 }, "reunion": { "senses": [ "The process or act of reuniting", "A planned event at which members of a dispersed group meet together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reunition", "reunite" ], "word": "reunion", "num_translations": 55 }, "around": { "senses": [ "Defining a circle or closed curve containing a thing", "Following the perimeter of a specified area and returning to the starting point", "Following a path which curves near an object, with the object on the inside of the curve", "Near", "in the vicinity of", "At various places in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "around", "num_translations": 134 }, "around2": { "senses": [ "Nearly", "approximately", "about", "From place to place", "From one state or condition to an opposite or very different one", "with a metaphorical change in direction", "bringing about awareness or agreement", "Partially or completely rotated, including to face in the opposite direction", "Used with verbs to indicate repeated or continuous action, or in numerous locations or with numerous people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "around", "num_translations": 40 }, "consider": { "senses": [ "To think about seriously", "To think about something seriously or carefully: to deliberate", "To think of doing", "To assign some quality to", "To look at attentively", "To take up as an example", "To debate a motion", "To have regard to", "to take into view or account", "to pay due attention to", "to respect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "consider", "num_translations": 195 }, "considerable": { "senses": [ "Significant", "worth considering", "Large in amount" ], "antonyms": [ "ignorable", "negligible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "considerable", "num_translations": 52 }, "considerate": { "senses": [ "consciously thoughtful and observant", "caring", "characterised by careful and conscious thought", "deliberate" ], "antonyms": [ "inconsiderate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "considerate", "num_translations": 53 }, "consideration": { "senses": [ "The thought process of considering, of taking multiple or specified factors into account", "Something considered as a reason or ground for a decision", "The tendency to consider others", "A payment or other recompense for something done", "A matter of inducement for something promised", "something valuable given as recompense for a promise, which causes the promise to become binding as a contract", "Importance, claim to notice, regard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "consideration", "num_translations": 78 }, "reconsider": { "senses": [ "to consider a matter again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "think over", "second-guess" ], "word": "reconsider", "num_translations": 16 }, "illusion": { "senses": [ "Anything that seems to be something that it is not", "A misapprehension", "a belief in something that is in fact not true", "A magician's trick", "The state of being deceived or misled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "illusion", "num_translations": 104 }, "baculum": { "senses": [ "A bone found in the penis of some mammals", "A small rod-like structure found in spores and pollen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "os penis" ], "word": "baculum", "num_translations": 15 }, "stress": { "senses": [ "A physical, chemical, infective agent aggressing an organism", "Aggression toward an organism resulting in a response in an attempt to restore previous conditions", "The internal distribution of force across a small boundary per unit area of that boundary within a body It causes strain or deformation and is typically symbolised by \u03c3 or \u03c4", "Emotional pressure suffered by a human being or other animal", "The emphasis placed on a syllable of a word", "Emphasis placed on words in speaking", "Emphasis placed on a particular point in an argument or discussion", "the act of distraining", "also, the thing distrained" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accent", "emphasis", "emphasis" ], "word": "stress", "num_translations": 139 }, "stress1": { "senses": [ "To apply force to causing strain", "To apply emotional pressure to", "to worry or be agitated", "To emphasise", "To emphasise", "To emphasise in an argument or discussion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emphasise", "emphasise", "emphasise" ], "word": "stress", "num_translations": 56 }, "voluptuous": { "senses": [ "Suggestive of or characterized by full, generous, pleasurable sensation", "Curvaceous and sexually attractive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "luxurious", "Thesaurus:voluptuous", "Thesaurus:sexy" ], "word": "voluptuous", "num_translations": 55 }, "click": { "senses": [ "A brief, sharp, not particularly loud, relatively high-pitched sound produced by the impact of something small and hard against something hard, such as by the operation of a switch, a lock or a latch, or a finger pressed against the thumb and then released to strike the hand", "An ingressive sound made by coarticulating a velar or uvular closure with another closure", "Sound made by a dolphin", "The act of pressing a button on a computer mouse, both as a physical act and a reaction in the software", "A pawl or similar catch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "click", "num_translations": 103 }, "click1": { "senses": [ "To press and release", "To select a software item using, usually, but not always, the pressing of a mouse button", "To visit a web site", "To make sense suddenly", "To get on well", "To tick", "To take with a camera" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "click", "num_translations": 148 }, "humanity": { "senses": [ "Mankind", "human beings as a group", "The human condition or nature", "The quality of being benevolent", "humane traits of character", "humane qualities or aspects", "Any academic subject belonging to the humanities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "humanity", "num_translations": 113 }, "spark": { "senses": [ "A small particle of glowing matter, either molten or on fire", "A short or small burst of electrical discharge", "A small, shining body, or transient light", "Any of various lycaenid butterflies of the Indomalayan genus Sinthusa", "A ship's radio operator", "An electrician" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ember", "beginning" ], "word": "spark", "num_translations": 161 }, "cracker": { "senses": [ "A dry, thin, crispy baked bread", "A short piece of twisted string tied to the end of a whip that creates the distinctive sound when the whip is thrown or cracked", "A fine thing or person", "An ambitious or hard-working person", "One who cracks computer software or security restrictions", "A noisy boaster", "a swaggering fellow", "An impoverished white person from the southeastern United States, originally associated with Georgia and parts of Florida", "any white person", "A police officer", "A northern pintail, species of dabbling duck", "A pair of fluted rolls for grinding caoutchouc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cracker", "num_translations": 53 }, "worse1": { "senses": [ "comparative of \"badly\"", "comparative of \"ill\"", "Less skillfully", "More severely or seriously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "worse", "num_translations": 20 }, "basil": { "senses": [ "A plant", "The leaves of this plant used as a herb", "Any other species in the genus Ocimum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "albahaca" ], "word": "basil", "num_translations": 161 }, "pylon": { "senses": [ "A gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple", "A tower-like structure, usually one of a series, used to support high-voltage electricity cables", "A structure used to mount engines, missiles etc, to the underside of an aircraft wing or fuselage", "A starting derrick for an aeroplane", "A post, tower, etc as on an aerodrome, or flying ground, serving to bound or mark a prescribed course of flight", "An obelisk", "A traffic cone", "An orange marker designating one of the four corners of the end zone in American football", "A rigid prosthesis for the lower leg" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pylon", "num_translations": 32 }, "kookaburra": { "senses": [ "Any of several species of kingfishers in the genus Dacelo, known for their laugh-like call" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goburra" ], "word": "kookaburra", "num_translations": 51 }, "model": { "senses": [ "A person who serves as a subject for artwork or fashion, usually in the medium of photography but also for painting or drawing", "A person, usually an attractive female, hired to show items or goods to the public, such as items given away as prizes on a TV game show", "A representation of a physical object, usually in miniature", "A simplified representation used to explain the workings of a real world system or event", "A style, type, or design", "The structural design of a complex system", "A successful example to be copied, with or without modifications", "An interpretation function which assigns a truth value to each atomic proposition", "An animal that is used to study a human disease or pathology", "Any copy, or resemblance, more or less exact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:model" ], "word": "model", "num_translations": 246 }, "model2": { "senses": [ "to create from a substance such as clay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "modelise" ], "word": "model", "num_translations": 45 }, "guy": { "senses": [ "An effigy of a man burned on a bonfire on the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot", "A person of eccentric appearance or dress", "a \"fright\"", "A man, fellow", "A person", "Thing, creature", "Thing, unit", "Buster, Mack, fella, bud, man" ], "antonyms": [ "gal" ], "synonyms": [ "() dude", "fella", "homey", "bro", "() bloke", "brother", "geezer", "cove", "fellow", "chap", "Thesaurus:man" ], "word": "guy", "num_translations": 84 }, "glucose": { "senses": [ "A simple monosaccharide with a molecular formula of C6H12O6", "it is a principle source of energy for cellular metabolism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grape sugar", "blood sugar", "corn sugar" ], "word": "glucose", "num_translations": 54 }, "sucrose": { "senses": [ "A disaccharide with formula C12H22O11, consisting of two simple sugars, glucose and fructose", "normal culinary sugar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saccharose" ], "word": "sucrose", "num_translations": 85 }, "fructose": { "senses": [ "A monosaccharide ketose sugar, formula C6H12O6" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fruit sugar" ], "word": "fructose", "num_translations": 48 }, "agrimi": { "senses": [ "A type of goat with long horns that curl back, native to Crete, subspecies Capra hircus creticus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kri-kri" ], "word": "agrimi", "num_translations": 14 }, "slutty": { "senses": [ "Of or resembling a slut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whorey" ], "word": "slutty", "num_translations": 12 }, "fruitless": { "senses": [ "Bearing no fruit", "barren", "Unproductive, useless", "Of a person: unable to have children", "barren, infertile", "Of a diet, etc: without fruit" ], "antonyms": [ "fruitful", "effective" ], "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "fruitless", "num_translations": 116 }, "-less": { "senses": [ "Lacking", "without Added usually to a noun to form an adjective signifying a lack of that noun" ], "antonyms": [ "-ed", "-ful", "-y" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "-less", "num_translations": 94 }, "omission": { "senses": [ "The act of omitting", "The act of neglecting to perform an action one has an obligation to do", "Something deleted or left out", "Something not done or neglected", "The shortening of a word or phrase, using an apostrophe to replace the missing letters, often used to approximate the sound of speech or a specific dialect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "omission", "num_translations": 59 }, "omit": { "senses": [ "To leave out or exclude", "To fail to perform", "To neglect or take no notice of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leave off", "disregard" ], "word": "omit", "num_translations": 62 }, "immediate": { "senses": [ "Happening right away, instantly, with no delay", "Very close", "direct or adjacent", "Manifestly true", "requiring no argument", "embedded as part of the instruction itself, rather than stored elsewhere", "Used to denote that a transmission is urgent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "instant", "close", "self-evident" ], "word": "immediate", "num_translations": 71 }, "justice": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being just or fair", "The ideal of fairness, impartiality, etc, especially with regard to the punishment of wrongdoing", "Judgment and punishment of a party who has allegedly wronged another", "The civil power dealing with law", "A title given to judges of certain courts", "capitalized as a title", "Correctness, conforming to reality or rules" ], "antonyms": [ "injustice" ], "synonyms": [ "judge", "justiciar" ], "word": "justice", "num_translations": 279 }, "falsehood": { "senses": [ "The property of being false", "A false statement, especially an intentional one", "a lie", "Mendacity, deceitfulness", "the trait of a person who is mendacious and deceitful" ], "antonyms": [ "truth" ], "synonyms": [ "falsity", "lie", "falseness", "Thesaurus:falsehood" ], "word": "falsehood", "num_translations": 57 }, "glorious": { "senses": [ "Exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory", "excellent, wonderful", "bright or shining", "Eager for glory or distinction", "Ecstatic", "hilarious", "elated with drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glorious", "num_translations": 65 }, "renown": { "senses": [ "Fame", "celebrity", "wide recognition", "Reports of nobleness or exploits", "praise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "renown", "num_translations": 40 }, "fibre": { "senses": [ "Moral strength and resolve", "The preimage of a given point in the range of a map", "Said to be of a morphism over a global element: The pullback of the said morphism along the said global element", "A kind of lightweight thread of execution", "A long tubular cell found in muscle tissue", "myocyte" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fibre", "num_translations": 66 }, "smelly": { "senses": [ "Having a bad smell", "Having a quality that arouses suspicion", "Having signs that suggest a design problem", "having a code smell" ], "antonyms": [ "having a bad smell", "having a quality that arouses suspicion" ], "synonyms": [ "having a bad smell", "having a quality that arouses suspicion" ], "word": "smelly", "num_translations": 50 }, "glow": { "senses": [ "To give off light from heat or to emit light as if heated", "To radiate some emotional quality like light", "To gaze especially passionately at something", "To radiate thermal heat", "To shine brightly and steadily", "To make hot", "to flush", "To feel hot", "to have a burning sensation, as of the skin, from friction, exercise, etc", "to burn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glow", "num_translations": 72 }, "confine": { "senses": [ "To restrict", "to keep within bounds", "to shut or keep in a limited space or area", "To have a common boundary", "to border", "to lie contiguous", "to touch", "followed by on or with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "confine", "num_translations": 35 }, "confine1": { "senses": [ "A boundary or limit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "border" ], "word": "confine", "num_translations": 15 }, "primer": { "senses": [ "A prayer or devotional book intended for laity, initially an abridgment of the breviary and manual including the hours of the Virgin Mary, 15 gradual and 7 penitential psalms, the litany, the placebo and dirige forming the office of the dead, and the commendations", "Similar works issued in England for private prayer in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer", "A children's book intended to teach literacy: how to read, write, and spell", "An introductory text on any subject, particularly basic concepts", "An elementary school class", "an elementary school student" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "book of hours" ], "word": "primer", "num_translations": 118 }, "primer1": { "senses": [ "Any substance or device, such as priming wire or blasting cap, used to ignite gunpowder or other explosive", "A person who primes explosives", "A substance used to prime wood, metal, etc in preparation for painting", "A layer of such a substance", "A layer of makeup that goes beneath the foundation", "undermakeup", "A person who primes wood, metal, etc", "A molecule which initiates the synthesis of an enzyme, a single-stranded nucleic acid molecule which initiates DNA replication", "A pheromone which interacts first with the endocrine system", "A device used to prime an internal combustion engine with gasoline, in airplanes", "A person who prunes trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "primer", "num_translations": 69 }, "expulsion": { "senses": [ "The act of expelling or the state of being expelled" ], "antonyms": [ "impulsion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "expulsion", "num_translations": 47 }, "lance": { "senses": [ "A weapon of war, consisting of a long shaft or handle and a steel blade or head", "a spear carried by horsemen", "A wooden spear, sometimes hollow, used in jousting or tilting, designed to shatter on impact with the opposing knight's armour", "A spear or harpoon used by whalers and fishermen", "An instrument which conveys the charge of a piece of ordnance and forces it home", "A small iron rod which suspends the core of the mold in casting a shell", "One of the small paper cases filled with combustible composition, which mark the outlines of a figure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lance", "num_translations": 96 }, "hermaphrodite": { "senses": [ "An individual or organism possessing ambiguous sexual organs, typically including both types of gonads", "A person or thing possessing two opposing qualities", "A farm wagon convertible to multiple purposes", "An armoured fighting vehicle having features of both male tanks and female tanks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maphrodite", "androgyne", "gynandromorph", "intersex" ], "word": "hermaphrodite", "num_translations": 65 }, "hermaphrodite1": { "senses": [ "Having gender-ambiguous sexual organs, typically including both types of gonads", "Combining two opposing qualities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "androgynous", "hermaphroditic", "intersex" ], "word": "hermaphrodite", "num_translations": 42 }, "nasal1": { "senses": [ "A medicine that operates through the nose", "an errhine", "A vowel or consonant articulated with air flowing through the nose", "Part of a helmet projecting to protect the nose", "a nose guard", "A plate, or scale, on the nose of a fish, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nasal", "num_translations": 34 }, "ohmygod": { "senses": [ "Said in supplication", "An expression of anger, frustration, excitement, shock, awe, dismay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oh my Allah", "Thesaurus:wow" ], "word": "ohmyGod", "num_translations": 112 }, "inchoate": { "senses": [ "Recently started but not fully formed yet", "just begun", "only elementary or immature", "Chaotic, disordered, confused", "also, incoherent, rambling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inchoate", "num_translations": 19 }, "blimp": { "senses": [ "An airship constructed with a non-rigid lifting agent container", "Any large airborne inflatable", "An obese person", "a pompous, reactionary British man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barrage balloon", "Gossage" ], "word": "blimp", "num_translations": 28 }, "indiansummer": { "senses": [ "A stretch of sunny and warm, often hazy, days during late autumn", "The late autumn of life", "a late flowering of activity before old age" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "St. Luke's summer", "St. Luke's little summer", "little summer of St. Luke", "all-hallown summer", "St. Martin's summer", "Michaelmas summer" ], "word": "Indiansummer", "num_translations": 56 }, "dace": { "senses": [ "The shoal-forming fish Leuciscus leuciscus common in fast-flowing rivers in England and Wales and in Europe", "Any of various related small fish of the family Cyprinidae that live in freshwater and are native to North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dare" ], "word": "dace", "num_translations": 17 }, "argumentative": { "senses": [ "Prone to argue or dispute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:quarrelsome" ], "word": "argumentative", "num_translations": 25 }, "fiddle": { "senses": [ "Any of various bowed string instruments, often a violin when played in any of various traditional styles, as opposed to classical violin", "A kind of dock with leaves shaped like the musical instrument", "An adjustment intended to cover up a basic flaw", "A fraud", "a scam", "On board a ship or boat, a rail or batten around the edge of a table or stove to prevent objects falling off at sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fiddle", "num_translations": 85 }, "fiddle1": { "senses": [ "To play aimlessly", "To adjust or manipulate for deception or fraud", "To play traditional tunes on a violin in a non-classical style", "To touch or fidget with something in a restless or nervous way, or tinker with something in an attempt to make minor adjustments or improvements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fudge" ], "word": "fiddle", "num_translations": 32 }, "fiddler": { "senses": [ "One who plays the fiddle", "One who fiddles", "A burrowing crab of the genus Gelasimus, of many species The male has one claw very much enlarged, and often holds it in a position similar to that in which a musician holds a fiddle", "The common European sandpiper", "so called because it continually oscillates its body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiddlist" ], "word": "fiddler", "num_translations": 20 }, "svelte": { "senses": [ "Attractively thin", "gracefully slender", "Refined, delicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lithe", "elegant" ], "word": "svelte", "num_translations": 19 }, "redundant": { "senses": [ "Superfluous", "exceeding what is necessary", "Repetitive or needlessly wordy", "Dismissed from employment because no longer needed", "Duplicating or able to duplicate the function of another component of a system, providing backup in the event the other component fails" ], "antonyms": [ "non-redundant" ], "synonyms": [ "surplus to requirements" ], "word": "redundant", "num_translations": 80 }, "skidmark": { "senses": [ "A black mark left on a road surface from the sliding or skidding tires of a motor vehicle that has lost traction", "Any other mark or stain left on a surface from a sliding or rubbing object", "A visible feces stain left on underpants, trousers, or sometimes the toilet bowl", "A mark of a soiled finger wiped on a surface", "Any burn on the skin caused by scraping the skin against a surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skidmark", "num_translations": 27 }, "magnetic": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, operating by, or caused by magnetism", "Having the properties of a magnet, especially the ability to draw or pull", "Having an extraordinary ability to attract", "Having, susceptible to, or induced by, animal magnetism" ], "antonyms": [ "antimagnetic", "geographic", "repulsive", "non-magnetic" ], "synonyms": [ "magnetised", "attractive", "appealing" ], "word": "magnetic", "num_translations": 100 }, "sharpen": { "senses": [ "To make sharp", "To become sharp" ], "antonyms": [ "blunt", "blur" ], "synonyms": [ "hone", "whet" ], "word": "sharpen", "num_translations": 84 }, "deceleration": { "senses": [ "The act or process of decelerating", "The amount by which a speed or velocity decreases" ], "antonyms": [ "acceleration" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deceleration", "num_translations": 27 }, "fauxpas": { "senses": [ "An embarrassing or tactless blunder", "a misstep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blooper", "blunder", "boo-boo", "defect", "error", "fault", "fluff", "gaffe", "lapse", "mistake", "misstep", "slip", "stumble", "thinko", "Freudian slip", "Thesaurus:error" ], "word": "fauxpas", "num_translations": 30 }, "catapult1": { "senses": [ "To increase the status of something rapidly", "To have one's status increased rapidly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "catapult", "num_translations": 32 }, "bounty": { "senses": [ "Generosity", "also an act of generosity", "Something given liberally", "a gift", "A reward for some specific act, especially one given by an authority or a government", "An abundance or wealth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bounty", "num_translations": 59 }, "clay": { "senses": [ "A mineral substance made up of small crystals of silica and alumina, that is ductile when moist", "the material of pre-fired ceramics", "An earth material with ductile qualities", "A tennis court surface made of crushed stone, brick, shale, or other unbound mineral aggregate", "The material of the human body", "A particle less than 39 microns in diameter, following the Wentworth scale", "Land or territory of a country or other political region, especially when subject to territorial claims" ], "antonyms": [ "soul" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "clay", "num_translations": 208 }, "phosphine": { "senses": [ "a toxic gas", "hydride of phosphorus, PH3", "any alkyl or aryl derivative of this compound, PR3", "chrysaniline, often in the form of a salt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phosphane", "phosphorus hydride", "phosphureted hydrogen" ], "word": "phosphine", "num_translations": 14 }, "islamism": { "senses": [ "The religion of Muslims", "Islam", "A popular reform movement advocating the reordering of government and society in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Muslimism" ], "word": "Islamism", "num_translations": 24 }, "principal": { "senses": [ "Primary", "most important", "Of or relating to a prince", "princely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chief" ], "word": "principal", "num_translations": 51 }, "principal1": { "senses": [ "The money originally invested or loaned, on which basis interest and returns are calculated", "The chief administrator of a school", "The chief executive and chief academic officer of a university or college", "A legal person that authorizes another to act on their behalf", "or on whose behalf an agent or gestor in a negotiorum gestio acts", "The primary participant in a crime", "A partner or owner of a business", "A diapason, a type of organ stop on a pipe organ", "The construction that gives shape and strength to a roof, generally a truss of timber or iron", "or, loosely, the most important member of a piece of framing", "The first two long feathers of a hawk's wing", "One of the turrets or pinnacles of waxwork and tapers with which the posts and centre of a funeral hearse were formerly crowned", "An essential point or rule", "a principle", "A dancer at the highest rank within a professional dance company, particularly a ballet company" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headteacher", "dean", "client", "ringleader", "proprietor", "diapason" ], "word": "principal", "num_translations": 144 }, "tributary": { "senses": [ "A natural water stream that flows into a larger river or other body of water", "A nation, state, or other entity that pays tribute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affluent" ], "word": "tributary", "num_translations": 61 }, "specious": { "senses": [ "Seemingly well-reasoned, plausible or true, but actually fallacious", "Employing fallacious but deceptively plausible arguments", "deceitful", "Having an attractive appearance intended to generate a favorable response", "deceptively attractive", "Beautiful, pleasing to look at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "specious", "num_translations": 33 }, "simulation": { "senses": [ "Something that simulates a system or environment in order to predict actual behaviour", "The process of simulating", "A video game designed to convey a more or less realistic experience, as of a sport or warfare", "Assuming an appearance which is feigned, or not true", "The act of falling over in order to be awarded a foul, when no foul has been committed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imitation", "replica" ], "word": "simulation", "num_translations": 54 }, "midget": { "senses": [ "A little sandfly", "Any small swarming insect similar to the mosquito", "a midge", "A normally proportioned person with small stature, usually defined as reaching an adult height less than 4'10\"", "Any short person", "A small version of something", "miniature" ], "antonyms": [ "giant", "giant" ], "synonyms": [ "dwarf", "dwarf", "midge", "dwarf" ], "word": "midget", "num_translations": 89 }, "dwarf2": { "senses": [ "To make appear smaller, puny, tiny", "To make appear insignificant", "To become smaller", "To hinder from growing to the natural size", "to make or keep small", "to stunt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dwarf", "num_translations": 42 }, "fetid": { "senses": [ "Foul-smelling, stinking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:malodorous" ], "word": "fetid", "num_translations": 26 }, "ark": { "senses": [ "A large box with a flat lid", "Something affording protection", "safety, shelter, refuge", "A spacious type of boat with a flat bottom", "A decorated cabinet at the front of a synagogue, in which Torah scrolls are kept" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barge", "basket", "chest", "coffer", "hutch", "refuge", "retreat", "shelter", "ship", "vessel" ], "word": "ark", "num_translations": 75 }, "behead": { "senses": [ "To remove the head of", "to cut someone's head off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decapitate", "decollate" ], "word": "behead", "num_translations": 89 }, "yen": { "senses": [ "The unit of Japanese currency since 1871, divided into 100 sen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "JPY" ], "word": "yen", "num_translations": 77 }, "stoned1": { "senses": [ "Containing stones", "Having had the stones removed", "High on drugs, especially cannabis", "Drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unstoned", "destoned", "high", "blotto" ], "word": "stoned", "num_translations": 44 }, "pontoon": { "senses": [ "A flat-bottomed boat used as a support for a temporary bridge", "A floating structure supporting a bridge or dock", "A box used to raise a sunken vessel", "A float of a seaplane", "A lighter or barge used for loading or unloading ships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pontoon", "num_translations": 34 }, "corset": { "senses": [ "A woman's foundation garment, reinforced with stays, that supports the waistline, hips and bust", "A tight-fitting gown or basque worn by both men and women during the Middle Ages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stays" ], "word": "corset", "num_translations": 40 }, "grandnephew": { "senses": [ "A grandson of one's sibling", "a son of one's nephew or niece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "great-nephew" ], "word": "grandnephew", "num_translations": 26 }, "blackout": { "senses": [ "To censor or cover up by writing over with black ink", "To censor or cover up", "To lose consciousness", "to suffer a blackout", "To obscure in darkness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faint", "darken" ], "word": "blackout", "num_translations": 18 }, "pygmy": { "senses": [ "A member of one of various Ancient Equatorial African tribal peoples, notable for their very short stature", "A member of a race of dwarfs", "Any dwarfish person or thing", "An insignificant person, at least in some respect" ], "antonyms": [ "giant", "ettin" ], "synonyms": [ "dwarf", "midget" ], "word": "pygmy", "num_translations": 49 }, "recalcitrant": { "senses": [ "Marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey authority", "Unwilling to cooperate socially", "Difficult to deal with or to operate", "Not viable for an extended period", "damaged by drying or freezing" ], "antonyms": [ "compliant", "amenable", "orthodox" ], "synonyms": [ "argumentative", "stubborn", "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "recalcitrant", "num_translations": 50 }, "cooperation": { "senses": [ "The act of cooperating", "Active help from a person, organization, etc, such as an orderly sharing of space or resources", "Association for mutual benefit, such as for purposes of production or purchase" ], "antonyms": [ "competition" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cooperation", "num_translations": 88 }, "contort": { "senses": [ "To twist in a violent manner", "To twist into or as if into a strained shape or expression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deform", "detort", "twist" ], "word": "contort", "num_translations": 17 }, "client": { "senses": [ "A customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services", "The role of a computer application or system that requests and/or consumes the services provided by another having the role of server", "One who receives help or services from a professional such as a lawyer or accountant", "A person who employs or retains an attorney to represent him or her in any legal matter, or one who merely divulges confidential matters to an attorney while pursuing professional assistance without subsequently retaining the attorney" ], "antonyms": [ "server" ], "synonyms": [ "buyer", "customer", "punter" ], "word": "client", "num_translations": 153 }, "octave": { "senses": [ "An interval of twelve semitones spanning eight degrees of the diatonic scale, representing a doubling or halving in pitch frequency", "A poetic stanza consisting of eight lines", "usually used as one part of a sonnet", "The eighth defensive position, with the sword hand held at waist height, and the tip of the sword out straight at knee level", "The day that is one week after a feast day in the Latin rite of the Catholic Church", "An eight-day period beginning on a feast day in the Latin rite of the Catholic Church", "An octonion", "Any of a number of coherent-noise functions of differing frequency that are added together to form Perlin noise", "The subjective vibration of a planet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "octave", "num_translations": 33 }, "peasant": { "senses": [ "A member of the lowly social class that toils on the land, constituted by small farmers and tenants, sharecroppers, farmhands and other laborers on the land where they form the main labor force in agriculture and horticulture", "A country person", "An uncouth, crude or ill-bred person", "A worker unit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lowly social class", "churl", "country person", "crude person" ], "word": "peasant", "num_translations": 229 }, "bouquet": { "senses": [ "A bunch of cut flowers", "The scent of a particular wine", "The heart note of a perfume", "A compliment or expression of praise", "The reserve of cards in the game of Flower Garden and variations", "The ninth Lenormand card, sometimes called Flowers instead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bouquet", "num_translations": 127 }, "salient": { "senses": [ "Worthy of note", "pertinent or relevant", "Prominent", "conspicuous", "Depicted in a leaping posture", "Projecting outwards, pointing outwards", "Moving by leaps or springs", "jumping", "Shooting or springing out", "projecting", "Denoting any angle less than two right angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "salient", "num_translations": 34 }, "hoodwink": { "senses": [ "To deceive by disguise", "to dupe, bewile, mislead", "To cover the eyes with a hood", "to blindfold", "To overshadow something in a way that one is blind or oblivious to it", "To hide or obscure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hoodwink", "num_translations": 22 }, "astonish": { "senses": [ "To surprise greatly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "astound" ], "word": "astonish", "num_translations": 48 }, "pastor": { "senses": [ "A shepherd", "someone who tends to a flock of animals", "Someone with spiritual authority over a group of people", "A minister or priest in a church", "The main priest serving a parish", "A bird, the rosy starling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shepherd", "elder", "parish priest" ], "word": "pastor", "num_translations": 16 }, "ignoble": { "senses": [ "Not noble", "plebeian", "common", "Not honorable", "base", "Not a true or \"noble\" falcon", "said of certain hawks, such as the goshawk" ], "antonyms": [ "noble", "noble" ], "synonyms": [ "common", "degenerate" ], "word": "ignoble", "num_translations": 35 }, "recede": { "senses": [ "To move back", "to retreat", "to withdraw", "To cede back", "to grant or yield again to a former possessor", "To take back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "withdraw" ], "word": "recede", "num_translations": 12 }, "meditate": { "senses": [ "To contemplate", "to keep the mind fixed upon something", "to study", "To sit or lie down and come to a deep rest while still remaining conscious", "To consider", "to reflect on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ponder" ], "word": "meditate", "num_translations": 34 }, "prank": { "senses": [ "A practical joke or mischievous trick", "An evil deed", "a malicious trick, an act of cruel deception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:joke" ], "word": "prank", "num_translations": 79 }, "prankster": { "senses": [ "One who performs pranks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trickster" ], "word": "prankster", "num_translations": 31 }, "trickster": { "senses": [ "Any of numerous figures featuring in various mythologies and folk traditions, who use guile and secret knowledge to challenge authority and play tricks and pranks on others", "any similar figure in literature", "One who plays tricks or pranks on others", "One who performs tricks", "An impish or playful person", "A fraud" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prankster", "tricker" ], "word": "trickster", "num_translations": 39 }, "malaria": { "senses": [ "A disease spread by mosquito, in which a protozoan, Plasmodium, multiplies in blood every few days", "Supposed poisonous air arising from marshy districts, once thought to cause fever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ague" ], "word": "malaria", "num_translations": 109 }, "eigenfunction": { "senses": [ "A function \\phi such that, for a given linear operator D, D\\phi=\\lambda\\phi for some scalar \\lambda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proper function" ], "word": "eigenfunction", "num_translations": 12 }, "inexpensive": { "senses": [ "low in price" ], "antonyms": [ "dear", "expensive" ], "synonyms": [ "cheap", "economical" ], "word": "inexpensive", "num_translations": 47 }, "tendon": { "senses": [ "A tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment", "A wire or bar used to strengthen prestressed concrete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sinew" ], "word": "tendon", "num_translations": 99 }, "abugida": { "senses": [ "A kind of syllabary in which a symbol or glyph representing a syllable contains parts representing a vowel and a consonant, typically such that symbols for different syllables are generated by adding, altering or removing the vowel portion, often by applying a diacritic to a stable consonant symbol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alphasyllabary" ], "word": "abugida", "num_translations": 24 }, "-graph": { "senses": [ "that writes", "that is written", "that draws or shows", "that is drawn or shown", "A group of letters of a specified number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-graph", "num_translations": 12 }, "whitetrash": { "senses": [ "A poorly-educated white person or, collectively, white people of low social status" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whitey" ], "word": "whitetrash", "num_translations": 15 }, "lag1": { "senses": [ "A gap, a delay", "an interval created by something not keeping up", "a latency", "Delay", "latency", "One sentenced to transportation for a crime", "a prisoner, a criminal", "A method of deciding which player shall start Both players simultaneously strike a cue ball from the baulk line to hit the top cushion and rebound down the table", "the player whose ball finishes closest to the baulk cushion wins", "that which comes in last", "The fag-end", "the rump", "hence, the lowest class", "A stave of a cask, drum, etc", "especially one of the narrow boards or staves forming the covering of a cylindrical object, such as a boiler, or the cylinder of a carding machine or steam engine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "latency" ], "word": "lag", "num_translations": 20 }, "lag2": { "senses": [ "to fail to keep up , to fall behind", "to cover with felt strips or similar material", "To transport as a punishment for crime", "to slacken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lag", "num_translations": 27 }, "miserable": { "senses": [ "In a state of misery: very sad, ill, or poor", "Very bad", "unskilled, incompetent", "Wretched", "worthless", "mean", "Causing unhappiness or misery", "Avaricious", "niggardly", "miserly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ ")" ], "word": "miserable", "num_translations": 98 }, "cyborg": { "senses": [ "A person who is part machine, a robot who is part organic", "A robot who has an organic past", "A human with electronic or bionic prostheses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bion", "cybernetic organism", "cyberman" ], "word": "cyborg", "num_translations": 37 }, "excuse": { "senses": [ "To forgive", "to pardon", "To allow to leave, or release from any obligation", "to explain, with the aim of alleviating guilt or negative judgement", "To relieve of an imputation by apology or defense", "to make apology for as not seriously evil", "to ask pardon or indulgence for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forgive" ], "word": "excuse", "num_translations": 90 }, "excuse1": { "senses": [ "Explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgment", "a plea offered in extenuation of a fault", "A defense to a criminal or civil charge wherein the accused party admits to doing acts for which legal consequences would normally be appropriate, but asserts that special circumstances relieve that party of culpability for having done those acts", "An example of something that is substandard or of inferior quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pretext" ], "word": "excuse", "num_translations": 70 }, "often": { "senses": [ "Frequently, many times" ], "antonyms": [ "infrequently", "occasionally", "rarely", "seldom" ], "synonyms": [ "a lot", "frequently", "usually" ], "word": "often", "num_translations": 172 }, "peccary": { "senses": [ "Any of the family Tayassuidae of mammals from the Americas related to pigs and hippos" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "javelina" ], "word": "peccary", "num_translations": 23 }, "spy": { "senses": [ "A person who secretly watches and examines the actions of other individuals or organizations and gathers information on them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intelligencer", "Thesaurus:spy" ], "word": "spy", "num_translations": 140 }, "spy1": { "senses": [ "To spot", "to catch sight of", "To search narrowly", "to scrutinize", "To explore", "to see", "to view", "inspect and examine secretly, as a country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spy", "num_translations": 63 }, "category": { "senses": [ "A group, often named or numbered, to which items are assigned based on similarity or defined criteria", "A collection of objects, together with a transitively closed collection of composable arrows between them, such that every object has an identity arrow, and such that arrow composition is associative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "class", "family", "genus", "group", "kingdom", "order", "phylum", "race", "tribe", "type", "Thesaurus:class" ], "word": "category", "num_translations": 116 }, "relax": { "senses": [ "To calm down", "To make something loose", "To become loose", "To make something less severe or tense", "To become less severe or tense", "To make something more lenient", "To become more lenient", "To relieve from stress", "To relieve from constipation", "to loosen", "to open" ], "antonyms": [ "stress" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "relax", "num_translations": 147 }, "presentation": { "senses": [ "The act of presenting, or something presented", "A dramatic performance", "An award given to someone on a special occasion", "Money given as a wedding gift", "A lecture or speech given in front of an audience", "The symptoms and other possible indications of disease, trauma, etc, that are exhibited by a patient who has sought, or has otherwise come to, the attention of a physician, eg, \"Thirty-four-year-old male presented in the emergency room with slight fever, dilated pupils, and marked disorientation\"", "The position of the foetus in the uterus at birth", "Offering one's blade for engagement by the opponent", "The specification of a group by generators and relators", "The act or right of offering a clergyman to the bishop or ordinary for institution in a benefice", "The preparation of antigen fragments during the immune response" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "presentation", "num_translations": 45 }, "claim": { "senses": [ "A demand of ownership made for something", "The right or ground of demanding", "A new statement of something one believes to be the truth, usually when the statement has yet to be verified or without valid evidence provided", "A demand of ownership for previously unowned land", "A legal demand for compensation or damages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "claim", "num_translations": 119 }, "claim1": { "senses": [ "To demand ownership of", "To state a new fact, typically without providing evidence to prove it is true", "To demand ownership or right to use for land", "To demand compensation or damages through the courts", "To be entitled to anything", "to deduce a right or title", "To cause the loss of, usually by violent means", "To call or name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "claim", "num_translations": 90 }, "repeat": { "senses": [ "To do or say again", "To happen again", "recur", "To echo the words of", "To strike the hours, as a watch does", "To make trial of again", "to undergo or encounter again", "To repay or refund", "To call in a previous artillery fire mission with the same ammunition and method either on the coordinates or adjusted either because destruction of the target was insufficient or missed", "To commit fraud in an election by voting more than once for the same candidate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "redo", "reoccur" ], "word": "repeat", "num_translations": 88 }, "observe": { "senses": [ "To notice or view, especially carefully or with attention to detail", "To follow or obey the custom, practice, or rules", "To comment on something", "to make an observation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celebrate" ], "word": "observe", "num_translations": 133 }, "lecture1": { "senses": [ "To teach by giving a speech on a given topic", "To preach, to berate, to scold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "lecture", "num_translations": 33 }, "divorce": { "senses": [ "The legal dissolution of a marriage", "A separation of connected things", "That which separates" ], "antonyms": [ "marriage" ], "synonyms": [ "divorcement", "partition" ], "word": "divorce", "num_translations": 117 }, "divorce1": { "senses": [ "To legally dissolve a marriage between two people", "To end one's own marriage to in this way", "To separate something that was connected" ], "antonyms": [ "marry" ], "synonyms": [ "split up", "disassociate" ], "word": "divorce", "num_translations": 129 }, "marketing1": { "senses": [ "Buying and selling in a market", "The promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service", "the work of a marketer", "includes market research and advertising", "Shopping, going to market" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "marketing", "num_translations": 71 }, "region": { "senses": [ "Any considerable and connected part of a space or surface", "specifically, a tract of land or sea of considerable but indefinite extent", "a country", "a district", "in a broad sense, a place without special reference to location or extent but viewed as an entity for geographical, social or cultural reasons", "An administrative subdivision of a city, a territory, a country or the European Union", "Such a division of the city of Rome and of the territory about Rome, of which the number varied at different times", "a district, quarter, or ward", "A place in or a part of the body in any way indicated", "Place", "rank", "station", "dignity", "equivalent to province" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "region", "num_translations": 241 }, "hire": { "senses": [ "Payment for the temporary use of something", "Reward, payment", "employment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "employment" ], "word": "hire", "num_translations": 17 }, "hire1": { "senses": [ "To obtain the services of in return for fixed payment", "To employ", "to obtain the services of in exchange for remuneration", "to give someone a job", "To exchange the services of for remuneration", "To accomplish by paying for services", "To accept employment" ], "antonyms": [ "fire" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hire", "num_translations": 108 }, "majority": { "senses": [ "More than half of some group", "The difference between the winning vote and the rest of the votes", "Legal adulthood", "The office held by a member of the armed forces in the rank of major", "Ancestors", "ancestry" ], "antonyms": [ "minority" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "majority", "num_translations": 98 }, "flexible": { "senses": [ "Capable of being flexed or bent without breaking", "able to be turned or twisted without breaking", "Willing or prone to give way to the influence of others", "not invincibly rigid or obstinate", "Capable or being adapted or molded in some way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bendsome", "ductile", "inconstant", "manageable", "obsequious", "pliant", "pliable", "supple", "tractable", "wavering" ], "word": "flexible", "num_translations": 114 }, "pleasant": { "senses": [ "Giving pleasure", "pleasing in manner", "Facetious, joking" ], "antonyms": [ "disagreeable", "nasty", "unpleasant" ], "synonyms": [ "agreeable", "nice" ], "word": "pleasant", "num_translations": 125 }, "polite": { "senses": [ "Well-mannered, civilized", "Smooth, polished, burnished" ], "antonyms": [ "impolite", "rude" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:polite" ], "word": "polite", "num_translations": 107 }, "income": { "senses": [ "Money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others", "Money coming in to a fund, account, or policy", "A coming in", "arrival", "entrance", "introduction", "A newcomer or arrival", "An entrance-fee", "A coming in as by influx or inspiration, hence, an inspired quality or characteristic, as courage or zeal", "an inflowing principle", "A disease or ailment without known or apparent cause, as distinguished from one induced by accident or contagion", "an oncome", "That which is taken into the body as food", "the ingesta", "sometimes restricted to the nutritive, or digestible, portion of the food" ], "antonyms": [ "outgo" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "income", "num_translations": 57 }, "cornflower": { "senses": [ "A small annual plant in the family Asteraceae, Centaurea cyanus, usually with bushy blue flowers which grows natively in European cornfields", "A plant of the species Cichorium intybus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bachelor's button", "common chicory" ], "word": "cornflower", "num_translations": 55 }, "defend": { "senses": [ "To ward off attacks against", "to fight to protect", "to guard", "To support by words or writing", "to vindicate, talk in favour of", "To make legal defence of", "to represent", "To focus one's energies and talents on preventing opponents from scoring, as opposed to focusing on scoring", "To attempt to retain a title, or attempt to reach the same stage in a competition as one did in the previous edition of that competition", "To call a raise from the big blind", "To ward off, repel", "To prevent, to keep", "To prohibit, forbid" ], "antonyms": [ "attack" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defend" ], "word": "defend", "num_translations": 109 }, "slender": { "senses": [ "Thin", "slim", "meagre", "deficient", "Palatalized" ], "antonyms": [ "broad" ], "synonyms": [ "lithe", "insufficient" ], "word": "slender", "num_translations": 52 }, "consumer": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, consumes", "Someone who trades money for goods or services as an individual", "An organism that uses other organisms for food in order to gain energy" ], "antonyms": [ "and : producer" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consumer", "num_translations": 54 }, "delivery": { "senses": [ "The act of conveying something", "The item which has been conveyed", "The act of giving birth", "A pitching motion", "A thrown pitch", "The manner of speaking", "The administration of a drug", "A ball bowled", "The process of throwing a stone", "Process of introducing foreign DNA into host cells" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "delivery", "num_translations": 158 }, "demand": { "senses": [ "The desire to purchase goods and services", "The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price", "A forceful claim for something", "A requirement", "An urgent request", "An order", "the power load integrated over a specified time interval" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imposition" ], "word": "demand", "num_translations": 124 }, "demand1": { "senses": [ "To request forcefully", "To claim a right to something", "To ask forcefully for information", "To require of someone", "To issue a summons to court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "call for", "insist", "frain" ], "word": "demand", "num_translations": 81 }, "marketshare": { "senses": [ "Percentage of some market held by a company" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "usage share" ], "word": "marketshare", "num_translations": 17 }, "guarantee": { "senses": [ "Anything that assures a certain outcome", "A legal assurance of something, eg a security for the fulfillment of an obligation", "More specifically, a written declaration that a certain product will be fit for a purpose and work correctly", "a warranty", "a guarantor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guarantee", "num_translations": 96 }, "guarantee1": { "senses": [ "To give an assurance that something will be done right", "To assume or take responsibility for a debt or other obligation", "To make something certain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assure", "warrant" ], "word": "guarantee", "num_translations": 73 }, "ointment": { "senses": [ "A viscous preparation of oils and/or fats, usually containing medication, used as a treatment or as an emollient", "A substance used to anoint, as in religious rituals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salve", "unguent" ], "word": "ointment", "num_translations": 121 }, "identityelement": { "senses": [ "An element of an algebraic structure which when applied, in either order, to any other element via a binary operation yields the other element" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "identity" ], "word": "identityelement", "num_translations": 10 }, "prime": { "senses": [ "First in importance, degree, or rank", "First in time, order, or sequence", "First in excellence, quality, or value", "Having exactly two integral factors: itself and unity", "Such that if it divides a product, it divides one of the multiplicands", "Having its complement closed under multiplication: said only of ideals", "Early", "blooming", "being in the first stage", "Lecherous, lewd, lustful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indivisible" ], "word": "prime", "num_translations": 146 }, "prime1": { "senses": [ "The first hour of daylight", "the first canonical hour", "The religious service appointed to this hour", "The early morning generally", "The earliest stage of something", "The most active, thriving, or successful stage or period", "The chief or best individual or part", "The first note or tone of a musical scale", "The first defensive position, with the sword hand held at head height, and the tip of the sword at head height", "the opposite of a flush in poker", "Six consecutive blocks, which prevent the opponent's pieces from passing", "The symbol \u2032 used to indicate feet, minutes, derivation and other measures and mathematical operations", "Any number expressing the combining weight or equivalent of any particular element", "so called because these numbers were respectively reduced to their lowest relative terms on the fixed standard of hydrogen as 1", "An inch, as composed of twelve seconds in the duodecimal system", "The priming in a flintlock" ], "antonyms": [ "composite" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:early morning", "Thesaurus:morning", "bloom", "choice", "prime number" ], "word": "prime", "num_translations": 86 }, "prime2": { "senses": [ "To prepare a mechanism for its main work", "To be renewed", "To serve as priming for the charge of a gun", "To work so that foaming occurs from too violent ebullition, which causes water to become mixed with, and be carried along with, the steam that is formed", "To apply priming to", "To prepare", "to make ready", "to instruct beforehand", "to coach", "To trim or prune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ground" ], "word": "prime", "num_translations": 43 }, "contract": { "senses": [ "An agreement between two or more parties, to perform a specific job or work order, often temporary or of fixed duration and usually governed by a written agreement", "An order, usually given to a hired assassin, to kill someone", "The declarer's undertaking to win the number of tricks bid with a stated suit as trump" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contract law" ], "word": "contract", "num_translations": 150 }, "contract2": { "senses": [ "To draw together or nearer", "to shorten, narrow, or lessen", "To shorten by omitting a letter or letters or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one", "To enter into, with mutual obligations", "to make a bargain or covenant for", "to covenant", "to agree", "to bargain", "To bring on", "to incur", "to acquire", "To gain or acquire", "To draw together so as to wrinkle", "to knit", "To betroth", "to affiance" ], "antonyms": [ "increase", "grow" ], "synonyms": [ "abate", "shorten", "catch" ], "word": "contract", "num_translations": 96 }, "cultivate": { "senses": [ "To grow plants, notably crops", "To nurture", "to foster", "to tend", "To turn or stir soil in preparation for planting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cultivate", "num_translations": 90 }, "export1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "something that is exported", "the act of exporting" ], "synonyms": [ "the act of exporting" ], "word": "export", "num_translations": 66 }, "export2": { "senses": [ "to carry away", "to sell to a foreign country", "to cause to spread in another part of the world", ": to send from one program to another", "to put up for international adoption" ], "antonyms": [ "to sell (goods) to a foreign country" ], "synonyms": [ "to carry away" ], "word": "export", "num_translations": 63 }, "solution": { "senses": [ "A homogeneous mixture, which may be liquid, gas or solid, formed by dissolving one or more substances", "An act, plan or other means, used or proposed, to solve a problem", "The answer to a problem", "A product, service or suite thereof", "Satisfaction of a claim or debt", "The act of dissolving, especially of a solid by a fluid", "The crisis of a disease" ], "antonyms": [ "problem", "precipitation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "solution", "num_translations": 182 }, "qualified": { "senses": [ "Meeting the standards, requirements, and training for a position", "Restricted or limited by conditions" ], "antonyms": [ "non-qualified", "unqualified" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "qualified", "num_translations": 38 }, "sure": { "senses": [ "Physically secure and certain, non-failing, reliable", "Certain in one's knowledge or belief", "Certain to act or be a specified way", "Free from danger", "safe", "secure", "Betrothed", "engaged to marry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "certain", "certain" ], "word": "sure", "num_translations": 118 }, "sure2": { "senses": [ "Yes", "Yes", "of course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OK" ], "word": "sure", "num_translations": 31 }, "wish1": { "senses": [ "To desire", "to want", "To hope", "To hope", "To bestow towards", "To request or desire to do an activity", "To recommend", "to seek confidence or favour on behalf of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wish", "num_translations": 120 }, "speedoflight": { "senses": [ "The speed of electromagnetic radiation", "in a perfect vacuum it is defined as 299,792,458 metres per second", "A very rapid speed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Einstein barrier", "Einstein constant", "lightspeed", "light speed", "c" ], "word": "speedoflight", "num_translations": 47 }, "inauspicious": { "senses": [ "Not auspicious", "ill-omened" ], "antonyms": [ "auspicious" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inauspicious", "num_translations": 18 }, "return": { "senses": [ "To come or go back", "To go back in thought, narration, or argument", "To turn back, retreat", "To turn round", "To place or put back something where it had been", "To give something back to its original holder or owner", "To take back something to a vendor for a refund", "To give in requital or recompense", "to requite", "To bat the ball back over the net in response to a serve", "To play a card as a result of another player's lead", "To throw a ball back to the wicket-keeper from somewhere in the field", "To say in reply", "to respond", "To relinquish control to the calling procedure", "To pass back to the calling procedure", "To retort", "to throw back", "To report, or bring back and make known", "To elect according to the official report of the election officers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "return", "num_translations": 265 }, "return1": { "senses": [ "An answer", "An account, or formal report, of an action performed, of a duty discharged, of facts or statistics, etc", "especially, in the plural, a set of tabulated statistics prepared for general information", "Gain or loss from an investment", "The act of relinquishing control to the calling procedure", "A short perpendicular extension of a desk, usually slightly lower", "Catching a ball after a punt and running it back towards the opposing team", "A throw from a fielder to the wicket-keeper or to another fielder at the wicket", "The continuation in a different direction, most often at a right angle, of a building, face of a building, or any member, such as a moulding", "applied to the shorter in contradistinction to the longer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gaincoming" ], "word": "return", "num_translations": 117 }, "bong2": { "senses": [ "A vessel, usually made of glass or ceramic and filled with water, used in smoking various substances", "especially marijuana or pot", "A device for rapidly consuming beer, usually consisting of a funnel or reservoir of beer and a length of tubing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bucket bong", "beer bong" ], "word": "bong", "num_translations": 10 }, "blabber": { "senses": [ "To blather", "to talk foolishly or incoherently", "To blab", "to reveal a secret", "To stick out one's tongue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prattle", "Thesaurus:rat out" ], "word": "blabber", "num_translations": 11 }, "wreck": { "senses": [ "Something or someone that has been ruined", "The remains of something that has been severely damaged or worn down", "An event in which something is damaged through collision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crash", "ruins" ], "word": "wreck", "num_translations": 68 }, "wreck1": { "senses": [ "To destroy violently", "to cause severe damage to something, to a point where it no longer works, or is useless", "To ruin or dilapidate", "hence, to cause to suffer ruin", "to balk of success, and bring disaster on" ], "antonyms": [ "build", "construct", "make", "produce" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:destroy" ], "word": "wreck", "num_translations": 45 }, "fiery": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to fire", "Burning or glowing", "Inflammable or easily ignited", "Having the colour of fire", "Hot or inflamed", "Tempestuous or emotionally volatile", "Spirited or filled with emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fiery", "num_translations": 98 }, "enact": { "senses": [ "to make into law", "to act the part of", "to play", "to do", "to effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enact", "num_translations": 34 }, "pathology": { "senses": [ "The branch of medicine concerned with the study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences", "The medical specialty that provides microscopy and other laboratory services to clinicians", "Pathosis: any deviation from a healthy or normal structure or function", "abnormality", "illness or malformation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pathology", "num_translations": 74 }, "bootcamp": { "senses": [ "Initial, basic indoctrination, physical fitness training and basic instruction in service-related subjects for new recruits in the armed forces", "A short, intensive, quasi-military program generally aimed at young offenders as an alternative to a jail term", "Any short, intensive course of training" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "basic training" ], "word": "bootcamp", "num_translations": 18 }, "practice": { "senses": [ "Repetition of an activity to improve a skill", "An organized event for the purpose of performing such repetition", "The ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession, particularly in medicine or the fine arts", "The observance of religious duties that a church requires of its members", "A customary action, habit, or behaviour", "a manner or routine", "Actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory", "The form, manner, and order of conducting and carrying on suits and prosecutions through their various stages, according to the principles of law and the rules laid down by the courts", "Skilful or artful management", "dexterity in contrivance or the use of means", "stratagem", "artifice", "A easy and concise method of applying the rules of arithmetic to questions which occur in trade and business" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "practice", "num_translations": 169 }, "dance": { "senses": [ "A sequence of rhythmic steps or movements usually performed to music, for pleasure or as a form of social interaction", "A social gathering where dancing is the main activity", "A normally horizontal stripe called a fess that has been modified to zig-zag across the center of a coat of arms from dexter to sinister", "A genre of modern music characterised by sampled beats, repetitive rhythms and few lyrics", "The art, profession, and study of dancing", "A battle of wits, especially one commonly fought between two rivals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dance", "num_translations": 191 }, "dance1": { "senses": [ "To move with rhythmic steps or movements, especially in time to music", "To leap or move lightly and rapidly", "To perform the steps to", "To make love or have sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "throw shapes", "do the deed" ], "word": "dance", "num_translations": 176 }, "receive": { "senses": [ "To take, as something that is offered, given, committed, sent, paid, etc", "to accept", "to be given something", "To take goods knowing them to be stolen", "To act as a host for guests", "to give admittance to", "to permit to enter, as into one's house, presence, company, etc", "To incur", "To allow", "to give credence or acceptance to", "To detect a signal from a transmitter", "To be in a position to take possession, or hit back the ball", "To accept into the mind", "to understand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "receive", "num_translations": 176 }, "prior2": { "senses": [ "A high-ranking member of a monastery, usually lower in rank than an abbot", "A chief magistrate in Italy", "A previous arrest or criminal conviction on someone's record" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provost" ], "word": "prior", "num_translations": 22 }, "wild": { "senses": [ "Untamed", "not domesticated", "specifically, in an unbroken line of undomesticated animals", "Unrestrained or uninhibited", "Raucous, unruly, or licentious", "Visibly and overtly anxious", "frantic", "Disheveled, tangled, or untidy", "Enthusiastic", "Inaccurate", "Exposed to the wind and sea", "unsheltered", "Hard to steer", "said of a vessel", "Not capable of being represented as a finite closed polygonal chain", "Amazing, awesome, unbelievable", "Able to stand in for others, eg a card in games, or a text character in computer pattern matching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wild", "num_translations": 150 }, "hall": { "senses": [ "A corridor", "A meeting room", "A manor house", "A building providing student accommodation at a university", "The principal room of a secular medieval building", "Cleared passageway through a crowd, as for dancing", "A place for special professional education, or for conferring professional degrees or licences", "A living room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hall", "num_translations": 112 }, "master": { "senses": [ "Someone who has control over something or someone", "The owner of an animal or slave", "The captain of a merchant ship", "The head of a household", "Someone who employs others", "An expert at something", "A tradesman who is qualified to teach apprentices", "A skilled artist", "A man or a boy", "a type of postgraduate degree, usually undertaken after a bachelor degree", "A person holding such a degree", "The original of a document or of a recording", "The primary wide shot of a scene, into which the closeups will be edited later", "A parajudicial officer specially appointed to help a court with its proceedings", "A device that is controlling other devices or is an authoritative source", "A person holding an office of authority, especially the presiding officer", "A person holding a similar office in other civic societies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "masters", "magistrate", "establishing shot", "skipper", "Thesaurus:skilled person" ], "word": "master", "num_translations": 331 }, "master2": { "senses": [ "to subject to one's will, control, or authority", "to conquer", "to overpower", "to subdue", "To learn to a high degree of proficiency", "To own", "to possess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "master", "num_translations": 41 }, "inferior": { "senses": [ "of lower quality", "of lower rank", "located below", "Situated below some other organ", "On the side of a flower which is next to the bract", "anterior", "Nearer to the Sun than the Earth is", "Below the horizon" ], "antonyms": [ "superior" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bad" ], "word": "inferior", "num_translations": 71 }, "superior": { "senses": [ "Higher in quality", "Higher in rank", "More comprehensive, as a term in classification", "Located above", "Greater or better than average", "extraordinary", "Beyond the power or influence of", "too great or firm to be subdued or affected by", "with to", "Of a planet: closer to the Earth than to the sun" ], "antonyms": [ "inferior" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "superior", "num_translations": 61 }, "possession": { "senses": [ "Control or occupancy of something for which one does not necessarily have private property rights", "Something that is owned", "Ownership", "taking, holding, keeping something as one's own", "A territory under the rule of another country", "The condition or affliction of being possessed by a demon or other supernatural entity", "The condition of being under the control of strong emotion or madness", "Control of the ball", "the opportunity to be on the offensive", "A disposal of the ball during a game, ie a kick or a handball", "A syntactic relationship between two nouns or nominals that may be used to indicate ownership" ], "antonyms": [ "absence" ], "synonyms": [ "ight", "owndom", "Thesaurus:property" ], "word": "possession", "num_translations": 124 }, "sight": { "senses": [ "The ability to see", "The act of seeing", "perception of objects by the eye", "view", "Something seen", "Something worth seeing", "a spectacle, either good or bad", "A device used in aiming a projectile, through which the person aiming looks at the intended target", "A small aperture through which objects are to be seen, and by which their direction is settled or ascertained", "a great deal, a lot", "frequently used to intensify a comparative", "In a drawing, picture, etc, that part of the surface, as of paper or canvas, which is within the frame or the border or margin In a frame, the open space, the opening", "The instrument of seeing", "the eye", "Mental view", "opinion", "judgment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sense", "view", "scope" ], "word": "sight", "num_translations": 107 }, "sight1": { "senses": [ "To register visually", "To take aim at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "espy", "aim" ], "word": "sight", "num_translations": 45 }, "command": { "senses": [ "An order to do something", "The right or authority to order, control or dispose of", "the right to be obeyed or to compel obedience", "power of control, direction or disposal", "mastery", "A position of chief authority", "a position involving the right or power to order or control", "exercise or authority of influence", "A body or troops, or any naval or military force, under the control of a particular officer", "by extension, any object or body in someone's charge", "Dominating situation", "range or control or oversight", "extent of view or outlook", "A directive to a computer program acting as an interpreter of some kind, in order to perform a specific task", "The degree of control a pitcher has over his pitches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "command", "num_translations": 133 }, "command1": { "senses": [ "To order, give orders", "to compel or direct with authority", "To have or exercise supreme power, control or authority over, especially military", "to have under direction or control", "To require with authority", "to demand, order, enjoin", "to dominate through ability, resources, position etc", "to overlook", "To exact, compel or secure by influence", "to deserve, claim", "To hold, to control the use of", "To have a view, as from a superior position", "To direct to come", "to bestow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decree" ], "word": "command", "num_translations": 82 }, "arrange": { "senses": [ "To set up", "to organize", "To plan", "to prepare in advance", "To prepare and adapt an already-written composition for presentation in other than its original form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "arrange", "num_translations": 122 }, "helper": { "senses": [ "One who helps", "an aide", "That which helps", "anything serving to assist", "A person who does cleaning and cooking in a family home, or in a market", "domestic employee", "a locomotive that assists a train, usually on steep gradients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banker" ], "word": "helper", "num_translations": 66 }, "firm2": { "senses": [ "fix securely", "To make compact or resistant to pressure", "solidify", "stabilise", "To improve after decline", "To shorten", "To select as one's preferred choice, so as to enrol automatically if one's grades match the conditional offer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "firm", "num_translations": 45 }, "helmet": { "senses": [ "A protective head covering, usually part of armour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brain bucket" ], "word": "helmet", "num_translations": 111 }, "difficult": { "senses": [ "Hard, not easy, requiring much effort", "Hard to manage, uncooperative, troublesome", "Unable or unwilling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burdensome", "Thesaurus:difficult" ], "word": "difficult", "num_translations": 188 }, "circular": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a circle", "In the shape of, or moving in a circle", "Circuitous or roundabout", "Referring back to itself, so as to prevent computation or comprehension", "infinitely recursive", "Distributed to a large number of persons", "Perfect", "complete", "Adhering to a fixed circle of legends", "cyclic", "hence, mean", "inferior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "circular", "num_translations": 98 }, "excellent": { "senses": [ "Having excelled, having surpassed", "Of higher or the highest quality", "splendid", "Exceptionally good of its kind", "Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality" ], "antonyms": [ "poor", "terrible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "excellent", "num_translations": 111 }, "swift1": { "senses": [ "A small plain-colored bird of the family Apodidae that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight", "Any of certain lizards of the genus Sceloporus", "Any of various fast-flying hesperiid butterflies", "A reel for winding yarn", "The main cylinder of a carding-machine", "The current of a stream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swift", "num_translations": 50 }, "lateral": { "senses": [ "To the side", "of or pertaining to the side", "Pertaining to the left or right of the body", "further from the midline", "At right angles to a line of motion or strain", "Pertaining to sounds generated by partially blocking the egress of the airstream with the tip of the tongue touching the alveolar ridge, leaving space on one or both sides of the occlusion for air passage" ], "antonyms": [ "medial", "longitudinal" ], "synonyms": [ "side" ], "word": "lateral", "num_translations": 48 }, "rage": { "senses": [ "Violent uncontrolled anger", "A current fashion or fad", "Any vehement passion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fury", "ire" ], "word": "rage", "num_translations": 95 }, "rural": { "senses": [ "Relating to the countryside or to agriculture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "campestral", "landly" ], "word": "rural", "num_translations": 82 }, "reverse": { "senses": [ "Opposite, contrary", "going in the opposite direction", "Pertaining to engines, vehicle movement etc moving in a direction opposite to the usual direction", "To be in the non-default position", "to be set for the lesser-used route", "Turned upside down", "greatly disturbed", "In which cDNA synthetization is obtained from an RNA template" ], "antonyms": [ "normal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reverse", "num_translations": 42 }, "reverse2": { "senses": [ "The opposite of something", "The act of going backwards", "a reversal", "A piece of misfortune", "a setback", "The tails side of a coin, or the side of a medal or badge that is opposite the obverse", "The side of something facing away from a viewer, or from what is considered the front", "the other side", "The gear setting of an automobile that makes it travel backwards", "A thrust in fencing made with a backward turn of the hand", "a backhanded stroke", "A turn or fold made in bandaging, by which the direction of the bandage is changed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reverse", "num_translations": 80 }, "reverse3": { "senses": [ "To turn something around so that it faces the opposite direction or runs in the opposite sequence", "To turn something inside out or upside down", "To transpose the positions of two things", "To change totally", "to alter to the opposite", "To return, come back", "To turn away", "to cause to depart", "To cause to return", "to recall", "To revoke a law, or to change a decision into its opposite", "To cause a mechanism or a vehicle to operate or move in the opposite direction to normal", "To change the direction of a reaction such that the products become the reactants and vice-versa", "To overthrow", "to subvert" ], "antonyms": [ "unreverse", "normalise / normalize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reverse", "num_translations": 71 }, "topic1": { "senses": [ "Subject", "theme", "a category or general area of interest", "Discussion thread", "An argument or reason", "An external local application or remedy, such as a plaster, a blister, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subject" ], "word": "topic", "num_translations": 113 }, "disk": { "senses": [ "A thin, flat, circular plate or similar object", "An intervertebral disc", "A vinyl phonograph/gramophone record", "A disc - either a CD-ROM, an audio CD, a DVD or similar removable storage medium", "A type of harrow", "A ring- or cup-shaped enlargement of the flower receptacle or ovary that bears nectar or, less commonly, the stamens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disk", "num_translations": 167 }, "easy": { "senses": [ "Comfortable", "at ease", "Requiring little skill or effort", "Causing ease", "giving comfort, or freedom from care or labour", "Free from constraint, harshness, or formality", "unconstrained", "smooth", "Consenting readily to sex", "Not making resistance or showing unwillingness", "tractable", "yielding", "compliant", "Not straitened as to money matters", "opposed to tight" ], "antonyms": [ "uneasy", "difficult" ], "synonyms": [ "relaxed", "light", "fast", "soft", "Thesaurus:easy" ], "word": "easy", "num_translations": 179 }, "usual": { "senses": [ "Most commonly occurring", "typical" ], "antonyms": [ "unusual" ], "synonyms": [ "wonted" ], "word": "usual", "num_translations": 57 }, "opera": { "senses": [ "A theatrical work, combining drama, music, song and sometimes dance", "The score for such a work", "A building designed for the performance of such works", "A company dedicated to performing such works", "A collection of work", "plural of \"opus\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "opera", "num_translations": 136 }, "spine": { "senses": [ "The series of bones situated at the back from the head to the pelvis of a person, or from the head to the tail of an animal", "backbone, vertebral column", "Something resembling a backbone, such as a ridge, or a long, central structure from which other structures radiate", "A pointed, fairly rigid protuberance or needle-like structure on an animal, shell, or plant", "The heartwood of trees", "Courage or assertiveness", "The stiffness of an arrow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "needle" ], "word": "spine", "num_translations": 199 }, "imitation": { "senses": [ "The act of imitating", "A copy or simulation", "something that is not the real thing" ], "antonyms": [ "creation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "imitation", "num_translations": 69 }, "tiny": { "senses": [ "Very small" ], "antonyms": [ "huge", "great" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tiny" ], "word": "tiny", "num_translations": 107 }, "logical": { "senses": [ "In agreement with the principles of logic", "Reasonable", "Of or pertaining to logic", "Non-physical or conceptual yet underpinned by something physical or actual" ], "antonyms": [ "illogical" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "logical", "num_translations": 68 }, "flounder1": { "senses": [ "To flop around as a fish out of water", "To make clumsy attempts to move or regain one's balance", "To act clumsily or confused", "to struggle or be flustered", "To be in serious difficulty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flounder", "num_translations": 28 }, "hobnob1": { "senses": [ "To drink together", "To associate with in a friendly manner, often with those of a higher class or status", "To have or have not", "to give or take", "To toast one another by touching glasses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fraternize", "rub elbows with" ], "word": "hobnob", "num_translations": 10 }, "yurt": { "senses": [ "A large, round, semi-permanent tent with vertical walls and a conical roof, usually associated with Central Asia and Mongolia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ger", "kibitka" ], "word": "yurt", "num_translations": 96 }, "cipher": { "senses": [ "A numeric character", "Any text character", "A combination or interweaving of letters, as the initials of a name", "a device", "a monogram", "A method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning", "A grouping of three digits in a number, especially when delimited by commas or periods:", "A fault in an organ valve which causes a pipe to sound continuously without the key having been pressed", "A hip-hop jam session", "The path shared cannabis takes through a group, an occasion of cannabis smoking", "Someone or something of no importance", "Zero" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "number", "code", "monogram", "nobody", "nonentity", "nothing", "nullity", "Thesaurus:nonentity", "naught" ], "word": "cipher", "num_translations": 61 }, "narrator": { "senses": [ "One who narrates or tells stories", "The person or the \"voice\" whose viewpoint is used in telling a story", "The person providing the voice-over in a documentary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "storyteller" ], "word": "narrator", "num_translations": 70 }, "fill": { "senses": [ "To occupy fully, to take up all of", "To add contents to so that it is full", "To enter , making it full", "To become full", "To become pervaded with something", "To satisfy or obey", "To install someone, or be installed, in , eliminating a vacancy", "to feed", "to satisfy", "To trim so that the wind blows on the after side of the sails", "To have sexual intercourse with" ], "antonyms": [ "empty", "empty" ], "synonyms": [ "pervade", "dick" ], "word": "fill", "num_translations": 190 }, "fill1": { "senses": [ "A sufficient or more than sufficient amount", "Inexpensive material used to occupy empty spaces, especially in construction", "Soil and/or human-created debris discovered within a cavity or cut in the layers and exposed by excavation", "A short passage, riff, or rhythmic sound that helps to keep the listener's attention during a break between the phrases of a melody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fill", "num_translations": 15 }, "exist": { "senses": [ "to be", "have being or reality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be" ], "word": "exist", "num_translations": 88 }, "existent": { "senses": [ "existing", "having life or being, current", "occurring now" ], "antonyms": [ "nonexistent" ], "synonyms": [ "existing" ], "word": "existent", "num_translations": 28 }, "architecture": { "senses": [ "The art and science of designing and managing the construction of buildings and other structures, particularly if they are well proportioned and decorated", "The profession of an architect", "Any particular style of building design", "Construction, in a more general sense", "frame or structure", "workmanship", "A unifying structure", "A specific model of a microchip or CPU", "The structure and design of a system or product" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "architecture", "num_translations": 131 }, "existential": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to existence", "Concerning the very existence of, especially with regard to extinction", "Based on experience", "empirical", "Relating to part of a clause that indicates existence, eg \"there is\"" ], "antonyms": [ "non-phenomenal", "noumenal", "non-metaphysical" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "existential", "num_translations": 15 }, "existentialism": { "senses": [ "A twentieth-century philosophical movement emphasizing the uniqueness of each human existence in freely making its self-defining choices", "The philosophical views of a particular thinker associated with the existentialist movement" ], "antonyms": [ "noumenalism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "existentialism", "num_translations": 44 }, "anthony": { "senses": [ "male given name, in regular use since the Middle Ages", "surname", "city/county seat co/Harper County s/Kansas c/USA", "city s/New Mexico", "town s/Texas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Anthony", "num_translations": 76 }, "surrogate": { "senses": [ "A substitute", "A deputy for a bishop in granting licences for marriage", "A politician or person of influence campaigning for a presidential candidate", "A judicial officer of limited jurisdiction, who administers matters of probate and interstate succession and, in some cases, adoptions", "Any of a range of Unicode codepoints which are used in pairs in UTF-16 to represent characters beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane", "An ersatz good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "surrogate", "num_translations": 36 }, "lavish": { "senses": [ "Expending or bestowing profusely", "profuse", "prodigal", "Superabundant", "excessive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "profuse", "prodigal", "wasteful", "extravagant", "exuberant", "immoderate", "Thesaurus:prodigal" ], "word": "lavish", "num_translations": 55 }, "unnecessarily": { "senses": [ "In an unnecessary way", "not by necessity", "To an extent beyond what is needed" ], "antonyms": [ "necessarily" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unnecessarily", "num_translations": 16 }, "unnecessary": { "senses": [ "Not needed or necessary", "Done in addition to requirements", "unrequired" ], "antonyms": [ "necessary", "required" ], "synonyms": [ "superfluous", "additional" ], "word": "unnecessary", "num_translations": 47 }, "endemic": { "senses": [ "Native to a particular area or culture", "originating where it occurs", "Peculiar to a particular area or region", "not found in other places", "Prevalent in a particular area or region" ], "antonyms": [ "alien", "systemic" ], "synonyms": [ "native", "indigenous" ], "word": "endemic", "num_translations": 48 }, "sport": { "senses": [ "Any activity that uses physical exertion or skills competitively under a set of rules that is not based on aesthetics", "Something done for fun, regardless of its design or intended purpose", "Somebody who behaves or reacts in an admirably good-natured manner, eg to being teased or to losing a game", "That which diverts, and makes mirth", "pastime", "amusement", "Mockery, making fun", "derision", "A toy", "a plaything", "an object of mockery", "Gaming for money as in racing, hunting, fishing", "A plant or an animal, or part of a plant or animal, which has some peculiarity not usually seen in the species", "an abnormal variety or growth The term encompasses both mutants and organisms with non-genetic developmental abnormalities such as birth defects", "a gambler", "One who consorts with disreputable people, including prostitutes", "An amorous dalliance", "A friend or acquaintance", "Play", "idle jingle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hobby", "Thesaurus:friend" ], "word": "sport", "num_translations": 174 }, "sport1": { "senses": [ "To amuse oneself, to play", "To mock or tease, treat lightly, toy with", "To display", "to have as a notable feature", "To divert", "to amuse", "to make merry", "To represent by any kind of play", "To practise the diversions of the field or the turf", "to be given to betting, as upon races", "To assume suddenly a new and different character from the rest of the plant or from the type of the species", "said of a bud, shoot, plant, or animal", "To close" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sport", "num_translations": 33 }, "triple": { "senses": [ "Made up of three related elements, often matching", "Of three times the quantity", "Designed for three users", "Folded in three", "composed of three layers", "Having three aspects", "Of time, three times as fast as very fast", "One of three", "third" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tern", "threefold" ], "word": "triple", "num_translations": 58 }, "triple1": { "senses": [ "Three times or thrice the number, amount, size, etc", "A drink with three portions of alcohol", "A hamburger with three patties", "A three-base hit", "A three-point field goal", "A takeout shot in which three stones are removed from play", "A sequence of three elements or 3-tuple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "triple", "num_translations": 15 }, "panel": { "senses": [ "A rectangular section of a surface, or of a covering or of a wall, fence etc", "A group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc as on a television or radio broadcast for example", "An individual frame or drawing in a comic", "A document containing the names of persons summoned as jurors by the sheriff", "hence, more generally, the whole jury", "A prisoner arraigned for trial at the bar of a criminal court", "A piece of cloth serving as a saddle", "A soft pad beneath a saddletree to prevent chafing", "A board having its edges inserted in the groove of a surrounding frame", "One of the faces of a hewn stone", "A slab or plank of wood used instead of a canvas for painting on", "A heap of dressed ore", "One of the districts divided by pillars of extra size, into which a mine is laid off in one system of extracting coal", "A frame for carrying a mortar", "A plain strip or band, as of velvet or plush, placed at intervals lengthwise on the skirt of a dress, for ornament", "A portion of a framed structure between adjacent posts or struts, as in a bridge truss", "A list of doctors who could provide limited free healthcare prior to the introduction of the NHS", "A group of tests or assays, a battery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "panel", "num_translations": 71 }, "blatant": { "senses": [ "Bellowing", "disagreeably clamorous", "sounding loudly and harshly", "Obvious, on show", "unashamed", "loudly obtrusive or offensive" ], "antonyms": [ "furtive" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obvious", "Thesaurus:gaudy" ], "word": "blatant", "num_translations": 64 }, "nevertheless": { "senses": [ "In spite of what preceded", "yet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "even so", "however", "nonetheless", "still", "though", "yet", "notwithstanding", "Thesaurus:nevertheless" ], "word": "nevertheless", "num_translations": 138 }, "shag": { "senses": [ "Matted material", "rough massed hair, fibres etc", "Coarse shredded tobacco", "A type of rough carpet pile", "Bacon or fat, especially if with some remaining hair or bristles", "A roughly-cut or torn-off piece of bread or cheese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shag", "num_translations": 15 }, "shag4": { "senses": [ "To shake, wiggle around", "To have sexual intercourse with", "To have sexual intercourse", "To masturbate", "To chase after", "especially, to chase after and return hit usually out of play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jiggle", "bonk", "do it", "get it on" ], "word": "shag", "num_translations": 41 }, "shag5": { "senses": [ "A swing dance", "An act of sexual intercourse", "A casual sexual partner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:copulation", "Thesaurus:casual sexual partner" ], "word": "shag", "num_translations": 28 }, "virile": { "senses": [ "Being manly", "having characteristics associated with being male, such as strength", "exhibiting masculine traits to an exaggerated degree such as strength, forcefulness or vigor", "Possessing high sexual drive and capacity for sexual intercourse", "Pertaining to a grammatical gender used in plurals of some Slavic languages, corresponding to the personal masculine animate nouns" ], "antonyms": [ "nonvirile", "muliebrile", "muliebral" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "virile", "num_translations": 41 }, "plug": { "senses": [ "A pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket", "Any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole", "A flat oblong cake of pressed tobacco", "A high, tapering silk hat", "A worthless horse", "Any worn-out or useless article", "A block of wood let into a wall to afford a hold for nails", "A mention of a product in an interview, or an interview which features one or more of these", "A body of once molten rock that hardened in a volcanic vent Usually round or oval in shape", "A type of lure consisting of a rigid, buoyant or semi-buoyant body and one or more hooks", "A small seedling grown in a tray from expanded polystyrene or polythene filled usually with a peat or compost substrate", "A short cylindrical piece of jewellery commonly worn in larger-gauge body piercings, especially in the ear", "A drug dealer", "A branch from a water-pipe to supply a hose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plug", "num_translations": 146 }, "plug1": { "senses": [ "to make tight by stopping a hole", "To blatantly mention a particular product or service as if advertising it", "To persist or continue with something", "To shoot a bullet into something with a gun", "To have sex with, penetrate sexually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keep up", "bust a cap", "drill" ], "word": "plug", "num_translations": 26 }, "pottery": { "senses": [ "Fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed", "The potter's craft or art: making vessels from clay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceramic", "ceramics", "earthenware" ], "word": "pottery", "num_translations": 105 }, "genre": { "senses": [ "A kind", "a stylistic category or sort, especially of literature or other artworks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kind", "type", "class", "Thesaurus:class" ], "word": "genre", "num_translations": 68 }, "classy": { "senses": [ "Elegant, highly stylish or fashionable", "Of a superior type", "especially, exhibiting admirable personal qualities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u00e0 la mode", "cool", "trendy" ], "word": "classy", "num_translations": 23 }, "elegant": { "senses": [ "Characterised by or exhibiting elegance", "Characterised by minimalism and intuitiveness while preserving exactness and precision", "Fine", "doing well" ], "antonyms": [ "clumsy", "haphazard", "inelegant" ], "synonyms": [ "classy" ], "word": "elegant", "num_translations": 56 }, "myopic": { "senses": [ "near-sighted", "unable to see distant objects unaided", "shortsighted", "improvident", "narrow minded" ], "antonyms": [ "hyperopic" ], "synonyms": [ "short-sighted", "near-sighted" ], "word": "myopic", "num_translations": 35 }, "paramount": { "senses": [ "Supreme", "highest", "chief", "Of the highest importance" ], "antonyms": [ "paravail" ], "synonyms": [ "highest", "utmost" ], "word": "paramount", "num_translations": 21 }, "ostensible": { "senses": [ "Apparent, evident", "meant for open display", "Appearing as such", "being such in appearance", "professed, supposed" ], "antonyms": [ "ulterior" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ostensible", "num_translations": 23 }, "heroic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a hero or heroine", "supremely noble", "Courageous", "displaying heroism", "Of a size larger than life, but less than colossal" ], "antonyms": [ "cowardly" ], "synonyms": [ "herolike" ], "word": "heroic", "num_translations": 41 }, "dissuade": { "senses": [ "To convince not to try or do" ], "antonyms": [ "persuade" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dissuade", "num_translations": 34 }, "persuade": { "senses": [ "To successfully convince to agree to, accept, or do something, usually through reasoning and verbal influence Compare sway", "To urge, plead", "to try to convince", "To convince of by argument, or by reasons offered or suggested from reflection, etc", "to cause to believe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "convince" ], "word": "persuade", "num_translations": 61 }, "lifejacket": { "senses": [ "an article of protective clothing that is designed to keep the wearer's head floating above the surface of the water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "life vest" ], "word": "lifejacket", "num_translations": 26 }, "despotism": { "senses": [ "government by a singular authority, either a single person or tight-knit group, which rules with absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tyranny" ], "word": "despotism", "num_translations": 56 }, "dislike1": { "senses": [ "To displease", "to offend", "To have a feeling of aversion or antipathy towards", "not to like", "To leave a vote to show disapproval of, or lack of support for, something posted on the Internet" ], "antonyms": [ "like" ], "synonyms": [ "mislike", "hate", "disrecommend" ], "word": "dislike", "num_translations": 57 }, "detest": { "senses": [ "To dislike intensely", "to loathe", "To witness against", "to denounce", "to condemn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hate" ], "word": "detest", "num_translations": 35 }, "despise": { "senses": [ "To regard with contempt or scorn", "To disregard or ignore" ], "antonyms": [ "admire", "cherish", "honor", "respect", "treasure" ], "synonyms": [ "contemn", "disdain", "scorn", "Thesaurus:despise" ], "word": "despise", "num_translations": 66 }, "scorn": { "senses": [ "To feel or display contempt or disdain for something or somebody", "to despise", "To reject, turn down", "To refuse to do something, as beneath oneself", "To scoff, to express contempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deride" ], "word": "scorn", "num_translations": 67 }, "scorn1": { "senses": [ "Contempt or disdain", "A display of disdain", "a slight", "An object of disdain, contempt, or derision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:contempt" ], "word": "scorn", "num_translations": 32 }, "hairy": { "senses": [ "Of a person, having a lot of hair on the body", "Of an animal, having a lot of fur", "Of a body part other than the head, having hair growing from it", "Difficult, complex, intricate, or intimidating", "Causing anxiety or fright", "terrifying, scary" ], "antonyms": [ "bald", "hairless" ], "synonyms": [ "furry", "furry", "furry" ], "word": "hairy", "num_translations": 118 }, "religious": { "senses": [ "Concerning religion", "Committed to the practice or adherence of religion", "Highly dedicated, as one would be to a religion" ], "antonyms": [ "irreligious", "areligious", "casual" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "religious", "num_translations": 93 }, "estimate": { "senses": [ "A rough calculation or assessment of the value, size, or cost of something", "A document specifying how much a job is likely to cost", "An upper limitation on some positive quantity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "estimation", "appraisal" ], "word": "estimate", "num_translations": 43 }, "estimate1": { "senses": [ "To calculate roughly, often from imperfect data", "To judge and form an opinion of the value of, from imperfect data" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appraise", "assessment" ], "word": "estimate", "num_translations": 33 }, "semen": { "senses": [ "A sticky, milky fluid produced in male reproductive organs that contains the reproductive cells" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ejaculate", "sperm", "Thesaurus:semen" ], "word": "semen", "num_translations": 145 }, "promulgate": { "senses": [ "To make known or public", "To put into effect as a regulation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:announce" ], "word": "promulgate", "num_translations": 41 }, "shoplift1": { "senses": [ "To steal something from a shop / store during trading hours", "To steal from shops / stores during trading hours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shop steal" ], "word": "shoplift", "num_translations": 28 }, "geisha": { "senses": [ "A Japanese female entertainer skilled in various arts such as tea ceremony, dancing, singing and calligraphy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geisha girl", "geiko", "maiko" ], "word": "geisha", "num_translations": 48 }, "seppuku": { "senses": [ "A form of ritual suicide by disembowelment using a blade, practiced by Japanese samurai, especially to rid oneself of shame, as a means of protest or, formerly, as a method of capital punishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hara-kiri" ], "word": "seppuku", "num_translations": 17 }, "orion": { "senses": [ "A giant-hunter, pursuer of the Pleiades and lover of Eos, and killed by Artemis", "A constellation on the celestial equator close to Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel", "surname", "male given name of modern usage", "female given name", "Place names:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Hunter", "ensifer" ], "word": "Orion", "num_translations": 66 }, "beriberi": { "senses": [ "An ailment caused by a deficiency of thiamine , leading to lethargy and organ complications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "endemic neuritis", "kakke" ], "word": "beriberi", "num_translations": 45 }, "greatbritain": { "senses": [ "The island off the north-west coast of Europe made up of England, Scotland and Wales Abbreviation: GB", "England, Scotland and Wales in combination", "The United Kingdom", "A national sports team representing the United Kingdom in an international competition", "The British Olympic Association" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gramarye" ], "word": "GreatBritain", "num_translations": 155 }, "generally": { "senses": [ "Popularly or widely", "As a rule", "usually", "Without reference to specific details", "Collectively", "as a whole", "without omissions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commonly", "basically", "by and large", "commonly", "ordinarily", "mostly", "regularly", "wontedly", "Thesaurus:mostly", "Thesaurus:usually", "Thesaurus:normally", "generically", "collaboratively" ], "word": "generally", "num_translations": 111 }, "lynch": { "senses": [ "To execute without a proper legal trial or procedure, especially by hanging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "string up" ], "word": "lynch", "num_translations": 23 }, "possibility": { "senses": [ "The quality of being possible", "A thing possible", "that which may take place or come into being", "An option or choice, usually used in context with future events" ], "antonyms": [ "impossibility" ], "synonyms": [ "contingency", "choice" ], "word": "possibility", "num_translations": 80 }, "excrete": { "senses": [ "To discharge material from a cell, body or system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "and" ], "word": "excrete", "num_translations": 24 }, "privy": { "senses": [ "Private, exclusive", "not public", "one's own", "Secret, hidden, concealed", "With knowledge of", "party to", "let in on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "privy", "num_translations": 40 }, "silverscreen": { "senses": [ "A cinema screen onto which movies are projected", "By extension, movies, or that which is related to movies or cinema" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big screen" ], "word": "silverscreen", "num_translations": 18 }, "constructedlanguage": { "senses": [ "A human language that has been consciously devised by an individual or a small group, as opposed to having naturally evolved as part of a culture like a natural language", "Any language, whether a human language, a programming language or markup language, that is not a natural language", "Any language used by people, as opposed to less civilized means of communication, such as the socialization between animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conlang", "artificial language" ], "word": "constructedlanguage", "num_translations": 42 }, "verbatim": { "senses": [ "Word for word", "in exactly the same words as were used originally", "Orally", "verbally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in so many words", "word for word", "by heart", "wordmeal" ], "word": "verbatim", "num_translations": 75 }, "verbatim1": { "senses": [ "Corresponding with the original word for word", "Able to take down a speech word for word, especially in shorthand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "word for word" ], "word": "verbatim", "num_translations": 16 }, "devilish": { "senses": [ "Resembling a devil", "Characteristic of a devil", "Extreme, excessive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atrocious", "demoniac", "deuced", "diabolic", "evil", "fiendish", "ghoulish", "malicious", "mischievous", "nefarious", "ogreish", "reprobate", "unhallowed", "wicked", "demonic", "excessive" ], "word": "devilish", "num_translations": 57 }, "rider": { "senses": [ "One who rides, often on a horse or a motorcycle", "A provision annexed to a bill under the consideration of a legislature, having little connection with the subject matter of the bill", "Something extra or burdensome that is imposed", "An amendment or addition to an entertainer's performance contract, often covering a performer's equipment or food, drinks, and general comfort requirements", "An additional benefit attached to an insurance contract", "A small, sliding piece of aluminium on a chemical balance, used to determine small weights", "An agent who goes out with samples of goods to obtain orders", "a commercial traveller", "One who breaks in or manages a horse", "The first Lenormand card, also known as either the horseman or the cavalier", "A problem of extra difficulty added to another on an examination paper", "An old Dutch gold coin with the figure of a man on horseback stamped upon it", "Rock material in a vein of ore, dividing it", "An interior rib occasionally fixed in a ship's hold, reaching from the keelson to the beams of the lower deck, to strengthen the frame", "The second tier of casks in a vessel's hold", "A small forked weight which straddles the beam of a balance, along which it can be moved in the manner of the weight on a steelyard", "A robber", "A piece, such as the rook or bishop, which moves any distance in one direction, as long as no other piece is in the way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rider", "num_translations": 77 }, "spiritual": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul", "Of or pertaining to God or a place of worship", "sacred", "Of or pertaining to spirits", "supernatural", "Consisting of spirit", "not material", "incorporeal", "Of or relating to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind", "mental", "intellectual", "Controlled and inspired by the Holy Spirit", "pure", "holy", "Not lay or temporal", "relating to sacred things", "ecclesiastical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spiritual", "num_translations": 70 }, "iffy": { "senses": [ "Of dubious authenticity, legitimacy or legality", "Uncertain or chancy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dodgy", "Thesaurus:iffy" ], "word": "iffy", "num_translations": 13 }, "explain": { "senses": [ "To make plain, manifest, or intelligible", "to clear of obscurity", "to illustrate the meaning of", "To give a valid excuse for past behavior", "To make flat, smooth out", "To unfold or make visible", "To make something plain or intelligible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "expound" ], "word": "explain", "num_translations": 171 }, "explanation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of explaining", "Something that explains, makes understandable", "A resolution of disputed points pursuant to discussion", "a mutual clarification of disputed points", "reconciliation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clarification" ], "word": "explanation", "num_translations": 91 }, "gob": { "senses": [ "A lump of soft or sticky material", "The mouth", "Saliva or phlegm", "A sailor", "Waste material in old mine workings, goaf", "A whoopee pie" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gob", "num_translations": 44 }, "willy3": { "senses": [ "the penis", "Term of abuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peter" ], "word": "willy", "num_translations": 31 }, "mediterraneansea": { "senses": [ "The sea between Europe and Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Great Sea" ], "word": "MediterraneanSea", "num_translations": 125 }, "guardian": { "senses": [ "Someone who guards, watches over, or protects", "A person legally responsible for a minor", "A person legally responsible for an incompetent person", "A superior in a Franciscan monastery", "A major or final enemy", "boss" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guardian", "num_translations": 131 }, "rampant": { "senses": [ "Rearing on both hind legs with the forelegs extended", "Rearing up, especially on its hind leg, with a foreleg raised and in profile", "Tilted, said of an arch with one side higher than the other, or a vault whose two abutments are located on an inclined plane", "Unrestrained or unchecked, usually in a negative manner", "Rife, or occurring widely, frequently or menacingly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rampant", "num_translations": 54 }, "unrestrained": { "senses": [ "immoderate", "not restrained or held in check", "spontaneous, natural and informal", "unconstrained", "Not subject to physical restraint" ], "antonyms": [ "restrained" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unrestrained", "num_translations": 25 }, "obligation": { "senses": [ "The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone", "A social, legal, or moral requirement, duty, contract, or promise that compels someone to follow or avoid a particular course of action", "A course of action imposed by society, law, or conscience by which someone is bound or restricted", "A legal agreement stipulating a specified action or forbearance by a party to the agreement", "the document containing such agreement" ], "antonyms": [ "right" ], "synonyms": [ "commitment", "duty" ], "word": "obligation", "num_translations": 89 }, "wizard": { "senses": [ "Someone, usually male, who uses magic, mystic items, and magical and mystical practices", "One who is especially skilled or unusually talented in a particular field", "A computer program or script used to simplify complex operations, often for an inexperienced user, an assistant program", "One of the administrators of a multi-user dungeon", "A wise man", "a sage", "An adult virgin over the age of 30" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skilled person" ], "word": "wizard", "num_translations": 230 }, "lubricant": { "senses": [ "A substance used to reduce friction between objects or surfaces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lube" ], "word": "lubricant", "num_translations": 43 }, "balloon": { "senses": [ "An inflatable buoyant object, often round and flexible", "Such an object as a child's toy or party decoration", "Such an object designed to transport people through the air", "A sac inserted into part of the body for therapeutic reasons", "such as angioplasty", "A speech bubble", "A type of glass cup, sometimes used for brandy", "A ball or globe on the top of a pillar, church, etc", "A round vessel, usually with a short neck, to hold or receive whatever is distilled", "a glass vessel of a spherical form", "A bomb or shell", "A game played with a large inflated ball", "The outline enclosing words represented as coming from the mouth of a pictured figure", "A woman's breast", "A small container for illicit drugs made from a condom or the finger of a latex glove, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toy balloon", "speech bubble" ], "word": "balloon", "num_translations": 234 }, "armed": { "senses": [ "Equipped, especially with a weapon", "Prepared for use", "loaded", "Furnished with whatever serves to add strength, force, or efficiency", "Having prickles or thorns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "armed", "num_translations": 39 }, "gorge": { "senses": [ "The front aspect of the neck", "the outside of the throat", "The inside of the throat", "the esophagus, the gullet", "the crop or gizzard of a hawk", "Food that has been taken into the gullet or the stomach, particularly if it is regurgitated or vomited out", "A choking or filling of a channel or passage by an obstruction", "the obstruction itself", "A concave moulding", "a cavetto", "The entrance to an outwork, such as a bastion", "A primitive device used instead of a hook to catch fish, consisting of an object that is easy to swallow but difficult to eject or loosen, such as a piece of bone or stone pointed at each end and attached in the middle to a line", "A deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides, particularly one with a stream running through it", "a ravine", "The groove of a pulley" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gorge", "num_translations": 93 }, "gorge1": { "senses": [ "to eat greedily and in large quantities", "To swallow, especially with greediness, or in large mouthfuls or quantities", "To fill up to the throat", "to glut, to satiate", "To fill up", "to block up or obstruct", "of ice: to choke or fill a channel or passage, causing an obstruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gorge", "num_translations": 42 }, "tomahawk": { "senses": [ "An ax/axe used by American Indian warriors", "A dunk in which the person dunking the ball does so with his arm behind his head", "A geometric construction consisting of a semicircle and two line segments that serves as a tool for trisecting an angle", "so called from its resemblance to the American Indian axe", "A field hockey shot style that involves a player turning their hockey stick upside-down and swinging it so that its inside edge will come into contact with the ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tomahawk", "num_translations": 22 }, "gullet": { "senses": [ "The throat or esophagus", "The cytopharynx of a ciliate, through which food is ingested", "The space between the teeth of a saw blade", "A channel for water", "A preparatory cut or channel in excavations, of sufficient width for the passage of earth wagons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gorge", "cytopharynx" ], "word": "gullet", "num_translations": 46 }, "trachea": { "senses": [ "A thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi", "the windpipe", "Xylem vessel", "One of the cuticle-lined primary tubes in the respiratory system of an insect, which extend throughout its body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "windpipe", "vessel" ], "word": "trachea", "num_translations": 64 }, "cocktail": { "senses": [ "A mixed alcoholic beverage", "A mixture of other substances", "A horse, not of pure breed, but having only one eighth or one sixteenth impure blood in its veins", "A mean, half-hearted fellow", "a coward", "A species of rove beetle, so called from its habit of elevating the tail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cocktail", "num_translations": 68 }, "aquiline": { "senses": [ "of, pertaining to, or characteristic of eagles", "resembling that of an eagle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eaglelike" ], "word": "aquiline", "num_translations": 26 }, "badnews": { "senses": [ "News of unpleasant, unfortunate or sad events", "An irritating, troublesome or harmful person, situation or thing" ], "antonyms": [ "good news" ], "synonyms": [ "troublemaker" ], "word": "badnews", "num_translations": 36 }, "republicofchina": { "senses": [ "This de facto state as it exists today", "Taiwan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese Taipei", "China" ], "word": "RepublicofChina", "num_translations": 68 }, "barren": { "senses": [ "Unable to bear children", "sterile", "Of poor fertility, infertile", "not producing vegetation", "Bleak", "Unproductive", "fruitless", "unprofitable", "empty", "Mentally dull", "stupid" ], "antonyms": [ "fertile", "fruitful" ], "synonyms": [ "sterile" ], "word": "barren", "num_translations": 122 }, "balmy": { "senses": [ "Producing balm", "Soothing or fragrant", "Mild and pleasant", "Foolish", "slightly crazy or mad", "eccentric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "balmy", "num_translations": 41 }, "bequest": { "senses": [ "The act of bequeathing or leaving by will", "The transfer of property upon the owner's death according to the will of the deceased", "That which is left by will", "a legacy", "That which has been handed down or transmitted", "A person's inheritance", "an amount of property given by will" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bequeathal", "legacy", "gift", "donation" ], "word": "bequest", "num_translations": 28 }, "behind": { "senses": [ "At the back of", "positioned with something else in front of", "To the back of", "After, time- or motion-wise", "responsible for", "In support of", "Left a distance by, in progress or improvement", "inferior to", "As a result or consequence of" ], "antonyms": [ "in front of" ], "synonyms": [ "in back of" ], "word": "behind", "num_translations": 210 }, "behind1": { "senses": [ "At the back part", "in the rear", "Toward the back part or rear", "backward", "Overdue, in arrears", "Slow", "of a watch or clock", "existing afterwards", "Backward in time or order of succession", "past", "backstage", "Not yet brought forward, produced, or exhibited to view", "out of sight", "remaining" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "behind", "num_translations": 54 }, "behind2": { "senses": [ "the rear, back-end", "butt, the buttocks, bottom", "A one-point score", "The catcher", "In the Eton College field game, any of a group of players consisting of two \"shorts\" and a \"long\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "behind", "num_translations": 75 }, "beggar": { "senses": [ "A person who begs", "A person suffering from extreme poverty", "A mean or wretched person", "a scoundrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mendicant", "palliard" ], "word": "beggar", "num_translations": 163 }, "beyond": { "senses": [ "Further away than", "On the far side of", "Later than", "after", "Greater than", "so as to exceed or surpass", "In addition to", "Past, or out of reach of" ], "antonyms": [ "before", "earlier" ], "synonyms": [ "ayond", "ayont" ], "word": "beyond", "num_translations": 89 }, "boundless": { "senses": [ "Without bounds, unbounded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bottomless" ], "word": "boundless", "num_translations": 27 }, "blunt": { "senses": [ "Having a thick edge or point", "not sharp", "Dull in understanding", "slow of discernment", "opposed to acute", "Abrupt in address", "plain", "unceremonious", "wanting the forms of civility", "rough in manners or speech", "Hard to impress or penetrate", "Slow or deficient in feeling: insensitive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dull", "stupid", "curt" ], "word": "blunt", "num_translations": 115 }, "blunt1": { "senses": [ "A fencer's practice foil with a soft tip", "A short needle with a strong point", "A marijuana cigar", "money", "A playboating move resembling a cartwheel performed on a wave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blunt", "num_translations": 14 }, "blunt2": { "senses": [ "To dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker", "To repress or weaken", "to impair the force, keenness, or susceptibility, of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blunten" ], "word": "blunt", "num_translations": 23 }, "bristle1": { "senses": [ "To be on one's guard or raise one's defenses", "to react with fear, suspicion, or distance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bristle", "num_translations": 19 }, "brow": { "senses": [ "The ridge over the eyes", "The first tine of an antler's beam", "The forehead", "The projecting upper edge of a steep place such as a hill", "A gallery in a coal mine running across the face of the coal", "Aspect", "appearance", "The gangway from ship to shore when a ship is lying alongside a quay", "The hinged part of a landing craft or ferry which is lowered to form a landing platform", "a ramp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forehead" ], "word": "brow", "num_translations": 16 }, "brag1": { "senses": [ "To boast", "to talk with excessive pride about what one has, is able to do, or has done", "often as an attempt to popularize oneself", "To boast of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boast" ], "word": "brag", "num_translations": 60 }, "blind": { "senses": [ "Unable to see, due to physiological or neurological factors", "Unable to be used to see, due to physiological or neurological factors", "Failing to see, acknowledge, perceive", "Of a place, having little or no visibility", "Closed at one end", "having a dead end", "Having no openings for light or passage", "smallest or slightest in phrases such as", "without any prior knowledge", "unconditional", "without regard to evidence, logic, reality, accidental mistakes, extenuating circumstances, etc", "Unintelligible or illegible", "Abortive", "failing to produce flowers or fruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blind", "num_translations": 196 }, "blind1": { "senses": [ "A covering for a window to keep out light The covering may be made of cloth or of narrow slats that can block light or allow it to pass", "A destination sign mounted on a public transport vehicle displaying the route destination, number, name and/or via points, etc", "Any device intended to conceal or hide", "Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design", "a subterfuge", "A halting place", "No score", "A player who is forced to pay such a bet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rollsign" ], "word": "blind", "num_translations": 55 }, "blind2": { "senses": [ "To curse", "To darken", "to obscure to the eye or understanding", "to conceal", "To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel, for example a road newly paved, in order that the joints between the stones may be filled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blind", "num_translations": 45 }, "lazy": { "senses": [ "Unwilling to do work or make an effort", "disinclined to exertion", "Causing or characterised by idleness", "relaxed or leisurely", "Showing a lack of effort or care", "Sluggish", "slow-moving", "Lax:", "Turned so that is horizontal instead of vertical", "not calculating results until they are immediately required", "Wicked", "vicious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bone-idle", "Thesaurus:lazy" ], "word": "lazy", "num_translations": 175 }, "cannot": { "senses": [ "Can not", "Be forbidden or not permitted to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "can't" ], "word": "cannot", "num_translations": 50 }, "superman": { "senses": [ "An imagined superior type of human being representing a new stage of human development", "an \u00fcbermensch, an overman", "A person of extraordinary or seemingly superhuman powers" ], "antonyms": [ "netherman" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "superman", "num_translations": 44 }, "climb": { "senses": [ "To ascend", "rise", "to go up", "To mount", "to move upwards on", "To scale", "to get to the top of something", "To move by gripping with the hands and using the feet", "to jump high", "To move to a higher position on the social ladder", "Of plants, to grow upwards by clinging to something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scale" ], "word": "climb", "num_translations": 215 }, "cloak": { "senses": [ "A long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back", "a cape, often with a hood", "A blanket-like covering, often metaphorical", "That which conceals", "a disguise or pretext", "A text replacement for an IRC user's hostname or IP address, making the user less identifiable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cloak", "num_translations": 79 }, "comment1": { "senses": [ "To remark", "To make remarks or notes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comment", "num_translations": 49 }, "concord": { "senses": [ "A state of agreement", "harmony", "union", "Agreement by stipulation", "compact", "covenant", "treaty or league", "Agreement of words with one another, in gender, number, person or case", "An agreement between the parties to a fine of land in reference to the manner in which it should pass, being an acknowledgment that the land in question belonged to the complainant See fine", "An agreeable combination of tones simultaneously heard", "a consonant chord", "consonance", "harmony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concord", "num_translations": 26 }, "roger": { "senses": [ "Received" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roger that" ], "word": "roger", "num_translations": 24 }, "costly": { "senses": [ "Of high cost", "expensive" ], "antonyms": [ "costlessly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "costly", "num_translations": 38 }, "coward": { "senses": [ "A person who lacks courage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chicken", "scaredy pants", "yellowbelly", "Thesaurus:coward" ], "word": "coward", "num_translations": 168 }, "lodge": { "senses": [ "A local chapter of some fraternities, such as freemasons", "A local chapter of a trade union", "A rural hotel or resort, an inn", "A beaver's shelter constructed on a pond or lake", "A den or cave", "The chamber of an abbot, prior, or head of a college", "The space at the mouth of a level next to the shaft, widened to permit wagons to pass, or ore to be deposited for hoisting", "called also platt", "An indigenous American home, such as tipi or wigwam By extension, the people who live in one such home", "a household" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lodge", "num_translations": 58 }, "lodge1": { "senses": [ "To be firmly fixed in a specified position", "To stay in a boarding-house, paying rent to the resident landlord or landlady", "To stay in any place or shelter", "To drive to covert", "To supply with a room or place to sleep in for a time", "To put money, jewellery, or other valuables for safety", "To place with the proper authorities", "To become flattened, as grass or grain, when overgrown or beaten down by the wind", "To cause to flatten, as grass or grain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stay over" ], "word": "lodge", "num_translations": 38 }, "covetous": { "senses": [ "Extremely keen or desirous, especially to obtain and possess something belonging to someone else", "avaricious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:greedy" ], "word": "covetous", "num_translations": 20 }, "critic": { "senses": [ "A person who appraises the works of others", "A specialist in judging works of art", "a person who finds fault", "An opponent", "obsolete form of \"critique\"", "obsolete form of \"critique\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "critic", "num_translations": 118 }, "crooked1": { "senses": [ "Not straight", "having one or more bends or angles", "Set at an angle", "not vertical or square", "Dishonest or illegal", "corrupt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crooked", "num_translations": 117 }, "cunning": { "senses": [ "Sly", "crafty", "clever in surreptitious behaviour", "Skillful, artful", "Wrought with, or exhibiting, skill or ingenuity", "ingenious", "Cute, appealing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wily" ], "word": "cunning", "num_translations": 127 }, "cunning1": { "senses": [ "Practical knowledge or experience", "aptitude in performance", "skill, proficiency", "dexterity", "Practical skill employed in a secret or crafty manner", "craft", "artifice", "skillful deceit", "art or magic", "The disposition to employ one's skill in an artful manner", "craftiness", "guile", "artifice", "The natural wit or instincts of an animal", "Knowledge", "learning", "special knowledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "craftiness", "foxship", "list" ], "word": "cunning", "num_translations": 36 }, "conquest": { "senses": [ "Victory gained through combat", "the subjugation of an enemy", "An act or instance of overcoming an obstacle", "That which is conquered", "possession gained by force, physical or moral", "The acquiring of property by other means than by inheritance", "acquisition", "A person whose romantic affections one has gained, or with whom one has had sex", "A competitive mode found in first-person shooter games in which competing teams attempt to take over predetermined spawn points labeled by flags" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conquest", "num_translations": 34 }, "confess": { "senses": [ "To admit to the truth, particularly in the context of sins or crimes committed", "To acknowledge faith in", "to profess belief in", "To unburden of sins to God or a priest, in order to receive absolution", "To disclose or reveal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "confess", "num_translations": 105 }, "conquer": { "senses": [ "To defeat in combat", "to subjugate", "To acquire by force of arms, win in war", "To overcome an abstract obstacle", "To gain, win, or obtain by effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conquer", "num_translations": 75 }, "conceit": { "senses": [ "Something conceived in the mind", "an idea, a thought", "The faculty of conceiving ideas", "mental faculty", "apprehension", "Quickness of apprehension", "active imagination", "lively fancy", "Opinion, judgment", "Esteem, favourable opinion", "A novel or fanciful idea", "a whim", "An ingenious expression or metaphorical idea, especially in extended form or used as a literary or rhetorical device", "Overly high self-esteem", "vain pride", "hubris", "Design", "pattern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conceit", "num_translations": 50 }, "complexion": { "senses": [ "The combination of humours making up one's physiological \"temperament\", being either hot or cold, and moist or dry", "The quality, colour, or appearance of the skin on the face", "The outward appearance of something", "Outlook, attitude, or point of view", "An arrangement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:countenance" ], "word": "complexion", "num_translations": 54 }, "chide": { "senses": [ "To admonish in blame", "to reproach angrily", "To utter words of disapprobation and displeasure", "to find fault", "to contend angrily", "To make a clamorous noise", "to chafe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "chide", "num_translations": 42 }, "cheek": { "senses": [ "The soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes", "the outer surface of the sides of the oral cavity", "The lower part of the buttocks that is often exposed beneath very brief underwear, swimwear, or extremely short shorts", "Impudence", "One of the genae, flat areas on the sides of a trilobite's cephalon", "One of the pieces of a machine, or of timber or stonework, that form corresponding sides or a similar pair", "The branches of a bridle bit", "The middle section of a flask, made so that it can be moved laterally, to permit the removal of the pattern from the mould" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wang", "arsecheek", "impertinence", "gena" ], "word": "cheek", "num_translations": 299 }, "ceremony": { "senses": [ "A ritual, with religious or cultural significance", "An official gathering to celebrate, commemorate, or otherwise mark some event", "A formal socially established behaviour, often in relation to people of different ranks", "formality", "Show of magnificence, display, ostentation", "An accessory or object associated with a ritual", "An omen or portent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ceremony", "num_translations": 160 }, "carve": { "senses": [ "To cut", "To cut meat in order to serve it", "To shape to sculptural effect", "to produce by cutting, or to cut into a finished work", "To perform a series of turns without pivoting, so that the tip and tail of the snowboard take the same path", "To take or make, as by cutting", "to provide", "To lay out", "to contrive", "to design", "to plan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "carve", "num_translations": 71 }, "canopy": { "senses": [ "A high cover providing shelter, such as a cloth supported above an object, particularly over a bed", "Any overhanging or projecting roof structure, typically over entrances or doors", "The zone of the highest foliage and branches of a forest", "In an airplane, the transparent cockpit cover", "In a parachute, the cloth that fills with air and thus limits the falling speed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "canopy", "num_translations": 80 }, "captive1": { "senses": [ "Held prisoner", "not free", "confined", "Subdued by love", "charmed", "captivated", "Of or relating to bondage or confinement", "serving to confine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "captive", "num_translations": 21 }, "chronicle": { "senses": [ "A written account of events and when they happened, ordered by time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annals", "archives", "chronicon", "diary", "history", "journal", "narration", "prehistory", "recital", "record", "recountal", "register", "report", "story", "version" ], "word": "chronicle", "num_translations": 49 }, "adulterate1": { "senses": [ "To corrupt", "To spoil by adding impurities", "To commit adultery", "To defile by adultery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "debase" ], "word": "adulterate", "num_translations": 36 }, "adverse": { "senses": [ "Unfavorable", "antagonistic in purpose or effect", "hostile", "actively opposing one's interests or wishes", "contrary to one's welfare", "acting against", "working in an opposing direction", "Opposed", "contrary", "opposing one's interests or desire", "Opposite", "confronting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adverse", "num_translations": 47 }, "afloat": { "senses": [ "floating", "Covered with water bearing floating articles", "flooded", "Out at sea", "Making successful progress under one's own steam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "afloat", "num_translations": 19 }, "descry": { "senses": [ "To see", "To discover by the eye", "to espy", "to discern or detect", "To discover: to disclose", "to reveal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "descry", "num_translations": 17 }, "visibility": { "senses": [ "The condition of being visible", "The degree to which things may be seen", "The scope within which a variable or function is able to be accessed directly" ], "antonyms": [ "hiddenness", "invisibility", "latency" ], "synonyms": [ "apparency", "visibleness" ], "word": "visibility", "num_translations": 34 }, "aspect": { "senses": [ "Any specific feature, part, or element of something", "The way something appears when viewed from a certain direction or perspective", "The way something appears when considered from a certain point of view", "A phase or a partial, but significant view or description of something", "One's appearance or expression", "Position or situation with regard to seeing", "that position which enables one to look in a particular direction", "position in relation to the points of the compass", "Prospect", "outlook", "A grammatical quality of a verb which determines the relationship of the speaker to the internal temporal flow of the event which the verb describes, or whether the speaker views the event from outside as a whole, or from within as it is unfolding", "The relative position of heavenly bodies as they appear to an observer on earth", "the angular relationship between points in a horoscope", "The personified manifestation of a deity that represents one or more of its characteristics or functions", "The act of looking at something", "gaze", "Appearance to the eye or the mind", "look", "view", "The visual indication of a colour light signal as displayed to the driver With colour light signals this would be red, yellow or green" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aspect", "num_translations": 115 }, "commence": { "senses": [ "To begin, start", "To begin to be, or to act as", "To take a degree at a university" ], "antonyms": [ "cease", "stop" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "commence", "num_translations": 47 }, "compile": { "senses": [ "To put together", "to assemble", "to make by gathering things from various sources", "To construct, build", "To contain or comprise", "To write", "to compose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "compile", "num_translations": 58 }, "confound": { "senses": [ "To perplex or puzzle", "To fail to see the difference", "to mix up", "to confuse right and wrong", "To make something worse", "To combine in a confused fashion", "to mingle so as to make the parts indistinguishable", "To cause to be ashamed", "to abash", "To defeat, to frustrate, to thwart", "To damn", "To bring to ruination", "To stun, amaze" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "confound", "num_translations": 71 }, "complain": { "senses": [ "To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment", "To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge", "To creak or squeak, as a timber or wheel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grumble", "grouse", "grump", "bitch", "beef", "gripe", "whine", "kvetch", "moan", "whinge", "Thesaurus:complain" ], "word": "complain", "num_translations": 99 }, "compound": { "senses": [ "an enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined", "a group of buildings situated close together, eg for a school or block of offices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gaol" ], "word": "compound", "num_translations": 43 }, "compound1": { "senses": [ "composed of elements", "not simple", "dealing with numbers of various denominations of quantity, or with processes more complex than the simple process", "An octave higher than originally" ], "antonyms": [ "simple" ], "synonyms": [ "composite" ], "word": "compound", "num_translations": 37 }, "compound2": { "senses": [ "Anything made by combining several things", "A substance made from any combination elements", "A substance formed by chemical union of two or more ingredients in definite proportions by weight", "A lexeme that consists of more than one stem", "for example laptop, formed from lap and top" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amalgam", "compound word" ], "word": "compound", "num_translations": 74 }, "compound3": { "senses": [ "To form by combining different elements, ingredients, or parts", "To assemble into a whole", "to combine, mix, or unite", "To modify or change by combination with some other thing or part", "to mingle with something else", "To settle by agreeing on less than the claim, or on different terms than those stipulated", "To settle amicably", "to adjust by agreement", "to compromise", "To come to terms of agreement", "to agree", "to settle by a compromise", "To compose", "to constitute", "To increase in value with interest, where the interest is earned on both the principal sum and prior earned interest", "To worsen a situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agree", "assemble", "augment", "settle", "form" ], "word": "compound", "num_translations": 68 }, "convert": { "senses": [ "To transform or change into another form, substance, state, or product", "To change from one use, function, or purpose to another", "To induce to adopt a particular religion, faith, ideology or belief", "To exchange for something of equal value", "To express in alternative units", "To express in terms of another", "to furnish a mathematical formula by which a quantity, expressed in the former unit, may be given in the latter", "To appropriate wrongfully or unlawfully", "to commit the common law tort of conversion", "To score extra points after by completing a conversion", "To score", "To score a spare", "To undergo a conversion of religion, faith or belief", "To cause to turn", "to turn", "To change into another, so that what was the subject of the first becomes the predicate of the second", "To turn into another language", "to translate", "To increase one's individual score, especially from 50 runs to 100 runs , or from a century to a double or triple century", "To perform the action that an online advertisement is intended to induce", "to reach the point of conversion" ], "antonyms": [ "deconvert" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "convert", "num_translations": 115 }, "contrary": { "senses": [ "Opposite", "in an opposite direction", "in opposition", "adverse", "Opposed", "contradictory", "inconsistent", "Given to opposition", "perverse", "wayward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "contrary", "num_translations": 23 }, "contend": { "senses": [ "To strive in opposition", "to contest", "to dispute", "to vie", "to quarrel", "to fight", "To struggle or exert oneself to obtain or retain possession of, or to defend", "To strive in debate", "to engage in discussion", "to dispute", "to argue", "To believe and argue", "to advocate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "struggle" ], "word": "contend", "num_translations": 78 }, "boast1": { "senses": [ "To brag", "to talk loudly in praise of oneself", "To speak of with pride, vanity, or exultation, with a view to self-commendation", "to extol", "To speak in exulting language of another", "to glory", "to exult", "To possess something special" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brag" ], "word": "boast", "num_translations": 94 }, "extol": { "senses": [ "To praise", "to make high" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belaud", "flatter" ], "word": "extol", "num_translations": 31 }, "curl": { "senses": [ "a ringlet", "A curved stroke or shape", "A spin making the trajectory of an object curve", "Movement of a moving rock away from a straight line", "Any exercise performed by bending the arm, wrist, or leg on the exertion against resistance, especially those that train the biceps", "The vector field denoting the rotationality of a given vector field", "or \\vec{\\nabla}\\times\\vec{\\left}, that generates this field", "The contrasting light and dark figure seen in wood used for stringed instrument making", "the flame" ], "antonyms": [ "extension" ], "synonyms": [ "ringlet", "curlicue" ], "word": "curl", "num_translations": 85 }, "curl1": { "senses": [ "To cause to move in a curve", "To move in curves", "To exercise by bending the arm, wrist, or leg on the exertion against resistance, especially of the biceps", "To twist or form into ringlets", "to ornament", "To raise in waves or undulations", "to ripple", "To shape into a curve" ], "antonyms": [ "straighten", "straighten" ], "synonyms": [ "arch", "coil", "curve" ], "word": "curl", "num_translations": 35 }, "churl": { "senses": [ "A rustic", "a countryman or labourer", "a free peasant", "A rough, surly, ill-bred person", "a boor", "A selfish miser", "an illiberal person", "a niggard", "A freedman, ranked below a thane but above a thrall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "churl", "num_translations": 19 }, "blush": { "senses": [ "a red glow on the face caused by shame, modesty, etc", "A glow", "a flush of colour, especially pink or red", "Feeling or appearance of optimism", "A sort of makeup, frequently a powder, used to redden the cheeks", "A color between pink and cream", "A pale pink wine made by removing the dark grape skins at the required point during fermentation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blush", "num_translations": 72 }, "blush1": { "senses": [ "To become red in the face , especially due to shyness, shame, excitement, or embarrassment", "To be ashamed or embarrassed", "To become red", "to redden", "to make rosy", "To change skin color in the face", "To have a warm and delicate colour, like some roses and other flowers", "To glance with the eye, cast a glance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flush", "pinken", "redden" ], "word": "blush", "num_translations": 62 }, "chopper": { "senses": [ "A tool for chopping wood", "an axe/ax", "A knife for chopping food", "A crude tool with an irregular cutting edge formed by removing flakes from one side of a stone", "A thick mitten, usually with yellow leather on the outside", "The penis", "A type of road motorcycle, especially as used by biker/bikie gangs", "An AK-47 or similar assault rifle", "Any of various electronic switches used to interrupt one signal under the control of another", "The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "chopper", "num_translations": 13 }, "embarrassment": { "senses": [ "A state of discomfort arising from bashfulness or consciousness of having violated a social rule", "humiliation", "A state of confusion arising from hesitation or difficulty in choosing", "A person or thing which is the cause of humiliation to another", "A large collection of good or valuable things, especially one that exceeds requirements", "Difficulty in financial matters", "poverty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "embarrassment", "num_translations": 47 }, "backward": { "senses": [ "In the direction towards the back", "In the direction reverse of normal", "Reluctant or unable to advance", "Of a culture: undeveloped or unsophisticated", "Outdated", "On that part of the field behind the batsman's popping crease", "Further behind the batsman's popping crease than something else", "Unwilling", "averse", "reluctant", "Slow to apprehend", "having difficulties in learning", "Late or behindhand", "Already past or gone", "bygone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "backward", "num_translations": 86 }, "backward1": { "senses": [ "In the direction towards the back", "Toward, or in, past time or events", "ago", "By way of reflection", "reflexively", "From a better to a worse state, as from honor to shame, from religion to sin" ], "antonyms": [ "forward" ], "synonyms": [ "backwards" ], "word": "backward", "num_translations": 23 }, "liverpudlian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to Liverpool in the United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Scouse", "Liver" ], "word": "Liverpudlian", "num_translations": 10 }, "liverpudlian1": { "senses": [ "A native or resident of Liverpool in the United Kingdom", "someone connected with Liverpool Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Scouser" ], "word": "Liverpudlian", "num_translations": 14 }, "sally1": { "senses": [ "A sortie of troops from a besieged place against an enemy", "A sudden rushing forth", "A witty statement or quip, usually at the expense of one's interlocutor", "An excursion or side trip", "A tufted woollen part of a bellrope, used to provide grip when ringing a bell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sally", "num_translations": 21 }, "complicated": { "senses": [ "Difficult or convoluted", "Folded longitudinally" ], "antonyms": [ "simple" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "complicated", "num_translations": 75 }, "complicate": { "senses": [ "To make complex", "to modify so as to make something intricate or difficult", "To involve in a convoluted matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intricate", "entangle", "embroil", "mix up", "mire" ], "word": "complicate", "num_translations": 30 }, "callous": { "senses": [ "Emotionally hardened", "unfeeling and indifferent to the suffering/feelings of others", "Having calluses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heartless", "insensitive" ], "word": "callous", "num_translations": 82 }, "indifferent": { "senses": [ "Not caring or concerned", "uninterested, apathetic", "Indicating or reflecting a lack of concern or care", "Mediocre", "Having no preference or bias, being impartial", "Not making a difference", "without significance or importance", "Being in the state of neutral equilibrium", "Not different, matching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "indifferent", "num_translations": 94 }, "orotund": { "senses": [ "Characterized by fullness, clarity, strength, and smoothness of sound", "Pompous", "bombastic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sonorous", "pompous" ], "word": "orotund", "num_translations": 14 }, "seasonal": { "senses": [ "Of, related to or reliant on a season or period of the year, especially with regard to weather characteristics" ], "antonyms": [ "unseasonal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "seasonal", "num_translations": 16 }, "utility1": { "senses": [ "Having to do with, or owned by, a service provider", "Designating of a room in a house or building where mechanical equipment is installed", "such as a furnace, water tank/heater, circuit breaker, and/or air conditioning unit", "and often equipped with hookups for laundry equipment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "usefulness", "Thesaurus:utility" ], "word": "utility", "num_translations": 80 }, "melee": { "senses": [ "A battle fought at close range", "hand-to-hand combat", "brawling", "A noisy, confused or tumultuous fight, argument or scrap", "Any any confused, disorganised, disordered or chaotic situation", "Lively contention or debate, skirmish", "A cavalry exercise in which two groups of riders try to cut paper plumes off the helmets of their opponents, the contest continuing until no member of one group retains his plume", "Small cut and polished gemstones sold in lots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "melee", "num_translations": 45 }, "salvo1": { "senses": [ "A concentrated fire from pieces of artillery, as in endeavoring to make a break in a fortification", "a volley", "A salute paid by a simultaneous, or nearly simultaneous, firing of a number of cannon", "Any volley, as in an argument or debate", "The combined cheers of a crowd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "salvo", "num_translations": 31 }, "fulfill": { "senses": [ "To satisfy, carry out, bring to completion", "To emotionally or artistically satisfy", "to develop one's gifts to the fullest", "To obey, follow, comply with", "To fill full", "fill to the utmost capacity", "fill up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fulfill", "num_translations": 65 }, "satisfy": { "senses": [ "To do enough for", "to meet the needs of", "to fulfill the wishes or requirements of", "To cause to be true when the sentence is interpreted in one's universe", "To convince by ascertaining", "to free from doubt", "To pay to the extent of what is claimed or due", "To answer or discharge", "to give compensation for" ], "antonyms": [ "disappoint", "dissatisfy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "satisfy", "num_translations": 74 }, "snobby": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of a snob" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snobbish" ], "word": "snobby", "num_translations": 18 }, "damask": { "senses": [ "An ornate silk fabric originating from Damascus", "Linen so woven that a pattern is produced by the different directions of the thread, without contrast of colour", "made for furniture covering and hangings", "Damascus steel", "The peculiar markings or water of such steel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "damask", "num_translations": 43 }, "darkness": { "senses": [ "The state of being dark", "lack of light", "Gloom", "The product of being dark", "The state or quality of reflecting little light, of tending to a blackish or brownish color", "Evilness, lack of understanding or compassion, reference to death or suffering" ], "antonyms": [ "lightness", "light" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "darkness", "num_translations": 178 }, "darling": { "senses": [ "A person who is dear to one", "A kind or sweet person", "An affectionate term of address", "A person or thing very popular with a certain group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sweetheart" ], "word": "darling", "num_translations": 133 }, "debtor": { "senses": [ "A person or firm that owes money", "one in debt", "one who owes a debt", "One who owes another anything, or is under obligation, arising from express agreement, implication of law, or principles of natural justice, to pay money or to fulfill some other obligation", "in bankruptcy or similar proceedings, the person who is the subject of the proceeding" ], "antonyms": [ "creditor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "debtor", "num_translations": 77 }, "prodigal": { "senses": [ "Wastefully extravagant", "Yielding profusely, lavish", "Profuse, lavishly abundant", "returning after abandoning a person, group, or ideal, especially for selfish reasons" ], "antonyms": [ "frugal" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prodigal" ], "word": "prodigal", "num_translations": 34 }, "ojibwe": { "senses": [ "The language spoken by the native Algonquin people of central Canada, one of a closely related group of languages and dialects of the Algonquian branch of the Algic language family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ojibwa", "Ojibway", "Chippewa" ], "word": "Ojibwe", "num_translations": 31 }, "gee4": { "senses": [ "abbreviation of \"grand\"", "a thousand dollars", "abbreviation of \"gravity\"", "the unit of acceleration equal to that exerted by gravity at the earth's surface", "A guy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gee", "num_translations": 38 }, "cull": { "senses": [ "To pick or take someone or something", "To gather, collect", "To select animals from a group and then kill them in order to reduce the numbers of the group in a controlled manner", "To kill", "To lay off in order to reduce the size of, get rid of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cull", "num_translations": 34 }, "decay1": { "senses": [ "To deteriorate, to get worse, to lose strength or health, to decline in quality", "To rot, to go bad", "To change by undergoing fission, by emitting radiation, or by capturing or losing one or more electrons", "Loss of airspeed due to drag", "To cause to rot or deteriorate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "decay", "num_translations": 81 }, "nauticalmile": { "senses": [ "A unit of length corresponding approximately to one minute of arc of latitude along any meridian By international agreement it is exactly 1,852 metres" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "M" ], "word": "nauticalmile", "num_translations": 38 }, "orthogonal": { "senses": [ "Of two objects, at right angles", "perpendicular to each other", "Statistically independent, with reference to variates", "Of two or more aspects of a problem, able to be treated separately", "Of two or more problems or subjects, independent of or irrelevant to each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "orthogonal", "num_translations": 51 }, "rugby": { "senses": [ "A form of football in which players can hold or kick an ovoid ball The ball cannot be handled forwards and points are scored by touching the ball to the ground in the area past their opponent's territory or kicking the ball between goalposts and over a crossbar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rugby football" ], "word": "rugby", "num_translations": 65 }, "ejaculate": { "senses": [ "To eject abruptly", "to throw out suddenly and swiftly", "To say abruptly", "To eject or suddenly throw fluid or some other substance from a duct or other body structure", "Of a human being or other mammal: to forcibly eject from the urethra in response to sexual stimulation, in a male, semen", "and, in a female, vaginal fluid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ejaculate", "num_translations": 71 }, "condescend": { "senses": [ "To come down from one's superior position", "to deign", "To treat as though inferior", "to be patronizing", "to talk down", "To treat as though inferior", "to be patronizing toward", "to talk down to", "To consent, agree", "To come down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acquiesce", "patronize", "yield", "descend" ], "word": "condescend", "num_translations": 28 }, "wry": { "senses": [ "Turned away, contorted", "Dryly humorous", "sardonic or bitterly ironic", "Twisted, bent, crooked", "Deviating from the right direction", "misdirected", "out of place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wry", "num_translations": 41 }, "wry1": { "senses": [ "To turn", "to swerve or deviate", "To divert", "to cause to turn away", "To twist or contort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wry", "num_translations": 13 }, "cinch": { "senses": [ "A simple saddle girth used in Mexico", "Something that is very easy to do", "A firm hold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:easy thing", "breeze", "cakewalk", "doddle", "piece of cake", "walk in the park", "walkover" ], "word": "cinch", "num_translations": 21 }, "hazard": { "senses": [ "A game of chance played with dice, usually for monetary stakes", "popular mainly from 14th c to 19th c", "Chance", "The chance of suffering harm", "danger, peril, risk of loss", "An obstacle or other feature which causes risk or danger", "originally in sports, and now applied more generally", "An obstacle or other feature that presents a risk or danger that justifies the driver in taking action to avoid it", "A sand or water obstacle on a golf course", "The act of potting a ball, whether the object ball or the player's ball", "The side of the court into which the ball is served", "A problem with the instruction pipeline in CPU microarchitectures when the next instruction cannot execute in the following clock cycle, potentially leading to incorrect results" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortune", "adventure", "bet" ], "word": "hazard", "num_translations": 59 }, "peril": { "senses": [ "A situation of serious and immediate danger", "Something that causes, contains, or presents danger", "An event which causes a loss, or the risk of a specific such event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "danger", "Thesaurus:danger" ], "word": "peril", "num_translations": 52 }, "corgi": { "senses": [ "A dog of a breed having a small body, short legs and fox-like features" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Welsh corgi" ], "word": "corgi", "num_translations": 10 }, "newcastle": { "senses": [ "One of several large cities:", "The former name of Toodyay, a > in the > of >", "Several places in Canada:", "village co/Shropshire cc/England", "Several places in Ireland:", "settlement in the mtn/Blue Mountains c/Jamaica", "small seaside resort town co/Down p/Northern Ireland", "village on the northern coast of the isl:pref/Nevis c/Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Several places in the United States:", "small village co/Monmouthshire cc/Wales", "area/and/electoral ward town:pref/Bridgend cc/Wales" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Newcastle upon Tyne" ], "word": "Newcastle", "num_translations": 27 }, "spud": { "senses": [ "A dagger", "A tool, similar to a spade, used for digging out weeds etc", "a long-handled tool for removing bark from logs", "A potato", "A hole in a sock", "A type of short nut threaded on both ends", "Anything short and thick", "A piece of dough boiled in fat", "A testicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spud", "num_translations": 19 }, "shower": { "senses": [ "A brief fall of precipitation", "A device for bathing by which water is made to fall on the body from a height, either from a tank or by the action of a pump", "An instance of using of this device in order to bathe oneself", "A party associated with a significant event in a person's life, at which the person usually receives gifts", "A battle, an attack", "conflict", "Used as an intensifying pluralizer or intensifier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shower", "num_translations": 229 }, "shower1": { "senses": [ "To spray with", "To bestow liberally, to give or distribute in abundance", "to cascade down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "have a shower", "take a shower" ], "word": "shower", "num_translations": 74 }, "empower": { "senses": [ "To give permission, power, or the legal right to do something", "To give someone more confidence and/or strength to do something, often by enabling them to increase their control over their own life or situation" ], "antonyms": [ "ban", "disempower" ], "synonyms": [ "allow", "inspire" ], "word": "empower", "num_translations": 39 }, "dregs": { "senses": [ "The sediment settled at the bottom of a liquid", "the lees in a container of unfiltered wine", "The worst and lowest part of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "debris", "deposit", "draff", "dross", "exuviate", "feculence", "grounds", "grouts", "lees", "loser", "orts", "outcast", "rabble", "refuse", "residue", "residuum", "riffraff", "rubbish", "scum", "sediment", "settling", "trash", "trub" ], "word": "dregs", "num_translations": 80 }, "parvenu": { "senses": [ "A person who has risen, climbed up, or has been promoted to a higher social class, especially through acquisition of wealth, rights, or political authority but has not gained social acceptance by those within that new class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arriviste" ], "word": "parvenu", "num_translations": 30 }, "sandy": { "senses": [ "Covered with sand", "Sprinkled with sand", "Containing sand", "Like sand, especially in texture", "Having the colour of sand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sandy", "num_translations": 55 }, "john": { "senses": [ "male given name", "very popular since the Middle Ages", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sir", "boy" ], "word": "John", "num_translations": 443 }, "ruddy": { "senses": [ "Reddish in color, especially of the face, fire, or sky", "A mild intensifier, expressing irritation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rosy", "bally", "Thesaurus:damned" ], "word": "ruddy", "num_translations": 55 }, "huge": { "senses": [ "Very large", "Distinctly interesting, significant, important, likeable, well regarded" ], "antonyms": [ "tiny" ], "synonyms": [ "colossal", "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "huge", "num_translations": 87 }, "starve": { "senses": [ "To die", "in later use especially to die slowly, waste away", "To die because of lack of food or of not eating", "To be very hungry", "To destroy, make capitulate or at least make suffer by deprivation, notably of food", "To deprive of nourishment or of some vital component", "To deteriorate for want of any essential thing", "To kill with cold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "starve", "num_translations": 92 }, "amity": { "senses": [ "Friendship The cooperative and supportive relationship between people, or animals In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis", "Mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship, especially between nations", "peace", "accord" ], "antonyms": [ "enmity", "hostility", "enemyship" ], "synonyms": [ "friendliness", "friendship" ], "word": "amity", "num_translations": 12 }, "friendship": { "senses": [ "The condition of being friends", "A friendly relationship, or a relationship as friends", "Good will" ], "antonyms": [ "enemyship", "foeship" ], "synonyms": [ "entente cordiale" ], "word": "friendship", "num_translations": 157 }, "oriya": { "senses": [ "Odia, the language spoken in the state of Odisha, India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Odia" ], "word": "Oriya", "num_translations": 21 }, "starfish": { "senses": [ "Any of various asteroids or other echinoderms with usually five arms, many of which eat bivalves or corals by everting their stomach", "Any many-armed or tentacled sea invertebrate, whether cnidarian, echinoderm, or cephalopod", "A woman who reluctantly takes part in sexual intercourse, and lays on her back while spreading her limbs", "The anus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sea star", "cold fish" ], "word": "starfish", "num_translations": 86 }, "pathos": { "senses": [ "The quality or property of anything which touches the feelings or excites emotions and passions, especially that which awakens tender emotions, such as pity, sorrow, and the like", "contagious warmth of feeling, action, or expression", "pathetic quality", "A writer or speaker's attempt to persuade an audience through appeals involving the use of strong emotions such as pity", "An author's attempt to evoke a feeling of pity or sympathetic sorrow for a character", "In theology and existentialist ethics following Kierkegaard and Heidegger, a deep and abiding commitment of the heart, as in the notion of \"finding your passion\" as an important aspect of a fully lived, engaged life", "Suffering", "the enduring of active stress or affliction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pathos", "num_translations": 20 }, "compensate": { "senses": [ "To do after happens", "To pay or reward someone in exchange for work done or some other consideration", "To make up for", "to do something in place of something else", "to correct, satisfy", "to reach an agreement such that the scales are literally or balanced", "to equalize or make even", "To adjust or adapt to a change, often a harm or deprivation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:compensate", "guerdon", "acclimatize", "Thesaurus:atone", "Thesaurus:offset", "equate", "offset", "redeem", "accord", "reconcile", "harmonize", "atone", "indemnify", "requite", "rectify", "level", "resolve", "square", "amend", "expiate", "redress", "remedy", "remunerate", "appease", "restitute" ], "word": "compensate", "num_translations": 56 }, "frail": { "senses": [ "Easily broken physically", "not firm or durable", "liable to fail and perish", "weak", "infirm", "mentally fragile", "Liable to fall from virtue or be led into sin", "not strong against temptation", "weak in resolution", "unchaste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frail", "num_translations": 34 }, "impertinent": { "senses": [ "insolent, ill-mannered", "irrelevant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheeky" ], "word": "impertinent", "num_translations": 52 }, "invert": { "senses": [ "To turn upside down or inside out", "to place in a contrary order or direction", "To move up or down an octave, resulting in a change in pitch", "To undergo inversion, as sugar", "To divert", "to convert to a wrong use", "To turn inwards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "invert", "num_translations": 19 }, "peevish": { "senses": [ "Characterized by or exhibiting petty bad temper, bad-tempered, moody, cross", "Constantly complaining, whining", "childishly fretful", "Easily annoyed, especially by things that are not important", "irritable, querulous", "Clever, expert", "Sharp, piercing, bitter", "windy, blustery", "Perverse, refractory", "headstrong, obstinate", "capricious, skittish", "coy", "Silly, senseless, foolish", "Beside oneself", "out of one's senses", "mad", "Spiteful, malignant, mischievous, harmful", "Hateful, distasteful, horrid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peevish", "num_translations": 26 }, "athlete": { "senses": [ "A participant in a group of sporting activities which includes track and field, road running, cross country running and racewalking", "A person who actively participates in physical sports, especially with great skill", "a sportsperson", "An exceptionally physically fit person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sportsperson" ], "word": "athlete", "num_translations": 110 }, "attach": { "senses": [ "To fasten, to join to", "To adhere", "To come into legal operation in connection with anything", "to vest", "To win the heart of", "to connect by ties of love or self-interest", "to attract", "to fasten or bind by moral influence", "with to", "To connect, in a figurative sense", "to ascribe or attribute", "to affix", "with to", "To take, seize, or lay hold of", "To arrest, seize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attach", "num_translations": 58 }, "zealot": { "senses": [ "One who is zealous, one who is full of zeal for his own specific beliefs or objectives, usually in the negative sense of being too passionate", "a fanatic", "A member of a radical, warlike, ardently patriotic group of Jews in Judea, particularly prominent in the first century, who advocated the violent overthrow of Roman rule and vigorously resisted the efforts of the Romans and their supporters to convert the Jews", "A member of an anti-aristocratic political group in Thessalonica from 1342 until 1350" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enthusiast", "fanatic" ], "word": "zealot", "num_translations": 36 }, "zealous": { "senses": [ "Full of zeal", "ardent, fervent", "exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion" ], "antonyms": [ "apathetic" ], "synonyms": [ "ardent" ], "word": "zealous", "num_translations": 65 }, "ardent": { "senses": [ "Full of ardor", "fervent, passionate", "Burning", "glowing", "shining" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ardent", "num_translations": 42 }, "passionate": { "senses": [ "Given to strong feeling, sometimes romantic, sexual, or both", "Fired with intense feeling", "Suffering", "sorrowful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ardent", "blazing", "burning", "dithyrambic", "fervent", "fervid", "fiery", "flaming", "glowing", "heated", "hot-blooded", "hotheaded", "impassioned", "perfervid", "red-hot", "scorching", "torrid" ], "word": "passionate", "num_translations": 55 }, "adobe": { "senses": [ "An unburnt brick dried in the sun", "The earth from which such bricks are made" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mudbrick" ], "word": "adobe", "num_translations": 44 }, "addend": { "senses": [ "Any one of two or more numbers or other terms that are to be added together", "A moiety added to another molecule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "summand" ], "word": "addend", "num_translations": 36 }, "adept": { "senses": [ "Well skilled", "completely versed", "thoroughly proficient" ], "antonyms": [ "inept" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skillful" ], "word": "adept", "num_translations": 38 }, "adept1": { "senses": [ "One fully skilled or well versed in anything", "a proficient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skilled person" ], "word": "adept", "num_translations": 32 }, "afire1": { "senses": [ "On fire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ablaze", "aflame" ], "word": "afire", "num_translations": 15 }, "allyl": { "senses": [ "The univalent radical, CH2=CH-CH2-, existing especially in oils of garlic and mustard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allyl group" ], "word": "allyl", "num_translations": 10 }, "clique": { "senses": [ "A small, exclusive group of individuals, usually according to lifestyle or social status", "a cabal", "A subgraph isomorphic to a complete graph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coterie" ], "word": "clique", "num_translations": 43 }, "amble1": { "senses": [ "To stroll or walk slowly and leisurely", "Of a quadruped: to move along by using both legs on one side, and then the other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saunter" ], "word": "amble", "num_translations": 28 }, "anneal": { "senses": [ "To subject to great heat and then cooling, and sometimes reheating and further cooling, for the purpose of rendering less brittle", "to temper", "to toughen", "To cool glass slowly, to minimize internal stress", "To burn colors onto a glass or other surface", "*", "To make a double-stranded nucleic acid by pairing a single strand with a complementary strand", "To strengthen or harden" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indurate", "Thesaurus:strengthen" ], "word": "anneal", "num_translations": 27 }, "apogee": { "senses": [ "The point, in an orbit about the Earth, that is furthest from the Earth: the apoapsis of an Earth orbiter", "The point, in an orbit about any planet, that is farthest from the planet: the apoapsis of any satellite", "The point, in any trajectory of an object in space, where it is furthest from the Earth", "The highest point" ], "antonyms": [ "periapsis", "perigee", "nadir" ], "synonyms": [ "apocenter", "acme", "Thesaurus:apex" ], "word": "apogee", "num_translations": 30 }, "argot": { "senses": [ "A secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps and vagabonds", "The specialized informal vocabulary and terminology used between people with special skill in a field, such as between doctors, mathematicians or hackers", "a jargon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cant", "jargon" ], "word": "argot", "num_translations": 52 }, "arsine": { "senses": [ "A compound of arsenic and hydrogen, AsH3, a colorless and exceedingly poisonous gas, having an odor like garlic", "Any organic derivative of this compound, or of diarsane, triarsane etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arsane", "arsenic trihydride", "arseniuretted hydrogen", "arsenous hydride", "hydrogen arsenide" ], "word": "arsine", "num_translations": 14 }, "assay": { "senses": [ "Trial, attempt", "Examination and determination", "test", "The qualitative or quantitative chemical analysis of something", "Trial by danger or by affliction", "adventure", "risk", "hardship", "state of being tried", "Tested purity or value", "The act or process of ascertaining the proportion of a particular metal in an ore or alloy", "especially, the determination of the proportion of gold or silver in bullion or coin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assay", "num_translations": 32 }, "assay1": { "senses": [ "To attempt", "To try, attempt", "To analyze or estimate the composition or value of", "To test the abilities of in combat", "to fight", "To affect", "To try tasting, as food or drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assay", "num_translations": 18 }, "atone": { "senses": [ "To make reparation, compensation, amends or satisfaction for an offence, crime, mistake or deficiency", "To bring at one or at concordance", "to reconcile", "to suffer appeasement", "To agree or accord", "to be in accordance or harmony", "To unite in making", "To absolve of wrongdoing, especially by standing as an equivalent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "atone", "num_translations": 37 }, "atrium": { "senses": [ "A central room or space in ancient Roman homes, open to the sky in the middle", "a similar space in other buildings", "A square hall lit by daylight from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels", "A cavity, entrance, or passage", "Any enclosed sexine and nexine layers, widening toward the interior of the grain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cavaedium" ], "word": "atrium", "num_translations": 60 }, "audit": { "senses": [ "A judicial examination", "An examination in general", "An independent review and examination of records and activities to assess the adequacy of system controls, to ensure compliance with established policies and operational procedures, and to recommend necessary changes in controls, policies, or procedures", "final account", "Spiritual counseling, which forms the core of Dianetics", "A general receptacle or receiver", "An audience", "a hearing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "audit", "num_translations": 72 }, "balk": { "senses": [ "An uncultivated ridge formed in the open field system, caused by the action of ploughing", "The wall of earth at the edge of an excavation", "Beam, crossbeam", "squared timber", "A hindrance or disappointment", "a check", "A sudden and obstinate stop", "a failure", "An omission", "A deceptive motion", "a feint", "The area of the table lying behind the line from which the cue ball is initially shot, and from which a ball in hand must be played", "The area of the table lying behind the baulk line", "The rope by which fishing nets are fastened together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "balk", "num_translations": 31 }, "balk1": { "senses": [ "To pass over or by", "To omit, miss or overlook by chance", "To miss intentionally", "to avoid", "To stop, check, block", "To stop short and refuse to go on", "To refuse suddenly", "To disappoint", "to frustrate", "To engage in contradiction", "to be in opposition", "To leave heaped up", "to heap up in piles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "balk", "num_translations": 31 }, "basal": { "senses": [ "Basic, elementary", "relating to, or forming, the base, or point of origin", "Associated with the base of an organism or structure", "Of a minimal level that is necessary for maintaining the health or life of an organism", "In a phylogenetic tree, being a group, or member of a group, which diverged earlier The earliest clade to branch in a larger clade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "basilar" ], "word": "basal", "num_translations": 17 }, "baton": { "senses": [ "A staff or truncheon, used for various purposes", "The stick of a conductor in musical performances", "An object transferred by runners in a relay race", "A short stout club used primarily by policemen", "a truncheon", "An abatement in coats of arms to denote illegitimacy", "A short vertical lightweight post, not set into the ground, used to separate wires in a fence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "baton", "num_translations": 117 }, "bawdy": { "senses": [ "Soiled, dirty", "*:", "Obscene", "filthy", "unchaste", "Sexual in nature and usually meant to be humorous but considered rude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bawdy", "num_translations": 18 }, "berate": { "senses": [ "to chide or scold vehemently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "berate", "num_translations": 58 }, "betony": { "senses": [ "Any plant of the genus Stachys", "Any plant of the genus Pedicularis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heal-all", "purple betony", "bishopwort", "wild hop", "bishop's wort", "common hedgenettle", "lousewort", "wood betony", "lousewort" ], "word": "betony", "num_translations": 40 }, "bezel": { "senses": [ "The sloping edge or face on a cutting tool", "The oblique side or face of a cut gem", "especially the upper faceted portion of a brilliant , which projects from its setting", "The rim and flange which encompasses and fastens a jewel or other object, such as the crystal of a watch, in the cavity in which it is set", "the collet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bezel", "num_translations": 23 }, "biotic": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms" ], "antonyms": [ "abiotic" ], "synonyms": [ "biologic" ], "word": "biotic", "num_translations": 15 }, "bisect": { "senses": [ "To cut or divide into two parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dichotomize" ], "word": "bisect", "num_translations": 14 }, "bobble": { "senses": [ "A furry ball attached on top of a hat", "Elasticated band used for securing hair , a hair tie", "A pill", "A localized set of stitches forming a raised bump", "A wobbling motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bobble", "num_translations": 13 }, "borax": { "senses": [ "A white or gray/grey crystalline salt, with a slight alkaline taste, used as a flux, in soldering metals, making enamels, fixing colors/colours on porcelain, and as a soap, etc", "The sodium salt of boric acid, Na2B4O7, either anhydrous or with 5 or 10 molecules of water of crystallisation", "sodium tetraborate", "Cheap or tawdry furniture or other works of industrial design" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E285" ], "word": "borax", "num_translations": 33 }, "botfly": { "senses": [ "One of several dipterous insects of the family Oestridae, the larvae of which are parasites on many animals, including humans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oestrus" ], "word": "botfly", "num_translations": 37 }, "bowfin": { "senses": [ "A voracious ganoid fish, Amia calva, the last survivor of the order Amiiformes, found in the fresh waters of the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Johnny Grindle" ], "word": "bowfin", "num_translations": 13 }, "boyar": { "senses": [ "A member of a rank of aristocracy in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barin" ], "word": "boyar", "num_translations": 44 }, "butane": { "senses": [ "A hydrocarbon found in gaseous petroleum fractions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E943a" ], "word": "butane", "num_translations": 32 }, "camber": { "senses": [ "A slight convexity, arching or curvature of a surface of a road, beam, roof, ship's deck etc, so that liquids will flow off the sides", "The slope of a curved road created to minimize the effect of centrifugal force", "An upward concavity in the underside of a beam, girder, or lintel", "also, a slight upward concavity in a straight arch", "The curvature of an airfoil", "A small enclosed dock in which timber for masts is kept to weather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "camber", "num_translations": 14 }, "careen": { "senses": [ "To heave a ship down on one side so as to expose the other, in order to clean it of barnacles and weed, or to repair it below the water line", "To tilt on one side", "To lurch or sway violently from side to side", "To tilt or lean while in motion", "To career, to move rapidly straight ahead, to rush carelessly", "To move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heel" ], "word": "careen", "num_translations": 33 }, "casein": { "senses": [ "A protein present in both milk and in the seeds of leguminous plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "legumine" ], "word": "casein", "num_translations": 16 }, "catkin": { "senses": [ "A type of inflorescence, consisting of an axis with many unisexual apetalous flowers along its sides, as in the willow and poplar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ament", "amentum" ], "word": "catkin", "num_translations": 42 }, "chard": { "senses": [ "An edible leafy vegetable, Beta vulgaris subsp cicla, with a slightly bitter taste", "Artichoke leaves and shoots, blanched to eat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mangold" ], "word": "chard", "num_translations": 71 }, "chic": { "senses": [ "Elegant, stylish" ], "antonyms": [ "inelegant", "unchic", "unfashionable", "unstylish" ], "synonyms": [ "chichi", "dapper", "fashionable", "natty", "trendy", "voguish" ], "word": "chic", "num_translations": 27 }, "chug1": { "senses": [ "To make dull explosive sounds", "To move or travel whilst making such sounds", "to drink a large amount in a single action/without breathing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drink" ], "word": "chug", "num_translations": 27 }, "clad": { "senses": [ "To clothe", "To cover", "to surround, envelop", "To imbue", "past of \"clothe\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clad", "num_translations": 19 }, "cloy": { "senses": [ "To fill up or choke up", "to stop up", "To clog, to glut, or satisfy, as the appetite", "to satiate", "To fill to loathing", "to surfeit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "block", "fill up", "jade" ], "word": "cloy", "num_translations": 14 }, "codify": { "senses": [ "To reduce to a code, to arrange into a code", "To collect and arrange in a systematic form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "systematize" ], "word": "codify", "num_translations": 19 }, "cog": { "senses": [ "A tooth on a gear", "A gear", "An unimportant individual in a greater system", "A projection or tenon at the end of a beam designed to fit into a matching opening of another piece of wood to form a joint", "One of the rough pillars of stone or coal left to support the roof of a mine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cog", "num_translations": 60 }, "coot": { "senses": [ "Any of various aquatic birds of the genus Fulica that are mainly black with a prominent frontal shield on the forehead", "A foolish or eccentric fellow", "A success", "something excellent", "Body louse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coot", "num_translations": 65 }, "corona": { "senses": [ "A crown or garland bestowed among the Romans as a reward for distinguished services", "The luminous plasma atmosphere of the Sun or other star, extending millions of kilometres into space, most easily seen during a total solar eclipse", "Any crown-like appendage of a plant or animal", "The large, flat, projecting member of a cornice which crowns the entablature", "A round pendent chandelier", "The circumference of the base of the glans penis in human males", "The upper surface of certain parts of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "corona", "num_translations": 43 }, "cove": { "senses": [ "A hollow in a rock", "a cave or cavern", "A concave vault or archway, especially the arch of a ceiling", "A small coastal inlet, especially one having high cliffs protecting vessels from prevailing winds", "A strip of prairie extending into woodland", "A recess or sheltered area on the slopes of a mountain", "The wooden roof of the stern gallery of an old sailing warship", "A thin line, sometimes gilded, along a yacht's strake below deck level" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cove", "num_translations": 28 }, "cove2": { "senses": [ "A fellow", "a man", "A friend", "a mate" ], "antonyms": [ "covess" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cove", "num_translations": 11 }, "cowl": { "senses": [ "A monk's hood that can be pulled forward to cover the face", "a robe with such a hood attached to it", "A mask that covers the majority of the head", "A thin protective covering over all or part of an engine", "A usually hood-shaped covering used to increase the draft of a chimney and prevent backflow", "A ship's ventilator with a bell-shaped top which can be swivelled to catch the wind and force it below", "A vertical projection of a ship's funnel that directs the smoke away from the bridge", "A monk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cowl", "num_translations": 42 }, "cowpox": { "senses": [ "A pustular, eruptive skin disease of cattle caused by an Orthopoxvirus, with lesions occurring principally on the udder and teats Human infection may occur from touching cows, and gives immunity to smallpox" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kine-pox" ], "word": "cowpox", "num_translations": 14 }, "rather": { "senses": [ "More quickly", "sooner, earlier", "Used to specify a choice or preference", "preferably", "Used to introduce a contradiction", "on the contrary", "Introducing a qualification or clarification", "more precisely", "Somewhat, fairly" ], "antonyms": [ "utterly" ], "synonyms": [ "liever", "somewhat" ], "word": "rather", "num_translations": 133 }, "despite1": { "senses": [ "Disdain, contemptuous feelings, hatred", "Action or behaviour displaying such feelings", "an outrage, insult", "Evil feeling", "malice, spite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "despite", "num_translations": 88 }, "distemper": { "senses": [ "A viral disease of animals, such as dogs and cats, characterised by fever, coughing and catarrh", "A disorder of the humours of the body", "a disease", "A glue-based paint", "A painting produced with this kind of paint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "distemper", "num_translations": 11 }, "doing": { "senses": [ "A deed or action, especially when somebody is held responsible for it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "act" ], "word": "doing", "num_translations": 19 }, "crux": { "senses": [ "A distinctive winter constellation of the southern sky, shaped like a cross It appears in the flags of several countries in Oceania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Southern Cross" ], "word": "Crux", "num_translations": 24 }, "cue": { "senses": [ "An action or event that is a signal for somebody to do something", "The last words of a play actor's speech, serving as an intimation for the next actor to speak", "any word or words which serve to remind an actor to speak or to do something", "a catchword", "A hint or intimation", "Humour", "temper of mind", "A small portion of bread or beer", "the quantity bought with a farthing or half farthing and noted with a q in the buttery books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cue", "num_translations": 64 }, "cue2": { "senses": [ "A straight tapering stick used to hit the balls in various games", "The tail", "the end of a thing", "especially, a tail-like twist of hair worn at the back of the head", "a queue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cue", "num_translations": 37 }, "cusp": { "senses": [ "A sharp point or pointed end", "An important moment when a decision is made that will determine future events", "A point of a curve where the curve is continuous but has no derivative, but such that it has a derivative at every nearby point", "A point made by the intersection of two curved lines or curved structures, a common motif in Gothic architecture", "A boundary between zodiacal signs and houses", "Any of the pointed parts of a canine tooth or molar", "A flap of a valve of a heart or blood vessel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ord" ], "word": "cusp", "num_translations": 59 }, "dais": { "senses": [ "A raised platform in a room for a high table, a seat of honour, a throne, or other dignified occupancy", "a similar platform supporting a lectern, pulpit, etc, which may be used to speak from", "A bench, a settle, a pew", "An elevated table in a hall at which important people were seated", "a high table", "The canopy over an altar, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "podium" ], "word": "dais", "num_translations": 43 }, "dauber": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, daubs", "especially, a coarse, unskillful painter", "A pad or ball of rags, covered with canvas, for inking plates", "a dabber", "A type of thick marker pen used to mark a bingo card", "A low and gross flatterer", "The mud wasp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dauber", "num_translations": 10 }, "davit": { "senses": [ "A spar formerly used on board of ships, as a crane to hoist the flukes of the anchor to the top of the bow, without injuring the sides of the ship", "A crane, often working in pairs and usually made of steel, used to lower things over an edge of a long drop off, such as lowering a maintenance trapeze down a building or launching a lifeboat over the side of a ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fish davit" ], "word": "davit", "num_translations": 20 }, "decant": { "senses": [ "To pour off gently, so as not to disturb the sediment", "To pour from one vessel into another", "To flow", "To remove a clone from its chamber, vat, or artificial womb", "To rehouse people while their buildings are being refurbished or rebuilt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "decant", "num_translations": 25 }, "dibble": { "senses": [ "A pointed implement used to make holes in the ground in which to set out plants or to plant seeds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dib", "dibber" ], "word": "dibble", "num_translations": 14 }, "distal": { "senses": [ "Remote from the point of attachment or origin", "Facing the wisdom tooth or temporomandibular joint on the same side of the jaw", "Far or farther from the speaker" ], "antonyms": [ "proximal", "mesial" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "distal", "num_translations": 18 }, "dobbin": { "senses": [ "An old jaded horse", "Sea gravel mixed with sand", "synonym of \"horse\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hack" ], "word": "dobbin", "num_translations": 11 }, "doff": { "senses": [ "To remove or take off, especially of clothing", "To remove or tip a hat, as in greeting, salutation or as a mark of respect", "To get rid of, to throw off", "To strip", "to divest", "to undress" ], "antonyms": [ "don" ], "synonyms": [ "take off" ], "word": "doff", "num_translations": 16 }, "dole1": { "senses": [ "Money or other goods given as charity", "Distribution", "dealing", "apportionment", "Payment by the state to the unemployed", "A boundary", "a landmark", "A void space left in tillage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pancrack" ], "word": "dole", "num_translations": 21 }, "dram": { "senses": [ "A small unit of weight, variously:", "Any similarly minute quantity, a small amount of strong alcohol or poison", "A cart formerly used to haul coal in coal mines", "synonym of \"drachma\": a Greek silver coin weighing one drachma", "other similar coins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mite", "nip" ], "word": "dram", "num_translations": 17 }, "dyadic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the number two", "of two parts or elements", "Pertaining to the physical sex of a person who is exactly male or female", "not intersex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binary" ], "word": "dyadic", "num_translations": 11 }, "dyer": { "senses": [ "One who dyes, especially one who dyes cloth etc as an occupation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "litster" ], "word": "dyer", "num_translations": 22 }, "dynamo": { "senses": [ "An energetic person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:doer" ], "word": "dynamo", "num_translations": 42 }, "eland": { "senses": [ "A genus of large South African antelope , valued both for its hide and flesh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Oreas", "Oreas canna" ], "word": "eland", "num_translations": 20 }, "elegy": { "senses": [ "A mournful or plaintive poem", "a funeral song", "a poem of lamentation", "A composition of mournful character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dirge" ], "word": "elegy", "num_translations": 49 }, "elide": { "senses": [ "To leave out or omit", "To cut off, as a vowel or a syllable", "Conflate", "smear together", "blur the distinction between" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elide", "num_translations": 67 }, "emmer": { "senses": [ "A species of wheat, Triticum dicoccon, one of a group of hulled wheats that are important food grains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Triticum dicoccon" ], "word": "emmer", "num_translations": 25 }, "enol": { "senses": [ "An organic compound containing a hydroxyl group bonded to a carbon atom which is doubly bonded to another carbon atom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alkenol" ], "word": "enol", "num_translations": 10 }, "ethyl": { "senses": [ "The univalent hydrocarbon radical, C2H5, formally derived from ethane by the loss of a hydrogen atom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E", "Et" ], "word": "ethyl", "num_translations": 13 }, "exhume": { "senses": [ "To dig out of the ground", "to take out of a place of burial", "to disinter", "To uncover", "to bring to light" ], "antonyms": [ "bury" ], "synonyms": [ "dig up" ], "word": "exhume", "num_translations": 41 }, "fescue": { "senses": [ "A straw, wire, stick, etc, used chiefly to point out letters to children when learning to read", "A hardy grass commonly used to border golf fairways in temperate climates Any member of the genus Festuca", "An instrument for playing on the harp", "a plectrum", "The style of a sundial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fescue", "num_translations": 11 }, "fetal": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, or connected with, a fetus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zygotal" ], "word": "fetal", "num_translations": 15 }, "fib": { "senses": [ "A lie, especially one that is more or less inconsequential", "A liar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lie" ], "word": "fib", "num_translations": 45 }, "fibrin": { "senses": [ "A white, albuminous, fibrous substance, formed in the coagulation of the blood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "factor Ia" ], "word": "fibrin", "num_translations": 11 }, "fief": { "senses": [ "An estate held by a person on condition of providing military service to a superior", "Something over which one has rights or exercises control", "An area of dominion, especially in a corporate or governmental bureaucracy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manor", "seigniory" ], "word": "fief", "num_translations": 31 }, "flange": { "senses": [ "An external or internal rib or rim, used either to add strength or to hold something in place", "The projecting edge of a rigid or semi-rigid component", "An ability in a role-playing game which is not commonly available, overpowered or arbitrarily imposed by the referees", "A vulva", "The collective noun for a group of baboons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "troop", "congress" ], "word": "flange", "num_translations": 25 }, "flatus": { "senses": [ "Gas generated in the digestive tract", "Expulsion of such gas through the anus", "Morbid inflation or swelling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fart", "Thesaurus:flatus" ], "word": "flatus", "num_translations": 26 }, "fob": { "senses": [ "A little pocket near the waistline of a pair of trousers or in a waistcoat or vest to hold a pocketwatch", "a watch pocket", "A short chain or ribbon to connect such a pocket to the watch", "A small ornament attached to such a chain", "A hand-held remote control device used to lock/unlock motor cars etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fob", "num_translations": 23 }, "fray": { "senses": [ "To unravel", "used particularly for the edge of something made of cloth, or the end of a rope", "To cause exhaustion, wear out", "frighten", "alarm", "To bear the expense of", "To rub" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fray", "num_translations": 47 }, "furl": { "senses": [ "To lower, roll up and secure" ], "antonyms": [ "unfurl" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "furl", "num_translations": 18 }, "galena": { "senses": [ "A mineral, lead sulphide , mined as an ore for lead", "A remedy or antidote for poison", "theriac" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "galenite", "lead glance" ], "word": "galena", "num_translations": 22 }, "gall": { "senses": [ "Bile, especially that of an animal", "Great misery or physical suffering, likened to the bitterest-tasting of substances", "A feeling of exasperation", "Impudence or brazenness", "temerity, chutzpah", "A sore or open wound caused by chafing, which may become infected, as with a blister", "A sore on a horse caused by an ill-fitted or ill-adjusted saddle", "a saddle sore", "A pit on a surface being cut caused by the friction between the two surfaces exceeding the bond of the material at a point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gall", "num_translations": 52 }, "gall1": { "senses": [ "To bother or trouble", "To harass, to harry, often with the intent to cause injury", "To chafe, to rub or subject to friction", "to create a sore on the skin", "To exasperate", "To cause pitting on a surface being cut from the friction between the two surfaces exceeding the bond of the material at a point", "To scoff", "to jeer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gall", "num_translations": 55 }, "gannet": { "senses": [ "Any of three species of large seabird in the genus Morus, of the family Sulidae They have black and white bodies and long pointed wings, and hunt for fish by plunge diving and pursuing their prey underwater", "A voracious eater", "a glutton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:glutton" ], "word": "gannet", "num_translations": 31 }, "gape": { "senses": [ "To open the mouth wide, especially involuntarily, as in a yawn, anger, or surprise", "To stare in wonder", "To open wide", "to display a gap", "Of a cat: to open the passage to the vomeronasal organ, analogous to the flehming in other animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gape", "num_translations": 42 }, "garble": { "senses": [ "To pick out such parts as may serve a purpose", "to mutilate", "to pervert", "To make false by mutilation or addition", "To sift or bolt, to separate the fine or valuable parts of from the coarse and useless parts, or from dross or dirt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "garble", "num_translations": 17 }, "gaur": { "senses": [ "An East Indian species of wild cattle , of large size and an untamable disposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bos frontalis gaurus", "Indian bison" ], "word": "gaur", "num_translations": 14 }, "gilt": { "senses": [ "Gold or other metal in a thin layer", "gilding", "Money", "A security issued by the Bank of England", "A gilded object, an object covered with gold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gilt", "num_translations": 13 }, "godwit": { "senses": [ "Any of four species of long-billed, migratory wading birds in the genus Limosa, of the family Scolopacidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yarwhelp" ], "word": "godwit", "num_translations": 28 }, "goer": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, goes", "Anything, especially a machine such as a motor car, that performs well, or operates successfully", "A person, often a woman, who enjoys sexual activity", "A foot", "A horse, considered in reference to its gait" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "goer", "num_translations": 15 }, "gouge": { "senses": [ "Senses relating to cutting tools", "An act of gouging", "A cheat, a fraud", "an imposition", "An impostor", "Soft material lying between the wall of a vein and the solid vein of ore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gouge", "num_translations": 32 }, "gouge1": { "senses": [ "To cheat or impose upon", "in particular, to charge an unfairly or unreasonably high price", "in particular, to use a thumb to push or try to push the eye out of its socket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gouge", "num_translations": 48 }, "grout": { "senses": [ "A thin mortar used to fill the gaps between tiles and cavities in masonry", "Coarse meal", "groats", "Dregs, sediment", "A kind of beer or ale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grout", "num_translations": 38 }, "hackle": { "senses": [ "An instrument with steel pins used to comb out flax or hemp", "One of the long, narrow feathers on the neck of birds, most noticeable on the rooster", "A feather used to make a fishing lure or a fishing lure incorporating a feather", "By extension , the hair on the nape of the neck in dogs and other animals", "also used figuratively for humans", "A plate with rows of pointed needles used to blend or straighten hair", "A feather plume on some soldier's uniforms, especially the hat or helmet", "Any flimsy substance unspun, such as raw silk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hackle", "num_translations": 23 }, "haiku": { "senses": [ "A Japanese poem in three lines, the first and last consisting of five morae, and the second consisting of seven morae, usually with an emphasis on the season or a naturalistic theme", "A three-line poem in any language, with five syllables in the first and last lines and seven syllables in the second, usually with an emphasis on the season or a naturalistic theme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hokku" ], "word": "haiku", "num_translations": 43 }, "halite": { "senses": [ "Native salt", "sodium chloride NaCl as a mineral", "rock salt", "An oxyanion containing a halogen in the +3 oxidation state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "halogenite" ], "word": "halite", "num_translations": 11 }, "harpy": { "senses": [ "A fabulous winged monster, ravenous and filthy, having the face of a woman and the body of a vulture", "A shrewish woman", "One who is rapacious or ravenous", "an extortioner", "The European moor buzzard or marsh harrier", "A large and powerful double-crested, short-winged American eagle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harpy", "num_translations": 40 }, "hasp": { "senses": [ "A clasp, especially a metal strap fastened by a padlock or a pin", "also, a hook for fastening a door", "A spindle to wind yarn, thread, or silk on", "alternative form of \"hesp\"", "An instrument for cutting the surface of grassland", "a scarifier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hasp", "num_translations": 13 }, "hilum": { "senses": [ "The eye of a bean or other seed", "the mark or scar at the point of attachment of an ovule or seed to its base or support", "The nucleus of a starch grain", "A depression or fissure through which ducts, nerves, or blood vessels enter and leave a gland or organ", "a porta" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "porta" ], "word": "hilum", "num_translations": 15 }, "hob": { "senses": [ "A kind of cutting tool, used to cut the teeth of a gear", "The flat projection or iron shelf at the side of a fire grate, where things are put to be kept warm", "The top cooking surface on a cooker", "a cooktop It typically comprises several cooking elements , also known as 'rings'", "A rounded peg used as a target in several games, especially in quoits", "A male ferret", "The hub of a wheel", "a small household spirit in Northumbrian folklore with the appearance of a small, hairy, wizened man", "similar to a brownie in function but more akin to a fairy in composition rather than an elf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cooktop" ], "word": "hob", "num_translations": 17 }, "hone1": { "senses": [ "to whet", "To refine or master", "To make more acute, intense, or effective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hone", "num_translations": 72 }, "hub": { "senses": [ "The central part, usually cylindrical, of a wheel", "the nave", "A point where many routes meet and traffic is distributed, dispensed or diverted", "A computer networking device connecting several Ethernet ports See switch", "A stake with a nail in it, used to mark a temporary point", "A male weasel", "a buck", "a dog", "a jack", "The hilt of a weapon", "A rough protuberance or projecting obstruction", "An area in a video game from which most or all of the game's levels are accessed", "A goal or mark at which quoits, etc, are thrown", "A hardened, engraved steel punch for impressing a device upon a die, used in coining, etc", "A screw hob", "A block for scotching a wheel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hub world" ], "word": "hub", "num_translations": 99 }, "hue": { "senses": [ "A color, or shade of color", "tint", "dye", "The characteristic related to the light frequency that appears in the color, for instance red, yellow, green, cyan, blue or magenta", "A character", "aspect", "Form", "appearance", "guise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hue", "num_translations": 78 }, "hunker": { "senses": [ "To crouch or squat close to the ground", "To apply oneself to a task" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crouch" ], "word": "hunker", "num_translations": 12 }, "hurtle": { "senses": [ "To move rapidly, violently, or without control", "To meet with violence or shock", "to clash", "to jostle", "To make a threatening sound, like the clash of arms", "to make a sound as of confused clashing or confusion", "to resound", "To hurl or fling", "to throw hard or violently", "To push", "to jostle", "to hurl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hurtle", "num_translations": 23 }, "hymnal": { "senses": [ "A collection of hymns", "a hymn book" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hymnary", "hymnbook" ], "word": "hymnal", "num_translations": 24 }, "iconic": { "senses": [ "Relating to, or having the characteristics of, an icon", "Famously and distinctively representative of its type", "Representing something", "symbolic" ], "antonyms": [ "aniconic", "batonic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "iconic", "num_translations": 18 }, "idol": { "senses": [ "A graven image or representation of anything that is revered, or believed to convey spiritual power", "A cultural icon, or especially popular person", "Popular entertainer", "usually young, captivating, attractive", "and often female, with an image of being close to fans", "something misleading or elusive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afgod", "icon" ], "word": "idol", "num_translations": 120 }, "impale": { "senses": [ "To pierce with any long, pointed object", "To place two coats of arms side by side on the same shield", "To pierce with a pale", "to put to death by fixing on a sharp stake", "To enclose or fence with stakes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fix", "pale" ], "word": "impale", "num_translations": 40 }, "induct": { "senses": [ "To bring in as a member", "to make a part of", "To formally or ceremoniously install in an office, position, etc", "To introduce into", "To draft into military service", "To introduce", "to bring in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "induct", "num_translations": 25 }, "inflow": { "senses": [ "The act or process of flowing in or into", "Anything which flows in or into", "Influence from outside" ], "antonyms": [ "outflow", "outflux" ], "synonyms": [ "influx" ], "word": "inflow", "num_translations": 11 }, "iris": { "senses": [ "The contractile membrane perforated by the pupil, which adjusts to control the amount of light reaching the retina, and which forms the colored portion of the eye", "A diaphragm used to regulate the size of a hole, especially as a way of controlling the amount of light reaching a lens", "A rainbow, or other colourful refraction of light", "A constricted opening in the path inside a waveguide, used to form a resonator", "The inner circle of an oscillated color spot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "iris", "num_translations": 135 }, "isomer": { "senses": [ "Any of two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structure", "Any of two or more atomic nuclei with the same mass number and atomic number but with different radioactive properties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nuclear isomer" ], "word": "isomer", "num_translations": 35 }, "jalopy": { "senses": [ "An old, dilapidated vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banger" ], "word": "jalopy", "num_translations": 77 }, "jig": { "senses": [ "A light, brisk musical movement", "a gigue", "A lively dance in 6/8 , 9/8 or 12/8 time", "A dance performed by one or sometimes two individual dancers, as opposed to a dance performed by a set or team", "A type of lure consisting of a hook molded into a weight, usually with a bright or colorful body", "A light, humorous piece of writing, especially in rhyme", "a farce in verse", "a ballad", "A trick", "a prank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jig", "num_translations": 34 }, "jot": { "senses": [ "Iota", "the smallest letter or stroke of any writing", "A small amount, bit", "the smallest amount", "Moment, instant", "A brief and hurriedly written note" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "jot", "num_translations": 21 }, "jujube": { "senses": [ "The sweet and edible drupes of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees", "A fruit-bearing tree, Ziziphus jujuba or Ziziphus zizyphus", "The fruit of this tree, also known as Chinese date and fructus jujubae", "A fruit-bearing tree, Ziziphus mauritiana", "The fruit of this tree, also known as Chinese date", "A type of candy", "specific type varies by country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese date", "Chinese date", "Chinese date", "ber", "Indian plum", "Regi pandu", "Chinese date", "ber", "Indian plum", "Regi pandu" ], "word": "jujube", "num_translations": 49 }, "kaolin": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "china clay", "E559", "paper clay" ], "word": "kaolin", "num_translations": 37 }, "kulak": { "senses": [ "A prosperous peasant in the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union, who owned land and could hire workers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kurkul" ], "word": "kulak", "num_translations": 62 }, "labile": { "senses": [ "Liable to slip, err, fall, or apostatize", "Apt or likely to change", "Kinetically unstable", "rapidly cleaved", "Able to change valency without changing its form", "especially, able to be used both transitively and intransitively without changing its form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "labile", "num_translations": 11 }, "lacuna": { "senses": [ "A small opening", "a small pit or depression", "a small blank space", "a gap or vacancy", "a hiatus", "An absent part, especially in a book or other piece of writing, often referring to an ancient manuscript or similar", "A space visible between cells, allowing free passage of light", "A language gap, which occurs when there is no direct translation in the target language for a lexical term found in the source language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus", "gap", "anisomorphism" ], "word": "lacuna", "num_translations": 20 }, "lemma": { "senses": [ "A proposition proved or accepted for immediate use in the proof of some other proposition", "The canonical form of an inflected word", "ie, the form usually found as the headword in a dictionary, such as the nominative singular of a noun, the bare infinitive of a verb, etc", "The theoretical abstract conceptual form of a word, representing a specific meaning, before the creation of a specific phonological form as the sounds of a lexeme, which may find representation in a specific written form as a dictionary or lexicographic word" ], "antonyms": [ "non-lemma" ], "synonyms": [ "citation form" ], "word": "lemma", "num_translations": 85 }, "lessee": { "senses": [ "An individual or a corporation who has the right of use of something of value, gained through a lease agreement with the real owner of the property", "The entity to whom a lease is given, or who takes an estate by lease", "Someone who is allowed to use a house, building, land etc for a period of time in return for payment to the owner" ], "antonyms": [ "lessor" ], "synonyms": [ "tenant" ], "word": "lessee", "num_translations": 16 }, "levee": { "senses": [ "An embankment to prevent inundation", "The steep bank of a river", "The border of an irrigated field", "A pier or other landing place on a river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dike" ], "word": "levee", "num_translations": 22 }, "levy": { "senses": [ "To impose to collect monies due, or to confiscate property", "To raise or collect by assessment", "to exact by authority", "To draft someone into military service", "To raise", "to collect", "said of troops, to form into an army by enrollment, conscription etc", "To wage war", "To raise, as a siege", "To erect, build, or set up", "to make or construct", "to raise or cast up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "levy", "num_translations": 62 }, "litmus": { "senses": [ "A dyestuff extracted from certain lichens, that changes color when exposed to pH levels greater than or less than certain critical levels", "A simple test of any attribute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lacmus" ], "word": "litmus", "num_translations": 20 }, "loll": { "senses": [ "To act lazily or indolently while reclining", "to lean", "to lie at ease", "To hang extended from the mouth, like the tongue of an animal heated from exertion", "To let hang from the mouth in this way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "relax" ], "word": "loll", "num_translations": 21 }, "lop": { "senses": [ "To cut off as the top or extreme part of anything, especially to prune a small limb off a shrub or tree, or sometimes to behead someone", "To hang downward", "to be pendent", "to lean to one side", "To allow to hang down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snead" ], "word": "lop", "num_translations": 23 }, "loquat": { "senses": [ "The Eriobotrya japonica tree", "The fruit of this tree It is as large as a small plum, but grows in clusters, and contains four or five large seeds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Japanese medlar" ], "word": "loquat", "num_translations": 57 }, "lull": { "senses": [ "A period of rest or soothing", "A period of reduced activity", "a respite", "A period without waves or wind", "An extended pause between sets of waves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lull", "num_translations": 28 }, "lull1": { "senses": [ "To cause to rest by soothing influences", "to compose", "to calm", "To become gradually calm", "to subside", "to cease or abate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appease" ], "word": "lull", "num_translations": 37 }, "macho1": { "senses": [ "a person who tends to display masculine characteristics, such as domineering, fierceness, and bravado", "The striped mullet of California", "A male llama" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "macho man" ], "word": "macho", "num_translations": 20 }, "marlin": { "senses": [ "Any species of game fish belonging to either of the genera Tetrapturus or Makaira Every such species has a pointed, spear-like projection of the upper jaw" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spearfish" ], "word": "marlin", "num_translations": 12 }, "maw": { "senses": [ "The stomach, especially of an animal", "The upper digestive tract , especially the mouth and jaws of a fearsome and ravenous creature", "Any large, insatiable or perilous opening", "Appetite", "inclination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maw", "num_translations": 25 }, "medial": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a mean or average", "In or near the middle", "not at either end", "Pertaining to the inside", "closer to the midline", "Closer to the addressee", "Central: produced when air flows across the center of the mouth over the tongue" ], "antonyms": [ "lateral" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "medial", "num_translations": 12 }, "mere4": { "senses": [ "Pure, unalloyed", "Nothing less than", "complete, downright", "Just, only", "no more than, pure and simple, neither more nor better than might be expected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mere", "num_translations": 19 }, "meson1": { "senses": [ "A member of a group of subatomic particles having a mass intermediate between electrons and protons", "An elementary particle that is composed of a quark and an antiquark, such as a kaon or pion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mesotron" ], "word": "meson", "num_translations": 30 }, "micron": { "senses": [ "The thousandth part of one millimeter", "the millionth part of a meter", "A very tiny amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "micrometre" ], "word": "micron", "num_translations": 16 }, "milt": { "senses": [ "The spleen, especially of an animal bred for food", "The semen of a male fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spleen", "soft roe" ], "word": "milt", "num_translations": 30 }, "mire1": { "senses": [ "To cause or permit to become stuck in mud", "to plunge or fix in mud", "To sink into mud", "To weigh down", "To soil with mud or foul matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mire", "num_translations": 13 }, "mitre": { "senses": [ "A covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries, which has been made in many forms, mostly recently a tall cap with two points or peaks", "The surface forming the bevelled end or edge of a piece where a miter joint is made", "also, a joint formed or a junction effected by two beveled ends or edges", "a miter joint", "A 13th-century coin minted in Europe which circulated in Ireland as a debased counterfeit sterling penny, outlawed under Edward I", "A cap or cowl for a chimney or ventilation pipe", "A gusset in sewing, etc", "A square with one triangular quarter missing from the outside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mitre", "num_translations": 44 }, "motif": { "senses": [ "A recurring or dominant element", "a theme", "A short melodic passage that is repeated in several parts of a work", "A decorative figure that is repeated in a design or pattern", "A decorative appliqu\u00e9 design or figure, as of lace or velvet, used in trimming", "The physical object or objects repeated at each point of a lattice Usually atoms or molecules", "A basic element of a move in terms of why the piece moves and how it supports the fulfilment of a stipulation", "In a nucleotide or amino-acid sequence, pattern that is widespread and has, or is conjectured to have, a biological significance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "motif", "num_translations": 45 }, "muff": { "senses": [ "A piece of fur or cloth, usually with open ends, used for keeping the hands warm", "Female pubic hair", "the vulva", "A blown cylinder of glass which is afterward flattened out to make a sheet", "The feathers sticking out from both sides of the face under the beak of some birds", "A short hollow cylinder surrounding an object such as a pipe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whiskers" ], "word": "muff", "num_translations": 27 }, "mull": { "senses": [ "To work mentally", "to cogitate", "to ruminate", "To powder", "to pulverize", "To chop marijuana so that it becomes a smokable form", "To heat and spice something, such as wine", "To dull or stupefy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mull", "num_translations": 32 }, "nape": { "senses": [ "The back part of the neck", "The part of a fish or bird immediately behind the head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nucha", "scruff", "withers" ], "word": "nape", "num_translations": 113 }, "neuron": { "senses": [ "A cell of the nervous system, which conducts nerve impulses", "A nervure of an insect's wing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neurocyte", "nerve cell" ], "word": "neuron", "num_translations": 46 }, "nib": { "senses": [ "The tip of a pen or tool that touches the surface, transferring ink to paper", "The bill or beak of a bird", "the neb", "Bits of trapped dust or other foreign material that form imperfections in painted or varnished surfaces", "A piece of a roasted, hulled cocoa bean", "A small and pointed thing or part", "a point", "a prong", "One of the handles projecting from a scythe snath", "The shaft of a wagon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thole" ], "word": "nib", "num_translations": 53 }, "niggle1": { "senses": [ "To trifle with", "to deceive", "to mock", "To use, spend, or do in a petty or trifling manner", "To dwell too much on minor points or on trifling details", "To fidget, fiddle, be restless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "niggle", "num_translations": 12 }, "nob": { "senses": [ "The head", "a jack of the same suit as the card turned up by the dealer", "The glans penis, the sensitive bulbous structure at the end of the penis also known as the head of the penis", "a wealthy or influential person", "a toff" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nob", "num_translations": 10 }, "oaf": { "senses": [ "A person, especially a large male, who is clumsy or a simpleton", "an idiot", "An elf's child", "a changeling left by fairies or goblins, hence, a deformed or foolish child" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dummy", "galoot", "imbecile", "lout", "moron", "fool" ], "word": "oaf", "num_translations": 21 }, "oboist": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays an oboe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oboe-player" ], "word": "oboist", "num_translations": 13 }, "ocelot": { "senses": [ "An American feline carnivore covered with blackish ocellated spots and blotches which are variously arranged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chati" ], "word": "ocelot", "num_translations": 36 }, "orate": { "senses": [ "To speak formally", "to give a speech", "To speak passionately", "to preach for or against something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speak", "harangue" ], "word": "orate", "num_translations": 30 }, "ossify": { "senses": [ "To transform from a softer animal substance into bone", "particularly the processes of growth in humans and animals", "To become inflexible and rigid in habits or opinions", "To grow formulaic and permanent", "To calcify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harden" ], "word": "ossify", "num_translations": 16 }, "oust": { "senses": [ "To expel", "to remove" ], "antonyms": [ "accept" ], "synonyms": [ "banish" ], "word": "oust", "num_translations": 45 }, "paean": { "senses": [ "A chant or song, especially a hymn of thanksgiving for deliverance or victory, to Apollo or sometimes another god or goddess", "hence any song sung to solicit victory in battle", "Any loud and joyous song", "a song of triumph", "An enthusiastic expression of praise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paean", "num_translations": 34 }, "pep1": { "senses": [ "Energy, high spirits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "energy" ], "word": "pep", "num_translations": 10 }, "pew": { "senses": [ "One of the long benches in a church, seating several persons, usually fixed to the floor and facing the chancel", "An enclosed compartment in a church which provides seating for a group of people, often a prominent family", "a box in a theatre", "or a pen or sheepfold", "A chair", "a seat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pew", "num_translations": 34 }, "phenol": { "senses": [ "A caustic, poisonous, white crystalline compound, C6H5OH, derived from benzene and used in resins, plastics, and pharmaceuticals and in dilute form as a disinfectant and antiseptic", "once called carbolic acid", "Any of a class of aromatic organic compounds having at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to the benzene ring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carbolic acid", "benzenol", "hydroxybenzene" ], "word": "phenol", "num_translations": 41 }, "pion": { "senses": [ "Any of three semistable mesons, having positive, negative or neutral charge, composed of up and down quarks/antiquarks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pi meson" ], "word": "pion", "num_translations": 15 }, "pith": { "senses": [ "The soft, spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees", "The spongy interior substance of a feather", "The spinal cord", "the marrow", "The albedo of a citrus fruit", "The essential or vital part", "force", "energy", "importance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "core", "essence", "tenor", "gist", "heart", "heart and soul", "inwardness", "kernel", "marrow", "meat", "nitty-gritty", "nub", "quintessence", "soul", "spirit", "stuff", "substance", "Thesaurus:gist" ], "word": "pith", "num_translations": 41 }, "plumb3": { "senses": [ "To determine the depth, generally of a liquid", "to sound", "To attach to a water supply and drain", "To accurately align vertically or horizontally", "To seal something with lead", "To fall or sink like a plummet", "To trace a road or track", "to follow it to its end", "To position vertically above or below" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plumb", "num_translations": 12 }, "pomp": { "senses": [ "Show of magnificence", "parade", "display", "power", "A procession distinguished by ostentation and splendor", "a pageant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pomp", "num_translations": 13 }, "posit1": { "senses": [ "Assume the existence of", "to postulate", "Propose for consideration or study", "to suggest", "Put firmly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "posit", "num_translations": 23 }, "pug": { "senses": [ "A small dog of an ancient breed originating in China, having a snub nose, wrinkled face, squarish body, short smooth hair, and curled tail", "A bargeman", "chaff", "the refuse of grain", "Any geometrid moth of the genus Eupithecia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pug", "num_translations": 23 }, "pyrite": { "senses": [ "The common mineral iron disulfide , of a pale brass-yellow color and brilliant metallic luster, crystallizing in the isometric system", "Any metallic-looking sulphide, such as the above, which is the most common", "Any metal dichalcogenide that is isostructural to the common mineral" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fool's gold", "iron pyrites" ], "word": "pyrite", "num_translations": 33 }, "quasar": { "senses": [ "An extragalactic object, starlike in appearance, that is among the most luminous and the most distant objects in the universe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Q", "QSO", "QSR", "quasi-stellar radio-source", "QSS", "quasi-stellar source", "BSO", "blue stellar object" ], "word": "quasar", "num_translations": 45 }, "quip": { "senses": [ "A smart, sarcastic turn or jest", "a taunt", "a severe retort or comeback", "a gibe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:joke" ], "word": "quip", "num_translations": 32 }, "radix": { "senses": [ "A root", "A primitive word, from which other words may be derived", "The number of distinct symbols used to represent numbers in a particular base, as ten for decimal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "primitive" ], "word": "radix", "num_translations": 21 }, "ramify": { "senses": [ "To divide into branches or subdivisions", "To spread or diversify into multiple fields or categories" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "branch" ], "word": "ramify", "num_translations": 19 }, "rankle1": { "senses": [ "To cause irritation or deep bitterness", "To fester" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "embitter", "fester" ], "word": "rankle", "num_translations": 21 }, "rarefy": { "senses": [ "To make rare, thin, porous, or less dense", "To expand or enlarge without adding any new portion of matter to" ], "antonyms": [ "condense" ], "synonyms": [ "stretch" ], "word": "rarefy", "num_translations": 17 }, "ream2": { "senses": [ "to bore a hole wider", "To remove burrs and debris from a freshly bored hole", "To yell at or berate", "To sexually penetrate in a rough and painful way, by analogy with definition 1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dig out" ], "word": "ream", "num_translations": 20 }, "ream3": { "senses": [ "A bundle, package, or quantity of paper, nowadays usually containing 500 sheets", "An abstract large amount of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bunch" ], "word": "ream", "num_translations": 26 }, "redact": { "senses": [ "To censor, to black out or remove parts of a document while releasing the remainder", "To black out legally protected sections of text in a document provided to opposing counsel, typically as part of the discovery process", "To reduce to form, as literary matter", "to digest and put in shape", "to edit", "To draw up or frame a decree, statement, etc", "To bring together in one unit", "to combine or bring together into one", "To gather or organize works or ideas into a unified whole", "to collect, order, or write in a written document or to put into a particular written form", "To insert or assimilate into a written system or scheme", "To bring an area of study within the comprehension capacity of a person", "To reduce to a particular condition or state, especially one that is undesirable", "To reduce something physical to a certain form, especially by destruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "redact", "num_translations": 21 }, "remit": { "senses": [ "To transmit or send", "to supply", "To forgive, pardon", "To refrain from exacting or enforcing", "To give up", "omit", "cease doing", "To allow to slacken, to relax", "To show a lessening or abatement", "To diminish, abate", "To refer for deliberation, judgment, etc", "To send back", "To give or deliver up", "surrender", "resign", "To restore or replace", "To postpone", "To refer , direct someone's attention to something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "remit", "num_translations": 37 }, "renal": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the kidneys" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nephric", "nephritic" ], "word": "renal", "num_translations": 21 }, "roil": { "senses": [ "To render turbid by stirring up the dregs or sediment of", "To annoy", "to make someone angry", "To bubble, seethe", "To wander", "to roam", "To romp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "irritate" ], "word": "roil", "num_translations": 45 }, "ruff": { "senses": [ "Anything formed with plaits or flutings like a frill", "Senses relating to animals", "A collar on a shaft or other piece to prevent endwise motion", "An exhibition of haughtiness or pride", "Tumultuous or wanton conduct or procedure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ruff", "num_translations": 92 }, "rumen": { "senses": [ "The first compartment of the stomach of a cow or other ruminants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paunch", "fack", "fardingbag" ], "word": "rumen", "num_translations": 39 }, "rumpus": { "senses": [ "A noisy, sometimes violent disturbance", "noise and confusion", "a quarrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ruckus" ], "word": "rumpus", "num_translations": 19 }, "rune": { "senses": [ "A letter, or character, belonging to the written language of various ancient Germanic peoples, especially the Scandinavians and the Anglo-Saxons", "A Finnish or Scandinavian epic poem, or a division of one, especially a division of the Kalevala", "A letter or mark used as mystical or magic symbol", "A verse or song, especially one with mystical or mysterious overtones", "a spell or an incantation", "A roun", "In the Go programming language, a Unicode code point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rune", "num_translations": 40 }, "rusk": { "senses": [ "a rectangular, hard, dry biscuit", "a twice-baked bread, slices of bread baked until they are hard and crisp", "a weaning food for children", "a cereal binder used in meat product manufacture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Brussels biscuit", "twice-baked bread", "zwieback" ], "word": "rusk", "num_translations": 25 }, "rut1": { "senses": [ "To have sexual intercourse", "To have sexual intercourse with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blissom", "do it", "coitize" ], "word": "rut", "num_translations": 15 }, "saker": { "senses": [ "A falcon native of Southern Europe and Asia", "A medium cannon slightly smaller than a culverin developed during the early 17th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Saker falcon" ], "word": "saker", "num_translations": 13 }, "schema": { "senses": [ "An outline or image universally applicable to a general conception, under which it is likely to be presented to the mind", "A formal description of the structure of a database: the names of the tables, the names of the columns of each table, and the data type and other attributes of each column", "A monastic habit in the Greek Orthodox Church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "schemat", "schemat", "axiom schema" ], "word": "schema", "num_translations": 10 }, "serine": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid, CH2OHCHCOOH, found in most animal proteins, especially silk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ser" ], "word": "serine", "num_translations": 12 }, "shill": { "senses": [ "A person paid to endorse a product favourably, while pretending to be impartial", "An accomplice at a confidence trick during an auction or gambling game", "A house player in a casino" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shillaber" ], "word": "shill", "num_translations": 41 }, "shim": { "senses": [ "A wedge", "A thin piece of material, sometimes tapered, used for alignment or support", "A small library that transparently intercepts and modifies calls to an API, usually for compatibility purposes", "A kind of shallow plow used in tillage to break the ground and clear it of weeds", "A small metal device used to pick open a lock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shim", "num_translations": 22 }, "shunt": { "senses": [ "To cause to move , as by pushing or shoving", "to give a start to", "To divert to a less important place, position, or state", "To move data in memory to a physical disk", "To divert electric current by providing an alternative path", "To move a train from one track to another, or to move carriages, etc from one train to another", "To have a minor collision, especially in a motor car", "To divert the flow of a body fluid", "To turn aside or away", "to divert" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shunt", "num_translations": 28 }, "shunt1": { "senses": [ "An act of moving , as due to a push or shove", "A connection used as an alternative path between parts of an electrical circuit", "An abnormal passage between body channels", "A passage between body channels constructed surgically as a bypass", "a tube inserted into the body to create such a passage", "A switch on a railway used to move a train from one track to another", "A minor collision between vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shunt", "num_translations": 20 }, "sire": { "senses": [ "A lord, master, or other person in authority, most commonly used vocatively: formerly in speaking to elders and superiors, later only when addressing a sovereign", "A male animal", "a stud, especially a horse or dog, that has fathered another", "A father", "the head of a family", "the husband", "A creator", "a maker", "an author", "an originator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sire", "num_translations": 26 }, "sloven": { "senses": [ "A habitually dirty or untidy man or boy", "the male equivalent of slattern, or slut", "A low, base, lewd person", "An immoral woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cutterman", "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman" ], "word": "sloven", "num_translations": 11 }, "spar": { "senses": [ "A rafter of a roof", "A thick pole or piece of wood", "A bar of wood used to fasten a door", "Any linear object used as a mast, sprit, yard, boom, pole or gaff", "A beam-like structural member that supports ribs in an aircraft wing or other airfoil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spar", "num_translations": 13 }, "spline": { "senses": [ "Long thin piece of metal or wood", "A rectangular piece that fits grooves like key seats in a hub and a shaft, so that while the one may slide endwise on the other, both must revolve together", "A flexible strip of metal or other material, that may be bent into a curve and used in a similar manner to a ruler to draw smooth curves between points", "Any of a number of smooth curves used to join points", "A strip of wood or other material inserted into grooves in each of two pieces of wood to provide additional surface for gluing", "Ridges or teeth on a drive shaft that mesh with grooves in a mating piece and transfer torque to it, maintaining the angular correspondence between them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spline", "num_translations": 20 }, "squill": { "senses": [ "A European bulbous liliaceous plant, of the genus Scilla, used in medicine for its acrid, expectorant, diuretic, and emetic properties", "A sea onion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "squilla" ], "word": "squill", "num_translations": 17 }, "stasis": { "senses": [ "A slackening or arrest of the blood current, due not to a lessening of the heart's beat, but to some abnormal resistance of the capillary walls", "Inactivity", "a freezing, or state of motionlessness", "A technology allowing something to be artificially frozen in time, so that it does not age or change", "One of the sections of a cathisma or portion of the psalter" ], "antonyms": [ "movement" ], "synonyms": [ "stability" ], "word": "stasis", "num_translations": 14 }, "stooge": { "senses": [ "One who knowingly allows himself or herself to be used for another's profit", "a dupe", "A straight man", "A secret informant for police", "A confederate", "a person who is secretly working for the researcher, unknown to the study participant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stooge", "num_translations": 49 }, "strop": { "senses": [ "A strap", "A bad mood or temper", "A piece of rope spliced into a circular wreath, and put round a block for hanging it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "huff" ], "word": "strop", "num_translations": 13 }, "swatch": { "senses": [ "A piece, pattern, or sample, generally of cloth or a similar material", "A selection of such samples bound together", "A clump or portion of something", "A demonstration, an example, a proof", "A tag or other small object attached to another item as a means of identifying its owner", "a tally", "specifically the counterfoil of a tally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swatch", "num_translations": 15 }, "synod": { "senses": [ "An ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters", "An assembly or council having civil authority", "a legislative body", "A conjunction of two or more of the heavenly bodies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "synod", "num_translations": 58 }, "tad": { "senses": [ "A small amount", "a little bit", "A street boy", "an urchin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "tad", "num_translations": 20 }, "tannin": { "senses": [ "Tannic acid or any of its derivatives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E181" ], "word": "tannin", "num_translations": 19 }, "tapir": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bush cow", "mountain cow" ], "word": "tapir", "num_translations": 70 }, "teem": { "senses": [ "To be stocked to overflowing", "To be prolific", "to abound", "to be rife", "To bring forth young, as an animal", "to produce fruit, as a plant", "to bear", "to be pregnant", "to conceive", "to multiply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "teem", "num_translations": 37 }, "theist": { "senses": [ "One who believes in the existence of a god or gods" ], "antonyms": [ "atheist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "theist", "num_translations": 11 }, "torah": { "senses": [ "The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, attributed to Moses and therefore also known as the Five Books of Moses", "The full body of written Jewish law, including the Tanakh, the Talmud, the Mishnah and the midrashic texts", "The whole of Jewish law, both written and unwritten", "The encompassing philosophy of Judaism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pentateuch" ], "word": "Torah", "num_translations": 61 }, "troika": { "senses": [ "A Russian carriage drawn by a team of three horses abreast", "A party or group of three, especially a ruling council of three people in Russian contexts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "threesome", "Thesaurus:government" ], "word": "troika", "num_translations": 31 }, "umbra": { "senses": [ "The fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object", "The central region of a sunspot", "A shadow", "An uninvited guest brought along by one who was invited", "One of the family Umbridae of mudminnows", "A sciaenoid fish, the umbrine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "umbra", "num_translations": 13 }, "valine": { "senses": [ "An essential amino acid 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid found in most animal proteins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Val" ], "word": "valine", "num_translations": 21 }, "vamp2": { "senses": [ "A flirtatious, seductive woman, especially one who exploits men by using their sexual desire for her" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "vamp", "num_translations": 13 }, "vie": { "senses": [ "To fight for superiority", "to contend", "to compete eagerly so as to gain something", "To rival , etc", "To do or produce in emulation, competition, or rivalry", "to put in competition", "to bandy", "To stake", "to wager" ], "antonyms": [ "concede", "reconcile" ], "synonyms": [ "battle", "compete", "oppose" ], "word": "vie", "num_translations": 32 }, "wapiti": { "senses": [ "The American elk It was formerly considered to be in the same species as the European red deer, which it somewhat exceeds in size" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elk" ], "word": "wapiti", "num_translations": 38 }, "wean": { "senses": [ "To cease giving milk to an offspring", "to accustom and reconcile to a want or deprivation of mother's milk", "to take from the breast or udder", "To cease to depend on the mother for nourishment", "To cause to quit something to which one is addicted or habituated", "To cease to depend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wean", "num_translations": 48 }, "whelm": { "senses": [ "To bury, to cover", "to engulf, to submerge", "To throw over a thing so as to cover it", "To ruin or destroy", "To overcome with emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whelm", "num_translations": 17 }, "widget": { "senses": [ "A placeholder name for an unnamed, unspecified, or hypothetical manufactured good or product", "Portable code that can be easily installed and executed by an end user", "A floating device inside a beer can, meant to create foam when opened", "A small scraping tool consisting of a blade and a handle, commonly used to remove paint from glass and other smooth surfaces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thingy", "scraper" ], "word": "widget", "num_translations": 17 }, "widget1": { "senses": [ "Any one of the components of a computer application's graphical user interface, such as a Cancel button or text input box that a user interacts with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "control" ], "word": "widget", "num_translations": 14 }, "wile": { "senses": [ "A trick or stratagem practiced for ensnaring or deception", "a sly, insidious artifice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beguilement", "allurement" ], "word": "wile", "num_translations": 21 }, "winnow": { "senses": [ "To subject to a current of air separating heavier and lighter components, as grain from chaff", "To separate, sift, analyze, or test by separating items having different values", "To blow upon or toss about by blowing", "to set in motion as with a fan or wings", "To move about with a flapping motion, as of wings", "to flutter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "winnow", "num_translations": 48 }, "wino": { "senses": [ "A chronic or heavy drinker of cheap wine or other alcohol", "a drunk or drunkard", "A wine enthusiast", "an oenophile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vagabond", "alcoholic" ], "word": "wino", "num_translations": 21 }, "wisp": { "senses": [ "A small bundle, as of straw or other like substance", "any slender, flexible structure or group", "A whisk, or small broom", "An immeasurable, indefinable essence of life", "soul", "A disease affecting the feet of cattle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wisp", "num_translations": 30 }, "withe": { "senses": [ "A flexible, slender twig or shoot, especially when used as a band or for binding", "a withy", "A band of twisted twigs", "An elastic handle to a tool to save the hand from the shock of blows", "An iron attachment on one end of a mast or boom, with a ring, through which another mast or boom is rigged out and secured", "A partition between flues in a chimney" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "withe", "num_translations": 13 }, "woe": { "senses": [ "Great sadness or distress", "a misfortune causing such sadness", "Calamity, trouble", "A curse", "a malediction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "woe", "num_translations": 57 }, "yaws": { "senses": [ "A contagious tropical disease, caused by the spirochete Treponema pertenue, characterized by yellowish or reddish tumors, which often resemble currants, strawberries, or raspberries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parangi" ], "word": "yaws", "num_translations": 11 }, "yoke": { "senses": [ "Frame around the neck, and related senses", "Pair of harnessed draught animals, and related senses", "Extended uses and quantities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "control wheel" ], "word": "yoke", "num_translations": 182 }, "yoke1": { "senses": [ "To link or to join", "To unite, to connect", "To enslave", "to bring into bondage", "to restrain", "to confine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "yoke", "num_translations": 21 }, "yucca": { "senses": [ "The yuca" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oose" ], "word": "yucca", "num_translations": 14 }, "inter": { "senses": [ "To bury in a grave", "To confine, as in a prison" ], "antonyms": [ "dig up" ], "synonyms": [ "bury" ], "word": "inter", "num_translations": 31 }, "vitiate": { "senses": [ "to spoil, make faulty", "to reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of something", "to debase or morally corrupt", "to violate, to rape", "to make something ineffective, to invalidate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vitiate", "num_translations": 18 }, "misogynist": { "senses": [ "One who professes misogyny", "a hater of women", "One who displays prejudice against or looks down upon women" ], "antonyms": [ "philogynist" ], "synonyms": [ "woman hater" ], "word": "misogynist", "num_translations": 50 }, "antinomy": { "senses": [ "An apparent contradiction between valid conclusions", "a paradox", "misspelling of \"antimony\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paradox" ], "word": "antinomy", "num_translations": 17 }, "temerity": { "senses": [ "Reckless boldness", "foolish bravery", "An act or case of reckless boldness", "Effrontery", "impudence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "temerity", "num_translations": 21 }, "provoke": { "senses": [ "To cause someone to become annoyed or angry", "To bring about a reaction", "To appeal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bring about", "discompose", "egg on", "engender", "evoke", "grill", "incite", "induce", "inflame", "instigate", "invoke", "rouse", "set off", "stir up", "whip up", "Thesaurus:incite" ], "word": "provoke", "num_translations": 71 }, "strait1": { "senses": [ "A narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water", "A narrow pass, passage or street", "A neck of land", "an isthmus", "A difficult position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strait", "num_translations": 115 }, "toil1": { "senses": [ "To labour", "work", "To struggle", "To work", "often with out", "To weary through excessive labour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toil", "num_translations": 27 }, "servile": { "senses": [ "of or pertaining to a slave", "submissive or slavish", "Not belonging to the original root", "Not sounded, but serving to lengthen the preceding vowel, like the e in tune" ], "antonyms": [ "authoritarian" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "servile", "num_translations": 33 }, "servility": { "senses": [ "The condition of being servile" ], "antonyms": [ "arrogance" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "servility", "num_translations": 24 }, "difficulty": { "senses": [ "The state of being difficult, or hard to do", "An obstacle that hinders achievement of a goal", "Physical danger from the environment, especially with risk of drowning", "An objection", "That which cannot be easily understood or believed", "An awkward situation or quarrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "difficulty", "num_translations": 111 }, "contention": { "senses": [ "Argument, contest, debate, strife, struggle", "A point maintained in an argument, or a line of argument taken in its support", "the subject matter of discussion of strife", "a position taken or contended for", "Competition by parts of a system or its users for a limited resource" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gainstrife" ], "word": "contention", "num_translations": 46 }, "contest": { "senses": [ "Controversy", "debate", "Struggle for superiority", "combat", "A competition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "controversy", "battle", "competition" ], "word": "contest", "num_translations": 78 }, "contest1": { "senses": [ "To contend", "To call into question", "to oppose", "To strive earnestly to hold or maintain", "to struggle to defend", "To make a subject of litigation", "to defend, as a suit", "to dispute or resist, as a claim, by course of law", "to controvert" ], "antonyms": [ "support" ], "synonyms": [ "compete", "call into question" ], "word": "contest", "num_translations": 32 }, "victory": { "senses": [ "An instance of having won a competition or battle or succeeded in an effort", "The condition of having succeeded in a conflict or other effort" ], "antonyms": [ "defeat", "loss" ], "synonyms": [ "triumph" ], "word": "victory", "num_translations": 151 }, "superiority": { "senses": [ "The state of being superior", "The right which the superior enjoys in the land held by the vassal" ], "antonyms": [ "inferiority" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "superiority", "num_translations": 43 }, "effort": { "senses": [ "The work involved in performing an activity", "exertion", "An endeavour", "A force acting on a body in the direction of its motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "struggle" ], "word": "effort", "num_translations": 78 }, "strength": { "senses": [ "The quality or degree of being strong", "The intensity of a force or power", "potency", "The strongest part of something", "that on which confidence or reliance is based", "A positive attribute", "An armed force, a body of troops", "A strong place", "a stronghold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ability", "capability", "expertise", "fortitude", "main", "potency", "power" ], "word": "strength", "num_translations": 219 }, "muddle": { "senses": [ "To mix together, to mix up", "to confuse", "To mash slightly for use in a cocktail", "To dabble in mud", "To make turbid or muddy", "To think and act in a confused, aimless way", "To cloud or stupefy", "to render stupid with liquor", "to intoxicate partially", "To waste or misuse, as one does who is stupid or intoxicated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "muddle", "num_translations": 36 }, "used1": { "senses": [ "That has or have previously been owned by someone else", "Familiar through use", "usual", "accustomed" ], "antonyms": [ "unused", "new" ], "synonyms": [ "pre-owned" ], "word": "used", "num_translations": 52 }, "arrest1": { "senses": [ "To stop the motion of", "To stay, remain", "To stop or slow", "To seize with the authority of the law", "to take into legal custody", "To catch the attention of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freeze", "cease", "apprehend", "attract" ], "word": "arrest", "num_translations": 151 }, "assemble": { "senses": [ "To put together", "To gather as a group", "to translate from assembly language to machine code" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "build", "collect" ], "word": "assemble", "num_translations": 110 }, "celebrity": { "senses": [ "A rite or ceremony", "Fame, renown", "the state of being famous or talked-about", "A person who has a high degree of recognition by the general population for his or her success or accomplishments", "a famous person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "celebrity", "num_translations": 77 }, "askance": { "senses": [ "With disapproval, skepticism, or suspicion", "Sideways", "obliquely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skeptically", "obliquely" ], "word": "askance", "num_translations": 56 }, "sideways2": { "senses": [ "With a side to the front", "Towards one side", "Askance", "sidelong", "Neither upward nor downward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sideways", "num_translations": 23 }, "toward": { "senses": [ "In the direction of", "In relation to", "For the purpose of attaining", "Located close to", "near" ], "antonyms": [ "froward" ], "synonyms": [ "towards" ], "word": "toward", "num_translations": 178 }, "eyeball": { "senses": [ "the ball of the eye", "a meeting", "readership or viewership", "A favourite or pet", "the apple of someone's eye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eye-apple" ], "word": "eyeball", "num_translations": 68 }, "chime": { "senses": [ "An individual ringing component of such a set", "A small bell or other ringing or tone-making device as a component of some other device", "The sound of such an instrument or device", "A small hammer or other device used to strike a bell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alarm", "bell", "buzz", "buzzer", "carillon", "clapper", "curfew", "dinger", "ding-dong", "glockenspiel", "gong", "peal", "ringer", "siren", "tintinnabulum", "tocsin", "toll", "vesper" ], "word": "chime", "num_translations": 31 }, "chime1": { "senses": [ "To cause to sound in harmony", "to play a tune, as upon a set of bells", "to move or strike in harmony", "To utter harmoniously", "to recite rhythmically", "To agree", "to correspond", "To make a rude correspondence of sounds", "to jingle, as in rhyming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chime", "num_translations": 33 }, "fuse": { "senses": [ "A cord that, when lit, conveys the fire to some explosive device", "The mechanism that ignites the charge in an explosive device", "A device to prevent the overloading of an electrical circuit, containing a component that melts and interrupts the current when too high a load is passed through it", "Indicating a tendency to lose one's temper", "A friction match for smokers' use, having a bulbous head which when ignited is not easily blown out even in a gale of wind", "A kind of match made of paper impregnated with niter and having the usual igniting tip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fuse", "num_translations": 129 }, "fuse1": { "senses": [ "To melt together", "to blend", "to mix indistinguishably", "To melt together", "To form a bicyclic compound from two similar or different types of ring such that two or more atoms are shared between the resulting rings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:homogenize", "meld" ], "word": "fuse", "num_translations": 38 }, "recharge": { "senses": [ "To charge an electric battery after its power has been consumed", "To invigorate and revitalize one's energy level by removing stressful agents for a period of time", "To reload a gun with ammunition", "To add or restore water to an aquifer", "To request payment again from", "To charge or accuse in return", "To attack again or anew" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unwind" ], "word": "recharge", "num_translations": 16 }, "precis": { "senses": [ "A summary or brief: a concise or abridged statement or view" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:summary" ], "word": "precis", "num_translations": 11 }, "valid": { "senses": [ "Well grounded or justifiable, pertinent", "Acceptable, proper or correct", "Related to the current topic, or presented within context, relevant", "Of a formula or system: such that it evaluates to true regardless of the input values", "Of an argument: whose conclusion is always true whenever its premises are true" ], "antonyms": [ "invalid", "nonvalid" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "valid", "num_translations": 49 }, "manhood": { "senses": [ "The state of being man as a human being", "The state of being a man, as distinguished from a child or a woman", "The qualities ascribed to manliness, such as courage, bravery and resolve", "The male genitalia", "Men, considered as a group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mankind" ], "word": "manhood", "num_translations": 80 }, "troop": { "senses": [ "A collection of people", "a number", "a multitude", "A small unit of cavalry or armour commanded by a captain, corresponding to a platoon or company of infantry", "Soldiers, military forces", "A company of stageplayers", "a troupe", "A basic unit of girl or boy scouts, consisting of 6 to 10 youngsters", "A group of baboons", "A particular roll of the drum", "a quick march", "Mushrooms that are in a close group but not close enough to be called a cluster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "troop", "num_translations": 44 }, "surrender": { "senses": [ "To give up into the power, control, or possession of another", "To yield to an enemy", "To give oneself up into the power of another, especially as a prisoner", "to submit or give in", "To give up possession of", "to yield", "to resign", "To yield to an influence, emotion, passion, etc", "To abandon and recover half of the initial bet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hand over", "strike one's flag" ], "word": "surrender", "num_translations": 68 }, "surrender1": { "senses": [ "abandonment, resignation", "The yielding or delivery of a possession in response to a demand", "The yielding of the leasehold estate by the lessee to the landlord, so that the tenancy for years merges in the reversion and no longer exists" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capitulation" ], "word": "surrender", "num_translations": 44 }, "philosophy": { "senses": [ "The love of wisdom", "An academic discipline that seeks truth through reasoning rather than empiricism", "A comprehensive system of belief", "A view or outlook regarding fundamental principles underlying some domain", "A general principle", "A broader branch of science", "A calm and thoughtful demeanor", "calmness of temper", "synonym of \"small pica\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "philosophy", "num_translations": 168 }, "anathema": { "senses": [ "A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, often accompanied by excommunication", "something denounced as accursed", "Something which is vehemently disliked by somebody", "An imprecation", "a curse", "a malediction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anathema", "num_translations": 83 }, "appease": { "senses": [ "To make quiet", "to calm", "to reduce to a state of peace", "to dispel", "To come to terms with", "to adapt to the demands of" ], "antonyms": [ "antagonize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "appease", "num_translations": 55 }, "apperception": { "senses": [ "The mind's perception of itself as the subject or actor in its own states, unifying past and present experiences", "self-consciousness, perception that reflects upon itself", "Psychological or mental perception", "recognition", "The general process or a particular act of mental assimilation of new experience into the totality of one's past experience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apperception", "num_translations": 13 }, "appraise": { "senses": [ "To determine the value or worth of something, particularly as a person appointed for this purpose", "To consider comprehensively", "To judge the performance of someone, especially a worker", "To estimate", "to conjecture", "To praise", "to commend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "appraise", "num_translations": 40 }, "arbiter": { "senses": [ "A person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them", "an arbitrator", "A person or object having the power of judging and determining, or ordaining, without control", "one whose power of deciding and governing is not limited", "A component in circuitry that allocates scarce resources" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "arbiter", "num_translations": 32 }, "arrogance": { "senses": [ "The state of being arrogant", "a type of extreme or foolish pride in which someone feels much superior to another" ], "antonyms": [ "servility" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:arrogance" ], "word": "arrogance", "num_translations": 87 }, "artful": { "senses": [ "Cunning", "tending toward indirect dealings", "crafty", "Performed with, or characterized by, art or skill", "Artificial", "imitative", "Using or exhibiting much art, skill, or contrivance", "dexterous", "skillful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wily" ], "word": "artful", "num_translations": 31 }, "asexual": { "senses": [ "Nonsexual in nature, unmarked by sexual activity", "Not experiencing sexual attraction", "lacking interest in or desire for sex", "Lacking distinct sex, lacking sexual organs", "Without sexual action", "reproducing by some other method than sex" ], "antonyms": [ "allosexual" ], "synonyms": [ "ace", "epicene" ], "word": "asexual", "num_translations": 70 }, "assault": { "senses": [ "A violent onset or attack with physical means, for example blows, weapons, etc", "A violent onset or attack with moral weapons, for example words, arguments, appeals, and the like", "An attempt to commit battery: a violent attempt, or willful effort with force or violence, to do hurt to another, but without necessarily touching his person, as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner, or by striking at him and missing him", "The crime whose action is such an attempt", "An act that causes someone to apprehend imminent bodily harm", "The tort whose action is such an act", "A non-competitive combat between two fencers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "onfall" ], "word": "assault", "num_translations": 49 }, "assert": { "senses": [ "To declare with assurance or plainly and strongly", "to state positively", "To use or exercise and thereby prove the existence of", "To maintain or defend, as a cause or a claim, by words or measures", "to vindicate a claim or title to", "To specify that a condition or expression is true at a certain point in the code", "To set a signal on a line using a voltage or electric current" ], "antonyms": [ "remit", "deny", "deassert" ], "synonyms": [ "affirm", "asseverate", "aver" ], "word": "assert", "num_translations": 63 }, "assertion": { "senses": [ "The act of asserting, or that which is asserted", "positive declaration or averment", "affirmation", "statement asserted", "position advanced", "A statement or declaration which lacks support or evidence", "Maintenance", "vindication", "A statement in a program asserting a condition expected to be true at a particular point, used in debugging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accusation", "allegation", "censure", "charge", "crimination", "impeachment" ], "word": "assertion", "num_translations": 45 }, "assumption": { "senses": [ "The act of assuming, or taking to or upon oneself", "the act of taking up or adopting", "The act of taking for granted, or supposing a thing without proof", "a supposition", "an unwarrantable claim", "The thing supposed", "a postulate, or proposition assumed", "a supposition", "The minor or second proposition in a categorical syllogism", "The taking of a person up into heaven", "A festival in honor of the ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven, celebrated on 15 August", "Assumptio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:supposition" ], "word": "assumption", "num_translations": 104 }, "avow": { "senses": [ "To declare openly and boldly, as something believed to be right", "to own, acknowledge or confess frankly", "To bind or devote by a vow" ], "antonyms": [ "disavow" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "avow", "num_translations": 38 }, "backhanded": { "senses": [ "With the back of the hand", "Involving a backward flip of the hand", "Insincere, sarcastic, ironic, or self-contradictory", "Indirect", "Backwards, turned around", "inclining to the left", "Retrospective, occurring after the fact rather than in advance", "Self-serving, corrupt, slipshod, or neglectful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "backhanded", "num_translations": 10 }, "bail": { "senses": [ "Security, usually a sum of money, exchanged for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that person's appearance for trial", "Release from imprisonment on payment of such money", "The person providing such payment", "A bucket or scoop used for removing water from a boat etc", "Custody", "keeping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bail", "num_translations": 68 }, "bail1": { "senses": [ "To release a person under such guarantee", "To remove from a boat by scooping it out", "To remove water from by scooping it out", "To set free", "to deliver", "to release" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bail", "num_translations": 14 }, "bailiwick": { "senses": [ "The district within which a bailie or bailiff has jurisdiction", "A person's concern or sphere of operations, their area of skill or authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "domain" ], "word": "bailiwick", "num_translations": 20 }, "bait": { "senses": [ "Any substance, especially food, used in catching fish, or other animals, by alluring them to a hook, snare, trap, or net", "Food containing poison or a harmful additive to kill animals that are pests", "Anything which allures", "something used to lure or entice someone or something into doing something", "A portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey", "also, a stop for rest and refreshment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bait", "num_translations": 95 }, "banker": { "senses": [ "One who conducts the business of banking", "one who, individually, or as a member of a company, keeps an establishment for the deposit or loan of money, or for traffic in money, bills of exchange, etc", "A money changer", "The dealer, or one who keeps the bank in a gambling house", "The stone bench on which a mason cuts or squares his work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "banker", "num_translations": 78 }, "banner": { "senses": [ "A flag or standard used by a military commander, monarch or nation", "The military unit under such a flag or standard", "A military or administrative subdivision", "Any large sign, especially when made of soft material or fabric", "A large piece of cloth with a slogan, motto, or emblem carried in a demonstration or other procession or suspended in some conspicuous place", "A cause or purpose", "a campaign or movement", "The title of a newspaper as printed on its front page", "the nameplate", "masthead", "A type of advertisement on a web page or on television, usually taking the form of a graphic or animation above or alongside the content", "The principal standard of a knight", "A type of administrative division in Inner Mongolia, China and Tuva , made during the Qing dynasty At this time, Outer Mongolia and part of Xinjiang were also divided this way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "banner", "num_translations": 214 }, "barque": { "senses": [ "A sailing vessel of three or more masts, with all masts but the sternmost square-rigged, the sternmost being fore-and-aft-rigged", "any small sailing vessel", "a sailing vessel or boat of any kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "small vessel" ], "word": "barque", "num_translations": 27 }, "bauble": { "senses": [ "A cheap showy ornament piece of jewellery", "a gewgaw", "A club or sceptre carried by a jester", "A small shiny spherical decoration, commonly put on Christmas trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:trinket" ], "word": "bauble", "num_translations": 29 }, "beam": { "senses": [ "Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use", "One of the principal horizontal timbers of a building", "one of the transverse members of a ship's frame on which the decks are laid \u2014 supported at the sides by knees in wooden ships and by stringers in steel ones", "The maximum width of a vessel", "The crossbar of a mechanical balance, from the ends of which the scales are suspended", "The principal stem of the antler of a deer", "The pole of a carriage or chariot", "A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which weavers wind the warp before weaving and the cylinder on which the cloth is rolled, as it is woven", "The straight part or shank of an anchor", "The central bar of a plow, to which the handles and colter are secured, and to the end of which are attached the oxen or horses that draw it", "In steam engines, a heavy iron lever having an oscillating motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and the other with the crank of the wheel shaft", "A ray or collection of approximately parallel rays emitted from the sun or other luminous body", "A ray", "a gleam", "One of the long feathers in the wing of a hawk", "A horizontal bar which connects the stems of two or more notes to group them and to indicate metric value", "An elevated rectangular dirt pile used to cheaply build an elevated portion of a railway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breadth", "working beam", "beam feather", "Thesaurus:stick" ], "word": "beam", "num_translations": 193 }, "beam1": { "senses": [ "shine", "radiate", "To smile broadly or especially cheerfully", "To transmit matter or information via a high-tech wireless mechanism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beam", "num_translations": 16 }, "beastly": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, or having the form, nature or habits of, a beast", "Similar to the nature of a beast", "contrary to the nature and dignity of man", "Abominable", "Powerful, having a powerful appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bestial" ], "word": "beastly", "num_translations": 17 }, "belay": { "senses": [ "To surround", "environ", "enclose", "To overlay", "adorn", "To besiege", "invest", "surround", "To lie in wait for in order to attack", "block up or obstruct", "To make fast by turning it around a fastening point such as a cleat or piton", "To secure to a rope or to a person", "To lay aside", "stop", "cancel", "The general command to stop or cease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "belay", "num_translations": 15 }, "benevolent": { "senses": [ "Having a disposition to do good", "Possessing or manifesting love for mankind", "Altruistic, charitable, good, just and fair" ], "antonyms": [ "malevolent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "benevolent", "num_translations": 70 }, "bequeath": { "senses": [ "To give or leave by will", "to give by testament", "To hand down", "to transmit", "To give", "to offer", "to commit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bequeath", "num_translations": 86 }, "betray": { "senses": [ "To deliver into the hands of an enemy by treachery or fraud, in violation of trust", "to give up treacherously or faithlessly", "To prove faithless or treacherous to, as to a trust or one who trusts", "to be false to", "to deceive", "To violate the confidence of, by disclosing a secret, or that which one is bound in honor not to make known", "To disclose or indicate, for example something which prudence would conceal", "to reveal unintentionally", "To mislead", "to expose to inconvenience not foreseen", "to lead into error or sin", "To lead astray", "to seduce and then abandon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sell" ], "word": "betray", "num_translations": 183 }, "biceps": { "senses": [ "Any muscle having two heads", "The upper arm, especially the collective muscles of the upper arm", "A point in a metrical pattern that can be filled either with one long syllable or two short syllables" ], "antonyms": [ "princeps" ], "synonyms": [ "biceps brachii", "guns" ], "word": "biceps", "num_translations": 38 }, "bifurcation": { "senses": [ "A division into two branches", "Any place where one thing divides into two", "The act of bifurcating", "branching or dividing in two", "Either of the forks or other branches resultant from such a division", "A place where two roads, tributaries etc part or meet", "The point where a channel divides when proceeding from seaward", "A command that executes one block or other of commands depending on the result of a condition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "branched" ], "word": "bifurcation", "num_translations": 47 }, "bipedal": { "senses": [ "Having two feet or two legs", "biped", "Pertaining to a biped" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "two-footed" ], "word": "bipedal", "num_translations": 34 }, "bivouac": { "senses": [ "An encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering", "Any temporary encampment", "A temporary shelter constructed generally for a few nights", "The watch of a whole army by night, when in danger of surprise or attack", "A structure formed by migratory ants out of their own bodies to protect the queen and larvae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bivouac", "num_translations": 34 }, "bland": { "senses": [ "Having a soothing effect", "not irritating or stimulating", "Lacking in taste, flavor, or vigor", "Lacking interest", "boring", "dull", "Mild", "soft, gentle, balmy", "smooth in manner", "suave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bland", "num_translations": 105 }, "blanch": { "senses": [ "To grow or become white", "To take the color out of, and make white", "to bleach", "To cook by dipping briefly into boiling water, then directly into cold water", "To whiten, for example the surface of meat, by plunging into boiling water and afterwards into cold, so as to harden the surface and retain the juices", "To bleach by excluding the light, for example the stalks or leaves of plants, by earthing them up or tying them together", "To make white by removing the skin of, for example by scalding", "To give a white lustre to", "To cover with a coating of tin", "To give a favorable appearance to", "to whitewash", "to whiten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blanch", "num_translations": 28 }, "blazer": { "senses": [ "A semi-formal jacket", "A person or thing that blazes", "Anything that blazes or glows, as with heat or flame", "The dish used when cooking directly over the flame of a chafing-dish lamp, or the coals of a brazier", "One who smokes cannabis", "a stoner", "One who spreads news, or blazes matters abroad", "An older member of a sporting club, often with old-fashioned or conservative views", "A con or swindle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blazer", "num_translations": 23 }, "bleak": { "senses": [ "Without color", "pale", "pallid", "Desolate and exposed", "swept by cold winds", "Unhappy", "cheerless", "miserable", "emotionally desolate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bleak", "num_translations": 96 }, "bleak1": { "senses": [ "A small European river fish , of the family Cyprinidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ablet", "alburn", "blay" ], "word": "bleak", "num_translations": 26 }, "bluff": { "senses": [ "a false expression of the strength of one's position in order to intimidate", "braggadocio", "An attempt to represent oneself as holding a stronger hand than they actually do", "The card game poker", "An excuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bluff", "num_translations": 32 }, "bluff1": { "senses": [ "to give the impression that one's hand is stronger than it is", "To frighten or deter with a false show of strength or confidence", "to give a false impression of strength or temerity in order to intimidate and gain some advantage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bluff", "num_translations": 26 }, "bluff3": { "senses": [ "Having a broad, flattened front", "Rising steeply with a flat or rounded front", "Surly", "churlish", "gruff", "rough", "Roughly frank and hearty in one's manners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bluff", "num_translations": 21 }, "bookish": { "senses": [ "Fond of reading or studying, especially said of someone lacking social skills as a result", "Characterized by a method of expression generally found in books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "formal" ], "word": "bookish", "num_translations": 42 }, "brace": { "senses": [ "Armor for the arm", "A measurement of length, originally representing a person's outstretched arms", "A curved instrument or handle of iron or wood, for holding and turning bits, etc", "a bitstock", "That which holds anything tightly or supports it firmly", "a bandage or a prop", "A cord, ligament, or rod, for producing or maintaining tension", "A thong used to regulate the tension of a drum", "tension", "Harness", "warlike preparation", "A curved, pointed line, also known as \"curly bracket\": { or } connecting two or more words or lines, which are to be considered together, such as in {role, roll}", "in music, used to connect staves", "A pair, a couple", "originally used of dogs, and later of animals generally and then other things, but rarely human persons In British use , this is a particularly common reference to game birds", "A piece of material used to transmit, or change the direction of, weight or pressure", "A rope reeved through a block at the end of a yard, by which the yard is moved horizontally", "also, a rudder gudgeon", "The mouth of a shaft", "Straps or bands to sustain trousers", "suspenders", "A system of wires, brackets, and elastic bands used to correct crooked teeth or to reduce overbite", "Two goals scored by one player in a game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fathom", "dyad" ], "word": "brace", "num_translations": 73 }, "brace1": { "senses": [ "To prepare for something bad, such as an impact or blow", "To place in a position for resisting pressure", "to hold firmly", "To stop someone for questioning, usually said of police", "To confront with questions, demands or requests", "to support", "to prop", "To draw tight", "to tighten", "to put in a state of tension", "to strain", "to strengthen", "To bind or tie closely", "to fasten tightly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strengthen" ], "word": "brace", "num_translations": 27 }, "breach": { "senses": [ "A gap or opening made by breaking or battering, as in a wall, fortification or levee", "the space between the parts of a solid body rent by violence", "A breaking up of amicable relations, a falling-out", "A breaking of waters, as over a vessel or a coastal defence", "the waters themselves", "A breaking out upon", "an assault", "A bruise", "a wound", "A hernia", "a rupture", "A breaking or infraction of a law, or of any obligation or tie", "violation", "non-fulfillment", "A difference in opinions, social class etc", "The act of breaking, in a figurative sense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break", "rift", "rupture", "gap" ], "word": "breach", "num_translations": 94 }, "breaker": { "senses": [ "Something that breaks", "A machine for breaking rocks, or for breaking coal at the mines", "The building in which such a machine is placed", "A person who specializes in breaking things", "A wave breaking into foam against the shore, or against a sandbank, or a rock or reef near the surface, considered a useful warning to ships of an underwater hazard", "A breakdancer", "A user of CB radio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "destroyer", "B-boy" ], "word": "breaker", "num_translations": 25 }, "bream": { "senses": [ "A European fresh-water cyprinoid fish of the genus Abramis, little valued as food Several species are known", "A species in that genus, Abramis brama", "An American fresh-water fish, of various species of Lepomis and allied genera, which are also called sunfishes and pondfishes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carp bream" ], "word": "bream", "num_translations": 81 }, "brisk": { "senses": [ "Full of liveliness and activity", "characterized by quickness of motion or action", "Full of spirit of life", "effervescing", "sparkling", "fizzy", "Stimulating or invigorating", "Abrupt, curt in one's manner or in relation to others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brisk", "num_translations": 65 }, "brute": { "senses": [ "Without reason or intelligence", "Characteristic of unthinking animals", "senseless, unreasoning", "Being unconnected with intelligence or thought", "purely material, senseless", "Crude, unpolished", "Strong, blunt, and spontaneous", "Brutal", "cruel", "fierce", "ferocious", "savage", "pitiless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brute", "num_translations": 28 }, "brute1": { "senses": [ "An animal seen as being without human reason", "a senseless beast", "A person with the characteristics of an unthinking animal", "a coarse or brutal person", "One who has not yet matriculated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brute", "num_translations": 57 }, "buzz": { "senses": [ "A continuous, humming noise, as of bees", "a confused murmur, as of general conversation in low tones", "A whisper", "The audible friction of voice consonants", "A rush or feeling of energy or excitement", "a feeling of slight intoxication", "A telephone call or e-mail", "Major topic of conversation", "widespread rumor", "information spread behind the scenes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buzz", "num_translations": 87 }, "buzz1": { "senses": [ "To make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant sound, like that made by bees with their wings", "To whisper", "to communicate, as tales, in an undertone", "to spread, as a report, by whispers or secretly", "To talk to incessantly or confidentially in a low humming voice", "To fly at high speed and at a very low altitude over a specified area, as to make a surprise pass", "To drink to the bottom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buzz", "num_translations": 67 }, "calculation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of calculating", "The result of calculating", "Reckoning, estimate", "An expectation based on circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "computation", "sum", "estimate" ], "word": "calculation", "num_translations": 130 }, "calibre": { "senses": [ "Diameter of the bore of a firearm, typically measured between opposite lands", "The diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet, a projectile, or a column", "A nominal name for a cartridge type, which may not exactly indicate its true size and may include other measurements such as cartridge length or black powder capacity Eg 762\u00d739 or 3840", "Relative size, importance, magnitude", "Capacity or compass of mind", "Degree of importance or station in society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "calibre", "num_translations": 54 }, "cancellation": { "senses": [ "The act, process, or result of cancelling", "The operation of striking out common factors, in both the dividend and divisor", "A postmark that marks a postage stamp so as to prevent its reuse", "In United States intellectual property law, a proceeding in which an interested party seeks to cancel the registration of a trademark or patent", "The property of being cancellate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cancellation", "num_translations": 54 }, "canny": { "senses": [ "Careful, prudent, cautious", "Knowing, shrewd, astute", "Frugal, thrifty", "Pleasant, fair, favorable or agreeable to deal with", "Gentle, quiet, steady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "canny", "num_translations": 15 }, "caper": { "senses": [ "A playful leap or jump", "A jump while dancing", "A prank or practical joke", "Playful behaviour", "A crime, especially an elaborate heist, or a narrative about such a crime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "caper", "num_translations": 19 }, "capitulation": { "senses": [ "A reducing to heads or articles", "a formal agreement", "The act of capitulating or surrendering to an enemy upon stipulated terms", "the act of ceasing to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand", "The instrument containing the terms of an agreement or surrender", "An enumeration of the main parts of a subject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "capitulation", "num_translations": 18 }, "castigation": { "senses": [ "Corrective punishment", "chastisement", "reproof", "severe criticism", "Emendation", "correction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "castigation", "num_translations": 11 }, "causation": { "senses": [ "The act of causing", "The act or agency by which an effect is produced", "Cause and effect", "causality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "causality", "\u00e6tiology", "aetiology", "etiology" ], "word": "causation", "num_translations": 21 }, "caution": { "senses": [ "Precept or warning against evil or danger of any kind", "exhortation to wariness", "advice", "injunction", "prudence in regard to danger", "provident care", "A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm may be avoided", "Security", "guaranty", "bail", "One who draws attention or causes astonishment by their behaviour", "A formal warning given as an alternative to prosecution in minor cases", "A yellow card" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:caution" ], "word": "caution", "num_translations": 94 }, "cavalier1": { "senses": [ "A military man serving on horse, early modern cavalry officers who had abandoned the heavy armor of medieval knights", "A gallant: a sprightly young dashing military man", "A gentleman of the class of such officers, particularly:", "Someone with an uncircumcised penis", "A defensive work rising from a bastion, etc, and overlooking the surrounding area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cavalier", "num_translations": 30 }, "celebrate": { "senses": [ "To extol or honour in a solemn manner", "To honour by rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business", "to observe duly", "To engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event", "To perform or participate in, as a sacrament or solemn rite", "to perform with appropriate rites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "celebrate", "num_translations": 135 }, "celebration": { "senses": [ "The formal performance of a solemn rite, such as Christian sacrament", "The observance of a holiday or feast day, as by solemnities", "The act, process of showing appreciation, gratitude and/or remembrance, notably as a social event", "A social gathering for entertainment and fun", "a party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "celebration", "num_translations": 113 }, "censure": { "senses": [ "The act of blaming, criticizing, or condemning as wrong", "reprehension", "An official reprimand", "Judicial or ecclesiastical sentence or reprimand", "condemnatory judgment", "Judgment either favorable or unfavorable", "opinion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "censure", "num_translations": 16 }, "censure1": { "senses": [ "To criticize harshly", "To formally rebuke", "To form or express a judgment in regard to", "to estimate", "to judge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "censure", "num_translations": 15 }, "cessation": { "senses": [ "A ceasing or discontinuance, for example of an action, whether temporary or final" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus", "close" ], "word": "cessation", "num_translations": 17 }, "chafe": { "senses": [ "Heat excited by friction", "Injury or wear caused by friction", "Vexation", "irritation of mind", "rage", "An expression of opinionated conflict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chafe", "num_translations": 62 }, "chafe1": { "senses": [ "To excite heat in by friction", "to rub in order to stimulate and make warm", "To excite passion or anger in", "to fret", "to irritate", "To fret and wear by rubbing", "To rub", "to come together so as to wear by rubbing", "to wear by friction", "To be worn by rubbing", "To have a feeling of vexation", "to be vexed", "to fret", "to be irritated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chafe", "num_translations": 120 }, "char": { "senses": [ "To burn slightly or superficially so as to affect colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coal", "blacken" ], "word": "char", "num_translations": 27 }, "char3": { "senses": [ "A time", "a turn or occasion", "A turn of work", "a labour or item of business", "An odd job, a chore or piece of housework", "cleaning lady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charlady", "charwoman", "cleaning" ], "word": "char", "num_translations": 12 }, "chef": { "senses": [ "The presiding cook in the kitchen of a large household", "The head cook of a restaurant or other establishment", "Any cook", "One who manufactures illegal drugs", "a cook", "A reliquary in the shape of a head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "magirist" ], "word": "chef", "num_translations": 81 }, "cherish": { "senses": [ "To treat with affection, care, and tenderness", "to nurture or protect with care", "To have a deep appreciation of", "to hold dear", "To cheer, to gladden" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cherish", "num_translations": 34 }, "chimera": { "senses": [ "the body of a goat", "and a serpent as a tail)", "Any fantastic creature with parts from different animals", "Anything composed of very disparate parts", "A foolish, incongruous, or vain thought or product of the imagination", "A grotesque like a gargoyle, but without a spout for rainwater", "An organism with genetically distinct cells originating from two or more zygotes", "Usually chimaera: a cartilaginous marine fish in the subclass Holocephali and especially the order Chimaeriformes, with a blunt snout, long tail, and a spine before the first dorsal fin" ], "antonyms": [ "monolith" ], "synonyms": [ "rabbitfish", "motley crew" ], "word": "chimera", "num_translations": 71 }, "chirp1": { "senses": [ "to make a short, sharp, cheerful note, as of small birds or crickets", "to speak in a high-pitched staccato", "To modify so that it sweeps through a band of frequencies throughout its duration", "To cheer up", "to make happier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chirp", "num_translations": 57 }, "churlish": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a serf, peasant, or rustic", "Rude, surly, ungracious", "Stingy or grudging", "Difficult to till, lacking pliancy", "unmanageable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "churlish", "num_translations": 37 }, "circulation": { "senses": [ "The act of moving in a circle, or in a course which brings the moving body to the place where its motion began", "The act of passing from place to place or person to person", "free diffusion", "transmission", "Currency", "circulating coins", "notes, bills, etc, current for coin", "The extent to which anything circulates or is circulated", "the measurement of diffusion", "The movement of the blood in the circulatory system, by which it is brought into close relations with almost every living elementary constituent", "The movement of the sap in the vessels and tissues of plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "circulation", "num_translations": 69 }, "circumnavigation": { "senses": [ "The act of circumnavigating, or sailing round" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "periplus" ], "word": "circumnavigation", "num_translations": 13 }, "circumstance": { "senses": [ "That which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event", "an attendant thing or state of things", "An event", "a fact", "a particular incident", "Circumlocution", "detail", "Condition in regard to worldly estate", "state of property", "situation", "surroundings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "circumstance", "num_translations": 96 }, "circumstantial": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or dependent on circumstances, especially as opposed to essentials", "incidental, not essential", "Abounding with minor circumstances", "in great detail", "particular", "Full of circumstance or pomp", "ceremonial", "Suggesting guilt, but not proving it conclusively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:circumstantial" ], "word": "circumstantial", "num_translations": 15 }, "citation": { "senses": [ "An official summons or notice given to a person to appear", "The paper containing such summons or notice", "The act of citing a passage from a book, or from another person, in his/her own words", "An entry in a list of source from which one took information, words or literary or verbal context", "The passage or words quoted", "quotation", "A quotation with attached bibliographical details demonstrating the use of a particular lexical item in a dictionary, especially a dictionary on historical principles", "Enumeration", "mention", "A reference to decided cases, or books of authority, to prove a point in law", "A commendation in recognition of some achievement, or a formal statement of an achievement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quotation", "quote" ], "word": "citation", "num_translations": 82 }, "clamor": { "senses": [ "A great outcry or vociferation", "loud and continued shouting or exclamation", "Any loud and continued noise", "A continued public expression, often of dissatisfaction or discontent", "a popular outcry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outcry" ], "word": "clamor", "num_translations": 54 }, "clamor1": { "senses": [ "To cry out and/or demand", "To demand by outcry", "To become noisy insistently", "To influence by outcry", "To silence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "din" ], "word": "clamor", "num_translations": 10 }, "classical": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the first class or rank, especially in literature or art", "Of or pertaining to established principles in a discipline", "Describing European music and musicians of the late 18th and early 19th centuries", "Describing art music , especially when played using instruments of the orchestra", "Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially to Greek or Roman authors of the highest rank, or of the period when their best literature was produced", "of or pertaining to places inhabited by the ancient Greeks and Romans, or rendered famous by their deeds", "Conforming to the best authority in literature and art", "chaste", "pure", "refined", "Pertaining to models of physical laws that do not take quantum or relativistic effects into account", "Newtonian or Maxwellian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "classic" ], "word": "classical", "num_translations": 72 }, "commemoration": { "senses": [ "The act of commemorating", "an observance or celebration to honor the memory of some person or event", "That which serves the purpose of commemorating", "a memorial", "The specification of individual saints in the prayers for the dead", "the great festival of the Oxford academic year, usually taking place on the third Wednesday after Trinity Sunday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commemoration", "num_translations": 24 }, "commendation": { "senses": [ "The act of commending", "praise", "favorable representation in words", "That which is the ground of approbation or praise", "A message of affection or respect", "compliments", "greeting", "An award or recognition for performance", "a medal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:praise" ], "word": "commendation", "num_translations": 20 }, "communication": { "senses": [ "The act or fact of communicating anything", "transmission", "The concept or state of exchanging data or information between entities", "A message", "An instance of information transfer", "a conversation or discourse", "A passageway or opening between two locations", "connection", "A connection between two tissues, organs, or cavities", "Association", "company", "Participation in Holy Communion", "A trope by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says \"we\" instead of \"I\" or \"you\"" ], "antonyms": [ "anticommunication" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "communication", "num_translations": 159 }, "commutation": { "senses": [ "A passing from one state to another", "change", "alteration", "mutation", "The act of giving one thing for another", "barter", "exchange", "Substitution of one thing for another", "interchange", "Specifically, the substitution of one kind of payment for another, especially a switch to monetary payment from obligations of labour", "The change to a lesser penalty or punishment by the State", "Substitution, as a means of discriminating between phonemes", "The reversal of an electric current" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commutation", "num_translations": 11 }, "compensation": { "senses": [ "The act or principle of compensating", "Something which is regarded as an equivalent", "something which compensates for loss", "The extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors by the credits of which they are reciprocally creditors", "the payment of a debt by a credit of equal amount", "A recompense or reward for service", "the ability of one part of the brain to overfunction in order to take over the function of a damaged part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "restitution", "restitution" ], "word": "compensation", "num_translations": 92 }, "compete": { "senses": [ "To be in battle or in a rivalry with another for the same thing, position, or reward", "to contend", "To be in a position in which it is possible to win or triumph", "To take part in a contest, game or similar event" ], "antonyms": [ "cooperate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "compete", "num_translations": 63 }, "compilation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of compiling or gathering together from various sources", "That which is compiled", "especially, a book or document composed of materials gathering from other books or documents", "Translation of source code into object code by a compiler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compilement", "anthology" ], "word": "compilation", "num_translations": 71 }, "completely": { "senses": [ "In a complete manner", "To the fullest extent or degree", "totally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fully", "fully", "Thesaurus:completely" ], "word": "completely", "num_translations": 138 }, "complexity": { "senses": [ "The state of being complex", "intricacy", "entanglement", "That which is and renders complex", "intricacy", "complication" ], "antonyms": [ "simplicity" ], "synonyms": [ "complicacy" ], "word": "complexity", "num_translations": 77 }, "compliant": { "senses": [ "Willing to comply", "submissive", "willing to do what someone wants", "Compatible with or following guidelines, specifications, rules, or laws" ], "antonyms": [ "non-compliant" ], "synonyms": [ "conformant" ], "word": "compliant", "num_translations": 55 }, "comply": { "senses": [ "To yield assent", "to accord", "to acquiesce, agree, consent", "to adapt oneself, to conform", "To accomplish, to fulfil", "To be ceremoniously courteous", "to make one's compliments", "To enfold", "to embrace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comply", "num_translations": 38 }, "comprise": { "senses": [ "To be made up of", "to consist of", "To contain or embrace", "To compose, to constitute See usage note below", "To include, contain, or be made up of, defining the minimum elements, whether essential or inessential, to define an invention (\"Open-ended\", doesn't limit to the items listed", "cf compose, which is \"closed\" and limits to the items listed)" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "form" ], "word": "comprise", "num_translations": 50 }, "compulsory": { "senses": [ "Required", "obligatory", "mandatory", "Having the power of compulsion", "constraining" ], "antonyms": [ "optional" ], "synonyms": [ "mandatory" ], "word": "compulsory", "num_translations": 51 }, "computation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of computing", "calculation", "reckoning", "the amount computed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ciphering" ], "word": "computation", "num_translations": 27 }, "concatenation": { "senses": [ "A series of links united", "a series or order of things depending on each other, as if linked together", "a chain, a succession", "The application of these series of links", "The operation of joining multiple character strings", "A character string formed by joining multiple character strings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concatenation", "num_translations": 30 }, "concede": { "senses": [ "To yield or suffer", "to surrender", "to grant", "To grant, as a right or privilege", "to make concession of", "To admit to be true", "to acknowledge", "To yield or make concession", "To have a goal or point scored against", "to have runs scored off of one's bowling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capitulate", "let in", "accede" ], "word": "concede", "num_translations": 76 }, "concentrate": { "senses": [ "To bring to, or direct toward, a common center", "to unite more closely", "to gather into one body, mass, or force", "To increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore", "to intensify, by getting rid of useless material", "to condense", "To approach or meet in a common center", "to consolidate", "To focus one's thought or attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concentrate", "num_translations": 93 }, "concentration": { "senses": [ "The act, process or ability of concentrating", "the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated", "A field or course of study on which one focuses, especially as a student in a college or university", "The proportion of a substance in a whole", "The matching game pelmanism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concentration", "num_translations": 94 }, "concert": { "senses": [ "To plan together", "to settle or adjust by conference, agreement, or consultation", "To plan", "to devise", "to arrange", "To act in harmony or conjunction", "to form combined plans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concert", "num_translations": 11 }, "concert1": { "senses": [ "union formed by mutual communication of opinions and views", "accordance in a scheme", "harmony", "simultaneous action", "Musical accordance or harmony", "concord", "A musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concert", "num_translations": 104 }, "condemnation": { "senses": [ "The act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong", "The act of judicially condemning, or adjudging guilty, unfit for use, or forfeited", "the act of dooming to punishment or forfeiture", "The state of being condemned", "The ground or reason of condemning", "The process by which a public entity exercises its powers of eminent domain" ], "antonyms": [ "praise", "acquittal", "acquittal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "condemnation", "num_translations": 31 }, "condensation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of condensing or of being condensed", "The state of being condensed", "The conversion of a gas to a liquid", "The condensate so formed", "The reaction of two substances with the simultaneous loss of water or other small molecule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "condensation", "num_translations": 57 }, "confer": { "senses": [ "To grant as a possession", "to bestow", "To talk together, to consult, discuss", "to deliberate", "To compare", "To bring together", "to collect, gather", "To contribute", "to conduce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afford" ], "word": "confer", "num_translations": 51 }, "configuration": { "senses": [ "Form, as depending on the relative disposition of the parts of a thing's shape", "figure", "form factor", "Relative position or aspect of the planets", "the face of the horoscope, according to the relative positions of the planets at any time", "The way things are arranged or put together in order to achieve a result", "The arrangement of electrons in an atom, molecule, or other physical structure like a crystal", "A finite set of points and lines , generally with equal numbers of points per line and equal numbers of lines per point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "configuration" ], "word": "configuration", "num_translations": 48 }, "conflagration": { "senses": [ "A large fire extending to many objects, or over a large space", "a general burning", "A large-scale conflict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "firestorm" ], "word": "conflagration", "num_translations": 83 }, "conformation": { "senses": [ "The act of conforming", "the act of producing conformity", "The state of being conformed", "agreement", "hence", "structure, as depending on the arrangement of parts", "form", "arrangement", "The spatial arrangement of a group of atoms in a molecule as a result of rotation about a covalent bond which remains unbroken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conformance" ], "word": "conformation", "num_translations": 10 }, "conglomeration": { "senses": [ "That which consists of many previously separate parts", "An instance of conglomerating, a coming together of separate parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conglomerate" ], "word": "conglomeration", "num_translations": 10 }, "congratulation": { "senses": [ "The act of congratulating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:praise" ], "word": "congratulation", "num_translations": 38 }, "consequence": { "senses": [ "That which follows something on which it depends", "that which is produced by a cause", "A result of actions, especially if such a result is unwanted or unpleasant", "A proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions", "any conclusion which results from reason or argument", "inference", "Chain of causes and effects", "consecution", "Importance with respect to what comes after", "The power to influence or produce an effect", "Importance, value, or influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aftercome", "distinction", "implication", "moment", "rank", "repercussion", "value" ], "word": "consequence", "num_translations": 94 }, "conservation": { "senses": [ "The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting", "the keeping in a safe or entire state", "preservation", "Wise use of natural resources", "The discipline concerned with protection of biodiversity, the environment, and natural resources", "Genes and associated characteristics of biological organisms that are unchanged by evolution, for example similar or identical nucleic acid sequences or proteins in different species descended from a common ancestor", "The protection and care of cultural heritage, including artwork and architecture, as well as historical and archaeological artifacts", "lack of change in a measurable property of an isolated physical system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conservation", "num_translations": 59 }, "contamination": { "senses": [ "The act or process of contaminating", "Something which contaminates", "A process whereby words with related meanings come to have similar sounds", "The influence of one form on the historical development of another form to which it may be related in meaning", "The process of making a material or surface unclean or unsuited for its intended purpose, usually by the addition or attachment of undesirable foreign substances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "contamination", "num_translations": 38 }, "contemplation": { "senses": [ "The act of contemplating", "musing", "being highly concentrated in thought", "Holy meditation", "The act of looking forward to a future event" ], "antonyms": [ "pragmatism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "contemplation", "num_translations": 46 }, "contingent": { "senses": [ "An event which may or may not happen", "that which is unforeseen, undetermined, or dependent on something future", "That which falls to one in a division or apportionment among a number", "a suitable share", "A quota of troops" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "contingent", "num_translations": 35 }, "contingent1": { "senses": [ "Possible or liable, but not certain to occur", "Dependent on something that is undetermined or unknown", "Dependent on something that may or may not occur", "Not logically necessarily true or false", "Temporary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "contingent", "num_translations": 36 }, "continuation": { "senses": [ "The act or state of continuing or being continued", "uninterrupted extension or succession", "That which extends, increases, supplements, or carries on", "A representation of an execution state of a program at a certain point in time, which may be used at a later time to resume the execution of the program from that point", "A successful shot that, despite a foul, is made with a single continuous motion beginning before the foul, and that is therefore valid in certain forms of basketball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "continuation", "num_translations": 35 }, "contrition": { "senses": [ "The state of being contrite", "sincere penitence or remorse", "The act of grinding or rubbing to powder", "attrition", "friction", "rubbing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remorse" ], "word": "contrition", "num_translations": 13 }, "cradle": { "senses": [ "A bed or cot for a baby, oscillating on rockers or swinging on pivots", "The place of origin, or in which anything is nurtured or protected in the earlier period of existence", "Infancy, or very early life", "An implement consisting of a broad scythe for cutting grain, with a set of long fingers parallel to the scythe, designed to receive the grain, and to lay it evenly in a swath", "A tool used in mezzotint engraving, which, by a rocking motion, raises burrs on the surface of the plate, so preparing the ground", "A framework of timbers, or iron bars, moving upon ways or rollers, used to support, lift, or carry ships or other vessels, heavy guns, etc, as up an inclined plane, or across a strip of land, or in launching a ship", "A case for a broken or dislocated limb", "A frame to keep the bedclothes from contact with the sensitive parts of an injured person", "A machine on rockers, used in washing out auriferous earth", "A suspended scaffold used in shafts", "A ribbing for vaulted ceilings and arches intended to be covered with plaster", "A basket or apparatus in which, when a line has been made fast to a wrecked ship from the shore, the people are brought off from the wreck", "A rest for the receiver of a telephone, or for certain computer hardware", "A hand position allowing a contact ball to be held steadily on the back of the hand", "A mechanical device for tilting and decanting a bottle of wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rocker", "rest" ], "word": "cradle", "num_translations": 176 }, "cradle1": { "senses": [ "To rock", "To wrap protectively, to hold gently and protectively", "To lull or quieten, as if by rocking", "To nurse or train in infancy", "To rock the lacrosse stick back and forth in order to keep the ball in the head by means of centrifugal force", "To put ribs across the back of , to prevent the panels from warping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cradle", "num_translations": 31 }, "crafty": { "senses": [ "Relating to, or characterized by, craft or skill", "dexterous", "Possessing dexterity", "skilled", "skillful", "Skillful at deceiving others", "characterized by craft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skilled", "Thesaurus:wily" ], "word": "crafty", "num_translations": 51 }, "cram": { "senses": [ "To press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another", "to stuff", "to fill to superfluity", "To fill with food to satiety", "to stuff", "To put hastily through an extensive course of memorizing or study, as in preparation for an examination", "To study hard", "to swot", "To eat greedily, and to satiety", "to stuff oneself", "To lie", "to intentionally not tell the truth", "To make believe false or exaggerated tales" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cram", "num_translations": 108 }, "cram1": { "senses": [ "Information hastily memorized", "A warp having more than two threads passing through each dent or split of the reed", "A lie", "a falsehood", "A mathematical board game in which players take turns placing dominoes horizontally or vertically until no more can be placed, the loser being the player who cannot continue", "A small friendship book with limited space for people to enter their information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lie" ], "word": "cram", "num_translations": 22 }, "cranky": { "senses": [ "Weak, unwell", "Not in good working condition", "Grouchy, grumpy, irritable", "easily upset", "Not in perfect mental working order", "eccentric, peculiar", "Full of spirit", "spirited" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cranky", "num_translations": 37 }, "crass": { "senses": [ "coarse", "crude", "unrefined or insensitive", "lacking discrimination", "materialistic", "dense", "Lacking finesse", "crude and obvious" ], "antonyms": [ "delicate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "crass", "num_translations": 44 }, "crater": { "senses": [ "A hemispherical pit created by the impact of a meteorite or other object", "The basin-like opening or mouth of a volcano, through which the chief eruption comes", "similarly, the mouth of a geyser, about which a cone of silica is often built up", "The pit left by the explosion of a mine or bomb", "Any large, roughly circular depression or hole", "alternative spelling of \"krater\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crater", "num_translations": 120 }, "craze": { "senses": [ "craziness", "insanity", "A strong habitual desire or fancy", "A temporary passion or infatuation, as for some new amusement, pursuit, or fashion", "a fad", "A crack in the glaze or enamel caused by exposure of the pottery to great or irregular heat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "craze", "num_translations": 11 }, "craziness": { "senses": [ "The state of being crazy", "madness", "derangement", "The state of being broken down or weakened", "The result or product of being crazy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "craziness", "num_translations": 11 }, "crease": { "senses": [ "A line or mark made by folding or doubling any pliable substance", "hence, a similar mark, however produced", "One of the white lines drawn on the pitch to show different areas of play", "The circle around the goal, where no offensive players can go", "an area in front of each goal", "A crack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zone" ], "word": "crease", "num_translations": 57 }, "crease1": { "senses": [ "to wrinkle", "To undergo creasing", "to form wrinkles", "To lightly bloody", "to graze" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crease", "num_translations": 38 }, "creek": { "senses": [ "A small inlet or bay, often saltwater, narrower and extending farther into the land than a cove", "a recess in the shore of the sea, or of a river", "the inner part of a port that is used as a dock for small boats", "A stream of water smaller than a river and larger than a brook", "Any turn or winding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beck" ], "word": "creek", "num_translations": 78 }, "cremation": { "senses": [ "A burning", "especially the act or practice of cremating the dead, burning a corpse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incineration" ], "word": "cremation", "num_translations": 54 }, "crest": { "senses": [ "A tuft, or other natural ornament, growing on an animal's head, for example the comb of a cockerel, the swelling on the head of a snake, the lengthened feathers of the crown or nape of bird, etc", "The plume of feathers, or other decoration, worn on or displayed on a helmet", "the distinctive ornament of a helmet", "A bearing worn, not upon the shield, but usually on a helmet above it, sometimes separately above the shield or separately as a mark for plate, in letterheads, and the like", "The upper curve of a horse's neck", "The ridge or top of a wave", "The summit of a hill or mountain ridge120px", "The helm or head, as typical of a high spirit", "pride", "courage", "The ornamental finishing which surmounts the ridge of a roof, canopy, etc", "The top line of a slope or embankment", "A ridge along the surface of a bone", "A design or logo, especially one of an institution, association or high-class family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comb" ], "word": "crest", "num_translations": 132 }, "crisp": { "senses": [ "Sharp, clearly defined", "Brittle", "friable", "in a condition to break with a short, sharp fracture", "Possessing a certain degree of firmness and freshness", "Dry and cold", "Quick and accurate", "Brief and to the point", "having a refreshing amount of acidity", "having less acidity than green wine, but more than a flabby one", "Lively", "sparking", "effervescing", "Curling in stiff curls or ringlets", "Curled by the ripple of water", "Not using fuzzy logic", "based on a binary distinction between true and false" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crisp", "num_translations": 56 }, "crouch": { "senses": [ "To bend down", "to stoop low", "to stand close to the ground with legs bent, as an animal when waiting for prey, or in fear", "To bend servilely", "to stoop meanly", "to fawn", "to cringe", "To bend, or cause to bend, as in humility or fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crouch", "num_translations": 54 }, "crucial": { "senses": [ "Essential or decisive for determining the outcome or future of something", "extremely important", "Cruciform or cruciate", "cross-shaped", "Very good", "excellent", "particularly applied to reggae music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crucial", "num_translations": 42 }, "culmination": { "senses": [ "The attainment of the highest point of altitude reached by a heavenly body", "passage across the meridian", "transit", "Attainment or arrival at the highest pitch of glory, power, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:apex" ], "word": "culmination", "num_translations": 21 }, "cultivation": { "senses": [ "The art or act of cultivating", "improvement of land for or by agriculture", "The state of being cultivated or used for agriculture", "Devotion of time or attention to the improvement of", "Advancement or refinement in physical, intellectual, or moral condition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tillage", "refinement" ], "word": "cultivation", "num_translations": 52 }, "customary1": { "senses": [ "In accordance with, or established by, custom or common usage", "Holding or held by custom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wont" ], "word": "customary", "num_translations": 25 }, "dally": { "senses": [ "To waste time in trivial activities, or in idleness", "to trifle", "To caress, especially of a sexual nature", "to fondle or pet", "To delay unnecessarily", "to while away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dawdle", "feel up", "kill time" ], "word": "dally", "num_translations": 27 }, "damnation": { "senses": [ "The state of being damned", "condemnation", "openly expressed disapprobation", "Condemnation to everlasting punishment in the future state, or the punishment itself" ], "antonyms": [ "salvation" ], "synonyms": [ "tarnation" ], "word": "damnation", "num_translations": 12 }, "darwinism": { "senses": [ "Various concepts of development or evolution popularised by Charles Darwin's publication of ''On the Origin of Species in 1859", "The principles of natural selection set out in Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species , more strictly defined by August Weismann and developed by other authors into a central part of the modern evolutionary synthesis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Darwinianism" ], "word": "Darwinism", "num_translations": 38 }, "dean": { "senses": [ "A senior official in a college or university, who may be in charge of a division or faculty or have some other advisory or disciplinary function", "A dignitary or presiding officer in certain church bodies, especially an ecclesiastical dignitary, subordinate to a bishop, in charge of a chapter of canons", "The senior member of some group of people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provost" ], "word": "dean", "num_translations": 58 }, "debacle": { "senses": [ "An event or enterprise that ends suddenly and disastrously, often with humiliating consequences", "A breaking up of a natural dam, usually made of ice, by a river and the ensuing rush of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiasco" ], "word": "debacle", "num_translations": 29 }, "decapitation": { "senses": [ "Beheading", "the act of beheading or decapitating", "The ousting or destruction of the ruling body of a government or other organization", "The unseating of a senior politician" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beheading" ], "word": "decapitation", "num_translations": 36 }, "decease1": { "senses": [ "To die" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "decease", "num_translations": 16 }, "deceit": { "senses": [ "An act or practice intended to deceive", "a trick", "An act of deceiving someone", "The tort or fraudulent representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth and with intent to induce reliance on it", "the plaintiff justifiably relies on the deception, to his injury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trick", "deception", "underhandedness", "Thesaurus:deception" ], "word": "deceit", "num_translations": 70 }, "decentralization": { "senses": [ "The action of decentralizing, or the state of being decentralized" ], "antonyms": [ "recentralization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "decentralization", "num_translations": 17 }, "deck": { "senses": [ "Any raised flat surface that can be walked on: a balcony", "a porch", "a raised patio", "a flat rooftop", "A main aeroplane surface, especially of a biplane or multiplane", "A pack or set of playing cards", "A set of cards owned by each individual player and from which they draw when playing", "A set of slides for a presentation", "A heap or store", "A folded paper used for distributing illicit drugs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deck", "num_translations": 121 }, "decoration": { "senses": [ "The act of adorning, embellishing, or honoring", "ornamentation", "That which adorns, enriches, or beautifies", "something added by way of embellishment", "ornament", "Specifically, any mark of honor to be worn upon the person, as a medal, cross, or ribbon of an order of knighthood, bestowed for services in war, great achievements in literature, art, etc", "The use of exotic sugars as decoys to distract the immune system of a host" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "decoration", "num_translations": 114 }, "dedication": { "senses": [ "The act of dedicating or the state of being dedicated", "A note addressed to a patron or friend, prefixed to a work of art as a token of respect, esteem, or affection", "A ceremony marking an official completion or opening", "The deliberate or negligent surrender of all rights to property" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consecration", "diligence" ], "word": "dedication", "num_translations": 37 }, "deepen": { "senses": [ "To make deep or deeper", "To make darker or more intense", "to darken", "To make more poignant or affecting", "to increase in degree", "To make lower in tone", "To make more thorough or extensive", "To make more intimate", "To make more sound or heavy", "To become deeper", "To become darker or more intense", "To become lower in tone", "To become more thorough or extensive", "To become more intimate", "To become more sound or heavy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "depthen" ], "word": "deepen", "num_translations": 63 }, "defamation": { "senses": [ "The act of injuring another person's reputation by any slanderous communication, written or oral", "the wrong of maliciously injuring the good name of another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aspersion", "Thesaurus:slander" ], "word": "defamation", "num_translations": 51 }, "defecation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of voiding feces from the bowels", "Any of several processes for the removal of impurities, or for clarifying various materials" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defecation" ], "word": "defecation", "num_translations": 26 }, "defy": { "senses": [ "To challenge or brave", "To refuse to obey", "To not conform to or follow a pattern, set of rules or expectations", "To renounce or dissolve all bonds of affiance, faith, or obligation with", "to reject, refuse, or renounce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "defy", "num_translations": 60 }, "degeneration": { "senses": [ "The process or state of growing worse, or the state of having become worse", "That condition of a tissue or an organ in which its vitality has become either diminished or perverted", "a substitution of a lower for a higher form of structure", "Gradual deterioration, from natural causes, of any class of animals or plants or any particular organ or organs", "hereditary degradation of type", "A thing that has degenerated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decline", "nerf" ], "word": "degeneration", "num_translations": 62 }, "degradation": { "senses": [ "The act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing", "a lowering from one's standing or rank in office or society", "The state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputation", "baseness", "moral, physical, or intellectual degeneracy", "disgrace", "abasement", "debasement", "Diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value", "degeneration", "deterioration", "A gradual wearing down or wasting, as of rocks and banks, by the action of water, frost etc", "A deleterious change in the chemical structure, physical properties or appearance of a material from natural or artificial exposure", "The state or condition of a species or group which exhibits degraded forms", "degeneration", "Arrest of development, or degeneration of any organ, or of the body as a whole", "The gradual breakdown of components of a material, as a result of a natural element, ie: heat, cold and wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "degradation", "num_translations": 41 }, "dehydration": { "senses": [ "The act or process of removing water from something", "The condition in which water in the body drops below normal levels, usually caused by illness, sweating or by not drinking enough" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypohydration" ], "word": "dehydration", "num_translations": 35 }, "deification": { "senses": [ "The act of deifying", "exaltation to divine honors", "apotheosis", "Excessive praise", "A deified embodiment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "divinisation" ], "word": "deification", "num_translations": 19 }, "deliberate": { "senses": [ "Done on purpose", "intentional", "Of a person, weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision", "carefully considering the probable consequences of a step", "slow in determining", "Formed with deliberation", "carefully considered", "not sudden or rash", "Not hasty or sudden", "slow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deliberate", "num_translations": 131 }, "demean": { "senses": [ "To debase", "to lower", "to degrade", "To humble, humble oneself", "to humiliate", "To mortify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "debase", "lower", "degrade" ], "word": "demean", "num_translations": 11 }, "demean1": { "senses": [ "To manage", "to conduct", "to treat", "To conduct", "to behave", "to comport", "followed by the reflexive pronoun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "demean", "num_translations": 31 }, "demise": { "senses": [ "The conveyance or transfer of an estate, either in fee for life or for years, most commonly the latter", "Transmission by formal act or conveyance to an heir or successor", "transference", "especially, the transfer or transmission of the crown or royal authority to a successor", "Death", "The end of something, in a negative sense", "downfall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "demise", "num_translations": 53 }, "demobilization": { "senses": [ "The disorganization or disarming of troops which have previously been mobilized or called into active service", "the change from a war footing to a peace footing", "the act of demobilizing" ], "antonyms": [ "mobilization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "demobilization", "num_translations": 20 }, "denomination": { "senses": [ "The act of naming or designating", "That by which anything is denominated or styled", "an epithet", "a name, designation, or title", "especially, a general name indicating a class of like individuals", "A class, or society of individuals, called by the same name", "a sect or religious subgroup", "A unit in a series of units of weight, money, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "denomination", "num_translations": 86 }, "depend": { "senses": [ "To be contingent or conditioned", "to have something as a necessary condition", "to hinge on", "To trust", "to have confidence", "to rely", "To hang down", "to be sustained by being fastened or attached to something above", "To be pending", "to be undetermined or undecided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "depend", "num_translations": 82 }, "deplete": { "senses": [ "To empty or unload, as the vessels of the human system, by bloodletting or by medicine", "To reduce by destroying or consuming the vital powers of", "to exhaust, as a country of its strength or resources, a treasury of money, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "replenish" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deplete", "num_translations": 35 }, "deprecation": { "senses": [ "The act of deprecating", "A praying against evil", "prayer that an evil may be removed or prevented", "strong expression of disapprobation", "Entreaty for pardon", "petitioning", "An imprecation or curse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deprecation", "num_translations": 24 }, "deprivation": { "senses": [ "The act of depriving, dispossessing, or bereaving", "the act of deposing or divesting of some dignity", "The state of being deprived", "The taking away from a clergyman of his benefice, or other spiritual promotion or dignity", "lack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deprivation", "num_translations": 16 }, "derivation": { "senses": [ "A leading or drawing off of water from a stream or source", "The act of receiving anything from a source", "the act of procuring an effect from a cause, means, or condition, as profits from capital, conclusions or opinions from evidence", "The act of tracing origin or descent", "Forming a new word by changing the base of another word or by adding affixes to it", "The state or method of being derived", "the relation of origin when established or asserted", "That from which a thing is derived", "That which is derived", "a derivative", "a deduction", "this is the inverse operation to integration", "A drawing of humors or fluids from one part of the body to another, to relieve or lessen a morbid process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "derivation", "num_translations": 58 }, "desecration": { "senses": [ "An act of disrespect or impiety towards something considered sacred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blasphemy", "sacrilege", "profanation" ], "word": "desecration", "num_translations": 26 }, "designation": { "senses": [ "The act of designating", "a pointing out or showing", "indication", "Selection and appointment for a purpose", "allotment", "direction", "That which designates", "a distinguishing mark or name", "distinctive title", "appellation", "Use or application", "import", "intention", "signification, as of a word or phrase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "designation", "num_translations": 36 }, "desolation": { "senses": [ "The act of desolating or laying waste", "destruction of inhabitants", "depopulation", "The state of being desolated or laid waste", "A place or country wasted and forsaken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "desolation", "num_translations": 13 }, "desperation": { "senses": [ "The act of despairing or becoming desperate", "a giving up of hope", "A state of despair, or utter hopelessness", "abandonment of hope", "reckless fury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "desperation", "num_translations": 32 }, "despicable": { "senses": [ "Fit or deserving to be despised", "contemptible", "mean" ], "antonyms": [ "honorable" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:despicable" ], "word": "despicable", "num_translations": 63 }, "destination": { "senses": [ "The act of destining or appointing", "Purpose for which anything is destined", "predetermined end, object, or use", "ultimate design", "The place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent", "place or point aimed at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "destination", "num_translations": 59 }, "desultory": { "senses": [ "Jumping, or passing, from one thing or subject to another, without order, planning, or rational connection", "lacking logical sequence", "Out of course", "by the way", "not connected with the subject", "Disappointing in performance or progress", "Leaping, skipping or flitting about, generally in a random or unsteady manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "desultory", "num_translations": 24 }, "deteriorate": { "senses": [ "To make worse", "to make inferior in quality or value", "to impair", "To grow worse", "to be impaired in quality", "to degenerate" ], "antonyms": [ "ameliorate", "better", "improve", "revamp" ], "synonyms": [ "worsen", "to go off", "nerf", "degenerate", "weaken" ], "word": "deteriorate", "num_translations": 91 }, "determination": { "senses": [ "The act of determining, or the state of being determined", "Bringing to an end", "termination", "limit", "Direction or tendency to a certain end", "impulsion", "The quality of mind which reaches definite conclusions", "decision of character", "resoluteness", "The state of decision", "a judicial decision, or ending of controversy", "That which is determined upon", "result of deliberation", "purpose", "conclusion formed", "fixed resolution", "A flow, rush, or tendency to a particular part", "The act, process, or result of any accurate measurement, as of length, volume, weight, intensity, etc", "The act of defining a concept or notion by giving its essential constituents", "The addition of a distinguishing feature to a concept or notion, thus limiting its extent", "-- the opposite of generalization", "The act of determining the relations of an object, such as genus and species", "the referring of minerals, plants, or animals, to the species to which they belong", "classification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "determination", "num_translations": 55 }, "detonation": { "senses": [ "An explosion or sudden report made by the near-instantaneous decomposition or combustion of unstable substances Specifically, combustion that spreads supersonically via shock compression", "Engine knocking, an improper combustion in internal combustion engines" ], "antonyms": [ "with respect to speed of propagation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "detonation", "num_translations": 24 }, "deviation": { "senses": [ "The act of deviating", "wandering off the correct or true path or road", "A departure from the correct way of acting", "The state or result of having deviated", "a transgression", "an act of sin", "an error", "an offense", "The voluntary and unnecessary departure of a ship from, or delay in, the regular and usual course of the specific voyage insured, thus releasing the underwriters from their responsibility", "The shortest distance between the center of the target and the point where a projectile hits or bursts", "For interval variables and ratio variables, a measure of difference between the observed value and the mean", "The signed difference between a value and its reference value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deviation", "num_translations": 50 }, "devout": { "senses": [ "Devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties", "pious", "extremely religious", "Expressing devotion or piety", "Warmly devoted", "hearty", "sincere", "earnest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "devout", "num_translations": 26 }, "diabetes": { "senses": [ "A group of metabolic diseases whereby a person has high blood sugar due to an inability to produce, or inability to metabolize, sufficient quantities of the hormone insulin", "Any food or beverage with a high amount of sugar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diabetes mellitus" ], "word": "diabetes", "num_translations": 85 }, "dichotomy": { "senses": [ "A separation or division into two", "a distinction that results in such a division", "Such a division involving apparently incompatible or opposite principles", "a duality", "The division of a class into two disjoint subclasses that are together comprehensive, as the division of man into white and not white", "The division of a genus into two species", "a division into two subordinate parts", "A phase of the moon when it appears half lit and half dark, as at the quadratures", "Division and subdivision", "bifurcation, as of a stem of a plant or a vein of the body into two parts as it proceeds from its origin", "often successive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bisection", "partition" ], "word": "dichotomy", "num_translations": 49 }, "differentiation": { "senses": [ "The act of differentiating", "The act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference", "exact definition or determination", "The gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development, as when the seed develops the root and the stem, the initial stem develops the leaf, branches, and flower buds", "or in animal life, when the germ evolves the digestive and other organs and members, or when the animals as they advance in organization acquire special organs for specific purposes", "The process of separation of cooling magma into various rock types", "The process of determining the derived function of a function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "differentiation", "num_translations": 73 }, "diffident": { "senses": [ "Lacking confidence in others", "distrustful", "Lacking self-confidence", "timid", "modest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diffident", "num_translations": 45 }, "digest": { "senses": [ "To distribute or arrange methodically", "to work over and classify", "to reduce to portions for ready use or application", "To separate in its passage through the alimentary canal into the nutritive and nonnutritive elements", "to convert into chyme", "To think over and arrange methodically in the mind", "to reduce to a plan or method", "to receive in the mind and consider carefully", "to get an understanding of", "to comprehend", "To bear comfortably or patiently", "to be reconciled to", "to brook", "To expose to a gentle heat in a boiler or matrass, as a preparation for chemical operations", "To suppurate", "to generate pus, as an ulcer", "To cause to suppurate, or generate pus, as an ulcer or wound", "To ripen", "to mature", "To quieten or reduce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arrange", "sort out" ], "word": "digest", "num_translations": 79 }, "digest1": { "senses": [ "especially, that which is worked over, classified, and arranged under proper heads or titles", "A compilation of statutes or decisions analytically arranged", "a summary of laws", "Any collection of articles, as an Internet mailing list including a week's postings, or a magazine arranging a collection of writings", "The result of applying a hash function to a message" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "digest", "num_translations": 27 }, "digestible": { "senses": [ "Capable of being digested" ], "antonyms": [ "indigestible" ], "synonyms": [ "bite-sized" ], "word": "digestible", "num_translations": 19 }, "digress": { "senses": [ "To step or turn aside", "to deviate", "to swerve", "especially, to turn aside from the main subject of attention, or course of argument, in writing or speaking", "To turn aside from the right path", "to transgress", "to offend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sidetrack" ], "word": "digress", "num_translations": 33 }, "dilatation": { "senses": [ "Prolixity", "diffuse discourse", "The act of dilating", "expansion", "an enlarging on all sides", "the state of being dilated", "A dilation or enlargement of a canal or other organ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dilatation", "num_translations": 11 }, "dill": { "senses": [ "Anethum graveolens , a herb, the seeds of which are moderately warming, pungent, and aromatic, formerly used as a soothing medicine for children", "a fool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anet", "dill pickle" ], "word": "dill", "num_translations": 91 }, "disarm": { "senses": [ "To deprive of weapons", "to deprive of the means of attack or defense", "to render defenseless", "To deprive of the means or the disposition to harm", "to render harmless or innocuous", "To lay down arms", "to stand down", "To reduce one's own military forces", "To disable the security systems on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disarm", "num_translations": 62 }, "disarray": { "senses": [ "To throw into disorder", "to break the array of", "To take off the dress of", "to unrobe" ], "antonyms": [ "array" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disarray", "num_translations": 12 }, "disarray1": { "senses": [ "Lack of array or regular order", "disorder", "confusion", "Confused attire", "undress", "dishabille" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:disorder" ], "word": "disarray", "num_translations": 19 }, "disavow": { "senses": [ "To strongly and solemnly refuse to own or acknowledge", "to deny responsibility for, approbation of, and the like", "To deny", "to show the contrary of", "to deny legitimacy or achievement of any kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disavow", "num_translations": 29 }, "disburse": { "senses": [ "To pay out, expend", "usually from a public fund or treasury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shell out", "cough up", "fork out", "fork over" ], "word": "disburse", "num_translations": 13 }, "discount": { "senses": [ "To deduct from an account, debt, charge, and the like", "To take into consideration beforehand", "to anticipate and form conclusions concerning", "To leave out of account or regard as unimportant", "To believe, or act as though one believes, that one's own feelings are more important than the reality of a situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "discount", "num_translations": 26 }, "discount1": { "senses": [ "A reduction in price", "A deduction made for interest, in advancing money upon, or purchasing, a bill or note not due", "payment in advance of interest upon money", "The act of one who believes, or act as though they believe, that their own feelings are more important than the reality of a situation" ], "antonyms": [ "surcharge" ], "synonyms": [ "rebate" ], "word": "discount", "num_translations": 96 }, "discrepancy": { "senses": [ "An inconsistency between facts or sentiments", "The state or quality of being discrepant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conflict", "contrariety", "deviation", "difference", "disagreement", "disparity", "divergence", "incompatibility", "inconsistency", "mismatch", "variance", "variation", "dissimilarity", "anomaly", "discordance" ], "word": "discrepancy", "num_translations": 48 }, "discrimination": { "senses": [ "Discernment, the act of discriminating, discerning, distinguishing, noting or perceiving differences between things, with intent to understand rightly and make correct decisions", "The act of recognizing the 'good' and 'bad' in situations and choosing good", "Distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage", "treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit", "partiality", "prejudice", "bigotry", "The quality of being discriminating, acute discernment, specifically in a learning situation", "That which discriminates", "mark of distinction, a characteristic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "discrimination", "num_translations": 94 }, "disembark": { "senses": [ "To remove from on board a vessel", "to put on shore", "To go ashore out of a ship or boat", "to leave a train or airplane" ], "antonyms": [ "embark" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disembark", "num_translations": 60 }, "disgrace": { "senses": [ "The condition of being out of favor", "loss of favor, regard, or respect", "The state of being dishonored, or covered with shame", "Something which brings dishonor", "the cause of reproach or shame", "great discredit", "An act of unkindness", "a disfavor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misgrace" ], "word": "disgrace", "num_translations": 107 }, "dismay": { "senses": [ "To disable with alarm or apprehensions", "to depress the spirits or courage of", "to deprive of firmness and energy through fear", "to daunt", "to appall", "to terrify", "To render lifeless", "to subdue", "to disquiet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dismay", "num_translations": 42 }, "dismay1": { "senses": [ "A sudden or complete loss of courage and firmness in the face of trouble or danger", "overwhelming and disabling terror", "a sinking of the spirits", "ruin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dismay", "num_translations": 39 }, "dispensation": { "senses": [ "The act of dispensing or dealing out", "distribution", "often used of the distribution of good and evil by God to man, or more generically, of the acts and modes of his administration", "That which is dispensed, dealt out, or appointed", "that which is enjoined or bestowed", "A system of principles, promises, and rules ordained and administered", "scheme", "economy", "The relaxation of a law in a particular case", "permission to do something forbidden, or to omit doing something enjoined", "specifically, in the Roman Catholic Church, exemption from some ecclesiastical law or obligation to God which a man has incurred of his own free will" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dispensation", "num_translations": 41 }, "disperse": { "senses": [ "To scatter in different directions", "To break up and disappear", "to dissipate", "To disseminate", "To separate rays of light etc according to wavelength", "to refract", "To distribute throughout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:disperse" ], "word": "disperse", "num_translations": 91 }, "disprove": { "senses": [ "To prove to be false or erroneous", "to confute", "to refute" ], "antonyms": [ "prove" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disprove", "num_translations": 27 }, "dispute": { "senses": [ "An argument or disagreement, a failure to agree", "Verbal controversy or disagreement", "altercation", "debate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dispute" ], "word": "dispute", "num_translations": 61 }, "dispute1": { "senses": [ "to contend in argument", "to argue against something maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another", "to make a subject of disputation", "to argue pro and con", "to discuss", "to oppose by argument or assertion", "to controvert", "to express dissent or opposition to", "to call in question", "to deny the truth or validity of", "to strive or contend about", "to contest", "to struggle against", "to resist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dispute", "num_translations": 45 }, "dissipation": { "senses": [ "The act of dissipating or dispersing", "a state of dispersion or separation", "dispersion", "waste", "A dissolute course of life, in which health, money, etc, are squandered in pursuit of pleasure", "profuseness in immoral indulgence, as late hours, riotous living, etc", "dissoluteness", "A trifle which wastes time or distracts attention", "A loss of energy, usually as heat, from a dynamic system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dissipation", "num_translations": 40 }, "dissociation": { "senses": [ "The act of dissociating or disuniting", "a state of separation", "disunion", "The process by which a compound body breaks up into simpler constituents", "said particularly of the action of heat on gaseous or volatile substances", "A defence mechanism where certain thoughts or mental processes are compartmentalised in order to avoid emotional stress to the conscious mind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dissociation", "num_translations": 25 }, "disinter": { "senses": [ "To take out of the grave or tomb", "To bring out, as from a grave or hiding place", "to bring from obscurity into view" ], "antonyms": [ "inter" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disinter", "num_translations": 24 }, "disparage1": { "senses": [ "To match unequally", "to degrade or dishonor", "To dishonor by a comparison with what is inferior", "to lower in rank or estimation by actions or words", "to speak slightingly of", "to depreciate", "to undervalue", "To ridicule, mock, discredit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disparage", "num_translations": 50 }, "diverse": { "senses": [ "Consisting of many different elements", "various", "Different", "dissimilar", "distinct", "not the same", "Capable of various forms", "multiform", "Containing people groups that are minorities in a given area", "Belonging to a minority group" ], "antonyms": [ "homogeneous" ], "synonyms": [ "diverse", "Thesaurus:different" ], "word": "diverse", "num_translations": 68 }, "divination": { "senses": [ "The act of divining", "a foreseeing or foretelling of future events", "The apparent art of discovering secrets or the future by preternatural means", "An indication of what is to come in the future or what is secret", "a prediction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "divination", "num_translations": 58 }, "divorcee": { "senses": [ "A person divorced" ], "antonyms": [ "spouse" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "divorcee", "num_translations": 29 }, "document": { "senses": [ "An original or official paper used as the basis, proof, or support of anything else, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information pertinent to such proof or support", "Any material substance on which the information is represented by writing", "A file that contains text", "That which is taught or authoritatively set forth", "precept", "instruction", "dogma", "An example for instruction or warning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "document", "num_translations": 113 }, "dominant": { "senses": [ "The fifth major tone of a musical scale", "The dominating partner in sadomasochistic sexual activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dominator" ], "word": "dominant", "num_translations": 13 }, "dominant1": { "senses": [ "Ruling", "governing", "prevailing", "Designating the follicle which will survive atresia and permit ovulation" ], "antonyms": [ "obedient" ], "synonyms": [ "imposing", "prevalent" ], "word": "dominant", "num_translations": 43 }, "domination": { "senses": [ "The act of dominating", "exercise of power in ruling", "dominion", "supremacy", "authority, often when arbitrary or insolent", "A ruling party", "a party in power", "A high order of angels in the celestial hierarchy", "A fetish characterized by control/power over and discipline of one's sexual partner", "synonym of \"cover\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "domination", "num_translations": 16 }, "douche": { "senses": [ "A jet or current of water or vapour directed upon some part of the body to benefit it medicinally", "in particular, such a jet directed at the vagina for vaginal irrigation", "Something that produces the jet or current in the previous sense, such as a syringe", "A contemptible person", "a worthless, brainless or disgusting person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "douche", "num_translations": 25 }, "douse": { "senses": [ "To plunge suddenly into water", "to duck", "to immerse", "To fall suddenly into water", "To put out", "to extinguish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "douse", "num_translations": 26 }, "drape1": { "senses": [ "To spread over, cover", "To rail at", "to banter", "To make cloth", "To hang or rest limply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drape", "num_translations": 23 }, "drift": { "senses": [ "Movement", "that which moves or is moved", "the force which impels or drives", "an overpowering influence or impulse", "A place along a river where the water is shallow enough to permit crossing to the opposite side", "The tendency of an act, argument, course of conduct, or the like", "object aimed at or intended", "intention", "hence, also, import or meaning of a sentence or discourse", "aim", "The horizontal thrust or pressure of an arch or vault upon the abutments", "A tool", "A deviation from the line of fire, peculiar to oblong projectiles", "Minor deviation of audio or video playback from its correct speed", "A passage driven or cut between shaft and shaft", "a small subterranean gallery", "an adit or tunnel", "Movement", "A sideways movement of the ball through the air, when bowled by a spin bowler", "Slow, cumulative change" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drift", "num_translations": 69 }, "drift1": { "senses": [ "To move slowly, especially pushed by currents of water, air, etc", "To move haphazardly without any destination", "To deviate gently from the intended direction of travel", "To drive or carry, as currents do a floating body", "To drive into heaps", "To accumulate in heaps by the force of wind", "to be driven into heaps", "to examine a vein or ledge for the purpose of ascertaining the presence of metals or ores", "to follow a vein", "to prospect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drift", "num_translations": 69 }, "drown": { "senses": [ "To die from suffocation while immersed in water or other fluid", "To kill by suffocating in water or another liquid", "To be flooded: to be inundated with or submerged in water or other things", "to be overwhelmed", "To inundate, submerge, overwhelm", "To obscure, particularly amid an overwhelming volume of other items" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flood" ], "word": "drown", "num_translations": 163 }, "drowsy": { "senses": [ "Inclined to drowse", "heavy with sleepiness", "Causing someone to fall sleep or feel sleepy", "lulling", "soporific", "Boring", "Dull", "stupid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drowsy", "num_translations": 78 }, "duplication": { "senses": [ "The act of duplicating", "A folding over", "a fold", "The act or process of dividing by natural growth or spontaneous action", "The act of copying a nucleotide sequence from one chromosome to another", "A nucleotide sequence copied through such a process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:duplication" ], "word": "duplication", "num_translations": 10 }, "eager": { "senses": [ "Sharp", "sour", "acid", "Sharp", "keen", "bitter", "severe", "Desirous", "keen to do or obtain something", "Brittle", "inflexible", "not ductile", "Not employing lazy evaluation", "calculating results immediately, rather than deferring calculation until they are required" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "raring" ], "word": "eager", "num_translations": 54 }, "earnest": { "senses": [ "Gravity", "serious purpose", "Seriousness", "reality", "actuality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "earnest", "num_translations": 19 }, "earnest2": { "senses": [ "Serious or honest", "Focused in the pursuit of an objective", "eager to obtain or do", "Intent", "focused", "showing a lot of concentration", "Possessing or characterised by seriousness", "Strenuous", "diligent", "Serious", "weighty", "of a serious, weighty, or important nature", "important" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "earnest", "num_translations": 79 }, "electrify": { "senses": [ "To supply electricity to", "to charge with electricity", "To cause electricity to pass through", "to affect by electricity", "to give an electric shock to", "To adapt for electric power", "To strongly excite, especially by something delightful or inspiring", "to thrill", "To become electric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "electrify", "num_translations": 53 }, "elevation": { "senses": [ "The act of raising from a lower place, condition, or quality to a higher", "said of material things, persons, the mind, the voice, etc", "The condition of being or feeling elevated", "heightened", "exaltation", "That which is raised up or elevated", "an elevated place or station", "The distance of a celestial object above the horizon, or the arc of a vertical circle intercepted between it and the horizon", "altitude", "The measured vertical distance from the peak of a mountain or hill to its bordering lowlands", "The angle which the gnomon makes with the substylar line", "The movement of the axis of a piece in a vertical plane", "distinguished from direction", "A geometrical projection of a building, or other object, on a plane perpendicular to the horizon", "orthographic projection on a vertical plane", "called by the ancients the orthography", "The raising of the host\u2014representing Christ's body\u2014in a mass or Holy Communion service" ], "antonyms": [ "disgust", "demotion", "depression", "diminishment", "reduction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "elevation", "num_translations": 56 }, "elimination": { "senses": [ "The act of eliminating, expelling or throwing off", "The act of excluding a losing contestant from a match, tournament, or other competition", "The act of voting off or throwing off a contestant in a reality television competition", "The act of discharging or excreting waste products or foreign substances through the various emunctories", "The act of causing a quantity to disappear from an equation", "especially, in the operation of deducing from several equations containing several unknown quantities a less number of equations containing a less number of unknown quantities", "The act of obtaining by separation, or as the result of eliminating", "deduction", "The act of recording amounts in a consolidation statement to remove the effects of inter-company transactions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elimination", "num_translations": 26 }, "emanation": { "senses": [ "The act of flowing or proceeding from a source or origin", "That which issues, flows, or proceeds from any object as a source", "efflux", "an effluence", "The element radon", "The generation of the Son and the procession of the Holy Spirit, as distinct from the origination of created beings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "emanation", "num_translations": 18 }, "emancipate": { "senses": [ "To set free from the power of another", "to liberate", "as:", "To free from any controlling influence, especially from anything which exerts undue or evil influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liberate", "manumit" ], "word": "emancipate", "num_translations": 10 }, "emancipation": { "senses": [ "The act of setting free from the power of another, as from slavery, subjection, dependence, or controlling influence", "The state of being thus set free", "liberation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manumission" ], "word": "emancipation", "num_translations": 40 }, "embed": { "senses": [ "To lay as in a bed", "to lay in surrounding matter", "to bed", "To include in surrounding matter", "To encapsulate within another document or data file", "To define a one-to-one function from to another so that certain properties of the domain are preserved when considering the image as a subset of the codomain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "embed", "num_translations": 46 }, "empiricism": { "senses": [ "A pursuit of knowledge purely through experience, especially by means of observation and sometimes by experimentation", "A doctrine which holds that the only or, at least, the most reliable source of human knowledge is experience, especially perception by means of the physical senses", "A practice of medicine founded on mere experience, without the aid of science or a knowledge of principles", "ignorant and unscientific practice", "the method or practice of an empiric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charlatanry" ], "word": "empiricism", "num_translations": 31 }, "emulation": { "senses": [ "The endeavor or desire to equal or excel someone else in qualities or actions", "Jealous rivalry", "envy", "envious contention", "Running a program or other software designed for a different system, by simulating parts of the other system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "emulation", "num_translations": 12 }, "endow": { "senses": [ "To provide with a dower or a dowry", "To give property to as a gift", "specifically, to provide with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits", "Followed by with, or rarely by of: to enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality", "Usually in the passive: to naturally furnish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "endow", "num_translations": 51 }, "enigmatic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to an enigma", "Mysterious", "Defying description" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mysterious", "Thesaurus:incomprehensible" ], "word": "enigmatic", "num_translations": 43 }, "enlighten": { "senses": [ "To supply with light", "to illuminate", "To make something clear to", "to give knowledge or understanding to" ], "antonyms": [ "endarken" ], "synonyms": [ "illumine", "apprise" ], "word": "enlighten", "num_translations": 44 }, "enlightenment": { "senses": [ "An act of enlightening, or the state of being enlightened or instructed", "A concept in spirituality, philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epiphany", "peace that passeth understanding", "satori" ], "word": "enlightenment", "num_translations": 54 }, "enmity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being an enemy", "hostile or unfriendly disposition", "A state or feeling of opposition, hostility, hatred or animosity" ], "antonyms": [ "amity" ], "synonyms": [ "enemyship" ], "word": "enmity", "num_translations": 50 }, "enrage": { "senses": [ "To fill with rage", "to provoke to frenzy or madness", "to make furious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:enrage" ], "word": "enrage", "num_translations": 55 }, "entreat": { "senses": [ "To treat with, or in respect to, a thing desired", "hence, to ask for earnestly", "To beseech or supplicate", "to prevail upon by prayer or solicitation", "to try to persuade", "To invite", "to entertain", "To treat or discourse", "hence, to enter into negotiations, as for a treaty", "To make an earnest petition or request", "To treat, or conduct toward", "to deal with", "to use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "entreat", "num_translations": 13 }, "enumeration": { "senses": [ "The act of enumerating, making separate mention, or recounting", "A detailed account, in which each thing is specially noticed", "A recapitulation, in the peroration, of the heads of an argument", "A data type that allows variables to have any of a predefined set of values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "numbering", "enum" ], "word": "enumeration", "num_translations": 10 }, "enunciation": { "senses": [ "The act of enunciating, announcing, proclaiming, or making known", "open attestation", "declaration", "Mode of utterance or pronunciation, especially as regards fullness and distinctness or articulation", "That which is enunciated or announced", "words in which a proposition is expressed", "formal declaration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enunciation", "num_translations": 16 }, "equally": { "senses": [ "In an equal manner", "in equal shares or proportion", "with equal and impartial justice", "evenly", "In equal degree or extent", "just as", "Used to link two or more coordinate elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "equally", "num_translations": 40 }, "vituperative": { "senses": [ "Marked by harsh, spoken, or written abuse", "abusive, often with ranting or railing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abusive" ], "word": "vituperative", "num_translations": 12 }, "equivocal1": { "senses": [ "Having two or more equally applicable meanings", "capable of double or multiple interpretation", "Capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters", "deserving to be suspected", "Uncertain, as an indication or sign" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "equivocal", "num_translations": 47 }, "eradication": { "senses": [ "The act of plucking up by the roots", "an uprooting", "extirpation", "utter destruction", "The state of being plucked up by the roots" ], "antonyms": [ "radication" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "eradication", "num_translations": 12 }, "espy": { "senses": [ "To catch sight of", "to see", "to spot", "To examine and keep watch upon", "to watch", "to observe", "To look or search narrowly", "to look about", "to watch", "to take notice", "to spy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "espy", "num_translations": 10 }, "etiquette": { "senses": [ "The forms required by a good upbringing, or prescribed by authority, to be observed in social or official life", "observance of the proprieties of rank and occasion", "conventional decorum", "ceremonial code of polite society", "The customary behavior of members of a profession, business, law, or sports team towards each other", "* 2012, July 15 Richard Williams in Guardian Unlimited, Tour de France 2012: Carpet tacks cannot force Bradley Wiggins off track", "A label used to indicate that a letter is to be sent by airmail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "etiquette", "num_translations": 88 }, "evacuate": { "senses": [ "To leave or withdraw from", "to quit", "to retire from", "as, soldiers from a country, city, or fortress", "To cause to leave or withdraw from", "To make empty", "to empty out", "to remove the contents of, including to create a vacuum", "To make empty", "to deprive", "To remove", "to eject", "to void", "to discharge, as the contents of a vessel, or of the bowels", "To make void", "to nullify", "to vacate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "evacuate", "num_translations": 39 }, "evacuation": { "senses": [ "The act of evacuating", "leaving a place in an orderly fashion, especially for safety", "Withdrawal of troops or civils from a town, fortress, etc", "The act of emptying, clearing of the contents, or discharging, including creating a vacuum", "Voidance of any matter by the natural passages of the body or by an artificial opening", "defecation", "also, a diminution of the fluids of an animal body by cathartics, venesection, or other means", "That which is evacuated or discharged", "especially, a discharge by stool or other natural means", "Abolition", "nullification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "evacuation", "num_translations": 50 }, "evisceration": { "senses": [ "A disemboweling", "the removal of viscera", "A vigorous verbal or physical assault" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exenteration" ], "word": "evisceration", "num_translations": 13 }, "exact": { "senses": [ "Precisely agreeing with a standard, a fact, or the truth", "perfectly conforming", "neither exceeding nor falling short in any respect", "Habitually careful to agree with a standard, a rule, or a promise", "accurate", "methodical", "punctual", "Precisely or definitely conceived or stated", "strict", "Such that the kernel of one homomorphism is the image of the preceding one" ], "antonyms": [ "inexact", "loose" ], "synonyms": [ "perfect", "strict", "spot on" ], "word": "exact", "num_translations": 103 }, "exaggeration": { "senses": [ "The act of heaping or piling up", "The act of exaggerating", "the act of doing or representing in an excessive manner", "a going beyond the bounds of truth, reason, or justice", "a hyperbolical representation", "hyperbole", "overstatement", "A representation of things beyond natural life, in expression, beauty, power, vigor" ], "antonyms": [ "trivialization", "understatement" ], "synonyms": [ "overstatement", "hyperbole" ], "word": "exaggeration", "num_translations": 53 }, "exasperation": { "senses": [ "The act of exasperating or the state of being exasperated", "irritation", "keen or bitter anger", "Increase of violence or malignity", "aggravation", "exacerbation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exasperation", "num_translations": 18 }, "excavation": { "senses": [ "The act of excavating, or of making hollow, by cutting, scooping, or digging out a part of a solid mass", "A cavity formed by cutting, digging, or scooping", "An uncovered cutting in the earth, in distinction from a covered cutting or tunnel", "The material dug out in making a channel or cavity", "Archaeological research that unearths buildings, tombs and objects of historical value", "A site where an archaeological exploration is being carried out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "excavation", "num_translations": 62 }, "except1": { "senses": [ "but" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:except" ], "word": "except", "num_translations": 111 }, "exceptional": { "senses": [ "Forming an exception", "not ordinary", "uncommon", "rare", "Better than the average", "superior due to exception or rarity", "Corresponding to something of lower dimension under a birational correspondence" ], "antonyms": [ "ordinary", "ordinary" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:excellent", "egregious" ], "word": "exceptional", "num_translations": 82 }, "excitation": { "senses": [ "The act of exciting or putting in motion", "the act of rousing up or awakening", "The act of producing excitement", "also, the excitement produced", "The activity produced in an organ, tissue, or part, such as a nerve cell, as a result of stimulation", "The change in state as an excited state is formed by the absorption of a quantum of energy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "excitation", "num_translations": 34 }, "exclamation": { "senses": [ "A loud calling or crying out, for example as in surprise, pain, grief, joy, anger, etc", "A word expressing outcry", "an interjection", "A clause type used to make an exclamatory statement: What a mess they made!", "How stupid I was!", "The sign \"!\" by which outcry or emphatic utterance is marked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exclamation mark" ], "word": "exclamation", "num_translations": 35 }, "excommunication": { "senses": [ "The act of excommunicating, disfellowshipping or ejecting", "especially an ecclesiastical censure whereby the person against whom it is pronounced is, for the time, cast out of the communication of the church", "exclusion from fellowship in things spiritual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disfellowshipment" ], "word": "excommunication", "num_translations": 44 }, "exemplification": { "senses": [ "The act of exemplifying", "a showing or illustrating by example", "That which exemplifies", "a case in point", "example", "A copy or transcript attested to be correct by the seal of an officer having custody of the original" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exemplification", "num_translations": 15 }, "exhalation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of exhaling", "breathing out", "That which is exhaled, or which rises in the form of vapor, fume, or steam", "A bright phenomenon", "a meteor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exhalation", "num_translations": 15 }, "exhortation": { "senses": [ "The act or practice of exhorting", "the act of inciting to laudable deeds", "incitement to that which is good or commendable", "Language intended to incite and encourage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:advice" ], "word": "exhortation", "num_translations": 15 }, "exhumation": { "senses": [ "The act of digging up that which has been buried" ], "antonyms": [ "burial" ], "synonyms": [ "disinterment" ], "word": "exhumation", "num_translations": 23 }, "expatriate1": { "senses": [ "One who lives outside their own country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u00e9migr\u00e9", "outland" ], "word": "expatriate", "num_translations": 63 }, "expatriate2": { "senses": [ "To banish", "to drive or force from his own country", "to make an exile of", "To withdraw from one's native country", "To renounce the rights and liabilities of citizenship where one is born and become a citizen of another country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "expatriate", "num_translations": 36 }, "expectation": { "senses": [ "The act or state of expecting or looking forward to an event as about to happen", "That which is expected or looked for", "The prospect of the future", "grounds upon which something excellent is expected to occur", "prospect of anything good to come, especially of property or rank", "The value of any chance which depends upon some contingent event", "The first moment", "the long-run average value of a variable over many independent repetitions of an experiment", "The arithmetic mean", "The leaving of a disease principally to the efforts of nature to effect a cure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arithmetic mean" ], "word": "expectation", "num_translations": 74 }, "expiration": { "senses": [ "The act of expiring", "The act or process of breathing out, or forcing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth", "Emission of volatile matter", "exhalation", "The last emission of breath", "death", "A cessation, extinction, ending", "That which is produced by breathing out, as a sound" ], "antonyms": [ "inspiration" ], "synonyms": [ "exhalation", "termination" ], "word": "expiration", "num_translations": 32 }, "extension": { "senses": [ "The act of extending", "a stretching out", "enlargement in length or breadth", "an increase", "The state of being extended", "That property of a body by which it occupies a portion of space", "A part of a building that has been extended from the original", "Capacity of a concept or general term to include a greater or smaller number of objects", "\u2014 correlative of intension", "A written engagement on the part of a creditor, allowing a debtor further time to pay a debt", "The operation of stretching a broken bone so as to bring the fragments into the same straight line", "An exercise in which an arm or leg is straightened against resistance", "A simple offensive action, consisting of extending the weapon arm forward", "A numerical code used to specify a specific telephone in a telecommunication network", "An optional software component that adds functionality to an application", "The set of tuples of values that, used as arguments, satisfy the predicate", "A kind of derivative morpheme applied to verbs in Bantu languages" ], "antonyms": [ "shortening", "curl" ], "synonyms": [ "denotation" ], "word": "extension", "num_translations": 107 }, "extra": { "senses": [ "Beyond what is due, usual, expected, or necessary", "additional", "supernumerary", "superior", "Over the top", "going beyond what is normal or appropriate, often in a dramatic manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "extra", "num_translations": 40 }, "extract": { "senses": [ "A portion of a book or document, incorporated distinctly in another work", "a citation", "a quotation", "A decoction, solution, or infusion made by drawing out from any substance that which gives it its essential and characteristic virtue", "A solid preparation obtained by evaporating a solution of a drug, etc, or the fresh juice of a plant", "Ancestry", "descent", "A draft or copy of writing", "a certified copy of the proceedings in an action and the judgment therein, with an order for execution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extraction", "extractive principle", "origin" ], "word": "extract", "num_translations": 84 }, "extract1": { "senses": [ "To draw out", "to pull out", "to remove forcibly from a fixed position, as by traction or suction, etc", "To withdraw by expression, distillation, or other mechanical or chemical process Compare abstract", "To take by selection", "to choose out", "to cite or quote, as a passage from a book", "To select parts of a whole", "To determine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outdraw", "sunder out" ], "word": "extract", "num_translations": 60 }, "extraneous": { "senses": [ "Not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing", "without or beyond a thing", "foreign", "Not essential or intrinsic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "additional", "superfluous" ], "word": "extraneous", "num_translations": 22 }, "fabrication": { "senses": [ "The act of fabricating, framing, or constructing", "construction", "manufacture", "That which is fabricated", "a falsehood", "The act of cutting up an animal carcass as preparation for cooking", "butchery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fabrication", "num_translations": 29 }, "faint": { "senses": [ "Lacking strength", "weak", "languid", "inclined to lose consciousness", "Lacking courage, spirit, or energy", "cowardly", "dejected", "Barely perceptible", "not bright, or loud, or sharp", "Performed, done, or acted, weakly", "not exhibiting vigor, strength, or energy", "Slight", "minimal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "faint", "num_translations": 85 }, "faint2": { "senses": [ "To lose consciousness through a lack of oxygen or nutrients to the brain, usually as a result of suddenly reduced blood flow", "To sink into dejection", "to lose courage or spirit", "to become depressed or despondent", "To decay", "to disappear", "to vanish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pass out", "queal" ], "word": "faint", "num_translations": 75 }, "fairly": { "senses": [ "In a fair manner", "not biased or skewed or favouring a certain party", "Favorably", "auspiciously", "commodiously", "Honestly", "properly", "Softly", "quietly", "gently", "Partly, not fully", "somewhat", "Almost", "practically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fairly", "num_translations": 51 }, "fake": { "senses": [ "Not real", "false, fraudulent", "Insincere" ], "antonyms": [ "authentic" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fake" ], "word": "fake", "num_translations": 68 }, "fake1": { "senses": [ "Something which is not genuine, or is presented fraudulently", "A trick", "a swindle", "A move meant to deceive an opposing player, used for gaining advantage for example when dribbling an opponent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feint" ], "word": "fake", "num_translations": 35 }, "fake2": { "senses": [ "To cheat", "to swindle", "to steal", "to rob", "To modify fraudulently, so as to make an object appear better or other than it really is", "To make a counterfeit, to counterfeit, to forge, to falsify", "To make a false display of, to affect, to feign, to simulate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adulterate", "pass off" ], "word": "fake", "num_translations": 61 }, "falsification": { "senses": [ "the act of falsifying, or making false", "a counterfeiting", "the giving to a thing an appearance of something which it is not", "knowingly false statement or wilful misrepresentation", "showing an item of charge in an account to be wrong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "falsification", "num_translations": 21 }, "fascia": { "senses": [ "A wide band of material covering the ends of roof rafters, sometimes supporting a gutter in steep-slope roofing, but typically it is a border or trim in low-slope roofing", "A face or front cover of an appliance, especially of a mobile phone", "A dashboard", "A flat band or broad fillet", "especially, one of the three bands that make up the architrave, in the Ionic order", "A broad well-defined band of color", "A band, sash, or fillet", "especially, in surgery, a bandage or roller", "A sash worn by certain members of the Catholic and Anglican churches", "The layer of loose tissue, often containing fat, immediately beneath the skin", "the stronger layer of connective tissue covering and investing all muscles", "an aponeurosis", "The signboard above a shop or other location open to the public" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fascia", "num_translations": 28 }, "fatal": { "senses": [ "Proceeding from, or appointed by, fate or destiny", "Foreboding death or great disaster", "Causing death or destruction", "Causing a sudden end to the running of a program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inevitable", "terminal", "calamitous" ], "word": "fatal", "num_translations": 69 }, "fatalism": { "senses": [ "The doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable necessity, or determined in advance in such a way that human beings cannot change them" ], "antonyms": [ "free will", "freedom", "indeterminism" ], "synonyms": [ "determinism", "predestination", "predeterminism" ], "word": "fatalism", "num_translations": 20 }, "fatality": { "senses": [ "The state proceeding from destiny", "invincible necessity, superior to, and independent of, free and rational control", "Tendency to death, destruction or danger, as if by decree of fate", "That which is decreed by fate or which is fatal", "a fatal event", "Death", "An accident that causes death", "A person killed", "A move where one character kills another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inevitability", "mortality" ], "word": "fatality", "num_translations": 12 }, "fearless": { "senses": [ "Without fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frightless" ], "word": "fearless", "num_translations": 45 }, "feign": { "senses": [ "To make a false show or pretence of", "to counterfeit or simulate", "To imagine", "to invent", "to pretend", "To make an action as if doing one thing, but actually doing another, for example to trick an opponent", "To hide or conceal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "front", "Thesaurus:deceive" ], "word": "feign", "num_translations": 67 }, "feint2": { "senses": [ "A movement made to confuse the opponent", "a dummy", "That which is feigned", "an assumed or false appearance", "a pretense or stratagem", "An offensive movement resembling an attack in all but its continuance", "The narrowest rule used in the production of lined writing paper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "feint", "num_translations": 25 }, "fellow": { "senses": [ "A colleague or partner", "A companion", "a comrade", "A man without good breeding or worth", "an ignoble or mean man", "An equal in power, rank, character, etc", "One of a pair, or of two things used together or suited to each other", "a mate", "A person with common characteristics, being of the same kind, or in the same group", "A male person", "a man", "A person", "an individual, male or female", "synonym of \"schoolmate\": a student at the same school", "Used as a general intensifier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:associate", "Thesaurus:man" ], "word": "fellow", "num_translations": 67 }, "feminization": { "senses": [ "The act of feminizing, or the state of being feminized", "The development of female sex characteristics" ], "antonyms": [ "masculinization", "masculinisation", "masculization", "masculisation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "feminization", "num_translations": 18 }, "fertilization": { "senses": [ "The act or process of rendering fertile", "The act of fecundating or impregnating animal or vegetable gametes", "especially, the process by which in flowers the pollen renders the ovule fertile, or an analogous process in flowerless plants", "The act of applying fertilizer to soil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conception", "fecundation", "syngamy", "impregnation" ], "word": "fertilization", "num_translations": 31 }, "finally": { "senses": [ "At the end or conclusion", "ultimately", "To finish", "lastly", "Definitively, comprehensively" ], "antonyms": [ "initially" ], "synonyms": [ "eventually", "at last", "completely" ], "word": "finally", "num_translations": 107 }, "finance1": { "senses": [ "To conduct, or procure money for, financial operations", "To pay ransom", "To manage financially", "be financier for", "provide or obtain funding for a transaction or undertaking", "To extort ransom from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "finance", "num_translations": 27 }, "firstly": { "senses": [ "In the first place", "before anything else", "first" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1stly" ], "word": "firstly", "num_translations": 70 }, "fixation": { "senses": [ "The act of fixing", "The state of being fixed or fixated", "The act of uniting chemically with a solid substance or in a solid form", "reduction to a non-volatile condition", "-- said of volatile elements", "The act or process of ceasing to be fluid and becoming firm", "In metals, a state of resistance to evaporation or volatilization by heat", "A state of mind involving obsession with a particular person, idea or thing", "The change in a gene pool from a situation where there exists at least two variants of a particular gene to a situation where only one of the alleles remains" ], "antonyms": [ "movement" ], "synonyms": [ "fixedness" ], "word": "fixation", "num_translations": 25 }, "flabby": { "senses": [ "Yielding to the touch, and easily moved or shaken", "hanging loose by its own weight", "lacking firmness", "flaccid", "Having a slight lack of acidity", "having mild sweetness", "overwrought", "Which forms a surjection from the domain to every open subset of the codomain" ], "antonyms": [ "muscled" ], "synonyms": [ "flat" ], "word": "flabby", "num_translations": 45 }, "flake": { "senses": [ "A loose filmy mass or a thin chiplike layer of anything", "A scale of a fish or similar animal", "A prehistoric tool chipped out of stone", "A person who is impractical, flighty, unreliable, or inconsistent", "especially with maintaining a living", "A carnation with only two colours in the flower, the petals having large stripes", "A flat turn or tier of rope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flake", "num_translations": 57 }, "flake1": { "senses": [ "To prove unreliable or impractical", "to abandon or desert, to fail to follow through", "To store an item such as rope or sail in layers", "To hit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flake", "num_translations": 18 }, "flaky": { "senses": [ "Consisting of flakes or of small, loose masses", "lying, or cleaving off, in flakes or layers", "flakelike", "Unreliable", "likely to make plans with others but then abandon those plans", "Unreliable", "working only on an intermittent basis", "likely to malfunction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flaky", "num_translations": 18 }, "flap": { "senses": [ "Anything broad and flexible that hangs loose, or that is attached by one side or end and is easily moved", "A hinged leaf", "A hinged surface on the trailing edge of the wings of an aeroplane", "A side fin of a ray", "The motion of anything broad and loose, or a sound or stroke made with it", "A controversy, scandal, stir, or upset", "A consonant sound made by a single muscle contraction, such as the sound \u027e in the standard American English pronunciation of body", "A piece of tissue incompletely detached from the body, as an intermediate stage of plastic surgery", "A disease in the lips of horses", "Chiefly in the plural: the female genitals", "A blow or slap", "A young prostitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flap", "num_translations": 60 }, "flaw": { "senses": [ "A flake, fragment, or shiver", "A thin cake, as of ice", "A crack or breach, a gap or fissure", "a defect of continuity or cohesion", "A defect, fault, or imperfection, especially one that is hidden", "A defect or error in a contract or other document which may make the document invalid or ineffective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defect" ], "word": "flaw", "num_translations": 99 }, "fleet": { "senses": [ "A group of vessels or vehicles", "Any group of associated items", "A large, coordinated group of people", "A number of vessels in company, especially war vessels", "also, the collective naval force of a country, etc", "Any command of vessels exceeding a squadron in size, or a rear admiral's command, composed of five sail-of-the-line, with any number of smaller vessels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fleet", "num_translations": 92 }, "flirt1": { "senses": [ "To throw with a jerk or sudden movement", "to fling", "To jeer at", "to mock", "To dart about", "to move with quick, jerky motions", "To blurt out", "To play at courtship", "to talk with teasing affection, to insinuate sexual attraction in a playful way", "To experiment, or tentatively engage, with", "to become involved in passing with" ], "antonyms": [ "belittle" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "flirt", "num_translations": 87 }, "fluctuation": { "senses": [ "A motion like that of waves", "a moving in this and that direction", "A wavering", "unsteadiness", "In medicine, a wave-like motion or undulation of a fluid in a natural or abnormal cavity , which is felt during palpation or percussion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fluctuation", "num_translations": 34 }, "foment": { "senses": [ "To incite or cause troublesome acts", "to encourage", "to instigate", "To apply a poultice to", "to bathe with a cloth or sponge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "foment", "num_translations": 24 }, "fomentation": { "senses": [ "The act of fomenting", "the application of warm, soft, medicinal substances, as for the purpose of easing pain by relaxing the skin, or of discussing tumours", "A lotion or poultice applied to a diseased or injured part of the body", "Encouragement", "excitation", "instigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foment" ], "word": "fomentation", "num_translations": 23 }, "footprint": { "senses": [ "The impression of the foot in a soft substance such as sand or snow", "Space required by a piece of equipment", "The amount of hard drive space required for a program", "The audit trail left by a crashed program", "Profession or lifestyle", "The surface space occupied by a structure", "A company's geographic market presence", "The ecological impact of a human activity, machine, etc", "Availability of a satellite from the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "footprint", "num_translations": 83 }, "forgery": { "senses": [ "The act of forging metal into shape", "The act of forging, fabricating, or producing falsely", "especially the crime of fraudulently making or altering a writing or signature purporting to be made by another, the false making or material alteration of or addition to a written instrument for the purpose of deceit and fraud", "That which is forged, fabricated, falsely devised or counterfeited", "An invention, creation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counterfeit", "fake" ], "word": "forgery", "num_translations": 77 }, "formulation": { "senses": [ "The act, process, or result of formulating or reducing to a formula", "A medicinal preparation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:definition" ], "word": "formulation", "num_translations": 11 }, "fortification": { "senses": [ "The act of fortifying", "the art or science of fortifying places to strengthen defence against an enemy", "That which fortifies", "especially, a work or works erected to defend a place against attack", "a fortified place", "a fortress", "a fort", "a castle", "An increase in effectiveness, as by adding ingredients", "A jagged pattern sometimes seen during an attack of migraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fortification", "num_translations": 65 }, "fortress": { "senses": [ "A fortified place", "a large and permanent fortification, sometimes including a town", "for example a fort, a castle", "a stronghold", "a place of defense or security", "A position that, if obtained by the weaker side, will prevent penetration by the opposing side, generally achieving a draw" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bastion" ], "word": "fortress", "num_translations": 134 }, "foul": { "senses": [ "Covered with, or containing unclean matter", "dirty", "obscene, vulgar or abusive", "Detestable, unpleasant, loathsome", "Disgusting, repulsive", "causing disgust", "Ugly", "homely", "poor", "Unpleasant, stormy or rainy", "Dishonest or not conforming to the established rules and customs of a game, conflict, test, etc", "Entangled and therefore restricting free movement, not clear", "Outside of the base lines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shameful" ], "word": "foul", "num_translations": 83 }, "foul1": { "senses": [ "To make dirty", "To besmirch", "To clog or obstruct", "To entangle", "To make contact with an opposing player in order to gain advantage", "To hit outside of the baselines", "To become clogged", "To become entangled", "To hit a ball outside of the baselines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "foul", "num_translations": 54 }, "foundation": { "senses": [ "The act of founding, fixing, establishing, or beginning to erect", "That upon which anything is founded", "that on which anything stands, and by which it is supported", "the lowest and supporting layer of a superstructure", "underbuilding", "The result of the work to begin something", "that which stabilizes and allows an enterprise or system to develop", "In solitaire or patience games, one of the piles of cards that the player attempts to build, usually holding all cards of a suit in ascending order", "The lowest and supporting part or member of a wall, including the base course and footing courses", "in a frame house, the whole substructure of masonry", "A donation or legacy appropriated to support a charitable institution, and constituting a permanent fund", "endowment", "That which is founded, or established by endowment", "an endowed institution or charity", "Cosmetic cream roughly skin-colored, designed to make the face appear uniform in color and texture", "A basis for social bodies or intellectual disciplines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "foundation", "num_translations": 252 }, "freak": { "senses": [ "A sudden causeless change or turn of the mind", "a whim of fancy", "a capricious prank", "a vagary or caprice", "Someone or something that is markedly unusual or unpredictable", "A hippie", "A drug addict", "A nonconformist, especially in appearance, social behavior, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or business practices", "an oddball, especially in physiology", "unique, sometimes in a displeasing way", "A person whose physique has grown far beyond the normal limits of muscular development", "often a bodybuilder weighing more than 120 kilos", "An enthusiast, or person who has an obsession with, or extreme knowledge of, something", "A very sexually perverse individual", "A streak of colour", "variegation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caprice", "anomaly", "longhair", "druggie", "odd duck", "fanatic", "horn dog", "superciliary" ], "word": "freak", "num_translations": 85 }, "fret": { "senses": [ "Especially when describing animals: to consume, devour, or eat", "To chafe or irritate", "to worry", "To make rough, to agitate or disturb", "to cause to ripple", "To gnaw", "to consume, to eat away", "To be chafed or irritated", "to be angry or vexed", "to utter peevish expressions through irritation or worry", "To be worn away", "to chafe", "to fray", "To be anxious, to worry", "To be agitated", "to rankle", "to be in violent commotion", "To have secondary fermentation take place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fret", "num_translations": 98 }, "frighten": { "senses": [ "To cause to feel fear", "to scare", "to cause to feel alarm or fright" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frighten" ], "word": "frighten", "num_translations": 74 }, "frisk2": { "senses": [ "To frolic, gambol, skip, dance, leap", "To search somebody by feeling his or her body and clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pat down" ], "word": "frisk", "num_translations": 26 }, "frontier": { "senses": [ "The part of a country which borders or faces another country or unsettled region", "The most advanced or recent version of something", "leading edge", "An outwork of a fortification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marches", "the border" ], "word": "frontier", "num_translations": 70 }, "fundamental1": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the foundation or basis", "serving for the foundation", "Essential, as an element, principle, or law", "important", "original", "elementary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "groundlaying", "Thesaurus:bare-bones" ], "word": "fundamental", "num_translations": 49 }, "furious": { "senses": [ "Feeling great anger", "raging", "violent", "Rushing with impetuosity", "moving with violence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "furious", "num_translations": 78 }, "galley": { "senses": [ "A long, slender ship propelled primarily by oars, whether having masts and sails or not", "usually referring to rowed warships used in the Mediterranean from the 16th century until the modern era", "A light, open boat used on the Thames by customhouse officers, press gangs, and also for pleasure", "One of the small boats carried by a man-of-war", "The cookroom or kitchen and cooking apparatus of a vessel or aircraft", "sometimes on merchant vessels called the caboose", "An oblong oven or muffle with a battery of retorts", "a gallery furnace", "An oblong tray of wood or brass, with upright sides, for holding type which has been set, or is to be made up, etc", "A representation of a single masted ship propelled by oars, with three flags and a basket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lymphad" ], "word": "galley", "num_translations": 76 }, "gallimaufry": { "senses": [ "A hash of various kinds of meats, a ragout", "Any absurd medley" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hodgepodge", "olio", "potpourri" ], "word": "gallimaufry", "num_translations": 12 }, "gang1": { "senses": [ "A number going in company", "a number of friends or persons associated for a particular purpose", "A group of laborers under one foreman", "a squad", "A criminal group with a common cultural background and identifying features, often associated with a particular section of a city", "A group of criminals or alleged criminals who band together for mutual protection and profit", "A group of politicians united in furtherance of a political goal", "A combination of similar tools or implements arranged so as, by acting together, to save time or labor", "a set", "A set", "all required for an outfit", "A number of switches or other electrical devices wired into one unit and covered by one faceplate", "A group of wires attached as a bundle", "A going, journey", "a course, path, track", "An outhouse: an outbuilding used as a lavatory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "gang", "num_translations": 161 }, "gap": { "senses": [ "An opening in anything made by breaking or parting", "An opening allowing passage or entrance", "An opening that implies a breach or defect", "A vacant space or time", "A hiatus, a pause in something which is otherwise continuous", "A vacancy, deficit, absence, or lack", "A mountain or hill pass", "A sheltered area of coast between two cliffs", "The regions between the outfielders", "The shortfall between the amount the medical insurer will pay to the service provider and the scheduled fee for the item", "The disparity between the indigenous and non-indigenous communities with regard to life expectancy, education, health, etc", "An unsequenced region in a sequence alignment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break", "break", "space", "break", "hiatus", "col" ], "word": "gap", "num_translations": 169 }, "gather": { "senses": [ "To collect", "normally separate things", "To bring parts of a whole closer", "To infer or conclude", "to know from a different source", "To be filled with pus", "To collect molten glass on the end of a tool", "To gain", "to win" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aggroup" ], "word": "gather", "num_translations": 226 }, "gauge": { "senses": [ "A measure", "a standard of measure", "an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity", "a standard", "An act of measuring", "An estimate", "Any instrument for ascertaining or regulating the level, state, dimensions or forms of things", "A thickness of sheet metal or wire designated by any of several numbering schemes", "The distance between the rails of a railway", "A semi-norm", "a function that assigns a non-negative size to all vectors in a vector space", "The number of stitches per inch, centimetre, or other unit of distance", "Relative positions of two or more vessels with reference to the wind", "The depth to which a vessel sinks in the water", "The quantity of plaster of Paris used with common plaster to make it set more quickly", "That part of a shingle, slate, or tile, which is exposed to the weather, when laid", "also, one course of such shingles, slates, or tiles", "A unit of measurement which describes how many spheres of bore diameter of a shotgun can be had from one pound of lead", "A shotgun", "A tunnel-like ear piercing consisting of a hollow ring embedded in the lobe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gauge", "num_translations": 90 }, "gauge1": { "senses": [ "to measure the capacity of", "To estimate", "To appraise the character or ability of", "to judge of", "To draw into equidistant gathers by running a thread through it", "To mix with a quantity of plaster of Paris", "To chip, hew or polish to a standard size and/or shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gauge", "num_translations": 18 }, "gaze": { "senses": [ "To stare intently or earnestly", "To stare at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gape" ], "word": "gaze", "num_translations": 47 }, "gaze1": { "senses": [ "A fixed look", "a look of eagerness, wonder, or admiration", "a continued look of attention", "In Lacanian psychoanalysis, the relationship of the subject with the desire to look and awareness that one can be viewed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gaze", "num_translations": 12 }, "genuine": { "senses": [ "Belonging to, or proceeding from the original stock", "native", "Not counterfeit, spurious, false, or adulterated" ], "antonyms": [ "fake", "ingenuine" ], "synonyms": [ "authentic", "real", "natural", "lubish", "true", "uncounterfeited", "Thesaurus:genuine" ], "word": "genuine", "num_translations": 84 }, "gestation": { "senses": [ "The period of time during which an infant animal or human physically develops inside the mother's body until it is born", "The process of development of a plan or idea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pregnancy" ], "word": "gestation", "num_translations": 47 }, "girdle": { "senses": [ "That which girds, encircles, or encloses", "a circumference", "A belt or elasticated corset", "especially, a belt, sash, or article of dress encircling the body usually at the waist, often used to support stockings or hosiery", "The zodiac", "also, the equator", "The line of greatest circumference of a brilliant-cut diamond, at which it is grasped by the setting", "A thin bed or stratum of stone", "The clitellum of an earthworm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "girdle", "num_translations": 45 }, "contumacious": { "senses": [ "Contemptuous of authority", "willfully disobedient", "rebellious", "Willfully disobedient to the summons or orders of a court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disobedient" ], "word": "contumacious", "num_translations": 18 }, "cumbersome": { "senses": [ "Burdensome or hindering, as a weight or drag", "vexatious", "Not easily managed or handled", "awkward", "clumsy", "Hard, difficult, demanding to handle or get around with", "Inert, lumbering, slow in movement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:difficult", "cumbrous", "unwieldy" ], "word": "cumbersome", "num_translations": 76 }, "contrive": { "senses": [ "To invent by an exercise of ingenuity", "to devise", "To invent, to make devices", "to form designs especially by improvisation", "To project, cast, or set forth, as in a projection of light", "To spend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becast", "cast about" ], "word": "contrive", "num_translations": 35 }, "coordination": { "senses": [ "The act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect", "The resulting state of working together", "cooperation", "synchronization", "The ability to coordinate one's senses and physical movements in order to act skillfully", "the state of being equal in rank or power", "An equal joining together of two or more phrases or clauses, for example, using and, or, or but" ], "antonyms": [ "incoordination", "subordination" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "coordination", "num_translations": 48 }, "copulation": { "senses": [ "The act of coupling or joining", "union", "conjunction", "Sexual procreation between a man and a woman or transfer of the sperm from male to female", "usually applied to the mating process in nonhuman animals", "coitus", "coition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:copulation" ], "word": "copulation", "num_translations": 49 }, "core": { "senses": [ "The central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds", "The heart or inner part of a physical thing", "The center or inner part of a space or area", "The most important part of a thing", "the essence", "The portion of a mold that creates an internal cavity within a casting or that makes a hole in or through a casting", "The bony process which forms the central axis of the horns in many animals", "Magnetic data storage", "An individual computer processor, in the sense when several processors are plugged together in one single integrated circuit to work as one", "The material between surface materials in a structured composite sandwich material", "The inner part of a nuclear reactor in which the nuclear reaction takes place", "A piece of soft iron, inside the windings of an electromagnet, that channels the magnetic field", "A disorder of sheep caused by worms in the liver", "A tiny sample of organic material obtained by means of a fine-needle biopsy", "The central part of a protein structure consisting in mostly hydrophobic aminoacids", "The set of feasible allocations that cannot be improved upon by a subset of the economy's agents", "A hollow cylindrical piece of cardboard around which a web of paper or plastic is winded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crux" ], "word": "core", "num_translations": 174 }, "corpulent": { "senses": [ "Large in body", "fat", "overweight", "Physical, material, corporeal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obese" ], "word": "corpulent", "num_translations": 31 }, "counteract1": { "senses": [ "To have a contrary or opposing effect or force on", "To deliberately act in opposition to, to thwart or frustrate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "counteract", "num_translations": 12 }, "couple": { "senses": [ "Two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship", "Two of the same kind connected or considered together", "A small number", "Two forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction , thus creating the turning effect of a torque or moment", "That which joins or links two things together", "a bond or tie" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brace", "few" ], "word": "couple", "num_translations": 182 }, "couple3": { "senses": [ "To join together, or to", "To join in wedlock", "to marry", "To join in sexual intercourse", "to copulate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affix", "bewed", "have sex" ], "word": "couple", "num_translations": 18 }, "courtship": { "senses": [ "The act of paying court, with the intent to solicit a favor", "The act of wooing in love", "solicitation of woman to marriage or other romantic relationship", "Courtliness", "elegance of manners", "courtesy", "Court policy", "the character of a courtier", "artifice of a court", "court-craft", "finesse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wooing", "Thesaurus:courtship" ], "word": "courtship", "num_translations": 31 }, "covet": { "senses": [ "To wish for with eagerness", "to desire possession of, often enviously", "To long for inordinately or unlawfully", "to hanker after", "To yearn", "to have or indulge an inordinate desire, especially for another's possession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "covet", "num_translations": 67 }, "glade": { "senses": [ "An open passage through a wood", "a grassy open or cleared space in a forest", "An open space in the ice on a river or lake", "A bright surface of ice or snow", "A gleam of light", "A bright patch of sky", "the bright space between clouds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clearing" ], "word": "glade", "num_translations": 52 }, "glamour": { "senses": [ "An item, motif, person, image that by association improves appearance", "Witchcraft", "magic charm", "a spell affecting the eye, making objects appear different from what they really are", "A kind of haze in the air, causing things to appear different from what they really are", "Any artificial interest in, or association with, an object, or person, through which it or they appear delusively magnified or glorified", "Alluring beauty or charm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glamour", "num_translations": 12 }, "glaze": { "senses": [ "The vitreous coating of pottery or porcelain", "A transparent or semi-transparent layer of paint", "A smooth edible coating applied to food", "A smooth coating of ice formed on objects due to the freezing of rain", "Broth reduced by boiling to a gelatinous paste, and spread thinly over braised dishes", "A glazing oven", "glost oven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glaze", "num_translations": 79 }, "gleam": { "senses": [ "a small or indistinct shaft or stream of light", "a glimpse or hint", "an indistinct sign of something", "brightness or shininess", "splendor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beam", "flicker", "dazzle" ], "word": "gleam", "num_translations": 30 }, "gleam1": { "senses": [ "To shine", "to glitter", "to glisten", "To be briefly but strongly apparent", "To disgorge filth, as a hawk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glint", "sparkle", "glow", "shine", "flare", "flash", "kindle" ], "word": "gleam", "num_translations": 19 }, "glee": { "senses": [ "Joy", "happiness great delight, especially from one's own good fortune or from another's misfortune", "Music", "minstrelsy", "entertainment", "An unaccompanied part song for three or more solo voices, not necessarily merry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glee", "num_translations": 38 }, "gloomy": { "senses": [ "Not very illuminated", "dim because of darkness", "Suffering from gloom", "melancholy", "dejected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gloomy", "num_translations": 150 }, "gown": { "senses": [ "A loose, flowing upper garment", "The official robe of certain professional men and scholars, such as university students and officers, barristers, judges, etc", "The university community", "A loose wrapper worn by gentlemen within doors", "Any sort of dress or garb", "The robe worn by a surgeon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gown", "num_translations": 56 }, "grand": { "senses": [ "Of a large size or extent", "great", "Great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression", "illustrious, dignified, magnificent", "Having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other persons or things of the same name", "Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent", "Fine", "lovely", "Containing all the parts proper to a given form of composition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grand", "num_translations": 46 }, "grant": { "senses": [ "to give", "To bestow or confer, with or without compensation, particularly in answer to prayer or request", "to give", "To admit as true what is not yet satisfactorily proved", "To assent", "to consent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grant", "num_translations": 84 }, "grant1": { "senses": [ "a bestowing or conferring", "concession", "allowance", "permission", "The yielding or admission of something in dispute", "a gift", "a boon", "A transfer of property by deed or writing", "especially, an appropriation or conveyance made by the government", "The deed or writing by which such a transfer is made" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grant", "num_translations": 36 }, "gratification": { "senses": [ "The act of gratifying, or pleasing, either the mind, the taste, or the appetite", "A feeling of pleasure", "satisfaction", "A reward", "a gratuity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gladness" ], "word": "gratification", "num_translations": 28 }, "graze1": { "senses": [ "To feed or supply with grass", "to furnish pasture for", "To feed on", "to eat", "to eat grass from", "To tend while grazing", "To eat periodically throughout the day, rather than at fixed mealtimes", "To shoplift by consuming food or drink items before reaching the checkout", "To rub or touch lightly the surface of in passing", "To cause a slight wound to", "to scratch", "To yield grass for grazing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "graze", "num_translations": 182 }, "grebe": { "senses": [ "Any of several waterbirds in the cosmopolitan family Podicipedidae They have strong, sharp bills, and lobate toes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dabchick" ], "word": "grebe", "num_translations": 41 }, "greed": { "senses": [ "A selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possessions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "avarice", "Thesaurus:greed", "gluttony" ], "word": "greed", "num_translations": 113 }, "greet": { "senses": [ "To welcome in a friendly manner, either in person or through another means eg writing or over the phone/internet", "To arrive at or reach, or meet", "To accost", "to address", "To meet and give salutations", "To be perceived by" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "greet", "num_translations": 135 }, "grief": { "senses": [ "Suffering, hardship", "Pain of mind arising from misfortune, significant personal loss, bereavement, misconduct of oneself or others, etc", "sorrow", "sadness", "Cause or instance of sorrow or pain", "that which afflicts or distresses", "trial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grief", "num_translations": 135 }, "gritty": { "senses": [ "Containing sand or grit", "consisting of grit", "caused by grit", "full of hard particles", "Spirited", "resolute", "unyielding", "Intense and starkly realistic", "depicting harsh reality, especially violence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gritty", "num_translations": 22 }, "growl1": { "senses": [ "To utter a deep guttural sound, as an angry animal", "to give forth an angry, grumbling sound", "Of a wind instrument: to produce a low-pitched rumbling sound", "To play a wind instrument in a way that produces a low-pitched rumbling sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "growl", "num_translations": 52 }, "guise": { "senses": [ "Customary way of speaking or acting", "that is, in his own fashion, to suit himself)", "External appearance in manner or dress", "appropriate indication or expression", "garb", "shape", "Misleading appearance", "cover, cloak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guise", "num_translations": 25 }, "habilitation": { "senses": [ "Equipment", "qualification", "An act of habilitating", "An academic qualification, prerequiring a PhD, required in order to gain tenure as a professor in some European universities", "a thesis or dissertation presented to achieve the qualification", "The act of supplying money to work a mine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "habilitation", "num_translations": 31 }, "habitation": { "senses": [ "The act of inhabiting", "state of inhabiting or dwelling, or of being inhabited", "occupancy", "A place of abode", "settled dwelling", "residence", "house", "A group, lodge, or company, as of the Primrose League", "A farm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:abode" ], "word": "habitation", "num_translations": 44 }, "hag": { "senses": [ "A witch, sorceress, or enchantress", "a wizard", "An ugly old woman", "A fury", "a she-monster", "one of various eel-like fish of the family Myxinidae, allied to the lamprey, with a suctorial mouth, labial appendages, and a single pair of gill openings", "one of various sea birds of the genus Puffinus", "An appearance of light and fire on a horse's mane or a man's hair", "sleep paralysis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:magician", "Thesaurus:ugly woman", "borer", "hagdon", "bird cherry" ], "word": "hag", "num_translations": 81 }, "hake1": { "senses": [ "One of several species of marine gadoid fishes, of the genera Phycis, Merluccius, and allies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "codling" ], "word": "hake", "num_translations": 23 }, "hale1": { "senses": [ "Sound, entire, healthy", "robust, not impaired" ], "antonyms": [ "unhale" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hale", "num_translations": 16 }, "harm": { "senses": [ "physical injury", "hurt", "damage", "emotional or figurative hurt", "detriment", "misfortune", "That which causes injury, damage, or loss" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harm", "num_translations": 80 }, "harmonica": { "senses": [ "a musical wind instrument with a series of holes for the player to blow into, each hole producing a different note", "a musical instrument, consisting of a series of hemispherical glasses which, by touching the edges with the dampened finger, give forth the tones", "a toy instrument of strips of glass or metal hung on two tapes, and struck with hammers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "French harp", "gob iron", "Mississippi sax", "mouth harp", "mouth organ", "tin sandwich" ], "word": "harmonica", "num_translations": 44 }, "hater": { "senses": [ "One who hates", "One who expresses unfounded or inappropriate hatred or dislike, particularly if motivated by envy" ], "antonyms": [ "lover", "fan" ], "synonyms": [ "despiser" ], "word": "hater", "num_translations": 32 }, "hazy": { "senses": [ "Thick or obscured with haze", "Not clear or transparent", "Obscure", "confused", "not clear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hazed", "blurry", "ambiguous" ], "word": "hazy", "num_translations": 39 }, "heap": { "senses": [ "A crowd", "a throng", "a multitude or great number of people", "A pile or mass", "a collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation", "A great number or large quantity of things", "A data structure consisting of trees in which each node is greater than all its children", "Memory that is dynamically allocated", "A dilapidated place or vehicle", "A lot, a large amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lot" ], "word": "heap", "num_translations": 153 }, "heap1": { "senses": [ "To supply in great quantity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amass" ], "word": "heap", "num_translations": 29 }, "hearse": { "senses": [ "A hind in the second year of her age", "A framework of wood or metal placed over the coffin or tomb of a deceased person, and covered with a pall", "also, a temporary canopy bearing wax lights and set up in a church, under which the coffin was placed during the funeral ceremonies", "A grave, coffin, tomb, or sepulchral monument", "A bier or handbarrow for conveying the dead to the grave", "A carriage or vehicle specially adapted or used for transporting a dead person to the place of funeral or to the grave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hearse", "num_translations": 67 }, "heave": { "senses": [ "To lift with difficulty", "to raise with some effort", "to lift", "To throw, cast", "To rise and fall", "To utter with effort", "To pull up with a rope or cable", "To lift", "to raise, or cause to move upwards or forwards", "To be thrown up or raised", "to rise upward, as a tower or mound", "To displace", "To cause to swell or rise, especially in repeated exertions", "To move in a certain direction or into a certain position or situation", "To retch, to make an effort to vomit", "to vomit", "To make an effort to raise, throw, or move anything", "to strain to do something difficult", "To rob", "to steal from", "to plunder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heave", "num_translations": 23 }, "heave1": { "senses": [ "An effort to raise something, such as a weight or one's own body, or to move something heavy", "An upward motion", "a rising", "a swell or distention, as of the breast in difficult breathing, of the waves, of the earth in an earthquake, etc", "A horizontal dislocation in a metallic lode, taking place at an intersection with another lode", "The measure of extent to which a nautical vessel goes up and down in a short period of time Compare pitch", "An effort to vomit", "retching", "Broken wind in horses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heave", "num_translations": 12 }, "hector1": { "senses": [ "To dominate or intimidate in a blustering way", "to bully, to domineer", "to bluster, to swagger", "to bully" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hector", "num_translations": 12 }, "hedge": { "senses": [ "A thicket of bushes or other shrubbery, especially one planted as a fence between two portions of land, or to separate the parts of a garden", "A barrier to protect someone or something from harm", "A mound of earth, stone- or turf-faced, often topped with bushes, used as a fence between any two portions of land", "A non-committal or intentionally ambiguous statement", "Contract or arrangement reducing one's exposure to risk", "Used attributively, with figurative indication of a person's upbringing, or professional activities, taking place by the side of the road", "third-rate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hedge", "num_translations": 79 }, "hedge1": { "senses": [ "To obstruct or surround", "To offset the risk associated with", "To avoid verbal commitment", "To reduce one's exposure to risk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hedge", "num_translations": 30 }, "heed": { "senses": [ "Careful attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attention" ], "word": "heed", "num_translations": 25 }, "heed1": { "senses": [ "To guard, protect", "To mind", "to regard with care", "to take notice of", "to attend to", "to observe", "To pay attention, care" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heed", "num_translations": 43 }, "hermaphroditic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to hermaphrodism", "being a hermaphrodite", "Possessing the reproductive organs of both sexes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hermaphrodite" ], "word": "hermaphroditic", "num_translations": 34 }, "hermetic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to Hermes Trismegistus or the writings attributed to him", "Pertaining to alchemy or occult practices", "magical, alchemical", "Isolated, away from outside influence", "misspelling of \"hermitic\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hermetic", "num_translations": 40 }, "heroism": { "senses": [ "The qualities characteristic of a hero, such as courage, bravery, fortitude, unselfishness, etc", "the display of such qualities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:goodness" ], "word": "heroism", "num_translations": 33 }, "hesitation": { "senses": [ "An act of hesitating", "doubt", "vacillation", "A faltering in speech", "stammering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cunctation", "irresolution" ], "word": "hesitation", "num_translations": 50 }, "hibernation": { "senses": [ "A state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals during winter", "A standby state which conserves power without losing the contents of memory", "A state of minimum power consumption" ], "antonyms": [ "aestivation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hibernation", "num_translations": 32 }, "hidebound": { "senses": [ "Bound with the hide of an animal", "Having the skin adhering so closely to the ribs and back as not to be easily loosened or raised", "emaciated", "Having the bark so close and constricting that it impedes the growth", "Stubborn", "narrow-minded", "inflexible", "Niggardly", "penurious", "stingy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hidebound", "num_translations": 11 }, "hinder": { "senses": [ "To make difficult to accomplish", "to frustrate, act as obstacle", "To keep back", "to delay or impede", "to prevent", "To cause harm" ], "antonyms": [ "aid", "assist" ], "synonyms": [ "bar", "delay" ], "word": "hinder", "num_translations": 200 }, "hinder1": { "senses": [ "Of or belonging to that part or end which is in the rear or hind, or which follows", "comparative of \"hind\"" ], "antonyms": [ "fore" ], "synonyms": [ "back" ], "word": "hinder", "num_translations": 49 }, "hoot1": { "senses": [ "To cry out or shout in contempt", "To make the cry of an owl", "To assail with contemptuous cries or shouts", "to follow with derisive shouts", "To sound the horn of a vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hoot", "num_translations": 24 }, "hopscotch": { "senses": [ "A child's game, in which a player, hopping on one foot, drives a stone from one compartment to another of a figure traced or scotched on the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoppers" ], "word": "hopscotch", "num_translations": 38 }, "hornbeam": { "senses": [ "A tree of the genus Carpinus, having a smooth gray bark and a ridged trunk, the wood being white and very hard, common along the banks of streams in the United States", "The wood of these trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hornbeech" ], "word": "hornbeam", "num_translations": 73 }, "horseback": { "senses": [ "The back of a horse", "A ridge of sand, gravel, and boulders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "esker" ], "word": "horseback", "num_translations": 11 }, "horseback1": { "senses": [ "On the back of a horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ahorse" ], "word": "horseback", "num_translations": 14 }, "hostage": { "senses": [ "A person given as a pledge or security for the performance of the conditions of a treaty or similar agreement, such as to ensure the status of a vassal", "Something that constrains one's actions because it is at risk", "One who is compelled by something, especially something that poses a threat", "one who is not free to choose their own course of action", "The condition of being held as security or to compel someone else to act or not act in a particular way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hostage", "num_translations": 87 }, "hostile": { "senses": [ "not friendly, appropriate to an enemy", "showing the disposition of an enemy", "showing ill will and malevolence, or a desire to thwart and injure", "Aggressive, antagonistic", "unwilling" ], "antonyms": [ "friendly" ], "synonyms": [ "antagonistic", "hateful", "Thesaurus:hostile" ], "word": "hostile", "num_translations": 54 }, "housewife": { "senses": [ "A woman whose main employment is homemaking, maintaining the upkeep of her home and tending to household affairs", "often, such a woman whose sole unpaid employment is homemaking", "The wife of a householder", "the mistress of a family", "the female head of a household", "A little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for other articles of female work", "- called also hussy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "henhussy" ], "word": "housewife", "num_translations": 103 }, "howl1": { "senses": [ "To utter a loud, protracted, mournful sound or cry, as dogs and wolves often do", "To utter a sound expressive of pain or distress", "to cry aloud and mournfully", "to lament", "to wail", "To make a noise resembling the cry of a wild beast", "To utter with outcry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "howl", "num_translations": 85 }, "humiliation": { "senses": [ "The act of humiliating or humbling someone", "abasement of pride", "mortification", "The state of being humiliated, humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission" ], "antonyms": [ "honor", "exaltation" ], "synonyms": [ "abasement", "dishonor", "embarrassment", "mortification", "shame" ], "word": "humiliation", "num_translations": 76 }, "hussy": { "senses": [ "A housewife or housekeeper", "A sexually immoral woman", "A cheeky or disrespectful girl", "a woman showing inappropriate or improper behavior", "a minx", "A case or bag for needles, thread, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hussy", "num_translations": 20 }, "illumination": { "senses": [ "The act of illuminating, or supplying with light", "the state of being illuminated", "Festive decoration of houses or buildings with lights", "Adornment of books and manuscripts with colored illustrations See illuminate", "Splendour", "brightness", "Enlightening influence", "inspiration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lumination" ], "word": "illumination", "num_translations": 36 }, "illustration": { "senses": [ "The act of illustrating", "the act of making clear and distinct", "education", "also, the state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct", "That which illustrates", "a comparison or example intended to make clear or apprehensible, or to remove obscurity", "A picture designed to decorate a volume or elucidate a literary work", "A calculated prevision of insurance premiums and returns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "illustration", "num_translations": 75 }, "imagery": { "senses": [ "The work of one who makes images or visible representation of objects", "Imitation work", "Images in general, or en masse", "Unreal show", "imitation", "appearance", "The work of the imagination or fancy", "false ideas", "imaginary phantasms", "Rhetorical decoration in writing or speaking", "vivid descriptions presenting or suggesting images of sensible objects", "figures in discourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "imagery", "num_translations": 13 }, "imagination": { "senses": [ "The image-making power of the mind", "the act of mentally creating or reproducing an object not previously perceived", "the ability to create such images", "Particularly, construction of false images", "fantasizing", "Creativity", "resourcefulness", "something imagined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "creativity" ], "word": "imagination", "num_translations": 111 }, "immerse": { "senses": [ "To put under the surface of a liquid", "to dunk", "To involve or engage deeply", "To map into an immersion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "submerge" ], "word": "immerse", "num_translations": 38 }, "immune": { "senses": [ "Exempt", "not subject to", "Protected by inoculation, or due to innate resistance to pathogens", "Not vulnerable" ], "antonyms": [ "susceptible", "vulnerable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "immune", "num_translations": 40 }, "impart": { "senses": [ "To give or bestow", "To give a part or to share", "To to make known", "to show", "To hold a conference or consultation", "To obtain a share of", "to partake of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impart", "num_translations": 29 }, "implantation": { "senses": [ "The way in which an organ, bone, muscle etc becomes inserted into its set place", "Planting", "securing a plant etc into the ground", "The introduction of a notion, idea or thought into someone's mind", "The act of inserting a medical implant", "The attachment of the fertilized ovum to the uterus wall", "The insertion of ions into the crystal structure of another material through ion bombardment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "implantation", "num_translations": 33 }, "implication": { "senses": [ "The act of implicating", "The state of being implicated", "A possible effect or result of a decision or action", "An implying, or that which is implied, but not expressed", "an inference, or something which may fairly be understood, though not expressed in words", "The connective in propositional calculus that, when joining two predicates A and B in that order, has the meaning \"if A is true, then B is true\"", "Logical consequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "implication", "num_translations": 45 }, "impregnation": { "senses": [ "The act of making pregnant", "fertilization", "The fact or process of imbuing or saturating with something", "diffusion of some element, idea etc through a medium or substance", "That with which anything is impregnated", "An ore deposit, with indefinite boundaries, consisting of rock impregnated with ore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impregnation", "num_translations": 22 }, "impressive": { "senses": [ "Making, or tending to make, a positive impression", "having power to impress", "Capable of being impressed", "Appealing" ], "antonyms": [ "unimpressive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "impressive", "num_translations": 47 }, "improper": { "senses": [ "unsuitable to needs or circumstances", "inappropriate", "inapt", "Not in keeping with conventional mores or good manners", "indecent or immodest", "Not according to facts", "inaccurate or erroneous", "Not consistent with established facts", "incorrect", "Not properly named", "Not specific or appropriate to individuals", "general", "common" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "improper", "num_translations": 75 }, "improvisation": { "senses": [ "The act or art of composing and making music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously", "That which is improvised", "an impromptu", "Musical technique, characteristic of blues music", "The act of improvising, acting or going about something without planning ahead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "improvisation", "num_translations": 42 }, "inalienable": { "senses": [ "Incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred to another", "not alienable", "Of or pertaining to a noun belonging to a special class in which the possessive construction differs from the norm, especially for particular familial relationships and body parts" ], "antonyms": [ "alienable" ], "synonyms": [ "unalienable" ], "word": "inalienable", "num_translations": 25 }, "incarnation": { "senses": [ "An incarnate being or form", "A living being embodying a deity or spirit", "An assumption of human form or nature", "A person or thing regarded as embodying or exhibiting some quality, idea, or the like", "The act of incarnating", "The state of being incarnated", "A rosy or red colour", "flesh colour", "carnation", "The process of healing wounds and filling the part with new flesh", "granulation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incarnation", "num_translations": 56 }, "incomplete": { "senses": [ "Not complete", "not finished", "Of a flower, wanting any of the usual floral organs" ], "antonyms": [ "complete" ], "synonyms": [ "unwhole" ], "word": "incomplete", "num_translations": 55 }, "incorporation": { "senses": [ "The act of incorporating, or the state of being incorporated", "The union of different ingredients in one mass", "mixture", "combination", "synthesis", "The union of something with a body already existing", "association", "intimate union", "assimilation", "The act of creating a corporation", "A body incorporated", "a corporation", "A phenomenon by which a grammatical category forms a compound with its direct object or adverbial modifier, while retaining its original syntactic function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incorporation", "num_translations": 11 }, "incubation": { "senses": [ "Sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young", "a brooding on, or keeping warm, to develop the life within, by any process", "The development of a disease from its causes, or the period of such development", "A period of little reaction which is followed by more rapid reaction", "One of the four proposed stages of creativity : the unconscious recombination of thought elements that were stimulated through conscious work at one point in time, resulting in novel ideas at a later point", "Sleeping in a temple or other holy place in order to have oracular dreams" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incubation", "num_translations": 33 }, "incur": { "senses": [ "to bring upon oneself or expose oneself to, especially something inconvenient, harmful, or onerous", "to become liable or subject to", "to enter or pass into", "to fall within a period or scope", "to occur", "to run into danger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "encounter", "occasion" ], "word": "incur", "num_translations": 30 }, "indemnification": { "senses": [ "The act or process of indemnifying, preserving, or securing against loss, damage, or penalty", "A reimbursement of loss, damage, or penalty", "The state of being indemnified", "That which indemnifies", "indemnity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "indemnification", "num_translations": 31 }, "indent1": { "senses": [ "To notch", "to jag", "to cut into points like a row of teeth", "To be cut, notched, or dented", "To dent", "to stamp or to press in", "to impress", "To cut the two halves of a document in duplicate, using a jagged or wavy line so that each party could demonstrate that their copy was part of the original whole", "To enter into a binding agreement by means of such documents", "to formally commit", "to contract", "To crook or turn", "to wind in and out", "to zigzag", "To make an order upon", "to draw upon, as for military stores" ], "antonyms": [ "unindent", "outdent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indent", "num_translations": 28 }, "indentation": { "senses": [ "The act of indenting or state of being indented", "A notch or recess, in the margin or border of anything", "A recess or sharp depression in any surface", "The act of beginning a line or series of lines at a little distance within the flush line of the column or page, as in the common way of beginning the first line of a paragraph", "A measure of the distance from the flush line" ], "antonyms": [ "protrusion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indentation", "num_translations": 63 }, "independence": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being independent", "freedom from dependence", "exemption from reliance on, or control by others", "self-subsistence or maintenance", "direction of one's own affairs without interference", "The state of having sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "independence", "num_translations": 148 }, "indicate": { "senses": [ "To point out", "to discover", "to direct to a knowledge of", "to show", "to make known", "To show or manifest by symptoms", "to point to as the proper remedies", "To signal in a vehicle the desire to turn right or left", "To investigate the condition or power of, as of steam engine, by means of an indicator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "betoken" ], "word": "indicate", "num_translations": 83 }, "indubitable": { "senses": [ "clearly true", "providing no possibility of doubt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "undoubtable" ], "word": "indubitable", "num_translations": 17 }, "inefficient": { "senses": [ "Not efficient", "not producing the effect intended or desired", "inefficacious", "Incapable of, or indisposed to, effective action", "habitually slack or unproductive", "effecting little or nothing" ], "antonyms": [ "efficient" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inefficient", "num_translations": 15 }, "infatuation": { "senses": [ "An immensely strong love or sexual attraction", "The act of infatuating", "the state of being infatuated", "madness", "Something which infatuates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "infatuation", "num_translations": 53 }, "inference": { "senses": [ "The act or process of inferring by deduction or induction", "That which is inferred", "a truth or proposition drawn from another which is admitted or supposed to be true", "a conclusion", "a deduction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inference", "num_translations": 39 }, "inflame": { "senses": [ "To set on fire", "to kindle", "to cause to burn, flame, or glow", "To kindle or intensify", "to excite to an excessive or unnatural action or heat", "To provoke to anger or rage", "to exasperate", "to irritate", "to incense", "to enrage", "To put in a state of inflammation", "to produce morbid heat, congestion, or swelling, of", "To exaggerate", "to enlarge upon", "To grow morbidly hot, congested, or painful", "to become angry or incensed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provoke", "fire", "kindle", "irritate", "exasperate", "incense", "enrage", "anger", "excite", "arouse" ], "word": "inflame", "num_translations": 26 }, "initiation": { "senses": [ "The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced", "The form or ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society", "mode of entrance into an organized body", "especially, the rite of admission into a secret society or order", "The first step of transcription or of transduction" ], "antonyms": [ "conclusion" ], "synonyms": [ "beginning" ], "word": "initiation", "num_translations": 30 }, "injunction": { "senses": [ "The act of enjoining", "the act of directing, commanding, or prohibiting", "That which is enjoined", "such as an order, mandate, decree, command, precept", "A writ or process, granted by a court of equity, and, in some cases, under statutes, by a court of law, whereby a party is required to do or to refrain from doing certain acts, according to the exigency of the writ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "injunction", "num_translations": 55 }, "injury": { "senses": [ "Damage to the body of a human or animal", "The violation of a person's reputation, rights, property, or interests", "Injustice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:injury" ], "word": "injury", "num_translations": 135 }, "innate": { "senses": [ "Inborn", "existing or having existed since birth", "Originating in, or derived from, the constitution of the intellect, as opposed to acquired from experience", "Instinctive", "coming from instinct", "Joined by the base to the very tip of a filament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:innate" ], "word": "innate", "num_translations": 38 }, "innocuous": { "senses": [ "Harmless", "producing no ill effect", "Inoffensive", "unprovocative", "not exceptional" ], "antonyms": [ "nocuous", "noxious", "harmful", "poisonous", "toxic" ], "synonyms": [ "innoxious", "uncontroversial" ], "word": "innocuous", "num_translations": 50 }, "inoculation": { "senses": [ "The introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease", "The introduction of a microorganism into a culture medium", "The insertion of the buds of one plant into another", "grafting", "An inoculum", "that which is inoculated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inoculation", "num_translations": 18 }, "inquiry": { "senses": [ "The act of inquiring", "a seeking of information by asking questions", "interrogation", "a question or questioning", "Search for truth, information, or knowledge", "examination of facts or principles", "research", "investigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inquiry", "num_translations": 44 }, "insane": { "senses": [ "Exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind", "not sane", "mad", "Causing insanity or madness", "Characterized by insanity or the utmost folly", "ridiculous", "impractical" ], "antonyms": [ "sane" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:insane" ], "word": "insane", "num_translations": 130 }, "insight": { "senses": [ "A sight or view of the interior of anything", "a deep inspection or view", "introspection", "frequently used with into", "Power of acute observation and deduction", "Knowledge that a company applies in order to make a product or brand perform better and be more appealing to customers", "Intuitive apprehension of the inner nature of a thing things", "intuition", "An extended understanding of a subject resulting from identification of relationships and behaviors within a model, context, or scenario", "An individual's awareness of the nature and severity of one's mental illness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insight", "num_translations": 60 }, "insinuation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of insinuating", "a creeping, winding, or flowing in", "The act of gaining favor, affection, or influence, by gentle or artful means", "\u2014 formerly used in a good sense, as of friendly influence or interposition", "The art or power of gaining good will by a prepossessing manner", "That which is insinuated", "a hint", "a suggestion, innuendo or intimation by distant allusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insinuation", "num_translations": 29 }, "inspiration": { "senses": [ "The drawing of air into the lungs, accomplished in mammals by elevation of the chest walls and flattening of the diaphragm, as part of the act of respiration", "A breath, a single inhalation", "A supernatural divine influence on the prophets, apostles, or sacred writers, by which they were qualified to communicate moral or religious truth with authority", "a supernatural influence which qualifies people to receive and communicate divine truth", "also, the truth communicated", "The act of an elevating or stimulating influence upon the intellect, emotions or creativity", "A person, object, or situation which quickens or stimulates an influence upon the intellect, emotions or creativity", "A new idea, especially one which arises suddenly and is clever or creative" ], "antonyms": [ "expiration" ], "synonyms": [ "inhalation", "spark" ], "word": "inspiration", "num_translations": 111 }, "inspire": { "senses": [ "To infuse into the mind", "to communicate to the spirit", "to convey, as by a divine or supernatural influence", "to disclose preternaturally", "to produce in, as by inspiration", "To infuse into", "to affect, as with a superior or supernatural influence", "to fill with what animates, enlivens or exalts", "to communicate inspiration to", "To draw in by the operation of breathing", "to inhale", "To infuse by breathing, or as if by breathing", "To breathe into", "to fill with the breath", "to animate", "To spread rumour indirectly" ], "antonyms": [ "expire" ], "synonyms": [ "beghast" ], "word": "inspire", "num_translations": 95 }, "instead": { "senses": [ "In the place of something", "as a substitute or alternative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in lieu" ], "word": "instead", "num_translations": 68 }, "court": { "senses": [ "An enclosed space", "an uncovered area shut in by the walls of a building, or by different buildings", "also, a space opening from a street and nearly surrounded by houses", "a blind alley", "Royal society", "Attention directed to a person in power", "conduct or address designed to gain favor", "civility", "compliment", "flattery", "The administration of law", "A place arranged for playing the games of tennis, basketball, squash, badminton, volleyball and some other games" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "court", "num_translations": 446 }, "court1": { "senses": [ "To seek to achieve or win", "To risk", "To try to win a commitment to marry from", "To engage in behavior leading to mating", "To attempt to attract", "To attempt to gain alliance with", "To engage in activities intended to win someone's affections", "To invite by attractions", "to allure", "to attract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "court", "num_translations": 32 }, "innovation": { "senses": [ "The act of innovating", "the introduction of something new, in customs, rites, etc", "A change effected by innovating", "a change in customs", "Something new, and contrary to established customs, manners, or rites", "A newly formed shoot, or the annually produced addition to the stems of many mosses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "innovation", "num_translations": 52 }, "insolation": { "senses": [ "The incident radiant energy emitted by the sun which reaches a unit area over a period of time, typically measured over a horizontal area at the Earth's surface or at the top of Earth's atmosphere", "The rate of delivery of such radiation", "The act or process of exposing to the rays of the sun, such as for the purpose of medical treatment, drying or maturing, as fruits, drugs, etc, or of rendering acid, as vinegar", "sunstroke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sunbath" ], "word": "insolation", "num_translations": 12 }, "insubstantial": { "senses": [ "Lacking substance", "not real or strong" ], "antonyms": [ "substantial" ], "synonyms": [ "unsubstantial" ], "word": "insubstantial", "num_translations": 11 }, "insulation": { "senses": [ "The act of insulating", "detachment from other objects", "isolation", "The state of being insulated", "detachment from other objects", "isolation", "Any of a variety of materials designed to reduce the flow of heat, either from or into a building", "The act of separating a body from others by nonconductors, so as to prevent the transfer of electricity, heat, or sound", "The state of a body so separated", "a medium in which it is possible to maintain an electrical field with little supply of energy from additional sources" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insulation", "num_translations": 38 }, "insurmountable": { "senses": [ "Incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome", "insuperable" ], "antonyms": [ "surmountable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insurmountable", "num_translations": 30 }, "intact": { "senses": [ "Left complete or whole", "not touched, defiled, sullied or otherwise damaged", "Uncircumcised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:uncircumcised" ], "word": "intact", "num_translations": 31 }, "intake": { "senses": [ "The place where water, air or other fluid is taken into a pipe or conduit", "opposed to outlet", "The beginning of a contraction or narrowing in a tube or cylinder", "The quantity taken in", "An act or instance of taking in", "The people taken into an organisation or establishment at a particular time", "A tract of land enclosed", "Any kind of cheat or imposition", "the act of taking someone in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intake", "num_translations": 28 }, "integration": { "senses": [ "The act or process of making whole or entire", "The process of fitting into a community, notably applied to minorities", "The operation of finding the integral of a function", "In evolution, the process by which the manifold is compacted into the relatively simple and permanent", "supposed to alternate with differentiation as an agent in species' development", "The combination with compatible elements in order to incorporate them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "integration", "num_translations": 69 }, "intellectual": { "senses": [ "Belonging to, or performed by, the intellect", "mental or cognitive", "Endowed with intellect", "having the power of understanding", "having capacity for the higher forms of knowledge or thought", "characterized by intelligence or mental capacity", "Suitable for exercising the intellect", "formed by, and existing for, the intellect alone", "perceived by the intellect", "Relating to the understanding", "treating of the mind", "Spiritual" ], "antonyms": [ "nonintellectual" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intellectual", "num_translations": 47 }, "intervene": { "senses": [ "To become involved in a situation, so as to alter or prevent an action", "To occur, fall, or come between, points of time, or events", "To occur or act as an obstacle or delay", "To say in the middle of a conversation or discussion between other people, or to respond to a situation involving other people", "To come between, or to be between, persons or things", "In a suit to which one has not been made a party, to put forward a defense of one's interest in the subject matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intervene", "num_translations": 42 }, "introspection": { "senses": [ "A looking inward", "specifically, the act or process of self-examination, or inspection of one's own thoughts and feelings", "the cognition which the mind has of its own acts and states" ], "antonyms": [ "dialogue", "extrospection" ], "synonyms": [ "inlook" ], "word": "introspection", "num_translations": 27 }, "intend": { "senses": [ "To hope", "to wish", "be intent upon", "To fix the mind on", "attend to", "take care of", "regard", "To stretch to extend", "distend", "To strain", "make tense", "To intensify", "strengthen", "To apply with energy", "To bend or turn", "direct, as one's course or journey", "To design mechanically or artistically", "fashion", "mold", "To pretend", "counterfeit", "simulate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mean" ], "word": "intend", "num_translations": 71 }, "intense": { "senses": [ "Strained", "tightly drawn", "Strict, very close or earnest", "Extreme in degree", "excessive", "Extreme in size or strength", "Stressful and tiring", "Very severe", "Very emotional or passionate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intense", "num_translations": 53 }, "interpretation": { "senses": [ "An act of interpreting or explaining what is obscure", "a translation", "a version", "a construction", "A sense given by an interpreter", "an exposition or explanation given", "meaning", "The discipline or study of translating one spoken or signed language into another", "The power of explaining", "An artist's way of expressing his thought or embodying his conception of nature", "An act or process of applying general principles or formulae to the explanation of the results obtained in special cases", "An approximation that allows aspects of a mathematical theory to be discussed in ordinary language", "An assignment of a truth value to each propositional symbol of a propositional calculus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "interpretation", "num_translations": 103 }, "interrogation": { "senses": [ "The act of interrogating or questioning", "examination by questions", "inquiry", "A question put", "an inquiry", "A question mark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "interrogation", "num_translations": 52 }, "intonation": { "senses": [ "The rise and fall of the voice in speaking", "The act of sounding the tones of the musical scale", "Singing or playing in good tune or otherwise", "Reciting in a musical prolonged tone", "intonating or singing of the opening phrase of a plain-chant, psalm, or canticle by a single voice, as of a priest", "A thundering", "thunder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intonation", "num_translations": 66 }, "intoxication": { "senses": [ "A poisoning, as by a spirituous or a narcotic substance", "The state of being intoxicated or drunk", "The act of intoxicating or making drunk", "A high excitement of mind", "an elation which rises to enthusiasm, frenzy, or madness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intoxication", "num_translations": 35 }, "invitation": { "senses": [ "The act of inviting", "solicitation", "the requesting of a person's company", "Allurement", "enticement", "A line that is intentionally left open to encourage the opponent to attack", "The brief exhortation introducing the confession in the Anglican communion-office" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "invitement" ], "word": "invitation", "num_translations": 86 }, "irascible": { "senses": [ "Easily provoked to outbursts of anger", "irritable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cantankerous" ], "word": "irascible", "num_translations": 63 }, "irritation": { "senses": [ "The act of irritating or annoying", "The state of being irritated", "The act of exciting, or the condition of being excited to action, by stimulation", "-- as, the condition of an organ of sense, when its nerve is affected by some external body", "especially, the act of exciting muscle fibers to contraction, by artificial stimulation", "also, the condition of a muscle and nerve, under such stimulation", "A condition of morbid excitability or oversensitiveness of an organ or part of the body", "a state in which the application of ordinary stimuli produces pain or excessive or vitiated action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "irritation", "num_translations": 46 }, "iteration": { "senses": [ "Recital or performance a second time", "repetition", "A variation or version", "The use of repetition in a computer program, especially in the form of a loop", "A single repetition of the code within such a repetitive process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reiteration" ], "word": "iteration", "num_translations": 22 }, "jailer": { "senses": [ "One who enforces confinement in a jail or prison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corrections officer", "guard", "screw", "turnkey", "warden", "warder" ], "word": "jailer", "num_translations": 65 }, "joust": { "senses": [ "A tilting match: a mock combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms using lances in the lists or enclosed field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tilt" ], "word": "joust", "num_translations": 26 }, "kinky": { "senses": [ "Full of kinks", "liable to kink or curl", "Marked by unconventional sexual preferences or behavior, as fetishism, sadomasochism, and other sexual practices", "Queer", "eccentric", "crotchety" ], "antonyms": [ "normophilic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "kinky", "num_translations": 49 }, "madman": { "senses": [ "A male who is insane or mentally disturbed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mad person" ], "word": "madman", "num_translations": 54 }, "madness": { "senses": [ "The state of being mad", "insanity", "mental disease", "rash folly" ], "antonyms": [ "sanity" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:insanity" ], "word": "madness", "num_translations": 80 }, "insanity": { "senses": [ "The state of being insane", "madness" ], "antonyms": [ "sanity" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:insanity" ], "word": "insanity", "num_translations": 68 }, "maintain": { "senses": [ "To support , to back up or assist in an action", "To keep up", "to preserve", "to uphold", "To declare or affirm to be true", "to assert" ], "antonyms": [ "abandon" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "maintain", "num_translations": 50 }, "keepup": { "senses": [ "To maintain", "to preserve", "to prevent from deteriorating", "To continue with", "To stay even or ahead", "To ensure that one remains well-informed about something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keep pace" ], "word": "keepup", "num_translations": 43 }, "preserve": { "senses": [ "A sweet spread made of any of a variety of fruits", "An activity with restricted access" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jam", "jelly", "marmalade" ], "word": "preserve", "num_translations": 40 }, "preserve1": { "senses": [ "To protect", "to keep from harm or injury", "To save from decay by the use of some preservative substance, such as sugar or salt", "to season and prepare for storage", "To maintain throughout", "to keep intact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "preserve", "num_translations": 69 }, "protect": { "senses": [ "To keep safe", "to defend", "to guard", "to prevent harm coming to", "To book a passenger on a later flight if there is a chance they will not be able to board their earlier reserved flight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bergh", "beshield", "Thesaurus:defend" ], "word": "protect", "num_translations": 135 }, "prevent": { "senses": [ "To stop", "to keep from", "To come before", "to precede", "To outdo, surpass", "To be beforehand with", "to anticipate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "prevent", "num_translations": 61 }, "matchless": { "senses": [ "Having no match", "without equal", "Having no mate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incomparable", "single" ], "word": "matchless", "num_translations": 11 }, "malady": { "senses": [ "Any ailment or disease of the body", "especially, a lingering or deep-seated disorder", "A moral or mental defect or disorder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ailment" ], "word": "malady", "num_translations": 19 }, "acrophobia": { "senses": [ "Fear of heights" ], "antonyms": [ "bathophobia" ], "synonyms": [ "altophobia", "height-fear" ], "word": "acrophobia", "num_translations": 29 }, "inundation": { "senses": [ "The act of inundating", "an overflow", "a flood", "a rising and spreading of water over grounds", "The state of being inundated", "flooding", "An overflowing or superfluous abundance", "a flood", "a great influx" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inundation", "num_translations": 28 }, "inveterate": { "senses": [ "firmly established from having been around for a long time", "of long standing", "Having had a habit for a long time", "Malignant", "virulent", "spiteful" ], "antonyms": [ "casual", "transient" ], "synonyms": [ "deep-rooted" ], "word": "inveterate", "num_translations": 40 }, "irradiation": { "senses": [ "An act of irradiating, or state of being irradiated", "illumination", "irradiance", "brilliance", "mental light or illumination", "The apparent enlargement of a bright object seen upon a dark ground, due to the fact that the portions of the retina around the image are stimulated by the intense light", "as when a dark spot on a white ground appears smaller, or a white spot on a dark ground larger, than it really is, especially when a little out of focus", "a process of sterilisation whereby radiation is passed through a bag containing food, utensils, etc, to sterilise the contents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "irradiation", "num_translations": 27 }, "isolation": { "senses": [ "The state of being isolated, detached, or separated", "The state of being away from other people", "The act of isolating", "The state of not having diplomatic relations with other countries", "The obtaining of an element from one of its compounds, or of a compound from a mixture", "The separation of a patient, suffering from a contagious disease, from contact with others", "a database property that determines when and how changes made in one transaction are visible to other concurrent transactions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "isolation", "num_translations": 83 }, "player": { "senses": [ "One that plays", "One who is playful", "one without serious aims", "an idler", "a trifler", "A significant participant", "A person who plays the field rather than having a long-term sexual relationship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laker", "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "player", "num_translations": 276 }, "knack": { "senses": [ "A readiness in performance", "aptness at doing something", "A petty contrivance", "a toy", "Something performed, or to be done, requiring aptness and dexterity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knack", "num_translations": 17 }, "knacker": { "senses": [ "One who makes knickknacks, toys, etc", "One of two or more pieces of bone or wood held loosely between the fingers, and struck together by moving the hand", "a clapper", "A harness maker", "One who slaughters and renders worn-out livestock and sells their flesh, bones and hides", "One who dismantles old ships, houses, etc and sells their components", "A member of the Travelling Community", "a Gypsy", "A person of lower social class", "a chav, skanger or scobe", "A testicle", "A collier's horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knacker", "num_translations": 17 }, "knave": { "senses": [ "A boy", "especially, a boy servant", "Any male servant", "a menial", "A tricky, deceitful fellow", "a dishonest person", "A playing card marked with the figure of a servant or soldier", "a jack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:villain" ], "word": "knave", "num_translations": 86 }, "knead": { "senses": [ "To work and press into a mass, usually with the hands", "especially, to work, as by repeated pressure with the knuckles, into a well mixed mass, the materials of bread, cake, etc", "to beat", "To make an alternating pressing motion with the two front paws", "To mix thoroughly", "form into a homogeneous compound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amalgamate" ], "word": "knead", "num_translations": 83 }, "lack": { "senses": [ "A defect or failing", "moral or spiritual degeneracy", "A deficiency or need", "an absence, want" ], "antonyms": [ "glut", "surplus" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lack", "num_translations": 80 }, "lack1": { "senses": [ "To be without, to need, to require", "To be short", "To be in want", "To see the deficiency in", "to find fault with, to malign, reproach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lack", "num_translations": 68 }, "ladder": { "senses": [ "A frame, usually portable, of wood, metal, or rope, used for ascent and descent, consisting of two side pieces to which are fastened rungs", "A series of stages by which one progresses to a better position", "A length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment, especially in nylon stockings", "a run", "In the game of go, a sequence of moves following a zigzag pattern and ultimately leading to the capture of the attacked stones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stepladder", "run" ], "word": "ladder", "num_translations": 154 }, "lame": { "senses": [ "Unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs", "Moving with pain or difficulty on account of injury, defect or temporary obstruction of a function", "Hobbling", "limping", "inefficient", "imperfect", "Unconvincing or unbelievable", "Failing to be cool, funny, interesting or relevant" ], "antonyms": [ "efficient", "convincing", "cool" ], "synonyms": [ "crippled", "hobbling", "weak", "boring" ], "word": "lame", "num_translations": 165 }, "landscape": { "senses": [ "A portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view, including all the objects it contains", "A picture representing a real or imaginary scene by land or sea, the main subject being the general aspect of nature, as fields, hills, forests, water etc", "The pictorial aspect of a country", "a mode of printing where the horizontal sides are longer than the vertical sides", "A space, indoor or outdoor and natural or man-made", "a situation that is presented, a scenario" ], "antonyms": [ "portrait" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "landscape", "num_translations": 140 }, "lanky": { "senses": [ "Tall, slim, and rather ungraceful or awkward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrawny", "gangly" ], "word": "lanky", "num_translations": 32 }, "lap": { "senses": [ "The loose part of a coat", "the lower part of a garment that plays loosely", "a skirt", "an apron", "An edge", "a border", "a hem, as of cloth", "The part of the clothing that lies on the knees or thighs when one sits down", "that part of the person thus covered", "a place of rearing and fostering", "The upper legs of a seated person", "The female pudenda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lap", "num_translations": 74 }, "lap2": { "senses": [ "To fold", "to bend and lay over or on something", "to wrap around, enwrap, wrap up", "to envelop, enfold", "to wind around", "To polish, eg, a surface, until smooth", "To be turned or folded", "to lie partly on or over something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lap", "num_translations": 12 }, "lap3": { "senses": [ "That part of any substance or fixture which extends over, or lies upon, or by the side of, a part of another", "The state or condition of being in part extended over or by the side of something else", "One circuit around a race track, or one traversal down and then back the length of a pool", "In card playing and other games, the points won in excess of the number necessary to complete a game", "\u2014 so called when they are counted in the score of the following game", "A sheet, layer, or bat, of cotton fiber prepared for the carding machine", "A piece of brass, lead, or other soft metal, used to hold a cutting or polishing powder in cutting glass, gems, etc or in polishing cutlery, etc It is usually in the form of a wheel or disk that revolves on a vertical axis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lap", "num_translations": 22 }, "lard1": { "senses": [ "To stuff with bacon or pork before cooking", "To garnish or strew, especially with reference to words or phrases in speech and writing", "To fatten", "to enrich", "To grow fat", "To mix or garnish with something, as by way of improvement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lard", "num_translations": 25 }, "latch1": { "senses": [ "A fastening for a door that has a bar that fits into a notch or slot, and is lifted by a lever or string from either side", "A flip-flop electronic circuit", "A crossbow", "That which fastens or holds", "a lace", "a snare", "A breastfeeding baby's connection to the breast", "A lightweight lock to protect internal structures from being modified by multiple concurrent accesses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "latch", "num_translations": 80 }, "laudable": { "senses": [ "Worthy of being lauded", "praiseworthy", "commendable", "Healthy", "salubrious", "having a disposition to promote healing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "praiseworthy" ], "word": "laudable", "num_translations": 39 }, "leech": { "senses": [ "An aquatic blood-sucking annelid of class Hirudinea, especially Hirudo medicinalis", "A person who derives profit from others in a parasitic fashion", "A glass tube designed for drawing blood from damaged tissue by means of a vacuum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parasite" ], "word": "leech", "num_translations": 184 }, "leak": { "senses": [ "A crack, crevice, fissure, or hole which admits water or other fluid, or lets it escape", "The entrance or escape of a fluid through a crack, fissure, or other aperture", "A divulgation, or disclosure, of information previously held secret", "The person through whom such divulgation, or disclosure, occurs", "A loss of electricity through imperfect insulation, or the point where it occurs", "The gradual loss of a system resource caused by failure to deallocate previously reserved portions", "An act of urination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leak", "num_translations": 92 }, "leash": { "senses": [ "A strap, cord or rope with which to restrain an animal, often a dog", "A brace and a half", "a tierce", "A set of three", "three creatures of any kind, especially greyhounds, foxes, bucks, and hares", "hence, the number three in general", "A string with a loop at the end for lifting warp threads, in a loom", "A leg rope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lead" ], "word": "leash", "num_translations": 64 }, "ledge": { "senses": [ "A shelf on which articles may be laid", "also, that which resembles such a shelf in form or use, as a projecting ridge or part, or a molding or edge in joinery", "A shelf, ridge, or reef, of rocks", "A layer or stratum", "A lode", "a limited mass of rock bearing valuable mineral", "A lintel", "A cornice", "A piece of timber to support the deck, placed athwartship between beams" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ledge", "num_translations": 75 }, "lest": { "senses": [ "For fear that", "that not", "in order that not", "in case", "After certain expressions denoting fear or apprehension: that without the negative particle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lest", "num_translations": 48 }, "liable": { "senses": [ "bound or obliged in law or equity", "responsible", "answerable", "subject", "susceptible", "exposed to a certain contingency or causality, more or less probable", "likely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "liable", "num_translations": 34 }, "liberate": { "senses": [ "To set free, to make or allow to be free, particularly", "To acquire from an enemy during wartime, used especially of cities, regions, and other population centers", "To acquire from another by theft or force: to steal, to rob" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "befree" ], "word": "liberate", "num_translations": 88 }, "libidinous": { "senses": [ "Having lustful desires", "characterized by lewdness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hot to trot" ], "word": "libidinous", "num_translations": 36 }, "liege": { "senses": [ "A free and independent person", "specifically, a lord paramount", "a sovereign", "A king or lord", "The subject of a sovereign or lord" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "liege", "num_translations": 25 }, "likewise": { "senses": [ "In a similar manner", "also", "moreover", "too", "The same to you", "used as a response" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "similarly" ], "word": "likewise", "num_translations": 100 }, "limp2": { "senses": [ "flaccid", "flabby, like flesh", "lacking stiffness", "flimsy", "not erect", "not having an erect penis", "physically weak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "limp", "num_translations": 40 }, "lisp1": { "senses": [ "To pronounce the consonant \u2018s' imperfectly", "to give \u2018s' and \u2018z' the sounds of \u2018th' This is a speech impediment common among children", "To speak with imperfect articulation", "to mispronounce, such as a child learning to talk", "To speak hesitatingly and with a low voice, as if afraid", "to express by the use of simple, childlike language", "To speak with reserve or concealment", "to utter timidly or confidentially" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lisp", "num_translations": 57 }, "lithe1": { "senses": [ "Mild", "calm", "Slim but not skinny", "Capable of being easily bent", "flexible", "Adaptable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lithe", "num_translations": 27 }, "loom": { "senses": [ "A utensil", "tool", "a weapon", "an article in general", "A frame or machine of wood or other material, in which a weaver forms cloth out of thread", "a machine for interweaving yarn or threads into a fabric, as in knitting or lace making", "The part of an oar which is between the grip or handle and the blade, the shaft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "loom", "num_translations": 77 }, "lot": { "senses": [ "A large quantity or number", "a great deal", "A separate portion", "a number of things taken collectively", "One or more items auctioned or sold as a unit, separate from other items", "A number of people taken collectively", "That which happens without human design or forethought", "Anything used in determining a question by chance, or without human choice or will", "The part, or fate, that falls to one, as it were, by chance, or without his planning", "All members of a set", "everything", "An old unit of weight used in many European countries from the Middle Ages, often defined as 1/30 or 1/32 of a pound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lot" ], "word": "lot", "num_translations": 91 }, "lout": { "senses": [ "A troublemaker, often violent", "a rude violent person", "a yob", "A clownish, awkward fellow", "a bumpkin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:troublemaker", "Thesaurus:bumpkin" ], "word": "lout", "num_translations": 49 }, "lowly": { "senses": [ "Not high", "not elevated in place", "low", "Low in rank or social importance", "Not lofty or sublime", "humble", "Having a low esteem of one's own worth", "humble", "meek", "free from pride" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lowly", "num_translations": 10 }, "luckily": { "senses": [ "In a lucky manner", "by good fortune", "fortunately" ], "antonyms": [ "unfortunately", "unluckily" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "luckily", "num_translations": 40 }, "lucky": { "senses": [ "Favoured by luck", "fortunate", "having good success or good fortune", "Producing, or resulting in, good fortune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortunate", "auspicious" ], "word": "lucky", "num_translations": 140 }, "mall": { "senses": [ "A pedestrianised street, especially a shopping precinct", "An enclosed shopping centre", "A public walk", "a level shaded walk, a promenade", "The game of polo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mall", "num_translations": 45 }, "manner": { "senses": [ "Mode of action", "way of performing or doing anything", "Characteristic mode of acting or behaving", "bearing", "One's customary method of acting", "habit", "good, polite behaviour", "The style of writing or thought of an author", "the characteristic peculiarity of an artist", "A certain degree or measure", "Sort", "kind", "style", "Standards of conduct cultured and product of mind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "method", "style", "form", "fashion", "way" ], "word": "manner", "num_translations": 113 }, "meander": { "senses": [ "One of the turns of a winding, crooked, or involved course", "A tortuous or intricate movement", "Fretwork", "Perplexity", "synonym of \"Greek key\"", "A self-avoiding closed curve which intersects a line a number of times" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "meander", "num_translations": 20 }, "maze": { "senses": [ "A labyrinth", "a puzzle consisting of a complicated network of paths or passages, the aim of which is to find one's way", "Something made up of many confused or conflicting elements", "a tangle", "Confusion of thought", "state of bewilderment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maze", "num_translations": 33 }, "meiosis": { "senses": [ "A figure of speech whereby something is made to seem smaller or less important than it actually is", "understatement", "Cell division of a diploid cell into four haploid cells, which develop to produce gametes" ], "antonyms": [ "See", "hyperbole", "mitosis" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "understatement", "reduction division" ], "word": "meiosis", "num_translations": 30 }, "mellow": { "senses": [ "Soft or tender by reason of ripeness", "having a tender pulp", "Easily worked or penetrated", "not hard or rigid", "Not coarse, rough, or harsh", "subdued, soft, rich, delicate", "said of sound, color, flavor, style, etc", "Well matured", "softened by years", "genial", "jovial", "Relaxed", "calm", "easygoing", "laid-back", "Warmed by liquor, slightly intoxicated, stoned, or high" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:soft", "yielding", "merry", "convivial", "easy-breezy", "Thesaurus:drunk", "Thesaurus:stoned" ], "word": "mellow", "num_translations": 23 }, "mend1": { "senses": [ "To repair, as anything that is torn, broken, defaced, decayed, or the like", "to restore from partial decay, injury, or defacement", "To alter for the better", "to set right", "to reform", "hence, to quicken", "To help, to advance, to further", "to add to", "To grow better", "to advance to a better state", "to become improved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "mend", "num_translations": 78 }, "mention1": { "senses": [ "To make a short reference to something", "To utter an word or expression in order to refer to the expression itself, as opposed to its usual referent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mention" ], "word": "mention", "num_translations": 76 }, "merganser": { "senses": [ "Any of various diving ducks of the genera Mergus or Lophodytes, which feed on fish and have a sharply serrated bill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mergus merganser" ], "word": "merganser", "num_translations": 26 }, "mesh": { "senses": [ "A structure made of connected strands of metal, fiber, or other flexible/ductile material, with evenly spaced openings between them", "The opening or space enclosed by the threads of a net between knot and knot, or the threads enclosing such a space", "The engagement of the teeth of wheels, or of a wheel and rack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lattice" ], "word": "mesh", "num_translations": 59 }, "mess": { "senses": [ "A disagreeable mixture or confusion of things", "hence, a situation resulting from blundering or from misunderstanding", "disorder", "A large quantity or number", "Excrement", "A person in a state of turmoil or disarray", "an emotional wreck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:disorder" ], "word": "mess", "num_translations": 80 }, "mime": { "senses": [ "A form of acting without words", "A classical theatrical entertainment in the form of farce", "A performer of such a farce", "A person who mimics others in a comical manner", "Any of various papilionid butterflies of the genus Chilasa or Papilio, that mimic other species in appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mime", "num_translations": 30 }, "mindful": { "senses": [ "Being aware", "attentive, heedful", "Inclined" ], "antonyms": [ "mindless", "seat-of-the-pants" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mindful", "num_translations": 12 }, "mirth": { "senses": [ "The emotion usually following humour and accompanied by laughter", "merriment", "jollity", "gaiety", "That which causes merriment" ], "antonyms": [ "sadness" ], "synonyms": [ "delight" ], "word": "mirth", "num_translations": 36 }, "miserly": { "senses": [ "Like a miser", "very covetous", "cautious with money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stingy", "Thesaurus:greedy" ], "word": "miserly", "num_translations": 59 }, "misery": { "senses": [ "Great unhappiness", "extreme pain of body or mind", "wretchedness", "distress", "woe", "A bodily ache or pain", "calamity", "misfortune", "poverty", "greed", "avarice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "Thesaurus:greed" ], "word": "misery", "num_translations": 104 }, "misshapen": { "senses": [ "Having a bad, ugly or awkward shape", "deformed", "malformed", "Morally or intellectually warped" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misproportioned" ], "word": "misshapen", "num_translations": 17 }, "mite": { "senses": [ "A minute arachnid, of the order Acarina, of which there are many species", "A small coin formerly circulated in England, rated at about a third of a farthing", "A lepton, a small coin used in Palestine in the time of Christ", "A small weight", "one twentieth of a grain", "Anything very small", "a minute object", "a very little quantity or particle", "A small or naughty person, or one you take pity on", "rascal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "mite", "num_translations": 58 }, "moreover": { "senses": [ "In addition to what has been said", "furthermore", "additionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "du reste", "furthermore", "further" ], "word": "moreover", "num_translations": 82 }, "mother-of-pearl": { "senses": [ "The hard pearly inner layer of certain mollusk shells", "nacre", "A butterfly of the genus Salamis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nacre" ], "word": "mother-of-pearl", "num_translations": 80 }, "motive": { "senses": [ "An idea or communication that makes one want to act, especially from spiritual sources", "a divine prompting", "An incentive to act in a particular way", "a reason or emotion that makes one want to do something", "anything that prompts a choice of action", "A limb or other bodily organ that can move", "Something which causes someone to want to commit a crime", "a reason for criminal behaviour", "A motif", "A motif", "a theme or subject, especially one that is central to the work or often repeated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "creative works" ], "word": "motive", "num_translations": 63 }, "mound": { "senses": [ "An artificial hill or elevation of earth", "a raised bank", "an embankment thrown up for defense", "A natural elevation appearing as if thrown up artificially", "a regular and isolated hill, hillock, or knoll", "Elevated area of dirt upon which the pitcher stands to pitch", "A ball or globe forming part of the regalia of an emperor or other sovereign It is encircled with bands, enriched with precious stones, and surmounted with a cross", "The mons veneris", "A hand", "A protection", "restraint", "curb", "A helmet", "Might", "size" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "globus cruciger" ], "word": "mound", "num_translations": 91 }, "munificent": { "senses": [ "Very liberal in giving or bestowing", "Very generous", "lavish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bounteous" ], "word": "munificent", "num_translations": 32 }, "muster1": { "senses": [ "To show, exhibit", "To be gathered together for parade, inspection, exercise, or the like", "to come together as parts of a force or body", "To collect, call or assemble together, such as troops or a group for inspection, orders, display etc", "To enroll", "To gather or round up livestock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rally" ], "word": "muster", "num_translations": 24 }, "triceps": { "senses": [ "Any muscle having three heads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "triceps brachii" ], "word": "triceps", "num_translations": 19 }, "mutter1": { "senses": [ "To utter words, especially complaints or angry expressions, indistinctly or with a low voice and lips partly closed", "to say under one's breath", "To speak softly and incoherently, or with imperfect articulations", "To make a sound with a low, rumbling noise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "growl", "babble", "growl", "Thesaurus:mutter" ], "word": "mutter", "num_translations": 62 }, "myth": { "senses": [ "A traditional story which embodies a belief regarding some fact or phenomenon of experience, and in which often the forces of nature and of the soul are personified", "a sacred narrative regarding a god, a hero, the origin of the world or of a people, etc", "Such stories as a genre", "A commonly-held but false belief, a common misconception", "a fictitious or imaginary person or thing", "a popular conception about a real person or event which exaggerates or idealizes reality", "A person or thing held in excessive or quasi-religious awe or admiration based on popular legend", "A person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose actual existence is not verifiable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "myth", "num_translations": 130 }, "nag": { "senses": [ "A small horse", "a pony", "An old useless horse", "A paramour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dobbin" ], "word": "nag", "num_translations": 65 }, "nag1": { "senses": [ "To continuously remind or complain to in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters", "To bother with persistent thoughts or memories", "To bother or disturb persistently in any way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ride", "haunt", "worry" ], "word": "nag", "num_translations": 51 }, "nanny": { "senses": [ "A child's nurse", "A grandmother", "A godmother", "A female goat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nanny goat", "housemother" ], "word": "nanny", "num_translations": 46 }, "neat": { "senses": [ "Clean, tidy", "free from dirt or impurities", "Free from contaminants", "unadulterated, undiluted Particularly of liquor and cocktails", "see usage below", "Conditions with a liquid reagent or gas performed with no standard solvent or cosolvent", "With all deductions or allowances made", "net", "Having a simple elegance or style", "clean, trim, tidy, tasteful", "Well-executed or delivered", "clever, skillful, precise", "Facile", "missing complexity or details in the favor of convenience or simplicity", "Good, excellent, desirable" ], "antonyms": [ "on the rocks" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "neat", "num_translations": 99 }, "necessity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite", "The condition of being needy", "desperate need", "lack", "Something necessary", "a requisite", "something indispensable", "Something which makes an act or an event unavoidable", "an irresistible force", "overruling power", "The negation of freedom in voluntary action", "the subjection of all phenomena, whether material or spiritual, to inevitable causation", "necessitarianism", "Greater utilitarian good", "used in justification of a criminal act", "Indispensable requirements" ], "antonyms": [ "impossibility", "luxury" ], "synonyms": [ "inevitability" ], "word": "necessity", "num_translations": 100 }, "nightfall": { "senses": [ "The close of the day", "the coming of night" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dusk" ], "word": "nightfall", "num_translations": 67 }, "node": { "senses": [ "A knot, knob, protuberance or swelling", "their respective symbols are \u260a and \u260b", "A computer or other device attached to a network", "The point at which the lines of a funicular machine meet from different angular directions", "\u2014 called also knot", "A similar point on a surface, where there is more than one tangent-plane", "A vertex or a leaf in a graph of a network, or other element in a data structure", "A hard concretion or incrustation which forms upon bones attacked with rheumatism, gout, or syphilis", "sometimes also, a swelling in the neighborhood of a joint", "A point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude", "The knot, intrigue, or plot of a dramatic work", "A hole in the gnomon of a sundial, through which passes the ray of light which marks the hour of the day, the parallels of the Sun's declination, his place in the ecliptic, etc", "The word of interest in a KWIC, surrounded by left and right cotexts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "host", "vertex" ], "word": "node", "num_translations": 68 }, "notebook": { "senses": [ "A book in which notes or memoranda are written" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "note pad" ], "word": "notebook", "num_translations": 203 }, "nourish1": { "senses": [ "To feed and cause to grow", "to supply with matter which increases bulk or supplies waste, and promotes health", "to furnish with nutriment", "To support", "to maintain", "To supply the means of support and increase to", "to encourage", "to foster", "To cherish", "to comfort", "To educate", "to instruct", "to bring up", "to nurture", "to promote the growth of in attainments", "To promote growth", "to furnish nutriment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nourish", "num_translations": 44 }, "nurture": { "senses": [ "The act of nourishing or nursing", "tender care", "That which nourishes", "food", "diet", "The environmental influences that contribute to the development of an individual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nurture", "num_translations": 35 }, "obstinate": { "senses": [ "Stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually with implied unreasonableness", "persistent", "Said of inanimate things not easily subdued or removed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bloody-minded", "persistent", "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "obstinate", "num_translations": 71 }, "obstreperous": { "senses": [ "Attended by, or making, a loud and tumultuous noise", "boisterous", "Stubbornly defiant", "disobedient", "resistant to authority or control, whether in a noisy manner or not" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "obstreperous", "num_translations": 18 }, "offend": { "senses": [ "To hurt the feelings of", "to displease", "to make angry", "to insult", "to take insult", "To physically harm, pain", "To annoy, cause discomfort or resent", "To sin, transgress divine law or moral rules", "To transgress or violate a law or moral requirement", "To cause to stumble", "to cause to sin or to fall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:offend" ], "word": "offend", "num_translations": 87 }, "official": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to an office or public trust", "Derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority", "made or communicated by virtue of authority", "Approved by authority", "authorized", "Sanctioned by the pharmacopoeia", "appointed to be used in medicine", "officinal", "Discharging an office or function", "Relating to an office", "especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant", "Relating to an ecclesiastical judge appointed by a bishop, chapter, archdeacon, etc, with charge of the spiritual jurisdiction", "True, real, beyond doubt" ], "antonyms": [ "unofficial" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "official", "num_translations": 85 }, "onslaught": { "senses": [ "A fierce attack", "A large number of people or things resembling an attack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "onrush" ], "word": "onslaught", "num_translations": 36 }, "originate": { "senses": [ "To cause to be, to bring into existence", "to produce, initiate", "To come into existence", "to have origin or beginning", "to spring, be derived" ], "antonyms": [ "terminate", "end", "destinate" ], "synonyms": [ "begin", "spring to life" ], "word": "originate", "num_translations": 37 }, "overlook1": { "senses": [ "To offer a view from a higher position", "To fail to notice", "to look over and beyond without seeing it", "To pretend not to have noticed", "to pass over without censure or punishment", "To look down upon from a place that is over or above", "To supervise, oversee", "to watch over", "To observe or watch surreptitiously or secretly", "To inspect", "to examine", "to look over carefully or repeatedly", "To look upon with an evil eye", "to bewitch by looking upon", "to fascinate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misheed", "take no notice of", "scrutinize" ], "word": "overlook", "num_translations": 83 }, "packer": { "senses": [ "A person whose business is to pack things", "especially, one who packs food for preservation", "A software program that compresses code or data", "A ring of packing or a special device to render gastight and watertight the space between the tubing and bore of an oil well", "An artificial penis or similar object worn by a drag king, trans man, etc, inside the trousers", "An object inserted to hold a space open for the purpose of alignment", "a spacer or shim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "packer", "num_translations": 17 }, "paragon": { "senses": [ "A person of preeminent qualities, who acts as a pattern or model for others", "A companion", "a match", "an equal", "Comparison", "competition", "The size of type between great primer and double pica, standardized as 20-point", "A flawless diamond of at least 100 carats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:model" ], "word": "paragon", "num_translations": 56 }, "paragon1": { "senses": [ "To compare", "to parallel", "to put in rivalry or emulation with", "To compare with", "to equal", "to rival", "To serve as a model for", "to surpass", "To be equal", "to hold comparison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paragon", "num_translations": 18 }, "patrician": { "senses": [ "A member of any of the families constituting the populus Romanus, or body of Roman citizens, before the development of the plebeian order", "later, one who, by right of birth or by special privilege conferred, belonged to the senior class of Romans, who, with certain property, had by right a seat in the Roman Senate", "A person of high birth", "a nobleman", "One familiar with the works of the Christian Fathers", "one versed in patristic lore or life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "patrician", "num_translations": 23 }, "patriotic": { "senses": [ "Inspired by or showing patriotism", "done out of love of one's country", "zealously and unselfishly devoted to the service of one's country" ], "antonyms": [ "unpatriotic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "patriotic", "num_translations": 37 }, "patriotism": { "senses": [ "Love of one's country", "devotion to the welfare of one's compatriots", "passion which inspires one to serve one's country", "The actions of a patriot", "The desire to compete with other nations", "nationalism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nationalism", "jingoism" ], "word": "patriotism", "num_translations": 102 }, "partisan": { "senses": [ "An adherent to a party or faction", "A fervent, sometimes militant, supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea", "A member of a band of detached light, irregular troops acting behind occupying enemy lines in the ways of harassment or sabotage", "a guerrilla fighter", "The commander of a body of detached light troops engaged in making forays and harassing an enemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "partisan", "num_translations": 31 }, "pastime": { "senses": [ "Something which amuses, and serves to make time pass agreeably" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amusement" ], "word": "pastime", "num_translations": 43 }, "payer": { "senses": [ "One who pays", "specifically, the person by whom a bill or note has been, or should be, paid", "A swaption which gives its holder the option to enter into a swap in which they pay the fixed leg and receive the floating leg" ], "antonyms": [ "payee" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "payer", "num_translations": 18 }, "peak": { "senses": [ "A point", "the sharp end or top of anything that terminates in a point", "The highest value reached by some quantity in a time period", "The top, or one of the tops, of a hill, mountain, or range, ending in a point", "The whole hill or mountain, especially when isolated", "The upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail", "The narrow part of a vessel's bow, or the hold within it", "The extremity of an anchor fluke", "the bill", "A local maximum of a function, eg for sine waves, each point at which the value of y is at its maximum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peak", "num_translations": 124 }, "pearl": { "senses": [ "Something precious", "A capsule of gelatin or similar substance containing liquid for eg medicinal application", "A whitish speck or film on the eye", "A fish allied to the turbot", "the brill", "A light-colored tern", "One of the circle of tubercles which form the bur on a deer's antler", "The size of type between diamond and agate, standardized as 5-point", "A fringe or border", "A jewel or gem", "The clitoris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pearl", "num_translations": 208 }, "peck": { "senses": [ "To strike or pierce with the beak or bill", "To form by striking with the beak or a pointed instrument", "To strike, pick, thrust against, or dig into, with a pointed instrument, especially with repeated quick movements", "To seize and pick up with the beak, or as if with the beak", "to bite", "to eat", "often with up", "To do something in small, intermittent pieces", "To type by searching for each key individually", "To type in general", "To kiss briefly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peck", "num_translations": 86 }, "peculiarity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being peculiar", "individuality", "singularity", "That which is peculiar", "a special and distinctive characteristic or habit", "particularity", "Exclusive possession or right" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peculiarity", "num_translations": 15 }, "peel": { "senses": [ "To remove the skin or outer covering of", "To remove something from the outer or top layer of", "To become detached, come away, especially in flakes or strips", "to shed skin in such a way", "To remove one's clothing", "To move, separate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skin", "disrobe" ], "word": "peel", "num_translations": 80 }, "peel1": { "senses": [ "The skin or outer layer of a fruit, vegetable, etc", "A cosmetic preparation designed to remove dead skin or to exfoliate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rind" ], "word": "peel", "num_translations": 47 }, "pelt": { "senses": [ "The skin of a beast with the hair on", "a raw or undressed hide", "a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it", "The body of any quarry killed by a hawk", "Human skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pelt", "num_translations": 55 }, "pelt1": { "senses": [ "To bombard, as with missiles", "To throw", "to use as a missile", "To rain or hail heavily", "To beat or hit, especially repeatedly", "To move rapidly, especially in or on a conveyance", "To throw out words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pelt", "num_translations": 43 }, "peripatetic": { "senses": [ "Tending to walk about", "Constantly travelling", "itinerant", "nomadic", "Having to do with Aristotle, his philosophy, or the school of thought which he founded -- from the practice of conducting philosophical conversations while taking a walk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peripatetic", "num_translations": 23 }, "phlegmatic": { "senses": [ "Not easily excited to action or passion", "calm", "sluggish", "Abounding in phlegm", "Generating, causing, or full of phlegm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apathetic", "Thesaurus:calm" ], "word": "phlegmatic", "num_translations": 31 }, "physiognomy": { "senses": [ "The art or pseudoscience of deducing the predominant temper and other characteristic qualities of the mind from the outward appearance, especially from the features of the face", "The face or countenance, with respect to the temper of the mind", "particular configuration, cast, or expression of countenance, as denoting character", "The art of telling fortunes by inspection of the features", "The general appearance or aspect of a thing, without reference to its scientific characteristics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:countenance" ], "word": "physiognomy", "num_translations": 16 }, "plaque": { "senses": [ "Any flat, thin piece of clay, ivory, metal, etc, used for ornament, or for painting pictures upon, as a dish, plate, slab, etc, hung upon a wall", "also, a smaller decoration worn by a person, such as a brooch", "A piece of flat metal with writing on it, attached to a building, monument, or other structure to remind people of a person or an event", "A small card representing an amount of money, used for betting in casinos", "a sort of gaming chip", "A clearing in a bacterial lawn caused by a virus", "In the Hornbostel-Sachs classification system: any flat, thin musical instrument", "A broad patch of abnormal tissue distinguishable from surrounding tissue, especially a broad papule on the skin", "An abnormal accumulation of material in or on an organ of the body, often associated with disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plaque", "num_translations": 54 }, "plausible": { "senses": [ "Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable", "conceivably true or likely", "Obtaining approbation", "specifically pleasing", "apparently right", "specious", "Worthy of being applauded", "praiseworthy", "commendable", "ready" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plausible", "num_translations": 56 }, "playmate": { "senses": [ "A companion for someone to play with", "A female who has appeared as the centerfold in Playboy magazine", "A person's lover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "playfellow" ], "word": "playmate", "num_translations": 21 }, "plunge": { "senses": [ "To thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable", "to immerse", "To cast, stab or throw into some thing, state, condition or action", "To baptize by immersion", "To dive, leap or rush", "to submerge oneself", "To fall or rush headlong into some thing, action, state or condition", "To pitch or throw oneself headlong or violently forward, as a horse does", "To bet heavily and recklessly", "to risk large sums in gambling", "To entangle or embarrass", "To overwhelm, overpower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plunge", "num_translations": 34 }, "porch": { "senses": [ "A covered and enclosed entrance to a building, whether taken from the interior, and forming a sort of vestibule within the main wall, or projecting without and with a separate roof", "A portico", "a covered walk", "The platform outside the external hatch of a spacecraft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see" ], "word": "porch", "num_translations": 81 }, "portray": { "senses": [ "To paint or draw the likeness of", "To describe in words", "to convey", "To play a role", "to depict a character, person, situation, or event", "To adorn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "portray", "num_translations": 28 }, "potential": { "senses": [ "Currently unrealized ability", "The work required to move a reference particle from a reference location to a specified location in the presence of a force field, for example to bring a unit positive electric charge from an infinite distance to a specified point against an electric field", "A verbal construction or form stating something is possible or probable" ], "antonyms": [ "matter", "phenomenon" ], "synonyms": [ "noumenon", "spirit" ], "word": "potential", "num_translations": 69 }, "potential1": { "senses": [ "Existing in possibility, not in actuality", "Being potent", "endowed with energy adequate to a result", "Referring to a verbal construction of form stating something is possible or probable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "potential", "num_translations": 32 }, "poverty": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being poor", "lack of money", "Any deficiency of elements or resources that are needed or desired, or that constitute richness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:poverty" ], "word": "poverty", "num_translations": 129 }, "pout": { "senses": [ "To push out one's lips", "To thrust itself outward", "to be prominent", "To be or pretend to be ill-tempered", "to sulk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moue" ], "word": "pout", "num_translations": 67 }, "precipitous": { "senses": [ "Steep, like a precipice", "Headlong", "Hasty", "rash", "quick", "sudden" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brant", "headlong", "heedless", "abrupt" ], "word": "precipitous", "num_translations": 26 }, "predecessor": { "senses": [ "One who precedes", "one who has preceded another in any state, position, office, etc", "one whom another follows or comes after, in any office or position", "A model or type of machinery or device which precedes the current one Usually used to describe an earlier, outdated model", "A vertex having a directed path to another vertex" ], "antonyms": [ "successor", "successor" ], "synonyms": [ "forerunner", "foreganger" ], "word": "predecessor", "num_translations": 44 }, "premise": { "senses": [ "A proposition antecedently supposed or proved", "something previously stated or assumed as the basis of further argument", "a condition", "a supposition", "Any of the first propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced", "Matters previously stated or set forth", "especially, that part in the beginning of a deed, the office of which is to express the grantor and grantee, and the land or thing granted or conveyed, and all that precedes the habendum", "the thing demised or granted", "A piece of real estate", "a building and its adjuncts", "The fundamental concept that drives the plot of a film or other story" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "premise", "num_translations": 63 }, "prenatal": { "senses": [ "Being or happening before birth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antenatal" ], "word": "prenatal", "num_translations": 23 }, "prevail": { "senses": [ "To be superior in strength, dominance, influence or frequency", "to have or gain the advantage over others", "to have the upper hand", "to outnumber others", "To be current, widespread or predominant", "to have currency or prevalence", "To succeed in persuading or inducing", "To avail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prevail", "num_translations": 43 }, "prey": { "senses": [ "Anything, as goods, etc, taken or got by violence", "anything taken by force from an enemy in war", "That which is or may be seized by animals or birds to be devoured", "hence, a person given up as a victim", "A living thing that is eaten by another living thing", "The act of devouring other creatures", "ravage", "The victim of a disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prey", "num_translations": 86 }, "pride": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being proud", "an unreasonable overestimation of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc, which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance, reserve and often contempt of others", "A sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one", "lofty self-respect", "noble self-esteem", "elevation of character", "dignified bearing", "proud delight", "-- in a good sense", "Proud or disdainful behavior or treatment", "insolence or arrogance of demeanor", "haughty bearing and conduct", "insolent exultation", "disdain", "hubris", "That of which one is proud", "that which excites boasting or self-congratulation", "the occasion or ground of self-esteem, or of arrogant and presumptuous confidence, as beauty, ornament, noble character, children, etc", "Show", "ostentation", "glory", "Highest pitch", "elevation reached", "loftiness", "prime", "glory,", "Consciousness of power", "fullness of animal spirits", "mettle", "wantonness", "Lust", "sexual desire", "especially, excitement of sexual appetite in a female beast", "A company of lions or other large felines", "The small European lamprey species Petromyzon branchialis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dignity", "conceit", "Thesaurus:lust", "prid" ], "word": "pride", "num_translations": 234 }, "primacy": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being prime or first, as in time, place, rank, etc", "excellence", "supremacy", "The office, rank, or character of a primate, it being the chief ecclesiastical station or dignity in a national church", "the office or dignity of an archbishop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "primacy", "num_translations": 20 }, "primitive": { "senses": [ "An original or primary word", "a word not derived from another, as opposed to derivative", "A simple-minded person", "A data type that is built into the programming language, as opposed to more complex structures", "Any of the simplest elements available in a programming language", "A basic geometric shape from which more complex shapes can be constructed", "A function whose derivative is a given function", "an antiderivative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "word:" ], "word": "primitive", "num_translations": 27 }, "primitive1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the beginning or origin, or to early times", "original", "primordial", "primeval", "first", "Of or pertaining to or harking back to a former time", "old-fashioned", "characterized by simplicity", "Crude, obsolete", "Original", "primary", "radical", "not derived", "Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution", "Not derived from another of the same type", "most recent common ancestor of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "primitive", "num_translations": 28 }, "priority": { "senses": [ "An item's relative importance", "A goal of a person or an organisation", "The quality of being earlier or coming first compared to another thing", "the state of being prior", "A superior claim to use by virtue of being validly published at an earlier date", "Precedence", "superior rank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:anteriority", "dignity" ], "word": "priority", "num_translations": 51 }, "prize": { "senses": [ "That which is taken from another", "something captured", "a thing seized by force, stratagem, or superior power", "Anything captured by a belligerent using the rights of war", "especially, property captured at sea in virtue of the rights of war, as a vessel", "An honour or reward striven for in a competitive contest", "anything offered to be competed for, or as an inducement to, or reward of, effort", "That which may be won by chance, as in a lottery", "Anything worth striving for", "a valuable possession held or in prospect", "A contest for a reward", "competition", "A lever", "a pry", "also, the hold of a lever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prize", "num_translations": 98 }, "prize1": { "senses": [ "To consider highly valuable", "to esteem", "To set or estimate the value of", "to appraise", "to price", "to rate", "To move with a lever", "to force up or open", "to prise or pry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prize", "num_translations": 20 }, "proceed": { "senses": [ "To move, pass, or go forward or onward", "to advance", "to carry on", "To pass from one point, topic, or stage, to another", "To come from", "to have as its source or origin", "To go on in an orderly or regulated manner", "to begin and carry on a series of acts or measures", "to act methodically", "To be transacted", "to take place", "to occur", "To be applicable or effective", "to be valid", "To begin and carry on a legal process", "To take an academic degree" ], "antonyms": [ "regress", "recede" ], "synonyms": [ "progress" ], "word": "proceed", "num_translations": 65 }, "profess": { "senses": [ "To administer the vows of a religious order to", "to admit to a religious order", "To declare oneself", "To declare", "to assert, affirm", "To make a claim", "to lay claim to , often with connotations of insincerity", "To declare one's adherence to", "to teach", "To claim to have knowledge or understanding of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "profess", "num_translations": 12 }, "profligate": { "senses": [ "Inclined to waste resources or behave extravagantly", "Immoral", "abandoned to vice", "Overthrown, ruined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extravagant", "immoral", "Thesaurus:prodigal" ], "word": "profligate", "num_translations": 21 }, "progress": { "senses": [ "Movement or advancement through a series of events, or points in time", "development through time", "Specifically, advancement to a higher or more developed state", "development, growth", "An official journey made by a monarch or other high personage", "a state journey, a circuit", "A journey forward", "travel", "Movement onwards or forwards or towards a specific objective or direction", "advance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "progress", "num_translations": 154 }, "progress1": { "senses": [ "to move, go, or proceed forward", "to advance", "to improve", "to become better or more complete", "To move forward", "to advance, to expedite" ], "antonyms": [ "regress", "retrogress" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "progress", "num_translations": 21 }, "propagate": { "senses": [ "To cause to continue or multiply by generation, or successive production", "To cause to spread to extend", "to impel or continue forward in space", "To spread from person to person", "to extend the knowledge of", "to originate and spread", "to carry from place to place", "to disseminate", "To multiply", "to increase", "To generate", "to produce", "To produce young", "to be produced or multiplied by generation, or by new shoots or plants", "To take effect on all relevant devices in a network", "To cause to take effect on all relevant devices in a network" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "propagate", "num_translations": 30 }, "prosper": { "senses": [ "To favor", "to render successful", "To be successful", "to succeed", "to thrive", "to make gain", "To grow", "to increase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prosper" ], "word": "prosper", "num_translations": 33 }, "protean": { "senses": [ "Exceedingly variable", "readily assuming different shapes or forms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "multiform" ], "word": "protean", "num_translations": 20 }, "proud": { "senses": [ "Feeling honoured", "feeling happy or satisfied about an event or fact", "gratified", "Possessed of a due sense of what one deserves or is worth", "Having too high an opinion of oneself", "arrogant, supercilious", "Generating a sense of pride", "being a cause for pride", "stately or majestic", "Standing out or raised", "swollen", "Brave, valiant", "gallant", "Excited by sexual desire", "specifically of a female animal: in heat" ], "antonyms": [ "ashamed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "proud", "num_translations": 170 }, "prurient": { "senses": [ "Uneasy with desire", "itching", "especially, having a lascivious anxiety or propensity", "lustful", "Arousing or appealing to sexual desire", "Curious, especially inappropriately so" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lustful", "titillating" ], "word": "prurient", "num_translations": 28 }, "punk": { "senses": [ "A person used for sex, particularly:", "A worthless person, particularly:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "gunsel", "trouble-maker" ], "word": "punk", "num_translations": 72 }, "purchase": { "senses": [ "The acquisition of title to, or property in, anything for a price", "buying for money or its equivalent", "That which is obtained, got or acquired, in any manner, honestly or dishonestly", "property", "possession", "acquisition", "That which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent", "The act or process of seeking and obtaining something", "A price paid for a house or estate, etc equal to the amount of the rent or income during the stated number of years", "Any mechanical hold or advantage, applied to the raising or removing of heavy bodies, as by a lever, a tackle or capstan", "The apparatus, tackle or device by which such mechanical advantage is gained and in nautical terminology the ratio of such a device, like a pulley, or block and tackle", "The amount of hold one has from an individual foothold or ledge", "Acquisition of lands or tenements by means other than descent or inheritance, namely, by one's own act or agreement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "purchase", "num_translations": 107 }, "purchase1": { "senses": [ "To buy, obtain by payment of a price in money or its equivalent", "To pursue and obtain", "to acquire by seeking", "to gain, obtain, or acquire", "To obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger, or sacrifice, etc", "To expiate by a fine or forfeit", "To apply to a device for obtaining a mechanical advantage", "to raise or move by mechanical means", "To put forth effort to obtain anything", "to strive", "to exert oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "procure" ], "word": "purchase", "num_translations": 70 }, "rag": { "senses": [ "Tattered clothes", "A piece of old cloth", "a tattered piece of cloth", "a shred, a tatter", "A shabby, beggarly fellow", "A sail, or any piece of canvas", "A newspaper, magazine", "A poor, low-ranking kicker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rag", "num_translations": 164 }, "raid": { "senses": [ "A quick hostile or predatory incursion or invasion in a battle", "An attack or invasion for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering", "An attacking movement", "An activity initiated at or towards the end of a live broadcast by the broadcaster that sends its viewers to a different broadcast, primarily intended to boost the viewership of the receiving broadcaster This is frequently accompanied by a message in the form of a hashtag that is posted in the broadcast's chat by the viewers", "A large group in a massively multiplayer online game, consisting of multiple parties who team up to defeat a powerful enemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attack", "foray", "incursion", "irruption" ], "word": "raid", "num_translations": 59 }, "raider": { "senses": [ "One who engages in a raid", "a plunderer", "A person who takes or attempts to take control of a firm against the will of current management by purchasing a controlling interest of stock and acquiring proxies", "A special forces operative", "a commando", "A warship which is light, maneuverable, and fast-moving", "A person who uncovers evidence of improper behavior within governmental or private organizations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buccaneer", "muckraker" ], "word": "raider", "num_translations": 19 }, "rally": { "senses": [ "A demonstration", "an event where people gather together to protest for or against a given cause", "A sequence of strokes between serving and scoring a point", "An event in which competitors drive through a series of timed special stages at intervals The winner is the driver who completes all stages with the shortest cumulative time", "A recovery after a decline in prices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rally", "num_translations": 66 }, "rally1": { "senses": [ "To collect, and reduce to order, as troops dispersed or thrown into confusion", "to gather again", "to reunite", "To come into orderly arrangement", "to renew order, or united effort, as troops scattered or put to flight", "to assemble", "to unite", "To collect one's vital powers or forces", "to regain health or consciousness", "to recuperate", "To recover strength after a decline in prices", "-- said of the market, stocks, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "decline" ], "synonyms": [ "muster", "bounce back" ], "word": "rally", "num_translations": 30 }, "rapper": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, raps or knocks", "A performer of rap music, or someone who raps in any form of music", "A sword", "A mechanical, or later electric, signalling device formerly used in the mines of north-eastern England to signal to the engineman that the cages carrying men or coals up and down the shaft were ready to be raised or lowered", "A bold lie", "a whopper", "A loud oath" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rapper", "num_translations": 16 }, "rave1": { "senses": [ "To wander in mind or intellect", "to be delirious", "to talk or act irrationally", "to be wild, furious, or raging", "To speak or write wildly or incoherently", "To talk with unreasonable enthusiasm or excessive passion or excitement", "followed by about, of, or on", "To rush wildly or furiously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rave", "num_translations": 16 }, "reach": { "senses": [ "To extend, stretch, or thrust out", "To give to someone by stretching out a limb, especially the hand", "to give with the hand", "to pass to another person", "to hand over", "To stretch out the hand", "To attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand", "to extend some part of the body, or something held, so as to touch, strike, grasp, etc", "To strike or touch with a missile", "Hence, to extend an action, effort, or influence to", "to penetrate to", "to pierce, or cut", "To extend to", "to stretch out as far as", "to touch by virtue of extent", "To arrive at by effort of any kind", "To make contact with", "To connect with on an emotional level, making them receptive of", "to get through to", "To arrive at a particular destination", "To continue living until, or up to, a certain age", "To understand", "to comprehend", "to deceive", "To strain after something", "to make efforts", "To extend in dimension, time etc", "to stretch out continuously", "To sail on the wind, as from one point of tacking to another, or with the wind nearly abeam", "To experience a vomiting reflex", "to gag", "to retch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reach", "num_translations": 174 }, "reach1": { "senses": [ "The act of stretching or extending", "extension", "The power of stretching out or extending action, influence, or the like", "power of attainment or management", "extent of force or capacity", "Extent", "stretch", "expanse", "hence, application", "influence", "result", "scope", "An exaggeration", "an extension beyond evidence or normal", "a stretch", "The distance a boxer's arm can extend to land a blow", "Any point of sail in which the wind comes from the side of a vessel, excluding close-hauled", "The distance traversed between tacks", "a stretch", "a straightish portion of a stream, river, or arm of the sea extending up into the land, as from one turn to another By extension, the adjacent land", "A level stretch of a watercourse, as between rapids in a river or locks in a canal", "An extended portion or area of land or water", "An article to obtain an advantage", "The pole or rod connecting the rear axle with the forward bolster of a wagon", "An effort to vomit", "a retching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reach", "num_translations": 31 }, "react": { "senses": [ "To act or perform a second time", "to do over again", "to reenact", "To return an impulse or impression", "to resist the action of another body by an opposite force", "To act upon each other", "to exercise a reciprocal or a reverse effect, as two or more chemical agents", "to act in opposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "react", "num_translations": 23 }, "reap": { "senses": [ "To gather by cutting", "To obtain or receive as a reward, in a good or a bad sense", "To terminate a child process that has previously exited, thereby removing it from the process table", "To deprive of the beard", "to shave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reap", "num_translations": 88 }, "recessive": { "senses": [ "Going back", "receding", "Able to be masked by a dominant allele or trait", "Not dominant", "whose effect is masked by stronger effects" ], "antonyms": [ "dominant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "recessive", "num_translations": 14 }, "recital": { "senses": [ "The act of reciting", "rehearsal", "The act of telling the order of events of something in detail the order of events", "narration", "That which is recited", "a story, narration, account", "A vocal, instrumental or visual performance by a soloist", "A formal, preliminary statement in a deed or writing in order to explain the reasons on which the transaction is founded, prior to a positive allegation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recital", "num_translations": 21 }, "recommend": { "senses": [ "To bestow commendation on", "to represent favourably", "to suggest, endorse or encourage as an appropriate choice", "To make acceptable", "to attract favor to", "To advise, propose, counsel favorably", "To commit, confide to another's care, confidence or acceptance, with favoring representations" ], "antonyms": [ "deprectate", "disrecommend", "discourage", "disapprove", "oppose" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:advise" ], "word": "recommend", "num_translations": 82 }, "recount1": { "senses": [ "To tell", "narrate", "to relate in detail", "To rehearse", "to enumerate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recount", "num_translations": 33 }, "recover": { "senses": [ "To get back, regain", "To return to, resume", "To reach , arrive at", "To restore to good health, consciousness, life etc", "To make good by reparation", "to make up for", "to retrieve", "to repair the loss or injury of", "To get better from", "to get over", "To get better, regain one's health", "To regain one's composure, balance etc", "To obtain a judgement", "to succeed in a lawsuit", "To gain as compensation or reparation", "To gain by legal process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recover", "num_translations": 89 }, "recruit": { "senses": [ "A supply of anything wasted or exhausted", "a reinforcement", "A person enlisted for service in the army", "a newly enlisted soldier", "A hired worker", "A new member of a certain population, usually a juvenile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recruit", "num_translations": 41 }, "recruit1": { "senses": [ "To enroll or enlist new members or potential employees on behalf of an employer, organization, sports team, the military, etc", "To supply with new men, as an army", "to fill up or make up by enlistment", "also, to muster", "To replenish, renew, or reinvigorate by fresh supplies", "to remedy a lack or deficiency in", "To recuperate", "to gain health, flesh, spirits, or the like", "To prompt a protein, leucocyte etc to intervene in a given region of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recruit", "num_translations": 64 }, "redress": { "senses": [ "To put in order again", "to set right", "to revise", "To set right", "to repair,", "to make amends for", "to remedy", "to relieve from", "To make amends or compensation to", "to relieve of anything unjust or oppressive", "to bestow relief upon", "To put upright again", "to restore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "redress", "num_translations": 10 }, "redress1": { "senses": [ "a making right", "amendment", "correction", "reformation", "hence, indemnification", "relief", "remedy", "reparation", "One who, or that which, gives relief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "redress", "num_translations": 12 }, "reek": { "senses": [ "A strong unpleasant smell", "Vapour", "steam", "smoke", "fume" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reek", "num_translations": 71 }, "reek1": { "senses": [ "To have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell", "To be evidently associated with something unpleasant", "To be emitted or exhaled, emanate, as of vapour or perfume", "To emit smoke or vapour", "to steam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reek", "num_translations": 29 }, "reel": { "senses": [ "A shaky or unsteady gait", "A lively dance originating in Scotland", "also, the music of this dance", "A kind of spool, turning on an axis, on which yarn, threads, lines, or the like, are wound", "A machine on which yarn is wound and measured into lays and hanks, \u2014-- for cotton or linen it is fifty-four inches in circuit", "for worsted, thirty inches", "A device consisting of radial arms with horizontal stats, connected with a harvesting machine, for holding the stalks of grain in position to be cut by the knives", "A short compilation of sample film work used as a demonstrative resume in the entertainment industry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reel", "num_translations": 52 }, "reel1": { "senses": [ "To spin or revolve repeatedly", "To unwind, to bring or acquire something by spinning or winding something else", "To walk shakily or unsteadily", "to stagger", "move as if drunk or not in control of oneself", "To back off or step away unsteadily and quickly", "To have a whirling sensation", "to be giddy", "To be in shock", "To roll" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reel", "num_translations": 59 }, "reefer2": { "senses": [ "A marijuana cigarette", "Marijuana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Appendix:Cannabis slang", "Thesaurus:marijuana cigarette" ], "word": "reefer", "num_translations": 17 }, "referee": { "senses": [ "An umpire or judge", "the official who makes sure the rules are followed during a game", "A person who settles a dispute", "A person who writes a letter of reference or provides a reference by phone call for someone", "An expert who judges the manuscript of an article or book to decide if it should be published" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "referee", "num_translations": 121 }, "refine": { "senses": [ "To purify", "reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state", "to free from impurities", "To become pure", "to be cleared of impure matter", "To purify of coarseness, vulgarity, inelegance, etc", "to polish", "To improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence", "To make nice or subtle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "refine", "num_translations": 61 }, "regardless1": { "senses": [ "Without attention to warnings or indications of bad consequences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anyhow" ], "word": "regardless", "num_translations": 19 }, "regress1": { "senses": [ "To move backwards to an earlier stage", "to devolve", "To move from east to west" ], "antonyms": [ "advance", "proceed", "progress" ], "synonyms": [ "backslide" ], "word": "regress", "num_translations": 23 }, "regularity": { "senses": [ "The condition or quality of being regular", "A particular regular occurrence" ], "antonyms": [ "irregularity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "regularity", "num_translations": 14 }, "rehearse": { "senses": [ "To repeat, as what has been already said", "to tell over again", "to recite", "To narrate", "to relate", "to tell", "To practise by recitation or repetition in private for experiment and improvement, prior to a public representation, especially in theater", "to instruct by rehearsal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rehearse", "num_translations": 51 }, "release": { "senses": [ "The event of setting free", "The distribution of an initial or new and upgraded version of a computer software product", "the distribution can be either public or private", "The giving up of a claim, especially a debt", "Liberation from pain or suffering", "The process by which a chemical substance is set free", "The act or manner of ending a sound", "In the block system, a printed card conveying information and instructions to be used at intermediate sidings without telegraphic stations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "release", "num_translations": 92 }, "release1": { "senses": [ "To let go", "to cease to hold or contain", "To make available to the public", "To free or liberate", "to set free", "To discharge", "To hang up", "To let go, as a legal claim", "to quit", "To loosen", "to relax", "to remove the obligation of", "To set up", "to provide with a goal-scoring opportunity", "To set free a chemical substance" ], "antonyms": [ "hold" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "release", "num_translations": 113 }, "relent1": { "senses": [ "To become less severe or intense", "to become less hard, harsh, or cruel", "to soften in temper", "to become more mild and tender", "to feel compassion", "To slacken", "to abate", "To lessen, make less severe or intense", "To become less rigid or hard", "to soften", "to yield", "to dissolve", "to melt", "to deliquesce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "relent", "num_translations": 33 }, "relevance": { "senses": [ "The property or state of being relevant or pertinent" ], "antonyms": [ "irrelevance" ], "synonyms": [ "bearing", "pertinence" ], "word": "relevance", "num_translations": 31 }, "relieve": { "senses": [ "To ease from mental distress", "to stop feeling anxious or worried, to alleviate the distress of", "To ease or give relief from physical pain or discomfort", "To alleviate", "To provide comfort or assistance to", "To lift up", "to raise again", "To raise out of danger or from", "To free from debt or legal obligations", "to give legal relief to", "To bring military help to", "to lift the siege on", "To release from or of a difficulty, unwanted task, responsibility etc", "To free from their post, task etc by taking their place", "To make stand out", "to make prominent, bring into relief", "To go to the toilet", "to defecate or urinate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liss" ], "word": "relieve", "num_translations": 54 }, "relish": { "senses": [ "A pleasing taste", "flavor that gratifies the palate", "hence, enjoyable quality", "power of pleasing", "Savor", "quality", "characteristic tinge", "A taste for", "liking", "appetite", "fondness", "A cooked or pickled sauce, usually made with vegetables or fruits, generally used as a condiment", "In a wooden frame, the projection or shoulder at the side of, or around, a tenon, on a tenoned piece", "Something that is greatly liked or savoured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "relish", "num_translations": 43 }, "relish1": { "senses": [ "To taste or eat with pleasure, to like the flavor of", "to take great pleasure in", "To taste", "to have a specified taste or flavour", "to cause to taste agreeable, to make appetizing", "To give pleasure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appreciate", "delight in", "enjoy", "like", "revel" ], "word": "relish", "num_translations": 39 }, "remain": { "senses": [ "That which is left", "relic", "That which is left of a human being after the life is gone", "relics", "a dead body", "Posthumous works or productions, especially literary works", "stay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "remain", "num_translations": 21 }, "remain1": { "senses": [ "To stay behind while others withdraw", "to be left after others have been removed or destroyed", "to be left after a number or quantity has been subtracted or cut off", "to be left as not included or comprised", "To continue unchanged in place, form, or condition, or undiminished in quantity", "to abide", "to stay", "to endure", "to last", "To await", "to be left to", "To continue in a state of being" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "linger", "rest", "endure", "await", "stay", "belave" ], "word": "remain", "num_translations": 160 }, "remark": { "senses": [ "An act of pointing out or noticing", "notice or observation", "a mention of something", "A casual observation, comment, or statement", "alternative form of \"remarque\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "remark", "num_translations": 53 }, "remark1": { "senses": [ "to comment", "To express in words or writing", "to state", "to make a comment", "To pay heed to", "notice", "to take notice of", "To mark in a notable manner", "to distinguish clearly", "to make noticeable or conspicuous", "to point out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "remark", "num_translations": 39 }, "rename": { "senses": [ "To give a new name to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rebaptise", "rechristen" ], "word": "rename", "num_translations": 29 }, "rend": { "senses": [ "To separate into parts with force or sudden violence", "to split", "to burst", "To part or tear off forcibly", "to take away by force", "To be rent or torn", "to become parted", "to separate", "to split" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rend", "num_translations": 25 }, "repertoire": { "senses": [ "A list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc, which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared to perform or display", "The set of skills, abilities, experiences, etc, possessed by a person", "The set of vocalisations used by a bird", "An amount, body, or collection of something", "A processor's instruction set" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "repertoire", "num_translations": 35 }, "represent": { "senses": [ "To present again or anew", "to present by means of something standing in the place of", "to exhibit the counterpart or image of", "to typify", "To portray visually", "to delineate", "To portray by mimicry or acting", "to act the part or character of", "To stand or act in the place of", "to perform the duties, exercise the rights, or otherwise act on behalf of", "To portray to another using language", "to show", "to give one's own impressions and judgement of", "To give an account of", "to describe", "To serve as a sign or symbol of", "To bring a certain sensation of into the mind", "to cause to be known, felt, or apprehended", "to present", "To form or image again in consciousness, as an object of cognition or apprehension", "To constitute, to make up, to be an example of", "To participate as a team member", "To constitute a good example or symbol of a group of people", "to acquit oneself well" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "form" ], "word": "represent", "num_translations": 77 }, "repress": { "senses": [ "To forcefully prevent an upheaval from developing further", "To check", "to keep back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to crush", "to quell", "to subdue", "to suppress", "to restrain", "to hold back" ], "word": "repress", "num_translations": 40 }, "reprimand1": { "senses": [ "To reprove in a formal or official way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "reprimand", "num_translations": 34 }, "require": { "senses": [ "To ask for something", "to request", "To demand, to insist upon", "to call for authoritatively", "Naturally to demand as indispensable", "to need, to call for as necessary", "To demand of to do something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "call for" ], "word": "require", "num_translations": 57 }, "resemblance": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of resembling", "That which resembles, or is similar", "a representation", "a likeness", "A comparison", "a simile", "Probability", "verisimilitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "likeness" ], "word": "resemblance", "num_translations": 49 }, "resent": { "senses": [ "to consider as an affront", "To express displeasure or indignation at", "To be sensible of", "to feel", "In a positive sense, to take well", "to receive with satisfaction", "To recognize", "to perceive, especially as if by smelling", "To give forth an odor", "to smell", "to savor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "resent", "num_translations": 48 }, "reserve": { "senses": [ "Restriction", "Something initially kept back for later use in a recreation", "In exhibitions, a distinction indicating that the recipient will get a prize in the event of another person being disqualified", "A resist", "A preparation used on an object being electroplated to fix the limits of the deposit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-restraint", "substitute", "Territorial Army", "reservation" ], "word": "reserve", "num_translations": 122 }, "reserve1": { "senses": [ "To keep back", "to retain", "To keep in store for future or special use", "To book in advance", "to make a reservation", "To make an exception of", "to except" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reserve", "num_translations": 83 }, "reside": { "senses": [ "To dwell permanently or for a considerable time", "to have a settled abode for a time", "to remain for a long time", "To have a seat or fixed position", "to inhere", "to lie or be as in attribute or element", "To sink", "to settle, as sediment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reside", "num_translations": 82 }, "respectful": { "senses": [ "Marked or characterized by respect" ], "antonyms": [ "contemptuous", "disdainful", "disrespectful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "respectful", "num_translations": 28 }, "result": { "senses": [ "To proceed, spring up or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought or endeavor", "To have as a consequence", "to lead to", "to bring about", "To return to the proprietor after a reversion", "To leap back", "to rebound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "follow" ], "word": "result", "num_translations": 27 }, "result1": { "senses": [ "the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation", "consequence or effect", "The fruit, beneficial or tangible effect achieved by effort", "The decision or determination of a council or deliberative assembly", "a resolve", "a decree", "A flying back", "resilience", "The final score in a game", "A positive or favourable outcome for someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "result", "num_translations": 112 }, "retaliation": { "senses": [ "Violent or otherwise punitive response to an act of harm or perceived injustice", "a hitting back", "revenge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:revenge" ], "word": "retaliation", "num_translations": 30 }, "retire": { "senses": [ "To stop working on a permanent basis, usually because of old age or illness", "To withdraw", "to take away", "To cease use or production of something", "To withdraw from circulation, or from the market", "to take up and pay", "specifically, to designate as no longer qualified for active service", "To voluntarily stop batting before being dismissed so that the next batsman can bat", "To make a play which results in a runner or the batter being out, either by means of a put out, fly out or strikeout", "To go back or return", "to withdraw or retreat, especially from public view", "to go into privacy", "To retreat from action or danger", "to withdraw for safety or pleasure", "To recede", "to fall or bend back", "To go to bed", "To remove or cease to use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "retire", "num_translations": 54 }, "revert1": { "senses": [ "To turn back, or turn to the contrary", "to reverse", "To throw back", "to reflect", "to reverberate", "To cause to return to a former condition", "To return", "to come back", "To return to the possession of", "To cause to return to the previous owner", "To return to a former practice, condition, belief, etc", "To return to an earlier or primitive type or state", "to take on the traits or characters of an ancestral type", "To change back, as from a soluble to an insoluble state or the reverse", "To take up again or return to a previous topic", "To convert to Islam", "To reply", "To treat , so as to find the second variable x expressed in a series arranged in powers of y" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "revert", "num_translations": 57 }, "revise": { "senses": [ "To look at again, to reflect on", "To review, alter and amend, especially of written material", "To look over again , especially in preparation for an examination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "review" ], "word": "revise", "num_translations": 58 }, "revival": { "senses": [ "The act of reviving, or the state of being revived", "Renewed attention to something, as to letters or literature", "Renewed performance of, or interest in, something, such as drama or literature", "Renewed interest in religion, after indifference and decline", "a period of religious awakening", "special religious interest", "A Christian religious meeting held to inspire active members of a church body or to gain new converts", "Reanimation from a state of languor or depression", "applied to health, a person's spirits, etc", "Renewed pursuit, or cultivation, or flourishing state of something, as of commerce, arts, agriculture", "Renewed prevalence of something, as a practice or a fashion", "Restoration of force, validity, or effect", "renewal", "reinstatement of a legal action", "Revivification, as of a metal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "revival", "num_translations": 51 }, "revive": { "senses": [ "To return to life", "to become reanimated or reinvigorated", "To return to life", "to cause to recover life or strength", "to cause to live anew", "To recover from a state of oblivion, obscurity, neglect, or depression", "To restore, or bring again to life", "to reanimate", "To raise from coma, languor, depression, or discouragement", "to bring into action after a suspension", "To renew in the mind or memory", "to bring to recollection", "to recall attention to", "to reawaken", "To recover its natural or metallic state, as a metal", "To restore or reduce to its natural or metallic state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rediscover", "resurrect", "renew" ], "word": "revive", "num_translations": 94 }, "rife": { "senses": [ "Widespread, common, prevalent, current", "Abounding", "present in large numbers, plentiful", "Full of", "Having power", "active", "nimble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pandemic", "filled" ], "word": "rife", "num_translations": 12 }, "rigorous": { "senses": [ "Showing, causing, or favoring rigour", "scrupulously accurate or strict", "thorough", "Severe", "intense" ], "antonyms": [ "arbitrary" ], "synonyms": [ "painstaking", "harsh" ], "word": "rigorous", "num_translations": 37 }, "riot": { "senses": [ "Wanton or unrestrained behavior", "uproar", "tumult", "The tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by an unlawful assembly of three or more persons in the execution of some private object", "A wide and unconstrained variety", "Excessive and expensive feasting", "wild and loose festivity", "revelry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "riot", "num_translations": 79 }, "ripe": { "senses": [ "Ready for reaping or gathering", "having attained perfection", "mature", "Advanced to the state of fitness for use", "mellow", "Having attained its full development", "mature", "perfected", "Maturated or suppurated", "ready to discharge", "-- said of sores, tumors, etc", "Ready for action or effect", "prepared", "Intoxicated", "Of a conflict between parties, having developed to a stage where the conflict may be reviewed by a court of law", "Smelly: having a disagreeable odor" ], "antonyms": [ "unripe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ripe", "num_translations": 108 }, "robust": { "senses": [ "Evincing strength and health", "strong", "Violent", "rough", "rude", "Requiring strength or vigor", "Sensible", "straightforward, not given to or confused by uncertainty or subtlety", "Designed or evolved in such a way as to be resistant to total failure despite partial damage", "Resistant or impervious to failure regardless of user input or unexpected conditions", "Not greatly influenced by errors in assumptions about the distribution of sample errors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "robust", "num_translations": 41 }, "rocky1": { "senses": [ "Full of, or abounding in, rocks", "consisting of rocks", "Like a rock", "Not easily impressed or affected", "hard", "unfeeling", "obdurate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rocky", "num_translations": 42 }, "rosette": { "senses": [ "An imitation of a rose by means of ribbon or other material, used especially as an ornament or a badge", "An ornament in the form of a rose or roundel, much used in decoration", "A red color", "A rose burner", "One or more whorls of leaves, clustered tightly at the base of a plant", "A plant growth form in which the plant grows outward in all directions for a short distance, producing a small round shape", "Any structure having a flowerlike form", "especially, the group of five broad ambulacra on the upper side of the spatangoid and clypeastroid sea urchins", "A flowerlike color marking, as on the leopard", "A floral pattern in latte art", "A clustered formation of tumor cells", "A thin, cookie-like, deep-fried Scandinavian pastry, made using an iron, which resembles a rose blossom", "A rose shape piped using frosting, most commonly buttercream", "A form of knot", "A disc formed by throwing water on molten metal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roset", "rosetta" ], "word": "rosette", "num_translations": 22 }, "roulette": { "senses": [ "A game of chance, in which a small ball is made to move round rapidly on a circle divided off into numbered red and black spaces, the one on which it stops indicating the result of a variety of wagers permitted by the game", "A small toothed wheel used by engravers to roll over a plate in order to produce rows of dots", "A similar wheel used to roughen the surface of a plate, as in making alterations in a mezzotint", "The locus of a point on a plane curve that rolls without slipping along another fixed plane curve", "Any of the small incisions on a sheet of stamps, used as an alternative to perforations", "A cylindrical curler for the hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roulette", "num_translations": 49 }, "rout4": { "senses": [ "A troop or group, especially of a traveling company or throng", "A disorderly and tumultuous crowd", "a mob", "hence, the rabble", "the herd of common people", "The state of being disorganized and thrown into confusion, especially when retreating from a fight", "The act of defeating and breaking up an army or another opponent", "A disturbance of the peace by persons assembled together with the intent to do a thing which, if executed, would make them rioters, and actually making a motion toward the executing thereof", "A fashionable assembly, or large evening party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rout", "num_translations": 23 }, "route": { "senses": [ "A course or way which is traveled or passed", "A regular itinerary of stops, or the path followed between these stops, such as for delivery or passenger transportation", "A road or path", "often specifically a highway", "One of multiple methods or approaches to doing something", "One of the major provinces of imperial China from the Later Jin to the Song, corresponding to the Tang and early Yuan circuits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lu" ], "word": "route", "num_translations": 111 }, "rugged": { "senses": [ "Broken into sharp or irregular points", "uneven", "not smooth", "rough", "Not neat or regular", "irregular, uneven", "Rough with bristles or hair", "shaggy", "Strong, sturdy, well-built", "Rocky and bare of plantlife", "Harsh", "austere", "hard", "crabbed", "Stormy", "turbulent", "tempestuous", "rude", "Harsh", "grating", "rough to the ear", "Sour", "surly", "frowning", "wrinkled", "Violent", "rude", "boisterous", "Vigorous", "robust", "hardy", "Designed to reliably operate in harsh usage environments and conditions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rugged", "num_translations": 108 }, "sag1": { "senses": [ "To sink, in the middle, by its weight or under applied pressure, below a horizontal line or plane", "To lean, give way, or settle from a vertical position", "To lose firmness, elasticity, vigor, or a thriving state", "to sink", "to droop", "to flag", "to bend", "to yield, as the mind or spirits, under the pressure of care, trouble, doubt, or the like", "to be unsettled or unbalanced", "To loiter in walking", "to idle along", "to drag or droop heavily", "To cause to bend or give way", "to load", "To wear one's trousers so that their top is well below the waist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sag", "num_translations": 50 }, "sailor": { "senses": [ "A person in the business of navigating ships or other vessels", "Someone knowledgeable in the practical management of ships", "A member of the crew of a vessel", "a mariner", "a common seaman", "A person who sails sailing boats as a sport or recreation", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Neptis, Pseudoneptis and Phaedyma, having white markings on a dark base and commonly flying by gliding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sailor" ], "word": "sailor", "num_translations": 172 }, "sane": { "senses": [ "Being in a healthy condition", "not deranged", "thinking rationally", "Mentally sound", "possessing a rational mind", "having the mental faculties in such condition as to be able to anticipate and judge the effect of one's actions in an ordinary manner", "Rational", "reasonable", "sensible" ], "antonyms": [ "insane", "crazy", "unbalanced" ], "synonyms": [ "in one's right mind", "Thesaurus:sane" ], "word": "sane", "num_translations": 39 }, "sanguine": { "senses": [ "Having the colour of blood", "blood red", "Having a bodily constitution characterised by a preponderance of blood over the other bodily humours, thought to be marked by irresponsible mirth", "indulgent in pleasure to the exclusion of important matters", "Characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood", "Warm", "ardent", "Anticipating the best", "optimistic", "confident", "full of hope", "Full of blood", "bloody", "Bloodthirsty" ], "antonyms": [ "blue" ], "synonyms": [ "animated", "assured", "bright", "bullish", "buoyant", "ridibund", "cheerful", "cheery", "confident", "hopeful", "optimistic", "positive", "red", "spirited", "upbeat", "vivificated" ], "word": "sanguine", "num_translations": 52 }, "sanguine1": { "senses": [ "Blood colour", "red", "Anything of a blood-red colour, as cloth", "A tincture, seldom used, of a blood-red colour", "Bloodstone", "Red crayon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sanguine", "num_translations": 15 }, "sarcasm": { "senses": [ "Use of acerbic language to mock or convey contempt, often using irony and often marked by overemphasis and a sneering tone of voice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "derision", "taunt", "gibe" ], "word": "sarcasm", "num_translations": 63 }, "saturate": { "senses": [ "To cause to become completely penetrated, impregnated, or soaked", "To fill to excess", "To satisfy the affinity of", "to cause a substance to become inert by chemical combination with all that it can hold", "To render pure, or of a colour free from white light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "saturate", "num_translations": 25 }, "scan": { "senses": [ "To read or mark so as to show a specific meter", "To examine sequentially, carefully, or critically", "to scrutinize", "to behold closely", "To look about for", "to look over quickly", "To read with an electronic device", "To mount by steps", "to go through with step by step" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scan", "num_translations": 90 }, "scene": { "senses": [ "The location of an event that attracts attention", "the stage", "The decorations", "furnishings and backgrounds of a stage, representing the place in which the action of a play is set", "The location, time, circumstances, etc, in which something occurs, or in which the action of a story, play, or the like, is set up", "A combination of objects or events in view or happening at a given moment at a particular place", "A landscape, or part of a landscape", "An exhibition of passionate or strong feeling before others, creating embarrassment or disruption", "often, an artificial or affected action, or course of action, done for effect", "a theatrical display", "An element of fiction writing", "A social environment consisting of an informal, vague group of people with a uniting interest", "their sphere of activity", "a subculture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scene", "num_translations": 76 }, "scoff": { "senses": [ "Derision", "ridicule", "a derisive or mocking expression of scorn, contempt, or reproach", "An object of scorn, mockery, or derision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "derision", "Thesaurus:ridicule" ], "word": "scoff", "num_translations": 19 }, "scoff1": { "senses": [ "To jeer", "to laugh with contempt and derision", "To mock", "to treat with scorn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sneer", "contemn" ], "word": "scoff", "num_translations": 28 }, "scoff3": { "senses": [ "To eat food quickly", "To eat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gobble" ], "word": "scoff", "num_translations": 18 }, "scout": { "senses": [ "A person sent out to gain and bring in tidings", "especially, one employed in war to gain information about the enemy and ground", "A person who assesses and/or recruits others", "especially, one who identifies promising talent on behalf of a sports team", "A college servant , originally implying a male servant, attending to students or undergraduates in a variety of ways that includes cleaning", "corresponding to the duties of a gyp or possibly bedder at Cambridge University", "and at Dublin, a skip", "A fielder in a game for practice", "A fighter aircraft", "Term of address for a man or boy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scout", "num_translations": 82 }, "scowl": { "senses": [ "The wrinkling of the brows or face in frowning", "the expression of displeasure, sullenness, or discontent in the countenance", "an angry frown", "Gloom", "dark or threatening aspect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scowl", "num_translations": 23 }, "scowl1": { "senses": [ "To wrinkle the brows, as in frowning or displeasure", "to put on a frowning look", "to look sour, sullen, severe, or angry", "To look gloomy, dark, or threatening", "to lower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scowl", "num_translations": 29 }, "scraper": { "senses": [ "An instrument with which anything is scraped", "One who scrapes horns", "One who plays a violin incompetently, producing cacophonous sounds", "One who acquires avariciously and saves penuriously", "A cocked hat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scraper", "num_translations": 28 }, "scribble": { "senses": [ "To write or draw carelessly and in a hurry", "To doodle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scrawl" ], "word": "scribble", "num_translations": 35 }, "scribe": { "senses": [ "Someone who writes", "a draughtsperson", "a writer for another", "especially, an official or public writer", "an amanuensis, secretary, notary or copyist", "A writer and doctor of the law", "one skilled in the law and traditions", "one who read and explained the law to the people", "A journalist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amanuensis", "scrivener", "tabellion" ], "word": "scribe", "num_translations": 75 }, "scribe1": { "senses": [ "To write", "To write, engrave, or mark upon", "To record", "To cut in such a way as to fit closely to a somewhat irregular surface, as a baseboard to a floor which is out of level, a board to the curves of a moulding, etc", "To score or mark with compasses or a scribing iron" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scribe", "num_translations": 14 }, "scythe1": { "senses": [ "to mow", "To attack or injure as if cutting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scythe", "num_translations": 33 }, "secondary": { "senses": [ "Next in order to the first or primary", "of second place in origin, rank, etc", "Originating from a deputy or delegated person or body", "Derived from a parent compound by replacement of two atoms of hydrogen by organic radicals", "Produced by alteration or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rock mass", "Developed by pressure or other causes", "Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird", "Dependent or consequent upon another disease, or occurring in the second stage of a disease", "Of less than primary importance", "Relating to the manufacture of goods from raw materials", "Formed by mixing primary colors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "secondary", "num_translations": 27 }, "secondly": { "senses": [ "In the second place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "2ndly", "second" ], "word": "secondly", "num_translations": 15 }, "segregate1": { "senses": [ "To separate, especially by social policies that directly or indirectly keep races or ethnic groups apart" ], "antonyms": [ "aggregate" ], "synonyms": [ "isolate" ], "word": "segregate", "num_translations": 14 }, "segregation": { "senses": [ "The setting apart or separation of things or people, as a natural process, a manner of organizing people that may be voluntary or enforced by law", "The setting apart in Mendelian inheritance of alleles, such that each parent passes only one allele to its offspring", "Separation from a mass, and gathering about centers or into cavities at hand through cohesive or adhesive attraction or the crystallizing process", "The separation of people into racial or other categories", "The separation of people into various categories which occurs due to social forces", "The separation of a pair of chromatids or chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis" ], "antonyms": [ "desegregation" ], "synonyms": [ "apartheid" ], "word": "segregation", "num_translations": 35 }, "serve": { "senses": [ "An act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play in various games", "A portion of food or drink, a serving" ], "antonyms": [ "receive" ], "synonyms": [ "service", "See", "serving" ], "word": "serve", "num_translations": 19 }, "serve1": { "senses": [ "To provide a service", "To treat in a given manner", "To be suitor to", "to be the lover of", "To be effective", "To deliver a document", "To lead off with the first delivery over the net in tennis, volleyball, ping pong, badminton etc", "To copulate with", "to cover", "To be in military service", "To work, to operate", "To work through", "To wind spun yarn etc tightly around so as to protect it from chafing or from the weather", "To perform", "To provide crack cocaine , usually by selling, dealing, or distributing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attend" ], "word": "serve", "num_translations": 239 }, "server": { "senses": [ "A program that provides services to other programs or devices, either in the same computer or over a computer network", "A computer dedicated to running such programs", "One who serves", "A tray for dishes", "a salver", "A spoon for serving food" ], "antonyms": [ "client" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "server", "num_translations": 133 }, "setback": { "senses": [ "An obstacle, delay, disadvantage, blow", "The required distance between a structure and a road", "A step-like recession in a wall", "An offset to the temperature setting of a thermostat to cover a period when more or less heating is required than usual", "A backset", "a countercurrent", "an eddy", "A backset", "a check", "a repulse", "a relapse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "setback", "num_translations": 29 }, "shabby": { "senses": [ "Torn or worn", "unkempt", "Clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments", "Mean", "paltry", "despicable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shabby", "num_translations": 81 }, "shaker": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that shakes, or by means of which something is shaken", "A variety of pigeon", "One who holds railroad spikes while they are hammered", "A musical percussion instrument filled with granular solids which produce a rhythmic sound when shaken", "A kind of straight-sided, stackable glass for beer, soda, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shaker", "num_translations": 12 }, "shaky": { "senses": [ "Shaking or trembling", "Nervous, anxious", "Full of shakes or cracks", "cracked", "Easily shaken", "tottering", "unsound", "Wavering", "undecided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "precarious" ], "word": "shaky", "num_translations": 22 }, "shaver": { "senses": [ "One who shaves", "A barber, one whose occupation is to shave", "A tool or machine for shaving", "an electric razor", "An extortionate bargainer", "a sharper", "One who fleeces", "a pillager", "a plunderer", "A boy", "a lad", "a little fellow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shaver", "num_translations": 38 }, "sheer": { "senses": [ "Very thin or transparent", "Pure in composition", "unmixed", "unadulterated", "Downright", "complete", "pure", "Used to emphasize the amount or degree of something", "Very steep", "almost vertical or perpendicular" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diaphanous", "pure", "downright", "perpendicular" ], "word": "sheer", "num_translations": 77 }, "shell": { "senses": [ "A hard external covering of an animal", "The hard calcareous covering of a bird egg", "One of the outer layers of skin of an onion", "The hard external covering of various plant seed forms", "The accreted mineral formed around a hollow geode", "The casing of a self-contained single-unit artillery projectile", "A hollow, usually spherical or cylindrical projectile fired from a siege mortar or a smoothbore cannon It contains an explosive substance designed to be ignited by a fuse or by percussion at the target site so that it will burst and scattered at high velocity its contents and fragments Formerly called a bomb", "The cartridge of a breechloading firearm", "a load", "a bullet", "a round", "Any slight hollow structure", "A garment, usually worn by women, such as a shirt, blouse, or top, with short sleeves or no sleeves, that often fastens in the rear", "A coarse or flimsy coffin", "a thin interior coffin enclosed within a more substantial one", "The body of a drum", "the often wooden, often cylindrical acoustic chamber, with or without rims added for tuning and for attaching the drum head", "An engraved copper roller used in print works", "The thin coating of copper on an electrotype", "The watertight outer covering of the hull of a vessel, often made with planking or metal plating", "The outer frame or case of a block within which the sheaves revolve", "A light boat whose frame is covered with thin wood, impermeable fabric, or water-proofed paper", "A set of atomic orbitals that have the same principal quantum number", "The outward form independent of what is inside", "The empty outward form of someone or something", "An emaciated person", "A psychological barrier to social interaction", "An operating system software user interface, whose primary purpose is to launch other programs and control their interactions", "the user's command interpreter", "A legal entity that has no operations", "A concave rough cast-iron tool in which a convex lens is ground to shape", "The onset and coda of a syllable", "A person's ear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shell", "num_translations": 470 }, "shell1": { "senses": [ "To bombard, to fire projectiles at, especially with artillery", "To disburse or give up money, to pay", "to fall out of the pod or husk", "To form shallow, irregular cracks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shell", "num_translations": 49 }, "shopkeeper": { "senses": [ "A trader who sells goods in a shop, or by retail, in distinction from one who sells by wholesale, or sells door to door" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "storekeeper" ], "word": "shopkeeper", "num_translations": 71 }, "shout": { "senses": [ "A loud burst of voice or voices", "a violent and sudden outcry, especially that of a multitude expressing joy, triumph, exultation, or animated courage", "A round of drinks in a pub", "the turn to pay the shot or scot", "an act of paying for a round of drinks", "A call-out for an emergency services team", "A greeting, name-check or other mention, for example on a radio or TV programme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shout", "num_translations": 56 }, "shout1": { "senses": [ "To utter a sudden and loud cry, as in joy, triumph, or exultation, or to attract attention, to animate others, etc", "to cry", "To pay for food, drink or entertainment for others", "To post a text message in upper case" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shout" ], "word": "shout", "num_translations": 163 }, "shortly": { "senses": [ "In a short or brief time or manner", "quickly", "In or after a short time", "soon", "In few words", "In an irritable manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shortly", "num_translations": 32 }, "shred": { "senses": [ "A long, narrow piece cut or torn off", "a strip", "In general, a fragment", "a piece", "a particle", "a very small amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "shred", "num_translations": 28 }, "shred1": { "senses": [ "To cut or tear into narrow and long pieces or strips", "To reduce by a large percentage", "To lop", "to prune", "to trim", "To ride aggressively", "To drop fat and water weight before a competition", "To play very fast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shred", "num_translations": 38 }, "shroud": { "senses": [ "That which clothes, covers, conceals, or protects", "a garment", "Especially, the dress for the dead", "a winding sheet", "A covered place used as a retreat or shelter, as a cave or den", "also, a vault or crypt", "A rope or cable serving to support the mast sideways", "One of the two annular plates at the periphery of a water wheel, which form the sides of the buckets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sindon" ], "word": "shroud", "num_translations": 69 }, "shy": { "senses": [ "Easily frightened", "timid", "Reserved", "disinclined to familiar approach", "Cautious", "wary", "suspicious", "Short, insufficient or less than", "Embarrassed" ], "antonyms": [ "audacious", "bold", "brazen", "gregarious", "extroverted", "outgoing" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shy" ], "word": "shy", "num_translations": 194 }, "siesta": { "senses": [ "A nap, especially an afternoon one taken after lunch in some cultures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:shut-eye" ], "word": "siesta", "num_translations": 42 }, "sigh": { "senses": [ "To inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it", "to make a deep single audible respiration, especially as the result or involuntary expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, frustration, or the like", "To lament", "to grieve", "to lament or mourn over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sithe" ], "word": "sigh", "num_translations": 102 }, "sigh1": { "senses": [ "A deep, prolonged audible inhale and exhale of breath", "as when fatigued, frustrated, grieved, or relieved", "Figuratively, a manifestation of grief", "a lament", "A person who is bored" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sigh", "num_translations": 73 }, "simply": { "senses": [ "In a simple way or state", "considered in or by itself", "without addition", "alone", "Plainly", "without art or subtlety", "Weakly", "foolishly", "stupidly", "Merely", "solely", "absolutely, positively", "Frankly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "simply", "num_translations": 29 }, "site1": { "senses": [ "The place where anything is fixed", "situation", "local position", "A place fitted or chosen for any certain permanent use or occupation", "The posture or position of a thing", "A computer installation, particularly one associated with an intranet or internet service or telecommunications", "A category together with a choice of Grothendieck topology", "Region of a protein, a piece of DNA or RNA where chemical reactions take place", "A part of the body which has been operated on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "site", "num_translations": 96 }, "skate1": { "senses": [ "To use the skating technique", "To get away with something", "to be acquitted of a crime for which one is manifestly guilty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skate", "num_translations": 37 }, "skimp1": { "senses": [ "To slight", "to do carelessly", "to scamp", "To make insufficient allowance for", "to scant", "to scrimp", "To save", "to be parsimonious or stingy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skimp", "num_translations": 42 }, "skive": { "senses": [ "To avoid one's lessons or work", "shirk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skip", "play hooky", "Thesaurus:play truant" ], "word": "skive", "num_translations": 13 }, "slack": { "senses": [ "The part of anything that hangs loose, having no strain upon it", "A tidal marsh or shallow that periodically fills and drains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "culm", "slough" ], "word": "slack", "num_translations": 18 }, "slack1": { "senses": [ "Lax", "not tense", "not hard drawn", "not firmly extended", "Weak", "not holding fast", "Remiss", "backward", "not using due diligence or care", "not earnest or eager", "Not violent, rapid, or pressing", "Excess", "surplus to requirements", "vulgar", "sexually explicit, especially in dancehall music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slow" ], "word": "slack", "num_translations": 41 }, "slack3": { "senses": [ "To mitigate", "to reduce the strength of", "to procrastinate", "to be lazy", "to refuse to exert effort", "To lose cohesion or solidity by a chemical combination with water", "to slake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slack", "num_translations": 23 }, "slag": { "senses": [ "waste material from a coal mine", "scum that forms on the surface of molten metal", "impurities formed and separated out when a metal is smelted from ore", "vitrified cinders", "hard aggregate remaining as a residue from blast furnaces, sometimes used as a surfacing material", "scoria associated with a volcano", "a coward", "a contemptible person, a scumbag", "a prostitute", "a woman who has loose morals relating to sex", "a slut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman" ], "word": "slag", "num_translations": 73 }, "slake": { "senses": [ "To satisfy", "to quench", "to extinguish", "To cool with water or another liquid", "To become mixed with water, so that a true chemical combination takes place", "To mix with water, so that a true chemical combination takes place", "Of a person: to become less energetic, to slacken in one's efforts", "To slacken", "to become relaxed or loose", "To become less intense", "to weaken, decrease in force", "To go out", "to become extinct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slake", "num_translations": 33 }, "slam": { "senses": [ "To shut with sudden force so as to produce a shock and noise", "To put in or on a particular place with force and loud noise", "To strike forcefully with some implement", "To strike against suddenly and heavily", "To speak badly of", "to criticize forcefully", "To defeat by winning all the tricks of a deal or a hand", "To change providers for a customer without clear consent", "To drink off, to drink quickly", "To inject intravenously", "shoot up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drink", "bang" ], "word": "slam", "num_translations": 60 }, "slam1": { "senses": [ "A sudden impact or blow", "The shock and noise produced by violently closing a door or other object", "An insult", "The yellow iron silicate produced in alum works as a waste product", "The refuse of alum works", "A subgenre of death metal with elements of hardcore punk focusing on midtempo rhythms, breakdowns and palm-muted riffs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slam", "num_translations": 22 }, "slap1": { "senses": [ "To cause something to strike soundly", "To strike soundly against something", "To be excellent", "To place, to put carelessly", "To impose a penalty, etc on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slap", "num_translations": 76 }, "slapper": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, slaps", "A prostitute", "A woman of loose morals", "Anything monstrous", "a whopper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slapper", "num_translations": 20 }, "slayer": { "senses": [ "a killer", "a murderer", "someone who slays" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:killer" ], "word": "slayer", "num_translations": 17 }, "sleek": { "senses": [ "Having an even, smooth surface", "smooth", "glossy", "Not rough or harsh", "Slim and streamlined", "not plump, thick, or stocky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sleek", "num_translations": 34 }, "slice": { "senses": [ "That which is thin and broad", "A thin, broad piece cut off", "An amount of anything", "A piece of pizza", "A snack consisting of pastry with savoury filling", "A broad, thin piece of plaster", "A knife with a thin, broad blade for taking up or serving fish", "also, a spatula for spreading anything, as paint or ink", "A salver, platter, or tray", "A plate of iron with a handle, forming a kind of chisel, or a spadelike implement, variously proportioned, and used for various purposes, as for stripping the planking from a vessel's side, for cutting blubber from a whale, or for stirring a fire of coals", "a peel", "a fire shovel", "One of the wedges by which the cradle and the ship are lifted clear of the building blocks to prepare for launching", "A removable sliding bottom to a galley", "A shot that curves unintentionally to the right See fade, hook, draw", "A section of image taken of an internal organ using MRI , CT , or various forms of x-ray", "A hawk's or falcon's dropping which squirts at an angle other than vertical", "A contiguous portion of an array" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slice", "num_translations": 70 }, "slice1": { "senses": [ "To cut with an edge utilizing a drawing motion", "To hit the ball with a stroke that causes a spin, resulting in the ball swerving or staying low after a bounce", "To hit the shuttlecock with the racket at an angle, causing it to move sideways and downwards", "To kick the ball so that it goes in an unintended direction, at too great an angle or too high", "To angle the blade so that it goes too deeply into the water when starting to take a stroke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slice", "num_translations": 33 }, "slight": { "senses": [ "Small", "of slender build", "Even, smooth or level", "still", "Foolish", "silly", "weak in intellect", "Bad, of poor quality", "treating with disdain" ], "antonyms": [ "essencial", "important", "radical", "significant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "slight", "num_translations": 52 }, "slight1": { "senses": [ "to make light of", "To give lesser weight or importance to", "To treat with disdain or neglect, usually out of prejudice, hatred, or jealousy", "to ignore disrespectfully", "To act negligently or carelessly", "To render no longer defensible by full or partial demolition", "To make even or level", "To throw heedlessly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slight", "num_translations": 16 }, "slime": { "senses": [ "Soft, moist earth or clay, having an adhesive quality", "viscous mud", "any substance of a dirty nature, that is moist, soft, and adhesive", "bitumen", "mud containing metallic ore, obtained in the preparatory dressing", "Any mucilaginous substance", "or a mucus-like substance which exudes from the bodies of certain animals, such as snails or slugs", "A sneaky, unethical person", "A monster having the form of a slimy blob", "Human flesh, seen disparagingly", "mere human form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sludge" ], "word": "slime", "num_translations": 77 }, "sliver": { "senses": [ "A long piece cut or rent off", "a sharp, slender fragment", "a splinter", "A strand, or slender roll, of cotton or other fiber in a loose, untwisted state, produced by a carding machine and ready for the roving or slubbing which precedes spinning", "Bait made of pieces of small fish Compare kibblings", "A narrow high-rise apartment building" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shard" ], "word": "sliver", "num_translations": 56 }, "slouch": { "senses": [ "A hanging down of the head", "a drooping posture", "a limp appearance", "Any depression or hanging down, as of a hat brim", "Someone who is slow to act", "An awkward, heavy, clownish fellow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slouch", "num_translations": 12 }, "sly": { "senses": [ "Artfully cunning", "secretly mischievous", "wily", "Dexterous in performing an action, so as to escape notice", "Done with, and marked by, artful and dexterous secrecy", "subtle", "Light or delicate", "slight", "thin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "artful", "cunning", "knowing", "sharp", "crafty", "shrewd", "shifty", "sly as a fox", "slim", "wily", "Thesaurus:wily" ], "word": "sly", "num_translations": 90 }, "smack4": { "senses": [ "To slap someone", "To strike a child as a form of discipline", "To wetly separate the lips, making a noise, after tasting something or in expectation of a treat", "To kiss with a close compression of the lips, so as to make a sound when they separate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smack", "num_translations": 35 }, "snag": { "senses": [ "A stump or base of a branch that has been lopped off", "a short branch, or a sharp or rough branch", "A dead tree that remains standing", "A tree, or a branch of a tree, fixed in the bottom of a river or other navigable water, and rising nearly or quite to the surface, by which boats are sometimes pierced and sunk", "Any sharp protuberant part of an object, which may catch, scratch, or tear other objects brought into contact with it", "A tooth projecting beyond the others", "a broken or decayed tooth", "A problem or difficulty with something", "A pulled thread or yarn, as in cloth", "One of the secondary branches of an antler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snag", "num_translations": 46 }, "snag1": { "senses": [ "To catch or tear upon a rough surface or projection", "To damage or sink by collision", "said of a tree or branch fixed to the bottom of a navigable body of water and partially submerged or rising to just beneath the surface", "To fish by means of dragging a large hook or hooks on a line, intending to impale the body of the target", "To obtain or pick up", "To stealthily steal with legerdemain prowess", "to hew roughly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snag", "num_translations": 11 }, "snap": { "senses": [ "A quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound", "A sudden break", "An attempt to seize, bite, attack, or grab", "A photograph", "The sudden release of something held under pressure or tension", "A thin circular cookie or similar baked good", "A brief, sudden period of a certain weather", "A very short period of time , or a task that can be accomplished in such a period", "The passing of a football from the center to a back that begins play, a hike", "A rivet: a scrapbooking embellishment", "A small meal, a snack", "lunch", "A greedy fellow", "something bitten off, seized, or obtained by a single quick movement", "hence, a bite, morsel, or fragment", "a scrap", "briskness", "vigour", "energy", "decision", "Something that is easy or effortless", "jounce , followed by crackle and pop", "A quick offhand shot with a firearm", "Something of no value", "A crisp or pithy quality", "epigrammatic point or force", "A tool used by riveters", "A tool used by glass-moulders", "A brief theatrical engagement", "An easy and profitable place or task", "a sinecure", "A cheat or sharper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snap", "num_translations": 86 }, "snap1": { "senses": [ "To fracture or break apart suddenly", "To give forth or produce a sharp cracking noise", "to crack", "To attempt to seize with the teeth or bite", "To attempt to seize with eagerness", "To speak abruptly or sharply", "To give way abruptly and loudly", "To suffer a mental breakdown, usually while under tension", "To flash or appear to flash as with light", "To jump to a fixed position relative to another element", "To snatch with or as if with the teeth", "to pop loose", "To say abruptly or sharply", "To speak to abruptly or sharply", "usually with up", "alternatively, by bringing the index finger quickly down onto the middle finger and thumb", "To cause to move suddenly and smartly", "To take a photograph", "to release a camera's shutter", "To put the ball in play by passing it from the center to a back", "to hike the ball", "To misfire", "To catch out sharply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snap", "num_translations": 116 }, "snarl1": { "senses": [ "A knot or complication of hair, thread, or the like, difficult to disentangle", "An intricate complication", "a problematic difficulty", "a knotty or tangled situation", "A slow-moving traffic jam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imbroglio" ], "word": "snarl", "num_translations": 12 }, "snarl2": { "senses": [ "To growl angrily by gnashing or baring the teeth", "to gnarl", "to utter grumbling sounds", "To complain angrily", "to utter growlingly", "To speak crossly", "to talk in rude, surly terms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snarl", "num_translations": 24 }, "snarl3": { "senses": [ "a growl", "a surly or peevish expression", "an angry contention", "A growl, for example that of an angry or surly dog, or similar", "grumbling sounds", "A squabble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snarl", "num_translations": 13 }, "sneak": { "senses": [ "one who moves stealthily to acquire an item or information", "A cheat", "a con artist", "An informer", "a tell-tale", "A ball bowled so as to roll along the ground", "a daisy-cutter", "a tennis shoe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sneak", "num_translations": 15 }, "sneak1": { "senses": [ "To creep or go stealthily", "to come or go while trying to avoid detection, as a person who does not wish to be seen", "To take something stealthily without permission", "To stealthily bring someone something", "To hide, especially in a mean or cowardly manner", "To inform an authority of another's misdemeanours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sneak", "num_translations": 61 }, "snide": { "senses": [ "Disparaging or derisive in an insinuative way", "Tricky", "deceptive", "false", "spurious", "contemptible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snide", "num_translations": 29 }, "snipe": { "senses": [ "Any of various limicoline game birds of the genera Gallinago, Lymnocryptes and Coenocorypha in the family Scolopacidae, having a long, slender, nearly straight beak", "A fool", "a blockhead", "A shot fired from a concealed place", "A member of the engineering department on a ship", "A goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snipe", "num_translations": 47 }, "snout": { "senses": [ "The long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast, as of pigs", "The front of the prow of a ship or boat", "A person's nose", "The nozzle of a pipe, hose, etc", "The anterior prolongation of the head of a gastropod", "a rostrum", "The anterior prolongation of the head of weevils and allied beetles", "a rostrum", "Tobacco", "cigarettes", "The terminus of a glacier", "A police informer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snout", "num_translations": 120 }, "solitary": { "senses": [ "One who lives alone, or in solitude", "an anchoret, hermit or recluse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:recluse" ], "word": "solitary", "num_translations": 24 }, "solitary1": { "senses": [ "Living or being by oneself", "alone", "having no companion present", "Performed, passed, or endured alone", "Not much visited or frequented", "remote from society", "Not inhabited or occupied", "without signs of inhabitants or occupation", "desolate", "deserted", "gloomy", "dismal, because of not being inhabited", "Single", "individual", "sole", "Not associated with others of the same kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solitary", "num_translations": 85 }, "span": { "senses": [ "The space from the thumb to the end of the little finger when extended", "nine inches", "an eighth of a fathom", "A small space or a brief portion of time", "A portion of something by length", "a subsequence", "The spread or extent of an arch or between its abutments, or of a beam, girder, truss, roof, bridge, or the like, between supports", "The length of a cable, wire, rope, chain between two consecutive supports", "A rope having its ends made fast so that a purchase can be hooked to the bight", "also, a rope made fast in the center so that both ends can be used", "A pair of horses or other animals driven together", "usually, such a pair of horses when similar in color, form, and action", "The space of all linear combinations of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "span", "num_translations": 59 }, "span1": { "senses": [ "To extend through the distance between or across", "To extend through", "To generate an entire space by means of linear combinations", "To be matched, as horses", "To fetter, as a horse", "to hobble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "span", "num_translations": 23 }, "spare": { "senses": [ "Scanty", "not abundant or plentiful", "Sparing", "frugal", "parsimonious", "chary", "Being over and above what is necessary, or what must be used or reserved", "not wanted, or not used", "superfluous", "Held in reserve, to be used in an emergency", "Lean", "wanting flesh", "meager", "thin", "gaunt", "Very angry", "frustrated or distraught", "Slow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spare", "num_translations": 50 }, "spare2": { "senses": [ "To show mercy", "To keep", "To deprive oneself of, as by being frugal", "to do without", "to dispense with", "to give up", "to part with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spare", "num_translations": 20 }, "sparkle": { "senses": [ "A little spark", "a scintillation", "Brilliance", "luster", "Liveliness", "vivacity", "The quality of being sparkling or fizzy", "effervescence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sparkle", "num_translations": 47 }, "sparkle1": { "senses": [ "To emit sparks", "to throw off ignited or incandescent particles", "To shine as if throwing off sparks", "to emit flashes of light", "to scintillate", "to twinkle", "To manifest itself by, or as if by, emitting sparks", "to glisten", "to flash", "To emit little bubbles, as certain kinds of liquors", "to effervesce", "To emit in the form or likeness of sparks", "To disperse", "To scatter on or over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shine" ], "word": "sparkle", "num_translations": 15 }, "spectacle": { "senses": [ "An exciting or extraordinary scene, exhibition, performance etc", "An embarrassing or unedifying scene or situation", "An optical instrument consisting of two lenses set in a light frame, and worn to assist sight, to obviate some defect in the organs of vision, or to shield the eyes from bright light", "An aid to the intellectual sight", "A spyglass", "a looking-glass", "The brille of a snake", "A frame with different coloured lenses on a semaphore signal through which light from a lamp shines at night, often a part of the signal arm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "show", "glasses" ], "word": "spectacle", "num_translations": 64 }, "spike": { "senses": [ "A sort of very large nail", "A piece of pointed metal etc set with points upward or outward", "Anything resembling such a nail in shape", "An ear of corn or grain", "A kind of inflorescence in which sessile flowers are arranged on an unbranched elongated axis", "A sharp peak in a graph", "A surge in power or in the price of a commodity etc", "The long, narrow part of a high-heeled shoe that elevates the heel", "A long nail for storing papers by skewering them", "the metaphorical place where rejected newspaper articles are sent", "An attack from, usually, above the height of the net performed with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block", "An adolescent male deer", "The casual ward of a workhouse", "synonym of \"endpin\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catkin" ], "word": "spike", "num_translations": 136 }, "spike1": { "senses": [ "To embed nails into so that any attempt to cut it down will damage equipment or injure people", "To discard", "to decide not to publish or make public", "To increase sharply", "To covertly put alcohol or another intoxicating substance into a drink", "To add a small amount of one substance to another", "To attack from, usually, above the height of the net with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block", "To slam the football to the ground, usually in celebration of scoring a touchdown, or to stop expiring time on the game clock after snapping the ball as to save time for the losing team to attempt to score the tying or winning points" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attack", "hit" ], "word": "spike", "num_translations": 11 }, "spire": { "senses": [ "The stalk or stem of a plant", "A young shoot of a plant", "a spear", "Any of various tall grasses, rushes, or sedges, such as the marram, the reed canary-grass, etc", "A sharp or tapering point", "A tapering structure built on a roof or tower, especially as one of the central architectural features of a church or cathedral roof", "The top, or uppermost point, of anything", "the summit", "A tube or fuse for communicating fire to the charge in blasting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spire", "num_translations": 55 }, "splay": { "senses": [ "To spread", "spread out", "To dislocate, as a shoulder bone", "To turn on one side", "to render oblique", "to slope or slant, as the side of a door, window etc", "To rearrange so that a desired element is placed at the root", "To spay", "to castrate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "splay", "num_translations": 13 }, "splendid": { "senses": [ "Possessing or displaying splendor", "shining", "very bright", "Showy", "magnificent", "sumptuous", "pompous", "brilliant, excellent, of a very high standard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "great", "magnificent", "marvellous" ], "word": "splendid", "num_translations": 67 }, "splice": { "senses": [ "A junction or joining of ropes made by splicing them together", "The electrical and mechanical connection between two pieces of wire or cable", "That part of a bat where the handle joins the blade", "Bonding or joining of overlapping materials", "The process of removing intron sequences from the pre-messenger RNA, and then joining together exons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "splice", "num_translations": 19 }, "splice1": { "senses": [ "To unite, as two ropes, or parts of a rope, by a particular manner of interweaving the strands, -- the union being between two ends, or between an end and the body of a rope", "To unite, as spars, timbers, rails, etc, by lapping the two ends together, or by applying a piece which laps upon the two ends, and then binding, or in any way making fast", "To unite in marriage", "To unite as if splicing", "To remove intron sequences from the pre-messenger RNA, and then join together exons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "splice", "num_translations": 25 }, "spree": { "senses": [ "A merry frolic", "especially, a drinking frolic", "Uninhibited activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carousal" ], "word": "spree", "num_translations": 29 }, "sprig": { "senses": [ "A small shoot or twig of a tree or other plant", "a spray", "An ornament resembling a small shoot or twig", "One of the separate pieces of lace fastened on a ground in applique lace", "A youth", "a lad", "A brad, or nail without a head", "A small eyebolt ragged or barbed at the point", "A house sparrow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sprig", "num_translations": 30 }, "sprite": { "senses": [ "A spirit", "a soul", "a shade", "An apparition", "ghost", "An elf", "a fairy", "a goblin", "The green woodpecker, or yaffle", "A two-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene", "An electrical discharge that occurs high above the cumulonimbus cloud of an active thunderstorm", "A spayed female ferret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goblin" ], "word": "sprite", "num_translations": 35 }, "spry": { "senses": [ "Having great power of leaping or running", "nimble", "active", "Vigorous", "lively", "cheerful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spry", "num_translations": 11 }, "spurt": { "senses": [ "To cause to gush out suddenly or violently in a stream or jet", "To rush from a confined place in a small stream or jet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spout" ], "word": "spurt", "num_translations": 56 }, "squire": { "senses": [ "A shield-bearer or armor-bearer who attended a knight", "A male attendant on a great personage", "A devoted attendant or follower of a lady", "a beau", "Term of address to an equal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squire", "num_translations": 54 }, "squirt": { "senses": [ "An instrument from which a liquid is forcefully ejected in a small, quick stream", "A small, quick stream", "a jet", "The whole system of flow in the vicinity of a source", "A burst of noise", "An annoyingly pretentious person", "a whippersnapper", "A small child", "Female ejaculate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anklebiter" ], "word": "squirt", "num_translations": 24 }, "squirt1": { "senses": [ "To be thrown out, or ejected, in a rapid stream, from a narrow orifice", "To cause to be ejected, in a rapid stream, from a narrow orifice", "To hit with a rapid stream of liquid", "To throw out or utter words rapidly", "to prate", "To ejaculate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to ejaculate)" ], "word": "squirt", "num_translations": 29 }, "stack": { "senses": [ "A pile", "In digital computing", "A generalization of schemes in algebraic geometry and of sheaves", "A coastal landform, consisting of a large vertical column of rock in the sea", "Compactly spaced bookshelves used to house large collections of books", "A large amount of an object", "A pile of rifles or muskets in a cone shape", "The amount of money a player has on the table", "In architecture", "A fall or crash, a prang", "A blend of various dietary supplements or anabolic steroids with supposed synergistic benefits", "A holding pattern, with aircraft circling one above the other as they wait to land", "The quantity of a given item which fills up an inventory slot or bag" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stack", "num_translations": 70 }, "stack1": { "senses": [ "To arrange the cards in a deck in a particular manner", "To take all the money another player currently has on the table", "To deliberately distort the composition of", "To crash", "to fall", "To operate cumulatively", "To place into a holding pattern", "To collect precious metal in the form of various small objects such as coins and bars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "build up", "gerrymander", "smash" ], "word": "stack", "num_translations": 30 }, "stadium": { "senses": [ "A venue where sporting events are held", "An Ancient Greek racecourse, especially, the Olympic course for foot races", "A Greek measure of length, being the chief one used for itinerary distances, also adopted by the Romans for nautical and astronomical measurements, equal to 600 Greek or 625 Roman feet, or 125 Roman paces, or to 606 feet, 9 inches", "A kind of telemeter for measuring the distance of an object of known dimensions, by observing the angle it subtends", "a graduated rod used to measure the distance of the place where it stands from an instrument having a telescope, by observing the number of the graduations of the rod that are seen between certain parallel wires in the field of view of the telescope", "A life stage of an organism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arena", "Olympic stadium", "stadia" ], "word": "stadium", "num_translations": 96 }, "stag": { "senses": [ "An adult male deer", "A colt, or filly", "A romping girl", "a tomboy", "An improperly or late castrated bull or ram - also called a bull seg", "An outside irregular dealer in stocks, who is not a member of the exchange", "One who applies for the allotment of shares in new projects, with a view to sell immediately at a premium, and not to hold the stock", "The Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytes", "An unmarried male, a bachelor", "a male not accompanying a female at a social event", "A social event for males held in honor of a groom on the eve of his wedding, attended by male friends of the groom, sometimes a fund-raiser", "Guard duty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bachelor party" ], "word": "stag", "num_translations": 76 }, "stagger": { "senses": [ "An unsteady movement of the body in walking or standing as if one were about to fall", "a reeling motion", "A disease of horses and other animals, attended by reeling, unsteady gait or sudden falling", "Bewilderment", "perplexity", "The spacing out of various actions over time", "The difference in circumference between the left and right tires on a racing vehicle It is used on oval tracks to make the car turn better in the corners", "The horizontal positioning of a biplane, triplane, or multiplane's wings in relation to one another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stagger", "num_translations": 34 }, "startle": { "senses": [ "To move suddenly, or be excited, on feeling alarm", "to start", "To excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension", "to frighten suddenly and not seriously", "to alarm", "to surprise", "To deter", "to cause to deviate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "start", "alarm", "deter" ], "word": "startle", "num_translations": 49 }, "stark": { "senses": [ "Hard, firm", "obdurate", "Severe", "violent", "fierce", "Strong", "vigorous", "powerful", "Stiff, rigid", "Hard in appearance", "barren, desolate", "Complete, absolute, full" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stark", "num_translations": 74 }, "statistic1": { "senses": [ "A quantity calculated from the data in a sample, which characterises an important aspect in the sample" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "number" ], "word": "statistic", "num_translations": 10 }, "stave": { "senses": [ "One of a number of narrow strips of wood, or narrow iron plates, placed edge to edge to form the sides, covering, or lining of a vessel or structure", "especially, one of the strips which form the sides of a cask, a pail, etc", "One of the bars or rounds of a rack, rungs of a ladder, etc", "one of the cylindrical bars of a lantern wheel", "A metrical portion", "a stanza", "a staff", "The five horizontal and parallel lines on and between which musical notes are written or pointed", "the staff", "A staff or walking stick", "A sign, symbol or sigil, including rune or rune-like characters, used in Icelandic magic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stave", "num_translations": 71 }, "stead": { "senses": [ "A place, or spot, in general", "A place where a person normally rests", "a seat", "An inhabited place", "a settlement, city, town etc", "An estate, a property with its grounds", "a farm", "The frame on which a bed is laid", "The position or function , as taken on by a successor", "An emotional or circumstantial \"place\" having specified advantages, qualities etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stead", "num_translations": 40 }, "steep": { "senses": [ "Of a near-vertical gradient", "of a slope, surface, curve, etc that proceeds upward at an angle near vertical", "expensive", "Difficult to access", "not easy reached", "lofty", "elevated", "high", "resulting in a mast or windshield angle that strongly diverges from the perpendicular" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brant" ], "word": "steep", "num_translations": 84 }, "stingy": { "senses": [ "Unwilling to spend, give, or share", "ungenerous", "mean", "Small, scant, meager, insufficient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stingy" ], "word": "stingy", "num_translations": 146 }, "stout": { "senses": [ "Large", "bulky", "Bold, strong-minded", "Proud", "haughty", "Firm", "resolute", "dauntless", "Materially strong, enduring", "Obstinate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stout", "num_translations": 40 }, "strain": { "senses": [ "Treasure", "The blood-vessel in the yolk of an egg", "Race", "lineage, pedigree", "Hereditary character, quality, or disposition", "A tendency or disposition", "Any sustained note or movement", "a song", "a distinct portion of an ode or other poem", "also, the pervading note, or burden, of a song, poem, oration, book, etc", "theme", "motive", "manner", "style", "A particular breed or race of animal, microbe etc", "A portion of music divided off by a double bar", "a complete musical period or sentence", "a movement, or any rounded subdivision of a movement", "A kind or sort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strain", "num_translations": 58 }, "strain1": { "senses": [ "To hold tightly, to clasp", "To apply a force or forces to by stretching out", "To damage by drawing, stretching, or the exertion of force", "To act upon, in any way, so as to cause change of form or volume, as when bending a beam", "To exert or struggle , especially to stretch beyond what is normal or comfortable", "To stretch beyond its proper limit", "to do violence to, in terms of intent or meaning", "To percolate", "to be filtered", "To make uneasy or unnatural", "to produce with apparent effort", "to force", "To urge with importunity", "to press" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strain", "num_translations": 96 }, "strain2": { "senses": [ "A violent effort", "an excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles", "An injury resulting from violent effort", "a sprain", "The track of a deer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strain", "num_translations": 18 }, "stray1": { "senses": [ "To wander, as from a direct course", "to deviate, or go out of the way", "To wander from one's limits", "to rove or roam at large", "To wander from the path of duty or rectitude", "to err" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deviate", "err" ], "word": "stray", "num_translations": 50 }, "stray2": { "senses": [ "wandering", "In the wrong place", "misplaced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stray", "num_translations": 21 }, "straightforward": { "senses": [ "Proceeding in a straight course or manner", "not deviating", "easy, simple, without difficulty", "direct", "honest", "frank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:comprehensible", "Thesaurus:easy", "Thesaurus:honest" ], "word": "straightforward", "num_translations": 67 }, "strengthen": { "senses": [ "To make strong or stronger", "to add strength to", "to increase the strength of", "to fortify", "To empower", "to give moral strength to", "to encourage", "to enhearten", "To augment", "to improve", "to intensify", "To grow strong or stronger" ], "antonyms": [ "weaken", "atrophy" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strengthen", "Thesaurus:augment" ], "word": "strengthen", "num_translations": 89 }, "strict": { "senses": [ "Strained", "drawn close", "tight", "Tense", "not relaxed", "Exact", "accurate", "precise", "rigorously particular", "Governed or governing by exact rules", "observing exact rules", "severe", "rigorous", "Rigidly interpreted", "exactly limited", "confined", "Upright, or straight and narrow", "\u2014 said of the shape of the plants or their flower clusters", "Severe in discipline", "Irreflexive", "if the described object is defined to be reflexive, that condition is overridden and replaced with irreflexive'''''" ], "antonyms": [ "lenient", "lax", "permissive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "strict", "num_translations": 93 }, "stringent": { "senses": [ "Strict", "binding strongly", "making strict requirements", "restrictive", "rigid", "severe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stringent", "num_translations": 16 }, "stroll1": { "senses": [ "To wander on foot", "to ramble idly or leisurely", "to rove", "To go somewhere with ease", "To walk the streets as a prostitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rove", "ramble", "range" ], "word": "stroll", "num_translations": 80 }, "stuffy": { "senses": [ "Poorly ventilated", "partially plugged", "Stout", "mettlesome", "resolute", "Angry and obstinate", "sulky", "Boring, uninteresting, over-formal, pompous, very conventional", "Stout", "sturdy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stuffy", "num_translations": 29 }, "sty": { "senses": [ "A pen or enclosure for swine", "A messy, dirty or debauched place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pigpen", "hovel" ], "word": "sty", "num_translations": 42 }, "subscribe": { "senses": [ "To sign up to have copies of a publication, such as a newspaper or a magazine, delivered for a period of time", "To pay for the provision of a service, such as Internet access or a cell phone plan", "To believe or agree with a theory or an idea", "To pay money to be a member of an organization", "To contribute or promise to contribute money to a common fund", "To promise to give, by writing one's name with the amount", "To agree to buy shares in a company", "To sign", "to mark with one's signature as a token of consent or attestation", "To write at the bottom of a document", "to sign", "To sign away", "to yield", "to surrender", "To yield", "to admit to being inferior or in the wrong", "To declare over one's signature", "to publish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "subscribe", "num_translations": 79 }, "sober": { "senses": [ "not drunk", "not intoxicated", "not given to excessive drinking of alcohol", "moderate", "realistic", "serious", "not playful", "not passionate", "cool", "self-controlled", "dull", "not bright or colorful", "subdued", "solemn", "grave", "poor", "feeble" ], "antonyms": [ "drunk" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sober", "Thesaurus:serious", "Thesaurus:moderate" ], "word": "sober", "num_translations": 118 }, "subside": { "senses": [ "To sink or fall to the bottom", "to settle, as lees", "To fall downward", "to become lower", "to descend", "to sink", "To fall into a state of calm", "to be calm again", "to settle down", "to become tranquil", "to abate", "To cease talking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "subside", "num_translations": 78 }, "subsistence": { "senses": [ "Real being", "existence", "The act of maintaining oneself at a minimum level", "Inherency", "Something that is required to stay alive", "Embodiment or personification or hypostasis of an underlying principle or quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:existence", "sustenance", "hypostasis" ], "word": "subsistence", "num_translations": 15 }, "subvert": { "senses": [ "To overturn from the foundation", "to overthrow", "to ruin utterly", "To pervert, as the mind, and turn it from the truth", "to corrupt", "to confound", "To upturn convention from the foundation by undermining it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "subvert", "num_translations": 34 }, "succeed": { "senses": [ "To follow in order", "to come next after", "hence, to take the place of", "To obtain the object desired", "to accomplish what is attempted or intended", "to have a prosperous issue or termination", "to be successful", "To fall heir to", "to inherit", "To come after", "to be subsequent or consequent to", "to follow", "to pursue", "To support", "to prosper", "to promote", "To come in the place of another person, thing, or event", "to come next in the usual, natural, or prescribed course of things", "to follow", "hence, to come next in the possession of anything", "-- often with to", "To descend, as an estate or an heirloom, in the same family", "to devolve", "To go under cover" ], "antonyms": [ "precede", "fail", "fail" ], "synonyms": [ "come after", "do well" ], "word": "succeed", "num_translations": 101 }, "successful": { "senses": [ "Resulting in success", "assuring, or promoting, success", "accomplishing what was proposed", "having the desired effect" ], "antonyms": [ "unsuccessful", "failed" ], "synonyms": [ "efficacious", "Thesaurus:prosperous", "tithe" ], "word": "successful", "num_translations": 87 }, "suffice": { "senses": [ "To be enough or sufficient", "to meet the need", "to be adequate", "to be good enough", "To satisfy", "to content", "to be equal to the wants or demands of", "To furnish", "to supply adequately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "work" ], "word": "suffice", "num_translations": 105 }, "sufficient": { "senses": [ "Equal to the end proposed", "adequate to what is needed", "enough", "Possessing adequate talents or accomplishments", "of competent power or ability", "qualified", "fit", "Capable of meeting obligations", "responsible", "Having enough money to meet obligations and live comfortably" ], "antonyms": [ "insufficient", "nonsufficient", "unsufficient" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sufficient", "num_translations": 67 }, "suite": { "senses": [ "A retinue or company of attendants, as of a distinguished personage", "A connected series or succession of objects", "a number of things used or classed together", "A group of connected rooms, usually separable from other rooms by means of access", "A musical form, popular before the time of the sonata, consisting of a string or series of pieces all in the same key, mostly in various dance rhythms, with sometimes an elaborate prelude", "An excerpt of instrumental music from a larger work that contains other elements besides the music", "A group of related computer programs distributed together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suite", "num_translations": 61 }, "superstructure": { "senses": [ "Any structure built above the top full deck", "Any material structure or edifice built on something else", "that which is raised on a foundation or basis", "All that part of a building above the basement", "The sleepers and fastenings, in distinction from the roadbed", "The social sphere of ideology which includes religion, art, politics, law and all traditional values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "superstructure", "num_translations": 12 }, "surmise": { "senses": [ "Thought, imagination, or conjecture, which may be based upon feeble or scanty evidence", "suspicion", "guess", "Reflection", "thought", "posit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "surmise", "num_translations": 20 }, "moderate": { "senses": [ "Not excessive", "acting in moderation", "Mediocre", "Average priced", "standard-deal", "Not violent or rigorous", "temperate", "mild", "gentle", "Having an intermediate position between liberal and conservative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:moderate", "Thesaurus:intermediate" ], "word": "moderate", "num_translations": 72 }, "moderate2": { "senses": [ "To reduce the excessiveness of", "To become less excessive", "To preside over as a moderator", "To act as a moderator", "to assist in bringing to compromise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reduce excesses", "preside" ], "word": "moderate", "num_translations": 30 }, "surplus": { "senses": [ "That which remains when use or need is satisfied, or when a limit is reached", "excess", "overplus", "Specifically, an amount in the public treasury at any time greater than is required for the ordinary purposes of the government", "The remainder of a fund appropriated for a particular purpose", "assets left after liabilities and debts, including capital stock have been deducted" ], "antonyms": [ "lack", "deficit" ], "synonyms": [ "oversum" ], "word": "surplus", "num_translations": 38 }, "swagger": { "senses": [ "To walk with a swaying motion", "hence, to walk and act in a pompous, consequential manner", "To boast or brag noisily", "to be ostentatiously proud or vainglorious", "to bluster", "to bully" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swagger", "num_translations": 32 }, "sway": { "senses": [ "a swing or sweep of a weapon", "A rocking or swinging motion", "Influence, weight, or authority that inclines to one side", "Preponderance", "turn or cast of balance", "Rule", "dominion", "control", "power", "A switch or rod used by thatchers to bind their work", "The maximum amplitude of a vehicle's lateral motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sway", "num_translations": 46 }, "sway1": { "senses": [ "To move or swing from side to side", "or backward and forward", "to rock", "To move or wield with the hand", "to swing", "to wield", "To influence or direct by power, authority, persuasion, or by moral force", "to rule", "to govern", "to guide Compare persuade", "To cause to incline or swing to one side, or backward and forward", "to bias", "to turn", "to bend", "warp", "To hoist into position", "To be drawn to one side by weight or influence", "to lean", "to incline", "To have weight or influence", "to rule", "to govern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sway", "num_translations": 85 }, "excessive": { "senses": [ "Exceeding the usual bounds of something", "extravagant", "immoderate" ], "antonyms": [ "insufficient", "deficient" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:excessive" ], "word": "excessive", "num_translations": 56 }, "swerve": { "senses": [ "To stray", "to wander", "to rove", "To go out of a straight line", "to deflect", "To wander from any line prescribed, or from a rule or duty", "to depart from what is established by law, duty, custom, or the like", "to deviate", "To bend", "to incline", "To climb or move upward by winding or turning", "To turn aside or deviate to avoid impact", "Of a projectile, to travel in a curved line", "To drive in the trajectory of another vehicle to stop it, to cut off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swerve", "num_translations": 34 }, "swipe": { "senses": [ "To steal or snatch", "To scan or register by sliding something through a reader", "To grab or bat quickly", "To interact with a touch screen by drawing one's finger rapidly across it", "To strike with a strong blow in a sweeping motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swipe", "num_translations": 43 }, "extravagant": { "senses": [ "Exceeding the bounds of something", "roving", "hence, foreign", "Extreme", "wild", "excessive", "unrestrained", "Exorbitant", "Profuse in expenditure", "prodigal", "wasteful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:excessive" ], "word": "extravagant", "num_translations": 23 }, "exorbitant": { "senses": [ "Exceeding proper limits", "extravagant", "excessive or unduly high" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:excessive" ], "word": "exorbitant", "num_translations": 32 }, "modesty": { "senses": [ "The quality of being modest", "having a limited and not overly high opinion of oneself and one's abilities", "Moderate behaviour", "reserve", "Pudency, prudish avoidance of sexual explicitness" ], "antonyms": [ "immodesty", "extravagance", "impudence" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "modesty", "num_translations": 70 }, "lewd": { "senses": [ "Lascivious, sexually promiscuous, rude", "Lay", "not clerical", "Uneducated", "Vulgar, common", "typical of the lower orders", "Base, vile, reprehensible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lewd", "num_translations": 64 }, "vile": { "senses": [ "Morally low", "base", "despicable", "Causing physical or mental repulsion", "horrid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "base" ], "word": "vile", "num_translations": 55 }, "lascivious": { "senses": [ "Wanton", "lewd, driven by lust, lustful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wanton" ], "word": "lascivious", "num_translations": 58 }, "recluse1": { "senses": [ "a person who lives in self-imposed isolation or seclusion from the world, especially for religious purposes", "a hermit", "a place of isolation or seclusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recluse", "num_translations": 21 }, "shady": { "senses": [ "Abounding in shades", "Causing shade", "Overspread with shade", "sheltered from the glare of light or sultry heat", "Not trustworthy", "disreputable", "Mean, cruel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corrupt" ], "word": "shady", "num_translations": 58 }, "tabby": { "senses": [ "A kind of waved silk, usually called watered silk, manufactured like taffeta, but thicker and stronger The watering is given to it by calendering", "A mixture of lime with shells, gravel, or stones, in equal proportions, with an equal proportion of water When dry, this becomes as hard as rock", "A brindled cat", "An old maid or gossip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:old woman" ], "word": "tabby", "num_translations": 18 }, "tacit": { "senses": [ "Expressed in silence", "implied, but not made explicit", "silent", "Not derived from formal principles of reasoning", "based on induction rather than deduction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tacit", "num_translations": 38 }, "tact": { "senses": [ "The sense of touch", "feeling", "The stroke in beating time", "Sensitive mental touch", "special skill or faculty", "keen perception or discernment", "ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circumstances", "the ability to say the right thing", "A verbal operant which is controlled by a nonverbal stimulus and is maintained by nonspecific social reinforcement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tact", "num_translations": 34 }, "taint": { "senses": [ "A contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food", "A mark of disgrace, especially on one's character", "blemish", "tincture", "hue", "colour", "infection", "corruption", "deprivation", "A marker indicating that a variable is unsafe and should be subjected to additional security checks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "taint", "num_translations": 14 }, "taint1": { "senses": [ "To contaminate or corrupt with an external agent, either physically or morally", "To spoil by contamination", "To be infected or corrupted", "to be touched by something corrupting", "To be affected with incipient putrefaction", "To mark as unsafe, so that operations involving it are subject to additional security checks", "To invalidate by transferring profits into it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "taint", "num_translations": 25 }, "tally1": { "senses": [ "One of two books, sheets of paper, etc, on which corresponding accounts were kept", "Any account or score kept by notches or marks, whether on wood or paper, or in a book, especially one kept in duplicate", "One thing made to suit another", "a match", "a mate", "A ribbon on a sailor's cap bearing the name of the ship or the the navy to which they belong", "A state of cohabitation, living with another individual in an intimate relationship outside of marriage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tally", "num_translations": 23 }, "tally2": { "senses": [ "To count something", "To record something by making marks", "To make things correspond or agree with each other", "To keep score", "To correspond or agree", "To check off, as parcels of freight going inboard or outboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enumerate" ], "word": "tally", "num_translations": 29 }, "tang": { "senses": [ "tongue", "A refreshingly sharp aroma or flavor", "A strong or offensive taste", "especially, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself", "A sharp, specific flavor or tinge", "A projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part", "The part of a knife, fork, file, or other small instrument, which is inserted into the handle", "The projecting part of the breech of a musket barrel, by which the barrel is secured to the stock", "The part of a sword blade to which the handle is fastened", "Anything resembling a tongue in form or position such as the tongue of a buckle", "A group of saltwater fish from the Acanthuridae family, especially the Zebrasoma genus, also known as the surgeonfish", "A shuffleboard paddle" ], "antonyms": [ "blandness", "dullness" ], "synonyms": [ "bite", "piquancy", "spiciness" ], "word": "tang", "num_translations": 32 }, "tart": { "senses": [ "Sharp to the taste", "acid", "sour", "high or too high in acidity", "Sharp", "keen", "severe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green" ], "word": "tart", "num_translations": 53 }, "tart2": { "senses": [ "A prostitute", "By extension, any woman with loose sexual morals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prostitute", "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman" ], "word": "tart", "num_translations": 40 }, "tasty": { "senses": [ "Having a pleasant or satisfying flavor", "delicious", "Having or showing good taste", "tasteful", "Appealing", "when applied to persons, sexually appealing", "Skillful", "highly competent", "Potentially violent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:delicious" ], "word": "tasty", "num_translations": 21 }, "temperance": { "senses": [ "Habitual moderation in regard to the indulgence of the natural appetites and passions", "restrained or moderate indulgence", "Moderation, and sometimes abstinence, in respect to using intoxicating liquors", "Moderation of passion", "State with regard to heat or cold", "temperature" ], "antonyms": [ "intemperance", "gluttony" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "temperance", "num_translations": 54 }, "tenacity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being tenacious, or persistence of purpose", "tenaciousness", "The quality of bodies which keeps them from parting without considerable force, as distinguished from brittleness, fragility, mobility, etc", "The effect of this attraction, cohesiveness", "The quality of bodies which makes them adhere to other bodies", "adhesiveness, viscosity", "The greatest longitudinal stress a substance can bear without tearing asunder, usually expressed with reference to a unit area of the cross section of the substance, as the number of pounds per square inch, or kilograms per square centimeter, necessary to produce rupture" ], "antonyms": [ "brittleness" ], "synonyms": [ "tenaciousness", "cohesiveness", "adhesiveness" ], "word": "tenacity", "num_translations": 28 }, "tend1": { "senses": [ "To look after", "To accompany as an assistant or protector", "to care for the wants of", "to look after", "to watch", "to guard", "to serve", "To await", "to expect", "To be attentive to", "to note carefully", "To manage when the tide turns, to prevent it from entangling the cable when swinging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "care for", "guard", "Thesaurus:serve", "Thesaurus:wait for", "attend to" ], "word": "tend", "num_translations": 43 }, "tend2": { "senses": [ "To kindle", "ignite", "set on fire", "light", "inflame", "burn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tend", "num_translations": 10 }, "tentative1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a trial or trials", "essaying", "experimental", "Uncertain", "subject to future change" ], "antonyms": [ "conclusive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tentative", "num_translations": 75 }, "terminology": { "senses": [ "The doctrine of terms", "a theory of terms or appellations", "a treatise on terms, a system of specialized terms", "The set of terms actually used in any business, art, science, or the like", "nomenclature", "technical terms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nomenclature" ], "word": "terminology", "num_translations": 91 }, "thatch": { "senses": [ "Straw, rushes, or similar, used for making or covering the roofs of buildings, or of stacks of hay or grain", "A buildup of cut grass, stolons or other material on the soil in a lawn", "Any straw-like material, such as a person's hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haulm" ], "word": "thatch", "num_translations": 30 }, "thirst": { "senses": [ "A sensation of dryness in the throat associated with a craving for liquids, produced by deprivation of drink, or by some other cause which spots the secretion of the pharyngeal mucous membrane", "A want and eager desire", "a craving or longing", "sexual lust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "craving" ], "word": "thirst", "num_translations": 157 }, "thresh": { "senses": [ "To separate the grain from the straw or husks by mechanical beating, with a flail or machinery", "To beat soundly, usually with some tool such as a stick or whip", "to drub" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thrash" ], "word": "thresh", "num_translations": 47 }, "thrifty": { "senses": [ "evincing thrift", "characterized by economy and good management of property", "frugal", "Thriving by industry and frugality", "prosperous in the acquisition of worldly goods", "increasing in wealth", "Growing rapidly or vigorously", "thriving", "Secured by thrift", "well husbanded", "Having a pleasant appearance", "looking or being in good condition" ], "antonyms": [ "spendthrift" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frugal" ], "word": "thrifty", "num_translations": 42 }, "thrive": { "senses": [ "To grow or increase stature", "to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, to flourish", "To increase in wealth or success", "to prosper, be profitable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prosper" ], "word": "thrive", "num_translations": 72 }, "tint": { "senses": [ "A slight coloring", "A pale or faint tinge of any color", "especially, a variation of a color obtained by adding white", "A color considered with reference to other very similar colors", "A shaded effect in engraving, produced by the juxtaposition of many fine parallel lines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tint", "num_translations": 18 }, "tithe": { "senses": [ "A tenth", "A contribution to one's religious community or congregation of worship", "A small part or proportion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decim" ], "word": "tithe", "num_translations": 31 }, "toot": { "senses": [ "The noise of a horn or whistle", "A fart", "flatus", "Cocaine", "A portion of cocaine that a person snorts", "A spree of drunkness", "Rubbish", "tat", "A message on the social networking software Mastodon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toot", "num_translations": 14 }, "track": { "senses": [ "A mark left by something that has passed along", "A mark or impression left by the foot, either of man or animal", "The entire lower surface of the foot", "said of birds, etc", "A road or other similar beaten path", "Physical course", "way", "A path or course laid out for a race, for exercise, etc", "The direction and progress of someone or something", "path", "The way or rails along which a train moves", "A tract or area, such as of land", "The street, as a prostitute's place of work", "Awareness of something, especially when arising from close monitoring", "The distance between two opposite wheels on a same axletree", "The pitch", "Sound stored on a record", "A song or other relatively short piece of music, on a record, separated from others by a short silence", "A circular data storage unit on a side of magnetic or optical disk, divided into sectors", "A session talk on a conference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "track", "num_translations": 280 }, "track1": { "senses": [ "To continue over time", "To create a musical recording" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monitor", "follow", "find" ], "word": "track", "num_translations": 41 }, "tracker": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of track", "one who, or that which, tracks or pursues, as a man or dog that follows game", "In an organ, a light strip of wood connecting a key and a pallet, to communicate motion by pulling", "A type of computer software for composing music by aligning samples on parallel timelines", "A computer program that monitors something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tracker", "num_translations": 31 }, "tractable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being easily led, taught, or managed", "Easy to deal with or manage", "Capable of being shaped", "malleable", "Capable of being handled or touched", "Sufficiently operationalizable or useful to allow a mathematical calculation to proceed toward a solution", "Of a decision problem, algorithmically solvable fast enough to be practically relevant, typically in polynomial time" ], "antonyms": [ "intractable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tractable", "num_translations": 23 }, "traditional": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or derived from tradition", "Communicated from ancestors to descendants by word only", "Observant of tradition", "attached to old customs", "old-fashioned", "In lieu of the name of the composer of a piece of music, whose real name is lost in the mists of time" ], "antonyms": [ "nontraditional", "untraditional" ], "synonyms": [ "traditionary" ], "word": "traditional", "num_translations": 83 }, "traitor": { "senses": [ "Someone who violates an allegiance and betrays their country", "someone guilty of treason", "one who, in breach of trust, delivers their country to an enemy, or yields up any fort or place entrusted to his defense, or surrenders an army or body of troops to the enemy, unless when vanquished", "Someone who takes arms and levies war against their country", "or one who aids an enemy in conquering his country", "Hence, one who betrays any confidence or trust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "traitor", "num_translations": 227 }, "transcript": { "senses": [ "Something which has been transcribed", "a writing or composition consisting of the same words as the original", "a written copy", "A copy of any kind", "an imitation", "A written version of what was said orally", "An inventory of the courses taken and grades earned of a student alleged throughout a course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transcript", "num_translations": 50 }, "trapper": { "senses": [ "One who traps animals", "one who makes a business of trapping animals for their furs", "A child who opens and shuts a trapdoor in a gallery or level", "An ornamental covering for a horse See trapping and caparison", "A drug dealer", "A performer of trap music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trapper", "num_translations": 13 }, "treacle": { "senses": [ "A syrupy byproduct of sugar refining", "molasses or golden syrup", "Cloying sentimental speech", "Sweetheart", "An antidote for poison", "theriac", "Any all-powerful curative", "a general remedy, a cure-all" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "treacle", "num_translations": 32 }, "treat": { "senses": [ "To negotiate, discuss terms, bargain", "To discourse", "to handle a subject in writing or speaking", "to conduct a discussion", "To discourse on", "to represent or deal with in a particular way, in writing or speaking", "To handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way", "To entertain with food or drink, especially at one's own expense", "to show hospitality to", "to pay for as celebration or reward", "To care for medicinally or surgically", "to apply medical care to", "To subject to a chemical or other action", "to act upon with a specific scientific result in mind", "To provide something special and pleasant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "behandle", "leech" ], "word": "treat", "num_translations": 159 }, "treat1": { "senses": [ "An entertainment, outing, food, drink, or other indulgence provided by someone for the enjoyment of others", "An unexpected gift, event etc, which provides great pleasure", "A snack food item designed to be given to pets", "A parley or discussion of terms", "a negotiation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "treat", "num_translations": 27 }, "trenchant": { "senses": [ "Fitted to trench or cut", "gutting", "sharp", "Keen", "biting", "vigorously articulate and effective", "severe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trenchant", "num_translations": 23 }, "trend": { "senses": [ "An inclination in a particular direction", "A tendency", "A fad or fashion style", "The lower end of the shank of an anchor, being the same distance on the shank from the throat that the arm measures from the throat to the bill", "The angle made by the line of a vessel's keel and the direction of the anchor cable, when she is swinging at anchor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trend", "num_translations": 73 }, "tripe": { "senses": [ "The lining of the large stomach of ruminating animals, when prepared for food", "The entrails", "hence, humorously or in contempt, the belly", "-- generally used in the plural", "Something disparaged as valueless, especially written works and popular entertainment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tripe", "num_translations": 69 }, "triumph": { "senses": [ "A conclusive success following an effort, conflict, or confrontation of obstacles", "victory", "conquest", "A magnificent and imposing ceremonial performed in honor of a victor", "a pompous exhibition", "a stately show or pageant", "A state of joy or exultation at success", "A trump card", "A card game, also called trump", "a ceremony held to publicly celebrate and sanctify the military achievement of an army commander", "A work of art, cuisine, etc of very high quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "triumph", "num_translations": 71 }, "triumph1": { "senses": [ "To celebrate victory with pomp", "to rejoice over success", "to exult in an advantage gained", "to exhibit exultation", "To prevail over rivals, challenges, or difficulties", "To succeed, win, or attain ascendancy", "To be prosperous", "to flourish", "To play a trump in a card game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "triumph", "num_translations": 34 }, "trope": { "senses": [ "Something recurring across a genre or type of art or literature, such as the \u2018mad scientist' of horror movies or the use of the phrase \u2018once upon a time' as an introduction to fairy tales", "a motif", "A figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning, such as a metaphor", "Mathematical senses", "Musical senses", "Philosophical senses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trope", "num_translations": 57 }, "troll1": { "senses": [ "To saunter", "To trundle, to roll from side to side", "To draw someone or something out, to entice, to lure as if with trailing bait", "To fish using a line and bait or lures trailed behind a boat similarly to trawling", "to lure fish with bait", "hence, to allure", "To fish in", "to try to catch fish from", "to attempt to lure others into combative argument for purposes of personal entertainment and/or gratuitous disruption, especially in an online community or discussion", "By extension, to incite anger", "to provoke, harass or annoy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "troll", "num_translations": 45 }, "troublesome": { "senses": [ "Causing trouble or anxiety" ], "antonyms": [ "untroublesome", "nontroublesome" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:annoying" ], "word": "troublesome", "num_translations": 45 }, "truculent": { "senses": [ "Cruel or savage", "Deadly or destructive", "Defiant or uncompromising", "Eager or quick to argue, fight or start a conflict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barbarous", "cruel", "ferocious", "fierce", "savage", "deadly", "destructive", "defiant", "inflexible", "stubborn", "uncompromising", "unyielding", "belligerent" ], "word": "truculent", "num_translations": 18 }, "turbid": { "senses": [ "Having the lees or sediment disturbed", "not clear", "Smoky or misty", "Unclear", "confused", "obscure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "confused", "fumid", "ambiguous" ], "word": "turbid", "num_translations": 31 }, "tweak": { "senses": [ "A sharp pinch or jerk", "a twist or twitch", "A slight adjustment or modification", "Trouble", "distress", "tweag", "A prostitute", "An additional input to a block cipher, used in conjunction with the key to select the permutation computed by the cipher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tweak", "num_translations": 44 }, "tweak1": { "senses": [ "To pinch and pull with a sudden jerk and twist", "to twitch", "To adjust slightly", "to fine-tune", "To twit or tease", "To abuse methamphetamines, especially crystal meth", "To exhibit symptoms of methamphetamine abuse, such as extreme nervousness, compulsiveness, erratic motion, excitability", "possibly a blend of twitch and freak", "To exhibit extreme nervousness, evasiveness when confronted by law enforcement or other authority , mimicking methamphetamine abuse symptoms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tweak", "num_translations": 27 }, "twine": { "senses": [ "A twist", "a convolution", "A strong thread composed of two or three smaller threads or strands twisted together, and used for various purposes, as for binding small parcels, making nets, and the like", "a small cord or string", "The act of twining or winding round", "Intimate and suggestive dance gyrations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "twine", "num_translations": 82 }, "twine1": { "senses": [ "To weave together", "To wind, as one thread around another, or as any flexible substance around another body", "To wind about", "to embrace", "To mutually twist together", "to become mutually involved", "To wind", "to bend", "to make turns", "to meander", "To ascend in spiral lines about a support", "to climb spirally", "To turn round", "to revolve", "To change the direction of", "To mingle", "to mix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "twine", "num_translations": 12 }, "twofold": { "senses": [ "Double", "duplicate", "multiplied by two", "Having two parts, especially two different parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "double", "twin" ], "word": "twofold", "num_translations": 23 }, "twofold1": { "senses": [ "In a double degree", "doubly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "double" ], "word": "twofold", "num_translations": 10 }, "unborn": { "senses": [ "Not yet born", "yet to come", "future", "Not yet delivered", "still existing in the mother's womb", "Existing without birth or beginning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coming" ], "word": "unborn", "num_translations": 26 }, "uneasy1": { "senses": [ "Restless", "disturbed by pain, anxiety", "Not easy in manner", "constrained", "Causing discomfort or constraint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nervous" ], "word": "uneasy", "num_translations": 27 }, "unleash": { "senses": [ "To free from a leash, or as from a leash", "To let go", "to release", "To precipitate", "to bring about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unleash", "num_translations": 32 }, "unlike": { "senses": [ "Not like", "dissimilar", "having no resemblance", "Unequal", "Not likely", "improbable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:different" ], "word": "unlike", "num_translations": 24 }, "unlike1": { "senses": [ "Differently from", "not in a like or similar manner", "In contrast with", "as opposed to", "Not typical of one's character or personality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unlike", "num_translations": 23 }, "unlikely": { "senses": [ "Not likely", "improbable", "not to be reasonably expected", "Not holding out a prospect of success", "likely to fail", "unpromising" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unlikely", "num_translations": 20 }, "unripe": { "senses": [ "Not ripe", "Developing too early", "premature" ], "antonyms": [ "ripe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unripe", "num_translations": 43 }, "unseen": { "senses": [ "Not seen or discovered", "invisible", "Unskilled", "inexperienced", "Not hitherto noticed", "unobserved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unseen", "num_translations": 19 }, "untie": { "senses": [ "To loosen, as something interlaced or knotted", "to disengage the parts of", "To free from fastening or from restraint", "to let loose", "to unbind", "To resolve", "to unfold", "to clear", "In the Perl programming language, to undo the process of tying, so that a variable uses default instead of custom functionality" ], "antonyms": [ "tie" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "untie", "num_translations": 100 }, "unwell": { "senses": [ "Not in good health", "not feeling well", "somewhat ill", "Specifically, ill from menstruation", "affected with, or having, catamenial", "menstruant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unwell", "num_translations": 14 }, "urgency": { "senses": [ "The quality or condition of being urgent", "insistence, pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exigency" ], "word": "urgency", "num_translations": 28 }, "vassal": { "senses": [ "The grantee of a fief, feud, or fee", "one who keeps land of a superior, and who vows fidelity and homage to him, normally a lord of a manor", "a feudatory", "a feudal tenant", "A subordinate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vassal", "num_translations": 69 }, "veal": { "senses": [ "The flesh of a calf used for food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calfflesh" ], "word": "veal", "num_translations": 51 }, "veil": { "senses": [ "Something hung up or spread out to hide or protect the face, or hide an object from view", "usually of gauze, crepe, or similar diaphanous material", "A cover", "disguise", "a mask", "a pretense", "The calyptra of mosses", "A membrane connecting the margin of the pileus of a mushroom with the stalk", "a velum", "A covering for a person or thing", "as, a caul", "velum", "A thin layer of tissue which is attached to or covers a mushroom", "An obscuration of the clearness of the tones in pronunciation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "veil", "num_translations": 70 }, "vignette": { "senses": [ "A running ornament consisting of leaves and tendrils, used in Gothic architecture", "A decorative design, originally representing vine branches or tendrils, at the head of a chapter, of a manuscript or printed book, or in a similar position", "Any small borderless picture in a book, especially an engraving, photograph, or the like, which vanishes gradually at the edge", "A short story or anecdote that presents a scene or tableau, or paints a picture", "The central pictorial image on a postage stamp", "The characteristic of a camera lens, either by deficiency in design or by mismatch of the lens with the film format, to produce an image smaller than the film's frame with a crudely focused border Photographers may deliberately choose this characteristic for a special effect", "A small sticker affixed to a vehicle windscreen to indicate that tolls have been paid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vignette", "num_translations": 26 }, "vinaigrette": { "senses": [ "A sauce, made of an acidic liquid such as vinegar or lemon juice", "oil", "and other ingredients, used as a salad dressing, or as a marinade for cold meats", "A small perforated box for holding aromatic vinegar contained in a sponge, or a smelling bottle for smelling salts", "called also vinegarette", "A small, two-wheeled vehicle, like a Bath chair, to be drawn or pushed by a boy or man", "A sort of Russian salad, originally using French salad dressing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "French dressing" ], "word": "vinaigrette", "num_translations": 19 }, "vindicate": { "senses": [ "To clear of an accusation, suspicion or criticism", "To justify by providing evidence", "To maintain or defend against opposition", "To provide justification for", "To lay claim to", "to assert a right to", "to claim", "To liberate", "to set free", "to deliver", "To avenge", "to punish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vindicate", "num_translations": 64 }, "volcanic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a volcano or volcanoes", "Produced by a volcano, or, more generally, by igneous agencies", "Changed or affected by the heat of a volcano", "Reminiscent of a volcano", "explosive, violent, full of suppressed anger, energy etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "volcanic", "num_translations": 48 }, "voluminous": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to volume or volumes", "Consisting of many folds, coils, or convolutions", "Of great volume, or bulk", "large", "Having written much, or produced many volumes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "voluminous", "num_translations": 25 }, "volunteer": { "senses": [ "One who enters into, or offers for, any service of his/her own free will, especially when done without pay", "One who enters into military service voluntarily, but who, when in service, is subject to discipline and regulations like other soldiers", "-- opposed to conscript", "specifically, a voluntary member of the organized militia of a country as distinguished from the standing army", "A person who acts out of his own will without a legal obligation, such as a donor", "A plant that grows spontaneously, without being cultivated on purpose", "A native or resident of the American state of Tennessee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "volunteer", "num_translations": 118 }, "volunteer1": { "senses": [ "To do or offer to do something voluntarily", "To offer, usually unprompted", "To grow without human sowing or intentional cultivation", "To offer the services of to do something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "volunteer", "num_translations": 31 }, "wager": { "senses": [ "Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question", "a bet", "a stake", "a pledge", "That on which bets are laid", "the subject of a bet", "A contract by which two parties or more agree that a certain sum of money, or other thing, shall be paid or delivered to one of them, on the happening or not happening of an uncertain event", "An offer to make oath" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wager", "num_translations": 50 }, "wager1": { "senses": [ "To bet something", "to put it up as collateral", "To suppose", "to dare say" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lay odds" ], "word": "wager", "num_translations": 12 }, "waif": { "senses": [ "A castaway", "a homeless child", "A plant that has been introduced but is not persistently naturalized", "Goods found of which the owner is not known", "originally, such goods as a pursued thief threw away to prevent being apprehended, which belonged to the king unless the owner made pursuit of the felon, took him, and brought him to justice", "Hence, anything found, or without an owner", "that which comes along, as it were, by chance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waif", "num_translations": 17 }, "wail": { "senses": [ "To cry out, as in sorrow or anguish", "To weep, lament persistently or bitterly", "To make a noise like mourning or crying", "To lament", "to grieve over", "To perform with great liveliness and force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wail", "num_translations": 40 }, "wallow": { "senses": [ "To roll oneself about in something dirty, for example in mud", "To move lazily or heavily in any medium", "to flounder", "To immerse oneself in, to occupy oneself with, metaphorically", "To live or exist in filth or in a sickening manner", "To wither", "to fade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bask" ], "word": "wallow", "num_translations": 58 }, "wane": { "senses": [ "A gradual diminution in power, value, intensity etc", "The lunar phase during which the sun seems to illuminate less of the moon as its sunlit area becomes progressively smaller as visible from Earth", "The end of a period", "A rounded corner caused by lack of wood, often showing bark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decrease" ], "word": "wane", "num_translations": 13 }, "wane1": { "senses": [ "To progressively lose its splendor, value, ardor, power, intensity etc", "to decline", "Said of light that dims or diminishes in strength", "Said of the Moon as it passes through the phases of its monthly cycle where its surface is less and less visible", "Said of a time period that comes to an end", "To decrease physically in size, amount, numbers or surface", "To cause to decrease" ], "antonyms": [ "wax" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wane", "num_translations": 16 }, "wary": { "senses": [ "Cautious of danger", "carefully watching and guarding against deception, trickery, and dangers", "suspiciously prudent", "Characterized by caution", "guarded", "careful", "on one's guard", "thrifty, provident" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cautious" ], "word": "wary", "num_translations": 81 }, "wavy": { "senses": [ "rising or swelling in waves", "Full of waves", "Moving to and fro", "undulating", "Having wave-like shapes on its border or surface", "waved", "Moving up and down relative to the surface", "undulate", "applied to ordinaries, or division lines", "drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wavy", "num_translations": 40 }, "weighty": { "senses": [ "Heavy", "Important", "serious", "not trivial or petty", "Rigorous", "severe", "afflictive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "weighty", "num_translations": 35 }, "whaler": { "senses": [ "One who hunts whales", "a person employed in the whaling industry", "A seagoing vessel used for hunting whales", "One who whales", "A large, strong person", "Something of unusually great size, a whopper, a whacker", "Any shark of the family Carcharhinidae", "a requiem shark", "A sundowner", "one who cruises about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whaler", "num_translations": 52 }, "wheeze1": { "senses": [ "A piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration", "An ordinary whisper exaggerated so as to produce the hoarse sound known as the \"stage whisper\"", "a forcible whisper with some admixture of tone", "An ulterior scheme or plan", "Something very humorous or laughable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:joke" ], "word": "wheeze", "num_translations": 38 }, "wreath": { "senses": [ "Something twisted, intertwined, or curled", "An ornamental circular band made, for example, of plaited flowers and leaves, and used as decoration", "a garland or chaplet, especially one given to a victor", "An appendage to the shield, placed above it, and supporting the crest", "an orle, a torse It generally represents a twist of two cords of silk, one tinctured like the principal metal, the other like the principal color in the coat of arms", "A defect in glass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wreath", "num_translations": 88 }, "writhe": { "senses": [ "To twist, to wring", "To contort", "To twist or contort the body", "to be distorted", "To extort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "writhe", "num_translations": 38 }, "youth": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being young", "The part of life following childhood", "the period of existence preceding maturity or age", "the whole early part of life, from childhood, or, sometimes, from infancy, to adulthood", "A young person", "A young man", "a male adolescent or young adult", "Young persons, collectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "youth", "num_translations": 419 }, "organize": { "senses": [ "To arrange in working order", "To constitute in parts, each having a special function, act, office, or relation", "to systematize", "To furnish with organs", "to give an organic structure to", "to endow with capacity for the functions of life", "To sing in parts", "To band together into a group or union that can bargain and act collectively", "to unionize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "organize", "num_translations": 70 }, "intensify": { "senses": [ "To render more intense", "To become intense, or more intense", "to act with increasing power or energy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intensen" ], "word": "intensify", "num_translations": 25 }, "entreaty": { "senses": [ "The act of entreating or beseeching", "a strong petition", "pressing solicitation", "begging", "A treatment", "reception", "entertainment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "entreaty", "num_translations": 15 }, "clam": { "senses": [ "A bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible", "Strong pincers or forceps", "A kind of vise, usually of wood", "A dollar", "A Scientologist", "A vagina", "a taciturn person, one who refuses to speak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clam", "num_translations": 63 }, "nope": { "senses": [ "No" ], "antonyms": [ "yup", "yep", "yeah" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nope", "num_translations": 23 }, "taper": { "senses": [ "A slender wax candle", "a small lighted wax candle", "a small light", "gradual diminution of thickness and/or cross section in an elongated object", "A thin stick used for lighting candles, either a wax-coated wick or a slow-burning wooden rod" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "taper", "num_translations": 31 }, "taper1": { "senses": [ "To make thinner or narrower at one end", "To diminish gradually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "narrow" ], "word": "taper", "num_translations": 44 }, "transplant1": { "senses": [ "An act of uprooting and moving", "Someone who is not native to their area of residence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transplant", "num_translations": 37 }, "vouch": { "senses": [ "To take responsibility for", "to express confidence in", "to witness", "to obtest", "To warrant", "to maintain by affirmations", "To back", "to support", "to confirm", "To call into court to warrant and defend, or to make good a warranty of title", "To call", "to summon", "To bear witness", "to give testimony or full attestation", "To call as a witness", "To assert", "to aver", "to declare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vouch", "num_translations": 53 }, "weed": { "senses": [ "Any plant regarded as unwanted at the place where, and at the time when it is growing", "Underbrush", "low shrubs", "A drug or the like made from the leaves of a plant", "A weak horse, which is therefore unfit to breed from", "A puny person", "one who has little physical strength", "Something unprofitable or troublesome", "anything useless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "weed", "num_translations": 126 }, "valour": { "senses": [ "Value", "worth", "Strength of mind in regard to danger", "the quality which enables a person to encounter danger with firmness", "A brave man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "valour", "num_translations": 41 }, "feud2": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fee", "fief" ], "word": "feud", "num_translations": 17 }, "hostility": { "senses": [ "The state of being hostile", "A hostile action, especially a military action See hostilities for specific plural definition" ], "antonyms": [ "amity", "peace" ], "synonyms": [ "antagonism", "war" ], "word": "hostility", "num_translations": 56 }, "demonize": { "senses": [ "To turn into a demon", "To describe or represent as evil or diabolic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vilify" ], "word": "demonize", "num_translations": 28 }, "launderette": { "senses": [ "A place that has facilities for washing and drying clothes that the public may pay to use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laundromat" ], "word": "launderette", "num_translations": 36 }, "pertain": { "senses": [ "to belong to or be a part of", "be an adjunct, attribute, or accessory of", "to relate, to refer, be relevant to", "To apply", "to be or remain in place", "to continue to be applicable" ], "antonyms": [ "be irrelevant" ], "synonyms": [ "appertain" ], "word": "pertain", "num_translations": 49 }, "mansion": { "senses": [ "A large house or building, usually built for the wealthy", "A luxurious flat", "A house provided for a clergyman", "a manse", "A stopping-place during a journey", "a stage", "An astrological house", "a station of the moon", "One of twenty-eight sections of the sky", "An individual habitation or apartment within a large house or group of buildings", "Any of the branches of the Rastafari movement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mansion", "num_translations": 52 }, "ordain": { "senses": [ "To prearrange unalterably", "To decree", "To admit into the ministry of a religion, for example as a priest, bishop, minister or Buddhist monk, or to authorize as a rabbi", "To predestine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foresay" ], "word": "ordain", "num_translations": 17 }, "formal": { "senses": [ "Being in accord with established forms", "Official", "Relating to the form or structure of something", "Relating to formation", "Ceremonial or traditional", "Proper, according to strict etiquette", "not casual", "Organized", "well-structured and planned", "Relating to mere manipulation and construction of strings of symbols, without regard to their meaning" ], "antonyms": [ "informal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "formal", "num_translations": 81 }, "commute": { "senses": [ "To exchange substantially", "to abate but not abolish completely, a penalty, obligation, or payment in return for a great, single thing or an aggregate", "to cash in", "to lessen", "Of an operation, to be commutative, ie to have the property that changing the order of the operands does not change the result" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commute", "num_translations": 26 }, "outlive": { "senses": [ "To live longer than", "continue to live after the death of", "overlive", "survive", "To live through or past", "To surpass in duration", "outlast", "To live longer", "continue to live" ], "antonyms": [ "live longer than" ], "synonyms": [ "live longer than" ], "word": "outlive", "num_translations": 17 }, "survive": { "senses": [ "Of a person, to continue to live", "to remain alive", "Of an object or concept, to continue to exist", "To live longer than", "to outlive", "To live past a life-threatening event", "Of a team, to avoid relegation or demotion to a lower division or league" ], "antonyms": [ "predecease" ], "synonyms": [ "overlive", "outlive" ], "word": "survive", "num_translations": 154 }, "boozer": { "senses": [ "One who drinks habitually", "a drunkard", "A public house, pub", "A World War II fighter radar detector, fitted to British bombers", "A vehicle equipped with tanks for supplying water to remote locations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bowser" ], "word": "boozer", "num_translations": 58 }, "deplore": { "senses": [ "To bewail", "to weep bitterly over", "to feel sorrow for", "To condemn", "to express strong disapproval of", "To regard as hopeless", "to give up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewail", "condemn" ], "word": "deplore", "num_translations": 22 }, "bewail": { "senses": [ "To wail over", "to feel or express deep sorrow for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bemoan", "grieve", "lament" ], "word": "bewail", "num_translations": 32 }, "lament1": { "senses": [ "To express grief", "to weep or wail", "to mourn", "To feel great sorrow or regret", "to bewail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewail" ], "word": "lament", "num_translations": 58 }, "disapproval": { "senses": [ "The act of disapproving", "condemnation" ], "antonyms": [ "approval" ], "synonyms": [ "disapprobation" ], "word": "disapproval", "num_translations": 14 }, "candy": { "senses": [ "Edible, sweet-tasting confectionery containing sugar, or sometimes artificial sweeteners, and often flavored with fruit, chocolate, nuts, herbs and spices, or artificial flavors", "A piece of confectionery of this kind", "crack cocaine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "confectionery", "sweet" ], "word": "candy", "num_translations": 134 }, "santaclaus": { "senses": [ "A fictional figure said to bring presents to people at Christmas time", "An unlikely source of free gifts or benefits", "town s/Indiana", "city s/Georgia c/US", "ghost town s/Arizona" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "SantaClaus", "num_translations": 108 }, "supercilious": { "senses": [ "Arrogantly superior", "showing contemptuous indifference", "haughty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "supercilious", "num_translations": 38 }, "fir": { "senses": [ "A conifer of the genus ''''", "Wood of such trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fir tree" ], "word": "fir", "num_translations": 125 }, "scurf": { "senses": [ "A skin disease", "The flakes of skin that fall off as a result of a skin disease", "Any crust-like formations on the skin, or in general", "The foul remains of anything adherent", "Minute membranous scales on the surface of some leaves, as in the goosefoot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scurf", "num_translations": 12 }, "showy": { "senses": [ "calling attention", "flashy", "standing out to the eye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gaudy" ], "word": "showy", "num_translations": 31 }, "ungrateful": { "senses": [ "Not grateful", "not expressing gratitude" ], "antonyms": [ "grateful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ungrateful", "num_translations": 33 }, "worthless": { "senses": [ "Having no worth or use", "without value", "inconsequential" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inconsequential" ], "word": "worthless", "num_translations": 82 }, "merit": { "senses": [ "A claim to commendation or a reward", "A mark or token of approbation or to recognize excellence", "Something deserving or worthy of positive recognition or reward", "The sum of all the good deeds that a person does which determines the quality of the person's next state of existence and contributes to the person's growth towards enlightenment", "the overall good or bad quality, or rightness or wrongness, of some other thing", "The quality or state of deserving retribution, whether reward or punishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "merit", "num_translations": 63 }, "poetic": { "senses": [ "Relating to poetry", "Characteristic of poets", "romantic, imaginative, etc", "Connecting to the soul of the beholder" ], "antonyms": [ "prosaic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "poetic", "num_translations": 44 }, "intensity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being intense", "The degree of strength", "Time-averaged energy flux", "irradiance", "synonym of \"radiance\"", "The severity of an earthquake in terms of its effects on the earth's surface, and buildings The value depends on the distance from the epicentre, and is not to be confused with the magnitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intensity", "num_translations": 31 }, "deserving": { "senses": [ "worthy of reward or praise", "meritorious", "meriting, worthy" ], "antonyms": [ "undeserving" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deserving", "num_translations": 12 }, "worthy": { "senses": [ "having worth, merit or value", "honourable or admirable", "deserving, or having sufficient worth", "Suited", "befitting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "worthy", "num_translations": 55 }, "behove": { "senses": [ "To befit, to suit", "To be necessary for", "To be in the best interest of", "to benefit", "To be needful, meet or becoming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "behove", "num_translations": 35 }, "befit": { "senses": [ "to be fit for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "behoove" ], "word": "befit", "num_translations": 19 }, "decorate": { "senses": [ "To furnish with decorations", "To improve the appearance of an interior of, as a house, room, or office", "To honor by providing a medal, ribbon, or other adornment", "To extend a method, etc by attaching some further code item" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:decorate" ], "word": "decorate", "num_translations": 71 }, "impression": { "senses": [ "The indentation or depression made by the pressure of one object on or into another", "The overall effect of something, eg, on a person", "A vague recalling of an event, a belief", "An impersonation, an imitation of the mannerisms of another individual", "An outward appearance", "An online advertising performance metric representing an instance where an ad is shown once", "The first coat of colour, such as the priming in house-painting etc", "A print on paper from a wood block, metal plate, etc", "The vivid perception of something as it is experienced, in contrast to ideas or thoughts drawn from memory or the imagination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impression", "num_translations": 94 }, "allegation": { "senses": [ "An assertion, especially an accusation, not necessarily based on facts", "The act of alleging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accusation", "assertion", "censure", "charge", "crimination", "impeachment" ], "word": "allegation", "num_translations": 27 }, "haughty": { "senses": [ "Conveying in demeanour the assumption of superiority", "disdainful, supercilious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "haughty", "num_translations": 98 }, "probability": { "senses": [ "The state of being probable", "likelihood", "An event that is likely to occur", "The relative likelihood of an event happening", "A number, between 0 and 1, expressing the precise likelihood of an event happening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "probability", "num_translations": 121 }, "disposition": { "senses": [ "The arrangement or placement of certain things", "Tendency or inclination under given circumstances", "Temperamental makeup or habitual mood", "Control over something", "Transfer or relinquishment to the care or possession of another", "Final decision or settlement", "The destination of a patient after medical treatment such as surgery", "The set of choirs of strings on a harpsichord" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disposition", "num_translations": 65 }, "sulk1": { "senses": [ "to express ill humor or offence by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mope" ], "word": "sulk", "num_translations": 55 }, "articulate": { "senses": [ "Clear", "effective", "Speaking in a clear and effective manner", "Consisting of segments united by joints", "Distinctly marked off", "Expressed in articles or in separate items or particulars", "Related to human speech, as distinct from the vocalisation of animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eloquent" ], "word": "articulate", "num_translations": 57 }, "articulate2": { "senses": [ "To make clear or effective", "To speak clearly", "to enunciate", "To explain", "to put into words", "to make something specific", "To bend or hinge something at intervals, or to allow or build something so that it can bend", "to attack a note, as by tonguing, slurring, bowing, etc", "to form a joint or connect by joints", "To treat or make terms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "articulate", "num_translations": 51 }, "milkman": { "senses": [ "A man who delivers milk to households and sometimes businesses early in the morning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dairyman", "milkie", "milkwoman" ], "word": "milkman", "num_translations": 41 }, "proactive": { "senses": [ "Acting in advance to deal with an expected change or difficulty" ], "antonyms": [ "reactive" ], "synonyms": [ "anticipatory", "forward-looking" ], "word": "proactive", "num_translations": 33 }, "wedgie": { "senses": [ "A wedge-heeled shoe", "A prank in which a person's underpants are pulled up sharply from behind in order to wedge the clothing uncomfortably between the person's buttocks", "A situation where a person's underpants are stuck uncomfortably between their buttocks", "a basketball stuck between the rim and the backboard following a field goal, free throw, rebound, or block attempt", "wedge-tailed eagle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snuggie" ], "word": "wedgie", "num_translations": 10 }, "brimstone": { "senses": [ "The sulfur of Hell", "Hell, damnation", "Sulfur", "A whore", "Used attributively as an intensifier in exclamations", "The butterfly Gonepteryx rhamni of the Pieridae family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brimstone", "num_translations": 28 }, "paddle": { "senses": [ "A two-handed, single-bladed oar used to propel a canoe or a small boat", "A double-bladed oar used for kayaking", "Time spent on paddling", "A blade of a waterwheel", "A game controller with a round wheel used to control player movement along one axis of the video screen", "A meandering walk or dabble through shallow water, especially at the seaside", "A bat-shaped spanking implement", "A ping-pong bat", "A flat limb of an aquatic animal, adapted for swimming", "In a sluice, a panel that controls the flow of water", "A group of inerts", "A handheld defibrillation/cardioversion electrode", "hand", "padel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paddle", "num_translations": 114 }, "paddle1": { "senses": [ "To row a boat with less than one's full capacity", "To pat or stroke amorously or gently", "To tread upon", "to trample" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paddle", "num_translations": 23 }, "viral": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a biological virus", "Caused by a virus", "Of the nature of an informatic virus", "able to spread copies of itself to other computers", "Spread by word of mouth, with minimal intervention in order to create buzz and interest", "circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "viral", "num_translations": 60 }, "caustic": { "senses": [ "Capable of burning, corroding or destroying organic tissue", "Sharp, bitter, cutting, biting, and sarcastic in a scathing way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acidic", "bitchy", "biting", "catty", "mordacious", "nasty", "sarcastic", "scathing", "sharp", "spiteful", "vitriolic" ], "word": "caustic", "num_translations": 45 }, "caustic1": { "senses": [ "Any substance or means which, applied to animal or other organic tissue, burns, corrodes, or destroys it by chemical action", "an escharotic", "The envelope of reflected or refracted rays of light for a given surface or object", "The envelope of reflected or refracted rays for a given curve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "caustic", "num_translations": 14 }, "booger": { "senses": [ "A piece of solid or semisolid mucus in or removed from a nostril", "Something suggestive of this material", "A thing", "especially a problematic or difficult thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bogey", "bugger" ], "word": "booger", "num_translations": 62 }, "beautify": { "senses": [ "To make beautiful, or to increase the beauty of", "To become beautiful" ], "antonyms": [ "uglify" ], "synonyms": [ "adorn", "decorate", "ornament", "prettify" ], "word": "beautify", "num_translations": 47 }, "argent1": { "senses": [ "Of silver or silver-coloured", ": of white or silver tincture on a coat of arms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blanc" ], "word": "argent", "num_translations": 37 }, "offside1": { "senses": [ "The side of a road vehicle furthest from the kerb: the right side if one drives on the left of the road", "The side opposite the towpath" ], "antonyms": [ "nearside" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "offside", "num_translations": 20 }, "corrode": { "senses": [ "To eat away bit by bit", "to wear away or diminish by gradually separating or destroying small particles of, as by action of a strong acid or a caustic alkali", "To consume", "to wear away", "to prey upon", "to impair", "To have corrosive action", "to be subject to corrosion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to eat away by degrees" ], "word": "corrode", "num_translations": 38 }, "auricular": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the ear", "Of or pertaining to the sense of hearing", "Told in the ear, i e, told privately", "Recognized by the ear", "known by the sense of hearing", "Received by the ear", "known by report", "Pertaining to the auricles of the heart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "otic" ], "word": "auricular", "num_translations": 17 }, "demonstrator": { "senses": [ "One who demonstrates anything, or proves beyond doubt", "The forefinger", "One who takes part in a demonstration", "a protester", "One who demonstrates products in a retail environment", "a merchandiser", "An item, particularly a vehicle, used in demonstrations to a customer or user", "An assistant to a lecturer", "One who teaches anatomy from the dissected parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:index finger" ], "word": "demonstrator", "num_translations": 32 }, "kludge": { "senses": [ "An improvised device, typically crudely constructed to test the validity of a principle before doing a finished design", "Any construction or practice, typically crude yet effective, designed to solve a problem temporarily or expediently", "An amalgamated mass of unrelated parts", "A badly written or makeshift piece of software", "a hack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:workaround" ], "word": "kludge", "num_translations": 13 }, "heterodox": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to creeds, beliefs, or teachings, especially religious ones, that are different from orthodoxy, or the norm, but not sufficiently different to be called heretical" ], "antonyms": [ "orthodox" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heterodox", "num_translations": 23 }, "realtime": { "senses": [ "of a system that responds to events or signals within a predictable time after their occurrence", "specifically the response time must be within the maximum allowed, but is typically synchronous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RT" ], "word": "realtime", "num_translations": 27 }, "jerkoff": { "senses": [ "To masturbate, usually a male", "To do nothing", "to waste time", "To deceive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:masturbate" ], "word": "jerkoff", "num_translations": 64 }, "putrid": { "senses": [ "Rotting, rotten, being in a state of putrefaction", "Of, relating to, or characteristic of putrefaction, especially having a bad smell, like that of rotting flesh", "Vile, disgusting", "Morally corrupt", "Totally objectionable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "putrid", "num_translations": 31 }, "diatribe": { "senses": [ "An abusive, bitter, attack or criticism: denunciation", "A prolonged discourse", "A speech or writing which bitterly denounces something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:diatribe" ], "word": "diatribe", "num_translations": 30 }, "esker": { "senses": [ "A long, narrow, sinuous ridge created by deposits from a stream running beneath a glacier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "osar", "os" ], "word": "esker", "num_translations": 21 }, "fortunate": { "senses": [ "Auspicious", "Happening by good luck or favorable chance", "Favored by fortune" ], "antonyms": [ "unlucky", "unfortunate" ], "synonyms": [ "rosy", "lucky", "privileged" ], "word": "fortunate", "num_translations": 44 }, "fortunately": { "senses": [ "In a fortunate manner", "It is fortunate that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in a fortunate manner", "it is fortunate that" ], "word": "fortunately", "num_translations": 61 }, "unsecuritycouncil": { "senses": [ "The permanent international peacekeeping organ of the United Nations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Security Council" ], "word": "UNSecurityCouncil", "num_translations": 44 }, "channeltunnel": { "senses": [ "The man-made tunnel under the English Channel joining England and France" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chunnel" ], "word": "ChannelTunnel", "num_translations": 16 }, "muggy": { "senses": [ "humid, or hot and humid", "wet or mouldy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "close" ], "word": "muggy", "num_translations": 17 }, "arrowhead": { "senses": [ "The pointed part of an arrow", "The pointed part of an arrow", "Any plant in the genus Sagittaria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duck potato", "wapato" ], "word": "arrowhead", "num_translations": 48 }, "colloquium": { "senses": [ "A colloquy", "a meeting for discussion", "An academic meeting or seminar usually led by a different lecturer and on a different topic at each meeting", "An address to an academic meeting or seminar", "That part of the complaint or declaration in an action for defamation which shows that the words complained of were spoken concerning the plaintiff" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "colloquium", "num_translations": 23 }, "propel": { "senses": [ "To cause to move in a certain direction", "to drive forward", "To make to arrive to a certain situation or result" ], "antonyms": [ "stay", "rest" ], "synonyms": [ "drive" ], "word": "propel", "num_translations": 33 }, "fuckaround": { "senses": [ "To fritter aimlessly or distractedly, to procrastinate", "To fool around", "To have sex with many partners", "To horseplay, joke around, behave immaturely or irresponsibly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fritter", "fool around", "screw around", "horse around" ], "word": "fuckaround", "num_translations": 46 }, "reciprocal": { "senses": [ "Of a feeling, action or such: mutual, uniformly felt or done by each party towards the other or others", "two-way", "Mutually interchangeable", "expressing mutual action, applied to pronouns and verbs", "also in a broad sense: reflexive", "Used to denote different kinds of mutual relation", "Done, given, felt, or owed in return" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mutual", "contrary", "reflexive", "Thesaurus:contrary" ], "word": "reciprocal", "num_translations": 57 }, "reciprocal1": { "senses": [ "The number obtained by dividing 1 by another given number", "the result of exchanging the numerator and the denominator of a fraction", "A construction expressing mutual action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "multiplicative inverse" ], "word": "reciprocal", "num_translations": 17 }, "veganism": { "senses": [ "Strict vegetarianism", "the practice of eating neither meat nor other animal products, such as fish, milk and milk products, eggs, and honey", "A way of life which strictly avoids use of any kind of animal products and services that are based on exploitation of living animals", "A belief that is against the killing of animals for meat consumption", "the antithesis to carnism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "veganism", "num_translations": 26 }, "malicious": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite", "spiteful and deliberately harmful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "malevolent", "evil", "Thesaurus:evil" ], "word": "malicious", "num_translations": 89 }, "lightningrod": { "senses": [ "A metallic conductor that is attached to a high point of a building and leads to the ground to protect the building from damage by lightning", "A person or thing that is a target for negative reactions and distracts criticism from another target" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lightning conductor" ], "word": "lightningrod", "num_translations": 46 }, "trip": { "senses": [ "a journey", "an excursion or jaunt", "a stumble or misstep", "an error", "a failure", "a mistake", "a period of time in which one experiences drug-induced reverie or hallucinations", "a faux pas, a social error", "intense involvement in or enjoyment of a condition", "a mechanical cutout device", "a quick, light step", "a lively movement of the feet", "a skip", "a small piece", "a morsel", "a bit", "a single board, or tack, in plying, or beating, to windward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trip", "num_translations": 214 }, "trip1": { "senses": [ "to fall over or stumble over an object as a result of striking it with one's foot", "to cause to fall or stumble by knocking their feet from under them", "to be guilty of a misstep or mistake", "to commit an offence against morality, propriety, etc", "to detect in a misstep", "to catch", "to convict", "to activate or set in motion, as in the activation of a trap, explosive, or switch", "to be activated, as by a signal or an event", "to experience a state of reverie or to hallucinate, due to consuming psychoactive drugs", "to move with light, quick steps", "to walk or move lightly", "to skip", "to raise from the bottom, by its cable or buoy rope, so that it hangs free", "to pull into a perpendicular position for lowering it", "to become unreasonably upset, especially over something unimportant", "to cause a scene or a disruption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trip", "num_translations": 86 }, "pointless": { "senses": [ "Having no point or sharp tip", "terminating squarely or in a rounded end", "Having no prominent or important feature, as of an argument, discourse, etc", "Having no purpose", "purposeless", "unable to effect an aim", "Without points" ], "antonyms": [ "pointed", "useful" ], "synonyms": [ "blunt", "needless", "point-free" ], "word": "pointless", "num_translations": 40 }, "bluntly": { "senses": [ "In a blunt manner", "without delicacy, or the usual forms of civility" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coarsely" ], "word": "bluntly", "num_translations": 10 }, "origin": { "senses": [ "The beginning of something", "The source of a river, information, goods, etc", "The point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect", "The proximal end of attachment of a muscle to a bone that will not be moved by the action of that muscle", "An arbitrary point on Earth's surface, chosen as the zero for a system of coordinates", "Ancestry" ], "antonyms": [ "end", "destination", "insertion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "origin", "num_translations": 198 }, "conjunctivitis": { "senses": [ "An inflammation of the conjunctiva, often due to infection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Madras eye" ], "word": "conjunctivitis", "num_translations": 44 }, "phony": { "senses": [ "Fraudulent", "fake", "having a misleading appearance" ], "antonyms": [ "authentic", "genuine" ], "synonyms": [ "bogus", "Thesaurus:fake" ], "word": "phony", "num_translations": 34 }, "phony1": { "senses": [ "A person who assumes an identity or quality other than their own", "A person who professes beliefs or opinions that they do not hold", "Anything fraudulent or fake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dissembler" ], "word": "phony", "num_translations": 20 }, "pretender": { "senses": [ "A person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold", "A claimant to an abolished or already occupied throne" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dissembler", "hypocrite", "phoney" ], "word": "pretender", "num_translations": 33 }, "gargoyle": { "senses": [ "A carved grotesque figure on a spout which conveys water away from the gutters", "Any decorative carved grotesque figure on a building", "A fictional winged monster", "An ugly woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grotesque", "crone" ], "word": "gargoyle", "num_translations": 44 }, "assembler": { "senses": [ "A program that reads source code written in assembly language and produces executable machine code, possibly together with information needed by linkers, debuggers and other tools", "Assembly language", "One who assembles items", "A nanodevice capable of assembling nanodevices, possibly including copies of itself, according to a plan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assembly" ], "word": "assembler", "num_translations": 21 }, "sourcecode": { "senses": [ "Human-readable instructions in a programming language, to be transformed into machine instructions by a compiler, assembler or other translator, or to be carried out directly by an interpreter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "code", "source" ], "word": "sourcecode", "num_translations": 57 }, "assemblylanguage": { "senses": [ "A programming language in which the source code of programs is composed of mnemonic instructions, each of which corresponds directly to a machine instruction for a particular processor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assembler" ], "word": "assemblylanguage", "num_translations": 32 }, "despair1": { "senses": [ "Loss of hope", "utter hopelessness", "complete despondency" ], "antonyms": [ "hope" ], "synonyms": [ "desperation", "despondency", "hopelessness" ], "word": "despair", "num_translations": 60 }, "aconite": { "senses": [ "The herb wolfsbane, or monkshood", "any plant of the genus Aconitum, all the species of which are poisonous", "An extract or tincture obtained from Aconitum napellus, used as a poison and medicinally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wolfsbane" ], "word": "aconite", "num_translations": 60 }, "motel": { "senses": [ "A type of hotel or lodging establishment, often located near a major highway, which typically features a series of rooms the entrances of which are immediately adjacent to a parking lot to facilitate convenient access to automobiles parked there", "A low-cost short-stay hotel, often with hourly rates rather than daily rates, and notorious for permitting illicit sexual activities", "love hotel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lodging place", "Thesaurus:love hotel" ], "word": "motel", "num_translations": 70 }, "fried1": { "senses": [ "Cooked by frying", "Cooked in a deep fryer or pressure fryer or the like after being coated in batter", "Broken as a result of excessive heat or an electrical surge", "stoned", "under the influence of drugs", "extremely tired due to exertion or stress", "exhausted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fried", "num_translations": 33 }, "boring2": { "senses": [ "Causing boredom", "unable to engage or hold the interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dull", "Thesaurus:boring" ], "word": "boring", "num_translations": 92 }, "boredom": { "senses": [ "The state of being bored", "An instance or period of being bored", "A bored state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ennui" ], "word": "boredom", "num_translations": 69 }, "singe": { "senses": [ "To burn slightly", "To remove the nap of , by passing it rapidly over a red-hot bar, or over a flame, preliminary to dyeing it", "To remove the hair or down from by passing it over a flame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scorch" ], "word": "singe", "num_translations": 38 }, "coprophilia": { "senses": [ "a marked interest in excrement", "especially the use of feces or filth for sexual excitement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scatophilia", "slang" ], "word": "coprophilia", "num_translations": 14 }, "bibliophile": { "senses": [ "One who loves books", "One who collects books, not necessarily due to any interest in reading them" ], "antonyms": [ "bibliophobe" ], "synonyms": [ "booklover" ], "word": "bibliophile", "num_translations": 28 }, "germanophilia": { "senses": [ "The love of Germany, the Germans, or German culture" ], "antonyms": [ "Germanophobia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "germanophilia", "num_translations": 12 }, "dork": { "senses": [ "A penis", "A quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends Often confused with nerd and geek, but does not imply the same level of intelligence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:penis", "Thesaurus:dork" ], "word": "dork", "num_translations": 25 }, "gynophobia": { "senses": [ "Fear or hatred of women" ], "antonyms": [ "gynophilia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "gynophobia", "num_translations": 12 }, "introduction": { "senses": [ "The act or process of introducing", "A means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another", "An initial section of a book or article, which introduces the subject material", "A written or oral explanation of what constitutes the basis of an issue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preface" ], "word": "introduction", "num_translations": 117 }, "self-help": { "senses": [ "The practice of bettering oneself without relying on the assistance of others", "An act of redressing or preventing a wrong by one's own actions rather than through legal proceedings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-improvement" ], "word": "self-help", "num_translations": 17 }, "seagull": { "senses": [ "Any of several white, often dark backed birds of the family Laridae having long pointed wings and short legs", "The symbol \u033c, which combines under a letter as a sort of accent", "A fan or member of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mew" ], "word": "seagull", "num_translations": 113 }, "sunny": { "senses": [ "Featuring a lot of sunshine", "Receiving a lot of sunshine", "cheerful", "Of or relating to the sun", "proceeding from, or resembling the sun", "shiny", "radiant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bright", "sunlit", "bright" ], "word": "sunny", "num_translations": 90 }, "clip1": { "senses": [ "a device for attaching one object to another", "An unspecified but normally understood as rapid speed or pace", "An embrace", "A frame containing a number of bullets which is intended to be inserted into the magazine of a firearm to allow for rapid reloading", "A projecting flange on the upper edge of a horseshoe, turned up so as to embrace the lower part of the hoof", "A gaff or hook for landing the fish, as in salmon fishing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clip", "num_translations": 27 }, "clip2": { "senses": [ "To cut, especially with scissors or shears as opposed to a knife etc", "To curtail", "to cut short", "To strike with the hand", "To hit or strike, especially in passing", "An illegal tackle: Throwing the body across the back of an opponent's leg or hitting him from the back below the waist while moving up from behind unless the opponent is a runner or the action is in close line play", "To cut off a signal level at a certain maximum value", "To discard rather than waste resources on rendering it", "To move", "To cheat, swindle, or fleece", "to grab or take stealthily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clip", "num_translations": 20 }, "half-uncle": { "senses": [ "A half-brother of one's parent", "A half brother-in-law of one's parent" ], "antonyms": [ "with regards to gender", "with regards to ancestry" ], "synonyms": [ "paternal half-uncle", "maternal half-uncle" ], "word": "half-uncle", "num_translations": 14 }, "pussy": { "senses": [ "A cat", "An affectionate term for a woman or girl, seen as having characteristics associated with cats such as sweetness", "The female genitalia", "the vulva and/or vagina", "Anything soft and furry", "Sexual intercourse with a woman", "A coward", "a weakling", "an ineffectual, timid, or pathetic person", "A game of tip-cat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kitty", "darling", "poontang", "poontang", "scaredy-cat", "pansy", "cat" ], "word": "pussy", "num_translations": 376 }, "pussy1": { "senses": [ "Containing pus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "purulent" ], "word": "pussy", "num_translations": 22 }, "decimalpoint": { "senses": [ "A period/full stop \u27e8\u27e9 or middot \u27e8\u00b7\u27e9 used to set off the decimal or fractional part of a number", "Any decimal mark, inclusive of commas, separatrices, etc", "A decimal place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "separatrix" ], "word": "decimalpoint", "num_translations": 37 }, "lastborn": { "senses": [ "The youngest child of a family", "The youngest member of any company or organization" ], "antonyms": [ "firstborn" ], "synonyms": [ "baby of the family" ], "word": "lastborn", "num_translations": 28 }, "protrusion": { "senses": [ "The act of protruding", "The state of being protruded", "Anything that protrudes" ], "antonyms": [ "indentation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "protrusion", "num_translations": 35 }, "protrude": { "senses": [ "To extend from, above or beyond a surface or boundary", "to bulge outward", "to stick out", "To cause to extend from a surface or boundary", "to cause to stick out", "To thrust forward", "to drive or force along" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jut" ], "word": "protrude", "num_translations": 53 }, "surfer": { "senses": [ "A person who rides a surfboard", "A person who surfs the Internet", "A duck, the surf scoter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "surf rider" ], "word": "surfer", "num_translations": 28 }, "towhomitmayconcern": { "senses": [ "Used as a formal salutation in a letter when the writer does not know who will read the letter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to whom this may concern", "TWIMC" ], "word": "towhomitmayconcern", "num_translations": 26 }, "run-of-the-mill": { "senses": [ "Ordinary", "not special" ], "antonyms": [ "cream of the crop" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "run-of-the-mill", "num_translations": 34 }, "fantastic": { "senses": [ "Existing in or constructed from fantasy", "of or relating to fantasy", "fanciful", "Not believable", "implausible", "seemingly only possible in fantasy", "Resembling fantasies in irregularity, caprice, or eccentricity", "irregular", "grotesque", "Wonderful", "marvelous", "excellent", "extraordinarily good or great" ], "antonyms": [ "sucktastic" ], "synonyms": [ "fabulous", "foolish", "brilliant", "Thesaurus:excellent" ], "word": "fantastic", "num_translations": 85 }, "wonderful": { "senses": [ "Tending to excite wonder", "surprising, extraordinary", "Surprisingly excellent", "very good or admirable, extremely impressive" ], "antonyms": [ "terrible" ], "synonyms": [ "great", "Thesaurus:wonderful", "Thesaurus:excellent" ], "word": "wonderful", "num_translations": 65 }, "reticence": { "senses": [ "tight-lippedness, discretion, avoidance of saying too much", "a silent and reserved nature" ], "antonyms": [ "openness", "loquaciousness" ], "synonyms": [ "reserve", "bashfulness" ], "word": "reticence", "num_translations": 16 }, "caisson": { "senses": [ "An enclosure from which water can be expelled, in order to give access to underwater areas for engineering works etc", "The gate across the entrance to a dry dock", "A floating tank that can be submerged, attached to an underwater object and then pumped out to lift the object by buoyancy", "a camel", "A two-wheeled, horse-drawn military vehicle used to carry ammunition", "A large box to hold ammunition", "A chest filled with explosive materials, used like a mine", "A coffer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "caisson", "num_translations": 18 }, "bingo": { "senses": [ "A game of chance for two or more players, who mark off numbers on a grid as they are announced by the caller", "A win in such a game", "A play where all seven of a player's letter tiles are played" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "housey-housey" ], "word": "bingo", "num_translations": 35 }, "bingo1": { "senses": [ "Used when finding what one has been looking for or trying to recall, or on successful completion of a task", "Used to declare \"You've just made my point!\" or \"My point exactly!\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "house", "aha" ], "word": "bingo", "num_translations": 23 }, "diptych": { "senses": [ "A writing tablet consisting of two leaves of rigid material connected by hinges and shutting together so as to protect the writing within", "A picture or series of pictures painted on two tablets, usually connected by hinges", "A double catalogue, containing in one part the names of living, and in the other of deceased, ecclesiastics and benefactors of the church", "A catalogue of saints", "Artistically-wrought tablets distributed by consuls, etc of the later Roman Empire to commemorate their tenure of office", "hence transferred to a list of magistrates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diptych", "num_translations": 35 }, "eon": { "senses": [ "Eternity", "A period of 1,000,000,000 years", "The longest time period used in geology", "A long period of time", "A spirit being emanating from the Godhead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "eon", "num_translations": 70 }, "mandate": { "senses": [ "An official or authoritative command", "an order or injunction", "a commission", "a judicial precept", "The authority to do something, as granted to a politician by the electorate", "A papal rescript", "A period during which a government is in power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mandate", "num_translations": 28 }, "mischievous": { "senses": [ "Causing mischief", "injurious", "Troublesome, cheeky, badly behaved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harmful", "badly-behaved" ], "word": "mischievous", "num_translations": 140 }, "envious": { "senses": [ "Feeling or exhibiting envy", "jealously desiring the excellence or good fortune of another", "maliciously grudging", "Excessively careful", "cautious", "Malignant", "mischievous", "spiteful", "Inspiring envy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overcautious" ], "word": "envious", "num_translations": 68 }, "bush": { "senses": [ "A woody plant distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and lower height, being usually less than six metres tall", "a horticultural rather than strictly botanical category", "A shrub cut off, or a shrublike branch of a tree", "A shrub or branch, properly, a branch of ivy , hung out at vintners' doors, or as a tavern sign", "hence, a tavern sign, and symbolically, the tavern itself", "A person's pubic hair, especially a woman's", "The tail, or brush, of a fox" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shrub", "Thesaurus:pubic hair" ], "word": "bush", "num_translations": 151 }, "wander": { "senses": [ "To move without purpose or specified destination", "often in search of livelihood", "To stray", "stray from one's course", "err", "To commit adultery", "To go somewhere indirectly or at varying speeds", "to move in a curved path", "Of the mind, to lose focus or clarity of argument or attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wander", "num_translations": 138 }, "adultery": { "senses": [ "Sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse", "Lewdness or unchastity of thought as well as act, as forbidden by the seventh commandment", "Faithlessness in religion", "The intrusion of a person into a bishopric during the life of the bishop", "Adulteration", "corruption", "Injury", "degradation", "ruin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "advowtry" ], "word": "adultery", "num_translations": 119 }, "continental": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a continent or continents", "of the mainland, as opposed to an island offshore", "Of or relating to the confederated colonies collectively, in the time of the Revolutionary War" ], "antonyms": [ "characteristic of the style of continental Europe" ], "synonyms": [ "in the main part of a country or region, as opposed to on one of its islands", "characteristic of the style of continental Europe" ], "word": "continental", "num_translations": 33 }, "inertia": { "senses": [ "The property of a body that resists any change to its uniform motion", "equivalent to its mass", "In a person, unwillingness to take action", "Lack of activity", "sluggishness", "said especially of the uterus, when, in labour, its contractions have nearly or wholly ceased" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "idleness" ], "word": "inertia", "num_translations": 68 }, "honor": { "senses": [ "recognition of importance or value", "respect", "veneration", "the state of being morally upright, honest, noble, virtuous, and magnanimous", "excellence of character", "the perception of such a state", "favourable reputation", "dignity", "a token of praise or respect", "something that represents praiseworthiness or respect, such as a prize or award given by the state to a citizen", "a privilege", "the privilege of going first", "a cause of respect and fame", "a glory", "an excellency", "an ornament", "a seigniory or lordship held of the king, on which other lordships and manors depended", "the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon", "In bridge, an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten especially of the trump suit In some other games, an ace, king, queen or jack", "an honours degree: a university qualification of the highest rank" ], "antonyms": [ "dishonor" ], "synonyms": [ "chivalry", "glory", "gentlemanliness" ], "word": "honor", "num_translations": 180 }, "honor1": { "senses": [ "to think of highly, to respect highly", "to show respect for", "to recognise the importance or spiritual value of", "to conform to, abide by, act in accordance with", "to confer an honour or privilege upon", "to make payment in respect of" ], "antonyms": [ "despise", "contempt" ], "synonyms": [ "worthy" ], "word": "honor", "num_translations": 66 }, "jive1": { "senses": [ "A dance style popular in the 1940-50s", "Swing, a style of jazz music", "A slang associated with jazz musicians", "hepcat patois or hipster jargon", "Nonsense", "transparently deceptive talk", "African-American Vernacular English" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jive", "num_translations": 10 }, "ridiculous": { "senses": [ "Deserving of ridicule", "foolish", "absurd", "Astonishing", "unbelievable" ], "antonyms": [ "straightforward", "serious", "somber", "solemn" ], "synonyms": [ "silly", "willy nilly", "frivolous", "goofy", "funny", "humorous", "absurd", "odd", "surreal", "unreasonable", "Thesaurus:absurd" ], "word": "ridiculous", "num_translations": 62 }, "comrade": { "senses": [ "A mate, companion, or associate", "A companion in battle", "fellow soldier", "A fellow socialist, communist or other similarly politically aligned person", "A gender-neutral title, functionally similar to \"Mr\", \"Mrs\", \"Miss\", \"Ms\" etc, in a communist or socialist state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:friend", "compare", "battle buddy", "tovarish", "compagno" ], "word": "comrade", "num_translations": 318 }, "oregon": { "senses": [ "A northwestern > of the >", "city/county seat co/Ogle County s/Illinois", "small city/county seat co/Holt County s/Missouri", "city s/Ohio", "town s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Oregon", "num_translations": 37 }, "tarpaulin": { "senses": [ "A tarp, a heavy, waterproof sheet of material, often cloth, used as a cover or blanket", "A sailor", "Any heavy, waterproof material used as a cover", "Canvas waterproofed with tar, used as a cover", "A hat made of, or covered with, painted or tarred cloth, worn by sailors and others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tarpaulin", "num_translations": 53 }, "sciencefiction": { "senses": [ "Fiction in which advanced technology or science is a key element", "Technology that, while theoretically possible, is not yet practical" ], "antonyms": [ "science fact" ], "synonyms": [ "scientific romance" ], "word": "sciencefiction", "num_translations": 51 }, "freshman": { "senses": [ "A novice", "one in the rudiments of knowledge", "A person of either sex entering the first year of an institution, especially a high school , a university, or legislative body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fresher", "grade nine student / grade 9 student / Grade 9 student / grade-niner / grade niner", "first-year student / first year student / first-year university student / first year university student", "frosh" ], "word": "freshman", "num_translations": 46 }, "mineral": { "senses": [ "Any naturally occurring inorganic material that has a definite chemical composition and characteristic physical properties", "Any inorganic material", "Any inorganic element that is essential to nutrition", "A soft drink, particularly a single serve bottle or can", "A poisonous or dangerous substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mineral", "num_translations": 113 }, "metamorphic": { "senses": [ "Characterised by or exhibiting a change in form or character", "Pertaining to metamorphism", "having been structurally altered as a result of, or resulting from, exposure to intense heat and/or pressure", "Pertaining to metamorphosis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "metamorphic", "num_translations": 13 }, "international": { "senses": [ "Of or having to do with more than one nation", "Between or among nations", "participated in by two or more nations", "common to, or affecting, two or more nations", "serving two or more nations", "Independent of national boundaries", "common to all people", "Foreign", "of another nation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "international", "num_translations": 107 }, "scientific": { "senses": [ "Of, or having to do with science", "In accord with procedures, methods, conduct and accepted conventions of modern science" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scientific", "methodical" ], "word": "scientific", "num_translations": 57 }, "worldwide": { "senses": [ "Spanning the world" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "global" ], "word": "worldwide", "num_translations": 51 }, "worldwide1": { "senses": [ "Throughout the world" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "globally" ], "word": "worldwide", "num_translations": 25 }, "adulthood": { "senses": [ "The time of life when one is expected to take responsibility for one's own actions and well-being" ], "antonyms": [ "childhood" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "adulthood", "num_translations": 28 }, "quartz": { "senses": [ "The most abundant mineral on the earth's surface, of chemical composition silicon dioxide, SiO2 It occurs in a variety of forms, both crystalline and amorphous Found in every environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:quartz" ], "word": "quartz", "num_translations": 68 }, "arccosine": { "senses": [ "Any of several single-valued or multivalued functions that are inverses of the cosine function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inverse cosine", "arccos", "cos-1" ], "word": "arccosine", "num_translations": 16 }, "arcsine": { "senses": [ "Any of several single-valued or multivalued functions that are inverses of the sine function Symbol: arcsin, sin-1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inverse sine" ], "word": "arcsine", "num_translations": 14 }, "limestone": { "senses": [ "An abundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments", "primarily composed of calcite", "it occurs in a variety of forms, both crystalline and amorphous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lime", "calcium carbonate" ], "word": "limestone", "num_translations": 60 }, "enclosure": { "senses": [ "Something enclosed, ie inserted into a letter or similar package", "The act of enclosing, ie the insertion or inclusion of an item in a letter or package", "An area, domain, or amount of something partially or entirely enclosed by barriers", "The act of separating and surrounding an area, domain, or amount of something with a barrier", "The post-feudal process of subdivision of common lands for individual ownership", "The area of a convent, monastery, etc where access is restricted to community members" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enclosure", "num_translations": 65 }, "frugal": { "senses": [ "Avoiding unnecessary expenditure either of money or of anything else which is to be used or consumed", "avoiding waste" ], "antonyms": [ "lavish", "prodigal", "spendthrift" ], "synonyms": [ "cheap", "economical", "thrifty", "Thesaurus:frugal" ], "word": "frugal", "num_translations": 54 }, "mythical": { "senses": [ "Existing in myth", "Not real", "false or fabricated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mythic", "legendary" ], "word": "mythical", "num_translations": 22 }, "parasite": { "senses": [ "A person who lives on other people's efforts or expense and gives little or nothing back", "A sycophant or hanger-on", "An organism that lives on or in another organism of a different species, deriving benefit from living on or in that other organism, while not contributing towards that other organism sufficiently to cover the cost to that other organism", "A climbing plant which is supported by a wall, trellis etc", "A retainer or companion of an ancient Celtic warrior, who praised him in song or poetry at gatherings", "a bard" ], "antonyms": [ "commensal", "mutualism" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrounger" ], "word": "parasite", "num_translations": 147 }, "augury": { "senses": [ "A divination based on the appearance and behaviour of animals", "An omen or prediction", "a foreboding", "a prophecy", "An event that is experienced as indicating important things to come" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:omen" ], "word": "augury", "num_translations": 36 }, "onerous": { "senses": [ "imposing or constituting a physical, mental, or figurative load which can be borne only with effort", "burdensome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demanding" ], "word": "onerous", "num_translations": 31 }, "quantum": { "senses": [ "The total amount of something", "quantity", "The amount or quantity observably present, or available", "The smallest possible, and therefore indivisible, unit of a given quantity or quantifiable phenomenon", "A definite portion of a manifoldness, limited by a mark or by a boundary", "A brief document provided by the judge, elaborating on a sentencing decision", "The amount of time allocated for a thread to perform its work in a multithreaded environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quantum", "num_translations": 55 }, "crunchy": { "senses": [ "Likely to crunch, especially with reference to food when it is eaten", "Having sensibilities of a counter-culture nature lover or hippie" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crispy" ], "word": "crunchy", "num_translations": 19 }, "crunch": { "senses": [ "To crush something, especially food, with a noisy crackling sound", "To be crushed with a noisy crackling sound", "To calculate or otherwise process Presumably from the sound made by mechanical calculators", "To grind or press with violence and noise", "To make employees work overtime in order to meet a deadline in the development of a project" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crunch", "num_translations": 22 }, "capitalist": { "senses": [ "Of, or pertaining to, capitalism", "Supporting or endorsing capitalism" ], "antonyms": [ "non-capitalist" ], "synonyms": [ "capitalistic" ], "word": "capitalist", "num_translations": 24 }, "capitalist1": { "senses": [ "A person who is a supporter of capitalism", "The owner of a considerable amount of capital", "a wealthy person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "economic liberal", "businessman" ], "word": "capitalist", "num_translations": 47 }, "limited1": { "senses": [ "With certain limits placed upon it", "Of numbers, amounts, data: poor, small, felt to be insufficient" ], "antonyms": [ "endless", "infinite", "unlimited" ], "synonyms": [ "finite" ], "word": "limited", "num_translations": 39 }, "slacker": { "senses": [ "One who procrastinates or is lazy", "A person lacking a sense of direction in life", "an underachiever", "A person who seeks to avoid military service", "A user of the Slackware Linux operating system", "A member of a certain 1990s subculture associated with Generation X" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slacker", "num_translations": 19 }, "explode": { "senses": [ "To destroy with an explosion", "To destroy violently or abruptly", "To disprove or debunk", "To blast, to blow up, to burst, to detonate, to go off", "To make a violent or emotional outburst", "To increase suddenly", "To break into several smaller strings by removing the separators", "To decompress that was previously imploded", "To open all doors and hatches on an automobile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "explode", "num_translations": 98 }, "explosive": { "senses": [ "With the capability to, or likely to, explode", "Having the character of an explosion", "Shocking", "startling", "Easily driven to anger, usually with reference to a person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "explosive", "num_translations": 54 }, "magneticfield": { "senses": [ "A condition in the space around a magnet or electric current in which there is a detectable magnetic force and two magnetic poles are present" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "magnetic flux density", "magnetic induction", "magnetic field intensity", "magnetic field strength", "magnetizing field" ], "word": "magneticfield", "num_translations": 32 }, "newjersey": { "senses": [ "A northeast state of the United States of America Capital: Trenton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jersey" ], "word": "NewJersey", "num_translations": 38 }, "enervate": { "senses": [ "To reduce strength or energy", "debilitate", "To weaken morally or mentally", "To partially or completely remove a nerve" ], "antonyms": [ "strengthen", "bolster" ], "synonyms": [ "debilitate" ], "word": "enervate", "num_translations": 15 }, "hitchhike": { "senses": [ "To try to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road, generally by either sticking out one's finger or thumb or holding a sign with one's stated destination", "To be carried along with something else, for example Genetic Hitchhiking where a gene is propagated because it occurs in conjunction with a favourable mutation, or Cultural Hitchhiking where a cultural trait spreads with a technologically advanced population" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hitch", "hitch a ride", "thumb a lift", "thumb a ride" ], "word": "hitchhike", "num_translations": 54 }, "derelict": { "senses": [ "Abandoned, forsaken", "given up by the natural owner or guardian", "abandoned at sea, dilapidated, neglected", "abandoned in outer space", "Negligent in performing a duty", "Lost", "adrift", "hence, wanting", "careless", "neglectful", "unfaithful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abandoned" ], "word": "derelict", "num_translations": 47 }, "derelict1": { "senses": [ "Property abandoned by its former owner, especially a ship abandoned at sea", "An abandoned or forsaken person", "an outcast", "A homeless and/or jobless person", "a person who is negligent in their personal affairs and hygiene" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "derelict", "num_translations": 23 }, "zebu": { "senses": [ "A domesticated ox native to Asia and Africa, having a large fleshy hump on its back and a dewlap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Indian ox", "A zebu" ], "word": "zebu", "num_translations": 21 }, "idiosyncrasy": { "senses": [ "A behavior or way of thinking that is characteristic of a person", "A language or behaviour that is particular to an individual or group", "A peculiar individual reaction to a generally innocuous substance or factor", "A peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eccentricity", "foible", "habit", "mannerism", "oddity", "quirk", "vagary" ], "word": "idiosyncrasy", "num_translations": 91 }, "aircraftcarrier": { "senses": [ "A warship designed to carry aircraft, serving as a seagoing air base, with a deck on which aircraft can be launched and landed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flat-top" ], "word": "aircraftcarrier", "num_translations": 78 }, "stoop1": { "senses": [ "To bend the upper part of the body forward and downward to a half-squatting position", "crouch", "To lower oneself", "to demean or do something below one's status, standards, or morals", "Of a bird of prey: to swoop down on its prey", "To cause to incline downward", "to slant", "To cause to submit", "to prostrate", "To yield", "to submit", "to bend, as by compulsion", "to assume a position of humility or subjection", "To descend from rank or dignity", "to condescend", "To degrade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bend down", "crouch", "squat" ], "word": "stoop", "num_translations": 65 }, "populace": { "senses": [ "The common people of a nation", "The inhabitants of a nation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common people", "hoi polloi", "masses", "people", "rabble", "riff-raff", "inhabitant" ], "word": "populace", "num_translations": 25 }, "repudiate": { "senses": [ "To reject the truth or validity of", "to deny", "To refuse to have anything to do with", "to disown", "To refuse to pay or honor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "repudiate", "num_translations": 41 }, "camouflage": { "senses": [ "A disguise or covering up", "The act of disguising", "The use of natural or artificial material on personnel, objects, or tactical positions with the aim of confusing, misleading, or evading the enemy", "A pattern on clothing consisting of irregularly shaped patches that are either greenish/brownish, brownish/whitish, or bluish/whitish, as used by ground combat forces", "Resemblance of an organism to its surroundings for avoiding detection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "camouflage", "num_translations": 103 }, "troops": { "senses": [ "plural of \"troop\"", "military personnel in uniform" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soldiers" ], "word": "troops", "num_translations": 17 }, "contiguous": { "senses": [ "Connected", "touching", "abutting", "Adjacent", "neighboring", "Connecting without a break" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "contiguous", "num_translations": 91 }, "contagious": { "senses": [ "Easily transmitted to others", "Easily passed on to others", "Having a disease that can be transmitted to another person" ], "antonyms": [ "non-contagious" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "contagious", "num_translations": 71 }, "petulant": { "senses": [ "childishly irritable", "forward", "pert", "insolent", "wanton" ], "antonyms": [ "easygoing" ], "synonyms": [ "bad-tempered", "brazen" ], "word": "petulant", "num_translations": 40 }, "relevant": { "senses": [ "Directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic", "Not out of date", "current" ], "antonyms": [ "irrelevant" ], "synonyms": [ "applicable", "current" ], "word": "relevant", "num_translations": 56 }, "dross": { "senses": [ "Waste or impure matter", "Residue that forms on the surface of a metal from oxidation", "The impurities in metal", "A waste product from working with metal", "Worthless or trivial matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dross", "num_translations": 27 }, "squat": { "senses": [ "Relatively short or low, and thick or broad", "Sitting on the hams or heels", "sitting close to the ground", "cowering", "crouching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squat", "num_translations": 20 }, "squat1": { "senses": [ "A position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet", "A specific exercise in weightlifting performed by bending deeply at the knees and then rising, especially with a barbell resting across the shoulders", "something of no value", "A sudden or crushing fall", "A small vein of ore", "A mineral consisting of tin ore and spar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squat", "num_translations": 50 }, "squat2": { "senses": [ "To bend deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet", "To exercise by bending deeply at the knees and then rising, while bearing weight across the shoulders or upper back", "To occupy or reside in a place without the permission of the owner", "To sit close to the ground", "to cower", "to stoop, or lie close, to escape observation, as a partridge or rabbit", "To bruise or flatten by a fall", "to squash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squat", "num_translations": 71 }, "perihelion": { "senses": [ "The point in the elliptical orbit of a planet or comet etc where it is nearest to the Sun" ], "antonyms": [ "aphelion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "perihelion", "num_translations": 28 }, "perigee": { "senses": [ "The point, in an orbit about the Earth, that is closest to the Earth: the periapsis of an Earth orbiter", "The point, in an orbit about any planet, that is closest to the planet: the periapsis of any satellite", "The point, in any trajectory of an object in space, where it is closest to the Earth" ], "antonyms": [ "apogee" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "perigee", "num_translations": 23 }, "offensive": { "senses": [ "Causing offense", "arousing a visceral reaction of disgust, anger, or hatred", "Relating to an offense or attack, as opposed to defensive", "Having to do with play directed at scoring" ], "antonyms": [ "inoffensive", "defensive" ], "synonyms": [ "aggressive", "invidious" ], "word": "offensive", "num_translations": 98 }, "fermata": { "senses": [ "The holding of a note or rest for longer than its usual duration", "also the notation of such a prolongation, usually represented as a dot with a semi-circle above or below it, written above or below the prolonged note or rest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hold", "bird's-eye" ], "word": "fermata", "num_translations": 17 }, "garbagecollection": { "senses": [ "A service, generally run by local government, for transporting household garbage to the appropriate facility", "An automatic mechanism that frees up resources that are no longer in use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rubbish collection" ], "word": "garbagecollection", "num_translations": 23 }, "butch1": { "senses": [ "A lesbian or other queer wman who appears masculine or acts in a masculine manner" ], "antonyms": [ "femme" ], "synonyms": [ "bull dyke", "Thesaurus:female homosexual" ], "word": "butch", "num_translations": 13 }, "temporary": { "senses": [ "Not permanent", "existing only for a period or periods of time", "Existing only for a short time or short times", "transient, ephemeral" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ephemeral" ], "word": "temporary", "num_translations": 58 }, "blacksheep": { "senses": [ "A nonconformist", "an unusual or unconventional person", "A disliked person", "one who is disfavored" ], "antonyms": [ "golden child" ], "synonyms": [ "bad apple" ], "word": "blacksheep", "num_translations": 43 }, "kindly": { "senses": [ "Having a kind personality", "kind, warmhearted, sympathetic", "Favourable, gentle, pleasant, tidy, auspicious, beneficent", "Lawful", "Natural", "inherent to the kind or race" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kindly", "num_translations": 21 }, "kindly1": { "senses": [ "In a kind manner, out of kindness", "In a favourable way", "Please", "used to make a polite request", "With kind acceptance", "Kind of, somewhat", "Readily", "Naturally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thoughtfully", "be so kind as to" ], "word": "kindly", "num_translations": 43 }, "elasticband": { "senses": [ "A small, narrow loop of rubber or similar material used to hold items together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binder", "elastic", "gum band", "lacquer band", "rubber band" ], "word": "elasticband", "num_translations": 46 }, "combatant": { "senses": [ "A person engaged in combat, often armed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "battler", "fighter" ], "word": "combatant", "num_translations": 33 }, "bristol": { "senses": [ "city/county/and/unitary authority in southwest cc/England bordering Gloucestershire, Somerset and The River Severn", "Several places in Canada:", "populated place p:Suf/Lim\u00f3n c/Costa Rica", "populated place co:Suf/Cornwall c/Jamaica", "populated place dept/Loreto c/Peru", "Several places in the United States:", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Bristol", "num_translations": 37 }, "butcher's": { "senses": [ "A look" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "butcher shop", "dekko" ], "word": "butcher's", "num_translations": 35 }, "lady-killer": { "senses": [ "A man unusually attractive to women", "An uncaring womanizer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beefcake", "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "lady-killer", "num_translations": 19 }, "womanizer": { "senses": [ "A man who habitually flirts with and seduces, or attempts to seduce, women" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bounder", "cad", "Casanova", "Lothario", "philanderer", "wencher", "player", "playboy", "rake", "Romeo", "lady's man", "lecher", "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "womanizer", "num_translations": 84 }, "gorgeous": { "senses": [ "Very beautiful", "Very enjoyable, pleasant, tasty, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:beautiful" ], "word": "gorgeous", "num_translations": 63 }, "oldlady": { "senses": [ "An elderly woman", "One's mother", "One's girlfriend, wife or significant other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "old woman", "girlfriend", "wife" ], "word": "oldlady", "num_translations": 10 }, "oldman": { "senses": [ "An elderly man", "One's father", "A husband, or significant other", "One's male employer", "A unit's commanding officer, or the commander of a naval vessel", "Term of address for a male friend", "synonym of \"southernwood\"", "Unregenerate human nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "codger", "dad", "hubby", "old bean" ], "word": "oldman", "num_translations": 167 }, "tardy": { "senses": [ "Late", "overdue or delayed", "Moving with a slow pace or motion", "not swift", "Ineffectual", "slow-witted, slow to act, or dull", "Unwary", "Criminal", "guilty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belated" ], "word": "tardy", "num_translations": 23 }, "porky": { "senses": [ "Resembling or characteristic of pork", "Rather fat", "chubby" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chubby" ], "word": "porky", "num_translations": 10 }, "notion": { "senses": [ "Mental apprehension of whatever may be known, thought, or imagined", "idea, concept", "A sentiment", "an opinion", "Sense", "mind", "An invention", "an ingenious device", "a knickknack", "Any small article used in sewing and haberdashery, such as a button or zipper", "Inclination", "intention", "disposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "notion", "num_translations": 90 }, "barrack": { "senses": [ "A building for soldiers, especially within a garrison", "originally referred to temporary huts, now usually to a permanent structure or set of buildings", "primitive structure resembling a long shed or barn for housing or other purposes", "any very plain, monotonous, or ugly large building", "A movable roof sliding on four posts, to cover hay, straw, etc", "A police station" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "barrack", "num_translations": 85 }, "babble": { "senses": [ "To utter words indistinctly or unintelligibly", "to utter inarticulate sounds", "To talk incoherently", "to utter meaningless words", "To talk too much", "to chatter", "to prattle", "To make a continuous murmuring noise, like shallow water running over stones", "To utter in an indistinct or incoherent way", "to repeat words or sounds in a childish way without understanding", "To reveal", "to give away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "babble", "num_translations": 119 }, "babble1": { "senses": [ "Idle talk", "senseless prattle", "Inarticulate speech", "constant or confused murmur", "A sound like that of water gently flowing around obstructions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:chatter" ], "word": "babble", "num_translations": 82 }, "babbler": { "senses": [ "Someone who babbles", "Any of several passerine birds, of the families Timaliidae and Pomatostomidae", "A hound who is too noisy on finding a good scent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:chatterbox" ], "word": "babbler", "num_translations": 18 }, "babylonian1": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of the city of Babylon", "An inhabitant of Babylonia", "a Chaldean", "An astrologer", "so called because the Chaldeans were remarkable for the study of astrology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Babylonian", "num_translations": 39 }, "baccalaureate": { "senses": [ "A bachelor's degree", "A high school completion exam and qualification awarded in many countries , designed to enable students to go on to higher education", "A farewell address in the form of a sermon delivered to a graduating class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bachelor's degree" ], "word": "baccalaureate", "num_translations": 19 }, "bacchanal1": { "senses": [ "A devotee of Bacchus", "Someone who indulges in drunken partying", "someone noisy and riotous when intoxicated", "The festival of Bacchus", "Drunken revelry", "an orgy", "A song or a dance in honor of Bacchus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bacchanal", "num_translations": 21 }, "unlimited": { "senses": [ "limitless or without bounds", "unrestricted" ], "antonyms": [ "limited", "finite" ], "synonyms": [ "infinite", "absolute" ], "word": "unlimited", "num_translations": 36 }, "periwinkle": { "senses": [ "Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Vinca with blue or white flowers", "Similar plants of genus Catharanthus", "A color with bluish and purplish hues, somewhat light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "myrtle" ], "word": "periwinkle", "num_translations": 31 }, "periwinkle2": { "senses": [ "A mollusk of genus Littorina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "winkle" ], "word": "periwinkle", "num_translations": 24 }, "adduce": { "senses": [ "To bring forward or offer, as an argument, passage, or consideration which bears on a statement or case", "to cite", "to allege" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "advance", "allege", "assign", "cite", "mention", "name", "present", "quote", "urge" ], "word": "adduce", "num_translations": 12 }, "miniature": { "senses": [ "Greatly diminished size or form", "reduced scale", "A small version of something", "a model of reduced scale", "An illustration in an illuminated manuscript", "A musical composition which is short in duration", "A chess game which is concluded with very few moves", "A token in a game representing a unit or character", "Lettering in red", "rubric distinction", "A particular feature or trait" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "miniature", "num_translations": 20 }, "adenoid1": { "senses": [ "One of two folds of lymphatic tissue covered by ciliated epithelium They are found in the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx at the back of the throat behind the uvula They may obstruct normal breathing and make speech difficult when swollen, a condition often called adenitis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Luschka's tonsil", "pharyngeal tonsil", "third tonsil", "tonsilla adenoidea", "tonsilla pharyngealis" ], "word": "adenoid", "num_translations": 16 }, "aspirate1": { "senses": [ "To remove a liquid or gas by means of suction", "To inhale so as to draw something other than air into one's lungs", "To produce an audible puff of breath especially following a consonant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breathe in" ], "word": "aspirate", "num_translations": 38 }, "odin": { "senses": [ "The supreme god of the Germanic and Norse pantheons, the leader of the \u00c6sir, after whom Wednesday is named", "the god of war and poetry, the husband of Frigg, the father of Balder, Hod, Hermod, Thor and Tyr" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wodan", "Woden", "Wuotan", "Odhin", "Oden", "B\u00e1leygr", "Biflindi", "Bileygr", "Bolverkr", "Dorru\u00f0r", "Eylu\u00f0r", "Tveggi", "Valf\u01eb\u00f0r" ], "word": "Odin", "num_translations": 41 }, "wretched": { "senses": [ "Very miserable", "feeling deep affliction or distress", "Worthless", "paltry", "very poor or mean", "miserable", "Hatefully contemptible", "despicable", "wicked", "Used to express dislike of or annoyance towards the mentioned thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wretched", "num_translations": 40 }, "sexton": { "senses": [ "A church official who looks after a church building and its graveyard and may act as a gravedigger and bell-ringer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sacristan" ], "word": "sexton", "num_translations": 39 }, "cookie": { "senses": [ "A small, flat, baked good which is either crisp or soft but firm", "A sweet baked good usually having chocolate chips, fruit, nuts etc baked into it", "A bun", "An attractive young woman", "The female genitalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cookie", "num_translations": 142 }, "httpcookie": { "senses": [ "A packet of information sent by a server to a World Wide Web browser and then returned by the browser each time it accesses that server, used to maintain state between otherwise stateless HTTP transactions, for example, to identify the user" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cookie" ], "word": "HTTPcookie", "num_translations": 40 }, "nitty-gritty": { "senses": [ "The essence or core of something", "the details" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brass tacks", "details", "nuts and bolts" ], "word": "nitty-gritty", "num_translations": 11 }, "seducer": { "senses": [ "someone who seduces, especially a man who seduces a woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "seducer", "num_translations": 13 }, "legion1": { "senses": [ "The major unit or division of the Roman army, usually comprising 3000 to 6000 infantry soldiers and 100 to 200 cavalry troops", "a combined arms major military unit featuring cavalry, infantry, and artillery", "A large military or semi-military unit trained for combat", "any military force", "an army, regiment", "an armed, organized and assembled militia", "A large number of people", "a multitude", "A great number", "A group of orders inferior to a class", "in scientific classification, a term occasionally used to express an assemblage of objects intermediate between an order and a class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "host" ], "word": "legion", "num_translations": 60 }, "unleavened": { "senses": [ "without any yeast or other raising agent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leavenless" ], "word": "unleavened", "num_translations": 20 }, "addict": { "senses": [ "An adherent or fan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "junkie", "adherent", "Thesaurus:addict" ], "word": "addict", "num_translations": 73 }, "addict1": { "senses": [ "To involve oneself in something habitually, to the exclusion of almost anything else", "To adapt", "to make suitable", "to fit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "get hooked", "consecrate", "adapt" ], "word": "addict", "num_translations": 19 }, "addison'sdisease": { "senses": [ "A disorder in which the adrenal glands fail to produce a sufficient quantity of steroids, causing a brownish discoloration of the skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Addisonianism", "bronzed skin disease", "chronic adrenal insufficiency", "hypoadrenocorticism", "hypocorticism", "hypocortisolism", "primary adrenal insufficiency" ], "word": "Addison'sdisease", "num_translations": 13 }, "additionally": { "senses": [ "By way of addition", "in addition to", "also" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in addition", "also", "furthermore" ], "word": "additionally", "num_translations": 29 }, "procure": { "senses": [ "To acquire or obtain", "To obtain a person as a prostitute for somebody else", "To induce or persuade someone to do something", "To contrive", "to bring about", "to effect", "to cause", "To solicit", "to entreat", "To cause to come", "to bring", "to attract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "obtain", "buy" ], "word": "procure", "num_translations": 47 }, "megalomania": { "senses": [ "A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence", "narcissistic personality disorder", "An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delusion of grandeur" ], "word": "megalomania", "num_translations": 35 }, "corruption": { "senses": [ "The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle", "the state of being corrupted or debased", "loss of purity or integrity", "depravity", "wickedness", "impurity", "bribery", "The act of corrupting or making putrid, or state of being corrupt or putrid", "decomposition or disorganization, in the process of putrefaction", "putrefaction", "deterioration", "putrid matter", "The decomposition of biological matter", "The seeking of bribes", "The destruction of data by manipulation of parts of it, either by deliberate or accidental human action or by imperfections in storage or transmission media", "The act of changing, or of being changed, for the worse", "departure from what is pure, simple, or correct", "A debased or nonstandard form of a word, expression, or text, resulting from misunderstanding, transcription error, mishearing, etc", "Something originally good or pure that has turned evil or impure", "a perversion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rent-seeking", "adulteration", "decay", "decay", "debasement", "deterioration", "destroying", "deterioration", "bastardization" ], "word": "corruption", "num_translations": 186 }, "hedonism": { "senses": [ "The belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest good in life Some hedonists, such as the Epicureans, have insisted that pleasure of the entire mind, not just pleasure of the senses, is the highest good", "A general devotion to the pursuit of pleasure" ], "antonyms": [ "asceticism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hedonism", "num_translations": 38 }, "savvy": { "senses": [ "Shrewd, well-informed and perceptive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "canny" ], "word": "savvy", "num_translations": 32 }, "generous": { "senses": [ "Noble in behaviour or actions", "principled, not petty", "kind, magnanimous", "Willing to give and share unsparingly", "showing a readiness to give more than is expected or needed", "Large, more than ample, copious", "Invigorating in its nature", "Of noble birth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:generous" ], "word": "generous", "num_translations": 193 }, "generosity": { "senses": [ "The trait of being willing to donate money, time or resources", "A generous act", "The trait of being abundant, more than adequate", "Good breeding", "nobility of stock" ], "antonyms": [ "stinginess" ], "synonyms": [ "liberality", "nobility" ], "word": "generosity", "num_translations": 130 }, "powerinverter": { "senses": [ "A device that converts direct current electricity to alternating current electricity" ], "antonyms": [ "rectifier" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "powerinverter", "num_translations": 11 }, "fern": { "senses": [ "Any of a group of some twenty thousand species of vascular plants classified in the division Pteridophyta that lack seeds and reproduce by shedding spores to initiate an alternation of generations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Filicophyta" ], "word": "fern", "num_translations": 102 }, "pinch": { "senses": [ "To squeeze a small amount of a person's skin and flesh, making it hurt", "To squeeze between the thumb and forefinger", "To squeeze between two objects", "To steal, usually of something almost trivial or inconsequential", "To arrest or capture", "To cut shoots or buds of a plant in order to shape the plant, or to improve its yield", "To sail so close-hauled that the sails begin to flutter", "To take hold", "to grip, as a dog does", "To be niggardly or covetous", "to live sparingly", "To seize", "to grip", "to bite", "said of animals", "To cramp", "to straiten", "to oppress", "to starve", "To complain or find fault" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pinch", "num_translations": 117 }, "pinch1": { "senses": [ "The action of squeezing a small amount of a person's skin and flesh, making it hurt", "A close compression of anything with the fingers", "A small amount of powder or granules, such that the amount could be held between fingertip and thumb tip", "An awkward situation of some kind which is difficult to escape", "A metal bar used as a lever for lifting weights, rolling wheels, etc", "An organic herbal smoke additive", "A magnetic compression of an electrically-conducting filament", "The narrow part connecting the two bulbs of an hourglass", "An arrest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pinch", "num_translations": 68 }, "dammit": { "senses": [ "Expressing anger, irritation, contempt, or disappointment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dammit" ], "word": "dammit", "num_translations": 56 }, "bah": { "senses": [ "Expressing contempt, disgust, or bad temper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pht", "bleh" ], "word": "bah", "num_translations": 16 }, "arrhythmia": { "senses": [ "An irregular heartbeat", "A disease entity involving such beats, such as atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, AV nodal reentrant tachycardia, or others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dysrhythmia" ], "word": "arrhythmia", "num_translations": 21 }, "unctuous": { "senses": [ "Oily or greasy", "Rich, lush, intense, with layers of concentrated, soft, velvety flavor", "Profusely polite, especially unpleasantly so and insincerely earnest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oleaginous", "savorous", "creepy", "effusive", "groveling", "oleaginous", "slimy", "sycophantic", "Thesaurus:sycophantic" ], "word": "unctuous", "num_translations": 20 }, "tip": { "senses": [ "The extreme end of something, especially when pointed", "eg the sharp end of a pencil", "A piece of metal, fabric or other material used to cover the top of something for protection, utility or decoration", "The end of a bow of a stringed instrument that is not held", "A small piece of meat", "A piece of stiffened lining pasted on the inside of a hat crown", "A thin, boarded brush made of camel's hair, used by gilders in lifting gold leaf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extremity" ], "word": "tip", "num_translations": 59 }, "tip3": { "senses": [ "The knocking over of a skittle", "An area or a place for dumping something, such as rubbish or refuse, as from a mine", "a heap", "a dump", "Rubbish thrown from a quarry", "A recycling centre", "A very untidy place", "A tram for expeditiously transferring coal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tip", "num_translations": 10 }, "tip7": { "senses": [ "A gratuity", "a small amount of money left for a bartender, waiter, taxi driver or other servant as a token of appreciation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gratuity" ], "word": "tip", "num_translations": 86 }, "tip8": { "senses": [ "A piece of private or secret information, especially imparted by someone with expert knowledge about sporting odds, business performance etc", "A piece of advice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hint" ], "word": "tip", "num_translations": 46 }, "booze": { "senses": [ "Any alcoholic beverage", "A session of drinking alcohol", "a drinking party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grog" ], "word": "booze", "num_translations": 50 }, "supernova": { "senses": [ "A star which explodes, increasing its brightness to typically a billion times that of our sun, though attenuated by the great distance from our sun Some leave only debris", "others fade to invisibility as neutron stars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SN" ], "word": "supernova", "num_translations": 51 }, "thaw": { "senses": [ "To gradually melt, dissolve, or become fluid", "to soften from frozen", "To become so warm as to melt ice and snow \u2014 said in reference to the weather, and used impersonally", "To grow gentle or genial", "To gradually cause frozen things to melt, soften, or dissolve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thaw", "num_translations": 92 }, "heartless": { "senses": [ "Without courage", "fearful, cowardly", "Listless, unenthusiastic", "Without a physical heart", "Without feeling, emotion, or concern for others", "uncaring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heartless", "num_translations": 25 }, "progenitor": { "senses": [ "A forefather, any of a person's direct ancestors", "An individual from whom one or more people are descended", "An ancestral form of a species", "A predecessor of something, especially if also a precursor or model", "Someone who originates something", "A founder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "progenitor", "num_translations": 87 }, "banger": { "senses": [ "A thing or person which bangs, in any sense", ": A firework that makes a bang", "A woman's breast", "A sausage", "An old, worn-out car", "A cylinder in a car", "A member of a gang", "A powerfully energetic piece of music, especially dance music", "Any particularly good or pleasing thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snag", "bucket" ], "word": "banger", "num_translations": 22 }, "diagram": { "senses": [ "A plan, drawing, sketch or outline to show how something works, or show the relationships between the parts of a whole", "A graph or chart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "schematic" ], "word": "diagram", "num_translations": 84 }, "twink3": { "senses": [ "A young, attractive, slim male, usually having little body hair", "A weak or effeminate man, whether gay or not", "A player in a multi-user dungeon or other roleplaying game who engages in obnoxious or abusive behaviour" ], "antonyms": [ "bear" ], "synonyms": [ "chicken", "poof" ], "word": "twink", "num_translations": 13 }, "representation": { "senses": [ "That which represents something else", "The act of representing", "The lawyers and staff who argue on behalf of another in court", "The ability to elect a representative to speak on one's behalf in government", "the role of this representative in government", "An object that describes an abstract group in terms of linear transformations of vector spaces", "a homomorphism from a group on a vector space to the general linear group on the space", "A figure, image or idea that substitutes reality", "A theatrical performance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "likeness" ], "word": "representation", "num_translations": 58 }, "patriarch": { "senses": [ "The highest form of bishop, in the ancient world having authority over other bishops in the province but now generally as an honorary title", "in Roman Catholicism, considered a bishop second only to the Pope in rank", "In Biblical contexts, a male leader of a family, tribe or ethnic group, especially one of the twelve sons of Jacob or Abraham, Isaac and Jacob", "A founder of a political or religious movement, an organization or an enterprise", "An old leader of a village or community", "The male head of a tribal line or family" ], "antonyms": [ "matriarch" ], "synonyms": [ "paterfamilias", "highfather" ], "word": "patriarch", "num_translations": 55 }, "matriarch": { "senses": [ "A female leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group", "A female founder of a political or religious movement, an organization or an enterprise" ], "antonyms": [ "highfather", "paterfamilias", "patriarch" ], "synonyms": [ "materfamilias" ], "word": "matriarch", "num_translations": 23 }, "imaginary": { "senses": [ "Existing only in the imagination", "Having no real part", "that part of a complex number which is a multiple of the square root of -1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all in one's head" ], "word": "imaginary", "num_translations": 79 }, "summon": { "senses": [ "To call people together", "to convene", "To ask someone to come", "to send for", "To order and have delivered", "To rouse oneself to exert a skill", "To call a resource by magic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "summon", "num_translations": 119 }, "malefactor": { "senses": [ "A criminal or felon", "An evildoer" ], "antonyms": [ "benefactor" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:criminal", "Thesaurus:villain" ], "word": "malefactor", "num_translations": 29 }, "phallic": { "senses": [ "Having to do with the penis, especially in terms of shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penislike", "ithyphallic", "priapic" ], "word": "phallic", "num_translations": 30 }, "concordance": { "senses": [ "Agreement", "accordance", "consonance", "Agreement of words with one another", "concord", "An alphabetical verbal index showing the places in the text of a book where each principal word may be found, with its immediate context in each place", "A list of occurrences of a word or phrase from a corpus, with the immediate context" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concordance", "num_translations": 19 }, "concordant": { "senses": [ "Agreeing or harmonious", "consistent", "Intruding parallel to the bedding", "Preserving the sign" ], "antonyms": [ "discordant", "nonconcordant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "concordant", "num_translations": 14 }, "sissy": { "senses": [ "An effeminate boy or man", "A timid, unassertive or cowardly person", "A male crossdresser who adopts feminine behaviours", "Sister" ], "antonyms": [ "non-sissy", "unsissy" ], "synonyms": [ "cot-quean", "milquetoast", "sis" ], "word": "sissy", "num_translations": 65 }, "renege": { "senses": [ "To break a promise or commitment", "to go back on one's word", "In a card game, to break one's commitment to follow suit when capable", "To deny", "to renounce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "renege", "num_translations": 24 }, "chine": { "senses": [ "The top of a ridge", "The spine of an animal", "A piece of the backbone of an animal, with the adjoining parts, cut for cooking", "A sharp angle in the cross section of a hull", "A hollowed or bevelled channel in the waterway of a ship's deck", "The edge or rim of a cask, etc, formed by the projecting ends of the staves", "the chamfered end of a stave", "The back of the blade on a scythe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chine", "num_translations": 14 }, "midsummer": { "senses": [ "The period around the summer solstice", "about 21st June in the northern hemisphere", "The first day of summer", "The middle of summer", "A pagan holiday or Wiccan Sabbat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "St John's Day", "northern solstice", "summer solstice", "June solstice" ], "word": "midsummer", "num_translations": 35 }, "midwinter": { "senses": [ "The middle of winter", "The winter solstice", "about December 21st or 22nd" ], "antonyms": [ "midsummer" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "midwinter", "num_translations": 12 }, "downsize": { "senses": [ "To reduce in size or number", "To reduce the workforce of", "To terminate the employment of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lay off" ], "word": "downsize", "num_translations": 25 }, "coddle": { "senses": [ "To treat gently or with great care", "To cook slowly in hot water that is below the boiling point", "To exercise excessive or damaging authority in an attempt to protect To overprotect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cosset", "simmer" ], "word": "coddle", "num_translations": 31 }, "pamper": { "senses": [ "To treat with excessive care, attention or indulgence", "To feed luxuriously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coddle" ], "word": "pamper", "num_translations": 52 }, "intelligence": { "senses": [ "Capacity of mind, especially to understand principles, truths, facts or meanings, acquire knowledge, and apply it to practice", "the ability to comprehend and learn", "An entity that has such capacities", "Information, usually secret, about the enemy or about hostile activities", "A political or military department, agency or unit designed to gather information, usually secret, about the enemy or about hostile activities", "Acquaintance", "intercourse", "familiarity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wit", "Thesaurus:sentient", "Thesaurus:intelligence" ], "word": "intelligence", "num_translations": 176 }, "undefined": { "senses": [ "Lacking a definition or value", "That does not have a meaning and is thus not assigned an interpretation" ], "antonyms": [ "defined" ], "synonyms": [ "indefinite" ], "word": "undefined", "num_translations": 16 }, "commonly": { "senses": [ "as a rule", "frequently", "usually", "in common", "familiarly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commonly", "affinitatively" ], "word": "commonly", "num_translations": 28 }, "satan": { "senses": [ "The supreme evil spirit in the Abrahamic religions, who tempts humanity and rules Hell", "the Devil", "the same figure, regarded as a deity to be revered and worshipped", "The personification or symbol of pride, carnality, and liberty", "A person or animal regarded as particularly malignant, detestable, or evil", "used as an epithet or as a name for an animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Satan", "num_translations": 153 }, "sherlockholmes": { "senses": [ "A series of novels by Arthur Conan Doyle about a consulting detective with keen observational awareness, astute logical reasoning and professional forensic skills", "also related media based on the books, such as movies", "The fictional detective who is the protagonist of the series", "Any person who has or is considered to have great powers of observation and deduction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "person with great powers of deduction" ], "word": "SherlockHolmes", "num_translations": 21 }, "recognize": { "senses": [ "To match to a memory of some previous encounter with the same person or thing", "To acknowledge the existence or legality of", "to treat as valid or worthy of consideration", "To acknowledge or consider", "To realize or discover the nature of something", "apprehend quality in", "To show formal appreciation of, as with an award, commendation etc", "To review", "to examine again", "To reconnoiter", "To have the property to bind to specific antigens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recognize", "num_translations": 138 }, "entirety": { "senses": [ "The whole", "the complete or amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "totality" ], "word": "entirety", "num_translations": 17 }, "wholeness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being whole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entirety" ], "word": "wholeness", "num_translations": 22 }, "dependence": { "senses": [ "The state of being dependent, of relying upon another", "An irresistible physical or psychological need, especially for a chemical substance" ], "antonyms": [ "independence" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dependence", "num_translations": 54 }, "jewry": { "senses": [ "The Jewish population of the world collectively", "the Jewish population of a locale", "The land of the Jews", "Judea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jewdom" ], "word": "Jewry", "num_translations": 32 }, "jewish": { "senses": [ "Being a Jew, or relating to Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture", "Yiddish" ], "antonyms": [ "Gentile" ], "synonyms": [ "Israelite" ], "word": "Jewish", "num_translations": 95 }, "fillip": { "senses": [ "The action of holding the tip of a finger against the thumb and then releasing it with a snap", "a flick", "A smart strike or tap made using this action, or by other means", "Something unimportant, a trifle", "also, the brief time it takes to flick one's finger", "a jiffy", "Something that excites or stimulates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fillip", "num_translations": 28 }, "khat": { "senses": [ "A shrub, Catha edulis, whose leaves are used as a mild stimulant when chewed or brewed as tea", "also a drug produced from this plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "miraa" ], "word": "khat", "num_translations": 38 }, "shrub": { "senses": [ "A woody plant smaller than a tree, and usually with several stems from the same base" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bush" ], "word": "shrub", "num_translations": 106 }, "pivot": { "senses": [ "A thing on which something turns", "specifically a metal pointed pin or short shaft in machinery, such as the end of an axle or spindle", "Something or someone having a paramount significance in a certain situation", "Act of turning on one foot", "The officer or soldier who simply turns in his place while the company or line moves around him in wheeling", "A player with responsibility for co-ordinating their team in a particular jam", "An element of a set to be sorted that is chosen as a midpoint, so as to divide the other elements into two groups to be dealt with recursively", "Any of a row of captioned elements used to navigate to subpages, rather like tabs", "A quarterback", "A shift during a general election in a political candidate's messaging to reflect plans and values more moderate than those advocated during the primary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pivot", "num_translations": 58 }, "speaking": { "senses": [ "Expressive", "eloquent", "Having the ability of speech" ], "antonyms": [ "unspeaking", "nonspeaking" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "speaking", "num_translations": 12 }, "waxing1": { "senses": [ "The action of the verb to wax", "A cosmetic procedure in which hair is removed from the body by the application and removal of wax", "A recording intended for a phonograph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vinyl" ], "word": "waxing", "num_translations": 23 }, "further": { "senses": [ "To help forward", "to assist", "To encourage growth", "to support progress or growth of something", "to promote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "further", "num_translations": 20 }, "further2": { "senses": [ "To, at or over a greater distance in space, time or other extent", "To a greater extent or degree", "Beyond what is already stated or is already the case", "Also", "in addition", "moreover", "Following on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "further", "num_translations": 81 }, "surprised": { "senses": [ "Caused to feel surprise, amazement or wonder, or showing an emotion due to an unexpected event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "astonished", "Thesaurus:astonished" ], "word": "surprised", "num_translations": 33 }, "interested": { "senses": [ "Having or showing interest", "Motivated by considerations of self-interest", "self-serving", "Owning a share of a company" ], "antonyms": [ "disinterested", "uninterested" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "interested", "num_translations": 32 }, "provide": { "senses": [ "To make a living", "earn money for necessities", "To act to prepare for something", "To establish as a previous condition", "to stipulate", "To give what is needed or desired, especially basic needs", "To furnish , cause to be present", "To make possible or attainable", "To foresee", "To appoint to an ecclesiastical benefice before it is vacant See provisor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "provide", "num_translations": 82 }, "dingleberry": { "senses": [ "Harvard University Press", "Dried fecal matter adhering to anal hair", "Any residual irregularity following processing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arando", "idiot", "dag", "dags" ], "word": "dingleberry", "num_translations": 12 }, "egotism": { "senses": [ "A tendency to talk excessively about oneself", "A belief that one is superior to or more important than others", "The result or product of being egoistic", "Egoism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pride", "egocentrism" ], "word": "egotism", "num_translations": 14 }, "solipsism": { "senses": [ "The theory that the self is all that exists or that can be proven to exist", "Self-absorption, an unawareness of the views or needs of others", "self-centeredness", "egoism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "individualism" ], "word": "solipsism", "num_translations": 37 }, "cirque": { "senses": [ "A curved depression in a mountainside with steep walls, forming the end of a valley", "Something in the shape of a circle or ring, such as a Roman circus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corrie", "circle" ], "word": "cirque", "num_translations": 45 }, "partner": { "senses": [ "Someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest", "One of the pieces of wood comprising the framework which strengthens the deck of a wooden ship around the holes through which the mast and other fittings pass", "A group financial arrangement in which each member contributes a set amount of money over a set period" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:associate", "Thesaurus:spouse" ], "word": "partner", "num_translations": 221 }, "shh": { "senses": [ "Requesting silence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hush" ], "word": "shh", "num_translations": 50 }, "platypus": { "senses": [ "A semi-aquatic, egg-laying monotreme mammal with a bill resembling that of a duck, that has a mole-like body, a tail resembling that of a beaver, a waterproof pelt, and flat webbed feet \u2014 males have poisonous spurs on the inside of the back legs", "Ornithorhynchus anatinus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duck-billed platypus", "duckbill", "duckmole", "water mole" ], "word": "platypus", "num_translations": 75 }, "tawdry1": { "senses": [ "Cheap and gaudy", "showy", "Unseemly, base, shameful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gaudy", "sordid" ], "word": "tawdry", "num_translations": 14 }, "gospel": { "senses": [ "The first section of the Christian New Testament scripture, comprising the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, concerned with the life, crucifixion, death, resurrection, and teachings of Jesus", "An account of the life, crucifixion, death, resurrection, and teachings of Jesus, generally written during the first several centuries of the Common Era", "The teaching of Divine grace as distinguished from the Law or Divine commandments", "A message expected to have positive reception or effect, one promoted as offering important guiding principles", "That which is absolutely authoritative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "evangel" ], "word": "gospel", "num_translations": 136 }, "sectarian": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to a sect", "Dogmatic or partisan", "Parochial or narrow-minded", "Bigoted" ], "antonyms": [ "nonsectarian" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sectarian", "num_translations": 31 }, "illegible": { "senses": [ "Not clear enough to be read", "unreadable", "not legible or decipherable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dirty", "foul", "indecipherable", "marked-up", "unclear", "undecipherable", "unreadable" ], "word": "illegible", "num_translations": 28 }, "unreadable": { "senses": [ "That cannot be read or is not easy to read", "Not sufficiently interesting to be worth reading" ], "antonyms": [ "readable" ], "synonyms": [ "that cannot be read or is not easy to read", "not sufficiently interesting to be worth reading" ], "word": "unreadable", "num_translations": 22 }, "diabolic": { "senses": [ "Showing wickedness typical of a devil", "Extremely evil or cruel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "devilish", "demonic" ], "word": "diabolic", "num_translations": 22 }, "addictive": { "senses": [ "Causing or tending to cause addiction", "habit-forming", "Enjoyable", "Characterized by or susceptible to addiction" ], "antonyms": [ "nonaddictive" ], "synonyms": [ "habit-forming" ], "word": "addictive", "num_translations": 49 }, "neworleans": { "senses": [ "The > in >, > and the > of >, which is coterminous with the city It is an industrial and distribution center and major seaport located along the Mississippi near the Gulf of Mexico, known for its rich cultural heritage, especially its music and cuisine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Big Easy", "Crescent City" ], "word": "NewOrleans", "num_translations": 35 }, "australianrulesfootball": { "senses": [ "A variety of football devised in Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aussie rules", "Australian football" ], "word": "Australianrulesfootball", "num_translations": 14 }, "whippingboy": { "senses": [ "Someone punished for the errors of others, historically a boy that was whipped in the stead of a misbehaving prince" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scapegoat" ], "word": "whippingboy", "num_translations": 12 }, "scapegoat": { "senses": [ "In the Mosaic Day of Atonement ritual, a goat symbolically imbued with the sins of the people, and sent out alive into the wilderness while another was sacrificed", "Someone punished for the error or errors of someone else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fall guy" ], "word": "scapegoat", "num_translations": 100 }, "fairy-tale": { "senses": [ "Of the nature of a fairy tale", "as if from a fairy tale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "magical" ], "word": "fairy-tale", "num_translations": 13 }, "periphery": { "senses": [ "The outside boundary, parts or surface of something", "A first-rank administrative division of Greece, subdivided in provinces" ], "antonyms": [ "center" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "periphery", "num_translations": 42 }, "sluggish": { "senses": [ "Habitually idle and lazy", "slothful", "dull", "inactive", "Slow", "having little motion", "Having no power to move oneself or itself", "inert", "Characteristic of a sluggard", "dull", "stupid", "tame", "simple", "Exhibiting economic decline, inactivity, slow or subnormal growth" ], "antonyms": [ "nimble" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lazy", "Thesaurus:slow" ], "word": "sluggish", "num_translations": 81 }, "slothful": { "senses": [ "Lazy", "idle", "tending to sloth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lazy" ], "word": "slothful", "num_translations": 28 }, "rabid": { "senses": [ "Affected with rabies", "Of or pertaining to rabies, or hydrophobia", "Furious", "raging", "extremely violent", "Very extreme, unreasonable, or fanatical in opinion", "excessively zealous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rabid", "num_translations": 70 }, "logo": { "senses": [ "A visual symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of a company or organization", "An audio recording for the same purpose", "a jingle", "A single graphic which contains one or more separate elements", "An ensign, a badge of office, rank, or power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "logo", "num_translations": 45 }, "rabies": { "senses": [ "An infectious disease caused by species of Lyssavirus that causes acute encephalitis in warm-blooded animals and people, characterised by abnormal behaviour such as excitement, aggressiveness, and dementia, followed by paralysis and death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hydrophobia" ], "word": "rabies", "num_translations": 57 }, "encephalitis": { "senses": [ "Inflammation of the brain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cephalitis", "phrenitis" ], "word": "encephalitis", "num_translations": 29 }, "regarding1": { "senses": [ "Concerning, respecting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "about" ], "word": "regarding", "num_translations": 38 }, "concerning1": { "senses": [ "Regarding, respecting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apropos" ], "word": "concerning", "num_translations": 45 }, "reservoir": { "senses": [ "A place where anything is kept in store", "A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply", "A small intercellular space, often containing resin, essential oil, or some other secreted matter", "A supply or source of something", "A species that acts as host to a zoonosis when it is not causing acute illness in other susceptible species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reservoir", "num_translations": 60 }, "greedy": { "senses": [ "Having greed", "consumed by selfish desires", "Prone to overeat", "Tending to match as much text as possible", "That tries to find the global optimum by finding the local optimum at each stage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:greedy", "gluttonous" ], "word": "greedy", "num_translations": 144 }, "instantaneously": { "senses": [ "Without any delay", "in an instantaneous manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "immediately" ], "word": "instantaneously", "num_translations": 14 }, "ivan": { "senses": [ "male given name of English speakers", "A transliteration of the Russian male given name \u0418\u0432\u0430\u043d", "A Russian", "Russians", "A Soviet", "Soviets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ivan", "num_translations": 43 }, "jumpingjack": { "senses": [ "A physical exercise performed by jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides", "A toy figure of a person, with jointed limbs, that can be made to jump or dance by means of pulling attached strings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "side-straddle hop", "star jump" ], "word": "jumpingjack", "num_translations": 17 }, "impeach": { "senses": [ "To hinder, impede, or prevent", "To bring a legal proceeding against a public official", "To charge with impropriety", "to discredit", "to call into question", "To demonstrate in court that a testimony under oath contradicts another testimony from the same person, usually one taken during deposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impeach", "num_translations": 44 }, "fragile": { "senses": [ "Easily broken or destroyed, and thus often of subtle or intricate structure", "Feeling weak or easily disturbed as a result of illness" ], "antonyms": [ "durable", "unbreakable", "undestroyable", "indestructible" ], "synonyms": [ "friable", "breakly", "breakable", "destroyable", "destructible", "Thesaurus:fragile" ], "word": "fragile", "num_translations": 88 }, "ennui": { "senses": [ "A gripping listlessness or melancholia caused by boredom", "depression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acedia", "weltschmerz", "boredom" ], "word": "ennui", "num_translations": 66 }, "pension": { "senses": [ "A boarding house or small hotel, especially in continental Europe, which typically offers lodging and certain meals and services", "A wage or fee", "A charge or expense of some kind", "a tax", "A sum paid to a clergyman in place of tithes", "A regular allowance paid to support a royal favourite, or as patronage of an artist or scholar", "A boarding school in France, Belgium, Switzerland, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "superannuation", "hotel", "rent" ], "word": "pension", "num_translations": 110 }, "attenuation": { "senses": [ "A gradual diminishing of strength", "A reduction in the level of some property with distance, especially the amplitude of a wave or the strength of a signal", "A weakening in the virulence of a pathogen or other microorganism", "The tapering of a leaf etc to a fine point", "A fabrication process in which a material is stretched out into a thin shape", "The reduction of the active principles of medicines to minute doses", "The proportion of sugar that is converted to ethanol by a yeast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attenuation", "num_translations": 26 }, "stateoftheart": { "senses": [ "At the highest level of development at a particular time", "cutting-edge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SOTA" ], "word": "stateoftheart", "num_translations": 29 }, "progressive": { "senses": [ "Favouring or promoting progress", "advanced", "Gradually advancing in extent", "increasing", "Promoting or favoring progress towards improved conditions or new policies, ideas or methods", "Liberal", "Increasing in rate as the taxable amount increases", "Advancing in severity", "Continuous" ], "antonyms": [ "regressive", "non-progressive", "conservative", "reactionary" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "progressive", "num_translations": 78 }, "moonshine": { "senses": [ "The light of the moon", "moonlight", "High-proof alcohol that is often, but not always, produced illegally", "Nonsense", "A branch of pure mathematics relating the Monster group to an invariant of elliptic functions", "A spiced dish of eggs and fried onions", "A month" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moonbeam", "bathtub gin" ], "word": "moonshine", "num_translations": 49 }, "acquaint": { "senses": [ "To furnish or give experimental knowledge of", "to make to know", "to make familiar", "To communicate notice to", "to inform", "to make cognizant", "To familiarize", "to accustom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "familiarize", "advise", "habituate" ], "word": "acquaint", "num_translations": 23 }, "holycommunion": { "senses": [ "A Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper of Christ, with the physical forms of bread and usually wine which are believed by certain denominations to become Christ himself or to host his spiritual presence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Blessed Sacrament", "Breaking of Bread", "Communion", "Divine Service", "Eucharist", "Holy Mass", "Lord's Table", "Lord's Supper", "Mass", "Sacrament" ], "word": "HolyCommunion", "num_translations": 57 }, "license": { "senses": [ "A legal document giving official permission to do something", "a permit", "The legal terms under which a person is allowed to use a product, especially software", "Freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices", "Excessive freedom", "lack of due restraint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "license", "num_translations": 138 }, "pedophile": { "senses": [ "An adult who is sexually attracted to or engages in sexual acts with a child", "A person aged 16 years old or older who is mostly or only sexually attracted toward prepubescent children" ], "antonyms": [ "teleiophile" ], "synonyms": [ "childlover" ], "word": "pedophile", "num_translations": 29 }, "hierarch": { "senses": [ "One who has high and controlling authority in sacred things", "the chief of a sacred order", "A title of bishops in their role as ordinaries over their respective dioceses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ordinary" ], "word": "hierarch", "num_translations": 10 }, "mourning1": { "senses": [ "The act of expressing or feeling sorrow or regret", "lamentation", "Feeling or expressing sorrow over someone's death", "The traditional clothes worn by those who mourn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mourning", "num_translations": 70 }, "conceive": { "senses": [ "To develop an idea", "to form in the mind", "to plan", "to devise", "to originate", "To understand", "To become pregnant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conceive", "num_translations": 99 }, "expense": { "senses": [ "A spending or consuming, often a disbursement of funds", "The elimination or consumption of something, sometimes with the notion of loss or damage to the thing eliminated", "Loss" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cost" ], "word": "expense", "num_translations": 34 }, "contradict": { "senses": [ "To deny the truth of", "To deny the truth of the statement made by", "To be contrary to", "To give an order contrary to , oppose", "To give an order contrary to one given by , oppose or resist", "To speak against", "to forbid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disconfirm", "deny", "dispute", "question", "gainsay", "refute", "controvert" ], "word": "contradict", "num_translations": 72 }, "orchard": { "senses": [ "A garden or an area of land for the cultivation of fruit trees", "The trees themselves cultivated in such an area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grove" ], "word": "orchard", "num_translations": 103 }, "gigabyte": { "senses": [ "109, one billion bytes SI symbol: GB", "a gibibyte or 10243 bytes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GB", "gig" ], "word": "gigabyte", "num_translations": 33 }, "prosopagnosia": { "senses": [ "A form of visual agnosia characterised by difficulty with face recognition despite intact low-level visual processing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "face blindness", "PA" ], "word": "prosopagnosia", "num_translations": 27 }, "dopamine": { "senses": [ "A neurotransmitter associated with movement, attention, learning, and the brain's pleasure and reward system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "DA" ], "word": "dopamine", "num_translations": 57 }, "elicit": { "senses": [ "To evoke, educe", "to generate, obtain, or provoke as a response or answer", "To draw out, bring out, bring forth", "to obtain information from someone or something", "To use logic to arrive at truth", "to derive by reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elicit", "num_translations": 103 }, "shift": { "senses": [ "A type of women's undergarment, a slip", "A change of workers, now specifically a set group of workers or period of working time", "a slight movement or change", "The gear mechanism in a motor vehicle", "The act of kissing passionately", "A contrivance, a device to try when other methods fail", "A trick, an artifice", "The extent, or arrangement, of the overlapping of plank, brick, stones, etc, that are placed in courses so as to break joints", "A breaking off and dislocation of a seam", "a fault", "A mutation in which the DNA or RNA from two different sources combine", "In violin-playing, any position of the left hand except that nearest the nut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shift", "num_translations": 123 }, "shift1": { "senses": [ "To change, swap", "To move from one place to another", "to redistribute", "To change position", "To change residence", "to leave and live elsewhere", "To change", "also to change underclothes", "To change gears", "To move the keys of a typewriter over in order to type capital letters and special characters", "To switch to a character entry mode for capital letters and special characters", "To manipulate a binary number by moving all of its digits left or right", "compare rotate", "To remove the first value from an array", "To dispose of", "To hurry", "To engage in sexual petting", "To resort to expedients for accomplishing a purpose", "to contrive", "to manage", "To practice indirect or evasive methods", "In violin-playing, to move the left hand from its original position next to the nut" ], "antonyms": [ "unshift" ], "synonyms": [ "interchange", "relocate", "reposition", "get rid of", "hasten", "fondle" ], "word": "shift", "num_translations": 64 }, "police": { "senses": [ "A civil force granted the legal authority for law enforcement and maintaining public order", "People who seek to enforce norms or standards", "The duty of cleaning up", "Policy", "Communal living", "civilization", "The regulation of a given community or society", "administration, law and order etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "police", "num_translations": 172 }, "diminish": { "senses": [ "To make smaller", "To become smaller", "To lessen the authority or dignity of", "to put down", "to degrade", "to abase", "to weaken", "to nerf", "To taper", "To disappear gradually", "To take away", "to subtract" ], "antonyms": [ "improve", "repair", "renovate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "diminish", "num_translations": 82 }, "simmer": { "senses": [ "To cook or undergo heating slowly at or below the boiling point", "To cause to cook or to cause to undergo heating slowly at or below the boiling point", "To be on the point of breaking out into anger", "to be agitated", "To remain angry with someone or something past the point of exhaustion", "to resign oneself to holding a grudge, especially after some failed attempts to resolve a situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "simmer", "num_translations": 43 }, "forfree": { "senses": [ "Without paying", "free", "Without effort", "as a useful side-effect of something that was to be done anyway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "free of charge", "gratis", "on the house" ], "word": "forfree", "num_translations": 72 }, "lollygag": { "senses": [ "To dawdle", "to be lazy or idle", "to avoid necessary work or effort", "To fool around, especially sexually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dawdle", "shirk", "slack", "procrastinate" ], "word": "lollygag", "num_translations": 10 }, "hovel": { "senses": [ "An open shed for sheltering cattle, or protecting produce, etc, from the weather", "A poor cottage", "a small, mean house", "a hut", "In the manufacture of porcelain, a large, conical brick structure around which the firing kilns are grouped" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hovel", "num_translations": 42 }, "wateringcan": { "senses": [ "A utensil for watering plants, consisting of a container with a handle and long spout, the spout sometimes being fitted with a perforated nozzle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sprinkling can", "watering pot" ], "word": "wateringcan", "num_translations": 82 }, "earthling": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of the planet Earth", "A lesbian woman" ], "antonyms": [ "alien" ], "synonyms": [ "Earthican" ], "word": "Earthling", "num_translations": 40 }, "slavic": { "senses": [ "Of the Slavs, their culture or the branch of the Indo-European language associated with them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Slavonic" ], "word": "Slavic", "num_translations": 80 }, "terrestrial1": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or inhabiting the land of the Earth or its inhabitants, earthly", "Of, relating to, or composed of land", "Living or growing in or on land", "not aquatic, etc", "Of a planet, being composed primarily of silicate rocks or metals", "Concerned with the world or worldly matters", "Of or pertaining to the second highest degree of glory", "Broadcast using radio waves as opposed to satellite or cable" ], "antonyms": [ "aerial", "celestial" ], "synonyms": [ "earthly", "planetary", "tellurian", "land", "telluric", "earthly" ], "word": "terrestrial", "num_translations": 63 }, "mince": { "senses": [ "Finely chopped meat", "Finely chopped mixed fruit used in Christmas pies", "An affected gait", "An affected manner, especially of speaking", "an affectation", "An eye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mince", "num_translations": 61 }, "mince1": { "senses": [ "To make less", "make small", "To lessen", "diminish", "to diminish in speaking", "speak of lightly or slightingly", "minimise", "To effect mincingly", "To cut into very small pieces", "to chop fine", "To suppress or weaken the force of", "To say or utter vaguely, not directly or frankly", "To affect", "to pronounce affectedly or with an accent", "To walk with short steps", "to walk in a prim, affected manner", "To act or talk with affected nicety", "to affect delicacy in manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mince", "num_translations": 41 }, "channel": { "senses": [ "The physical confine of a river or slough, consisting of a bed and banks", "The natural or man-made deeper course through a reef, bar, bay, or any shallow body of water", "The navigable part of a river", "A narrow body of water between two land masses", "That through which anything passes", "means of conveying or transmitting", "A gutter", "a groove, as in a fluted column", "A connection between initiating and terminating nodes of a circuit", "The narrow conducting portion of a MOSFET transistor", "The part that connects a data source to a data sink", "A path for conveying electrical or electromagnetic signals, usually distinguished from other parallel paths", "A single path provided by a transmission medium via physical separation, such as by multipair cable", "A single path provided by a transmission medium via spectral or protocol separation, such as by frequency or time-division multiplexing", "A specific radio frequency or band of frequencies, usually in conjunction with a predetermined letter, number, or codeword, and allocated by international agreement", "A specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television", "The portion of a storage medium, such as a track or a band, that is accessible to a given reading or writing station or head", "The way in a turbine pump where the pressure is built up", "A particular area for conversations on an IRC network, analogous to a chat room and often dedicated to a specific topic", "An obsolete means of delivering up-to-date Internet content", "A psychic or medium who temporarily takes on the personality of somebody else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "passage", "sound", "strait", "side", "station" ], "word": "channel", "num_translations": 225 }, "moving": { "senses": [ "That moves or move", "That causes someone to feel emotion" ], "antonyms": [ "stationary" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "moving", "num_translations": 42 }, "exclusiveright": { "senses": [ "The power, granted by the government to persons, to allow or disallow others from taking certain actions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sole right" ], "word": "exclusiveright", "num_translations": 20 }, "fledgling": { "senses": [ "Untried or inexperienced", "Emergent or rising" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unfledged", "virginal", "nascent", "emerging" ], "word": "fledgling", "num_translations": 29 }, "innocent": { "senses": [ "Free from guilt, sin, or immorality", "Bearing no legal responsibility for a wrongful act", "Naive", "artless", "Not harmful", "innocuous", "harmless", "benign", "Having no knowledge", "Lacking", "Lawful", "permitted", "Not contraband", "not subject to forfeiture" ], "antonyms": [ "guilty", "perverse" ], "synonyms": [ "sackless", "pure", "Thesaurus:naive" ], "word": "innocent", "num_translations": 129 }, "popular": { "senses": [ "Common among the general public", "generally accepted", "Concerning the people", "public", "Pertaining to or deriving from the people or general public", "Of low birth, not noble", "vulgar, plebian", "Aimed at ordinary people, as opposed to specialists etc", "intended for general consumption", "Cultivating the favour of the common people", "Liked by many people", "generally pleasing, widely admired", "Adapted to the means of the common people", "cheap" ], "antonyms": [ "anonymous", "unpopular" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "popular", "num_translations": 113 }, "surfing1": { "senses": [ "The pastime or sport of riding surf on a surfboard", "The activity of browsing the Internet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "surf riding" ], "word": "surfing", "num_translations": 33 }, "secondlieutenant": { "senses": [ "The lowest rank of a commissioned army officer, below a lieutenant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ensign", "coronet" ], "word": "secondlieutenant", "num_translations": 26 }, "worry": { "senses": [ "To be troubled", "to give way to mental anxiety or doubt", "Disturb the peace of mind of", "afflict with mental agitation or distress", "To harass", "to irritate or distress", "To seize or shake by the throat, especially of a dog or wolf", "To touch repeatedly, to fiddle with", "To strangle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fret" ], "word": "worry", "num_translations": 152 }, "brandish": { "senses": [ "To move or swing a weapon back and forth, particularly if demonstrating anger, threat or skill", "To bear something with ostentatious show" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flourish" ], "word": "brandish", "num_translations": 49 }, "mishmash": { "senses": [ "A collection containing a variety of miscellaneous things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "farrago", "hodgepodge", "hotchpotch", "melange", "melting pot", "mingle-mangle", "oddments", "odds and ends", "omnium-gatherum", "ragbag", "Thesaurus:hodgepodge" ], "word": "mishmash", "num_translations": 25 }, "farrago": { "senses": [ "A collection containing a confused variety of miscellaneous things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hodgepodge" ], "word": "farrago", "num_translations": 13 }, "hodgepodge": { "senses": [ "A hotchpotch", "a collection containing a variety of miscellaneous things", "A confused mass of ingredients shaken or mixed together in the same pot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "farrago", "Thesaurus:hodgepodge" ], "word": "hodgepodge", "num_translations": 33 }, "melange": { "senses": [ "A mixture of different things", "a disordered mixture", "A Viennese coffee speciality, half steamed milk and half coffee", "A large-scale breccia formed in the accretionary wedge over a subductional environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assortment", "farrago", "hodgepodge", "hotchpotch", "mingle-mangle", "mishmash", "mixture", "Thesaurus:hodgepodge" ], "word": "melange", "num_translations": 15 }, "oddsandends": { "senses": [ "Miscellaneous things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "odds and sods", "Thesaurus:hodgepodge" ], "word": "oddsandends", "num_translations": 30 }, "recension": { "senses": [ "A census, an enumeration, a review, a survey", "A critical revision of a text", "A text established by critical revision", "A family of manuscripts which share similar traits", "the variety of a language which is used in such manuscripts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recension", "num_translations": 24 }, "excellence": { "senses": [ "The quality of being excellent", "brilliance", "Something in which one excels", "An excellent or valuable quality", "something at which any someone excels", "a virtue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "superiority", "pre-eminence", "perfection", "worth", "goodness", "purity", "greatness" ], "word": "excellence", "num_translations": 26 }, "commitment": { "senses": [ "The act or an instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust, especially:", "Promise or agreement to do something in the future, especially:", "Being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons", "The trait of sincerity and focused purpose", "Perpetration as in a crime or mistake", "State of being pledged or engaged", "The act of being locked away, such as in an institution for the mentally ill or in jail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allegiance", "charge", "committal", "consignment", "dedication", "devoir", "duty", "engagement", "guarantee", "loyalty", "liability", "must", "need", "oath", "obligation", "ought", "pledge", "promise", "responsibility", "undertaking", "vow", "word" ], "word": "commitment", "num_translations": 111 }, "genius": { "senses": [ "Someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill", "especially somebody who has demonstrated this by a creative or original work in science, music, art etc", "Extraordinary mental capacity", "Inspiration, a mental leap, an extraordinary creative process", "The tutelary deity or spirit of a place or person" ], "antonyms": [ "idiot" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "tutelary deity" ], "word": "genius", "num_translations": 95 }, "afferent": { "senses": [ "Carrying towards" ], "antonyms": [ "efferent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "afferent", "num_translations": 15 }, "efferent": { "senses": [ "Carrying away from", "Carried outward" ], "antonyms": [ "afferent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "efferent", "num_translations": 12 }, "initiate1": { "senses": [ "To begin", "to start", "To instruct in the rudiments or principles", "to introduce", "To confer membership on", "especially, to admit to a secret order with mysterious rites or ceremonies", "To do the first act", "to perform the first rite", "to take the initiative" ], "antonyms": [ "end" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "initiate", "num_translations": 36 }, "metacarpal1": { "senses": [ "Any of the bones of the metacarpus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "metacarpal bone" ], "word": "metacarpal", "num_translations": 18 }, "humerus": { "senses": [ "The bone of the upper arm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "armbone" ], "word": "humerus", "num_translations": 26 }, "clavicle": { "senses": [ "The collarbone", "the prominent bone at the top of the chest between the shoulder and the neck connecting the shoulder and the breastbone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collarbone" ], "word": "clavicle", "num_translations": 96 }, "rumpelstiltskin": { "senses": [ "A fairy tale about a dwarf who saves the miller's daughter by spinning straw into gold in exchange for her first-born child, but is foiled when she guesses his name", "The fictional dwarf who is the title character of that story" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English: Tom Tit Tot" ], "word": "Rumpelstiltskin", "num_translations": 38 }, "inclusion": { "senses": [ "An addition or annex to a group, set, or total", "The act of including, ie adding or annexing, to a group, set, or total", "Anything foreign that is included in a material,", "Any material that is trapped inside a mineral during its formation, as a defect in a precious stone", "A nuclear or cytoplasmic aggregate of stainable substances", "A mapping where the domain is a subset of the image", "Restriction", "limitation" ], "antonyms": [ "exclusion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inclusion", "num_translations": 53 }, "collection": { "senses": [ "A set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together", "Multiple related objects associated as a group", "The activity of collecting", "A set of sets", "A gathering of money for charitable or other purposes, as by passing a contribution box for donations", "The act of inferring or concluding from premises or observed facts", "also, that which is inferred", "The jurisdiction of a collector of excise", "A set of college exams generally taken at the start of the term", "The quality of being collected", "calm composure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collection", "num_translations": 153 }, "item": { "senses": [ "A distinct physical object", "An object that can be picked up for later use", "A line of text having a legal or other meaning", "a separate particular in an account", "A question on a test, which may include its answers", "A matter for discussion in an agenda", "Two people who are having a relationship with each other", "A short article in a newspaper", "A hint", "an innuendo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "article", "subject", "couple", "test/assessment question" ], "word": "item", "num_translations": 97 }, "text": { "senses": [ "A writing consisting of multiple glyphs, characters, symbols or sentences", "A book, tome or other set of writings", "A brief written message transmitted between mobile phones", "A verse or passage of Scripture, especially one chosen as the subject of a sermon, or in proof of a doctrine", "Anything chosen as the subject of an argument, literary composition, etc", "A style of writing in large characters", "also, a kind of type used in printing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "text", "num_translations": 161 }, "indivisible": { "senses": [ "Incapable of being divided", "atomic", "Incapable of being divided by a specific integer without leaving a remainder" ], "antonyms": [ "divisible", "incombinable" ], "synonyms": [ "unsplittable" ], "word": "indivisible", "num_translations": 31 }, "inseparable": { "senses": [ "Unable to be separated", "bound together permanently" ], "antonyms": [ "separable", "unannexable", "uncombinable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inseparable", "num_translations": 27 }, "permanent": { "senses": [ "Without end, eternal", "Lasting for an indefinitely long time" ], "antonyms": [ "impermanent" ], "synonyms": [ "everlasting", "durable" ], "word": "permanent", "num_translations": 112 }, "goods1": { "senses": [ "That which is produced, then traded, bought or sold, then finally consumed", "Something authentic, important, or revealing", "freight" ], "antonyms": [ "capital" ], "synonyms": [ "wares", "evidence" ], "word": "goods", "num_translations": 129 }, "stockexchange": { "senses": [ "A building that trades stocks in of companies for money and vice versa", "An organisation that trades stocks in of companies for money and vice versa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bourse" ], "word": "stockexchange", "num_translations": 65 }, "negative": { "senses": [ "Not positive nor neutral", "Of electrical charge of an electron and related particles", "Of a number: less than zero", "Denying a proposition", "Damaging", "undesirable", "unfavourable", "Often used pejoratively: pessimistic", "not tending to see the bright side of things", "Of or relating to a photographic image in which the colours of the original, and the relations of left and right, are reversed", "Metalloidal, nonmetallic", "contrasted with positive or basic", "Often preceded by emotion, energy, feeling, or thought: to be avoided, bad, difficult, disagreeable, painful, potentially damaging, unpleasant, unwanted", "Characterized by the presence of features which do not support a hypothesis" ], "antonyms": [ "positive" ], "synonyms": [ "undesirable" ], "word": "negative", "num_translations": 120 }, "negative1": { "senses": [ "Refusal or withholding of assents", "prohibition, veto", "A right of veto", "An image in which dark areas represent light ones, and the converse", "A word that indicates negation", ": A rep performed with weight in which the muscle begins at maximum contraction and is slowly extended", "a movement performed using only the eccentric phase of muscle movement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "negative", "num_translations": 45 }, "neutral": { "senses": [ "Not taking sides in a conflict such as war", "nonaligned", "Favouring neither the supporting nor opposing viewpoint of a topic of debate", "unbiased", "Neither positive nor negative", "Neither beneficial nor harmful", "Having no sex", "neuter", "Having no obvious colour", "gray", "Neither positive nor negative", "possessing no charge or equivalent positive and negative charge such that there is no imbalance", "Having a pH near 7, neither acidic nor alkaline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "innocuous" ], "word": "neutral", "num_translations": 144 }, "neutral1": { "senses": [ "A nonaligned state, or a member of such a state", "A person who takes no side in a dispute", "An individual or entity serving as an arbitrator or adjudicator", "The position of a set of gears in which power cannot be transmitted to the drive mechanism", "An electrical terminal or conductor which has zero or close to zero voltage with respect to the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "neutral", "num_translations": 40 }, "marshy": { "senses": [ "Of, or resembling a marsh", "boggy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoggy" ], "word": "marshy", "num_translations": 30 }, "electromagnetism": { "senses": [ "A unified fundamental force that combines the aspects of electricity and magnetism and is one of the four fundamental forces Its gauge boson is the photon", "Electricity and magnetism, collectively, as a field of study" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "electromagnetics" ], "word": "electromagnetism", "num_translations": 60 }, "plentiful": { "senses": [ "Existing in large number or ample amount", "Yielding abundance", "fruitful", "lavish", "profuse", "prodigal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:plentiful" ], "word": "plentiful", "num_translations": 42 }, "sniff": { "senses": [ "To make a short, audible inhalation, through the nose, as when smelling something", "To perceive vaguely", "To be dismissive or contemptuous of something", "To intercept and analyse packets of data being transmitted over a network", "To inhale drugs in powder form through the nose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sniff", "num_translations": 74 }, "evening": { "senses": [ "The time of the day between dusk and night, when it gets dark", "The time of the day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight", "the period after the end of regular office working hours", "A concluding time period", "a point in time near the end of something", "the beginning of the end of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eve" ], "word": "evening", "num_translations": 259 }, "artemis": { "senses": [ "The Greek goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and wilderness", "the daughter of Leto and Zeus", "the sister of Apollo", "female given name The usual male variation is Artemios", "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Agrotora" ], "word": "Artemis", "num_translations": 28 }, "opaque": { "senses": [ "Neither reflecting nor emitting light", "Allowing little light to pass through, not translucent or transparent", "Unclear, unintelligible, hard to get or explain the meaning of", "Obtuse, stupid", "Describes a type for which higher-level callers have no knowledge of data values or their representations", "all operations are carried out by the type's defined abstract operators" ], "antonyms": [ "see-through", "clear" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "opaque", "num_translations": 60 }, "cyrillic1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cyrillic alphabet", "Cyrillic script" ], "word": "Cyrillic", "num_translations": 78 }, "freewill": { "senses": [ "A person's natural inclination", "unforced choice", "The ability to choose one's actions, or determine what reasons are acceptable motivation for actions, without predestination, fate etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conscious agency" ], "word": "freewill", "num_translations": 36 }, "determinism": { "senses": [ "The doctrine that all actions are determined by the current state and immutable laws of the universe, with no possibility of choice", "The property of having behavior determined only by initial state and input" ], "antonyms": [ "indeterminism" ], "synonyms": [ "fatalism" ], "word": "determinism", "num_translations": 24 }, "sycophant": { "senses": [ "One who uses obsequious compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another", "a servile flatterer", "One who seeks to gain through the powerful and influential", "An informer", "a talebearer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ass-kisser", "parasite", "Thesaurus:sycophant" ], "word": "sycophant", "num_translations": 99 }, "bespoke": { "senses": [ "Individually or custom made", "Relating to someone who makes custom-made products, especially clothing items" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:custom-made", "custom", "custom made", "purpose-built", "tailored" ], "word": "bespoke", "num_translations": 23 }, "toff": { "senses": [ "An elegantly dressed person", "A person of the upper class, or with pretensions to it, who usually communicates an air of superiority" ], "antonyms": [ "pleb" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "toff", "num_translations": 15 }, "apriori": { "senses": [ "Based on hypothesis rather than experiment", "Self-evident, intuitively obvious", "Presumed without analysis", "Developed entirely from scratch, without deriving it from existing languages" ], "antonyms": [ "a posteriori" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "apriori", "num_translations": 16 }, "feminism": { "senses": [ "The state of being feminine", "femininity", "A social theory or political movement which argues that legal and social restrictions on women must be removed in order to bring about equality of the sexes in all aspects of public and private life" ], "antonyms": [ "antifeminism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "feminism", "num_translations": 67 }, "irk": { "senses": [ "to irritate", "annoy", "bother" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:annoy" ], "word": "irk", "num_translations": 24 }, "certainly": { "senses": [ "In a way which is certain", "with certainty", "Without doubt, surely", "An emphatic affirmative answer", "of course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absolutely", "definitely", "doubtlessly", "in fact", "indeed", "indisputably", "indubitably", "no doubt", "really", "sure", "surely", "truly", "undoubtedly", "unquestionably", "wis", "without a doubt", "damn right" ], "word": "certainly", "num_translations": 174 }, "immobile": { "senses": [ "not mobile, not movable", "fixed, unable to be moved" ], "antonyms": [ "mobile" ], "synonyms": [ "fixed", "sessile", "unmovable" ], "word": "immobile", "num_translations": 28 }, "hedonist": { "senses": [ "Someone devoted to hedonism" ], "antonyms": [ "hedonophobe" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sensualist" ], "word": "hedonist", "num_translations": 19 }, "invariant": { "senses": [ "not varying", "constant", "Unaffected by a specified operation", "Neither covariant nor contravariant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "invariable" ], "word": "invariant", "num_translations": 27 }, "blogosphere": { "senses": [ "The totality of blogs, especially the unique jargons, cultures and shared interests created by their interconnection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blogdom" ], "word": "blogosphere", "num_translations": 12 }, "meltdown": { "senses": [ "Severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor resulting in the core melting and radiation escaping", "a crisis", "A tantrum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tantrum" ], "word": "meltdown", "num_translations": 33 }, "polystyrene": { "senses": [ "A vinylic polymer of styrene, CH2CHphenyl", "An alkane chain of benzene molecules, RCH2CHphenylR" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thermocol" ], "word": "polystyrene", "num_translations": 11 }, "uncouth": { "senses": [ "Unfamiliar, strange, foreign", "Clumsy, awkward", "Unrefined, crude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fremd" ], "word": "uncouth", "num_translations": 81 }, "render": { "senses": [ "To cause to become", "To interpret, give an interpretation or rendition of", "To translate into another language", "To pass down", "To make over as a return", "To give", "to give back", "to deliver", "to give up", "to yield", "To transform into a display on the screen or other media", "To capture and turn over to another country secretly and extrajudicially", "To convert waste animal tissue into a usable byproduct", "To have fat drip off meat from cooking", "To cover a wall with a layer of plaster", "To pass", "to run", "said of the passage of a rope through a block, eyelet, etc", "To yield or give way", "To return", "to pay back", "to restore", "To inflict, as a retribution", "to requite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make", "render off" ], "word": "render", "num_translations": 139 }, "render1": { "senses": [ "Stucco or plaster applied to walls", "A return", "a payment of rent", "An account given", "a statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "render", "num_translations": 10 }, "sequester": { "senses": [ "To separate from all external influence", "to seclude", "to withdraw", "To separate in order to store", "To set apart", "to put aside", "to remove", "to separate from other things", "To prevent an ion in solution from behaving normally by forming a coordination compound", "To temporarily remove from the possession of its owner and hold it as security against legal claims", "To cause to submit to the process of sequestration", "to deprive of one's estate, property, etc", "To remove automatically from a budget", "To seize and hold enemy property", "To withdraw", "to retire", "To renounce any concern with the estate of her husband" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "segregate" ], "word": "sequester", "num_translations": 19 }, "prodigious": { "senses": [ "Very big in size or quantity", "gigantic", "colossal", "huge", "Extraordinarily exciting or amazing", "Ominous, portentous", "Monstrous", "freakish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gigantic", "amazing", "ominous" ], "word": "prodigious", "num_translations": 43 }, "colossal": { "senses": [ "Extremely large or on a great scale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enormous", "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "colossal", "num_translations": 41 }, "termite": { "senses": [ "A white-bodied, wood-consuming insect of the infraorder Isoptera, in the order Blattodea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "termes" ], "word": "termite", "num_translations": 78 }, "semblance": { "senses": [ "likeness, similarity", "the quality of being similar", "the way something looks", "appearance", "form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "veneer" ], "word": "semblance", "num_translations": 20 }, "identical": { "senses": [ "Bearing full likeness by having precisely the same set of characteristics", "indistinguishable", "Not different or other", "not another or others", "not different as regards self", "selfsame", "Of twins, sharing the same genetic code", "Exactly equivalent", "Approximating or approaching exact equivalence" ], "antonyms": [ "contrasting", "different", "distinct", "non-identical" ], "synonyms": [ "same", "same" ], "word": "identical", "num_translations": 81 }, "equivalent": { "senses": [ "Similar or identical in value, meaning or effect", "virtually equal", "Of two sets, having a one-to-one correspondence", "equinumerous", "Relating to the corresponding elements of an equivalence relation", "Having the equal ability to combine", "Of a map, equal-area", "Equal in measure but not admitting of superposition", "applied to magnitudes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "equivalent", "num_translations": 75 }, "extent": { "senses": [ "A range of values or locations", "The space, area, volume, etc, to which something extends", "A contiguous area of storage in a file system", "The valuation of property", "A writ directing the sheriff to seize the property of a debtor, for the recovery of debts of record due to the Crown" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "extent", "num_translations": 62 }, "monotonous": { "senses": [ "Having an unvarying tone or pitch", "Tedious, repetitious or lacking in variety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "level", "samely" ], "word": "monotonous", "num_translations": 61 }, "variety": { "senses": [ "The quality of being varied", "diversity", "A specific variation of something", "A number of different things", "A state of constant change", "A rank in a taxonomic classification, below species and subspecies", "The total number of distinct states of a system", "Logarithm of the base 2 of the total number of distinct states of a system", "A term used for a specific form of a language, neutral to whether that form is a dialect, accent, register, etc and to its prestige level", "The class of all algebraic structures of a given signature satisfying a given set of identities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonuniformity", "equational variety" ], "word": "variety", "num_translations": 123 }, "variation": { "senses": [ "The act of varying", "a partial change in the form, position, state, or qualities of a thing", "A related but distinct thing", "The angular difference at the vessel between the direction of true north and magnetic north", "A line of play that differs from the original", "A technique where material is repeated with alterations to the melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre, texture, counterpoint or orchestration", "but with some invariant characteristic, eg a ground bass", "The modification of a hereditary trait", "Deviation from the mean orbit of a heavenly body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "variation", "num_translations": 86 }, "ruler": { "senses": [ "A , flat, rectangular measuring or drawing device with graduations in units of measurement", "a straightedge with markings", "A person who rules or governs", "someone or something that exercises dominion or controlling power over others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:ruler", "rule" ], "word": "ruler", "num_translations": 179 }, "proclaim": { "senses": [ "To announce or declare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disclose" ], "word": "proclaim", "num_translations": 42 }, "candid": { "senses": [ "Impartial and free from prejudice", "Straightforward, open and sincere", "Not posed or rehearsed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frank" ], "word": "candid", "num_translations": 61 }, "failure": { "senses": [ "State or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success", "Termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function", "breakdown", "Bankruptcy" ], "antonyms": [ "success" ], "synonyms": [ "loser" ], "word": "failure", "num_translations": 140 }, "challenge": { "senses": [ "A confrontation", "a dare", "A difficult task, especially one that the person making the attempt finds more enjoyable because of that difficulty", "A procedure or action", "The opening and crying of hounds at first finding the scent of their game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "challenge", "num_translations": 104 }, "challenge1": { "senses": [ "To invite to take part in a competition", "To dare", "To dispute", "To make a formal objection to a juror", "To claim as due", "to demand as a right", "To censure", "to blame", "To question or demand the countersign from", "To object to the reception of the vote of, eg on the ground that the person is not qualified as a voter", "To take in order to get credit for a course without taking it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becall" ], "word": "challenge", "num_translations": 68 }, "instance": { "senses": [ "Urgency of manner or words", "an urgent request", "insistence", "A token", "a sign", "a symptom or indication", "That which is urgent", "motive", "Occasion", "order of occurrence", "A case offered as an exemplification or a precedent", "an illustrative example", "One of a series of recurring occasions, cases, essentially the same", "A piece of evidence", "a proof or sign", "A specific occurrence of something that is created or instantiated, such as a database, or an object of a class in object-oriented programming", "A dungeon or other area that is duplicated for each player, or each party of players, that enters it, so that each player or party has a private copy of the area, isolated from other players", "An individual copy of such a dungeon or other area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "instance", "num_translations": 61 }, "possess": { "senses": [ "To have", "to have ownership of", "To take control of someone's body or mind, especially in a supernatural manner", "To vest ownership in", "to give someone power or knowledge", "to acquaint", "to inform" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seise", "inhold" ], "word": "possess", "num_translations": 82 }, "assembly": { "senses": [ "A set of pieces that work together in unison as a mechanism or device", "The act of putting together a set of pieces, fragments, or elements", "A congregation of people in one place for a purpose", "A legislative body", "A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foregathering" ], "word": "assembly", "num_translations": 151 }, "cartography": { "senses": [ "The creation of charts and maps based on the layout of a territory's geography", "An illustrative discussion of a topic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cartology" ], "word": "cartography", "num_translations": 44 }, "gravitational": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, or caused by, gravity or gravitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gravitic" ], "word": "gravitational", "num_translations": 18 }, "pray": { "senses": [ "To direct words and/or thoughts to God or any higher being, for the sake of adoration, thanks, petition for help, etc", "To humbly beg a person for aid or their time", "To ask earnestly for", "to seek to obtain by supplication", "to entreat for", "to implore, to entreat, to request" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pray", "num_translations": 259 }, "spleen": { "senses": [ "In vertebrates, including humans, a ductless vascular gland, located in the left upper abdomen near the stomach, which destroys old red blood cells, removes debris from the bloodstream, acts as a reservoir of blood, and produces lymphocytes", "A bad mood", "spitefulness", "A sudden motion or action", "a fit", "a freak", "a whim", "Melancholy", "hypochondriacal affections", "A fit of immoderate laughter or merriment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "milt" ], "word": "spleen", "num_translations": 149 }, "landslide": { "senses": [ "A natural disaster that involves the breakup and downhill flow of rock, mud, water and anything caught in the path", "A vote won by a wide or overwhelming majority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earthfall" ], "word": "landslide", "num_translations": 104 }, "mud": { "senses": [ "A mixture of water and soil or fine grained sediment", "A plaster-like mixture used to texture or smooth drywall", "Wet concrete as it is being mixed, delivered and poured", "Willfully abusive, even slanderous remarks or claims, notably between political opponents", "Money, dough, especially when proceeding from dirty business", "Stool that is exposed as a result of anal sex", "A particle less than 625 microns in diameter, following the Wentworth scale", "A black person", "Drilling fluid", "Coffee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mud", "num_translations": 187 }, "swamp": { "senses": [ "A piece of wet, spongy land", "low ground saturated with water", "soft, wet ground which may have a growth of certain kinds of trees, but is unfit for agricultural or pastoral purposes", "A type of wetland that stretches for vast distances, and is home to many creatures which have adapted specifically to that environment", "A place or situation that is foul or where progress is difficult" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swamp", "num_translations": 192 }, "swamp1": { "senses": [ "To drench or fill with water", "To overwhelm", "to make too busy, or overrun the capacity of", "To plunge into difficulties and perils", "to overwhelm", "to ruin", "to wreck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swamp", "num_translations": 15 }, "swivel": { "senses": [ "A piece, as a ring or hook, attached to another piece by a pin, in such a manner as to permit rotation about the pin as an axis", "Strength of mind or character that enables one to overcome adversity", "confidence", "force of will", "A rotating of the hips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swivel", "num_translations": 14 }, "pedestal": { "senses": [ "The base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp", "A place of reverence or honor", "A casting secured to the frame of a truck of a railcar and forming a jaw for holding a journal box", "A pillow block", "a low housing", "An iron socket, or support, for the foot of a brace at the end of a truss where it rests on a pier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pedestal", "num_translations": 77 }, "homophobia": { "senses": [ "Fear of, dislike of or prejudice against homosexuals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "homoerotophobia", "gay-hate" ], "word": "homophobia", "num_translations": 59 }, "morbidity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being unhealthful or diseased, sometimes including the cause", "The quality of being morbid", "an attitude or state of mind marked by gloom", "The incidence of a disease, as a rate of a population which is affected", "An occurrence of illness or disease, or a single symptom of that illness", "Adverse effects caused by a medical treatment such as surgery", "The sickness rate of a population" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "morbidness", "unwholesomeness" ], "word": "morbidity", "num_translations": 17 }, "misnomer": { "senses": [ "A use of a term that is misleading", "a misname", "A term that is misleading", "A term whose sense in common usage conflicts with a technical sense", "something asserted not to be true", "a myth or mistaken belief" ], "antonyms": [ "aptronym" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "misnomer", "num_translations": 17 }, "indolence": { "senses": [ "Habitual laziness or sloth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indolency" ], "word": "indolence", "num_translations": 18 }, "rebel1": { "senses": [ "To resist or become defiant toward an authority" ], "antonyms": [ "obey", "submit" ], "synonyms": [ "defy" ], "word": "rebel", "num_translations": 43 }, "weaponofmassdestruction": { "senses": [ "Any human-made weapon causing indiscriminate large-scale death or destruction, especially a biological weapon, chemical weapon, nuclear weapon or radiological weapon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "WMD" ], "word": "weaponofmassdestruction", "num_translations": 30 }, "clio": { "senses": [ "The goddess of history and heroic poetry, and one of the Muses", "the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne", "84 Klio, a main belt asteroid", "female given name", "A model of car manufactured by Renault", "city s/Alabama", "city s/Iowa", "city s/Michigan", "town s/South Carolina", "CDP co/Plumas County s/California c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Clio", "num_translations": 13 }, "sodomy": { "senses": [ "Any of several forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural, particularly bestiality or historically homosexuality, but also anal or oral sex", "anal sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bestiality", "zoophilia", "homosexuality", "anal sex", "buggery", "enculade", "oral sex" ], "word": "sodomy", "num_translations": 42 }, "prompt": { "senses": [ "Quick", "acting without delay", "On time", "punctual", "Ready", "willing to act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hasty", "timely", "good to go" ], "word": "prompt", "num_translations": 45 }, "prompt2": { "senses": [ "To lead toward what they should say or do", "To show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing", "To initiate", "to cause or lead to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:advise" ], "word": "prompt", "num_translations": 53 }, "promptly": { "senses": [ "In prompt manner", "both soon and quickly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on line" ], "word": "promptly", "num_translations": 19 }, "biker": { "senses": [ "A person whose lifestyle is centered on motorcycles, sometimes a member of a motorcycle club", "cyclist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bikie", "motorcyclist", "cyclist" ], "word": "biker", "num_translations": 38 }, "carpenter": { "senses": [ "A person skilled at carpentry, the trade of cutting and joining timber in order to construct buildings or other structures", "A senior rating in ships responsible for all the woodwork onboard", "in the days of sail, a warrant officer responsible for the hull, masts, spars and boats of a ship, and whose responsibility was to sound the well to see if the ship was making water", "A two-wheeled carriage", "A woodlouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "joiner" ], "word": "carpenter", "num_translations": 173 }, "replace": { "senses": [ "To restore to a former place, position, condition, etc", "to put back", "To refund", "to repay", "to pay back", "To supply or substitute an equivalent for", "to take over the position or role from", "To take the place of", "to be used instead of", "To demolish and build an updated form of that building in its place", "To place again", "To put in a new or different place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exchange" ], "word": "replace", "num_translations": 77 }, "tranquil": { "senses": [ "Free from emotional or mental disturbance", "Calm", "without motion or sound" ], "antonyms": [ "agitated" ], "synonyms": [ "calm", "peaceful" ], "word": "tranquil", "num_translations": 64 }, "adjourn": { "senses": [ "To postpone", "To defer", "to put off temporarily or indefinitely", "To end or suspend an event", "To move as a group from one place to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adjourn", "num_translations": 68 }, "ide": { "senses": [ "A freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, found across northern Europe and Asia, especially Leuciscus idus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orfe" ], "word": "ide", "num_translations": 12 }, "albatross": { "senses": [ "Any of various large seabirds of the family Diomedeidae ranging widely in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific and having a hooked beak and long narrow wings", "Any of various African and Asian pierid butterflies of the genus Appias Some species of this genus are also known as puffins", "A double eagle, or three under par on any one hole, except a par 3 hole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gooney bird", "gooney", "goonie" ], "word": "albatross", "num_translations": 64 }, "stationary": { "senses": [ "Not moving", "incapable of being moved", "unchanging" ], "antonyms": [ "in motion", "mobile", "changing" ], "synonyms": [ "fixed", "immobile", "changeless" ], "word": "stationary", "num_translations": 48 }, "hike1": { "senses": [ "To take a long walk for pleasure or exercise", "To unfairly or suddenly raise a price", "To snap the ball to start a play", "To lean out to the windward side of a sailboat in order to counterbalance the effects of the wind on the sails", "To pull up or tug upwards sharply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tramp", "lean out" ], "word": "hike", "num_translations": 23 }, "cuttingedge": { "senses": [ "The sharp edge of the blade of a knife or other cutting tool", "The forefront, or position of greatest advancement in some field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:innovation" ], "word": "cuttingedge", "num_translations": 19 }, "avant-garde": { "senses": [ "The vanguard of an army or other force", "Any group of people who invent or promote new techniques or concepts, especially in the arts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vanguard" ], "word": "avant-garde", "num_translations": 42 }, "avant-garde1": { "senses": [ "Innovative, pioneering, especially when extremely or obviously so" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mistakenly", "outside the mainstream", "Thesaurus:innovation" ], "word": "avant-garde", "num_translations": 14 }, "frivolous": { "senses": [ "Silly, especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner", "Of little weight or importance", "not worth notice", "slight", "Having no reasonable prospect of success because its claim is without merit, lacking a supporting legal or factual basis, while the filing party is, or should be, aware of this" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frivolous", "num_translations": 74 }, "inappropriate": { "senses": [ "Not appropriate", "not suitable for the situation, time, or place", "Improper", "adult", "sexual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "out of line", "unfit", "unsuitable", "improper" ], "word": "inappropriate", "num_translations": 45 }, "upperarm": { "senses": [ "The section of an arm from the elbow to the shoulder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brachium" ], "word": "upperarm", "num_translations": 46 }, "catalogue": { "senses": [ "A systematic list of names, books, pictures etc", "A complete list of items", "A list of all the publications in a library", "A retailer's magazine detailing the products they sell, allowing the reader to order them for delivery", "A university calendar", "A directory listing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:list" ], "word": "catalogue", "num_translations": 96 }, "catalogue1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "list", "put down" ], "word": "catalogue", "num_translations": 33 }, "chitterlings": { "senses": [ "Small intestine, boiled and fried, usually of a pig Sometimes prepared with hog maws" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chitlins", "chitlings" ], "word": "chitterlings", "num_translations": 13 }, "reckless": { "senses": [ "Careless or heedless", "headstrong or rash", "Indifferent to danger or the consequences" ], "antonyms": [ "reckful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reckless", "num_translations": 123 }, "immaculate": { "senses": [ "Having no stain or blemish", "spotless, undefiled, clear, clean, pure", "Lacking spots, blotches, or other markings", "spotless", "unspotted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perfect", "spotless", "undefiled", "unsullied" ], "word": "immaculate", "num_translations": 39 }, "impeccable": { "senses": [ "Perfect, without faults, flaws or errors", "Incapable of wrongdoing or sin", "immaculate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:flawless" ], "word": "impeccable", "num_translations": 42 }, "nostalgia": { "senses": [ "A longing for home or familiar surroundings", "homesickness", "A bittersweet yearning for the things of the past", "Reminiscence of the speaker's childhood or younger years" ], "antonyms": [ "nostopathy", "nostophobia" ], "synonyms": [ "nostalgy" ], "word": "nostalgia", "num_translations": 61 }, "parchment": { "senses": [ "Material, made from the polished skin of a calf, sheep, goat or other animal, used like paper for writing", "A document made on such material", "A diploma", "Stiff paper imitating that material", "The envelope of the coffee grains, inside the pulp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parchment", "num_translations": 69 }, "module": { "senses": [ "A self-contained component of a system, often interchangeable, which has a well-defined interface to the other components", "A standard unit of measure used for determining the proportions of a building", "A section of a program", "a subroutine or group of subroutines", "A unit of education covering a single topic", "A pre-prepared adventure scenario with related materials for a role-playing game", "An abelian group equipped with the operation of multiplication by an element of a ring , representing a generalisation of the concept of vector space with scalar multiplication", "A fractal element", "A file containing a music sequence that can be played in a tracker", "A contrivance for regulating the supply of water from an irrigation channel", "An independent self-contained unit of a spacecraft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "module", "num_translations": 63 }, "wiener": { "senses": [ "A sausage made from beef, chicken or pork", "A frankfurter, a hot dog", "A penis", "A person who is nervous or afraid to partake in certain activities", "An irritating or disliked person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Vienna sausage", "frankfurter", "weenie", "nervous wreck", "nuisance" ], "word": "wiener", "num_translations": 53 }, "breastmilk": { "senses": [ "Milk produced by human mammary glands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boob milk" ], "word": "breastmilk", "num_translations": 49 }, "jungle": { "senses": [ "A large, undeveloped, humid forest, especially in a tropical region, that is home to many wild plants and animals", "A place where people behave ruthlessly, unconstrained by law or morality", "An area where hobos camp together", "A style of electronic music related to drum and bass", "A migrant camp", "A desert region", "Dense rough", "A hairy vulva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jungle", "num_translations": 121 }, "feline": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to cats", "catlike" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catly" ], "word": "feline", "num_translations": 39 }, "fishing": { "senses": [ "The act of catching fish", "The act of catching other forms of seafood, separately or together with fish", "A fishery, a place for catching fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piscatology", "fishery", "sportfishing", "See", "fishery" ], "word": "fishing", "num_translations": 123 }, "ailurophobia": { "senses": [ "An irrational fear or hatred of cats or other felines" ], "antonyms": [ "ailurophilia" ], "synonyms": [ "galeophobia" ], "word": "ailurophobia", "num_translations": 52 }, "weakness": { "senses": [ "The condition of being weak", "An inadequate quality", "fault", "A special fondness or desire" ], "antonyms": [ "strength", "strength" ], "synonyms": [ "vulnerability", "fault" ], "word": "weakness", "num_translations": 140 }, "reify": { "senses": [ "to regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conceptualize" ], "word": "reify", "num_translations": 20 }, "extant": { "senses": [ "Still in existence", "Currently existing", "not having disappeared", "Still alive", "not extinct", "Standing out, or above the rest" ], "antonyms": [ "extinct" ], "synonyms": [ "existent", "existing", "Thesaurus:existent", "alive and kicking" ], "word": "extant", "num_translations": 59 }, "ripper": { "senses": [ "Something that rips something else", "Someone who rips something", "A legislative bill or act that transfers powers of appointment from the usual holders to a chief executive or a board of officials", "A murderer who kills and often mutilates victims with a blade or similar sharp weapon", "A hook-like tool used to tear away ore, rock, etc", "A person employed to tear away ore, rock, etc to make a passage for material to be carried to the surface", "Something that is an excellent example of its kind", "Software that extracts content from files or storage media", "A tool or plant used to reduce soil compaction", "A hot dog deep-fried in oil until the casing bursts", "A foghorn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ripper", "num_translations": 12 }, "lettuce": { "senses": [ "An edible plant, Lactuca sativa and its close relatives, having a head of green and/or purple leaves", "as a dish often mixed with other ingredients, dressing etc", "United States paper currency", "dollars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cabbage" ], "word": "lettuce", "num_translations": 164 }, "commensurate": { "senses": [ "Of a proportionate or similar measurable standard", "Describing a crystal in which every atom or molecule is placed in the same relative position" ], "antonyms": [ "incommensurate", "discommensurate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "commensurate", "num_translations": 26 }, "outlaw": { "senses": [ "A fugitive from the law", "A criminal who is excluded from normal legal rights", "one who can be killed at will without legal penalty", "A person who operates outside established norms", "A wild horse", "An in-law: a relative by marriage", "One who would be an in-law except that the marriage-like relationship is unofficial", "A prostitute who works alone, without a pimp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absconder", "bandit", "anti-hero" ], "word": "outlaw", "num_translations": 54 }, "gullible": { "senses": [ "Easily deceived or duped", "na\u00efve, easily cheated or fooled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fleeceable", "Thesaurus:gullible" ], "word": "gullible", "num_translations": 58 }, "dressinggown": { "senses": [ "An item of clothing often made from cotton or another absorbent material, in the form of a long open robe with a belt to tie it around the middle and fasten it securely", "often worn over pyjamas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bathrobe" ], "word": "dressinggown", "num_translations": 57 }, "figurative": { "senses": [ "Of use as a metaphor, simile, or metonym, as opposed to literal", "using figures", "as when saying that someone who eats more than they should is a pig or like a pig", "Metaphorically so called", "With many figures of speech", "Emblematic, symbolic", "representative, exemplative", "representing forms recognisable in life and clearly derived from real object sources, in contrast to abstract art" ], "antonyms": [ "literal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "figurative", "num_translations": 78 }, "rendition": { "senses": [ "The surrender", "The handing over of a person or thing", "Translation between languages, or between forms of a language", "a translated text or work", "Formal deliverance of a verdict", "The handing-over of someone wanted for justice who has fled a given jurisdiction", "extradition", "An interpretation or performance of an artwork, especially a musical score or musical work", "A given visual reproduction of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rendition", "num_translations": 11 }, "roommate": { "senses": [ "A person with whom one shares a room, as at university etc", "A person sharing the same home" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roomie", "flatmate", "housemate" ], "word": "roommate", "num_translations": 72 }, "conference": { "senses": [ "The act of consulting together formally", "serious conversation or discussion", "interchange of views", "A multilateral diplomatic negotiation", "A formal event where scientists present their research results in speeches, workshops, posters or by other means", "An event organized by a for-profit or non-profit organization to discuss a pressing issue, such as a new product, market trend or government regulation, with a range of speakers", "A group of sports teams that play each other on a regular basis", "A constituent tournament of a sports league in a given season", "The act of comparing two or more things together", "comparison", "A stated meeting of preachers and others, invested with authority to take cognizance of ecclesiastical matters", "A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a district", "the district in which such churches are" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conference", "num_translations": 95 }, "faculty": { "senses": [ "The academic staff at schools, colleges or universities, as opposed to the students or support staff", "A division of a university", "An ability, skill, or power, often plural", "A power, authority or privilege conferred by a higher authority", "A licence to make alterations to a church", "The members of a profession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:faculty" ], "word": "faculty", "num_translations": 91 }, "mullet": { "senses": [ "A fish of the family Mullidae , especially the genus Mullus", "A fish of the family Mugilidae", "Any of several species of freshwater fish in the sucker family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haarder", "springer" ], "word": "mullet", "num_translations": 58 }, "mullet2": { "senses": [ "A hairstyle where the hair is kept short on the top and sides and long at the back", "A person who mindlessly follows a fad, a trend, or a leader" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hockey hair" ], "word": "mullet", "num_translations": 21 }, "entry": { "senses": [ "The act of entering", "Permission to enter", "A doorway that provides a means of entering a building", "The act of taking possession", "The start of an insurance contract", "A passageway between terraced houses that provides a means of entering a back garden or yard", "A small room immediately inside the front door of a house or other building, often having an access to a stairway and leading on to other rooms", "A small group formed within a church, especially Episcopal, for simple dinner and fellowship, and to help facilitate new friendships", "An item in a list, such as an article in a dictionary or encyclopedia", "A record made in a log, diary or anything similarly organized", "a datum in a database", "A term at any position in a matrix", "The exhibition or depositing of a ship's papers at the customhouse, to procure licence to land goods", "or the giving an account of a ship's cargo to the officer of the customs, and obtaining his permission to land the goods", "The point when a musician starts to play or sing", "entrance" ], "antonyms": [ "departure", "exit" ], "synonyms": [ "access", "access", "entrance", "article", "record", "element" ], "word": "entry", "num_translations": 229 }, "stupendous": { "senses": [ "Astonishingly great or large", "huge", "enormous", "Of stunning excellence or degree", "marvelous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colossal", "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "stupendous", "num_translations": 13 }, "pedicel": { "senses": [ "A stalk of individual flower", "a stalk bearing a single flower or spore-producing body within a cluster", "A stalk-shaped body part", "an anatomical part that resembles a stem or stalk", "A narrow stalk-like body part in insects and other arthropods, used in various specific senses", "a slender stalk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footstalk", "strig" ], "word": "pedicel", "num_translations": 19 }, "blasphemy": { "senses": [ "irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable", "the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for any religion's deity or deities", "the act of disregarding a convention" ], "antonyms": [ "reverence" ], "synonyms": [ "curse", "profanation" ], "word": "blasphemy", "num_translations": 80 }, "gibraltar": { "senses": [ "An overseas territory of the United Kingdom at the southern end of Iberia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mons Calpe", "Strait of Gibraltar" ], "word": "Gibraltar", "num_translations": 79 }, "iberia1": { "senses": [ "Antique and Byzantine name for the ancient Georgian kingdom of Kartli in Eastern Europe, located east of Colchis, corresponding roughly to the eastern parts of present-day Georgia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Caucasian Iberia" ], "word": "Iberia", "num_translations": 20 }, "gallant": { "senses": [ "brave, valiant", "honorable", "Grand, noble", "Showy", "splendid", "magnificent", "gay", "well-dressed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gallant", "num_translations": 45 }, "fraud": { "senses": [ "The crime of stealing or otherwise illegally obtaining money by use of deception tactics", "Any act of deception carried out for the purpose of unfair, undeserved and/or unlawful gain", "The assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end", "A person who performs any such trick", "A trap or snare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swindle", "scam", "deceit", "trickery", "hoky-poky", "imposture", "person", "grift" ], "word": "fraud", "num_translations": 154 }, "attheendoftheday": { "senses": [ "In summary", "ultimately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ATEOTD", "basically", "essentially", "in summary", "in the end", "when all is said and done", "Thesaurus:in summary" ], "word": "attheendoftheday", "num_translations": 41 }, "nascent": { "senses": [ "Emerging", "just coming into existence", "Describing a quantity of object that is starting to grow from zero or an infinitesimal beginning Also the creation or identification of an infinitesimal delta", "Describing the state, aspect, or practice of an abstract concept", "Of the state of an element at the time it is being generated from some compound or transitioning from one state to another", "Newly released from a compound by a chemical reaction or electrolysis and possessing heightened reactivity", "Newly synthesized by translation or transcription" ], "antonyms": [ "dying", "moribund" ], "synonyms": [ "emergent" ], "word": "nascent", "num_translations": 29 }, "grinder": { "senses": [ "One who grinds something, such as the teeth", "A molar", "A power tool with a spinning abrasive disc, used for grinding, smoothing, and shaping materials, usually metal", "A sandwich made on a long, cylindrical roll", "A kitchen gadget for processing coffee, herbs etc into small or powdered pieces", "A fan or performer of grindcore music", "A biohacker who uses cybernetic implants or biochemicals to enhance or change their own body", "A student who studies hard", "a swot", "A person who coaches students for an upcoming examination", "A hard-working, physical player with limited offensive ability", "A low-ranking attorney with no clients who works very hard", "An outdoor space for drills and parades" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sub" ], "word": "grinder", "num_translations": 30 }, "autofellatio": { "senses": [ "Oral stimulation of one's own penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-sucking", "Thesaurus:masturbation" ], "word": "autofellatio", "num_translations": 20 }, "torpedo": { "senses": [ "A cylindrical explosive projectile that can travel underwater and is used as a weapon", "A fish having wings that generate electric current, a kind of electric ray", "A submarine sandwich", "A naval mine", "An explosive device buried underground and set off remotely, to destroy fortifications, troops, or cavalry", "A professional gunman or assassin", "A small explosive device attached to the top of the rail to provide an audible warning when a train passes over it", "A kind of firework in the form of a small ball, or pellet, which explodes when thrown upon a hard object", "a woman's shoe with a pointed toe", "a large breast", "breast with a large nipple", "a marijuana cigarette" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "detonator", "torp" ], "word": "torpedo", "num_translations": 45 }, "satellite": { "senses": [ "A moon or other smaller body orbiting a larger one", "A man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body, generally to relay information, data etc to Earth", "A country, state, office, building etc which is under the jurisdiction, influence, or domination of another body", "An attendant on an important person", "a member of someone's retinue, often in a somewhat derogatory sense", "a henchman", "A grammatical construct that takes various forms and may encode a path of movement, a change of state, or the grammatical aspect Examples: \"a bird flew past\"", "\"she turned on the light\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sat" ], "word": "satellite", "num_translations": 169 }, "euthanize": { "senses": [ "To carry out euthanasia on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "euthanatize", "euthanasiate", "put down", "put to sleep" ], "word": "euthanize", "num_translations": 11 }, "prelude": { "senses": [ "An introductory or preliminary performance or event", "A short, free-form piece of music, originally one serving as an introduction to a longer and more complex piece", "later, starting with the Romantic period, generally a stand-alone piece", "A standard module or library of subroutines and functions to be imported, generally by default, into a program", "A forerunner to anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forestory" ], "word": "prelude", "num_translations": 34 }, "euthanasia": { "senses": [ "The practice of intentionally and painlessly killing a human being or animal for humane reasons, especially in order to end great suffering or poor quality of life", "An easy death, or the means to bring about such a death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mercy killing" ], "word": "euthanasia", "num_translations": 55 }, "humane": { "senses": [ "Having or showing concern for the pain or suffering of another", "compassionate", "Pertaining to branches of learning concerned with human affairs or the humanities, especially classical literature or rhetoric", "obsolete spelling of \"human\"" ], "antonyms": [ "inhuman" ], "synonyms": [ "mankindly" ], "word": "humane", "num_translations": 36 }, "dissect": { "senses": [ "To study an animal's anatomy by cutting it apart", "to perform a necropsy or an autopsy", "To study a plant or other organism's anatomy similarly", "To analyze an idea in detail by separating it into its parts", "To separate muscles, organs, and so on without cutting into them or disrupting their architecture", "Of an infection or foreign material, following the fascia separating muscles or other organs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dissect", "num_translations": 41 }, "veterinarian": { "senses": [ "A medical doctor who treats animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "veterinary surgeon" ], "word": "veterinarian", "num_translations": 121 }, "physician": { "senses": [ "A practitioner of physic, ie a specialist in internal medicine, especially as opposed to a surgeon", "a practitioner who treats with medication rather than with surgery", "A medical doctor trained in human medicine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:physician" ], "word": "physician", "num_translations": 353 }, "geocentric": { "senses": [ "Having the Earth at the center Usually in reference to the Solar System, as part of a discredited theory" ], "antonyms": [ "heliocentric" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "geocentric", "num_translations": 10 }, "shiitake": { "senses": [ "A wide, brown variety of edible mushroom, Lentinula edodes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese mushroom" ], "word": "shiitake", "num_translations": 72 }, "director": { "senses": [ "One who directs", "A counselor, confessor, or spiritual guide", "That which directs or orientates something", "A device that displays graphical information concerning the targets of a weapons system in real time", "The common axis of symmetry of the molecules of a liquid crystal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "director", "num_translations": 110 }, "dialog": { "senses": [ "A conversation or other form of discourse between two or more individuals", "In a dramatic or literary presentation, the verbal parts of the script or text", "the verbalizations of the actors or characters", "A literary form, where the presentation resembles a conversation" ], "antonyms": [ "introspection", "monolog", "multilog" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dialog", "num_translations": 82 }, "bluefish": { "senses": [ "A voracious fish, Pomatomus saltatrix, found in waters of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean", "The puddingwife wrasse Halichoeres radiatus", "A sablefish", "An Arctic grayling", "Kyphosus vaigiensis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tailor", "golden", "brassy", "lowfin", "blue-bronze chub", "yellow chub", "lowfin drummer" ], "word": "bluefish", "num_translations": 28 }, "gorilla": { "senses": [ "The largest of the apes, native to the forests of central Africa, and known for their trait of knuckle-walking", "A big and brutish man or a thug", "a goon or ruffian", "A powerful person or organization", "a heavyweight or behemoth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gorilla", "num_translations": 61 }, "martian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the planet Mars, or its imagined inhabitants", "Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Mars", "aggressive, bellicose", "Pertaining to battle or war", "martial, military" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Martian", "num_translations": 43 }, "venusian": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of the planet Venus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Venerian" ], "word": "Venusian", "num_translations": 21 }, "venusian1": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the planet Venus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Venerian" ], "word": "Venusian", "num_translations": 16 }, "venereal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the genitals or sexual intercourse", "Of a disease: sexually transmitted", "Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Venus", "lascivious, lustful", "Of or relating to copper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "venereal", "num_translations": 26 }, "watertight": { "senses": [ "So tightly made that water cannot enter or escape", "So devised or planned as to be impossible to defeat, evade or nullify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waterproof" ], "word": "watertight", "num_translations": 36 }, "hump": { "senses": [ "A mound of earth", "A deformity in humans caused by abnormal curvature of the upper spine", "A rounded fleshy mass, such as on a camel or zebu", "An act of sexual intercourse", "A bad mood", "A painfully boorish person", "A wave that forms in front of an operating hovercraft and impedes progress at low speeds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gibbous" ], "word": "hump", "num_translations": 163 }, "hump1": { "senses": [ "To carry , especially with some exertion", "To have sex", "To prepare for a great exertion", "to put forth effort", "To vex or annoy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bang", "bother" ], "word": "hump", "num_translations": 28 }, "conversely": { "senses": [ "With a reversed relationship", "From another point of view", "on the other hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the other way round", "at the same time" ], "word": "conversely", "num_translations": 34 }, "situp": { "senses": [ "To assume a sitting position from a position lying down", "To sit erect", "To show sudden interest or surprise", "To bounce, especially to a comfortable height", "To not go to bed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "situp", "num_translations": 19 }, "sitdown": { "senses": [ "To assume a sitting position from a standing position", "To cause to be seated or in a sitting posture", "to furnish a seat to", "To meet formally at a conference table", "To assume a low or sunken position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be seated" ], "word": "sitdown", "num_translations": 84 }, "warrant": { "senses": [ "Authorization or certification", "a sanction, as given by a superior", "Something that provides assurance or confirmation", "a guarantee or proof", "An order that serves as authorization", "especially a voucher authorizing payment or receipt of money", "An option, usually issued together with another security and with a term at issue greater than a year, to buy other securities of the issuer", "A judicial writ authorizing an officer to make a search, seizure, or arrest, or to execute a judgment", "A document certifying that a motor vehicle meets certain standards of mechanical soundness and safety", "A defender, a protector", "Underclay in a coal mine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warrant", "num_translations": 73 }, "warrant1": { "senses": [ "To protect, keep safe", "To give an assurance or guarantee", "also, with a double object: to guarantee", "To guarantee to be", "To guarantee as being true", "to believe strongly", "To authorize", "To justify", "to give grounds for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warrant", "num_translations": 19 }, "irony": { "senses": [ "A statement that, when taken in context, may actually mean something different from, or the opposite of, what is written literally", "the use of words expressing something other than their literal intention, often in a humorous context", "Ignorance feigned for the purpose of confounding or provoking an antagonist", "The state of two usually unrelated entities, parties, actions, etc being related through a common connection in an uncommon way", "condition contrary to what might be expected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "irony", "num_translations": 76 }, "irony1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the metal iron" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ferric", "ferrous" ], "word": "irony", "num_translations": 13 }, "practically": { "senses": [ "In practice", "in effect Not necessarily officially the case but what actually occurs", "Almost completely", "almost entirely", "With respect to practices or a practice" ], "antonyms": [ "impractically" ], "synonyms": [ "all but" ], "word": "practically", "num_translations": 23 }, "literally": { "senses": [ "word for word", "not figuratively", "not as an idiom or metaphor", "see usage notes)", "Used to intensify or dramatise non-figurative statements", "tending towards a meaningless filler word in repeated use", "Used as a generic downtoner: just, merely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "literally", "num_translations": 43 }, "enormity": { "senses": [ "Deviation from what is normal or standard", "irregularity, abnormality", "Deviation from moral normality", "extreme wickedness, nefariousness, or cruelty", "A breach of law or morality", "a transgression, an act of evil or wickedness", "Great size", "enormousness, hugeness, immenseness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anomalousness", "atrociousness", "desecration", "immensity" ], "word": "enormity", "num_translations": 15 }, "shave": { "senses": [ "To make bald or shorter by using a tool such as a razor or pair of electric clippers to cut the hair close to the skin", "To cut anything in this fashion", "To remove hair from one's face by this means", "To cut finely, as with slices of meat", "To skim along or near the surface of", "to pass close to, or touch lightly, in passing", "To reduce in size or weight", "To be hard and severe in a bargain with", "to practice extortion on", "to cheat", "To buy at a discount greater than the legal rate of interest, or to deduct in discounting it more than the legal rate allows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shave", "num_translations": 182 }, "shave1": { "senses": [ "An instance of shaving", "A thin slice", "a shaving", "An exorbitant discount on a note", "A premium paid for an extension of the time of delivery or payment, or for the right to vary a stock contract in any particular", "A hand tool consisting of a sharp blade with a handle at each end", "A narrow miss or escape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shave", "num_translations": 15 }, "circumspect": { "senses": [ "Carefully aware of all circumstances", "considerate of all that is pertinent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cautious" ], "word": "circumspect", "num_translations": 38 }, "schedule": { "senses": [ "A slip of paper", "a short note", "A written or printed table of information, often forming an annex or appendix to a statute or other regulatory instrument, or to a legal contract", "a serial record of items, systematically arranged", "a procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur", "An allocation or ordering of a set of tasks on one or several resources" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "schedule", "num_translations": 85 }, "twelvedaysofchristmas": { "senses": [ "The season or time made up of the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany", "Christmas season, Christmas time, Christmastide, Twelvetide The Christmas season traditionally ended with the feast of the Epiphany on January 6" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christmas season", "Christmas time", "Christmastide", "Twelvetide" ], "word": "TwelveDaysofChristmas", "num_translations": 24 }, "inexorable": { "senses": [ "Impossible to prevent or stop", "inevitable", "Unable to be persuaded", "relentless", "unrelenting", "Adamant", "severe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inexorable", "num_translations": 43 }, "resolute": { "senses": [ "Firm, unyielding, determined", "Convinced", "satisfied", "sure" ], "antonyms": [ "irresolute" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "resolute", "num_translations": 29 }, "lechery": { "senses": [ "Inordinate indulgence in sexual activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lewdness" ], "word": "lechery", "num_translations": 29 }, "castigate": { "senses": [ "To punish or reprimand someone severely", "To execrate or condemn something in a harsh manner, especially by public criticism", "To revise or make corrections to a publication" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chastise", "condemn", "correct", "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "castigate", "num_translations": 44 }, "rebuke": { "senses": [ "A harsh criticism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reproach", "reproof", "reproval", "reprehension", "reprimand", "admonition" ], "word": "rebuke", "num_translations": 45 }, "rebuke1": { "senses": [ "To criticise harshly", "to reprove" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reprimand", "reproach", "reprove", "reprehend", "admonish", "criticise", "berate", "scold", "Thesaurus:criticize" ], "word": "rebuke", "num_translations": 152 }, "ghastly": { "senses": [ "Like a ghost in appearance", "death-like", "pale", "pallid", "dismal", "Horrifyingly shocking", "Extremely bad" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pallid", "lurid" ], "word": "ghastly", "num_translations": 64 }, "shocking": { "senses": [ "Inspiring shock", "startling", "Unusually obscene or lewd", "Extremely bad" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:surprising" ], "word": "shocking", "num_translations": 38 }, "timely": { "senses": [ "Done at the proper time or within the proper time limits", "prompt", "Happening or appearing at the proper time", "Keeping time or measure" ], "antonyms": [ "ill-timed", "inopportune" ], "synonyms": [ "on time", "opportune" ], "word": "timely", "num_translations": 44 }, "orderly": { "senses": [ "Neat and tidy", "possessing order", "Methodical or systematic", "Peaceful", "well-behaved", "Being on duty", "keeping order", "conveying orders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regular", "Thesaurus:methodical" ], "word": "orderly", "num_translations": 35 }, "lovely": { "senses": [ "Beautiful", "charming", "very pleasing in form, looks, tone, or manner", "Very nice, wonderful", "Inspiring love or friendship", "amiable", "Loving, filled with love" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lovable", "lovesome", "loving" ], "word": "lovely", "num_translations": 73 }, "heavenly": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the heaven believed in by many religions", "synonym of \"celestial\": of or pertaining to the heavens, the sky regarded as the realm of the sun, moon, planets, and stars", "Of or pertaining to the kingdom of God", "divine", "Strongly or sublimely beautiful or pleasurable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celestial", "celest", "paradisal", "paradisaical", "paradisaic", "paradisic", "divine", "beatific" ], "word": "heavenly", "num_translations": 56 }, "cowardly": { "senses": [ "Showing cowardice", "lacking in courage", "weakly fearful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cowardly" ], "word": "cowardly", "num_translations": 61 }, "foreboding": { "senses": [ "A sense of evil to come", "An evil omen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "augury" ], "word": "foreboding", "num_translations": 43 }, "cocksucker": { "senses": [ "Someone who performs fellatio", "A very annoying or objectionable person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blower" ], "word": "cocksucker", "num_translations": 59 }, "heretofore": { "senses": [ "Prior to now, until now, up to the present time", "from the beginning to this point" ], "antonyms": [ "henceforth" ], "synonyms": [ "hitherto" ], "word": "heretofore", "num_translations": 30 }, "fore": { "senses": [ "Former", "occurring earlier", "previous", "Forward", "situated towards the front" ], "antonyms": [ "latter", "aft" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fore", "num_translations": 16 }, "overseaschinese": { "senses": [ "A person or people of Chinese ethnicity, living in a non-Chinese country", "a member of the ethnic Chinese expatriate or immigrant community", "Huaqiao" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Huaqiao" ], "word": "overseasChinese", "num_translations": 20 }, "bestiality": { "senses": [ "A status of lower animal", "An animal-like instinct or behaviour", "A mark, trait, or emblem of a beast", "Sexual activity between a human and another animal species", "Bestial nature, savagery, inhumanity, like an animal's", "Any abstract entity similar to a beast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bestiality", "num_translations": 50 }, "apartheid1": { "senses": [ "To impose a policy of segregation of groups of people, especially one based on race" ], "antonyms": [ "antiapartheid" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "apartheid", "num_translations": 53 }, "nativity": { "senses": [ "Someone's birth", "the place, time and circumstances of a birth", "Someone's birth considered as a means of astrology", "a horoscope associated with a person's birth", "The birth of Jesus", "The festival celebrating the birth of Jesus, Christmas Day", "the festival celebrating the birth of the Virgin Mary or the birth of Saint John the Baptist", "Origin", "founding", "Place of origin", "place to which a species is native", "The quality of being native or innate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nativity", "num_translations": 16 }, "woo": { "senses": [ "To endeavor to gain someone's support", "To try to persuade to be in an amorous relationship with", "To court solicitously", "to invite with importunity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "court" ], "word": "woo", "num_translations": 42 }, "pentateuch": { "senses": [ "The Torah: the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Books of Moses", "the Law", "Torah" ], "word": "Pentateuch", "num_translations": 26 }, "obligatory": { "senses": [ "Imposing obligation, legally or morally", "binding", "Requiring a matter or obligation" ], "antonyms": [ "optional" ], "synonyms": [ "bounden", "mandatory" ], "word": "obligatory", "num_translations": 31 }, "slumber1": { "senses": [ "To be in a very light state of sleep, almost awake", "To be inactive or negligent", "To lay to sleep", "To stun", "to stupefy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slumber", "num_translations": 27 }, "ibid.": { "senses": [ "ibidem, in the same place Indicates a reference to the same source as the previous one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "id" ], "word": "ibid.", "num_translations": 15 }, "attendance": { "senses": [ "The state of attending", "presence", "The count or list of individuals present for an event", "The frequency with which one has been present for a regular activity or set of events", "Attention paid to something", "careful regard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attendance", "num_translations": 45 }, "soothe": { "senses": [ "To restore to ease, comfort, or tranquility", "relieve", "calm", "quiet", "refresh", "To allay", "assuage", "mitigate", "soften", "To smooth over", "render less obnoxious", "To calm or placate someone or some situation", "To ease or relieve pain or suffering", "To temporise by assent, concession, flattery, or cajolery", "To bring comfort or relief", "To keep in good humour", "wheedle", "cajole", "flatter", "To prove true", "verify", "confirm as true", "To confirm the statements of", "maintain the truthfulness of", "bear out", "To assent to", "yield to", "humour by agreement or concession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comply" ], "word": "soothe", "num_translations": 80 }, "placate": { "senses": [ "To calm", "to bring peace to", "to influence someone who was furious to the point that he or she becomes content or at least no longer irate" ], "antonyms": [ "enrage" ], "synonyms": [ "appease" ], "word": "placate", "num_translations": 40 }, "pleasing": { "senses": [ "Agreeable", "giving pleasure, cheer, enjoyment or gratification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enjoyable", "gratifying", "satisfying" ], "word": "pleasing", "num_translations": 22 }, "pacify": { "senses": [ "To bring peace to , by ending war, fighting, violence, anger or agitation", "To appease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allay", "locarnize" ], "word": "pacify", "num_translations": 24 }, "hood": { "senses": [ "A covering for the head attached to a larger garment such as a jacket or cloak", "A distinctively coloured fold of material, representing a university degree", "An enclosure that protects something, especially from above", "A soft top of a convertible car or carriage", "The hinged cover over the engine of a motor vehicle: known as a bonnet in other countries", "A metal covering that leads to a vent to suck away smoke or fumes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bonnet" ], "word": "hood", "num_translations": 158 }, "fluster": { "senses": [ "To make hot and rosy, as with drinking", "To confuse", "befuddle", "throw into panic by making overwrought with confusion", "To be in a heat or bustle", "to be agitated and confused" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fluster", "num_translations": 15 }, "spoonerism": { "senses": [ "A play on words on a phrase in which the initial sounds of two or more of the main words are transposed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marrowsky" ], "word": "spoonerism", "num_translations": 20 }, "aforesaid": { "senses": [ "Previously stated", "said or named before" ], "antonyms": [ "following" ], "synonyms": [ "abovesaid", "abovementioned", "aforementioned", "mentioned" ], "word": "aforesaid", "num_translations": 32 }, "latter": { "senses": [ "Relating to or being the second of two items", "Near to the end", "In the past, but close to the present time" ], "antonyms": [ "aforesaid", "aforementioned", "former" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "latter", "num_translations": 51 }, "outflow": { "senses": [ "The process of flowing out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "effluence" ], "word": "outflow", "num_translations": 10 }, "transient": { "senses": [ "Passing or disappearing with time", "transitory", "Remaining for only a brief time", "Decaying with time, especially exponentially", "having a positive probability of being left and never being visited again", "Occasional", "isolated", "one-off", "Passing through", "passing from one person to another", "Intermediate", "Operating beyond itself", "having an external effect" ], "antonyms": [ "permanent", "permanent", "recurrent", "immanent" ], "synonyms": [ "passing", "brief" ], "word": "transient", "num_translations": 107 }, "transient1": { "senses": [ "a very brief surge", "A relatively loud, non-repeating signal in an audio waveform which occurs very quickly, such as the attack of a snare drum", "A person who passes through a place for a short time", "a traveller", "a migrant worker", "An unhoused person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "traveller:", "homeless:" ], "word": "transient", "num_translations": 26 }, "hypoglycemia": { "senses": [ "A too low level of blood glucose" ], "antonyms": [ "hyperglycemia", "hyperglycosemia" ], "synonyms": [ "hypoglycosemia" ], "word": "hypoglycemia", "num_translations": 22 }, "calligraphy": { "senses": [ "The art or practice of writing letters and words in a decorative style", "the letters and words so written", "Any such style of decorative writing", "A document written in decorative style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chirography" ], "word": "calligraphy", "num_translations": 75 }, "fatuous": { "senses": [ "Obnoxiously stupid, vacantly silly, content in one's foolishness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "childish" ], "word": "fatuous", "num_translations": 34 }, "glue1": { "senses": [ "To cause something to adhere closely to", "to follow attentively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agglutinate", "adhere" ], "word": "glue", "num_translations": 51 }, "docile": { "senses": [ "Ready to accept instruction or direction", "obedient", "subservient", "Yielding to control or supervision, direction, or management" ], "antonyms": [ "perverse", "defiant", "rebellious", "wilful" ], "synonyms": [ "compliant", "malleable", "meek", "submissive", "tractable", "manageable", "amenable", "compliant", "teachable" ], "word": "docile", "num_translations": 57 }, "tonic1": { "senses": [ "A substance with medicinal properties intended to restore or invigorate", "Any of various carbonated, non-alcoholic beverages", "soda pop", "Someone or something that revitalises or reinvigorates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tonic", "num_translations": 25 }, "tonic3": { "senses": [ "the keynote", "a vowel or a diphthong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tonic", "num_translations": 14 }, "jeans": { "senses": [ "A pair of trousers made from denim cotton", "plural of \"jean\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:trousers" ], "word": "jeans", "num_translations": 122 }, "patronize": { "senses": [ "To act as a patron of", "to defend, protect, or support", "To make oneself a customer of a business, especially a regular customer", "To assume a tone of unjustified superiority toward", "to talk down to, to treat condescendingly", "To blame, to reproach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "patronize", "num_translations": 47 }, "bedroom": { "senses": [ "A room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleeping quarters" ], "word": "bedroom", "num_translations": 148 }, "speculator": { "senses": [ "One who speculates", "an observer", "a contemplator", "One who forms theories", "a theorist", "One who speculates", "as in investing, one who is willing to take volatile risks upon invested principle for the potential of substantial returns", "synonym of \"field goal\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "speculator", "num_translations": 14 }, "flask": { "senses": [ "A narrow-necked vessel of metal or glass, used for various purposes", "as of sheet metal, to carry gunpowder in", "or of wrought iron, to contain quicksilver", "or of glass, to heat water in, etc", "A container used to discreetly carry a small amount of a hard alcoholic beverage", "Laboratory glassware used to hold larger volumes than test tubes, normally having a narrow mouth of a standard size which widens to a flat or spherical base", "A container for holding a casting mold, especially for sand casting molds", "A bed in a gun carriage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flask", "num_translations": 82 }, "plunder": { "senses": [ "To pillage, take or destroy all the goods of, by force", "to raid, sack", "To take by pillage", "To take by force or wrongfully", "to commit robbery or looting, to raid", "to use or use up wrongfully", "To take unexpectedly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plunder", "num_translations": 128 }, "attestation": { "senses": [ "A thing that serves to bear witness, confirm, or authenticate", "validation, verification, documentation", "A confirmation or authentication", "The process, performed by accountants or auditors, of providing independent opinion on published financial and other business information of a business, public agency, or other organization", "An appearance in print or otherwise recorded on a permanent medium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attestation", "num_translations": 40 }, "salience": { "senses": [ "The condition of being salient", "A highlight", "perceptual prominence, or likelihood of being noticed", "Relative importance based on context" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pertinence", "relevance" ], "word": "salience", "num_translations": 21 }, "bulletproof": { "senses": [ "Capable of withstanding a direct shot by a bullet fired from a gun", "reliable, infallible, sturdy or error-tolerant", "Unbreakable, very tough" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foolproof" ], "word": "bulletproof", "num_translations": 39 }, "edgy": { "senses": [ "Nervous, apprehensive", "Creatively challenging", "cutting edge", "leading edge", "On the edge between acceptable and offensive", "pushing the boundaries of good taste", "risqu\u00e9", "Irritable", "Having some of the forms, such as drapery or the like, too sharply defined", "Sharp", "Cool by virtue of being tough, dark, or badass", "Exhibiting behavior that is disconcerting or alarming, sometimes in an effort to impress or to troll others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "edgy", "num_translations": 18 }, "hokkien": { "senses": [ "A dialect subgroup of the Min Nan branch of the Chinese language which is mainly spoken in the south-eastern part of mainland China , Taiwan, and by overseas Chinese of Hoklo descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hoklo" ], "word": "Hokkien", "num_translations": 42 }, "calamity": { "senses": [ "An event resulting in great loss", "The distress that results from some disaster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nakba", "Thesaurus:disaster" ], "word": "calamity", "num_translations": 54 }, "forelock": { "senses": [ "The part of a person's hairstyle which covers the forehead", "The part of a horse's mane that lies on its forehead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bangs", "foretop" ], "word": "forelock", "num_translations": 16 }, "peafowl": { "senses": [ "A pheasant of the genus Pavo or Afropavo, notable for the extravagant tails of the males", "a peacock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peacock" ], "word": "peafowl", "num_translations": 30 }, "lade": { "senses": [ "To fill or load", "To weigh down, oppress, or burden", "To use a ladle or dipper to remove something", "To transfer from the pot to the forming table, in making plate glass", "To admit water by leakage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lade", "num_translations": 19 }, "enfeeble": { "senses": [ "To make feeble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weaken" ], "word": "enfeeble", "num_translations": 12 }, "bringabout": { "senses": [ "To cause to take place", "To accomplish, achieve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "effect" ], "word": "bringabout", "num_translations": 42 }, "comeabout": { "senses": [ "To come to pass", "to develop", "to occur", "to take place", "to happen", "To tack", "to change tack", "to maneuver the bow of a sailing vessel across the wind so that the wind changes from one side of the vessel to the other", "to position a boat with respect to the wind after tacking See also come to", "To change", "to come round" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to pass" ], "word": "comeabout", "num_translations": 11 }, "penury": { "senses": [ "Extreme want", "poverty", "destitution", "A lack of something", "a dearth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "penury", "num_translations": 15 }, "cyclist": { "senses": [ "A person who rides a cycle, especially a bicycle, or who habitually engages in cycling", "A user of the software language CycL" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bicyclist", "cycler" ], "word": "cyclist", "num_translations": 69 }, "cheerio": { "senses": [ "Goodbye, an interjection said upon parting", "Hello", "a greeting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hello", "goodbye" ], "word": "cheerio", "num_translations": 40 }, "distortion": { "senses": [ "An act of distorting", "A result of distorting", "A misrepresentation of the truth", "Noise or other artifacts caused in the electronic reproduction of sound or music", "An effect used in music, most commonly on guitars in rock or metal", "an aberration that causes magnification to change over the field of view" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deformation", "disfigurement" ], "word": "distortion", "num_translations": 73 }, "skepticism": { "senses": [ "The practice or philosophy of being a skeptic", "A studied attitude of questioning and doubt", "The doctrine that absolute knowledge is not possible", "A methodology that starts from a neutral standpoint and aims to acquire certainty though scientific or logical observation", "Doubt or disbelief of religious doctrines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skepticism", "num_translations": 55 }, "dusk": { "senses": [ "A period of time at the end of day when the sun is below the horizon but before the full onset of night, especially the darker part of twilight", "A darkish colour" ], "antonyms": [ "dawn" ], "synonyms": [ "evenfall" ], "word": "dusk", "num_translations": 82 }, "manuscript1": { "senses": [ "A book, composition or any other document, written by hand , not mechanically reproduced", "A single, original copy of a book, article, composition etc, written by hand or even printed, submitted as original for reproductive publication" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ms or ms", "handwrit", "autograph", "handwriting" ], "word": "manuscript", "num_translations": 101 }, "civilservant": { "senses": [ "A person employed in the civil service", "a government employee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "public servant" ], "word": "civilservant", "num_translations": 60 }, "aberdeen": { "senses": [ "port city cc/Scotland, on the North Sea", "council area cc/Scotland including the city, one of 32 created in 1996", "former county in northeastern cc/Scotland", "populated place co/Monroe County s/Arkansas", "unincorporated community co/Inyo County s/California", "census-designated place s/Florida", "village s/Georgia c/USA", "city s/Idaho", "unincorporated community co/Ohio County s/Indiana", "census-designated place co/Porter County s/Indiana", "unincorporated community co/Butler County s/Kentucky", "city/county seat co/Monroe County s/Mississippi", "town s/New South Wales", "town s/North Carolina", "community p/Nova Scotia", "village s/Ohio", "community p/Ontario", "town p/Saskatchewan", "town p/Eastern Cape c/South Africa", "city/county seat co/Brown County in northeastern s/South Dakota c/USA", "suburb city/Devonport in northern s/Tasmania c/Australia", "city s/Washington", "unincorporated community co/Lewis County s/West Virginia", "area/and/town dist/Southern District sar/Hong Kong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Aberdeen", "num_translations": 31 }, "inverness": { "senses": [ "city in and the administrative centre of carea/Highland cc/Scotland", "rural locality lgarea/Shire of Livingstone s/Queensland c/Australia", "municipality r/Centre-du-Qu\u00e9bec p/Quebec c/Canada", "community/suburb city/Stockholm c/Sweden", "unincorporated community co/Bullock County s/Alabama", "former CDP/and/neighborhood city/Hoover co/Shelby County a suburb of city/Birmingham s/Alabama", "unincorporated community/and/CDP co/Marin County s/California", "CDP co/Arapahoe County s/Colorado", "city/county seat co/Citrus County s/Florida c/USA", "suburban village co/Cook County s/Illinois c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Steuben County s/Indiana", "town co/Sunflower County s/Mississippi", "CDP co/Hill County s/Montana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Inverness", "num_translations": 19 }, "hangout": { "senses": [ "To spend time doing nothing in particular", "To lodge or reside", "To be unyielding", "to hold out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lepak", "relax" ], "word": "hangout", "num_translations": 43 }, "constable": { "senses": [ "One holding the lowest rank in most Commonwealth police forces", "A police officer or an officer with equivalent powers", "An officer of a noble court in the Middle Ages, usually a senior army commander", "The warden of a castle", "A public officer, usually at municipal level, responsible for maintaining order or serving writs and court orders", "An elected head of a parish", "A large butterfly, Dichorragia nesimachus, family Nymphalidae, of Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:police officer" ], "word": "constable", "num_translations": 31 }, "rockandroll": { "senses": [ "A genre of popular music that evolved in the 1950s from a combination of rhythm and blues and country music, characterized by electric guitars, strong rhythms, and youth-oriented lyrics", "A style of vigorous dancing associated with this genre of music", "An intangible feeling, philosophy, belief or allegiance relating to rock music , and heavy metal bearing certain elements of this music, pertaining to unbridled enthusiasm, cynical regard for certain Christian and authoritarian bodies, and attitudes befitting some degree of youthful debauchery This meaning is sometimes used as an exclamation, in describing traits of certain people, and so on", "dole", "The full automatic fire capability selection on a selective fire weapon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rockandroll", "num_translations": 28 }, "cordial": { "senses": [ "Hearty", "sincere", "warm", "affectionate", "Radiating warmth and friendliness", "genial", "Tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate", "giving strength or spirits", "Proceeding from the heart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heartfelt", "affable", "cheer" ], "word": "cordial", "num_translations": 40 }, "cordial1": { "senses": [ "A concentrated noncarbonated soft drink which is diluted with water before drinking", "An individual serving of such a diluted drink", "A pleasant-tasting medicine", "A liqueur prepared using the infusion process", "A candy usually made of milk chocolate, filled with small fruits and syrup or fondant", "Anything that revives or comforts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cordial", "num_translations": 32 }, "callow": { "senses": [ "Unfledged", "Immature, lacking in life experience", "Lacking color or firmness", "teneral", "Shallow or weak-willed", "Unburnt", "Of land: low-lying and liable to be submerged", "Bald" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "callow", "num_translations": 28 }, "aposteriori": { "senses": [ "Involving deduction of theories from facts", "Developed on a basis of languages which already exist" ], "antonyms": [ "a priori" ], "synonyms": [ "empirical" ], "word": "aposteriori", "num_translations": 10 }, "squishy": { "senses": [ "Yielding easily to pressure", "very soft", "especially, soft and wet, as mud", "Used as a term of endearment", "Subjective or vague", "Politically moderate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squishy", "num_translations": 19 }, "whenthecat'sawaythemicewillplay": { "senses": [ "In the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances" ], "antonyms": [ "absence makes the heart grow fonder" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "whenthecat'sawaythemicewillplay", "num_translations": 48 }, "mount1": { "senses": [ "An animal, usually a horse, used to ride on, unlike a draught horse", "A rider in a cavalry unit or division" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mount", "num_translations": 28 }, "mount2": { "senses": [ "To get upon", "to ascend", "to climb", "To place oneself on", "to bestride", "to put on horseback", "to furnish with animals for riding", "To cause to rise or ascend", "to drive up", "to raise", "to elevate", "to lift up", "To rise on high", "to go up", "to be upraised or uplifted", "to tower aloft", "to ascend", "often with up", "To attach to a support, backing, framework etc", "To attach to the file system in order to make it available to the operating system", "To increase in quantity or intensity", "To attain in value", "To get on top of to mate", "To have sexual intercourse with someone", "To begin", "to launch", "To deploy for use", "To prepare and arrange the scenery, furniture, etc for use in", "To incorporate fat, especially butter, into" ], "antonyms": [ "dismount", "demount", "unmount" ], "synonyms": [ "coitize" ], "word": "mount", "num_translations": 101 }, "barbecue": { "senses": [ "A fireplace or pit for grilling food, typically used outdoors and traditionally employing hot charcoal as the heating medium", "A meal or event highlighted by food cooked in such an apparatus", "Meat, especially pork or beef, which has been cooked in such an apparatus and then chopped up or shredded", "A hog, ox, or other large animal roasted or broiled whole for a feast", "A floor on which coffee beans are sun-dried", "A framework of sticks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "braai", "braai" ], "word": "barbecue", "num_translations": 70 }, "magnitude": { "senses": [ "The absolute or relative size, extent or importance of something", "A number, assigned to something, such that it may be compared to others numerically", "Of a vector, the norm, most commonly, the two-norm", "The apparent brightness of a star", "A measure of the energy released by an earthquake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "magnitude", "num_translations": 107 }, "victor": { "senses": [ "male given name", "The letter V in the ICAO spelling alphabet", "city s/Colorado", "city s/Idaho", "town s/Iowa", "census-designated place s/Montana", "town s/New York", "CDP co/San Joaquin County s/California c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Victor", "num_translations": 34 }, "winner": { "senses": [ "One who has won or often wins", "A point or goal that wins a competition" ], "antonyms": [ "loser" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "winner", "num_translations": 92 }, "progression": { "senses": [ "The act of moving from one thing to another", "The act of moving forward or proceeding in a course", "motion onward", "A sequence obtained by adding or multiplying each term by a constant", "Development, increase, evolution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sequence" ], "word": "progression", "num_translations": 42 }, "interpolate": { "senses": [ "To introduce between other things", "especially to insert words into a text", "To estimate the value of a function between two points between which it is tabulated", "During the course of processing some data, and in response to a directive in that data, to fetch data from a different source and process it in-line along with the original data" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transclude" ], "word": "interpolate", "num_translations": 11 }, "dim2": { "senses": [ "To make something less bright", "To become darker", "to make less bright or distinct", "to take away the luster of", "to darken", "to dull", "to obscure", "to eclipse", "To deprive of distinct vision", "to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes", "to darken the senses or understanding of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dim", "num_translations": 32 }, "viceversa": { "senses": [ "The same but with the two things or people mentioned reversed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vicey versey" ], "word": "viceversa", "num_translations": 48 }, "sink": { "senses": [ "To move or be moved into something", "To diminish or be diminished", "To conceal and appropriate", "To keep out of sight", "to suppress", "to ignore", "To pay absolutely", "To reduce or extinguish by payment", "To be overwhelmed or depressed", "to fail in strength", "To decrease in volume, as a river", "to subside", "to become diminished in volume or in apparent height" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "descend", "dip", "to sink)", "into)" ], "word": "sink", "num_translations": 168 }, "sink1": { "senses": [ "A basin used for holding water for washing", "A drain for carrying off wastewater", "A depression in land where water collects, with no visible outlet", "A place that absorbs resources or energy", "An object or callback that captures events", "a destination vertex in a transportation network", "An abode of degraded persons", "a wretched place", "A depression in a stereotype plate", "A stage trap-door for shifting scenery", "An excavation less than a shaft" ], "antonyms": [ "source" ], "synonyms": [ "basin" ], "word": "sink", "num_translations": 102 }, "nationalism": { "senses": [ "Patriotism", "the idea of supporting one's country, people or culture", "Support for the creation of a sovereign nation", "Support for the union of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland" ], "antonyms": [ "internationalism", "antinationalism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nationalism", "num_translations": 107 }, "testimony": { "senses": [ "Statements made by a witness in court", "An account of first-hand experience", "In a church service, a personal account, such as of one's conversion", "Witness", "evidence", "proof of some fact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deposition" ], "word": "testimony", "num_translations": 82 }, "sympathy": { "senses": [ "A feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another", "compassion", "The ability to share the feelings of another", "A mutual relationship between people or things such that they are correspondingly affected by any condition", "Tendency towards or approval of the aims of a movement", "Artistic harmony, as of shape or colour in a painting" ], "antonyms": [ "contempt" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sympathy", "num_translations": 75 }, "tidalwave": { "senses": [ "A large and sudden rise and fall in the tide", "A large, sudden, and disastrous wave of water caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean", "a tsunami", "A large, sudden inundation of water from the storm surge, or waves of that surge", "A sudden and powerful surge", "A crest of ocean water", "a wave", "A crest of ocean water resulting from tidal forces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tidalwave", "num_translations": 82 }, "policeman": { "senses": [ "A member of a police force, especially one who is male", "A glass rod capped at one end with rubber, used in a chemistry laboratory for gravimetric analysis", "Any skipper of the genus Coeliades", "synonym of \"enforcer\"" ], "antonyms": [ "policewoman" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:police officer", "rubber policeman" ], "word": "policeman", "num_translations": 118 }, "policewoman": { "senses": [ "A female police officer" ], "antonyms": [ "policeman" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:police officer" ], "word": "policewoman", "num_translations": 59 }, "nibble1": { "senses": [ "To eat with small, quick bites", "To bite lightly", "To consume gradually", "To find fault", "to cavil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piddle" ], "word": "nibble", "num_translations": 41 }, "harvest": { "senses": [ "The third season of the year", "autumn", "fall", "The season of gathering ripened crops", "specifically, the time of reaping and gathering grain", "The process of gathering the ripened crop", "The product or result of any exertion or course of action", "reward or consequences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autumn", "crop" ], "word": "harvest", "num_translations": 189 }, "harvest1": { "senses": [ "reap", "glean", "To win, achieve a gain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harvest", "num_translations": 90 }, "cancel": { "senses": [ "To cross out something with lines etc", "To invalidate or annul something", "To mark something so that it can't be reused", "To offset or equalize something", "To remove a common factor from both the numerator and denominator of a fraction, or from both sides of an equation", "To stop production of a programme", "To suppress or omit", "to strike out, as matter in type", "To shut out, as with a railing or with latticework", "to exclude", "To kill", "To cease to provide financial or moral support to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belay" ], "word": "cancel", "num_translations": 153 }, "cancel1": { "senses": [ "An enclosure", "a boundary", "a limit", "The suppression on striking out of matter in type, or of a printed page or pages", "The page thus suppressed", "The page that replaces it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cancel", "num_translations": 12 }, "remotecontrol": { "senses": [ "A device used to operate an appliance , vehicle or mechanical toy from a short distance away", "A means of doing something from a distance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clicker", "remote", "zapper" ], "word": "remotecontrol", "num_translations": 94 }, "masterpiece": { "senses": [ "A piece of work that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career", "A work of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship", "A work created in order to qualify as a master craftsman and member of a guild" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chef d'\u0153uvre", "masterwork" ], "word": "masterpiece", "num_translations": 60 }, "scalp": { "senses": [ "The top of the head", "the skull", "The part of the head where the hair grows from, or used to grow from", "A part of the skin of the head, with the hair attached, formerly cut or torn off from an enemy by warriors in some cultures as a token of victory", "The skin of the head of a stag with the horns attached", "A victory, especially at the expense of someone else", "A bed or stratum of shellfish", "The top", "the summit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scalp", "num_translations": 52 }, "scalp1": { "senses": [ "To resell, especially tickets, usually for an inflated price, often illegally", "On an open outcry exchange trading floor, to buy and sell rapidly for one's own account, aiming to buy from a seller and a little later sell to a buyer, making a small profit from the difference", "To screen or sieve ore before further processing", "To remove the skin of", "To remove the grass from", "To destroy the political influence of", "To brush the hairs or fuzz from in the process of high milling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scalp", "num_translations": 18 }, "wink": { "senses": [ "To close one's eyes in sleep", "To close one's eyes", "Usually followed by at: to look the other way, to turn a blind eye", "To close one's eyes quickly and involuntarily", "to blink", "To blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion, usually with an implication of conspiracy", "To gleam fitfully or intermitently", "to flicker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nictitate" ], "word": "wink", "num_translations": 80 }, "wink1": { "senses": [ "A brief period of sleep", "A brief time", "an instant", "The smallest possible amount", "A subtle allusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wink", "num_translations": 44 }, "revolution": { "senses": [ "A political upheaval in a government or nation state characterized by great change", "The removal and replacement of a government, especially by sudden violent action", "Rotation: the turning of an object around an axis", "A rotation: one complete turn of an object during rotation", "In the case of celestial bodies - the traversal of one body through an orbit around another body", "A sudden, vast change in a situation, a discipline, or the way of thinking and behaving", "A round of periodic changes, such as between the seasons of the year", "Consideration of an idea", "the act of revolving something in the mind" ], "antonyms": [ "evolution" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "revolution", "num_translations": 251 }, "philosopher": { "senses": [ "A lover of wisdom", "A student of philosophy", "A scholar or expert engaged in or contributing to philosophical inquiry", "A person who applies the principles of philosophy to the conduct of their life, as by acting calmly and rationally in the face of inevitable change", "A student, scholar, or expert in any branch of knowledge, especially those branches studied prior to being considered part of pure science", "An alchemist" ], "antonyms": [ "nonphilosopher" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "philosopher", "num_translations": 96 }, "tease": { "senses": [ "To separate the fibres of a fibrous material", "To comb so that the fibres all lie in one direction", "To back-comb", "To poke fun at", "To provoke or disturb", "to annoy", "To manipulate or influence the behavior of, especially by repeated acts of irritation", "To entice, tempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tease", "num_translations": 128 }, "benign": { "senses": [ "Kind", "gentle", "mild", "mild and favorable", "Not harmful to the environment", "Not posing any serious threat to health", "not particularly aggressive or recurrent" ], "antonyms": [ "malign", "malignant" ], "synonyms": [ "non-malignant" ], "word": "benign", "num_translations": 58 }, "helm": { "senses": [ "The steering apparatus of a ship, especially the tiller or wheel", "The member of the crew in charge of steering the boat", "A position of leadership or control", "One at the place of direction or control", "a guide", "a director", "A helve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "helm", "num_translations": 84 }, "bunch": { "senses": [ "A group of similar things, either growing together, or in a cluster or clump, usually fastened together", "The peloton", "the main group of riders formed during a race", "An informal body of friends", "A considerable amount", "An unmentioned amount", "a number", "A group of logs tied together for skidding", "An unusual concentration of ore in a lode or a small, discontinuous occurrence or patch of ore in the wallrock", "The reserve yarn on the filling bobbin to allow continuous weaving between the time of indication from the midget feeler until a new bobbin is put in the shuttle", "An unfinished cigar, before the wrapper leaf is added", "A protuberance", "a hunch", "a knob or lump", "a hump" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cluster", "pack", "ore pocket" ], "word": "bunch", "num_translations": 149 }, "bunch1": { "senses": [ "To gather fabric into folds", "To be gathered together in folds", "To protrude or swell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cluster" ], "word": "bunch", "num_translations": 17 }, "fisting1": { "senses": [ "The sexual practice of inserting one or both hands into the vagina or rectum of one's sexual partner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fist-fucking" ], "word": "fisting", "num_translations": 17 }, "noob": { "senses": [ "A newb or newbie", "refers to the idea that someone is new to a game, concept, or idea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nubcake", "Thesaurus:beginner" ], "word": "noob", "num_translations": 32 }, "pursue": { "senses": [ "To follow urgently, originally with intent to capture or harm", "to chase", "To follow, travel down", "To aim for, go after", "To participate in", "to practise, follow", "To act as a legal prosecutor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pursue", "num_translations": 86 }, "zion": { "senses": [ "A mountain in Israel on which Jerusalem is built", "Jerusalem", "The whole nation of Israel", "male given name of modern usage", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Zion", "num_translations": 30 }, "virtuous": { "senses": [ "Full of virtue, having excellent moral character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "good", "righteous" ], "word": "virtuous", "num_translations": 40 }, "eradicate": { "senses": [ "To pull up by the roots", "to uproot", "To destroy completely", "to reduce to nothing radically", "to put an end to", "to extirpate" ], "antonyms": [ "radicate" ], "synonyms": [ "root up", "uproot", "annihilate", "exterminate", "extirpate", "Thesaurus:destroy" ], "word": "eradicate", "num_translations": 70 }, "pyongyang": { "senses": [ "capital city c/North Korea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Heij\u014d" ], "word": "Pyongyang", "num_translations": 81 }, "sordid": { "senses": [ "Distasteful, ignoble, vile, or contemptible", "Dirty or squalid", "Morally degrading", "Grasping", "stingy", "avaricious", "Of a dull colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:greedy" ], "word": "sordid", "num_translations": 43 }, "rookie": { "senses": [ "An inexperienced recruit, especially in the police or armed forces", "A novice", "An athlete either new to the sport or to a team or in his first year of professional competition, especially said of baseball, basketball, hockey and American football players", "A type of firecracker, used by farmers to scare rooks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beginner", "newbie", "noob", "tyro", "novice", "Thesaurus:beginner" ], "word": "rookie", "num_translations": 40 }, "paradox": { "senses": [ "An apparently self-contradictory statement, which can only be true if it is false, and vice versa", "A counterintuitive conclusion or outcome", "A claim that two apparently contradictory ideas are true", "A thing involving contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time", "A person or thing having contradictory properties", "An unanswerable question or difficult puzzle, particularly one which leads to a deeper truth", "A statement which is difficult to believe, or which goes against general belief", "The use of counterintuitive or contradictory statements in speech or writing", "A state in which one is logically compelled to contradict oneself", "The practice of giving instructions that are opposed to the therapist's actual intent, with the intention that the client will disobey or be unable to obey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shocker", "juxtaposition", "contradiction", "puzzle", "quandary", "riddle", "enigma", "koan", "reverse psychology" ], "word": "paradox", "num_translations": 88 }, "ramification": { "senses": [ "A branching-out, the act or result of developing branches", "specifically the divergence of the stem and limbs of a plant into smaller ones, or of similar developments in blood vessels, anatomical structures etc", "An offshoot of a decision, fact etc", "a consequence or implication, especially one which complicates a situation", "An arrangement of branches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ramification", "num_translations": 43 }, "sore": { "senses": [ "Causing pain or discomfort", "painfully sensitive", "Sensitive", "tender", "easily pained, grieved, or vexed", "very susceptible of irritation", "Dire", "distressing", "Feeling animosity towards someone", "annoyed or angered", "Criminal", "wrong", "evil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sore", "num_translations": 61 }, "sore2": { "senses": [ "An injured, infected, inflamed or diseased patch of skin", "Grief", "affliction", "trouble", "difficulty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sore", "num_translations": 42 }, "dynasty": { "senses": [ "A series of rulers or dynasts from one family", "A team or organization which has an extended period of success or dominant performance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "house" ], "word": "dynasty", "num_translations": 63 }, "working": { "senses": [ "Operation", "action", "Method of operation", "The incidental or subsidiary calculations performed in solving an overall problem", "Fermentation", "Becoming full of a vegetable substance", "A place where work is carried on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "working", "num_translations": 12 }, "working2": { "senses": [ "That is or are functioning", "That suffices but requires additional work", "In paid employment", "Of or relating to employment", "Enough to allow one to use something", "Practical" ], "antonyms": [ "functioning", "mainly used of computers" ], "synonyms": [ "functioning", "mainly used of computers", "that suffices but requires further work", "in paid employment", "of or relating to employment", "enough to allow one to use something" ], "word": "working", "num_translations": 22 }, "orwellian": { "senses": [ "Resembling the totalitarian political methods decried in the works of writer George Orwell, particularly in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four", "characterized by use of misleading terminology, propaganda, censorship, totalitarianism, surveillance and repression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draconian", "Orwellesque" ], "word": "Orwellian", "num_translations": 19 }, "homepage": { "senses": [ "The main or first page of a web site or set of hyperlinked documents", "The page set to open in a web browser or hypertext system when it starts up, or when its home function is invoked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "start page", "main page" ], "word": "homepage", "num_translations": 131 }, "forename": { "senses": [ "A name that precedes the surname" ], "antonyms": [ "aftername" ], "synonyms": [ "given name" ], "word": "forename", "num_translations": 33 }, "effusive": { "senses": [ "Gushy", "unrestrained, extravagant or excessive", "Pouring, spilling out freely", "overflowing", "Extrusive", "having solidified after being poured out as molten lava" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "effusive", "num_translations": 38 }, "fist": { "senses": [ "A hand with the fingers clenched or curled inward", "The pointing hand symbol \u261e", "The characteristic signaling rhythm of an individual telegraph or CW operator when sending Morse code", "A person's characteristic handwriting", "A group of men", "The talons of a bird of prey", "An attempt at something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bunch of fives", "fist-size", "ductus" ], "word": "fist", "num_translations": 161 }, "digestivetract": { "senses": [ "System of organs within multicellular animals which takes in food, digests it to extract energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GI tract", "gastrointestinal tract", "gut", "alimentary canal" ], "word": "digestivetract", "num_translations": 25 }, "grandunificationtheory": { "senses": [ "A theory that unifies the electromagnetic interaction, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grand unification" ], "word": "grandunificationtheory", "num_translations": 17 }, "impurity": { "senses": [ "The condition of being impure", "because of contamination, pollution, adulteration or insufficient purification", "A component or additive that renders something else impure", "A state of immorality or sin", "especially the weakness of the flesh: inchastity" ], "antonyms": [ "purity" ], "synonyms": [ "impureness" ], "word": "impurity", "num_translations": 52 }, "alienation": { "senses": [ "The act of alienating", "The state of being alienated", "Emotional isolation or dissociation", "Verfremdungseffekt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "estrangement" ], "word": "alienation", "num_translations": 67 }, "audible": { "senses": [ "Able to be heard" ], "antonyms": [ "inaudible", "quiet", "silent" ], "synonyms": [ "sounded", "vocal" ], "word": "audible", "num_translations": 52 }, "affluence": { "senses": [ "An abundant flow or supply", "An abundance of wealth", "A moderate level of wealth", "An influx" ], "antonyms": [ "indigence" ], "synonyms": [ "richdom", "Thesaurus:wealth" ], "word": "affluence", "num_translations": 34 }, "bulge": { "senses": [ "Something sticking out from a surface", "a swelling, protuberant part", "a bending outward, especially when caused by pressure", "The bilge or protuberant part of a cask", "The bilge of a vessel", "The outline of male genitals visible through clothing", "A sudden rise in value or quantity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bulge", "num_translations": 53 }, "blaspheme": { "senses": [ "To commit blasphemy", "to speak against God or religious doctrine", "To speak of, or address, with impious irreverence", "to revile impiously", "To calumniate", "to revile", "to abuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blaspheme", "num_translations": 37 }, "binding": { "senses": [ "Imposing stipulations or requirements that must be honoured", "Having the effect of counteracting diarrhea" ], "antonyms": [ "non-binding" ], "synonyms": [ "bounden" ], "word": "binding", "num_translations": 13 }, "binding1": { "senses": [ "An item used to hold two or more things together", "The spine of a book where the pages are held together", "A finishing on a seam or hem of a garment", "The association of a named item with an element of a program", "The interface of a library with a programming language other than one it is written in", "The action or result of making two or more molecules stick together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "binding", "num_translations": 25 }, "attire1": { "senses": [ "To clothe or adorn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dight" ], "word": "attire", "num_translations": 12 }, "remove": { "senses": [ "To move something from one place to another, especially to take away", "To murder", "To dismiss a batsman", "To discard, set aside, especially something abstract", "To depart, leave", "To change one's residence", "to move", "To dismiss or discharge from office" ], "antonyms": [ "settle" ], "synonyms": [ "unstay" ], "word": "remove", "num_translations": 98 }, "noble1": { "senses": [ "Having honorable qualities", "having moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean or dubious in conduct and character", "Grand", "stately", "magnificent", "splendid", "Of exalted rank", "of or relating to the nobility", "distinguished from the masses by birth, station, or title", "highborn", "Both isohedral and isogonal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "noble", "num_translations": 101 }, "quench": { "senses": [ "To satisfy, especially an actual or figurative thirst", "To extinguish or put out", "To terminate or greatly diminish by destroying or deforming the remaining reagents", "To rapidly change the parameters of a physical system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appease" ], "word": "quench", "num_translations": 87 }, "tireless": { "senses": [ "Indefatigable, untiring and not yielding to fatigue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "untiring" ], "word": "tireless", "num_translations": 27 }, "pregnant": { "senses": [ "Carrying developing offspring within the body", "Having numerous possibilities or implications", "full of promise", "abounding in ability, resources, etc", "Fertile, prolific", "Affording entrance", "receptive", "yielding", "willing", "open", "prompt", "Ready-witted", "clever", "ingenious", "Clear", "evident" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "expecting", "eating for two", ") in an interesting condition", "in a family way", "meaningful", "Thesaurus:pregnant" ], "word": "pregnant", "num_translations": 270 }, "meddle": { "senses": [ "To interfere in or with", "to concern oneself with unduly", "To interest or engage oneself", "to have to do , in a good sense", "To mix with some other substance", "to commingle, combine, blend", "To have sex", "*" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dabble", "bemingle", "do it" ], "word": "meddle", "num_translations": 48 }, "reign": { "senses": [ "The period during which a monarch rules", "The territory or sphere over which a kingdom", "empire", "realm", "dominion, etc is ruled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reign", "num_translations": 70 }, "reign1": { "senses": [ "To be the winner of the most recent iteration of a competition", "To be a dominant quality of a place or situation", "to prevail, predominate, rule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reign", "num_translations": 33 }, "nevermind": { "senses": [ "It is not important", "do not fret", "used to reassure or comfort the person to whom it is said", "Do not be concerned", "Indicates a withdrawal of a previous statement", "Let alone", "much less" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forget about it", "belay my last" ], "word": "nevermind", "num_translations": 122 }, "ponder": { "senses": [ "to wonder, think of deeply", "to consider carefully and thoroughly", "to chew over, mull over", "to weigh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chew over", "mull over", "Thesaurus:ponder" ], "word": "ponder", "num_translations": 84 }, "getlost": { "senses": [ "Used to rudely tell somebody to go away or leave one alone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beat it", "push off", "go away", "fuck off", "take a hike", "piss off", "bugger off", "clear off", "away with you", "vamoose", "Thesaurus:go away" ], "word": "getlost", "num_translations": 80 }, "hijack": { "senses": [ "To forcibly stop and seize control of some vehicle in order to rob it or to reach a destination", "To seize control of some process or resource to achieve a purpose other than its originally intended one", "To seize control of a networked computer by means of infecting it with a worm or other malware, thereby turning it into a zombie", "To change software settings without a user's knowledge so as to force that user to visit a certain web site", "To introduce an amendment deleting the contents of a bill and inserting entirely new provisions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hijack", "num_translations": 37 }, "hijack1": { "senses": [ "the illegal seizure of a vehicle", "An instance of a seizure and redirection of a process", "An amendment which deletes the contents of a bill and inserts entirely new provisions", "Preflop, the position two before the dealer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hijack", "num_translations": 23 }, "plague": { "senses": [ "An epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence, but specifically by the above disease", "A widespread affliction, calamity or destructive influx, especially when seen as divine retribution", "A grave nuisance, whatever greatly irritates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pest" ], "word": "plague", "num_translations": 209 }, "carbomb": { "senses": [ "An automobile laden with a large amount of explosives, and used as a bomb primarily in order to cause external damage", "An explosive device installed in an automobile with the primary purpose of killing the occupants of the car", "Flatulence in an enclosed automobile", "An alcoholic beverage made by dropping a shot of liquor into a glass of beer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boilermaker" ], "word": "carbomb", "num_translations": 18 }, "cuddle1": { "senses": [ "To embrace affectionately, lie together snugly", "To cradle in one's arms so as to give comfort, warmth", "To lie close or snug", "to crouch", "to nestle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cuddle", "num_translations": 75 }, "cuddly": { "senses": [ "Suitable for cuddling", "designed to be cuddled", "fond of, or prone to cuddling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuddlesome" ], "word": "cuddly", "num_translations": 20 }, "tomfoolery": { "senses": [ "Foolish behaviour or speech", "jewellery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buffoonery" ], "word": "tomfoolery", "num_translations": 24 }, "hum1": { "senses": [ "To make a sound from the vocal chords without pronouncing any real words, with one's lips closed", "To drone like certain insects naturally do in motion, or sounding similarly", "To buzz, be busily active like a beehive", "To produce low sounds which blend continuously", "To reek, smell bad", "To flatter by approving", "to cajole", "to deceive or impose upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bumble", "bustle", "hustle", "buzz", "croon", "whir" ], "word": "hum", "num_translations": 59 }, "burner": { "senses": [ "Someone or something which burns", "An element on a kitchen stove that generates localized heat for cooking", "A device that generates localized heat for experiments", "A device that burns fuel", "eg a diesel engine", "a hot-air balloon's propulsion system", "A device for burning refuse", "an incinerator", "A device that allows data or music to be stored on a CDR or CD-ROM", "a mobile phone used for only a short time and then thrown away so that the owner cannot be traced", "An app that creates temporary phone numbers for a user", "An elaborate piece of graffiti", "A pyrotechnic tear gas canister", "A gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "burner", "num_translations": 70 }, "mistrust": { "senses": [ "Lack of trust or confidence", "distrust, untrust" ], "antonyms": [ "trust" ], "synonyms": [ "distrust", "untrust", "wantrust" ], "word": "mistrust", "num_translations": 28 }, "cloche": { "senses": [ "A glass covering, originally bell-shaped, for garden plants to prevent frost damage and promote early growth", "A bell-shaped, close-fitting women's hat with a deep rounded crown and narrow rim", "A tableware cover, often resembling a bell", "An apparatus used in controlling certain aeroplanes, consisting principally of a steering column mounted with a universal joint at the base, which is bell-shaped and has attached to it the cables for controlling the wing-warping devices, elevator planes, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cloche hat" ], "word": "cloche", "num_translations": 12 }, "isolate": { "senses": [ "To set apart or cut off from others", "To place in quarantine or isolation", "To separate a substance in pure form from a mixture", "To insulate, or make free of external influence", "To separate a pure strain of bacteria etc from a mixed culture", "To insulate an electrical component from a source of electricity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "isolate", "num_translations": 67 }, "sip1": { "senses": [ "To drink slowly, small mouthfuls at a time", "To drink a small quantity", "To taste the liquor of", "to drink out of", "alternative form of \"seep\"", "to consume slowly \u2014 in contrast to faster consumption, in contrast to zero consumption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nurse", "Thesaurus:drink" ], "word": "sip", "num_translations": 41 }, "snuggle1": { "senses": [ "To lie close to another person or thing, hugging or being cosy", "To move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cosy position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuddle" ], "word": "snuggle", "num_translations": 32 }, "pickon": { "senses": [ "To bully, harass or make fun of a victim", "to bother or harass", "To select for a task, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pester" ], "word": "pickon", "num_translations": 12 }, "gutted": { "senses": [ "Eviscerated", "With the most important parts destroyed , removed or rendered useless", "Having a gut or guts", "Deeply disappointed", "annoyed", "down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gutted", "num_translations": 15 }, "arizona": { "senses": [ "A territory of the southwest Confederate and United States of America , with its capitals at Tucson, Prescott, and Phoenix", "A department of the northwest Second Mexican Empire , with its capital at Altar", "state in the southwestern c/USA, established 1912, with its capital at Phoenix", "unisex given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ariz" ], "word": "Arizona", "num_translations": 38 }, "perish": { "senses": [ "To decay and disappear", "to waste away to nothing", "To decay in such a way that it can't be used for its original purpose", "To die", "to cease to live" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decease", "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "perish", "num_translations": 80 }, "pillow": { "senses": [ "A soft cushion used to support the head in bed", "A piece of metal or wood, forming a support to equalize pressure", "a brass", "A block under the inner end of a bowsprit", "The socket of a pivot", "A kind of plain, coarse fustian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pillow", "num_translations": 195 }, "beginning": { "senses": [ "The act of doing that which begins anything", "commencement of an action, state, or space of time", "entrance into being or upon a course", "the first act, effort, or state of a succession of acts or states", "That which is begun", "a rudiment or element", "That which begins or originates something", "the first cause", "The initial portion of some extended thing" ], "antonyms": [ "conclusion" ], "synonyms": [ "commencing", "element", "origin", "head" ], "word": "beginning", "num_translations": 212 }, "giggle": { "senses": [ "To laugh gently or in a high-pitched voice", "to laugh in a silly or giddy way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "titter", "Thesaurus:laugh" ], "word": "giggle", "num_translations": 43 }, "giggle1": { "senses": [ "A high-pitched, silly laugh", "Fun", "an amusing episode" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "titter", "amusement" ], "word": "giggle", "num_translations": 18 }, "atlantic1": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the legendary island of Atlantis", "Descended from the legendary Atlas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Atlantic", "num_translations": 21 }, "plaster1": { "senses": [ "to render", "To smear with some viscous or liquid substance", "to cover thickly", "To smooth over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plaster", "num_translations": 31 }, "whisper": { "senses": [ "The act of speaking in a quiet voice, especially, without vibration of the vocal cords", "A rumor", "A faint trace or hint", "A low rustling sound, like that of the wind in leaves", "A private message to an individual in a chat room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whisper", "num_translations": 92 }, "whisper1": { "senses": [ "To speak softly, or under the breath, so as to be heard only by one near at hand", "to utter words without sonant breath", "to talk without that vibration in the larynx which gives sonorous, or vocal, sound", "To make a low, sibilant sound", "To speak with suspicion or timorous caution", "To prompt secretly or cautiously", "to inform privately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whisper", "num_translations": 129 }, "polarbear": { "senses": [ "A very large bear, Ursus maritimus found in the Arctic Circle, white in appearance and very furry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arctic bear" ], "word": "polarbear", "num_translations": 124 }, "fillet": { "senses": [ "A headband", "a ribbon or other band used to tie the hair up, or keep a headdress in place, or for decoration", "A fine strip of any material, in various technical uses", "A heavy bead of waterproofing compound or sealant material generally installed at the point where vertical and horizontal surfaces meet", "A rounded relief or cut at an edge, especially an inside edge, added for a finished appearance and to break sharp edges", "A strip or compact piece of meat or fish from which any bones and skin and feathers have been removed", "A fine flat moulding/molding used as separation between coarser mouldings", "The space between two flutings in a shaft", "An ordinary equal in breadth to one quarter of the chief, to the lowest portion of which it corresponds in position", "The thread of a screw", "A colored or gilded border", "The raised moulding around the muzzle of a gun", "Any scantling smaller than a batten", "A fascia", "a band of fibres", "applied especially to certain bands of white matter in the brain", "The loins of a horse, beginning at the place where the hinder part of the saddle rests" ], "antonyms": [ "round" ], "synonyms": [ "filet" ], "word": "fillet", "num_translations": 59 }, "fillet1": { "senses": [ "To apply, create, or specify a rounded or filled corner to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bone" ], "word": "fillet", "num_translations": 10 }, "garland": { "senses": [ "A wreath, especially one of plaited flowers or leaves, worn on the body or draped as a decoration", "An accolade or mark of honour", "A metal gutter placed round a mineshaft on the inside, to catch water running down inside the shaft and run it into a drainpipe", "The crown of a monarch", "A book of extracts in prose or poetry", "an anthology", "The top", "the thing most prized", "A sort of netted bag used by sailors to keep provisions in", "A grommet or ring of rope lashed to a spar for convenience in handling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "garland", "num_translations": 45 }, "repel": { "senses": [ "To turn away from a privilege, right, job, etc", "To reject, put off", "To ward off", "To drive back", "To force away by means of a repulsive force", "To cause repulsion or dislike in", "to disgust", "To save" ], "antonyms": [ "attract" ], "synonyms": [ "withdrive" ], "word": "repel", "num_translations": 54 }, "itch": { "senses": [ "A sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch", "A constant teasing desire or want" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yuck" ], "word": "itch", "num_translations": 108 }, "itch1": { "senses": [ "to feel a need to be scratched", "To have a constant, teasing urge", "to feel strongly motivated", "to want or desire something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "itch", "num_translations": 78 }, "generate": { "senses": [ "To bring into being", "give rise to", "To produce as a result of a chemical or physical process", "To procreate, beget", "To form a figure from a curve or solid", "To appear or occur" ], "antonyms": [ "annihilate", "erase" ], "synonyms": [ "create" ], "word": "generate", "num_translations": 83 }, "charter": { "senses": [ "A document issued by some authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges", "A similar document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc", "A contract for the commercial leasing of a vessel, or space on a vessel", "The temporary hiring or leasing of a vehicle", "A deed", "A special privilege, immunity, or exemption", "a provision whose unintended consequence would be to encourage an undesirable activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "charter", "num_translations": 65 }, "sewer3": { "senses": [ "One who sews", "A small tortricid moth, the larva of which sews together the edges of a leaf using silk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sempster" ], "word": "sewer", "num_translations": 21 }, "swarm1": { "senses": [ "To teem, or be overrun with insects, people, etc", "To overwhelm as by an opposing army", "To climb by gripping with arms and legs alternately", "To breed multitudes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swarm", "num_translations": 47 }, "slipofthetongue": { "senses": [ "A mistake in speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lapsus linguae" ], "word": "slipofthetongue", "num_translations": 38 }, "meadow": { "senses": [ "A field or pasture", "a piece of land covered or cultivated with grass, usually intended to be mown for hay", "Low land covered with coarse grass or rank herbage near rivers and in marshy places by the sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lea" ], "word": "meadow", "num_translations": 142 }, "nod": { "senses": [ "To incline the head up and down, as to indicate agreement", "To briefly incline the head downwards as a cursory greeting", "To sway, move up and down", "To gradually fall asleep", "To make a mistake by being temporarily inattentive or tired", "To head", "to strike the ball with one's head", "To allude to something", "To fall asleep while under the influence of opiates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nod", "num_translations": 92 }, "persianempire": { "senses": [ "The empire ruled by the Achaemenid dynasty 550-330 BCE", "The empire ruled by the Sassanid dynasty 224-651 CE" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Achaemenid Empire", "Neo-Persian Empire" ], "word": "PersianEmpire", "num_translations": 31 }, "contagion": { "senses": [ "a disease spread by contact", "the spread or transmission of such a disease", "the spread of anything harmful, as if it were such a disease", "a situation in which small shocks, which initially affect only a few financial institutions or a particular region of an economy, spread to the rest of financial sectors and other countries whose economies were previously healthy", "a resulting recession or crisis developed in such manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "contagion", "num_translations": 43 }, "stream": { "senses": [ "A small river", "a large creek", "a body of moving water confined by banks", "A thin connected passing of a liquid through a lighter gas", "Any steady flow or succession of material, such as water, air, radio signal or words", "All moving waters", "A source or repository of data that can be read or written only sequentially", "A particular path, channel, division, or way of proceeding", "A division of a school year by perceived ability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beck", "brook", "burn" ], "word": "stream", "num_translations": 208 }, "stream1": { "senses": [ "To flow in a continuous or steady manner, like a liquid", "To extend", "to stretch out with a wavy motion", "to float in the wind", "To push continuous data from a server to a client computer while it is being used on the client" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stream", "num_translations": 21 }, "kinetic": { "senses": [ "Relating to motion", "Relating to kinesis or motor function" ], "antonyms": [ "lazy", "logic", "sluggish" ], "synonyms": [ "active", "animated", "dynamic", "seepy", "vigorous" ], "word": "kinetic", "num_translations": 30 }, "pram": { "senses": [ "A small vehicle, usually covered, in which a newborn baby is pushed around in a lying position", "a perambulator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baby carriage" ], "word": "pram", "num_translations": 33 }, "disconcert": { "senses": [ "To upset the composure of", "To bring into confusion", "To frustrate, make go wrong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agitate", "upset", "Thesaurus:confuse" ], "word": "disconcert", "num_translations": 18 }, "tipsy": { "senses": [ "slightly drunk, fuddled, staggering, foolish as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages", "unsteady, askew" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buzzed", "off-kilter" ], "word": "tipsy", "num_translations": 53 }, "tickle1": { "senses": [ "To touch repeatedly or stroke delicately in a manner which causes laughter, pleasure and twitching", "To unexpectedly touch or stroke delicately in a manner which causes displeasure or withdrawal", "To appeal to someone's taste, curiosity etc", "To cause delight or amusement in", "To feel titillation", "To catch fish in the hand by manually stimulating the fins often illegal", "To be excited or heartened" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kittle" ], "word": "tickle", "num_translations": 100 }, "ravenous": { "senses": [ "Very hungry", "Grasping", "characterized by strong desires" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "starving", "Thesaurus:voracious" ], "word": "ravenous", "num_translations": 34 }, "capsize": { "senses": [ "To overturn", "To cause to overturn", "To deform under stress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keel over", "turn turtle" ], "word": "capsize", "num_translations": 62 }, "throwup": { "senses": [ "To vomit", "To produce something new or unexpected", "To cause something such as dust or water to rise into the air", "To erect, particularly hastily", "To give up, abandon something", "To display a gang sign using the hands", "To enlarge, as a picture reflected on a screen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chuck up" ], "word": "throwup", "num_translations": 14 }, "pluck": { "senses": [ "To pull something sharply", "to pull something out", "To take or remove quickly from a particular place or situation", "To gently play a single string, eg on a guitar, violin etc", "To remove feathers from a bird", "To rob, fleece, steal forcibly", "To play a string instrument pizzicato", "To pull or twitch sharply", "To be rejected after failing an examination for a degree", "Of a glacier: to transport individual pieces of bedrock by means of gradual erosion through freezing and thawing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pluck", "num_translations": 118 }, "various1": { "senses": [ "Having a broad range", "That varies or differs from others", "variant", "different" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diverse" ], "word": "various", "num_translations": 70 }, "threshold": { "senses": [ "The bottom-most part of a doorway that one crosses to enter", "a sill", "An entrance", "the door or gate of a house", "Any end or boundary", "The outset of something", "the point of entry, or the beginning of an action", "The start of the landing area of a runway", "The quantitative point at which an action is triggered, especially a lower limit", "The wage or salary at which income tax becomes due", "The point where one mentally or physically is vulnerable in response to provocation or to particular things in general As in emotions, stress, or pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "threshold", "num_translations": 183 }, "translingual": { "senses": [ "Existing in multiple languages", "Having the same meaning in many languages", "containing words of multiple languages", "Operating between different languages", "Occurring or being measured across the tongue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "translingual", "num_translations": 18 }, "shoulder": { "senses": [ "The part of an animal's body between the base of the neck and forearm socket", "A shelf between two levels", "The flat portion of type that is below the bevelled portion that joins up with the face", "The portion between the neck and the body", "That which supports or sustains", "support", "The part of a key between the cuts and the bowParts of a Yale lock-type key" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shoulder", "num_translations": 328 }, "shoulder1": { "senses": [ "To bear a burden, as a financial obligation", "To accept responsibility for", "To round and slightly raise the top edges of slate shingles so that they form a tighter fit at the lower edge and can be swung aside to expose the nail", "To slope downwards from the crest and whitewater portion of a wave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shoulder", "num_translations": 14 }, "emotion": { "senses": [ "A person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation, based on or tied to physical state and sensory data", "A reaction by a non-human organism with behavioral and physiological elements similar to a person's response" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feeling" ], "word": "emotion", "num_translations": 100 }, "social": { "senses": [ "Being extroverted or outgoing", "Of or relating to society", "Relating to a nation's allies", "Cooperating or growing in groups" ], "antonyms": [ "antisocial", "unsocial", "asocial" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "social", "num_translations": 76 }, "protection": { "senses": [ "The process of keeping safe", "The state of being safe", "A means of keeping or remaining safe", "A means, such as a condom, of preventing pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease", "Coverage", "Immunity from harm obtained by illegal payments, as bribery or extortion", "A document serving as a guarantee against harm or interference", "a passport", "Restrictions on foreign competitors which limit their ability to compete with domestic producers of goods or services", "An instance of a security token associated with a resource" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "protection", "num_translations": 91 }, "title": { "senses": [ "Legal right to ownership of a property", "a deed or other certificate proving this", "In canon law, that by which a beneficiary holds a benefice", "A church to which a priest was ordained, and where he was to reside", "The name of a book, film, musical piece, painting, or other work of art", "A publication", "A section or division of a subject, as of a law or a book", "The panel for the name, between the bands of the back of a book", "The subject of a writing", "a short phrase that summarizes the entire topic", "A division of an act of law", "The recognition given to the winner of a championship in sports" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:title" ], "word": "title", "num_translations": 161 }, "promise": { "senses": [ "an oath or affirmation", "a vow", "a transaction between two persons whereby the first person undertakes in the future to render some service or gift to the second person or devotes something valuable now and here to his use", "reason to expect improvement or success", "potential", "a placeholder object representing the eventual result of an asynchronous operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "promise", "num_translations": 128 }, "promise1": { "senses": [ "To commit to , or to assure of such commitment", "to make an oath or vow", "To give grounds for expectation, especially of something good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "halsen" ], "word": "promise", "num_translations": 110 }, "prescriptivism": { "senses": [ "The practice of prescribing idealistic norms, as opposed to describing realistic forms, of linguistic usage" ], "antonyms": [ "descriptivism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "prescriptivism", "num_translations": 21 }, "what'sup": { "senses": [ "What are you doing?", "what is happening?", "A casual greeting with a meaning similar to how are you? or nice to meet you", "What do you need?", "How can I help you?", "What's the matter?" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "what'sup", "num_translations": 71 }, "stultify": { "senses": [ "To prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone's incompetence", "To cause to appear foolish", "To deprive of strength or efficacy", "make useless or worthless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "humiliate" ], "word": "stultify", "num_translations": 11 }, "grade": { "senses": [ "A rating", "The performance of an individual or group on an examination or test, expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol", "a score", "A degree or level of something", "a position within a scale", "a degree of quality", "A slope of a roadway or other passage", "A level of primary and secondary education", "The level of the ground", "A gradian", "In a linear system of divisors on an n-dimensional variety, the number of free intersection points of n generic divisors", "A harsh scraping or cutting", "a grating", "A taxon united by a level of morphological or physiological complexity that is not a clade", "The degree of malignity of a tumor expressed on a scale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paraphyletic" ], "word": "grade", "num_translations": 180 }, "grade1": { "senses": [ "To assign scores to the components of an academic test", "To assign a score to overall academic performance", "To flatten, level, or smooth a large surface", "To remove or trim part of a seam allowance from a finished seam so as to reduce bulk and make the finished piece more even when turned right side out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grade", "num_translations": 22 }, "bloke": { "senses": [ "A man, a fellow", "an ordinary man, a man on the street", "A man who behaves in a particularly laddish or overtly heterosexual manner", "An exemplar of a certain masculine, independent male archetype", "An anglophone man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:man" ], "word": "bloke", "num_translations": 25 }, "rum": { "senses": [ "A distilled spirit derived from fermented cane sugar and molasses", "A queer or odd person or thing", "A country parson" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "odd duck", "abnormality" ], "word": "rum", "num_translations": 75 }, "motor": { "senses": [ "A machine or device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy, or imparts motion", "A source of power for something", "an inspiration", "a driving force", "Any protein capable of converting chemical energy into mechanical work", "The controller or prime mover of the universe", "God", "The fermenting mass of fruit that is the basis of pruno, or \"prison wine\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "engine" ], "word": "motor", "num_translations": 118 }, "podium": { "senses": [ "A platform on which to stand, as when conducting an orchestra or preaching at a pulpit", "A stand used to hold notes when speaking publicly", "A steepled platform upon which the three competitors with the best results may stand when being handed their medals or prize", "A result amongst the best three at a competition", "A low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall", "A foot or footstalk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lectern" ], "word": "podium", "num_translations": 48 }, "childbirth": { "senses": [ "The fact or action of giving birth to a child, as the culmination of pregnancy" ], "antonyms": [ "death" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "childbirth", "num_translations": 60 }, "suffer": { "senses": [ "To undergo hardship", "To feel pain", "To become worse", "To endure, undergo", "To allow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bear", "agonize", "deteriorate", "bear", "permit" ], "word": "suffer", "num_translations": 185 }, "killerwhale": { "senses": [ "A sea mammal related to dolphins and porpoises" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Orcinus orca" ], "word": "killerwhale", "num_translations": 71 }, "hardly": { "senses": [ "Firmly, vigorously, with strength or exertion", "Harshly, severely", "in a hard manner", "With difficulty", "Barely, only just, almost not" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barely" ], "word": "hardly", "num_translations": 81 }, "skim": { "senses": [ "To pass lightly", "to glide along in an even, smooth course", "to glide along near the surface", "To pass near the surface of", "to brush the surface of", "to glide swiftly along the surface of", "To hasten along with superficial attention", "To put on a finishing coat of plaster", "to throw an object so it bounces on water", "to ricochet", "to read quickly, skipping some detail", "to scrape off", "to remove from a surface", "to clear from scum or substance floating or lying on it, by means of a utensil that passes just beneath the surface", "to clear a liquid from , especially the cream that floats on top of fresh milk", "To steal money from a business before the transaction has been recorded, thus avoiding detection", "To surreptitiously scan a payment card in order to obtain its information for fraudulent purposes", "To become coated over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skim", "num_translations": 115 }, "godown": { "senses": [ "To descend", "to move from a higher place to a lower one", "To be received or accepted", "To be blamed for something", "to be the scapegoat", "to go to prison", "To be recorded or remembered", "To take place, happen", "To perform oral sex", "To stop functioning, to go offline", "To fail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "godown", "num_translations": 87 }, "onpurpose": { "senses": [ "With purpose", "intentionally", "purposely", "For the purpose", "for that specific reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "onpurpose", "num_translations": 86 }, "snapdragon": { "senses": [ "Any plant of the genus Antirrhinum, with showy yellow, white or red flowers", "A game in which raisins are snatched from a vessel containing burning brandy, and eaten", "the substance snatched and eaten during the playing of the game", "the vessel used for the game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Antirrhinum", "flapdragon" ], "word": "snapdragon", "num_translations": 46 }, "chicanery": { "senses": [ "Deception by use of trickery, quibbling, or subterfuge", "A slick performance by a lawyer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dishonesty" ], "word": "chicanery", "num_translations": 22 }, "heroine": { "senses": [ "A female hero", "A female lead character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shero" ], "word": "heroine", "num_translations": 61 }, "heroin": { "senses": [ "A powerful and addictive drug derived from opium producing intense euphoria classed as an illegal narcotic in most of the world" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diacetylmorphine", "Big H", "boy", "brown", "dope", "junk", "H", "horse", "ron", "shit", "skag", "smack", "train", "yam yam" ], "word": "heroin", "num_translations": 55 }, "thankful": { "senses": [ "Showing appreciation or gratitude", "Obtaining or deserving thanks", "thankworthy" ], "antonyms": [ "thankless" ], "synonyms": [ "grateful", "appreciative" ], "word": "thankful", "num_translations": 46 }, "sorcery": { "senses": [ "Magical power", "the use of witchcraft or magic arts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black magic", "magic", "witchcraft", "wizardry", "warlockry", "wizardcraft", "hexcraft", "spellcraft", "spellcasting" ], "word": "sorcery", "num_translations": 86 }, "chigger": { "senses": [ "A chigoe , a kind of flea found in tropical climates", "A harvest mite, a very small, red mite endemic to the Midwestern and Southeastern US, the infestation of which causes intense itching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harvest mite" ], "word": "chigger", "num_translations": 11 }, "titmouse": { "senses": [ "Any small passerine bird of the family Paridae, which are found in the woods of the Northern Hemisphere and of Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tit" ], "word": "titmouse", "num_translations": 37 }, "hickey": { "senses": [ "A bruise-like mark made during petting by pressing the mouth to the skin on one's partner's body and sucking", "An object whose name is unknown or cannot be recalled", "A printing defect caused by foreign matter on the printing surface resulting in a ring where the ink is missing, appearing as a spot of ink surrounded by a halo, or as an unprinted spot within a solid printed area", "Local swelling in a tissue area, especially skin, often due to injury", "A tool for making smooth, semicircular bends in conduit and pipe", "An unintended negative outcome or loss in regards to a deal or action, often preceded by the words \"taking a\" or \"took a \"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:thingy" ], "word": "hickey", "num_translations": 42 }, "pony": { "senses": [ "A small horse", "specifically, any of several small breeds of horse under 142 hands at the withers", "A small serving of an alcoholic beverage, especially beer", "A serving of 140 millilitres of beer", "a quarter pint", "Twenty-five pounds sterling", "A translation used as a study aid", "loosely, a crib, a cheat-sheet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horseling" ], "word": "pony", "num_translations": 78 }, "ounce": { "senses": [ "A little bit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "symbol: \u2125" ], "word": "ounce", "num_translations": 66 }, "eucharistic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the Eucharist", "Giving thanks", "expressing thankfulness", "rejoicing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eucharistical" ], "word": "eucharistic", "num_translations": 12 }, "elizabeth": { "senses": [ "female given name, popular since the 16th century", "The mother of John the Baptist", "Elisheba, the wife of Aaron", "suburb of city/Adelaide c/Australia", "locale c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Elizabeth", "num_translations": 95 }, "foster2": { "senses": [ "To nurture or bring up offspring, or to provide similar parental care to an unrelated child", "To cultivate and grow something", "To nurse or cherish something", "To be nurtured or trained up together" ], "antonyms": [ "hinder" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "foster", "num_translations": 71 }, "flasher": { "senses": [ "Anything that flashes, especially a device that switches a light on and off", "An indicator or turn signal", "A person who exposes their genitals or female nipples" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exhibitionist" ], "word": "flasher", "num_translations": 13 }, "slog1": { "senses": [ "To walk slowly, encountering resistance", "To work slowly and deliberately at a tedious task", "To strike something with a heavy blow, especially a ball with a bat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:walk" ], "word": "slog", "num_translations": 12 }, "kindred": { "senses": [ "Distant and close relatives, collectively", "kin", "People of the same ethnic descent, not including speaker", "brethren", "A grouping of relatives", "Blood relationship", "Affinity, likeness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brethren" ], "word": "kindred", "num_translations": 10 }, "kindred2": { "senses": [ "Of the same nature, or of similar character", "Connected, related, cognate, akin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:akin" ], "word": "kindred", "num_translations": 14 }, "snowbird": { "senses": [ "A bird, Junco hyemalis, the dark-eyed junco", "A bird seen primarily in the winter time", "The snow bunting", "A person, usually one who is retired, who travels from a cold climate to a warmer one in the winter", "A cocaine user" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snowbird", "num_translations": 16 }, "oliver": { "senses": [ "male given name", "surname", "town p/British Columbia c/Canada", "urban neighborhood city/Edmonton p/Alberta c/Canada", "community co/Colchester County p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "community co/Essex County p/Ontario c/Canada", "unincorporated community co/Scott County s/Arkansas", "ghost town co/Yuba County s/California", "tiny city co/Screven County s/Georgia", "unincorporated community co/Edgar County s/Illinois", "unincorporated community co/Whiteside County s/Illinois", "unincorporated community co/Posey County s/Indiana", "neighborhood city/Baltimore s/Maryland", "unincorporated community co/Kimball County s/Nebraska", "census-designated place co/Fayette County s/Pennsylvania", "village co/Douglas County s/Wisconsin", "The Moon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Oliver", "num_translations": 46 }, "papist": { "senses": [ "A Roman Catholic, whose loyalties are seen to be with the papacy in Rome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Romist" ], "word": "papist", "num_translations": 11 }, "patricide": { "senses": [ "Murder of one's father", "A murderer of his/her own father" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "father-slayer" ], "word": "patricide", "num_translations": 37 }, "equestrian1": { "senses": [ "a horserider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horseman", "horserider" ], "word": "equestrian", "num_translations": 18 }, "gondola": { "senses": [ "A small long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, propelled with a single oar, especially in Venice", "A hanging platform or car for transporting people or cargo", "A type of open railway car with low sides, used to carry heavy freight such as crushed rock or steel", "A free-standing shelving unit in a supermarket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gondola car", "cable car" ], "word": "gondola", "num_translations": 86 }, "sagacious": { "senses": [ "Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness", "mentally shrewd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frood" ], "word": "sagacious", "num_translations": 17 }, "unkempt": { "senses": [ "Uncombed", "dishevelled", "Disorderly", "untidy", "messy", "not kept up", "Rough", "unpolished" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dishevelled", "slovenly" ], "word": "unkempt", "num_translations": 35 }, "meh": { "senses": [ "Mediocre", "lackluster", "unexceptional", "uninspiring", "Apathetic", "unenthusiastic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "meh", "num_translations": 11 }, "meh1": { "senses": [ "Expressing indifference or lack of enthusiasm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pht", "pshh", "phht", "pssh", "pssht", "psht", "pshht", "feh", "pooh", "pshaw", "pish", "bah", "poh" ], "word": "meh", "num_translations": 15 }, "settheory": { "senses": [ "The mathematical theory of sets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sets" ], "word": "settheory", "num_translations": 33 }, "dome": { "senses": [ "a structural element resembling the hollow upper half of a sphere", "a cupola", "anything shaped like an upset bowl, often used as a cover", "head", "head, oral sex", "a building", "a house", "an edifice", "a prism formed by planes parallel to a lateral axis which meet above in a horizontal edge, like the roof of a house", "also, one of the planes of such a form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dome", "num_translations": 81 }, "illness": { "senses": [ "An instance of a disease or poor health", "A state of bad health or disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sickness", "sickness", "Thesaurus:disease" ], "word": "illness", "num_translations": 186 }, "plus": { "senses": [ "And", "sum of the previous one and the following one", "With", "having in addition", "And also", "in addition", "besides" ], "antonyms": [ "minus" ], "synonyms": [ "and" ], "word": "plus", "num_translations": 62 }, "plus1": { "senses": [ "A positive quantity", "An asset or useful addition" ], "antonyms": [ "liability", "minus" ], "synonyms": [ "asset", "plus sign" ], "word": "plus", "num_translations": 22 }, "plus2": { "senses": [ "Being positive rather than negative or zero", "Positive, or involving advantage", "Electrically positive", "Equal to or greater than", "or more", "upwards" ], "antonyms": [ "minus", "bad" ], "synonyms": [ "positive", "advantageous" ], "word": "plus", "num_translations": 56 }, "std1": { "senses": [ "Sexually transmitted disease", "Subscriber trunk dialing / subscriber toll dialing , subscriber trunk dialling", "Short-term disability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "VD", "STI" ], "word": "STD", "num_translations": 10 }, "apathy": { "senses": [ "Lack of emotion or motivation", "lack of interest or enthusiasm towards something", "disinterest" ], "antonyms": [ "empathy", "sympathy" ], "synonyms": [ "indifference", "neutrality" ], "word": "apathy", "num_translations": 83 }, "filipino": { "senses": [ "A Philippine language used in the Philippines, based on Tagalog", "A native or inhabitant of the Philippines, especially a male" ], "antonyms": [ "Filipina" ], "synonyms": [ "Pinoy" ], "word": "Filipino", "num_translations": 73 }, "opening1": { "senses": [ "An act or instance of making or becoming open", "Something that is open", "An act or instance of beginning", "Something that is a beginning", "A vacant position, especially in an array", "An opportunity, as in a competitive activity", "In mathematical morphology, the dilation of the erosion of a set" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hole", "availability", "job opening" ], "word": "opening", "num_translations": 101 }, "nomenclature": { "senses": [ "A set of rules used for forming the names or terms in a particular field of arts or sciences", "A set of names or terms", "A name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "terminology" ], "word": "nomenclature", "num_translations": 45 }, "bereave": { "senses": [ "To deprive by or as if by violence", "to rob", "to strip", "to benim", "To take away by destroying, impairing, or spoiling", "take away by violence", "To deprive of power", "prevent", "To take away someone or something that is important or close", "deprive", "To destroy life", "cut off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bereave", "num_translations": 31 }, "post": { "senses": [ "A long dowel or plank protruding from the ground", "A stud", "a two-by-four", "A pole in a battery", "A long, narrow piece inserted into a root canal to provide retention for a crown", "A prolonged final melody note, among moving harmony notes", "A printing paper size measuring 1925 inches x 155 inches", "hence, a score", "a debt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "post", "num_translations": 111 }, "post1": { "senses": [ "To hang in a conspicuous manner for general review", "To hold up to public blame or reproach", "to advertise opprobriously", "to denounce by public proclamation", "To carry from the journal to the ledger", "To inform", "to give the news to", "to make acquainted with the details of a subject", "often with up", "To pay", "To put content online, usually through a publicly accessible mean, such as a video channel, gallery, message board, blog etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "post", "num_translations": 34 }, "post2": { "senses": [ "A station, or one of a series of stations, established for the refreshment and accommodation of travellers on some recognized route", "A military base", "the place at which a soldier or a body of troops is stationed", "also, the troops at such a station", "Someone who travels express along a set route carrying letters and dispatches", "a courier", "An organisation for delivering letters, parcels etc, or the service provided by such an organisation", "A single delivery of letters", "the letters or deliveries that make up a single batch delivered to one person or one address", "A location on a basketball court near the basket", "A moderate to deep passing route in which a receiver runs 10-20 yards from the line of scrimmage straight down the field, then cuts toward the middle of the field at a 45-degree angle", "Haste or speed, like that of a messenger or mail carrier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "post", "num_translations": 65 }, "post3": { "senses": [ "To travel with relays of horses", "To travel quickly", "to hurry", "To rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse, especially in trotting", "To publish to a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "post", "num_translations": 47 }, "exercise": { "senses": [ "Any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability", "Activity intended to improve physical, or sometimes mental, strength and fitness", "A setting in action or practicing", "employment in the proper mode of activity", "exertion", "application", "use", "The performance of an office, ceremony, or duty", "That which gives practice", "a trial", "a test" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exercise", "num_translations": 167 }, "exercise1": { "senses": [ "To exert for the sake of training or improvement", "to practice in order to develop", "To perform physical activity for health or training", "To use", "to put into practice", "To occupy the attention and effort of", "to task", "to tax, especially in a painful or vexatious manner", "harass", "to vex", "to worry or make anxious", "To set in action", "to cause to act, move, or make exertion", "to give employment to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exercise", "num_translations": 107 }, "cobbler": { "senses": [ "A person who makes and repairs shoes", "A person who lays cobbles", "a roadworker", "A kind of pie, usually filled with fruit, that lacks a crust at the base", "A police officer", "An alcoholic drink containing spirit or wine, with sugar and lemon juice", "A clumsy workman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shoemender", "shoemaker", "cordwainer", "Thesaurus:police officer" ], "word": "cobbler", "num_translations": 114 }, "movement": { "senses": [ "Physical motion between points in space", "A system or mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming motion, such as the wheelwork of a watch", "The impression of motion in an artwork, painting, novel etc", "A trend in various fields or social categories, a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals", "A large division of a larger composition", "Melodic progression, accentual character, tempo or pace", "An instance of an aircraft taking off or landing", "The deviation of a pitch from ballistic flight", "A pattern in which pairs change opponents and boards move from table to table in duplicate bridge", "An act of emptying the bowels", "Motion of the mind or feelings", "emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "movement", "num_translations": 190 }, "attest": { "senses": [ "To affirm to be correct, true, or genuine", "To certify by signature or oath", "To certify in an official capacity", "To supply or be evidence of", "To put under oath", "To call to witness", "to invoke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attest", "num_translations": 35 }, "gizmo": { "senses": [ "Something, generally a device, for which one does not know the proper term" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:thingy" ], "word": "gizmo", "num_translations": 40 }, "fashion": { "senses": [ "A current trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons", "Popular trends", "A style or manner in which something is done", "The make or form of anything", "the style, shape, appearance, or mode of structure", "pattern, model", "workmanship", "execution", "social position", "good breeding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fashion", "num_translations": 155 }, "fashion1": { "senses": [ "To make, build or construct, especially in a crude or improvised way", "To make in a standard manner", "to work", "To fit, adapt, or accommodate to", "To forge or counterfeit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fashion", "num_translations": 14 }, "vapid": { "senses": [ "Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging", "Lifeless, dull, or banal", "Tasteless, bland, or insipid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wearisome", "Thesaurus:soporific", "Thesaurus:boring" ], "word": "vapid", "num_translations": 62 }, "rile": { "senses": [ "to make angry", "to stir or move from a state of calm or order" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aggravate", "anger", "annoy", "irritate", "vex" ], "word": "rile", "num_translations": 14 }, "caul": { "senses": [ "A style of close-fitting circular cap worn by women in the sixteenth century and later, often made of linen", "An entry to a mill lead taken from a burn or stream is generally smaller than a canal but moves a large volume of water)", "A membrane", "The thin membrane which covers the lower intestines", "the omentum", "The amnion which encloses the foetus before birth, especially that part of it which sometimes shrouds a baby's head at birth", "The surface of a press that makes contact with panel product, especially a removable plate or sheet", "A strip or block of wood used to distribute or direct clamping force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "caul", "num_translations": 35 }, "lockjaw": { "senses": [ "A spasmodic, nervous system disease brought on by the tetanus bacteria It causes muscles to seize up and may cause death by suffocation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trismus" ], "word": "lockjaw", "num_translations": 22 }, "efflorescence": { "senses": [ "The formation of a powdery surface on crystals, as a hydrate is converted to anhydrous form by losing loosely bound water of crystallization to the atmosphere", "The production of flowers", "An encrustation of soluble salts, commonly white, deposited on the surface of stone, brick, plaster, or mortar", "usually caused by free alkalies leached from mortar or adjacent concrete as moisture moves through it", "An encrustation of soluble salts, deposited on rock or soil by evaporation", "often found in arid or geothermal environments", "Rapid flowering of a culture or civilisation etc", "A redness, rash, or eruption on the skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "efflorescence", "num_translations": 20 }, "poll": { "senses": [ "A survey of people, usually statistically analyzed to gauge wider public opinion", "A formal election", "The head, particularly the scalp or pate upon which hair grows", "A mass of people, a mob or muster, considered as a head count", "The broad or butt end of an axe or a hammer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "election", "See", "scalp" ], "word": "poll", "num_translations": 50 }, "aroma": { "senses": [ "A smell", "especially a pleasant spicy or fragrant one" ], "antonyms": [ "odor/odour", "pungency", "reek", "stench" ], "synonyms": [ "fragrance" ], "word": "aroma", "num_translations": 40 }, "aromatic": { "senses": [ "Fragrant or spicy", "Having a closed ring of alternate single and double bonds with delocalized electrons", "Derived from benzene" ], "antonyms": [ "aliphatic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aromatic", "num_translations": 66 }, "indigent": { "senses": [ "Poor", "destitute", "in need", "Utterly lacking or in need of something specified" ], "antonyms": [ "affluent" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "indigent", "num_translations": 35 }, "indigent1": { "senses": [ "A person in need, or in poverty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pauper" ], "word": "indigent", "num_translations": 19 }, "dimeadozen": { "senses": [ "So common as to be practically worthless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ten a penny" ], "word": "dimeadozen", "num_translations": 14 }, "organic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or derived from living organisms", "Pertaining to an organ of the body of a living organism", "Relating to the compounds of carbon, relating to natural products", "Of food or food products, grown in an environment free from artificial agrichemicals, and possibly certified by a regulatory body", "Describing a form of social solidarity theorized by Emile Durkheim that is characterized by voluntary engagements in complex interdependencies for mutual benefit , rather than mechanical solidarity, which depends on ascribed relations between people", "Of a military unit or formation, or its elements, belonging to a permanent organization", "Instrumental", "acting as instruments of nature or of art to a certain destined function or end", "Generated according to the ranking algorithms of a search engine, as opposed to paid placement by advertisers", "Developing in a gradual or natural fashion", "Harmonious", "coherent", "structured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "organic", "num_translations": 123 }, "thingy": { "senses": [ "A thing", "Penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "thingy", "num_translations": 41 }, "voiceless": { "senses": [ "Lacking a voice, without vocal sound", "Without a vote", "having no input into a decision", "Spoken without vibration of the vocal cords", "unvoiced, surd Examples: t, s, f" ], "antonyms": [ "audible", "vocal", "voiced" ], "synonyms": [ "inaudible", "silent", "unvoiced" ], "word": "voiceless", "num_translations": 60 }, "concave": { "senses": [ "curved like the inner surface of a sphere or bowl", "not convex", "having at least one internal angle greater than 180 degrees", "satisfying the property that all segments connecting two points on the function's graph lie below the function", "hollow", "empty" ], "antonyms": [ "convex" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "concave", "num_translations": 46 }, "convex": { "senses": [ "curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl or sphere or circle", "arranged such that for any two points in the set, a straight line between the two points is contained within the set", "having no internal angles greater than 180 degrees" ], "antonyms": [ "concave" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "convex", "num_translations": 49 }, "harness": { "senses": [ "A restraint or support, especially one consisting of a loop or network of rope or straps", "A collection of wires or cables bundled and routed according to their function", "The complete dress, especially in a military sense, of a man or a horse", "armour in general", "The part of a loom comprising the heddles, with their means of support and motion, by which the threads of the warp are alternately raised and depressed for the passage of the shuttle", "Equipment for any kind of labour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harness", "num_translations": 68 }, "concentric": { "senses": [ "Having a common center", "in the direction of contraction of a muscle (Eg extension of the lower arm via the elbow joint while contracting the triceps and other elbow extensor muscles", "closing of the jaw while flexing the masseter)" ], "antonyms": [ "eccentric" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "concentric", "num_translations": 22 }, "dormitory": { "senses": [ "A room containing a number of beds for sleeping, often applied to student and backpacker accommodation of this kind", "A building or part of a building which houses students, soldiers, monks etc who sleep there and use communal further facilities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common abbreviation" ], "word": "dormitory", "num_translations": 99 }, "cosmogony": { "senses": [ "The study of the origin, and sometimes the development, of the universe or the solar system, in astrophysics, religion, and other fields", "Any specific theory, model, myth, or other account of the origin of the universe", "The creation of the universe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cosmogenesis" ], "word": "cosmogony", "num_translations": 56 }, "rhubarb": { "senses": [ "Any plant of the genus Rheum, especially Rheum rhabarbarum, having large leaves and long green or reddish acidic leafstalks that are edible, in particular when cooked", "they are frequently stewed with sugar and made into jam or used in crumbles, pies, etc", "The dried rhizome and roots of Rheum palmatum or Rheum officinale , from China, used as a laxative and purgative", "A Royal Air Force World War II code name for operations by aircraft involving low-level flight to seek opportunistic targets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tusky" ], "word": "rhubarb", "num_translations": 57 }, "embedded1": { "senses": [ "Part of", "firmly, or securely surrounded", "lodged solidly into", "deep-rooted", "Partially buried in concrete or planted in earth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "embedded", "num_translations": 22 }, "contentious": { "senses": [ "Marked by heated arguments or controversy", "Given to struggling with others out of jealousy or discord" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:quarrelsome", "Thesaurus:combative" ], "word": "contentious", "num_translations": 72 }, "systemic": { "senses": [ "Embedded within and spread throughout and affecting a whole system, group, body, economy, market, or society", "Pertaining to an entire organism" ], "antonyms": [ "topical", "endemic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "systemic", "num_translations": 14 }, "bond": { "senses": [ "A documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract", "a debenture", "A physical connection which binds, a band", "An emotional link, connection or union", "Moral or political duty or obligation", "A link or force between neighbouring atoms in a molecule", "A binding agreement, a covenant", "Any constraining or cementing force or material", "In building, a specific pattern of bricklaying", "In Scotland, a mortgage", "A heavy copper wire or rod connecting adjacent rails of an electric railway track when used as a part of the electric circuit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bond", "num_translations": 104 }, "bond1": { "senses": [ "to bind", "To cause to adhere", "To form a chemical compound with", "To guarantee or secure a financial risk", "To form a friendship or emotional connection", "to secure until the associated duties are paid", "To lay bricks in a specific pattern", "To make a reliable electrical connection between two conductors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cling" ], "word": "bond", "num_translations": 13 }, "wrinkle": { "senses": [ "A small furrow, ridge or crease in an otherwise smooth surface", "A line or crease in the skin, especially when caused by age or fatigue", "A fault, imperfection or bug especially in a new system or product", "typically, they will need to be ironed out", "A twist on something existing", "a novel difference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wrinkle", "num_translations": 109 }, "wrinkle1": { "senses": [ "To pucker or become uneven or irregular", "to age", "To sneer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wrinkle", "num_translations": 74 }, "otherwise": { "senses": [ "Differently, in another way", "In different circumstances", "or else", "In all other respects" ], "antonyms": [ "likewise" ], "synonyms": [ "elsewise", "if", "apart from" ], "word": "otherwise", "num_translations": 169 }, "schoolchild": { "senses": [ "A young person attending school or of an age to attend school" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pupil", "schoolkid" ], "word": "schoolchild", "num_translations": 66 }, "stench": { "senses": [ "a strong foul smell, a stink", "a foul quality", "A smell or odour, not necessarily bad" ], "antonyms": [ "aroma" ], "synonyms": [ "stink" ], "word": "stench", "num_translations": 86 }, "scrawl": { "senses": [ "Irregular, possibly illegible handwriting", "A hastily or carelessly written note etc", "Writing that lacks literary merit", "A broken branch of a tree", "The young of the dog-crab" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scrawl", "num_translations": 38 }, "handwriting": { "senses": [ "The act or process of writing done with the hand, rather than typed or word-processed", "The characteristic writing of a particular person", "Text that was written by hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "longhand", "manuscript" ], "word": "handwriting", "num_translations": 75 }, "guideline": { "senses": [ "A non-specific rule or principle that provides direction to action or behaviour", "A plan or explanation to guide one in setting standards or determining a course of action", "A light line, used in lettering, to help align the text" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rule of thumb", "rule of thumb" ], "word": "guideline", "num_translations": 45 }, "seagoing": { "senses": [ "Travelling out to sea", "Made for, or used on the high seas", "Fit for sailing on the high seas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seafaring" ], "word": "seagoing", "num_translations": 15 }, "regularly": { "senses": [ "With constant frequency or pattern", "normally", "ordinarily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as a rule" ], "word": "regularly", "num_translations": 25 }, "bagpipes": { "senses": [ "A musical wind instrument of Celtic origin, possessing a flexible bag inflated by bellows, a double-reed melody pipe and up to four drone pipes", "any aerophone that produces sound using air from a reservoir to vibrate enclosed reeds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bagpipe" ], "word": "bagpipes", "num_translations": 73 }, "tusk": { "senses": [ "One of a pair of elongated pointed teeth that extend outside the mouth of an animal such as walrus, elephant or wild boar", "A small projection on a tenon", "A projecting member like a tenon, and serving the same or a similar purpose, but composed of several steps, or offsets, called teeth", "A sharp point", "The share of a plough" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tusk", "num_translations": 81 }, "walrus": { "senses": [ "A large Arctic marine mammal related to seals and having long tusks, tough, wrinkled skin, and four flippers, Odobenus rosmarus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "morse", "sea horse" ], "word": "walrus", "num_translations": 110 }, "flipper": { "senses": [ "In marine mammals such as whales, a wide flat limb, adapted for swimming", "A flat, wide, paddle-like rubber covering for the foot, used in swimming", "A flat lever in a pinball machine, triggered by the player to strike the ball and keep it in play", "A small flat used to support a larger one", "A type of ball bowled by a leg spin bowler, which spins backwards and skids off the pitch with a low bounce", "Television remote control, clicker", "The hand", "A kind of false tooth, usually temporary", "A kitchen spatula", "Someone who flips, in the sense of buying a house or other asset and selling it quickly for profit", "Someone who flips in any other sense, for example throwing a coin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flipper", "num_translations": 61 }, "raft": { "senses": [ "Any flattish thing, usually wooden, used in a similar fashion", "A thick crowd of seabirds or sea mammals, particularly a group of penguins when in the water", "A collection of logs, fallen trees, etc which obstructs navigation in a river", "A slice of toast", "A square array of sensors forming part of a large telescope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "raft", "num_translations": 107 }, "idiomatic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining or conforming to the natural mode of expression of a language", "Containing or using many idioms", "Resembling or characteristic of an idiom", "Parts or pieces which are written both within the natural physical limitations of the instrument and human body and, less so or less often, the styles of playing used on specific instruments" ], "antonyms": [ "nonidiomatic", "unidiomatic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "idiomatic", "num_translations": 36 }, "yorkshire": { "senses": [ "England's largest county Situated in the north-east England", "divided into three ridings, Since 1974 for administration purposes local government has used different divisions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tyke" ], "word": "Yorkshire", "num_translations": 32 }, "whisk": { "senses": [ "A quick, light sweeping motion", "A kitchen utensil, made from stiff wire loops fixed to a handle, used for whipping", "A bunch of twigs or hair etc, used as a brush", "A small handheld broom with a small handle", "A plane used by coopers for evening chines", "A kind of cape, forming part of a woman's dress", "An impertinent fellow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whisk", "num_translations": 55 }, "tunnel": { "senses": [ "An underground or underwater passage", "A passage through or under some obstacle", "A hole in the ground made by an animal, a burrow", "A wrapper for a protocol that cannot otherwise be used because it is unsupported, blocked, or insecure", "A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or tube at the other, for conveying liquor, fluids, etc, into casks, bottles, or other vessels", "a funnel", "The opening of a chimney for the passage of smoke", "a flue", "A level passage driven across the measures, or at right angles to veins which it is desired to reach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tunnel", "num_translations": 96 }, "precision": { "senses": [ "The state of being precise or exact", "exactness", "The ability of a measurement to be reproduced consistently", "The number of significant digits to which a value may be measured reliably", "A bidding system that makes use of many artificial bids to describe a hand quite precisely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "precision", "num_translations": 34 }, "zephyr": { "senses": [ "A light wind from the west", "Any light refreshing wind", "a gentle breeze", "Anything of fine, soft, or light quality, especially fabric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "westerly" ], "word": "zephyr", "num_translations": 39 }, "improbable": { "senses": [ "Not likely to be true", "Not likely to happen" ], "antonyms": [ "probable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "improbable", "num_translations": 39 }, "intransitive": { "senses": [ "not transitive: not having, or not taking, a direct object", "not transitive or passing further", "kept", "detained" ], "antonyms": [ "transitive" ], "synonyms": [ "neuter" ], "word": "intransitive", "num_translations": 51 }, "inert": { "senses": [ "Unable to move or act", "inanimate", "In chemistry, not readily reacting with other elements or compounds", "Having no therapeutic action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dormant", "unreactive" ], "word": "inert", "num_translations": 28 }, "depression": { "senses": [ "In psychotherapy and psychiatry, a state of mind producing serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability to visualize a happy future", "An area that is lower in topography than its surroundings", "In psychotherapy and psychiatry, a period of unhappiness or low morale which lasts longer than several weeks and may include ideation of self-inflicted injury or suicide", "An area of lowered air pressure that generally brings moist weather, sometimes promoting hurricanes and tornadoes", "A period of major economic contraction", "Four consecutive quarters of negative, real GDP growth See NBER", "The act of lowering or pressing something down", "A lowering, in particular a reduction in a particular biological variable or the function of an organ, in contrast to elevation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "depression", "num_translations": 212 }, "molecule": { "senses": [ "The smallest particle of a specific element or compound that retains the chemical properties of that element or compound", "two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds", "A tiny amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:molecule", "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "molecule", "num_translations": 108 }, "seduce": { "senses": [ "To beguile or lure away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct", "to lead astray", "To entice or induce to engage in a sexual relationship", "To have sexual intercourse with", "To win over or attract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corrupt", "debauch", "coitize", "beguile" ], "word": "seduce", "num_translations": 64 }, "continue": { "senses": [ "To proceed with", "to prolong", "To make last", "to prolong", "To retain in a given state, position, etc", "To remain in a given place or condition", "to remain in connection with", "to abide", "to stay", "To resume", "To adjourn, prorogue, put off", "To make a continuation bet" ], "antonyms": [ "terminate" ], "synonyms": [ "carry on", "carry on" ], "word": "continue", "num_translations": 120 }, "inuit": { "senses": [ "A member of any of several Aboriginal peoples of coastal Arctic Canada, Alaska, and Greenland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eskimo", "Inuk", "Inuits", "Inupiat", "Inuvialuit", "Inuinnaq", "Nunavummiut", "Nunavimmiut", "Labrador Inuit", "Greenlander", "Kalaallit", "Skraeling" ], "word": "Inuit", "num_translations": 17 }, "inuit1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Inupiatun", "Inuvialuktun", "Inuinnaqtun", "Inuktitut", "Nunavimmiutitut", "Nunatsiavummiutut", "Greenlandic" ], "word": "Inuit", "num_translations": 13 }, "credulous": { "senses": [ "Excessively ready to believe things", "gullible", "Believed too readily" ], "antonyms": [ "incredulous", "noncredulous" ], "synonyms": [ "naive" ], "word": "credulous", "num_translations": 30 }, "monotony": { "senses": [ "Tedium as a result of repetition or a lack of variety", "The property of a monotonic function", "The quality of having an unvarying tone or pitch" ], "antonyms": [ "polytony" ], "synonyms": [ "boredom" ], "word": "monotony", "num_translations": 16 }, "rush": { "senses": [ "Any of several stiff plants of the genus Juncus, or the family Juncaceae, having hollow or pithy stems and small flowers, and often growing in marshes or near water", "The stem of such plants used in making baskets, mats, the seats of chairs, etc", "The merest trifle", "a straw", "A wick" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rush", "num_translations": 47 }, "rush1": { "senses": [ "A sudden forward motion", "A surge", "General haste", "A rapid, noisy flow", "A sudden attack", "an onslaught", "The strategy of attacking an opponent with a large swarm of weak units, rather than spending time developing their abilities", "The act of running at another player to block or disrupt play", "a lineman", "A sudden, brief exhilaration, for instance the pleasurable sensation produced by a stimulant", "A regulated period of recruitment in fraternities and sororities", "A perfect recitation", "A roquet in which the object ball is sent to a particular location on the lawn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rush", "num_translations": 64 }, "rush2": { "senses": [ "To hurry", "to perform a task with great haste", "To flow or move forward rapidly or noisily", "To dribble rapidly", "To run directly at another player in order to block or disrupt play", "To cause to move or act with unusual haste", "To make a swift or sudden attack", "To swiftly attack without warning", "To attack with a large swarm of units", "To attempt to join a fraternity or sorority", "to undergo hazing or initiation in order to join a fraternity or sorority", "To transport or carry quickly", "To roquet an object ball to a particular location on the lawn", "To recite or pass without an error" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:rush (hurry)" ], "word": "rush", "num_translations": 78 }, "fort": { "senses": [ "Any permanent army post", "An outlying trading-station, as in British North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bastion", "bulwark", "bunker", "castle", "citadel", "donjon", "fortification", "fortress", "foxhole", "keep", "motte and bailey", "rampart", "stronghold", "air base" ], "word": "fort", "num_translations": 75 }, "specify": { "senses": [ "To state explicitly, or in detail, or as a condition", "To include in a specification", "To bring about a specific result", "To speak explicitly or in detail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "explicitize", "disambiguate" ], "word": "specify", "num_translations": 31 }, "apposition": { "senses": [ "A construction in which one noun or noun phrase is placed with another as an explanatory equivalent, both of them having the same syntactic function in the sentence", "The relationship between such nouns or noun phrases", "The quality of being side-by-side, apposed instead of being opposed, not being front-to-front but next to each other", "A placing of two things side by side, or the fitting together of two things", "In biology, the growth of successive layers of a cell wall", "Appositio", "A public disputation by scholars", "A speech day at St Paul's School, London" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parathesis" ], "word": "apposition", "num_translations": 33 }, "backpack": { "senses": [ "A knapsack, sometimes mounted on a light frame, but always supported by straps, worn on a person's back for the purpose of carrying things, especially when hiking, or on a student's back when carrying books", "A similarly placed item containing a parachute or other life-support equipment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haversack", "knapsack", "packsack", "rucksack", "bookbag" ], "word": "backpack", "num_translations": 114 }, "examine": { "senses": [ "to observe or inspect carefully or critically", "to check the health or condition of something or someone", "to determine the aptitude, skills or qualifications of someone by subjecting them to an examination", "to interrogate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pore over" ], "word": "examine", "num_translations": 104 }, "greyarea": { "senses": [ "An area intermediate between two mutually exclusive states or categories, where the border between the two is fuzzy", "A topic that is not clearly one thing or the other, that is open to interpretation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penumbra" ], "word": "greyarea", "num_translations": 12 }, "posterior": { "senses": [ "Located behind, or towards the rear of an object", "Following in order or in time", "Nearer the back end", "nearer the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the dorsal end in bipeds", "Next to, or facing the main stem or axis" ], "antonyms": [ "anterior", "prior" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "posterior", "num_translations": 42 }, "improve": { "senses": [ "To make better", "to increase the value or productivity", "To become better", "To disprove or make void", "to refute", "To disapprove of", "to find fault with", "to reprove", "to censure", "To use or employ to good purpose", "to turn to profitable account" ], "antonyms": [ "deteriorate", "deteriorate" ], "synonyms": [ "ameliorate" ], "word": "improve", "num_translations": 158 }, "worsen": { "senses": [ "To make worse", "to impair", "To become worse", "to get worse", "To get the better of", "to worst" ], "antonyms": [ "improve", "ameliorate" ], "synonyms": [ "aggravate", "decline", "better" ], "word": "worsen", "num_translations": 68 }, "notch": { "senses": [ "A V-shaped cut", "An indentation", "A mountain pass", "a defile", "A level or degree", "A portion of a mobile phone that overlaps the edge of the screen, used to house camera, sensors etc while maximizing screen space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "notch", "num_translations": 110 }, "notch1": { "senses": [ "To achieve", "to nock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "notch", "num_translations": 44 }, "informal": { "senses": [ "Not formal or ceremonious", "Not in accord with the usual regulations", "Suited for everyday use", "Reflecting everyday, non-ceremonious usage", "Not organized", "not structured or planned" ], "antonyms": [ "formal" ], "synonyms": [ "casual", "unofficial", "casual", "colloquial" ], "word": "informal", "num_translations": 64 }, "everyday": { "senses": [ "appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions", "commonplace, ordinary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mundane", "quotidian", "routine", "unremarkable", "workaday" ], "word": "everyday", "num_translations": 56 }, "unofficial": { "senses": [ "Not officially established", "Not acting with official authority", "Not listed in a national pharmacopeia etc" ], "antonyms": [ "official" ], "synonyms": [ "inofficial" ], "word": "unofficial", "num_translations": 23 }, "carton": { "senses": [ "An inexpensive, disposable box-like container fashioned from either paper, paper with wax-covering , or other lightweight material", "A pack of cigarettes, usually ten, wrapped in cellophane or packed in a light cardboard box", "A cardboard box that holds beer bottles or cans", "A kind of thin pasteboard", "A small disc within the bullseye of a target", "A shot that strikes this disc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "carton", "num_translations": 48 }, "screen": { "senses": [ "A physical divider intended to block an area from view, or provide shelter from something dangerous", "A material woven from fine wires intended to block animals or large particles from passing while allowing gasses, liquids and finer particles to pass", "The informational viewing area of electronic devices, where output is displayed", "The viewing surface or area of a movie, or moving picture or slide presentation", "An offensive tactic in which a player stands so as to block a defender from reaching a teammate", "The protective netting which protects the audience from flying objects", "An erection of white canvas or wood placed on the boundary opposite a batsman to make the ball more easily visible", "A stencil upon a framed mesh through which paint is forced onto printed-on material", "the frame with the mesh itself", "A collection of less-valuable vessels that travel with a more valuable one for the latter's protection", "A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, etc", "A technique used to identify genes so as to study gene functions", "A large scarf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "screen", "num_translations": 197 }, "screen1": { "senses": [ "To shelter or conceal", "To remove information, or censor intellectual material from viewing", "To present publicly", "To examine patients or treat a sample in order to detect a chemical or a disease, or to assess susceptibility to a disease", "To search chemical libraries by means of a computational technique in order to identify chemical compounds which would potentially bind to a given biological target such as a protein", "To stand so as to block a defender from reaching a teammate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "screen", "num_translations": 39 }, "malapropism": { "senses": [ "The blundering use of an absurdly inappropriate word or expression in place of a similar-sounding one", "An instance of this", "malaprop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "malaprop" ], "word": "malapropism", "num_translations": 16 }, "shogunate": { "senses": [ "The administration of a shogun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bakufu" ], "word": "shogunate", "num_translations": 16 }, "goodevening": { "senses": [ "Used as a greeting in the evening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "good-den" ], "word": "goodevening", "num_translations": 145 }, "goodnight": { "senses": [ "A farewell said in the evening or before going to sleep", "Expressing incredulity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "night", "night night" ], "word": "goodnight", "num_translations": 161 }, "plain": { "senses": [ "Flat, level", "Simple", "Obvious", "Open", "Not unusually beautiful", "unattractive", "Not a trump" ], "antonyms": [ "bells and whistles", "decorative", "exotic", "fancy", "ornate" ], "synonyms": [ "no-frills", "monochrome", "normal", "blatant", "consarn", "frank" ], "word": "plain", "num_translations": 89 }, "bain-marie": { "senses": [ "In cooking, a large pan containing hot water, into which other smaller pans are set in order to cook food slowly, or to keep food warm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "double boiler" ], "word": "bain-marie", "num_translations": 18 }, "dribble": { "senses": [ "To let saliva drip from the mouth, to drool", "To fall in drops or an unsteady stream, to trickle", "In various ball games, to move the ball, controlling its path by kicking or bouncing it repeatedly", "To let something fall in drips", "To live or pass one's time in a trivial fashion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dribble", "num_translations": 66 }, "dribble1": { "senses": [ "Drool", "saliva", "A weak, unsteady stream", "a trickle", "A small amount of a liquid", "In sport, the act of moving a ball by kicking or bouncing it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dribble", "num_translations": 30 }, "prepare": { "senses": [ "To make ready for a specific future purpose", "to set up", "to assemble or equip", "To make ready for eating or drinking", "to cook", "To make oneself ready", "to get ready, make preparation", "To produce or make by combining elements", "to synthesize, compound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "busk" ], "word": "prepare", "num_translations": 203 }, "issue": { "senses": [ "The action or an instance of flowing or coming out, an outflow, particularly:", "Someone or something that flows out or comes out, particularly:", "The means or opportunity by which something flows or comes out, particularly:", "The place where something flows or comes out, an outlet, particularly:", "The action or an instance of sending something out, particularly:", "Any question or situation to be resolved, particularly:", "The action or an instance of concluding something, particularly:", "The end result of an event or events, any result or outcome, particularly:", "The action or an instance of feeling some emotion", "The action or an instance of leaving any state or condition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sortie", "descendant" ], "word": "issue", "num_translations": 119 }, "issue1": { "senses": [ "To flow out, to proceed from, to come out or from", "To rush out, to sally forth", "To extend into, to open onto", "To turn out in a certain way, to result in", "To send out", "to put into circulation", "To deliver for use", "To deliver by authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "begive" ], "word": "issue", "num_translations": 48 }, "vacillation": { "senses": [ "Indecision in speech or action", "Changing location by moving back and forth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hesitation", "swing" ], "word": "vacillation", "num_translations": 16 }, "ancientgreek": { "senses": [ "Any of the various forms of the Greek language of classical antiquity, particularly the classical Attic dialect used in Athenian literature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Greek" ], "word": "AncientGreek", "num_translations": 56 }, "moss": { "senses": [ "Any of various small, green, seedless plants growing on the ground or on the surfaces of trees, stones, etc", "now specifically, a plant of the phylum Bryophyta", "A kind or species of such plants", "Any alga, lichen, bryophyte, or other plant of seemingly simple structure", "A bog", "a fen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "moss", "num_translations": 152 }, "populate": { "senses": [ "To supply with inhabitants", "to people", "To live in", "to inhabit", "To increase in number", "to breed", "To fill initially empty items in a collection", "To fill initially empty slots or sockets on a circuit board or similar" ], "antonyms": [ "depopulate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "populate", "num_translations": 32 }, "inhabit": { "senses": [ "To live or reside in", "To be present in", "to occupy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bedwell", "occupy" ], "word": "inhabit", "num_translations": 55 }, "task": { "senses": [ "A piece of work done as part of one's duties", "A difficult or tedious undertaking", "An objective", "A process or execution of a program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chore", "undertaking", "objective", "process" ], "word": "task", "num_translations": 111 }, "stash1": { "senses": [ "To hide or store away for later use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hive up" ], "word": "stash", "num_translations": 13 }, "sturdy": { "senses": [ "Of firm build", "stiff", "stout", "strong", "Solid in structure or person", "Foolishly obstinate or resolute", "stubborn", "Resolute, in a good sense", "or firm, unyielding quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hardy" ], "word": "sturdy", "num_translations": 89 }, "detrimental": { "senses": [ "Causing damage or harm" ], "antonyms": [ "beneficial" ], "synonyms": [ "harmful" ], "word": "detrimental", "num_translations": 47 }, "bakedbeans": { "senses": [ "A food consisting of beans baked or stewed in a usually tomato-based sauce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cowboy caviar" ], "word": "bakedbeans", "num_translations": 14 }, "particular": { "senses": [ "Pertaining only to a part of something", "partial", "Specific", "discrete", "concrete", "Specialised", "characteristic of a specific person or thing", "Known only to an individual person or group", "confidential", "Distinguished in some way", "special", "Of a person, concerned with, or attentive to, details", "minute", "precise", "fastidious", "Concerned with, or attentive to, details", "minute", "circumstantial", "precise", "Containing a part only", "limited", "Forming a part of a genus", "relatively limited in extension", "affirmed or denied of a part of a subject" ], "antonyms": [ "general" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:specific", "Thesaurus:fastidious", "Thesaurus:meticulous" ], "word": "particular", "num_translations": 97 }, "urge1": { "senses": [ "To press", "to push", "to drive", "to impel", "to force onward", "To press the mind or will of", "to ply with motives, arguments, persuasion, or importunity", "To provoke", "to exasperate", "To press hard upon", "to follow closely", "to insist upon", "To treat with forcible means", "to take severe or violent measures with", "To press onward or forward", "To be pressing in argument", "to insist", "to persist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "animate", "incite", "impel", "instigate", "stimulate", "encourage" ], "word": "urge", "num_translations": 91 }, "philanthropist": { "senses": [ "A person who loves humankind in general", "A very generous person or institution" ], "antonyms": [ "misanthropist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "philanthropist", "num_translations": 46 }, "based": { "senses": [ "Founded on", "having a basis", "often used in combining forms", "Not caring what others think about one's personality, style, or behavior", "focused on maintaining individuality", "Praiseworthy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "based", "num_translations": 16 }, "altruist": { "senses": [ "A person showing altruism" ], "antonyms": [ "egoist" ], "synonyms": [ "philanthropist" ], "word": "altruist", "num_translations": 22 }, "philanthropic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to philanthropy", "characterized by philanthropy", "loving or helping mankind" ], "antonyms": [ "misanthropic", "nasty", "mean", "hateful" ], "synonyms": [ "generous", "philanthropical", "charitable", "benevolent", "humanitarian", "bighearted", "giving", "goodhearted", "altruistic" ], "word": "philanthropic", "num_translations": 28 }, "misanthropic": { "senses": [ "Hating or disliking mankind" ], "antonyms": [ "philanthropic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "misanthropic", "num_translations": 26 }, "misanthropy": { "senses": [ "Hatred or dislike of people or mankind" ], "antonyms": [ "altruism", "philanthropy" ], "synonyms": [ "Timonism" ], "word": "misanthropy", "num_translations": 55 }, "altruistic": { "senses": [ "Regardful of others", "beneficent", "unselfish" ], "antonyms": [ "egoistic" ], "synonyms": [ "beneficent" ], "word": "altruistic", "num_translations": 39 }, "selfish": { "senses": [ "Holding one's own self-interest as the standard for decision making", "Having regard for oneself above others' well-being" ], "antonyms": [ "altruistic", "philanthropic", "selfless", "unselfish" ], "synonyms": [ "egoistic", "egotistic", "egotistical", "self-centered", "greedy" ], "word": "selfish", "num_translations": 88 }, "egoism": { "senses": [ "The tendency to think selfishly with exclusive self-interest in mind", "The belief that moral behavior should be directed toward one's self-interest only", "Egotism" ], "antonyms": [ "altruism" ], "synonyms": [ "selfishness" ], "word": "egoism", "num_translations": 31 }, "yarn": { "senses": [ "A twisted strand of fiber used for knitting or weaving", "Bundles of fibers twisted together, and which in turn are twisted in bundles to form strands, which in their turn are twisted or plaited to form rope", "A story, a tale, especially one that is incredible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "story" ], "word": "yarn", "num_translations": 114 }, "blueprint": { "senses": [ "A type of paper-based reproduction process producing white-on-blue images, used primarily for technical and architecture's drawings, now largely replaced by other technologies", "A print produced with this process", "A detailed technical drawing", "Any detailed plan, whether literal or figurative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cyanotype", "schematic", "road map" ], "word": "blueprint", "num_translations": 70 }, "fence": { "senses": [ "A thin artificial barrier that separates two pieces of land or a house perimeter", "Someone who hides or buys and sells stolen goods, a criminal middleman for transactions of stolen goods", "Skill in oral debate", "The art or practice of fencing", "A guard or guide on machinery", "A barrier, for example an emotional barrier", "A memory barrier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fence", "num_translations": 196 }, "fence1": { "senses": [ "To defend or guard", "To engage in the selling or buying of stolen goods", "To engage in the sport of fencing", "To conceal the truth by giving equivocal answers", "to hedge", "to be evasive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pawn" ], "word": "fence", "num_translations": 71 }, "posture": { "senses": [ "The way a person holds and positions their body", "A situation or condition", "One's attitude or the social or political position one takes towards an issue or another person", "The position of someone or something relative to another", "position", "situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "posture", "num_translations": 21 }, "total": { "senses": [ "An amount obtained by the addition of smaller amounts", "Sum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sum" ], "word": "total", "num_translations": 73 }, "total1": { "senses": [ "Entire", "relating to the whole of something", "Complete", "absolute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entire", "absolute" ], "word": "total", "num_translations": 72 }, "total2": { "senses": [ "To add up", "to calculate the sum of", "to amount to", "to demolish", "to wreck completely", "To amount to", "to add up to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "add up", "demolish" ], "word": "total", "num_translations": 40 }, "greatape": { "senses": [ "A large non-human primate, such as a gorilla, an orangutan, or a chimpanzee", "Any member of the taxonomic family Hominidae, including gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee, excluding Homo", "Any member of the taxonomic family Hominidae, including Homo, and also many similar extinct species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hominid" ], "word": "greatape", "num_translations": 16 }, "backup": { "senses": [ "A reserve or substitute", "A copy of a file or record, stored separately from the original, that can be used to recover the original if it is destroyed or damaged", "An accumulation of material caused by a obstruction or blockage of the flow or movement of the material, or an accumulation of material that causes an overflow due to the flow being greater than the maximum possible flow", "reinforcements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reserve", "computing: copy of a file or record", "accumulation of material caused by an obstruction of flow" ], "word": "backup", "num_translations": 80 }, "islander": { "senses": [ "A person who lives on an island" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "islandman" ], "word": "islander", "num_translations": 80 }, "sickle": { "senses": [ "An implement having a semicircular blade and short handle, used for cutting long grass and cereal crops" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reap hook", "reaping hook" ], "word": "sickle", "num_translations": 146 }, "permission": { "senses": [ "authorisation", "consent", "The act of permitting", "flags or access control lists pertaining to a file that dictate who can access it, and how" ], "antonyms": [ "prohibition" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "permission", "num_translations": 139 }, "opprobrium": { "senses": [ "Disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct", "ignominy", "Scornful reproach or contempt", "A cause of shame or disgrace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "obloquy", "blame", "castigation", "censure", "defamation", "derision", "invective", "libel", "reproach", "revilement", "scolding", "signifying", "tirade", "upbraiding", "vilification", "vituperation", "curse" ], "word": "opprobrium", "num_translations": 10 }, "instructive": { "senses": [ "Conveying knowledge, information or instruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "informative" ], "word": "instructive", "num_translations": 19 }, "blouse": { "senses": [ "A shirt, typically loose and reaching from the neck to the waist", "A shirt for women, particularly a shirt with buttons", "a dress shirt tailored for women", "A loose-fitting uniform jacket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bodice" ], "word": "blouse", "num_translations": 58 }, "uppity": { "senses": [ "Presumptuous, above oneself, self-important", "arrogant, snobbish, haughty", "Exceeding one's station or position, assuming prerogatives to which one is not entitled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see" ], "word": "uppity", "num_translations": 41 }, "ingress": { "senses": [ "The act of entering", "Permission to enter", "A door or other means of entering", "The entrance of the Moon into the shadow of the Earth in eclipses, or the Sun's entrance into a sign, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "egress", "egress" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ingress", "num_translations": 25 }, "pushover": { "senses": [ "Someone who is easily swayed or influenced to change his/her mind or comply", "Someone who lets himself be picked or bullied on without defending or stand up for him/herself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "little girl", "nestle-cock" ], "word": "pushover", "num_translations": 41 }, "valentine": { "senses": [ "An expression of affection, especially romantic affection, usually in the form of greeting card, gift, or message given the object of one's affection, especially on February 14th" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Valentine", "Valentine's", "valentine's" ], "word": "valentine", "num_translations": 24 }, "culinary": { "senses": [ "Relating to the practice of cookery or the activity of cooking", "Of or relating to a kitchen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cooking" ], "word": "culinary", "num_translations": 38 }, "allandsundry": { "senses": [ "All", "everyone", "Each one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one and all" ], "word": "allandsundry", "num_translations": 25 }, "burka": { "senses": [ "An Islamic garment that covers the whole body, which has a net screen covering the eyes so they cannot be seen, and is worn by women", "A dress made from felt or karakul , traditionally worn by men of the Caucasus region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paranja" ], "word": "burka", "num_translations": 93 }, "horror": { "senses": [ "An intense distressing emotion of fear or repugnance", "Something horrible", "Intense dislike or aversion", "an abhorrence", "A genre of fiction designed to evoke a feeling of fear and suspense", "An individual work in this genre", "A nasty or ill-behaved person", "a rascal or terror", "An intense anxiety or a nervous depression", "Delirium tremens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nightmare" ], "word": "horror", "num_translations": 64 }, "hypertext": { "senses": [ "Digital text in which the reader may navigate related information through embedded hyperlinks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "non-linear text" ], "word": "hypertext", "num_translations": 31 }, "yank": { "senses": [ "An American: someone from the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American" ], "word": "Yank", "num_translations": 15 }, "yank1": { "senses": [ "To pull with a quick, strong action", "To remove from distribution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jerk", "pull" ], "word": "yank", "num_translations": 26 }, "reparation": { "senses": [ "A payment of time, effort or money to undo past transgression", "The act of renewing, restoring, etc, or the state of being renewed or repaired" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "restitution", "restoration" ], "word": "reparation", "num_translations": 50 }, "mythology": { "senses": [ "The collection of myths of a people, concerning the origin of the people, history, deities, ancestors and heroes", "A similar body of myths concerning an event, person or institution", "Pervasive elements of a fictional universe that resemble a mythological universe", "The systematic collection and study of myths" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "godlore" ], "word": "mythology", "num_translations": 111 }, "interface": { "senses": [ "The point of interconnection or contact between entities", "A thin layer or boundary between different substances or two phases of a single substance", "The point of interconnection between systems or subsystems", "The connection between a user and a machine", "The connection between parts of software", "In object-oriented programming, a piece of code defining a set of operations that other code must implement", "The internal surface of a coiled protein" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "interface", "num_translations": 144 }, "chapel": { "senses": [ "A place of worship, smaller than or subordinate to a church", "A place of worship in another building or within a civil institution such as a larger church, airport, prison, monastery, school, etc", "often primarily for private prayer", "A funeral home, or a room in one for holding funeral services", "A trade union branch in printing or journalism", "A printing office", "A choir of singers, or an orchestra, attached to the court of a prince or nobleman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chapel", "num_translations": 72 }, "pentecost": { "senses": [ "the Jewish festival of Shavuot", "or a similar occasion since", "the Christian festival , which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Feast of Weeks", "Whit" ], "word": "Pentecost", "num_translations": 84 }, "familiar": { "senses": [ "Known to one, or generally known", "commonplace", "Acquainted", "Intimate or friendly", "Inappropriately intimate or friendly", "Of or pertaining to a family", "familial" ], "antonyms": [ "unfamiliar", "unacquainted", "cold" ], "synonyms": [ "acquainted", "close", "cheeky" ], "word": "familiar", "num_translations": 104 }, "familiar1": { "senses": [ "An attendant spirit, often in animal or even demon form", "A member of one's family or household", "A member of a pope's or bishop's household", "A close friend", "The officer of the Inquisition who arrested suspected people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nigget" ], "word": "familiar", "num_translations": 18 }, "scrivener": { "senses": [ "A professional writer", "one whose occupation is to draw contracts or prepare writings", "One whose business is to place money at interest", "a broker", "A writing master" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amanuensis", "scribe", "tabellion" ], "word": "scrivener", "num_translations": 14 }, "cupid": { "senses": [ "The god of love, son of Venus", "sometimes depicted as a cherub The Roman counterpart of Eros", "Sudden love or desire", "the personification of falling in love", "A moon of Uranus", "The sixth reindeer of Santa Claus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Cupid", "num_translations": 87 }, "willo'thewisp": { "senses": [ "A strange light that attracts travellers from pathways into dangerous marshes or graveyards", "A delusionary or otherwise unachievable goal that one feels compelled to pursue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ignis fatuus", "spooklights", "ghost lights", "nightfire", "hinkypunk", "jack o'lantern", "walking fire" ], "word": "willo'thewisp", "num_translations": 65 }, "umpire": { "senses": [ "The official who presides over a tennis game sat on a high chair", "One of the two white-coated officials who preside over a cricket match", "One of usually 4 officials who preside over a baseball game", "The official who stands behind the line on the defensive side", "A person who arbitrates between contending parties", "The official who presides over a curling game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "umpire", "num_translations": 41 }, "batshit1": { "senses": [ "extremely irrational or unreasonable, insane, crazy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "batcrap", "batpoop", "Thesaurus:insane" ], "word": "batshit", "num_translations": 12 }, "stable": { "senses": [ "A building, wing or dependency set apart and adapted for lodging and feeding animals with hoofs, especially horses", "A set of advocates", "a barristers' chambers", "An organization of sumo wrestlers who live and train together", "A group of prostitutes managed by one pimp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heya" ], "word": "stable", "num_translations": 180 }, "stable2": { "senses": [ "Relatively unchanging, permanent", "firmly fixed or established", "consistent", "not easily moved, altered, or destroyed", "Of software: established to be relatively free of bugs, as opposed to a beta version", "That maintains the relative order of items that compare as equal" ], "antonyms": [ "instable", "mobile", "unstable", "varying" ], "synonyms": [ "fixed" ], "word": "stable", "num_translations": 48 }, "serviceable": { "senses": [ "Easy to service", "Repairable instead of disposable", "In condition for use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "useful", "helpful" ], "word": "serviceable", "num_translations": 12 }, "primogeniture": { "senses": [ "The state of being the firstborn of the children of the same parents", "The principle that the eldest child has an exclusive right of inheritance", "An instance of such a right of inheritance, established by custom or law" ], "antonyms": [ "ultimogeniture" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "primogeniture", "num_translations": 36 }, "mixture": { "senses": [ "The act of mixing", "Something produced by mixing", "Something that consists of diverse elements", "A medicinal compound, typically a suspension of a solid in a solution", "A compound organ stop", "A cloth of variegated colouring", "A mix of different dry foods as a snack, especially chevda or Bombay mix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mixture", "num_translations": 86 }, "literary": { "senses": [ "Relating to literature", "Relating to writers, or the profession of literature", "Knowledgeable of literature or writing", "Appropriate to literature rather than everyday writing", "Bookish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bookly" ], "word": "literary", "num_translations": 71 }, "curb": { "senses": [ "A concrete margin along the edge of a road", "a kerb", "A raised margin along the edge of something, such as a well or the eye of a dome, as a strengthening", "Something that checks or restrains", "a restraint", "A sidewalk, covered or partially enclosed, bordering the airport terminal road system with adjacent paved areas to permit vehicles to off-load or load passengers", "A swelling on the back part of the hind leg of a horse, just behind the lowest part of the hock joint, generally causing lameness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curb", "num_translations": 24 }, "curb1": { "senses": [ "To check, restrain or control", "To rein in", "To bend or curve", "To crouch", "to cringe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "behedge", "curb stomp", "bow", "bend" ], "word": "curb", "num_translations": 30 }, "border1": { "senses": [ "to bound", "To approach", "to come near to", "to verge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "border", "num_translations": 46 }, "composition": { "senses": [ "The act of putting together", "assembly", "A mixture or compound", "the result of composing", "The proportion of different parts to make a whole", "The general makeup of a thing or person", "An agreement or treaty used to settle differences", "later especially, an agreement to stop hostilities", "a truce", "An agreement to pay money in order to clear a liability or obligation", "a settling", "an agreement or compromise by which a creditor or group of creditors accepts partial payment from a debtor", "An essay", "The formation of compound words from separate words", "A work of music, literature or art", "Typesetting", "Applying a function to the result of another", "The compounding of two velocities or forces into a single equivalent velocity or force", "Consistency", "accord", "congruity", "Synthesis as opposed to analysis", "The arrangement and flow of elements in a picture", "Way to combine simple objects or data types into more complex ones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "configuration", "blend", "Thesaurus:musical composition" ], "word": "composition", "num_translations": 123 }, "dense": { "senses": [ "Having relatively high density", "Compact", "crowded together", "Thick", "difficult to penetrate", "Opaque", "allowing little light to pass through", "Obscure, or difficult to understand", "Slow to comprehend", "of low intelligence" ], "antonyms": [ "diffuse", "few and far between" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dense", "num_translations": 178 }, "supply": { "senses": [ "To provide , to make available for use", "To furnish or equip with", "To fill up, or keep full", "To compensate for, or make up a deficiency of", "To serve instead of", "to take the place of", "To act as a substitute", "To fill temporarily", "to serve as substitute for another in, as a vacant place or office", "to occupy", "to have possession of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "supply", "num_translations": 127 }, "supply1": { "senses": [ "An amount of something supplied", "provisions", "An amount of money provided, as by Parliament or Congress, to meet the annual national expenditures", "Somebody, such as a teacher or clergyman, who temporarily fills the place of another", "a substitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "supply", "num_translations": 86 }, "construction": { "senses": [ "The process of constructing", "Anything that has been constructed", "The trade of building structures", "A building, model or some other structure", "A structure, such as a collage etc", "The manner in which something is built", "A group of words arranged to form a meaningful phrase", "The act or result of construing the meaning of something", "The meaning or interpretation of a text, action etc", "the way something is viewed by an observer or onlooker", "A geometric figure of arcs and line segments that is drawable with a straightedge and compass" ], "antonyms": [ "destruction" ], "synonyms": [ "building" ], "word": "construction", "num_translations": 146 }, "wicket": { "senses": [ "A small door or gate, especially one beside a larger one", "A small window or other opening, sometimes fitted with a grating", "A service window, as in a bank or train station, where a customer conducts transactions with a teller", "a ticket barrier at a rail station, box office at a cinema, etc", "One of the two wooden structures at each end of the pitch, consisting of three vertical stumps and two bails", "the target for the bowler, defended by the batsman", "A dismissal", "the act of a batsman getting out", "The period during which two batsmen bat together", "The pitch", "The area around the stumps where the batsmen stand", "Any of the small arches through which the balls are driven", "A temporary metal attachment that one attaches one's lift-ticket to", "A shelter made from tree boughs, used by lumbermen", "The space between the pillars, in post-and-stall working", "An angle bracket when used in HTML" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wicket", "num_translations": 32 }, "notice": { "senses": [ "The act of observing", "perception", "A written or printed announcement", "A formal notification or warning", "Advance notification of termination of employment, given by an employer to an employee or vice versa", "A published critical review of a play or the like", "Prior notification", "Attention", "respectful treatment", "civility" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heed" ], "word": "notice", "num_translations": 96 }, "notice1": { "senses": [ "To remark upon", "to mention", "To become aware of", "to observe", "To lavish attention upon", "to treat favourably", "to show" ], "antonyms": [ "ignore", "neglect" ], "synonyms": [ "recognize" ], "word": "notice", "num_translations": 102 }, "fault": { "senses": [ "A defect", "something that detracts from perfection", "A mistake or error", "A weakness of character", "a failing", "A minor offense", "Blame", "the responsibility for a mistake", "A fracture in a rock formation causing a discontinuity", "In coal seams, coal rendered worthless by impurities in the seam", "An illegal serve", "An abnormal connection in a circuit", "want", "lack", "A lost scent", "act of losing the scent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defect" ], "word": "fault", "num_translations": 170 }, "gentle": { "senses": [ "Tender and amiable", "of a considerate or kindly disposition", "Soft and mild rather than hard or severe", "Docile and easily managed", "Gradual rather than steep or sudden", "Polite and respectful rather than rude", "Well-born", "of a good family or respectable birth, though not noble" ], "antonyms": [ "rude" ], "synonyms": [ "friendly" ], "word": "gentle", "num_translations": 144 }, "hyper-": { "senses": [ "over, above or beyond", "excessive", "existing in more than three spatial dimensions", "linked non-sequentially" ], "antonyms": [ "hypo-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hyper-", "num_translations": 43 }, "chuck5": { "senses": [ "To touch or tap gently", "To throw, especially in a careless or inaccurate manner", "To throw", "to bowl with an incorrect action", "To discard, to throw away", "To jilt", "to dump", "To vomit", "To leave", "to depart", "to bounce", "to laugh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chuck", "num_translations": 28 }, "viviparous": { "senses": [ "Being born alive, as are most mammals, some reptiles, and a few fish", "Arising from an embryo that develops from the outset" ], "antonyms": [ "oviparous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "viviparous", "num_translations": 25 }, "tango": { "senses": [ "A Standard ballroom dance in 4/4 time", "A piece of music suited to such a dance", "The letter T in the ICAO spelling alphabet", "enemy, used amongst special police forces, derived from the abbreviation of target using the NATO phonetic alphabet", "A dark orange colour shade", "deep tangerine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tango", "num_translations": 30 }, "masculism": { "senses": [ "Advocacy of men's rights", "Support for patriarchy / male domination of women", "opposition to equality for women", "anti-feminism", "Sexism in favor of men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "masculinism", "androcentrism", "patriarchalism" ], "word": "masculism", "num_translations": 21 }, "sphygmomanometer": { "senses": [ "A device used to measure blood pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blood-pressure cuff", "blood pressure gage", "blood pressure gauge", "blood-pressure meter", "blood pressure meter", "sphygmometer" ], "word": "sphygmomanometer", "num_translations": 27 }, "dietaryfibre": { "senses": [ "Any substance, generally of plant origin, which is undigested on passage through the human alimentary tract - consists mostly of complex carbohydrates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roughage" ], "word": "dietaryfibre", "num_translations": 24 }, "mostly": { "senses": [ "Mainly or chiefly", "for the most part", "usually, generally, on the whole", "To the greatest extent", "most" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by and large" ], "word": "mostly", "num_translations": 73 }, "mainly": { "senses": [ "Forcefully, vigorously", "Of the production of a sound: loudly, powerfully", "To a great degree", "very much", "Chiefly", "for the most part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "energetically", "earsplittingly", "a lot", "in the main" ], "word": "mainly", "num_translations": 45 }, "chiefly": { "senses": [ "Especially or primarily", "above all", "Mainly or principally", "almost entirely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "first and foremost", "by and large" ], "word": "chiefly", "num_translations": 54 }, "especially": { "senses": [ "In a special manner", "specially", "Particularly", "to a greater extent than is normal", "Used to place greater emphasis upon someone or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in particular", "first and foremost" ], "word": "especially", "num_translations": 85 }, "hagfish": { "senses": [ "Any of several primitive eellike fish, of the family Myxinidae, having a sucking mouth with rasping teeth, and sometimes used as food or for eelskin leather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "borer", "hag", "myxinid", "myxinoid", "slime eel" ], "word": "hagfish", "num_translations": 29 }, "particularly": { "senses": [ "Especially, extremely", "To a great extent", "Specifically, uniquely or individually", "In detail", "with regard to particulars", "In a particular manner", "fussily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "above all", "exceedingly", "in particular", "detailly", "exacting" ], "word": "particularly", "num_translations": 14 }, "specifically": { "senses": [ "in a specific manner, applying to or naming a particular thing or things, expressly, explicitly", "for a specific purpose or reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:explicitly", "Thesaurus:specifically" ], "word": "specifically", "num_translations": 24 }, "specific": { "senses": [ "explicit or definite", "Pertaining to a species", "pertaining to a taxon at the rank of species", "special, distinctive or unique", "intended for, or applying to, a particular thing", "being a remedy for a particular disease", "limited to a particular antibody or antigen", "of a value divided by mass", "similarly referring to a value divided by any measure which acts to standardize it", "a measure compared with a standard reference value by division, to produce a ratio without unit or dimension" ], "antonyms": [ "unspecific", "broad", "all-purpose", "general-purpose", "gross", "nonspecific", "non-specific", "overall", "pandemic", "widespread" ], "synonyms": [ "express", "singular", "peculiar" ], "word": "specific", "num_translations": 64 }, "autarchy": { "senses": [ "A condition of absolute power", "autocracy: absolute rule by a single person", "sovereignty: national political independence", "autarky: national economic self-reliance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sovereignty", "Thesaurus:government" ], "word": "autarchy", "num_translations": 21 }, "capacity": { "senses": [ "The ability to hold, receive or absorb", "A measure of such ability", "volume", "The maximum amount that can be held", "Capability", "the ability to perform some task", "The maximum that can be produced", "Mental ability", "the power to learn", "A faculty", "the potential for growth and development", "A role", "the position in which one functions", "Legal authority", "Electrical capacitance", "The maximum that can be produced on a machine or in a facility or group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "throughput", "Thesaurus:skill" ], "word": "capacity", "num_translations": 100 }, "propane": { "senses": [ "An aliphatic hydrocarbon, C3H8, a constituent of natural gas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E944" ], "word": "propane", "num_translations": 32 }, "eyecandy": { "senses": [ "A very attractive person or persons, or the salient visible physical attributes of same", "Any object or sight with considerable visual appeal" ], "antonyms": [ "eyesore" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "eyecandy", "num_translations": 12 }, "hug1": { "senses": [ "To crouch", "huddle as with cold", "To cling closely together", "To embrace by holding closely, especially in the arms", "To stay close to", "To hold fast", "to cling to", "to cherish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hunker", "cleave", "accoll", "treasure" ], "word": "hug", "num_translations": 146 }, "swastika": { "senses": [ "A cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90\u00b0 angle to the right or to the left, used as a religious symbol by various ancient and modern civilizations, and adopted more recently as a symbol of National Socialism and fascism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Black Spider", "crooked cross", "cross gammadion", "fylfot", "hooked cross", "manji", "sauwastika", "sun wheel", "tetraskelion", "Thor's hammer", "thunder cross", "twisted cross" ], "word": "swastika", "num_translations": 105 }, "terminator": { "senses": [ "The line between the day side and the night side of a moon, planet or other celestial body", "A DNA sequence which causes RNA transcription to cease and an mRNA transcript to break off", "An electrical device that absorbs reflection at the end of a transmission line", "An intelligent android created to destroy humans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grey line" ], "word": "terminator", "num_translations": 36 }, "spa": { "senses": [ "A health resort near a mineral spring or hot spring", "A trendy or fashionable resort", "A health club", "A hot tub" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "health club", "resort" ], "word": "spa", "num_translations": 26 }, "terminate": { "senses": [ "To end, especially in an incomplete state", "To set or be a limit or boundary to", "To kill", "To end the employment contract of an employee", "to fire, lay off" ], "antonyms": [ "continue" ], "synonyms": [ "discontinue", "Thesaurus:kill" ], "word": "terminate", "num_translations": 48 }, "anticline": { "senses": [ "A fold with strata sloping downwards on each side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "upwrap" ], "word": "anticline", "num_translations": 45 }, "obdurate": { "senses": [ "Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing", "refusing to reform or repent", "Physically hardened, toughened", "Hardened against feeling", "hard-hearted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hardened", "hard-hearted", "impertinent", "intractable", "unrepentant", "unyielding", "recalcitrant" ], "word": "obdurate", "num_translations": 29 }, "institution": { "senses": [ "A custom or practice of a society or community", "An organization similarly long established and respected, particularly one involved with education, public service, or charity work", "The building or buildings which house such an organization", "Other places or businesses similarly long established and respected", "A person similarly long established in a place, position, or field", "The act of instituting something", "The act by which a bishop commits a cure of souls to a priest", "That which institutes or instructs, particularly a textbook or system of elements or rules" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "establishment" ], "word": "institution", "num_translations": 64 }, "perimeter": { "senses": [ "The sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object", "The length of such a boundary", "The outer limits of an area", "A fortified strip or boundary usually protecting a military position", "An instrument for determining the extent and shape of the field of vision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circumference", "premises" ], "word": "perimeter", "num_translations": 46 }, "involve": { "senses": [ "To roll or fold up", "to wind round", "to entwine", "To envelop completely", "to surround", "to cover", "to hide", "To complicate or make intricate, as in grammatical structure", "To connect with something as a natural or logical consequence or effect", "to include necessarily", "to imply", "To take in", "to gather in", "to mingle confusedly", "to blend or merge", "To envelop, enfold, entangle", "To engage to participate in a task", "To raise to any assigned power", "to multiply, as a quantity, into itself a given number of times" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imply", "include", "implicate", "complicate", "entangle", "embarrass", "overwhelm" ], "word": "involve", "num_translations": 57 }, "violation": { "senses": [ "The act or an instance of violating or the condition of being violated" ], "antonyms": [ "compliance", "obedience" ], "synonyms": [ "transgression", "desecration", "breach" ], "word": "violation", "num_translations": 39 }, "obstruct": { "senses": [ "To block or fill with obstacles or an obstacle", "To impede, retard, or interfere with", "hinder", "To get in the way of so as to hide from sight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "obstruct", "num_translations": 62 }, "discipline": { "senses": [ "A controlled behaviour", "self-control", "An enforced compliance or control", "A systematic method of obtaining obedience", "A state of order based on submission to authority", "A punishment to train or maintain control", "A whip used for self-flagellation", "A set of rules regulating behaviour", "A flagellation as a means of obtaining sexual gratification", "A specific branch of knowledge or learning", "A category in which a certain art, sport or other activity belongs" ], "antonyms": [ "spontaneity" ], "synonyms": [ "field", "penalty" ], "word": "discipline", "num_translations": 147 }, "discipline1": { "senses": [ "To train someone by instruction and practice", "To teach someone to obey authority", "To punish someone in order to gain control", "To impose order on someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drill" ], "word": "discipline", "num_translations": 31 }, "numerous": { "senses": [ "Indefinitely large numerically, many" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "many" ], "word": "numerous", "num_translations": 61 }, "pistol": { "senses": [ "A handgun, typically with a chamber integrated in the barrel, a semi-automatic action and a box magazine", "The mechanical component of a fuse in a bomb or torpedo responsible for firing the detonator", "A creative and unpredictable jokester, a constant source of entertainment and surprises", "A small boy who is bright, alert and very active", "An offensive formation in which the quarterback receives the snap at a distance behind the center, but closer than in a shotgun formation, with a running back lined up behind him" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pistol", "num_translations": 122 }, "braces": { "senses": [ "plural of \"brace\"", "A device worn on the teeth to straighten them", "Handcuffs", "A pair of straps crossing one's shoulders and extending down to one's trousers, where a clip or button arrangement allows them to affix to the trousers, ensuring that they will not fall off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dental braces", "manacles", "suspenders" ], "word": "braces", "num_translations": 58 }, "modification": { "senses": [ "The form of existence belonging to a particular object, entity etc", "a mode of being", "the change undergone by a word when used in a construction", "The result of modifying something", "a new or changed form", "The act of making a change to something while keeping its essential character intact", "an alteration or adjustment", "A change to an organism as a result of its environment that is not transmissable to offspring", "a change to a word when it is borrowed by another language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "modification", "num_translations": 79 }, "premium1": { "senses": [ "A prize or award", "Something offered at a reduced price as an inducement to buy something else", "A bonus paid in addition to normal payments", "The amount to be paid for an insurance policy", "An unusually high value", "The amount by which a security's value exceeds its face value" ], "antonyms": [ "discount" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "premium", "num_translations": 57 }, "blinker": { "senses": [ "Anything that blinks, such as the turn signal of an automobile", "Eye shields attached to a hood for horses, to prevent them from seeing backwards and partially sideways", "Whatever obstructs sight or discernment", "The eyelid", "In Conway's Game of Life, an arrangement of three cells in a row that switches between horizontal and vertical orientations in each generation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "directional", "blinder" ], "word": "blinker", "num_translations": 27 }, "satisfaction": { "senses": [ "A fulfillment of a need or desire", "The pleasure obtained by such fulfillment", "The source of such gratification", "A reparation for an injury or loss", "A vindication for a wrong suffered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "satisfaction", "num_translations": 109 }, "fannypack": { "senses": [ "A small fabric pouch secured with a zipper and worn at the waist by a strap around the hips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bum bag", "moon bag" ], "word": "fannypack", "num_translations": 11 }, "regiment": { "senses": [ "A unit of armed troops under the command of an officer, and consisting of several smaller units", "now specifically, usually composed of two or more battalions", "Rule or governance over a person, place etc", "government, authority", "The state or office of a ruler", "rulership", "Influence or control exercised by someone or something", "A place under a particular rule", "a kingdom or domain", "A regimen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regiment", "num_translations": 82 }, "cadet": { "senses": [ "A student at a military school who is training to be an officer", "A younger or youngest son, who would not inherit as a firstborn son would", "Junior", "A young man who makes a business of ruining girls to put them in brothels", "A young gentleman learning sheep farming at a station", "also, any young man attached to a sheep station" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cadet", "num_translations": 29 }, "affront": { "senses": [ "To insult intentionally, especially openly", "To meet defiantly", "to confront", "To meet or encounter face to face" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:offend" ], "word": "affront", "num_translations": 41 }, "affront1": { "senses": [ "An open or intentional offense, slight, or insult", "A hostile encounter or meeting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:offense" ], "word": "affront", "num_translations": 35 }, "audacity": { "senses": [ "Insolent boldness, especially when imprudent or unconventional", "Fearlessness, intrepid or daring, especially with confident disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "audaciousness" ], "word": "audacity", "num_translations": 61 }, "collide": { "senses": [ "To impact directly, especially if violent", "To come into conflict, or be incompatible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clash" ], "word": "collide", "num_translations": 49 }, "dedicate": { "senses": [ "To set apart for a deity or for religious purposes", "consecrate", "To set apart for a special use", "To commit to a particular course of thought or action", "To address or inscribe to another as a mark of respect or affection", "To open to public use", "To show to the public for the first time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "behallow", "allocate", "devote" ], "word": "dedicate", "num_translations": 115 }, "conclusion": { "senses": [ "The end, finish, close or last part of something", "The outcome or result of a process or act", "A decision reached after careful thought", "In an argument or syllogism, the proposition that follows as a necessary consequence of the premises", "The end or close of a pleading, eg the formal ending of an indictment, \"against the peace\", etc", "An estoppel or bar by which a person is held to a particular position" ], "antonyms": [ "beginning" ], "synonyms": [ "endpoint", "epilogue" ], "word": "conclusion", "num_translations": 120 }, "speculation": { "senses": [ "The process of thinking or meditating on a subject", "The act or process of reasoning a priori from premises given or assumed", "A conclusion to which the mind comes by speculating", "mere theory", "notion", "conjecture", "An investment involving higher-than-normal risk in order to obtain a higher-than-normal return", "The act or practice of buying land, goods, shares, etc, in expectation of selling at a higher price, or of selling with the expectation of repurchasing at a lower price", "a trading on anticipated fluctuations in price, as distinguished from trading in which the profit expected is the difference between the retail and wholesale prices, or the difference of price in different markets", "Examination by the eye", "view", "Power of sight", "A card game in which the players buy from one another trumps or whole hands, upon a chance of getting the highest trump dealt, which entitles the holder to the pool of stakes", "The process of anticipating which branch of code will be chosen and executing it in advance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:supposition" ], "word": "speculation", "num_translations": 47 }, "pursuit": { "senses": [ "The act of pursuing", "A hobby or recreational activity, done regularly", "A discipline in track cycling where two opposing teams start on opposite sides of the track and try to catch their opponents", "prosecution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hobby" ], "word": "pursuit", "num_translations": 50 }, "bumper": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that bumps", "A drinking vessel filled to the brim", "Anything large or successful", "Parts at the front and back of a vehicle which are meant to absorb the impact of a collision", "fender", "Any mechanical device used to absorb an impact, soften a collision, or protect against impact", "A bouncer", "A side wall of a pool table", "A short ditty or jingle used to separate a show from the advertisements", "A covered house at a theatre, etc, in honour of some favourite performer", "A woman's posterior, particularly one that is considered full and desirable", "An extra musician who assists the principal French horn by playing less-exposed passages, so that the principal can save their 'lip' for difficult solos Also applied to other sections of the orchestra", "An object on a playfield that applies force to the pinball when hit, often giving a minor increase in score" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bumper", "num_translations": 55 }, "precocious": { "senses": [ "Characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity", "Exhibiting advanced skills and aptitudes at an abnormally early age" ], "antonyms": [ "altricious", "serotinous" ], "synonyms": [ "tranty" ], "word": "precocious", "num_translations": 52 }, "mousetrap": { "senses": [ "A device for capturing or killing mice and other rodents", "A website designed to open another copy of itself when the user tries to close the webpage Frequently used by advertisers and pornographers", "With attribute \"better\", a hypothetical new or improved product used in economic projections", "Ordinary, everyday cheese", "A slice of bread or toast topped with cheese and then grilled or microwaved", "An antisubmarine rocket used mainly during World War II by the US Navy and US Coast Guard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mousetrap", "num_translations": 49 }, "unequivocal": { "senses": [ "Unambiguous", "without equivocation or ambiguity", "singularly clear, unmistakable, or unquestionable", "Without equal, matchless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "definite" ], "word": "unequivocal", "num_translations": 38 }, "dorsal": { "senses": [ "With respect to, or concerning the side in which the backbone is located, or the analogous side of an invertebrate", "Having only one sharp side", "Relating to the top surface of the foot or hand", "Produced using the dorsum of the tongue", "Relating to the surface naturally inferior, as of a leaf", "Relating to the surface naturally superior, as of a creeping hepatic moss" ], "antonyms": [ "ventral" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dorsal", "num_translations": 44 }, "clerk": { "senses": [ "One who occupationally works with records, accounts, letters, etc", "an office worker", "A facilitator of a Quaker meeting for business affairs", "In the Church of England, the layman that assists in the church service, especially in reading the responses", "A cleric or clergyman", "A scholar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clerk", "num_translations": 93 }, "impugn": { "senses": [ "To assault, attack", "To verbally assault, especially to argue against an opinion, motive, or action", "to question the truth or validity of" ], "antonyms": [ "authenticate" ], "synonyms": [ "call into question", "challenge", "contest", "contradict", "deny", "disavow", "dispute", "oppugn", "negate" ], "word": "impugn", "num_translations": 29 }, "dip": { "senses": [ "A lower section of a road or geological feature", "Inclination downward", "direction below a horizontal line", "slope", "pitch", "A tank or trough where cattle or sheep are immersed in chemicals to kill parasites", "A swim, usually a short swim to refresh", "A pickpocket", "The angle from horizontal of a planar geologic surface, such as a fault line", "a move in many different styles of partner dances, often performed at the end of a dance, in which the follower leans far to the side and is supported by the leader", "A gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the performer, resting on his hands, lets his arms bend and his body sink until his chin is level with the bars, and then raises himself by straightening his arms", "A sudden drop followed by a climb, usually to avoid obstacles or as the result of getting into an airhole", "The moist form of snuff tobacco" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dip", "num_translations": 44 }, "dip1": { "senses": [ "To lower into a liquid", "To immerse oneself", "to become plunged in a liquid", "to sink", "To decrease slightly", "To lower a light's beam", "To treat cattle or sheep by immersion in chemical solution", "To consume snuff by placing a pinch behind the lip or under the tongue so that the active chemical constituents of the snuff may be absorbed into the system for their narcotic effect", "To immerse for baptism", "To wet, as if by immersing", "to moisten", "To plunge or engage thoroughly in any affair", "often with out", "To engage as a pledge", "to mortgage", "To perform by inclining the body", "To incline downward from the plane of the horizon", "To lower the body by bending the knees while keeping the body in an upright position, as in movement to the rhythm of music", "To leave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dip", "num_translations": 44 }, "causticsoda": { "senses": [ "sodium hydroxide , a strong alkaline substance used in the manufacture of paint, soap and detergents, or as a drain cleaner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lye", "sooji-mooji" ], "word": "causticsoda", "num_translations": 26 }, "endure": { "senses": [ "To continue or carry on, despite obstacles or hardships", "to persist", "To tolerate or put up with something unpleasant", "To last", "To remain firm, as under trial or suffering", "to suffer patiently or without yielding", "to bear up under adversity", "to hold out", "To suffer patiently", "To indurate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carry on", "bear", "go on", "resist", "accept" ], "word": "endure", "num_translations": 152 }, "unless": { "senses": [ "Except on a specified condition", "if not", "If not", "used with counterfactual conditionals", "Except if", "used with hypothetical conditionals" ], "antonyms": [ "if" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unless", "num_translations": 84 }, "role": { "senses": [ "A character or part played by a performer or actor", "The expected behaviour of an individual in a society", "The function or position of something", "Designation that denotes an associated set of responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and attitudes", "The function of a word in a phrase", "In the Raku programming language, a code element akin to an interface, used for composition of classes without adding to their inheritance chain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "role", "num_translations": 129 }, "multicellular": { "senses": [ "That has many cells, often differentiated in function" ], "antonyms": [ "unicellular", "monocellular" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "multicellular", "num_translations": 28 }, "dysfunction": { "senses": [ "A failure to function in an expected or complete manner Usually refers to a disorder in a bodily organ , a mental disorder, or the improper behavior of a social group" ], "antonyms": [ "eufunction", "function" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dysfunction", "num_translations": 21 }, "competitor": { "senses": [ "A person or organization against whom one is competing", "A participant in a competition, especially in athletics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adversary", "contestant" ], "word": "competitor", "num_translations": 86 }, "autophagy": { "senses": [ "The process of self-digestion by a cell through the action of enzymes originating within the same cell Often a defensive and/or self-preservation measure", "A type of programmed cell death accomplished through self-digestion", "Self-consumption", "the act of eating oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autocannibalism" ], "word": "autophagy", "num_translations": 35 }, "occur": { "senses": [ "To happen or take place", "To present or offer itself", "To come or be presented to the mind", "to suggest itself", "To be present or found" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belimp", "betide", "betime", "come to pass", "happen", "take place", "Thesaurus:happen", "appear" ], "word": "occur", "num_translations": 164 }, "lower": { "senses": [ "comparative of \"low\"", "bottom", "more towards the bottom than the middle of an object", "older" ], "antonyms": [ "higher", "upper", "upper" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lower", "num_translations": 17 }, "lower2": { "senses": [ "To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended", "to let down", "to pull down", "To reduce the height of", "To depress as to direction", "To make less elevated", "To reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc, of", "To bring down", "to humble", "To humble oneself", "to do something one considers to be beneath one's dignity", "To reduce in value, amount, etc", "To fall", "to sink", "to grow less", "to diminish", "to decrease", "To decrease in value, amount, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "descend by its own weight", "such as a bucket or sail) bring down", "shorten", "reduce", "reduce", "be humble", "cut", "die off", "become/get smaller", "become/get lower", "lessen", "reduce" ], "word": "lower", "num_translations": 198 }, "electricmotor": { "senses": [ "A motor that converts electrical energy into kinetic energy" ], "antonyms": [ "generator" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "electricmotor", "num_translations": 17 }, "transition": { "senses": [ "The process of change from one form, state, style or place to another", "A word or phrase connecting one part of a discourse to another", "A brief modulation", "a passage connecting two themes", "A change of key", "A point mutation in which one base is replaced by another of the same class", "compare transversion", "A change from defense to attack, or attack to defense", "The onset of the final stage of childbirth", "Professional special education assistance for children or adults in the process of leaving one educational environment or support program for another to relatively more independent living", "A change between forward and backward motion without stopping", "The process or act of changing from one gender role to another, or of bringing one's outward appearance in line with one's internal gender identity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transition", "num_translations": 29 }, "wield": { "senses": [ "To command, rule over", "to possess or own", "To control, to guide or manage", "To handle with skill and ease, especially a weapon or tool", "To exercise effectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wield", "num_translations": 50 }, "prehistory": { "senses": [ "History before written records, inclusive of both", "Any past time treated as such a distant, unknowable era", "The history leading up to some event, condition, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "posthistory" ], "synonyms": [ "prehistoric age" ], "word": "prehistory", "num_translations": 45 }, "birthcontrol": { "senses": [ "Voluntary control of the number of children conceived, especially by the planned use of contraception", "Any technique used to prevent the birth of a child" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oligogenics" ], "word": "birthcontrol", "num_translations": 24 }, "imperil": { "senses": [ "To put into peril", "to place in danger", "To risk or hazard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "endanger" ], "word": "imperil", "num_translations": 20 }, "jetlag": { "senses": [ "A physical condition caused by crossing time zones during flight", "often the result of disruption to the circadian rhythms of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jet syndrome", "circadian dysrhythmia", "desynchronosis" ], "word": "jetlag", "num_translations": 31 }, "grit": { "senses": [ "A collection of hard small materials, such as dirt, ground stone, debris from sandblasting or other such grinding, or swarf from metalworking", "Inedible particles in food", "A measure of the relative coarseness of an abrasive material such as sandpaper, the smaller the number the coarser the abrasive", "A hard, coarse-grained siliceous sandstone", "Strength of mind", "great courage or fearlessness", "fortitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grit", "num_translations": 53 }, "grit1": { "senses": [ "To give forth a grating sound, like sand under the feet", "to grate", "to grind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grit", "num_translations": 12 }, "repair": { "senses": [ "To restore to good working order, fix, or improve damaged condition", "to mend", "to remedy", "To make amends for, as for an injury, by an equivalent", "to indemnify for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "repair", "num_translations": 65 }, "plantain": { "senses": [ "A plant of the genus Plantago, with a rosette of sessile leaves about 10 cm long with a narrow part instead of a petiole, and with a spike inflorescence with the flower spacing varying widely among the species See also psyllium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waybread", "fleawort" ], "word": "plantain", "num_translations": 59 }, "correspondence": { "senses": [ "Friendly discussion", "Reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially conversation between persons by means of letters", "An agreement of situations or objects with an expected outcome", "Newspaper or news stories, generally", "A postal or other written communication", "Postal or other written communications", "A relation", "According to Swedenborg, a relationship of similarity between physical and spiritual things, such as that of light to wisdom, or warmth to love" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "correspondence", "num_translations": 76 }, "haggle": { "senses": [ "To argue for a better deal, especially over prices with a seller", "To hack", "To stick at small matters", "to chaffer", "to higgle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wrangle" ], "word": "haggle", "num_translations": 59 }, "succinct": { "senses": [ "brief and to the point", "compressed into a tiny area", "wrapped by, or as if by a girdle", "closely fitting, wound or wrapped or drawn up tightly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concise", "laconic", "Thesaurus:concise" ], "word": "succinct", "num_translations": 43 }, "drum": { "senses": [ "A percussive musical instrument spanned with a thin covering on at least one end for striking, forming an acoustic chamber, affecting what materials are used to make it", "a membranophone", "Any similar hollow, cylindrical object", "A barrel or large cylindrical container for liquid transport and storage", "A social gathering or assembly held in the evening", "The encircling wall that supports a dome or cupola", "Any of the cylindrical blocks that make up the shaft of a pillar", "A person's home", "A tip", "a piece of information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drum", "num_translations": 241 }, "drum1": { "senses": [ "To beat with a rapid succession of strokes", "To drill or review in an attempt to establish memorization", "To throb, as the heart", "used with for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drum", "num_translations": 53 }, "scream": { "senses": [ "A loud, emphatic, exclamation of extreme emotion, especially horror, fear, excitement, or anger", "it may comprise a word or a sustained, high-pitched vowel sound", "rather than the normal voice of the singer", "Used as an intensifier", "exclamation mark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scream", "num_translations": 48 }, "scream1": { "senses": [ "To cry out with a shrill voice", "to utter a sudden, sharp outcry, or shrill, loud cry, as in fright or extreme pain", "to shriek", "to screech", "To move quickly", "to race", "To be very indicative of", "clearly having the characteristics of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shout", "speed" ], "word": "scream", "num_translations": 97 }, "conicsection": { "senses": [ "Any of the four distinct shapes that are the intersections of a cone with a plane, namely the circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conic", "Thesaurus:conic section" ], "word": "conicsection", "num_translations": 18 }, "cone": { "senses": [ "A surface of revolution formed by rotating a segment of a line around another line that intersects the first line", "A solid of revolution formed by rotating a triangle around one of its altitudes", "A space formed by taking the direct product of a given space with a closed interval and identifying all of one end to a point", "The fruit of a conifer", "A unit of volume, applied solely to marijuana and only while it is in a smokable state", "roughly 15 cubic centimetres, depending on use", "The bowl piece on a bong", "The process of smoking cannabis in a bong", "A passenger on a cruise ship", "An object V together with an arrow going from V to each object of a diagram such that for any arrow A in the diagram, the pair of arrows from V which subtend A also commute with it", "A shell of the genus Conus, having a conical form", "A set of formal languages with certain desirable closure properties, in particular those of the regular languages, the context-free languages and the recursively enumerable languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conical surface", "cornet" ], "word": "cone", "num_translations": 220 }, "ellipse": { "senses": [ "A closed curve, the locus of a point such that the sum of the distances from that point to two other fixed points is constant", "equivalently, the conic section that is the intersection of a cone with a plane that does not intersect the base of the cone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oval" ], "word": "ellipse", "num_translations": 52 }, "contempt": { "senses": [ "The state or act of contemning", "the feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless", "scorn, disdain", "The state of being despised or dishonored", "disgrace", "Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:contempt" ], "word": "contempt", "num_translations": 101 }, "illustrate": { "senses": [ "To shed light upon", "to illuminate", "To clarify something by giving, or serving as, an example or a comparison", "To provide a book or other publication with pictures, diagrams or other explanatory or decorative features", "To give renown or honour to", "to make illustrious", "to glorify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "illustrate", "num_translations": 51 }, "mold": { "senses": [ "A hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance", "A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped", "General shape or form", "Distinctive character or type", "A fixed or restrictive pattern or form", "A fontanelle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mold", "num_translations": 71 }, "mold1": { "senses": [ "to form into a particular shape", "to give shape to", "To guide or determine the growth or development of", "influence", "To fit closely by following the contours of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mold", "num_translations": 42 }, "courtesy": { "senses": [ "Polite behavior", "A polite gesture or remark", "Consent or agreement in spite of fact", "indulgence", "Willingness or generosity in providing something needed", "A curtsey", "The life interest that the surviving husband has in the real or heritable estate of his wife" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "courtesy", "num_translations": 65 }, "associate": { "senses": [ "Joined with another or others and having lower status", "Having partial status or privileges", "Following or accompanying", "concomitant", "Connected by habit or sympathy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "associate", "num_translations": 31 }, "associate1": { "senses": [ "A person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business", "a partner", "Somebody with whom one works, coworker, colleague", "A companion", "a comrade", "an attendant circumstance", "A member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges", "One of a pair of elements of an integral domain such that the two elements are divisible by each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:associate" ], "word": "associate", "num_translations": 83 }, "associate2": { "senses": [ "To join in or form a league, union, or association", "To spend time socially", "keep company", "To join as a partner, ally, or friend", "To connect or join together", "combine", "To connect evidentially, or in the mind or imagination", "To endorse", "To be associative", "To accompany", "to be in the company of" ], "antonyms": [ "disassociate" ], "synonyms": [ "attach" ], "word": "associate", "num_translations": 79 }, "prosperity": { "senses": [ "The condition of being prosperous, of having good fortune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "welfare", "well-being", "affluence", "richdom", "weal" ], "word": "prosperity", "num_translations": 41 }, "freeofcharge": { "senses": [ "Not requiring any payment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "free" ], "word": "freeofcharge", "num_translations": 145 }, "helix": { "senses": [ "A curve on the surface of a cylinder or cone such that its angle to a plane perpendicular to the axis is constant", "the three-dimensional curve seen in a screw or a spiral staircase", "A small volute under the abacus of a Corinthian capital", "The incurved rim of the external ear", "An upside down midair 360\u00b0 spin in playboating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spiral" ], "word": "helix", "num_translations": 39 }, "three-dimensional": { "senses": [ "Existing in three dimensions", "having depth as well as height and width", "lifelike" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "3D", "tri-D" ], "word": "three-dimensional", "num_translations": 67 }, "two-dimensional": { "senses": [ "Existing in two dimensions", "Not creating the illusion of depth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "2D", "bidimensional" ], "word": "two-dimensional", "num_translations": 36 }, "mutual": { "senses": [ "Having the same relationship, each to each other", "Collective, done or held in common", "Reciprocal", "Possessed in common", "Owned by the members" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mutual", "reciprocative" ], "word": "mutual", "num_translations": 104 }, "conduct": { "senses": [ "The act or method of controlling or directing", "Skillful guidance or management", "leadership", "behaviour", "the manner of behaving", "plot", "storyline", "convoy", "escort", "person who accompanies another", "Something which carries or conveys anything", "a channel", "an instrument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "control", "bearing", "behavior/behaviour", "deportment", "demeanor/demeanour,", "action" ], "word": "conduct", "num_translations": 75 }, "conduct1": { "senses": [ "To lead, or guide", "to escort", "To lead", "to direct", "to be in charge of", "To behave", "To serve as a medium for conveying", "to transmit", "To direct, as the leader in the performance of a musical composition", "to carry", "To carry out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accompany", "direct", "act", "carry" ], "word": "conduct", "num_translations": 107 }, "rear": { "senses": [ "To bring up to maturity, as offspring", "to educate", "to instruct", "to foster", "To breed and raise", "To rise up on the hind legs", "To get angry", "To rise high above, tower above", "To raise physically or metaphorically", "to lift up", "to cause to rise, to elevate", "To construct by building", "to set up", "To raise spiritually", "to lift up", "to elevate morally", "To lift and take up", "To rouse", "to strip up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prance", "build", "elevate", "erect", "establish", "lift", "raise" ], "word": "rear", "num_translations": 93 }, "rear3": { "senses": [ "Being behind, or in the hindmost part", "hindmost" ], "antonyms": [ "front" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rear", "num_translations": 20 }, "rear5": { "senses": [ "The back or hindmost part", "that which is behind, or last on order", "- opposed to front", "Specifically, the part of an army or fleet which comes last, or is stationed behind the rest", "The buttocks, a creature's bottom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rear end" ], "word": "rear", "num_translations": 50 }, "corner": { "senses": [ "The point where two converging lines meet", "an angle, either external or internal", "An edge or extremity", "the part farthest from the center", "hence, any quarter or part, or the direction in which it lies", "A secret or secluded place", "a remote or out of the way place", "a nook", "An embarrassing situation", "a difficulty", "Relating to the playing field", "A place where people meet for a particular purpose", "A point scored in a rubber at whist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "angle", "bend", "cranny", "hern", "hideaway", "hirn", "nook", "recess" ], "word": "corner", "num_translations": 220 }, "corner1": { "senses": [ "To trap in a position of great difficulty or hopeless embarrassment", "To put in an awkward situation", "To get sufficient command of , so as to be able to manipulate its price" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "corner", "num_translations": 36 }, "puerile": { "senses": [ "Childish", "trifling", "silly", "Characteristic of, or pertaining to, a boy or boys", "compare puellile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "puerile", "num_translations": 15 }, "humanism": { "senses": [ "The study of the humanities or the liberal arts", "literary scholarship", "Specifically, a cultural and intellectual movement in 14th-16th century Europe characterised by attention to classical culture and a promotion of vernacular texts, notably during the Renaissance", "An ethical system that centers on humans and their values, needs, interests, abilities, dignity and freedom", "especially used for a secular one which rejects theistic religion and superstition", "Humanitarianism, philanthropy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "humanism", "num_translations": 95 }, "draughts1": { "senses": [ "A board game for two players in which the players each have a set number of pieces , known as men, and the object is to capture each of the opponent's pieces by jumping one's own pieces over the opponent's pieces", "A mild vesicatory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "checkers" ], "word": "draughts", "num_translations": 95 }, "cardgame": { "senses": [ "Any of the many games played with playing cards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cards", "Thesaurus:card game" ], "word": "cardgame", "num_translations": 62 }, "eminence": { "senses": [ "Someone of high rank, reputation or social status", "The quality or state of being eminent", "Prominence in a particular order or accumulation", "esteem", "An elevated land area or a hill", "A protuberance", "A dark purple color" ], "antonyms": [ "obscurity", "mediocrity" ], "synonyms": [ "distinction", "prominence", "renown", "celebrity" ], "word": "eminence", "num_translations": 24 }, "condominium": { "senses": [ "Joint sovereignty over a territory by two or more countries", "A region or territory under such rule", "A building in which each unit is owned by an individual but the grounds, structure etc are owned jointly", "A unit or apartment in such a complex", "The legal tenure involved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condo building", "strata", "condo" ], "word": "condominium", "num_translations": 57 }, "umbrage": { "senses": [ "A feeling of anger or annoyance caused by something offensive", "A feeling of doubt", "Leaves that provide shade, as the foliage of trees", "Shadow", "shade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annoyance", "suspicion" ], "word": "umbrage", "num_translations": 18 }, "telltale": { "senses": [ "One who divulges private information with intent to hurt others", "Tattletale", "squealer", "Something that serves to reveal something else", "A movable piece of ivory, lead, or other material, connected to the bellows of an organ, whose position indicates when the wind is exhausted", "A length of yarn or ribbon attached to a sail or shroud etc to indicate the direction of the flow of the air relative to the boat", "A mechanical attachment to the steering wheel, which, in the absence of a tiller, shows the position of the helm", "A compass in the cabin of a vessel, usually placed where the captain can see it at all hours, and thus inform himself of the vessel's course", "A machine or contrivance for indicating or recording something, particularly for keeping a check upon employees by revealing to their employers what they have done or omitted", "A bird, the tattler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "telltale", "num_translations": 53 }, "miss": { "senses": [ "To fail to hit", "To fail to achieve or attain", "To avoid", "to escape", "To become aware of the loss or absence of", "to feel the want or need of, sometimes with regret", "To fail to understand", "to have a shortcoming of perception", "overlook", "To fail to attend", "To be late for something", "To be wanting", "to lack something that should be present", "To fail to help the hand of a player", "To fail to score", "To go wrong", "to err", "To be absent, deficient, or wanting" ], "antonyms": [ "hit", "have" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "miss", "num_translations": 247 }, "miss2": { "senses": [ "A title of respect for a young woman with or without a name used", "An unmarried woman", "a girl", "A kept woman", "a mistress", "In the game of three-card loo, an extra hand, dealt on the table, which may be substituted for the hand dealt to a player" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "miss", "num_translations": 54 }, "mistress": { "senses": [ "A woman, specifically one with great control, authority or ownership", "A female teacher", "The other woman in an extramarital relationship, generally including sexual relations", "A dominatrix", "A woman well skilled in anything, or having the mastery over it", "a woman regarded with love and devotion", "a sweetheart", "A married woman", "a wife", "The jack in the game of bowls", "A female companion to a master", "feminine noun of \"master\"", "feminine noun of \"mister\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mistress", "num_translations": 194 }, "excite": { "senses": [ "To stir the emotions of", "To arouse or bring out", "to stimulate", "To cause an electron to move to a higher than normal state", "to promote an electron to an outer level", "To energize", "to produce a magnetic field in" ], "antonyms": [ "relax" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "excite", "num_translations": 79 }, "misfit": { "senses": [ "An ill-fitting garment", "A failure to fit well", "unsuitability, disparity", "A badly adjusted person", "someone unsuitable or set apart because of their habits, behaviour etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:outcast", "Thesaurus:maverick" ], "word": "misfit", "num_translations": 32 }, "proposition": { "senses": [ "The act of offering for consideration", "An idea or a plan offered", "The terms of a transaction offered", "In some states, a proposed statute or constitutional amendment to be voted on by the electorate", "A complete sentence", "The content of an assertion that may be taken as being true or false and is considered abstractly without reference to the linguistic sentence that constitutes the assertion", "a predicate of a subject that is denied or affirmed and connected by a copula", "An assertion so formulated that it can be considered true or false", "An assertion which is provably true, but not important enough to be called a theorem", "A statement of religious doctrine", "an article of faith", "creed", "The part of a poem in which the author states the subject or matter of it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proposal", "proposal", "proposal", "statement" ], "word": "proposition", "num_translations": 120 }, "upward": { "senses": [ "In a direction from lower to higher", "toward a higher place", "in a course toward the source or origin", "In the upper parts", "above", "Yet more", "indefinitely more", "above", "over" ], "antonyms": [ "down" ], "synonyms": [ "up" ], "word": "upward", "num_translations": 17 }, "authentic": { "senses": [ "Of the same origin as claimed", "genuine", "Conforming to reality and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief", "Having the final as the lowest note of the mode", "authoritative" ], "antonyms": [ "phony" ], "synonyms": [ "genuine", "reliable" ], "word": "authentic", "num_translations": 78 }, "submissive": { "senses": [ "Meekly obedient or passive" ], "antonyms": [ "dominant", "defiant" ], "synonyms": [ "biddable", "docile", "meek", "slavish", "timid", "obedient", "subservient" ], "word": "submissive", "num_translations": 47 }, "forty-two": { "senses": [ "Forty plus two", "the cardinal number following forty-one and preceding forty-three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 42", "Roman numerals: XLII" ], "word": "forty-two", "num_translations": 49 }, "strumpet": { "senses": [ "A female prostitute", "A woman who is very sexually active", "A female adulterer", "A mistress", "A trollop", "a whore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "strumpet", "num_translations": 32 }, "amenable": { "senses": [ "Willing to respond to persuasion or suggestions", "Willing to comply", "easily led", "Liable to be brought to account", "responsible", "accountable", "Being a locally compact topological group carrying a kind of averaging operation on bounded functions that is invariant under translation by group elements" ], "antonyms": [ "unamenable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "amenable", "num_translations": 39 }, "springtide": { "senses": [ "The tide which occurs when the moon is new or full", "the effects of the Sun and moon being reinforced so that this tide is of maximum range" ], "antonyms": [ "neap tide" ], "synonyms": [ "king tide" ], "word": "springtide", "num_translations": 28 }, "fastfood": { "senses": [ "Food that is served quickly, often standardized and pre-prepared", "A type of food that is quickly made, but of low nutritional value", "junk food", "Anything standardized, quickly available, and inexpensive, often, of low value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "short order", "junk food" ], "word": "fastfood", "num_translations": 78 }, "establish": { "senses": [ "To make stable or firm", "to confirm", "To form", "to found", "to institute", "to set up in business", "To appoint or adopt, as officers, laws, regulations, guidelines, etc", "to enact", "to ordain", "To prove and cause to be accepted as true", "to demonstrate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "establish", "num_translations": 157 }, "funny": { "senses": [ "Amusing", "humorous", "comical", "Strange or unusual, often implying unpleasant", "Showing unexpected resentment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:funny", "Thesaurus:strange" ], "word": "funny", "num_translations": 172 }, "kitty": { "senses": [ "A kitten or young cat", "A pet name for a cat", "A money pool, as for a card game, or for shared expenses", "In a home game, a small, specified amount taken from each pot to pay the host's expenses", "Female genitals", "A set of additional cards dealt face down in some games" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pot" ], "word": "kitty", "num_translations": 81 }, "clearly": { "senses": [ "In a clear manner", "Without a doubt", "obviously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "expressly" ], "word": "clearly", "num_translations": 41 }, "noxious": { "senses": [ "Harmful", "injurious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harmful", "injurious", "scathel", "Thesaurus:harmful" ], "word": "noxious", "num_translations": 25 }, "mysticism": { "senses": [ "The beliefs, ideas, or thoughts of mystics", "A doctrine of direct communication or spiritual intuition of divine truth", "A transcendental union of soul or mind with the divine reality or divinity", "Obscure thoughts and speculations" ], "antonyms": [ "rationalism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mysticism", "num_translations": 71 }, "misinform": { "senses": [ "to give or deliver false, fake, or misleading information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misguide" ], "word": "misinform", "num_translations": 14 }, "mystery": { "senses": [ "Something secret or unexplainable", "an unknown", "Someone or something with an obscure or puzzling nature", "A secret or mystical meaning", "A religious truth not understandable by the application of human reason alone", "A sacrament", "A secret religious celebration, admission to which was usually through initiation", "A particular event or series of events in the life of Christ", "A craft, art or trade", "specifically a guild of craftsmen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roun" ], "word": "mystery", "num_translations": 119 }, "maximize": { "senses": [ "to make as large as possible", "to expand to fill the main display area" ], "antonyms": [ "minimize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "maximize", "num_translations": 25 }, "yield": { "senses": [ "To pay, give in payment", "repay, recompense", "reward", "requite", "To furnish", "to afford", "to render", "to give forth", "To give way", "to allow another to pass first", "To give as required", "to surrender, relinquish or capitulate", "To give, or give forth,", "To give way", "to succumb to a force", "To produce as return, as from an investment", "To produce as a result", "To produce a particular sound as the result of a sound law", "To admit to be true", "to concede", "to allow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "submit", "capitulate", "succumb", "relent", "defer", "give way", "surrender", "cede", "give up", "produce", "bear", "supply", "give in", "to trade away" ], "word": "yield", "num_translations": 145 }, "yield1": { "senses": [ "Payment", "tribute", "A product", "the quantity of something produced", "The current return as a percentage of the price of a stock or bond", "Profit earned from an investment", "return on investment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crop", "fruits", "gain", "harvest", "produce", "return" ], "word": "yield", "num_translations": 89 }, "africanviolet": { "senses": [ "A perennial plant of the genus Saintpaulia, especially Saintpaulia ionantha, with fine haired round leaves and velvety petals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saintpaulia" ], "word": "Africanviolet", "num_translations": 10 }, "gregoriancalendar": { "senses": [ "The calendar currently used in the western world It replaced the Julian calendar and was devised to halt the slow drift of the vernal equinox towards earlier in the year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christian calendar" ], "word": "Gregoriancalendar", "num_translations": 138 }, "arena": { "senses": [ "An enclosed area, often outdoor, for the presentation of sporting events or other spectacular events", "earthen area, often oval, specifically for rodeos or circular area for bullfights", "The building housing such an area", "specifically, a very large, often round building, often topped with a dome, designated for indoor sporting or other major events, such as concerts", "The sand-covered centre of an amphitheatre where contests were held in Ancient Rome", "A realm in which important events unfold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "arena", "num_translations": 86 }, "cowslip": { "senses": [ "A low-growing plant, Primula veris, with yellow flowers", "Any of several other plants related or similar in appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paigle", "marsh marigold" ], "word": "cowslip", "num_translations": 26 }, "opulence": { "senses": [ "wealth", "abundance, bounty, profusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wealth" ], "word": "opulence", "num_translations": 17 }, "modulus": { "senses": [ "The base with respect to which a congruence is computed", "The absolute value of a complex number", "A coefficient that expresses how much of a certain property is possessed by a certain substance", "An operator placed between two numbers, to get the remainder of the division of those numbers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mod" ], "word": "modulus", "num_translations": 22 }, "obloquy": { "senses": [ "Abusive language", "Disgrace", "A false accusation", "malevolent rumors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defamation", "opprobrium" ], "word": "obloquy", "num_translations": 22 }, "prevarication": { "senses": [ "Deviation from what is right or correct", "transgression, perversion", "Evasion of the truth", "deceit, evasiveness", "A secret abuse in the exercise of a public office", "The collusion of an informer with the defendant, for the purpose of making a sham prosecution", "A false or deceitful seeming to undertake a thing for the purpose of defeating or destroying it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prevarication", "num_translations": 17 }, "colorado": { "senses": [ "municipality s/Paran\u00e1 c/Brazil", "municipality s/Rio Grande do Sul c/Brazil", "village c/Dominican Republic", "unincorporated community s/Texas c/USA", "ghost town s/California c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Colorado", "num_translations": 38 }, "delaware": { "senses": [ "An indigenous Native American people", "The Algonquian languages of these people", "state c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lenape", "Leni Lenape", "Delaware people", "Lenape languages" ], "word": "Delaware", "num_translations": 42 }, "sombre": { "senses": [ "Dark", "gloomy", "shadowy, dimly lit", "Dull or dark in colour or brightness", "Melancholy, gloomy, dreary, dismal", "grim", "Grave", "extremely serious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "melancholy", "dreary", "dire", "dismal" ], "word": "sombre", "num_translations": 78 }, "illinois": { "senses": [ "state c/USA", "A tribe who formerly inhabited the region between the Wabash and Mississippi rivers", "river c/USA that flows from the Never Summer Mountains in the Rockies into the Michigan River", "river c/USA that flows from the Ozarks into the Arkansas River", "river c/USA that flows from southwestern Oregon into the Rogue river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Illinois", "num_translations": 26 }, "indiana": { "senses": [ "state c/USA", "municipality s/S\u00e3o Paulo c/Brazil", "ghost town co/Haldimand County p/Ontario c/Canada", "male given name", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Indiana", "num_translations": 29 }, "transaction": { "senses": [ "The act of conducting or carrying out", "A deal or business agreement", "An exchange or trade, as of ideas, money, goods, etc", "The transfer of funds into, out of, or from an account", "An atomic operation", "a message, data modification, or other procedure that is guaranteed to perform completely or not at all", "A record of the proceedings of a learned society", "A social interaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transaction", "num_translations": 106 }, "essence": { "senses": [ "The inherent nature of a thing or idea", "The true nature of anything, not accidental or illusory", "Constituent substance", "A being", "especially, a purely spiritual being", "A significant feature of something", "The concentrated form of a plant or drug obtained through a distillation process", "An extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter used for flavouring", "Fragrance, a perfume" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quintessence", "gist", "aroma" ], "word": "essence", "num_translations": 145 }, "halt1": { "senses": [ "To stop marching", "To stop either temporarily or permanently", "To bring to a stop", "To cause to discontinue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brake", "freeze", "break off" ], "word": "halt", "num_translations": 45 }, "halt2": { "senses": [ "A cessation, either temporary or permanent", "A minor railway station in the United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus", "close" ], "word": "halt", "num_translations": 21 }, "remnant": { "senses": [ "The small portion remaining of a larger thing or group", "The remaining fabric at the end of the bolt", "An unsold end of piece goods, as cloth, ribbons, carpets, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "relic", "remains" ], "word": "remnant", "num_translations": 56 }, "maryland": { "senses": [ "state c/US", "named for Queen Mary, queen consort of England, Scotland and Ireland", "town s/New York", "named for the state", "neighbourhood in lbor/Newham co/Greater London cc/England", "named for the state", "suburb of city/Newcastle s/New South Wales c/Australia", "village county/Monmouthshire cc/Wales", "village on Brownsea Island in county/Dorset c/England", "named for the wife of the founder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Maryland", "num_translations": 32 }, "missouri": { "senses": [ "state c/USA", "The longest > in the >, flowing from Montana to become a tributary of the Mississippi at Saint Louis", "A Native American tribe that originally lived in the Great Lakes region of United States", "An organized territory in the United States during the nineteenth century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mo", "Big Muddy" ], "word": "Missouri", "num_translations": 64 }, "mississippi2": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "MS / MS. / Ms. / Ms", "Miss. / MISS. / MISS" ], "word": "Mississippi", "num_translations": 96 }, "nebraska": { "senses": [ "state c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cornhusker State" ], "word": "Nebraska", "num_translations": 28 }, "nevada": { "senses": [ "state c/USA", "city/county seat co/Story County s/Iowa", "city/county seat co/Vernon County s/Missouri", "city s/Texas", "village s/Ohio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Nevada", "num_translations": 35 }, "ohio": { "senses": [ "state c/US", "river c/US flowing 981 miles from the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela at Pittsburgh into the Mississippi at Cairo, Illinois", "locale c/US", "named for the state", "town s/New York", "village s/Illinois", "unincorporated community s/Mississippi", "unincorporated community s/Texas", "locale p/Nova Scotia c/Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ohio", "num_translations": 51 }, "miscreant1": { "senses": [ "One who has behaved badly, or illegally", "One not restrained by moral principles", "an unscrupulous villain", "One who holds a false religious belief", "a misbeliever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:troublemaker", "Thesaurus:villain" ], "word": "miscreant", "num_translations": 15 }, "villain": { "senses": [ "A vile, wicked person", "The bad person in a work of fiction", "often the main antagonist of the hero", "Any opponent player, especially a hypothetical player for example and didactic purposes Compare: hero", "archaic form of \"villein\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knave", "rascal", "scamp", "cad", "Thesaurus:villain", "Thesaurus:troublemaker" ], "word": "villain", "num_translations": 160 }, "dysthymia": { "senses": [ "A tendency to be depressed, without hope", "A form of clinical depression, characterized by low-grade depression which lasts at least 2 years" ], "antonyms": [ "euphoria", "euthymia" ], "synonyms": [ "depression", "depression" ], "word": "dysthymia", "num_translations": 12 }, "washington": { "senses": [ "The federal government or administrative authority of the United States", "state in the c/United States", "community twp/Blandford-Blenheim co/Oxford County p/Ontario c/Canada", "new town metbor/Sunderland co/Tyne and Wear cc/England", "village/and/civil parish lgdist/Horsham county/West Sussex c/England", "community r/Mahaica-Berbice c/Guyana", "barangay mun/Catarman p/Northern Samar c/Philippines", "barangay city/Escalante p/Negros Occidental c/Philippines", "barangay mun/San Jacinto p/Masbate c/Philippines", "barangay city/Surigao City p/Surigao del Norte c/Philippines", "ghost town co/Autauga County s/Alabama", "tiny city twp/Ozan Township co/Hempstead County s/Arkansas", "CDP co/Nevada County s/California", "The former name of a > in >, >, now the neighborhood of Broderick, West Sacramento", "rural town co/Litchfield County s/Connecticut", "city/county seat co/Wilkes County s/Georgia c/USA", "city co/Tazewell County s/Illinois", "city/county seat co/Daviess County s/Indiana", "neighborhood of the city of city/Maysville co/Mason County s/Kentucky", "village par/St Landry Parish s/Louisiana", "town co/Knox County s/Maine", "small town co/Berkshire County s/Massachusetts", "unincorporated community co/Adams County s/Mississippi", "city co/Franklin County s/Missouri", "town co/Sullivan County s/New Hampshire", "borough co/Warren County s/New Jersey", "town co/Dutchess County s/New York", "city/county seat co/Beaufort County s/North Carolina", "small town co/McClain County s/Oklahoma", "town co/Orange County s/Vermont", "small town/county seat co/Rappahannock County s/Virginia", "CDP co/Wood County s/West Virginia", "unincorporated community co/Door County s/Wisconsin", "town county/Eau Claire County s/Wisconsin", "small town county/Green County s/Wisconsin", "small town county/La Crosse County s/Wisconsin", "small town county/Rusk County s/Wisconsin", "small town county/Sauk County s/Wisconsin", "small town county/Shawano County s/Wisconsin", "town county/Vilas County s/Wisconsin", "An surname", "male given name, popular during the first century of American independence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Washington state", "WASH/WASH./Wash./Wash", "WSH/WSH./Wsh./Wsh" ], "word": "Washington", "num_translations": 101 }, "wyoming": { "senses": [ "state c/USA", "suburb of the urban area/Central Coast s/New South Wales c/Australia", "town co/Kent County s/Delaware", "suburb city/Dover", "city co/Stark County s/Illinois", "suburb city/Peoria", "small city co/Jones County s/Iowa", "suburb city/Cedar Rapids", "ghost town co/Bath County s/Kentucky", "neighborhood in the city of city/Melrose co/Middlesex County s/Massachusetts", "sizable city co/Kent County s/Michigan", "suburb city/Grand Rapids", "city co/Chisago County s/Minnesota", "unincorporated community co/Otoe County s/Nebraska", "city co/Hamilton County s/Ohio", "borough co/Luzerne County s/Pennsylvania", "village/and/CDP co/Washington County s/Rhode Island", "small town co/Iowa County s/Wisconsin", "small town co/Waupaca County s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Wyoming", "num_translations": 37 }, "deprave": { "senses": [ "To speak ill of", "to depreciate", "to malign", "to revile", "To make bad or worse", "to vitiate", "to corrupt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deprave", "num_translations": 10 }, "insult": { "senses": [ "To be insensitive, insolent, or rude to", "to affront or demean", "To assail, assault, or attack", "to carry out an assault, attack, or onset without preparation", "To behave in an obnoxious and superior manner", "To leap or trample upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insult", "num_translations": 84 }, "insult1": { "senses": [ "Action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude", "a particular act or statement having this effect", "Something that causes offence", "Something causing disease or injury to the body or bodily processes", "the injury so caused", "An assault or attack", "an assault, attack, or onset carried out without preparation", "An act of leaping upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insult", "num_translations": 95 }, "geranium": { "senses": [ "The common name for flowering plants of the genus Pelargonium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cranesbill" ], "word": "geranium", "num_translations": 63 }, "hellebore": { "senses": [ "Any of the common garden flowering plants of the genus Helleborus, in family Ranunculaceae, having supposed medicinal properties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christmas rose" ], "word": "hellebore", "num_translations": 33 }, "lady'sslipper": { "senses": [ "An orchid of the subfamily Cypripedioideae, distinguished by their slipper-shaped pouches which trap insects to improve pollination rates", "The type species of this subfamily, Cypripedium calceolus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slipper-orchid", "slipper-orchid" ], "word": "lady'sslipper", "num_translations": 11 }, "particleaccelerator": { "senses": [ "A device that accelerates electrically charged particles to extremely high speeds, for the purpose of inducing high energy reactions or producing high energy radiation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atom smasher" ], "word": "particleaccelerator", "num_translations": 34 }, "lily": { "senses": [ "Any of several flowers in the genus Lilium of the family Liliaceae, which includes a great many ornamental species", "Any of several species of herbaceous flower which may or may not resemble the genus Lilium in some way, and which are not closely related to it or each other", "The flower used as a heraldic charge", "also commonly used to describe the fleur-de-lis", "A royal spade in auction bridge", "The thirtieth Lenormand card, representing calmness and maturity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lily", "num_translations": 75 }, "strip": { "senses": [ "Long, thin piece of land, or of any material", "A street with multiple shopping or entertainment possibilities", "The fencing area, roughly 14 meters by 2 meters", "The uniform of a football team, or the same worn by supporters", "A trough for washing ore", "The issuing of a projectile from a rifled gun without acquiring the spiral motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strip", "num_translations": 73 }, "strip1": { "senses": [ "To take off clothing", "To take away something from", "to plunder", "to divest", "To remove cargo from", "To remove from a screw, nut, or gear", "To fail in the thread", "to lose the thread, as a bolt, screw, or nut", "To remove color from hair, cloth, etc to prepare it to receive new color", "To remove all cards of a particular suit from another player", "To empty by applying pressure to the outside of and moving that pressure along", "To milk a cow, especially by stroking and compressing the teats to draw out the last of the milk", "To press out the ripe roe or milt from fishes, for artificial fecundation", "To remove the overlying earth from", "To pass", "to get clear of", "To remove the metal coating from , as by acids or electrolytic action", "To remove fibre, flock, or lint from", "said of the teeth of a card when it becomes partly clogged", "To pick the cured leaves from the stalks of and tie them into \"hands\"", "To remove the midrib from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deprive", "peel", "uncover" ], "word": "strip", "num_translations": 104 }, "hovercraft": { "senses": [ "A vehicle supported on a cushion of air, able to traverse many different types of terrain and travel over water, used for transport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ACV" ], "word": "hovercraft", "num_translations": 39 }, "risible": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to laughter", "Provoking laughter", "ludicrous", "ridiculous", "humorously insignificant", "Easily laughing", "prone to laughter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "funny" ], "word": "risible", "num_translations": 15 }, "dilemma": { "senses": [ "A circumstance in which a choice must be made between two or more alternatives that seem equally undesirable", "A difficult circumstance or problem", "A type of syllogism of the form \"if A is true then B is true", "if C is true then D is true", "either A or C is true", "therefore either B or D is true\"", "Offering to an opponent a choice between two alternatives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dilemma", "num_translations": 70 }, "gadfly": { "senses": [ "Any dipterous insect of the family Oestridae, commonly known as botflies", "A horsefly: any of various species of fly, of the family Tabanidae, noted for buzzing about animals and sucking their blood", "One who upsets the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions, or attempts to stimulate innovation by proving an irritant", "One who merely irritates without making useful suggestions", "A bloodsucker", "a person who takes without giving back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gadfly", "num_translations": 11 }, "sucker": { "senses": [ "A person or animal that sucks, especially a breast or udder", "especially a suckling animal, young mammal before it is weaned", "An undesired stem growing out of the roots or lower trunk of a shrub or tree, especially from the rootstock of a grafted plant or tree", "A parasite", "a sponger", "An organ or body part that does the sucking", "especially a round structure on the bodies of some insects, frogs, and octopuses that allows them to stick to surfaces", "A thing that works by sucking something", "The embolus, or bucket, of a pump", "also, the valve of a pump basket", "A pipe through which anything is drawn", "A small piece of leather, usually round, having a string attached to the center, which, when saturated with water and pressed upon a stone or other body having a smooth surface, adheres, by reason of the atmospheric pressure, with such force as to enable a considerable weight to be thus lifted by the string", "formerly used by children as a plaything", "A suction cup", "An animal such as the octopus and remora, which adhere to other bodies with such organs", "A piece of candy which is sucked", "a lollipop", "A hard drinker", "a soaker", "An inhabitant of Illinois", "A person who is easily deceived, tricked or persuaded to do something", "a naive person", "A person irresistibly attracted by something specified", "The penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lollipop", "Thesaurus:scrounger", "suck-pint", "Illinoisian", "chump", "fall guy", "fish", "fool", "gull", "mark", "mug", "patsy", "rube", "schlemiel", "soft touch", "Thesaurus:dupe", "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "sucker", "num_translations": 83 }, "sucker1": { "senses": [ "To fool someone", "to take advantage of someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sucker", "num_translations": 10 }, "comeout": { "senses": [ "To be discovered, be revealed", "To be published, be issued", "To make a formal debut in society", "To end up or result", "To walk onto the field at the beginning of an innings", "To be deducted from", "To express one's opinion openly", "To become visible in the sky as a result of clouds clearing away", "To go on strike, especially out of solidarity with other workers", "To make a debut in a new field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comeout", "num_translations": 80 }, "clever": { "senses": [ "Nimble with hands or body", "skillful", "adept", "Resourceful, sometimes to the point of cunning", "Smart, intelligent, or witty", "mentally quick or sharp", "Showing inventiveness or originality", "witty", "Possessing magical abilities", "Fit", "suitable", "having propriety", "Well-shaped", "handsome", "Good-natured", "obliging", "Fit and healthy", "free from fatigue or illness" ], "antonyms": [ "dull", "ineffectual", "clumsy" ], "synonyms": [ "quick-witted", "cunning", "adroit", "ingenious" ], "word": "clever", "num_translations": 206 }, "upper": { "senses": [ "At a higher level, rank or position", "Situated on higher ground, further inland, or more northerly", "younger, more recent", "Of or pertaining to a secondary school" ], "antonyms": [ "lower", "lower", "lower" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "upper", "num_translations": 57 }, "earlobe": { "senses": [ "The lower, exterior, fleshy, bulbous part of the human ear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burr", "earlap" ], "word": "earlobe", "num_translations": 42 }, "defense": { "senses": [ "The action of defending or protecting from attack, danger, or injury", "Anything employed to oppose attack", "An argument in support or justification of something", "Government policy or structure related to the military", "A prohibition", "a prohibitory ordinance" ], "antonyms": [ "offense" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defense" ], "word": "defense", "num_translations": 178 }, "whisker": { "senses": [ "That part of the beard which grows upon the sides of the face, usually of the male, or upon the chin, or upon both", "A hair of the beard", "One of the long, projecting hairs growing at the sides of the mouth of a cat, or other animal", "The distance between two things", "Spreaders from the bows to spread the bowsprit shrouds", "A graphic element that shows the maxima and minima in a box plot", "One who, or that which, whisks, or moves with a quick, sweeping motion", "A small tendril that forms on metal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whisker", "num_translations": 86 }, "forth": { "senses": [ "Forward in time, place or degree", "Out into view", "from a particular place or position", "Beyond a boundary", "away", "abroad", "out", "Thoroughly", "from beginning to end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fromward" ], "word": "forth", "num_translations": 13 }, "uncertainty": { "senses": [ "Doubt", "the condition of being uncertain or without conviction", "Something uncertain or ambiguous", "A parameter that measures the dispersion of a range of measured values" ], "antonyms": [ "certainty" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "uncertainty", "num_translations": 33 }, "cutter": { "senses": [ "A person or device that cuts", "A single-masted, fore-and-aft rigged, sailing vessel with at least two headsails, and a mast set further aft than that of a sloop", "A foretooth", "an incisor", "A heavy-duty motor boat for official use", "A ship's boat, used for transport ship-to-ship or ship-to-shore", "A ball that moves sideways in the air, or off the pitch, because it has been cut", "A cut fastball", "A ten-pence piece So named because it is the coin most often sharpened by prison inmates to use as a weapon", "A person who practices self-injury", "A surgeon", "An officer in the exchequer who notes by cutting on the tallies the sums paid", "A ruffian", "a bravo", "a destroyer", "A kind of soft yellow brick, easily cut, and used for facework", "A light sleigh drawn by one horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cutter", "num_translations": 58 }, "halo": { "senses": [ "A circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun or moon etc, caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere", "A cloud of gas and other matter surrounding and captured by the gravitational field of a large diffuse astronomical object, such as a galaxy or cluster of galaxies", "Anything resembling this band, such as an effect caused by imperfect developing of photographs", "nimbus, a luminous disc, often of gold, around or over the heads of saints, etc, in religious paintings", "The metaphorical aura of glory, veneration or sentiment which surrounds an idealized entity", "A circular brace used to keep the head and neck in position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aureole" ], "word": "halo", "num_translations": 119 }, "auxiliary": { "senses": [ "Helping", "giving assistance or support", "Supplementary or subsidiary", "Held in reserve for exceptional circumstances", "Of a ship, having both sails and an engine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accessory", "motorsailer" ], "word": "auxiliary", "num_translations": 91 }, "tune": { "senses": [ "A melody", "A song, or short musical composition", "The act of tuning or maintenance", "A very good popular song", "Temper", "frame of mind", "A sound", "a note", "a tone", "Order", "harmony", "concord" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tune", "num_translations": 76 }, "tune1": { "senses": [ "To adjust so that it produces the correct pitches", "To adjust or modify so that it functions optimally", "To adjust the frequency on a radio or TV set, so as to receive the desired channel", "To adapt to or direct towards a particular target", "To make more precise, intense, or effective", "to put into a proper state or disposition", "to adapt in style of music", "to make harmonious", "To give a certain tone or character to", "To sing with melody or harmony", "To cheek", "to be impudent towards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tune", "num_translations": 33 }, "tuner": { "senses": [ "A person who tunes a piano or organ", "A device, electronic or mechanical, that helps a person tune a musical instrument by showing the deviation of the played pitch from the desired pitch", "On a musical instrument, a peg or mechanical device that changes the tension, and hence pitch, of a string", "The component of an audio system that receives radio broadcasts", "One who sings or makes music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tuner", "num_translations": 23 }, "washup": { "senses": [ "To clean the utensils, dishes etc used in preparing and eating a meal", "To wash one's hands and/or face, often around mealtimes", "To carry to land", "To be carried by water to land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "do the dishes", "do the washing-up" ], "word": "washup", "num_translations": 37 }, "astride1": { "senses": [ "With one's legs on either side of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agee" ], "word": "astride", "num_translations": 13 }, "utensil": { "senses": [ "An instrument or device for domestic use, especially in the kitchen", "A useful small tool, implement, or vessel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:instrument" ], "word": "utensil", "num_translations": 44 }, "idiopathic": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or designating a disease or condition having no known cause" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "essential", "primary", "agnogenic" ], "word": "idiopathic", "num_translations": 15 }, "radiant": { "senses": [ "Radiating light and/or heat", "Emitted as radiation", "Beaming with vivacity and happiness", "Emitting or proceeding as if from a center", "Giving off rays", "said of a bearing", "Having a ray-like appearance, like the large marginal flowers of certain umbelliferous plants", "said also of the cluster which has such marginal flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "radiant", "num_translations": 25 }, "morningglory": { "senses": [ "Several members of the Convolvulaceae family", "climbing plants with trumpet shaped flowers", "An involuntary erection present upon waking", "A rolling cloud in the shape of a cylinder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bindweed", "morning wood" ], "word": "morningglory", "num_translations": 37 }, "query1": { "senses": [ "To ask a question", "To ask, inquire", "To question or call into doubt", "To send a private message to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "query", "num_translations": 43 }, "prayer": { "senses": [ "A practice of communicating with one's God", "The act of praying", "The specific words or methods used for praying", "A meeting held for the express purpose of praying", "A request", "a petition", "The remotest hope or chance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orison", "bead" ], "word": "prayer", "num_translations": 272 }, "vocabulary": { "senses": [ "A usually alphabetized and explained collection of words eg of a particular field, or prepared for a specific purpose, often for learning", "The collection of words a person knows and uses", "The stock of words used in a particular field", "The words of a language collectively", "A range of artistic or stylistic forms or techniques" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clavis", "glossary", "idioticon" ], "word": "vocabulary", "num_translations": 199 }, "comicstrip": { "senses": [ "A series of illustrations, in sequence, often but not necessarily depicting something funny or satirical in nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sequential art narrative" ], "word": "comicstrip", "num_translations": 31 }, "cufflink": { "senses": [ "A button or stud used to hold a sleeve cuff together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleeve-button", "sleeve-link" ], "word": "cufflink", "num_translations": 32 }, "airspace": { "senses": [ "A specified portion of the atmosphere, especially that under the technical aviation control and/or jurisdiction of a particular state over which territory it lies", "that part of the sky designated for the sole use of aircraft", "Space available for broadcasting within a particular frequency band", "The portion of an enclosed area which contains air, especially breathable air", "The cavity in a cavity wall containing air for insulation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "territorial sky", "jurisdictional sky" ], "word": "airspace", "num_translations": 32 }, "declare": { "senses": [ "To make clear, explain, interpret", "To make a declaration", "To show one's cards in order to score", "To announce one's support, choice, opinion, etc", "For the captain of the batting side to announce the innings complete even though all batsmen have not been dismissed", "To announce something formally or officially", "For a constituency in an election to officially announce the result", "To affirm or state something emphatically", "To inform government customs or taxation officials of goods one is importing or of income, expenses, or other circumstances affecting one's taxes", "To make outstanding debts, eg taxes, payable", "To explicitly establish the existence of without necessarily describing its content" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disclose" ], "word": "declare", "num_translations": 111 }, "simony": { "senses": [ "The buying or selling of spiritual or sacred things, such as ecclesiastical offices, pardons, or consecrated objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Simonism" ], "word": "simony", "num_translations": 27 }, "northern": { "senses": [ "Of, facing, situated in, or related to the north", "Blowing from the north", "northerly", "Characteristic of the North of England" ], "antonyms": [ "austral", "meridional", "southern" ], "synonyms": [ "boreal", "septentrional" ], "word": "northern", "num_translations": 77 }, "prediction": { "senses": [ "A statement of what will happen in the future", "A probability estimation based on statistical methods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forecast" ], "word": "prediction", "num_translations": 56 }, "cornwall": { "senses": [ "county c/England", "forming its south-western extremity, bordered by Devon in the east", "city p/Ontario", "town s/Connecticut", "town s/New York", "town p/Prince Edward Island", "town s/Vermont", "borough s/Pennsylvania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Cornwall", "num_translations": 28 }, "hampshire": { "senses": [ "A maritime county in the south of England bordered by Berkshire, Surrey, West Sussex, Dorset, Wiltshire, the English Channel and the Solent separating it from the Isle of Wight", "the county town is Winchester" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hamptonshire", "Southamptonshire", "County of Southampton", "Hants" ], "word": "Hampshire", "num_translations": 22 }, "kent": { "senses": [ "maritime county in southeast cc/England bordered by East Sussex, Surrey, Greater London, the North Sea and the English Channel", "river co/Cumbria cc/England, which flows into Morecambe Bay at Arnside", "district municipality p/British Columbia c/Canada", "A coastal fishing > in the >, >", "unincorporated community co/Elmore County s/Alabama", "unincorporated community co/Pike County s/Alabama", "ghost town co/Colusa County s/California", "town co/Litchfield s/Connecticut", "unincorporated community co/Nassau County s/Florida", "unincorporated community co/Stephenson County s/Illinois", "unincorporated community/and/census-designated place twp/Republican Township co/Jefferson County s/Indiana c/USA", "former city/and/census-designated place co/Union County s/Iowa, disincorporated in 2003", "tiny city co/Wilkin County s/Minnesota", "town co/Putnam County s/New York", "city co/Portage County s/Ohio", "unincorporated community co/Sherman County s/Oregon", "unincorporated community co/Culbertson County s/Texas", "city co/King County s/Washington c/USA", "suburb city/Seattle", "neighborhood in northwest city/Washington, DC c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Marshall County s/West Virginia", "surname derived from the place name", "male given name", "but never popular" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Kent", "num_translations": 31 }, "piffle": { "senses": [ "Nonsense, foolish talk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "piffle", "num_translations": 26 }, "piffle1": { "senses": [ "To act or speak in a futile, ineffective, or nonsensical manner", "To waste, to fritter away", "To be squeamish or delicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trifle" ], "word": "piffle", "num_translations": 24 }, "inebriated": { "senses": [ "Behaving as though affected by alcohol including exhilaration, and a dumbed or stupefied manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drunk", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "inebriated", "num_translations": 13 }, "perjury": { "senses": [ "The deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oathbreach", "false testimony" ], "word": "perjury", "num_translations": 44 }, "nasturtium": { "senses": [ "The popular name of the Tropaeolum genus of flowering plants native to south and central America", "A plant in this genus, Tropaeolum majus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monks cress", "Indian cress" ], "word": "nasturtium", "num_translations": 21 }, "pansy": { "senses": [ "A cultivated flowering plant, derived by hybridization within species Viola tricolor", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Junonia Also called arguses", "A male homosexual, especially one who is effeminate", "A timid, weak man or boy", "a wuss" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "friend of Dorothy", "mama's boy", "mama's boy" ], "word": "pansy", "num_translations": 61 }, "poinsettia": { "senses": [ "A plant, '''', with rather small and insignificant flowers but large brightly coloured leaves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christmas star" ], "word": "poinsettia", "num_translations": 24 }, "diarrhea": { "senses": [ "A gastrointestinal disorder characterized by frequent and very fluid or watery bowel movements", "The watery or very soft excrement that comes from such bowel movements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:diarrhea" ], "word": "diarrhea", "num_translations": 162 }, "guild": { "senses": [ "A group or association mainly of tradespeople made up of merchants, craftspeople, or artisans for mutual aid, particularly in the Middle Ages", "A corporation", "A group of diverse species that share common characteristics or habits", "An organized group of players who regularly play together in a multiplayer game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hanse", "trade union" ], "word": "guild", "num_translations": 52 }, "deranged": { "senses": [ "disturbed or upset, especially mentally", "insane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:insane" ], "word": "deranged", "num_translations": 23 }, "foundry": { "senses": [ "The act, process, or art of casting metals", "founding", "A semiconductor fabrication plant in the microelectronics industry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fab" ], "word": "foundry", "num_translations": 32 }, "interesting": { "senses": [ "Arousing or holding the attention or interest of someone", "strange or unusual, in a negative sense" ], "antonyms": [ "uninteresting", "boring" ], "synonyms": [ "absorbing" ], "word": "interesting", "num_translations": 106 }, "chunk": { "senses": [ "A part of something that has been separated", "A representative portion of a substance, often large and irregular", "A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic", "a bundle or cluster", "A discrete segment of a file, stream, etc", "a block", "A segment of a comedian's performance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chunk", "num_translations": 46 }, "comicbook": { "senses": [ "A book or magazine that uses sequences of drawings to tell a story or series of stories, primarily in serialized form, usually fiction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comics" ], "word": "comicbook", "num_translations": 20 }, "pregnancy": { "senses": [ "The condition of being pregnant", "The period of time this condition prevails", "The progression of stages from conception to birth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gestation", "gravidity" ], "word": "pregnancy", "num_translations": 152 }, "landingstrip": { "senses": [ "A runway for aircraft, especially one which is auxiliary or temporary", "A cultivated pubic hair pattern in which much of the pubic hair is removed, leaving only a central vertical line or rectangle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "airstrip", "Thesaurus:pubic hair" ], "word": "landingstrip", "num_translations": 25 }, "runway": { "senses": [ "A defined, narrow section of land or an artificial structure used for access", "The usual path taken by deer or other wild animals, such as from a forest to a water source", "A narrow walkway extending from a stage on which people walk, especially one used by models during fashion shows", "In javelin, long jump, and similar events: a short track along which athletes can accelerate themselves for their jumps or throws", "A section of land, usually paved, for airplanes to land on or take off from", "Hence, the number of months that a startup company can operate on its cash reserves", "A stream bed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catwalk" ], "word": "runway", "num_translations": 121 }, "impregnate": { "senses": [ "To cause to become pregnant", "To fertilize", "To saturate, or infuse", "To fill pores or spaces with a substance", "To become pregnant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impregnate", "num_translations": 74 }, "unhappy": { "senses": [ "Not happy", "sad", "Not satisfied", "unsatisfied", "Not lucky", "unlucky", "Not suitable", "unsuitable" ], "antonyms": [ "happy", "glad", "delighted", "exuberant", "joyous", "joyful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unhappy", "num_translations": 100 }, "suppose": { "senses": [ "To take for granted", "to conclude, with less than absolute supporting data", "to believe", "To theorize or hypothesize", "To imagine", "to believe", "to receive as true", "To require to exist or to be true", "to imply by the laws of thought or of nature", "To put by fraud in the place of another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assume", "Thesaurus:suppose" ], "word": "suppose", "num_translations": 84 }, "zillion": { "senses": [ "An unspecified large number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:zillion" ], "word": "zillion", "num_translations": 19 }, "classifier": { "senses": [ "Someone who classifies", "A word or morpheme used in some languages , in certain contexts , to indicate the semantic class to which something belongs", "A machine that separates particles or objects of different size or density", "A program or algorithm that classifies", "Object which creates the class instances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "classifier", "num_translations": 38 }, "permit": { "senses": [ "To allow to happen, to give permission for", "To allow to do something", "to give permission to", "To allow for, to make something possible", "To allow, to admit", "To grant formal authorization for", "To attempt to obtain or succeed in obtaining formal authorization for", "To hand over, resign" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "permit", "num_translations": 86 }, "flummox": { "senses": [ "To confuse", "to fluster", "to flabbergast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:confuse" ], "word": "flummox", "num_translations": 13 }, "mum": { "senses": [ "Mother", "ma'am", "a term of respect for an older woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mother" ], "word": "mum", "num_translations": 142 }, "blur": { "senses": [ "To make indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim", "To smear, stain or smudge", "To become indistinct", "To cause imperfection of vision in", "to dim", "to darken", "To sully", "to stain", "to blemish, as reputation", "To transfer the input focus away from" ], "antonyms": [ "sharpen" ], "synonyms": [ "pixelate", "unfocus" ], "word": "blur", "num_translations": 78 }, "rearrange": { "senses": [ "To change the order or arrangement of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rejigger", "reshuffle" ], "word": "rearrange", "num_translations": 17 }, "succumb": { "senses": [ "To yield to an overpowering force or overwhelming desire", "To give up, or give in", "To die", "To overwhelm or bring down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "succumb", "num_translations": 61 }, "vigour": { "senses": [ "Active strength or force of body or mind", "capacity for exertion, physically, intellectually, or morally", "energy", "Strength or force in animal or vegetable nature or action", "Strength", "efficacy", "potency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vigour", "num_translations": 57 }, "silent": { "senses": [ "Free from sound or noise", "absolutely still", "perfectly quiet", "Not speaking", "indisposed to talk", "speechless", "mute", "taciturn", "not loquacious", "not talkative", "Keeping at rest", "inactive", "calm", "undisturbed", "Not pronounced", "having no sound", "quiescent", "Having no effect", "not operating", "inefficient", "With the sound turned off", "Without audio capability", "Hidden, unseen", "Of an edit or change to a text, not explicitly acknowledged", "Not implying significant modifications which would affect a peptide sequence", "Undiagnosed or undetected because of an absence of symptoms", "Of distilled spirit: having no flavour or odour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quiet", "speechless", "dumb", "dormant", "mute", "concealed" ], "word": "silent", "num_translations": 207 }, "tinkle": { "senses": [ "To make light metallic sounds, rather like a very small bell", "To urinate", "To indicate, signal, etc by tinkling", "To hear, or resound with, a small, sharp sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "tinkle", "num_translations": 13 }, "custom": { "senses": [ "Frequent repetition of the same behavior", "way of behavior common to many", "ordinary manner", "habitual practice", "method of doing, living or behaving", "Traditional beliefs or rituals", "Habitual buying of goods", "practice of frequenting, as a shop, factory, etc, for making purchases or giving orders", "business support", "Long-established practice, considered as unwritten law, and resting for authority on long consent", "usage See Usage, and Prescription", "Familiar acquaintance", "familiarity", "toll, tax, or tribute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fashion", "habit", "wone", "practice", "usage", "wont" ], "word": "custom", "num_translations": 236 }, "nearly": { "senses": [ "With great scrutiny", "carefully", "With close relation", "intimately", "Closely, in close proximity", "In close approximation", "almost, virtually", "Stingily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "almost" ], "word": "nearly", "num_translations": 80 }, "commit": { "senses": [ "To give in trust", "to put into charge or keeping", "to entrust", "to consign", "used with to or formerly unto", "To put in charge of a jailer", "to imprison", "To have enter an establishment, such as a hospital or asylum, as a patient", "To do", "to perpetrate, as a crime, sin, or fault", "To join a contest", "to match", "followed by with", "To pledge or bind", "to compromise, expose, or endanger by some decisive act or preliminary step", "To make a set of changes permanent", "To confound", "especially, to fornicate", "to take place", "to occur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commit", "num_translations": 85 }, "inland": { "senses": [ "Within the land", "relatively remote from the ocean or from open water", "interior", "within the seashore boundary", "not passing on, or over, the sea", "Confined to a country or state", "domestic", "not foreign" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inland", "num_translations": 11 }, "expect": { "senses": [ "To predict or believe that something will happen", "To consider obligatory or required", "To consider reasonably due", "To be pregnant, to consider a baby due", "To wait for", "to await", "To wait", "to stay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "expect", "num_translations": 84 }, "sacred": { "senses": [ "Characterized by solemn religious ceremony or religious use, especially, in a positive sense", "consecrated, made holy", "Religious", "relating to religion, or to the services of religion", "not secular", "Spiritual", "concerned with metaphysics", "Designated or exalted by a divine sanction", "possessing the highest title to obedience, honor, reverence, or veneration", "entitled to extreme reverence", "venerable", "Not to be profaned or violated", "inviolable", "Consecrated", "dedicated", "devoted", "Solemnly devoted, in a bad sense, as to evil, vengeance, curse, or the like", "accursed", "baleful" ], "antonyms": [ "cursed", "damned", "profane", "unholy", "ungodly" ], "synonyms": [ "divine", "godly", "holy" ], "word": "sacred", "num_translations": 107 }, "excess": { "senses": [ "The state of surpassing or going beyond limits", "the being of a measure beyond sufficiency, necessity, or duty", "that which exceeds what is usual or proper", "The degree or amount by which one thing or number exceeds another", "remainder", "An undue indulgence of the appetite", "transgression of proper moderation in natural gratifications", "intemperance", "dissipation", "A condition on an insurance policy by which the insured pays for a part of the claim" ], "antonyms": [ "deficiency" ], "synonyms": [ "deductible" ], "word": "excess", "num_translations": 96 }, "indication": { "senses": [ "Act of pointing out or indicating", "That which serves to indicate or point out", "mark", "token", "sign", "symptom", "evidence", "Discovery made", "information", "Explanation", "display", "Any symptom or occurrence in a disease, which serves to direct to suitable remedies", "An declared approximation of the price at which a traded security is likely to commence trading" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "indication", "num_translations": 17 }, "judgment": { "senses": [ "The act of judging", "The power or faculty of performing such operations", "especially, when unqualified, the faculty of judging or deciding rightly, justly, or wisely", "The conclusion or result of judging", "an opinion", "a decision", "The act of determining, as in courts of law, what is conformable to law and justice", "also, the determination, decision, or sentence of a court, or of a judge", "The final award", "the last sentence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "judgment", "num_translations": 139 }, "temperate": { "senses": [ "Moderate", "not excessive", "Moderate in the indulgence of the natural appetites or passions", "Proceeding from temperance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:moderate", "Thesaurus:temperate", "Thesaurus:sober" ], "word": "temperate", "num_translations": 47 }, "profound": { "senses": [ "Descending far below the surface", "opening or reaching to great depth", "deep", "Very deep", "very serious", "Intellectually deep", "entering far into subjects", "reaching to the bottom of a matter, or of a branch of learning", "thorough", "Characterized by intensity", "deeply felt", "pervading", "Bending low, exhibiting or expressing deep humility", "lowly", "submissive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "profound", "num_translations": 61 }, "perfection": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being perfect or complete, so that nothing substandard remains", "the highest attainable state or degree of excellence", "A quality, endowment, or acquirement completely excellent", "an ideal", "faultlessness", "especially, the divine attribute of complete excellence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faultlessness", "infallibility" ], "word": "perfection", "num_translations": 45 }, "instruction": { "senses": [ "The act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with information or knowledge", "An instance of the information or knowledge so furnished", "An order or command", "A set of directions provided by a manufacturer for the users of a product or service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:instruction" ], "word": "instruction", "num_translations": 102 }, "department": { "senses": [ "A part, portion, or subdivision", "A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like", "A subdivision of an organization", "A territorial division", "a district", "A military subdivision of a country", "Act of departing", "departure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "province", "ministry" ], "word": "department", "num_translations": 84 }, "siren": { "senses": [ "One of a group of nymphs who lured mariners to their death on the rocks", "One who sings sweetly and charms", "A dangerously seductive woman", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Hestina", "A device, either mechanical or electronic, that makes a piercingly loud sound as an alarm or signal, or the sound from such a device", "A musical instrument, one of the few aerophones in the percussion section of the symphony orchestra", "An instrument for demonstrating the laws of beats and combination tones", "An astrophysical event that can be used for calculating cosmic distances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crooner", "klaxon" ], "word": "siren", "num_translations": 109 }, "tinsel": { "senses": [ "A shining material used for ornamental purposes", "especially, a very thin, gauzelike cloth with much gold or silver woven into it", "also, very thin metal overlaid with a thin coating of gold or silver, brass foil, or the like", "Very thin strips of a glittering, metallic material used as a decoration, and traditionally draped at Christmas time over streamers, paper chains and the branches of Christmas trees", "Anything shining and gaudy", "something superficially shining and showy, or having a false luster, and more pretty than valuable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tinsel", "num_translations": 25 }, "woody": { "senses": [ "Covered in woods", "wooded", "Belonging to the woods", "sylvan", "Made of wood, or having wood-like properties", "Non-herbaceous", "Lignified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "woody", "num_translations": 27 }, "obscure": { "senses": [ "Dark, faint or indistinct", "Hidden, out of sight or inconspicuous", "Difficult to understand", "Not well-known", "Unknown or uncertain", "unclear" ], "antonyms": [ "clear" ], "synonyms": [ "cimmerian", "fuzzy", "occluded", "fathomless", "enigmatic" ], "word": "obscure", "num_translations": 92 }, "obscure1": { "senses": [ "to darken", "to make dim", "to keep in the dark", "to hide", "to make less visible, intelligible, legible, glorious, beautiful, or illustrious", "To hide, put out of sight etc", "To conceal oneself", "to hide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becloud" ], "word": "obscure", "num_translations": 26 }, "stranger1": { "senses": [ "A person whom one does not know", "a person who is neither a friend nor an acquaintance", "An outsider or foreigner", "One not admitted to communion or fellowship", "A newcomer", "One who has not been seen for a long time", "One not belonging to the family or household", "a guest", "a visitor", "One not privy or party to an act, contract, or title", "a mere intruder or intermeddler", "one who interferes without right", "A superstitious premonition of the coming of a visitor by a bit of stalk in a cup of tea, the guttering of a candle, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "acquaintance", "compatriot" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:foreigner", "Thesaurus:outcast", "newbie" ], "word": "stranger", "num_translations": 211 }, "redirect": { "senses": [ "To give new direction to, change the direction of", "To instruct to go, inquire, elsewhere", "To substitute an address or pointer to a new location", "To send to a new location by substituting an address or pointer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reorient" ], "word": "redirect", "num_translations": 33 }, "shank": { "senses": [ "The part of the leg between the knee and the ankle", "Meat from that part of an animal", "A straight, narrow part of an object, such as a key or an anchor", "shaft", "stem", "The handle of a pair of shears, connecting the ride to the neck", "The center part of a fishhook between the eye and the hook, the 'hook' being the curved part that bends toward the point", "A protruding part of an object, by which it is or can be attached", "The metal part on a curb bit that falls below the mouthpiece, which length controls the severity of the leverage action of the bit, and to which the reins of the bridle are attached", "A poorly played golf shot in which the ball is struck by the part of the club head that connects to the shaft", "An improvised stabbing weapon", "a shiv", "A loop forming an eye to a button", "The space between two channels of the Doric triglyph", "A large ladle for molten metal, fitted with long bars for handling it", "The body of a type", "between the shoulder and the foot", "The part of the sole beneath the instep connecting the broader front part with the heel", "Flat-nosed pliers, used by opticians for nipping off the edges of pieces of glass to make them round", "The end or remainder, particularly of a period of time", "The main part or beginning of a period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shiv" ], "word": "shank", "num_translations": 46 }, "refer": { "senses": [ "To direct the attention of", "To submit to for consideration", "to send or direct elsewhere", "To place in or under by a mental or rational process", "to assign to, as a class, a cause, source, a motive, reason, or ground of explanation", "To address a specific location in computer memory", "Required to resit an examination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delegate", "direct" ], "word": "refer", "num_translations": 55 }, "status": { "senses": [ "A person's condition, position or standing relative to that of others", "Prestige or high standing", "A situation or state of affairs", "The legal condition of a person or thing", "A function of some instant messaging applications, whereby a user may post a message that appears automatically to other users, if they attempt to make contact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "status", "num_translations": 114 }, "external": { "senses": [ "Outside of something", "on the exterior", "Not intrinsic nor essential", "accidental", "accompanying", "superficial", "Foreign", "relating to or connected with foreign nations", "Away from the mesial plane of the body", "lateral", "Provided by something or someone outside of the entity considered" ], "antonyms": [ "internal" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:extrinsic" ], "word": "external", "num_translations": 49 }, "pacificocean": { "senses": [ "The world's largest body of water, to the east of Asia and Australasia and to the west of the Americas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Pacific" ], "word": "PacificOcean", "num_translations": 170 }, "manilahemp": { "senses": [ "The fibre of the abaca" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abaca" ], "word": "Manilahemp", "num_translations": 44 }, "canonical": { "senses": [ "Present in a canon, religious or otherwise", "According to recognised or orthodox rules", "Stated or used in the most basic and straightforwardly applicable manner", "Prototypical", "In conformity with canon law", "In the form of a canon", "Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical chapter", "Distinguished among entities of its kind, so that it can be picked out in a way that does not depend on any arbitrary choices" ], "antonyms": [ "apocryphal" ], "synonyms": [ "natural" ], "word": "canonical", "num_translations": 30 }, "proximal": { "senses": [ "Closer to the point of attachment or observation", "Closer to the speaker" ], "antonyms": [ "distal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "proximal", "num_translations": 11 }, "coffin": { "senses": [ "A rectangular closed box in which the body of a dead person is placed for burial", "The eighth Lenormand card", "A basket", "A casing or crust, or a mold, of pastry, as for a pie", "A conical paper bag, used by grocers", "A storage container for nuclear waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coffin", "num_translations": 171 }, "indoors": { "senses": [ "In or into a building" ], "antonyms": [ "outdoors" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indoors", "num_translations": 24 }, "cleveland": { "senses": [ "A > in >, > and one of the two >s of >", "large city/county seat co/Cuyahoga County s/Ohio", "city/county seat co/Bradley County s/Tennessee c/USA", "A former county in northeast England bordering North Yorkshire and County Durham, created in 1974 from parts of those two counties and abolished in 1996", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Cleveland", "num_translations": 17 }, "isleofwight": { "senses": [ "An island, county and unitary authority off the south coast of England in the English Channel opposite Southampton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IOW", "IoW", "I.W", "Vectis" ], "word": "IsleofWight", "num_translations": 19 }, "shorten": { "senses": [ "To make shorter", "to abbreviate", "To become shorter", "To make deficient", "to deprive", "To make short or friable, as pastry, with butter, lard, etc", "To reduce or diminish in amount, quantity, or extent", "to lessen", "To take in the slack of", "To reduce by taking it in" ], "antonyms": [ "extend", "lengthen" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shorten" ], "word": "shorten", "num_translations": 79 }, "tertiary": { "senses": [ "Of third rank or order", "subsequent", "Possessing some quality in the third degree", "especially having been subjected to the substitution of three atoms or radicals", "Of quills: growing on the innermost joint of a bird's wing", "tertial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tertiary", "num_translations": 26 }, "housing1": { "senses": [ "The activity of enclosing something or providing a residence for someone", "Residences, collectively", "A mechanical component's container or covering", "A cover or cloth for a horse's saddle, as an ornamental or military appendage", "a saddlecloth", "a horse cloth", "in plural, trappings", "An appendage to the harness or collar of a harness", "The space taken out of one solid to admit the insertion of part of another, such as the end of one timber in the side of another", "A niche for a statue", "That portion of a mast or bowsprit which is beneath the deck or within the vessel", "A houseline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accommodation", "lodging", "case", "casing", "cover", "covering", "lid" ], "word": "housing", "num_translations": 34 }, "confusion": { "senses": [ "A lack of clarity or order", "The state of being confused", "misunderstanding", "A state of shame or embarrassment" ], "antonyms": [ "clarity", "distinction" ], "synonyms": [ "discombobulation", "bewilderment" ], "word": "confusion", "num_translations": 93 }, "utter": { "senses": [ "Outer", "furthest out, most remote", "Outward", "Absolute, unconditional, total, complete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:total" ], "word": "utter", "num_translations": 40 }, "utter1": { "senses": [ "To produce with one's voice", "To reveal or express with speech", "To produce", "To spit or blow out of one's mouth", "To emit or give off", "To shed", "To offer for sale", "to sell", "To put into circulation", "To show", "to reveal the identity of", "To send or put out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "utter", "num_translations": 105 }, "household": { "senses": [ "Collectively, all the persons who live in a given house", "a family including attendants, servants etc", "a domestic or family establishment", "A line of ancestry", "a race or house" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "household", "num_translations": 61 }, "nominal": { "senses": [ "Of, resembling, relating to, or consisting of a name or names", "Assigned to or bearing a person's name", "Existing in name only", "Insignificantly small", "trifling", "Of or relating to the presumed or approximate value, rather than the actual value", "Of, relating to, or being the amount or face value of a sum of money or a stock certificate, for example, and not the purchasing power or market value", "Of, relating to, or being the rate of interest or return without adjustment for compounding or inflation", "Of or relating to a noun or word group that functions as a noun", "According to plan or design", "normal", "Without adjustment to remove the effects of inflation", "contrasted with real", "Having values whose order is insignificant" ], "antonyms": [ "real" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nominal", "num_translations": 44 }, "defensive": { "senses": [ "Intended for defence", "protective", "Intended to deter attack", "Performed so as to minimise risk", "Displaying an inordinate sensitivity to criticism or intrusion", "Of a bowling or fielding tactic designed to prevent the other side from scoring runs", "of a batting tactic designed to prevent being out", "Pertaining to defense, as opposed to attack", "In a state or posture of defense" ], "antonyms": [ "offensive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "defensive", "num_translations": 20 }, "dismiss": { "senses": [ "To discharge", "to end the employment or service of", "To order to leave", "To dispel", "to rid one's mind of", "To reject", "to refuse to accept", "To send or put away, to discard with disregard, contempt or disdain", "To get a batsman out", "To give someone a red card", "to send off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lay off" ], "word": "dismiss", "num_translations": 111 }, "dismissal": { "senses": [ "The act of sending someone away", "Deprivation of office", "the fact or process of being fired from employment or stripped of rank", "A written or spoken statement of such an act", "Release from confinement", "liberation", "Removal from consideration", "putting something out of one's mind, mentally disregarding something or someone", "The rejection of a legal proceeding, or a claim or charge made therein", "The event of a batsman getting out", "a wicket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dismissal", "num_translations": 50 }, "telephoneconference": { "senses": [ "A conference held by telephone An arranged phone call between more than two parties", "Any multi-party telephone call" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "teleconference" ], "word": "telephoneconference", "num_translations": 13 }, "basic": { "senses": [ "Necessary, essential for life or some process", "Elementary, simple, fundamental, merely functional", "Of or pertaining to a base", "having a pH greater than 7", "Unremarkable or uninteresting", "boring", "uncool" ], "antonyms": [ "acidic" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bare-bones", "alkaline" ], "word": "basic", "num_translations": 99 }, "engross": { "senses": [ "To write in large, aesthetic, and legible lettering", "to make a finalized copy of", "To buy up wholesale, especially to buy the whole supply of", "To monopolize", "to concentrate in the single possession of someone, especially unfairly", "To completely engage the attention of", "To thicken", "to condense", "To make gross, thick, or large", "to thicken", "to increase in bulk or quantity", "To amass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corner the market", "inspissate", "amound" ], "word": "engross", "num_translations": 59 }, "review": { "senses": [ "A second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact in an attempt to gain new insights", "An account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work", "A judicial reassessment of a case or an event", "A stage show made up of topical sketches etc", "A survey of the available items or material", "A periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field", "A military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs", "A forensic inspection to assess compliance with regulations or some code" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "review", "num_translations": 142 }, "review1": { "senses": [ "To survey", "to look broadly over", "To write a critical evaluation of a new art work etc", "To look back over in order to correct or edit", "to revise", "To look over again , especially in preparation for an examination", "To view or see again", "to look back on", "To retrace", "to go over again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "review", "num_translations": 53 }, "painting1": { "senses": [ "An illustration or artwork done with the use of paint", "The action of applying paint to a surface", "The same activity as an art form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "third art", "The same activity as an art form" ], "word": "painting", "num_translations": 143 }, "agnate": { "senses": [ "A relative whose relation is traced only through male members of the family", "Any paternal male relative" ], "antonyms": [ "enate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "agnate", "num_translations": 15 }, "alot1": { "senses": [ "Very much", "a great deal", "to a large extent", "Often", "frequently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loads" ], "word": "alot", "num_translations": 110 }, "comics": { "senses": [ "the medium of comic books, comic strips, and other sequential art" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "funnies" ], "word": "comics", "num_translations": 38 }, "horizon": { "senses": [ "The range or limit of one's knowledge, experience or interest", "The range or limit of any dimension in which one exists", "A specific layer of soil or strata", "A cultural sub-period or level within a more encompassing time period", "Any level line or surface", "The point at which a computer chess algorithm stops searching for further moves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "horizon", "num_translations": 137 }, "makeup": { "senses": [ "An item's composition", "Cosmetics", "colorants and other substances applied to the skin to alter its appearance", "Replacement", "material used to make up for the amount that has been used up", "A test given to students allowing them to repeat failed material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "configuration", "beauty product" ], "word": "makeup", "num_translations": 91 }, "cosmetic1": { "senses": [ "Any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin, eg lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner", "makeup", "A feature existing only on the surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beauty product" ], "word": "cosmetic", "num_translations": 23 }, "haemorrhoids": { "senses": [ "A pathological condition caused by painful masses of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piles" ], "word": "haemorrhoids", "num_translations": 59 }, "previous": { "senses": [ "Prior", "occurring before something else, either in time or order", "Premature", "acting or occurring too soon" ], "antonyms": [ "future", "following", "next", "succeeding" ], "synonyms": [ "former", "late", "old", "Thesaurus:former" ], "word": "previous", "num_translations": 74 }, "imperious": { "senses": [ "Domineering, arrogant, or overbearing", "Urgent", "Imperial or regal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "authoritarian" ], "word": "imperious", "num_translations": 33 }, "lintel": { "senses": [ "A horizontal structural beam spanning an opening, such as between the uprights of a door or a window, and which supports the wall above" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overslay", "superliminary" ], "word": "lintel", "num_translations": 47 }, "wimp": { "senses": [ "someone who lacks confidence or courage, is weak, ineffectual, irresolute and wishy-washy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sissy" ], "word": "wimp", "num_translations": 59 }, "suitable": { "senses": [ "Having sufficient or the required properties for a certain purpose or task", "appropriate to a certain occasion" ], "antonyms": [ "unsuitable" ], "synonyms": [ "fit for purpose", "up to standard" ], "word": "suitable", "num_translations": 80 }, "catastrophe": { "senses": [ "any large and disastrous event of great significance", "a disaster beyond expectations", "the dramatic event that initiates the resolution of the plot", "the d\u00e9nouement", "a type of bifurcation, where a system shifts between two stable states" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "catastrophe", "num_translations": 130 }, "illegitimate": { "senses": [ "Not conforming to known principles, or established or accepted rules or standards", "Not in accordance with the law", "Not sanctioned by marriage", "Not correctly deduced", "Not authorized by good usage", "not genuine", "Involving the fertilization of pistils by stamens not of their own length, in heterogonously dimorphic and trimorphic flowers" ], "antonyms": [ "legitimate" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:illegitimate" ], "word": "illegitimate", "num_translations": 63 }, "newcomer": { "senses": [ "One who has recently come to a community", "a recent arrival", "A new participant in some activity", "a neophyte" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comeling", "newbie" ], "word": "newcomer", "num_translations": 86 }, "sloth": { "senses": [ "Laziness", "slowness in the mindset", "disinclination to action or labour", "A herbivorous, arboreal South American mammal of the families Megalonychidae and Bradypodidae, noted for its slowness and inactivity", "A collective term for a group of bears" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sloth", "num_translations": 206 }, "soot": { "senses": [ "Fine black or dull brown particles of amorphous carbon and tar, produced by the incomplete combustion of coal, oil etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lampblack" ], "word": "soot", "num_translations": 108 }, "carbonblack": { "senses": [ "A fine black powder of amorphous carbon manufactured by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or oil, and used as a pigment in the manufacture of ink and paint Used as a filler in rubber like polymers and rubber It helps the polymers resist deterioration by ultraviolet rays" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E153" ], "word": "carbonblack", "num_translations": 12 }, "crumple1": { "senses": [ "To rumple", "to press into wrinkles by crushing together", "To cause to collapse", "To become wrinkled", "To collapse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crumple", "num_translations": 53 }, "fierce": { "senses": [ "Exceedingly violent, severe, ferocious, cruel or savage", "Resolute or strenuously active", "Threatening in appearance or demeanor", "Excellent, very good", "Of exceptional quality, exhibiting boldness or chutzpah" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incessive", "incessive" ], "word": "fierce", "num_translations": 111 }, "demeanor": { "senses": [ "The social, non-verbal behaviours that are characteristic of a person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "behavior", "comportment" ], "word": "demeanor", "num_translations": 48 }, "birmingham": { "senses": [ "major city/and/metropolitan borough co/West Midlands cc/England, with a population of over one million", "Several places in the United States:", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Brummagem", "Bromichan", "Bremicham" ], "word": "Birmingham", "num_translations": 45 }, "clearing1": { "senses": [ "The act or process of making or becoming clear", "An area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees", "An open space in the fog etc", "A process of exchanging transaction information and authorisation through a central institution or system to complete and settle those transactions", "A sequence of events used to disconnect a call, and return to the ready state", "The period in which remaining university places are allocated to remaining students", "The act of removing the ball from one's own goal area by kicking it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glade" ], "word": "clearing", "num_translations": 86 }, "borough": { "senses": [ "A fortified town", "A town or city", "A town having a municipal corporation and certain traditional rights", "An administrative district in some cities, eg, London", "An administrative unit of a city which, under most circumstances according to state or national law, would be considered a larger or more powerful entity", "most commonly used in American English to define the five counties that make up New York City", "Other similar administrative units in cities and states in various parts of the world", "A district in Alaska having powers similar to a county", "An association of men who gave pledges or sureties to the king for the good behaviour of each other", "The pledge or surety thus given" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "borough", "num_translations": 68 }, "nemesis": { "senses": [ "An archenemy", "A person or character who specifically brings about the downfall of another person or character", "The principle of retributive justice", "A punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided", "The polar opposite of a character", "A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nemesis", "num_translations": 17 }, "stall": { "senses": [ "A compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed", "A stable", "a place for cattle", "A bench or table on which small articles of merchandise are exposed for sale", "A small open-fronted shop, for example in a market", "A very small room used for a shower or a toilet", "A seat in a theatre close to and level with the stage", "traditionally, a seat with arms, or otherwise partly enclosed, as distinguished from the benches, sofas, etc", "Loss of lift due to an airfoil's critical angle of attack being exceeded", "An Heathen altar, typically an indoor one, as contrasted with a more substantial outdoor harrow", "A seat in a church, especially one next to the chancel or choir, reserved for church officials and dignitaries", "A sheath to protect the finger", "The space left by excavation between pillars", "a space for a vehicle in a parking lot or parkade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stall", "num_translations": 153 }, "stall1": { "senses": [ "To fatten", "To come to a standstill", "To plunge into mire or snow so as not to be able to get on", "to set", "to fix", "To stop suddenly", "To cause the engine of a manual-transmission car to stop by going too slowly for the selected gear", "To exceed the critical angle of attack, resulting in total loss of lift", "to dwell", "To be stuck, as in mire or snow", "to stick fast", "To be tired of eating, as cattle", "To place in an office with the customary formalities", "to anticipate", "To keep close", "to keep secret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stall", "num_translations": 49 }, "stall3": { "senses": [ "To employ delaying tactics against", "To employ delaying tactics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delay", "delay" ], "word": "stall", "num_translations": 15 }, "hunger": { "senses": [ "A need or compelling desire for food", "Any strong desire" ], "antonyms": [ "satiety", "satiation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hunger", "num_translations": 175 }, "hunger1": { "senses": [ "To be in need of food", "To have a desire", "to long", "to yearn", "To make hungry", "to famish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hunger", "num_translations": 55 }, "randy": { "senses": [ "Sexually aroused", "full of sexual lust", "Rude or coarse in manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horny", "coarse" ], "word": "randy", "num_translations": 21 }, "relief": { "senses": [ "The removal of stress or discomfort", "The feeling associated with the removal of stress or discomfort", "Release from a post or duty, as when replaced by another", "The person who takes over a shift for another", "Aid or assistance offered in time of need", "Court-ordered compensation, aid, or protection, a redress", "A lowering of a tax through special provisions", "A certain fine or composition paid by the heir of a tenant upon the death of the ancestor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ease", "ease", "stand-in" ], "word": "relief", "num_translations": 130 }, "relief1": { "senses": [ "A type of sculpture or other artwork in which shapes or figures protrude from a flat background", "The apparent difference in elevation in the surface of a painting or drawing made noticeable by a variation in light or color", "The difference of elevations on a surface", "The supposed projection of a charge from the surface of a field, indicated by shading on the sinister and lower sides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "embossing", "texture" ], "word": "relief", "num_translations": 91 }, "bunker": { "senses": [ "A hardened shelter, often buried partly or fully underground, designed to protect the inhabitants from falling bombs or other attacks", "A large container or bin for storing coal, often built outside in the yard of a house Now rare, as different types of fuels and energy sources are being used", "A container for storing coal or fuel oil for a ship's engine Also, by extension the quantity of fuel needed to replenish that container", "the coal compartment on a tank engine", "A sand-filled hollow on a golf course", "An obstacle used to block an opposing player's view and field of fire", "A sort of chest or box, as in a window, the lid of which serves for a seat", "A kitchen worktop", "One who bunks off", "a truant from school", "Certain fish, menhaden" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bunker", "num_translations": 58 }, "fond": { "senses": [ "Having a liking or affection", "Affectionate", "Indulgent", "Outlandish", "foolish", "silly", "Foolish", "simple", "weak", "Doted on", "regarded with affection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:affectionate" ], "word": "fond", "num_translations": 54 }, "fond1": { "senses": [ "To caress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grope" ], "word": "fond", "num_translations": 58 }, "carabiner": { "senses": [ "A metal link with a gate that can open and close, generally used for clipping ropes to anchors or other objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biner", "krab", "crab", "snap-link" ], "word": "carabiner", "num_translations": 14 }, "version": { "senses": [ "A specific form or variation of something", "A translation from one language to another", "A school exercise, generally of composition in a foreign language", "The act of translating, or rendering, from one language into another language", "An account or description from a particular point of view, especially as contrasted with another account", "A particular revision", "An eye movement involving both eyes moving synchronously and symmetrically in the same direction", "A change of form, direction, etc", "transformation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ver" ], "word": "version", "num_translations": 129 }, "proto-": { "senses": [ "first", "most recent common ancestor of", "Relating to protons and/or positive charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ur-" ], "word": "proto-", "num_translations": 16 }, "pixel": { "senses": [ "One of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pel", "pictel" ], "word": "pixel", "num_translations": 49 }, "related": { "senses": [ "Standing in relation or connection", "Being a relative of", "Narrated", "told", "synonym of \"relative\"", "Fulfilling a relation", "Having a relationship with the thing named" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "related", "num_translations": 67 }, "blank": { "senses": [ "White or pale", "without colour", "Free from writing, printing, or marks", "having an empty space to be filled in", "Scoreless", "without any goals or points", "Lacking characteristics which give variety", "uniform", "Absolute", "downright", "sheer", "Without expression", "Utterly confounded or discomfited", "Empty", "void", "without result", "fruitless", "Devoid of thoughts, memory, or inspiration", "Of ammunition: having propellant but no bullets", "unbulleted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blank", "num_translations": 63 }, "blank1": { "senses": [ "A small French coin, originally of silver, afterwards of copper, worth 5 deniers", "also a silver coin of Henry V current in the parts of France then held by the English, worth about 8 pence", "A nonplus", "The white spot in the centre of a target", "hence the object to which anything is directed or aimed, the range of such aim", "A lot by which nothing is gained", "a ticket in a lottery on which no prize is indicated", "An empty space", "a void, for example on a paper", "A piece of metal , cut and shaped to the required size of the thing to be made, and ready for the finishing operations", "the disc of metal before stamping", "A vacant space, place, or period", "a void", "The 1 / 230400 of a grain", "An empty space in one's memory", "a forgotten item or memory", "A dash written in place of an omitted letter or word", "The space character", "the character resulting from pressing the space-bar on a keyboard", "A domino without points on one or both of its divisions", "a cartridge that is designed to simulate the noise and smoke of real gunfire without actually firing a projectile", "An ineffective effort which achieves nothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blank cartridge" ], "word": "blank", "num_translations": 70 }, "blank2": { "senses": [ "To make void", "to erase", "To ignore deliberately", "To prevent from scoring, for example in a sporting event", "To be temporarily unable to remember" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blank", "num_translations": 12 }, "distort": { "senses": [ "To bring something out of shape, to misshape", "To become misshapen", "To give a false or misleading account of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deform" ], "word": "distort", "num_translations": 97 }, "container": { "senses": [ "Someone who contains", "something that contains", "An item in which objects, materials or data can be stored or transported", "A very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods", "Someone who holds people in their seats or in a calm state", "A file format that can hold various types of data", "An abstract data type whose instances are collections of other objects", "Any user interface component that can hold further components" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:container" ], "word": "container", "num_translations": 122 }, "deplorable": { "senses": [ "Deserving strong condemnation", "shockingly bad, wretched", "Lamentable, to be felt sorrow for, worthy of compassion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pathetic" ], "word": "deplorable", "num_translations": 72 }, "inexperienced": { "senses": [ "Not experienced", "lacking knowledge or experience", "green", "Virginal or lacking in personal knowledge and experiences of sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:inexperienced" ], "word": "inexperienced", "num_translations": 41 }, "forfeit": { "senses": [ "A penalty for or consequence of a misdemeanor", "that which is taken from somebody in requital of a misdeed committed", "that which is lost, or the right to which is alienated, by a crime, breach of contract, etc", "Something deposited and redeemable by a sportive fine as part of a game", "Injury", "wrong", "mischief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forfeit", "num_translations": 10 }, "forfeit1": { "senses": [ "To suffer the loss of something by wrongdoing or non-compliance", "To lose a contest, game, match, or other form of competition by voluntary withdrawal, by failing to attend or participate, or by violation of the rules", "To be guilty of a misdeed", "to be criminal", "to transgress", "To fail to keep an obligation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capitulate", "forgo" ], "word": "forfeit", "num_translations": 38 }, "moribund": { "senses": [ "Approaching death", "about to die", "dying", "expiring", "Almost obsolete, nearing an end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "moribund", "num_translations": 51 }, "compliment": { "senses": [ "An expression of praise, congratulation, or respect", "courtesy, flattery", "misspelling of \"complement\"" ], "antonyms": [ "insult" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:praise" ], "word": "compliment", "num_translations": 63 }, "compliment1": { "senses": [ "to express a favorable opinion", "misspelling of \"complement\"" ], "antonyms": [ "insult" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "compliment", "num_translations": 31 }, "fellate": { "senses": [ "To perform oral sex on", "to stimulate using the mouth", "To suck in a manner suggestive of fellatio", "To suck up to, to flatter or be shamefully subservient to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "suck off", "blow", "Thesaurus:give head" ], "word": "fellate", "num_translations": 27 }, "clara": { "senses": [ "female given name", "town dept/Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es-Orientales c/France", "town co/Offaly c/Ireland", "area co/Taylor County s/Florida c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Wayne County s/Mississippi c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Clara", "num_translations": 27 }, "worldwideweb": { "senses": [ "Collectively, all of the web pages on the Internet that hyperlink to each other and to other kinds of documents and media", "Internet resources that are retrieved by Hypertext Transfer Protocol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Web", "W3", "WWW" ], "word": "WorldWideWeb", "num_translations": 58 }, "charlie": { "senses": [ "male given name", "also used as a formal given name", "female given name or Charlene, also used as a formal given name, although less common than the male name", "The letter C in the NATO phonetic alphabet", "A name for a fox in fables and folk literature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chas" ], "word": "Charlie", "num_translations": 16 }, "uniform": { "senses": [ "Unvarying", "all the same", "Consistent", "conforming to one standard", "with speed of convergence not depending on choice of function argument", "Composed of a single macromolecular species", "That is isogonal and whose faces are regular polygons" ], "antonyms": [ "nonuniform" ], "synonyms": [ "regular", "invariable" ], "word": "uniform", "num_translations": 83 }, "consort": { "senses": [ "The spouse of a monarch", "A husband, wife, companion or partner", "A ship accompanying another", "Association or partnership", "A group or company, especially of musicians playing the same type of instrument", "Harmony of sounds", "concert, as of musical instruments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "companion", "association", "band" ], "word": "consort", "num_translations": 32 }, "overdraft": { "senses": [ "The act of overdrawing a bank account", "The amount overdrawn", "The maximum amount that may be overdrawn", "The extraction of groundwater from an aquifer beyond the safe yield or equilibrium yield", "A series of flues in a furnace", "the current of air forced through them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overdraft", "num_translations": 29 }, "loanshark": { "senses": [ "Someone who lends money at exorbitant rates of interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "usurer" ], "word": "loanshark", "num_translations": 37 }, "gonad": { "senses": [ "A sex organ that produces gametes", "specifically, a testicle or ovary", "The testicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sex gland" ], "word": "gonad", "num_translations": 53 }, "jug": { "senses": [ "A serving vessel or container, typically circular in cross-section and typically higher than it is wide, with a relatively small mouth or spout, an ear handle and often a stopper or top", "Jail", "A woman's breasts", "A kettle", "A kind of large, high-powered vacuum tube" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jug", "num_translations": 184 }, "twin": { "senses": [ "Either of two people who shared the same uterus at the same time", "one who was born at the same birth as a sibling", "Either of two similar or closely related objects, entities etc", "A room in a hotel, guesthouse, etc with two beds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twindle" ], "word": "twin", "num_translations": 169 }, "twin2": { "senses": [ "double", "dual", "occurring as a matching pair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twofold" ], "word": "twin", "num_translations": 21 }, "substrate": { "senses": [ "What an enzyme acts upon", "A surface on which an organism grows, or to which an organism or an item is attached", "An underlying layer", "a substratum", "A language that is replaced in a population by another language and that influences the language imposed on its speakers", "A metal which is plated with another metal which has different physical properties", "A surface to which a substance adheres", "The substance lining the bottom edge of an enclosure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underlayer", "substratum" ], "word": "substrate", "num_translations": 47 }, "blackjack": { "senses": [ "A common gambling card game in casinos, where the object is to get as close to 21 without going over", "The flag traditionally flown by pirate ships", "popularly thought to be a white skull and crossed bones on a black field", "A small, flat, blunt, usually leather-covered weapon loaded with heavy material such as lead or ball bearings, intended to inflict a blow to the head that renders the victim unconscious with diminished risk of lasting cranial trauma", "Any of several species of weed of genus Bidens, such as Bidens pilosa, in the family Compositae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blackjack", "num_translations": 27 }, "cartridge": { "senses": [ "The package consisting of the bullet, primer, and casing containing gunpowder", "a round of ammunition", "A prefabricated subassembly that can be easily installed in or removed from a larger mechanism or replaced with another interchangeable subassembly", "A vessel which contains the ink or toner for a computer printer and can be easily replaced with another", "Magnetic tape storage, used for storing copies of data", "A removable enclosure containing read-only memory devices, used for rapid loading of software onto a home computer or video game console" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cartridge", "num_translations": 87 }, "calibrate": { "senses": [ "To check or adjust by comparison with a standard", "To mark the scale of a measuring instrument", "To measure the caliber of a tube or gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tune" ], "word": "calibrate", "num_translations": 21 }, "telly": { "senses": [ "Television", "A television set" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tube" ], "word": "telly", "num_translations": 33 }, "shoal1": { "senses": [ "A sandbank or sandbar creating a shallow", "A shallow in a body of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sandbar" ], "word": "shoal", "num_translations": 48 }, "deceased": { "senses": [ "No longer alive, dead", "Belonging to the dead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asleep", "at peace", "at rest", "dead", "departed", "late", "gone" ], "word": "deceased", "num_translations": 64 }, "deceased1": { "senses": [ "A dead person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dead person", "dead people" ], "word": "deceased", "num_translations": 62 }, "coherent": { "senses": [ "Unified", "sticking together", "making up a whole", "Orderly, logical and consistent", "Aesthetically ordered", "Having a natural or due agreement of parts", "Of waves having the same direction, wavelength and phase, as light in a laser", "Attaching or pressing against an organ of the same nature", "Belonging to a specific class of sheaves having particularly manageable properties closely linked to the geometrical properties of the underlying space" ], "antonyms": [ "incoherent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "coherent", "num_translations": 66 }, "quantumleap": { "senses": [ "The discontinuous change of the state of an electron in an atom or molecule from one energy level to another", "An abrupt, extreme change" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quantum jump" ], "word": "quantumleap", "num_translations": 16 }, "vectorspace": { "senses": [ "A set of elements called vectors, together with some field and operations called addition and scalar multiplication , satisfying a list of constraints" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "linear space" ], "word": "vectorspace", "num_translations": 28 }, "elementary": { "senses": [ "Relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something", "Relating to a subatomic particle", "Sublunary", "not celestial", "belonging to the sublunary sphere, to which the four classical elements were confined", "composed of or pertaining to these four elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elementary", "num_translations": 49 }, "servitude": { "senses": [ "The state of being a slave", "slavery", "A qualified beneficial interest severed or fragmented from the ownership of an inferior property and attached to a superior property or to some person other than the owner", "the most common form is an easement", "Service rendered in the army or navy", "Servants collectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "servitude", "num_translations": 43 }, "fringe": { "senses": [ "A decorative border", "A marginal or peripheral part", "Those members of a political party, or any social group, holding unorthodox views", "The periphery of a town or city", "synonym of \"bangs\": hair hanging over the forehead, especially a hairstyle where it is cut straight across", "A light or dark band formed by the diffraction of light", "Non-mainstream theatre", "The area around the green", "Used attributively with reference to Aboriginal people living on the edge of towns etc", "A daypart that precedes or follows prime time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fringe group", "outskirts" ], "word": "fringe", "num_translations": 107 }, "fringe1": { "senses": [ "Outside the mainstream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alternative", "nonmainstream" ], "word": "fringe", "num_translations": 21 }, "hinge": { "senses": [ "A jointed or flexible device that allows the pivoting of a door etc", "A naturally occurring joint resembling such hardware in form or action, as in the shell of a bivalve", "A principle, or a point in time, on which subsequent reasonings or events depend", "The median of the upper or lower half of a batch, sample, or probability distribution", "One of the four cardinal points, east, west, north, or south" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "har", "quartile" ], "word": "hinge", "num_translations": 86 }, "forge1": { "senses": [ "To shape a metal by heating and hammering", "To form or create with concerted effort", "to make a counterfeit item of", "to copy or imitate unlawfully", "To make falsely", "to produce, as that which is untrue or not genuine", "to fabricate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forge", "num_translations": 72 }, "idle": { "senses": [ "Empty, vacant", "Not being used appropriately", "not occupied", "with no, no important, or not much activity", "Not engaged in any occupation or employment", "unemployed", "inactive", "doing nothing in particular", "Averse to work, labor or employment", "lazy", "slothful", "Of no importance", "useless", "worthless", "vain", "trifling", "thoughtless", "silly", "Light-headed", "foolish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pointless", "Thesaurus:lazy" ], "word": "idle", "num_translations": 121 }, "idle1": { "senses": [ "to waste", "to consume", "To lose or spend time doing nothing, or without being employed in business", "Of an engine: to run at a slow speed, or out of gear", "to tick over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "idle", "num_translations": 44 }, "compact": { "senses": [ "An agreement or contract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agreement" ], "word": "compact", "num_translations": 21 }, "compact1": { "senses": [ "Closely packed, ie packing much in a small space", "Having all necessary features fitting neatly into a small space", "Closed and bounded", "Such that every open cover of the given set has a finite subcover", "Brief", "close", "pithy", "not diffuse", "not verbose", "Joined or held together", "leagued", "confederated", "Composed or made", "with of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concentrated" ], "word": "compact", "num_translations": 48 }, "compact3": { "senses": [ "To make more dense", "to compress", "To unite or connect firmly, as in a system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compress" ], "word": "compact", "num_translations": 15 }, "puny": { "senses": [ "Of inferior size, strength or significance", "small, weak, ineffective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrawny" ], "word": "puny", "num_translations": 45 }, "duality": { "senses": [ "A classification into two subclasses or opposed parts", "The interchangeability of points and planes", "The mathematical equivalence of two seemingly different theoretical descriptions of a physical system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dichotomy" ], "word": "duality", "num_translations": 17 }, "golden": { "senses": [ "Made of, or relating to, gold", "Having a colour or other richness suggestive of gold", "Of a beverage, flavoured or colored with turmeric", "Marked by prosperity, creativity etc", "Advantageous or very favourable", "Relating to a fiftieth anniversary", "Relating to the elderly or retired", "Fine, without problems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "golden", "num_translations": 168 }, "construct": { "senses": [ "A concept or model", "A segment of nucleic acid, created artificially, for transplantation into a target cell or tissue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "something constructed from parts", "concept, model" ], "word": "construct", "num_translations": 26 }, "construct1": { "senses": [ "To build or form by assembling parts", "To build by arranging words or ideas", "To draw by following precise specifications and using geometric tools and techniques" ], "antonyms": [ "build or form by assembling parts" ], "synonyms": [ "build or form by assembling parts", "build (a sentence or argument)", "draw (a geometric figure)" ], "word": "construct", "num_translations": 65 }, "vital": { "senses": [ "Relating to, or characteristic of life", "Necessary to the continuation of life", "being the seat of life", "being that on which life depends", "Invigorating or life-giving", "Necessary to continued existence", "Relating to the recording of life events", "Very important", "Containing life", "living", "Capable of living", "in a state to live", "viable" ], "antonyms": [ "mortal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "vital", "num_translations": 72 }, "travellingsalesman": { "senses": [ "A man who travels, often within a certain territory, soliciting orders or selling goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commercial traveller" ], "word": "travellingsalesman", "num_translations": 18 }, "allspice": { "senses": [ "A spice", "the dried and ground unripe fruit of Pimenta dioica, thought to combine the flavours of several spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves", "Pimenta dioica, an evergreen tree of tropical America with aromatic berries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pimento", "Jamaica pepper" ], "word": "allspice", "num_translations": 68 }, "caraway": { "senses": [ "A biennial plant, Carum carvi, native to Europe and Asia, mainly grown for its seed to be used as a culinary spice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Persian cumin" ], "word": "caraway", "num_translations": 135 }, "coriander": { "senses": [ "The annual herb Coriandrum sativum, used in many cuisines", "The dried fruits thereof, used as a spice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese parsley", "dhania" ], "word": "coriander", "num_translations": 126 }, "fenugreek": { "senses": [ "A leguminous plant, Trigonella foenum-graecum, eaten as a vegetable and with seeds used as a spice", "The seeds of this plant, used as a spice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "methi" ], "word": "fenugreek", "num_translations": 78 }, "galangal": { "senses": [ "Any of several east Asian plants of genera Alpinia and Kaempferia in the ginger family, used as a spice, but principally Alpinia galanga" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "greater galangal", "blue ginger" ], "word": "galangal", "num_translations": 27 }, "antepenultimate": { "senses": [ "Two before the last, ie, the one immediately before the penultimate, in a series" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peripenultimate", "propenultimate", "third last", "third to last" ], "word": "antepenultimate", "num_translations": 24 }, "personality": { "senses": [ "A set of non-physical psychological and social qualities that make a person distinct from another", "An assumed role or manner of behavior", "A celebrity", "Charisma, or qualities that make a person stand out from the crowd", "Something said or written which refers to the person, conduct, etc, of some individual, especially something of a disparaging or offensive nature", "personal remarks", "That quality of a law which concerns the condition, state, and capacity of persons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "selfness" ], "word": "personality", "num_translations": 83 }, "paprika": { "senses": [ "Powdered spice made from dried and ground fruits of sweet pepper or chili pepper , or mixtures of these", "A variety of the spice", "A dried but not yet ground fruit of sweet pepper or chili pepper sold for use as a spice", "A bright reddish orange colour resembling that of the ground spice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green pepper" ], "word": "paprika", "num_translations": 51 }, "worcestershiresauce": { "senses": [ "An English condiment made with vinegar, onions, garlic, etc", "a thin piquant sauce used as a table sauce, to flavour casseroles etc and as an ingredient in Bloody Marys" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Worcester sauce" ], "word": "Worcestershiresauce", "num_translations": 37 }, "bearing2": { "senses": [ "A mechanical device that supports another part and/or reduces friction", "The horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object, or between it and that of true north", "a heading or direction", "Relevance", "a relationship or connection", "One's posture, demeanor, or manner", "Direction or relative position", "That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports", "The portion of a support on which anything rests", "The unsupported span", "Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bearing", "num_translations": 100 }, "manchester": { "senses": [ "town c/Bolivia", "small community p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "settlement c/Suriname", "Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:", "A type of twin-engined British bomber aircraft built by Avro during the Second World War, the forerunner to the Lancaster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Manchester", "num_translations": 70 }, "pluperfecttense": { "senses": [ "Tense of a verb used when referring to something that happened before a past setting or the imperfect", "formed in English by adding had before the past participle of a verb, or by adding had been before the present participle of the verb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "past perfect progressive" ], "word": "pluperfecttense", "num_translations": 29 }, "pluperfect1": { "senses": [ "A verb in this tense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plusquamperfect" ], "word": "pluperfect", "num_translations": 11 }, "atfirst": { "senses": [ "Initially", "at the start" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:initially" ], "word": "atfirst", "num_translations": 44 }, "bloodymary": { "senses": [ "A cocktail made from vodka, tomato juice, and usually other spices or flavorings, such as Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, beef consomm\u00e9 or bouillon, horseradish, celery or celery salt, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and lemon juice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bloody" ], "word": "bloodymary", "num_translations": 23 }, "vindictive": { "senses": [ "Having a tendency to seek revenge when wronged, vengeful", "punitive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vengeful", "Thesaurus:vengeful" ], "word": "vindictive", "num_translations": 41 }, "voodoo": { "senses": [ "Any of a group of related religious practices found chiefly in and around the Caribbean, particularly in Haiti and Louisiana", "The spiritual beliefs of the Ewe/Fon of West Africa, practiced chiefly in Benin and in the south of Togo", "Any sort of magical or irrational approach to a problem", "a native sorcerer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "voodooism" ], "word": "voodoo", "num_translations": 26 }, "vertigo": { "senses": [ "A sensation of whirling and loss of balance, caused by looking down from a great height or by disease affecting the inner ear", "mental giddiness or dizziness", "The act of whirling round and round", "rapid rotation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dizziness", "giddiness" ], "word": "vertigo", "num_translations": 35 }, "vacuous": { "senses": [ "Empty", "void", "lacking meaningful content", "Showing a lack of thought or intelligence", "vacant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vacuous", "num_translations": 20 }, "compassion": { "senses": [ "Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "empathy", "kindness" ], "word": "compassion", "num_translations": 93 }, "vagrant": { "senses": [ "A person without a home", "a wanderer", "An animal, typically a bird, found outside its species' usual range", "A widely-distributed Asian butterfly, Vagrans egista, family Nymphalidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beggar", "wanderer", "Thesaurus:vagabond" ], "word": "vagrant", "num_translations": 100 }, "vagrant1": { "senses": [ "Moving without certain direction", "wandering", "erratic", "unsettled", "Wandering from place to place without any settled habitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vagrant", "num_translations": 11 }, "clutter": { "senses": [ "A confused disordered jumble of things", "Background echoes, from clouds etc, on a radar or sonar screen", "A group of cats", "the collective noun for cats", "Clatter", "confused noise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clutter", "num_translations": 32 }, "subset": { "senses": [ "A set A such that every element of A is also an element of S", "A group of things or people, all of which are in a specified larger group" ], "antonyms": [ "superclass", "superset" ], "synonyms": [ "subclass" ], "word": "subset", "num_translations": 37 }, "lowersorbian": { "senses": [ "a Slavic language spoken in part of Brandenburg" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lower Lusatian", "Lower Wendish" ], "word": "LowerSorbian", "num_translations": 20 }, "reflect": { "senses": [ "To bend back from a surface", "To be bent back from a surface", "To mirror, or show the image of something", "To be mirrored", "To agree with", "to closely follow", "To give evidence of someone's or something's character etc", "To think seriously", "to ponder or consider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ponder" ], "word": "reflect", "num_translations": 169 }, "audience": { "senses": [ "A group of people within hearing", "specifically, a large gathering of people listening to or watching a performance, speech, etc", "Hearing", "the condition or state of hearing or listening", "A widespread or nationwide viewing or listening public, as of a TV or radio network or program", "A formal meeting with a state or religious dignitary", "The readership of a book or other written publication", "A following", "An audiencia , or the territory administered by it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hearership", "spectators" ], "word": "audience", "num_translations": 131 }, "dejection": { "senses": [ "A state of melancholy or depression", "low spirits, the blues", "The act of humbling or abasing oneself", "A low condition", "weakness", "inability", "Defecation or feces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "despondency", "excrement" ], "word": "dejection", "num_translations": 21 }, "capable": { "senses": [ "Able and efficient", "having the ability needed for a specific task", "having the disposition to do something", "permitting or being susceptible to something", "Of sufficient capacity or size for holding, containing, receiving or taking in", "accessible to Construed with of, for or an infinitive" ], "antonyms": [ "incapable" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skillful" ], "word": "capable", "num_translations": 41 }, "scholar": { "senses": [ "A student", "A specialist in a particular branch of knowledge", "A learned person", "a bookman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pupil", "expert", "academic" ], "word": "scholar", "num_translations": 81 }, "poseur": { "senses": [ "One who affects some behaviour, style, attitude or other condition, often to impress or influence others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poser" ], "word": "poseur", "num_translations": 14 }, "vacant": { "senses": [ "Not occupied", "empty", "Showing no intelligence or interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "available", "vacuous" ], "word": "vacant", "num_translations": 54 }, "vacancy": { "senses": [ "An unoccupied position or job", "An available room in a hotel", "guest house, etc", "Empty space", "Lack of intelligence or understanding", "A defect in a crystal caused by the absence of an atom in a lattice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vacancy", "num_translations": 31 }, "vacate": { "senses": [ "To move out of a dwelling, either by choice or by eviction", "To leave an office or position", "To have a court judgement set aside", "to annul", "To leave an area, usually as a result of orders from public authorities in the event of a riot or natural disaster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vacate", "num_translations": 17 }, "diligent": { "senses": [ "Performing with industrious concentration", "hard-working and focused" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:industrious" ], "word": "diligent", "num_translations": 86 }, "flyer": { "senses": [ "A machine that flies", "An airplane pilot", "A person who travels by airplane", "A leaflet, often for advertising", "The part of a spinning machine that twists the thread as it takes it to and winds it on the bobbin", "An arch that connects a flying buttress into the structure it supports", "The person who is lifted and/or thrown by another person or persons", "A stray shot away from the group on a target", "A standard rectangular step of a staircase", "A female kangaroo", "a roo", "a doe", "a jill", "A leap or jump", "A risky investment or other venture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aviator", "circular" ], "word": "flyer", "num_translations": 83 }, "forum": { "senses": [ "A place for discussion", "A gathering for the purpose of discussion", "A form of discussion involving a panel of presenters and often participation by members of the audience", "An Internet message board where users can post messages regarding one or more topics of discussion", "A square or marketplace in a Roman town, used for public business and commerce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forum", "num_translations": 138 }, "grudge1": { "senses": [ "To be unwilling to give or allow", "To grumble, complain", "to be dissatisfied", "To hold or harbour with malicious disposition or purpose", "to cherish enviously", "To feel compunction or grief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grudge", "num_translations": 10 }, "jealousy": { "senses": [ "A state of suspicious guarding towards a spouse, lover etc, from fears of infidelity", "A resentment towards someone for a perceived advantage or superiority they hold", "Envy towards another's possessions", "A close concern for someone or something, solicitude, vigilance" ], "antonyms": [ "compersion" ], "synonyms": [ "jealousness" ], "word": "jealousy", "num_translations": 104 }, "radiate": { "senses": [ "To extend, send or spread out from a center like radii", "To emit rays or waves", "To come out or proceed in rays or waves", "To illuminate", "To expose to ionizing radiation, such as by radiography", "To manifest oneself in a glowing manner", "to spread into new habitats, migrate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "irradiate" ], "word": "radiate", "num_translations": 21 }, "valet": { "senses": [ "A man's personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance", "A hotel employee performing such duties for guests", "A female performer in professional wrestling, acting as either a manager or personal chaperone", "often used to attract and titillate male members of the audience", "A female chaperone who accompanies a man, and is usually not married to him", "A person employed to clean or park cars", "A person employed to assist the jockey and trainer at a racecourse", "A wooden stand on which to hold clothes and accessories in preparation for dressing", "A kind of goad or stick with an iron point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "butler" ], "word": "valet", "num_translations": 60 }, "vanity": { "senses": [ "That which is vain, futile, or worthless", "that which is of no value, use or profit", "Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own abilities, appearance or achievements", "A dressing table used to apply makeup, preen, and coif hair The table is normally quite low and similar to a desk, with drawers and one or more mirrors on top Either a chair or bench is used to sit upon", "A washbasin installed into a permanently fixed storage unit, used as an item of bathroom furniture", "Emptiness", "Any idea, theory or statement that is without foundation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conceit", "egotism", "narcissism", "pride", "Thesaurus:arrogance" ], "word": "vanity", "num_translations": 74 }, "weakling1": { "senses": [ "A person of weak or even sickly physical constitution", "A person of weak character, lacking in courage and/or moral strength" ], "antonyms": [ "strongling" ], "synonyms": [ "twerk", "pushover" ], "word": "weakling", "num_translations": 50 }, "chirality": { "senses": [ "The phenomenon, in chemistry, physics and mathematics, in which objects are mirror images of each other, but are otherwise identical", "handedness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handedness" ], "word": "chirality", "num_translations": 28 }, "whatthefuck1": { "senses": [ "Used to express astonishment, shock, incredulity, or disbelief", "Used to express nonchalance or the dismissal of any consequences of something one is about to do" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wtf", "WTF", "tf", "wdf", "what the eff", "what on Earth", "fuck it" ], "word": "whatthefuck", "num_translations": 49 }, "allergy": { "senses": [ "A disorder of the immune system causing adverse reactions to substances not harmful to most and marked by the body's production of histamines and associated with atopy, anaphylaxis, and asthma", "Any condition of hypersensitivity to a substance", "Altered susceptibility to a first treatment as exhibited in reaction to a subsequent one", "An antipathy, as toward a person or activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "type 1 hypersensitivity", "intolerance" ], "word": "allergy", "num_translations": 122 }, "rollback": { "senses": [ "A return to a prior state by undoing some operation", "A withdrawal of military forces", "An operation which returns a database, or group of records in a database, to a previous state", "The situation where a rollercoaster fails to reach the top of a hill and instead rolls backward", "A form of flatbed truck adapted or designed specifically as a tow truck or for transporting other vehicles", "The policy of totally annihilating an enemy's armed forces and occupying the country, as was done in World War II to Italy, Germany, and Japan" ], "antonyms": [ "containment", "d\u00e9tente" ], "synonyms": [ "slide truck", "regime change" ], "word": "rollback", "num_translations": 31 }, "arrangement": { "senses": [ "The act of arranging", "The manner of being arranged", "A collection of things that have been arranged", "A particular way in which items are organized", "Preparations for some undertaking", "An agreement", "An adaptation of a piece of music for other instruments, or in another style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "configuration" ], "word": "arrangement", "num_translations": 141 }, "solemn": { "senses": [ "Deeply serious and somber", "Somberly impressive", "Performed with great ceremony", "Sacred", "Gloomy or sombre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solemn", "num_translations": 32 }, "drizzle": { "senses": [ "To rain lightly", "To shed slowly in minute drops or particles", "To pour slowly and evenly, especially oil or honey in cooking", "To cover by pouring in this manner", "To urinate", "To carry out parfilage, the process of unravelling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drizzle", "num_translations": 102 }, "reverence": { "senses": [ "Veneration", "profound awe and respect, normally in a sacred context", "An act of showing respect, such as a bow", "The state of being revered", "A form of address for some members of the clergy", "reverend character", "dignity", "state" ], "antonyms": [ "contempt", "blasphemy", "profanity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reverence", "num_translations": 60 }, "relationship": { "senses": [ "Connection or association", "the condition of being related", "The links between the x-values and y-values of ordered pairs of numbers especially coordinates", "Kinship", "being related by blood or marriage", "A romantic or sexual involvement", "A way in which two or more people behave and are involved with each other", "The level or degree of affinity between keys, chords and tones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "relationship", "num_translations": 160 }, "breastfeed": { "senses": [ "To feed milk via the breasts", "to suckle", "to nurse", "To nurse, to suck milk from a breast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boobfeed" ], "word": "breastfeed", "num_translations": 75 }, "wipeout": { "senses": [ "To destroy", "to obliterate", "To physically erase something written", "To do away with", "to cause to disappear", "To crash, fall over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:destroy" ], "word": "wipeout", "num_translations": 51 }, "running": { "senses": [ "Moving or advancing at a run", "Present, current", "Flowing", "easy", "cursive", "Continuous", "ongoing", "keeping along step by step", "Having a continuous design or pattern", "Consecutive", "Extending by a slender climbing or trailing stem", "Discharging pus", "Discharging snot or mucus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "runny" ], "word": "running", "num_translations": 14 }, "running2": { "senses": [ "The action of the verb to run", "That which runs or flows", "the quantity of a liquid which flows in a certain time or during a certain operation", "The discharge from an ulcer or other sore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "running", "num_translations": 61 }, "crawl": { "senses": [ "To creep", "to move slowly on hands and knees, or by dragging the body along the ground", "To move forward slowly, with frequent stops", "To act in a servile manner", "To feel a swarming sensation", "To move over an area on hands and knees", "To visit while becoming inebriated", "To visit files or web sites in order to index them for searching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crawl", "num_translations": 169 }, "scrotum": { "senses": [ "The bag of skin and muscle that contains the testicles in mammals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ballbag", "Thesaurus:scrotum" ], "word": "scrotum", "num_translations": 136 }, "align": { "senses": [ "To form a line", "to fall into line", "To adjust or form to a line", "to range or form in line", "to bring into line", "To store in a way that is consistent with the memory architecture, ie by beginning each item at an offset equal to some multiple of the word size", "To identify with or match the behaviour, thoughts, etc of another person", "To organize a linear arrangement of DNA, RNA or protein sequences which have regions of similarity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "align", "num_translations": 50 }, "spatula": { "senses": [ "A kitchen utensil consisting of a flat surface attached to a long handle, used for turning, lifting or stirring food", "A kitchen utensil consisting of a flexible surface attached to a long handle, used for scraping the sides of bowls", "A palette knife", "A thin hand tool, often made of nickel, for handling chemicals or other materials, when weighing, etc", "A croupier's tool for turning up cards in a casino" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fish slice", "scraper" ], "word": "spatula", "num_translations": 72 }, "sergeant": { "senses": [ "UK army rank with NATO code OR-6, senior to corporal and junior to warrant officer ranks", "The highest rank of noncommissioned officer in some non-naval military forces and police", "A lawyer of the highest rank, equivalent to the doctor of civil law", "A title sometimes given to the servants of the sovereign", "A fish, the cobia", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the of the genus Athyma", "A bailiff", "A servant in monastic offices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sergeant", "num_translations": 77 }, "sonofabitch": { "senses": [ "An objectionable, despicable person", "Any objectionable thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "son of a duck", "son of a gun", "son of a whore", "SOB" ], "word": "sonofabitch", "num_translations": 107 }, "artifact": { "senses": [ "An object made or shaped by human hand", "An object made or shaped by some agent or intelligence, not necessarily of direct human origin", "Something viewed as a product of human agency or conception rather than an inherent element", "A finding or structure in an experiment or investigation that is not a true feature of the object under observation, but is a result of external action, the test arrangement, or an experimental error", "An object, such as a tool, ornament, or weapon of archaeological or historical interest, especially such an object found at an archaeological excavation", "An appearance or structure in protoplasm due to death, the method of preparation of specimens, or the use of reagents, and not present during life", "A perceptible distortion that appears in an audio or video file or a digital image as a result of applying a lossy compression algorithm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "artifact", "num_translations": 78 }, "filing": { "senses": [ "Any particle that has been removed by a file or similar implement", "a shaving", "The act of storing documents in an archive", "archiving", "Something that has been officially filed", "a document on file" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "filing", "num_translations": 19 }, "dungeon": { "senses": [ "An underground prison or vault, typically built underneath a castle", "The main tower of a motte or castle", "a keep or donjon", "A shrewd person", "An area inhabited by enemies, containing story objectives, treasure and bosses", "A room dedicated to sadomasochistic sexual activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dungeon", "num_translations": 76 }, "vault": { "senses": [ "An arched masonry structure supporting and forming a ceiling, whether freestanding or forming part of a larger building", "Any arched ceiling or roof", "Anything resembling such a downward-facing concave structure, particularly the sky and caves", "The space covered by an arched roof, particularly underground rooms and church crypts", "Any cellar or underground storeroom", "Any burial chamber, particularly those underground", "The secure room or rooms in or below a bank used to store currency and other valuables", "similar rooms in other settings", "A piece of apparatus used for performing jumps", "A gymnastic movement performed on this apparatus", "An encrypted digital archive", "An underground or covered conduit for water or waste", "a drain", "a sewer", "An underground or covered reservoir for water or waste", "a cistern", "a cesspit", "A room employing a cesspit or sewer: an outhouse", "a lavatory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom", "vaulting table" ], "word": "vault", "num_translations": 137 }, "squabble1": { "senses": [ "To participate in a minor fight or argument", "To disarrange, so that the letters or lines stand awry and require readjustment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:squabble" ], "word": "squabble", "num_translations": 21 }, "governmental": { "senses": [ "Relating to a government", "Relating to governing" ], "antonyms": [ "non-governmental" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "governmental", "num_translations": 31 }, "faithful": { "senses": [ "Loyal", "adhering firmly to person or cause", "Having faith", "Reliable", "worthy of trust", "Consistent with reality", "Engaging in sexual relations only with one's spouse or long-term sexual partner", "Injective in specific contexts, eg of representations in representation or functors in category theory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "faithful", "num_translations": 125 }, "badguy": { "senses": [ "a villain, particularly an antagonist in a story" ], "antonyms": [ "good guy" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:villain" ], "word": "badguy", "num_translations": 18 }, "snicker1": { "senses": [ "To utter through a laugh of this kind", "To whinny" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:laugh" ], "word": "snicker", "num_translations": 11 }, "beside": { "senses": [ "Next to", "at the side of", "Not relevant to", "in addition to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beside", "num_translations": 80 }, "besides": { "senses": [ "In addition, in addition to", "Other than", "except for", "instead of", "Beside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beyond", "barring" ], "word": "besides", "num_translations": 103 }, "besides1": { "senses": [ "Also", "in addition", "Moreover", "furthermore", "Otherwise", "else", "On one side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "besides", "num_translations": 129 }, "eris": { "senses": [ "The goddess of discord and strife, whose apple of discord sparked events that eventually led to the Trojan War", "equated by Homer with Enyo and identified with the Roman goddess Discordia", ", the same figure as principal deity of Discordianism, regarded as the goddess of disorder", "formerly nicknamed Xena", "unincorporated community co/Champaign County s/Ohio c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Discordia" ], "word": "Eris", "num_translations": 49 }, "soiloneself": { "senses": [ "To lose control of one's bowels and accidentally defecate on oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shit oneself", "Thesaurus:soil oneself" ], "word": "soiloneself", "num_translations": 22 }, "wetoneself": { "senses": [ "To lose control of one's bladder and involuntarily urinate into one's clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piss oneself", "pee one's pants" ], "word": "wetoneself", "num_translations": 27 }, "woof": { "senses": [ "The set of yarns placed crosswise in a loom, interlaced with the warp, carried by the shuttle", "weft", "A fabric", "the texture of a fabric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weft" ], "word": "woof", "num_translations": 32 }, "hmm": { "senses": [ "Indicating thinking or pondering", "A demand for an answer to a question" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hnn" ], "word": "hmm", "num_translations": 26 }, "routine": { "senses": [ "A course of action to be followed regularly", "a standard procedure", "A set of normal procedures, often performed mechanically", "A set piece of an entertainer's act", "A set of instructions designed to perform a specific task" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "routine", "num_translations": 51 }, "instant1": { "senses": [ "Impending", "imminent", "Urgent", "pressing", "acute", "Present", "current", "extant", "Occurring immediately", "immediate", "present", "Lasting for a short moment", "momentary", "short-lived", "Very quickly and easily prepared", "Of the current month" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "instant", "num_translations": 70 }, "catalyst": { "senses": [ "A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process", "Someone or something that encourages progress or change", "An inciting incident that sets the successive conflict into motion", "A catalytic converter" ], "antonyms": [ "inhibitor", "dampener" ], "synonyms": [ "stimulus" ], "word": "catalyst", "num_translations": 80 }, "exempt": { "senses": [ "Free from a duty or obligation", "Not entitled to overtime pay when working overtime", "Cut off", "set apart", "Extraordinary", "exceptional" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exempt", "num_translations": 29 }, "effective": { "senses": [ "Having the power to produce a required effect or effects", "Producing a decided or decisive effect", "Efficient, serviceable, or operative, available for useful work", "Actually in effect", "Having no negative coefficients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "effective", "num_translations": 103 }, "efface": { "senses": [ "To erase", "to render illegible or indiscernible", "To cause to disappear as if by rubbing out or striking out", "To make oneself inobtrusive as if due to modesty or diffidence", "Of the cervix during pregnancy, to thin and stretch in preparation for labor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "efface", "num_translations": 21 }, "delusion": { "senses": [ "A false belief that is resistant to confrontation with actual facts", "The state of being deluded or misled, or process of deluding somebody", "That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated", "false belief", "error in belief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "delusion", "num_translations": 67 }, "nuts1": { "senses": [ "Insane, mad", "Crazy, mad", "unusually pleased or, alternatively, angered", "Very fond of someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nutty", "Thesaurus:insane" ], "word": "nuts", "num_translations": 17 }, "validate": { "senses": [ "To render valid", "To check or prove the validity of", "verify", "To have its validity successfully proven" ], "antonyms": [ "disprove", "invalidate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "validate", "num_translations": 43 }, "veer2": { "senses": [ "To change direction or course suddenly", "to swerve", "To shift in a clockwise direction Bowditch 2002", "To shift aft", "To change direction into the wind", "to wear ship", "To turn" ], "antonyms": [ "back", "haul forward" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "veer", "num_translations": 25 }, "velvet": { "senses": [ "A closely woven fabric with a thick short pile on one side", "Very fine fur, including the skin and fur on a deer's antlers", "A female chinchilla", "a sow", "The drug dextromethorphan", "Money acquired by gambling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "velvet", "num_translations": 106 }, "unicameral": { "senses": [ "Of, or having, a single legislative chamber" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caseless" ], "word": "unicameral", "num_translations": 24 }, "verge": { "senses": [ "An edge or border", "The phallus", "An old measure of land: a virgate or yardland", "A circumference", "a circle", "a ring", "The shaft of a column, or a small ornamental shaft", "The edge of the tiling projecting over the gable of a roof", "The spindle of a watch balance, especially one with pallets, as in the old vertical escapement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see list at", "tree lawn" ], "word": "verge", "num_translations": 53 }, "vengeance": { "senses": [ "Revenge taken for an insult, injury, or other wrong", "Desire for revenge" ], "antonyms": [ "reconciliation" ], "synonyms": [ "reprisal", "retaliation", "retribution", "revenge", "wreak", "Thesaurus:revenge" ], "word": "vengeance", "num_translations": 55 }, "venture": { "senses": [ "A risky or daring undertaking or journey", "An event that is not, or cannot be, foreseen", "an accident", "chance", "contingency", "The thing risked", "a stake", "especially, something sent to sea in trade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "venture", "num_translations": 16 }, "venture1": { "senses": [ "To undertake a risky or daring journey", "To risk or offer", "to dare to engage in", "to attempt without any certainty of success Used with at or on", "To confide in", "to rely on", "to trust", "To say something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "venture", "num_translations": 17 }, "bakelite": { "senses": [ "A heat-resisting chemically inert phenol formaldehyde resin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride" ], "word": "Bakelite", "num_translations": 19 }, "folk1": { "senses": [ "A grouping of smaller peoples or tribes as a nation", "The inhabitants of a region, especially the native inhabitants", "One's relatives, especially one's parents", "People in general", "A particular group of people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "folk", "num_translations": 29 }, "cock-and-bullstory": { "senses": [ "A far-fetched and fanciful story or tale of highly dubious validity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Banbury story of a cock and a bull" ], "word": "cock-and-bullstory", "num_translations": 10 }, "upsidedown": { "senses": [ "Inverted, so that the top is now at the bottom", "In great disorder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bottom-upwards" ], "word": "upsidedown", "num_translations": 83 }, "upsidedown1": { "senses": [ "Inverted", "turned so that the top is at the bottom", "In great disorder", "Owing more money for something than it is worth", "having negative equity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underwater" ], "word": "upsidedown", "num_translations": 29 }, "blowhard": { "senses": [ "A person who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big mouth", "bloviator", "blusterer", "boaster", "braggart", "loudmouth", "windbag" ], "word": "blowhard", "num_translations": 15 }, "braggart": { "senses": [ "Someone who constantly brags or boasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "braggard", "bragger" ], "word": "braggart", "num_translations": 71 }, "forked": { "senses": [ "That splits into two or more directions, or parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forken" ], "word": "forked", "num_translations": 13 }, "plebeian1": { "senses": [ "Of or concerning the plebs, the common citizens of ancient Rome", "Of or concerning the common people", "Common, particularly vulgar, crude, coarse, uncultured" ], "antonyms": [ "noble" ], "synonyms": [ "vulgar" ], "word": "plebeian", "num_translations": 22 }, "futile": { "senses": [ "Incapable of producing results", "doomed not to be successful", "not worth attempting" ], "antonyms": [ "effectual", "effective" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:futile" ], "word": "futile", "num_translations": 73 }, "cabinet": { "senses": [ "A storage closet either separate from, or built into, a wall", "A cupboard", "The upright assembly that houses a coin-operated arcade game", "A size of photograph, specifically one measuring 3\u215e\" by 5\u00bd\"", "A group of advisors to a government or business entity", "In parliamentary and some other systems of government, the group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising the executive branch", "A small chamber or private room", "A collection of art or ethnographic objects", "Milkshake", "A hut", "a cottage", "a small house", "An enclosure for mechanical or electrical equipment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cabinet", "num_translations": 127 }, "extend": { "senses": [ "To increase in extent", "To possess a certain extent", "To cause to increase in extent", "To cause to last for a longer period of time", "To straighten", "To bestow", "to offer", "to impart", "to apply", "To increase in quantity by weakening or adulterating additions", "To value, as lands taken by a writ of extent in satisfaction of a debt", "to assign by writ of extent", "Of a class: to be an extension or subtype of, or to be based on, a prototype or a more abstract class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enlarge", "expand", "increase", "lengthen", "stretch", "widen" ], "word": "extend", "num_translations": 57 }, "intimate": { "senses": [ "Closely acquainted", "familiar", "Of or involved in a sexual relationship", "Personal", "private", "Pertaining to details that require great familiarity to know" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intimate", "num_translations": 82 }, "aura": { "senses": [ "Distinctive atmosphere or quality associated with something", "An invisible force surrounding a living creature", "Perceptual disturbance experienced by some migraine sufferers before a migraine headache", "Telltale sensation experienced by some people with epilepsy before a seizure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air", "feeling", "mood", "spirit", "vibe" ], "word": "aura", "num_translations": 29 }, "eulogy": { "senses": [ "An oration to honor a deceased person, usually at a funeral", "Speaking highly of someone or something", "the act of praising or commending someone or something" ], "antonyms": [ "criticism", "dyslogy" ], "synonyms": [ "panegyric", "elogy" ], "word": "eulogy", "num_translations": 67 }, "coop": { "senses": [ "A basket, pen or enclosure for birds or small animals", "A wickerwork basket or other enclosure for catching fish", "A narrow place of confinement, a cage", "a jail, a prison", "A barrel or cask for holding liquids" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coop", "num_translations": 35 }, "casual": { "senses": [ "Happening by chance", "Coming without regularity", "occasional or incidental", "Employed irregularly", "Careless", "Happening or coming to pass without design", "Informal, relaxed", "Designed for informal or everyday use" ], "antonyms": [ "inevitable", "expected", "ceremonial" ], "synonyms": [ "accidental", "unexpected", "informal" ], "word": "casual", "num_translations": 113 }, "journal": { "senses": [ "A diary or daily record of a person, organization, vessel etc", "daybook", "A newspaper or magazine dealing with a particular subject", "A chronological record of payments", "A chronological record of changes made to a database or other system", "along with a backup or image copy that allows recovery after a failure or reinstatement to a previous time", "a log", "The part of a shaft or axle that rests on bearings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "daybook" ], "word": "journal", "num_translations": 143 }, "bifurcate1": { "senses": [ "To divide or fork into two channels or branches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "branch", "fork" ], "word": "bifurcate", "num_translations": 15 }, "tritium": { "senses": [ "A radioactive isotope of the element hydrogen having one proton and two neutrons", "An atom of this isotope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "T" ], "word": "tritium", "num_translations": 28 }, "indulgence": { "senses": [ "the act of indulging", "tolerance", "catering to someone's every desire", "something in which someone indulges", "An indulgent act", "favour granted", "gratification", "A pardon or release from the expectation of punishment in purgatory, after the sinner has been granted absolution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "indulgence", "num_translations": 69 }, "spontaneous": { "senses": [ "Self-generated", "happening without any apparent external cause", "Done by one's own free choice, or without planning", "Proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external or conscious constraint", "Arising from a momentary impulse", "Controlled and directed internally", "self-active", "Produced without being planted or without human labor", "indigenous", "Random", "Sudden, without warning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autonomous", "autonomous", "autonomous", "abrupt" ], "word": "spontaneous", "num_translations": 86 }, "unstable": { "senses": [ "Having a strong tendency to change", "Fluctuating", "not constant", "Fickle", "Unpredictable", "Readily decomposable", "Radioactive, especially with a short half-life" ], "antonyms": [ "stable" ], "synonyms": [ "labile", "instable", "arbitrary", "tottering" ], "word": "unstable", "num_translations": 36 }, "notify": { "senses": [ "To give notice", "To make known", "To make note of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apprise" ], "word": "notify", "num_translations": 37 }, "exponential": { "senses": [ "Relating to an exponent", "Expressed in terms of a power of e", "Characterised by a rate of change that is proportional to the value of the varying quantity, or, equivalently, by a doubling or halving over successive fixed intervals of time or other parameter", "Characterised by a very rapid rate of change, especially increase" ], "antonyms": [ "nonexponential" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "exponential", "num_translations": 38 }, "gunmetal": { "senses": [ "A type of bronze used for making cannons", "An alloy of 88% copper, 10% tin and 2% zinc, originally used for making guns", "A dark grey or bluish-grey colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red brass", "gunmetal gray" ], "word": "gunmetal", "num_translations": 13 }, "goaway": { "senses": [ "Command asking someone to leave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:go away" ], "word": "goaway", "num_translations": 70 }, "goaway1": { "senses": [ "To depart or leave a place", "To travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation", "To vanish or disappear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:leave" ], "word": "goaway", "num_translations": 88 }, "stayput": { "senses": [ "To remain in one fixed place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stay behind" ], "word": "stayput", "num_translations": 12 }, "northernhemisphere": { "senses": [ "The hemisphere of the Earth to the north of its equator" ], "antonyms": [ "Southern Hemisphere" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "NorthernHemisphere", "num_translations": 27 }, "ignoramus": { "senses": [ "A totally ignorant person\u2014unknowledgeable, uneducated, or uninformed", "a fool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ignoramus" ], "word": "ignoramus", "num_translations": 36 }, "southernhemisphere": { "senses": [ "The hemisphere of the Earth to the south of its equator" ], "antonyms": [ "Northern Hemisphere" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "SouthernHemisphere", "num_translations": 24 }, "longitude": { "senses": [ "Angular distance measured west or east of the prime meridian", "Any imaginary line perpendicular to the equator and part of a great circle passing through the North Pole and South Pole", "Length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meridian" ], "word": "longitude", "num_translations": 83 }, "enema": { "senses": [ "An injection of fluid into the rectum, usually for medical purposes", "The fluid so injected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clyster" ], "word": "enema", "num_translations": 44 }, "internationaldateline": { "senses": [ "An imaginary line on the Earth's surface at 180\u00b0 longitude, mostly through the Pacific Ocean, to the east of which the calendar date is one day earlier than to the west" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Date Line" ], "word": "InternationalDateLine", "num_translations": 13 }, "primemeridian": { "senses": [ "The reference line at 0\u00b0 longitude, passing through Greenwich, England, from which longitude east and west is measured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Greenwich meridian" ], "word": "primemeridian", "num_translations": 11 }, "meridian": { "senses": [ "An imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface, passing through the geographic poles", "Either half of such a great circle, all points of which have the same longitude", "A great circle passing through the poles of the celestial sphere and the zenith for a particular observer", "A similar line on any general surface of revolution", "Any of the pathways on the body along which the vital energy is thought to flow and, therefore, the acupoints are distributed", "The highest point, as of success, prosperity, etc", "culmination", "The size of type between double great primer and canon, standardized as 44-point", "Midday", "A dram drunk at midday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "noon" ], "word": "meridian", "num_translations": 72 }, "peruse": { "senses": [ "To examine or consider with care", "To read completely", "To look over casually", "to skim", "To go from place to place", "to wander" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peruse", "num_translations": 47 }, "diary": { "senses": [ "A daily log of experiences, especially those of the writer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "daybook", "journal" ], "word": "diary", "num_translations": 98 }, "haul": { "senses": [ "To transport by drawing or pulling, as with horses or oxen, or a motor vehicle", "To draw or pull something heavy", "To carry or transport something, with a connotation that the item is heavy or otherwise difficult to move", "To drag, to pull, to tug", "Followed by up: to summon to be disciplined or held answerable for something", "To pull apart, as oxen sometimes do when yoked", "To steer closer to the wind", "Of the wind: to shift fore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "haul", "num_translations": 60 }, "haul1": { "senses": [ "a pull or tug", "An amount of something that has been taken, especially of fish, illegal loot, or items purchased on a shopping trip", "A bundle of many threads to be tarred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "haul", "num_translations": 23 }, "pantomime": { "senses": [ "A Classical comic actor, especially one who works mainly through gesture and mime", "The drama in ancient Greece and Rome featuring such performers", "or any of various kinds of performance modelled on such work", "A traditional theatrical entertainment, originally based on the commedia dell'arte, but later aimed mostly at children and involving physical comedy, topical jokes, call and response, and fairy-tale plots", "Gesturing without speaking", "dumb-show, mime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pantomime", "num_translations": 18 }, "pallid": { "senses": [ "Appearing weak, pale or wan", "Round and chubby" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ashen" ], "word": "pallid", "num_translations": 27 }, "neophyte": { "senses": [ "A beginner", "a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief", "A novice , a new convert or proselyte, a new monk", "A name given by the early Christians, and still given by the Roman Catholics, to those who have recently embraced the Christian faith, and been admitted to baptism, especially those converts from heathenism or Judaism", "A plant species recently introduced to an area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:beginner" ], "word": "neophyte", "num_translations": 42 }, "truly": { "senses": [ "In accordance with the facts", "truthfully, accurately", "Honestly, genuinely, in fact, really", "Very" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frankly", "in point of fact", "extremely" ], "word": "truly", "num_translations": 82 }, "outfit": { "senses": [ "A set of clothing", "Gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose", "Any cohesive group of people", "a unit", "such as a military company", "A business or firm", "A sports team", "An outlier-sensitive fit" ], "antonyms": [ "infit" ], "synonyms": [ "getup", "kit", "rig", "turnout" ], "word": "outfit", "num_translations": 53 }, "greenwichmeantime": { "senses": [ "Mean solar time at the Greenwich Meridian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GMT", "Coordinated Universal Time", "Z time" ], "word": "GreenwichMeanTime", "num_translations": 15 }, "greenwich": { "senses": [ "town on the south bank of the River Thames in co/Greater London c/England through which the prime meridian passes", "borough r/Greater London", "town s/Connecticut", "town s/Massachusetts", "town s/New York", "village s/New York", "village s/Ohio", "community p/Nova Scotia", "suburb city/Sydney s/New South Wales" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Greenwich", "num_translations": 15 }, "blacken": { "senses": [ "To cause to be or become black", "To become black", "To make dirty", "To defame or sully", "To cook by coating with pepper, etc, and quickly searing in a hot pan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black", "denigrate", "dirty", "soil", "defame", "denigrate", "sully", "taint", "tarnish" ], "word": "blacken", "num_translations": 83 }, "normally": { "senses": [ "Under normal conditions or circumstances", "usually", "most of the time", "In the expected or customary manner", "To a usual or customary extent or degree", "In the manner of a variable with a Gaussian distribution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commonly", "customarily", "averagely" ], "word": "normally", "num_translations": 53 }, "storage": { "senses": [ "The act of storing goods", "the state of being stored", "An object or place in which something is stored", "Any computer device, including such as a disk, on which data is stored for a longer term than memory", "The price charged for storing goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "storage", "num_translations": 87 }, "bricklayer": { "senses": [ "A craftsman who builds walls and suchlike out of bricks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mason" ], "word": "bricklayer", "num_translations": 45 }, "parish": { "senses": [ "In the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran and Roman Catholic Church, an administrative part of a diocese that has its own church", "The community attending that church", "An ecclesiastical society, usually not bounded by territorial limits, but composed of those persons who choose to unite under the charge of a particular priest, clergyman, or minister", "also, loosely, the territory in which the members of a congregation live", "An administrative subdivision in the US state of Louisiana that is equivalent to a county in other US states" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parish", "num_translations": 105 }, "parishchurch": { "senses": [ "A church that serves as the religious centre of a parish", "the basic administrative unit of episcopal churches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parochial church" ], "word": "parishchurch", "num_translations": 40 }, "burial": { "senses": [ "The act of burying", "interment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:interment" ], "word": "burial", "num_translations": 50 }, "secretive": { "senses": [ "Having an inclination to secrecy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "furtive", "sly", "Thesaurus:covert" ], "word": "secretive", "num_translations": 35 }, "undercover": { "senses": [ "Performed or happening in secret", "Employed or engaged in spying or secret investigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clandestine", "Thesaurus:covert" ], "word": "undercover", "num_translations": 15 }, "secrecy": { "senses": [ "Concealment", "the condition of being secret or hidden", "The habit of keeping secrets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dern" ], "word": "secrecy", "num_translations": 33 }, "surveillance": { "senses": [ "Close observation of an individual or group", "person or persons under suspicion", "Continuous monitoring of disease occurrence for example", "Systematic observation of places and people by visual, aural, electronic, photographic or other means", "In criminal law, an investigation process by which police gather evidence about crimes, or suspected crime, through continued observation of persons or places" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "surveillance", "num_translations": 39 }, "suspicion": { "senses": [ "The act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong", "The condition of being suspected", "Uncertainty, doubt", "A trace, or slight indication", "The imagining of something without evidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suspicion", "num_translations": 86 }, "suspect": { "senses": [ "To imagine or suppose to be true, or to exist, without proof", "To distrust or have doubts about", "To believe to be guilty", "To have suspicion", "To look up to", "to respect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imagine", "distrust", "accuse" ], "word": "suspect", "num_translations": 91 }, "suspect2": { "senses": [ "Viewed with suspicion", "Viewing with suspicion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dodgy" ], "word": "suspect", "num_translations": 14 }, "imagine": { "senses": [ "to form a mental image of something", "to envision or create something in one's mind", "to believe in something created by one's own mind", "to assume", "to conjecture or guess", "to use one's imagination", "to contrive in purpose", "to scheme", "to devise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ween" ], "word": "imagine", "num_translations": 101 }, "bizarre": { "senses": [ "strangely unconventional in style or appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strange" ], "word": "bizarre", "num_translations": 59 }, "unconventional": { "senses": [ "Not adhering to convention or accepted standards", "Out of the ordinary", "Atypical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underground" ], "word": "unconventional", "num_translations": 19 }, "atypical": { "senses": [ "Not conforming to the normal type", "Unusual or irregular" ], "antonyms": [ "typical" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "atypical", "num_translations": 15 }, "maverick1": { "senses": [ "An unbranded range animal", "Anything dishonestly obtained", "One who is unconventional or does not abide by rules", "One who creates or uses controversial or unconventional ideas or practices", "A person in the military who became an officer by going to college while on active duty as an enlisted person", "A queen and a jack as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "maverick", "num_translations": 57 }, "equilibrium": { "senses": [ "The condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced, resulting in no net change", "Mental balance", "The state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same", "The state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero" ], "antonyms": [ "disequilibrium", "disequilibrium", "insanity" ], "synonyms": [ "balance", "sanity" ], "word": "equilibrium", "num_translations": 126 }, "poise": { "senses": [ "A state of balance, equilibrium or stability", "Composure", "freedom from embarrassment or affectation", "Mien", "bearing or deportment of the head or body", "A condition of hovering, or being suspended", "A cgs unit of dynamic viscosity equal to one dyne-second per square centimeter", "Weight", "an amount of weight, the amount something weighs", "The weight, or mass of metal, used in weighing, to balance the substance weighed", "That which causes a balance", "a counterweight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "poise", "num_translations": 53 }, "poise1": { "senses": [ "To hang in equilibrium", "to be balanced or suspended", "hence, to be in suspense or doubt", "to counterbalance", "To be of a given weight", "to weigh", "To add weight to, to weigh down", "To hold with or against something else in equilibrium", "to balance, counterpose", "To hold in equilibrium, to hold balanced and ready", "to carry ready to be used", "To keep in equilibrium", "to hold suspended or balanced", "To ascertain, as if by balancing", "to weigh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "poise", "num_translations": 10 }, "takein": { "senses": [ "To absorb or comprehend", "To allow a person or an animal to live in one's home", "To receive into one's home for the purpose of processing for a fee", "To shorten or make it smaller", "To attend a showing of", "To deceive", "to hoodwink", "To tighten", "To subscribe to home delivery of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "takein", "num_translations": 13 }, "countermand": { "senses": [ "To revoke", "to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given", "To recall a person or unit with such an order", "To prohibit", "To oppose", "to revoke the command of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "countermand", "num_translations": 10 }, "upgrade1": { "senses": [ "To improve, usually applied to technology, generally by complete replacement of one or more components", "To replace with something better", "To improve the equipment or furnishings of or services rendered to", "To improve in condition or status", "To replace a program with a later version of itself, a version having a higher version number or marketed under a more recent product name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "upgrade", "num_translations": 45 }, "blackhumor": { "senses": [ "A subgenre of comedy and satire that deals with subjects that are believed to be serious or controversial, such as death, divorce, drug abuse, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black comedy" ], "word": "blackhumor", "num_translations": 15 }, "sailing2": { "senses": [ "Motion across a body of water in a craft powered by the wind, as a sport or otherwise", "Navigation", "the skill needed to operate and navigate a vessel", "the time of departure from a port", "a scheduled voyage by a ferry or ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sailing", "num_translations": 37 }, "voucher": { "senses": [ "A piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or that can be exchanged for goods and services", "A receipt", "One who or that which vouches", "A copy of a published advertisement sent by the agency to the client as proof of publication", "A mechanical device used in shops for automatically registering the amount of money drawn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coupon" ], "word": "voucher", "num_translations": 54 }, "shipping": { "senses": [ "The transportation of goods", "The body of ships belonging to one nation, port or industry", "Passage or transport on a ship", "The cost of sending an item or package via postal services", "Navigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shipping", "num_translations": 36 }, "realistic": { "senses": [ "Expressed or represented as being accurate, practicable, or not idealistic", "Relating to the representation of objects, actions or conditions as they actually are or were" ], "antonyms": [ "unrealistic", "utopian" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "realistic", "num_translations": 47 }, "transportation": { "senses": [ "The act of transporting, or the state of being transported", "conveyance, often of people, goods etc", "Deportation to a penal colony", "A means of conveyance", "A ticket or fare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transportation", "num_translations": 73 }, "probabilitytheory": { "senses": [ "The mathematical study of probability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "probabilistic theory", "probability calculus" ], "word": "probabilitytheory", "num_translations": 17 }, "makeanexhibitionofoneself": { "senses": [ "To embarrass oneself or others in public by behaving foolishly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make a fool of oneself" ], "word": "makeanexhibitionofoneself", "num_translations": 23 }, "unleaded": { "senses": [ "Without lead", "Containing no more than 005 grams of lead per gallon", "Decaffeinated", "Having low alcohol content" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lead-free", "decaffeinated", "light" ], "word": "unleaded", "num_translations": 20 }, "obsolescent": { "senses": [ "In the process of becoming obsolete, but not obsolete yet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deprecated" ], "word": "obsolescent", "num_translations": 14 }, "gossamer1": { "senses": [ "Tenuous, light, filmy or delicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gossamery", "gossamer-thin" ], "word": "gossamer", "num_translations": 10 }, "developed": { "senses": [ "Not primitive", "not third-world", "Mature", "Containing man-made structures such as roads, sewers, electric lines, buildings, and so on", "Having useful or necessary infrastructure", "Advanced, fully formed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "advanced", "big" ], "word": "developed", "num_translations": 31 }, "metropolitan1": { "senses": [ "Of, or pertaining to, a metropolis or other large urban settlement" ], "antonyms": [ "non-metropolitan" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "metropolitan", "num_translations": 17 }, "voluntary": { "senses": [ "Done, given, or acting of one's own free will", "Done by design or intention", "intentional", "Working or done without payment", "Endowed with the power of willing", "Of or relating to voluntarism" ], "antonyms": [ "involuntary", "compulsory", "accidental", "paid" ], "synonyms": [ "discretionary", "intentional", "honorary", "autonomous" ], "word": "voluntary", "num_translations": 73 }, "blackdeath": { "senses": [ "A pandemic outbreak throughout Europe and most of Asia in the 14th century that killed nearly half the population of Europe and Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Black Plague", "the Plague" ], "word": "BlackDeath", "num_translations": 48 }, "outbreak": { "senses": [ "An eruption", "the sudden appearance of a rash, disease, etc", "An outburst or sudden eruption, especially of violence and mischief", "A sudden increase", "A geological layer that breaks out" ], "antonyms": [ "inbreak" ], "synonyms": [ "outburst" ], "word": "outbreak", "num_translations": 33 }, "hooray": { "senses": [ "Used to express approval, joy or victory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:well done", "Thesaurus:yay" ], "word": "hooray", "num_translations": 34 }, "open-minded": { "senses": [ "Willing to consider new and different ideas or opinions" ], "antonyms": [ "closed-minded", "close-minded", "narrow-minded" ], "synonyms": [ "broad-minded", "impartial", "persuadable", "tolerant", "unbiased", "understanding" ], "word": "open-minded", "num_translations": 36 }, "nonconformist": { "senses": [ "A member of a church separated from the Church of England", "a Protestant dissenter", "Loosely, a Christian who does not conform to the doctrines of an established church", "Someone who does not conform to accepted beliefs, customs or practices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "free spirit" ], "word": "nonconformist", "num_translations": 14 }, "morphine": { "senses": [ "A crystalline alkaloid , extracted from opium, the salts of which are soluble in water and are used as analgesics, anaesthetics and sedatives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:recreational drug" ], "word": "morphine", "num_translations": 47 }, "heartbeat": { "senses": [ "One pulsation of the heart", "especially an irregular one, hence the emotion which causes it", "The rhythm at which a heart pulsates, a cardiac indicator", "A driving impulse or vital force", "A very short space of time", "an instant", "A periodic signal generated by hardware or software to indicate normal operation or to synchronize other parts of a system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pulse" ], "word": "heartbeat", "num_translations": 55 }, "sensible": { "senses": [ "Perceptible by the senses", "Easily perceived", "appreciable", "Able to feel or perceive", "Liable to external impression", "easily affected", "sensitive", "Of or pertaining to the senses", "sensory", "Cognizant", "having the perception of something", "aware of something", "Acting with or showing good sense", "able to make good judgements based on reason", "Characterized more by usefulness or practicality than by fashionableness, especially of clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sensible", "num_translations": 99 }, "outline": { "senses": [ "A line marking the boundary of an object figure", "The outer shape of an object or figure", "A sketch or drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading", "A general description of some subject", "A statement summarizing the important points of a text", "A preliminary plan for a project", "A prose telling of a story intended to be turned into a screenplay", "generally longer and more detailed than a treatment", "A setline or trotline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outline", "num_translations": 82 }, "bugbear": { "senses": [ "An ongoing problem", "a recurring obstacle or adversity", "A source of dread", "resentment", "or irritation", "An imaginary creature meant to inspire fear in children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bugbear", "num_translations": 17 }, "prospective": { "senses": [ "Likely or expected to happen or become", "Anticipated in the near or far future", "Of or relating to a prospect", "furnishing a prospect", "Looking forward in time", "acting with foresight", "A study that starts with the present situation and follows participants into the future", "Indicating grammatically an activity about to begin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prospective", "num_translations": 23 }, "polemic": { "senses": [ "A person who writes in support of one opinion, doctrine, or system, in opposition to another", "a controversialist", "a disputant", "An argument or controversy", "A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "controversialist", "harangue" ], "word": "polemic", "num_translations": 26 }, "sometimes": { "senses": [ "On certain occasions, or in certain circumstances, but not always", "On a certain occasion in the past", "once" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at one time or another", "at times", "every so often", "from time to time", "occasionally", "once in a while", "Thesaurus:occasionally", "at one time" ], "word": "sometimes", "num_translations": 164 }, "fissiparous": { "senses": [ "Factious, tending to break into pieces", "Causing division or fragmenting something", "Of cells that reproduce through fission, splitting into two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "factious", "divisive" ], "word": "fissiparous", "num_translations": 16 }, "wagon": { "senses": [ "A four-wheeled cart for hauling loads", "A four-wheeled child's riding toy, pulled or steered by a long handle attached to the front", "An enclosed vehicle for carrying goods or people", "a lorry, a truck", "An enclosed vehicle used as a movable dwelling", "a caravan", "A freight car on a railway", "a sport utility vehicle", "any car", "A woman of loose morals, a promiscuous woman, a slapper", "a woman regarded as obnoxious", "a bitch, a cow", "A kind of prefix used in de Bruijn notation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wagon", "num_translations": 78 }, "production": { "senses": [ "The act of producing, making or creating something", "The act of bringing something forward, out etc for use or consideration", "The act of being produced", "The total amount produced", "The presentation of a theatrical work", "An occasion or activity made more complicated than necessary", "That which is manufactured or is ready for manufacturing in volume", "The act of lengthening out or prolonging", "An extension or protrusion", "A rewrite rule specifying a symbol substitution that can be recursively performed to generate new symbol sequences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "production", "num_translations": 113 }, "establishment": { "senses": [ "The act of establishing", "a ratifying or ordaining", "settlement", "confirmation", "The state of being established, founded, etc", "fixed state", "That which is established", "as a form of government, a permanent organization, business or force, or the place where one is permanently fixed for residence", "The ruling class or authority group in a society", "The number of staff required to run a department or organisation" ], "antonyms": [ "abolition" ], "synonyms": [ "foundation" ], "word": "establishment", "num_translations": 115 }, "cutting": { "senses": [ "The action of the verb to cut", "A section removed from a larger whole", "An abridged selection of written work, often intended for performance", "An open passage at a level lower than the surrounding terrain, dug for a canal, railway, or road to go through", "The editing of film or other recordings", "The process of bringing metals to a desired shape by chipping away the unwanted material", "self-harm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cutting", "num_translations": 71 }, "depressed1": { "senses": [ "unhappy", "despondent", "Suffering damaging effects of economic recession" ], "antonyms": [ "cheerful" ], "synonyms": [ "despondent", "emo", "gloomy", "melancholy", "miserable", "sad", "unhappy" ], "word": "depressed", "num_translations": 68 }, "sometime": { "senses": [ "At an indefinite but stated time in the past or future", "At an unstated past or future time", "once", "formerly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at some point", "at one time" ], "word": "sometime", "num_translations": 35 }, "sometime1": { "senses": [ "Former, erstwhile", "at some previous time", "Occasional" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earlier" ], "word": "sometime", "num_translations": 11 }, "despondent": { "senses": [ "In low spirits from loss of hope or courage" ], "antonyms": [ "cheerful", "hopeful" ], "synonyms": [ "despairing", "disconsolate", "disheartened", "dejected", "downcast", "gloomy", "miserable", "sad" ], "word": "despondent", "num_translations": 80 }, "snub1": { "senses": [ "A deliberate affront or slight", "A sudden checking of a cable or rope", "A knot", "a protuberance", "a snag" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snub", "num_translations": 14 }, "snub2": { "senses": [ "To slight, ignore or behave coldly toward someone", "To turn down", "to dismiss", "To check", "to reprimand", "To stub out", "To halt the movement of a rope etc by turning it about a cleat or bollard etc", "to secure a vessel in this manner", "To clip or break off the end of", "to check or stunt the growth of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "give someone the cold shoulder" ], "word": "snub", "num_translations": 17 }, "taipei": { "senses": [ "The > of and a > of >, located in the northern part of the island of Taiwan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "TPE", "Taihoku" ], "word": "Taipei", "num_translations": 102 }, "cloakroom": { "senses": [ "A room intended for holding guests' cloaks and other heavy outerwear, as at a theater", "A room intended for holding luggage, as at an airport", "A private lounge next to a legislative chamber", "A lavatory, now particularly a small secondary lavatory or a men's room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cloaks", "coatroom", "lost and found", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom", "half bath" ], "word": "cloakroom", "num_translations": 40 }, "belongings": { "senses": [ "plural of \"belonging\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "personal effects", "Thesaurus:property" ], "word": "belongings", "num_translations": 28 }, "engineer1": { "senses": [ "To plan or achieve some goal by contrivance or guile", "to wangle or finagle", "To control motion of substance", "to change motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "engineer", "num_translations": 13 }, "hairdresser": { "senses": [ "A person who cuts or styles hair as an occupation or profession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barber", "friseur", "hairstylist" ], "word": "hairdresser", "num_translations": 106 }, "assistant1": { "senses": [ "Someone who is present", "a bystander, a witness", "A person who assists or helps someone else", "A software tool that provides assistance in some task, a wizard program" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assistant", "num_translations": 119 }, "thirsty": { "senses": [ "Needing to drink", "Causing thirst", "giving one a need to drink", "Craving something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "athirst", "parched", "horny" ], "word": "thirsty", "num_translations": 103 }, "dressingtable": { "senses": [ "A low table or chest of drawers with a mirror at which one sits while dressing, applying makeup or similar tasks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toilet table", "vanity" ], "word": "dressingtable", "num_translations": 30 }, "cooker": { "senses": [ "A device for heating food, a stove", "An appliance or utensil for cooking food", "A cooking apple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stove" ], "word": "cooker", "num_translations": 36 }, "livingroom": { "senses": [ "A room in a private house used for general social and leisure activities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parlour", "foreroom", "front room", "lounge", "sitting room", "zitkamer" ], "word": "livingroom", "num_translations": 103 }, "untidy": { "senses": [ "Sloppy", "Disorganized" ], "antonyms": [ "neat", "tidy" ], "synonyms": [ "disorderly", "slovenly" ], "word": "untidy", "num_translations": 46 }, "favourite1": { "senses": [ "A person or thing who enjoys special regard or favour", "A person who is preferred or trusted above all others", "A contestant or competitor thought most likely to win", "A bookmark in a web browser", "A short curl dangling over the temples, fashionable in the reign of Charles II" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "favourite", "num_translations": 54 }, "biscuit": { "senses": [ "A small, flat, baked good which is either hard and crisp or else soft but firm: a cookie", "A small, usually soft and flaky bread, generally made with baking soda, which is similar in texture to a scone but which is usually not sweet", "A cracker", "The \"bread\" formerly supplied to naval ships, which was made with very little water, kneaded into flat cakes and slowly baked, and which often became infested with weevils", "A form of unglazed earthenware", "A light brown colour", "A thin oval wafer of wood or other material inserted into mating slots on pieces of material to be joined to provide gluing surface and strength in shear", "A plastic card bearing the codes for authorizing a nuclear attack", "A handgun, especially a revolver", "A puck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "biscuit", "num_translations": 127 }, "butcher": { "senses": [ "A person who prepares and sells meat", "A brutal or indiscriminate killer", "A look", "A person who sells candy, drinks, etc in theatres, trains, circuses, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carnager", "mayhemist", "slayer" ], "word": "butcher", "num_translations": 150 }, "assist": { "senses": [ "To help", "To make a pass that leads directly towards scoring", "To help compensate for what is missing with the help of a medical technique or therapy", "To stand or to", "To attend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assist", "num_translations": 83 }, "windy": { "senses": [ "Accompanied by wind", "Unsheltered and open to the wind", "Empty and lacking substance", "Long-winded", "orally verbose", "Flatulent", "Nervous, frightened" ], "antonyms": [ "calm" ], "synonyms": [ "blowy", "Thesaurus:verbose", "Thesaurus:flatulent" ], "word": "windy", "num_translations": 76 }, "zionism": { "senses": [ "Jewish nationalism, the movement which supported first the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland and now supports the continuation of a Jewish state in Israel", "A religion practiced by people all over sub-Saharan Africa and is most popular in Swaziland The religion is a mixture of Protestantism and animism", "A Christian eschatological concept that links the migration of Jews to Palestine with apocalyptic events" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Herzlianism" ], "word": "Zionism", "num_translations": 45 }, "mailman": { "senses": [ "someone who delivers mail to, and/or collects mail from, residential or commercial addresses, or from public mailboxes" ], "antonyms": [ "mailwoman" ], "synonyms": [ "postman" ], "word": "mailman", "num_translations": 104 }, "oleaginous": { "senses": [ "Oily, greasy", "Falsely or affectedly earnest", "persuasively suave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "greasy", "fulsome" ], "word": "oleaginous", "num_translations": 22 }, "stinker": { "senses": [ "A person who stinks", "A contemptible person", "Something difficult or unpleasant", "Something of poor quality", "Any of several species of large Antarctic petrels which feed on blubber and carrion and have an offensive odour, such as the giant fulmar", "A chemist", "A hot day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stinkard", "creep", "hatchet job", "clunker" ], "word": "stinker", "num_translations": 14 }, "association": { "senses": [ "The act of associating", "The state of being associated", "a connection to or an affiliation with something", "Any relationship between two measured quantities that renders them statistically dependent", "A group of persons associated for a common purpose", "an organization", "society", "Relationship between classes of objects that allows one object instance to cause another to perform an action on its behalf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "connection" ], "word": "association", "num_translations": 147 }, "administrative": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to administering or administration" ], "antonyms": [ "non-administrative" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "administrative", "num_translations": 31 }, "zone": { "senses": [ "Any given region or area of the world", "A given area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic, use, restriction, etc", "A band or area of growth encircling anything", "A band or stripe extending around a body", "A series of planes having mutually parallel intersections", "Every of the three parts of an ice rink, divided by two blue lines", "A semicircular area in front of each goal", "A high-performance phase or period", "A defensive scheme where defenders guard a particular area of the court or field, as opposed to a particular opposing player", "That collection of a domain's DNS resource records, the domain and its subdomains, that are not delegated to another authority", "A logical group of network devices on AppleTalk", "A belt or girdle", "The curved surface of a frustum of a sphere, the portion of surface of a sphere delimited by parallel planes", "A frustum of a sphere", "A circuit", "a circumference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "area", "belt", "district", "region", "section", "sector", "sphere", "territory", "crease" ], "word": "zone", "num_translations": 95 }, "zone1": { "senses": [ "To divide into or assign sections or areas", "To define the property use classification of an area", "To enter a daydream state temporarily, for instance as a result of boredom, fatigue, or intoxication", "to doze off", "To girdle or encircle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zone out" ], "word": "zone", "num_translations": 21 }, "upright": { "senses": [ "Vertical", "erect", "Greater in height than breadth", "Of good morals", "practicing ethical values", "Having the head approximately at a right angle with the shaft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "surrect" ], "word": "upright", "num_translations": 58 }, "indebtedness": { "senses": [ "State of owing money", "being in debt", "The state of owing something or being under obligation to someone", "The amount owed", "All debts totalled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "indebtedness", "num_translations": 33 }, "career": { "senses": [ "One's calling in life", "a person's occupation", "one's profession", "General course of action or conduct in life, or in a particular part of it", "Speed", "A jouster's path during a joust", "A short gallop of a horse", "The flight of a hawk", "A racecourse", "the ground run over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "career", "num_translations": 85 }, "jettison": { "senses": [ "Collectively, items that have been or are about to be ejected from a boat or balloon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jetsam ballast" ], "word": "jettison", "num_translations": 23 }, "jettison1": { "senses": [ "To eject from a boat, submarine, aircraft, spaceship or hot-air balloon, so as to lighten the load", "To let go or get rid of as being useless or defective", "discard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chuck", "Thesaurus:junk" ], "word": "jettison", "num_translations": 39 }, "loser": { "senses": [ "A person who loses", "one who fails to win or thrive", "Something of poor quality", "A person who is frequently unsuccessful in life", "A contemptible or unfashionable person", "One who or that which loses something, such as extra weight, car keys, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "loser", "num_translations": 74 }, "africanhuntingdog": { "senses": [ "A wild canid, Lycaon pictus, typically black, white and tan, found in Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "African wild dog" ], "word": "Africanhuntingdog", "num_translations": 47 }, "signature": { "senses": [ "A person's name, written by that person, used as identification or to signify approval of accompanying material, such as a legal contract", "An act of signing one's name", "The part of a doctor's prescription containing directions for the patient", "A group of four sheets printed such that, when folded, they become a section of a book", "A pattern used for matching the identity of a virus, the parameter types of a method, etc", "Data attached to a message that guarantees that the message originated from its claimed source", "A mark or sign of implication", "A dish that is characteristic of a particular chef", "A tuple specifying the sign of coefficients in any diagonal form of a quadratic form", "A resemblance between the external character of a disease and those of some physical agent, for instance, that existing between the red skin of scarlet fever and a red cloth", "supposed to indicate this agent in the treatment of the disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "signature", "num_translations": 118 }, "autograph": { "senses": [ "A person's own handwriting, especially the signature of a famous or admired person", "A manuscript in the author's handwriting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "signature", "protograph" ], "word": "autograph", "num_translations": 65 }, "pickle": { "senses": [ "A cucumber preserved in a solution, usually a brine or a vinegar syrup", "Any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish", "The brine used for preserving food", "A difficult situation", "peril", "A mildly mischievous loved one", "A rundown", "A children's game with three participants that emulates a baseball rundown", "A penis", "A pipe for smoking methamphetamine", "A bath of dilute sulphuric or nitric acid, etc, to remove burnt sand, scale, rust, etc, from the surface of castings, or other articles of metal, or to brighten them or improve their colour", "In an optical landing system, the hand-held controller connected to the lens, or apparatus on which the lights are mounted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "pickle", "num_translations": 140 }, "stigma": { "senses": [ "A mark of infamy or disgrace", "A scar or birthmark", "A mark on the body corresponding to one of the wounds of the Crucifixion on Jesus' body, and sometimes reported to bleed periodically", "The sticky part of a flower that receives pollen during pollination", "A visible sign or characteristic of a disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stigma", "num_translations": 73 }, "viscosity": { "senses": [ "The state of being viscous", "A quantity expressing the magnitude of internal friction in a fluid, as measured by the force per unit area resisting uniform flow", "A tendency to prolong interpersonal encounters" ], "antonyms": [ "fluidity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "viscosity", "num_translations": 46 }, "viscous": { "senses": [ "Having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid", "Of or pertaining to viscosity" ], "antonyms": [ "inviscid" ], "synonyms": [ "syrupy" ], "word": "viscous", "num_translations": 49 }, "viscose": { "senses": [ "A viscous orange-brown liquid obtained by chemical treatment of cellulose and used as the basis of manufacturing rayon and cellulose film", "A fabric made from this material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cellulose xanthate", "rayon" ], "word": "viscose", "num_translations": 14 }, "vivacious": { "senses": [ "Lively and animated", "full of life and energy", "Long-lived", "Difficult to kill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "animated" ], "word": "vivacious", "num_translations": 51 }, "hopeful": { "senses": [ "feeling hope", "inspiring hope" ], "antonyms": [ "hopeless", "desperate", "dejected" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hopeful", "num_translations": 28 }, "interstice": { "senses": [ "A small opening or space between objects, especially adjacent objects or objects set closely together, as between cords in a rope or components of a multiconductor electrical cable or between atoms in a crystal", "A fragment of space", "An interval of time required by the Roman Catholic Church between the attainment of different degrees of an order", "A small interval of time free to be spent on activities other than one's primary goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chink", "crack", "cranny", "crevice", "fissure", "gap", "slit", "Thesaurus:interspace", "Thesaurus:hole" ], "word": "interstice", "num_translations": 26 }, "tyrant": { "senses": [ "A usurper", "one who gains power and rules extralegally, distinguished from kings elevated by election or succession", "Any monarch or governor", "A despot", "a ruler who governs unjustly, cruelly, or harshly", "Any person who abuses the power of position or office to treat others unjustly, cruelly, or harshly", "A villain", "a person or thing who uses strength or violence to treat others unjustly, cruelly, or harshly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "archon", "autocrat", "tyrant bird", "tyrant flycatcher", "tyrant shrike", "king bird", "bee martin" ], "word": "tyrant", "num_translations": 162 }, "tyranny": { "senses": [ "A government in which a single ruler has absolute power", "this system of government", "The office or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler", "Absolute power, or its use", "A system of government in which power is exercised on behalf of the ruler or ruling class, without regard to the wishes of the governed", "Extreme severity or rigour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autocracy" ], "word": "tyranny", "num_translations": 74 }, "adiabatic": { "senses": [ "That occurs without gain or loss of heat", "That involves the slow change of the Hamiltonian of a system from its initial value to a final value" ], "antonyms": [ "diabatic", "nonadiabatic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "adiabatic", "num_translations": 20 }, "ambrosia": { "senses": [ "The food of the gods, thought to confer immortality", "The anointing-oil of the gods", "Any food with an especially delicious flavour or fragrance", "Anything delightfully sweet and pleasing", "An annual herb historically used medicinally and in cooking, Dysphania botrys", "A mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae", "A dessert made of shredded coconuts and tropical fruits such as pineapples and oranges", "some recipes also include ingredients such as marshmallow and cream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ambrosia", "num_translations": 37 }, "anaerobic": { "senses": [ "Without oxygen", "especially of an environment or organism", "Of or relating to an anaerobe" ], "antonyms": [ "aerobic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "anaerobic", "num_translations": 16 }, "anemometer": { "senses": [ "An instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind, a windmeter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "windmeter", "wind-gauge" ], "word": "anemometer", "num_translations": 35 }, "asparagus": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sparrowgrass", "sparage" ], "word": "asparagus", "num_translations": 178 }, "aphrodisiac": { "senses": [ "Arousing or intensifying sexual desire" ], "antonyms": [ "antaphrodisiac" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aphrodisiac", "num_translations": 17 }, "aphrodisiac1": { "senses": [ "Something, generally a food or drug, having such an effect" ], "antonyms": [ "Thesaurus:anaphrodisiac" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aphrodisiac", "num_translations": 33 }, "acromegaly": { "senses": [ "A chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones of the extremities, face, and jaw that is caused by over-activity of the pituitary gland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acromegalia", "acromegaloidism", "Marie's disease" ], "word": "acromegaly", "num_translations": 61 }, "lamp": { "senses": [ "A device that generates heat, light or other radiation Especially an electric light bulb", "A device containing oil, burnt through a wick for illumination", "A piece of furniture holding one or more electric light sockets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:light source" ], "word": "lamp", "num_translations": 214 }, "leprosy": { "senses": [ "An infectious disease caused by infection by Mycobacterium leprae", "In the Bible, a disease of the skin not conclusively identified, which can also affect clothes and houses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hansen's disease" ], "word": "leprosy", "num_translations": 134 }, "luke": { "senses": [ "male given name, from or a shortened form of Lucius", "An surname, a variant of Luck", "An surname, a later anglicization of L\u00fac\u00e1s", "village municipality/\u010cajni\u010de c/Bosnia and Herzegovina", "village municipality/Had\u017ei\u0107i c/Bosnia and Herzegovina", "village municipality/Pale c/Bosnia and Herzegovina", "village county/Tartu c/Estonia", "village municipality/Kriva Palanka c/North Macedonia", "village district/Moravica c/Serbia", "town s/Maryland c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Luke", "num_translations": 187 }, "rhapsody": { "senses": [ "An ancient Greek epic poem suitable for uninterrupted recitation", "A random collection or medley", "a miscellany or confused string of stories, words etc", "An exalted or exaggeratedly enthusiastic expression of feeling in speech or writing", "An instrumental composition of irregular form often incorporating improvisation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rhapsody", "num_translations": 12 }, "scheme": { "senses": [ "A systematic plan of future action", "A plot or secret, devious plan", "An orderly combination of related parts", "A chart or diagram of a system or object", "A type of topological space", "A council housing estate", "An artful deviation from the ordinary arrangement of words", "A representation of the aspects of the celestial bodies for any moment or at a given event", "Part of a uniform resource identifier indicating the protocol or other purpose, such as http: or news:", "A portfolio of pension plans with related benefits comprising multiple independent members" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blueprint" ], "word": "scheme", "num_translations": 104 }, "satyr": { "senses": [ "A sylvan deity or demigod, male companion of Pan or Dionysus, represented as part man and part goat, and characterized by riotous merriment and lasciviousness, sometimes pictured with a perpetual erection", "synonym of \"faun\"", "A lecherous man", "a meadow brown", "The orangutan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "satyr", "num_translations": 29 }, "strategy": { "senses": [ "The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of warfare", "A plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal", "The use of advance planning to succeed in politics or business" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "generalship" ], "word": "strategy", "num_translations": 126 }, "stoma": { "senses": [ "One of the tiny pores in the epidermis of a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor pass", "A small opening in a membrane", "a surgically constructed opening, especially one in the abdominal wall that permits the passage of waste after a colostomy or ileostomy", "A mouthlike opening, such as the oral cavity of a nematode", "An artificial anus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stoma", "num_translations": 26 }, "gloss": { "senses": [ "A surface shine or luster/lustre", "A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brilliance", "gleam", "luster/lustre", "sheen", "shine", "fa\u00e7ade", "front", "veneer" ], "word": "gloss", "num_translations": 19 }, "gloss2": { "senses": [ "A brief explanatory note or translation of a foreign, archaic, technical, difficult, complex, or uncommon expression, inserted after the original, in the margin of a document, or between lines of a text", "a collection of such notes", "An expression requiring such explanatory treatment", "An extensive commentary on some text", "A brief explanation in speech or in a written work, including a synonym used with the intent of indicating the meaning of the word to which it is applied", "An interpretation by a court of specific point within a statute or case law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or complex expression", "glossary", "extensive commentary on some text" ], "word": "gloss", "num_translations": 24 }, "ecstasy": { "senses": [ "Intense pleasure", "A state of emotion so intense that a person is carried beyond rational thought and self-control", "A trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation", "Violent emotion or distraction of mind", "excessive grief from anxiety", "insanity", "madness", "The drug MDMA, a synthetic entactogen of the methylenedioxyphenethylamine family, especially in a tablet form", "A state in which sensibility, voluntary motion, and mental power are suspended", "the body is erect and inflexible", "but the pulse and breathing are not affected" ], "antonyms": [ "agony" ], "synonyms": [ "MDMA" ], "word": "ecstasy", "num_translations": 116 }, "edema": { "senses": [ "An excessive accumulation of serum in tissue spaces or a body cavity", "A similar swelling in plants caused by excessive accumulation of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dropsy" ], "word": "edema", "num_translations": 40 }, "entomology": { "senses": [ "The scientific study of insects, and of other arthropods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insectology" ], "word": "entomology", "num_translations": 83 }, "epidermis": { "senses": [ "The outer, protective layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis", "The similar outer layer of cells in invertebrates and plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuticle" ], "word": "epidermis", "num_translations": 50 }, "epithet": { "senses": [ "A term used to characterize a person or thing", "A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person", "One of many formulaic words or phrases used in the Iliad and Odyssey to characterize a person, a group of people, or a thing", "An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase", "A word in the scientific name of a taxon following the name of the genus or species This applies only to formal names of plants, fungi and bacteria In formal names of animals the corresponding term is the specific name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cognomen" ], "word": "epithet", "num_translations": 59 }, "ergonomic": { "senses": [ "Designed for comfort or to minimize fatigue" ], "antonyms": [ "procrustean" ], "synonyms": [ "user-friendly" ], "word": "ergonomic", "num_translations": 14 }, "impute": { "senses": [ "To attribute or ascribe to a cause or source", "To ascribe to someone by substitution", "To take into account", "to consider", "to regard", "To attribute or credit to", "To replace missing data with substituted values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ascribe" ], "word": "impute", "num_translations": 43 }, "heliotrope": { "senses": [ "A plant that turns so that it faces the sun", "A light purple or violet colour", "A bloodstone", "An instrument, employed in triangulation, that uses a mirror to reflect sunlight toward another, very distant, surveyor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cherry pie", "bloodstone" ], "word": "heliotrope", "num_translations": 19 }, "hypnotic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to hypnosis or hypnotism", "Inducing sleep", "soporific" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "captivating", "mesmeric" ], "word": "hypnotic", "num_translations": 26 }, "hypochondriac1": { "senses": [ "A person affected with hypochondria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "valetudinarian" ], "word": "hypochondriac", "num_translations": 22 }, "hypocrisy": { "senses": [ "The contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs", "hence in general sense, dissimulation, pretence, sham", "The claim or pretense of having beliefs, standards, qualities, behaviours, virtues, motivations, etc which one does not actually have", "The practice of engaging in the same behaviour or activity for which one criticises another", "moral self-contradiction whereby the behavior of one or more people belies their own claimed or implied possession of certain beliefs, standards or virtues", "An instance of any or all of the above" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypocriticality", "hypocriticalness" ], "word": "hypocrisy", "num_translations": 99 }, "hysteria": { "senses": [ "Behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic", "A mental disorder characterized by emotional excitability etc without an organic cause", "synonym of \"conversion disorder\"", "Any disorder of women with some psychiatric symptoms without other diagnosis, ascribed to uterine influences on the female body, lack of pregnancy, or lack of sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "female hysteria", "uterine melancholy" ], "word": "hysteria", "num_translations": 65 }, "catharsis": { "senses": [ "A release of emotional tension after an overwhelming vicarious experience, resulting in the purging or purification of the emotions, as through watching a dramatic production", "Any release of emotional tension to the same effect, more widely", "A purification or cleansing, especially emotional", "A therapeutic technique to relieve tension by re-establishing the association of an emotion with the memory or idea of the event that first caused it, and then eliminating it by complete expression", "Purging of the digestive system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "catharsis", "num_translations": 44 }, "charisma": { "senses": [ "Personal charm or magnetism", "An extraordinary power granted by the Holy Spirit", "The ability to influence without the use of logic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charm" ], "word": "charisma", "num_translations": 46 }, "comedy": { "senses": [ "A choric song of celebration or revel, especially in Ancient Greece", "A light, amusing play with a happy ending", "A narrative poem with an agreeable ending", "A dramatic work that is light and humorous or satirical in tone", "The genre of such works", "Entertainment composed of jokes, satire, or humorous performance", "A humorous event" ], "antonyms": [ "drama", "tragedy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "comedy", "num_translations": 98 }, "climax": { "senses": [ "A rhetorical device in which a series is arranged in ascending order", "An instance of such an ascending series", "A culmination or acme: the last term in an ascending series, particularly:" ], "antonyms": [ "catacosmesis" ], "synonyms": [ "incrementum", "See", "Thesaurus:apex" ], "word": "climax", "num_translations": 49 }, "cranium": { "senses": [ "that part of the skull consisting of the bones enclosing the brain, but not including the bones of the face or jaw", "The skull" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "braincase", "skull" ], "word": "cranium", "num_translations": 16 }, "melanoma": { "senses": [ "A dark-pigmented, usually malignant tumor arising from a melanocyte and occurring most commonly in the skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "A Comprehensive Medical Dictionary", "The Washington Post" ], "word": "melanoma", "num_translations": 30 }, "gallery": { "senses": [ "An institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art", "An establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art", "The uppermost seating area projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater, concert hall, or auditorium", "A roofed promenade, especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported by arches or columns on the outer side", "The spectators of an event, collectively", "A browsable collection of images, font styles, etc", "A covered passage cut through the earth or masonry", "a level or drive in a mine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gallery", "num_translations": 150 }, "orthography": { "senses": [ "The study of correct spelling according to established usage", "The aspect of language study concerned with letters and their sequences in words", "synonym of \"spelling\": the specific method of representing a language or the sounds of language by written symbols", "Orthographic projection", "especially its use to draw an elevation, vertical projection etc of a building" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orthoepy" ], "word": "orthography", "num_translations": 184 }, "ostracism": { "senses": [ "In ancient Athens , the temporary banishment by popular vote of a citizen considered dangerous to the state", "Banishment by some general consent", "Temporary exclusion from a community or society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ostracization" ], "word": "ostracism", "num_translations": 39 }, "pediatrician": { "senses": [ "A physician who specializes in pediatrics", "a children's doctor or babies' doctor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paediatrist" ], "word": "pediatrician", "num_translations": 40 }, "phantom": { "senses": [ "A ghost or apparition", "Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality", "an image that appears only in the mind", "an illusion or delusion", "A placeholder for a pair of players when there are an odd number of pairs playing", "A test object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ghost", "Thesaurus:ghost" ], "word": "phantom", "num_translations": 40 }, "pneumatic": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or resembling air or other gases", "Powered by, or filled with, compressed air", "Having cavities filled with air", "Spiritual", "of or relating to the pneuma", "well-rounded", "full-breasted", "bouncy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aereous", "pneumenous", "Thesaurus:voluptuous" ], "word": "pneumatic", "num_translations": 52 }, "praxis": { "senses": [ "The practical application of any branch of learning", "The deliberate action of a rational being", "The synthesis of theory and practice, without presuming the primacy of either", "Custom or established practice", "An example or form of exercise, or a collection of such examples, for practice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "praxis", "num_translations": 13 }, "presbyopia": { "senses": [ "Inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects", "farsightedness" ], "antonyms": [ "myopia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "presbyopia", "num_translations": 28 }, "proxy1": { "senses": [ "An agent or substitute authorized to act for another person", "The authority to act for another, especially when written", "The written appointment of a proctor in suits in the ecclesiastical courts", "A measurement of one physical quantity that is used as an indicator of the value of another", "An interface for a service, especially for one that is remote, resource-intensive, or otherwise difficult to use directly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deputy", "substitute", "representative", "Thesaurus:deputy" ], "word": "proxy", "num_translations": 106 }, "pyrotechnics": { "senses": [ "The art and technology of fireworks and related military applications", "A display of fireworks", "An impressive display" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fireworks" ], "word": "pyrotechnics", "num_translations": 31 }, "karma": { "senses": [ "The sum total of a person's actions, which determine the person's next incarnation in samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth", "A force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows", "destiny", "fate", "A distinctive feeling, aura, or atmosphere", "A score assigned to a user of a discussion forum, indicating the popularity of their posts with other users" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "karma", "num_translations": 65 }, "musk": { "senses": [ "A similar secretion produced by the otter and the civet", "A synthetic organic compound used as a substitute for the above", "A plant of the genus Erodium", "A plant of the genus Muscari", "grape hyacinth", "The scent of human genitalia when aroused or unwashed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "musk", "num_translations": 43 }, "cootie": { "senses": [ "A louse", "A louse", "Any germ or contaminant, real or imagined, especially from the opposite gender", "A nest-building female American coot", "A sideswiper, a type of telegraph key" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cootie", "num_translations": 12 }, "sarong": { "senses": [ "A garment made of a length of printed cloth wrapped about the waist that is commonly worn by men and women in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and the Pacific islands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lungi" ], "word": "sarong", "num_translations": 25 }, "romanempire": { "senses": [ "The empire which succeeded the Roman Republic and existed between 27 BCE and 476 CE in the west (and until 1453 CE in the east", "see Byzantine Empire'''''), encompassing territories stretching from Britain and Germany to Spain, North Africa and the Persian Gulf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rome" ], "word": "RomanEmpire", "num_translations": 70 }, "realism": { "senses": [ "A concern for fact or reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary", "An artistic representation of reality as it is", "The viewpoint that an external reality exists independent of observation", "A doctrine that universals are real\u2014they exist and are distinct from the particulars that instantiate them" ], "antonyms": [ "nominalism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "realism", "num_translations": 34 }, "sentinel": { "senses": [ "A sentry or guard", "a unique string of characters recognised by a computer program for processing in a special way", "a keyword", "Watch", "guard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sentinel", "num_translations": 52 }, "illegal": { "senses": [ "Contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law", "Forbidden by established rules", "Totally fictitious, and often issued on behalf of a non-existent territory or country" ], "antonyms": [ "lawful" ], "synonyms": [ "criminal", "bogus" ], "word": "illegal", "num_translations": 109 }, "dinghy": { "senses": [ "A small open boat, propelled by oars or paddles, carried as a tender, lifeboat, or pleasure craft on a ship", "An inflatable rubber life raft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tender" ], "word": "dinghy", "num_translations": 52 }, "thug": { "senses": [ "Someone with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire", "One of a band of assassins formerly active in northern India who worshipped Kali and offered their victims to her", "In gardening, an over-vigorous plant that spreads and dominates the flowerbed", "A punk", "a hoodlum", "a hooligan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:villain" ], "word": "thug", "num_translations": 103 }, "rig": { "senses": [ "Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose", "A large truck such as a semi-tractor", "The special apparatus used for drilling wells", "A costume or an outfit", "A computer case, often modified for looks", "An imperfectly castrated horse, sheep etc", "Radio equipment, especially a citizen's band transceiver", "A model outfitted with parameterized controls for animation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rig", "num_translations": 67 }, "rig1": { "senses": [ "To fit out with a harness or other equipment", "To equip and fit with sails, shrouds, and yards", "To dress or clothe in some costume", "To make or construct something in haste or in a makeshift manner", "To manipulate something dishonestly for personal gain or discriminatory purposes", "To make free with", "hence, to steal", "to pilfer", "To outfit a model with controls for animation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rig", "num_translations": 43 }, "molasses": { "senses": [ "A thick brownish syrup produced in the refining of raw sugar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "long sweetening", "sorghum syrup" ], "word": "molasses", "num_translations": 45 }, "carnauba": { "senses": [ "A Brazilian palm tree having waxy, fan-shaped leaves and toothed leafstalks, Copernicia prunifera", "The hard wax obtained from the leaves of this plant and used especially in polishes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carnauba wax" ], "word": "carnauba", "num_translations": 10 }, "cubit": { "senses": [ "Various former units of length notionally based on the distance from a grown man's elbow to his fingertips, standardized in different places and times at values between 35 and 60cm", "The ulna" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ell", "arshin", "Russian cubit", "dira", "ulna" ], "word": "cubit", "num_translations": 34 }, "smithereens": { "senses": [ "Fragments or splintered pieces", "numerous tiny disconnected items" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smithers", "shards" ], "word": "smithereens", "num_translations": 18 }, "kink2": { "senses": [ "A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, hair etc", "A difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation, as in a plan or system", "An unreasonable notion", "a crotchet", "a whim", "a caprice", "Peculiarity or deviation in sexual behaviour or taste", "A positive 1-soliton solution to the Sine-Gordon equation" ], "antonyms": [ "normophilia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "kink", "num_translations": 45 }, "junkie": { "senses": [ "A narcotics addict, especially referring to heroin users", "An enthusiast of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:addict" ], "word": "junkie", "num_translations": 69 }, "impotent": { "senses": [ "lacking physical strength or vigor", "weak", "lacking in power, as to act effectively", "helpless", "incapable of sexual intercourse, often because of an inability to achieve or sustain an erection", "sterile", "lacking self-restraint" ], "antonyms": [ "potent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "impotent", "num_translations": 34 }, "forebear": { "senses": [ "An ancestor" ], "antonyms": [ "afterbear" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "forebear", "num_translations": 20 }, "flit1": { "senses": [ "To move about rapidly and nimbly", "To move quickly from one location to another", "To unpredictably change state for short periods of time", "To move house", "To be unstable", "to be easily or often moved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flit", "num_translations": 25 }, "multiplayer1": { "senses": [ "The feature of a video game where multiple human players play simultaneously" ], "antonyms": [ "singleplayer", "solitaire" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "multiplayer", "num_translations": 12 }, "trespass1": { "senses": [ "To commit an offence", "to sin", "To offend against, to wrong", "To go too far", "to put someone to inconvenience by demand or importunity", "to intrude", "To enter someone else's property illegally", "To pass beyond a limit or boundary", "hence, to depart", "to go" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transgress", "cross the line", "exceed" ], "word": "trespass", "num_translations": 30 }, "ahoy": { "senses": [ "Used to hail a ship, a boat or a person, or to attract attention", "Warning of something approaching or impending" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oi" ], "word": "ahoy", "num_translations": 11 }, "bundle": { "senses": [ "A group of objects held together by wrapping or tying", "A package wrapped or tied up for carrying", "A group of products or services sold together as a unit", "A large amount, especially of money", "A cluster of closely bound muscle or nerve fibres", "A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic", "A directory containing related resources such as source code", "A quantity of paper equal to two reams", "Topological space composed of a base space and fibers projected to the base space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bundle", "num_translations": 119 }, "bundle1": { "senses": [ "To hustle", "to dispatch something or someone quickly", "To prepare for departure", "to set off in a hurry or without ceremony", "used with away, off, out", "To dress someone warmly", "To sell hardware and software as a single product", "To hurry", "synonym of \"dogpile\": to form a pile of people upon a victim", "To hastily or clumsily push, put, carry or otherwise send something into a particular place", "To sleep on the same bed without undressing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bundle", "num_translations": 52 }, "buoy1": { "senses": [ "To keep afloat or aloft", "used with up", "To support or maintain at a high level", "To maintain or enhance enthusiasm or confidence", "to lift the spirits of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buoy", "num_translations": 37 }, "coleslaw": { "senses": [ "A salad of finely shredded raw cabbage and sometimes shredded carrots, dressed with mayonnaise or a vinaigrette" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slaw" ], "word": "coleslaw", "num_translations": 20 }, "gin1": { "senses": [ "A trick", "a device or instrument", "Contrivance", "artifice", "a trap", "a snare", "A snare or trap for game", "A machine for raising or moving heavy objects, consisting of a tripod formed of poles united at the top, with a windlass, pulleys, ropes, etc", "A hoisting drum, usually vertical", "a whim", "A pile driver", "A windpump", "An instrument of torture worked with screws" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gin", "num_translations": 13 }, "frolic1": { "senses": [ "To make merry", "to have fun", "to romp", "to behave playfully and uninhibitedly", "To cause to be merry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frolic", "num_translations": 33 }, "measles": { "senses": [ "A disease of pigs and cattle, caused by larval tapeworms", "A disease of trees, in which the leaves are covered in spots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "morbilli" ], "word": "measles", "num_translations": 70 }, "roster": { "senses": [ "A list of individuals or groups, usually for an organization of some kind such as military officers and enlisted personnel enrolled in a particular unit", "a muster roll", "a sports team, with the names of players who are eligible to be placed in the lineup for a particular game", "or a list of students officially enrolled in a school or class", "A list of the jobs to be done by members of an organization and often with the date/time that they are expected to do them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roster", "num_translations": 20 }, "rove": { "senses": [ "To shoot with arrows", "To roam, or wander about at random, especially over a wide area", "To roam or wander through", "To card wool or other fibres", "To twist slightly", "to bring together, as slivers of wool or cotton, and twist slightly before spinning", "To draw through an eye or aperture", "To plough into ridges by turning the earth of two furrows together", "To practice robbery on the seas", "to voyage about on the seas as a pirate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rove", "num_translations": 12 }, "skipper": { "senses": [ "The master of a ship", "A coach, director, or other leader", "The captain of a sports team such as football, cricket, rugby or curling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "master" ], "word": "skipper", "num_translations": 37 }, "spook": { "senses": [ "A ghost or phantom", "A hobgoblin", "A scare or fright", "A spy", "A black person", "A metaphysical manifestation", "an artificial distinction or construct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ghost" ], "word": "spook", "num_translations": 48 }, "monosodiumglutamate": { "senses": [ "The mono sodium salt of the amino acid, glutamic acid", "present in soy sauce", "used as a condiment in Chinese and Japanese cooking, and as a food additive to enhance flavor and add the umami taste Abbreviations: MSG, E621" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E621", "sodium glutamate" ], "word": "monosodiumglutamate", "num_translations": 42 }, "breakwind": { "senses": [ "To expel gases generated during digestion, especially through the anus", "to fart or flatulate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break ass", "Thesaurus:flatulate" ], "word": "breakwind", "num_translations": 46 }, "coloring1": { "senses": [ "An act or process which applies color", "Any substance used to give color", "The appearance as to color", "A disguise or discoloration", "An assignment of a color to each vertex of a graph such that no two vertices connected by an edge are given the same color" ], "antonyms": [ "bleach", "neutral", "shade" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "coloring", "num_translations": 18 }, "slipper": { "senses": [ "A low soft shoe that can be slipped on and off easily", "Such a shoe intended for indoor use", "A flip-flop", "A person who slips", "A kind of apron or pinafore for children", "A kind of brake or shoe for a wagon wheel", "A piece, usually a plate, applied to a sliding piece, to receive wear and permit adjustment", "a gib", "A form of corporal punishment where the buttocks are repeatedly struck with a plimsoll", "The plimsoll or gym shoe used in this form of punishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slipper", "num_translations": 159 }, "jeopardy": { "senses": [ "Danger of loss, harm, or failure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "danger", "hazard", "peril", "risk", "gamble" ], "word": "jeopardy", "num_translations": 39 }, "impudent": { "senses": [ "Not showing due respect", "impertinent", "bold-faced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bold", "brazen-faced", "impertinent", "Thesaurus:cheeky" ], "word": "impudent", "num_translations": 72 }, "tribadism": { "senses": [ "Lesbianism", "Specifically, a form of lesbian intercourse involving the rubbing together of two partners' vulvae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trib", "tribbing", "scissoring" ], "word": "tribadism", "num_translations": 12 }, "dismantle": { "senses": [ "To divest, strip of dress or covering", "To remove fittings or furnishings from", "To take apart", "to disassemble", "to take to pieces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dismantle", "num_translations": 64 }, "badass1": { "senses": [ "Belligerent and troublesome", "Having an extreme appearance, attitude, or behavior that is considered admirable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "awesome" ], "word": "badass", "num_translations": 29 }, "boycott": { "senses": [ "To abstain, either as an individual or a group, from using, buying, or dealing with someone or some organization as an expression of protest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blackball", "blacklist", "embargo", "withhold patronage" ], "word": "boycott", "num_translations": 32 }, "session": { "senses": [ "A meeting of a council, court, school, or legislative body to conduct its business", "The sequence of interactions between client and server, or between user and system", "the period during which a user is logged in or connected", "The act of sitting, or the state of being seated", "An academic term" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "session", "num_translations": 79 }, "outer": { "senses": [ "Outside", "external", "Farther from the centre of the inside" ], "antonyms": [ "inner" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "outer", "num_translations": 30 }, "setting1": { "senses": [ "The time, place and circumstance in which something is set", "context", "scenario", "A piece of metal in which a precious stone or gem is fixed to form a piece of jewelry", "A level or placement that a knob or control is set to", "The act of marking the position of game, as a setter does", "Hunting with a setter", "Something set in, or inserted", "A piece of vocal or choral music composed for particular words", "The mounting of a play, etc, for the stage", "The direction of a current of wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "setting", "num_translations": 47 }, "catchy": { "senses": [ "Instantly appealing and memorable", "Tending to catch or ensnare", "entangling", "Consisting of, or occurring in, disconnected parts or snatches", "changeable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "catchy", "num_translations": 23 }, "township": { "senses": [ "The territory of a town", "a subdivision of a county", "An area set aside for nonwhite occupation", "A nonwhite area attached to a city", "a small town" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "township", "num_translations": 29 }, "surgery": { "senses": [ "A procedure involving major incisions to remove, repair, or replace a part of a body", "The medical specialty related to the performance of surgical procedures", "A doctor's office", "Any arrangement where people arrive and wait for an interview with certain people, particularly a politician cf clinic", "A pre-packaged bankruptcy or \"quick bankruptcy\"", "The production of a manifold by removing parts of one manifold and replacing them with corresponding parts of others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "operation", "operating room", "office" ], "word": "surgery", "num_translations": 146 }, "catenary1": { "senses": [ "The curve described by a flexible chain or a rope if it is supported at each end and is acted upon only by no other forces than a uniform gravitational force due to its own weight and variations involving additional and non-uniform forces", "Any physical cable, rope, chain, or other weight-supporting structure taking such geometric shape, as a suspension cable for a bridge or a power-transmission line or an arch for a bridge or roof", "The curve of an anchor cable from the seabed to the vessel", "it should be horizontal at the anchor so as to bury the flukes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alysoid", "chainette" ], "word": "catenary", "num_translations": 21 }, "sensitive": { "senses": [ "Having the faculty of sensation", "pertaining to the senses", "Responsive to stimuli", "Easily offended, upset or hurt", "Capable of offending, upsetting or hurting", "Meant to be concealed or kept secret", "Accurate", "able to register small changes in some property", "Having paranormal abilities that can be controlled through mesmerism" ], "antonyms": [ "insensitive", "nonsensitive", "resistant", "stoic", "uncaring" ], "synonyms": [ "tender", "nesh", "precise", "compassionate", "caring", "classified", "aware" ], "word": "sensitive", "num_translations": 109 }, "chayote": { "senses": [ "Sechium edule, a tropical American perennial herbaceous vine having tendrils, tuberous roots, and a green, pear-shaped fruit cooked as a vegetable", "The fruit of this plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "choko" ], "word": "chayote", "num_translations": 58 }, "peyote": { "senses": [ "A small, spineless cactus found from southwest United States to central Mexico that produces buttonlike tubercles that can be chewed for its psychedelic effect, primarily from the drug mescaline", "A mescal button produced by the plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mescal" ], "word": "peyote", "num_translations": 17 }, "widely": { "senses": [ "In a wide manner", "across a wide area", "Commonly", "generally", "to a great degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "widely", "num_translations": 40 }, "points": { "senses": [ "plural of \"point\"", "Movable rails which can be used to switch a train from one railway track to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "switch" ], "word": "points", "num_translations": 10 }, "contemptible": { "senses": [ "deserving contempt" ], "antonyms": [ "respectable", "venerable" ], "synonyms": [ "despicable", "disdainable", "hateworthy" ], "word": "contemptible", "num_translations": 37 }, "chalkboard": { "senses": [ "A slate or enamel board for writing on with chalk", "a predecessor to a whiteboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blackboard" ], "word": "chalkboard", "num_translations": 32 }, "uncover": { "senses": [ "To remove a cover from", "To reveal the identity of", "To show openly", "to disclose", "to reveal", "To remove one's hat or cap as a mark of respect", "To expose successively by the wheeling to right or left of the lines in front" ], "antonyms": [ "cover up" ], "synonyms": [ "expose", "doff" ], "word": "uncover", "num_translations": 16 }, "scope": { "senses": [ "The breadth, depth or reach of a subject", "a domain", "A device used in aiming a projectile, through which the person aiming looks at the intended target", "Opportunity", "broad range", "degree of freedom", "The region of program source code in which a given identifier is meaningful, or a given object can be accessed", "The shortest sub-wff of which a given instance of a logical connective is a part", "The region of an utterance to which some modifying element applies", "Any medical procedure that ends in the suffix -scopy, such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scope", "num_translations": 50 }, "calling1": { "senses": [ "A strong urge to become religious", "A job or occupation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vocation" ], "word": "calling", "num_translations": 23 }, "probably": { "senses": [ "In all likelihood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "likely", "perhaps", "maybe", "possibly", "presumably", "most likely", "doubtless", "in all probability", "perchance", "as likely as not", "as like as not" ], "word": "probably", "num_translations": 94 }, "smudge": { "senses": [ "A blemish or smear, especially a dark or sooty one", "Dense smoke, such as that used for fumigation", "A heap of damp combustibles partially ignited and burning slowly, placed on the windward side of a house, tent, etc to keep off mosquitoes or other insects", "A quantity of herbs used in suffumigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blur" ], "word": "smudge", "num_translations": 19 }, "smudge1": { "senses": [ "To obscure by blurring", "to smear", "To soil or smear with dirt", "To use dense smoke to protect from insects", "To stifle or smother with smoke", "To burn herbs as a cleansing ritual", "To subject to ritual burning of herbs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blur", "smutch", "fumigate" ], "word": "smudge", "num_translations": 26 }, "misplace": { "senses": [ "To put something somewhere and then forget its location", "to mislay", "To apply one's talents inappropriately", "To put something in the wrong location" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mislay" ], "word": "misplace", "num_translations": 30 }, "squeal1": { "senses": [ "To scream with a shrill, prolonged sound", "To give sensitive information about someone to a third party", "to rat on someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inform" ], "word": "squeal", "num_translations": 52 }, "background1": { "senses": [ "One's social heritage, or previous life", "what one did in the past", "A part of the picture that depicts scenery to the rear or behind the main subject", "context", "Information relevant to the current situation about past events", "history", "A less important feature of scenery", "The image or color over which a computer's desktop items are shown", "A type of activity on a computer that is not normally visible to the user" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "background", "num_translations": 152 }, "minus1": { "senses": [ "Negative", "On the negative part of a scale", "Ranking just below a designated rating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "negative", "below" ], "word": "minus", "num_translations": 45 }, "minus2": { "senses": [ "A negative quantity", "A downside or disadvantage" ], "antonyms": [ "plus", "positive", "advantage" ], "synonyms": [ "defect" ], "word": "minus", "num_translations": 17 }, "costume": { "senses": [ "A style of dress, including garments, accessories and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular country, period or people", "An outfit or a disguise worn as fancy dress etc", "A set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outfit" ], "word": "costume", "num_translations": 121 }, "compliance": { "senses": [ "An act of complying", "The state of being compliant", "The tendency of conforming with or agreeing to the wishes of others", "A measure of the extension or displacement of a loaded structure", "its flexibility", "The accuracy with which a patient follows an agreed treatment plan", "The department of a business that ensures all government regulations are complied with" ], "antonyms": [ "violation" ], "synonyms": [ "compliancy" ], "word": "compliance", "num_translations": 61 }, "impulsive": { "senses": [ "Having the power of driving or impelling", "giving an impulse", "moving", "impellent", "Actuated by impulse or by transient feelings", "inclined to make rapid decisions without due consideration", "Acting momentarily, or by impulse", "not continuous - said of forces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impulsive", "num_translations": 51 }, "disappointed": { "senses": [ "Defeated of expectation or hope", "experiencing disappointment", "let down", "Expressing or indicating disappointment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discomfited", "foiled", "frustrated", "thwarted" ], "word": "disappointed", "num_translations": 96 }, "directly": { "senses": [ "In a direct manner", "in a straight line or course", "In a straightforward way", "without anything intervening", "not by secondary, but by direct means", "Plainly, without circumlocution or ambiguity", "absolutely", "in express terms", "Exactly", "just", "Straightforwardly", "honestly", "Immediately", "Soon", "next", "when it becomes convenient" ], "antonyms": [ "indirectly" ], "synonyms": [ "straightwise", "bluntly", "accurately", "frankly", "forthwith", "betimes" ], "word": "directly", "num_translations": 100 }, "ecstatic": { "senses": [ "Feeling or characterized by ecstasy", "Extremely happy", "Relating to, or caused by, ecstasy or excessive emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blissful", "delirious", "elated", "euphoric", "joyful", "joyous" ], "word": "ecstatic", "num_translations": 23 }, "decide": { "senses": [ "to resolve", "to choose, determine, or settle", "to make a judgment, especially after deliberation", "to cause someone to come to a decision", "to cut off", "to separate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make up one's mind", "choose", "determine", "pick" ], "word": "decide", "num_translations": 143 }, "blissful": { "senses": [ "Extremely happy", "full of joy", "experiencing, indicating, causing, or characterized by bliss", "Blessed", "glorified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ecstatic", "elated", "euphoric", "joyful", "orgasmic", "overjoyed", "rapturous", "on cloud nine", "Thesaurus:blissful" ], "word": "blissful", "num_translations": 17 }, "asceticism": { "senses": [ "The principles and practices of an ascetic", "extreme self-denial and austerity" ], "antonyms": [ "hedonism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "asceticism", "num_translations": 68 }, "polyethylene": { "senses": [ "A polymer consisting of many ethylene monomers bonded together", "used for kitchenware, containers etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polyethene", "polythene" ], "word": "polyethylene", "num_translations": 39 }, "beneficial": { "senses": [ "Helpful or good to something or someone", "Relating to a benefice" ], "antonyms": [ "maleficial", "innocuous" ], "synonyms": [ "advantageous", "usufructuary" ], "word": "beneficial", "num_translations": 57 }, "gatlinggun": { "senses": [ "A type of gun, similar to a modern machine gun, with several barrels on a rotating frame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rotary machine gun" ], "word": "Gatlinggun", "num_translations": 18 }, "foxhole": { "senses": [ "The burrow in the ground where a fox lives", "A small pit dug into the ground as a shelter for protection against enemy fire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dugout", "fighting hole", "spider hole" ], "word": "foxhole", "num_translations": 16 }, "blowfish": { "senses": [ "Any species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe several times their normal size by swallowing water or air when threatened", "A delicacy popular in Japan, consisting of the fish served raw as sushi or perhaps fried It may, if improperly prepared, contain considerably deadly levels of neurotoxins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balloonfish", "fugu" ], "word": "blowfish", "num_translations": 42 }, "embodiment": { "senses": [ "The process of embodying", "A physical entity typifying an abstract concept" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incarnation" ], "word": "embodiment", "num_translations": 30 }, "epicene": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a class of Greek and Latin nouns that may refer to males or females but have a fixed grammatical gender", "Of or relating to nouns or pronouns in any language that have a single form for male and female referents", "Suitable for use regardless of sex", "unisex", "Of indeterminate sex, whether asexual, androgynous, hermaphrodite, or intersex", "of a human face, intermediate in form between a man's face and a woman's face", "Indeterminate", "mixed", "Of a man: effeminate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "epicene", "num_translations": 16 }, "phew": { "senses": [ "Used to show relief, fatigue, or surprise", "Used to show disgust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:yuck" ], "word": "phew", "num_translations": 35 }, "pufferfish": { "senses": [ "Any species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe several times their normal size by swallowing water or air when threatened", "puffer, blowfish, swellfish, balloonfish, globefish", "A delicacy popular in Japan served raw as sushi that may, if improperly prepared, contain deadly levels of neurotoxins", "fugu" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balloonfish", "fugu" ], "word": "pufferfish", "num_translations": 14 }, "neurotoxin": { "senses": [ "A toxin that specifically acts upon neurons, their synapses, or the nervous system in its entirety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neurolysin" ], "word": "neurotoxin", "num_translations": 12 }, "capitalize": { "senses": [ "In writing or editing, to write thereof) in capital letters, in upper case", "To contribute or acquire capital for", "To convert into capital, ie, to get cash or similar immediately fungible resources for some less fungible property or source of future income", "To treat as capital, not as an expense", "To profit or to obtain an advantage", "To seize, as an opportunity", "to obtain a benefit", "to invest on something profitable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "capitalize", "num_translations": 23 }, "irritable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being irritated", "Easily exasperated or excited", "Responsive to stimuli" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:irritable" ], "word": "irritable", "num_translations": 50 }, "orthoepy": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"phonology\": the study of pronunciation", "synonym of \"orthography\": the study of the representation of pronunciation in writing", "Accepted or customary pronunciation" ], "antonyms": [ "cacoepy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "orthoepy", "num_translations": 52 }, "anaptyxis": { "senses": [ "The epenthesis of a vowel", "svarabhakti: for example, the middle \u2018-a-' in thataway, or use of infixes -i- and -o- in coining English words on classical roots" ], "antonyms": [ "excrescence" ], "synonyms": [ "svarabhakti" ], "word": "anaptyxis", "num_translations": 10 }, "distress": { "senses": [ "discomfort", "Serious danger", "An aversive state of stress to which a person cannot fully adapt", "A seizing of property without legal process to force payment of a debt", "The thing taken by distraining", "that which is seized to procure satisfaction" ], "antonyms": [ "eustress" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "distress", "num_translations": 108 }, "fondle": { "senses": [ "To touch or stroke lovingly", "To grasp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dandle", "clutch" ], "word": "fondle", "num_translations": 43 }, "pertinent": { "senses": [ "important with regard to", "relevant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pertinent" ], "word": "pertinent", "num_translations": 33 }, "insinuate": { "senses": [ "To hint", "to suggest tacitly while avoiding a direct statement", "To creep, wind, or flow into", "to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly, as into crevices", "To ingratiate", "to obtain access to or introduce something by subtle, cunning or artful means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:allude" ], "word": "insinuate", "num_translations": 34 }, "encompass": { "senses": [ "To form a circle around", "to encircle", "To include within its scope", "to circumscribe or go round so as to surround", "to enclose", "to contain", "To include completely", "to describe fully or comprehensively", "To go around, especially, to circumnavigate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comprehend", "embrace", "include" ], "word": "encompass", "num_translations": 98 }, "lantern": { "senses": [ "A case of translucent or transparent material made to protect a flame, or light, used to illuminate its surroundings", "Especially, a metal casing with lens used to illuminate a stage", "An open structure of light material set upon a roof, to give light and air to the interior", "A cage or open chamber of rich architecture, open below into the building or tower which it crowns", "A smaller and secondary cupola crowning a larger one, for ornament, or to admit light", "A kind of cage inserted in a stuffing box and surrounding a piston rod, to separate the packing into two parts and form a chamber between for the reception of steam, etc", "A light formerly used as a signal by a railway guard or conductor at night", "A perforated barrel to form a core upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lantern", "num_translations": 107 }, "spoof": { "senses": [ "An act of deception", "a hoax", "a joking prank", "A light parody", "A drinking game in which players hold up to three coins hidden in a fist and attempt to guess the total number of coins held", "Nonsense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parody" ], "word": "spoof", "num_translations": 21 }, "spoof2": { "senses": [ "To gently satirize", "To deceive", "To falsify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "satirise" ], "word": "spoof", "num_translations": 18 }, "sear1": { "senses": [ "To char, scorch, or burn the surface of with a hot instrument", "To wither", "to dry up", "To make callous or insensible", "To mark permanently, as if by burning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sear", "num_translations": 36 }, "fat-ass": { "senses": [ "A rotund, overweight, or obese person", "A jibe used on someone disliked, frequently someone regarded as lazy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fat person" ], "word": "fat-ass", "num_translations": 15 }, "pleb": { "senses": [ "A commoner, a member of the lower class of a society", "A common person, an unsophisticated or cultureless person", "A freshman cadet at a military academy" ], "antonyms": [ "toff" ], "synonyms": [ "prole" ], "word": "pleb", "num_translations": 12 }, "elated": { "senses": [ "Extremely happy and excited", "delighted", "pleased, euphoric" ], "antonyms": [ "displeased", "dissatisfied" ], "synonyms": [ "ecstatic", "euphoric", "exultant", "joyful", "jubilant", "overjoyed" ], "word": "elated", "num_translations": 16 }, "torment": { "senses": [ "A catapult or other kind of war-engine", "Torture, originally as inflicted by an instrument of torture", "Any extreme pain, anguish or misery, either physical or mental" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pain" ], "word": "torment", "num_translations": 97 }, "tormentor": { "senses": [ "One who torments", "a person, animal, or object that causes suffering", "Something abstract that causes suffering", "One of a pair of narrow curtains just behind the front curtain and teaser that mask the areas on the sides of the stage and can be adjusted to the desired width", "An implement for reducing a stiff soil, resembling a harrow, but running upon wheels", "A long meat-fork" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "torturer" ], "word": "tormentor", "num_translations": 14 }, "vivacity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being vivacious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liveliness", "vivaciousness" ], "word": "vivacity", "num_translations": 29 }, "vex": { "senses": [ "To trouble aggressively, to harass", "To annoy, irritate", "To cause suffering to", "to distress", "To twist, to weave", "To be irritated", "to fret", "To toss back and forth", "to agitate", "to disquiet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agitate", "afflict" ], "word": "vex", "num_translations": 55 }, "dissolve": { "senses": [ "To terminate a union of multiple members actively, as by disbanding", "To destroy, make disappear", "To liquify, melt into a fluid", "To be melted, changed into a fluid", "To disintegrate chemically into a solution by immersion into a liquid or gas", "To be disintegrated by such immersion", "To disperse, drive apart a group of persons", "To break the continuity of", "to disconnect", "to loosen", "to undo", "to separate", "To annul", "to rescind", "to discharge or release", "To shift from one shot to another by having the former fade out as the latter fades in", "To resolve itself as by dissolution", "To solve", "to clear up", "to resolve", "To relax by pleasure", "to make powerless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dissolve", "num_translations": 109 }, "disintegrate": { "senses": [ "To undo the integrity of, break into parts", "To fall apart, break up into parts" ], "antonyms": [ "integrate" ], "synonyms": [ "dismember", "dissolve", "compost", "decay", "dissolve" ], "word": "disintegrate", "num_translations": 62 }, "introduce": { "senses": [ "To cause to be acquainted", "To make known by formal announcement or recommendation", "To add to a system, a mixture, or a container", "To bring into practice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "announce" ], "word": "introduce", "num_translations": 110 }, "kittylitter": { "senses": [ "Mix of sawdust, grit, etc used to provide a soiling area for pet cats", "Any similar mix, used to soak up liquid spills", "Large area of gravel used to slow cars that leave the track" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cat litter" ], "word": "kittylitter", "num_translations": 13 }, "bilby": { "senses": [ "Australian desert marsupial , with distinctive large ears and approximately the size of a rabbit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dalgite" ], "word": "bilby", "num_translations": 14 }, "discredit": { "senses": [ "To harm the good reputation of a person", "to cause an idea or piece of evidence to seem false or unreliable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demean" ], "word": "discredit", "num_translations": 32 }, "discredit1": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that causes harm to a reputation, as of a person, family, or institution", "A degree of dishonour or disesteem", "ill repute", "reproach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demerit" ], "word": "discredit", "num_translations": 16 }, "dowsing": { "senses": [ "The practice of seeking water or other substances with the aid of a forked stick or similar pointing device, as believed by some practitioners to derive from supernatural power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "divining", "water divining", "water witching" ], "word": "dowsing", "num_translations": 10 }, "uxoricide": { "senses": [ "One who murders his or her wife", "The murdering of one's own wife" ], "antonyms": [ "mariticide" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "uxoricide", "num_translations": 25 }, "hindsight": { "senses": [ "Realisation or understanding of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred", "The rear sight of a firearm" ], "antonyms": [ "foresight" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hindsight", "num_translations": 30 }, "invite": { "senses": [ "To ask for the presence or participation of someone or something", "To request formally", "To encourage", "To allure", "to draw to", "to tempt to come", "to induce by pleasure or hope", "to attract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ask out", "ask", "ask for" ], "word": "invite", "num_translations": 156 }, "transit": { "senses": [ "The act of passing over, across, or through something", "The conveyance of people or goods from one place to another, especially on a public transportation system", "the vehicles used for such conveyance", "The passage of a celestial body across the observer's meridian, or across the disk of a larger celestial body", "A surveying instrument rather like a theodolite that measures horizontal and vertical angles", "Public transport system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transit", "num_translations": 51 }, "migraine": { "senses": [ "A severe, disabling headache, usually affecting only one side of the head, and often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, photophobia and visual disturbances", "A neurological condition characterised by such headaches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hemicrania" ], "word": "migraine", "num_translations": 38 }, "genocide": { "senses": [ "The systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on the basis of their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, social status, or other particularities", "The systematic suppression of ideas on the basis of cultural or ethnic origin", "culturicide", "The elimination of an entire class of monsters by the player" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genticide" ], "word": "genocide", "num_translations": 77 }, "homicide": { "senses": [ "The killing of one person by another, whether premeditated or unintentional", "A person who kills another", "a person who has been unlawfully killed by someone else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assassination", "killing", "first-degree murder", "assassin", "murder victim" ], "word": "homicide", "num_translations": 100 }, "belie1": { "senses": [ "To tell lies about", "to slander", "To give a false representation of, to misrepresent", "To contradict, to show to be false", "To conceal the contradictory or ironic presence of", "To show, evince, demonstrate: to show to be present, particularly something deemed contradictory or ironic", "To mimic", "to counterfeit", "To fill with lies" ], "antonyms": [ "reveal", "disclose" ], "synonyms": [ "misrepresent", "calumniate", "contradict" ], "word": "belie", "num_translations": 29 }, "commotion": { "senses": [ "A state of turbulent motion", "An agitated disturbance or a hubbub", "Sexual excitement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:commotion" ], "word": "commotion", "num_translations": 51 }, "brickandmortar": { "senses": [ "Buildings and property for the conduct of business, particularly in the sale of retail goods to the general public" ], "antonyms": [ "online", "internet" ], "synonyms": [ "physical", "traditional", "old-fashioned" ], "word": "brickandmortar", "num_translations": 10 }, "rapist": { "senses": [ "A person who has committed rape" ], "antonyms": [ "nonrapist", "rapee" ], "synonyms": [ "raper" ], "word": "rapist", "num_translations": 79 }, "lucid": { "senses": [ "clear", "easily understood", "mentally rational", "sane", "bright, luminous, translucent or transparent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clear", "coherent", "brilliant", "glowing", "clear" ], "word": "lucid", "num_translations": 77 }, "lubricate": { "senses": [ "To make slippery or smooth by applying a lubricant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lube" ], "word": "lubricate", "num_translations": 37 }, "divan": { "senses": [ "A couch- or sofa-like piece of furniture made of a mattress lying against the wall and either on the floor or an elevated structure", "A Muslim council of state, such as that of viziers of the Ottoman Empire that discussed and recommended new laws and law changes to a higher authority", "A collection of poems, especially one written by one author in Arabic or Persian", "A council chamber with cushioned seats", "A court of justice", "Any council or assembly", "A smoking-room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "divan", "num_translations": 71 }, "monosaccharide": { "senses": [ "A simple sugar such as glucose, fructose or deoxyribose that has a single ring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monosugar", "simple sugar" ], "word": "monosaccharide", "num_translations": 27 }, "super-": { "senses": [ "above, over, or upon", "superior in size, quality, number, degree, status, title, or position", "inclusive", "supersymmetry", "superhero" ], "antonyms": [ "infra-", "sub-" ], "synonyms": [ "supra-", "hyper-" ], "word": "super-", "num_translations": 28 }, "tetrahydrocannabinol": { "senses": [ "The psychoactive substance present in cannabis, a hydrogenated derivative of cannabinol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "THC" ], "word": "tetrahydrocannabinol", "num_translations": 33 }, "mermaid": { "senses": [ "A mythological creature with a woman's head and upper body, and a tail of a fish", "Coloured a brilliant turquoise", "A prostitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mergirl", "hooker" ], "word": "mermaid", "num_translations": 123 }, "neglect": { "senses": [ "To fail to care for or attend to something", "To omit to notice", "to forbear to treat with attention or respect", "to slight", "To fail to do or carry out something due to oversight or carelessness" ], "antonyms": [ "care", "consider" ], "synonyms": [ "let slide", "disregard", "fail" ], "word": "neglect", "num_translations": 97 }, "neglect1": { "senses": [ "Habitual lack of care" ], "antonyms": [ "consideration", "notice", "regard" ], "synonyms": [ "carelessness", "negligence" ], "word": "neglect", "num_translations": 35 }, "highlight": { "senses": [ "An area or a spot in a drawing, painting, or photograph that is strongly illuminated", "An especially significant or interesting detail or event or period of time", "A strand or spot of hair dyed a different color than the rest" ], "antonyms": [ "lowlight" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "highlight", "num_translations": 29 }, "highlight1": { "senses": [ "To make prominent", "emphasize", "To mark , eg with a fluorescent marker pen or in a wordprocessor, as a means of memory retention or for later reference", "To dye a different color than the rest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "highlight", "num_translations": 61 }, "fluorescent": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to fluorescence", "Exhibiting or produced by fluorescence", "Emitting visible light as a result of the excitation of phosphors by ultraviolet photons produced by the passage of an electrical current through an inert gas infused with mercury", "Glowing as if with fluorescence", "vivid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fluorescent", "num_translations": 12 }, "crank1": { "senses": [ "A bent piece of an axle or shaft, or an attached arm perpendicular, or nearly so, to the end of a shaft or wheel, used to impart a rotation to a wheel or other mechanical device", "also used to change circular into reciprocating motion, or reciprocating into circular motion", "Any bend, turn, or winding, as of a passage", "An ill-tempered or nasty person", "A twist or turn of the mind", "caprice", "whim", "crotchet", "also, a fit of temper or passion", "A person who is considered strange or odd by others They may behave in unconventional ways", "A baseball fan", "An advocate of a pseudoscience movement", "synonym of \"methamphetamine\"", "A twist or turn in speech", "a conceit consisting in a change of the form or meaning of a word", "A sick person", "an invalid", "A penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crank", "num_translations": 67 }, "crank2": { "senses": [ "To turn", "to behave unreasonably and irritably, especially through complaining", "To be running at a high level of output or effort", "To run with a winding course", "to double", "to crook", "to wind and turn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crank", "num_translations": 13 }, "succession": { "senses": [ "An act of following in sequence", "A sequence of things in order", "A passing of royal powers", "A group of rocks or strata that succeed one another in chronological order", "A race or series of descendants", "Rotation, as of crops", "A right to take possession", "In Roman and Scots law, the taking of property by one person in place of another", "The person who succeeds to rank or office", "a successor or heir" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:posteriority", "Thesaurus:sequence" ], "word": "succession", "num_translations": 46 }, "frequently": { "senses": [ "At frequent intervals", "For infinitely many terms of the sequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as often as not" ], "word": "frequently", "num_translations": 34 }, "cartilage": { "senses": [ "A type of dense, non-vascular connective tissue, usually found at the end of joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, in the throat and between intervertebral disks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gristle" ], "word": "cartilage", "num_translations": 111 }, "acquiescent": { "senses": [ "willing to acquiesce, accept or agree to something without objection, protest or resistance", "resting satisfied or submissive", "disposed tacitly to submit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "complicit" ], "word": "acquiescent", "num_translations": 12 }, "antibody": { "senses": [ "A protein produced by B-lymphocytes that binds to a specific antigen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "immunoglobulin" ], "word": "antibody", "num_translations": 39 }, "echidna": { "senses": [ "Any of the species of small spined monotremes in family Tachyglossidae, the four extant species of which are found in Australia and southern New Guinea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spiny anteater" ], "word": "echidna", "num_translations": 58 }, "acetaminophen": { "senses": [ "A white crystalline compound used in medicine as an anodyne to relieve pain and reduce fever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paracetamol", "para-acetylaminophenol", "tylenol" ], "word": "acetaminophen", "num_translations": 16 }, "wily": { "senses": [ "sly, cunning, full of tricks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wily" ], "word": "wily", "num_translations": 47 }, "stifle1": { "senses": [ "To interrupt or cut off", "To repress, keep in or hold back", "To smother or suffocate", "To feel smothered etc", "To die of suffocation", "To treat a silkworm cocoon with steam as part of the process of silk production" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:die", "hinder" ], "word": "stifle", "num_translations": 100 }, "dowry": { "senses": [ "Payment, such as property or money, paid by the bride's family to the groom or his family at the time of marriage", "Payment by the groom or his family to the bride's family: bride price", "Dower", "A natural gift or talent" ], "antonyms": [ "dower", "bride price" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dowry", "num_translations": 91 }, "vesicle": { "senses": [ "A membrane-bound compartment found in a cell", "A small bladder-like cell or cavity", "a vesicula", "A small sac or cyst or vacuole, especially one containing fluid A blister formed in or beneath the skin, containing serum A bleb", "A pocket of embryonic tissue that is the beginning of an organ", "A small cavity formed in volcanic rock by entrapment of a gas bubble during solidification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vesicle", "num_translations": 27 }, "whitebloodcell": { "senses": [ "A type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response, or part of the immune system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leukocyte", "white blood corpuscle", "white cell", "Thesaurus:white blood cell" ], "word": "whitebloodcell", "num_translations": 63 }, "catabolism": { "senses": [ "Destructive metabolism, usually including the release of energy and breakdown of materials" ], "antonyms": [ "anabolism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "catabolism", "num_translations": 21 }, "ethanol": { "senses": [ "A simple aliphatic alcohol formally derived from ethane by replacing one hydrogen atom with a hydroxyl group: CH3-CH2-OH", "Specifically, this alcohol as a fuel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alcohol", "ethyl alcohol", "ethyl hydrate", "ethyl hydroxide", "ethylol", "monohydroxyethane", "grain alcohol", "E1510" ], "word": "ethanol", "num_translations": 39 }, "vulnerable": { "senses": [ "More or most likely to be exposed to the chance of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally", "More likely to be exposed to malicious programs or viruses" ], "antonyms": [ "durable" ], "synonyms": [ "defenceless" ], "word": "vulnerable", "num_translations": 49 }, "schooner": { "senses": [ "A sailing ship with two or more masts, all with fore-and-aft sails", "if two masted, having a foremast and a mainmast", "A glass of beer, of a size which varies between states", "A large goblet or drinking glass, used for lager or ale", "A covered wagon used by emigrants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "schooner", "num_translations": 70 }, "chill": { "senses": [ "A moderate, but uncomfortable and penetrating coldness", "A sudden penetrating sense of cold, especially one that causes a brief trembling nerve response through the body", "the trembling response itself", "An uncomfortable and numbing sense of fear, dread, anxiety, or alarm, often one that is sudden and usually accompanied by a trembling nerve response resembling the body's response to biting cold", "An iron mould or portion of a mould, serving to cool rapidly, and so to harden, the surface of molten iron brought in contact with it", "The hardened part of a casting, such as the tread of a carriage wheel", "A lack of warmth and cordiality", "unfriendliness", "Calmness", "equanimity", "A sense of style", "trendiness", "savoir faire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chill", "num_translations": 54 }, "chill2": { "senses": [ "to lower the temperature of something", "to cool", "to become cold", "to harden a metal surface by sudden cooling", "to become hard by rapid cooling", "to relax, lie back", "to \"hang\", hang out", "to smoke marijuana", "to discourage, depress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chill", "num_translations": 50 }, "chilly": { "senses": [ "Cold enough to cause discomfort", "Feeling uncomfortably cold", "Distant and cool", "unfriendly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "chilly", "num_translations": 58 }, "firstclass": { "senses": [ "Belonging to the best or top group in a system of classification", "Of, or relating to the most luxurious and expensive class of accommodation on a train, ship, hotel, etc", "Of, or relating to a class of mail to be delivered before second class", "Great, very enjoyable", "Of, or relating to a treatment like that for a first-class citizen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "firstclass", "num_translations": 33 }, "getout": { "senses": [ "To leave or escape", "to be released from, especially a hospital or prison", "To come out of a situation", "to escape a fate", "To remove one's money from an investment", "to end an investment", "To help someone leave", "To leave a vehicle such as a car", "To become known", "To spend free time out of the house", "To publish something, or make a product available", "To say something with difficulty", "To eliminate", "To take something from its container" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exit", "remove", "transpire", "remove", "take out" ], "word": "getout", "num_translations": 53 }, "propriety": { "senses": [ "The particular character or essence of someone or something", "individuality", "A characteristic", "an attribute", "A piece of land owned by someone", "someone's property", "More generally, something owned by someone", "a possession", "The fact of possessing something", "ownership", "Correct language or pronunciation", "Suitability, fitness", "the quality of being appropriate", "Correctness in behaviour and morals", "good manners, seemliness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "propriety", "num_translations": 47 }, "unravel": { "senses": [ "To separate the threads", "disentangle", "To become separated", "to come apart", "To clear from complication or difficulty", "to unfold", "to solve", "To separate the connected or united parts of", "to throw into disorder", "to confuse", "To become undone", "to collapse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disentangle", "solve" ], "word": "unravel", "num_translations": 76 }, "valence": { "senses": [ "An extract", "a preparation, now especially one effective against a certain number of strains of a pathogen", "The combining capacity of an atom, radical or functional group determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, gain, or share when it combines with other atoms etc", "The number of binding sites of a molecule, such as an antibody or antigen", "The number of arguments that a verb can have, including its subject, ranging from zero to three or, less commonly, four", "A one-dimensional value assigned to an object, situation, or state, that can usually be positive or negative", "Value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "valence", "num_translations": 36 }, "unfold": { "senses": [ "To undo a folding", "To turn out", "to happen", "to develop", "To reveal", "To open", "to lay open to view or contemplation", "to bring out in all the details, or by successive development", "To release from a fold or pen" ], "antonyms": [ "fold" ], "synonyms": [ "expose" ], "word": "unfold", "num_translations": 38 }, "physiological": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to physiology", "Relating to the action of a drug when given to a healthy person, as distinguished from its therapeutic action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "physiologic" ], "word": "physiological", "num_translations": 24 }, "therapeutic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to therapy", "Having a positive effect on the body or mind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "therapeutical", "curative", "remedial" ], "word": "therapeutic", "num_translations": 28 }, "regenerate": { "senses": [ "To construct or create anew, especially in an improved manner", "To revitalize", "To replace lost or damaged tissue", "To become reconstructed", "To undergo a spiritual rebirth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regenerate", "num_translations": 29 }, "separation": { "senses": [ "The act of disuniting two or more things, or the condition of being separated", "The act or condition of two or more people being separated from one another", "The act or condition of a married couple living in separate homes while remaining legally married", "The place at which a division occurs", "An interval, gap or space that separates things or people", "An object that separates two spaces", "Departure from active duty, while not necessarily leaving the service entirely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "separation", "num_translations": 57 }, "relocation": { "senses": [ "The act of moving from one place to another", "Renewal of a lease", "The assigning of addresses to variables either at linkage editing, or at run time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "move" ], "word": "relocation", "num_translations": 16 }, "sustain": { "senses": [ "To maintain, or keep in existence", "To provide for or nourish", "To encourage or sanction", "To experience or suffer", "To confirm, prove, or corroborate", "to uphold", "To keep from falling", "to bear", "to uphold", "to support", "To aid, comfort, or relieve", "to vindicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sustain", "num_translations": 42 }, "modifier": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, modifies", "A word, phrase, or clause that limits or qualifies the sense of another word or phrase", "A keyword that qualifies the meaning of other code" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "qualifier" ], "word": "modifier", "num_translations": 31 }, "multiply": { "senses": [ "To increase the amount, degree or number of", "To perform multiplication on", "To grow in number", "To breed or propagate", "To perform multiplication", "To be a factor in a multiplication with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manifold" ], "word": "multiply", "num_translations": 133 }, "limnology": { "senses": [ "The science concerning the biological, physical and geological properties of fresh water bodies, especially lakes and ponds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freshwater" ], "word": "limnology", "num_translations": 27 }, "largely": { "senses": [ "In a widespread or large manner", "For the most part", "mainly or chiefly", "On a large scale", "amply", "Fully, at great length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by and large", "abundantly", "at length" ], "word": "largely", "num_translations": 17 }, "typically": { "senses": [ "In a typical or common manner", "In an expected or customary manner" ], "antonyms": [ "atypically" ], "synonyms": [ "commonly", "ordinarily" ], "word": "typically", "num_translations": 18 }, "typical": { "senses": [ "Capturing the overall sense of a thing", "Characteristically representing something by form, group, idea or type", "Normal, average", "to be expected" ], "antonyms": [ "atypical" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:common" ], "word": "typical", "num_translations": 36 }, "forbear": { "senses": [ "To keep away from", "to avoid", "to abstain from", "To refrain from proceeding", "to pause", "to delay", "To refuse", "to decline", "to withsay", "to unheed", "To control oneself when provoked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forbear", "num_translations": 34 }, "kilt1": { "senses": [ "A traditional Scottish garment, usually worn by men, having roughly the same morphology as a wrap-around skirt, with overlapping front aprons and pleated around the sides and back, and usually made of twill-woven worsted wool with a tartan pattern", "A plaid, pleated school uniform skirt sometimes structured as a wrap around, sometimes pleated throughout the entire circumference", "also used as boys' wear in 19th century USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "filibeg" ], "word": "kilt", "num_translations": 26 }, "picturesque": { "senses": [ "Resembling or worthy of a picture or painting", "having the qualities of a picture or painting", "pleasingly beautiful", "Strikingly graphic or vivid", "having striking and vivid imagery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quaint", "scenic" ], "word": "picturesque", "num_translations": 42 }, "meritorious": { "senses": [ "Deserving of merit or commendation", "deserving reward" ], "antonyms": [ "immeritorious" ], "synonyms": [ "meedful", "meritious" ], "word": "meritorious", "num_translations": 17 }, "tremendous": { "senses": [ "awe-inspiring", "terrific", "Notable for its size, power, or excellence", "Extremely large or great" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "tremendous", "num_translations": 41 }, "suture": { "senses": [ "A seam formed by sewing two edges together, especially to join pieces of skin in surgically treating a wound", "Thread used to sew or stitch two edges together", "An area where separate terrane join together along a major fault", "A type of fibrous joint bound together by Sharpey's fibres which only occurs in the skull", "A seam or line, such as that between the segments of a crustacean, between the whorls of a univalve shell, or where the elytra of a beetle meet", "The seam at the union of two margins in a plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suture", "num_translations": 38 }, "hypertension": { "senses": [ "The disease or disorder of abnormally high blood pressure" ], "antonyms": [ "hypotension" ], "synonyms": [ "high blood pressure" ], "word": "hypertension", "num_translations": 33 }, "hypotension": { "senses": [ "The disease or disorder of abnormally low blood pressure" ], "antonyms": [ "hypertension" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hypotension", "num_translations": 27 }, "believer": { "senses": [ "A person who believes", "especially regarding religion" ], "antonyms": [ "infidel", "non-believer", "unbeliever" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "believer", "num_translations": 65 }, "ruling1": { "senses": [ "An order or a decision on a point of law from someone in authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commandment" ], "word": "ruling", "num_translations": 10 }, "democratic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to democracy", "favoring democracy, or constructed upon the principle of government by the people", "Relating to a political party so called", "Exhibiting social equality, egalitarian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "democratic", "num_translations": 55 }, "margin": { "senses": [ "The edge of the paper, typically left blank when printing but sometimes used for annotations etc", "The edge or border of any flat surface", "The edge defining inclusion in or exclusion from a set or group", "A difference or ratio between results, characteristics, scores", "A permissible difference", "allowing some freedom to move within limits", "The yield or profit", "the selling price minus the cost of production", "Collateral security deposited with a broker, to compensate the broker in the event of loss in the speculative buying and selling of stocks, wheat, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "margin", "num_translations": 50 }, "drive-in1": { "senses": [ "An outdoor cinema where movies are projected onto a large screen and patrons watch from inside their vehicles, listening either by a speaker or a designated radio frequency", "A drive-through restaurant where patrons remain in their vehicles and order food and beverages via a speaker phone", "the meal is delivered to one's vehicle by a carhop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drive-in cinema", "drive-in restaurant" ], "word": "drive-in", "num_translations": 14 }, "primarily": { "senses": [ "Of a primary or central nature, first and foremost" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by and large" ], "word": "primarily", "num_translations": 29 }, "etruscan": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the region and culture of Etruria, a pre-Roman civilization in Italy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Etrurian" ], "word": "Etruscan", "num_translations": 24 }, "etruscan1": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of ancient Etruria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Etrurian" ], "word": "Etruscan", "num_translations": 32 }, "bloodvessel": { "senses": [ "A component of the circulatory system, such as an artery, capillary, or vein, that carries blood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "edder" ], "word": "bloodvessel", "num_translations": 92 }, "emergency": { "senses": [ "A situation which poses an immediate risk and which requires urgent attention", "The department of a hospital that treats emergencies", "An individual brought in at short notice to replace a member of staff, a player in a sporting team, etc", "The quality of being emergent", "sudden or unexpected appearance", "an unforeseen occurrence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ER" ], "word": "emergency", "num_translations": 93 }, "extracellular": { "senses": [ "Occurring or found outside of a cell" ], "antonyms": [ "intracellular" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "extracellular", "num_translations": 12 }, "mimic": { "senses": [ "To imitate, especially in order to ridicule", "To take on the appearance of another, for protection or camouflage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:imitate" ], "word": "mimic", "num_translations": 23 }, "songbird": { "senses": [ "A bird having a melodious song or call" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oscine" ], "word": "songbird", "num_translations": 32 }, "imitate": { "senses": [ "To follow as a model or a pattern", "to make a copy, counterpart or semblance of" ], "antonyms": [ "create" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:imitate" ], "word": "imitate", "num_translations": 54 }, "extinct": { "senses": [ "Extinguished, no longer alight", "No longer used", "obsolete, discontinued", "No longer in existence", "having died out", "No longer active" ], "antonyms": [ "burning", "extant", "active" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obsolete", "Thesaurus:inexistent", "dead" ], "word": "extinct", "num_translations": 89 }, "immediately": { "senses": [ "In an immediate manner", "instantly or without delay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forthwith" ], "word": "immediately", "num_translations": 168 }, "response": { "senses": [ "An answer or reply, or something in the nature of an answer or reply", "The act of responding or replying", "An oracular answer", "A verse, sentence, phrase, or word said or sung by the choir or congregation in sequence or reply to the priest or officiant", "A versicle or anthem said or sung during or after a lection", "a respond or responsory", "A reply to an objection in formal disputation", "An online advertising performance metric representing one click-through from an online ad to its destination URL", "A reaction to a stimulus or provocation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reaction" ], "word": "response", "num_translations": 58 }, "boston": { "senses": [ "town/and/borough co/Lincolnshire cc/England", "The > and largest > of >, the informal capital of >, and the > of >", "named for the town in England", "city s/Georgia c/US", "town s/Indiana", "named for the city in Massachusetts", "town s/New York", "named for the city in Massachusetts", "town p/KwaZulu-Natal c/South Africa", "town s/South Australia", "municipality c/Philippines", "village county/County Clare c/Ireland", "village c/Kyrgyzstan", "neighborhood of city/Louisville s/Kentucky", "CDP county/Nelson County s/Kentucky", "CDP s/Pennsylvania", "CDP county/Accomack County s/Virginia", "settlement c/Belize", "settlement c/Suriname", "unincorporated community/county seat co/Bowie County s/Texas", "unincorporated community county/Belmont County s/Ohio", "unincorporated community county/Highland County s/Ohio", "named for the city in Massachusetts", "unincorporated community county/Licking County s/Ohio", "unincorporated community county/Summit County s/Ohio", "named for its township, itself named for the city in Massachusetts", "unincorporated community s/Missouri", "named for the city in Massachusetts", "unincorporated community county/Culpeper and Rappahannock counties s/Virginia", "An eighteenth-century trick-taking card game for four players, with two packs of fifty-two cards each", "surname transferred from the place name", "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Beantown" ], "word": "Boston", "num_translations": 39 }, "slough2": { "senses": [ "A muddy or marshy area", "A type of swamp or shallow lake system, typically formed as or by the backwater of a larger waterway, similar to a bayou with trees", "A secondary channel of a river delta, usually flushed by the tide", "A state of depression", "A small pond, often alkaline, many but not all formed by glacial potholes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slough", "num_translations": 15 }, "harass": { "senses": [ "To fatigue or to tire with repeated and exhausting efforts", "To annoy endlessly or systematically", "to molest", "To put excessive burdens upon", "to subject to anxieties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hassle", "harry", "chivy", "chevy", "beset", "plague", "molest", "provoke" ], "word": "harass", "num_translations": 61 }, "desktoppublishing": { "senses": [ "The use of page layout software on a desktop computer to produce publishable documents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "DTP" ], "word": "desktoppublishing", "num_translations": 12 }, "mature": { "senses": [ "Fully developed", "grown up in terms of physical appearance, behaviour or thinking", "ripe", "Brought to a state of complete readiness", "Profound", "careful", "Come to, or in a state of, completed suppuration", "Suitable for adults only, due to sexual themes, violence, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "childish", "superficial" ], "synonyms": [ "adult", "adultish", "adult" ], "word": "mature", "num_translations": 66 }, "mature1": { "senses": [ "To proceed toward maturity: full development or completion", "To bring to maturity, full development or completion", "to gain experience or wisdom with age", "To reach the date when payment is due" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mature", "num_translations": 31 }, "maturity": { "senses": [ "The state of being mature, ready or ripe", "When bodily growth has completed and/or reproduction can begin", "The state of a debt obligation at the end of the term of maturation thereof, once all interest and any applicable fees have accrued to the principal", "Date when payment is due" ], "antonyms": [ "na\u00efvet\u00e9", "immaturity" ], "synonyms": [ "matureness", "ripeness", "adulthood", "due date" ], "word": "maturity", "num_translations": 52 }, "reproduction": { "senses": [ "The act of reproducing new individuals biologically", "The act of making copies", "A copy of something, as in a piece of art", "a duplicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "procreation", "repro" ], "word": "reproduction", "num_translations": 77 }, "imprison": { "senses": [ "To put in or as if in prison", "confine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bang up", "gaol", "lock up", "put away", "send to the Tower", "Thesaurus:imprison" ], "word": "imprison", "num_translations": 64 }, "intrigue": { "senses": [ "A complicated or clandestine plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice", "conspiracy", "stratagem", "The plot of a play, poem or romance", "the series of complications in which a writer involves their imaginary characters", "Clandestine intercourse between persons", "illicit intimacy", "a liaison or affair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intrigue", "num_translations": 33 }, "intrigue1": { "senses": [ "To conceive or carry out a secret plan intended to harm", "to form a plot or scheme", "To arouse the interest of", "to fascinate", "To have clandestine or illicit intercourse", "To fill with artifice and duplicity", "to complicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intrigue", "num_translations": 38 }, "pasture": { "senses": [ "Land, specifically, an open field, on which livestock is kept for feeding", "Ground covered with grass or herbage, used or suitable for the grazing of livestock", "Food, nourishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leasow" ], "word": "pasture", "num_translations": 92 }, "extrapolate": { "senses": [ "To infer by extending known information", "To estimate the value of a variable outside a known range from values within that range by assuming that the estimated value follows logically from the known ones" ], "antonyms": [ "interpolate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "extrapolate", "num_translations": 25 }, "hydrate1": { "senses": [ "To take up, consume or become linked to water", "To drink water", "To load data from a database record into an object's variables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewater" ], "word": "hydrate", "num_translations": 11 }, "distinguish": { "senses": [ "To recognize someone or something as different from others based on its characteristics", "To see someone or something clearly or distinctly", "To make oneself noticeably different or better from others through accomplishments", "To make to differ" ], "antonyms": [ "confuse" ], "synonyms": [ "differentiate", "discriminate", "Thesaurus:tell apart" ], "word": "distinguish", "num_translations": 66 }, "tradition": { "senses": [ "A part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation, possibly differing in detail from family to family, such as the way to celebrate holidays", "A commonly held system", "The act of delivering into the hands of another", "delivery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doctrine" ], "word": "tradition", "num_translations": 172 }, "merge": { "senses": [ "To combine into a whole", "To combine into a whole", "To blend gradually into something else" ], "antonyms": [ "divide", "split" ], "synonyms": [ "amalgamate", "combine", "conflate", "fuse", "integrate", "unite" ], "word": "merge", "num_translations": 72 }, "cross-platform": { "senses": [ "Of software, etc, designed to work on various operating systems", "That takes place between two trains in different platforms, usually across an island platform" ], "antonyms": [ "single-platform" ], "synonyms": [ "multiplatform" ], "word": "cross-platform", "num_translations": 17 }, "aniline": { "senses": [ "The simplest aromatic amine, C6H5NH2, synthesized by the reduction of nitrobenzene", "it is a colourless oily basic poisonous liquid used in the manufacture of dyes and pharmaceuticals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aminobenzene", "phenylamine" ], "word": "aniline", "num_translations": 15 }, "cellulose": { "senses": [ "A complex carbohydrate that forms the main constituent of the cell wall in most plants and is important in the manufacture of numerous products, such as paper, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and explosives", "A polysaccharide containing many glucose units in parallel chains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E460" ], "word": "cellulose", "num_translations": 46 }, "transmit": { "senses": [ "To send or convey something from one person, place or thing to another", "To spread or pass on something such as a disease or a signal", "To impart, convey or hand down something by inheritance or heredity", "To communicate news or information", "To convey energy or force through a mechanism or medium", "To send out a signal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oversend" ], "word": "transmit", "num_translations": 32 }, "nugget": { "senses": [ "A small, compact chunk or clump", "A tidbit of something valuable", "A small piece of tasty food, a tidbit", "A type of boot polish", "A bud from the Cannabis sativa plant, especially one that is potent", "An inexperienced, newly trained fighter pilot", "A partial description gleaned from data mining" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nugget", "num_translations": 25 }, "scorch": { "senses": [ "A slight or surface burn", "A discolouration caused by heat", "Brown discoloration on the leaves of plants caused by heat, lack of water or by fungi" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "singe" ], "word": "scorch", "num_translations": 12 }, "scorch1": { "senses": [ "To burn the surface of something so as to discolour it", "To wither, parch or destroy something by heat or fire, especially to make land or buildings unusable to an enemy", "To move at high speed", "To burn", "to destroy by, or as by, fire", "To attack with bitter sarcasm or virulence", "To ride a bicycle furiously on a public highway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scorch", "num_translations": 66 }, "animus": { "senses": [ "The basic impulses and instincts which govern one's actions", "A feeling of enmity, animosity or ill will", "The masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bad blood" ], "word": "animus", "num_translations": 10 }, "holding": { "senses": [ "Something that one owns, especially stocks and bonds", "A determination of law made by a court", "A tenure", "a farm or other estate held of another", "That which holds, binds, or influences", "Logic", "consistency", "The burden or chorus of a song" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "holding", "num_translations": 10 }, "traditionally": { "senses": [ "In a traditional manner", "From the beginning" ], "antonyms": [ "nontraditionally", "untraditionally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "traditionally", "num_translations": 20 }, "castaway1": { "senses": [ "A shipwrecked sailor", "A discarded person or thing", "An outcast", "someone cast out of a group or society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:outcast" ], "word": "castaway", "num_translations": 33 }, "homophobe": { "senses": [ "A person who is prejudiced against homosexuals and homosexuality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heterosexist" ], "word": "homophobe", "num_translations": 31 }, "rocket": { "senses": [ "An ace", "An angry communication to a subordinate", "A blunt lance head used in jousting", "Something that shoots high in the air", "A stupid or crazy person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rocket", "num_translations": 209 }, "salvation": { "senses": [ "The process of being saved, the state of having been saved", "The process of being restored or made new for the purpose of becoming saved", "the process of being rid of the old poor quality conditions and becoming improved" ], "antonyms": [ "damnation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "salvation", "num_translations": 107 }, "cramp": { "senses": [ "A painful contraction of a muscle which cannot be controlled", "That which confines or contracts", "a restraint", "a shackle", "a hindrance", "A clamp for carpentry or masonry", "A piece of wood having a curve corresponding to that of the upper part of the instep, on which the upper leather of a boot is stretched to give it the requisite shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cramp", "num_translations": 56 }, "cramp1": { "senses": [ "To contract painfully and uncontrollably", "To prohibit movement or expression of", "To bind together", "to unite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cramp", "num_translations": 35 }, "minstrel": { "senses": [ "A medieval traveling entertainer who would sing and recite poetry, often to his own musical accompaniment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bard" ], "word": "minstrel", "num_translations": 28 }, "invade": { "senses": [ "To move into", "To enter by force in order to conquer", "To infest or overrun", "To attack", "to infringe", "to encroach on", "to violate", "To make an unwelcome or uninvited visit or appearance, usually with an intent to cause trouble or some other unpleasant situation" ], "antonyms": [ "evade" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "invade", "num_translations": 81 }, "recite": { "senses": [ "To repeat aloud , often before an audience", "To list or enumerate something", "To deliver a recitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "declaim", "tabulate" ], "word": "recite", "num_translations": 61 }, "rating1": { "senses": [ "A position on a scale", "An evaluation of status, especially of financial status", "A number, letter, or other mark that refers to the ability of something", "A seaman in a warship", "The status of a seaman, corresponding to rank in officers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rating", "num_translations": 22 }, "runs": { "senses": [ "plural of \"run\"", "Diarrhea/diarrhoea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diarrh(o)ea" ], "word": "runs", "num_translations": 11 }, "litotes": { "senses": [ "An ironic figure of speech whereby something is stated by denying its opposite, particularly the negation of a negative quality to say something positive" ], "antonyms": [ "See", "hyperbole" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "litotes", "num_translations": 19 }, "camaraderie": { "senses": [ "Close friendship in a group of friends or teammates", "A spirit of familiarity and closeness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chumminess", "comradery", "comradeship", "comradeliness" ], "word": "camaraderie", "num_translations": 36 }, "pleasurable": { "senses": [ "That gives pleasure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nice" ], "word": "pleasurable", "num_translations": 14 }, "travesty": { "senses": [ "An absurd or grotesque misrepresentation", "A parody or stylistic imitation", "A grossly inferior imitation", "An appalling version of something" ], "antonyms": [ "veracity" ], "synonyms": [ "caricature", "feign" ], "word": "travesty", "num_translations": 14 }, "crucible": { "senses": [ "A cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment used to contain chemical compounds when heating them to very high temperatures", "A heat-resistant container in which metals are melted, usually at temperatures above 500\u00b0C, commonly made of graphite with clay as a binder", "The bottom and hottest part of a blast furnace", "the hearth", "A very difficult and trying experience, that acts as a refining or hardening process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crucible", "num_translations": 76 }, "impetus": { "senses": [ "Something that impels", "a stimulating factor", "A force, either internal or external, that impels", "an impulse", "The force or energy associated with a moving body", "a stimulus", "An activity in response to a stimulus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impetus", "num_translations": 57 }, "auricle": { "senses": [ "The outer ear or pinna", "An ear-shaped appendage of the left or right atrium of the heart", "An atrium, the smaller of the two types of chamber in the heart", "Any appendage in the shape of an earlobe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pinna" ], "word": "auricle", "num_translations": 15 }, "propose": { "senses": [ "To suggest a plan, course of action, etc", "To ask for a person's hand in marriage", "To intend", "To talk", "to converse", "To set forth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "propose", "num_translations": 94 }, "flog": { "senses": [ "To whip or scourge someone or something as punishment", "To use something to extreme", "to abuse", "To sell something", "To steal something", "To defeat easily or convincingly", "To exploit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:whip" ], "word": "flog", "num_translations": 47 }, "insuperable": { "senses": [ "Impossible to achieve or overcome or be negotiated", "Overwhelming or insurmountable" ], "antonyms": [ "superable" ], "synonyms": [ "unsuperable" ], "word": "insuperable", "num_translations": 10 }, "cloaca": { "senses": [ "A sewer", "The duct in reptiles, amphibians and birds, as well as most fish and some mammals, which serves as the common outlet for urination, defecation, and reproduction", "An outhouse or lavatory", "A duct through which gangrenous material escapes a body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sewer", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "cloaca", "num_translations": 27 }, "luminous": { "senses": [ "emitting light", "glowing brightly", "brightly illuminated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beamful", "lighted" ], "word": "luminous", "num_translations": 32 }, "molotovcocktail": { "senses": [ "A crude incendiary bomb made from a glass bottle, either filled with a flammable liquid such as petroleum and supplied with a rag for a fuse that is lit just before being hurled, or filled with such a mix of flammable liquids that it ignites itself when it is smashed and its contents are exposed to air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mollie", "Molotov" ], "word": "Molotovcocktail", "num_translations": 43 }, "ashore": { "senses": [ "On the land as opposed to onboard", "On, or towards the shore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aland" ], "word": "ashore", "num_translations": 20 }, "onboard": { "senses": [ "On or in a means of transportation", "Joining in or participating", "Agreeing or supporting", "Into itself or oneself" ], "antonyms": [ "off board" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "onboard", "num_translations": 12 }, "athwart": { "senses": [ "From side to side", "across", "Across the path", "Wrongly", "perplexingly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "athwart", "num_translations": 11 }, "intheoffing": { "senses": [ "Within the area of the sea known as the offing", "at a considerable distance from land, but visible from shore, often in reference to an approaching ship", "Soon to come", "likely to happen", "in the foreseeable future", "projected to occur", "on the horizon", "in the wind", "At a distance, but visible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imminent" ], "word": "intheoffing", "num_translations": 12 }, "heads1": { "senses": [ "plural of \"head\"", "That part of older sailing ships forward of the forecastle and around the beak, used by the crew as their lavatory", "still used as the word for toilets on a ship", "The side of a coin that bears the picture of the head of state or similar", "clipping of \"headphones\"", "Draft scheme of a bill before it is formally introduced to a parliament", "Tiles laid at the eaves of a house" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heads", "num_translations": 15 }, "extravagance": { "senses": [ "Excessive or superfluous expenditure of money", "Prodigality, as of anger, love, expression, imagination, or demands" ], "antonyms": [ "frugality", "economize", "moderation" ], "synonyms": [ "lavishness", "profusion", "wildness", "irregularity", "excess", "prodigality", "waste", "unreasonableness", "recklessness" ], "word": "extravagance", "num_translations": 18 }, "brothel": { "senses": [ "A house of prostitution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "academy", "bawdy-house", "bordello", "cathouse", "crib", "disorderly house", "house of ill fame", "house of ill reputation", "house of ill repute", "knocking shop", "leaping house", "lupanar", "massage parlour", "nunnery", "pushing school", "red house", "sauna", "sporting house", "vaulting school", "whorehouse", "Thesaurus:brothel" ], "word": "brothel", "num_translations": 198 }, "watershed": { "senses": [ "The topographical boundary dividing two adjacent catchment basins, such as a ridge or a crest", "A region of land within which water flows down into a specified body, such as a river, lake, sea, or ocean", "a drainage basin", "A critical point marking a change in course or development", "The time after which material of more adult nature may be broadcast on television or radio, either one laid down or one contrived" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water parting", "catchment basin", "safe harbor", "turning point" ], "word": "watershed", "num_translations": 43 }, "synthetic": { "senses": [ "of, or relating to synthesis", "produced by synthesis instead of being isolated from a natural source", "artificial, not genuine", "pertaining to the joining of bound morphemes in a word", "of a language, having a grammar principally dependent on the use of bound morphemes to indicate syntactic relationships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "synthetic", "num_translations": 46 }, "console": { "senses": [ "A stand-alone cabinet designed to stand on the floor", "especially, one that houses home entertainment equipment, such as a TV or stereo system", "A cabinet that controls, instruments, and displays are mounted upon", "An instrument with displays and an input device that is used to monitor and control an electronic system", "A storage tray or container mounted between the seats of an automobile", "An ornamental member jutting out of a wall to carry a superincumbent weight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "console", "num_translations": 29 }, "console1": { "senses": [ "To comfort in a time of grief, disappointment, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comfort" ], "word": "console", "num_translations": 53 }, "solace": { "senses": [ "Comfort or consolation in a time of loneliness or distress", "A source of comfort or consolation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comfort", "consolation", "relief", "support", "compassion" ], "word": "solace", "num_translations": 55 }, "solace1": { "senses": [ "comfort", "cheer", "console", "To allay or assuage", "To take comfort", "to be cheered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solace", "num_translations": 19 }, "consortium": { "senses": [ "An association or combination of businesses, financial institutions, or investors, for the purpose of engaging in a joint venture", "A similar arrangement among non-commercial institutions or organizations", "An association or society", "The right of a spouse to all the normal relationships with his or her mate", "A group of symbiotic microbes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "consortium", "num_translations": 32 }, "hydrogenbomb": { "senses": [ "A thermonuclear bomb that derives its destructive power from the fusion of isotopes of hydrogen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fusion bomb", "H-bomb", "thermonuclear bomb" ], "word": "hydrogenbomb", "num_translations": 58 }, "valiant": { "senses": [ "Showing courage or determination", "brave, heroic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orped", "valorous" ], "word": "valiant", "num_translations": 51 }, "vehement": { "senses": [ "Showing strong feelings", "passionate", "forceful or intense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "full-throated", "swith" ], "word": "vehement", "num_translations": 39 }, "vibrate": { "senses": [ "To shake with small, rapid movements to and fro", "To resonate", "To brandish", "to swing to and fro", "To mark or measure by moving to and fro", "To affect with vibratory motion", "to set in vibration", "To please or impress someone", "To use vibrato" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vibrate", "num_translations": 34 }, "afterlife": { "senses": [ "Life after death", "The place believed to be inhabited by deceased people" ], "antonyms": [ "forelife" ], "synonyms": [ "hereafter", "hereafter" ], "word": "afterlife", "num_translations": 82 }, "institute": { "senses": [ "An organization founded to promote a cause", "An institution of learning", "a college, especially for technical subjects", "The building housing such an institution", "The act of instituting", "institution", "The person to whom an estate is first given by destination or limitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "institute", "num_translations": 79 }, "institute1": { "senses": [ "To begin or initiate", "to found", "To train, instruct", "To nominate", "to appoint", "To invest with the spiritual charge of a benefice, or the care of souls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "institute", "num_translations": 20 }, "engage": { "senses": [ "To interact socially", "To interact antagonistically", "To interact contractually", "To interact mechanically", "To enter into , to participate", "To entangle" ], "antonyms": [ "disengage" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "engage", "num_translations": 76 }, "trinket": { "senses": [ "A small showy ornament or piece of jewelry", "A thing of little value", "a trifle", "a toy", "A three-cornered sail formerly carried on a ship's foremast, probably on a lateen yard", "A knife", "a cutting tool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:trinket", "Thesaurus:trifle" ], "word": "trinket", "num_translations": 55 }, "morrow": { "senses": [ "The next or following day", "Morning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tomorrow", "morn" ], "word": "morrow", "num_translations": 21 }, "standing1": { "senses": [ "Erect, not cut down", "Performed from an erect position", "Remaining in force or status", "Stagnant", "not moving or flowing", "Not transitory", "not liable to fade or vanish", "lasting", "Not movable", "fixed" ], "antonyms": [ "moving" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "standing", "num_translations": 11 }, "standing2": { "senses": [ "Position or reputation in society or a profession", "Duration", "The act of a person who stands, or a place where someone stands", "The position of a team in a league or of a player in a list", "room in which to park a vehicle or vehicles", "The right of a party to bring a legal action, based on the relationship between that party and the matter to which the action relates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "standing", "num_translations": 20 }, "interview": { "senses": [ "An official face-to-face meeting of monarchs or other important figures", "Any face-to-face meeting, especially of an official nature", "A conversation in person between a journalist and someone whose opinion or statements he or she wishes to record for publication, broadcast etc", "A formal meeting, in person, for the assessment of a candidate or applicant", "An audition", "A police interrogation of a suspect or party in an investigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "interview", "num_translations": 147 }, "intention": { "senses": [ "The goal or purpose behind a specific action or set of actions", "Tension", "straining, stretching", "A stretching or bending of the mind toward an object or a purpose", "closeness of application", "fixedness of attention", "earnestness", "The object toward which the thoughts are directed", "end", "aim", "Any mental apprehension of an object", "The process of the healing of a wound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intention" ], "word": "intention", "num_translations": 98 }, "descent": { "senses": [ "An instance of descending", "act of coming down", "A way down", "A sloping passage or incline", "Lineage or hereditary derivation", "A drop to a lower status or condition", "decline", "A falling upon or invasion" ], "antonyms": [ "ascent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "descent", "num_translations": 87 }, "irate": { "senses": [ "Extremely angry", "wrathful", "enraged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "furious", "infuriated", "sore", "Thesaurus:angry" ], "word": "irate", "num_translations": 16 }, "phoneticalphabet": { "senses": [ "A writing system used for transcribing the sounds of human speech into writing", "A list of standard words used instead of letter names to spell words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spelling alphabet" ], "word": "phoneticalphabet", "num_translations": 22 }, "resin": { "senses": [ "A viscous hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees", "Any of various yellowish viscous liquids or soft solids of plant origin", "used in lacquers, varnishes and many other applications", "chemically they are mostly hydrocarbons, often polycyclic", "Any synthetic compound of similar properties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "resin", "num_translations": 142 }, "elder": { "senses": [ ": older, greater than another in age or seniority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geriatric" ], "word": "elder", "num_translations": 41 }, "elder1": { "senses": [ "An older person or an older member, usually a leader, of some community", "One who is older than another", "One who lived at an earlier period", "a predecessor", "An officer of a church, sometimes having teaching responsibilities", "A clergyman authorized to administer all the sacraments", "One ordained to the lowest office in the Melchizedek priesthood", "Male missionary", "Title for a male missionary", "title for a general authority", "A pagan or Heathen priest or priestess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eld", "antecessor" ], "word": "elder", "num_translations": 85 }, "elder3": { "senses": [ "A small tree, Sambucus nigra, having white flowers in a cluster, and edible purple berries", "Any of the other species of the genus Sambucus: small trees, shrubs or herbaceous perennials with red, purple, or white/yellow berries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black elder" ], "word": "elder", "num_translations": 103 }, "responsibility": { "senses": [ "The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable", "The state of being liable, culpable, or responsible for something in particular", "A duty, obligation or liability for which someone is held accountable", "The obligation for the proper custody, care, and safekeeping of property or funds entrusted to the possession or supervision of an individual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "responsibleness" ], "word": "responsibility", "num_translations": 137 }, "erectiledysfunction": { "senses": [ "The inability of a man to obtain or sustain an erection Abbreviation: ED" ], "antonyms": [ "priapism" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:erectile dysfunction" ], "word": "erectiledysfunction", "num_translations": 24 }, "multiple": { "senses": [ "More than one", "Having more than one element, part, component, or function, having more than one instance, occurring more than once, usually contrary to expectations" ], "antonyms": [ "paucal" ], "synonyms": [ "manifold", "plural" ], "word": "multiple", "num_translations": 46 }, "multiple1": { "senses": [ "A whole number that can be divided by another number with no remainder", "Price-earnings ratio", "One of a set of the same thing", "a duplicate", "A chain store", "A discovery resulting from the work of many people throughout history, not merely the work of the person who makes the final connection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "multiple", "num_translations": 26 }, "promote": { "senses": [ "To raise to a more important, responsible, or remunerative job or rank", "To advocate or urge on behalf of", "to attempt to popularize or sell by means of advertising or publicity", "To encourage, urge or incite", "To elevate to a higher league", "To increase the activity of by changing its surface structure", "To exchange for a queen or other piece when it reaches the eighth rank", "To move on to a subsequent stage of education" ], "antonyms": [ "demote", "denigrate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "promote", "num_translations": 61 }, "congress": { "senses": [ "The two legislative bodies of the United States: the House of Representatives and the Senate", "A two-year session of these bodies, commencing after a Federal election and ending before the next one", "village s/Ohio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Capitol Hill" ], "word": "Congress", "num_translations": 15 }, "merry": { "senses": [ "Jolly and full of high spirits", "Festive and full of fun and laughter", "Brisk", "Causing laughter, mirth, gladness, or delight", "drunk", "tipsy" ], "antonyms": [ "miserable" ], "synonyms": [ "cheerful", "content", "ecstatic", "exultant", "gay", "happy", "jovial", "joyful", "pleased", "Thesaurus:happy", "convivial", "energetic", "delightful", "lushy" ], "word": "merry", "num_translations": 68 }, "latinalphabet": { "senses": [ "The 26-letter alphabet consisting of the following letters :" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Latin script", "abbreviations: Latn" ], "word": "Latinalphabet", "num_translations": 57 }, "reasonable": { "senses": [ "Having the faculty of reason", "rational, reasoning", "Just", "fair", "agreeable to reason", "Not excessive or immoderate", "within due limits", "proper", "Not expensive", "fairly priced", "Satisfactory" ], "antonyms": [ "arbitrary", "unreasonable" ], "synonyms": [ "reasonous" ], "word": "reasonable", "num_translations": 68 }, "periodical": { "senses": [ "A publication issued regularly, but less frequently than daily", "A regularly issued thematic publication that contains the most current information in its field, often the primary means for communication of original scholarship or creative work at the cutting edge of research in its field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "serial" ], "word": "periodical", "num_translations": 35 }, "shrewd": { "senses": [ "Showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters", "Artful, tricky or cunning", "Streetwise", "Knowledgeable, intelligent, keen", "Nigh accurate", "Severe, intense, hard", "Sharp, snithy, piercing", "Bad, evil, threatening", "Portending, boding", "Noxious, scatheful, mischievous", "Abusive, shrewish", "Scolding, satirical, sharp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shrewd", "num_translations": 115 }, "severe": { "senses": [ "Very bad or intense", "Strict or harsh", "Sober, plain in appearance, austere" ], "antonyms": [ "mild", "minor", "lenient" ], "synonyms": [ "brutal", "extreme", "hard", "harsh", "intense", "rigorous", "serious", "heavy" ], "word": "severe", "num_translations": 93 }, "brutal": { "senses": [ "Savagely violent, vicious, ruthless, or cruel", "Crude or unfeeling in manner or speech", "Harsh", "unrelenting", "Disagreeably precise or penetrating", "In extreme metal, to describe the speed of the music and the density of riffs" ], "antonyms": [ "gentle", "kind" ], "synonyms": [ "barbaric", "cold-blooded", "savage", "vicious" ], "word": "brutal", "num_translations": 39 }, "slightly": { "senses": [ "Slenderly", "delicately", "To a small extent or degree" ], "antonyms": [ "quite" ], "synonyms": [ "a little" ], "word": "slightly", "num_translations": 56 }, "lacticacid": { "senses": [ "2-hydroxy-propanoic acid , a syrupy liquid, soluble in water", "found in milk, wine and many fruits", "used as a food additive and in many industrial applications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E270", "lactonic acid", "milk acid", "2-hydroxypropanoic acid" ], "word": "lacticacid", "num_translations": 29 }, "soluble": { "senses": [ "Able to be dissolved", "Able to be solved or explained" ], "antonyms": [ "insoluble", "insoluble" ], "synonyms": [ "dissolvable", "solvable" ], "word": "soluble", "num_translations": 28 }, "naturally": { "senses": [ "In a natural manner", "Inherently or by nature", "Surely or without any doubt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genuinely", "essentially", "absolutely" ], "word": "naturally", "num_translations": 72 }, "oxidation": { "senses": [ "The combination of a substance with oxygen" ], "antonyms": [ "reduction", "deoxidation", "deoxy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "oxidation", "num_translations": 41 }, "reduction": { "senses": [ "The act, process, or result of reducing", "The amount or rate by which something is reduced, eg in price", "A reaction in which electrons are gained and valence is reduced", "often by the removal of oxygen or the addition of hydrogen", "The process of rapidly boiling a sauce to concentrate it", "The rewriting of an expression into a simpler form", "An arrangement for a far smaller number of parties, eg a keyboard solo based on a full opera", "A philosophical procedure intended to reveal the objects of consciousness as pure phenomena", "A medical procedure to restore a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment" ], "antonyms": [ "elevation", "addition", "oxidation" ], "synonyms": [ "decline", "extract" ], "word": "reduction", "num_translations": 69 }, "ballast": { "senses": [ "Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship , to provide stability", "Anything that steadies emotion or the mind", "Coarse gravel or similar material laid to form a bed for roads or railroads, or in making concrete", "A material, such as aggregate or precast concrete pavers, which employs its mass and the force of gravity to hold single-ply roof membranes in place", "device used for stabilizing current in an electric circuit", "That which gives, or helps to maintain, uprightness, steadiness, and security" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ballast", "num_translations": 78 }, "gravel": { "senses": [ "Small fragments of rock, used for laying on the beds of roads and railways, and as ballast", "A type or grade of small rocks, differentiated by mineral type, size range, or other characteristics", "A particle from 2 to 64 mm in diameter, following the Wentworth scale", "Kidney stones", "a deposit of small calculous concretions in the kidneys and the urinary or gall bladder", "also, the disease of which they are a symptom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chisel", "stones" ], "word": "gravel", "num_translations": 85 }, "tumultuous": { "senses": [ "Characterized by loud, confused noise", "Causing or characterized by tumult", "chaotic, disorderly, turbulent" ], "antonyms": [ "untumultuous", "see", "see" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tumultuous", "num_translations": 58 }, "oortcloud": { "senses": [ "A roughly spherical region of space from 50,000 to 100,000 astronomical units from the sun", "supposedly the source of most comets around the Solar System" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u00d6pik-Oort Cloud" ], "word": "OortCloud", "num_translations": 17 }, "expected": { "senses": [ "Anticipated", "thought to be about to arrive or occur" ], "antonyms": [ "unexpected", "surprising", "unlikely" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "expected", "num_translations": 22 }, "presume": { "senses": [ "With infinitive object: to be so presumptuous as without proper authority or permission", "To perform, do without authority", "to lay claim to without permission", "To assume or suggest to be true", "to take for granted, to suppose", "To be presumptuous", "with on, upon, to take advantage , to take liberties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:suppose" ], "word": "presume", "num_translations": 33 }, "liberty": { "senses": [ "The condition of being free from control or restrictions", "The condition of being free from imprisonment, slavery or forced labour", "The condition of being free to act, believe or express oneself as one chooses", "Freedom from excessive government control", "A short period when a sailor is allowed ashore", "A breach of social convention", "A local division of government administration in medieval England", "an empty space next to a group of stones of the same color" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freedom" ], "word": "liberty", "num_translations": 98 }, "impeachment": { "senses": [ "The act of calling into question or challenging the accuracy or propriety of something", "The state of being impeached", "Hindrance", "impediment", "obstruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impeachment", "num_translations": 45 }, "inclination": { "senses": [ "A physical tilt or bend", "A slant or slope", "A mental tendency", "The angle of intersection of a reference plane", "A person or thing loved or admired" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incline", "leaning" ], "word": "inclination", "num_translations": 81 }, "geometric": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to geometry", "Using simple shapes such as circles, triangles and lines in a decorative object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geometrical", "geometrical" ], "word": "geometric", "num_translations": 32 }, "deference": { "senses": [ "Great respect", "The willingness to carry out the wishes of others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "honor", "respect" ], "word": "deference", "num_translations": 48 }, "pastel": { "senses": [ "Any of several subdued tints of colors, usually associated with pink, peach, yellow, green, blue and lavender", "A drawing made with any of those colors", "A type of dried paste used to make crayons", "A crayon made from such a paste", "Woad" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pastel", "num_translations": 30 }, "dissolute": { "senses": [ "Unrestrained by morality", "Recklessly abandoned to sensual pleasures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "debauched" ], "word": "dissolute", "num_translations": 24 }, "overwhelm": { "senses": [ "To engulf, surge over and submerge", "To overpower, crush", "To overpower emotionally", "To cause to surround, to cover" ], "antonyms": [ "underwhelm" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overwhelm", "num_translations": 93 }, "disrobe": { "senses": [ "to undress someone or something", "to undress oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dismantle", "divest", "strip", "unclothe", "uncover", "undress", "strip", "get undressed" ], "word": "disrobe", "num_translations": 22 }, "flaccid": { "senses": [ "Flabby", "Soft", "floppy", "Lacking energy or vigor" ], "antonyms": [ "erect", "firm", "turgid" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "flaccid", "num_translations": 50 }, "fleeting": { "senses": [ "Passing quickly", "of short duration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ephemeral", "Thesaurus:ephemeral" ], "word": "fleeting", "num_translations": 61 }, "treatment": { "senses": [ "The process or manner of treating someone or something", "Medical care for an illness or injury", "The use of a substance or process to preserve or give particular properties to something", "A treatise", "a formal written description or characterization of a subject", "A brief, third-person, present-tense summary of a proposed film", "entertainment", "treat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "treatment", "num_translations": 122 }, "fecund": { "senses": [ "Highly fertile", "able to produce offspring", "Leading to new ideas or innovation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fertile", "fertile" ], "word": "fecund", "num_translations": 29 }, "prominent": { "senses": [ "standing out, or projecting", "jutting", "protuberant", "likely to attract attention from its size or position", "conspicuous", "eminent", "distinguished above others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prominent", "num_translations": 93 }, "facade": { "senses": [ "The face of a building, especially the front view or elevation", "The face or front of any other thing, such as an organ", "A deceptive or insincere outward appearance", "a front" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "face", "appearance" ], "word": "facade", "num_translations": 80 }, "fabulous": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to fable, myth or legend", "Characteristic of fables", "marvelous, extraordinary, incredible", "Fictional or not believable", "made up", "Known for telling fables or falsehoods", "unreliable", "Very good", "outstanding, wonderful", "Gay or pertaining to gay people", "Camp, effeminate", "Fashionable, glamorous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:excellent", "Thesaurus:gay" ], "word": "fabulous", "num_translations": 82 }, "territory": { "senses": [ "A large extent or tract of land", "for example a region, country or district", "One of three of Canada's federated entities, located in the country's Arctic, with fewer powers than a province and created by an act of Parliament rather than by the Constitution: Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut", "A geographic area under control of a single governing entity such as state or municipality", "an area whose borders are determined by the scope of political power rather than solely by natural features such as rivers and ridges", "An area that an animal of a particular species consistently defends against its conspecifics", "The part of the playing field or board over which a player or team has control", "A geographic area that a person or organization is responsible for in the course of work", "A location or logical space which someone owns or controls", "A market segment or scope of professional practice over which an organization or type of practitioner has exclusive rights", "An area of subject matter, knowledge, or experience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "territory", "num_translations": 146 }, "gross": { "senses": [ "Highly or conspicuously offensive", "Excluding any deductions", "including all associated amounts", "Seen without a microscope", "at a large scale", "not detailed", "Causing disgust", "Lacking refinement in behaviour or manner", "offending a standard of morality", "Lacking refinement", "not of high quality", "Heavy in proportion to one's height", "having a lot of excess flesh", "Not sensitive in perception or feeling", "Difficult or impossible to see through", "Easy to perceive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obese" ], "word": "gross", "num_translations": 137 }, "tasmaniandevil": { "senses": [ "A medium-sized carnivorous marsupial with a vicious temperament and found exclusively on the island of Tasmania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sarcophiline" ], "word": "Tasmaniandevil", "num_translations": 38 }, "initially": { "senses": [ "At the beginning" ], "antonyms": [ "finally" ], "synonyms": [ "at first" ], "word": "initially", "num_translations": 27 }, "initial": { "senses": [ "Chronologically first, early", "of or pertaining to the beginning, cause or origin", "Spatially first, placed at the beginning, in the first position", "especially said of the first letter of a word" ], "antonyms": [ "final" ], "synonyms": [ "incipient", "opening" ], "word": "initial", "num_translations": 53 }, "initial1": { "senses": [ "The first letter of a word or a name", "In plural, the first letter of each word of a person's full name considered as a unit", "onset, part of a syllable that precedes the syllable nucleus in phonetics and phonology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drop cap" ], "word": "initial", "num_translations": 79 }, "controversial": { "senses": [ "Arousing controversy\u2014a debate or discussion of opposing opinions" ], "antonyms": [ "uncontroversial", "noncontroversial", "incontrovertible" ], "synonyms": [ "contentious", "contested" ], "word": "controversial", "num_translations": 77 }, "retired": { "senses": [ "Secluded from society", "private, quiet", "Of a place: far from civilisation, not able to be easily seen or accessed", "secluded", "Having left employment, especially on reaching pensionable age", "No longer in use or production" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "retired", "num_translations": 16 }, "cynical": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated only or primarily by base desires or selfishness", "Skeptical of the integrity, sincerity, or motives of others", "Bitterly or jadedly distrustful or contemptuous", "mocking", "Showing contempt for accepted moral standards by one's actions", "Like the actions of a snarling dog, especially in reference to facial nerve paralysis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cynical", "num_translations": 29 }, "heterocyclic": { "senses": [ "Having atoms of two or more different elements in at least one of its rings", "Having one or more atoms other than carbon in at least one of its rings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heterocyclical", "carboheterocyclic" ], "word": "heterocyclic", "num_translations": 14 }, "cyclic": { "senses": [ "Characterized by, or moving in cycles, or happening at regular intervals", "Having chains of atoms arranged in a ring", "Having parts arranged in a whorl", "Being generated by only one element", "Able to be inscribed in a circle" ], "antonyms": [ "acyclic" ], "synonyms": [ "periodic" ], "word": "cyclic", "num_translations": 48 }, "pyrrole": { "senses": [ "Any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds containing a ring of four carbon atoms and a nitrogen atom", "especially the simplest one, C4H5N" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "azole" ], "word": "pyrrole", "num_translations": 12 }, "fusion": { "senses": [ "The act of merging separate elements, or the result thereof" ], "antonyms": [ "fission" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fusion", "num_translations": 112 }, "triplepoint": { "senses": [ "The unique temperature and pressure at which the solid, liquid and gas phases of a substance are all in equilibrium", "A point where the incident shock wave, the reflected shock wave, the Mach stem, and one slipstream meet", "A point where a curve or surface intersects itself along three arcs", "The intersection of an occluded front, cold front, and warm front", "The point where two boundaries, such as a dry line, outflow boundary, or cold front, intersect", "A point where three plates intersect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "triplepoint", "num_translations": 12 }, "nuclearfusion": { "senses": [ "The combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones, with a resulting release of large quantities of energy", "the process that makes the sun shine, and hydrogen bomb explode" ], "antonyms": [ "nuclear fission" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nuclearfusion", "num_translations": 29 }, "extrinsic": { "senses": [ "external", "separable from the thing itself", "inessential", "not belonging to something", "outside" ], "antonyms": [ "intrinsic", "inherent" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:extrinsic" ], "word": "extrinsic", "num_translations": 16 }, "intrinsic": { "senses": [ "Innate, inherent, inseparable from the thing itself, essential", "Situated, produced, secreted in, or coming from inside an organ, tissue, muscle or member" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intrinsic", "Thesaurus:innate" ], "word": "intrinsic", "num_translations": 44 }, "quintessence": { "senses": [ "A thing that is the most perfect example of its type", "the most perfect embodiment of something", "epitome, prototype", "A pure substance", "The essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form", "The fifth alchemical element, or essence, after earth, air, fire, and water", "A hypothetical form of dark energy postulated to explain observations of an accelerating universe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:model", "Thesaurus:non-mixture", "Thesaurus:gist" ], "word": "quintessence", "num_translations": 36 }, "spindle": { "senses": [ "A rod used for spinning and then winding natural fibres , usually consisting of a shaft and a circular whorl positioned at either the upper or lower end of the shaft when suspended vertically from the forming thread", "A rod which turns, or on which something turns", "A rotary axis of a machine tool or power tool", "An upright spike for holding paper documents by skewering", "The fusee of a watch", "A yarn measure containing, in cotton yarn, 15,120 yards", "in linen yarn, 14,400 yards", "A solid generated by the revolution of a curved line about its base or double ordinate or chord", "Any marine univalve shell of the genus Tibia", "A cytoskeletal structure formed during mitosis", "a dragonfly, calque of Swedish sl\u00e4nda , introduced by New Sweden settlers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spindle tree" ], "word": "spindle", "num_translations": 148 }, "forklift": { "senses": [ "A small industrial vehicle with a power-operated fork-like pronged platform that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a load, often on pallets, to be lifted and moved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fork hoist", "fork truck", "forklift truck", "lift truck", "sideloader", "stacker-truck", "tow-motor", "trailer loader" ], "word": "forklift", "num_translations": 53 }, "hint": { "senses": [ "A clue", "A tacit suggestion that avoids a direct statement", "A small, barely detectable amount of", "An opportunity", "occasion", "fit time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "hint", "num_translations": 90 }, "hint1": { "senses": [ "To suggest tacitly without a direct statement", "to provide a clue", "To bring to mind by a slight mention or remote allusion", "to suggest in an indirect manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:allude" ], "word": "hint", "num_translations": 25 }, "wobble": { "senses": [ "An unsteady motion", "A tremulous sound", "A low-frequency oscillation sometimes used in dubstep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unsteady motion", "tremulous sound" ], "word": "wobble", "num_translations": 16 }, "wobble1": { "senses": [ "To move with an uneven or rocking motion, or unsteadily to and fro", "To tremble or quaver", "To vacillate in one's opinions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "move with an uneven or rocking motion", "quaver", "vacillate", "cause to wobble" ], "word": "wobble", "num_translations": 49 }, "gobble": { "senses": [ "To eat hastily or greedily", "to scoff or scarf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hork" ], "word": "gobble", "num_translations": 31 }, "pyrrhicvictory": { "senses": [ "A very costly victory, wherein the considerable losses outweigh the gain, so as to render the struggle not worth the cost" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hollow victory" ], "word": "Pyrrhicvictory", "num_translations": 30 }, "prorogue": { "senses": [ "To suspend or to discontinue the meetings of without formally ending the session", "To defer", "To prolong or extend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defer", "extend" ], "word": "prorogue", "num_translations": 17 }, "cleave": { "senses": [ "To split or sever something with, or as if with, a sharp instrument", "To break a single crystal along one of its more symmetrical crystallographic planes , forming facets on the resulting pieces", "To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting", "To split into simpler molecules", "To split", "Of a crystal, to split along a natural plane of division" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cleave", "num_translations": 101 }, "incircle": { "senses": [ "A circle within a polygon, especially a triangle, that is tangent to each side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inscribed circle" ], "word": "incircle", "num_translations": 18 }, "rebus": { "senses": [ "A kind of word puzzle which uses pictures to represent words or parts of words", "A pictorial suggestion on a coat of arms of the name of the person to whom it belongs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dingbat" ], "word": "rebus", "num_translations": 23 }, "gully": { "senses": [ "A trench, ravine or narrow channel which was worn by water flow, especially on a hillside", "A small valley", "A drop kerb", "A road drain", "A fielding position on the off side about 30 degrees behind square, between the slips and point", "a fielder in such a position", "A grooved iron rail or tram plate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gill" ], "word": "gully", "num_translations": 25 }, "wharf": { "senses": [ "A man-made landing place for ships on a shore or river bank", "The bank of a river, or the shore of the sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dock" ], "word": "wharf", "num_translations": 97 }, "stockcharacter": { "senses": [ "Any fictional character drawn from some stereotype who is instantly recognizable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "staple character" ], "word": "stockcharacter", "num_translations": 28 }, "dodgy": { "senses": [ "evasive and shifty", "unsound and unreliable", "dishonest", "risky", "deviant", "uncomfortable and weird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dodge", "shaky", "chancy" ], "word": "dodgy", "num_translations": 48 }, "highstreet": { "senses": [ "The main street of any town", "Mainstream shops, banks, etc that can be found on such a street, in contrast to more specialist shops and services", "Physical, bricks and mortar shops, in contrast to Internet shops" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Main Street", "bricks and mortar" ], "word": "highstreet", "num_translations": 67 }, "hosepipe": { "senses": [ "A flexible pipe for carrying water or other liquids", "a garden hose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garden hose" ], "word": "hosepipe", "num_translations": 15 }, "rigour": { "senses": [ "Severity or strictness", "Harshness, as of climate", "A trembling or shivering response", "Character of being unyielding or inflexible", "Shrewd questioning", "Higher level of difficulty", "misspelling of \"rigor\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rigour", "num_translations": 13 }, "monkeywrench": { "senses": [ "A wrench with an adjustable jaw", "An unexpected or troublesome problem, obstacle or dilemma" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gas grips", "adjustable spanner" ], "word": "monkeywrench", "num_translations": 25 }, "decilitre": { "senses": [ "An SI unit of fluid equal to 10\u22121 liters Symbol: dl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dl" ], "word": "decilitre", "num_translations": 17 }, "chump": { "senses": [ "An incompetent person, a blockhead", "a loser", "A gullible person", "a sucker", "someone easily taken advantage of", "someone lacking common sense", "The thick end, especially of a piece of wood or of a joint of meat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blockhead", "gull", "Thesaurus:dupe" ], "word": "chump", "num_translations": 35 }, "thwart3": { "senses": [ "To cause to fail", "to frustrate, to prevent", "To place across", "to position crosswise", "To hinder or obstruct by placing in the way of", "to block, to impede, to oppose", "To move across or counter to", "to cross" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thwart", "num_translations": 48 }, "thwart4": { "senses": [ "A seat across a boat on which a rower may sit", "A brace, perpendicular to the keel, that helps maintain the beam of a marine vessel against external water pressure and that may serve to support the rail", "a hindrance, an obstacle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thwart", "num_translations": 20 }, "gooseberry": { "senses": [ "A fruit, Ribes uva-crispa, related to the currant", "Any of several other plants that are not closely related but bear fruit in some way similar:", "A chaperone", "An additional person who is neither necessary nor wanted in a given situation", "A fool", "A fantastic story", "a tall tale", "a hoax", "A testicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goosegog", "third wheel", "Thesaurus:fool", "Thesaurus:testicles" ], "word": "gooseberry", "num_translations": 89 }, "disregard1": { "senses": [ "To ignore", "pay no attention to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misregard" ], "word": "disregard", "num_translations": 48 }, "outrageous": { "senses": [ "Violating morality or decency", "provoking indignation or affront", "Transgressing reasonable limits", "extravagant, immoderate", "Shocking", "exceeding conventional behaviour", "provocative", "Fierce, violent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outrageous", "num_translations": 50 }, "facetious": { "senses": [ "Treating serious issues with inappropriate humour", "flippant", "Pleasantly humorous", "jocular" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:witty" ], "word": "facetious", "num_translations": 35 }, "facilitate": { "senses": [ "To make easy or easier", "To help bring about", "To preside over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ease" ], "word": "facilitate", "num_translations": 69 }, "fallible": { "senses": [ "Capable of making mistakes or being wrong" ], "antonyms": [ "perfect", "infallible" ], "synonyms": [ "defective", "faulty", "faultful", "imperfect" ], "word": "fallible", "num_translations": 18 }, "falsify": { "senses": [ "To alter so as to make false", "to make incorrect", "To misrepresent", "To prove to be false", "To counterfeit", "to forge", "To show to be wrong", "To baffle or escape", "To violate", "to break by falsehood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "falsify", "num_translations": 54 }, "fashionable": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of or influenced by a current popular trend or style", "Established or favoured by custom or use", "current", "prevailing at a particular time", "genteel", "well-bred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "styleworthy" ], "word": "fashionable", "num_translations": 38 }, "faulty": { "senses": [ "Having or displaying faults", "not perfect", "not adequate or acceptable", "At fault, to blame", "guilty" ], "antonyms": [ "faultless" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "faulty", "num_translations": 22 }, "fiesta": { "senses": [ "A religious festival", "A festive occasion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celebration" ], "word": "fiesta", "num_translations": 15 }, "filthy": { "senses": [ "Covered with filth", "very dirty", "Obscene or offensive", "Very unpleasant or disagreeable" ], "antonyms": [ "covered with filth", "obscene" ], "synonyms": [ "sleazy", "gruesome" ], "word": "filthy", "num_translations": 94 }, "summary1": { "senses": [ "An abstract or a condensed presentation of the substance of a body of material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "upshot", "Thesaurus:summary" ], "word": "summary", "num_translations": 63 }, "summery": { "senses": [ "Relating to the summer", "Of weather, typical of summer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aestival", "summerish" ], "word": "summery", "num_translations": 30 }, "obedience": { "senses": [ "The quality of being obedient", "The collective body of persons subject to any particular authority", "A written instruction from the superior of an order to those under him", "Any official position under an abbot's jurisdiction" ], "antonyms": [ "disobedience", "violation", "control" ], "synonyms": [ "hearsomeness", "submission" ], "word": "obedience", "num_translations": 80 }, "muckabout": { "senses": [ "To do random unplanned work or spend time idly", "To attempt to do something with a piece of equipment without understanding how it works", "To be playful", "full of fun and high spirits", "to not treat the situation seriously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiddle around", "fool around", "fuck around", "mess about", "mess around", "muck around", "play around" ], "word": "muckabout", "num_translations": 15 }, "faultless": { "senses": [ "Without fault", "free from defect or error" ], "antonyms": [ "faulty", "faultful", "fallible" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:flawless" ], "word": "faultless", "num_translations": 43 }, "conversion": { "senses": [ "The act of converting something or someone", "A software product converted from one platform to another", "A chemical reaction wherein a substrate is transformed into a product", "A free kick, after scoring a try, worth two points", "An extra point scored by kicking a field goal or carrying the ball into the end zone after scoring a touchdown", "An online advertising performance metric representing a visitor performing whatever the intended result of an ad is defined to be", "Under the common law, the tort of the taking of someone's personal property with intent to permanently deprive them of it, or damaging property to the extent that the owner is deprived of the utility of that property, thus making the tortfeasor liable for the entire value of the property", "The process whereby a new word is created without changing the form, often by allowing the word to function as a new part of speech", "The act of turning round", "revolution", "rotation", "The act of interchanging the terms of a proposition, as by putting the subject in the place of the predicate, or vice versa", "A change or reduction of the form or value of a proposition" ], "antonyms": [ "deconversion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conversion", "num_translations": 48 }, "regalia": { "senses": [ "Royal rights, prerogatives and privileges actually enjoyed by any sovereign, regardless of his title", "The emblems, symbols, or paraphernalia indicative of royalty or any other sovereign status", "such as a crown, orb, sceptre or sword", "Decorations or insignia indicative of an office or membership of an order or society", "such as freemasonry", "Finery, magnificent dress, or lavish or flashy costume", "Sumptuous food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regalia", "num_translations": 13 }, "surround": { "senses": [ "To encircle something or simultaneously extend in all directions", "To enclose or confine something on all sides so as to prevent escape", "To pass around", "to travel about", "to circumnavigate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bebay", "beleaguer", "beset" ], "word": "surround", "num_translations": 116 }, "roundabout1": { "senses": [ "A road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island", "A horizontal wheel which rotates around a central axis when pushed and on which children ride, often found in parks as a children's play apparatus", "A fairground carousel", "A detour", "A short, close-fitting coat or jacket worn by men or boys, especially in the 19th century", "A round dance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "traffic circle", "merry-go-round" ], "word": "roundabout", "num_translations": 109 }, "obedient": { "senses": [ "Willing to comply with the commands, orders, or instructions of those in authority" ], "antonyms": [ "disobedient", "dominant" ], "synonyms": [ "hearsome", "dutiful" ], "word": "obedient", "num_translations": 81 }, "skip": { "senses": [ "To move by hopping on alternate feet", "To leap about lightly", "To skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface", "To throw , making it skim, ricochet, or bounce over a surface", "To disregard, miss or omit part of a continuation", "Not to attend", "To leave, especially in a sudden and covert manner", "To leap lightly over", "To jump rope", "To pass by a stitch as if it were not there, continuing with the next stitch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "play hookie" ], "word": "skip", "num_translations": 94 }, "skip2": { "senses": [ "A large open-topped container for waste, designed to be lifted onto the back of a truck to remove it along with its contents", "A transportation container in a mine, usually for ore or mullock", "A skep, or basket", "A wheeled basket used in cotton factories", "A charge of syrup in the pans", "A beehive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dumpster" ], "word": "skip", "num_translations": 17 }, "horrible1": { "senses": [ "Causing horror", "terrible", "shocking", "Tremendously bad" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frightening", "Thesaurus:bad" ], "word": "horrible", "num_translations": 75 }, "heterodoxy": { "senses": [ "The quality of being heterodox", "A heterodox belief, creed, or teaching" ], "antonyms": [ "orthodoxy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heterodoxy", "num_translations": 27 }, "inebriate1": { "senses": [ "To cause to be drunk", "to intoxicate", "To disorder the senses of", "to exhilarate, elate or stupefy as if by spirituous drink", "To become drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intoxicate" ], "word": "inebriate", "num_translations": 26 }, "intoxicate": { "senses": [ "To stupefy by doping with chemical substances such as alcohol", "To excite to enthusiasm or madness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drunken" ], "word": "intoxicate", "num_translations": 30 }, "dazzle": { "senses": [ "To confuse the sight of by means of excessive brightness", "To render incapable of thinking clearly", "to overwhelm with showiness or brilliance", "To be overpowered by light", "to be confused by excess of brightness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dazzle", "num_translations": 77 }, "incapable": { "senses": [ "Not capable", "unable", "Not in a state to receive", "not receptive", "not susceptible", "not able to admit" ], "antonyms": [ "capable" ], "synonyms": [ "unable", "refusing" ], "word": "incapable", "num_translations": 21 }, "unable": { "senses": [ "Not able", "lacking a certain ability" ], "antonyms": [ "able" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unable", "num_translations": 24 }, "disable": { "senses": [ "To render unable", "to take away an ability of, as by crippling", "To impair the physical or mental abilities of", "to cause a serious, permanent injury", "To deactivate, to make inoperational" ], "antonyms": [ "enable" ], "synonyms": [ "unable", "deactivate" ], "word": "disable", "num_translations": 125 }, "sleeveless": { "senses": [ "Of a garment, having no sleeves", "Wanting a cover, pretext, or palliation", "unreasonable", "profitless", "useless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sleeveless", "num_translations": 13 }, "impair": { "senses": [ "To weaken", "to affect negatively", "to have a diminishing effect on", "To grow worse", "to deteriorate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blunt" ], "word": "impair", "num_translations": 37 }, "heterogeneity": { "senses": [ "Diversity", "A composition of diverse parts", "The quality of a substance which is not uniform" ], "antonyms": [ "homogeneity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heterogeneity", "num_translations": 20 }, "heteronym": { "senses": [ "A word having the same spelling as another, but a different pronunciation and meaning", "A fictitious character created by an author for the purpose of writing in a different style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heterophone" ], "word": "heteronym", "num_translations": 24 }, "enhance": { "senses": [ "To lift, raise up", "To augment or make something greater", "To improve something by adding features", "To be raised up", "to grow larger", "To take up contrast agent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heighten", "Thesaurus:improve" ], "word": "enhance", "num_translations": 55 }, "willing": { "senses": [ "Ready to do something that is not a matter of course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agreeable" ], "word": "willing", "num_translations": 33 }, "squint": { "senses": [ "To look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight, or as a threatening expression", "To look or glance sideways", "To look with, or have eyes that are turned in different directions", "to suffer from strabismus", "To have an indirect bearing, reference, or implication", "to have an allusion to, or inclination towards, something", "To be not quite straight, off-centred", "to deviate from a true line", "to run obliquely", "To turn to an oblique position", "to direct obliquely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skelly" ], "word": "squint", "num_translations": 84 }, "squint1": { "senses": [ "An expression in which the eyes are partly closed", "The look of eyes which are turned in different directions, as in strabismus", "A quick or sideways glance", "A short look", "A hagioscope", "The angle by which the transmission signal is offset from the normal of a phased array antenna" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squint", "num_translations": 35 }, "strabismus": { "senses": [ "A defect of vision in which one eye cannot focus with the other on an object because of imbalance of the eye muscles", "a squint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cast-eye" ], "word": "strabismus", "num_translations": 20 }, "psychic": { "senses": [ "A person who possesses, or appears to possess, extra-sensory abilities such as precognition, clairvoyance and telepathy, or who appears to be susceptible to paranormal or supernatural influence", "A person who supposedly contacts the dead", "a medium", "In gnostic theologian Valentinus' triadic grouping of man the second type", "a person focused on intellectual reality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "psychic", "num_translations": 20 }, "intangible": { "senses": [ "incapable of being perceived by the senses", "incorporeal" ], "antonyms": [ "tangible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intangible", "num_translations": 29 }, "textmessage1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "text", "message", "SMS" ], "word": "textmessage", "num_translations": 10 }, "scam": { "senses": [ "A fraudulent deal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "con game", "Thesaurus:deception" ], "word": "scam", "num_translations": 61 }, "scam1": { "senses": [ "To defraud or embezzle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "con" ], "word": "scam", "num_translations": 27 }, "maundythursday": { "senses": [ "The Thursday before Easter, which commemorates the Last Supper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Covenant Thursday", "Great and Holy Thursday", "Green Thursday", "Holy Thursday", "Sheer Thursday", "Thursday of Mysteries" ], "word": "MaundyThursday", "num_translations": 44 }, "piechart": { "senses": [ "A pictorial graph in the shape of a circle, with segments representing related proportions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circle graph", "pie-gram" ], "word": "piechart", "num_translations": 16 }, "commemorate": { "senses": [ "To honour the memory of someone or something with a ceremony or object", "To serve as a memorial to someone or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "memorialize" ], "word": "commemorate", "num_translations": 27 }, "newmoon": { "senses": [ "The phase of the moon when it is in conjunction with the sun", "The moon when it is in conjunction with the sun", "The phase of the moon when it is waxing", "The moon when it is waxing" ], "antonyms": [ "full moon", "full moon", "old moon", "old moon" ], "synonyms": [ "waxing moon", "waxing moon" ], "word": "newmoon", "num_translations": 93 }, "excel": { "senses": [ "To surpass someone or something", "to be better or do better than someone or something", "To be much better than others", "To exceed, to go beyond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "better", "rock", "exceed" ], "word": "excel", "num_translations": 70 }, "tanker": { "senses": [ "A tank ship, a vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid", "A tank truck", "A tank car", "Member of a tank crew, or of an armoured unit", "A longboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tankman", "trooper", "zipperhead" ], "word": "tanker", "num_translations": 62 }, "gill": { "senses": [ "a breathing organ of fish and other aquatic animals", "one of the radial folds on the underside of the cap of a mushroom, on the surface of which the spore-producing organs are borne", "the fleshy flap that hangs below the beak of a fowl", "a wattle", "the flesh under or about the chin", "a wattle", "one of the combs of closely ranged steel pins which divide the ribbons of flax fiber or wool into fewer parallel filaments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gill", "num_translations": 112 }, "palmsunday": { "senses": [ "The sixth Sunday in Lent, the Sunday before Easter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Branch Sunday" ], "word": "PalmSunday", "num_translations": 40 }, "easteregg": { "senses": [ "A dyed or decorated egg, traditionally associated with Easter and, in the Western European tradition, sometimes hidden for children to find", "A chocolate confection in the shape of an egg, sometimes with chocolates or sweets inside", "An undocumented function hidden in a program or video game, typically triggered by a particular input sequence or combination of keystrokes", "Any image, feature, or other content that is hidden on a video disc or in a movie, trailer, or poster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pysanka", "Pasch egg" ], "word": "Easteregg", "num_translations": 94 }, "easterbunny": { "senses": [ "A symbolic rabbit sometimes depicted delivering Easter eggs to children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Easter Rabbit" ], "word": "EasterBunny", "num_translations": 27 }, "maltesecross": { "senses": [ "A cross having four equal arms resembling arrowheads joined at the points", "A flowering plant Lychnis chalcedonica of the family Caryophyllaceae", "A position on the rings where the gymnast's body is horizontal and straight, with arms to the side", "a horizontal planche", "A Geneva wheel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burning love", "dusky salmon", "flower of Bristol", "Jerusalem cross", "nonesuch" ], "word": "Maltesecross", "num_translations": 13 }, "hull": { "senses": [ "The outer covering of a fruit or seed", "Any covering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outer covering of fruit or seed" ], "word": "hull", "num_translations": 40 }, "hull1": { "senses": [ "To remove the outer covering of a fruit or seed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to remove hull of a fruit or seed" ], "word": "hull", "num_translations": 25 }, "hull2": { "senses": [ "The body or frame of a vessel, such as a ship or plane", "The smallest set that possesses a particular property and contains every point of A", "slightly more formally, the intersection of all sets which possess the specified property and of which A is a subset" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fuselage", "span" ], "word": "hull", "num_translations": 40 }, "backwater": { "senses": [ "The water held back by a dam or other obstruction", "A remote place", "somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc", "A rowing stroke in which the oar is pushed forward to stop the boat", "see back water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jerkwater town", "Thesaurus:remote place" ], "word": "backwater", "num_translations": 32 }, "paucity": { "senses": [ "Fewness in number", "too few", "A smallness in size or amount that is insufficient", "meagerness, dearth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fewness", "dearth" ], "word": "paucity", "num_translations": 37 }, "baleen": { "senses": [ "formerly used in corsetry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whalebone" ], "word": "baleen", "num_translations": 20 }, "takethepiss": { "senses": [ "To tease, ridicule or mock", "To subject those present to teasing, ridicule or mockery, or to show contempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take the mickey" ], "word": "takethepiss", "num_translations": 10 }, "squaremetre": { "senses": [ "A standard unit of area equal to the area of a square whose sides are one metre long Symbol: m2" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "m\u00b2" ], "word": "squaremetre", "num_translations": 47 }, "penname": { "senses": [ "A fictitious name used by an author in place of their actual name", "a writer's pseudonym" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nom de plume" ], "word": "penname", "num_translations": 31 }, "beaufortscale": { "senses": [ "An empirical measure for the intensity of the wind based mainly on the state of the sea or wave conditions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Beaufort wind force scale" ], "word": "Beaufortscale", "num_translations": 45 }, "fighterplane": { "senses": [ "A military aircraft primarily designed to attack enemy aircraft Frequently shortened to fighter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fighter" ], "word": "fighterplane", "num_translations": 45 }, "retrieve": { "senses": [ "To regain or get back something", "To rescue", "To salvage something", "To remedy or rectify something", "To remember or recall something", "To fetch or carry back something", "To fetch and bring in game", "To fetch and bring in game systematically", "To fetch or carry back systematically, notably as a game", "To make a difficult but successful return of the ball", "To remedy the evil consequence of, to repair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "retrieve", "num_translations": 112 }, "fume": { "senses": [ "A gas or vapour/vapor that is strong-smelling or dangerous to inhale", "A material that has been vaporized from the solid or liquid state to the gas state and re-coalesced to the solid state", "Rage or excitement which deprives the mind of self-control", "Anything unsubstantial or airy", "idle conceit", "vain imagination", "The incense of praise", "inordinate flattery", "A passionate person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fume", "num_translations": 22 }, "fume1": { "senses": [ "specifically, to expose wood, etc, to ammonia in order to produce dark tints", "To apply or offer incense to", "To express or feel great anger", "To be as in a mist", "to be dulled and stupefied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fume", "num_translations": 34 }, "frizz": { "senses": [ "Of hair, to form into a mass of tight curls", "To curl", "To form into little burs, knobs, or tufts, as the nap of cloth", "To make soft and of even thickness by rubbing, as with pumice stone or a blunt instrument", "To fry, cook, or sear with a sizzling noise", "to sizzle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frizz", "num_translations": 10 }, "baffle": { "senses": [ "To publicly disgrace, especially of a recreant knight", "To hoodwink or deceive", "To bewilder completely", "to confuse or perplex", "To foil", "to thwart", "To struggle in vain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "baffle", "num_translations": 46 }, "perplex": { "senses": [ "To cause to feel baffled", "to puzzle", "To involve", "to entangle", "to make intricate or complicated", "To plague", "to vex", "to torment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:confuse" ], "word": "perplex", "num_translations": 17 }, "understanding": { "senses": [ "The act of one that understands or comprehends", "comprehension", "knowledge", "discernment", "Reason or intelligence, ability to grasp the full meaning of knowledge, ability to infer", "Opinion, judgement or outlook", "An agreement of minds", "harmony", "something mutually understood or agreed upon", "Sympathy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "understanding", "num_translations": 105 }, "misleading": { "senses": [ "Deceptive or tending to mislead or create a false impression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mistakable", "confusing" ], "word": "misleading", "num_translations": 40 }, "whitsun": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Whitsuntide", "Whitweek", "Pentecost" ], "word": "Whitsun", "num_translations": 10 }, "quarrelsome": { "senses": [ "Argumentative", "fond of or prone to quarreling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:quarrelsome" ], "word": "quarrelsome", "num_translations": 48 }, "quarterfinal": { "senses": [ "One of the four competitions in a knockout tournament whose winners go on to play in the two semifinals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "last eight", "quarter" ], "word": "quarterfinal", "num_translations": 25 }, "questionable": { "senses": [ "Problematic", "open to doubt or challenge", "Of dubious respectability or morality", "Inviting questions", "inviting inquiry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "questionable", "num_translations": 54 }, "quicklime": { "senses": [ "Calcium oxide, which is produced by heating limestone and gives slaked lime on treatment with water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burnt lime" ], "word": "quicklime", "num_translations": 54 }, "tonicwater": { "senses": [ "A carbonated beverage containing quinine, originally used as a prophylactic against malaria, and now mainly used as a mixer in gin and tonic and other cocktails" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Indian tonic water" ], "word": "tonicwater", "num_translations": 23 }, "ginandtonic": { "senses": [ "A glass of the above" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "G and T", "G&T" ], "word": "ginandtonic", "num_translations": 11 }, "quintet": { "senses": [ "A composition in five parts", "A group of five musicians, fit to play such a piece of music together", "Any group of five members" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pentad" ], "word": "quintet", "num_translations": 59 }, "fully": { "senses": [ "In a full manner", "without lack or defect", "In a full degree", "to a full extent", "As a minimum", "at least" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "completely", "entirely", "maturely", "plentifully", "abundantly", "plenteously", "copiously", "largely", "amply", "sufficiently", "perfectly" ], "word": "fully", "num_translations": 57 }, "removal": { "senses": [ "The process of moving, or the fact of being removed", "The relocation of a business etc", "The dismissal of someone from office", "An evening funeral ritual in which the coffin holding the deceased is brought, usually from a funeral home, to the church where the funeral mass will be celebrated the following day Prayers are said before and after the journey, after which mourners are typically received at the home of the deceased", "Murder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "move" ], "word": "removal", "num_translations": 45 }, "mankind": { "senses": [ "The human race in its entirety", "Men collectively, as opposed to all women", "Human feelings", "humanity" ], "antonyms": [ "womankind" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:humankind" ], "word": "mankind", "num_translations": 123 }, "pavetheway": { "senses": [ "To make future progress or development easier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grease the wheels", "set the stage" ], "word": "pavetheway", "num_translations": 17 }, "lee": { "senses": [ "A protected cove or harbor, out of the wind", "The side of the ship away from the wind", "A sheltered place, especially a place protected from the wind by some object", "the side sheltered from the wind", "shelter", "protection" ], "antonyms": [ "stoss", "weather", "windward" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lee", "num_translations": 26 }, "programming": { "senses": [ "The designing, scheduling or planning of a radio or television program/programme", "brain-washing", "The act of writing a computer program", "The software that controls a machine, or the logic expressed in such software", "operating instructions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "programming", "num_translations": 40 }, "canofworms": { "senses": [ "A complex, troublesome situation arising when a decision or action produces considerable subsequent problems", "A troublesome situation", "an issue whose resolution is difficult or contentious but not necessarily complex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kettle of fish", "Pandora's box" ], "word": "canofworms", "num_translations": 12 }, "obvious": { "senses": [ "Easily discovered, seen, or understood", "self-explanatory" ], "antonyms": [ "unobvious", "non-obvious", "subtle" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obvious" ], "word": "obvious", "num_translations": 93 }, "oblivious": { "senses": [ "Lacking awareness", "unmindful", "unaware, unconscious of", "Failing to remember", "forgetful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "oblivious", "num_translations": 53 }, "oblivion": { "senses": [ "The state of forgetting completely, of being oblivious, unconscious, unaware, as when sleeping, drunk, or dead", "The state of being completely forgotten, of being reduced to a state of non-existence, extinction, or nothingness, incl through war and destruction for an area like hell, a wasteland", "Amnesty" ], "antonyms": [ "resurrection" ], "synonyms": [ "forgetness" ], "word": "oblivion", "num_translations": 65 }, "arthur": { "senses": [ "male given name", "surname", "village s/Illinois", "city s/Iowa", "rural municipality p/Manitoba c/Canada", "ghost town s/Nevada", "city s/North Dakota", "town/and/community s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Arthur", "num_translations": 39 }, "mournful": { "senses": [ "Filled with grief or sadness", "being in a state in which one mourns", "Fit to inspire mourning", "tragic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sad" ], "word": "mournful", "num_translations": 28 }, "drastic": { "senses": [ "Having a strong or far-reaching effect", "extreme, severe", "Acting rapidly or violently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draconian" ], "word": "drastic", "num_translations": 35 }, "critical": { "senses": [ "Inclined to find fault or criticize", "Pertaining to, or indicating, a crisis or turning point", "Extremely important", "Relating to criticism or careful analysis, such as literary or film criticism", "Of a patient condition involving unstable vital signs and a prognosis that predicts the condition could worsen", "Likely to go out of control if disturbed, that is, opposite of stable", "Of the point where a nuclear or chemical reaction becomes self-sustaining" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "critical", "num_translations": 115 }, "defecate": { "senses": [ "To excrete feces from one's bowels", "To purify, to clean of dregs etc", "To purge", "to pass as excrement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "defecate", "num_translations": 85 }, "brain-washing": { "senses": [ "A form of indoctrination that forces people to abandon their beliefs in favour of another set of beliefs by conditioning through various forms of pressure or torture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coercive persuasion", "mind control", "menticide", "re-education", "thought control", "thought reform" ], "word": "brain-washing", "num_translations": 32 }, "devote": { "senses": [ "to give one's time, focus one's efforts, commit oneself, etc entirely for, on, or to a certain matter", "to consign over", "to doom", "to execrate", "to curse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "devote", "num_translations": 44 }, "devour": { "senses": [ "To eat quickly, greedily, hungrily, or ravenously", "To rapidly destroy, engulf, or lay waste", "To take in avidly with the intellect or with one's gaze", "To absorb or engross the mind fully, especially in a destructive manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gobble" ], "word": "devour", "num_translations": 69 }, "operate": { "senses": [ "To perform a work or labour", "to exert power or strength, physical or mechanical", "to act", "To produce an appropriate physical effect", "to issue in the result designed by nature", "especially to take appropriate effect on the human system", "To act or produce effect on the mind", "to exert moral power or influence", "To perform some manual act upon a human body in a methodical manner, and usually with instruments, with a view to restore soundness or health, as in amputation, lithotomy, etc", "To deal in stocks or any commodity with a view to speculative profits", "To produce, as an effect", "to cause", "To put into, or to continue in, operation or activity", "to work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "operate", "num_translations": 83 }, "columbia": { "senses": [ "America", "the United States", "an appellation given in honor of Christopher Columbus", "A female personification of the USA", "The > of >, > and the > of >", "river c/US and c/Canada flowing from the Canadian Rockies to the Pacific Ocean", "city/county seat co/Adair County s/Kentucky", "city/county seat co/Marion County s/Mississippi", "city/county seat co/Boone County s/Missouri", "city/county seat co/Maury County s/Tennessee", "town/parish seat par/Caldwell Parish s/Louisiana", "town/county seat co/Tyrrell County s/North Carolina", "CDP co/Tuolumne County s/California c/US", "A supercontinent thought to have existed in the Paleoproterozoic", "misspelling of \"Colombia\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Columbia", "num_translations": 19 }, "subsequently": { "senses": [ "Following, afterwards in either time or place", "Accordingly, therefore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afterwards", "ensuingly", "as a result" ], "word": "subsequently", "num_translations": 42 }, "subsequent": { "senses": [ "Following in time", "coming or being after something else at any time, indefinitely", "Following in order of place", "succeeding" ], "antonyms": [ "preceding" ], "synonyms": [ "next" ], "word": "subsequent", "num_translations": 46 }, "regurgitate": { "senses": [ "To throw up or vomit", "to eject what has previously been swallowed", "To cough up from the gut to feed its young, as an animal or bird does", "To repeat verbatim", "To be thrown or poured back", "to rush or surge back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vomit", "Thesaurus:regurgitate" ], "word": "regurgitate", "num_translations": 29 }, "surrounding1": { "senses": [ "An outlying area", "area in proximity to something", "An environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "periphery" ], "word": "surrounding", "num_translations": 15 }, "requirement": { "senses": [ "A necessity or prerequisite", "something required or obligatory Its adpositions are generally of in relation to who or what has given it, on in relation to whom or what it is given to, and for in relation to what is required", "Something asked", "A statement which specifies a verifiable constraint on an implementation that it shall undeniably meet or be deemed unacceptable, or result in implementation failure, or result in system failure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condition" ], "word": "requirement", "num_translations": 69 }, "epicentre": { "senses": [ "The point on the land or water surface directly above the focus, or hypocentre, of an earthquake", "The point on the surface of the earth directly above an underground explosion", "The focal point of any activity, especially if dangerous or destructive", "The geographical area in which an ongoing disaster, illness, crisis, or other destructive event is currently most severe" ], "antonyms": [ "hypocentre" ], "synonyms": [ "ground zero" ], "word": "epicentre", "num_translations": 59 }, "focalpoint": { "senses": [ "A focus", "a point at which rays of light or other radiation converge", "The centre of any activity", "A feature that attracts particular attention", "A solution that people will tend to use in the absence of communication, because it seems natural, special, or relevant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "focalpoint", "num_translations": 12 }, "vantagepoint": { "senses": [ "A place or position affording a good view", "A point of view", "perspective", "outlook", "standpoint", "A camera angle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vantagepoint", "num_translations": 26 }, "volley": { "senses": [ "The simultaneous firing of a number of missiles or bullets", "the projectiles so fired", "A burst or emission of many things at once", "The flight of a ball just before it bounces", "A shot in which the ball is played before it hits the ground", "A sending of the ball full to the top of the wicket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "volley", "num_translations": 42 }, "hattrick": { "senses": [ "Three wickets taken by a bowler in three consecutive balls", "Three goals scored by one player in a game, in ice hockey usually followed by fans throwing their hats onto the rink", "Three achievements in a single game, or similar, such as three consecutive wins", "Striking out three times in one game", "Three incidents or achievements that occur together", "A means of securing a seat in the House of Commons by placing one's hat upon it", "Any magic trick performed with a hat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hattrick", "num_translations": 25 }, "consecutive": { "senses": [ "following, in succession, without interruption", "having some logical sequence" ], "antonyms": [ "nonconsecutive", "simultaneously" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consecutive", "num_translations": 45 }, "negotiate": { "senses": [ "To confer with others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement", "To arrange or settle something by mutual agreement", "To succeed in coping with, or getting over something", "To transfer to another person with all the rights of the original holder", "to pass, as a bill", "To transact business", "to carry on trade", "To intrigue", "to scheme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "negotiate", "num_translations": 60 }, "wog": { "senses": [ "Any dark-skinned person It originally referred specifically to Indians, but later also applied to people of North African, Mediterranean, or Middle Eastern ancestry", "A person of Southern European, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Eastern European ancestry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dago" ], "word": "wog", "num_translations": 14 }, "semelfactive": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "continuative", "durative", "experiential", "frequentative", "habitual", "imperfective aspect", "iterative aspect" ], "synonyms": [ "momentane" ], "word": "semelfactive", "num_translations": 15 }, "arsenal": { "senses": [ "A military establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel", "an armoury", "A stock of weapons, especially all the weapons that a nation possesses", "A store or supply of anything", "Any supply of aid collected to prepare a person or army for hardship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "arsenal", "num_translations": 73 }, "attenuate": { "senses": [ "To reduce in size, force, value, amount, or degree", "To make thinner, as by physically reshaping, starving, or decaying", "To become thin or fine", "to grow less", "To weaken", "To rarefy", "To reduce the virulence of a bacterium or virus", "To reduce the amplitude of an electrical, radio, or optical signal", "To become less dense as a result of the conversion of sugar to alcohol" ], "antonyms": [ "amplify" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "attenuate", "num_translations": 24 }, "andean": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the Andes mountains in South America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Andine" ], "word": "Andean", "num_translations": 15 }, "revamp": { "senses": [ "To renovate, revise, improve or renew", "to patch" ], "antonyms": [ "debuff" ], "synonyms": [ "ameliorate", "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "revamp", "num_translations": 32 }, "billet3": { "senses": [ "A semi-finished length of metal", "A short piece of wood, especially one used as firewood", "A rectangle used as a charge on an escutcheon", "A strap that enters a buckle", "A loop that receives the end of a buckled strap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "billet", "num_translations": 17 }, "orthodontics": { "senses": [ "A specialty of dentistry concerned with correcting misalignment of teeth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orthodontia" ], "word": "orthodontics", "num_translations": 16 }, "mutton": { "senses": [ "The flesh of sheep used as food", "The flesh of goat used as food", "A sheep", "Em, a unit of measurement equal to the height of the type in use", "A prostitute", "An old Anglo-French gold coin impressed with the image of a lamb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sheepflesh" ], "word": "mutton", "num_translations": 70 }, "non-verbal": { "senses": [ "in a form other than written or spoken words, such as gestures, facial expressions or body language", "of or relating to a word that belongs to any part of speech other than that of verbs", "Unable to speak" ], "antonyms": [ "verbal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "non-verbal", "num_translations": 10 }, "cartel": { "senses": [ "A group of businesses or nations that collude to limit competition within an industry or market", "A combination of political groups for common action", "A written letter of defiance or challenge", "An official agreement concerning the exchange of prisoners", "A ship used to negotiate with an enemy in time of war, and to exchange prisoners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cartel", "num_translations": 22 }, "gesture": { "senses": [ "A motion of the limbs or body, especially one made to emphasize speech", "An act or a remark made as a formality or as a sign of attitude", "The manner of carrying the body", "position of the body or limbs", "posture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gesture", "num_translations": 70 }, "emphasize": { "senses": [ "To stress, give emphasis or extra weight to" ], "antonyms": [ "de-emphasize", "downplay" ], "synonyms": [ "betone", "stress", "underscore" ], "word": "emphasize", "num_translations": 53 }, "emphasis": { "senses": [ "Special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important", "Special attention or prominence given to something", "Prominence given to a syllable or words, by raising the voice or printing in italic or underlined type", "The phonetic or phonological feature that distinguishes emphatic consonants from other consonants", "The use of boldface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "emphasis", "num_translations": 80 }, "flora": { "senses": [ "the goddess of flowers, nature and spring", "she is also the wife of Favonius and the mother of Karpos She is the Roman counterpart of Chloris", "female given name", "surname", "municipality c/Norway", "city s/Illinois", "resort c/Suriname", "municipality c/Philippines", "town s/Indiana", "town s/Mississippi", "village c/Norway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Flora", "num_translations": 16 }, "-cracy": { "senses": [ "rule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-archy" ], "word": "-cracy", "num_translations": 19 }, "inactive": { "senses": [ "Not active, temporarily or permanently", "Not functioning or operating", "broken down", "Retired from duty or service", "Relatively inert", "Showing no optical activity in polarized light" ], "antonyms": [ "active" ], "synonyms": [ "dull", "idle" ], "word": "inactive", "num_translations": 52 }, "-philia": { "senses": [ "Used to form nouns meaning liking, love", "Used to form nouns meaning abnormal liking or tendency , eg paraphilia" ], "antonyms": [ "-phobia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "-philia", "num_translations": 22 }, "optical": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to sight", "visual", "Designed to assist or enhance sight", "Of, or relating to optics", "Of, or relating to visible light", "Incorporating light-sensitive devices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "optical", "num_translations": 20 }, "persistent": { "senses": [ "Obstinately refusing to give up or let go", "Insistently repetitive", "Indefinitely continuous", "Lasting past maturity without falling off", "Of data or a data structure: not transient or temporary, but remaining in existence after the termination of the program that creates it", "Describing a fractal process that has a positive Brown function", "non-transient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "persistent", "num_translations": 81 }, "-ship": { "senses": [ "Appended to a noun to form a new noun denoting a property or state of being, time spent in a role, or a specialised union" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-ness" ], "word": "-ship", "num_translations": 34 }, "-wise": { "senses": [ "in the direction or orientation of", "in the manner of", "in the matter of", "with regard to", "One at a time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-wise", "num_translations": 28 }, "illiterate": { "senses": [ "Unable to read and write", "Having less than an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature, or having little formal education", "Not conforming to prescribed standards of speech or writing", "Ignorant in a specified way or about a specified subject" ], "antonyms": [ "literate" ], "synonyms": [ "analphabetic", "ignorant", "unlettered" ], "word": "illiterate", "num_translations": 79 }, "illiterate1": { "senses": [ "A person ignorant about a given subject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "analphabet", "analphabetic" ], "word": "illiterate", "num_translations": 37 }, "preach": { "senses": [ "To give a sermon", "To proclaim by public discourse", "to utter in a sermon or a formal religious harangue", "To advise or recommend earnestly", "To give advice in an offensive or obtrusive manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "preach", "num_translations": 77 }, "colleague": { "senses": [ "A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization", "an associate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coworker", "workmate", "Thesaurus:associate" ], "word": "colleague", "num_translations": 106 }, "amelioration": { "senses": [ "The act of making better", "An improvement", "The process by which a term gains a more positive connotation over time" ], "antonyms": [ "deterioration", "nerf", "pejoration" ], "synonyms": [ "revamp" ], "word": "amelioration", "num_translations": 36 }, "covert": { "senses": [ "Hidden, covered over", "overgrown, sheltered", "Secret, surreptitious, concealed" ], "antonyms": [ "overt" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:covert", "feme covert" ], "word": "covert", "num_translations": 17 }, "undergrowth": { "senses": [ "The plants in a forest which only reach a relatively low height" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underbrush", "understory" ], "word": "undergrowth", "num_translations": 22 }, "backhander": { "senses": [ "A glass of wine given out of turn, the bottle having been handed backwards", "A blow with the back of the hand", "A bribe, a secret payment", "A shot played backhand, a backhand stroke", "A surfer who approaches a swell with the wave behind them rather than facing the wave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "backhander", "num_translations": 17 }, "insist": { "senses": [ ") To hold up a claim emphatically", ") To demand continually that something happen or be done", "To stand", "to rest", "to lean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insist", "num_translations": 55 }, "commend": { "senses": [ "To congratulate or reward", "To praise or acclaim", "To entrust or commit to the care of someone else", "To mention by way of courtesy, implying remembrance and goodwill", "To adorn", "to set off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commend", "num_translations": 52 }, "reservation": { "senses": [ "The act of reserving, withholding or keeping back", "Something that is withheld or kept back", "A limiting qualification", "a doubt", "A tract of land set apart by the US government for the use of a Native American people", "An arrangement by which accommodation or transport arrangements are secured in advance", "The area which separates opposing lanes of traffic on a divided motorway or dual carriageway", "The setting aside of a certain percentage of vacancies in government institutions for members of backward and underrepresented communities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "booking", "median", "reserve" ], "word": "reservation", "num_translations": 78 }, "abiotic": { "senses": [ "Nonliving, inanimate, characterised by the absence of life", "of inorganic matter", "Tending to inhibit or destroy life", "antibiotic", "incompatible with life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "abiotic", "num_translations": 13 }, "flatten": { "senses": [ "To make something flat or flatter", "To press one's body tightly against a surface, such as a wall or floor, especially in order to avoid being seen or harmed", "To knock down or lay low", "To become flat or flatter", "to plateau", "To be knocked down or laid low", "To lower by a semitone", "To make vapid or insipid", "to render stale", "To reduce to one that has fewer dimensions, eg a 2\u00d72 array into a list of four elements", "To combine into a single image" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flatten", "num_translations": 76 }, "unaltered": { "senses": [ "Remaining in its initial state" ], "antonyms": [ "altered", "changed" ], "synonyms": [ "unchanged" ], "word": "unaltered", "num_translations": 10 }, "ozonelayer": { "senses": [ "A region of the stratosphere, between 15 and 30 kilometres in altitude, containing a relatively high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most solar ultraviolet radiation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ozone shield" ], "word": "ozonelayer", "num_translations": 31 }, "hassock": { "senses": [ "A dense clump of grass or vegetation", "a tussock", "A cushion used primarily in churches for kneeling on while praying", "A thick cushion used as a seat", "an ottoman or pouffe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hassock", "num_translations": 27 }, "ottoman": { "senses": [ "An upholstered sofa, without arms or a back, sometimes with a compartment for storing linen, etc", "A low stool or thick cushion used to rest the feet or as a seat", "A fabric with a pronounced ribbed or corded effect, often made of silk or a mixture of cotton and silk-like yarns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footstool", "hassock", "pouffe" ], "word": "ottoman", "num_translations": 37 }, "semitone": { "senses": [ "The musical interval equal to half a tone or one-twelfth of an octave", "Any of the pitches of the chromatic scale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "half-step" ], "word": "semitone", "num_translations": 21 }, "encourage": { "senses": [ "To mentally support", "to motivate, give courage, hope or spirit", "To spur on, strongly recommend", "To foster, give help or patronage" ], "antonyms": [ "becourage", "discourage" ], "synonyms": [ "bield", "embolden" ], "word": "encourage", "num_translations": 131 }, "hexagram": { "senses": [ "A hollow six-pointed star formed by overlapping two equilateral triangles", "Any of the 64 sets of solid and broken lines, formed by pairs of trigrams, used for divination in the I Ching", "A large silver coin minted during the Byzantine Empire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Star of David", "rhombus star", "Magen David", "Star of David" ], "word": "hexagram", "num_translations": 12 }, "overlap": { "senses": [ "To extend over and partly cover something", "To have an area, range, character or function in common", "Of sets: to have some elements in common", "To have some similar nucleotide sequences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intersect" ], "word": "overlap", "num_translations": 39 }, "roly-poly2": { "senses": [ "A short, plump person", "A steamed pudding made from suet pastry containing jam or fruit", "A forward roll or sideways roll", "A terrestrial crustacean of suborder Oniscidea", "pill bug, potato bug or sowbug", "A toy that rights itself when pushed over", "An old game in which balls are bowled into holes or thrown into hats placed on the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roly-poly", "num_translations": 48 }, "murphy'slaw": { "senses": [ "An adage which states that if anything can go wrong, then it will" ], "antonyms": [ "serendipity" ], "synonyms": [ "Sod's law", "Finagle's law" ], "word": "Murphy'slaw", "num_translations": 19 }, "seabed": { "senses": [ "The floor or bottom of the sea or ocean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seabottom" ], "word": "seabed", "num_translations": 21 }, "dishes": { "senses": [ "plural of \"dish\"", "Dishwashing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dishware" ], "word": "dishes", "num_translations": 10 }, "godless": { "senses": [ "Not acknowledging any deity or god", "without belief in any deity or god", "evil, wicked, worldly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agnostic", "atheistic", "blasphemous", "graceless", "impious", "infidel", "iniquitous", "irreligious" ], "word": "godless", "num_translations": 32 }, "gracious": { "senses": [ "kind and warmly courteous", "tactful", "compassionate", "indulgent, charming and graceful", "elegant and with good taste", "benignant", "full of grace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gracious", "num_translations": 15 }, "odious": { "senses": [ "Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "detestable" ], "word": "odious", "num_translations": 34 }, "turner": { "senses": [ "One who or that which turns", "A person who turns and shapes wood etc on a lathe", "A kitchen utensil used for turning food", "A variety of pigeon", "a tumbler", "A very dry pitch on which the ball will turn with ease", "An acrobat or gymnast especially a member of the German Turnvereine, German-American gymnastic clubs that also served as nationalist political groups" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spatula" ], "word": "turner", "num_translations": 28 }, "ambiguity": { "senses": [ "Something, particularly words and sentences, that is open to more than one interpretation, explanation or meaning, if that meaning etc cannot be determined from its context", "The state of being ambiguous" ], "antonyms": [ "unambiguity" ], "synonyms": [ "ambiguousness", "weasel word" ], "word": "ambiguity", "num_translations": 60 }, "canine": { "senses": [ "Of, or pertaining to, a dog or dogs", "Dog-like", "Of or pertaining to mammalian teeth which are cuspids or fangs", "Of an appetite: depraved or inordinate", "used to describe eating disorders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dogly", "dogly" ], "word": "canine", "num_translations": 41 }, "deferred1": { "senses": [ "Delayed", "put off till later", "Yielded to someone else's decision or judgment", "Whose value is not realized until a future date: eg annuities, charges, taxes and income, either as an asset or liability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delayed" ], "word": "deferred", "num_translations": 17 }, "zip": { "senses": [ "The high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air", "Energy", "vigor", "vim", "Zero", "nothing", "synonym of \"convolution\"", "An ounce of marijuana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whizz", "slide fastener" ], "word": "zip", "num_translations": 29 }, "zip3": { "senses": [ "To subject to the convolution mapping function", "To move rapidly with a high-pitched sound", "To move in haste", "To make move quickly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zip up" ], "word": "zip", "num_translations": 25 }, "pompous": { "senses": [ "Affectedly grand, solemn or self-important" ], "antonyms": [ "humble", "modest", "self-effacing" ], "synonyms": [ "conceited", "smug", "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "pompous", "num_translations": 32 }, "bombastic": { "senses": [ "showy in speech and given to using flowery or elaborate terms", "grandiloquent", "pompous", "High-sounding but with little meaning", "Inflated, overfilled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bombastic", "num_translations": 58 }, "bogus": { "senses": [ "Counterfeit or fake", "not genuine", "Undesirable or harmful", "Incorrect, useless, or broken", "Of a totally fictitious issue printed for collectors, often issued on behalf of a non-existent territory or country", "Based on false or misleading information or unjustified assumptions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bogus", "num_translations": 72 }, "outsource": { "senses": [ "To transfer the management and/or day-to-day execution of a business function to a third-party service provider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "farm out" ], "word": "outsource", "num_translations": 21 }, "zipfastener": { "senses": [ "A fastener used in clothing, bags, etc, made up of two rows of teeth that are made to fit into each other by moving a slider along their length and opened again by moving the slider in the other direction", "A pressure-sensitive plastic closure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slide fastener" ], "word": "zipfastener", "num_translations": 128 }, "irresolute": { "senses": [ "Undecided or unsure how to act", "Indecisive or lacking in resolution" ], "antonyms": [ "resolute" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "irresolute", "num_translations": 18 }, "gens": { "senses": [ "A legally defined unit of Roman society, being a collection of people related through a common ancestor by birth, marriage or adoption, possibly over many generations, and sharing the same nomen gentilicium", "A tribal subgroup whose members are characterized by having the same descent, usually along the male line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clan" ], "word": "gens", "num_translations": 19 }, "lunchbox": { "senses": [ "A container for transporting meals, especially lunch", "A person or object constantly at one's side", "The male genitals when enclosed in clothing", "A lunch packaged in a disposable box to be taken away to eat", "A luggable", "an early laptop computer, usually a unit with a handle and a fold-out keyboard", "A simple portable transmitter sometimes used in phreaking", "A cocktail made with beer, orange juice, and almond liqueur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lunch pail", "sidekick", "basket" ], "word": "lunchbox", "num_translations": 35 }, "herald": { "senses": [ "A messenger, especially one bringing important news", "A harbinger, giving signs of things to come", "A moth of the species Scoliopteryx libatrix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "messenger", "harbinger", "pursuivant" ], "word": "herald", "num_translations": 84 }, "herald1": { "senses": [ "To proclaim or announce an event", "To greet something with excitement", "to hail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disclose" ], "word": "herald", "num_translations": 17 }, "beget": { "senses": [ "To father", "to sire", "to produce", "To cause", "to produce", "To bring forth", "To happen to", "befall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "beget", "num_translations": 80 }, "impassive": { "senses": [ "Having, or revealing, no emotion", "Still or motionless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apathetic" ], "word": "impassive", "num_translations": 24 }, "publicly": { "senses": [ "In public, openly, in an open and public manner", "By, for, or on behalf of the public" ], "antonyms": [ "privately" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "publicly", "num_translations": 24 }, "crotch": { "senses": [ "The area where something forks or branches, a ramification takes place", "The ventral area of the human body between where the legs fork from the torso, in the area of the genitals and anus", "Either the male or female genitalia", "In the three-ball carom game, a small space at each corner of the table", "The open counter formed by two downward strokes that meet at an internal acute angle, potentially above a vertex, as in the letters \"V\" and \"Y\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crotch", "num_translations": 74 }, "ventral": { "senses": [ "Related to the abdomen or stomach", "On the front side of the human body, or the corresponding surface of an animal, usually the lower surface", "On or relating to the bottom portion of either foot and/or hand" ], "antonyms": [ "dorsal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ventral", "num_translations": 24 }, "reprove": { "senses": [ "to express disapproval", "to criticise, rebuke or reprimand , usually in a gentle and kind tone", "to deny or reject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "reprove", "num_translations": 22 }, "oscilloscope": { "senses": [ "An electronic measuring instrument that creates a visible two-dimensional graph, on a screen, of one or more continuously varying voltages or currents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oscillograph" ], "word": "oscilloscope", "num_translations": 17 }, "dwindle": { "senses": [ "To decrease, shrink, diminish, reduce in size or intensity", "To fall away in quality", "degenerate, sink", "To lessen", "to bring low", "To break up or disperse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dwindle", "num_translations": 56 }, "reprisal": { "senses": [ "An act of retaliation", "Something taken from an enemy in retaliation", "The act of taking something from an enemy by way of retaliation or indemnity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:revenge" ], "word": "reprisal", "num_translations": 24 }, "partial": { "senses": [ "existing as a part or portion", "incomplete", "describing a property that holds only when an algorithm terminates", "biased in favor of a person, side, or point of view, especially when dealing with a competition or dispute", "having a predilection for something", "subordinate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "partial", "num_translations": 66 }, "whileaway": { "senses": [ "To spend idly but pleasantly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dally" ], "word": "whileaway", "num_translations": 11 }, "allocate": { "senses": [ "To set aside for a purpose", "To distribute according to a plan, generally followed by the adposition to", "To reserve a portion of memory for use by a computer program" ], "antonyms": [ "free" ], "synonyms": [ "appropriate" ], "word": "allocate", "num_translations": 43 }, "philip": { "senses": [ "One of the twelve disciples of Jesus in the Bible", "one of the seven deacons", "male given name", "surname", "small city/county seat co/Haakon County s/South Dakota c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Philip", "num_translations": 87 }, "gutter": { "senses": [ "A prepared channel in a surface, especially at the side of a road adjacent to a curb, intended for the drainage of water", "A ditch along the side of a road", "A duct or channel beneath the eaves of a building to carry rain water", "eavestrough", "A groove down the sides of a bowling lane", "A large groove in a barn used for the collection and removal of animal excrement", "Any narrow channel or groove, such as one formed by erosion in the vent of a gun from repeated firing", "A space between printed columns of text", "One of a number of pieces of wood or metal, grooved in the centre, used to separate the pages of type in a form", "An unprinted space between rows of stamps", "A drainage channel", "The notional locus of things, acts, or events which are distasteful, ill bred or morally questionable", "A low, vulgar state", "The spaces between comic book panels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gutter", "num_translations": 130 }, "gutter1": { "senses": [ "To flow or stream", "To melt away by having the molten wax run down along the side of the candle", "To flicker as if about to be extinguished", "To cut or form into small longitudinal hollows", "to channel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gutter", "num_translations": 11 }, "endearment": { "senses": [ "The act or process of endearing, of causing to be loved or to be the object of affection", "The state or characteristic of being endeared", "An expression of affection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belovedness", "term of endearment" ], "word": "endearment", "num_translations": 19 }, "suffrage": { "senses": [ "The right or chance to vote, express an opinion, or participate in a decision", "A vote in deciding a particular question", "The right to vote for elected officials in a representative democracy", "The right of women to vote", "A prayer, for example a prayer offered for the faithful dead", "A short petition, as those after the creed in matins and evensong", "Aid, intercession", "Testimony", "attestation", "witness", "approval" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "franchise" ], "word": "suffrage", "num_translations": 28 }, "taut": { "senses": [ "Under tension, like a stretched bowstring, rope, or sail", "tight", "Of a body, muscles, etc: not flabby", "firm, toned", "of a person: having a lean, strong body", "Of music, writing, etc: containing only relevant parts", "brief and controlled", "Experiencing anxiety or stress", "Of a sailor or a ship: neat and well-disciplined", "efficient and in order", "Strong", "uncompromising" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "taut", "num_translations": 66 }, "headoverheels": { "senses": [ "Tumbling upside down", "somersaulting", "At top speed", "frantically", "Hopelessly, madly, to distraction, deeply, utterly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "headoverheels", "num_translations": 49 }, "monochromatic": { "senses": [ "Having only one color, represented by differing hues and tints For example shades in a black and white television", "Perceptive of only one color", "unable to distinguish colors", "total color blindness", "Plain, dull, lifeless" ], "antonyms": [ "polychromatic", "polychromatic", "lively" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:boring" ], "word": "monochromatic", "num_translations": 14 }, "recurring1": { "senses": [ "Happening or occurring frequently, with repetition", "Of a decimal: having a set of digits that is repeated indefinitely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recurrent" ], "word": "recurring", "num_translations": 25 }, "ludicrous": { "senses": [ "Idiotic or unthinkable, often to the point of being funny", "Amusing by being plainly incongruous or absurd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laughable" ], "word": "ludicrous", "num_translations": 44 }, "redtape": { "senses": [ "The binding tape once used for holding important documents together", "Time-consuming regulations or bureaucratic procedures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "administrivia", "administrativia", "paperwork" ], "word": "redtape", "num_translations": 30 }, "suffragette": { "senses": [ "A female supporter, often militant, of women's right to vote in the late 19th and early 20th centuries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "suffragist" ], "word": "suffragette", "num_translations": 19 }, "softdrink": { "senses": [ "Any carbonated, usually sweet, non-alcoholic drink", "Any non-alcoholic drink" ], "antonyms": [ "hard liquor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "softdrink", "num_translations": 73 }, "carbonated": { "senses": [ "Containing carbon dioxide gas under pressure, especially pertaining to beverages, as natural mineral water or man-made drinks" ], "antonyms": [ "noncarbonated", "uncarbonated", "flat" ], "synonyms": [ "sparkling" ], "word": "carbonated", "num_translations": 33 }, "hominid": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "great ape", "Thesaurus:hominid" ], "word": "hominid", "num_translations": 19 }, "knob": { "senses": [ "A rounded protuberance, especially one arising from a flat surface", "a fleshy lump or caruncle", "A rounded control switch that can be turned on its axis, designed to be operated by the fingers", "A ball-shaped part of a handle, lever, etc, designed to be grabbed by the hand", "A rounded ornament on the hilt of an edged weapon", "a pommel", "A prominent, rounded bump along a mountain ridge", "A prominent rounded hill", "Breasts", "A penis", "The head of the penis", "the glans", "A contemptible person", "A dollop, an amount just larger than a spoonful", "A chunky branch-like piece, especially of a ginger rhizome", "A bulb of the garlic plant consisting of multiple cloves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "knob", "num_translations": 32 }, "subspecies": { "senses": [ "A rank in the classification of organisms, below species", "A taxon at that rank, often indicated with trinomial nomenclature", "A subdivision of a species in other scientific disciplines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ssp" ], "word": "subspecies", "num_translations": 70 }, "siberiantiger": { "senses": [ "A tiger of the subspecies Panthera tigris altaica, the largest of the big cats, now confined to Outer Manchuria in Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Manchurian tiger", "Amur tiger" ], "word": "Siberiantiger", "num_translations": 37 }, "jog1": { "senses": [ "To push slightly", "to move or shake with a push or jerk, as to gain the attention of", "to jolt", "To shake, stir or rouse", "To walk or ride forward with a jolting pace", "to move at a heavy pace, trudge", "to move on or along", "To move at a pace between walking and running, to run at a leisurely pace", "To cause to move at an energetic trot", "To straighten stacks of paper by lightly tapping against a flat surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jog", "num_translations": 30 }, "herbalist": { "senses": [ "A person who treats diseases by means of medicinal herbs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "herb doctor" ], "word": "herbalist", "num_translations": 19 }, "languish": { "senses": [ "To lose strength and become weak", "to be in a state of weakness or sickness", "To pine away in longing for something", "to have low spirits, especially from lovesickness", "To live in miserable or disheartening conditions", "To be neglected", "to make little progress, be unsuccessful", "To make weak", "to weaken, devastate", "To affect a languid air, especially disingenuously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "languish", "num_translations": 104 }, "dishonest": { "senses": [ "Not honest", "Interfering with honesty", "Dishonourable", "shameful", "indecent", "unchaste", "lewd", "Dishonoured", "disgraced", "disfigured" ], "antonyms": [ "honest" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dishonest", "num_translations": 44 }, "dishonesty": { "senses": [ "The characteristic or condition of being dishonest", "An act which is fraudulent or otherwise dishonest" ], "antonyms": [ "honesty" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dishonesty", "num_translations": 25 }, "orthographic": { "senses": [ "Of a projection used in maps, architecture etc, in which the rays are parallel", "Of, or relating to, orthography" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orthographical" ], "word": "orthographic", "num_translations": 21 }, "forthcoming": { "senses": [ "Approaching or about to take place", "Available when needed", "in place, ready", "Willing to co-operate or provide information", "candid, frank, responsive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forthcoming", "num_translations": 38 }, "lively": { "senses": [ "Full of life", "energetic", "Bright, glowing, vivid", "strong, vigorous", "Endowed with or manifesting life", "living", "Representing life", "lifelike", "Airy", "animated", "spirited", "Fizzy", "foamy", "tending to produce a large head in the glass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frisky", "intense", "extant", "lifey", "frothy" ], "word": "lively", "num_translations": 63 }, "inner": { "senses": [ "Being or occurring inside, situated farther in, located or happening on the inside of something, situated within or farther within contained within something", "Close to the centre, located near or closer to center", "Inside or closer to the inside of the body", "Of mind or spirit, relating to the mind or spirit, to spiritual or mental processes, mental, spiritual, relating to somebody's private feelings or happening in somebody's mind, existing as an often repressed part of one's psychological makeup", "Not obvious, private, not expressed, not apparent, hidden, less apparent, deeper, obscure", "needing to be examined closely or thought about in order to be seen or understood", "Privileged, more or most privileged, more or most influential, intimate, exclusive, more important, more intimate, private, secret, confined to an exclusive group, exclusive to a center", "especially a center of influence being near a center especially of influence" ], "antonyms": [ "outer" ], "synonyms": [ "interior", "internal" ], "word": "inner", "num_translations": 33 }, "metallic": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to or characteristic of metal", "Made of or containing metal", "Harsh, as if coming from two metals striking one another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "metallical" ], "word": "metallic", "num_translations": 49 }, "slobber1": { "senses": [ "To allow saliva or liquid to run from one's mouth", "to drool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drool" ], "word": "slobber", "num_translations": 18 }, "gallows": { "senses": [ "Wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging", "A wretch who deserves to be hanged", "The rest for the tympan when raised", "Suspenders", "braces", "Any contrivance with posts and crossbeam for suspending objects", "The main frame of a beam engine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gallows tree" ], "word": "gallows", "num_translations": 77 }, "defame": { "senses": [ "To disgrace", "to bring into disrepute", "To charge", "to accuse of an offence", "To harm or diminish the reputation of", "to disparage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defame" ], "word": "defame", "num_translations": 46 }, "defiant": { "senses": [ "Defying", "Boldly resisting opposition" ], "antonyms": [ "docile", "dominant" ], "synonyms": [ "dareful", "rebellious" ], "word": "defiant", "num_translations": 33 }, "deficiency": { "senses": [ "Inadequacy or incompleteness", "An insufficiency, especially of something essential to health", "The amount by which the number of double points on a curve is short of the maximum for curves of the same degree", "The codimension of a linear system in the corresponding complete linear system" ], "antonyms": [ "sufficiency", "excess" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deficiency", "num_translations": 70 }, "innovative": { "senses": [ "Characterized by the creation of new ideas or inventions", "Forward-looking", "ahead of current thinking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "innovatory" ], "word": "innovative", "num_translations": 44 }, "snort1": { "senses": [ "to exhale roughly through the nose", "To inhale through the nose", "To snore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snort", "num_translations": 54 }, "stimulant": { "senses": [ "A substance that acts to increase physiological or nervous activity in the body", "Something that promotes activity, interest, or enthusiasm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "psychostimulant" ], "word": "stimulant", "num_translations": 34 }, "amazonian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the Amazons", "aggressive and warlike", "Having to do with the Amazon River in South America, and its surrounding region", "Of or relating to the most recent Martian geological time period", "Very tall, strong and athletic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Amazonian", "num_translations": 12 }, "pantry": { "senses": [ "A small room, closet, or cabinet usually located in or near the kitchen, dedicated to shelf-stable food storage and/or storing kitchenware, like a larder, but smaller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "walk-in", "cupboard", "cupboard" ], "word": "pantry", "num_translations": 61 }, "lookout": { "senses": [ "to be vigilant and aware", "to find by looking: to hunt out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "watch out" ], "word": "lookout", "num_translations": 34 }, "dynamite": { "senses": [ "A class of explosives made from nitroglycerine in an absorbent medium such as kieselguhr, used in mining and blasting", "invented by Alfred Nobel in 1867", "Anything exceptionally dangerous, exciting or wonderful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nitro" ], "word": "dynamite", "num_translations": 63 }, "nitroglycerine": { "senses": [ "The compound glyceryl-tri-nitrate or 1,2,3 tri-nitrooxy propane", "the ester of glycerol with nitric acid", "prepared by the careful addition of a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids to glycerol with constant stirring and cooling", "it is a thick, pale yellow liquid, that is highly explosive on concussion or on exposure to sudden heat", "it is used in medicine as a vasodilator, and as an explosive in the form of dynamite which is safe to handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GTN", "glycerine trinitrate", "glycerol trinitrate", "glyceryl trinitrate" ], "word": "nitroglycerine", "num_translations": 21 }, "misogyny": { "senses": [ "Hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women" ], "antonyms": [ "philogyny", "misandry" ], "synonyms": [ "misogynism" ], "word": "misogyny", "num_translations": 58 }, "deceitful": { "senses": [ "Deliberately misleading or cheating", "deceptive, two-faced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deceptive" ], "word": "deceitful", "num_translations": 27 }, "reusable": { "senses": [ "Able to be used again", "especially after salvaging or special treatment or processing", "Able to be executed by several tasks without being reloaded" ], "antonyms": [ "single" ], "synonyms": [ "recyclable" ], "word": "reusable", "num_translations": 12 }, "misandry": { "senses": [ "Hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men" ], "antonyms": [ "philandry", "misogyny" ], "synonyms": [ "misandrism" ], "word": "misandry", "num_translations": 24 }, "misandrist1": { "senses": [ "One who professes misandry", "a hater of men" ], "antonyms": [ "misogynist", "philandrist" ], "synonyms": [ "manhater", "misandric" ], "word": "misandrist", "num_translations": 19 }, "cavity": { "senses": [ "A hole or hollow depression", "A hollow area within the body", "A small or large hole in a tooth caused by caries", "often used to refer to a soft area adjacent to the hole also affected by caries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hole", "caries" ], "word": "cavity", "num_translations": 86 }, "verification": { "senses": [ "The act of verifying", "The state of being verified", "Confirmation", "authentication", "A formal phrase used in concluding a plea, to denote confirmation by evidence", "The operation of testing the equation of a problem, to see whether it truly expresses the conditions of the problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "verification", "num_translations": 48 }, "ecclesiastical": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the church" ], "antonyms": [ "antiecclesiastical", "nonecclesiastical" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ecclesiastical", "num_translations": 27 }, "prokaryote": { "senses": [ "An organism whose cell are characterized by the absence of a nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles", "In the two-empire system of biological taxonomy, an organism of the kingdom Prokaryotae" ], "antonyms": [ "eukaryote" ], "synonyms": [ "prokaryota" ], "word": "prokaryote", "num_translations": 28 }, "promiscuous": { "senses": [ "Made up of various disparate elements mixed together", "of disorderly composition", "Made without careful choice", "indiscriminate", "Indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners, or having many sexual partners", "The mode in which an NIC gathers all network traffic instead of getting only the traffic intended for it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "promiscuous", "num_translations": 54 }, "swab": { "senses": [ "A small piece of soft, absorbent material, such as gauze, used to clean wounds, apply medicine, or take samples of body fluids Often attached to a stick or wire to aid access", "A piece of material used for cleaning or sampling other items like musical instruments or guns", "A mop, especially on a ship", "A sailor", "A naval officer's epaulet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swabby" ], "word": "swab", "num_translations": 23 }, "veracity": { "senses": [ "The quality of speaking or stating the truth", "truthfulness", "Something that is true", "a truthful statement", "a truth", "Agreement with the facts", "accordance with the truth", "accuracy or precision", "Act of being exact and accurate", "Correctness and carefulness in one's plan of action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:veracity" ], "word": "veracity", "num_translations": 31 }, "truthful": { "senses": [ "Honest, and always telling the truth", "Accurately depicting what is real" ], "antonyms": [ "untruthful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "truthful", "num_translations": 17 }, "pavilion": { "senses": [ "An ornate tent", "A light roofed structure used as a shelter in a public place", "A structure, sometimes temporary, erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc", "The building where the players change clothes, wait to bat, and eat their meals", "A detached or semi-detached building at a hospital or other building complex", "The lower surface of a brilliant-cut gemstone, lying between the girdle and collet", "The cartiliginous part of the outer ear", "auricle", "The fimbriated extremity of the Fallopian tube", "A flag, ensign, or banner", "A tent used as a bearing", "A covering", "a canopy", "figuratively, the sky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auricle" ], "word": "pavilion", "num_translations": 75 }, "intermittent": { "senses": [ "Stopping and starting, occuring, or presenting at intervals", "coming after a particular time span", "Existing only for certain seasons", "that is, being dry for part of the year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:discontinuous" ], "word": "intermittent", "num_translations": 48 }, "intermittently": { "senses": [ "Stopping or starting at intervals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flakily" ], "word": "intermittently", "num_translations": 22 }, "bloodroot": { "senses": [ "A North American plant, Sanguinaria canadensis, of the poppy family, which has a red root and sap and a single white flower in early spring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bloodwort" ], "word": "bloodroot", "num_translations": 10 }, "sycamore": { "senses": [ "Any of several North American plane trees, of the genus Platanus, especially Platanus occidentalis", "A large tree bearing edible fruit, Ficus sycomorus, allied to the common fig and found in Egypt and Syria", "the Biblical sycomore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "planetree" ], "word": "sycamore", "num_translations": 62 }, "vaudeville": { "senses": [ "A style of multi-act theatrical entertainment which originated from France and flourished in Europe and North America from the 1880s through the 1920s", "An entertainment in this style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "music hall" ], "word": "vaudeville", "num_translations": 50 }, "flourish": { "senses": [ "To thrive or grow well", "To prosper or fare well", "To be in a period of greatest influence", "To develop", "to make thrive", "to expand", "To make bold, sweeping movements with", "To make bold and sweeping, fanciful, or wanton movements, by way of ornament, parade, bravado, etc", "to play with fantastic and irregular motion", "To use florid language", "to indulge in rhetorical figures and lofty expressions", "To make ornamental strokes with the pen", "to write graceful, decorative figures", "To adorn with beautiful figures or rhetoric", "to ornament with anything showy", "to embellish", "To execute an irregular or fanciful strain of music, by way of ornament or prelude", "To boast", "to vaunt", "to brag" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prosper" ], "word": "flourish", "num_translations": 97 }, "amend": { "senses": [ "To make better", "improve", "To become better", "To heal", "to cure", "To be healed, to be cured, to recover", "To make a formal alteration by adding, deleting, or rephrasing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ameliorate", "correct", "improve", "Thesaurus:improve", "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "amend", "num_translations": 80 }, "incorrect": { "senses": [ "Not correct", "erroneous or wrong", "Faulty or defective", "Inappropriate or improper" ], "antonyms": [ "correct", "right", "proper" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incorrect", "num_translations": 38 }, "francis": { "senses": [ "male given name", "female given name, alternative spelling of \"Frances\"", "surname", "ghost town s/Nebraska", "town p/Saskatchewan c/Canada", "town s/Utah" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Francis", "num_translations": 57 }, "erroneous": { "senses": [ "Containing an error", "inaccurate", "Derived from an error", "Mistaken", "Wandering", "erratic", "Deviating from the requirements of the law, but without a lack of legal authority, thus not illegal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inaccurate", "fallacious", "mistaken" ], "word": "erroneous", "num_translations": 31 }, "correctness": { "senses": [ "freedom from error", "conformity to the truth or to fact", "conformity to recognized standards", "The state of an algorithm that correctly mirrors its specification" ], "antonyms": [ "incorrectness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "correctness", "num_translations": 26 }, "far-flung": { "senses": [ "Remote or distant, in space, time or relationship", "Wide-ranging, widespread or widely distributed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "far-off", "common" ], "word": "far-flung", "num_translations": 16 }, "minnan": { "senses": [ "A group of local languages/dialects which can trace their origins to southern Fujian province, China In common parlance, Southern Min usually refers to Hokkien, which includes Amoy dialect, Taiwanese Hokkien and other varieties in Southeast Asia, as well as Teochew It belongs to the Min dialect group of the Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Southern Min" ], "word": "MinNan", "num_translations": 35 }, "distribute": { "senses": [ "To divide into portions and dispense", "To supply to retail outlets", "To deliver or pass out", "To scatter or spread", "To apportion", "To classify or separate into categories", "To be distributive", "To separate and return it to the proper boxes in the cases", "To spread evenly, as upon a roller or a table", "To employ in its whole extent", "to take as universal in one premise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allot", "courier", "disperse", "categorize" ], "word": "distribute", "num_translations": 124 }, "subclass": { "senses": [ "An object class derived from another class from which it inherits a base set of properties and methods", "A rank directly below class", "A secondary class within a main class" ], "antonyms": [ "superclass", "superset" ], "synonyms": [ "child class", "subset" ], "word": "subclass", "num_translations": 35 }, "transmission": { "senses": [ "The act of transmitting, eg data or electric power", "The fact of being transmitted", "Something that is transmitted, such as a message, picture or a disease", "the sending of such a thing", "The passage of a nerve impulse across synapses", "An assembly of gears through which power is transmitted from the engine to the driveshaft in a motor car / automobile", "a gearbox", "The right possessed by an heir or legatee of transmitting to his successor any inheritance, legacy, right, or privilege, to which he is entitled, even if he should die without enjoying or exercising it", "The passing of a communicable disease from an infected host individual or group to a conspecific individual or group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outsending", "gearbox" ], "word": "transmission", "num_translations": 77 }, "concurrent": { "senses": [ "Happening at the same time", "simultaneous", "Belonging to the same period", "contemporary", "Acting in conjunction", "agreeing in the same act or opinion", "contributing to the same event or effect", "Joint and equal in authority", "taking cognizance of similar questions", "operating on the same objects", "Meeting in one point", "Running alongside one another on parallel courses", "moving together in space", "Involving more than one thread of computation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concurrent", "num_translations": 51 }, "twitch": { "senses": [ "A brief, small movement out of place and then back again", "a spasm", "Action of spotting or seeking out a bird, especially a rare one", "A stick with a hole in one end through which passes a loop, which can be drawn tightly over the upper lip or an ear of a horse and twisted to keep the animal quiet during minor surgery", "A brief, contractile response of a skeletal muscle elicited by a single maximal volley of impulses in the neurons supplying it", "The sudden narrowing almost to nothing of a vein of ore", "Elymus repens, a grass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "twitch", "num_translations": 41 }, "twitch1": { "senses": [ "spasm", "To jerk sharply and briefly", "To exert oneself", "To spot or seek out a bird, especially a rare one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "twitch", "num_translations": 36 }, "terrific": { "senses": [ "Frighteningly good", "Astounding or awesome", "Terrifying", "causing terror", "Frightful or very unpleasant", "Extraordinarily great or intense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brilliant", "horrific" ], "word": "terrific", "num_translations": 56 }, "heavily": { "senses": [ "In a heavy manner", "With a great weight", "To a considerable degree, to a great extent", "In a manner designed for heavy duty", "So as to be thick or heavy", "In a laboured manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heavily", "num_translations": 19 }, "essentially": { "senses": [ "in an essential manner", "in essence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "actually", "at bottom", "at heart", "basically", "centrally", "characteristically", "factually", "fundamentally", "in essence", "in the main", "inherently", "intrinsically", "naturally", "substantially", "Thesaurus:intrinsically", "Thesaurus:fundamentally" ], "word": "essentially", "num_translations": 39 }, "distinction": { "senses": [ "That which distinguishes", "a single occurrence of a determining factor or feature, the fact of being divided", "separation, discrimination", "The act of distinguishing, discriminating", "discrimination", "Specifically, a feature that causes someone or something to stand out as being better", "a mark of honour, rank, eminence or excellence", "being distinguished" ], "antonyms": [ "confusion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "distinction", "num_translations": 47 }, "cockatiel": { "senses": [ "Nymphicus hollandicus, a small, rather atypical cockatoo with a distinctive pointed yellow crest Comes in many color mutations such as White Face Gray, White Face Pearl, Fallow, Pearl Pied, Cinnamon Pearl, and White Face Pied Native to Australia but most known in aviculture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quarrion" ], "word": "cockatiel", "num_translations": 19 }, "spoiler": { "senses": [ "One who spoils", "a plunderer", "a pillager", "a robber", "One who corrupts, mars, or renders useless", "A document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story, or the internal rules controlling the behaviour of a video game, etc", "A device to reduce lift", "A device to reduce lift and increase downforce", "An individual , unable to win themselves, who spoils the chances of another's victory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spoiler", "num_translations": 51 }, "domesticviolence": { "senses": [ "Violence committed in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "DV", "family", "intimate partner violence" ], "word": "domesticviolence", "num_translations": 59 }, "acrimonious": { "senses": [ "Harsh and sharp, or bitter and not pleasant to the taste", "acrid, pungent", "Angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies: bitter, mean-spirited, sharp in language or tone" ], "antonyms": [ "nonacrimonious" ], "synonyms": [ "acerb", "bitter", "rancorous" ], "word": "acrimonious", "num_translations": 43 }, "objectionable": { "senses": [ "Arousing disapproval", "worthy of objection", "offensive" ], "antonyms": [ "unobjectionable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "objectionable", "num_translations": 17 }, "objectivity": { "senses": [ "The state of being objective, just, unbiased and not influenced by emotions or personal prejudices", "The world as it really is", "reality", "That which one understands, often, as intellectually, of all and everything, of what is sensed as felt, thereof", "That which is perceived to be true to understanding", "The object of understanding" ], "antonyms": [ "subjectivity" ], "synonyms": [ "objectiveness" ], "word": "objectivity", "num_translations": 21 }, "obliged": { "senses": [ "Under an obligation to do something for someone", "Indebted because of a favor done" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "obligated" ], "word": "obliged", "num_translations": 17 }, "obliging": { "senses": [ "Happy and ready to do favours for others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accommodating" ], "word": "obliging", "num_translations": 19 }, "obscene": { "senses": [ "Offensive to current standards of decency or morality", "Lewd or lustful", "Disgusting or repulsive", "Excessive", "beyond all reason", "Liable to deprave or corrupt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "obscene", "num_translations": 86 }, "obscenity": { "senses": [ "Something that is obscene", "An act of obscene behaviour", "Specifically, an offensive word", "a profanity", "a dirty word", "The qualities that make something obscene", "lewdness, indecency, or offensive behaviour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "obscenity", "num_translations": 27 }, "obscurity": { "senses": [ "Darkness", "the absence of light", "The state of being unknown", "a thing that is unknown", "The quality of being difficult to understand", "a thing that is difficult to understand" ], "antonyms": [ "fame", "clarity", "J. Wiwat 12:46", "14 April 2019" ], "synonyms": [ "unknownness" ], "word": "obscurity", "num_translations": 28 }, "obsolescence": { "senses": [ "The state of being obsolete\u2014no longer in use", "gone into disuse", "disused or neglected", "The process of becoming obsolete, outmoded or out of date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "obsoleteness", "obsoletion" ], "word": "obsolescence", "num_translations": 17 }, "fumble": { "senses": [ "To handle nervously or awkwardly", "To grope awkwardly in trying to find something", "To blunder uncertainly", "To grope about in perplexity", "to seek awkwardly", "To drop a ball or a baton etc by accident", "To handle much", "to play childishly", "to turn over and over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grubble" ], "word": "fumble", "num_translations": 42 }, "baseline": { "senses": [ "A line that is a base for measurement or for construction", "A datum used as the basis for calculation or for comparison", "A line used as the basis for the alignment of glyphs", "The line at the farthest ends of the court indicating the boundary of the area of play", "A configuration of software, hardware, or a process that is established and documented as a point of reference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "baseline", "num_translations": 32 }, "quiddity": { "senses": [ "The essence or inherent nature of a person or thing", "A trifle", "a nicety or quibble", "An eccentricity", "an odd feature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nature" ], "word": "quiddity", "num_translations": 20 }, "capability": { "senses": [ "the power or ability to generate an outcome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skill" ], "word": "capability", "num_translations": 23 }, "caption": { "senses": [ "The descriptive heading or title of a document or part therof", "A title or brief explanation attached to an illustration, cartoon, user interface element, etc", "A piece of text appearing on screen as subtitle or other part of a film or broadcast", "The section on an official paper that describes when, where, what was taken, found or executed, and by whom it was authorized", "A seizure or capture, especially of tangible property" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "caption", "num_translations": 79 }, "captivate": { "senses": [ "To attract and hold interest and attention of", "charm", "To take prisoner", "to capture", "to subdue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "captivate", "num_translations": 46 }, "purity": { "senses": [ "The state or degree of being pure" ], "antonyms": [ "impurity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "purity", "num_translations": 43 }, "cope": { "senses": [ "To deal effectively with something, especially if difficult", "To cut and form a mitred joint in wood or metal", "To clip the beak or talons of a bird" ], "antonyms": [ "lose one's shit" ], "synonyms": [ "contend" ], "word": "cope", "num_translations": 34 }, "cope1": { "senses": [ "A long, loose cloak worn by a priest, deacon, or bishop when presiding over a ceremony other than the Mass", "Any covering such as a canopy or a mantle", "The vault or canopy of the skies, heavens etc", "A covering piece on top of a wall exposed to the weather, usually made of metal, masonry, or stone, and sloped to carry off water", "The top part of a sand casting mold", "An ancient tribute due to the lord of the soil, out of the lead mines in Derbyshire, England" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cope", "num_translations": 10 }, "coy": { "senses": [ "Bashful, shy, retiring", "Quiet, reserved, modest", "Reluctant to give details about something sensitive", "notably prudish", "Pretending shyness or modesty, especially in an insincere or flirtatious way", "Soft, gentle, hesitating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coy", "num_translations": 57 }, "complacent": { "senses": [ "Uncritically satisfied with oneself or one's achievements", "smug", "Apathetic with regard to an apparent need or problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smug", "self-satisfied" ], "word": "complacent", "num_translations": 28 }, "smug": { "senses": [ "Irritatingly pleased with oneself, offensively self-complacent, self-satisfied", "Studiously neat or nice, especially in dress", "spruce", "affectedly precise", "smooth and prim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gloaty", "self-satisfied", "complacent", "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "smug", "num_translations": 52 }, "coil": { "senses": [ "Something wound in the form of a helix or spiral", "Entanglement", "perplexity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inductor" ], "word": "coil", "num_translations": 79 }, "incentive": { "senses": [ "Something that motivates, rouses, or encourages", "A bonus or reward, often monetary, to work harder" ], "antonyms": [ "disincentive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incentive", "num_translations": 78 }, "recoil": { "senses": [ "A starting or falling back", "a rebound", "a shrinking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kick" ], "word": "recoil", "num_translations": 26 }, "bigamy": { "senses": [ "The state of having two spouses simultaneously", "A second marriage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "digamy" ], "word": "bigamy", "num_translations": 35 }, "sixty-four": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following sixty-three and preceding sixty-five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 64", "Roman numerals: LXIV" ], "word": "sixty-four", "num_translations": 34 }, "hobble": { "senses": [ "One of the short straps tied between the legs of unfenced horses, allowing them to wander short distances but preventing them from running off", "An unsteady, off-balance step", "A difficult situation", "a scrape", "An odd job", "a piece of casual work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tether" ], "word": "hobble", "num_translations": 79 }, "hobble1": { "senses": [ "To fetter by tying the legs", "To walk lame, or unevenly", "To move roughly or irregularly", "To perplex", "to embarrass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hobble", "num_translations": 23 }, "observable": { "senses": [ "Able to be observed", "Deserving to be observed", "worth regarding", "remarkable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "noticeable", "eminent" ], "word": "observable", "num_translations": 12 }, "intentional": { "senses": [ "Intended or planned", "done deliberately or voluntarily", "Done with intent" ], "antonyms": [ "unintentional" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intentional", "num_translations": 63 }, "supposition": { "senses": [ "Something that is supposed", "an assumption made to account for known facts, conjecture", "The act or an instance of supposing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:supposition" ], "word": "supposition", "num_translations": 33 }, "observer": { "senses": [ "One who makes observations, monitors or takes notice", "One who adheres or follows laws, guidelines, etc", "A person sent as a representative, to a meeting or other function to monitor but not to participate", "A country or other entity which has limited participation rights within an organization", "A crew member on an aircraft who makes observations of enemy positions or aircraft", "A sentry etc manning an observation post" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beholder" ], "word": "observer", "num_translations": 64 }, "obstacle": { "senses": [ "Something that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impediment", "hindrance", "hurdle", "barrier", "complication", "snag", "Thesaurus:hindrance" ], "word": "obstacle", "num_translations": 117 }, "obstetrician": { "senses": [ "A physician who specializes in childbirth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tocologist" ], "word": "obstetrician", "num_translations": 40 }, "obstinacy": { "senses": [ "The state, or an act, of stubbornness or doggedness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conviction", "Thesaurus:obstinacy" ], "word": "obstinacy", "num_translations": 36 }, "obtainable": { "senses": [ "Able to be obtained" ], "antonyms": [ "unobtainable" ], "synonyms": [ "gettable" ], "word": "obtainable", "num_translations": 20 }, "obtrude": { "senses": [ "To proffer by force", "to impose on someone or into some area", "To become apparent in an unwelcome way, to be forcibly imposed", "to jut in, to intrude", "To impose on others", "to cut in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "obtrude", "num_translations": 13 }, "occasionally": { "senses": [ "From time to time", "sometimes", "at relatively infrequent intervals", "By chance", "accidentally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on occasion" ], "word": "occasionally", "num_translations": 78 }, "preventable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being prevented" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preventible" ], "word": "preventable", "num_translations": 12 }, "prevention": { "senses": [ "The act of preventing or hindering", "obstruction of action, access, or approach", "thwarting", "Any measure intended to limit health-related risks", "The act of going, or state of being, before", "Anticipation", "especially, anticipation of needs, wishes, hazards and risks", "precaution", "forethought" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prevention", "num_translations": 39 }, "bony": { "senses": [ "resembling, having the appearance or consistence of, or relating to bone", "osseous", "full of bones", "with little flesh", "skinny, thin", "having prominent bones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bony", "num_translations": 36 }, "consistency": { "senses": [ "Local coherence", "Correspondence or compatibility", "Reliability or uniformity", "the quality of being consistent", "The degree of viscosity of something", "Freedom from contradiction", "the state of a system of axioms such that none of the propositions deduced from them are mutually contradictory", "Firmness of constitution or character", "substantiality", "durability", "persistency" ], "antonyms": [ "inconsistency" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consistency", "num_translations": 55 }, "pose1": { "senses": [ "To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect", "To ask", "to set", "To constitute", "to strike an attitude", "To behave affectedly in order to attract interest or admiration", "To interrogate", "to question", "To question with a view to puzzling", "to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny", "to bring to a stand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pose", "num_translations": 61 }, "ascetic": { "senses": [ "Characterized by rigorous self-denial or self-discipline", "austere", "abstinent", "involving a withholding of physical pleasure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ascetical", "abstinent" ], "word": "ascetic", "num_translations": 17 }, "assassin": { "senses": [ "Someone who intentionally kills a person, especially a professional who kills a public or political figure", "Any ruthless killer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:killer" ], "word": "assassin", "num_translations": 142 }, "hashish": { "senses": [ "The leaves and tender parts of the Indian hemp plant , which are dried for either chewing or smoking", "A cannabis extract", "Marijuana generally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:marijuana" ], "word": "hashish", "num_translations": 98 }, "boondock": { "senses": [ "A brushy rural area or location", "A shot that strikes a squopped wink and sends it flying far away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remote place", "boonies", "the sticks", "backwoods", "backwater", "middle of nowhere" ], "word": "boondock", "num_translations": 24 }, "occupy": { "senses": [ "To take or use", "To take or use space", "To have sexual intercourse with", "To do business in", "to busy oneself with", "To use", "to expend", "to make use of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "employ", "coitize" ], "word": "occupy", "num_translations": 137 }, "oceancurrent": { "senses": [ "Any more or less permanent or continuous, directed movement of water that flows in one of the Earth's oceans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "current" ], "word": "oceancurrent", "num_translations": 10 }, "hermaphroditism": { "senses": [ "The state of having sexual organs of both the male and female sexes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hermaphrodism", "intersex", "intersexuality" ], "word": "hermaphroditism", "num_translations": 29 }, "cryptic": { "senses": [ "Having hidden meaning", "Mystified or of an obscure nature", "Involving use of a code or cipher", "Of a crossword, or a clue in such a crossword, using, in addition to definitions, wordplay such as anagrams, homophones and hidden words to indicate solutions", "Well camouflaged", "having good camouflage", "Serving as camouflage", "Apparently identical, but actually genetically distinct", "Living in a cavity or small cave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cryptic", "num_translations": 24 }, "romantic": { "senses": [ "Of a work of literature, a writer etc: being like or having the characteristics of a romance, or poetic tale of a mythic or quasi-historical time", "fantastic", "Fictitious, imaginary", "Fantastic, unrealistic", "fanciful, sentimental, impractical", "Having the qualities of romance", "invoking on a powerfully sentimental idea of life", "evocative, atmospheric", "Pertaining to an idealised form of love", "conducive to romance", "loving, affectionate" ], "antonyms": [ "nonromantic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "romantic", "num_translations": 68 }, "romance": { "senses": [ "A story relating to chivalry", "a story involving knights, heroes, adventures, quests, etc", "An intimate relationship between two people", "a love affair", "A strong obsession or attachment for something or someone", "Idealized love which is pure or beautiful", "A mysterious, exciting, or fascinating quality", "A story or novel dealing with idealized love", "An embellished account of something", "an idealized lie", "A dreamy, imaginative habit of mind", "a disposition to ignore what is real", "A romanza, or sentimental ballad" ], "antonyms": [ "platonic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "romance", "num_translations": 94 }, "reader": { "senses": [ "A person who reads", "A person who reads a publication", "A person who recites literary works, usually to an audience", "A person employed by a publisher to read works submitted for publication and determine their merits", "A university lecturer ranking below a professor", "Any device that reads something", "A book of exercises to accompany a textbook", "An elementary textbook for those learning to read, especially for foreign languages", "A literary anthology", "A lay or minor cleric who reads lessons in a church service", "A newspaper advertisement designed to look like a news article rather than a commercial solicitation", "Reading glasses", "Marked playing cards used by cheats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reader", "num_translations": 162 }, "nominate": { "senses": [ "To name someone as a candidate for a particular role or position, including that of an office", "To entitle, confer a name upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bename" ], "word": "nominate", "num_translations": 20 }, "burning1": { "senses": [ "So hot as to seem to burn", "Feeling very hot", "Feeling great passion", "Consuming", "intense", "inflaming", "exciting", "vehement", "powerful", "Being keenly discussed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "burning", "num_translations": 38 }, "shove": { "senses": [ "To push, especially roughly or with force", "To move off or along by an act of pushing, as with an oar or pole used in a boat", "sometimes with off", "To make an all-in bet", "To pass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shove", "num_translations": 49 }, "oddness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being odd", "The result or product of being odd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oddity" ], "word": "oddness", "num_translations": 11 }, "odorous": { "senses": [ "Having a distinctive odor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "odoriferous" ], "word": "odorous", "num_translations": 14 }, "snailmail": { "senses": [ "Postal mail, especially as compared to email" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smail" ], "word": "snailmail", "num_translations": 22 }, "oldage": { "senses": [ "The latter part of life, the part of life after one's prime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "codgerhood" ], "word": "oldage", "num_translations": 75 }, "old-fashioned": { "senses": [ "Of a thing, outdated or no longer in vogue", "Of a person, preferring the customs of earlier times" ], "antonyms": [ "new-fashioned" ], "synonyms": [ "dated" ], "word": "old-fashioned", "num_translations": 118 }, "oldworld": { "senses": [ "The Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe, Africa and Asia", "The known world before the discovery of the Americas" ], "antonyms": [ "New World" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "OldWorld", "num_translations": 23 }, "prefer": { "senses": [ "To be in the habit of choosing something rather than something else", "to favor", "to like better", "To advance, promote", "To present or submit to an authority", "To put forward for acceptance", "to introduce, recommend" ], "antonyms": [ "disprefer" ], "synonyms": [ "forechoose" ], "word": "prefer", "num_translations": 74 }, "olympicgames": { "senses": [ "A sporting festival held every four or five years on the Plain of Olympia in southern Greece, in honour of Zeus", "An international multi-sport event taking place every fourth year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Olympics", "Games of the Olympiad" ], "word": "OlympicGames", "num_translations": 125 }, "oliveoil": { "senses": [ "A vegetable oil, pressed from olives, and used in cooking and as a salad dressing", "it is high in unsaturated fatty acids" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweet oil" ], "word": "oliveoil", "num_translations": 69 }, "forerunner": { "senses": [ "A runner at the front or ahead", "By extension, a non-competitor who leads out the competitors on to the circuit, or who runs/rides the course prior to competitor trials, usually testing or checking the way", "A precursor or harbinger, a warning ahead", "A forebear, an ancestor, a predecessor", "A postage stamp used in the time before a region or area issues stamps of its own" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forerunner", "num_translations": 30 }, "omnipotent": { "senses": [ "Having unlimited power, force or authority", "Describing a cell that is capable of developing into any type of cell or forming any type of tissue See also pluripotent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "almighty", "all-powerful" ], "word": "omnipotent", "num_translations": 49 }, "omnipresence": { "senses": [ "The ability to be at all places at the same time", "usually only attributed to God" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ubiquity" ], "word": "omnipresence", "num_translations": 38 }, "omnipresent": { "senses": [ "Being everywhere simultaneously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ubiquitous" ], "word": "omnipresent", "num_translations": 39 }, "omniscient": { "senses": [ "Having total knowledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all-knowing" ], "word": "omniscient", "num_translations": 45 }, "onbehalfof": { "senses": [ "Speaking or acting for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in behalf of" ], "word": "onbehalfof", "num_translations": 49 }, "ultrasonic": { "senses": [ "Beyond the range of sound perceptible to the human ear", "with a frequency of 20 kilohertz or higher" ], "antonyms": [ "infrasonic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ultrasonic", "num_translations": 22 }, "haptic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the sense of touch", "tactile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tactile" ], "word": "haptic", "num_translations": 28 }, "enclose": { "senses": [ "to surround with a wall, fence, etc", "to insert into a container, usually an envelope or package" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incastellate" ], "word": "enclose", "num_translations": 68 }, "trough": { "senses": [ "A long, narrow container, open on top, for feeding or watering animals", "Any similarly shaped container", "A short, narrow canal designed to hold water until it drains or evaporates", "A gutter under the eaves of a building", "A channel for conveying water or other farm liquids from place to place by gravity", "any \u2018U' or \u2018V' cross-sectioned irrigation channel", "A long, narrow depression between waves or ridges", "the low portion of a wave cycle", "A linear atmospheric depression associated with a weather front" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manger" ], "word": "trough", "num_translations": 151 }, "thrash": { "senses": [ "To beat mercilessly", "To defeat utterly", "To thresh", "To move about wildly or violently", "to flail", "to labour", "To extensively test a software system, giving a program various inputs and observing the behavior and outputs that result", "In computer architecture, to cause poor performance of a virtual memory system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thrash", "num_translations": 38 }, "menial": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to work normally performed by a servant", "Of or relating to unskilled work", "Servile", "low", "mean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "menial", "num_translations": 22 }, "ichthyology": { "senses": [ "The branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fishlore", "fish science", "fish sciences" ], "word": "ichthyology", "num_translations": 51 }, "concretenoun": { "senses": [ "A noun that denotes something tangible or material, such as a person or place" ], "antonyms": [ "abstract noun" ], "synonyms": [ "nomen concretum" ], "word": "concretenoun", "num_translations": 21 }, "revolver": { "senses": [ "A handgun with a revolving chamber enabling several shots to be fired without reloading", "Any firearm with such a mechanism", "synonym of \"revolving line of credit\"", "Agent noun of revolve", "something that revolves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wheelgun" ], "word": "revolver", "num_translations": 59 }, "cartoon": { "senses": [ "A humorous drawing, often with a caption, or a strip of such drawings", "A drawing satirising current public figures", "An artist's preliminary sketch", "An animated piece of film which is often but not exclusively humorous", "A diagram in a scientific concept" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comic strip", "caricature" ], "word": "cartoon", "num_translations": 158 }, "you'rewelcome": { "senses": [ "Used to acknowledge thanks", "you are welcome", "ritual reply to \u201cthank you\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "de nada", "don't mention it", "my pleasure", "no problem", "not at all", "no worries", "think nothing of it", "you bet", "Thesaurus:you're welcome" ], "word": "you'rewelcome", "num_translations": 235 }, "pigsty": { "senses": [ "An enclosure where pigs are kept", "A dirty or very untidy place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pigpen" ], "word": "pigsty", "num_translations": 112 }, "beataroundthebush": { "senses": [ "To treat a topic, but omit its main points, often intentionally", "To delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant" ], "antonyms": [ "cut to the chase", "get on with it", "get to the point" ], "synonyms": [ "go around the houses", "pussyfoot", "prevaricate", "ramble", "waffle" ], "word": "beataroundthebush", "num_translations": 69 }, "johndory": { "senses": [ "An edible marine fish , having long dorsal spines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "St Pierre", "Peter's fish", "St. Peter's fish" ], "word": "JohnDory", "num_translations": 42 }, "exonerate": { "senses": [ "To relieve of a load", "to unburden", "Of a body of water: to discharge or empty", "To free from an obligation, responsibility or task", "To free from accusation or blame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exonerate", "num_translations": 51 }, "meta-": { "senses": [ "Behind", "Later or subsequent", "Situated between two segments", "Having fewer molecules of water than the ortho- equivalent", "in isomeric benzene derivatives, having the two substituents in alternate positions", "contrasted with ortho- and para-" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "meta-", "num_translations": 18 }, "meta-1": { "senses": [ "Transcending, encompassing", "Pertaining to a level above or beyond", "reflexive", "about itself or about other things of the same type For example, metadata is data that describes data, metalanguage is language that describes language, etc", "Having analogies with metaphysics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "meta-", "num_translations": 17 }, "giveup": { "senses": [ "To surrender", "To stop or quit", "To relinquish", "To lose hope concerning", "To abandon", "To admit defeat, capitulate", "Become fully took over by a certain quality, activity, trait, &c" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "giveup", "num_translations": 177 }, "gullibility": { "senses": [ "The quality of readily believing information, truthful or otherwise, usually to an absurd extent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "credulity" ], "word": "gullibility", "num_translations": 22 }, "emaciated": { "senses": [ "Thin or haggard, especially from hunger or disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrawny" ], "word": "emaciated", "num_translations": 33 }, "prayerbook": { "senses": [ "A book containing religious prayers", "The Book of Common Prayer", "A small holystone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "missal" ], "word": "prayerbook", "num_translations": 22 }, "dissociate": { "senses": [ "To make unrelated", "to sever a connection", "to separate", "To part", "to stop associating", "To separate compounds into simpler component parts, usually by applying heat or through electrolysis", "To undergo dissociation", "To undergo dissociation" ], "antonyms": [ "associate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dissociate", "num_translations": 37 }, "ontheotherhand": { "senses": [ "From another point of view" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "but" ], "word": "ontheotherhand", "num_translations": 68 }, "coax": { "senses": [ "To fondle, kid, pet, tease", "To wheedle, persuade gradually or by use of flattery to do something", "To carefully manipulate into a particular desired state, situation or position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caress", "cajole", "ease" ], "word": "coax", "num_translations": 57 }, "onthewhole": { "senses": [ "For the most part", "apart from some insignificant details" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all things considered" ], "word": "onthewhole", "num_translations": 26 }, "oneanother": { "senses": [ "Used of a reciprocal relationship among a group of two or more people or things", "compare each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "each other" ], "word": "oneanother", "num_translations": 43 }, "onebyone": { "senses": [ "Individually in succession", "one at a time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one at a time" ], "word": "onebyone", "num_translations": 46 }, "one-sided": { "senses": [ "Partial or biased in favour of one faction or demographic group", "With one competitor dominant over the other", "Out of proportion or lopsided", "Having only one side, like a M\u00f6bius strip", "Turned to one side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "one-sided", "num_translations": 35 }, "mobiusstrip": { "senses": [ "A one-sided surface formed by identifying two opposite edges of a square in opposite senses", "A narrow strip given a half twist and joined at the ends, forming a three-dimensional embedding of the above" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "M\u00f6bius band", "twisted cylinder" ], "word": "Mobiusstrip", "num_translations": 46 }, "one-way": { "senses": [ "allowing movement in only one direction", "allowing travel in only one direction" ], "antonyms": [ "retour", "round trip" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "one-way", "num_translations": 34 }, "one-waystreet": { "senses": [ "A road in which traffic is only allowed to proceed in one direction", "A course of action that cannot be undone or does not lead to reciprocation" ], "antonyms": [ "two-way street" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "one-waystreet", "num_translations": 30 }, "onfoot": { "senses": [ "Walking, jogging or running but not in a vehicle or on the back of an animal", "Traveling without a vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by foot" ], "word": "onfoot", "num_translations": 68 }, "ontime1": { "senses": [ "Punctually or according to the schedule", "By installments, payments over a period of time", "By a player's running out of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in time" ], "word": "ontime", "num_translations": 34 }, "onward1": { "senses": [ "In a forward direction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "onwards" ], "word": "onward", "num_translations": 32 }, "onheat": { "senses": [ "in estrus", "receptive to mating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in heat" ], "word": "onheat", "num_translations": 22 }, "insulate": { "senses": [ "To separate, detach, or isolate", "To separate a body or material from others, eg by non-conductors to prevent the transfer of electricity, heat, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "isolate" ], "word": "insulate", "num_translations": 26 }, "interlocutor": { "senses": [ "A person who takes part in dialogue or conversation", "A man in the middle of the line in a minstrel show who questions the end men and acts as leader" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dialogue" ], "word": "interlocutor", "num_translations": 59 }, "intrude": { "senses": [ "To thrust oneself in", "to come or enter without invitation, permission, or welcome", "to encroach", "to trespass", "To force in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intrude", "num_translations": 40 }, "implore": { "senses": [ "To beg urgently or earnestly", "To call upon or pray to earnestly", "to entreat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entreat" ], "word": "implore", "num_translations": 29 }, "implicate": { "senses": [ "To show to be connected or involved in an unfavorable or criminal way", "To imply, to have as a necessary consequence or accompaniment", "To imply without entailing", "to have as an implicature", "To fold or twist together, intertwine, interlace, entangle, entwine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "implicate", "num_translations": 18 }, "informer": { "senses": [ "One who informs someone else about something", "A person who tells authorities about improper or illegal activity", "One who informs, animates, or inspires" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:informant" ], "word": "informer", "num_translations": 40 }, "binge": { "senses": [ "A short period of excessive consumption, especially of food, alcohol, narcotics, etc", "A short period of an activity done in excess, such as watching a television show" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bender" ], "word": "binge", "num_translations": 35 }, "brawl1": { "senses": [ "to fight or quarrel", "To create a disturbance", "to complain loudly", "Especially of a rapid stream running over stones: to make a loud, confused noise", "To pour abuse on", "to scold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brawl", "num_translations": 29 }, "guilty": { "senses": [ "Responsible for a dishonest act", "Judged to have committed a crime", "Having a sense of guilt", "Blameworthy" ], "antonyms": [ "not guilty", "innocent" ], "synonyms": [ "culpable", "shildy" ], "word": "guilty", "num_translations": 120 }, "blink": { "senses": [ "To close and reopen both eyes quickly", "To flash on and off at regular intervals", "To perform the smallest action that could solicit a response", "To shut out of sight", "to evade", "to shirk", "To trick", "to deceive", "To teleport, mostly for short distances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nictitate" ], "word": "blink", "num_translations": 130 }, "blink1": { "senses": [ "The act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again", "The time needed to close and reopen one's eyes", "A text formatting feature that causes text to disappear and reappear as a form of visual emphasis", "A glimpse or glance", "gleam", "glimmer", "sparkle", "The dazzling whiteness about the horizon caused by the reflection of light from fields of ice at sea", "Boughs cast where deer are to pass, in order to turn or check them", "An ability that allows teleporting, mostly for short distances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blink", "num_translations": 33 }, "bloat": { "senses": [ "to cause to become distended", "to get an overdistended rumen, talking of a ruminant", "to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc", "to cause to swell", "to become distended", "to swell up", "to fill with vanity or conceit", "to preserve by slightly salting and lightly smoking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bloat", "num_translations": 38 }, "diluent": { "senses": [ "That which dilutes", "A solvent or other liquid preparation used to dilute a sample prior to testing", "An agent used for effecting dilution of the blood", "a weak drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dilutant" ], "word": "diluent", "num_translations": 13 }, "environmentallyfriendly": { "senses": [ "Causing little harm to the environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eco-friendly", "ecological", "ecologically friendly", "green" ], "word": "environmentallyfriendly", "num_translations": 23 }, "procedure": { "senses": [ "A particular method for performing a task", "A series of small tasks or steps taken to accomplish an end", "The set of established forms or methods of an organized body for accomplishing a certain task or tasks", "The steps taken in an action or other legal proceeding", "That which results", "issue", "product", "A subroutine or function coded to perform a specific task", "A surgical operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "algorithm", "protocol", "function", "routine", "sub", "subroutine", "method", "operation" ], "word": "procedure", "num_translations": 138 }, "bedraggled": { "senses": [ "Wet and limp", "unkempt", "Decaying, decrepit or dilapidated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ramshackle" ], "word": "bedraggled", "num_translations": 13 }, "acrimony": { "senses": [ "A sharp and bitter hatred" ], "antonyms": [ "friendship", "peace" ], "synonyms": [ "animosity", "bitterness", "enmity", "hatred", "opposition" ], "word": "acrimony", "num_translations": 14 }, "deadpan": { "senses": [ "Deliberately impassive or expressionless", "Having such a face or look", "Impassive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poker-faced" ], "word": "deadpan", "num_translations": 26 }, "eurozone": { "senses": [ "those European Union member states whose official currency is the euro" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "euro area" ], "word": "Eurozone", "num_translations": 59 }, "beijing": { "senses": [ "direct-administered municipality/capital city c/China", "The government of the People's Republic of China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Peiping", "Yenching", "Chung-tu", "Khanbalik", "Ta-tu" ], "word": "Beijing", "num_translations": 136 }, "dying": { "senses": [ "Approaching death", "about to die", "moribund", "Declining, terminal, or drawing to an end", "Pertaining to death, or the moments before death" ], "antonyms": [ "nascent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dying", "num_translations": 35 }, "opener": { "senses": [ "A person who opens something", "A device that opens something", "An establishment that opens", "The player who starts the betting", "Cards of sufficient value to enable a player to open the betting", "A person employed to separate sheets of hot metal that become stuck together", "The first act in a variety show or concert", "A batsman who normally plays in the first two positions of an innings", "The first in a series of events, items etc", "the first remark or sentence of a conversation", "The first game played in a competition", "The first goal or point scored", "A period of time when it is legal to commercially fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "opener", "num_translations": 36 }, "open-mouthed": { "senses": [ "Talkative, speaking freely", "With the mouth open", "Gaping in surprise, wonder or astonishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agape" ], "word": "open-mouthed", "num_translations": 12 }, "opportune": { "senses": [ "Suitable for some particular purpose", "At a convenient or advantageous time" ], "antonyms": [ "inopportune", "inappropriate", "unseasonable" ], "synonyms": [ "appropriate", "seasonable" ], "word": "opportune", "num_translations": 37 }, "opportunist": { "senses": [ "Someone who takes advantage of any opportunity to advance their own situation, placing expediency above principle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chancer" ], "word": "opportunist", "num_translations": 38 }, "oppressor": { "senses": [ "Someone who oppresses another or others" ], "antonyms": [ "liberator" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "oppressor", "num_translations": 22 }, "oppressive": { "senses": [ "Burdensome or difficult to bear", "Tyrannical or exercising unjust power", "Weighing heavily on the spirit", "intense, or overwhelming", "Hot and humid of the weather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "humid" ], "word": "oppressive", "num_translations": 21 }, "optimal": { "senses": [ "The best, most favourable or desirable, especially under some restriction", "Describing a search algorithm that always returns the best result" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "best" ], "word": "optimal", "num_translations": 24 }, "serenity": { "senses": [ "The state of being serene", "calmness", "peacefulness", "A lack of agitation or disturbance", "A title given to a reigning prince or similar dignitary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sereneness", "tranquility", "harmony", "peace", "title", "Serene Highness" ], "word": "serenity", "num_translations": 83 }, "systole": { "senses": [ "The rhythmic contraction of the heart, by which blood is driven through the arteries", "A shortening of a naturally long vowel" ], "antonyms": [ "diastole" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "systole", "num_translations": 10 }, "indiscriminate": { "senses": [ "Without care or making distinctions, thoughtless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "promiscuous" ], "word": "indiscriminate", "num_translations": 26 }, "damsel": { "senses": [ "A young woman", "A girl", "a maiden", "A young woman who is not married", "An unmarried lady-in-waiting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "damsel", "num_translations": 45 }, "impersonator": { "senses": [ "One who fraudulently impersonates another person", "Entertainer whose act is based upon performing impressions of others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impostor", "imitator", "impressionist", "mimic", "mimicker" ], "word": "impersonator", "num_translations": 19 }, "impulsivity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being impulsive, impulsiveness", "inclination to act on impulse rather than thought" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impulsiveness" ], "word": "impulsivity", "num_translations": 13 }, "darkly": { "senses": [ "With a dark appearance", "Faintly seen in the dark", "In a morbid manner", "morbidly, sinisterly", "Mysteriously", "forebodingly, ominously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "darkly", "num_translations": 28 }, "lettercarrier": { "senses": [ "An employee of the post office who delivers mail to, and collects it from, a residence or business, or from public mailboxes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mail carrier", "mailperson" ], "word": "lettercarrier", "num_translations": 31 }, "supernumerary1": { "senses": [ "Greater in number than", "Beyond the prescribed or standard amount or number", "excess, extra", "Beyond what is necessary", "redundant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "supernumerary", "num_translations": 16 }, "poodle": { "senses": [ "A breed of dog originating in Europe as hunting dogs, and having heavy, curly coat in a solid color", "their shoulder height indicates their classification as standard, medium, miniature, or toy", "A person servile towards someone whom he or she considers his or her superior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canis aviarius aquaticus" ], "word": "poodle", "num_translations": 54 }, "winged": { "senses": [ "Having wings", "Flying or soaring as if on wings", "Swift", "having wings of a specified kind", "having the specified number of wings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "winged", "num_translations": 25 }, "optimism": { "senses": [ "a tendency to expect the best, or at least, a favourable outcome", "the doctrine that this world is the best of all possible worlds", "the belief that good will eventually triumph over evil" ], "antonyms": [ "pessimism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "optimism", "num_translations": 68 }, "optimist": { "senses": [ "a person who expects a favourable outcome", "a believer in optimism" ], "antonyms": [ "pessimist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "optimist", "num_translations": 64 }, "optional": { "senses": [ "Not compulsory", "left to personal choice", "elective" ], "antonyms": [ "compulsory" ], "synonyms": [ "facultative" ], "word": "optional", "num_translations": 67 }, "necromancer": { "senses": [ "A person who practices necromancy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "necromant", "sciomancer" ], "word": "necromancer", "num_translations": 33 }, "oracle": { "senses": [ "A shrine dedicated to some prophetic deity", "A person such as a priest through whom the deity is supposed to respond with prophecy or advice", "A prophetic response, often enigmatic or allegorical, so given", "A person considered to be a source of wisdom", "A wise sentence or decision of great authority", "One who communicates a divine command", "an angel", "a prophet", "A theoretical entity capable of answering some collection of questions", "The sanctuary, or most holy place in the temple", "also, the temple itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prophet", "expert" ], "word": "oracle", "num_translations": 74 }, "convey": { "senses": [ "To move from one place to another", "To take or carry from one place to another", "To communicate", "to make known", "to portray", "To transfer legal rights", "To manage with privacy", "to carry out", "To carry or take away secretly", "to steal", "to thieve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carry", "accompany", "express" ], "word": "convey", "num_translations": 120 }, "oration": { "senses": [ "A formal, often ceremonial speech", "A lengthy speech or argument in a private setting", "A specific form of short, solemn prayer said by the president of the liturgical celebration on behalf of the people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eulogy", "homily", "sermon", "address", "discourse", "harangue", "lecture", "lecture" ], "word": "oration", "num_translations": 12 }, "orator": { "senses": [ "Someone who orates or delivers an oration", "A skilled and eloquent public speaker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speaker" ], "word": "orator", "num_translations": 38 }, "oratory1": { "senses": [ "The art of public speaking, especially in a formal, expressive, or forceful manner", "Eloquence", "the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "public speaking" ], "word": "oratory", "num_translations": 19 }, "ordinarily": { "senses": [ "In accordance with normal custom or routine", "as a matter of established occurrence", "Usually or as a general rule", "commonly", "In the usual manner", "unexceptionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conventionally", "commonly", "ordinarily" ], "word": "ordinarily", "num_translations": 17 }, "landline": { "senses": [ "A fixed telephone communications cable", "A telephone connected by such a fixed wire, specifically not wireless/mobile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wireline" ], "word": "landline", "num_translations": 60 }, "orientation": { "senses": [ "The determination of the relative position of something or someone", "The relative physical position or direction of something", "The construction of a Christian church to have its aisle in an east-west direction with the altar at the east end", "An inclination, tendency or direction", "The ability to orient", "An adjustment to a new environment", "An introduction to a environment", "The direction of print across the page", "landscape or portrait", "The choice of which ordered bases are \"positively\" oriented and which are \"negatively\" oriented on a real vector space", "The designation of a parametrised curve as \"positively\" or \"negatively\" oriented", "the analogous description of a surface or hypersurface" ], "antonyms": [ "disorientation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "orientation", "num_translations": 71 }, "popularity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being popular", "especially, the state of being esteemed by, or of being in favor with, the people at large", "The quality or state of being adapted or pleasing to common, poor, or vulgar people", "hence, cheapness", "inferiority", "vulgarity", "Something which obtains, or is intended to obtain, the favor of the vulgar", "claptrap", "The act of courting the favour of the people", "Public sentiment", "general passion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "popularity", "num_translations": 39 }, "virtualreality": { "senses": [ "A computer technology that simulates a real or imagined environment so that the user can interact with it as if physically present" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "virch", "VR" ], "word": "virtualreality", "num_translations": 35 }, "whimsical": { "senses": [ "Given to whimsy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "idiosyncratic", "Thesaurus:witty" ], "word": "whimsical", "num_translations": 54 }, "playful": { "senses": [ "liking play, prone to play frequently, such as a child or kitten", "rather sportive", "funny, humorous, jesting, frolicsome", "fun, recreational, not serious", "experimental" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "playful", "num_translations": 56 }, "newfangled": { "senses": [ "Modern, unfamiliar, or different" ], "antonyms": [ "oldfangled" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "newfangled", "num_translations": 20 }, "smarmy": { "senses": [ "Falsely earnest, smug, or ingratiating", "unctuous, greasy, as hair from pomade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flattering" ], "word": "smarmy", "num_translations": 13 }, "surgeon": { "senses": [ "One who performs surgery", "a doctor who performs operations on people or animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sawbones", "chirurgeon" ], "word": "surgeon", "num_translations": 77 }, "orphanage": { "senses": [ "A residential institution for the care and protection of orphans", "Orphanhood", "the state of being an orphan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "children's home", "orphanarium" ], "word": "orphanage", "num_translations": 70 }, "orthodoxy": { "senses": [ "Correctness in doctrine and belief", "Conformity to established and accepted beliefs" ], "antonyms": [ "heterodoxy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "orthodoxy", "num_translations": 57 }, "oscillate": { "senses": [ "To swing back and forth, especially if with a regular rhythm", "To vacillate between conflicting opinions, etc", "To vary above and below a mean value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vacillate" ], "word": "oscillate", "num_translations": 34 }, "ostentatious": { "senses": [ "Of ostentation", "Intended to attract notice", "Of tawdry display", "kitsch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gaudy" ], "word": "ostentatious", "num_translations": 80 }, "ought1": { "senses": [ "Indicating duty or obligation", "Indicating advisability or prudence", "Indicating desirability", "Indicating likelihood or probability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "should" ], "word": "ought", "num_translations": 67 }, "outburst1": { "senses": [ "a sudden, often violent expression of emotion or activity" ], "antonyms": [ "inburst" ], "synonyms": [ "explosion" ], "word": "outburst", "num_translations": 14 }, "outmoded": { "senses": [ "unfashionable", "obsolete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "d\u00e9mod\u00e9", "antiquated" ], "word": "outmoded", "num_translations": 16 }, "outofdate": { "senses": [ "Too old to be used", "not current", "invalid", "outmoded", "Not conforming to the current fashion or style", "old-fashioned" ], "antonyms": [ "up to date" ], "synonyms": [ "antiquated", "d\u00e9mod\u00e9" ], "word": "outofdate", "num_translations": 29 }, "austin": { "senses": [ "male given name, of Anglo-Norman origin", "An surname from the given name", "male given name", "locale c/Canada", "locale c/US", "ghost town s/Western Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Austin", "num_translations": 27 }, "cardigan": { "senses": [ "A type of sweater or jumper that fastens up the front with buttons or a zipper, usually machine- or hand-knitted from wool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cardi" ], "word": "cardigan", "num_translations": 42 }, "fragrance": { "senses": [ "A pleasant smell or odour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aroma" ], "word": "fragrance", "num_translations": 113 }, "purposely": { "senses": [ "on purpose", "intentionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deliberately", "intentionally", "on purpose", "wilfully", "purposefully" ], "word": "purposely", "num_translations": 18 }, "outofone'smind": { "senses": [ "Insane, crazy", "Temporarily mentally unstable", "very distressed" ], "antonyms": [ "in one's right mind" ], "synonyms": [ "off one's head", "Thesaurus:insane" ], "word": "outofone'smind", "num_translations": 15 }, "outofsight": { "senses": [ "Not accessible to view", "Not yet attainable", "Superb, excellent", "Very expensive", "Drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "invisible", "Thesaurus:hidden", "Thesaurus:excellent", "Thesaurus:expensive", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "outofsight", "num_translations": 15 }, "outpatient": { "senses": [ "A patient who receives treatment at a hospital or clinic but is not admitted overnight", "a receiver of ambulatory care" ], "antonyms": [ "inpatient" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "outpatient", "num_translations": 17 }, "err": { "senses": [ "To make a mistake", "To sin", "to stray" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:make a mistake" ], "word": "err", "num_translations": 58 }, "commonplace1": { "senses": [ "A platitude or clich\u00e9", "Something that is ordinary", "A memorandum", "something to be frequently consulted or referred to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commonplace", "num_translations": 29 }, "comprehensible": { "senses": [ "Able to be comprehended" ], "antonyms": [ "incomprehensible" ], "synonyms": [ "apprehensible" ], "word": "comprehensible", "num_translations": 29 }, "graceful": { "senses": [ "Having or showing grace in movement, shape, or proportion", "Gradual and non-disruptive" ], "antonyms": [ "graceless", "clumsy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "graceful", "num_translations": 76 }, "gore": { "senses": [ "Blood, especially that from a wound when thickened due to exposure to the air", "Murder, bloodshed, violence", "Dirt", "mud", "filth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gore", "num_translations": 28 }, "gore2": { "senses": [ "A triangular piece of land where roads meet", "A small piece of land left unincorporated due to competing surveys or a surveying error", "The curved surface that lies between two close lines of longitude on a globe", "A triangular or rhomboid piece of fabric, especially one forming part of a three-dimensional surface such as a sail, skirt, hot-air balloon, etcWp", "An elastic gusset for providing a snug fit in a shoe", "A projecting point", "One of the abatements, made of two curved lines, meeting in an acute angle in the fesse point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gore", "num_translations": 18 }, "assign": { "senses": [ "To designate or set apart something for some purpose", "To appoint or select someone for some office", "To allot or give something as a task", "To attribute or sort something into categories", "To transfer property, a legal right, etc, from one person to another", "To give to a variable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allocate", "consign" ], "word": "assign", "num_translations": 115 }, "tough": { "senses": [ "Strong and resilient", "sturdy", "Difficult to cut or chew", "Rugged or physically hardy", "Stubborn", "Harsh or severe", "Rowdy or rough", "Difficult or demanding", "Undergoing plastic deformation before breaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tough", "num_translations": 60 }, "suspend": { "senses": [ "To halt something temporarily", "To hold in an undetermined or undecided state", "To discontinue or interrupt a function, task, position, or event", "To hang freely", "underhang", "To bring a solid substance, usually in powder form, into suspension in a liquid", "To make to depend", "To debar, or cause to withdraw temporarily, from any privilege, from the execution of an office, from the enjoyment of income, etc", "To support in a liquid, as an insoluble powder, by stirring, to facilitate chemical action", "To remove the value of an unused coupon from an air ticket, typically so as to allow continuation of the next sectors' travel" ], "antonyms": [ "resume" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "suspend", "num_translations": 77 }, "gauche": { "senses": [ "Awkward or lacking in social graces", "bumbling", "Skewed, not plane", "Describing a torsion angle of 60\u00b0" ], "antonyms": [ "adroit" ], "synonyms": [ "graceless" ], "word": "gauche", "num_translations": 17 }, "retort1": { "senses": [ "To say something sharp or witty in answer to a remark or accusation", "To make a remark which reverses an argument upon its originator", "to return, as an argument, accusation, censure, or incivility", "To bend or curve back", "To throw back", "to reverberate", "to reflect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comeback" ], "word": "retort", "num_translations": 17 }, "careless": { "senses": [ "Not concerned or worried", "Not giving sufficient attention or thought, especially concerning the avoidance of harm or mistakes", "Free from care", "unworried, without anxiety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:careless" ], "word": "careless", "num_translations": 95 }, "behave": { "senses": [ "To conduct well, or in a given way", "To act, conduct oneself in a specific manner", "used with an adverbial of manner", "To conduct, manage, regulate", "To act in a polite or proper way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "behave", "num_translations": 72 }, "cloudy": { "senses": [ "Covered with or characterised by clouds", "overcast", "Not transparent or clear", "Uncertain", "unclear", "Using or relating to cloud computing", "shady", "sketchy", "suspicious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cloudy", "num_translations": 137 }, "lesson": { "senses": [ "A section of learning or teaching into which a wider learning content is divided", "A learning task assigned to a student", "homework", "Something learned or to be learned", "Something that serves as a warning or encouragement", "A section of the Bible or other religious text read as part of a divine service", "A severe lecture", "reproof", "rebuke", "warning", "An exercise", "a composition serving an educational purpose", "a study" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lear", "lection" ], "word": "lesson", "num_translations": 234 }, "carnivorous": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to carnivores, or the taxonomic order Carnivora", "Predatory or flesh eating", "Insectivorous: capable of trapping insects and absorbing nutrient from them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sarcophagic", "sarcophagous" ], "word": "carnivorous", "num_translations": 50 }, "outright": { "senses": [ "Wholly, completely and entirely", "Openly and without reservation", "At once", "With no outstanding conditions", "Blatantly", "inexcusably" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:completely" ], "word": "outright", "num_translations": 61 }, "outright1": { "senses": [ "Unqualified and unreserved", "Total or complete", "Having no outstanding conditions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:total" ], "word": "outright", "num_translations": 17 }, "outstrip": { "senses": [ "To outrun or leave behind", "To exceed, excel or surpass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overgo", "overstep" ], "word": "outstrip", "num_translations": 19 }, "outward": { "senses": [ "outer", "located towards the outside", "visible, noticeable", "Tending to the exterior or outside", "Foreign", "not civil or intestine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outward", "num_translations": 16 }, "outward1": { "senses": [ "Towards the outside", "away from the centre", "publicly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outwards" ], "word": "outward", "num_translations": 10 }, "ovum": { "senses": [ "The female gamete in animals", "the egg cell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "megagamete" ], "word": "ovum", "num_translations": 70 }, "overt": { "senses": [ "Open and not concealed or secret" ], "antonyms": [ "covert" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overt", "num_translations": 23 }, "owingto": { "senses": [ "Because of, on account of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as a consequence of", "as a result of", "because of", "due to", "thanks to", "on account of" ], "word": "owingto", "num_translations": 18 }, "keelover": { "senses": [ "Of a vessel: to roll so far on its side that it cannot recover", "to capsize or turn turtle", "To collapse in a faint", "to black out, to swoon", "To die" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "keelover", "num_translations": 15 }, "spicy": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or containing spice", "Provoking a burning sensation due to the presence of chillies or similar hot spices", "Tangy, zesty, or pungent", "Vigorous", "colorful", "stimulating", "Risqu\u00e9, sexy, racy", "mildly pornographic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hot" ], "word": "spicy", "num_translations": 122 }, "sewage": { "senses": [ "A suspension of water and solid waste, transported by sewers to be disposed of or processed", "sewerage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wastewater" ], "word": "sewage", "num_translations": 21 }, "saltshaker": { "senses": [ "A small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling it on food for seasoning purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salt cellar" ], "word": "saltshaker", "num_translations": 40 }, "hanky-panky": { "senses": [ "Mischievous behaviour, dishonest or shady activity", "Amorous behaviour, smooching, making out, necking, sexual intercourse or other sexual activity, also if illicit", "A debaucherous act", "a sexual act that is considered inappropriate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:copulation" ], "word": "hanky-panky", "num_translations": 18 }, "sweeper": { "senses": [ "One who sweeps floors or chimneys", "A detector", "Any of the small, tropical marine perciform fishes of the family Pempheridae, typically with deeply keeled, compressed bodies and large eyes", "A defender who is the last line of defence before the goalkeeper", "A person who sweeps the ice ahead of the rock in play", "A batsman who plays sweep shots", "A fielding position along the boundary", "a fielder in this position", "A tree that has fallen over a river with branches extending into the water", "A vacuum cleaner", "A group of students tasked at cleaning the homeroom after class dismissal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sweeper", "num_translations": 21 }, "chickenout": { "senses": [ "To shy away from a daring task", "to decline, refuse, or avoid something due to fear or uncertainty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bottle out", "wuss out", "wimp out", "bottle it" ], "word": "chickenout", "num_translations": 21 }, "evileye": { "senses": [ "A wicked look that is believed by many cultures to be able to cause injury or bad luck due to envy or dislike", "A curse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hex", "jettatura", "jinx", "whammy" ], "word": "evileye", "num_translations": 67 }, "keepon": { "senses": [ "To persist or continue", "To persist in talking about a subject to the annoyance of the listener", "To cause or allow to remain in an existing position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "continue" ], "word": "keepon", "num_translations": 12 }, "gasp": { "senses": [ "To draw in the breath suddenly, as if from a shock", "To breathe laboriously or convulsively", "To speak in a breathless manner", "To pant with eagerness", "to show vehement desire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gasp", "num_translations": 83 }, "overture": { "senses": [ "An opening", "a recess or chamber", "Disclosure", "discovery", "revelation", "An approach or proposal made to initiate communication, establish a relationship etc", "A motion placed before a legislative body, such as the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland", "A musical introduction to a piece of music" ], "antonyms": [ "coda" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overture", "num_translations": 38 }, "entitle": { "senses": [ "To give a title to", "To dignify by an honorary designation", "To give power or authority", "To give rightful ownership", "To give a title to a book, film, play, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "designate", "elevate", "empower", "name" ], "word": "entitle", "num_translations": 49 }, "entitled1": { "senses": [ "having a title", "having a legal or perceived moral right or claim to something", "Convinced of one's own righteousness or the justifiability of one's actions or status, especially wrongly so", "demanding and pretentious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "authorized", "empowered" ], "word": "entitled", "num_translations": 32 }, "exterminate": { "senses": [ "To kill all of , usually intentionally", "To bring a definite end to", "finish completely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "annihilate", "stamp out", "Thesaurus:destroy" ], "word": "exterminate", "num_translations": 42 }, "tassel": { "senses": [ "The panicle on a male plant of maize, which consists of loose threads with anthers on them", "The loose hairs at the end of a braid", "A narrow silk ribbon, or similar, sewed to a book to be put between the pages", "A piece of board that is laid upon a wall as a sort of plate, to give a level surface to the ends of floor timbers", "A kind of bur used in dressing cloth", "a teasel", "A thin plate of gold on the back of a bishop's gloves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tassel", "num_translations": 36 }, "massive": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a large mass", "weighty, heavy, or bulky", "Much larger than normal", "Of great significance or import", "overwhelming", "Not exhibiting crystal form", "Of particularly exceptional quality or value", "awesome", "outstanding, beautiful", "To a very great extent", "total, utter", "Possessing mass" ], "antonyms": [ "insubstantial", "dwarf", "inconsequential", "lame", "massless" ], "synonyms": [ "bulky", "colossal", "enormous", "gargantuan", "giant", "gigantic", "great", "huge", "mahoosive", "consequential", "awesome" ], "word": "massive", "num_translations": 25 }, "properly": { "senses": [ "in a proper manner", "Entirely", "extremely", "thoroughly", "individually", "in one's own manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "properly", "num_translations": 38 }, "tidy": { "senses": [ "Arranged neatly and in order", "Not messy", "neat and controlled", "Satisfactory", "comfortable", "Generous, considerable", "In good time", "at the right time", "timely", "seasonable", "opportune", "favourable", "fit", "suitable", "Brave", "smart", "skillful", "fine", "good", "Appropriate or suitable as regards occasion, circumstances, arrangement, or order" ], "antonyms": [ "messy" ], "synonyms": [ "neat", "opportune", "apt" ], "word": "tidy", "num_translations": 42 }, "wad": { "senses": [ "An amorphous, compact mass", "A substantial pile", "A soft plug or seal, particularly as used between the powder and pellets in a shotgun cartridge, or earlier on the charge of a muzzleloader or cannon", "A sandwich", "An ejaculation of semen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cumload" ], "word": "wad", "num_translations": 30 }, "muffle1": { "senses": [ "To wrap in fabric or another covering, for warmth or protection", "often with up", "To wrap up or cover in order to deaden the sound", "To mute or deaden", "To speak indistinctly, or without clear articulation", "To prevent seeing, or hearing, or speaking, by wraps bound about the head", "to blindfold", "to deafen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "muffle", "num_translations": 17 }, "wilt": { "senses": [ "To droop or become limp and flaccid", "To fatigue", "to lose strength", "To cause to droop or become limp and flaccid", "To cause to fatigue", "to exhaust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wilt", "num_translations": 63 }, "givesomeonethecreeps": { "senses": [ "To give someone a feeling of uneasiness or mild fright" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "creep someone out" ], "word": "givesomeonethecreeps", "num_translations": 15 }, "kettledrum": { "senses": [ "A large hemispherical brass percussion instrument with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting its tension", "An informal social party at which a light collation is offered, held in the afternoon or early evening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "timpanum" ], "word": "kettledrum", "num_translations": 31 }, "keyhole": { "senses": [ "The hole in a lock where the key is inserted and turns", "Any small opening resembling the hole for a key in shape or function", "A circle cut out of a garment as a decorative effect, typically at the front or back neckline of a dress", "A hole or excavation in beams intended to be joined together, to receive the key that fastens them", "A mortise for a key or cotter", "A transient column of vapor or plasma formed when using high energy beams, such as lasers, for welding or cutting", "A welding method in which a hole forms in the surface immediately ahead of the puddle in the direction of welding The hole is filled as the weld progresses", "The free-throw lane together with the circle surrounding the free-throw line", "key" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "keyhole", "num_translations": 50 }, "kilobyte": { "senses": [ "A unit of storage capacity, equal to 1024 bytes: a kibibyte Frequently abbreviated KB", "1000 bytes SI Symbol: kB" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kB" ], "word": "kilobyte", "num_translations": 30 }, "kilowatt": { "senses": [ "One thousand watts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kW" ], "word": "kilowatt", "num_translations": 22 }, "kilowatt-hour": { "senses": [ "a unit of energy equal to that done by one kilowatt acting for one hour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kWh" ], "word": "kilowatt-hour", "num_translations": 28 }, "kingly": { "senses": [ "Of or belonging to a king or kings", "exercised by a king", "Characteristic of kings, majestic, regal" ], "antonyms": [ "unkinglike", "unkingly" ], "synonyms": [ "kinglike", "majestic", "regal", "royal" ], "word": "kingly", "num_translations": 21 }, "panties": { "senses": [ "plural of \"panty\"", "Short underpants for women and girls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "briefies" ], "word": "panties", "num_translations": 58 }, "knockdown": { "senses": [ "To hit or knock , intentionally or accidentally, so that it falls", "To demolish", "At an auction, to declare sold with a blow from the gavel", "To reduce the price of", "To drink fast", "To disassemble for shipment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knock over", "demolish", "sell", "reduce" ], "word": "knockdown", "num_translations": 30 }, "reorganization": { "senses": [ "The act or process of rearranging See reorganize", "The end result of such an act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rearrangement", "rearranging", "reordering", "resorting", "restructuring" ], "word": "reorganization", "num_translations": 12 }, "knowing": { "senses": [ "Possessing knowledge or understanding", "intelligent", "Shrewd or showing clever awareness", "Suggestive of private knowledge", "Deliberate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knowing", "num_translations": 30 }, "convergence": { "senses": [ "The act of moving toward union or uniformity", "A meeting place", "The intersection of three electron beams for red, green and blue onto a single pixel in a CRT", "The process of approaching some limiting value", "The coordinated focusing of the eyes, especially at short range", "The evolution of similar structures or traits in unrelated species in similar environments", "convergent evolution", "The hypothesis that poorer economies' per capita incomes tend to grow faster than richer economies", "The merging of distinct technologies, industries, or devices into a unified whole" ], "antonyms": [ "divergence" ], "synonyms": [ "convergency" ], "word": "convergence", "num_translations": 37 }, "passaway": { "senses": [ "To die", "To spend", "to waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "passaway", "num_translations": 57 }, "restroom": { "senses": [ "A room containing a public toilet: a public lavatory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "restroom", "num_translations": 40 }, "what'sthematter": { "senses": [ "What's wrong? What's the problem?", "What's happening? What's the news?" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "s'matter" ], "word": "what'sthematter", "num_translations": 33 }, "proximity": { "senses": [ "Closeness", "the state of being near as in space, time, or relationship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "closeness" ], "word": "proximity", "num_translations": 28 }, "convent": { "senses": [ "A religious community whose members live under strict observation of religious rules and self-imposed vows", "The buildings and pertaining surroundings in which such a community lives", "A Christian school", "A gathering of people lasting several days for the purpose of discussing or working on topics previously selected", "A coming together", "a meeting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "convent", "num_translations": 49 }, "graphicaluserinterface": { "senses": [ "A type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer through a metaphor of direct manipulation of graphical images and widgets in addition to text" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GUI" ], "word": "graphicaluserinterface", "num_translations": 32 }, "erratic": { "senses": [ "unsteady, random", "prone to unexpected changes", "not consistent", "Deviating from normal opinions or actions", "eccentric", "odd" ], "antonyms": [ "consistent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "erratic", "num_translations": 39 }, "patronsaint": { "senses": [ "A saint conceived as the patron of a particular place, group, or activity", "An exemplar: an individual who exemplifies some trait or group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "patronsaint", "num_translations": 31 }, "zoomin": { "senses": [ "To increase the focal length of a zoom lens in order to obtain a magnified image, or a close-up", "To manipulate a display so as to make the image larger" ], "antonyms": [ "zoom out" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "zoomin", "num_translations": 13 }, "zoomout": { "senses": [ "To decrease the focal length of a zoom lens in order to obtain a reduced magnification of the image, or a wider-angle view", "To manipulate a display so as to make the image smaller and possibly less detailed" ], "antonyms": [ "zoom in" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "zoomout", "num_translations": 11 }, "yearn": { "senses": [ "To long, have a strong desire", "To long for something in the past with melancholy, nostalgically", "To have strong feelings of love, sympathy, affection, etc", "To be pained or distressed", "to grieve", "to mourn", "To pain", "to grieve", "to vex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "yearn", "num_translations": 75 }, "huanghe": { "senses": [ "river in northern c/China which flows for 5,463 km to the Yellow Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "China's Sorrow", "Hwang Ho", "Yellow River" ], "word": "HuangHe", "num_translations": 48 }, "-ness": { "senses": [ "Appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning \"the state of being \", \"the quality of being \", or \"the measure of being \"", "Appended to words of other parts of speech to form nouns meaning the state/quality/measure of the idea represented by these words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-dom", "-hood", "-ship", "-itas", "-itude", "-th", "-ia", "-itia", "-ity", "-ism", "-ability", "-ibility", "-icity", "-osity" ], "word": "-ness", "num_translations": 87 }, "bumbag": { "senses": [ "A small pouch attached to a belt that is worn on the outside of clothing around the waist and used for holding small personal items" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belly bag" ], "word": "bumbag", "num_translations": 13 }, "youngster": { "senses": [ "A young person" ], "antonyms": [ "oldster" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:child" ], "word": "youngster", "num_translations": 50 }, "yuppie": { "senses": [ "a young upwardly mobile urban professional person with an affluent lifestyle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bobo", "yumpie", "yup" ], "word": "yuppie", "num_translations": 34 }, "longing1": { "senses": [ "An earnest and deep, not greatly passionate, but rather melancholic desire", "The buying of a financial instrument with the expectation that its value will rise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yearning" ], "word": "longing", "num_translations": 59 }, "bile": { "senses": [ "A bitter brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow secretion produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladder, and discharged into the duodenum where it aids the process of digestion", "bitterness of temper", "ill humour", "irascibility" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gall" ], "word": "bile", "num_translations": 121 }, "buttin": { "senses": [ "To join a conversation or situation in which one is not welcome or invited", "to interject", "To join a queue not at the end, but in the middle" ], "antonyms": [ "butt out" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "buttin", "num_translations": 17 }, "complicity": { "senses": [ "The state of being complicit", "involvement as a partner or accomplice, especially in a crime or other wrongdoing", "Complexity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collusion" ], "word": "complicity", "num_translations": 26 }, "cripple1": { "senses": [ "a person who has severely impaired physical abilities because of deformation, injury, or amputation of parts of the body", "A shortened wooden stud or brace used to construct the portion of a wall above a door or above and below a window", "scrapple", "A rocky shallow in a stream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disabled" ], "word": "cripple", "num_translations": 57 }, "cripple2": { "senses": [ "to cause someone to become physically impaired", "to damage seriously", "to destroy", "to release a product with reduced functionality, in some cases, making the item essentially worthless", "to nerf something which is overpowered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:disable", "Thesaurus:destroy", "Thesaurus:harm", "limit" ], "word": "cripple", "num_translations": 26 }, "xylitol": { "senses": [ "a pentahydric alcohol, C5H12O5, penta-hydroxy pentane", "derived from xylose", "used as a sweetener" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E967" ], "word": "xylitol", "num_translations": 15 }, "crystalline": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or composed of crystals", "Having a regular three-dimensional molecular structure", "Resembling crystal in being clear and transparent" ], "antonyms": [ "amorphous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "crystalline", "num_translations": 50 }, "casualty": { "senses": [ "Something that happens by chance, especially an unfortunate event", "an accident, a disaster", "A person suffering from injuries or who has been killed due to an accident or through an act of violence", "Specifically, a person who has been killed due to an accident or through an act of violence", "a fatality", "A person in military service who becomes unavailable for duty, for any reason", "The accident and emergency department of a hospital", "An incidental charge or payment", "Chance nature", "randomness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortune" ], "word": "casualty", "num_translations": 65 }, "mechanism": { "senses": [ "Any mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion, or the transmission or control of power", "Any combination of cams, gears, links, belts, chains and logical mechanical elements", "A group of entities, such as objects, that interact together", "A mental, physical or chemical process", "Any process of, or system designed to manage useful energy conversion", "The theory that all natural phenomena can be explained by physical causes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mechanism", "num_translations": 75 }, "radiograph": { "senses": [ "An image, often a photographic negative, produced by radiation other than normal light", "especially an X-ray photograph", "An instrument for measuring and recording solar radiation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "radiogram" ], "word": "radiograph", "num_translations": 18 }, "nutrient": { "senses": [ "A source of nourishment, such as food, that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy and build tissue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nutriment" ], "word": "nutrient", "num_translations": 30 }, "waft": { "senses": [ "To float easily or gently through the air", "To be moved, or to pass, on a buoyant medium", "to float", "To give notice to by waving something", "to wave the hand to", "to beckon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waft", "num_translations": 33 }, "gently": { "senses": [ "in a gentle manner" ], "antonyms": [ "roughly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "gently", "num_translations": 47 }, "waggle": { "senses": [ "To move with short, quick motions", "to wobble", "To reel, sway, or move from side to side", "to move with a wagging motion", "to waddle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waggle", "num_translations": 13 }, "washingmachine": { "senses": [ "A machine, usually automatic, which washes clothes etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "washer" ], "word": "washingmachine", "num_translations": 101 }, "waistline": { "senses": [ "a line around the body at the waist", "its measurement", "the narrowest part of a garment, usually at the waist, but may be above or below depending on the dictates of fashion or the whim of the designer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "girth" ], "word": "waistline", "num_translations": 17 }, "whim": { "senses": [ "A large capstan or vertical drum turned by horse power or steam power, for raising ore or water, etc, from mines, or for other purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lark" ], "word": "whim", "num_translations": 56 }, "gloryhole": { "senses": [ "A hole in a mineshaft where an orebody is mined upwards until it breaks through the surface into the open air", "A hole in a screen or wall big enough to allow an erect penis to be stuck through, made to facilitate anonymous sex with another person", "A military trench", "An excavation into the sea floor designed to protect the wellhead equipment installed at the surface of a petroleum well from icebergs or pack ice", "A hole in the side of a furnace used to heat glass held on a metal rod", "A deep built-in cupboard under the eaves or stairs of a house used for general storage, particularly of unrelated or unwanted items stored in some disorder", "In the merchant and Royal Navy:", "A bell-mouth spillway: a spillway that is shaped like an upside-down bell, thereby giving the appearance of a hole in the surface of the water", "An especially good place to fish, a particularly rich fishing spot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gloryhole", "num_translations": 17 }, "fleshy": { "senses": [ "Of, related to, or resembling flesh", "Having considerable flesh", "plump" ], "antonyms": [ "bony" ], "synonyms": [ "corpulent" ], "word": "fleshy", "num_translations": 49 }, "trivial": { "senses": [ "Ignorable", "of little significance or value", "Commonplace, ordinary", "Concerned with or involving trivia", "Relating to or designating the name of a species", "specific as opposed to generic", "Of, relating to, or being the simplest possible case", "Self-evident", "Pertaining to the trivium", "Indistinguishable in case of truth or falsity" ], "antonyms": [ "nontrivial", "important", "significant", "radical", "fundamental" ], "synonyms": [ "ignorable" ], "word": "trivial", "num_translations": 92 }, "botch": { "senses": [ "To perform in an unacceptable or incompetent manner", "to make a mess of something", "To do something without skill, without care, or clumsily", "To repair or mend clumsily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bodge" ], "word": "botch", "num_translations": 60 }, "botch1": { "senses": [ "An action, job, or task that has been performed very badly", "a ruined, defective, or clumsy piece of work", "A patch put on, or a part of a garment patched or mended in a clumsy manner", "A mistake that is very stupid or embarrassing", "A messy, disorderly or confusing combination", "conglomeration", "hodgepodge", "One who makes a mess of something", "a bungler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "botch", "num_translations": 31 }, "knockup": { "senses": [ "To put together, fabricate, or assemble, particularly if done hastily or temporarily See also knock together", "To awaken as by knocking at the door", "rouse", "call", "summon", "also, to go door-to-door on election day to persuade a candidate's supporters to go to the polling station and vote See also knocker up", "To exhaust", "wear out", "tire out", "to fatigue until unable to do more", "To become exhausted or worn out", "to fail of strength", "to become wearied, as with labor", "to give out", "To impregnate, especially out of wedlock See knocked up", "To gently hit the ball back and forth before a tennis match, as practice or warm-up, and to gauge the state of the playing surface, lighting, etc See knock-up", "To make even at the edges, or to shape into book form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "construct", "tire", "tire", "bring round", "get with child" ], "word": "knockup", "num_translations": 10 }, "bigscreen": { "senses": [ "The large viewing surface upon which films are projected in a cinema", "Films as a medium" ], "antonyms": [ "small screen" ], "synonyms": [ "silver screen" ], "word": "bigscreen", "num_translations": 17 }, "variegated": { "senses": [ "Streaked, spotted, or otherwise marked with a variety of color", "very colorful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "patterned", "motley" ], "word": "variegated", "num_translations": 50 }, "conspicuous": { "senses": [ "Obvious or easy to notice", "Noticeable or attracting attention, especially if unattractive" ], "antonyms": [ "inconspicuous" ], "synonyms": [ "observable", "flashy" ], "word": "conspicuous", "num_translations": 89 }, "etude": { "senses": [ "A short piece of music, designed to give a performer practice in a particular area or skill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "study" ], "word": "etude", "num_translations": 32 }, "rarely": { "senses": [ "Not occurring at a regular interval", "seldom", "not often", "Unusually well", "excellently", "To a rare degree", "very" ], "antonyms": [ "frequently" ], "synonyms": [ "barely", "hardly", "infrequently", "once in a while", "seldom", "sporadically", "scarcely" ], "word": "rarely", "num_translations": 50 }, "prefecture": { "senses": [ "The office or position of a prefect", "The jurisdiction of a prefect", "the region administered by a prefect, especially as a translation of certain French, Chinese, and Japanese administrative divisions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jun" ], "word": "prefecture", "num_translations": 51 }, "mob": { "senses": [ "A large or disorderly group of people", "especially one bent on riotous or destructive action", "A group of animals such as horses or cattle", "The Mafia, or a similar group that engages in organized crime", "A non-player character, especially one that exists to be fought or killed to further the progression of the story or game", "The lower classes of a community", "the rabble", "A cohesive group of people", "A flock of emus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mafia" ], "word": "mob", "num_translations": 90 }, "restore": { "senses": [ "To reestablish, or bring back into existence", "To bring back to good condition from a state of decay or ruin", "To give or bring back", "to bring back to the owner", "to replace", "To give in place of, or as restitution for", "To recover from a backup", "To bring back to its original signification", "To make good", "to make amends for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "restore", "num_translations": 87 }, "restrain": { "senses": [ "To control or keep in check", "To deprive of liberty", "To restrict or limit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "check", "confine" ], "word": "restrain", "num_translations": 97 }, "messy": { "senses": [ "In a disorderly state", "chaotic", "disorderly", "Prone to causing mess", "Difficult or unpleasant to deal with" ], "antonyms": [ "neat", "orderly" ], "synonyms": [ "untidy", "chaotic", "disorderly", "cluttered" ], "word": "messy", "num_translations": 41 }, "disorderly": { "senses": [ "Not in order", "marked by disorder or disarray", "Not acting in an orderly way, as the functions of the body or mind", "Not complying with the restraints of order and law", "unruly", "lawless", "Offensive to good morals and public decency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disorderly", "num_translations": 28 }, "walkingstick": { "senses": [ "A tool, such as a cane, used to ease pressure on the legs, and to aid stability, when walking", "A stick insect", "A playing card with the rank of seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alpenstock", "cane", "staff" ], "word": "walkingstick", "num_translations": 110 }, "wallet": { "senses": [ "A small case, often flat and often made of leather, for keeping money , credit cards, etc", "A person's bank account or assets", "A thick case or folder with plastic sleeves in which compact discs may be stored", "A bag or pouch", "A person's buttocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "billfold", "pocketbook" ], "word": "wallet", "num_translations": 182 }, "warden": { "senses": [ "A guard or watchman", "A chief administrative officer of a prison", "An official charged with supervisory duties or with the enforcement of specific laws or regulations", "A governing official in various institutions", "A variety of pear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warden", "num_translations": 44 }, "wardoff": { "senses": [ "To parry, or turn aside", "To avert or prevent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apotropaic" ], "word": "wardoff", "num_translations": 44 }, "warehouseman": { "senses": [ "A person who manages, or works in, a warehouse", "One who keeps a wholesale shop for woollen goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "storeman", "warehouse clerk" ], "word": "warehouseman", "num_translations": 23 }, "voyeur": { "senses": [ "A person who derives sexual pleasure from secretly observing other people, especially when such people are engaged in some sexual activity", "An obsessive observer of sensational or sordid subjects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peeping tom" ], "word": "voyeur", "num_translations": 28 }, "banter1": { "senses": [ "To play or do something amusing", "To tease mildly", "To joke about", "to ridicule", "To delude or trick", "to play a prank upon", "To challenge to a match" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kid" ], "word": "banter", "num_translations": 47 }, "globuscruciger": { "senses": [ "A globe topped by a cross, used as a symbol of royal power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orb" ], "word": "globuscruciger", "num_translations": 21 }, "redskin": { "senses": [ "An American Indian, a Native American" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red man", "see" ], "word": "redskin", "num_translations": 18 }, "rumination": { "senses": [ "Deep thought or consideration", "The act of ruminating", "ie chewing cud and other ruminants", "Negative cyclic thinking", "persistent and recurrent worrying or brooding", "An eating disorder characterized by repetitive regurgitation of small amounts of food from the stomach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rumination", "num_translations": 15 }, "install": { "senses": [ "To connect, set up or prepare something for use", "To admit formally into an office, rank or position", "To establish or settle in" ], "antonyms": [ "uninstall" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "install", "num_translations": 58 }, "lemniscate": { "senses": [ "The infinity symbol", "Any of a variety of quartic functions producing similar figure-of-eight closed curves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infinity" ], "word": "lemniscate", "num_translations": 13 }, "infancy": { "senses": [ "The earliest period of childhood", "The state of being an infant", "An early stage in the development of anything", "The state of being a minor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infanthood", "babyhood", "babyship" ], "word": "infancy", "num_translations": 21 }, "warlike": { "senses": [ "Hostile and belligerent", "Martial, bellicose or militaristic" ], "antonyms": [ "nonwarlike", "peaceful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "warlike", "num_translations": 64 }, "warmonger": { "senses": [ "Someone who advocates war", "a militarist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bellicist", "hawk", "war hawk" ], "word": "warmonger", "num_translations": 53 }, "insert": { "senses": [ "To put in between or into" ], "antonyms": [ "delete" ], "synonyms": [ "enter", "inset", "introduce", "put in", "put inside" ], "word": "insert", "num_translations": 70 }, "insert1": { "senses": [ "An expression, such as \"please\" or an interjection, that may occur at various points in an utterance", "A pre-recorded segment included as part of a live broadcast", "A close-up shot used to draw attention to a particular element of a larger scene" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insert", "num_translations": 18 }, "barely": { "senses": [ "By a small margin", "Almost not at all", "merely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hardly", "hardly" ], "word": "barely", "num_translations": 72 }, "revolutionary": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a revolution in government", "tending to, or promoting, revolution", "pertaining to something that portends of great change", "overthrowing a standing mindset", "pertaining to something that revolves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "revolutionary", "num_translations": 51 }, "nymphomaniac1": { "senses": [ "Having an excessive libido" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nymphomaniacal" ], "word": "nymphomaniac", "num_translations": 15 }, "warmth": { "senses": [ "A moderate degree of heat", "the sensation of being warm", "Friendliness, kindness or affection", "Fervor, intensity of emotion or expression", "The effect of using mostly red and yellow hues" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warmth", "num_translations": 46 }, "warmup": { "senses": [ "To become warmer", "To heat or reheat", "To reach, or cause to reach, a normal operating temperature", "To do gentle exercise, stretching etc, in order to prepare the body for more vigorous exercise", "To prepare for an activity by carrying out a practice or preparation routine", "To make enthusiastic or animated before a show" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warmup", "num_translations": 92 }, "warrantofficer": { "senses": [ "An officer holding rank by virtue of a warrant rather than a commission", "An officer assigned to execute warrants and other writs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "WO", "pursuivant" ], "word": "warrantofficer", "num_translations": 16 }, "warren": { "senses": [ "The system of burrows where rabbits live", "An enclosed piece of land set aside for breeding game, especially rabbits", "A mazelike place of dark alleys etc in which it's easy to lose oneself", "especially one that may be overcrowded", "A heart-shaped hoe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warren", "num_translations": 13 }, "washable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being washed without being damaged" ], "antonyms": [ "unwashable", "nonwashable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "washable", "num_translations": 23 }, "washbasin": { "senses": [ "A basin used for washing, particularly a permanently installed sink, fitted with a water supply and a drain, for washing the hands and face" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handbasin", "washstand", "lavabo" ], "word": "washbasin", "num_translations": 73 }, "washing": { "senses": [ "The action of the verb to wash", "Clothing, bedlinen or soft furnishings that have been, are currently being, or are to be washed", "laundry", "The residue after an ore, etc, has been washed", "The liquid used to wash an ore", "A thin covering or coat", "A fraudulent transaction in which the same stock is simultaneously bought and sold for the purpose of manipulating the market", "The covering of a piece with an infusible powder, which prevents it from sticking to its supports, while receiving the glaze" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laundry" ], "word": "washing", "num_translations": 44 }, "suffocate": { "senses": [ "To suffer, or cause someone to suffer, from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body", "To die due to, or kill someone by means of, insufficient oxygen supply to the body", "To overwhelm, or be overwhelmed , as though with oxygen deprivation", "To destroy", "to extinguish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asphyxiate", "stifle", "drown", "asphyxiate", "asphyxiate", "smother" ], "word": "suffocate", "num_translations": 86 }, "insufficient": { "senses": [ "Not sufficient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unsufficient" ], "word": "insufficient", "num_translations": 42 }, "suffocation": { "senses": [ "Asphyxia\u2014a condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the body accompanied by an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide leads to loss of consciousness or death", "A particular act of death or killing by means of asphyxia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asphyxia" ], "word": "suffocation", "num_translations": 19 }, "cheatsheet": { "senses": [ "A sheet of paper containing notes used to assist on a test", "Any summary or quick reference used as a shortcut or reminder, such as an aid for public speaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crib sheet" ], "word": "cheatsheet", "num_translations": 55 }, "uvula": { "senses": [ "The fleshy appendage that hangs from the back of the palate, that closes the nasopharynx during swallowing", "The slight elevation in the mucous membrane immediately behind the internal urethral orifice of the urinary bladder, caused by the middle lobe of the prostate", "An object so suspended inside a bell that it may hit the bell and cause it to ring", "a clapper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "palatine uvula" ], "word": "uvula", "num_translations": 113 }, "choke": { "senses": [ "To be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe", "To prevent from breathing or talking by strangling or filling the windpipe", "To obstruct by filling it up or clogging it", "To hinder or check, as growth, expansion, progress, etc", "to kill", "to extinguish", "To perform badly at a crucial stage of a competition because one is nervous, especially when one is winning", "To move one's fingers very close to the tip of a pencil, brush or other art tool", "To be checked or stopped, as if by choking", "To check or stop as if by choking", "To have a feeling of strangulation in one's throat as a result of passion or strong emotion", "To give a feeling of strangulation as a result of passion or strong emotion", "To say with one's throat constricted", "To reach a condition of maximum flowrate, due to the flow at the narrowest point of the duct becoming sonic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "choke", "num_translations": 115 }, "choke1": { "senses": [ "A control on a carburetor to adjust the air/fuel mixture when the engine is cold", "In wrestling, karate , a type of hold that can result in strangulation", "A constriction at the muzzle end of a shotgun barrel which affects the spread of the shot", "A partial or complete blockage in a cave passage", "choking coil", "A major mistake at a crucial stage of a competition because one is nervous, especially when one is winning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "choke", "num_translations": 62 }, "wetblanket": { "senses": [ "A person who takes the fun out of a situation or activity, as by pessimism, demands, dullness, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buzzkill" ], "word": "wetblanket", "num_translations": 23 }, "stumblingblock": { "senses": [ "A hindrance, obstacle or impediment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hindrance" ], "word": "stumblingblock", "num_translations": 19 }, "absent-mindedness": { "senses": [ "The characteristic or state of being easily distracted or preoccupied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absence of mind" ], "word": "absent-mindedness", "num_translations": 26 }, "penitence": { "senses": [ "The condition of being penitent", "a feeling of regret or remorse for doing wrong or sinning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compunction", "Thesaurus:remorse" ], "word": "penitence", "num_translations": 10 }, "post-war": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to a period of time immediately following the end of a war", "where there is a cessation of conflict" ], "antonyms": [ "pre-war" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "post-war", "num_translations": 12 }, "streak": { "senses": [ "An irregular line left from smearing or motion", "A continuous series of like events", "A moth of the family Geometridae, Chesias legatella", "A tendency or characteristic, but not a dominant or pervasive one", "A strake", "A rung or round of a ladder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "streak", "num_translations": 52 }, "streak1": { "senses": [ "To run naked in public", "To move very swiftly", "To stretch", "to extend", "hence, to lay out, as a dead body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "streak", "num_translations": 14 }, "reject": { "senses": [ "To refuse to accept", "To block a shot, especially if it sends the ball off the court", "To refuse a romantic advance" ], "antonyms": [ "accept" ], "synonyms": [ "decline" ], "word": "reject", "num_translations": 63 }, "relapse": { "senses": [ "To fall back again", "to slide or turn back into a former state or practice", "To recur", "to worsen, be aggravated", "To slip or slide back physically", "to turn back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "relapse", "num_translations": 29 }, "submerge": { "senses": [ "To sink out of sight", "To put into a liquid", "to immerse", "to plunge into and keep in", "To be engulfed in or overwhelmed by something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "submerse" ], "word": "submerge", "num_translations": 42 }, "pulloff": { "senses": [ "To remove by pulling", "To achieve", "to succeed at something difficult", "To turn off a road", "To begin moving and then move away", "to pull away", "To masturbate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pulloff", "num_translations": 23 }, "pullover": { "senses": [ "To come to a stop, and turn off the road", "To command or force someone to drive their vehicle to the side of the road or curb and come to a stop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pull up" ], "word": "pullover", "num_translations": 15 }, "stuckup": { "senses": [ "snobbish, conceited", "believing oneself to be better than others, usually because of abundant success", "haughty", "arrogant or egotistical", "jammed", "stuck and unable to move" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "stuckup", "num_translations": 24 }, "wasted": { "senses": [ "Not profitably used", "Ravaged or deteriorated", "Emaciated and haggard", "very drunk or stoned", "low weight-for-height" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "down the toilet", "Thesaurus:deteriorated", "Thesaurus:weak", "Thesaurus:scrawny", "Thesaurus:drunk", "Thesaurus:stoned", "underweight" ], "word": "wasted", "num_translations": 20 }, "ascend": { "senses": [ "To move upward, to fly, to soar", "To slope in an upward direction", "To go up", "To succeed", "To rise", "to become higher, more noble, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "descend" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ascend", "num_translations": 96 }, "agar": { "senses": [ "A gelatinous material obtained from red algae, especially Gracilaria species, used as a bacterial culture medium, in electrophoresis and as a food additive", "A culture medium based on this material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agal-agal", "agar-agar", "E406" ], "word": "agar", "num_translations": 16 }, "wasteaway": { "senses": [ "To lose energy and/or become weak and feeble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pine away" ], "word": "wasteaway", "num_translations": 15 }, "wastepaperbasket": { "senses": [ "A small open container for discarded paper etc", "a wastebasket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wagger-pagger-bagger", "wastebasket", "wastebin", "wastepaper bin" ], "word": "wastepaperbasket", "num_translations": 22 }, "watchmaker": { "senses": [ "A person who repairs watches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horologer", "horologist" ], "word": "watchmaker", "num_translations": 38 }, "overturn": { "senses": [ "To turn over, capsize or upset", "To overthrow or destroy", "To reverse", "to overrule or rescind", "To diminish the significance of a previous defeat by winning", "to comeback from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overturn", "num_translations": 36 }, "killing1": { "senses": [ "That literally deprives of life", "lethal, deadly, fatal", "Devastatingly attractive", "That makes one \u2018die' with laughter", "very funny" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "killing", "num_translations": 10 }, "frederick": { "senses": [ "male given name", "town co/Weld County s/Colorado", "tiny city co/Rice County s/Kansas", "ghost town co/Macomb County s/Michigan", "unincorporated community co/Miami County s/Ohio c/USA", "city/county seat co/Tillman County s/Oklahoma c/USA", "town co/Brown County s/South Dakota" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Frederick", "num_translations": 59 }, "exception": { "senses": [ "The act of excepting or excluding", "exclusion", "restriction by taking out something which would otherwise be included, as in a class, statement, rule", "That which is excepted or taken out from others", "a person, thing, or case, specified as distinct, or not included", "An objection, on legal grounds", "also, as in conveyancing, a clause by which the grantor excepts or reserves something before the right is transferred", "An objection", "cavil", "dissent", "disapprobation", "offense", "cause of offense", "\u2014 usually followed by to or against", "An interruption in normal processing, typically caused by an error condition, that can be handled by another part of the program" ], "antonyms": [ "commonness", "generality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "exception", "num_translations": 127 }, "basically": { "senses": [ "in a fundamental, essential or basic manner", "mostly", "generally", "for the most part", "used to refer to the most important or fundamental point the speaker is making", "sometimes tending towards a meaningless filler word" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "essentially", "chiefly" ], "word": "basically", "num_translations": 21 }, "reform": { "senses": [ "The change of something that is defective, broken, inefficient or otherwise negative, in order to correct or improve it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reformation", "amendment", "rectification", "correction" ], "word": "reform", "num_translations": 80 }, "reform1": { "senses": [ "To put into a new and improved form or condition", "to restore to a former good state, or bring from bad to good", "to change from worse to better", "To return to a good state", "to amend or correct one's own character or habits", "To form again or in a new configuration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amend" ], "word": "reform", "num_translations": 38 }, "comprehension": { "senses": [ "thorough understanding", "The totality of intensions, that is, attributes, characters, marks, properties, or qualities, that the object possesses, or else the totality of intensions that are pertinent to the context of a given discussion", "A compact syntax for generating a list in some functional programming languages", "The inclusion of nonconformists within the Church of England" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "understanding" ], "word": "comprehension", "num_translations": 60 }, "riches": { "senses": [ "Money, goods, wealth, treasure", "An abundance of anything desirable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wealth" ], "word": "riches", "num_translations": 15 }, "counter": { "senses": [ "An object used in counting or keeping count, or as a marker in games, etc", "Any stone lying closer to the center than any of the opponent's stones", "A table or board on which money is counted and over which business is transacted", "a shop tabletop on which goods are examined, weighed or measured", "One who counts, or reckons up", "a reckoner", "A telltale", "a contrivance attached to an engine, printing press, or other machine, for the purpose of counting the revolutions or the pulsations", "The prison attached to a city court", "A class of word used along with numbers to count objects and events, typically mass nouns Although rare and optional in English , they are numerous and required in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean", "In a kitchen, a surface, often built into the wall and above a cabinet, whereon various food preparations take place", "In a bathroom, a surface, often built into the wall and above a cabinet, which holds the washbasin", "A proactive defensive hold or move in reaction to a hold or move by one's opponent", "The enclosed or partly closed negative space of a glyph", "A variable, memory location, etc whose contents are incremented to keep a count" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "measure word" ], "word": "counter", "num_translations": 137 }, "counter1": { "senses": [ "Contrary, in opposition", "in an opposite direction", "In the wrong way", "contrary to the right course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:contrarily" ], "word": "counter", "num_translations": 10 }, "counter3": { "senses": [ "To contradict, oppose", "To return a blow while receiving one, as in boxing", "To take action in response to", "to respond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "counter", "num_translations": 14 }, "settlement": { "senses": [ "The act of settling", "The state of being settled", "A colony that is newly established", "a place or region newly settled", "A community of people living together, such as a hamlet, village, town, or city", "The delivery of goods by the seller and payment for them by the buyer, under a previously agreed trade or transaction or contract entered into", "A disposition of property, or the act of granting it", "A settled place of abode", "residence", "a right growing out of legal residence", "A resolution of a dispute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arrangement" ], "word": "settlement", "num_translations": 129 }, "linger": { "senses": [ "To stay or remain in a place or situation, especially as if unwilling to depart or not easily able to do so", "to loiter", "To remain alive or existent although still proceeding toward death or extinction", "to die gradually", "To consider or contemplate for a period of time", "to engage in analytic thinking or discussion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abide" ], "word": "linger", "num_translations": 86 }, "preachtothechoir": { "senses": [ "To speak as if to convince a person or group of something they already believe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preach to the converted" ], "word": "preachtothechoir", "num_translations": 15 }, "stance": { "senses": [ "The manner, pose, or posture in which one stands", "One's opinion or point of view", "A place to stand", "a position, a site, a station", "A place for buses or taxis to await passengers", "a bus stop, a taxi rank", "A place where a fair or market is held", "a location where a street trader can carry on business", "A stanza" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stance", "num_translations": 62 }, "agog": { "senses": [ "In eager desire, eager, astir", "Wide open" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all agog" ], "word": "agog", "num_translations": 17 }, "morsecode": { "senses": [ "A character code represented by dots and dashes , originally used to send messages by telegraph, later by flashes of light or by radio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "iddy-umpty", "Morse alphabet" ], "word": "Morsecode", "num_translations": 38 }, "infield": { "senses": [ "The area inside a racetrack or running track", "A constrained scope or area", "An area to cultivate: a field", "The region of the field roughly bounded by the home plate, first base, second base and third base", "The region of the field roughly bounded by the wicket keeper, slips, gully, point, cover, mid off, mid on, midwicket and square leg" ], "antonyms": [ "outfield" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "infield", "num_translations": 13 }, "palatable": { "senses": [ "Pleasing to the taste, tasty", "Tolerable, acceptable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:delicious" ], "word": "palatable", "num_translations": 47 }, "panegyric": { "senses": [ "A formal speech or opus publicly praising someone or something", "Someone who writes or delivers such a speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eulogy" ], "word": "panegyric", "num_translations": 28 }, "chatterbox": { "senses": [ "One who chats or talks to excess", "A cootie catcher", "synonym of \"chatterbot\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "babbler" ], "word": "chatterbox", "num_translations": 53 }, "busty": { "senses": [ "Having large breasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big-breasted" ], "word": "busty", "num_translations": 30 }, "sward": { "senses": [ "A layer of earth into which grass has grown", "turf", "sod", "An expanse of land covered in grass", "a lawn or meadow", "Skin", "covering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grass", "turf", "sod", "clearing", "field", "greensward", "lawn", "meadow", "yard" ], "word": "sward", "num_translations": 14 }, "vintage1": { "senses": [ "Having an enduring appeal", "high-quality", "Classic", "Of a motor car, built between the years 1919 and 1930", "Of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vintage", "num_translations": 16 }, "unnoticed": { "senses": [ "Not noticed" ], "antonyms": [ "noticed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unnoticed", "num_translations": 12 }, "fettle": { "senses": [ "A state of proper physical condition", "kilter or trim", "One's mental state", "spirits", "Sand used to line a furnace", "A person's mood or state, often assuming the worst", "a seam line left by the meeting of mold pieces", "The act of fettling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fettle", "num_translations": 14 }, "fettle1": { "senses": [ "To sort out, to fix, to mend, to repair", "To make preparations", "to put things in order", "to do trifling business", "To line the hearth of a furnace with sand prior to pouring molten metal", "To be upset or in a bad mood", "In ceramics, to remove the seam lines left by the meeting of two molds", "To prepare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fettle", "num_translations": 12 }, "revoke": { "senses": [ "To cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing", "To fail to follow suit in a game of cards when holding a card in that suit", "To call or bring back", "To hold back", "To move back or away", "To call back to mind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "revoke", "num_translations": 53 }, "tetralogy": { "senses": [ "A set of four works of art that are connected, and that can be seen either as a single work or as four individual works They are commonly found in literature, film, or video games", "A combination of four symptoms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quadrilogy" ], "word": "tetralogy", "num_translations": 10 }, "stump": { "senses": [ "The remains of something that has been cut off", "especially the remains of a tree, the remains of a limb", "The place or occasion at which a campaign takes place", "the husting", "A place or occasion at which a person harangues or otherwise addresses a group in a manner suggesting political oration", "One of three small wooden posts which together with the bails make the wicket and that the fielding team attempt to hit with the ball", "An artists' drawing tool made of rolled paper used to smudge or blend marks made with charcoal, Cont\u00e9 crayon, pencil or other drawing media", "A wooden or concrete pole used to support a house", "A leg", "A pin in a tumbler lock which forms an obstruction to throwing the bolt except when the gates of the tumblers are properly arranged, as by the key", "A pin or projection in a lock to form a guide for a movable piece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stump", "num_translations": 87 }, "stump1": { "senses": [ "To stop, confuse, or puzzle", "To baffle", "to make unable to find an answer to a question or problem", "To campaign", "To travel over giving speeches for electioneering purposes", "To walk heavily or clumsily, plod, trudge", "to truncate or cut off a part of", "To strike unexpectedly", "to stub, as the toe against something fixed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stump", "num_translations": 16 }, "twocents": { "senses": [ "One's opinion or thoughts", "A nearly worthless amount, alluding to placing a copper penny on each of the eyelids of a pauper's or slave's body before burial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "two pennies' worth", "tuppence worth", "two penn'orth", "farthing" ], "word": "twocents", "num_translations": 16 }, "eraser": { "senses": [ "One who erases", "A thing used to erase or remove something written or drawn by a pen or a pencil", "A thing used to erase something written by chalk on a chalkboard, by marker on a whiteboard, or by some other erasable implement", "An overwriter program used to prevent data recovery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rubber" ], "word": "eraser", "num_translations": 149 }, "tawny": { "senses": [ "Of a light brown to brownish orange color", "A sweet, fortified wine which is blended and matured in wood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fulvous" ], "word": "tawny", "num_translations": 19 }, "pancake": { "senses": [ "A thin batter cake fried in a pan or on a griddle in oil or butter", "A kind of makeup, consisting of a thick layer of a compressed powder", "A type of throw, usually with a ring where the prop is thrown in such a way that it rotates round an axis of the diameter of the prop", "Anything very thin and flat", "A box on which an actor stands to make them appear taller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cr\u00eape" ], "word": "pancake", "num_translations": 125 }, "scram": { "senses": [ "Leave in a hurry, go away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:go away" ], "word": "scram", "num_translations": 33 }, "homestretch": { "senses": [ "The final part of a race course from the last curve to the finish line", "The final part of a distance or the final effort needed to finish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "home straight" ], "word": "homestretch", "num_translations": 14 }, "vigilant": { "senses": [ "Watchful, especially for danger or disorder", "alert", "wary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alert" ], "word": "vigilant", "num_translations": 54 }, "bolster": { "senses": [ "A large cushion or pillow", "A pad, quilt, or anything used to hinder pressure, support part of the body, or make a bandage sit easy upon a wounded part", "a compress", "A small spacer located on top of the axle of horse-drawn wagons that gives the front wheels enough clearance to turn", "A short, horizontal structural timber between a post and a beam for enlarging the bearing area of the post and/or reducing the span of the beam", "A beam in the middle of a railway truck, supporting the body of the car", "The perforated plate in a punching machine on which anything rests when being punched", "The part of a knife blade that abuts upon the end of the handle", "The metallic end of a pocketknife handle", "The rolls forming the ends or sides of the Ionic capital", "A block of wood on the carriage of a siege gun, upon which the breech of the gun rests when arranged for transportation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dutch wife" ], "word": "bolster", "num_translations": 39 }, "shrovetuesday": { "senses": [ "The day before the beginning of Lent, when pancakes are traditionally eaten, originally to use up milk and eggs that would otherwise spoil because of not being eaten during Lent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mardi Gras", "Pancake Day", "Pancake Tuesday" ], "word": "ShroveTuesday", "num_translations": 53 }, "waterpipe": { "senses": [ "A pipe that is a conduit for water", "an essential element of plumbing", "A device for smoking, such as a hookah or bong, in which the smoke is drawn through a container of water before inhaling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See:" ], "word": "waterpipe", "num_translations": 28 }, "waterwheel": { "senses": [ "A wheel, propelled by running or falling water, used to power machinery", "A wheel with buckets used to raise water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "noria" ], "word": "waterwheel", "num_translations": 18 }, "patrick": { "senses": [ "male given name, the name of an early Irish saint", "An surname", "village s/Queensland c/Australia", "parish of the c/Isle of Man", "town s/South Carolina c/US", "unincorporated community s/Nevada c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Patrick", "num_translations": 35 }, "purify": { "senses": [ "To cleanse, or rid of impurities", "To free from guilt or sin", "To become pure" ], "antonyms": [ "defile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "purify", "num_translations": 40 }, "cleanse": { "senses": [ "To free from dirt", "to clean, purify", "To spiritually purify", "to free from sin or guilt", "to purge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cleanse", "num_translations": 39 }, "watery": { "senses": [ "Resembling or characteristic of water", "Wet, soggy or soaked with water", "Diluted or having too much water", "Thin and pale therefore suggestive of water", "Weak and insipid", "Discharging water or similar substance as a result of disease etc", "Tearful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waterish", "drenched", "wishy-washy", "bland" ], "word": "watery", "num_translations": 46 }, "backup1": { "senses": [ "Standby, reserve or extra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extra" ], "word": "backup", "num_translations": 19 }, "gluten": { "senses": [ "Fibrin", "Any gluey, sticky substance", "The major protein in cereal grains, especially wheat", "responsible for the elasticity in dough and the structure in baked bread", "A gluey, sticky mass of clay, bitumen etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gluten", "num_translations": 31 }, "wayward": { "senses": [ "given to wilful, perverse deviation from the expected norm", "tending to stray", "obstinate, contrary and unpredictable", "not on target" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "willful", "headstrong", "perverse", "obstinate", "obdurate", "contrary", "disobedient", "insubordinate", "undisciplined", "capricious", "witherward", "froward", "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "wayward", "num_translations": 28 }, "weariness": { "senses": [ "Exhaustion, fatigue or tiredness", "A lack of interest or excitement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defatigation", "fatigue" ], "word": "weariness", "num_translations": 14 }, "wearout": { "senses": [ "To cause to become damaged, useless, or ineffective through continued use, especially hard, heavy, or careless use", "To deteriorate or become unusable or ineffective due to continued use, exposure, or strain", "To exhaust", "to cause or contribute to another's exhaustion, fatigue, or weariness, as by continued strain or exertion", "To become exhausted, tired, fatigued, or weary, as by continued strain or exertion", "Of apparel, to display in public", "Of a shirt, to not tuck into the pants", "to wear in a casual manner", "To punish by spanking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outwear", "Thesaurus:fatigue" ], "word": "wearout", "num_translations": 56 }, "borrower": { "senses": [ "One who borrows" ], "antonyms": [ "lender" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "borrower", "num_translations": 24 }, "weary": { "senses": [ "Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion", "tired", "fatigued", "Having one's patience, relish, or contentment exhausted", "tired", "sick", "Expressive of fatigue", "Causing weariness", "tiresome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fatigued" ], "word": "weary", "num_translations": 65 }, "concur": { "senses": [ "To unite or agree", "to have a common opinion", "to coincide", "to correspond", "To meet in the same point", "to combine or conjoin", "to contribute or help towards a common object or effect", "To run together", "to meet", "To converge" ], "antonyms": [ "disagree", "disperse", "diverge" ], "synonyms": [ "accord", "cooperate", "assemble" ], "word": "concur", "num_translations": 33 }, "weatherforecast": { "senses": [ "A prediction of future weather, often for a specific locality, in a newspaper or on the radio or television" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weather report" ], "word": "weatherforecast", "num_translations": 43 }, "flippant": { "senses": [ "glib", "speaking with ease and rapidity", "nimble", "limber", "Showing disrespect through a casual attitude, levity, and a lack of due seriousness", "pert" ], "antonyms": [ "serious" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheeky" ], "word": "flippant", "num_translations": 40 }, "levity": { "senses": [ "Lightness of manner or speech, frivolity", "lack of appropriate seriousness", "inclination to make a joke of serious matters", "Lack of steadiness", "The state or quality of being light, buoyancy", "A lighthearted or frivolous act" ], "antonyms": [ "gravity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "levity", "num_translations": 36 }, "unseemly": { "senses": [ "Inconsistent with established standards of good form or taste" ], "antonyms": [ "seemly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unseemly", "num_translations": 43 }, "disrespectful": { "senses": [ "Lacking respect", "irrespective, heedless, regardless" ], "antonyms": [ "respectful" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheeky" ], "word": "disrespectful", "num_translations": 39 }, "supine": { "senses": [ "Lying on its back", "Reluctant to take action due to indifference or moral weakness", "apathetic or passive towards something", "Inclining or leaning backward", "inclined, sloping" ], "antonyms": [ "nonsupine" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "supine", "num_translations": 37 }, "throe": { "senses": [ "A pang, spasm", "A hard struggle", "A tool for splitting wood into shingles", "a frow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:agony", "Thesaurus:pain" ], "word": "throe", "num_translations": 10 }, "weathervane": { "senses": [ "A mechanical device rotating around one axis and attached to an elevated object such as a roof for showing the direction of the wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weathercock" ], "word": "weathervane", "num_translations": 26 }, "multiverse": { "senses": [ "The world, considered as lacking in purpose, design, or predictability", "The hypothetical group of all the possible universes in existence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maniverse", "meta-universe" ], "word": "multiverse", "num_translations": 21 }, "weddingdress": { "senses": [ "The dress worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony, in Western culture traditionally white with a long train" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wedding gown" ], "word": "weddingdress", "num_translations": 35 }, "weddingring": { "senses": [ "One of a pair or rings exchanged by bride and groom in a wedding ceremony, and afterwards worn by them", "symbolizes continuous fidelity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wedding band" ], "word": "weddingring", "num_translations": 42 }, "whimsy": { "senses": [ "A quaint and fanciful idea", "a whim", "playfully odd behaviour", "An impulsive, illogical or capricious character", "A whim", "A jigsaw puzzle piece that has been cut into a recognizable shape, as if on a whim", "often the shape is representative of the theme of the image used for the puzzle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whimsy", "num_translations": 15 }, "propitiate": { "senses": [ "To conciliate, appease, or make peace with someone, particularly a god or spirit", "To make propitious or favourable", "To make propitiation", "to atone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appease" ], "word": "propitiate", "num_translations": 12 }, "torpid": { "senses": [ "unmoving", "dormant or hibernating", "lazy, lethargic or apathetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "motionless", "latent", "lethargic" ], "word": "torpid", "num_translations": 13 }, "designate1": { "senses": [ "To mark out and make known", "to point out", "to indicate", "to show", "to distinguish by marks or description", "To call by a distinctive title", "to name", "To indicate or set apart for a purpose or duty", "\u2014 with to or for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "denote", "denominate", "allocate" ], "word": "designate", "num_translations": 77 }, "totally": { "senses": [ "To the fullest extent or degree", "Very", "extremely", "Definitely", "for sure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:completely" ], "word": "totally", "num_translations": 19 }, "newly": { "senses": [ "Very recently", "in the immediate past" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freshly" ], "word": "newly", "num_translations": 17 }, "willow": { "senses": [ "The wood of these trees", "A cricket bat", "The baseball bat", "A rotating spiked drum used to open and clean cotton heads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "withy" ], "word": "willow", "num_translations": 210 }, "plurality": { "senses": [ "The state of being plural", "The holding of multiple benefices", "A state of being numerous", "A number or part of a whole which is greater than any other number or part, but not necessarily a majority", "A number of votes for a single candidate or position which is greater than the number of votes gained by any other single candidate or position voted for, but which is less than a majority of valid votes cast", "A margin by which a number exceeds another number, especially of votes", "A group of many entities: a large number", "A group composed of more than one entity", "Polygamy" ], "antonyms": [ "singularity", "absolute majority" ], "synonyms": [ "multiplicity", "relative majority", "pluralism" ], "word": "plurality", "num_translations": 29 }, "sheik": { "senses": [ "The leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe", "An Islamic religious cleric", "the leader of an Islamic religious order", "An official title for members of the royal family as well as some prominent families", "A romantic lover", "An Arab, especially one dressed in traditional clothing", "An honorific for specialists in spirituality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sheik", "num_translations": 116 }, "congruent": { "senses": [ "Corresponding in character", "congruous", "Harmonious", "Having a difference divisible by a modulus", "Coinciding exactly when superimposed", "Satisfying a congruence relation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "congruous" ], "word": "congruent", "num_translations": 33 }, "hitch": { "senses": [ "A sudden pull", "Any of various knots used to attach a rope to an object other than another rope", "A fastener or connection point, as for a trailer", "A problem, delay or source of difficulty", "A hidden or unfavorable condition or element", "a catch", "A period of time spent in the military" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catch" ], "word": "hitch", "num_translations": 37 }, "tuck": { "senses": [ "To pull or gather up", "To push into a snug position", "to place somewhere safe or somewhat hidden", "To eat", "to consume", "To fit neatly", "To curl into a ball", "to fold up and hold one's legs", "To sew folds", "To full, as cloth", "To conceal one's penis and testicles, as with a gaff or by fastening them down with adhesive tape", "To keep the thumb in position while moving the rest of the hand over it to continue playing keys that are outside the thumb" ], "antonyms": [ "untuck" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tuck", "num_translations": 40 }, "spunk": { "senses": [ "A spark", "Touchwood", "tinder", "A piece of tinder, sometimes impregnated with sulphur", "a match", "Courage", "spirit", "mettle", "determination", "An attractive person", "Semen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spunk", "num_translations": 36 }, "mettle": { "senses": [ "A quality of endurance and courage", "Good temperament and character", "Metal", "a metallic substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "courage" ], "word": "mettle", "num_translations": 22 }, "indignant": { "senses": [ "Showing anger or indignation, especially at something unjust or wrong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "angry" ], "word": "indignant", "num_translations": 24 }, "conjunctive": { "senses": [ "Relating to a conjunction", "Relating to a conjunction", "Of a personal pronoun, used only in immediate conjunction with the verb of which the pronoun is the subject, such as French je or Irish s\u00e9", "Subjunctive: inflected to indicate that an act or state of being is possible, contingent or hypothetical, and not a fact", "Of or relating to logical conjunction", "Closely united" ], "antonyms": [ "disjunctive", "disjunctive" ], "synonyms": [ "subjunctive" ], "word": "conjunctive", "num_translations": 18 }, "engaged1": { "senses": [ "Agreed to be married", "Busy or employed", "Greatly interested", "Already involved in a telephone call when a third party calls", "attached to a wall or sunk into it halfway", "in contact and in operation", "being attacked or attacking", "Having the widest part of its presenting part, usually the head, enter the pelvic brim or inlet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "busy" ], "word": "engaged", "num_translations": 57 }, "brahmin": { "senses": [ "A member of the Hindu priestly caste, one of the four varnas or social groups based on occupation in ancient Hindu society", "One who has realized or attempts to realize Brahman, ie God or supreme knowledge", "A scholar, teacher, priest, intellectual, researcher, scientist, knowledge-seeker, or knowledge worker", "A member of a social and cultural elite, especially in the New England region of the USA", "A learned person of refined taste and mild manners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brahmin", "num_translations": 46 }, "menopause": { "senses": [ "The period in a woman's life when menstruation becomes irregular and less frequent before eventually stopping altogether, usually accompanied by a range of unpleasant symptoms", "The final menstrual period of a woman after which ovulation no longer occurs" ], "antonyms": [ "menarche" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "menopause", "num_translations": 34 }, "deadend": { "senses": [ "A street or path that goes nowhere or is blocked on one end", "A position that offers no hope of progress", "A split end in the hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cul-de-sac", "blind alley", "impasse" ], "word": "deadend", "num_translations": 85 }, "actup": { "senses": [ "To misbehave", "to cause trouble", "To perform the duties of an appointment senior to that actually held", "to deputise for a superior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carry on" ], "word": "actup", "num_translations": 10 }, "misbehave": { "senses": [ "To act or behave in an inappropriate, improper, incorrect, or unexpected manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go it" ], "word": "misbehave", "num_translations": 12 }, "waterdown": { "senses": [ "To dilute", "to add water to", "To make weaker", "To simplify or oversimplify", "to make easier", "to make less difficult", "To make less restrictive", "to make more lenient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waterdown", "num_translations": 23 }, "dilute": { "senses": [ "To make thinner by adding solvent to a solution, especially by adding water", "To weaken, especially by adding a foreign substance", "To cause the value of individual shares to decrease by increasing the total number of shares", "To become attenuated, thin, or weak" ], "antonyms": [ "condense" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dilute", "num_translations": 49 }, "dilute1": { "senses": [ "Having a low concentration", "Weak", "reduced in strength by dilution", "Of an animal: having a lighter-coloured coat than is usual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dilute", "num_translations": 26 }, "solvent1": { "senses": [ "Able to pay all debts as they become due, and having no more liabilities than assets", "Having the power of dissolving", "causing solution" ], "antonyms": [ "insolvent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "solvent", "num_translations": 19 }, "collectivenoun": { "senses": [ "A noun which, though singular, refers to a group of things or animals Examples: a school of fish, a pride of lions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collective", "noun of assemblage", "noun of multitude" ], "word": "collectivenoun", "num_translations": 38 }, "dangle": { "senses": [ "To hang loosely with the ability to swing", "The action of performing a move or deke with the puck in order to get past a defender or goalie", "perhaps because of the resemblance to dangling the puck on a string", "To hang or trail something loosely", "To trail or follow around", "Of a patient: to be positioned with the legs hanging over the edge of the bed", "To position in this way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dangle", "num_translations": 32 }, "prohibit": { "senses": [ "To forbid, disallow, or proscribe officially", "to make illegal or illicit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prohibit" ], "word": "prohibit", "num_translations": 55 }, "prohibition": { "senses": [ "An act of prohibiting, forbidding, disallowing, or proscribing something", "A law prohibiting the manufacture or sale of alcohol", "A period of time when specific socially disapproved consumables are considered controlled substances" ], "antonyms": [ "permission" ], "synonyms": [ "forbode" ], "word": "prohibition", "num_translations": 101 }, "rattle": { "senses": [ "a sound made by loose objects shaking or vibrating against one another", "A baby's toy designed to make sound when shaken, usually containing loose grains or pellets in a hollow container", "A device that makes a rattling sound such as put on an animal so its location can be heard", "A musical instrument that makes a rattling sound", "Noisy, rapid talk", "Trivial chatter", "gossip", "A noisy, senseless talker", "a jabberer", "A scolding", "a sharp rebuke", "Any organ of an animal having a structure adapted to produce a rattling sound", "The noise in the throat produced by the air in passing through mucus which the lungs are unable to expel", "Any plant of the genus Rhinanthus, whose seeds produce a rattling noise in the wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rattle", "num_translations": 104 }, "rattle1": { "senses": [ "To create a rattling sound by shaking or striking", "To scare, startle, unsettle, or unnerve", "To make a rattling noise", "to make noise by or from shaking", "To assail, annoy, or stun with a ratting noise", "To scold", "to rail at", "To drive or ride briskly, so as to make a clattering", "To make a clatter with one's voice", "to talk rapidly and idly", "often with on or away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rattle", "num_translations": 68 }, "chalkupto": { "senses": [ "To attribute or account for something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "put down to" ], "word": "chalkupto", "num_translations": 13 }, "feralcat": { "senses": [ "A domestic cat that has returned to the wild, or that was born wild" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stray", "alley cat", "wild cat", "estray", "wildcat" ], "word": "feralcat", "num_translations": 15 }, "domesticate": { "senses": [ "To make domestic", "To make fit for domestic life", "To adapt to live with humans", "To adapt to live with humans", "To make a legal instrument recognized and enforceable in a jurisdiction foreign to the one in which the instrument was originally issued or created", "To amend the elements of a text to fit local culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "domesticate", "num_translations": 38 }, "punt4": { "senses": [ "A point in the game of faro", "The act of playing at basset, baccara, faro, etc", "A bet or wager", "Gambling, as a pastime, especially betting on horseraces or the dogs", "A highly speculative investment or other commitment", "A wild guess", "An indentation in the base of a wine bottle", "A thin glass rod which is temporarily attached to a larger piece in order to better manipulate the larger piece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "punt", "num_translations": 11 }, "demote": { "senses": [ "To lower the rank or status of", "To relegate" ], "antonyms": [ "promote" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "demote", "num_translations": 27 }, "grocery": { "senses": [ "retail foodstuffs and other household supplies", "A shop or store that sells groceries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commodities", "general store" ], "word": "grocery", "num_translations": 64 }, "greengrocer": { "senses": [ "A person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit, normally from a relatively small shop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "greengrocer's" ], "word": "greengrocer", "num_translations": 43 }, "fratricide": { "senses": [ "The killing of one's brother", "A person who commits this crime", "The intentional or unintentional killing of a comrade in arms", "The undesirable situation where the separate missiles from a MIRV interfere with each other as they explode" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brother-slayer" ], "word": "fratricide", "num_translations": 64 }, "inhibit": { "senses": [ "to hold in or hold back", "to keep in check", "restrain", "to recuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "inhibit", "num_translations": 51 }, "abessivecase": { "senses": [ "A grammatical case used to express the lack or absence of something It has the meaning of the English preposition without or the affix -less" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caritive case" ], "word": "abessivecase", "num_translations": 15 }, "diglossia": { "senses": [ "The coexistence in a given population of two closely related native languages or dialects, one of which is regarded as more prestigious than the other", "the similar coexistence of two unrelated languages", "The presence of a cleft or doubled tongue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bifid" ], "word": "diglossia", "num_translations": 18 }, "matrimony": { "senses": [ "Marriage", "the state of being married", "The ceremony of marriage", "A particular solitaire card game using two decks of cards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marriage" ], "word": "matrimony", "num_translations": 36 }, "runt": { "senses": [ "The smallest animal of a litter", "The smallest child in the family", "Undersized or stunted plant, animal or person", "An Ethernet packet that does not meet the medium's minimum packet size of 64 bytes", "A single word that appears as the last line of a paragraph", "A breed of pigeon related to the carrier pigeon", "A hardened stem or stalk of a plant", "A bow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "runt", "num_translations": 35 }, "underway": { "senses": [ "In operation, in progress, commenced", "moving through the water", "not anchored, moored, aground, or beachedUS FM 55-501 Marine Crewman's Handbook", "1 December 1999", "Into motion, into its course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "underway", "num_translations": 11 }, "weightlifting": { "senses": [ "A form of exercise in which weights are lifted", "A sport in which competitors lift heavy weights in two events: the snatch and the clean and jerk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weight training" ], "word": "weightlifting", "num_translations": 45 }, "certify": { "senses": [ "To attest to as the truth", "To authenticate or verify in writing", "To attest that a product, service, organization, or person has met an official standard", "To inform", "to tell that something is true" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attest" ], "word": "certify", "num_translations": 29 }, "urn": { "senses": [ "A vase with a footed base", "A metal vessel for serving tea or coffee", "A vessel for the ashes or cremains of a deceased person", "Any place of burial", "the grave", "A measure of capacity for liquids, containing about three gallons and a half, wine measure It was half the amphora, and four times the congius", "a spore case", "a theca" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "urn", "num_translations": 39 }, "witness": { "senses": [ "Attestation of a fact or event", "testimony", "One who sees or has personal knowledge of something", "Someone called to give evidence in a court", "Something that serves as evidence", "a sign or token" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "witness", "num_translations": 212 }, "witness1": { "senses": [ "To furnish proof of, to show", "To take as evidence", "To see or gain knowledge of through experience", "To present personal religious testimony", "to preach at or on behalf of", "To see the execution of , and subscribe it for the purpose of establishing its authenticity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "certify" ], "word": "witness", "num_translations": 47 }, "eating2": { "senses": [ "The act of ingesting food", "Food", "cooking, cuisine", "The act of corroding or consuming some substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dining" ], "word": "eating", "num_translations": 26 }, "ridge": { "senses": [ "The back of any animal", "especially the upper or projecting part of the back of a quadruped", "Any extended protuberance", "a projecting line or strip", "The line along which two sloping surfaces meet which diverge towards the ground", "The highest point on a roof, represented by a horizontal line where two roof areas intersect, running the length of the area", "The highest portion of the glacis proceeding from the salient angle of the covered way", "A chain of mountains", "A chain of hills", "A long narrow elevation on an ocean bottom", "A type of warm air that comes down on to land from mountains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ridge", "num_translations": 109 }, "converge": { "senses": [ "Of two or more entities, to approach each other", "to get closer and closer", "Of a sequence, to have a limit", "Of an iterative process, to reach a stable end point" ], "antonyms": [ "to diverge" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "converge", "num_translations": 47 }, "diverge": { "senses": [ "To run apart", "to separate", "to tend into different directions", "To become different", "to run apart", "to separate", "to tend into different directions", "To separate, to tend into a different direction", "To become different, to separate", "Not to converge: to have no limit, or no finite limit" ], "antonyms": [ "converge" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "diverge", "num_translations": 26 }, "pill": { "senses": [ "A small, usually round or cylindrical object designed for easy swallowing, usually containing some sort of medication", "A comical or entertaining person", "A contemptible, annoying, or unpleasant person", "A small piece of any substance, for example a ball of fibres formed on the surface of a textile by rubbing", "A baseball", "A bullet", "A rounded rectangle indicating the tag or category that an item belongs to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tablet", "cap" ], "word": "pill", "num_translations": 157 }, "prolong": { "senses": [ "To extend in space or length", "To lengthen in time", "to extend the duration of", "To put off to a distant time", "to postpone", "To become longer", "lengthen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prolong", "num_translations": 67 }, "goblet": { "senses": [ "A drinking vessel with a foot and stem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chalice" ], "word": "goblet", "num_translations": 37 }, "blacklight": { "senses": [ "A light bulb that emits ultraviolet light, usually used to create the illusion that anything white is glowing", "ultraviolet radiation/light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ultraviolet light" ], "word": "blacklight", "num_translations": 14 }, "subdue": { "senses": [ "To overcome, quieten, or bring under control", "To bring under control by force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underbring" ], "word": "subdue", "num_translations": 64 }, "vulva": { "senses": [ "The external female sexual organs, collectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vulva" ], "word": "vulva", "num_translations": 202 }, "verdant": { "senses": [ "Green in colour", "Abundant in verdure", "lush with vegetation", "Fresh", "Inexperienced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "verdant", "num_translations": 47 }, "petpeeve": { "senses": [ "Something that is personally annoying", "a personal dislike" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bugbear", "pet hate" ], "word": "petpeeve", "num_translations": 10 }, "seedy": { "senses": [ "Full of seeds", "Disreputable, run-down", "Untidy", "unkempt", "Infirm", "unwell", "gone to seed", "Suffering the effects of a hangover", "Having the flavour of seeds", "Having a peculiar flavour supposed to be derived from the weeds growing among the vines", "said of certain kinds of French brandy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seedy", "num_translations": 33 }, "curriculumvitae": { "senses": [ "A written account of one's life comprising one's education, accomplishments, work experience, publications, etc", "especially, one used to apply for a job", "A detailed written account of one's education and experience used to seek positions in academic or educational environments, typically including academic credentials, publications, courses taught, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CV", "r\u00e9sum\u00e9", "vita", "CV" ], "word": "curriculumvitae", "num_translations": 57 }, "uncommon": { "senses": [ "Rare", "not readily found", "unusual", "Remarkable", "exceptional" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infrequent" ], "word": "uncommon", "num_translations": 28 }, "outlandish": { "senses": [ "bizarre, strange", "foreign, alien" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strange", "Thesaurus:foreign" ], "word": "outlandish", "num_translations": 33 }, "educational": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to education", "Instructive, or helping to educate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "educative" ], "word": "educational", "num_translations": 46 }, "vertiginous": { "senses": [ "Having an aspect of great depth, drawing the eye to look downwards", "Inducing a feeling of giddiness, vertigo, dizziness or of whirling", "Pertaining to vertigo", "Revolving", "rotating", "rotatory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vertiginous", "num_translations": 13 }, "discotheque": { "senses": [ "A nightclub where dancing takes place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disco" ], "word": "discotheque", "num_translations": 36 }, "stretcher": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, stretches", "A simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person", "A frame on which a canvas is stretched for painting", "A device to stretch shoes or gloves", "A brick laid with the longest side exposed", "A piece of timber used in building", "A lie", "an overstretching of the truth", "A board against which a rower places his feet", "A crosspiece placed between the sides of a boat to keep them apart when hoisted up and gripped", "One of the rods in an umbrella, attached at one end to one of the ribs, and at the other to the tube sliding upon the handle", "An instrument for stretching boots or gloves", "A penis, especially a long penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stretcher", "num_translations": 68 }, "welloff": { "senses": [ "Of a person: in fortunate circumstances, especially having financial security", "Of any item, in a good position or circumstance" ], "antonyms": [ "badly off", "ill off", "poor" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wealthy" ], "word": "welloff", "num_translations": 22 }, "wellingtonboots": { "senses": [ "Waterproof rubber boots, intended to be worn in wet or muddy conditions Short forms: wellies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rainboots", "galoshes", "gumboots", "wellies" ], "word": "Wellingtonboots", "num_translations": 21 }, "well-mannered": { "senses": [ "Having good manners", "polite, courteous and socially correct", "conforming to standards of good behaviour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "well-behaved", "polite", "civil", "polished", "refined" ], "word": "well-mannered", "num_translations": 15 }, "westerly": { "senses": [ "Situated in the west", "Coming from the west" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ponent", "westly" ], "word": "westerly", "num_translations": 12 }, "entirely": { "senses": [ "To the full or entire extent", "To the exclusion of others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "completely", "solely" ], "word": "entirely", "num_translations": 52 }, "exclusion": { "senses": [ "The act of excluding or shutting out", "removal from consideration or taking part", "The act of pushing or forcing something out", "An item not covered by an insurance policy" ], "antonyms": [ "inclusion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "exclusion", "num_translations": 22 }, "woodland1": { "senses": [ "Land covered with woody vegetation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "timberland", "forest", "holt" ], "word": "woodland", "num_translations": 40 }, "injustice": { "senses": [ "Absence of justice", "unjustice", "Violation of the rights of another person", "Unfairness", "the state of not being fair or just" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "justicelessness", "unjustice", "wrong", "wrength" ], "word": "injustice", "num_translations": 68 }, "whatismore": { "senses": [ "furthermore, or in addition, moreover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "furthermore", "moreover", "in addition" ], "word": "whatismore", "num_translations": 36 }, "what'scooking": { "senses": [ "A greeting, similar to how are you?", "what's happening?", "what's up?", "what's new?", "Expression of concern, asking for an explanation, similar to what's going on?", "what's the problem?", "what gives?" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "what'scooking", "num_translations": 10 }, "backout": { "senses": [ "To reverse from a confined space", "To withdraw from something one has agreed to do", "To dare to not withdraw from a challenge", "To bet on someone losing", "To undo", "To exit a mode or function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "backout", "num_translations": 17 }, "republicofthecongo": { "senses": [ "country r/Central Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Congo-Brazzaville", "Republic of Congo" ], "word": "RepublicoftheCongo", "num_translations": 52 }, "shire": { "senses": [ "Physical area administered by a sheriff", "Former administrative area of Britain", "a county", "The general area in which a person lives or comes from, used in the context of travel within the United Kingdom", "A rural or outer suburban local government area of Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shire", "num_translations": 31 }, "smartaleck": { "senses": [ "One who is given to obnoxious or insolent humor", "One who is pretentious about their own cleverness or knowledge", "One who is obnoxiously self-assured", "a show off", "A well-dressed person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smartaleck", "num_translations": 18 }, "pretentious": { "senses": [ "Intended to impress others", "ostentatious", "Marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction" ], "antonyms": [ "unpretentious" ], "synonyms": [ "poseur", "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "pretentious", "num_translations": 43 }, "wiseguy": { "senses": [ "One who is insolent or flippant", "one who makes jokes or perpetrates pranks", "A knowledgable or successful sports bettor", "A member of the Mafia", "a mobster", "A hipster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "know-it-all", "smart aleck", "smarty", "wisecracker", "wisenheimer" ], "word": "wiseguy", "num_translations": 17 }, "witty": { "senses": [ "Wise, having good judgement", "Possessing a strong intellect or intellectual capacity", "intelligent, skilful, ingenious", "Clever", "amusingly ingenious", "Full of wit", "Quick of mind", "insightful", "in possession of wits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "facetious", "humorous", "jocose", "jocular", "quick", "lively", "Thesaurus:witty" ], "word": "witty", "num_translations": 56 }, "jocose": { "senses": [ "given to jesting", "habitually jolly", "playful", "characterized by joking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:witty" ], "word": "jocose", "num_translations": 19 }, "backhand": { "senses": [ "a stroke made across the chest from the off-hand side to the racquet hand side", "a stroke during which the back of the hand faces the shot", "Handwriting that leans to the left", "the standard throw", "a throw during which the disc begins on the off-hand side and travels across the chest to be released from the opposite side", "The reverse side of the human hand", "the hand towards the back of the board" ], "antonyms": [ "forehand", "palm" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "backhand", "num_translations": 12 }, "piquant": { "senses": [ "Causing hurt feelings", "scathing, severe", "Stimulating to the senses", "engaging", "charming", "Favorably stimulating to the palate", "pleasantly spicy", "tangy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "piquant", "num_translations": 17 }, "hitthenailonthehead": { "senses": [ "To identify something exactly", "to arrive at exactly the right answer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nail the hammer on the head", "nail it" ], "word": "hitthenailonthehead", "num_translations": 28 }, "whereupon": { "senses": [ "After which, in consequence", "Upon which" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whereat" ], "word": "whereupon", "num_translations": 13 }, "whiff": { "senses": [ "A waft", "a brief, gentle breeze", "a light gust of air", "An odour carried briefly through the air", "A short inhalation or exhalation of breath, especially of smoke from a cigarette or pipe", "A slight sign of something", "a glimpse", "A strike", "An attempted shot that completely misses the ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "puff", "sniff" ], "word": "whiff", "num_translations": 43 }, "reckoning1": { "senses": [ "The action of calculating or estimating something", "An opinion or judgement", "A summing up or appraisal", "The settlement of accounts, as between parties", "The working out of consequences or retribution for one's actions", "The bill or check , especially at an inn or tavern", "Rank or status" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calculation" ], "word": "reckoning", "num_translations": 25 }, "whimper1": { "senses": [ "To cry or sob softly and intermittently", "To cry with a low, whining, broken voice", "to whine", "to complain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:weep" ], "word": "whimper", "num_translations": 33 }, "whipping": { "senses": [ "The punishment of being whipped", "A heavy defeat", "a thrashing", "A cooking technique in which air is incorporated into cream etc", "A cord or thread used to lash or bind something", "The lashing of the end of a rope", "The sewing of the edges of single leaves in sections by overcasting the thread" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whipping", "num_translations": 19 }, "whirl1": { "senses": [ "A confused tumult", "A rapid series of events", "Dizziness or giddiness", "A brief experiment or trial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whirl", "num_translations": 11 }, "whirr": { "senses": [ "To move or vibrate with a buzzing sound", "To make a sibilant buzzing or droning sound", "To cause to make such a sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make a sibilant buzzing or droning sound", "cause (something) to make such a sound" ], "word": "whirr", "num_translations": 15 }, "bustle1": { "senses": [ "To move busily and energetically with fussiness", "To teem or abound", "to exhibit an energetic and active abundance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flit", "abound" ], "word": "bustle", "num_translations": 15 }, "successfully": { "senses": [ "In a successful manner", "with success", "without failing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "efficaciously", "efficiently", "favorably", "satisfyingly", "satisfactorily", "adequately", "agreeably", "competently", "capably", "proficiently", "properly" ], "word": "successfully", "num_translations": 15 }, "neoteny": { "senses": [ "The retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult", "The sexual maturity of an organism still in its larval stage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pedomorphism" ], "word": "neoteny", "num_translations": 19 }, "influential": { "senses": [ "Having or exerting influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swayful" ], "word": "influential", "num_translations": 34 }, "briefly": { "senses": [ "In a brief manner, summarily", "For a brief period", "To be brief, in short" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fleetingly" ], "word": "briefly", "num_translations": 21 }, "successor": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that immediately follows another in holding an office or title", "The next heir in order or succession", "A person who inherits a title or office", "The integer, ordinal number or cardinal number immediately following another" ], "antonyms": [ "predecessor" ], "synonyms": [ "aftercomer" ], "word": "successor", "num_translations": 98 }, "retribution": { "senses": [ "Punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:revenge" ], "word": "retribution", "num_translations": 34 }, "usefulness": { "senses": [ "The quality or degree of being useful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "utility" ], "word": "usefulness", "num_translations": 26 }, "rapidly": { "senses": [ "With speed", "in a rapid manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quickly", "Thesaurus:quickly" ], "word": "rapidly", "num_translations": 29 }, "memorial": { "senses": [ "A structure, such as a monument, intended to celebrate the memory of a person or event", "A service of remembrance or commemoration", "a statement of facts set out in the form of a petition to a person in authority, a court or tribunal, a government, etc", "A note to aid the memory", "a memorandum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "memorial", "num_translations": 30 }, "recognition": { "senses": [ "the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized", "acceptance as valid or true", "official acceptance of the status of a new government by that of another country", "honour, favourable note, or attention", "The propriety consisting for antibodies to bind to some specific antigens and not to others", "A return of the feu to the superior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recognition", "num_translations": 75 }, "trounce": { "senses": [ "To beat severely", "to thrash", "To beat or overcome thoroughly, to defeat heavily", "especially to win against by a wide margin", "To chastise or punish physically or verbally", "to scold with abusive language", "To punish by bringing a lawsuit against", "to sue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trounce", "num_translations": 37 }, "increasingly": { "senses": [ "increasing in amount or intensity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "more and more" ], "word": "increasingly", "num_translations": 16 }, "consistent": { "senses": [ "Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature", "Compatible, accordant", "Of a set of statements: such that no contradiction logically follows from them" ], "antonyms": [ "contradictory", "incompatible", "inconsistent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consistent", "num_translations": 74 }, "heritage": { "senses": [ "An inheritance", "property that may be inherited", "A tradition", "a practice or set of values that is passed down from preceding generations through families or through institutional memory", "A birthright", "the status acquired by birth, especially of but not exclusive to the firstborn", "Having a certain background, such as growing up with a second language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heritage", "num_translations": 99 }, "mainstream": { "senses": [ "Used or accepted broadly rather than by small portions of a population or market" ], "antonyms": [ "fringe" ], "synonyms": [ "common" ], "word": "mainstream", "num_translations": 42 }, "prosperous": { "senses": [ "characterized by success", "well off", "affluent", "favorable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "successful", "affluent", "favorable" ], "word": "prosperous", "num_translations": 65 }, "timeline": { "senses": [ "A graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events", "a chronology", "A schedule of activities", "a timetable", "synonym of \"timestream\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chronology", "schedule" ], "word": "timeline", "num_translations": 51 }, "connote": { "senses": [ "To signify beyond its literal or principal meaning", "To possess an inseparable related condition", "to imply as a logical consequence", "To express without overt reference", "to imply", "To require as a logical predicate to consequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entail", "entail", "predicate" ], "word": "connote", "num_translations": 42 }, "astronomical": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to astronomy", "Very large", "of vast measure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "astronomic" ], "word": "astronomical", "num_translations": 64 }, "activist": { "senses": [ "One who is politically active in the role of a citizen", "especially, one who campaigns for change", "One who is conspicuously active in carrying out any occupational or professional functions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mover and shaker" ], "word": "activist", "num_translations": 64 }, "denote": { "senses": [ "To indicate", "to mark", "To make overt", "To refer to literally", "to convey as meaning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "denote", "num_translations": 61 }, "fraudulent": { "senses": [ "Dishonest", "based on fraud or deception", "false, phony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deceptive", "Thesaurus:fake" ], "word": "fraudulent", "num_translations": 46 }, "wannabe": { "senses": [ "Someone who wishes to be or do something, but lacks the qualifications or talent", "an overeager amateur", "an aspirant", "Someone who wishes to be part of, or to assimilate to, a majority group of which they are not a member" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tryhard" ], "word": "wannabe", "num_translations": 13 }, "batting": { "senses": [ "Cotton, wool, silk or synthetic material used to stuff the inside of a mattress, quilt etc", "Special cotton for surgery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bat" ], "word": "batting", "num_translations": 14 }, "freebie": { "senses": [ "Something which is free", "a giveaway or handout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "product sample" ], "word": "freebie", "num_translations": 13 }, "miscegenation": { "senses": [ "The mixing or blending of race in marriage or breeding, interracial marriage", "A mixing or blending, especially one which is considered to be inappropriate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "miscegeny" ], "word": "miscegenation", "num_translations": 14 }, "classify": { "senses": [ "to identify by or divide into classes", "to categorize", "to declare something a secret, especially a government secret" ], "antonyms": [ "declassify" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:classify" ], "word": "classify", "num_translations": 47 }, "categorize": { "senses": [ "To assign a category", "to divide into classes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:classify" ], "word": "categorize", "num_translations": 31 }, "whiz1": { "senses": [ "A whirring or hissing sound", "Someone who is remarkably skilled at something", "An act of urination", "Amphetamine", "Pickpocketing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "See" ], "word": "whiz", "num_translations": 11 }, "whoa": { "senses": [ "Stop", "calm down", "slow down", "An expression of surprise", "Used as a meaningless filler in song lyrics" ], "antonyms": [ "giddyup" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "whoa", "num_translations": 42 }, "wholehearted": { "senses": [ "Having no reservations", "showing unconditional and enthusiastic support" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fullhearted" ], "word": "wholehearted", "num_translations": 20 }, "wholesome": { "senses": [ "Promoting good physical health and well-being", "Promoting moral and mental well-being", "Favourable to morals, religion or prosperity", "sensible", "conducive to good", "salutary", "promoting virtue or being virtuous", "Marked by wholeness", "sound and healthy" ], "antonyms": [ "unwholesome" ], "synonyms": [ "healthy" ], "word": "wholesome", "num_translations": 46 }, "whoopingcough": { "senses": [ "A contagious disease of the respiratory system that usually affects children caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, the advanced stage of which is characterised by spasms of coughing followed by a whooping sound during the intake of breath" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pertussis" ], "word": "whoopingcough", "num_translations": 71 }, "whopping": { "senses": [ "Exceptionally great or large" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "whopping", "num_translations": 16 }, "recline": { "senses": [ "To cause to lean back", "to bend back", "To put in a resting position", "To lean back", "To put oneself in a resting position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recline", "num_translations": 25 }, "istanbul": { "senses": [ "A Turkish city, and the largest European city by population, which was the last capital of Ottoman Empire and the Byzantine Empire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Byzantium" ], "word": "Istanbul", "num_translations": 121 }, "wick": { "senses": [ "A bundle, twist, braid, or woven strip of cord, fabric, fibre/fiber, or other porous material in a candle, oil lamp, kerosene heater, or the like, that draws up liquid fuel, such as melted tallow, wax, or the oil, delivering it to the base of the flame for conversion to gases and burning", "any other length of material burned for illumination in small successive portions", "Any piece of porous material that conveys liquid by capillary action, such as a strip of gauze placed in a wound to serve as a drain", "A narrow opening in the field, flanked by other players' stones", "A shot where the played stone touches a stationary stone just enough that the played stone changes direction", "The penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wick", "num_translations": 99 }, "wickedness": { "senses": [ "The state of being wicked", "evil disposition", "immorality", "A wicked or sinful thing or act", "morally bad or objectionable behaviour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wickedness", "num_translations": 34 }, "immobility": { "senses": [ "The quality of not moving", "The state or condition of being unable to change one's location, move or be moved" ], "antonyms": [ "mobility" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "immobility", "num_translations": 22 }, "wideopen": { "senses": [ "completely open", "having no laws or law enforcement", "unsettled or unresolved", "vulnerable or unprotected", "without the presence of opponents nearby", "of the situation at the beginning of trading when there is a large spread between bid and ask prices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wideopen", "num_translations": 15 }, "widen": { "senses": [ "To become wide or wider", "To make wide or wider", "To let out clothes to a larger size", "To broaden or extend in scope or range", "To convert to a data type that can hold a larger number of distinct values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "widen", "num_translations": 48 }, "probe": { "senses": [ "Any of various medical instruments used to explore wounds, organs, etc", "Something which penetrates something else, as though to explore", "something which obtains information", "An act of probing", "a prod, a poke", "An investigation or inquiry", "A tube attached to an aircraft which can be fitted into the drogue from a tanker aircraft to allow for aerial refuelling", "A small device, especially an electrode, used to explore, investigate or measure something by penetrating or being placed in it", "A small, usually unmanned, spacecraft used to acquire information or measurements about its surroundings", "a move with multiple answers seeking to make the opponent choose and commit to a strategy", "Any group of atoms or molecules radioactively labeled in order to study a given molecule or other structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "game of go" ], "word": "probe", "num_translations": 92 }, "widow": { "senses": [ "A woman whose spouse has died", "A person whose spouse has died", "A woman whose husband is often away pursuing a sport, etc", "An additional hand of cards dealt face down in some card games, to be used by the highest bidder", "A single line of type that ends a paragraph, carried over to the next page or column", "A venomous spider, of the genus Latrodectus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "widow", "num_translations": 186 }, "contrivance": { "senses": [ "a device to perform a certain task", "a means, such as an elaborate plan or strategy, to accomplish a certain objective", "something overly artful or artificial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contraption" ], "word": "contrivance", "num_translations": 54 }, "implement": { "senses": [ "A tool or instrument for working with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:instrument" ], "word": "implement", "num_translations": 58 }, "stew": { "senses": [ "A cooking-dish used for boiling", "a cauldron", "A heated bath-room or steam-room", "also, a hot bath", "A brothel", "A prostitute", "A pool in which fish are kept in preparation for eating", "An artificial bed of oysters", "A state of agitated excitement, worry, and/or confusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "casserole", "hotpot" ], "word": "stew", "num_translations": 62 }, "stew1": { "senses": [ "To cook by slowly boiling or simmering", "To brew for too long, so that the flavour becomes too strong", "To suffer under uncomfortably hot conditions", "To be in a state of elevated anxiety or anger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bake", "brood" ], "word": "stew", "num_translations": 74 }, "patience": { "senses": [ "The quality of being patient", "Any of various card games that can be played by one person Called solitaire in the US" ], "antonyms": [ "impatience" ], "synonyms": [ "thild", "thole" ], "word": "patience", "num_translations": 110 }, "redbloodcell": { "senses": [ "A type of cell in the blood of vertebrates that contains hemoglobin and transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues", "an erythrocyte" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "erythrocyte" ], "word": "redbloodcell", "num_translations": 76 }, "constrain": { "senses": [ "To force physically, by strong persuasion or pressuring", "to compel", "to oblige", "To keep within close bounds", "to confine", "To reduce a result in response to limited resources" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "constrain", "num_translations": 35 }, "lucrative": { "senses": [ "Producing a surplus", "profitable", "Of a target: worth attacking", "whose destruction is militarily useful" ], "antonyms": [ "nonlucrative" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lucrative", "num_translations": 36 }, "profitable": { "senses": [ "Producing a profit" ], "antonyms": [ "unprofitable" ], "synonyms": [ "lucrative", "beneficial" ], "word": "profitable", "num_translations": 65 }, "persuasion": { "senses": [ "The act of persuading, or trying to do so", "the addressing of arguments to someone with the intention of changing their mind or convincing them of a certain point of view, course of action etc", "An argument or other statement intended to influence one's opinions or beliefs", "a way of persuading someone", "A strongly held conviction, opinion or belief", "One's ability or power to influence someone's opinions or feelings", "persuasiveness", "A specified religious adherence, a creed", "any school of thought or ideology" ], "antonyms": [ "dissuasion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "persuasion", "num_translations": 43 }, "numerical": { "senses": [ "of or pertaining to numbers", "The same in number", "hence, identically the same", "identical" ], "antonyms": [ "non-numerical" ], "synonyms": [ "numeric", "numeric" ], "word": "numerical", "num_translations": 51 }, "constantinople": { "senses": [ "Name of present-day Istanbul from 330-1930 CE Previously known as Byzantium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Istanbul" ], "word": "Constantinople", "num_translations": 67 }, "mononucleosis": { "senses": [ "A viral infection marked by extreme fatigue, high fever, and swollen lymph nodes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glandular fever", "infectious mononucleosis", "kissing disease", "mono", "Pfeiffer's disease" ], "word": "mononucleosis", "num_translations": 14 }, "likely": { "senses": [ "probable", "having a greater-than-even chance of occurring", "Reasonably to be expected", "apparently destined, probable", "appropriate, suitable", "believable", "having a good potential", "plausible", "within the realm of credibility", "promising", "apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome", "attractive", "pleasant", "Similar", "like", "alike" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liable" ], "word": "likely", "num_translations": 83 }, "blowup": { "senses": [ "To explode or be destroyed by explosion", "To cause to explode, or to destroy or maim or kill by means of an explosion", "To inflate or fill with air, either by literally blowing or using an air pump", "To enlarge or zoom in", "To fail disastrously", "To become popular very quickly", "To suddenly get very angry", "To become much more fat or rotund in a short space of time", "To inflate, as with pride, self-conceit, etc", "to puff up", "To excite", "To scold violently", "To blow the whistle", "To succumb to the oxygen debt and lose the ability to maintain pace in a race", "To bombard with a large number of telephone calls, texts, etc", "To cause a malodorous smell by flatulation or defecation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blowup", "num_translations": 75 }, "cutthemustard": { "senses": [ "To suffice", "to be good or effective enough" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cut it" ], "word": "cutthemustard", "num_translations": 10 }, "physiotherapist": { "senses": [ "A therapist who treats physical injury or dysfunction, usually with exercise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "physio", "physical therapist" ], "word": "physiotherapist", "num_translations": 31 }, "byandlarge": { "senses": [ "mostly, generally", "with few exceptions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for the most part" ], "word": "byandlarge", "num_translations": 49 }, "buildup": { "senses": [ "To erect", "to construct", "To close up by building", "To accumulate, to pile up, to increase in stages", "To strengthen", "In solitaire card games, to place a card over another card of lower value" ], "antonyms": [ "build down" ], "synonyms": [ "assemble", "close", "amass", "fortify" ], "word": "buildup", "num_translations": 18 }, "wilderness": { "senses": [ "An unsettled and uncultivated tract of land left in its natural state", "a barren land", "a wild or waste", "A place that is uncared for, and therefore devoted to disorder or wildness", "Wild or unrefined state", "wildness", "A bewildering flock or throng", "A situation that is bewildering, or that which makes one feel awkward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wilderness", "num_translations": 62 }, "wildfire": { "senses": [ "A rapidly spreading fire, especially one occurring in a wildland area", "Greek fire, Byzantine fire", "A spreading disease of the skin, particularly erysipelas", "Something that acts quickly and uncontrollably" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forest fire" ], "word": "wildfire", "num_translations": 38 }, "willingly": { "senses": [ "Of one's own free will", "freely and spontaneously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gladly" ], "word": "willingly", "num_translations": 31 }, "schoolboy": { "senses": [ "A boy attending school" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pupil" ], "word": "schoolboy", "num_translations": 46 }, "winding1": { "senses": [ "Something wound around something else", "The manner in which something is wound", "One complete turn of something wound", "Curving or bending movement, twists and turns", "A length of wire wound around the core of an electrical transformer", "Lapping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "winding", "num_translations": 17 }, "windmill": { "senses": [ "A machine which translates linear motion of wind to rotational motion by means of adjustable vanes called sails", "The structure containing such machinery", "A child's toy consisting of vanes mounted on a stick that rotate when blown by a person or by the wind", "A dunk where the dunker swings his arm in a circular motion before throwing the ball through the hoop", "A breakdancing move in which the dancer rolls his/her torso continuously in a circular path on the floor, across the upper chest, shoulders and back, while twirling the legs in a V shape in the air", "The false shower", "An imaginary enemy, but presented as real" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pinwheel", "straw man" ], "word": "windmill", "num_translations": 104 }, "windowcleaner": { "senses": [ "A person whose job is to clean windows", "A product, such as Windex, used to clean windows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "window washer" ], "word": "windowcleaner", "num_translations": 16 }, "chemist": { "senses": [ "A pharmacist", "A pharmacy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apothecary", "chemist's" ], "word": "chemist", "num_translations": 83 }, "windshield": { "senses": [ "A transparent screen made of glass, located at the front and back of a vehicle in front of its occupants to protect them from the wind and weather", "A cover for a microphone to exclude airy noises such as wind and breathing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "UK", "Australian English" ], "word": "windshield", "num_translations": 51 }, "cruiser": { "senses": [ "One who attends cruises", "A kind of bicycle that usually combines balloon tires, an upright seating posture, a single-speed drivetrain, and straightforward steel construction with expressive styling", "A frigate or other vessel, detached from the fleet, to cruise independently in search of the enemy or its merchant ships", "A class of fast warships of medium tonnage, having a long cruising range but less armour and firepower than a battleship", "A miniature aircraft carrier carrying VTOL aircraft", "A passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship's amenities are considered an essential part of the experience", "also cruise ship", "Any of several yachts designed for cruising", "A police patrol vehicle", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Vindula", "Someone who cruises bars and neighborhoods looking for \"action\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cruiser", "num_translations": 50 }, "shaft": { "senses": [ "The entire body of a long weapon, such as an arrow", "The long, narrow, central body of a spear, arrow, or javelin", "Anything cast or thrown as a spear or javelin", "A beam or ray of light", "The main axis of a feather", "The long narrow body of a lacrosse stick", "A vertical or inclined passage sunk into the earth as part of a mine", "A vertical passage housing a lift or elevator", "A ventilation or heating conduit", "an air duct", "Any column or pillar, particularly the body of a column between its capital and pedestal", "The main cylindrical part of the penis", "The chamber of a blast furnace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stale", "rachis", "mineshaft" ], "word": "shaft", "num_translations": 158 }, "shaft1": { "senses": [ "To fuck over", "to cause harm to, especially through deceit or treachery", "To fuck", "to have sexual intercourse with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shaft", "num_translations": 13 }, "jealous": { "senses": [ "Suspecting rivalry in love", "troubled by worries that one might have been replaced in someone's affections", "suspicious of a lover or spouse's fidelity", "Protective, zealously guarding, careful in the protection of something one has or appreciates", "Envious", "feeling resentful or angered toward someone for a perceived advantage or success, material or otherwise", "Suspecting, suspicious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jealous", "num_translations": 116 }, "windshieldwiper": { "senses": [ "a device used to clear rain and dirt from a windshield", "normally a pivoting arm with a rubber blade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "windscreen wiper" ], "word": "windshieldwiper", "num_translations": 40 }, "shambles": { "senses": [ "work done in a poor fashion", "a scene of great disorder or ruin", "a great mess or clutter", "a scene of bloodshed, carnage or devastation", "a slaughterhouse", "a butcher's shop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shambles", "num_translations": 51 }, "bilingual": { "senses": [ "Having the ability to speak two languages", "Spoken or written in two different languages", "Characterized by the use or presence of two languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "two-tongued" ], "word": "bilingual", "num_translations": 111 }, "apothegm": { "senses": [ "A short, witty, instructive saying", "an aphorism or maxim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "apothegm", "num_translations": 18 }, "febrile": { "senses": [ "Feverish, or having a high temperature", "Full of nervous energy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flushed", "hot", "energetic", "excited" ], "word": "febrile", "num_translations": 24 }, "windturbine": { "senses": [ "A device for converting wind power into electricity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wind generator" ], "word": "windturbine", "num_translations": 24 }, "blah": { "senses": [ "Nonsense", "drivel", "idle, meaningless talk", "A general or ambiguous feeling of discomfort, dissatisfaction, uneasiness, boredom, mild depression, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bosh", "bombast", "bunkum", "claptrap", "eyewash", "fustian", "rant", "hooey", "humbug", "rubbish", "twaddle", "malaise" ], "word": "blah", "num_translations": 18 }, "flip": { "senses": [ "A maneuver which rotates an object end over end", "A complete change of direction, decision, movement etc", "A slingshot", "A hairstyle popular among boys in the 1960's, 1970's, 2000's and 2010's, in which the hair goes halfway down the ears, at which point it sticks out", "The purchase of an asset which is then improved and sold quickly for profit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flip", "num_translations": 15 }, "flip1": { "senses": [ "To throw so as to turn over", "To put into a quick revolving motion through a snap of the thumb and index finger", "To win a state won by another party in the preceding elections", "To turn state's evidence", "to agree to testify against one's co-conspirators in exchange for concessions from prosecutors", "To induce someone to turn state's evidence", "to get someone to agree to testify against their co-conspirators in exchange for concessions", "To go berserk or crazy", "To buy an asset , improve it and sell it quickly for profit", "To invert a bit , changing it from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turn", "toss" ], "word": "flip", "num_translations": 32 }, "hulk": { "senses": [ "A non-functional but floating ship, usually stripped of rigging and equipment, and often put to other uses such as storage or accommodation", "Any large ship that is difficult to maneuver", "A large structure with a dominating presence", "A big person", "An excessively muscled person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hulk", "num_translations": 35 }, "entrench": { "senses": [ "To dig or excavate a trench", "to trench", "To surround or provide with a trench, especially for defense", "to dig in", "To establish a substantial position in business, politics, etc", "To invade", "to encroach", "to infringe or trespass", "to enter on, and take possession of, that which belongs to another", "usually followed by on or upon", "To cut in", "to furrow", "to make trenches in or upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trench", "dig in", "consolidate" ], "word": "entrench", "num_translations": 33 }, "endorsement": { "senses": [ "The act or quality of endorsing", "An amendment or annotation to an insurance contract or other official document", "An instructor's signed acknowledgement of time practising specific flying skills", "Permission to carry out a specific skill or application in a field in which the practitioner already has a general licence", "Sponsorship, in means of money, by a company, business or enterprise", "Support from an important, renowned figure of a media , to get back up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "endorsement", "num_translations": 36 }, "twitter1": { "senses": [ "To utter a succession of chirps", "To talk in an excited or nervous manner", "To make the sound of a half-suppressed laugh", "to titter", "to giggle", "To have a slight trembling of the nerves", "to be excited or agitated", "To twit", "to reproach or upbraid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tweet" ], "word": "twitter", "num_translations": 14 }, "imminent": { "senses": [ "about to happen, occur, or take place very soon, especially of something which won't last long" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inevitable" ], "word": "imminent", "num_translations": 36 }, "stool": { "senses": [ "A seat for one person without a back or armrest", "A seat with a back", "a chair", "a seat used for urination and defecation: a chamber pot, commode, outhouse seat, or toilet", "Feces, excrement", "A decoy", "a portable piece of wood to which a pigeon is fastened to lure wild birds", "A small channel on the side of a vessel, for the deadeyes of the backstays", "Material, such as oyster shells, spread on the sea bottom for oyster spat to adhere to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stool", "num_translations": 127 }, "headrest": { "senses": [ "The part of a seat designed to support the sitter's head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "head restraint" ], "word": "headrest", "num_translations": 15 }, "desolate": { "senses": [ "Deserted and devoid of inhabitants", "Barren and lifeless", "Made unfit for habitation or use because of neglect, destruction etc", "Dismal or dreary", "Sad, forlorn and hopeless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "desolate", "num_translations": 111 }, "remedy": { "senses": [ "Something that corrects or counteracts", "The legal means to recover a right or to prevent or obtain redress for a wrong", "A medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease", "The accepted tolerance or deviation in fineness or weight in the production of gold coins etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "remeid" ], "word": "remedy", "num_translations": 85 }, "remedy1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "redress", "help", "correct", "cure", "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "remedy", "num_translations": 21 }, "resemble": { "senses": [ "To be like or similar to", "to represent as similar", "To compare", "to regard as similar, to liken", "To counterfeit", "to imitate", "To cause to imitate or be like", "to make similar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mirror", "duplicate", "look like" ], "word": "resemble", "num_translations": 79 }, "residence": { "senses": [ "The place where one lives", "one's home", "A building used as a home", "The place where a corporation is established", "The state of living in a particular place or environment", "Accommodation for students at a university or college", "The place where anything rests permanently", "subsidence, as of a sediment", "That which falls to the bottom of liquors", "sediment", "also, refuse", "residuum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "residence", "num_translations": 105 }, "duplicate1": { "senses": [ "to make a copy of", "to do repeatedly", "to do again", "to produce something equal to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "double" ], "word": "duplicate", "num_translations": 40 }, "duplicate2": { "senses": [ "One that resembles or corresponds to another", "an identical copy", "An original instrument repeated", "a document which is the same as another in all essential particulars, and differing from a mere copy in having all the validity of an original", "A pawnbroker's ticket, which must be shown when redeeming a pledged item", "A biological specimen that was gathered alongside another specimen and represents the same species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reproduction" ], "word": "duplicate", "num_translations": 39 }, "onomastics": { "senses": [ "The branch of lexicology devoted to the study of names and naming, especially the origins of names" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "onomatology" ], "word": "onomastics", "num_translations": 41 }, "censor": { "senses": [ "A Roman magistrate, originally a census administrator, by Classical times a high judge of public behavior and morality", "An official responsible for the removal of objectionable or sensitive content", "One who censures or condemns", "A hypothetical subconscious agency which filters unacceptable thought before it reaches the conscious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "censurer" ], "word": "censor", "num_translations": 75 }, "censor1": { "senses": [ "To review in order to remove objectionable content from correspondence or public media, either by legal criteria or with discretionary powers", "To remove objectionable content" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bowdlerize" ], "word": "censor", "num_translations": 42 }, "ditto": { "senses": [ "That which was stated before, the aforesaid, the above, the same, likewise", "A duplicate or copy of a document, particularly one created by a spirit duplicator", "A copy", "an imitation", "A symbol, represented by two apostrophes, inverted commas, or quotation marks , when indicating that the item preceding is to be repeated", "A suit of clothes of the same colour throughout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ditto mark", "do" ], "word": "ditto", "num_translations": 43 }, "municipal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the internal affairs of a nation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "civic" ], "word": "municipal", "num_translations": 59 }, "adventitious": { "senses": [ "From an external source", "not innate or inherent, foreign", "Accidental, additional, appearing casually", "Not congenital", "acquired", "Developing in an unusual place or from an unusual source" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extrinsic", "accidental", "acquired" ], "word": "adventitious", "num_translations": 50 }, "taylor": { "senses": [ "An surname for a tailor", "unisex given name", "An surname, an anglicization of T\u00e1illi\u00fair", "suburb of city/Canberra c/Australia", "town p/British Columbia c/Canada", "locale c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Snyder" ], "word": "Taylor", "num_translations": 53 }, "hotpotato": { "senses": [ "A child's game in which players pass a ball or other item between them, with the object of avoiding being left holding the item when time expires", "An awkward or delicate problem with which nobody wants to be associated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pass the parcel" ], "word": "hotpotato", "num_translations": 16 }, "nocturne": { "senses": [ "A work of art relating or dedicated to the night", "A dreamlike or pensive composition, usually for the piano" ], "antonyms": [ "diurne" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nocturne", "num_translations": 24 }, "virtually": { "senses": [ "Almost but not quite", "Without exaggeration", "In essence, but not in fact", "Of a substructure of finite index", "Of a covering space of finite index" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "virtually", "num_translations": 29 }, "hitthehay": { "senses": [ "To go to bed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turn into a pumpkin", "hit the sack" ], "word": "hitthehay", "num_translations": 10 }, "circumlocution": { "senses": [ "A roundabout or indirect way of speaking", "the use of more words than necessary to express an idea", "A roundabout expression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "periphrasis", "ambages" ], "word": "circumlocution", "num_translations": 30 }, "coeval": { "senses": [ "Of the same age", "contemporary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contemporaneous" ], "word": "coeval", "num_translations": 21 }, "cogitate": { "senses": [ "To meditate, to ponder, to think deeply", "To consider, to devise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ponder" ], "word": "cogitate", "num_translations": 13 }, "large-scale": { "senses": [ "Large in amount, scope or extent", "Drawn large so as to show detail" ], "antonyms": [ "small-scale" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "large-scale", "num_translations": 34 }, "wingnut": { "senses": [ "A deciduous tree of the genus Pterocarya native to Asia", "alternative form of \"wing nut\"", "Someone with crazy or extreme political views", "A mentally ill homeless person", "Someone perceived as odd, eccentric, and/or extreme", "A member of the air force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pterocarya", "nut case", "extremist" ], "word": "wingnut", "num_translations": 12 }, "wingspan": { "senses": [ "The distance from the left wingtip to the right wingtip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wingspread" ], "word": "wingspan", "num_translations": 20 }, "wiseman": { "senses": [ "A man who is wise", "A man who is a sage or seer", "A magus or wizard, now especially one of the three biblical magi" ], "antonyms": [ "wise woman" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wiseman", "num_translations": 10 }, "wither": { "senses": [ "To shrivel, droop or dry up, especially from lack of water", "To cause to shrivel or dry up", "To lose vigour or power", "to languish", "to pass away", "To become helpless due to emotion", "To make helpless due to emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wither", "num_translations": 136 }, "inform": { "senses": [ "To instruct, train", "To communicate knowledge to", "denounce", "To give form or character to", "to inspire", "to affect, influence", "To make known, wisely and/or knowledgeably", "To direct, guide", "To take form", "to become visible or manifest", "to appear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acquaint", "dob", "materialize" ], "word": "inform", "num_translations": 100 }, "irritate": { "senses": [ "To provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure in", "To cause or induce displeasure or irritation", "To induce pain in", "To render null and void" ], "antonyms": [ "placate", "please", "soothe" ], "synonyms": [ "provoke", "rile" ], "word": "irritate", "num_translations": 68 }, "likeness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being like or alike", "Appearance or form", "guise", "That which closely resembles", "a portrait" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "similarity" ], "word": "likeness", "num_translations": 11 }, "collude": { "senses": [ "to act in concert with", "to conspire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to be in cahoots", "conspire", "plot", "scheme" ], "word": "collude", "num_translations": 17 }, "witticism": { "senses": [ "a witty remark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:joke" ], "word": "witticism", "num_translations": 29 }, "comport": { "senses": [ "To tolerate, bear, put up", "To be in agreement", "to be of an accord", "To behave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cohere", "carry" ], "word": "comport", "num_translations": 30 }, "wobbly": { "senses": [ "Unsteady and tending to wobble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "precarious" ], "word": "wobbly", "num_translations": 12 }, "cosset": { "senses": [ "To treat like a pet", "to overly indulge", "To fondle", "to touch or stroke lovingly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coddle", "grope" ], "word": "cosset", "num_translations": 11 }, "glance": { "senses": [ "To look briefly", "To graze a surface", "To sparkle", "To move quickly, appearing and disappearing rapidly", "to be visible only for an instant at a time", "to move interruptedly", "to twinkle", "To strike and fly off in an oblique direction", "to dart aside", "To hit lightly with the head, make a deft header", "To make an incidental or passing reflection", "to allude", "to hint", "often with at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glimpse" ], "word": "glance", "num_translations": 71 }, "glance1": { "senses": [ "A brief or cursory look", "A deflection", "A stroke in which the ball is deflected to one side", "A sudden flash of light or splendour", "An incidental or passing thought or allusion", "Any of various sulphides, mostly dark-coloured, which have a brilliant metallic lustre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glance", "num_translations": 43 }, "copier": { "senses": [ "A machine that copies graphical material", "a duplicator", "A person who copies documents", "A program or process that copies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duplicator", "copyist" ], "word": "copier", "num_translations": 23 }, "deign": { "senses": [ "To condescend", "to do despite a perceived affront to one's dignity", "To condescend to give", "to do something", "To esteem worthy", "to consider worth notice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deign", "num_translations": 28 }, "truce": { "senses": [ "a period of time in which no fighting takes place due to an agreement between the opposed parties", "an agreement between opposed parties in which they pledge to cease fighting for a limited time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "armistice", "ceasefire" ], "word": "truce", "num_translations": 77 }, "adipose": { "senses": [ "Containing, composed of, or consisting of fat", "fatty", "Slightly overweight", "chubby" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fatty", "chubby" ], "word": "adipose", "num_translations": 23 }, "albeit": { "senses": [ "Although, despite being" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as much as" ], "word": "albeit", "num_translations": 85 }, "nonetheless": { "senses": [ "Nevertheless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "still" ], "word": "nonetheless", "num_translations": 44 }, "notwithstanding3": { "senses": [ "In spite of, despite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "despite" ], "word": "notwithstanding", "num_translations": 31 }, "contemptuous": { "senses": [ "Showing contempt", "expressing disdain", "showing a lack of respect" ], "antonyms": [ "respectful" ], "synonyms": [ "disdainful" ], "word": "contemptuous", "num_translations": 25 }, "detach": { "senses": [ "To take apart from", "to take off", "To separate for a special object or use", "To come off something" ], "antonyms": [ "attach" ], "synonyms": [ "disengage", "allocate", "fall off" ], "word": "detach", "num_translations": 35 }, "degenerate": { "senses": [ "Having deteriorated, degraded or fallen from normal, coherent, balanced and desirable to undesirable and typically abnormal", "Having lost good or desirable qualities", "Having multiple domain elements correspond to one element of the range", "Relating to degeneracy", "Having the same quantum energy level" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "degenerate", "num_translations": 58 }, "desirable": { "senses": [ "Worthy to be desired", "pleasing", "agreeable" ], "antonyms": [ "undesirable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "desirable", "num_translations": 46 }, "denizen": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of a place", "one who dwells in", "One who frequents a place", "A person with rights between those of naturalized citizen and resident alien , obtained through letters patent", "An animal or plant from a particular range or habitat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dweller", "regular" ], "word": "denizen", "num_translations": 71 }, "resolution": { "senses": [ "A strong will, determination", "The state of being resolute", "A statement of intent, a vow", "The act of discerning detail", "The degree of fineness with which an image can be recorded or produced, often expressed as the number of pixels per unit of length", "The number of pixels in an image being stored or displayed", "The process of determining the meaning of a symbol or address", "lookup", "The act or process of solving", "solution", "A formal statement adopted by an assembly, or during any other formal meeting", "The separation of the constituent parts", "The degree of fineness of such a separation", "Progression from dissonance to consonance", "a chord to which such progression is made", "The moment in which the conflict ends and the outcome of the action is clear", "In a pathological process, the phase during which pathogens and damaged tissues are removed by macrophages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinacy" ], "word": "resolution", "num_translations": 172 }, "deride": { "senses": [ "To harshly mock", "ridicule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ridicule" ], "word": "deride", "num_translations": 52 }, "significantly": { "senses": [ "In a significant manner or to a significant extent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "way" ], "word": "significantly", "num_translations": 28 }, "burr": { "senses": [ "A sharp, pointy object, such as a sliver or splinter", "A bur", "a seed pod with sharp features that stick in fur or clothing", "A small piece of material left on an edge after a cutting operation", "A thin flat piece of metal, formed from a sheet by punching", "a small washer put on the end of a rivet before it is swaged down", "A broad iron ring on a tilting lance just below the grip, to prevent the hand from slipping", "The ear lobe", "The knot at the bottom of an antler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sticker" ], "word": "burr", "num_translations": 41 }, "sticker": { "senses": [ "Something or someone that sticks", "An adhesive label or decal", "A price tag", "The listed price", "A cartoonish illustration of a character that represents an emotion or action, often accompanied by text, that may be superimposed on a digital image", "A burr or seed pod that catches in fur or clothing", "That which causes one to stick", "that which puzzles or poses", "A wooden strip placed between courses of lumber to allow air circulation", "A small wooden rod in an organ which connects a key and a pallet, so as to communicate motion by pushing", "A brand, label, or company, especially one making and distributing records", "A paster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sticker", "num_translations": 57 }, "reflexive": { "senses": [ "Referring back to the subject, or having an object equal to the subject", "Of a relation R on a set S, such that xRx for all members x of S", "Of or resulting from a reflex", "Producing immediate response, spontaneous", "synonym of \"reflective\"" ], "antonyms": [ "irreflexive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reflexive", "num_translations": 48 }, "allegedly": { "senses": [ "According to someone's allegation", "According to someone's conspicuous impressions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "purportedly", "supposedly" ], "word": "allegedly", "num_translations": 35 }, "junglegym": { "senses": [ "A play structure designed for children to climb on, traditionally constructed as a frame of metal bars as introduced in 1920" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "climbing frame", "monkey bars" ], "word": "junglegym", "num_translations": 19 }, "revenge1": { "senses": [ "to avenge", "To take vengeance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "revenge", "num_translations": 48 }, "sheepdog": { "senses": [ "A breed of dog, used for herding sheep", "A breed of dog used for guarding sheep", "A chaperon", "an adult who accompanies other people in a supervisory role", "A police officer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sheepdog", "num_translations": 39 }, "clingy": { "senses": [ "Having a tendency to cling", "Pathetically attached to, or possessive of someone, usually a significant other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clinging", "Thesaurus:adhesive", "Thesaurus:close-fitting", "overattached" ], "word": "clingy", "num_translations": 22 }, "henceforth": { "senses": [ "From now on", "from this time on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "from now on" ], "word": "henceforth", "num_translations": 68 }, "thereupon": { "senses": [ "Upon that", "thereon", "In consequence, or by reason, of that", "therefore", "Following that", "forthwith", "in sequence, but not necessarily in consequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thereupon", "num_translations": 17 }, "derogate": { "senses": [ "To partially repeal", "To detract from", "to disparage, belittle", "To take away in a way which leaves it lessened", "To remove a part, to detract from", "To act in a manner below oneself", "to debase oneself" ], "antonyms": [ "praise", "exalt" ], "synonyms": [ "decry", "vilify", "abase" ], "word": "derogate", "num_translations": 19 }, "cuisine": { "senses": [ "A characteristic style of preparing food, often associated with a place of origin", "synonym of \"culinary art\": The art of preparing food, generally", "A kitchen or cooking department" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "culinary art" ], "word": "cuisine", "num_translations": 62 }, "nook": { "senses": [ "A small corner formed by two walls", "an alcove", "A hidden or secluded spot", "a secluded retreat", "A recess, cove or hollow", "An English unit of land area, originally of a yardland but later or 20 acres", "A corner of a piece of land", "an angled piece of land, especially one extending into other land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nook", "num_translations": 78 }, "hideandseek": { "senses": [ "A game where the players have to hide and one has to seek them out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hide and go seek" ], "word": "hideandseek", "num_translations": 72 }, "chanter": { "senses": [ "One who chants or sings", "A priest who sings in a chantry", "The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played", "The hedge sparrow", "One who sells horses fraudulently, exaggerating their merits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chanter", "num_translations": 18 }, "bowling1": { "senses": [ "A game played by rolling a ball down an alley and trying to knock over a triangular group of ten pins", "Any of several similar games played indoors or outdoors", "The action of propelling the ball towards the batsman", "A particular style of walking associated with urban street culture", "The action of the verb bowl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bowling", "num_translations": 47 }, "incoherent": { "senses": [ "Not coherent" ], "antonyms": [ "coherent" ], "synonyms": [ "unintelligible", "unrelated", "disjointed", "desultory", "jerky", "disconnected", "discontinuous" ], "word": "incoherent", "num_translations": 37 }, "parson": { "senses": [ "An Anglican cleric having full legal control of a parish under ecclesiastical law", "a rector", "A Protestant minister" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cleric", "father", "minister", "pastor", "priest", "vicar" ], "word": "parson", "num_translations": 10 }, "intelligible": { "senses": [ "Capable of being understood", "clear to the mind" ], "antonyms": [ "unintelligible" ], "synonyms": [ "understandable" ], "word": "intelligible", "num_translations": 38 }, "unintelligible": { "senses": [ "Not intelligible", "unable to be understood" ], "antonyms": [ "intelligible" ], "synonyms": [ "inscrutable" ], "word": "unintelligible", "num_translations": 26 }, "trainee": { "senses": [ "Someone who is still in the process of being formally trained in a workplace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orientee" ], "word": "trainee", "num_translations": 23 }, "malevolent": { "senses": [ "having or displaying ill will", "wishing harm on others", "having an evil or harmful influence" ], "antonyms": [ "benevolent" ], "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:evil" ], "word": "malevolent", "num_translations": 54 }, "photocopier": { "senses": [ "A machine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "copier", "photoduplicator" ], "word": "photocopier", "num_translations": 64 }, "latent": { "senses": [ "Existing or present but concealed or inactive", "remaining in an inactive or hidden phase", "dormant", "lying dormant or hidden until circumstances are suitable for development or manifestation" ], "antonyms": [ "apparent" ], "synonyms": [ "hidden", "dormant" ], "word": "latent", "num_translations": 37 }, "unconscious": { "senses": [ "Not awake", "having no awareness", "Without directed thought or awareness", "engaged in skilled performance without conscious control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insentient", "oblivious", "out of it", "out on one's feet", "unaware", "down for the count", "lost to the world", "in the zone" ], "word": "unconscious", "num_translations": 42 }, "latrine": { "senses": [ "An open trench or pit used for urination and defecation", "Any facility or device used for urination or defecation, whether toilet, lavatory, or outhouse", "A chamber pot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "privy", "See", "Thesaurus:toilet", "Thesaurus:bathroom", "Thesaurus:chamber pot" ], "word": "latrine", "num_translations": 66 }, "facility": { "senses": [ "The fact of being easy, or easily done", "absence of difficulty, simplicity", "Dexterity of speech or action", "skill, talent", "The physical means or contrivances to make something possible", "the required equipment, infrastructure, location etc", "An institution specially designed for a specific purpose, such as incarceration, military use, or scientific experimentation", "A toilet", "A condition of mental weakness short of idiocy, but enough to make a person easily persuaded to do something against their better interest", "Affability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "facility", "num_translations": 70 }, "rasp1": { "senses": [ "To grate harshly upon", "to offend by coarse or rough treatment or language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rasp", "num_translations": 21 }, "breeches": { "senses": [ "plural of \"breech\"", "A garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs", "smallclothes", "Trousers", "pantaloons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breeches", "num_translations": 31 }, "amenity": { "senses": [ "Pleasantness", "A thing or circumstance that is welcome and makes life a little easier or more pleasant", "Convenience", "a unit pertaining to the infrastructure of a community, such as a public toilet, a postbox, a library etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "facility" ], "word": "amenity", "num_translations": 65 }, "gourmand": { "senses": [ "A person given to excess in the consumption of food and drink", "a greedy or ravenous eater", "A person who appreciates good food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glutton", "chowhound", "foodie" ], "word": "gourmand", "num_translations": 70 }, "constraint": { "senses": [ "Something that constrains", "a restriction", "An irresistible force or compulsion", "The repression of one's feelings", "A condition that a solution to an optimization problem must satisfy", "A linkage or other restriction that maintains database integrity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "constraint", "num_translations": 63 }, "mesmerize": { "senses": [ "To exercise mesmerism on", "to spellbind", "to enthrall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spellbind" ], "word": "mesmerize", "num_translations": 24 }, "racket": { "senses": [ "A racquet: an implement with a handle connected to a round frame strung with wire, sinew, or plastic cords, and used to hit a ball, such as in tennis or a birdie in badminton", "A snowshoe formed of cords stretched across a long and narrow frame of light wood", "A broad wooden shoe or patten for a man or horse, to allow walking on marshy or soft ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bat" ], "word": "racket", "num_translations": 37 }, "racket2": { "senses": [ "A loud noise", "A fraud or swindle", "an illegal scheme for profit", "A carouse", "any reckless dissipation", "Something taking place considered as exciting, trying, unusual, etc or as an ordeal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "din", "con" ], "word": "racket", "num_translations": 64 }, "ruckus": { "senses": [ "A noisy disturbance and/or commotion", "A row, fight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ruction", "rumpus", "uproar" ], "word": "ruckus", "num_translations": 42 }, "downandout": { "senses": [ "In a condition of poverty or debility, especially as a result of experiencing a financial or personal setback" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "destitute" ], "word": "downandout", "num_translations": 10 }, "dodge": { "senses": [ "To avoid by moving suddenly out of the way", "To avoid", "to sidestep", "To go hither and thither", "To decrease the exposure for certain areas of an image in order to make them darker", "To follow by dodging, or suddenly shifting from place to place", "To trick somebody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duck" ], "word": "dodge", "num_translations": 66 }, "roleplayinggame": { "senses": [ "A type of game where one or more players assume the role of characters , and interact with a fictional world either defined by themselves or through the mediation of a player known as the game master", "A type of computer game where the player takes the role of a character or party, normally lacking tests of physical skill and including more story-telling and narrative aspects than traditional action games" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RPG" ], "word": "roleplayinggame", "num_translations": 26 }, "dehydrate": { "senses": [ "to lose or remove water", "to dry" ], "antonyms": [ "hydrate", "moisturize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dehydrate", "num_translations": 18 }, "recall": { "senses": [ "To withdraw, retract", "to revoke", "To call back, bring back or summon to a specific place, station etc", "To bring back to or from a particular mental or physical state, activity etc", "To call back to one's mind", "to remember, recollect", "To call again, to call another time", "To request or order the return of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "withcall" ], "word": "recall", "num_translations": 91 }, "boarder": { "senses": [ "A pupil who lives at school during term time", "Someone who pays for meals and lodging in a house rather than a hotel", "One who boards a vehicle", "A sailor attacking an enemy ship by boarding her, or one repelling such attempts by an enemy", "Someone who takes part in a boardsport, such as surfing or snowboarding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boarder", "num_translations": 35 }, "boarding1": { "senses": [ "the act of people getting aboard a ship aircraft, train, bus etc", "embarkation", "a structure made of boards", "riding a skateboard", "a penalty called for pushing into the boards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boarding", "num_translations": 34 }, "pettyofficer": { "senses": [ "A non-commissioned officer in the Canadian, US and UK Navy and the US Coast Guard", "roughly equivalent to a sergeant in the army" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PO" ], "word": "pettyofficer", "num_translations": 11 }, "booby": { "senses": [ "A stupid person", "Any of various large tropical seabirds from the genera Sula and Papasula in the gannet family Sulidae, traditionally considered to be stupid", "In the game of croquet, a ball that has not passed through the first wicket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool", "sulid" ], "word": "booby", "num_translations": 42 }, "insular": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, being, or resembling an island or islands", "Situated on an island", "Separate or isolated from the surroundings", "having little interaction with external parties", "provincial", "Having an inward-looking, standoffish, or withdrawn manner", "Relating to the insula in the brain", "Relating to insulin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insular", "num_translations": 45 }, "unaware": { "senses": [ "Not aware or informed", "lacking knowledge", "Not noticing", "paying no heed", "thoughtless", "inattentive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clueless" ], "word": "unaware", "num_translations": 25 }, "wording": { "senses": [ "A choice of words and the style in which they are used in a given context" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:wording" ], "word": "wording", "num_translations": 26 }, "workday": { "senses": [ "That part of a day in which work is done" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "working day", "9 to 5", "weekday", "business day" ], "word": "workday", "num_translations": 21 }, "telegram": { "senses": [ "A message transmitted by telegraph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wire" ], "word": "telegram", "num_translations": 94 }, "geodesy": { "senses": [ "The discipline which deals with the measurement and representation of Earth, its gravitational field and geodynamic phenomena in three-dimensional, time-varying space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "land surveying" ], "word": "geodesy", "num_translations": 42 }, "oceanography": { "senses": [ "The exploration and scientific study of the oceans and ocean floor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marine science", "oceanology" ], "word": "oceanography", "num_translations": 50 }, "walker": { "senses": [ "The agent noun of to walk: a person who walks or a thing which walks, especially a pedestrian or a participant in a walking race", "A walking frame", "A shoe designed for comfortable walking", "A zombie", "A male escort who accompanies a woman to an event", "A gressorial bird", "A forester", "A kind of military robot or mecha with legs for locomotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "walking frame", "rollator", "Zimmer frame", "zimmer frame" ], "word": "walker", "num_translations": 33 }, "word-for-word": { "senses": [ "Using exactly the same words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exact" ], "word": "word-for-word", "num_translations": 20 }, "urbanlegend": { "senses": [ "A widely circulated story that is untrue or apocryphal, often having elements of humour or horror" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rumor", "urban myth" ], "word": "urbanlegend", "num_translations": 24 }, "sixty-nine": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number following sixty-eight and preceding seventy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 69", "Roman numerals: LXIX" ], "word": "sixty-nine", "num_translations": 44 }, "disparate": { "senses": [ "Composed of inherently different or distinct elements", "incongruous", "Essentially different", "of different species, unlike but not opposed in pairs", "also, less properly, utterly unlike", "incapable of being compared", "having no common genus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incongruous", "mismatched", "uncoordinated", "different", "dissimilar", "unalike", "incommensurable" ], "word": "disparate", "num_translations": 27 }, "seminal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to seed or semen", "Creative or having the power to originate", "Highly influential, especially in some original way, and providing a basis for future development or research" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "germinal", "innovative", "innovative" ], "word": "seminal", "num_translations": 47 }, "grovel": { "senses": [ "To be prone on the ground", "To crawl", "To abase oneself before another person", "To be slavishly nice to someone or apologize in the hope of securing something", "To take pleasure in mundane activities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grovel", "num_translations": 45 }, "dialectal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a dialect", "Peculiar to a dialect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dialectical", "nonstandard" ], "word": "dialectal", "num_translations": 33 }, "hard-on": { "senses": [ "An erection of the penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:erect penis" ], "word": "hard-on", "num_translations": 32 }, "congenial": { "senses": [ "Having the same or very similar nature, personality, tastes, habits or interests", "Friendly or sociable", "Suitable to one's needs" ], "antonyms": [ "uncongenial" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "congenial", "num_translations": 60 }, "usury": { "senses": [ "An exorbitant rate of interest, in excess of any legal rates or at least immorally", "The practice of lending money at such rates", "The practice of lending money at interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oker" ], "word": "usury", "num_translations": 57 }, "woebegone": { "senses": [ "In a deplorable state", "Filled with or deeply affected by woe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dilapidated" ], "word": "woebegone", "num_translations": 12 }, "kismet": { "senses": [ "Fate", "a predetermined or unavoidable destiny" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "destiny" ], "word": "kismet", "num_translations": 44 }, "venial": { "senses": [ "Pardonable", "able to be forgiven", "Excusable", "trifling" ], "antonyms": [ "mortal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "venial", "num_translations": 19 }, "ululate": { "senses": [ "to howl loudly or prolongedly in lamentation or joy", "to produce a rapid and prolonged series of sharp noises with one's voice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to howl" ], "word": "ululate", "num_translations": 27 }, "authoritative": { "senses": [ "Arising or originating from a figure of authority", "Highly accurate or definitive", "treated or worthy of treatment as a scholarly authority", "Having a commanding style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "definitive", "of record" ], "word": "authoritative", "num_translations": 44 }, "substantial": { "senses": [ "Having a substance", "actually existing", "Not imaginary", "real", "actual", "true", "veritable", "Corporeal", "material", "firm", "Having good substance", "strong", "stout", "solid", "firm", "Possessed of goods or an estate", "moderately wealthy", "Large in size, quantity, or value", "ample", "significant", "Most important", "essential", "Satisfying", "having sufficient substance to be nourishing or filling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "substantial", "num_translations": 96 }, "jaded": { "senses": [ "Bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having been over exposed to, or having consumed too much of something", "Worn out, wearied, exhausted or lacking enthusiasm, due to age or experience", "Made callous or cynically insensitive, by experience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cloyed", "exhausted", "blas\u00e9" ], "word": "jaded", "num_translations": 62 }, "implicit": { "senses": [ "Implied indirectly, without being directly expressed", "Contained in the essential nature of something but not openly shown", "Having no reservations or doubts", "unquestioning or unconditional", "usually said of faith or trust", "entangled, twisted together" ], "antonyms": [ "explicit" ], "synonyms": [ "implied", "inherent", "unconditional" ], "word": "implicit", "num_translations": 96 }, "workmanship": { "senses": [ "The skill of an artisan or craftsman", "The quality of something made by an artisan or craftsman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "craftsmanship" ], "word": "workmanship", "num_translations": 10 }, "doggy": { "senses": [ "A dog, especially a small one", "A junior temporarily assigned to do minor duties for a senior", "a gofer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pup" ], "word": "doggy", "num_translations": 38 }, "wounded1": { "senses": [ "Suffering from a wound, especially one acquired in battle from a weapon, such as a gun or a knife", "Suffering from an emotional injury", "Of a particle: having undergone an inelastic collision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hurt", "damaged" ], "word": "wounded", "num_translations": 30 }, "wrangle": { "senses": [ "To bicker, or quarrel angrily and noisily", "To herd", "to supervise, manage", "To involve in a quarrel or dispute", "to embroil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:squabble" ], "word": "wrangle", "num_translations": 31 }, "wrapup": { "senses": [ "To cover or enclose by folding and securing a covering entirely around it", "To conclude or finish completely", "To put on abundant clothing as protection from the weather", "to bundle up", "To summarize or recapitulate", "To tie up", "to make too busy to respond" ], "antonyms": [ "unwrap" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wrapup", "num_translations": 86 }, "wrapper": { "senses": [ "Something that is wrapped around something else as a cover or protection: a wrapping", "An outer garment", "a loose robe or dressing gown", "One who, or that which, wraps", "A construct, such as a class or module, that serves to mediate access to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adapter", "wrapper class", "primitive wrapper class" ], "word": "wrapper", "num_translations": 36 }, "squirm": { "senses": [ "To twist one's body with snakelike motions", "To twist in discomfort, especially from shame or embarrassment", "To evade a question, an interviewer etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "writhe", "fidget" ], "word": "squirm", "num_translations": 44 }, "wrestle1": { "senses": [ "To contend, with an opponent, by grappling and attempting to throw, immobilize or otherwise defeat him, depending on the specific rules of the contest", "To struggle or strive", "To take part in a wrestling match with someone", "To move or lift something with difficulty", "To throw a calf etc in order to brand it", "To fight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wrestle", "num_translations": 38 }, "sumptuous": { "senses": [ "Magnificent, luxurious, splendid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lavish" ], "word": "sumptuous", "num_translations": 35 }, "writ": { "senses": [ "Authority, power to enforce compliance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "claim form" ], "word": "writ", "num_translations": 40 }, "writedown": { "senses": [ "To set down in writing", "to record something", "To write in a simple or condescending style", "To make a downward adjustment in the value of an asset", "To condemn in writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "writedown", "num_translations": 41 }, "framework": { "senses": [ "A support structure comprising joined parts or conglomerated particles and intervening open spaces of similar or larger size", "The arrangement of support beams that represent a building's general shape and size", "The larger branches of a tree that determine its shape", "A basic conceptual structure", "A reusable piece of code providing a standard environment within which an application can be implemented", "The identification and categorisation of processes or steps that constitute a complex task or mindset in order to render explicit the tacit and implicit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "framework", "num_translations": 103 }, "erect": { "senses": [ "Upright", "vertical or reaching broadly upwards", "Rigid, firm", "standing out perpendicularly", "Bold", "confident", "free from depression", "undismayed", "Directed upward", "raised", "uplifted", "Watchful", "alert", "Elevated, as the tips of wings, heads of serpents, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "flaccid" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "erect", "num_translations": 32 }, "erect1": { "senses": [ "To put up by the fitting together of materials or parts", "To cause to stand up or out", "To raise and place in an upright or perpendicular position", "to set upright", "to raise", "To lift up", "to elevate", "to exalt", "to magnify", "To animate", "to encourage", "to cheer", "To cast or draw up", "To set up as an assertion or consequence from premises, etc", "To set up or establish", "to found", "to form", "to institute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "build" ], "word": "erect", "num_translations": 35 }, "gifted": { "senses": [ "Endowed with special, in particular intellectual, abilities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "talented", "Thesaurus:intelligent" ], "word": "gifted", "num_translations": 24 }, "compromise": { "senses": [ "The settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions", "A committal to something derogatory or objectionable", "a prejudicial concession", "a surrender", "In data security, a violation of the security system such that an unauthorized disclosure or loss of sensitive information may have occurred, or the unauthorized disclosure or loss itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "compromise", "num_translations": 69 }, "compromise1": { "senses": [ "To bind by mutual agreement", "To adjust and settle by mutual concessions", "to compound", "To find a way between extremes", "To pledge by some act or declaration", "to endanger the life, reputation, etc, of, by some act which can not be recalled", "to expose to suspicion", "To cause impairment of", "To breach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "split the difference" ], "word": "compromise", "num_translations": 46 }, "talented": { "senses": [ "Endowed with one or more talents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gifted" ], "word": "talented", "num_translations": 56 }, "bridle": { "senses": [ "The headgear with which a horse is directed and which carries a bit and reins", "A restraint", "a curb", "a check", "A length of line or cable attached to two parts of something to spread the force of a pull, as the rigging on a kite for attaching line", "A mooring hawser", "A piece in the interior of a gunlock which holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc", "A gesture expressing pride or vanity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bridle", "num_translations": 83 }, "bridle1": { "senses": [ "To show hostility or resentment", "To hold up one's head proudly or affectedly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "restrain" ], "word": "bridle", "num_translations": 37 }, "dissipate": { "senses": [ "To drive away, disperse", "To use up or waste", "squander", "To vanish by dispersion", "To be dissolute in conduct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dissipate", "num_translations": 37 }, "dispersion": { "senses": [ "The state of being dispersed", "dispersedness", "A process of dispersing", "The degree of scatter of data", "The separation of visible light by refraction or diffraction", "The removal of inflammation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dispersion", "num_translations": 40 }, "arduous": { "senses": [ "Needing or using up much energy", "testing powers of endurance", "burning", "ardent", "Difficult or exhausting to traverse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burdensome" ], "word": "arduous", "num_translations": 74 }, "discourage": { "senses": [ "To extinguish the courage of", "to dishearten", "to depress the spirits of", "to deprive of confidence", "to deject", "To persuade somebody not to do" ], "antonyms": [ "encourage" ], "synonyms": [ "becourage", "deter", "dissuade" ], "word": "discourage", "num_translations": 76 }, "thorough": { "senses": [ "Painstaking and careful not to miss or omit any detail", "Utter", "complete", "absolute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comprehensive", "downright" ], "word": "thorough", "num_translations": 63 }, "painstaking": { "senses": [ "Carefully attentive to details", "diligent in performing a process or procedure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:industrious", "Thesaurus:meticulous" ], "word": "painstaking", "num_translations": 30 }, "scrupulous": { "senses": [ "Exactly and carefully conducted", "Having scruples or compunctions", "Precise", "exact or strict" ], "antonyms": [ "unscrupulous" ], "synonyms": [ "meticulous", "worried", "ethical", "Thesaurus:meticulous" ], "word": "scrupulous", "num_translations": 46 }, "shingles": { "senses": [ "Herpes zoster, caused by Human herpes virus 3, in genus Varicellovirus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "herpes zoster" ], "word": "shingles", "num_translations": 51 }, "persist": { "senses": [ "To go on stubbornly or resolutely", "To repeat an utterance", "To continue to exist", "make permanent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "persevere", "last" ], "word": "persist", "num_translations": 36 }, "imputation": { "senses": [ "The act of imputing or charging", "attribution", "ascription", "That which has been imputed or charged", "Charge or attribution of evil", "censure", "reproach", "insinuation", "A setting of something to the account of", "the attribution of personal guilt or personal righteousness of another", "Opinion", "intimation", "hint", "The process of replacing missing data with substituted values", "The statistical inference of unobserved genotypes", "A distribution that is efficient and individually rational" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "imputation", "num_translations": 16 }, "fatigue": { "senses": [ "A weariness caused by exertion", "exhaustion", "A menial task or tasks, especially in the military", "Material failure, such as cracking or separation, caused by stress on the material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fatigue" ], "word": "fatigue", "num_translations": 79 }, "fatigue1": { "senses": [ "to tire or make weary by physical or mental exertion", "to wilt a salad by dressing or tossing it", "to lose so much strength or energy that one becomes tired, weary, feeble or exhausted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fatigue", "num_translations": 28 }, "defile": { "senses": [ "To make unclean, dirty, or impure", "soil", "befoul", "To vandalize or add inappropriate contents to something considered sacred or special", "desecrate", "To deprive or ruin someone's purity or chastity, often not consensually", "stain", "tarnish", "mar", "rape" ], "antonyms": [ "clean", "sanctify" ], "synonyms": [ "contaminate", "desecrate", "ravish" ], "word": "defile", "num_translations": 52 }, "confidential": { "senses": [ "Kept, or meant to be kept, secret within a certain circle of persons", "not intended to be known publicly", "Inclined to share confidences", "making people inclined to share confidences", "involving the sharing of confidences", "Having someone's confidence or trust", "having a position requiring trust", "worthy of being trusted with confidences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "confidential", "num_translations": 46 }, "distraction": { "senses": [ "Something that distracts", "The process of being distracted", "Perturbation", "disorder", "disturbance", "confusion", "Mental disorder", "a deranged state of mind", "insanity", "Traction so exerted as to separate surfaces normally opposed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "distraction", "num_translations": 40 }, "mudslide": { "senses": [ "A geological event in which viscous mud flows down an incline", "A mixed drink consisting of vodka, Kahlua and Bailey's" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mudflow" ], "word": "mudslide", "num_translations": 35 }, "headquarters": { "senses": [ "The military installation from which troops are commanded and orders are issued", "the military unit consisting of a commander and his support staff", "The center of an organization's operations or administration", "A place of concentrated activity or influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HQ", "head office" ], "word": "headquarters", "num_translations": 108 }, "supporter": { "senses": [ "A person who gives support to someone or something", "Something that supports another thing" ], "antonyms": [ "detractor", "opponent" ], "synonyms": [ "adherent", "proponent" ], "word": "supporter", "num_translations": 51 }, "jurisdiction": { "senses": [ "The power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law", "The power or right to exercise authority", "The authority of a sovereign power to govern or legislate", "The limits or territory within which authority may be exercised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "power", "oyer and terminer" ], "word": "jurisdiction", "num_translations": 70 }, "petition": { "senses": [ "A formal, written request made to an official person or organized body, often containing many signatures", "A compilation of signatures built in order to exert moral authority in support of a specific cause", "A formal written request for judicial action", "A prayer", "a supplication", "an entreaty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "petition", "num_translations": 61 }, "plume": { "senses": [ "A feather of a bird, especially a large or showy one", "The furry tail of certain dog breeds that stands erect or curls over their backs", "A cluster of feathers worn as an ornament, especially on a helmet", "A token of honour or prowess", "that on which one prides oneself", "a prize or reward", "An area over which a dispersed substance has spread or fanned out", "a cloud", "An upward spray of water or mist", "An upwelling of molten material from the Earth's mantle", "An arc of glowing material erupting from the surface of a star", "A large and flexible panicle of inflorescence resembling a feather, such as is seen in certain large ornamental grasses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plume", "num_translations": 71 }, "wattle": { "senses": [ "A construction of branches and twigs woven together to form a wall, barrier, fence, or roof", "A single twig or rod laid on a roof to support the thatch", "A wrinkled fold of skin, sometimes brightly coloured, hanging from the neck of birds and some lizards", "A barbel of a fish", "A decorative fleshy appendage on the neck of a goat", "Loose hanging skin in the neck of a person", "Any of several Australian trees and shrubs of the genus Acacia, or their bark, used in tanning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wattle", "num_translations": 70 }, "groin": { "senses": [ "The crease or depression of the human body at the junction of the trunk and the thigh, together with the surrounding region", "The area adjoining this fold or depression", "The projecting solid angle formed by the meeting of two vaults", "The genitals", "The surface formed by two such vaults" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "groin", "num_translations": 92 }, "bodily": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or concerning the body", "Having a body or material form", "physical", "corporeal", "Real", "actual", "put into execution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corporal", "corporeal" ], "word": "bodily", "num_translations": 56 }, "incompleteness": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being not complete" ], "antonyms": [ "completeness", "completion", "finishedness" ], "synonyms": [ "incompletion", "unfinishedness" ], "word": "incompleteness", "num_translations": 10 }, "completeness": { "senses": [ "the state or condition of being complete", "The property of a logical theory that whenever a wff is valid then it must also be a theorem Symbolically, letting T represent a theory within logic L, this can be represented as the property that whenever T \\vDash \\phi is true, then T \\vdash \\phi must also be true, for any wff \u03c6 of logic L" ], "antonyms": [ "incompleteness" ], "synonyms": [ "completion" ], "word": "completeness", "num_translations": 27 }, "titanic": { "senses": [ "Having great size, or great strength, force or power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "titanic", "num_translations": 12 }, "convince": { "senses": [ "To make someone believe, or feel sure about something, especially by using logic, argument or evidence", "To persuade", "To overcome, conquer, vanquish", "To confute", "to prove wrong", "To prove guilty", "to convict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "persuade", "satisfy", "assure", "convert", "win over" ], "word": "convince", "num_translations": 70 }, "sinner": { "senses": [ "A person who sins or has sinned", "A person who sins or has sinned by the action or identity indicated or previously mentioned", "An unregenerate person", "A person with negative qualities", "one who does bad things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sinner", "num_translations": 92 }, "skippingrope": { "senses": [ "An item for play or physical exercise consisting of a length of rope with a handle attached to each end, intended to be swung over and under a person jumping in a continual rhythm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jump rope" ], "word": "skippingrope", "num_translations": 25 }, "repeatedly": { "senses": [ "Done several times or in repetition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "again and again" ], "word": "repeatedly", "num_translations": 31 }, "ware2": { "senses": [ "Goods or a type of goods offered for sale or use", "Pottery or metal goods", "A style or genre of artifact", "Crockery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ware", "num_translations": 22 }, "wintry": { "senses": [ "Suggestive or characteristic of winter", "cold, stormy", "Of precipitation, containing sleet or snow", "Aged, white-haired", "Chilling, cheerless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brumal" ], "word": "wintry", "num_translations": 45 }, "wired": { "senses": [ "Equipped with wires, so as to connect to a power source or to other electric or electronic equipment", "connected by wires", "Equipped with hidden electronic eavesdropping devices", "Reinforced, supported, tied or bound with wire", "Very excited, overstimulated", "high-strung", "Having wiry feathers", "Being a pair in seven card stud with one face up and one face down", "Being three of a kind as the first three cards in seven card stud", "Connected to the Internet", "online" ], "antonyms": [ "wireless" ], "synonyms": [ "corded" ], "word": "wired", "num_translations": 18 }, "variance": { "senses": [ "The act of varying or the state of being variable", "A difference between what is expected and what is observed", "The state of differing or being in conflict", "An official permit to do something that is ordinarily forbidden by regulations", "A discrepancy between two legal documents", "A departure from a cause of action originally in a complaint", "The second central moment in probability", "The number of degrees of freedom in a system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "variance", "num_translations": 43 }, "largess": { "senses": [ "Generosity in the giving of gifts or money", "The gifts or money given in such a way", "A benevolent demeanor" ], "antonyms": [ "niggardliness" ], "synonyms": [ "benevolence", "boon" ], "word": "largess", "num_translations": 31 }, "theorem": { "senses": [ "A mathematical statement that is expected to be true", "A syntactically correct expression that is deducible from the given axioms of a deductive system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lemma", "conjecture", "Thesaurus:statement" ], "word": "theorem", "num_translations": 67 }, "tablet": { "senses": [ "A slab of clay used for inscription", "A short scripture written by the founders of the Bah\u00e1'\u00ed faith", "A pill", "a small, easily swallowed portion of a substance", "A block of several sheets of blank paper that are bound together at the top", "pad of paper", "A confection made from sugar, condensed milk and butter, produced in flat slabs", "A type of round token giving authority for a train to proceed over a single-track line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tablet", "num_translations": 17 }, "dormer-window": { "senses": [ "An upright window built from a sloping roof" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dormer" ], "word": "dormer-window", "num_translations": 26 }, "projection": { "senses": [ "Something which projects, protrudes, juts out, sticks out, or stands out", "The action of projecting or throwing or propelling something", "The crisis or decisive point of any process, especially a culinary process", "The display of an image by devices such as movie projector, video projector, overhead projector or slide projector", "A forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation", "A belief or assumption that others have similar thoughts and experiences as oneself", "The image that a translucent object casts onto another object", "Any of several systems of intersecting lines that allow the curved surface of the earth to be represented on a flat surface The set of mathematics used to calculate coordinate positions", "An image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions", "An idempotent linear transformation which maps vectors from a vector space onto a subspace", "A transformation which extracts a fragment of a mathematical object", "A morphism from a categorical product to one of its components" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "protuberance" ], "word": "projection", "num_translations": 72 }, "tackle": { "senses": [ "A device for grasping an object and an attached means of moving it, as a rope and hook", "Equipment used when angling", "equipment, gear, gadgetry", "A play where a player attempts to take control over the ball from an opponent, as in rugby or football", "A play where a defender brings the ball carrier to the ground", "Any instance in which one person intercepts another and forces them to the ground", "a person playing that position", "a person playing that position", "A man's genitalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tackle", "num_translations": 32 }, "tackle1": { "senses": [ "To force a person to the ground with the weight of one's own body, usually by jumping on top or slamming one's weight into him or her", "To face or deal with, attempting to overcome or fight down", "To attempt to take away a ball", "To bring a ball carrier to the ground", "To \"hit on\" or pursue a person that one is interested in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tackle", "num_translations": 41 }, "gradually": { "senses": [ "In a gradual manner", "making slow progress", "slowly", "by degrees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ponderously", "incrementally" ], "word": "gradually", "num_translations": 54 }, "gulf": { "senses": [ "A hollow place in the earth", "an abyss", "a deep chasm or basin", "That which swallows", "the gullet", "That which swallows irretrievably", "a whirlpool", "a sucking eddy", "A portion of an ocean or sea extending into the land", "a partially landlocked sea", "A large deposit of ore in a lode", "A difference, especially a large difference, between groups", "The bottom part of a list of those awarded a degree, for those who have only just passed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abyss" ], "word": "gulf", "num_translations": 94 }, "gradual": { "senses": [ "Proceeding or advancing by small, slow, regular steps or degrees" ], "antonyms": [ "sudden", "abrupt" ], "synonyms": [ "stepwise" ], "word": "gradual", "num_translations": 27 }, "devoted1": { "senses": [ "Vowed", "dedicated", "consecrated", "Strongly emotionally attached", "very fond of someone or something", "Zealous", "characterized by devotion", "Cursed", "doomed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "devoted", "num_translations": 29 }, "historian": { "senses": [ "A writer of history", "a chronicler", "an annalist", "One who studies or researches history", "One who recounts their own medical history" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "historian", "num_translations": 188 }, "expiate": { "senses": [ "To atone or make reparation for", "To make amends or pay the penalty for", "To relieve or cleanse of guilt", "To purify with sacred rites", "To wind up, bring to an end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "expiate", "num_translations": 20 }, "extirpate": { "senses": [ "To clear an area of roots and stumps", "To pull up by the roots", "uproot", "To destroy completely", "to annihilate", "To surgically remove" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "extirpate", "num_translations": 57 }, "deracinate": { "senses": [ "To pull up by the roots", "to uproot", "to extirpate", "To force from their homeland to a new or foreign location", "To liberate or be liberated from a culture or its norms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deracinate", "num_translations": 13 }, "firmament": { "senses": [ "The vault of the heavens", "the sky", "The field or sphere of an interest or activity", "A piece of jewelry meant to be worn in a headdress", "In the geocentric Ptolemaic system, the eighth sphere, which carried the fixed stars", "A foundation", "support", "basis", "The act or process of making firm or strengthening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lift", "sky", "welkin" ], "word": "firmament", "num_translations": 42 }, "vasdeferens": { "senses": [ "The duct in the testicle that carries semen from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ductus deferens" ], "word": "vasdeferens", "num_translations": 59 }, "petroleumjelly": { "senses": [ "A pale yellow semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum", "used in lubricants and ointments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "multi-hydrocarbon", "petrolatum", "soft paraffin", "Vaseline", "vaseline", "white petrolatum" ], "word": "petroleumjelly", "num_translations": 12 }, "vehemence": { "senses": [ "An intense concentration, force or power", "A wild or turbulent ferocity or fury", "Eagerness, fervor, excessive strong feeling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinacy" ], "word": "vehemence", "num_translations": 30 }, "scholarship": { "senses": [ "A grant-in-aid to a student", "The character or qualities of a scholar", "The activity, methods or attainments of a scholar", "The sum of knowledge accrued by scholars", "the realm of refined learning", "The first year of high school, often accompanied by exams that needed to be passed before advancement to the higher grades" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allowance" ], "word": "scholarship", "num_translations": 61 }, "venerable": { "senses": [ "Commanding respect because of age, dignity, character or position", "Worthy of reverence", "Ancient, antiquated or archaic", "Made sacred especially by religious or historical association", "Giving an impression of aged goodness and benevolence" ], "antonyms": [ "contemptible" ], "synonyms": [ "honorable", "aged" ], "word": "venerable", "num_translations": 50 }, "venerealdisease": { "senses": [ "Any of several contagious diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, contracted through sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sexually transmitted disease", "sexually transmitted infection" ], "word": "venerealdisease", "num_translations": 40 }, "vengeful": { "senses": [ "Vindictive or wanting vengeance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:vengeful" ], "word": "vengeful", "num_translations": 19 }, "ventilate": { "senses": [ "To replace stale or noxious air with fresh", "To circulate air through a building, etc", "To provide with a vent", "To expose something to the circulation of fresh air", "To expose something to public examination or discussion", "To provide manual or mechanical breathing to a patient", "To shoot with a firearm", "to pierce with bullets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ventilate", "num_translations": 27 }, "ventilation": { "senses": [ "The replacement of stale or noxious air with fresh", "The mechanical system used to circulate and replace air", "An exchange of views during a discussion", "The public exposure of an issue or topic", "The bodily process of breathing", "the inhalation of air to provide oxygen, and the exhalation of spent air to remove carbon dioxide", "The mechanical system used to assist breathing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ventilation", "num_translations": 63 }, "interruption": { "senses": [ "The act of interrupting, or the state of being interrupted", "A time interval during which there is a cessation of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus" ], "word": "interruption", "num_translations": 38 }, "ventriloquist": { "senses": [ "A person, especially an entertainer, who practices ventriloquism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biloquist" ], "word": "ventriloquist", "num_translations": 45 }, "ventriloquism": { "senses": [ "The art of projecting one's voice without moving the lips so that it appears to come from another source, such as a dummy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biloquism" ], "word": "ventriloquism", "num_translations": 41 }, "verbosity": { "senses": [ "The excess use of words, especially using more than are needed for clarity or precision", "long-windedness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "verboseness" ], "word": "verbosity", "num_translations": 17 }, "veterinarymedicine": { "senses": [ "The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals, especially domestic and farm animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "veterinary science", "zoiatria" ], "word": "veterinarymedicine", "num_translations": 21 }, "vexatious": { "senses": [ "Causing vexation or annoyance", "teasing", "troublesome", "Full of trouble or disquiet", "Commenced for the purpose of giving trouble, without due cause" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:annoying" ], "word": "vexatious", "num_translations": 19 }, "vibrant": { "senses": [ "Pulsing with energy or activity", "Lively and vigorous", "Vibrating, resonant or resounding", "Bright" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dynamic", "booming", "dazzling" ], "word": "vibrant", "num_translations": 64 }, "vibration": { "senses": [ "The act of vibrating or the condition of being vibrated", "Any periodic process, especially a rapid linear motion of a body about an equilibrium position", "A single complete vibrating motion", "An instinctively sensed emotional aura or atmosphere", "vibes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vibration", "num_translations": 47 }, "doubtful": { "senses": [ "Subject to, or causing doubt", "Experiencing or showing doubt, sceptical", "Undecided or of uncertain outcome", "Fearsome, dreadful", "Improbable or unlikely", "Suspicious, or of dubious character", "Unclear or unreliable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "doubtful", "num_translations": 69 }, "vicepresident": { "senses": [ "A deputy to a president, often empowered to assume the position of president on his death or absence", "An executive in a business in charge of a department or branch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "VP", "provost", "veep" ], "word": "vicepresident", "num_translations": 49 }, "interrupt": { "senses": [ "To disturb or halt by interfering suddenly", "To divide", "to separate", "to break the monotony of", "To assert to that an exceptional condition must be handled" ], "antonyms": [ "continue", "resume" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "interrupt", "num_translations": 65 }, "vicinity": { "senses": [ "proximity", "the state of being near", "neighbourhood", "nearby region", "surrounding area", "approximate size or amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vicinity", "num_translations": 69 }, "viciouscircle": { "senses": [ "A situation in which the solution to one problem creates a chain of problems, each making it more difficult to solve the original one", "A fallacy in which the premise is used to prove a conclusion which is then used to prove the premise" ], "antonyms": [ "virtuous circle" ], "synonyms": [ "begging the question" ], "word": "viciouscircle", "num_translations": 65 }, "vicious": { "senses": [ "Violent, destructive and cruel", "Savage and aggressive", "Pertaining to vice", "characterised by immorality or depravity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scathy" ], "word": "vicious", "num_translations": 58 }, "spinster": { "senses": [ "A woman who has never been married, especially one past the typical marrying age according to social traditions", "One who spins a political media story so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance", "a spin doctor, spin merchant or spin master", "Someone whose occupation was spinning thread", "A woman of evil life and character", "so called from being forced to spin in a house of correction", "A spider", "an insect which spins thread" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spinster", "num_translations": 78 }, "utterance": { "senses": [ "An act of uttering", "Something spoken", "The ability to speak", "A manner of speaking", "A sale made by offering to the public", "An act of putting in circulation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "utterance", "num_translations": 74 }, "immeasurable": { "senses": [ "impossible to measure", "vast" ], "antonyms": [ "measurable" ], "synonyms": [ "immensurable", "unmeasurable" ], "word": "immeasurable", "num_translations": 24 }, "virility": { "senses": [ "The state of being virile", "Manly character, quality, or nature", "The ability of a man to procreate" ], "antonyms": [ "femininity", "muliebrity" ], "synonyms": [ "masculinity" ], "word": "virility", "num_translations": 51 }, "cluster": { "senses": [ "A group or bunch of several discrete items that are close to each other", "A number of individuals grouped together or collected in one place", "a crowd", "a mob", "A group of galaxies or stars that appear near each other", "A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic", "a chunk, bundle, or lexical bundle", "A secundal chord of three or more notes", "A group of consonants", "A group of computers that work together", "A logical data storage unit containing one or more physical sectors", "A significant subset within a population", "Set of bombs or mines", "A small metal design that indicates that a medal has been awarded to the same person before", "An ensemble of bound atoms or molecules, intermediate in size between a molecule and a bulk solid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cluster", "num_translations": 161 }, "rejoinder": { "senses": [ "The defendant's answer to the replication", "A response that answers another response", "A quick response that involves disagreement or is witty, especially an answer to a question", "Re-insertion, typically after allowance of a patent application, of patent claims that had been withdrawn from examination under a restriction requirement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comeback" ], "word": "rejoinder", "num_translations": 19 }, "trot": { "senses": [ "A gait of a four-legged animal between walk and canter, a diagonal gait", "A gait of a person or animal faster than a walk but slower than a run", "A brisk journey or progression", "A toddler", "A young animal", "A moderately rapid dance", "A succession of heads thrown in a game of two-up", "A run of luck or fortune", "synonym of \"horse\"", "Diarrhoea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:old woman", "jog" ], "word": "trot", "num_translations": 39 }, "trot1": { "senses": [ "To move along briskly", "specifically, to move at a pace between a walk and a run", "To move at a gait between a walk and a canter", "to cause to run without galloping or cantering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jog" ], "word": "trot", "num_translations": 35 }, "guillotine": { "senses": [ "A machine used for the application of capital punishment by decapitation, consisting of a tall upright frame from which is suspended a heavy diagonal-edged blade", "A device used for cutting stacks of paper to straight edges, usually by means of a hinged blade attached to a flat platform", "A cloture", "a motion that debate be ended and a vote taken", "A surgical instrument for cutting the tonsils" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guillotine", "num_translations": 62 }, "fulsome": { "senses": [ "Offensive to good taste, tactless, overzealous, excessive", "Excessively flattering", "Marked by fullness", "abundant, copious", "Fully developed", "mature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gross", "profuse", "effusive" ], "word": "fulsome", "num_translations": 19 }, "surely": { "senses": [ "Without fail", "Certainly, undoubtedly", "With confidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "certainly" ], "word": "surely", "num_translations": 47 }, "quadriplegia": { "senses": [ "paralysis from the neck down", "paralysis of all four limbs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tetraplegia" ], "word": "quadriplegia", "num_translations": 15 }, "quadriplegic1": { "senses": [ "One who suffers from quadriplegia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tetraplegic" ], "word": "quadriplegic", "num_translations": 11 }, "playbyear": { "senses": [ "To play guided by one's musical ear, rather than from a written score", "To do by guessing, intuition, or trial and error", "to react to events as they occur", "improvise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fly by the seat of one's pants" ], "word": "playbyear", "num_translations": 26 }, "variability": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being variable", "The degree to which a thing is variable In data or statistics this is often a measurement of distance from the mean or a description of data range" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "variableness" ], "word": "variability", "num_translations": 17 }, "purloin": { "senses": [ "To take the property of another, often in breach of trust", "to appropriate wrongfully", "to steal", "To commit theft", "to thieve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "purloin", "num_translations": 33 }, "vernalization": { "senses": [ "The treatment of seeds or bulbs by exposure to low temperatures so as to decrease the vegetative period or to cause the plant to flower or bear fruit more quickly" ], "antonyms": [ "devernalization" ], "synonyms": [ "jarovization" ], "word": "vernalization", "num_translations": 14 }, "nightmare": { "senses": [ "A demon or monster, thought to plague people while they slept and cause a feeling of suffocation and terror during sleep", "Sleep paralysis", "A very bad or frightening dream", "Any bad, miserable, difficult or terrifying situation or experience that arouses anxiety, terror, agony or great displeasure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incubus" ], "word": "nightmare", "num_translations": 202 }, "overnight3": { "senses": [ "Viewership ratings for a television show that are published the morning after it is broadcast, and may be revised later on", "The fore part of the previous night", "yesterday evening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overnight", "num_translations": 12 }, "hittheroad": { "senses": [ "To begin traveling in an automobile or other road vehicle", "To leave a place", "to go away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hit the pavement" ], "word": "hittheroad", "num_translations": 11 }, "nyctophobia": { "senses": [ "A fear of the night, nighttime, or darkness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "night fear", "nightfright", "noctophobia" ], "word": "nyctophobia", "num_translations": 10 }, "nutcase": { "senses": [ "An eccentric or odd person", "Someone who is insane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kook", "crackpot" ], "word": "nutcase", "num_translations": 11 }, "nursemaid": { "senses": [ "a woman or girl employed to care for children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "au pair", "nanny" ], "word": "nursemaid", "num_translations": 21 }, "superlativedegree": { "senses": [ "adverbial or adjectival forms modified by most or ending in -est, used when comparing three or more things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "superlative" ], "word": "superlativedegree", "num_translations": 23 }, "ambient": { "senses": [ "Encompassing on all sides", "surrounding", "encircling", "enveloping", "Evoking or creating an atmosphere: atmospheric", "Relating to, or suitable for, storage at room temperature", "Containing objects or describing a setting that one is interested in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ambient", "num_translations": 29 }, "ambient1": { "senses": [ "Something that surrounds", "encompassing material, substance or shape", "The atmosphere", "the surrounding air or sky", "atmospheric components collectively such as air, clouds, water vapour, hail, etc", "A type of modern music that creates a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ambient music", "chillout" ], "word": "ambient", "num_translations": 15 }, "rapture": { "senses": [ "Extreme pleasure, happiness or excitement", "In some forms of fundamentalist Protestant eschatology, the event when Jesus returns and gathers the souls of living believers", "The act of kidnapping or abducting, especially the forceful carrying off of a woman", "Rape", "ravishment", "sexual violation", "The act of carrying, conveying, transporting or sweeping along by force of movement", "the force of such movement", "the fact of being carried along by such movement", "A spasm", "a fit", "a syncope", "delirium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rapture", "num_translations": 28 }, "victorian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the reign of Queen Victoria or the period from 1837 to 1901", "Of or displaying the standards or ideals of morality of that period", "Of the style of architecture or furnishings of that period", "Based on the culture of that period", "In relative poverty", "Of or relating to the state of Victoria in Australia", "of or pertaining to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Victorian", "num_translations": 34 }, "videocamera": { "senses": [ "A device for recording video footage, often a portable one used by amateurs", "also as a fixed installation for surveillance purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camcorder" ], "word": "videocamera", "num_translations": 35 }, "videocassetterecorder": { "senses": [ "A device that can record broadcast television programmes, or the images from a video camera, for subsequent playback through a television set" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abbreviation: VCR" ], "word": "videocassetterecorder", "num_translations": 26 }, "viewer": { "senses": [ "Someone who views a spectacle", "an onlooker or spectator", "Someone who watches television", "Any optical device used to view photographic slides", "A program that displays the contents of a file", "The manager of a colliery, who directs its workings and ventilation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "viewer", "num_translations": 96 }, "animate": { "senses": [ "That which lives", "Possessing the quality or ability of motion", "Dynamic, energetic", "Having a referent that includes a human, animal, plant or other entity which is considered alive" ], "antonyms": [ "inanimate", "fixed", "static", "inanimate" ], "synonyms": [ "alive", "astir", "lively", "alive", "active" ], "word": "animate", "num_translations": 68 }, "animate1": { "senses": [ "To impart motion or the appearance of motion to", "To give spirit or vigour to", "to stimulate or enliven", "to inspirit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enliven" ], "word": "animate", "num_translations": 30 }, "inanimate": { "senses": [ "Lacking the quality or ability of motion", "Not being, and never having been alive", "Not animate" ], "antonyms": [ "animate" ], "synonyms": [ "lifeless" ], "word": "inanimate", "num_translations": 47 }, "farthing": { "senses": [ "Former British unit of currency worth one-quarter of an old penny", "or a coin representing this", "A very small quantity or value", "the least possible amount", "A division of land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "farthing", "num_translations": 15 }, "beermat": { "senses": [ "A small square cardboard mat, often with an advertisement for a brewery on it, that is used to rest one's glass on, and to protect the surface of a table or a bar in a pub" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coaster" ], "word": "beermat", "num_translations": 13 }, "vigil": { "senses": [ "An instance of keeping awake during normal sleeping hours, especially to keep watch or pray", "A period of observation or surveillance at any hour", "The eve of a religious festival in which staying awake is part of the ritual devotions", "A quiet demonstration in support of a cause" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lookout" ], "word": "vigil", "num_translations": 49 }, "vigorously": { "senses": [ "With intense energy, force or vigor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "energetically", "forcefully", "powerfully" ], "word": "vigorously", "num_translations": 14 }, "beerbelly": { "senses": [ "A protruding belly caused by excess fat stored in the abdomen and attributed to the consumption of beer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beer gut", "Thesaurus:paunch" ], "word": "beerbelly", "num_translations": 36 }, "dour": { "senses": [ "Stern, harsh and forbidding", "Unyielding and obstinate", "Expressing gloom or melancholy", "sullenly unhappy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forbidding", "obstinate", "dejected" ], "word": "dour", "num_translations": 65 }, "consistently": { "senses": [ "In a consistent manner", "constantly", "always" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "invariably", "continually" ], "word": "consistently", "num_translations": 16 }, "sub-": { "senses": [ "under, beneath", "subsidiary, secondary", "almost, nearly" ], "antonyms": [ "super-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sub-", "num_translations": 62 }, "proposal": { "senses": [ "Something which is proposed, or offered for consideration or acceptance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proffer", "tender", "overture" ], "word": "proposal", "num_translations": 72 }, "jostle": { "senses": [ "To bump into or brush against while in motion", "to push aside", "To move through by pushing and shoving", "To be close to or in physical contact with", "To contend or vie in order to acquire something", "To pick or attempt to pick pockets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jostle", "num_translations": 45 }, "fracas": { "senses": [ "A noisy disorderly quarrel, fight, brawl, disturbance or scrap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brouhaha", "kerfuffle", "melee" ], "word": "fracas", "num_translations": 20 }, "bump": { "senses": [ "A light blow or jolting collision", "The sound of such a collision", "A protuberance on a level surface", "A swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury", "One of the protuberances on the cranium which, in phrenology, are associated with distinct faculties or affections of the mind", "The point, in a race in which boats are spaced apart at the start, at which a boat begins to overtake the boat ahead", "The swollen abdomen of a pregnant woman", "A post in an Internet forum thread made in order to raise the thread's profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads", "A temporary increase in a quantity, as shown in a graph", "A dose of a drug such as ketamine or cocaine, when snorted recreationally", "The noise made by the bittern", "a boom", "In skipping, a single jump over two consecutive turns of the rope", "A coarse cotton fabric", "A training match for a fighting dog", "The jaw of either of the middle pockets", "Music, especially played over speakers at loud volume with strong bass frequency response" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bump", "num_translations": 118 }, "jolt": { "senses": [ "To push or shake abruptly and roughly", "To knock sharply", "To shock into taking action or being alert", "To shock emotionally", "To shake", "to move with a series of jerks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jolt", "num_translations": 58 }, "hypocritical": { "senses": [ "Characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "two-faced" ], "word": "hypocritical", "num_translations": 38 }, "hush": { "senses": [ "To become quiet", "To make quiet", "To appease", "to allay", "to soothe", "To clear off soil and other materials overlying the bedrock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hush", "num_translations": 47 }, "humiliate": { "senses": [ "To injure the dignity and self-respect of", "To make humble", "to lower in condition or status" ], "antonyms": [ "dignify", "honor" ], "synonyms": [ "debase", "demean", "disgrace", "humble", "mortify", "shame", "Thesaurus:abash" ], "word": "humiliate", "num_translations": 54 }, "visitor": { "senses": [ "Someone who visits someone else", "someone staying as a guest", "Someone who pays a visit to a specific place or event", "a sightseer or tourist", "Someone, or a team, that is playing away from home", "A person authorized to visit an institution to see that it is being managed properly", "An extraterrestrial being on Earth for any reason", "An object which lands or passes by Earth or its orbit", "A head or overseer of an institution such as a college or cathedral or hospital, who resolves disputes, gives ceremonial speeches, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "visitor", "num_translations": 75 }, "vitreous": { "senses": [ "Of or resembling glass", "glassy", "Having a shiny nonporous surface", "Of a semi-crystalline substance where the atoms exhibit short-range order, but without the long-range order of a crystal", "Positive" ], "antonyms": [ "resinous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "vitreous", "num_translations": 17 }, "voluble": { "senses": [ "Fluent or having a ready flow of speech", "garrulous or loquacious", "tonguey", "Expressed readily or at length and in a fluent manner", "Easily rolling or turning", "having a fluid, undulating motion", "Twisting and turning like a vine" ], "antonyms": [ "halting" ], "synonyms": [ "steady" ], "word": "voluble", "num_translations": 45 }, "voluntarily": { "senses": [ "In a voluntary manner" ], "antonyms": [ "involuntarily" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "voluntarily", "num_translations": 23 }, "marxist": { "senses": [ "Following the ideals of Marxism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Marxian" ], "word": "Marxist", "num_translations": 20 }, "marxist1": { "senses": [ "One that believes in or follows the ideals of Marxism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Marxian" ], "word": "Marxist", "num_translations": 22 }, "getin": { "senses": [ "To enter a place", "to gain access", "To secure membership at a selective school", "To be elected to some office", "To become dark earlier as a result of seasonal change", "to draw in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "getin", "num_translations": 31 }, "votingbooth": { "senses": [ "A small enclosed compartment where a voter may register a vote in private", "it may house some voting machine, or just have a pencil for marking a voting slip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polling booth" ], "word": "votingbooth", "num_translations": 14 }, "pulmonarytuberculosis": { "senses": [ "The most common form of active tuberculosis infecting the lungs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consumption" ], "word": "pulmonarytuberculosis", "num_translations": 33 }, "vagary": { "senses": [ "An erratic, unpredictable occurrence or action", "An impulsive or illogical desire", "a caprice or whim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:whim" ], "word": "vagary", "num_translations": 30 }, "submit": { "senses": [ "To yield or give way to another", "To yield to another, as when defeated", "To enter or put forward for approval, consideration, marking etc", "To subject", "to put through a process", "To win a fight against by submission", "To let down", "to lower", "To put or place under" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "submit", "num_translations": 90 }, "vulnerability": { "senses": [ "Susceptibility to attack or injury", "the state or condition of being weak or poorly defended", "a specific weakness in the protections or defences surrounding someone or something", "a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's security" ], "antonyms": [ "invulnerability" ], "synonyms": [ "vulnerableness" ], "word": "vulnerability", "num_translations": 42 }, "alleviate": { "senses": [ "To make less severe, as a pain or difficulty" ], "antonyms": [ "aggravate" ], "synonyms": [ "address" ], "word": "alleviate", "num_translations": 74 }, "ugh": { "senses": [ "Used to express repugnance, disgust, or annoyance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:yuck" ], "word": "ugh", "num_translations": 46 }, "ugliness": { "senses": [ "The condition of being ugly", "An unsightly or frightful object" ], "antonyms": [ "beauty" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ugliness" ], "word": "ugliness", "num_translations": 34 }, "ultrasound": { "senses": [ "Sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing, which is approximately 20 kilohertz", "The use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes" ], "antonyms": [ "infrasound" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ultrasound", "num_translations": 80 }, "tablature": { "senses": [ "A form of musical notation indicating fingering rather than the pitch of notes, commonly used for stringed instruments", "An engraved tablet, or a painting on a wall or ceiling, or sometimes a picture in general", "A division of the skull into two tables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tab" ], "word": "tablature", "num_translations": 11 }, "periodic": { "senses": [ "Relative to a period or periods", "Having repeated cycles", "Occurring at regular intervals", "Pertaining to the revolution of a celestial object in its orbit", "For which any return to it must occur in multiples of k time steps, for some k>1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "periodic", "num_translations": 57 }, "umbilicalcord": { "senses": [ "The flexible structure connecting a foetus with the placenta", "it transports nourishment to the foetus and removes waste", "The line that supplies an astronaut with oxygen and communications when outside a spacecraft", "Any of the various lines connecting a rocket to its launch pad before liftoff", "An overdependence on, or overattachment to, one's parents or guardians" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "navel-string" ], "word": "umbilicalcord", "num_translations": 85 }, "potion": { "senses": [ "A small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lib" ], "word": "potion", "num_translations": 48 }, "administer": { "senses": [ "To cause to ingest , either by openly offering or through deceit", "To apportion out", "To manage or supervise the conduct, performance or execution of", "to govern or regulate the parameters for the conduct, performance or execution of", "to work in an administrative capacity", "To minister", "To settle, as the estate of one who dies without a will, or whose will fails of an executor", "To tender, as an oath", "To give a drug to a patient, be it orally or by any other means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "administer", "num_translations": 69 }, "unscrupulous": { "senses": [ "Without scruples", "immoral", "Contemptuous of what is right or honorable" ], "antonyms": [ "scrupulous", "ethical", "upstanding" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unscrupulous", "num_translations": 22 }, "unacceptable": { "senses": [ "unsatisfactory", "not acceptable", "not conforming to accepted usage" ], "antonyms": [ "acceptable" ], "synonyms": [ "inacceptable" ], "word": "unacceptable", "num_translations": 39 }, "commerce": { "senses": [ "The exchange or buying and selling of commodities", "especially the exchange of merchandise, on a large scale, between different places or communities", "extended trade or traffic", "Social intercourse", "the dealings of one person or class in society with another", "familiarity", "Sexual intercourse", "An 18th-century French card game in which the cards are subject to exchange, barter, or trade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trade", "Thesaurus:copulation" ], "word": "commerce", "num_translations": 135 }, "agegroup": { "senses": [ "A demographic grouping based on age" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "age bracket", "cohort" ], "word": "agegroup", "num_translations": 15 }, "maudlin1": { "senses": [ "Affectionate or sentimental in an effusive, tearful, or foolish manner, especially because of drunkenness", "Extravagantly or excessively sentimental", "mawkish, self-pitying", "Tearful, lachrymose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mushy", "emotional", "larmoyant" ], "word": "maudlin", "num_translations": 40 }, "applicable": { "senses": [ "suitable for application, relevant" ], "antonyms": [ "inapplicable" ], "synonyms": [ "appropriate" ], "word": "applicable", "num_translations": 33 }, "astringent1": { "senses": [ "Extremely sour, bitter", "Sharp, caustic, severe", "Causing a dry or puckering mouthfeel", "characteristic of foods with high tannin content, such as certain kinds of berries and citrus fruits", "Having the effect of drawing tissue together", "styptic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smectic" ], "word": "astringent", "num_translations": 27 }, "handover": { "senses": [ "To relinquish control or possession of something to someone", "To deliver" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beteach" ], "word": "handover", "num_translations": 57 }, "artisanal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to artisans or the work of artisans", "Involving skilled work, with comparatively little reliance on machinery", "Made by an artisan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonindustrial", "boutique" ], "word": "artisanal", "num_translations": 26 }, "unambiguous": { "senses": [ "clear, and having no uncertainty or ambiguity" ], "antonyms": [ "ambiguous" ], "synonyms": [ "explicit" ], "word": "unambiguous", "num_translations": 34 }, "atbest": { "senses": [ "In the most favorable of conditions", "at the most" ], "antonyms": [ "at worst" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "atbest", "num_translations": 13 }, "autochthonous": { "senses": [ "Native to the place where found", "indigenous", "Originating where found", "found where it originates", "Buried in place, especially of a fossil preserved in its life position without disturbance or disarticulation" ], "antonyms": [ "allochthonous" ], "synonyms": [ "aboriginal" ], "word": "autochthonous", "num_translations": 36 }, "choosy": { "senses": [ "Taking care when choosing that what is chosen best suits one's tastes, desires or requirements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discriminating", "Thesaurus:fastidious" ], "word": "choosy", "num_translations": 34 }, "capitalpunishment": { "senses": [ "The practice of putting a person to death as a punishment for a crime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "death penalty" ], "word": "capitalpunishment", "num_translations": 52 }, "shemale": { "senses": [ "A male-to-female transsexual or transgender person", "a trans woman", "A male animal which displays female traits or behaviors", "for example, a male reptile which gives off female pheromones" ], "antonyms": [ "hefemale" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "shemale", "num_translations": 20 }, "provision": { "senses": [ "An item of goods or supplies, especially food, obtained for future use", "The act of providing, or making previous preparation", "Money set aside for a future event", "A liability or contra account to recognise likely future adverse events associated with current transactions", "A clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc, providing for a particular matter", "stipulation", "proviso", "Regular induction into a benefice, comprehending nomination, collation, and installation", "A nomination by the pope to a benefice before it became vacant, depriving the patron of his right of presentation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "provision", "num_translations": 57 }, "provision1": { "senses": [ "To supply with an account, resources, etc so that they can use a system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "supply", "victual" ], "word": "provision", "num_translations": 11 }, "goodness": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being good", "The good, nutritional, healthy part or content of something", "God", "The moral qualities which constitute Christian excellence", "moral virtue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:goodness" ], "word": "goodness", "num_translations": 72 }, "daybeforeyesterday1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "day after tomorrow" ], "synonyms": [ "ereyesterday", "yesterday but one" ], "word": "daybeforeyesterday", "num_translations": 85 }, "dayaftertomorrow": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "day before yesterday" ], "synonyms": [ "overmorrow" ], "word": "dayaftertomorrow", "num_translations": 102 }, "dayaftertomorrow1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "day before yesterday" ], "synonyms": [ "overmorrow" ], "word": "dayaftertomorrow", "num_translations": 101 }, "blemish": { "senses": [ "A small flaw which spoils the appearance of something, a stain, a spot", "A moral defect", "a character flaw" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defect" ], "word": "blemish", "num_translations": 73 }, "effervescent": { "senses": [ "Giving off bubbles", "fizzy", "Vivacious and enthusiastic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bubbly" ], "word": "effervescent", "num_translations": 21 }, "unattractive": { "senses": [ "Not handsome or beautiful or appealing", "Lacking the power to attract interest" ], "antonyms": [ "attractive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unattractive", "num_translations": 27 }, "unavoidable": { "senses": [ "Impossible to avoid", "bound to happen", "Not voidable", "incapable of being made null or void" ], "antonyms": [ "avoidable" ], "synonyms": [ "inescapable" ], "word": "unavoidable", "num_translations": 49 }, "roam": { "senses": [ "To wander or travel freely and with no specific destination", "To use a network or service from different locations or devices", "To transmit between different locations or devices, to allow comparable usage from any of them", "To range or wander over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "err" ], "word": "roam", "num_translations": 47 }, "peccadillo": { "senses": [ "A small flaw or sin", "A petty offense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "veniality" ], "word": "peccadillo", "num_translations": 10 }, "unbalanced": { "senses": [ "not balanced, without equilibrium", "dizzy", "irrational or mentally deranged", "not adjusted such that debit and credit correspond", "of an expression having different numbers of left and right parentheses", "an offensive line with more players on one side of the center than on the other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unbalanced", "num_translations": 19 }, "unbearable": { "senses": [ "so unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insufferable", "unsupportable" ], "word": "unbearable", "num_translations": 29 }, "unbecoming": { "senses": [ "Not flattering, attractive or appropriate", "Not in keeping with the expected standards of one's position" ], "antonyms": [ "becoming", "befitting", "suiting" ], "synonyms": [ "unsuitable", "unfit", "indecent", "indecorous", "improper" ], "word": "unbecoming", "num_translations": 13 }, "potentate": { "senses": [ "A powerful leader", "a monarch", "a ruler", "A powerful polity or institution", "A self-important person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "potentate", "num_translations": 34 }, "cuttothechase": { "senses": [ "To get to the point", "to get on with it", "to state something directly" ], "antonyms": [ "beat around the bush" ], "synonyms": [ "cut to Hecuba", "get on with it", "get to the point" ], "word": "cuttothechase", "num_translations": 18 }, "smalltalk": { "senses": [ "Idle conversation, typically on innocuous or unimportant subjects, usually engaged in at social gatherings out of politeness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pleasantries" ], "word": "smalltalk", "num_translations": 41 }, "flank1": { "senses": [ "The flesh between the last rib and the hip", "the side", "The extreme left or right edge of a military formation, army etc", "The sides of a bastion perpendicular to the wall from which the bastion projects", "The side of something, in general senses", "The outermost strip of a road", "The wing, one side of the pitch", "That part of the acting surface of a gear wheel tooth that lies within the pitch line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "side", "wing" ], "word": "flank", "num_translations": 82 }, "politeness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being polite" ], "antonyms": [ "impoliteness", "rudeness" ], "synonyms": [ "affability", "civility", "courtesy", "courtliness", "etiquette" ], "word": "politeness", "num_translations": 25 }, "barefoot": { "senses": [ "Wearing nothing on the feet", "Not using snow chains", "Transmitting without the use of an amplifier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barefooted" ], "word": "barefoot", "num_translations": 108 }, "forensic": { "senses": [ "Relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law", "Relating to, or appropriate for, courts of law", "Relating to, or used in, debate or argument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "legal", "rhetorical" ], "word": "forensic", "num_translations": 60 }, "unpleasant": { "senses": [ "Not pleasant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disagreeable" ], "word": "unpleasant", "num_translations": 49 }, "sanctity": { "senses": [ "Holiness of life or disposition", "saintliness", "The condition of being considered sacred", "inviolability", "Something considered sacred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sanctity", "num_translations": 10 }, "tedium": { "senses": [ "Boredom or tediousness", "ennui" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boredom" ], "word": "tedium", "num_translations": 26 }, "chaff": { "senses": [ "The inedible parts of a grain-producing plant", "Straw or hay cut up fine for the food of cattle", "Any excess or unwanted material, resource, or person", "anything worthless", "Light jesting talk", "banter", "raillery", "Loose material, eg small strips of aluminum foil dropped from aircraft, intended to interfere with radar detection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chaff", "num_translations": 92 }, "chaff1": { "senses": [ "To use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule", "to banter", "To make fun of", "to turn into ridicule by addressing in ironical or bantering language", "to quiz" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chaff", "num_translations": 11 }, "rollingstone": { "senses": [ "A person who moves around a lot and never settles down", "a vagrant", "A womanizer", "A geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without animal or human intervention", "A meteoroid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rollingstone", "num_translations": 10 }, "importune": { "senses": [ "To bother, trouble, irritate", "To harass with persistent requests", "To approach to offer one's services as a prostitute, or otherwise make improper proposals", "To import", "to signify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "importune", "num_translations": 23 }, "unbreakable": { "senses": [ "difficult to break and therefore able to withstand rough usage", "not able to be broken in" ], "antonyms": [ "breakable", "fragile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unbreakable", "num_translations": 12 }, "disturbance": { "senses": [ "The act of disturbing, being disturbed", "Something that disturbs", "A noisy commotion that causes a hubbub or interruption", "An interruption of that which is normal or regular", "A serious mental imbalance or illness" ], "antonyms": [ "calmness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disturbance", "num_translations": 94 }, "umpteenth": { "senses": [ "Occurring in a relatively large but unspecified position in a sequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nth" ], "word": "umpteenth", "num_translations": 22 }, "nth": { "senses": [ "Occurring at position n in a sequence", "Occurring at a relatively large but unspecified position in a series" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "umpteenth" ], "word": "nth", "num_translations": 24 }, "caucasian1": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of the Caucasus", "A white person", "A group of languages spoken in the Caucasus area", "The White Russian, a cocktail consisting of coffee liqueur, vodka, and milk Made popular by the 1998 film The Big Lebowski" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Caucasian", "num_translations": 93 }, "gaiety": { "senses": [ "The state of being happy or merry", "Merrymaking or festivity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gayness" ], "word": "gaiety", "num_translations": 14 }, "gonorrhea": { "senses": [ "An STD caused by a species of bacteria that affects the mucous membrane of the genital and urinary tracts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the clap" ], "word": "gonorrhea", "num_translations": 74 }, "bedding": { "senses": [ "The textiles associated with a bed, eg, sheets, pillowcases, bedspreads, blankets, etc", "Any material used by or provided to animals to lie on", "a structure occurring in granite and similar massive rocks that allows them to split in well-defined planes horizontally or parallel to the land surface", "the temporary planting of fast-growing plants into flower beds to create colourful, temporary, seasonal displays, during spring, summer or winter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bedclothes", "litter" ], "word": "bedding", "num_translations": 32 }, "bedclothes": { "senses": [ "Sheets, blankets, quilts or other coverings used on a bed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bedclothing", "bedding", "covers", "bedlinen" ], "word": "bedclothes", "num_translations": 20 }, "effing": { "senses": [ "Bowdlerization of \"fucking\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flaming" ], "word": "effing", "num_translations": 10 }, "postoffice": { "senses": [ "A place concerned with the business of delivering letters, post or mail and selling stamps, etc", "An organisation that delivers letters", "A party game involving the exchange of kisses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "postal outlet", "postal station" ], "word": "postoffice", "num_translations": 153 }, "prefect": { "senses": [ "An official of Ancient Rome who controlled or superintended a particular command, charge, department, etc", "The head of a department in France", "A school pupil in a position of power over other pupils", "A commander" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provost" ], "word": "prefect", "num_translations": 27 }, "retain": { "senses": [ "To keep in possession or use", "To keep in one's pay or service", "To hold secure", "To hold back instead of allowing them to advance to the next class or year", "To restrain", "to prevent", "To belong", "to pertain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keep" ], "word": "retain", "num_translations": 46 }, "brigantine": { "senses": [ "a two-masted vessel, square-rigged on the foremast, but fore-and-aft-rigged mainsail with a square-rig above it on the mainmast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hermaphrodite brig" ], "word": "brigantine", "num_translations": 10 }, "septicemia": { "senses": [ "A disease caused by the presence of pathogenic organisms, especially bacteria, or their toxins, in the bloodstream, characterised by chills and fever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blood poisoning", "septic fever" ], "word": "septicemia", "num_translations": 24 }, "broadside": { "senses": [ "One side of a ship above the water line", "all the guns on one side of a warship", "their simultaneous firing", "A forceful attack, be it written or spoken", "A large sheet of paper, printed on one side and folded", "The printed lyrics of a folk song or ballad", "a broadsheet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "broadside", "num_translations": 22 }, "disillusion1": { "senses": [ "The act or process of disenchanting or freeing from a false belief", "The state of having been or process of becoming freed of false belief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disillusionment" ], "word": "disillusion", "num_translations": 10 }, "hamilton": { "senses": [ "surname", "male given name", "A Scottish dukedom", "Places in Australia:", "Places in Bermuda:", "Places in Canada:", "Places in England:", "city isl/North Island c/New Zealand", "town carea/South Lanarkshire cc/Scotland", "Places in the United States:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Hamilton", "num_translations": 12 }, "ninety-eight": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety-seven \u2014 ninety plus eight \u2014 and preceding ninety-nine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 98", "Roman numerals: XCVIII" ], "word": "ninety-eight", "num_translations": 36 }, "pieceofcake": { "senses": [ "piece cake", "A job, task or other activity that is pleasant - or, by extension, easy or simple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breeze", "Thesaurus:easy thing" ], "word": "pieceofcake", "num_translations": 40 }, "atrophy1": { "senses": [ "To wither or waste away", "To cause to waste away or become abortive", "to starve or weaken" ], "antonyms": [ "hypertrophy", "strengthen" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "atrophy", "num_translations": 19 }, "cuckold": { "senses": [ "A man married to an unfaithful wife, especially when he is unaware or unaccepting of the fact", "A West Indian plectognath fish, Rhinesomus triqueter", "The scrawled cowfish, Acanthostracion quadricornis and allied species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ostracion triqueter", "smooth trunkfish" ], "word": "cuckold", "num_translations": 45 }, "illuminate": { "senses": [ "To shine light on something", "To decorate something with lights", "To clarify or make something understandable", "To decorate the page of a manuscript book with ornamental designs", "To make spectacular", "To glow", "to light up", "To be exposed to light", "To direct a radar beam toward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belight", "Thesaurus:decorate", "bring home", "illustrate", "gleam" ], "word": "illuminate", "num_translations": 67 }, "proponent": { "senses": [ "One who supports something", "an advocate", "One who makes a proposal or proposition", "One who propounds a will for probate" ], "antonyms": [ "detractor", "opponent" ], "synonyms": [ "exponent" ], "word": "proponent", "num_translations": 17 }, "telloff": { "senses": [ "To rebuke, to reprimand, or to admonish, often in a harsh, angry, direct way", "To count , to enumerate", "To allocate duties to someone", "To divide and practise a regiment or company in the several formations, preparatory to marching to the general parade for field exercises" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "give somebody a piece of one's mind", "enumerate" ], "word": "telloff", "num_translations": 50 }, "abideby": { "senses": [ "To accept and act in accordance with it", "to conform to", "to acquiesce to", "To remain faithful to", "to adhere to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to accept a decision and act in accordance with it", "to remain faithful to" ], "word": "abideby", "num_translations": 59 }, "dogfood": { "senses": [ "Food eaten by or appropriate for dogs in general, whether wild or domesticated", "Food for domesticated dogs", "Beta software that is tested on the developer's own computer", "synonym of \"dog meat\"", "Heroin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dogfood", "num_translations": 20 }, "liking1": { "senses": [ "A like", "a predilection", "Approval" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:predilection" ], "word": "liking", "num_translations": 23 }, "-ify": { "senses": [ "To produce verbs meaning to make" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-ise", "-ize" ], "word": "-ify", "num_translations": 26 }, "snood": { "senses": [ "A band or ribbon for keeping the hair in place, including the hair-band formerly worn in Scotland and northern England by young unmarried women", "A small hairnet or cap worn by women to keep their hair in place", "The flap of red skin on the beak of a male turkey", "A short line of horsehair, gut, monofilament, etc, by which a fishhook is attached to a longer line", "a snell", "A piece of clothing to keep the neck warm", "neckwarmer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snood", "num_translations": 22 }, "whittle1": { "senses": [ "To cut or shape wood with a knife", "To reduce or gradually eliminate something", "To make eager or excited", "to excite with liquor", "to inebriate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whittle", "num_translations": 30 }, "repose": { "senses": [ "Rest", "sleep", "quietness", "ease", "peace", "calmness", "The period between eruptions of a volcano", "A form of visual harmony that gives rest to the eye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:calmness" ], "word": "repose", "num_translations": 37 }, "zelkova": { "senses": [ "A kind of tree in the elm family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Caucasian elm", "Japanese elm", "keaki" ], "word": "zelkova", "num_translations": 35 }, "jumper": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that jumps, eg a participant in a jumping event in track or skiing", "A person who attempts suicide by jumping from a great height", "A short length of electrical conductor, to make a temporary connection Also jump wire", "A removable connecting pin on an electronic circuit board", "A long drilling tool used by masons and quarry workers, consisting of an iron bar with a chisel-edged steel tip at one or both ends, operated by striking it against the rock, turning it slightly with each blow", "A crude kind of sleigh, usually a simple box on runners which are in one piece with the poles that form the thills", "A jumping spider", "The larva of the cheese fly", "One of certain Calvinistic Methodists in Wales whose worship was characterized by violent convulsions", "A spring to impel the star wheel, or a pawl to lock fast a wheel, in a repeating timepiece", "A shot in which the player releases the ball at the highest point of a jump", "a jump shot", "A nuclear power plant worker who repairs equipment in areas with extremely high levels of radiation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jumper", "num_translations": 29 }, "cowgirl": { "senses": [ "A woman who tends free-range cattle, especially in the American West", "A woman who identifies with cowboy culture, including clothing such as the cowboy hat", "A playing card of queen rank", "A sex position where the woman is on top" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dudess", "woman" ], "word": "cowgirl", "num_translations": 17 }, "preterite": { "senses": [ "showing an action at a determined moment in the past", "Belonging wholly to the past", "passed by" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bygone" ], "word": "preterite", "num_translations": 15 }, "dumb": { "senses": [ "Unable to speak", "lacking power of speech", "Silent", "unaccompanied by words", "Extremely stupid", "Pointless, foolish, lacking intellectual content or value", "Lacking brightness or clearness, as a colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dumb", "num_translations": 93 }, "minimal": { "senses": [ "The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree", "characterised by the use of simple form or structures", "characterised by the repetition and gradual alteration of short phrases" ], "antonyms": [ "maximal" ], "synonyms": [ "min", "minimum" ], "word": "minimal", "num_translations": 27 }, "emotional": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the emotions", "Characterised by emotion", "Determined by emotion rather than reason", "Appealing to or arousing emotion", "Easily affected by emotion", "Readily displaying emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demonstrative", "effusive", "sentimental", "temperamental" ], "word": "emotional", "num_translations": 134 }, "bovine": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to cattle", "Belonging to the family, subfamily, tribe, or genera including cows, buffalo, and bison", "Sluggish, dull, slow-witted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neatish" ], "word": "bovine", "num_translations": 26 }, "heckle": { "senses": [ "To question harshly in an attempt to find or reveal weaknesses", "To insult, tease, make fun of or badger", "To prepare flax for spinning using special combs called hackles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hackle" ], "word": "heckle", "num_translations": 31 }, "shelve": { "senses": [ "To place on a shelf", "To set aside", "to quit or postpone", "To take by anal or vaginal insertion", "To have sex with", "To slope", "to incline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pigeonhole", "coitize" ], "word": "shelve", "num_translations": 19 }, "diachronic": { "senses": [ "Occurring over or changing with time", "Of, pertaining to or concerned with changes that occur over time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diachronical" ], "word": "diachronic", "num_translations": 17 }, "twisted1": { "senses": [ "Contorted", "Wound spirally", "Mentally disturbed or unsound", "Under the influence of multiple intoxicants, usually alcohol and marijuana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pretzelled", "coiled", "deranged", "Thesaurus:drunk", "Thesaurus:stoned" ], "word": "twisted", "num_translations": 43 }, "parental": { "senses": [ "of or relating to a parent", "befitting a parent", "affectionate", "tender", "of the generation of organisms that produce a hybrid" ], "antonyms": [ "filial", "filial" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "parental", "num_translations": 11 }, "inedible": { "senses": [ "not edible", "not appropriate, worthy, or safe to eat" ], "antonyms": [ "edible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inedible", "num_translations": 29 }, "recess": { "senses": [ "A break, pause or vacation", "An inset, hole, space or opening", "A time of play during the school day, usually on a playground", "break, playtime", "A decree of the imperial diet of the old German empire", "A withdrawing or retiring", "a moving back", "retreat", "The state of being withdrawn", "seclusion", "privacy", "A place of retirement, retreat, secrecy, or seclusion", "A secret or abstruse part", "A sinus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break" ], "word": "recess", "num_translations": 86 }, "flush2": { "senses": [ "Smooth, even, aligned", "not sticking out", "Wealthy or well off", "a body of text aligned with both its left and right margins", "Full of vigour", "fresh", "glowing", "bright", "Affluent", "abounding", "well furnished or suppled", "hence, liberal", "prodigal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "double-clean" ], "word": "flush", "num_translations": 32 }, "flush3": { "senses": [ "A sudden flowing", "a rush which fills or overflows, as of water for cleansing purposes", "Particularly, such a cleansing of a toilet", "A suffusion of the face with blood, as from fear, shame, modesty, or intensity of feeling of any kind", "a blush", "a glow", "Any tinge of red colour like that produced on the cheeks by a sudden rush of blood", "A sudden flood or rush of feeling", "a thrill of excitement, animation, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flush", "num_translations": 34 }, "flush4": { "senses": [ "To cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid", "Particularly, to cleanse a toilet by introducing a large amount of water", "To become suffused with reddish color due to embarrassment, excitement, overheating, or other systemic disturbance, to blush", "To cause to blush", "To cause to be full", "to flood", "to overflow", "to overwhelm with water", "To excite, inflame", "To be cleansed by being flooded with generous quantities of water", "To clear of its contents", "To flow and spread suddenly", "to rush", "To show red", "to shine suddenly", "to glow", "To fill in", "to point the level", "To operate a placer mine, where the continuous supply of water is insufficient, by holding back the water, and releasing it periodically in a flood", "To fill underground spaces, especially in coal mines, with material carried by water, which, after drainage, constitutes a compact mass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blush" ], "word": "flush", "num_translations": 81 }, "defragment": { "senses": [ "To run a process that collects fragments of files and sorts them into contiguous sections on one or more hard disks or hard disk partitions, thus speeding up file management" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defrag" ], "word": "defragment", "num_translations": 14 }, "desalination": { "senses": [ "The process of removing salt from sea water in order to make drinking water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desalinization" ], "word": "desalination", "num_translations": 24 }, "pike": { "senses": [ "A very long spear used two-handed by infantry soldiers for thrusting , both for attacks on enemy foot soldiers and as a countermeasure against cavalry assaults", "A sharp point, such as that of the weapon", "A large haycock", "A position with the knees straight and a tight bend at the hips with the torso folded over the legs, usually part of a jack-knife", "A pointy extrusion at the toe of a shoe", "Especially in place names: a hill or mountain, particularly one with a sharp peak or summit", "A pick, a pickaxe", "A hayfork", "A penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Esox lucius", "see" ], "word": "pike", "num_translations": 99 }, "thirty-eight": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following thirty-seven and preceding thirty-nine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 38", "Roman numerals: XXXVIII" ], "word": "thirty-eight", "num_translations": 58 }, "engrossing1": { "senses": [ "Utterly consuming one's time and attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absorbing", "fascinating" ], "word": "engrossing", "num_translations": 13 }, "sixty-eight": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following sixty-seven and preceding sixty-nine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 68", "Roman numerals: LXVIII" ], "word": "sixty-eight", "num_translations": 36 }, "sixty-seven": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following sixty-six and preceding sixty-eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 67", "Roman numerals: LXVII" ], "word": "sixty-seven", "num_translations": 34 }, "sixty-six": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following sixty-five and preceding sixty-seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 66", "Roman numerals: LXVI" ], "word": "sixty-six", "num_translations": 35 }, "sixty-five": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following sixty-four and preceding sixty-six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 65", "Roman numerals: LXV" ], "word": "sixty-five", "num_translations": 34 }, "urticaria": { "senses": [ "Itchy, swollen, red areas of the skin which can appear quickly in response to an allergen or other conditions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hives", "nettle-rash" ], "word": "urticaria", "num_translations": 37 }, "giveuptheghost": { "senses": [ "To cease clinging to life", "to die", "To quit", "to cease functioning", "To cede a commitment to or identification with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "giveuptheghost", "num_translations": 25 }, "uncertain": { "senses": [ "Not certain", "unsure", "Not known for certain", "questionable", "Not yet determined", "undecided", "Variable and subject to change", "Fitful or unsteady", "Unpredictable or capricious" ], "antonyms": [ "certain" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "uncertain", "num_translations": 92 }, "intransigent": { "senses": [ "Unwilling to compromise or moderate a position", "unreasonable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "intransigent", "num_translations": 32 }, "unexpected": { "senses": [ "Not expected, anticipated or foreseen" ], "antonyms": [ "expected" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:surprising" ], "word": "unexpected", "num_translations": 53 }, "unclean": { "senses": [ "Dirty, soiled or foul", "Not moral or chaste", "Ritually or ceremonially impure or unfit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:unclean" ], "word": "unclean", "num_translations": 62 }, "unclear": { "senses": [ "Ambiguous", "liable to more than one interpretation", "Not clearly or explicitly defined", "Not easy to see or read", "indecipherable or unreadable", "Not having a clear idea", "uncertain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unclear", "num_translations": 41 }, "uncompromising": { "senses": [ "Inflexible and unwilling to negotiate or make concessions", "Principled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "uncompromising", "num_translations": 16 }, "bulkhead": { "senses": [ "A vertical partition dividing the hull into separate compartments", "often made watertight to prevent excessive flooding if the ship's hull is breached", "A similar partition in an aircraft or spacecraft", "Mechanically, a partition or panel through which connectors pass, or a connector designed to pass through a partition", "A pressure-resistant sealed barrier to any fluid in a large structure", "A retaining wall along a waterfront" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bulkhead", "num_translations": 20 }, "breakdancing": { "senses": [ "An urban style of acrobatic street dance that originated in the hip hop culture of New York City in the late 20th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "b-boying", "b-girling", "breaking" ], "word": "breakdancing", "num_translations": 14 }, "bartender": { "senses": [ "One who tends a bar or pub", "a person preparing and serving drinks at a bar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barkeep", "barkeeper", "mixologist" ], "word": "bartender", "num_translations": 60 }, "fiddlesticks": { "senses": [ "Nonsense! Expresses dismissal or disdain", "Darn! Expresses mild dismay or annoyance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiddlesticks", "consarn it" ], "word": "fiddlesticks", "num_translations": 15 }, "layperson": { "senses": [ "A person who is not a cleric", "One who is not intimately familiar with a given subject or activity" ], "antonyms": [ "aficionado" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "layperson", "num_translations": 35 }, "filch": { "senses": [ "To illegally take possession of", "to pilfer, to steal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flog (Australia, slang)", "half-inch (Cockney rhyming slang)", "jack (slang)", "knock off (slang)", "lift", "nick", "pilfer", "pinch", "pocket", "rob", "steal", "thieve" ], "word": "filch", "num_translations": 20 }, "cohabit": { "senses": [ "To live together with someone else, especially in a romantic and sexual relationship but without being married", "To coexist in common environs with", "To engage in sexual intercourse", "see coition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cohabitate", "fornicate" ], "word": "cohabit", "num_translations": 17 }, "skilled": { "senses": [ "Having or showing skill", "skillful", "Requiring special abilities or training" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skilled" ], "word": "skilled", "num_translations": 39 }, "ratify": { "senses": [ "To give formal consent to", "make officially valid, sign off on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "approve" ], "word": "ratify", "num_translations": 35 }, "contributor": { "senses": [ "A benefactor", "someone who donates to charity or some cause", "A person who backs, supports or champions a cause, activity or institution", "A person instrumental in the creation or growth of something", "A person who produces articles published in a newspaper, magazine, online publication, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "contributor", "num_translations": 68 }, "uncovered1": { "senses": [ "Not covered or protected from the weather, etc", "Lacking insurance or security", "Bareheaded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "revealed" ], "word": "uncovered", "num_translations": 11 }, "undecided": { "senses": [ "Open and not yet settled or determined", "Uncommitted, not having reached a decision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indeterminate", "ambivalent" ], "word": "undecided", "num_translations": 19 }, "shuffle": { "senses": [ "The act of shuffling cards", "The act of reordering anything, such as music tracks in a media player", "An instance of walking without lifting one's feet", "A rhythm commonly used in blues music Consists of a series of triplet notes with the middle note missing, so that it sounds like a long note followed by a short note Sounds like a walker dragging one foot", "A trick", "an artifice", "an evasion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shuffle", "num_translations": 16 }, "shuffle1": { "senses": [ "To put in a random order", "To change", "modify the order of something", "To move in a slovenly, dragging manner", "to drag or scrape the feet in walking or dancing", "To change one's position", "to shift ground", "to evade questions", "to resort to equivocation", "to prevaricate", "To use arts or expedients", "to make shift", "To shove one way and the other", "to push from one to another", "To remove or introduce by artificial confusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shamble" ], "word": "shuffle", "num_translations": 63 }, "ubiquity": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being, or appearing to be, everywhere at once", "actual or perceived omnipresence", "Anything that is ubiquitous within a specified area" ], "antonyms": [ "uniquity" ], "synonyms": [ "omnipresence" ], "word": "ubiquity", "num_translations": 26 }, "underage": { "senses": [ "Below the legal age for some activity, such as drinking or having sex", "Not yet a legal adult", "still a minor" ], "antonyms": [ "of age", "overage" ], "synonyms": [ "minor" ], "word": "underage", "num_translations": 32 }, "coerce": { "senses": [ "To restrain by force, especially by law or authority", "to repress", "to curb", "To use force, threat, fraud, or intimidation in an attempt to compel one to act against their will", "To force an attribute, normally of a data type, to take on the attribute of another data type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compel", "bully", "dragoon" ], "word": "coerce", "num_translations": 35 }, "undergo": { "senses": [ "To go or move under or beneath", "To experience", "to pass through a phase", "To suffer or endure", "bear with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go through", "brook" ], "word": "undergo", "num_translations": 62 }, "unfettered1": { "senses": [ "Not bound by chains or shackles", "Not restricted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "not bound by chains", "not restricted" ], "word": "unfettered", "num_translations": 13 }, "gloaming": { "senses": [ "twilight, as at early morning or early evening", "dusk", "sullenness", "melancholy" ], "antonyms": [ "diurnal" ], "synonyms": [ "crepuscule", "glooming" ], "word": "gloaming", "num_translations": 15 }, "unfortunately": { "senses": [ "Happening through bad luck, or because of some unfortunate event" ], "antonyms": [ "fortunately" ], "synonyms": [ "regrettably" ], "word": "unfortunately", "num_translations": 93 }, "bandwidth": { "senses": [ "The width, usually measured in hertz, of a frequency band", "Of a signal, the width of the smallest frequency band within which the signal can fit", "The rate of data flow in digital networks typically measured in bits per second", "the bitrate", "The capacity, energy or time required" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bandwidth", "num_translations": 62 }, "experienced": { "senses": [ "Having experience and skill in a subject", "Experient" ], "antonyms": [ "inexperienced", "green" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:experienced" ], "word": "experienced", "num_translations": 42 }, "prejudice": { "senses": [ "An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of the facts", "Any preconceived opinion or feeling, whether positive or negative", "An irrational hostile attitude, fear or hatred towards a particular group, race or religion", "Knowledge formed in advance", "foresight, presaging", "Mischief", "hurt", "damage", "injury", "detriment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prejudice", "num_translations": 81 }, "yo-yo": { "senses": [ "A toy consisting of a spheroidal or cylindrical spindle having a circular groove in which string is wound", "it is used by holding the string in the fingers and reeling the spindle up and down by movements of the wrist", "A volatile market that moves up and down", "Someone who vacillates", "A foolish, annoying or incompetent person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "yo-yo", "num_translations": 40 }, "inconsistency": { "senses": [ "The state of being inconsistent", "An incompatibility between two propositions that cannot both be true" ], "antonyms": [ "consistency" ], "synonyms": [ "contrariety", "deviation", "difference", "disagreement", "disparity", "disproportion", "disproportionateness", "dissimilarity", "dissonance", "divergence", "incongruity", "inconsonance", "inequality", "paradox", "unlikeness", "variance" ], "word": "inconsistency", "num_translations": 17 }, "surprising1": { "senses": [ "Causing surprise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "astonishing" ], "word": "surprising", "num_translations": 32 }, "untrue": { "senses": [ "False", "not true", "Not faithful or loyal" ], "antonyms": [ "true", "faithful" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:false" ], "word": "untrue", "num_translations": 23 }, "warp": { "senses": [ "The state, quality, or condition of being twisted, physically or mentally:", "A distortion:", "The threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric", "crossed by the woof or weft", "The foundation, the basis, the undergirding", "A situation or place which is or seems to be from another era", "The sediment which subsides from turbid water", "the alluvial deposit of muddy water artificially introduced into low lands in order to enrich or fertilise them", "A throw or cast, as of fish , oysters, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warp", "num_translations": 110 }, "warp1": { "senses": [ "To twist or become twisted, physically or mentally:", "To run off the reel into hauls to be tarred", "To arrange so that they run lengthwise in weaving", "To plot", "to fabricate or weave", "To change or fix", "To move:", "To bring forth prematurely", "To fertilize by letting the tide, a river, or other water in upon it to deposit silt and alluvial matter", "To throw" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warp", "num_translations": 44 }, "unhealthy": { "senses": [ "characterized by, or conducive to poor health", "sick or ill", "tending to corrupt", "characterized by disturbed mental health" ], "antonyms": [ "healthy" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:diseased" ], "word": "unhealthy", "num_translations": 26 }, "unanimity": { "senses": [ "The condition of agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous" ], "antonyms": [ "pluranimity" ], "synonyms": [ "consensus" ], "word": "unanimity", "num_translations": 25 }, "unction": { "senses": [ "A salve or ointment", "A religious or ceremonial anointing", "A balm or something that soothes", "A smug, exaggerated use of language", "smarminess", "Divine or sanctifying grace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unction", "num_translations": 20 }, "hungparliament": { "senses": [ "A parliament in which no single political party has an outright majority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balanced parliament" ], "word": "hungparliament", "num_translations": 17 }, "undercooked1": { "senses": [ "insufficiently cooked", "not overcooked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underdone" ], "word": "undercooked", "num_translations": 14 }, "terminus": { "senses": [ "The end or final point of something", "The end point of a transportation system, or the town or city in which it is located", "A boundary or border, or a post or stone marking such a boundary" ], "antonyms": [ "origin" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "terminus", "num_translations": 16 }, "bryozoan": { "senses": [ "A member of the phylum Bryozoa of aquatic, usually colonial invertebrates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ectoproct" ], "word": "bryozoan", "num_translations": 15 }, "unplanned": { "senses": [ "unintentional", "not intended", "spontaneous and not thought through in advance", "not having any structure or organization" ], "antonyms": [ "planned" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:unintentional", "Thesaurus:accidental", "Thesaurus:impromptu" ], "word": "unplanned", "num_translations": 14 }, "ravish": { "senses": [ "To seize and carry away by violence", "to snatch by force", "To transport with joy or delight", "to delight to ecstasy", "To rape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abripe", "kidnap" ], "word": "ravish", "num_translations": 15 }, "contrite": { "senses": [ "Sincerely penitent or feeling regret or sorrow, especially for one's own actions", "apologetic", "Thoroughly bruised or broken" ], "antonyms": [ "attrite" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remorseful", "apologetic" ], "word": "contrite", "num_translations": 25 }, "dissemble": { "senses": [ "To disguise or conceal something", "To feign", "To deliberately ignore something", "to pretend not to notice", "To falsely hide one's opinions or feelings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disregard" ], "word": "dissemble", "num_translations": 28 }, "profane": { "senses": [ "Unclean", "ritually impure", "unholy, desecrating a holy place or thing", "Not sacred or holy, unconsecrated", "relating to non-religious matters, secular", "Treating sacred things with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or scorn", "blasphemous, impious", "Irreverent in language", "taking the name of God in vain" ], "antonyms": [ "holy", "sacred" ], "synonyms": [ "vulgar", "secular", "temporal", "worldly", "unsanctified", "unhallowed", "unholy", "irreligious", "irreverent", "ungodly", "wicked", "godless", "impious" ], "word": "profane", "num_translations": 46 }, "profane2": { "senses": [ "To violate", "to treat with abuse, irreverence, obloquy, or contempt", "to desecrate", "To put to a wrong or unworthy use", "to debase", "to abuse", "to defile" ], "antonyms": [ "consecrate" ], "synonyms": [ "defile", "abase" ], "word": "profane", "num_translations": 15 }, "italic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the Italian peninsula", "Pertaining to a subfamily of the Centum branch of the Indo-European language family, that includes Latin and other languages spoken by the peoples of ancient Italy and also the Romance languages", "the group of ancient languages of this branch as contrasted with the modern Romance languages", "Osco-Umbrian", "Pertaining to various peoples that lived in Italy before the establishment of the Roman Empire, or to any of several alphabet systems used by those peoples for writing their languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Italic", "num_translations": 20 }, "marginal": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or located at or near a margin or edge", "also figurative usages of location and margin", "Determined by a small margin", "having a salient characteristic determined by a small margin", "Pertaining to changes resulting from a unit increase in production or consumption of a good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "marginal", "num_translations": 33 }, "constituency": { "senses": [ "A district represented by one or more elected officials", "The voters within such a district", "The residents of such a district", "The voters of a candidate", "An interest group or fan base" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "constituency", "num_translations": 26 }, "unsure": { "senses": [ "uncertain", "unstable or precarious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agnostic" ], "word": "unsure", "num_translations": 17 }, "untouched": { "senses": [ "Remaining in its original, pristine state, undamaged", "Not eaten", "Not influenced, affected or swayed", "Not having come in contact", "Not talked about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "untouched", "num_translations": 35 }, "unwieldy": { "senses": [ "Lacking strength", "weak", "Ungraceful in movement", "Difficult to carry, handle, manage or operate because of its size, weight, shape or complexity", "Badly managed or operated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unwieldy", "num_translations": 39 }, "upheaval": { "senses": [ "The process of being heaved upward, especially the raising of part of the earth's crust", "A sudden violent upset, disruption or convulsion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seismic shift" ], "word": "upheaval", "num_translations": 48 }, "undefeated": { "senses": [ "never defeated", "always victorious" ], "antonyms": [ "winless" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "undefeated", "num_translations": 16 }, "underestimate": { "senses": [ "To perceive as having a lower value, quantity, worth, etc, than what he/she/it actually has" ], "antonyms": [ "overestimate" ], "synonyms": [ "belittle", "misunderestimate", "misjudge", "make light of" ], "word": "underestimate", "num_translations": 35 }, "rebellion": { "senses": [ "Armed resistance to an established government or ruler", "Defiance of authority or control", "the act of rebelling", "An organized, forceful subversion of the law of the land in an attempt to replace it with another form of government" ], "antonyms": [ "obedience" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rebellion", "num_translations": 125 }, "chuckle": { "senses": [ "A quiet laugh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chortle", "giggle", "snigger", "titter" ], "word": "chuckle", "num_translations": 11 }, "chuckle1": { "senses": [ "To laugh quietly or inwardly", "To communicate through chuckling", "To make the sound of a chicken", "to cluck", "To call together, or call to follow, as a hen calls her chickens", "to cluck", "To fondle", "to indulge or pamper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:laugh", "grope", "coddle" ], "word": "chuckle", "num_translations": 36 }, "hoary": { "senses": [ "White, whitish, or greyish-white", "White or grey with age", "Of a pale silvery grey", "Covered with short, dense, greyish white hairs", "canescent", "Remote in time past", "Moldy", "mossy", "musty", "Old or old-fashioned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "albescent", "grey-haired", "aged", "canescent", "bygone" ], "word": "hoary", "num_translations": 29 }, "by-election": { "senses": [ "A special election held to fill a political office that has become vacant between general elections" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "special election" ], "word": "by-election", "num_translations": 35 }, "jerome": { "senses": [ "male given name", "surname", "town co/Yavapai County s/Arizona", "town co/Drew County s/Arkansas", "small unincorporated community co/Collier County s/Florida", "village co/Sangamon County s/Illinois", "unincorporated community twp/Union Township co/Howard County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Appanoose County s/Iowa", "unincorporated community co/Hillsdale County s/Michigan", "unincorporated community co/Phelps County s/Missouri", "unincorporated community co/Union County s/Ohio", "census-designated place co/Somerset County s/Pennsylvania", "ghost town co/Morgan County s/West Virginia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Jerome", "num_translations": 39 }, "garage": { "senses": [ "A building used to store a car or cars, tools and other miscellaneous items", "A place where cars are serviced and repaired", "A petrol filling station", "An independent automobile repair shop", "A shed for housing an airship or aeroplane or a launchable missile", "a hangar", "A side way or space in a canal to enable vessels to pass each other", "a siding", "A type of electronic dance music related to house music, with warped and time-stretched sounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "filling station" ], "word": "garage", "num_translations": 138 }, "precious": { "senses": [ "Of high value or worth", "Regarded with love or tenderness", "Treated with too much reverence", "Contrived to be cute or charming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dear", "saccharine" ], "word": "precious", "num_translations": 114 }, "underhand": { "senses": [ "secret", "clandestine", "dishonest and sneaky", "done in a secret or sly manner", "thrown with the hand brought forward and up from below" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underhanded", "underarm" ], "word": "underhand", "num_translations": 11 }, "predict": { "senses": [ "to prophesy a future event on the basis of mystical knowledge or power", "To imply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foretell" ], "word": "predict", "num_translations": 81 }, "firstpastthepost": { "senses": [ "A voting system where the candidate with the most votes wins, without any form of preference transfer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "simple majority voting", "plurality voting" ], "word": "firstpastthepost", "num_translations": 11 }, "augustus": { "senses": [ "heir to Julius Caesar", "male given name, risen in popularity since the 18th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Octavian" ], "word": "Augustus", "num_translations": 46 }, "propitious": { "senses": [ "Favorable", "benevolent", "Advantageous", "Characteristic of a good omen", "Favorably disposed towards someone" ], "antonyms": [ "unpropitious" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "propitious", "num_translations": 14 }, "helpless": { "senses": [ "Unable to defend oneself", "Lacking help", "powerless", "Unable to act without help", "needing help", "feeble", "Uncontrollable", "From which there is no possibility of being saved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "helpless", "num_translations": 47 }, "janus": { "senses": [ "The god of doorways, gates and transitions, and of beginnings and endings, having two faces looking in opposite directions", "Used to indicate things with two faces or aspects", "or made of two different materials", "or having a two-way action", "A two-faced person, a hypocrite", "A moon of Saturn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Janus", "num_translations": 72 }, "buythefarm": { "senses": [ "To die", "generally, to die in battle or in a plane crash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buy it", "buy the plot", "buy the ranch", "kick the bucket", "punch one's ticket", "meet your maker", "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "buythefarm", "num_translations": 11 }, "fitting2": { "senses": [ "A small part, especially a standardized or detachable part of a device or machine", "A tube connector", "a standardized connecting part of a piping system to attach sections of pipe together, such as a coupling", "The act of trying on clothes to inspect or adjust the fit", "especially of applying craft methods such as skilled filing to the making and assembling of machines or other products", "A removable item in a house or other building, which can be taken with one when one moves out, such as a moveable piece of furniture, a carpet, picture, etc", "US furnishing", "compare fixture", "The action or condition of having fits in the sense of seizures or convulsions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fitting", "num_translations": 51 }, "haveaniceday": { "senses": [ "Goodbye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HAND", "have a good one" ], "word": "haveaniceday", "num_translations": 44 }, "perspiration": { "senses": [ "The action or process of perspiring", "Hard work", "A saline fluid secreted by the sweat glands", "sweat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweat", "hidrosis", "diaphoresis" ], "word": "perspiration", "num_translations": 32 }, "drool": { "senses": [ "To secrete saliva, especially in anticipation of food", "To secrete any substance in a similar way", "To react to something with uncontrollable desire", "To talk nonsense", "drivel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slaver", "slobber", "drivel" ], "word": "drool", "num_translations": 66 }, "petite": { "senses": [ "fairly short and of slim build", "of small size", "Small, little", "insignificant", "petty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "petite", "num_translations": 15 }, "dyspnea": { "senses": [ "Difficult or labored respiration", "shortness of breath" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shortness of breath", "breathlessness" ], "word": "dyspnea", "num_translations": 38 }, "dysphagia": { "senses": [ "Difficulty in swallowing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dysphagy" ], "word": "dysphagia", "num_translations": 12 }, "dysphoria": { "senses": [ "A state of feeling unwell or unhappy", "a feeling of emotional and mental discomfort and suffering from restlessness, malaise, depression or anxiety" ], "antonyms": [ "euphoria" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dysphoria", "num_translations": 26 }, "unmanned": { "senses": [ "not operated by a person or a crew" ], "antonyms": [ "manned", "crewed" ], "synonyms": [ "crewless" ], "word": "unmanned", "num_translations": 17 }, "sextet": { "senses": [ "Any group of six people or things", "A composition for six voices or instruments", "A group of six singers or instrumentalists" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hexad" ], "word": "sextet", "num_translations": 29 }, "erupt": { "senses": [ "To eject something violently", "To burst forth", "to break out", "To spontaneously release pressure or tension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burst" ], "word": "erupt", "num_translations": 37 }, "sudoku": { "senses": [ "A type of puzzle whose completion requires each of typically nine rows and columns and each of as many usually square subregions to contain, without duplication, the digits from 1 to 9" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Number Place" ], "word": "sudoku", "num_translations": 23 }, "coercion": { "senses": [ "Actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person", "the act of coercing", "Use of physical or moral force to compel a person to do something, or to abstain from doing something, thereby depriving that person of the exercise of free will", "A specific instance of coercing", "Conversion of a value of one data type to a value of another data type", "The process by which the meaning of a word or other linguistic element is reinterpreted to match the grammatical context" ], "antonyms": [ "noncoercion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "coercion", "num_translations": 83 }, "foxy": { "senses": [ "Having the qualities of a fox", "Cunning, sly", "Attractive, sexy", "Reddish-brown haired", "Using too much of the reddish-brown colours", "Having an animal-like odour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sexy" ], "word": "foxy", "num_translations": 29 }, "alltheteainchina": { "senses": [ "Something very valuable or priceless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all the gold in Fort Knox", "all the money in the world" ], "word": "alltheteainChina", "num_translations": 17 }, "fuckoff": { "senses": [ "To go to hell, to disappear, go away or to screw oneself", "To annoy, irritate", "To fritter", "to fuck around", "To die or leave unexpectedly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fuckoff", "num_translations": 84 }, "fuckoff1": { "senses": [ "Go away! Get lost!", "Expression of disagreement or disbelief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:go away" ], "word": "fuckoff", "num_translations": 80 }, "atheistic": { "senses": [ "of or relating to atheists or atheism" ], "antonyms": [ "theistic" ], "synonyms": [ "atheistical", "atheous", "nontheistic" ], "word": "atheistic", "num_translations": 26 }, "identikit": { "senses": [ "A picture of a person, reconstructed from strips showing facial features selected to match witnesses' descriptions", "used by the police to build a likeness of a person sought for a crime", "A composite sketch generated by a sketch artist, software, or a box of facial features on transparent foils that police officers and other public service professionals use to create a likeness of a person from a witness description" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "photofit" ], "word": "identikit", "num_translations": 14 }, "provincial": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a province", "Constituting a province", "Exhibiting the ways or manners of a province", "characteristic of the inhabitants of a province", "Not cosmopolitan", "backwoodsy, hick, yokelish, countrified", "not polished", "rude", "Narrow", "illiberal", "Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical province, or to the jurisdiction of an archbishop", "not ecumenical", "Limited in outlook", "narrow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rural" ], "word": "provincial", "num_translations": 33 }, "remorseful": { "senses": [ "Feeling or filled with remorse", "Expressing or caused by remorse" ], "antonyms": [ "remorseless", "unremorseful", "unrepentant" ], "synonyms": [ "penitent", "apologetic", "regretful", "Thesaurus:remorseful" ], "word": "remorseful", "num_translations": 15 }, "nauseous": { "senses": [ "Causing nausea", "sickening or disgusting", "Afflicted with nausea", "sick" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nauseating" ], "word": "nauseous", "num_translations": 21 }, "nihilism": { "senses": [ "The view that all endeavours are devoid of objective meaning", "The rejection of, or opposition to, religious beliefs, moral principles, legal rules, etc, often due to the view that life is meaningless", "A doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life", "in particular, the view that nothing in the world actually exists", "The rejection of non-proven or non-rationalized assertions in the social and political spheres of society", "A delusion that oneself or the world, or parts thereof, have ceased to exist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nihilism", "num_translations": 114 }, "naive": { "senses": [ "Lacking worldly experience, wisdom, or judgement", "unsophisticated", "Not having been exposed to something", "Produced in a simple, childlike style, deliberately rejecting sophisticated techniques", "Intuitive", "designed to follow the way ordinary people approach a problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:naive" ], "word": "naive", "num_translations": 94 }, "hearthroughthegrapevine": { "senses": [ "to hear rumors", "to learn through friends of friends" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hear on the grapevine", "hear on the bush telegraph" ], "word": "hearthroughthegrapevine", "num_translations": 14 }, "allthingsbeingequal": { "senses": [ "Without considering or being affected by external factors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cet. par", "c.p", "all else being equal", "all else the same" ], "word": "allthingsbeingequal", "num_translations": 14 }, "heft": { "senses": [ "Weight", "Heaviness, the feel of weight", "Poor condition in sheep caused by mineral deficiency", "The act or effort of heaving", "violent strain or exertion", "The greater part or bulk of anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heft", "num_translations": 12 }, "heft1": { "senses": [ "To lift up", "especially, to lift something heavy", "To test the weight of something by lifting it", "To make accustomed and attached to an area of mountain pasture", "past participle of \"heave\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoist" ], "word": "heft", "num_translations": 17 }, "hefty": { "senses": [ "Heavy, strong, vigorous, mighty, impressive", "Strong", "bulky", "Possessing physical strength and weight", "rugged and powerful", "powerfully or heavily built", "Heavy, weighing a lot", "Large" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hefty", "num_translations": 53 }, "pda": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"personal digital assistant\"", "initialism of \"public display of affection\"", "initialism of \"pushdown automaton\"", "initialism of \"property damage accident\"", "initialism of \"pathological demand avoidance\"", "initialism of \"patent ductus arteriosus\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "PDA", "num_translations": 12 }, "juicy": { "senses": [ "Having lots of juice", "Exciting", "titillating", "Strong, painful", "Voluptuous, curvy, thick" ], "antonyms": [ "unjuicy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "juicy", "num_translations": 43 }, "nauseating": { "senses": [ "causing disgust, revulsion or loathing", "causing nausea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nauseous" ], "word": "nauseating", "num_translations": 24 }, "maxim": { "senses": [ "A self-evident axiom or premise", "a pithy expression of a general principle or rule", "A precept", "a succinct statement or observation of a rule of conduct or moral teaching" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cliche", "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "maxim", "num_translations": 37 }, "denominator": { "senses": [ "The number or expression written below the line in a fraction", "One who gives a name to something" ], "antonyms": [ "numerator" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "denominator", "num_translations": 42 }, "sunshine": { "senses": [ "The direct rays, light or warmth of the sun", "A location on which the sun's rays fall", "Geniality or cheerfulness", "A source of cheerfulness or joy", "The effect which the sun has when it lights and warms some place", "Friendly form of address often reserved for juniors", "Ironic form of address used to an inferior or troublemaker", "Used to address someone who has just woken up and/or is very sleepy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sunshine", "num_translations": 75 }, "redolent": { "senses": [ "Fragrant or aromatic", "having a sweet scent", "Having the smell of the article in question", "Suggestive or reminiscent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aromatic", "reeking", "reminiscent" ], "word": "redolent", "num_translations": 23 }, "chatter": { "senses": [ "Talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk", "The sound of talking", "The sound made by a magpie", "An intermittent noise, as from vibration", "In national security, the degree of communication between suspect groups and individuals, used to gauge the degree of expected terrorist activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chattering", "Thesaurus:chatter" ], "word": "chatter", "num_translations": 70 }, "chatter1": { "senses": [ "To talk idly", "Of teeth, machinery, etc, to make a noise by rapid collisions", "To utter sounds which somewhat resemble language, but are inarticulate and indistinct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chat", "clatter" ], "word": "chatter", "num_translations": 61 }, "deadweight": { "senses": [ "Unremitting heavy weight that does not move", "The largest weight of cargo a ship is able to carry", "ie, the weight of a ship when fully loaded minus its weight when empty", "Dead load", "That which is useless or excess", "that which slows something down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deadweight", "num_translations": 15 }, "crackup": { "senses": [ "To laugh heartily", "To cause to laugh heartily", "To become insane", "to suffer a mental breakdown", "To cry up", "to extol", "To crash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crackup", "num_translations": 16 }, "sentry": { "senses": [ "A guard, particularly on duty at the entrance to a military base", "A form of drag to be towed underwater, which on striking bottom is upset and rises to the surface", "A watchtower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kite" ], "word": "sentry", "num_translations": 38 }, "anomalous": { "senses": [ "Deviating from the normal", "marked by incongruity or contradiction", "aberrant or abnormal", "Of uncertain or unknown categorization", "strange", "Having anomalies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anomalous", "num_translations": 25 }, "epitomize": { "senses": [ "To make an epitome of", "to shorten", "to condense", "To be an epitome of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sum up" ], "word": "epitomize", "num_translations": 26 }, "epitome": { "senses": [ "The embodiment or encapsulation of a class of items", "A representative example", "The height", "the best", "A brief summary of a text" ], "antonyms": [ "antithesis" ], "synonyms": [ "exemplar", "greatest", "abstract", "poster child" ], "word": "epitome", "num_translations": 94 }, "estranged1": { "senses": [ "Having become a stranger, of one who formerly was close, as a relative, friend, lover, or spouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alienated" ], "word": "estranged", "num_translations": 12 }, "glide": { "senses": [ "To move softly, smoothly, or effortlessly", "To fly unpowered, as of an aircraft Also relates to gliding birds and flying fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coast" ], "word": "glide", "num_translations": 55 }, "glide1": { "senses": [ "The act of gliding", "A transitional sound, especially a semivowel", "An attack or preparatory movement made by sliding down the opponent's blade, keeping it in constant contact", "A bird, the glede or kite", "A kind of cap affixed to the base of the legs of furniture to prevent it from damaging the floor", "The joining of two sounds without a break", "A smooth and sliding step in dancing the waltz" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glide", "num_translations": 18 }, "renminbi": { "senses": [ "The official currency of the People's Republic of China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yuan", "RMB", "CNY" ], "word": "renminbi", "num_translations": 26 }, "detroit": { "senses": [ "The largest > and former capital of >, >, a major port on the >, known as the traditional automotive center of the US It is the > of >", "The United States' automotive industry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "3-1-3" ], "word": "Detroit", "num_translations": 20 }, "outofline": { "senses": [ "Inappropriate or unsuitable, especially by reason of being unmannerly or indelicate", "Not in a line, straggly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "out of order" ], "word": "outofline", "num_translations": 14 }, "audacious": { "senses": [ "Showing willingness to take bold risks", "recklessly daring", "Impudent" ], "antonyms": [ "shy" ], "synonyms": [ "bold" ], "word": "audacious", "num_translations": 65 }, "takeiteasy": { "senses": [ "To relax or rest", "A farewell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chill", "so long" ], "word": "takeiteasy", "num_translations": 39 }, "kickback": { "senses": [ "A backward kick", "A clandestine payment in return for a favor", "especially an illegal one", "Recoil", "a sudden backward motion, usually in the direction of the operator", "An accident wherein an object being cut by a rotating blade or disk, such as a circular saw, is caught by the blade and thrown outward", "A dangerous buildup of gas pressure at the wellhead", "The board separating one bowling lane from another at the pit end", "In contract bridge, an ace asking convention initiated by the first step above four of the agreed trump suit", "A feature that saves the ball from draining and propels it back into play", "A relaxed party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kickback", "num_translations": 20 }, "preparation": { "senses": [ "The act of preparing or getting ready", "The state of being prepared", "readiness", "That which is prepared", "The day before the Sabbath or other Jewish feast-day", "Devotional exercises introducing an office", "The previous introduction, as an integral part of a chord, of a note continued into a succeeding dissonance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "preparation", "num_translations": 73 }, "counton": { "senses": [ "to rely on, trust, or expect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bank on", "hang one's hat on" ], "word": "counton", "num_translations": 24 }, "engagement": { "senses": [ "An appointment, especially to speak or perform", "Connection or attachment", "The feeling of being compelled, drawn in, connected to what is happening, interested in what will happen next", "The period of time when marriage is planned or promised", "In any situation of conflict, an actual instance of active hostilities", "The point at which the fencers are close enough to join blades, or to make an effective attack during an encounter" ], "antonyms": [ "apathy", "disengagement" ], "synonyms": [ "commitment", "action" ], "word": "engagement", "num_translations": 81 }, "theater": { "senses": [ "A place or building, consisting of a stage and seating, in which an audience gathers to watch plays, musical performances, public ceremonies, and so on", "A region where a particular action takes place", "a specific field of action, usually with reference to war", "A lecture theatre", "An operating theatre or locale for human experimentation", "A cinema", "Drama or performance as a profession or art form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "theater", "num_translations": 148 }, "mandible": { "senses": [ "The lower jaw, especially the lower jawbone", "One of a pair of mouthparts of an arthropod, designed for holding and cutting food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dentary" ], "word": "mandible", "num_translations": 34 }, "malaysian": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the country of Malaysia", "Pertaining to the Malay language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Malayan" ], "word": "Malaysian", "num_translations": 32 }, "malaysian1": { "senses": [ "A native of Malaysia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Malay", "Malayan" ], "word": "Malaysian", "num_translations": 36 }, "leverage": { "senses": [ "A force compounded by means of a lever rotating around a pivot", "see torque", "By extension, any influence which is compounded or used to gain an advantage", "The use of borrowed funds with a contractually determined return to increase the ability of a business to invest and earn an expected higher return, but usually at high risk", "The ability to earn very high returns when operating at high capacity utilization of a facility" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mechanical advantage", "financial leverage", "operating leverage" ], "word": "leverage", "num_translations": 56 }, "leverage1": { "senses": [ "To use", "to exploit", "to manipulate in order to take full advantage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exploit" ], "word": "leverage", "num_translations": 27 }, "bugle": { "senses": [ "A horn used by hunters", "a simple brass instrument consisting of a horn with no valves, playing only pitches in its harmonic series", "A plant in the family Lamiaceae grown as a ground cover, Ajuga reptans, and other plants in the genus Ajuga" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cone" ], "word": "bugle", "num_translations": 65 }, "bokchoy": { "senses": [ "Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa subsp chinensis, an East Asian leafy vegetable related to the Western cabbage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese chard", "Chinese mustard", "celery mustard", "spoon cabbage" ], "word": "bokchoy", "num_translations": 45 }, "usurer": { "senses": [ "A person who loans money to others and charges interest, particularly at an illegal, exorbitant, or unfair rate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banker" ], "word": "usurer", "num_translations": 66 }, "upto": { "senses": [ "next to", "near", "towards", "as far as", "Capable of", "Ready for", "Willing to participate in", "As much as", "no more than", "Until", "For the option or decision of", "Doing", "involved in", "Incumbent upon", "the obligation of", "the duty of", "within the authority or jurisdiction of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "modulo" ], "word": "upto", "num_translations": 70 }, "conniption": { "senses": [ "A fit of anger or panic", "A fit of laughing", "convulsion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tantrum" ], "word": "conniption", "num_translations": 29 }, "typhoidfever": { "senses": [ "An illness caused by the bacterium serovar Salmonella Typhi Not to be confused with typhus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enteric fever" ], "word": "typhoidfever", "num_translations": 28 }, "typhus": { "senses": [ "One of several similar diseases, characterised by high recurrent fever, caused by Rickettsia bacteria Not to be confused with typhoid fever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camp fever", "gaol fever", "hospital fever", "jail fever", "prison fever", "putrid fever", "ship fever" ], "word": "typhus", "num_translations": 35 }, "redundancy": { "senses": [ "The state of being redundant", "A superfluity", "something redundant or excessive", "a needless repetition in language", "Duplication of components or circuits to provide survival of the total system in case of failure of single components", "Duplication of parts of a message to guard against transmission errors", "The state of being unemployed because one's job is no longer necessary", "the dismissal of such an employee", "a layoff", "surplusage inserted in a pleading which may be rejected by the court without impairing the validity of what remains" ], "antonyms": [ "non-redundancy", "employment", "hiring" ], "synonyms": [ "redundance", "dead wood", "retirement", "sacking" ], "word": "redundancy", "num_translations": 53 }, "throwinthetowel": { "senses": [ "To quit", "to give up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "throw in the cards", "throw in the sponge", "throw up one's hands", "throw up the sponge" ], "word": "throwinthetowel", "num_translations": 37 }, "impervious": { "senses": [ "Unaffected or unable to be affected by", "Preventive of any penetration", "impenetrable, impermeable, particularly of water", "Immune to damage or effect" ], "antonyms": [ "pervious" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "impervious", "num_translations": 55 }, "breathing1": { "senses": [ "The act of respiration", "a single instance of this", "A diacritical mark indicating aspiration or lack thereof", "Time to recover one's breath", "hence, a delay, a spell of time", "Any gentle influence or operation", "inspiration", "Aspiration", "secret prayer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breathing", "num_translations": 61 }, "conscience": { "senses": [ "The moral sense of right and wrong, chiefly as it affects one's own behaviour", "A personification of the moral sense of right and wrong, usually in the form of a person, a being or merely a voice that gives moral lessons and advices", "Consciousness", "thinking", "awareness, especially self-awareness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conscience", "num_translations": 117 }, "tergiversate": { "senses": [ "To evade, to equivocate using subterfuge", "to obfuscate in a deliberate manner", "To change sides or affiliation", "to apostatize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prevaricate", "desert" ], "word": "tergiversate", "num_translations": 19 }, "cautious": { "senses": [ "careful", "using or exercising caution", "tentative" ], "antonyms": [ "careless", "incautious", "neglecting", "uncautious" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cautious" ], "word": "cautious", "num_translations": 61 }, "barrage": { "senses": [ "An artificial obstruction, such as a dam, in a river designed to increase its depth or to divert its flow", "A heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of one's own troops to screen and protect them", "A concentrated discharge of projectile weapons", "An overwhelming outburst of words, especially of criticism", "A \"next hit wins\" contest to determine the winner of a bout in case of a tie", "Type of firework containing a mixture of firework types in one single-ignition package" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "barrage", "num_translations": 50 }, "suburb": { "senses": [ "A residential area located on the outskirts of a city or large town that usually includes businesses that cater to its residents", "such as schools, grocery stores, shopping centers, restaurants, convenience stores, etc", "The outer part", "the environment", "Any subdivision of a conurbation, not necessarily on the periphery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suburb", "num_translations": 108 }, "swimsuit": { "senses": [ "A garment worn for swimming", "A tight-fitting one-piece garment worn by women and girls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bathers", "bathing suit", "budgie smugglers", "cossie", "swimmers", "swimming costume", "swimming trunks", "togs" ], "word": "swimsuit", "num_translations": 89 }, "bikini": { "senses": [ "A brief two-piece bathing suit worn by women, especially one that exposes the midriff and navel", "A brief bathing suit worn by men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "two-piece" ], "word": "bikini", "num_translations": 71 }, "pubichair": { "senses": [ "the hair that grows in the pubic region from puberty", "a single hair growing in the pubic region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pubic hair" ], "word": "pubichair", "num_translations": 94 }, "electroconvulsivetherapy": { "senses": [ "A biomedical therapy for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ECT" ], "word": "electroconvulsivetherapy", "num_translations": 19 }, "spindoctor": { "senses": [ "A person employed to gloss over a poor public image in business and politics, especially after unfavourable results have been achieved A lobbyist", "PR person" ], "antonyms": [ "counterspin doctor" ], "synonyms": [ "spinmeister", "spinster" ], "word": "spindoctor", "num_translations": 20 }, "travail": { "senses": [ "Arduous or painful exertion", "excessive labor, suffering, hardship", "Specifically, the labor of childbirth", "An act of working", "labor , labour", "The eclipse of a celestial object", "obsolete form of \"travel\"", "alternative form of \"travois\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "travail", "num_translations": 11 }, "brackish": { "senses": [ "Salty or slightly salty, as a mixture of fresh and sea water, such as that found in estuaries", "Distasteful", "unpleasant", "not appealing to the taste", "Repulsive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brackish", "num_translations": 45 }, "ethylene": { "senses": [ "The common name for the organic chemical compound ethene The simplest alkene, a colorless gaseous hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C2H4", "The divalent radical derived from ethane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IUPAC" ], "word": "ethylene", "num_translations": 32 }, "blowover": { "senses": [ "To blow on something causing it to topple", "To be knocked down by wind", "To pass naturally", "to go away", "to calm down or subside", "To overwhelm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blowover", "num_translations": 10 }, "irreverent": { "senses": [ "Lacking respect or seriousness", "Courageous, straightforward, saucy, having mass appeal, but likely to offend Challenging the status quo, rocking the boat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheeky", "impertinent", "insolent", "flippant", "pert" ], "word": "irreverent", "num_translations": 42 }, "ageofmajority": { "senses": [ "The age at which the rights and privileges of an adult are legally granted or recognized", "ie", "the age where a person ceases to be a minor legally and becomes a legal adult" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "legal age" ], "word": "ageofmajority", "num_translations": 19 }, "manor": { "senses": [ "A landed estate", "The main house of such an estate or a similar residence", "a mansion", "A district over which a feudal lord could exercise certain rights and privileges in medieval western Europe", "The lord's residence and seat of control in such a district", "Any home area or territory in which authority is exercised, often in a police or criminal context", "One's neighbourhood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "manor", "num_translations": 61 }, "picky": { "senses": [ "Fussy", "particular", "demanding to have things just right" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anal-retentive", "choosy", "finicky", "fussy", "particular", "pedantic", "Thesaurus:fastidious" ], "word": "picky", "num_translations": 25 }, "geton": { "senses": [ "To board or mount , especially a vehicle", "To be successful", "To progress", "To become late", "To become old", "To have a good relationship", "to get along", "To commence" ], "antonyms": [ "alight", "alight" ], "synonyms": [ "board", "board", "bloom", "get late", "age", "get along" ], "word": "geton", "num_translations": 69 }, "getonwith": { "senses": [ "To proceed with", "to begin or continue, especially after an interruption", "To have a good relationship with", "To successfully use or adapt to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "begin", "get along with" ], "word": "getonwith", "num_translations": 29 }, "cancerous": { "senses": [ "Relating to or affected with cancer", "Growing or spreading rapidly to the point of harm", "Extremely unpleasant", "detestable" ], "antonyms": [ "noncancerous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cancerous", "num_translations": 16 }, "i'mafraidso": { "senses": [ "Unfortunately, yes", "I regret that that is so" ], "antonyms": [ "I'm afraid not" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "I'mafraidso", "num_translations": 13 }, "i'mafraidnot": { "senses": [ "Unfortunately, no", "I regret that that is not so" ], "antonyms": [ "I'm afraid so" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "I'mafraidnot", "num_translations": 17 }, "suspicious": { "senses": [ "Arousing suspicion", "Distrustful or tending to suspect", "Expressing suspicion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "questionable", "doubtful" ], "word": "suspicious", "num_translations": 93 }, "underling": { "senses": [ "A subordinate, or person of lesser rank or authority", "A low, wretched person" ], "antonyms": [ "overling" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "underling", "num_translations": 16 }, "undernourished": { "senses": [ "Provided with insufficient nourishment to sustain proper health and growth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrawny" ], "word": "undernourished", "num_translations": 10 }, "undertaker": { "senses": [ "A funeral director", "someone whose business is to manage funerals, burials and cremations", "A person receiving land in Ireland during the Elizabethan era, so named because they gave an undertaking to abide by several conditions regarding marriage, to be loyal to the crown, and to use English as their spoken language", "A contractor for the royal revenue in England, one of those who undertook to manage the House of Commons for the king in the Addled Parliament of 1614", "One who undertakes or commits to doing something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "undertaker", "num_translations": 55 }, "undertone": { "senses": [ "An auditory tone of low pitch or volume", "An implicit message perceived subtly alongside, but not detracting noticeably from, the explicit message conveyed in or by a book, film, verbal dialogue or similar", "an undercurrent", "A pale colour, or one seen underneath another colour", "A low state of the physical faculties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "undertone", "num_translations": 13 }, "underwear": { "senses": [ "Clothes worn next to the skin, underneath outer clothing", "Underpants and bras" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shreddies", "underclothes", "undergarment", "undies", "Thesaurus:underwear" ], "word": "underwear", "num_translations": 132 }, "underworld": { "senses": [ "The world of the dead, located underneath the world of the living", "the afterlife", "That part of society that is engaged in crime or vice", "The portion of a game that is set below ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "netherworld" ], "word": "underworld", "num_translations": 106 }, "indescribable": { "senses": [ "Impossible, or very difficult to describe", "Exceeding all description" ], "antonyms": [ "describable" ], "synonyms": [ "undescribable", "ineffable", "Thesaurus:indescribable" ], "word": "indescribable", "num_translations": 43 }, "raucous": { "senses": [ "Harsh and rough-sounding", "Disorderly and boisterous", "Loud and annoying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rowdy" ], "word": "raucous", "num_translations": 24 }, "taketurns": { "senses": [ "Of two or more people, to do the same thing one after another, taking one another's place alternately", "To assume a place in a sequence of successions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alternate", "take it in turns" ], "word": "taketurns", "num_translations": 18 }, "grim": { "senses": [ "dismal and gloomy, cold and forbidding", "rigid and unrelenting", "ghastly or sinister", "disgusting", "gross" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grim", "num_translations": 71 }, "cabal": { "senses": [ "A usually secret exclusive organization of individuals gathered for a political purpose", "A secret plot", "An identifiable group within the tradition of Discordianism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camarilla", "conspiracy" ], "word": "cabal", "num_translations": 12 }, "athand": { "senses": [ "Within easy reach", "nearby", "Near", "soon", "Currently receiving attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "athand", "num_translations": 25 }, "replacement": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that takes the place of another", "a substitute", "The act of replacing something", "The removal of an edge of crystal, by one plane or more" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:substitute" ], "word": "replacement", "num_translations": 50 }, "documentation": { "senses": [ "Something transposed from a thought to a document", "the written account of an idea", "Documentary evidence and sources", "Documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program", "Comments that explain the usage of individual functions, libraries and blocks of code" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "documentation", "num_translations": 73 }, "experimental": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or founded on experiment", "Serving to be experimented upon", "used in an experiment", "Serving as an experiment", "serving to experiment", "Experiential, empirical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "experimental", "num_translations": 25 }, "survey": { "senses": [ "a general view", "A particular view", "an examination, especially an official examination, of a particular group of items, in order to ascertain the condition, quantity, or quality", "The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of any part of the Earth's surface", "A measured plan and description of any portion of country", "An examination of the opinions of a group of people", "A questionnaire or similar instrument used for examining the opinions of a group of people", "An auction at which a farm is let for three lives", "A district for the collection of customs under a particular officer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prospect", "review" ], "word": "survey", "num_translations": 108 }, "survey1": { "senses": [ "To inspect, or take a view of", "to view with attention, as from a high place", "to overlook", "To view with a scrutinizing eye", "to examine", "To examine with reference to condition, situation, value, etc", "to examine and ascertain the state of", "To determine the form, extent, position, etc, of, as a tract of land, a coast, harbor, or the like, by means of linear and angular measurements, and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry", "To examine and ascertain, as the boundaries and royalties of a manor, the tenure of the tenants, and the rent and value of the same", "To investigate the opinions, experiences, etc, of people by asking them questions", "to administer a questionnaire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "survey", "num_translations": 62 }, "exclusively": { "senses": [ "to the exclusion of anything or anyone else", "solely or entirely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alone" ], "word": "exclusively", "num_translations": 20 }, "explicitly": { "senses": [ "In an explicit manner" ], "antonyms": [ "implicitly" ], "synonyms": [ "expressly" ], "word": "explicitly", "num_translations": 35 }, "respond": { "senses": [ "To say something in return", "to answer", "to reply", "To act in return", "to carry out an action or in return to a force or stimulus", "to do something in response", "to suit", "To satisfy", "to answer", "To be liable for payment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "respond", "num_translations": 67 }, "publisher": { "senses": [ "One who publishes, especially books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "publishing house" ], "word": "publisher", "num_translations": 74 }, "adrian": { "senses": [ "male given name", "female given name", "surname", "village town/Livada co/Satu Mare County c/Romania", "village commune/Gurghiu co/Mure\u0219 County c/Romania", "city co/Emanuel County/and/Johnson County s/Georgia c/USA", "unincorporated community township/Rock Creek Township co/Hancock County s/Illinois c/USA", "city/county seat co/Lenawee County s/Michigan c/USA", "city co/Nobles County s/Minnesota c/USA", "city co/Bates County s/Missouri c/USA", "hamlet co/Steuben County s/New York c/USA", "unincorporated community township/Big Spring Township co/Seneca County s/Ohio c/USA", "city co/Malheur County s/Oregon c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Armstrong County s/Pennsylvania c/USA", "city co/Oldham County s/Texas c/USA", "neighborhood island/Saint John overseas territory/United States Virgin Islands c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Grant County s/Washington c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Upshur County s/West Virginia c/USA", "town co/Monroe County s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Adrian", "num_translations": 34 }, "interstellar": { "senses": [ "Between the stars", "Among the stars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intersidereal" ], "word": "interstellar", "num_translations": 41 }, "taketoheart": { "senses": [ "To take something seriously", "to internalize or live according to something", "To feel keenly", "be greatly grieved at", "be much affected by something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "taketoheart", "num_translations": 19 }, "heavy-handed": { "senses": [ "Clumsy, awkward", "Excessive, overdone", "Simplistic, lacking subtlety or nuance", "Overbearing", "pushy and coercive", "Extreme", "unnecessarily forceful", "harsh, oppressive, and cruel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "awkward", "excessive", "blunt", "bossy", "brutal" ], "word": "heavy-handed", "num_translations": 32 }, "latitude": { "senses": [ "The angular distance north or south from a planet's equator, measured along the meridian of that particular point", "An imaginary line around a planet running parallel to the planet's equator", "The relative freedom from restrictions", "scope to do something", "The angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic", "The extent to which a light-sensitive material can be over- or underexposed and still achieve an acceptable result", "Extent or scope", "eg breadth, width or amplitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "latitude", "num_translations": 138 }, "propensity": { "senses": [ "An inclination, disposition, tendency, preference, or attraction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proclivity" ], "word": "propensity", "num_translations": 45 }, "integrate": { "senses": [ "To form into one whole", "to make entire", "to complete", "to renew", "to restore", "to perfect", "To include as a constituent part or functionality", "To indicate the whole of", "to give the sum or total of", "as, an integrating anemometer, one that indicates or registers the entire action of the wind in a given time", "To subject to the operation of integration", "to find the integral of", "To desegregate, as a school or neighborhood", "To combine compatible elements in order to incorporate them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "embody", "assimilate" ], "word": "integrate", "num_translations": 31 }, "talkative": { "senses": [ "Tending to talk a lot", "Speaking openly and honestly, neglecting privacy and consequences" ], "antonyms": [ "dour", "laconic", "mute" ], "synonyms": [ "chatty", "long-winded", "verbose", "drivellous", "indiscreet", "Thesaurus:talkative" ], "word": "talkative", "num_translations": 128 }, "sanity": { "senses": [ "The condition of being sane", "Reasonable and rational behaviour" ], "antonyms": [ "insanity", "madness" ], "synonyms": [ "rationality", "saneness" ], "word": "sanity", "num_translations": 18 }, "allbut": { "senses": [ "Very nearly", "everything short of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "almost" ], "word": "allbut", "num_translations": 29 }, "undesirable": { "senses": [ "objectionable or not likely to please" ], "antonyms": [ "desirable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "undesirable", "num_translations": 32 }, "allthebest": { "senses": [ "Used to wish someone good luck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "best of British", "best of luck", "break a leg", "good luck", "take care", "best wishes" ], "word": "allthebest", "num_translations": 32 }, "notatall": { "senses": [ "Not" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by no means", "hardly", "in no way", "not in the least", "not in the slightest", "not the least bit", "not the slightest bit" ], "word": "notatall", "num_translations": 52 }, "notatall1": { "senses": [ "Used similarly to you're welcome, as a conventional reply to an expression of gratitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "don't mention it", "forget it", "it's nothing", "no problem", "that's all right", "that's OK", "think nothing of it", "you're welcome", "Thesaurus:you're welcome" ], "word": "notatall", "num_translations": 81 }, "aceticacid": { "senses": [ "A clear colourless organic acid, CH3COOH, formed by the oxidation of ethanol", "it is used as a solvent and has very many industrial applications", "it is the major acidic component of vinegar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E260", "ethanoic acid" ], "word": "aceticacid", "num_translations": 35 }, "acetylsalicylicacid": { "senses": [ "The acetate ester of salicylic acid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ASA", "aspirin" ], "word": "acetylsalicylicacid", "num_translations": 18 }, "salicylicacid": { "senses": [ "A white crystalline organic acid, 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, C6H4, used in the production of aspirin and other industrial chemicals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spiraeic acid" ], "word": "salicylicacid", "num_translations": 15 }, "benzoicacid": { "senses": [ "A white crystalline organic acid, C6H5COOH", "the simplest aromatic carboxylic acid", "used as a food preservative and in many other industrial applications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E210" ], "word": "benzoicacid", "num_translations": 17 }, "acrylicacid": { "senses": [ "A colourless liquid unsaturated organic acid, CH2CHCOOH", "used as a monomer in the production of acrylic resins", "forms acrylate esters by combination with alcohols" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "propenoic acid" ], "word": "acrylicacid", "num_translations": 10 }, "colourless": { "senses": [ "Having little or no colour", "Water white", "Lacking in interest or variety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:achromatic", "clear", "drab" ], "word": "colourless", "num_translations": 39 }, "adipicacid": { "senses": [ "A white crystalline di-carboxylic acid, C4H82", "it has many industrial applications", "when condensed with hexamethylene diamine it produces nylon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E355", "hexanedioic acid", "butane-1,4-dicarboxylic acid", "butanedicarboxylic acid" ], "word": "adipicacid", "num_translations": 10 }, "thirty-two": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number after thirty-one and before thirty-three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 32", "Roman numerals: XXXII" ], "word": "thirty-two", "num_translations": 62 }, "thirty-three": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number after thirty-two and before thirty-four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 33", "Roman numerals: XXXIII" ], "word": "thirty-three", "num_translations": 58 }, "thirty-four": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following thirty-three and preceding thirty-five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 34", "Roman numerals: XXXIV" ], "word": "thirty-four", "num_translations": 56 }, "thirty-five": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following thirty-four and preceding thirty-six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals 35", "Roman numerals: XXXV" ], "word": "thirty-five", "num_translations": 56 }, "thirty-six": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following thirty-five and preceding thirty-seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 36", "Roman numerals: XXXVI" ], "word": "thirty-six", "num_translations": 57 }, "ascorbicacid": { "senses": [ "A white crystalline organic compound, C6H8O6, found in citrus fruits and many vegetables", "it is an antioxidant and an efficient scavenger of free radicals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E300" ], "word": "ascorbicacid", "num_translations": 23 }, "thirty-seven": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number occurring after thirty-six and before thirty-eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 37", "Roman numerals: XXXVII" ], "word": "thirty-seven", "num_translations": 55 }, "vitaminc": { "senses": [ "The L-enantiomer of ascorbic acid, a water-soluble nutrient essential for life, synthesized by most animals and plants but not humans, although used in our bodies for many purposes It is plentiful in citrous fruits and many vegetables, and a deficiency causes scurvy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E300" ], "word": "vitaminC", "num_translations": 14 }, "thirty-nine": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following thirty-eight and preceding forty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 39", "Roman numerals: XXXIX" ], "word": "thirty-nine", "num_translations": 55 }, "stereoisomerism": { "senses": [ "A form of isomerism in which atoms are arranged differently about a chiral centre They exhibit optical activity, and in a molecule with a single chiral centre the two isomers are mirror images of each other whereas in a molecule with multiple chiral centres the isomers are not normally mirror images" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "optical isomerism" ], "word": "stereoisomerism", "num_translations": 12 }, "asparticacid": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid, L-\u03b1-amino-succinic acid, aminobutanedioic acid, found in animal protein and in sugar beet etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asp" ], "word": "asparticacid", "num_translations": 15 }, "forty-one": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following forty and preceding forty-two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 41", "Roman numerals: XLI" ], "word": "forty-one", "num_translations": 54 }, "succinicacid": { "senses": [ "A colourless crystalline dicarboxylic acid, 2, that occurs naturally in amber and is important in the metabolic Krebs cycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E363" ], "word": "succinicacid", "num_translations": 12 }, "citricacidcycle": { "senses": [ "The Krebs cycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CAC" ], "word": "citricacidcycle", "num_translations": 14 }, "krebscycle": { "senses": [ "A series of enzymatic reactions that occurs in all aerobic organisms", "it involves the oxidative metabolism of acetyl units, and serves as the main source of cellular energy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "citric acid cycle", "tricarboxylic acid cycle", "citrate cycle" ], "word": "Krebscycle", "num_translations": 13 }, "forty-three": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following forty-two and preceding forty-four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 43", "Roman numerals: XLIII" ], "word": "forty-three", "num_translations": 46 }, "forty-four": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following forty-three and preceding forty-five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 44", "Roman numerals: XLIV" ], "word": "forty-four", "num_translations": 46 }, "forty-six": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following forty-five and preceding forty-seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 46", "Roman numerals: XLVI" ], "word": "forty-six", "num_translations": 47 }, "forty-seven": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following forty-six and preceding forty-eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 47", "Roman numerals: XLVII" ], "word": "forty-seven", "num_translations": 49 }, "forty-eight": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following forty-seven and preceding forty-nine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 48", "Roman numerals: XLVIII" ], "word": "forty-eight", "num_translations": 52 }, "boricacid": { "senses": [ "a white crystalline solid, soluble in hot water to form a weak acid Used as a mild antiseptic, flame retardant, insecticide and in the manufacture of borax and other borate salts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Acidum Boricum", "boracic acid", "E284", "orthoboric acid" ], "word": "boricacid", "num_translations": 17 }, "forty-nine": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following forty-eight and preceding fifty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 49", "Roman numerals: XLIX" ], "word": "forty-nine", "num_translations": 51 }, "fifty-one": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty and preceding fifty-two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 51", "Roman numerals: LI" ], "word": "fifty-one", "num_translations": 45 }, "fifty-two": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty-one and preceding fifty-three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 52", "Roman numerals: LII" ], "word": "fifty-two", "num_translations": 43 }, "butyricacid": { "senses": [ "its glyceride is one of the principle components of the flavour of butter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "butanoic acid" ], "word": "butyricacid", "num_translations": 16 }, "fifty-three": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty-two and preceding fifty-four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 53", "Roman numerals: LIII" ], "word": "fifty-three", "num_translations": 42 }, "fifty-four": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty-three and preceding fifty-five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 54", "Roman numerals: LIV", "LIIII" ], "word": "fifty-four", "num_translations": 47 }, "fifty-five": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty-four and preceding fifty-six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 55", "Roman numerals: LV" ], "word": "fifty-five", "num_translations": 41 }, "fifty-six": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty-five and preceding fifty-seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 56", "Roman numerals: LVI" ], "word": "fifty-six", "num_translations": 36 }, "fifty-seven": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty-six and preceding fifty-eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 57", "Roman numerals: LVII" ], "word": "fifty-seven", "num_translations": 37 }, "fifty-eight": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty-seven and preceding fifty-nine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 58", "Roman numerals: LVIII" ], "word": "fifty-eight", "num_translations": 41 }, "fifty-nine": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following fifty-eight and preceding sixty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 59", "Roman numerals: LIX", "LVIIII" ], "word": "fifty-nine", "num_translations": 36 }, "sixty-one": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following sixty and preceding sixty-two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 61", "Roman numerals: LXI" ], "word": "sixty-one", "num_translations": 43 }, "sixty-two": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following sixty-one and preceding sixty-three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 62", "Roman numerals: LXII" ], "word": "sixty-two", "num_translations": 44 }, "sixty-three": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following sixty-two and preceding sixty-four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 63", "Roman numerals: LXIII" ], "word": "sixty-three", "num_translations": 34 }, "seventy-one": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy and preceding seventy-two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 71", "Roman numerals: LXXI" ], "word": "seventy-one", "num_translations": 44 }, "seventy-two": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy-one and preceding seventy-three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 72", "Roman numerals: LXXII" ], "word": "seventy-two", "num_translations": 37 }, "seventy-three": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy-two and preceding seventy-four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 73", "Roman numerals: LXXIII" ], "word": "seventy-three", "num_translations": 36 }, "seventy-four": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy-three and preceding seventy-five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 74", "Roman numerals: LXXIV", "LXXIIII" ], "word": "seventy-four", "num_translations": 35 }, "seventy-six": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy-five and preceding seventy-seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 76", "Roman numerals: LXXVI" ], "word": "seventy-six", "num_translations": 34 }, "seventy-seven": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy-six and preceding seventy-eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 77", "Roman numerals: LXXVII" ], "word": "seventy-seven", "num_translations": 32 }, "seventy-nine": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following seventy-eight and preceding eighty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 79", "Roman numerals: LXXIX", "LXXVIIII" ], "word": "seventy-nine", "num_translations": 37 }, "furthermore": { "senses": [ "In addition", "besides", "what's more", "used to denote additional information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "additionally", "also", "moreover", "what is more" ], "word": "furthermore", "num_translations": 77 }, "eighty-two": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following eighty-one and preceding eighty-three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 82", "Roman numerals: LXXXII" ], "word": "eighty-two", "num_translations": 34 }, "eighty-three": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following eighty-two and preceding eighty-four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 83", "Roman numerals: LXXXIII" ], "word": "eighty-three", "num_translations": 35 }, "eighty-four": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following eighty-three and preceding eighty-five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 84", "Roman numerals: LXXXIV", "LXXXIIII" ], "word": "eighty-four", "num_translations": 34 }, "eighty-five": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following eighty-four and preceding eighty-six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 85", "Roman numerals: LXXXV" ], "word": "eighty-five", "num_translations": 35 }, "eighty-six": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following eighty-five and preceding eighty-seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hindu-Arabic numerals: 86", "Roman numerals: LXXXVI" ], "word": "eighty-six", "num_translations": 37 }, "eighty-seven": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following eighty-six and preceding eighty-eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 87", "Roman numerals: LXXXVII" ], "word": "eighty-seven", "num_translations": 33 }, "eighty-nine": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following eighty-eight and preceding ninety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 89", "Roman numerals: LXXXIX", "LXXXVIIII" ], "word": "eighty-nine", "num_translations": 39 }, "ninety-one": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety and preceding ninety-two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 91", "Roman numerals: XCI", "LXXXXI" ], "word": "ninety-one", "num_translations": 40 }, "ninety-two": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety-one and preceding ninety-three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 92", "Roman numerals: XCII", "LXXXXII" ], "word": "ninety-two", "num_translations": 36 }, "ninety-three": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety-two and preceding ninety-four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 93", "Roman numerals: XCIII", "LXXXXIII" ], "word": "ninety-three", "num_translations": 35 }, "ninety-four": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety-three and preceding ninety-five" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 94", "Roman numerals: XCIV", "LXXXXIIII" ], "word": "ninety-four", "num_translations": 32 }, "ninety-five": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety-four and preceding ninety-six" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 95", "Roman numerals: XCV", "LXXXXV" ], "word": "ninety-five", "num_translations": 35 }, "ninety-six": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety-five and preceding ninety-seven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 96", "Roman numerals: XCVI", "LXXXXVI" ], "word": "ninety-six", "num_translations": 34 }, "ninety-seven": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety-six and preceding ninety-eight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 97", "Roman numerals: XCVII", "LXXXXVII" ], "word": "ninety-seven", "num_translations": 38 }, "ninety-nine": { "senses": [ "The cardinal number immediately following ninety-eight and preceding one hundred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arabic numerals: 99", "Roman numerals: XCIX" ], "word": "ninety-nine", "num_translations": 47 }, "glib": { "senses": [ "Having a ready flow of words but lacking thought or understanding", "superficial", "shallow", "Smooth or slippery", "Artfully persuasive but insincere in nature", "smooth-talking, honey-tongued, silver-tongued" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glib", "num_translations": 36 }, "mandatory": { "senses": [ "Obligatory", "required or commanded by authority", "Of, being or relating to a mandate" ], "antonyms": [ "optional" ], "synonyms": [ "compulsory" ], "word": "mandatory", "num_translations": 34 }, "aroundtheclock": { "senses": [ "All the time, or seemingly all the time", "constantly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "day and night" ], "word": "aroundtheclock", "num_translations": 24 }, "goosebump": { "senses": [ "Raised skin, usually caused by the involuntary erection of hairs on the neck or arms caused by cold, excitement, or fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goose pimples", "goose skin", "goose flesh", "horripilation", "pilomotor reflex" ], "word": "goosebump", "num_translations": 32 }, "illiberal": { "senses": [ "Restrictive of individual choice and freedom", "Narrow-minded", "bigoted", "Ungenerous, stingy", "Not adhering to either liberalism or neoliberalism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "illiberal", "num_translations": 29 }, "sarcastic": { "senses": [ "Containing sarcasm", "Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sarky", "snarky" ], "word": "sarcastic", "num_translations": 46 }, "ignite": { "senses": [ "to set fire to , to light", "to spark off , to trigger", "to commence burning", "To subject to the action of intense heat", "to heat strongly", "often said of incombustible or infusible substances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ignite", "num_translations": 64 }, "curved": { "senses": [ "Having a curve or curves" ], "antonyms": [ "straight" ], "synonyms": [ "curvy" ], "word": "curved", "num_translations": 45 }, "againstallodds": { "senses": [ "Despite seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "against all expectations", "contrary to all expectations" ], "word": "againstallodds", "num_translations": 25 }, "gradient": { "senses": [ "A slope or incline", "A rate of inclination or declination of a slope", "Of a function y = f or the graph of such a function, the rate of change of y with respect to x, that is, the amount by which y changes for a certain change in x, equivalently, the inclination to the X axis of the tangent to the curve of the graph", "The rate at which a physical quantity increases or decreases relative to change in a given variable, especially distance", "A differential operator that maps each point of a scalar field to a vector pointed in the direction of the greatest rate of change of the scalar Notation for a scalar field \u03c6: \u2207\u03c6", "gradation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hill", "slope" ], "word": "gradient", "num_translations": 81 }, "firehose": { "senses": [ "A hose designed to deliver water to douse a fire, usually much stronger and wider in diameter than a garden hose", "Any fast, heavy stream", "A feed of all updates to a website", "A human penis", "An fast-flowing unsupported flow of lava escaping from a solid rockface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "firehose", "num_translations": 20 }, "atsixesandsevens": { "senses": [ "In a state of confusion", "In a state of dispute or disagreement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at loggerheads" ], "word": "atsixesandsevens", "num_translations": 23 }, "breakin": { "senses": [ "To enter a place by force or illicit means", "To cause to function more naturally through use or wear", "To tame", "make obedient", "to train to follow orders of the owner", "To interrupt one's conversation", "speak before another person has finished speaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breakin", "num_translations": 42 }, "breakout": { "senses": [ "An escape from prison", "An escape from any restrictive or confining situation", "An outbreak", "A breakdown of statistics", "a detailed view of component parts", "A room in a hotel etc that can be taken by a smaller group at a large conference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breakout", "num_translations": 22 }, "urgently": { "senses": [ "With great haste, with a sense of urgency, because it is very important", "Continuously With insistence" ], "antonyms": [ "apathetically", "half-heartedly" ], "synonyms": [ "imperatively", "persistently" ], "word": "urgently", "num_translations": 12 }, "instantly": { "senses": [ "At once", "without delay", "Urgently", "with insistence", "At the same time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "immediately" ], "word": "instantly", "num_translations": 46 }, "pedigree": { "senses": [ "A chart, list, or record of ancestors, to show breeding, especially distinguished breeding", "A person's ancestral history", "ancestry, lineage", "Good breeding or ancestry", "The history or provenance of an idea, custom etc", "The ancestry of a domesticated animal, especially a dog or horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pedigree", "num_translations": 42 }, "momentary": { "senses": [ "Lasting for only a moment", "Happening at every moment", "perpetual", "Ephemeral or relatively short-lived" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ephemeral" ], "word": "momentary", "num_translations": 32 }, "momentarily": { "senses": [ "In a momentary manner", "for a moment or instant", "In a moment or very soon", "any minute now, any time now", "Progressively", "moment by moment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "presently", "briefly", "incrementally" ], "word": "momentarily", "num_translations": 19 }, "deputy": { "senses": [ "One appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for them, in their name or their behalf", "a substitute in office", "A person employed to install and remove props, brattices, etc and to clear gas, for the safety of the miners", ": A member of the Chamber of Deputies, formerly called Corps L\u00e9gislatif", ": a member of D\u00e1il \u00c9ireann, or the title of a member of D\u00e1il \u00c9ireann", ": a law enforcement officer who works for the county sheriff's office", "the entry level rank in such an agency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "substitute", "representative", "legate", "delegate", "envoy", "agent", "Thesaurus:deputy" ], "word": "deputy", "num_translations": 107 }, "teller": { "senses": [ "A person who tells stories", "A bank clerk who receives and pays out money", "A person who counts the votes in an election" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cashier" ], "word": "teller", "num_translations": 72 }, "rascal": { "senses": [ "A dishonest person", "a rogue, a scoundrel, a trickster", "Sometimes diminutive: a cheeky person or creature", "a troublemaker", "A member of a criminal gang" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "devil" ], "word": "rascal", "num_translations": 112 }, "citricacid": { "senses": [ "A colourless crystalline compound, 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, C6H8O7, found in citrus fruit", "it is used as a food additive and in the manufacture of citrates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E330" ], "word": "citricacid", "num_translations": 33 }, "soothsayer": { "senses": [ "one who tells the truth", "a truthful person", "one who predicts the future, using magic, intuition or intelligence", "a diviner", "a mantis or rearhorse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "soothsayer", "num_translations": 87 }, "sooty": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or producing soot", "Soiled with soot", "Of the color of soot", "Dark-skinned", "black" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black" ], "word": "sooty", "num_translations": 16 }, "crotonicacid": { "senses": [ "An unsaturated organic acid, trans-CH3-CH=CH-COOH, found in croton oil and having many industrial uses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trans-2-butenoic acid", "beta-methylacrylic acid" ], "word": "crotonicacid", "num_translations": 14 }, "atbay": { "senses": [ "Unable to come closer", "at a distance", "Cornered", "unable to flee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at a distance", "cornered" ], "word": "atbay", "num_translations": 19 }, "comptroller": { "senses": [ "The chief accountant of a company or government" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "administrator", "foreman", "chief", "head", "head man", "controller", "overseer", "organiser", "organizer", "superintendent", "supervisor" ], "word": "comptroller", "num_translations": 12 }, "controller": { "senses": [ "One who controls something", "Any electric or mechanical device for controlling a circuit or system", "A person who audits, and manages the financial affairs of a company or government", "a comptroller", "A mechanism that controls or regulates the operation of a machine, especially a peripheral device in a computer", "An iron block, usually bolted to a ship's deck, for controlling the running out of a chain cable The links of the cable tend to drop into hollows in the block, and thus hold fast until disengaged", "The person who supervises and handles communication with an agent in the field", "The subject of a control verb See Control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "administrator", "chief", "foreman", "head", "head man", "organizer", "overseer", "superintendent", "supervisor", "comptroller", "driver" ], "word": "controller", "num_translations": 51 }, "superhero": { "senses": [ "Any kind of fantasy/science fiction crime-fighting character, often with supernatural powers or equipment, in popular children's and fantasy literature" ], "antonyms": [ "supervillain" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "superhero", "num_translations": 36 }, "sweetener": { "senses": [ "Something added to food to sweeten its taste, especially an artificial substitute for sugar", "Something given or added to added to a deal to sweeten another's attitude, especially a bribe or kickback" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "douceur" ], "word": "sweetener", "num_translations": 75 }, "humorous": { "senses": [ "Full of humor or arousing laughter", "funny", "Showing humor", "witty, jocular", "Damp or watery", "Dependent on or caused by one's humour or mood", "capricious, whimsical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arousing laughter", "witty", "Thesaurus:funny", "Thesaurus:witty" ], "word": "humorous", "num_translations": 42 }, "flattery": { "senses": [ "Excessive praise or approval, which is often insincere and sometimes contrived to win favour", "An instance of excessive praise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:flattery" ], "word": "flattery", "num_translations": 74 }, "-hood": { "senses": [ "A substantive suffix denoting a condition or state of being", "A substantive suffix denoting a group sharing a specified condition or state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-head", "-ness", "-ship", "-itas", "-itude", "-th", "-ia", "-itia", "-ity", "-icity", "-mony", "-osity" ], "word": "-hood", "num_translations": 49 }, "stuffed1": { "senses": [ "Full or packed", "filled with seasoning", "Full after eating", "Very tired", "Broken, not functional", "in trouble, in a situation from which one is unlikely to recover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stuffed", "num_translations": 47 }, "heady": { "senses": [ "Intoxicating or stupefying", "Tending to upset the mind or senses", "Exhilarating", "Intellectual", "Rash or impetuous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heady", "num_translations": 14 }, "loanword": { "senses": [ "A word directly taken into one language from another one with little or no translation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "borrowing", "foreign", "gainword" ], "word": "loanword", "num_translations": 74 }, "cursory": { "senses": [ "hasty", "superficial", "careless", "Running about", "not stationary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cursory", "num_translations": 25 }, "portrait": { "senses": [ "A painting or other picture of a person, especially the head and shoulders", "An accurate depiction of a person, a mood, etc", "A print orientation where the vertical sides are longer than the horizontal sides" ], "antonyms": [ "landscape", "profile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "portrait", "num_translations": 113 }, "misstep": { "senses": [ "A step that is wrong, a false step", "An error or mistake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "error" ], "word": "misstep", "num_translations": 23 }, "insignificant": { "senses": [ "Not significant", "not important, inconsequential, or having no noticeable effect", "Without meaning", "not signifying anything" ], "antonyms": [ "significant" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:insignificant" ], "word": "insignificant", "num_translations": 48 }, "restrict": { "senses": [ "To restrain within boundaries", "to limit", "to confine", "To consider as defined on a subset of its original domain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "limit" ], "word": "restrict", "num_translations": 35 }, "efficient": { "senses": [ "making good, thorough, or careful use of resources", "not consuming extra Especially, making good use of time or energy", "expressing the proportion of consumed energy that was successfully used in a process", "the ratio of useful output to total input", "causing effects, producing results", "bringing into being", "initiating change", "effective" ], "antonyms": [ "inefficient" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "efficient", "num_translations": 47 }, "exalt": { "senses": [ "To honor", "to hold in high esteem", "To raise in rank, status etc, to elevate", "To elate, or fill with the joy of success", "To refine or subtilize" ], "antonyms": [ "abase", "demean" ], "synonyms": [ "upgrade" ], "word": "exalt", "num_translations": 38 }, "formicacid": { "senses": [ "The simplest carboxylic acid, HCOOH, a colourless, corrosive liquid with a sharp odour", "it is present in the stings of ants, bees and nettles, and is prepared industrially by the oxidation of methanol or formaldehyde", "it has some industrial uses, and its esters, the formates are used in perfumes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E236", "methanoic acid" ], "word": "formicacid", "num_translations": 32 }, "glacial": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to glaciers", "Very slow", "Cold and icy", "Having the appearance of ice", "Cool and unfriendly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glacial", "num_translations": 25 }, "unsaturated": { "senses": [ "Not saturated", "capable of dissolving more of a solute at the same temperature", "Of a compound containing atoms sharing more than one valence bond, especially of an organic compound having one or more double bonds or triple bonds between carbon atoms", "Not chromatically pure", "diluted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unsaturated", "num_translations": 57 }, "saturated1": { "senses": [ "Full", "unable to hold or contain any more", "Soaked or drenched with moisture", "Containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved at a given temperature", "Having all available valence bonds filled", "especially of any organic compound containing only single bonds between carbon atoms", "Having a high level of saturation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drenched" ], "word": "saturated", "num_translations": 35 }, "unity": { "senses": [ "Oneness", "the state or fact of being one undivided entity", "Agreement", "harmony", "A single undivided thing, seen as complete in itself", "The number 1 or any element of a set or field that behaves under a given operation as the number 1 behaves under multiplication", "The peculiar characteristics of an estate held by several in joint tenancy" ], "antonyms": [ "plurality" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:oneness" ], "word": "unity", "num_translations": 76 }, "oneness": { "senses": [ "State of being one or undivided", "unity", "The product of being one or undivided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:oneness" ], "word": "oneness", "num_translations": 25 }, "isoprene": { "senses": [ "An unsaturated hydrocarbon, C5H8, that is readily polymerized", "it is the structural basis for the terpenes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "2-methyl-1,3-butadiene" ], "word": "isoprene", "num_translations": 19 }, "turpentine": { "senses": [ "A volatile essential oil obtained from the wood of pine trees by steam distillation", "it is a complex mixture of monoterpenes", "it is used as a solvent and paint thinner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turps", "tarpin" ], "word": "turpentine", "num_translations": 42 }, "carotene": { "senses": [ "A class of tetraterpene plant pigments", "they vary in colour from yellow, through orange to red, this colour originating in a chain of alternating single and double bonds", "Specifically, a number of isomers of tetraterpene hydrocarbons, C40H56, , present in carrots etc, which are converted into vitamin A in the liver" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E160" ], "word": "carotene", "num_translations": 16 }, "airline": { "senses": [ "A company that flies airplanes to transport people and goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air carrier", "airway" ], "word": "airline", "num_translations": 74 }, "lutein": { "senses": [ "A yellow carotenoid pigment, widely distributed in both plants and animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E161b", "xanthophyll" ], "word": "lutein", "num_translations": 12 }, "grumble1": { "senses": [ "To make a low, growling or rumbling noise, like a hungry stomach or certain animals", "To complain", "to murmur or mutter with discontent", "to make ill-natured complaints in a low voice and a surly manner", "To utter in a grumbling fashion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:complain" ], "word": "grumble", "num_translations": 63 }, "bitethedust": { "senses": [ "To die", "To quit, or fail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "bitethedust", "num_translations": 47 }, "pandemonium": { "senses": [ "A place where all demons live", "Hell", "Chaos", "tumultuous or lawless violence", "An outburst", "loud, riotous uproar, especially of a crowd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chaos", "outburst", "uproar" ], "word": "pandemonium", "num_translations": 31 }, "terrain": { "senses": [ "a single, distinctive rock formation", "an area having a preponderance of a particular rock or group of rocks", "an area of land or the particular features of it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ground" ], "word": "terrain", "num_translations": 38 }, "sample": { "senses": [ "A part or snippet of something taken or presented for inspection, or shown as evidence of the quality of the whole", "a specimen", "A subset of a population selected for measurement, observation or questioning, to provide statistical information about the population", "A small quantity of food for tasting, typically given away for free", "A small piece of some goods, for determining quality, colour, etc, typically given away for free", "Gratuitous borrowing of easily recognised phases from other music in a recording", "Example", "pattern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "specimen", "example" ], "word": "sample", "num_translations": 129 }, "sampling1": { "senses": [ "The process or technique of obtaining a representative sample", "A sample", "The analysis of a group by determining the characteristics of a significant percentage of its members chosen at random", "The measurement, at regular intervals, of the amplitude of a varying waveform in order to convert it to digital form", "Electronically splicing pieces of previously recorded sound as part of a composition, especially as part of hip-hop or electronic dance music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sampling", "num_translations": 23 }, "deterrence": { "senses": [ "The act of deterring, or the state of being deterred", "Action taken by states or alliances of nations against equally powerful alliances to prevent hostile action", "The art of producing in one's enemy the fear of attacking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intimidation", "dissuasion" ], "word": "deterrence", "num_translations": 28 }, "medley": { "senses": [ "Combat, fighting", "a battle", ":", "A collection or mixture of miscellaneous things", "A collection of related songs played or mixed together as a single piece", "A competitive swimming event that combines the four strokes of butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle", "A cloth of mixed colours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mashup" ], "word": "medley", "num_translations": 62 }, "slur1": { "senses": [ "To insult or slight", "To run together", "to articulate poorly", "To play legato or without separate articulation", "to connect smoothly", "To soil", "to sully", "to contaminate", "to disgrace", "To cover over", "to disguise", "to conceal", "to pass over lightly or with little notice", "To cheat, as by sliding a die", "to trick", "To blur or double, as an impression from type", "to mackle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slur", "num_translations": 36 }, "scroll": { "senses": [ "A roll of paper or parchment", "a writing formed into a roll", "Spirals or sprays in the shape of an actual plant", "A mark or flourish added to a person's signature, intended to represent a seal, and in some States allowed as a substitute for a seal US Alexander Mansfield Burrill", "A skew surface", "A kind of sweet roll baked in a somewhat spiral shape", "The incremental movement of graphics on a screen, removing one portion to show the next", "A spiral waterway placed round a turbine to regulate the flow", "A turbinate bone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scroll", "num_translations": 81 }, "lickspittle": { "senses": [ "A fawning toady", "a base sycophant", "The practice of giving empty flattery for personal gain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brown noser" ], "word": "lickspittle", "num_translations": 15 }, "toady": { "senses": [ "A sycophant who flatters others to gain personal advantage or an obsequious lackey or minion", "A coarse, rustic woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sycophant" ], "word": "toady", "num_translations": 32 }, "errant": { "senses": [ "Straying from the proper course or standard, or outside established limits", "Wandering", "roving around", "Prone to making errors", "misbehaved", "Utter, complete", "arrant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arrant" ], "word": "errant", "num_translations": 17 }, "glutamicacid": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid, \u03b1-amino-glutaric acid, occurring widely in animal and plant tissues", "the salt, monosodium glutamate is used as a flavour-enhancing seasoning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Glu", "E620" ], "word": "glutamicacid", "num_translations": 20 }, "seasoning": { "senses": [ "Something used to add taste or flavour to food, such as salt and pepper or other condiment, herb or spice", "Anything added to increase enjoyment", "A coat of polymerized oil inside a cooking vessel which renders the surface non-stick", "An alcoholic intoxication", "In diamond-cutting, the charging of the laps or wheels with diamond dust and oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drunkenness" ], "word": "seasoning", "num_translations": 53 }, "planetaryscience": { "senses": [ "That branch of astronomy that deals with the planets of the solar system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "planetology" ], "word": "planetaryscience", "num_translations": 10 }, "tryptophan": { "senses": [ "An essential amino acid having an indole side chain", "it is present in many foods, especially chocolate, oats, bananas and milk", "it is essential for normal growth and development and is the precursor of serotonin and niacin", "any specific form of this compound, or any derivative of it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Trp", "tryp" ], "word": "tryptophan", "num_translations": 17 }, "slipshod": { "senses": [ "Done poorly or too quickly", "slapdash", "Wearing slippers or similarly open shoes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:careless" ], "word": "slipshod", "num_translations": 12 }, "vouchsafe": { "senses": [ "To graciously give, to condescendingly grant a right, benefit, outcome, etc", "to deign to acknowledge", "To receive or accept in condescension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deign" ], "word": "vouchsafe", "num_translations": 15 }, "dolt": { "senses": [ "A stupid person", "a blockhead or dullard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool" ], "word": "dolt", "num_translations": 31 }, "quacksalver": { "senses": [ "One falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills, especially one who dispenses potions, ointments, etc, supposedly having curative powers", "a quack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medicaster", "quack" ], "word": "quacksalver", "num_translations": 16 }, "passionfruit": { "senses": [ "A plant, passiflora, that produces an edible fruit", "The edible fruit of the passionflower, Passiflora edulis", "a round fruit with a purple or yellow skin which is native to Brazil", "The flesh of the edible fruit", "A person whom one cherishes very much, especially a woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "passionfruit", "num_translations": 80 }, "legitimate": { "senses": [ "In accordance with the law or established legal forms and requirements", "Conforming to known principles, or established or accepted rules or standards", "valid", "Authentic, real, genuine", "Lawfully begotten, ie, born to a legally married couple", "Relating to hereditary rights" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "legitimate", "num_translations": 58 }, "sluggard": { "senses": [ "A person who is lazy, stupid, or idle by habit", "A person slow to begin necessary work, a slothful person", "A fearful or cowardly person, a poltroon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "sluggard", "num_translations": 47 }, "cursive1": { "senses": [ "Joined-up handwriting" ], "antonyms": [ "print" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cursive", "num_translations": 18 }, "sonorous": { "senses": [ "Capable of giving out a deep, resonant sound", "Full of sound and rich, as in language or verse", "Wordy or grandiloquent", "Produced with a relatively open vocal tract and relatively little obstruction of airflow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "booming", "prolix" ], "word": "sonorous", "num_translations": 18 }, "sporadic": { "senses": [ "occurring in isolated instances", "not epidemic", "Rare and scattered in occurrence", "Exhibiting random behavior", "patternless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sporadic", "num_translations": 35 }, "prevaricate": { "senses": [ "To deviate, transgress", "to go astray", "To shift or turn from direct speech or behaviour", "to evade the truth", "to waffle or be ambiguous", "To collude, as where an informer colludes with the defendant, and makes a sham prosecution", "To undertake something falsely and deceitfully, with the purpose of defeating or destroying it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prevaricate", "num_translations": 18 }, "exciting1": { "senses": [ "creating or producing excitement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:exciting" ], "word": "exciting", "num_translations": 36 }, "bedandbreakfast": { "senses": [ "A private home, guesthouse, etc where guests are provided overnight accommodations and served breakfast but usually no other meals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "B&B", "Thesaurus:lodging place" ], "word": "bedandbreakfast", "num_translations": 42 }, "hydrocyanicacid": { "senses": [ "a solution of hydrogen cyanide, HCN, in water", "a weak poisonous acid, used as a fumigant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prussic acid" ], "word": "hydrocyanicacid", "num_translations": 16 }, "hydrogencyanide": { "senses": [ "A colourless, very poisonous, volatile liquid, HCN, used in the production of dyes, plastics and fumigants", "it dissolves in water to form hydrocyanic acid and reacts with bases to form cyanides, and with some organic compounds to form nitriles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chyazic acid", "formonitrile" ], "word": "hydrogencyanide", "num_translations": 27 }, "ferment1": { "senses": [ "A state of agitation or of turbulent change", "A gentle internal motion of the constituent parts of a fluid", "A catalyst" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ferment", "num_translations": 28 }, "desecrate": { "senses": [ "To profane or violate the sacredness or sanctity of something", "To remove the consecration from someone or something", "to deconsecrate", "To change in an inappropriate and destructive way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defile", "deconsecrate", "pervert" ], "word": "desecrate", "num_translations": 74 }, "disrespect": { "senses": [ "A lack of respect, esteem or courteous behaviour" ], "antonyms": [ "respect" ], "synonyms": [ "misrespect", "unrespect" ], "word": "disrespect", "num_translations": 34 }, "disrespect1": { "senses": [ "To show a lack of respect to someone or something" ], "antonyms": [ "respect" ], "synonyms": [ "dis" ], "word": "disrespect", "num_translations": 21 }, "impiety": { "senses": [ "The state of being impious", "An impious act", "The lack of respect for a god or something sacred" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ungodliness", "ungodliness", "disrespect" ], "word": "impiety", "num_translations": 16 }, "impious": { "senses": [ "Not pious", "Lacking reverence or respect, especially towards God or a god" ], "antonyms": [ "pious" ], "synonyms": [ "irreverent", "ungodly", "unholy" ], "word": "impious", "num_translations": 36 }, "houseofcommons": { "senses": [ "The lower house of the British Parliament", "a session of the house", "The lower house of the Canadian Parliament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Commons" ], "word": "HouseofCommons", "num_translations": 36 }, "houseoflords": { "senses": [ "The upper chamber of the UK's Houses of Parliament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gilded Chamber" ], "word": "HouseofLords", "num_translations": 28 }, "palaceofwestminster": { "senses": [ "An extensive building on the north bank of the River Thames in London, housing the House of Commons and the House of Lords" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Houses of Parliament" ], "word": "PalaceofWestminster", "num_translations": 64 }, "graphics": { "senses": [ "The making of architectural or design drawings", "The graphic arts", "The pictorial representation and manipulation of data", "the process by which a computer displays data", "The art or visual representations displayed by a computer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "graphics", "num_translations": 38 }, "printout": { "senses": [ "something printed on paper, usually by a printer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hard copy", "listing" ], "word": "printout", "num_translations": 12 }, "piercing2": { "senses": [ "Appearing to look deeply into", "penetrating", "Of temperature, extremely cold so that it penetrates through clothing and shelter", "Of sound, loud and sharp", "shrill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "piercing", "num_translations": 15 }, "recreationaldrug": { "senses": [ "A psychoactive drug taken deliberately for the effect it has on the mind rather than for its medicinal effects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recreational pharmaceutical", "Thesaurus:recreational drug" ], "word": "recreationaldrug", "num_translations": 12 }, "crib": { "senses": [ "A baby's bed with high, often slatted, often moveable sides, suitable for a child who has outgrown a cradle or bassinet", "A bed for a child older than a baby", "A small sleeping berth in a packet ship or other small vessel", "A wicker basket", "compare Moses basket", "A manger, a feeding trough for animals elevated off the earth or floor, especially one for fodder such as hay", "The baby Jesus and the manger in a creche or nativity scene, consisting of statues of Mary, Joseph and various other characters such as the magi", "A small room or covered structure, especially one of rough construction, used for storage or penning animals", "A confined space, as with a cage or office-cubicle", "A job, a position", ", an appointment", "A hovel, a roughly constructed building best suited to the shelter of animals but used for human habitation", "One's residence, or where one normally hangs out A house or dwelling place", "A boxy structure traditionally built of heavy wooden timbers, to support an existing structure from below, as with a mineshaft or a building being raised off its foundation in preparation for being moved", "A collection of quotes or references for use in speaking, for assembling a written document, or as an aid to a project of some sort", "A minor theft, extortion or embezzlement, with or without criminal intent", "The cards discarded by players and used by the dealer", "A known piece of information corresponding to a section of encrypted text, that is then used to work out the remaining sections", "A small holiday home, often near a beach and of simple construction", "A packed lunch taken to work", "A small raft made of timber", "The stomach", "A cheat sheet or past test used by students" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crib", "num_translations": 81 }, "knee-jerk1": { "senses": [ "A sudden reflexive movement of the leg below the knee, as a reaction to a tap to the tendon just below the patella" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kneejerk reflex", "patellar reflex" ], "word": "knee-jerk", "num_translations": 12 }, "built-in": { "senses": [ "Constructed as a non-detachable part of a larger structure", "Being an essential and permanent part of something", "Being an included feature that normally comes as an extra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inbuilt", "instilled", "incorporated" ], "word": "built-in", "num_translations": 32 }, "swearword": { "senses": [ "A word considered taboo and impolite or offensive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "curse", "Thesaurus:swearword" ], "word": "swearword", "num_translations": 102 }, "panache": { "senses": [ "An ornamental plume on a helmet", "Flamboyance, energetic style or action", "dash", "verve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hackle", "dash" ], "word": "panache", "num_translations": 35 }, "toboot": { "senses": [ "in addition, besides, also" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "into the bargain", "on top of that" ], "word": "toboot", "num_translations": 14 }, "philosophical": { "senses": [ "Of, or pertaining to, philosophy", "Rational", "analytic or critically-minded", "thoughtful", "Detached, calm, stoic" ], "antonyms": [ "nonphilosophical" ], "synonyms": [ "philosophic" ], "word": "philosophical", "num_translations": 28 }, "realize": { "senses": [ "To make real", "to convert from the imaginary or fictitious into the actual", "to bring into concrete existence", "To become aware of a fact or situation", "To cause to seem real", "to feel vividly or strongly", "to make one's own in apprehension or experience", "To acquire as an actual possession", "to obtain as the result of plans and efforts", "to gain", "to get", "To convert any kind of property into money, especially property representing investments, as shares, bonds, etc", "To convert into real property", "to make real estate of", "To turn an abstract linguistic object into actual language, especially said of a phoneme's conversion into speech sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "realize", "num_translations": 145 }, "hardship": { "senses": [ "Difficulty or trouble", "hard times" ], "antonyms": [ "softship" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hardship", "num_translations": 73 }, "malicacid": { "senses": [ "A colourless crystalline dicarboxylic acid, hydroxy-malonic acid, found in wine, apples and other fruit", "it is converted to lactic acid by malolactic fermentation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E296" ], "word": "malicacid", "num_translations": 11 }, "shorts1": { "senses": [ "Trousers worn primarily in the warm weather that do not go lower than the knees", "Underwear bottoms", "Remnants, clippings, trimmings of production processes", "The part of milled grain sifted out which is next finer than the bran", "pollard", "Short, inferior hemp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shorts", "num_translations": 91 }, "turret": { "senses": [ "A little tower, frequently a merely ornamental structure at one of the corners of a building or castle", "A siege tower", "a movable building, of a square form, consisting of ten or even twenty stories and sometimes one hundred and twenty cubits high, usually moved on wheels, and employed in approaching a fortified place, for carrying soldiers, engines, ladders, casting bridges, and other necessaries", "An armoured, rotating gun installation on a fort, ship, aircraft, or armoured fighting vehicle", "The elevated central portion of the roof of a passenger car, with sides that are pierced for light and ventilation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cupola" ], "word": "turret", "num_translations": 38 }, "evade": { "senses": [ "To get away from by cunning", "to avoid by dexterity, subterfuge, address, or ingenuity", "to elude", "to cleverly escape from", "To escape", "to slip away", "\u2014 sometimes with from", "To attempt to escape", "to practice artifice or sophistry, for the purpose of eluding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equivocate", "shuffle", "dodge", "end-run", "sidestep", "give the go-by", "give someone the runaround" ], "word": "evade", "num_translations": 43 }, "earlymodernenglish": { "senses": [ "The form of the English language written and spoken from the end of the 15th century to the mid-17th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Early New English" ], "word": "EarlyModernEnglish", "num_translations": 10 }, "gleeful": { "senses": [ "Exuberantly or triumphantly joyful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elated", "exhilarated", "high-spirited", "overjoyed" ], "word": "gleeful", "num_translations": 12 }, "yesteryear": { "senses": [ "Past years", "time gone by", "yore", "Last year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foretime" ], "word": "yesteryear", "num_translations": 65 }, "trans-": { "senses": [ "Across, through, over, beyond, to or on the other side of, outside of", "A compound in which two atoms or groups are situated on opposite sides of some plane of symmetry passing through the compound (Also used without the hyphen as an adjective", "see trans)", "Transgender or transsexual, or pertaining to those who are transgender or transsexual" ], "antonyms": [ "cis-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "trans-", "num_translations": 33 }, "deprive": { "senses": [ "To take something away from and keep it away", "to deny someone something", "To degrade from office", "To bereave" ], "antonyms": [ "enrich" ], "synonyms": [ "bereave", "impoverish" ], "word": "deprive", "num_translations": 37 }, "atv1": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"all-terrain vehicle\"", "initialism of \"Automated Transfer Vehicle\"", "initialism of \"amateur television\"", "initialism of \"airport transit visa\"", "abbreviation of \"atazanavir\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ATV", "num_translations": 16 }, "disbelief": { "senses": [ "Unpreparedness, unwillingness, or inability to believe that something is the case", "Astonishment", "The loss or abandonment of a belief", "cessation of belief" ], "antonyms": [ "belief" ], "synonyms": [ "incredulity" ], "word": "disbelief", "num_translations": 25 }, "collectively": { "senses": [ "In a collective manner", "viewed together as a whole", "to be treated as a single unit, rather than the items that make up the collection separately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jointly" ], "word": "collectively", "num_translations": 10 }, "culprit": { "senses": [ "The person or thing at fault for a problem or crime", "A prisoner accused but not yet tried" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:criminal" ], "word": "culprit", "num_translations": 45 }, "up-to-date": { "senses": [ "Current", "recent", "the latest", "Informed about the latest news or developments", "abreast" ], "antonyms": [ "stale" ], "synonyms": [ "\u00e0 la mode", "apprised" ], "word": "up-to-date", "num_translations": 64 }, "enantiomer": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enantiomorph", "optical isomer" ], "word": "enantiomer", "num_translations": 21 }, "superannuate": { "senses": [ "To retire or put out of use due to age", "To show to be obsolete due to age", "To retire due to age", "To become obsolete or antiquated", "To give a pension to, on account of old age or other infirmity", "to cause to retire from service on a pension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pension", "call it a day", "age", "pension" ], "word": "superannuate", "num_translations": 12 }, "supernal": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to heaven or to the sky", "celestial", "Exalted, exquisite, superlative" ], "antonyms": [ "earthly", "infernal" ], "synonyms": [ "celestial", "exalted" ], "word": "supernal", "num_translations": 34 }, "openly": { "senses": [ "In an open manner, visibly, not covertly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clearly" ], "word": "openly", "num_translations": 24 }, "erosion": { "senses": [ "The result of having been worn away or eroded, as by a glacier on rock or the sea on a cliff face", "The changing of a surface by mechanical action, friction, thermal expansion contraction, or impact", "The gradual loss of something as a result of an ongoing process", "Destruction by abrasive action of fluids", "One of two fundamental operations in morphological image processing from which all other morphological operations are derived", "Loss of tooth enamel due to non-bacteriogenic chemical processes", "A shallow ulceration or lesion, usually involving skin or epithelial tissue", "In morphology, a basic operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "erosion", "num_translations": 68 }, "ineffectual": { "senses": [ "Unable or insufficient to produce effect", "Worthless", "Weak, indecisive", "lacking forcefulness" ], "antonyms": [ "effectual" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ineffectual", "num_translations": 23 }, "folding1": { "senses": [ "a fold", "The keeping of sheep in enclosures on arable land, etc", "the deformation of the Earth's crust in response to slow lateral compression", "Paper money, as opposed to coins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "folding", "num_translations": 15 }, "phosphoricacid": { "senses": [ "A colourless liquid, H3PO4, used in the manufacture of fertilizers, detergents and pharmaceuticals and as an additive in cola drinks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E338", "orthophosphoric acid" ], "word": "phosphoricacid", "num_translations": 20 }, "triangular": { "senses": [ "Shaped like a triangle", "Of, or pertaining to, triangles", "Having a triangle as a base", "Having three elements or parties", "trilateral, tripartite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "threeside" ], "word": "triangular", "num_translations": 56 }, "moratorium": { "senses": [ "An authorization to a debtor, permitting temporary suspension of payments", "A suspension of an ongoing activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus" ], "word": "moratorium", "num_translations": 33 }, "playhooky": { "senses": [ "To play truant", "to avoid school, work, or other duties", "to skive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:play truant" ], "word": "playhooky", "num_translations": 39 }, "bailout": { "senses": [ "To secure the release of an arrested person by providing bail money", "To remove water from a boat by scooping it out", "To rescue, especially financially", "To exit an aircraft while in flight", "To leave a place or a situation, especially quickly or when the situation has become undesirable", "To sell all or part of one's holdings in stocks, real estate, a business, etc", "To make an unscheduled voluntary termination of an underwater dive, usually implying the use of an alternative breathing gas supply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bailout", "num_translations": 39 }, "mushy": { "senses": [ "Resembling or having the consistency of mush", "semiliquid, pasty, or granular", "Soft", "squishy", "Overly sappy, corny, or cheesy", "maudlin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mushy", "num_translations": 18 }, "full-fledged": { "senses": [ "Having all its feathers", "able to fly", "Having full qualification, credentials or preparation", "entire", "real" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "full-blown", "full-bore", "holistic" ], "word": "full-fledged", "num_translations": 18 }, "rocketscience": { "senses": [ "The science or study of rockets and their design", "Anything overly complex, detailed or confusing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brain surgery" ], "word": "rocketscience", "num_translations": 10 }, "astrology": { "senses": [ "Divination about human affairs or natural phenomena from the relative positions of celestial bodies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "starcraft" ], "word": "astrology", "num_translations": 73 }, "youdon'tsay": { "senses": [ "really?", "no kidding!", "is that so?" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "really" ], "word": "youdon'tsay", "num_translations": 57 }, "comeback": { "senses": [ "To return to a place", "To return to one's possession, especially of memories", "To return to a former state, usually a desirable one", "to become fashionable once more", "To retort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comeback", "num_translations": 56 }, "amorous": { "senses": [ "Inclined or having a propensity to love, or to sexual enjoyment", "Indicating love or sexual desire", "Of or relating to, or produced by, love", "Affected with love", "in love", "enamored" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amorous", "num_translations": 58 }, "legendary": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a legend or to legends", "Appearing in legends", "Having the splendor of a legend", "fabled", "Having unimaginable greatness", "excellent to such an extent to evoke stories" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "legendary", "num_translations": 31 }, "solar": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the sun", "proceeding from the sun", "Born under the predominant influence of the sun", "Measured by the progress or revolution of the sun in the ecliptic", "Produced by the action of the sun, or peculiarly affected by its influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sunly" ], "word": "solar", "num_translations": 52 }, "loop": { "senses": [ "A length of thread, line or rope that is doubled over to make an opening", "The opening so formed", "A shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself", "A ring road or beltway", "An endless strip of tape or film allowing continuous repetition", "A complete circuit for an electric current", "A programmed sequence of instructions that is repeated until or while a particular condition is satisfied", "An edge that begins and ends on the same vertex", "A path that starts and ends at the same point", "A bus or rail route, walking route, etc that starts and ends at the same point", "A place at a terminus where trains or trams can turn round and go back the other way without having to reverse", "A quasigroup with an identity element", "An aerobatic maneuver in which an aircraft flies a circular path in a vertical plane", "A small, narrow opening", "alternative form of \"loup\"", "A flexible region in a protein's secondary structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "loop", "num_translations": 161 }, "loop1": { "senses": [ "To join electrical components to complete a circuit", "To duplicate the route of a pipeline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "loop", "num_translations": 14 }, "headwind": { "senses": [ "A wind that blows directly against the course of a vehicle, like an aircraft, train, or ship" ], "antonyms": [ "tailwind" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "headwind", "num_translations": 27 }, "-worthy": { "senses": [ "Of sufficient worth for", "deserving of", "Suitable or safe for", "capable of enduring or able to bear", "able to withstand", "Able to be", "fit to be", "-able", "Having the right, power, permission, or freedom to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-worthy", "num_translations": 17 }, "airworthy": { "senses": [ "Meeting standards for safe flight" ], "antonyms": [ "unflyable" ], "synonyms": [ "flyable", "flyworthy", "skyworthy" ], "word": "airworthy", "num_translations": 27 }, "blameworthy": { "senses": [ "Deserving blame or censure", "reprehensible" ], "antonyms": [ "praiseworthy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "blameworthy", "num_translations": 18 }, "praiseworthy": { "senses": [ "Meriting praise", "worthy of high praise" ], "antonyms": [ "blameworthy" ], "synonyms": [ "applaudable", "commendable", "laudable" ], "word": "praiseworthy", "num_translations": 27 }, "roadworthy": { "senses": [ "Being able to be driven, or suitable for driving, on the open road" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "street-legal" ], "word": "roadworthy", "num_translations": 12 }, "seaworthy": { "senses": [ "Fit for service at sea" ], "antonyms": [ "unseaworthy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "seaworthy", "num_translations": 12 }, "lifeless": { "senses": [ "inanimate", "having no life", "dead", "having lost life", "uninhabited, or incapable of supporting life", "dull or lacking vitality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lifeless", "num_translations": 27 }, "glare": { "senses": [ "An intense, blinding light", "Showy brilliance", "gaudiness", "An angry or fierce stare", "A call collision", "the situation where an incoming call occurs at the same time as an outgoing call", "A smooth, bright, glassy surface", "A viscous, transparent substance", "glair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glare", "num_translations": 43 }, "hotdog1": { "senses": [ "A sandwich consisting of a frankfurter, or wiener, in a bread roll, usually served with ketchup, mustard, relish, etc", "A sausage of the type used as a general ingredient in this sandwich", "A show-off or daredevil, especially in such sports as surfing, skateboarding, or skiing", "A battered, deep-fried sausage or saveloy on a stick", "a penis", "a physical gesture involving hip movement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hotdog", "num_translations": 100 }, "transcendental1": { "senses": [ "Concerned with the a priori or intuitive basis of knowledge, independent of experience", "Superior", "surpassing all others", "extraordinary", "transcendent", "Mystical or supernatural", "Not algebraic", "That contains elements that are not algebraic" ], "antonyms": [ "algebraic", "algebraic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "transcendental", "num_translations": 20 }, "transcendentalnumber": { "senses": [ "any irrational number that is not an algebraic number" ], "antonyms": [ "algebraic number" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "transcendentalnumber", "num_translations": 30 }, "irrationalnumber": { "senses": [ "Any real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers" ], "antonyms": [ "rational number" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "irrationalnumber", "num_translations": 32 }, "amaranth": { "senses": [ "An imaginary flower that does not wither", "The characteristic purplish-red colour of the flowers or leaves of these plants", "A red to purple azo dye used as a biological stain, and in some countries in cosmetics and as a food colouring", "The seed of these plants, used as a cereal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amaranth", "num_translations": 71 }, "pachyderm": { "senses": [ "An elephant", "A person with thick skin", "someone who is not affected by or does not care what others say about him or her", "Someone who is insensitive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pachyderm", "num_translations": 13 }, "chinesecharacter": { "senses": [ "Any character used in the written form of several languages of China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam", "A species of moth, Cilix glaucata" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Han character", "CJK character", "CJKV character", "Hanzi", "sinogram", "sinograph", "moonrunes" ], "word": "Chinesecharacter", "num_translations": 86 }, "improvement": { "senses": [ "The act of improving", "advancement or growth", "a bettering", "The act of making profitable use or application of anything, or the state of being profitably employed", "practical application, for example of a doctrine, principle, or theory, stated in a discourse", "The state of being improved", "betterment", "advance", "Something which is improved", "Increase", "growth", "progress", "advance", "Valuable additions or betterments, for example buildings, clearings, drains, fences, etc, on premises", ": A useful addition to, or modification of, a machine, manufacture, or composition" ], "antonyms": [ "worsening", "deterioration", "disimprovement" ], "synonyms": [ "improval" ], "word": "improvement", "num_translations": 49 }, "goallout": { "senses": [ "To reserve nothing", "to put forth all possible effort or resources" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "empty the tank" ], "word": "goallout", "num_translations": 10 }, "script": { "senses": [ "A writing", "a written document", "Written characters", "style of writing", "Type made in imitation of handwriting", "An original instrument or document", "The written document containing the dialogue and action for a drama", "the text of a stage play, movie, or other performance Especially, the final form used for the performance itself", "A file containing a list of user commands, allowing them to be invoked once to execute in sequence", "A system of writing adapted to a particular language or set of languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "script", "num_translations": 159 }, "thriller": { "senses": [ "Something that thrills", "A suspenseful, sensational genre of story, book, play or film" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pulp novel" ], "word": "thriller", "num_translations": 32 }, "machismo": { "senses": [ "exaggerated masculinity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "machoism", "machoness" ], "word": "machismo", "num_translations": 17 }, "compendium": { "senses": [ "A short, complete summary", "an abstract", "A list or collection of various items" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "encyclopedia", "cyclopedia" ], "word": "compendium", "num_translations": 21 }, "chili": { "senses": [ "The pungent, spicy fresh or dried fruit of any of several cultivated varieties of capsicum peppers, used especially to add heat, or as a flavouring in cooking", "associated with certain cuisines including Mexican, Tex-Mex, Indian, Thai and some parts of China", "A dish made with this fruit and other ingredients, such as beans and beef" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chili pepper", "chili con carne" ], "word": "chili", "num_translations": 109 }, "trundle1": { "senses": [ "To wheel or roll , especially by pushing, often slowly or heavily", "To transport using an object on wheels, especially one that is pushed", "To move heavily", "To move , often heavily or clumsily", "To move, often heavily or clumsily", "To cause to roll or revolve", "to roll along", "To roll or revolve", "to roll along" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trundle", "num_translations": 18 }, "frenetic": { "senses": [ "Fast, harried", "having extreme enthusiasm or energy", "Mentally deranged, insane", "Characterised by manifestations of delirium or madness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frantic" ], "word": "frenetic", "num_translations": 21 }, "frantic": { "senses": [ "Insane, mentally unstable", "In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush", "Extremely energetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frenetic" ], "word": "frantic", "num_translations": 39 }, "sloppy": { "senses": [ "Very wet", "covered in or composed of slop", "Messy", "not neat, elegant, or careful", "Imprecise or loose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:careless" ], "word": "sloppy", "num_translations": 52 }, "goo": { "senses": [ "Any semi-solid or liquid substance", "especially one that is sticky, gummy or slippery", "frequently of vague or unknown composition, slime or a bodily fluid", "Excessive, showy sentimentality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gloop" ], "word": "goo", "num_translations": 34 }, "gunk": { "senses": [ "dirt or grime", "any vague or unknown substance", "A subculture of 21st century American males, combining elements of modern gothic culture with punk rock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goo", "goop", "gunge", "muck", "grime" ], "word": "gunk", "num_translations": 20 }, "roundup": { "senses": [ "To gather together by riding around them", "To collect or gather together", "To round to the smallest integer that is not less than it, or to some other greater value, especially a whole number of hundreds, thousands, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "round down" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "roundup", "num_translations": 26 }, "messup": { "senses": [ "To make a mess of", "to untidy, disorder, soil, or muss", "To cause a problem with", "to introduce an error or mistake in", "to make muddled or confused", "spoil", "ruin", "To botch, bungle", "to perform poorly on", "To make a mistake", "to do something incorrectly", "to perform poorly", "To cause to make unwanted mistakes in a given task, usually through distraction or obnoxious behavior", "To damage", "injure", "To manhandle", "beat up", "rough up", "To discombobulate, utterly confuse, or confound psychologically", "to throw into a state of mental disarray" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fuck up", "fuck up", "gum", "fuck up", "screw up", "fuck up", "fuck up", "fuck up" ], "word": "messup", "num_translations": 57 }, "mastitis": { "senses": [ "Inflammation of a breast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mammitis" ], "word": "mastitis", "num_translations": 18 }, "spill": { "senses": [ "To drop something so that it spreads out or makes a mess", "to accidentally pour", "To spread out or fall out, as above", "To drop something that was intended to be caught", "To mar", "to damage", "to destroy by misuse", "to waste", "To be destroyed, ruined, or wasted", "to come to ruin", "to perish", "to waste", "To cause to flow out and be lost or wasted", "to shed", "To cover or decorate with slender pieces of wood, metal, ivory, etc", "to inlay", "To relieve a sail from the pressure of the wind, so that it can be more easily reefed or furled, or to lessen the strain", "To open the leadership of a parliamentary party for re-election", "To reveal information to an uninformed party", "To come undone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spill", "num_translations": 80 }, "stumble": { "senses": [ "A fall, trip or substantial misstep", "An error or blunder", "A clumsy walk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blooper", "blunder", "boo-boo", "defect", "error", "fault", "faux pas", "fluff", "gaffe", "lapse", "mistake", "slip", "thinko", "Thesaurus:error" ], "word": "stumble", "num_translations": 38 }, "stumble1": { "senses": [ "To trip or fall", "to walk clumsily", "To make a mistake or have trouble", "To mislead", "to confound", "to cause to err or to fall", "To strike or happen without design", "to fall or light by chance", "with on, upon, or against" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stumble", "num_translations": 49 }, "youcan'tteachanolddognewtricks": { "senses": [ "It is impossible to change people's habits, traits or mindset" ], "antonyms": [ "it's never too late to mend", "you're never too old to learn" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "youcan'tteachanolddognewtricks", "num_translations": 23 }, "youcan'tjudgeabookbyitscover": { "senses": [ "It is not possible to make reliable judgments about things or people by considering external appearances alone" ], "antonyms": [ "fine feathers make fine birds" ], "synonyms": [ "clothes don't make the man" ], "word": "youcan'tjudgeabookbyitscover", "num_translations": 29 }, "motto": { "senses": [ "A sentence, phrase, or word, forming part of an heraldic achievement", "A sentence, phrase, or word, prefixed to an essay, discourse, chapter, canto, or the like, suggestive of its subject matter", "a short, suggestive expression of a guiding principle", "a maxim" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "motto", "num_translations": 117 }, "decimalnumber": { "senses": [ "A number expressed in the decimal system , fractional numbers so represented" ], "antonyms": [ "fraction" ], "synonyms": [ "decimal", "denary", "base" ], "word": "decimalnumber", "num_translations": 24 }, "bakingsoda": { "senses": [ "Sodium bicarbonate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sodium bicarbonate", "sodium hydrogencarbonate", "sodium bicarb", "bread soda", "cooking soda", "bicarb soda", "bicarbonate of soda", "bicarb" ], "word": "bakingsoda", "num_translations": 27 }, "sodiumbicarbonate": { "senses": [ "A salt of sodium hydroxide and carbonic acid, NaHCO3", "This salt used in cooking as a raising agent, as an antacid, a cleaner, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bicarbonate of soda", "baking soda", "bread soda", "E500", "sodium hydrogen carbonate" ], "word": "sodiumbicarbonate", "num_translations": 44 }, "repetition": { "senses": [ "The act or an instance of repeating or being repeated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repetition", "recurrence" ], "word": "repetition", "num_translations": 61 }, "summit": { "senses": [ "A peak", "the topmost point or surface, as of a mountain", "A gathering or assembly of leaders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acme" ], "word": "summit", "num_translations": 164 }, "gathering": { "senses": [ "A meeting or get-together", "a party or social function", "A group of people or things", "A section, a group of bifolios, or sheets of paper, stacked together and folded in half", "A charitable contribution", "a collection", "A tumor or boil suppurated or maturated", "an abscess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gathering", "num_translations": 69 }, "gettogether": { "senses": [ "to meet, to gather together, to congregate", "to accumulate, to gather", "to agree", "To start dating", "to start being a couple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gettogether", "num_translations": 10 }, "constantly": { "senses": [ "With steadfastness", "with resolve", "in loyalty, faithfully", "In a constant manner", "occurring continuously", "persistently", "Recurring regularly", "In an unchangeable or invariable manner", "in every case" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceaselessly", "consistently" ], "word": "constantly", "num_translations": 49 }, "retirement": { "senses": [ "An act of retiring", "withdrawal", "The state of being retired", "seclusion", "The portion of one's life after retiring from one's career", "A place of seclusion or privacy", "a place to which one withdraws or retreats", "a private abode" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "departure", "privacy", "retreat" ], "word": "retirement", "num_translations": 61 }, "clarify": { "senses": [ "To make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter", "To make clear", "to free from obscurities", "to brighten or illuminate", "To grow or become clear or transparent", "to become free from feculent impurities, as wine or other liquid under clarification", "To grow clear or bright", "to clear up", "To glorify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "get something straight" ], "word": "clarify", "num_translations": 61 }, "expedition": { "senses": [ "The act of expediting something", "prompt execution", "A military journey", "an enterprise against some enemy or into enemy territory", "The quality of being expedite", "speed, quickness", "An important or long journey, for example a march or a voyage", "A trip, especially a long one, made by a person or a group of people for a specific purpose", "The group of people making such excursion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "expedition", "num_translations": 37 }, "compoundword": { "senses": [ "A word composed of two or more stems Examples include pancake, two-tone and school bus - in English, it may or may not have a space or hyphen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compound" ], "word": "compoundword", "num_translations": 66 }, "discourse": { "senses": [ "Verbal exchange, conversation", "Expression in words, either speech or writing", "A formal lengthy exposition of some subject, either spoken or written", "Any rational expression, reason", "An institutionalized way of thinking, a social boundary defining what can be said about a specific topic", "Dealing", "transaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "communication", "debate", "dissertation", "ratiocination" ], "word": "discourse", "num_translations": 118 }, "discourse1": { "senses": [ "To engage in discussion or conversation", "to converse", "To write or speak formally and at length", "To debate", "To exercise reason", "to employ the mind in judging and inferring", "to reason", "To produce or emit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "converse" ], "word": "discourse", "num_translations": 26 }, "skillet": { "senses": [ "A pan for frying, generally large and heavy", "A dish or meal cooked in such a pan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frying pan" ], "word": "skillet", "num_translations": 22 }, "flipthebird": { "senses": [ "flip bird", "To make a rude or obscene gesture", "particularly, to extend the middle finger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flick off" ], "word": "flipthebird", "num_translations": 12 }, "flyoffthehandle": { "senses": [ "to become very angry or enraged", "to throw a fit or go crazy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lose one's temper" ], "word": "flyoffthehandle", "num_translations": 18 }, "transcribe": { "senses": [ "To convert a representation of language, typically speech but also sign language, etc, to another representation The term now usually implies the conversion of speech to text by a human transcriptionist with the assistance of a computer for word processing and sometimes also for speech recognition, the process of a computer interpreting speech and converting it to text", "To make such a conversion from live or recorded speech to text", "To transfer data from one recording medium to another", "To adapt a composition for a voice or instrument other than the original", "to notate live or recorded music", "To cause DNA to undergo transcription", "To represent speech by phonetic symbols" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transcribe", "num_translations": 37 }, "tonal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the general character, mood, or trend of something", "Employing tones that have a predictable relationship to some tonic", "Employing differences in pitch to distinguish differences in the meaning of otherwise similar words" ], "antonyms": [ "atonal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tonal", "num_translations": 12 }, "surpass": { "senses": [ "To go beyond, especially in a metaphoric or technical manner", "to exceed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exceed", "exceed" ], "word": "surpass", "num_translations": 48 }, "mischief": { "senses": [ "Conduct that playfully causes petty annoyance", "A playfully annoying action", "A group or a pack of rats", "Harm or injury:", "The Devil", "used as an expletive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agitation", "annoyance", "corruption", "damage", "demolition", "destruction", "detriment", "disablement", "disruption", "evil", "harm", "hurt", "ill", "impairment", "incapacitation", "injury", "nuisance", "pique", "ravage", "sabotage", "scathe", "trouble", "undoing", "unmaking", "vexation", "weakening", "wrong" ], "word": "mischief", "num_translations": 126 }, "letthecatoutofthebag": { "senses": [ "To disclose a secret", "to let a secret be known, often inadvertently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spill the beans" ], "word": "letthecatoutofthebag", "num_translations": 23 }, "dogcart": { "senses": [ "A cart drawn by a dog", "A two wheeled horse-drawn carriage with two transverse seats back to back The rear seat originally closed up to form a box for carrying dogs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Appendix:Carriages" ], "word": "dogcart", "num_translations": 14 }, "sweater": { "senses": [ "A knitted jacket or jersey, usually of thick wool, worn by athletes before or after exercise", "A similar garment worn for warmth", "One who sweats", "One who or that which causes to sweat", "A diaphoretic remedy", "A middleman who subcontracted piece work in the tailoring trade", "One who sweats coins, ie removes small portions by shaking them", "A London street ruffian in Queen Anne's time who prodded weak passengers with his sword-point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweatshirt", "jumper", "perspirer", "exploiter" ], "word": "sweater", "num_translations": 147 }, "estrange": { "senses": [ "To cause to feel less close or friendly", "alienate To cease contact with", "To remove from an accustomed place or set of associations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alienate", "wean" ], "word": "estrange", "num_translations": 31 }, "disclose": { "senses": [ "To open up, unfasten", "To uncover, physically expose to view", "To expose to the knowledge of others", "to make known, state openly, reveal" ], "antonyms": [ "cover up", "withhold" ], "synonyms": [ "bring to light", "impart" ], "word": "disclose", "num_translations": 53 }, "sincere": { "senses": [ "Genuine", "meaning what one says or does", "heartfelt", "Meant truly or earnestly", "clean", "pure" ], "antonyms": [ "insincere" ], "synonyms": [ "earnest" ], "word": "sincere", "num_translations": 71 }, "lenient": { "senses": [ "Lax", "not strict", "tolerant of dissent or deviation" ], "antonyms": [ "strict", "severe", "stringent" ], "synonyms": [ "lax" ], "word": "lenient", "num_translations": 36 }, "patent": { "senses": [ "A declaration issued by a government agency declaring someone the inventor of a new invention and having the privilege of stopping others from making, using or selling the claimed invention", "A specific grant of ownership of a piece of property", "License", "formal permission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "patent", "num_translations": 41 }, "patent2": { "senses": [ "Open, unobstructed, expanded", "Explicit and obvious", "That is fine, and consists mostly of the inner part of the endosperm", "Open", "unconcealed", "conspicuous", "Open to public perusal", "said of a document conferring some right or privilege" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "express", "overt" ], "word": "patent", "num_translations": 14 }, "lax1": { "senses": [ "Lenient and allowing for deviation", "not strict", "Loose", "not tight or taut", "Lacking care", "neglectful, negligent", "Having a looseness of the bowels", "diarrheal", "Describing an associative monoidal functor" ], "antonyms": [ "strict", "taut" ], "synonyms": [ "permissive", "loose", "blameworthy" ], "word": "lax", "num_translations": 60 }, "androgynous": { "senses": [ "Possessing the sex organs of both sexes", "Pertaining to a feature or characteristic that is not definitively of either sex", "Possessing qualities of both sexes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epicene" ], "word": "androgynous", "num_translations": 32 }, "contemporaneous": { "senses": [ "Existing or created in the same period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coeval" ], "word": "contemporaneous", "num_translations": 24 }, "putthecartbeforethehorse": { "senses": [ "To put things in the wrong order or with the wrong priorities", "to put something inconsequential as more important than something more essential" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ass-backwards", "hysteron proteron", "tail wagging the dog" ], "word": "putthecartbeforethehorse", "num_translations": 26 }, "cringe1": { "senses": [ "To shrink, cower, tense or recoil, as in fear, disgust or embarrassment", "To bow or crouch in servility", "To contract", "to draw together", "to cause to shrink or wrinkle", "to distort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cringe", "num_translations": 23 }, "mothertongue": { "senses": [ "The language one first learned", "the language one grew up with", "one's native language", "The language spoken by one's ancestors", "The language spoken by one's mother, when it differs from that spoken by one's father", "Informal speech, as opposed to educated language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mothertongue", "num_translations": 136 }, "monosyllabic": { "senses": [ "Consisting of one syllable", "Using monosyllables, speaking in monosyllables", "curt" ], "antonyms": [ "polysyllabic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "monosyllabic", "num_translations": 45 }, "flail": { "senses": [ "A tool used for threshing, consisting of a long handle with a shorter stick attached with a short piece of chain, thong or similar material", "A weapon which has the striking part attached to the handle with a flexible joint such as a chain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "threshel" ], "word": "flail", "num_translations": 72 }, "dualism": { "senses": [ "Duality", "the condition of being double", "The view that the world consists of, or is explicable in terms of, two fundamental principles, such as mind and matter or good and evil", "The belief that the world is ruled by a pair of antagonistic forces, such as good and evil", "the belief that man has two basic natures, the physical and the spiritual", "The theory, originated by Lavoisier and developed by Berzelius, that all definite compounds are binary in their nature, and consist of two distinct constituents, themselves simple or complex, and having opposite chemical or electrical affinities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dualism", "num_translations": 32 }, "traduce": { "senses": [ "To malign a person or entity by making malicious and false or defamatory statements", "To pass on", "to transmit", "To pass into another form of expression", "to rephrase, to translate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defame", "hand down", "translate", "Thesaurus:defame" ], "word": "traduce", "num_translations": 28 }, "malign": { "senses": [ "Malevolent" ], "antonyms": [ "benign" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "malign", "num_translations": 23 }, "defamatory": { "senses": [ "damaging to someone's reputation, especially if untrue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defamatory" ], "word": "defamatory", "num_translations": 23 }, "claw1": { "senses": [ "To scratch or to tear at", "To move with one's fingertips", "To relieve uneasy feeling, such as an itch, by scratching", "hence, to humor or flatter, to court someone", "To rail at", "to scold", "To flatter", "to fawn on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "claw", "num_translations": 48 }, "grumpy": { "senses": [ "Dissatisfied and irritable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cantankerous", "crabby", "cranky", "grouchy", "surly", "truculent", "Thesaurus:irritable" ], "word": "grumpy", "num_translations": 46 }, "convertible": { "senses": [ "Able to be converted, particularly:" ], "antonyms": [ "inconvertible" ], "synonyms": [ "equivalent" ], "word": "convertible", "num_translations": 23 }, "convertible1": { "senses": [ "Interchangeable things or terms", "A computer able to convert from laptop to tablet and back again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cabriolet" ], "word": "convertible", "num_translations": 32 }, "privateparts": { "senses": [ "Genitals and female nipples" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "privates" ], "word": "privateparts", "num_translations": 25 }, "whinge1": { "senses": [ "A cry", "A peevish complaint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:complain" ], "word": "whinge", "num_translations": 20 }, "transverse": { "senses": [ "Situated or lying across", "side to side, relative to some defined \"forward\" direction", "identified with movement across areas", "Not tangent: so that a nondegenerate angle is formed between the two things intersecting" ], "antonyms": [ "longitudinal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "transverse", "num_translations": 22 }, "well-to-do": { "senses": [ "Rich, prosperous, financially stable and comfortable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affluent", "flush", "loaded", "wealthy", "well-fixed", "well-heeled", "well-off", "well-situated", "Thesaurus:wealthy" ], "word": "well-to-do", "num_translations": 20 }, "badness": { "senses": [ "The quality or degree of being bad" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:badness" ], "word": "badness", "num_translations": 17 }, "playpossum": { "senses": [ "to feign death", "to remain quiet and still to escape attention or remain undetected", "to lie low", "to feign sleep, illness, etc", "to dissemble or to feign ignorance", "to disguise or conceal something in order to deceive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "act possum" ], "word": "playpossum", "num_translations": 12 }, "trifling": { "senses": [ "Trivial, or of little importance", "Idle or frivolous", "Of suspicious character, typically secretive or deceitful", "shady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trivial", "inconsequential", "petty", "Thesaurus:insignificant" ], "word": "trifling", "num_translations": 28 }, "ramshackle": { "senses": [ "In disrepair or disorder", "poorly maintained", "lacking upkeep, usually of buildings or vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ramshackle" ], "word": "ramshackle", "num_translations": 30 }, "theremin": { "senses": [ "An electronic musical instrument that generates sound of varying pitch and volume depending on the proximity of the musician's hands to two antennae mounted on the instrument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u00e6therphone" ], "word": "theremin", "num_translations": 26 }, "captious": { "senses": [ "That captures", "especially, designed to capture or entrap in misleading arguments", "sophistical", "Having a disposition to find fault unreasonably or to raise petty objections", "cavilling, nitpicky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "captious", "num_translations": 48 }, "suffuse": { "senses": [ "To spread through or over something, especially as a liquid, colour or light", "to bathe", "To spread through or over in the manner of a liquid", "To pour underneath" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diffuse" ], "word": "suffuse", "num_translations": 10 }, "sable": { "senses": [ "A small carnivorous mammal of the Old World that resembles a weasel, Martes zibellina, from cold regions in Eurasia and the North Pacific islands, valued for its dark brown fur", "The marten, especially Martes americana", "a coat made from this fur", "A black colour on a coat of arms", "Black garments, especially worn in mourning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sable", "num_translations": 103 }, "sable1": { "senses": [ ": In blazon, of the colour black", "Dark, somber", "Dark-skinned", "black" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black" ], "word": "sable", "num_translations": 22 }, "transfusion": { "senses": [ "The transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another", "The act of pouring liquid from one vessel to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blood transfusion" ], "word": "transfusion", "num_translations": 21 }, "transgress": { "senses": [ "To exceed or overstep some limit or boundary", "To act in violation of some law", "To commit an offense", "to sin", "To spread over land along a shoreline", "to inundate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forpass" ], "word": "transgress", "num_translations": 17 }, "splithairs1": { "senses": [ "To consider or argue about fine details", "to worry about minutiae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cavil" ], "word": "splithairs", "num_translations": 16 }, "treason": { "senses": [ "The crime of betraying one's own country", "An act of treachery, betrayal of trust or confidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "betrayal", "perfidiousness", "perfidy", "treacherousness", "treachery" ], "word": "treason", "num_translations": 148 }, "opticalcharacterrecognition": { "senses": [ "The electronic identification and digital encoding of printed or handwritten characters by means of an optical scanner and specialized software" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OCR" ], "word": "opticalcharacterrecognition", "num_translations": 15 }, "palpate": { "senses": [ "To examine or otherwise explore through touch, particularly in reference to an area or organ of the human body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "touch" ], "word": "palpate", "num_translations": 11 }, "fearful": { "senses": [ "Frightening", "Tending to fear", "timid", "Terrible", "shockingly bad", "Frightened", "filled with terror" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frightened", "Thesaurus:afraid", "Thesaurus:cowardly" ], "word": "fearful", "num_translations": 74 }, "frightening": { "senses": [ "Causing fear", "of capable of causing fear", "scary", "Awful, terrible, very bad" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frightening" ], "word": "frightening", "num_translations": 46 }, "mumble": { "senses": [ "To speak unintelligibly or inaudibly", "to fail to articulate", "To chew something gently with closed lips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mutter" ], "word": "mumble", "num_translations": 39 }, "headstart": { "senses": [ "An advantage consisting in starting a competition or task earlier than might be expected", "given , for example, prior to the beginning of a race", "A factor conducive to superiority and success" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forestart" ], "word": "headstart", "num_translations": 19 }, "genealogy": { "senses": [ "The descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or ancestors", "lineage or pedigree", "A record or table of such descent", "a family tree", "The study, and formal recording of such descents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pedigree" ], "word": "genealogy", "num_translations": 97 }, "genealogical": { "senses": [ "of or relating to genealogy", "Of the relationships among individuals within a species", "Genetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tokogenetic" ], "word": "genealogical", "num_translations": 16 }, "seeing1": { "senses": [ "Having vision", "not blind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sighted" ], "word": "seeing", "num_translations": 11 }, "dilapidated1": { "senses": [ "Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, especially through neglect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ramshackle" ], "word": "dilapidated", "num_translations": 44 }, "indusvalleycivilization": { "senses": [ "an ancient civilization from the Indus river valley", "also the Harappan civilization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Indus Civilization", "Harappan civilization" ], "word": "IndusValleyCivilization", "num_translations": 18 }, "influx": { "senses": [ "A flow inward or into something", "a coming in", "That which flows or comes in", "influence", "power" ], "antonyms": [ "efflux" ], "synonyms": [ "instreaming" ], "word": "influx", "num_translations": 29 }, "inward": { "senses": [ "Situated on the inside", "that is within, inner", "belonging to the inside", "Intimate, closely acquainted", "familiar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inward", "num_translations": 16 }, "unisex": { "senses": [ "Designed to be suitable for any sex or gender", "Not distinguished on the basis of sex or gender" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epicene" ], "word": "unisex", "num_translations": 24 }, "fragrant": { "senses": [ "Sweet-smelling", "having a pleasant scent or fragrance" ], "antonyms": [ "fetid" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fragrant", "num_translations": 63 }, "commentout": { "senses": [ "To disable a section of source code by converting it into a comment" ], "antonyms": [ "uncomment" ], "synonyms": [ "rem out" ], "word": "commentout", "num_translations": 14 }, "roundtrip": { "senses": [ "A trip from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location" ], "antonyms": [ "one-way" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "roundtrip", "num_translations": 20 }, "mechatronics": { "senses": [ "The synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering and software engineering for the study of automata from an engineering perspective and the control of advanced hybrid systems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "electromechanical systems" ], "word": "mechatronics", "num_translations": 17 }, "heedful": { "senses": [ "taking heed", "paying close attention", "mindful" ], "antonyms": [ "heedless" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heedful", "num_translations": 10 }, "turkishbath": { "senses": [ "A Middle-Eastern-style steam bath followed by a dip in cool water and massage", "An establishment where these facilities are available" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hammam" ], "word": "Turkishbath", "num_translations": 52 }, "pictogram": { "senses": [ "A picture that represents a word or an idea by illustration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pictograph", "hieroglyph" ], "word": "pictogram", "num_translations": 25 }, "midwife": { "senses": [ "A person, usually a woman, who is trained to assist women in childbirth, but who is not a physician", "Someone who assists in bringing about some result or project" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accoucheuse" ], "word": "midwife", "num_translations": 153 }, "impede": { "senses": [ "To get in the way of", "to hinder" ], "antonyms": [ "assist", "expede", "expedite" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "impede", "num_translations": 37 }, "biased": { "senses": [ "Exhibiting bias", "prejudiced", "Angled at a slant", "On which an electrical bias is applied", "Exhibiting a systematic distortion of results due to a factor not allowed for in its derivation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "biased", "num_translations": 52 }, "privilege": { "senses": [ "An exemption from certain laws granted by the Pope", "A particular benefit, advantage, or favor", "a right or immunity enjoyed by some but not others", "a prerogative, preferential treatment", "An especially rare or fortunate opportunity", "the good fortune", "the status or existence of benefit or advantage within a given society", "A right or immunity enjoyed by a legislative body or its members", "A stock market option", "A common law doctrine that protects certain communications from being used as evidence in court", "An ability to perform an action on the system that can be selectively granted or denied to users" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "claim" ], "word": "privilege", "num_translations": 74 }, "privilege1": { "senses": [ "To grant some particular right or exemption to", "to invest with a peculiar right or immunity", "to authorize", "to exempt", "to deliver" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "privilege", "num_translations": 12 }, "grievance": { "senses": [ "Something which causes grief", "A wrong or hardship suffered, which is the grounds of a complaint", "Feelings of being wronged", "outrage", "A complaint or annoyance", "A formal complaint, especially in the context of a unionized workplace", "Violation of regulations or objectionable behavior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grievance", "num_translations": 51 }, "budget": { "senses": [ "The amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame", "An itemized summary of intended expenditure", "usually coupled with expected revenue", "A wallet, purse or bag", "A compact collection of things", "A socket in which the end of a cavalry carbine rests" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "budget", "num_translations": 144 }, "aboveground": { "senses": [ "On or above the surface of the ground", "Not dead and buried", "alive", "Not of or relating to the social or political underground", "in the open", "existing within or produced by the establishment" ], "antonyms": [ "belowground", "underground" ], "synonyms": [ "superterranean", "kicking", "mainstream" ], "word": "aboveground", "num_translations": 15 }, "fuckyou1": { "senses": [ "An insulting and humiliating action against somebody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:go away" ], "word": "fuckyou", "num_translations": 95 }, "proclivity": { "senses": [ "A predisposition or natural inclination, propensity, or a predilection", "especially, a strong disposition or bent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penchant" ], "word": "proclivity", "num_translations": 26 }, "percolate": { "senses": [ "To pass a liquid through a porous substance", "to filter", "To drain or seep through a porous substance", "To make in a percolator", "To spread slowly or gradually", "to slowly become noticed or realised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "percolate", "num_translations": 61 }, "complaint": { "senses": [ "The act of complaining", "A grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern", "In a civil action, the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim is based", ", The purpose is to give notice to the adversary of the nature and basis of the claim asserted", "In criminal law, the preliminary charge or accusation made by one person against another to the appropriate court or officer, usually a magistrate, However, court proceedings, such as a trial, cannot be instituted until an indictment or information has been handed down against the defendant", "A bodily disorder or disease", "the symptom of such a disorder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "criminal complaint", "complaint of an offence/offense", "(penal) charge", "(criminal) charges", "criminal information", "informing the police/authorities", "notification of the police/authorities", "reporting an offence/offense to the police/authorities" ], "word": "complaint", "num_translations": 121 }, "induce": { "senses": [ "To lead by persuasion or influence", "incite or prevail upon", "To cause, bring about, lead to", "To cause or produce by a physical process of induction", "To infer by induction", "To lead in, bring in, introduce", "To draw on, place upon" ], "antonyms": [ "deduce" ], "synonyms": [ "entice", "bring about" ], "word": "induce", "num_translations": 44 }, "spectator": { "senses": [ "One who watches an event", "especially, one held outdoors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "audience", "observer", "crowd" ], "word": "spectator", "num_translations": 90 }, "conscript2": { "senses": [ "To enrol compulsorily", "to draft", "to induct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draft" ], "word": "conscript", "num_translations": 17 }, "macroeconomics": { "senses": [ "The study of the entire economy in terms of the total amount of goods and services produced, total income earned, the level of employment of productive resources, and the general behavior of prices" ], "antonyms": [ "microeconomics" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "macroeconomics", "num_translations": 36 }, "peeler1": { "senses": [ "One who peels", "A device for peeling fruit or vegetables", "Something to be peeled", "Something that is peeling, about to peel, or prone to peeling", "An ideal wave", "A plant which impoverishes the soil by demanding high value nutrients and so requires the use of fertilizers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peeler", "num_translations": 18 }, "amplification": { "senses": [ "The act, or result of amplifying, enlarging, extending or adding", "The act, or result of independently increasing some quantity, especially voltage, power or current", "Gain", "The using of the polymerase chain reaction for isolating and exponentially amplifying a fragment or sequence of DNA", "A procedure used in the nomenclature of complex organic compounds in which the superatoms of a basic structure are replaced by cyclic structures", "A translation technique that involves adding content that is not present in the source text to the target text, usually to improve the fluency of the translation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amplification", "num_translations": 65 }, "fuckall": { "senses": [ "Nothing at all or very little" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bugger all", "sod all", "jack-all", "Fanny Adams" ], "word": "fuckall", "num_translations": 13 }, "outdated": { "senses": [ "Out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated", "Out of date", "not the latest", "obsolete" ], "antonyms": [ "modern", "current" ], "synonyms": [ "parachronistic", "superseded", "Thesaurus:obsolete" ], "word": "outdated", "num_translations": 43 }, "microcosm": { "senses": [ "Human nature or the human body as representative of the wider universe", "man considered as a miniature counterpart of divine or universal nature", "The human body", "a person", "A smaller system which is seen as representative of a larger one", "A small natural ecosystem", "an artificial ecosystem set up as an experimental model" ], "antonyms": [ "macrocosm" ], "synonyms": [ "worldkin", "epitome", "exemplar", "paradigm" ], "word": "microcosm", "num_translations": 55 }, "transitional": { "senses": [ "of, or relating to a transition", "temporary", "pending the implementation of something new" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provisional", "provisory" ], "word": "transitional", "num_translations": 18 }, "conduit": { "senses": [ "A pipe or channel for conveying water etc", "A duct or tube into which electrical cables may be pulled", "a type of raceway", "A means by which something is transmitted", "An investment vehicle that issues short-term commercial paper to finance long-term off-balance sheet bank assets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conduit", "num_translations": 73 }, "laydown": { "senses": [ "To give up, surrender, or yield , usually by placing it on the ground", "To intentionally take a fall while riding a motorcycle, in order to prevent a more serious collision", "To specify, institute, enact, assert firmly, state authoritatively, establish or formulate", "To stock, store for the future See also lay by", "To euthanize an animal", "To lie down", "to place oneself in a reclined or horizontal position, on a bed or similar, for the purpose of resting", "To draw the lines of a ship's hull at full size, before starting a build" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "laydown", "num_translations": 18 }, "rib": { "senses": [ "Any of a series of long curved bones occurring in 12 pairs in humans and other animals and extending from the spine to or toward the sternum", "Any of several curved members attached to a ship's keel and extending upward and outward to form the framework of the hull", "Any of several transverse pieces that provide an aircraft wing with shape and strength", "A long, narrow, usually arched member projecting from the surface of a structure, especially such a member separating the webs of a vault", "A raised ridge in knitted material or in cloth", "The main, or any of the prominent veins of a leaf", "A teasing joke", "A single strand of hair", "A stalk of celery", "A wife or woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rib", "num_translations": 180 }, "nosebleed": { "senses": [ "A haemorrhage from the nose", "most specifically, blood flow exiting the nostrils that originates from the nasal cavity", "a nerd or a geek or a dork" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epistaxis" ], "word": "nosebleed", "num_translations": 35 }, "repentance": { "senses": [ "The condition of being penitent", "A feeling of regret or remorse for doing wrong or sinning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compunction", "contrition", "penitence", "remorse", "Thesaurus:remorse" ], "word": "repentance", "num_translations": 45 }, "remorse": { "senses": [ "A feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning", "Sorrow", "pity", "compassion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agenbite", "Thesaurus:remorse" ], "word": "remorse", "num_translations": 50 }, "fryingpan": { "senses": [ "A long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pan for frying food", "or" ], "word": "fryingpan", "num_translations": 123 }, "diplomat": { "senses": [ "A person, such as an ambassador, who is accredited to represent a government officially in its relations with other governments or international organisations", "Someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diplomatist" ], "word": "diplomat", "num_translations": 97 }, "broken-down": { "senses": [ "Which has broken down and, as a result, is no longer in working order", "Not properly maintained", "neglected", "Ruined in character or strength" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:out of order", "Thesaurus:ramshackle" ], "word": "broken-down", "num_translations": 16 }, "ruinous": { "senses": [ "Causing ruin", "destructive, calamitous", "Extremely costly", "so expensive as to cause financial ruin", "Characterized by ruin", "ruined", "dilapidated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ramshackle" ], "word": "ruinous", "num_translations": 11 }, "environmentalist": { "senses": [ "One who holds the view that environment, rather than heredity or culture, is the primary factor in the development of an individual or group", "One who advocates for the protection of the biosphere from misuse from human activity through such measures as ecosystem protection, waste reduction and pollution prevention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "greenie" ], "word": "environmentalist", "num_translations": 27 }, "rapacious": { "senses": [ "Voracious", "avaricious", "Given to taking by force or plundering", "aggressively greedy", "Subsisting off live prey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:greedy" ], "word": "rapacious", "num_translations": 26 }, "extinguish": { "senses": [ "to put out, as in fire", "to end burning", "to quench", "to destroy or abolish something", "to obscure or eclipse something", "to bring about the extinction of a conditioned reflex", "to hunt down to extinction", "To die out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "put out", "Thesaurus:destroy" ], "word": "extinguish", "num_translations": 101 }, "juror": { "senses": [ "A member of a jury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jurat" ], "word": "juror", "num_translations": 50 }, "inimical": { "senses": [ "Harmful in effect", "Unfriendly, hostile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inimic" ], "word": "inimical", "num_translations": 28 }, "inscrutable": { "senses": [ "Difficult or impossible to comprehend, fathom or interpret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ineffable" ], "word": "inscrutable", "num_translations": 41 }, "palliate1": { "senses": [ "To relieve the symptoms of", "to ameliorate", "To hide or disguise", "To cover or disguise the seriousness of by excuses and apologies", "To lessen the severity of", "to extenuate, moderate, qualify", "To placate or mollify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "palliate", "num_translations": 40 }, "oneiric": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to dreams", "Resembling a dream", "dreamlike" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dreamish", "dreamlike", "dreamy" ], "word": "oneiric", "num_translations": 24 }, "algebraic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to, algebra", "Containing only numbers, letters and arithmetic operators", "Which is a root of some polynomial whose coefficients are rational", "Whose every element is a root of some polynomial whose coefficients are rational", "Describing squares by file and rank, both with reference to a fixed point rather than a player-dependent perspective" ], "antonyms": [ "transcendental", "transcendental" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "algebraic", "num_translations": 34 }, "portend": { "senses": [ "To serve as a warning or omen of", "To signify", "to denote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foreshadow", "presage" ], "word": "portend", "num_translations": 35 }, "delve": { "senses": [ "To dig the ground, especially with a shovel", "To search thoroughly and carefully for information, research, dig into, penetrate, fathom, trace out", "To dig, to excavate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dig", "investigate" ], "word": "delve", "num_translations": 52 }, "modicum": { "senses": [ "A small, modest or trifling amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "iota", "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "modicum", "num_translations": 21 }, "transom": { "senses": [ "A crosspiece over a door", "a lintel", "A horizontal dividing bar in a window", "Any of several transverse structural members in a ship, especially at the stern", "a thwart", "The horizontal beam on a cross or gallows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transom", "num_translations": 33 }, "one-wayticket": { "senses": [ "A ticket granting permission to travel to a place but not back", "A course of action from which there is no way back" ], "antonyms": [ "round-trip ticket", "return ticket" ], "synonyms": [ "single ticket" ], "word": "one-wayticket", "num_translations": 26 }, "cheyenne": { "senses": [ "An indigenous people of the Great Plains in North America", "The > and largest > of >, > and the > of >", "named for the people", "river c/US", "flowing 295 miles from the confluence of the Antelope and Dry Fork creeks in Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming into Lake Oahe, a reservoir of the Missouri River, at Mission Ridge, South Dakota", "town/county seat co/Roger Mills County s/Oklahoma c/US", "female given name of modern American usage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Cheyenne", "num_translations": 13 }, "pertinacious": { "senses": [ "Holding tenaciously to an opinion or purpose", "Stubbornly resolute or tenacious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "pertinacious", "num_translations": 11 }, "platitude": { "senses": [ "An often-quoted saying that is supposed to be meaningful but has become unoriginal or hackneyed through overuse", "a clich\u00e9", "Unoriginality", "triteness", "A claim that is trivially true, to the point of being uninteresting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clich\u00e9", "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "platitude", "num_translations": 56 }, "setup": { "senses": [ "Equipment designed for a particular purpose", "an apparatus", "The fashion in which something is organized or arranged", "A situation orchestrated to frame someone", "a covert effort to place the blame on somebody", "An installer", "The process of arranging resources for performing a specific operation, as a run of a particular product" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apparatus", "configuration", "frameup" ], "word": "setup", "num_translations": 39 }, "skint": { "senses": [ "Penniless, poor, impecunious, broke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "skint", "num_translations": 16 }, "transatlantic": { "senses": [ "On, spanning or crossing, or from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean" ], "antonyms": [ "Cisatlantic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "transatlantic", "num_translations": 11 }, "transparence": { "senses": [ "The state of being transparent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transparency" ], "word": "transparence", "num_translations": 10 }, "transparency": { "senses": [ "The quality of being transparent", "transparence", "Openness", "accessibility to scrutiny", "A translucent film-like material with an image imprinted on it, viewable by shining light through it", "A transparent object", "Sufficient accuracy to make the compressed result perceptually indistinguishable from the uncompressed input" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "transparency", "num_translations": 42 }, "goosepimple": { "senses": [ "One of a group of small bumps on the skin caused by the involuntary erection of hairs in response to cold or fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goose bumps" ], "word": "goosepimple", "num_translations": 49 }, "bagofbones": { "senses": [ "A skinny, malnourished person or animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rickle o' banes" ], "word": "bagofbones", "num_translations": 15 }, "tenant": { "senses": [ "One who pays a fee in return for the use of land, buildings, or other property owned by others", "One who has possession of any place", "One who holds a property by any kind of right, including ownership", "Any of a number of customers serviced through the same instance of an application" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lessee", "rentee" ], "word": "tenant", "num_translations": 101 }, "archivist": { "senses": [ "One who is in charge of, or performs the task of creating, collecting, cataloguing, and organising, archives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "historian" ], "word": "archivist", "num_translations": 100 }, "mishap": { "senses": [ "An accident, mistake, or problem", "Evil accident", "ill luck", "misfortune", "mischance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mishap", "num_translations": 24 }, "inorder": { "senses": [ "In a sequence", "Ready, prepared", "orderly", "tidy", "In accordance with the procedural rules governing formal meetings of a deliberative body", "Appropriate, worthwhile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inorder", "num_translations": 21 }, "favourable": { "senses": [ "Pleasing, encouraging or approving", "Useful or helpful", "Convenient or at a suitable time", "opportune", "Auspicious or lucky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "favourable", "num_translations": 82 }, "isotropic": { "senses": [ "Having properties that are identical in all directions", "exhibiting isotropy", "Having the same components in all rotated coordinate systems" ], "antonyms": [ "anisotropic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "isotropic", "num_translations": 21 }, "infinitesimal": { "senses": [ "Incalculably, exceedingly, or immeasurably minute", "vanishingly small", "Of or pertaining to values that approach zero as a limit", "Very small" ], "antonyms": [ "infinite", "enormous" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tiny" ], "word": "infinitesimal", "num_translations": 17 }, "anisotropic": { "senses": [ "Having properties that differ according to the direction of measurement", "exhibiting anisotropy" ], "antonyms": [ "isotropic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "anisotropic", "num_translations": 11 }, "registration": { "senses": [ "The act of signing up or registering for something", "That which registers or makes something official, eg the form or paper that registers", "Alignment, eg of colors or other elements in a printing process", "The location where guests register, especially with a hotel", "The art of selecting and combining the stops or registers of an organ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "registration", "num_translations": 80 }, "anisotropy": { "senses": [ "The property of being directionally dependent", "The degree to which this property is exhibited" ], "antonyms": [ "isotropy" ], "synonyms": [ "aeolotropy" ], "word": "anisotropy", "num_translations": 18 }, "sideboard": { "senses": [ "A piece of dining room furniture having drawers and shelves for linen and tableware", "originally for serving food", "A board or similar barrier that forms part of the side of something", "Sideburns", "A set of cards that are separate from a player's primary deck, used to customize a match strategy against an opponent by enabling a player to change the composition of the playing deck", "A restriction on using the right to catch a certain number of fish that was granted in relation to a different fishery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sideboard", "num_translations": 15 }, "beanbag": { "senses": [ "A piece of soft furniture consisting of a leather or vinyl covering stuffed with dry beans or other similar pellets", "A small cloth bag filled with dry beans, used as a toy or for exercising the hands", "A type of juggling ball usually made from leather or cloth stuffed with dry beans", "A testicle", "An idiot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beanbag chair", "Hacky-Sack" ], "word": "beanbag", "num_translations": 21 }, "windbag": { "senses": [ "Bellows for an organ", "Someone who talks excessively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gasbag" ], "word": "windbag", "num_translations": 18 }, "reproduce": { "senses": [ "To produce an image or copy of", "To generate offspring , or organisms", "To produce again", "to recreate", "To bring something to mind", "to recall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manifold" ], "word": "reproduce", "num_translations": 47 }, "notoriety": { "senses": [ "The condition of being infamous or notorious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ill fame", "infamy" ], "word": "notoriety", "num_translations": 12 }, "somewhereelse1": { "senses": [ "In or at some other place", "To some other place", "Distracted", "in a daydream, unable to interact with events in the here and now" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elsewhere", "elsewhither" ], "word": "somewhereelse", "num_translations": 95 }, "specialty": { "senses": [ "That in which one specializes", "a chosen expertise or talent", "Particularity", "A particular or peculiar case", "An attribute or quality peculiar to a species", "A contract or obligation under seal", "a contract by deed", "a writing, under seal, given as security for a debt particularly specified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "specialty", "num_translations": 40 }, "compartment": { "senses": [ "A room, or section, or chamber", "One of the parts into which an area is subdivided", "Part of a protein that serves a specific function", "A mound beneath the shield in a coat of arms on which the supporters stand", "A region in the body, delimited by a biological membrane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "compartment", "num_translations": 54 }, "copse": { "senses": [ "A thicket of small trees or shrubs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coppice" ], "word": "copse", "num_translations": 37 }, "drifter": { "senses": [ "A person who moves from place to place or job to job", "A type of lightweight sail used in light winds like a spinnaker", "A driver who uses driving techniques to modify vehicle traction to cause a vehicle to slide or power slide rather than drive in line with the tires", "One who takes part in drift fishing", "A boat used for drift fishing", "A parachutist who jumps before the rest of the group to determine the environmental conditions", "A person employed in driving in rock other than coal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drifter", "num_translations": 16 }, "everysooften": { "senses": [ "Occasionally", "intermittently", "irregularly", "now and then", "once in a while" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "everysooften", "num_translations": 13 }, "sexuality": { "senses": [ "That which is characterized or distinguished by sex", "Sexual activity", "concern with, or interest in, sexual activity", "Sexual potency", "Sexual orientation", "Sexual identity, gender", "Sexual receptivity" ], "antonyms": [ "asexuality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sexuality", "num_translations": 96 }, "black-and-white": { "senses": [ "Of art, a photograph or photography, using shades of grey/gray rather than colour/color", "Of a television or monitor, displaying images in shades of grey/gray rather than colour/color", "Classifying people, objects or concepts as two polar opposites, especially \"right\" and \"wrong\"", "dichotomous and inflexible", "alternative form of \"black and white\"" ], "antonyms": [ "colour", "colour" ], "synonyms": [ "monochrome" ], "word": "black-and-white", "num_translations": 42 }, "astounding1": { "senses": [ "That astounds or astound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amazing", "extraordinary", "fantastic", "incredible", "marvelous", "miraculous", "phenomenal", "remarkable", "unbelievable", "Thesaurus:surprising" ], "word": "astounding", "num_translations": 17 }, "medicinal": { "senses": [ "Having the properties of medicine, or pertaining to medicine", "medical", "Tending or used to cure disease or relieve pain", "Tasting like medicine", "particularly of sweetish artificial flavours similar to cherry, almond or licorice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "medicinal", "num_translations": 42 }, "leisure": { "senses": [ "Freedom provided by the cessation of activities", "Free time, time free from work or duties", "Time at one's command, free from engagement", "convenient opportunity", "hence, convenience", "ease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leisure", "num_translations": 97 }, "ataloss": { "senses": [ "Below the cost or price of purchase", "Not sure", "uncertain", "lacking further ideas, direction, or ability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at sea" ], "word": "ataloss", "num_translations": 55 }, "blockbuster": { "senses": [ "A high-explosive bomb used for the purposes of demolishing extensive areas, such as a city block", "Something, such as a film or book, that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales, as opposed to a box office bomb", "Anything very large or powerful", "a whopper", "A large firework of the firecracker type", "an M-80", "One who engages in blockbusting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blockbuster", "num_translations": 45 }, "ballot": { "senses": [ "Originally, a small ball placed in a container to cast a vote", "now, by extension, a piece of paper or card used for this purpose, or some other means used to signify a vote", "The process of voting, especially in secret", "a round of voting", "The total of all the votes cast in an election", "A list of candidates running for office", "a ticket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ballot paper" ], "word": "ballot", "num_translations": 61 }, "nobellaureate": { "senses": [ "A person who has been awarded a Nobel Prize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nobelist" ], "word": "Nobellaureate", "num_translations": 15 }, "poignant": { "senses": [ "Of a weapon, etc: sharp-pointed", "keen", "Neat", "eloquent", "applicable", "relevant", "Evoking strong mental sensation, to the point of distress", "emotionally moving", "Of a smell or taste: piquant, pungent", "Of a look, or of words: incisive", "penetrating", "piercing", "Inducing sharp physical pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "poignant", "num_translations": 124 }, "displacement": { "senses": [ "The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced", "a putting out of place", "The quantity of a liquid displaced by a floating body, as water by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body", "The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent", "Moving the target to avoid an attack", "dodging", "A vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component", "The capability of a communication system to refer to things that are not present" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "displacement", "num_translations": 74 }, "disappointing": { "senses": [ "Causing disappointment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:disheartening" ], "word": "disappointing", "num_translations": 22 }, "flick": { "senses": [ "A short, quick movement, especially a brush, sweep, or flip", "A motion picture", "movie theater, cinema", "A cut that lands with the point, often involving a whip of the foible of the blade to strike at a concealed target", "A powerful underarm volley shot", "The act of pressing a place on a touch screen device", "A flitch", "A unit of time, equal to 1/705,600,000 of a second" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "of the finger", "the pictures" ], "word": "flick", "num_translations": 17 }, "cello": { "senses": [ "A large stringed instrument of the violin family with four strings, tuned from lowest to highest C-G-D-A, and played with a bow, also possessing an endpin to support the instrument's weight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "violoncello" ], "word": "cello", "num_translations": 113 }, "specialist1": { "senses": [ "Someone who is an expert in, or devoted to, some specific branch of study or research", "A physician whose practice is limited to a particular branch of medicine or surgery", "Any of several non-commissioned ranks corresponding to that of corporal", "An organism that is specialized for a particular environment" ], "antonyms": [ "generalist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "specialist", "num_translations": 62 }, "slop1": { "senses": [ "Liquid or semi-solid", "goo, paste, mud", "Scraps used as food for animals, especially pigs or hogs", "Inferior, weak drink or liquid food", "Domestic liquid waste", "household wastewater", "Water or other liquid carelessly spilled or thrown about, as upon a table or a floor", "a puddle", "a soiled spot", "Human urine or excrement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pig food: slops", "hogwash", "swill" ], "word": "slop", "num_translations": 18 }, "aupair": { "senses": [ "A single girl who helps a host family with childcare, housework, or both while staying as a guest with a host family and generally receiving a small allowance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nursemaid" ], "word": "aupair", "num_translations": 23 }, "debug": { "senses": [ "To search for and eliminate malfunctioning elements or errors in something, especially a computer program or machinery", "To remove a hidden electronic surveillance device from", "To remove insects from , especially lice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diagnose", "delouse" ], "word": "debug", "num_translations": 39 }, "antioxidant": { "senses": [ "Any substance that acts to slow or prevent the oxidation of another chemical", "One of a group of vitamins that act against the effects of free radicals" ], "antonyms": [ "oxidant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "antioxidant", "num_translations": 30 }, "reserved1": { "senses": [ "Slow to reveal emotion or opinions", "Set aside for a particular person or purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:taciturn" ], "word": "reserved", "num_translations": 57 }, "authoritarian": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to, or exhibiting strict obedience to an authority", "Demanding obedience to authority", "dictatorial, tyrannical", "Tending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authority" ], "antonyms": [ "liberal", "servile" ], "synonyms": [ "illiberal", "arrogant", "Thesaurus:bossy" ], "word": "authoritarian", "num_translations": 52 }, "sextoy": { "senses": [ "Any physical object or device that is primarily used to facilitate human sexual pleasure", "A person willing to provide sexual pleasure to another at their beckoning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marital aid", "sex aid" ], "word": "sextoy", "num_translations": 25 }, "lightweight": { "senses": [ "A particular weight class, or member of such, as prescribed by the rules, between that of the heavier welterweight and the lighter featherweight See Wikipedia for the specifics of each sport", "A particular weight category as prescribed by the rules, separate from an open or heavyweight class", "A competitive weight division as prescribed by the rules, between the heavier middleweight and the lighter featherweight", "One of little consequence or ability", "A person who cannot handle their drink", "one who gets drunk on very little alcohol", "A political candidate with little chance of winning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lightweight", "num_translations": 20 }, "schizophrenia": { "senses": [ "A psychiatric diagnosis denoting a persistent, often chronic, mental illness characterised by abnormal perception, thinking, behavior and emotion, often marked by delusions", "Any condition in which disparate or mutually exclusive activities coexist", "a lack of decision between options" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dementia praecox", "schizophrenic disorder", "schizophrenic psychosis" ], "word": "schizophrenia", "num_translations": 145 }, "lancer": { "senses": [ "A cavalry soldier armed with a lance weapon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "uhlan" ], "word": "lancer", "num_translations": 11 }, "threesome": { "senses": [ "A group of three people or things", "An instance of sexual activity involving three people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "triad", "m\u00e9nage \u00e0 trois" ], "word": "threesome", "num_translations": 57 }, "shooting1": { "senses": [ "The sport or activity of firing a gun or other weapon", "A district in which people have the right to kill game with firearms", "The act of one who, or that which, shoots", "A sensation of darting pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shooting", "num_translations": 50 }, "proliferation": { "senses": [ "The process by which an organism produces others of its kind", "breeding, propagation, procreation, reproduction", "The act of increasing or rising", "augmentation, amplification, enlargement, escalation, aggrandizement", "The result of building up", "buildup, accretion", "The spread of biochemical, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction to countries not originally involved in developing them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "proliferation", "num_translations": 45 }, "procreation": { "senses": [ "The process by which an organism produces others of its biological kind", "The sexual activity of conceiving and bearing biological offspring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reproduction" ], "word": "procreation", "num_translations": 29 }, "premeditated1": { "senses": [ "Planned, considered or estimated in advance", "deliberate" ], "antonyms": [ "unpremeditated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "premeditated", "num_translations": 25 }, "rotation": { "senses": [ "The act of turning around a centre or an axis", "A single complete cycle around a centre or an axis", "A regular variation in a sequence, such as to even-out wear, or people taking turns in a task", "a duty roster", "An operation on a metric space that is a continuous isometry and fixes at least one point", "The set of starting pitchers of a team", "The step during takeoff when the pilot commands the vehicle to lift the nose wheel off the ground during the takeoff roll", "Repeated play on a radio station, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turning", "revolution", "duty roster" ], "word": "rotation", "num_translations": 69 }, "legislator": { "senses": [ "Someone who creates or enacts laws, especially a member of a legislative body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lawmaker" ], "word": "legislator", "num_translations": 56 }, "laplaceoperator": { "senses": [ "A differential operator,denoted \u2206 and defined on \\mathbb{R}^n as \\Delta = \\sum_{i=1}^n \\frac{\\partial^2}{\\partial x_i^2}, used in the modeling of wave propagation, heat flow and many other applications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Laplacian" ], "word": "Laplaceoperator", "num_translations": 18 }, "doze": { "senses": [ "To sleep lightly or briefly", "to nap, snooze", "To make dull", "to stupefy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slumber" ], "word": "doze", "num_translations": 67 }, "makesense": { "senses": [ "To be sensible, coherent, reasonable", "To decipher or understand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "add up", "make head or tail of" ], "word": "makesense", "num_translations": 72 }, "droop": { "senses": [ "To hang downward", "to sag", "To slowly become limp", "to bend gradually", "To lose all energy, enthusiasm or happiness", "to flag", "To proceed downward, or toward a close", "to decline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "droop", "num_translations": 46 }, "sexagenarian": { "senses": [ "Being between the age of 60 and 69, inclusive In one's seventh decade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sexagenary" ], "word": "sexagenarian", "num_translations": 28 }, "sexagenarian1": { "senses": [ "A person who is 60 years old or between the ages of 60 and 69" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sexagenary" ], "word": "sexagenarian", "num_translations": 31 }, "invalid": { "senses": [ "Not valid", "not true, correct, acceptable or appropriate" ], "antonyms": [ "valid" ], "synonyms": [ "nonvalid", "disallowed" ], "word": "invalid", "num_translations": 36 }, "invalid1": { "senses": [ "Any person with a disability or illness", "A person who is confined to home or bed because of illness, disability or injury", "one who is too sick or weak to care for themselves", "A disabled member of the armed forces", "one unfit for active duty due to injury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "invalid", "num_translations": 31 }, "domainname": { "senses": [ "an identifier of a computer or site on the Internet", "a domain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "domain", "hostname", "subdomain" ], "word": "domainname", "num_translations": 10 }, "coverage": { "senses": [ "An amount by which something or someone is covered", "The amount of space or time given to an event in newspapers or on television", "The average number of reads representing a given nucleotide in the reconstructed sequence", "The area covered by a mobile phone or other radio network", "The signal strength, reception of a radio signal", "Defense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coverage", "num_translations": 31 }, "hew": { "senses": [ "To chop away at", "to whittle down", "to mow down", "To shape", "to form", "To act according to, to conform to", "usually construed with to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hew", "num_translations": 57 }, "hmong1": { "senses": [ "The lect spoken by these people, which is a cluster of a large number of lects which are sometimes considered dialects and sometimes separate languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Miao" ], "word": "Hmong", "num_translations": 14 }, "swoop": { "senses": [ "To fly or glide downwards suddenly", "to plunge or nosedive", "To move swiftly, as if with a sweeping movement, especially to attack something", "To fall on at once and seize", "to catch while on the wing", "To seize", "to catch up", "to take with a sweep", "To pass with pomp", "to sweep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swoop", "num_translations": 21 }, "dustbunny": { "senses": [ "A small clump of dust, fluff, hair, particles of skin, etc, that tends to accumulate indoors in areas not regularly dusted, such as under heavy furniture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dust kitten", "dust kitty", "dust mouse", "slut's wool" ], "word": "dustbunny", "num_translations": 20 }, "holyfather": { "senses": [ "God, in various Christian religions", "The title of the Pope of the Catholic Church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Creator" ], "word": "HolyFather", "num_translations": 19 }, "exposure": { "senses": [ "The condition of being exposed, uncovered, or unprotected", "Lack of protection from weather or the elements", "The act of exposing something, such as a scandal", "That part which is facing or exposed to something, eg the sun, weather, sky, or a view", "An instance of taking a photograph", "The piece of film exposed to light", "Details of the time and f-number used", "The amount of sun, wind etc experienced by a particular site" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exposure", "num_translations": 81 }, "fileextension": { "senses": [ "A short series of text characters at the end of a computer filename, used to indicate the type of contents and the software that will be required to operate or open it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "filename extension" ], "word": "fileextension", "num_translations": 37 }, "subdivision": { "senses": [ "A division into smaller pieces of something that has already been divided", "Such a piece that has been divided", "A parcel of land that has been divided into lots", "A group of houses created by the same builder or in the same general area", "A gated community" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "subdivision", "num_translations": 24 }, "astronomer": { "senses": [ "One who studies astronomy, the stars or the physical universe", "a scientist whose area of research is astronomy or astrophysics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "astro-boffin", "astronomist" ], "word": "astronomer", "num_translations": 96 }, "hindustani2": { "senses": [ "The language which constitutes the Hindi and Urdu registers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hindi-Urdu" ], "word": "Hindustani", "num_translations": 27 }, "shapeup": { "senses": [ "To improve", "to correct one's bad habits or behavior", "To take shape", "to transform into or become" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "improve", "become" ], "word": "shapeup", "num_translations": 12 }, "overthetop": { "senses": [ "Bold", "beyond normal, expected, or reasonable limits", "outrageous", "Delivered across the Internet to a television or similar device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exaggerated" ], "word": "overthetop", "num_translations": 18 }, "hoipolloi": { "senses": [ "The common people", "the masses", "The elite" ], "antonyms": [ "the elite" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hoipolloi", "num_translations": 36 }, "disadvantage": { "senses": [ "A weakness or undesirable characteristic", "a con", "A setback or handicap", "Loss", "detriment", "hindrance" ], "antonyms": [ "advantage" ], "synonyms": [ "afterdeal", "afterdeal" ], "word": "disadvantage", "num_translations": 63 }, "giddy": { "senses": [ "Dizzy, feeling dizzy or unsteady and as if about to fall down", "Causing dizziness: causing dizziness or a feeling of unsteadiness", "Lightheartedly silly, or joyfully elated", "Frivolous, impulsive, inconsistent, changeable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dizzy" ], "word": "giddy", "num_translations": 66 }, "plummet": { "senses": [ "A piece of lead attached to a line, used in sounding the depth of water, a plumb bob or a plumb line", "Hence, any weight", "A piece of lead formerly used by school children to rule paper for writing", "a sounding line", "Violent or dramatic fall", "A decline", "a fall", "a drop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plummet", "num_translations": 57 }, "plummet1": { "senses": [ "To drop swiftly, in a direct manner", "to fall quickly" ], "antonyms": [ "ascend" ], "synonyms": [ "dive" ], "word": "plummet", "num_translations": 37 }, "killtwobirdswithonestone": { "senses": [ "To solve two problems with one single action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feed two birds with one scone" ], "word": "killtwobirdswithonestone", "num_translations": 63 }, "unsolicited": { "senses": [ "Not requested, welcome or invited" ], "antonyms": [ "solicited" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unsolicited", "num_translations": 15 }, "reinforce": { "senses": [ "To strengthen, especially by addition or augmentation", "To emphasize or review", "To encourage through repeated stimulus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "re-enforce", "reenforce", "strengthen", "emphasize", "encourage" ], "word": "reinforce", "num_translations": 53 }, "dried": { "senses": [ "Without water or moisture, said of something that has previously been wet or moist", "resulting from the process of drying", "Usually of foods: cured, preserved by drying", "Sold raw and unprocessed" ], "antonyms": [ "canned" ], "synonyms": [ "anhydrous", "dehydrated" ], "word": "dried", "num_translations": 31 }, "bower": { "senses": [ "A bedroom or private apartments, especially for a woman in a medieval castle", "A dwelling", "a picturesque country cottage, especially one that is used as a retreat", "A shady, leafy shelter or recess in a garden or woods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boudoir" ], "word": "bower", "num_translations": 23 }, "personable": { "senses": [ "Having a pleasing appearance or manner", "attractive", "handsome", "friendly", "amiable", "Enabled to maintain pleas in court", "Having capacity to take anything granted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affable" ], "word": "personable", "num_translations": 13 }, "oleicacid": { "senses": [ "An unsaturated fatty acid, having 18 carbon atoms and one double bond, found in olive oil and very many other vegetable and animal oils and fats", "it is used for making soap, cosmetics etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cis-octadecenoic acid" ], "word": "oleicacid", "num_translations": 22 }, "palmiticacid": { "senses": [ "One of the most common saturated fatty acids", "it is found in all animal and most vegetable oils and fats", "it is used in the manufacture of soap etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hexadecanoic acid" ], "word": "palmiticacid", "num_translations": 12 }, "stearicacid": { "senses": [ "octadecanoic acid", "the most common saturated fatty acid", "it is found in all animal and most vegetable oils and fats", "it is used in the manufacture of soap etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E570" ], "word": "stearicacid", "num_translations": 14 }, "inconspicuous": { "senses": [ "Not prominent nor easily noticeable" ], "antonyms": [ "conspicuous" ], "synonyms": [ "invisible" ], "word": "inconspicuous", "num_translations": 36 }, "insomnia": { "senses": [ "A sleeping disorder that is known for its symptoms of unrest and the inability to sleep" ], "antonyms": [ "hypersomnia" ], "synonyms": [ "sleeplessness" ], "word": "insomnia", "num_translations": 80 }, "headword": { "senses": [ "a word used as the title of a section, particularly in a dictionary, encyclopedia, or thesaurus", "any word which may be modified by an adjunct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "head" ], "word": "headword", "num_translations": 33 }, "touching1": { "senses": [ "Provoking sadness and pity", "that can cause sadness or heartbreak among witnesses to a sad event or situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emotional" ], "word": "touching", "num_translations": 17 }, "prothesis": { "senses": [ "The prepending of phonemes at the beginning of a word without changing its morphological structure, as in Spanish esfera from Latin sphaera" ], "antonyms": [ "aphesis" ], "synonyms": [ "prosthesis" ], "word": "prothesis", "num_translations": 13 }, "oxalicacid": { "senses": [ "A colourless, crystalline dicarboxylic acid, 2, found in rhubarb, spinach and other plants, often as crystals of the calcium salt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acid of sugar", "ethandioic acid" ], "word": "oxalicacid", "num_translations": 13 }, "caucasoid1": { "senses": [ "A member of this racial classification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Europid" ], "word": "Caucasoid", "num_translations": 10 }, "eggplant": { "senses": [ "The plant Solanum melongena", "The edible fruit of the Solanum melongena: an aubergine", "A dark purple color, like that of the skin of this fruit", "A black person", "A 180 backside rotated invert in which the front hand is planted on the lip of the halfpipe wall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aubergine", "brinjal", "baingan", "brown jolly", "melongene" ], "word": "eggplant", "num_translations": 329 }, "dirtybomb": { "senses": [ "A device containing conventional explosives and radioactive material, designed to spread radiation over a wide area", "A nuclear bomb that spreads radiation over a wide area due to inefficiency or design" ], "antonyms": [ "nuclear bomb that spreads radiation over a wide area due to inefficiency or design" ], "synonyms": [ "device containing conventional explosives and radioactive material", "nuclear bomb that spreads radiation over a wide area due to inefficiency or design" ], "word": "dirtybomb", "num_translations": 13 }, "aubergine": { "senses": [ "an Asian plant, Solanum melongena, cultivated for its edible purple, green, or white ovoid fruit", "the fruit of this plant, eaten as a vegetable", "a dark purple colour", "eggplant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the list at eggplant" ], "word": "aubergine", "num_translations": 13 }, "dainty1": { "senses": [ "Excellent", "valuable, fine", "Elegant", "delicately small and pretty", "Fastidious and fussy, especially when eating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neat", "petite" ], "word": "dainty", "num_translations": 36 }, "pathetic": { "senses": [ "Arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion", "Arousing scornful pity or contempt, often due to miserable inadequacy", "Expressing or showing anger", "passionate", "Trochlear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pitiful", "disgraceful" ], "word": "pathetic", "num_translations": 81 }, "header": { "senses": [ "The upper portion of a page layout", "Text, or other visual information, used to mark off a quantity of text, often titling or summarizing it", "Text, or other visual information, that goes at the top of a column of information in a table", "A font, text style, or typesetting used for any of the above", "The first part of a file or record that describes its contents", "the first part of a packet, often containing its address and descriptors", "A brick that is laid sideways at the top of a wall or within the brickwork with the short side showing", "compare stretcher", "A horizontal structural or finish piece over an opening", "A machine that separates and gathers the heads of grain etc", "The act of hitting the ball with the head", "Someone who heads the ball", "A headlong fall or jump", "A raised tank that supplies water at constant pressure, especially to a central heating and hot water system", "A pipe which connects several smaller pipes", "The rodeo performer who drives the steer toward the heeler to be tied", "One who puts a head on something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "head", "bonder", "lintel" ], "word": "header", "num_translations": 76 }, "rotate": { "senses": [ "To spin, turn, or revolve", "To advance through a sequence", "to take turns", "To lift the nose, just prior to takeoff", "To spin, turn, or revolve something", "To advance something through a sequence", "to allocate or deploy in turns", "To replace older materials or to place older materials in front of newer ones so that older ones get used first", "To grow or plant in a certain order" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "revolve", "circumvolve" ], "word": "rotate", "num_translations": 65 }, "surge": { "senses": [ "A sudden transient rush, flood or increase", "The maximum amplitude of a vehicle's forward/backward oscillation", "A sudden electrical spike or increase of voltage and current", "The swell or heave of the sea", "A spring", "a fountain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inrush" ], "word": "surge", "num_translations": 51 }, "murmur": { "senses": [ "Any low, indistinct sound, like that of running water", "Soft indistinct speech", "The sound made by any condition which produces noisy, or turbulent, flow of blood through the heart", "A muttered complaint or protest", "the expression of dissatisfaction in a low muttering voice", "any expression of complaint or discontent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "murmur", "num_translations": 48 }, "murmur1": { "senses": [ "To grumble", "to complain in a low, muttering voice, or express discontent at or against someone or something", "To speak or make low, indistinguishable noise", "to mumble, mutter", "To say indistinctly, to mutter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mutter" ], "word": "murmur", "num_translations": 43 }, "demonic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to demons or evil spirits", "demoniac", "Pertaining to d\u00e6mons in ancient Greek thought", "concerning supernatural \u2018genius'" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demonish", "demonlike", "demonly" ], "word": "demonic", "num_translations": 27 }, "temper": { "senses": [ "A tendency to be in a certain type of mood", "a habitual way of thinking, behaving or reacting", "State of mind", "mood", "A tendency to become angry", "Anger", "a fit of anger", "Calmness of mind", "moderation", "equanimity", "composure", "Constitution of body", "the mixture or relative proportion of the four humours: blood, choler, phlegm, and melancholy", "Middle state or course", "mean", "medium", "The state of any compound substance which results from the mixture of various ingredients", "due mixture of different qualities", "The heat treatment to which a metal or other material has been subjected", "a material that has undergone a particular heat treatment", "The state of a metal or other substance, especially as to its hardness, produced by some process of heating or cooling", "Milk of lime, or other substance, employed in the process formerly used to clarify sugar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disposition", "rage" ], "word": "temper", "num_translations": 62 }, "temper1": { "senses": [ "To moderate or control", "To strengthen or toughen a material, especially metal, by heat treatment", "anneal", "To saut\u00e9 spices in ghee or oil to release essential oils for flavouring a dish in South Asian cuisine", "To mix clay, plaster or mortar with water to obtain the proper consistency", "To adjust, as the mathematical scale to the actual scale, or to that in actual use", "To govern", "to manage", "To combine in due proportions", "to constitute", "to compose", "To mingle in due proportion", "to prepare by combining", "to modify, as by adding some new element", "to qualify, as by an ingredient", "hence, to soften", "to mollify", "to assuage", "To fit together", "to adjust", "to accommodate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "temper", "num_translations": 46 }, "loving1": { "senses": [ "Expressing a large amount of love to other people", "affectionate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adoring", "affectionate", "Thesaurus:affectionate" ], "word": "loving", "num_translations": 28 }, "harmful": { "senses": [ "of a kind likely to be damaging", "injurious" ], "antonyms": [ "beneficial", "harmless" ], "synonyms": [ "injurious" ], "word": "harmful", "num_translations": 91 }, "uneven": { "senses": [ "Not even", "Not level or smooth", "Not uniform", "Varying in quality", "Odd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rough" ], "word": "uneven", "num_translations": 73 }, "cowpat": { "senses": [ "A dropping of cow dung" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cowpie" ], "word": "cowpat", "num_translations": 18 }, "peckish": { "senses": [ "mildly hungry", "irritable", "crotchety", "Of or pertaining to Peckham, a place in Southwark London", "Native to Peckham" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peckish", "num_translations": 10 }, "-phile": { "senses": [ "Forming nouns and adjectives meaning \"loving\", \"friendly\", or \"friend\"" ], "antonyms": [ "-phobe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "-phile", "num_translations": 18 }, "diplomatic": { "senses": [ "Concerning the relationships between the governments of countries", "Exhibiting diplomacy", "exercising tact or courtesy", "using discussion to avoid hard feelings, fights or arguments", "describing a publication of a text which follows a single basic manuscript, but with variants in other manuscripts noted in the critical apparatus", "paleographic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diplomatic", "num_translations": 47 }, "antisocial": { "senses": [ "Unwilling or unable to cooperate and associate normally with other people", "Antagonistic, hostile, or unfriendly toward others", "menacing", "Opposed to social order or the principles of society", "hostile toward society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "antisocial", "num_translations": 28 }, "incredible": { "senses": [ "Too implausible to be credible", "beyond belief", "unbelievable", "Amazing", "astonishing", "awe-inspiring", "Marvellous", "profoundly affecting", "wonderful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unbelievable" ], "word": "incredible", "num_translations": 106 }, "conscientious": { "senses": [ "Thorough, careful, or vigilant in one's task performance", "Influenced by conscience", "governed by a strict regard to the dictates of conscience, or by the known or supposed rules of right and wrong" ], "antonyms": [ "capricious", "impulsive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conscientious", "num_translations": 35 }, "texture": { "senses": [ "The feel or shape of a surface or substance", "the smoothness, roughness, softness, etc of something", "The quality given to a work of art by the composition and interaction of its parts", "An image applied to a polygon to create the appearance of a surface", "The act or art of weaving", "Something woven", "a woven fabric", "a web", "A tissue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "texture", "num_translations": 42 }, "e-mailaddress": { "senses": [ "A unique identifier of the form user name@domain name specifying a virtual location to which e-mail can be sent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "e-dress" ], "word": "e-mailaddress", "num_translations": 44 }, "clitoral": { "senses": [ "of, or relating to the clitoris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clitoric" ], "word": "clitoral", "num_translations": 10 }, "glower": { "senses": [ "To look or stare with anger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glare", "scowl" ], "word": "glower", "num_translations": 13 }, "explicit": { "senses": [ "Very specific, clear, or detailed", "Containing material that might be deemed offensive or graphic" ], "antonyms": [ "implicit", "circumspect" ], "synonyms": [ "express", "raunchy" ], "word": "explicit", "num_translations": 62 }, "sliderule": { "senses": [ "An analog calculator consisting of three interlocking strips marked with logarithmic scales, such that multiplication, division etc can be performed by the equivalent of addition and subtraction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slipstick" ], "word": "sliderule", "num_translations": 30 }, "ergonomics": { "senses": [ "The science of the design of equipment, especially so as to reduce operator fatigue, discomfort and injury", "Political economy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "human factors" ], "word": "ergonomics", "num_translations": 29 }, "morganlefay": { "senses": [ "The half-sister of King Arthur, known for being a powerful enchantress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Morgaine", "Morgana", "fata Morgana" ], "word": "MorganleFay", "num_translations": 36 }, "pithy": { "senses": [ "Concise and meaningful", "Of, like, or abounding in pith" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "terse" ], "word": "pithy", "num_translations": 25 }, "bearer": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, bears, sustains, or carries", "Someone who helps carry the coffin or a dead body during a funeral procession", "One who possesses a cheque, bond, or other notes promising payment", "A domestic servant or palanquin carrier", "A tree or plant yielding fruit", "Someone who delivers a letter or message on behalf of another", "A strip of reglet or other furniture to bear off the impression from a blank page", "A type or type-high piece of metal interspersed in blank parts to support the plate when it is shaved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bearer", "num_translations": 31 }, "contemplate": { "senses": [ "To look at on all sides or in all its aspects", "to view or consider with continued attention", "to regard with deliberate care", "to meditate on", "to study, ponder, or consider", "To consider as a possibility" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ponder", "examine" ], "word": "contemplate", "num_translations": 41 }, "layout": { "senses": [ "A structured arrangement of items within certain limits", "A plan for such arrangement", "The act of laying out something", "The process of arranging editorial content, advertising, graphics and other information to fit within certain constraints", "A map or a drawing of a construction site showing the position of roads, buildings or other constructions", "A specification of an integrated circuit showing the position of the physical components that will implement the schematic in silicon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "layout", "num_translations": 100 }, "doldrums": { "senses": [ "Usually preceded by the: a state of apathy or lack of interest", "a situation where one feels boredom, ennui, or tedium", "a state of listlessness or malaise", "Usually preceded by the: the state of a sailing ship when it is impeded by calms or light, baffling winds, and is unable to make progress", "Usually preceded by the: a part of the ocean near the equator where calms, squalls, and light, baffling winds are common" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "doldrums", "num_translations": 18 }, "helios": { "senses": [ "The god of the Sun", "son of Hyperion and Theia, brother of Selene and Eos, father of Phaeton amongst others His Roman counterpart is Sol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Titan" ], "word": "Helios", "num_translations": 21 }, "hermes": { "senses": [ "The herald and messenger of the gods, and the god of roads, commerce, invention, cunning, and theft", "The planet Mercury when observed as an evening star" ], "antonyms": [ "Apollo" ], "synonyms": [ "Mercury" ], "word": "Hermes", "num_translations": 29 }, "vesta": { "senses": [ "The virgin goddess of the hearth, fire, and the household, and therefore a deity of domestic life The Roman counterpart of Hestia", "female given name in occasional use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "4 Vesta" ], "word": "Vesta", "num_translations": 31 }, "afro": { "senses": [ "A hairstyle characterized by a tightly curled locks and a rounded shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "'fro" ], "word": "afro", "num_translations": 23 }, "portico": { "senses": [ "A porch, or a small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:porch" ], "word": "portico", "num_translations": 28 }, "tethys": { "senses": [ "Personification of fertile waters, she was a Titan daughter of Uranus and Gaia, and with her brother Oceanus gave birth to all rivers and the Oceanids", "A large ocean which formerly lay between Eurasia and Africa", "A moon of Saturn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tethys Ocean / Tethys Sea", "Neotethys / Neotethys Ocean / Neotethys Sea", "Neo-Tethys / Neo-Tethys Ocean / Neo-Tethys Sea", "Tethyan Ocean / Tethyan Sea", "Tethyan Oceans / Tethyan Seas" ], "word": "Tethys", "num_translations": 15 }, "durable": { "senses": [ "Able to resist wear, decay", "lasting", "enduring" ], "antonyms": [ "weak", "vulnerable", "transitory" ], "synonyms": [ "permanent" ], "word": "durable", "num_translations": 51 }, "pubescent1": { "senses": [ "An individual who is going through puberty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "postpubescent", "Thesaurus:preteen" ], "word": "pubescent", "num_translations": 12 }, "doohickey": { "senses": [ "A thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dohickey", "dojigger", "doodad", "gimmick", "gismo", "gubbins", "hickey", "kajigger", "thingamabob", "thingamajig", "thingummy", "thingy", "whatsit", "whaddayacallit", "da kine", "Thesaurus:thingy" ], "word": "doohickey", "num_translations": 25 }, "stillborn": { "senses": [ "Dead at birth", "Ignored, without influence, or unsuccessful from the outset", "abortive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deadborn", "unfruitful" ], "word": "stillborn", "num_translations": 33 }, "heath": { "senses": [ "A tract of level uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation", "Any small evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae", "Certain butterflies and moths" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heather" ], "word": "heath", "num_translations": 59 }, "downtown2": { "senses": [ "The main business part of a city or town, usually located at or near its center" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "city center", "town centre", "central business district", "city" ], "word": "downtown", "num_translations": 68 }, "flare": { "senses": [ "A sudden bright light", "A source of brightly burning light or intense heat", "A sudden eruption or outbreak", "A widening of an object with an otherwise roughly constant width", "Bell-bottom trousers", "The transition from downward flight to level flight just before landing", "A low fly ball that is hit in the region between the infielders and the outfielders", "A route run by the running back, releasing toward the sideline and then slightly arcing upfield looking for a short pass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flare", "num_translations": 68 }, "flare1": { "senses": [ "To cause to burn", "To cause inflammation", "to inflame", "To open outward in shape", "To transition from downward flight to level flight just before landing", "To blaze brightly", "To shine out with a sudden and unsteady light", "to emit a dazzling or painfully bright light", "To shine out with gaudy colours", "to be offensively bright or showy", "To suddenly happen or intensify", "To suddenly erupt in anger", "To be exposed to too much light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flare", "num_translations": 31 }, "asp": { "senses": [ "A water snake", "A venomous viper native to southwestern Europe", "The Egyptian cobra", "A type of European fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asp viper", "European asp", "aspis viper" ], "word": "asp", "num_translations": 15 }, "cupidity": { "senses": [ "Extreme greed, especially for wealth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "avarice" ], "word": "cupidity", "num_translations": 21 }, "clasp1": { "senses": [ "To take hold of", "to grasp", "to grab tightly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "begrip", "attach" ], "word": "clasp", "num_translations": 19 }, "decadent": { "senses": [ "Characterized by moral or cultural decline", "Luxuriously self-indulgent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sinful" ], "word": "decadent", "num_translations": 21 }, "truancy": { "senses": [ "The act of shirking from responsibilities and duties, especially from attending school" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:truancy" ], "word": "truancy", "num_translations": 27 }, "shirk": { "senses": [ "To avoid, especially a duty, responsibility, etc", "to stay away from", "To evade an obligation", "to avoid the performance of duty, as by running away", "To procure by petty fraud and trickery", "to obtain by mean solicitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shirk" ], "word": "shirk", "num_translations": 41 }, "interference": { "senses": [ "The act of interfering with something, or something that interferes", "The illegal obstruction of an opponent in some ball games", "An effect caused by the superposition of two systems of waves", "A distortion on a broadcast signal due to atmospheric or other effects", "In United States patent law, an inter partes proceeding to determine the priority issues of multiple patent applications", "a priority contest", "The interruption of the line between an attacked piece and its defender by sacrificially interposing a piece" ], "antonyms": [ "noninterference" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "interference", "num_translations": 67 }, "deduction": { "senses": [ "That which is deducted", "that which is subtracted or removed", "A sum that can be removed from tax calculations", "something that is written off", "A process of reasoning that moves from the general to the specific, in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the premises presented, so that the conclusion cannot be false if the premises are true", "A conclusion", "that which is deduced, concluded or figured out", "The ability or skill to deduce or figure out", "the power of reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extract" ], "word": "deduction", "num_translations": 76 }, "subtract": { "senses": [ "To remove or reduce", "especially to reduce a quantity or number" ], "antonyms": [ "add" ], "synonyms": [ "unadd" ], "word": "subtract", "num_translations": 58 }, "dejected": { "senses": [ "Sad and dispirited" ], "antonyms": [ "hopeful" ], "synonyms": [ "disheartened", "despondent" ], "word": "dejected", "num_translations": 69 }, "livid": { "senses": [ "Having a dark, bluish appearance", "Pale, pallid", "So angry that one turns pale", "very angry", "furious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bluish", "Thesaurus:purplish", "Thesaurus:pallid", "Thesaurus:angry" ], "word": "livid", "num_translations": 48 }, "megabyte": { "senses": [ "One million bytes", "1,048,576 bytes", "a mebibyte" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "MB" ], "word": "megabyte", "num_translations": 31 }, "clamp": { "senses": [ "A brace, band, or clasp for strengthening or holding things together", "An instrument used to temporarily shut off blood vessels, etc", "A mass of bricks heaped up to be burned", "or of ore for roasting, or of coal coking", "A pile of root vegetables stored under a layer of earth", "A piece of wood across the grain of a board end to keep it flat, as in a breadboard", "An electronic circuit that fixes either the positive or the negative peak excursions of a signal to a defined value by shifting its DC value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clamp", "num_translations": 54 }, "slick": { "senses": [ "Slippery or smooth due to a covering of liquid", "often used to describe appearances", "Appearing expensive or sophisticated", "Superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy", "Clever, making an apparently hard task easy", "Extraordinarily great or special", "sleek", "smooth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slick", "num_translations": 31 }, "slick1": { "senses": [ "A covering of liquid, particularly oil", "Someone who is clever and untrustworthy", "A tool used to make something smooth or even", "A tire with a smooth surface instead of a tread pattern, often used in auto racing", "A helicopter", "A wide paring chisel used in joinery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slick", "num_translations": 19 }, "archetype": { "senses": [ "An original model of which all other similar concepts, objects, or persons are merely copied, derivative, emulated, or patterned", "a prototype", "An ideal example of something", "a quintessence", "A character, object, or story that is based on a known character, object, or story", "According to Swiss psychologist Carl Jung: a universal pattern of thought, present in an individual's unconscious, inherited from the past collective experience of humanity", "A protograph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "archetype", "num_translations": 64 }, "unfair": { "senses": [ "not beautiful", "uncomely", "unattractive", "sorrowful", "sad", "unseemly", "disgraceful", "not fair, unjust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unfair", "num_translations": 37 }, "topless": { "senses": [ "Lacking a top", "Very high, towering", "Not wearing a garment covering the top half of the body", "naked from the waist up", "Featuring women that are naked from the waist up, often strippers or dancers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "topless", "num_translations": 37 }, "allsouls'day": { "senses": [ "An annual feast day celebrating the faithful departed on the second day of November, immediately following All Saints' Day", "synonym of \"Tomb Sweeping Day\", a Chinese holiday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed", "Feast of All Souls", "Defuncts' Day", "Day of the Dead" ], "word": "AllSouls'Day", "num_translations": 36 }, "allsaints'day": { "senses": [ "In Christian tradition, the annual feast day celebrating the life of all saints, taking place on the first day of November, or on the first Sunday after Pentecost" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Allhallond", "Allhallowmas", "All Hallows' Day", "All Saints", "Hallantide", "Hallowmas" ], "word": "AllSaints'Day", "num_translations": 60 }, "screwup": { "senses": [ "To tighten or secure with screws", "To raise to extortionate levels", "To raise or summon up", "To twist into a contorted state", "To squint", "To make a mess of", "to ruin", "To blunder", "to make a mistake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "screwup", "num_translations": 38 }, "embezzlement": { "senses": [ "The fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misappropriation" ], "word": "embezzlement", "num_translations": 45 }, "downward": { "senses": [ "Toward a lower level, whether in physical space, in a hierarchy, or in amount or value", "At a lower level" ], "antonyms": [ "up" ], "synonyms": [ "down" ], "word": "downward", "num_translations": 19 }, "reverie": { "senses": [ "A state of dreaming while awake", "a loose or irregular train of thought", "musing or meditation", "daydream", "An extravagant conceit of the imagination", "a vision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air castle" ], "word": "reverie", "num_translations": 19 }, "industrialize": { "senses": [ "To develop industry", "to become industrial", "To organize along industrial lines" ], "antonyms": [ "deindustrialize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "industrialize", "num_translations": 18 }, "ent": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"ear, nose and throat\"", "An otorhinolaryngologist", "an ear, nose and throat doctor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ear, nose and throat", "otolaryngology", "otorhinolaryngology" ], "word": "ENT", "num_translations": 15 }, "self-satisfied": { "senses": [ "Satisfied with oneself, especially over-satisfied", "smug", "slightly arrogant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smug" ], "word": "self-satisfied", "num_translations": 15 }, "cooler": { "senses": [ "Anything which cools", "An insulated bin or box used with ice or freezer packs to keep food or beverages cold while picnicking or camping", "A device for refrigerating dead bodies in a morgue", "A mixed drink, especially one served chilled", "A prison", "A cold deck", "A bouncer or doorman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cooler", "num_translations": 16 }, "ardor": { "senses": [ "Great warmth of feeling", "fervor", "passion", "Spirit", "enthusiasm", "passion", "Intense heat" ], "antonyms": [ "apathy" ], "synonyms": [ "intensity", "elan" ], "word": "ardor", "num_translations": 51 }, "baptize": { "senses": [ "To perform the sacrament of baptism by sprinkling or pouring water over someone or immersing them in water", "To dedicate or christen", "Of rum, brandy, or any other spirits, to dilute with water", "To ensure proper burning of a joint by moistening the exterior with saliva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "christen" ], "word": "baptize", "num_translations": 84 }, "forthemostpart": { "senses": [ "Mostly", "in general", "usually" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by and large" ], "word": "forthemostpart", "num_translations": 36 }, "pioneer": { "senses": [ "One who goes before, as into the wilderness, preparing the way for others to follow", "A person or other entity who is first or among the earliest in any field of inquiry, enterprise, or progress", "A soldier detailed or employed to form roads, dig trenches, and make bridges, as an army advances", "a sapper", "A member of any of several European organizations advocating abstinence from alcohol", "A child of 10-16 years in the former Soviet Union, in the second of the three stages in becoming a member of the Communist Party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pioneer", "num_translations": 107 }, "hunk": { "senses": [ "A large or dense piece of something", "A sexually attractive boy or man, especially one who is muscular", "A honyock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chunk", "beefcake" ], "word": "hunk", "num_translations": 34 }, "loaded1": { "senses": [ "Burdened by some heavy load", "packed", "Having a live round of ammunition in the chamber", "Possessing great wealth", "Drunk", "Pertaining to a situation where there is a runner at each of the three bases", "a die or dice being weighted asymmetrically, and so biased to produce predictable throws", "Designed to produce a predictable answer, or to lay a trap", "Having strong connotations that colour the literal meaning and are likely to provoke an emotional response Sometimes used loosely to describe a word that simply has many different meanings", "Equipped with numerous options", "Covered with a topping or toppings", "Weighted with lead or similar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "loaded", "num_translations": 57 }, "scandal": { "senses": [ "An incident or event that disgraces or damages the reputation of the persons or organization involved", "Damage to one's reputation", "Widespread moral outrage, indignation, as over an offence to decency", "Religious discredit", "an act or behaviour which brings a religion into discredit", "Something which hinders acceptance of religious ideas or behaviour", "a stumbling-block or offense", "Defamatory talk", "gossip, slander" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scandal", "num_translations": 84 }, "legacy": { "senses": [ "Money or property bequeathed to someone in a will", "Something inherited from a predecessor or the past", "a heritage", "The descendant of an alumnus", "A piece of ones' history left behind for following generations to experience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "legacy", "num_translations": 73 }, "arguably": { "senses": [ "As can be supported or proven by sound logical deduction, evidence, and precedent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "debatably" ], "word": "arguably", "num_translations": 16 }, "stubborn": { "senses": [ "Refusing to move or to change one's opinion", "obstinate", "firmly resisting", "persistent in doing something", "Of materials: physically stiff and inflexible", "not easily melted or worked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "willful", "headstrong", "wayward", "obstinate", "obdurate", "contrary", "disobedient", "insubordinate", "undisciplined", "adamant", "unyielding", "perseverant", "rebellious" ], "word": "stubborn", "num_translations": 136 }, "treatise": { "senses": [ "A formal, usually lengthy, systematic discourse on some subject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dissertation", "disquisition", "monograph", "treatment" ], "word": "treatise", "num_translations": 39 }, "ecumenical": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the universal Church, representing the entire Christian world", "interdenominational", "sometimes by extension, interreligious", "General, universal, worldwide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "universal" ], "word": "ecumenical", "num_translations": 34 }, "charity": { "senses": [ "An organization, the objective of which is to carry out a charitable purpose", "The goods or money given to those in need", "Benevolence to others less fortunate than ourselves", "the providing of goods or money to those in need", "In general, an attitude of kindness and understanding towards others, now especially suggesting generosity", "Christian love", "representing God's love of man, man's love of God, or man's love of his fellow-men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charitable organization" ], "word": "charity", "num_translations": 113 }, "pedagogue": { "senses": [ "A teacher or instructor of children", "one whose occupation is to teach the young", "A pedant", "one who by teaching has become overly formal or pedantic in his or her ways", "one who has the manner of a teacher", "A slave who led the master's children to school, and had the charge of them generally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pedagogue", "num_translations": 33 }, "glimpse1": { "senses": [ "To see or view briefly or incompletely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perceive" ], "word": "glimpse", "num_translations": 26 }, "inadvertent": { "senses": [ "Not intentional", "not on purpose", "not conscious", "Inattentive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "designless", "absent-minded" ], "word": "inadvertent", "num_translations": 22 }, "emerge": { "senses": [ "To come into view", "To come out of a situation, object or a liquid", "To become known" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come forth" ], "word": "emerge", "num_translations": 83 }, "pier": { "senses": [ "A raised platform built from the shore out over water, supported on piles", "used to secure, or provide access to shipping", "a jetty", "A similar structure, especially at a seaside resort, used to provide entertainment", "A structure that projects tangentially from the shoreline to accommodate ships", "often double-sided", "A structure supporting the junction between two spans of a bridge", "A rectangular pillar, or similar structure, that supports an arch, wall or roof, or the hinges of a gate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pier", "num_translations": 137 }, "pliable": { "senses": [ "Soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded", "Easily persuaded", "yielding to influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lithy" ], "word": "pliable", "num_translations": 41 }, "confection": { "senses": [ "A food item prepared very sweet, frequently decorated in fine detail, and often preserved with sugar, such as a candy, sweetmeat, fruit preserve, pastry, or cake", "The act or process of confecting", "the process of making, compounding, or preparing something", "The result of such a process", "something made up or confected", "a concoction", "An artistic, musical, or literary work taken as frivolous, amusing, or contrived", "a composition of a light nature", "Something, such as a garment or a decoration, seen as very elaborate, delicate, or luxurious, usually also seen as impractical or non-utilitarian", "A preparation of medicine sweetened with sugar, honey, syrup, or the like", "an electuary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "confection", "num_translations": 47 }, "interpret": { "senses": [ "To explain or tell the meaning of", "to translate orally into intelligible or familiar language or terms applied especially to language, but also to dreams, signs, conduct, mysteries, etc", "To apprehend and represent by means of art", "to show by illustrative representation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "translate" ], "word": "interpret", "num_translations": 91 }, "presence": { "senses": [ "The fact or condition of being present, or of being within sight or call, or at hand", "The part of space within one's immediate vicinity", "A quality of poise and effectiveness that enables a performer to achieve a close relationship with their audience", "A quality that sets an individual out from others", "a quality that makes them noticed and/or admired even if they are not speaking or performing", "Something felt or believed to be present", "A company's business activity in a particular market", "An assembly of great persons", "The state of being closely focused on the here and now, not distracted by irrelevant thoughts", "synonym of \"room tone\"" ], "antonyms": [ "absence" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "presence", "num_translations": 55 }, "groove": { "senses": [ "A long, narrow channel or depression", "A fixed routine", "The middle of the strike zone in baseball where a pitch is most easily hit", "A pronounced, enjoyable rhythm", "A shaft or excavation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "groove", "num_translations": 88 }, "saving": { "senses": [ "A reduction in cost or expenditure", "Something that is saved, particularly money that has been set aside for the future", "The action of the verb to save", "exception", "reservation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "saving", "num_translations": 43 }, "coughup": { "senses": [ "to expel from the lungs, throat, etc by coughing", "to reluctantly or unwillingly give", "to lose a competition by one's own mistakes, usually near the end of the contest", "To spill, to fumble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shell out" ], "word": "coughup", "num_translations": 22 }, "decent": { "senses": [ "Appropriate", "suitable for the circumstances", "Having a suitable conformity to basic moral standards", "showing integrity, fairness, or other characteristics associated with moral uprightness", "Sufficiently clothed or dressed to be seen", "Fair", "good enough", "okay", "Significant", "substantial", "Comely", "shapely", "well-formed" ], "antonyms": [ "bad", "indecent", "inadequate" ], "synonyms": [ "good", "adequate" ], "word": "decent", "num_translations": 122 }, "transsexuality": { "senses": [ "The state, condition, or properties of being transsexual", "The psychological diagnosis of gender identity disorder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transsexualness", "transsexualism", "transsex" ], "word": "transsexuality", "num_translations": 47 }, "pounce3": { "senses": [ "To leap into the air intending to seize someone or something", "To attack suddenly by leaping", "To eagerly seize an opportunity", "To strike or seize with the talons", "to pierce, as with the talons", "To stamp holes in", "to perforate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leap", "jump", "bounce", "strike", "attack" ], "word": "pounce", "num_translations": 22 }, "eatone'swords": { "senses": [ "To regret or retract what one has said" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eat crow", "recant" ], "word": "eatone'swords", "num_translations": 12 }, "unbeknownst": { "senses": [ "without the knowledge of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unbeknown" ], "word": "unbeknownst", "num_translations": 12 }, "philatelist": { "senses": [ "A person who collects and studies postage stamps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stamp collector" ], "word": "philatelist", "num_translations": 27 }, "sanya2": { "senses": [ "A resort city in China", "on Hainan island" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Sanya", "num_translations": 14 }, "right-wing": { "senses": [ "Of political ideologies: opposing political and social equality", "especially conservative, traditional and/or reactionary politics" ], "antonyms": [ "left-wing", "liberal" ], "synonyms": [ "rightish", "conservative" ], "word": "right-wing", "num_translations": 22 }, "left-wing": { "senses": [ "Of political ideologies: favoring political and social equality" ], "antonyms": [ "right-wing", "conservative" ], "synonyms": [ "leftish", "liberal" ], "word": "left-wing", "num_translations": 22 }, "guffaw1": { "senses": [ "To laugh boisterously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:laugh" ], "word": "guffaw", "num_translations": 25 }, "snippet": { "senses": [ "A small part of something, such as a song or fabric", "sample", "A text file containing a relatively small amount of code, useless by itself, along with instructions for inserting that code into a larger codebase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "excerpt" ], "word": "snippet", "num_translations": 35 }, "claret": { "senses": [ "A dry red wine produced in the Bordeaux region of France, or a similar wine made elsewhere", "A deep purplish-red colour, like that of the wine", "Blood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "traditional dry red" ], "word": "claret", "num_translations": 13 }, "breeding": { "senses": [ "Propagation of offspring through sexual reproduction", "The act of insemination by natural or artificial means", "The act of copulation in animals", "The good manners regarded as characteristic of the aristocracy and conferred by heredity", "Nurture", "education", "formation of manners", "Descent", "pedigree", "extraction", "Ejaculation inside the rectum during bareback anal sex, usually applied to gay pornography" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breeding", "num_translations": 24 }, "nonchalant": { "senses": [ "Casually calm and relaxed", "Indifferent", "unconcerned", "behaving as if detached" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carefree", "blas\u00e9", "Thesaurus:calm" ], "word": "nonchalant", "num_translations": 32 }, "allegiance": { "senses": [ "Loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fidelity" ], "word": "allegiance", "num_translations": 62 }, "gotcha": { "senses": [ "Got you", "have you", "as in capture or apprehend", "Understand you", "comprehend you", "Got you covered, got your back", "when you have an advantage or responsibility over someone", "Got you back", "as in after causing some form of retaliation or revenge against someone", "Got you by surprise", "Exclamation indicating a successful trick or prank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gotcha", "num_translations": 34 }, "swill": { "senses": [ "A mixture of solid and liquid food scraps fed to pigs etc", "especially kitchen waste for this purpose", "Any disgusting or distasteful liquid", "Anything disgusting or worthless", "A large quantity of liquid drunk at one swallow", "Inexpensive beer or alcohol", "A badly-thrown pass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pigswill" ], "word": "swill", "num_translations": 46 }, "backofbeyond": { "senses": [ "(chiefly British and Australian informal with \"the\"", "usually with \"in\", sometimes \"at\" or \"to\") A very remote place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beyond the black stump", "Thesaurus:remote place" ], "word": "backofbeyond", "num_translations": 14 }, "partition": { "senses": [ "An action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another", "A part of something that has been divided", "An approach to division in which one asks what the size of each part is, rather than how many parts there are", "The division of a territory into two or more autonomous ones", "A vertical structure that divides a room", "That which divides or separates", "that by which different things, or distinct parts of the same thing, are separated", "boundary", "dividing line or space", "A part divided off by walls", "an apartment", "a compartment", "The severance of common or undivided interests, particularly in real estate It may be effected by consent of parties, or by compulsion of law", "A section of a hard disk separately formatted", "A division of a database or one of its constituting elements such as tables into separate independent parts", "A collection of non-empty, disjoint subsets of a set whose union is the set itself", "A musical score" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dismemberment" ], "word": "partition", "num_translations": 85 }, "partition1": { "senses": [ "To divide something into parts, sections or shares", "To divide a region or country into two or more territories with separate political status" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dismember" ], "word": "partition", "num_translations": 25 }, "disconnect1": { "senses": [ "A break or interruption in an existing connection, continuum, or process", "A switch used to isolate a portion of an electrical circuit", "A lack of connection or accord", "a mismatch", "The deliberate severing of ties with family, friends, etc considered antagonistic towards Scientology" ], "antonyms": [ "connect" ], "synonyms": [ "disconnector" ], "word": "disconnect", "num_translations": 21 }, "one-off": { "senses": [ "Occurring once, one-time, independent of any pattern", "Singular", "unique", "special", "remarkable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonce", "one-shot" ], "word": "one-off", "num_translations": 16 }, "schoolcounselor": { "senses": [ "A professional member of an educational team who assists students in their personal, social, academic, and career development aspects of education through services such as individual counseling, small group counseling, and classroom teaching, and provide leadership in educational reform", "traditionally known as a guidance counselor, although this term is deemed inaccurate by most professionals today" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guidance counselor" ], "word": "schoolcounselor", "num_translations": 17 }, "americansignlanguage": { "senses": [ "A language that uses hands, facial expressions, and other bodily behavior to communicate both concrete and abstract ideas", "some signs are based on English words, but ASL syntax and grammar are not based on English ISO 639-3 code: ase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ameslan", "ASL" ], "word": "AmericanSignLanguage", "num_translations": 18 }, "comeclean": { "senses": [ "To confess", "admit the truth", "*" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fess up" ], "word": "comeclean", "num_translations": 13 }, "second-guess": { "senses": [ "to vet or evaluate", "to criticize or correct, often by hindsight, by presuming to have a better idea, method, etc", "To anticipate or predict someone's actions or thoughts by guesswork" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reconsider", "rethink", "think over" ], "word": "second-guess", "num_translations": 14 }, "abraham": { "senses": [ "A prophet in the Old Testament, Qur'an and Aqdas", "a Semitic patriarch who preached monotheism, father of the Jewish patriarch Isaac and the Arab patriarch Ishmael", "male given name", "surname", "The 14th sura of the Qur'an" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Abraham", "num_translations": 213 }, "gadget": { "senses": [ "A thing whose name cannot be remembered", "thingamajig, doohickey", "Any device or machine, especially one whose name cannot be recalled Often either clever or complicated", "Any consumer electronics product", "A sequence of machine code instructions crafted as part of an exploit that attempts to divert execution to a memory location chosen by the attacker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contraption", "contrivance", "doohickey", "gizmo", "widget" ], "word": "gadget", "num_translations": 69 }, "blot": { "senses": [ "A blemish, spot or stain made by a coloured substance", "A stain on someone's reputation or character", "a disgrace", "A method of transferring proteins, DNA or RNA, onto a carrier", "an exposed piece in backgammon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blot", "num_translations": 36 }, "blot1": { "senses": [ "to soak up or absorb liquid", "To spot, stain, or bespatter, as with ink", "To impair", "to damage", "to mar", "to soil", "To stain with infamy", "to disgrace", "To obliterate, as writing with ink", "to cancel", "to efface", "generally with out", "To obscure", "to eclipse", "to shadow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blot", "num_translations": 28 }, "teens": { "senses": [ "plural of \"teen\"", "The numbers between thirteen and nineteen", "The time of life between thirteen and nineteen years old", "the teenage years", "The second decade of a century: the 1910s, 2010s, etc The oneties, the tens", "The range between 10 and 19" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "teens", "num_translations": 12 }, "bulimia": { "senses": [ "A chronic eating disorder characterized by a binge-and-purge cycle - extreme overeating followed by self-induced vomiting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bulimia nervosa" ], "word": "bulimia", "num_translations": 31 }, "bung": { "senses": [ "A stopper, alternative to a cork, often made of rubber used to prevent fluid passing through the neck of a bottle, vat, a hole in a vessel etc", "A cecum or anus, especially of a slaughter animal", "A bribe", "The orifice in the bilge of a cask through which it is filled", "A sharper or pickpocket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bung", "num_translations": 20 }, "bung1": { "senses": [ "To put or throw somewhere without care", "to chuck", "To batter, bruise", "to cause to bulge or swell", "To pass a bribe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bung", "num_translations": 13 }, "divert": { "senses": [ "To turn aside from a course", "To distract", "To entertain or amuse", "To turn aside", "to digress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "offlead" ], "word": "divert", "num_translations": 44 }, "stoneage": { "senses": [ "A broad prehistoric period during which humans widely used stone for toolmaking", "Any extremely primitive or undeveloped era", "The time a particular field was introduced and was in its earliest stages of development" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lithic" ], "word": "StoneAge", "num_translations": 61 }, "tincture": { "senses": [ "A pigment or other substance that colours or dyes", "A tint, or an added colour", "A colour or metal used in the depiction of a coat of arms", "An alcoholic extract of plant material, used as a medicine", "A small alcoholic drink", "An essential characteristic", "The finer and more volatile parts of a substance, separated by a solvent", "an extract of a part of the substance of a body communicated to the solvent", "A slight taste superadded to any substance", "A slight quality added to anything", "a tinge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tincture", "num_translations": 37 }, "behindthescenes": { "senses": [ "behind the scenery and stage area", "backstage", "among the actors", "during the production or rehearsal", "In secret", "out of public view" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "behindthescenes", "num_translations": 42 }, "neutrality": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being neutral", "the condition of being unengaged in contests between others", "state of taking no part on either side", "Indifference in quality", "a state neither very good nor bad", ": The quality or state of being neutral", "The condition of a nation or government which refrains from taking part, directly or indirectly, in a war between other powers", "Those who are neutral", "a combination of neutral powers or states" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "neutrality", "num_translations": 70 }, "compatible": { "senses": [ "Capable of easy interaction", "Able to get along well", "Consistent", "congruous" ], "antonyms": [ "incompatible", "noncompatible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "compatible", "num_translations": 59 }, "scrape": { "senses": [ "To draw , along while exerting pressure", "To remove by drawing an object along in this manner", "To injure or damage by rubbing across a surface", "To barely manage to achieve", "To collect or gather, especially without regard to the quality of what is chosen", "To extract data by automated means from a format not intended to be machine-readable, such as a screenshot or a formatted web page", "To occupy oneself with getting laboriously", "To play awkwardly and inharmoniously on a violin or similar instrument", "To draw back the right foot along the ground or floor when making a bow", "To express disapprobation of or to silence by drawing the feet back and forth upon the floor", "usually with down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grate", "abrade" ], "word": "scrape", "num_translations": 90 }, "scrape1": { "senses": [ "A broad, shallow injury left by scraping", "A fight, especially a fistfight without weapons", "An awkward set of circumstances", "A D and C or abortion", "or, a miscarriage", "A shallow depression used by ground birds as a nest", "A shallow pit dug as a hideout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abrasion", "graze", "altercation", "brawl", "fistfight", "fight", "fisticuffs", "punch-up", "scuffle", "bind", "fix", "mess", "pickle", "Thesaurus:injury" ], "word": "scrape", "num_translations": 24 }, "deviate1": { "senses": [ "To go off course from", "to change course", "to change plans", "To fall outside of, or part from, some norm", "to stray", "To cause to diverge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swerve", "veer", "stray", "wander" ], "word": "deviate", "num_translations": 28 }, "salamander": { "senses": [ "A long, slender, chiefly terrestrial amphibian of the order Caudata, superficially resembling a lizard", "A creature much like a lizard that is resistant to and lives in fire , hence the elemental being of fire", "A metal utensil with a flat head which is heated and put over a dish to brown the top", "A small broiler or grill , used in professional cookery primarily for browning", "The pouched gopher, Geomys tuza, of the southern United States", "A large poker", "Solidified material in a furnace hearth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "salamander", "num_translations": 86 }, "toothache": { "senses": [ "A pain or ache in a tooth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "odontalgia", "dentalgia" ], "word": "toothache", "num_translations": 43 }, "burnthemidnightoil": { "senses": [ "To work studiously, especially late into the night" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elucubrate", "pull an all-nighter" ], "word": "burnthemidnightoil", "num_translations": 28 }, "attendant": { "senses": [ "One who attends", "one who works with or watches over something", "A servant or valet", "A visitor or caller", "That which accompanies or follows", "One who owes a duty or service to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attendant", "num_translations": 59 }, "educate": { "senses": [ "to instruct or train" ], "antonyms": [ "ignorize" ], "synonyms": [ "instruct", "teach" ], "word": "educate", "num_translations": 59 }, "hindleg": { "senses": [ "Either of the two legs towards the rear of a four-legged animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hind limb" ], "word": "hindleg", "num_translations": 25 }, "cinnabar": { "senses": [ "A deep red mineral, mercuric sulfide, HgS", "the principal ore of mercury", "such ore used as the pigment vermilion", "A bright red colour tinted with orange", "A species of moth, Tyria jacobaeae, having red patches on its predominantly black wings", "the Elixir of Life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cinnabar", "num_translations": 58 }, "gamete": { "senses": [ "A reproductive cell , having only half of a complete set of chromosomes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sex cell", "Thesaurus:gamete" ], "word": "gamete", "num_translations": 42 }, "outoftouch": { "senses": [ "No longer maintaining contact or communications", "No longer conversant with something, especially facts, reality, world", "not aware or realistic" ], "antonyms": [ "in touch" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "outoftouch", "num_translations": 24 }, "conversant": { "senses": [ "closely familiar", "current", "having frequent interaction", "familiar or acquainted by use or study", "well-informed", "versed", "Concerned", "occupied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conversant", "num_translations": 12 }, "bhikkhu": { "senses": [ "A Buddhist monk or priest", "one who follows all Buddhist precepts as a full member of the sangha" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monk" ], "word": "bhikkhu", "num_translations": 37 }, "hamitup": { "senses": [ "To deliberately exaggerate one's emotions or movements, or to overact or act badly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chew the scenery" ], "word": "hamitup", "num_translations": 16 }, "bodhisattva": { "senses": [ "A person who has taken specific lay or monastic vows and who is on the road to perfect knowledge", "specifically, one who foregoes personal nirvana in order to help others achieve enlightenment", "An enlightened being existing in a form of existence beyond the ordinary forms of physical reality understood and acknowledged by scientific thought, resembling the Western notion of angels, but with a wealth of its own nuances and expectations These include the compassionate working for enlightenment of all sentient beings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mahasattva" ], "word": "bodhisattva", "num_translations": 41 }, "aspire": { "senses": [ "To hope or dream", "especially to hope or work towards a profession or occupation", "to long for", "to try to reach", "to mount to", "To rise", "to ascend", "to tower", "to soar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aspire", "num_translations": 29 }, "chancellor": { "senses": [ "A senior secretary or official with administrative or legal duties, sometimes in charge of some area of government such as finance or justice", "The head of the government in some German-speaking countries", "A senior record keeper of a cathedral", "a senior legal officer for a bishop or diocese in charge of hearing cases involving ecclesiastical law", "The head of a university, sometimes purely ceremonial", "The foreman of a jury", "The chief judge of a court of chancery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chancellor", "num_translations": 103 }, "sniper": { "senses": [ "A person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position", "Any attacker using a non-contact weapon against a specific target from a concealed position", "One who shoots from a concealed position", "One who criticizes", "A player who specializes in scoring goals", "A person or automated process set up by a person who or which attempts to win an online auction by placing a bid only seconds before the auction ends, leaving no time for other bidders to respond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sniper", "num_translations": 68 }, "submachinegun": { "senses": [ "A type of short range machine gun that is carried as a personal weapon and uses pistol ammunition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "machine pistol", "SMG", "trench broom", "chopper" ], "word": "submachinegun", "num_translations": 24 }, "crusade": { "senses": [ "Any of the military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 11th to 13th centuries to reconquer the Levant from the Muslims", "Any war instigated and blessed by the Church for alleged religious ends Especially, papal sanctioned military campaigns against infidels or heretics", "A grand concerted effort toward some purportedly worthy cause", "A mass gathering in a political campaign or during a religious revival effort", "A Portuguese coin", "a crusado" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crusade", "num_translations": 63 }, "sangha": { "senses": [ "The community of all followers of the Buddha", "the ecclesia in which the devout take refuge", "those who have \"entered the stream\" towards nirvana", "as one of the three jewels of Buddhism", "The Buddhist congregation including laypersons and the \"religious\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sangha", "num_translations": 15 }, "predictable": { "senses": [ "Able to be predicted" ], "antonyms": [ "unpredictable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "predictable", "num_translations": 36 }, "larval": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a larva or larvae", "Being a larva", "Characteristic of larvae", "Having the form or shape of a larva", "Undeveloped, latent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "larval", "num_translations": 11 }, "tapeworm": { "senses": [ "Any parasitical worm of the class or infraclass Cestoda, which infest the intestines of animals, including humans, often infecting different host species during their life cycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cestode" ], "word": "tapeworm", "num_translations": 55 }, "openhouse": { "senses": [ "A house habitually kept open to callers", "An event, often in one's home, at which there are few restrictions regarding who and how many may attend", "An event during which a facility or institution is open to the public for inspection or tour", "A period of time, usually several hours in a day, during which a house which is for sale is open for inspection or tour by interested parties", "A casual school event where the school invites parents or guardians to tour their child's school and meet the teachers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "open day" ], "word": "openhouse", "num_translations": 17 }, "conclude": { "senses": [ "To end", "to come to an end", "To bring to an end", "to close", "to finish", "To bring about as a result", "to effect", "to make", "To come to a conclusion, to a final decision", "To make a final determination or judgment concerning", "to judge", "to decide", "To shut off", "to restrain", "to limit", "to estop", "to bar", "generally in the passive", "To shut up", "to enclose", "To include", "to comprehend", "to shut up together", "to embrace", "to deduce, to infer" ], "antonyms": [ "begin" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conclude", "num_translations": 63 }, "evasive": { "senses": [ "Tending to avoid speaking openly or making revelations about oneself", "Directed towards avoidance or escape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elusive", "unclear", "tricky" ], "word": "evasive", "num_translations": 26 }, "vis-a-vis1": { "senses": [ "A small horse-drawn carriage for two people sitting facing each other", "A sofa with seats for two people, so arranged that the occupants are face to face while sitting on opposite sides", "One of two people facing or opposite each other", "A date or escort in a social event", "A person holding a corresponding position in another organisation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vis-a-vis", "num_translations": 14 }, "bunsenburner": { "senses": [ "A small laboratory gas burner whose air supply may be controlled with an adjustable hole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bunsen" ], "word": "Bunsenburner", "num_translations": 48 }, "bachelorofscience": { "senses": [ "A three- to four-year undergraduate degree, with a concentration in the sciences or scientific applications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BS", "BSc" ], "word": "BachelorofScience", "num_translations": 11 }, "espionage": { "senses": [ "The act or process of learning secret information through clandestine means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spying" ], "word": "espionage", "num_translations": 45 }, "anti-aircraft": { "senses": [ "Intended to attack aircraft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "AA", "AAA", "ack-ack", "air-defence", "anti-air" ], "word": "anti-aircraft", "num_translations": 15 }, "civilwar": { "senses": [ "A war fought between factions of the inhabitants of a single country, or a similar political entity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intestine war" ], "word": "civilwar", "num_translations": 83 }, "grapplinghook": { "senses": [ "A type of hook attached to a line and designed to be thrown at a target for the purpose of catching hold of it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grappling", "grappling iron" ], "word": "grapplinghook", "num_translations": 10 }, "romancatholic1": { "senses": [ "A person who belongs to the Catholic Church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Catholic", "dogan" ], "word": "RomanCatholic", "num_translations": 25 }, "specialize": { "senses": [ "To make distinct or separate, particularly:", "To become distinct or separate, particularly:" ], "antonyms": [ "generalize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "specialize", "num_translations": 19 }, "concentrated": { "senses": [ "Not dilute", "having a high concentration", "Intense", "directed towards a specific location" ], "antonyms": [ "diluted", "haphazard" ], "synonyms": [ "strong", "Thesaurus:focused" ], "word": "concentrated", "num_translations": 17 }, "lifeboat": { "senses": [ "A boat especially designed for saving the lives of shipwrecked people or people in distress at sea", "An emergency vehicle carried aboard a spaceship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quarter boat" ], "word": "lifeboat", "num_translations": 34 }, "capacious": { "senses": [ "Having a lot of space inside", "roomy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ample" ], "word": "capacious", "num_translations": 23 }, "sendsomeonepacking": { "senses": [ "To expel, eject, or dismiss someone", "to send away, chase off, or force out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hand someone his hat", "send about one's business" ], "word": "sendsomeonepacking", "num_translations": 13 }, "introductory": { "senses": [ "Introducing", "giving a preview or idea of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prefatory" ], "word": "introductory", "num_translations": 34 }, "trident": { "senses": [ "A three-pronged spear somewhat resembling a pitchfork", "A curve of third order of the form:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trident curve" ], "word": "trident", "num_translations": 52 }, "genial": { "senses": [ "Friendly and cheerful", "Pleasantly mild and warm", "Marked by genius", "Contributing to, or concerned in, propagation or production", "generative", "procreative", "productive", "Belonging to one's genius or natural character", "native", "natural", "inborn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "genial", "num_translations": 27 }, "ew": { "senses": [ "Expression of disgust or nausea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:yuck" ], "word": "ew", "num_translations": 61 }, "mercy": { "senses": [ "Relenting", "forbearance to cause or allow harm to another", "Forgiveness or compassion, especially toward those less fortunate", "A tendency toward forgiveness, pity, or compassion", "Instances of forbearance or forgiveness", "A blessing", "something to be thankful for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mercy", "num_translations": 143 }, "embarrass": { "senses": [ "to humiliate", "to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort with acting publicly or freely", "to disconcert", "to abash", "To hinder from liberty of movement", "to impede", "to obstruct", "To involve in difficulties concerning money matters", "to encumber with debt", "to beset with urgent claims or demands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abash", "Thesaurus:abash" ], "word": "embarrass", "num_translations": 38 }, "bebornyesterday": { "senses": [ "To be new, naive, innocent, inexperienced or easily deceived" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:naive", "come down in the last shower" ], "word": "bebornyesterday", "num_translations": 21 }, "trollop": { "senses": [ "A woman of a vulgar and discourteous disposition", "A strumpet", "a whore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman" ], "word": "trollop", "num_translations": 43 }, "cutcorners": { "senses": [ "To bypass a prescribed route so as to gain competitive advantage or to circumvent traffic signals or other rules of the road", "To do a less-than-thorough or incomplete job", "to do something poorly", "to take inappropriate shortcuts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skimp" ], "word": "cutcorners", "num_translations": 15 }, "scourge1": { "senses": [ "to flog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:whip" ], "word": "scourge", "num_translations": 16 }, "trim": { "senses": [ "To reduce slightly", "to cut", "especially, to remove excess The adposition of can be used in the present perfect tense to designate the removed part", "To decorate or adorn", "especially of a Christmas tree", "To modify the angle relative to the water by shifting cargo or ballast", "to adjust for sailing", "To modify the angle relative to the wind, especially to set them at the most advantageous angle", "To balance", "to fluctuate between parties, so as to appear to favour each", "to put in due order for any purpose", "to make right, neat, or pleasing", "to adjust", "To dress", "to make smooth", "To rebuke", "to reprove", "To beat or thrash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trim", "num_translations": 55 }, "trim1": { "senses": [ "Decoration", "especially, decoration placed along edges or borders", "A haircut, especially a moderate one to touch up an existing style", "Dress", "gear", "ornaments", "The manner in which something is equipped or adorned", "order", "disposition", "Sexual intercourse", "The fore-and-aft angle of the vessel to the water, with reference to the cargo and ballast", "the manner in which a vessel floats on the water, whether on an even keel or down by the head or stern", "The arrangement of the sails with reference to the wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trim", "num_translations": 19 }, "steppingstone": { "senses": [ "A stone that can be stepped on in crossing something, especially a marsh or creek", "Something used as a way to progress to something or somewhere else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "means", "way" ], "word": "steppingstone", "num_translations": 38 }, "celestialbody": { "senses": [ "A natural object which is located outside of Earth's atmosphere, such as the Moon, the Sun, an asteroid, planet, or star" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celestial object", "heavenly body" ], "word": "celestialbody", "num_translations": 38 }, "fillin": { "senses": [ "To fill", "to replace material that is absent or has been removed", "To inform somebody, especially to supply someone missing or missed information", "To substitute for somebody or something", "To complete a form or questionnaire with requested information", "To beat up", "to physically assault" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fillin", "num_translations": 18 }, "freezing": { "senses": [ "Suffering or causing frost", "Very cold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frosty", "ice-cold" ], "word": "freezing", "num_translations": 13 }, "squeak1": { "senses": [ "To emit a short, high-pitched sound", "To inform, to squeal", "To speak or sound in a high-pitched manner", "To empty the pile of 13 cards a player deals to oneself in the card game of the same name", "To win or progress by a narrow margin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drop a dime" ], "word": "squeak", "num_translations": 35 }, "brittle": { "senses": [ "Inflexible, liable to break or snap easily under stress or pressure", "Not physically tough or tenacious", "apt to break or crumble when bending", "Said of rocks and minerals with a conchoidal fracture", "capable of being knapped or flaked", "Emotionally fragile, easily offended", "Diabetes that is characterized by dramatic swings in blood sugar level" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brittle", "num_translations": 75 }, "brittle1": { "senses": [ "A confection of caramelized sugar and nuts", "Anything resembling this confection, such as flapjack, a cereal bar, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brickle" ], "word": "brittle", "num_translations": 10 }, "junket": { "senses": [ "A basket", "A type of cream cheese, originally made in a rush basket", "later, a food made of sweetened curds or rennet", "A delicacy", "A feast or banquet", "A pleasure-trip", "a journey made for feasting or enjoyment, now especially a trip made ostensibly for business but which entails merrymaking or entertainment", "A gaming room for which the capacity and limits change daily, often rented out to private vendors who run tour groups through them and give a portion of the proceeds to the main casino" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "junket", "num_translations": 31 }, "remonstrate": { "senses": [ "To object", "to express disapproval", "Specifically, to lodge an official objection with a monarch or other ruling body", "To state or plead as an objection, formal protest, or expression of disapproval", "To point out", "to show clearly", "to make plain or manifest", "hence, to prove", "to demonstrate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demur" ], "word": "remonstrate", "num_translations": 15 }, "libertine1": { "senses": [ "One who is freethinking in religious matters", "Someone who takes no notice of moral laws, especially those involving sexual propriety", "someone loose in morals", "a pleasure-seeker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "libertine", "num_translations": 13 }, "firstborn": { "senses": [ "The first child to be born to a parent or family" ], "antonyms": [ "lastborn" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "firstborn", "num_translations": 56 }, "firstborn1": { "senses": [ "Born as the first one in a family, flock or the like", "Most excellent", "most distinguished or exalted" ], "antonyms": [ "lastborn" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "firstborn", "num_translations": 28 }, "rustic": { "senses": [ "Country-styled or pastoral", "rural", "Unfinished or roughly finished", "Crude, rough", "Simple", "artless", "unaffected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rustic", "num_translations": 31 }, "lurid": { "senses": [ "Shocking, horrifying", "Melodramatic", "Ghastly, pale, wan in appearance", "Being of a light yellow hue", "Having a brown colour tinged with red, as of flame seen through smoke", "Having a colour tinged with purple, yellow, and grey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lurid", "num_translations": 28 }, "lethargic": { "senses": [ "sluggish, slow", "indifferent, apathetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "torpid", "lazy", "unmoving" ], "word": "lethargic", "num_translations": 20 }, "sallow": { "senses": [ "Yellowish", "Having skin of a sickly pale colour", "Having a similar pale, yellowish colour", "Dirty", "murky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pallid" ], "word": "sallow", "num_translations": 15 }, "saturnine": { "senses": [ "Of a person: having a tendency to be cold, bitter, gloomy, sarcastic, and slow to change and react", "Of a setting: depressing, dull, gloomy", "Of, pertaining to, or containing lead", "Of a disease: caused by lead poisoning", "of a person: affected by lead poisoning", "Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Saturn", "having the characteristics of a person under such influence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "saturnine", "num_translations": 25 }, "depravity": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being depraved", "moral debasement", "A particular depraved act or trait", "Inborn corruption, entailing the belief that every facet of human nature has been polluted, defiled, and contaminated by sin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wickedness" ], "word": "depravity", "num_translations": 31 }, "jagged": { "senses": [ "Unevenly cut", "having the texture of something so cut", "Having a rough quality", "Of an array, having a different cardinality in each dimension, such that a representation on paper would appear uneven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "serrated", "scraggy" ], "word": "jagged", "num_translations": 48 }, "sinful": { "senses": [ "constituting a sin", "being morally or religiously wrong", "wicked", "evil", "decadent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sinful", "num_translations": 23 }, "reflection": { "senses": [ "The act of reflecting or the state of being reflected", "The property of a propagated wave being thrown back from a surface", "Something, such as an image, that is reflected", "Careful thought or consideration", "An implied criticism", "The process or mechanism of determining the capabilities of an object at run-time", "The folding of a part", "a fold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reflection", "num_translations": 137 }, "solely": { "senses": [ "Alone", "exclusively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entirely" ], "word": "solely", "num_translations": 33 }, "haphazardly": { "senses": [ "In a haphazard manner", "in a random, chaotic, and incomplete manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at random", "haphazard", "randomly", "willy-nilly" ], "word": "haphazardly", "num_translations": 31 }, "licensed": { "senses": [ "having been issued with a licence", "authorized by licence" ], "antonyms": [ "unlicensed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "licensed", "num_translations": 10 }, "napoleon": { "senses": [ "male given name sometimes given in honor of the French emperor", "city/county seat co/Henry County s/Ohio", "CDP s/Michigan", "city/county seat co/Logan County s/North Dakota", "town s/Indiana", "city s/Missouri", "village r/Silesia c/Poland", "unincorporated community s/Kentucky", "unincorporated community s/Mississippi", "ghost town s/Arkansas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Napoleon", "num_translations": 42 }, "bachelorofarts": { "senses": [ "A collegiate degree, usually involving three to four years of study in liberal arts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BA" ], "word": "BachelorofArts", "num_translations": 18 }, "rapeseed": { "senses": [ "The seed of the rape plant, Brassica napus, used widely for animal feed and vegetable oil", "The rape plant itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rape" ], "word": "rapeseed", "num_translations": 37 }, "diffuse": { "senses": [ "To spread over or through as in air, water, or other matter, especially by fluid motion or passive means", "To be spread over or through as in air, water, or other matter, especially by fluid motion or passive means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forspread" ], "word": "diffuse", "num_translations": 44 }, "diffuse1": { "senses": [ "Everywhere or throughout everything", "not focused or concentrated", "Wordy", "verbose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spread out", "palaverous" ], "word": "diffuse", "num_translations": 19 }, "indirect": { "senses": [ "Not direct", "roundabout" ], "antonyms": [ "direct" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indirect", "num_translations": 24 }, "steady": { "senses": [ "Firm in standing or position", "not tottering or shaking", "fixed", "firm", "Constant in feeling, purpose, or pursuit", "not fickle, changeable, or wavering", "not easily moved or persuaded to alter a purpose", "resolute", "Smooth and not bumpy or with obstructions", "Regular and even", "Slow" ], "antonyms": [ "unsteady" ], "synonyms": [ "robust", "dogged", "fluid", "constant", "glacial" ], "word": "steady", "num_translations": 34 }, "disobedience": { "senses": [ "Refusal to obey" ], "antonyms": [ "obedience" ], "synonyms": [ "contumacy", "rebellion" ], "word": "disobedience", "num_translations": 46 }, "submission": { "senses": [ "The act of submitting or yielding", "surrender", "The act of submitting or giving eg a completed piece of work", "The thing which has been submitted" ], "antonyms": [ "rebellion" ], "synonyms": [ "acquiescence", "submittal" ], "word": "submission", "num_translations": 46 }, "capitulate": { "senses": [ "To surrender", "to end all resistance, to give up", "to go along with or comply", "To draw up in chapters", "to enumerate", "To draw up the articles of treaty with", "to treat, bargain, parley" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wave the white flag" ], "word": "capitulate", "num_translations": 27 }, "residual": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or remaining as a residue", "left over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "residuary" ], "word": "residual", "num_translations": 18 }, "descriptivism": { "senses": [ "The practice of describing realistic forms, as opposed to prescribing idealistic norms, of linguistic usage" ], "antonyms": [ "prescriptivism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "descriptivism", "num_translations": 18 }, "vitiligo": { "senses": [ "The patchy loss of skin pigmentation", "Alphos, a form of leprosy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leucoderma" ], "word": "vitiligo", "num_translations": 24 }, "heather": { "senses": [ "An evergreen plant, Calluna vulgaris, with spiky leaves and small purple, pink, or white flowers", "The Ericaceae family", "Various species of the genus Erica", "Various species of the genus Cassiope", "A purple colour with a tint of pink and blue", "The use of interwoven yarns of mixed colours to produce flecks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ling" ], "word": "heather", "num_translations": 55 }, "collector": { "senses": [ "A person who or thing that collects, or which creates or manages a collection", "A person who is employed to collect payments", "The amplified terminal on a bipolar junction transistor", "A compiler of books", "one who collects scattered passages and puts them together in one book", "One holding a Bachelor of Arts in Oxford, formerly appointed to superintend some scholastic proceedings in Lent", "A major sewer which collects sewerage from a number of smaller branch sewers", "A mafioso whose task is to collect protection money from small businesses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collector", "num_translations": 116 }, "dicey": { "senses": [ "Fraught with danger", "Of uncertain, risky outcome", "Of doubtful or uncertain efficacy, provenance, etc", "dodgy", "Nauseating, rank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chancy", "iffy" ], "word": "dicey", "num_translations": 27 }, "catchup": { "senses": [ "To pick up suddenly", "To entangle", "To be brought up to date with news", "To bring up to date with the news", "To reach something that had been ahead", "To compensate for or make up a deficiency", "To finally reach something inevitable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "catchup", "num_translations": 39 }, "unavailing": { "senses": [ "Fruitless, futile, useless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "unavailing", "num_translations": 24 }, "ashen1": { "senses": [ "Of or resembling ashes", "Ash-colored", "pale", "anemic, anaemic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pallid" ], "word": "ashen", "num_translations": 20 }, "predilection": { "senses": [ "Condition of favoring or liking", "tendency towards", "proclivity", "predisposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:predilection" ], "word": "predilection", "num_translations": 22 }, "apprise": { "senses": [ "To notify, or to make aware", "to inform" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abreast" ], "word": "apprise", "num_translations": 22 }, "aplomb": { "senses": [ "self-confidence", "poise", "composure", "The apparent elegance and precision exhibited by a confident, accomplished dancer", "The perpendicular", "perpendicularity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aplomb", "num_translations": 22 }, "subterranean": { "senses": [ "below ground, under the earth, underground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subterraneous" ], "word": "subterranean", "num_translations": 26 }, "internationalmonetaryfund": { "senses": [ "The international organization entrusted with overseeing the global financial system by monitoring foreign exchange rates and balance of payments, as well as offering technical and financial assistance when asked Abbreviated as IMF" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IMF" ], "word": "InternationalMonetaryFund", "num_translations": 29 }, "articulation": { "senses": [ "A joint or the collection of joints at which something is articulated, or hinged, for bending", "A manner or method by which elements of a system are connected", "The quality, clarity or sharpness of speech", "The manner in which a phoneme is pronounced", "The manner in which something is articulated", "The interrelation and congruence of the flow of data between financial statements of an entity, especially between the income statement and balance sheet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "articulation", "num_translations": 40 }, "allright2": { "senses": [ "Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent", "Used to indicate support, favor or encouragement", "Used to fill space or pauses", "Used as a general lead-in or beginning", "Used to express exasperation or frustration, often with already", "Term of greeting, equivalent to how are you or hello" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "allright", "num_translations": 100 }, "attentive": { "senses": [ "Paying attention", "noticing, watching, listening, or attending closely", "Courteous", "mindful" ], "antonyms": [ "inattentive" ], "synonyms": [ "audient", "reckful" ], "word": "attentive", "num_translations": 53 }, "limitation": { "senses": [ "The act of limiting or the state of being limited", "A restriction", "a boundary, real or metaphorical, caused by some thing or some circumstance", "An imperfection or shortcoming that limits something's use or value", "A time period after which some legal action may no longer be brought" ], "antonyms": [ "limitelessness" ], "synonyms": [ "prescription" ], "word": "limitation", "num_translations": 39 }, "honeydew": { "senses": [ "A sweet sticky substance deposited on leaves by insects", "A sweet sticky substance produced by the leaves of some plants", "A melon with sweet green flesh, with a smooth greenish-white exterior, of cultivar group Cucumis melo Inodorus group", "A fine sort of tobacco moistened with molasses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "honeydew melon" ], "word": "honeydew", "num_translations": 31 }, "companion": { "senses": [ "A friend, acquaintance, or partner", "someone with whom one spends time or keeps company", "A person employed to accompany or travel with another", "The framework on the quarterdeck of a sailing ship through which daylight entered the cabins below", "the stairs themselves", "A knot in whose neighborhood another, specified knot meets every meridian disk", "A thing or phenomenon that is closely associated with another thing, phenomenon, or person", "An appended source of media or information, designed to be used in conjunction with and to enhance the main material", "A celestial object that is associated with another", "A knight of the lowest rank in certain orders", "A fellow", "a rogue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:friend" ], "word": "companion", "num_translations": 97 }, "fandom": { "senses": [ "The fans of a sport, activity, work, person etc, taken as a group", "The subculture of fans", "The state, quality, or condition of being a fan" ], "antonyms": [ "anti-fandom" ], "synonyms": [ "fan base" ], "word": "fandom", "num_translations": 22 }, "loyalty": { "senses": [ "The state of being loyal", "fidelity", "Faithfulness or devotion to some person, cause or nation" ], "antonyms": [ "disloyalty" ], "synonyms": [ "trueness" ], "word": "loyalty", "num_translations": 96 }, "ethical": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the study of ethics", "Of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong, especially those of some organization or profession", "Morally approvable", "good", "Only dispensed on the prescription of a physician" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ethical", "num_translations": 40 }, "methanol": { "senses": [ "The simplest aliphatic alcohol, CH3OH", "a colourless, toxic, inflammable liquid, used as a solvent, antifreeze, in the chemical industry, and in the preparation of methylated spirit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "methyl alcohol" ], "word": "methanol", "num_translations": 29 }, "runaway": { "senses": [ "A person or animal that runs away or has run away", "a person, animal, or organization that escapes captivity or restrictions", "A vehicle that is out of control", "An object or process that is out of control or out of equilibrium", "The act of running away, especially of a horse or teams", "An overwhelming victory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "runaway", "num_translations": 28 }, "runaway1": { "senses": [ "Having run away", "escaped", "fugitive", "Easily won, as a contest", "unchecked", "rampant", "deserting or revolting against one's group, duties, expected conduct, or the like, especially to establish or join a rival group, change one's life drastically, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "runaway", "num_translations": 20 }, "lignite": { "senses": [ "A low-grade, brownish-black coal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brown coal" ], "word": "lignite", "num_translations": 86 }, "negligee1": { "senses": [ "A woman's lightweight gown of the eighteenth century", "A necklace of beads, pearls etc", "A state of careless undress or very informal attire", "A woman's loose-fitting nightgown, especially when short, lacy and/or revealing", "a nightie" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "negligee", "num_translations": 18 }, "ninjutsu": { "senses": [ "A Japanese martial art that is a collection of techniques originally practiced for Japanese espionage purposes, and includes methods of gathering information, nondetection, avoidance, and misdirection techniques Used by ninja" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ninpo", "ninjitsu" ], "word": "ninjutsu", "num_translations": 27 }, "scarcity": { "senses": [ "the condition of something being scarce or deficient", "an inadequate amount of something", "a shortage" ], "antonyms": [ "frequency", "abundance" ], "synonyms": [ "infrequency", "dearth", "deficiency", "lack", "infrequency", "penury", "rareness", "rarity", "want", "Thesaurus:lack" ], "word": "scarcity", "num_translations": 55 }, "streeturchin": { "senses": [ "A child who lives, or spends most of his or her time, in the streets", "sometimes a petty thief or pickpocket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gamin", "guttersnipe", "street child", "street kid" ], "word": "streeturchin", "num_translations": 36 }, "divorced": { "senses": [ "Cut off, or separated", "Legally dissolved", "Having had one's marriage legally dissolved" ], "antonyms": [ "connected", "married", "engaged" ], "synonyms": [ "split" ], "word": "divorced", "num_translations": 39 }, "pleurisy": { "senses": [ "Inflammation of lung pleura" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pleuritis" ], "word": "pleurisy", "num_translations": 17 }, "sunlight": { "senses": [ "All the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun, especially that in the visible spectrum that bathes the Earth", "Brightness, hope", "a positive outlook", "synonym of \"sunrise\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "daylight", "hope", "break of day" ], "word": "sunlight", "num_translations": 59 }, "sweeten": { "senses": [ "To make sweet to the taste", "To make pleasant or to the mind or feelings", "To make mild or kind", "to soften", "To make less painful or laborious", "to relieve", "To soften to the eye", "to make delicate", "To make pure and salubrious by destroying noxious matter", "To make warm and fertile", "To restore to purity", "to free from taint", "To make more attractive", "said of offers in negotiations", "To become sweet" ], "antonyms": [ "sour" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sweeten", "num_translations": 40 }, "deployment": { "senses": [ "An arrangement or classification of things", "An implementation, or putting into use, of something", "The distribution of military forces prior to battle", "the start of something" ], "antonyms": [ "ployment" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deployment", "num_translations": 22 }, "nitpicky": { "senses": [ "Finicky", "overly critical", "concerned with insignificant details" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fastidious" ], "word": "nitpicky", "num_translations": 11 }, "scrooge": { "senses": [ "A miserly person", "a person with an excessive dislike of spending money or other resources" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:miser" ], "word": "scrooge", "num_translations": 34 }, "luthier": { "senses": [ "A person who, or a business which, makes or repairs stringed wooden musical instruments, such as lutes, violins, and guitars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "violin maker" ], "word": "luthier", "num_translations": 20 }, "improvise": { "senses": [ "To make something up or invent it as one goes on", "to proceed guided only by imagination, instinct, and guesswork rather than by a careful plan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fly by the seat of one's pants" ], "word": "improvise", "num_translations": 26 }, "aslongas": { "senses": [ "as long", "Provided that, if, assuming", "Since, in view of the fact that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provided", "as" ], "word": "aslongas", "num_translations": 100 }, "moiety": { "senses": [ "A half", "A share or portion, especially a smaller share", "Each descent group in a culture which is divided exactly into two descent groups", "A specific segment of a molecule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "half" ], "word": "moiety", "num_translations": 14 }, "rationalization": { "senses": [ "The process, or result of rationalizing", "A statement of one's motives, or of the causes of some event", "A reorganization of a company or organization in order to improve its efficiency", "The concealment of true motivation in some non-threatening way", "The simplification of an expression without changing its value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reasoning", "consolidation" ], "word": "rationalization", "num_translations": 27 }, "pessimistic": { "senses": [ "Marked by pessimism and little hopefulness", "expecting the worst", "Pertaining to the worst-case scenario", "Taking out exclusive locks on data to prevent conflicts with other processes that might modify it" ], "antonyms": [ "optimistic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pessimistic", "num_translations": 65 }, "linesman": { "senses": [ "An assistant referee", "A male line judge", "An official whose primary task is to watch the blue line and determine when there has been an offside", "An official whose primary task is to determine whether there has been a line of scrimmage violation", "A person employed to work on electrical lines", "a lineman", "A private in the line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "linesman", "num_translations": 21 }, "overhead1": { "senses": [ "The expense of a business not directly assigned to goods or services provided", "The items or classes of expense not directly assigned to goods or services provided", "Any cost or expenditure incurred in a project or activity, which does not directly contribute to the progress or outcome of the project or activity", "Wasted money", "A smash", "The ceiling of any enclosed space below decks in a vessel", "A compartment above the seats for stowing luggage in a passenger aircraft", "Data or steps of computation that is only used to facilitate the computations in the system and is not directly related to the actual program code or data being processed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overhead", "num_translations": 21 }, "selenite": { "senses": [ "A soft, glassy form of gypsum", "The anion SeO32\u2212 derived from selenous acid", "any salt or ester of selenous acid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "satin spar" ], "word": "selenite", "num_translations": 17 }, "toomanycooksspoilthebroth": { "senses": [ "If too many people participate in a task, the task will not be done very well" ], "antonyms": [ "many hands make light work", "the more the merrier" ], "synonyms": [ "too many cooks spoil the soup", "too many cooks spoil the stew" ], "word": "toomanycooksspoilthebroth", "num_translations": 32 }, "sitting": { "senses": [ "A period during which one is seated for a specific purpose", "A special seat allotted to a seat-holder, at church, etc", "The part of the year in which judicial business is transacted", "A legislative session", "The incubation of eggs by a bird", "A clutch of eggs laid by a brooding bird", "Uninterrupted application to anything for a time", "the period during which one continues at anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sitting", "num_translations": 15 }, "arnold": { "senses": [ "male given name brought to England by Normans", "surname", "hamlet co/East Riding of Yorkshire cc/England", "market town bor/Gedling co/Nottinghamshire cc/England", "small town lgarea/Shire of Loddon s/Victoria c/Australia", "community co/Shelburne County p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "A number of places in the United States:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Arnold", "num_translations": 20 }, "liquefy": { "senses": [ "To make into a liquid", "To become liquid" ], "antonyms": [ "condense" ], "synonyms": [ "liquidize" ], "word": "liquefy", "num_translations": 18 }, "graverobber": { "senses": [ "One who robs graves or tombs in order to sell the contents for profit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bodysnatcher", "resurrectionist" ], "word": "graverobber", "num_translations": 13 }, "illwill": { "senses": [ "Ill-disposed attitude", "grudge", "dislike" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bad blood" ], "word": "illwill", "num_translations": 19 }, "satisfactory": { "senses": [ "Done to satisfaction", "adequate or sufficient", "Causing satisfaction", "agreeable or pleasant", "Making atonement for a sin", "expiatory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "satisfactory", "num_translations": 35 }, "dropinthebucket": { "senses": [ "An effort or action having very little overall influence, especially as compared to a huge problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drop in the ocean" ], "word": "dropinthebucket", "num_translations": 23 }, "heartfelt": { "senses": [ "Felt or believed deeply and sincerely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genuine" ], "word": "heartfelt", "num_translations": 25 }, "skittish": { "senses": [ "Easily scared or startled", "timid", "Wanton", "changeable", "fickle", "Difficult to manage", "tricky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spookish" ], "word": "skittish", "num_translations": 28 }, "aerostat": { "senses": [ "An aircraft, such as a dirigible or balloon, that derives its lift from buoyancy rather than from wings or rotors", "A moored balloon flown in a semi-permanent manner, such as a border patrol monitoring balloon affixed at 18,000 feet" ], "antonyms": [ "aerodyne" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aerostat", "num_translations": 21 }, "tether": { "senses": [ "a rope, cable etc that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement", "a strong rope or line that connects a sailor's safety harness to the boat's jackstay", "the limit of one's abilities, resources etc", "The cardinal number three in an old counting system used in Teesdale and Swaledale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hobble" ], "word": "tether", "num_translations": 61 }, "weatherballoon": { "senses": [ "a balloon that carries meteorological instruments aloft in order to measure, record and return data concerning atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sounding balloon" ], "word": "weatherballoon", "num_translations": 12 }, "deathblow": { "senses": [ "A strike or blow that leads to death, especially a coup de grace", "Something that prevents the completion, or ends the existence, of a project etc", "a fatal setback" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "another nail in one's coffin" ], "word": "deathblow", "num_translations": 15 }, "antiseptic": { "senses": [ "Capable of preventing microbial infection", "Very clean", "aseptic", "Free of unpleasantness", "sanitized or bowdlerized" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "antiseptic", "num_translations": 36 }, "grommet": { "senses": [ "A reinforced eyelet, or a small metal or plastic ring used to reinforce an eyelet", "A ring formed of a single strand of rope, laid in three times round, fastening the upper edge of a sail to its stay", "An eyelet at the hoist end of a flag, used to fasten the flag to its halyard", "A young or inexperienced surfer, skateboarder or snowboarder", "A boy serving on a ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grunyon", "cringle", "grom" ], "word": "grommet", "num_translations": 22 }, "monument": { "senses": [ "A structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons, or as a memorial", "a commemoration", "An important site owned by the community as a whole", "An exceptional or proud achievement", "An important burial vault or tomb", "A legal document", "A surveying reference point marked by a permanently fixed marker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "monument", "num_translations": 104 }, "protector": { "senses": [ "Someone who protects or guards, by assignment or on their own initiative", "A device or mechanism which is designed to protect", "One who prevents interference", "One having the care of the kingdom during the king's minority", "a regent", "A cardinal, from one of the more considerable Roman Catholic nations, who looks after the interests of his people at Rome", "also, a cardinal who has the same relation to a college, religious order, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guard", "sentry" ], "word": "protector", "num_translations": 54 }, "hallucinate": { "senses": [ "To seem to perceive things which are not really present", "to have visions", "to experience a hallucination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imagine" ], "word": "hallucinate", "num_translations": 13 }, "grammatical": { "senses": [ "Acceptable as a correct sentence or clause as determined by the rules and conventions of the grammar, or morpho-syntax of the language", "Of or pertaining to grammar" ], "antonyms": [ "ungrammatical" ], "synonyms": [ "grammatic" ], "word": "grammatical", "num_translations": 71 }, "ungrammatical": { "senses": [ "In violation of one or more of the rules and conventions of a language as defined by the grammar, resulting in unacceptable, or incorrect, usage" ], "antonyms": [ "grammatical" ], "synonyms": [ "agrammatical", "ungrammatic" ], "word": "ungrammatical", "num_translations": 34 }, "occam'srazor": { "senses": [ "The principle of preferring the simplest of competing theories" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "law of parsimony" ], "word": "Occam'srazor", "num_translations": 41 }, "dressing": { "senses": [ "Material applied to a wound for protection or therapy", "A sauce, especially a cold one for salads", "Something added to the soil as a fertilizer etc", "The activity of getting dressed", "Dress", "raiment", "especially, ornamental habiliment or attire", "The stuffing of fowls, pigs, etc", "forcemeat", "Gum, starch, etc, used in stiffening or finishing silk, linen, and other fabrics", "An ornamental finish, such as a moulding around doors, windows, or on a ceiling", "Castigation", "scolding", "the process of extracting metals or other valuable components from minerals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dressing", "num_translations": 66 }, "lacquer": { "senses": [ "A glossy, resinous material used as a surface coating", "either a natural exudation of certain trees, or a solution of nitrocellulose in alcohol, etc", "A similar finish, baked onto the inside of cans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "varnish" ], "word": "lacquer", "num_translations": 44 }, "dolor": { "senses": [ "Sorrow, grief, misery or anguish", "A unit of pain used to theoretically weigh people's outcomes" ], "antonyms": [ "hedon" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dolor", "num_translations": 14 }, "countenance": { "senses": [ "Appearance, especially the features and expression of the face", "Favour", "support", "encouragement", "Superficial appearance", "show", "pretense", "Calm facial expression, composure, self-control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "countenance", "num_translations": 53 }, "countenance1": { "senses": [ "To tolerate, support, sanction, patronise or approve of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "approve" ], "word": "countenance", "num_translations": 30 }, "atmospheric": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, produced by, or coming from the atmosphere", "Translucent or hazy", "Evoking a particular emotional or aesthetic quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atmospherical" ], "word": "atmospheric", "num_translations": 34 }, "nitrogenous": { "senses": [ "of, relating to, or containing nitrogen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nitrogenic" ], "word": "nitrogenous", "num_translations": 18 }, "loosen": { "senses": [ "To make loose", "To become loose", "To disengage", "To become unfastened or undone", "To free from restraint", "to set at liberty", "To relieve from constipation", "to promote defecation", "To create a breach or rift between", "To sail away" ], "antonyms": [ "tighten" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "loosen", "num_translations": 48 }, "devotion": { "senses": [ "The act or state of devoting or being devoted", "Feeling of strong or fervent affection", "dedication", "Religious veneration, zeal, or piety", "A prayer", "Religious offerings", "alms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "devotion", "num_translations": 116 }, "leftwing": { "senses": [ "The more left-wing faction of a group or party", "The left-hand side of a sports field", "The offensive player who plays to the center's left" ], "antonyms": [ "right wing" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "leftwing", "num_translations": 15 }, "rightwing": { "senses": [ "The more right-wing faction of a group or party", "The right-hand side of a sports field", "The offensive player who plays to the center's right" ], "antonyms": [ "left wing" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rightwing", "num_translations": 17 }, "sorcerer": { "senses": [ "A magician or wizard, sometimes specifically male" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "magician", "wizard" ], "word": "sorcerer", "num_translations": 96 }, "justified": { "senses": [ "Having a justification", "Of text, arranged on a page or a computer screen such that the left and right ends of all lines within paragraphs are aligned" ], "antonyms": [ "unjustified" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "justified", "num_translations": 15 }, "soda": { "senses": [ "Sodium bicarbonate", "Sodium carbonate", "Sodium in chemical combination", "Carbonated water", "Any carbonated soft drink", "A glass, bottle or can of this drink", "The first card in the dealing box in the game of faro, which is discarded to leave 51 cards in play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carbonated" ], "word": "soda", "num_translations": 145 }, "clothe": { "senses": [ "To adorn or cover with clothing", "to dress", "To cover or invest, as if with a garment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dight" ], "word": "clothe", "num_translations": 34 }, "sidekick": { "senses": [ "An assistant to another person, especially to a superior or more important person" ], "antonyms": [ "mentor" ], "synonyms": [ "acolyte", "deuteragonist", "pupil", "wingman" ], "word": "sidekick", "num_translations": 22 }, "phallus": { "senses": [ "A penis, especially when erect", "A representation of an erect penis symbolising fertility or potency", "A similar erectile sexual organ present in the cloacas of male ratites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "phallus", "num_translations": 34 }, "nimble": { "senses": [ "Adept at taking or grasping", "Quick and light in movement or action", "Quick-witted and alert" ], "antonyms": [ "sluggish" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nimble", "num_translations": 108 }, "macerate": { "senses": [ "To soften or separate it into pieces by soaking it in a heated or unheated liquid", "To make lean", "to cause to waste away", "To subdue the appetite by poor or scanty diet", "to mortify", "To mortify the flesh in general" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "macerate", "num_translations": 15 }, "immersion": { "senses": [ "The act of immersing or the condition of being immersed", "A smooth map whose differential is everywhere injective, related to the mathematical concept of an embedding", "The disappearance of a celestial body, by passing either behind another, as in the occultation of a star, or into its shadow, as in the eclipse of a satellite", "opposed to emersion", "A form of foreign-language teaching where the language is used intensively to teach other subjects to a student" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "immersion", "num_translations": 29 }, "exceed": { "senses": [ "To be larger, greater than", "To be better than", "To go beyond", "to surpass", "to be longer than", "To predominate", "To go too far", "to be excessive" ], "antonyms": [ "to fail", "to be inferior", "to fall short", "to subceed" ], "synonyms": [ "outbalance", "excel", "outstep", "cross the line" ], "word": "exceed", "num_translations": 81 }, "ionizingradiation": { "senses": [ "High-energy radiation that is capable of causing ionization in substances through which it passes", "also includes high-energy particles" ], "antonyms": [ "non-ionizing radiation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ionizingradiation", "num_translations": 16 }, "disappoint": { "senses": [ "To sadden or displease by underperforming, or by not delivering something promised or hoped for", "To deprive", "To fail to meet", "to fail to fulfil", "To show to be mistaken", "To prevent" ], "antonyms": [ "satisfy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disappoint", "num_translations": 51 }, "efficiency": { "senses": [ "The extent to which time is well used for the intended task", "The quality of producing an effect or effects", "The extent to which a resource, such as electricity, is used for the intended purpose", "the ratio of useful work to energy expended", "A one-room apartment" ], "antonyms": [ "inefficiency", "wastefulness" ], "synonyms": [ "effectiveness", "bedsit" ], "word": "efficiency", "num_translations": 52 }, "circus": { "senses": [ "A traveling company of performers that may include acrobats, clowns, trained animals, and other novelty acts, that gives shows usually in a circular tent", "A round open space in a town or city where multiple streets meet", "A spectacle", "a noisy fuss", "a chaotic and/or crowded place", "In the ancient Roman Empire, a building for chariot racing", "A code name for bomber attacks with fighter escorts in the day time The attacks were against short-range targets with the intention of occupying enemy fighters and keeping their fighter units in the area concerned", "Circuit", "space", "enclosure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "circus", "num_translations": 96 }, "sweetheart": { "senses": [ "A person who is always very kind", "A person very much liked or loved by someone, especially when both partners are young", "A female member of a college or university fraternity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweetie", "dear" ], "word": "sweetheart", "num_translations": 133 }, "clearcut": { "senses": [ "straightforward, obvious, simple, or basic", "having had all trees cut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cut and dried", "open-and-shut", "res ipsa loquitur" ], "word": "clearcut", "num_translations": 34 }, "getonsomeone'scase": { "senses": [ "To lecture, berate, or complain to somebody, especially to find fault or criticize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harangue" ], "word": "getonsomeone'scase", "num_translations": 12 }, "breakthrough1": { "senses": [ "An advance through and past enemy lines", "Any major progress", "such as a great innovation or discovery that overcomes a significant obstacle", "The penetration of the opposition defence", "The penetration of a separating wall or the remaining distance to an adjacent hollow or between two parts of a tunnel build from both ends", "knockthrough" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breakthrough", "num_translations": 42 }, "twiddleone'sthumbs": { "senses": [ "to circle one's thumbs around one another, usually with the fingers interlaced, usually done idly while waiting or bored", "To wait or dawdle", "to accomplish nothing useful or lack a useful occupation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bide one's time", "fool around" ], "word": "twiddleone'sthumbs", "num_translations": 17 }, "equivalence": { "senses": [ "The condition of being equivalent or essentially equal", "\u2261", "~", "The relationship between two propositions that are either both true or both false", "The quantity of the combining power of an atom, expressed in hydrogen units", "the number of hydrogen atoms can combine with, or be exchanged for", "valency", "A Boolean operation that is TRUE when both input variables are TRUE or both input variables are FALSE, but otherwise FALSE", "the XNOR function", "A number in intersection theory A positive-dimensional variety sometimes behaves formally as if it were a finite number of points", "The degree to which a term or text in one language is semantically similar to its translated counterpart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "equivalence", "num_translations": 34 }, "escutcheon": { "senses": [ "An individual or corporate coat of arms", "A small shield used to charge a larger one", "The pattern of distribution of hair upon the pubic mound", "A marking upon the back of a cow's udder and the space above it , formed by the hair growing upward or outward instead of downward It was once taken as an index of milking qualities", "The part of a ship's stern where its name is displayed", "A decorative and/or protective plate or bezel to fill the gap between a switch, pipe, valve, control knob, etc, and the surface from which it protrudes", "The insignia around a doorknob's exterior hardware or a door lock's cosmetic plate", "The depression behind the beak of certain bivalves", "the ligamental area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "escutcheon", "num_translations": 17 }, "fizz1": { "senses": [ "To emit bubbles", "To make a rapid hissing or bubbling sound", "To shoot or project something moving at great velocity", "To travel at a great velocity, producing a sound caused by the speed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bubble", "fizzle" ], "word": "fizz", "num_translations": 11 }, "stampede": { "senses": [ "A wild, headlong scamper, or running away, of a number of animals", "usually caused by fright", "hence, any sudden flight or dispersion, as of a crowd or an army in consequence of a panic", "A situation in which many people in a crowd are trying to go in the same direction at the same time", "Any sudden unconcerted moving or acting together of a number of persons, as from some common impulse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rush", "crush" ], "word": "stampede", "num_translations": 29 }, "redmeat": { "senses": [ "Meats such as beef that are dark red in colour when uncooked", "Fresh, inspiring, or inflammatory topics or information" ], "antonyms": [ "white meat", "same old same old" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "redmeat", "num_translations": 11 }, "bigwig": { "senses": [ "A person of importance to a group or organization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big cheese", "big enchilada", "big kahuna", "big wheel", "grand poobah", "head honcho", "kingpin", "muckety muck", "top banana", "top dog", "VIP" ], "word": "bigwig", "num_translations": 24 }, "yikes": { "senses": [ "Expression of shock and alarm", "Expression of empathy with unpleasant or undesirable circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eek" ], "word": "yikes", "num_translations": 12 }, "fibula": { "senses": [ "The smaller of the two bones in the lower leg, the calf bone", "An ancient kind of brooch used to hold clothing together, similar in function to the modern safety pin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calf bone" ], "word": "fibula", "num_translations": 12 }, "blazon": { "senses": [ "A verbal or written description of a coat of arms", "A formalized language for describing a coat of arms", "A coat of arms or a banner depicting a coat of arms", "Ostentatious display, verbal or otherwise", "publication", "description", "record" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blazon", "num_translations": 20 }, "blazon1": { "senses": [ "To describe a coat of arms", "To make widely or generally known, to proclaim", "To display conspicuously or publicly", "To shine", "to be conspicuous", "To deck", "to embellish", "to adorn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blazon", "num_translations": 10 }, "chevron": { "senses": [ "A V-shaped pattern", "used in architecture, and as an insignia of military or police rank, on the sleeve", "A wide inverted V placed on a shield", "One of the V-shaped markings on the surface of roads used to indicate minimum distances between vehicles", "A guillemet, either of the punctuation marks \u201c\u00ab\" or \u201c\u00bb\", used in several languages to indicate passages of speech Similar to typical quotation marks used in the English language such as \u201c\u201c\" and \u201c\"\"", "An angle bracket, either used as a typographic or a scientific symbol", "A h\u00e1\u010dek, a diacritical mark that may resemble an inverted circumflex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wicket", "angle bracket" ], "word": "chevron", "num_translations": 28 }, "scramble": { "senses": [ "To move hurriedly to a location, especially by using all limbs against a surface", "To proceed to a location or an objective in a disorderly manner", "To thoroughly combine and cook as a loose mass", "To process to make them unintelligible to an unauthorized listener", "To quickly deploy to a destination in response to an alert, usually to intercept an attacking enemy", "To be quickly deployed in this manner", "To partake in motocross", "To ascend rocky terrain as a leisure activity", "To gather or collect by scrambling", "To struggle eagerly with others for something thrown upon the ground", "to go down upon all fours to seize something", "to catch rudely at what is desired", "To throw something down for others to compete for in this manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scramble", "num_translations": 66 }, "scramble1": { "senses": [ "A rush or hurry, especially making use of the limbs against a surface", "An emergency defensive air force mission to intercept attacking enemy aircraft", "A motocross race", "Any frantic period of competitive activity" ], "antonyms": [ "sortie" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "scramble", "num_translations": 23 }, "brooklyn": { "senses": [ "borough city/New York City s/New York c/USA It is located on the western end of Long Island", "suburb city/Wellington c/New Zealand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "City of Brooklyn" ], "word": "Brooklyn", "num_translations": 12 }, "counterpoint": { "senses": [ "A melody added to an existing one, especially one added to provide harmony whilst each retains its simultaneous identity", "a composition consisting of such contrapuntal melodies", "Any similar contrasting element in a work of art", "An opposite point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contrapuntal", "polyphony" ], "word": "counterpoint", "num_translations": 10 }, "justify": { "senses": [ "To provide an acceptable explanation for", "To be a good, acceptable reason for", "warrant", "To arrange on a page or a computer screen such that the left and right ends of all lines within paragraphs are aligned", "To absolve, and declare to be free of blame or sin", "To give reasons for one's actions", "to make an argument to prove that one is in the right", "To prove", "to ratify", "to confirm", "To show to have had a sufficient legal reason for an act that has been made the subject of a charge or accusation", "To qualify as a surety by taking oath to the ownership of sufficient property" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "justify", "num_translations": 108 }, "songwriter": { "senses": [ "A musician who composes songs", "including writing the song's lyrics and creating a melody or tune for the song" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cleffer", "tunesmith" ], "word": "songwriter", "num_translations": 22 }, "euphony": { "senses": [ "A pronunciation of letters and syllables which is pleasing to the ear", "Pleasant phonetic quality of certain words" ], "antonyms": [ "cacophony" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "euphony", "num_translations": 22 }, "independently": { "senses": [ "In an independent manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:individually" ], "word": "independently", "num_translations": 27 }, "separately": { "senses": [ "In a separate manner", "not together", "apart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sunderling" ], "word": "separately", "num_translations": 43 }, "comedian": { "senses": [ "An entertainer who performs in a humorous manner, especially by telling jokes", "Any person who is humorous or amusing, either characteristically or on a particular occasion", "A person who performs in theatrical plays", "A writer of comedies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "funnyman" ], "word": "comedian", "num_translations": 67 }, "polymorphism": { "senses": [ "The ability to assume different forms or shapes", "The coexistence, in the same locality, of two or more distinct forms independent of sex, not connected by intermediate gradations, but produced from common parents", "The feature pertaining to the dynamic treatment of data elements based on their type, allowing for an instance of a method to have several definitions", "The property of certain typed formal systems of allowing for the use of type variables and binders/quantifiers over those type variables", "likewise, the property of certain expressions of making use of at least one such typed variable", "The ability of a solid material to exist in more than one form or crystal structure", "pleomorphism", "The regular existence of two or more different genotypes within a given species or population", "also, variability of amino acid sequences within a gene's protein" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "polymorphism", "num_translations": 84 }, "patrol": { "senses": [ "A going of the rounds along the chain of sentinels and between the posts, by a guard, usually consisting of three or four men, to insure greater security from attacks on the outposts", "A movement, by a small body of troops beyond the line of outposts, to explore the country and gain intelligence of the enemy's whereabouts", "The guards who go the rounds for observation", "Any perambulation of a particular line or district to guard it", "also, the people thus guarding", "A unit of a troop, usually defined by certain ranks or age groups within the troop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "patrol", "num_translations": 61 }, "polysyllabic": { "senses": [ "Having more than one syllable", "having multiple or many syllables", "Characterized by or consisting of words having numerous syllables" ], "antonyms": [ "monosyllabic", "brachysyllabic" ], "synonyms": [ "multisyllabic" ], "word": "polysyllabic", "num_translations": 28 }, "soar": { "senses": [ "To fly high with little effort, like a bird", "To mount upward on wings, or as on wings", "To remain aloft by means of a glider or other unpowered aircraft", "To rise, especially rapidly or unusually high", "To rise in thought, spirits, or imagination", "to be exalted in mood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "soar", "num_translations": 84 }, "cheekbone": { "senses": [ "The small prominent bone of the cheek" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "malar bone", "zygoma", "zygomatic bone" ], "word": "cheekbone", "num_translations": 42 }, "fleur-de-lis": { "senses": [ "A design representing a flower whose three petals are joined together at the bottom, often used in heraldry, where it is particularly associated with the French monarchy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u269c" ], "word": "fleur-de-lis", "num_translations": 26 }, "serpentine": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of snakes", "Of, or having attributes associated with, the serpent referred to in the book of Genesis in the Bible, such as craftiness or deceitfulness", "Having the form or shape of a snake", "Curving in alternate directions", "sinuous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "serpentine", "num_translations": 23 }, "sinuous": { "senses": [ "Having curves in alternate directions", "meandering", "Moving gracefully and in a supple manner", "Morally crooked", "shifty" ], "antonyms": [ "straight", "abrupt" ], "synonyms": [ "anfractuous", "fluid" ], "word": "sinuous", "num_translations": 23 }, "swindle": { "senses": [ "To defraud", "To obtain money or property by fraudulent or deceitful methods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deceive", "be sold a pup", "swizz" ], "word": "swindle", "num_translations": 94 }, "swindle1": { "senses": [ "An instance of swindling", "Anything that is deceptively not what it appears to be" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deception", "scheme", "swizz" ], "word": "swindle", "num_translations": 36 }, "salacious": { "senses": [ "Promoting sexual desire or lust", "Lascivious, bawdy, obscene, lewd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ardent" ], "word": "salacious", "num_translations": 29 }, "blight1": { "senses": [ "to blast", "to prevent the growth and fertility of", "To spoil or ruin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blight", "num_translations": 18 }, "entrap": { "senses": [ "To catch in a trap or snare", "To lure , either into a dangerous situation, or into performing an illegal act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "betrap" ], "word": "entrap", "num_translations": 11 }, "jawbone": { "senses": [ "The bone of the lower jaw", "the mandible", "Any of the bones in the lower or upper jaw" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inferior maxillary bone", "dentary" ], "word": "jawbone", "num_translations": 55 }, "maxilla": { "senses": [ "Either of the two bones that together form the upper jaw", "One of a set of paired mouthparts found in many arthropods and used for tasting and manipulating food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jawbone", "maxillary bone", "endite" ], "word": "maxilla", "num_translations": 13 }, "breastbone": { "senses": [ "The central narrow bone in the front of the chest, connecting the collarbone and the top ribs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sternum" ], "word": "breastbone", "num_translations": 57 }, "commiserate1": { "senses": [ "To feel or express compassion or sympathy for", "To sympathize", "condole", "To offer condolences jointly with", "express sympathy with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commiserate", "num_translations": 11 }, "heelbone": { "senses": [ "The large bone making up the heel of the human foot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calcaneus" ], "word": "heelbone", "num_translations": 17 }, "coccyx": { "senses": [ "The final fused vertebrae at the base of the spine, the tailbone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tailbone" ], "word": "coccyx", "num_translations": 76 }, "centripetal": { "senses": [ "Directed or moving towards a centre", "Directed towards the central nervous system", "afferent" ], "antonyms": [ "centrifugal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "centripetal", "num_translations": 19 }, "intermediate": { "senses": [ "Being between two extremes, or in the middle of a range" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intermediate" ], "word": "intermediate", "num_translations": 25 }, "beetroot": { "senses": [ "A normally deep-red-coloured root vegetable usually cooked or pickled before eating", "synonym of \"beet\"", "The edible part of the root of a beet plant, raw or prepared" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red beet", "table beet" ], "word": "beetroot", "num_translations": 110 }, "ribonucleicacid": { "senses": [ "A derivative of DNA having ribose in place of deoxyribose, and uracil in place of thymine", "its primary function is in the transcription of genetic material and subsequent synthesis of protein" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ribose nucleic acid" ], "word": "ribonucleicacid", "num_translations": 26 }, "confession": { "senses": [ "The open admittance of having done something", "A formal document providing such an admission", "The disclosure of one's sins to a priest for absolution In the Roman Catholic Church, it is now termed the sacrament of reconciliation", "Acknowledgment of belief", "profession of one's faith", "A formula in which the articles of faith are comprised", "a creed to be assented to or signed, as a preliminary to admission to membership of a church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "confession", "num_translations": 159 }, "flawless": { "senses": [ "Perfect", "without flaws, shortcomings or defects" ], "antonyms": [ "flawed", "flawful" ], "synonyms": [ "impeccable", "perfect", "faultless", "Thesaurus:flawless" ], "word": "flawless", "num_translations": 61 }, "tactless": { "senses": [ "having no tact", "unaware or intentionally inconsiderate of someone else's feelings" ], "antonyms": [ "tactful" ], "synonyms": [ "untactful" ], "word": "tactless", "num_translations": 14 }, "commune": { "senses": [ "A small community, often rural, whose members share in the ownership of property, and in the division of labour", "the members of such a community", "A local political division in many European countries", "The commonalty", "the common people", "communion", "sympathetic intercourse or conversation between friends" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commune", "num_translations": 30 }, "squadron": { "senses": [ "Primarily, a square", "hence, a square body of troops", "a body of troops drawn up in a square", "A body of cavalry comprising two companies or troops, averaging from one hundred and twenty to two hundred soldiers", "A body of infantrymen made up of several platoons, averaging from eighty to one hundred and fifty men, and led by a captain or a major", "A detachment of vessels employed on any particular service or station, under the command of the senior officer", "A tactical air force unit", "consists of at least two flights" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squadron", "num_translations": 75 }, "britishenglish": { "senses": [ "The English language as written and spoken in the United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Britglish", "Britlish", "BE", "BrE", "BrEn", "BR-en", "EN-br", "Brit", "en-gb" ], "word": "BritishEnglish", "num_translations": 32 }, "ascribe": { "senses": [ "To attribute a cause or characteristic to someone or something", "To attribute a book, painting or any work of art or literature to a writer or creator", "To believe in or agree with", "subscribe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attribute", "impute" ], "word": "ascribe", "num_translations": 41 }, "practise": { "senses": [ "To repeat as a way of improving one's skill in that activity", "To repeat an activity in this way", "To perform or observe in a habitual fashion", "To pursue", "To conspire", "To put into practice", "to carry out", "to act upon", "to commit", "to execute", "to do", "To make use of", "to employ", "To teach or accustom by practice", "to train" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "practise", "num_translations": 125 }, "completion": { "senses": [ "The act or state of being or making something complete", "conclusion, accomplishment", "The conclusion of an act of conveyancing concerning the sale of a property", "A forward pass that is successfully caught by the intended receiver", "The act of making a metric space complete by adding points", "The space resulting from such an act" ], "antonyms": [ "incompletion", "termination" ], "synonyms": [ "completeness" ], "word": "completion", "num_translations": 52 }, "cuboidbone": { "senses": [ "One of the seven tarsal bones, the most lateral of the bones in the distal row of the tarsus, and roughly cubical in shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuboid" ], "word": "cuboidbone", "num_translations": 12 }, "pigeonhole1": { "senses": [ "To categorize", "especially to limit or be limited to a particular category, role, etc", "To put aside, to not act on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mothball" ], "word": "pigeonhole", "num_translations": 12 }, "penitentiary": { "senses": [ "A state or federal prison for convicted felons", "a prison", "A priest in the Roman Catholic Church who administers the sacrament of penance", "One who prescribes the rules and measures of penance", "One who does penance", "A small building in a monastery, or a part of a church, where penitents confessed", "An office of the papal court which examines cases of conscience, confession, absolution from vows, etc, and delivers decisions, dispensations, etc", "An officer in some dioceses since 1215, vested with power from the bishop to absolve in cases reserved to him" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pen" ], "word": "penitentiary", "num_translations": 17 }, "hamatebone": { "senses": [ "One of the eight bones of the wrist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "os hamatum" ], "word": "hamatebone", "num_translations": 13 }, "hyoidbone": { "senses": [ "A bone in the human neck which supports the tongue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lingual bone" ], "word": "hyoidbone", "num_translations": 12 }, "ossicle": { "senses": [ "A small bone , especially one of the three of the middle ear", "Bone-like joint or plate, especially:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auditory bone", "auditory ossicle", "bonelet", "ossicular chain", "ossicule", "ossiculum", "otic bone" ], "word": "ossicle", "num_translations": 13 }, "malleus": { "senses": [ "The small hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear", "The tripus", "One of the paired calcareous structures within the mastax of rotifers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hammer", "malleus Weberi" ], "word": "malleus", "num_translations": 34 }, "castoroil": { "senses": [ "The pale yellow vegetable oil extracted from the castor bean", "used as a laxative and an industrial lubricant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ricinus oil" ], "word": "castoroil", "num_translations": 20 }, "doublestar": { "senses": [ "Two stars which form a stellar system, such that they orbit the point of equilibrium of their gravitational fields", "a binary star", "Two stars that appear to be one when seen with the naked eye, either because they orbit one another or happen to be in the same line of sight even though they are separated by a great distance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binary" ], "word": "doublestar", "num_translations": 14 }, "nakedeye": { "senses": [ "Eyesight, unaided by equipment such as a telescope or microscope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unaided eye", "bare eye" ], "word": "nakedeye", "num_translations": 24 }, "stapes": { "senses": [ "A small stirrup-shaped bone of the middle ear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stirrup" ], "word": "stapes", "num_translations": 25 }, "metatarsus": { "senses": [ "The part of the foot between the toes and the ankle, especially its five bones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "instep" ], "word": "metatarsus", "num_translations": 14 }, "anklebone": { "senses": [ "The bone of the ankle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "talus" ], "word": "anklebone", "num_translations": 28 }, "hydrophilic": { "senses": [ "Having an affinity for water", "able to absorb, or be wetted by water", "water-loving" ], "antonyms": [ "hydrophobic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hydrophilic", "num_translations": 17 }, "hydrophobic1": { "senses": [ "Lacking an affinity for water", "unable to absorb, or be wetted by water" ], "antonyms": [ "hydrophilic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hydrophobic", "num_translations": 14 }, "inexorably": { "senses": [ "In an inexorable manner", "without the possibility of stopping or prevention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "relentlessly" ], "word": "inexorably", "num_translations": 23 }, "salute1": { "senses": [ "To make a gesture in honor of", "To act in thanks, honor, or tribute", "to thank or extend gratitude", "to praise", "to wave, to acknowledge an acquaintance", "To address, as with expressions of kind wishes and courtesy", "to greet", "to hail", "To promote the welfare and safety of", "to benefit", "to gratify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "salute", "num_translations": 29 }, "parade": { "senses": [ "An organized procession consisting of a series of consecutive displays, performances, exhibits, etc displayed by moving down a street past a crowd of spectators", "A procession of people moving down a street, organized to protest something", "Any succession, series, or display of items", "A line of goslings led by one parent and often trailed by the other", "Pompous show", "formal display or exhibition", "outward show", "An assembling of troops for inspection or to receive orders", "Posture of defense", "guard", "The ground where a military display is held, or where troops are drilled", "A public walk", "a promenade", "now used in street names", "A term of venery denoting a herd of elephants on the move" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parade", "num_translations": 105 }, "polish": { "senses": [ "Cleanliness", "smoothness, shininess", "Refinement", "cleanliness in performance or presentation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wax", "finish", "class" ], "word": "polish", "num_translations": 60 }, "polish1": { "senses": [ "To shine", "to make a surface very smooth or shiny by rubbing, cleaning, or grinding", "To refine", "remove imperfections from", "To become smooth, as from friction", "to receive a gloss", "to take a smooth and glossy surface", "To refine", "to wear off the rudeness, coarseness, or rusticity of", "to make elegant and polite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wax", "hone" ], "word": "polish", "num_translations": 86 }, "abelian1": { "senses": [ "A member of a sect in fourth-century Africa mentioned by St Augustine, who states that they married but lived in continence after the manner, as they claimed, of Abel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Abelite" ], "word": "Abelian", "num_translations": 11 }, "akkad": { "senses": [ "One of the ancient kingdoms of Mesopotamia, located in northern Babylonia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Agade" ], "word": "Akkad", "num_translations": 14 }, "anna": { "senses": [ "female given name", "A prophetess in the New Testament", "city s/Illinois", "city s/Texas", "town obl/Voronezh c/Russia", "village county/J\u00e4rva c/Estonia", "village p/Fars c/Iran", "village p/Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad c/Iran", "village s/Ohio", "municipality autonomous community/Valencian Community c/Spain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Anna", "num_translations": 24 }, "antichrist": { "senses": [ "One under the direct control of the Devil, who will lead the abomination in the end times" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dajjal" ], "word": "Antichrist", "num_translations": 26 }, "apollo": { "senses": [ ": The son of Zeus and Leto, , and the twin brother of Artemis, He was the god of light, music, medicine, and poetry", "and prophecy, dance, manly beauty, and more", "The planet Mercury, when observed as a Morning Star", "A United States space program, and the vehicles it created, used for human travel to the moon", "A very handsome young man", "A male given name", "A placename" ], "antonyms": [ "Hermes" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Apollo", "num_translations": 58 }, "aries": { "senses": [ "A constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a ram", "The zodiac sign for the ram, ruled by Mars and covering March 20 - April 20 or April 15 - May 15" ], "antonyms": [ "Libra" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Aries", "num_translations": 107 }, "aries1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arian", "Arietian" ], "word": "Aries", "num_translations": 15 }, "attic": { "senses": [ "Relating to Athenian culture or architecture", "Marked by the qualities that were characteristic of the Athenians", "classical", "refined", "Relating to that dialect of Ancient Greek" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Attic", "num_translations": 12 }, "august": { "senses": [ "The eighth month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars, following July and preceding September", "female given name derived from the month" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sextilis" ], "word": "August", "num_translations": 220 }, "aztec": { "senses": [ "A Mexica", "A Nahua" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mexica", "Nahua" ], "word": "Aztec", "num_translations": 22 }, "aztec1": { "senses": [ "The Nahuatl language", "city/county seat co/San Juan County s/New Mexico c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nahuatl" ], "word": "Aztec", "num_translations": 13 }, "aztec2": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the Mexica people", "Of or pertaining to the Nahuas", "Of or pertaining to the Nahuatl language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aztecan", "Mexica", "Nahua", "Nahuatl" ], "word": "Aztec", "num_translations": 18 }, "baden": { "senses": [ "spa town c/Austria", "spa town c/Switzerland", "Other towns in France, Germany, Canada, the Ukraine, and the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Baden-Baden", "margravate", "Baden-by-Vienna", "Baden-by-Z\u00fcrich", "county" ], "word": "Baden", "num_translations": 16 }, "bath": { "senses": [ "city/county seat co/Sagadahoc County s/Maine", "named for the city in England", "town/and/mineral spring c/Jamaica", "named for the city in England", "town s/New Hampshire", "town/and/village/county seat co/Steuben County s/New York", "town s/North Carolina", "town s/Ohio", "borough s/Pennsylvania", "named for the city in England", "village s/Illinois", "village c/Netherlands", "village p/New Brunswick", "unincorporated community s/Indiana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Bath", "num_translations": 32 }, "benedict": { "senses": [ "surname", "city/and/village s/Kansas", "census-designated place s/Maryland", "village s/Nebraska", "city/and/village s/North Dakota" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Benedict", "num_translations": 47 }, "bokmal": { "senses": [ "One of the two major written standards of Norwegian, literally meaning \u201cbook language\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Norwegian Bokm\u00e5l" ], "word": "Bokmal", "num_translations": 29 }, "buffalo": { "senses": [ "city/county seat co/Erie County s/New York, very near Niagara Falls", "city/county seat co/Wright County s/Minnesota", "city/county seat co/Dallas County s/Missouri", "town/county seat co/Harper County s/Oklahoma", "town/county seat co/Harding County s/South Dakota", "city/county seat co/Johnson County s/Wyoming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Buffalo", "num_translations": 21 }, "burgundy1": { "senses": [ "A variety of red wine from this region", "especially from Australia or California" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Burgundy wine" ], "word": "Burgundy", "num_translations": 10 }, "canton": { "senses": [ "Several places in China:", "hamlet p/Ontario c/Canada", "Several places in the United States:", "inner city district/and/community city/Cardiff cc/Wales", "surname of French or Galician origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Canton", "num_translations": 45 }, "cantonese1": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of Canton", "a person of Canton descent", "A Sinitic language mainly spoken in the south-eastern part of Mainland China, Guangdong , Hong Kong, Macau, by the Chinese minorities in Southeast Asia and by many overseas Chinese worldwide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Yue Chinese", "Cantonese dialect", "Cantonese language" ], "word": "Cantonese", "num_translations": 85 }, "coke": { "senses": [ "Cola-based soft drink", "A bottle, glass or can of a cola-based soft drink", "Any soft drink, regardless of type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see the list at" ], "word": "Coke", "num_translations": 49 }, "cygnus": { "senses": [ "A summer constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a swan It includes the triple star system HD 188753 and the stars Deneb and Albireo", "A king of the Ligurians and relative of Phaeton who was transformed into a swan and placed in the sky as a constellation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Northern Cross", "Cycnus" ], "word": "Cygnus", "num_translations": 72 }, "delphinus": { "senses": [ "A small summer constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a dolphin It lies between the constellations Cygnus and Aquila" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dolphin" ], "word": "Delphinus", "num_translations": 18 }, "east": { "senses": [ "the Soviet Union and its socialist allies during the Cold War", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "East", "num_translations": 66 }, "gemini": { "senses": [ ": A constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a pair of twins It contains the stars Castor and Pollux", ": The zodiac sign for the twins, ruled by Mercury and covering May 22 - June 21 or June 16 - July 15" ], "antonyms": [ "Sagittarius" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Gemini", "num_translations": 117 }, "god": { "senses": [ "The single deity of various monotheistic religions, especially the deity of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam", "The single male deity of various bitheistic or duotheistic religions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:god" ], "word": "God", "num_translations": 348 }, "guangzhou": { "senses": [ "major city/and/port/capital city p/Guangdong in southeastern c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canton" ], "word": "Guangzhou", "num_translations": 46 }, "han": { "senses": [ "An imperial Chinese dynasty, ruling from 206 BC to AD 220, marked by the expansion of the Yellow River's Huaxia culture to the recent conquests of the Qin and a flowering of economic, literary, and scientific development", "The Chinese ethnicity, when distinguished from other peoples of the Chinese state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Han Chinese" ], "word": "Han", "num_translations": 57 }, "holocaust": { "senses": [ "The systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II", "The systematic mass murder of 11 million people, namely 6 million Jews and 5 million others , perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Shoah", "the Nazi genocide" ], "word": "Holocaust", "num_translations": 90 }, "hydra": { "senses": [ "A mythological serpent with many heads, slain by Hercules as one of his twelve labours", "A spring constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a serpent It lies just south of the zodiac and contains the star Alphard", "One of Pluto's moons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lernaean", "Pluto II" ], "word": "Hydra", "num_translations": 90 }, "k2": { "senses": [ "abbreviation of \"contract\"", "abbreviation of \"go ahead, over\" an indication that a message is complete and a reply is awaited", "abbreviation of \"carrying capacity\"", "abbreviation of \"capital\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "K", "num_translations": 10 }, "ladino": { "senses": [ "A Romance language mainly spoken by Sephardic Jews , derived mainly from Old Castilian and Hebrew" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dzhudezmo", "Djudezmo", "Judezmo", "Judeo-Spanish", "Judaeo-Spanish", "Jud\u00e6o-Spanish", "Djudeo-espanyol" ], "word": "Ladino", "num_translations": 31 }, "latin": { "senses": [ "Roman Catholic", "of or pertaining to the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Latin", "num_translations": 247 }, "latin2": { "senses": [ "A person native to ancient Rome or its Empire", "A person adhering to Roman Catholic practice", "A person native to the ancient region of Latium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Latin", "num_translations": 77 }, "lent": { "senses": [ "A period of the ecclesiastical year preceding Easter, traditionally involving temporary abstention from certain foods and pleasures", "The second term of the academic year at some British schools" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lententide", "Great Lent", "Lent term" ], "word": "Lent", "num_translations": 84 }, "leo": { "senses": [ "male given name, borne by numerous saints and 13 popes", ": A constellation of the zodiac, shaped approximately like a lion and containing the bright star Regulus", ": The zodiac sign for the Lion, ruled by the Sun and covering July 23 - August 22 or August 16 - September 15", "surname" ], "antonyms": [ "Aquarius" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Leo", "num_translations": 172 }, "li": { "senses": [ "surname of Chinese origin, a transcription of \u674e", "surname of Chinese origin, a transcription of other less common names such as \u9ece and \u7406", "surname of Korean origin, a variant of Lee and Rhee (Hanja: \u674e", "Hangul: \uc774 & \ub9ac)", "county p/Gansu c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Li", "num_translations": 14 }, "libra": { "senses": [ "A constellation of the zodiac, supposedly shaped like a set of scales", "The astrological sign for the scales, ruled by Venus and covering September 24 - October 23 or October 16 - November 16" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u264e" ], "word": "Libra", "num_translations": 128 }, "limburgish": { "senses": [ "A Germanic language or dialect continuum spoken near the common border between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Limburgian" ], "word": "Limburgish", "num_translations": 29 }, "lord2": { "senses": [ "A generic title used in reference to any peer of the British nobility or any peer below the dignity of duke and for the younger sons of dukes and marquesses", "Similar formal and generic titles in other countries", "The elected president of a festival", "A high priest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Lord", "num_translations": 23 }, "mandarin": { "senses": [ "Putonghua, Guoyu or Huayu", "A branch of the Chinese languages, consisting of many dialects", "Guanhua or Beifanghua" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Beifanghua", "Guanhua", "Guoyu", "Huayu", "Mandarin Chinese", "Putonghua", "Standard Chinese", "Standard Mandarin", "Standard Spoken Chinese" ], "word": "Mandarin", "num_translations": 115 }, "moon": { "senses": [ "the sole natural satellite of the Earth, represented in astronomy and astrology by \u263e", "surname", "The 54th sura of the Qur'an" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Luna" ], "word": "Moon", "num_translations": 206 }, "moor": { "senses": [ "A member of an ancient Berber people from Mauretania", "A member of an Islamic people of Arab or Berber origin ruling Spain and parts of North Africa from the 8th to the 15th centuries", "A Muslim or a person from the Middle East or Africa", "A person of mixed Arab and Berber ancestry inhabiting the Mediterranean coastline of northwest Africa", "A person of an ethnic group speaking the Hassaniya language, mainly inhabiting Western Sahara, Mauritania, and parts of neighbouring countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Moor", "num_translations": 58 }, "nynorsk": { "senses": [ "One of the two major written standards of Norwegian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Norwegian Nynorsk" ], "word": "Nynorsk", "num_translations": 34 }, "o3": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oh", "hey", "yo", "ah" ], "word": "O", "num_translations": 32 }, "phoenix": { "senses": [ "A mythical firebird", "especially the sacred one from ancient Egyptian mythology", "A spring constellation of the southern sky, said to resemble the mythical bird It lies north of Tucana", "A character in the Iliad and father of Adonis in Greek mythology or a different character in Greek mythology, brother of Europa and Cadmus", "The > of >, > and the > of >", "A nickname sometimes used for Japan after World War II", "surname", "male given name", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Phoenix", "num_translations": 65 }, "polaris": { "senses": [ "The pole star, a trinary star in the constellation Ursa Minor that currently lies close to the north celestial pole", "Alpha Ursae Minoris", "A type of US ballistic missile, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and designed to be launched from a submarine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lode Star", "North Star", "Pole Star" ], "word": "Polaris", "num_translations": 59 }, "q2": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "DNQ", "DNQ" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Q", "num_translations": 10 }, "ra": { "senses": [ "The Egyptian god of the Sun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Re" ], "word": "Ra", "num_translations": 35 }, "regina": { "senses": [ "The reigning queen", "capital city p/Saskatchewan c/Canada, with a metropolitan population of about 200,000", "neighborhood in the community of community/Nokomis city/Minneapolis s/Minnesota c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Jefferson County s/Missouri c/USA", "CDP co/Sandoval County s/New Mexico c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Lancaster County and no/Northumberland County s/Virginia c/USA", "unincorporated community in the town of town/Almon co/Shawano County s/Wisconsin c/USA", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "R", "Pile of Bones" ], "word": "Regina", "num_translations": 14 }, "rhea": { "senses": [ "A Titan, the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, the mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus", "One of the moons of Saturn", "female given name in occasional use", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Saturn V" ], "word": "Rhea", "num_translations": 21 }, "romance1": { "senses": [ "Of or dealing with languages or cultures derived from Roman influence and Latin: Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Catalan, Occitan, Corsican, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Romanic" ], "word": "Romance", "num_translations": 44 }, "sagittarius": { "senses": [ ": A constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a centaur who is an archer", ": The zodiac sign for the archer, ruled by Jupiter and covering November 23 - December 21 or December 16 - January 14" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u2650", "Toxotes" ], "word": "Sagittarius", "num_translations": 118 }, "scorpius": { "senses": [ ": A constellation of the zodiac, roughly shaped like a scorpion Its brightest star is the red giant Antares", ": Scorpio" ], "antonyms": [ "Taurus" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Scorpius", "num_translations": 57 }, "scotch": { "senses": [ "The people of Scotland", "Whisky distilled in Scotland, especially from malted barley" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Scot", "malt" ], "word": "Scotch", "num_translations": 24 }, "tash1": { "senses": [ "A Hassidic community", "neighbourhood city/Boisbriand p/Quebec c/Canada", "synonym of \"Nyirtass\"", "village c/Hungary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Tash", "num_translations": 17 }, "taurus1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "Scorpio" ], "synonyms": [ "Taurean" ], "word": "Taurus", "num_translations": 11 }, "taurus2": { "senses": [ "mountain range in southern r/Anatolia, almost 4000 metres high and running parallel to the Mediterranean coast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Taurus Mountains" ], "word": "Taurus", "num_translations": 12 }, "titan": { "senses": [ "Any of the race of giant gods in Greek mythology that preceded and was overthrown by the Olympian gods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:Titan" ], "word": "Titan", "num_translations": 21 }, "magnumopus": { "senses": [ "A great or important work of literature, music or art, a masterpiece", "The best, most popular, or most renowned achievement of an author or artist, representing their major life effort", "The process of working with the prima materia to create the philosopher's stone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "masterpiece", "opus magnum" ], "word": "magnumopus", "num_translations": 15 }, "vat": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"value added tax\"", "initialism of \"Vigilance awareness training\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GST" ], "word": "VAT", "num_translations": 35 }, "virgo1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "Pisces" ], "synonyms": [ "Virgoan" ], "word": "Virgo", "num_translations": 10 }, "west": { "senses": [ "The European Union", "A person occupying this position during a specified activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "West", "num_translations": 58 }, "wiccan1": { "senses": [ "A follower of Wicca" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wiccanist" ], "word": "Wiccan", "num_translations": 12 }, "york": { "senses": [ "hamlet dist/Ribble Valley co/Lancashire cc/England", "neighbourhood city/Edmonton p/Alberta c/Canada", "former municipality city/Toronto c/Canada", "Former name of Toronto", "community co/Haldimand County p/Ontario c/Canada", "community co/Queens County p/Prince Edward Island c/Canada", "coastal town c/Sierra Leone", "Places in the United States of America:", "their symbol was a white rose", "surname from the city or the county" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "York", "num_translations": 62 }, "zeppelin": { "senses": [ "A type of large German dirigible airship of the early 20th century, designed to carry passengers or bombs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rigid airship" ], "word": "Zeppelin", "num_translations": 29 }, "spirituality": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being spiritual", "Concern for that which is unseen and intangible, as opposed to physical or mundane", "Appreciation for religious values", "That which belongs to the church, or to a person as an ecclesiastic, or to religion, as distinct from temporalities", "An ecclesiastical body", "the whole body of the clergy, as distinct from, or opposed to, the temporality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spirituality", "num_translations": 25 }, "snowglobe": { "senses": [ "A decorative object or toy containing a model of a landscape, fluid and suspended white flakes that emulate snowfall when shaken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snowdome", "snowstorm" ], "word": "snowglobe", "num_translations": 32 }, "hellish": { "senses": [ "Causing pain, discomfort or distress" ], "antonyms": [ "heavenly" ], "synonyms": [ "awful", "horrible", "terrible", "nightmarish", "infernal" ], "word": "hellish", "num_translations": 12 }, "inundate": { "senses": [ "To cover with large amounts of water", "to flood", "To overwhelm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deluge", "deluge" ], "word": "inundate", "num_translations": 49 }, "carelessness": { "senses": [ "Lack of care" ], "antonyms": [ "carefulness" ], "synonyms": [ "inattention", "negligence" ], "word": "carelessness", "num_translations": 36 }, "insure": { "senses": [ "To provide for compensation if some specified risk occurs Often agreed by policy to offer financial compensation in case of an accident, theft or other undesirable event", "To deal in such contracts", "subscribe to a policy of insurance", "alternative spelling of \"ensure\"", "to make sure or certain of", "guarantee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insure", "num_translations": 36 }, "pretend": { "senses": [ "To claim, to allege, especially when falsely or as a form of deliberate deception", "To feign, affect", "To lay claim to", "To make oneself appear to do or be doing something", "to engage in make-believe", "To hold before, or put forward, as a cloak or disguise for something else", "to exhibit as a veil for something hidden", "To intend", "to design, to plot", "to attempt", "To hold before one", "to extend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pretend", "num_translations": 66 }, "noah": { "senses": [ "A figure in Abrahamic religions, believed to have built an ark to save his family and members of each species of animal from the Great Flood", "male given name", "female given name", "surname", "The 71st sura of the Qur'an" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Noah", "num_translations": 104 }, "cuneiform": { "senses": [ "Having the form of a wedge", "wedge-shaped, especially with a tapered end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuneiform bone", "precuneiform", "wedge-shaped", "wedgelike", "wedgy" ], "word": "cuneiform", "num_translations": 23 }, "cuneiform1": { "senses": [ "An ancient Mesopotamian writing system, adapted within several language families, originating as pictograms in Sumer around the 30th century BC, evolving into more abstract and characteristic wedge shapes formed by a blunt reed stylus on clay tablets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wedge-writing" ], "word": "cuneiform", "num_translations": 72 }, "china": { "senses": [ "Cheaper and lower-quality ceramic and ceramic tableware, distinguished from porcelain", "synonym of \"cheyney\": worsted or woolen stuff", "synonym of \"friend\"", "A kind of drum cymbal approximating a Chinese style of cymbal, but usually with Turkish influences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "china", "num_translations": 10 }, "guinea": { "senses": [ "A person of Italian descent", "A gold coin originally worth twenty shillings", "later standardised at a value of twenty-one shillings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dago" ], "word": "guinea", "num_translations": 17 }, "cologne": { "senses": [ "A type of perfume consisting of 2-5% essential oils, 70-90 % alcohol and water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eau de Cologne" ], "word": "cologne", "num_translations": 89 }, "champagne": { "senses": [ "Any sparkling wine made by the m\u00e9thode champenoise", "Any sparkling white wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bubbly" ], "word": "champagne", "num_translations": 84 }, "daring1": { "senses": [ "Adventurous, willing to take on or look for risks", "overbold", "Courageous or showing bravery", "doughty", "Racy", "sexually provocative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "audacious" ], "word": "daring", "num_translations": 46 }, "daring2": { "senses": [ "Boldness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boldness" ], "word": "daring", "num_translations": 16 }, "courageous": { "senses": [ "Of a person, displaying or possessing courage", "Of an action, that requires courage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "person", "act", "Thesaurus:brave" ], "word": "courageous", "num_translations": 29 }, "locker": { "senses": [ "A type of storage compartment with a lock, usually used to store clothing, equipment, or books", "One who locks something", "A locking differential", "A customs officer who guards a warehouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footlocker" ], "word": "locker", "num_translations": 32 }, "irrelevance": { "senses": [ "Lack of relationship with the topic at hand", "lack of importance" ], "antonyms": [ "relevance" ], "synonyms": [ "irrelevancy" ], "word": "irrelevance", "num_translations": 19 }, "incomprehensible": { "senses": [ "impossible or very difficult to understand" ], "antonyms": [ "comprehensible" ], "synonyms": [ "fathomless" ], "word": "incomprehensible", "num_translations": 41 }, "hackney": { "senses": [ "An ordinary horse", "A carriage for hire or a cab", "A horse used to ride or drive", "A breed of English horse", "A hired drudge", "a hireling", "a prostitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hackney", "num_translations": 10 }, "meaningful": { "senses": [ "Having meaning, significant" ], "antonyms": [ "meaningless" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "meaningful", "num_translations": 38 }, "meaningless": { "senses": [ "Lacking meaning", "Insignificant", "not worthy of importance" ], "antonyms": [ "meaningful", "significant" ], "synonyms": [ "nonsensical", "negligible" ], "word": "meaningless", "num_translations": 51 }, "respectable": { "senses": [ "Deserving respect", "Decent", "satisfactory", "Moderately well-to-do" ], "antonyms": [ "contemptible", "despicable", "disrespectable" ], "synonyms": [ "honorable" ], "word": "respectable", "num_translations": 34 }, "popsicle": { "senses": [ "Frozen fruit juice, flavored sugar water or the like, on a stick, of a size to be one serving", "Something cold or frozen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ice pop", "ice lolly", "icy pole" ], "word": "popsicle", "num_translations": 25 }, "cabin": { "senses": [ "A small dwelling characteristic of the frontier, especially when built from logs with simple tools and not constructed by professional builders, but by those who meant to live in it", "A chalet or lodge, especially one that can hold large groups of people", "A private room on a ship", "The interior of a boat, enclosed to create a small room, particularly for sleeping", "The passenger area of an airplane", "The section of a passenger plane having the same class of service", "A signal box", "A small room", "an enclosed place", "A private office", "particularly of a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or other professional" ], "antonyms": [ "hall", "palace", "villa" ], "synonyms": [ "cell", "chamber", "hut", "pod", "shack", "shed" ], "word": "cabin", "num_translations": 134 }, "resilient": { "senses": [ "Returning quickly to original shape after force is applied", "elastic", "Returning quickly to normal after damaging events or conditions" ], "antonyms": [ "brittle", "fragile" ], "synonyms": [ "bendable", "flexible", "strong" ], "word": "resilient", "num_translations": 61 }, "platonic": { "senses": [ "Neither sexual nor romantic in nature" ], "antonyms": [ "romantic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "platonic", "num_translations": 22 }, "whippersnapper": { "senses": [ "A young and cheeky or presumptuous person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "upstart" ], "word": "whippersnapper", "num_translations": 17 }, "protege": { "senses": [ "A person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced person or mentor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mentee", "pupil" ], "word": "protege", "num_translations": 25 }, "divisive": { "senses": [ "Having a quality that divides or separates" ], "antonyms": [ "combinative" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "divisive", "num_translations": 13 }, "benediction": { "senses": [ "A short invocation for help, blessing and guidance from God, said on behalf of another person or persons", "In the Anglican church, the ceremony used to institute an abbot, analogous to the consecration of a bishop", "A Roman Catholic rite by which bells, banners, candles, etc, are blessed with holy water and formally dedicated to God", "Help, good fortune or reward from God or another supernatural source" ], "antonyms": [ "malediction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "benediction", "num_translations": 10 }, "iapetus": { "senses": [ "A Titan, the son of Uranus and Gaia, and father of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius", "The third largest moon of Saturn", "An ancient ocean which existed between 600 and 400 million years ago" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Proto-Atlantic" ], "word": "Iapetus", "num_translations": 23 }, "poltroon": { "senses": [ "An ignoble or total coward", "a dastard", "a mean-spirited wretch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "craven" ], "word": "poltroon", "num_translations": 22 }, "punkrock": { "senses": [ "A genre of rock music associated with short, loud, energetic songs played on electric guitars and drums and employing angry, offensive, and/or political lyrics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "punk" ], "word": "punkrock", "num_translations": 10 }, "syntactic": { "senses": [ "Of, related to or connected with syntax", "Containing morphemes that are combined in the same order as they would be if they were separate words eg greenfinch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "syntactical" ], "word": "syntactic", "num_translations": 20 }, "photocopy": { "senses": [ "A copy made using a photocopier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "copy", "photostat", "xerox" ], "word": "photocopy", "num_translations": 38 }, "inspection": { "senses": [ "The act of examining something, often closely", "An organization that checks that certain laws or rules are obeyed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "examination", "scrutiny" ], "word": "inspection", "num_translations": 56 }, "risky": { "senses": [ "Dangerous, involving risks" ], "antonyms": [ "riskless" ], "synonyms": [ "hazardous" ], "word": "risky", "num_translations": 35 }, "unreliable": { "senses": [ "Not reliable" ], "antonyms": [ "reliable" ], "synonyms": [ "flakey", "sporadic" ], "word": "unreliable", "num_translations": 44 }, "austere": { "senses": [ "Grim or severe in manner or appearance", "Lacking trivial decoration", "not extravagant or gaudy" ], "antonyms": [ "overwrought" ], "synonyms": [ "stern", "simple" ], "word": "austere", "num_translations": 36 }, "grayling": { "senses": [ "Any freshwater fish of the genus Thymallus or specifically Thymallus thymallus, of the salmon family, having a large dorsal fin", "Other similar fish", "A species of butterfly, Hipparchia semele, of the family Nymphalidae", "Other butterflies of genus Hipparchia", "Cercyonis pegala" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grayling", "num_translations": 32 }, "mediator": { "senses": [ "One who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement", "A chemical substance transmitting information to a targeted cell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "negotiator" ], "word": "mediator", "num_translations": 41 }, "neutronbomb": { "senses": [ "An atomic bomb that produces a greater amount of neutrons, and a lesser amount of blast", "the intention being to create equal lethal neutron radiation and blast radii which increases the effectiveness of the weapon against armour while reducing collateral damage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "N-bomb" ], "word": "neutronbomb", "num_translations": 23 }, "hereditary": { "senses": [ "Passed on as an inheritance, by last will or intestate", "Of a title, honor or right: legally granted to somebody's descendant after that person's death", "Of a disease or trait: passed from a parent to offspring in the genes", "Of a ring: such that all submodules of projective modules over the ring are also projective" ], "antonyms": [ "nonhereditary" ], "synonyms": [ "inhereditary" ], "word": "hereditary", "num_translations": 85 }, "ugli": { "senses": [ "Citrus \u00d7 paradisi, a cross between a tangerine, Citrus reticulata and grapefruit Citrus paradisi, grown in the West Indies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ugli fruit" ], "word": "ugli", "num_translations": 19 }, "vomerbone": { "senses": [ "The small thin bone that forms part of the septum between the nostrils" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ploughshare bone" ], "word": "vomerbone", "num_translations": 19 }, "shinbone": { "senses": [ "The inner and usually the larger of the two bones of the leg or hind limb below the knee", "A segment of an insect's leg" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tibia" ], "word": "shinbone", "num_translations": 62 }, "sideline": { "senses": [ "A line at the side of something", "Something that is additional or extra or that exists around the edges or margins of a main item", "A line for hobbling an animal by connecting the fore and the hind feet of the same side", "A line defining the side boundary of a playing field", "The outside or perimeter of any activity", "A secondary road, especially a byroad at right angles to a main road" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sideline", "num_translations": 21 }, "sincerely": { "senses": [ "In a sincere or earnest manner", "honestly", "A conventional formula for ending a letter, used when the salutation addresses the person for whom the letter is intended by his or her name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earnestly", "yours sincerely" ], "word": "sincerely", "num_translations": 16 }, "juggle": { "senses": [ "To manipulate objects, such as balls, clubs, beanbags, rings, etc in an artful or artistic manner Juggling may also include assorted other circus skills such as the diabolo, devil sticks, hat, and cigar box manipulation as well", "To handle or manage many tasks at once", "To deceive by trick or artifice", "To joke or jest", "To perform magic tricks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "juggle", "num_translations": 39 }, "betelnut": { "senses": [ "An egg-shaped seed of the betel palm", "wrapped in the leaves of the betel pepper and chewed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "areca nut" ], "word": "betelnut", "num_translations": 26 }, "pisiformbone": { "senses": [ "A small knobbly, pea-shaped sesamoid bone of the wrist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "os pisiforme", "lentiform bone" ], "word": "pisiformbone", "num_translations": 13 }, "personaldigitalassistant": { "senses": [ "A hand-held electronic organizer or computer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "palmtop", "PDA" ], "word": "personaldigitalassistant", "num_translations": 23 }, "earth": { "senses": [ "The third planet of the Solar System", "the world upon which humans live" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "globe", "Middle Earth", "Mother Earth" ], "word": "Earth", "num_translations": 198 }, "descend": { "senses": [ "To pass from a higher to a lower place", "to move downwards", "to come or go down in any way, for example by falling, flowing, walking, climbing etc", "To enter mentally", "to retire", "To make an attack, or incursion, as if from a vantage ground", "to come suddenly and with violence", "To come down to a lower, less fortunate, humbler, less virtuous, or worse, state or rank", "to lower or abase oneself", "To pass from the more general or important to the specific or less important matters to be considered", "To come down, as from a source, original, or stock", "to be derived", "to proceed by generation or by transmission", "to happen by inheritance", "To move toward the south, or to the southward", "To fall in pitch", "to pass from a higher to a lower tone", "To go down upon or along", "to pass from a higher to a lower part of" ], "antonyms": [ "ascend", "go up" ], "synonyms": [ "go down" ], "word": "descend", "num_translations": 119 }, "buckle": { "senses": [ "To distort or collapse under physical pressure", "especially, of a slender structure in compression", "To make bend", "to cause to become distorted", "To give in", "to react suddenly or adversely to stress or pressure", "To yield", "to give way", "to cease opposing", "To enter upon some labour or contest", "to join in close fight", "to contend", "to apply oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buckle", "num_translations": 26 }, "buckle1": { "senses": [ "A clasp used for fastening two things together, such as the ends of a belt, or for retaining the end of a strap", "The brisure of an eighth daughter", "A distortion, bulge, bend, or kink, as in a saw blade or a plate of sheet metal", "A curl of hair, especially a kind of crisp curl formerly worn", "also, the state of being curled", "A contorted expression, as of the face" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buckle", "num_translations": 87 }, "showbusiness": { "senses": [ "The entertainment industry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "showbiz" ], "word": "showbusiness", "num_translations": 35 }, "tamper1": { "senses": [ "To make unauthorized or improper alterations, sometimes causing deliberate damage", "to meddle", "To try to influence someone, usually in an illegal or devious way", "to try to deal", "To meddle in order to corrupt or pervert it", "To involve oneself", "To attempt to practise or administer something without sufficient knowledge or qualifications", "To discuss future contracts with a player, against league rules" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tamper", "num_translations": 52 }, "capsule": { "senses": [ "A membranous envelope", "A type of simple, dehiscent, dry fruit produced by many species of flowering plants, such as poppy, lily, orchid, willow and cotton", "A sporangium, especially in bryophytes", "A tough, fibrous layer surrounding an organ such as the kidney or liver", "A membrane that surrounds the eyeball", "A detachable part of a rocket or spacecraft containing the crew's living space", "A small container containing a dose of medicine", "in a brief, condensed or compact form", "The covering \u2014 formerly lead or tin, now often plastic \u2014 over the cork at the top of the wine bottle", "A small clay saucer for roasting or melting samples of ores, etc", "a scorifier", "A small, shallow evaporating dish, usually of porcelain", "A small cup or shell, often of metal, for a percussion cap, cartridge, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "capsule", "num_translations": 74 }, "affirm": { "senses": [ "To agree, verify or concur", "to answer positively", "To assert positively", "to tell with confidence", "to aver", "to maintain as true", "To support or encourage", "To make firm", "to confirm, or ratify", "especially to assert or confirm, as a judgment, decree, or order, brought before an appellate court for review" ], "antonyms": [ "disaffirm", "deny", "repudiate", "invalidate" ], "synonyms": [ "validate" ], "word": "affirm", "num_translations": 31 }, "lacrimalbone": { "senses": [ "The smallest and most fragile bone of the face, situated near the eye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "os lacrimale" ], "word": "lacrimalbone", "num_translations": 10 }, "palatinebone": { "senses": [ "Either of the two bones that make up the hard palate and situated at the rear of the nasal cavity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "os palatinum" ], "word": "palatinebone", "num_translations": 10 }, "arctangent": { "senses": [ "Any of several single-valued or multivalued functions that are inverses of the tangent function Symbol: arctan, tan-1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inverse tangent" ], "word": "arctangent", "num_translations": 13 }, "cupcake": { "senses": [ "A small cake baked in a paper container shaped like a cup, often with icing on top", "An attractive young woman", "A weak or effeminate man", "Term of endearment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fairy cake", "cockney", "babe", "cabbage" ], "word": "cupcake", "num_translations": 36 }, "displace": { "senses": [ "To put out of place", "to disarrange", "To move something, or someone, especially to forcibly move people from their homeland", "To supplant, or take the place of something or someone", "to substitute", "To replace, on account of being superior to or more suitable than that which is being replaced", "to repress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "displace", "num_translations": 29 }, "racquet": { "senses": [ "An implement with a handle connected to a round frame strung with wire, sinew, or plastic cords, and used to hit a ball, such as in tennis, or a shuttlecock in badminton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bat", "paddle" ], "word": "racquet", "num_translations": 20 }, "badminton": { "senses": [ "A racquet sport played indoors on a court by two opposing players or two opposing pairs of players , in which a shuttlecock is volleyed over a net and the competitions are presided by an umpire in British English and a referee in American English", "A cooling summer drink made with claret, sugar and soda water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "badders" ], "word": "badminton", "num_translations": 49 }, "conception": { "senses": [ "The act of conceiving", "The state of being conceived", "the beginning", "The fertilization of an ovum by a sperm to form a zygote", "The start of pregnancy", "The formation of a conceptus or an implanted embryo", "The power or faculty of apprehending of forming an idea in the mind", "the power of recalling a past sensation or perception", "the ability to form mental abstractions", "An image, idea, or notion formed in the mind", "a concept, plan or design" ], "antonyms": [ "misconception" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conception", "num_translations": 88 }, "shuttlecock": { "senses": [ "A lightweight object that is conical in shape with a cork or rubber-covered nose, used in badminton the way a ball is used in other racquet games", "The game of badminton" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "birdie" ], "word": "shuttlecock", "num_translations": 41 }, "allovertheplace": { "senses": [ "In multiple directions or locations, often haphazardly", "everywhere", "Inconsistent", "lacking a clear pattern", "with a large amount of variation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all over hell's half acre", "all over the shop", "all over the gaff", "all over the map", "all over the board", "up hill and down dale" ], "word": "allovertheplace", "num_translations": 22 }, "hunch": { "senses": [ "A hump", "a protuberance", "A stooped or curled posture", "a slouch", "A theory, idea, or guess", "an intuitive impression that something will happen", "A hunk", "a lump", "a thick piece", "A push or thrust, as with the elbow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hint" ], "word": "hunch", "num_translations": 53 }, "hunch1": { "senses": [ "To bend the top of one's body forward while raising one's shoulders", "To raise", "to curve forward", "To thrust a hump or protuberance out of", "to crook, as the back", "To push or jostle with the elbow", "to push or thrust against" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hunch", "num_translations": 17 }, "billygoat": { "senses": [ "A male goat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "billy" ], "word": "billygoat", "num_translations": 120 }, "autism": { "senses": [ "A pervasive neurological disorder that is observable in early childhood and persists throughout the lifespan, characterised by atypical communication, language development, eye contact, and sensory experiences", "generalization of the specific to a range", "A diagnosis involving a pathological tendency to engage in self-centered fantasy thinking, historically considered a symptom of insanity and/or schizophrenia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autistic spectrum" ], "word": "autism", "num_translations": 69 }, "orgulous": { "senses": [ "Proud", "haughty", "disdainful", "Ostentatious", "showy", "Swollen", "augmented", "excessive", "Threatening", "dangerous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "orgulous", "num_translations": 65 }, "martialart": { "senses": [ "Any of several fighting styles which contain systematized methods of training for combat, both armed and unarmed", "often practiced as a sport, eg boxing, karate, judo, silat, wrestling, or Muay Thai", "Military skills, proficiency in military strategy, prowess in warfare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "combat sport" ], "word": "martialart", "num_translations": 81 }, "martial": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or suggestive of war", "warlike", "Connected with or relating to armed forces or the profession of arms or military life", "Characteristic of or befitting a warrior", "having a military bearing", "soldierly", "Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Mars", "Of or relating to the planet Mars", "Martian", "Containing, or relating to, iron", "chalybeate, ferric, ferrous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "martial", "num_translations": 46 }, "dependency": { "senses": [ "A state of dependence", "a refusal to exercise initiative", "Something dependent on, or subordinate to, something else:", "A colony, or a territory subject to rule by an external power", "A dependence on a habit-forming substance such as a drug or alcohol", "addiction", "Reliance on the functionality provided by some other, external component", "An external component whose functionality is relied on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dependency", "num_translations": 34 }, "bloodbath": { "senses": [ "Indiscriminate killing or slaughter, a massacre", "An aggressive or very violent contest or confrontation", "An upset or heavy defeat", "A large financial loss or massive layoff brought about by negative economic conditions", "A bath taken in warm blood used as a restorative or medical treatment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bloodbath", "num_translations": 55 }, "jingoism": { "senses": [ "Excessive patriotism or aggressive nationalism, especially with regards to foreign policy", "A jingoistic attitude, comment, etc", "Chauvinism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chauvinism", "flagwaving" ], "word": "jingoism", "num_translations": 37 }, "hankering1": { "senses": [ "A strong, restless desire, longing, or mental inclination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "craving" ], "word": "hankering", "num_translations": 12 }, "muddy": { "senses": [ "Covered with or full of mud or wet soil", "With mud or other sediment brought into suspension, turbid", "Not clear", "mixed up or blurry", "Confused", "stupid", "incoherent", "vague", "Soiled with feces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "muddy", "num_translations": 42 }, "straightenout": { "senses": [ "To make straight", "To correct or rectify", "To eliminate confusion from or concerning", "To correct", "to stop doing something wrong", "To tidy, neaten, or organize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "straightenout", "num_translations": 18 }, "comeacross": { "senses": [ "To change sides", "to cross over to work for the opposition", "To give an appearance or impression", "to project a certain image", "To find, usually by accident" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comeacross", "num_translations": 55 }, "greatdane": { "senses": [ "A mastiff known for its great size, bred in Germany to hunt boar and large game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Boarhound", "Danish Hound", "Deutsche Dogge", "German Mastiff" ], "word": "GreatDane", "num_translations": 28 }, "seattle": { "senses": [ "A > and the largest > in >, >, and the > of >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Emerald City" ], "word": "Seattle", "num_translations": 17 }, "bronchus": { "senses": [ "Either of two airways, which are primary branches of the trachea, leading directly into the lungs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bronchial tube" ], "word": "bronchus", "num_translations": 28 }, "lamia": { "senses": [ "A monster preying upon human beings and who sucked the blood of children, often described as having the head and breasts of a woman and the lower half of a serpent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vampire" ], "word": "lamia", "num_translations": 24 }, "aging1": { "senses": [ "The process of becoming older or more mature", "The deliberate process of making something appear older than it is", "Becoming senescent", "accumulating damage to macromolecules, cells, tissues and organs with the passage of time", "progressing loss of health, mobility, vibrancy and body functionality, resulting in biological death", "Wear, wear and tear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aging", "num_translations": 33 }, "suckup": { "senses": [ "To absorb", "To adulate or flatter somebody excessively, generally to obtain some personal benefit or favour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brownnose" ], "word": "suckup", "num_translations": 34 }, "newworld": { "senses": [ "The Americas and Oceania" ], "antonyms": [ "Old World" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "NewWorld", "num_translations": 39 }, "settler": { "senses": [ "Someone who settles in a new location, especially one who takes up residence in a previously uninhabited place", "a colonist", "Someone who decides or settles something, such as a dispute", "That which settles or finishes, such as a blow that decides a contest", "The person in a betting shop who calculates the winnings", "A drink which settles the stomach, especially a bitter drink, often a nightcap", "A vessel, such as a tub, in which something, such as pulverized ore suspended in a liquid, is allowed to settle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "settler", "num_translations": 55 }, "inhabited": { "senses": [ "having inhabitants", "lived in", "containing at least one element" ], "antonyms": [ "uninhabited" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inhabited", "num_translations": 12 }, "zeitgeist": { "senses": [ "The spirit of the age", "the taste, outlook, and spirit characteristic of a period" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spiritus mundi", "temper of the times", "tenor of the times" ], "word": "zeitgeist", "num_translations": 26 }, "leavesomeoneinthelurch": { "senses": [ "To abandon somebody", "especially, to abandon somebody and leave him or her in a difficult situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leave someone holding the bag", "leave someone high and dry", "bilk" ], "word": "leavesomeoneinthelurch", "num_translations": 25 }, "brevity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being brief in duration", "Succinctness", "conciseness", "A short piece of writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ephemerality", "concision" ], "word": "brevity", "num_translations": 34 }, "choleric": { "senses": [ "Having a temperament characterized by an excess of choler", "easily becoming angry", "Showing or expressing anger", "Of or relating to cholera", "Causing an excess of choler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ill-tempered", "wrathful" ], "word": "choleric", "num_translations": 11 }, "philogyny": { "senses": [ "Love or fondness for women" ], "antonyms": [ "misogyny", "philandry" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "philogyny", "num_translations": 13 }, "refractory": { "senses": [ "Obstinate and unruly", "strongly opposed to something", "Not affected by great heat", "Difficult to treat", "Incapable of registering a reaction or stimulus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "refractory", "num_translations": 49 }, "cassette": { "senses": [ "A small flat case containing magnetic tape on two reels, used to record and play back audio and video material", "A lightproof container for photographic film", "A modular DNA sequence encoding one or more genes for a single biochemical function", "A set of sprockets mounted onto a splined shaft on the freehub", "A saggar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tape" ], "word": "cassette", "num_translations": 55 }, "clench": { "senses": [ "To grip or hold fast", "To close tightly" ], "antonyms": [ "unclench" ], "synonyms": [ "clasp" ], "word": "clench", "num_translations": 33 }, "hypodermis": { "senses": [ "An epidermal layer of cells that secretes an overlying chitinous cuticle, as in arthropods", "A layer of cells lying immediately below the epidermis", "A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing fat cells, lying beneath the dermis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subcutis", "superficial fascia", "tela subcutanea" ], "word": "hypodermis", "num_translations": 10 }, "lackluster": { "senses": [ "Lacking brilliance or intelligence", "Having no shine or lustre", "dull", "Not exceptional", "not worthy of special merit, attention, or interest", "having no vitality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bore" ], "word": "lackluster", "num_translations": 49 }, "pharmacological": { "senses": [ "Of or having to do with pharmacology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pharmacologic" ], "word": "pharmacological", "num_translations": 15 }, "takeon": { "senses": [ "To acquire, bring in, or introduce", "To begin to have or exhibit", "To assume or take responsibility for", "To attempt to fight or compete with", "To dribble round an opposition player", "To catch on, do well", "to become popular", "To show emotion, to grieve or be concerned about something or someone", "To obtain the services of in exchange for remuneration", "to give someone a job", "To have sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "takeon", "num_translations": 34 }, "attractiveness": { "senses": [ "The state of being attractive or engaging", "The result of being attractive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attraction", "attractivity" ], "word": "attractiveness", "num_translations": 17 }, "blowthewhistle": { "senses": [ "To disclose information to the public or to appropriate authorities concerning the illegal or socially harmful actions of a person or group, especially a corporation or government agency", "To make a piercing sound which signals a referee's action or the end of a game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tattle" ], "word": "blowthewhistle", "num_translations": 23 }, "whistle-blower": { "senses": [ "One who reports a problem or violation to the authorities", "especially, an employee or former employee who reports a violation by an employer''" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:informant" ], "word": "whistle-blower", "num_translations": 45 }, "tattle": { "senses": [ "To chatter", "to gossip", "Often said of children: to report incriminating information about another person, or a person's wrongdoing", "to tell on somebody", "To speak like a baby or young child", "to babble, to prattle", "to speak haltingly", "to stutter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see", "see" ], "word": "tattle", "num_translations": 36 }, "riffraff": { "senses": [ "The rabble", "crowds", "the common people", "Sweepings", "refuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "riffraff", "num_translations": 51 }, "arteriole": { "senses": [ "One of the small branches of an artery, especially one that connects with capillaries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arteriola", "capillary artery" ], "word": "arteriole", "num_translations": 12 }, "infectious": { "senses": [ "Transmitted from one person to another, usually through the air breathed", "Able to infect others", "Spreading quickly from one person to another", "Memorable and invoking excitement or interest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catching", "contagious", "contagious", "catchy" ], "word": "infectious", "num_translations": 62 }, "fetch": { "senses": [ "To retrieve", "to bear towards", "to go and get", "To obtain as price or equivalent", "to sell for", "To bring or get within reach by going", "to reach", "to arrive at", "to attain", "to reach by sailing", "To bring oneself", "to make headway", "to veer", "To take , to heave", "To cause to come", "to bring to a particular state", "To recall from a swoon", "to revive", "sometimes with to", "To reduce", "to throw", "To bring to accomplishment", "to achieve", "to make", "to perform, with certain objects", "To make draw water by pouring water into the top and working the handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fetch", "num_translations": 64 }, "solicit": { "senses": [ "To persistently endeavor to obtain an object, or bring about an event", "To woo", "to court", "To persuade or incite one to commit some act, especially illegal or sexual behavior", "To offer to perform sexual activity, especially when for a payment", "To make a petition", "To disturb or trouble", "to harass", "To urge the claims of", "to plead", "To disturb", "to disquiet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "supplicate", "address", "plead", "worry", "appeal" ], "word": "solicit", "num_translations": 36 }, "hog": { "senses": [ "An adult swine", "A greedy person", "one who refuses to share", "A large motorcycle, particularly a Harley-Davidson", "A young sheep that has not been shorn", "A rough, flat scrubbing broom for scrubbing a ship's bottom under water", "A device for mixing and stirring the pulp from which paper is made", "A shilling coin", "its value, 12 old pence", "A tanner, a sixpence coin", "its value", "A half-crown coin", "its value, 30 old pence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hog", "num_translations": 80 }, "hog1": { "senses": [ "To greedily take more than one's share, to take precedence at the expense of another or others", "To clip the mane of a horse, making it short and bristly", "To cause the keel of a ship to arch upwards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bogart" ], "word": "hog", "num_translations": 23 }, "fuckable": { "senses": [ "Able to be or worthy of being fucked", "sexually attractive" ], "antonyms": [ "unfuckable" ], "synonyms": [ "doable", "fuckworthy", "rootable", "screwable" ], "word": "fuckable", "num_translations": 32 }, "dimwit": { "senses": [ "A person who is deficient in intelligence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool", "Thesaurus:idiot" ], "word": "dimwit", "num_translations": 17 }, "modify": { "senses": [ "To change part of", "To be or become modified", "To set bounds to", "to moderate", "To qualify the meaning of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adapt" ], "word": "modify", "num_translations": 40 }, "onone'sown": { "senses": [ "Alone", "by oneself", "without the companionship or assistance of others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on one's tod", "on one's bill", "by oneself" ], "word": "onone'sown", "num_translations": 25 }, "fromtheget-go": { "senses": [ "From the very beginning", "from the outset", "immediately upon starting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "straight out of the chute" ], "word": "fromtheget-go", "num_translations": 12 }, "beleaguered": { "senses": [ "Besieged", "surrounded by enemy troops", "Beset by trouble or difficulty" ], "antonyms": [ "unbeleaguered" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "beleaguered", "num_translations": 22 }, "refrain": { "senses": [ "To hold back, to restrain", "To show restraint", "to hold oneself back", "To repress", "to check or curb", "To stop oneself from some action or interference", "to abstain", "To abstain from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "refrain", "num_translations": 45 }, "duodenum": { "senses": [ "The first part of the small intestine, starting at the lower end of the stomach and extending to the jejunum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dodecadactylum" ], "word": "duodenum", "num_translations": 46 }, "sated": { "senses": [ "In a state of complete and thorough satisfaction", "having ones appetite fully satisfied, by having enough of something", "Quelled of thirst or hunger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "satiate", "satisfied", "full" ], "word": "sated", "num_translations": 11 }, "pushy": { "senses": [ "Aggressively ambitious", "overly assertive, bold or determined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sharp-elbowed" ], "word": "pushy", "num_translations": 16 }, "ethniccleansing": { "senses": [ "The mass expulsion or killing of people belonging to one ethnic or religious group by those of another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ethnic purge" ], "word": "ethniccleansing", "num_translations": 39 }, "matron": { "senses": [ "A mature or elderly woman", "A wife or a widow, especially, one who has borne children", "A woman of staid or motherly manners", "A housekeeper, especially, a woman who manages the domestic economy of a public institution", "A senior female nurse in an establishment, especially a hospital or school", "A female prison officer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "matron", "num_translations": 18 }, "dyed-in-the-wool": { "senses": [ "Dyed before being formed into cloth", "Firmly established in a person's beliefs or habits", "deeply ingrained in the nature of a person or thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bred-in-the-bone" ], "word": "dyed-in-the-wool", "num_translations": 17 }, "pharyngitis": { "senses": [ "Inflammation of the pharynx" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sore throat", "raw throat" ], "word": "pharyngitis", "num_translations": 22 }, "piracy": { "senses": [ "Robbery at sea, a violation of international law", "taking a ship away from the control of those who are legally entitled to it", "A similar violation of international law, such as hijacking of an aircraft", "The unauthorized duplication of goods protected by intellectual property law", "The operation of an unlicensed radio or television station", "Kleptoparasitism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buccaneerism", "bootlegging" ], "word": "piracy", "num_translations": 100 }, "amortize": { "senses": [ "To alienate in mortmain", "To wipe out gradually or in installments", "To even out the costs of running an algorithm over many iterations, so that high-cost iterations are much less frequent than low-cost iterations, which lowers the average running time" ], "antonyms": [ "accrue" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "amortize", "num_translations": 14 }, "caboose": { "senses": [ "A small galley or cookhouse on the deck of a small vessel", "A small sand-filled container used as an oven on board ship", "The last car on a freight train, having cooking and sleeping facilities for the crew", "a guard's van", "buttocks", "The person or team in last place", "A youngest child who is born after a big gap in time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guard's van" ], "word": "caboose", "num_translations": 21 }, "utilise": { "senses": [ "To make use of", "to use", "To make useful", "to find a practical use for", "To make best use of", "to use to its fullest extent, potential, or ability", "To make do with", "to use in manner different from that originally intendedTAR Cheney, Getting the Words Right, Writer's Digest Books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "employ", "exploit", "use" ], "word": "utilise", "num_translations": 39 }, "scoop": { "senses": [ "Any cup- or bowl-shaped tool, usually with a handle, used to lift and move loose or soft solid material", "A story or fact", "especially, news learned and reported before anyone else", "An opening in a hood/bonnet or other body panel to admit air, usually for cooling the engine", "The digging attachment on a front-end loader", "A place hollowed out", "a basinlike cavity", "a hollow", "A spoon-shaped surgical instrument, used in extracting certain substances or foreign bodies", "A sweep", "a stroke", "a swoop", "The peak of a cap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scooper", "scoopful" ], "word": "scoop", "num_translations": 89 }, "scoop1": { "senses": [ "To make hollow", "to dig out", "To report on something, especially something worthy of a news article, before", "To begin a vocal note slightly below the target pitch and then to slide up to the target pitch, especially in country music", "To pick up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scoop", "num_translations": 24 }, "bellpepper": { "senses": [ "Capsicum annuum, an edible spicy-sweet fruit, originating in the New World" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweet pepper" ], "word": "bellpepper", "num_translations": 68 }, "pituitarygland": { "senses": [ "An endocrine gland, about the size of a pea, that sits in a small, bony cavity at the base of the brain whose secretions control the other endocrine glands and influence growth, metabolism and maturation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glandula pituitaria", "hypophysis", "master gland", "pituitary body" ], "word": "pituitarygland", "num_translations": 43 }, "hypophysis": { "senses": [ "The pituitary gland", "The top cell of the suspensor in a dicot embryo, which will differentiate to form part of the root cap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pituitary" ], "word": "hypophysis", "num_translations": 29 }, "adenohypophysis": { "senses": [ "The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, producing and secreting several peptide hormones that regulate many physiological processes including stress, growth, and reproduction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anterior lobe", "anterior pituitary" ], "word": "adenohypophysis", "num_translations": 12 }, "potty": { "senses": [ "A chamber pot, particularly the pot used when toilet-training children", "Any other device or place for urination or defecation: a toilet", "a lavatory", "a latrine", "an outhouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot", "See", "Thesaurus:toilet", "and", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "potty", "num_translations": 18 }, "hangover": { "senses": [ "Illness caused by a previous bout of alcohol drinking", "An unpleasant relic left from prior events" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "veisalgia" ], "word": "hangover", "num_translations": 108 }, "gigantism": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being gigantic", "being of abnormally large size", "A condition where there is over-production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in a child before the bone growth plates close, resulting in excessive long bone growth, accompanied by muscular weakness and sexual impotence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "giantism", "macrosomia" ], "word": "gigantism", "num_translations": 12 }, "northernireland": { "senses": [ "country c/United Kingdom, situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "North of Ireland", "Ulster", "the North" ], "word": "NorthernIreland", "num_translations": 71 }, "pissedasanewt": { "senses": [ "Drunk to the point of incapacity", "inebriated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paralytic" ], "word": "pissedasanewt", "num_translations": 14 }, "constituent1": { "senses": [ "A part, or component of a whole", "A person or thing which constitutes, determines, or constructs", "A resident of an area represented by an elected official", "A voter of an area represented by an elected official", "A voter of a political candidate A supporter of a cause", "One who appoints another to act for him as attorney in fact", "A functional element of a phrase or clause" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "constituent", "num_translations": 48 }, "separatethewheatfromthechaff": { "senses": [ "To select only that which is of value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "winnow" ], "word": "separatethewheatfromthechaff", "num_translations": 22 }, "consult1": { "senses": [ "To seek the opinion or advice of another", "to take counsel", "to deliberate together", "to confer", "To advise or offer expertise", "To ask advice of", "to seek the opinion of", "To refer to for information", "To have reference to, in judging or acting", "to have regard to", "to consider", "To deliberate upon", "to take for", "To bring about by counsel or contrivance", "to devise", "to contrive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "consult", "num_translations": 56 }, "snapshot": { "senses": [ "A photograph, especially one taken quickly or in a moment of opportunity", "A glimpse of something", "a portrayal of something at a moment in time", "A file or set of files captured at a particular time, often capable of being reloaded to restore the earlier state", "A quick, unplanned or unexpected shot", "A quick offhand shot, made without deliberately taking aim over the sights" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snapshot", "num_translations": 25 }, "walleye": { "senses": [ "One or a pair of sideways-looking misaligned eyes", "An unusually pale eye", "A species of gamefish, Sander vitreus, native to the Northern US and Canada with pale, reflective eyes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "walleyed pike" ], "word": "walleye", "num_translations": 13 }, "navigator": { "senses": [ "A person who navigates, especially an officer with that responsibility on a ship or an aircrew member with that responsibility on an aircraft", "A sea explorer", "A device that navigates an aircraft, automobile or missile", "A user interface that allows navigating through a structure of any kind", "A labourer on an engineering project such as a canal", "a navvy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "navigator", "num_translations": 32 }, "termination": { "senses": [ "The process of terminating or the state of being terminated", "The process of firing an employee", "ending one's employment at a business for any reason", "An end in time", "a conclusion", "An end in space", "an edge or limit", "An outcome or result", "The last part of a word", "an ending, a desinence", "a suffix", "An induced abortion", "A word, a term", "The ending up of a polypeptid chain" ], "antonyms": [ "continuation" ], "synonyms": [ "process of terminating", "state of being termined", "process of firing an employee", "end in time", "end in space", "outcome", "ending", "abortion", "induced abortion" ], "word": "termination", "num_translations": 94 }, "cross-eyed": { "senses": [ "Having both eyes oriented inward, especially involuntarily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boss-eyed", "squint-eyed", "cockeyed" ], "word": "cross-eyed", "num_translations": 51 }, "mafioso": { "senses": [ "A member of the Mafia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mobster", "made man", "wise guy", "goodfella" ], "word": "Mafioso", "num_translations": 20 }, "barring2": { "senses": [ "Unless something happens", "excepting", "in the absence of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apart from" ], "word": "barring", "num_translations": 15 }, "whitedwarf": { "senses": [ "A dying star of low or medium mass, more solid and dense but less bright than the sun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "WD" ], "word": "whitedwarf", "num_translations": 31 }, "urinarybladder": { "senses": [ "An elastic, muscular sac situated in the pelvic cavity, into which urine from the kidneys is stored prior to disposal by urination Urine enters the bladder via the ureters and exits via the urethra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bladder", "cystis urinaria", "urocyst", "urocystis", "vesica", "vesica urinaria" ], "word": "urinarybladder", "num_translations": 130 }, "urea": { "senses": [ "A water-soluble organic compound, CO2, formed by the metabolism of proteins and excreted in the urine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carbamide" ], "word": "urea", "num_translations": 35 }, "breakaway1": { "senses": [ "The act of breaking away from something", "A group of riders which has gone ahead of the peloton", "A situation in the game where one or more players of a team attack towards the goal of the other team without having any defenders in front of them", "The act of getting away from one's opponent", "the separation of the boxers after a spell of infighting", "A stampede of animals", "An animal that breaks away from a herd", "An eroding steep slope on the edge of a plateau", "A particular yo-yo trick", "A swing dance in which the leader occasionally swings the follower out into an open position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breakaway", "num_translations": 13 }, "feminazi": { "senses": [ "A radical or militant feminist who is intolerant of opposing views or a feminist who wants a superiority of women over men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "femifascist" ], "word": "feminazi", "num_translations": 14 }, "flaming": { "senses": [ "On fire with visible flames", "Very bright and the color of flame", "Extremely obvious", "visibly evident Typically of a homosexual male", "Damned, bloody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flaming", "num_translations": 17 }, "defender": { "senses": [ "someone who defends people or property", "one of the players whose primary task is to prevent the opposition from scoring", "a fighter who seeks to repel an attack", "a defense attorney or defence counsel", "a defendant in a civil action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "defender", "num_translations": 107 }, "modusoperandi": { "senses": [ "A person or thing's normal mode of operation", "A known criminal's established habits and mode of work when committing specific offences, especially fraud, matched with characteristics of an unsolved crime to narrow down or profile suspects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "MO" ], "word": "modusoperandi", "num_translations": 16 }, "tavern": { "senses": [ "A building containing a bar licensed to sell alcoholic drinks, and usually offering accommodation", "an inn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pub" ], "word": "tavern", "num_translations": 83 }, "turmoil": { "senses": [ "A state of great disorder or uncertainty", "Harassing labour", "trouble", "disturbance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chaos" ], "word": "turmoil", "num_translations": 44 }, "truss": { "senses": [ "A bandage and belt used to hold a hernia in place", "A structure made up of one or more triangular units made from straight beams of wood or metal, which is used to support a structure as in a roof or bridge", "A triangular bracket", "A bundle", "a package", "A padded jacket or dress worn under armour, to protect the body from the effects of friction", "Part of a woman's dress", "a stomacher", "A tuft of flowers formed at the top of the main stem of certain plants", "The rope or iron used to keep the centre of a yard to the mast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "truss", "num_translations": 59 }, "truss1": { "senses": [ "To tie up a bird before cooking it", "To secure or bind with ropes", "To support", "To take fast hold of", "to seize and hold firmly", "to pounce upon", "To strengthen or stiffen, as a beam or girder, by means of a brace or braces", "To execute by hanging", "to hang", "usually with up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "truss", "num_translations": 12 }, "getridof": { "senses": [ "to dispose", "to remove", "to abolish", "to lose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dismiss", "drop", "lose", "shed", "Thesaurus:junk" ], "word": "getridof", "num_translations": 48 }, "insincere": { "senses": [ "Not genuinely meaning what has been expressed", "not sincere", "artificial" ], "antonyms": [ "sincere" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insincere", "num_translations": 17 }, "stalwart": { "senses": [ "Firmly or solidly built", "Courageous", "Determined", "staunch" ], "antonyms": [ "feeble", "cowardly" ], "synonyms": [ "firm", "bold" ], "word": "stalwart", "num_translations": 48 }, "memoir": { "senses": [ "An autobiography", "a book describing the personal experiences of an author", "A biography", "a book describing the experiences of a subject from personal knowledge of the subject or from sources with personal knowledge of the subject", "Any form of narrative describing the personal experiences of a writer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "memoir", "num_translations": 49 }, "endless": { "senses": [ "Having no end", "Extending indefinitely", "Without profitable end", "fruitless", "unsatisfying" ], "antonyms": [ "finite", "limited" ], "synonyms": [ "unending", "eternal" ], "word": "endless", "num_translations": 65 }, "divisibility": { "senses": [ "The state of being divisible The state capable of being divided", "The property of being divisible by a particular integer" ], "antonyms": [ "combinability", "mergeability", "indivisibility" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "divisibility", "num_translations": 19 }, "divisible": { "senses": [ "Capable of being divided or split", "Of an integer, that, when divided by another integer, leaves no remainder" ], "antonyms": [ "indivisible", "combinable" ], "synonyms": [ "disunitable", "splittable" ], "word": "divisible", "num_translations": 54 }, "dengue": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breakbone fever", "dandy fever", "dengue fever" ], "word": "dengue", "num_translations": 23 }, "getaway": { "senses": [ "To move away", "To avoid capture", "to escape, to flee", "To take a break from one's present circumstances", "to journey , especially on holiday", "To start moving", "to depart", "To slip from one's control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "getaway", "num_translations": 15 }, "reflexology": { "senses": [ "The study and interpretation of behavior in terms of simple and complex reflexes", "A form of complementary medicine involving the stimulation of points on the feet, hands, or ears, in the belief that it will have a beneficial effect on some other parts of the body or to improve general health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zone therapy" ], "word": "reflexology", "num_translations": 10 }, "geneticallymodified": { "senses": [ "Produced by genetic modification", "abbreviation GM" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genetically-engineered", "transgenic" ], "word": "geneticallymodified", "num_translations": 11 }, "spanker": { "senses": [ "Someone who spanks", "An instrument used to give someone a spanking or spank, such as a paddle", "A fore-and-aft gaff-rigged sail on the aft-most mast of a square-rigged vessel", "A musician who plays his instrument well", "A small coin", "One who takes long, quick strides in walking", "A swift horse", "Something very large, or larger than usual", "a whopper", "Something splendid", "a fine example of its kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blooper" ], "word": "spanker", "num_translations": 11 }, "leishmaniasis": { "senses": [ "Any of various ulcerative skin diseases caused by any of the protozoans of the genus Leishmania, transmitted to humans and animals by bloodsucking sandflies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Black Fever", "Dum-Dum fever", "kala-azar", "leishmaniosis", "sandfly disease" ], "word": "leishmaniasis", "num_translations": 16 }, "retainer": { "senses": [ "Any thing or person that retains", "A dependent or follower of someone of rank", "A paid servant, especially one who has been employed for many years", "A fee one pays to reserve the other's time for services", "A device that holds teeth in position after orthodontic treatment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "retainer", "num_translations": 29 }, "alderman": { "senses": [ "A member of a municipal legislative body in a city or town", "A half-crown coin", "its value, 30 pence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baillie" ], "word": "alderman", "num_translations": 23 }, "memento": { "senses": [ "A keepsake", "an object kept as a reminder of a place or event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keepsake", "souvenir", "memorabilia" ], "word": "memento", "num_translations": 29 }, "angler": { "senses": [ "A person who fishes with a hook and line", "Someone who tries to work an angle", "a person who schemes or has an ulterior motive", "A thief who uses a hooked stick to steal goods out of shop-windows, grates, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fisher", "anglerfish", "conniver", "hooker" ], "word": "angler", "num_translations": 35 }, "bountyhunter": { "senses": [ "A person who catches criminals and brings them to the police in return for a reward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bail bondsman" ], "word": "bountyhunter", "num_translations": 23 }, "jocular": { "senses": [ "Humorous, amusing or joking" ], "antonyms": [ "heartfelt" ], "synonyms": [ "jokey" ], "word": "jocular", "num_translations": 34 }, "rapt": { "senses": [ "Snatched, taken away", "abducted", "Lifted up into the air", "transported into heaven", "Very interested, involved in something, absorbed, transfixed", "fascinated or engrossed", "Enthusiatic", "ecstatic, elated, happy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:rapt" ], "word": "rapt", "num_translations": 19 }, "anabaptist": { "senses": [ "A member of a radical wing of Christians during the Protestant Reformation", "A member of any of several present-day churches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autem dipper" ], "word": "Anabaptist", "num_translations": 25 }, "guzzle": { "senses": [ "To drink or eat quickly, voraciously, or to excess", "to gulp down", "to swallow greedily, continually, or with gusto", "To consume alcoholic beverages, especially frequently or habitually", "To consume anything quickly, greedily, or to excess, as if with insatiable thirst" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swig" ], "word": "guzzle", "num_translations": 34 }, "heyday": { "senses": [ "A period of success, popularity, or power", "prime", "An exultation of the spirits", "gaiety", "frolic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "day in the sun", "golden age", "golden years" ], "word": "heyday", "num_translations": 28 }, "flowchart": { "senses": [ "A schematic representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flow diagram" ], "word": "flowchart", "num_translations": 22 }, "backbite": { "senses": [ "To make spiteful slanderous or defamatory statements about someone", "To attack from behind or when out of earshot with spiteful or defamatory remarks", "To speak badly of an absent individual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defame" ], "word": "backbite", "num_translations": 36 }, "extratime": { "senses": [ "An additional period played at the end of a game if the score is tied after the standard allocation of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overtime" ], "word": "extratime", "num_translations": 22 }, "triplet": { "senses": [ "A group of three", "One of a group of three", "One of a group of three siblings born at the same time to the same mother", "A group of three notes played or written where two notes would ordinarily be", "a form of tuplet", "A triquark", "A quantum state with three allowed projections for the spin", "A constructed gem consisting of a thin slice of natural opal sandwiched between a clear glass or quartz top and a synthetic or stone backing that enhances the colour of the opal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "threesome", "threeling" ], "word": "triplet", "num_translations": 62 }, "rundown": { "senses": [ "To hit someone with a car or other vehicle and injure or kill them", "To criticize someone or an organisation, often unfairly", "To find something or someone after searching for a long time", "To lose power slowly Used for a machine, battery, or other powered device", "To read quickly a list or other short text", "To describe in the form of a rundown, a rough outline or summary", "To reduce the size or stock levels of a business, often with a view to closure", "To decline in condition", "To chase till the object pursued is captured or exhausted", "To run against and sink, as a vessel", "To crush", "to overthrow", "to overbear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "run over", "put down", "track down" ], "word": "rundown", "num_translations": 23 }, "bellyache": { "senses": [ "Any pain in the belly, stomach, or abdomen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stomachache", "tummyache" ], "word": "bellyache", "num_translations": 22 }, "balsam": { "senses": [ "A sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from various plants", "A plant or tree yielding such substance", "A soothing ointment", "Something soothing", "A flowering plant of the genus Impatiens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balm", "balm", "balm", "balm", "jewelweed" ], "word": "balsam", "num_translations": 89 }, "humbug": { "senses": [ "A hoax, jest, or prank", "A fraud or sham", "hypocrisy", "A fraudster, cheat, or hypocrite", "Nonsense", "A type of hard sweet , usually peppermint flavoured with a striped pattern", "Anything complicated, offensive, troublesome, unpleasant or worrying", "a misunderstanding, especially if trivial", "A fight", "A gang", "A false arrest on trumped-up charges", "The piglet of the wild boar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "humbug", "num_translations": 50 }, "pierogi": { "senses": [ "A square- or crescent-shaped dumpling of unleavened dough, stuffed with sauerkraut, cheese, mashed potatoes, cabbage, onion, meat, or any combination of these, or with a fruit filling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "varenyky", "pelmeni", "pedahey" ], "word": "pierogi", "num_translations": 15 }, "jingoistic": { "senses": [ "Overly patriotic or nationalistic, often with an element of favouring war or an aggressive foreign policy" ], "antonyms": [ "dovish", "unjingoistic" ], "synonyms": [ "hawkish" ], "word": "jingoistic", "num_translations": 10 }, "banburystoryofacockandabull": { "senses": [ "A roundabout, nonsensical story" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Banbury tale", "cock-and-bull story" ], "word": "Banburystoryofacockandabull", "num_translations": 10 }, "armageddon": { "senses": [ "The site of a prophesied final battle between the forces of good and evil", "The battle itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Apocalypse" ], "word": "Armageddon", "num_translations": 35 }, "heebie-jeebies": { "senses": [ "A general feeling of anxiety, fear, uneasiness, or nausea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "creeps", "Thesaurus:fear" ], "word": "heebie-jeebies", "num_translations": 11 }, "blob": { "senses": [ "A shapeless or amorphous mass", "a vague shape or amount, especially of a liquid or semisolid substance", "a clump, group or collection that lacks definite shape", "A bubble", "a bleb", "A small freshwater fish", "the miller's thumb", "A score of zero" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blob", "num_translations": 23 }, "vinous": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or having the characteristics of wine", "Tending to drink wine excessively", "Affected by the drinking of wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vinose" ], "word": "vinous", "num_translations": 17 }, "calabash": { "senses": [ "Crescentia cujete) native to Central and South America, the West Indies, and southern Florida, bearing large, round fruit used to make containers", "the fruit of this tree", "The bottle gourd , believed to have originated in Africa, which is grown for its fruit that are used as a vegetable and to make containers", "the fruit of this plant", "A container made from the mature, dried shell of the fruit of one of the above plants", "also, a similarly shaped container made from some other material", "as much as fills such a container" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "calabash", "num_translations": 81 }, "mafia": { "senses": [ "An international criminal organization of Sicilian origin operating in Italy and the United States", "Any organized crime syndicate operating internationally in high-level organized crime", "often with a modifying adjective, such as a nationality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Mafia", "num_translations": 11 }, "autological": { "senses": [ "Of a phrase , possessing the property it describes" ], "antonyms": [ "heterological" ], "synonyms": [ "homological" ], "word": "autological", "num_translations": 12 }, "doomsday": { "senses": [ "The day when God is expected to judge the world", "end times", "judgement day", "the day of the Final Judgment", "any day of decisive judgement or final dissolution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apocalypse", "Armageddon", "end times", "Final Judgment", "judgement day", "Ragnarok", "Ragnar\u00f6k" ], "word": "doomsday", "num_translations": 56 }, "judgementday": { "senses": [ "The Last Judgment, Final Judgment, final trial of all humankind, both the living and dead by God expected to take place at the end of the world, when each is rewarded or punished according to his or her merits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apocalypse" ], "word": "judgementday", "num_translations": 32 }, "coconut": { "senses": [ "A hard-shelled seed of this fruit, having white flesh and a fluid-filled central cavity", "The edible white flesh of this fruit", "A black person who thinks or acts \"white\"", "A Pacific islander", "A female breast", "The human head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coconut", "num_translations": 271 }, "staple": { "senses": [ "A town containing merchants who have exclusive right, under royal authority, to purchase or produce certain goods for export", "also, the body of such merchants seen as a group", "Place of supply", "source", "The principal commodity produced in a town or region", "A basic or essential supply", "A recurring topic or character", "Short fiber, as of cotton, sheep's wool, or the like, which can be spun into yarn or thread", "Unmanufactured material", "raw material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "staple", "num_translations": 54 }, "staple3": { "senses": [ "A wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper by penetrating all the sheets and curling around", "A wire fastener used to secure something else by penetrating and curling", "A U-shaped metal fastener, used to attach fence wire or other material to posts or structures", "One of a set of U-shaped metal rods hammered into a structure, such as a piling or wharf, which serve as a ladder", "A shaft, smaller and shorter than the principal one, joining different levels", "A small pit", "A district granted to an abbey", "A post", "prop", "support" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "staple", "num_translations": 69 }, "savory": { "senses": [ "Tasty, attractive to the palate", "Salty and/or spicy, but not sweet", "umami, modern", "Morally or ethically acceptable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:delicious" ], "word": "savory", "num_translations": 71 }, "bicyclekick": { "senses": [ "A form of exercise in which one lies on one's back and makes cycling motions with the legs", "A kick in which the kicker leans backwards and kicks the ball back over his head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overhead kick", "scissor kick" ], "word": "bicyclekick", "num_translations": 13 }, "kicker": { "senses": [ "One who kicks", "One who takes kicks", "The kicking strap", "An outboard motor", "An unexpected situation, detail or circumstance, often unpleasant", "An enticement for investors, eg warranty added to the investment contract", "An unpaired card which is part of a pair, two pair, or three of a kind poker hand", "Small text above a headline that indicates the topic of the story", "The last one or two paragraphs of a story", "synonym of \"lead-in\"", "A lighthearted or humorous item used to round off a news broadcast", "A device that periodically displaces a newspaper from the print production line, to aid in gathering the newspapers into fixed-size bundles", "A launch ramp", "The fermenting mass of fruit that is the basis of pruno, or \"prison wine\"", "A relaxed party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kicker", "num_translations": 15 }, "windward": { "senses": [ "Towards the wind, or the direction from which the wind is blowing", "On the side exposed to the wind" ], "antonyms": [ "leeward" ], "synonyms": [ "upwind" ], "word": "windward", "num_translations": 25 }, "tiller": { "senses": [ "A person who tills", "a farmer", "A machine that mechanically tills the soil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cultivator" ], "word": "tiller", "num_translations": 21 }, "tiller3": { "senses": [ "The stock", "a beam on a crossbow carved to fit the arrow, or the point of balance in a longbow", "The handle of the rudder which the helmsman holds to steer the boat, a piece of wood or metal extending forward from the rudder over or through the transom Generally attached at the top of the rudder", "A handle", "a stalk", "A small drawer", "a till" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tiller", "num_translations": 29 }, "unfurl": { "senses": [ "To unroll or release something that had been rolled up, typically a sail or a flag", "To roll out or debut anything", "To open up by unrolling", "To turn out or unfold", "to evolve", "to progress" ], "antonyms": [ "furl" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unfurl", "num_translations": 30 }, "landahoy": { "senses": [ "Shouted by the ship's watch to inform the crew that land has been spotted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "land ho" ], "word": "landahoy", "num_translations": 12 }, "nene": { "senses": [ "The Hawaiian goose, Branta sandvicensis, which was designated the state bird of Hawaii in 1957" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hawaiian goose", "n\u0113n\u0113 goose" ], "word": "nene", "num_translations": 36 }, "extortion": { "senses": [ "The practice of extorting money or other property by the use of force or threats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blackmail" ], "word": "extortion", "num_translations": 58 }, "unfavourable": { "senses": [ "Serving to hinder or oppose", "adverse, disadvantageous, inconducive, unsuitable", "Not auspicious", "ill-boding", "Of a belief, state of mind, etc: not favourable", "disapproving", "Of wind or weather: causing delay or obstacles", "not conducive to travel or work", "inclement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unfavourable", "num_translations": 21 }, "percussion": { "senses": [ "The collision of two bodies in order to produce a sound", "The sound so produced", "The tapping of the body as an aid to medical diagnosis", "such instruments considered as a group", "in bands, may be separate from drum kits", "The outer side of the hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "percussion", "num_translations": 40 }, "signify": { "senses": [ "To create a sign out of something", "To give a meaning or an importance", "To show one's intentions with a sign etc", "to indicate, announce", "To mean", "to betoken", "To make a difference", "to matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mean", "betoken" ], "word": "signify", "num_translations": 11 }, "salinesolution": { "senses": [ "A solution composed of sodium chloride and water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saline" ], "word": "salinesolution", "num_translations": 16 }, "prosthesis": { "senses": [ "An artificial replacement for a body part, either internal or external", "Prothesis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prothesis" ], "word": "prosthesis", "num_translations": 38 }, "churchofjesuschristoflatter-daysaints": { "senses": [ "The major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement, founded in the United States by Joseph Smith", "the Mormon Church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LDS Church", "Mormon Church" ], "word": "ChurchofJesusChristofLatter-daySaints", "num_translations": 121 }, "asperger'ssyndrome": { "senses": [ "An autism-related developmental disorder characterised by sustained impairment in social interaction and nonverbal communication and by repetitive behaviour as well as restricted interests and routines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autistic psychopathy" ], "word": "Asperger'ssyndrome", "num_translations": 29 }, "topography": { "senses": [ "A precise description of a place", "A detailed graphic representation of the surface features of a place or object", "The features themselves", "terrain", "The surveying of the features" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "topography", "num_translations": 29 }, "devise": { "senses": [ "To use one's intellect to plan or design", "To leave in a will", "To form a scheme", "to lay a plan", "to contrive", "to consider", "To plan or scheme for", "to plot to obtain", "To imagine", "to guess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "devise", "num_translations": 73 }, "coted'ivoire": { "senses": [ "The Ivory Coast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Republic of C\u00f4te d'Ivoire" ], "word": "Coted'Ivoire", "num_translations": 113 }, "tartaricacid": { "senses": [ "The aldaric acid, 2,3 dihydroxy-succinic acid, that occurs naturally in many plants, in wine and in tamarind", "it is used as the salts cream of tartar and Rochelle salt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "erythraric acid", "E334" ], "word": "tartaricacid", "num_translations": 20 }, "equality": { "senses": [ "The fact of being equal", "The fact of being equal, of having the same value", "The equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences" ], "antonyms": [ "fact of being equal", "equal treatment of people" ], "synonyms": [ "fact of being equal" ], "word": "equality", "num_translations": 155 }, "hairball": { "senses": [ "A small wad of fur or mass of hair formed in the digestive system of a cat or other animal, from hair ingested while grooming", "A messy, tangled, intractable issue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bezoar" ], "word": "hairball", "num_translations": 18 }, "shi'a": { "senses": [ "The branch of Islam that believes that Ali succeeded Muhammad as leader and that places emphasis on the prophet's family", "a Shiite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Shia" ], "word": "Shi'a", "num_translations": 51 }, "muhammad": { "senses": [ "The figure who introduced Islam, the man to whom the Qur'an was revealed", "considered a prophet by Muslims and Bah\u00e1'\u00eds", "The 47th sura of the Qur'an", "male given name very popular among Muslims" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Seal of the Prophets" ], "word": "Muhammad", "num_translations": 219 }, "ptarmigan": { "senses": [ "Any of three species of small grouse in the genus Lagopus found in subarctic tundra areas of North America and Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lagopus" ], "word": "ptarmigan", "num_translations": 46 }, "fuckup": { "senses": [ "To make a mistake, to go wrong", "To botch or make a mess of", "To injure or damage", "To cause someone to make a big mistake", "To cause significant physical damage to someone's body, especially in a fight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fuckup", "num_translations": 129 }, "detective": { "senses": [ "A police officer who looks for evidence as part of solving a crime", "an investigator", "A person employed to find information not otherwise available to the public" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "DT", "private detective", "dick", "sleuth" ], "word": "detective", "num_translations": 157 }, "dishout": { "senses": [ "To put on to a dish ready for eating", "To distribute", "To distribute or deliver something", "To hollow out, as a gutter in stone or wood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dish up", "distribute", "give out" ], "word": "dishout", "num_translations": 16 }, "krone": { "senses": [ "The currency of Iceland, Denmark and Norway, divided into 100 \u00f8re, except in Iceland where 1 kr\u00f3na = 100 aurar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crown" ], "word": "krone", "num_translations": 21 }, "tuple": { "senses": [ "A finite sequence of terms", "A single row in a relational database", "A set of comma-separated values passed to a program or operating system as a parameter to a function call", "In some programming languages, a data type that is similar but distinct from the list data type, whose instances are characterized by having a rather fixed arity, and the elements of which instances can differ from each other by data type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "n-tuple" ], "word": "tuple", "num_translations": 28 }, "dialectics": { "senses": [ "A systematic method of argument that attempts to resolve the contradictions in opposing views or ideas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dialectic", "dialectical method" ], "word": "dialectics", "num_translations": 13 }, "dampsquib": { "senses": [ "A firework that fails to go off, due to wetting", "Anything that doesn't work properly, or fails to come up to expectations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wet firecracker" ], "word": "dampsquib", "num_translations": 12 }, "squib": { "senses": [ "A small firework that is intended to spew sparks rather than explode", "A similar device used to ignite an explosive or launch a rocket, etc", "A kind of slow match or safety fuse", "Any small firecracker sold to the general public Usually available in special clusters designed to explode in series after a single master fuse is lit", "The heating element used to set off the sodium azide pellets in a vehicle's airbag", "In special effects, a small explosive used to replicate a bullet hitting a surface", "A short piece of witty writing", "a lampoon", "A writer of lampoons", "In a legal casebook, a short summary of a legal action placed between more extensively quoted cases", "An unimportant, paltry, or mean-spirited person or thing", "A sketched concept or visual solution, usually very quick and not too detailed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squib", "num_translations": 11 }, "harmless": { "senses": [ "Incapable of causing harm or danger", "safe", "Not intended to harm", "inoffensive", "Unharmed" ], "antonyms": [ "harmful" ], "synonyms": [ "benign", "innocent", "innocuous", "undamaging" ], "word": "harmless", "num_translations": 41 }, "eidal-fitr": { "senses": [ "The religious celebration at the end of Ramadan, on the first day of the tenth month of the Muslim lunar calendar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bajram", "Eid al-Saghir", "Feast of Fasting", "Lesser Eid", "Minor Feast", "Ramadan Feast", "Small Eid", "Sugar Feast", "Sweet Festival" ], "word": "Eidal-Fitr", "num_translations": 56 }, "vlog": { "senses": [ "A weblog using video as its primary presentation format" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "videoblog" ], "word": "vlog", "num_translations": 17 }, "hadith": { "senses": [ "An eyewitness account of a saying or action of Muhammad not otherwise found in the Quran", "A particular accepted collection of such accounts, as from a single source or within a particular branch of Islam or Islamic jurisprudence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Hadith", "the Sunna", "tradition" ], "word": "hadith", "num_translations": 37 }, "lint": { "senses": [ "A fine material made by scraping cotton or linen cloth", "used for dressing wounds", "Clinging fuzzy fluff that clings to fabric or accumulates in one's pockets or navel etc", "The fibrous coat of thick hairs covering the seeds of the cotton plant", "Raw cotton ready for baling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lint", "num_translations": 52 }, "shitty": { "senses": [ "Very bad", "unpleasant", "miserable", "insignificant", "Under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol", "drunk", "high", "Annoyed", "Covered in crap", "Of low quality or standard", "inferior", "not up to par, or failing one's expectations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crappy", "Thesaurus:drunk", "Thesaurus:stoned", "shithouse" ], "word": "shitty", "num_translations": 54 }, "spontaneity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being spontaneous", "Spontaneous behaviour", "The tendency to undergo change, characteristic of both animal and vegetable organisms, and not restrained or checked by the environment", "The tendency to activity of muscular tissue, including the voluntary muscles, when in a state of healthful vigour and refreshment" ], "antonyms": [ "discipline" ], "synonyms": [ "abruptness" ], "word": "spontaneity", "num_translations": 35 }, "systematic": { "senses": [ "Carried out using a planned, ordered procedure", "Methodical, regular and orderly", "Of, or relating to taxonomic classification", "Of, relating to, or being a system" ], "antonyms": [ "chaotic", "haphazard", "unsystematic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "systematic", "num_translations": 64 }, "newyorkstate": { "senses": [ "The State of New York" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "New York", "Empire State", "State of New York", "NYS" ], "word": "NewYorkState", "num_translations": 15 }, "doodle": { "senses": [ "A fool, a simpleton, a mindless person", "A small mindless sketch, etc", "Penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool", "Thesaurus:penis" ], "word": "doodle", "num_translations": 53 }, "same-sex": { "senses": [ "Restricted to members of a single sex", "Of, relating to, or between homosexual men or women" ], "antonyms": [ "mixed", "mixed-sex", "other-sex", "heterosexual" ], "synonyms": [ "single-sex", "gay" ], "word": "same-sex", "num_translations": 28 }, "breather": { "senses": [ "Something or someone that breathes", "A short break", "a rest or respite", "A spatially localized, time-periodic excitation in a one-dimensional lattice", "That which puts one out of breath, such as violent exercise", "An air inlet path to the crankcase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus" ], "word": "breather", "num_translations": 14 }, "hiton": { "senses": [ "To flirt with", "to approach and speak to , seeking romance, love, sex, etc", "To discover, pinpoint", "to think up", "to realize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hiton", "num_translations": 42 }, "allinall": { "senses": [ "Generally, all things considered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for the most part" ], "word": "allinall", "num_translations": 22 }, "go-between": { "senses": [ "An intermediary or middleman", "A shogi piece, used in chu shogi and larger shogi variants, that can move one step straight forward or straight backwards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intercessor", "intermediary", "middleman" ], "word": "go-between", "num_translations": 10 }, "atlarge": { "senses": [ "On the loose", "roaming freely", "not confined", "In full, fully", "In general", "as a whole", "Having an electorate across multiple districts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on the run", "entirely", "generally" ], "word": "atlarge", "num_translations": 49 }, "conical": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a cone or cones", "Shaped like a cone", "Describing a map projection in which meridians are mapped to equally spaced lines radiating out from the apex and parallels of latitude are mapped to circular arcs centred on the apex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geometry", "cartography" ], "word": "conical", "num_translations": 69 }, "kaffir": { "senses": [ "In Islamic contexts, a non-Muslim", "A member of the Nguni people of southern Africa, especially a Xhosa", "A black person", "A language spoken by the Nguni peoples of southern Africa, especially Xhosa", "South African mining shares" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kaffir", "num_translations": 10 }, "medina": { "senses": [ "a city, holy to Islam, 200 miles north of Mecca along the Hejaz, from which the Hejira was launched", "contains Muhammad's tomb", "suburb city/Perth s/Western Australia", "municipality s/Minas Gerais c/Brazil", "community twp/Zorra Township p/Ontario c/Canada", "municipality/and/town dept/Cundinamarca c/Colombia", "municipal district p:suf/San Crist\u00f3bal c/Dominican Republic", "A > of the >, >", "village co:Suf/Tolna c/Hungary", "locality dist/Hurunui c/New Zealand", "municipality p/Misamis Oriental c/Philippines", "unincorporated community co/Jefferson County s/Kansas c/USA", "city co/Hennepin County s/Minnesota c/USA", "village co/Orleans County s/New York c/USA", "tiny city co/Stutsman County s/North Dakota c/USA", "small city co/Gibson County s/Tennessee c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Bandera County s/Texas c/USA", "CDP co/Zapata County s/Texas c/USA", "small city co/King County s/Washington c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Jackson County s/West Virginia c/USA", "town co/Dane County s/Wisconsin c/USA", "unincorporated community town:pref/Dale co/Outagamie County s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Medina", "num_translations": 49 }, "mujahid": { "senses": [ "A Muslim engaging in jihad, especially armed jihad", "a jihadist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jihadist" ], "word": "mujahid", "num_translations": 48 }, "singleton": { "senses": [ "A playing card that is the only one of its suit in a hand, especially at bridge", "A hand containing only one card of a certain suit", "A single object, especially one of a group", "A set with exactly one element", "A child or animal that is born singly, not as a twin or other multiple birth", "A person without a romantic partner", "A person without a dissociative identity", "A single consonant, as opposed to a geminated consonant" ], "antonyms": [ "wedder" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "singleton", "num_translations": 29 }, "qibla": { "senses": [ "The direction in which Muslims face while praying, currently determined as the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "qibla direction" ], "word": "qibla", "num_translations": 20 }, "blunder": { "senses": [ "A clumsy or embarrassing mistake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blooper", "boo-boo", "error", "faux pas", "flub", "fluff", "fumble", "gaffe", "goof", "lapse", "mistake", "slip", "stumble", "thinko" ], "word": "blunder", "num_translations": 70 }, "blunder1": { "senses": [ "To make a clumsy or stupid mistake", "To move blindly or clumsily", "To cause to make a mistake", "to confuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blunder", "num_translations": 44 }, "homecinema": { "senses": [ "a system for showing cinema-quality films at home", "usually comprising high-definition television and surround sound", "A dedicated room for such a system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "home theater" ], "word": "homecinema", "num_translations": 26 }, "caesura": { "senses": [ "A pause or interruption in a poem, music, building, or other work of art", "Using two words to divide a metrical foot", "A break of an era or other measure of history and time", "where one era ends and another begins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "virgule" ], "word": "caesura", "num_translations": 22 }, "humanresources": { "senses": [ "The personnel department of an organization, dealing with the recruitment, administration, management and training of employees", "abbreviated as HR", "The personnel employed in an organization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "personnel" ], "word": "humanresources", "num_translations": 38 }, "pastiche": { "senses": [ "A work of art, drama, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist", "A musical medley, typically quoting other works", "An incongruous mixture", "a hodgepodge", "A postmodern playwriting technique that fuses a variety of styles, genres, and story lines to create a new form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pastiche", "num_translations": 28 }, "weld": { "senses": [ "A herb related to mignonette, growing in Europe, and to some extent in America, used to make a yellow dye", "The yellow coloring matter or dye extracted from this plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dyer's rocket" ], "word": "weld", "num_translations": 21 }, "diver": { "senses": [ "Someone who dives, especially as a sport", "Someone who works underwater", "a frogman", "The loon", "A passenger carrying vehicle using an underground route", "A pickpocket", "A competitor in certain sports who is known to regularly imitate being fouled, with the purpose of getting his/her opponent penalised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diver", "num_translations": 70 }, "deify": { "senses": [ "To make a god of", "To treat as worthy of worship", "to regard as a deity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apotheosize", "exalt", "idealize" ], "word": "deify", "num_translations": 29 }, "clew": { "senses": [ "A roughly spherical mass or body", "A ball of thread or yarn", "Yarn or thread as used to guide one's way through a maze or labyrinth", "a guide, a clue", "The lower corner of a sail to which a sheet is attached for trimming the sail", "the metal loop or cringle in the corner of the sail, to which the sheet is attached The trailing corner relative to the wind direction", "The sheets so attached to a sail", "The cords suspending a hammock", "obsolete form of \"clue\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clew", "num_translations": 19 }, "cosmopolite": { "senses": [ "One who is at home in every place", "a citizen of the world", "a cosmopolitan person", "The butterfly painted lady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Vanessa cardui" ], "word": "cosmopolite", "num_translations": 30 }, "convene": { "senses": [ "To come together", "to meet", "to unite", "To come together, as in one body or for a public purpose", "to meet", "to assemble", "To cause to assemble", "to call together", "to convoke", "To summon judicially to meet or appear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to meet", "to assemble", "to congregate", "to collect", "to unite", "to summon", "to convoke" ], "word": "convene", "num_translations": 39 }, "acute-angled": { "senses": [ "Of a triangle, having three acute angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acute" ], "word": "acute-angled", "num_translations": 18 }, "obtuse-angled": { "senses": [ "Of a triangle, having an obtuse angle" ], "antonyms": [ "of a triangle" ], "synonyms": [ "of a triangle" ], "word": "obtuse-angled", "num_translations": 21 }, "congregate1": { "senses": [ "To collect into an assembly or assemblage", "to bring into one place, or into a united body", "To come together", "to assemble", "to meet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "congregate", "num_translations": 24 }, "meretricious": { "senses": [ "Tastelessly gaudy", "superficially attractive but having in reality no value or substance", "falsely alluring", "Involving unlawful sexual connection or lack of consent by at least one party", "Of, or relating to prostitutes or prostitution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brassy" ], "word": "meretricious", "num_translations": 21 }, "uphill": { "senses": [ "Up a slope, towards higher ground", "With difficulty" ], "antonyms": [ "downhill" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "uphill", "num_translations": 24 }, "uphill1": { "senses": [ "Located up a slope or on a hill", "Going up a slope or a hill", "Difficult or laborious" ], "antonyms": [ "downhill" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "uphill", "num_translations": 16 }, "secondhand": { "senses": [ "Not new", "previously owned and used by another", "Dealing in such merchandise", "Indirect", "from a secondary source", "not firsthand", "inhaled from the air near someone else smoking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "secondhand", "num_translations": 73 }, "uplift": { "senses": [ "To raise something or someone to a higher physical, social, moral, intellectual, spiritual or emotional level", "To aggravate", "to increase", "To be accepted for carriage on a flight", "To remove from a damaging home environment by a social welfare organization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "uplift", "num_translations": 22 }, "righteous": { "senses": [ "Free from sin or guilt", "Moral and virtuous, to the point of sanctimonious", "Justified morally", "Awesome", "great" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "righteous", "num_translations": 41 }, "jetty": { "senses": [ "A structure of wood or stone extended into the sea to influence the current or tide, or to protect a harbor or beach", "A wharf or dock extending from the shore", "A part of a building that jets or projects beyond the rest, and overhangs the wall below" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mole", "pier" ], "word": "jetty", "num_translations": 31 }, "uproar": { "senses": [ "Tumultuous, noisy excitement", "Loud confused noise, especially when coming from several sources", "A loud protest, controversy, outrage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:commotion" ], "word": "uproar", "num_translations": 85 }, "jinx": { "senses": [ "A hex", "an evil spell", "A person or thing supposed to bring bad luck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "curse" ], "word": "jinx", "num_translations": 47 }, "upstart": { "senses": [ "One who has suddenly gained wealth, power, or other prominence, but either has not received social acceptance or has become arrogant or presumptuous", "The meadow saffron" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arriviste", "nouveau riche", "parvenu" ], "word": "upstart", "num_translations": 36 }, "daddylonglegs": { "senses": [ "The cranefly", "any insect of the suborder Tipulomorpha", "Any arachnid of the order Opiliones, mostly with long thin legs", "the harvestman", "The daddy long-legs spider, any spider of the family Pholcidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cranefly", "harvestman", "cellar spider" ], "word": "daddylonglegs", "num_translations": 14 }, "algology": { "senses": [ "The branch of botany dealing with algae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phycology" ], "word": "algology", "num_translations": 14 }, "infringement": { "senses": [ "A violation or breach, as of a law", "An encroachment on a right, a person, a territory, or a property" ], "antonyms": [ "noninfringement" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "infringement", "num_translations": 30 }, "ovoid": { "senses": [ "Shaped like an oval", "Egg-shaped", "shaped like an oval, but more tapered at one end", "ovate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "egg-shaped", "oviform", "ovate" ], "word": "ovoid", "num_translations": 11 }, "pointblank1": { "senses": [ "Horizontally", "directly or straight", "Directly", "bluntly", "without pretense or caution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pointblank", "num_translations": 11 }, "aboveboard": { "senses": [ "Openly, without deceit", "Honestly, reputably" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "straightforwardly" ], "word": "aboveboard", "num_translations": 12 }, "upstream": { "senses": [ "in a direction against the flow of a current or stream of fluid", "upriver", "involving exploration and pre-production rather than refining and selling", "in the direction from the client to the server", "maintained, owned or associated with the original developers of the given software", "in contrast to a modified version downstream", "towards the leading end of a DNA molecule" ], "antonyms": [ "downstream" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "upstream", "num_translations": 22 }, "upstream1": { "senses": [ "against the current" ], "antonyms": [ "downstream" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "upstream", "num_translations": 15 }, "inanutshell": { "senses": [ "In summary", "briefly or simply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the end of the day" ], "word": "inanutshell", "num_translations": 33 }, "toluene": { "senses": [ "A colourless, inflammable liquid hydrocarbon, methylbenzene, CH3C6H5, used as a solvent, in high-octane fuels and in the production of many chemical compounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "benzeneamine", "methylbenzene", "phenylmethane", "toluol" ], "word": "toluene", "num_translations": 17 }, "octanenumber": { "senses": [ "A measure of the antiknock properties of an automobile fuel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "octane rating" ], "word": "octanenumber", "num_translations": 12 }, "lamentable": { "senses": [ "Causing sorrow, distress or regret", "deplorable, pitiful or distressing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lamentable" ], "word": "lamentable", "num_translations": 16 }, "uricacid": { "senses": [ "a bicyclic heterocyclic phenolic compound, formed in the body by the metabolism of protein and excreted in the urine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lithic acid", "rosacic acid" ], "word": "uricacid", "num_translations": 18 }, "symbiotic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to symbiosis", "living together", "Of a relationship with mutual benefit between two individuals or organisms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mutualistic" ], "word": "symbiotic", "num_translations": 18 }, "astrogeology": { "senses": [ "The science dealing with the structure and composition of planets and other bodies in the solar system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exogeology" ], "word": "astrogeology", "num_translations": 10 }, "olivetree": { "senses": [ "An evergreen tree, Olea europaea, that produces olives as fruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tree that produces olives" ], "word": "olivetree", "num_translations": 59 }, "whew": { "senses": [ "An expressive sound made indicating the release of one's inner tension", "the release of breath", "an expression of relief", "An expression of amazement or surprise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phew", "wow" ], "word": "whew", "num_translations": 29 }, "uralmountains": { "senses": [ "a range of mountains in Russia that stretch from the Arctic to the Caspian Sea", "traditionally, the border between Europe and Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Urals" ], "word": "UralMountains", "num_translations": 29 }, "urbanity": { "senses": [ "Behaviour that is polished, refined, courteous", "What is characteristically urban in an area", "urbanness" ], "antonyms": [ "rurality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "urbanity", "num_translations": 22 }, "remuneration": { "senses": [ "Something given in exchange for goods or services rendered", "A payment for work done", "wages, salary, emolument", "A recompense for a loss", "compensation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reward", "recompense", "compensation", "pay", "payment", "repayment", "satisfaction", "requital" ], "word": "remuneration", "num_translations": 105 }, "tetraplegia": { "senses": [ "Paralysis of all four limbs", "Complete paralysis from below the jaw" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quadriplegia" ], "word": "tetraplegia", "num_translations": 12 }, "bailiff": { "senses": [ "An officer of the court, particularly:", "A public administrator, particularly:", "A private administrator, particularly", "Any debt collector, regardless of his or her official status" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "high bailiff", "high-bailiff", "warrant officer", "beadle", "catchpoll", "bumbailiff", "process server", "High-bailiff", "castellan", "bailly", "bailie", "consul", "landvogt", "steward", "overseer" ], "word": "bailiff", "num_translations": 52 }, "residue": { "senses": [ "Whatever remains after something else has been removed", "The substance that remains after evaporation, distillation, filtration or any similar process", "A molecule that is released from a polymer after bonds between neighbouring monomers are broken, such as an amino acid in a polypeptide chain", "Whatever property or effects are left in an estate after payment of all debts, other charges and deduction of what is specifically bequeathed by the testator", "A form of complex number, proportional to the contour integral of a meromorphic function along a path enclosing one of its singularities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lave" ], "word": "residue", "num_translations": 37 }, "measureword": { "senses": [ "A word or morpheme used in combination with a numeral to indicate the count of nouns, used especially in Asian languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "count word", "counter", "counter word", "counting word", "numeral classifier", "numerary adjunct" ], "word": "measureword", "num_translations": 24 }, "hubbub": { "senses": [ "A confused uproar, commotion, tumult or racket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:commotion" ], "word": "hubbub", "num_translations": 57 }, "ruffle": { "senses": [ "Any gathered or curled strip of fabric added as trim or decoration", "Disturbance", "agitation", "commotion", "A low, vibrating beat of a drum, quieter than a roll", "a ruff", "The connected series of large egg capsules, or oothecae, of several species of American marine gastropods of the genus Fulgur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frill" ], "word": "ruffle", "num_translations": 16 }, "ruffle1": { "senses": [ "to curl or flute, as an edge of fabric", "To disturb", "especially, to cause to flutter", "To grow rough, boisterous, or turbulent", "To become disordered", "to play loosely", "to flutter", "To be rough", "to jar", "to be in contention", "hence, to put on airs", "to swagger", "To make into a ruff", "to draw or contract into puckers, plaits, or folds", "to wrinkle", "To erect in a ruff, as feathers", "To throw together in a disorderly manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ruffle", "num_translations": 11 }, "hostler": { "senses": [ "A person employed at an inn, hostelry, or stable to look after horses", "a groom", "A person employed to care for a locomotive or other large engine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "groom" ], "word": "hostler", "num_translations": 11 }, "disjunction": { "senses": [ "The act of disjoining", "disunion, separation", "The state of being disjoined", "The proposition resulting from the combination of two or more propositions using the or operator", "A logical operator that results in \u201ctrue\" when some of its operands are true", "During meiosis, the separation of chromosomes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disjunction", "num_translations": 13 }, "wett-shirtcontest": { "senses": [ "A contest in which women wear t-shirts that are wet to make them slightly translucent so the breasts are visible, and others judge the women on appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wet t-shirt competition" ], "word": "wett-shirtcontest", "num_translations": 11 }, "hypnotist": { "senses": [ "A person who uses hypnotism to induce hypnosis in someone, either for entertainment or therapy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypnotizer" ], "word": "hypnotist", "num_translations": 30 }, "yellowfintuna": { "senses": [ "An edible species of tuna, Thunnus albacares, found in tropical seas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ahi" ], "word": "yellowfintuna", "num_translations": 17 }, "thingamajig": { "senses": [ "Something that one does not know the name of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gizmo", "whatchamacallit", "whatshumacallit", "whatsitsname", "widget", "thing", "thingamabob", "thingy", "doojigger", "doohickey", "doover", "Thesaurus:thingy" ], "word": "thingamajig", "num_translations": 21 }, "gooey": { "senses": [ "of or relating to goo", "soft, sticky and viscous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gummy", "icky", "sticky" ], "word": "gooey", "num_translations": 16 }, "finicky": { "senses": [ "Fastidious and fussy", "difficult to please", "exacting, especially about details", "Demanding", "requiring above-normal care" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "finicky", "num_translations": 28 }, "icky": { "senses": [ "yucky", "disgusting", "Excessively sentimental", "Unwell or upset", "in a bad state of mind or health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "icky", "num_translations": 17 }, "sentimental": { "senses": [ "Derived from emotion rather than reason", "of or caused by sentiment", "Romantic" ], "antonyms": [ "unsentimental" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sentimental", "num_translations": 38 }, "inopportune": { "senses": [ "unsuitable for some particular purpose", "at an inconvenient or inappropriate time" ], "antonyms": [ "opportune", "appropriate", "timely" ], "synonyms": [ "inappropriate", "ill-timed" ], "word": "inopportune", "num_translations": 11 }, "malarkey": { "senses": [ "Nonsense", "rubbish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "malarkey", "num_translations": 29 }, "urinarytract": { "senses": [ "the continuous system involved in the production and excretion of urine", "the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "urinary system" ], "word": "urinarytract", "num_translations": 15 }, "insurancepolicy": { "senses": [ "A legal document outlining a particular insurance cover for an insured entity for a given risk", "Something that protects or safeguards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insurance contract" ], "word": "insurancepolicy", "num_translations": 23 }, "usedto": { "senses": [ "Accustomed to, tolerant or accepting of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wont", "accustomed" ], "word": "usedto", "num_translations": 37 }, "usher": { "senses": [ "A person, in a church, cinema etc, who escorts people to their seats", "A male escort at a wedding", "A doorkeeper in a courtroom", "An underteacher, or assistant master, in a school", "Any schoolteacher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "groomsman" ], "word": "usher", "num_translations": 48 }, "usher1": { "senses": [ "To guide people to their seats", "To accompany or escort", "To precede", "to act as a forerunner or herald", "to lead or guide somewhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "usher", "num_translations": 33 }, "spermwhale": { "senses": [ "A whale , the largest of the toothed whales", "Any whale in the superfamily Physeteroidea, which also includes the small whales of genus Kogia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cachalot", "common cachalot" ], "word": "spermwhale", "num_translations": 75 }, "maim": { "senses": [ "To wound seriously", "to cause permanent loss of function of a limb or part of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mutilate" ], "word": "maim", "num_translations": 45 }, "cremedelacreme": { "senses": [ "Best of the best", "something superlative The very best" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cream of the crop", "best of the best", "pick of the crop" ], "word": "cremedelacreme", "num_translations": 14 }, "reproach": { "senses": [ "A mild rebuke, or an implied criticism", "Disgrace or shame", "An object of scorn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "obloquy" ], "word": "reproach", "num_translations": 59 }, "reproach1": { "senses": [ "To criticize or rebuke", "To disgrace, or bring shame upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blame", "disgrace", "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "reproach", "num_translations": 61 }, "rouse1": { "senses": [ "To wake or be awoken from sleep, or from apathy", "To cause, stir up, excite", "To provoke to action or anger", "To cause to start from a covert or lurking place", "To pull by main strength", "to haul", "To raise", "to make erect", "To tell off", "to criticise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bring round", "arise" ], "word": "rouse", "num_translations": 18 }, "merely": { "senses": [ "Wholly, entirely", "Without any other reason etc", "only, just, and nothing more" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:merely" ], "word": "merely", "num_translations": 73 }, "reporter": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that reports", "A journalist who investigates, edits and reports news stories for newspapers, radio and television", "A person who records and issues official reports of judicial or legislative proceedings", "a bound volume of printed legal opinions from a particular jurisdiction", "A gene attached by a researcher to a regulatory sequence of another gene of interest, typically used as an indication of whether a certain gene has been taken up by or expressed in the cell or organism population" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reporter", "num_translations": 72 }, "resentment": { "senses": [ "A feeling of anger or displeasure stemming from belief that one has been wronged by others or betrayed", "indignation", "The state of holding something in the mind as a subject of contemplation, or of being inclined to reflect upon it", "feeling", "impression", "satisfaction", "gratitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "resentment", "num_translations": 59 }, "lemonbalm": { "senses": [ "a perennial herb, Melissa officinalis, of southern Europe", "used as a flavouring in ice cream etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balm" ], "word": "lemonbalm", "num_translations": 110 }, "refusal": { "senses": [ "The act of refusing", "Depth or point at which well or borehole drilling cannot continue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "repudiation" ], "word": "refusal", "num_translations": 27 }, "schnozzle": { "senses": [ "The human nose, especially one that is large" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beak", "conk", "honker", "hooter", "schnoz", "snoot", "Thesaurus:nose" ], "word": "schnozzle", "num_translations": 23 }, "mcdonald's": { "senses": [ "A widespread chain of fast food restaurants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:McDonald's" ], "word": "McDonald's", "num_translations": 70 }, "differential1": { "senses": [ "a qualitative or quantitative difference between similar or comparable things", "an infinitesimal change in a variable, or the result of differentiation", "One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one another or to a magnet or armature common to both, that one coil produces polar action contrary to that of the other", "A form of conductor used for dividing and distributing the current to a series of electric lamps so as to maintain equal action in all" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "differential", "num_translations": 19 }, "eloquent": { "senses": [ "fluently persuasive and articulate", "effective in expressing meaning by speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "articulate", "well-spoken" ], "word": "eloquent", "num_translations": 67 }, "enthrone": { "senses": [ "To help a candidate to the succession of a monarchy , or by extension in any other major organisation" ], "antonyms": [ "dethrone" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "enthrone", "num_translations": 13 }, "fey": { "senses": [ "About to die", "doomed", "on the verge of sudden or violent death", "Dying", "dead", "Possessing second sight, clairvoyance, or clairaudience", "Overrefined, affected", "Strange or otherworldly", "Spellbound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fey", "num_translations": 22 }, "retrospective": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or contemplating the past", "Looking backwards", "Affecting or influencing past things", "retroactive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hindsightly" ], "word": "retrospective", "num_translations": 22 }, "smoked": { "senses": [ "Of food, preserved by treatment with smoke", "Of glass, tinted" ], "antonyms": [ "green", "unsmoked" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "smoked", "num_translations": 16 }, "smoking2": { "senses": [ "The act or process of emitting smoke", "The burning and inhalation of tobacco", "The burning and inhalation of other substances, eg marijuana", "The act of exposing to smoke", "the process by which foods are cured or flavoured by smoke", "A bantering", "teasing", "mockery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smoking", "num_translations": 65 }, "respiration": { "senses": [ "The process of inhaling and exhaling", "breathing, breath", "An act of breathing", "a breath", "Any similar process in an organism that lacks lungs that exchanges gases with its environment", "The process by which cells obtain chemical energy by the consumption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "respiration", "num_translations": 41 }, "timetable": { "senses": [ "a tabular schedule of events with the times at which they occur, especially times of arrivals and departures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "structured schedule of events with the times at which they occur" ], "word": "timetable", "num_translations": 93 }, "pander1": { "senses": [ "To offer illicit sex with a third party", "to pimp", "To tempt with, to appeal or cater to", "to assist in gratification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prostitute" ], "word": "pander", "num_translations": 29 }, "persecute": { "senses": [ "To pursue in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict", "to beset with cruelty or malignity", "to harass", "especially, to afflict, harass, punish, or put to death for one's race, sexual identity, adherence to a particular religious creed, or mode of worship", "To harass with importunity", "to pursue with persistent solicitations", "to annoy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oppress" ], "word": "persecute", "num_translations": 34 }, "endup": { "senses": [ "To conclude, turn out, sometimes unexpectedly", "To arrive at a destination, sometimes unexpectedly", "To eventually do", "To lift or tilt, so as to set on end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conclude", "finish up" ], "word": "endup", "num_translations": 31 }, "beforehand": { "senses": [ "At an earlier or preceding time" ], "antonyms": [ "afterwards" ], "synonyms": [ "in advance" ], "word": "beforehand", "num_translations": 71 }, "facevalue": { "senses": [ "The amount or value listed on a bill, note, stamp, etc", "the stated value or amount", "No more or less than what is stated", "a literal or direct meaning or interpretation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "par value" ], "word": "facevalue", "num_translations": 38 }, "literal": { "senses": [ "Exactly as stated", "read or understood without additional interpretation", "according to the letter or verbal expression", "real", "not figurative or metaphorical", "Following the letter or exact words", "not free", "not taking liberties", "Consisting of, or expressed by, letters", "unimaginative", "matter-of-fact" ], "antonyms": [ "figurative" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "literal", "num_translations": 75 }, "tosh": { "senses": [ "Copper", "items made of copper", "Valuables retrieved from sewers and drains", "Rubbish, trash, especially in the sense of nonsense, bosh, balderdash", "A bath or foot pan", "Easy bowling", "Used as a form of address" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "tosh", "num_translations": 10 }, "solderingiron": { "senses": [ "A hand-held tool with a heated tip, used to melt and apply solder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soldering bolt" ], "word": "solderingiron", "num_translations": 61 }, "pragmatism": { "senses": [ "The pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities", "a concentration on facts rather than emotions or ideals", "The theory that political problems should be met with practical solutions rather than ideological ones", "The idea that beliefs are identified with the actions of a believer, and the truth of beliefs with success of those actions in securing a believer's goals", "the doctrine that ideas must be looked at in terms of their practical effects and consequences", "The habit of interfering in other people's affairs", "meddlesomeness" ], "antonyms": [ "idealism", "contemplation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pragmatism", "num_translations": 43 }, "incessant": { "senses": [ "Without pause or stop", "not ending, especially to the point of annoyance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unremitting", "continuous", "unceasing" ], "word": "incessant", "num_translations": 31 }, "icu": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"intensive care unit\"", "initialism of \"intersection capacity utilization\": a measure of the capacity of a roadway intersection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ITU" ], "word": "ICU", "num_translations": 44 }, "cop-out": { "senses": [ "Avoidance or inadequate performance of a task or duty", "the action of copping out", "An excuse made in order to avoid performing a task or duty", "a reason offered when someone cops out", "A person who cops out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cop-out", "num_translations": 19 }, "emission": { "senses": [ "Something which is emitted or sent out", "issue", "The act of emitting", "the act of sending forth or putting into circulation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "issuance" ], "word": "emission", "num_translations": 44 }, "smartass": { "senses": [ "One who is particularly insolent, who tends to make snide remarks or jokes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smart aleck", "smart-aleck", "smart alec", "smart-alec" ], "word": "smartass", "num_translations": 30 }, "arugula": { "senses": [ "One of three yellowish-flowered Mediterranean herbs of the mustard family with flavoured leaves, often eaten in salads Has a distinct, peppery flavor:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rugola", "rugula", "garden rocket", "rocket", "perennial wall-rocket" ], "word": "arugula", "num_translations": 49 }, "sweetwoodruff": { "senses": [ "An aromatic perennial plant, formerly used as a strewing herb, Galium odoratum , with small white flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waldmeister" ], "word": "sweetwoodruff", "num_translations": 29 }, "cilantro": { "senses": [ "The stems and leaves of the coriander plant, Coriandrum sativum, used as a seasoning and garnish in cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese parsley" ], "word": "cilantro", "num_translations": 33 }, "borage": { "senses": [ "Borago officinalis, a Mediterranean plant with rough, cucumber-flavored leaves, used in salads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Borago officinalis" ], "word": "borage", "num_translations": 27 }, "fidelity": { "senses": [ "Faithfulness to one's duties", "Loyalty to one's spouse or partner, including abstention from extramarital affairs", "Accuracy, or exact correspondence to some given quality or fact", "The degree to which a system accurately reproduces an input" ], "antonyms": [ "infidelity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fidelity", "num_translations": 68 }, "takeaway": { "senses": [ "To remove something and put it in a different place", "To remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it", "To subtract or diminish something", "To leave a memory or impression in one's mind that you think about later", "To make someone leave a place and go somewhere else Usually not with the person's consent", "To prevent, or limit, someone from being somewhere, or from doing something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deprive" ], "word": "takeaway", "num_translations": 52 }, "takeaway1": { "senses": [ "A restaurant that sells food to be eaten elsewhere", "A meal bought to be eaten elsewhere", "The preliminary part of a golfer\u2032s swing when the club is brought back away from the ball", "A concession made by a labor union in the course of negotiations", "An idea from a talk, presentation, etc, that the listener or reader should remember and consider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carryout", "carryout", "sound bite" ], "word": "takeaway", "num_translations": 24 }, "takeforgranted": { "senses": [ "To assume something to be true without verification or proof", "To give little attention to or to underestimate the value of", "to fail to appreciate, especially something one has grown heavily accustomed to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:suppose" ], "word": "takeforgranted", "num_translations": 34 }, "takerevenge": { "senses": [ "To avenge", "to get back at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:avenge" ], "word": "takerevenge", "num_translations": 27 }, "unscathed": { "senses": [ "Not harmed or damaged in any way", "untouched" ], "antonyms": [ "scathed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unscathed", "num_translations": 28 }, "boombox": { "senses": [ "A powerful portable audio system for listening collectively to recorded or broadcast sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jambox" ], "word": "boombox", "num_translations": 26 }, "patiently": { "senses": [ "In a patient manner" ], "antonyms": [ "impatiently" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "patiently", "num_translations": 16 }, "greasy": { "senses": [ "Having a slippery surface", "having a surface covered with grease", "Containing a lot of grease or fat", "shady, sketchy, dodgy, detestable, unethical", "fat, bulky", "gross", "indelicate", "indecent", "Afflicted with the disease called grease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "greasy", "num_translations": 35 }, "precipitation": { "senses": [ "Any or all of the forms of water particles, whether liquid or solid, that fall from the atmosphere It is a major class of hydrometeor, but it is distinguished from cloud, fog, dew, rime, frost, etc, in that it must fall It is distinguished from cloud and virga in that it must reach the ground", "A hurried headlong fall", "A reaction that leads to the formation of a heavier solid in a lighter liquid", "the precipitate so formed at the bottom of the container", "Unwise or rash rapidity", "sudden haste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hydrometeor" ], "word": "precipitation", "num_translations": 85 }, "senescence": { "senses": [ "The state or process of ageing, especially in humans", "old age", "Ceasing to divide by mitosis because of shortening of telomeres or excessive DNA damage", "Old age", "accumulated damage to macromolecules, cells, tissues and organs with the passage of time", "Condition when the cell ceases to divide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oldhood" ], "word": "senescence", "num_translations": 19 }, "becoming2": { "senses": [ "pleasingly suitable", "fit", "congruous", "beautiful", "decent, respectable" ], "antonyms": [ "unbecoming" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "becoming", "num_translations": 28 }, "percentile": { "senses": [ "Any of the ninety-nine points that divide an ordered distribution into one hundred parts, each containing one per cent of the population", "Any one of the hundred groups so divided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "%ile", "centile" ], "word": "percentile", "num_translations": 23 }, "colitis": { "senses": [ "inflammation of the colon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colonitis" ], "word": "colitis", "num_translations": 12 }, "packet": { "senses": [ "A small pack or package", "a little bundle or parcel", "Originally, a vessel employed by government to convey dispatches or mails", "hence, a vessel employed in conveying dispatches, mails, passengers, and goods, and having fixed days of sailing", "A specimen envelope containing small, dried plants or containing parts of plants when attached to a larger sheet", "A small fragment of data as transmitted on some types of network, notably Ethernet networks", "A plastic bag", "A manbulge", "A large amount of money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "packet", "num_translations": 125 }, "serotonin": { "senses": [ "An indoleamine neurotransmitter, 5-hydroxytryptamine, that is involved in depression, appetite, etc, and is crucial in maintaining a sense of well-being, security, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "5-hydroxytryptamine" ], "word": "serotonin", "num_translations": 24 }, "child'splay": { "senses": [ "Something particularly simple or easy", "the play of a child" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kid stuff" ], "word": "child'splay", "num_translations": 34 }, "fifthwheel": { "senses": [ "A type of trailer hitch, which consists of a horseshoe-shaped plate on a multi-directional pivot, with a locking pin to couple with the kingpin of a truck trailer", "A very large truck trailer", "an 18-wheeler", "A very large trailer that is towed with a pickup truck", "A horizontal wheel or segment above the fore axle of a carriage and beneath the body, forming an extended support to prevent careening", "Anything superfluous or unnecessary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "third wheel" ], "word": "fifthwheel", "num_translations": 37 }, "applesandoranges": { "senses": [ "A comparison of items that, however categorically similar, is inapt", "an incompatible equation" ], "antonyms": [ "apples to apples", "apples to apples, oranges to oranges", "oranges with oranges" ], "synonyms": [ "chalk and cheese", "night and day" ], "word": "applesandoranges", "num_translations": 23 }, "smallintestine": { "senses": [ "The upper part of the intestine, between the stomach and the large intestine, divided into the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "small bowel" ], "word": "smallintestine", "num_translations": 38 }, "identitymatrix": { "senses": [ "A diagonal matrix all of the diagonal elements of which are equal to 1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unit matrix" ], "word": "identitymatrix", "num_translations": 25 }, "naevusflammeus": { "senses": [ "A vascular birthmark or naevus, usually on the head and neck, consisting of an overgrowth of capillaries which produce a reddish to purplish discoloration of the skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "port-wine mark", "port-wine stain" ], "word": "naevusflammeus", "num_translations": 12 }, "maindiagonal": { "senses": [ "The entries of a square matrix from the top left to the bottom right" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leading diagonal" ], "word": "maindiagonal", "num_translations": 13 }, "reverend": { "senses": [ "A title indicating respect, prefixed to the names of Christian clergy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rev" ], "word": "Reverend", "num_translations": 19 }, "takeback": { "senses": [ "To retract an earlier statement", "To cause to remember some past event or time", "To resume a relationship", "To regain possession of something", "To return something to a vendor for a refund" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recant" ], "word": "takeback", "num_translations": 51 }, "takeover": { "senses": [ "To assume control of something, especially by force", "to usurp", "To adopt a further responsibility or duty", "To relieve someone temporarily", "To buy out the ownership of a business", "To appropriate something without permission", "To annex a territory by conquest or invasion", "To become more successful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overtake", "surpass" ], "word": "takeover", "num_translations": 44 }, "milestone": { "senses": [ "A stone milepost , one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals, typically at the side of the road or in a median", "An important event in a person's life or career, in the history of a nation, in the life of some project, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "landmark" ], "word": "milestone", "num_translations": 96 }, "potpourri": { "senses": [ "A collection of various things", "an assortment, mixed bag or motley", "An anthology of miscellaneous prose", "A medley of songs or music", "A mixture of dried fragrant plant material, often in a decorative bowl, used to scent a room", "A ragout or stew of meat and vegetables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "potpourri", "num_translations": 31 }, "detoxify": { "senses": [ "To remove foreign and harmful substances from something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "detoxicate" ], "word": "detoxify", "num_translations": 10 }, "salutation": { "senses": [ "A greeting, salute, or address", "a hello", "The act of greeting", "The title in a person's name, such as Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, or Rev", "Quickening", "excitement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "salutation", "num_translations": 42 }, "chickenpox": { "senses": [ "A common childhood disease caused by the varicella zoster virus , Human alphaherpesvirus 3" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "varicella" ], "word": "chickenpox", "num_translations": 73 }, "talkativeness": { "senses": [ "The state of being talkative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:talkativeness" ], "word": "talkativeness", "num_translations": 48 }, "recapitulate": { "senses": [ "To summarize or repeat in concise form", "During an individual's development, to pass through stages corresponding to the species' stages of evolutionary development", "To reproduce or closely resemble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recap" ], "word": "recapitulate", "num_translations": 11 }, "sinus": { "senses": [ "A channel for transmitting venous blood", "A notch or depression between two lobes or teeth in the margin of an organ", "An abnormal cavity or passage such as a fistula, caused by the destruction of tissue", "A bay of the sea", "a recess in the shore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sinus", "num_translations": 27 }, "deter": { "senses": [ "To prevent something from happening", "To persuade someone not to do something", "to discourage", "To distract someone from something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dissuade" ], "word": "deter", "num_translations": 66 }, "runaground": { "senses": [ "For a vessel to be immobilized by water too shallow to allow it to float" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beach", "ground" ], "word": "runaground", "num_translations": 29 }, "discern": { "senses": [ "To detect with the senses, especially with the eyes", "To perceive, recognize, or comprehend with the mind", "to descry", "To distinguish something as being different from something else", "to differentiate", "To perceive differences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:perceive", "ken", "discriminate" ], "word": "discern", "num_translations": 99 }, "discernment": { "senses": [ "The ability to distinguish", "judgement", "Discrimination", "The ability to distinguish between things", "The ability to perceive differences that exist", "The condition of understanding", "Aesthetic discrimination", "taste, appreciation", "Perceptiveness", "The ability to make wise judgements", "sagacity", "Discretion in judging objectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "discernment", "num_translations": 23 }, "leaguetable": { "senses": [ "A tabular display of the teams in some league in order of win percentage or points awarded, often also including number of matches played, won, lost, and drawn, goal difference, etc", "Such a listing of hospitals, schools and other institutions showing their ranking according to various indicators of performance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "points table", "standings", "ladder" ], "word": "leaguetable", "num_translations": 12 }, "circulararc": { "senses": [ "A continuous section of the circumference of a circle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arc", "circle segment" ], "word": "circulararc", "num_translations": 15 }, "reconciliation": { "senses": [ "The reestablishment of friendly relations", "conciliation or rapprochement", "The end of estrangement between a human and God as a result of the process of atonement", "A Roman Catholic sacrament involving contrition, confession, punishment and absolution", "penance", "Process of matching, comparing and agreeing figures from accounting records against those presented on a bank statement, including list of explainable differences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saught" ], "word": "reconciliation", "num_translations": 72 }, "domino": { "senses": [ "A masquerade costume consisting of a hooded robe and a mask covering the upper part of the face", "The mask itself", "The person wearing the costume", "A polyomino made up of two squares", "A mistake in performing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "domino", "num_translations": 35 }, "headway": { "senses": [ "Movement ahead or forward", "Forward motion, or its rate", "The interval of time or distance between the fronts of two vehicles moving in succession in the same direction, especially along the same pre-determined route", "Progress toward a goal", "The clearance beneath an object, such as an arch, ceiling or bridge", "headroom", "A cross-heading" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "headway", "num_translations": 36 }, "sebaceousgland": { "senses": [ "A gland of the skin which secretes an oily substance, sebum, usually into a hair follicle near the surface of the skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sebaceous follicle", "glandulae sebaceae" ], "word": "sebaceousgland", "num_translations": 18 }, "mistletoe": { "senses": [ "A sprig of one such plant used as a Christmas decoration, associated with the custom that a man may kiss any woman standing beneath it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "miseleden" ], "word": "mistletoe", "num_translations": 100 }, "tonsil": { "senses": [ "Either of a pair of small masses of lymphoid tissue that lie on each side of the throat and that help protect the body against infection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tonsilla" ], "word": "tonsil", "num_translations": 65 }, "dominoeffect": { "senses": [ "The situation in which one event sets off a chain of additional events", "The theory that, if South Vietnam fell to Communism, it would be followed by Cambodia, Laos, additional Southeast Asian countries, other Asian countries, and likely even elsewhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "domino theory" ], "word": "dominoeffect", "num_translations": 21 }, "actuality": { "senses": [ "The state of existing", "existence", "The quality of being actual or factual", "fact", "Live reporting on current affairs", "A short early motion picture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "actuality", "num_translations": 11 }, "adaptive": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, characterized by or showing adaptation", "making or made fit or suitable", "Capable of being adapted or of adapting", "susceptible of or undergoing accordant change", "Of a trait: that helps an individual to function well in society" ], "antonyms": [ "maladaptive" ], "synonyms": [ "adaptable", "adaptative" ], "word": "adaptive", "num_translations": 21 }, "artifice": { "senses": [ "A crafty but underhanded deception", "A trick played out as an ingenious, but artful, ruse", "A strategic maneuver that uses some clever means to avoid detection or capture", "A tactical move to gain advantage", "Something made with technical skill", "a contrivance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "artifice", "num_translations": 16 }, "quinsy": { "senses": [ "A peritonsillar abscess", "a painful pus-filled inflammation or abscess of the tonsils and surrounding tissues, usually a complication of tonsillitis, caused by bacterial infection and often accompanied by fever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peritonsillar" ], "word": "quinsy", "num_translations": 10 }, "talon": { "senses": [ "A sharp, hooked claw of a bird of prey or other predatory animal", "One of certain small prominences on the hind part of the face of an elephant's tooth", "A kind of moulding, concave at the bottom and convex at the top", "an ogee", "The shoulder of the bolt of a lock on which the key acts to shoot the bolt", "In various card games, the remaining stock of undealt cards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "talon", "num_translations": 52 }, "tambourine": { "senses": [ "A percussion instrument consisting of a small, usually wooden, hoop closed on one side with a drum frame and featuring jingling metal disks on the tread", "it is most often held in the hand and shaken rhythmically", "by extension, any frame drum", "A kind of Proven\u00e7al dance", "The music for this dance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tambourine", "num_translations": 41 }, "tampon": { "senses": [ "A plug of cotton or other absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to absorb fluid, especially one inserted in the vagina during menstruation", "A double-headed drumstick primarily for the bass drum", "An inking pad used in lithographic printing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vampire's teabag" ], "word": "tampon", "num_translations": 45 }, "sanitarynapkin": { "senses": [ "A pad of cotton or other absorbent material worn by women to absorb the menstrual flow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sanitary pad", "sanitary towel" ], "word": "sanitarynapkin", "num_translations": 45 }, "tapemeasure": { "senses": [ "A graduated flexible ribbon used for measuring lengths" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "measuring tape" ], "word": "tapemeasure", "num_translations": 58 }, "mutable": { "senses": [ "Changeable, dynamic, evolutive", "inclined to change, evolve, mutate", "Having a value that is changeable during program execution" ], "antonyms": [ "immutable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mutable", "num_translations": 19 }, "decrepit": { "senses": [ "Weakened or worn out from age or wear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aged" ], "word": "decrepit", "num_translations": 43 }, "calmdown": { "senses": [ "To become less excited, intense, or angry", "To cause to become less excited, intense, or angry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be still my heart", "chill out" ], "word": "calmdown", "num_translations": 77 }, "seabird": { "senses": [ "Any bird that spends most of its time in coastal waters or over the oceans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seafowl" ], "word": "seabird", "num_translations": 26 }, "vishnu": { "senses": [ "male given name used in India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Narayana" ], "word": "Vishnu", "num_translations": 74 }, "exclaim": { "senses": [ "To cry out suddenly, from some strong emotion", "To say suddenly and with strong emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shout" ], "word": "exclaim", "num_translations": 34 }, "tetanus": { "senses": [ "A serious and often fatal disease caused by the infection of an open wound with the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani, found in soil and the intestines and faeces of animals", "A state of muscle tension caused by sustained contraction arising from a rapid series of nerve impulses which do not allow the muscle to relax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lockjaw" ], "word": "tetanus", "num_translations": 109 }, "scurvy": { "senses": [ "A disease caused by insufficient intake of vitamin C leading to the formation of livid spots on the skin, spongy gums, loosening of the teeth and bleeding into the skin and from almost all mucous membranes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Barlow's disease", "Cheadle-M\u00f6ller-Barlow syndrome", "Cheadle's disease", "land scurvy", "Moeller's disease", "M\u00f6ller-Barlow disease", "scorbutus" ], "word": "scurvy", "num_translations": 32 }, "tattered": { "senses": [ "rent in tatters, torn, hanging in rags", "ragged", "dressed in tatters or rags", "ragged", "dilapidated", "showing gaps or breaks", "jagged", "broken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tattered", "num_translations": 62 }, "scarcely": { "senses": [ "Probably not", "Certainly not", "Almost not at all", "by a small margin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barely", "barely" ], "word": "scarcely", "num_translations": 36 }, "mizzenmast": { "senses": [ "The aftmost mast on a ship having three or more masts", "The second mast of a ship having two masts where the second one is shorter, such as a ketch or yawl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mizzen" ], "word": "mizzenmast", "num_translations": 22 }, "bellicose": { "senses": [ "Warlike in nature", "aggressive", "hostile", "Showing or having the impulse to be combative" ], "antonyms": [ "pacific" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:combative" ], "word": "bellicose", "num_translations": 39 }, "attain": { "senses": [ "To gain", "To reach or come to, by progression or motion", "to arrive at", "To come or arrive, by motion, growth, bodily exertion, or efforts toward a place, object, state, etc", "To get at the knowledge of", "To reach in excellence or degree", "To reach a person after being behind them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attain", "num_translations": 43 }, "cosmopolitan": { "senses": [ "inclusive", "affecting the whole world", "composed of people from all over the world", "at ease in any part of the world", "familiar with many cultures", "growing or living in many parts of the world", "widely distributed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cosmopolitan", "num_translations": 37 }, "fistula": { "senses": [ "An abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels that normally do not connect", "A tube, a pipe, or a hole", "The tube through which the wine of the Eucharist was once sucked from the chalice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pipe" ], "word": "fistula", "num_translations": 75 }, "regent": { "senses": [ "A ruler", "One who rules in place of the monarch, especially because the monarch is too young, absent, or disabled", "A member of a municipal or civic body of governors, especially in certain European cities", "A member of governing board of a college or university", "also a governor of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC", "The chief executive of a regency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regent", "num_translations": 60 }, "airworthiness": { "senses": [ "The state of being airworthy" ], "antonyms": [ "unairworthiness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "airworthiness", "num_translations": 27 }, "antechamber": { "senses": [ "A small room used as an entryway or reception area to a larger room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anteroom" ], "word": "antechamber", "num_translations": 24 }, "alphafemale": { "senses": [ "the dominant female animal in a pack", "a self-assured and strong woman", "an alphette" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alpha", "female alpha" ], "word": "alphafemale", "num_translations": 14 }, "attrition": { "senses": [ "Wearing or grinding down by friction", "The gradual reduction in a tangible or intangible resource due to causes that are passive and do not involve productive use of the resource", "A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death", "The loss of participants during an experiment", "Imperfect contrition or remorse", "The wearing of teeth due to their grinding", "The loss of a first or second language or a portion of that language" ], "antonyms": [ "accretion" ], "synonyms": [ "natural wastage" ], "word": "attrition", "num_translations": 78 }, "inkind1": { "senses": [ "with goods or services", "In a reciprocal manner", "in a similar way", "in the same kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in trade", "equivalently" ], "word": "inkind", "num_translations": 30 }, "lump": { "senses": [ "Something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together", "a cluster or blob", "a mound or mass of no particular shape", "A group, set, or unit", "A small, shaped mass of sugar, typically about a teaspoonful", "A dull or lazy person", "A beating or verbal abuse", "A projection beneath the breech end of a gun barrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lump", "num_translations": 95 }, "bohemian": { "senses": [ "A native or resident of Bohemia", "The dialect of the Czech language spoken in Bohemia", "A Gypsy, a Romani", "an unconventional artist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Bohemian", "num_translations": 28 }, "evidently": { "senses": [ "In a manner which makes the fact or conclusion evident", "obviously", "as may be clearly inferred", "In such a way as to be clearly visible or manifest", "distinctly, clearly", "apparently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clearly", "conspicuously" ], "word": "evidently", "num_translations": 29 }, "understandable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being understood", "comprehensible", "Capable of being accepted or excused under the circumstances" ], "antonyms": [ "incomprehensible", "inexcusable" ], "synonyms": [ "comprehensible", "acceptable" ], "word": "understandable", "num_translations": 49 }, "harassment": { "senses": [ "Persistent attacks and criticism causing worry and distress", "Deliberate pestering or annoying", "Excessive intimidation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "torment", "molestation" ], "word": "harassment", "num_translations": 45 }, "theologian": { "senses": [ "One who studies theology", "In Roman Catholic usage, a theological lecturer attached to a cathedral church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "theologist" ], "word": "theologian", "num_translations": 56 }, "theological": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to theology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "theologic" ], "word": "theological", "num_translations": 21 }, "stripper": { "senses": [ "Somene who removes their clothing in a sexually provocative manner, especially as a form of paid entertainment", "A chemical or tool used to remove paint, sheathing, etc from something", "A tool used to strip tubing: to empty it by applying pressure to the outside of the tubing and moving that pressure along the tubing", "A cow that has nearly stopped giving milk, so that it can be obtained from her only by stripping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ecdysiast" ], "word": "stripper", "num_translations": 67 }, "godspeed1": { "senses": [ "A statement of wishing someone a prosperous journey, or success" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "farewell", "goodbye", "good luck" ], "word": "Godspeed", "num_translations": 30 }, "antiproton": { "senses": [ "The antiparticle of the proton, having a negative electric charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pbar" ], "word": "antiproton", "num_translations": 17 }, "unpopular": { "senses": [ "lacking popularity" ], "antonyms": [ "popular" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unpopular", "num_translations": 34 }, "astrologer": { "senses": [ "One who studies or practices astrology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "astrologist" ], "word": "astrologer", "num_translations": 48 }, "literacy": { "senses": [ "The ability to read and write", "Understanding of something" ], "antonyms": [ "illiteracy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "literacy", "num_translations": 64 }, "literate": { "senses": [ "Able to read and write", "having literacy", "Knowledgeable in literature, writing", "literary", "well-read", "Which is used in writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "literate", "num_translations": 53 }, "merciful": { "senses": [ "showing mercy" ], "antonyms": [ "merciless", "cruel" ], "synonyms": [ "ruthful" ], "word": "merciful", "num_translations": 38 }, "scientifically": { "senses": [ "Using science or methods of science", "Using the scientific method", "Methodically", "With regard to science", "From a scientific perspective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "systematically" ], "word": "scientifically", "num_translations": 52 }, "presently": { "senses": [ "Immediately, at once", "quickly", "Before long", "soon", "At the present time", "now", "currently", "With actual presence", "in actuality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "presently", "num_translations": 28 }, "rabble1": { "senses": [ "A bewildered or meaningless string of words", "A pack of animals", "or any confused collection of things", "A mob", "a disorderly crowd", "The mass of common people", "the lowest class of populace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plebs", "riffraff" ], "word": "rabble", "num_translations": 82 }, "cellist": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays the cello" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celloist", "cello player" ], "word": "cellist", "num_translations": 29 }, "quietly": { "senses": [ "In a quiet manner" ], "antonyms": [ "loudly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "quietly", "num_translations": 41 }, "anticoagulant": { "senses": [ "A substance that prevents coagulation", "that is, it stops blood from clotting" ], "antonyms": [ "coagulant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "anticoagulant", "num_translations": 15 }, "antidepressant": { "senses": [ "An agent that prevents or counteracts depression" ], "antonyms": [ "depressogenic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "antidepressant", "num_translations": 30 }, "thoroughly": { "senses": [ "In a thorough or complete manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "but good" ], "word": "thoroughly", "num_translations": 39 }, "dreadful1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frightening", "Thesaurus:bad" ], "word": "dreadful", "num_translations": 34 }, "doubtless1": { "senses": [ "Without doubt", "very probably, in all likelihood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indubitably" ], "word": "doubtless", "num_translations": 11 }, "plainly": { "senses": [ "In a plain manner", "simply", "basically", "Obviously", "clearly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "expressly" ], "word": "plainly", "num_translations": 10 }, "continually": { "senses": [ "In a continual manner", "non-stop", "In regular or repeated succession", "very often" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceaselessly", "by degrees" ], "word": "continually", "num_translations": 21 }, "seriously": { "senses": [ "In a serious or literal manner", "Gravely", "deeply", "very much", "Used to attempt to introduce a serious point in a less serious conversation", "Used to call back to a previous point, either in disbelief or emphasis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seriously", "num_translations": 48 }, "ouija": { "senses": [ "A board, having letters of the alphabet and the words yes and no", "used with a planchette during a seance to \"communicate\" with spirits", "The use of such a board to attempt to communicate with spirits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ouija board" ], "word": "Ouija", "num_translations": 38 }, "distinctly": { "senses": [ "In a distinct manner" ], "antonyms": [ "indistinctly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "distinctly", "num_translations": 21 }, "hastily": { "senses": [ "In a hasty manner", "quickly, hurriedly", "Soon, shortly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:quickly" ], "word": "hastily", "num_translations": 25 }, "eagerly": { "senses": [ "In an eager manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heartily" ], "word": "eagerly", "num_translations": 12 }, "undoubtedly": { "senses": [ "Without doubt", "definitely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indubitably", "unquestionably", "doubtlessly", "undoubtably", "without a doubt" ], "word": "undoubtedly", "num_translations": 29 }, "indirectly": { "senses": [ "In an indirect manner" ], "antonyms": [ "directly" ], "synonyms": [ "undirectly" ], "word": "indirectly", "num_translations": 16 }, "justly": { "senses": [ "In a just or fair manner", "rightfully", "With a just or fair use of language", "with good reason, properly", "With great precision", "accurately, exactly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "justly", "num_translations": 21 }, "deadly": { "senses": [ "Subject to death", "mortal", "* Wyclif Bible, Romans i 23:", "Causing death", "lethal", "Aiming or willing to destroy", "implacable", "desperately hostile", "Very accurate", "Very boring", "Excellent, awesome, cool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deadly", "num_translations": 52 }, "namely": { "senses": [ "Specifically", "that is to say", "Especially, above all" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "that is to say" ], "word": "namely", "num_translations": 59 }, "chiromancer": { "senses": [ "One who practices chiromancy", "a palm reader" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheiromantist", "palmist", "palmister" ], "word": "chiromancer", "num_translations": 15 }, "heartattack": { "senses": [ "An acute myocardial infarction, sometimes fatal, caused by the sudden occurrence of coronary thrombosis, which obstructs the blood supply to the heart and leads to necrosis of heart muscle tissue", "Death or failure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "myocardial infarction" ], "word": "heartattack", "num_translations": 90 }, "chastise": { "senses": [ "To punish or scold someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reprehend" ], "word": "chastise", "num_translations": 20 }, "flex1": { "senses": [ "To bend something", "To repeatedly bend one of one's joints", "To move part of the body using one's muscles", "To tighten the muscles for display of size or strength", "To flaunt one's superiority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flex", "num_translations": 45 }, "bestial": { "senses": [ "Beast-like" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beastly", "animalian" ], "word": "bestial", "num_translations": 24 }, "suddeninfantdeathsyndrome": { "senses": [ "The sudden and unexplained death of an infant aged one month to one year, normally while sleeping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crib death", "cot death" ], "word": "suddeninfantdeathsyndrome", "num_translations": 12 }, "awkwardness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being awkward", "clumsiness", "unskillfulness", "The quality of an embarrassing situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clunkiness", "clumsiness", "discomfiture", "ineptness", "inelegance" ], "word": "awkwardness", "num_translations": 18 }, "donor": { "senses": [ "One who makes a donation", "A group or molecule that donates either a radical, electrons or a moiety in a chemical reaction Compare acceptor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "donator" ], "word": "donor", "num_translations": 38 }, "baldeagle": { "senses": [ "Haliaeetus leucocephalus, a species of eagle native to North America and notable for the white plumage on its head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American eagle" ], "word": "baldeagle", "num_translations": 37 }, "electrocardiogram": { "senses": [ "The visual output that an electrocardiograph produces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cardiogram" ], "word": "electrocardiogram", "num_translations": 31 }, "harelip": { "senses": [ "A congenital malformation of the upper lip, reminiscent of the mouth of a hare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cleft lip" ], "word": "harelip", "num_translations": 31 }, "elliptical": { "senses": [ "In a shape of, or reminding of, an ellipse", "oval", "Of, or showing ellipsis", "having a word or words omitted", "Concise, condensed", "Elliptic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elliptic" ], "word": "elliptical", "num_translations": 32 }, "embryonic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to an embryo", "Of a project, etc: very new and still evolving", "yet to reach its full potential" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "embryonal" ], "word": "embryonic", "num_translations": 26 }, "euphonic": { "senses": [ "Characterized by euphony", "harmonious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dulcet", "euphonious" ], "word": "euphonic", "num_translations": 18 }, "emphatic": { "senses": [ "Characterized by emphasis", "forceful", "Stated with conviction", "Belonging to a set of English tense forms comprising the auxiliary verb do + an infinitive without to", "Belonging to a series of obstruent consonants in several Semitic languages that are distinguished from both voiced and voiceless consonants by a certain phonetic feature or features" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "emphatic", "num_translations": 50 }, "economist": { "senses": [ "An expert in economics, especially one who studies economic data and extracts higher-level information or proposes theories", "One concerned with political economy", "One who manages a household", "One who economizes, or manages domestic or other concerns with frugality", "one who expends money, time, or labor, judiciously, and without waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "economiser" ], "word": "economist", "num_translations": 45 }, "deflect": { "senses": [ "To make deviate from its original path", "To touch the ball, often unwittingly, after a shot or a sharp pass, thereby making it unpredictable for the other players", "To deviate from its original path", "To avoid addressing", "To divert" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deflect", "num_translations": 29 }, "eavesdrop": { "senses": [ "To hear a conversation one is not intended to hear", "to listen in", "To listen for another organism's calls, so as to exploit them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overhear" ], "word": "eavesdrop", "num_translations": 62 }, "encouragement": { "senses": [ "The act of encouraging", "Something that incites, supports, promotes, protects or advances", "incentive", "Words or actions that increase someone's confidence", "The feeling of being encouraged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:praise" ], "word": "encouragement", "num_translations": 58 }, "teacher'spet": { "senses": [ "A student who is perceived to be favored by the teacher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blue-eyed boy", "fair-haired boy" ], "word": "teacher'spet", "num_translations": 18 }, "continuity": { "senses": [ "Lack of interruption or disconnection", "the quality of being continuous in space or time", "A characteristic property of a continuous function", "A narrative device in episodic fiction where previous and/or future events in a series of stories are accounted for in present stories", "Consistency between multiple shots depicting the same scene but possibly filmed on different occasions", "The announcements and messages inserted by the broadcaster between programmes" ], "antonyms": [ "discontinuity" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:continuity" ], "word": "continuity", "num_translations": 48 }, "coagulation": { "senses": [ "The precipitation of suspended particles as they increase in size", "The process by which blood forms solid clots", "Similar solidification of other materials" ], "antonyms": [ "dissolution", "declumping", "peptization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "coagulation", "num_translations": 38 }, "pulmonary": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, having, or affecting the lungs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pneumonic", "pulmonic", "lungly" ], "word": "pulmonary", "num_translations": 33 }, "inquire": { "senses": [ "To ask", "To make an inquiry or an investigation", "To call", "to name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frain" ], "word": "inquire", "num_translations": 46 }, "tubercle": { "senses": [ "A round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth, especially those found on bones for the attachment of a muscle or ligament or small elevations on the surface of a tooth", "A small rounded wartlike protuberance of the roots of some leguminous plants", "the lip of certain orchids, cacti", "A small rounded nodule forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tubercule", "tuberculum", "tuberosity", "eminence", "nodule" ], "word": "tubercle", "num_translations": 13 }, "autocracy": { "senses": [ "A form of government in which unlimited power is held by a single individual", "An instance of this government" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:government" ], "word": "autocracy", "num_translations": 64 }, "illiteracy": { "senses": [ "The inability to read and write", "The portion of a population unable to read and write, generally given as a percentage", "A word, phrase or grammatical turn thought to be characteristic of an illiterate person" ], "antonyms": [ "literacy" ], "synonyms": [ "analphabetism" ], "word": "illiteracy", "num_translations": 39 }, "russianfederation": { "senses": [ "Alternative formal name of Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RF" ], "word": "RussianFederation", "num_translations": 128 }, "rectal": { "senses": [ "Of, via or related to the rectum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anal" ], "word": "rectal", "num_translations": 18 }, "proletarian1": { "senses": [ "A member of the proletariat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prole" ], "word": "proletarian", "num_translations": 32 }, "integratedcircuit": { "senses": [ "A thin chip, usually of silicon, consisting of at least two interconnected semiconductor devices, mainly transistors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IC" ], "word": "integratedcircuit", "num_translations": 23 }, "ballistic": { "senses": [ "Or relating to projectiles moving under their own momentum, air drag, gravity and sometimes rocket power", "Very angry" ], "antonyms": [ "anti-ballistic", "guided" ], "synonyms": [ "ballistical" ], "word": "ballistic", "num_translations": 17 }, "equip": { "senses": [ "To furnish for service, or against a need or exigency", "to fit out", "to supply with whatever is necessary to efficient action in any way", "to provide with arms or an armament, stores, munitions, rigging, etc", "-- said especially of ships and of troops", "To dress up", "to array", "accouter", "To prepare with a skill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apparel", "don" ], "word": "equip", "num_translations": 24 }, "taxidriver": { "senses": [ "a person who drives a taxicab" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cabbie", "cabby", "cabdriver", "cab driver" ], "word": "taxidriver", "num_translations": 58 }, "lender": { "senses": [ "One who lends, especially money", "specifically, a bank or other entity that specializes in granting loans" ], "antonyms": [ "borrower" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lender", "num_translations": 33 }, "taxistand": { "senses": [ "A designated place in a street, railway station, airport etc where taxicabs line up to wait for passengers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cab stand", "taxi rank" ], "word": "taxistand", "num_translations": 20 }, "mobility": { "senses": [ "The ability to move", "capacity for movement", "A tendency to sudden change", "mutability, changeableness", "The ability of a military unit to move or be transported to a new position", "The degree to which particles of a liquid or gas are in movement", "People's ability to move between different social levels or professional occupations" ], "antonyms": [ "immobility" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mobility", "num_translations": 35 }, "challenger": { "senses": [ "One who challenges", "especially, one who plays against the current champion of a game or contest in hopes of winning and becoming the new champion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one who challenges" ], "word": "challenger", "num_translations": 13 }, "potter": { "senses": [ "One who makes pots and other ceramic wares", "One who places flowers or other plants inside their pots", "One who pots meats or other eatables", "One who hawks crockery or earthenware", "The red-bellied terrapin, Pseudemys rubriventris", "The chicken turtle, Deirochelys reticularia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "northern red-bellied cooter", "ceramicist" ], "word": "potter", "num_translations": 71 }, "cranefly": { "senses": [ "Any of various large flies of the suborder Tipulomorpha that have slender bodies and very long legs and that resemble giant mosquitoes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "UK", "US" ], "word": "cranefly", "num_translations": 34 }, "phonological": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to phonology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phonologic" ], "word": "phonological", "num_translations": 22 }, "phonology": { "senses": [ "The study of the way sounds function in languages, including phonemes, syllable structure, stress, accent, intonation, and which sounds are distinctive units within a language", "The way sounds function within a given language", "a phonological system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orthoepy" ], "word": "phonology", "num_translations": 89 }, "floss": { "senses": [ "A thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth", "Raw silk fibres", "The fibres covering a corncob etc", "the loose downy or silky material inside the husks of certain plants, such as beans", "Any thread-like material having parallel strands that are not spun or wound around each other", "A body feather of an ostrich", "A dance move in which the dancer repeatedly swings their arms, with clenched fists, from the back of their body to the front, on each side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "floss", "num_translations": 55 }, "toothpick": { "senses": [ "A small, usually wooden, stick, often pointed at both ends, for removing food residue from between the teeth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dentiscalp" ], "word": "toothpick", "num_translations": 81 }, "liability": { "senses": [ "An obligation, debt or responsibility owed to someone", "A handicap that holds something back, a drawback, someone or something that is a burden to whoever is required to take care of them", "an individual or action that exposes others to greater risk", "The likelihood of something happening", "The condition of being susceptible to something" ], "antonyms": [ "asset" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "liability", "num_translations": 66 }, "invigorate": { "senses": [ "To impart vigor, strength, or vitality to", "To heighten or intensify", "To give life or energy to", "To make lively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strengthen" ], "word": "invigorate", "num_translations": 30 }, "enliven": { "senses": [ "To give life or spirit to", "to revive or animate", "To make more lively, cheerful or interesting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liven", "liven up" ], "word": "enliven", "num_translations": 17 }, "sprightly": { "senses": [ "Animated, vivacious or gay", "lively", "Full of life and vigor, especially with a light and springy step", "Energetic and in good health" ], "antonyms": [ "melancholy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sprightly", "num_translations": 19 }, "openinghours": { "senses": [ "The regular times of day when a shop, office or similar is open to the public" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "office hours", "business hours", "shop-hours", "trading hours", "opening time" ], "word": "openinghours", "num_translations": 22 }, "icy": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, resembling, or abounding in ice", "cold", "frosty", "Covered with ice, wholly or partially", "Characterized by coldness of manner", "frigid", "cold", "To be wearing an excessive amount of jewelry, especially of the high-quality and expensive kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "icy", "num_translations": 46 }, "toothless": { "senses": [ "Having no teeth", "Weak", "having no ability to enforce something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "edentulous" ], "word": "toothless", "num_translations": 49 }, "parry1": { "senses": [ "A defensive or deflective action", "A simple defensive action designed to deflect an attack, performed with the forte of the blade", "A defensive move intended to change the direction of an incoming strike to make it miss its intended target, rather than block and absorb it", "and typically performed with an open hand in a downward or sideways slapping motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parry", "num_translations": 12 }, "pacifist1": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to pacifism" ], "antonyms": [ "bellicist" ], "synonyms": [ "dove" ], "word": "pacifist", "num_translations": 43 }, "unjust": { "senses": [ "Not fair, just or right" ], "antonyms": [ "just" ], "synonyms": [ "unfair" ], "word": "unjust", "num_translations": 41 }, "ignorant": { "senses": [ "Unknowledgeable or uneducated", "characterized by ignorance", "Not knowing , unaware", "Ill-mannered, crude", "unknown", "undiscovered", "Resulting from ignorance", "foolish", "silly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ignorant" ], "word": "ignorant", "num_translations": 52 }, "givesomeoneapieceofone'smind": { "senses": [ "To express one's opinion strongly", "to voice one's disagreement or dissatisfaction, especially with another person", "to scold or rebuke someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tell off" ], "word": "givesomeoneapieceofone'smind", "num_translations": 10 }, "pescetarian": { "senses": [ "A person who consumes no animal flesh with the exception of fish or seafood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pescovegetarian", "piscivore", "fishetarian", "vegaquarian" ], "word": "pescetarian", "num_translations": 12 }, "ascertain": { "senses": [ "To find out definitely", "to discover or establish", "To make certain or confident about something", "to inform", "To establish, to prove", "To ensure or effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ascertain", "num_translations": 64 }, "fucked": { "senses": [ "Broken", "In trouble", "Very drunk", "Tired", "Bothered to do something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Donald Ducked", "screwed", "Thesaurus:drunk", "Thesaurus:fatigued", "arsed" ], "word": "fucked", "num_translations": 24 }, "supplement": { "senses": [ "Something added, especially to make up for a deficiency", "An extension to a document or publication that adds information, corrects errors or brings up to date", "An additional section of a newspaper devoted to a specific subject", "An angle that, when added to a given angle, makes 180\u00b0", "A vitamin, herbal extract or chemical compound ingested to meet dietary deficiencies or enhance muscular development" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "addition" ], "word": "supplement", "num_translations": 81 }, "dover": { "senses": [ "town/and/major port co/Kent cc/England, the closest point to France", "A sea area between this port and France", "local government district co/Kent, including this port", "The > of >, >, and the > of >", "town s/Tasmania c/Australia", "neighborhood city/Calgary p/Alberta c/Canada", "small incorporated village p/Newfoundland and Labrador c/Canada", "unincorporated community co/Guysborough County p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "neighborhood c/Singapore", "town co/Pope County s/Arkansas", "unincorporated CDP co/Hillsborough County s/Florida", "unincorporated community co/Screven County s/Georgia", "tiny city co/Bonner County s/Idaho", "village co/Bureau County s/Illinois", "unincorporated community co/Dearborn County s/Indiana", "unincorporated community co/Shawnee County s/Kansas", "tiny home rule city co/Mason County s/Kentucky", "town co/Norfolk County s/Massachusetts", "tiny city co/Olmsted County s/Minnesota", "village co/Lafayette County s/Missouri", "city/county seat co/Strafford County s/New Hampshire c/USA", "town co/Morris County s/New Jersey", "town co/Dutchess County s/New York", "small town co/Craven County s/North Carolina", "city co/Tuscarawas County s/Ohio", "small town co/Kingfisher County s/Oklahoma", "borough co/York County s/Pennsylvania", "small town/county seat co/Stewart County s/Tennessee", "ghost town co/Sanpete County s/Utah", "town co/Windham County s/Vermont", "unincorporated community co/Loudoun County s/Virginia", "small town co/Buffalo County s/Wisconsin", "unincorporated community co/Price County s/Wisconsin", "town co/Racine County s/Wisconsin", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Dover", "num_translations": 19 }, "sphincter": { "senses": [ "A ringlike band of muscle that surrounds a bodily opening, constricting and relaxing as required for normal physiological functioning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anatomical sphincter" ], "word": "sphincter", "num_translations": 52 }, "telepathic": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or using telepathy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "teep" ], "word": "telepathic", "num_translations": 14 }, "telephonecall": { "senses": [ "A connection established over a telephone network between two parties", "The conversation held by the two parties on this connection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conversation", "formal, used especially in business contexts" ], "word": "telephonecall", "num_translations": 44 }, "telephonedirectory": { "senses": [ "A listing of telephone subscribers in a specific geographical area, together with their telephone numbers and, sometimes, a street address" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "directory", "phonebook", "telephone book" ], "word": "telephonedirectory", "num_translations": 30 }, "telephoneoperator": { "senses": [ "A person who operates a telephone switchboard", "A person who provides assistance in establishing a connection, or who provides information or takes messages via the telephone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "telephonist" ], "word": "telephoneoperator", "num_translations": 22 }, "telephonebooth": { "senses": [ "a small enclosure housing a public telephone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phone booth", "telephone box", "telephone kiosk" ], "word": "telephonebooth", "num_translations": 41 }, "revision": { "senses": [ "The process of revising:", "A changed edition, or new version", "a modification", "A story corrected or expanded by a writer commissioned by the original author" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "review" ], "word": "revision", "num_translations": 39 }, "royalty": { "senses": [ "The rank, status, power or authority of a monarch", "People of royal rank, plus their families, treated as a group", "A royal right or prerogative, such as the exploitation of a natural resource", "the granting of such a right", "payment received for such a right", "The payment received by an owner of real property for exploitation of mineral rights in the property", "Payment made to a writer, composer, inventor etc for the sale or use of intellectual property, invention etc", "Someone in a privileged position", "A king and a queen as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em", "The bounds of a royal burgh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "royalty", "num_translations": 46 }, "disclaimer": { "senses": [ "One who disclaims, disowns, or renounces", "A public disavowal, as of responsibility, pretensions, claims, opinions, etc", "A denial, disavowal, or renunciation, as of a title, claim, interest, estate, or trust", "relinquishment or waiver of an interest or estate", "A disclosure of an interest, relationship, or the like" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disclaimer", "num_translations": 37 }, "warranty": { "senses": [ "A guarantee that a certain outcome or obligation will be fulfilled", "security", "A legal agreement, either written or oral or implied through the actions of the buyer and seller , which states that the goods or property in question will be in exactly the same state as promised, such as in a sale of an item or piece of real estate", "A written guarantee, usually over a fixed period, provided to someone who buys a product or item, which states that repairs will be provided free of charge in case of damage or a fault", "A stipulation of an insurance policy made by an insuree, guaranteeing that the facts of the policy are true and the insurance risk is as stated, which if not fulfilled renders the policy void", "Justification or mandate to do something, especially in terms of one's personal conduct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "warranty", "num_translations": 36 }, "fibreglass": { "senses": [ "Silica based glass extruded into fibers that possess a length at least 1000 times greater than their width", "A composite material made from fine fibres of spun glass held together with resin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glass fibre", "fibreglass wool", "glass wool", "glass-reinforced plastic", "fibreglass-reinforced plastic", ")" ], "word": "fibreglass", "num_translations": 38 }, "unibrow": { "senses": [ "A pair of eyebrows which meet in the middle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monobrow" ], "word": "unibrow", "num_translations": 14 }, "tenfold": { "senses": [ "containing ten parts", "ten times as much" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "denary", "decuple" ], "word": "tenfold", "num_translations": 19 }, "tinker": { "senses": [ "An itinerant tinsmith and mender of household utensils made of metal", "A member of the Irish Traveller community A gypsy", "A mischievous person, especially a playful, impish youngster", "Someone who repairs, or attempts repair, on anything mechanical, or who invents such devices", "The act of repair or invention", "A hand mortar", "Any of various fish: the chub mackerel, the silverside, the skate, or a young mackerel about two years old", "A bird, the razor-billed auk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rapscallion", "traveller" ], "word": "tinker", "num_translations": 33 }, "thumbtack": { "senses": [ "A small nail-like tack with a slightly rounded head that can be pressed into place with light pressure from the thumb", "used for hanging light articles on a wall or noticeboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drawing pin", "pushpin" ], "word": "thumbtack", "num_translations": 35 }, "backache": { "senses": [ "Any pain or ache in the back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "back pain" ], "word": "backache", "num_translations": 22 }, "calvinist": { "senses": [ "A follower of Calvinism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Reformed" ], "word": "Calvinist", "num_translations": 32 }, "calvinist1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to Calvinism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Reformed", "Calvinistic", "Calvinistical" ], "word": "Calvinist", "num_translations": 23 }, "copilot": { "senses": [ "A backup or assistant pilot of an aircraft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "second pilot", "number two" ], "word": "copilot", "num_translations": 21 }, "checkout": { "senses": [ "To confirm and pay for goods and services at a facility when leaving", "To withdraw , as from a library, and have the withdrawal recorded", "To record as leaving the premises or as taking something therefrom, as from a library or shop", "To examine, inspect, look at closely, ogle", "to investigate", "to gather information so as to make a decision", "To obtain source code from a repository", "To become uninterested in an activity and cease to participate in more than a perfunctory manner", "to become uncooperative", "To become catatonic or otherwise nonresponsive", "To leave in a hurry", "To die", "To prove to be the case, or to be in order" ], "antonyms": [ "check in" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "checkout", "num_translations": 74 }, "cheerleader": { "senses": [ "A person, usually a young, attractive female, who encourages applause and cheers at a sports event, and wearing a specially-designed uniform in the official colors of the team he/she cheers for", "A person who rallies support for any cause" ], "antonyms": [ "gloomleader" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cheerleader", "num_translations": 32 }, "endocrinegland": { "senses": [ "Any of various glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood or lymph and not through a duct" ], "antonyms": [ "exocrine gland" ], "synonyms": [ "ductless gland" ], "word": "endocrinegland", "num_translations": 15 }, "bitumen": { "senses": [ "Mineral pitch", "a black, tarry substance, burning with a bright flame It occurs as an abundant natural product in many places, as on the shores of the Dead and Caspian Seas It is used in cements, in the construction of pavements, etc", "Any one of the natural hydrocarbons, including the hard, solid, brittle varieties called asphalt, the semisolid maltha and mineral tars, the oily petrolea, and even the light, volatile naphthas", "Canadian deposits of extremely heavy crude oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jew's lime" ], "word": "bitumen", "num_translations": 27 }, "quantumentanglement": { "senses": [ "A quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects are spatially separated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spooky action at a distance" ], "word": "quantumentanglement", "num_translations": 12 }, "opossum": { "senses": [ "Any American marsupial of the family Didelphidae The common species of the United States is Didelphis virginiana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "possum" ], "word": "opossum", "num_translations": 76 }, "pinealgland": { "senses": [ "A small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland found near the centre of the brain that produces melatonin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epiphysis", "pineal body", "conarion" ], "word": "pinealgland", "num_translations": 46 }, "cloudnine": { "senses": [ "A state of fantastic or impractical dreaming or thinking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cloud number nine", "head in the clouds" ], "word": "cloudnine", "num_translations": 19 }, "phylogeny": { "senses": [ "The evolutionary history of groups of organisms, such as species or clades", "A phylogenetic diagram", "The historical development of a human social or racial group", "The historical development of any thing, idea, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phylogenesis" ], "word": "phylogeny", "num_translations": 16 }, "freezer": { "senses": [ "An appliance or room used to store food or other perishable items at temperatures below 0\u00b0 Celsius", "The section of a refrigerator used to store food or other perishable items at a temperature below 0\u00b0 Celsius", "A Parkinson's disease patient that experiences freezing of gait episodes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cooler", "deep freeze", "walk-in" ], "word": "freezer", "num_translations": 94 }, "sexshop": { "senses": [ "A shop that sells sex toys, erotic lingerie, pornography etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adult shop" ], "word": "sexshop", "num_translations": 28 }, "shipoftheline": { "senses": [ "A large square-rigged warship large enough to have a place in the line of battle with up to 140 guns on at least two decks A capital ship from the age of sail, superior to a frigate", "usually, a seventy-four, or three-decker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "man-of-war", "line of battle" ], "word": "shipoftheline", "num_translations": 10 }, "superset": { "senses": [ "With respect to another set, a set such that each of the elements of the other set is also an element of the set", "Two or more different physical exercises performed back-to-back, without a period of rest between them The exercises may employ the same muscle group, or opposing muscle groups" ], "antonyms": [ "subclass", "subset" ], "synonyms": [ "superclass" ], "word": "superset", "num_translations": 13 }, "bloodsausage": { "senses": [ "a cooked sausage made out of meat , blood and various other regional ingredients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black pudding", "blood pudding", "blood wurst", "blutwurst" ], "word": "bloodsausage", "num_translations": 54 }, "mucousmembrane": { "senses": [ "A membrane which secretes mucus It forms the lining of various body passages that communicate with the air, such as the respiratory, genitourinary, and alimentary tracts including the mouth, nasal passages, vagina and urethra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mucosa" ], "word": "mucousmembrane", "num_translations": 36 }, "serousmembrane": { "senses": [ "A thin membrane that secretes serum lining an internal body cavity, such as the peritoneum, the pericardium, and the pleura" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "serosa", "serous tunic" ], "word": "serousmembrane", "num_translations": 13 }, "earlybird": { "senses": [ "A person who wakes early or arrives early, typically before most others" ], "antonyms": [ "nighthawk" ], "synonyms": [ "early riser" ], "word": "earlybird", "num_translations": 36 }, "mastery": { "senses": [ "The position or authority of a master", "dominion", "command", "supremacy", "superiority", "Superiority in war or competition", "victory", "triumph", "preeminence", "Contest for superiority", "A masterly operation", "a feat", "The philosopher's stone", "The act or process of mastering", "the state of having mastered", "expertise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mastery", "num_translations": 18 }, "puppyfat": { "senses": [ "The natural fat on the body of a child that normally disappears at adolescence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baby fat" ], "word": "puppyfat", "num_translations": 12 }, "reversible": { "senses": [ "Able to be reversed", "Able to be worn inside out", "Capable of proceeding in either direction", "Capable of returning to the original state", "Capable of returning to the original state without consumption of free energy and increase of entropy" ], "antonyms": [ "irreversible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reversible", "num_translations": 22 }, "temperament": { "senses": [ "A moderate and proportionable mixture of elements or ingredients in a compound", "the condition in which elements are mixed in their proper proportions", "Any state or condition as determined by the proportion of its ingredients or the manner in which they are mixed", "consistence, composition", "mixture", "A person's usual manner of thinking, behaving or reacting", "A tendency to become irritable or angry", "The altering of certain intervals from their correct values in order to improve the moving from key to key", "Individual differences in behavior that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "temperament", "num_translations": 47 }, "pericardium": { "senses": [ "A serous membrane that surrounds the heart allowing it to contract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heart sac", "theca cordis" ], "word": "pericardium", "num_translations": 20 }, "sensitivity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being sensitive", "The ability of an organism or organ to respond to external stimuli", "The proportion of individuals in a population that will be correctly identified in a binary classification test", "The degree of response of an instrument to a change in an input signal", "The degree of response of a film etc to light of a specified wavelength" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sensitivity", "num_translations": 52 }, "specificity": { "senses": [ "The state of being specific rather than general", "The extent to which a characteristic is specific to a given person, place, or thing", "thus:" ], "antonyms": [ "nonspecificity", "genericity" ], "synonyms": [ "specificness" ], "word": "specificity", "num_translations": 10 }, "behaviorism": { "senses": [ "An approach to psychology focusing on observable behavior, denying any independent significance for mind, and usually assuming that behavior is determined by the environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "behavioral psychology" ], "word": "behaviorism", "num_translations": 37 }, "misconstrue": { "senses": [ "To interpret erroneously, to understand incorrectly", "to misunderstand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misinterpret", "misunderstand" ], "word": "misconstrue", "num_translations": 18 }, "buttercup": { "senses": [ "Any of many herbs, of the genus Ranunculus, having yellow flowers", "the crowfoot", "Any flower of the genus Narcissus", "a daffodil", "Affectionate or ironic term of address" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ranunculus" ], "word": "buttercup", "num_translations": 47 }, "perianth": { "senses": [ "The sterile parts of a flower", "collectively, the sepals and petals", "The sterile, tubelike tissue that surrounds the female reproductive structure in a leafy liverwort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perigone" ], "word": "perianth", "num_translations": 14 }, "spruceup": { "senses": [ "To dress or arrange smartly, elegantly, and neatly", "to smarten", "To refresh, revamp", "to freshen or improve something, especially its appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spiff up", "sprucen up", "tart up" ], "word": "spruceup", "num_translations": 12 }, "impressed": { "senses": [ "strongly affected, especially favourably", "stamped, under pressure", "compelled to serve in a military force", "confiscated by force or authority" ], "antonyms": [ "unimpressed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "impressed", "num_translations": 25 }, "tempestuous": { "senses": [ "Of, or resembling a tempest", "stormy, tumultuous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stormy" ], "word": "tempestuous", "num_translations": 13 }, "lymphaticsystem": { "senses": [ "In mammals, including humans, a network of lymph vessels and lymph nodes that transport fluid, fats, proteins, and lymphocytes to the bloodstream as lymph, and remove microorganisms and other debris from tissues" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lymph system", "lymphoid system", "systema lymphaticum" ], "word": "lymphaticsystem", "num_translations": 20 }, "tempt": { "senses": [ "To provoke someone to do wrong, especially by promising a reward", "to entice", "To attract", "to allure", "To provoke something", "to court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entice", "beguile", "foment" ], "word": "tempt", "num_translations": 82 }, "temptation": { "senses": [ "The act of tempting", "The condition of being tempted", "Something attractive, tempting or seductive", "an inducement or enticement", "Pressure applied to your thinking designed to create wrong emotions which will eventually lead to wrong actions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "temptation", "num_translations": 73 }, "lymphnode": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lymphatic node", "lymph gland", "lymphoglandula", "lymphonodular", "lymphonodus" ], "word": "lymphnode", "num_translations": 37 }, "tenable": { "senses": [ "capable of being maintained or justified", "well-founded", "Capable of being defended against assault or attack", "defensible", "Fit for habitation, similar, or related use" ], "antonyms": [ "untenable", "intenable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tenable", "num_translations": 13 }, "militarism": { "senses": [ "An ideology which claims that the military is the foundation of a society's security, and thereby its most important aspect", "A focus on, or excessive use of, military force" ], "antonyms": [ "anti-militarism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "militarism", "num_translations": 28 }, "eyesocket": { "senses": [ "The bony cavity which contains the eyeball and its associated muscles, vessels, and nerves In humans, seven bones make up each bony orbit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cranial orbit", "orbit", "orbital cavity" ], "word": "eyesocket", "num_translations": 46 }, "alluvial": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fluvial" ], "word": "alluvial", "num_translations": 18 }, "eurasia": { "senses": [ "The largest landmass on Earth, consisting of Europe and Asia", "sometimes also including neighbouring islands", "A region comprising parts of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia", "the countries of the former Soviet Union and the sphere of influence of Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Soviet Union" ], "word": "Eurasia", "num_translations": 85 }, "appurtenance": { "senses": [ "An appendage to something else", "Equipment used for some specific task", "gear", "The thing to which another pertains", "Minor property, such as an outhouse, that passes with the main property when it is sold", "A modifier that is appended or prepended to another word to coin a new word that expresses belonging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contenement" ], "word": "appurtenance", "num_translations": 12 }, "tenacious": { "senses": [ "Clinging to an object or surface", "adhesive", "Unwilling to yield or give up", "dogged", "Holding together", "cohesive", "Having a good memory", "retentive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clingsome", "pigheaded", "coherent", "elephantlike" ], "word": "tenacious", "num_translations": 80 }, "tenement": { "senses": [ "A building that is rented to multiple tenants, especially a low-rent, run-down one", "Any form of property that is held by one person from another, rather than being owned", "Dwelling", "abode", "habitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tenement house" ], "word": "tenement", "num_translations": 27 }, "ectoplasm": { "senses": [ "A visible substance believed to emanate from the body of a spiritualistic medium during communication with the dead", "An immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost", "The outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "teleplasm" ], "word": "ectoplasm", "num_translations": 39 }, "add-on": { "senses": [ "Something which can be appended to something else", "A software extension or hardware peripheral that provides additional functions or customization for a core application or system", "Additional chips that can be purchased at specific times in tournament play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "addition", "add-in" ], "word": "add-on", "num_translations": 37 }, "recommendation": { "senses": [ "An act of recommending", "That which is recommended", "A commendation or endorsement", "A suggestion or proposal about the best course of action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:advice" ], "word": "recommendation", "num_translations": 47 }, "mitosis": { "senses": [ "The division of a cell nucleus in which the genome is copied and separated into two identical halves It is normally followed by cell division" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "karyokinesis", "karyomitosis" ], "word": "mitosis", "num_translations": 33 }, "repulsive": { "senses": [ "tending to rouse aversion or to repulse", "having the capacity to repel", "cold, reserved, forbidding" ], "antonyms": [ "tending to rouse aversion", "physics, having the capacity to repel" ], "synonyms": [ "repellent", "similar: disgusting", "vile" ], "word": "repulsive", "num_translations": 32 }, "smoothness": { "senses": [ "The condition of being smooth" ], "antonyms": [ "jerkiness", "roughness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "smoothness", "num_translations": 10 }, "sugarbeet": { "senses": [ "A type of beet whose root contains a high concentration of sucrose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Beta vulgaris", "vulgaris" ], "word": "sugarbeet", "num_translations": 48 }, "softness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being soft" ], "antonyms": [ "hardness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "softness", "num_translations": 16 }, "grill": { "senses": [ "A grating", "a grid of wire or a sheet of material with a pattern of holes or slots, usually used to protect something while allowing the passage of air and liquids Typical uses: to allow air through a fan while preventing fingers or objects from passing", "to allow people to talk to somebody, while preventing attack", "On a vehicle, a slotted cover as above, to protect and hide the radiator, while admitting air to cool it", "A cooking device comprising a source of radiative heat and a means of holding food under it", "a broiler in US English", "A cooking device comprising a source of radiative and convective heat and a means of holding food above it", "a barbecue", "A type of jewelry worn on the front teeth", "The front teeth regarded collectively", "misspelling of \"girl\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grill", "num_translations": 107 }, "grill1": { "senses": [ "to barbecue", "To cook food under the element of a stove or only under the top element of an oven - broil, salamander", "To interrogate", "to question aggressively or harshly", "To feel very hot", "to swelter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cook" ], "word": "grill", "num_translations": 55 }, "monotheistic": { "senses": [ "Believing in a single god, deity, spirit, etc, especially for an organized religion, faith, or creed" ], "antonyms": [ "atheistic", "polytheistic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "monotheistic", "num_translations": 23 }, "directcurrent": { "senses": [ "An electric current in which the electrons flow in one direction, but may vary with time", "An electric current which does not vary with time", "An electric circuit in which voltage and current do not vary with time" ], "antonyms": [ "alternating current" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "directcurrent", "num_translations": 29 }, "rectify": { "senses": [ "To heal", "To restore to its proper condition", "to straighten out, to set right", "To remedy or fix", "To purify or refine by distillation", "To correct or amend", "To correct", "To adjust to prepare for the solution of a proposed problem", "To convert into direct current", "To determine the length of a curve included between two limits", "To produce by redistilling bad wines or strong spirits with flavourings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "rectify", "num_translations": 49 }, "drinking1": { "senses": [ "An act or session by which drink is consumed, especially alcoholic beverages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "potation" ], "word": "drinking", "num_translations": 10 }, "collective": { "senses": [ "formed by gathering or collecting", "gathered into a mass, sum, or body", "congregated or aggregated", "tending to collect", "forming a collection", "having plurality of origin or authority", "expressing a collection or aggregate of individuals, by a singular form", "deducing consequences", "reasoning", "inferring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collective", "num_translations": 15 }, "hyperactive": { "senses": [ "having an increased state of activity", "having attention deficit disorder" ], "antonyms": [ "hypoactive" ], "synonyms": [ "overactive" ], "word": "hyperactive", "num_translations": 16 }, "receptacle": { "senses": [ "A container", "The part of the flower stalk to which the floral parts are attached", "a thalamus, a torus", "A structure at the end of a branch of an alga containing conceptacles", "An organ that receives and holds a secretion", "A contact device installed at an outlet for the connection of an attachment plug to supply portable appliances or equipment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thalamus" ], "word": "receptacle", "num_translations": 50 }, "enthrall": { "senses": [ "To hold spellbound", "to bewitch, charm or captivate", "To make subservient", "to enslave or subjugate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hold spellbound", "make subservient" ], "word": "enthrall", "num_translations": 45 }, "asymptomatic": { "senses": [ "Not exhibiting any symptoms of disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "symptomless" ], "word": "asymptomatic", "num_translations": 18 }, "fallopiantube": { "senses": [ "Either of the two ducts in female mammals through which ova pass from the ovaries to the uterus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gonaduct", "oviduct", "salpinx", "uterine tube" ], "word": "Fallopiantube", "num_translations": 61 }, "oviduct": { "senses": [ "A duct through which an ovum passes from an ovary to the uterus or to the exterior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fallopian tube", "gonaduct", "salpinx", "uterine tube" ], "word": "oviduct", "num_translations": 43 }, "takeout": { "senses": [ "To remove", "To escort someone on a date", "To immobilize with force", "subdue or incapacitate", "To kill or destroy", "To win a sporting event, competition, premiership, etc", "To obtain by application by a legal or other official process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "takeout", "num_translations": 71 }, "hurtful": { "senses": [ "Tending to impair or damage", "injurious", "occasioning loss or injury", "Tending to hurt someone's feelings", "insulting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pernicious", "harmful", "baneful", "prejudicial", "detrimental", "disadvantageous", "mischievous", "injurious", "noxious", "unwholesome", "destructive", "Thesaurus:harmful" ], "word": "hurtful", "num_translations": 18 }, "ashamed": { "senses": [ "Feeling shame or guilt" ], "antonyms": [ "proud" ], "synonyms": [ "embarrassed" ], "word": "ashamed", "num_translations": 57 }, "frightened": { "senses": [ "Afraid", "suffering from fear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:afraid" ], "word": "frightened", "num_translations": 58 }, "crowded": { "senses": [ "Containing too many of something", "teeming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dense" ], "word": "crowded", "num_translations": 61 }, "confined1": { "senses": [ "Not free to move", "Limited", "narrow", "restricted", "In childbed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "confined", "num_translations": 11 }, "calamitous": { "senses": [ "Concerning or involving calamity, disastrous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "destructive", "fatal" ], "word": "calamitous", "num_translations": 10 }, "cultivated1": { "senses": [ "cultured, refined, educated", "grown by cultivation", "farmed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:learned" ], "word": "cultivated", "num_translations": 15 }, "locked1": { "senses": [ "Having undergone locking", "secured by a lock", "Very drunk", "Bound to a carrier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk", "dedicated" ], "word": "locked", "num_translations": 19 }, "armband": { "senses": [ "A band worn around the arm, usually to symbolize protest or mourning", "A band worn around the arm of the captain of a team", "An inflatable band worn round the arms to keep afloat in water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water wing" ], "word": "armband", "num_translations": 25 }, "enable": { "senses": [ "To make somebody able", "to give sufficient ability or power to do or to be", "to give strength or ability to", "To affirm", "to make firm and strong", "To qualify or approve for some role or position", "to render sanction or authorization to", "to confirm suitability for", "To yield the opportunity or provide the possibility for something", "to provide with means, opportunities, and the like", "To imply or tacitly confer excuse for an action or a behavior", "To put a circuit element into action by supplying a suitable input pulse", "To activate, to make operational" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enable", "num_translations": 136 }, "mingle": { "senses": [ "To mix", "intermix", "to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product", "to confuse", "to confound", "To associate or unite in society or by ties of relationship", "to cause or allow to intermarry", "to intermarry", "To deprive of purity by mixture", "to contaminate", "To put together", "to join", "To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of", "To become mixed or blended" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mingle", "num_translations": 48 }, "renew": { "senses": [ "To make new again", "to restore to freshness or original condition", "To replace", "to replenish , to keep up a required supply of", "To make new spiritually", "to regenerate", "To become new, or as new", "to revive", "To begin again", "to recommence", "To repeat", "To extend a period of loan, especially a library book that is due to be returned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "renew", "num_translations": 67 }, "bloodlust": { "senses": [ "A desire for bloodshed and carnage, often aroused in the heat of battle and leading to uncontrolled slaughter and torture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ferocity", "savagery", "barbarism" ], "word": "bloodlust", "num_translations": 13 }, "caesar1": { "senses": [ "A title of Roman emperors", "An absolute ruler", "an autocrat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Caesar", "num_translations": 28 }, "intoxicated": { "senses": [ "Stupefied by alcohol, drunk", "Stupefied by any chemical substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "intoxicated", "num_translations": 56 }, "saddle": { "senses": [ "A seat for a rider placed on the back of a horse or other animal", "An item of harness placed on the back of a horse or other animal", "A seat on a bicycle, motorcycle, etc", "A cut of meat that includes both loins and part of the backbone", "A formation of gold-bearing quartz occurring along the crest of an anticlinal fold, especially in Australia", "The raised floorboard in a doorway", "A small tapered or sloped area structure that helps channel surface water to drains", "A block of wood, usually fastened to one spar and shaped to receive the end of another", "A part, such as a flange, which is hollowed out to fit upon a convex surface and serve as a means of attachment or support", "The clitellum of an earthworm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "saddle", "num_translations": 220 }, "stairs1": { "senses": [ "A contiguous set of steps connecting two floors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contiguous set of steps" ], "word": "stairs", "num_translations": 108 }, "stair": { "senses": [ "A series of steps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apples and pears" ], "word": "stair", "num_translations": 95 }, "pluviometer": { "senses": [ "A scientific instrument for measuring the amount of rainfall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rain gauge", "udometer" ], "word": "pluviometer", "num_translations": 24 }, "exquisite": { "senses": [ "Especially fine or pleasing", "exceptional", "Carefully adjusted", "precise", "accurate", "exact", "Recherch\u00e9", "far-fetched", "abstruse", "Of special beauty or rare excellence", "Exceeding", "extreme", "keen, in a bad or a good sense", "Of delicate perception or close and accurate discrimination", "not easy to satisfy", "exact", "fastidious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beautiful" ], "word": "exquisite", "num_translations": 53 }, "firstandforemost": { "senses": [ "Primarily", "most importantly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "above all" ], "word": "firstandforemost", "num_translations": 28 }, "bigotry": { "senses": [ "Characteristic qualities of a bigot: intolerant prejudice, opinionatedness, or fanaticism", "fanatic intolerance", "obstinate prejudice or opinionatedness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bigotness" ], "word": "bigotry", "num_translations": 35 }, "rakija": { "senses": [ "A strong distilled alcoholic beverage made from various fruits, varieties of which are found across the Balkans and the Mediterranean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "p\u00e1lenka" ], "word": "rakija", "num_translations": 13 }, "tenniselbow": { "senses": [ "a painful inflammation of the extensor tendon of the humerus caused by overuse of the muscles of the lower arm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lateral epicondylitis", "lateral humeral epicondylitis" ], "word": "tenniselbow", "num_translations": 14 }, "englishchannel": { "senses": [ "The arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates the British Isles from northern France, and joins the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Channel", "British Sea" ], "word": "EnglishChannel", "num_translations": 45 }, "blockhead": { "senses": [ "A stupid person", "A sideshow performer who hammers nails or similar items through his or her nostril into the nasal cavity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idiot" ], "word": "blockhead", "num_translations": 59 }, "borer": { "senses": [ "A tedious person", "A person who bores, who drills", "A tool used for drilling", "An insect or insect larva that bores into wood", "One of the many types of mollusc that bore into soft rock", "The hagfish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "borer", "num_translations": 22 }, "hardheaded": { "senses": [ "Stubborn", "wilful", "Realistic", "pragmatic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "hardheaded", "num_translations": 19 }, "titfortat": { "senses": [ "Equivalent retribution", "an act of returning exactly what one gets", "an eye for an eye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eye for an eye", "a Roland for an Oliver" ], "word": "titfortat", "num_translations": 25 }, "philtrum": { "senses": [ "The shallow groove running down the center of the outer surface of the upper lip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infranasal depression" ], "word": "philtrum", "num_translations": 33 }, "diastole": { "senses": [ "The phase or process of relaxation and dilation of the heart chambers, between contractions, during which they fill with blood", "an instance of the process", "The lengthening of a vowel or syllable beyond its typical length" ], "antonyms": [ "systole", "systole" ], "synonyms": [ "ectasis" ], "word": "diastole", "num_translations": 14 }, "planetary": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to planets, or the orbital motion of planets", "Of, or relating to the Earth", "terrestrial", "Of, or relating to the whole Earth", "global", "epicyclic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "global", "epicyclic" ], "word": "planetary", "num_translations": 26 }, "gearwheel": { "senses": [ "a wheel with a toothed rim, intended to engage with others, or similar equipment, to form a gear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cog", "herringbone gear" ], "word": "gearwheel", "num_translations": 36 }, "apsis": { "senses": [ "A recess or projection, with a dome or vault, at the east end of a church", "an apse", "Either of the points in the elliptical orbit of a planet or comet where it is closest or furthest from the sun", "perihelion or aphelion", "an apside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "apsis", "num_translations": 15 }, "ceres": { "senses": [ "The Roman goddess of agriculture", "equivalent to the Greek goddess Demeter", "A celestial body orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, the largest asteroid and innermost dwarf planet", "city co/Stanislaus County s/California c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1 Ceres" ], "word": "Ceres", "num_translations": 65 }, "extort": { "senses": [ "To take or seize off an unwilling person by physical force, menace, duress, torture, or any undue or illegal exercise of power or ingenuity", "To twist outwards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wrench away", "to tear away", "to wring", "to exact" ], "word": "extort", "num_translations": 43 }, "torsion": { "senses": [ "The act of turning or twisting, or the state of being twisted", "the twisting or wrenching of a body by the exertion of a lateral force tending to turn one end or part of it about a longitudinal axis, while the other is held fast or turned in the opposite direction", "That force with which a thread, wire, or rod of any material, returns, or tends to return, to a state of rest after it has been twisted", "torsibility", "The stopping of arterial haemorrhage in certain cases, by twisting the cut end of the artery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "torsion", "num_translations": 14 }, "solarplexus": { "senses": [ "A complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celiac plexus", "coeliac plexus", "plexus celiacus", "abdominal nerve plexus" ], "word": "solarplexus", "num_translations": 20 }, "cold-blooded": { "senses": [ "Having an unregulated body temperature", "ectothermic", "Lacking emotion or compunction" ], "antonyms": [ "warm-blooded" ], "synonyms": [ "sangfroid" ], "word": "cold-blooded", "num_translations": 20 }, "emptyset": { "senses": [ "The unique set that contains no elements, denoted \u2205 or {}" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "null set" ], "word": "emptyset", "num_translations": 21 }, "cardinality": { "senses": [ "The number of elements a given set contains", "The property of a relationship between a database table and another one, specifying whether it is one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many", "The status of a cardinal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "power" ], "word": "cardinality", "num_translations": 42 }, "cerebrum": { "senses": [ "The upper part of the brain, which is divided into the two cerebral hemispheres In humans it is the largest part of the brain and is the seat of motor and sensory functions, and the higher mental functions such as consciousness, thought, reason, emotion, and memory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "telencephalon" ], "word": "cerebrum", "num_translations": 29 }, "admissible": { "senses": [ "capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed", "allowable, permissible, acceptable", "Describing a heuristic that never overestimates the cost of reaching a goal" ], "antonyms": [ "inadmissible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "admissible", "num_translations": 30 }, "tilt": { "senses": [ "To slope or incline", "to slant", "To charge with a lance", "To be at an angle", "To point or thrust a weapon at", "To point or thrust", "To play worse than usual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slope", "incline", "slant" ], "word": "tilt", "num_translations": 25 }, "flawed": { "senses": [ "Having a flaw or imperfection" ], "antonyms": [ "perfect" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "flawed", "num_translations": 11 }, "workstation": { "senses": [ "a desktop computer, normally more powerful than a normal PC and often dedicated to a specific task, such as graphics", "an area, at a workplace, for a single worker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "workstead" ], "word": "workstation", "num_translations": 29 }, "utopian": { "senses": [ "Ideal but often impractical", "visionary", "Of or pertaining to or resembling a utopia" ], "antonyms": [ "imperfect" ], "synonyms": [ "unrealistic" ], "word": "utopian", "num_translations": 13 }, "pathological": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to pathology", "Relating to, amounting to, causing, or caused by a physical or mental disorder", "Having properties which are counterintuitive or difficult to handle", "Having properties that cause unusually bad behaviour, especially regarding correctness or performance" ], "antonyms": [ "well-behaved" ], "synonyms": [ "pathologic" ], "word": "pathological", "num_translations": 38 }, "ballet": { "senses": [ "A classical form of dance", "A theatrical presentation of such dancing, usually with music, sometimes in the form of a story", "The company of persons who perform this dance", "A light part song, frequently with a fa-la-la chorus, common among Elizabethan and Italian Renaissance composers", "A bearing in coats of arms representing one or more balls, called bezants, plates, etc, according to colour", "Any intricate series of operations involving coordination between individuals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ballet", "num_translations": 87 }, "potbelly": { "senses": [ "A large, swollen, or protruding abdomen", "a paunch", "A Vietnamese Pot-bellied pig" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:paunch", "kettlebelly" ], "word": "potbelly", "num_translations": 20 }, "congame": { "senses": [ "A swindle in which the mark, or victim, is defrauded after his or her trust has been won" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deception", "confidence game", "confidence trick", "grift", "scam" ], "word": "congame", "num_translations": 14 }, "headstrong": { "senses": [ "Determined to do as one pleases, and not as others want" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "headstrong", "num_translations": 21 }, "haystack": { "senses": [ "A mound, pile, or stack of stored hay", "A standing wave in a rapid", "The text string within which another string is searched for", "A dish composed of a starchy food topped by a protein in combination with fresh vegetables, assembled on the plate by the diner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hayrick" ], "word": "haystack", "num_translations": 63 }, "spermatozoon": { "senses": [ "A reproductive cell or gamete of a male, carried in semen, that fertilizes an ovum to produce a zygote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sperm cell", "zoosperm" ], "word": "spermatozoon", "num_translations": 42 }, "vitreoushumour": { "senses": [ "The clear gel that fills the eyeball between the lens and the retina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vitreous body" ], "word": "vitreoushumour", "num_translations": 25 }, "euclidean": { "senses": [ "Adhering to the principles of traditional geometry, in which parallel lines are equidistant" ], "antonyms": [ "non-Euclidean" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Euclidean", "num_translations": 26 }, "non-euclideangeometry": { "senses": [ "Any system of geometry not based on the set of axioms of Euclidean geometry, which is based on the three-dimensional space of common experience" ], "antonyms": [ "Euclidean geometry" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "non-Euclideangeometry", "num_translations": 12 }, "particleboard": { "senses": [ "a structural material manufactured from wood particles by pressing, and binding through resin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chipboard" ], "word": "particleboard", "num_translations": 11 }, "squander": { "senses": [ "To waste, lavish, splurge", "to spend lavishly or profusely", "to dissipate", "To scatter", "to disperse", "To wander at random", "to scatter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waste", "ducks and drakes", "throw away" ], "word": "squander", "num_translations": 64 }, "shard": { "senses": [ "A piece of broken glass or pottery, especially one found in an archaeological dig", "A piece of material, especially rock and similar materials, reminding of a broken piece of glass or pottery", "A tough scale, sheath, or shell", "especially an elytron of a beetle", "An instance of an MMORPG that is one of several independent and structurally identical virtual worlds, none of which has so many players as to exhaust a system's resources", "A piece of crystal methamphetamine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shard", "num_translations": 46 }, "engrave": { "senses": [ "To carve text or symbols into , usually for the purposes of identification or art", "To carve into a material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carve" ], "word": "engrave", "num_translations": 35 }, "commodity": { "senses": [ "Anything movable that is bought and sold", "Something useful or valuable", "Raw materials, agricultural and other primary products as objects of large-scale trading in specialized exchanges", "Undifferentiated goods characterized by a low profit margin, as distinguished from branded products", "Anything which has both a use-value and an exchange-value", "Convenience", "usefulness, suitability", "Self-interest", "personal convenience or advantage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commodity", "num_translations": 82 }, "daylight": { "senses": [ "The light from the Sun, as opposed to that from any other source", "The period of time between sunrise and sunset", "Daybreak", "Exposure to public scrutiny", "A clear, open space", "The space between platens on a press or similar machinery", "Emotional or psychological distance between people, or disagreement" ], "antonyms": [ "night", "darkness" ], "synonyms": [ "sunlight", "daytime", "dayspring" ], "word": "daylight", "num_translations": 48 }, "decompressionsickness": { "senses": [ "A sometimes fatal condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissues, because of too rapid decompression, seen especially in deep-sea divers ascending rapidly from a dive It is characterized by severe pains in the joints and chest, skin irritation, cramps, nausea, and paralysis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aeroembolism", "aeroemphysema", "the bends", "caisson disease" ], "word": "decompressionsickness", "num_translations": 16 }, "penaltybox": { "senses": [ "An enclosed bench where a player must remain for timed period that is assessed after an infraction", "The penalty area", "A temporary punishment, or, metaphorically, a similar setback" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sin bin" ], "word": "penaltybox", "num_translations": 12 }, "charwoman": { "senses": [ "A woman employed to do housework, traditionally coming and going on a daily basis and paid weekly wages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charlady", "Cinderella", "cleaning" ], "word": "charwoman", "num_translations": 40 }, "fornicate1": { "senses": [ "To engage in fornication", "to have sex, especially illicit sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "have sex" ], "word": "fornicate", "num_translations": 26 }, "refuge": { "senses": [ "A state of safety, protection or shelter", "A place providing safety, protection or shelter", "Something or someone turned to for safety or assistance", "a recourse or resort", "An expedient to secure protection or defence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haven", "sanctuary", "zoar" ], "word": "refuge", "num_translations": 88 }, "safely": { "senses": [ "In a safe manner", "without risk", "using caution above all else", "In a secure manner", "without the possibility of injury or harm resulting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "safely", "num_translations": 15 }, "simplicity": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being simple", "An act or instance of foolishness" ], "antonyms": [ "complexity", "complication" ], "synonyms": [ "simpleness" ], "word": "simplicity", "num_translations": 63 }, "procession": { "senses": [ "The act of progressing or proceeding", "A group of people or things moving along in an orderly, stately, or solemn manner", "a train of persons advancing in order", "a retinue", "A number of things happening in sequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "procession", "num_translations": 47 }, "somehow": { "senses": [ "In one way or another", "in a way not yet known or explained", "by some means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "somewise", "someway" ], "word": "somehow", "num_translations": 54 }, "outfielder": { "senses": [ "A player that plays in the outfield, which is the outer portion of the field" ], "antonyms": [ "infielder" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "outfielder", "num_translations": 10 }, "homerun": { "senses": [ "A four-base hit, a homer", "The portion of a journey that ends at home", "A success", "especially, a popular success", "Sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "score", "go all the way" ], "word": "homerun", "num_translations": 18 }, "panoply": { "senses": [ "A splendid display of something", "A collection or display of weaponry", "Ceremonial garments, complete with all accessories", "A complete set of armour", "Something that covers and protects", "A broad or full range or complete set" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "panoply", "num_translations": 21 }, "slider": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of slide: one who slides", "A sliding door", "A pitch thrown with added pressure by middle and ring fingers yielding a combination of backspin and sidespin, resulting in a motion to the left when thrown by a right handed pitcher", "A similar delivery in which the wrist and ring finger work to impart backspin to the ball", "A small hamburger", "A piece of Teflon or similar material attached to a curling shoe that allows the player to slide along the ice", "The movable part of a zip fastener that opens or closes the row of teeth", "A widget allowing the user to select a value or position on a sliding scale", "A slideshow on a web page", "the red-bellied terrapin", "A rectangle of fabric that helps produce an orderly parachute deployment", "synonym of \"slide\"", "An open-toed and backless sandal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "minihamburger" ], "word": "slider", "num_translations": 11 }, "reckon": { "senses": [ "To count", "to enumerate", "to number", "also, to compute", "to calculate", "To count as in a number, rank, or series", "to estimate by rank or quality", "to place by estimation", "to account", "to esteem", "to repute", "To charge, attribute, or adjudge to one, as having a certain quality or value", "To conclude, as by an enumeration and balancing of chances", "hence, to think", "to suppose", "-- followed by an objective clause", "To make an enumeration or computation", "to engage in numbering or computing", "To come to an accounting", "to draw up or settle accounts", "to examine and strike the balance of debt and credit", "to adjust relations of desert or penalty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "number", "enumerate", "compute", "calculate", "estimate", "value", "esteem", "account", "repute" ], "word": "reckon", "num_translations": 60 }, "disjoint": { "senses": [ "Not smooth or continuous", "Of two or more sets, having no members in common", "having an intersection equal to the empty set" ], "antonyms": [ "non-disjoint", "overlapping" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disjoint", "num_translations": 10 }, "limacon": { "senses": [ "A plane curve with polar equation \\rho = a + b\\,\\sin\\,\\theta or \\rho = a + b\\,\\cos\\,\\theta, of which the cardioid is a special case" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lima\u00e7on of Pascal" ], "word": "limacon", "num_translations": 27 }, "footing": { "senses": [ "A ground for the foot", "place for the foot to rest on", "firm foundation to stand on", "A standing", "position", "established place", "basis for operation", "permanent settlement", "foothold", "A relative condition", "state", "A tread", "step", "especially, measured tread", "A footprint or footprints", "tracks, someone's trail", "stability or balance when standing on one's feet", "The act of adding up a column of figures", "the amount or sum total of such a column", "The act of putting a foot to anything", "also, that which is added as a foot", "A narrow cotton lace, without figures", "The finer refuse part of whale blubber, not wholly deprived of oil", "The thickened or sloping portion of a wall, or of an embankment at its foot", "foundation", "Double checking the numbers vertically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "footing", "num_translations": 16 }, "belated1": { "senses": [ "Later in relation to the proper time something should have happened" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tardy", "late", "overdue" ], "word": "belated", "num_translations": 30 }, "burdensome": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of a burden", "arduous or demanding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arduous" ], "word": "burdensome", "num_translations": 38 }, "anticlimax": { "senses": [ "A failed or reverse climax, particularly:" ], "antonyms": [ "climax", "cliffhanger", "auxesis" ], "synonyms": [ "bathos" ], "word": "anticlimax", "num_translations": 12 }, "antithesis": { "senses": [ "A proposition that is the diametric opposite of some other proposition", "A device by which two contrasting ideas are juxtaposed in parallel form" ], "antonyms": [ "epitome" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "antithesis", "num_translations": 32 }, "diaspora": { "senses": [ "The dispersion of the Jews among the Gentiles after the Captivity", "Any similar dispersion", "A group so dispersed, especially Jews outside of the land of Israel", "The regions where such a dispersed group resides, taken collectively", "Any dispersion of an originally homogeneous entity, such as a language or culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diaspora", "num_translations": 34 }, "staybehind1": { "senses": [ "To remain where one is, whilst others leave", "To remain in a classroom or school at the end of teaching, especially to receive punishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stay back" ], "word": "staybehind", "num_translations": 14 }, "sharpness": { "senses": [ "the cutting ability of an edge", "keenness", "the fineness of the point a pointed object", "The product or result of being sharp", "pungency or acidity", "distinctness, focus", "acuteness or acuity", "edge or blade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keenness", "acidity", "clarity", "acuteness" ], "word": "sharpness", "num_translations": 32 }, "backhoe": { "senses": [ "A piece of excavating equipment consisting of a digging bucket or scoop on the end of an articulated arm, drawn backwards to move earth", "A multi-purpose tractor with a front-mounted loading bucket and a rear-mounted digging bucket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "backhoe loader", "excavator" ], "word": "backhoe", "num_translations": 15 }, "liner1": { "senses": [ "A large passenger-carrying ship, especially one on a regular route", "A ship of the line", "A line drive", "A basic salesperson", "Something with a specified number of lines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "liner", "num_translations": 17 }, "sinker": { "senses": [ "One who sinks something", "A weight used in fishing to cause the line or net to sink", "Any of several high speed pitches that have a downward motion near the plate", "a two-seam fastball, a split-finger fastball, or a forkball", "A doughnut", "a biscuit", "In knitting machines, one of the thin plates, blades, or other devices, that depress the loops upon or between the needles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sinker", "num_translations": 24 }, "strikeout": { "senses": [ "To lash out", "to strike or hit at someone or something, particularly something in arm's length of the striker and at or near the level of the striker's head", "To strongly criticize or make a verbal attack, particularly as a response to previous criticism or provocation", "To draw a line through some text such as a printed or written sentence, with the purpose of deleting that text from the rest of the document", "to treat something as settled", "Of a batter, to be retired after three strikes", "of a pitcher, to cause this to happen to the batter", "To fail", "to be refused a request or to have a proposal not be accepted, in particular a request for a date", "To begin to make one's way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cross out" ], "word": "strikeout", "num_translations": 11 }, "meantime": { "senses": [ "The time spent waiting for another event", "time in between" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "between-time" ], "word": "meantime", "num_translations": 10 }, "expedient": { "senses": [ "Suitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended", "Affording short-term benefit, often at the expense of the long-term", "Governed by self-interest, often short-term self-interest", "Expeditious, quick, rapid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "advisable", "desirable", "judicious", "politic", "prudent", "tactical", "wise" ], "word": "expedient", "num_translations": 65 }, "dendrite": { "senses": [ "A slender projection of a nerve cell which conducts nerve impulses from a synapse to the body of the cell", "a dendron", "Slender cell process emanating from the cell bodies of dendritic cells and follicular dendritic cells of the immune system", "Tree-like structure of crystals growing as material crystallizes", "A hermit who lived in a tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dendrite", "num_translations": 22 }, "nervoussystem": { "senses": [ "An organ system that coordinates the activities of muscles, monitors organs, constructs and processes data received from the senses and initiates actions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "systema nervosum" ], "word": "nervoussystem", "num_translations": 44 }, "netizen": { "senses": [ "A member of the community of Internet users" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cybercitizen" ], "word": "netizen", "num_translations": 27 }, "rhythmandblues": { "senses": [ "A style of music combining elements of jazz and blues, with syncopated rhythms and a strong backbeat, originating among African Americans in the 1940s", "shoes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "R&B" ], "word": "rhythmandblues", "num_translations": 10 }, "asswipe": { "senses": [ "An annoying, contemptible, or worthless person", "Toilet paper", "A periodical which has the habit of publishing questionable truths" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wipebreech" ], "word": "asswipe", "num_translations": 18 }, "spinalcord": { "senses": [ "A thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue which is a major part of the vertebrate central nervous system It extends from the brain stem down through the spine, with nerves branching off to various parts of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medulla spinalis", "spinal marrow" ], "word": "spinalcord", "num_translations": 69 }, "infect": { "senses": [ "To bring into contact with a substance that causes illness", "To make somebody enthusiastic about one's own passion" ], "antonyms": [ "disinfect" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "infect", "num_translations": 73 }, "intimacy": { "senses": [ "Feeling or atmosphere of closeness and openness towards someone else, not necessarily involving sexuality", "Intimate relationship", "Intimate detail, intimate information" ], "antonyms": [ "solitude" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intimacy", "num_translations": 36 }, "striptease": { "senses": [ "The act of slowly taking off one's clothes to sexually arouse the viewer, often accompanied by music and in exchange for money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dance of the seven veils" ], "word": "striptease", "num_translations": 42 }, "headmaster": { "senses": [ "A male school principal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headteacher", "principal" ], "word": "headmaster", "num_translations": 35 }, "innocence": { "senses": [ "Absence of responsibility for a crime", "Lack of understanding about sensitive subjects such as sexuality and crime", "Lack of ability or intention to harm or damage", "Imbecility", "mental deficiency" ], "antonyms": [ "guilt", "harmfulness" ], "synonyms": [ "naivety", "harmlessness", "unguilt" ], "word": "innocence", "num_translations": 80 }, "easternmost": { "senses": [ "Farthest east" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eastmost" ], "word": "easternmost", "num_translations": 12 }, "northernmost": { "senses": [ "Farthest north" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "northmost" ], "word": "northernmost", "num_translations": 15 }, "southernmost": { "senses": [ "Farthest south" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "southmost" ], "word": "southernmost", "num_translations": 15 }, "newworldorder": { "senses": [ "A vision for the world in which greater peace and stability is achieved through a new political order", "According to conspiracy theories, the planned rule of the world by a secret global elite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "NWO" ], "word": "NewWorldOrder", "num_translations": 21 }, "westernmost": { "senses": [ "Farthest west" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "westmost" ], "word": "westernmost", "num_translations": 12 }, "malice": { "senses": [ "Intention to harm or deprive in an illegal or immoral way Desire to take pleasure in another's misfortune", "An intention to do injury to another party, which in many jurisdictions is a distinguishing factor between the crimes of murder and manslaughter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "evilness" ], "word": "malice", "num_translations": 61 }, "infinitesimalcalculus": { "senses": [ "Differential calculus and integral calculus considered together as a single subject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calculus" ], "word": "infinitesimalcalculus", "num_translations": 13 }, "derivedfunction": { "senses": [ "Of a function, another function, the value of which for any value of the independent variable is the instantaneous rate of change of the given function at that value of the independent variable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "derivative" ], "word": "derivedfunction", "num_translations": 28 }, "impairment": { "senses": [ "The result of being impaired", "A deterioration or weakening", "A disability or handicap", "an inefficient part or factor", "A downward revaluation, a write-down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impairment", "num_translations": 34 }, "brawn": { "senses": [ "Strong muscles or lean flesh, especially of the arm, leg or thumb", "Physical strength", "muscularity", "Head cheese", "a terrine made from the head of a pig or calf", "originally boar's meat", "A boar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brawn", "num_translations": 39 }, "hoard1": { "senses": [ "To amass, usually for one's own private collection" ], "antonyms": [ "declutter" ], "synonyms": [ "engross" ], "word": "hoard", "num_translations": 50 }, "landlord": { "senses": [ "A person who owns and rents land such as a house, apartment, or condo", "The owner or manager of a public house", "A shark, imagined as the owner of the surf to be avoided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lessor", "publican" ], "word": "landlord", "num_translations": 73 }, "grotto": { "senses": [ "A small cave", "An artificial cavern-like retreat", "A Marian shrine, usually built in a cavern-like structure", "A local organization of cavers that typically organizes trips to caves and provides information and training for caving", "a caving club", "A secretive name for a local group of underground Satanists" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grotto", "num_translations": 43 }, "windup1": { "senses": [ "To wind completely", "To end up", "to arrive or result", "To conclude, complete, or finish", "To tighten by winding or twisting", "To put in a state of renewed or continued motion, by winding the spring, or that which carries the weight", "To excite", "To play a prank , to take the mickey or mock", "To upset", "to anger or distress", "To dissolve a partnership or corporation and liquidate its assets", "To make the preparatory movements for a certain kind of pitch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "windup", "num_translations": 51 }, "coroner": { "senses": [ "A public official who presides over an inquest into unnatural deaths, cases of treasure trove, and debris from shipwrecks", "A medical doctor who performs autopsies and determines time and cause of death from a scientific standpoint", "The administrative head of a sheading" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autopsier" ], "word": "coroner", "num_translations": 36 }, "sneaker": { "senses": [ "One who sneaks", "An athletic shoe with a soft, rubber sole", "A vessel of drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kicks", "tennis shoe", "trainer", "runner", "running shoe", "Thesaurus:sports shoe" ], "word": "sneaker", "num_translations": 70 }, "autonomicnervoussystem": { "senses": [ "In humans and other vertebrates, the part of the nervous system that regulates the involuntary activity of the heart, intestines and glands These activities include digestion, respiration, perspiration, metabolism, and the modulation of blood pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vegetative nervous system", "visceral nervous system" ], "word": "autonomicnervoussystem", "num_translations": 12 }, "peripheralnervoussystem": { "senses": [ "The part of the nervous system which is not the central nervous system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "systema nervosum periphericum", "Thesaurus:peripheral nervous system" ], "word": "peripheralnervoussystem", "num_translations": 33 }, "kindergarten": { "senses": [ "An educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6", "nursery school", "The elementary school grade before first grade", "The two levels between nursery and prep", "the second and third years of preschool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nursery school", "preschool" ], "word": "kindergarten", "num_translations": 130 }, "neuralgia": { "senses": [ "An acute, severe, intermittent pain that radiates along a nerve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neuralgy", "neurodynia" ], "word": "neuralgia", "num_translations": 24 }, "bloodcell": { "senses": [ "Any of the cells normally found in blood, namely erythrocytes and leukocytes, sometimes including the platelets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blood corpuscle" ], "word": "bloodcell", "num_translations": 44 }, "platelet": { "senses": [ "A small colorless disk-shaped particle found in the blood of mammals, which plays an important role in the formation of blood clots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blood platelet", "thrombocyte" ], "word": "platelet", "num_translations": 40 }, "backstroke": { "senses": [ "A swimming stroke swum lying on one's back, while rotating both arms through the water as to propel the swimmer backwards", "The pull on the tail of the rope that swings the bell through a full circle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "back crawl" ], "word": "backstroke", "num_translations": 21 }, "foiegras": { "senses": [ "The fattened liver of geese or ducks, used for gourmet cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foie" ], "word": "foiegras", "num_translations": 65 }, "ignosticism": { "senses": [ "The philosophical position that the question of the existence of God is meaningless, because the term \"god\" has no coherent and unambiguous definition It may also be described as the theological position that other theological positions assume too much about the concept of god" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "igtheism" ], "word": "ignosticism", "num_translations": 20 }, "elementaryparticle": { "senses": [ "A fundamental particle", "any of the subatomic particles that do not consist of other, smaller particles", "the gauge bosons, leptons and quarks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:elementary particle" ], "word": "elementaryparticle", "num_translations": 17 }, "blister": { "senses": [ "A small bubble between the layers of the skin that contains watery or bloody fluid and is caused by friction and pressure, burning, freezing, chemical irritation, disease or infection", "A swelling on a plant", "a vesicatory or other applied medicine", "A bubble, as on a painted surface", "An enclosed pocket of air, which may be mixed with water or solvent vapor, trapped between impermeable layers of felt or between the membrane and substrate", "A type of pre-formed packaging made from plastic that contains cavities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bleb" ], "word": "blister", "num_translations": 102 }, "blister1": { "senses": [ "To criticise severely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vesicate" ], "word": "blister", "num_translations": 16 }, "tauon": { "senses": [ "An elementary particle, a lepton, having a mass almost twice that of a proton and a negative charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tau lepton" ], "word": "tauon", "num_translations": 17 }, "directedgraph": { "senses": [ "A graph in which the edges are ordered pairs, so that, if the edge is in the graph, the edge need not be in the graph and is distinct from if it is" ], "antonyms": [ "undirected graph" ], "synonyms": [ "digraph" ], "word": "directedgraph", "num_translations": 21 }, "topquark": { "senses": [ "A quark having a fractional electric charge of +2/3 and a mass about 178,000 MeV Symbol: t" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "top", "truth quark" ], "word": "topquark", "num_translations": 14 }, "bottomquark": { "senses": [ "A quark having a fractional electric charge of -1/3 and a mass about 4,100 to 4,400 MeV Symbol: b" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beauty quark", "bottom" ], "word": "bottomquark", "num_translations": 15 }, "bilious": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to something containing or consisting of bile", "Resembling bile, especially in color", "Suffering from real or supposed liver disorder, especially excessive secretions of bile", "Peevishly ill-humored, irritable or bad tempered", "irascible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bilious", "num_translations": 37 }, "iniquity": { "senses": [ "Deviation from what is right", "gross injustice, sin, wickedness", "An act of great injustice or unfairness", "a sinful or wicked act", "an unconscionable deed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "iniquity", "num_translations": 24 }, "methamphetamine": { "senses": [ "A highly addictive phenethylamine stimulant drug, similar to cocaine Its systematic name is -N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:methamphetamine" ], "word": "methamphetamine", "num_translations": 29 }, "roadblock": { "senses": [ "Something that blocks or obstructs a road", "An obstacle or impediment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hindrance" ], "word": "roadblock", "num_translations": 27 }, "clinch1": { "senses": [ "Any of several fastenings", "The act or process of holding fast", "that which serves to hold fast", "a grip or grasp", "A pun", "A hitch or bend by which a rope is made fast to the ring of an anchor, or the breeching of a ship's gun to the ringbolts", "A passionate embrace", "In combat sports, the act of one or both fighters holding onto the other to prevent being hit or engage in standup grappling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clinch", "num_translations": 17 }, "nuclearweapon": { "senses": [ "A weapon that derives its energy from the nuclear reactions of either fission or fusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atomic weapon", "thermonuclear weapon", "nuke" ], "word": "nuclearweapon", "num_translations": 43 }, "nuclearbomb": { "senses": [ "A nuclear weapon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "A-bomb", "atom bomb", "atomic bomb", "fission bomb", "nuke" ], "word": "nuclearbomb", "num_translations": 25 }, "competitive": { "senses": [ "capable of competing successfully", "of or pertaining to competition", "inclined to compete", "inhibiting the action of an enzyme by binding with it", "cheap, especially used of quality products" ], "antonyms": [ "cooperative" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "competitive", "num_translations": 46 }, "insignia": { "senses": [ "A patch or other object that indicates a person's official or military rank, or membership in a group or organization", "A symbol or token of personal power, status, or office, or of an official body of government or jurisdiction", "A mark or token by which anything is known" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:badge" ], "word": "insignia", "num_translations": 35 }, "impetigo": { "senses": [ "A contagious bacterial skin disease forming pustules and yellow crusty sores, chiefly on the face and hands It is common in children and infection is often through cuts or insect bites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "school sores" ], "word": "impetigo", "num_translations": 23 }, "anthrax": { "senses": [ "An acute infectious disease of herbivores, especially sheep and cattle, caused by Bacillus anthracis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charbon", "Cumberland disease", "malignant edema", "Siberian plague", "splenic fever", "woolsorter's disease" ], "word": "anthrax", "num_translations": 83 }, "filler": { "senses": [ "One who fills", "Something added to fill a space or add weight or size", "Any semisolid substance used to fill gaps, cracks or pores", "A relatively inert ingredient added to modify physical characteristics", "A short article in a newspaper or magazine", "A short piece of music or an announcement between radio or TV programmes", "Any spoken sound or word used to fill gaps in speech", "filled pause", "Cut tobacco used to make up the body of a cigar", "In COBOL, the description of an unnamed part of a record that contains no data relevant to a given context", "A plant that lacks a distinctive shape and can fill inconvenient spaces around other plants in pots or gardens", "Any standing tree or standard higher than the surrounding coppice in the form of forest known as \"coppice under standards\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "filler", "num_translations": 17 }, "resuscitate": { "senses": [ "To restore consciousness, vigor, or life to", "To regain consciousness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to" ], "word": "resuscitate", "num_translations": 27 }, "holyromanempire": { "senses": [ "A political conglomeration of lands in Central Europe from at least 962 CE until 1806" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "First Reich" ], "word": "HolyRomanEmpire", "num_translations": 51 }, "waterline": { "senses": [ "A line formed by the surface of the water on the hull of a ship when she is afloat", "A horizontal line indicating the shape of an airfoil", "A line showing where the water has been, usually a line separating dry land and wet areas", "a watermark or tidemark", "the inner rim of the eyelid, just behind the lash line", "primarily used in reference to the application of eyeliner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "waterline", "num_translations": 20 }, "discontinue": { "senses": [ "To interrupt the continuance of", "to put an end to, especially as regards commercial productions", "to stop producing, making, or supplying something" ], "antonyms": [ "continue" ], "synonyms": [ "terminate", "break off" ], "word": "discontinue", "num_translations": 20 }, "welfare": { "senses": [ "Health, safety, happiness and prosperity", "well-being in any respect", "Various forms of financial aid provided by the government to those who are in need of it", "Such payment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "income support" ], "word": "welfare", "num_translations": 64 }, "plump": { "senses": [ "Having a full and rounded shape", "chubby, somewhat overweight", "Fat", "Sudden and without reservation", "blunt", "direct", "downright" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obese" ], "word": "plump", "num_translations": 44 }, "detain": { "senses": [ "To keep someone from proceeding by holding them back or making claims on their attention", "To put under custody", "To keep back or from", "to withhold", "To seize goods for official purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "detain", "num_translations": 48 }, "petrify": { "senses": [ "To harden organic matter by permeating with water and depositing dissolved minerals", "To produce rigidity akin to stone", "To immobilize with fright", "To become stone, or of a stony hardness, as organic matter by calcareous deposits", "To become stony, callous, or obdurate", "To make callous or obdurate", "to stupefy", "to paralyze", "to transform", "as by petrification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frighten" ], "word": "petrify", "num_translations": 50 }, "ghostly": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to ghosts or spirits", "Spooky", "frightening", "Relating to the soul", "not carnal or secular", "spiritual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ghostly" ], "word": "ghostly", "num_translations": 28 }, "incestuous": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or engaging in incest", "Characterized by mutual relationships that are intimate and exclusive to the detriment of outsiders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incestual" ], "word": "incestuous", "num_translations": 18 }, "fervor": { "senses": [ "An intense, heated emotion", "passion, ardor", "A passionate enthusiasm for some cause", "Heat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fire in the belly" ], "word": "fervor", "num_translations": 52 }, "adam'sapple": { "senses": [ "The lump in the throat, usually more noticeable in men than in women", "the laryngeal prominence", "Tabernaemontana divaricata, a fragrant houseplant native to southeast Asia", "A species of banana, Musa \u00d7 paradisiaca", "The citron, Citrus limetta, now Citrus medica" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laryngeal prominence" ], "word": "Adam'sapple", "num_translations": 91 }, "calciumcarbonate": { "senses": [ "A colourless or white inorganic compound, CaCO3, occurring as chalk, limestone, marble etc", "reacts with acids to liberate carbon dioxide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E170" ], "word": "calciumcarbonate", "num_translations": 20 }, "outsider": { "senses": [ "One who is not part of a community or organization", "A newcomer with little or no experience in an organization or community", "A competitor or contestant who has little chance of winning", "a long shot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stranger", "newling", "dark horse" ], "word": "outsider", "num_translations": 49 }, "haft": { "senses": [ "The handle of a tool or weapon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "helve" ], "word": "haft", "num_translations": 31 }, "meninx": { "senses": [ "a membrane, especially one of the three membranes enclosing the brain and spinal cord in vertebrates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meninge" ], "word": "meninx", "num_translations": 25 }, "proficient": { "senses": [ "Good at something", "skilled", "fluent", "practiced, especially in relation to a task or skill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skilled" ], "word": "proficient", "num_translations": 54 }, "proficient1": { "senses": [ "An expert" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "expert" ], "word": "proficient", "num_translations": 15 }, "ironlung": { "senses": [ "A pneumonic device for assisted breathing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "negative pressure ventilator" ], "word": "ironlung", "num_translations": 16 }, "synonymous": { "senses": [ "having an identical meaning", "having a similar meaning", "of, or being a synonym", "Such that both its forms yield the same sequenced protein" ], "antonyms": [ "antonymous", "nonsynonymous", "nonsynonymous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "synonymous", "num_translations": 63 }, "marksman": { "senses": [ "A man or person skilled at hitting targets, as with a firearm, bow, or thrown object", "Goalscorer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sharpshooter" ], "word": "marksman", "num_translations": 32 }, "bourbon": { "senses": [ "A whiskey distilled from a mixture of grains in which at least 51% is corn, aged in charred, new oak barrels Made in the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bourbon whiskey", "Bourbon whiskey" ], "word": "bourbon", "num_translations": 10 }, "noisome": { "senses": [ "Morally hurtful or noxious", "Hurtful or noxious to health", "unwholesome, insalubrious", "Offensive to the senses", "disgusting, unpleasant, nauseous, especially having an undesirable smell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "noisome", "num_translations": 45 }, "tub": { "senses": [ "A flat-bottomed vessel, of width similar to or greater than its height, used for storing or packing things, or for washing things in", "The contents or capacity of such a vessel", "A slow-moving craft", "A small cask", "A box or bucket in which coal or ore is sent up a shaft", "A corpulent or obese person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tub", "num_translations": 47 }, "antonymous": { "senses": [ "having an opposite or diametrically opposed meaning", "of, or being an antonym", "antonymic" ], "antonyms": [ "synonymous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "antonymous", "num_translations": 15 }, "tentpeg": { "senses": [ "A peg, driven into the ground, to hold a rope that supports a tent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spike", "stake" ], "word": "tentpeg", "num_translations": 12 }, "terrace": { "senses": [ "A platform that extends outwards from a building", "A raised, flat-topped bank of earth with sloping sides, especially one of a series for farming or leisure", "a similar natural area of ground, often next to a river", "A row of residential houses with no gaps between them", "a group of row houses", "A single house in such a group", "The standing area at a football ground", "The roof of a building, especially if accessible to the residents Often used for drying laundry, sun-drying foodstuffs, exercise, or sleeping outdoors in hot weather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "terrace", "num_translations": 74 }, "testify": { "senses": [ "To make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath", "To make a statement based on personal knowledge or faith" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bear witness" ], "word": "testify", "num_translations": 47 }, "testimonial": { "senses": [ "A statement, especially one given under oath", "testimony", "A written recommendation of someone's worth or character", "A tribute given in appreciation of someone's service etc", "A match played in tribute to a particular player" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "testimonial", "num_translations": 35 }, "mousepad": { "senses": [ ": A pad with surface used to enhance the movement of a computer mouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mouse mat" ], "word": "mousepad", "num_translations": 30 }, "stilllife": { "senses": [ "A work of art depicting an arrangement of inanimate objects", "A pattern that does not change from one generation to the next" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nature morte" ], "word": "stilllife", "num_translations": 37 }, "modular": { "senses": [ "Consisting of separate modules", "especially where each module performs or fulfills some specified function and could be replaced by a similar module for the same function, independently of the other modules", "Of or relating to a module or modules", "Relating to mode or modulation" ], "antonyms": [ "monolithic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "modular", "num_translations": 10 }, "heathen": { "senses": [ "Not adhering to Christian religion", "pagan", "Uncultured", "uncivilized", "savage, philistine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heathen", "num_translations": 54 }, "pince-nez": { "senses": [ "temple-less eyeglasses that clip to the bridge of the nose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Oxford glasses" ], "word": "pince-nez", "num_translations": 14 }, "floatingpoint": { "senses": [ "Of a number, written in two parts as a mantissa and characteristic eg 0314159 \u00d7 101", "Of the internal representation of such a number as a pair of integers" ], "antonyms": [ "fixed point" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "floatingpoint", "num_translations": 15 }, "sociable": { "senses": [ "Tending to socialize or be social", "Offering opportunities for conversation", "characterized by much conversation", "Capable of being, or fit to be, united in one body or company", "No longer hostile", "friendly" ], "antonyms": [ "unsociable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sociable", "num_translations": 30 }, "ingenious": { "senses": [ "Displaying genius or brilliance", "tending to invent", "Characterized by genius", "cleverly done or contrived", "Witty", "original", "shrewd", "adroit", "keen", "sagacious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:witty", "Thesaurus:intelligent" ], "word": "ingenious", "num_translations": 58 }, "filament": { "senses": [ "A fine thread or wire", "Such a wire, as can be heated until it glows, in an incandescent light bulb or a thermionic valve", "A massive, thread-like structure, such as those gaseous ones which extend outward from the surface of the sun, or such as those ones which form the boundaries between large voids in the universe", "The stalk of a flower stamen, supporting the anther", "A continuous object, limited in length only by its spool, and not cut to length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "filament", "num_translations": 63 }, "newyorkcity": { "senses": [ "The largest city in the United States of America, consisting of five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island The city is situated on the Atlantic Coast at the mouth of the Hudson River in the northeastern state of New York" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Big Apple", "City of New York", "Gotham", "New York", "New York City" ], "word": "NewYorkCity", "num_translations": 131 }, "enclosed": { "senses": [ "Contained", "held within a container", "Fenced in or surrounded", "Having closed slats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "included", "bounded" ], "word": "enclosed", "num_translations": 16 }, "tuk-tuk": { "senses": [ "A motorized rickshaw, especially Southeast Asia or India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auto", "autorickshaw", "bajaj", "saamlaw", "songthaew" ], "word": "tuk-tuk", "num_translations": 35 }, "karen2": { "senses": [ "One of the seven great Parthian feudal families", "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Karen-Pahlav" ], "word": "Karen", "num_translations": 11 }, "untoward": { "senses": [ "Unfavourable, adverse, or disadvantageous", "Unruly, troublesome", "not easily guided", "Unseemly, improper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adverse", "difficult", "immodest" ], "word": "untoward", "num_translations": 65 }, "carpentry": { "senses": [ "The trade of cutting and joining timber in order to construct buildings or other structures", "woodworking", "A carpenter's workshop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carpenting" ], "word": "carpentry", "num_translations": 37 }, "bonk": { "senses": [ "To strike or collide with something", "To have sexual intercourse", "To hit something with the front of the board, especially in midair", "To experience sudden and severe fatigue in an endurance sports event due to glycogen depletion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boink", "hit the wall" ], "word": "bonk", "num_translations": 38 }, "bowleg": { "senses": [ "A leg that curves outward at the knee It might refer to the leg of a human, animal or even a piece of furniture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bandy", "genu varum" ], "word": "bowleg", "num_translations": 20 }, "bow-legged": { "senses": [ "having a bowleg" ], "antonyms": [ "knock-kneed" ], "synonyms": [ "couldn't stop a pig in a passage" ], "word": "bow-legged", "num_translations": 31 }, "martingale": { "senses": [ "A piece of harness used on a horse to keep it from raising its head above a desired point", "A spar, or piece of rigging that strengthens the bowsprit", "A stochastic process for which the conditional expectation of future values given the sequence of all prior values is equal to the current value", "A gambling strategy in which one doubles the stake after each loss", "A strap attached to the sword handle, preventing a sword being dropped if disarmed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tie-down" ], "word": "martingale", "num_translations": 16 }, "dressage": { "senses": [ "The schooling of a horse", "An equestrian sport in which the horse and rider perform a test of specific movements in an arena, and are judged on the horse's obedience, acceptance of the bridle and of the rider's aids, gaits, impulsion, and the harmony between horse and rider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flatwork", "training", "haute ecole", "classical dressage", "ballet on horseback" ], "word": "dressage", "num_translations": 34 }, "plutocracy": { "senses": [ "Government by the wealthy", "A controlling class of the wealthy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "argentocracy", "tycoonocracy" ], "word": "plutocracy", "num_translations": 92 }, "thankfulness": { "senses": [ "The state of being thankful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appreciation" ], "word": "thankfulness", "num_translations": 16 }, "slump": { "senses": [ "To collapse heavily or helplessly", "To decline or fall off in activity or performance", "To slouch or droop", "To lump", "to throw together messily", "To fall or sink suddenly through or in, when walking on a surface, as on thawing snow or ice, a bog, etc", "To cause to collapse", "to hit hard", "to render unsconscious", "to kill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slump", "num_translations": 21 }, "slump1": { "senses": [ "A heavy or helpless collapse", "a slouching or drooping posture", "a period of poor activity or performance, especially an extended period", "A boggy place", "The noise made by anything falling into a hole, or into a soft, miry place", "The gross amount", "the mass", "the lump" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slump", "num_translations": 17 }, "thankless": { "senses": [ "not appreciated or rewarded", "ungrateful or unappreciative" ], "antonyms": [ "thankful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thankless", "num_translations": 25 }, "stalker": { "senses": [ "A person who engages in stalking, ie quietly approaching animals to be hunted", "a tracker or guide in hunting game", "A person who secretly follows someone, sometimes with unlawful intentions", "Any of various devices for removing the stalk from plants during harvesting", "Any bird that walks with a stalking motion", "A kind of fishing net" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tracker", "prowler" ], "word": "stalker", "num_translations": 37 }, "pernickety": { "senses": [ "Fussy", "paying undue attention to minor details", "fastidious", "Requiring attention to minor details" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "niggly", "persnickety", "Thesaurus:fastidious" ], "word": "pernickety", "num_translations": 20 }, "groupthink": { "senses": [ "A process of reasoning or decision-making by a group, especially one characterized by uncritical acceptance of or conformity to a perceived majority view" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "herdthink", "echo chamber" ], "word": "groupthink", "num_translations": 14 }, "parlor": { "senses": [ "The living room of a house, or a room for entertaining guests", "a room for talking", "a sitting-room or drawing room", "The apartment in a monastery or nunnery where the residents are permitted to meet and converse with each other or with visitors from the outside", "A comfortable room in a public house", "A covered open-air patio", "A shop or other business selling goods specified by context", "A shed used for milking cattle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parlor", "num_translations": 30 }, "carer": { "senses": [ "Someone who regularly looks after another person, either as a job or often through family responsibilities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caregiver" ], "word": "carer", "num_translations": 34 }, "tetrarchy": { "senses": [ "The land ruled by such a government, either together or separately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:government" ], "word": "tetrarchy", "num_translations": 19 }, "geographicinformationsystem": { "senses": [ "An electronic system used to store, process and display geographic information, especially maps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GIS" ], "word": "geographicinformationsystem", "num_translations": 21 }, "restless": { "senses": [ "Not allowing or affording rest", "Without rest", "unable to be still or quiet", "uneasy", "continually moving", "Not satisfied to be at rest or in peace", "averse to repose", "eager for change", "discontented", "Deprived of rest or sleep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antsy" ], "word": "restless", "num_translations": 68 }, "sprinkle": { "senses": [ "To cause to fall in fine drops or small pieces", "To cover by sprinkling a substance on to it", "To drip in fine drops, sometimes sporadically", "To rain very lightly outside", "To baptize by the application of a few drops, or a small quantity, of water", "hence, to cleanse", "to purify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sprinkle", "num_translations": 74 }, "sprinkle1": { "senses": [ "A light rain shower", "An aspersorium or utensil for sprinkling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sprinkling" ], "word": "sprinkle", "num_translations": 11 }, "disappointment": { "senses": [ "A feeling of sadness or frustration when a strongly held expectation is not met", "A circumstance in which a strongly held expectation is not met" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "let-down" ], "word": "disappointment", "num_translations": 109 }, "verso": { "senses": [ "The back side of a flat object which is to be examined visually, as for reading, such as a sheet, leaf, coin or medal", "The left-hand page of a book of a script which reads from left to right, usually having an even page number" ], "antonyms": [ "recto" ], "synonyms": [ "back" ], "word": "verso", "num_translations": 15 }, "ferrous": { "senses": [ "Of or containing iron", "Of compounds of iron in which it has a valence or oxidation number of 2" ], "antonyms": [ "nonferrous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ferrous", "num_translations": 52 }, "deuteron": { "senses": [ "the atomic nucleus of a deuterium atom, consisting of a proton and a neutron" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "D+" ], "word": "deuteron", "num_translations": 10 }, "triton": { "senses": [ "the atomic nucleus of a tritium atom, consisting of a proton and two neutrons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tritium", "T+" ], "word": "triton", "num_translations": 14 }, "impediment": { "senses": [ "A hindrance", "that which impedes or obstructs progress", "A disability, especially one affecting the hearing or speech", "Baggage, especially that of an army" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hindrance", "obstruction", "obstacle", "Thesaurus:hindrance" ], "word": "impediment", "num_translations": 42 }, "striker": { "senses": [ "An individual who is on strike", "Someone or something that hits someone or something else", "One of the players on a team in football in the row nearest to the opposing team's goal, who are therefore principally responsible for scoring goals", "An officer's servant or orderly", "The batter", "The batsman who is currently facing the bowler and defending his wicket", "A harpoon", "A harpooner", "An inexperienced member of a ship's crew", "A wencher", "a lewd man", "A blackmailer in politics", "One whose political influence can be bought" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attacker", "Thesaurus:promiscuous man" ], "word": "striker", "num_translations": 33 }, "misguided": { "senses": [ "ill-conceived or not thought through", "misled or mistaken", "lacking proper guidance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lacking proper guidance" ], "word": "misguided", "num_translations": 12 }, "pillar": { "senses": [ "A large post, often used as supporting architecture", "Something resembling such a structure", "An essential part of something that provides support", "A portable ornamental column, formerly carried before a cardinal, as emblematic of his support to the church", "The centre of the volta, ring, or manege ground, around which a horse turns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "column" ], "word": "pillar", "num_translations": 107 }, "pungent": { "senses": [ "Having a strong odor that stings the nose, said especially of acidic or spicy substances", "Having a strong taste that stings the tongue, said especially of hot food, which has a strong and sharp or bitter taste", "Stinging", "acerbic", "Having a sharp and stiff point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pungent", "num_translations": 44 }, "stanza": { "senses": [ "A unit of a poem, written or printed as a paragraph", "equivalent to a verse", "An apartment or division in a building", "An XML element which acts as basic unit of meaning in XMPP", "A segment", "a portion of a broadcast devoted to a particular topic", "A period", "an interval into which a sporting event is divided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stanza", "num_translations": 37 }, "playboy": { "senses": [ "A single man, especially a wealthy one, who devotes himself to a life of leisure and pleasure, often sexual, without commitments or responsibilities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hedonist" ], "word": "playboy", "num_translations": 39 }, "invoke": { "senses": [ "To call upon for help, assistance or guidance", "To solicit, petition for, appeal to a favorable attitude", "To call to mind for some purpose", "To appeal for validation to a authority", "To conjure up with incantations", "To bring about as an inevitable consequence", "To cause to execute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "invocate", "cite", "bring about", "solicit", "call" ], "word": "invoke", "num_translations": 48 }, "imperfection": { "senses": [ "Those qualities or features that are imperfect", "the characteristic, state, or quality of being imperfect", "Something that makes something else less than perfect", "a blemish, impurity, error, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "flawlessness" ], "synonyms": [ "corruption", "fault", "Thesaurus:defect" ], "word": "imperfection", "num_translations": 36 }, "dubrovnik": { "senses": [ "A city and port in southern Croatia on the Adriatic Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ragusa" ], "word": "Dubrovnik", "num_translations": 38 }, "neveragain": { "senses": [ "At no time in the future", "usually said of a recent unfavorable event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nevermore" ], "word": "neveragain", "num_translations": 21 }, "proverbial": { "senses": [ "Of, resembling, or expressed as a proverb, clich\u00e9, fable, or fairy tale", "Not used in a literal sense, but as the subject of a well-known metaphor", "Widely known", "famous", "stereotypical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "proverbial", "num_translations": 23 }, "post-traumaticstressdisorder": { "senses": [ "Any condition that develops following some stressful situation or event", "such as sleep disturbance, recurrent dreams, withdrawal or lack of concentration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PTSD" ], "word": "post-traumaticstressdisorder", "num_translations": 32 }, "silverwedding": { "senses": [ "A celebration to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of a marriage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "silver-feast" ], "word": "silverwedding", "num_translations": 12 }, "prenuptialagreement": { "senses": [ "A legal document, signed by both parties before marriage, stating the legal claims on each other's estate upon a subsequent divorce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antenuptial agreement", "premarital agreement", "prenup" ], "word": "prenuptialagreement", "num_translations": 20 }, "isomorphism": { "senses": [ "Similarity of form", "# the similarity in form of organisms, which may be due to convergent evolution or shared genetic background, eg an algae species in which the haploid and diploid life stages are indistinguishable based on morphology", "2 A one-to-one correspondence" ], "antonyms": [ "anisomorphism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "isomorphism", "num_translations": 25 }, "anilingus": { "senses": [ "A form of oral sex in which the tongue and lips are used for stimulation of a sexual partner's anus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anilinction", "arse-licking", "ass-licking", "reaming", "rimming", "salad tossing", "Thesaurus:anilingus" ], "word": "anilingus", "num_translations": 25 }, "filling2": { "senses": [ "Anything that is used to fill something", "The contents of a pie, etc", "Any material used to fill a cavity in a tooth or the result of using such material", "The woof in woven fabrics", "Prepared wort added to ale to cleanse it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "filling", "num_translations": 74 }, "frontdoor": { "senses": [ "The main entrance to a building or house, normally fronts onto a street", "The normal portal page to a website", "The path of a pitch which starts inside and then slides over the plate", "vagina, as a means of sexual intercourse, contrasted with the anus or \"back door\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foredoor" ], "word": "frontdoor", "num_translations": 12 }, "backdoor": { "senses": [ "A subsidiary entrance to a building or house at its rear, normally away from the street", "A means of access, often secret and unprotected, to something", "A secret means of access to a program or system", "A rear side door of a car, or at the back of a van", "The anus, generally used in reference to anal sex", "The rear side of the hole, furthest from the golfer" ], "antonyms": [ "foredoor", "front door" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "backdoor", "num_translations": 55 }, "zwitterion": { "senses": [ "A molecule, such as an amino acid, that carries both a positive and a negative charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inner salt", "dipolar ion" ], "word": "zwitterion", "num_translations": 11 }, "mediocrity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being intermediate between two extremes", "a mean", "A middle course of action", "moderation, balance", "The condition of being mediocre", "having only an average degree of quality, skills etc", "no better than standard", "An individual with mediocre abilities or achievements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mediocrity", "num_translations": 28 }, "part-time": { "senses": [ "For, during, or involving less than the normal time for some activity, especially the number of hours an employee works" ], "antonyms": [ "full-time" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "part-time", "num_translations": 37 }, "monosemy": { "senses": [ "The property of terms of having a single meaning", "absence of ambiguity", "singularity" ], "antonyms": [ "polysemy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "monosemy", "num_translations": 13 }, "theorbo": { "senses": [ "A baroque, double-necked lute having an extra set of open bass strings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chitarrone" ], "word": "theorbo", "num_translations": 29 }, "trifle": { "senses": [ "An English dessert made from a mixture of thick custard, fruit, sponge cake, jelly and whipped cream", "Anything that is of little importance or worth", "A very small amount", "A particular kind of pewter", "Utensils made from this particular kind of pewter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trifle", "num_translations": 102 }, "trifle1": { "senses": [ "To deal with something as if it were of little importance or worth", "To act, speak, or otherwise behave with jest", "To inconsequentially toy with something", "To squander or waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiddle", "fritter" ], "word": "trifle", "num_translations": 27 }, "theorist": { "senses": [ "Someone who constructs theories, especially in the arts or sciences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "theoretician", "theorizer" ], "word": "theorist", "num_translations": 38 }, "pop-up1": { "senses": [ "Anything that pops up, particularly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pop-up" ], "word": "pop-up", "num_translations": 20 }, "thereabout": { "senses": [ "near that place, time or date", "approximately that number", "concerning that", "about that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thereabouts" ], "word": "thereabout", "num_translations": 17 }, "daybreak": { "senses": [ "Dawn" ], "antonyms": [ "dusk" ], "synonyms": [ "break of dawn" ], "word": "daybreak", "num_translations": 77 }, "magneticresonanceimaging": { "senses": [ "A technique that uses nuclear magnetic resonance to form cross sectional images of the human body for diagnostic purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "MRI" ], "word": "magneticresonanceimaging", "num_translations": 11 }, "chiromancy": { "senses": [ "Divination performed by examining the lines in the palms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "palmistry" ], "word": "chiromancy", "num_translations": 21 }, "housewarming": { "senses": [ "A party to celebrate moving into a new home", "The act of welcoming a person/family to their newly purchased or newly rented home" ], "antonyms": [ "house cooling party" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "housewarming", "num_translations": 27 }, "strident": { "senses": [ "Loud", "shrill, piercing, high-pitched", "rough-sounding", "Grating or obnoxious", "Vigorous", "making strides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strident", "num_translations": 17 }, "incongruous": { "senses": [ "Not similar or congruent", "not matching or fitting in", "Of two numbers, with respect to a third, such that their difference can not be divided by it without a remainder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incongruitous" ], "word": "incongruous", "num_translations": 23 }, "infullswing": { "senses": [ "Proceeding fully, quickly, or completely", "thoroughly begun and in progress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in full gear" ], "word": "infullswing", "num_translations": 10 }, "mixer": { "senses": [ "One who, or a device that, mixes or merges things together", "One who mixes or socializes", "A machine outfitted with blades with which it mixes or beats ingredients in a bowl below", "A non-alcoholic drink that is added to spirits to make cocktails", "mixing console", "A dance or other social event meant to foster new acquaintances, as at the beginning of a school year", "Any of various social dances involving frequent changes of partners", "A device for combining hot and cold water before it emerges from a single spout or shower head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mixer", "num_translations": 45 }, "reprobate": { "senses": [ "Rejected", "cast off as worthless", "Rejected by God", "damned, sinful", "Immoral, having no religious or principled character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reprobate", "num_translations": 69 }, "touchy": { "senses": [ "Extremely sensitive or volatile", "easily disturbed to the point of becoming unstable", "requiring caution or tactfulness", "Easily offended", "oversensitive", "ticklish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "touchy", "num_translations": 34 }, "intrusive": { "senses": [ "Tending to intrude", "doing that which is not welcome", "interrupting or disturbing", "entering without permission or welcome", "Of rocks: forced, while in a plastic or molten state, into the cavities or between the cracks or layers of other rocks" ], "antonyms": [ "unintrusive" ], "synonyms": [ "unwelcome", "uninvited", "disturbing", "interrupting" ], "word": "intrusive", "num_translations": 20 }, "successive": { "senses": [ "Coming one after the other in a series", "Of, or relating to a succession", "hereditary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consecutive" ], "word": "successive", "num_translations": 15 }, "seashore": { "senses": [ "The coastal land bordering a sea or an ocean", "The foreshore, the strip of land between low water and high water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seacoast", "foreshore" ], "word": "seashore", "num_translations": 42 }, "weirdo": { "senses": [ "A strange, odd, eccentric person", "An insane, possibly dangerous person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:strange person", "Thesaurus:mad person" ], "word": "weirdo", "num_translations": 22 }, "microphone": { "senses": [ "A device used to convert sound waves into a varying electric current", "normally fed into an amplifier and either recorded or broadcast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mic" ], "word": "microphone", "num_translations": 109 }, "harddrive": { "senses": [ "A device used for storing large amounts of data for a computer that persist while the computer is turned off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hard disc", "hard disc drive", "HD" ], "word": "harddrive", "num_translations": 89 }, "flashdrive": { "senses": [ "A small electronic device used to store digital data, more portable and robust than a hard drive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "USB", "USB key", "jump drive", "thumb drive", "pen drive", "memory stick" ], "word": "flashdrive", "num_translations": 108 }, "judicial": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the administration of justice", "specified by a civil bill court under the terms of the Land Law Act, 1881", "Of or relating to judgeship or the judiciary, the collective body of judges" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "justiciary" ], "word": "judicial", "num_translations": 40 }, "inflexible": { "senses": [ "Not flexible", "not capable of bending or being bent", "Not willing to change, eg one's opinion or habits" ], "antonyms": [ "flexible" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate", "unflexible" ], "word": "inflexible", "num_translations": 40 }, "resonance": { "senses": [ "The quality of being resonant", "A resonant sound, echo, or reverberation, such as that produced by blowing over the top of a bottle", "The sound produced by a hollow body part such as the chest cavity upon auscultation, especially that produced while the patient is speaking", "Something that evokes an association, or a strong emotion", "The increase in the amplitude of an oscillation of a system under the influence of a periodic force whose frequency is close to that of the system's natural frequency", "A short-lived subatomic particle or state of atomic excitation that results from the collision of atomic particles", "An increase in the strength or duration of a musical tone produced by sympathetic vibration", "The property of a compound that can be visualized as having two structures differing only in the distribution of electrons", "mesomerism", "A influence of the gravitational forces of one orbiting object on the orbit of another, causing periodic perturbations", "The condition where the inductive and capacitive reactances have equal magnitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "resonance", "num_translations": 24 }, "amplitude": { "senses": [ "The measure of something's size, especially in terms of width or breadth", "largeness, magnitude", "The maximum absolute value of the vertical component of a curve or function, especially one that is periodic", "The maximum absolute value of some quantity that varies", "The arc of the horizon between the true east or west point and the foot of the vertical circle passing through any star or object", "The horizontal line which measures the distance to which a projectile is thrown", "the range" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amplitude", "num_translations": 71 }, "corkscrew": { "senses": [ "An implement for opening bottles that are sealed by a cork Sometimes specifically such an implement that includes a screw-shaped part, or worm", "A type of sharp, twisting punch, often one thrown close and from the side", "A type of inversion used in roller coasters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bottle screw" ], "word": "corkscrew", "num_translations": 56 }, "floppydrive": { "senses": [ "A computer hardware device used for reading and writing on removable floppy disks, such as \u2033, \u2033 or 8\u2033 diskettes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "floppy disk drive", "floppy diskette drive", "diskette drive", "FDD", "FD" ], "word": "floppydrive", "num_translations": 22 }, "unintentional": { "senses": [ "Not intended or deliberate", "inadvertent", "unwitting" ], "antonyms": [ "intentional" ], "synonyms": [ "incidental" ], "word": "unintentional", "num_translations": 20 }, "springonion": { "senses": [ "A species of onion from Asia, with slender bulbs", "Any of several similar types of onion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green onion", "Japanese bunching onion", "scallion", "Welsh onion" ], "word": "springonion", "num_translations": 68 }, "personanongrata": { "senses": [ "A person who is not welcome, especially a diplomat in a foreign country" ], "antonyms": [ "persona grata" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "personanongrata", "num_translations": 53 }, "stagnant": { "senses": [ "Lacking freshness, motion, or flow", "decaying through stillness", "Without progress or change", "stale", "inactive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stagnant", "num_translations": 10 }, "curfew": { "senses": [ "Any regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time", "The time when such restriction begins", "A signal indicating this time", "A fireplace accessory designed to bank a fire by completely covering the embers", "A regulation in feudal Europe by which fires had to be covered up or put out at a certain fixed time in the evening, marked by the ringing of an evening bell", "The evening bell, which continued to be rung in many towns after the regulation itself became obsolete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curfew", "num_translations": 84 }, "bonafide": { "senses": [ "In good faith", "sincere", "without deception or ulterior motive", "Genuine", "not counterfeit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bonafide", "num_translations": 30 }, "unitofmeasure": { "senses": [ "Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unit of measurement", "unit" ], "word": "unitofmeasure", "num_translations": 16 }, "onomastician": { "senses": [ "A person who studies onomastics", "one who studies or researches names" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "onomasiologist", "onomast", "onomatologist" ], "word": "onomastician", "num_translations": 12 }, "luster": { "senses": [ "Shine, polish or sparkle", "By extension, brilliance, attractiveness or splendor", "Refinement, polish or quality", "A candlestick, chandelier, girandole, etc generally of an ornamental character", "A substance that imparts lustre to a surface, such as plumbago or a glaze", "A fabric of wool and cotton with a lustrous surface, used for women's dresses" ], "antonyms": [ "dullness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "luster", "num_translations": 66 }, "bedridden": { "senses": [ "Confined to bed because of infirmity or illness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bedfast" ], "word": "bedridden", "num_translations": 34 }, "inthelongrun": { "senses": [ "After a very long time", "eventually", "over a long period of time", "more generally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in the long term" ], "word": "inthelongrun", "num_translations": 33 }, "planer1": { "senses": [ "A woodworking tool which smooths a surface or makes one surface of a workpiece parallel to the tool's bed", "A wooden block used for forcing down the type in a form, and making the surface even" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plane", "thickness planer" ], "word": "planer", "num_translations": 12 }, "haven": { "senses": [ "A harbour or anchorage protected from the sea", "A place of safety", "a refuge or sanctuary", "A peaceful place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "refuge", "sanctuary", "zoar" ], "word": "haven", "num_translations": 79 }, "amplifier": { "senses": [ "Anything that amplifies, or makes something larger or more intense", "An adverb that adds intensity, such as \"really\" or \"totally\"", "An appliance or circuit that increases the strength of a weak electrical signal without changing the other characteristics of the signal", "A portable encasement that houses a large speaker, used to amplify voices and musical instruments at live performances", "A lens that enlarges the field of vision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "amplifier", "num_translations": 42 }, "impedance": { "senses": [ "The act of impeding", "that which impedes", "a hindrance", "A measure of the opposition to the flow of an alternating current in a circuit", "the aggregation of its resistance, and inductive and capacitive reactances", "the ratio of voltage to current treated as complex quantities", "a measure of the opposition caused by differences between two paradigms, especially between object-oriented development and relational databases" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impedance", "num_translations": 23 }, "shortcircuit": { "senses": [ "A usually unintentional connection of low resistance or impedance in a circuit such that excessive and often damaging current flows in it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "short" ], "word": "shortcircuit", "num_translations": 33 }, "shortcircuit1": { "senses": [ "to force termination of an ongoing process before its natural conclusion by bypassing one or more intermediary steps", "to terminate a loop before the declared termination condition is met or a conditional before all conditions have been tested for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "short out" ], "word": "shortcircuit", "num_translations": 10 }, "deadbeat": { "senses": [ "A lazy and/or irresponsible person who is often unemployed, often depending upon wealthy or otherwise financially independent people for support", "A person who defaults on debts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idler", "shirker" ], "word": "deadbeat", "num_translations": 14 }, "homeland": { "senses": [ "The country that one regards as home", "One's country of residence", "One's country of birth", "The traditional territory of an ethnic group", "An area set aside for black South Africans under the policy of apartheid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "homeland", "num_translations": 130 }, "diphtheria": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Boulogne sore throat", "strangling angel", "diphtheritis" ], "word": "diphtheria", "num_translations": 41 }, "irregularity": { "senses": [ "An instance of being irregular", "The state or condition of being irregular, or the extent to which something is irregular", "An object or event that is not regular or ordinary", "A violation of rules", "Irregular bowel movement" ], "antonyms": [ "regularity" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonuniformity" ], "word": "irregularity", "num_translations": 50 }, "scared": { "senses": [ "Feeling fear", "afraid, frightened" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:afraid" ], "word": "scared", "num_translations": 66 }, "inheritance": { "senses": [ "The passing of title to an estate upon death", "That which a person is entitled to inherit, by law or testament", "The act or mechanism of inheriting", "the state of having inherited", "The biological attributes passed hereditarily from ancestors to their offspring", "The mechanism whereby parts of a superclass are available to instances of its subclass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inheritance", "num_translations": 97 }, "tirade": { "senses": [ "A long, angry or violent speech", "a diatribe", "A section of verse concerning a single theme", "a laisse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diatribe", "laisse", "Thesaurus:diatribe" ], "word": "tirade", "num_translations": 20 }, "bonnet": { "senses": [ "A type of hat, once worn by women or children, held in place by ribbons tied under the chin", "A traditional Scottish woollen brimless cap", "a bunnet", "The polishing head of a power buffer, often made of wool", "The hinged cover over the engine of a motor car", "a hood", "A length of canvas attached to a fore-and-aft sail to increase the pulling power", "An accomplice of a gambler, auctioneer, etc, who entices others to bet or to bid", "The second stomach of a ruminant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tam o'shanter", "hood" ], "word": "bonnet", "num_translations": 63 }, "sclera": { "senses": [ "The white of the eye It is the tough outer coat of the eye that covers the eyeball except for the cornea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sclerotic", "sclerotic coat" ], "word": "sclera", "num_translations": 23 }, "vagusnerve": { "senses": [ "Either of the tenth pair of cranial nerves, which extends from the brainstem down into the abdomen Branches of these important nerves supply the tongue, larynx, lungs, gut, and heart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nervus vagus", "pneumogastric nerve", "tenth cranial nerve", "wandering nerve" ], "word": "vagusnerve", "num_translations": 16 }, "recreation": { "senses": [ "Any activity, such as play, that amuses, diverts or stimulates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leisure" ], "word": "recreation", "num_translations": 52 }, "indifference": { "senses": [ "The state of being indifferent", "Unbiased impartiality", "Unemotional apathy", "A lack of enthusiasm", "Unconcerned nonchalance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "indifference", "num_translations": 40 }, "distancelearning": { "senses": [ "Education obtained remotely, often involving written correspondence material together with audio-visual material transmitted via the internet and, sometimes, summer schools and local tutorials" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "distance education" ], "word": "distancelearning", "num_translations": 26 }, "serrated": { "senses": [ "Notched or cut like a saw", "Having a row of sharp or tooth-like projections" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jagged" ], "word": "serrated", "num_translations": 34 }, "encounter1": { "senses": [ "A meeting, especially one that is unplanned or unexpected", "A hostile, often violent meeting", "a confrontation, skirmish, or clash, as between combatants", "A match between two opposing sides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clash", "confrontation", "brush", "skirmish" ], "word": "encounter", "num_translations": 44 }, "indemnity": { "senses": [ "Security from damage, loss, or penalty", "An obligation or duty upon an individual to incur the losses of another", "Repayment", "compensation for loss or injury", "The right of an injured party to shift the loss onto the party responsible for the loss", "A principle of insurance which provides that when a loss occurs, the insured should be restored to the approximate financial condition occupied before the loss occurred, no better, no worse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "indemnity", "num_translations": 42 }, "magistrate": { "senses": [ "A high official of the state or a municipality in ancient Greece or Rome", "A comparable official in medieval or modern institutions", "A master's degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "justiciary", "See" ], "word": "magistrate", "num_translations": 25 }, "encumbrance": { "senses": [ "Something that encumbers", "a burden that must be carried", "An interest, right, burden, or liability attached to a title of land, such as a lien or mortgage", "One who is dependent on another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "encumberment" ], "word": "encumbrance", "num_translations": 32 }, "astigmatism": { "senses": [ "A defect of a lens such that light rays coming from a point do not meet at a focal point so that the image is blurred", "A disorder of the vision, usually due to a misshapen cornea, such that light does not focus correctly on the retina causing a blurred image" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "astigmia" ], "word": "astigmatism", "num_translations": 42 }, "garner1": { "senses": [ "To reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary", "To gather, amass, hoard, as if harvesting grain", "To earn", "to get", "to accumulate or acquire by some effort or due to some fact", "To gather or become gathered", "to accumulate or become accumulated", "to become stored" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "garner", "num_translations": 14 }, "pussy-cat": { "senses": [ "A cat", "a pussy", "A gentle or soft-hearted person", "The silky catkin of various willows", "A sexy woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cat", "wimp" ], "word": "pussy-cat", "num_translations": 41 }, "roller": { "senses": [ "Anything that rolls", "A long wide bandage used in surgery", "A large, wide, curling wave that falls back on itself as it breaks on a coast", "A bird", "A police patrol car or patrolman", "A padded surcingle that is used on horses for training and vaulting", "A roll of titles or credits played over film or video", "television or film credits", "A wheelchair user" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "roller", "num_translations": 69 }, "runout1": { "senses": [ "To use up", "to consume all of something", "To expire", "to come to an end", "to be completely used up or consumed", "to be got out in this way", "To extend a piece of material, or clothing", "To conclude in, to end up", "To force into a new location or state of being" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "runout", "num_translations": 38 }, "bitterness": { "senses": [ "The quality of having a bitter taste", "The quality of feeling bitter", "acrimony, resentment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acerbicness", "acrimony" ], "word": "bitterness", "num_translations": 77 }, "haemophilia": { "senses": [ "Any of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body's ability to control bleeding, usually passed from mother to son" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bleeder's disease", "Christmas disease" ], "word": "haemophilia", "num_translations": 31 }, "dyspepsia": { "senses": [ "Any mild disorder of digestion, characterised by stomach pain, discomfort, heartburn and nausea, often following a meal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indigestion" ], "word": "dyspepsia", "num_translations": 10 }, "sensory": { "senses": [ "Of the senses or sensation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sensely" ], "word": "sensory", "num_translations": 24 }, "inadvertently": { "senses": [ "unintentionally, because of an oversight" ], "antonyms": [ "advertently", "advert" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inadvertently", "num_translations": 38 }, "indigence": { "senses": [ "extreme poverty or destitution" ], "antonyms": [ "affluence" ], "synonyms": [ "indigency" ], "word": "indigence", "num_translations": 16 }, "indeterminate": { "senses": [ "Not accurately determined or determinable", "Imprecise or vague", "Not definitively or precisely determined, because of the presence of infinity or zero symbols used in any of several improper combinations", "With no genetically defined end, and thus theoretically limitless", "Not topped with some form of terminal bud", "Intersex", "Designed to allow the incorporation of future changes whose nature is not yet known" ], "antonyms": [ "determinate" ], "synonyms": [ "indeterminant" ], "word": "indeterminate", "num_translations": 10 }, "implacable": { "senses": [ "Not able to be placated or appeased", "Impossible to prevent or stop", "inexorable, unrelenting, unstoppable", "Adamant", "immovable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "implacable", "num_translations": 53 }, "impermeable": { "senses": [ "Impossible to permeate", "Not allowing passage, especially of liquids", "waterproof" ], "antonyms": [ "permeable" ], "synonyms": [ "sealed" ], "word": "impermeable", "num_translations": 26 }, "judicious": { "senses": [ "Having, characterized by, or done with good judgment or sound thinking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sagacious" ], "word": "judicious", "num_translations": 22 }, "vintner": { "senses": [ "A seller of wine", "A manufacturer of wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "winemaker" ], "word": "vintner", "num_translations": 23 }, "sleightofhand": { "senses": [ "The required digital dexterity behind magic tricks and illusions", "A performance of such skill", "Any form of skillful deception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "legerdemain", "prestidigitation" ], "word": "sleightofhand", "num_translations": 31 }, "commie": { "senses": [ "A communist", "a person with communist sympathies", "a supposed communist infiltrator", "synonym of \"anticapitalist\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commo" ], "word": "commie", "num_translations": 17 }, "restitution": { "senses": [ "A process of compensation for losses", "The act of making good or compensating for loss or injury", "A return or restoration to a previous condition or position", "That which is offered or given in return for what has been lost, injured, or destroyed", "compensation", "The movement of rotation which usually occurs in childbirth after the head has been delivered, and which causes the latter to point towards the side to which it was directed at the beginning of labour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recompense" ], "word": "restitution", "num_translations": 18 }, "lobotomy": { "senses": [ "A surgical operation on the frontal lobe of the brain intent on treating certain mental illnesses", "The severing of the prefrontal cortex from the thalamic region of the brain", "The severing of the sympathetic nerve trunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leucotomy" ], "word": "lobotomy", "num_translations": 21 }, "germane1": { "senses": [ "germanium tetrahydride, GeH4", "Any organic derivative of this compound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "germanium tetrahydride", "germanomethane", "monogermane" ], "word": "germane", "num_translations": 12 }, "dispense": { "senses": [ "To issue, distribute, or give out", "To apply, as laws to particular cases", "to administer", "to execute", "to manage", "to direct", "To supply or make up a medicine or prescription", "To give a dispensation to", "to excuse", "To compensate", "to make up", "to make amends" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dispense", "num_translations": 53 }, "heartburn": { "senses": [ "A burning pain in the chest that is caused by stomach acid entering the gullet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acid reflux", "cardialgia", "gastroesophageal reflux", "pyrosis" ], "word": "heartburn", "num_translations": 49 }, "lungfish": { "senses": [ "air-breathing fish, of the class Dipnoi, that have four limblike appendages instead of fins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dipnoan" ], "word": "lungfish", "num_translations": 19 }, "carbuncle": { "senses": [ "A deep-red or fiery colored garnet or other dark red precious stone, especially when cut cabochon", "A charge or bearing supposed to represent the precious stone, with eight sceptres or staves radiating from a common centre", "An abscess larger than a boil, usually with one or more openings draining pus onto the skin It is usually caused by bacterial infection", "An unpopular or ugly building", "an eyesore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "carbuncle", "num_translations": 43 }, "trammel": { "senses": [ "Whatever impedes activity, progress, or freedom, such as a net or shackle", "A fishing net that has large mesh at the edges and smaller mesh in the middle", "A kind of net for catching birds, fishes, or other prey", "A set of rings or other hanging devices, attached to a transverse bar suspended over a fire, used to hang cooking pots etc", "A net for confining a woman's hair", "A kind of shackle used for regulating the motions of a horse and making it amble", "An instrument for drawing ellipses, one part of which consists of a cross with two grooves at right angles to each other, the other being a beam carrying two pins , and also the describing pencil", "A beam compass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trammel", "num_translations": 21 }, "disgraceful": { "senses": [ "Bringing or warranting disgrace", "shameful", "Giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:despicable" ], "word": "disgraceful", "num_translations": 44 }, "chit-chat": { "senses": [ "Gossip", "mindless banter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chinwag", "claver", "Thesaurus:chatter" ], "word": "chit-chat", "num_translations": 22 }, "bicker": { "senses": [ "To quarrel in a tiresome, insulting manner", "To brawl or move tremulously, quiver, shimmer", "To patter", "To skirmish", "to exchange blows", "to fight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wrangle", "Thesaurus:squabble" ], "word": "bicker", "num_translations": 31 }, "thickness": { "senses": [ "The property of being thick", "A measure of how thick something is", "A layer", "The quality of being thick", "The property of being thick" ], "antonyms": [ "fluidity", "mental acuity", "mental agility", "quick-wittedness", "sharpness" ], "synonyms": [ "fatness", "depth", "layer", "density", "denseness" ], "word": "thickness", "num_translations": 64 }, "gaudy": { "senses": [ "very showy or ornamented, now especially when excessive, or in a tasteless or vulgar manner", "fun", "merry", "festive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tawdry", "Thesaurus:gaudy" ], "word": "gaudy", "num_translations": 59 }, "geezer": { "senses": [ "A male person", "Someone affable but morally dubious", "a wide boy", "Informal address to a male", "An old person, usually a male, typically a cranky old man", "A device for boiling water for such domestic uses as heating or washing", "a boiler The normal spelling is water geyser", "Wife", "old woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "geezer", "num_translations": 78 }, "yashmak": { "senses": [ "A veil worn by Muslim women to cover parts of the face when they are in public" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "niqab" ], "word": "yashmak", "num_translations": 44 }, "highlander": { "senses": [ "A person who inhabits the Scottish Highlands", "Any person who lives in mountainous or hilly terrain" ], "antonyms": [ "lowlander" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "highlander", "num_translations": 25 }, "scarletfever": { "senses": [ "A streptococcal infection, mainly occurring among children, and characterized by a red skin rash, sore throat and fever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scarlatina" ], "word": "scarletfever", "num_translations": 27 }, "dropsy": { "senses": [ "Swelling, edema, often from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water sickness" ], "word": "dropsy", "num_translations": 24 }, "rubella": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epidemic roseola", "French measles", "German measles", "Liberty measles", "three-day measles", "3-day measles", "false measles" ], "word": "rubella", "num_translations": 29 }, "suspense": { "senses": [ "The condition of being suspended", "cessation for a time", "the pleasurable emotion of anticipation and excitement regarding the outcome or climax of a book, film etc", "The unpleasant emotion of anxiety or apprehension in an uncertain situation", "A temporary cessation of one's right", "suspension, as when the rent or other profits of land cease by unity of possession of land and rent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suspense", "num_translations": 22 }, "rarefied": { "senses": [ "Distant from the lives and everyday concerns of ordinary people", "esoteric, exclusive, select", "Elevated in style or nature, sublime", "of high intellectual or moral value", "Less dense than usual", "thin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rarefied", "num_translations": 19 }, "penance": { "senses": [ "A voluntary self-imposed punishment for a sinful act or wrongdoing It may be intended to serve as reparation for the act", "A sacrament in some Christian churches", "Any instrument of self-punishment", "repentance", "pain", "sorrow", "suffering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penitence", "atonement" ], "word": "penance", "num_translations": 42 }, "deviant1": { "senses": [ "A person who deviates, especially from norms of social behavior", "A thing, phenomenon, or trend that deviates from an expectation or pattern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heteroclite", "abnormality" ], "word": "deviant", "num_translations": 18 }, "meanwhile1": { "senses": [ "During the time that something is happening", "At the same time, but elsewhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in the meantime", "in the meantime" ], "word": "meanwhile", "num_translations": 91 }, "obviously": { "senses": [ "In a obvious or clearly apparent manner", "Used as a filler word, or to introduce information even when not obvious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apparently" ], "word": "obviously", "num_translations": 60 }, "newborn1": { "senses": [ "A recently born baby" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neonate" ], "word": "newborn", "num_translations": 38 }, "destroyer": { "senses": [ "That which destroys something", "A small, fast warship with light armament, smaller than a cruiser, but bigger than a frigate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "devastator" ], "word": "destroyer", "num_translations": 69 }, "demolish": { "senses": [ "To destroy", "To defeat or consume utterly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:destroy" ], "word": "demolish", "num_translations": 51 }, "reasonably": { "senses": [ "In accordance with reason", "Fairly", "satisfactorily", "not extremely", "Quite", "fairly", "satisfactorily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reasonably", "num_translations": 40 }, "goon": { "senses": [ "To continue in extent", "To continue an action", "To proceed", "To talk about a subject frequently or at great length", "To use and adopt in order to understand an issue, make a decision, etc", "To happen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "goon", "num_translations": 43 }, "charitable": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to charity", "Kind, generous", "Having a purpose or character of a charity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eleemosynary" ], "word": "charitable", "num_translations": 37 }, "man-made": { "senses": [ "Created by people, as opposed to occurring in nature", "artificial or synthetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "human-made" ], "word": "man-made", "num_translations": 27 }, "lunatic": { "senses": [ "An insane person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moonling", "Thesaurus:mad person" ], "word": "lunatic", "num_translations": 51 }, "lunatic1": { "senses": [ "Crazed, mad, insane, demented" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crazed" ], "word": "lunatic", "num_translations": 13 }, "honorable": { "senses": [ "Worthy of respect", "respectable", "A courtesy title, given in Britain and the Commonwealth to a cabinet minister, minister of state, or senator, and in the United States to the president, vice president, congresspeople, state governors and legislators, and mayors" ], "antonyms": [ "despicable", "contemptible", "mean" ], "synonyms": [ "venerable", "noble" ], "word": "honorable", "num_translations": 43 }, "illustrious": { "senses": [ "Admired, distinguished, respected, or well-known, especially due to past achievements or noble qualities" ], "antonyms": [ "forgotten", "overlooked", "unadmired", "undistinguished", "unrespected" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "illustrious", "num_translations": 50 }, "fortify": { "senses": [ "To increase the defenses of", "to strengthen and secure by military works", "to render defensible against an attack by hostile forces", "To impart strength or vigor to", "To add spirits to wine to increase the alcohol content", "To increase the nutritional value of food by adding ingredients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "castellate", "Thesaurus:strengthen" ], "word": "fortify", "num_translations": 64 }, "airway": { "senses": [ "The trachea", "A flight path used by aeroplanes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trachea", "windpipe" ], "word": "airway", "num_translations": 12 }, "prolonged": { "senses": [ "lengthy in duration", "extended", "protracted" ], "antonyms": [ "brief" ], "synonyms": [ "enduring" ], "word": "prolonged", "num_translations": 27 }, "toboggan": { "senses": [ "A long sled without runners, with the front end curled upwards, which may be pulled across snow by a cord or used to coast down hills", "A similar sled of wood, pulled by dogs, possibly with steel runners, made to transport cargo", "Something which, once it starts going downhill, is unstoppable until it reaches the bottom", "A knit cap, designed to provide warmth in cold weather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sled", "sledge" ], "word": "toboggan", "num_translations": 18 }, "festive": { "senses": [ "Having the atmosphere, decoration, or attitude of a festival, holiday, or celebration", "In the mood to celebrate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feastful", "feastly" ], "word": "festive", "num_translations": 21 }, "speedy": { "senses": [ "rapid", "swift" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fast", "Thesaurus:speedy" ], "word": "speedy", "num_translations": 28 }, "cavein": { "senses": [ "The act of something collapsing or caving in", "The location where something has caved in", "The act of relenting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "act of collapse", "site of a collapse", "act of relenting" ], "word": "cavein", "num_translations": 10 }, "squawk": { "senses": [ "A shrill noise, especially made by a voice or bird", "a yell, scream, or call", "A four-digit transponder code used by aircraft for identification or transmission of emergency signals", "An issue or complaint related to aircraft maintenance", "The American night heron", "A warning message indicating a possible error" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squawk", "num_translations": 31 }, "squawk1": { "senses": [ "to yell, scream, or call out shrilly", "To speak out", "to protest", "To report an infraction", "to rat on or tattle", "to disclose a secret", "To produce a warning message, indicating a possible error", "To set or transmit a four-digit transponder code", "To back out in a mean way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "squawk", "num_translations": 23 }, "poliomyelitis": { "senses": [ "Acute infection by the poliovirus, especially of the motor neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem, leading to muscle weakness, paralysis and sometimes deformity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infantile paralysis" ], "word": "poliomyelitis", "num_translations": 45 }, "quadriceps": { "senses": [ "A muscle having four heads, especially the large extensor at the front of the thigh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quads" ], "word": "quadriceps", "num_translations": 10 }, "tricolour": { "senses": [ "A flag consisting of three stripes that are either vertical or horizontal", "all of equal size, and of a different colour each" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trichromatic", "trichrome" ], "word": "tricolour", "num_translations": 53 }, "bicepsbrachii": { "senses": [ "The flexor in the upper arm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biceps" ], "word": "bicepsbrachii", "num_translations": 28 }, "socket": { "senses": [ "An opening into which a plug or other connecting part is designed to fit", "A hollow into a bone which a part fits, such as an eye, or another bone, in the case of a joint", "One endpoint of a two-way communication link, used for interprocess communication across a network", "One endpoint of a two-way named pipe on Unix and Unix-like systems, used for interprocess communication", "A hollow tool for grasping and lifting tools dropped in a well-boring", "The hollow of a candlestick", "A steel apparatus attached to a saddle to protect the thighs and legs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "socket", "num_translations": 141 }, "inaccurate": { "senses": [ "Mistaken or incorrect", "not accurate" ], "antonyms": [ "accurate" ], "synonyms": [ "incorrect", "wrong" ], "word": "inaccurate", "num_translations": 13 }, "emphysema": { "senses": [ "An abnormal accumulation of air or other gas in tissues, most commonly the lungs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pneumatosis" ], "word": "emphysema", "num_translations": 14 }, "thalamus": { "senses": [ "Either of two large, ovoid structures of grey matter within the forebrain that relay sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex", "The receptacle of a flower", "a torus", "A thallus", "An inner room or nuptial chamber" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thalamus", "num_translations": 31 }, "annulus": { "senses": [ "A ring- or donut-shaped area or structure", "The region in a plane between two concentric circles of different radius", "Any topological space homeomorphic to the region in a plane between two concentric circles of different radius", "The ring of the sun not covered by the moon in an annular solar eclipse", "Structure in a fern that consists of differentially thick-walled cells on a sporangium that bend and distort as a result of drying", "The membranous remnants of a partial veil which leaves a ring on the stem of a mushroom", "The space contained between the centre well bore and any external tubing Sometimes used for separated gas flow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cylinder" ], "word": "annulus", "num_translations": 31 }, "comminution": { "senses": [ "The breaking or grinding up of a material to form smaller particles", "The fracture of a bone site in multiple pieces", "crumbling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crushing" ], "word": "comminution", "num_translations": 13 }, "insolvent": { "senses": [ "Unable to pay one's bills as they fall due", "Owing more than one has in assets", "Not sufficient to pay all the debts of the owner" ], "antonyms": [ "solvent" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "insolvent", "num_translations": 24 }, "prehistoric": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the epoch before written record", "synonym of \"ancient\": very old, nonmodern, unfashionable, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ante-historic" ], "word": "prehistoric", "num_translations": 38 }, "embarrassed": { "senses": [ "Having a feeling of shameful discomfort", "Impeded", "obstructed" ], "antonyms": [ "honored" ], "synonyms": [ "ashamed" ], "word": "embarrassed", "num_translations": 45 }, "coranglais": { "senses": [ "A double-reed woodwind instrument in the oboe family that is pitched in F, one fifth lower than the oboe and is consequently approximately one third longer than the oboe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English horn" ], "word": "coranglais", "num_translations": 57 }, "galvanize": { "senses": [ "To coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means", "To coat with rust-resistant zinc", "To shock or stimulate into sudden activity, as if by electric shock", "To electrify", "To switch sides between Union and Confederate in the American Civil War" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "galvanize", "num_translations": 66 }, "inaddition": { "senses": [ "Also", "as well", "besides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "addedly", "additionally", "further", "furthermore" ], "word": "inaddition", "num_translations": 51 }, "relay": { "senses": [ "A new set of hounds", "A new set of horses kept along a specific route so that they can replace animals that are tired", "A new set of anything", "A series of vehicles travelling in sequence", "A track and field discipline where runners take turns in carrying a baton from start to finish Most common events are 4x100 meter and 4x400 meter competitions", "An electrical actuator that allows a relatively small electrical voltage or current to control a larger voltage or current" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "relay", "num_translations": 51 }, "relay1": { "senses": [ "To release a new set of hounds", "to change horses", "To pass on or transfer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "convey" ], "word": "relay", "num_translations": 18 }, "holler": { "senses": [ "A yell, shout", "By extension, any communication to get somebody's attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hollering", "cry", "howl", "hurl", "scream", "shout" ], "word": "holler", "num_translations": 28 }, "holler1": { "senses": [ "To yell or shout", "To call out one or more words", "To complain, gripe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shout", "Thesaurus:shout", "Thesaurus:complain" ], "word": "holler", "num_translations": 21 }, "cerebralcortex": { "senses": [ "The grey, folded, outermost layer of the cerebrum that is responsible for higher brain processes such as sensation, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning, and memory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pallium", "Thesaurus:cerebral cortex" ], "word": "cerebralcortex", "num_translations": 25 }, "rheumatoidarthritis": { "senses": [ "A chronic and progressive disease in which the immune system attacks the joints It is characterised by pain, inflammation and swelling of the joints, stiffness, weakness, loss of mobility and deformity Tissues throughout the body can be affected, including the skin, blood vessels, heart, lungs, and muscles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atrophic arthritis" ], "word": "rheumatoidarthritis", "num_translations": 15 }, "circumscribe": { "senses": [ "To draw a line around", "to encircle", "To limit narrowly", "to restrict", "To draw the smallest circle or higher-dimensional sphere that has in its interior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "circumscribe", "num_translations": 52 }, "percentagepoint": { "senses": [ "One hundredth of a given value, used to measure the difference of two percentages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ppt", "pp", "%p" ], "word": "percentagepoint", "num_translations": 15 }, "trojanhorse1": { "senses": [ "A subversive person or device placed within the ranks of the enemy", "A malicious program that is disguised as legitimate software", "A seemingly favorable offer designed to trick customers into making exorbitant payments", "A person, organization, social movement, piece of legislation, or ideology with a negative agenda or evil intentions under the guise of positive values or good intentions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Trojan" ], "word": "Trojanhorse", "num_translations": 35 }, "pullout": { "senses": [ "To withdraw", "especially of military forces", "to retreat", "To use coitus interruptus as a method of birth control", "To remove something from a container", "To maneuver a vehicle from the side of a road onto the lane", "To draw out or lengthen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whip out" ], "word": "pullout", "num_translations": 29 }, "lessor": { "senses": [ "The owner of property that is leased" ], "antonyms": [ "lessee" ], "synonyms": [ "landlord" ], "word": "lessor", "num_translations": 15 }, "revolt": { "senses": [ "To rebel, particularly against authority", "To repel greatly", "To cause to turn back", "to roll or drive back", "to put to flight", "To be disgusted, shocked, or grossly offended", "hence, to feel nausea", "used with at", "To turn away", "to abandon or reject something", "specifically, to turn away, or shrink, with abhorrence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "revolt", "num_translations": 30 }, "slippery": { "senses": [ "Of a surface, having low friction, often due to being covered in a non-viscous liquid, and therefore hard to grip, hard to stand on without falling, etc", "Evasive", "difficult to pin down", "Liable to slip", "not standing firm", "Unstable", "changeable", "inconstant", "Wanton", "unchaste", "loose in morals" ], "antonyms": [ "sticky" ], "synonyms": [ "greasy" ], "word": "slippery", "num_translations": 99 }, "smear": { "senses": [ "To spread across a surface by rubbing", "To damage someone's reputation by slandering, misrepresenting, or otherwise making false accusations about an individual, their statements, or their actions", "To climb without using footholds, using the friction from the shoe to stay on the wall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spread", "coat" ], "word": "smear", "num_translations": 88 }, "smear1": { "senses": [ "Any of various forms of distortion that make a signal harder to see or hear", "A false attack", "A maneuver in which the shoe is placed onto the holdless rock, and the friction from the shoe keeps it in contact", "A rough glissando in jazz music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "streak", "Pap smear" ], "word": "smear", "num_translations": 12 }, "suppress": { "senses": [ "To put an end to, especially with force, to crush, do away with", "to prohibit, subdue", "To restrain or repress, such as laughter or an expression", "To exclude undesirable thoughts from one's mind", "To prevent publication", "To stop a flow or stream", "To forbid the use of evidence at trial because it is improper or was improperly obtained", "To reduce unwanted frequencies in a signal", "To hold in place, to keep low" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suppress", "num_translations": 57 }, "diversity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being diverse or different", "difference or unlikeness", "A variety", "diverse types or examples" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonuniformity", "selection" ], "word": "diversity", "num_translations": 51 }, "openness": { "senses": [ "Accommodating attitude or opinion, as in receptivity to new ideas, behaviors, cultures, peoples, environments, experiences, etc, different from the familiar, conventional, traditional, or one's own", "The degree to which a person, group, organization, institution, or society exhibits this liberal attitude or opinion", "Lack of secrecy", "candour, transparency", "degree of accessibility to view, use, and modify in a shared environment with legal rights generally held in common and preventing proprietary restrictions on the right of others to continue viewing, using, modifying and sharing", "The degree to which a system operates with distinct boundaries across which exchange occurs capable of inducing change in the system while maintaining the boundaries themselves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "open-mindedness" ], "word": "openness", "num_translations": 17 }, "rainbowtrout": { "senses": [ "A trout of the species Oncorhynchus mykiss, that has black spots and a pink streak running along the body", "The fish as food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hardhead" ], "word": "rainbowtrout", "num_translations": 29 }, "brooktrout": { "senses": [ "A fish of the subspecies Salmo trutta fario, the brown trout", "A fish of the species Salvelinus fontinalis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eastern brook trout", "speckled trout", "squaretail", "coaster trout" ], "word": "brooktrout", "num_translations": 14 }, "tuxedo": { "senses": [ "A typically black formal jacket worn by men", "The entire suit complementing and including this jacket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dinner jacket", "black tie" ], "word": "tuxedo", "num_translations": 65 }, "happily": { "senses": [ "By chance", "perhaps", "By good chance", "fortunately, successfully", "In a happy or cheerful manner", "with happiness", "With good will", "in all happiness", "willingly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "happily", "num_translations": 76 }, "heartily": { "senses": [ "In a hearty manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "with a will", "agood" ], "word": "heartily", "num_translations": 17 }, "passively": { "senses": [ "In a passive manner", "without conscious or self-directed action", "In an acquiescent manner", "resignedly or submissively", "In the passive voice", "having a passive construction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "automatically", "resignedly" ], "word": "passively", "num_translations": 19 }, "bespeak": { "senses": [ "To speak about", "tell of", "relate", "discuss", "To speak for beforehand", "engage in advance", "make arrangements for", "order or reserve in advance", "To stipulate, solicit, ask for, or request, as in a favour", "To forbode", "foretell", "To speak to", "address", "To betoken", "show", "indicate", "foretell", "suggest", "allude to", "To speak up or out", "exclaim", "speak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bespeak", "num_translations": 40 }, "bellwether": { "senses": [ "The leading sheep of a flock, having a bell hung round its neck", "Anything that indicates future trends", "A stock or bond that is widely believed to be an indicator of the overall market's condition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gauge", "indicator", "sign" ], "word": "bellwether", "num_translations": 24 }, "catastrophic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a catastrophe", "Disastrous", "ruinous" ], "antonyms": [ "anastrophic" ], "synonyms": [ "catastrophal" ], "word": "catastrophic", "num_translations": 46 }, "intolerant": { "senses": [ "Unable or indisposed to tolerate, endure or bear", "Not tolerant", "close-minded about new or different ideas", "indisposed to tolerate contrary opinions or beliefs", "impatient of dissent or opposition", "denying or refusing the right of private opinion or choice in others", "inclined to persecute or suppress dissent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intolerant", "num_translations": 24 }, "forestry": { "senses": [ "The science of planting and growing trees in forests", "The art and practice of planting and growing trees in forests", "The art and practice of cultivating, exploiting and renewing forests for commercial purposes", "Commercial tree farming", "A tree farm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "silviculture" ], "word": "forestry", "num_translations": 63 }, "authenticity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original", "Truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, and intentions", "The quality of being authentic" ], "antonyms": [ "phoniness" ], "synonyms": [ "genuineness" ], "word": "authenticity", "num_translations": 36 }, "rug": { "senses": [ "A partial covering for a floor", "A piece of fabric used for warmth", "a blanket", "A kind of coarse, heavy frieze, formerly used for clothing", "A cloak or mantle made of such a frieze", "A cloth covering for a horse", "A dense layer of natural vegetation that precludes the growth of crops", "The female pubic hair", "A rough, woolly, or shaggy dog", "A wig", "a hairpiece", "A dense growth of chest hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carpet", "toupee" ], "word": "rug", "num_translations": 73 }, "trellis": { "senses": [ "An outdoor garden frame that can be used for partitioning a common area", "An outdoor garden frame that can be used to grow vines or other climbing plants", "A kind of graph, used in communication theory and encryption, whose nodes are ordered into vertical slices by time, with each node at each time connected to at least one node at an earlier and at least one node at a later time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "treillage" ], "word": "trellis", "num_translations": 33 }, "cockatrice": { "senses": [ "A legendary creature about the size and shape of a dragon or wyvern, but in appearance resembling a giant rooster, with some lizard-like characteristics", "Mistress, harlot", "A snake or serpent that appears to be hatched of a rooster, or cock's, egg", "The cobra", "Any venomous or deadly thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cockatrice", "num_translations": 14 }, "troy": { "senses": [ "An ancient city in what is now northwestern Turkey", "city/county seat co/Pike County s/Alabama c/USA", "small city/county seat co/Doniphan County s/Kansas c/USA", "city s/Michigan", "city/county seat co/Lincoln County s/Missouri c/USA", "city/county seat co/Rensselaer County s/New York c/USA", "town/county seat co/Montgomery County s/North Carolina c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ilium" ], "word": "Troy", "num_translations": 103 }, "washcloth": { "senses": [ "A small cloth used to wash the face and body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "face cloth", "face washer", "flannel" ], "word": "washcloth", "num_translations": 18 }, "morbid": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to disease", "Taking an interest in unhealthy or unwholesome subjects such as death, decay, disease", "Suggesting the horror of death", "macabre or ghoulish", "Grisly or gruesome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pathological", "sick", "black", "bloody" ], "word": "morbid", "num_translations": 53 }, "mutation": { "senses": [ "Any alteration or change", "Any heritable change of the base-pair sequence of genetic material", "A mutant", "An alteration a particular sound of a word, especially the initial consonant, which is triggered by the word's morphological or syntactic context and not by its phonological context", "A group of thrushes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mutation", "num_translations": 51 }, "sector": { "senses": [ "section", "zone", "part of a circle, extending to the center", "fixed-sized unit of sequential data stored on a track of a digital medium", "an area designated by boundaries within which a unit operates, and for which it is responsible", "one of the subdivisions of a coastal frontier", "a fictional region of space designated for navigational or governance purposes", "an instrument consisting of two rulers of equal length joined by a hinge", "a field of economic activity", "A toothed gear whose face is the arc of a circle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sector", "num_translations": 54 }, "rounded1": { "senses": [ "Made into a circle or sphere", "Complete or balanced", "Describing a number that has been changed to its nearest desired value", "Ending in a broad arch", "Pronounced with the lips drawn together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rounded", "num_translations": 22 }, "clump": { "senses": [ "A cluster or lump", "an unshaped piece or mass", "A thick group or bunch, especially of bushes or hair", "A dull thud", "The compressed clay of coal strata", "A small group of trees or plants", "A thick addition to the sole of a shoe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clump", "num_translations": 33 }, "gloom": { "senses": [ "Darkness, dimness or obscurity", "A melancholic, depressing or despondent atmosphere", "Cloudiness or heaviness of mind", "melancholy", "aspect of sorrow", "low spirits", "dullness", "A drying oven used in gunpowder manufacture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gloom", "num_translations": 64 }, "oilcloth": { "senses": [ "A fabric or cloth treated on one side with a waterproof covering, especially one made from linseed oil etc", "used for flooring, tablecloths, kitchen shelves and sometimes furniture covering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American cloth", "linoleum", "leathercloth" ], "word": "oilcloth", "num_translations": 17 }, "islet": { "senses": [ "A small island", "An isolated piece of tissue that has a specific function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eyot" ], "word": "islet", "num_translations": 55 }, "clinker": { "senses": [ "A very hard brick used for paving customarily made in the Netherlands", "A mass of bricks fused together by intense heat", "Slag or ash produced by intense heat in a furnace, kiln or boiler that forms a hard residue upon cooling", "An intermediate product in the manufacture of Portland cement, obtained by sintering limestone and alumino-silicate materials such as clay into nodules in a cement kiln", "Hardened volcanic lava", "A scum of oxide of iron formed in forging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clinker", "num_translations": 17 }, "atlanta": { "senses": [ "capital city s/Georgia c/US", "community co/Kings County p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "community ar:Suf/South Caribbean Coast c/Nicaragua", "unincorporated community co/Columbia County s/Arkansas c/USA", "unincorporated community co/San Joaquin County s/California c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Sussex County s/Delaware c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Elmore County s/Idaho c/USA", "small city co/Logan County s/Illinois", "small town twp/Jackson Township co/Hamilton County s/Indiana", "tiny city co/Cowley County s/Kansas", "unincorporated community co/Laurel County s/Kentucky c/USA", "village par/Winn Parish s/Louisiana", "CDP/county seat co/Montmorency County s/Michigan", "unincorporated community co/Chickasaw County s/Mississippi c/USA", "tiny city co/Macon County s/Missouri", "village co/Phelps County s/Nebraska", "hamlet town:pref/Cohocton co/Steuben County s/New York", "unincorporated community co/Pickaway County s/Ohio c/USA", "city co/Cass County s/Texas", "small town co/Rusk County s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Atlanta", "num_translations": 18 }, "goldeneye": { "senses": [ "Any of several seaducks, of the genus Bucephala, having black and white plumage", "Any of several lacewings of the family Chrysopidae", "Any of several flowering plants of the subtribe Helianthinae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whistler", "green lacewing" ], "word": "goldeneye", "num_translations": 28 }, "friable": { "senses": [ "Easily broken into small fragments, crumbled, or reduced to powder", "Loose and large-grained in consistency", "Likely to crumble and become airborne, thus becoming a health risk", "smooth: that factors completely into small prime numbers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crumbly" ], "word": "friable", "num_translations": 49 }, "hinterland": { "senses": [ "The land immediately next to, and inland from, a coast", "The rural territory surrounding an urban area, especially a port", "A remote or undeveloped area, a backwater", "That which is unknown or unexplored about someone", "Anything vague or ill-defined, especially something that is ill understood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remote place", "sticks" ], "word": "hinterland", "num_translations": 48 }, "plateau": { "senses": [ "A largely level expanse of land at a high elevation", "tableland", "A comparatively stable level in something that varies", "An ornamental dish for the table", "a tray or salver", "A notable level of attainment or achievement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plateau", "num_translations": 72 }, "productive": { "senses": [ "Capable of producing something, especially in abundance", "fertile", "Yielding good or useful results", "constructive", "Of, or relating to the creation of goods or services", "Consistently applicable to any of an open set of words", "Of a cough, producing mucus or sputum from the respiratory tract", "Of inflammation, producing new tissue", "A type of set of natural numbers, related to mathematical logic" ], "antonyms": [ "counterproductive", "unproductive", "nonproductive", "destructive", "baneful", "ruinous" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:productive" ], "word": "productive", "num_translations": 67 }, "profusion": { "senses": [ "abundance", "the state of being profuse", "a cornucopia", "lavish or imprudent expenditure", "prodigality or extravagance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "profusion", "num_translations": 22 }, "parlance": { "senses": [ "A certain way of speaking, of using words, especially when it comes to those with a particular job or interest", "Speech, discussion or debate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jargon" ], "word": "parlance", "num_translations": 22 }, "heisenberguncertaintyprinciple": { "senses": [ "The principle that there is an absolute limit on the combined accuracy of certain pairs of simultaneous, related measurements, especially that of the position and momentum of a particle Originally posited as a problem of measurement, it was soon refined as an inherent property of the universe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "uncertainty principle", "indeterminacy principle", "Heisenberg principle" ], "word": "Heisenberguncertaintyprinciple", "num_translations": 14 }, "rolemodel": { "senses": [ "A person who serves as an example, whose behavior is emulated by others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exemplar" ], "word": "rolemodel", "num_translations": 40 }, "stratified": { "senses": [ "arranged in a sequence of layers or strata", "having a class structure" ], "antonyms": [ "unstratified" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "stratified", "num_translations": 11 }, "amaryllis": { "senses": [ "A similar lily in genus Hippeastrum, such as Hippeastrum puniceum, and cultivars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belladonna lily" ], "word": "amaryllis", "num_translations": 23 }, "dicotyledon": { "senses": [ "A plant whose seedling has two cotyledons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dicot", "magnoliopsid" ], "word": "dicotyledon", "num_translations": 44 }, "cotyledon": { "senses": [ "Each of the patches of vili on the foetal chorion of ruminants and some other mammals", "The leaf of the embryo of a seed-bearing plant", "after germination it becomes the first leaves of the seedling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seed leaf" ], "word": "cotyledon", "num_translations": 15 }, "seedling": { "senses": [ "A young plant grown from seed", "Any young plant, especially:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chit" ], "word": "seedling", "num_translations": 39 }, "publicrelations": { "senses": [ "Communication by a person or an organization with the purpose of creating a favorable public image", "commonly referred to as PR" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outreach" ], "word": "publicrelations", "num_translations": 40 }, "mayhem": { "senses": [ "A state or situation of great confusion, disorder, trouble or destruction", "chaos", "Infliction of violent injury on a person or thing", "The maiming of a person by depriving him of the use of any of his limbs which are necessary for defense or protection", "The crime of damaging things or harming people on purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:commotion", "Thesaurus:disorder" ], "word": "mayhem", "num_translations": 50 }, "antedate": { "senses": [ "To occur before an event or time", "to exist further back in time", "To assign a date to a document or action earlier than the actual date", "to backdate", "To find earlier citational evidence for a term" ], "antonyms": [ "postdate", "postdate" ], "synonyms": [ "predate", "backdate" ], "word": "antedate", "num_translations": 13 }, "trophy": { "senses": [ "Trop\u00e6um", "An object, usually in the form of a statuette, cup, or shield, awarded for success in a competition or to mark a special achievement", "An object taken as a prize by a hunter or conqueror, especially one that is displayed", "Any emblem of success", "a status symbol", "An object taken by a serial killer or rapist as a memento of the crime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trophy", "num_translations": 65 }, "scrutiny": { "senses": [ "Intense study of someone or something", "Thorough inspection of a situation or a case", "An examination of catechumens, in the last week of Lent, who were to receive baptism on Easter Day", "A ticket, or little paper billet, on which a vote is written", "An examination by a committee of the votes given at an election, for the purpose of correcting the poll" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "examination", "exploration", "going-over", "inquiry", "inspection", "investigation", "perusal", "probe", "scan", "survey", "study" ], "word": "scrutiny", "num_translations": 35 }, "forestall": { "senses": [ "To prevent, delay or hinder something by taking precautionary or anticipatory measures", "to avert", "To preclude or bar from happening, render impossible", "To purchase the complete supply of a good, particularly foodstuffs, in order to charge a monopoly price", "To anticipate, to act foreseeingly", "To deprive", "To obstruct or stop up, as a road", "to stop the passage of a highway", "to intercept on the road, as goods on the way to market" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "forestall", "num_translations": 19 }, "paleo-": { "senses": [ "Old", "ancient or primitive", "Related to paleontology", "Used to form informal names of taxa", "basal" ], "antonyms": [ "neo-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "paleo-", "num_translations": 11 }, "muffin": { "senses": [ "A type of flattish bun, usually cut in two horizontally, toasted and spread with butter, etc, before being eaten", "A type of individual bread such as corn, bran, banana or zucchini bread often sliced and spread with butter, etc before being eaten", "A cupcake without frosting, but sometimes glazed", "A mechanism used in the Java Network Launching Protocol analogous to the cookie mechanism and which permits a program running in a browser to perform operations on a client machine", "Term of endearment", "A vulva", "A less talented player", "one who muffs, or drops the ball", "A charming, attractive young man", "A small plate, smaller than a twiffler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English muffin" ], "word": "muffin", "num_translations": 37 }, "stringer": { "senses": [ "Someone who threads something", "one who makes or provides strings, especially for bows", "Someone who strings someone along", "A horizontal timber that supports upright posts, or supports the hull of a vessel", "The side rail supporting the rungs of a ladder or the steps of a flight of stairs", "A small screw-hook to which piano strings are sometimes attached", "A freelance correspondent not on the regular newspaper staff, especially one retained on a part-time basis to report on events in a particular place", "A person who plays on a particular string", "Wooden strip running lengthwise down the centre of a surfboard, for strength", "A hard-hit ball", "A cord or chain, sometimes with additional loops, that is threaded through the mouth and gills of caught fish", "A pallet or skid used when shipping less than truckload freight A platform typically constructed of timber or plastic designed such that freight may be stacked on top, able to be lifted by a forklift", "A libertine", "a wencher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stringer", "num_translations": 25 }, "morally": { "senses": [ "In terms of morals or ethics", "In keeping of requirements of morality", "to all intents and purposes", "practically" ], "antonyms": [ "immorally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "morally", "num_translations": 13 }, "heated1": { "senses": [ "Very agitated, angry or impassioned", "Made warm or hot by some means" ], "antonyms": [ "unheated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heated", "num_translations": 15 }, "tearjerker": { "senses": [ "An emotionally charged film, novel, song, opera, television episode, etc, usually with one or more sad passages or ending, so termed because it suggests one is likely to cry during its performance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cryfest" ], "word": "tearjerker", "num_translations": 10 }, "generalisation": { "senses": [ "The formulation of general concepts from specific instances by abstracting common properties", "Inductive reasoning from detailed facts to general principles" ], "antonyms": [ "specialisation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "generalisation", "num_translations": 51 }, "generalization": { "senses": [ "The formulation of general concepts from specific instances by abstracting common properties", "Inductive reasoning from detailed facts to general principles", "An oversimplified or exaggerated conception, opinion, or image of the members of a group", "A proof, axiom, problem, or definition which includes another's cases, and also some additional cases" ], "antonyms": [ "specialization" ], "synonyms": [ "universalization" ], "word": "generalization", "num_translations": 50 }, "specimen": { "senses": [ "An individual instance that represents a class", "an example", "A sample, especially one used for diagnostic analysis", "An eligible man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sample", "individual" ], "word": "specimen", "num_translations": 54 }, "satisfying": { "senses": [ "That satisfies, gratifies or pleases" ], "antonyms": [ "dissatisfying", "unsatisfying" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "satisfying", "num_translations": 17 }, "perry": { "senses": [ "A fermented alcoholic beverage made from pears", "somewhat analogous to cider" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pear cider", "pear wine" ], "word": "perry", "num_translations": 16 }, "antimicrobial": { "senses": [ "tending to destroy or capable of destroying microbes", "inhibiting the growth of microbes", "preventing or counteracting the pathogenic action of microbes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antimicrobic" ], "word": "antimicrobial", "num_translations": 33 }, "warring": { "senses": [ "engaged in war", "belligerent" ], "antonyms": [ "peaceful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "warring", "num_translations": 11 }, "reverseengineering": { "senses": [ "The process of analyzing the construction and operation of a product in order to manufacture a similar one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "back engineering" ], "word": "reverseengineering", "num_translations": 35 }, "tarragon": { "senses": [ "A perennial herb, the wormwood species Artemisia dracunculus, from Europe and parts of Asia", "The leaves of this plant used as a seasoning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "estragon" ], "word": "tarragon", "num_translations": 84 }, "tularemia": { "senses": [ "An infectious disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deer fly fever", "Ohara's fever", "Pahvant Valley plague", "rabbit fever" ], "word": "tularemia", "num_translations": 13 }, "unjustly": { "senses": [ "In an unjust manner," ], "antonyms": [ "justly" ], "synonyms": [ "unfairly" ], "word": "unjustly", "num_translations": 14 }, "safesex": { "senses": [ "Sexual activity engaged in by people who have taken precautions to protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases" ], "antonyms": [ "unprotected sex" ], "synonyms": [ "protected sex" ], "word": "safesex", "num_translations": 23 }, "antipsychotic1": { "senses": [ "Any of a group of drugs used to treat psychosis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neuroleptic" ], "word": "antipsychotic", "num_translations": 10 }, "scrollbar": { "senses": [ "a graphical widget in the form of a horizontal or vertical bar, on the edges of a personal computer screen, that is used to move scrollable text or images" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slider" ], "word": "scrollbar", "num_translations": 29 }, "setaside": { "senses": [ "To separate and reserve something for a specific purpose", "To leave out of account", "to omit or neglect", "To disagree with something and reject or overturn it", "To declare something invalid or null and void" ], "antonyms": [ "raise" ], "synonyms": [ "allocate", "put aside", "decline", "annul" ], "word": "setaside", "num_translations": 15 }, "pshaw": { "senses": [ "Indicating disapproval, scoffery, irritation, impatience or disbelief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pht", "pshh", "phht", "pssh", "pssht", "psht", "pshht", "feh", "pooh", "pish", "bah", "poh", "Thesaurus:bah", "c'mon" ], "word": "pshaw", "num_translations": 16 }, "malformed": { "senses": [ "Not formed correctly", "misshapen", "deformed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deformed" ], "word": "malformed", "num_translations": 12 }, "masses": { "senses": [ "plural of \"mass\"", "People, especially a large number of people", "The total population", "The lower classes or all but the elite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unwashed" ], "word": "masses", "num_translations": 19 }, "wandering1": { "senses": [ "Travelling with no preset route", "roaming", "Irregular turning of the eyes", "Aimless thought", "Straying from a desired path", "Disordered speech or delirium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wandering", "num_translations": 17 }, "providence": { "senses": [ "Preparation for the future", "good governance, foresight", "The careful governance and guidance of God", "A manifestation of divine care or direction", "an instance of divine intervention", "Specifically, the prudent care and management of resources", "thriftiness, frugality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "providence", "num_translations": 43 }, "proto-germanic": { "senses": [ "Hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language of all Germanic languages, including English" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Common Germanic", "Germanic", "Ur-Germanic" ], "word": "Proto-Germanic", "num_translations": 27 }, "assurance": { "senses": [ "The act of assuring", "a declaration tending to inspire full confidence", "that which is designed to give confidence", "The state of being assured", "firm persuasion", "full confidence or trust", "freedom from doubt", "certainty", "Firmness of mind", "undoubting, steadiness", "intrepidity", "courage", "confidence", "self-reliance", "Excess of boldness", "impudence", "audacity", "Betrothal", "affiance", "Insurance", "Any written or other legal evidence of the conveyance of property", "a conveyance", "a deed", "Subjective certainty of one's salvation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assurance", "num_translations": 56 }, "earthly": { "senses": [ "Relating to the earth or this world, as opposed to heaven", "terrestrial", "Used for emphasis", "Made of earth", "earthy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "earthly", "num_translations": 24 }, "arginine": { "senses": [ "An amino acid found in animal foods that plays an important role in several physiological processes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arg" ], "word": "arginine", "num_translations": 29 }, "parting": { "senses": [ "the state of being parted", "division", "separation", "The dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions", "part", "The surface of the sand of one section of a mould where it meets that of another section", "The separation and determination of alloys", "especially, the separation, as by acids, of gold from silver in the assay button", "A joint or fissure, as in a coal seam", "The breaking, as of a cable, by violence", "Lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral, due to some other cause than cleavage, as to the presence of twinning lamellae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parting", "num_translations": 35 }, "steamer": { "senses": [ "A device or object that works by the operation of steam", "A mode of transportation propelled by steam", "A babycino", "A wetsuit with long sleeves and legs", "The name of various animals", "A racehorse the odds of which are becoming shorter because bettors are backing it", "An act of fellatio", "A member of a youth gang who engages in steaming", "A drinking session", "A dish made by cooking diced meat very slowly in a tightly sealed pot with a minimum of flavourings, allowing it to steam in its own juices", "specifically such a dish made with kangaroo meat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bender" ], "word": "steamer", "num_translations": 97 }, "disagreeable": { "senses": [ "Not agreeable, conformable, or congruous", "contrary", "unsuitable", "Exciting repugnance", "offensive to the feelings or senses", "displeasing", "unpleasant" ], "antonyms": [ "agreeable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disagreeable", "num_translations": 24 }, "recollection": { "senses": [ "The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory", "the act of recalling to memory", "The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which things can be recollected", "remembrance", "That which is recollected", "something called to mind", "a reminiscence", "The act or practice of collecting or concentrating the mind", "concentration", "self-control", "A spiritual retreat, especially one that is short" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reminiscence", "remembrance", "memory" ], "word": "recollection", "num_translations": 68 }, "prudent": { "senses": [ "Sagacious in adapting means to ends", "circumspect in action, or in determining any line of conduct", "careful, discreet, sensible", "\u2014 opposed to rash", "directed by prudence or wise forethought", "evincing prudence", "Practically wise, judicious, shrewd", "Frugal", "economical", "not extravagant" ], "antonyms": [ "imprudent" ], "synonyms": [ "considerate" ], "word": "prudent", "num_translations": 71 }, "hideous": { "senses": [ "Extremely or shockingly ugly", "Having a very unpleasant or frightening sound", "Hateful", "shocking", "Morally offensive", "shocking", "detestable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frightful" ], "word": "hideous", "num_translations": 80 }, "sublime": { "senses": [ "To sublimate", "To raise on high", "To exalt", "to heighten", "to improve", "to purify", "To dignify", "to ennoble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sublime", "num_translations": 15 }, "sublime1": { "senses": [ "Noble and majestic", "Impressive and awe-inspiring, yet simple", "Lifted up", "high in place", "exalted aloft", "uplifted", "lofty", "Elevated by joy", "elated", "Lofty of mien", "haughty", "proud" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sublime", "num_translations": 46 }, "sadly": { "senses": [ "In a sad manner", "sorrowfully", "Unfortunately, sad to say", "Very much", "dearly", "urgently", "Deeply, completely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sorrowfully", "unfortunately" ], "word": "sadly", "num_translations": 18 }, "hearty": { "senses": [ "warm and cordial towards another person", "Energetic, active or eager", "Cheerful, vivacious", "Exhibiting strength", "firm", "Promoting strength", "nourishing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sincere" ], "word": "hearty", "num_translations": 44 }, "remembrance": { "senses": [ "The act of remembering", "a holding in mind, or bringing to mind", "recollection", "The state of being remembered, or held in mind", "memory, recollection", "Something remembered", "a person or thing kept in memory", "That which serves to keep in or bring to mind", "a memento, a memorial, a souvenir, a token", "a memorandum or note of something to be remembered", "The power of remembering", "the reach of personal knowledge", "the period over which one's memory extends", "Something to be remembered", "an admonition, counsel, instruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recollection", "reminiscence" ], "word": "remembrance", "num_translations": 74 }, "twilight": { "senses": [ "The soft light in the sky seen before the rising and after the setting of the sun, occasioned by the illumination of the earth's atmosphere by the direct rays of the sun and their reflection on the earth", "The time when this light is visible", "the period between daylight and darkness", "The time when the sun is less than 18\u00b0 below the horizon", "Any faint light through which something is seen", "an in-between or fading condition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blue hour" ], "word": "twilight", "num_translations": 169 }, "frightful": { "senses": [ "Full of fright, whether", "Full of something causing fright, whether" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frightening", "Thesaurus:bad" ], "word": "frightful", "num_translations": 16 }, "inexhaustible": { "senses": [ "Impossible to exhaust", "unlimited" ], "antonyms": [ "exhaustible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inexhaustible", "num_translations": 18 }, "commonwealthofindependentstates": { "senses": [ "An alliance and confederation of nine former Soviet republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan formed as a successor to the Soviet Union" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CIS", "C.I.S" ], "word": "CommonwealthofIndependentStates", "num_translations": 93 }, "puff": { "senses": [ "A sharp exhalation of a small amount of breath through the mouth", "The ability to breathe easily while exerting oneself", "A small quantity of gas or smoke in the air", "A sudden gust", "An act of inhaling smoke from a cigarette, cigar or pipe", "A flamboyant or alluring statement of praise", "an act or scam of that type", "The drug cannabis", "A light cake filled with cream, cream cheese, etc", "synonym of \"poof\": a male homosexual, especially an effeminate one", "Life", "A portion of fabric gathered up so as to be left full in the middle", "A region of a chromosome exhibiting a local increase in diameter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "puff", "num_translations": 86 }, "puff1": { "senses": [ "To pant", "To advertise", "To blow as an expression of scorn", "To swell with air", "to be dilated or inflated", "To breathe in a swelling, inflated, or pompous manner", "hence, to assume importance", "To repel with words", "to blow at contemptuously", "To cause to swell or dilate", "to inflate", "To inflate with pride, flattery, self-esteem, etc", "often with up", "To praise with exaggeration", "to flatter", "to call public attention to by praises", "to praise unduly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "puff", "num_translations": 22 }, "isoleucine": { "senses": [ "An essential amino acid, C6H13NO2, isomeric with leucine, found in most animal proteins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ile" ], "word": "isoleucine", "num_translations": 11 }, "leucine": { "senses": [ "it is essential for growth in children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Leu" ], "word": "leucine", "num_translations": 18 }, "methionine": { "senses": [ "A lipotropic, sulphur-containing essential amino acid, C5H11NO2S, found in most protein" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Met" ], "word": "methionine", "num_translations": 33 }, "phenylalanine": { "senses": [ "An essential amino acid C9H11NO2 found in most animal proteins", "it is essential for growth", "the inability to metabolize it leads to phenylketonuria", "it is a constituent of aspartame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Phe" ], "word": "phenylalanine", "num_translations": 17 }, "inability": { "senses": [ "Lack of the ability to do something", "incapability", "Lack of the option to do something", "powerlessness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unability" ], "word": "inability", "num_translations": 23 }, "aspartame": { "senses": [ "An artificial sweetener, the methyl ester of a dipeptide formed from aspartic acid and phenylalanine, used in many processed foods and beverages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E951" ], "word": "aspartame", "num_translations": 12 }, "threonine": { "senses": [ "An essential amino acid C4H19NO3 found in most animal proteins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thr" ], "word": "threonine", "num_translations": 16 }, "alanine": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid 2-aminopropanoic acid found in most animal proteins", "A specific residue, molecule, or isomer of this amino acid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ala" ], "word": "alanine", "num_translations": 24 }, "cysteine": { "senses": [ "A sulphur-containing nonessential amino acid C3H7NO2S found in most animal proteins", "it readily oxidizes to cystine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E910", "E920", "Cys" ], "word": "cysteine", "num_translations": 20 }, "glutamine": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid C5H10N2O3 found in most animal and plant proteins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gln" ], "word": "glutamine", "num_translations": 18 }, "glycine": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid, amino-acetic acid, C2H5NO2 found in most proteins but especially in sugar cane", "the simplest amino acid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E640", "Gly" ], "word": "glycine", "num_translations": 18 }, "proline": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid C5H9NO2 found in most animal proteins, especially collagen", "its cyclic structure leads to kinks in the peptide chain of proteins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pro" ], "word": "proline", "num_translations": 13 }, "tyrosine": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid 2-amino-3-propanoic acid found in most animal proteins, especially casein" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tyr" ], "word": "tyrosine", "num_translations": 17 }, "rickets": { "senses": [ "A disorder of infancy and early childhood caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, causing soft bones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rachitis" ], "word": "rickets", "num_translations": 56 }, "manly": { "senses": [ "Having the characteristics of a man", "Having qualities befitting a man", "courageous, resolute, noble" ], "antonyms": [ "womanly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "manly", "num_translations": 62 }, "synchronicity": { "senses": [ "The state of being synchronous or simultaneous", "Coincidences that seem to be meaningfully related", "supposedly the result of \"universal forces\"" ], "antonyms": [ "asynchronicity" ], "synonyms": [ "synchronization" ], "word": "synchronicity", "num_translations": 10 }, "encumber": { "senses": [ "to load down something with a burden", "to restrict or block something with a hindrance or impediment", "to burden with a legal claim or other obligation" ], "antonyms": [ "disencumber" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hinder" ], "word": "encumber", "num_translations": 31 }, "beerparlour": { "senses": [ "A bar, selling beer, that has tables where customers may congregate socially" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beer bar", "Thesaurus:pub" ], "word": "beerparlour", "num_translations": 27 }, "senile": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to old age", "Exhibiting the deterioration in mind and body often accompanying old age", "doddering" ], "antonyms": [ "juvenile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "senile", "num_translations": 58 }, "collareddove": { "senses": [ "A bird of the species Streptopelia decaocto" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurasian collared dove" ], "word": "collareddove", "num_translations": 18 }, "positively": { "senses": [ "In a positive manner", "With certainty", "Very" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "confidently", "categorically", "absolutely" ], "word": "positively", "num_translations": 28 }, "specially": { "senses": [ "For a special purpose", "extremely", "in particular" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exceedingly", "Thesaurus:specifically" ], "word": "specially", "num_translations": 15 }, "faithfully": { "senses": [ "In a faithful manner", "A conventional formula for ending a letter, used when the salutation addresses the person for whom the letter is intended using an honorific" ], "antonyms": [ "unfaithfully" ], "synonyms": [ "yours faithfully" ], "word": "faithfully", "num_translations": 21 }, "frankly": { "senses": [ "In a frank, open or honest manner", "In truth, to tell the truth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "candidly", "as a matter of fact" ], "word": "frankly", "num_translations": 34 }, "infinitely": { "senses": [ "In an infinite manner", "as of anything growing without bounds", "endlessly", "To a surpassingly large extent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceaselessly", "extremely" ], "word": "infinitely", "num_translations": 18 }, "curiously": { "senses": [ "In a curious manner", "with curiosity", "inquisitively", "Oddly", "in a strange or unexpected way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curiously", "num_translations": 12 }, "honestly": { "senses": [ "In an honest manner", "Frankly, to be honest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "candidly", "as a matter of fact" ], "word": "honestly", "num_translations": 29 }, "cautiously": { "senses": [ "In a cautious manner" ], "antonyms": [ "incautiously" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cautiously", "num_translations": 29 }, "unconsciously": { "senses": [ "In an unconscious manner", "unknowingly" ], "antonyms": [ "consciously" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unconsciously", "num_translations": 13 }, "insouciance": { "senses": [ "carelessness, heedlessness, indifference, or casual unconcern", "nonchalance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:apathy" ], "word": "insouciance", "num_translations": 15 }, "unexpectedly": { "senses": [ "In an unexpected manner" ], "antonyms": [ "expectedly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unexpectedly", "num_translations": 30 }, "unusually": { "senses": [ "In an unusual manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unwontedly" ], "word": "unusually", "num_translations": 10 }, "inevitably": { "senses": [ "In a manner that is impossible to avoid or prevent", "As usual", "predictably", "as expected" ], "antonyms": [ "evitably", "unexpectedly" ], "synonyms": [ "certainly", "always" ], "word": "inevitably", "num_translations": 37 }, "privately": { "senses": [ "In a private manner" ], "antonyms": [ "publicly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "privately", "num_translations": 11 }, "civility": { "senses": [ "Speech or behaviour that is fit for civil interactions", "politeness, courtesy", "An individual act or expression of polite behaviour", "a courtesy", "The state or fact of being civilized", "civilization", "A civil office", "a civil capacity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "civility", "num_translations": 31 }, "sleeper": { "senses": [ "Someone who sleeps", "That which lies dormant, as a law", "A spy, saboteur, or terrorist who lives unobtrusively in a community until activated by a prearranged signal", "A small starter earring, worn to prevent a piercing from closing", "A railway sleeping car", "Something that achieves unexpected success after an interval of time", "A goby-like bottom-feeding freshwater fish of the family Odontobutidae", "A nurse shark", "A type of pajama for a person, especially a child, that covers the whole body, including the feet", "An automobile which has been internally modified to excess, while retaining a mostly stock appearance in order to fool opponents in a drag race, or to avoid the attention of the police", "A sedative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleeper goby" ], "word": "sleeper", "num_translations": 33 }, "railroadcar": { "senses": [ "Any railroad vehicle that is not a locomotive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rolling stock", "railcar", "bogie" ], "word": "railroadcar", "num_translations": 32 }, "attacker": { "senses": [ "Someone who attacks", "One of the players on a team in football in the row nearest to the opposing team's goal, who are therefore principally responsible for scoring goals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "centre forward" ], "word": "attacker", "num_translations": 43 }, "silky": { "senses": [ "Similar in appearance or texture to silk", "Smooth and pleasant", "seductive", "Covered in long, slender, glistening hairs pressed close to the surface", "sericeous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "silky", "num_translations": 21 }, "blooper": { "senses": [ "A blunder, an error", "A fly ball that is weakly hit just over the infielders", "A filmed or videotaped outtake that has recorded an amusing accident and/or mistake", "A gaff-rigged fore-and-aft sail set from and aft of the aftmost mast of a square-rigged ship", "a spanker", "A radio which interferes with other radios, causing them to bloop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blooper", "num_translations": 17 }, "incessantly": { "senses": [ "In a manner without pause or stop, especially to the point of annoyance", "not ceasing", "immediately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceaselessly" ], "word": "incessantly", "num_translations": 40 }, "princely": { "senses": [ "Relating to a prince", "regal", "royal", "Befitting a prince", "grand", "lavish or opulent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regal" ], "word": "princely", "num_translations": 22 }, "hereafter": { "senses": [ "In time to come", "in some future time or state", "From now on", "Sequentially after this point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "someday", "henceforth", "followed by" ], "word": "hereafter", "num_translations": 15 }, "hereafter1": { "senses": [ "A future existence or state", "Existence after death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aftertime", "afterlife" ], "word": "hereafter", "num_translations": 10 }, "monstrous": { "senses": [ "Hideous or frightful", "Enormously large", "Freakish or grotesque", "Of, or relating to a mythical monster", "full of monsters", "Marvellous", "strange" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "monstrous", "num_translations": 66 }, "comeuppance": { "senses": [ "Retribution which is justly deserved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "just deserts" ], "word": "comeuppance", "num_translations": 11 }, "sultry": { "senses": [ "Hot and humid", "Very hot and dry", "torrid", "Sexually enthralling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "close" ], "word": "sultry", "num_translations": 43 }, "subliminal": { "senses": [ "Below the threshold of conscious perception, especially if still able to produce a response" ], "antonyms": [ "superliminal" ], "synonyms": [ "latent", "underthreshold" ], "word": "subliminal", "num_translations": 13 }, "lastsupper": { "senses": [ "The Passover meal that Jesus ate with his disciples on the night before his death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lord's Supper" ], "word": "LastSupper", "num_translations": 19 }, "disciple": { "senses": [ "A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others", "An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc", "A wretched, miserable-looking man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "student" ], "word": "disciple", "num_translations": 67 }, "fluorite": { "senses": [ "A widely occurring mineral , of various colours, used as a flux in steelmaking, and in the manufacture of glass, enamels and hydrofluoric acid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calcium fluoride", "Derbyshire spar", "fluor", "fluorspar" ], "word": "fluorite", "num_translations": 19 }, "horsefly": { "senses": [ "Any of several medium to large flies, of the family Tabanidae, that suck the blood of mammals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cleg" ], "word": "horsefly", "num_translations": 123 }, "mephistopheles": { "senses": [ "The Devil to whom Faust sold his soul in the legend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mephisto" ], "word": "Mephistopheles", "num_translations": 13 }, "machete": { "senses": [ "A sword-like tool used for cutting large plants with a chopping motion, or as a weapon The blade is usually 50 to 65 centimeters long, and up to three millimeters thick" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bolo", "sundang" ], "word": "machete", "num_translations": 52 }, "prevalent": { "senses": [ "Widespread or preferred", "Superior in frequency or dominant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common" ], "word": "prevalent", "num_translations": 39 }, "deductible": { "senses": [ "Eligible to be deducted" ], "antonyms": [ "nondeductible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deductible", "num_translations": 11 }, "tutor": { "senses": [ "One who teaches another in a one-on-one or small-group interaction", "A university officer responsible for students in a particular hall", "One who has the charge of a child or pupil and his estate", "a guardian", "A card that allows you to search your deck for one or more other cards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tutor", "num_translations": 48 }, "motley": { "senses": [ "Comprising greatly varied elements, to the point of incongruity", "heterogeneous", "Having many colours", "variegated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diverse", "colorful" ], "word": "motley", "num_translations": 40 }, "toque": { "senses": [ "A type of hat with no brim", "A tall white hat with no brim of the sort worn by chefs", "A chef", "A variety of bonnet monkey", "An African nominal money of account, equal to 40 cowries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "toque", "num_translations": 12 }, "gobbledygook": { "senses": [ "Nonsense", "meaningless or encrypted language", "Something written in an overly complex, incoherent, or incomprehensible manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonsense" ], "word": "gobbledygook", "num_translations": 34 }, "collate": { "senses": [ "To examine diverse documents and so on, to discover similarities and differences", "To assemble something in a logical sequence", "To sort multiple copies of printed documents into sequences of individual page order, one sequence for each copy, especially before binding", "To bestow or confer", "To admit a cleric to a benefice", "to present and institute in a benefice, when the person presenting is both the patron and the ordinary", "followed by to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collate", "num_translations": 41 }, "risque": { "senses": [ "Suggestive of sexual impropriety", "bordering on the indelicate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheeky" ], "word": "risque", "num_translations": 16 }, "ankh": { "senses": [ "A cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top, the Egyptian hieroglyph representing the Egyptian triliteral \ua725n\u1e2b and often used as an amulet or charm for this concept", "tau cross" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ansate cross" ], "word": "ankh", "num_translations": 30 }, "treacherous": { "senses": [ "Exhibiting treachery", "Deceitful", "inclined to betray", "Unreliable", "dangerous" ], "antonyms": [ "loyal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "treacherous", "num_translations": 51 }, "treachery": { "senses": [ "Deliberate, often calculated, disregard for trust or faith", "The act of violating the confidence of another, usually for personal gain", "Treason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Punic faith", "treacherousness" ], "word": "treachery", "num_translations": 29 }, "mayfly": { "senses": [ "Any of the many fragile insects of the order Ephemeroptera that develop in fresh water and live very briefly as winged adults" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shadfly" ], "word": "mayfly", "num_translations": 32 }, "caddisfly": { "senses": [ "Any insect, of the order Trichoptera, having two pairs of hairy wings", "they are found near lakes and streams" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sedge fly", "rail fly" ], "word": "caddisfly", "num_translations": 10 }, "elapse": { "senses": [ "To pass or move by" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:elapse" ], "word": "elapse", "num_translations": 35 }, "anatta": { "senses": [ "The idea that there is no separate self or soul", "egolessness One of the three marks of existence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "egolessness" ], "word": "anatta", "num_translations": 15 }, "elevate": { "senses": [ "To raise to a higher position", "To promote to a higher rank", "To confer honor or nobility on", "To make more worthy or of greater value", "To direct toward more worthy things", "To increase the intensity or degree of", "To lift the spirits of", "To intoxicate in a slight degree", "to make tipsy", "To attempt to make seem less important, remarkable, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elevate", "num_translations": 34 }, "extraction": { "senses": [ "An act of extracting or the condition of being extracted", "A person's origin or ancestry", "Something extracted, an extract, as from a plant or an organ of an animal etc", "An act of removing someone from a hostile area to a secure location", "A removal of a tooth from its socket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "descent", "extract" ], "word": "extraction", "num_translations": 33 }, "displeasure": { "senses": [ "A feeling of being displeased with something or someone", "dissatisfaction", "disapproval", "That which displeases", "cause of irritation or annoyance", "offence", "injury", "A state of disgrace or disfavour" ], "antonyms": [ "contentment", "ease", "approbation" ], "synonyms": [ "discontent", "ache", "condemnation" ], "word": "displeasure", "num_translations": 18 }, "rearguard": { "senses": [ "The rearmost part of a force, especially a detachment of troops that protect the rear of a retreating force", "The defence, collectively the defenders" ], "antonyms": [ "vanguard" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rearguard", "num_translations": 19 }, "luncheon": { "senses": [ "A formal meal served in the middle of the day", "Any midday meal", "lunch", "A lump of food", "A portion of food taken at any time except at a regular meal", "an informal or light repast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "luncheon", "num_translations": 14 }, "expenditure": { "senses": [ "Act of expending or paying out", "The amount expended", "expense", "outlay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disbursement" ], "word": "expenditure", "num_translations": 58 }, "firing": { "senses": [ "The process of applying heat or fire, especially to clay etc to produce pottery", "The fuel for a fire", "The discharge of a gun or other weapon", "The dismissal of someone from a job", "Cauterization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "firing", "num_translations": 19 }, "indicator": { "senses": [ "A pointer or index that indicates something", "A meter or gauge", "The needle or dial on such a meter", "Any of many substances, such as litmus, used to indicate the concentration of a substance, or the degree of a reaction", "A plant or animal whose presence is indicative of some specific environment", "A measure, such as unemployment rate, which can be used to predict economic trends", "A turn signal", "each of the flashing lights on each side of a vehicle which indicate a turn is being made to left or right, or a lane change etc", "A bird, the honeyguide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blinker" ], "word": "indicator", "num_translations": 132 }, "indeclinable": { "senses": [ "That one cannot decline", "unavoidable", "Not grammatically declinable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "undeclinable" ], "word": "indeclinable", "num_translations": 18 }, "discretion": { "senses": [ "The quality of being discreet or circumspect", "The ability to make wise choices or decisions", "The freedom to make one's own judgements" ], "antonyms": [ "indiscretion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "discretion", "num_translations": 57 }, "freelance": { "senses": [ "Someone who sells their services to clients without a long-term employment contract", "A medieval mercenary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mercenary" ], "word": "freelance", "num_translations": 13 }, "speedbump": { "senses": [ "A traffic calming measure, consisting of a transverse ridge in the road, to limit the speed of vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "judder bar", "ramp", "sleeping policeman", "speed hump", "road hump", "traffic bump" ], "word": "speedbump", "num_translations": 60 }, "fisticuffs": { "senses": [ "plural of \"fisticuff\"", "An impromptu fight with the fists, usually between only two people", "Bare-knuckled boxing, a form of boxing done without boxing gloves or similar padding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brawl", "prizefighting" ], "word": "fisticuffs", "num_translations": 12 }, "dictatorial": { "senses": [ "of or pertaining to a dictator", "in the manner of a dictator, usually with callous disregard for others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bossy" ], "word": "dictatorial", "num_translations": 15 }, "silken": { "senses": [ "Made of silk", "Having a smooth, soft, or light texture, like that of silk", "suggestive of silk", "Smoothly uttered", "flowing, subtle, or convincing in presentation", "Dressed in silk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seric" ], "word": "silken", "num_translations": 19 }, "streamer": { "senses": [ "A long, narrow flag, or piece of material used or seen as a decoration", "Strips of paper or other material used as confetti", "A newspaper headline that runs along the top of a page", "In computing", "In fly fishing, a variety of wet fly designed to mimic a minnow", "One who searches for stream tin", "A stream or column of light shooting upward from the horizon, constituting one of the forms of the aurora borealis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "streamer", "num_translations": 11 }, "vocationalschool": { "senses": [ "A school that provides training in specific skills required for different industries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trade school" ], "word": "vocationalschool", "num_translations": 16 }, "inconceivable": { "senses": [ "Unable to be conceived or imagined", "unbelievable" ], "antonyms": [ "conceivable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inconceivable", "num_translations": 49 }, "bashthebishop": { "senses": [ "To masturbate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:masturbate" ], "word": "bashthebishop", "num_translations": 13 }, "interchange1": { "senses": [ "An act of interchanging", "A highway junction in which traffic may change from one road to another without crossing a stream of traffic", "A connection between two or more lines, services or modes of transport", "a station at which such a connection can be made" ], "antonyms": [ "outerchange" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "interchange", "num_translations": 33 }, "polar": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, measured from, or referred to a geographic pole", "within the Arctic or Antarctic circles", "Of an orbit that passes over, or near, one of these poles", "Having a dipole", "ionic", "Of a coordinate system, specifying the location of a point in a plane by using a radius and an angle", "Having but two possible answers, yes and no" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "polar", "num_translations": 46 }, "eligible": { "senses": [ "allowed to and meeting the necessary conditions required to participate in or be chosen for something", "worthy of being chosen" ], "antonyms": [ "ineligible", "unqualified" ], "synonyms": [ "qualified" ], "word": "eligible", "num_translations": 56 }, "eminentdomain": { "senses": [ "The right of a government over the private property within its jurisdiction Usually invoked to compel land owners to sell their property in preparation for a major construction project such as a freeway", "In feudalism, the legal interest or rights of a lord or superior in an estate in land held in fee, as opposed to the vassal's or tenant's interest" ], "antonyms": [ "utile domain", "inferiority" ], "synonyms": [ "compulsory purchase", "superiority" ], "word": "eminentdomain", "num_translations": 14 }, "getacross": { "senses": [ "To cross", "to move from one side to the other, literally or figuratively", "To make an idea evident", "to successfully explain a thought or feeling", "put over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "getacross", "num_translations": 11 }, "assimilate": { "senses": [ "To incorporate nutrients into the body, especially after digestion", "To incorporate or absorb into the mind", "To absorb into a community or culture", "To compare to something similar", "To bring to a likeness or to conformity", "to cause a resemblance between", "To become similar", "To be incorporated or absorbed into something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "process", "integrate" ], "word": "assimilate", "num_translations": 55 }, "milquetoast1": { "senses": [ "A person of meek or timid disposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sissy" ], "word": "milquetoast", "num_translations": 10 }, "backandforth2": { "senses": [ "The movement forward followed by a return to the same position May refer to a concept such as an emotional state or a relationship as well as a physical thing", "Negotiations or discussions between two or more parties, a dialog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tug of war" ], "word": "backandforth", "num_translations": 20 }, "chrome1": { "senses": [ "To treat with a solution of potassium bichromate, as in dyeing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chromium-plate" ], "word": "chrome", "num_translations": 11 }, "businesslike": { "senses": [ "Methodical and efficient, in a way that would be advantageous to a business or businessperson", "Earnest and practical without being distracted or enthusiastic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "earnest" ], "word": "businesslike", "num_translations": 13 }, "catlike": { "senses": [ "resembling a cat", "feline", "nimble, quick, graceful", "slow, deliberate, quiet and stealthy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catty", "agile", "slinky" ], "word": "catlike", "num_translations": 12 }, "quarterofanhour": { "senses": [ "fifteen minutes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quarter-hour" ], "word": "quarterofanhour", "num_translations": 24 }, "horrormovie": { "senses": [ "A motion picture which entertains by horrifying or frightening the audience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horror film" ], "word": "horrormovie", "num_translations": 42 }, "hostess": { "senses": [ "A female host", "A female innkeeper", "Stewardess: a woman steward on an airplane", "a paid female companion offering conversation and in some cases sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hostress" ], "word": "hostess", "num_translations": 52 }, "trapdoor": { "senses": [ "A hinged or sliding door set into a floor or ceiling", "Such a trap set into the floor of a stage to allow fast exits and entrances", "A secret method of obtaining access to a program or online system", "a backdoor", "A door in a level for regulating the ventilating current", "weather door" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drop" ], "word": "trapdoor", "num_translations": 40 }, "fuckbuddy": { "senses": [ "A sex partner with whom one has sex, usually repeatedly, but without any romantic attachment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "friend with benefits", "Thesaurus:sexual partner" ], "word": "fuckbuddy", "num_translations": 29 }, "voila": { "senses": [ "Lo, there it is", "see here", "ta-da", "presto", "behold!" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lo" ], "word": "voila", "num_translations": 28 }, "impatience": { "senses": [ "The quality of being impatient", "lacking patience", "restlessness and intolerance of delays", "anxiety and eagerness, especially to begin something" ], "antonyms": [ "patience", "haste" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "impatience", "num_translations": 30 }, "spittoon": { "senses": [ "A receptacle for spit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuspidor" ], "word": "spittoon", "num_translations": 51 }, "daddylong-legsspider": { "senses": [ "Any of the true spiders of the family Pholcidae: small spiders with long legs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "daddy longlegs" ], "word": "daddylong-legsspider", "num_translations": 11 }, "delectable": { "senses": [ "Highly pleasing", "delightful, especially to any of the senses", "delicious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:delicious" ], "word": "delectable", "num_translations": 12 }, "demarcate": { "senses": [ "To mark the limits or boundaries of something", "to delimit", "To mark the difference between two causes of action", "to distinguish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demark" ], "word": "demarcate", "num_translations": 19 }, "alkaline": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to an alkali, one of a class of caustic bases", "Having a pH greater than 7" ], "antonyms": [ "acidic" ], "synonyms": [ "basic" ], "word": "alkaline", "num_translations": 53 }, "absolutevalue": { "senses": [ "For a complex number a+bi, the principal square root of the sum of the squares of its real and imaginary parts, \\sqrt{a^2+b^2} Denoted by | |" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "modulus" ], "word": "absolutevalue", "num_translations": 38 }, "hardwood": { "senses": [ "The wood from any dicotyledonous tree, without regard to its hardness", "As the preceding but limited to those that are commercial timbers, and are at least average in hardness", "The tree or tree species that yields the preceding", "A joint term for the commercial timbers, without distinguishing which", "The sport of basketball, in particular, an indoor basketball court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hardwood", "num_translations": 12 }, "plod1": { "senses": [ "To walk or move slowly and heavily or laboriously", "To trudge over or through", "To toil", "to drudge", "especially, to study laboriously and patiently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plod", "num_translations": 21 }, "upbeat": { "senses": [ "Having a fast pace, tempo, or beat", "Having a positive, lively, or perky tone, attitude, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "downbeat" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "upbeat", "num_translations": 27 }, "palmistry": { "senses": [ "Telling fortunes from the lines on the palms of the hand", "A dexterous use or trick of the hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chiromancy" ], "word": "palmistry", "num_translations": 32 }, "lineofsight": { "senses": [ "A straight line along which an observer has a clear view", "The line which passes through the front and rear sight, at any elevation, when they are sighted at an object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sightline" ], "word": "lineofsight", "num_translations": 15 }, "ontheline": { "senses": [ "On a level with the eye of the observer, as of a picture hung in on a wall", "At risk, as in a contest or enterprise", "Currently calling on the telephone", "On one of the lines marked on a playing field or court and, hence, in bounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at stake" ], "word": "ontheline", "num_translations": 10 }, "lineup": { "senses": [ "to put in alignment", "to put in correct adjustment for smooth running", "To put things in a line", "To get into a line", "To start a game in a certain position on the playing field", "To make arrangements for an event", "To support a group or movement", "To agree or correspond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lineup", "num_translations": 43 }, "jingle": { "senses": [ "The sound of metal or glass clattering against itself", "A small piece of metal attached to a musical instrument, such as a tambourine, so as to make a jangling sound when the instrument is played", "A memorable short song, or in some cases a snippet of a popular song with its lyrics modified, used for the purposes of advertising a product or service in a TV or radio commercial", "A carriage drawn by horses", "A brief phone call", "a ring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jingle", "num_translations": 25 }, "competent": { "senses": [ "Having sufficient skill, knowledge, ability, or qualifications", "Having jurisdiction or authority over a particular issue or question", "Adequate for the purpose", "Permeable to foreign DNA" ], "antonyms": [ "incompetent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "competent", "num_translations": 45 }, "befuddle": { "senses": [ "To perplex, confuse", "To stupefy , especially with alcohol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:confuse" ], "word": "befuddle", "num_translations": 27 }, "gelatin": { "senses": [ "A protein derived through partial hydrolysis of the collagen extracted from animal skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments, etc", "An edible jelly made from this material", "A thin, translucent membrane used as a filter for photography or for theatrical lighting effects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E441" ], "word": "gelatin", "num_translations": 56 }, "manipulate": { "senses": [ "To move, arrange or operate something using the hands", "To influence, manage, direct, control or tamper with something", "To handle and move a body part, either as an examination or for a therapeutic purpose", "to use", "To use the hands, especially in scientific experiments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "manipulate", "num_translations": 57 }, "linnet": { "senses": [ "A house finch , of North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lintwhite" ], "word": "linnet", "num_translations": 31 }, "fromtimetotime": { "senses": [ "Occasionally", "sometimes", "once in a while", "In whatever status exists at various times", "Continuously from one time to another", "at all times, constantly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fromtimetotime", "num_translations": 70 }, "naturalist": { "senses": [ "A natural philosopher", "a scientist", "A person who believes in or advocates the tenets of philosophical or methodological naturalism", "An expert in natural history or the study of plants and animals", "A creative artist who attempts to faithfully represent nature", "an adherent of artistic naturalism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "naturalist", "num_translations": 35 }, "atonce": { "senses": [ "In one group", "together", "At the same time", "simultaneously", "Immediately", "now", "right away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "atonce", "num_translations": 137 }, "rarity": { "senses": [ "A measure of the scarcity of an object", "Thinness", "the property of having low density", "A rare object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rareness", "subtlety", "hen's tooth" ], "word": "rarity", "num_translations": 71 }, "weevil": { "senses": [ "Any of several small herbivorous beetles in the superfamily Curculionoidea, many having a distinctive snout", "Any of several small herbivorous beetles in the family Curculionidae belonging to the superfamily Curculionoidea", "A loathsome person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snout beetle" ], "word": "weevil", "num_translations": 49 }, "molarity": { "senses": [ "the concentration of a substance in solution, expressed as the number moles of solute per litre of solution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "molar concentration" ], "word": "molarity", "num_translations": 12 }, "black-archedmoth": { "senses": [ "A black-and-white species of moth, Lymantria monacha" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nun moth" ], "word": "black-archedmoth", "num_translations": 10 }, "neurological": { "senses": [ "Dealing with neurology, the study of the brain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neurologic" ], "word": "neurological", "num_translations": 16 }, "normality": { "senses": [ "The state of being normal or usual", "normalcy", "The concentration of a solution expressed in gram equivalent weights of solute per litre of solution", "A measure of how well an observed distribution approximates a normal distribution" ], "antonyms": [ "abnormality" ], "synonyms": [ "normalcy" ], "word": "normality", "num_translations": 57 }, "glagolitic": { "senses": [ "Denoting Slavic Roman Catholic rites in Dalmatia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hieronymian", "Illyrian", "Slovenish" ], "word": "Glagolitic", "num_translations": 19 }, "glagolitic1": { "senses": [ "The oldest known Slavonic alphabet, designed around 862-863 by Saint Cyril in order to translate the Bible and other texts into Old Church Slavonic Mostly replaced by Cyrillic alphabet in Orthodox Christian Slavic countries, but still in use in the Croatian Church along the Dalmatian coast, in Czech and Croatian recensions of Church Slavic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bukvitsa", "Glagolitic alphabet", "Glagolitsa", "Bukvitsa", "Hieronymian", "Illyrian", "Slovenish" ], "word": "Glagolitic", "num_translations": 50 }, "inferiority": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being inferior", "An inferior value or quality", "An inferior power", "The quality of being a competitive disadvantage" ], "antonyms": [ "superiority" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inferiority", "num_translations": 29 }, "limitless": { "senses": [ "Without limits in extent, size, or quantity", "boundless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unbottomed" ], "word": "limitless", "num_translations": 20 }, "reticent": { "senses": [ "Keeping one's thoughts and opinions to oneself", "reserved or restrained", "Hesitant or not wanting to take some action", "reluctant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reserved", "reluctant" ], "word": "reticent", "num_translations": 31 }, "scruple": { "senses": [ "A weight of of a pound, that is, twenty grains or one third of a dram, in England about 13 grams", "A very small quantity", "a particle", "A doubt or uncertainty concerning a matter of fact", "intellectual perplexity", "Hesitation to act from the difficulty of determining what is right or expedient", "doubt, hesitation or unwillingness due to motives of conscience", "A Hebrew unit of time equal to hour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scruple", "num_translations": 10 }, "vernalequinox": { "senses": [ "The moment when the sun appears to cross the celestial equator while tilting towards from the observer, taking place in March in the northern hemisphere and September in the southern hemisphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spring equinox" ], "word": "vernalequinox", "num_translations": 65 }, "erudition": { "senses": [ "Profound knowledge, especially that based on learning and scholarship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knowledge" ], "word": "erudition", "num_translations": 42 }, "naughty": { "senses": [ "Mischievous", "tending to misbehave or act badly", "Sexually provocative", "now in weakened sense, risqu\u00e9, cheeky", "Evil, wicked, morally reprehensible", "Bad, worthless, substandard" ], "antonyms": [ "nice" ], "synonyms": [ "dirty", "mischievous" ], "word": "naughty", "num_translations": 101 }, "troublemaker": { "senses": [ "One who causes trouble, especially one who does so deliberately", "A complainer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "See" ], "word": "troublemaker", "num_translations": 83 }, "justthesame": { "senses": [ "Anyway", "despite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all the same" ], "word": "justthesame", "num_translations": 10 }, "imprudent": { "senses": [ "Not prudent", "wanting in prudence or discretion", "indiscreet", "injudicious", "not attentive to consequence", "improper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "imprudent", "num_translations": 21 }, "dayin,dayout": { "senses": [ "Every day", "daily", "constantly or continuously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bore" ], "word": "dayin,dayout", "num_translations": 26 }, "unearthly": { "senses": [ "Not of the earth", "non-terrestrial", "Preternatural or supernatural", "Strange, enigmatic, or mysterious", "Ideal beyond the mundane", "Ridiculous, ludicrous, or outrageous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unearthly", "num_translations": 20 }, "cockle": { "senses": [ "Any of various edible European bivalve mollusks, of the family Cardiidae, having heart-shaped shells", "The shell of such a mollusk", "One's innermost feelings", "A wrinkle, pucker", "A defect in sheepskin", "firm dark nodules caused by the bites of keds on live sheep", "The mineral black tourmaline or schorl", "The fire chamber of a furnace", "A kiln for drying hops", "an oast", "The dome of a heating furnace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cockle", "num_translations": 37 }, "ruleout": { "senses": [ "To cross an item out by drawing a straight line through it, as with a ruler", "To reject an option from a list of possibilities", "To make something impossible", "To disallow", "To make unavailable" ], "antonyms": [ "reject", "make impossible" ], "synonyms": [ "reject", "make impossible" ], "word": "ruleout", "num_translations": 34 }, "redneck": { "senses": [ "A poor, rural, usually white and male, person from the Southern United States or parts of the Midwest and northeast, especially one who is unsophisticated and backward", "sometimes with additional connotations of being rude, racist, and/or arrogant", "Any of the miners who wore red bandanas for identification during the West Virginia mine war of 1921", "A member of a certain Baltimore street gang, active in 1859", "A Roman Catholic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bogan" ], "word": "redneck", "num_translations": 19 }, "saccharine": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to sugar", "Excessively sweet in action or disposition", "syrupy", "Sentimental or romantic to the point of ridiculousness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "precious" ], "word": "saccharine", "num_translations": 26 }, "saccharin": { "senses": [ "a white, crystalline powder, C7H5NO3S, used as an artificial sweetener in food products" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E954" ], "word": "saccharin", "num_translations": 21 }, "physiotherapy": { "senses": [ "therapy that uses physical techniques such as massage, ultrasound, heat, and exercise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "physical therapy" ], "word": "physiotherapy", "num_translations": 24 }, "superb": { "senses": [ "First-rate", "of the highest quality", "exceptionally good", "Grand", "magnificent", "august", "stately", "Haughty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "excellent", "superlative" ], "word": "superb", "num_translations": 18 }, "miscellany": { "senses": [ "Miscellaneous items", "A collection of writings on various subjects or topics", "an anthology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "miscellanea" ], "word": "miscellany", "num_translations": 15 }, "insignificance": { "senses": [ "the state of being insignificant" ], "antonyms": [ "significance" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insignificance", "num_translations": 14 }, "cadence": { "senses": [ "The act or state of declining or sinking", "Balanced, rhythmic flow", "The measure or beat of movement", "The general inflection or modulation of the voice, or of any sound", "A progression of at least two chords which conclude a piece of music, section or musical phrases within it Sometimes referred to analogously as musical punctuation", "A cadenza, or closing embellishment", "a pause before the end of a strain, which the performer may fill with a flight of fancy", "A fall in inflection of a speaker's voice, such as at the end of a sentence", "A dance move which ends a phrase", "The rhythm and sequence of a series of actions", "The number of steps per minute", "The number of revolutions per minute of the cranks or pedals of a bicycle", "A chant that is sung by military personnel while running or marching", "a jody call", "cadency", "Harmony and proportion of movement, as in a well-managed horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clausula" ], "word": "cadence", "num_translations": 70 }, "monologue": { "senses": [ "A long speech by one person in a play", "sometimes a soliloquy", "other times spoken to other characters", "A long series of comic stories and jokes as an entertainment", "A long, uninterrupted utterance that monopolizes a conversation" ], "antonyms": [ "dialogue" ], "synonyms": [ "soliloquy" ], "word": "monologue", "num_translations": 37 }, "asymmetrical": { "senses": [ "Not symmetrical", "Presenting a false dilemma, or a choice between two things which are not opposites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asymmetric", "lopsided", "unsymmetrical" ], "word": "asymmetrical", "num_translations": 40 }, "satiate": { "senses": [ "To fill to satisfaction", "to satisfy", "To satisfy to excess To fill to satiety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sate" ], "word": "satiate", "num_translations": 44 }, "seventhheaven": { "senses": [ "The outermost of the heavenly spheres", "a dwelling of the angels", "A state of great joy and satisfaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cloud nine" ], "word": "seventhheaven", "num_translations": 20 }, "unsuitable": { "senses": [ "Not suitable", "unfit", "inappropriate" ], "antonyms": [ "suitable", "appropriate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unsuitable", "num_translations": 31 }, "upload": { "senses": [ "to transfer data or files from a peripheral or subordinate system to a larger or more central one", "especially from a personal computer to an Internet server" ], "antonyms": [ "download" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "upload", "num_translations": 76 }, "upload1": { "senses": [ "Such a file transfer" ], "antonyms": [ "download" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "upload", "num_translations": 30 }, "hearsay": { "senses": [ "Information that was heard by one person about another that cannot be adequately substantiated", "Evidence based on the reports of others, which is normally inadmissible because it was not made under oath, rather than on personal knowledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common talk", "gossip", "report", "rumor" ], "word": "hearsay", "num_translations": 60 }, "prominence": { "senses": [ "The state of being prominent: widely known or eminent", "Relative importance", "A bulge: something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from a form", "Autonomous height", "relative height or prime factor", "a concept used in the categorization of hills and mountains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prominence", "num_translations": 34 }, "fitness": { "senses": [ "The condition of being fit, suitable or appropriate", "The cultivation of an attractive and/or healthy physique", "An organism's or species' degree of success in finding a mate and producing offspring", "The condition of being attractive, fanciable or beautiful" ], "antonyms": [ "unfitness", "flab", "weakness" ], "synonyms": [ "beauty", "strength" ], "word": "fitness", "num_translations": 47 }, "prognosticate": { "senses": [ "To predict or forecast, especially through the application of skill", "To presage, betoken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "presage" ], "word": "prognosticate", "num_translations": 17 }, "culminate": { "senses": [ "Of a heavenly body, to be at the highest point, reach its greatest altitude", "To reach the summit, highest point, peak etc", "To reach a climax", "to come to the decisive point", "To finalize, bring to a conclusion, form the climax of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "culminate", "num_translations": 30 }, "mapping": { "senses": [ "The process of making maps", "The process of locating genes on a chromosome", "Assigning a PC to a shared drive or printer port on a network", "A function that maps every element of a given set to a unique element of another set", "a correspondence", "conversion of data types between incompatible type systems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mapping", "num_translations": 22 }, "footstep": { "senses": [ "The mark or impression left by a foot", "a track", "By extension, the indications or waypoints of a course or direction taken", "The sound made by walking, running etc", "A step, as in a stair", "The distance between one foot and the next when walking", "a pace", "The act of taking a step", "An inclined plane under a hand printing press" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mark left by a foot", "signs of a course taken", "sound of a footstep", "step, as in a stair", "distance of one footstep", "act of taking a step" ], "word": "footstep", "num_translations": 87 }, "destitute": { "senses": [ "Lacking something", "devoid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "destitute", "num_translations": 27 }, "creeper": { "senses": [ "A person or a thing that crawls or creeps", "Often in plural, a one-piece garment for infants designed to facilitate access to the wearer's diaper", "A device which allows a small child to safely roam around a room from a seated or standing position", "A metal plate with spikes, designed to be worn with shoes to prevent slipping", "A spur-like device strapped to the boot to facilitate climbing", "A small low iron, or dog, between the andirons", "An instrument with iron hooks or claws for dredging up items from a well or other water", "Any device for causing material to move steadily from one part of a machine to another, such as an apron in a carding machine, or an inner spiral in a grain screen", "Any plant that grows by creeping", "especially a climbing plant of the genus Parthenocissus", "A small four-hooked grapnel used to recover objects dropped onto the sea bed", "The lowest gear of a tractor or truck", "A low-profile wheeled platform whereupon an auto mechanic may lie on their back and gain better access to the underbody of a vehicle", "A person who creeps people out", "a creepy person", "A kind of shoe, usually with a suede upper and a thick crepe sole, associated with various twentieth-century subcultures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crawler", "babygro", "climber", "cradle" ], "word": "creeper", "num_translations": 29 }, "hudson": { "senses": [ "An surname", "male given name", "river c/US flowing from Lake Tear of the Clouds in Keene, New York into the Upper New York Bay at New York City", "town s/New Hampshire", "city s/Ohio", "town s/Massachusetts", "city/county seat co/St Croix County s/Wisconsin", "named for the river", "CDP s/Florida", "city/county seat co/Columbia County s/New York", "named for the river", "city p/Quebec an off-island suburb of city/Montreal", "city s/Texas", "town s/Colorado", "town s/North Carolina", "city s/Michigan", "city s/Iowa", "village s/Illinois", "named for the river", "town s/Maine", "named for the town in Massachusetts", "CDP s/Pennsylvania", "town s/Indiana", "township p/Ontario", "town s/Wyoming", "town s/South Dakota", "named for the city in Iowa", "city s/Kansas", "town province/Buenos Aires Province c/Argentina", "unincorporated community s/Missouri" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Hudson", "num_translations": 15 }, "yangtze": { "senses": [ "The longest river in China that flows to the East China Sea north of Shanghai" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chang Jiang", "Blue River", "Long River" ], "word": "Yangtze", "num_translations": 106 }, "tribute": { "senses": [ "An acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration", "an accompanying gift", "A payment made by one nation to another in submission", "Extortion", "protection money", "A payment made by a feudal vassal to his lord", "A certain proportion of the mined ore, or of its value, given to the miner as payment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heriot" ], "word": "tribute", "num_translations": 44 }, "subtlety": { "senses": [ "The quality of being subtle", "An instance of being subtle, a subtle thing, especially a subtle argument or distinction", "An ornate medieval illusion dish or table decoration, especially when made from one thing but crafted to look like another", "The quality of being clever in surreptitious or deceitful behaviour", "an act or argument that shows this quality", "A trick that creates a false appearance", "The property of having a low density or thin consistency", "The property of being able to penetrate materials easily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "subtlety", "num_translations": 39 }, "gawky": { "senses": [ "awkward, ungainly", "lacking grace or dexterity in movement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gauche" ], "word": "gawky", "num_translations": 10 }, "consign": { "senses": [ "To transfer to the custody of, usually for sale, transport, or safekeeping", "To entrust to the care of another", "To send to a final destination", "To assign", "to devote", "to set apart", "To stamp or impress", "to affect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "consign", "num_translations": 12 }, "cascade": { "senses": [ "A waterfall or series of small waterfalls", "A series of electrical components, the output of any one being connected to the input of the next", "See also daisy chain", "A pattern typically performed with an odd number of props, where each prop is caught by the opposite hand", "A sequence of absurd short messages posted to a newsgroup by different authors, each one responding to the most recent message and quoting the entire sequence to that point", "A hairpiece for women consisting of curled locks or a bun attached to a firm base, used to create the illusion of fuller hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cascade", "num_translations": 49 }, "one-horsetown": { "senses": [ "A very small town, especially one of a rural nature and/or offering very few or no attractions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "backwater", "bump in the road", "jerkwater town", "one-blink town", "Podunk", "boondocks", "the sticks", "backwoods", "middle of nowhere", "Thesaurus:remote place" ], "word": "one-horsetown", "num_translations": 10 }, "stinger": { "senses": [ "A pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack", "Anything that is used to sting, as a means of attack", "Anything, such as an insult, that stings mentally or psychologically", "a cocktail of brandy and cr\u00e8me de menthe", "A portable bed of nails to puncture car tires, used by police and military forces", "A minor neurological injury of the spine characterized by a shooting or stinging pain down one arm, followed by numbness and weakness", "A station identifier on television or radio played between shows", "A scene shown on films or television shows after the credits", "A nonlethal grenade using rubber instead of shrapnel, more commonly called a sting grenade", "A final note played at the end of a military march", "An extension cord", "A stinging nettle", "Chironex fleckeri, an extremely venomous Australian box jellyfish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spike strip" ], "word": "stinger", "num_translations": 73 }, "decriminalization": { "senses": [ "The act of making a previously criminal activity no longer treatable as a criminal offence" ], "antonyms": [ "criminalization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "decriminalization", "num_translations": 12 }, "normalization": { "senses": [ "Any process that makes something more normal or regular, which typically means conforming to some regularity or rule, or returning from some state of abnormality", "standardization, act of imposing standards or norms or rules or regulations", "In relational database design, a process that breaks down data into record groups for efficient processing, by eliminating redundancy", "Process of establishing normal diplomatic relations between two countries", "globalization, the process of making a worldwide normal and dominant model of production and consumption", "Making a normalized production", "Sharing or enforcement of standard policies", "A process whereby artificial and unwanted norms of behaviour and models of behaviour are made to seem natural and wanted, through propaganda, influence, imitation and conformity", "The process of removing statistical error in repeated measured data" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "normalization", "num_translations": 25 }, "grating1": { "senses": [ "A barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a passage but admitting air", "A frame of iron bars to hold a fire", "The loose material that comes from something being grated", "An optical system of close equidistant and parallel lines or bars, especially lines ruled on a polished surface, used for producing spectra by diffraction", "The strong wooden lattice used to cover a hatch, admitting light and air", "also, a movable lattice used for the flooring of boats", "The sound made by something that grates against something else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grill" ], "word": "grating", "num_translations": 35 }, "seatbelt": { "senses": [ "A restraining belt attached to a vehicle seat which is fastened around passengers and which is intended to keep an occupant in place so as to avoid injuries in accidents where the occupant could be thrown against a solid object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "safety belt" ], "word": "seatbelt", "num_translations": 49 }, "longhornbeetle": { "senses": [ "any beetle from the Cerambycidae family, notable for their extremely long antennae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "longicorn" ], "word": "longhornbeetle", "num_translations": 13 }, "redfox": { "senses": [ "A common species of fox, Vulpes vulpes native to North America, Asia, Europe and North Africa", "small, with reddish fur, but larger than the arctic fox", "A flowering plant, Celosia argentea, having brightly coloured flowers of several shades" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plumed cockscomb", "wool flower" ], "word": "redfox", "num_translations": 25 }, "bowlerhat": { "senses": [ "A hard round black felt hat with a narrow brim", "no longer commonly worn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bowler" ], "word": "bowlerhat", "num_translations": 23 }, "grandeur": { "senses": [ "The state of being grand or splendid", "magnificence", "Nobility", "Greatness", "largeness", "tallness", "loftiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grandeur", "num_translations": 20 }, "ecdysiast": { "senses": [ "An erotic dancer who removes their clothes as a form of entertainment", "a stripper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exotic dancer" ], "word": "ecdysiast", "num_translations": 11 }, "antilogarithm": { "senses": [ "The number of which a given number is the logarithm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antilog" ], "word": "antilogarithm", "num_translations": 13 }, "contrived1": { "senses": [ "Created in a deliberate, rather than natural or spontaneous, way", "Unnatural, forced", "artificial, or unrealistic" ], "antonyms": [ "spontaneous" ], "synonyms": [ "staged" ], "word": "contrived", "num_translations": 46 }, "subdued": { "senses": [ "Conquered", "overpowered", "crushed", "submissive", "Not glaring in color", "soft and light in tone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "subdued", "num_translations": 14 }, "bluetit": { "senses": [ "Cyanistes caeruleus, a small bird of the tit family Paridae, with an azure blue crown and dark blue line passing through the eye and encircling the white cheeks to the chin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurasian blue tit" ], "word": "bluetit", "num_translations": 39 }, "magnetize": { "senses": [ "To make magnetic", "To become magnetic", "To hypnotize using mesmerism", "To attract, allure or entice", "to captivate or entrance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "magnetize", "num_translations": 13 }, "atmosphericpressure": { "senses": [ "The pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere above an area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air pressure", "barometric pressure" ], "word": "atmosphericpressure", "num_translations": 32 }, "carcinogenic": { "senses": [ "Causing or tending to cause cancer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cancerogenic" ], "word": "carcinogenic", "num_translations": 30 }, "grounded": { "senses": [ "Not allowed to fly", "Confined to stay inside, typically by a parent, as a punishment", "Mature, sensible with well-considered priorities", "Of or pertaining to an electrical conductor which is connected to earth", "earthed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grounded", "num_translations": 19 }, "scholarly": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of a scholar", "Of or relating to scholastics or scholarship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:learned" ], "word": "scholarly", "num_translations": 14 }, "caspiansea": { "senses": [ "A landlocked sea between Eastern Europe and Asia It is the world's largest inland body of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mazandaran Sea" ], "word": "CaspianSea", "num_translations": 84 }, "crabapple": { "senses": [ "Any of the wild species of apple tree, genus Malus, which generally yield small, bitter fruit", "The fruit of this tree", "An unpleasant person", "a person who is crabby" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crab", "crab", "grouch" ], "word": "crabapple", "num_translations": 42 }, "differentiate": { "senses": [ "To show, or be the distinction between two things", "To perceive the difference between things", "to discriminate", "To modify, or be modified", "To calculate the derivative of a function", "To calculate the differential of a function of multiple variables", "To produce distinct organs or to achieve specific functions by a process of development called differentiation" ], "antonyms": [ "equate", "mix up", "leave alone" ], "synonyms": [ "differentialize", "differentialize", "change" ], "word": "differentiate", "num_translations": 57 }, "widescreen1": { "senses": [ "Filmed in a greater aspect ratio than the 133:1 or 137:1 aspect ratio", "Presented in the original aspect ratio", "presented in letterbox orientation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "panoramic" ], "word": "widescreen", "num_translations": 12 }, "letterbox1": { "senses": [ "A collection point for mail intended for onward delivery, a secure box or receptacle for this purpose", "A delivery point for mail, a box, compartment or slot for this purpose", "A hidden container that holds a logbook and rubber stamp, found by following clues" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mailbox", "post box", "pillar box", "mail slot" ], "word": "letterbox", "num_translations": 58 }, "armoredpersonnelcarrier": { "senses": [ "An armored vehicle for carrying infantry soldiers in combat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "APC" ], "word": "armoredpersonnelcarrier", "num_translations": 26 }, "backstop": { "senses": [ "A thing or a person put in the rear or in the back of something to reinforce, hold, support", "A default arrangement that holds if all else fails", "A wall or fence behind home plate", "A catcher", "the position of catcher", "The player who stands immediately behind the striking base", "The longstop", "The wicket-keeper", "Something serving to bolster or support a cover story etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "backstop", "num_translations": 21 }, "introvert": { "senses": [ "An organ or other body part that is or can be turned inside out, especially an anterior portion of some annelid worms capable of retraction", "one who often prefers to have time in non-social situations", "A reserved person" ], "antonyms": [ "extrovert" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "introvert", "num_translations": 12 }, "endogenous": { "senses": [ "Produced, originating or growing from within", "Of a natural process, or caused by factors within the body" ], "antonyms": [ "exogenous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "endogenous", "num_translations": 27 }, "enroll": { "senses": [ "To enter in a register, roll or list", "To enlist or make a member of", "To enlist oneself or become a member", "To envelop", "to enwrap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "list", "enlist", "enlist", "add" ], "word": "enroll", "num_translations": 50 }, "bipartite": { "senses": [ "Having two parts", "Having two participants", "joint", "Divided into two at the base", "Having vertices that can be divided into two independent sets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bipartite", "num_translations": 17 }, "essivecase": { "senses": [ "Noun case used to indicate a temporary state of being, such as the site of an action or the time at which it took place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "similaris case" ], "word": "essivecase", "num_translations": 16 }, "savour": { "senses": [ "The specific taste or smell of something", "A distinctive sensation", "Sense of smell", "power to scent, or trace by scent", "Pleasure", "appreciation", "relish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "savour", "num_translations": 24 }, "moray": { "senses": [ "Any of the large cosmopolitan carnivorous eels of the family Muraenidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moray eel" ], "word": "moray", "num_translations": 15 }, "terribly": { "senses": [ "So as to cause terror or awe", "Very", "extremely", "Very badly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grisly", "very" ], "word": "terribly", "num_translations": 29 }, "constitute": { "senses": [ "To set up", "to establish", "to enact", "To make up", "to compose", "to form", "To appoint, depute, or elect to an office", "to make and empower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "establish", "make up" ], "word": "constitute", "num_translations": 80 }, "cellmembrane": { "senses": [ "The semipermeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plasma membrane" ], "word": "cellmembrane", "num_translations": 29 }, "conjure": { "senses": [ "To perform magic tricks", "To summon using supernatural power", "To practice black magic", "To enchant or bewitch", "To evoke", "To imagine or picture in the mind", "To make an urgent request to", "to appeal to or beseech", "To conspire or plot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conjure", "num_translations": 50 }, "cracked": { "senses": [ "Broken so that cracks appear on, or under, the surface", "Broken into coarse pieces", "Harsh or dissonant", "Crazy", "crackpot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cracked", "num_translations": 20 }, "battalion": { "senses": [ "An army unit having two or more companies, etc and a headquarters Traditionally forming part of a regiment", "an army unit having two or more companies, etc and a headquarters", "forming part of a brigade", "Any large body of troops", "A great number of things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heap" ], "word": "battalion", "num_translations": 52 }, "pollock": { "senses": [ "Either of two lean, white marine food fishes, of the genus Pollachius, in the cod family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Atlantic pollock", "Boston blues" ], "word": "pollock", "num_translations": 17 }, "convolution": { "senses": [ "A twist or fold", "Any of the folds on the surface of the brain", "The shape of something rotating", "a vortex", "State or condition of being convoluted", "A form of moving average", "A function which maps a tuple of sequences into a sequence of tuples" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "convolution", "num_translations": 10 }, "inventory": { "senses": [ "The stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business", "A detailed list of all of the items on hand", "The process of producing or updating such a list", "A space containing the items available to a character for immediate use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:list" ], "word": "inventory", "num_translations": 72 }, "inventory1": { "senses": [ "To take stock of the resources or items on hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "index", "inventorize", "take inventory", "take stock" ], "word": "inventory", "num_translations": 12 }, "encroachment": { "senses": [ "An entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon", "an advance beyond former borders", "intrusion", "incursion", "An intrusion upon another's possessions or rights", "infringement", "That which is gained by such unlawful intrusion", "An unlawful diminution of the possessions of another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "encroachment", "num_translations": 13 }, "presumptuous": { "senses": [ "Going beyond what is right, proper, or appropriate because of an excess of self-confidence or arrogance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overconfident", "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "presumptuous", "num_translations": 42 }, "fortified": { "senses": [ "past of \"fortify\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "castellate" ], "word": "fortified", "num_translations": 10 }, "carinthia": { "senses": [ "A federal state of modern Austria", "region in modern c/Slovenia", "A region of the Holy Roman and Austrian empires" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Slovenian Carinthia" ], "word": "Carinthia", "num_translations": 20 }, "dominion": { "senses": [ "Power or the use of power", "sovereignty over something", "stewardship, supremacy", "predominance", "ascendancy", "A kingdom, nation, or other sphere of influence", "governed territory", "An order of angel in Christian angelology, ranked above angels and below thrones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dominion", "num_translations": 43 }, "frothy": { "senses": [ "Foamy or churned to the point of becoming infused with bubbles", "lightweight", "lacking depth or substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foamy" ], "word": "frothy", "num_translations": 16 }, "milky": { "senses": [ "Resembling milk in color, consistency, smell, etc", "consisting of milk", "Of the black in an image, appearing as dark gray rather than black", "Containing milk", "Containing a whitish liquid, juicy", "Cowardly", "Immature, childish", "Producing milk, lactating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lacteous", "lactiferous", "fearful", "infantile", "lactifluous" ], "word": "milky", "num_translations": 29 }, "infuse": { "senses": [ "To cause to become an element of something", "to insert or fill", "To steep in a liquid, so as to extract the soluble constituents", "To inspire", "to inspirit or animate", "to fill", "To instill as a quality", "To undergo infusion", "To make an infusion with", "to tincture", "to saturate", "To pour in, as a liquid", "to pour", "to shed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "infuse", "num_translations": 18 }, "prudence": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being prudent", "wisdom in the way of caution and provision", "discretion", "carefulness", "hence, also, economy", "frugality" ], "antonyms": [ "imprudence" ], "synonyms": [ "wisdom", "forecast", "providence", "considerateness", "judiciousness", "discretion", "caution", "sagacity", "circumspection", "judgment", "Thesaurus:caution" ], "word": "prudence", "num_translations": 23 }, "overflow1": { "senses": [ "To flow over the brim of", "To cover with a liquid, literally or figuratively", "To flow over the edge of a container", "To exceed limits or capacity", "To be superabundant", "to abound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overflow", "num_translations": 67 }, "zander": { "senses": [ "A European freshwater fish in the family Percidae, closely related to the perch, Sander lucioperca", "Any fish of the genus Sander that live in freshwater" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sandari", "pike-perch" ], "word": "zander", "num_translations": 46 }, "likelihood": { "senses": [ "The probability of a specified outcome", "the chance of something happening", "probability", "the state or degree of being probable", "The probability that some fixed outcome was generated by a random distribution with a specific parameter", "Likeness, resemblance", "Appearance, show, sign, expression" ], "antonyms": [ "unlikelihood" ], "synonyms": [ "likeliness", "odds" ], "word": "likelihood", "num_translations": 44 }, "clothed1": { "senses": [ "Wearing clothes or clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clad" ], "word": "clothed", "num_translations": 10 }, "askfor": { "senses": [ "To request", "To increase the likelihood of something by persisting in some action", "to invite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "request" ], "word": "askfor", "num_translations": 30 }, "dazzling1": { "senses": [ "Shining intensely", "Splendid", "brilliant", "Superlative", "astounding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dazzling", "num_translations": 16 }, "anastrophe": { "senses": [ "Unusual word order, often involving an inversion of the usual pattern of the sentence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inversion" ], "word": "anastrophe", "num_translations": 19 }, "tiresome": { "senses": [ "Causing fatigue or boredom", "wearisome" ], "antonyms": [ "causing fatigue or boredom" ], "synonyms": [ "causing fatigue or boredom", "Thesaurus:wearisome" ], "word": "tiresome", "num_translations": 24 }, "latter-daysaint": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LDS", "Mormon" ], "word": "Latter-daySaint", "num_translations": 13 }, "fluff": { "senses": [ "Anything light, soft or fuzzy, especially fur, hair, feathers", "Anything inconsequential or superficial", "A lapse or mistake, especially a mistake in an actor's lines", "Marshmallow creme", "A passive partner in a lesbian relationship", "A fart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fuzz", "BS", "blooper", "blunder", "boo-boo", "defect", "error", "fault", "faux pas", "gaffe", "lapse", "mistake", "slip", "stumble", "thinko", "ruffle", "Thesaurus:error" ], "word": "fluff", "num_translations": 66 }, "fluff1": { "senses": [ "To make a mistake in one's lines", "To do incorrectly, for example mishit, miskick, miscue etc", "To fart", "To arouse before filming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fluff", "num_translations": 27 }, "ganesha": { "senses": [ "A Hindu god of intellect, wisdom, gates and beginnings, son of Parvati and Shiva", "male given name used in India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aumkara", "Ekadanta", "Gajanana", "Ganapati", "Heramba", "Lambodara", "Shurpa Karna", "Umaputra", "Vakratunda", "Vighnaharta", "Vinayaka" ], "word": "Ganesha", "num_translations": 40 }, "polysemy": { "senses": [ "The property of a word, sign or symbol that can represent multiple similar meanings" ], "antonyms": [ "monosemy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "polysemy", "num_translations": 64 }, "incidental": { "senses": [ "Loosely associated", "existing as a byproduct, tangent, or accident", "being a likely consequence", "Occurring by chance", "Entering or approaching, prior to reflection" ], "antonyms": [ "inevitable", "inevitable" ], "synonyms": [ "accidental", "accidental" ], "word": "incidental", "num_translations": 33 }, "circadian": { "senses": [ "of, relating to, or showing rhythmic behaviour with a period of 24 hours", "especially of a biological process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diurnal" ], "word": "circadian", "num_translations": 12 }, "circulate": { "senses": [ "to move in circles or through a circuit", "to cause to move in circles or through a circuit", "to move from person to person, as at a party", "to spread or disseminate", "to become widely known", "Of decimals: to repeat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "put about", "spread", "disseminate" ], "word": "circulate", "num_translations": 22 }, "fairway": { "senses": [ "The area between the tee and the green, where the grass is cut short", "Any tract of land free from obstacles", "A channel either from offshore, in a river, or in a harbor that has enough depth to accommodate the draft of large vessels", "A navigable channel in a harbour, offshore etc", "the usual course taken by vessels in such places" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fairway", "num_translations": 18 }, "plectrum": { "senses": [ "A small piece of plastic, metal, ivory, etc, for plucking the strings of a guitar, lyre, mandolin, etc", "A projection of bone or other stiff tissue, such as the ridges in some insects' stridulatory organs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guitar pick" ], "word": "plectrum", "num_translations": 69 }, "coldsore": { "senses": [ "A small bump on the lips resulting from infection by herpes simplex viruses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fever blister", "herpes labialis", "herpes simplex", "herpes simplex 1" ], "word": "coldsore", "num_translations": 17 }, "ragged": { "senses": [ "In tatters, having the texture broken", "Having rough edges", "jagged or uneven", "Harsh-sounding", "having an unpleasant noise", "Wearing tattered clothes", "Rough", "shaggy", "rugged", "Faulty", "lacking in skill, reliability, or organization", "performed in a syncopated manner, especially in ragtime", "Of a data structure: having uneven levels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ragged", "num_translations": 58 }, "bandit": { "senses": [ "One who robs others in a lawless area, especially as part of a group", "An outlaw", "One who cheats others", "An enemy aircraft", "A runner who covertly joins a race without having registered as a participant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "criminal", "cheater" ], "word": "bandit", "num_translations": 102 }, "redound": { "senses": [ "To swell up", "to overflow, to surge", "To contribute to an advantage or disadvantage for someone or something", "To contribute to the honour, shame etc of a person or organisation", "To reverberate, to echo", "To reflect to or onto someone", "To attach, come back, accrue to someone", "to reflect back on or upon someone", "To arise from or out of something", "To roll back", "to be sent or driven back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "redound", "num_translations": 11 }, "curtains": { "senses": [ "plural of \"curtain\"", "An end, death", "a ring of clear liquid, forming into drops, near the top of a glass of fortified wine", "the result of differential evaporation of alcohol and subsequent changes in surface tension", "an example of the Marangoni effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "church windows" ], "word": "curtains", "num_translations": 11 }, "backing": { "senses": [ "Support, especially financial", "A liner or other material added behind or underneath", "Musicians and vocalists who support the main performer", "The mounting of a horse or other animal", "The action of putting something back", "a switching into reverse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "backing", "num_translations": 14 }, "casting1": { "senses": [ "The act or process of selecting actors, singers, dancers, models, etc", "A manufacturing process using a mold", "An object made in a mold", "The regurgitation of fur, feathers, and other undigestible material by hawks, to clean and empty their crops", "The excreta of an earthworm or similar creature", "The act of converting between data types" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "audition" ], "word": "casting", "num_translations": 31 }, "schooling": { "senses": [ "Training or instruction", "Institutional education", "attendance of school", "The training of a horse at dressage", "Discipline", "reproof", "reprimand", "Compensation for instruction", "price or reward paid to an instructor for teaching pupils" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "schooling", "num_translations": 22 }, "greatwhiteshark": { "senses": [ "A large shark, Carcharodon carcharias, of coastal surface waters in all major oceans that feeds on fish and marine mammals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "great white" ], "word": "greatwhiteshark", "num_translations": 37 }, "milktooth": { "senses": [ "Any tooth of the first set of teeth of young people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deciduous tooth", "baby tooth", "temporary tooth", "primary tooth" ], "word": "milktooth", "num_translations": 55 }, "saleswoman": { "senses": [ "A woman whose occupation it is to sell things" ], "antonyms": [ "salesman" ], "synonyms": [ "saleslady" ], "word": "saleswoman", "num_translations": 19 }, "salesperson": { "senses": [ "A person whose job is to sell things, either in a shop/store or elsewhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seller", "vendor" ], "word": "salesperson", "num_translations": 45 }, "sacristy": { "senses": [ "A room in a church where sacred vessels, books, vestments, etc are kept Sometimes also used by clergy to prepare for worship or for meetings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vestry" ], "word": "sacristy", "num_translations": 23 }, "truism": { "senses": [ "A self-evident or obvious truth", "A banality or clich\u00e9" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "truism", "num_translations": 48 }, "sapodilla": { "senses": [ "Manilkara zapota, a long-lived evergreen tree native to the New World tropics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chikoo" ], "word": "sapodilla", "num_translations": 27 }, "impenetrable": { "senses": [ "Not penetrable", "Incomprehensible", "fathomless", "inscrutable", "Opaque", "obscure", "not translucent or transparent" ], "antonyms": [ "penetrable" ], "synonyms": [ "impregnable", "Thesaurus:incomprehensible" ], "word": "impenetrable", "num_translations": 28 }, "penetrable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being penetrated, entered, or pierced Also figuratively" ], "antonyms": [ "impenetrable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "penetrable", "num_translations": 11 }, "softy": { "senses": [ "A weak or sentimental person", "Somebody who finds it difficult to scold or punish", "A software expert who is ignorant of the workings of hardware", "A soft drink containing no alcohol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nestle-cock" ], "word": "softy", "num_translations": 10 }, "spotted": { "senses": [ "Discoloured by spots", "stained", "Characterized by spots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discoloured by spots" ], "word": "spotted", "num_translations": 35 }, "semantic": { "senses": [ "Reflecting intended structure and meaning", "Petty or trivial", "quibbling, niggling" ], "antonyms": [ "antisemantic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "semantic", "num_translations": 29 }, "stilt": { "senses": [ "Either of two poles with footrests that allow someone to stand or walk above the ground", "used mostly by entertainers", "A tall pillar or post used to support some structure", "often above water", "Any of various wading birds of the genera Himantopus and Cladorhynchus, related to the avocet, that have extremely long legs and long thin bills", "A crutch", "The handle of a plough" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stilt", "num_translations": 62 }, "sealed1": { "senses": [ "Closed by a seal", "Preventing entrance", "Of a road that has an asphalt or macadamised surface", "Not subclassable", "from which one cannot inherit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impermeable" ], "word": "sealed", "num_translations": 11 }, "skit": { "senses": [ "A short comic performance", "A jeer or sally", "a brief satire", "A wanton girl", "a wench" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "skit", "num_translations": 26 }, "laborious": { "senses": [ "Requiring much physical effort", "toilsome", "Mentally difficult", "painstaking", "Industrious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "painstaking" ], "word": "laborious", "num_translations": 28 }, "duly": { "senses": [ "In a due, fit, or becoming manner", "as it ought to be", "properly", "Regularly", "at the proper time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "duly", "num_translations": 23 }, "guarded1": { "senses": [ "Cautious", "restrained", "Watched over", "supervised", "Not favourable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "guarded", "num_translations": 10 }, "glittering1": { "senses": [ "Brightly sparkling", "Valuable, desirable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aglitter" ], "word": "glittering", "num_translations": 14 }, "shapely": { "senses": [ "Having a pleasing shape, pleasant to look at" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shapely" ], "word": "shapely", "num_translations": 24 }, "clamup": { "senses": [ "To become silent", "to stop talking, to shut up" ], "antonyms": [ "talk" ], "synonyms": [ "shut up" ], "word": "clamup", "num_translations": 25 }, "perturb": { "senses": [ "To disturb", "to bother or unsettle", "To slightly modify the motion of an object", "To modify the motion of a body by exerting a gravitational force", "To modify slightly, such as an equation or value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "perturb", "num_translations": 11 }, "paperwork": { "senses": [ "routine work involving written documents", "written documents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "administrativia", "administrivia" ], "word": "paperwork", "num_translations": 22 }, "emasculate1": { "senses": [ "To deprive of virile or procreative power", "to castrate, to geld", "To deprive of masculine vigor or spirit", "to weaken", "to render effeminate", "to vitiate by unmanly softness", "Of a flower: to deprive of the anthers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "emasculate", "num_translations": 22 }, "lowgerman": { "senses": [ "often treated as a dialect group of German for convenience, but widely recognized as a separate language", "Any of a number of West Germanic languages, primarily spoken in northern Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, that did not undergo the High German consonant shift", "the group thereof", "Any of many German dialects that are not the official standard although they are usually referred to only as \"Platt\"" ], "antonyms": [ "High Dutch", "High German", "Upper German", "Middle German", "Central German" ], "synonyms": [ "Plattdeutsch", "Low Saxon", "Nether-Saxon", "New Low German", "New Low Saxon", "New Saxon", "Middle Low German", "Middle Saxon", "Old Low German", "Old Saxon" ], "word": "LowGerman", "num_translations": 63 }, "valueaddedtax": { "senses": [ "A tax levied on the added value that results from the exchange of goods and services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "VAT", "goods and services tax" ], "word": "valueaddedtax", "num_translations": 59 }, "coif": { "senses": [ "A hairdo", "A hood", "a close-fitting cap covering much of the head, widespread until the 18th century", "after that worn only by small children and country women", "An item of chain mail headgear", "An official headdress, such as that worn by certain judges in England" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coif", "num_translations": 16 }, "backpedal": { "senses": [ "To pedal backwards on a bicycle", "To step backwards", "To distance oneself from an earlier claim or statement", "back off from an idea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "climb down" ], "word": "backpedal", "num_translations": 12 }, "stubble": { "senses": [ "Short, coarse hair, especially on a man's face", "The short stalks left in a field after crops have been harvested" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "five o'clock shadow", "stub", "stump" ], "word": "stubble", "num_translations": 80 }, "stipend": { "senses": [ "A scholarship granted to a student", "A fixed payment, generally small and occurring at regular intervals", "a modest allowance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allowance" ], "word": "stipend", "num_translations": 41 }, "placard": { "senses": [ "A sheet of paper or cardboard with a written or printed announcement on one side for display in a public place", "A public proclamation", "a manifesto or edict issued by authority", "Permission given by authority", "a license", "An extra plate on the lower part of the breastplate or backplate of armour", "A kind of stomacher, often adorned with jewels, worn in the fifteenth century and later", "The woodwork and frame of the door of a closet etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "placard", "num_translations": 28 }, "asunder": { "senses": [ "Into separate parts or pieces", "apart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apart" ], "word": "asunder", "num_translations": 30 }, "boggle": { "senses": [ "Either literally or figuratively to stop or hesitate as if suddenly seeing a bogle", "To be bewildered, dumbfounded, or confused", "To confuse or mystify", "overwhelm", "To embarrass with difficulties", "to palter or equivocate", "to bungle or botch", "To dissemble", "to play fast and loose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boggle", "num_translations": 31 }, "confiscate": { "senses": [ "To use one's authority to lay claim to and separate a possession from its holder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appropriate" ], "word": "confiscate", "num_translations": 65 }, "bookkeeper": { "senses": [ "A person responsible for keeping records or documents, such as of a business", "A bookseller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accountant" ], "word": "bookkeeper", "num_translations": 28 }, "powderedsugar": { "senses": [ "Very finely ground sugar to which cornstarch is added to prevent lumping, mostly used in icings and confections to produce a smooth texture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "icing sugar", "confectioners' sugar" ], "word": "powderedsugar", "num_translations": 31 }, "fritter1": { "senses": [ "To squander or waste time, money, or other resources", "eg occupy oneself idly or without clear purpose, to tinker with an unimportant part of a project, to dally, sometimes as a form of procrastination", "To sinter", "To cut into small pieces for frying", "To break into small pieces or fragments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fritter", "num_translations": 19 }, "forthright": { "senses": [ "Straightforward, not evasive, candid and direct", "Frank, outspoken", "Markedly simple", "Fixed, settled, decided", "Proceeding straight forth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forthright", "num_translations": 10 }, "scrumptious": { "senses": [ "Delicious", "delectable", "Picky", "fastidious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:delicious" ], "word": "scrumptious", "num_translations": 18 }, "yeah,right": { "senses": [ "A sarcastic expression of disbelief", "Correct", "affirmative", "yes", "yes, that is correct" ], "antonyms": [ "yeah right" ], "synonyms": [ "no" ], "word": "yeah,right", "num_translations": 28 }, "choker": { "senses": [ "A piece of jewelry or ornamental fabric, worn as a necklace, tight to the throat", "One who, or that which, chokes or strangles", "One who operates the choke of an engine during ignition", "Any disappointing or upsetting circumstance", "One who performs badly at an important part of a competition because they are nervous, especially when winning", "A loop of cable fastened around a log to haul it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "strangler", "bummer" ], "word": "choker", "num_translations": 25 }, "shape-shifter": { "senses": [ "A person or other being capable of changing their physical form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shape-shifter" ], "word": "shape-shifter", "num_translations": 20 }, "changeling": { "senses": [ "In pre-modern European mythology, an infant that was secretly exchanged for a mother's own baby by an evil creature (In British, Irish and Scandinavian mythology the exchanged infants were thought to be those of fairies, sprites or trolls", "in other places, they were ascribed to witches, devils, or demons)", "An infant secretly exchanged with another infant by mistake or by human doing", "swapling", "An organism which can change shape to mimic others", "A simpleton", "an idiot", "One apt to change", "a waverer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auf", "shape-shifter", "swapling" ], "word": "changeling", "num_translations": 36 }, "baguette": { "senses": [ "A narrow, relatively long rectangular shape", "A gem cut in such a shape", "A variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape", "A small molding, like the astragal, but smaller", "a bead", "One of the minute bodies seen in the divided nucleoli of some Infusoria after conjugation", "A French person, or a person of French descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "French bread" ], "word": "baguette", "num_translations": 55 }, "thoughtful": { "senses": [ "Demonstrating thought or careful consideration", "Demonstrating kindness or consideration for others" ], "antonyms": [ "thoughtless" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thoughtful", "num_translations": 50 }, "cloudberry": { "senses": [ "A species of slow-growing bramble", "The fruit of these plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rubus chamaemorus", "bakeapple", "aqpik" ], "word": "cloudberry", "num_translations": 160 }, "circlet": { "senses": [ "A small circle", "A ring worn as an ornament on the head", "A crown without arches or a covering", "A round body", "an orb", "A circular piece of wood put under a dish at table" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "circlet", "num_translations": 11 }, "idiotic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or resembling an idiot", "characterised with behaviour resembling idiocy", "Having the quality of idiocy", "very foolish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "idiotish" ], "word": "idiotic", "num_translations": 53 }, "longlive": { "senses": [ "May he, she or it live for a long time", "may it prosper" ], "antonyms": [ "down with" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "longlive", "num_translations": 91 }, "formalism": { "senses": [ "Strict adherence to a given form of conduct, practice etc", "One of several alternative computational paradigms for a given theory", "An approach to interpretation and/or evaluation focused on the structure of a literary work rather than on the contexts of its origin or reception", "The tendency to elevate formal above expressive value in music, as in serialism", "A particular mathematical or scientific theory or description of a given state or effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "formalism", "num_translations": 21 }, "burlesque1": { "senses": [ "A derisive art form that mocks by imitation", "a parody", "A variety adult entertainment show, usually including titillation such as striptease, most common from the 1880s to the 1930s", "A ludicrous imitation", "a caricature", "a travesty", "a gross perversion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "burlesque", "num_translations": 11 }, "burnish": { "senses": [ "To make smooth or shiny by rubbing", "to polish", "to shine", "To shine forth", "to brighten", "to become smooth and glossy, as from swelling or filling out", "hence, to grow large", "To make appear positive and highly respected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wax" ], "word": "burnish", "num_translations": 16 }, "lowball1": { "senses": [ "to give an intentionally low estimate of anything, not necessarily with deceptive intent", "To give a deceptively low price or cost estimate that one has no intention of honoring or to prepare a cost estimate deliberately and misleadingly low", "To make an offer well below an item's true value, often to take advantage of the seller's desperation or desire to sell the item quickly" ], "antonyms": [ "highball" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lowball", "num_translations": 10 }, "shocked": { "senses": [ "surprised, startled, confused, or taken aback", "Suffering from shock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:astonished" ], "word": "shocked", "num_translations": 17 }, "downfall": { "senses": [ "A precipitous decline in fortune", "death or rapid deterioration, as in status or wealth", "The cause of such a fall", "a critical blow or error", "An act of falling down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "downfall", "num_translations": 41 }, "kingpin": { "senses": [ "The axis around which steered wheels pivot", "a bolt that holds the axis in place\u2014a kingbolt", "The pin at the centre of the triangle of bowling pins Sometimes also the headpin at the apex", "The most important person in an undertaking or organization", "The bolt holding together the truck of a roller skate or skateboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big cheese", "big enchilada", "big tamale", "big kahuna", "bigwig", "big wheel", "grand poobah", "head honcho", "muckety muck", "top banana", "top dog", "big noise" ], "word": "kingpin", "num_translations": 19 }, "kinesthesia": { "senses": [ "Sensation or perception of motion", "Proprioception or static position sense", "the perception of the position and posture of the body", "also, more broadly, including the motion of the body as well See usage notes below" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proprioception", "kinesthesis" ], "word": "kinesthesia", "num_translations": 17 }, "forged": { "senses": [ "Fake", "falsified", "Fabricated by forging or at a forge, by working hot metal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fake" ], "word": "forged", "num_translations": 16 }, "languid": { "senses": [ "Lacking enthusiasm, energy, or strength", "drooping or flagging from weakness, fatigue, or lack of energy", "Heavy", "dull", "dragging", "wanting spirit or animation", "listless", "apathetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exhausted", "faint", "listless", "swear", "weak", "weary" ], "word": "languid", "num_translations": 39 }, "sodiumchloride": { "senses": [ "Common table salt, a compound composed of equal number of sodium and chlorine atoms Chemical formula NaCl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "NaCl", "table salt" ], "word": "sodiumchloride", "num_translations": 29 }, "koi": { "senses": [ "Ornamental domesticated varieties of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio, of Japan and eastern Asia with red-gold or white coloring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cyprinus carpio" ], "word": "koi", "num_translations": 14 }, "gurnard": { "senses": [ "Any of various marine fish of the family Triglidae that have a large armored head and fingerlike pectoral fins used for crawling along the sea bottom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sea robin" ], "word": "gurnard", "num_translations": 14 }, "gudgeon": { "senses": [ "A small freshwater fish, Gobio gobio, that is native to Eurasia", "Any of various similar small fish of the family Eleotridae, often used as bait", "An idiot", "a person easily duped or cheated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleeper goby" ], "word": "gudgeon", "num_translations": 40 }, "dodder1": { "senses": [ "Any of about 100-170 species of yellow, orange or red parasitic plants of the genus Cuscuta Formerly treated as the only genus in the family Cuscutaceae, recent genetic research by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group has shown that it is correctly placed in the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "angel hair" ], "word": "dodder", "num_translations": 51 }, "paunch": { "senses": [ "The first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant, the rumen", "The belly of a human, especially a large, fat protruding one", "The thickened rim of a bell, struck by the clapper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:paunch" ], "word": "paunch", "num_translations": 42 }, "rationale": { "senses": [ "An explanation of the basis or fundamental reasons for something", "A justification or rationalization for something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reasoning", "reasoning" ], "word": "rationale", "num_translations": 27 }, "allatonce": { "senses": [ "Unexpectedly", "without warning", "all of a sudden", "All at the same time", "all together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "allatonce", "num_translations": 26 }, "lengthen": { "senses": [ "To make longer, to extend the length of", "To become longer" ], "antonyms": [ "shorten" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lengthen", "num_translations": 52 }, "unsightly": { "senses": [ "Displeasing to the eye" ], "antonyms": [ "beautiful", "sightly" ], "synonyms": [ "disgusting", "ugly" ], "word": "unsightly", "num_translations": 20 }, "prepubescent": { "senses": [ "Before the age at which a person begins puberty" ], "antonyms": [ "postpubescent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "prepubescent", "num_translations": 10 }, "misogynistic": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to or exhibiting misogyny" ], "antonyms": [ "nonmisogynistic", "unmisogynistic" ], "synonyms": [ "misogynist", "misogynic", "misogynous" ], "word": "misogynistic", "num_translations": 21 }, "kitschy": { "senses": [ "Having the nature of kitsch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corny" ], "word": "kitschy", "num_translations": 13 }, "great-aunt": { "senses": [ "An aunt of one's parent" ], "antonyms": [ "great-uncle", "great-nephew" ], "synonyms": [ "grandaunt" ], "word": "great-aunt", "num_translations": 25 }, "short-term": { "senses": [ "of or pertaining to the near or immediate future", "of or pertaining to a short duration of time" ], "antonyms": [ "long-term" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "short-term", "num_translations": 31 }, "awaken": { "senses": [ "To cause to become awake", "To stop sleeping", "awake", "To bring into action", "to stimulate", "To call to a sense of sin", "past participle of \"awake\"" ], "antonyms": [ "fall asleep" ], "synonyms": [ "knock up", "awake", "animate" ], "word": "awaken", "num_translations": 105 }, "legitimacy": { "senses": [ "The quality of being legitimate or valid", "validity", "Lawfulness of birth or origin", "directness of descent as affecting the royal succession" ], "antonyms": [ "illegitimacy" ], "synonyms": [ "legitimateness" ], "word": "legitimacy", "num_translations": 17 }, "diffusion": { "senses": [ "The act of diffusing or dispersing something, or the property of being diffused or dispersed", "dispersion", "The scattering of light by reflection from a rough surface, or by passage through a translucent medium", "The intermingling of the molecules of a fluid due to random thermal agitation", "The spread of cultural or linguistic practices, or social institutions, in one or more communities", "The gradual spread and adoption of goods or services", "Exchange of airborne media between regions in space in an apparently random motion of a small scale", "The movement of water vapor from regions of high concentration toward regions of lower concentration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diffusion", "num_translations": 17 }, "entree": { "senses": [ "A smaller dish served before the main course of a meal", "The main course or main dish of a meal", "The act of entering somewhere, or permission to enter", "admittance", "An introduction or prelude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "entree", "num_translations": 31 }, "sorrowful": { "senses": [ "exhibiting sorrow", "dejected", "distraught", "Producing sorrow", "causing grief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mournful", "Thesaurus:sad", "Thesaurus:lamentable" ], "word": "sorrowful", "num_translations": 37 }, "prescription": { "senses": [ "A written order, as by a physician or nurse practitioner, for the administration of a medicine or other intervention See also scrip", "The formal description of the lens geometry needed for spectacles, etc", "The act or practice of laying down norms of language usage, as opposed to description, ie recording and describing actual usage", "An instance of a prescriptive pronouncement", "A plan or procedure to obtain a given end result", "a recipe", "Circumscription", "restraint", "limitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forescript", "\u211e", "recipe" ], "word": "prescription", "num_translations": 120 }, "cupola": { "senses": [ "A dome-shaped ornamental structure located on top of a larger roof or dome", "A small turret, usually on a hatch of an armoured fighting vehicle", "An upward-projecting mass of plutonic rock extending from a larger batholith", "A solid formed by joining two polygons, one with twice as many edges as the other, by an alternating band of isosceles triangles and rectangles", "A type of furnace used for smelting", "A small cap over a structure that is shaped like a dome or inverted cup", "a small viewing window in the top of the caboose for looking over the train, or the the part of the caboose where one looks through this window" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cupola", "num_translations": 30 }, "detente": { "senses": [ "A relaxing of tension, especially between countries" ], "antonyms": [ "rollback", "containment" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "detente", "num_translations": 13 }, "gumarabic": { "senses": [ "An edible substance taken from one of two species of sub-Saharan acacia trees, Senegalia senegal and Vachellia seyal It is used in the food industry as a stabilizer and in other industries including pharmaceuticals, paints and polishes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E414", "gum acacia" ], "word": "gumarabic", "num_translations": 82 }, "reciprocity": { "senses": [ "The characteristic of being reciprocal, eg of a relationship between people", "A reciprocal relationship", "A relation of mutual dependence or action or influence", "A reciprocal construction involves two noun phrases where each of the participants occupies both the role of agent and patient with respect to the other see: Wikipedia:Reciprocal pronoun", "The responses of individuals to the actions of others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reciprocity", "num_translations": 16 }, "liverwort": { "senses": [ "A type of bryophyte with a leafy stem or leafless thallus characterized by a dominant gametophyte stage and a lack of stomata on the sporophyte stage of the life cycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hepatic", "Clevea" ], "word": "liverwort", "num_translations": 19 }, "cosmic": { "senses": [ "Of or from or pertaining to the cosmos or universe", "Characteristic of the cosmos or universe", "inconceivably great", "vast", "Rising or setting with the sun", "not acronycal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cosmic", "num_translations": 35 }, "hoverfly": { "senses": [ "Any of various flies from the family Syrphidae that hover in the air and feed on the nectar of flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hover-fly", "flower fly", "flower-fly" ], "word": "hoverfly", "num_translations": 23 }, "woodworm": { "senses": [ "Any of many beetle larvae that bore into wood", "A shipworm, a worm-like mollusk in the family Teredinidae that feeds on wood underwater in saltwater" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deathwatch beetle", "furniture beetle" ], "word": "woodworm", "num_translations": 14 }, "financier": { "senses": [ "A person who, as a profession, profits from large financial transactions", "A company that does the same", "One charged with the administration of finance", "an officer who administers the public revenue", "a treasurer", "A light, spongy teacake, usually based on almond flour or flavoring", "A traditional French or Piemontese rich sauce or ragout, made with coxcomb, wattles, cock's testicles, chicken livers and a variety of other ingredients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "financier", "num_translations": 30 }, "quantify": { "senses": [ "To assign a quantity to", "To determine the value of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quantitate" ], "word": "quantify", "num_translations": 19 }, "self-evident": { "senses": [ "Obviously true, and requiring no proof, argument or explanation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obvious" ], "word": "self-evident", "num_translations": 28 }, "self-made": { "senses": [ "Of a person, having achieved success by one's own efforts", "Of a thing, made by oneself instead of bought or taken over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "homemade", "self-structured" ], "word": "self-made", "num_translations": 14 }, "egress": { "senses": [ "An exit or way out", "The process of exiting or leaving", "The end of the apparent transit of a small astronomical body over the disk of a larger one" ], "antonyms": [ "entrance", "entering" ], "synonyms": [ "exit", "departure" ], "word": "egress", "num_translations": 11 }, "whenallissaidanddone": { "senses": [ "in the end", "ultimately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the end of the day" ], "word": "whenallissaidanddone", "num_translations": 10 }, "laggard1": { "senses": [ "One who lags behind", "one who takes more time than is necessary or than the others in a group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "laggard", "num_translations": 22 }, "screech": { "senses": [ "A high-pitched strident or piercing sound, such as that between a moving object and any surface", "A harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright", "a shriek", "a scream", "Newfoundland rum", "A form of home-made rye whiskey made from used oak rye barrels from a distillery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "screech", "num_translations": 23 }, "declivity": { "senses": [ "The downward slope of a hill", "the downward slope of a curve", "A downward bend in a path", "An inward curve of the exoskeleton of an insect, such as between body segments", "a segment of an insect's body where the exoskeleton curves inward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "declivity", "num_translations": 16 }, "embarrassing2": { "senses": [ "Causing embarrassment", "leading to a feeling of uncomfortable shame or self-consciousness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "awkward", "shameful" ], "word": "embarrassing", "num_translations": 37 }, "embody": { "senses": [ "To represent in a physical or concrete form", "to incarnate or personify", "To represent in some other form such as a code of laws", "To comprise or include as part of a cohesive whole", "to be made up of", "To unite in a body or mass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "actualize", "embrace", "fuse" ], "word": "embody", "num_translations": 57 }, "excursion": { "senses": [ "A brief recreational trip", "a journey out of the usual way", "A wandering from the main subject: a digression", "A deviation in pitch, for example in the syllables of enthusiastic speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "journey", "digression" ], "word": "excursion", "num_translations": 50 }, "mantis": { "senses": [ "Any of various large insects of the order Mantodea that catch insects or other small animals with their powerful forelegs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rearhorse" ], "word": "mantis", "num_translations": 56 }, "prayingmantis": { "senses": [ "Any of various predatory, cannibalistic insects of the order Mantodea that have a prayer-like stance", "A mantid of the species Mantis religiosa", "A woman who preys on men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mantid" ], "word": "prayingmantis", "num_translations": 74 }, "badapple": { "senses": [ "A person who is not wholesome, honest, or trustworthy, especially one who has an adverse influence on others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rotten apple" ], "word": "badapple", "num_translations": 17 }, "someday": { "senses": [ "Sometime", "at some unspecified time in the future" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one day" ], "word": "someday", "num_translations": 33 }, "selfishness": { "senses": [ "the quality of being selfish", "the condition of putting one's own interests before those of others" ], "antonyms": [ "selflessness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "selfishness", "num_translations": 20 }, "lighten": { "senses": [ "To make brighter or clearer", "to illuminate", "To become brighter or clearer", "to brighten", "To burst forth or dart, as lightning", "to shine with, or like, lightning", "to flash", "To emit or disclose in, or as if in, lightning", "to flash out, like lightning", "To illuminate with knowledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lighten", "num_translations": 28 }, "lighten1": { "senses": [ "To alleviate", "to reduce the burden of", "To make light or lighter in weight", "To make less serious or more cheerful", "To become light or lighter in weight", "To become less serious or more cheerful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lighten", "num_translations": 61 }, "tyrannosaurusrex": { "senses": [ "A giant carnivorous theropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous period" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "T-rex" ], "word": "Tyrannosaurusrex", "num_translations": 21 }, "solvency": { "senses": [ "The state of having enough funds or liquid assets to pay all of one's debts", "the state of being solvent" ], "antonyms": [ "insolvency" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "solvency", "num_translations": 21 }, "madden": { "senses": [ "To make angry", "To make insane", "to inflame with passion", "To become furious" ], "antonyms": [ "tranquilize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "madden", "num_translations": 18 }, "navigate": { "senses": [ "To plan, control and record the position and course of a vehicle, ship, aircraft etc on a journey", "to follow a planned course", "To travel over water in a ship", "to sail", "To move between web pages, menus, etc by means of hyperlinks, mouse clicks, or any other mechanism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "navigate", "num_translations": 31 }, "mileage": { "senses": [ "The total distance travelled in miles or in air miles", "The number of miles travelled by a vehicle on a certain volume of fuel", "An allowance for travel expenses at a specified rate per mile", "The amount of service that something has yielded or may yield in future", "Something worth taking into consideration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mileage", "num_translations": 31 }, "showcase": { "senses": [ "A case for displaying merchandise or valuable items", "A setting, occasion, or medium for exhibiting something or someone, especially in an attractive or favorable aspect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vitrine", "flagship" ], "word": "showcase", "num_translations": 68 }, "setforth": { "senses": [ "To state", "describe", "give an account of", "To present for consideration", "to propose", "To begin a journey or expedition", "To start" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "set out", "propose" ], "word": "setforth", "num_translations": 19 }, "downpour": { "senses": [ "A heavy rain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cloudburst", "deluge", "inundation", "monsoon", "rain", "rainstorm", "storm", "torrent", "wet" ], "word": "downpour", "num_translations": 66 }, "anchorage": { "senses": [ "A harbor, river, or offshore area that can accommodate a ship at anchor, either for quarantine, queuing, or dischargeUS FM 55-15 TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE DATA", "9 June 1886'''''", "A fee charged for anchoring", "That into which something is anchored or fastened", "The surgical fixation of prolapsed organs", "The act of anchoring, or the condition of lying at anchor", "The set of anchors belonging to a ship", "The retreat of a hermit, or anchorite", "Something on which one may depend for security", "ground of trust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anchorage", "num_translations": 55 }, "avianinfluenza": { "senses": [ "Any strain of influenza carried by and primarily affecting birds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "avian flu", "bird flu" ], "word": "avianinfluenza", "num_translations": 29 }, "lobby": { "senses": [ "An entryway or reception area", "vestibule", "passageway", "corridor", "That part of a hall of legislation not appropriated to the official use of the assembly", "A class or group of people who try to influence public officials", "A virtual area where players can chat and find opponents for a game", "An apartment or passageway in the fore part of an old-fashioned cabin under the quarter-deck", "A confined place for cattle, formed by hedges, trees, or other fencing, near the farmyard", "A margin along either side of the playing field in the sport of kabaddi" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lobby", "num_translations": 72 }, "lousy": { "senses": [ "Remarkably bad", "of poor quality, dirty, or underhanded", "mean, contemptible", "Infested with lice", "Filled or packed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lousy", "num_translations": 68 }, "soybean": { "senses": [ "A legume plant , commonly cultivated for human and animal consumption and as a nitrogen-fixing ground cover", "The edible seed of this plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soy", "soy bean", "soya bean", "soya" ], "word": "soybean", "num_translations": 68 }, "catalyticconverter": { "senses": [ "A chamber containing a finely divided platinum catalyst in which carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons from the exhaust are oxidized to carbon dioxide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catalyser" ], "word": "catalyticconverter", "num_translations": 18 }, "squish1": { "senses": [ "To squeeze, compress, or crush", "To be compressed or squeezed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condense" ], "word": "squish", "num_translations": 19 }, "bittersweet1": { "senses": [ "A vine, of the genus Celastrus, having small orange fruits that open to reveal red seeds", "Any variety of clam in the family Glycymerididae", "A pinkish-orange color Any color in between scarlet and orange" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bittersweet", "num_translations": 36 }, "creativity": { "senses": [ "The ability to use imagination to produce a novel idea or product that is useful to society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "creativeness" ], "word": "creativity", "num_translations": 38 }, "ramble1": { "senses": [ "To move about aimlessly, or on a winding course", "To walk for pleasure", "to amble or saunter", "To talk or write incessantly, unclearly, or incoherently, with many digressions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drivel" ], "word": "ramble", "num_translations": 27 }, "foresight": { "senses": [ "The ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future", "the front sight on a rifle or similar weapon", "a bearing taken forwards towards a new object" ], "antonyms": [ "hindsight" ], "synonyms": [ "prescience" ], "word": "foresight", "num_translations": 53 }, "speciation": { "senses": [ "The process by which new distinct species evolve", "The formation of different species as the environment changes", "The determination of which species is/are present in a fluid or tissue specimen, bacterial culture, or viral culture" ], "antonyms": [ "despeciation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "speciation", "num_translations": 17 }, "intelligibility": { "senses": [ "That which is intelligible", "the degree to which something is intelligible", "The quality of recorded speech of every word being understandable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clearness", "explicitness", "lucidity", "comprehensibility", "perspicuity", "legibility", "plain speaking" ], "word": "intelligibility", "num_translations": 17 }, "unsteady": { "senses": [ "Not held firmly in position, physically unstable", "Lacking regularity or uniformity", "Inconstant in purpose, or volatile in behavior" ], "antonyms": [ "steady" ], "synonyms": [ "precarious", "chaotic" ], "word": "unsteady", "num_translations": 36 }, "strawman": { "senses": [ "A doll or scarecrow, particularly one stuffed with straw", "An innocuous person or someone of nominal or lesser importance, as a front man or straw boss", "An insubstantial concept, idea, endeavor or argument, particularly one deliberately set up to be weakly supported, so that it can be easily knocked down", "especially to impugn the strength of any related or contrasted thing or idea", "An outline serving as an initial proposal for a project, usually refined iteratively", "synonym of \"straw buyer\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "strawman", "num_translations": 27 }, "gangly": { "senses": [ "Tall and thin, especially so as to cause physical awkwardness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrawny", "lanky" ], "word": "gangly", "num_translations": 12 }, "solemnity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being deeply serious and sober or solemn", "An instance or example of solemn behavior", "a rite or ceremony performed with reverence", "A feast day of the highest rank celebrating a mystery of faith such as the Trinity, an event in the life of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or another important saint", "A solemn or formal observance", "proceeding according to due form", "the formality which is necessary to render a thing done valid", "A celebration or festivity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solemnity", "num_translations": 16 }, "hateful": { "senses": [ "Evoking a feeling of hatred", "Dislikeable", "Full of hatred" ], "antonyms": [ "loveful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hateful", "num_translations": 38 }, "brigadiergeneral": { "senses": [ "A military officer who commands a brigade", "A one star general", "A military rank between colonel and the second lowest general rank or major general, having an O7 NATO rank scale equivalency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brigadier" ], "word": "brigadiergeneral", "num_translations": 17 }, "hardwater": { "senses": [ "Water with a high concentration of dissolved minerals, especially calcium, making it difficult to lather with soap" ], "antonyms": [ "soft water" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hardwater", "num_translations": 16 }, "softwater": { "senses": [ "Water with a low concentration of dissolved minerals, especially calcium, making it easier to lather with soap" ], "antonyms": [ "hard water" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "softwater", "num_translations": 12 }, "crepuscular": { "senses": [ "Of or resembling twilight", "dim", "Active at or around dusk, dawn or twilight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twilightish" ], "word": "crepuscular", "num_translations": 19 }, "everlasting": { "senses": [ "Lasting or enduring forever", "existing or continuing without end", "Continuing indefinitely, or during a long period", "perpetual", "sometimes used, colloquially, as a strong intensive", "Existing with infinite temporal duration" ], "antonyms": [ "ephemeral", "finite" ], "synonyms": [ "eternal", "immortal", "interminable", "endless", "never-ending", "infinite", "unlimited", "unceasing", "uninterrupted", "continual", "unintermitted", "incessant", "existing with infinite temporal duration" ], "word": "everlasting", "num_translations": 43 }, "sincerity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being sincere", "honesty of mind or intention", "freedom from simulation, hypocrisy, disguise, or false pretense" ], "antonyms": [ "insincerity" ], "synonyms": [ "honesty", "sincereness" ], "word": "sincerity", "num_translations": 34 }, "triumphant": { "senses": [ "Celebrating victory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "triumphal" ], "word": "triumphant", "num_translations": 30 }, "memorable": { "senses": [ "Worthy to be remembered", "very important or remarkable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:memorable" ], "word": "memorable", "num_translations": 30 }, "righteousness": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being righteous", "Holiness", "conformity of life to the divine law", "A righteous act, or righteous quality", "The act or conduct of one who is righteous", "The state of being right with God", "justification", "the work of Christ, which is the ground justification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "righteousness", "num_translations": 36 }, "damned": { "senses": [ "God-forsaken", "Variant of profane damn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:doomed", "Thesaurus:damned" ], "word": "damned", "num_translations": 31 }, "requisite": { "senses": [ "Essential, required, indispensable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "necessary", "Thesaurus:requisite" ], "word": "requisite", "num_translations": 15 }, "ham-fisted": { "senses": [ "Lacking skill in physical movement, especially with the hands", "Lacking skill in general" ], "antonyms": [ "dexterous", "skillful" ], "synonyms": [ "cackhanded", "clumsy", "ham-handed", "mutton-fisted" ], "word": "ham-fisted", "num_translations": 18 }, "rump": { "senses": [ "The hindquarters of a four-legged mammal, not including its legs", "The buttocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "croupe", "round", "see" ], "word": "rump", "num_translations": 61 }, "bruno": { "senses": [ "male given name", "surname", "A name for the bear", "city s/Minnesota", "village s/Nebraska", "municipality r/Piedmont c/Italy", "town p/Saskatchewan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Bruno", "num_translations": 29 }, "responsive": { "senses": [ "answering, replying or responding", "able to receive and respond to external stimuli", "using antiphons", "antiphonal", "susceptible to the feelings of others", "automatically resizing and repositioning elements to fit the available space", "suited to something else", "correspondent", "responsible" ], "antonyms": [ "nonresponsive", "unresponsive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "responsive", "num_translations": 25 }, "polarization": { "senses": [ "the production or the condition of polarity", "the production of polarized light", "the direction in which the electric field of an electromagnetic wave points", "the separation of positive and negative charges in a nucleus, atom, molecule or system", "the grouping of opinions into two extremes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "polarization", "num_translations": 41 }, "relic": { "senses": [ "That which remains", "that which is left after loss or decay", "a remaining portion", "Something old and outdated, possibly kept for sentimental reasons", "A part of the body of a saint, or an ancient religious object, kept for veneration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "remnant", "halidom" ], "word": "relic", "num_translations": 66 }, "lordship": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being a lord", "Title applied to a lord, bishop, judge, or another man with a title", "A boy or man who is behaving in a seigneurial manner or acting like a lord, behaving in a bossy manner or lording it up", "Seigniory", "domain", "the territory over which a lord holds jurisdiction", "a manor", "Dominion", "power", "authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lordship", "num_translations": 38 }, "bully": { "senses": [ "A person who is intentionally physically or emotionally cruel to others, especially to those who are weaker or have less power", "A noisy, blustering fellow, more insolent than courageous", "one who is threatening and quarrelsome", "an insolent, tyrannical fellow", "A hired thug", "A sex worker's minder", "A brisk, dashing fellow", "The small scrum in the Eton College field game", "Various small freshwater or brackishwater fish of the family Eleotridae", "An brother", "a fellow workman", "comrade", "A companion", "mate", "A darling, sweetheart", "A standoff between two players from the opposing teams, who repeatedly hit each other's hockey sticks and then attempt to acquire the ball, as a method of resuming the game in certain circumstances", "A miner's hammer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bully", "num_translations": 74 }, "mantle": { "senses": [ "A piece of clothing somewhat like an open robe or cloak, especially that worn by Orthodox bishops", "A figurative garment representing authority or status, capable of affording protection", "Anything that covers or conceals something else", "a cloak", "The body wall of a mollusc, from which the shell is secreted", "The back of a bird together with the folded wings", "The zone of hot gases around a flame", "A gauzy fabric impregnated with metal nitrates, used in some kinds of gas and oil lamps and lanterns, which forms a rigid but fragile mesh of metal oxides when heated during initial use and then produces white light from the heat of the flame below it", "The outer wall and casing of a blast furnace, above the hearth", "A penstock for a water wheel", "The cerebral cortex", "The layer between the Earth's core and crust", "A fireplace shelf", "alternative spelling of \"mantel\"", "A mantling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mantle", "num_translations": 83 }, "peristalsis": { "senses": [ "The rhythmic, wave-like contraction and relaxation of muscles so as to propagate motion, as of food in the digestive tract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enterocinesia", "vermiculation" ], "word": "peristalsis", "num_translations": 31 }, "indispensable": { "senses": [ "Not admitting ecclesiastical dispensation", "not subject to release or exemption", "that cannot be allowed by bending the canonical rules", "Unbendable, that cannot be set aside or ignored", "Absolutely necessary or requisite", "that one cannot do without" ], "antonyms": [ "dispensable" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:requisite" ], "word": "indispensable", "num_translations": 69 }, "decisive": { "senses": [ "Having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy", "putting an end to contest or controversy", "final", "conclusive", "Marked by promptness and decision" ], "antonyms": [ "indecisive" ], "synonyms": [ "decided", "positive", "conclusive" ], "word": "decisive", "num_translations": 55 }, "escort": { "senses": [ "A group of people or vehicles, generally armed, who go with a person or people of importance to safeguard them on a journey or mission", "An accompanying person in such a group", "A guard who travels with a dangerous person, such as a criminal, for the protection of others", "A group of people attending as a mark of respect or honor", "An accompanying person in a social gathering, etc", "Protection, care, or safeguard on a journey or excursion", "A sex worker who does not operate in a brothel, but with whom clients make appointments", "a call girl or male equivalent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "escort", "num_translations": 44 }, "escort1": { "senses": [ "To attend to in order to guard and protect", "to accompany as a safeguard", "to give honorable or ceremonious attendance to", "To accompany in order to compel them to go somewhere", "To go with someone as a partner, for example on a formal date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accompany", "squire" ], "word": "escort", "num_translations": 23 }, "mindone'sownbusiness": { "senses": [ "To concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stick to one's knitting", "MYOB", "paddle one's own canoe", "skate one's lane" ], "word": "mindone'sownbusiness", "num_translations": 25 }, "shenanigans": { "senses": [ "Mischievous play, especially by children", "Deceitful tricks", "trickery, games", "plural of \"shenanigan\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "high jinks", "dirty trick" ], "word": "shenanigans", "num_translations": 51 }, "radioisotope": { "senses": [ "a radioactive isotope of an element" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "radionuclide" ], "word": "radioisotope", "num_translations": 12 }, "francophobia": { "senses": [ "The hatred or fear of France, its people and culture", "The hatred or fear of the presence of the French language and its native speakers" ], "antonyms": [ "Francophilia", "Gallophilia" ], "synonyms": [ "Gallophobia" ], "word": "Francophobia", "num_translations": 10 }, "all-purpose": { "senses": [ "for all purposes", "general-purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "multi-purpose" ], "word": "all-purpose", "num_translations": 12 }, "all-encompassing": { "senses": [ "including everything", "universal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comprehensive" ], "word": "all-encompassing", "num_translations": 15 }, "upperclass": { "senses": [ "those people at the top of a social hierarchy", "the aristocracy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the quality" ], "word": "upperclass", "num_translations": 24 }, "conditionedreflex": { "senses": [ "A response, to a stimulus, that has been acquired by operant conditioning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conditioned response" ], "word": "conditionedreflex", "num_translations": 11 }, "gild": { "senses": [ "To cover with a thin layer of gold", "to cover with gold leaf", "To adorn", "To decorate with a golden surface appearance", "To give a bright or pleasing aspect to", "To make appear drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gild", "num_translations": 53 }, "downside": { "senses": [ "A disadvantageous aspect of something that is normally advantageous", "A downward tendency, especially in the price of shares etc" ], "antonyms": [ "upside" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "downside", "num_translations": 31 }, "pannier": { "senses": [ "A large basket or bag fastened, usually in pairs, to the back of a bicycle or pack animal, or carried in pairs over the shoulders", "A decorative basket for the display of flowers or fruits", "One of a pair of hoops used to expand the volume of a woman's skirt to either side", "A breadbasket", "A piece of basketwork for protecting archers, or, filled with gravel or sand, for forming and protecting embankments, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pannier", "num_translations": 27 }, "insectivore": { "senses": [ "Insect-eating animal or plant", "mammal of the now abandoned order Insectivora" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insectivoran" ], "word": "insectivore", "num_translations": 24 }, "continuously": { "senses": [ "Without pause" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceaselessly" ], "word": "continuously", "num_translations": 37 }, "egghead": { "senses": [ "A bald person, especially a man", "A coldly out of personal touch intellectual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boffin", "brain" ], "word": "egghead", "num_translations": 15 }, "pickup": { "senses": [ "An electronic device for detecting sound, vibration, etc, such as one fitted to an electric guitar or record player", "Impromptu or ad hoc, especially of sports games and teams made up of randomly selected players", "A person successfully approached in this manner for romance or sex", "In various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground", "An item that can be picked up by the player, conferring some benefit or effect", "a power-up", "The act of a challenging party or candidate winning an electoral district held by an incumbent party or candidate See also gain", "The act of answering a telephone", "A relatively minor shot filmed or recorded after the fact to augment previous footage", "The act of collecting and taking away something or someone, usually in a vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pickup", "num_translations": 18 }, "hangnail": { "senses": [ "A loose, narrow strip of nail tissue protruding from the side edge and anchored near the base of a fingernail or toenail", "A pointed upper corner of the toenail that, as the nail grows, presses into the flesh or protrudes so that it may catch on stockings or shoes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agnail" ], "word": "hangnail", "num_translations": 31 }, "pervasive": { "senses": [ "Manifested throughout", "pervading, permeating, penetrating or affecting everything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penetrating" ], "word": "pervasive", "num_translations": 31 }, "minkewhale": { "senses": [ "either of two baleen whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata and Balaenoptera bonaerensis found in coastal waters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "minke", "piked whale", "lesser rorqual" ], "word": "minkewhale", "num_translations": 25 }, "sinew": { "senses": [ "A cord or tendon of the body", "A cord or string, particularly as of a musical instrument", "Muscular power, muscle", "nerve, nervous energy", "vigor, vigorous strength", "That which gives strength or in which strength consists", "a supporting factor or member", "mainstay", "A nerve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sinew", "num_translations": 17 }, "sinewy": { "senses": [ "Tough", "having strong sinews", "Having or showing nervous strength", "Possessing physical strength and weight", "rugged and powerful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sinewy", "num_translations": 10 }, "hooked1": { "senses": [ "Having a sharp curve at the end", "resembling a hook", "Addicted", "unable to resist or cease doing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bent", "addicted" ], "word": "hooked", "num_translations": 21 }, "grouchy": { "senses": [ "Irritable", "easily upset", "angry", "tending to complain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cranky" ], "word": "grouchy", "num_translations": 24 }, "passon": { "senses": [ "To go forward", "To convey or communicate", "To transfer to someone, especially by handing or bequeathing it to the next person in a series", "To skip or decline", "To die" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "passon", "num_translations": 23 }, "johnny-come-lately": { "senses": [ "A newcomer", "a novice", "an upstart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "greenhorn", "newcomer", "novice", "upstart", "n00b", "scrub" ], "word": "Johnny-come-lately", "num_translations": 10 }, "hillbilly": { "senses": [ "Someone who is from the hills", "especially from a rural area, with a connotation of a lack of refinement or sophistication", "A white person from the rural southern part of the United States, especially the Southeastern states" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hick" ], "word": "hillbilly", "num_translations": 13 }, "strikewhiletheironishot": { "senses": [ "To strike a hot piece of metal, especially iron, with a mallet or other tool before it cools, while it is still hot enough to be shaped", "To act on an opportunity promptly while favorable conditions exist", "to avoid waiting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make hay while the sun shines", "take time by the forelock" ], "word": "strikewhiletheironishot", "num_translations": 41 }, "reactionary": { "senses": [ "Politically favoring a return to a supposed golden age of the past", "Of, pertaining to, participating in or inducing a chemical reaction" ], "antonyms": [ "nonreactionary" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reactionary", "num_translations": 25 }, "antitank": { "senses": [ "Of weapons or tactics, designed for attacking tanks or other armored vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anti-armour", "AT" ], "word": "antitank", "num_translations": 17 }, "buffer": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that buffs", "A solution used to stabilize the pH of a liquid", "A portion of memory set aside to store data, often before it is sent to an external device or as it is received from an external device", "Anything used to maintain slack or isolate different objects", "A routine or storage medium used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another", "A device on trains and carriages designed to cushion the impact between them", "The metal barrier to help prevent trains from running off the end of the track", "An isolating circuit, often an amplifier, used to minimize the influence of a driven circuit on the driving circuit", "A good-humoured, slow-witted fellow, usually an elderly man", "A gap that isolates or separates two things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buffer", "num_translations": 58 }, "hypermarket": { "senses": [ "A combination of department store and supermarket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypermart" ], "word": "hypermarket", "num_translations": 14 }, "poach": { "senses": [ "To cook something in simmering liquid", "To be cooked in simmering liquid", "To become soft or muddy", "To make soft or muddy", "To stab", "to pierce", "to spear, as fish", "To force, drive, or plunge into anything", "To begin and not complete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "poach", "num_translations": 17 }, "diva": { "senses": [ "Any female celebrity, usually a well known singer or actress", "A person who may be considered or who considers herself much more important than others, has high expectations of others and who is extremely demanding and fussy when it comes to personal privileges" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prima donna" ], "word": "diva", "num_translations": 28 }, "nuclearfission": { "senses": [ "A nuclear reaction in which a large nucleus splits into smaller ones with the simultaneous release of energy" ], "antonyms": [ "fusion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nuclearfission", "num_translations": 48 }, "pointofinflection": { "senses": [ "a point on a curve at which the sign of the curvature changes", "at this point the second derivative of the underlying function will be zero, but positive on one side and negative on the other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flex" ], "word": "pointofinflection", "num_translations": 17 }, "iamb": { "senses": [ "A metrical foot in verse consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "iambus" ], "word": "iamb", "num_translations": 25 }, "allthesame": { "senses": [ "Anyway", "nevertheless", "nonetheless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "even so" ], "word": "allthesame", "num_translations": 39 }, "encode": { "senses": [ "To convert into code", "To convert source information into another form", "To constitute the code necessary for the biosynthesis of a protein by means of a matrix so as to transcribe DNA material" ], "antonyms": [ "decode" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "encode", "num_translations": 24 }, "ensemble": { "senses": [ "A group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole", "A coordinated costume or outfit", "a suit", "A group of musicians, dancers, actors, etc who perform together", "eg the chorus of a ballet company", "A piece for several instrumentalists or vocalists", "A probability distribution for the state of the system", "A supervised learning algorithm combining multiple hypotheses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ensemble", "num_translations": 69 }, "ferocious": { "senses": [ "Marked by extreme and violent energy", "Extreme or intense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fierce" ], "word": "ferocious", "num_translations": 36 }, "wheninrome,doastheromansdo": { "senses": [ "When in a foreign place, suit behavior or appearance to the local culture", "Adapt to the circumstances", "follow common custom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "when in Rome" ], "word": "wheninRome,doastheRomansdo", "num_translations": 80 }, "stickinsect": { "senses": [ "Any of various insects of the order Phasmida that mimic sticks or twigs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stick-bug", "walking stick" ], "word": "stickinsect", "num_translations": 21 }, "damselfly": { "senses": [ "Any of various insects of the suborder Zygoptera that have long slender bodies, and are similar to dragonflies but having wings folded when at rest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "darning needle", "devil's darning needle" ], "word": "damselfly", "num_translations": 22 }, "self-important": { "senses": [ "Having, or behaving as if having, too high an opinion of one's own importance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conceited", "haughty", "pompous" ], "word": "self-important", "num_translations": 12 }, "crystallize": { "senses": [ "to make something form into crystals", "to assume a crystalline form", "to give something a definite or precise form", "to take a definite form", "to coat something with crystals, especially with sugar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crystallize", "num_translations": 45 }, "northsea": { "senses": [ "A marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain , Scandinavia and Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "German Ocean", "German Sea" ], "word": "NorthSea", "num_translations": 89 }, "adoption": { "senses": [ "The act of adopting", "The state of being adopted", "the acceptance of a child of other parents as if he or she were one's own child", "Admission to an institution, for example a hospital, clinic, mental asylum", "The choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so", "acceptance", "Transfer between an old system to another system", "An act of divine grace by which the redeemed in Christ are admitted to the privileges of the sons of God" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adoption", "num_translations": 57 }, "flagship": { "senses": [ "In a maritime fleet, the ship occupied by the fleet's commander", "it denotes this by flying his flag", "The most important one out of a related group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chief" ], "word": "flagship", "num_translations": 47 }, "dipper": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, dips", "Any of various small passerine birds of the genus Cinclus that live near fast-flowing streams and feed along the bottom", "A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, for dipping into and ladling out liquids", "a ladle or scoop", "The control in a vehicle that switches between high-beam and low-beam , especially when used to signal other vehicles", "Any snack food intended to be dipped in sauce", "A pickpocket", "A person employed in a tin plate works to coat steel plates in molten tin by dipping them", "A person employed to assist a bather in and out of the sea", "A Baptist or Dunker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pickpocket" ], "word": "dipper", "num_translations": 41 }, "takeachance": { "senses": [ "To risk doing something", "to try something risky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roll the dice" ], "word": "takeachance", "num_translations": 12 }, "incharge": { "senses": [ "Having the responsibility of leading or overseeing", "Having the power of command or control", "Being in the care or custody of someone else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the helm" ], "word": "incharge", "num_translations": 28 }, "bringup": { "senses": [ "To bring from a lower position to a higher position", "To mention", "To raise", "To uncover, to bring from obscurity", "to resurface", "To turn on power or start, as of a machine", "To vomit", "To stop or interrupt a flow or steady motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bring back" ], "word": "bringup", "num_translations": 50 }, "sunbeam": { "senses": [ "A visible, narrow, and intense ray of sunlight", "An item of cutlery or crockery laid out on a table, but not used, and which can be returned to the drawer without being washed", "Any of various lycaenid butterflies of the genus Curetis", "Any hummingbird of the genus Aglaeactis", "synonym of \"sunshine\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sunbeam", "num_translations": 34 }, "fireworks1": { "senses": [ "A boisterous or violent event or situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pyrotechnics" ], "word": "fireworks", "num_translations": 90 }, "speechbubble": { "senses": [ "A rounded outline, containing words, representing speech in a cartoon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balloon" ], "word": "speechbubble", "num_translations": 24 }, "contretemps": { "senses": [ "An unforeseen, inopportune, or embarrassing event", "a hitch", "An ill-timed pass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hitch" ], "word": "contretemps", "num_translations": 14 }, "staranise": { "senses": [ "A plant, Illicium verum, used primarily for its star-shaped seed which resembles anise in scent and flavor, and which is used as a spice Valued for its decorative shape as well as its flavor Also used commercially as a source of shikimic acid for the production of Tamiflu", "The star-shaped seed used as a spice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Illicium verum" ], "word": "staranise", "num_translations": 48 }, "honshu": { "senses": [ "The main island of the Japanese Archipelago" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Niphon" ], "word": "Honshu", "num_translations": 19 }, "continuum": { "senses": [ "A continuous series or whole, no part of which is noticeably different from its adjacent parts, although the ends or extremes of it are very different from each other", "A continuous extent", "The set of real numbers", "more generally, any compact connected metric space", "A touch-sensitive strip, similar to an electronic standard musical keyboard, except that the note steps are of a semitone, and so are not separately marked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u211d" ], "word": "continuum", "num_translations": 33 }, "electorate": { "senses": [ "The dominion of an Elector in the Holy Roman Empire", "The collective people of a country, state, or electoral district who are entitled to vote", "The geographic area encompassing an electoral district" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "constituency", "riding" ], "word": "electorate", "num_translations": 37 }, "oenology": { "senses": [ "The scientific study of wines and winemaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "winelore" ], "word": "oenology", "num_translations": 48 }, "asexuality": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being asexual, that is:" ], "antonyms": [ "allosexuality" ], "synonyms": [ "anaphrodisia" ], "word": "asexuality", "num_translations": 42 }, "farrier": { "senses": [ "A person who maintains the health and balance of horses' feet through the trimming of the hoof and fitting of horseshoes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blacksmith" ], "word": "farrier", "num_translations": 61 }, "gallop1": { "senses": [ "To make electrical or other utility lines sway and/or move up and down violently, usually due to a combination of high winds and ice accrual on the lines", "To run very fast", "To go rapidly or carelessly, as in making a hasty examination", "To progress rapidly through the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gallop", "num_translations": 45 }, "deform": { "senses": [ "To change the form of, usually negatively", "to give an unusual or abnormal shape", "To change the looks of, usually negatively", "to give something an unusual or abnormal appearance", "To mar the character of", "To alter the shape of by stress", "To become misshapen or changed in shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "distort" ], "word": "deform", "num_translations": 29 }, "chickenshit1": { "senses": [ "Petty and contemptible thing", "A coward", "A low-ranking officer who lords over and needlessly makes life miserable for his underlings", "a petty, abusive martinet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coward", "shit", "crap", "bullcrap", "bullshit", "junk", "trash", "dogshit", "Irish bull", "horseshit" ], "word": "chickenshit", "num_translations": 37 }, "afterall": { "senses": [ "Anyway, in any case", "indicates a statement is true regardless of other considerations", "used to reinforce or explain a point", "in the end, however", "used in referring to something that was believed to be the case, but is not", "or to an outcome that is not what was expected or predicted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "afterall", "num_translations": 46 }, "old-timer": { "senses": [ "One who has been around for a long time or has a great deal of experience", "a veteran" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geriatric" ], "word": "old-timer", "num_translations": 12 }, "breakup": { "senses": [ "The act of breaking up", "disintegration or division", "The termination of a friendship, or a romantic relationship", "A loss of emotional control", "a breakdown", "The time of year during which winter ice covering bodies of water disintegrates, or more generally Spring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rupture", "falling out" ], "word": "breakup", "num_translations": 19 }, "all-powerful": { "senses": [ "Having unlimited power", "omnipotent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "almighty", "omnipotent" ], "word": "all-powerful", "num_translations": 17 }, "anapest": { "senses": [ "In qualitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two unstressed and one stressed", "In quantitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two short and one long", "A fragment, phrase or line of poetry or verse using this meter, eg" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antidactylus" ], "word": "anapest", "num_translations": 31 }, "intervention": { "senses": [ "The action of intervening", "interfering in some course of events", "A legal motion through which a person or entity who has not been named as a party to a case seeks to have the court order that they be made a party", "An orchestrated attempt to convince somebody with an addiction or other psychological problem to seek professional help and/or change their behavior", "An action taken or procedure performed", "an operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intervention", "num_translations": 51 }, "coincidence": { "senses": [ "Of objects, the property of being coincident", "occurring at the same time or place", "Of events, the appearance of a meaningful connection when there is none", "A fixed point of a correspondence", "a point of a variety corresponding to itself under a correspondence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concurrentness", "coincidence point" ], "word": "coincidence", "num_translations": 54 }, "rotunda": { "senses": [ "a round building, usually small, often with a dome", "A Gothic typeface used in early printed books in Northern Italy, based on a rounded script developed in the 13th cent", "the manuscript hand on which this typeface was based", "A roundabout", "a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rotunda", "num_translations": 12 }, "loquacity": { "senses": [ "Talkativeness", "the quality of being loquacious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loquaciousness" ], "word": "loquacity", "num_translations": 26 }, "modernize": { "senses": [ "To make up to date, or modern in style or function by adding or changing equipment, designs, etc", "To become modern in appearance, or adopt modern ways" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "up to date" ], "word": "modernize", "num_translations": 45 }, "insecurity": { "senses": [ "A lack of security", "uncertainty", "The state of being subject to danger", "vulnerability" ], "antonyms": [ "security", "self-confidence" ], "synonyms": [ "insecureness", "self-doubt" ], "word": "insecurity", "num_translations": 18 }, "jumble1": { "senses": [ "A mixture of unrelated things", "Items for a rummage sale", "A rummage sale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hodgepodge" ], "word": "jumble", "num_translations": 30 }, "plaything": { "senses": [ "A thing or person intended for playing with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toy" ], "word": "plaything", "num_translations": 24 }, "changeable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being changed", "Subject to sudden or frequent changes", "Capable of camouflaging itself by changing colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alterable", "fickle", "chameleonic" ], "word": "changeable", "num_translations": 50 }, "dullness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being slow of understanding things", "stupidity", "The quality of being uninteresting", "boring or irksome", "Lack of interest or excitement", "The lack of visual brilliance", "want of sheen", "bluntness", "The quality of not perceiving or kenning things distinctly", "Drowsiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dullness", "num_translations": 22 }, "magnify": { "senses": [ "To praise, glorify", "To make larger or more important", "To make appear greater or more important than it is", "to intensify, exaggerate", "To have effect", "to be of importance or significance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "magnify", "num_translations": 30 }, "enduring": { "senses": [ "Long-lasting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diuturnal" ], "word": "enduring", "num_translations": 22 }, "heartstrings": { "senses": [ "The tendons once thought to brace the heart", "One's deepest emotions or inner feelings", "The cord-like tendons that connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve in the heart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chorda tendinea" ], "word": "heartstrings", "num_translations": 12 }, "leprosarium": { "senses": [ "A place or institution used for the treatment of leprosy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lazar house", "leper house", "leper colony", "leprosery" ], "word": "leprosarium", "num_translations": 25 }, "foregoing": { "senses": [ "Occurring before or in front of something else, in time, place, rank or sequence" ], "antonyms": [ "following", "subsequent" ], "synonyms": [ "aforegoing", "preceding" ], "word": "foregoing", "num_translations": 15 }, "replication": { "senses": [ "The process by which an object, person, place or idea may be copied mimicked or reproduced", "Copy", "reproduction", "A response from the plaintiff to the defendant's plea", "The process of producing replicas of DNA or RNA molecules", "The process of frequent electronic data copying a one database in one computer or server to a database in another so that all users share the same level of information Used to improve fault tolerance of the system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "repetition", "duplication", "imitation", "copying", "reproduction", "copy", "repeat", "carbon copy", "duplicate", "replica" ], "word": "replication", "num_translations": 35 }, "paddock": { "senses": [ "A small enclosure or field of grassland, especially for horses", "A field of grassland of any size, especially for keeping sheep or cattle", "An area where horses are paraded and mounted before a race and unsaddled after a race", "Land, fenced or otherwise delimited, which is most often part of a sheep or cattle property", "An area at circuit where the racing vehicles are parked and worked on before and between races", "The playing field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paddock", "num_translations": 21 }, "verdigris": { "senses": [ "A blue-green patina or rust that forms on copper-containing metals", "Copper acetate", "The colour of this patina or material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aerugo", "Spanish green", "Spanish green" ], "word": "verdigris", "num_translations": 46 }, "saturation": { "senses": [ "The act of saturating or the process of being saturated", "The condition in which, after a sufficient increase in a causal force, no further increase in the resultant effect is possible", "eg the state of a ferromagnetic material that cannot be further magnetized", "The state of a saturated solution", "The state of an organic compound that has no double or triple bonds", "The state of the atmosphere when it is saturated with water vapour", "100% humidity", "The intensity or vividness of a colour", "Chromatic purity", "freedom from dilution with white", "intense bombing of a military target with the aim of destroying it", "The flooding of a market with all of a product that can be sold", "An effect on the sound of an electric guitar, used primarily in heavy metal music", "The condition at which a component of the system has reached its maximum traffic-handling capacity, ie one erlang per circuit", "The point at which the output of a linear device, such as a linear amplifier, deviates significantly from being a linear function of the input when the input signal is increased" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "saturation", "num_translations": 83 }, "scavenger": { "senses": [ "Someone who scavenges, especially one who searches through rubbish for food or useful things", "An animal that feeds on decaying matter such as carrion", "A street sweeper", "A child employed to pick up loose cotton from the floor in a cotton mill", "A substance used to remove impurities from the air or from a solution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scavenger", "num_translations": 52 }, "figuratively": { "senses": [ "In a figurative manner", "Used to indicate that what follows is to be taken as a figure of speech, not literally" ], "antonyms": [ "literally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "figuratively", "num_translations": 16 }, "riboflavin": { "senses": [ "Yellow or orange-yellow water-soluble compound, a member of the vitamin B complex, that acts as a growth-promoting factor in humans and other animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lactoflavin", "E101", "vitamin B2", "vitamin G" ], "word": "riboflavin", "num_translations": 13 }, "cockchafer": { "senses": [ "Any of the large European beetles from the genus Melolontha that are destructive to vegetation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "May bug" ], "word": "cockchafer", "num_translations": 102 }, "conrad": { "senses": [ "male given name", "unincorporated community co/Calhoun County s/Illinois c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Newton County s/Indiana c/USA", "small city co/Grundy County s/Iowa c/USA", "city/county seat co/Pondera County s/Montana c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Conrad", "num_translations": 18 }, "coloradobeetle": { "senses": [ "A beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, formerly Doryphora decemlineata, with black and yellow stripes, that is a serious pest of potatoes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "potato beetle", "ten-striped spearman" ], "word": "Coloradobeetle", "num_translations": 22 }, "wee-wee": { "senses": [ "Urine", "The genitalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wee", "pee-pee", "willy", "twinkle" ], "word": "wee-wee", "num_translations": 69 }, "wee-wee1": { "senses": [ "to urinate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wee" ], "word": "wee-wee", "num_translations": 15 }, "unmarked": { "senses": [ "Not bearing identification", "Free from blemishes", "Not noticed", "Not marked, not closely followed by a defensive player", "Not having been marked, or assigned a score", "Not marked", "not standing out as unusual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anonymous", "like new", "overlooked" ], "word": "unmarked", "num_translations": 10 }, "anadromous": { "senses": [ "That lives in the sea and breeds in fresh water", "Of a fern in which the first veins in a frond segment are produced towards the apex of the frond" ], "antonyms": [ "catadromous" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "anadromous", "num_translations": 19 }, "haveto": { "senses": [ "Must", "need to", "to be required to Indicates obligation", "Must" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "have got to", "must", "be bound to" ], "word": "haveto", "num_translations": 122 }, "tickoff": { "senses": [ "To sign with a tick", "To list", "To annoy, aggravate", "To reprimand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enumerate", "bug", "admonish" ], "word": "tickoff", "num_translations": 24 }, "cutoff": { "senses": [ "To remove via cutting", "To isolate or remove from contact", "To stop providing funds to", "To end abruptly", "To interrupt", "To swerve in front of while driving", "To turn off or switch off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cutoff", "num_translations": 62 }, "makeout": { "senses": [ "To draw up , to designate to a given recipient, payee", "To send out", "To discern", "to manage to see, hear etc", "To manage, get along", "to do", "To represent", "to make appear to be true", "To embrace and kiss passionately", "To engage in heavy petting or sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "descry", "make do", "hug", "smooch", "cop a feel", "make it" ], "word": "makeout", "num_translations": 75 }, "cannonfodder": { "senses": [ "Military forces considered to be expendable", "Artillery ammunition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forlorn hope" ], "word": "cannonfodder", "num_translations": 30 }, "stilted": { "senses": [ "Making use of or possessing a stilt or stilts, or things resembling stilts", "raised on stilts", "Elevated or raised in a contrived or unnatural way", "stiff and artificially formal or pompous", "also, depending on redundant, unnecessary elements", "Of a building or architectural feature such as an arch or vault: supported by stilts", "also having the main part raised above the usual level by some structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stilted", "num_translations": 23 }, "stenographer": { "senses": [ "someone skilled in the transcription of speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shorthand typist", "stenographist" ], "word": "stenographer", "num_translations": 20 }, "skua": { "senses": [ "Any of various predatory seabirds of the family Stercorariidae that often chase other seabirds to steal their catches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jaeger" ], "word": "skua", "num_translations": 32 }, "invaluable": { "senses": [ "Of great value", "costly, precious, priceless", "Very useful", "Beyond calculable or appraisable value", "of inestimable worth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "invaluable", "num_translations": 35 }, "hotsauce": { "senses": [ "Any liquid spicy condiment or cooking ingredient made from chile peppers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chili sauce", "pepper sauce" ], "word": "hotsauce", "num_translations": 19 }, "exceptionally": { "senses": [ "To an unusual, remarkable or exceptional degree" ], "antonyms": [ "categorically", "commonly", "generally" ], "synonyms": [ "uncommonly", "extraordinarily" ], "word": "exceptionally", "num_translations": 30 }, "exhibit": { "senses": [ "To demonstrate", "To submit to a court as evidence", "To put on a public display", "To administer as a remedy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "display", "demonstrate" ], "word": "exhibit", "num_translations": 84 }, "exhibit1": { "senses": [ "A public showing", "An article formally introduced as evidence in a court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "showing", "exhibition" ], "word": "exhibit", "num_translations": 59 }, "mutually": { "senses": [ "in the same way, each to the other", "reciprocally", "in a shared manner", "equally", "affecting all parties the same way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equivalently", "collectively" ], "word": "mutually", "num_translations": 24 }, "creditcard": { "senses": [ "A plastic card, usually with a magnetic strip or an embedded microchip, connected to a credit account and used to buy goods or services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chargecard" ], "word": "creditcard", "num_translations": 80 }, "powerless": { "senses": [ "Lacking sufficient power or strength", "Lacking legal authority" ], "antonyms": [ "powerful", "strong" ], "synonyms": [ "mightless", "strengthless", "weak", "vulnerable" ], "word": "powerless", "num_translations": 44 }, "lapse": { "senses": [ "A temporary failure", "a slip", "A decline or fall in standards", "A pause in continuity", "An interval of time between events", "A termination of a right etc, through disuse or neglect", "A marked decrease in air temperature with increasing altitude because the ground is warmer than the surrounding air", "A common-law rule that if the person to whom property is willed were to die before the testator, then the gift would be ineffective", "A fall or apostasy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lapse", "num_translations": 17 }, "trigger": { "senses": [ "A finger-operated lever used to fire a gun", "A similar device used to activate any mechanism", "An event that initiates others, or incites a response", "A concept or image that upsets somebody", "An event, experience or other stimulus that initiates a traumatic memory or action in a person", "An electronic transducer allowing a drum, cymbal, etc to control an electronic drum unit or similar device", "A device that manually lengthens the slide or tubing of a brass instrument, allowing the pitch range to be altered while playing", "A pulse in an electronic circuit that initiates some component", "An SQL procedure that may be initiated when a record is inserted, updated or deleted", "typically used to maintain referential integrity", "A text string that, when received by a player, will cause the player to execute a certain command", "A catch to hold the wheel of a carriage on a declivity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trigger", "num_translations": 86 }, "trigger1": { "senses": [ "To fire a weapon", "To initiate something", "To spark a response, especially a negative emotional response, in", "To activate", "to become active" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "activate", "activate", "push someone's buttons" ], "word": "trigger", "num_translations": 32 }, "remora": { "senses": [ "Any of various elongate fish from the family Echeneidae, the dorsal fin of which is in the form of a suction disc that can take a firm hold against the skin of larger marine animals", "A serpent", "A delay", "a hindrance, an obstacle", "A surgical instrument, intended to retain parts in their places" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "remora", "num_translations": 17 }, "methylene": { "senses": [ "The divalent radical CH2< in which the free valencies are part of single bonds", "The unstable carbene CH2:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "methene" ], "word": "methylene", "num_translations": 16 }, "appropriation": { "senses": [ "An act or instance of appropriating", "That which is appropriated", "Public funds set aside for a specific purpose", "The use of borrowed elements in the creation of a new work", "The assimilation of concepts into a governing framework", "In church law, the making over of a benefice to an owner who receives the tithes, but is bound to appoint a vicar for the spiritual service of the parish", "In constitutional law, the principle that supplies granted by parliament are only to be expended for particular objects specified by itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "appropriation", "num_translations": 17 }, "overpower": { "senses": [ "To subdue someone by superior force", "To excel or exceed in power", "to cause to yield", "to subdue", "To render imperceptible by means of greater strength, intensity etc", "To make excessively powerful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overpower", "num_translations": 29 }, "overshadow": { "senses": [ "To obscure something by casting a shadow", "To dominate something and make it seem insignificant", "To shelter or protect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eclipse", "outshadow", "outshine", "outdo", "put to shame", "upstage", "surpass", "outmatch", "outstrip", "dwarf" ], "word": "overshadow", "num_translations": 50 }, "paterfamilias": { "senses": [ "A man who is the head of a household, family or tribe" ], "antonyms": [ "materfamilias" ], "synonyms": [ "patriarch" ], "word": "paterfamilias", "num_translations": 12 }, "undertaking": { "senses": [ "The business of an undertaker, or the management of funerals", "A promise or pledge", "a guarantee", "That which is undertaken", "any business, work, or project which a person engages in, or attempts to perform", "an enterprise", "The act of one who undertakes, or engages in, any project or business" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "undertaking", "num_translations": 35 }, "forsure": { "senses": [ "definitely, positively, without doubt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for certain", "fo shizzle" ], "word": "forsure", "num_translations": 16 }, "oeuvre": { "senses": [ "A work of art", "The complete body of an artist's work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "complete works" ], "word": "oeuvre", "num_translations": 23 }, "expedite": { "senses": [ "To accelerate the progress of", "To perform fast and efficiently" ], "antonyms": [ "impede", "slow down" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "expedite", "num_translations": 34 }, "dipsomaniac": { "senses": [ "One with a morbid paroxysmal craving for alcohol", "an alcoholic", "A persistently drunken person", "a drunkard" ], "antonyms": [ "abstainer" ], "synonyms": [ "alcoholic" ], "word": "dipsomaniac", "num_translations": 11 }, "meager": { "senses": [ "Having little flesh", "lean", "thin", "Poor, deficient or inferior in amount, quality or extent", "Of a set: such that, considered as a subset of a topological space, it is in a precise sense small or negligible", "Dry and harsh to the touch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "meager", "num_translations": 38 }, "coffeebreak": { "senses": [ "A rest period during the business day So named because it is an opportunity to get coffee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fika" ], "word": "coffeebreak", "num_translations": 14 }, "immensely": { "senses": [ "Greatly", "hugely", "extremely", "vastly", "to a great extent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "immensely", "num_translations": 13 }, "farsightedness": { "senses": [ "The condition of being unable to focus on near objects", "presbyopia", "The quality of being considerate about what might happen in the future" ], "antonyms": [ "myopia", "shortsightedness" ], "synonyms": [ "hyperopia", "longsightedness" ], "word": "farsightedness", "num_translations": 69 }, "pennyroyal": { "senses": [ "Mentha pulegium, a plant of the mint family, formerly much used in various medicinal treatments and as a flea repellent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pudding grass" ], "word": "pennyroyal", "num_translations": 19 }, "horehound": { "senses": [ "Any plant of the genus Marrubium", "Any plant of the genus Ballota", "A herb, Marrubium vulgare, of the mint family, traditionally used as a cough remedy and to make a type of hard candy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marrubium", "common horehound" ], "word": "horehound", "num_translations": 37 }, "decaffeinated": { "senses": [ "From which caffeine has been removed" ], "antonyms": [ "caffeinated" ], "synonyms": [ "caffeine-free", "decaf", "unleaded" ], "word": "decaffeinated", "num_translations": 12 }, "airfield": { "senses": [ "An open field designated for the taking off and landing of aircraft, but which, unlike an airport, does not necessarily have terminals or paved runways" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aerodrome" ], "word": "airfield", "num_translations": 32 }, "graveyard": { "senses": [ "A tract of land in which the dead are buried", "A final storage place for collections of things that are no longer useful or useable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cemetery" ], "word": "graveyard", "num_translations": 326 }, "betake1": { "senses": [ "To take over to", "take across", "deliver", "To seize", "lay hold of", "take", "To take oneself to", "go or move", "repair", "resort", "have recourse", "To commit to a specified action", "To commend or entrust to", "to commit to", "To take oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wend" ], "word": "betake", "num_translations": 11 }, "disobey": { "senses": [ "To refuse or fail to obey an order of", "To refuse or fail to obey" ], "antonyms": [ "obey" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disobey", "num_translations": 31 }, "dishonour": { "senses": [ "Shame or disgrace", "Lack of honour or integrity", "Failure or refusal of the drawee or intended acceptor of a negotiable instrument, such as a bill of exchange or note, to accept it or, if it is accepted, to pay and retire it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unhonour" ], "word": "dishonour", "num_translations": 25 }, "dishonour1": { "senses": [ "To bring disgrace upon someone or something", "to shame", "To refuse to accept something, such as a cheque", "to not honor", "To violate or rape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dishonour", "num_translations": 23 }, "dishearten": { "senses": [ "To discourage someone by removing their enthusiasm or courage" ], "antonyms": [ "hearten" ], "synonyms": [ "discourage" ], "word": "dishearten", "num_translations": 40 }, "spoils": { "senses": [ "That which is taken from another by violence", "especially, the plunder taken from an enemy", "pillage", "booty", "Public offices and their benefits regarded as the peculiar property of a successful party or faction, to be bestowed for its own advantage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spoils", "num_translations": 16 }, "gutsy": { "senses": [ "marked by courage and determination in the face of difficulties or danger", "having guts", "not showing due respect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "person", "act", "Thesaurus:brave" ], "word": "gutsy", "num_translations": 20 }, "cosmeticsurgery": { "senses": [ "Surgery to improve appearance rather than for health reasons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aesthetic surgery" ], "word": "cosmeticsurgery", "num_translations": 11 }, "blackhorehound": { "senses": [ "The plant Ballota nigra possessing a disagreeable odor Traditionally used as a medicinal herb as an antispasmodic, stimulant and vermifuge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black stinking horehound" ], "word": "blackhorehound", "num_translations": 13 }, "seizure": { "senses": [ "The act of taking possession, as by force or right of law", "A sudden attack or convulsion,", "A sudden onset of pain or emotion", "That which is seized, or taken possession of", "a thing laid hold of, or possessed", "Retention within one's grasp or power", "possession", "ownership" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seizure", "num_translations": 74 }, "gingerbreadman": { "senses": [ "A biscuit/cookie in the shape of a person and flavoured with ginger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gingerbread husband" ], "word": "gingerbreadman", "num_translations": 30 }, "gingersnap": { "senses": [ "A type of biscuit made from dough seasoned with ginger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gingernut" ], "word": "gingersnap", "num_translations": 24 }, "untruth": { "senses": [ "A lie or falsehood", "The condition of being false", "truthlessness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:falsehood" ], "word": "untruth", "num_translations": 20 }, "dugout": { "senses": [ "A canoe made from a hollowed-out log", "A pit dug into the ground as a shelter, especially from enemy fire", "A sunken shelter at the side of a baseball or football field where non-playing team members and staff sit during a game", "A device used to smoke marijuana", "A pit used to catch and store rainwater or runoff" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "logboat" ], "word": "dugout", "num_translations": 24 }, "pickpocket": { "senses": [ "One who steals from the pocket of a passerby, usually by sleight of hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pickpocket" ], "word": "pickpocket", "num_translations": 73 }, "hi-tech": { "senses": [ "Of, or using high technology" ], "antonyms": [ "low-tech" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hi-tech", "num_translations": 13 }, "lat2": { "senses": [ "it was typically pegged at about 25 to the British pound", "A coin or bill of either currency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lats" ], "word": "lat", "num_translations": 11 }, "humanities": { "senses": [ "plural of \"humanity\"", "synonym of \"classical studies\": the study of Ancient Greek and Latin, their literature, etc", "The study of language, literature, the arts, and philosophy, sometimes including religion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belles-lettres" ], "word": "humanities", "num_translations": 29 }, "loon": { "senses": [ "An idler, a lout", "A boy, a lad", "A harlot", "mistress", "A simpleton", "A crazy or deranged person", "An English soldier of an expeditionary army in Ireland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lunatic", "psycho", "wacko" ], "word": "loon", "num_translations": 18 }, "loon1": { "senses": [ "Any of various birds, of the order Gaviiformes, of North America and Europe that dive for fish and have a short tail, webbed feet and a yodeling cry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diver" ], "word": "loon", "num_translations": 60 }, "personage": { "senses": [ "A person, especially one who is famous or important", "The creation of corporate persons named after living people", "Character represented", "external appearance", "persona" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "personage", "num_translations": 15 }, "centuryegg": { "senses": [ "A Chinese delicacy made by preserving a duck, chicken or quail egg in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preserved egg" ], "word": "centuryegg", "num_translations": 25 }, "brotherhood": { "senses": [ "The state of being brothers or a brother", "An association for any purpose, such as a society of monks", "a fraternity", "The whole body of persons engaged in the same business, especially those of the same profession", "People, or things, of the same kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fraternity" ], "word": "brotherhood", "num_translations": 105 }, "credible": { "senses": [ "Believable or plausible", "Authentic or convincing" ], "antonyms": [ "incredible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "credible", "num_translations": 39 }, "foolhardy": { "senses": [ "Marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger", "boldly rash", "hotheaded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bold", "daring", "foolish", "irresponsible", "rash", "reckless" ], "word": "foolhardy", "num_translations": 32 }, "goblin": { "senses": [ "One of various hostile supernatural creatures, now especially a malevolent and grotesque diminutive humanoid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hobgoblin", "bug", "buggard", "bugbear", "bog", "bogey", "bogy", "bogie", "boggard", "boggart", "baggard", "bogle", "boggle", "bugaboo", "bug-a-boo", "elf", "kobold", "sprite", "fairy", "fay", "fey", "fae", "faerie", "puck", "hob", "Thesaurus:goblin" ], "word": "goblin", "num_translations": 72 }, "denounce": { "senses": [ "To make known in a formal manner", "to proclaim", "to announce", "to declare", "To criticize or speak out against", "to point out as deserving of reprehension, etc", "to openly accuse or condemn in a threatening manner", "to invoke censure upon", "to stigmatize", "to blame", "To make a formal or public accusation against", "to inform against", "to accuse", "To proclaim in a threatening manner", "to threaten by some outward sign or expression", "make a menace of", "To announce the termination of", "especially a treaty or armistice", "To claim the right of working a mine that is abandoned or insufficiently worked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attack" ], "word": "denounce", "num_translations": 93 }, "horrendous": { "senses": [ "Extremely bad", "awful", "terrible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "awful" ], "word": "horrendous", "num_translations": 10 }, "glossy": { "senses": [ "Having a smooth, silk-like, reflective surface" ], "antonyms": [ "matte" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "glossy", "num_translations": 34 }, "corncrake": { "senses": [ "A bird of the rail family, Crex crex, that breeds in meadows and arable farmland across Europe and western Asia, migrating to Africa in winter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "landrail" ], "word": "corncrake", "num_translations": 81 }, "valetudinarian": { "senses": [ "Sickly, infirm, of ailing health", "Being overly worried about one's health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypochondriac", "hypochondriacal", "valetudinary" ], "word": "valetudinarian", "num_translations": 15 }, "motherhood": { "senses": [ "The state of being a mother", "Mothers, considered as a group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mommyhood", "momhood", "mumhood" ], "word": "motherhood", "num_translations": 30 }, "darkchocolate": { "senses": [ "chocolate that has not had milk products added to lighten and sweeten it", "A serving of this chocolate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plain chocolate" ], "word": "darkchocolate", "num_translations": 21 }, "breastwork": { "senses": [ "A fortification consisting of a breast-high bulwark", "a parapet", "A railing on the quarter-deck and forecastle", "A parapet", "Breast augmentation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breastwork", "num_translations": 13 }, "competency": { "senses": [ "A sufficient supply", "A sustainable income", "The ability to perform some task", "competence", "Meeting specified qualifications to perform", "Implicit knowledge of a language's structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:skill" ], "word": "competency", "num_translations": 25 }, "dysmenorrhea": { "senses": [ "Painful menstruation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "menorrhalgia" ], "word": "dysmenorrhea", "num_translations": 11 }, "infernal": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to hell, or the world of the dead", "hellish", "Of or relating to a fire or inferno", "Stygian, gloomy", "Diabolical or fiendish", "Very annoying", "damned" ], "antonyms": [ "heavenly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "infernal", "num_translations": 27 }, "pardonmyfrench": { "senses": [ "To excuse the speaker's swearing or bad language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "excuse my French", "Thesaurus:swear" ], "word": "pardonmyFrench", "num_translations": 24 }, "seethe": { "senses": [ "To boil", "* 1933, Herbert Danby, The Mishnah, p289:", "To boil vigorously", "To foam in an agitated manner, as if boiling", "To be in an agitated or angry mental state, as if boiling", "To buzz with activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seethe", "num_translations": 57 }, "whiteclover": { "senses": [ "a species of clover, Trifolium repens, native to much of Europe, North Africa and parts of Asia and introduced elsewhere as a pasture crop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dutch clover" ], "word": "whiteclover", "num_translations": 39 }, "exogenous": { "senses": [ "Having an external cause" ], "antonyms": [ "endogenous" ], "synonyms": [ "exogenetic" ], "word": "exogenous", "num_translations": 15 }, "weft": { "senses": [ "The horizontal threads that are interlaced through the warp in a woven fabric", "the fill", "A hair extension that is glued directly to a person\u2032s natural hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "woof", "fill" ], "word": "weft", "num_translations": 34 }, "convenience": { "senses": [ "The quality of being convenient", "Any object that makes life more convenient", "a helpful item", "A convenient time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amenity", "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom" ], "word": "convenience", "num_translations": 59 }, "concession": { "senses": [ "The act of conceding", "An act of conceding, particularly:", "A gift freely given or act freely made as a token of respect or to curry favor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tithe", "franchise" ], "word": "concession", "num_translations": 42 }, "angelofdeath": { "senses": [ "A personification of death in fiction, art, mythology, or religion", "A type of serial killer, who is employed as a caregiver and kills people under their care" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "death angel", "angel of mercy" ], "word": "angelofdeath", "num_translations": 37 }, "coaxialcable": { "senses": [ "A transmission line, consisting of a conducting wire surrounded by an insulated spacer, surrounded by a cylindrical conducting sheath", "used to carry high frequency signals such as TV" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coax", "coax cable" ], "word": "coaxialcable", "num_translations": 19 }, "inaccessible": { "senses": [ "Not able to be accessed", "out of reach", "inconvenient", "Not able to be reached", "unattainable" ], "antonyms": [ "accessible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inaccessible", "num_translations": 40 }, "dotterel": { "senses": [ "A gullible fool", "Any of various small birds in the plover family Charadriidae", "sometimes used interchangeably with plover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dotard" ], "word": "dotterel", "num_translations": 18 }, "azrael": { "senses": [ "The angel of death in Catholic and Orthodox Christianity, and in Islam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Death" ], "word": "Azrael", "num_translations": 23 }, "epinephrine": { "senses": [ "A catecholamine hormone and neurotransmitter", "as a hormone, secreted by the adrenal gland in response to stress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adrenalin" ], "word": "epinephrine", "num_translations": 19 }, "dryice": { "senses": [ "Carbon dioxide frozen in the solid state, used especially as a cooling agent and for the production of fog-like special effects It sublimes at \u2212785 \u00b0C at normal atmospheric pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cardice" ], "word": "dryice", "num_translations": 34 }, "epoxide": { "senses": [ "Any of a class of organic compound, cyclic ethers, having a three-membered ring", "they are prepared by the selective oxidation of alkenes or by ring-closure of halohydrins", "used to make plastics", "Any similar compound in which an ether linkage has been made across a larger ring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alkylene oxide" ], "word": "epoxide", "num_translations": 16 }, "ethyleneoxide": { "senses": [ "The simplest epoxide", "used as a sterilizing agent and in the production of ethylene glycol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "EtO" ], "word": "ethyleneoxide", "num_translations": 14 }, "coupling1": { "senses": [ "act of joining together to form a couple", "a device that couples two things together", "the degree of reliance between two program modules", "a connection between two electronic circuits such that a signal can pass between them", "The property of physical systems that they are interacting with each other", "sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": [ "cohesion" ], "synonyms": [ "dependency" ], "word": "coupling", "num_translations": 53 }, "wetdream": { "senses": [ "An ejaculation or orgasm while asleep, often accompanying an erotic dream", "An exciting fantasy", "a very appealing, ideal thing, person, or state of affairs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "night emission" ], "word": "wetdream", "num_translations": 32 }, "pointofview": { "senses": [ "A position from which something is seen", "outlook", "standpoint", "An attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs", "The perspective from which a narrative is related" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "standpoint", "viewpoint", "perspective", "POV" ], "word": "pointofview", "num_translations": 116 }, "oakum": { "senses": [ "A material, consisting of tarred fibres, used to caulk or pack joints in plumbing, masonry, and wooden shipbuilding", "The coarse portion separated from flax or hemp in hackling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tow" ], "word": "oakum", "num_translations": 14 }, "campsite": { "senses": [ "A place where a tent may be or is pitched" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camping site" ], "word": "campsite", "num_translations": 35 }, "healthful": { "senses": [ "Beneficial to bodily health", "Conducive to moral or spiritual prosperity", "salutary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "healthy", "salubrious", "salutary", "wholesome" ], "word": "healthful", "num_translations": 25 }, "letgo": { "senses": [ "To release from one's grasp", "to go from a state of holding on to a state of no longer holding on", "To emotionally disengage or to distract oneself from a situation", "To dismiss from employment", "To fail to maintain a standard of appearance, behavior, or performance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "release", "leggo" ], "word": "letgo", "num_translations": 62 }, "backend": { "senses": [ "The rear, back, or unseen portion", "That part of a hardware or software system that is farthest from the user", "the internals rather than the user interface", "The latter end of any given time, especially the latter part of the year", "autumn", "late autumn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "backend", "num_translations": 22 }, "genetics": { "senses": [ "The branch of biology that deals with the transmission and variation of inherited characteristics, in particular chromosomes and DNA", "The genetic makeup of a specific individual or species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genes" ], "word": "genetics", "num_translations": 50 }, "expiry": { "senses": [ "End", "termination", "expiration", "Death", "synonym of \"expiration date\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "expiry", "num_translations": 10 }, "naiad": { "senses": [ "A female deity associated with water, especially a spring, stream, or other fresh water", "The aquatic larva of a dragonfly or damselfly", "Any of various aquatic plants of the genus Najas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "river god", "instar", "water nymph" ], "word": "naiad", "num_translations": 24 }, "zope": { "senses": [ "A fish of species Ballerus ballerus native to Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blue bream" ], "word": "zope", "num_translations": 11 }, "soggy": { "senses": [ "Soaked with moisture or other liquid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drenched" ], "word": "soggy", "num_translations": 20 }, "gnarled": { "senses": [ "Knotty and misshapen", "Made rough by age or hard work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gnarly" ], "word": "gnarled", "num_translations": 17 }, "extended1": { "senses": [ "Longer in length or extension", "elongated", "Stretched out or pulled out", "expanded", "Lasting longer", "protracted", "Having a large scope or range", "extensive", "Wider than usual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "extended", "num_translations": 11 }, "cohesion": { "senses": [ "State of cohering, or of working together", "Various intermolecular forces that hold solids and liquids together", "Growing together of normally distinct parts of a plant", "Degree to which functionally related elements in a computing system belong together", "Grammatical or lexical relationship between different parts of the same text" ], "antonyms": [ "adhesion", "coupling" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cohesion", "num_translations": 52 }, "headlight": { "senses": [ "A bright light, with a lens and reflector, on the front of a motor vehicle , designed to illuminate the road when driving at night", "normally one of a pair", "A woman's breast", "A woman's erect nipples, partially masked by clothing", "A jewel", "especially a diamond", "Lysergic acid diethylamide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headlamp", "Thesaurus:breast", "Thesaurus:nipples" ], "word": "headlight", "num_translations": 64 }, "aleut": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aleutian", "Aleutic" ], "word": "Aleut", "num_translations": 10 }, "resistible": { "senses": [ "Able to be resisted" ], "antonyms": [ "irresistible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "resistible", "num_translations": 12 }, "embolden": { "senses": [ "To render bolder or more courageous", "To encourage, inspire, or motivate", "To format text in boldface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boldface" ], "word": "embolden", "num_translations": 13 }, "composite": { "senses": [ "Made up of multiple components", "compound or complex", "Being a mixture of Ionic and Corinthian styles", "Not prime", "having factors", "Belonging to the Asteraceae family , bearing involucrate heads of many small florets", "Employing multiple exposures on a single plate, so as to create an average view of something, such as faces in physiognomy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "composite", "num_translations": 40 }, "composite1": { "senses": [ "A mixture of different components", "A structural material that gains its strength from a combination of complementary materials", "A plant belonging to the family Asteraceae, syn Compositae", "A function of a function", "A drawing, photograph, etc that combines several separate pictures or images" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "composite", "num_translations": 18 }, "logger": { "senses": [ "A worker whose occupation is to harvest trees", "That which logs, such as a computer program to keep track of events" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lumberjack" ], "word": "logger", "num_translations": 16 }, "lawless": { "senses": [ "Not governed by any law", "Prohibited by law", "unlawful, illegal", "Not restrained by the law or by discipline", "unruly, disorderly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lawless", "num_translations": 39 }, "glorify": { "senses": [ "To exalt, or give glory or praise to", "To make appear to be more glorious than it is", "regard something or someone as excellent baselessly", "To worship or extol" ], "antonyms": [ "vilify", "slander" ], "synonyms": [ "transfigure" ], "word": "glorify", "num_translations": 43 }, "elongate": { "senses": [ "To make long or longer by pulling and stretching", "To become long or longer by being pulled or stretched", "To move to or place at a distance", "To depart to, or be at, a distance", "especially, to recede apparently from the sun, as a planet in its orbit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elongate", "num_translations": 16 }, "exhibitionist": { "senses": [ "One who attempts to draw attention to himself or herself by his or her behaviour", "One who exposes his or her genitalia in public", "synonym of \"exhibitioner\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flasher" ], "word": "exhibitionist", "num_translations": 40 }, "expectancy": { "senses": [ "Expectation or anticipation", "the state of expecting something", "The state of being expected", "Something expected or awaited" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "expectingness" ], "word": "expectancy", "num_translations": 12 }, "epilation": { "senses": [ "The loss of hair", "The removal of hair from human or animal skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "depilation" ], "word": "epilation", "num_translations": 21 }, "freezingpoint": { "senses": [ "The temperature at which a liquid freezes, and the solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium", "normally the same as the melting point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crystallization point", "solidification point" ], "word": "freezingpoint", "num_translations": 23 }, "oldhighgerman": { "senses": [ "The early recorded form of the German language, spoken from the 8th century to the 12th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OHG", "Old High Dutch" ], "word": "OldHighGerman", "num_translations": 31 }, "mezzanine": { "senses": [ "A secondary floor, in between the main floors of a building", "entresol", "A small window used to light such a secondary floor", "The lowest balcony in an auditorium", "Additional flooring laid over a floor to bring it up to some height or level", "A floor under the stage, from which contrivances such as traps are worked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mezzanine", "num_translations": 22 }, "suffusion": { "senses": [ "The act of pouring a liquid over or soaking something", "coat, coating, film, plating", "The state of being wet", "The state of becoming red on the surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diffusion" ], "word": "suffusion", "num_translations": 15 }, "tinsmith": { "senses": [ "A person who makes or repairs things with tin or similar alloys", "A dealer in tin goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whitesmith" ], "word": "tinsmith", "num_translations": 41 }, "tincan": { "senses": [ "A container, usually cylindrical, made out of sheet metal coated with tin, or aluminum", "A destroyer", "An inexpensive car", "A motor home or trailer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tin" ], "word": "tincan", "num_translations": 26 }, "rosary": { "senses": [ "Prayer beads, a string of beads used to keep track of repetitions in prayer, particularly in the Roman Catholic Marian prayer \"Hail Mary\"", "A Roman Catholic devotion involving the repetition of a series of Marian prayers, usually 5, 15, or 20 decades of \"Hail Marys\", each decade beginning with \"Our Father\" and ending with \"Glory Be to the Father\", but sometimes including other Roman Catholic, Anglican, or Lutheran prayers", "A series or collection of thoughts, literary pieces, etc intended for similar contemplation", "A 13th-century coin minted in Europe as a counterfeit debased form of the sterling silver penny of Edward I, at first accepted as a halfpenny and then outlawed", "A rose garden" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rosary", "num_translations": 84 }, "co-": { "senses": [ "together", "mutually", "jointly", "partner or subordinate in an activity", "to the same degree", "of the opposite, of the counterpart", "dual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "co-", "num_translations": 22 }, "gramophone": { "senses": [ "A record player" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phonograph" ], "word": "gramophone", "num_translations": 51 }, "eastasia": { "senses": [ "The eastern subregion of Asia, including China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Far East" ], "word": "EastAsia", "num_translations": 56 }, "eden": { "senses": [ "A garden built by God as the home for Adam and Eve", "sometimes identified as part of Mesopotamia", "An surname, probably derived from a place name", "female given name from the biblical place name", "also a medieval diminutive of compound names beginning with the element \u0113ad", "Any of various towns and other place names" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Eden", "num_translations": 28 }, "empyrean1": { "senses": [ "Of the sky or the heavens", "celestially refined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "empyreal" ], "word": "empyrean", "num_translations": 10 }, "unfinished": { "senses": [ "Not finished, not completed" ], "antonyms": [ "finished" ], "synonyms": [ "half-finished", "incomplete" ], "word": "unfinished", "num_translations": 41 }, "safeguard": { "senses": [ "Something that serves as a guard or protection", "a defense", "One who, or that which, defends or protects", "defence", "protection", "A safe-conduct or passport, especially in time of war", "The monitor lizard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "safeguard", "num_translations": 16 }, "hangup": { "senses": [ "To put up to hang", "To terminate a telephone call", "To keep delayed, suspended, held up, or stuck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "release" ], "word": "hangup", "num_translations": 67 }, "terrify": { "senses": [ "To frighten greatly", "to fill with terror", "To menace or intimidate", "To make terrible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frighten" ], "word": "terrify", "num_translations": 27 }, "breadcrumb": { "senses": [ "A tiny piece of bread, either one that falls from bread as it is cut or eaten, or one made deliberately by crumbling bread", "A single link in a chain indicating the hierarchical location of a web page or similar, used as a navigation aid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crumb" ], "word": "breadcrumb", "num_translations": 51 }, "invasive": { "senses": [ "That invades a foreign country using military force", "Relating to military aggression generally", "That grows in environments which do not harbor natural enemies, often to the detriment of native species or of food or garden flora and fauna", "That invades healthy tissue", "in which part of the body is entered", "Intrusive on one's privacy", "Coming from outside", "originating externally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "invasive", "num_translations": 38 }, "productivity": { "senses": [ "the state of being productive, fertile or efficient", "the rate at which goods or services are produced by a standard population of workers", "the rate at which crops are grown on a standard area of land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "productiveness" ], "word": "productivity", "num_translations": 37 }, "coldness": { "senses": [ "The relative lack of heat", "The sensation resulting from exposure to low temperatures", "Limited enthusiasm or affection", "coolness", "The reciprocal of absolute temperature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coldness", "num_translations": 89 }, "plebs": { "senses": [ "The plebeian class of ancient Rome", "The common people, especially the mob", "plural of \"pleb\" in its various senses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plebeiate" ], "word": "plebs", "num_translations": 18 }, "rockery": { "senses": [ "A section of a garden made from decorative rocks and alpine plants", "A natural area where many seals breed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rock garden" ], "word": "rockery", "num_translations": 14 }, "toddle": { "senses": [ "To walk unsteadily, as a small child does", "To walk in a carefree manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "totter" ], "word": "toddle", "num_translations": 13 }, "foodweb": { "senses": [ "A diagram showing the organisms that eat other organisms in a particular ecosystem, predators being higher in the web than their prey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "food cycle" ], "word": "foodweb", "num_translations": 44 }, "judicature": { "senses": [ "The administration of justice by judges and courts", "judicial process", "The office or authority of a judge", "jurisdiction", "Judges collectively", "a court or group of courts", "the judiciary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "judgeship", "judiciary" ], "word": "judicature", "num_translations": 13 }, "jocund": { "senses": [ "Jovial", "exuberant", "lighthearted", "merry and in high spirits", "exhibiting happiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jocund", "num_translations": 13 }, "intelligentdesign": { "senses": [ "The belief that biological life on Earth, or more broadly, the universe as a whole, was created by an intelligent agent rather than being the result of undirected natural processes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IDism", "ID", "intelligent designism", "neo-creationism" ], "word": "intelligentdesign", "num_translations": 32 }, "zoospore": { "senses": [ "A motile asexual spore of some algae and fungi" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swarm spore" ], "word": "zoospore", "num_translations": 10 }, "g-string": { "senses": [ "On a stringed musical instrument, the string that produces the note of G", "A scanty covering for the genitalia, chiefly worn by women, with a thin strip of fabric that passes between the buttocks", "A type of loincloth or breech cloth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loincloth", "tanga", "thong" ], "word": "G-string", "num_translations": 60 }, "prosandcons": { "senses": [ "The positive and negative attributes of arguments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fors and againsts", "advantages" ], "word": "prosandcons", "num_translations": 34 }, "seminary": { "senses": [ "A theological school for the training of rabbis, priests, or ministers", "A private residential school for girls", "A class of religious education for youths ages 14-18 that accompanies normal secular education", "A piece of ground where seed is sown for producing plants for transplantation", "The place or original stock from which anything is brought or produced", "Seminal state or polity", "a seminarist", "An academic seminar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seminary", "num_translations": 21 }, "pesky": { "senses": [ "Annoying, troublesome, irritating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:annoying" ], "word": "pesky", "num_translations": 26 }, "phenomenal": { "senses": [ "Very remarkable", "highly extraordinary", "amazing", "Perceptible by the senses through immediate experience", "Of or pertaining to the appearance of the world, as opposed to the ultimate nature of the world as it is in itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "awesome" ], "word": "phenomenal", "num_translations": 27 }, "training1": { "senses": [ "Action of the verb to train", "The activity of imparting and acquiring skills", "The result of good social upbringing", "The process by which two modems determine which protocol and speed to use", "handshaking", "The recording of multiple samples of a user's voice to aid pattern recognition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "training", "num_translations": 60 }, "tranquillity": { "senses": [ "the state of being tranquil", "the absence of disturbance", "peacefulness", "the absence of stress", "serenity", "the quality of calm such as that experienced in places with mainly natural features and activities, free from disturbance from manmade ones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:calm" ], "word": "tranquillity", "num_translations": 63 }, "contentment": { "senses": [ "the state or degree of being contented or satisfied", "happiness in one's situation", "satisfaction", "the neurophysiological experience of satisfaction and being at ease in one's situation, body, and/or mind" ], "antonyms": [ "discontent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "contentment", "num_translations": 22 }, "cooking": { "senses": [ "The process of preparing food by using heat", "An instance of preparing food by using heat", "The result of preparing food by using heat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "culinary art" ], "word": "cooking", "num_translations": 63 }, "knowledgeable": { "senses": [ "Having knowledge, especially of a particular subject", "Educated and well informed" ], "antonyms": [ "unknowledgeable" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:learned", "Thesaurus:intelligent" ], "word": "knowledgeable", "num_translations": 48 }, "backside": { "senses": [ "The back side of anything, the part opposite its front, particularly:", "The reverse or opposite of anything" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "backhouse", "rear", "See", "verso" ], "word": "backside", "num_translations": 50 }, "tarry": { "senses": [ "To delay", "to be late or tardy in beginning or doing anything", "To linger in expectation of something or until something is done or happens", "To abide, stay or wait somewhere, especially if longer than planned", "To stay somewhere temporarily", "to sojourn", "To wait for", "to stay or stop for", "to allow to linger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forestall", "abide", "hang about", "sojourn", "await" ], "word": "tarry", "num_translations": 77 }, "methodical": { "senses": [ "In an organized manner", "proceeding with regard to method", "systematic", "Arranged with regard to method", "disposed in a suitable manner, or in a manner to illustrate a subject, or to facilitate practical observation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "systematic" ], "word": "methodical", "num_translations": 17 }, "topology": { "senses": [ "A branch of mathematics studying those properties of a geometric figure or solid that are not changed by stretching, bending and similar homeomorphisms", "A collection \u03c4 of subsets of a set X such that the empty set and X are both members of \u03c4, and \u03c4 is closed under finitary intersections and arbitrary unions", "The anatomical structure of part of the body", "The arrangement of nodes in a communications network", "The properties of a particular technological embodiment that are not affected by differences in the physical layout or form of its application", "The topographical study of geographic locations or given places in relation to their history", "The art of, or method for, assisting the memory by associating the thing or subject to be remembered with some place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "analysis situs" ], "word": "topology", "num_translations": 47 }, "specificgravity": { "senses": [ "The ratio of the mass of a substance to that of an equal volume of water at 4\u00b0C" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "relative density" ], "word": "specificgravity", "num_translations": 12 }, "protium": { "senses": [ "The lightest and most common isotope of hydrogen, having a single proton and no neutrons:", "An atom of this isotope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hydrogen-one", "unium-one" ], "word": "protium", "num_translations": 18 }, "demerit": { "senses": [ "A quality of being inadequate", "a fault", "a disadvantage", "A mark given for bad conduct to a person attending an educational institution or serving in the army", "That which one merits or deserves, either of good or ill", "desert" ], "antonyms": [ "merit" ], "synonyms": [ "discredit" ], "word": "demerit", "num_translations": 27 }, "thanksalot": { "senses": [ "An emphatic thanks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "many thanks" ], "word": "thanksalot", "num_translations": 34 }, "creditor": { "senses": [ "A person to whom a debt is owed", "One who gives credence to something", "a believer" ], "antonyms": [ "debtor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "creditor", "num_translations": 45 }, "wanted": { "senses": [ "wished for", "desired", "sought", "subject to immediate detainment by law enforcement authorities on sight" ], "antonyms": [ "unwanted" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wanted", "num_translations": 30 }, "covered": { "senses": [ "Overlaid or enclosed", "Prepared for, or having dealt with, some matter", "Than whom another player has more money available for betting", "Wearing one's hat" ], "antonyms": [ "uncovered" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hidden" ], "word": "covered", "num_translations": 33 }, "holywar": { "senses": [ "A war that is entirely, primarily, or ostensibly religious in motivation", "a war over religion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jihad" ], "word": "holywar", "num_translations": 37 }, "electrocute": { "senses": [ "To kill by electric shock", "To execute by electric shock, often by means of an electric chair", "To inflict a severe electric shock upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "electrify" ], "word": "electrocute", "num_translations": 20 }, "sparse": { "senses": [ "Having widely spaced intervals", "Not dense", "meager", "scanty", "Having few nonzero elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spread out", "insufficient" ], "word": "sparse", "num_translations": 40 }, "duh": { "senses": [ "Disdainful indication that something is obvious", "Indication of mock stupidity" ], "antonyms": [ "really" ], "synonyms": [ "obviously", "doy", "no duh", "no shit", "you don't say", "no kidding", "derp", "seriously? Nah" ], "word": "duh", "num_translations": 23 }, "esquire": { "senses": [ "A lawyer", "A male member of the gentry ranking below a knight", "An honorific sometimes placed after a man's name", "A gentleman who attends or escorts a lady in public", "A squire", "a youth who in the hopes of becoming a knight attended upon a knight", "A shield-bearer, but also applied to other attendants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "esquire", "num_translations": 16 }, "diadem": { "senses": [ "An ornamental headband worn as a badge of royalty", "A crown", "Regal power", "sovereignty", "empire\u2014considered as symbolized by the crown", "An arch rising from the rim of a crown , and uniting with others over its centre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "diadem", "num_translations": 31 }, "midbrain": { "senses": [ "A part of the brain located rostral to the pons and caudal to the thalamus and the basal ganglia, composed of the tectum and the tegmentum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mesencephalon" ], "word": "midbrain", "num_translations": 35 }, "prod1": { "senses": [ "A device used to goad livestock into moving", "A prick or stab with such a pointed instrument", "A poke", "A light kind of crossbow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prod", "num_translations": 10 }, "injurious": { "senses": [ "Causing physical harm or injury", "harmful, hurtful", "Causing harm to one's reputation", "invidious, defamatory, libelous, slanderous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scathel", "defamatory" ], "word": "injurious", "num_translations": 42 }, "sybarite": { "senses": [ "A person devoted to pleasure and luxury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sensualist" ], "word": "sybarite", "num_translations": 15 }, "merciless": { "senses": [ "Showing no mercy", "cruel and pitiless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unmerciful", "cruel", "pitiless", "ruthless" ], "word": "merciless", "num_translations": 42 }, "exogamy": { "senses": [ "marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or group other than one's own as required by custom or law", "the fusion of two unrelated gametes" ], "antonyms": [ "endogamy" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intermarriage" ], "word": "exogamy", "num_translations": 26 }, "works": { "senses": [ "plural of \"work\" in its countable senses", "A mechanism or machine", "the means by which something happens", "A factory or factories, or similar collection of buildings", "Everything or everything that is available or possible", "especially, all available toppings on food", "Drastic treatment", "abuse", "the axe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "works", "num_translations": 25 }, "overrated": { "senses": [ "Given an undue amount of credit for quality or merit in a field", "not necessarily related to popularity" ], "antonyms": [ "underrated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overrated", "num_translations": 25 }, "contrail": { "senses": [ "An artificial cloud made by the exhaust of jet aircraft or wingtip vortices that precipitate a stream of tiny ice crystals in moist, frigid upper air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condensation trail", "vapour trail" ], "word": "contrail", "num_translations": 17 }, "fundamentalinteraction": { "senses": [ "any of the fundamental forces that act between elementary particles", "each one is associated with an exchanged particle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fundamental force" ], "word": "fundamentalinteraction", "num_translations": 37 }, "furnished1": { "senses": [ "equipped with whatever is needed", "supplied with furniture" ], "antonyms": [ "unfurnished" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "furnished", "num_translations": 29 }, "sconce": { "senses": [ "A light fixture", "A head or a skull", "A poll tax", "a mulct or fine", "A piece of armor for the head", "headpiece", "helmet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sconce", "num_translations": 17 }, "loopy": { "senses": [ "Having loops", "Idiotic, crazy or drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "looped", "Thesaurus:stupid", "Thesaurus:insane", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "loopy", "num_translations": 12 }, "drat1": { "senses": [ "Expressing anger, annoyance or frustration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crap", "damn", "fuck", "goddammit", "shit" ], "word": "drat", "num_translations": 20 }, "riser": { "senses": [ "Someone or something which rises", "A platform or stand used to lift or elevate something", "The vertical part of a step on a staircase", "The main body of a bow", "A vertical utility conduit, pipe or path between floors of a building for placement of cables , or to convey fluids", "A pipe connecting an individual exhaust port of an internal combustion engine to the muffler, particularly on aircraft", "A Manx cat with a showable short tail", "A strip of webbing joining a parachute's harness to the rigging lines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "riser", "num_translations": 11 }, "spoonbill": { "senses": [ "Any of various large, long-legged wading birds in the family Threskiornithidae, which also includes the ibises, that have a large, flat, spatulate bill", "A species of fish, Polyodon spathula, native to the Mississippi/Ohio/Missouri river basin, or extinct close relatives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paddlefish" ], "word": "spoonbill", "num_translations": 23 }, "moorhen": { "senses": [ "Any of various medium-sized water birds of the genus Gallinula, of the rail family, that feed in open water margins", "A female red grouse, Lagopus lagopus scotica" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gallinule", "moggy" ], "word": "moorhen", "num_translations": 30 }, "strongnuclearinteraction": { "senses": [ "the fundamental interaction responsible for the strong nuclear force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "strong interaction", "color interaction" ], "word": "strongnuclearinteraction", "num_translations": 22 }, "komi": { "senses": [ "A Finno-Ugric language currently spoken by 200,000 to 400,000 people, depending on source and definition of \"speaker\", in northeastern European part of Russia", "republic c/Russia", "region c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Zyrian" ], "word": "Komi", "num_translations": 43 }, "komi1": { "senses": [ "A member of that ethnic group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Zyrian" ], "word": "Komi", "num_translations": 19 }, "khanty": { "senses": [ "The Ob-Ugric language spoken by these people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ostyak" ], "word": "Khanty", "num_translations": 10 }, "inoculate": { "senses": [ "To introduce an antigenic substance or vaccine into something or someone, such as to produce immunity to a specific disease", "*", "To safeguard or protect something as if by inoculation", "To add one substance to another", "to spike", "To graft by inserting buds", "To introduce into the mind", "to imbue", "to implant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inoculate", "num_translations": 31 }, "preoccupation": { "senses": [ "The state of being preoccupied or an idea that preoccupies the mind", "enthrallment", "The act of occupying something before someone else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preoccupancy" ], "word": "preoccupation", "num_translations": 13 }, "merlin": { "senses": [ "A small falcon, Falco columbarius, that breeds in northern North America, Europe and Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pigeon hawk" ], "word": "merlin", "num_translations": 28 }, "marabou": { "senses": [ "Leptoptilos crumeniferus, a large wading bird native to Africa, with a naked head and neck adapted for scavenging", "A person, five-eighths of whose ancestry is black", "the offspring of a mulatto and a griffe", "A kind of thrown raw silk, naturally nearly white, but capable of being dyed without scouring", "A thin fabric made from this silk, as for scarfs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adjutant stork" ], "word": "marabou", "num_translations": 15 }, "nuthatch": { "senses": [ "Any of various small passerine birds from the family Sittidae found throughout the Northern hemisphere that have the unusual ability to climb down trees head first" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nuthacker" ], "word": "nuthatch", "num_translations": 20 }, "pipit": { "senses": [ "Any of various small passerine birds, mainly from the genus Anthus, that are often drab, ground feeding insectivores of open country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pihoihoi", "titlark" ], "word": "pipit", "num_translations": 29 }, "homestead": { "senses": [ "A house together with surrounding land and buildings, especially on a farm", "the property comprising these", "The place that is one's home", "A cluster of several houses occupied by an extended family", "The home or seat of a family", "place of origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "homestead", "num_translations": 31 }, "legitimize": { "senses": [ "To make legitimate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "legitimate" ], "word": "legitimize", "num_translations": 19 }, "stint": { "senses": [ "To stop", "cease, desist", "To stop speaking or talking", "To be sparing or mean", "To restrain within certain limits", "to bound", "to restrict to a scant allowance", "To assign a certain task to , upon the performance of which he/she is excused from further labour for that day or period", "to stent", "To impregnate successfully", "to get with foal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stint", "num_translations": 13 }, "deeply": { "senses": [ "At depth, in a deep way", "To a deep extent", "Profoundly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deep" ], "word": "deeply", "num_translations": 37 }, "enrich": { "senses": [ "To enhance", "To make rich or richer", "To adorn, ornate more richly", "To add nutrients or fertilizer to the soil", "to fertilize", "To increase the amount of one isotope in a mixture of isotopes, especially in a nuclear fuel", "To add nutrients to foodstuffs", "to fortify", "To make to rise the proportion of a given constituent", "To add new elements, to complete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enrich", "num_translations": 52 }, "enrichment": { "senses": [ "The act of enriching or something enriched", "The process of making enriched uranium", "The addition of sugar to grape juice used to make wine", "chaptalization", "Extracurricular activities for students" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enrichment", "num_translations": 18 }, "guillemot": { "senses": [ "Any seabird belonging to the genera Uria and Cepphus of the auk family Alcidae They have black and white bodies and are good at swimming and diving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "murre" ], "word": "guillemot", "num_translations": 31 }, "egalitarian": { "senses": [ "Characterized by social equality and equal rights for all people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equalitarian" ], "word": "egalitarian", "num_translations": 21 }, "egalitarian1": { "senses": [ "A person who accepts or promotes social equality and equal rights for all people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equalitarian" ], "word": "egalitarian", "num_translations": 14 }, "egalitarianism": { "senses": [ "The political doctrine that holds that all people in a society should have equal rights from birth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equalitarianism" ], "word": "egalitarianism", "num_translations": 20 }, "elude": { "senses": [ "to evade, or escape from someone or something, especially by using cunning or skill", "to shake off a pursuer", "to give someone the slip", "to escape understanding of", "to be incomprehensible to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elude", "num_translations": 21 }, "mountainous": { "senses": [ "Having many mountains", "characterized by mountains", "of the nature of a mountain", "rough", "rocky", "Resembling a mountain, especially in size", "huge", "towering", "Very difficult", "Inhabiting mountains", "hence, barbarous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gigantic" ], "word": "mountainous", "num_translations": 61 }, "headgear": { "senses": [ "Anything worn on the head, such as a helmet", "The harness that fits on a horse's head", "The lifting gear at the head of a mine or deep well", "the rigging on the foresail", "A type of orthodontic appliance attached to dental braces that aids in correcting severe bite problems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headdress", "bridle" ], "word": "headgear", "num_translations": 34 }, "punchcard": { "senses": [ "A card that can have holes or notches cut in it, especially one for storing data, that can be sorted according to combinations of holes present or absent", "A card given to a customer and punched with a hole at each purchase, allowing a reward to be claimed when fully punched" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "index card", "punched card" ], "word": "punchcard", "num_translations": 17 }, "chary": { "senses": [ "Careful, cautious, shy, wary", "Excessively particular or fussy about details", "fastidious", "Not disposed to give freely", "not lavish", "frugal, sparing", "Cared for, regarded as precious", "cherished" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chary", "num_translations": 10 }, "lawlessness": { "senses": [ "a lack of law and order", "anarchy", "defiance of the law", "outlawry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unlaw" ], "word": "lawlessness", "num_translations": 37 }, "snaredrum": { "senses": [ "A tubular drum with skins stretched over the top and bottom, and having a set of chains that can be applied to the bottom skin to create a rattling sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "side drum", "tamburo piccolo" ], "word": "snaredrum", "num_translations": 27 }, "drumstick": { "senses": [ "A stick used to play drums", "The second joint of the legbone of a chicken or other fowl, especially as an item of food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chicken leg" ], "word": "drumstick", "num_translations": 53 }, "enlargement": { "senses": [ "The act of making something larger", "A making more obvious or serious", "exacerbation", "An image, particularly a photograph, that has been enlarged", "Freedom from confinement", "liberty", "Diffuseness of speech or writing", "a speaking at length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enlargement", "num_translations": 31 }, "inferno": { "senses": [ "A place or situation resembling Hell", "A large fire, a conflagration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:afterlife" ], "word": "inferno", "num_translations": 43 }, "linden1": { "senses": [ "Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia, having heart-shaped leaves", "The soft wood of such trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "basswood", "basswood" ], "word": "linden", "num_translations": 93 }, "atdeath'sdoor": { "senses": [ "About to die", "in a life-threatening state of health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knocking on heaven's door", "on one's deathbed" ], "word": "atdeath'sdoor", "num_translations": 35 }, "lectern": { "senses": [ "A stand with a slanted top used to support a bible from which passages are read during a church service", "A similar stand to support a lecturer's notes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "podium" ], "word": "lectern", "num_translations": 45 }, "dumbfounded": { "senses": [ "shocked and speechless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amazed", "astonished", "astounded", "confounded", "flabbergasted", "perplexed", "shocked", "speechless", "stunned", "stupefied", "surprised" ], "word": "dumbfounded", "num_translations": 49 }, "lifespan": { "senses": [ "The length of time for which an organism lives", "The length of time for which something exists or is current or valid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lifetime" ], "word": "lifespan", "num_translations": 21 }, "ligature": { "senses": [ "The act of tying or binding something", "A cord or similar thing used to tie something", "especially the thread used in surgery to close a vessel or duct", "A thread or wire used to remove tumours, etc", "The state of being bound or stiffened", "stiffness", "A character that visually combines multiple letters, such as \u00e6, \u0153, \u00df or \u0133", "A group of notes played as a phrase, or the curved line that indicates such a phrase", "A curve or line connecting notes", "a slur", "A piece used to hold a reed to the mouthpiece on woodwind instruments", "Impotence caused by magic or charms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ligature", "num_translations": 64 }, "lightness1": { "senses": [ "The state of having little weight, or little force", "Agility of movement", "Freedom from worry", "Levity, frivolity", "inconsistency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lightness", "num_translations": 12 }, "logogram": { "senses": [ "A character or symbol that represents a word or phrase (eg a character of the Chinese writing system", "symbols such as &)", "A kind of word puzzle: a logogriph" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "logograph" ], "word": "logogram", "num_translations": 12 }, "debase": { "senses": [ "To lower in character, quality, or value", "to degrade", "To lower in position or rank", "To lower the value of by reducing the amount of valuable metal in the coins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abase" ], "word": "debase", "num_translations": 25 }, "longitudinal": { "senses": [ "Relating to length, or to longitude", "Running in the direction of the long axis of a body", "Forward and/or backward, relative to some defined direction", "Sampling data over time rather than merely once" ], "antonyms": [ "transverse", "cross-sectional" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "longitudinal", "num_translations": 18 }, "nighttime": { "senses": [ "The hours of darkness between sunset and sunrise", "the night" ], "antonyms": [ "day" ], "synonyms": [ "nightertale" ], "word": "nighttime", "num_translations": 23 }, "nighttime1": { "senses": [ "appropriate to the night", "Happening during the night" ], "antonyms": [ "day", "daytime", "daytime", "diurnal" ], "synonyms": [ "night", "night", "nocturnal" ], "word": "nighttime", "num_translations": 10 }, "novelty": { "senses": [ "The state of being new or novel", "newness", "A new product", "an innovation", "A small mass-produced trinket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "novelty", "num_translations": 50 }, "moan1": { "senses": [ "To complain about", "to mourn", "To grieve", "To distress", "to sadden", "To complain", "to grumble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:complain" ], "word": "moan", "num_translations": 48 }, "catamite": { "senses": [ "A boy or younger man in a homoerotic relationship with an older man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "punk" ], "word": "catamite", "num_translations": 25 }, "maplesyrup": { "senses": [ "Syrup made from the sap of the sugar maple, Acer saccharum", "Syrup flavored with artificial maple flavoring", "though legally in the United States cannot be labelled as such when for sale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maple honey", "maple molasses", "pancake syrup" ], "word": "maplesyrup", "num_translations": 30 }, "monolithic": { "senses": [ "Of or resembling a monolith", "Having a massive, unchanging structure that does not permit individual variation", "consisting of a single program using a single memory-addressing space" ], "antonyms": [ "modular" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "monolithic", "num_translations": 20 }, "preventive": { "senses": [ "Preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to", "Carried out to deter military aggression", "Slowing the development of an illness", "prophylactic", "Going before", "preceding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "preventive", "num_translations": 22 }, "goosander": { "senses": [ "A merganser, Mergus merganser, of the northern hemisphere They eat fish and are common on lakes and rivers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mergus merganser" ], "word": "goosander", "num_translations": 21 }, "mediate": { "senses": [ "To resolve differences, or to bring about a settlement, between conflicting parties", "To intervene between conflicting parties in order to resolve differences or bring about a settlement", "To divide into two equal parts", "To act as an intermediary causal or communicative agent", "convey", "To act as a spiritualistic medium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mediate", "num_translations": 26 }, "perseverance": { "senses": [ "Continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:perseverance" ], "word": "perseverance", "num_translations": 56 }, "fontanelle": { "senses": [ "A soft membraneous spot on the head of a baby due to incomplete fusion of the cranial bones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soft spot" ], "word": "fontanelle", "num_translations": 52 }, "giveaway": { "senses": [ "To make a gift of", "To relinquish control over", "To formally hand over a bride to the bridegroom", "often by her father", "To unintentionally reveal a secret, divulge undisclosed information, or expose someone", "To concede an advantage in weight, time, height etc", "To concede" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "giveaway", "num_translations": 36 }, "voicing1": { "senses": [ "The final regulation of the pitch and tone of any sound-producing entity, especially of an organ or similar musical instrument", "A particular arrangement of notes to form a chord", "The articulatory process in which the vocal cords vibrate", "A classification of speech sounds that tend to be associated with vocal cord vibration", "A phonological process that turns a voiceless sound into a voiced one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "voicing", "num_translations": 14 }, "noticeable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being seen or noticed", "Worthy of note", "significant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "observable", "notable" ], "word": "noticeable", "num_translations": 17 }, "nomadic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to nomads, whether" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nomad", "pastoral", "wandering", "peripatetic", "itinerant", "itinerate", "unsettled", "vagabond", "roving", "drifting", "roaming", "wayfaring", "vagrant", "transient", "rambling", "peregrine", "ambulatory", "ambulant", "erratic", "errant", "rootless", "gypsy", "floating", "perambulatory", "perambulant", "discursive", "meandering", "ambling", "footloose", "prodigal" ], "word": "nomadic", "num_translations": 35 }, "plug-in1": { "senses": [ "Anything that plugs into something", "A module or device that interacts with another to add a specific feature or function", "An electric vehicle that can be recharged from an external power source" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "add-in" ], "word": "plug-in", "num_translations": 37 }, "juvenile": { "senses": [ "Young", "not fully developed", "Characteristic of youth or immaturity", "childish" ], "antonyms": [ "adult", "mature", "nonjuvenile", "old", "senile" ], "synonyms": [ "juvey" ], "word": "juvenile", "num_translations": 40 }, "juvenile1": { "senses": [ "A prepubescent child", "A person younger than the age of majority", "a minor", "A person younger than the age of full criminal responsibility, such that the person either cannot be held criminally liable or is subject to less severe forms of punishment", "A publication for young adult readers", "An actor playing a child's role", "A sexually immature animal", "A two-year-old racehorse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infant" ], "word": "juvenile", "num_translations": 17 }, "wadingbird": { "senses": [ "Any of various long-legged birds, of the order Ciconiiformes, such as cranes, herons, or storks, that wade in shallow water in search of food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wader" ], "word": "wadingbird", "num_translations": 14 }, "permanence": { "senses": [ "The state of being permanent", "The reciprocal of magnetic inductance" ], "antonyms": [ "transience", "impermanence" ], "synonyms": [ "perdurance" ], "word": "permanence", "num_translations": 29 }, "wryneck": { "senses": [ "Either of two small woodpeckers, Jynx torquilla and Jynx ruficollis, of the Old World, that turn their heads almost 180 degrees when foraging", "A twisted or distorted neck", "a deformity in which the neck is drawn to one side by a rigid contraction of one of the muscles", "torticollis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mackerel bird" ], "word": "wryneck", "num_translations": 18 }, "harmonize": { "senses": [ "To be in harmonious agreement", "To play or sing in harmony", "To provide parts to", "To bring things into harmony, or to make things compatible", "To provide the harmony for a melody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harmonize", "num_translations": 26 }, "timothy": { "senses": [ "Other species of genus Phleum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catstail", "timothy-grass", "Timothy-grass", "timothy grass", "Timothy grass" ], "word": "timothy", "num_translations": 17 }, "wordplay": { "senses": [ "A humorous play on words", "such plays on words collectively", "A witty verbal exchange", "such exchanges collectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:joke" ], "word": "wordplay", "num_translations": 13 }, "superpower": { "senses": [ "Excessive or superior power", "A sovereign state with dominant status on the globe and a very advanced military, especially the Soviet Union or United States", "A fictional extraordinary physical or mental ability, especially possessed by a superhero or supervillain", "Electricity generated in a large plant that is tied into a regional network, on a larger scale than was common in the early years of commercial electricity production", "A tetration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "superpower", "num_translations": 49 }, "tropics": { "senses": [ "plural of \"tropic\"", "The region of the Earth, centred on the equator and lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn and characterized by a hot climate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tropical zone", "torrid zone" ], "word": "tropics", "num_translations": 24 }, "harrier": { "senses": [ "One who harries", "Any of several birds of prey in the genus Circus of the subfamily Circinae which fly low over meadows and marshes and hunt small mammals or birds", "A runner, specifically, a cross country runner", "A kind of dog used to hunt hares", "a harehound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harrier", "num_translations": 38 }, "defensible": { "senses": [ "capable of being defended against armed attack", "capable of being justified" ], "antonyms": [ "indefensible" ], "synonyms": [ "defendable" ], "word": "defensible", "num_translations": 18 }, "resound2": { "senses": [ "To reverberate with sound or noise", "To make a reverberating sound", "To be much mentioned", "To throw back, or return, the sound of", "to echo", "To praise or celebrate with the voice, or the sound of instruments", "to extol with sounds", "to spread the fame of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "resound", "num_translations": 27 }, "resounding1": { "senses": [ "Having a deep, rich sound", "mellow and resonant", "That causes reverberation", "Emphatic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "canorous" ], "word": "resounding", "num_translations": 17 }, "bullfinch": { "senses": [ "Any of various other Old World finches in the genus Pyrrhula" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurasian bullfinch", "common bullfinch", "pope" ], "word": "bullfinch", "num_translations": 35 }, "hawfinch": { "senses": [ "A large Eurasian finch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes, with a thick bill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grosbeak" ], "word": "hawfinch", "num_translations": 57 }, "indistinct": { "senses": [ "not clearly defined or not having a sharp outline", "faint or dim", "hazy or vague", "difficult to understand through being muffled or slurred" ], "antonyms": [ "distinct" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indistinct", "num_translations": 19 }, "manwhore": { "senses": [ "A man who has sex with clients for money", "a male prostitute", "A promiscuous man who has no regard for his sexual partners or the emotional value of his relationships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gigolo", "he-whore", "hustler", "womanizer", "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "manwhore", "num_translations": 25 }, "microscopic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to microscopes or microscopy", "microscopal", "So small that it can only be seen using a microscope", "Very small", "minute", "Carried out with great attention to detail", "Able to see extremely minute objects" ], "antonyms": [ "macroscopic" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tiny" ], "word": "microscopic", "num_translations": 54 }, "remaining2": { "senses": [ "which remains, especially after something else has been removed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "left", "surviving" ], "word": "remaining", "num_translations": 22 }, "yellowhammer": { "senses": [ "A passerine bird, Emberiza citrinella, of western Eurasia, which is mainly yellow in colour", "The northern flicker, Colaptes auratus", "A native or resident of the American state of Alabama" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yellow bunting", "ammer", "yelamber", "yeorling", "yowley", "yeldrin", "yite" ], "word": "yellowhammer", "num_translations": 35 }, "incurable": { "senses": [ "Of an illness, condition, etc, that is unable to be cured", "healless" ], "antonyms": [ "curable" ], "synonyms": [ "uncurable" ], "word": "incurable", "num_translations": 22 }, "redwing": { "senses": [ "A small thrush, Turdus iliacus, native to Eurasia, with a white eye stripe and red under-wing feathers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "windle" ], "word": "redwing", "num_translations": 38 }, "redshank": { "senses": [ "Either of two species of Old World wading bird in the genus Tringa that have long red legs", "A species of moss , also known as fire moss or purple horn toothed moss", "Lady's thumb or redleg , an herb in the buckwheat family", "A bare-legged person", "one of the Scottish Highlanders, who wore kilts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "redshank", "num_translations": 14 }, "long-term": { "senses": [ "Becoming evident after a relatively long time period", "Extending over a relatively long time period" ], "antonyms": [ "short-term" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "long-term", "num_translations": 49 }, "jangle": { "senses": [ "To make a rattling metallic sound", "To cause something to make a rattling metallic sound", "To irritate", "To quarrel in words", "to wrangle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jangle", "num_translations": 20 }, "liaoning": { "senses": [ "A northeastern province of the People's Republic of China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fengtien", "Fengtian", "Liaoxi & Liaodong", "Liaoyang" ], "word": "Liaoning", "num_translations": 14 }, "short-lived": { "senses": [ "Alive or existent for only a short period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ephemeral" ], "word": "short-lived", "num_translations": 15 }, "bicuspid1": { "senses": [ "A tooth with two cusps", "a premolar tooth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "premolar" ], "word": "bicuspid", "num_translations": 12 }, "blackfriday": { "senses": [ "A Friday falling on the 13th day of the month", "Good Friday", "Any Friday actually darkened by catastrophe, or the anniversary thereof", "The day after US Thanksgiving Day, generally regarded as the first day of the Christmas season, and the busiest shopping day of the year Observed in the US and, more recently, Canada", "The sales period involving heavy price reductions immediately following US Thanksgiving Day, from Friday through Monday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "BlackFriday", "num_translations": 21 }, "taillight": { "senses": [ "One of a pair of red lights mounted on the rear of a vehicle, so it can be seen from the rear at night" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rear light", "taillamp" ], "word": "taillight", "num_translations": 18 }, "assignment": { "senses": [ "The act of assigning", "the allocation of a job or a set of tasks", "The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category", "An assigned task", "A position to which someone is assigned", "A task given to students, such as homework or coursework", "A transfer of a right or benefit from one person to another", "A document that effects this transfer", "An operation that assigns a value to a variable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assignment", "num_translations": 115 }, "bearded1": { "senses": [ "Having a beard", "involving a beard", "Having a fringe or appendage resembling a beard in some way", "Having a beard of a specified type" ], "antonyms": [ "beardless" ], "synonyms": [ "bristly", "awny", "barbate", "barbed" ], "word": "bearded", "num_translations": 57 }, "gourd": { "senses": [ "Any of the trailing or climbing vines producing fruit with a hard rind or shell, from the genera Lagenaria and Cucurbita", "A hard-shelled fruit from a plant in Lagenaria or Cucurbita", "The dried and hardened shell of such fruit, made into a drinking vessel, bowl, spoon, or other objects designed for use or decoration", "Any of the climbing or trailing plants from the family Cucurbitaceae, which includes watermelon, pumpkins, and cucumbers", "loaded dice", "Head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gourd", "num_translations": 111 }, "quadrilingual": { "senses": [ "Written in four languages", "Able to speak four languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tetralingual" ], "word": "quadrilingual", "num_translations": 13 }, "sideeffect": { "senses": [ "An unintended consequence of any action in addition to the intended consequence of that action", "An adverse effect, an unintended consequence of a drug or therapy", "usually not a beneficial effect", "A change in state caused by a function call" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by-product" ], "word": "sideeffect", "num_translations": 55 }, "digression": { "senses": [ "An aside, an act of straying from the main subject in speech or writing", "The act of straying from the main subject in speech or writing, particularly for rhetorical effect", "A deviancy, a sin or error, an act of straying from the path of righteousness or a general rule", "A deviation, an act of straying from a path", "An elongation, a deflection or deviation from a mean position or expected path" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "digressio" ], "word": "digression", "num_translations": 29 }, "distraught": { "senses": [ "Deeply hurt, saddened, or worried", "distressed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "distressed", "pained" ], "word": "distraught", "num_translations": 45 }, "retention": { "senses": [ "The act of retaining or something retained", "The act or power of remembering things", "A memory", "what is retained in the mind", "The involuntary withholding of urine and faeces", "The length of time an individual remains in treatment", "That which contains something, as a tablet", "a means of preserving impressions", "The act of withholding", "restraint", "reserve", "A place of custody or confinement", "The right to withhold a debt, or of retaining property until a debt due to the person claiming the right is duly paid", "a lien" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "retention", "num_translations": 41 }, "alittle": { "senses": [ "To a small extent or degree" ], "antonyms": [ "a lot" ], "synonyms": [ "a bit", "a little bit", "skosh" ], "word": "alittle", "num_translations": 158 }, "generalist": { "senses": [ "A person with a broad general knowledge, especially one with more than superficial knowledge in several areas and the ability to combine ideas from diverse fields", "A general practitioner", "Species which can thrive in a wide variety of environmental conditions" ], "antonyms": [ "specialist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "generalist", "num_translations": 12 }, "gobbleup": { "senses": [ "To consume something rapidly", "To continually absorb or expand through annexation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forsling" ], "word": "gobbleup", "num_translations": 10 }, "goatherd": { "senses": [ "A person who herds, tends goats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goatherder" ], "word": "goatherd", "num_translations": 51 }, "micrometer": { "senses": [ "An SI/MKS unit of measure, the length of one millionth of a meter Symbols: \u00b5m, um, rm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "micron" ], "word": "micrometer", "num_translations": 30 }, "bitchy": { "senses": [ "Spiteful or malevolent", "catty", "malicious", "unpleasant", "Irritable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bitchy", "num_translations": 19 }, "delinquent": { "senses": [ "Late or failing to pay a debt or other financial obligation, like a mortgage or loan", "Failing in or neglectful of a duty or obligation", "guilty of a misdeed or offense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defaulting" ], "word": "delinquent", "num_translations": 12 }, "delinquent1": { "senses": [ "One who disobeys or breaks rules or laws", "A person who has not paid their debts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:criminal" ], "word": "delinquent", "num_translations": 17 }, "ramp": { "senses": [ "An inclined surface that connects two levels", "an incline", "A road that connects a freeway to a surface street or another freeway", "A mobile staircase that is attached to the doors of an aircraft at an airport", "A large parking area in an airport for aircraft, for loading and unloading or for storage", "A construction used to do skating tricks, usually in the form of part of a pipe", "A speed bump", "A leap or bound", "A concave bend at the top or cap of a railing, wall, or coping", "a romp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ramp", "num_translations": 36 }, "tremulous": { "senses": [ "Trembling, quivering, or shaking", "Timid, hesitant", "lacking confidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quaking", "timid" ], "word": "tremulous", "num_translations": 20 }, "doggystyle": { "senses": [ "Of sexual intercourse, in a position whereby one partner is on all fours and the other partner is penetrating from behind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doggy fashion" ], "word": "doggystyle", "num_translations": 14 }, "collected": { "senses": [ "Gathered together", "Cool\u2010headed, emotionally stable, in focus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calm" ], "word": "collected", "num_translations": 12 }, "conceited": { "senses": [ "Having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, etc", "vain and egotistical", "Having an ingenious expression or metaphorical idea, especially in extended form or used as a literary or rhetorical device", "Endowed with fancy or imagination", "Curiously contrived or designed", "fanciful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:arrogant" ], "word": "conceited", "num_translations": 64 }, "mayday": { "senses": [ "The first day of May, a spring festival, a celebration of the beginning of the spring", "Labour Day, the first day of May, a worldwide workers' holiday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Labor Day / Labour Day", "International Workers' Day" ], "word": "MayDay", "num_translations": 36 }, "immigrant1": { "senses": [ "A non-native person who comes to a country from another country in order to permanently settle there", "A plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist" ], "antonyms": [ "emigrant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "immigrant", "num_translations": 111 }, "fallguy": { "senses": [ "One who is gullible and easily duped", "synonym of \"scapegoat\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dupe", "Thesaurus:scapegoat" ], "word": "fallguy", "num_translations": 13 }, "razorbill": { "senses": [ "A large black and white auk, Alca torda, native to the north Atlantic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lesser auk" ], "word": "razorbill", "num_translations": 27 }, "bobcat": { "senses": [ "A North American wild cat, Lynx rufus, having tufted ears and a short tail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red lynx", "Lynx rufus" ], "word": "bobcat", "num_translations": 69 }, "verily": { "senses": [ "truly, doubtlessly, in truth", "confidently, certainly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soothly", "certainly" ], "word": "verily", "num_translations": 49 }, "rightaway": { "senses": [ "Very soon", "quickly", "immediately", "The traditional call to the driver of a train or other conveyance intimating that it is safe to move off immediately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at once", "forthwith", "immediately", "instantly", "now", "straight away", "tout de suite", "without" ], "word": "rightaway", "num_translations": 67 }, "oflate": { "senses": [ "In the recent past", "recently", "lately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freshly" ], "word": "oflate", "num_translations": 24 }, "devalue": { "senses": [ "To lower or remove the value of something", "To lose value", "to depreciate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "devaluate" ], "word": "devalue", "num_translations": 11 }, "inhibition": { "senses": [ "The act of inhibiting", "A personal feeling of fear or embarrassment that stops one behaving naturally", "The process of stopping or retarding a chemical reaction", "A writ from a higher court to an inferior judge to stay proceedings", "A recusal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inhibition", "num_translations": 37 }, "dumbfound": { "senses": [ "To confuse and bewilder", "to leave speechless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "strike dumb", "flabbergast" ], "word": "dumbfound", "num_translations": 17 }, "wudu": { "senses": [ "form of ritual washing of the forearms, head, and feet, required after minor impurity, frequently performed immediately before prayer", "the state of purity that is achieved by this washing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abdest" ], "word": "wudu", "num_translations": 43 }, "emigrant": { "senses": [ "Someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country", "Any of various pierid butterflies of the genus Catopsilia Also called a migrant" ], "antonyms": [ "immigrant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "emigrant", "num_translations": 55 }, "positivism": { "senses": [ "A doctrine that states that the only authentic knowledge is scientific knowledge, and that such knowledge can only come from positive affirmation of theories through strict scientific method, refusing every form of metaphysics", "A school of thought in jurisprudence in which the law is seen as separated from moral values", "ie the law is posited by lawmakers" ], "antonyms": [ "antipositivism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "positivism", "num_translations": 21 }, "shearwater": { "senses": [ "Any of the long-winged pelagic seabirds of the family Procellariidae in genera Puffinus, Ardenna, and Calonectris, that breed on islands and coastal cliffs", "Any of the entire family Procellariidae, including certain of the petrels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haglet" ], "word": "shearwater", "num_translations": 16 }, "provincialism": { "senses": [ "The quality of being provincial", "having provincial tastes, mentality, manners", "A word or locution characteristic of a region or district" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regionalism" ], "word": "provincialism", "num_translations": 20 }, "regionalism": { "senses": [ "Affection, often excessive, for one's own region and to everything related to it", "Political tendency to concede forms of politico-administrative autonomy to regions", "A word or phrase originating in, characteristic of, or limited to a region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provincialism" ], "word": "regionalism", "num_translations": 24 }, "floozie": { "senses": [ "A vulgar or sexually promiscuous woman", "a hussy or slattern", "A prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman" ], "word": "floozie", "num_translations": 27 }, "phalarope": { "senses": [ "Any of three small wading birds in the genus Phalaropus, of the family Scolopacidae, that have lobed toes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sea goose" ], "word": "phalarope", "num_translations": 10 }, "malevolence": { "senses": [ "Hostile attitude or feeling", "Behavior exhibiting a hostile attitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ill-will" ], "word": "malevolence", "num_translations": 33 }, "proficiency": { "senses": [ "Ability, skill, competence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ability", "command", "competence", "skill", "Thesaurus:skill" ], "word": "proficiency", "num_translations": 52 }, "jiggery-pokery": { "senses": [ "Trickery or misrepresentation", "Manipulation", "Sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hanky-panky" ], "word": "jiggery-pokery", "num_translations": 16 }, "admonition": { "senses": [ "Gentle or friendly reproof", "counseling against fault or oversight", "warning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:advice" ], "word": "admonition", "num_translations": 25 }, "copyedit": { "senses": [ "To correct the spelling, grammar, formatting, etc of printed material and prepare it for typesetting, printing, or online publishing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "line editing" ], "word": "copyedit", "num_translations": 16 }, "disagreement": { "senses": [ "An argument or debate", "A condition of not agreeing or concurring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dispute" ], "word": "disagreement", "num_translations": 44 }, "wheatear": { "senses": [ "Any of various passerine birds of the genus Oenanthe that feed on insects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clodhopper" ], "word": "wheatear", "num_translations": 12 }, "goover": { "senses": [ "To look at carefully", "to scrutinize", "to analyze", "To create a response or impression", "To score a try" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "goover", "num_translations": 13 }, "brownnoser": { "senses": [ "One who brownnoses", "one who sucks up", "a bootlicker, ass-kisser, sycophant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brown-nose", "Thesaurus:sycophant" ], "word": "brownnoser", "num_translations": 28 }, "homer": { "senses": [ "Ancient Greek poet", "author of the Iliad and the Odyssey", "male given name", "town/county seat co/Banks County s/Georgia c/USA", "town/parish seat par/Claiborne Parish s/Louisiana c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Homer", "num_translations": 36 }, "ideally": { "senses": [ "In an ideal way", "perfectly", "Given ideal circumstances", "preferably" ], "antonyms": [ "nonideally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ideally", "num_translations": 12 }, "shaman": { "senses": [ "A traditional faith healer", "A member of certain tribal societies who acts as a religious medium between the concrete and spirit worlds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "priest-doctor" ], "word": "shaman", "num_translations": 140 }, "preposterous": { "senses": [ "Absurd, or contrary to common sense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "absurd", "foolish", "irrational", "nonsensical", "Thesaurus:absurd" ], "word": "preposterous", "num_translations": 41 }, "counterbalance": { "senses": [ "A weight that is put in opposition to an equal weight so it keeps that in balance", "A force or influence that balances, checks or limits an opposite one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counterpoise", "counterweight" ], "word": "counterbalance", "num_translations": 35 }, "handcuff1": { "senses": [ "to restrain or restrict" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manacle" ], "word": "handcuff", "num_translations": 22 }, "tableofcontents": { "senses": [ "A list of titles of the parts of a book or document, organized in the order in which the parts appear", "A region of data on a compact disc that describes the contents that follow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "TOC" ], "word": "tableofcontents", "num_translations": 59 }, "indebted1": { "senses": [ "Obligated, especially financially" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beholden", "obliged" ], "word": "indebted", "num_translations": 13 }, "hustle": { "senses": [ "To push someone roughly, to crowd, to jostle", "To rush or hurry", "To bundle", "to stow something quickly", "To con or deceive", "especially financially", "To play deliberately badly at a game or sport in an attempt to encourage players to challenge", "To obtain by illicit or forceful action", "To sell sex", "to work as a pimp", "To be a prostitute, to exchange use of one's body for sexual purposes for money", "To work", "To put a lot of effort into one's work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fly", "defraud", "sell one's body", "pimp", "labor" ], "word": "hustle", "num_translations": 41 }, "hustle1": { "senses": [ "A state of busy activity", "A propensity to work hard and get things done", "An activity, such as prostitution or reselling stolen items, that a prisoner uses to earn money in prison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hustle", "num_translations": 19 }, "cohabitation": { "senses": [ "An emotional and physical intimate relationship which includes a common living place and which exists without legal or religious sanction", "The act of living together", "A place where two or more individuals reside together", "The act of two species living together in the same habitat", "Cooperation between politicians of opposing political parties", "especially, in France, between a President and Prime Minister" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marriage" ], "word": "cohabitation", "num_translations": 30 }, "clinical": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a medical clinic or facility", "Dealing with practical management of patients", "contrasting with prehealth sciences", "Cool and emotionless", "Of or relating to a bed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clinical", "num_translations": 26 }, "clumsily": { "senses": [ "In a clumsy manner or way", "without care or finesse, often hurriedly or awkwardly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carelessly", "sloppily" ], "word": "clumsily", "num_translations": 16 }, "bavarois": { "senses": [ "A pudding similar to pastry cream but thickened with gelatin or isinglass instead of flour or cornstarch, and flavoured with liqueur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bavarian cream" ], "word": "bavarois", "num_translations": 11 }, "ripped1": { "senses": [ "Torn, either partly or into separate pieces", "Pulled away from forcefully", "In data storage, transferred to a hard disk from another portable media form", "Copied or stolen usually from an identified source", "Having extremely low bodyfat content so that the shape of the underlying muscles become pronounced Said especially of well-defined abdominal muscles", "Drunk, inebriated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "torn", "chiseled", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "ripped", "num_translations": 21 }, "triangulation": { "senses": [ "A technique in which distances and directions are estimated from an accurately measured baseline and the principles of trigonometry", "an instance of the use of this technique", "The network of triangles so obtained, that are the basis of a chart or map", "A delaying move in which the king moves in a triangular path to force the advance of a pawn", "A subdivision of a planar object into triangles, and by extension the subdivision of a higher-dimension geometric object into simplices", "A process by which an unknown location is found using three known distances from known locations", "The practice of repositioning one's group or oneself on the political spectrum in an attempt to capture the centre", "The use of three researchers to interview the same people or to evaluate the same evidence to reduce the impact of individual bias" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "triangulation", "num_translations": 13 }, "turbulence": { "senses": [ "The state or fact of being turbulent or agitated", "tempestuousness, disturbance", "Disturbance in a gas or fluid, characterized by evidence of internal motion or unrest", "Specifically, a state of agitation or disturbance in the air which is disruptive to an aircraft", "An instance or type of such state or disturbance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "turbulence", "num_translations": 23 }, "guerrillawarfare": { "senses": [ "Combat using groups of irregular, light, mobile troops within areas occupied by an enemy force, usually through hit-and-run tactics" ], "antonyms": [ "conventional warfare" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "guerrillawarfare", "num_translations": 13 }, "grapple": { "senses": [ "To seize something and hold it firmly", "To ponder and intensely evaluate a problem", "to fix", "to join indissolubly", "To wrestle or tussle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grapple", "num_translations": 36 }, "greatcoat": { "senses": [ "A heavy overcoat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carrick", "ulster" ], "word": "greatcoat", "num_translations": 21 }, "stele1": { "senses": [ "An upright slab containing engraved or painted decorations or inscriptions", "a stela", "Any carved or engraved surface", "An acroterion, the decoration on the ridge of an ancient Greek building such as a temple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stela" ], "word": "stele", "num_translations": 70 }, "stretchmark": { "senses": [ "Any of a series of red, irregular stripes on the surface of the skin caused by rapid growth of the tissues lying just underneath They usually appear as a result of pregnancy, puberty or obesity, but can also be caused by rapid muscle growth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stria", "striae atrophicae", "striae distensae", "striae gravidarum", "vergetures" ], "word": "stretchmark", "num_translations": 16 }, "defined": { "senses": [ "Having a definition or value", "Having extreme muscle separation as a result of low body fat" ], "antonyms": [ "undefined" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "defined", "num_translations": 14 }, "fullness": { "senses": [ "Being full", "completeness", "The degree to which a space is full", "The degree to which fate has become known", ": A measure of the degree to which a muscle has increased in size parallel to the axis of its contraction A full muscle fills more of the space along the part of the body where it is connected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entirety" ], "word": "fullness", "num_translations": 11 }, "puffpastry": { "senses": [ "A light, flaky pastry that is made of alternating buttery and floury dough layers by repeatedly folding the rolled pastry into many layers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pate feuilletee" ], "word": "puffpastry", "num_translations": 72 }, "suffering": { "senses": [ "Experiencing pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in pain" ], "word": "suffering", "num_translations": 19 }, "snowyowl": { "senses": [ "A large, white, nomadic Arctic owl, Bubo scandiacus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snowy" ], "word": "snowyowl", "num_translations": 28 }, "polyurethane": { "senses": [ "Any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links", "used in very many industrial and domestic applications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PUR" ], "word": "polyurethane", "num_translations": 17 }, "nomad": { "senses": [ "A member of a society or class who herd animals from pasture to pasture with no fixed home", "synonym of \"wanderer\": an itinerant person", "A person who changes residence frequently", "A player who changes teams frequently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:vagabond" ], "word": "nomad", "num_translations": 66 }, "knowlikethebackofone'shand": { "senses": [ "To be intimately knowledgeable about something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "know inside and out", "know like a book" ], "word": "knowlikethebackofone'shand", "num_translations": 17 }, "onthesly": { "senses": [ "Slyly, in an inconspicuous manner, so as not to be seen", "secretly", "stealthily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clandestinely", "furtively", "on the Q.T" ], "word": "onthesly", "num_translations": 12 }, "seasonticket": { "senses": [ "A ticket that is valid for all of the events in a series of related events for which individual tickets would otherwise be needed", "A ticket that is valid for multiple rides by public transit for which individual tickets would otherwise be needed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "multi-pass ticket" ], "word": "seasonticket", "num_translations": 21 }, "visitation": { "senses": [ "The act of visiting, or an instance of being visited", "An official visit to inspect or examine something", "An encounter with supernatural beings such as ghosts or aliens", "The right of a separated or divorced parent to visit a child", "access", "A punishment or blessing ordained by God", "An unusual and extensive irruption of a species of animals into another region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "visitation", "num_translations": 21 }, "insertion": { "senses": [ "The act of inserting, or something inserted", "The distal end of attachment of a muscle to a bone that will be moved by the muscle", "The addition of a nucleotide to a chromosome by mutation" ], "antonyms": [ "deletion", "origin", "deletion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insertion", "num_translations": 19 }, "inconsolable": { "senses": [ "Not consolable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unconsolable" ], "word": "inconsolable", "num_translations": 18 }, "isomorphic": { "senses": [ "Related by an isomorphism", "having a structure-preserving one-to-one correspondence", "Having a similar structure or function to something that is not related genetically or through evolution", "Having identical relevant structure", "being structure-preserving while undergoing certain invertible transformations" ], "antonyms": [ "anisomorphic", "nonisomorphic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "isomorphic", "num_translations": 28 }, "indecent": { "senses": [ "offensive to good taste", "not in keeping with conventional moral values", "improper, immodest or unseemly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "distasteful", "in bad taste", "in poor taste", "offensive", "immodest", "immoral", "improper", "unseemly" ], "word": "indecent", "num_translations": 42 }, "blackthorn": { "senses": [ "A large shrub or small tree, Prunus spinosa, that is native to Europe, western Asia, and north Africa It has a dark bark and bears thorns", "A stick or staff taken from this tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sloe" ], "word": "blackthorn", "num_translations": 100 }, "iwish": { "senses": [ "Used to express the speaker's wish that the preceding statement were true" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "from your lips to God's ears", "from one's lips to" ], "word": "Iwish", "num_translations": 46 }, "shaped": { "senses": [ "Having been given a shape, especially a curved shape", "Having a particular shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-form", "shapen" ], "word": "shaped", "num_translations": 12 }, "satisfied1": { "senses": [ "In a state of satisfaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "content", "happy", "pleased", "Thesaurus:happy" ], "word": "satisfied", "num_translations": 63 }, "pleased": { "senses": [ "happy, content" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "content", "happy", "satisfied" ], "word": "pleased", "num_translations": 45 }, "ecological": { "senses": [ "Relating to ecology, the interrelationships of organisms and their environment", "Not harmful to the environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ecologically friendly" ], "word": "ecological", "num_translations": 32 }, "unsociable": { "senses": [ "not desiring the company of others", "not congenial or compatible", "unfriendly" ], "antonyms": [ "sociable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unsociable", "num_translations": 11 }, "flurry": { "senses": [ "A light, brief snowfall", "A sudden and brief blast or gust", "a light, temporary breeze", "A shower of dust, leaves etc brought on by a sudden gust of wind", "Any sudden activity", "a stir", "A snack consisting of soft ice cream mixed with small pieces of fruit, cookie crumbs, etc", "The violent spasms of a dying whale", "An occurrence of something in large numbers, happening suddenly or in a short period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flurry", "num_translations": 42 }, "uniformity": { "senses": [ "The state of being uniform, alike and lacking variety", "The absence of alternatives or diversity", "sameness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:uniformity", "Thesaurus:sameness" ], "word": "uniformity", "num_translations": 30 }, "definitive": { "senses": [ "explicitly defined", "conclusive or decisive", "definite, authoritative and complete", "limiting", "determining", "general, not issued for commemorative purposes", "Determined", "resolved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "definitive", "num_translations": 29 }, "hawthorn": { "senses": [ "Any of various shrubs and small trees of the genus Crataegus having small, apple-like fruits and thorny branches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "albaspine" ], "word": "hawthorn", "num_translations": 71 }, "sunnysideup": { "senses": [ "Of an egg: fried on one side, served with the unbroken relatively soft yolk on the top" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sunny" ], "word": "sunnysideup", "num_translations": 23 }, "feathered": { "senses": [ "covered with feathers", "having the blades of oars or propellers parallel to the direction of motion", "of a finely bevelled edge", "badly beaten", "Having a specific type or number of feathers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "feathered", "num_translations": 15 }, "recovery": { "senses": [ "The act or process of regaining or repossession of something lost", "A return to normal health", "A return to former status or position", "Renewed growth after a slump", "A verdict giving somebody the right to recover debts or costs", "The extraction of an ore from a mine, or of a metal from an ore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recovery", "num_translations": 96 }, "rearend": { "senses": [ "The back or hindmost part of anything, such as a car", "The buttocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tail end" ], "word": "rearend", "num_translations": 14 }, "merman": { "senses": [ "A legendary creature, human male from the waist up, fishlike from the waist down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "merguy" ], "word": "merman", "num_translations": 18 }, "cheddarcheese": { "senses": [ "A variety of hard, pale yellow cheese originally produced in the region around Cheddar in Somerset, England", "Any similar cheese made anywhere in the world" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cheddar", "cheddar cheese", "cheddar" ], "word": "Cheddarcheese", "num_translations": 34 }, "asymptotic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to values or properties approached at infinity", "Coming into consideration as a variable tends to a limit, usually infinity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asymptotical" ], "word": "asymptotic", "num_translations": 14 }, "hindrance": { "senses": [ "Something which hinders: something that holds back or causes problems with something else", "The state or act of hindering something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hindrance" ], "word": "hindrance", "num_translations": 66 }, "trump": { "senses": [ "The suit, in a game of cards, that outranks all others", "A playing card of that suit", "Something that gives one an advantage, especially one held in reserve", "An excellent person", "a fine fellow, a good egg", "An old card game, almost identical to whist", "the game of ruff", "A card of the major arcana of the tarot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trump", "num_translations": 101 }, "trump1": { "senses": [ "To get the better of, or finesse, a competitor", "To impose unfairly", "to palm off", "To supersede" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ruff", "outsmart" ], "word": "trump", "num_translations": 19 }, "privatization": { "senses": [ "The transfer of a company or organization from government to private ownership and control" ], "antonyms": [ "nationalization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "privatization", "num_translations": 25 }, "passing1": { "senses": [ "That passes away", "ephemeral", "Pre-eminent, excellent, extreme", "Vague, cursory", "Going past" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "passing", "num_translations": 48 }, "passing3": { "senses": [ "Death, dying", "the end of something", "The fact of going past", "a movement from one place to another or a change from one state to another", "The act of approving a bill etc", "A form of juggling where several people pass props between each other, usually clubs or rings", "The ability of a person to be regarded as a member of an identity group or category different from their own" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "passing", "num_translations": 52 }, "finding": { "senses": [ "A result of research or an investigation", "A formal conclusion by a judge, jury or regulatory agency on issues of fact", "That which is found, a find, a discovery", "Tools or materials used in shoe making or repair", "A self-contained component of assembled jewellery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "finding", "num_translations": 17 }, "intended": { "senses": [ "Planned", "Made tense", "stretched out", "extended", "forcible", "violent" ], "antonyms": [ "unintended" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intended", "num_translations": 10 }, "forced1": { "senses": [ "Obtained forcefully, not naturally", "Opened or accessed using force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forcible" ], "word": "forced", "num_translations": 11 }, "repeated1": { "senses": [ "Having been said or done again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repeated" ], "word": "repeated", "num_translations": 10 }, "finished": { "senses": [ "Processed or perfected", "Completed", "concluded", "done", "Done for", "doomed", "used up" ], "antonyms": [ "half-finished", "unfinished" ], "synonyms": [ "in the books" ], "word": "finished", "num_translations": 27 }, "pointed1": { "senses": [ "Sharp, barbed", "not dull", "In animals, having a coat pattern with points, that is, darkening of the extremities", "Directed negatively at a person or topic" ], "antonyms": [ "blunt" ], "synonyms": [ "pointy" ], "word": "pointed", "num_translations": 20 }, "established1": { "senses": [ "Having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted", "Of a religion, church etc: formally recognized by a state as being official within that area", "Explicitly defined, described or recognized as a reference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "estd" ], "word": "established", "num_translations": 21 }, "distinguished": { "senses": [ "celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements", "prestigious", "Having a dignified appearance or demeanor", "Specified, noted" ], "antonyms": [ "mediocre" ], "synonyms": [ "eminent", "grand" ], "word": "distinguished", "num_translations": 49 }, "trendy": { "senses": [ "Of, or in accordance with the latest trend, fashion or hype" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "superficial", "mistakenly" ], "word": "trendy", "num_translations": 10 }, "commentary": { "senses": [ "a series of comments or annotations", "especially, a book of explanations or expositions on the whole or a part of some other work", "a brief account of transactions or events written hastily, as if for a memorandum", "an oral relation of an event, especially broadcast by television or radio, as it occurs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scholia" ], "word": "commentary", "num_translations": 41 }, "bootleg1": { "senses": [ "The part of a boot that is above the instep", "An illegally produced, transported or sold product", "contraband", "An unauthorized recording, eg, of a live concert", "A remix or mashup that is a combination of two songs but that is not authorized and audited for copyright use", "primarily in the electronic music scene", "A play in which the quarterback fakes a handoff, conceals the ball against his hip, and rolls out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bootleg", "num_translations": 10 }, "datepalm": { "senses": [ "A palm tree, Phoenix dactylifera, whose fruit is the date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "date" ], "word": "datepalm", "num_translations": 69 }, "allomorph": { "senses": [ "Any of the different crystalline forms of a substance", "Any of the different phonological representations of a morpheme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paramorph" ], "word": "allomorph", "num_translations": 11 }, "tasting": { "senses": [ "A small amount of food or drink", "The taking of a small amount of food or drink into the mouth in order to taste it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "degustation" ], "word": "tasting", "num_translations": 33 }, "diametral": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or measured across a diameter", "Contrary", "diametrically opposed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diametrical" ], "word": "diametral", "num_translations": 11 }, "manliness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being manly", "the set of qualities, traits and abilities considered appropriate to men", "similarity to a man", "Male genitals" ], "antonyms": [ "unmanliness", "womanliness" ], "synonyms": [ "manfulness", "manhood" ], "word": "manliness", "num_translations": 42 }, "stripclub": { "senses": [ "An establishment offering striptease or other erotic dancing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "strip joint", "strippery" ], "word": "stripclub", "num_translations": 21 }, "thunderbolt": { "senses": [ "A flash of lightning accompanied by a crash of thunder", "An event that is terrible, horrific or unexpected", "Vehement threatening or censure", "especially, ecclesiastical denunciation", "fulmination", "A very powerful shot", "A belemnite, or thunderstone", "A daring or irresistible hero" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thunderbolt", "num_translations": 58 }, "unafraid": { "senses": [ "Not afraid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brave", "courageous", "fearless", "heroic", "intrepid" ], "word": "unafraid", "num_translations": 14 }, "homogeneity": { "senses": [ "The condition of being homogeneous" ], "antonyms": [ "dishomogeneity" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:uniformity" ], "word": "homogeneity", "num_translations": 27 }, "remains": { "senses": [ "What is left after a person dies", "a corpse", "Historical or archaeological relics", "The extant writings of a deceased person", "All that is left of the stock of some things", "remnants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "remains", "num_translations": 53 }, "casuistry": { "senses": [ "The process of answering practical questions via interpretation of rules, or of cases that illustrate such rules, especially in ethics", "case-based reasoning", "A specious argument designed to defend an action or feeling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "casuistics", "excuse" ], "word": "casuistry", "num_translations": 13 }, "protozoan": { "senses": [ "Any of the diverse group of eukaryotes, of the phylum Protozoa, that are primarily unicellular, existing singly or aggregating into colonies, are usually nonphotosynthetic, and are often classified further into phyla according to their capacity for and means of motility, as by pseudopods, flagella, or cilia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "protozoon" ], "word": "protozoan", "num_translations": 19 }, "harlot": { "senses": [ "A female prostitute", "A female who is considered promiscuous", "A churl", "a common man", "a person, male or female, of low birth", "A person given to low conduct", "a rogue", "a cheat", "a rascal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prostitute", "Thesaurus:promiscuous woman", "Thesaurus:rural dweller", "Thesaurus:villain" ], "word": "harlot", "num_translations": 61 }, "luminary": { "senses": [ "One who is an inspiration to others", "one who has achieved success in their chosen field", "a leading light", "A body that gives light", "especially, one of the heavenly bodies", "An artificial light", "an illumination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guiding light" ], "word": "luminary", "num_translations": 25 }, "instability": { "senses": [ "The quality of being unstable", "A state that is not in equilibrium, or in which a small change has a large irreversible effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "volatility" ], "word": "instability", "num_translations": 49 }, "denazification": { "senses": [ "The process of the removal of Nazis from public office and positions of responsibility in Germany and Austria after World War II" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "denazifying" ], "word": "denazification", "num_translations": 14 }, "lamentation": { "senses": [ "The act of lamenting", "A sorrowful cry", "a lament", "Specifically, mourning", "lamentatio, a liturgical Bible text and its musical settings, usually in the plural", "hence, any dirge", "A group of swans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lamentation", "num_translations": 43 }, "immigrate": { "senses": [ "To move into a foreign country to stay permanently" ], "antonyms": [ "emigrate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "immigrate", "num_translations": 34 }, "uneasiness": { "senses": [ "The state of being uneasy, nervous or restless", "An anxious state of mind", "anxiety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unease", "Thesaurus:fear" ], "word": "uneasiness", "num_translations": 14 }, "emigrate": { "senses": [ "To leave the country in which one lives, especially one's native country, in order to reside elsewhere" ], "antonyms": [ "immigrate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "emigrate", "num_translations": 29 }, "obsessive-compulsivedisorder": { "senses": [ "A form of anxiety characterized by an obsessive compulsion to repeatedly perform trivial or meaningless actions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OCD" ], "word": "obsessive-compulsivedisorder", "num_translations": 28 }, "tyrannical": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to tyranny or a tyrant", "Despotic, oppressive or authoritarian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bossy" ], "word": "tyrannical", "num_translations": 47 }, "horoscope": { "senses": [ "The position of the planets and stars at the moment of someone's birth", "a diagram of such positions", "An astrological forecast of a person's future based on such information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rashifal" ], "word": "horoscope", "num_translations": 41 }, "slum": { "senses": [ "A dilapidated neighborhood where many people live in a state of poverty", "Inexpensive trinkets awarded as a prizes in a carnival game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:slum" ], "word": "slum", "num_translations": 79 }, "contemn": { "senses": [ "To disdain", "to value at little or nothing", "to treat or regard with contempt", "To commit an offence of contempt, such as contempt of court", "to unlawfully flout" ], "antonyms": [ "honor", "respect", "revere", "venerate" ], "synonyms": [ "despise", "Thesaurus:despise" ], "word": "contemn", "num_translations": 25 }, "revel1": { "senses": [ "To make merry", "to have a gay, lively time", "To take delight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carouse" ], "word": "revel", "num_translations": 21 }, "patriarchal": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of a patriarch", "venerable", "Relating to a system run by males, rather than females" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "patriarchial", "patriarchic" ], "word": "patriarchal", "num_translations": 31 }, "lamina": { "senses": [ "a very thin layer of material", "a thin plate or scale, such as the arch of a vertebra", "the flat part of a leaf or leaflet", "the blade", "a fine layer that occurs in sedimentary rocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lamina", "num_translations": 16 }, "cobblestone": { "senses": [ "A rounded stone from a river bed, fit for use as ballast in ships and for paving roads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cobble" ], "word": "cobblestone", "num_translations": 40 }, "hairpiece": { "senses": [ "A false substitute for a person's hair", "a toupee or wig" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rug", "syrup", "toupe", "wig" ], "word": "hairpiece", "num_translations": 12 }, "meddlesome": { "senses": [ "Characterised or marked by meddling", "inclined or having a tendency to meddle or interfere in other people's business" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inclined to meddle or interfere" ], "word": "meddlesome", "num_translations": 22 }, "cognizant": { "senses": [ "Aware", "fully informed", "having understanding of a fact" ], "antonyms": [ "unwitting" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cognizant", "num_translations": 18 }, "walkinthepark": { "senses": [ "A recreational walk in a park", "Something easy or pleasant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:easy thing" ], "word": "walkinthepark", "num_translations": 20 }, "royalist": { "senses": [ "A monarchist or supporter of a particular royal r\u00e9gime", "A legitimist, a supporter of a particular royal line, especially one in danger of being dispossessed of a throne or actually dispossessed of such, and claiming to have the better claim to the throne on the basis of line of descent", "especially:" ], "antonyms": [ "republican" ], "synonyms": [ "basilean" ], "word": "royalist", "num_translations": 20 }, "frankincense": { "senses": [ "A type of incense obtained from the Boswellia thurifera tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "olibanum" ], "word": "frankincense", "num_translations": 52 }, "prerogative": { "senses": [ "A hereditary or official right or privilege", "A right, or power that is exclusive to a monarch etc, especially such a power to make a decision or judgement", "A right, especially when due to one's position or role", "A property, attribute or ability which gives one a superiority or advantage over others", "an inherent advantage or privilege", "a talent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prerogative", "num_translations": 41 }, "-lysis": { "senses": [ "decomposition or breakdown", "dissolving", "disintegration" ], "antonyms": [ "-genesis" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "-lysis", "num_translations": 15 }, "cavort": { "senses": [ "To prance, said of mounts", "To move about carelessly, playfully or boisterously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "romp" ], "word": "cavort", "num_translations": 20 }, "stressed1": { "senses": [ "Suffering stress", "Having a stress or accent" ], "antonyms": [ "unstressed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "stressed", "num_translations": 36 }, "goout": { "senses": [ "To leave, especially a building", "To leave one's abode to go to public places, especially for recreation or entertainment", "To be eliminated from a competition", "To be turned off or extinguished", "To become extinct, to expire", "To discard or meld all the cards in one's hand", "To pass out of fashion", "To have a romantic relationship, one that involves going out together on dates", "to be a couple", "To have a romantic relationship", "To fail", "To spend the last moments of a show", "To recede", "to ebb", "To sympathize with", "to express positive feelings towards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "date" ], "word": "goout", "num_translations": 146 }, "divergent": { "senses": [ "Growing further apart", "diverging", "Of a series, not converging", "not approaching a limit", "Disagreeing from something given", "differing", "Causing divergence of rays" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "divergent", "num_translations": 23 }, "humidifier": { "senses": [ "A device that is used to increase the humidity of the air" ], "antonyms": [ "dehumidifier" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "humidifier", "num_translations": 17 }, "postgraduate": { "senses": [ "A person continuing to study in a field after having successfully completed a degree course" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "graduate student" ], "word": "postgraduate", "num_translations": 18 }, "postgraduate1": { "senses": [ "Of studies which take place after having successfully completed a degree course" ], "antonyms": [ "pregraduate", "undergraduate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "postgraduate", "num_translations": 12 }, "foreignpolicy": { "senses": [ "A government's policy relating to relations with other nations and international organisations", "Used retrospectively, the sum of a leader or government's dealings and relations with other nations" ], "antonyms": [ "domestic policy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "foreignpolicy", "num_translations": 25 }, "philanderer": { "senses": [ "One who plays at courtship", "a fickle lover", "a flirt", "Someone who engages in casual sex - usually frequently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "philanderer", "num_translations": 22 }, "neoplasm": { "senses": [ "An abnormal new growth of disorganized tissue in animals or plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tumour" ], "word": "neoplasm", "num_translations": 27 }, "atheroma": { "senses": [ "An abnormal fatty deposit which develops within the walls of arteries", "A kind of cyst on the scalp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plaque", "atherosis" ], "word": "atheroma", "num_translations": 14 }, "exhaustion": { "senses": [ "The point of complete depletion, of the state of being used up", "Supreme tiredness", "having exhausted energy", "The removal of an active medicinal constituent from plant material", "The removal of all air from a vessel", "An exhaustive procedure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fatigue" ], "word": "exhaustion", "num_translations": 47 }, "bloodclot": { "senses": [ "A clot formed from platelets and other elements", "that forms in a blood vessel in a living organism, and causes thrombosis or obstruction of the vessel at its point of formation or travel to other areas of the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thrombus" ], "word": "bloodclot", "num_translations": 45 }, "rhinoplasty": { "senses": [ "A type of plastic surgery that is used to improve the function or appearance of a person's nose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nasoplasty", "nose job", "noselift" ], "word": "rhinoplasty", "num_translations": 16 }, "yarrow": { "senses": [ "Any of several pungent Eurasian and North American herbs, of the genus Achillea, used in traditional herbal medicine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "milfoil", "achillea", "devil's nettle", "sanguinary", "soldier's woundwort", "thousand-leaf", "Thesaurus:yarrow" ], "word": "yarrow", "num_translations": 46 }, "rocker": { "senses": [ "A curved piece of wood attached to the bottom of a rocking chair or cradle that enables it to rock back and forth", "A rocking chair", "The lengthwise curvature of a surfboard", "Someone passionate about rock music", "A musician who plays rock music", "A rock music song", "One who rocks something", "A member of a British subculture of the 1960s, opposed to the mods, who dressed in black leather and were interested in 1950s music", "A tool with small teeth that roughens a metal plate to produce tonality in mezzotints", "A rocking horse", "A rock shaft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rocker", "num_translations": 33 }, "audition": { "senses": [ "A performance, by an aspiring performer, to demonstrate suitability or talent", "The sense of hearing", "An act of hearing", "Something heard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "casting", "tryout" ], "word": "audition", "num_translations": 44 }, "intercede": { "senses": [ "To plead on someone else's behalf", "To act as a mediator in a dispute", "to arbitrate or mediate", "To pass between", "to intervene" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intercede", "num_translations": 13 }, "domesticated1": { "senses": [ "selectively bred to live with or around humans" ], "antonyms": [ "undomesticated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "domesticated", "num_translations": 26 }, "hypocrite": { "senses": [ "Someone who practices hypocrisy, who pretends to hold beliefs, or whose actions are not consistent with their claimed beliefs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flip-flopper" ], "word": "hypocrite", "num_translations": 128 }, "gastric": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the stomach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stomachic" ], "word": "gastric", "num_translations": 25 }, "badluck": { "senses": [ "an undesirable turn of events such as an accident", "misfortune" ], "antonyms": [ "good luck" ], "synonyms": [ "hard luck", "tough luck" ], "word": "badluck", "num_translations": 65 }, "breadfruit": { "senses": [ "An evergreen tree, Artocarpus altilis, native to islands of the east Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean", "The large round fruit of this tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breadfruit tree" ], "word": "breadfruit", "num_translations": 81 }, "cyclo-": { "senses": [ "circle", "cycle", "a cyclic compound", "cyclone", "ciliary body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cyclo-", "num_translations": 10 }, "doorman": { "senses": [ "A person who holds open the door at the entrance to a building, summons taxicabs, and provides an element of security", "in apartment buildings, he also accepts deliveries and may perform certain concierge type services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doorkeeper" ], "word": "doorman", "num_translations": 40 }, "chervil": { "senses": [ "A leafy herb, Anthriscus cerefolium, resembling parsley", "leaves from the plant, used as an herb in cooking, which have a mild flavor of anise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garden chervil", "gourmet's parsley" ], "word": "chervil", "num_translations": 56 }, "isolated": { "senses": [ "Placed or standing apart or alone", "in isolation", "Such that no pawn of the same color is in an adjacent file", "affecting 10 percent to 20 percent of a forecast zone", "Which has been extracted from the organism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "isolated", "num_translations": 31 }, "genteel": { "senses": [ "Affectedly proper or refined", "somewhat prudish refinement", "excessively polite", "Polite and well-mannered", "Stylish or elegant", "Aristocratic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "genteel", "num_translations": 35 }, "exemplary": { "senses": [ "Deserving honour, respect and admiration", "Of such high quality that it should serve as an example to be imitated", "ideal, perfect", "Serving as a warning", "monitory", "Providing an example or illustration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exemplar", "admonitory" ], "word": "exemplary", "num_translations": 30 }, "countless": { "senses": [ "Too many to count", "innumerable or incalculable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "numberless" ], "word": "countless", "num_translations": 74 }, "sommelier": { "senses": [ "The member of staff at a restaurant who keeps the wine cellar and advises the guests on a choice of wines", "a wine steward / stewardess, a wine waiter / waitress / server" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sommeliere", "wine server", "wine steward", "wine waiter" ], "word": "sommelier", "num_translations": 23 }, "herbaceous": { "senses": [ "not woody, lacking lignified tissues", "not woody in flavor", "feeding on herbs and soft plants" ], "antonyms": [ "woody" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "herbaceous", "num_translations": 18 }, "dhivehi": { "senses": [ "An Indo-Aryan language, the official language of the Republic of Maldives" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Maldivian" ], "word": "Dhivehi", "num_translations": 46 }, "archbishopric": { "senses": [ "the rank or office of an archbishop", "the jurisdiction of an archbishop", "an archdiocese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "archbishopdom" ], "word": "archbishopric", "num_translations": 37 }, "instantiate": { "senses": [ "To represent by a concrete instance", "To create an object of a specific class" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exemplify" ], "word": "instantiate", "num_translations": 13 }, "creepy": { "senses": [ "Moving by creeping along", "Producing an uneasy fearful sensation, as of things crawling over one's skin", "Feeling an uneasy fearful sensation", "creeped out", "Strangely repulsive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "creepy", "num_translations": 65 }, "clueless": { "senses": [ "Lacking knowledge or understanding", "uninformed", "Without any clues or hints" ], "antonyms": [ "clueful" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:naive", "Thesaurus:ignorant" ], "word": "clueless", "num_translations": 17 }, "anglophile1": { "senses": [ "English loving", "admiring English culture" ], "antonyms": [ "Anglophobe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Anglophile", "num_translations": 27 }, "pullone'ssocksup": { "senses": [ "To start making an effort", "to renew or redouble one's efforts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belly up to the bar" ], "word": "pullone'ssocksup", "num_translations": 12 }, "woodwork": { "senses": [ "Something made from wood", "Wood product", "Working with wood", "A workshop or factory devoted to making wood products", "A place of concealment or obscurity", "The frame of the goal, ie the goalpost or crossbar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "woodwork", "num_translations": 39 }, "crossbar": { "senses": [ "Any transverse bar or piece, such as a bar across a door, or the iron bar or stock which passes through the shank of an anchor", "The top of the goal structure", "The top tube of a bicycle frame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stock", "bar" ], "word": "crossbar", "num_translations": 47 }, "connected": { "senses": [ ": Having favorable rapport with a powerful entity", "Having relationships", "involved with others", "involved with organized crime, specifically someone not working for a crime organization, but referred to as a \"friend\" by made guys/wise guys inside the organization", "Intimate", "Having bonds of affection", "That cannot be partitioned into two nonempty open sets", "Having a path, either directed or undirected, connecting every pair of vertices", "Having or supporting connections, especially when through technology such as networking software or a transportation network" ], "antonyms": [ "disconnected" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "connected", "num_translations": 14 }, "gluey": { "senses": [ "Viscous and adhesive, as glue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sticky", "gummy", "tacky" ], "word": "gluey", "num_translations": 17 }, "crossbreed": { "senses": [ "To produce by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species", "hybridize", "To mate so as to produce a hybrid", "interbreed", "To mate with another organism so as to produce a hybrid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crossbreed", "num_translations": 10 }, "holiness": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being holy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sacrality", "sacredness", "sanctity" ], "word": "holiness", "num_translations": 31 }, "lumberjack": { "senses": [ "A person whose work is to fell trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faller" ], "word": "lumberjack", "num_translations": 63 }, "undue": { "senses": [ "Excessive", "going beyond that what is natural or sufficient", "That which ought not to be done", "illegal", "unjustified", "Not owing or payable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "undue", "num_translations": 13 }, "silesian2": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Silesian German", "Upper Silesian" ], "word": "Silesian", "num_translations": 15 }, "sorority": { "senses": [ "A group of girls or women associated for a common purpose", "a sisterhood", "A social organization of female students at a college or university", "usually identified by Greek letters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fraternity" ], "word": "sorority", "num_translations": 21 }, "steamroller": { "senses": [ "a steam-powered heavy road roller", "Any heavy road roller", "any seemingly irresistible force", "a pipe, used for smoking cannabis, open at both ends and having a bowl near one end", "it rolls the smoke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "steamroller", "num_translations": 14 }, "containment": { "senses": [ "The state of being contained", "The state of containing", "Something contained", "a policy of checking the expansion of a hostile foreign power by creating alliances with other states", "especially the foreign policy strategy of the United States in the early years of the Cold War", "a physical system designed to prevent the accidental release of radioactive or other dangerous materials from a nuclear reactor or industrial plant", "an inclusion" ], "antonyms": [ "rollback", "d\u00e9tente" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "containment", "num_translations": 27 }, "soaked1": { "senses": [ "Drenched with water, or other liquid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saturated" ], "word": "soaked", "num_translations": 21 }, "stormy": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to storms", "Characterized by, or proceeding from, a storm", "subject to storms", "agitated with strong winds and heavy rain", "Proceeding from violent agitation or fury", "Violent", "passionate", "rough" ], "antonyms": [ "calm" ], "synonyms": [ "storm-wracked" ], "word": "stormy", "num_translations": 40 }, "likeaducktakestowater": { "senses": [ "Very naturally", "without effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "like a knife through butter" ], "word": "likeaducktakestowater", "num_translations": 10 }, "motherland": { "senses": [ "The country of one's ancestors", "The country of one's birth", "Country of origin", "Mother country in contrast to its colonies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fatherland", "homeland" ], "word": "motherland", "num_translations": 124 }, "fatherland": { "senses": [ "The country of one's ancestors", "The country of one's birth, origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "motherland", "homeland", "sireland" ], "word": "fatherland", "num_translations": 73 }, "broiler": { "senses": [ "One who broils, or cooks by broiling", "A device used to broil food", "part of an oven or a small stove", "known as a grill in UK English", "A chicken suitable for broiling", "One who excites broils", "one who engages in or promotes noisy quarrels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "broiler", "num_translations": 19 }, "embroil": { "senses": [ "To draw into a situation", "to cause to be involved", "To implicate in confusion", "to complicate", "to jumble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "embroil", "num_translations": 22 }, "illegally": { "senses": [ "In a manner contrary to law" ], "antonyms": [ "legally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "illegally", "num_translations": 24 }, "typesetter": { "senses": [ "A person who sets type", "an employee in a printshop who manually selected pieces of movable type and assembled them for printing", "A machine that combines type in the correct order for printing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compositor" ], "word": "typesetter", "num_translations": 34 }, "liposuction": { "senses": [ "A cosmetic surgery procedure in which excess fat is removed from a specific area by suction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lipoaspiration" ], "word": "liposuction", "num_translations": 19 }, "demijohn": { "senses": [ "A large bottle with a short neck, sometimes with two small handles at the neck, sometimes encased in wickerwork" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carboy" ], "word": "demijohn", "num_translations": 25 }, "speculate": { "senses": [ "To think, meditate or reflect on a subject", "to consider, to deliberate or cogitate", "To make an inference based on inconclusive evidence", "to surmise or conjecture", "To make a risky trade in the hope of making a profit", "to venture or gamble", "To anticipate which branch of code will be chosen and execute it in advance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "speculate", "num_translations": 40 }, "soursop": { "senses": [ "Any of several small tropical evergreen trees, genus Annona", "The tart, spiny, yellow-green fruit of this tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guanabana", "custard apple", "bullock's heart" ], "word": "soursop", "num_translations": 71 }, "symptomatic": { "senses": [ "Showing symptoms", "Relating to, based on, or constituting a symptom" ], "antonyms": [ "asymptomatic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "symptomatic", "num_translations": 19 }, "laparoscopy": { "senses": [ "Examination of the loins or abdomen, now specifically examination or surgery on the peritoneal cavity using a laparoscope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laparoscopic surgery" ], "word": "laparoscopy", "num_translations": 48 }, "triumvirate": { "senses": [ "An official group of three people, especially a ruling council of three men and particularly two such councils in Roman history" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:government" ], "word": "triumvirate", "num_translations": 27 }, "thrill": { "senses": [ "To suddenly excite someone, or to give someone great pleasure", "to electrify", "to experience such a sensation", "To tremble or quiver", "To perforate by a pointed instrument", "to bore", "to transfix", "to drill", "To hurl", "to throw", "to cast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thrill", "num_translations": 46 }, "thrill1": { "senses": [ "A trembling or quivering, especially one caused by emotion", "A cause of sudden excitement", "a kick", "A slight quivering of the heart that accompanies a cardiac murmur", "A breathing place or hole", "a nostril, as of a bird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thrill", "num_translations": 23 }, "shudder": { "senses": [ "A shivering tremor, often from fear or horror", "A moment of almost pleasurable fear", "a frisson" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shivering tremor", "frisson" ], "word": "shudder", "num_translations": 43 }, "shudder1": { "senses": [ "To shake nervously, often from fear or horror", "To vibrate jerkily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shake nervously", "vibrate jerkily" ], "word": "shudder", "num_translations": 48 }, "commonash": { "senses": [ "Any of a species of tall deciduous trees, native to most of Europe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "European ash" ], "word": "commonash", "num_translations": 13 }, "lazarus": { "senses": [ "A man, the brother of one Mary and one Martha, who according to the Gospel of John in the New Testament of the Christian Bible died and was miraculously raised from the dead by Jesus after being entombed for four days", "A beggar mentioned in a parable told by Jesus Christ as related in the New Testament Gospel of Luke", "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lazarus" ], "word": "Lazarus", "num_translations": 40 }, "halter": { "senses": [ "A bitless headpiece of rope or straps, placed on the head of animals such as cattle or horses to lead or tie them", "A rope with a noose, for hanging criminals", "the gallows rope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headstall", "headpiece", "headcollar" ], "word": "halter", "num_translations": 79 }, "harrow1": { "senses": [ "To traumatize or disturb", "to frighten or torment", "to wound", "to lacerate", "to torment or distress", "to vex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harrow", "num_translations": 51 }, "sullen": { "senses": [ "Having a brooding ill temper", "sulky", "Gloomy", "dismal", "foreboding", "Sluggish", "slow", "Lonely", "solitary", "desolate", "Mischievous", "malignant", "unpropitious", "Obstinate", "intractable" ], "antonyms": [ "cheerful", "content", "lighthearted", "pleased" ], "synonyms": [ "sulky" ], "word": "sullen", "num_translations": 86 }, "jellybean": { "senses": [ "A small, bean-shaped, chewy candy/sweet with a firm coating and a jelly-like center, made of sugar, flavoring, coloring and sometimes starch or other thickener, and usually sold assorted in a wide variety of flavors and bright colors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jelly egg" ], "word": "jellybean", "num_translations": 14 }, "diacriticalmark": { "senses": [ "A symbol in writing used with a letter to indicate a different pronunciation, stress, tone, or meaning, also called \"tone marks\" when used to indicate tones, eg in Vietnamese or pinyin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diacritic" ], "word": "diacriticalmark", "num_translations": 48 }, "cardiacmuscle": { "senses": [ "The striated and involuntary muscle of the vertebrate heart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "myocardium" ], "word": "cardiacmuscle", "num_translations": 19 }, "backwards": { "senses": [ "Oriented toward the back", "Reversed", "Behind current trends or technology", "Clumsy, inept, or inefficient, especially in learning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mirror image", "crude", "awkward" ], "word": "backwards", "num_translations": 37 }, "backwards1": { "senses": [ "Toward the back", "In the opposite direction to usual", "In a manner such that the back precedes the front" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hindwards", "contrariwise", "back to front" ], "word": "backwards", "num_translations": 44 }, "voiced1": { "senses": [ "Having a specified kind of voice", "That contains voice" ], "antonyms": [ "voiceless", "unvoiced" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "voiced", "num_translations": 25 }, "documentary1": { "senses": [ "A film, TV program, publication etc which presents a social, political, scientific or historical subject in a factual or informative manner" ], "antonyms": [ "fiction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "documentary", "num_translations": 84 }, "jewellery": { "senses": [ "Collectively, personal ornamentation such as rings, necklaces, brooches and bracelets, made of precious metals and sometimes set with gemstones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:jewelry" ], "word": "jewellery", "num_translations": 63 }, "dilate": { "senses": [ "To enlarge", "to make bigger", "To become wider or larger", "to expand", "To speak largely and copiously", "to dwell in narration", "to enlarge", "with \"on\" or \"upon\"", "To use a dilator to widen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dilate", "num_translations": 30 }, "givethefinger": { "senses": [ "To make an obscene gesture by closing the fist and extending the middle finger upwards", "To make any sort of gesture extending one of the fingers above the others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flick off", "flip off", "flip the bird" ], "word": "givethefinger", "num_translations": 16 }, "legally": { "senses": [ "As permitted by law", "not contrary to law", "From a legal perspective" ], "antonyms": [ "illegally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "legally", "num_translations": 30 }, "throwout1": { "senses": [ "To discard", "to dispense with something", "to throw away", "To dismiss or expel someone from any longer performing duty or attending somewhere", "To offer an idea for consideration", "To produce in a haphazard fashion", "To emit", "To utter carelessly", "To cause to project", "To put into a state of confusion", "To outdistance", "to leave behind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kick out" ], "word": "throwout", "num_translations": 13 }, "dopplereffect": { "senses": [ "The apparent change in frequency or wavelength of a wave that is perceived by an observer moving relative to the source of the waves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Doppler shift" ], "word": "Dopplereffect", "num_translations": 18 }, "mennonite": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mennist", "Mennonist", "Menno" ], "word": "Mennonite", "num_translations": 25 }, "drawingboard": { "senses": [ "A plane surface or table to which paper can be fastened for drawing purposes", "The planning stage of a project" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drafting table" ], "word": "drawingboard", "num_translations": 16 }, "computerization": { "senses": [ "The act of computerizing something, or something computerized" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "informatisation" ], "word": "computerization", "num_translations": 23 }, "coagulate": { "senses": [ "To become congealed", "to convert from a liquid to a semisolid mass", "To cause to congeal" ], "antonyms": [ "dissolve" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "coagulate", "num_translations": 76 }, "decommission": { "senses": [ "To take out of service or to render unusable", "To remove or revoke a commission", "To remove or revoke a formal designation" ], "antonyms": [ "commission" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "decommission", "num_translations": 11 }, "christchild": { "senses": [ "the child Jesus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Baby Jesus", "Child Jesus", "Divine Infant", "Holy Child", "Infant Jesus" ], "word": "Christchild", "num_translations": 17 }, "muskmelon": { "senses": [ "A cantaloupe, a type of melon, Cucumis melo subsp melo , with sweet orange flesh and a rough skin resembling netting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cucumis melo cantalupensis" ], "word": "muskmelon", "num_translations": 12 }, "gammafunction": { "senses": [ "A meromorphic function which generalises the notion of factorial to complex numbers and has singularities at the nonpositive integers", "any of certain generalisations or analogues of said function, such as extend the factorial to domains other than the complex numbers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Euler integral of the second kind" ], "word": "gammafunction", "num_translations": 10 }, "philanthropy": { "senses": [ "Benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of humankind", "Charitable giving, charity", "A philanthropic act", "A charitable foundation" ], "antonyms": [ "misanthropy" ], "synonyms": [ "philanthropism" ], "word": "philanthropy", "num_translations": 69 }, "smatter": { "senses": [ "To talk superficially", "to babble, chatter", "To speak with spotty or superficial knowledge", "To study or approach superficially", "to dabble in", "To have a slight taste, or a slight, superficial knowledge, of anything", "to smack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smatter", "num_translations": 23 }, "endowment": { "senses": [ "Something with which a person or thing is endowed", "Property or funds invested for the support and benefit of a person or not-for-profit institution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "something with which a person or thing is endowed" ], "word": "endowment", "num_translations": 28 }, "selectivity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being selective", "usually the extent to which something is selective", "The ability of a radio receiver to separate a desired signal frequency from others", "Discrimination of a reactant towards a choice of other reactants", "the ratio of rate constants for different reactants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "selectivity", "num_translations": 11 }, "falsepositive": { "senses": [ "A result of a test that shows as present something that is absent", "type I error" ], "antonyms": [ "false negative", "false negative" ], "synonyms": [ "false alarm" ], "word": "falsepositive", "num_translations": 46 }, "needy": { "senses": [ "In need", "poor", "Desiring constant affirmation", "lacking self-confidence", "Needful", "necessary" ], "antonyms": [ "confident", "self-sufficient" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "needy", "num_translations": 35 }, "precarious": { "senses": [ "Dangerously insecure or unstable", "perilous", "Depending on the intention of another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unsteady" ], "word": "precarious", "num_translations": 28 }, "smallscreen": { "senses": [ "The broadcast or cable television screen, as opposed to the cinema screen", "by extension, the television programs themselves" ], "antonyms": [ "big screen" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "smallscreen", "num_translations": 11 }, "livelihood": { "senses": [ "A means of providing the necessities of life for oneself", "Property which brings in an income", "an estate", "Liveliness", "appearance of life", "The course of someone's life", "a person's lifetime, or their manner of living", "conduct, behaviour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "livelihood", "num_translations": 40 }, "porcelain": { "senses": [ "A hard white translucent ceramic, originally made by firing kaolin, quartz, and feldspar at high temperatures but now also inclusive of similar artificial materials", "synonym of \"cowrie\"", "synonym of \"wampum\": strings of shells, beads, etc used as ornamentation or currency", "the composite shells, beads, etc", "A kind of pigeon with deep brown and off-white feathers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "china", "chinaware" ], "word": "porcelain", "num_translations": 141 }, "speleologist": { "senses": [ "A person who studies or explores caves or studies the science of speleology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "potholer" ], "word": "speleologist", "num_translations": 23 }, "clemency": { "senses": [ "The gentle or kind exercise of power", "leniency, mercy", "compassion in judging or punishing", "A pardon, commutation, or similar reduction, removal, or postponement of legal penalties by an executive officer of a state", "Mildness of weather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clemency", "num_translations": 40 }, "listenin": { "senses": [ "To listen without participating", "To eavesdrop", "to listen secretly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "listen", "eavesdrop" ], "word": "listenin", "num_translations": 10 }, "rorschachtest": { "senses": [ "A method of psychological evaluation that uses a person's interpretations of inkblots or similar images to discover information concerning his or her personality, emotional functioning, or unconscious mind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blot test" ], "word": "Rorschachtest", "num_translations": 12 }, "exhausted": { "senses": [ "Depleted", "in a state of exhaustion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fatigued", "Thesaurus:depleted" ], "word": "exhausted", "num_translations": 61 }, "pectin": { "senses": [ "A polysaccharide extracted from the cell walls of plants, especially of fruits", "under acidic conditions it forms a gel It is often used in processed foods, especially jellies and jams where it causes thickening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E440" ], "word": "pectin", "num_translations": 20 }, "nosy": { "senses": [ "Prying, inquisitive or curious in other's affairs", "tending to snoop or meddle", "Having a large or elongated nose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "interfering", "kibitzing", "meddlesome" ], "word": "nosy", "num_translations": 50 }, "balls": { "senses": [ "plural of \"ball\"", "The testicles", "Bravery, courage, chutzpah, or brazenness", "Rubbish, nonsense", "a botched job" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "balls", "num_translations": 83 }, "earcanal": { "senses": [ "The tube or meatus running from the outer ear to the eardrum through which sound enters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acoustic meatus", "auditory canal", "auditory meatus", "external acoustic meatus", "external auditory canal", "external auditory meatus" ], "word": "earcanal", "num_translations": 24 }, "incontinent": { "senses": [ "Unable to contain or retain", "Plagued by incontinence", "lacking the ability to restrain natural discharges or evacuations of urination or defecation", "Lacking moral or sexual restraint, moderation or self-control, especially of sexual desire", "Unrestrained or unceasing", "Immediate", "without delay" ], "antonyms": [ "continent", "restrained" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incontinent", "num_translations": 15 }, "outerear": { "senses": [ "The outer portion of the ear which includes the auricle and the ear canal and leads to the eardrum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auris externa", "external ear" ], "word": "outerear", "num_translations": 33 }, "middleear": { "senses": [ "The cavity in the temporal bone between the eardrum and the inner ear that contains the ossicles, and which conveys sound to the cochlea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auris media", "tympanum" ], "word": "middleear", "num_translations": 36 }, "innerear": { "senses": [ "The portion of the ear located within the temporal bone which includes the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea and is responsible for hearing and balance", "Mind's ear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "part of the ear" ], "word": "innerear", "num_translations": 44 }, "eardrum": { "senses": [ "A thin membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear and transmits sound from the air to the malleus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "membrana tympanica", "tympanic membrane" ], "word": "eardrum", "num_translations": 60 }, "vaginismus": { "senses": [ "A painful muscular contraction of the vagina when attempting to insert something, such as a tampon or a penis, into it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colpospasm", "vaginism" ], "word": "vaginismus", "num_translations": 18 }, "vaginitis": { "senses": [ "Inflammation of the vagina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colpitis" ], "word": "vaginitis", "num_translations": 14 }, "collocation": { "senses": [ "The grouping or juxtaposition of things, especially words or sounds", "Such a specific grouping", "A sequence of words or terms that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance , often representing an established name for, or idiomatic way of conveying, a particular semantic concept", "A method of finding an approximate solution of an ordinary differential equation Ly=0 by determining coefficients in an expansion y = y_{0} + \\sum_{l=0}^{q}\\alpha_{l} y_{l} so as to make Ly vanish at prescribed points", "the expansion with the coefficients thus found is the sought approximation", "A service allowing multiple customers to locate network, server, and storage gear and connect them to a variety of telecommunications and network service providers, at a minimum of cost and complexity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "collocation", "num_translations": 20 }, "continence": { "senses": [ "The voluntary control of urination and defecation", "Moderation or self-restraint, especially in sexual activity", "abstinence", "Uninterrupted course", "continuity" ], "antonyms": [ "incontinence", "acrasia" ], "synonyms": [ "asceticism", "Thesaurus:continuity" ], "word": "continence", "num_translations": 39 }, "cure-all": { "senses": [ "A panacea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "panacea" ], "word": "cure-all", "num_translations": 14 }, "sodawater": { "senses": [ "carbonated water, water that has carbon dioxide dissolved in it and has been stored under pressure in a bottle Usually mixed before drinking with another beverage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seltzer", "seltzer water", "club soda" ], "word": "sodawater", "num_translations": 43 }, "anaphylacticshock": { "senses": [ "A severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen, constricting the trachea and generalized vasodilation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anaphylaxis" ], "word": "anaphylacticshock", "num_translations": 15 }, "affected": { "senses": [ "Influenced or changed by something", "Simulated in order to impress", "Emotionally moved", "touched", "adfected", "Resulting from a mostly negative physical effect or transformation", "artificial, stilted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "affected", "num_translations": 32 }, "rendezvous": { "senses": [ "A meeting or date", "An agreement to meet at a certain place and time", "A place appointed for a meeting, or at which persons customarily meet", "The appointed place for troops, or for the ships of a fleet, to assemble", "also, a place for enlistment", "Retreat, refuge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RV" ], "word": "rendezvous", "num_translations": 42 }, "incidentally": { "senses": [ "In an incidental manner", "not of central or critical importance", "By chance", "in an unplanned way", "Parenthetically, by the way" ], "antonyms": [ "inevitably" ], "synonyms": [ "apropos", "as a matter of fact", "by the way" ], "word": "incidentally", "num_translations": 36 }, "popinjay": { "senses": [ "A parrot", "A decorative image of a parrot on a tapestry, cloth etc", "A vain, gaudy person", "someone who is shallow or superficial", "A target to shoot at, typically stuffed with feathers or plumage", "The green woodpecker, Picus viridis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "popinjay", "num_translations": 17 }, "condescending": { "senses": [ "Assuming a tone of superiority, or a patronizing attitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "patronizing" ], "word": "condescending", "num_translations": 32 }, "existing1": { "senses": [ "That exists, or has existence, especially that exists now" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "existent" ], "word": "existing", "num_translations": 24 }, "offering1": { "senses": [ "The act by which something is offered", "That which has been offered", "a sacrifice", "An oblation or presentation made as a religious act", "A contribution given at a religious service", "Something put forth, bid, proffered or tendered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "offering", "num_translations": 46 }, "viscera1": { "senses": [ "Collectively, the internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities, such as the liver, heart, or stomach", "The intestines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entrails", "innards", "intestines", "offal" ], "word": "viscera", "num_translations": 30 }, "entrails": { "senses": [ "plural of \"entrail\"", "The internal organs of an animal, especially the intestines", "The seat of the emotions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bowels" ], "word": "entrails", "num_translations": 29 }, "pitiable": { "senses": [ "That deserves, evokes or can be given pity", "pitiful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lamentable" ], "word": "pitiable", "num_translations": 12 }, "postponement": { "senses": [ "A delay, as a formal delay in a proceeding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cunctation" ], "word": "postponement", "num_translations": 15 }, "combined": { "senses": [ "Resulting from the addition of several sources, parts, elements, aspects, etc able to be united together, to converge" ], "antonyms": [ "uncombined", "divided", "separated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "combined", "num_translations": 10 }, "challenging1": { "senses": [ "Difficult, hard to do" ], "antonyms": [ "unchallenging" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "challenging", "num_translations": 14 }, "clothespeg": { "senses": [ "An object used to attach wet laundry to a clothesline so that it can dry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clothespin" ], "word": "clothespeg", "num_translations": 55 }, "ruffian": { "senses": [ "A scoundrel, rascal, or unprincipled, deceitful, brutal and unreliable person", "A pimp", "a pander", "A lover", "a paramour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ruffian", "num_translations": 29 }, "drip": { "senses": [ "To fall one drop at a time", "To leak slowly", "To let fall in drops", "To have a superabundance of valuable things", "To rain lightly", "To be wet, to be soaked", "To whine or complain consistently", "to grumble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drip", "num_translations": 79 }, "drip1": { "senses": [ "A drop of a liquid", "A falling or letting fall in drops", "An apparatus that slowly releases a liquid, especially one that intravenously releases drugs into a patient's bloodstream", "A limp, ineffectual, or uninteresting person", "That part of a cornice, sill course, or other horizontal member, which projects beyond the rest, and has a section designed to throw off rainwater" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drip", "num_translations": 41 }, "operative": { "senses": [ "Effectual or important", "Functional, in working order", "Having the power of acting", "hence, exerting force, physical or moral", "active in the production of effects", "Producing the appropriate or designed effect", "efficacious", "Based upon, or consisting of, a surgical operation or operations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "operative", "num_translations": 25 }, "thrift": { "senses": [ "The characteristic of using a minimum of something", "A savings bank", "Any of various plants of the genus Armeria, particularly Armeria maritima", "Success and advance in the acquisition of property", "increase of worldly goods", "gain", "prosperity", "profit", "Vigorous growth, as of a plant" ], "antonyms": [ "spendthrift" ], "synonyms": [ "frugality" ], "word": "thrift", "num_translations": 72 }, "forestfire": { "senses": [ "A fire, often large, that consumes a forest or woodland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bush fire", "wildfire" ], "word": "forestfire", "num_translations": 31 }, "pothole": { "senses": [ "A shallow pit or other edged depression in a road's surface, especially when caused by erosion by weather or traffic", "A pit formed in the bed of a turbulent stream", "A vertical cave system, often found in limestone", "A pit resulting from unauthorized excavation by treasure hunters or vandals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "giant kettle" ], "word": "pothole", "num_translations": 52 }, "commonera": { "senses": [ "The secular equivalent of anno Domini and the Christian Era, the internationally recognized method of numbering years on the Gregorian calendar" ], "antonyms": [ "BCE" ], "synonyms": [ "Era Vulgaris" ], "word": "CommonEra", "num_translations": 19 }, "slivovitz": { "senses": [ "A type of rakija made mostly in Eastern European countries from distilled, fermented plum juice", "A serving of this alcoholic drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plum brandy" ], "word": "slivovitz", "num_translations": 44 }, "hookup": { "senses": [ "To assemble the parts of a mechanism, especially by connecting wires", "To connect to something like a power supply or a signal source", "To form an association someone", "To have a casual sexual experience with another person, usually without any future relationship intended", "To supply someone with goods or services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "do it" ], "word": "hookup", "num_translations": 30 }, "impending": { "senses": [ "Approaching", "drawing near", "about to happen or expected to happen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imminent" ], "word": "impending", "num_translations": 19 }, "premolar": { "senses": [ "A tooth situated in front of the molar teeth", "especially a tooth in humans with two cusps which is between the canines and the molars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bicuspid" ], "word": "premolar", "num_translations": 22 }, "cardiac": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the heart", "Pertaining to the cardia", "Exciting action in the heart, through the medium of the stomach", "cordial", "stimulant" ], "antonyms": [ "noncardiac" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cardiac", "num_translations": 24 }, "heartfailure": { "senses": [ "The chronic inability of the heart to pump a sufficient amount of blood throughout the body, leading to a pooling of blood and shortness of breath", "The cessation of the heartbeat", "cardiac arrest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "congestive cardiac failure", "congestive heart failure" ], "word": "heartfailure", "num_translations": 46 }, "cardiopulmonaryresuscitation": { "senses": [ "A first aid procedure for cardiac arrest involving compression of the chest wall alternating with artificial respiration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CPR", "heart massage", "mouth-to-mouth", "mouth-to-mouth resuscitation" ], "word": "cardiopulmonaryresuscitation", "num_translations": 27 }, "secretly": { "senses": [ "In secret, covertly" ], "antonyms": [ "c\u014dram" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "secretly", "num_translations": 55 }, "refinement": { "senses": [ "The act, or the result of refining", "the removal of impurities, or a purified material", "High-class style", "cultivation", "A fine or subtle distinction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "refinement", "num_translations": 51 }, "hushup": { "senses": [ "To become quiet", "to cease making sounds", "To keep secret, to prevent from becoming known" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hush", "hush down", "quiet down", "quieten down", "shut up" ], "word": "hushup", "num_translations": 13 }, "formally": { "senses": [ "In a formal manner", "In accordance with official procedure", "In accordance with rigorous rules" ], "antonyms": [ "informally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "formally", "num_translations": 27 }, "artificialrespiration": { "senses": [ "The manual or mechanical forcing of air into the lungs of a person who is not breathing in order to maintain life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kiss of life", "mouth-to-mouth resuscitation" ], "word": "artificialrespiration", "num_translations": 15 }, "brownianmotion": { "senses": [ "Random motion of particles suspended in a fluid, arising from those particles being struck by individual molecules of the fluid", "A state of chaos or disarray" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Brownian movement" ], "word": "Brownianmotion", "num_translations": 18 }, "apnea": { "senses": [ "The cessation of breathing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asphyxia" ], "word": "apnea", "num_translations": 16 }, "townspeople": { "senses": [ "plural of \"townsperson\"" ], "antonyms": [ "countryfolk", "bumpkins", "hicks" ], "synonyms": [ "denizens", "townfolk", "villagers" ], "word": "townspeople", "num_translations": 21 }, "retarded": { "senses": [ "Delayed", "delayed in development, hindered", "impeded", "Having mental retardation", "mentally deficient or underdeveloped", "Specifically, having an IQ below 70", "Extremely stupid", "Designating a parameter of an electromagnetic field which is adjusted to account for the finite speed of radiation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "retarded", "num_translations": 30 }, "taro": { "senses": [ "Colocasia esculenta, raised as a food primarily for its corm, which distantly resembles potato", "Any of several other species with similar corms and growth habit in Colocasia, Alocasia etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colocasia", "dasheen" ], "word": "taro", "num_translations": 114 }, "chiliasm": { "senses": [ "Belief in an earthly thousand-year period of peace and prosperity, sometimes equated with the return of Jesus for that period" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "premillennialism" ], "word": "chiliasm", "num_translations": 16 }, "educatedguess": { "senses": [ "A well-informed guess or estimate based on experience or theoretical knowledge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guesstimate", "hypothesis", "intelligent guess" ], "word": "educatedguess", "num_translations": 30 }, "commoncold": { "senses": [ "A very common, mild viral infection of the nose and throat, whose symptoms include sneezing, sniffling, a running or blocked nose, a sore throat, coughing and a headache" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acute", "acute coryza", "pose" ], "word": "commoncold", "num_translations": 50 }, "brucellosis": { "senses": [ "Infection by the bacterium, Brucella, which is carried by ruminants and other mammals Symptoms include recurring fevers, sweating, weakness, anorexia, headaches, depression and generalized aches and pains" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abortus fever", "undulant fever", "Bang's disease", "Crimean fever", "Cyprus fever", "Gibraltar fever", "goat fever", "Italian fever", "Malta fever", "Neapolitan fever" ], "word": "brucellosis", "num_translations": 15 }, "bulletinboard": { "senses": [ "A board on which messages may be posted, especially one in a public space", "A system in which users may send, read and reply to public messages", "an electronic message board or forum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "UK" ], "word": "bulletinboard", "num_translations": 38 }, "numbness": { "senses": [ "Absent or reduced sensitivity to cutaneous stimulation", "Inability or reduced ability to experience emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypoesthesia" ], "word": "numbness", "num_translations": 22 }, "artforart'ssake": { "senses": [ "Art with no function", "whose only purpose is beauty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ars gratia artis" ], "word": "artforart'ssake", "num_translations": 16 }, "shameful": { "senses": [ "Causing or meriting shame or disgrace", "disgraceful", "Giving offense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:despicable" ], "word": "shameful", "num_translations": 46 }, "hanukkah": { "senses": [ "An eight-day Jewish festival, starting on the 25th day of Kislev, which commemorates the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem after the victory of the Maccabees over the Greek Syrians" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Feast of Dedication", "Feast of Lights", "Festival of Lights" ], "word": "Hanukkah", "num_translations": 79 }, "anamnesis": { "senses": [ "The ability to recall past events", "recollection", "The medical history of a patient", "The mention of the past", "quotation of exemplary authors from memory to establish one's authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "anamnesis", "num_translations": 31 }, "pastille": { "senses": [ "A soft flavoured sweet/candy", "A small granular half-spheroid piece of material", "A small cone of charcoal and aromatic substances, burned either as incense, or as a means of diffusing an agreeable odour", "A paper tube containing a firework that causes a small wheel to rotate in burning", "alternative form of \"pastel\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lozenge" ], "word": "pastille", "num_translations": 23 }, "modal": { "senses": [ "of, or relating to a mode or modus", "of, relating to, or describing the mood of a clause", "of, relating to, or composed in the musical modi by which an octave is divided, associated with emotional moods in Ancient \u2014 and in medieval ecclesiastical music", "relating to the statistical mode", "Having separate modes in which user input has different effects", "Requiring immediate user interaction and thus presented so that it cannot be closed or interacted behind until a decision is made", "Relating to the form of a thing rather to any of its attributes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forming", "conditioning" ], "word": "modal", "num_translations": 25 }, "biphenyl": { "senses": [ "A colourless solid hydrocarbon, C12H10, consisting of two benzene rings linked together by a single bond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diphenyl", "E230", "lemonene" ], "word": "biphenyl", "num_translations": 11 }, "southernocean": { "senses": [ "The portion of the World Ocean surrounding Antarctica, variously taken as the waters south of the Antarctic Circle, the waters south of 60\u00b0 S, or the waters bounded by the Antarctic Convergence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Antarctic Ocean", "Austral Ocean", "Great Southern Ocean", "Southern Icy Ocean", "South Polar Ocean", "South Sea" ], "word": "SouthernOcean", "num_translations": 109 }, "provisional": { "senses": [ "Temporary, but with the intention of eventually becoming permanent or being replaced by a permanent equivalent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provisionary" ], "word": "provisional", "num_translations": 27 }, "separated1": { "senses": [ "Detached", "not connected or joined", "two or more things stand apart", "Estranged", "living apart but not divorced" ], "antonyms": [ "combined", "unified", "united" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "separated", "num_translations": 12 }, "confirmed1": { "senses": [ "having a settled habit", "inveterate or habitual", "verified or ratified", "having received the rite of confirmation" ], "antonyms": [ "unconfirmed" ], "synonyms": [ "sicker" ], "word": "confirmed", "num_translations": 21 }, "reasoning": { "senses": [ "The deduction of inferences or interpretations from premises", "abstract thought", "ratiocination", "A Rastafari meeting held for the purposes of chanting, prayer and discussion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ratiocination", "rationale" ], "word": "reasoning", "num_translations": 24 }, "miser": { "senses": [ "A person who hoards money rather than spending it", "one who is cheap or extremely parsimonious", "A kind of earth auger, typically large-bored and often hand-operated" ], "antonyms": [ "spendthrift" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:miser" ], "word": "miser", "num_translations": 90 }, "dormant": { "senses": [ "Inactive, sleeping, asleep, suspended", "In a sleeping posture", "distinguished from couchant", "Leaning" ], "antonyms": [ "active", "active" ], "synonyms": [ "quiescent" ], "word": "dormant", "num_translations": 41 }, "reconnoiter": { "senses": [ "To perform a reconnaissance (of an area", "an enemy position)", "to scout with the aim of acquiring information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scout" ], "word": "reconnoiter", "num_translations": 17 }, "wondrous": { "senses": [ "Wonderful", "amazing, inspiring awe", "marvelous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:awesome" ], "word": "wondrous", "num_translations": 26 }, "signed": { "senses": [ "Having a signature", "endorsed", "Having both positive and negative varieties", "Furnished with signs and signposts", "signposted" ], "antonyms": [ "unsigned" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "signed", "num_translations": 19 }, "unsigned": { "senses": [ "Not accepting negative numbers", "having only a positive absolute value", "Lacking a signature, unendorsed", "Not signed to an organization such as a sports club or record label" ], "antonyms": [ "signed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unsigned", "num_translations": 18 }, "demanding": { "senses": [ "Requiring much endurance, strength, or patience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bossy" ], "word": "demanding", "num_translations": 13 }, "digestivesystem": { "senses": [ "A system of organs for the purpose of digesting food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:digestive system" ], "word": "digestivesystem", "num_translations": 33 }, "spirits1": { "senses": [ "plural of \"spirit\"", "Distilled alcoholic beverages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liquor" ], "word": "spirits", "num_translations": 19 }, "kooky": { "senses": [ "Eccentric, strange, or foolish", "crazy or insane", "kookish", "Behaving like a kook", "kook-like" ], "antonyms": [ "conventional", "mainstream", "normal", "ordinary", "straight", "uneccentric" ], "synonyms": [ "bonkers", "kookish", "nuts", "outlandish", "wacky" ], "word": "kooky", "num_translations": 11 }, "corny": { "senses": [ "Boring and unoriginal", "Hackneyed or excessively sentimental", "Producing corn or grain", "furnished with grains of corn", "Containing corn", "tasting well of malt", "tipsy", "drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kitsch", "drunkish" ], "word": "corny", "num_translations": 29 }, "ladyfinger": { "senses": [ "A small sponge cake, shaped approximately like a finger", "A type of small banana", "synonym of \"okra\": the plant or its edible capsules", "A variety of small firecracker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lady's finger" ], "word": "ladyfinger", "num_translations": 12 }, "letdown": { "senses": [ "To allow to descend", "To disappoint", "to betray or fail somebody", "To lengthen by undoing and resewing a hem", "To reduce one's level of effort", "To soften in tempering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "letdown", "num_translations": 69 }, "preceding": { "senses": [ "Occurring before or in front of something else, in time, place, rank or sequence" ], "antonyms": [ "succeeding" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "preceding", "num_translations": 14 }, "permanently": { "senses": [ "In a permanent manner", "lastingly", "Forever" ], "antonyms": [ "temporarily" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "permanently", "num_translations": 40 }, "scallop": { "senses": [ "Any of various marine bivalve molluscs of the family Pectinidae which are free-swimming", "A fillet of meat, escalope", "A form of fried potato" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scollop", "potato cake" ], "word": "scallop", "num_translations": 56 }, "militant": { "senses": [ "Fighting or disposed to fight", "belligerent, warlike", "Aggressively supporting of a political or social cause", "adamant, combative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "warrish" ], "word": "militant", "num_translations": 12 }, "postscript": { "senses": [ "An addendum to a letter, added after the author's signature", "An addition to a story, play, etc after its completion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "afterscript" ], "word": "postscript", "num_translations": 31 }, "thin-skinned": { "senses": [ "thin skinned", "Overly sensitive to criticism", "quick to take offence", "irritable", "touchy" ], "antonyms": [ "thick-skinned" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thin-skinned", "num_translations": 17 }, "thirdparty": { "senses": [ "Someone not directly involved in a transaction", "an entity beyond the seller and customer", "Someone only incidentally or tangentially connected to an incident or dispute", "someone other than the principals", "a bystander or independent witness", "A political party in opposition to the main parties in a two-party system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thirdparty", "num_translations": 38 }, "middleofnowhere": { "senses": [ "A very remote place", "a nondescript place lacking population, interesting things, or defining characteristics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:remote place", "backwater" ], "word": "middleofnowhere", "num_translations": 68 }, "thoughtlessness": { "senses": [ "disregard for other's feelings", "heedless disregard for the consequences of one's actions" ], "antonyms": [ "thoughtfulness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thoughtlessness", "num_translations": 18 }, "passout": { "senses": [ "To faint", "to become unconscious", "To distribute, to hand out", "To graduate from university", "To graduate, usually marked by the ceremony at the end of their training", "To become proficient in a particular job or task", "To end by having passes as the first four bids" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "passout", "num_translations": 20 }, "protected": { "senses": [ "defended" ], "antonyms": [ "unprotected" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "protected", "num_translations": 17 }, "lyrics1": { "senses": [ "The words to a song" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "words" ], "word": "lyrics", "num_translations": 68 }, "hypergamy": { "senses": [ "Act or practice of seeking a spouse of higher socioeconomic status or caste status than oneself" ], "antonyms": [ "hypogamy" ], "synonyms": [ "marrying up" ], "word": "hypergamy", "num_translations": 12 }, "marker": { "senses": [ "An object used to mark a location", "Someone or something that marks", "A real or virtual objective, something to be aimed for", "A felt-tipped pen", "Marks of ink left by this type of pen", "A signed note of a debt to be paid", "A nonmonetary debt owed to someone, especially in return for a favor", "A device that fires a paintball", "A gene or DNA sequence with a known location on a chromosome that can be used to identify individuals or species", "A recognition given by a competition authority that a company is the first to approach it to reveal the existence of a cartel, as a prelude to a formal application for leniency for the company" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "marker", "num_translations": 27 }, "emblem": { "senses": [ "A representative symbol, such as a trademark or logo", "Something which represents a larger whole", "Inlay", "inlaid or mosaic work", "something ornamental inserted in a surface", "A picture accompanied with a motto, a set of verses, etc intended as a moral lesson or meditation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "symbol", "token" ], "word": "emblem", "num_translations": 90 }, "senseless": { "senses": [ "Without feeling or consciousness", "deprived of sensation", "Lacking meaning or purpose", "without common sense", "Without consideration, awareness or sound judgement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "senseless", "num_translations": 38 }, "gotothedogs": { "senses": [ "To decline or deteriorate shockingly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go to pot" ], "word": "gotothedogs", "num_translations": 20 }, "wooer": { "senses": [ "Someone who woos or courts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sparker", "suitor" ], "word": "wooer", "num_translations": 20 }, "nautilus": { "senses": [ "A kind of diving bell that sinks or rises by means of compressed air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chambered nautilus" ], "word": "nautilus", "num_translations": 50 }, "bracketfungus": { "senses": [ "Any of various fungi of the family Polyporaceae, whose fruiting bodies form on trees and resemble shelves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polypore" ], "word": "bracketfungus", "num_translations": 11 }, "saucer": { "senses": [ "A small shallow dish to hold a cup and catch drips", "An object round and gently curved", "A small pan or vessel in which sauce was set on a table", "A flat, shallow caisson for raising sunken ships", "A shallow socket for the pivot of a capstan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "saucer", "num_translations": 56 }, "incompetent": { "senses": [ "Unskilled", "lacking the degree of ability that would normally be expected", "Unable to make rational decisions, insane or otherwise cognitively impaired", "Of the cervix: opening too early in pregnancy, provoking the baby to be born" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:bad" ], "word": "incompetent", "num_translations": 37 }, "impaired": { "senses": [ "Rendered less effective", "inebriated, drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "impaired", "num_translations": 31 }, "mouthful": { "senses": [ "The amount that will fit in a mouth", "Quite a bit", "Something difficult to pronounce or say", "A tirade of abusive language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:mouthful" ], "word": "mouthful", "num_translations": 39 }, "calends": { "senses": [ "Often with initial capital: the first day of a month, particularly the first day of a month of the Roman calendar", "A day for settling debts and other accounts", "synonym of \"Rosh Hodesh\"", "synonym of \"calendar\"", "an account, a record", "The first day of something", "a beginning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "calends", "num_translations": 32 }, "sanctuary": { "senses": [ "A place of safety, refuge or protection", "An area set aside for protection", "A state of being protected, asylum", "The consecrated area of a church or temple around its tabernacle or altar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "haven", "presbytery", "refuge", "zoar", "shelter" ], "word": "sanctuary", "num_translations": 83 }, "deprecated1": { "senses": [ "Strongly disapproved of", "Belittled", "insulted", "Obsolescent", "said of a construct in a computing language considered old, and planned to be phased out, but still available for use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on its way out" ], "word": "deprecated", "num_translations": 33 }, "cockpit": { "senses": [ "A pit or other enclosure for cockfighting", "A site of conflict", "a battlefield", "The vagina", "A valley surrounded by steep forested slopes", "The area set aside for junior officers including the ship's surgeon on a man-of-war, where the wounded were treated", "the sickbay", "A well, usually near the stern, where the helm is located", "The driver's compartment in a racing car", "The compartment in an aircraft in which the pilot sits and from where the craft is controlled", "an analogous area in a spacecraft", "An area from where something is controlled or managed", "a centre of control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flight deck" ], "word": "cockpit", "num_translations": 58 }, "alignment": { "senses": [ "An arrangement of items in a line", "The process of adjusting a mechanism such that its parts are aligned", "the condition of having its parts so adjusted", "An alliance of factions", "The conjunction of two celestial objects", "The precise route or course taken by a linear way between two points", "In a roleplaying game, one of a set number of philosophical attitudes a character can take", "A way of arranging DNA, RNA or protein sequences in order to identify regions of similarity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "alignment", "num_translations": 64 }, "irishcoffee": { "senses": [ "Coffee with a dash of whiskey, topped with whipped cream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gaelic coffee" ], "word": "Irishcoffee", "num_translations": 10 }, "aromanian": { "senses": [ "A member of the people living throughout the southern Balkans, especially in northern Greece, Albania, Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria", "they are a subgroup of Vlachs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Armini" ], "word": "Aromanian", "num_translations": 13 }, "aromanian1": { "senses": [ "An endangered Eastern Romance language spoken mainly in Greece, but also in Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Romania, and relatively intelligible with Romanian and Megleno-Romanian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arumanian" ], "word": "Aromanian", "num_translations": 26 }, "retaliate": { "senses": [ "To do something harmful or negative to get revenge for some harm", "to fight back or respond in kind to an injury or affront", "To repay or requite by an act of the same kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:avenge" ], "word": "retaliate", "num_translations": 34 }, "lunarmonth": { "senses": [ "a period from one new moon until the next", "a synodic month of approximately 2953 days, measured from a lunar phase until the return of that same phase", "a sidereal month of approximately 2732 days, the length of time taken by the moon in its orbit about the Earth to return to the same point as viewed against the background of stars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lunation", "synodic month" ], "word": "lunarmonth", "num_translations": 11 }, "gibbousmoon": { "senses": [ "A lunar phase either side of the full moon when the moon's disc as seen from the Earth is larger than a semicircle" ], "antonyms": [ "crescent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "gibbousmoon", "num_translations": 10 }, "damaging1": { "senses": [ "Harmful", "injurious", "causing damage" ], "antonyms": [ "beneficial", "undamaging" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:harmful" ], "word": "damaging", "num_translations": 23 }, "libelous": { "senses": [ "defamatory, libeling, referring to something that causes harm to someone's reputation especially with malice or disregard", "meeting the legal standards for libel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:defamatory" ], "word": "libelous", "num_translations": 14 }, "menstrual": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the menses", "Occurring once a month", "monthly", "Lasting for a month" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catamenial", "mensal", "menstruous" ], "word": "menstrual", "num_translations": 20 }, "stevia": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "candy leaf", "sugar leaf", "sweet honey leaf", "sweet herb of Paraguay" ], "word": "stevia", "num_translations": 30 }, "despotic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a despot or tyrant", "Acting or ruling as a despot, tyrannical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "domineering" ], "word": "despotic", "num_translations": 28 }, "unfriendly": { "senses": [ "Not friendly", "hostile", "mean", "Unfavourable" ], "antonyms": [ "friendly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unfriendly", "num_translations": 38 }, "tristan": { "senses": [ "male given name", "A knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arthurian hero" ], "word": "Tristan", "num_translations": 14 }, "misunderstanding": { "senses": [ "A mistake as to the meaning of something or a specific point of view", "erroneous interpretation or comprehension", "misconception", "A disagreement", "difference of opinion", "dissension", "quarrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "misunderstanding", "num_translations": 50 }, "unbiunium": { "senses": [ "The systematic element name for the chemical element with atomic number 121" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eka-actinium" ], "word": "unbiunium", "num_translations": 15 }, "susceptible": { "senses": [ "likely to be affected by something", "easily influenced or tricked", "credulous", "especially sensitive, especially to a stimulus", "that, when subjected to a specific operation, will yield a specific result", "vulnerable", "defenseless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "susceptible", "num_translations": 52 }, "gaza": { "senses": [ "A Palestinian city on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea", "A North-South strip of land at the southern end of the Levant on the Mediterranean bordering the Sinai Peninsula zone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ghazza", "Ghazzah", "Ghazze" ], "word": "Gaza", "num_translations": 46 }, "pigtail": { "senses": [ "A braided plait of hair", "Either of two braids or \"tails\" on the side of the head", "A twisted piece of tobacco", "A cable that has a connector at one end, and loose wires on the other", "The flamingo flower", "The tail of a pig", "Twisted stent terminal", "Stent-end, usually but not necessarily a different fastened part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pigtail", "num_translations": 44 }, "thrashing1": { "senses": [ "Action of the verb to thrash", "A beating, especially a severe one", "A heavy defeat", "Excessive paging within virtual storage", "Slam dancing", "Threshing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thrashing", "num_translations": 23 }, "threadbare": { "senses": [ "shabby, frayed and worn to an extent that warp threads show", "damaged or shabby", "banal or clich\u00e9d", "trite or hackneyed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:hackneyed" ], "word": "threadbare", "num_translations": 25 }, "threefold": { "senses": [ "three times as great", "triple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thrissome", "ternary" ], "word": "threefold", "num_translations": 21 }, "threefold1": { "senses": [ "by a factor of three" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thrice" ], "word": "threefold", "num_translations": 12 }, "thriving": { "senses": [ "That thrives", "successful", "flourishing or prospering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prosperous" ], "word": "thriving", "num_translations": 16 }, "sophisticated": { "senses": [ "Having obtained worldly experience, and lacking naivet\u00e9", "cosmopolitan", "Elegant, refined", "Complicated, especially of complex technology", "Appealing to the tastes of an intellectual", "cerebral", "Dishonest or misleading", "Impure", "adulterated" ], "antonyms": [ "provincial" ], "synonyms": [ "worldly", "refined" ], "word": "sophisticated", "num_translations": 98 }, "endurance": { "senses": [ "The measure of a person's stamina or persistence", "Ability to endure hardship", "The length of time that a ship's rations will supply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thole" ], "word": "endurance", "num_translations": 48 }, "persistence": { "senses": [ "The property of being persistent", "Of data, the property of continuing to exist after the termination of the program", "Continuation of the previous day's weather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "persistency", "Thesaurus:obstinacy", "Thesaurus:perseverance" ], "word": "persistence", "num_translations": 28 }, "fireproof": { "senses": [ "Resistant to damage from fire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fire-resistant", "flame-retardant", "refractory" ], "word": "fireproof", "num_translations": 33 }, "julian": { "senses": [ "male given name, from Iulius", "female given name", "An surname", "surname, a variant of Julien", "locale c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Julian", "num_translations": 23 }, "grievous": { "senses": [ "Causing grief, pain or sorrow", "Serious, grave, dire or dangerous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lamentable" ], "word": "grievous", "num_translations": 12 }, "chimerical": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a chimera", "Being a figment of the imagination", "fantastic", "Inherently fantastic", "wildly fanciful", "Resulting from the expression of two or more genes that originally coded for separate proteins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chimerical", "num_translations": 25 }, "nonpareil1": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that has no equal", "a paragon", "A small pellet of colored sugar used as decoration on baked goods and candy", "A small, flat chocolate drop covered with white pellets of sugar, similar to a comfit", "A smaller grade of caper", "The size of type between agate and minion, standardized as 6-point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nonpareil", "num_translations": 28 }, "breathless": { "senses": [ "Having difficulty breathing", "gasping", "That makes one hold one's breath", "Not breathing", "dead or apparently so", "Having no wind", "still, calm or airless", "Having a somewhat hysterical tone, using over-emotive language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "breathless", "num_translations": 28 }, "fuckedup2": { "senses": [ "In a screwed up or messed up manner", "under the influence of alcohol or drugs", "All wrong", "mistaken", "taken the wrong way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fuckedup", "num_translations": 38 }, "psychedelic": { "senses": [ "Of, containing, generating, or reminiscent of drug-induced hallucinations, distortions of perception, altered awareness etc", "Having bright colours, abstract shapes, etc reminiscent of drug-induced hallucinations or distortions of perception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lysergic", "multi-coloured" ], "word": "psychedelic", "num_translations": 30 }, "practicable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being accomplished", "feasible", "Serving a useful function", "useful, functional or handy", "Available for use", "accessible or employable" ], "antonyms": [ "impracticable" ], "synonyms": [ "feasible", "usable" ], "word": "practicable", "num_translations": 21 }, "rearadmiral": { "senses": [ "A naval officer below the rank of vice admiral, originally in charge of a fleet's rear formation", "A proctologist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RADM" ], "word": "rearadmiral", "num_translations": 12 }, "foolaround": { "senses": [ "To engage in frivolous behaviour", "to monkey around", "To waste time", "To engage in casual or flirtatious sexual acts", "To engage in adultery", "to play around" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "foolaround", "num_translations": 19 }, "pussywhipped1": { "senses": [ "Submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner, frequently with the connotation that this submissive behavior is for the prospect of sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cowed" ], "word": "pussywhipped", "num_translations": 20 }, "citystate": { "senses": [ "A sovereign city, as in Ancient Greece, often part of a league of such cities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polis" ], "word": "citystate", "num_translations": 37 }, "proctology": { "senses": [ "The branch of medicine dealing with the pathology and surgery of the colon, rectum, and anus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coloproctology" ], "word": "proctology", "num_translations": 20 }, "lode": { "senses": [ "A way or path", "a road", "A watercourse", "A vein of metallic ore that lies within definite boundaries, or within a fissure", "A rich source of supply" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lode", "num_translations": 19 }, "touristy": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, catering to/for, or visited by tourists" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "touristic" ], "word": "touristy", "num_translations": 11 }, "trolley": { "senses": [ "A cart or shopping cart", "A hand truck", "A soapbox car", "A gurney", "A streetcar or a system of streetcars", "A light rail system or a train on such a system", "A truck from which the load is suspended in some kinds of cranes", "A truck which travels along the fixed conductors in an electric railway, and forms a means of connection between them and a railway car" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "trolley", "num_translations": 53 }, "dalliance": { "senses": [ "Playful flirtation", "amorous play", "A wasting of time in idleness or trifles", "A sexual relationship, not serious but often illicit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flirtation", "dawdling", "affair" ], "word": "dalliance", "num_translations": 41 }, "immiscible": { "senses": [ "That are not mutually soluble", "unmixable" ], "antonyms": [ "miscible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "immiscible", "num_translations": 10 }, "norepinephrine": { "senses": [ "A neurotransmitter found in the locus coeruleus which is synthesized from dopamine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "noradrenaline" ], "word": "norepinephrine", "num_translations": 10 }, "chunky": { "senses": [ "Having chunks", "Fat", "Of a cat: having a large, solid bodyline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "portly" ], "word": "chunky", "num_translations": 18 }, "effusion": { "senses": [ "A liquid outpouring", "Process of gases passing through a hole or holes considerably smaller than the mean free path of the gas molecules", "An outpouring of speech or emotion", "the seeping of fluid into a body cavity", "the fluid itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "effusion", "num_translations": 30 }, "ethnicgroup": { "senses": [ "A group of people who identify with one another, especially on the basis of ancestral, national, cultural, historical or religious grounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ethnie" ], "word": "ethnicgroup", "num_translations": 41 }, "hyperbolic1": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a hyperbola", "Having negative curvature or sectional curvature", "Whose domain has two fixed points joined by a line mapped to itself by translation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hyperbolic", "num_translations": 15 }, "spangle": { "senses": [ "A small piece of sparkling metallic material sewn on to a garment as decoration", "a sequin", "Any small sparkling object", "The butterfly, Papilio demoleus, family Papilionidae, of Asia", "Money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spangle", "num_translations": 12 }, "antaphrodisiac1": { "senses": [ "A medicinal substance capable of reducing the sex drive/libido" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anaphrodisiac" ], "word": "antaphrodisiac", "num_translations": 12 }, "stutterer": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of stutter", "one who stutters, one who speaks with a stutter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stammerer" ], "word": "stutterer", "num_translations": 33 }, "papsmear": { "senses": [ "A screening test meant to detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells by taking a sample of cells from the cervix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cervical smear", "Pap test", "smear test" ], "word": "Papsmear", "num_translations": 12 }, "clod": { "senses": [ "A lump of something, especially of earth or clay", "The ground", "the earth", "a spot of earth or turf", "A stupid person", "a dolt", "Part of a shoulder of beef, or of the neck piece near the shoulder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clod", "num_translations": 46 }, "undulation": { "senses": [ "An instance or act of undulating", "A wavy appearance or outline", "waviness", "A tremulous tone produced by a peculiar pressure of the finger on a string", "A wavelike curve", "a smooth and regular rise and fall", "A wavelike motion of the air", "electromagnetic radiation", "A feeling as if of an undulatory motion about the heart", "The distinctive motion of the matter within an abscess on being pressed when it is ripe for opening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "undulation", "num_translations": 18 }, "unfaithful": { "senses": [ "Not having religious faith", "Not keeping good faith", "disloyal", "not faithful", "Adulterous", "Not honest or upright", "Negligent or imperfect", "Not faithfully rendering the meaning of the source language", "incorrect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unfaithful", "num_translations": 35 }, "unload": { "senses": [ "To remove the load or cargo from", "To remove from a vehicle, etc", "To deposit one's load or cargo", "To give vent to or express", "To remove from memory", "To discharge, pour, or expel", "To get rid of or dispose of", "To deliver forcefully", "To ejaculate, particularly within an orifice", "To draw the charge from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unload", "num_translations": 35 }, "unyoke": { "senses": [ "To release something from a yoke or harness", "To disconnect, unlink", "To liberate, deliver from oppression", "To cease from labour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abjugate" ], "word": "unyoke", "num_translations": 16 }, "cretinism": { "senses": [ "A condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to the untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "congenital iodine deficiency syndrome" ], "word": "cretinism", "num_translations": 10 }, "gleek1": { "senses": [ "A jest or scoff", "trick or deception", "An enticing glance or look", "A stream of saliva from a person's mouth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deception" ], "word": "gleek", "num_translations": 19 }, "gleek2": { "senses": [ "To ridicule, or mock", "to make sport of", "To jest", "To pass time frivolously", "To discharge a long, thin stream of liquid through the teeth or from under the tongue, sometimes by pressing the tongue against the salivary glands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gibe" ], "word": "gleek", "num_translations": 11 }, "chastity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being chaste: the state of abstaining from any sexual activity considered immoral", "avoidance of sexual sins" ], "antonyms": [ "inchastity", "lust", "promiscuity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "chastity", "num_translations": 66 }, "arousal": { "senses": [ "The act of arousing or the state of being aroused", "A physiological and psychological state of being awake or reactive to stimuli, including elevated heart rate and blood pressure and a condition of sensory alertness, mobility and readiness to respond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horniness", "alertness", "wakefulness" ], "word": "arousal", "num_translations": 38 }, "fisher": { "senses": [ "A person who catches fish, especially for a living or for sport", "A person attempting to catch fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fisherman", "fish farmer" ], "word": "fisher", "num_translations": 64 }, "fisher1": { "senses": [ "A North American marten, Martes pennanti, that has thick brown fur", "The fur of Martes pennanti" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pekan" ], "word": "fisher", "num_translations": 22 }, "depot": { "senses": [ "A storage facility, in particular, a warehouse", "A bus station or railway station", "A place where recruits are assembled before being sent to active units", "A place for the storage, servicing or upgrade of military hardware", "The portion of a regiment that remains at home when the rest go on foreign service", "The tableau", "the area where cards can be arranged in solitaire or patience games" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "depot", "num_translations": 58 }, "protractor": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, protracts, or causes protraction", "A circular or semicircular tool for drawing or measuring angles", "An instrument formerly used in extracting foreign or offensive matter from a wound", "A muscle that extends an organ or part", "opposed to retractor", "An adjustable pattern used by tailors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "protractor", "num_translations": 63 }, "renounce1": { "senses": [ "To give up, resign, surrender, atsake", "To cast off, repudiate", "To decline further association with someone or something, disown", "To abandon, forsake, discontinue , sometimes by open declaration", "To make a renunciation of something", "To surrender formally some right or trust", "To fail to follow suit", "playing a card of a different suit when having no card of the suit led" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forsay", "forswear" ], "word": "renounce", "num_translations": 59 }, "overwhelming1": { "senses": [ "Overpowering, staggering, or irresistibly strong", "Very great or intense", "Extreme" ], "antonyms": [ "underwhelming" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overwhelming", "num_translations": 36 }, "locality": { "senses": [ "The fact or quality of having a position in space", "The features or surroundings of a particular place", "The condition of being local", "The situation or position of an object", "An area or district considered as the site of certain activities", "a neighbourhood", "Limitation to a county, district, or place", "The perceptive faculty concerned with the ability to remember the relative positions of places" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "locality", "num_translations": 29 }, "forgiveness": { "senses": [ "The action of forgiving", "Readiness to forgive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "remission", "mercy" ], "word": "forgiveness", "num_translations": 66 }, "salvage": { "senses": [ "The rescue of a ship, its crew or its cargo from a hazardous situation", "The ship, crew or cargo so rescued", "The compensation paid to the rescuers", "The similar rescue of property liable to loss", "the property so rescued", "Anything put to good use that would otherwise have been wasted, such as damaged goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "salvage", "num_translations": 13 }, "coherence": { "senses": [ "The quality of cohering, or being coherent", "internal consistency", "A logical arrangement of parts", "The property of having the same wavelength and phase", "A semantic relationship between different parts of the same text" ], "antonyms": [ "incoherence" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "coherence", "num_translations": 35 }, "monopolize": { "senses": [ "To have a monopoly on something", "To dominate or to get total control of something by excluding everyone else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hog", "corner", "take over", "dominate" ], "word": "monopolize", "num_translations": 31 }, "conjoin": { "senses": [ "To join together", "to unite", "to combine", "To marry", "To join as coordinate elements, often with a coordinating conjunction, such as coordinate clauses", "To combine two sets, conditions, or expressions by a logical AND", "to intersect", "To unite, to join, to league" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affix", "bewed" ], "word": "conjoin", "num_translations": 12 }, "teahouse": { "senses": [ "A cafe or restaurant that serves tea, usually with light food", "a public lavatory, particularly as a meeting place for gay men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tearoom" ], "word": "teahouse", "num_translations": 89 }, "dolmen": { "senses": [ "A prehistoric megalithic tomb consisting of a capstone supported by two or more upright stones, most having originally been covered with earth or smaller stones to form a barrow", "More generally, any megalithic tomb, including passage graves and wedge tombs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cromlech", "portal tomb" ], "word": "dolmen", "num_translations": 28 }, "dexterous": { "senses": [ "Skillful with one's hands", "Skillful in some specific thing", "Agile", "flexible", "able to move fluidly and gracefully", "Skilled at argumentation", "mentally skillful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dexterous", "num_translations": 127 }, "vertically": { "senses": [ "In a vertical direction or position" ], "antonyms": [ "horizontally" ], "synonyms": [ "perpendicularly" ], "word": "vertically", "num_translations": 21 }, "recorder": { "senses": [ "An apparatus for recording", "a device which records", "Agent noun of record", "one who records", "A judge in a municipal court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recorder", "num_translations": 51 }, "thylacine": { "senses": [ "The carnivorous marsupial Thylacinus cynocephalus which was native to Tasmania, now extinct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tasmanian tiger" ], "word": "thylacine", "num_translations": 20 }, "neglected1": { "senses": [ "Suffering from neglect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ramshackle" ], "word": "neglected", "num_translations": 17 }, "nought": { "senses": [ "Nothing", "something which does not exist", "A thing or person of no worth or value", "nil", "Not any quantity of number", "zero", "the score of no points in a game", "The figure or character representing, or having the shape of, zero" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nought", "num_translations": 13 }, "fisherman": { "senses": [ "A fisher, a person engaged in fishing:", "A vessel used for fishing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "fisher" ], "word": "fisherman", "num_translations": 173 }, "unbroken": { "senses": [ "Whole, not divided into parts", "Of a horse, not tamed", "Continuous, without interruption" ], "antonyms": [ "whole", "describing a horse", "continuous" ], "synonyms": [ "whole, not divided into parts", "describing a horse", "continuous" ], "word": "unbroken", "num_translations": 19 }, "selvage": { "senses": [ "The edge of a woven fabric, where the weft threads run around the warp threads, creating a finished edge", "Any edge of fabric finished so as to prevent raveling", "The excess area of any printed or perforated sheet, such as the border on a sheet of postage stamps or the wide margins of an engraving", "A distinct border of a mass of igneous rock It is usually fine-grained or glassy due to rapid cooling", "Clay-like material found along and around a geological fault", "The edge plate of a lock, through which the bolt passes", "That part of a lode adjacent to the walls on either side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "selvage", "num_translations": 21 }, "okra": { "senses": [ "The edible immature mucilaginous seed pod of the Abelmoschus esculentus", "The flowering mallow plant Abelmoschus esculentus itself, now commonly grown in the tropics and warmer parts of the temperate zones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bhindi", "ladies' fingers" ], "word": "okra", "num_translations": 118 }, "workaround": { "senses": [ "A means of overcoming some obstacle, especially an obstacle consisting of laws, regulations, or constraints", "A procedure or a temporary fix that bypasses a problem and allows the user to continue working until a better solution can be provided", "An impromptu and temporary response to an unforeseen problem or risk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:workaround" ], "word": "workaround", "num_translations": 10 }, "dizzy": { "senses": [ "Having a sensation of whirling, with a tendency to fall", "giddy", "feeling unbalanced or lightheaded", "Producing giddiness", "Empty-headed, scatterbrained or frivolous", "ditzy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dizzy", "num_translations": 56 }, "compression": { "senses": [ "An increase in density", "the act of compressing, or the state of being compressed", "compaction", "The cycle of an internal combustion engine during which the fuel and air mixture is compressed", "The process by which data is compressed", "The electronic process by which any sound's gain is automatically controlled", "The deviation of a heavenly body from a spherical form" ], "antonyms": [ "decompression", "rarefaction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "compression", "num_translations": 53 }, "tinnitus": { "senses": [ "The perception of noise, such as a ringing or beating sound, which has no external source" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acouasm" ], "word": "tinnitus", "num_translations": 70 }, "wop": { "senses": [ "A person of Italian descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dago" ], "word": "wop", "num_translations": 41 }, "foreword": { "senses": [ "An introductory section preceding the main text of a book or other document", "a preface or introduction" ], "antonyms": [ "endsay" ], "synonyms": [ "forespeech" ], "word": "foreword", "num_translations": 30 }, "headintheclouds": { "senses": [ "Used to indicate that a person has fantastic or impractical dreams" ], "antonyms": [ "feet on the ground" ], "synonyms": [ "cloud nine" ], "word": "headintheclouds", "num_translations": 15 }, "dusty": { "senses": [ "Covered with dust", "Powdery and resembling dust", "Grey in parts", "Ugly, disgusting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dust-ridden" ], "word": "dusty", "num_translations": 58 }, "interment": { "senses": [ "The act of burying a dead body", "burial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:interment" ], "word": "interment", "num_translations": 20 }, "blacklist": { "senses": [ "A list or set of people or entities to be shunned or banned" ], "antonyms": [ "greylist", "whitelist" ], "synonyms": [ "blocklist" ], "word": "blacklist", "num_translations": 25 }, "earmark": { "senses": [ "To mark by slitting the ear", "To specify or set aside for a particular purpose, to allocate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appropriate" ], "word": "earmark", "num_translations": 26 }, "waterunderthebridge": { "senses": [ "Something in the past that cannot be controlled or undone, but must be accepted, forgiven, or forgotten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water over the dam" ], "word": "waterunderthebridge", "num_translations": 11 }, "down-to-earth": { "senses": [ "Practical", "realistic", "pragmatic" ], "antonyms": [ "have one's head in the clouds" ], "synonyms": [ "have one's feet on the ground" ], "word": "down-to-earth", "num_translations": 22 }, "doublet": { "senses": [ "A pair of two similar or equal things", "couple", "One of two or more different words in a language derived from the same etymological root but having different phonological forms", "In textual criticism, two different narrative accounts of the same actual event", "An imitation gem made of two pieces of glass or crystal with a layer of color between them", "A word or phrase set a second time by mistake", "A quantum state of a system with a spin of \u00bd, such that there are two allowed values of the spin component, \u2212\u00bd and +\u00bd", "A word consisting of two bytes", "A very small flowering plant, Dimeresia howellii", "A word ladder puzzle", "An arrangement of two lenses for a microscope, designed to correct spherical aberration and chromatic dispersion, thus rendering the image of an object more clear and distinct", "Either of two dice, each of which, when thrown, has the same number of spots on the face lying uppermost", "A game somewhat like backgammon", "Dipole antenna" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duet" ], "word": "doublet", "num_translations": 25 }, "hackberry": { "senses": [ "Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Celtis, widespread over the Northern Hemisphere, having small fruit", "The fruit of these plants", "The wood of these plants", "Prunus padus, a species of cherry tree, of Eurasia, or its berry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bird cherry" ], "word": "hackberry", "num_translations": 55 }, "upwards": { "senses": [ "Towards a higher place", "towards what is above", "To a higher figure or amount", "Towards something which is higher in order, larger, superior etc", "Backwards in time, into the past", "To or into later life" ], "antonyms": [ "downward" ], "synonyms": [ "upward" ], "word": "upwards", "num_translations": 52 }, "expendable": { "senses": [ "Able to be expended", "not inexhaustible", "Designed for a single use", "not reusable", "Not essential or mandatory in order to achieve a goal", "Regarded as not worth preserving or saving", "able to be sacrificed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "not inexhaustible", "not reusable", "not essential or mandatory", "not worth saving or preserving" ], "word": "expendable", "num_translations": 42 }, "firmness": { "senses": [ "The state of being firm", "strength", "permanence", "stability", "hardness", "resolution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "firmness", "num_translations": 22 }, "familiarity": { "senses": [ "The state of being extremely friendly", "intimacy", "Undue intimacy", "inappropriate informality, impertinence", "An instance of familiar behaviour", "Close or habitual acquaintance with someone or something", "understanding or recognition acquired from experience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "familiarity", "num_translations": 18 }, "hardness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being hard", "An instance of this quality", "hardship", "The quantity of calcium carbonate dissolved in water, usually expressed in parts per million", "The resistance to scratching, cutting, indentation or abrasion of a metal or other solid material", "The penetrating ability of electromagnetic radiation, such as x-rays", "generally, the shorter the wavelength, the harder and more penetrating the radiation", "The measure of resistance to damage of a facility, equipment, installation, or telecommunications infrastructure when subjected to attack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hardness", "num_translations": 23 }, "shifty": { "senses": [ "Subject to frequent changes in direction", "Moving from one object to another, not looking directly and steadily at the person with whom one is speaking", "Having the appearance of being dishonest, criminal or unreliable", "Resourceful", "full of, or ready with, shifts or expedients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shifty", "num_translations": 13 }, "infirm": { "senses": [ "Weak or ill, not in good health", "Irresolute", "weak of mind or will", "Frail", "unstable", "insecure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "infirm", "num_translations": 22 }, "solidify": { "senses": [ "To make solid", "convert into a solid body", "To concentrate", "consolidate", "To become solid", "to freeze, set" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solidify", "num_translations": 40 }, "impertinence": { "senses": [ "Lack of pertinence", "irrelevance", "An instance of this", "a moment of being impertinent", "The fact or character of being out of place", "inappropriateness", "Insolence", "impudence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impertinence", "num_translations": 35 }, "distrust": { "senses": [ "Lack of trust or confidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mistrust", "untrust", "wantrust" ], "word": "distrust", "num_translations": 30 }, "distrust1": { "senses": [ "To put no trust in", "to have no confidence in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mistrust" ], "word": "distrust", "num_translations": 13 }, "disastrous": { "senses": [ "Of the nature of a disaster", "calamitous", "Foreboding disaster", "ill-omened" ], "antonyms": [ "auspicious", "fortunate" ], "synonyms": [ "cataclysmic", "ill-boding" ], "word": "disastrous", "num_translations": 40 }, "columbus": { "senses": [ "male given name", "surname", "Any of various cities, towns and villages in the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Col's" ], "word": "Columbus", "num_translations": 32 }, "infringe": { "senses": [ "Break or violate a treaty, a law, a right etc", "Break in or encroach on something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transgress" ], "word": "infringe", "num_translations": 19 }, "inviolable": { "senses": [ "Not violable", "not to be infringed", "Not susceptible to violence, or of being profaned, corrupted, or dishonoured", "Incapable of being injured or invaded", "indestructible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inviolable", "num_translations": 27 }, "insensible": { "senses": [ "Unable to be perceived by the senses", "Incapable or deprived of physical sensation", "Unable to be understood", "unintelligible", "Not sensible or reasonable", "meaningless", "Incapable of mental feeling", "indifferent", "Incapable of emotional feeling", "callous", "apathetic" ], "antonyms": [ "sensible" ], "synonyms": [ "insensitive" ], "word": "insensible", "num_translations": 15 }, "slapdash": { "senses": [ "Produced or carried out hastily", "haphazard", "careless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:careless" ], "word": "slapdash", "num_translations": 28 }, "slapdash1": { "senses": [ "In a hasty or careless manner", "Directly, right there", "slap-bang", "With a slap", "all at once", "slap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carelessly", "haphazardly", "hastily", "directly" ], "word": "slapdash", "num_translations": 17 }, "coverup": { "senses": [ "To conceal or disguise", "To clothe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hide" ], "word": "coverup", "num_translations": 20 }, "targetlanguage": { "senses": [ "The language a learner is attempting to acquire", "The language into which a translation is done", "The machine language into which source code is to be compiled" ], "antonyms": [ "source language" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "targetlanguage", "num_translations": 15 }, "sourcelanguage": { "senses": [ "The language from which a translation is done", "The language of the source code to be compiled" ], "antonyms": [ "target language" ], "synonyms": [ "SL" ], "word": "sourcelanguage", "num_translations": 18 }, "exactness": { "senses": [ "The state of being exact" ], "antonyms": [ "inexactness" ], "synonyms": [ "exactitude" ], "word": "exactness", "num_translations": 13 }, "exacting": { "senses": [ "Making excessive demands", "difficult to satisfy", "Requiring precise accuracy, great care, effort, or attention", "Characterized by exaction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demanding", "demanding", "acquisitive" ], "word": "exacting", "num_translations": 11 }, "insincerity": { "senses": [ "Property of being insincere, lacking sincerity or truthfulness" ], "antonyms": [ "sincerity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insincerity", "num_translations": 15 }, "divinity": { "senses": [ "The state, position, or fact of being a god or God from 14th c", "synonym of \"deity\"", "A celestial being inferior to a supreme God but superior to man", "The study of religion or religions", "A type of confectionery made with egg whites, corn syrup, and white sugar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deity", "See", "godlore" ], "word": "divinity", "num_translations": 69 }, "decode": { "senses": [ "To convert from an encrypted form to plain text", "To figure out something difficult to interpret" ], "antonyms": [ "encode" ], "synonyms": [ "decipher" ], "word": "decode", "num_translations": 25 }, "incremental": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to an increment", "Occurring over a series of gradual increments, or small steps" ], "antonyms": [ "decremental" ], "synonyms": [ "gradual" ], "word": "incremental", "num_translations": 20 }, "lymedisease": { "senses": [ "Infection by one of three or more subspecies of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by four species of tick in genus Ixodes Symptoms include a rash followed by fever, joint pain, and headaches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lyme neuroborreliosis" ], "word": "Lymedisease", "num_translations": 21 }, "tachycardia": { "senses": [ "A rapid resting heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tachyrhythmia" ], "word": "tachycardia", "num_translations": 60 }, "sob1": { "senses": [ "to weep with convulsive gasps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:weep" ], "word": "sob", "num_translations": 51 }, "insolence": { "senses": [ "Arrogant conduct", "insulting, bold behaviour or attitude", "Insolent conduct or treatment", "insult", "The quality of being unusual or novel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "insolence", "num_translations": 32 }, "impossibility": { "senses": [ "Something that is impossible", "The quality of being impossible", "The state of being unable to do something" ], "antonyms": [ "certainty" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impossibility" ], "word": "impossibility", "num_translations": 25 }, "flaneur": { "senses": [ "One who wanders aimlessly, who roams, who travels at a lounging pace", "An idler, a loafer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ambler", "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "flaneur", "num_translations": 22 }, "headlong": { "senses": [ "With the head first or down", "With an unrestrained forward motion", "Rashly", "precipitately", "without deliberation, in haste, hastily" ], "antonyms": [ "arselong" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "headlong", "num_translations": 39 }, "secularism": { "senses": [ "Neutrality towards all religions", "The political belief in the separation of church and state, ie the position that religious belief should not influence public and governmental decisions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laicity" ], "word": "secularism", "num_translations": 39 }, "sortout": { "senses": [ "To clarify by reviewing mentally", "To arrange", "To fix, as a problem", "To organise or separate into groups, as a collection of items, so as to make tidy", "To separate from the remainder of a group", "often construed with from", "To attack physically", "To provide with a necessity, or a solution to a problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sortout", "num_translations": 59 }, "incumbent": { "senses": [ "Imposed on someone as an obligation, especially due to one's office", "Lying", "resting", "reclining", "recumbent", "Prevalent, prevailing, predominant", "Resting on something else", "in botany, said of anthers when lying on the inner side of the filament, or of cotyledons when the radicle lies against the back of one of them", "Bent downwards so that the ends touch, or rest on, something else", "Being the current holder of an office or a title" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incumbent", "num_translations": 78 }, "scrofula": { "senses": [ "A form of tuberculosis, most common in children, tending to cause enlarged and degenerated lymph nodes, especially in the neck, and often chronic, intractable skin inflammation as well" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adenopathy", "king's evil", "struma" ], "word": "scrofula", "num_translations": 15 }, "oncebitten,twiceshy": { "senses": [ "One is cautious if he or she has been hurt in the past" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a burnt child dreads the fire", "the burnt child dreads the fire", "A beaten dog may cower before a friendly hand", "Bitten by a snake on one morning", "afraid of the rope by the well for ten years" ], "word": "oncebitten,twiceshy", "num_translations": 23 }, "deposition": { "senses": [ "The removal of someone from office", "The act of depositing material, especially by a natural process", "the resultant deposit", "The production of a thin film of material onto an existing surface", "The process of taking sworn testimony out of court", "the testimony so taken", "The formation of snow or frost directly from water vapor", "The transformation of a gas into a solid without an intermediate liquid phase", "The formal placement of relics in a church or shrine, and the feast day commemorating it" ], "antonyms": [ "erosion", "sublimation" ], "synonyms": [ "desublimation" ], "word": "deposition", "num_translations": 48 }, "tolerable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being borne, tolerated or endured", "bearable or endurable", "Moderate in degree", "mediocre", "passable, acceptable or so-so", "Such as to be tolerated or countenanced", "permissible", "allowable", "In fair health", "passably well" ], "antonyms": [ "intolerable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tolerable", "num_translations": 32 }, "suspended": { "senses": [ "Caused to stop for a while", "interrupted or delayed", "Hung from above", "Attached slightly below the summit of the ovary", "Paid for but not consumed by a customer, so that it can be given to a less fortunate person", "A chemical suspension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abeyant" ], "word": "suspended", "num_translations": 12 }, "bedlam": { "senses": [ "A place or situation of chaotic uproar, and where confusion prevails", "An insane person", "a lunatic", "a madman", "A lunatic asylum", "a madhouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bedlam", "num_translations": 29 }, "stupidity": { "senses": [ "The property of being stupid", "An act that is stupid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dumbness", "unintelligence", "idiocy" ], "word": "stupidity", "num_translations": 96 }, "shyness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being shy", "a fear of social interactions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shyness" ], "word": "shyness", "num_translations": 35 }, "outgoing": { "senses": [ "Extraverted: talkative, friendly, and social, especially with respect to meeting new people easily and comfortably", "Going out, on its way out", "Being replaced in office" ], "antonyms": [ "introverted", "incoming" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "outgoing", "num_translations": 16 }, "apocalyptic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to an apocalypse:", "Portending a future apocalypse", "Eggcorn of apoplectic" ], "antonyms": [ "nonapocalyptic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "apocalyptic", "num_translations": 35 }, "canvass1": { "senses": [ "To toss in a canvas sheet", "to thrash, beat", "To solicit voters, opinions, etc from", "to go through, with personal solicitation or public addresses", "To conduct a survey", "To campaign", "To sift", "to strain", "to examine thoroughly", "to scrutinize", "To examine by discussion", "to debate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "canvass", "num_translations": 32 }, "cartographer": { "senses": [ "One who makes maps or charts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cartographist", "mapmaker" ], "word": "cartographer", "num_translations": 30 }, "clement": { "senses": [ "Lenient or merciful", "charitable", "Mild" ], "antonyms": [ "inclement" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "clement", "num_translations": 17 }, "connive": { "senses": [ "Often followed by with: to secretly cooperate with another person or persons in order to commit a crime or other wrongdoing", "to collude, to conspire", "Of parts of a plant: to be converging or in close contact", "Often followed by at: to pretend to be ignorant of something in order to escape blame", "to ignore or overlook a fault deliberately", "To open and close the eyes rapidly", "to wink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "connive", "num_translations": 28 }, "construe1": { "senses": [ "To interpret or explain the meaning of something", "To analyze the grammatical structure of a clause or sentence", "to parse", "To admit of grammatical analysis", "To translate", "To infer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "construe", "num_translations": 23 }, "conman": { "senses": [ "A confidence trickster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deceiver" ], "word": "conman", "num_translations": 36 }, "debauch1": { "senses": [ "To morally corrupt", "to seduce", "To debase", "to lower the value of", "To indulge in revelry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "debauch", "num_translations": 21 }, "deferential": { "senses": [ "Respectful and considerate", "showing deference", "Based on deference", "based on the doctrine, ideology, or wishes of others rather than one's own conclusions", "Of, or relating to the vas deferens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deferential", "num_translations": 14 }, "disparity": { "senses": [ "The state of being unequal", "difference", "Incongruity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unalikeness" ], "word": "disparity", "num_translations": 25 }, "impostor": { "senses": [ "Someone who attempts to deceive by using an assumed name or identity", "A sprite or animation integrated into a three-dimensional scene, but not based on an actual 3D model" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impersonator" ], "word": "impostor", "num_translations": 28 }, "rumble1": { "senses": [ "To make a low, heavy, continuous sound", "To discover deceitful or underhanded behaviour", "To move while making a rumbling noise", "To fight", "to brawl", "to provide haptic feedback by vibrating", "To murmur", "to ripple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rumble", "num_translations": 57 }, "morale": { "senses": [ "The capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "esprit de corps" ], "word": "morale", "num_translations": 39 }, "stubbornness": { "senses": [ "The state of being stubborn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinacy" ], "word": "stubbornness", "num_translations": 41 }, "glovecompartment": { "senses": [ "A compartment recessed in an automobile's dashboard, that usually has a door and can be locked, intended to hold gloves, papers, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glove box" ], "word": "glovecompartment", "num_translations": 23 }, "periodicity": { "senses": [ "Recurrence of a woman's periods", "menstruation", "The quality of being periodic", "tendency to recur at regular intervals", "The quality of a function with a repeated set of values at regular intervals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "periodicity", "num_translations": 11 }, "recurrence": { "senses": [ "Return or reversion to a certain state", "The instance of recurring", "frequent occurrence", "A return of symptoms as part of the natural progress of a disease", "Recourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reoccurrence" ], "word": "recurrence", "num_translations": 18 }, "code-switching": { "senses": [ "The phenomenon of alternating between two or more languages or language varieties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "code-mixing" ], "word": "code-switching", "num_translations": 22 }, "post-": { "senses": [ "after, later", "behind" ], "antonyms": [ "pre-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "post-", "num_translations": 28 }, "janitor": { "senses": [ "Someone who looks after the maintenance and cleaning of a public building", "A doorman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maintenance person", "mostly British", "cleaner", "concierge", "custodian", "groundskeeper", "curator", "porter" ], "word": "janitor", "num_translations": 69 }, "quatrain": { "senses": [ "A poem in four lines", "A stanza of four lines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tetrastich" ], "word": "quatrain", "num_translations": 28 }, "rescind": { "senses": [ "To repeal, annul, or declare void", "to take out of effect", "To cut away or off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cancel" ], "word": "rescind", "num_translations": 45 }, "subheading": { "senses": [ "any of the headings under which each of the main divisions of a subject may be subdivided", "a heading or caption subordinate to a main headline, heading, or title especially when inserted as a divider between sections" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subhead", "dek" ], "word": "subheading", "num_translations": 10 }, "iatrogenic": { "senses": [ "Induced by the words or actions of the physician or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nosocomial" ], "word": "iatrogenic", "num_translations": 18 }, "offender": { "senses": [ "One who gives or causes offense, or does something wrong", "A person who commits an offense against the law, a lawbreaker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:criminal" ], "word": "offender", "num_translations": 40 }, "quadrature": { "senses": [ "The process of making something square", "squaring", "The act or process of constructing a square that has the same area as a given plane figure, or of computing that area", "The calculation of a definite integral by numerical means", "The act or process of solving an indefinite integral by symbolic means", "A situation in which the directions of two celestial bodies form a right-angle from the perspective of the observer", "The condition in which the phase angle between two alternating quantities is 90\u00b0", "A painting painted on a wooden panel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quadrature", "num_translations": 24 }, "trackandfield": { "senses": [ "A group of athletic sports, consisting mainly of various kinds of running, jumping and throwing, that take place on a track and the enclosed field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "athletics" ], "word": "trackandfield", "num_translations": 26 }, "birdwatching": { "senses": [ "Observing or identifying wild birds in their natural environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "birding" ], "word": "birdwatching", "num_translations": 16 }, "birdwatcher": { "senses": [ "A person who observes or identifies wild birds in their natural environment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "birder" ], "word": "birdwatcher", "num_translations": 24 }, "amateurradio": { "senses": [ "The hobby or pastime of communicating worldwide by two-way radio and striving for \u201cDX\" receptions that are challenging, usually because of distance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ham radio" ], "word": "amateurradio", "num_translations": 10 }, "boris": { "senses": [ "male given name", "person of Russian descent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ivan" ], "word": "Boris", "num_translations": 19 }, "luscious": { "senses": [ "sweet and pleasant", "delicious", "sexually appealing", "seductive", "obscene" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "luscious", "num_translations": 30 }, "entangle": { "senses": [ "To tangle up", "to twist or interweave in such a manner as not to be easily separated", "To involve in such complications as to render extrication difficult", ", to ensnare", "To involve in difficulties or embarrassments", "to embarrass, puzzle, or distract by adverse or perplexing circumstances, interests, demands, etc", "to hamper", "to bewilder" ], "antonyms": [ "disentangle" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "entangle", "num_translations": 49 }, "footer": { "senses": [ "A footgoer", "pedestrian", "A line of information printed at the bottom of a page as identification of the document" ], "antonyms": [ "header" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "footer", "num_translations": 15 }, "bashful": { "senses": [ "Shy", "not liking to be noticed", "socially timid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shy", "Thesaurus:shy" ], "word": "bashful", "num_translations": 40 }, "fluctuate": { "senses": [ "To vary irregularly", "to swing", "To undulate", "To be irresolute", "to waver", "To cause to vary irregularly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fluctuate", "num_translations": 31 }, "pimping1": { "senses": [ "The practise of procuring prostitutes", "The process of modifying a vehicle , predominantly focusing on its appearance and audiovisual system as opposed to performance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pandering", "poncing", "procuration", "procuring", "procurement", "proxenetism" ], "word": "pimping", "num_translations": 38 }, "insoluble": { "senses": [ "That cannot be dissolved", "That cannot be solved", "unsolvable", "insolvable", "That cannot be explained", "mysterious or inexplicable", "That cannot be broken down or dispersed" ], "antonyms": [ "soluble" ], "synonyms": [ "inexplicable" ], "word": "insoluble", "num_translations": 30 }, "clipping1": { "senses": [ "An article clipped from a newspaper", "A short form created by removing syllables", "The process of cutting off a signal level that rises above a certain maximum level", "The use of a mask to hide part of an object or image", "Falling, rolling, or throwing one's body on the back of an opponent's legs after approaching from behind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "offcut", "cutting", "short form" ], "word": "clipping", "num_translations": 39 }, "first-personshooter": { "senses": [ "A combat or video game in the genre characterized by a three-dimensional view from the player's perspective and the ability to fire a weapon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "FPS" ], "word": "first-personshooter", "num_translations": 11 }, "depressive": { "senses": [ "Causing depression", "dispiriting", "Affected by depression, depressed", "dispirited", "melancholic", "Relating to or characteristic of depression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "depressive", "num_translations": 18 }, "bidirectional": { "senses": [ "Moving in two directions", "Operating or functioning in two directions" ], "antonyms": [ "unidirectional" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "bidirectional", "num_translations": 42 }, "instigator": { "senses": [ "A person who intentionally instigates, incites, or starts something, especially one that creates trouble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inciter", "initiator", "troublemaker" ], "word": "instigator", "num_translations": 28 }, "corrupted": { "senses": [ "Marked by immorality and perversion", "depraved", "Dishonest", "Containing errors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corrupt" ], "word": "corrupted", "num_translations": 21 }, "logistics": { "senses": [ "The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from their point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of satisfying customer requirements", "The procurement, supply, maintenance, and transportation of equipment, facilities, and personnel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "supply line" ], "word": "logistics", "num_translations": 57 }, "supplychain": { "senses": [ "A system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "logistics network", "supply network" ], "word": "supplychain", "num_translations": 20 }, "crushing1": { "senses": [ "That crushes", "overwhelming", "Devastatingly disheartening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gutting", "Thesaurus:disheartening" ], "word": "crushing", "num_translations": 15 }, "machinist": { "senses": [ "A constructor of machines and engines", "one versed in the principles of machines", "One skilled in the use of machine tools for fashioning metal parts or tools out of metal", "A person who operates machinery", "A person employed to shift scenery in a theater" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "operator" ], "word": "machinist", "num_translations": 39 }, "woodchuck": { "senses": [ "A rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots, Marmota monax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "groundhog" ], "word": "woodchuck", "num_translations": 27 }, "crewcut": { "senses": [ "A closely-cropped male haircut in which the hairs stick upward, like the short bristles of a brush" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brush cut" ], "word": "crewcut", "num_translations": 17 }, "nimbus": { "senses": [ "A circle of light", "a halo", "A gray rain cloud" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "halo" ], "word": "nimbus", "num_translations": 56 }, "gabble": { "senses": [ "To talk fast, idly, foolishly, or without meaning", "To utter inarticulate sounds with rapidity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "babble" ], "word": "gabble", "num_translations": 11 }, "endurable": { "senses": [ "Able to be endured", "tolerable", "bearable", "Capable of enduring", "likely to endure", "durable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "endurable", "num_translations": 18 }, "passable": { "senses": [ "That may be passed or traversed", "Tolerable", "adequate", "no more than satisfactory", "able to \"pass\", or be accepted as a member of a race, sex or other group to which society would not otherwise regard one as belonging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "passable", "num_translations": 18 }, "adequately": { "senses": [ "In an adequate manner", "Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need", "sufficiently", "satisfactorily", "Barely satisfactory or sufficient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adequately", "num_translations": 19 }, "propagation": { "senses": [ "the multiplication or natural increase in a population", "the dissemination of something to a larger area or greater number", "the act of propagating, especially the movement of a wave", "the elongation part of transcription", "winning new converts", "some degree of success in the spread of propaganda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "propagation", "num_translations": 23 }, "autocratic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to autocracy or to an autocrat", "absolute", "holding independent and arbitrary powers of government", "Of or pertaining to the manner of an autocrat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "despotic", "dictatorial" ], "word": "autocratic", "num_translations": 31 }, "macroscopic": { "senses": [ "visible to the unassisted eye", "Having an appreciable mass" ], "antonyms": [ "microscopic" ], "synonyms": [ "naked-eye" ], "word": "macroscopic", "num_translations": 11 }, "whitebread": { "senses": [ "Bread made from white flour", "A white person, a person of European descent, a Caucasian", "a person who 'acts white'" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "whitey" ], "word": "whitebread", "num_translations": 26 }, "aestival": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to summer", "Coming forth in the summer" ], "antonyms": [ "brumal", "hibernal" ], "synonyms": [ "summer", "summery" ], "word": "aestival", "num_translations": 18 }, "charger": { "senses": [ "a device that charges or recharges", "a large horse trained for battle and used by the cavalry", "a large platter", "a large decorative plate, sometimes used under dinner plates or other savoury-dish vessels in a multi-course meal", "also service plate or underplate", "one who charges", "a speedloader that holds several cartridges together in a single unit for easier loading of a firearm's magazine", "a rectal concealment container for prohibited material such as money, drugs and tools" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "charger", "num_translations": 47 }, "celestialsphere": { "senses": [ "An abstract sphere of infinite radius which serves as the imaginary backdrop for celestial objects, and of which the visible sky is one hemisphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "empyrean", "firmament", "heavens", "vault of heaven", "welkin" ], "word": "celestialsphere", "num_translations": 56 }, "circumscription": { "senses": [ "The act of circumscribing or the quality of being circumscribed", "Anything that circumscribes or a circumscribed area", "The definition of what does and does not belong to a given taxon, from a particular taxonomic viewpoint or taxonomic system", "An electoral district", "used often in texts treating electoral systems in Romance countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "circumscription", "num_translations": 10 }, "litigious": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to litigation", "Inclined to engage in lawsuits", "Argumentative or combative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "litigatious", "litiginous" ], "word": "litigious", "num_translations": 12 }, "madrilenian": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to Madrid, or to its inhabitants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Madrile\u00f1o" ], "word": "Madrilenian", "num_translations": 20 }, "madrilenian1": { "senses": [ "Someone from Madrid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Madrile\u00f1o" ], "word": "Madrilenian", "num_translations": 20 }, "jester": { "senses": [ "One who jests, jokes or teases", "A person in colourful garb and fool's cap who amused a medieval and early modern royal or noble court", "Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Southeast Asian genus Symbrenthia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buffoon", "buffoon" ], "word": "jester", "num_translations": 35 }, "fallout": { "senses": [ "The event of small airborne particles falling to the ground in significant quantities as a result of major industrial activity, volcano eruption, sandstorm, nuclear explosion, etc", "The particles themselves", "A negative side effect", "an undesirable or unexpected consequence", "A declined offer in a sales transaction when acceptance was presumed", "The person who declines such an offer", "An impromptu guest used to fill in for another guest spot who is a no show or who has cancelled last minute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "repercussion" ], "word": "fallout", "num_translations": 68 }, "magnification": { "senses": [ "The act of magnifying", "enlargement", "exaggeration", "The apparent enlargement of an object in an image" ], "antonyms": [ "minification" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "magnification", "num_translations": 14 }, "irruption": { "senses": [ "The action of irrupting or breaking into", "a violent entry or invasion", "an inbreaking", "an intrusion", "An abrupt increase of an animal population", "An abrupt increase in the size of a movement or organization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "irruption", "num_translations": 13 }, "disapprove": { "senses": [ "To condemn", "to consider wrong or inappropriate", "used with of", "To refuse to approve", "reject", "To have or express an unfavorable opinion" ], "antonyms": [ "approve" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disapprove", "num_translations": 23 }, "rampart": { "senses": [ "A defensive mound of earth or a wall with a broad top and usually a stone parapet", "a wall-like ridge of earth, stones or debris", "an embankment for defensive purpose", "A defensive structure", "a protective barrier", "a bulwark", "That which defends against intrusion from outside", "a protection", "A steep bank of a river or gorge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rampart", "num_translations": 67 }, "reliance": { "senses": [ "The act of relying", "trust", "The condition of being reliant or dependent", "Anything on which to rely", "ground of trust", "A person or thing which relies on another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reliance", "num_translations": 24 }, "shitter": { "senses": [ "One who defecates", "A toilet or lavatory", "an outhouse", "The anus", "An objectionable person or thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crapper", "See", "Thesaurus:anus" ], "word": "shitter", "num_translations": 30 }, "tailgate1": { "senses": [ "To drive dangerously close behind another vehicle", "To follow another person through access control on their access, rather than on one's own credentials, especially when entering a door controlled by a card reader", "To privately purchase or sell a security immediately after trading in the same security for a client" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piggyback" ], "word": "tailgate", "num_translations": 21 }, "glassy": { "senses": [ "Of or like glass, especially in being smooth and somewhat reflective", "Including a lot of glass", "Dull", "expressionless", "Lacking any chop", "smooth and mostly flat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "glassy", "num_translations": 23 }, "adhesion": { "senses": [ "The ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance", "Persistent attachment or loyalty", "An agreement to adhere", "An abnormal union of surface by the formation of new tissue resulting from an inflammatory process", "The binding of a cell to a surface or substrate" ], "antonyms": [ "cohesion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "adhesion", "num_translations": 29 }, "triennial": { "senses": [ "Happening every three years", "Lasting for three years" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trieterical" ], "word": "triennial", "num_translations": 11 }, "crossover": { "senses": [ "A place where one thing crosses over another", "The means by which the crossing is made", "The result of the exchange of genetic material during meiosis", "A blend of multiple styles of music or multiple film genres, intended to appeal to a wider audience", "An automobile that is a mix of two kinds of automobiles, eg the Pontiac Torrent", "A pair of switches and a short, diagonal length of track which together connect two parallel tracks and allow passage between them", "A piece of fiction that borrows elements from two or more fictional universes", "An athlete or swimmer who has competed in more than one of open water swimming, pool swimming, triathlon, and endurance sports" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crossover", "num_translations": 21 }, "cloudburst": { "senses": [ "A sudden heavy rainstorm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cloudbust" ], "word": "cloudburst", "num_translations": 41 }, "typographer": { "senses": [ "a person skilled in typography", "a typewriter", "a kind of bark beetle, Ips typographus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "typographist" ], "word": "typographer", "num_translations": 27 }, "normalcy": { "senses": [ "The state of being normal", "the fact of being normal", "normality" ], "antonyms": [ "abnormalcy", "abnormality" ], "synonyms": [ "normality" ], "word": "normalcy", "num_translations": 47 }, "versify": { "senses": [ "to make or compose verses", "to tell in verse", "deal with in verse form", "to turn into poetry", "rewrite in verse form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "versify", "num_translations": 15 }, "oldslavonic": { "senses": [ "Old Church Slavonic language", "Proto-Slavic language", "Old East Slavic language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Old Bulgarian", "Common Slavic", "Old East Slavonic" ], "word": "OldSlavonic", "num_translations": 44 }, "binarystar": { "senses": [ "A stellar system in which two stars orbit around their center of mass", "double star" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binary" ], "word": "binarystar", "num_translations": 25 }, "allthemore": { "senses": [ "Even more", "notably, but even more notably due to additional information, either preceding or following the statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all the more so" ], "word": "allthemore", "num_translations": 28 }, "nether": { "senses": [ "Lower", "under", "Lying beneath, or conceived as lying beneath, the Earth's surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bottom", "subsurface" ], "word": "nether", "num_translations": 33 }, "stardust": { "senses": [ "a powder with supposedly magic or charismatic qualities", "A type of cosmic dust that condensed from cooling ejected gases from individual presolar stars and incorporated into the cloud from which the Solar System condensed", "A distant cluster of stars, resembling a cloud, the individual stars of which cannot be resolved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cosmic dust" ], "word": "stardust", "num_translations": 24 }, "budge": { "senses": [ "To move", "To move", "To yield in one's opinions or beliefs", "To cut or butt", "to join the front or middle rather than the back of a queue", "To try to improve the spot of a decision on a sports field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shift" ], "word": "budge", "num_translations": 29 }, "carteblanche": { "senses": [ "Unlimited discretionary power to act", "unrestricted authority", "A blank paper that is signed by some authority and given to a person to fill as they please" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proxy in blank", "blank check" ], "word": "carteblanche", "num_translations": 22 }, "rip-off": { "senses": [ "A bad deal", "an unfair or exorbitant price or rate", "A theft or robbery", "A scam", "A copy, especially one that is illegal or inferior" ], "antonyms": [ "bad deal or unfair price or rate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rip-off", "num_translations": 17 }, "requisition": { "senses": [ "A formal request for something", "That which is required by authority", "especially, a quota of supplies or necessaries", "A call", "an invitation", "a summons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "requisition", "num_translations": 10 }, "detachment": { "senses": [ "The action of detaching", "separation", "The state of being detached or disconnected", "insulation", "Indifference to the concerns of others", "disregard", "nonchalance", "aloofness", "Absence of bias", "impartiality", "objectivity", "The separation of a military unit from the main body for a particular purpose or special mission", "The unit so dispatched", "A permanent unit organized for special duties", "Any smaller portion of a main body separately employed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "detachment", "num_translations": 56 }, "franchise": { "senses": [ "The right to vote at a public election or referendum", "see: suffrage, suffragette", "A right or privilege officially granted to a person, a group of people, or a company by a government", "An acknowledgment of a corporation's existence and ownership", "The authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area", "A legal exemption from jurisdiction", "The membership of a corporation or state", "citizenship", "The district or jurisdiction to which a particular privilege extends", "the limits of an immunity", "hence, an asylum or sanctuary", "The collection of organizations in the history of a sports team", "the tradition of a sports team as an entity, extending beyond the contemporary organization", "The positive influence on the buying behavior of customers exerted by the reputation of a company or a brand", "The loose collection of fictional works pertaining to a particular universe, including literary, film or television series from various sources", "Exemption from constraint or oppression", "freedom", "liberty", "Magnanimity", "generosity", "liberality", "frankness", "nobility" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "franchisee" ], "word": "franchise", "num_translations": 74 }, "discjockey": { "senses": [ "A person who conducts a radio program of recorded music combined with talk, news, commercials, weather, etc", "A person who plays, and sometimes mixes, recorded music at nightclubs, dances, parties, or some other social event", "and/or as a backup musician for spoken word, or hip hop performers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deejay", "DJ", "discaire" ], "word": "discjockey", "num_translations": 31 }, "steadfastly": { "senses": [ "In a steadfast manner", "firmly", "with conviction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinacy" ], "word": "steadfastly", "num_translations": 12 }, "chieftain": { "senses": [ "A leader of a clan or tribe", "A leader of a group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chief", "big gun", "big shot", "big wheel", "bigwig", "boss", "employer", "foreman", "head", "leader", "mandarin", "manager", "mover and shaker", "top banana", "top dog", "tycoon" ], "word": "chieftain", "num_translations": 53 }, "frangible": { "senses": [ "Able to be broken", "breakable, fragile" ], "antonyms": [ "infrangible", "unfrangible" ], "synonyms": [ "fragmentable" ], "word": "frangible", "num_translations": 11 }, "straighten": { "senses": [ "To cause to become straight", "To become straight", "To put in order", "to sort", "to tidy up", "To clarify a situation or concept to", "To bribe or corrupt", "To stand up, especially from a sitting position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "straighten", "num_translations": 38 }, "disabled": { "senses": [ "Made incapable of use or action", "Having a disability", "Legally disqualified" ], "antonyms": [ "enabled" ], "synonyms": [ "incapacitated", "indisposed", "invalid" ], "word": "disabled", "num_translations": 76 }, "validation": { "senses": [ "The act of validating something", "Something, such as a certificate, that validates something", "attestation, authentication, confirmation, proof or verification", "The process whereby others confirm the validity of one's emotions", "The process of identifying a new prisoner's gang affiliation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "validation", "num_translations": 24 }, "distil": { "senses": [ "To exude in small drops", "To impart in small quantities", "To extract the essence of", "concentrate", "purify", "To trickle down or fall in small drops", "ooze out", "To be manifested gently or gradually", "To drip or be wet with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "distil", "num_translations": 72 }, "oldwoman": { "senses": [ "An elderly woman", "A person who is always complaining about his or her situation", "One's wife", "One's mother", "The plant sea wormwood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:old woman", "Thesaurus:wife" ], "word": "oldwoman", "num_translations": 106 }, "desktopcomputer": { "senses": [ "A computer of a size designed to be used on a desk or table, as opposed to larger machines, such as mainframes, and smaller machines, such as laptops and palmtops" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desktop" ], "word": "desktopcomputer", "num_translations": 32 }, "anabasis": { "senses": [ "A military march up-country, especially that of Cyrus the Younger into Asia", "The first period, or increase, of a disease", "augmentation" ], "antonyms": [ "catabasis" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "anabasis", "num_translations": 10 }, "unify": { "senses": [ "Cause to become one", "make into a unit", "consolidate", "merge", "combine", "Become one" ], "antonyms": [ "divide" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unify", "num_translations": 52 }, "unification": { "senses": [ "The act of unifying", "The state of being unified", "Given two terms, their join with respect to a specialisation order" ], "antonyms": [ "division" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unification", "num_translations": 44 }, "atall": { "senses": [ "Indicating degree, quantity or frequency greater than zero: to the slightest degree, in any way, somewhat, rather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whatsoever", "in the least" ], "word": "atall", "num_translations": 70 }, "thud1": { "senses": [ "To make the sound of a dull impact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flump" ], "word": "thud", "num_translations": 16 }, "blocked": { "senses": [ "obstructed impeding general movement", "obstructed impeding total flow in a pipe, etc", "Drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forwrought", "choked", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "blocked", "num_translations": 18 }, "cysticfibrosis": { "senses": [ "An inherited condition in which the exocrine glands produce abnormally viscous mucus, causing chronic respiratory and digestive problems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mucoviscidosis" ], "word": "cysticfibrosis", "num_translations": 14 }, "disparaging": { "senses": [ "Insulting, ridiculing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "degrading" ], "word": "disparaging", "num_translations": 23 }, "assoonas": { "senses": [ "as soon", "At the moment when", "immediately after", "Used to indicate that the first action mentioned is as likely as, or is preferred to, the second action mentioned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "immediately", "once" ], "word": "assoonas", "num_translations": 68 }, "corral": { "senses": [ "An enclosure for livestock, especially a circular one", "An enclosure or area to concentrate a dispersed group", "A circle of wagons, either for the purpose of trapping livestock, or for defense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pen", "stockade" ], "word": "corral", "num_translations": 27 }, "daytime": { "senses": [ "The time of daylight", "the time between sunrise and sunset" ], "antonyms": [ "night" ], "synonyms": [ "day" ], "word": "daytime", "num_translations": 36 }, "countrybumpkin": { "senses": [ "An unsophisticated person from the rural area of a particular country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boor", "churl", "hick", "hillbilly", "rustic", "yokel" ], "word": "countrybumpkin", "num_translations": 37 }, "confront": { "senses": [ "To stand or meet facing, especially in competition, hostility or defiance", "to come face to face with", "To deal with", "To something bring face to face with", "To come up against", "to encounter", "To set a thing side by side with", "to compare", "To put a thing facing to", "to set in contrast to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "confront", "num_translations": 72 }, "plucky": { "senses": [ "Having or showing pluck, courage or spirit in trying circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brave", "spunky", "feisty" ], "word": "plucky", "num_translations": 26 }, "motivate": { "senses": [ "To provide someone with an incentive to do something", "to encourage", "To animate", "to propel", "to cause to take action" ], "antonyms": [ "demotivate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "motivate", "num_translations": 26 }, "flair": { "senses": [ "A natural or innate talent or aptitude", "Distinctive style or elegance", "Smell", "odor", "Olfaction", "sense of smell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flair", "num_translations": 24 }, "pleonastic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to pleonasm", "Redundant", "Characterised by the use of redundant words or an excessive number of words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perissological", "Thesaurus:verbose" ], "word": "pleonastic", "num_translations": 21 }, "hematopoiesis": { "senses": [ "The process by which blood cells are produced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hematogenesis" ], "word": "hematopoiesis", "num_translations": 57 }, "extroverted1": { "senses": [ "Turned or thrust outwards, especially:" ], "antonyms": [ "introverted" ], "synonyms": [ "extrorse" ], "word": "extroverted", "num_translations": 27 }, "introverted1": { "senses": [ "Turned or thrust inward, particularly:" ], "antonyms": [ "extraverted" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "introverted", "num_translations": 33 }, "cheeky": { "senses": [ "Impudent", "impertinent", "impertinently bold, often in a way that is regarded as endearing or amusing", "tending to reveal the cheeks of the buttocks", "Poisonous , dangerous, cunning, violent, potent", "Indulged in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saucy", "insolent", "Thesaurus:cheeky" ], "word": "cheeky", "num_translations": 49 }, "exemption": { "senses": [ "An act of exempting", "The state of being exempt", "immunity", "A deduction from the normal amount of taxes", "Freedom from a defect or weakness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "free pass", "get out of jail free card", "immunity" ], "word": "exemption", "num_translations": 46 }, "annulment": { "senses": [ "An act or instance of annulling", "The state of having been annulled", "An invalidation of something, especially a legal contract", "A legal declaration that a marriage is invalid", "the procedure leading to it", "Total destruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abolition", "nullification", "cancellation" ], "word": "annulment", "num_translations": 71 }, "economically": { "senses": [ "In an economical manner", "not wastefully", "not extravagantly", "From the perspective of economics or an economy", "According to divine economy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "economically", "num_translations": 16 }, "economical": { "senses": [ "Careful with money so as not to spend too much", "prudent", "thrifty", "Saving money or resources", "Relating to economy in any other sense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "economical", "num_translations": 32 }, "brawny": { "senses": [ "Characterized by brawn", "muscular, thewy", "strong", "Calloused", "hardened" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brawny", "num_translations": 19 }, "citizenship": { "senses": [ "The status of being a citizen, in its various senses", "The state of being a citizen, in its various senses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "citizenhood", "freedom of the city" ], "word": "citizenship", "num_translations": 111 }, "bespectacled": { "senses": [ "Wearing spectacles" ], "antonyms": [ "unbespectacled", "unspectacled" ], "synonyms": [ "four-eyed" ], "word": "bespectacled", "num_translations": 27 }, "impoverish": { "senses": [ "To make poor", "To weaken in quality", "to deprive of some strength or richness", "To become poor" ], "antonyms": [ "enrich" ], "synonyms": [ "ruin", "deplete" ], "word": "impoverish", "num_translations": 46 }, "idleness": { "senses": [ "The state of being idle", "inactivity", "The state of being indolent", "indolence", "Groundlessness", "worthlessness", "triviality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "idleness", "num_translations": 51 }, "superstitious": { "senses": [ "Susceptible to superstitions", "Arising from or having the character of superstitions", "overexact", "unnecessarily scrupulous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freety" ], "word": "superstitious", "num_translations": 36 }, "meagre": { "senses": [ "Argyrosomus regius, an edible fish of the family Sciaenidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salmon-basse", "shade-fish", "stone basse" ], "word": "meagre", "num_translations": 17 }, "meagre1": { "senses": [ "Having little flesh", "lean", "thin", "Deficient or inferior in amount, quality or extent", "Of a set: such that, considered as a subset of a topological space, it is in a precise sense small or negligible", "Dry and harsh to the touch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "meagre", "num_translations": 24 }, "overtly": { "senses": [ "In an overt manner", "publicly", "openly" ], "antonyms": [ "in secret", "covertly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overtly", "num_translations": 18 }, "perversion": { "senses": [ "The action of perverting someone or something", "humiliation", "debasement", "The state of being perverted", "depravity", "vice", "A sexual practice considered abnormal", "sexual deviance" ], "antonyms": [ "normophilia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "perversion", "num_translations": 11 }, "uncultivated": { "senses": [ "Not cultivated by agricultural methods", "not prepared for cultivation", "Inadequately educated", "lacking art or knowledge", "Not attended to or fostered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "uncultivated", "num_translations": 17 }, "ascendancy": { "senses": [ "The process or period of one's ascent", "Supremacy", "dominant control", "the quality of being in the ascendant", "A class of Protestant landowners and professionals that dominated political and social life in Ireland up to the early 20th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ascendancy", "num_translations": 39 }, "strut1": { "senses": [ "To swell", "protuberate", "bulge or spread out", "To stand or walk stiffly, with the tail erect and spread out", "To walk proudly or haughtily", "To cause to swell", "enlarge", "give more importance to", "To protrude", "cause to bulge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swagger" ], "word": "strut", "num_translations": 46 }, "topmost": { "senses": [ "At or nearest to the top", "uppermost", "being the very highest" ], "antonyms": [ "bottom-most" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "topmost", "num_translations": 11 }, "disdainful": { "senses": [ "Showing contempt or scorn", "having a pronounced lack of concern for others viewed as unworthy" ], "antonyms": [ "respectful" ], "synonyms": [ "despising" ], "word": "disdainful", "num_translations": 21 }, "hurrah": { "senses": [ "Expressing approval, appreciation, or happiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:well done", "Thesaurus:yay" ], "word": "hurrah", "num_translations": 57 }, "unsuccessful": { "senses": [ "Failed, not successful" ], "antonyms": [ "successful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unsuccessful", "num_translations": 24 }, "swimmer": { "senses": [ "One who swims", "A protuberance on the leg of a horse", "A webfooted aquatic bird", "A sperm", "A Norfolk dumpling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swimmer", "num_translations": 63 }, "regimen": { "senses": [ "Orderly government", "system of order", "administration", "Any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operation", "object", "A syntactical relation between words, as when one depends on another and is regulated by it in respect to case or mood", "government", "Diet", "limitations on the food that one eats, for health reasons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regimen", "num_translations": 14 }, "outre": { "senses": [ "Beyond what is customary or proper", "extravagant", "Very unconventional" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bizarre" ], "word": "outre", "num_translations": 16 }, "moody": { "senses": [ "Given to sudden or frequent changes of mind", "temperamental", "Sulky or depressed", "Dour, gloomy or brooding", "dodgy or stolen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "moody", "num_translations": 31 }, "pretense": { "senses": [ "A false or hypocritical profession", "Intention or purpose not real but professed", "An unsupported claim made or implied", "An insincere attempt to reach a specific condition or quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "affectation", "false pretense", "fiction", "imitation", "pretext", "sham", "subterfuge", "Thesaurus:pretext" ], "word": "pretense", "num_translations": 13 }, "portfolio": { "senses": [ "A case for carrying papers, drawings, photographs, maps and other flat documents", "The collection of such documents, especially the works of an artist or photographer", "The post and the responsibilities of a cabinet minister or other head of a government department", "The group of investments and other assets held by an investor", "A collection of assets generally", "A range of products" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "portfolio", "num_translations": 49 }, "concierge": { "senses": [ "One who attends to the wishes of hotel guests", "One who attends to the maintenance of a building and provides services to its tenants and visitors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caretaker", "custodian", "janitor" ], "word": "concierge", "num_translations": 51 }, "margay": { "senses": [ "Leopardus wiedii, a spotted cat native to Central and South America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Felis wiedii" ], "word": "margay", "num_translations": 20 }, "languor": { "senses": [ "a state of the body or mind caused by exhaustion or disease and characterized by a languid feeling: lassitude", "listless indolence", "dreaminess", "dullness, sluggishness", "lack of vigor", "stagnation", "An enfeebling disease", "suffering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "languor", "num_translations": 16 }, "dizziness": { "senses": [ "The state of being dizzy", "the sensation of instability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "giddiness", "light-headedness", "vertigo" ], "word": "dizziness", "num_translations": 53 }, "hydrocephalus": { "senses": [ "A usually congenital condition in which an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cerebral ventricles causes enlargement of the skull and compression of the brain, destroying much of the neural tissue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water on the brain" ], "word": "hydrocephalus", "num_translations": 57 }, "incredulity": { "senses": [ "Unwillingness or inability to believe", "doubt about the truth or verisimilitude of something", "disbelief", "Religious disbelief, lack of faith" ], "antonyms": [ "credulity" ], "synonyms": [ "incredulousness" ], "word": "incredulity", "num_translations": 26 }, "seethrough": { "senses": [ "To perceive visually through something transparent", "To not be deceived by something that is false or misleading", "to understand the hidden truth about someone or something", "To recognize someone's true motives or character", "To provide support or cooperation to throughout a period of time", "to support someone through a difficult time", "To do something until it is finished", "to continue working on until it is finished", "To constitute ample supply for one for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seethrough", "num_translations": 53 }, "pokerface": { "senses": [ "An impassive facial expression cultivated to prevent other players from determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand, or of bluffing", "Any similar expression used to prevent giving away one's motives, feelings, or situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "straight face" ], "word": "pokerface", "num_translations": 31 }, "ganja": { "senses": [ "marijuana, as used for smoking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:marijuana" ], "word": "ganja", "num_translations": 22 }, "perishable1": { "senses": [ "Liable to perish, especially naturally subject to quick decomposition or decay" ], "antonyms": [ "imperishable", "unperishable" ], "synonyms": [ "ephemeral", "shortlived" ], "word": "perishable", "num_translations": 16 }, "admittedly": { "senses": [ "As is acknowledged to be true", "by general admission", "confessedly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "granted" ], "word": "admittedly", "num_translations": 15 }, "rowdy": { "senses": [ "Loud and disorderly", "riotous", "boisterous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unruly", "disorderly" ], "word": "rowdy", "num_translations": 18 }, "rowdy1": { "senses": [ "A boisterous person", "a brawler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brawler", "ruffian" ], "word": "rowdy", "num_translations": 20 }, "portsmouth": { "senses": [ "city/and/unitary authority co/Hampshire in southern cc/England", "town c/Dominica", "city s/Iowa", "city s/New Hampshire", "city s/Ohio", "town s/Rhode Island", "city s/Virginia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pompey" ], "word": "Portsmouth", "num_translations": 28 }, "exeter": { "senses": [ "city/county town co/Devon in south-west cc/England", "village s/New South Wales c/Australia", "suburb city/Adelaide s/South Australia", "small town s/Tasmania c/Australia", "community co/Huron County p/Ontario c/Canada", "city co/Tulare County s/California c/USA", "village town/Lebanon s/Connecticut c/USA", "village co/Scott County s/Illinois c/USA", "town co/Penobscot County s/Maine c/USA", "city co/Barry County s/Missouri c/USA", "village co/Fillmore County s/Nebraska c/USA", "town co/Rockingham County s/New Hampshire c/USA", "town co/Otsego County s/New York c/USA", "ghost town co/Licking County s/Ohio c/USA", "borough co/Luzerne County s/Pennsylvania c/USA", "town co/Washington County s/Rhode Island c/USA", "unincorporated community/and/coal town co/Wise County s/Virginia c/USA", "town/and/unincorporated community co/Green County s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Exeter", "num_translations": 15 }, "humble": { "senses": [ "Not pretentious or magnificent", "unpretending", "unassuming", "Having a low opinion of oneself", "not proud, arrogant, or assuming", "modest", "Near the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "humble", "num_translations": 121 }, "humble1": { "senses": [ "To defeat or reduce the power, independence, or pride of", "to make less proud or arrogant", "to make meek and submissive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abase" ], "word": "humble", "num_translations": 31 }, "sequencer": { "senses": [ "Any device that activates or deactivates the components of a machine or system according to a preplanned sequence", "A device or system that orders and/or modifies digitally stored music and sound for playback", "A device for determining the sequence of monomers in a polymer, especially amino acids in protein, or bases in DNA", "A sequenator", "A control device to increase/decrease the capacity of plant that is enabled to act in a specific order or sequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sequencer", "num_translations": 14 }, "truncate": { "senses": [ "To shorten by, or as if by, cutting part of it off", "To shorten by removing trailing digits", "To replace a corner by a plane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "round down" ], "word": "truncate", "num_translations": 30 }, "psittacosis": { "senses": [ "An infection by Chlamydia bacteria, caught from infected birds, and characterised by fever, pneumonia and headaches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ornithosis", "parrot disease", "parrot fever" ], "word": "psittacosis", "num_translations": 19 }, "beatup": { "senses": [ "To give a severe beating to", "to assault violently with repeated blows", "To attack suddenly", "to alarm", "To cause, by some other means, injuries comparable to the result of being beaten up", "To feel badly guilty and accuse oneself over something Usually followed by over or about", "Repeatedly bomb a military target or targets", "To get something done, derived from the idea of beating for game", "To sail to windward using a series of alternate tacks across the wind", "To disturb", "to pay an untimely visit to", "To go diligently about in order to get helpers or participants in an enterprise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "do over", "process" ], "word": "beatup", "num_translations": 38 }, "sandstorm": { "senses": [ "A strong wind carrying clouds of sand and dust through the air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "duststorm" ], "word": "sandstorm", "num_translations": 38 }, "democraticrepublicofthecongo": { "senses": [ "A large central African nation, formerly called Zaire, whose capital is Kinshasa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Congo", "Congo-Kinshasa", "Congo-Zaire", "DRC", "DR Congo", "Congo Free State" ], "word": "DemocraticRepublicoftheCongo", "num_translations": 79 }, "assimilation": { "senses": [ "The act of assimilating or the state of being assimilated", "The metabolic conversion of nutrients into tissue", "The absorption of new ideas into an existing cognitive structure", "A sound change process by which the phonetics of a speech segment becomes more like that of another segment in a word , so that a change of phoneme occurs", "The adoption, by a minority group, of the customs and attitudes of the dominant culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assimilation", "num_translations": 76 }, "payattention": { "senses": [ "To attend", "to be attentive", "to focus one's attention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "give heed" ], "word": "payattention", "num_translations": 58 }, "hypostasis": { "senses": [ "A sedimentary deposit, especially in urine", "The essential person, specifically the single person of Christ , or of the three \u2018persons' of the Trinity", "The underlying reality or substance of something", "The effect of one gene preventing another from expressing", "Postmortem lividity", "livor mortis", "suggillation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subsistence" ], "word": "hypostasis", "num_translations": 33 }, "inanition": { "senses": [ "The act of removing the contents of something", "the state of being empty", "A state of advanced lack of adequate nutrition, food, or water or a physiological inability to utilize them, with resulting weakness", "starvation or cachexia", "A spiritual emptiness or lack of purpose or will to live, akin to the Existentialist Philosophy state of \"nausea\"" ], "antonyms": [ "repletion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inanition", "num_translations": 15 }, "hertzsprung-russelldiagram": { "senses": [ "A graphic representation of the absolute magnitude of stars against their color , which shows the main sequence of stars plus the white dwarfs and red giants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HR diagram", "H-R diagram" ], "word": "Hertzsprung-Russelldiagram", "num_translations": 38 }, "bluesupergiant": { "senses": [ "a very large, hot and luminous star", "a large blue giant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BSG" ], "word": "bluesupergiant", "num_translations": 14 }, "severeacuterespiratorysyndrome": { "senses": [ "A form of pneumonia resulting from infection by a coronavirus characterized by fever, myalgia, lethargy and coughing and which can be fatal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SARS" ], "word": "severeacuterespiratorysyndrome", "num_translations": 12 }, "coronavirus": { "senses": [ "A member of the family Coronaviridae family, comprising viruses which infect animals and human beings, and the genome of which consists of a single strand of RNA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crown virus", "corona", "corona" ], "word": "coronavirus", "num_translations": 102 }, "cacophonous": { "senses": [ "Containing, consisting of, or producing harsh, unpleasant or discordant sounds" ], "antonyms": [ "harmonious" ], "synonyms": [ "inharmonious" ], "word": "cacophonous", "num_translations": 12 }, "-ite": { "senses": [ "Used to form nouns denoting followers or adherents of a specified person, idea, doctrine, movement, etc", "Used to form nouns denoting descendants of a specified historical person, especially a biblical figure", "Used to form demonyms", "Used to form nouns denoting rocks or minerals", "Used to form nouns denoting fossil organisms", "Used to form nouns denoting segments or components of the body or an organ of the body", "Used to form nouns denoting the product of a specified process or a commercially manufactured product", "Used to form names of certain chemical compounds, especially salts or esters of acids whose name ends in -ous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-ite", "num_translations": 61 }, "subconscious1": { "senses": [ "That part of the mind that is not consciously perceived", "one's innermost thoughts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subconsciousness", "subconscious" ], "word": "subconscious", "num_translations": 25 }, "gulfofriga": { "senses": [ "The inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bay of Riga", "Gulf of Livonia" ], "word": "GulfofRiga", "num_translations": 30 }, "-ate": { "senses": [ "having the specified thing", "characterized by the specified thing", "resembling the specified thing", "a thing characterised by the specified thing", "a rank or office", "a derivative of a specified element or compound", "especially a salt or ester of an acid whose name ends in -ic", "to act in the specified manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-ate", "num_translations": 32 }, "dealwith": { "senses": [ "To handle verbally or in some form of artistic expression", "to address or discuss as a subject", "To take action with respect to", "To consider, as an example", "To come to terms with", "to overcome any difficulties presented by", "To be in charge of, act on, or dispose of", "To behave in a certain way towards" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to terms with", "contend with", "cope with", "get by with", "grapple with", "make do with", "make out with", "manage with", "interact with" ], "word": "dealwith", "num_translations": 41 }, "saleable": { "senses": [ "Suitable for sale", "marketable", "worth enough to try to sell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sellable", "vendible" ], "word": "saleable", "num_translations": 21 }, "summertime": { "senses": [ "The period or season of summer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "summertide" ], "word": "summertime", "num_translations": 20 }, "armorer": { "senses": [ "a manufacturer of weapons, especially of guns", "a military specialist in charge of the upkeep of small arms etc", "someone who makes or repairs armor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gunsmith" ], "word": "armorer", "num_translations": 10 }, "undertheweather": { "senses": [ "Somewhat ill or gloomy", "Somewhat intoxicated or suffering from a hangover", "Experiencing adversity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "off one's feed", "out of sorts", "out of sorts" ], "word": "undertheweather", "num_translations": 28 }, "cutout": { "senses": [ "sever", "To refrain from , to stop/cease", "To remove, omit", "To oust, to replace", "To separate from a herd", "To stop working, to switch off", "to be inaudible, be disconnected", "To leave suddenly", "To arrange or prepare", "To intercept", "To take a ship out of a harbor etc by getting between her and the shore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cutout", "num_translations": 39 }, "consumptive": { "senses": [ "Having a tendency to consume", "dissipating", "destructive", "wasteful", "Of, or relating to consumption", "Relating to pulmonary tuberculosis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "consumptive", "num_translations": 14 }, "masturbator": { "senses": [ "Someone who masturbates", "A sex toy used to complement and help stimulate its user's erogenous zone during masturbation, and often designed to simulate an erotic body part" ], "antonyms": [ "fapstronaut" ], "synonyms": [ "jerk-off", "Thesaurus:masturbator" ], "word": "masturbator", "num_translations": 32 }, "ethics": { "senses": [ "The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct", "Morality", "The standards that govern the conduct of a person, especially a member of a profession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moral philosophy" ], "word": "ethics", "num_translations": 104 }, "superintendent": { "senses": [ "A person who is authorized to supervise, direct or administer something", "The manager of a building, usually a communal residence, who is responsible for keeping the facilities functional and often collecting rent or similar payments, either as also the building's landlord or on behalf of same Often abbreviated \"super\"", "The head of a Sunday school", "In some Protestant churches, a clergyman having the oversight of the clergy of a district", "A janitor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manager", "foreman", "chief", "controller", "overseer", "supervisor" ], "word": "superintendent", "num_translations": 55 }, "wuss": { "senses": [ "A weak, ineffectual, cowardly, or timid person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pansy", "pushover", "weakling", "wimp", "puss", "pussy", "Thesaurus:milksop", "Thesaurus:coward" ], "word": "wuss", "num_translations": 52 }, "revere": { "senses": [ "to regard someone or something with great awe or devotion", "to honour in a form lesser than worship, eg a saint, or an idol" ], "antonyms": [ "contemn", "despise" ], "synonyms": [ "respect", "venerate" ], "word": "revere", "num_translations": 31 }, "blotch": { "senses": [ "An uneven patch of color or discoloration", "An irregularly shaped area", "Imperfection", "blemish on one's reputation, stain", "Any of various crop diseases that cause the plant to form spots", "A bright or dark spot on old film caused by dirt and loss of the gelatin covering the film, due to age and poor film quality", "A dark spot on the skin", "a pustule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blotch", "num_translations": 13 }, "counting": { "senses": [ "a count", "the act by which something is counted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enumeration" ], "word": "counting", "num_translations": 12 }, "manumit": { "senses": [ "To release from slavery, to free" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emancipate", "liberate" ], "word": "manumit", "num_translations": 14 }, "manumission": { "senses": [ "Release from slavery or other legally sanctioned servitude", "the giving of freedom", "the act of manumitting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emancipation" ], "word": "manumission", "num_translations": 10 }, "neoprene": { "senses": [ "A synthetic rubber, a polymer of chloroprene, commonly used in wetsuits, laptop sleeves, orthopedic braces, electrical insulation, liquid and sheet-applied elastomeric membranes and flashings, car fan belts, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polychloroprene" ], "word": "neoprene", "num_translations": 14 }, "tracksuit": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jogging suit", "jogger" ], "word": "tracksuit", "num_translations": 36 }, "cognomen": { "senses": [ "surname", "the third part of the name of a citizen of ancient Rome", "a nickname or epithet by which someone is identified", "a byname", "a moniker or sobriquet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cognomen", "num_translations": 17 }, "menorah": { "senses": [ "A holy candelabrum with seven branches used in the Temple of Jerusalem", "A candelabrum with nine branches used in Jewish worship on Hanukkah" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hanukkiah" ], "word": "menorah", "num_translations": 38 }, "undergarment": { "senses": [ "Any garment worn underneath others, especially one worn next to the skin", "an item of underwear", "Temple garments worn by the followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jesus jammies" ], "word": "undergarment", "num_translations": 10 }, "narcissistic": { "senses": [ "Having an inflated idea of one's own importance", "Obsessed with one's own self image and ego" ], "antonyms": [ "nonnarcissistic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "narcissistic", "num_translations": 22 }, "thunderstruck": { "senses": [ "Astonished, amazed or so suddenly surprised as to be unable to speak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amazed" ], "word": "thunderstruck", "num_translations": 12 }, "tic-tac-toe": { "senses": [ "A game in which two players take turns putting circles and crosses on a 3x3 grid and try to get three of the same symbols in a line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "noughts and crosses", "X's and O's", "X-e O-zees", "Boxin' OXen", "Twiddles & Bears" ], "word": "tic-tac-toe", "num_translations": 28 }, "ticketinspector": { "senses": [ "A person who checks that passengers on a train etc have a valid ticket, and marks it so that it cannot be used again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conductor", "ticket collector" ], "word": "ticketinspector", "num_translations": 33 }, "cutup": { "senses": [ "To cut into smaller pieces, parts, or sections", "To lacerate", "to wound by multiple lacerations", "to injure or damage by cutting, or as if by cutting", "To distress mentally or emotionally", "To severely criticize or censure", "to subject to hostile criticism", "To behave like a clown or jokester", "to misbehave", "to act in a playful, comical, boisterous, or unruly manner to elicit laughter, attention, etc", "To move aggressively in front of another vehicle while driving US: cut off", "To disintegrate", "to break into pieces", "To divide into portions well or badly", "to have the property left at one's death turn out well or poorly when divided among heirs, legatees, etc", "Comprise a particular selection of runners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cut off" ], "word": "cutup", "num_translations": 13 }, "tidiness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being tidy" ], "antonyms": [ "untidiness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tidiness", "num_translations": 22 }, "herbage": { "senses": [ "Herbs collectively", "Herbaceous plant growth, especially grass", "The fleshy, often edible, parts of plants", "The natural pasture of a land, considered as distinct from the land itself", "hence, right of pasture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "herbage", "num_translations": 13 }, "tightropewalker": { "senses": [ "An acrobat who practices tightrope walking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aerialist", "funambulist", "highwire walker", "tightrope artist", "tightrope dancer" ], "word": "tightropewalker", "num_translations": 35 }, "tightropewalking": { "senses": [ "The acrobatic feat of walking on a tightrope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "funambulism" ], "word": "tightropewalking", "num_translations": 10 }, "sleuth": { "senses": [ "A detective", "a bloodhound", "An animal's trail or track" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "detective" ], "word": "sleuth", "num_translations": 61 }, "sleuth1": { "senses": [ "To act as a detective", "to try to discover who committed a crime, or, more generally, to solve a mystery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shadow" ], "word": "sleuth", "num_translations": 10 }, "time-consuming": { "senses": [ "Requiring significant amounts of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chronophagous" ], "word": "time-consuming", "num_translations": 22 }, "timeimmemorial": { "senses": [ "Time that extends beyond memory or record", "Time before 6th of July of 1189 Anno Domini" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "time out of mind" ], "word": "timeimmemorial", "num_translations": 11 }, "otorhinolaryngologist": { "senses": [ "A doctor specializing in otorhinolaryngology, the study of the ear, nose, and throat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "otolaryngologist" ], "word": "otorhinolaryngologist", "num_translations": 35 }, "blindspot": { "senses": [ "The place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina, and so where the retina cannot detect light", "In driving, the part of the road that cannot be seen in the rear-view mirror", "In a stadium or auditorium, any location affording those seated or standing there only an obstructed visual or auditory experience", "An inability to recognize a fact or think clearly about a certain topic, especially because of a prejudice", "A subject or area about which one is uninformed or misinformed, often because of a prejudice or lack of appreciation", "A location where radio reception and/or transmission is significantly poorer than in surrounding locations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dead spot" ], "word": "blindspot", "num_translations": 47 }, "rear-viewmirror": { "senses": [ "a mirror inside a vehicle that allows the driver to see the traffic behind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rear vision mirror" ], "word": "rear-viewmirror", "num_translations": 23 }, "biddy": { "senses": [ "A woman, especially an old woman", "especially one regarded as fussy or mean or a gossipy busybody", "An attractive girl", "An Irish maidservant", "An Irishwoman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "biddy", "num_translations": 12 }, "overseer": { "senses": [ "One who oversees or supervises", "A critic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "administrator", "foreman", "chief", "controller", "organizer", "superintendent", "supervisor", "curator" ], "word": "overseer", "num_translations": 38 }, "virginmary": { "senses": [ "Mary, the mother of Christ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Blessed Virgin", "Blessed Virgin Mary", "Madonna", "Mother of God", "Our Lady", "Our Lady of Sorrows", "Saint Mary", "Star of the Sea", "Theotokos", "Queen of Heaven" ], "word": "VirginMary", "num_translations": 60 }, "sanctify": { "senses": [ "To make holy", "to consecrate", "to set aside for sacred or ceremonial use", "To free from sin", "to purify", "To make acceptable or useful under religious law or practice", "To endorse with religious sanction" ], "antonyms": [ "profane" ], "synonyms": [ "consecrate", "cleanse" ], "word": "sanctify", "num_translations": 52 }, "discriminate": { "senses": [ "To make distinctions", "To make decisions based on prejudice", "To set apart as being different", "to mark as different", "to separate from another by discerning differences", "to distinguish" ], "antonyms": [ "favor" ], "synonyms": [ "distinguish", "disfavor" ], "word": "discriminate", "num_translations": 30 }, "guyfawkesnight": { "senses": [ "The revelry on Guy Fawkes Day in commemoration of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, traditionally including the burning of effigies of the pope, Guy Fawkes, and/or the Devil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bonfire Night", "Firework Night", "Cracker Night", "Pope Night" ], "word": "GuyFawkesNight", "num_translations": 10 }, "disability": { "senses": [ "State of being disabled", "deprivation or want of ability", "absence of competent physical, intellectual, or moral power, means, fitness, and the like", "A mental condition causing a difficulty with an intellectual task", "Want of legal qualification to do a thing", "legal incapacity or incompetency", "Regular payments received by a disabled person, usually from the state" ], "antonyms": [ "ability", "capacity", "competence", "competency", "potence", "potential", "qualification", "strength" ], "synonyms": [ "disqualification", "impotence", "inability", "incapacity", "incompetency", "incompetence", "weakness" ], "word": "disability", "num_translations": 32 }, "injection": { "senses": [ "The act of injecting, or something that is injected", "A morphism from either one of the two components of a coproduct to that coproduct", "The act of inserting materials like concrete grout or gravel by using high pressure pumps", "The supply of additional funding to a person or a business", "A relation on sets that associates each element of Y with at most one element of X", "The insertion of program code into an application, URL, hardware, etc", "especially when malicious or when the target is not designed for such insertion", "A function that maps distinct x in the domain to distinct y in the codomain", "formally, a f: X \u2192 Y such that f = f implies a = b for any a, b in the domain", "Something injected subcutaneously, intravenously, or intramuscularly by use of a syringe and a needle", "The act of throwing cold water into a condenser to produce a vacuum", "The cold water thrown into a condenser to produce a vacuum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "injection", "num_translations": 91 }, "jockey": { "senses": [ "One who rides racehorses competitively", "That part of a variable resistor or potentiometer that rides over the resistance wire", "An operator of some machinery or apparatus", "A dealer in horses", "a horse trader", "A cheat", "one given to sharp practice in trade", "A prostitute's client", "A rapist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prostitute's client" ], "word": "jockey", "num_translations": 39 }, "timeserver": { "senses": [ "Someone who honours their commitments only when it is personally easy to do so", "A person who conforms to current opinions, especially for reasons of personal advantage", "an opportunist", "Someone who performs a job for the required time only, making a minimum of effort", "A device, node or program that transmits the correct time to clients in a network" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "timeserver", "num_translations": 10 }, "decelerate": { "senses": [ "to reduce the velocity of something", "to reduce the rate of advancement of something, such as a disease", "to go slower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to retard" ], "word": "decelerate", "num_translations": 32 }, "spokeswoman": { "senses": [ "Woman who speaks as the voice of a group of people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prolocutress" ], "word": "spokeswoman", "num_translations": 13 }, "timetrial": { "senses": [ "An unpaced race in which riders or teams leaving at regular intervals are timed over a preset course or distance, the winner being the rider or team to finish in the fastest time", "Any competitive event in which competitors are timed rather than racing against each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "race of truth" ], "word": "timetrial", "num_translations": 11 }, "oestrus": { "senses": [ "a botfly", "A bite or sting", "A passion or frenzy", "A female animal's readiness to mate", "heat, rut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "oestrus", "num_translations": 18 }, "spokesperson": { "senses": [ "A person who acts as the voice of a group of people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spokesman" ], "word": "spokesperson", "num_translations": 32 }, "tingle": { "senses": [ "To ring", "To cause to ring", "To feel a prickling or mildly stinging sensation", "To make ringing sounds", "to twang", "To cause to feel a prickling or mildly stinging sensation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tingle", "num_translations": 26 }, "pinsandneedles": { "senses": [ "A tingling or prickling sensation, felt in a limb when a nerve compression is relieved and in other situations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paresthesia" ], "word": "pinsandneedles", "num_translations": 23 }, "respite": { "senses": [ "A brief interval of rest or relief", "A reprieve, especially from a sentence of death", "The delay of appearance at court granted to a jury beyond the proper term" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiatus" ], "word": "respite", "num_translations": 31 }, "tittle": { "senses": [ "A small, insignificant amount", "a modicum or speck", "Any small dot, stroke, or diacritical mark, especially if part of a letter, or if a letter-like abbreviation", "in particular, the dots over the Latin letters i and j" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "tittle", "num_translations": 20 }, "hooded": { "senses": [ "Wearing a hood", "Covered with a hood", "Shaped like a hood", "Having a crest or similar elastic skin in the neck area", "Fitted with a hood", "Having thick, drooping eyelids" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hooded", "num_translations": 18 }, "snowshoe": { "senses": [ "A flat item of footwear worn to facilitate walking in deep snow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "web" ], "word": "snowshoe", "num_translations": 30 }, "arbitrator": { "senses": [ "A person to whom the authority to settle or judge a dispute is delegated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arbiter" ], "word": "arbitrator", "num_translations": 21 }, "hyperkinesis": { "senses": [ "Abnormally increased and sometimes uncontrollable activity or muscular movements", "A condition especially of childhood characterized by hyperactivity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hyperkinetic disorder", "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" ], "word": "hyperkinesis", "num_translations": 10 }, "implosion": { "senses": [ "The inrush of air in forming a suction stop", "The action of imploding", "The act or action of bringing to or as if to a center" ], "antonyms": [ "explosion" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "implosion", "num_translations": 21 }, "decompress": { "senses": [ "To relieve the pressure or compression on something", "To bring someone back to normal atmospheric pressure after being exposed to high pressure", "To restore to its original form", "To adjust to normal atmospheric pressure after being exposed to high pressure", "To relax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "decompress", "num_translations": 19 }, "euclideanspace": { "senses": [ "Ordinary two- or three-dimensional space, characterised by an infinite extent along each dimension and a constant distance between any pair of parallel lines", "Any real vector space on which a real-valued inner product is defined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cartesian space" ], "word": "Euclideanspace", "num_translations": 18 }, "greatestcommondivisor": { "senses": [ "The largest positive integer that is a divisor of each of a given set of integers" ], "antonyms": [ "least common multiple" ], "synonyms": [ "gcd" ], "word": "greatestcommondivisor", "num_translations": 32 }, "austral": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or coming from the south" ], "antonyms": [ "boreal", "septentrional", "northern" ], "synonyms": [ "meridional", "southern" ], "word": "austral", "num_translations": 14 }, "boreal": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or coming from the north" ], "antonyms": [ "austral", "meridional" ], "synonyms": [ "septentrional", "northern" ], "word": "boreal", "num_translations": 17 }, "gcd": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"greatest common divisor\"" ], "antonyms": [ "lcm" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "gcd", "num_translations": 14 }, "arcticocean": { "senses": [ "The smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole, bordered by the three continents of Asia, Europe and North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arctic Sea" ], "word": "ArcticOcean", "num_translations": 107 }, "ideogram": { "senses": [ "A picture or symbol which represents the idea of something without indicating the sequence of sounds used to pronounce it Examples include digits, traffic signs, and graphic symbols such as @" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ideograph" ], "word": "ideogram", "num_translations": 33 }, "fruitful": { "senses": [ "Favourable to the growth of fruit or useful vegetation", "fertile", "not barren", "Being productive in any sense", "yielding benefits" ], "antonyms": [ "unfruitful", "barren", "infertile" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:productive" ], "word": "fruitful", "num_translations": 69 }, "sealevel": { "senses": [ "The nominal height of the surface of the oceans above which heights of geographical features and aircraft flight levels are measured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mean sea level" ], "word": "sealevel", "num_translations": 38 }, "livery": { "senses": [ "Any distinctive identifying uniform worn by a group, such as the uniform worn by chauffeurs and male servants", "The paint scheme of a vehicle or fleet of vehicles", "A taxicab or limousine", "The writ by which property is obtained", "The rental of horses or carriages", "the rental of canoes", "the care and/or boarding of horses for money", "A stable that keeps horses or carriages for rental", "An allowance of food", "a ration, as given out to a family, to servants, to horses, etc", "Release from wardship", "deliverance", "A low grade of wool", "Outward markings, fittings or appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "livery", "num_translations": 32 }, "tolerance": { "senses": [ "The ability to endure pain or hardship", "endurance", "The ability or practice of tolerating", "an acceptance of or patience with the beliefs, opinions or practices of others", "a lack of bigotry", "The ability of the body to resist the action of a poison, to cope with a dangerous drug or to survive infection by an organism", "The variation or deviation from a standard, especially the maximum permitted variation in an engineering measurement", "The ability of the body to accept a tissue graft without rejection" ], "antonyms": [ "intolerance" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tolerance", "num_translations": 77 }, "tailed1": { "senses": [ "Having a tail", "Of certain butterflies, having one or more filamentous projections on the tornal section of each hind wing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caudate" ], "word": "tailed", "num_translations": 11 }, "seeyoulater": { "senses": [ "A phrase used at parting, and not necessarily implying that the person being addressed will be seen later by the speaker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cul8r", "See", "goodbye" ], "word": "seeyoulater", "num_translations": 138 }, "massivelymultiplayeronlinerole-playinggame": { "senses": [ "An online computer role-playing game in which a large number of players can interact with one another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "MMORPG" ], "word": "massivelymultiplayeronlinerole-playinggame", "num_translations": 10 }, "contradictory": { "senses": [ "That contradicts something, such as an argument", "That is itself a contradiction", "That is diametrically opposed to something", "Mutually exclusive", "Tending to contradict or oppose, contrarious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "opposite", "mutually exclusive" ], "word": "contradictory", "num_translations": 65 }, "nestle": { "senses": [ "To settle oneself comfortably and snugly", "To press oneself against another affectionately", "To lie half-hidden or in shelter", "To build or sit upon a nest", "Of a bird: to look after its young", "To move or place into a comfortable position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "settle", "cuddle", "snuggle" ], "word": "nestle", "num_translations": 31 }, "counter-attack": { "senses": [ "An attack made in response to an attack by the opponents" ], "antonyms": [ "counter-time" ], "synonyms": [ "counter-offensive" ], "word": "counter-attack", "num_translations": 42 }, "domineering1": { "senses": [ "overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian" ], "antonyms": [ "submissive" ], "synonyms": [ "bossy", "Thesaurus:bossy" ], "word": "domineering", "num_translations": 15 }, "tophat": { "senses": [ "A man's formal hat, with a tall cylindrical crown", "A kind of steel batten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stovepipe hat", "topper" ], "word": "tophat", "num_translations": 35 }, "topical": { "senses": [ "Relating to a particular topic or subject", "Relating to a topic or subject of current interest", "Local to a particular place", "Applied to a localized part of the body", "Applied externally", "Arranged according to topic or theme", "thematic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "topical", "num_translations": 38 }, "topup": { "senses": [ "to refill something", "to refill the drink of", "to extend the credit of something", "to add to a number or amount to bring something up to a certain level" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in the sense of refill" ], "word": "topup", "num_translations": 21 }, "toreador": { "senses": [ "A bullfighter, especially one on horseback" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "torero" ], "word": "toreador", "num_translations": 25 }, "dibs": { "senses": [ "The right to use or enjoy something exclusively or before anyone else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bags" ], "word": "dibs", "num_translations": 16 }, "domesticcat": { "senses": [ "A domesticated cat, of the species Felis catus or Felis domesticus, especially one kept as a pet or for vermin control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "house cat" ], "word": "domesticcat", "num_translations": 25 }, "totality": { "senses": [ "The state of being total", "An aggregate quantity obtained by addition", "The phase of an eclipse when it is total" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entirety" ], "word": "totality", "num_translations": 17 }, "northernlights": { "senses": [ "The aurora of the northern hemisphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aurora borealis" ], "word": "northernlights", "num_translations": 50 }, "tugboat": { "senses": [ "A small, powerful boat used to push or pull barges or to help maneuver larger vessels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tug" ], "word": "tugboat", "num_translations": 71 }, "unitarian": { "senses": [ "A Christian who does not believe in the traditional doctrine of the Trinity", "A Muslim, Jew or other kind of monotheist who is not a Christian", "A member of a certain political movement, especially the Unitarios of nineteenth century Argentina" ], "antonyms": [ "Trinitarian" ], "synonyms": [ "Unitarian Universalist" ], "word": "Unitarian", "num_translations": 21 }, "logion": { "senses": [ "A traditional saying of a religious leader", "A saying that is attributed to Jesus in ancient or reconstructed texts that was handed down without narrative context" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agrapha" ], "word": "logion", "num_translations": 10 }, "skinandbones": { "senses": [ "A person or an animal that is emaciated or very thin, as from lack of nutrition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bony" ], "word": "skinandbones", "num_translations": 36 }, "ungainly": { "senses": [ "Clumsy", "lacking grace", "Difficult to move or to manage", "unwieldy", "Unsuitable", "unprofitable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ungainly", "num_translations": 30 }, "sicken": { "senses": [ "To make ill", "To become ill", "To fill with disgust or abhorrence", "To lower the standing of", "To be filled with disgust or abhorrence", "To become disgusting or tedious", "To become weak", "to decay", "to languish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sicken", "num_translations": 15 }, "saintmary": { "senses": [ "the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Virgin Mary" ], "word": "SaintMary", "num_translations": 53 }, "debenture": { "senses": [ "A certificate that certifies an amount of money owed to someone", "a certificate of indebtedness", "A certificate of a loan made to the government", "a government bond", "A type of debt instrument secured only by the general credit or promise to pay of the issuer, not involving any physical assets or collateral, now commonly issued by large, well established corporations with adequate credit ratings", "A document granting lenders a charge over a borrower's physical assets, giving them a means to collect a debt, as part of a secured loan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "debenture", "num_translations": 29 }, "icecreamcone": { "senses": [ "A thin, conical confection baked from crepe batter, sealed at its apex, used to hold ice cream while it is being eaten", "Any sweet, edible cone or half-open cylinder which can be used in this fashion", "often made with wafer or waffle techniques" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cone", "ice cream" ], "word": "icecreamcone", "num_translations": 39 }, "townhall": { "senses": [ "A building that houses the local government offices of a town", "The town council", "A meeting to which employees in general are allowed to attend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "city hall", "common hall", "common house", "burgh chambers" ], "word": "townhall", "num_translations": 56 }, "porous": { "senses": [ "Full of tiny pores that allow fluids or gasses to pass through", "With many gaps", "full of loopholes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "full of holes" ], "word": "porous", "num_translations": 29 }, "husbandry": { "senses": [ "The occupation or work of a husbandman or farmer", "the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock", "agriculture", "The prudent management or conservation of resources", "Administration or management of day-to-day matters", "Agricultural or cultivated land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "husbandry", "num_translations": 28 }, "insufferable": { "senses": [ "Not sufferable", "very difficult or impossible to endure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intolerable" ], "word": "insufferable", "num_translations": 16 }, "bradycardia": { "senses": [ "The condition of having a slow heartbeat, defined as under 60 beats per minute for an adult" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brachycardia" ], "word": "bradycardia", "num_translations": 10 }, "courier": { "senses": [ "a person who looks after and guides tourists", "a person who delivers messages", "a company that delivers messages", "a company that transports goods", "a user who earns access to a topsite by uploading warez" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "courier", "num_translations": 64 }, "superscript": { "senses": [ "A type of lettering form that appears as a number, figure, or symbol above the normal line of type, located at the right or left of another symbol or text" ], "antonyms": [ "subscript" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "superscript", "num_translations": 22 }, "hygienic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to hygiene", "clean, sanitary", "Whose expansion is guaranteed not to cause the accidental capture of identifiers" ], "antonyms": [ "unhygienic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hygienic", "num_translations": 25 }, "pincers1": { "senses": [ "A gripping tool, pivoted like a pair of scissors, but with blunt jaws", "The front claws of crustaceans such as lobsters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forceps", "chelae", "pair of pincers", "pinchers" ], "word": "pincers", "num_translations": 70 }, "tracingpaper": { "senses": [ "A translucent paper on which may be traced the design of whatever it is placed on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fodder" ], "word": "tracingpaper", "num_translations": 24 }, "traction": { "senses": [ "The act of pulling something along a surface using motive power", "the condition of being so pulled", "Grip", "The pulling power of an engine or animal", "The adhesive friction of a wheel etc on a surface", "A mechanically applied sustained pull, especially to a limb", "Collectively, the locomotives of a railroad, especially electric locomotives", "Progress in or momentum toward achieving a goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "traction", "num_translations": 19 }, "pulsate": { "senses": [ "To expand and contract rhythmically", "to throb or to beat", "To quiver, vibrate, or flash", "as to the beat of music", "To produce a recurring increase and decrease of some quantity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pulsate", "num_translations": 24 }, "varangian": { "senses": [ "A member of the ethnically Scandinavian people around the borders of Constantinople in the ninth and tenth centuries", "A member of the imperial body guard at Constantinople from 955" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Varyag" ], "word": "Varangian", "num_translations": 34 }, "romp1": { "senses": [ "especially, a girl or young woman who indulges in boisterous play", "a tomboy", "A period of boisterous play, a frolic", "now especially, a bout of sexual activity, especially when illicit", "An enjoyable, fast-paced but essentially inconsequential film, play, or other piece of entertainment", "A decisive victory", "a game, match etc which is won easily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "romp", "num_translations": 18 }, "trafficcircle": { "senses": [ "an intersection with a circular shape and, usually, a central island" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rotary", "roundabout" ], "word": "trafficcircle", "num_translations": 21 }, "trafficjam": { "senses": [ "A situation in which road traffic accumulates until it is stationary or very slow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jam", "snarl-up" ], "word": "trafficjam", "num_translations": 100 }, "trafficlight": { "senses": [ "A signalling device positioned at a road intersection or pedestrian crossing to indicate when it may be safe to drive, ride or walk, using a universal colour code", "The coloured dots on stamp sheet margins printed with offset litho or photogravure methods, used by the printers to check colour accuracy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "robot", "stop light", "traffic signal" ], "word": "trafficlight", "num_translations": 118 }, "diehard": { "senses": [ "Unreasonably or stubbornly resisting change", "Fanatically opposing progress or reform", "Complete", "having no opposite opinion of anything in a particular topic of one's values", "thorough of in one's beliefs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "diehard", "num_translations": 21 }, "revulsion": { "senses": [ "Abhorrence, a sense of loathing, intense aversion, repugnance, repulsion, horror", "A sudden violent feeling of disgust", "The treatment of one diseased area by acting elsewhere", "counterirritation", "A strong pulling or drawing back", "withdrawal", "A sudden reaction", "a sudden and complete change of the feelings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "revulsion", "num_translations": 18 }, "slant": { "senses": [ "A slope", "an incline, inclination", "A sloped surface or line", "A run: a heading driven diagonally between the dip and strike of a coal seam", "synonym of \"slash\", particularly in its use to set off pronunciations from other text", "An oblique movement or course", "A sloping surface in a culture medium", "A pan with a sloped bottom used for holding paintbrushes", "A container or surface bearing shallow sloping areas to hold watercolors", "A sarcastic remark", "shade, an indirect mocking insult", "An opportunity, particularly to go somewhere", "A crime committed for the purpose of being apprehended and transported to a major settlement", "A point of view, an angle", "a bias", "A look, a glance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slash" ], "word": "slant", "num_translations": 50 }, "bewitch": { "senses": [ "To cast a spell upon", "To fascinate or charm", "To astonish, amaze" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forspeak" ], "word": "bewitch", "num_translations": 72 }, "ingram": { "senses": [ "male given name, in modern use transferred back from the surname", "surname", "unincorporated community s/California", "village co/Northumberland cc/England", "borough s/Pennsylvania", "city s/Texas", "village s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ingram", "num_translations": 11 }, "tranquilizer": { "senses": [ "That which tranquillizes or soothes", "A drug used to reduce anxiety or tension", "a sedative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tranq", "trank", "tranx" ], "word": "tranquilizer", "num_translations": 29 }, "diluted1": { "senses": [ "That has had something added in order to dilute it" ], "antonyms": [ "concentrated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "diluted", "num_translations": 10 }, "hellenic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the ancient Greek culture and civilization before the Hellenistic period", "Of or relating to Hellas or the Hellenes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Grecian", "Greek" ], "word": "Hellenic", "num_translations": 44 }, "homoerotic": { "senses": [ "Arousing a homosexual desire", "Pertaining to homosexual love or desire", "homosexual" ], "antonyms": [ "heteroerotic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "homoerotic", "num_translations": 15 }, "lighthouse": { "senses": [ "A tower or other structure exhibiting a light or lights to warn or guide sailors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "obeliscolychny" ], "word": "lighthouse", "num_translations": 139 }, "forehand": { "senses": [ "A stroke in which the palm of the hand faces the direction of the stroke", "A throw similar to a sidearm throw in baseball, where the disc remains on the throwing-arm side of the body and is led by the middle finger", "All of the part of a horse which is before the rider", "The chief or most important part", "Superiority", "advantage", "start", "precedence", "The hand towards the front of the board" ], "antonyms": [ "backhand" ], "synonyms": [ "flick" ], "word": "forehand", "num_translations": 11 }, "hottentot": { "senses": [ "A member of the Khoekhoe group of peoples", "Any of several fish of the genus Pachymetopon, in the family Sparidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Khoekhoe" ], "word": "Hottentot", "num_translations": 11 }, "infiltrate": { "senses": [ "To surreptitiously penetrate, enter or gain access", "To cause a fluid to pass through a substance by filtration", "To send soldiers through gaps in the enemy line", "To move from a vein, remaining in the body" ], "antonyms": [ "exfiltrate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "infiltrate", "num_translations": 25 }, "mashed1": { "senses": [ "Broken up into a pulpy state", "intoxicated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pulped", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "mashed", "num_translations": 15 }, "reorganize": { "senses": [ "to organize something again, or in a different manner", "to undergo a reorganization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "revise" ], "word": "reorganize", "num_translations": 10 }, "consul": { "senses": [ "Either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires", "Any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804", "A count or earl", "A councillor, particularly:", "An official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of his or her country", "A counsellor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "count", "councillor", "capitoul", "counsellor" ], "word": "consul", "num_translations": 71 }, "incarnate1": { "senses": [ "To embody in flesh, invest with a bodily, especially a human, form", "To incarn", "to become covered with flesh, to heal over", "To make carnal", "to reduce the spiritual nature of", "To put into or represent in a concrete form, as an idea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incarnate", "num_translations": 20 }, "xeroxcopy": { "senses": [ "A xerox", "a photocopy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "photocopy" ], "word": "xeroxcopy", "num_translations": 18 }, "relativeclause": { "senses": [ "A subordinate clause that modifies a noun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adjective clause", "adjectival clause" ], "word": "relativeclause", "num_translations": 17 }, "onthefly": { "senses": [ "Without a bounce", "Spontaneously or extemporaneously", "done as one goes, or during another activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on the spot" ], "word": "onthefly", "num_translations": 24 }, "crosstalk": { "senses": [ "Undesirable signals from a neighbouring transmission circuit", "undesired coupling between circuits", "The situation where one or more components of a signal transduction pathway affect another pathway", "Conversation that is incidental to the topic under discussion", "A traditional Chinese comedic performance in the form of a dialogue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crosstalk", "num_translations": 23 }, "cropcircle": { "senses": [ "An area in a field of crops where the stalks have been flattened into a circle or other geometric shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corn circle" ], "word": "cropcircle", "num_translations": 10 }, "redshift": { "senses": [ "A change in the wavelength of light, in which the wavelength is longer than when it was emitted at the source", "The statistical bias towards Republican candidates of US federal elections whose reported results vary considerably from those indicated by voter exit polls" ], "antonyms": [ "blueshift" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "redshift", "num_translations": 26 }, "shadowy": { "senses": [ "In shadow", "darkened by shadows", "Dark, obscure", "Indulging in fancies", "daydreaming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shadowy", "num_translations": 18 }, "indehiscent": { "senses": [ "Not dehiscing when mature", "not dehiscent" ], "antonyms": [ "dehiscent" ], "synonyms": [ "non-shedding" ], "word": "indehiscent", "num_translations": 11 }, "motivation": { "senses": [ "Willingness of action especially in behavior", "The action of motivating", "Something which motivates", "An incentive or reason for doing something", "A research rating that measures how the rational and emotional elements of a commercial affect consumer intention to consider, visit, or buy something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "motivation", "num_translations": 71 }, "finalize": { "senses": [ "To make final or firm", "to finish or complete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "engross" ], "word": "finalize", "num_translations": 13 }, "articulated1": { "senses": [ "Constructed with one or more pivoted joints which allow bending of an otherwise rigid structure" ], "antonyms": [ "unarticulated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "articulated", "num_translations": 13 }, "happy-go-lucky": { "senses": [ "carefree or untroubled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "devil-may-care" ], "word": "happy-go-lucky", "num_translations": 14 }, "implant": { "senses": [ "To fix firmly or set securely or deeply", "To insert surgically into the body", "Of an embryo, to become attached to and embedded in the womb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "embed", "imbed", "engraft", "engrain", "graft", "insert", "instil", "instill", "plant", "root", "graft" ], "word": "implant", "num_translations": 25 }, "discus": { "senses": [ "A round plate-like object that is thrown for sport", "A chakram" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quoit" ], "word": "discus", "num_translations": 71 }, "panther": { "senses": [ "Any of various big cats with black fur", "most especially, the black-coated leopard of India", "A cougar", "a creature out of ancient myth that resembles a big cat with a multicolored hide, present in Ancient Greek mythology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "panther", "num_translations": 86 }, "translatable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being translated into another language", "Capable of being transferred from one context or environment to another" ], "antonyms": [ "untranslatable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "translatable", "num_translations": 25 }, "notional": { "senses": [ "Of, containing, or being a notion", "mental or imaginary", "Speculative, theoretical, not the result of research", "Having descriptive value as opposed to a syntactic category", "Used to indicate an estimate or a reference amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "notional", "num_translations": 10 }, "unprotected": { "senses": [ "Not protected", "lacking defence or protection", "exposed" ], "antonyms": [ "protected" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unprotected", "num_translations": 10 }, "sporting1": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to sports", "Exhibiting sportsmanship", "Having a reasonable chance of success", "Fair, generous", "\u2018game'", "Of or relating to unseemly male excesses, especially gambling, prostitution, or similar recreational activities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sporting", "num_translations": 16 }, "diligence": { "senses": [ "Steady application", "industry", "careful work involving long-term effort", "The qualities of a hard worker, including conscientiousness, determination, and perseverance", "Carefulness", "A public stage-coach", "The process by which persons, lands, or effects are seized for debt", "process for enforcing the attendance of witnesses or the production of writings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "worksomeness" ], "word": "diligence", "num_translations": 57 }, "coolness": { "senses": [ "The state of being cool, ie chilly", "The result or product of being cool, ie chilly", "The state of being cool, ie calm", "Indifference", "lack of passion or interest", "The state of being cool, ie good or pleasing", "The result or product of being cool, ie good or pleasing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coolness", "num_translations": 13 }, "calmness": { "senses": [ "The state of being calm", "tranquillity", "silence", "The product of being calm" ], "antonyms": [ "disturbance" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:calmness" ], "word": "calmness", "num_translations": 46 }, "metaphorical": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to or characterized by a metaphor", "figurative", "symbolic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "metaphoric" ], "word": "metaphorical", "num_translations": 25 }, "communal": { "senses": [ "pertaining to a community", "shared by a community", "public", "defined by religious ideas", "based on religion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "communal", "num_translations": 45 }, "adaptation": { "senses": [ "The process of adapting something or becoming adapted to a situation", "adjustment, modification", "A change that is made or undergone to suit a condition or environment", "The process of change that an organism undergoes to be better suited to its environment", "An instance of an organism undergoing change, or the structure or behavior that is changed", "The process of adapting an artistic work from a different medium", "An artistic work that has been adapted from a different medium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adaptation", "num_translations": 65 }, "unproductive": { "senses": [ "Not productive", "useless", "fruitless", "No longer used to produce new words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonproductive", "unyieldly" ], "word": "unproductive", "num_translations": 17 }, "footpath": { "senses": [ "A path for pedestrians" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footway" ], "word": "footpath", "num_translations": 54 }, "septictank": { "senses": [ "A small-scale watertight treatment system for domestic sewage in which the flow is slowed to allow sedimentation and sludge digestion by bacteria to take place", "Yank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cesspit", "Seppo" ], "word": "septictank", "num_translations": 21 }, "stealthy": { "senses": [ "Characterized by or resembling stealth or secrecy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sneaking", "undercover", "concealed", "Thesaurus:covert" ], "word": "stealthy", "num_translations": 20 }, "sleazy": { "senses": [ "Marked by low quality", "inferior", "inadequate", "raunchy or perverted in nature", "tastelessly sexual", "untrustworthy", "thin and flimsy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skeezy", "unreliable", "questionable", "sketchy", "shady", "slimy" ], "word": "sleazy", "num_translations": 31 }, "sedative": { "senses": [ "An agent or drug that sedates, having a calming or soothing effect, or inducing sleep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleeping pill", "anxiolytic" ], "word": "sedative", "num_translations": 33 }, "sedative1": { "senses": [ "Calming, soothing, inducing sleep, tranquilizing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ataractic", "ataraxic" ], "word": "sedative", "num_translations": 18 }, "ascent": { "senses": [ "The act of ascending", "a motion upwards", "The way or means by which one ascends", "An eminence, hill, or high place", "The degree of elevation of an object, or the angle it makes with a horizontal line", "inclination", "rising grade", "The ascender height in a typeface", "An increase, for example in popularity or hierarchy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ascent", "num_translations": 38 }, "solicitude": { "senses": [ "The state of being solicitous", "uneasiness of mind occasioned by fear of evil or desire for good", "anxiety", "Special or pronounced concern or attention", "A cause of anxiety or concern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "solicitude", "num_translations": 18 }, "initiative1": { "senses": [ "A beginning", "a first move", "A new development", "a fresh approach to something", "a new way of dealing with a problem", "The ability to act first or on one's own", "An issue to be voted on, brought to the ballot by a sufficient number of signatures from among the voting public" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "direct initiative" ], "word": "initiative", "num_translations": 61 }, "infantile": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to infants", "Childish", "immature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "puerile" ], "word": "infantile", "num_translations": 27 }, "immunity": { "senses": [ "The state of being insusceptible to something", "notably:", "A resistance to a specific thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exemption", "free pass", "get out of jail free card" ], "word": "immunity", "num_translations": 69 }, "incompatible": { "senses": [ "Of two things: that cannot coexist", "not congruous because of differences", "Incapable of being together without mutual reaction or decomposition, as certain medicines" ], "antonyms": [ "compatible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incompatible", "num_translations": 38 }, "irreconcilable": { "senses": [ "Unable to be reconciled", "opposed", "uncompromising", "Incompatible, discrepant, contradictory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hostile" ], "word": "irreconcilable", "num_translations": 24 }, "horseman": { "senses": [ "A man who rides a horse", "A soldier on horseback", "A man in charge of work horses", "A swift-running land crab of the genus Ocypoda, living on the coast of Brazil and the West Indies", "A West Indian fish of the genus Equetes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equestrian" ], "word": "horseman", "num_translations": 74 }, "boisterous": { "senses": [ "Full of energy", "exuberant", "noisy", "Characterized by violence and agitation", "wild", "stormy", "Having or resembling animal exuberance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boisterous", "num_translations": 70 }, "exuberance": { "senses": [ "The quality of being exuberant", "cheerful or vigorous enthusiasm", "liveliness", "An instance of exuberant behaviour", "An overflowing quantity", "superfluousness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ebullience" ], "word": "exuberance", "num_translations": 23 }, "harmonic": { "senses": [ "pertaining to harmony", "pleasant to hear", "harmonious", "melodious", "used to characterize various mathematical entities or relationships supposed to bear some resemblance to musical consonance", "recurring periodically", "Exhibiting or applying constraints on what vowels may be found near each other and sometimes in the entire word", "Of or relating to a generation an even number of generations distant from a particular person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harmonic", "num_translations": 29 }, "gratify": { "senses": [ "To please", "To make content", "to satisfy" ], "antonyms": [ "anger", "disquiet", "fluster" ], "synonyms": [ "gladden" ], "word": "gratify", "num_translations": 22 }, "swimmingtrunks": { "senses": [ "A pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bathing trunks", "swim trunks", "trunks" ], "word": "swimmingtrunks", "num_translations": 50 }, "glimmer": { "senses": [ "A faint light", "a dim glow", "A flash of light", "A faint or remote possibility", "mica" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sparkle" ], "word": "glimmer", "num_translations": 36 }, "glimmer1": { "senses": [ "To shine with a faint, unsteady light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flicker" ], "word": "glimmer", "num_translations": 20 }, "flicker1": { "senses": [ "To burn or shine unsteadily, or with a wavering light", "To keep going on and off", "to appear and disappear for short moments", "to flutter", "To flutter", "to flap the wings without flying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flicker", "num_translations": 52 }, "gentleness": { "senses": [ "The state of being gentle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "douceur" ], "word": "gentleness", "num_translations": 47 }, "frankness": { "senses": [ "The state of being frank", "candour", "honesty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:veracity" ], "word": "frankness", "num_translations": 11 }, "fractional": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to a fraction", "Divided", "fragmentary", "incomplete", "Very small", "minute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fractional", "num_translations": 22 }, "forearm": { "senses": [ "The part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow", "A section of the weapon between the receiver and the muzzle, used to hold the firearm steady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antebrachium", "forestock" ], "word": "forearm", "num_translations": 78 }, "fellowship": { "senses": [ "A company of people that share the same interest or aim", "Company, companions", "a group of people or things following another", "A feeling of friendship, relatedness or connection between people", "A merit-based scholarship", "A temporary position at an academic institution with limited teaching duties and ample time for research", "this may also be called a postdoc", "A period of supervised, sub-specialty medical training in the United States and Canada that a physician may undertake after completing a specialty training program or residency", "The proportional division of profit and loss among partners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fellowship", "num_translations": 36 }, "deaden": { "senses": [ "To render less lively", "to diminish", "to muffle", "To become less lively", "to diminish", "To make soundproof" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deaden", "num_translations": 12 }, "critically": { "senses": [ "In a critical manner", "with, or in terms of, criticism", "With close discernment", "accurately", "exactly", "At a crisis or critical time", "in a situation, place, or condition of decisive consequence" ], "antonyms": [ "uncritically" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "critically", "num_translations": 10 }, "conqueror": { "senses": [ "Someone who conquers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vanquisher", "victor", "subjugator" ], "word": "conqueror", "num_translations": 47 }, "contingency": { "senses": [ "The quality of being contingent, of happening by chance", "unpredictability", "A possibility", "something which may or may not happen A chance occurrence, especially in finance, unexpected expenses", "An amount of money which a party to a contract has to pay to the other party if he or she does not fulfill the contract according to the specification", "A statement which is neither a tautology nor a contradiction" ], "antonyms": [ "inevitability" ], "synonyms": [ "possibility", "Thesaurus:option" ], "word": "contingency", "num_translations": 40 }, "congratulations": { "senses": [ "Expressing praise and approval, expressing approbation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:well done" ], "word": "congratulations", "num_translations": 94 }, "conceivable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being conceived or imagined" ], "antonyms": [ "inconceivable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conceivable", "num_translations": 50 }, "thinkable": { "senses": [ "Able to be thought or imagined", "conceivable", "Morally acceptable or legal" ], "antonyms": [ "unthinkable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thinkable", "num_translations": 18 }, "microstate": { "senses": [ "A country that has a very small population and land area", "The specific detailed microscopic configuration of a system" ], "antonyms": [ "macrostate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "microstate", "num_translations": 20 }, "sump": { "senses": [ "A hollow or pit into which liquid drains, such as a cesspool, cesspit or sink", "The lowest part of a mineshaft into which water drains", "A completely flooded cave passage, sometimes passable by diving", "The crankcase or oil reservoir of an internal combustion engine", "The pit at the lowest point in a circulating or drainage system", "An intentional depression around a drain or scupper that promotes drainage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sump", "num_translations": 15 }, "traumatic": { "senses": [ "Of, caused by, or causing trauma", "Of or relating to wounds", "applied to wounds", "Adapted to the cure of wounds", "vulnerary", "Produced by wounds" ], "antonyms": [ "non-traumatic", "nontraumatic", "untraumatic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "traumatic", "num_translations": 20 }, "succour": { "senses": [ "Aid, assistance, or relief given to one in distress", "ministration", "Aid or assistance in the form of military equipment and soldiers, especially reinforcements sent to support military action", "Protection, refuge, shelter", "a place providing such protection, refuge or shelter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "succour", "num_translations": 24 }, "succour1": { "senses": [ "To give aid, assistance, or help", "To provide aid or assistance in the form of military equipment and soldiers", "in particular, for helping a place under siege", "To protect, to shelter", "to provide a refuge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "succour", "num_translations": 16 }, "prickly": { "senses": [ "Covered with sharp points", "Easily irritated", "Difficult", "complicated", "hairy or thorny" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thorny" ], "word": "prickly", "num_translations": 46 }, "detached": { "senses": [ "Not physically attached", "separated from something it could connect to", "Of a house: not joined to another house on either side", "Having or showing no bias or emotional involvement", "disinterested", "Not influenced by anyone else", "characterized by an impersonal objectivity", "impartial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "detached", "num_translations": 14 }, "quill": { "senses": [ "The lower shaft of a feather, specifically the region lacking barbs", "A pen made from a feather", "Any pen", "A sharply pointed, barbed, and easily detached needle-like structure that grows on the skin of a porcupine or hedgehog as a defense against predators", "A thin piece of bark, especially of cinnamon or cinchona, curled up into a tube", "The pen of a squid", "The plectrum with which musicians strike the strings of certain instruments", "The tube of a musical instrument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "quill", "num_translations": 94 }, "wrongly": { "senses": [ "In an unfair or immoral manner", "unjustly", "Incorrectly", "by error" ], "antonyms": [ "correctly" ], "synonyms": [ "incorrectly" ], "word": "wrongly", "num_translations": 24 }, "ringing": { "senses": [ "The sound of something that rings", "The quality of being resonant", "A technique used in the study of wild birds, by attaching a small, individually numbered, metal or plastic tag to their legs or wings", "The theft of cars and illegally changing their identities for resale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banding" ], "word": "ringing", "num_translations": 11 }, "powerfully": { "senses": [ "In a powerful manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forcefully" ], "word": "powerfully", "num_translations": 11 }, "calltoprayer": { "senses": [ "A public proclamation made five times a day in Muslim societies, broadcast from the mosques, to mark out the ordained occasions for worship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adhan", "azan" ], "word": "calltoprayer", "num_translations": 10 }, "speculative": { "senses": [ "Characterized by speculation", "based on guessing, unfounded opinions, or extrapolation", "Pursued as a gamble, with possible large profits or losses", "risky", "Pertaining to financial speculation", "Involving or resulting from high-risk investments or trade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "speculative", "num_translations": 10 }, "reversal": { "senses": [ "The state of being reversed", "An instance of reversing", "A change in fortune", "a change from being successful to having problems" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reversion" ], "word": "reversal", "num_translations": 11 }, "spurn": { "senses": [ "To reject disdainfully", "contemn", "scorn", "To reject something by pushing it away with the foot", "To waste", "fail to make the most of", "To kick or toss up the heels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spurn", "num_translations": 29 }, "spurn1": { "senses": [ "a scornful rejection", "A kick", "a blow with the foot", "Disdainful rejection", "contemptuous treatment", "A body of coal left to sustain an overhanging mass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spurn", "num_translations": 12 }, "smirk1": { "senses": [ "To smile in a way that is affected, smug, insolent or contemptuous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "simper", "shit-eating grin" ], "word": "smirk", "num_translations": 14 }, "stucco": { "senses": [ "A plaster that is used to coat exterior walls, or used for mouldings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "render" ], "word": "stucco", "num_translations": 25 }, "getoutofhere1": { "senses": [ "An exclamation of disbelief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hit the road", "fiddlesticks" ], "word": "getoutofhere", "num_translations": 62 }, "flutter": { "senses": [ "To flap or wave quickly but irregularly", "Of a winged animal: to flap the wings without flying", "to fly with a light flapping of the wings", "To cause something to flap", "To drive into disorder", "to throw into confusion", "To be in a state of agitation or uncertainty", "To be frivolous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flutter", "num_translations": 64 }, "flutter1": { "senses": [ "quick and irregular motion", "A state of agitation", "An abnormal rapid pulsation of the heart", "A small bet or risky investment", "A hasty game of cards or similar", "The rapid variation of signal parameters, such as amplitude, phase, and frequency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flutter", "num_translations": 25 }, "daylightsavingtime": { "senses": [ "The practice in some places of adjusting clocks forward in the spring and back in the fall, usually by one hour, so that the adjustment causes the time to coincide with the greatest period of illumination by the sun over the course of the day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "summer time" ], "word": "daylightsavingtime", "num_translations": 31 }, "diseased": { "senses": [ "Affected with or suffering from disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:diseased" ], "word": "diseased", "num_translations": 18 }, "asyet": { "senses": [ "Up to the present", "thus far" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hitherto" ], "word": "asyet", "num_translations": 32 }, "salutary": { "senses": [ "Effecting or designed to effect an improvement", "Promoting good health and physical well-being", "wholesome", "curative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "healful" ], "word": "salutary", "num_translations": 17 }, "soldiery": { "senses": [ "Soldiers considered as a group", "The profession or skill of being a soldier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "military personnel" ], "word": "soldiery", "num_translations": 13 }, "hightide": { "senses": [ "The natural tide at its highest level for a particular tidal cycle at a certain place", "The time of day when the sea has risen to its highest level", "climax, culminating point or phase" ], "antonyms": [ "low tide" ], "synonyms": [ "rising tide" ], "word": "hightide", "num_translations": 108 }, "lowtide": { "senses": [ "The tide at its lowest level for a particular tidal cycle at a certain place", "The time of day when the sea has receded to its lowest level" ], "antonyms": [ "high tide" ], "synonyms": [ "falling tide" ], "word": "lowtide", "num_translations": 61 }, "sailingship": { "senses": [ "A ship with masts and sails, powered by the wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sail", "sailing vessel" ], "word": "sailingship", "num_translations": 47 }, "rejection": { "senses": [ "The act of rejecting", "The state of being rejected", "A blocked shot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rejectedness" ], "word": "rejection", "num_translations": 27 }, "whiteness": { "senses": [ "The state of being white", "The collective of White/Europid people and their historical heritage" ], "antonyms": [ "blackness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "whiteness", "num_translations": 39 }, "adjournment": { "senses": [ "The state of being adjourned, or action of adjourning", "Ampliatio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deferral" ], "word": "adjournment", "num_translations": 16 }, "concourse": { "senses": [ "A large open space in or in front of a building where people can gather, particularly one joining various paths, as in a rail station or airport terminal, or providing access to and linking the platforms in a railway terminus", "A large group of people", "a crowd", "The running or flowing together of things", "the meeting of things", "confluence", "An open space, especially in a park, where several roads or paths meet", "concurrence", "cooperation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concourse", "num_translations": 50 }, "wheelwright": { "senses": [ "A person who builds and repairs wheels, especially wooden spoked ones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wheelsmith" ], "word": "wheelwright", "num_translations": 55 }, "young'smodulus": { "senses": [ "The coefficient of elasticity of a solid", "the rate of change of stress with strain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "modulus of elasticity" ], "word": "Young'smodulus", "num_translations": 24 }, "loneliness": { "senses": [ "A feeling of depression resulting from being alone or from having no companions", "The condition or state of being alone or having no companions", "The state of being unfrequented or devoid of human activity", "A desire to be alone", "disposition to solitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lonesomeness", "aloneness" ], "word": "loneliness", "num_translations": 58 }, "drudgery": { "senses": [ "Tedious, menial and exhausting work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chore", "toil", "dogsbody", "corv\u00e9e", "fatigue", "swink", "Thesaurus:drudgery" ], "word": "drudgery", "num_translations": 17 }, "sensibility": { "senses": [ "The ability to sense, feel or perceive", "responsiveness to sensory stimuli", "sensitivity", "Emotional or artistic awareness", "keen sensitivity to matters of feeling or creative expression", "Excessive emotional awareness", "the fact or quality of being overemotional", "An acute awareness or feeling", "The capacity to be perceived by the senses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sensibility", "num_translations": 17 }, "engaging": { "senses": [ "That engages the attention", "engrossing, interesting", "enthralling", "Charming", "attractive, especially of a manner or behaviour" ], "antonyms": [ "boring", "boorish" ], "synonyms": [ "absorbing", "appealing" ], "word": "engaging", "num_translations": 11 }, "inscribe": { "senses": [ "To write or cut onto", "to engrave", "To draw a circle, sphere, etc inside a polygon, polyhedron, etc and tangent to all its sides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enwrite" ], "word": "inscribe", "num_translations": 19 }, "hotspot": { "senses": [ "A place notable for a high level of activity or danger", "A part of an application that consumes a significant amount of execution time", "Part of a control that responds dynamically as the user moves the pointer over it, as for example in an image map", "A location in which WiFi Internet access is available", "The region of a gene in which there is higher than normal rate of mutation", "synonym of \"heiligenschein\"", "The surface manifestation of a plume that rises from deep in the celestial body's mantle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hotspot", "num_translations": 26 }, "circumcise": { "senses": [ "To surgically remove the foreskin from a penis", "To surgically remove the clitoris , clitoral hood, or labia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circ", "cut" ], "word": "circumcise", "num_translations": 60 }, "unpretentious": { "senses": [ "Simple, humble, not pretentious, plain" ], "antonyms": [ "pretentious" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:humble" ], "word": "unpretentious", "num_translations": 10 }, "boxoffice": { "senses": [ "A place where tickets are sold in a theatre/theater or cinema", "the total amount of money paid by people worldwide to watch a movie at cinemas/movie theaters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ticket office" ], "word": "boxoffice", "num_translations": 31 }, "supplant": { "senses": [ "To take the place of", "to replace, to supersede", "To uproot, to remove violently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dethrone", "uproot" ], "word": "supplant", "num_translations": 32 }, "stipulation": { "senses": [ "The act of stipulating", "a contracting or bargaining", "an agreement", "Something that is stated or stipulated as a condition of an agreement", "The situation, arrangement, and structure of the stipules", "A goal to be achieved in a chess problem", "for example, to checkmate Black within a specified number of moves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stipulation", "num_translations": 24 }, "judiciary": { "senses": [ "The collective body of judges, justices, etc", "The court system, inclusive of clerical staff, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "judicature" ], "word": "judiciary", "num_translations": 22 }, "joeaverage": { "senses": [ "A hypothetical average or generic individual", "the common man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Joe Public", "John Q. Public", "man on the street" ], "word": "JoeAverage", "num_translations": 16 }, "prodrome": { "senses": [ "A precursor or harbinger", "also a warning event", "An introductory or preliminary book or treatise", "An early symptom warning of the onset of a disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prodromus" ], "word": "prodrome", "num_translations": 11 }, "coronal": { "senses": [ "A crown or coronet", "*:", "* 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III5:", "A wreath or garland of flowers", "A variant of colonel", "The frontal bone, over which the ancients wore their coronae or garlands", "A consonant produced with the tip or blade of the tongue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coronal", "num_translations": 10 }, "promenade": { "senses": [ "A prom", "A walk taken for pleasure, display, or exercise", "a stroll", "A place where one takes a walk for leisurely pleasure, or for exercise, especially a terrace by the seaside", "A dance motion consisting of a walk, done while square dancing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "esplanade" ], "word": "promenade", "num_translations": 29 }, "heterophobia": { "senses": [ "Fear or resentment of what is different", "Fear or resentment of heterosexuals or heterosexuality", "Fear or resentment of the opposite sex" ], "antonyms": [ "homophobia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heterophobia", "num_translations": 11 }, "trebleclef": { "senses": [ "a symbol showing that the second line from the bottom of the stave represents the G above middle C" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "G clef" ], "word": "trebleclef", "num_translations": 16 }, "gclef": { "senses": [ "A clef indicating the position of one-lined G on a staff" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "treble clef" ], "word": "Gclef", "num_translations": 19 }, "frenulum": { "senses": [ "A small fold of tissue that prevents an organ in the body from moving too far" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frenum" ], "word": "frenulum", "num_translations": 21 }, "herbaltea": { "senses": [ "A beverage made by infusing the leaves of various herbs, generally not including true tea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "herb tea", "tisane" ], "word": "herbaltea", "num_translations": 31 }, "clinic": { "senses": [ "A medical facility, such as a hospital, especially one for the treatment and diagnosis of outpatients", "A hospital session to diagnose or treat patients", "A school, or a session of a school or class, in which medicine or surgery is taught by the examination and treatment of patients in the presence of the pupils", "A group practice of several physicians", "A meeting for the diagnosis of problems, or training, on a particular subject", "A temporary office arranged on a regular basis to allow politicians to meet their constituents", "A series of workouts used to build skills of practitioners regardless of team affiliation", "One confined to bed by sickness", "One who receives baptism on a sickbed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clinic", "num_translations": 79 }, "tribune": { "senses": [ "An elected official in Ancient Rome", "A protector of the people", "The domed or vaulted apse in a Christian church that houses the bishop's throne", "A place or an opportunity to speak, to express one's opinion", "a platform or pulpit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tribune", "num_translations": 51 }, "fritz": { "senses": [ "A German person, usually male" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Boche", "jerry", "Kraut", "Hun" ], "word": "Fritz", "num_translations": 27 }, "chaplet": { "senses": [ "A garland or circlet for the head", "A string , especially when making up five decades of the rosary", "A set of repetitive prayers, other than the Rosary, typically prayed with a string of beads", "A moulding in the form of a string of beads", "a bead-moulding", "A small chapel or shrine", "A bent piece of sheet iron, or a pin with thin plates on its ends, for holding a core in place in the mould", "A metal support for a cylindrical pipe", "A tuft of feathers on a peacock's head", "alternative form of \"chapelet\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "chaplet", "num_translations": 22 }, "untruthful": { "senses": [ "Not giving the truth", "providing untrue facts", "lying", "Pertaining to falsehood", "corrupt", "dishonest" ], "antonyms": [ "truthful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "untruthful", "num_translations": 14 }, "longinthetooth": { "senses": [ "Old, aged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on in years" ], "word": "longinthetooth", "num_translations": 14 }, "triumphal": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or being a triumph", "That celebrates or commemorates a triumph or victory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "triumphant" ], "word": "triumphal", "num_translations": 14 }, "trustworthiness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being trustworthy or reliable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trustability" ], "word": "trustworthiness", "num_translations": 13 }, "vulgarity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being vulgar", "An offensive or obscene act or expression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "profanity" ], "word": "vulgarity", "num_translations": 27 }, "dinky": { "senses": [ "Tiny and cute", "small and attractive", "Tiny and insignificant", "small and undesirable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:tiny" ], "word": "dinky", "num_translations": 13 }, "disband": { "senses": [ "To break up or cease to exist", "to disperse", "To loose the bands of", "to set free", "To divorce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "disband", "num_translations": 25 }, "penpal": { "senses": [ "A friend with whom one communicates using letters, usually over a long distance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penfriend" ], "word": "penpal", "num_translations": 30 }, "poltava": { "senses": [ "A province in central Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ltava", "Poltava Oblast" ], "word": "Poltava", "num_translations": 10 }, "hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia": { "senses": [ "The fear of long words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sesquipedalophobia" ], "word": "hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia", "num_translations": 26 }, "uh-huh": { "senses": [ "yes", "yeah" ], "antonyms": [ "uh-uh" ], "synonyms": [ "mhm" ], "word": "uh-huh", "num_translations": 11 }, "greenhorn": { "senses": [ "an inexperienced person", "a novice, beginner or newcomer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:beginner" ], "word": "greenhorn", "num_translations": 38 }, "grassscript": { "senses": [ "A style of cursive script used in Chinese calligraphy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caoshu", "tsao shu" ], "word": "grassscript", "num_translations": 14 }, "scholastic1": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to school", "academic", "Characterized by excessive subtlety, or needlessly minute subdivisions", "pedantic", "formal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scholastic", "num_translations": 12 }, "constructive": { "senses": [ "Relating to or causing construction", "Carefully considered and meant to be helpful", "Imputed by law", "Not direct or expressed, but inferred" ], "antonyms": [ "destructive", "destructive" ], "synonyms": [ "productive" ], "word": "constructive", "num_translations": 32 }, "draughtsman": { "senses": [ "A person skilled at drawing engineering or architectural plans", "A book illustrator", "A piece in the game of draughts", "One who drinks drams", "a tippler" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drafter" ], "word": "draughtsman", "num_translations": 30 }, "depress": { "senses": [ "To press down", "To bring down or humble", "to abase", "To reduce in a lower degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "downbear" ], "word": "depress", "num_translations": 24 }, "allenkey": { "senses": [ "A hex head wrench" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Allen wrench" ], "word": "Allenkey", "num_translations": 19 }, "snappy": { "senses": [ "Rapid and without delay", "Irritable", "Tidy", "well-dressed", "sharp", "Chilly, brisk, sharp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fast", "irritable" ], "word": "snappy", "num_translations": 26 }, "cleanly": { "senses": [ "Being habitually clean, practising good hygiene", "Cleansing", "fitted to remove moisture", "dirt, etc", "Adroit", "dexterous", "artful" ], "antonyms": [ "uncleanly", "dirty" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cleanly", "num_translations": 11 }, "retract": { "senses": [ "To pull back inside", "To draw back", "to draw up", "To take back or withdraw something one has said", "To take back, as a grant or favour previously bestowed", "to revoke" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take back" ], "word": "retract", "num_translations": 29 }, "rinse1": { "senses": [ "The action of rinsing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lavatory", "lavatory" ], "word": "rinse", "num_translations": 14 }, "rink1": { "senses": [ "A ring", "a circle", "A sheet of ice prepared for playing certain sports, such as hockey or curling", "A surface for roller skating", "A team in a competition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rink", "num_translations": 19 }, "informative": { "senses": [ "Providing information", "especially, providing useful or interesting information", "Not specifying requirements, but merely providing information", "Formative", "having power to form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "informative", "num_translations": 26 }, "calgary": { "senses": [ "largest city p/Alberta c/Canada", "village on the isl:pref/Mull cc/Scotland the eponym of the Canadian city" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CGY", "Cgy" ], "word": "Calgary", "num_translations": 25 }, "immaterial": { "senses": [ "Having no matter or substance", "So insubstantial as to be irrelevant" ], "antonyms": [ "material" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:insubstantial", "neither here nor there" ], "word": "immaterial", "num_translations": 28 }, "enthusiastically": { "senses": [ "In an enthusiastic manner" ], "antonyms": [ "unenthusiastically" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "enthusiastically", "num_translations": 18 }, "anderson": { "senses": [ "surname", "river p/British Columbia c/Canada", "flowing from near the Coquihalla Pass into the Fraser River near Boston Bar", "river territory/Northwest Territories c/Canada", "river s/Indiana c/US", "flowing 80 km from near Eckerty into the Ohio at Troy", "locality s/Victoria c/Australia", "locale c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Anderson", "num_translations": 20 }, "singh": { "senses": [ "A Punjabi Surname", "surname", "male given name used by Sikhs, often but not necessarily a middle name", "A surname common among Rajput clans", "A surname common in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Singh", "num_translations": 19 }, "welt1": { "senses": [ "A ridge or lump on the skin, as caused by a blow", "a wheal or weal", "A strip of leather set into the seam between the outsole of a shoe and the upper, through which these parts are joined by stitching or stapling", "A strip of material or covered cord applied to a seam or garment edge to strengthen or cover it", "In steam boilers and sheet-iron work, a strip riveted upon the edges of plates that form a butt joint", "In carpentry, a strip of wood fastened over a flush seam or joint, or an angle, to strengthen it", "In machine-made stockings, a strip, or flap, of which the heel is formed", "A narrow border, as of an ordinary, but not extending around the ends" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "welt", "num_translations": 18 }, "typology": { "senses": [ "The study of symbolic representation, especially of the origin and meaning of Scripture types", "The systematic classification of the types of something according to their common characteristics", "The result of the classification of things according to their characteristics", "Classification of languages according to their linguistic trait", "The doctrine of Scripture types or figures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "typology", "num_translations": 19 }, "serviceberry": { "senses": [ "Several species of trees in the genus Sorbus, especially Sorbus domestica and Sorbus torminalis", "Any plant of the genus Amelanchier of small deciduous trees and large shrubs in the family Rosaceae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "currant-tree", "Juneberry", "shad-blossom", "shadbush" ], "word": "serviceberry", "num_translations": 34 }, "splatter1": { "senses": [ "To splash", "to scatter", "to land or strike in an uneven, distributed mess", "To spatter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "splatter", "num_translations": 18 }, "hallow1": { "senses": [ "To make holy, to sanctify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:consecrate" ], "word": "hallow", "num_translations": 31 }, "suckle1": { "senses": [ "To give suck to", "to nurse at the breast, udder, or dugs", "To nurse", "to suck milk from a nursing mother", "To nurse from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suckle", "num_translations": 68 }, "inspades": { "senses": [ "In large quantities", "to a high degree", "to excess, without restraint", "Beyond doubt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abundantly" ], "word": "inspades", "num_translations": 17 }, "clatter": { "senses": [ "To make a rattling sound", "To cause to make a rattling noise", "To chatter noisily or rapidly", "To hit", "to smack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clatter", "num_translations": 18 }, "clatter1": { "senses": [ "A rattling noise", "a repetition of abrupt, sharp sounds", "A loud disturbance", "Noisy talk or chatter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commotion", "racket" ], "word": "clatter", "num_translations": 17 }, "organiccompound": { "senses": [ "Any compound containing carbon atoms covalently bound to other atoms" ], "antonyms": [ "inorganic compound" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "organiccompound", "num_translations": 28 }, "inorganiccompound": { "senses": [ "Any compound not containing carbon atoms", "Any compound containing carbon atoms ionically bound to other atoms" ], "antonyms": [ "organic compound" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inorganiccompound", "num_translations": 18 }, "gorse": { "senses": [ "Evergreen shrub, of the genus Ulex, having spiny leaves and yellow flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "furze" ], "word": "gorse", "num_translations": 38 }, "blasted1": { "senses": [ "Subjected to an explosion", "Subjected to violent gusts of wind", "Accursed", "damned", "Whose branches bear no leaves", "leafless", "Damned", "bloody", "Intoxicated, drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:damned", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "blasted", "num_translations": 28 }, "paperback": { "senses": [ "A book with flexible binding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pocketbook" ], "word": "paperback", "num_translations": 16 }, "olympicwintergames": { "senses": [ "The winter counterpart to the summer Olympic Games, featuring winter sports" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Winter Games", "Winter Olympic Games", "Winter Olympics" ], "word": "OlympicWinterGames", "num_translations": 34 }, "fenrir": { "senses": [ "A monstrous wolf, one of Loki's offspring, who bites off Tyr's right hand while being bound by the gods in fear of a prophecy that he will kill Odin, remaining so bound until the events of Ragnarok", "A moon of Saturn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fenris Wolf" ], "word": "Fenrir", "num_translations": 22 }, "exemplar": { "senses": [ "Something fit to be imitated", "an ideal, a model", "A role model", "Something typical or representative of a class", "an example", "A pattern after which others should be made", "an archetype", "A well known usage of a scientific theory", "A handwritten manuscript used by a scribe to make a handwritten copy", "the original copy of what gets multiply reproduced in a copy machine", "A copy of a book or piece of writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "exemplar", "num_translations": 27 }, "elasticity": { "senses": [ "The property by virtue of which a material deformed under load can regain its original dimensions when unloaded", "The sensitivity of changes in a quantity with respect to changes in another quantity", "A measure of the flexibility of a data store's data model and clustering capabilities", "A system's ability to adapt to changes in workload by automatically provisioning and de-provisioning resources", "The ratio of the relative change in a function's output with respect to the relative change in its input, for infinitesimal changes at a certain point", "The quality of being elastic", "Adaptability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "elasticity", "num_translations": 68 }, "saucy": { "senses": [ "Similar to sauce", "having the consistency or texture of sauce", "Impertinent or disrespectful, often in a manner that is regarded as entertaining or amusing", "smart", "Impudently bold", "pert", "Sharp", "pungent", "piquant", "Mildly erotic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cheeky" ], "word": "saucy", "num_translations": 40 }, "turningpoint": { "senses": [ "A decisive point at which a significant change or historical event occurs, or at which a decision must be made", "A maximum or minimum on a graph", "A crossroads", "A T-junction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crossroads" ], "word": "turningpoint", "num_translations": 45 }, "crossroads": { "senses": [ "plural of \"crossroad\"", "A place where one road crosses another", "an intersection of two or more roads", "A centrally located position", "A decision point", "a turning point or opportunity to change direction, course, or goal", "A fork in the road" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crossroads", "num_translations": 138 }, "tweezers": { "senses": [ "A small pincerlike instrument, usually made of metal, used for handling or picking up small objects , plucking out hairs, pulling out slivers, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pair of pincers", "pair of tweezers", "tongs", "tweezer" ], "word": "tweezers", "num_translations": 53 }, "twinkle": { "senses": [ "to shine with a flickering light", "to glimmer", "to be bright with delight", "to bat, blink or wink the eyes", "to flit to and fro" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glimmer", "scintillate", "wink" ], "word": "twinkle", "num_translations": 49 }, "two-way": { "senses": [ "allowing traffic in two directions", "moving in both directions", "permitting communication in two directions", "involving the mutual action or participation of two parties", "Playing both offense and defense in the same game", "Having or involving exactly two variables", "bivariate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "two-way", "num_translations": 10 }, "tympanum": { "senses": [ "A triangular space between the sides of a pediment", "The space within an arch, and above a lintel or a subordinate arch, spanning the opening below the arch", "The middle ear", "The eardrum", "A hearing organ in frogs, toads and some insects", "In certain birds, the labyrinth at the bottom of the windpipe", "A drum-shaped wheel with spirally curved partitions by which water is raised to the axis when the wheel revolves with the lower part of the circumference submerged", "used for raising water, as for irrigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tympanum", "num_translations": 33 }, "birdie": { "senses": [ "A bird", "a birdling", "The completion of a hole one stroke below par", "A shuttlecock", "A man's penis", "An electromagnetic signal generated from within an electronic device", "A certain rude gesture in some countries, formed with the middle finger", "A certain rude gesture in some countries, formed with the middle and index fingers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cocky" ], "word": "birdie", "num_translations": 43 }, "lifeline": { "senses": [ "A line to which a drowning or falling victim may cling", "A means or route for transporting indispensable supplies", "A source of salvation in a crisis", "System or structure of vital importance to a community", "On the deck of a boat, a line to which one can attach oneself to stay aboard on rough seas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jackstay" ], "word": "lifeline", "num_translations": 16 }, "briefcase": { "senses": [ "A case used for carrying documents, especially for business", "In Microsoft Windows, a folder that supports file synchronization between itself and another folder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attach\u00e9 case" ], "word": "briefcase", "num_translations": 72 }, "undoing": { "senses": [ "The act of loosening or unfastening", "Ruin", "defeat, that which causes defeat or ruin", "Annulment", "reversal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "undoing", "num_translations": 10 }, "unnamed": { "senses": [ "Not having a name" ], "antonyms": [ "named" ], "synonyms": [ "nameless", "unidentified", "unknown" ], "word": "unnamed", "num_translations": 23 }, "freakout1": { "senses": [ "To react with extreme anger or fear to something to the extent that one loses one's composure or behaves irrationally", "originally, 1960s countercultural term meaning to have a positive reaction or experience from the recreational, therapeutic or edificational use of a psychotropic - usually hallucinogenic or psychedelic - drug", "To scare someone" ], "antonyms": [ "bum out" ], "synonyms": [ "set one's hair on fire" ], "word": "freakout", "num_translations": 51 }, "nematode": { "senses": [ "A worm of the large phylum Nematoda, such as a roundworm or threadworm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roundworm" ], "word": "nematode", "num_translations": 30 }, "seered": { "senses": [ "To become enraged, angry, or irritated", "To receive a red card, and be dismissed from the playing field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:anger" ], "word": "seered", "num_translations": 13 }, "shootoneselfinthefoot": { "senses": [ "To act against one's own interests", "to unintentionally behave self-destructively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foul one's own nest" ], "word": "shootoneselfinthefoot", "num_translations": 17 }, "inelegant": { "senses": [ "Not elegant", "not exhibiting neatness, refinement, or precision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "d\u00e9mod\u00e9", "clumsy" ], "word": "inelegant", "num_translations": 14 }, "stomp": { "senses": [ "To trample heavily", "To severely beat someone physically or figuratively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crush" ], "word": "stomp", "num_translations": 19 }, "tyrolean1": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of Tyrol", "A zipline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tyrolese" ], "word": "Tyrolean", "num_translations": 10 }, "gargle1": { "senses": [ "a liquid used for gargling", "the sound of gargling", "lager, drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mouthwash" ], "word": "gargle", "num_translations": 15 }, "flashback": { "senses": [ "A dramatic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological flow of a narrative", "A vivid mental image of a past trauma, especially one that recurs", "A similar recurrence of the effects of a hallucinogenic drug", "The condition of the flame propagating down the hose of an oxy-fuel welding system", "A query that operates against data from an earlier time, before it was changed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "analepsis" ], "word": "flashback", "num_translations": 28 }, "coition": { "senses": [ "Sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coitus" ], "word": "coition", "num_translations": 10 }, "slowcooker": { "senses": [ "A kitchen appliance consisting of a clay pot and its housing with self-contained electrical heating, characterized by a loose-fitting lid, relatively low temperatures, and long cooking times, and used especially in the preparation of stews" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crockpot" ], "word": "slowcooker", "num_translations": 11 }, "mudguard": { "senses": [ "A cover over the wheels of a vehicle, or a flap behind that wheel, to prevent water and mud being projected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fender" ], "word": "mudguard", "num_translations": 29 }, "ethnography": { "senses": [ "The branch of anthropology that scientifically describes specific human cultures and societies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "descriptive anthropology" ], "word": "ethnography", "num_translations": 29 }, "oilshale": { "senses": [ "a sedimentary rock containing kerogen from which petroleum-like shale oil can be produced by pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kerogen shale" ], "word": "oilshale", "num_translations": 11 }, "havebatsinone'sbelfry": { "senses": [ "To be crazy or eccentric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:insane" ], "word": "havebatsinone'sbelfry", "num_translations": 11 }, "downhill": { "senses": [ "Down a slope" ], "antonyms": [ "uphill" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "downhill", "num_translations": 14 }, "downhill1": { "senses": [ "Located down a slope or hill", "Going down a slope or a hill", "Easy", "Deteriorating, getting worse" ], "antonyms": [ "uphill" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "downhill", "num_translations": 14 }, "bobsleigh": { "senses": [ "A sleigh for saw logs or heavy timber resting on two pairs of two short runners", "A winter sport in which teams make timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked purpose-built iced tracks in a gravity-powered sled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bob", "bobsled" ], "word": "bobsleigh", "num_translations": 24 }, "scrawny": { "senses": [ "Thin, malnourished and weak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrawny" ], "word": "scrawny", "num_translations": 36 }, "americas": { "senses": [ "North America and South America taken together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "America", "New World" ], "word": "Americas", "num_translations": 149 }, "trickery": { "senses": [ "Deception or underhanded behavior", "The art of dressing up", "imposture", "Artifice", "the use of one or more stratagems", "An instance of deception, underhanded behavior, dressing up, imposture, artifice, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:deception" ], "word": "trickery", "num_translations": 55 }, "enamor": { "senses": [ "To cause to be in love", "To captivate" ], "antonyms": [ "disenamour", "disenamor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "enamor", "num_translations": 14 }, "saddler": { "senses": [ "Someone who makes, repairs and sells saddles, harnesses etc", "The harp seal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saddlemaker" ], "word": "saddler", "num_translations": 35 }, "hodgkin'slymphoma": { "senses": [ "A malignant lymphoid neoplasm characterized by the formation of large tumour cells in the lymph nodes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lymphogranulomatosis", "Hodgkin's disease" ], "word": "Hodgkin'slymphoma", "num_translations": 11 }, "invisibility": { "senses": [ "The state of being invisible", "That which is invisible" ], "antonyms": [ "visibility" ], "synonyms": [ "hiddenness", "latency" ], "word": "invisibility", "num_translations": 26 }, "buzzer": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, buzzes", "an insect that buzzes", "A device that makes a buzzing sound", "A police badge", "A run scored from an overthrow", "A gossip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buzzer", "num_translations": 22 }, "controlpanel": { "senses": [ "A flat, usually vertical surface onto which controls, instruments, and displays are mounted", "A computer display offering a number of controls or options" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "instrument panel" ], "word": "controlpanel", "num_translations": 14 }, "tempestinateapot": { "senses": [ "A major fuss over a trivial matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "much ado about nothing", "storm in a teacup", "tempest in a teacup" ], "word": "tempestinateapot", "num_translations": 27 }, "rootmeansquare": { "senses": [ "The square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quadratic mean" ], "word": "rootmeansquare", "num_translations": 15 }, "onair": { "senses": [ "Transmitting live", "Smoothly", "gracefully", "Happily", "Won with a high card though capturing only small cards" ], "antonyms": [ "off air" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "onair", "num_translations": 19 }, "lanolin": { "senses": [ "A greasy yellow substance chemically akin to wax that is secreted from wooly animals, with a variety of uses from rust prevention, lubrication and waterproofing to cosmetics and skin ointments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E913", "lanichol" ], "word": "lanolin", "num_translations": 21 }, "motherboard": { "senses": [ "The primary circuit board of a personal computer, containing the circuitry for the central processing unit, keyboard, mouse and monitor, together with slots for other devices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mainboard", "mobo" ], "word": "motherboard", "num_translations": 58 }, "sanitize": { "senses": [ "To rid of microorganisms by cleaning or disinfecting", "To make something, such as a dramatic work, more acceptable by removing potentially offensive material", "To filter to ensure it does not contain any characters that will cause problems for or be interpreted in an adverse way by the receiving system", "To remove sensitive or personal data from", "To revise in order to prevent identification of the sources" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sanitize", "num_translations": 12 }, "conscientiousobjector": { "senses": [ "Someone who refuses to fight in an armed conflict because of religious or moral principles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conchy", "conshie" ], "word": "conscientiousobjector", "num_translations": 17 }, "blowhole": { "senses": [ "The spiracle, on the top of the head, through which cetaceans breathe", "A vent for the escape of gas", "A top-facing opening to a cavity in the ground very near an ocean's shore, leading to a marine cave from which wave water or bursts of air are expelled", "An unintended cavity filled with air in a casting product", "A vertical opening in the top of computer cases, that let hot air, primarily from the CPU heat sink, escape quickly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blowhole", "num_translations": 20 }, "frugivore": { "senses": [ "An animal whose diet is mostly fruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fructivore", "fruit-eater", "fruitivore" ], "word": "frugivore", "num_translations": 15 }, "votic": { "senses": [ "A nearly extinct Finno-Ugric language spoken in Ingria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Votian" ], "word": "Votic", "num_translations": 22 }, "adumbration": { "senses": [ "The state of being in shadow or shade", "a shadow", "A faint sketch", "a brief representation, an outline", "A rough or symbolic representation", "a vague indication of what is to come, a foreshadowing", "The form of an object as seen by an observer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adumbration", "num_translations": 50 }, "radial": { "senses": [ "Arranged like rays that radiate from, or converge to a common centre", "Moving along a radius", "Of, or relating to the radius bone", "Of, or relating to the radius , and/or the wing areas next to it", "Developing uniformly on all sides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "radial", "num_translations": 20 }, "festivity": { "senses": [ "A festival or similar celebration", "An experience or expression of celebratory feeling, merriment, gaiety" ], "antonyms": [ "infestivity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "festivity", "num_translations": 36 }, "ossetian1": { "senses": [ "A member of the Iranian people inhabiting Ossetia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ossete" ], "word": "Ossetian", "num_translations": 30 }, "ossetian2": { "senses": [ "The Eastern Iranian language spoke by these people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ossetic" ], "word": "Ossetian", "num_translations": 26 }, "oceanographer": { "senses": [ "a person who studies oceanography, the science of oceans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oceanographist" ], "word": "oceanographer", "num_translations": 21 }, "confederation": { "senses": [ "A union or alliance of states or political organizations", "The act of forming an alliance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alliance", "confederacy", "federation", "league" ], "word": "confederation", "num_translations": 48 }, "boon": { "senses": [ "A prayer", "petition", "That which is asked or granted as a benefit or favor", "a gift or benefaction", "A good thing", "a blessing or benefit", "a thing to be thankful for", "An unpaid service due by a tenant to his lord" ], "antonyms": [ "bane" ], "synonyms": [ "gift", "blessing", "benefit" ], "word": "boon", "num_translations": 36 }, "boon1": { "senses": [ "Good", "prosperous", "Kind", "bountiful", "benign", "merry", "jovial", "convivial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boon", "num_translations": 11 }, "shamrock": { "senses": [ "The trefoil leaf of any small clover, especially Trifolium repens, or such a leaf from a clover-like plant, commonly used as a symbol of Ireland", "Any of several small plants, forms of clover, with trefoil leaves, especially Trifolium repens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trefoil", "clover" ], "word": "shamrock", "num_translations": 26 }, "rhotacism": { "senses": [ "An exaggerated use of the sound of the letter R", "A linguistic phenomenon in which a consonant changes into an R, such as Latin flos becoming florem'' in the accusative case", "rhotacization", "Inability to pronounce the letter R", "derhotacization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rhotacism", "num_translations": 13 }, "capricorn": { "senses": [ ": The zodiac sign for the goat, ruled by Saturn and covering December 22 - January 20 or January 15 - February 14" ], "antonyms": [ "Cancer" ], "synonyms": [ "Capricornian" ], "word": "Capricorn", "num_translations": 61 }, "jerusalemartichoke": { "senses": [ "A variety of sunflower, Helianthus tuberosus, native to North America, having yellow flower heads and edible tubers", "The tuber of this plant, eaten as a vegetable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ground pear" ], "word": "Jerusalemartichoke", "num_translations": 41 }, "answeringmachine": { "senses": [ "A device that automatically records voice mail from unanswered telephone calls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ansaphone" ], "word": "answeringmachine", "num_translations": 28 }, "suburban": { "senses": [ "Relating to or characteristic of or situated on the outskirts of a city" ], "antonyms": [ "nonsuburban" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "suburban", "num_translations": 33 }, "photovoltaic": { "senses": [ "Producing a voltage when exposed to light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "photoelectric" ], "word": "photovoltaic", "num_translations": 15 }, "crud": { "senses": [ "Dirt, filth or refuse", "Something of poor quality", "A contemptible person", "Mixed impurities, especially wear and corrosion products in nuclear reactor coolant", "A heavy wet snow on which it is difficult to ski", "Feces", "excrement", "Venereal disease, or any disease", "A fast-paced game, loosely based on billiards or pool, with many players participating at the same time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crud", "num_translations": 36 }, "jicarilla1": { "senses": [ "The Athabascan language these people speak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jicarilla Apache" ], "word": "Jicarilla", "num_translations": 10 }, "envoy": { "senses": [ "a diplomatic agent of the second rank, next in status after an ambassador", "a representative", "a diplomat", "a messenger", "alternative spelling of \"envoi\": a short stanza at the end of a poem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "envoy extraordinary" ], "word": "envoy", "num_translations": 39 }, "fleamarket": { "senses": [ "An outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swap meet" ], "word": "fleamarket", "num_translations": 60 }, "palpitate": { "senses": [ "To beat strongly or rapidly", "said especially of the heart", "To cause to beat strongly or rapidly", "To shake tremulously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flutter", "quiver" ], "word": "palpitate", "num_translations": 12 }, "mountainbike": { "senses": [ "A bicycle specially designed for off-road riding, typically with straight, flat handlebars, a heavier frame than road bikes, higher ground clearance, and wider tires, sometimes with knobs on them for greater traction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trail bike", "MTB" ], "word": "mountainbike", "num_translations": 27 }, "honk": { "senses": [ "To use a car horn", "To make a loud, harsh sound like a car horn", "To make the vocal sound of a goose", "To vomit: regurgitate the contents of one's stomach", "To have a bad smell", "To squeeze playfully, usually a breast or nose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "honk", "num_translations": 31 }, "illegalalien": { "senses": [ "A person who is within the boundaries of a political state without the authorization of the government of that state", "a national of another country who has entered or stayed without permission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crimmigrant" ], "word": "illegalalien", "num_translations": 16 }, "oftentimes": { "senses": [ "Frequently", "Repeatedly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oftentime" ], "word": "oftentimes", "num_translations": 15 }, "aheadofone'stime": { "senses": [ "In advance of concurrent commonly accepted ideas", "showing characteristics of changes yet to be", "present in one's work before later advances in the field" ], "antonyms": [ "before one's time", "behind one's time" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aheadofone'stime", "num_translations": 13 }, "bangs": { "senses": [ "plural of \"bang\"", "Hair hanging over the forehead", "A hairstyle including such hair, especially cut straight across the forehead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forelocks", "fringe" ], "word": "bangs", "num_translations": 65 }, "zealously": { "senses": [ "Like a zealot", "with zealotry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eagerly" ], "word": "zealously", "num_translations": 29 }, "onlychild": { "senses": [ "A person who has no siblings", "A person raised as the sole child in a household" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oneling", "onlyborn" ], "word": "onlychild", "num_translations": 62 }, "isotonic": { "senses": [ "having the same osmotic pressure", "Having the same concentration of solutes as human blood", "having equal tension", "Having the same tone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "isotonic", "num_translations": 16 }, "circumcised": { "senses": [ "Having had the foreskin of the penis excised", "Having had the clitoris, prepuce, or labia excised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:circumcised" ], "word": "circumcised", "num_translations": 27 }, "pleiades": { "senses": [ "The \"seven sisters\", companions of Artemis and daughters of the Titan Atlas and the sea-nymph Pleione", "An open cluster of hot blue stars in the constellation Taurus, and the most easily visible such cluster from Earth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Seven Sisters" ], "word": "Pleiades", "num_translations": 148 }, "icerink": { "senses": [ "A specially frozen surface of water on which people skate or play ice hockey", "A building that houses such a surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skating rink" ], "word": "icerink", "num_translations": 11 }, "packice": { "senses": [ "A large consolidated mass of floating sea ice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ice pack", "hummocky ice" ], "word": "packice", "num_translations": 10 }, "mindless": { "senses": [ "Showing a lack of forethought or sense", "Having no sensible meaning or purpose", "Heedless", "Overly repetitive and unchallenging", "Lacking a mind" ], "antonyms": [ "mindful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mindless", "num_translations": 15 }, "archaeon": { "senses": [ "A member of the kingdom Archaea", "an archaebacterium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "archaebacterium" ], "word": "archaeon", "num_translations": 22 }, "separable": { "senses": [ "Able to be separated", "Of a topological space, having a countable dense subset" ], "antonyms": [ "annexable" ], "synonyms": [ "disunitable" ], "word": "separable", "num_translations": 17 }, "immunoglobulin": { "senses": [ "Any of the glycoproteins in blood serum that respond to invasion by foreign antigens and that protect the host by removing pathogens", "an antibody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antibody" ], "word": "immunoglobulin", "num_translations": 15 }, "analytic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to division into elements or principles", "Having the ability to analyse", "that follows necessarily", "tautologous", "Of, or relating to algebra or a similar method of analysis", "Being defined in terms of objects of differential calculus such as derivatives", "Holomorphic", "complex-differentiable", "Of a language, having a grammar principally dependent on the arrangement of uninflected words within sentences to indicate meaning Compare synthetic" ], "antonyms": [ "contingent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "analytic", "num_translations": 63 }, "governance": { "senses": [ "The process, or the power, of governing", "government or administration", "The specific system by which a political system is ruled", "The group of people who make up an administrative body", "The state of being governed", "Accountability for consistent, cohesive policies, processes and decision rights" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "governance", "num_translations": 42 }, "interpose": { "senses": [ "To insert something between other things", "To interrupt a conversation by introducing a different subject or making a comment", "To offer", "To be inserted between parts or things", "to come between", "To intervene in a dispute, or in a conversation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insert", "interrupt" ], "word": "interpose", "num_translations": 40 }, "superficially": { "senses": [ "In a superficial manner", "shallowly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shallowly", "apparently" ], "word": "superficially", "num_translations": 18 }, "namby-pamby1": { "senses": [ "One who is insipid, sentimental or weak", "Talk or writing which is weakly sentimental or affectedly pretty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nestle-cock" ], "word": "namby-pamby", "num_translations": 25 }, "embezzle": { "senses": [ "To steal or misappropriate money that one has been trusted with, especially to steal money from the organisation for which one works" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "defalcate", "have one's hand in the till", "misappropriate", "peculate" ], "word": "embezzle", "num_translations": 30 }, "embezzler": { "senses": [ "one who steals money they have been trusted with, especially from one's employer", "one who embezzles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peculator" ], "word": "embezzler", "num_translations": 12 }, "easement": { "senses": [ "The legal right to use another person's real property , generally in order to cross a part of the property or to gain access to something on the property", "An element such as a baseboard, handrail, etc, that is curved instead of abruptly changing direction", "Easing, relief", "The act of relieving oneself: defecating or urinating", "Transition spiral curve track between a straight or tangent track and a circular curved track of a certain radius or selected radius", "Assistance", "Support", "Gratification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "easement", "num_translations": 26 }, "persimmon": { "senses": [ "A type of fruit, of orange colour, very sweet, quite astringent when immature", "The tree this fruit grows on, generally one of two species of ebony: '''' or Diospyros virginiana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "date plum", "kaki", "Sharon fruit" ], "word": "persimmon", "num_translations": 144 }, "suckoff": { "senses": [ "To perform oral sex on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go down on", "Thesaurus:give head" ], "word": "suckoff", "num_translations": 42 }, "idiocy": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being an idiot", "the quality of having an intelligence level far below average", "mental retardation", "An act lacking intelligence or sense", "an instance of senselessness", "extremely foolish behaviour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imbecility", "stupidity" ], "word": "idiocy", "num_translations": 27 }, "commonlaw": { "senses": [ "Law developed by judges, courts, and agency adjudicatory tribunals, through their decisions and opinions", "Legal system mainly in England and its former colonies with a heavy emphasis on judge-made law, doctrines deduced by casuistry rather than from general principles, and law distributed among judicial decisions rather than codified statutes", "Body of law and procedure administered in certain courts in England and its former colonies characterized by a rigid system of writs, with a limited set of remedies", "Law of general application throughout a country, province, or state as opposed to law having only a special or local application" ], "antonyms": [ "statute", "equity", "admiralty", "civil law", "Roman law", "ius commune", "canon law", "ecclesiastical law" ], "synonyms": [ "case law", "decisional law", "judge-made law", "precedential law" ], "word": "commonlaw", "num_translations": 15 }, "starfruit": { "senses": [ "The fruit of the carambola tree, Averrhoa carambola" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carambola" ], "word": "starfruit", "num_translations": 71 }, "sickly": { "senses": [ "Frequently ill or in poor health", "Not in good health", "sick", "Characterized by poor or unhealthy growth", "Appearing ill, infirm or unhealthy", "giving the appearance of illness", "Shedding a relatively small amount of light", "not very bright", "Lacking intensity or vigour", "Associated with poor moral or mental well-being", "Tending to produce nausea", "Overly sweet", "Marked by the occurrence of illness or disease", "Tending to produce disease or poor health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sickly", "num_translations": 83 }, "prophesy": { "senses": [ "To speak or write with divine inspiration", "to act as prophet", "To predict, to foretell", "To foreshow", "to herald", "to prefigure", "To speak out on the Bible as an expression of holy inspiration", "to preach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prophesy", "num_translations": 49 }, "rebellious": { "senses": [ "Showing rebellion" ], "antonyms": [ "docile" ], "synonyms": [ "defiant", "restive" ], "word": "rebellious", "num_translations": 37 }, "centerfold": { "senses": [ "The single sheet of paper that forms the middle two pages of a magazine or other publication", "A large photograph printed on this sheet, typically in the form of a nude, or provocatively dressed, sexually attractive woman or man", "The person appearing in such a photograph", "Any very sexually attractive person, who is therefore material for such a photograph" ], "antonyms": [ "crone", "fright", "hag", "monster" ], "synonyms": [ "pin-up", "pin-up", "pin-up girl" ], "word": "centerfold", "num_translations": 13 }, "ooh": { "senses": [ "An expression of surprise", "An expression of awe", "A sound made to imitate a ghost", "An expression of affection", "An expression of pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ooh", "num_translations": 21 }, "goddamn": { "senses": [ "An expression of anger, surprise, intense excitment or frustration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gods damn" ], "word": "goddamn", "num_translations": 72 }, "goddamn1": { "senses": [ "Damned by God", "Used as an intensifier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "godsdamn", "goddamned", "gorram", "Thesaurus:damned" ], "word": "goddamn", "num_translations": 42 }, "deacon": { "senses": [ "A designated minister of charity in the early Church", "A clergyman ranked directly below a priest, with duties of helping the priests and carrying out parish work", "Free Churches: A lay leader of a congregation who assists the pastor", "Methodism: A separate office from that of minister, neither leading to the other", "A junior lodge officer", "The lowest office in the Aaronic priesthood, generally held by 12 or 13 year old boys or recent converts", "The chairman of an incorporated company" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "deacon", "num_translations": 102 }, "screwed": { "senses": [ "fucked, beset with unfortunate circumstances that seem difficult or impossible to overcome", "in imminent danger", "intoxicated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fucked", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "screwed", "num_translations": 23 }, "timing": { "senses": [ "An occurrence or event", "The regulation of the pace of eg an athletic race, the speed of an engine, the delivery of a joke, or the occurrence of a series of events", "The time when something happens", "The synchronization of the firing of the spark plugs in an internal combustion engine", "An instance of recording the time of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "timing", "num_translations": 37 }, "carver": { "senses": [ "Someone who carves", "A carving knife", "A butcher", "An armchair as part of a set of dining chairs", "A ski with curved edges, allowing smooth turns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "carver", "num_translations": 11 }, "payback": { "senses": [ "An act of revenge", "A benefit, reward, a form of recompense", "A return on investment", "A refund, reimbursement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "just deserts", "poetic justice" ], "word": "payback", "num_translations": 18 }, "hypothesize": { "senses": [ "To believe or assert on uncertain grounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guess" ], "word": "hypothesize", "num_translations": 18 }, "buster": { "senses": [ "Someone who or something that bursts, breaks, or destroys a specified thing", "Forming compounds denoting a team, weapon, or device specialized in the destruction of the first element", "Someone who or something that 'breaks', tames, or overpowers a specified person or thing", "Someone or something remarkable, especially for being loud, large, etc", "A loaf of bread", "A drinking spree, a binge", "A gale, a strong wind", "A heavy fall", "a staged fall, a pratfall", "A molting crab" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buster", "num_translations": 37 }, "insecure": { "senses": [ "Not secure", "Not comfortable or confident in oneself or in certain situations" ], "antonyms": [ "confident" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insecure", "num_translations": 41 }, "shooter": { "senses": [ "Someone who shoots something", "a gunner, archer etc", "A firearm", "A video game in which shooting enemies is the main objective", "A professional wrestler who uses actual fighting moves as part of his style, or who speaks his mind during a live or televised event", "A large marble used for knocking smaller marbles out of a chalk circle", "An alcoholic beverage typically served in a shot glass", "A shooting star", "A device supposed to accumulate orgone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marksman", "blaster", "shoot-'em-up" ], "word": "shooter", "num_translations": 28 }, "caller": { "senses": [ "The person who makes a telephone call", "A visitor", "The person who stands at the front of the hall and announces the numbers", "A function that calls another", "A whistle or similar item used to call foxes", "The person who directs dancers in certain dances, such as American line dances and square dances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "caller", "num_translations": 10 }, "rueful": { "senses": [ "Causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrow, especially in a wry or humorous way", "Inspiring pity or compassion", "Bad", "woeful", "deplorable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rueful", "num_translations": 18 }, "giveme": { "senses": [ "An expression of strong preference or approbation for a named thing", "A request by a telephone user to be connected with a specified person, number, etc", "A command to do a given number of repetitions of an exercise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gimme" ], "word": "giveme", "num_translations": 67 }, "giveout": { "senses": [ "To utter, publish", "to announce, proclaim, report", "To send forth, emit", "to cause to be sent forth", "To issue", "to distribute", "To cease functioning in some way", "To complain, sulk, chastise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "giveout", "num_translations": 12 }, "pediatrics": { "senses": [ "The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paediatry" ], "word": "pediatrics", "num_translations": 19 }, "melanism": { "senses": [ "Congenital excess of melanin pigmentation in the skin, hair, feathers and/or eyes" ], "antonyms": [ "albinism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "melanism", "num_translations": 15 }, "facultative": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to faculty, especially to mental faculty", "Not obligate", "optional, discretionary or elective", "That grants permission or power to do something", "Able to perform a particular life function, or to live generally, in more than one way", "At which a given function is positive" ], "antonyms": [ "obligate", "obligatory" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "facultative", "num_translations": 30 }, "sluice": { "senses": [ "An artificial passage for water, fitted with a valve or gate, for example in a canal lock or a mill stream, for stopping or regulating the flow", "A water gate or floodgate", "Hence, an opening or channel through which anything flows", "a source of supply", "The stream flowing through a floodgate", "A long box or trough through which water flows, used for washing auriferous earth", "An instance of wh-stranding ellipsis, or sluicing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sluice", "num_translations": 46 }, "wimple": { "senses": [ "A cloth which usually covers the head and is worn around the neck and chin It was worn by women in medieval Europe and is still worn by nuns in certain orders", "A fold or pleat in cloth", "A ripple, as on the surface of water", "A curve or bend", "A flag or streamer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wimple", "num_translations": 14 }, "hacek": { "senses": [ "A caron", "a diacritical mark usually resembling an inverted circumflex, but in the cases of \u010f, \u013d, \u013e, and \u0165 resembling a prime instead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caret", "caron", "chevron", "\u010diriklo", "clicka\u200e", "hat", "hook", "inverted caret", "inverted circumflex", "inverted hat", "m\u00e4k\u010de\u0148", "palatal hook", "stre\u0161ica", "wedge", "wing" ], "word": "hacek", "num_translations": 48 }, "respected": { "senses": [ "Deserving of respect", "due special honor or appreciation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "admired" ], "word": "respected", "num_translations": 18 }, "clearance": { "senses": [ "The act of clearing or something cleared", "The distance between two moving objects, especially between parts of a machine", "The height or width of a tunnel, bridge or other passage, or the distance between a vehicle and the walls or roof of such passage", "a gap, headroom", "A permission for a vehicle to proceed, or for a person to travel", "A permission to have access to sensitive or secret documents or other information", "A permission to use something, usually intellectual property, that is legally, but not otherwise, protected", "A sale of merchandise, especially at significantly reduced prices in order to make room for new merchandise or updated versions of the same merchandise", "The settlement of transactions involving securities or means of payment such as checks by means of a clearing house", "The removal of harmful substances from the blood", "The act of potting all the remaining balls on a table at one visit", "The act of kicking a ball away from the goal one is defending", "Removal of pieces from a rank, file or diagonal so that a bishop, rook or queen is free to move along it", "Clear or net profit", "The first disposal in a chain that leaves the area of a stoppage, or a disposal that leaves the area of a stoppage itself", "The act of leaving the area of a stoppage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clearance", "num_translations": 123 }, "psst": { "senses": [ "Implies that the speaker is sending secret or whispered information to another person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hist" ], "word": "psst", "num_translations": 10 }, "sneaky": { "senses": [ "Difficult to catch due to constantly outwitting the adversaries", "Dishonest", "deceitful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slippery", "evasive" ], "word": "sneaky", "num_translations": 36 }, "overtime": { "senses": [ "Working time outside of one's regular hours", "The rate of pay, usually higher, for work done outside of or in addition to regular hours", "An extra period of play when a contest has a tie score at the end of regulation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extra time" ], "word": "overtime", "num_translations": 63 }, "digger": { "senses": [ "A large piece of machinery that digs holes or trenches", "an excavator", "A tool for digging", "A spade", "One who digs", "A gold miner, one who digs for gold", "An informal nickname for a friend", "used as a term of endearment", "An Australian soldier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "digger", "num_translations": 21 }, "priceless": { "senses": [ "So precious as not to be sold at any price", "invaluable", "Treasured", "held in high regard", "Excellent, wonderful, fantastic", "Ridiculous, absurd, rich", "Very amusing, hilarious", "Of no value", "worthless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "priceless", "num_translations": 30 }, "dower": { "senses": [ "The part of or interest in a deceased husband's property provided to his widow, usually in the form of a life estate", "Property given by a groom directly to his bride at or before their wedding in order to legitimize the marriage", "dowry", "That with which one is gifted or endowed", "endowment", "gift" ], "antonyms": [ "curtesy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dower", "num_translations": 17 }, "kippah": { "senses": [ "The cloth skullcap or yarmulke traditionally worn by male Jews" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yarmulke", "skullcap" ], "word": "kippah", "num_translations": 29 }, "ranger": { "senses": [ "One who ranges", "a rover", "A keeper, guardian, or soldier who ranges over a region to protect the area or enforce the law", "That which separates or arranges", "a sieve", "A dog that beats the ground in search of game", "In some modern armies, an elite soldier, similar to special forces but often operating in larger units", "A warrior character, often with wilderness and stealth skill, who typically travels the countryside", "A character skilled in the use of ranged weapons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ranger", "num_translations": 21 }, "consulate": { "senses": [ "Rule by consuls, as during most periods of the Roman Republic or in France between 1799 and 1804", "The office of a consul, in its various senses", "The term of office of a consul", "The business office of a consul", "a minor embassy", "Any town or city council" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capitoulate", "consulship" ], "word": "consulate", "num_translations": 80 }, "nutty": { "senses": [ "Containing nuts", "Resembling or characteristic of nuts", "Barmy, crazy, mad", "Extravagantly fashionable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nuts", "Thesaurus:insane" ], "word": "nutty", "num_translations": 23 }, "dumpster": { "senses": [ "A large, usually metal trash receptacle designed to be hoisted up by a garbage truck in order to be emptied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skip", "communal bin" ], "word": "dumpster", "num_translations": 13 }, "coaster": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of coast: one who coasts", "Something that coasts, such as a sled or toboggan", "A merchant vessel that stays in coastal waters", "A sailor who travels only in coastal waters", "A person who originates from or inhabits a coastal area", "A small piece of material used to protect the surface of a table, upon which one places cups or mugs", "A small tray on wheels, used to pass something around a table", "A worthless compact disc or DVD, such as one that was burned incorrectly", "A prostitute, especially a white woman, plying her trade in Chinese port towns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beer mat" ], "word": "coaster", "num_translations": 60 }, "preview": { "senses": [ "An experience of something in advance", "An advance showing of a film, exhibition etc", "Something seen in advance", "a facility for seeing and checking a document, or changes to it, before saving and/or printing it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forelook" ], "word": "preview", "num_translations": 42 }, "lotion": { "senses": [ "A low- to medium-viscosity topical preparation intended for application to unbroken skin", "A washing, especially of the skin for the purpose of beautification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lavatory" ], "word": "lotion", "num_translations": 42 }, "miscarriage": { "senses": [ "A failure", "a mistake or error", "The spontaneous natural termination of a pregnancy, especially before it is viable", "the fatal expulsion of a foetus from the womb before term" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spontaneous abortion" ], "word": "miscarriage", "num_translations": 83 }, "drummer": { "senses": [ "One who plays the drums", "travelling salesman", "A drumstick", "Any of various fish of the family Kyphosidae which make a drumming sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "percussionist", "hawker" ], "word": "drummer", "num_translations": 60 }, "makeover": { "senses": [ "A major change in the use of something, or in the appearance of something or someone", "a radical transformation" ], "antonyms": [ "makeunder" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "makeover", "num_translations": 12 }, "booking1": { "senses": [ "The act or process of writing something down in a book or books, eg in accounting", "A reservation for a service, such as accommodation in an hotel", "The engagement of a performer for a particular performance", "The issuing of a caution which is usually written down in a book, and results in a yellow card or a red card, that is to say, the player is sent from the field of play", "The process of photographing, fingerprinting and recording the identifying data of a suspect following arrest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "booking", "num_translations": 52 }, "bossy": { "senses": [ "Tending to give orders to others, especially when unwarranted", "domineering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dictatorial", "Thesaurus:bossy" ], "word": "bossy", "num_translations": 23 }, "subsidy": { "senses": [ "Financial support or assistance, such as a grant", "Money granted by parliament to the British Crown" ], "antonyms": [ "tax" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "subsidy", "num_translations": 42 }, "handyman": { "senses": [ "A man who does small tasks and odd jobs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jack of all trades", "odd-job man" ], "word": "handyman", "num_translations": 27 }, "hectic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to bodily reactions characterised by flushed or dry skin", "Very busy with activity and confusion", "feverish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feverish" ], "word": "hectic", "num_translations": 30 }, "scooter": { "senses": [ "a human-powered land vehicle with a handlebar, deck and wheels that is propelled by a rider pushing off the ground", "a small motorcycle or moped with a step-through frame", "a type of flat-bottomed, buoyant ice yacht used in the state of New York, equipped with runners for traveling over ice", "Any of the large, black ducks of the genus Melanitta", "the scoter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scooter", "num_translations": 108 }, "casserole": { "senses": [ "A dish of glass or earthenware, with a lid, in which food is baked and sometimes served", "Food, such as a stew, cooked in such a dish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "casserole dish", "hotpot", "hotdish" ], "word": "casserole", "num_translations": 61 }, "reclaim": { "senses": [ "To return land to a suitable condition for use", "To obtain useful products from waste", "to recycle", "To claim something back", "to repossess", "To return someone to a proper course of action, or correct an error", "to reform", "To tame or domesticate a wild animal", "To call back from flight or disorderly action", "to call to, for the purpose of subduing or quieting", "To cry out in opposition or contradiction", "to exclaim against anything", "to contradict", "to take exceptions", "To draw back", "to give way", "To appeal from the Lord Ordinary to the inner house of the Court of Session" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reclaim", "num_translations": 12 }, "pickled1": { "senses": [ "Preserved by pickling", "Drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "pickled", "num_translations": 16 }, "valedictorian": { "senses": [ "The individual in a graduating class who delivers the farewell or valedictory address, often the person who graduates with the highest grades", "The individual in a graduating class who graduates with the highest grades" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dux" ], "word": "valedictorian", "num_translations": 14 }, "votingsystem": { "senses": [ "A system used to determine the result of an election based on the preferences expressed by voters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "electoral system" ], "word": "votingsystem", "num_translations": 23 }, "curdle": { "senses": [ "To form curds so that it no longer flows smoothly", "to cause to form such curds", "To clot or coagulate", "to cause to congeal, such as through cold", "To cause a liquid to spoil and form clumps so that it no longer flows smoothly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "curdle", "num_translations": 80 }, "decrepitude": { "senses": [ "the state of being decrepit or worn out from age or long use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cobwebbiness" ], "word": "decrepitude", "num_translations": 10 }, "highpriest": { "senses": [ "A clergyman with a higher function than a normal priest", "In the history of the Hebrew Testament , the male person who was responsible for making the annual sacrifice on the Day of Atonement Always a descendant of Aaron the older brother of Moses", "Jesus Christ", "The second-lowest office in the Melchizedek priesthood", "A person holding a position of power or influence", "an authority in a field of study, doctrine, art or a movement", "A third degree male witch in Wicca" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "highpriest", "num_translations": 41 }, "infrasound": { "senses": [ "Sound waves having a frequency below the human audible range" ], "antonyms": [ "ultrasound" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "infrasound", "num_translations": 13 }, "ringworm": { "senses": [ "A contagious fungal infection of the skin, characterised by ring-shaped discoloured patches, covered by vesicles or scales" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dermatophytosis", "tinea" ], "word": "ringworm", "num_translations": 36 }, "infidelity": { "senses": [ "Unfaithfulness in a marriage or an intimate relationship: practice or instance of having a sexual or romantic affair with someone other than one's spouse, without the consent of the spouse", "Unfaithfulness in some other moral obligation", "Lack of religious belief" ], "antonyms": [ "faithfulness", "loyalty", "fidelity" ], "synonyms": [ "adultery", "betrayal", "faithlessness" ], "word": "infidelity", "num_translations": 49 }, "frig": { "senses": [ "to fidget, to wriggle around", "to masturbate", "to fuck", "to mess or muck", "to make a temporary alteration to something, to fudge, to manipulate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fap", "eff", "fiddle around", "bodge" ], "word": "frig", "num_translations": 10 }, "left-click": { "senses": [ "To press the left button on a computer mouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "click" ], "word": "left-click", "num_translations": 10 }, "unfashionable": { "senses": [ "That cannot be fashioned", "unshapely, distorted", "Not fashionable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deformed", "d\u00e9mod\u00e9" ], "word": "unfashionable", "num_translations": 12 }, "empathic": { "senses": [ "Showing or expressing empathy", "Of, pertaining to, or being an empath: of or having the capability of sensing the emotions of others" ], "antonyms": [ "apathetic" ], "synonyms": [ "empathetic" ], "word": "empathic", "num_translations": 15 }, "flagrant": { "senses": [ "Obvious and offensive", "blatant", "scandalous", "On fire", "flaming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blatant", "burning" ], "word": "flagrant", "num_translations": 23 }, "foreclose": { "senses": [ "To repossess a mortgaged property whose owner has failed to make the necessary payments", "used with on", "To cut off by a judgment of court from the power of redeeming the mortgaged premises", "To shut up or out", "to prevent from doing something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "foreclose", "num_translations": 11 }, "froward": { "senses": [ "Disobedient, contrary, unmanageable", "difficult to deal with", "with an evil disposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "untoward" ], "word": "froward", "num_translations": 14 }, "frowst": { "senses": [ "Stuffiness", "stifling warmth in a room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stuffiness", "fustiness" ], "word": "frowst", "num_translations": 11 }, "literati": { "senses": [ "Well-educated, literary people", "intellectuals who are interested in literature" ], "antonyms": [ "illiterati" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "literati", "num_translations": 11 }, "xenoglossy": { "senses": [ "Knowledge of a language one has never learned", "Glossolalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "xenoglossia" ], "word": "xenoglossy", "num_translations": 22 }, "altarboy": { "senses": [ "A boy serving as an acolyte in certain forms of Christianity", "A young man adhering to traditional values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boy scout" ], "word": "altarboy", "num_translations": 26 }, "autolysis": { "senses": [ "The destruction of an organism's cells by enzymes produced by the organism itself", "The autodigestion of the tissues of an organism", "The autocytolysis of blood cells", "The decomposition of dead yeast cells in wine after fermentation", "A two-stage mixing process where water and flour are combined first before adding leavening and salt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "autolysis", "num_translations": 10 }, "garbagetruck": { "senses": [ "A vehicle for the collection and removal of domestic waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dustcart" ], "word": "garbagetruck", "num_translations": 42 }, "hunchback": { "senses": [ "One who is stooped or hunched over", "A deformed upper spinal column in the shape of a hump in the back", "A person with kyphosis, a spinal deformity that causes a hunched over appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "humpback", "stoop" ], "word": "hunchback", "num_translations": 11 }, "conjuncture": { "senses": [ "A combination of events or circumstances", "a conjunction", "a union", "A set of circumstances causing a crisis", "a juncture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conjuncture", "num_translations": 18 }, "buddha'shand": { "senses": [ "Citrus medica var sarcodactylus, a fragrant variant of citron whose fruit is segmented into finger-like sections" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Buddha's Hand citron" ], "word": "Buddha'shand", "num_translations": 14 }, "forbearance": { "senses": [ "Patient self-control", "restraint and tolerance under provocation", "A refraining from the enforcement of something that is due" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "patience", "restraint", "thole" ], "word": "forbearance", "num_translations": 21 }, "pomelo": { "senses": [ "The large fruit of the Citrus maxima , native to South Asia and Southeast Asia, with a thick green or yellow rind, a thick white pith, and semi-sweet translucent pale flesh", "The tree which produces this fruit", "the grapefruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "grapefruit" ], "word": "pomelo", "num_translations": 84 }, "profligacy": { "senses": [ "Careless wastefulness", "Shameless and immoral behaviour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "profligateness" ], "word": "profligacy", "num_translations": 21 }, "sinkhole": { "senses": [ "A hole formed in soluble rock by the action of water, serving to conduct surface water to an underground passage", "A depressed area in which waste or drainage collects", "A hole in the playfield that rewards the player when the ball is guided into it", "A domain name server that has been configured to hand out non-routeable addresses for all domains, so that every computer that uses it will fail to get access to the real website", "An attack which redirects requests - be it network or memory accesses - to a new location defined by the attacker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sinkhole", "num_translations": 62 }, "schizophrenic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to schizophrenia", "Afflicted with schizophrenia", "having difficulty with perception of reality", "Behaving as if one has more than one personality", "wildly changeable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "schizophrenic", "num_translations": 36 }, "peri": { "senses": [ "A sprite or supernatural being" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fairy" ], "word": "peri", "num_translations": 17 }, "effete": { "senses": [ "Of substances, quantities etc: exhausted, spent, worn-out", "Lacking strength or vitality", "feeble, powerless, impotent", "Decadent, weak through self-indulgence", "Affected, overrefined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "effete", "num_translations": 14 }, "workplace": { "senses": [ "The place where someone works" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "workstead" ], "word": "workplace", "num_translations": 33 }, "loudspeaker": { "senses": [ "An electromechanical transducer that converts an electrical signal into audible sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speaker", "speaker enclosure" ], "word": "loudspeaker", "num_translations": 111 }, "discourteous": { "senses": [ "impolite", "lacking consideration for others" ], "antonyms": [ "courteous" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impolite" ], "word": "discourteous", "num_translations": 10 }, "discretionary": { "senses": [ "Available at one's discretion", "able to be used as one chooses", "left to or regulated by one's own discretion or judgment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at one's discretion", "elective", "optional" ], "word": "discretionary", "num_translations": 27 }, "untimely": { "senses": [ "at an inopportune time", "early", "premature" ], "antonyms": [ "opportune" ], "synonyms": [ "inopportune", "early" ], "word": "untimely", "num_translations": 23 }, "thinkup": { "senses": [ "To create in one's mind", "to invent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come up with" ], "word": "thinkup", "num_translations": 21 }, "eachandevery": { "senses": [ "Each without exception", "used for emphasis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "any and all", "any and every" ], "word": "eachandevery", "num_translations": 14 }, "toeachhisown": { "senses": [ "Every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences and tastes", "Everyone should receive what they deserve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chacun \u00e0 son go\u00fbt", "there's no accounting for taste", "different strokes for different folks" ], "word": "toeachhisown", "num_translations": 41 }, "runover": { "senses": [ "To exceed the allotted time", "To cross by running", "To drive over, causing injury or death", "To describe briefly", "to summarize or recapitulate", "To rehearse quickly", "To overflow", "To score a try", "To have rotation in such direction that the crank pin traverses the upper, or front, half of its path in the forward, or outward, stroke", "said of a crank which drives, or is driven by, a reciprocating piece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "runover", "num_translations": 25 }, "rumourhasit": { "senses": [ "According to rumour or gossip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "word has it" ], "word": "rumourhasit", "num_translations": 17 }, "informationtechnology": { "senses": [ "The practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications", "The computing department of an organization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abbreviation: IT" ], "word": "informationtechnology", "num_translations": 57 }, "syncope": { "senses": [ "A loss of consciousness when someone faints, a swoon", "The loss or elision of a sound from the interior of a word, for example by changing cannot to can't, never to ne'er, or the pronunciation of the -cester ending in placenames as -ster", "A missed beat or off-beat stress in music resulting in syncopation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faint" ], "word": "syncope", "num_translations": 53 }, "leakage": { "senses": [ "an act of leaking, or something that leaks", "the amount lost due to a leak", "an undesirable flow of electric current through insulation", "loss of retail stock, especially due to theft", "The situation where sound is picked up by a microphone from a source other than that which is intended" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leakage", "num_translations": 20 }, "sexdrive": { "senses": [ "The tendency or instinct of animals to engage in sexual activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horniness" ], "word": "sexdrive", "num_translations": 15 }, "rephrase": { "senses": [ "To say or write something with different wording" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "restate", "reword" ], "word": "rephrase", "num_translations": 11 }, "lifesaver": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that saves lives", "Someone or something that is very useful or helpful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lifeguard", "rescuer", "life preserver", "boon", "godsend" ], "word": "lifesaver", "num_translations": 28 }, "nonstop1": { "senses": [ "Without stopping", "without interruption or break" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceaselessly" ], "word": "nonstop", "num_translations": 16 }, "drinker": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of drink", "someone or something that drinks", "Someone who drinks alcoholic beverages on a regular basis", "A device from which animals can drink", "A pub" ], "antonyms": [ "teetotaler" ], "synonyms": [ "alcoholic", "boozer" ], "word": "drinker", "num_translations": 66 }, "polishnotation": { "senses": [ "A notation for arithmetic formulae in which operations are written immediately before their operands, used to avoid the need for parentheses", "for example, 3 * is written as * 3 + 4 7 and A AND B is written as AND A B" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prefix notation" ], "word": "Polishnotation", "num_translations": 13 }, "leaden": { "senses": [ "Made of lead", "Pertaining to or resembling lead", "grey, heavy, sluggish", "Dull", "darkened with overcast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leaden", "num_translations": 30 }, "rax": { "senses": [ "To stretch", "stretch out", "To reach out", "reach or attain to", "To extend the hand to", "hand or pass something", "To perform the act of reaching or stretching", "stretch one's self", "reach for or try to obtain something", "To stretch after sleep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rax", "num_translations": 16 }, "downwards": { "senses": [ "Towards a lower place", "towards what is below", "Towards something which is lower in order, smaller, inferior, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "upwards" ], "synonyms": [ "downward" ], "word": "downwards", "num_translations": 18 }, "convexity": { "senses": [ "The state of being convex", "A convex line or surface", "A measure of the curvature in the relationship between the prices and yields of bonds" ], "antonyms": [ "concavity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "convexity", "num_translations": 20 }, "swansong": { "senses": [ "A final performance or accomplishment, especially one before retirement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "farewell", "last hurrah" ], "word": "swansong", "num_translations": 25 }, "insensitive": { "senses": [ "Not expressing normal physical feeling", "Not expressing normal emotional feelings", "cold", "tactless", "undiplomatic" ], "antonyms": [ "sensitive" ], "synonyms": [ "unaffected", "unsensitive" ], "word": "insensitive", "num_translations": 32 }, "florid": { "senses": [ "Having a rosy or pale red colour", "ruddy", "Elaborately ornate", "flowery", "In a blatant, vivid, or highly disorganized state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "florid", "num_translations": 22 }, "st.elmo'sfire": { "senses": [ "An electrical discharge, or corona, seen around pointed objects, caused by ionization of the atmosphere during storms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corposant", "Elmo's fire" ], "word": "St.Elmo'sfire", "num_translations": 33 }, "thirdrail": { "senses": [ "The electrified rail that runs beside or between train tracks to power electric trains", "anything that is dangerous to come into contact with, or is best avoided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conductor rail", "live rail" ], "word": "thirdrail", "num_translations": 11 }, "shamisen": { "senses": [ "A kind of three-stringed Japanese fretless lute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jamisen", "sangen" ], "word": "shamisen", "num_translations": 18 }, "southerncross": { "senses": [ "A distinctive winter constellation of the southern sky, shaped like a cross, which appears in the flags of several countries in Oceania", "The constellation as a symbol of Australia, New Zealand and various other places in the Southern Hemisphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Crux" ], "word": "SouthernCross", "num_translations": 31 }, "dorado": { "senses": [ "A small constellation of the southern sky, said to resemble a goldfish or swordfish It lies between the constellations Pictor and Reticulum, and is notable for containing most of the Large Magellanic Cloud" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Xiphias" ], "word": "Dorado", "num_translations": 12 }, "adjudicate": { "senses": [ "To settle a legal case or other dispute", "To act as a judge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arbitrate", "decide", "settle", "resolve", "try" ], "word": "adjudicate", "num_translations": 28 }, "realist": { "senses": [ "An advocate of realism", "one who believes that matter, objects etc have real existence beyond our perception of them", "One who believes in seeing things the way they really are, as opposed to how they would like them to be", "An adherent of the realism movement", "an artist who seeks to portray real everyday life accurately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "realist", "num_translations": 30 }, "lollipop": { "senses": [ "An item of confectionery consisting of a piece of candy/sweet attached to a stick" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lolly" ], "word": "lollipop", "num_translations": 68 }, "nothingness": { "senses": [ "State of nonexistence", "the condition of being nothing", "Void", "emptiness", "Quality of inconsequentiality", "lacking in significance" ], "antonyms": [ "existence" ], "synonyms": [ "nihility" ], "word": "nothingness", "num_translations": 31 }, "dingy": { "senses": [ "drab", "shabby", "dirty", "squalid" ], "antonyms": [ "bright" ], "synonyms": [ "dismal" ], "word": "dingy", "num_translations": 18 }, "streamline1": { "senses": [ "To design and construct the contours of a vehicle etc so as to offer the least resistance to its flow through a fluid", "To simplify or organize a process in order to increase its efficiency", "To modernise" ], "antonyms": [ "destreamline" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "streamline", "num_translations": 27 }, "ableism": { "senses": [ "Discrimination against persons with disabilities or in favour of those without" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disablism", "able-bodyism", "able-bodiedism", "ablecentrism" ], "word": "ableism", "num_translations": 23 }, "endanger": { "senses": [ "To put in danger", "to risk causing harm to", "To incur the hazard of", "to risk", "to run the risk of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:endanger" ], "word": "endanger", "num_translations": 22 }, "high-level": { "senses": [ "Taking place or existing at a high level, altitude or elevation", "Of or pertaining to a person of a high social position or high rank within a hierarchy or organization", "Consisting of such people", "Consisting of relatively natural language-like commands and mathematical notations which, after compilation or interpretation, become a set of machine language instructions" ], "antonyms": [ "low-level" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "high-level", "num_translations": 10 }, "fomalhaut": { "senses": [ "The brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus and one of the brightest stars in the night sky", "Alpha Piscis Austrini" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lonely Star of Autumn" ], "word": "Fomalhaut", "num_translations": 23 }, "intolerance": { "senses": [ "The state of being intolerant", "An intolerant word or action", "Extreme sensitivity to a food or drug", "allergy" ], "antonyms": [ "tolerance" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intolerance", "num_translations": 38 }, "repulsion": { "senses": [ "The act of repelling or the condition of being repelled", "An extreme dislike of something, or hostility to something", "The repulsive force acting between bodies of the same electric charge or magnetic polarity" ], "antonyms": [ "attraction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "repulsion", "num_translations": 26 }, "stateless": { "senses": [ "Of a system or protocol, such that it does not keep a persistent state between transactions", "Without state or pomp", "Without a state or nationality, not subject to any state", "Neither believing in nor supporting the idea of nations" ], "antonyms": [ "stateful" ], "synonyms": [ "citizenshipless", "countryless", "nationless" ], "word": "stateless", "num_translations": 25 }, "ruylopez": { "senses": [ "A common chess opening, an Open Game characterized by the moves 1e4 e5 2Nf3 Nc6 3Bb5, in which White moves king's bishop to the fifth rank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Spanish Game", "Spanish Opening", "Spanish Torture" ], "word": "RuyLopez", "num_translations": 10 }, "infusion": { "senses": [ "A product consisting of a liquid which has had other ingredients steeped in it to extract useful qualities", "The act of steeping or soaking a substance in liquid so as to extract medicinal or herbal qualities", "The act of installing a quality into a person", "The act of dipping into a fluid", "The administration of liquid substances directly into a vein for medical purposes", "perfusion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "infusion", "num_translations": 27 }, "realtor": { "senses": [ "A person or business that sells or leases out real estate, acting as an agent for the property owner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "estate agent", "real estate agent" ], "word": "realtor", "num_translations": 27 }, "adiposetissue": { "senses": [ "Connective tissue which stores fat, and which cushions and insulates the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bodyfat" ], "word": "adiposetissue", "num_translations": 17 }, "limerence": { "senses": [ "An involuntary romantic infatuation with another person, especially combined with an overwhelming, obsessive need to have one's feelings reciprocated" ], "antonyms": [ "nonlimerence" ], "synonyms": [ "infatuation" ], "word": "limerence", "num_translations": 42 }, "accordingto": { "senses": [ "Based on what is said or stated by", "on the authority of", "In a manner conforming or corresponding to", "in proportion to", "in accordance with", "Depending on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in line", "on the basis of" ], "word": "accordingto", "num_translations": 137 }, "sufficiency": { "senses": [ "The quality or condition of being sufficient", "An adequate amount" ], "antonyms": [ "insufficiency", "unsufficiency" ], "synonyms": [ "enoughness", "sufficience" ], "word": "sufficiency", "num_translations": 14 }, "cleansing": { "senses": [ "That cleanses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "detergent" ], "word": "cleansing", "num_translations": 13 }, "puttosleep": { "senses": [ "To cause to sleep", "To help to bed", "To render dormant", "To kill an animal painlessly, often with an injection", "to euthanize", "To give a general anesthetic prior to surgery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "put down", "put down" ], "word": "puttosleep", "num_translations": 47 }, "parenchyma": { "senses": [ "The functional tissue of an organ as distinguished from the connective and supporting tissue" ], "antonyms": [ "stroma" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "parenchyma", "num_translations": 14 }, "rainforest": { "senses": [ "A forest in a climate with high annual rainfall and no dry season" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jungle" ], "word": "rainforest", "num_translations": 36 }, "hick": { "senses": [ "An awkward, naive, clumsy and/or rude country person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boer", "country bumpkin", "churl", "hillbilly", "lob", "redneck", "rustic", "yokel" ], "word": "hick", "num_translations": 34 }, "stewardess": { "senses": [ "A female flight attendant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air hostess", "air stewardess", "flight hostess", "flight stewardess", "air host (female)", "air steward (female)", "flight steward (female)", "flight host (female)", "hostie (Australia slang)", "sky girl (slang)", "cart tart (pejorative slang)", "trolley dolly (pejorative slang)", "air host", "air steward", "flight steward", "flight host", "hostie", "sky girl", "cart tart", "trolley dolly" ], "word": "stewardess", "num_translations": 36 }, "blockandtackle": { "senses": [ "A system in which a rope, cable or chain is passed over pulleys enclosed in two blocks, one fixed and one attached to a load, which is used to gain mechanical advantage to lift or pull heavy loads", "The underwear combination of stockings worn with a suspender belt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come-along" ], "word": "blockandtackle", "num_translations": 38 }, "spandex": { "senses": [ "A synthetic fibre known for its exceptional elasticity", "Clothing made from such material" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elastane", "lycra" ], "word": "spandex", "num_translations": 10 }, "snuff": { "senses": [ "Finely ground or pulverized tobacco intended for use by being sniffed or snorted into the nose", "Fine-ground or minced tobacco, dry or moistened, intended for use by placing a pinch behind the lip or beneath the tongue", "see also snus", "A snort or sniff of fine-ground, powdered, or pulverized tobacco", "The act of briskly inhaling by the nose", "a sniff, a snort", "Resentment or skepticism expressed by quickly drawing air through the nose", "sniffling", "Snot, mucus", "Smell, scent, odour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snuff", "num_translations": 27 }, "hustler": { "senses": [ "One who rushes or hurries", "an energetic person", "Somebody who pretends to be an amateur at a game in order to win bets", "A pimp", "A prostitute", "A charlatan, huckster, grifter, a scoundrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hustler", "num_translations": 51 }, "feedback": { "senses": [ "Critical assessment of a process or activity or of their results", "The signal that is looped back to control a system within itself", "The high-pitched howling noise heard when there is a loop between a microphone and a speaker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Larsen effect" ], "word": "feedback", "num_translations": 124 }, "weedy": { "senses": [ "Abounding with weeds", "Of, relating to or resembling weeds", "Consisting of weeds", "Characteristic of a plant that grows rapidly and spreads invasively, and which grows opportunistically in cracks of sidewalks and disturbed areas", "Small and weak", "Lacking power or effectiveness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "weedy", "num_translations": 10 }, "sterling": { "senses": [ "The currency of the United Kingdom", "especially the pound", "Former British gold or silver coinage of a standard fineness: for gold 091666 and for silver 0925", "A structure of pilings that protects the piers of a bridge", "a starling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sterling", "num_translations": 26 }, "prowl": { "senses": [ "To rove over, through, or about in a stealthy manner", "especially, to search in, as for prey or booty", "To idle", "to go about aimlessly", "To collect by plunder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prowl", "num_translations": 27 }, "polymorphic": { "senses": [ "Relating to polymorphism , able to have several shapes or forms", "Having or relating to the ability to take multiple data types for a single parameter" ], "antonyms": [ "monomorphic" ], "synonyms": [ "multiform" ], "word": "polymorphic", "num_translations": 14 }, "septuagint": { "senses": [ "An ancient translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, undertaken by Jews resident in Alexandria for the benefit of Jews who had forgotten their Hebrew" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LXX" ], "word": "Septuagint", "num_translations": 28 }, "atavistic": { "senses": [ "of the recurrence of a trait reappearing after an absence of one or more generations due to a chance recombination of genes", "of a throwback or exhibiting primitivism", "relating to earlier, more primitive behavior that returns after an absence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atavistical" ], "word": "atavistic", "num_translations": 58 }, "so-and-so": { "senses": [ "A placeholder name for a person or thing, used when a name is not known", "a generic name", "Some thing or things", "Used for epithets such as SOB, bastard, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:whatsaname" ], "word": "so-and-so", "num_translations": 51 }, "policecar": { "senses": [ "An automobile used by a police officer when on duty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "squad car" ], "word": "policecar", "num_translations": 31 }, "topping2": { "senses": [ "Any food item added on top of another, such as sprinkles on ice cream or pepperoni on pizza", "The act of cutting off the top of something", "The act of raising one extremity of a spar higher than the other", "Either of the cables that support the ends of a spar or boom", "The tail of an artificial fly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "topping", "num_translations": 12 }, "lunarian": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of Luna, the moon of Terra", "A maritime navigator who uses the moon to determine longitude without the need for an accurate clock", "A member of the New York Science Fiction Society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Selenite" ], "word": "Lunarian", "num_translations": 24 }, "paddywagon": { "senses": [ "A police van for transporting prisoners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Black Maria", "cattle car" ], "word": "paddywagon", "num_translations": 14 }, "gundog": { "senses": [ "A breed of dog used by hunters to find, flush out and retrieve birds and other game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bird dog" ], "word": "gundog", "num_translations": 19 }, "whatthehell": { "senses": [ "An intensive form of what", "Why not? or Who cares?" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the hell", "what the heck", "what on earth" ], "word": "whatthehell", "num_translations": 62 }, "kailan": { "senses": [ "Brassica oleracea var alboglabra, a long, blue-green vegetable with thick, glossy stems and leaves typically eaten in Chinese and particularly Cantonese cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese broccoli" ], "word": "kailan", "num_translations": 19 }, "choppingboard": { "senses": [ "A sturdy board, used for cutting and preparing food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cutting board" ], "word": "choppingboard", "num_translations": 55 }, "scrounge": { "senses": [ "To hunt about, especially for something of nominal value", "to scavenge or glean", "To obtain something of moderate or inconsequential value from another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blag" ], "word": "scrounge", "num_translations": 28 }, "punctual": { "senses": [ "Prompt", "on time", "Existing as a point or series of points", "Expressing momentary action that has no duration", "Periodic", "occasional", "Observing trivial points", "punctilious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "punctual", "num_translations": 31 }, "plutonian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to Pluto, the Greek and Roman god of the underworld", "demonic, infernal", "Of, relating to, or having characteristics associated with the underworld", "dark, gloomy", "mournful", "synonym of \"plutonic\"", "synonym of \"plutonic\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Plutonian", "num_translations": 12 }, "denominative": { "senses": [ "Being a name", "Possessing, or capable of possessing, a distinct denomination or designation", "denominable", "Deriving from a noun, or from an adjective, such as the verb destruct from the noun destruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "denominal" ], "word": "denominative", "num_translations": 10 }, "andsoforth": { "senses": [ "Indicates that a list continues in a similar manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "etc" ], "word": "andsoforth", "num_translations": 132 }, "paleness": { "senses": [ "The condition or degree of being pale or of lacking color" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pallidity", "pallor", "wanness" ], "word": "paleness", "num_translations": 26 }, "steal": { "senses": [ "To take illegally, or without the owner's permission, something owned by someone else", "To appropriate without giving credit or acknowledgement", "To get or effect surreptitiously or artfully", "To acquire at a low price", "To move silently or secretly", "To convey clandestinely", "To withdraw or convey clandestinely", "To advance safely to during the delivery of a pitch, without the aid of a hit, walk, passed ball, wild pitch, or defensive indifference", "To dispossess", "To borrow for a short moment" ], "antonyms": [ "acquire licitly", "provide freely" ], "synonyms": [ "sneak" ], "word": "steal", "num_translations": 240 }, "steal1": { "senses": [ "A piece of merchandise available at a very attractive price", "A situation in which a defensive player actively takes possession of the ball or puck from the opponent's team", "A stolen base", "Scoring in an end without the hammer", "A policy in database systems that a database follows which allows a transaction to be written on nonvolatile storage before its commit occurs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bargain" ], "word": "steal", "num_translations": 34 }, "ursaminor": { "senses": [ "A circumpolar constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a bear It includes the familiar asterism the Little Dipper and, as part of it, the northern pole star Polaris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Little Bear" ], "word": "UrsaMinor", "num_translations": 33 }, "blubber": { "senses": [ "A fatty layer of adipose tissue found immediately beneath the epidermis", "Fatty tissue", "The thick coat of fat worn by many Arctic animals, such as sea lions, and Antarctic animals, such as penguins", "used to insulate warmth in the animal's body", "A bubble" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blubber", "num_translations": 33 }, "fallow1": { "senses": [ "Ploughed but left unseeded for more than one planting season", "Left unworked and uncropped for some amount of time", "Inactive", "undeveloped" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abeyant" ], "word": "fallow", "num_translations": 20 }, "footwear": { "senses": [ "Items or an item of clothing that is worn on the foot", "a shoe, sandal, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footgear" ], "word": "footwear", "num_translations": 73 }, "standarddeviation": { "senses": [ "A measure of how spread out data values are around the mean, defined as the square root of the variance Represented with the Greek letter \u03c3" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "standard error", "sigma" ], "word": "standarddeviation", "num_translations": 30 }, "hypallage": { "senses": [ "A construction in which a modifier with meaning associated with one word appears grammatically applied to another, often used as a literary device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transferred epithet" ], "word": "hypallage", "num_translations": 12 }, "halley'scomet": { "senses": [ "A very bright comet which can be seen from Earth every 75-76 years" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1P/Halley", "Comet Halley", "Halley" ], "word": "Halley'sComet", "num_translations": 10 }, "extensioncord": { "senses": [ "An electrical cord with a plug one end, and a single socket or a multi-port socket at the other end, used for powering one or more devices at a distance, too far from the wall outlet to be reached by the normal cords of the device or devices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trip cord", "extension", "power extender", "drop cord", "extension lead" ], "word": "extensioncord", "num_translations": 26 }, "commode": { "senses": [ "A low chest of drawers on short legs", "A stand for a washbowl and jug", "A chair containing a chamber pot", "A toilet", "A kind of woman's headdress, raising the hair and fore part of the cap to a great height" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot", "See", "Thesaurus:toilet" ], "word": "commode", "num_translations": 21 }, "odalisque": { "senses": [ "A female slave in a harem, especially one in the Ottoman seraglio", "A desirable or sexually attractive woman" ], "antonyms": [ "virago" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "odalisque", "num_translations": 21 }, "irreplaceable": { "senses": [ "That cannot be replaced, especially because it is unique" ], "antonyms": [ "replaceable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "irreplaceable", "num_translations": 22 }, "nonlinear": { "senses": [ "Not lying on a straight line", "Whose atoms do not lie in a straight line", "Having a product of independent variables, or a variable with an exponent not equal to one", "Whose output is not directly proportional to its input", "Erratic and unpredictable", "tending to jump back and forth" ], "antonyms": [ "linear" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nonlinear", "num_translations": 24 }, "sobriety": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being sober", "Soundness of judgement" ], "antonyms": [ "drunkenness" ], "synonyms": [ "soberness" ], "word": "sobriety", "num_translations": 27 }, "flashmemory": { "senses": [ "A rewritable memory chip that retains its data without a power supply" ], "antonyms": [ "volatile memory" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "flashmemory", "num_translations": 11 }, "vomiting1": { "senses": [ "The act of one who vomits, or the matter that is vomited" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "purging" ], "word": "vomiting", "num_translations": 17 }, "saltmarsh": { "senses": [ "A marsh of saline water, found in the intertidal zone between land and sea, characterized by halophytic plants such as grasses and sedges adapted to periodic flooding with salt water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salting" ], "word": "saltmarsh", "num_translations": 24 }, "cloying1": { "senses": [ "Unpleasantly excessive", "Excessively sweet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exaggerated", "syrupy" ], "word": "cloying", "num_translations": 22 }, "cocked": { "senses": [ "drunk", "Having a specified form or penis or a specific number of penises" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk", "bedicked" ], "word": "cocked", "num_translations": 10 }, "cameron": { "senses": [ "surname, an anglicization of", "An surname, an anglicization of \u00d3 Cumar\u00e1in, \u00d3 Cumr\u00e1in", "male given name", "female given name", "parish county/Fife c/Scotland Perhaps from + *brun", "locale c/US", "rural municipality p/Manitoba c/Canada", "unincorporated village p/Ontario c/Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Cameron", "num_translations": 16 }, "couplet": { "senses": [ "A pair of lines with rhyming end words", "A pair of one-way streets which carry opposing directions of traffic through gridded urban areas", "A pair of two mutually exclusive choices in a dichotomous key" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one-way pair" ], "word": "couplet", "num_translations": 16 }, "ladies'room": { "senses": [ "A room belonging to some or all women, particularly:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:bathroom", "women's room" ], "word": "ladies'room", "num_translations": 11 }, "cinderblock": { "senses": [ "A lightweight building block made from cinders and concrete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breeze-block", "clinker block" ], "word": "cinderblock", "num_translations": 14 }, "looker": { "senses": [ "One that looks or is actively looking", "a watcher", "an observer", "One having a specific look or appearance", "Someone or something who is remarkably good-looking", "A person who pretends to be interested in purchasing something but has no intention of doing so" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "looker", "num_translations": 13 }, "atop": { "senses": [ "On the top of", "On the top, with \"of\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on top", "ontop" ], "word": "atop", "num_translations": 19 }, "fixture": { "senses": [ "Something that is fixed in place, especially a permanent appliance or other item of personal property that is considered part of a house and is sold with it", "compare fitting, furnishing", "A regular patron of a place or institution", "A lighting unit", "a luminaire", "A scheduled match", "A state that can be recreated, used as a baseline for running software tests", "A work-holding or support device used in the manufacturing industry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fixture", "num_translations": 21 }, "fatso": { "senses": [ "Someone who is overweight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fat person" ], "word": "fatso", "num_translations": 46 }, "cesspool": { "senses": [ "An underground pit where sewage is held", "A filthy place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "septic tank", "cesspit", "gongpit" ], "word": "cesspool", "num_translations": 50 }, "xor": { "senses": [ "The connective \"exclusive or\"", "A logic gate that implements \"exclusive or\"", "The symbolic representation that implements \"exclusive or\"" ], "antonyms": [ "XNOR" ], "synonyms": [ "exclusive OR", "XOR gate", "ex-or", "NOT" ], "word": "XOR", "num_translations": 16 }, "pekingese1": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China", "A small toy dog from China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Beijingese", "Beijinger" ], "word": "Pekingese", "num_translations": 50 }, "pekingese2": { "senses": [ "of or related to Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Peking", "Beijing", "Beijingese" ], "word": "Pekingese", "num_translations": 10 }, "woad": { "senses": [ "The plant Isatis tinctoria", "The blue dye made from the leaves of the plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glastum", "indigo" ], "word": "woad", "num_translations": 51 }, "impish": { "senses": [ "mischievous", "of or befitting an imp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "(naughtily or annoyingly playful):" ], "word": "impish", "num_translations": 16 }, "churchyard": { "senses": [ "A patch of land adjoining a church, often used as a graveyard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:cemetery", "kirkyard" ], "word": "churchyard", "num_translations": 10 }, "hobbyhorse": { "senses": [ "The Irish hobby, an extinct breed of horse", "A child's toy consisting of a horse's head mounted on a stick", "A topic about which someone loves to talk at great length", "A puppet-like costume used in some traditional dances and festivals that gives its wearer the appearance of a man on horseback", "An early bicycle with no pedals or brakes", "a draisienne" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hobbyhorse", "num_translations": 26 }, "smokedetector": { "senses": [ "A device that sounds an alarm when it detects smoke or other evidence of fire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smoke alarm" ], "word": "smokedetector", "num_translations": 29 }, "peppershaker": { "senses": [ "A small container designed to hold pepper and facilitate sprinkling it on food for seasoning purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pepper pot" ], "word": "peppershaker", "num_translations": 20 }, "icecreammaker": { "senses": [ "A machine used to make homemade ice cream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ice cream freezer" ], "word": "icecreammaker", "num_translations": 33 }, "artificially": { "senses": [ "In an artificial manner", "By or because of human effort" ], "antonyms": [ "naturally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "artificially", "num_translations": 14 }, "inthefirstplace": { "senses": [ "to begin with", "earlier", "firstly", "originally", "at the start" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:initially", "Thesaurus:firstly" ], "word": "inthefirstplace", "num_translations": 55 }, "inone'selement": { "senses": [ "In a situation which is entirely suitable, familiar, or enjoyable" ], "antonyms": [ "out of one's element" ], "synonyms": [ "at home" ], "word": "inone'selement", "num_translations": 10 }, "habakkuk": { "senses": [ "A prophetic book in the Old Testament of the Bible, one of the minor prophets", "or the eighth part of the Tere Asar in the Jewish Tanakh", "A Jewish prophet of the Old Testament", "author of the book that bears his name", "male given name of biblical origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Habakkuk", "num_translations": 156 }, "numberone1": { "senses": [ "The most important person, the one who is in charge", "Someone who is top of a ranking, who is ranked first", "Oneself, being considered foremost, as by an egoist", "Urine", "urination", "The single that has sold the most in a given period", "The main goalkeeper of a team, so-called because they wear the number 1 on the back of their kit", "The batsman who opens the batting", "A first lieutenant", "A large town where theatrical performances may expect to achieve success" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "numberone", "num_translations": 18 }, "conformist": { "senses": [ "Someone who tries to conform to the mainstream" ], "antonyms": [ "nonconformist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conformist", "num_translations": 12 }, "adulteress": { "senses": [ "A female adulterer, a married woman or wife who commits adultery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adulterer" ], "word": "adulteress", "num_translations": 16 }, "aquavit": { "senses": [ "A Scandinavian liquor that is about 40% alcohol by volume", "distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored with caraway seeds, anise, fennel, dill and other spices and herbs, depending on variety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "akvavit" ], "word": "aquavit", "num_translations": 12 }, "contumelious": { "senses": [ "Rudely contemptuous", "showing contumely", "exhibiting an insolent or disdainful attitude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disdainful" ], "word": "contumelious", "num_translations": 14 }, "pile-up": { "senses": [ "A pile, a group of people or things which have piled up on one another, especially", "An accumulation that occurs over time, especially one which is not welcome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dogpile" ], "word": "pile-up", "num_translations": 24 }, "pileup": { "senses": [ "To form a pile, stack, or heap", "To collect or accumulate, as a backlog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heap up", "head up" ], "word": "pileup", "num_translations": 31 }, "misbehavior": { "senses": [ "Action or conduct that is inappropriate, improper, incorrect, or unexpected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misconduct" ], "word": "misbehavior", "num_translations": 19 }, "watchout": { "senses": [ "To be aware or conscious", "to look closely or carefully", "to use caution Often used in the imperative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beware", "get away", "heed", "mind" ], "word": "watchout", "num_translations": 21 }, "don'tcountyourchickensbeforethey'rehatched": { "senses": [ "One should not depend upon a favorable outcome to one's plans until it is certain to occur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "don't get your hopes up", "don't sell the skin till you have caught the bear" ], "word": "don'tcountyourchickensbeforethey'rehatched", "num_translations": 47 }, "dressup": { "senses": [ "To put on special or fancy clothes", "To put on a costume portraying oneself as a particular type of character or well-known person", "To decorate", "to prettify", "To present in a favorable light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dressup", "num_translations": 26 }, "recordplayer": { "senses": [ "An electronic device for playing phonograph records" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gramophone", "phonograph", "turntable" ], "word": "recordplayer", "num_translations": 42 }, "chorister": { "senses": [ "A singer in a choir", "A director or leader of a choral group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quirister" ], "word": "chorister", "num_translations": 26 }, "garbagedisposal": { "senses": [ "An electric device in a kitchen drain that gets rid of food waste by shredding it to tiny bits that can be washed away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garbage disposal unit", "garburator", "waste disposal" ], "word": "garbagedisposal", "num_translations": 11 }, "bluster": { "senses": [ "Pompous, officious talk", "A gust of wind", "Fitful noise and violence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bombast" ], "word": "bluster", "num_translations": 33 }, "cardiff": { "senses": [ "city/and/county/caplc cc/Wales", "suburb lgarea/City of Lake Macquarie s/New South Wales c/Australia", "community twp:pref/Highlands East co/Haliburton County p/Ontario c/Canada", "hamlet co/Sturgeon County in central p/Alberta c/Canada", "small rural settlement r:pref/Taranaki c/New Zealand", "tiny town co/Jefferson County s/Alabama c/USA", "ghost town co/Livingston County s/Illinois c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Harford County s/Maryland c/USA", "unincorporated community twp/Egg Harbor Township co/Atlantic County s/New Jersey c/USA", "small hamlet co/Onandaga County s/New York c/USA", "ghost town co/Roane County s/Tennessee c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Cardiff", "num_translations": 29 }, "inotherwords": { "senses": [ "Stated or interpreted another way", "Used to introduce an explanation, simplification, or clarification" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to put it another way" ], "word": "inotherwords", "num_translations": 51 }, "sandpaper": { "senses": [ "A strong paper coated with sand, ground glass, or other abrasive material for smoothing and polishing", "A sheet of such paper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sanding paper" ], "word": "sandpaper", "num_translations": 67 }, "sandpaper1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buff out", "sand" ], "word": "sandpaper", "num_translations": 15 }, "sameness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being the same", "identity", "The state of being equivalent", "equality", "A tiring lack of variety", "monotony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sameness", "num_translations": 10 }, "sandbank": { "senses": [ "A ridge of sand along a shore that is partially or totally submerged and thus a hazard to shipping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shoal", "sandbar", "sandridge" ], "word": "sandbank", "num_translations": 35 }, "puerperalfever": { "senses": [ "A fever, following childbirth or abortion, due to infection of the uterus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "childbed fever", "sepsis puerperalis" ], "word": "puerperalfever", "num_translations": 11 }, "parataxis": { "senses": [ "Speech or writing in which clauses or phrases are placed together without being separated by conjunctions, for example \"I came", "I saw", "I conquered\"", "The juxtaposition of two images or fragments, usually starkly dissimilar, without a clear connection", "A coalition or \"partisan camp\" in the Ancient Greek political system" ], "antonyms": [ "hypotaxis" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "parataxis", "num_translations": 21 }, "demagogy": { "senses": [ "demagogism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demagoguery", "demagogism" ], "word": "demagogy", "num_translations": 13 }, "icelolly": { "senses": [ "Frozen fruit juice on a stick" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "icy pole" ], "word": "icelolly", "num_translations": 10 }, "spongy": { "senses": [ "Having the characteristics of a sponge, namely being absorbent, squishy or porous", "Wet", "drenched", "soaked and soft, like sponge", "rainy", "Drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spongelike", "Thesaurus:wet", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "spongy", "num_translations": 12 }, "generalize": { "senses": [ "To speak in generalities, or in vague terms", "To infer or induce from specific cases to more general cases or principles", "To derive or deduce from particular facts" ], "antonyms": [ "specialize" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:generalize" ], "word": "generalize", "num_translations": 34 }, "learner": { "senses": [ "One who is learning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:beginner" ], "word": "learner", "num_translations": 24 }, "critique": { "senses": [ "The art of criticism", "An essay in which another piece of work is criticised, reviewed, etc", "A point made to criticize something", "A critic", "one who criticises" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "critique", "num_translations": 31 }, "repeater": { "senses": [ "One who or that which repeats", "A student repeating a course or class", "A patient who repeatedly presents with the same symptoms", "A consumer who repeatedly purchases the same goods or services", "One who votes more than once at an election", "In ufology and similar studies, a person who regularly sees unexplained sightings of paranormal phenomena", "A gun that has a store of cartridges and does not need reloading after each shot", "A telegraphic instrument for automatically retransmitting a message", "An electronic device that receives a weak or low-level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power", "A watch with a striking apparatus which, upon pressure of a spring, will indicate the time, usually in hours and quarters", "A frigate appointed to attend an admiral in a fleet, and to repeat the admiral's signals", "A pennant used to indicate that a certain flag in a hoist of signal is duplicated", "A repeating decimal", "In calico printing, a design repeated at equal intervals in a pattern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "repeater", "num_translations": 20 }, "ambergris": { "senses": [ "A solid, waxy, flammable substance of a dull grey or blackish color, produced in the intestines of the sperm whale It is used in perfumes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grey amber" ], "word": "ambergris", "num_translations": 50 }, "beluga": { "senses": [ "A cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas, found in the Arctic Ocean", "A fish, Huso huso, found in the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, that is a source of caviar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beluga whale", "European sturgeon" ], "word": "beluga", "num_translations": 76 }, "estrangement": { "senses": [ "The act of estranging", "the act of alienating", "alienation", "The state of being alien", "foreign, non-native" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alienation" ], "word": "estrangement", "num_translations": 39 }, "handinhand": { "senses": [ "Holding or clasping hands", "Naturally, ordinarily or predictably together", "commonly having a correlation or relationship", "Just", "fair", "equitable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "handinhand", "num_translations": 25 }, "scruff1": { "senses": [ "The loose skin at the back of the neck of some animals", "The back of the neck, nape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nape", "nucha", "withers" ], "word": "scruff", "num_translations": 16 }, "plunger": { "senses": [ "A device that is used to remove blockages from the drain of a basin or tub, by suction", "The internal piece of a syringe that pushes out or pulls in any contents", "The sliding activator of an exploder, an electrical generator used to trigger electrical detonators such as blasting caps", "The part of a cafeti\u00e8re that is pushed down to remove grounds from coffee", "One who plunges", "a diver", "A horse that plunges, or throws itself suddenly forward", "A cavalryman", "A device similar to a piston but without a mechanism", "a long solid cylinder used, instead of a piston or bucket, as a forcer in pumps", "The moving portion of a solenoid", "The spring-loaded assembly that propels the ball onto the table", "A reckless gambler", "A boiler in which clay is beaten by a wheel to a creamy consistency", "The firing pin of a breechloader" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plumber's helper" ], "word": "plunger", "num_translations": 49 }, "pizzeria": { "senses": [ "A restaurant that bakes and sells pizzas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pizza parlor", "pizza parlour", "pizza joint", "pizza place" ], "word": "pizzeria", "num_translations": 31 }, "papaya": { "senses": [ "The fruit of this tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pawpaw" ], "word": "papaya", "num_translations": 134 }, "nationwide": { "senses": [ "Extending throughout an entire nation" ], "antonyms": [ "citywide" ], "synonyms": [ "countrywide" ], "word": "nationwide", "num_translations": 10 }, "shithole": { "senses": [ "A very dirty or unpleasant place", "A dysfunctional place", "A hole into which one defecates or dumps excrement", "The anus", "An unpleasant or despicable person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shitpit" ], "word": "shithole", "num_translations": 15 }, "scurry": { "senses": [ "To run with quick light steps, to scamper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scamper", "hurry" ], "word": "scurry", "num_translations": 23 }, "idon'tknow": { "senses": [ "A phrase used in response to a question or command in which the target person does not know the answer to or how to respond", "A reason and common excuse used to state that a person is unclear of why something did or did not happen, or is or is not the case", "A phrase used to indicate that one is speculating" ], "antonyms": [ "I know" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Idon'tknow", "num_translations": 161 }, "dabble": { "senses": [ "To make slightly wet or soiled by spattering or sprinkling a liquid on it", "To cause splashing by moving a body part like a bill or limb in soft mud, water, etc, often playfully", "to play in shallow water", "to paddle", "To participate or have an interest in an activity in a casual or superficial way", "To interfere or meddle in", "to tamper with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bespatter" ], "word": "dabble", "num_translations": 40 }, "shoreup": { "senses": [ "To reinforce or strengthen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prop up" ], "word": "shoreup", "num_translations": 20 }, "hardshoulder": { "senses": [ "A verge to the side of a highway, which should be used only in case of an emergency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breakdown lane" ], "word": "hardshoulder", "num_translations": 12 }, "reactive": { "senses": [ "that reacts or responds to a stimulus", "that readily takes part in reactions", "Characterized by induction or capacitance rather than resistance", "Reacting to the past rather than anticipating the future, not predictive" ], "antonyms": [ "proactive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reactive", "num_translations": 10 }, "greyhound": { "senses": [ "A lean breed of dog used in hunting and racing", "A highball cocktail of vodka and grapefruit juice", "A swift steamer, especially an ocean steamer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salty dog" ], "word": "greyhound", "num_translations": 43 }, "wanderer": { "senses": [ "One who wanders, who travels aimlessly", "Any of various far-migrating nymphalid butterflies of the genus Danaus", "The wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:vagabond" ], "word": "wanderer", "num_translations": 49 }, "dumptruck": { "senses": [ "a heavy truck, for carrying loose, bulk cargo, having a hinged bed that allows the contents to be unloaded onto the ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dumper truck", "tipper", "tip truck" ], "word": "dumptruck", "num_translations": 18 }, "-age": { "senses": [ "Forming nouns with the sense of collection or appurtenance", "forming nouns indicating a process, action, or a result", "forming nouns of a state or relationship", "forming nouns indicating a place", "forming nouns indicating a charge, toll, or fee", "forming nouns indicating a rate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "-age", "num_translations": 11 }, "diatonic": { "senses": [ "Relating to or characteristic of a musical scale which contains seven pitches and a pattern of five whole tones and two semitones", "particularly, of the major or natural minor scales" ], "antonyms": [ "chromatic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "diatonic", "num_translations": 10 }, "ensue": { "senses": [ "To follow", "To follow , to be subsequent to", "To occur afterwards, as a result or effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carry out", "come after", "arise" ], "word": "ensue", "num_translations": 45 }, "contraption": { "senses": [ "A machine that is complicated and precarious", "Any object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contrivance" ], "word": "contraption", "num_translations": 44 }, "carpool": { "senses": [ "An arrangement whereby several people travel together in the same car in order to save costs, reduce pollution etc", "The group of people who participate in such a pool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lift scheme" ], "word": "carpool", "num_translations": 13 }, "slush": { "senses": [ "Half-melted snow or ice", "Liquid mud or mire", "Flavored shaved ice served as a drink", "A soft mixture of grease and other materials, used for lubrication", "The refuse grease and fat collected in cooking, especially on shipboard", "A mixture of white lead and lime, used as a paint to prevent oxidation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slush ice", "slushy" ], "word": "slush", "num_translations": 68 }, "homie": { "senses": [ "Someone, particularly a friend or male acquaintance, from one's hometown", "A close friend or fellow member of a youth gang", "An inner-city youth", "A boyfriend or partner of a closeted man, used along with \"Lil,\" to mean a bottom and \"Big,\" to mean a top", "alternative spelling of \"omi\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "homeboy" ], "word": "homie", "num_translations": 17 }, "assets1": { "senses": [ "Any property or object of value that one possesses, usually considered as applicable to the payment of one's debts", "The left side of a balance sheet", "Sufficient estate", "property sufficient in the hands of an executor or heir to pay the debts or legacies of the testator or ancestor to satisfy claims against it", "Any goods or property properly available for the payment of a bankrupt's or a deceased person's obligations or debts", "Private parts", "a woman's breasts or buttocks, or a man's genitalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assets", "num_translations": 28 }, "combative": { "senses": [ "Given to fighting", "disposed to engage in combat", "pugnacious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:combative" ], "word": "combative", "num_translations": 19 }, "assortment": { "senses": [ "A collection of varying but related items" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diversity", "Thesaurus:hodgepodge" ], "word": "assortment", "num_translations": 26 }, "compatriot": { "senses": [ "Somebody from one's own country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fellow" ], "word": "compatriot", "num_translations": 70 }, "countryman": { "senses": [ "Somebody from a certain country", "Somebody from one's own country", "compatriot", "country dweller, especially a follower of country pursuits", "a settled person, as opposed to a traveller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "countryman", "num_translations": 85 }, "rubric": { "senses": [ "A heading in a book highlighted in red", "A title of a category or a class", "The directions for a religious service, formerly printed in red letters", "An established rule or custom", "a guideline", "A printed set of scoring criteria for evaluating student work and for giving feedback", "A flourish after a signature", "Red ochre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:class" ], "word": "rubric", "num_translations": 31 }, "band-aid": { "senses": [ "An adhesive bandage, a small piece of fabric or plastic that may be stuck to the skin in order to temporarily cover a small wound", "A temporary or makeshift solution to a problem, created ad hoc and often with a lack of foresight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adhesive bandage", "plaster", "sticking plaster", "Elastoplast", "hack" ], "word": "band-aid", "num_translations": 53 }, "conciliatory": { "senses": [ "Willing to conciliate, or to make concessions" ], "antonyms": [ "unconciliatory" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "conciliatory", "num_translations": 20 }, "nervousbreakdown": { "senses": [ "An attack of a psychological disorder such as depression or anxiety so severe that it prevents a person from continuing to function normally", "A psychological disorder usually characterized by panic attacks and aggressiveness, related to the Hispanic ataque de nervios" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mental breakdown" ], "word": "nervousbreakdown", "num_translations": 12 }, "double-deckerbus": { "senses": [ "A bus that has two levels of seating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "double-decker" ], "word": "double-deckerbus", "num_translations": 11 }, "univocal": { "senses": [ "Having only one possible meaning", "Containing instances of only one vowel", "Having unison of sound, as the octave has in music", "Having always the same drift or tenor", "uniform", "certain", "regular", "Unequivocal", "indubitable" ], "antonyms": [ "ambiguous", "equivocal", "polysemous", "polysemic" ], "synonyms": [ "definite", "undoubtable" ], "word": "univocal", "num_translations": 12 }, "redflag": { "senses": [ "A cue, warning, or alert", "a sign or signal that something is wrong", "In the United Kingdom and some other countries, a flag formerly used by a railway guard to warn the driver not to start the train", "A common symbol, usually in the form of a banner, for leftist revolutionary ideologies, especially socialism" ], "antonyms": [ "green flag" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "redflag", "num_translations": 16 }, "intracellular": { "senses": [ "Inside or within a cell" ], "antonyms": [ "extracellular" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intracellular", "num_translations": 13 }, "antipyretic1": { "senses": [ "A pharmaceutical that reduces fever", "a febrifuge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "febrifuge" ], "word": "antipyretic", "num_translations": 12 }, "bookshop": { "senses": [ "A shop that sells books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bookstore" ], "word": "bookshop", "num_translations": 99 }, "fixer": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of fix", "one who, or that which, fixes", "A chemical used in photographic development that fixes the image in place, preventing further chemical reactions", "A person who arranges immunity for defendants by tampering with the justice system via bribery or extortion, especially as a business endeavor for profit", "A person who assists foreign journalists in volatile countries, often providing interpretation, personal connections, and transportation services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fixer", "num_translations": 21 }, "carotid": { "senses": [ "Any of a number of major arteries in the head and neck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carotid artery" ], "word": "carotid", "num_translations": 17 }, "arouse": { "senses": [ "To stimulate feelings", "To sexually stimulate", "To wake from sleep or stupor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "animate", "sex up", "rouse" ], "word": "arouse", "num_translations": 94 }, "great-uncle": { "senses": [ "An uncle of one's parent" ], "antonyms": [ "great-aunt", "great-nephew" ], "synonyms": [ "granduncle" ], "word": "great-uncle", "num_translations": 46 }, "husky1": { "senses": [ "Any of several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polar dog" ], "word": "husky", "num_translations": 17 }, "hind1": { "senses": [ "A female deer, especially a red deer at least two years old", "A spotted food fish of the genus Epinephelus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doe" ], "word": "hind", "num_translations": 33 }, "faraway": { "senses": [ "Distant", "Not mentally present, as when daydreaming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "far-flung" ], "word": "faraway", "num_translations": 17 }, "bondage": { "senses": [ "The state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery", "The state of lacking freedom", "constraint", "The practice of tying people up for sexual pleasure", "Applied to clothing with many buckles, zips, etc, associated with punk and goth subcultures" ], "antonyms": [ "freedom" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "bondage", "num_translations": 50 }, "bendable": { "senses": [ "Able to be bent or flexed or twisted without breaking" ], "antonyms": [ "rigid" ], "synonyms": [ "flexible", "pliable", "pliant" ], "word": "bendable", "num_translations": 11 }, "shutdown": { "senses": [ "The action of stopping operations", "a closing, of a computer, business, event, etc", "A statement, insult, etc that prevents the opponent from replying further", "An autistic response to stress, etc where the individual becomes silent and motionless" ], "antonyms": [ "startup" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "shutdown", "num_translations": 21 }, "carryon": { "senses": [ "To continue or proceed as before", "To take baggage or luggage onto an airplane, rather than check it", "To have or maintain", "To act or behave", "especially to misbehave so as to attract attention", "To have an illicit sexual or flirtatious relationship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misbehave" ], "word": "carryon", "num_translations": 39 }, "placeholder": { "senses": [ "Something used or included temporarily or as a substitute for something that is not known or must remain generic", "that which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cadigan", "Thesaurus:whatshisname", "Thesaurus:thingy" ], "word": "placeholder", "num_translations": 20 }, "crawler1": { "senses": [ "A child who is able to creep using his hands and knees but is not able to walk", "A crawl swimmer", "A software bot that autonomously follows connected paths such as webpage links", "A mobile stage in the development of stationary hemipteran insects such as scale insects- generally the first instar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crawler", "num_translations": 26 }, "navigable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being navigated", "deep enough and wide enough to afford passage to vessels", "Seaworthy", "steerable", "Steerable, dirigible", "Easy to navigate" ], "antonyms": [ "unnavigable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "navigable", "num_translations": 22 }, "dielectric": { "senses": [ "An electrically insulating or nonconducting material considered for its electric susceptibility, ie its property of polarization when exposed to an external electric field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insulator" ], "word": "dielectric", "num_translations": 23 }, "windrow": { "senses": [ "A row of cut grain or hay allowed to dry in a field", "A line of leaves etc heaped up by the wind", "A similar streak of seaweed etc on the surface of the sea formed by Langmuir circulation", "A line of snow or gravel left behind by the edge of a snowplow's or grader's blade", "The green border of a field, dug up in order to carry the earth on other land to mend it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "windrow", "num_translations": 17 }, "inhumane": { "senses": [ "lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering", "cruel, unkind, not humane" ], "antonyms": [ "humane" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inhumane", "num_translations": 51 }, "grog": { "senses": [ "An alcoholic beverage made with rum and water, especially that once issued to sailors of the Royal Navy", "Any alcoholic beverage", "A glass or serving of an alcoholic beverage", "An alcoholic beverage made with hot water or tea, sugar and rum, sometimes also with lemon or lime juice and spices, particularly cinnamon", "A type of pre-fired clay that has been ground and screened to a specific particle size" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grog", "num_translations": 25 }, "fattening": { "senses": [ "That causes weight gain", "often of high calorie food with relatively little nutritive value" ], "antonyms": [ "slimming" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fattening", "num_translations": 13 }, "enamored": { "senses": [ "In love, amorous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "head over heels" ], "word": "enamored", "num_translations": 22 }, "dropout": { "senses": [ "Someone who has left an educational institution without completing the course", "Someone who has opted out of conventional society", "One who suddenly leaves anything, or the act of doing so", "The slot in the frame that accepts the axles of the wheels", "A damaged portion of a tape or disk, causing a brief omission of audio, video, or data", "Momentary loss of an electronic signal", "A technique for regularizing a neural network by discarding a random subset of its units" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dropout", "num_translations": 30 }, "sludge": { "senses": [ "Solids separated from suspension in a liquid", "A residual semi-solid material left from industrial, water treatment, or wastewater treatment processes", "A sediment of accumulated minerals in a steam boiler", "A mass of small pieces of ice on the surface of a body of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mud" ], "word": "sludge", "num_translations": 30 }, "megaphone": { "senses": [ "A portable, usually hand-held, funnel-shaped device that is used to amplify a person's natural voice toward a targeted direction", "Mouthpiece or promoter", "one who speaks for or publicizes on behalf of another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speaking trumpet" ], "word": "megaphone", "num_translations": 59 }, "recompense": { "senses": [ "An equivalent returned for anything given, done, or suffered", "compensation", "reward", "amends", "requital", "That which compensates for an injury, or other type of harm or damage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meed", "payback", "recompence", "restitution" ], "word": "recompense", "num_translations": 21 }, "recompense1": { "senses": [ "To reward or repay for something done, given etc", "To give compensation for an injury, or other type of harm or damage", "To give in return", "to pay back", "to pay, as something earned or deserved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recompense", "num_translations": 18 }, "crutch": { "senses": [ "A device to assist in motion as a cane, especially one that provides support under the arm to reduce weight on a leg", "Something that supports, often used negatively to indicate that it is not needed and causes an unhealthful dependency", "a prop", "A crotch", "the area of body where the legs fork from the trunk", "A form of pommel for a woman's saddle, consisting of a forked rest to hold the leg of the rider", "A knee, or piece of knee timber", "A forked stanchion or post", "a crotch", "A type of cross formed from two C-shapes joined back to back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "crutch", "num_translations": 103 }, "subjugate": { "senses": [ "To forcibly impose obedience or servitude upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underyoke" ], "word": "subjugate", "num_translations": 31 }, "combustible": { "senses": [ "Capable of burning", "Easily kindled or excited", "quick", "fiery", "irascible" ], "antonyms": [ "incombustible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "combustible", "num_translations": 21 }, "depressing": { "senses": [ "Causing depression or sadness", "Causing a reduction in economic activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unpleasant" ], "word": "depressing", "num_translations": 20 }, "calender": { "senses": [ "misspelling of \"calendar\"", "A machine, used for the purpose of giving cloth, paper etc, a smooth, even, and glossy or glazed surface, by cold or hot pressure, or for watering them and giving them a wavy appearance", "it consists of two or more cylinders revolving nearly in contact, with the necessary apparatus for moving and regulating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calendrer" ], "word": "calender", "num_translations": 17 }, "foursome": { "senses": [ "A group of four, a quartet or a game played by four players, especially by two teams of two", "A sex act between four people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quaternion", "fourgie" ], "word": "foursome", "num_translations": 14 }, "fatten": { "senses": [ "To cause to be fat or fatter", "To become fat or fatter", "To make thick or thicker", "To become thick or thicker", "To make fertile and fruitful", "To become fertile and fruitful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fatten", "num_translations": 60 }, "canteen": { "senses": [ "A small cafeteria or snack bar, especially one in a military establishment, school, or place of work", "A temporary or mobile caf\u00e9 used in an emergency or on a film location etc", "A box with compartments for storing eating utensils, silverware etc", "A military mess kit", "A water bottle used by a soldier or camper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "canteen", "num_translations": 151 }, "leptospirosis": { "senses": [ "An acute, infectious, febrile disease of both humans and animals, caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Weil's disease", "canicola fever", "canefield fever", "nanukayami fever", "7-day fever", "rat catcher's yellows", "Fort Bragg fever", "black jaundice", "pretibial fever" ], "word": "leptospirosis", "num_translations": 14 }, "loafer": { "senses": [ "An idle person", "A shoe with no laces, resembling a moccasin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "idle person", "footwear", "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "loafer", "num_translations": 60 }, "annatto": { "senses": [ "A tropical American evergreen shrub, Bixa orellana", "the lipstick tree", "the fruit of the tree", "The seed of this tree used as a colouring or in Latin American cooking", "An orange-red dye obtained from this seed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "achiote", "achiote", "achiote" ], "word": "annatto", "num_translations": 38 }, "predominantly": { "senses": [ "In a predominant manner Most commonly or frequently by a large margin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "primarily" ], "word": "predominantly", "num_translations": 14 }, "noproblem1": { "senses": [ "certainly, sure", "no thanks is necessary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "certainly", "don't mention it", "it's nothing", "you're welcome", "no worries", "it was nothing", "not at all", "no probs", "it's all right", "that's OK", "Thesaurus:you're welcome" ], "word": "noproblem", "num_translations": 137 }, "excuseme": { "senses": [ "Said as a request to repeat information", "Said, as though as a request to repeat information, in order to indicate disbelief or indignation", "Said as a request for an individual's attention", "Said as a request to pass somebody", "Sorry, as an apology", "Said as an expression of unexpected or early farewell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I beg your pardon" ], "word": "excuseme", "num_translations": 404 }, "unstoppable": { "senses": [ "Unable to be stopped" ], "antonyms": [ "stoppable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unstoppable", "num_translations": 38 }, "dobermann": { "senses": [ "A large breed of guard dog bred in Germany" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dobermann Pinscher" ], "word": "Dobermann", "num_translations": 20 }, "docking1": { "senses": [ "The process of cutting off or trimming the tail or ears of an animal", "The securing of a vessel to the quayside with cables", "The process of connecting one spacecraft to another", "The sex act involving two men co-joined by their penises, with overlapping foreskins, coupling them together by their penises", "A method which predicts the preferred orientation of one molecule to a second when bound to each other to form a stable complex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "docking", "num_translations": 31 }, "pessimist": { "senses": [ "Someone who habitually expects the worst outcome", "one who looks on the dark side of things" ], "antonyms": [ "optimist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pessimist", "num_translations": 37 }, "paperboy": { "senses": [ "A male who delivers newspapers to houses on a paper round" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "newsboy" ], "word": "paperboy", "num_translations": 22 }, "headtotoe": { "senses": [ "Entirely", "completely", "over one's full body", "in reversed positions", "in a lying position of two people where each person's feet are juxtaposed with the other person's head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cap-a-pie", "head to foot", "head to tail", "top to toe", "top to tail" ], "word": "headtotoe", "num_translations": 19 }, "downstream": { "senses": [ "Lower down, in relation to a river, stream or flow of fluid", "In the direction from the server to the client", "Towards the 3' end of a DNA molecule", "Influenced by something", "being a consequence of something" ], "antonyms": [ "upstream" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "downstream", "num_translations": 14 }, "downstream1": { "senses": [ "Following the path of a river or stream" ], "antonyms": [ "upstream" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "downstream", "num_translations": 14 }, "negligent": { "senses": [ "Careless, without appropriate or sufficient attention", "Culpable due to negligence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:careless" ], "word": "negligent", "num_translations": 15 }, "biologicalparent": { "senses": [ "A child's natural parent, either the male who supplied the sperm or the female who supplied the egg which interacted for the child's conception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bioparent", "birth parent" ], "word": "biologicalparent", "num_translations": 12 }, "carpenter'ssquare": { "senses": [ "A tool used to measure out right angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steel square" ], "word": "carpenter'ssquare", "num_translations": 13 }, "inequality": { "senses": [ "An unfair, not equal, state", "A statement that of two quantities one is specifically less than another Symbol: or \\leq or > or \\geq or \\ne, as appropriate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inequation" ], "word": "inequality", "num_translations": 47 }, "mustardgas": { "senses": [ "A vesicant gas, bis sulfide, 2S, once used in chemical warfare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dichlorodiethyl sulfide", "sulfur mustard", "yellow cross liquid", "yperite" ], "word": "mustardgas", "num_translations": 81 }, "push-up1": { "senses": [ "An exercise done to improve upper body strength, performed by resting on one's toes and hands and pushing one's weight off the floor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "press-up" ], "word": "push-up", "num_translations": 37 }, "berber": { "senses": [ "A member of a particular ethnic group indigenous to northwest Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Imazighen" ], "word": "Berber", "num_translations": 38 }, "noway1": { "senses": [ "Absolutely not", "under no circumstances", "Indicates astonished disbelief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "no", "fat chance", "unbelievable" ], "word": "noway", "num_translations": 106 }, "matriarchy": { "senses": [ "A social system in which the mother is head of household, having authority over men and children", "A system of government by females", "The dominance of women in social or cultural systems" ], "antonyms": [ "patriarchy" ], "synonyms": [ "matriarchate" ], "word": "matriarchy", "num_translations": 35 }, "unfasten": { "senses": [ "To detach from any connecting agency or link", "to disconnect", "To come unloosed or untied" ], "antonyms": [ "do up", "button", "button up", "tie up", "zip", "zip up" ], "synonyms": [ "undo" ], "word": "unfasten", "num_translations": 29 }, "rhombicosidodecahedron": { "senses": [ "An Archimedean solid with 62 regular faces , 60 vertices and 120 edges" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "small rhombicosidodecahedron" ], "word": "rhombicosidodecahedron", "num_translations": 15 }, "flunk": { "senses": [ "Of a student, to fail a class", "to not pass", "Of a teacher, to deny a student a passing grade", "To shirk", "sometimes without specific reference describing a person's attitude to life in general)" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flunk", "num_translations": 50 }, "crablouse": { "senses": [ "A parasitic insect, Pthirus pubis, that lives amongst the pubic hairs of humans and feeds on blood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crab" ], "word": "crablouse", "num_translations": 34 }, "relaxation": { "senses": [ "The act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed", "the opposite of stress or tension", "the aim of recreation and leisure activities", "A diminution of tone, tension, or firmness", "specifically in pathology: a looseness", "a diminution of the natural and healthy tone of parts", "Remission or abatement of rigor", "Remission of attention or application", "Unbending", "recreation", "a state or occupation intended to give mental or bodily relief after effort", "The transition of an atom or molecule from a higher energy level to a lower one", "The release following musical tension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "relaxation", "num_translations": 19 }, "besotted": { "senses": [ "infatuated", "intellectually or morally blinded", "intoxicated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk", "smitten" ], "word": "besotted", "num_translations": 20 }, "mucous": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to mucus", "Having the qualities of mucus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mucoid", "myxoid" ], "word": "mucous", "num_translations": 12 }, "moneybags1": { "senses": [ "A wealthy person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:moneybags" ], "word": "moneybags", "num_translations": 32 }, "jubilee": { "senses": [ "A special year of emancipation supposed to be kept every fifty years, when farming was abandoned and Hebrew slaves were set free", "A 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th or 70th anniversary", "A special year in which remission from sin could be granted as well as indulgences upon making a pilgrimage to Rome", "A time of celebration or rejoicing", "An occasion of mass manumission from slavery", "A period of fifty years", "a half-century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "jubilee", "num_translations": 47 }, "guff": { "senses": [ "Nonsensical talk or thinking", "Superfluous information", "Insolent or otherwise unacceptable remarks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balls", "brass neck" ], "word": "guff", "num_translations": 24 }, "aboveall": { "senses": [ "Of prime importance", "before anything else", "especially" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "first and foremost" ], "word": "aboveall", "num_translations": 51 }, "regrettably": { "senses": [ "In a manner inspiring or deserving regret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regretfully", "unfortunately" ], "word": "regrettably", "num_translations": 13 }, "streetlight": { "senses": [ "Any large outdoor light used to illuminate a public area, usually urban", "The light produced by these lights" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "street lamp" ], "word": "streetlight", "num_translations": 64 }, "dirtyword": { "senses": [ "A word that is considered vulgar, not necessarily sexual in nature", "The name of a topic that a person does not like to hear or discuss" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vulgar term" ], "word": "dirtyword", "num_translations": 16 }, "dirtyweather": { "senses": [ "Undesirable weather, especially foggy or stormy weather conditions" ], "antonyms": [ "clear skies" ], "synonyms": [ "ugly", "unpleasant", "inclement" ], "word": "dirtyweather", "num_translations": 15 }, "laminate": { "senses": [ "To assemble from thin sheets glued together", "To cover something flat, usually paper, in adhesive protective plastic", "To form, as metal, into a thin plate, as by rolling", "To cause to separate into thin plates or layers", "to divide into thin plates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "laminate", "num_translations": 12 }, "shipwreck": { "senses": [ "A ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy", "An event where a ship sinks or runs aground", "destruction", "ruin", "irretrievable loss" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shipbreach" ], "word": "shipwreck", "num_translations": 52 }, "neutralize": { "senses": [ "To make even, inactive or ineffective", "To make politically neutral", "To make chemically neutral", "To kill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counteract", "counterweigh" ], "word": "neutralize", "num_translations": 33 }, "inflated": { "senses": [ "Filled with air or fluid", "Expanded", "in a state of inflation, of abnormally increased size, amount, etc", ": In a state of higher cost", "Pompous", "arrogant", "Containing excessive, meaningless words, particularly for show", "Higher that the true figure" ], "antonyms": [ "deflated" ], "synonyms": [ "bloated", "bulging", "expanded", "filled", "swelled", "swollen", "tumid", "turgid", "bombastic", "pompous" ], "word": "inflated", "num_translations": 26 }, "strangeness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being strange, odd or weird", "The product or result of being strange", "One of the quantum numbers of subatomic particles, depending upon the relative number of strange quarks and anti-strange quarks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oddity" ], "word": "strangeness", "num_translations": 23 }, "distasteful": { "senses": [ "Having a bad or foul taste", "Unpleasant", "Offensive" ], "antonyms": [ "pleasant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "distasteful", "num_translations": 60 }, "enlist": { "senses": [ "To enter on a list", "to enroll", "to register", "To join a cause or organization, especially military service", "To recruit the aid or membership of others", "To secure", "to obtain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enscroll" ], "word": "enlist", "num_translations": 48 }, "hydrazine": { "senses": [ "A corrosive, fuming liquid, NH2-NH2, used as a rocket fuel", "Any member of the class of organic compounds formally derived from NH2-NH2" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diamidogen" ], "word": "hydrazine", "num_translations": 18 }, "attested1": { "senses": [ "Proven", "shown to be true with evidence", "Supported with testimony", "Certified as good, correct, or pure", "Of words or languages, proven to have existed by records" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attested", "num_translations": 26 }, "laze": { "senses": [ "To be lazy, waste time", "To pass time relaxing", "to relax, lounge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "idle", "loaf", "take it easy" ], "word": "laze", "num_translations": 22 }, "laserbeam": { "senses": [ "The light emitted by a laser", "A low, hard-hit or -thrown ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rocket" ], "word": "laserbeam", "num_translations": 21 }, "latency": { "senses": [ "The state of being latent", "A delay, a period between the initiation of something and the occurrence", "The delay between a stimulus and the response it triggers in an organism", "A stage in Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of the psychosexual development of children where children become asexual until their sexual desires come back at puberty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hiddenness", "lag", "delay" ], "word": "latency", "num_translations": 34 }, "placement": { "senses": [ "The act of placing or putting in place", "the act of locating or positioning", "the state of being placed", "A location or position", "The act of matching a person with a job" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "placement", "num_translations": 33 }, "viol": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "viola da gamba", "gamba" ], "word": "viol", "num_translations": 13 }, "ledger": { "senses": [ "A book for keeping notes, especially one for keeping accounting records", "a record book, a register", "A large, flat stone, especially one laid over a tomb", "A collection of accounting entries consisting of credits and debits", "A board attached to a wall to provide support for attaching other structural elements to a building", "ligger\")" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ledger", "num_translations": 83 }, "lecithin": { "senses": [ "The principal phospholipid in animals", "it is particularly abundant in egg yolks, and is extracted commercially from soy It is a major constituent of cell membranes, and is commonly used as a food additive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phosphatidylcholine", "E322" ], "word": "lecithin", "num_translations": 15 }, "likable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being liked", "Having qualities tending to result in being liked", "friendly, personable" ], "antonyms": [ "unlikable" ], "synonyms": [ "amiable" ], "word": "likable", "num_translations": 31 }, "shopassistant": { "senses": [ "An employee in a shop, a shopkeeper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "retail assistant", "sales assistant" ], "word": "shopassistant", "num_translations": 51 }, "lightship": { "senses": [ "A vessel riding at anchor and displaying a light for the guidance of sailors, in a position where a fixed lighthouse structure would be impracticable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lightboat", "lightvessel" ], "word": "lightship", "num_translations": 40 }, "annular": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, or having the form of, a ring", "ring-shaped", "in the shape of an annulus", "Banded or marked with circles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ring-shaped" ], "word": "annular", "num_translations": 20 }, "sodiumbenzoate": { "senses": [ "The sodium salt of benzoic acid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E211" ], "word": "sodiumbenzoate", "num_translations": 25 }, "fishingboat": { "senses": [ "A boat used for fishing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fisher-boat", "fishing vessel" ], "word": "fishingboat", "num_translations": 39 }, "theicingonthecake": { "senses": [ "Something that intensifies the appreciation of something already good" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cherry on the cake", "cherry on top" ], "word": "theicingonthecake", "num_translations": 21 }, "mutilate": { "senses": [ "To physically harm as to impair use, notably by cutting off or otherwise disabling a vital part, such as a limb", "To destroy beyond recognition", "To render imperfect or defective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maim", "mangle" ], "word": "mutilate", "num_translations": 50 }, "emulsifier": { "senses": [ "A substance that helps an emulsion form, or helps keep an emulsion from separating" ], "antonyms": [ "de-emulsifier" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "emulsifier", "num_translations": 14 }, "equalizer": { "senses": [ "One who makes equal", "a balancer", "A device that balances various quantities", "A goal, run, point, etc that equalizes the score", "An electronic audio device for altering the frequencies of sound recordings", "A device, such as a bar, for operating two brakes, especially a pair of hub brakes for an automobile, with equal force", "Any device for equalizing the pull of electromagnets", "A conductor of low resistance joining the armature ends of the series field coils of dynamos connected in parallel", "A sliding panel to preserve the lateral stability of an aeroplane", "A set of arguments where two or more functions have equal values", "the solution set of an equation", "A morphism whose codomain is the domain of a parallel pair of morphisms and which forms part of the limit of that parallel pair Equivalently, a morphism which equalizes a parallel pair of morphisms in a limiting way, which is to say that any other morphism which equalizes that parallel pair factors through this limiting morphism", "and moreover such factorization is unique", "a weapon, usually a blackjack or gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tying goal" ], "word": "equalizer", "num_translations": 24 }, "liquidate": { "senses": [ "To settle by paying the outstanding amount", "To settle the affairs of , by using its assets to pay its debts", "To convert into cash", "to redeem", "To determine by agreement or by litigation the precise amount of", "to make the amount of clear and certain", "To do away with", "To kill", "To make clear and intelligible", "To make liquid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conclude", "Thesaurus:kill" ], "word": "liquidate", "num_translations": 47 }, "lees": { "senses": [ "The sediment that settles during fermentation of beverages, consisting of dead yeast and precipitated parts of the fruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dregs" ], "word": "lees", "num_translations": 19 }, "legalize": { "senses": [ "To make legal or permit under law Either by decriminalising something that has been illegal or by specifically permitting it" ], "antonyms": [ "criminalize", "illegalize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "legalize", "num_translations": 30 }, "legalization": { "senses": [ "The process of making something legal, the process to legalize, decriminalization" ], "antonyms": [ "illegalization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "legalization", "num_translations": 25 }, "glanspenis": { "senses": [ "A conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:glans penis" ], "word": "glanspenis", "num_translations": 83 }, "lifer": { "senses": [ "A prisoner sentenced to life in prison", "A prisoner sentenced to transportation for life", "A person with a singular career path, especially in the military", "A bird species seen for the first time by a birder who is keeping a list of all the species he or she has ever seen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "life bird" ], "word": "lifer", "num_translations": 12 }, "lighthearted": { "senses": [ "Joyful, glad, taking pleasure in being alive", "not depressed or sad", "Enjoyably lacking of seriousness, not grave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gladsome", "joyous" ], "word": "lighthearted", "num_translations": 18 }, "insolvency": { "senses": [ "The condition of being insolvent", "the state or condition of a person who is insolvent", "the condition of one who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due, or in the usual course of trade and business", "Insufficiency to discharge all debts of the owner", "The condition of having more debts than assets" ], "antonyms": [ "solvency" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insolvency", "num_translations": 30 }, "smoky": { "senses": [ "Filled with smoke", "Giving off smoke", "Of a colour or colour pattern similar to that of smoke", "Having a flavour or odour like smoke", "flavoured with smoke", "Resembling or composed of smoke", "Blackened by smoke", "Having a deep, raspy quality, often as a result of smoking tobacco", "Attractive in a sensual way", "sultry", "Having a dark, thick, bass sound", "Giving off steam or vapour", "Obscuring or insubstantial like smoke", "Suspicious", "open to suspicion", "jealous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fumid" ], "word": "smoky", "num_translations": 22 }, "kindof": { "senses": [ "Slightly", "somewhat", "sort of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sort of" ], "word": "kindof", "num_translations": 44 }, "absolutemajority": { "senses": [ "More than half of the votes cast", "more than half of the possible votes", "More than half of the counted item" ], "antonyms": [ "plurality", "relative majority" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "absolutemajority", "num_translations": 20 }, "clownfish": { "senses": [ "Any of colorful fish of the genera Amphiprion and Premnas in the subfamily Amphiprioninae, native to the Pacific and Indian Oceans, notable for their mutual relationship with sea anemones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anemonefish" ], "word": "clownfish", "num_translations": 18 }, "dullard": { "senses": [ "A stupid person", "a fool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fool" ], "word": "dullard", "num_translations": 12 }, "whaling": { "senses": [ "The practice of hunting whales", "The practice of spotting whales", "A beating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whale watching" ], "word": "whaling", "num_translations": 36 }, "underrated": { "senses": [ "Not given enough recognition for its quality" ], "antonyms": [ "overrated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "underrated", "num_translations": 17 }, "terrier": { "senses": [ "A dog from a group of small, lively breeds, originally bred for the hunting of burrowing prey such as rats, rabbits, foxes, and even otters", "this original function is reflected in some of their names", "A collection of acknowledgments of the vassals or tenants of a lordship, containing the rents and services they owed to the lord, etc", "An inventory in which the lands of private persons or corporations are described by their site, boundaries, number of acres, etc", "a terrar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "terrier", "num_translations": 16 }, "silencer": { "senses": [ "Something that silences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "suppressor", "muffler" ], "word": "silencer", "num_translations": 52 }, "licentiousness": { "senses": [ "The property of being licentious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "debauchery" ], "word": "licentiousness", "num_translations": 14 }, "pickupthephone": { "senses": [ "To pick up the receiver of a telephone, generally with the intention of making a phone call", "To answer an incoming telephone call" ], "antonyms": [ "hang up the phone" ], "synonyms": [ "pick the phone up", "pick up the telephone", "pick up", "answer the phone" ], "word": "pickupthephone", "num_translations": 18 }, "realization": { "senses": [ "The act of realizing", "an act of figuring out or becoming aware", "The act of realizing", "the act of making real", "The result of an artistic effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "realization", "num_translations": 37 }, "eternally": { "senses": [ "For eternity", "forever", "Unceasingly, recurringly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ever", "ceaselessly" ], "word": "eternally", "num_translations": 13 }, "chronometer": { "senses": [ "A device for measuring time, such as a watch or clock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chronoscope" ], "word": "chronometer", "num_translations": 29 }, "legibility": { "senses": [ "The property of being legible or easily readable" ], "antonyms": [ "illegibility" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "legibility", "num_translations": 10 }, "perpetuity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being perpetual", "endless duration", "uninterrupted existence", "Something that is perpetual", "A limitation intended to be unalterable and of indefinite duration", "a disposition of property which attempts to make it inalienable beyond certain limits fixed or conceived as being fixed by the general law", "An annuity in which the periodic payments begin on a fixed date and continue indefinitely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "endlessness" ], "word": "perpetuity", "num_translations": 21 }, "annodomini": { "senses": [ "In the year of our Lord" ], "antonyms": [ "BC" ], "synonyms": [ "a.d" ], "word": "AnnoDomini", "num_translations": 54 }, "truecross": { "senses": [ "The cross on which Christ was crucified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Cross" ], "word": "TrueCross", "num_translations": 11 }, "interrogative": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to inquiry", "questioning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "examining", "inquiring", "investigative" ], "word": "interrogative", "num_translations": 13 }, "interrogative1": { "senses": [ "A word implying interrogation, or used for asking a question: why, who, when, etc", "synonym of \"question mark\" \u27e8?\u27e9", "A question", "an interrogation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "question mark" ], "word": "interrogative", "num_translations": 11 }, "yomkippur": { "senses": [ "A particular Jewish holiday, the day of atonement, falling on the tenth day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Day of Atonement" ], "word": "YomKippur", "num_translations": 15 }, "misty": { "senses": [ "Covered in mist", "foggy", "Dim", "vague", "obscure", "With tears in the eyes", "dewy-eyed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "misty", "num_translations": 33 }, "tagliatelle": { "senses": [ "long, flat ribbons of pasta, originally from Emilia-Romagna, sliced from a rolled-out sheet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fettuccine" ], "word": "tagliatelle", "num_translations": 12 }, "revelry": { "senses": [ "Joyful or riotous merry-making" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celebration" ], "word": "revelry", "num_translations": 19 }, "supplyteacher": { "senses": [ "A teacher who fills a temporary position in a school on a short-term basis", "often supplied by an agency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "substitute teacher", "supply", "relief teacher" ], "word": "supplyteacher", "num_translations": 12 }, "hearken": { "senses": [ "To hear with attention", "to have regard to", "To listen", "to attend or give heed to what is uttered", "to hear with attention, compliance, or obedience", "To enquire", "to seek information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hearken", "num_translations": 17 }, "schadenfreude": { "senses": [ "Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epicaricacy" ], "word": "schadenfreude", "num_translations": 58 }, "onthego": { "senses": [ "Actively traveling", "busy", "moving often", "In progress", "having started" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "onthego", "num_translations": 15 }, "enslave": { "senses": [ "To make subservient", "to strip one of freedom", "enthrall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beslave" ], "word": "enslave", "num_translations": 32 }, "jackofalltrades": { "senses": [ "One competent in many endeavors, especially one who excels in none of them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "factotum" ], "word": "jackofalltrades", "num_translations": 37 }, "eyeforaneye": { "senses": [ "compensation for injury caused by a person, in the form of inflicting an identical injury on that person" ], "antonyms": [ "turn the other cheek" ], "synonyms": [ "tit for tat", "a Roland for an Oliver" ], "word": "eyeforaneye", "num_translations": 62 }, "acyclic": { "senses": [ "Not cyclic", "having an open chain structure", "Containing no cycles", "Of a flower, having its parts inserted spirally on the receptacle" ], "antonyms": [ "cyclic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "acyclic", "num_translations": 11 }, "noman'sland": { "senses": [ "The ground between trenches where a soldier from either side would be easily targeted", "A space amidships used to keep blocks, ropes, etc", "a space on a ship belonging to no one in particular to care for", "Part of a prison, hospital complex, etc where people are not normally allowed to go", "A place where no one can or should be", "The area between the backcourt and the space close to the net, from which it is difficult to return the ball", "Territory, often disputed, that cannot be inhabited because of fear of conflict, especially:", "The fanciful term for the fibrous sheath of the flexor tendons of the hand, specifically in the zone from the distal palmar crease to the proximal interphalangeal joint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "noman'sland", "num_translations": 18 }, "springtomind": { "senses": [ "To appear suddenly in one's thoughts, often as an example of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to mind" ], "word": "springtomind", "num_translations": 16 }, "shawm": { "senses": [ "A mediaeval double-reed wind instrument with a conical wooden body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zurna" ], "word": "shawm", "num_translations": 13 }, "admiraltylaw": { "senses": [ "The area of law that deals with ships at sea and the rights of sailors, passengers, and owners of cargo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maritime law" ], "word": "admiraltylaw", "num_translations": 12 }, "leftist": { "senses": [ "A person who holds views associated with the political left" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "left-winger" ], "word": "leftist", "num_translations": 36 }, "shive1": { "senses": [ "A splinter or fragment of the woody core of flax or hemp broken off in braking or scutching", "A plant fragment remaining in scoured wool", "A piece of thread or fluff on the surface of cloth or other material", "A dark particle or impurity in finished paper resulting from a bundle of incompletely cooked wood fibres in the pulp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boon", "shove" ], "word": "shive", "num_translations": 12 }, "depository": { "senses": [ "A place where something is deposited, as for storage, safekeeping or preservation", "a repository", "A trustee", "a depositary" ], "antonyms": [ "nondepository" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "depository", "num_translations": 17 }, "faintness": { "senses": [ "The property of being or feeling faint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faintheartedness", "dimness" ], "word": "faintness", "num_translations": 11 }, "alternativedisputeresolution": { "senses": [ "The resolution of a dispute through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or similar means, as opposed to litigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ADR" ], "word": "alternativedisputeresolution", "num_translations": 13 }, "labellum": { "senses": [ "The lower central petal of a flower , usually developed to be showy and attract pollinators", "Part of the mouth of an insect, especially the sucking mouthparts of a fly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lip" ], "word": "labellum", "num_translations": 20 }, "battleaxe": { "senses": [ "An ancient military weapon, an axe designed for combat", "This weapon borne on arms as a mark of prowess", "A domineering, antagonistic woman", "An electric guitar", "An allotment of land at the rear of another property, with a long, narrow strip of land connecting it to the roadway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "battleaxe", "num_translations": 34 }, "battlement": { "senses": [ "Any high wall for defense", "The towering roof of heaven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crenellation" ], "word": "battlement", "num_translations": 26 }, "elephantshrew": { "senses": [ "Any of several small, insectivorous long-nosed mammals, of the family Macroscelididae, native to Africa, thought to be more closely related elephants than to true shrews" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jumping shrew", "sengi" ], "word": "elephantshrew", "num_translations": 37 }, "interlace1": { "senses": [ "To cross one with another", "to interweave", "To mingle", "to blend", "To cross one another as if woven together", "to intertwine", "to blend intricately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "interlace", "num_translations": 18 }, "handwritten": { "senses": [ "written with a pen or pencil, as opposed to typed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "longhand" ], "word": "handwritten", "num_translations": 11 }, "illegality": { "senses": [ "the state of being illegal", "a defense to the validity of a contract because it was in violation of the law" ], "antonyms": [ "legality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "illegality", "num_translations": 15 }, "headland": { "senses": [ "Coastal land that juts into the sea", "The unplowed boundary of a field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peninsula" ], "word": "headland", "num_translations": 62 }, "seclusion": { "senses": [ "The act of secluding, shutting out or keeping apart", "The state of being secluded or shut out, as from company, society, the world, etc", "solitude", "A secluded, isolated or private place", "The mature phase of the extratropical cyclone life cycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "seclusion", "num_translations": 11 }, "indulgent": { "senses": [ "Disposed or prone to indulge, humor, gratify, or yield to one's own or another's desires, etc, or to be compliant, lenient, or forbearing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forbearing", "gentle", "lenient", "tolerant" ], "word": "indulgent", "num_translations": 23 }, "derisive": { "senses": [ "Expressing or characterized by derision", "mocking", "ridiculing", "Deserving or provoking derision or ridicule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mocking", "ridiculous" ], "word": "derisive", "num_translations": 28 }, "unspeakable": { "senses": [ "Incapable of being spoken or uttered", "Unfit or not permitted to be spoken or described", "Extremely bad or objectionable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:indescribable" ], "word": "unspeakable", "num_translations": 27 }, "smother": { "senses": [ "To suffocate", "stifle", "obstruct, more or less completely, the respiration of something or someone", "To extinguish or deaden, as fire, by covering, overlaying, or otherwise excluding the air", "To reduce to a low degree of vigor or activity", "suppress or do away with", "extinguish", "In cookery: to cook in a close dish", "To daub or smear", "To be suffocated", "To breathe with great difficulty by reason of smoke, dust, close covering or wrapping, or the like", "to burn very slowly for want of air", "smolder", "to perish, grow feeble, or decline, by suppression or concealment", "be stifled", "be suppressed or concealed", "To get in the way of a kick of the ball", "To get in the way of a kick of the ball, preventing it going very far When a player is kicking the ball, an opponent who is close enough will reach out with his hands and arms to get over the top of it, so the ball hits his hands after leaving the kicker's boot, dribbling away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "smother", "num_translations": 90 }, "replaceable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being replaced" ], "antonyms": [ "irreplaceable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "replaceable", "num_translations": 14 }, "narration": { "senses": [ "The act of recounting or relating in order the particulars of some action, occurrence, or affair", "a narrating", "That which is narrated or recounted", "an orderly recital of the details and particulars of some transaction or event, or of a series of transactions or events", "a story or narrative", "That part of an oration in which the speaker makes his or her statement of facts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "narration", "num_translations": 37 }, "babylonia": { "senses": [ "The area of Babylon's empire, Mesopotamia itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Babylonian Empire", "Mesopotamia" ], "word": "Babylonia", "num_translations": 30 }, "cortisol": { "senses": [ "The steroid hormone hydrocortisone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hydrocortisone" ], "word": "cortisol", "num_translations": 11 }, "diminution": { "senses": [ "A lessening, decrease or reduction", "The act or process of making diminutive", "a compositional technique where the composer shortens the melody by shortening its note values" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diminishment" ], "word": "diminution", "num_translations": 10 }, "sodiumnitrate": { "senses": [ "the sodium salt of nitric acid, NaNO3", "used as a food preservative, and as an oxidizing agent in explosives such as sodatol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caliche", "Chile saltpetre", "soda niter", "E251" ], "word": "sodiumnitrate", "num_translations": 24 }, "potassiumnitrate": { "senses": [ "KNO3, a naturally occurring salt used in the production of nitric acid HNO3, as a food preservative, in toothpaste for sensitive gums and as an ingredient of gunpowder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E252", "nitre", "saltpetre" ], "word": "potassiumnitrate", "num_translations": 33 }, "beachvolleyball": { "senses": [ "An outdoor variant of volleyball played on sand", "The ball used to play this sport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outdoor volleyball" ], "word": "beachvolleyball", "num_translations": 40 }, "peepingtom": { "senses": [ "A person who watches another without the other's permission and usually without the other's knowledge, especially for the purpose of deriving sexual pleasure from the sight of the other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peeper", "voyeur" ], "word": "peepingtom", "num_translations": 33 }, "sisterhood": { "senses": [ "the state, or kinship of being sisters", "the quality of being sisterly", "sisterly companionship", "especially, the sense that women have of being in solidarity with one another", "a religious society of women", "The idea of universal experience amongst women, regardless of other traits or factors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sistership", "womanhood" ], "word": "sisterhood", "num_translations": 20 }, "horribly": { "senses": [ "In a horrible way", "very badly", "To an extreme degree or extent", "With a very bad effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dreadfully", "very" ], "word": "horribly", "num_translations": 24 }, "amusing1": { "senses": [ "Entertaining", "Funny, hilarious" ], "antonyms": [ "unamusing" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:funny", "Thesaurus:witty" ], "word": "amusing", "num_translations": 50 }, "supposedly": { "senses": [ "As a matter of supposition", "in the beliefs or according to the claims of some people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allegedly", "purportedly" ], "word": "supposedly", "num_translations": 28 }, "teaser": { "senses": [ "One who teases or pokes fun", "A person or thing that teases", "A short film or quote meant to draw an audience to a film or show, usually as a preliminary for its main advertising", "A kind of gull, the jaeger", "A shunt winding on field magnets for maintaining their magnetism when the main circuit is open", "The stoker of a glassworks furnace", "A short horizontal curtain used to mask the flies and frame the top of the inner stage opening, adjustable to the desired height" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tease" ], "word": "teaser", "num_translations": 26 }, "fuller'searth": { "senses": [ "A fine clay used in fulling cloth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "walker's earth" ], "word": "fuller'searth", "num_translations": 11 }, "choline": { "senses": [ "A hydroxy quaternary ammonium compound with formula 3N+CH2CH2OHX\u2212 It is an essential nutrient for cardiovascular and brain health and for cell membrane formation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neurine" ], "word": "choline", "num_translations": 17 }, "coppersulfate": { "senses": [ "reducing agents reduce it to the red cuprous sulfate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cupric sulfate", "blue vitriol", "E519" ], "word": "coppersulfate", "num_translations": 10 }, "colugo": { "senses": [ "An arboreal gliding mammal of the family Cynocephalidae native to South-east Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flying lemur" ], "word": "colugo", "num_translations": 15 }, "siamesefightingfish": { "senses": [ "A freshwater fish, Betta splendens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "betta" ], "word": "Siamesefightingfish", "num_translations": 20 }, "astonished": { "senses": [ "Amazed", "surprised" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shocked", "speechless", "amazed", "agape", "bewildered", "Thesaurus:astonished" ], "word": "astonished", "num_translations": 30 }, "stopper": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of stop, someone or something that stops something", "A type of knot at the end of a rope, to prevent it from unravelling", "A bung or cork", "Goalkeeper", "In the commodity futures market, someone who is long a futures contract and is demanding delivery because they want to take possession of the deliverable commodity", "A train that calls at all or almost all stations between its origin and destination, including very small ones", "Any of several trees of the genus Eugenia, found in Florida and the West Indies", "A short rope for making something fast", "A playspot where water flows back on itself, creating a retentive feature" ], "antonyms": [ "fast" ], "synonyms": [ "local", "plug" ], "word": "stopper", "num_translations": 10 }, "spatter": { "senses": [ "To splash with small droplets", "To cover, or lie upon by having been scattered, as if by splashing", "To distribute by sprinkling", "to sprinkle around", "To send out or disperse as if in droplets", "To send out small droplets", "to splash in small droplets", "To injure by aspersion", "to defame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "strew" ], "word": "spatter", "num_translations": 23 }, "logically": { "senses": [ "In a logical manner, with logic" ], "antonyms": [ "illogically" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "logically", "num_translations": 22 }, "lockout": { "senses": [ "The opposite of a strike", "a labor disruption where management refuses to allow workers into a plant to work even if they are willing", "The action of installing a lock to keep someone out of an area, such as eviction of a tenant by changing the lock", "The exclusion of others from a certain place or situation", "A situation where the system is not responding to input", "A safety device designed to prevent touching a moving part when it is under operation", "The final portion of a weightlifting motion where all applicable limbs or joints are fully extended or \"locked out\"" ], "antonyms": [ "strike" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lockout", "num_translations": 18 }, "indecisive": { "senses": [ "Not decisive", "not marked by promptness or decision", "inconclusive or uncertain" ], "antonyms": [ "decisive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indecisive", "num_translations": 54 }, "ligation": { "senses": [ "Something that ties, a ligature", "The act of tying, of applying a ligature", "The state of having a ligature, of being tied", "The act of tying off or sealing a blood vessel or fallopian tube during surgery", "The formation of a complex by reaction with a ligand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ligation", "num_translations": 11 }, "foppish": { "senses": [ "Like a fop, a man overly concerned with his appearance", "vain and showy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dandy" ], "word": "foppish", "num_translations": 14 }, "clothesdon'tmaketheman": { "senses": [ "You cannot accurately judge a person solely by appearances" ], "antonyms": [ "fine feathers make fine birds", "clothes maketh the man" ], "synonyms": [ "you can't judge a book by its cover" ], "word": "clothesdon'tmaketheman", "num_translations": 21 }, "corsair": { "senses": [ "A French privateer, especially from the port of St-Malo", "A privateer or pirate in general", "The ship of privateers or pirates, especially of French nationality", "A nocturnal assassin bug of the genus Rasahus, found in the southern USA", "A Californian market fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:pirate" ], "word": "corsair", "num_translations": 26 }, "suitor": { "senses": [ "One who pursues someone, especially a woman, for marriage", "a wooer", "one who courts someone", "A party to a suit or litigation", "One who sues, petitions, solicits, or entreats", "a petitioner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suitor", "num_translations": 31 }, "headmistress": { "senses": [ "A female school principal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headteacher", "principal" ], "word": "headmistress", "num_translations": 19 }, "chloroform": { "senses": [ "A halogenated hydrocarbon, trichloromethane, CHCl3", "it is a volatile, sweet-smelling liquid, used extensively as a solvent and formerly as an anesthetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trichloromethane", "chloric ether", "Guthrie's sweet whiskey" ], "word": "chloroform", "num_translations": 33 }, "childless": { "senses": [ "Not having any children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "babyless", "child-free" ], "word": "childless", "num_translations": 45 }, "windbreaker": { "senses": [ "A thin outer coat designed to resist wind chill and light rain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "windcheater" ], "word": "windbreaker", "num_translations": 21 }, "bloodshed": { "senses": [ "The shedding or spilling of blood", "A slaughter", "destruction of life, notably on a large scale", "The shedding of one's own blood", "specifically, the death of Christ", "A bloodshot condition or appearance", "an effusion of blood in the eye" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bloodletting", "bloodbath" ], "word": "bloodshed", "num_translations": 73 }, "hurdy-gurdy1": { "senses": [ "A stringed instrument that produces a droning sound by turning a handle that connects to a wheel that rubs against a rosined string, with a keyboard also used to alter the pitch of the string", "synonym of \"street organ\"", "A water wheel with radial buckets, driven by the impact of a jet", "A winch, a windlass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wheel fiddle" ], "word": "hurdy-gurdy", "num_translations": 26 }, "diwali": { "senses": [ "An annual festival of light, observed during several days in October and November" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Festival of Lights" ], "word": "Diwali", "num_translations": 71 }, "cutlass": { "senses": [ "A short sword with a curved blade, and a convex edge", "once used by sailors when boarding an enemy ship", "A similarly shaped tool", "a machete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuttoe", "hanger", "short sabre" ], "word": "cutlass", "num_translations": 23 }, "nonentity": { "senses": [ "an unimportant or insignificant person", ": the state of not existing", "nonexistence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nonentity" ], "word": "nonentity", "num_translations": 14 }, "legality": { "senses": [ "Lawfulness" ], "antonyms": [ "illegality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "legality", "num_translations": 20 }, "attainment": { "senses": [ "The act of attaining", "the act of arriving at or reaching", "the act of obtaining by exertion or effort", "That which is attained, or obtained by exertion", "acquisition", "acquirement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attainment", "num_translations": 29 }, "armored": { "senses": [ "Clad or equipped with arms or armor", "Covered with armor, as a ship or the face of a fortification", "armor-plated" ], "antonyms": [ "covered with armor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "armored", "num_translations": 16 }, "apologist": { "senses": [ "One who makes an apology", "One who speaks or writes in defense of a faith, a cause, or an institution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apologizer" ], "word": "apologist", "num_translations": 22 }, "burnout": { "senses": [ "The experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest, especially in one's career", "A marijuana addict", "one whose brains have been burned out", "The shutoff of a rocket motor following the complete exhaustion of its fuel supply, or having been irreversibly throttled after the application of a planned delta-v", "The failure of an electrical device, usually through overheating due to the application of excessive power", "Using the throttle to spin the wheels of a vehicle being held stationary, causing the spinning tires to produce smoke and burn rubber" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "burnout", "num_translations": 18 }, "what's-his-name": { "senses": [ "A person or entity, particularly male, whose name one does not remember but that is known to the person to which one is speaking", "A person or entity, particularly male, whose name one does not want to mention but that is known to the person to which one is speaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "you-know-who" ], "word": "what's-his-name", "num_translations": 18 }, "unwary": { "senses": [ "Lacking caution as a result of na\u00efvet\u00e9 or inexperience", "Unprepared", "not watchful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "careless" ], "word": "unwary", "num_translations": 13 }, "takeitstoll": { "senses": [ "To affect, especially negatively", "to damage or degrade", "to cause destruction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "do a number on" ], "word": "takeitstoll", "num_translations": 15 }, "negatively": { "senses": [ "In a negative manner", "so as to be damaging or not positive", "In the negative", "with the answer \u201cno\"" ], "antonyms": [ "positively", "affirmatively" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "negatively", "num_translations": 11 }, "autistic1": { "senses": [ "A person who has autism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "autist" ], "word": "autistic", "num_translations": 13 }, "anorexic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to, or suffering from anorexia nervosa", "Thin, skinny" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anorectic", "Thesaurus:scrawny" ], "word": "anorexic", "num_translations": 15 }, "anorexic1": { "senses": [ "Somebody suffering from anorexia nervosa", "A medicine which suppresses appetite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anorectic" ], "word": "anorexic", "num_translations": 13 }, "backstreet": { "senses": [ "A usually small and narrow street or alley, especially one in inferior or poorer parts of a city, away from the centre", "A secret, clandestine or illegal scene" ], "antonyms": [ "main street" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "backstreet", "num_translations": 13 }, "coquetry": { "senses": [ "Coquettish behaviour", "actions designed to excite erotic attention, without intending to reciprocate such feelings", "flirtatious teasing", "An act constituting such behaviour", "an affectation of amorous interest or enticement, especially of a woman directed towards a man" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flirtation" ], "word": "coquetry", "num_translations": 26 }, "rollercoaster": { "senses": [ "An amusement ride consisting of a buggy on a track that rises, falls, twists and turns", "Any situation in which there are ups and downs, or violent changes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big dipper", "merry-go-round" ], "word": "rollercoaster", "num_translations": 52 }, "prosciutto": { "senses": [ "A dry-cured ham from Italy, thinly sliced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Parma ham" ], "word": "prosciutto", "num_translations": 21 }, "overestimate": { "senses": [ "To judge or calculate too highly" ], "antonyms": [ "underestimate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overestimate", "num_translations": 28 }, "flirtatious": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to flirtation", "Having a tendency to flirt often" ], "antonyms": [ "prudish" ], "synonyms": [ "cheeky" ], "word": "flirtatious", "num_translations": 13 }, "goodluck": { "senses": [ "A phrase said to wish fortune on someone or as encouragement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break a leg", "come on", "take heart", "toi, toi, toi" ], "word": "goodluck", "num_translations": 115 }, "goodluck1": { "senses": [ "Desirable or beneficial fortune" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "good fortune", "horseshoe up one's ass" ], "word": "goodluck", "num_translations": 38 }, "charles'slaw": { "senses": [ "The law stating that the density of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "law of volumes" ], "word": "Charles'slaw", "num_translations": 58 }, "moderator": { "senses": [ "someone who moderates", "the person who presides over a synod of a Presbyterian Church", "a substance used to decrease the speed of fast neutrons in a nuclear reactor and hence increase likelihood of fission", "a device used to deaden some of the noise from a firearm, although not to the same extent as a suppressor or silencer", "An examiner at Oxford and Cambridge universities", "At the University of Dublin, either the first or second in rank in an examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts", "someone who supervises and monitors the setting and marking of examinations by different people to ensure consistency of standards", "A mechanical arrangement for regulating motion in a machine, or producing equality of effect", "A kind of lamp in which the flow of the oil to the wick is regulated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "moderator", "num_translations": 26 }, "loosely": { "senses": [ "In a loose manner", "Not tightly", "Approximately", "Used to indicate an imprecise use of words" ], "antonyms": [ "tightly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "loosely", "num_translations": 14 }, "scopsowl": { "senses": [ "A small European migratory owl, Otus scops, that winters in sub-Saharran Africa", "Any owl of the Old World genus Otus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "European scops owl", "Eurasian scops owl" ], "word": "scopsowl", "num_translations": 28 }, "anesthesiologist": { "senses": [ "A physician who specializes in anesthesiology and administers anesthesia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anaesthetist" ], "word": "anesthesiologist", "num_translations": 34 }, "appetizing": { "senses": [ "That appeals to, or stimulates the appetite", "Appealing or enticing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:delicious" ], "word": "appetizing", "num_translations": 21 }, "drywall": { "senses": [ "A building material comprising a sheet of gypsum sandwiched between two pieces of heavy paper, used mainly for interior walls and ceilings", "A wall made of this", "A stone wall constructed without mortar or cement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drywall" ], "word": "drywall", "num_translations": 14 }, "nuclearreactor": { "senses": [ "Any device in which a controlled chain reaction is maintained for the purpose of creating heat or for creating neutrons and other fission products for experimental, medical or other purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atomic pile" ], "word": "nuclearreactor", "num_translations": 58 }, "star-spangledbanner": { "senses": [ "A nickname for the national flag of the United States of America", "The national anthem of the United States of America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Old Glory", "stars and stripes" ], "word": "Star-SpangledBanner", "num_translations": 19 }, "anal-retentive": { "senses": [ "Preoccupied with achieving perfection, order and control and with collecting, possessing, and retaining objects", "Overly obsessive concerning small details" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anal", "Thesaurus:fastidious" ], "word": "anal-retentive", "num_translations": 21 }, "jussive1": { "senses": [ "an instance of a verb so inflected", "A verbal mood of vague or miscellaneous senses, occurring after some particles and in conditional clauses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apocopate" ], "word": "jussive", "num_translations": 13 }, "plumbago": { "senses": [ "graphite", "leadwort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "graphite", "black lead" ], "word": "plumbago", "num_translations": 17 }, "plumbism": { "senses": [ "A diseased condition, produced by the absorption of lead, common among workers in this metal or in its compounds, as among painters, typesetters, etc Symptoms include lead colic, lead line, and wrist drop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Devon colic", "lead colic", "lead poisoning", "painter's colic", "saturnism" ], "word": "plumbism", "num_translations": 14 }, "keyboardist": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays a keyboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keyboarder" ], "word": "keyboardist", "num_translations": 10 }, "inapinch": { "senses": [ "In an urgent or difficult situation", "when no other solution is available" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "when push comes to shove", "at a pinch" ], "word": "inapinch", "num_translations": 16 }, "one-nightstand": { "senses": [ "An occasion when a performer or team of them expects to perform at a theater for a single evening", "A single sexual encounter between two individuals, where at least one of the partners has no immediate intention or expectation of establishing a longer-term sexual or romantic relationship As the phrase implies, the relationship lasts for only one night", "Either of the two partners involved in such a single sexual encounter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pump and dump" ], "word": "one-nightstand", "num_translations": 35 }, "onceinawhile": { "senses": [ "Occasionally", "sometimes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "every once in a while" ], "word": "onceinawhile", "num_translations": 29 }, "hellenism": { "senses": [ "Any of the characteristics of ancient Greek culture, civilization, principles and ideals, including humanism, reason, the pursuit of knowledge and the arts, moderation and civic responsibility", "The culture and civilization of the Hellenistic period", "The admiration for and adoption of ancient Greek culture, ideas and civilization", "The national character or culture of Greece", "The belief in and worship of the Greek gods", "A Greek idiom or turn of phrase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Hellenism", "num_translations": 21 }, "pluralism": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being plural, or in the plural number", "The state of a pluralist", "the holding of more than one ecclesiastical living at a time", "A social system that permits smaller groups within a society to maintain their individual cultural identities", "The belief that values can be simultaneously antagonistic and incommensurable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plurality" ], "word": "pluralism", "num_translations": 29 }, "secondaryschool": { "senses": [ "In the UK, a state school attended between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18", "The federally designated, graduation-separated classification of grades 9-12 , regardless of whether they are compiled together in one school or separate from the other grades", "School with education level between primary school and university" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "high school" ], "word": "secondaryschool", "num_translations": 52 }, "guesthouse": { "senses": [ "A small house near a main house, for lodging visitors", "A private house offering accommodation to paying guests", "a boarding house", "a bed and breakfast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:lodging place" ], "word": "guesthouse", "num_translations": 35 }, "cro-magnon1": { "senses": [ "The earliest known form of modern human in Europe, dating from the late Paleolithic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cro-Magnon Man" ], "word": "Cro-Magnon", "num_translations": 13 }, "amazed": { "senses": [ "Astonished", "confounded with fear, surprise, or wonder", "greatly surprised The following adposition may be: at, with or by" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:astonished" ], "word": "amazed", "num_translations": 11 }, "auriferous": { "senses": [ "Containing or producing gold", "gold-bearing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gold-bearing" ], "word": "auriferous", "num_translations": 11 }, "longshoreman": { "senses": [ "A man employed to load and unload ships", "One who makes a living along the shore by oyster-fishing, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "docker" ], "word": "longshoreman", "num_translations": 15 }, "austerity": { "senses": [ "Severity of manners or life", "extreme rigor or strictness", "harsh discipline", "Freedom from adornment", "plainness", "severe simplicity", "A policy of deficit-cutting, which by definition requires lower spending, higher taxes, or both", "Sourness and harshness to the taste" ], "antonyms": [ "comfort" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "austerity", "num_translations": 62 }, "forgetfulness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being forgetful", "proneness to let slip from the mind", "Loss of remembrance or recollection", "a ceasing to remember", "oblivion", "Failure to bear in mind", "careless omission", "inattention" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forgetfulness", "num_translations": 53 }, "ass-licker": { "senses": [ "Someone who succumbs to authority, doing whatever authority figures ask and attempting to please them in every possible way", "Someone who performs anilingus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sycophant" ], "word": "ass-licker", "num_translations": 25 }, "renewal": { "senses": [ "The act of renewing", "An offensive action made immediately after a parried one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "renew" ], "word": "renewal", "num_translations": 33 }, "occasionaltable": { "senses": [ "Any small table, such as an end table, having no particular function It can typically be folded away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "side table", "end table", "coffee table" ], "word": "occasionaltable", "num_translations": 10 }, "nathan": { "senses": [ "An Old Testament prophet", "male given name, of Biblical origin", "An surname", "An surname, a variant of Natan", "suburb of city/Brisbane s/Queensland c/Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Nathan", "num_translations": 27 }, "gorget": { "senses": [ "A piece of armour for the throat", "A type of women's clothing covering the neck and breast", "a wimple", "An ornament for the neck", "a necklace, ornamental collar, torque etc", "A cutting instrument used in lithotomy", "A grooved instrument used in performing various operations", "A crescent-shaped coloured patch on the neck of a bird or mammal", "A hake caught in a net set for other fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gorget", "num_translations": 27 }, "religiosity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being religious or pious, especially when zealous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "devoutness", "piety", "religiousness", "sanctimoniousness" ], "word": "religiosity", "num_translations": 16 }, "rigel": { "senses": [ "A blue supergiant star in the constellation Orion", "Beta Orionis The seventh brightest star in the night sky" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Algebar" ], "word": "Rigel", "num_translations": 13 }, "hypnotize": { "senses": [ "To induce a state of hypnosis in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mesmerize" ], "word": "hypnotize", "num_translations": 19 }, "guestbook": { "senses": [ "a type of ledger in which visitors to a particular establishment, such as a bed and breakfast or a museum, may leave comments about the establishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "visitors' book" ], "word": "guestbook", "num_translations": 33 }, "straddle": { "senses": [ "To sit or stand with a leg on each side of something", "to sit astride", "To be on both sides of something", "to have parts that are in different places, regions, etc", "To consider or favor two apparently opposite sides", "to be noncommittal", "To form a disorderly sprawl", "to spread out irregularly", "To fire successive artillery shots in front of and behind of a target, especially in order to determine its range", "To place a voluntary raise prior to receiving cards", "To stand with the ends staggered", "said of the spokes of a wagon wheel where they join the hub", "To execute a commodities market spread" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "straddle", "num_translations": 60 }, "straggler": { "senses": [ "A person who straggles, or departs from the direct or proper course, or from the company to which they belong", "One who falls behind the rest, for example in a race", "One who roams without any settled direction", "A migratory animal found away from its usual range", "A roving vagabond", "Something that shoots, or spreads out, beyond the rest, or too far", "an exuberant growth", "Something that stands alone or by itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "straggler", "num_translations": 37 }, "cackle1": { "senses": [ "To make a sharp, broken noise or cry, as a hen or goose does", "To laugh with a broken sound similar to a hen's cry", "To talk in a silly manner", "to prattle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:laugh" ], "word": "cackle", "num_translations": 31 }, "motionsickness": { "senses": [ "A feeling of nausea or dizziness caused by a disagreement between visually perceived movement and the vestibular system's sense of movement", "typically resulting from travel in a vehicle such as a ship or car" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "travel sickness", "kinesia", "kinetosis" ], "word": "motionsickness", "num_translations": 47 }, "lamination": { "senses": [ "The process of laminating, joining together thin layers", "Something made by laminating", "A foliation of a closed subset of a manifold by subspaces of one dimension less", "A layer of something that is laminated", "A small scale sequence of fine layers that occurs in sedimentary rocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lamination", "num_translations": 11 }, "metier": { "senses": [ "Any activity that is pursued as a trade or profession", "a calling", "An activity to which a person is particularly suited", "a forte", "An outstanding or beneficial feature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:forte" ], "word": "metier", "num_translations": 22 }, "cartesianproduct": { "senses": [ "The set of all possible pairs of elements whose components are members of two sets Notation: X \\times Y = \\{\\|x\\in X \\land y\\in Y\\}", "All possible combinations of rows between all of the tables listed", "The set of points in an -dimensional Cartesian space corresponding to all possible pairs of points from the two sets from spaces of dimension m and n Notation: X \\times Y = \\{ \\| \\in X \\land \\in Y \\}" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "direct product" ], "word": "Cartesianproduct", "num_translations": 27 }, "breastaugmentation": { "senses": [ "Cosmetic procedure to increase the size of female breasts with silicon implants" ], "antonyms": [ "breast reduction" ], "synonyms": [ "boob job", "breastwork" ], "word": "breastaugmentation", "num_translations": 10 }, "metonym": { "senses": [ "A word that names an object from a single characteristic of it or of a closely related object", "A concept, idea, or word used to represent, typify, or stand in for a broader set of ideas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "synonym" ], "word": "metonym", "num_translations": 13 }, "recreational": { "senses": [ "For, or relating to, recreation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rec" ], "word": "recreational", "num_translations": 15 }, "voivode": { "senses": [ "A local ruler or official in various parts of central and eastern Europe, especially early semi-independent rulers of Transylvania", "An administrative chief in modern Poland", "woywod", "waywode", "voivoda", "waiwode", "voyvode", "voievod", "vayvode", "voevode", "voievode", "voyevode", "vaivoda", "waivode", "wojewod", "vojvod", "voievoda", "voyvod", "wojwode", "vaivod", "vojevoda", "woyewoda", "vaiwode", "vayvoda", "waywod", "wayvode", "vaywode", "waywoda", "woywoda", "wojwoda", "woivode", "woiwoda", "wojwod", "woiwoda", "waivod", "wayvoda", "waiwod", "woewoda", "waiwoda", "woiewoda", "vojevode", "woiewode", "vojevod", "wayvod", "woyewode", "woyvode", "voywode", "woewod", "wayvod", "woyewode", "woyvode", "voywode", "woiewod", "woewode" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "voivode", "num_translations": 44 }, "ruination": { "senses": [ "The state of being ruined, a state of devastation or destruction", "The act of ruining or wrecking", "The cause of being ruined, destroyed or lost", "A loss of reputation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "destruction", "foundation" ], "word": "ruination", "num_translations": 23 }, "ruction": { "senses": [ "A noisy quarrel or fight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brawl" ], "word": "ruction", "num_translations": 19 }, "hipflask": { "senses": [ "A container designed to hold small amounts of alcohol, especially spirits, for personal consumption on the go" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hip-pocket flask" ], "word": "hipflask", "num_translations": 13 }, "destitution": { "senses": [ "The action of deserting or abandoning", "Discharge from office", "dismissal", "The condition of lacking something", "An extreme state of poverty, in which a person is almost completely lacking in resources or means of support" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "destitution", "num_translations": 28 }, "stinginess": { "senses": [ "A lack of generosity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parsimony", "niggardliness" ], "word": "stinginess", "num_translations": 35 }, "arianism": { "senses": [ "A non-trinitarian Christology, denominated as heretical since Council of Nicaea, but still influential in Monophysite Christianity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arian heresy" ], "word": "Arianism", "num_translations": 13 }, "debauched": { "senses": [ "Indulging in or characterised by sensual pleasures to a degree perceived to be morally harmful", "corrupted", "immoral", "self-indulgent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "degenerate", "degraded", "dissipated", "dissolute", "fast", "libertine", "licentious", "profligate", "riotous" ], "word": "debauched", "num_translations": 18 }, "orion'sbelt": { "senses": [ "A bright asterism located near the celestial equator", "it consists of three bright stars lined up and visibly close together It is part of the constellation Orion and includes the stars Alnitak , Alnilam , and Mintaka" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Australia", "the Three Kings", "or the Magi" ], "word": "Orion'sBelt", "num_translations": 23 }, "senility": { "senses": [ "Senescence", "the bodily and mental deterioration associated with old age", "The losing of memory and reason due to senescence", "An elderly, senile person" ], "antonyms": [ "juvenility" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "senility", "num_translations": 17 }, "scissor1": { "senses": [ "To excise or expunge something from a text", "To reproduce as an excerpt, copy", "To skate with one foot significantly in front of the other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scissor", "num_translations": 22 }, "miscarry": { "senses": [ "To have an unfortunate accident of some kind", "to be killed, or come to harm", "To go astray", "to do something wrong", "To have a miscarriage", "to abort a foetus, usually without intent to do so", "To fail to achieve some purpose", "to be unsuccessful, to go wrong", "Of a letter etc: to fail to reach its intended recipient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "miscarry", "num_translations": 29 }, "drainpipe": { "senses": [ "A pipe that caries fluid which is being drained", "A type of form-fitting trousers with highly tapered legs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "downspout", "culvert", "waste pipe", "stovepipe" ], "word": "drainpipe", "num_translations": 19 }, "bullion": { "senses": [ "A bulk quantity of precious metal, usually gold or silver, assessed by weight and typically cast as ingots", "Base or uncurrent coin", "Showy metallic ornament, as of gold, silver, or copper, on bridles, saddles, etc", "A heavy twisted fringe, made of fine gold or silver wire and used for epaulets", "also, any heavy twisted fringe whose cords are prominent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bullion", "num_translations": 17 }, "shamble": { "senses": [ "To walk while shuffling or dragging the feet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shuffle" ], "word": "shamble", "num_translations": 10 }, "manat": { "senses": [ "The basic unit of currency for Azerbaijan", "symbol \u20bc", "subdivided into 100 qapik", "The basic unit of currency for Turkmenistan", "subdivided into 100 tennesi" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "manat", "num_translations": 20 }, "mainsail": { "senses": [ "The largest sail on a sailing vessel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "main" ], "word": "mainsail", "num_translations": 11 }, "polygynous": { "senses": [ "Having many styles", "belonging to the order Polygynia", "polygynian", "Having more than one female as wife or mate", "practicing polygyny" ], "antonyms": [ "monogynous", "oligogynous", "polyandrous" ], "synonyms": [ "polygynian" ], "word": "polygynous", "num_translations": 31 }, "polymorphous": { "senses": [ "Having, or assuming, a variety of forms, characters, or styles", "Having, or occurring in, several distinct forms", "Crystallizing in two or more different forms", "polymorphic" ], "antonyms": [ "monomorphic" ], "synonyms": [ "multiform" ], "word": "polymorphous", "num_translations": 11 }, "livable": { "senses": [ "Endurable, survivable, suitable for living in, inhabitable" ], "antonyms": [ "unlivable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "livable", "num_translations": 12 }, "lodestar": { "senses": [ "A star used as a navigation reference, particularly a pole star such as Polaris", "A guiding tenet or principle", "A calculated amount to award as attorney's fees derived by multiplying the reasonable number of hours spent working on a case by the reasonable hourly billing rate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cynosure", "guiding star" ], "word": "lodestar", "num_translations": 21 }, "ostentation": { "senses": [ "Ambitious display", "vain show", "display intended to excite admiration or applause", "A show or spectacle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parade", "pageantry", "show", "showiness", "pomp", "pompousness", "vaunting", "boasting", "Thesaurus:arrogance" ], "word": "ostentation", "num_translations": 28 }, "windsurfing": { "senses": [ "A marine sport in which one stands on a floating board to which a sail is attached The board is steered by tilting the sail or banking the board Some windsurfers use large waves to perform jumps and other stunts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boardsailing" ], "word": "windsurfing", "num_translations": 15 }, "smallchange": { "senses": [ "Coins of little value kept in one's pocket or bag", "A minor or insignificant amount of money", "A person or thing of little importance or value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loose change", "chump change", "small potatoes" ], "word": "smallchange", "num_translations": 24 }, "compactdisc": { "senses": [ "A kind of optical disc used to store audio or other data" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CD", "compact disk" ], "word": "compactdisc", "num_translations": 73 }, "renovate": { "senses": [ "To renew", "to revamp something to make it look new again", "To restore to freshness or vigor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:repair" ], "word": "renovate", "num_translations": 50 }, "huckster": { "senses": [ "A peddler or hawker, who sells small items, either door-to-door, from a stall or in the street", "Somebody who sells things in an aggressive or showy manner", "One who deceptively sells fraudulent products", "Somebody who writes advertisements for radio or television", "A mean, deceptive person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "huckster", "num_translations": 11 }, "caveman": { "senses": [ "An early human or closely related species, popularly held to reside in caves", "A brutish or savage person", "A man with old-fashioned or backward opinions, particularly with regard to women" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hominid", "boor", "chauvinist" ], "word": "caveman", "num_translations": 42 }, "derail1": { "senses": [ "To cause to come off the tracks", "To come off the tracks", "To deviate from the previous course or direction", "To cause to deviate from a set course or direction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unrail" ], "word": "derail", "num_translations": 29 }, "vituperate": { "senses": [ "To criticize in a harsh or abusive manner", "To revile, vilify, defame, go on about or mouth off about someone", "To use harsh or abusive wording" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scold", "Thesaurus:criticize", "rail" ], "word": "vituperate", "num_translations": 17 }, "exothermic": { "senses": [ "That releases energy in the form of heat", "That releases heat during its formation, and absorbs it during its decomposition", "Of an animal: whose body temperature is regulated by external factors", "cold-blooded" ], "antonyms": [ "endothermic" ], "synonyms": [ "exothermal" ], "word": "exothermic", "num_translations": 10 }, "endothermic": { "senses": [ "Of a chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy from its surroundings", "Of an animal whose body temperature is regulated by internal factors" ], "antonyms": [ "exothermic" ], "synonyms": [ "endothermal", "homeothermal", "homeothermic", "homoeothermal", "homoiothermal", "homoeothermic", "warm-blooded" ], "word": "endothermic", "num_translations": 31 }, "pencilsharpener": { "senses": [ "A device used to sharpen pencils by shaving the wood at one end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pencil pointer", "pencil parer", "pencil topper" ], "word": "pencilsharpener", "num_translations": 84 }, "invalidate": { "senses": [ "To make invalid Especially applied to contract law" ], "antonyms": [ "validate" ], "synonyms": [ "vitiate" ], "word": "invalidate", "num_translations": 18 }, "peripheraldevice": { "senses": [ "An electronic device that is outside the computer's system unit , but used by the computer to which it is connected, such as a printer or a scanner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peripheral" ], "word": "peripheraldevice", "num_translations": 33 }, "guestroom": { "senses": [ "A room in a home or hotel set aside for the use of visiting guests" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spare room" ], "word": "guestroom", "num_translations": 18 }, "meetingroom": { "senses": [ "A room in a building, such as an office building, set aside for the use of people to hold meetings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conference" ], "word": "meetingroom", "num_translations": 20 }, "romani1": { "senses": [ "The Indo-Aryan lect of the Roma people, or one of its sublects , closely related to Hindi and Rajasthani" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gypsy", "Rom" ], "word": "Romani", "num_translations": 46 }, "colostrum": { "senses": [ "A mixture of turpentine and egg yolk, formerly used as an emulsion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beastings", "beest", "beestings", "beistings", "beistyn", "biestings", "bisnings", "first milk", "fore-milk", "green milk" ], "word": "colostrum", "num_translations": 83 }, "expiation": { "senses": [ "An act of atonement for a sin or wrongdoing", "The act of expiating or stripping off", "plunder", "pillage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atonement" ], "word": "expiation", "num_translations": 16 }, "makefunof": { "senses": [ "To tease, ridicule or make jokes about, generally in a pejorative manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make sport of", "Thesaurus:ridicule" ], "word": "makefunof", "num_translations": 57 }, "makelightof": { "senses": [ "To regard without due seriousness", "to joke about or disregard inappropriately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take lightly" ], "word": "makelightof", "num_translations": 21 }, "cornerkick": { "senses": [ "A kick awarded to the attacking team when the ball leaves the field of play by wholly crossing the goal line without a goal having been scored, having last touched a player from the defending team For the kick, the ball is placed within the corner arc closest to where it went out of play" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corner" ], "word": "cornerkick", "num_translations": 36 }, "booksofmoses": { "senses": [ "The first five books of the Hebrew Bible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Law", "Pentateuch", "Torah" ], "word": "BooksofMoses", "num_translations": 14 }, "brewing1": { "senses": [ "The production of alcoholic beverages, such as beer, by fermentation", "the process of being brewed", "The business or occupation of a brewer", "The quantity of a brew made in a single batch", "The forming of a storm or the gathering of clouds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brewing", "num_translations": 10 }, "pyrosis": { "senses": [ "A burning sensation in the chest due to reflux of stomach contents in the esophagus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heartburn" ], "word": "pyrosis", "num_translations": 16 }, "left-winger": { "senses": [ "A person who espouses left-wing political views", "A member of the left wing of a party or group", "A person who plays the position of left wing" ], "antonyms": [ "right-winger" ], "synonyms": [ "leftist" ], "word": "left-winger", "num_translations": 16 }, "impersonate": { "senses": [ "To pretend to be", "to assume the identity of", "To operate with the permissions of a different user account", "To manifest in corporeal form", "to personify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "impersonate", "num_translations": 10 }, "rostrum": { "senses": [ "A dais, pulpit, or similar platform for a speaker, conductor, or other performer", "A platform for a film or television camera", "The projecting prow of a rowed warship, such as a trireme", "The beak", "The beak-shaped projection on the head of insects such as weevils", "The snout of a dolphin", "The oral or nasal region of a human used for anatomical location" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rostrum", "num_translations": 50 }, "jefferson": { "senses": [ "An surname", "the third President of the United States, principal author of the US Declaration of Independence , and one of the most influential founders of the United States", "male given name", "city/county seat co/Jackson County s/Georgia c/US", "city/county seat co/Greene County s/Iowa", "city/county seat co/Marion County s/Texas", "town/county seat co/Ashe County s/North Carolina", "village/county seat co/Ashtabula County s/Ohio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Jefferson", "num_translations": 13 }, "dentalcalculus": { "senses": [ "A hard crust of calcium salts and food particles on the teeth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tartar" ], "word": "dentalcalculus", "num_translations": 19 }, "preferably": { "senses": [ "In preference", "by choice", "in a preferable manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liever" ], "word": "preferably", "num_translations": 22 }, "havesex": { "senses": [ "To engage in sexual intercourse", "To engage in any other sexual act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:copulate" ], "word": "havesex", "num_translations": 99 }, "liquorstore": { "senses": [ "A shop that sells alcoholic beverages to be drunk off the premises" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "off-licence", "package store", "packie", "bottle shop", "bottle-o", "bottle store", "pony keg", "state store", "party store" ], "word": "liquorstore", "num_translations": 37 }, "disbelieve": { "senses": [ "To not believe", "to exercise disbelief", "To actively deny", "To cease to believe" ], "antonyms": [ "believe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disbelieve", "num_translations": 18 }, "breakable": { "senses": [ "Able to break or be broken", "Fragile" ], "antonyms": [ "unbreakable" ], "synonyms": [ "destructible", "Thesaurus:fragile" ], "word": "breakable", "num_translations": 20 }, "authorship": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being an author", "the function or dignity of an author", "The source", "origin", "origination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "authorship", "num_translations": 13 }, "vendace": { "senses": [ "Either of two types of whitefish, Coregonus albula and Coregonus vandesius" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "European cisco" ], "word": "vendace", "num_translations": 26 }, "barramundi": { "senses": [ "A species of diadromous fish, Lates calcarifer, of the Centropomidae family, order Perciformes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asian sea bass" ], "word": "barramundi", "num_translations": 69 }, "alterego": { "senses": [ "Somebody's alternate personality or persona", "another self", "A very close and intimate friend", "A corporation used by a person to conduct personal business in an attempt to shield himself or herself from personal liability, and which a court may penetrate by \"piercing the corporate veil\" to impose liability on the person when they commit fraud or injustice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alter idem" ], "word": "alterego", "num_translations": 28 }, "installment": { "senses": [ "One of a series of parts, whether equal or unequal to the other parts of the series, of a given entity or a given process, which part presents or is presented at a particular scheduled interval", "A part of a published or broadcast serial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "episode" ], "word": "installment", "num_translations": 46 }, "conformal": { "senses": [ "That conforms, especially to the shape of something", "That preserves angles between intersecting curves", "That preserves relative angles over small scales, at all but a limited number of distinct points" ], "antonyms": [ "disformal" ], "synonyms": [ "anthropomorphic" ], "word": "conformal", "num_translations": 14 }, "coquettish": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a young, flirtatious girl", "Characteristic of a coquet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flirtatious" ], "word": "coquettish", "num_translations": 18 }, "movable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being moved, lifted, carried, drawn, turned, or conveyed, or in any way made to change place or posture", "not fixed or stationary", "Changing from one time to another" ], "antonyms": [ "immovable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "movable", "num_translations": 29 }, "immovable": { "senses": [ "incapable of being physically moved", "fixed", "steadfast in purpose or intention", "unalterable, unyielding", "not capable of being affected or moved in feeling", "impassive", "not liable to be removed", "permanent in place or tenure", "fixed" ], "antonyms": [ "movable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "immovable", "num_translations": 29 }, "atlast": { "senses": [ "After a long time", "eventually", "In the end", "finally", "ultimately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in due course", "lastly" ], "word": "atlast", "num_translations": 75 }, "mentality": { "senses": [ "A mindset", "a way of thinking", "a set of beliefs", "The characteristics of a mind described as a system of distinctive structures and processes based in biology, language, or culture, etc", "a mental system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mentality", "num_translations": 38 }, "mindset": { "senses": [ "A way of thinking", "an attitude or opinion, especially a habitual one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mentality" ], "word": "mindset", "num_translations": 34 }, "clearness": { "senses": [ "Brightness, brilliancy", "Mental or sensory distinctness", "clarity of understanding, perception etc", "The state of being free from obscurities or opacity", "distinctness of light, colour etc", "The state of being free from obstruction or interference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clearness", "num_translations": 10 }, "belfry": { "senses": [ "A movable tower used in sieges", "A shed", "An alarm-tower", "a watchtower containing an alarm-bell", "A tower or steeple specifically for containing bells, especially as part of a church", "A part of a large tower or steeple, specifically for containing bells" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "belfry", "num_translations": 61 }, "movingwalkway": { "senses": [ "A slow conveyor belt that transports people horizontally or on an incline in a similar manner to an escalator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "travelator" ], "word": "movingwalkway", "num_translations": 17 }, "commoner1": { "senses": [ "A member of the common people who holds no title or rank", "Someone who is not of noble rank", "An undergraduate who does not hold either a scholarship or an exhibition", "A student who is not dependent on any foundation for support, but pays all university charges", "at Cambridge called a pensioner", "Someone holding common rights because of residence or land ownership in a particular manor, especially rights on common land", "One sharing with another in anything", "A prostitute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commoner", "num_translations": 38 }, "saigon": { "senses": [ "Ho Chi Minh City, the biggest city in Vietnam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ho Chi Minh City" ], "word": "Saigon", "num_translations": 24 }, "bishkek": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Kyrgyzstan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pishpek", "Frunze" ], "word": "Bishkek", "num_translations": 59 }, "santiago": { "senses": [ "One of the following major cities and other places:", "municipality p/Rio Grande do Sul c/Brazil", "municipality/and/town dept/Norte de Santander c/Colombia", "municipality/and/town dept/Putumayo c/Colombia", "district can/Palmares p:Suf/Alajuela c/Costa Rica", "district can/Para\u00edso p:Suf/Cartago c/Costa Rica", "capital city can/Puriscal p:Suf/San Jos\u00e9 c/Costa Rica", "district can/Puriscal p:Suf/San Jos\u00e9 c/Costa Rica, containing the capital city of the same name", "district can/San Rafael p:Suf/Heredia c/Costa Rica", "district can/San Ram\u00f3n p:Suf/Alajuela c/Costa Rica", "island arch/Gal\u00e1pagos Islands c/Ecuador", "municipality s/Nuevo Le\u00f3n c/Mexico", "small town mun:Suf/Los Cabos s/Baja California Sur c/Mexico", "river s/Veracruz in eastern c/Mexico", "district p:Suf/Veraguas c/Panama", "city dept/Misiones c/Paraguay", "district p:Suf/Cusco c/Peru", "tributary riv:Suf/Mara\u00f1\u00f3n c/Peru", "municipality p/Agusan del Norte c/Philippines", "municipality p/Ilocos del Sur c/Philippines", "cape at the southwestern tip of isl:pref/Luzon c/Philippines", "island off the northern coast of the mun:pref/Bolinao p/Pangasinan /Philippines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Santiago de Chile" ], "word": "Santiago", "num_translations": 27 }, "kingston": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Jamaica", "Places in Australia:", "Places in Canada:", "Places in England:", "Places in New Zealand:", "Places in Scotland:", "Places in the United States:", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Kingston", "num_translations": 20 }, "hyperglycemia": { "senses": [ "An unusually high concentration of sugar in the blood" ], "antonyms": [ "hypoglycemia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hyperglycemia", "num_translations": 42 }, "thoughtpolice": { "senses": [ "A group that aims to control what other people think" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Head Cop" ], "word": "thoughtpolice", "num_translations": 14 }, "wrecker": { "senses": [ "A person or company that dismantles old or wrecked vehicles or other items, to reclaim useful parts", "One who breaks up situations, events", "A tow truck", "A mooncusser", "In the Soviet Union, someone accused of the formal charge of wrecking, that is, undermining the state in intangible ways" ], "antonyms": [ "builder" ], "synonyms": [ "breaker" ], "word": "wrecker", "num_translations": 10 }, "lazybones": { "senses": [ "A person who is lazy", "one who is inactive and without ambition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "lazybones", "num_translations": 68 }, "lostandfound": { "senses": [ "A department, service or location where items that are found can be claimed by their owners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lost property", "lost articles" ], "word": "lostandfound", "num_translations": 24 }, "forreal1": { "senses": [ "Genuinely, truly" ], "antonyms": [ "for fake" ], "synonyms": [ "earnestly" ], "word": "forreal", "num_translations": 10 }, "drunkdriving": { "senses": [ "The act of driving under the influence of alcohol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drink driving" ], "word": "drunkdriving", "num_translations": 26 }, "twenties": { "senses": [ "plural of \"twenty\"", "The decade of the 1820s, 1920s, 2020s, etc", "The decade of one's life from age 20 through age 29", "The range between 20 and 29" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1920s" ], "word": "twenties", "num_translations": 14 }, "thirties": { "senses": [ "plural of \"thirty\"", "A decade starting with the year xx30, most usually the decade from 1930 to 1939", "The decade of one's life from age 30 through age 39", "The range between 30 and 39" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1930s" ], "word": "thirties", "num_translations": 17 }, "fifties": { "senses": [ "plural of \"fifty\"", "The decade of the 1850s, 1950s, etc", "The decade of one's life from age 50 through age 59", "The range between 50 and 59" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1950s" ], "word": "fifties", "num_translations": 19 }, "sixties": { "senses": [ "plural of \"sixty\"", "The decade of the 1860s, 1960s, etc", "The decade of one's life from age 60 through age 69", "The range between 60 and 69" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1960s" ], "word": "sixties", "num_translations": 16 }, "seventies": { "senses": [ "plural of \"seventy\"", "The decade of the 1870s, 1970s, etc", "The decade of one's life from age 70 through age 79", "The range between 70 and 79" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1970s" ], "word": "seventies", "num_translations": 16 }, "eighties": { "senses": [ "plural of \"eighty\"", "The decade of the 1880s, 1980s, etc", "The decade of one's life from age 80 through age 89", "The range between 80 and 89" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "'80s" ], "word": "eighties", "num_translations": 40 }, "nineties": { "senses": [ "plural of \"ninety\"", "The decade of the 1890s, 1990s, etc", "The decade of one's life from age 90 through age 99", "The range between 90 and 99" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "90s", "1990s" ], "word": "nineties", "num_translations": 25 }, "hold-up": { "senses": [ "A delay or wait", "a robbery at gunpoint", "Women's stockings designed to be worn without suspenders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cunctation" ], "word": "hold-up", "num_translations": 11 }, "baltic1": { "senses": [ "unincorporated area co/Kings County in eastern p/Prince Edward Island c/Canada", "village/and/CDP in the center of the town of town/Sprague s/Connecticut", "village co/Coshocton County co/Holmes County and co/Tuscarawas County s/Ohio", "city co/Minnehaha County s/South Dakota" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Baltic", "num_translations": 26 }, "pleasedtomeetyou": { "senses": [ "A polite formula used when being introduced to somebody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nice to meet you", "pleasure to meet you", "how do you do" ], "word": "pleasedtomeetyou", "num_translations": 103 }, "soundly": { "senses": [ "In a thorough manner", "in manner free of defect or deficiency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "completely" ], "word": "soundly", "num_translations": 16 }, "hydrogensulfide": { "senses": [ "A toxic gas, H2S, smelling like rotten eggs and used in analytical chemistry and industry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rotten egg gas" ], "word": "hydrogensulfide", "num_translations": 22 }, "nonstandard": { "senses": [ "Not standard", "Not conforming to the standard variety" ], "antonyms": [ "standard" ], "synonyms": [ "substandard", "unstandard" ], "word": "nonstandard", "num_translations": 22 }, "twentysomething": { "senses": [ "A person whose age is between twenty and twenty-nine years, inclusive", "someone in his or her twenties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tween", "vicenarian" ], "word": "twentysomething", "num_translations": 11 }, "headless": { "senses": [ "Without a head", "decapitated", "Without leadership", "Not having a head morpheme or word", "Running without a graphical user interface", "running without any attached output device or input device", "Without a head of foam", "Heedless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "headless", "num_translations": 19 }, "housekeeping": { "senses": [ "The chores of maintaining a house as a residence, especially cleaning", "Any general tasks that involve preparation", "Hospitality", "a liberal and hospitable table", "a supply of provisions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "housekeeping", "num_translations": 16 }, "notary": { "senses": [ "A lawyer of noncontentious private civil law who drafts, takes, and records legal instruments for private parties, and provides legal advice, but does not appear in court on clients' behalf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "civil law notary" ], "word": "notary", "num_translations": 33 }, "raunchy": { "senses": [ "Smutty", "indecent", "Lecherous", "Sexually seductive", "Very low-class", "inferior", "inadequate", "With dishonorable, base and vulgar expression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obscene" ], "word": "raunchy", "num_translations": 11 }, "lipreading": { "senses": [ "The act of reading lips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speechreading" ], "word": "lipreading", "num_translations": 16 }, "synchronization": { "senses": [ "The state or property of being synchronized", "The arrangement of military actions in time, space, and purpose to produce maximum relative combat power at a decisive place and time", "In an intelligence context, application of intelligence sources and methods in concert with the operation plan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "synchroneity" ], "word": "synchronization", "num_translations": 22 }, "liturgist": { "senses": [ "A person knowledgable about liturgy", "One who leads public worship", "One who adheres to liturgies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liturgiologist" ], "word": "liturgist", "num_translations": 10 }, "normalize": { "senses": [ "To make normal, to make standard", "To format in a standardized manner, to make consistent", "To reduce to variations by excluding irrelevant aspects", "To return a set of points to the normal position", "To return to the normal position from the reverse position", "To subject to normalization", "to eliminate redundancy in", "To divide a vector by its magnitude to produce a unit vector" ], "antonyms": [ "reverse" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "normalize", "num_translations": 22 }, "overjoyed": { "senses": [ "Very happy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:happy" ], "word": "overjoyed", "num_translations": 13 }, "instructor": { "senses": [ "One who instructs", "a teacher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "instructer" ], "word": "instructor", "num_translations": 68 }, "adaptability": { "senses": [ "The quality of being adaptable", "a quality that renders adaptable", "Variability in respect to, or under the influence of, external conditions", "susceptibility of an organism to that variation whereby it becomes suited to or fitted for its conditions of environment", "the capacity of an organism to be modified by circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adaptability", "num_translations": 24 }, "agreeableness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being agreeable or pleasing", "that quality which gives satisfaction or moderate pleasure to the mind or senses", "The quality of being agreeable or suitable", "suitableness or conformity", "consistency", "Resemblance", "concordance", "harmony", "A personality trait characterized by the adjectives kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm and considerate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "agreeableness", "num_translations": 18 }, "aptness": { "senses": [ "suitability", "the quality of being apt or suitable", "disposition of the mind", "propensity", "speed or readiness in learning", "docility", "proneness", "tendency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "aptness", "num_translations": 15 }, "groundbeef": { "senses": [ "Beef that has been ground", "minced beef", "Chopped fresh or frozen beef without the addition of beef fat as seasoning, with no more than 30 percent fat, and with no added water, phosphates, binders, or extenders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beef mince", "mince", "chopped beef" ], "word": "groundbeef", "num_translations": 12 }, "proto-language": { "senses": [ "A language which is reconstructed by examining similarities in existing languages to try to deduce what a common ancestor language, no longer known, would have been like", "The early utterances produced by an infant before it acquires true language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "urlanguage", "Ursprache" ], "word": "proto-language", "num_translations": 39 }, "peacepipe": { "senses": [ "A tobacco pipe smoked ceremonially in certain Native American cultures that symbolizes peace among those who smoke it, and among whom it is passed around from person to person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calumet" ], "word": "peacepipe", "num_translations": 15 }, "bulbourethralgland": { "senses": [ "An exocrine gland which secretes a clear fluid known as pre-ejaculate or Cowper's fluid which is generated upon sexual arousal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cowper's glands" ], "word": "bulbourethralgland", "num_translations": 20 }, "motocross": { "senses": [ "A form of off-road motorbike racing", "An event where such racing takes place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scrambling", "MX" ], "word": "motocross", "num_translations": 19 }, "bridgetown": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Barbados", "town co/Devon c/United Kingdom", "town s/Western Australia", "town p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "town s/Ohio c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Bridgetown", "num_translations": 15 }, "n'djamena": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Chad, located at the Chari river opposite Kouss\u00e9ri, Cameroon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fort Lamy" ], "word": "N'Djamena", "num_translations": 24 }, "kinshasa": { "senses": [ "The > and largest > of the > , in the western part of the country on the Congo River" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Leopoldville" ], "word": "Kinshasa", "num_translations": 22 }, "astana": { "senses": [ "The former name of Nur-Sultan, the > of >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Akmoly", "Akmolinsk", "Tselinograd", "Akmola", "Aqmola", "Nur-Sultan" ], "word": "Astana", "num_translations": 55 }, "lorraine": { "senses": [ "former region in eastern c/France, since 2016 part of the region of Grand Est", "female given name, associated with Laura by folk etymology", "surname" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lothringia" ], "word": "Lorraine", "num_translations": 63 }, "lithiumaluminiumhydride": { "senses": [ "LiAlH4, a powerful reducing agent with many applications in organic chemistry", "contains the aluminohydride anion AlH4-" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lithal", "lithium aluminohydride" ], "word": "lithiumaluminiumhydride", "num_translations": 15 }, "javascript": { "senses": [ "A scripting programming language most commonly used to add interactive features to webpages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "JS", "LiveScript", "Mocha" ], "word": "JavaScript", "num_translations": 15 }, "innovate": { "senses": [ "To alter, to change into something new", "to revolutionize", "To introduce something new to a particular environment", "to do something new", "To introduce as new" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "invent" ], "word": "innovate", "num_translations": 22 }, "preponderance": { "senses": [ "Excess or superiority of weight, influence, or power, etc", "an outweighing", "The excess of weight of that part of a cannon behind the trunnions over that in front of them", "The greater portion of the weight", "The majority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "preponderance", "num_translations": 13 }, "workone'sbuttoff": { "senses": [ "To work very hard or to excess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "work one's ass off", "work one's buns off", "work one's cunt off", "work one's tail off", "work one's head off" ], "word": "workone'sbuttoff", "num_translations": 29 }, "hurryup": { "senses": [ "To hurry", "to increase the speed of doing something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "get a move on", "get one's skates on" ], "word": "hurryup", "num_translations": 32 }, "sixo'clock": { "senses": [ "The start of the seventh hour of the day in both the 12-hour and the 24-hour clock", "A position behind or below" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "6:00" ], "word": "sixo'clock", "num_translations": 20 }, "dilution": { "senses": [ "The process of making something dilute", "A solution that has had additional solvent, such as water, added to it into order to make it less concentrated", "The process of bringing in unskilled workers to replace skilled ones, for example during wartime" ], "antonyms": [ "concentration" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dilution", "num_translations": 18 }, "stormpetrel": { "senses": [ "Any of several small seabirds, of the family Hydrobatidae, having dark plumage and a white rump" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mother Carey's chicken" ], "word": "stormpetrel", "num_translations": 22 }, "beneficent": { "senses": [ "Given to acts that are kind, charitable, philanthropic or beneficial" ], "antonyms": [ "maleficent" ], "synonyms": [ "generous", "beneficient" ], "word": "beneficent", "num_translations": 22 }, "chinesetaipei": { "senses": [ "The name under which the post-1950 Republic of China, commonly known as Taiwan, participates in most international organisations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "TPE" ], "word": "ChineseTaipei", "num_translations": 16 }, "adjudication": { "senses": [ "The act of adjudicating, of reaching a judgement", "A judgment or sentence", "The decision upon the question of whether the debtor is a bankrupt", "The process of identifying the type of material or device that set off an alarm and assessing the potential threat with corresponding implications for the need to take further action", "A process by which land is attached as security or in satisfaction of a debt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "adjudication", "num_translations": 10 }, "bachelorhood": { "senses": [ "The condition of being a bachelor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bachelordom", "bachelorship" ], "word": "bachelorhood", "num_translations": 15 }, "connector": { "senses": [ "One who connects", "A device for connecting together two wires, cables, or hoses, allowing electricity or fluid to flow but also allowing easy disconnection and reconnection when necessary", "A line connecting two shapes in presentation software", "Any of a group of cards of consecutive face value, useful in forming straights etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "connector", "num_translations": 22 }, "weardown": { "senses": [ "To cause physical or mental fatigue", "To eventually persuade or defeat through persistent effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fatigue" ], "word": "weardown", "num_translations": 14 }, "horsechestnut": { "senses": [ "A species of trees of the genus Aesculus, common in the temperate zones of both hemispheres", "The large nutlike seed of these trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buckeye", "buckeye" ], "word": "horsechestnut", "num_translations": 45 }, "godforbid": { "senses": [ "indicating that the eventuality is both unlikely and undesirable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:God forbid" ], "word": "Godforbid", "num_translations": 49 }, "planb": { "senses": [ "An alternative solution adopted when one's original plan does not succeed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contingency plan" ], "word": "planB", "num_translations": 19 }, "easyaspie": { "senses": [ "Very easy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:easy" ], "word": "easyaspie", "num_translations": 17 }, "greatnortherndiver": { "senses": [ "A large member of the diver family, Gavia immer, commonly breeding in North America, where it is known as the as common loon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common loon", "great northern loon" ], "word": "greatnortherndiver", "num_translations": 34 }, "white-billeddiver": { "senses": [ "Gavia adamsii, the largest member of the loon or diver family, having a black head, white underparts and checkered black-and-white mantle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yellow-billed loon" ], "word": "white-billeddiver", "num_translations": 14 }, "yellow-billedloon": { "senses": [ "A duck, Gavia adamsii, found in the arctic and subarctic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "white-billed diver" ], "word": "yellow-billedloon", "num_translations": 23 }, "black-throateddiver": { "senses": [ "Gavia arctica, a medium-sized member of the loon or diver family that breeds in Eurasia, with grey head, black throat, white underparts and chequered black-and-white mantle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arctic loon", "black-throated loon" ], "word": "black-throateddiver", "num_translations": 22 }, "red-throateddiver": { "senses": [ "Gavia stellata, the smallest member of the loon or diver family, breeding in northern Eurasia and Arctic Canada, with grey head, red throat, white underparts and dark mantle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red-throated loon" ], "word": "red-throateddiver", "num_translations": 27 }, "unsafe": { "senses": [ "Not safe", "dangerous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "precarious" ], "word": "unsafe", "num_translations": 12 }, "screamer": { "senses": [ "One who screams", "one who shouts", "one who sings harshly", "Any bird in the taxonomic family Anhimidae, endemic to South America, being large, bulky birds with a small downy head, long legs and large feet", "A healthy, vigorous person", "Something exceptionally good", "A difficult catch", "A very hard hit", "A particularly high mark", "A powerful shot", "A very large wave", "A video that unexpectedly frightens the viewer by cutting to a loud scream and disturbing image", "An effeminate gay man", "a man who is obviously homosexual", "A bouncer", "An exclamation mark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "screamer", "num_translations": 11 }, "enforcement": { "senses": [ "The act of enforcing", "compulsion", "A giving force to", "a putting in execution", "That which enforces, constraints, gives force, authority, or effect to", "constraint", "force applied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enforcement", "num_translations": 42 }, "callout": { "senses": [ "To specify, especially in detail", "To order into service", "to summon into service", "To yell out", "to vocalize audibly", "announce", "To challenge, criticize, denounce", "To contact one's workplace and announce that one is unable to attend work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "callout", "num_translations": 30 }, "inlove": { "senses": [ "enamored", "very fond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enamoured" ], "word": "inlove", "num_translations": 37 }, "presumption": { "senses": [ "the act of presuming, or something presumed", "the belief of something based upon reasonable evidence, or upon something known to be true", "the condition upon which something is presumed", "arrogant behaviour", "the act of venturing beyond due bounds of reverence or respect", "An inference that a trier of fact is either permitted or required to draw under certain factual circumstances unless the party against whom the inference is drawn is able to rebut it with admissible, competent evidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overhope" ], "word": "presumption", "num_translations": 32 }, "subgroup": { "senses": [ "A group within a larger group", "a group whose members are some, but not all, of the members of a larger group", "A subset H of a group G that is itself a group and has the same binary operation as G" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subset" ], "word": "subgroup", "num_translations": 46 }, "popularculture": { "senses": [ "The prevailing vernacular culture in any given society, including art, cooking, clothing/fashion, entertainment, fads, films, mass media, music, sports and style" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pop culture" ], "word": "popularculture", "num_translations": 16 }, "caravan": { "senses": [ "A convoy or procession of travelers, their vehicles and cargo, and any pack animals, especially camels crossing a desert", "A furnished vehicle towed behind a car, etc, and used as a dwelling when stationary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camel train", ": camper", "mobile home", "motor home", "recreational vehicle", "trailer", "travel trailer" ], "word": "caravan", "num_translations": 130 }, "caravanserai": { "senses": [ "A roadside inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest", "An upscale hotel", "A home or shelter for caravans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "khan", "sarai" ], "word": "caravanserai", "num_translations": 51 }, "improperfraction": { "senses": [ "A vulgar fraction of which the numerator has a greater magnitude than the denominator, such as 3/2" ], "antonyms": [ "proper fraction" ], "synonyms": [ "top-heavy fraction" ], "word": "improperfraction", "num_translations": 12 }, "properfraction": { "senses": [ "A vulgar fraction in which the magnitude of the numerator is less than or equal to that of the denominator, such as 2/3" ], "antonyms": [ "improper fraction" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "properfraction", "num_translations": 12 }, "commonfraction": { "senses": [ "A fraction in the form of one integer divided by another, non-zero, integer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "simple fraction", "vulgar fraction" ], "word": "commonfraction", "num_translations": 12 }, "snobbery": { "senses": [ "The property or trait of being a snob" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snobbism" ], "word": "snobbery", "num_translations": 17 }, "cloud-cuckoo-land": { "senses": [ "An imaginary place where silly or unrealistic people metaphorically reside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "never-never land" ], "word": "cloud-cuckoo-land", "num_translations": 16 }, "regularexpression": { "senses": [ "A concise description of a regular formal language with notations for concatenation, alternation, and iteration of subexpressions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regex", "regexp" ], "word": "regularexpression", "num_translations": 28 }, "divided1": { "senses": [ "separated or split into pieces", "having conflicting interests or emotions", "disunited", "separated into lanes, that move in opposite directions, by a median" ], "antonyms": [ "undivided", "combined", "unified" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "divided", "num_translations": 13 }, "tiredness": { "senses": [ "The state of being tired" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fatigue" ], "word": "tiredness", "num_translations": 30 }, "barite": { "senses": [ "A mineral, barium sulphate, with the chemical formula BaSO4" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barytes", "heavy spar" ], "word": "barite", "num_translations": 15 }, "comorbidity": { "senses": [ "The presence of one or more disorders in addition to a primary disease or disorder", "A disease thus coexisting", "The effect of such additional disorders or diseases" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comorbid condition", "co-morbid condition" ], "word": "comorbidity", "num_translations": 10 }, "feelfree": { "senses": [ "To feel able without giving offense", "You have my permission", "You have my permission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be my guest" ], "word": "feelfree", "num_translations": 21 }, "fitasafiddle": { "senses": [ "Perfectly fit", "in excellent condition or health" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fit as a butcher's dog", "fit as a flea", "in fine fettle", "right as a trivet", "sound as a bell", "sound in wind and limb" ], "word": "fitasafiddle", "num_translations": 20 }, "getdowntobrasstacks": { "senses": [ "Deal with the important details" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "get down to business", "get down to the nitty-gritty", "get down to nuts and bolts", "roll up one's sleeves", "cut to the chase" ], "word": "getdowntobrasstacks", "num_translations": 13 }, "getover": { "senses": [ "To overcome", "To recover", "To forget and move on", "To successfully communicate", "to get across", "To score a try" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "getover", "num_translations": 30 }, "wornout": { "senses": [ "Damaged and useless due to hard or continued use", "Exhausted or fatigued from exertion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "outworn", "tired" ], "word": "wornout", "num_translations": 78 }, "handsup": { "senses": [ "Surrender !" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reach for the sky" ], "word": "handsup", "num_translations": 47 }, "cinematography": { "senses": [ "The art, process, or job of filming movies", "Motion picture photography" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "film-craft", "filmmaking" ], "word": "cinematography", "num_translations": 19 }, "leeds": { "senses": [ "large city/and/metropolitan borough co/West Yorkshire cc/England", "city co/Jefferson County,St Clair County,Shelby County s/Alabama c/USA", "town co/Androscoggin County s/Maine c/USA", "village city:pref/Northampton co/Hampshire County s/Massachusetts c/USA", "neighborhood city/Kansas City co/Jackson County s/Missouri c/USA", "hamlet/and/CDP co/Greene County s/New York c/USA", "tiny city co/Benson County s/North Dakota c/USA", "small town co/Washington County s/Utah c/USA", "small town/and/unincorporated community co/Columbia County s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Leeds", "num_translations": 25 }, "indefensible": { "senses": [ "Not defensible", "not capable of being defended", "Incapable of being justified or excused", "Incapable of being explained" ], "antonyms": [ "defensible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indefensible", "num_translations": 15 }, "retroflex": { "senses": [ "Bent or curved backwards", "Of pronunciation in which the tip of the tongue is raised and bent backwards, so that the underside of the tongue approaches or touches the palate", "Of pronunciation in which the tip of the tongue approaches or touches the back of the alveolar ridge", "Of pronunciation in which the blade of the tongue approaches or touches the back of the alveolar ridge", "Of any of the aforementioned pronunciations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reflexed", "subapical", "apical", "laminal" ], "word": "retroflex", "num_translations": 35 }, "humanresourcemanagement": { "senses": [ "The process of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization", "A department within a business, responsible for carrying out this process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HR" ], "word": "humanresourcemanagement", "num_translations": 29 }, "excommunicate2": { "senses": [ "To officially exclude someone from membership of a church or religious community", "To exclude from any other group", "to banish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disfellowship", "takfir" ], "word": "excommunicate", "num_translations": 35 }, "isocyanide": { "senses": [ "The isomer HN+C- of hydrocyanic acid HCN", "Any of its hydrocarbyl derivatives RNC" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "isonitrile" ], "word": "isocyanide", "num_translations": 12 }, "supplicate": { "senses": [ "To humble oneself before in making a request", "to beg or beseech", "To entreat for", "to ask for earnestly and humbly", "To address in prayer", "to entreat as a supplicant", "To request that an academic degree is awarded at a ceremony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "supplicate", "num_translations": 18 }, "lastresort": { "senses": [ "The only remaining, often least-desirable, option when all others have been excluded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "last refuge" ], "word": "lastresort", "num_translations": 26 }, "multiplicity": { "senses": [ "The state of being made of multiple diverse elements", "The number of values for which a given condition holds", "A large indeterminate number", "The number of instances that can occur on a given end of a relationship, including 01, 1, 0* or *, and 1*" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manifoldness", "buttload" ], "word": "multiplicity", "num_translations": 16 }, "fillup": { "senses": [ "To make completely full", "To fill the tank of a vehicle with fuel", "To become completely full", "To become tearful as a result of strong emotion", "To annoy, or displease, by taunting, or by excessive nagging", "To satisfy the hunger of", "To satisfy one's hunger", "to stop being hungry", "To make a full house on the turn or the river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fillup", "num_translations": 64 }, "whynot": { "senses": [ "Why is that not true?", "Used to state that one has no objection to and approves of a proposal", "Used to introduce a proposal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "why", "all right", "how about" ], "word": "whynot", "num_translations": 65 }, "deterministic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to determinism", "Having at most one instruction associated with any given internal state", "Having exactly predictable time evolution", "Having each state depend only on the immediately previous state, as opposed to having some states depend on backtracking where there may be multiple possible next actions and no way to choose between them except by trying each one and backtracking upon failure" ], "antonyms": [ "indeterministic", "nondeterministic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deterministic", "num_translations": 22 }, "afterword": { "senses": [ "an epilogue", "a postscript", "an appendix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aftertale", "afterscript", "annex" ], "word": "afterword", "num_translations": 26 }, "rushhour": { "senses": [ "The times of the day when traffic jams are commonplace, due mainly to people commuting to or from work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peak hour" ], "word": "rushhour", "num_translations": 40 }, "slowdown": { "senses": [ "Decelerate" ], "antonyms": [ "speed up" ], "synonyms": [ "slow up" ], "word": "slowdown", "num_translations": 35 }, "sittingduck": { "senses": [ "An obvious or unconcealed target" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "easy mark" ], "word": "sittingduck", "num_translations": 12 }, "speedup": { "senses": [ "To accelerate", "to increase speed", "To increase the speed of something", "to make something go faster" ], "antonyms": [ "slow down" ], "synonyms": [ "accelerate", "gain", "pick up speed" ], "word": "speedup", "num_translations": 51 }, "sundaybest": { "senses": [ "A person's finest clothing, especially the clothes one reserves to wear to church on Sunday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sunday-go-to-meeting" ], "word": "Sundaybest", "num_translations": 11 }, "that'sthat": { "senses": [ "There is nothing more to say or to do concerning the matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "it is what it is", "there you are", "that's the lot" ], "word": "that'sthat", "num_translations": 15 }, "milkpowder": { "senses": [ "Pulverized milk solids, produced by evaporating all liquid from milk", "Cream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dried milk" ], "word": "milkpowder", "num_translations": 22 }, "slovenly": { "senses": [ "Having an untidy appearance", "unkempt", "Dirty, unwashed", "disorderly", "Careless or negligent", "sloppy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:careless" ], "word": "slovenly", "num_translations": 63 }, "gofor": { "senses": [ "To try for, to attempt to reach", "To undertake", "to choose an option", "To attack", "To develop a strong interest in, especially in a sudden manner", "to be infatuated with", "To favor, accept", "to have a preference for", "To apply equally to", "To suffice to be used for", "to serve as" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gofor", "num_translations": 19 }, "reflector": { "senses": [ "Something which reflects heat, light or sound, especially something having a reflecting surface", "A reflecting telescope", "A small, often red, reflecting disk on the rear of a vehicle or bicycle that reflects the headlights of other vehicles", "One who reflects on something", "one who thinks or considers at length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reflector", "num_translations": 21 }, "concoction": { "senses": [ "The preparing of a medicine, food or other substance out of many ingredients", "A mixture prepared in such a way", "Something made up, an invention", "Digestion", "The act of digesting in the mind", "rumination", "Abatement of a morbid process, such as fever, and return to a normal condition", "The act of perfecting or maturing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "concoction", "num_translations": 30 }, "champatthebit": { "senses": [ "to bite the bit, especially when restless", "to show impatience or frustration when delayed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chafe at the bit" ], "word": "champatthebit", "num_translations": 11 }, "oilsand": { "senses": [ "A relatively loose sandstone, or porous carbonate rock, impregnated with bitumen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bituminous sand" ], "word": "oilsand", "num_translations": 10 }, "mistlethrush": { "senses": [ "A large Eurasian thrush, Turdus viscivorus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mistletoe thrush", "stormcock", "thricecock" ], "word": "mistlethrush", "num_translations": 32 }, "nameless": { "senses": [ "Not having a name", "unnamed", "Whose name is unknown", "unidentified or obscure", "anonymous", "Unable to be described or expressed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nameless", "num_translations": 48 }, "xinjiang": { "senses": [ "A sparsely populated autonomous region of the People's Republic of China located in the western part of the nation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sinkiang", "Chinese Turkestan", "East Turkestan" ], "word": "Xinjiang", "num_translations": 47 }, "mockery": { "senses": [ "The action of mocking", "ridicule, derision", "Something so lacking in necessary qualities as to inspire ridicule", "a laughing-stock", "Something insultingly imitative", "an offensively futile action, gesture etc", "Mimicry, imitation, now usually in a derogatory sense", "a travesty, a ridiculous simulacrum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ridicule" ], "word": "mockery", "num_translations": 26 }, "goodwill": { "senses": [ "A favorably disposed attitude toward someone or something", "The value of a business entity not directly attributable to its tangible assets and liabilities This value derives from factors such as consumer loyalty to the brand", "A concept used to refer to the ability of an individual or business to exert influence within a community, club, market or another type of group, without having to resort to the use of an asset , either directly or by the creation of a lien" ], "antonyms": [ "ill will" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "goodwill", "num_translations": 61 }, "hotpot": { "senses": [ "A stew of beef or lamb and potatoes", "A communal meal, popular in China, where diners share a bowl of hot broth or stock into which uncooked foods such as mushrooms, vegetables, and cuts of meat are dipped until they are cooked enough to be eaten", "A jacuzzi or hot tub" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "casserole" ], "word": "hotpot", "num_translations": 44 }, "closure": { "senses": [ "An event or occurrence that signifies an ending", "A feeling of completeness", "the experience of an emotional conclusion, usually to a difficult period", "A device to facilitate temporary and repeatable opening and closing", "An abstraction that represents a function within an environment, a context consisting of the variables that are both bound at a particular time during the execution of the program and that are within the function's scope", "The smallest set that both includes a given subset and possesses some given property", "The smallest closed set which contains the given set", "The act of shutting", "a closing", "That which closes or shuts", "that by which separate parts are fastened or closed", "That which encloses or confines", "A method of ending a parliamentary debate and securing an immediate vote upon a measure before a legislative body", "The process whereby the reader of a comic book infers the sequence of events by looking at the picture panels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "closure", "num_translations": 54 }, "olivine": { "senses": [ "Any of a group of olive green magnesium-iron silicate minerals that crystallize in the orthorhombic system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chrysolite" ], "word": "olivine", "num_translations": 20 }, "noworries": { "senses": [ "A general injunction not to be concerned further with a subject" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "she'll be right" ], "word": "noworries", "num_translations": 14 }, "stochasticprocess": { "senses": [ "A function that maps elements of an index set to elements of a collection of random variables", "historically, a collection of random variables indexed by a set of numbers usually regarded as points in time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "probabilistic process" ], "word": "stochasticprocess", "num_translations": 12 }, "nailpolish": { "senses": [ "A cosmetic lacquer applied to the fingernails or toenails" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nail varnish" ], "word": "nailpolish", "num_translations": 46 }, "reformer": { "senses": [ "One who reforms, or who works for reform", "One who was involved in the Reformation", "A device which converts hydrocarbons into a hydrogen-rich mixture of gases", "A device used to convert petroleum refinery naphthas, typically having low octane ratings, into high-octane liquid products called reformates" ], "antonyms": [ "traditionalist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reformer", "num_translations": 20 }, "findable": { "senses": [ "Able to be found" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discoverable" ], "word": "findable", "num_translations": 10 }, "bigpicture": { "senses": [ "The totality of a situation", "The main film in a double feature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grand scheme" ], "word": "bigpicture", "num_translations": 19 }, "fussbudget": { "senses": [ "One who complains or fusses a great deal, especially about unimportant matters", "a fusspot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fussbutton", "fusspot" ], "word": "fussbudget", "num_translations": 18 }, "queenbee": { "senses": [ "A reproductive female in a colony of bees", "The most important or dominant woman in an organisation or situation", "Stem cell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beemother" ], "word": "queenbee", "num_translations": 53 }, "usucapion": { "senses": [ "The acquisition of right or title to an object by means of the passage of time The common law analog is adverse possession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prescription" ], "word": "usucapion", "num_translations": 11 }, "penaltyshootout": { "senses": [ "A series of penalties , taken to decide a winner after a game has resulted in a tie and extra time has been played" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penalties", "penalty kicks" ], "word": "penaltyshootout", "num_translations": 27 }, "penaltyspot": { "senses": [ "a small white spot, painted on the grass, twelve yards in front of the centre of the goal line, from which all penalty kicks are taken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penalty mark" ], "word": "penaltyspot", "num_translations": 12 }, "deliverance": { "senses": [ "Act of delivering or conveying something", "Delivery in childbirth", "Extrication from danger, imprisonment, rescue etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delivery" ], "word": "deliverance", "num_translations": 26 }, "acknowledged": { "senses": [ "Generally accepted, recognized or admitted" ], "antonyms": [ "unacknowledged" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "acknowledged", "num_translations": 13 }, "catchphrase": { "senses": [ "A group of words, often originating in popular culture that is spontaneously popularized after widespread repeated use", "A signature phrase of a particular person or group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "signature phrase", "catchword" ], "word": "catchphrase", "num_translations": 15 }, "irritating": { "senses": [ "Causing irritation, annoyance or pain", "Stimulating or exciting a response" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:annoying" ], "word": "irritating", "num_translations": 14 }, "cocktailparty": { "senses": [ "A party at which cocktails are served" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cocktailer" ], "word": "cocktailparty", "num_translations": 12 }, "sender": { "senses": [ "Someone who sends", "A device or component that transmits, as in telegraphy or computer networks" ], "antonyms": [ "addressee", "receiver" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sender", "num_translations": 33 }, "confectionery": { "senses": [ "Foodstuffs that taste very sweet, taken as a group", "candies, sweetmeats and confections collectively", "the skill or work of a confectioner", "a confectioner's shop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "candy", "sweet-making", "sweet manufacture", "confectioner's" ], "word": "confectionery", "num_translations": 55 }, "frill": { "senses": [ "A strip of pleated fabric or paper used as decoration or trim", "A substance or material on the edge of something, resembling such a strip of fabric", "A wrinkled edge to a film", "Something extraneous or not essential", "something purely for show or effect", "a luxury", "The relatively extensive margin seen on the back of the heads of reptiles, with either a bony support or a cartilaginous one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frill", "num_translations": 26 }, "brighten": { "senses": [ "To make bright or brighter in color", "To make illustrious, or more distinguished", "to add luster or splendor to", "To make more cheerful and pleasant", "to enliven", "To grow bright, or more bright in color", "to clear up", "To become brighter or more cheerful in mood", "To make acute or witty", "to enliven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "brighten", "num_translations": 26 }, "horned": { "senses": [ "Having horns", "cuckolded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cornigerous" ], "word": "horned", "num_translations": 24 }, "rickety": { "senses": [ "Of an object: not strong or sturdy, as because of poor construction or upkeep", "not safe or secure", "Of a person: feeble in the joints", "tottering", "Affected with or suffering from rickets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "precarious", "unsteady", "shaky", "tottering", "unsafe", "unstable", "wobbly", "giddy" ], "word": "rickety", "num_translations": 38 }, "gallantry": { "senses": [ "courage", "chivalrous courtliness, especially towards women", "an instance of gallant behaviour or speech" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gallanthood", "gallantness" ], "word": "gallantry", "num_translations": 40 }, "liquidity": { "senses": [ "The degree of which something is in high supply and demand, making it easily convertible to cash", "The state or property of being liquid", "An asset's property of being able to be sold without affecting its value", "the degree to which it can be easily converted into cash", "Availability of cash over short term: ability to service short-term debt" ], "antonyms": [ "illiquidity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "liquidity", "num_translations": 33 }, "altostratus": { "senses": [ "A principal medium-level cloud type in the form of a gray or bluish sheet or layer of striated, fibrous, or uniform appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "As" ], "word": "altostratus", "num_translations": 18 }, "thepenismightierthanthesword": { "senses": [ "More influence and power can be usurped by writing than by fighting" ], "antonyms": [ "actions speak louder than words" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thepenismightierthanthesword", "num_translations": 21 }, "flatness": { "senses": [ "The state of being flat", "The state of being two-dimensional", "planar: planarity", "The state of being bland: dullness", "Mattness, the quality of a painted surface which scatters or absorbs the light falling on it, so as to be substantially free from gloss or sheen", "Lack of bouquet and freshness of a wine, through too much aeration or infection with film yeasts", "slim-tailedness or platykurticity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flatness", "num_translations": 16 }, "ransack": { "senses": [ "To loot or pillage See also sack", "To make a vigorous and thorough search of with a view to stealing something, especially when leaving behind a state of disarray", "To examine carefully", "to investigate", "To violate", "to ravish", "to deflower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ransack", "num_translations": 28 }, "excellency": { "senses": [ "A form of address for certain high officials or dignitaries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Excellence" ], "word": "Excellency", "num_translations": 34 }, "petticoat": { "senses": [ "A tight, usually padded undercoat worn by men over a shirt and under the doublet", "A woman's undercoat, worn to be displayed beneath an open gown", "A fisherman's loose canvas or oilcloth skirt", "A type of ornamental skirt or underskirt, often displayed below a dress", "chiefly in plural, designating a woman's skirts collectively", "A light woman's undergarment worn under a dress or skirt, and hanging either from the shoulders or from the waist", "a kind of slip, worn to make the skirt fuller, or for extra warmth", "A woman", "A bell-mouthed piece over the exhaust nozzles in the smokebox of a locomotive, strengthening and equalising the draught through the boiler-tubes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "underskirt" ], "word": "petticoat", "num_translations": 44 }, "informationscience": { "senses": [ "A broad and interdisciplinary science that deals with the gathering, classification, storage, manipulation, retrieval and analysis of information as an organized resource" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "information studies" ], "word": "informationscience", "num_translations": 28 }, "scratch": { "senses": [ "To rub a surface with a sharp object, especially by a living creature to remove itching with nails, claws, etc", "To rub the skin with rough material causing a sensation of irritation", "to cause itching", "To cross out, strike out, strike through some text on a page", "To produce a distinctive sound on a turntable by moving a vinyl record back and forth while manipulating the crossfader", "To commit a foul in pool, as where the cue ball is put into a pocket or jumps off the table", "To score, not by skillful play but by some fortunate chance of the game", "To write or draw hastily or awkwardly", "scrawl", "To dig or excavate with the claws", "To dig or scrape with claws or fingernails in self-defense or with the intention to injure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scrattle" ], "word": "scratch", "num_translations": 198 }, "scratch1": { "senses": [ "Money", "A feed, usually a mixture of a few common grains, given to chickens", "Minute, but tender and troublesome, excoriations, covered with scabs, upon the heels of horses which have been used where it is very wet or muddy", "A genre of Virgin Islander music, better known as fungi" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fungi", "quelbe" ], "word": "scratch", "num_translations": 46 }, "idealism": { "senses": [ "The property of a person of having high ideals that are usually unrealizable or at odds with practical life", "The practice or habit of giving or attributing ideal form or character to things", "treatment of things in art or literature according to ideal standards or patterns", "\u2014opposed to realism", "An approach to philosophical enquiry, which asserts that direct and immediate knowledge can only be had of ideas or mental pictures" ], "antonyms": [ "materialism" ], "synonyms": [ "philosophical idealism" ], "word": "idealism", "num_translations": 45 }, "blackness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being black", "The state of being of African descent" ], "antonyms": [ "whiteness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "blackness", "num_translations": 30 }, "anthropogenic": { "senses": [ "pertaining to the origin of man, or anthropogeny", "having its origin in the influence of human activity on nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anthropogenous" ], "word": "anthropogenic", "num_translations": 11 }, "fixedpoint1": { "senses": [ "A fractional-number representation with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point Compare floating point and integer", "A value which is unchanged by a function or other mapping Formally: a value x for which f = xW" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fixpoint" ], "word": "fixedpoint", "num_translations": 10 }, "jigsawpuzzle": { "senses": [ "A type of puzzle in which the aim is to reconstruct a picture that has been cut into many small interlocking pieces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jigsaw", "zigsaw", "zigsaw puzzle" ], "word": "jigsawpuzzle", "num_translations": 57 }, "earthy": { "senses": [ "Resembling dirt or soil", "Down-to-earth, not artificial, natural", "Coarse and unrefined, crude", "Like or resembling the earth or of the earth", "Covered with earth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "earthy", "num_translations": 16 }, "rightful": { "senses": [ "By right", "by law" ], "antonyms": [ "wrongful", "unrightful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rightful", "num_translations": 15 }, "canadianfootball": { "senses": [ "A game similar to American football played on a field of 110 yards long and 65 yards wide in which two teams of 12 players attempt to get an ovoid ball to the end of each other's territory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "football" ], "word": "Canadianfootball", "num_translations": 29 }, "lordly": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a lord", "Having the qualities of a lord", "lordlike", "noble", "Appropriate for, or suitable to, a lord", "glorious", "Proud", "haughty", "imperious", "insolent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lordly", "num_translations": 25 }, "psychopath": { "senses": [ "A person with a personality disorder indicated by a pattern of lying, cunning, manipulating, glibness, exploiting, heedlessness, arrogance, delusions of grandeur, sexual promiscuity, low self-control, disregard for morality, lack of acceptance of responsibility, callousness, and lack of empathy and remorse Such an individual may be especially prone to violent and criminal offenses", "A person with no moral conscience who perpetrates especially gruesome or bizarre violent acts", "A person diagnosed with antisocial or dissocial personality disorder", "A person diagnosed with any mental disorder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sociopath" ], "word": "psychopath", "num_translations": 71 }, "inadmissible": { "senses": [ "Not admissible, especially that cannot be admitted as evidence at a trial" ], "antonyms": [ "admissible" ], "synonyms": [ "unadmissible" ], "word": "inadmissible", "num_translations": 11 }, "coeliacdisease": { "senses": [ "An auto-immune disease characterised by sensitivity of the lining of the small intestine to gluten, causing a failure to digest food properly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "non-tropical sprue" ], "word": "coeliacdisease", "num_translations": 29 }, "ambrose": { "senses": [ "male given name", "surname", "city co/Coffee County s/Georgia", "city/and/village s/North Dakota", "town s/Queensland c/Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ambrose", "num_translations": 27 }, "teutonicknights": { "senses": [ "A German religious order founded in the late 12th century and known for conquering the Baltic Prussians and bringing Prussia under German control", "the order exists today as a charitable organisation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "German Order" ], "word": "TeutonicKnights", "num_translations": 42 }, "disconnected1": { "senses": [ "That is no longer connected", "Feeling a lack of empathy or association with something", "Incoherent", "disjointed", "That can be partitioned into two nonempty subsets which are both open and closed" ], "antonyms": [ "connected" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disconnected", "num_translations": 15 }, "workhorse": { "senses": [ "A horse used primarily for manual labor", "a draft horse", "Anyone or anything that does a lot of work", "something or someone who works consistently or regularly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draft horse" ], "word": "workhorse", "num_translations": 22 }, "infrequent": { "senses": [ "Not frequent", "not happening frequently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scarce" ], "word": "infrequent", "num_translations": 14 }, "deformed": { "senses": [ "Unusual of shape", "misshapen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "malformed" ], "word": "deformed", "num_translations": 16 }, "daub1": { "senses": [ "To apply to a surface in hasty or crude strokes", "To paint in a coarse or unskilful manner", "To cover with a specious or deceitful exterior", "to disguise", "to conceal", "To flatter excessively or grossly", "To put on without taste", "to deck gaudily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "daub", "num_translations": 29 }, "bathtub": { "senses": [ "A large container for holding water in which a person may bathe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bath" ], "word": "bathtub", "num_translations": 96 }, "misdeed": { "senses": [ "That which was done that should not have been, ranging from any sin or moral offense to various degrees of crime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misdemeanor", "misdoing" ], "word": "misdeed", "num_translations": 28 }, "jointly": { "senses": [ "Together, acting as one", "collectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collectively" ], "word": "jointly", "num_translations": 20 }, "deep-fry": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "shallow-fry" ], "synonyms": [ "deep-fat-fry" ], "word": "deep-fry", "num_translations": 18 }, "latentheat": { "senses": [ "the heat that is released or absorbed accompanying a change of state or of phase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heat of transformation" ], "word": "latentheat", "num_translations": 18 }, "rapeseedoil": { "senses": [ "A thick brownish-yellow oil expressed from rapeseed, used chiefly for lubricating and in the manufacture of soap and india-rubber" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rape oil", "colza oil" ], "word": "rapeseedoil", "num_translations": 17 }, "commandment": { "senses": [ "Something that must be obeyed", "a command or edict", "The act of commanding", "exercise of authority", "The offence of commanding or inducing another to violate the law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commandment", "num_translations": 57 }, "there'snoaccountingfortaste": { "senses": [ "In subjective matters of taste, people have wildly different opinions", "disagreements about matters of taste cannot be objectively resolved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to each his own", "different strokes for different folks", "chacun \u00e0 son go\u00fbt", "your mileage may vary", "one man's meat is another man's poison" ], "word": "there'snoaccountingfortaste", "num_translations": 39 }, "highness": { "senses": [ "The style of a prince, princess or someone of equivalent rank", "The style of an emperor or king" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Majesty" ], "word": "Highness", "num_translations": 23 }, "pending1": { "senses": [ "Awaiting a conclusion or a confirmation", "Begun but not completed", "About to happen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impendent" ], "word": "pending", "num_translations": 35 }, "slicer": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that slices", "A broad, flat knife", "A slicing cucumber", "A piece of software that converts a model into a series of thin layers for 3D printing", "A kind of data filter used in data visualization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slicer", "num_translations": 10 }, "gerald": { "senses": [ "male given name", "surname", "village rurmun/Spy Hill No 152 p/Saskatchewan c/Canada", "former unincorporated community co/Dale County s/Alabama", "unincorporated community co/Champaign County s/Illinois", "unincorporated community twp/Tobin Township co/Perry County s/Indiana c/USA", "small city co/Franklin County s/Missouri", "unincorporated community co/Henry County s/Ohio", "The former name of Ponder, a > in >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Gerald", "num_translations": 10 }, "bookbinder": { "senses": [ "a person whose profession is binding pages together to form a book" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bibliopegist" ], "word": "bookbinder", "num_translations": 28 }, "binder": { "senses": [ "Someone who binds", "A cover or holder for unbound papers, pages etc", "Something that is used to bind things together, often referring to the mechanism that accomplishes this for a book", "A software mechanism that performs binding", "A dossier", "A machine used in harvesting that ties cut stalks of grain into a bundle", "A chemical or other substance that causes two other substances to form into one", "A down payment on a piece of real property that secures the payor the right to purchase the property from the payee upon an agreement of terms", "A rubber band", "Material or clothing used in binding or flattening the breasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binding agent" ], "word": "binder", "num_translations": 71 }, "weightlessness": { "senses": [ "The state of being free from the effects of gravity", "An experience or instance of being weightless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zero-g" ], "word": "weightlessness", "num_translations": 35 }, "downpayment": { "senses": [ "A payment representing a fraction of the price of something being purchased, made to secure the right to continue making payments towards that purchase", "Any initial commitment signifying an intention to carry out a larger future commitment, even though no legal rights or obligations are secured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deposit" ], "word": "downpayment", "num_translations": 49 }, "peon": { "senses": [ "A lowly person", "a peasant or serf", "a labourer who is obliged to do menial work", "A person of low rank or importance", "A messenger, foot soldier, or native policeman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peon", "num_translations": 14 }, "dotime": { "senses": [ "To spend time in prison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be banged up", "be inside", "do bird", "do porridge", "live at Her Majesty's pleasure", "serve time" ], "word": "dotime", "num_translations": 13 }, "people'srepublic": { "senses": [ "A self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments", "A particular area with strong left-leaning tendencies, especially one with a certain level of autonomy", "people 's republic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "popular republic", "national republic" ], "word": "people'srepublic", "num_translations": 39 }, "cultured": { "senses": [ "Learned in the ways of civilized society", "civilized", "refined", "Artificially developed" ], "antonyms": [ "uncultured" ], "synonyms": [ "cultivated" ], "word": "cultured", "num_translations": 26 }, "mapudungun": { "senses": [ "A language isolate spoken in Chile and Argentina by the Mapuche people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Araucanian" ], "word": "Mapudungun", "num_translations": 11 }, "drinkingfountain": { "senses": [ "A device in a public place that provides water to drink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water fountain", "bubbler" ], "word": "drinkingfountain", "num_translations": 18 }, "fitful": { "senses": [ "Irregular", "unsteady", "characterized by fits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intermittent" ], "word": "fitful", "num_translations": 12 }, "vastly": { "senses": [ "Greatly, in a vast manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exceedingly" ], "word": "vastly", "num_translations": 10 }, "golddigger": { "senses": [ "Someone who digs or mines for gold", "A person who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain wealth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fortune hunter", "gold miner", "Thesaurus:hypergamist" ], "word": "golddigger", "num_translations": 34 }, "andall": { "senses": [ "Including every object, attribute, or process associated with preceding item or series of items", "Used to suggest certain unstated relevant implications or what has been stated", "Used to add emphasis", "As well", "in addition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "andall", "num_translations": 12 }, "covetousness": { "senses": [ "Immoderate desire for the possession of something, especially for wealth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:greed" ], "word": "covetousness", "num_translations": 15 }, "sooth": { "senses": [ "Truth", "Augury", "prognostication", "Blandishment", "cajolery", "Reality", "fact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sooth", "num_translations": 10 }, "dominance": { "senses": [ "The state of being dominant", "of prime importance", "supremacy", "Being in a position of power, authority or ascendancy over others", "The superior development of or preference for one side of the body or one of a pair of organs", "such as being right-handed", "The property of a gene such that it suppresses the expression of its allele" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dominance", "num_translations": 56 }, "grindstone": { "senses": [ "An abrasive wheel for sharpening, polishing or grinding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "millstone" ], "word": "grindstone", "num_translations": 47 }, "legionary1": { "senses": [ "A soldier belonging to a legion", "a professional soldier of the ancient Roman army", "A member of a legion, such as the American Legion, or of any organization containing the term legion in its title" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "legionnaire" ], "word": "legionary", "num_translations": 17 }, "crock": { "senses": [ "A stoneware or earthenware jar or storage container", "A piece of broken pottery, a shard", "A person who is physically limited by age, illness or injury", "An old or broken-down vehicle", "Silly talk, a foolish belief, a poor excuse, nonsense", "A low stool", "A patient who is difficult to treat, especially one who complains of a minor or imagined illness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banger" ], "word": "crock", "num_translations": 22 }, "ceilingfan": { "senses": [ "A fan fixture attached to a ceiling, sometimes with a built-in light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overhead fan" ], "word": "ceilingfan", "num_translations": 19 }, "long-lasting": { "senses": [ "Persisting or enduring for a long time" ], "antonyms": [ "short-lived" ], "synonyms": [ "diuturnal" ], "word": "long-lasting", "num_translations": 21 }, "long-lived": { "senses": [ "Having a long lifespan", "surviving for a long period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "longevous" ], "word": "long-lived", "num_translations": 32 }, "long-suffering": { "senses": [ "Having endured mental or physical discomfort for a protracted period of time patiently or without complaint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "longanimous" ], "word": "long-suffering", "num_translations": 10 }, "falsity": { "senses": [ "Something that is false", "an untrue assertion", "The characteristic of being untrue" ], "antonyms": [ "truth", "verity" ], "synonyms": [ "fabrication", "falsehood", "falseness", "fiction", "untruth", "Thesaurus:falsehood" ], "word": "falsity", "num_translations": 19 }, "wetbehindtheears": { "senses": [ "Inexperienced", "just beginning", "immature" ], "antonyms": [ "dry behind the ears" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:naive" ], "word": "wetbehindtheears", "num_translations": 23 }, "warranted1": { "senses": [ "Authorized with a warrant", "Deserved, necessary, appropriate" ], "antonyms": [ "unwarranted" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "warranted", "num_translations": 11 }, "inject": { "senses": [ "To push or pump into a cavity or passage", "To introduce suddenly or violently", "To introduce into an existing program or its memory space, often without tight integration and sometimes through a security vulnerability", "To cast or throw", "used with on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inject", "num_translations": 40 }, "burbot": { "senses": [ "A freshwater fish, taxonomic name Lota lota, which is similar to the ling and the cusk and spawns in the winter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eel-pout", "lawyer" ], "word": "burbot", "num_translations": 32 }, "incalculable": { "senses": [ "Too great or numerous to be computed", "Impossible to calculate", "Of a person's mood or character, etc: impossible to predict" ], "antonyms": [ "tiny", "calculable" ], "synonyms": [ "huge", "incomputable", "capricious" ], "word": "incalculable", "num_translations": 27 }, "thingamabob": { "senses": [ "A thing or person whose actual name is unknown or forgotten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:thingy", "Thesaurus:whatsaname" ], "word": "thingamabob", "num_translations": 18 }, "mahi-mahi": { "senses": [ "A large food and game fish of the family Coryphaenidae which is commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dolphinfish", "dorado" ], "word": "mahi-mahi", "num_translations": 13 }, "clovenhoof": { "senses": [ "A divided hoof, as on bovine animals", "The mark of the Devil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cleft hoof", "cloven foot" ], "word": "clovenhoof", "num_translations": 11 }, "battered1": { "senses": [ "Beaten up through a lot of use", "in rough condition", "weathered", "Beaten repeatedly or consistently", "beaten up", "Coated with batter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "battered", "num_translations": 22 }, "excluding1": { "senses": [ "to the exclusion of", "not including" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barring" ], "word": "excluding", "num_translations": 13 }, "holonym": { "senses": [ "A term that denotes a whole, a part of which is denoted by a second term" ], "antonyms": [ "meronym" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "holonym", "num_translations": 10 }, "squarecentimeter": { "senses": [ "A unit of area equal to that of a square of sides 1 centimeter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cm\u00b2" ], "word": "squarecentimeter", "num_translations": 18 }, "caselaw": { "senses": [ "Law developed by judges through court decisions and opinions, as distinct from statute and other legislation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common law", "decisional law", "judge-made law", "precedential law" ], "word": "caselaw", "num_translations": 17 }, "lumpsucker": { "senses": [ "Any of the scorpaeniform fish in the Cyclopteridae family, with adhesive pelvic discs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lump" ], "word": "lumpsucker", "num_translations": 44 }, "behindthewheel": { "senses": [ "In control of a vehicle", "driving", "In control of the situation", "in charge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the wheel" ], "word": "behindthewheel", "num_translations": 14 }, "ingenuous": { "senses": [ "Naive and trusting", "Demonstrating childlike simplicity", "Unsophisticated", "clumsy or obvious", "Unable to mask one's feelings", "Straightforward, candid, open, and frank" ], "antonyms": [ "disingenuous" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:naive" ], "word": "ingenuous", "num_translations": 30 }, "irresponsible": { "senses": [ "Not responsible", "exempt from legal responsibility, not to be held accountable", "Lacking a sense of responsibility", "performed or acting as though without responsibility", "negligent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "irresponsible", "num_translations": 46 }, "stage-coach": { "senses": [ "A horse-drawn coach that runs routinely between two destinations to transport passengers and mail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stage", "thoroughbrace" ], "word": "stage-coach", "num_translations": 17 }, "spannerbarb": { "senses": [ "A freshwater, open-water, substrate egg-scatterer fish commonly found in the Malay Peninsula and Borneo, Systomus lateristriga syn Puntius lateristriga" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "t-barb" ], "word": "spannerbarb", "num_translations": 10 }, "starkers": { "senses": [ "Completely nude", "Stark raving mad" ], "antonyms": [ "dressed" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:nude" ], "word": "starkers", "num_translations": 12 }, "peerreview": { "senses": [ "The scholarly process whereby manuscripts intended to be published in an academic journal are reviewed by independent researchers to evaluate the contribution, ie the importance, novelty and accuracy of the manuscript's contents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "refereeing" ], "word": "peerreview", "num_translations": 23 }, "activatedcarbon": { "senses": [ "A very absorbent form of finely powdered carbon", "used in purifying gases, and as an antidote for many poisons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "activated charcoal" ], "word": "activatedcarbon", "num_translations": 15 }, "gruelling": { "senses": [ "So difficult or taxing as to make one exhausted", "backbreaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "backbreaking" ], "word": "gruelling", "num_translations": 21 }, "qualifier": { "senses": [ "One who qualifies for something, especially a contestant who qualifies for a stage in a competition", "A preliminary stage of a competition", "A word or phrase, such as an adjective or adverb, that describes or characterizes another word or phrase, such as a noun or verb", "a modifier", "that adds or subtracts attributes to another", "A marker that qualifies or modifies another code element" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "modifier" ], "word": "qualifier", "num_translations": 16 }, "setoff": { "senses": [ "To leave", "to begin a journey or trip", "To begin", "to cause", "to initiate", "To cause to explode, let off", "To make angry", "To enhance by emphasizing differences", "To offset, to compensate for: to reduce the effect of, by having a contrary effect", "To deface or soil the next sheet", "said of the ink on a freshly printed sheet, when another sheet comes in contact with it before it has had time to dry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "setoff", "num_translations": 22 }, "air-raidshelter": { "senses": [ "A structure, often a reinforced underground shelter designed to give protection against air raids" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air raid bunker", "bomb shelter", "bombproof" ], "word": "air-raidshelter", "num_translations": 20 }, "ontheloose": { "senses": [ "Not incarcerated or in captivity", "not under control" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on the run", "on the lam" ], "word": "ontheloose", "num_translations": 18 }, "cangjie1": { "senses": [ "An input method for entering Chinese characters into a computer, developed in 1976 and originally supporting only traditional Chinese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cangjie method" ], "word": "Cangjie", "num_translations": 13 }, "douchebag": { "senses": [ "A sterile container which holds the fluid used for giving a vaginal douche", "A jerk or asshole", "a mean or rude person", "someone seen as being arrogant, snobby or obnoxious", "Any social misfit", "a doofus, dork, or nerd" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "douchebag", "num_translations": 45 }, "spasmodic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to a spasm", "resembling a sudden contraction of the muscles", "Convulsive", "consisting of spasms", "Intermittent or fitful", "occurring in abrupt bursts", "Erratic or unsustained" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spasmodic", "num_translations": 18 }, "lockup": { "senses": [ "to imprison or incarcerate someone", "to invest in something long term", "to close all doors and windows of a place securely", "to cease responding, to freeze", "to stop moving, to seize", "To lose one's forward momentum, to freeze" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freeze", "hang" ], "word": "lockup", "num_translations": 36 }, "painless": { "senses": [ "Free from pain", "without pain or trouble", "Not difficult", "easy" ], "antonyms": [ "painful" ], "synonyms": [ "acheless", "pain-free", "unaching" ], "word": "painless", "num_translations": 34 }, "blowhotandcold": { "senses": [ "To behave inconsistently", "to vacillate or to waver, as between extremes of opinion or emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "run hot and cold", "suck and blow" ], "word": "blowhotandcold", "num_translations": 12 }, "restarea": { "senses": [ "A place, usually on a limited-access highway, where one can stop to use the restroom or to take a break from travelling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "service plaza" ], "word": "restarea", "num_translations": 20 }, "iterative": { "senses": [ "Of a procedure that involves repetition of steps to achieve the desired outcome", "in computing this may involve a mechanism such as a loop", "Expressive of an action that is repeated with frequency" ], "antonyms": [ "noniterative" ], "synonyms": [ "repeated", "frequentative" ], "word": "iterative", "num_translations": 26 }, "chufa": { "senses": [ "Cyperus esculentus, a species of sedge native to warm temperate to subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere having small edible tubers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chufa sedge", "yellow nutsedge", "tigernut sedge", "earthalmond" ], "word": "chufa", "num_translations": 13 }, "intentionally": { "senses": [ "In an intentional manner", "on purpose" ], "antonyms": [ "unintentionally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intentionally", "num_translations": 38 }, "drenched": { "senses": [ "Completely wet", "sodden" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plashy" ], "word": "drenched", "num_translations": 31 }, "ontherun": { "senses": [ "on run", "Fleeing", "At a disadvantage", "forced to abandon a position", "Constantly traveling or moving from place to place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on the lam", "in retreat", "on the go" ], "word": "ontherun", "num_translations": 15 }, "powdered": { "senses": [ "which has been made into a powder", "which has been covered with powder", "Sprinkled with salt", "salted", "corned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "powdered", "num_translations": 11 }, "soapy": { "senses": [ "Resembling soap", "Resembling a soap opera", "Full of soap", "Covered in soap", "Committing or involving flattery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "soapy", "num_translations": 19 }, "horizontally": { "senses": [ "In a horizontal direction or position" ], "antonyms": [ "vertically" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "horizontally", "num_translations": 17 }, "panpipes": { "senses": [ "An instrument consisting of a series of ten or more tubes of different lengths, typically closed at the bottom and open at the top The instrument is played by blowing across the open end at the top" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pandean pipes", "pan flute", "pan pipe", "pipes of Pan", "shepherd's pipe", "syrinx" ], "word": "panpipes", "num_translations": 27 }, "musing1": { "senses": [ "Absorbed in thought", "contemplative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "broody", "pensive", "reflective" ], "word": "musing", "num_translations": 11 }, "foist": { "senses": [ "To introduce or insert surreptitiously or without warrant", "To force another to accept especially by stealth or deceit", "To pass off as genuine or worthy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fob off", "pass off", "pawn off", "palm off" ], "word": "foist", "num_translations": 24 }, "dramaqueen": { "senses": [ "Any exaggeratedly dramatic person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attention whore" ], "word": "dramaqueen", "num_translations": 17 }, "abouttime": { "senses": [ "Close to the right time", "Far past the desired time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "high time" ], "word": "abouttime", "num_translations": 24 }, "paralytic1": { "senses": [ "Affected by paralysis", "paralysed", "Pertaining to paralysis", "Very drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frozen", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "paralytic", "num_translations": 15 }, "montenegrin": { "senses": [ "relating to Montenegro" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Montenegran" ], "word": "Montenegrin", "num_translations": 32 }, "montenegrin1": { "senses": [ "a person from Montenegro", "The standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian, a South Slavic language, spoken in Montenegro" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Montenegran" ], "word": "Montenegrin", "num_translations": 72 }, "tellittothemarines": { "senses": [ "I do not believe what you said" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tell it to Sweeney" ], "word": "tellittothemarines", "num_translations": 14 }, "cowrie": { "senses": [ "A small gastropod common in the Indian Ocean", "its shell", "Any gastropod of the genus Cypraea", "its shell", "Any gastropod of the family Cypraeidae", "its shell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "money cowry", "shell money" ], "word": "cowrie", "num_translations": 35 }, "incredibly": { "senses": [ "In an incredible manner", "not to be believed", "To a great extent", "extremely", "Used to note the surprising or hard-to-believe nature of what is being said and suggest that it is nevertheless true" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incredibly", "num_translations": 24 }, "sweetpotato": { "senses": [ "A tropical perennial American vine, Ipomoea batatas, having a fleshy tuber", "The tuber of this plant cooked as a vegetable", "An ocarina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "batata", "yam", "kumara" ], "word": "sweetpotato", "num_translations": 183 }, "reportedspeech": { "senses": [ "a form of speech used to express what another has said", "often involves a change in tense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indirect speech" ], "word": "reportedspeech", "num_translations": 18 }, "justnow": { "senses": [ "Very close to the present moment", "just a moment ago", "At present", "now", "In a little while" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "just then", "currently", "imminently" ], "word": "justnow", "num_translations": 66 }, "calumniate": { "senses": [ "To make hurtful untrue comments about", "To levy a false charge against, especially of a vague offense, with the intent to damage someone's reputation or standing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slander", "Thesaurus:defame" ], "word": "calumniate", "num_translations": 21 }, "nothankyou": { "senses": [ "A polite way of saying no in response to an offer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "no thanks" ], "word": "nothankyou", "num_translations": 25 }, "timeoff": { "senses": [ "A period of time where one is not required to work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "holiday" ], "word": "timeoff", "num_translations": 16 }, "actionsspeaklouderthanwords": { "senses": [ "It is more effective to act directly than to speak of action", "A person's actions indicate their true sentiments more reliably than their claims do" ], "antonyms": [ "the pen is mightier than the sword" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "actionsspeaklouderthanwords", "num_translations": 27 }, "surcharge": { "senses": [ "An addition of extra charge on the agreed or stated price", "An excessive price charged eg to an unsuspecting customer", "An overprint on a stamp that alters the original nominal value of the stamp", "used especially in times of hyperinflation", "A painting in lighter enamel over a darker one that serves as the ground", "A charge that has been omitted from an account as payment of a credit to the charged party", "A penalty for failure to exercise common prudence and skill in the performance of a fiduciary's duties", "An excessive load or burden", "The putting, by a commoner, of more animals on the common than he is entitled to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "surcharge", "num_translations": 30 }, "suction": { "senses": [ "The principle of physics by which matter is drawn from one space into another because the pressure inside the second space is lower than the pressure in the first", "The principle of physics by which one item is caused to adhere to another because the pressure in the space between the items is lower than the pressure outside that space", "The process of creating an imbalance in pressure to draw matter from one place to another", "A device for removing patients saliva during dental operations, saliva ejector", "influence", "\"pull\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "suction", "num_translations": 18 }, "ministerial": { "senses": [ "Related to a religious minister or ministry", "Related to a governmental minister or ministry", "Having the power to wield delegated executive authority", "Serving as an instrument or means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "instrumental" ], "word": "ministerial", "num_translations": 18 }, "gunsmith": { "senses": [ "a person skilled in the repair and servicing of firearms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "armourer" ], "word": "gunsmith", "num_translations": 29 }, "cairn": { "senses": [ "A rounded or conical heap of stones erected by early inhabitants of the British Isles, apparently as a sepulchral monument", "A pile of stones heaped up as a landmark, to guide travelers on land or at sea, or to arrest attention, as in surveying, or in leaving traces of an exploring party, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burial mound" ], "word": "cairn", "num_translations": 48 }, "lambofgod": { "senses": [ "Jesus, symbolized as a sacrifice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Paschal Lamb", "Lamb" ], "word": "LambofGod", "num_translations": 30 }, "infrontof": { "senses": [ "At or near the front part of", "In the presence of, in view of", "Located before, ahead of, previous to" ], "antonyms": [ "after", "away", "after" ], "synonyms": [ "before", "around", "ahead of" ], "word": "infrontof", "num_translations": 138 }, "jew'sharp": { "senses": [ "A musical instrument consisting of a flexible metal or bamboo \u201ctongue\" attached to a frame This tongue is placed in the performer's mouth and plucked with the finger to produce a note of constant pitch Melodies can be created by changing the shape of the mouth and causing different overtones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mouth harp", "mouth organ", "Jew's-trump", "Judaic harp" ], "word": "Jew'sharp", "num_translations": 82 }, "dragonwort": { "senses": [ "A perennial herb of Europe and Asia, Bistorta officinalis , formerly used as an astringent", "A perennial herb of Greece and the Balkans, Dracunculus vulgaris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adderwort" ], "word": "dragonwort", "num_translations": 33 }, "downspout": { "senses": [ "A vertical pipe or conduit that carries rainwater from the scupper, guttering of a building to a lower roof level, drain, ground or storm water runoff system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "downpipe", "drainpipe", "leader" ], "word": "downspout", "num_translations": 13 }, "endoftheworld": { "senses": [ "death and destruction of life on Earth, especially human", "any change that seems catastrophic or devastating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "end times" ], "word": "endoftheworld", "num_translations": 31 }, "processor": { "senses": [ "A person or institution who processes things", "A device which processes, which changes something", "A central processing unit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "central processing unit" ], "word": "processor", "num_translations": 50 }, "phenylketonuria": { "senses": [ "A metabolic disorder in which individuals lack the liver enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase which is needed to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PKU" ], "word": "phenylketonuria", "num_translations": 10 }, "naturalism": { "senses": [ "A state of nature", "conformity to nature", "The doctrine that denies a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in religious texts and in spiritual influences", "Any system of philosophy which refers the phenomena of nature as a blind force or forces acting necessarily or according to fixed laws, excluding origination or direction by a will", "A doctrine which denies a strong separation between scientific and philosophic methodologies and/or topics", "A movement in theatre, film, and literature that seeks to replicate a believable everyday reality, as opposed to such movements as romanticism or surrealism, in which subjects may receive highly symbolic or idealistic treatment", "naturism, nudism, social nudity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "naturalism", "num_translations": 17 }, "asfaras1": { "senses": [ "(sometimes proscribed", "see usage note) With respect to", "as relates to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as to" ], "word": "asfaras", "num_translations": 16 }, "deftly": { "senses": [ "In a deft manner", "quickly and neatly in action" ], "antonyms": [ "unskillfully" ], "synonyms": [ "skillfully" ], "word": "deftly", "num_translations": 20 }, "asynchronous": { "senses": [ "Not synchronous", "occurring at different times", "Allowing the client to continue during processing", "Having many actions occurring at a time, in any order, without waiting for each other" ], "antonyms": [ "synchronous" ], "synonyms": [ "async", "asynch", "metachronous" ], "word": "asynchronous", "num_translations": 23 }, "dinitrogentetroxide": { "senses": [ "A binary compound of nitrogen and oxygen, N2O4, that exists in equilibrium with nitrogen dioxide NO2", "it is a powerful oxidizing agent and is used in rocket propellants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nitrogen tetroxide", "N2O4", "NTO" ], "word": "dinitrogentetroxide", "num_translations": 11 }, "incorrectly": { "senses": [ "In an incorrect manner" ], "antonyms": [ "correctly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incorrectly", "num_translations": 24 }, "incontinence": { "senses": [ "Lack of self-restraint, an inability to control oneself", "unchastity", "The inability of any of the physical organs to restrain discharges of their contents", "involuntary discharge or evacuation" ], "antonyms": [ "continence" ], "synonyms": [ "acrasia" ], "word": "incontinence", "num_translations": 35 }, "betweenscyllaandcharybdis": { "senses": [ "A perilous journey between two dangers, similar in meaning to between a rock and a hard place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "between a rock and a hard place", "between the devil and the deep blue sea", "on the horns of a dilemma", "Thesaurus:dilemma" ], "word": "betweenScyllaandCharybdis", "num_translations": 22 }, "reverberate": { "senses": [ "to ring with many echos", "to have a lasting effect", "to repeatedly return", "To return or send back", "to repel or drive back", "to echo, as sound", "to reflect, as light, as light or heat", "To send or force back", "to repel from side to side", "to rebound or recoil", "to shine or reflect", "to shine or glow with reflected light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reverberate", "num_translations": 17 }, "exanimate": { "senses": [ "Lifeless, not or no longer living, dead", "Spiritless, dispirited, disheartened, not lively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dejected" ], "word": "exanimate", "num_translations": 57 }, "centrifugal": { "senses": [ "Tending, or causing, to recede from the center", "Expanding first at the summit, and later at the base, as a flower cluster", "Having the radicle turned toward the sides of the fruit, as some embryos" ], "antonyms": [ "centripetal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "centrifugal", "num_translations": 11 }, "manyhandsmakelightwork": { "senses": [ "A large number of people co-operating can perform tasks easily" ], "antonyms": [ "too many cooks spoil the broth" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "manyhandsmakelightwork", "num_translations": 18 }, "boundvariable": { "senses": [ "A variable that is associated with a value, and therefore a variable that has an allocated storage location If the programming language implements a representation of a canonical unknown value, infinity, etc, the value bound to the variable may be one of these" ], "antonyms": [ "free variable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "boundvariable", "num_translations": 13 }, "liquidnitrogen": { "senses": [ "Nitrogen that has been cooled to the liquid state", "used in cryogenics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LN2", "N2(l)" ], "word": "liquidnitrogen", "num_translations": 12 }, "individually": { "senses": [ "As individuals, separately, independently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:individually" ], "word": "individually", "num_translations": 15 }, "identifier": { "senses": [ "Someone who identifies", "a person who establishes the identity of", "Something that identifies or uniquely points to something or someone else", "A guidebook that helps determine the specific class of an object , or its individual identity", "A formal name used in source code to refer to a variable, function, procedure, package, etc or in an operating system to refer to a process, user, group, etc", "A code that distinguishes a particular from all other elements in a document", "A primary key" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "identifier", "num_translations": 32 }, "repercussion": { "senses": [ "A consequence or ensuing result of some action", "The act of driving back, or the state of being driven back", "reflection", "reverberation", "Rapid reiteration of the same sound", "The subsidence of a tumour or eruption by the action of a repellent", "In a vaginal examination, the act of imparting through the uterine wall with the finger a shock to the foetus, so that it bounds upward, and falls back again against the examining finger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aftereffect", "consequence" ], "word": "repercussion", "num_translations": 30 }, "infallible": { "senses": [ "Without fault or weakness", "incapable of error or fallacy", "Certain to produce the intended effect, sure", "*" ], "antonyms": [ "fallible", "defective", "faultful", "faulty", "imperfect", "error-prone" ], "synonyms": [ "faultless", "perfect", "indefective" ], "word": "infallible", "num_translations": 47 }, "flashy": { "senses": [ "Showy", "visually impressive, attention-getting, or appealing", "Flashing", "producing flashes", "Drunk", "tipsy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:gaudy", "blinking", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "flashy", "num_translations": 10 }, "double-edgedsword": { "senses": [ "A benefit that is also a liability, or that carries some significant but not-so-obvious cost or risk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "two-edged sword" ], "word": "double-edgedsword", "num_translations": 26 }, "weenie": { "senses": [ "alternative form of \"wienie\"", "Someone weak and unimportant", "A geek or nerd, especially a computer user with a deficient social life", "A small creature which has a low cost to put into play, often used in a swarm with other such creatures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nestle-cock", "propeller head" ], "word": "weenie", "num_translations": 25 }, "prayerbeads": { "senses": [ "A string of beads used by members of various religions to count prayers, chants or devotions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rosary" ], "word": "prayerbeads", "num_translations": 63 }, "hotheaded": { "senses": [ "easily excited or angered" ], "antonyms": [ "calm" ], "synonyms": [ "fiery" ], "word": "hotheaded", "num_translations": 13 }, "edom": { "senses": [ "The name given to Esau in the Hebrew Bible", "A region whose inhabitants traditionally traced their ancestry to Esau" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Esau", "Edomites" ], "word": "Edom", "num_translations": 23 }, "byzantineempire": { "senses": [ "The predominantly Greek-speaking continuation of the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages with its capital city being Constantinople , originally known as Byzantium, which fell in 1453" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Byzantium", "Eastern Roman Empire" ], "word": "ByzantineEmpire", "num_translations": 73 }, "multidimensional": { "senses": [ "Having multiple dimensions", "Crossing through or existing in multiple dimensions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pluridimensional" ], "word": "multidimensional", "num_translations": 16 }, "ineptitude": { "senses": [ "The quality of being inept" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ineptness" ], "word": "ineptitude", "num_translations": 16 }, "anabolicsteroid": { "senses": [ "A class of steroid hormones that promote growth of tissue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steroid" ], "word": "anabolicsteroid", "num_translations": 13 }, "upsanddowns": { "senses": [ "Periods of positive and negative events, moods, or interactions", "highs and lows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vicissitudes" ], "word": "upsanddowns", "num_translations": 23 }, "southerly1": { "senses": [ "coming from the south", "Facing the south", "directed towards the south", "Located towards the south" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "southly" ], "word": "southerly", "num_translations": 13 }, "bringhomethebacon": { "senses": [ "To win or succeed", "To have employment which provides remuneration to satisfy the basic needs of oneself and one's family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "triumph", "earn a living" ], "word": "bringhomethebacon", "num_translations": 20 }, "aceupone'ssleeve": { "senses": [ "A surprise, or unrevealed advantage, or a hidden or secret strength of which others are not aware" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trick up one's sleeve" ], "word": "aceupone'ssleeve", "num_translations": 27 }, "pinhead": { "senses": [ "The head of a pin", "An ignorant, na\u00efve, foolish, or stupid person", "A telemark skier", "A newborn cricket used as food for pets", "The immature juvenile fruiting body of a mushroom prior to its gills opening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doofus" ], "word": "pinhead", "num_translations": 11 }, "ofage": { "senses": [ "Old enough to be considered an adult" ], "antonyms": [ "under age" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ofage", "num_translations": 18 }, "kurgan": { "senses": [ "A prehistoric burial mound once used by peoples in Siberia and Central Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barrow" ], "word": "kurgan", "num_translations": 18 }, "showone'struecolors": { "senses": [ "To reveal how one really is, as opposed to how one has been portrayed or after having been deceptively and deliberately misleading" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "show one's true stripes" ], "word": "showone'struecolors", "num_translations": 19 }, "unrelenting": { "senses": [ "Not relenting", "having no pity", "not being or becoming lenient, mild, gentle, or merciful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "relentless" ], "word": "unrelenting", "num_translations": 14 }, "rigidity": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being rigid", "want of pliability", "the quality of resisting change of form", "the amount of resistance with which a body opposes change of form", "Stiffness of appearance or manner", "want of ease or elegance", "stickiness Describing the tendency of prices and money wages to adjust to changes in the economy with a certain delay" ], "antonyms": [ "flexibility", "ductility", "malleability", "softness" ], "synonyms": [ "rigidness" ], "word": "rigidity", "num_translations": 17 }, "malleability": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being malleable", "The property by virtue of which a material can be extended in all directions without rupture by the application of load", "a material's ability to be bent, formed, or shaped without cracking or breaking", "a property of a cryptographic algorithms in which an adversary can alter a ciphertext such that it decrypts to a related plaintext" ], "antonyms": [ "brittleness", "friability" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "malleability", "num_translations": 16 }, "fragility": { "senses": [ "The condition or quality of being fragile", "brittleness", "frangibility", "Weakness", "feebleness", "Liability to error and sin", "frailty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fragility", "num_translations": 34 }, "frailty": { "senses": [ "The condition quality of being frail, physically, mentally, or morally", "weakness of resolution", "liability to be deceived or seduced", "A fault proceeding from weakness", "foible", "sin of infirmity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "frailty", "num_translations": 24 }, "luther": { "senses": [ "surname of English speakers who descend from German immigrants", "city/and/town s/Iowa", "village s/Michigan", "unincorporated community s/Montana", "town s/Oklahoma" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Luther", "num_translations": 16 }, "ice-cold": { "senses": [ "As cold as ice", "very cold", "Without emotion", "distant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cold as ice", "icy" ], "word": "ice-cold", "num_translations": 28 }, "catchmentbasin": { "senses": [ "A topographic region in which all water drains to a common outlet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catchment area", "drainage basin", "watershed" ], "word": "catchmentbasin", "num_translations": 14 }, "bagpiper": { "senses": [ "One who plays the bagpipes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piper" ], "word": "bagpiper", "num_translations": 26 }, "activator": { "senses": [ "One who, or that which, activates", "Something that activates a catalyst", "Any chemical or agent which regulates one or more genes by increasing the rate of transcription", "A type of effector that increases the rate of enzyme-mediated reactions", "A type of dopant used in phosphors and scintillators", "An agent that enables the flotation of a mineral or minerals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "activator", "num_translations": 12 }, "applicability": { "senses": [ "The degree to which a thing is applicable", "relevancy" ], "antonyms": [ "inapplicability" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "applicability", "num_translations": 16 }, "willowgrouse": { "senses": [ "Lagopus lagopus, a medium-sized bird in the grouse family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "willow ptarmigan" ], "word": "willowgrouse", "num_translations": 41 }, "expired1": { "senses": [ "that is no longer valid", "that has been breathed out", "dead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "invalid" ], "word": "expired", "num_translations": 11 }, "peoplewholiveinglasshousesshouldn'tthrowstones": { "senses": [ "Do not criticize others if you have similar weaknesses yourself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "judge not", "that you be not judged" ], "word": "peoplewholiveinglasshousesshouldn'tthrowstones", "num_translations": 32 }, "sodiumhydroxide": { "senses": [ "A strong, caustic alkali used in the manufacture of soap, detergents, paper, textiles and having many other industrial applications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caustic soda", "E524", "lye", "soda lye" ], "word": "sodiumhydroxide", "num_translations": 39 }, "absencemakestheheartgrowfonder": { "senses": [ "When someone or something is far away, you realise how much you love them or it" ], "antonyms": [ "when the cat's away the mice will play", "long absent, soon forgotten", "out of sight, out of mind" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "absencemakestheheartgrowfonder", "num_translations": 31 }, "keyword": { "senses": [ "Any word used as the key to a code", "Any word used in a reference work to link to other words or other information", "A reserved word used to identify a specific command, function etc", "Any word that occurs in a text more often than normal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "operative word", "workword" ], "word": "keyword", "num_translations": 48 }, "cherrypicker": { "senses": [ "A piece of equipment consisting of a large basket at the end of an extensible boom, often mounted on a truck body, and used by workers to reach inaccessible places such as power lines and tall trees", "A person or group that picks the best for themselves", "one who cherry-picks", "A person or group that picks only evidence which supports an argument and ignores evidence which contradicts it", "one who cherry-picks", "A person or device that harvests cherries, or that aids in the harvesting of cherries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boom lift", "goalhanger" ], "word": "cherrypicker", "num_translations": 14 }, "apatheism": { "senses": [ "Apathy towards the existence of a god", "belief that the question of the existence of a god is unimportant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apnosticism" ], "word": "apatheism", "num_translations": 18 }, "bugler": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays a bugle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bugle-player" ], "word": "bugler", "num_translations": 12 }, "drinkable": { "senses": [ "Able to be drunk", "Safe to drink", "Of good or satisfactory quality" ], "antonyms": [ "impotable", "undrinkable" ], "synonyms": [ "potable" ], "word": "drinkable", "num_translations": 43 }, "drink-driver": { "senses": [ "A person who engages in drink-driving", "A person who operates a motor vehicle when legally intoxicated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drunk driver" ], "word": "drink-driver", "num_translations": 18 }, "scotsman": { "senses": [ "A man from Scotland", "a Scot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Scot", "Scotchman" ], "word": "Scotsman", "num_translations": 22 }, "sappy": { "senses": [ "Excessively sweet, emotional, nostalgic", "cheesy", "mushy", "Having sap", "Juicy", "Spongy", "Having spaces in which large quantities of sap can flow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sappy", "num_translations": 17 }, "fallback": { "senses": [ "An act of falling back", "A backup plan or contingency strategy", "an alternative which can be used if something goes wrong with the main plan", "a recourse", "A reduction in bitumen softening point, sometimes called refluxing or overheating in a relatively closed container", "Pulverised material that falls back to earth after a nuclear explosion", "fallout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ebbing", "back-up" ], "word": "fallback", "num_translations": 19 }, "bullseye": { "senses": [ "The centre of a target, inside the inner and magpie", "A shot which hits the centre of a target", "The two central rings on a dartboard", "A peppermint-flavoured confection with stripes on it", "Thick glass set into the side of a ship to let in light", "A hand-cancelled postmark issued by a counter clerk at a post office, typically done on a receipt for proof of mailing", "The central part of a crown glass disk, with concentric ripple effect", "A convex glass lens which is placed in front of a lamp to concentrate the light so as to make it more conspicuous as a signal", "also the lantern itself", "A \u00a350 banknote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bullseye", "num_translations": 47 }, "boilersuit": { "senses": [ "A one-piece suit combining trousers and jacket, worn for heavy or hot manual labour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overalls" ], "word": "boilersuit", "num_translations": 10 }, "ripsaw": { "senses": [ "A saw that is designed to cut wood along its grain, ie to rip, to execute a rip cut" ], "antonyms": [ "crosscut saw" ], "synonyms": [ "rake and scrape" ], "word": "ripsaw", "num_translations": 20 }, "biodiesel": { "senses": [ "fuel for diesel engines made of renewable organic raw materials as opposed to fossil hydrocarbons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bioderv" ], "word": "biodiesel", "num_translations": 11 }, "forcible": { "senses": [ "Done by force, forced", "Having force, forceful", "Having a powerful effect", "forceful, telling, strong, convincing, effective", "Able to be forced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forcible", "num_translations": 13 }, "chi-squaredistribution": { "senses": [ "A probability distribution widely used in inferential statistics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "central chi-square distribution" ], "word": "chi-squaredistribution", "num_translations": 13 }, "controllable": { "senses": [ "Able to be controlled", "subject to regulation or command" ], "antonyms": [ "uncontrollable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "controllable", "num_translations": 22 }, "circumnavigate": { "senses": [ "To travel completely around somewhere or something, especially by sail", "To circumvent or bypass", "To sail around the world" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compass", "circumvent" ], "word": "circumnavigate", "num_translations": 20 }, "spendthrift": { "senses": [ "Improvident, profligate, or wasteful", "Extravagant or lavish" ], "antonyms": [ "frugal", "thrifty" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "spendthrift", "num_translations": 18 }, "spendthrift1": { "senses": [ "Someone who spends money improvidently or wastefully" ], "antonyms": [ "miser", "skinflint" ], "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "spendthrift", "num_translations": 44 }, "chipper1": { "senses": [ "A fish and chip shop, or more generally a cheap fast food outlet, typically selling chips and other deep-fried foods", "A deep frier", "A machine that reduces organic matter to compost", "depending on size, whole tree trunks are reduced to sawdust", "An occasional tobacco user, or more generally drug user", "A machine that chips potatoes ready to be fried and made into chips", "A company that manufactures potato chips/potato crisps", "Someone who chips", "A player who chips the ball", "A golf club for making chip shots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "greasy spoon" ], "word": "chipper", "num_translations": 17 }, "associativearray": { "senses": [ "An array-like data structure where the indices are not limited to integers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dictionary", "map", "symbol table" ], "word": "associativearray", "num_translations": 11 }, "locomotive": { "senses": [ "The power unit of a train that pulls the coaches or wagons", "A traction engine", "A cheer characterized by a slow beginning and a progressive increase in speed", "A country which drives the world economy by having a high level of imports" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loco" ], "word": "locomotive", "num_translations": 82 }, "freevariable": { "senses": [ "A variable that is not bound to a storage location", "A variable which is not bound by a quantifier or analogous symbol" ], "antonyms": [ "bound variable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "freevariable", "num_translations": 12 }, "alack": { "senses": [ "An expression of sorrow or mourning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alackaday", "alas" ], "word": "alack", "num_translations": 12 }, "meaty": { "senses": [ "Of, relating to, or containing meat", "Resembling meat in flavour, etc", "Of a person or a body part, large and solid", "Substantial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "of, relating to, or containing meat", "resembling meat in flavour, etc", "of a person or body part", "substantial" ], "word": "meaty", "num_translations": 14 }, "sustainability": { "senses": [ "The ability to sustain something", "A means of configuring civilization and human activity so that society, its members and its economies are able to meet their needs and express their greatest potential in the present, while preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems, planning and acting for the ability to maintain these ideals for future generations" ], "antonyms": [ "unsustainability" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sustainability", "num_translations": 40 }, "entanglement": { "senses": [ "The state of being entangled", "intricate and confused involution", "That which entangles", "intricacy", "perplexity", "An obstruction placed in front or on the flank of a fortification, to impede an enemy's approach", "An obstruction of cables and spars across a river or harbour entrance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "entanglement", "num_translations": 27 }, "auspices": { "senses": [ "plural of \"auspice\"", "Protection or patronage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "protection", "patronage", "aegis" ], "word": "auspices", "num_translations": 10 }, "pieceofshit": { "senses": [ "A bad thing", "an object of poor quality", "A despicable person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turd", "piece of crap", "Thesaurus:jerk" ], "word": "pieceofshit", "num_translations": 23 }, "sirius": { "senses": [ "A binary star system in the constellation Canis Major long understood as a single extremely luminous white star, associated in ancient Egypt with the Nile flood and in Greek and Roman culture with the \"dog days\" of summer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dog Star", "Alpha Canis Majoris", "\u03b1 Canis Majoris", "\u03b1 CMa", "Canicula", "Sopdet", "Sothis", "Al Shira", "Blazing Star" ], "word": "Sirius", "num_translations": 66 }, "substantially": { "senses": [ "In a strong substantial manner", "considerably", "To a great extent", "in essence", "essentially", "Without material qualifications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "majorly", "at heart" ], "word": "substantially", "num_translations": 30 }, "birdsofafeatherflocktogether": { "senses": [ "People of similar character, background, or taste tend to congregate or associate with one another" ], "antonyms": [ "opposites attract" ], "synonyms": [ "like attracts like", "like likes like" ], "word": "birdsofafeatherflocktogether", "num_translations": 63 }, "ineradicable": { "senses": [ "Not able to be eradicated", "too deep to remove" ], "antonyms": [ "eradicable" ], "synonyms": [ "deep-rooted", "firm", "inannihilable", "ingrained", "inveterate", "irradicable" ], "word": "ineradicable", "num_translations": 10 }, "compatibility": { "senses": [ "The state of being compatible", "in which two or more things are able to exist or work together in combination without problems or conflict", "the capability of two or more items or components of equipment or material to exist or function in the same system or environment without mutual interference", "the capability that allows the substitution of one subsystem , or of one functional unit , for the originally designated system or functional unit in a relatively transparent manner, without loss of information and without the introduction of errors", "the continuity or good fit of material or members or components while being deformed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "compatibility", "num_translations": 27 }, "connectingrod": { "senses": [ "Any rod, in an engine, that transmits power or motion, especially one that connects a reciprocating shaft to a rotating wheel, in reciprocating engines connecting piston to crankshaft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conrod" ], "word": "connectingrod", "num_translations": 14 }, "spiritualist": { "senses": [ "One who professes a regard for spiritual things only", "one whose employment is of a spiritual character", "an ecclesiastic", "One who maintains the philosophic doctrine of spiritualism", "One who practises spiritism", "a believer in the possibility of communication with the dead", "one who attempts to communicate with the dead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medium", "spiritist" ], "word": "spiritualist", "num_translations": 13 }, "salinity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being saline", "The concentration of salt in a solution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salineness", "saltiness" ], "word": "salinity", "num_translations": 25 }, "black-and-whitetelevision": { "senses": [ "A monochrome system of transmitting and receiving television signals", "A television set that displays only monochrome images" ], "antonyms": [ "system", "television set" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "black-and-whitetelevision", "num_translations": 13 }, "colourtelevision": { "senses": [ "A colour system of transmitting and receiving television signals", "A television set that displays images in colour" ], "antonyms": [ "black-and-white television", "black-and-white television" ], "synonyms": [ "colour", "colour TV" ], "word": "colourtelevision", "num_translations": 28 }, "commonsense": { "senses": [ "Ordinary sensible understanding", "one's basic intelligence which allows for plain understanding and without which good decisions or judgments cannot be made", "An internal sense, formerly believed to be the sense by which information from the other five senses is understood and interpreted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cop on" ], "word": "commonsense", "num_translations": 44 }, "furrier": { "senses": [ "A person who sells, makes, repairs, alters, cleans, or otherwise deals in clothing made of fur", "A person who secures accommodation for an army" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peltmonger" ], "word": "furrier", "num_translations": 26 }, "deindustrialization": { "senses": [ "The loss or deprivation of industrial capacity or strength" ], "antonyms": [ "industrialization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deindustrialization", "num_translations": 11 }, "impulsiveness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being impulsive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impulsivity" ], "word": "impulsiveness", "num_translations": 14 }, "inertness": { "senses": [ "Lack of activity or exertion", "habitual indisposition to action or motion", "Absence of the power of self-motion", "inertia", "Quality of being unreactive with other chemical compounds or elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inertness", "num_translations": 11 }, "yellowpress": { "senses": [ "Newspapers which publish sensationalist articles rather than well researched and sober journalism" ], "antonyms": [ "broadsheet" ], "synonyms": [ "tabloid" ], "word": "yellowpress", "num_translations": 24 }, "heedlessness": { "senses": [ "The state or character of being heedless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unheed" ], "word": "heedlessness", "num_translations": 12 }, "indiscretion": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being indiscreet", "lack of discretion", "An indiscreet or imprudent act", "indiscreet behavior", "A brief sexual liaison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "indiscretion", "num_translations": 16 }, "imposition": { "senses": [ "The act of imposing, laying on, affixing, enjoining, inflicting, obtruding, and the like", "That which is imposed, levied, or enjoined", "An excessive, arbitrary, or unlawful exaction", "hence, a trick or deception put or laid on others", "Arrangement of a printed product's pages on the printer's sheet so as to have the pages in proper order in the final product", "A practice of laying hands on a person in a religious ceremony", "used eg in confirmation and ordination", "A task imposed on a student as punishment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imposure", "burden", "cheating" ], "word": "imposition", "num_translations": 21 }, "enjoin": { "senses": [ "To lay upon, as an order or command", "to give an injunction to", "to direct with authority", "to order", "to charge", "To prohibit or restrain by a judicial order or decree", "to put an injunction on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enjoin", "num_translations": 29 }, "impossibly": { "senses": [ "Not possibly", "in an impossible manner", "To the point of impossibility", "Contrary to what had been thought possible" ], "antonyms": [ "possibly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "impossibly", "num_translations": 42 }, "condescension": { "senses": [ "The act of condescending", "a manner of behaving toward others in an outwardly polite way that nevertheless implies one's own superiority to the others", "patronizing courtesy toward inferiors", "A patronizing attitude or behavior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condescendence" ], "word": "condescension", "num_translations": 27 }, "dispassionate": { "senses": [ "not showing, and not affected by, emotion, bias, or prejudice" ], "antonyms": [ "passionate" ], "synonyms": [ "nonpassionate", "unpassionate" ], "word": "dispassionate", "num_translations": 14 }, "self-importance": { "senses": [ "An exaggerated estimate of one's own importance or merit, especially as manifested by the conduct or manners", "self-conceit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:arrogance" ], "word": "self-importance", "num_translations": 15 }, "impermanence": { "senses": [ "Lack of permanence or continued duration", "The quality or state of being impermanent", "anicca, the doctrine which asserts that all of conditioned existence is transient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ephemerality" ], "word": "impermanence", "num_translations": 10 }, "indestructible": { "senses": [ "Not destructible", "incapable of decomposition or of being destroyed", "invincible" ], "antonyms": [ "destructible", "inconstructible" ], "synonyms": [ "undestroyable", "undestructable", "unbreakable", "unruinable", "unwreckable" ], "word": "indestructible", "num_translations": 27 }, "destructible": { "senses": [ "Liable to destruction", "capable of being destroyed" ], "antonyms": [ "indestructible", "constructible" ], "synonyms": [ "breakable", "Thesaurus:fragile" ], "word": "destructible", "num_translations": 15 }, "dubbing": { "senses": [ "The conferral of knighthood", "investment with a title", "The replacement of a voice part in a movie or cartoon, particularly with a translation, revoicing", "The process in which additional or supplementary recordings are \"mixed\" with original production sound to create the finished soundtrack", "The transfer of recorded music from one medium to another", "alternative spelling of \"dubbin\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dubbing", "num_translations": 35 }, "sublimation": { "senses": [ "The transition of a substance from the solid phase directly to the vapor state such that it does not pass through the intermediate liquid phase", "The transformation of an impulse into something socially constructive", "Elevation", "exaltation", "a making sublime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sublimation", "num_translations": 36 }, "domainnamesystem": { "senses": [ "The distributed database, sometimes including all the supporting hardware or software infrastructure, the Internet uses to translate hostnames into IP addresses and provide other domain-related information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "DNS" ], "word": "DomainNameSystem", "num_translations": 12 }, "fineprint": { "senses": [ "The details, restrictions, terms, or conditions, especially of a contract, often printed in very small type" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mouseprint", "small print" ], "word": "fineprint", "num_translations": 12 }, "automatedtellermachine": { "senses": [ "A device that provides bank customers with cash withdrawal and other services without the need for a human teller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ABM", "ATM", "automatic teller machine", "autoteller", "bank machine", "cash machine", "cashpoint", "cash dispenser" ], "word": "automatedtellermachine", "num_translations": 78 }, "deepdown": { "senses": [ "Fundamentally", "in essence", "in reality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at heart" ], "word": "deepdown", "num_translations": 18 }, "crossthatbridgewhenonecomestoit": { "senses": [ "To deal with a problem or situation only when it arises" ], "antonyms": [ "cross a bridge before one comes to it" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "crossthatbridgewhenonecomestoit", "num_translations": 10 }, "revenant": { "senses": [ "Someone who returns from a long absence", "A person or thing reborn", "A supernatural being that returns from the dead", "a zombie or ghost" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ghost" ], "word": "revenant", "num_translations": 44 }, "choirmaster": { "senses": [ "the musical director of a choir, who conducts performances and supervises rehearsal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chorusmaster", "chorister", "choir conductor", "choir leader", "leader of the choir" ], "word": "choirmaster", "num_translations": 11 }, "eaglehawk": { "senses": [ "Any large bird of prey, especially the wedge-tailed eagle, Aquila audax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wedge-tailed eagle", "wedgetail" ], "word": "eaglehawk", "num_translations": 20 }, "brolga": { "senses": [ "A large grey crane, Grus rubicunda, of northern and eastern Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Australian crane", "native companion" ], "word": "brolga", "num_translations": 25 }, "drawingroom": { "senses": [ "A multifunctional room that can be used for any purpose in a palace or castle", "Any room where visitors may be entertained", "now, the living room", "A room where engineers draw up plans and patterns", "A lev\u00e9e where ladies are presented at court or to society", "A private room on a railroad sleeping car" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drawingroom", "num_translations": 11 }, "evocative": { "senses": [ "that evokes a memory, mood, feeling or image", "redolent or reminiscent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reminiscent", "redolent", "remindful", "resonant", "suggestive" ], "word": "evocative", "num_translations": 13 }, "facialexpression": { "senses": [ "The expression or countenance that seems to an onlooker to be represented by the appearance of a person or animals's face, resulting from specific use of that person's facial muscles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:facial expression" ], "word": "facialexpression", "num_translations": 12 }, "preamplifier": { "senses": [ "A voltage amplifier for amplifying a low-level input signal", "its output is the input to a higher-level amplifier" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pre-amp" ], "word": "preamplifier", "num_translations": 12 }, "primemover": { "senses": [ "The initial agent that is the cause of all things", "A machine, such as a water wheel or steam engine, that receives and modifies energy as supplied by some natural source or fuel and transforms it into mechanical work", "The front part of a semi-trailer type truck, ie, the tractor to which the trailer part attaches", "A military or heavy construction vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "first cause" ], "word": "primemover", "num_translations": 12 }, "irritability": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being irritable", "quick excitability", "A natural susceptibility, characteristic of all living organisms, tissues, and cells, to the influence of certain stimuli, response being manifested in a variety of ways", "A condition of morbid excitability of an organ or part of the body", "undue susceptibility to the influence of stimuli" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "petulance", "fretfulness" ], "word": "irritability", "num_translations": 19 }, "irreversibly": { "senses": [ "In an irreversible manner" ], "antonyms": [ "reversibly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "irreversibly", "num_translations": 19 }, "recoverable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being regained or recovered", "Restorable from sickness, faintness, danger, etc", "Capable of being brought back to a former condition, or recovered from", "Obtainable from a debtor or possessor" ], "antonyms": [ "irrecoverable", "unrecoverable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "recoverable", "num_translations": 16 }, "blameless": { "senses": [ "Free from blame", "without fault", "innocent", "Not meriting blame or censure", "undeserving of reproof" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sackless" ], "word": "blameless", "num_translations": 23 }, "irreproachable": { "senses": [ "Free from blame, not open to reproach or criticism", "blameless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impeccable" ], "word": "irreproachable", "num_translations": 11 }, "incompatibility": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being incompatible", "inconsistency", "irreconcilability" ], "antonyms": [ "compatibility" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incompatibility", "num_translations": 22 }, "irrationality": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being irrational", "want of the faculty or the quality of reason", "fatuity", "Something which is irrational or brought forth by irrational action, judgement, idea or thought", "The property of being irrational" ], "antonyms": [ "rationality" ], "synonyms": [ "unreason" ], "word": "irrationality", "num_translations": 17 }, "imbecility": { "senses": [ "The quality of being imbecile", "weakness", "feebleness, especially of mind", "Something imbecilic", "a stupid action, behaviour, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "imbecility", "num_translations": 19 }, "tediousness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being tedious", "tedium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wearisomeness" ], "word": "tediousness", "num_translations": 17 }, "canterbury": { "senses": [ "cathedral city co/Kent cc/England", "suburb city/Sydney s/New South Wales c/Australia", "small settlement lgarea/Shire of Barcoo s/Queensland c/Australia", "suburb city/Melbourne s/Victoria c/Australia", "village/and/parish co/York County p/New Brunswick c/Canada", "suburb city/Montego Bay c/Jamaica", "region on the r/South Island c/New Zealand", "town co/Windham County s/Connecticut c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Kent County s/Delaware c/USA", "town co/Merrimack County s/New Hampshire c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Mingo County s/West Virginia c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Canterbury", "num_translations": 42 }, "ganges": { "senses": [ "A river of India and Bangladesh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ganga" ], "word": "Ganges", "num_translations": 97 }, "racer": { "senses": [ "Someone who takes part in a race", "A racehorse", "An animal known for its fast speed, or suitable for racing", "applied especially to a number of North American snakes, certain kinds of lake trout, etc", "A vehicle or other device used for racing", "Any of several genera of colubrid snakes", "A video game involving racing of any kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "racer", "num_translations": 23 }, "practicum": { "senses": [ "A college course designed to give a student supervised practical knowledge of a subject previously studied theoretically", "A science exam in which students are questioned about specimens or other objects placed in front of them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "work placement" ], "word": "practicum", "num_translations": 12 }, "prismatic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a prism", "having the form of a prism", "containing one or more prisms", "Separated or distributed by, or as if by, a transparent prism", "formed by a prism", "varied or brilliant in color" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "motley" ], "word": "prismatic", "num_translations": 12 }, "enticing": { "senses": [ "That entices", "alluring", "attractive", "charming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "illecebrous" ], "word": "enticing", "num_translations": 19 }, "norwich": { "senses": [ "city/and/local government district in and county town of co/Norfolk cc/England", "municipality p/Ontario", "city s/Connecticut", "city s/Kansas", "city/county seat co/Chenango County s/New York", "town s/Vermont" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Norwich", "num_translations": 12 }, "shorthanded1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "short-staffed", "understaffed", "undermanned" ], "word": "shorthanded", "num_translations": 10 }, "footman": { "senses": [ "A soldier who marches and fights on foot", "a foot soldier", "A man in waiting", "a male servant whose duties are to attend the door, the carriage, the table, etc", "A servant who runs in front of his master's carriage", "A metallic stand with four feet, for keeping anything warm before a fire", "A moth of the family Arctiidae", "-- so called from its livery-like colors", "A bar that connects the treadle of a spinning wheel to the wheel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "runner", "footman moth" ], "word": "footman", "num_translations": 14 }, "anglophobe": { "senses": [ "A person who hates or fears England, its people or anything English" ], "antonyms": [ "Anglophile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Anglophobe", "num_translations": 26 }, "anglophobia": { "senses": [ "The hatred or fear of England and anything English" ], "antonyms": [ "Anglophilia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Anglophobia", "num_translations": 10 }, "abaza1": { "senses": [ "A member of an ethnic group living in the northwest Caucasus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Abazin" ], "word": "Abaza", "num_translations": 10 }, "acehnese": { "senses": [ "A Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aceh" ], "word": "Acehnese", "num_translations": 14 }, "champignon": { "senses": [ "Agaricus bisporus, a species of mushroom commonly used in cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "button mushroom" ], "word": "champignon", "num_translations": 33 }, "cabinetminister": { "senses": [ "A member of the executive branch of a government who has been appointed to the cabinet, the group of leading policy makers, advisers, and overseers of governmental departments who report to the prime minister" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "minister" ], "word": "cabinetminister", "num_translations": 18 }, "angling1": { "senses": [ "A form of fishing, with a rod, line and angle for recreation or sport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the gentle craft" ], "word": "angling", "num_translations": 17 }, "fixup": { "senses": [ "To provide with something", "to furnish", "To set up a date or to introduce people with the intention of a possible romantic or sexual coupling", "To repair or refurbish", "To prepare or provide", "To settle up with", "reimburse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fixup", "num_translations": 22 }, "parodic": { "senses": [ "Of, related to, or having characteristics of parody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parodical" ], "word": "parodic", "num_translations": 10 }, "estateagent": { "senses": [ "A person or company that acts in the sale, lease or maintenance of land, property, real estate etc for another", "A land bailiff" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "real estate agent", "realtor" ], "word": "estateagent", "num_translations": 17 }, "jezve": { "senses": [ "A Turkish coffee-pot with a long handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ibrik" ], "word": "jezve", "num_translations": 19 }, "blowgun": { "senses": [ "A hollow tube through which a dart or similar missile may be blown" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blowpipe" ], "word": "blowgun", "num_translations": 27 }, "flyingbuttress": { "senses": [ "a buttress that stands apart from the structure that it supports, and is connected to it by an arch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arc-boutant" ], "word": "flyingbuttress", "num_translations": 17 }, "buttress": { "senses": [ "A brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it", "Anything that serves to support something", "a prop", "A feature jutting prominently out from a mountain or rock", "a crag, a bluff", "Anything that supports or strengthens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counterfort", "brace" ], "word": "buttress", "num_translations": 79 }, "fragmentation": { "senses": [ "The act of fragmenting or something fragmented", "disintegration", "The process by which fragments of an exploding bomb scatter", "The breaking up and dispersal of a file into non-contiguous areas of a disk", "The breaking up of a data packet when larger than the transmission unit of a network" ], "antonyms": [ "defragmentation" ], "synonyms": [ "fragmentization" ], "word": "fragmentation", "num_translations": 43 }, "penaltyarea": { "senses": [ "An area of a pitch or field, inside which a penalty is given to the offensive team if a foul is made by the defensive team" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "18-yard box", "box", "penalty box" ], "word": "penaltyarea", "num_translations": 26 }, "pennyfarthing": { "senses": [ "A type of bicycle popular in the 19th century, with the front wheel far larger than the rear one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ordinary" ], "word": "pennyfarthing", "num_translations": 15 }, "salisbury": { "senses": [ "surname", "cathedral city co/Wiltshire cc/England", "city/and/northern suburb city/Adelaide s/South Australia", "village s/New South Wales c/Australia", "suburb city/Brisbane s/Queensland c/Australia", "village co/Westmorland County p/New Brunswick c/Canada", "town on the west coast of c/Dominica", "town co/Litchfield County s/Connecticut c/USA", "city/county seat co/Wicomico County s/Maryland c/USA", "small coastal town/and/census-designated place co/Essex County s/Massachusetts c/USA", "city co/Chariton County s/Missouri", "town co/Merrimack County s/New Hampshire", "town co/Herkimer County s/New York", "hamlet/and/CDP co/Nassau County s/New York", "city/county seat co/Rowan County s/North Carolina", "borough co/Somerset County s/Pennsylvania", "town co/Addison County s/Vermont", "former name of \"Harare\", the capital city of Zimbabwe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Salisbury", "num_translations": 25 }, "albany2": { "senses": [ "capital city of the state of s/New York in the c/USA", "major river p/Ontario c/Canada", "A Hudson's Bay Company trading post in Ontario and the community that remains at its site" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fort Nassau" ], "word": "Albany", "num_translations": 17 }, "helplessness": { "senses": [ "The state of being helpless", "A feeling of inadequacy or impotence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impotence" ], "word": "helplessness", "num_translations": 10 }, "midfielder": { "senses": [ "A player who operates behind the attackers and in front of the defence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "midfield player" ], "word": "midfielder", "num_translations": 29 }, "paranasalsinus": { "senses": [ "A number of air-filled spaces, or sinuses, within the bones of the skull and face" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sinus paranasales" ], "word": "paranasalsinus", "num_translations": 11 }, "frenchification": { "senses": [ "The act or action of Frenchifying", "Something Frenchified" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "francisation", "francization", "gallicisation", "gallicization" ], "word": "Frenchification", "num_translations": 11 }, "headband": { "senses": [ "A strip of fabric worn around the head", "A hair-accessory, made of a flexible material and curved like a horseshoe, for holding one's hair back", "A strip of fabric attached to the top of the spine of a book", "used as decoration and reinforcement", "A thin slip of iron on the tympan of a printing-press" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Alice band", "fillet" ], "word": "headband", "num_translations": 42 }, "exhaustive": { "senses": [ "including every possible element", "fully comprehensive", "causing exhaustion", "very tiring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:comprehensive", "Thesaurus:fatiguing" ], "word": "exhaustive", "num_translations": 24 }, "goup": { "senses": [ "To be built or erected", "To rise or increase in price, cost, or value", "To be consumed by fire", "To forget lines or blocks during public performance", "To attend university" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rise", "rise", "burn up", "foul up" ], "word": "goup", "num_translations": 54 }, "specificepithet": { "senses": [ "The second word in the scientific name of a species, following the name of the genus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "species epithet" ], "word": "specificepithet", "num_translations": 13 }, "contour": { "senses": [ "An outline, boundary or border, usually of curved shape", "a speech sound which behaves as a single segment, but which makes an internal transition from one quality, place, or manner to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contour line" ], "word": "contour", "num_translations": 31 }, "hotflush": { "senses": [ "A sudden, but brief, sensation of heat over the entire body", "a common symptom of the menopause" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hot flash" ], "word": "hotflush", "num_translations": 27 }, "immobilize": { "senses": [ "To render motionless", "to stop moving or stop from moving", "To modify a surface such that things will not stick to it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freeze" ], "word": "immobilize", "num_translations": 19 }, "briefs": { "senses": [ "plural of \"brief\"", "A short close-fitting type of underpants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "briefs", "num_translations": 31 }, "switchoff": { "senses": [ "To turn a switch to the \"off\" position in order to stop or disable a device", "To lose interest, and start thinking about something else", "To alternate between", "to trade" ], "antonyms": [ "switch on" ], "synonyms": [ "turn off" ], "word": "switchoff", "num_translations": 52 }, "switchon": { "senses": [ "to turn a switch to the \"on\" position in order to start or enable a device", "to change one's expression or appearance as if by turning a switch" ], "antonyms": [ "switch off" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "switchon", "num_translations": 41 }, "hothouse": { "senses": [ "A heated greenhouse", "An environment in which growth or development is encouraged naturally or artificially", "a hotbed", "A bagnio, or bathing house", "a brothel", "A heated room for drying greenware" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hothouse", "num_translations": 19 }, "keyboardshortcut": { "senses": [ "a key, or more usually a combination of keys, on the keyboard of a personal computer that activates a specific, predefined function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hotkey", "key combo", "shortcut key", "keybinding", "accelerating keys" ], "word": "keyboardshortcut", "num_translations": 41 }, "hotplate": { "senses": [ "A semi-portable stove", "The element of a stove", "A low-powered heating device for keeping food warm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boiling plate", "cooking plate" ], "word": "hotplate", "num_translations": 26 }, "hot-tempered": { "senses": [ "Becoming very vocal or even violent when angered or frustrated" ], "antonyms": [ "cool", "cool-headed", "even-tempered" ], "synonyms": [ "choleric", "hotheaded", "irascible", "temperamental", "emotional" ], "word": "hot-tempered", "num_translations": 15 }, "distributive": { "senses": [ "Relating to distribution", "Tending to distribute", "serving to divide and assign in portions", "dealing a proper share to each", "A property of functions that have a rule describing how the function can be performed to the individual components of another operation", "Assigning the species of a general term", "Expressing separation", "denoting a taking singly, not collectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "distributive", "num_translations": 24 }, "stoker": { "senses": [ "A person who stokes, especially one on a steamship who stokes coal in the boilers", "A device for stoking a fire", "a poker", "A device that feeds coal into a furnace etc automatically", "A person who pedals on the back of a tandem bicycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "firestick" ], "word": "stoker", "num_translations": 25 }, "speckled": { "senses": [ "Marked with dots or spots, spotted", "Sporadically and irregularly marked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speckly" ], "word": "speckled", "num_translations": 24 }, "kleptocracy": { "senses": [ "A corrupt and dishonest government or society characterised by greed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kleptarchy" ], "word": "kleptocracy", "num_translations": 20 }, "shellac": { "senses": [ "A processed secretion of the lac insect, Coccus lacca", "used in polishes, varnishes etc", "A beating", "a thrashing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E904" ], "word": "shellac", "num_translations": 14 }, "disclosure": { "senses": [ "The act of revealing something", "The making known of a previously hidden fact or series of facts to another party", "the act of disclosing", "A previously hidden fact or series of facts that is made known" ], "antonyms": [ "closure" ], "synonyms": [ "revelation" ], "word": "disclosure", "num_translations": 44 }, "forethought": { "senses": [ "Thinking beforehand or in advance, planning", "prior or previous consideration", "premeditation", "Anticipation", "Provident care", "prudence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forethought", "num_translations": 15 }, "scientificname": { "senses": [ "A formal name according to an internationally accepted standard, especially the formal name of a taxon:" ], "antonyms": [ "common name" ], "synonyms": [ "Latin name" ], "word": "scientificname", "num_translations": 11 }, "afterglow": { "senses": [ "The glow seen in the sky after sunset", "The light emitted by an incandescent object while cooling", "The light emitted by a phosphor after excitation", "The mildly euphoric feeling experienced after a pleasurable experience, especially after an orgasm or drug-induced high", "An afterparty" ], "antonyms": [ "foreglow", "hangover", "post-coital tristesse" ], "synonyms": [ "afterparty" ], "word": "afterglow", "num_translations": 11 }, "cerebralpalsy": { "senses": [ "A group of non-progressive, non-contagious conditions, caused by brain damage before birth or during infancy, characterized by impairment of muscular coordination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CP" ], "word": "cerebralpalsy", "num_translations": 76 }, "sodden": { "senses": [ "Soaked or drenched with liquid", "soggy, saturated", "Boiled", "Drunk", "stupid as a result of drunkenness", "Dull, expressionless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dopping", "Thesaurus:drunk", "blank" ], "word": "sodden", "num_translations": 23 }, "coordinator": { "senses": [ "One who coordinates", "An assistant coach responsible for a particular facet of the game, such as defense", "A member of a lexical class of words that joins words, phrases, and clauses at the same syntactic level" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coordinating conjunction" ], "word": "coordinator", "num_translations": 25 }, "anglophilia": { "senses": [ "The love of the country, culture or people of England" ], "antonyms": [ "Anglophobia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Anglophilia", "num_translations": 11 }, "tinamou": { "senses": [ "Any of the birds belonging to the South American family Tinamidae, the only family in the order Tinamiformes They are related to the ratites, together with which they form the superorder Paleognathae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tinamid", "tinamiforme" ], "word": "tinamou", "num_translations": 14 }, "regulator": { "senses": [ "A device that controls or limits something", "A person or group that sets standards of practice, especially those established by law", "A very accurate clock, used by clockmakers to measure the timekeeping of each newly made clock", "A gene involved in controlling the expression of one or more other genes", "A device that controls the supply of steam to the cylinders of a steam locomotive", "A bulldozer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regulator", "num_translations": 19 }, "intrinsically": { "senses": [ "In an intrinsic manner", "internally", "essentially" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intrinsically" ], "word": "intrinsically", "num_translations": 36 }, "frugality": { "senses": [ "The quality of being frugal", "prudent economy", "thrift", "A sparing use", "sparingness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frugalness", "parsimony", "thriftiness" ], "word": "frugality", "num_translations": 45 }, "hotwaterbottle": { "senses": [ "A flexible, saclike bottle, usually made of rubber, intended to be filled with hot water and placed on some part of the body for thermotherapy, or simple warming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hottie", "hot water bag" ], "word": "hotwaterbottle", "num_translations": 44 }, "satiety": { "senses": [ "The state of being satiated" ], "antonyms": [ "hunger" ], "synonyms": [ "satiation" ], "word": "satiety", "num_translations": 17 }, "unmanageable": { "senses": [ "Not manageable", "not readily submitting to handling or management", "not easily restrained, governed, or directed" ], "antonyms": [ "manageable" ], "synonyms": [ "uncontrollable" ], "word": "unmanageable", "num_translations": 12 }, "nuptial": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to wedding and marriage", "Capable, or characteristic, of breeding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bridal" ], "word": "nuptial", "num_translations": 17 }, "slacken": { "senses": [ "To gradually decrease in intensity or tautness", "to become slack", "To make slack, less taut, or less intense", "To deprive of cohesion by combining chemically with water", "to slake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slacken", "num_translations": 25 }, "governable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being governed or subjected to authority", "amenable to law or rule" ], "antonyms": [ "ungovernable" ], "synonyms": [ "tractable" ], "word": "governable", "num_translations": 13 }, "spinningtop": { "senses": [ "A toy with a tapering point that can be made to spin on its axis, either with a built-in pump-action handle, with the fingers or with a string" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "humming top", "top" ], "word": "spinningtop", "num_translations": 57 }, "unending": { "senses": [ "Not ending", "having no end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "termless" ], "word": "unending", "num_translations": 13 }, "sulawesi": { "senses": [ "The world's eleventh-largest island, a part of Indonesia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Celebes" ], "word": "Sulawesi", "num_translations": 19 }, "interrogator": { "senses": [ "One who interrogates", "a person who asks questions", "a questioner", "A device that requests data from another device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "questioner", "inquirer", "inquisitor" ], "word": "interrogator", "num_translations": 14 }, "whorl": { "senses": [ "A pattern of concentric circles", "A circle of three or more leaves, flowers, or other organs, about the same part or joint of a stem", "A volution, or turn, of the spire of a univalve shell", "Any volution, as for example in the human ear", "A flywheel, a weight attached to a spindle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whorl", "num_translations": 36 }, "unharmed": { "senses": [ "which has not suffered harm", "which has not been injured or damaged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in one piece" ], "word": "unharmed", "num_translations": 14 }, "cutlet": { "senses": [ "A thin slice of meat, usually fried", "A chop, a specific piece of meat cut from the side of an animal", "A piece of fish that has been cut perpendicular to the spine, rather than parallel", "often synonymous with steak", "A prawn or shrimp with its head and outer shell removed, leaving only the flesh and tail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scallop" ], "word": "cutlet", "num_translations": 53 }, "polestar": { "senses": [ "The star nearest to Earth's axis when extended above the North Pole: currently Polaris, formerly Thuban" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "North Star" ], "word": "PoleStar", "num_translations": 24 }, "stonecutter": { "senses": [ "Somebody who cuts, carves or dresses stone", "A machine that is used to cut stone or concrete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mason", "stonemason" ], "word": "stonecutter", "num_translations": 18 }, "iconoclasm": { "senses": [ "The belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons and other symbols or monuments, usually with religious or political motives" ], "antonyms": [ "iconodulism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "iconoclasm", "num_translations": 25 }, "icily": { "senses": [ "In the manner of ice", "with a cold or chilling effect", "In an uncaring or coolly angry manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coldly", "aloofly" ], "word": "icily", "num_translations": 10 }, "setpoint": { "senses": [ "A situation where if one of the two players wins the next point, he will win the set", "A setting or location that is fixed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "set ball" ], "word": "setpoint", "num_translations": 10 }, "nighthawk": { "senses": [ "A nightjar, especially Caprimulgus europaeus", "A New World nightjar of the genus Chordeiles, especially Chordeiles minor", "A person whose preference or custom is to remain awake and active during the night and the early morning hours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bullbat", "night owl" ], "word": "nighthawk", "num_translations": 14 }, "incombustible": { "senses": [ "Not capable of catching fire and burning", "not flammable" ], "antonyms": [ "combustible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incombustible", "num_translations": 12 }, "nervousness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being nervous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nervosity" ], "word": "nervousness", "num_translations": 25 }, "nagorno-karabakh": { "senses": [ "A landlocked region in South Caucasus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Artsakh" ], "word": "Nagorno-Karabakh", "num_translations": 51 }, "userinterface": { "senses": [ "The visual part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "UI" ], "word": "userinterface", "num_translations": 34 }, "placename": { "senses": [ "The name of a place", "a word or phrase which indicates a particular location or region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toponym" ], "word": "placename", "num_translations": 39 }, "juno": { "senses": [ "The queen of the gods, equivalent of the Greek Hera" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "3 Juno" ], "word": "Juno", "num_translations": 26 }, "sixofone,halfadozenoftheother": { "senses": [ "The two alternatives are equivalent or indifferent", "it doesn't matter which one we choose", "Equally involved", "equally responsible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as broad as long", "potayto, potahto", "same difference", "six to one, half dozen to another", "six and two threes", "sixes", "tomayto, tomahto", "whatever" ], "word": "sixofone,halfadozenoftheother", "num_translations": 45 }, "prospect": { "senses": [ "The region which the eye overlooks at one time", "view", "scene", "outlook", "A picturesque or panoramic view", "a landscape", "hence, a sketch of a landscape", "A position affording a fine view", "a lookout", "Relative position of the front of a building or other structure", "face", "relative aspect", "The act of looking forward", "foresight", "anticipation", "The potential things that may come to pass, often favorable", "A hope", "a hopeful", "Any player whose rights are owned by a top-level professional team, but who has yet to play a game for said team", "The fa\u00e7ade of an organ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prospect", "num_translations": 44 }, "rental": { "senses": [ "Something that is rented", "The payment made to rent something", "A business that rents out something to its customers", "An act of renting", "A player traded to a team with a year or less on his contract" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rental", "num_translations": 22 }, "replenish": { "senses": [ "To refill", "to renew", "to supply again or to add a fresh quantity to", "To fill up", "to complete", "to supply fully", "To finish", "to complete", "to perfect" ], "antonyms": [ "deplete" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "replenish", "num_translations": 11 }, "railroadtie": { "senses": [ "A heavy, preserved piece of hewn timber laid crossways to and supporting the rails of a railroad or a member of similar shape and function of another material such as concrete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "railway tie", "sleeper", "railway sleeper" ], "word": "railroadtie", "num_translations": 33 }, "senselessness": { "senses": [ "The state of being senseless", "unsense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unsense" ], "word": "senselessness", "num_translations": 11 }, "rationality": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being rational", "due exercise of reason", "reasonableness", "Objectivity, considerateness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rationalness" ], "word": "rationality", "num_translations": 17 }, "idler": { "senses": [ "One who idles", "one who spends his or her time in inaction", "One who idles", "a lazy person", "a sluggard", "Any member of a ship's crew who is not required to keep the night-watch", "A mechanical device such as a pulley or wheel that does not transmit power, but supports a moving belt etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "idler", "num_translations": 53 }, "youknow": { "senses": [ "Expression signifying a pause or hesitation", "Expression used to imply meaning, rather than say it, such as when a person is embarrassed", "Used as a rhetorical question to confirm agreement or understanding at the end of a statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "er", "y'know" ], "word": "youknow", "num_translations": 40 }, "heaviness": { "senses": [ "The state of being heavy", "weight, weightiness, force of impact or gravity", "Oppression", "dejectedness, sadness", "low spirits", "Drowsiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heaviness", "num_translations": 14 }, "nectarine": { "senses": [ "A cultivar of the peach distinguished by its skin being smooth, not fuzzy", "A nectar-like liquid medicine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brunion" ], "word": "nectarine", "num_translations": 47 }, "nightclothes": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nightwear", "sleepwear" ], "word": "nightclothes", "num_translations": 10 }, "packsaddle": { "senses": [ "A saddle designed to secure and carry goods on the back of an animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bat" ], "word": "packsaddle", "num_translations": 21 }, "phylactery": { "senses": [ "Either of the two small leather cases, containing biblical scrolls, worn by Jewish men at morning prayer", "the tefilla", "A case in which relics were preserved", "Any small object worn for its magical or supernatural power", "an amulet or charm", "An enspelled object used to contain and protect the owner's soul", "A speech scroll, an illustrative device depicting speech, song or other sound as if written on a scroll" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tefilla", "banderole" ], "word": "phylactery", "num_translations": 28 }, "dotard": { "senses": [ "An old person with impaired intellect", "one in his or her dotage", "One who dotes on another, showing excessive fondness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mimmerkin" ], "word": "dotard", "num_translations": 17 }, "badlands": { "senses": [ "An arid terrain characterized by severe erosion of sedimentary rocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desert", "moonscape", "malpa\u00eds" ], "word": "badlands", "num_translations": 10 }, "redcurrant": { "senses": [ "A deciduous shrub, Ribes rubrum, native to western Europe", "any of certain cultivars of the shrub", "The bright red translucent edible berry of this plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garnet berry" ], "word": "redcurrant", "num_translations": 77 }, "cassatasiciliana": { "senses": [ "A rich cake, typical of Sicily, containing liqueur layered with ricotta, candied fruit and chocolate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cassata" ], "word": "cassatasiciliana", "num_translations": 22 }, "hygroscopic": { "senses": [ "Readily taking up and retaining water, especially from the atmosphere" ], "antonyms": [ "anhygroscopic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hygroscopic", "num_translations": 13 }, "denguefever": { "senses": [ "An acute febrile and sometimes hemorrhagic disease endemic to the tropics, caused by varieties of the species Dengue virus, and primarily transmitted to humans from mosquitoes, though human-to-human transmission is also well documented" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breakbone fever" ], "word": "denguefever", "num_translations": 29 }, "taketoone'sheels": { "senses": [ "To leave, especially to flee or run away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make tracks" ], "word": "taketoone'sheels", "num_translations": 17 }, "stainless": { "senses": [ "Describing an alloy that is resistant to corrosion and discoloration", "Unmarked, spotless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rustproof" ], "word": "stainless", "num_translations": 19 }, "catwalk": { "senses": [ "An elevated enclosed passage providing access fore and aft from the bridge of a merchant vessel", "Any similar elevated walkway", "A narrow elevated stage on which models parade", "a runway", "The business of making clothes for fashion shows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "runway" ], "word": "catwalk", "num_translations": 27 }, "pulverise": { "senses": [ "To render into dust or powder", "To completely destroy, especially by crushing to fragments or a powder", "To defeat soundly, thrash", "To become reduced to powder", "to fall to dust" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pulverise", "num_translations": 45 }, "untranslatable": { "senses": [ "Not able to be translated" ], "antonyms": [ "translatable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "untranslatable", "num_translations": 30 }, "safflower": { "senses": [ "A cultivated thistle-like plant, Carthamus tinctorius, family Asteraceae, now grown mainly for its oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bastard saffron" ], "word": "safflower", "num_translations": 57 }, "idolatrous": { "senses": [ "Partaking in idolatry", "worshipping idols or false gods", "Engaging in excessive attachment or reverence", "inordinately or profanely devoted", "Used in or designed for idolatry", "devoted to idols or idol-worship", "Of or pertaining to idolatry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "idolatrous", "num_translations": 10 }, "autotroph": { "senses": [ "Any organism that can synthesize its food from inorganic substances, using heat or light as a source of energy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "producer" ], "word": "autotroph", "num_translations": 13 }, "newcastleupontyne": { "senses": [ "large city/and/metropolitan borough co/Tyne and Wear in northeastern cc/England" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Newcastle", "Toon" ], "word": "NewcastleuponTyne", "num_translations": 11 }, "rosin": { "senses": [ "A solid form of resin, obtained from liquid resin by vaporizing its volatile components", "Resin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "colophony", "Greek pitch" ], "word": "rosin", "num_translations": 60 }, "julienne": { "senses": [ "A garnish of vegetables cut into long, thin strips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allumette" ], "word": "julienne", "num_translations": 13 }, "thenceforth": { "senses": [ "From that time on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thenceforward", "thenceforwards" ], "word": "thenceforth", "num_translations": 15 }, "humankind": { "senses": [ "The human race", "mankind, humanity", "''''" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "human race", "mankind", "humanity", "Thesaurus:humankind" ], "word": "humankind", "num_translations": 36 }, "humanrace": { "senses": [ "mankind, humanity", "humankind", "Homo sapiens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:humankind" ], "word": "humanrace", "num_translations": 15 }, "duster": { "senses": [ "An object, now especially a cloth, used for dusting surfaces etc", "Someone who dusts", "A light, loose-fitting long coat", "A revolving wire-cloth cylinder which removes the dust from rags, etc", "A blowing-machine for separating the flour from the bran", "A dry drill hole, one that does not produce oil or gas", "A vehicle-mounted, multi-barrelled, anti-aircraft gun", "A sundress", "A block of felt strips, shaped ergonomically, used to remove chalk from a blackboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "duster", "num_translations": 57 }, "idiotbox": { "senses": [ "Television" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boob tube ()" ], "word": "idiotbox", "num_translations": 11 }, "cincinnati": { "senses": [ "The third largest > in >, > and the > of >", "city in county/Appanoose County state/Iowa", "unincorporated community in county/Washington County state/Arkansas", "unincorporated community in township/Center Township county/Greene County state/Indiana", "unincorporated community in township/Washington Township county/Parke County state/Indiana", "unincorporated community in county/Ralls County state/Missouri", "unincorporated community county/Polk County state/Oregon", "settlement in county/El Dorado County state/California", "Any of five ships of the United States Navy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cincy" ], "word": "Cincinnati", "num_translations": 34 }, "cooperative": { "senses": [ "Ready to work with another person or in a team", "ready to cooperate", "Involving cooperation between individuals or parties" ], "antonyms": [ "adversarial", "competitive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cooperative", "num_translations": 36 }, "projector": { "senses": [ "Someone who devises or suggests a project", "a proposer or planner of something", "An optical device that projects a beam of light, especially one used to project an image onto a screen", "One who projects, or ascribes his/her own feelings to others", "An operator that forms a projection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "projector", "num_translations": 32 }, "substantiate": { "senses": [ "To verify something by supplying evidence", "to authenticate or corroborate", "To give material form or substance to something", "to embody", "to record in documents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "substantiate", "num_translations": 21 }, "devilry": { "senses": [ "mischief", "Wickedness", "cruelty", "An action performed with the help of a devil", "witchcraft", "An act of such mischief, wickedness, cruelty, or witchcraft" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "devilry", "num_translations": 29 }, "formless": { "senses": [ "Without form", "shapeless", "Without the use of forms or templates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amorphous" ], "word": "formless", "num_translations": 10 }, "mumbojumbo": { "senses": [ "A deity or other supernatural being said to have been worshipped by certain West African peoples", "an idol", "Any object of superstition", "religious words and/or actions which are seen as superstitious or fraudulent", "Any confusing or meaningless speech", "nonsense, gibberish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mumbojumbo", "num_translations": 11 }, "exhaustpipe": { "senses": [ "For internal combustion engines, the pipe that vents waste gases from the engine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tailpipe" ], "word": "exhaustpipe", "num_translations": 33 }, "exhilarate": { "senses": [ "To cheer, to cheer up, to gladden, to make happy", "To excite, to thrill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enliven" ], "word": "exhilarate", "num_translations": 15 }, "srijayawardenepurakotte": { "senses": [ "administrative capital c/Sri Lanka" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kotte" ], "word": "SriJayawardenepuraKotte", "num_translations": 48 }, "baldwin": { "senses": [ "male given name", "rather rare in English", "surname", "town s/Florida", "city s/Georgia c/USA", "village s/Illinois", "city s/Iowa", "town s/Louisiana", "town s/Maine", "unincorporated community co/Baltimore County s/Maryland", "village/county seat co/Lake County s/Michigan", "unincorporated community co/Burleigh County s/North Dakota", "town/and/hamlet s/New York", "township p/Ontario c/Canada", "borough s/Pennsylvania", "town/and/village s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Baldwin", "num_translations": 17 }, "makeit": { "senses": [ "to succeed in doing something, for example in reaching a place, going somewhere, attending an event, arriving in time for something, adding to one's schedule or itinerary, or in getting where one wants to be in one's life or career, which sometimes means becoming or wanting to become successful or famous", "to succeed in surviving, in living through something", "to have sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make it big", "do it" ], "word": "makeit", "num_translations": 39 }, "scalable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being climbed", "Able to be changed in scale", "resizeable", "Able to greatly increase in capacity, with relative ease" ], "antonyms": [ "unscalable" ], "synonyms": [ "ultra-scalable" ], "word": "scalable", "num_translations": 12 }, "parallelism": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being parallel", "agreement in direction, tendency, or character", "The state of being in agreement or similarity", "resemblance, correspondence, analogy", "A parallel position", "the relation of parallels", "The juxtaposition of two or more identical or equivalent syntactic constructions, especially those expressing the same sentiment with slight modifications, introduced for rhetorical effect", "The doctrine that matter and mind do not causally interact but that physiological events in the brain or body nonetheless occur simultaneously with matching events in the mind", "In antitrust law, the practice of competitors of raising prices by roughly the same amount at roughly the same time, without engaging in a formal agreement to do so", "Similarity of features between two species resulting from their having taken similar evolutionary paths following their initial divergence from a common ancestor", "The use of parallel methods in hardware or software, so that several tasks can be performed at the same time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "parallelism", "num_translations": 34 }, "cometo": { "senses": [ "To recover consciousness after fainting etc", "To stop a sailing vessel, especially by turning into the wind See also come about", "To total", "to amount to", "To reach", "to arrive at", "To devote attention to in due course", "to come around to", "To befall", "to happen to", "to come upon", "To regard or specifically pertain to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cometo", "num_translations": 32 }, "afforestation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of creating a new forest where none had existed before, or reforestation of areas long deforested" ], "antonyms": [ "deforestation" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "afforestation", "num_translations": 13 }, "afforest": { "senses": [ "To make into forest" ], "antonyms": [ "deforest" ], "synonyms": [ "forest" ], "word": "afforest", "num_translations": 15 }, "reforestation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of replanting a forest, especially after clear-cutting" ], "antonyms": [ "deforestation" ], "synonyms": [ "afforestation" ], "word": "reforestation", "num_translations": 14 }, "esperantist1": { "senses": [ "A specialist or speaker of Esperanto, the international auxiliary language designed by L L Zamenhof" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Esperantophone" ], "word": "Esperantist", "num_translations": 54 }, "flagellum": { "senses": [ "In protists, a long, whiplike membrane-enclosed organelle used for locomotion or feeding", "In bacteria, a long, whiplike proteinaceous appendage, used for locomotion", "A whip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cilium", "whip" ], "word": "flagellum", "num_translations": 17 }, "automate": { "senses": [ "To replace or enhance human labor with machines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "robotize" ], "word": "automate", "num_translations": 24 }, "auditor": { "senses": [ "one who audits bookkeeping accounts", "in many jurisdictions, an elected or appointed public official in charge of the public accounts", "a comptroller", "one who audits an academic course", "who attends the lectures but does not earn academic credit", "one who listens, typically as a member of an audience", "one trained to perform spiritual guidance procedures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "auditor", "num_translations": 46 }, "bolognese": { "senses": [ "An Italian sauce made of ground meat and tomato" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bol", "Bolognese sauce" ], "word": "bolognese", "num_translations": 16 }, "changingroom": { "senses": [ "A room, especially in a gym, designed for people to change their clothes", "A room or enclosure, eg in a clothes shop, where people try on clothes they are interested in buying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fitting room" ], "word": "changingroom", "num_translations": 53 }, "logout": { "senses": [ "To exit a user account in a computer system, so that one is not recognized until logging in again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "log off", "sign out", "sign off" ], "word": "logout", "num_translations": 41 }, "utilitypole": { "senses": [ "A tall cylinder, often made from the trunk of a tree, usually topped by a cross beam, used by a public utility to carry wire, cable or conduit through the air, for the transportation of electricity, cable television, telephone or similar services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "telegraph pole", "telephone pole", "hydro pole" ], "word": "utilitypole", "num_translations": 24 }, "infimum": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "supremum" ], "synonyms": [ "greatest lower bound" ], "word": "infimum", "num_translations": 10 }, "borzoi": { "senses": [ "A dog of a particular breed, similar in shape to a greyhound but with longer silkier hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Russian Hunting Sighthound", "Russian Wolfhound" ], "word": "borzoi", "num_translations": 20 }, "supremum": { "senses": [ ": Given a subset X of R, the smallest real number that is \u2265 every element of X", ": given a subset X of a partially ordered set P , the least element y of P such that every element of X is \u2264 y" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "least upper bound" ], "word": "supremum", "num_translations": 11 }, "tricenarian": { "senses": [ "The highest rank and pay grade for prefectures in Ancient Rome", "A person in their thirties, a person aged between 30 and 39 years" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thirtysomething" ], "word": "tricenarian", "num_translations": 15 }, "episcopate": { "senses": [ "Bishops seen as a group", "The tenure in office of a bishop", "A bishop's jurisdiction, the extent of his diocese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bishopdom" ], "word": "episcopate", "num_translations": 10 }, "hairdryer": { "senses": [ "A small electrical appliance for drying hair, by generating a stream of hot air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow-dryer" ], "word": "hairdryer", "num_translations": 81 }, "believable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being believed", "credible" ], "antonyms": [ "unbelievable" ], "synonyms": [ "plausible" ], "word": "believable", "num_translations": 33 }, "peptalk": { "senses": [ "A rallying speech made to instill enthusiasm and boost confidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pep rally" ], "word": "peptalk", "num_translations": 20 }, "sparkly": { "senses": [ "giving off sparks, or small flashes of light", "glittery", "lively and high-spirited", "bubbly or effervescent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bubblesome" ], "word": "sparkly", "num_translations": 11 }, "cynthia": { "senses": [ "Artemis", "The Moon", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Delia", "Luna" ], "word": "Cynthia", "num_translations": 19 }, "birthrate": { "senses": [ "the ratio of total live births to total population for a specific community or nation in a specified period", "often expressed in births per thousand per year" ], "antonyms": [ "death rate" ], "synonyms": [ "natality" ], "word": "birthrate", "num_translations": 13 }, "unwholesome": { "senses": [ "Not wholesome", "unfavorable to health", "unhealthful", "Not sound", "tainted", "defective", "Indicating unsound health", "characteristic of or suggesting an unsound condition, physical or mental", "repulsive", "offensive" ], "antonyms": [ "wholesome" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unwholesome", "num_translations": 17 }, "muslin": { "senses": [ "Any of several varieties of thin cotton cloth", "Fabric made of cotton, flax , hemp, or silk, finely or coarsely woven", "Any of a wide variety of tightly-woven thin fabrics, especially those used for bedlinen", "Woven cotton or linen fabrics, especially when used for items other than garments", "A dressmaker's pattern made from inexpensive cloth for fitting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "muslin", "num_translations": 29 }, "pillowcase": { "senses": [ "A washable, easily removable cloth cover for pillows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pillowslip" ], "word": "pillowcase", "num_translations": 46 }, "bedspread": { "senses": [ "The topmost covering of a bed, often functioning as a blanket", "A coverlet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bedcover" ], "word": "bedspread", "num_translations": 25 }, "dropper": { "senses": [ "A utensil for dispensing a single drop of liquid at a time", "One who drops something, especially one who drops a specific item to cause mischief", "A software component designed to install malware on a target system", "A fly that drops from the leaden above the bob or end fly", "A branch vein which drops off from, or leaves, the main lode", "A dog which suddenly drops upon the ground when it sights game", "A person who uses fraudulent cheques" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dropper", "num_translations": 11 }, "purchaser": { "senses": [ "One who purchases" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buyer" ], "word": "purchaser", "num_translations": 26 }, "black-eyedpea": { "senses": [ "An African leguminous plant, of the species Vigna unguiculata, widely cultivated as food and forage, specifically Vigna unguiculata subsp unguiculata", "The edible seed of these plants", "Any pale bean with a black spot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blackeye pea", "black-eye pea" ], "word": "black-eyedpea", "num_translations": 57 }, "pedalo": { "senses": [ "A small boat propelled by pedals that directly turn external paddles, used for recreation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pedalboat", "paddleboat" ], "word": "pedalo", "num_translations": 47 }, "ignitable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being ignited", "able to burn" ], "antonyms": [ "unignitable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ignitable", "num_translations": 10 }, "jimsonweed": { "senses": [ "A poisonous plant of the Datura stramonium species, part of the nightshade family A hallucinogen occasionally ingested by those looking for a cheap high", "Any poisonous plant of the Datura genus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jamestown weed" ], "word": "jimsonweed", "num_translations": 29 }, "juicer": { "senses": [ "A manual or electrical device used for rendering the juice of fruits or vegetables", "A person who extracts juice for consumption", "A reamer", "One who uses steroids", "An alcoholic", "An electrician" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "juicer", "num_translations": 28 }, "marchioness": { "senses": [ "The wife of a marquess", "A woman holding the rank of marquess in her own right" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marquise" ], "word": "marchioness", "num_translations": 19 }, "panhandle": { "senses": [ "The handle of a pan", "On a map, any arm or projection suggestive of the handle of a pan", "The handle that activates an ejector seat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salient" ], "word": "panhandle", "num_translations": 18 }, "sawhorse": { "senses": [ "A structure with a crosspiece used to support timber or other material for working" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sawbuck" ], "word": "sawhorse", "num_translations": 14 }, "paternoster": { "senses": [ "The Lord's prayer, especially in a Roman Catholic context", "A slow, continuously moving lift or elevator consisting of a loop of open-fronted cabins running the height of a building", "A bead-like ornament in mouldings", "A tackle rig with a heavy sinker at the end of the line, and one or more hooks on traces at right angles spaced above the sinker", "A string of beads used in counting prayers that are said", "a rosary", "Every eleventh bead in a rosary, at which, while counting the beads, the Lord's Prayer is to be repeated", "A medieval artisan who crafted rosary beads or prayer nuts", "A patent medicine, so named because salesmen would pray the Lord's Prayer over it before selling it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "paternoster", "num_translations": 35 }, "newhighgerman": { "senses": [ "The modern form of the German language, successor to Middle High German" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "German", "NHG", "N.H.G", "N. H. G" ], "word": "NewHighGerman", "num_translations": 17 }, "inparticular": { "senses": [ "Especially, individually or specifically" ], "antonyms": [ "in general" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:specifically" ], "word": "inparticular", "num_translations": 24 }, "insofaras": { "senses": [ "to the extent that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inasmuch as" ], "word": "insofaras", "num_translations": 22 }, "islamization": { "senses": [ "Conversion to Islam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Muslimification", "Muslimization", "Islamification" ], "word": "Islamization", "num_translations": 24 }, "sweating": { "senses": [ "The production and evaporation of a watery fluid called sweat that is excreted by the sweat glands in the skin of mammals", "Mucilage, especially of cocoa", "The gentle heating of vegetables in oil or butter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perspiration" ], "word": "sweating", "num_translations": 27 }, "tachometer": { "senses": [ "A device for measuring the revolutions per minute of a revolving shaft, as with the driveshaft of an automobile", "A device for measuring or indicating velocity or speed, as of blood, a river, a machine, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rev counter" ], "word": "tachometer", "num_translations": 45 }, "dundee": { "senses": [ "city cc/Scotland", "council area cc/Scotland including the city, one of 32 created in 1996", "rural locality s/New South Wales c/Australia", "town terr/Northern Territory c/Australia", "community co/Restigouche County p/New Brunswick c/Canada", "small community co/Richmond County p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "township municipality p/Quebec c/Canada", "unincorporated community co/Geneva County s/Alabama", "town co/Polk County s/Florida", "unincorporated community twp/Pipe Creek Township co/Madison County s/Indiana c/USA", "city co/Delaware County s/Iowa", "unincorporated community co/Barton County s/Kansas", "unincorporated community co/Ohio County s/Kentucky", "village co/Monroe County s/Michigan", "city co/Nobles County s/Minnesota", "unincorporated community co/Tunica County s/Mississippi", "unincorporated community co/Franklin County s/Missouri", "neighborhood city/Omaha s/Nebraska", "village co/Yates County s/New York", "census-designated place co/Tuscarawas s/Ohio", "unincorporated community co/Carter County s/Oklahoma", "city city/Yamhill County s/Oregon", "unincorporated community co/Archer County s/Texas", "unincorporated community co/Pittsylvania County s/Virginia", "unincorporated community co/Fond du Lac County s/Wisconsin", "A coal mining > in >, >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Dundee", "num_translations": 18 }, "thusfar": { "senses": [ "so far, hitherto" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as yet" ], "word": "thusfar", "num_translations": 23 }, "nightmarish": { "senses": [ "Resembling a nightmare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nightmarey" ], "word": "nightmarish", "num_translations": 18 }, "footballer": { "senses": [ "One who plays association football" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "football player" ], "word": "footballer", "num_translations": 66 }, "sinicize": { "senses": [ "To make something Chinese in form or character", "To convert to Chinese characters or to enable to work with the Chinese script" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sinify", "Sinofy" ], "word": "sinicize", "num_translations": 14 }, "unheard": { "senses": [ "Not heard", "Not listened to", "Not known to fame", "not illustrious or celebrated", "obscure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unheard", "num_translations": 13 }, "actofgod": { "senses": [ "An unforeseen occurrence beyond one's control, such as a natural disaster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "force majeure" ], "word": "actofGod", "num_translations": 15 }, "laststraw": { "senses": [ "A small addition to a burden which causes it to exceed the capacity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "final straw", "the straw that broke the camel's back" ], "word": "laststraw", "num_translations": 20 }, "inviewof": { "senses": [ "considering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in light of", "in the light of" ], "word": "inviewof", "num_translations": 11 }, "prettymuch": { "senses": [ "Almost completely", "very nearly", "mostly", "more or less", "basically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "prettymuch", "num_translations": 12 }, "screening": { "senses": [ "Mesh material that is used to screen", "The process of checking or filtering", "The showing of a film", "The examination and treatment of a material to detect and remove unwanted fractions", "Material removed by such a process", "shielding", "A method to identify a disease in a population which is not showing any symptoms of this disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "screening", "num_translations": 26 }, "kneesock": { "senses": [ "a sock that reaches almost up to the knee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knee high" ], "word": "kneesock", "num_translations": 20 }, "surety": { "senses": [ "Certainty", "That which makes sure", "that which confirms", "ground of confidence or security", "A promise to pay a sum of money in the event that another person fails to fulfill an obligation", "One who undertakes to pay money or perform other acts in the event that his principal fails therein", "A substitute", "a hostage", "Evidence", "confirmation", "warrant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "surety", "num_translations": 27 }, "quietness": { "senses": [ "Absence of sound", "silence or hush", "Absence of disturbance", "calm, stillness or serenity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "silence" ], "word": "quietness", "num_translations": 15 }, "tails": { "senses": [ "plural of \"tail\"", "clipping of \"tailcoat\"", "The side of a coin that doesn't bear the picture of the head of state or similar", "tailings", "waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tails", "num_translations": 20 }, "hillock": { "senses": [ "A small hill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toman" ], "word": "hillock", "num_translations": 49 }, "wayofthecross": { "senses": [ "A series of pictures or statues depicting the Stations of the Cross, as laid out around a church, along a road etc", "Religious devotions in connection with these stages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Via Dolorosa" ], "word": "WayoftheCross", "num_translations": 13 }, "magnetoencephalography": { "senses": [ "a technique used to measure and analyze magnetic activity in the brain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "MEG" ], "word": "magnetoencephalography", "num_translations": 20 }, "reformschool": { "senses": [ "A penal institution for juveniles, especially males" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "borstal", "reformatory" ], "word": "reformschool", "num_translations": 17 }, "iceberglettuce": { "senses": [ "A lettuce cultivar noted for its crunchiness", "the most familiar of all lettuces sold in the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crisphead lettuce" ], "word": "iceberglettuce", "num_translations": 13 }, "redtide": { "senses": [ "An algal bloom of sufficient quantity to cause discoloration in a body of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crimson tide" ], "word": "redtide", "num_translations": 13 }, "dormition": { "senses": [ "The process of falling asleep", "The process of death or the actual death itself", "The death and assumption into heaven of the Virgin Mary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleep" ], "word": "dormition", "num_translations": 14 }, "straggle": { "senses": [ "To stray from the road, course or line of march", "To wander about", "ramble", "To spread at irregular intervals", "To escape or stretch beyond proper limits, as the branches of a plant", "to spread widely apart", "to shoot too far or widely in growth", "To be dispersed or separated", "to occur at intervals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "straggle", "num_translations": 30 }, "koreanwave": { "senses": [ "The popularity of South Korean popular culture in other countries since the 1990s" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hallyu" ], "word": "KoreanWave", "num_translations": 14 }, "ailurophile": { "senses": [ "A person with ailurophilia", "a cat-lover" ], "antonyms": [ "ailurophobe" ], "synonyms": [ "cataholic", "catlover" ], "word": "ailurophile", "num_translations": 15 }, "startup": { "senses": [ "The act or process of starting a process or machine", "A new company or organization or business venture designed for rapid growth" ], "antonyms": [ "shutdown" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "startup", "num_translations": 32 }, "mandarinfish": { "senses": [ "A carnivorous freshwater fish, Siniperca chuatsi, from China", "A colorful saltwater fish in dragonet family, Synchiropus splendidus, from the Pacific Ocean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese perch", "Chinese bass", "mandarin dragonet", "mandarin goby" ], "word": "mandarinfish", "num_translations": 21 }, "mangelwurzel": { "senses": [ "A root vegetable, variety of Beta vulgaris, cultivated chiefly as cattle feed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mangold" ], "word": "mangelwurzel", "num_translations": 12 }, "slosh": { "senses": [ "To shift chaotically", "to splash noisily", "To pour noisily, sloppily or in large amounts", "to move noisily through water or other liquid", "To punch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slosh", "num_translations": 13 }, "baksheesh": { "senses": [ "in the Middle East, southwest Asia and Eastern Europe: a bribe or tip", "A minor wound that is severe enough to get a soldier sent away from the front" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grease payment", "buckshee" ], "word": "baksheesh", "num_translations": 38 }, "kohl": { "senses": [ "A dark powder used as eye makeup, especially in Eastern countries", "stibnite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stibnite" ], "word": "kohl", "num_translations": 12 }, "deaf-mute": { "senses": [ "Unable to hear or speak" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deaf and dumb" ], "word": "deaf-mute", "num_translations": 43 }, "comeup": { "senses": [ "To come towards, to approach", "To emerge or become known, especially unexpectedly", "To come to attention, present itself", "to arrive or appear", "To appear", "To draw near in time", "To rise", "To begin to feel the effects of a recreational drug", "To arrive at the university" ], "antonyms": [ "come down", "go down" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "comeup", "num_translations": 32 }, "vuvuzela": { "senses": [ "A trumpet-shaped horn, now usually plastic, that produces a loud buzzing sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stadium horn" ], "word": "vuvuzela", "num_translations": 33 }, "vacuum-clean": { "senses": [ "To clean with a vacuum cleaner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vacuum", "hoover" ], "word": "vacuum-clean", "num_translations": 10 }, "cometopass": { "senses": [ "To happen", "to occur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transpire" ], "word": "cometopass", "num_translations": 15 }, "goodthingscometothosewhowait": { "senses": [ "A patient seeker will be satisfied in due time", "patience is a virtue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all things come to those who wait", "all things in time", "a penny saved is a penny earned", "April showers bring May flowers", "a watched pot never boils", "good things are worth waiting for", "patience is a virtue", "to everything there is a season" ], "word": "goodthingscometothosewhowait", "num_translations": 24 }, "patienceisavirtue": { "senses": [ "It is better to be patient than impatient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "good things come to those who wait" ], "word": "patienceisavirtue", "num_translations": 13 }, "longjohns": { "senses": [ "Full-length undergarments worn to keep wearer warm in cold weather", "A full-length undergarment worn on the bottom half of the body to keep wearer warm in cold weather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "long underwear", "thermal underwear", "union suit" ], "word": "longjohns", "num_translations": 33 }, "chamberpot": { "senses": [ "A container used for urination and defecation, particularly those used in early modern towns before the advent of the flush toilet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot" ], "word": "chamberpot", "num_translations": 83 }, "bedpan": { "senses": [ "A pan used for urination and defecation while in bed, now usually for reasons of medical necessity or convenience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot" ], "word": "bedpan", "num_translations": 21 }, "andchange": { "senses": [ "and some quantity, but less than the increment to the next round number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-odd", "-some#Etymology 5" ], "word": "andchange", "num_translations": 11 }, "dreamlike": { "senses": [ "Like something from a dream", "having a sense of vagueness, insubstantiality, or incongruousness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dreamish", "dreamy", "oneiric" ], "word": "dreamlike", "num_translations": 37 }, "payphone": { "senses": [ "A public telephone that requires prepayment to operate, generally via the insertion of coins or a credit card" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tickey box" ], "word": "payphone", "num_translations": 18 }, "dovish": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to a dove", "dove-like", "Peaceful, conciliatory", "Disfavoring increasing interest rates", "inclined against increasing interest rates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dovish", "num_translations": 21 }, "obliquity": { "senses": [ "The quality of being oblique in direction, deviating from the horizontal or vertical", "the angle created by such a deviation", "Axial tilt", "Mental or moral deviation or perversity", "immorality", "The quality of being obscure, oftentimes willfully, sometimes as an exercise in euphemism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "obliquity", "num_translations": 18 }, "cochlearimplant": { "senses": [ "A surgically implanted electronic device that can help provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bionic ear" ], "word": "cochlearimplant", "num_translations": 10 }, "disloyal": { "senses": [ "Not loyal, without loyalty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faithless", "perfidious", "treacherous", "unfaithful", "unloyal" ], "word": "disloyal", "num_translations": 30 }, "battlefield": { "senses": [ "The area where a land battle is or was fought, which is not necessarily a field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "field of battle", "battleground" ], "word": "battlefield", "num_translations": 69 }, "internee": { "senses": [ "One who is imprisoned or otherwise confined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prisoner" ], "word": "internee", "num_translations": 10 }, "sweetfish": { "senses": [ "An amphidromous fish, the ayu of East Asia , the only member of its genus and family Plecoglossidae, named and prized for its sweet-tasting flesh, especially in Japan, as a game fish, and is also subject to extensive aquaculture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ayu" ], "word": "sweetfish", "num_translations": 20 }, "oneofakind": { "senses": [ "A unique specimen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oner" ], "word": "oneofakind", "num_translations": 15 }, "demonology": { "senses": [ "The study of demons, especially the incantations required to summon and control them" ], "antonyms": [ "angelology" ], "synonyms": [ "demonlore" ], "word": "demonology", "num_translations": 33 }, "fajr": { "senses": [ "the first of the five daily prayers recited by practicing Muslims" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dawn prayer" ], "word": "fajr", "num_translations": 26 }, "anglebracket": { "senses": [ "Any of a number of angle-shaped brackets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wicket", "chevron" ], "word": "anglebracket", "num_translations": 22 }, "geoduck": { "senses": [ "The species of large saltwater clam Panopea generosa, native to the northeast Pacific coasts from Alaska to Washington State, distinguished by its deep burrowing and long unprotected siphon", "a member of the species", "its flesh as a seafood", "Other species of Panopea, especially Panopea zelandica, native to the coasts of New Zealand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geoduck clam", "king clam", "elephant trunk clam", "mirugai", "mirukuigai" ], "word": "geoduck", "num_translations": 12 }, "starcluster": { "senses": [ "A group of gravitationally bound stars and other material , conventionally with one generation of similarly aged stars from the same pre-stellar nebula" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cluster of stars", "Cl*" ], "word": "starcluster", "num_translations": 22 }, "planetology": { "senses": [ "The study of planets, planetary systems and the solar system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "planetary astronomy", "planetary science" ], "word": "planetology", "num_translations": 11 }, "explicable": { "senses": [ "Able to be explained" ], "antonyms": [ "inexplicable" ], "synonyms": [ "explainable" ], "word": "explicable", "num_translations": 14 }, "lawyer'swig": { "senses": [ "An edible mushroom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Coprinus comatus" ], "word": "lawyer'swig", "num_translations": 19 }, "equipage": { "senses": [ "Equipment or supplies, especially military ones", "Military dress", "uniform, armour etc", "A type of horse-drawn carriage", "The carriage together with attendants", "a retinue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "equipage", "num_translations": 20 }, "unrefined": { "senses": [ "crude, raw or unprocessed", "lacking refinement", "uncouth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:raw", "Thesaurus:impolite" ], "word": "unrefined", "num_translations": 11 }, "gendarme": { "senses": [ "Policeman", "A rock pinnacle on a mountain ridge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:police officer" ], "word": "gendarme", "num_translations": 35 }, "dunkirk": { "senses": [ "Dunkerque, a town in Nord-Pas de Calais, France", "village co/Kent cc/England", "city s/Indiana c/USA", "city s/New York c/USA", "village s/Ohio c/USA", "town s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Dunkirk", "num_translations": 13 }, "professionally": { "senses": [ "As a professional", "for one's paid career", "In a professional manner" ], "antonyms": [ "unprofessionally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "professionally", "num_translations": 13 }, "scabrous": { "senses": [ "Covered with scales or scabs", "hence, very coarse or rough", "Disgusting, repellent", "Of music, writing, etc: lacking refinement", "unmelodious, unmusical", "Difficult, thorny, troublesome", "Covered with a crust of dirt or grime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scabrous", "num_translations": 10 }, "nailclipper": { "senses": [ "A mechanical device used to trim fingernails and toenails" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nail cutter", "nail trimmer" ], "word": "nailclipper", "num_translations": 29 }, "crone": { "senses": [ "An old woman", "An archetypal figure, a Wise Woman", "An ugly, evil-looking, or frightening old woman", "a hag", "An old ewe", "An old man, especially one who talks and acts like an old woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:old woman" ], "word": "crone", "num_translations": 40 }, "bonvivant": { "senses": [ "A person who enjoys the good things in life, especially good food and drink", "a man about town" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bon viveur" ], "word": "bonvivant", "num_translations": 40 }, "conjurer": { "senses": [ "One who conjures, a magician", "One who performs parlor tricks, sleight of hand", "One who conjures", "one who calls, entreats, or charges in a solemn manner", "One who conjectures shrewdly or judges wisely", "a man of sagacity", "A cooking appliance comprising a pot with a gridiron wielded beneath it, like a brazier, used for cooking methods such as broiling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conjurer", "num_translations": 32 }, "furtively": { "senses": [ "In a furtive manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "secretively", "surreptitiously" ], "word": "furtively", "num_translations": 23 }, "comeon1": { "senses": [ "To encounter, discover", "to come upon", "To appear on a stage or in a performance", "To appear on a television broadcast", "To progress, to develop", "To start to shine, become lit", "To show sexual or relational interest through words or sometimes actions", "To get one's period, start menstruating", "To enter the playing field", "Elaboration of come , emphasising motion or progress, or conveying a nuance of familiarity or encouragement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comeon", "num_translations": 21 }, "comeon2": { "senses": [ "Come along with me", "join me in going", "An expression of encouragement", "An expression of disbelief", "An expression of frustration, exasperation, or impatience", "hurry up", "An expression of defiance or as a challenge", "approach", "come at me" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carn", "come off it" ], "word": "comeon", "num_translations": 149 }, "mickeyd's": { "senses": [ "McDonald's" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Macca's", "Maccy D's" ], "word": "MickeyD's", "num_translations": 19 }, "feigned": { "senses": [ "Being a pretense, a counterfeit, or something false or fraudulent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fake" ], "word": "feigned", "num_translations": 14 }, "starchy": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to starch", "Containing starch", "Having the quality of fabric starch as applied to fabric", "stiff, hard", "starched", "Having a starched personality", "stiffly formal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "starchy", "num_translations": 14 }, "outrigger": { "senses": [ "Any of various projecting beams or spars that provide support for a sailing ship's mast", "A long thin timber, pontoon, or other float attached parallel to a canoe or boat by projecting struts as a means of preventing tipping or capsizing", "An iron bracket or brace for an oarlock projecting from the side of a rowing boat", "An extension mechanism, often retractable when not in use, on a boat, vehicle, or structure which helps to stabilize it to keep it from tipping over", "A type of ski pole, with skis attached at the bottom, instead of the spike/pick found on a normal pole It is used in downhill skiing variants of para-skiing, especially those that use a sit-ski, such as the monoski" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "outrigger", "num_translations": 19 }, "houston": { "senses": [ "surname", "town in the val/Bulkley Valley p/British Columbia c/Canada", "village carea/Renfrewshire cc/Scotland", "Other places in the United States:", "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Houston", "num_translations": 15 }, "touchpad": { "senses": [ "A flat surface which is sensitive to touch, used mostly in laptop computers to control an on-screen cursor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trackpad" ], "word": "touchpad", "num_translations": 22 }, "polarity": { "senses": [ "The separation, alignment or orientation of something into two opposed poles", "Either of the two extremes of such attributes", "The dipole-dipole intermolecular forces between the slightly positively-charged end of one molecule to the negative end of another or the same molecule Wp", "The division of an embryo into an animal pole and a vegetal pole within a blastula Wp", "Spatial differences in shape, structure, and function within a cell Wp", "A measure of the electrical potential at the ends of a circuit Wp", "The direction of a wave's amplitude or its being in phase or antiphase", "The grammatical category of the affirmative and the negative Wp", "A duality that is an involution, ie has order two Wp", "An indicator of the positivity or negativity of a literal Wp", "Any of the various ways in which power is distributed within the international system Wp", "The concept of dualism between masculine and feminine Wp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "polarity", "num_translations": 34 }, "mixedmarriage": { "senses": [ "Marriage between people of different socially-distinguished groups, such as different races, cultures or religions", "A king and a queen of different suits as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em )" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:intermarriage" ], "word": "mixedmarriage", "num_translations": 31 }, "byandby": { "senses": [ "After a short time", "After an indefinite period", "Immediately", "at once" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shortly", "in due course", "now" ], "word": "byandby", "num_translations": 14 }, "justifiable": { "senses": [ "That can be justified" ], "antonyms": [ "unjustifiable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "justifiable", "num_translations": 16 }, "mobilization": { "senses": [ "The act of mobilizing", "The marshalling of troops and national resources in preparation for war", "The process by which the armed forces of a nation are brought to a state of readiness for a conflict", "The softening of rock such that geochemical migration can take place", "The transport of a copy of a gene from one chromosome, or one organism to another" ], "antonyms": [ "demobilization", "immobilization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mobilization", "num_translations": 29 }, "mobilise": { "senses": [ "To make something mobile", "To assemble troops and their equipment in a coordinated fashion so as to be ready for war", "To become made ready for war" ], "antonyms": [ "stabilise", "demobilise" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mobilise", "num_translations": 54 }, "one-dimensional": { "senses": [ "Having length, but no width, height or depth", "Lacking depth or believability", "flat", "Lacking personal depth and substance", "conceited, vain, shallow, superficial (see also", "two-dimensional)" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "one-dimensional", "num_translations": 20 }, "mythomaniac": { "senses": [ "Someone who suffers from mythomania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mythomane" ], "word": "mythomaniac", "num_translations": 15 }, "indecision": { "senses": [ "The inability to decide on a course of action, especially if two or more possibilities exist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indecisiveness" ], "word": "indecision", "num_translations": 31 }, "guardianship": { "senses": [ "The office or position of one acting as a guardian or conservator, especially in a legal capacity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tutelarity" ], "word": "guardianship", "num_translations": 27 }, "rover": { "senses": [ "A randomly selected target", "One who roves, a wanderer, a nomad", "A vagabond, a tramp, an unsteady, restless person, one who by habit doesn't settle down or marry", "A vehicle for exploring extraterrestrial bodies", "A defensive back position whose coverage responsibilities are a hybrid of those of a cornerback, safety and linebacker", "A ball which has passed through all the hoops and would go out if it hit the stake but is continued in play", "also, the player of such a ball", "The tenth defensive player in slow-pitch softball", "A sort of arrow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rover", "num_translations": 25 }, "censer": { "senses": [ "An ornamental container for burning incense, especially during religious ceremonies", "A person who censes, a person who perfumes with incense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thurible" ], "word": "censer", "num_translations": 44 }, "cattish": { "senses": [ "catlike", "in the manner of a cat", "stealthy", "sly and spiteful", "marked by malice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catty" ], "word": "cattish", "num_translations": 10 }, "abjad": { "senses": [ "A writing system for Arabic, historically also employed as a numeral system, in which there is one glyph for each consonant but vowels are not specified", "Any writing system in which glyphs are used to represent consonants or consonantal phonemes, but not vowels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consonantary" ], "word": "abjad", "num_translations": 22 }, "spangledkookaburra": { "senses": [ "A kookaburra of the Aru Islands, with blue wings and tail, a white chest and belly, dark eyes, and a striking white-spotted black head, Dacelo tyro" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aru giant kingfisher" ], "word": "spangledkookaburra", "num_translations": 21 }, "bechamelsauce": { "senses": [ "A simple white sauce made from a roux of butter and flour to which is added hot milk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "white sauce" ], "word": "bechamelsauce", "num_translations": 30 }, "brittlestar": { "senses": [ "Any of various echinoderms, of the class Ophiuroidea, that resemble starfish and have long, slender arms that regenerate when snapped off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ophiuroid" ], "word": "brittlestar", "num_translations": 11 }, "strikebreaker": { "senses": [ "A non-unionized worker hired to replace a striking union worker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scab", "blackleg", "scalie" ], "word": "strikebreaker", "num_translations": 32 }, "hawkish": { "senses": [ "Supportive of warlike foreign policy", "bellicose", "inclined toward military action", "Favouring increasing interest rates", "inclined towards increasing interest rates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hawkish", "num_translations": 11 }, "sugardaddy": { "senses": [ "A man who spends money for the benefit of a relationship with an often younger romantic or sexual partner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aristo" ], "word": "sugardaddy", "num_translations": 13 }, "sugarmaple": { "senses": [ "A North American hardwood, Acer saccharum, famed as the source of maple sugar and maple flavoring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hard maple" ], "word": "sugarmaple", "num_translations": 10 }, "mimeograph": { "senses": [ "A machine for making printed copies using typed stencil, eventually superseded by photocopying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mimeo", "stencil duplicator" ], "word": "mimeograph", "num_translations": 15 }, "dotage": { "senses": [ "Decline in judgment and other cognitive functions, associated with aging", "senility", "Fondness or attentiveness, especially to an excessive degree", "Foolish utterance", "drivel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "second childhood" ], "word": "dotage", "num_translations": 22 }, "polyphonic": { "senses": [ "of or relating to polyphony", "having two or more independent but harmonic melodies", "contrapuntal", "able to play more than one musical note at the same time", "Of a text: capable of being read in more than one way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "polyphonic", "num_translations": 14 }, "sheetofpaper": { "senses": [ "A single piece of loose paper, which, when bound in a book or booklet, consists of two pages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leaf" ], "word": "sheetofpaper", "num_translations": 15 }, "putanendto": { "senses": [ "To terminate or abolish something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "put a stop to", "put the kibosh on" ], "word": "putanendto", "num_translations": 15 }, "codename": { "senses": [ "A name used to clandestinely identify somebody or something, either for military or espionage purposes, or for commercial confidentiality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "covername", "cover name" ], "word": "codename", "num_translations": 23 }, "ramie": { "senses": [ "A tall, tropical Asian perennial herb, Boehmeria nivea, cultivated for its fibrous stems", "fibre extracted from this plant, resembling flax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "China grass", "Chinese silk", "ramee" ], "word": "ramie", "num_translations": 18 }, "brownrat": { "senses": [ "A species of rat, '''', common worldwide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common rat" ], "word": "brownrat", "num_translations": 26 }, "trematode": { "senses": [ "A parasitic flatworm of the class Trematoda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fluke", "trematode worm" ], "word": "trematode", "num_translations": 15 }, "fishery": { "senses": [ "Fishing: the catching, processing and marketing of fish or other seafood", "A place related to fishing, particularly:", "A right to fish in a particular location", "Territorial fishing waters", "A fishing company" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "fishing", "fishing ground", "See", "fish farm", "fishing" ], "word": "fishery", "num_translations": 52 }, "unpack": { "senses": [ "To remove from a package or container, particularly with respect to items that had previously been arranged closely and securely in a pack", "To empty containers that had been packed", "To analyze a concept or a text", "To undergo separation of its features into distinct segments", "To decompress" ], "antonyms": [ "pack" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unpack", "num_translations": 22 }, "carnelian": { "senses": [ "A hard, reddish brown chalcedony", "used in jewelery," ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cornelian" ], "word": "carnelian", "num_translations": 24 }, "cornel": { "senses": [ "The cherry-like fruit of such plants, certain of which are edible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cornelian cherry" ], "word": "cornel", "num_translations": 59 }, "albuquerque": { "senses": [ "The largest > in >, > and the > of >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ABQ" ], "word": "Albuquerque", "num_translations": 11 }, "rehabilitate": { "senses": [ "To restore to their former state, reputation, possessions, status etc", "To vindicate", "to restore the reputation or image of", "To return to its original condition", "To restore or repair", "to make habitable or usable again", "To restore to the necessary training and education to allow for a successful reintegration into society", "to retrain", "To return to good health after illness, addiction etc", "To go through such a process", "to recover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rehabilitate", "num_translations": 46 }, "stranded1": { "senses": [ "Abandoned or marooned", "Run aground on a shore or reef", "Made by combining or bundling thinner wires", "That has become unrecoverable or difficult to recover", "Having the specified number or kind of strands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stranded", "num_translations": 18 }, "timeliness": { "senses": [ "The state of being timely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "promptness", "tempestivity" ], "word": "timeliness", "num_translations": 13 }, "chinesedragon": { "senses": [ "A legendary creature, usually depicted as long and snake-like, with many claws, common in several East Asian cultures", "A large snake-like monster with the eyes of a hare, the horns of a stag, and the claws of a tiger", "known for its benevolent behavior in ancient Oriental mythology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loong" ], "word": "Chinesedragon", "num_translations": 22 }, "carrack": { "senses": [ "A large European sailing vessel of the 14th to 17th centuries similar to a caravel but square-rigged on the foremast and mainmast and lateen-rigged on the mizzenmast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nau" ], "word": "carrack", "num_translations": 38 }, "caulking1": { "senses": [ "A sealing material used to seal joints between heterogeneous materials in many kinds of construction and manufacture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caulk" ], "word": "caulking", "num_translations": 11 }, "unpleasantness": { "senses": [ "The property of being unpleasant or disagreeable", "An unpleasant behaviour, occurrence, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "pleasantness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unpleasantness", "num_translations": 14 }, "energize": { "senses": [ "To invigorate", "to make energetic", "To supply with energy, especially electricity", "to turn on power to", "To use strength in action", "to act or operate with force or vigor", "to act in producing an effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "energize", "num_translations": 14 }, "banishment": { "senses": [ "The act of banishing", "The state of being banished, exile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exile" ], "word": "banishment", "num_translations": 29 }, "self-possession": { "senses": [ "confidence in one's own powers", "calmness and composure, especially when under stress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:calmness" ], "word": "self-possession", "num_translations": 10 }, "shortnessofbreath": { "senses": [ "difficulty in breathing", "dyspnea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dyspnea" ], "word": "shortnessofbreath", "num_translations": 57 }, "sidebyside1": { "senses": [ "Beside or alongside one another", "close to one another and abreast", "In peace", "With a common purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheek by jowl" ], "word": "sidebyside", "num_translations": 30 }, "doorjamb": { "senses": [ "Either of the upright posts on either side of a door, which together support a lintel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doorpost" ], "word": "doorjamb", "num_translations": 18 }, "doublebed": { "senses": [ "A bed designed for two adults, typically measuring 54 by 75 inches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "full bed" ], "word": "doublebed", "num_translations": 21 }, "slaver": { "senses": [ "To drool saliva from the mouth", "to slobber", "To fawn", "To smear with saliva issuing from the mouth", "To be besmeared with saliva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drool", "slobber" ], "word": "slaver", "num_translations": 13 }, "firestation": { "senses": [ "The building where firefighters and fire trucks/fire engines are housed when not answering an alarm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "firehouse" ], "word": "firestation", "num_translations": 35 }, "small-scale": { "senses": [ "Having a modest scope or extent", "Drawn or constructed at a small size, without much detail" ], "antonyms": [ "large-scale" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "small-scale", "num_translations": 15 }, "softhearted": { "senses": [ "Gentle", "kind", "sympathetic", "Easily moved to sorrow or pity", "Willing to accept criticism" ], "antonyms": [ "hardhearted" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "softhearted", "num_translations": 13 }, "videocard": { "senses": [ "A piece of hardware installed into a personal computer to allow it to send video signals to an external output device such as a monitor or projector" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "display adapter", "graphics accelerator card", "graphics adapter", "graphics card", "video adapter", "video board", "video display board" ], "word": "videocard", "num_translations": 19 }, "kindliness": { "senses": [ "The state of feeling kindly towards someone or something, or the actions inspired thereby", "Favourableness", "mildness", "Naturalness" ], "antonyms": [ "unkindliness" ], "synonyms": [ "charitability" ], "word": "kindliness", "num_translations": 25 }, "protract": { "senses": [ "To draw out", "to extend, especially in duration", "To draw to a scale", "to plot", "To put off to a distant time", "to delay", "to defer", "To extend", "to protrude" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prolong" ], "word": "protract", "num_translations": 26 }, "hakka2": { "senses": [ "A Chinese language mainly spoken in the south-eastern part of mainland China , Taiwan, Hong Kong, and by the Chinese minorities in Southeast Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kejia", "Hakkanese" ], "word": "Hakka", "num_translations": 28 }, "foreignminister": { "senses": [ "The cabinet official in charge of relationships with foreign nations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "minister for foreign affairs", "FM" ], "word": "foreignminister", "num_translations": 28 }, "fornicator": { "senses": [ "An unmarried person who engages in sexual intercourse, especially when considered to be of an illicit or illegal nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "fornicator", "num_translations": 13 }, "unqualified": { "senses": [ "Not qualified, ineligible, unfit for a position or task", "Not elaborated upon, or not accompanied by restrictions or qualification", "undescribed", "Outright", "thorough", "utter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unqualified", "num_translations": 27 }, "freestate": { "senses": [ "A Federal state, with allegiance to a larger entity, as currently with Germany, and earlier, the relationship between the states of the Holy Roman Empire and the Emperor, and later, the states of the German Empire under the Hohenzollerns", "An independent or autonomous political entity whose formal status and relationship to other states is undefined", "A condition of not being supported or constrained by outside forces", "Prior to the American Civil War, any of the states in which the owning of slaves was not legal", "a noun form in Afro-Asiatic languages contrasting with the construct state by the noun not being dependent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "freestate", "num_translations": 10 }, "ringneckdove": { "senses": [ "A domesticated dove with unclear taxonomic classification, often treated as its own species as Streptopelia risoria Other sources classify it as subspecies of either Eurasian collared dove, Streptopelia decaocto or African collared dove Streptopelia roseogrisea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Barbary dove" ], "word": "ringneckdove", "num_translations": 10 }, "stampingground": { "senses": [ "a habitually frequented place", "a haunt or hangout" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stomping ground" ], "word": "stampingground", "num_translations": 20 }, "steadiness": { "senses": [ "the state of being steady", "the degree of stability" ], "antonyms": [ "unsteadiness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "steadiness", "num_translations": 13 }, "subjectivity": { "senses": [ "The state of being subjective", "A subjective thought or idea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subjectiveness" ], "word": "subjectivity", "num_translations": 22 }, "talkback": { "senses": [ "To reply impertinently or rudely", "to answer in a cheeky or rude manner", "To return disrespect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "answer back" ], "word": "talkback", "num_translations": 14 }, "batten": { "senses": [ "To become better", "improve in condition, especially by feeding", "To feed", "to revel", "To thrive by feeding", "grow fat", "feed oneself gluttonously", "To thrive, prosper, or live in luxury, especially at the expense of others", "fare sumptuously", "To gratify a morbid appetite or craving", "gloat", "To improve by feeding", "fatten", "make fat or cause to thrive due to plenteous feeding", "To fertilize or enrich, as land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "batten", "num_translations": 28 }, "frosting": { "senses": [ "A sugary coating for cakes and other baked goods", "A layer of frost", "The theft of a car while it is left unattended, especially when its engine is left running in the winter to defrost the car" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "icing" ], "word": "frosting", "num_translations": 11 }, "steamship": { "senses": [ "A ship or vessel propelled by steam power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steamboat" ], "word": "steamship", "num_translations": 47 }, "steamboat": { "senses": [ "A boat or vessel propelled by steam power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steamer" ], "word": "steamboat", "num_translations": 54 }, "semi-trailer": { "senses": [ "A trailer without a front axle and with wheels only at the trailing end, designed to be pulled via a pivoting arrangement which also partially supports its weight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "18-wheeler", "artic", "articulated lorry", "big rig", "juggernaut", "semi", "semi-trailer truck", "tractor-trailer", "truck and trailer" ], "word": "semi-trailer", "num_translations": 24 }, "articulatedlorry": { "senses": [ "A truck and trailer, ie, a combination involving a tractor unit and semi-trailer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "artic", "tractor-trailer" ], "word": "articulatedlorry", "num_translations": 13 }, "sowhat": { "senses": [ "A reply to an unimportant or irrelevant statement, indicating indifference on the part of the speaker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big deal", "meh", "whatever", "who cares", "whoopee do" ], "word": "sowhat", "num_translations": 61 }, "moonbow": { "senses": [ "A rainbow formed by moonlight diffracted by water droplets in the air, usually fainter than a daytime rainbow and with fewer distinguishable colours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lunar" ], "word": "moonbow", "num_translations": 10 }, "successively": { "senses": [ "In a serial or successive manner", "one following another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in order" ], "word": "successively", "num_translations": 26 }, "crippled": { "senses": [ "Having a less than fully functional limb, or injuries which prevent full mobility", "Having any difficulty or impediment which can be likened to a crippling injury" ], "antonyms": [ "noncrippled", "uncrippled" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "crippled", "num_translations": 27 }, "pucker1": { "senses": [ "A fold or wrinkle", "A state of perplexity or anxiety", "confusion", "bother", "agitation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pucker", "num_translations": 11 }, "splint": { "senses": [ "A narrow strip of wood split or peeled from a larger piece", "A dental device applied consequent to undergoing orthodontia", "A device to immobilize a body part", "A segment of armour consisting of a narrow overlapping plate", "synonym of \"splent coal\"", "A bone found on either side of a horse's cannon bone", "the second or fourth metacarpal or metatarsal bone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "splint", "num_translations": 51 }, "banknote": { "senses": [ "A piece of paper currency", "A demand note issued by private banks presumably backed up by gold or silver coin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "note" ], "word": "banknote", "num_translations": 119 }, "politicalcorrectness": { "senses": [ "Avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude, marginalize or insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against", "The result or product of being politically correct" ], "antonyms": [ "political incorrectness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "politicalcorrectness", "num_translations": 36 }, "monstrance": { "senses": [ "An ornamental, often precious receptacle, either open or with a transparent cover, in which the sacramental bread is placed for veneration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ostensory" ], "word": "monstrance", "num_translations": 15 }, "clack1": { "senses": [ "To make a sudden, sharp noise, or succession of noises", "to click", "To cause to make a sudden, sharp noise, or succession of noises", "to click", "To chatter or babble", "to utter rapidly without consideration", "To cut the sheep's mark off , to make the wool weigh less and thus yield less duty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clack", "num_translations": 10 }, "condensed1": { "senses": [ "Highly concentrated, or packed into a small space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compact" ], "word": "condensed", "num_translations": 10 }, "blinding1": { "senses": [ "Very bright", "Making blind or as if blind", "depriving of sight or of understanding", "Brilliant", "marvellous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blinding", "num_translations": 12 }, "betrothal": { "senses": [ "The act of betrothing", "The fact of being betrothed", "a mutual promise, engagement, or contract for a future marriage between two people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "betrothment", "affiance" ], "word": "betrothal", "num_translations": 44 }, "incoming": { "senses": [ "Coming in", "arriving", "Succeeding to an office" ], "antonyms": [ "outgoing" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incoming", "num_translations": 19 }, "exhilarating1": { "senses": [ "Refreshingly thrilling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exhilarant", "cheering", "gladdening", "stimulating", "enlivening", "Thesaurus:blissful" ], "word": "exhilarating", "num_translations": 15 }, "infatuated1": { "senses": [ "Foolishly or unreasoningly attracted to or in love with", "Excessively fond of or enthusiastic about", "Foolish, stupid, lacking good judgement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smitten" ], "word": "infatuated", "num_translations": 10 }, "overwrought": { "senses": [ "Excessively nervous, excited, tense, angry, anxious, or upset", "overemotional", "very uneasy", "Elaborate", "overdone" ], "antonyms": [ "calm", "austere", "bare", "conservative", "denuded", "modest", "naked", "plain", "simple", "stark", "stripped", "uncovered", "restrained", "subdued", "toned-down", "unadorned" ], "synonyms": [ "distraught", "ornate" ], "word": "overwrought", "num_translations": 10 }, "solitaire": { "senses": [ "A person who lives alone", "a recluse or hermit", "A game for one person, played on a board with pegs or balls, in which the object is, beginning with all the places filled except one, to remove all but one of the pieces by \"jumping\", as in draughts", "Any of various card games that can be played by one person Called patience in the rest of the world", "One of several American species of bird in the genus Myadestes in the thrush family", "A gem set on its own", "A black neck ribbon worn with a bag wig in the 18th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hermit" ], "word": "solitaire", "num_translations": 15 }, "oarlock": { "senses": [ "A device attached to the gunwale of a rowboat to hold the oars in place while rowing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rowlock" ], "word": "oarlock", "num_translations": 12 }, "symbolize": { "senses": [ "To be symbolic of", "to represent", "To use symbols", "to represent ideas symbolically", "To resemble each other in qualities or properties", "to correspond", "to harmonize", "To hold the same faith", "to agree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "symbolize", "num_translations": 20 }, "discernible": { "senses": [ "Possible to discern", "detectable or derivable by use of the senses or the intellect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discoverable" ], "word": "discernible", "num_translations": 21 }, "corruptible": { "senses": [ "bribable, that can be bought", "perishable, subject to decay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corruptable" ], "word": "corruptible", "num_translations": 11 }, "egocentric": { "senses": [ "selfish, self-centered", "Egotistical", "Relating to spatial representations: linked to a reference frame based on one's own location within the environment", "opposed to allocentric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-minded" ], "word": "egocentric", "num_translations": 21 }, "surprisingly": { "senses": [ "In a way that causes surprise because it is unexpected, or unusual" ], "antonyms": [ "usual", "normally" ], "synonyms": [ "unexpectedly", "unusually" ], "word": "surprisingly", "num_translations": 13 }, "inexcusable": { "senses": [ "not excusable" ], "antonyms": [ "excusable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inexcusable", "num_translations": 15 }, "uneducated": { "senses": [ "not educated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:ignorant" ], "word": "uneducated", "num_translations": 21 }, "brawler": { "senses": [ "One who brawls, engages in noisy, unseemly fights", "A beat 'em up game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rooster" ], "word": "brawler", "num_translations": 16 }, "butchery": { "senses": [ "The cruel, ruthless killings of humans, as at a slaughterhouse", "An abattoir, a slaughterhouse", "The butchering of meat", "A disastrous effort, an atrocious failure", "A meat market" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "butchery", "num_translations": 11 }, "drymouth": { "senses": [ "Abnormal dryness of the mouth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asialism", "cottonmouth", "xerostomia" ], "word": "drymouth", "num_translations": 38 }, "turnaround1": { "senses": [ "To physically rotate for a half turn , a whole turn , or an indefinte amount", "To change to the opposite opinion or position", "To reverse an expected outcome , usually from a losing outcome to a winning one", "to return to effectiveness, profitability, etc", "To convert to work for one's own side", "To make a sudden unreasonable accusation", "To consider from a different viewpoint", "To produce", "to output", "to generate''", "To effect a positive reversal of a trend", "To make a situation worse by trying to make it better" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "turnaround", "num_translations": 54 }, "indistinguishable": { "senses": [ "Not distinguishable", "not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct", "Not capable of being perceived or known" ], "antonyms": [ "distinguishable", "fuzzy", "invisible" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indistinguishable", "num_translations": 13 }, "naturalness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being natural", "Of a picture or recording, likeness to the original" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "naturality" ], "word": "naturalness", "num_translations": 14 }, "ylangylang": { "senses": [ "The fragrant flower of a tropical tree native to southeast Asia", "An essential oil derived from this flower used in aromatherapy and perfumes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cananga", "perfume tree" ], "word": "ylangylang", "num_translations": 14 }, "outsourcing1": { "senses": [ "The transfer of a business function to an external service provider" ], "antonyms": [ "insourcing" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "outsourcing", "num_translations": 43 }, "crimea": { "senses": [ "A peninsula which juts southwards out of the Ukrainian mainland into the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chersonesus Taurica", "Taurica", "Tauris", "Taurida", "Tauric Chersonese", "Tavria" ], "word": "Crimea", "num_translations": 83 }, "ineligible": { "senses": [ "Not eligible", "forbidden to do something" ], "antonyms": [ "eligible" ], "synonyms": [ "unqualified" ], "word": "ineligible", "num_translations": 17 }, "diviner": { "senses": [ "One who foretells the future", "One who divines or conjectures", "One who searches for underground objects or water using a divining rod" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foreteller", "water diviner" ], "word": "diviner", "num_translations": 12 }, "discoverer": { "senses": [ "One who discovers: a person who has discovered something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "repertor" ], "word": "discoverer", "num_translations": 17 }, "cashdesk": { "senses": [ "A place in a restaurant, bar, or shop etc, typically containing a cash register, where a customer can pay the bill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "checkout", "checkout counter", "checkout desk", "cash desk", "cashier's desk", "till point" ], "word": "cashdesk", "num_translations": 24 }, "dirtylaundry": { "senses": [ "Unflattering or embarrassing facts, or questionable activities that one wants to remain secret, but which some other may use to blackmail with", "Laundry that is unclean or soiled", "A clothes hamper or other container in which soiled laundry is placed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dirty washing" ], "word": "dirtylaundry", "num_translations": 16 }, "shrewsbury": { "senses": [ "large market town/county town co/Shropshire cc/England", "small hamlet mun/Chatham Kent in southwestern p/Ontario c/Canada", "ghost town in the township of twp/Gore rcomun/Argenteuil p/Quebec c/Canada", "town par/Portland Parish c/Jamaica", "declining rural unincorporated community co/Grayson County s/Kentucky", "former unincorporated community par/Jefferson Parish s/Louisiana", "suburb city/New Orleans", "sizable town co/Worcester County s/Massachusetts", "city co/St Louis County s/Missouri", "inner suburb city/St Louis", "borough in eastern co/Monmouth County s/New Jersey", "unincorporated community twp/Upper Freehold Township in southwestern co/Monmouth County s/New Jersey", "borough co/York County s/Pennsylvania", "town co/Rutland County s/Vermont", "census-designated place/and/unincorporated community co/Kanawha County s/West Virginia", "An English earldom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Shrewsbury", "num_translations": 23 }, "selfhood": { "senses": [ "State of having a distinct identity, or being an individual distinct from others", "individuality", "The fully developed self", "one's personality, character", "The quality of being self-centered or egocentric", "selfishness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "selfhood", "num_translations": 16 }, "huckleberry": { "senses": [ "A small round fruit of a dark blue or red color of several plants in the related genera Vaccinium and Gaylussacia", "A shrub growing this fruit", "A person of little consequence", "The person one is looking for", "the right person for the job" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "huckleberry", "num_translations": 12 }, "meddler": { "senses": [ "One who meddles or interferes in something not of their concern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "busybody", "kibitzer", "marplot", "nosey parker" ], "word": "meddler", "num_translations": 14 }, "consciously": { "senses": [ "In a conscious manner", "knowingly, volitionally" ], "antonyms": [ "subconsciously", "unconsciously" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consciously", "num_translations": 15 }, "unconditionally": { "senses": [ "Without condition, absolutely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in any case" ], "word": "unconditionally", "num_translations": 25 }, "impassable": { "senses": [ "Incapable of being passed over, crossed, or negotiated", "Incapable of being overcome or surmounted", "Not usable as legal tender" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unpassable" ], "word": "impassable", "num_translations": 21 }, "incase": { "senses": [ "To allow for the possibility that", "If" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in the event" ], "word": "incase", "num_translations": 27 }, "maternity": { "senses": [ "The state of being a mother", "motherhood", "The state of being pregnant", "pregnancy", "A ward or department in a hospital in which babies are born" ], "antonyms": [ "paternity" ], "synonyms": [ "maternity ward" ], "word": "maternity", "num_translations": 18 }, "citycouncil": { "senses": [ "A governing body of people elected to oversee management of a city and represent the interests of residents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "town council", "capitoulate" ], "word": "citycouncil", "num_translations": 21 }, "beheading1": { "senses": [ "An instance of a person being beheaded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decapitation", "decollation" ], "word": "beheading", "num_translations": 36 }, "sinicization": { "senses": [ "The act or action of sinicizing", "Enabling a computer to work with Chinese characters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sinicising", "Sinicizing", "Sinification", "Sinofication", "Sinifying", "Sinofying" ], "word": "sinicization", "num_translations": 38 }, "callsign": { "senses": [ "A combination of letters and numbers used to identify a radio or television station", "Any combination of characters or pronounceable words, which identifies a communication facility, a command, an authority, an activity, or a unit", "used primarily for establishing and maintaining communications Also called CS" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "call letters" ], "word": "callsign", "num_translations": 17 }, "wartime": { "senses": [ "A period during which a war is in progress in a particular place" ], "antonyms": [ "peacetime" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wartime", "num_translations": 23 }, "unselfish": { "senses": [ "Not selfish" ], "antonyms": [ "selfish" ], "synonyms": [ "altruistic", "generous", "selfless" ], "word": "unselfish", "num_translations": 30 }, "clipper": { "senses": [ "Anything that clips", "A tool used for clipping something, such as hair, coins, or fingernails", "Something that moves swiftly", "especially:", "The Asian butterfly Parthenos sylvia, family Nymphalidae", "A circuit which prevents the amplitude of a wave from exceeding a set value", "A person who mutilates coins by fraudulently paring the edges", "Confidence trickster", "conman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "clipper", "num_translations": 30 }, "godworksinmysteriousways": { "senses": [ "Expressing confidence that a conundrum has a solution despite it not being apparent", "Commenting that a seemingly unfortunate or unfavourable situation or change may be beneficial later or in the long run" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "every cloud has a silver lining" ], "word": "Godworksinmysteriousways", "num_translations": 24 }, "rarefaction": { "senses": [ "A reduction in the density of a material, especially that of a fluid" ], "antonyms": [ "compression" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rarefaction", "num_translations": 10 }, "visibly": { "senses": [ "In a visible manner", "openly" ], "antonyms": [ "hiddenly", "invisibly", "latently" ], "synonyms": [ "apparently" ], "word": "visibly", "num_translations": 19 }, "espritdecorps": { "senses": [ "A shared spirit of comradeship, enthusiasm, and devotion to a cause among the members of a group, for example of a military unit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "morale" ], "word": "espritdecorps", "num_translations": 12 }, "hispaniola": { "senses": [ "island r/Caribbean, divided into the nations of Haiti and the Dominican Republic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Haiti" ], "word": "Hispaniola", "num_translations": 10 }, "lungi": { "senses": [ "A garment worn around the waist, especially by men, in Southern India, Bangladesh, Burma, and Pakistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sarong" ], "word": "lungi", "num_translations": 13 }, "ihateyou": { "senses": [ "Expression of hatred, or intense disdain or dislike directed at someone" ], "antonyms": [ "I love you" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Ihateyou", "num_translations": 94 }, "getlaid": { "senses": [ "To have sex, especially with a new partner or after a period of abstinence", "To cause to have sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "get busy" ], "word": "getlaid", "num_translations": 17 }, "presenter": { "senses": [ "Someone who presents a broadcast programme", "a compere or master of ceremonies", "Someone who presents a thing or person to someone else", "A small handheld device used to remotely control a computerised slide show", "A conceptual layer in GUI-based software that assumes the functionality of the \"middle-man\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "host" ], "word": "presenter", "num_translations": 36 }, "takeone'stime": { "senses": [ "To go about something slowly and carefully or at one's own pace", "To take more time to do something than is considered acceptable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dawdle" ], "word": "takeone'stime", "num_translations": 15 }, "countrymusic": { "senses": [ "A style of popular music that originated in the folk music of the rural population of the southern and western United States and characterized by string-band instruments and simple melodies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "country" ], "word": "countrymusic", "num_translations": 19 }, "phraseology": { "senses": [ "Study of set or fixed expressions", "The style in which words and phrases are used in writing or speech", "A group of specialized words and expressions used by a particular group", "A collection of phrases", "a phrasebook" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "phraseology", "num_translations": 35 }, "regretful": { "senses": [ "Full of feelings of regret, indulging in regrets", "Sorrowful about what has been lost or done" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "repining" ], "word": "regretful", "num_translations": 10 }, "recurrent": { "senses": [ "Recurring", "happening time after time", "Non-transient", "Running back toward its origin", "Turned back toward the base" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "recurrent", "num_translations": 34 }, "southerner": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of the south of a region , such as the United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": [ "northerner" ], "synonyms": [ "southron" ], "word": "southerner", "num_translations": 25 }, "aftershock": { "senses": [ "An earthquake that follows in the same vicinity as another, usually larger, earthquake", "By extension, any result or consequence following a major event", "Emotional and physical distress following a traumatic event" ], "antonyms": [ "foreshock" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aftershock", "num_translations": 33 }, "inbed": { "senses": [ "While on a bed", "In terms of sexual prowess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abed" ], "word": "inbed", "num_translations": 22 }, "couldn'tcareless": { "senses": [ "to not care at all", "to have no interest or concern", "to be apathetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "could care less", "not give a tinker's damn", "not give a tinker's cuss" ], "word": "couldn'tcareless", "num_translations": 11 }, "swordsman": { "senses": [ "A person skilled at using swords in sport or combat", "a fencer", "A person who fights with a sword", "A man who is a skillful or enthusiastic practitioner of sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swordfighter", "womanizer" ], "word": "swordsman", "num_translations": 29 }, "yukon": { "senses": [ "territory in northern c/Canada", "city/and/town s/Oklahoma" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Yukon Territory" ], "word": "Yukon", "num_translations": 17 }, "sporadically": { "senses": [ "At an occasional, infrequent, or irregular frequency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intermittently" ], "word": "sporadically", "num_translations": 10 }, "stepparent": { "senses": [ "One's parent's spouse who is not one's biological parent" ], "antonyms": [ "stepchild" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "stepparent", "num_translations": 16 }, "canaryislands": { "senses": [ "archipelago off the coast of northwestern cont/Africa, near Morocco and belonging to Spain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canaries" ], "word": "CanaryIslands", "num_translations": 46 }, "gofer": { "senses": [ "A worker who runs errands", "an errand boy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dogsbody" ], "word": "gofer", "num_translations": 16 }, "inclement": { "senses": [ "Stormy, of rough weather", "Merciless, unrelenting", "Unmercifully severe in temper or action" ], "antonyms": [ "clement" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inclement", "num_translations": 28 }, "minutehand": { "senses": [ "The hand of a clock or watch face that revolves once each hour and indicates the minutes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big hand" ], "word": "minutehand", "num_translations": 21 }, "hourhand": { "senses": [ "The hand of a clock or watch face that revolves twice each day and indicates the hours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "little hand" ], "word": "hourhand", "num_translations": 19 }, "accountsreceivable": { "senses": [ "The total monetary amount owed to a financial entity due to debts arising from sales on credit or on account" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "A/R", "amounts receivable", "receivable#Noun", "outstanding" ], "word": "accountsreceivable", "num_translations": 22 }, "level-headed": { "senses": [ "Sensible", "rational", "possessing sound judgment" ], "antonyms": [ "fiery" ], "synonyms": [ "calm" ], "word": "level-headed", "num_translations": 22 }, "atthemoment": { "senses": [ "At this moment", "right now", "At that time", "then" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atm", "at the minute" ], "word": "atthemoment", "num_translations": 50 }, "galeophobia": { "senses": [ "The irrational fear of sharks or dogfish", "The irrational fear of cats or felines" ], "antonyms": [ "ailurophilia" ], "synonyms": [ "selachophobia", "ailurophobia" ], "word": "galeophobia", "num_translations": 11 }, "baneful": { "senses": [ "Poisonous, deadly", "Harmful, injurious" ], "antonyms": [ "helpful", "productive" ], "synonyms": [ "fatal", "mortal" ], "word": "baneful", "num_translations": 20 }, "sodiumcarbonate": { "senses": [ "A salt, Na2CO3 formally derived from sodium hydroxide and carbonic acid", "it is a white powder, soluble in water, with domestic, commercial and industrial uses", "it occurs naturally as natrite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soda", "soda ash", "washing soda" ], "word": "sodiumcarbonate", "num_translations": 14 }, "schistosomiasis": { "senses": [ "Any of various diseases of humans caused by parasitic blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bilharzia" ], "word": "schistosomiasis", "num_translations": 19 }, "fulfilment": { "senses": [ "The act of fulfilling", "The state or quality of being fulfilled", "completion", "realization", "The act of consummating a desire or promise", "The activities performed once an order is received to fulfill the order", "packaging, distributing and shipping goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fulfilment", "num_translations": 18 }, "needlework": { "senses": [ "the art or process of working with a needle especially in embroidery or needlepoint", "the product of such art or process", "the occupation or employment of a person skilled in embroidery, needlepoint, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "needlecraft", "stitchery", "sewing" ], "word": "needlework", "num_translations": 26 }, "egocentrism": { "senses": [ "The constant following of one's egotistical desires to an extreme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "egocentricity", "narcissistic personality disorder", "megalomania" ], "word": "egocentrism", "num_translations": 21 }, "nationalize": { "senses": [ "To make into, or to become, a nation", "To bring a private company under the control of a specific government", "To bring a concept such as a political issue or commercial campaign to the attention of the entire country", "To make national", "to make a nation of", "to endow with the character and habits of a nation, or the peculiar sentiments and attachment of citizens of a nation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nationalize", "num_translations": 18 }, "antifeminism": { "senses": [ "Opposition to feminism" ], "antonyms": [ "feminism", "profeminism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "antifeminism", "num_translations": 31 }, "conversational": { "senses": [ "of, relating to, or in the style of a conversation", "informal and chatty", "involving a two-way exchange of messages, such as between a client and a server", "of, relating to, a patient", "that may be conversed with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conversational", "num_translations": 11 }, "disentangle": { "senses": [ "To free something from entanglement", "to extricate or unknot", "To unravel", "to separate into discrete components or units", "To become free or untangled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "untangle" ], "word": "disentangle", "num_translations": 16 }, "rockmusic": { "senses": [ "A broad genre of popular music, including especially those styles ultimately derived from rock and roll, employing electrical amplification, heavy use of guitars, 4/4 time with strong percussive rhythm on beats two and four , and usually themes of bold wildness, rebellion, and sexuality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rock#Etymology_3", "rock and roll" ], "word": "rockmusic", "num_translations": 32 }, "nocturnalemission": { "senses": [ "An ejaculation or orgasm while asleep, often accompanied by an erotic dream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "night emission", "nocturnal pollution", "wet dream" ], "word": "nocturnalemission", "num_translations": 17 }, "alluvialplain": { "senses": [ "A plain formed by the deposition of sediment from the periodic flooding of a river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "floodplain" ], "word": "alluvialplain", "num_translations": 18 }, "thatsaid": { "senses": [ "even so" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be that as it may" ], "word": "thatsaid", "num_translations": 35 }, "milker": { "senses": [ "An animal, such as a dairy cow, kept for the milk it produces", "A person who milks", "A milking machine", "A conservative poker player who only raises the stakes on a good hand", "A woman's breast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "milker", "num_translations": 19 }, "operatingroom": { "senses": [ "A room in a hospital used for performing surgical operations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "operating theatre" ], "word": "operatingroom", "num_translations": 19 }, "fittedsheet": { "senses": [ "A sheet tailored to form pocket for a mattress with elastic edges that is suitable for a range of mattress sizes The edge may also contain a drawstring to secure the sheet more firmly and enable use on a wider range of mattress thicknesses" ], "antonyms": [ "flat sheet" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fittedsheet", "num_translations": 12 }, "loseone'shead": { "senses": [ "To be killed, usually in a gruesome manner", "To behave irrationally or to lose one's self-control, especially in a distressing situation or as a result of falling in love", "To be dismissed from a job" ], "antonyms": [ "keep one's head" ], "synonyms": [ "Only applicable to certain senses and situations:", "flip out", "freak out", "head over heels", "in love", "lose one's marbles", "lose one's mind", "off with someone's head", "panic", "wig out" ], "word": "loseone'shead", "num_translations": 11 }, "cheaply": { "senses": [ "In a cheap manner", "without expending much money" ], "antonyms": [ "expensively" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cheaply", "num_translations": 15 }, "pensioner": { "senses": [ "Someone who lives on a pension, especially the retirement or old age pension", "Someone who is at the age at which one typically receives a pension", "an elderly person", "A student who is not dependent on any foundation for support, but pays all university charges", "at Oxford called a commoner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pensioner", "num_translations": 55 }, "severance": { "senses": [ "The act of severing or the state of being severed", "A separation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "separation", "severance payment" ], "word": "severance", "num_translations": 20 }, "gladden": { "senses": [ "To cause to become more glad", "To become more glad in one's disposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheer" ], "word": "gladden", "num_translations": 29 }, "passivity": { "senses": [ "The state of being passive", "Submissiveness", "A lack of initiative" ], "antonyms": [ "activity" ], "synonyms": [ "passiveness" ], "word": "passivity", "num_translations": 22 }, "henpecked": { "senses": [ "Intimidated or overwhelmed by a nagging or overbearing wife or girlfriend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pussywhipped", "under the thumb", "uxorious" ], "word": "henpecked", "num_translations": 38 }, "unintentionally": { "senses": [ "In an unintentional manner", "not intentionally" ], "antonyms": [ "intentionally" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unintentionally", "num_translations": 24 }, "lightindustry": { "senses": [ "Any industry that does not require high capitalization or heavy machinery" ], "antonyms": [ "heavy industry" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lightindustry", "num_translations": 20 }, "clotheshorse": { "senses": [ "A frame on which laundry is hung to dry", "A person excessively concerned with the appearance of their clothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "airer" ], "word": "clotheshorse", "num_translations": 14 }, "exoticism": { "senses": [ "The state of being exotic", "Something exotic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exoticness" ], "word": "exoticism", "num_translations": 13 }, "callup1": { "senses": [ "To retrieve from personal or computer memory", "To call on the telephone", "To select eg to a sports squad" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ring up" ], "word": "callup", "num_translations": 11 }, "aliyah": { "senses": [ "The calling up of someone to the bimah for the reading of the Torah", "The immigration of Jews to Israel", "One of the major waves of immigration of Jews to Israel" ], "antonyms": [ "yerida" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aliyah", "num_translations": 16 }, "oophorectomy": { "senses": [ "Surgical removal of one or both ovaries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ovariectomy" ], "word": "oophorectomy", "num_translations": 29 }, "devil-may-care": { "senses": [ "Carefree, reckless, irresponsible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "happy-go-lucky" ], "word": "devil-may-care", "num_translations": 22 }, "reefknot": { "senses": [ "A knot used to securely tie two pieces of rope together, or to reef sails" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "square knot" ], "word": "reefknot", "num_translations": 13 }, "endometriosis": { "senses": [ "A condition characterised by the presence of endometrial tissue elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus", "an instance of such presence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adenomyosis" ], "word": "endometriosis", "num_translations": 11 }, "brassknuckles": { "senses": [ "A weapon consisting of a metal reinforcement for the clenched fist, with finger holes molded in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knuckle duster" ], "word": "brassknuckles", "num_translations": 38 }, "ectothermic": { "senses": [ "of or relating to an ectotherm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cold-blooded", "poikilothermal", "poikilothermic" ], "word": "ectothermic", "num_translations": 36 }, "smithsonite": { "senses": [ "A mineral form of zinc carbonate, ZnCO3, mined as an ore of zinc or as an ornamental stone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zinc spar" ], "word": "smithsonite", "num_translations": 35 }, "takecareof": { "senses": [ "To look after, to provide care for", "To deal with, handle", "To kill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "care for", "attend", "bump off" ], "word": "takecareof", "num_translations": 52 }, "sultana": { "senses": [ "A pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape", "A female sultan or wife or mistress of a sultan", "A kind of viol", "An old form of necklace" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sultaness", "golden raisin" ], "word": "sultana", "num_translations": 23 }, "tosaytheleast": { "senses": [ "Used to suggest that what was previously stated was an understatement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "and then some" ], "word": "tosaytheleast", "num_translations": 11 }, "complicit": { "senses": [ "Associated with or participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "complicitous" ], "word": "complicit", "num_translations": 12 }, "dosage": { "senses": [ "The administration of a medication etc, in a measured amount", "dosing", "The addition of a small measured amount of a substance to something, eg sugar to wine", "The measured amount so administered or added", "the dose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dosage", "num_translations": 10 }, "unoccupied": { "senses": [ "Not inhabited, especially by a tenant", "Not being used", "vacant or free", "Not employed on a task", "idle", "Not occupied by foreign troops etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unoccupied", "num_translations": 29 }, "unavailable": { "senses": [ "Not available" ], "antonyms": [ "available" ], "synonyms": [ "inavailable" ], "word": "unavailable", "num_translations": 41 }, "publictransport": { "senses": [ "Any form of transport that can be used by a member of public", "as opposed to private ownership of eg cars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "public transit", "public transportation" ], "word": "publictransport", "num_translations": 52 }, "badfaith": { "senses": [ "A malicious motive by a party in a lawsuit This has an effect on the ability to maintain causes of action and obtain legal remedies", "Intent to deceive or mislead another to gain some advantage", "dishonesty or fraud in a transaction", "The existentialist concept of denying one's total freedom of will" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Punic faith" ], "word": "badfaith", "num_translations": 10 }, "layabout": { "senses": [ "A lazy person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idler" ], "word": "layabout", "num_translations": 35 }, "ataraxia": { "senses": [ "Tranquility of mind", "absence of mental disturbance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "complacency", "peace of mind" ], "word": "ataraxia", "num_translations": 14 }, "hashbrowns": { "senses": [ "Potatoes that have been finely chopped and fried until browned", "plural of \"hash brown\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "homefries" ], "word": "hashbrowns", "num_translations": 18 }, "moneyorder": { "senses": [ "A type of cheque, usually purchased from a postal service to allow safe sending of money through the post, possibly to be redeemed in another country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "postal note", "postal" ], "word": "moneyorder", "num_translations": 24 }, "clapperboard": { "senses": [ "A device used in film production, having hinged boards that are brought together with a clap, used to synchronize picture and sound at the start of each take of a motion picture or other video production" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clapboard" ], "word": "clapperboard", "num_translations": 19 }, "twistdrill": { "senses": [ "A rotating cutting tool, used for cutting holes in rigid materials, that consists of an essentially conical point, relieved and fluted to form cutting lips, and spiral flutes which direct the chips away from the lips and toward ejection from the hole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drill bit", "drill" ], "word": "twistdrill", "num_translations": 17 }, "albinism": { "senses": [ "Congenital lack of melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers", "the condition of being albino" ], "antonyms": [ "melanism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "albinism", "num_translations": 22 }, "alkalinity": { "senses": [ "The state of being, or the degree to which a thing is, alkaline" ], "antonyms": [ "acidity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "alkalinity", "num_translations": 14 }, "inhumation": { "senses": [ "The act of burial", "The act of burying vessels in warm earth in order to expose their contents to a steady moderate heat", "the state of being thus exposed", "arenation" ], "antonyms": [ "disinterment" ], "synonyms": [ "burial" ], "word": "inhumation", "num_translations": 11 }, "guarantor": { "senses": [ "A person or company that provides a guarantee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guaranteer", "surety" ], "word": "guarantor", "num_translations": 28 }, "watertable": { "senses": [ "The level, underground, below which the ground is saturated with water", "A molding or other projection in the wall of a building to throw off rainwater" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drainage basin", "phreatic surface" ], "word": "watertable", "num_translations": 16 }, "cockscomb": { "senses": [ "The fleshy red crest of a rooster", "A red cap once worn by court jesters", "A yellow rattle, Rhinanthus minor", "An annual garden plant, Celosia cristata, having showy red clusters of flowers", "A conceited dandy", "A serrated cleat once fitted to the yards of a square-rigged ship and used when the sail was being reefed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cockscomb", "num_translations": 46 }, "classicalnahuatl": { "senses": [ "The variants of the Nahuatl language spoken in central Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aztec" ], "word": "ClassicalNahuatl", "num_translations": 15 }, "naturalize": { "senses": [ "To grant citizenship to someone not born a citizen", "To acclimatize an animal or plant", "To make natural", "To limit explanations of a phenomenon to naturalistic ones and exclude supernatural ones", "To make a natural part of the language", "To study nature" ], "antonyms": [ "supernaturalize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "naturalize", "num_translations": 18 }, "lowestcommondenominator": { "senses": [ "The smallest positive integer which is a multiple of every denominator of several fractions", "The most simple or base shared interest or characteristic among a group or collection of people etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "least common denominator" ], "word": "lowestcommondenominator", "num_translations": 29 }, "pessimism": { "senses": [ "A general belief that bad things will happen", "The doctrine that this world is the worst of all possible worlds", "The condition of being pessimal" ], "antonyms": [ "optimism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pessimism", "num_translations": 60 }, "blue-tonguelizard": { "senses": [ "Any of several species of Australian skinks in the genus Tiliqua" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blue-tongue", "blue-tongued skink" ], "word": "blue-tonguelizard", "num_translations": 15 }, "policestation": { "senses": [ "A building serving as the headquarters of a branch of the police force, and sometimes as a temporary place of confinement for offenders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cophouse" ], "word": "policestation", "num_translations": 84 }, "westgermany": { "senses": [ "The Federal Republic of Germany, distinguished from the German Democratic Republic", "The former areas of the Republic during that time, distinguished from the former East German areas", "A collective name for the British-, French-, and American-occupied zones of Germany, distinguished from the Soviet-occupied zone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Federal Republic of Germany", "free", "west" ], "word": "WestGermany", "num_translations": 28 }, "stockholmsyndrome": { "senses": [ "A psychological condition in which a hostage emotionally bonds to his or her captor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capture-bonding" ], "word": "Stockholmsyndrome", "num_translations": 26 }, "adsorption": { "senses": [ "The adhesion of a liquid or gas on the surface of a solid material, forming a thin film on the surface" ], "antonyms": [ "desorption" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "adsorption", "num_translations": 20 }, "armenianssr": { "senses": [ "One of the 15 Soviet Socialist Republics that made up the former Soviet Union Became independent as the Republic of Armenia in 1991, after the collapse of the USSR" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic" ], "word": "ArmenianSSR", "num_translations": 24 }, "reverberation": { "senses": [ "A violent oscillation or vibration", "An echo, or a series of overlapping echoes", "The reflection of light or heat", "a reflection in, or as though in, a mirror", "An evolving series of effects resulting from a particular event", "a repercussion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "reverberation", "num_translations": 48 }, "commensurable": { "senses": [ "Able to be measured using a common standard", "Related in size or scale", "commensurate or proportionate", "Divisible by the same number WP" ], "antonyms": [ "incommensurable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "commensurable", "num_translations": 10 }, "advantageously": { "senses": [ "In a manner which provides an advantage", "in an advantageous manner" ], "antonyms": [ "disadvantageously" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "advantageously", "num_translations": 17 }, "edibledormouse": { "senses": [ "The European dormouse, Glis glis, especially when considered as a food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fat dormouse" ], "word": "edibledormouse", "num_translations": 17 }, "mahjong": { "senses": [ "A game for four players, using a collection of tiles divided into five or six suits", "A solitaire game using the same tiles, where the player wins by removing pairs of matching exposed tiles until none remain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mahjong solitaire" ], "word": "mahjong", "num_translations": 33 }, "fennec": { "senses": [ "A small fox of the species Vulpes zerda, found in the Sahara and having distinctive oversized ears" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desert fox", "fennec fox" ], "word": "fennec", "num_translations": 27 }, "pashtun1": { "senses": [ "A Pashto-speaking person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pathan" ], "word": "Pashtun", "num_translations": 18 }, "dropoff": { "senses": [ "To fall asleep", "To deliver", "to deposit or leave", "to allow passengers to alight", "To fall", "To lessen or reduce" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doze off", "sack out", "set down", "Thesaurus:fall asleep" ], "word": "dropoff", "num_translations": 21 }, "punctuality": { "senses": [ "The state of being punctual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "timeliness" ], "word": "punctuality", "num_translations": 16 }, "chockfull": { "senses": [ "Containing the maximum amount possible, flush on all sides, jam-packed, crammed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "choke-full" ], "word": "chockfull", "num_translations": 15 }, "revile": { "senses": [ "To attack with abusive language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calumniate", "reproach", "scold", "vilify", "vituperate" ], "word": "revile", "num_translations": 26 }, "spiritlevel": { "senses": [ "A tool employing a chamber with a colored liquid and an air bubble, used to determine a horizontal or vertical reference line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bubble level" ], "word": "spiritlevel", "num_translations": 38 }, "audiometer": { "senses": [ "An instrument which is used to determine the acuity of hearing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acoumeter", "sonometer" ], "word": "audiometer", "num_translations": 20 }, "automation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of converting the controlling of a machine or device to a more automatic system, such as computer or electronic controls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "automatization" ], "word": "automation", "num_translations": 54 }, "numbering": { "senses": [ "A sequence of numbers indicating order or otherwise used for identification", "The action of creating or assigning such a sequence for identification", "The action of counting or ordering with numbers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enumeration" ], "word": "numbering", "num_translations": 10 }, "infact": { "senses": [ "Resulting from the actions of parties", "Actually, in truth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as a matter of fact" ], "word": "infact", "num_translations": 61 }, "justlikethat": { "senses": [ "In that manner", "Suddenly and unexpectedly", "without warning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "out of the blue" ], "word": "justlikethat", "num_translations": 10 }, "dualcitizenship": { "senses": [ "The status of being a citizen of two countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dual nationality" ], "word": "dualcitizenship", "num_translations": 19 }, "handin": { "senses": [ "To give something to a responsible person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turn in" ], "word": "handin", "num_translations": 12 }, "uglify": { "senses": [ "To make ugly", "to destroy or worsen the appearance or attractiveness of", "To become ugly" ], "antonyms": [ "beautify" ], "synonyms": [ "deface", "deform", "disfigure" ], "word": "uglify", "num_translations": 12 }, "moonwalk": { "senses": [ "An exploration of the Moon's surface on foot", "A dance move in which the dancer slides backwards though the feet move as if walking forwards", "the backslide", "A dance style in which the dancer appears to be moving in a low gravity environment", "*" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "moonwalk", "num_translations": 34 }, "bathometer": { "senses": [ "An instrument that measures the depth of water, used especially to measure the depth of ocean water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bathymeter" ], "word": "bathometer", "num_translations": 11 }, "pricklypear": { "senses": [ "Any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia", "The fruit, often edible, of such a plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Indian fig" ], "word": "pricklypear", "num_translations": 44 }, "sunbathe": { "senses": [ "To expose one's body to the sun in order to relax or to obtain a suntan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "catch some rays" ], "word": "sunbathe", "num_translations": 38 }, "richness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being rich", "richdom", "wealth", "The state of having many examples or cases", "abundance", "profusion", "The number of types in a community", "The result or product of being rich" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "richness", "num_translations": 19 }, "cartwheel": { "senses": [ "The literal wheel of a cart", "A gymnastic maneuver whereby the gymnast rotates to one side or the other while keeping arms and legs outstretched, spinning for one or more revolutions", "A crown coin", "its value, 5 shillings", "A silver dollar of the larger size produced before 1979" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cartwheel", "num_translations": 28 }, "offhand": { "senses": [ "Without planning or thinking ahead", "Careless", "without sufficient thought or consideration", "Curt, abrupt, unfriendly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impromptu" ], "word": "offhand", "num_translations": 28 }, "smattering": { "senses": [ "A superficial or shallow knowledge of a subject", "A small number or amount of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:modicum" ], "word": "smattering", "num_translations": 24 }, "bermudatriangle": { "senses": [ "area ocean/Atlantic Ocean where many ships and planes have disappeared under allegedly mysterious circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Devil's Triangle", "Triangle" ], "word": "BermudaTriangle", "num_translations": 15 }, "exposuremeter": { "senses": [ "An instrument that measures the intensity of the light reflected from or falling on a subject, and calculates the optimum exposure depending on the film speed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "light meter", "lux meter" ], "word": "exposuremeter", "num_translations": 10 }, "evangelical": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the doctrines or teachings of the Christian gospel or Christianity in general", "Pertaining to the gospel of the Christian New Testament", "Protestant", "specifically Lutheran and Calvinist churches in continental Europe as well as their offshoots in North America", "Pertaining to a movement in Protestant Christianity that stresses personal conversion and the authority of the Bible", "Pertaining to Islamic groups that are dedicated to dawah and preaching the Quran and sunnah", "Zealously enthusiastic" ], "antonyms": [ "antievangelical", "nonevangelical" ], "synonyms": [ "evangelic" ], "word": "evangelical", "num_translations": 12 }, "gasholder": { "senses": [ "A large, telescopic cylindrical tank, with a water seal, used for storing domestic gas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gasometer" ], "word": "gasholder", "num_translations": 39 }, "rationalism": { "senses": [ "The theory that the reason is a source of knowledge independent of and superior to sense perception", "The theory that knowledge may be derived by deductions from a priori concepts", "A view that the fundamental method for problem solving is through reason and experience rather than faith, inspiration, revelation, intuition or authority", "Elaboration of theories by use of reason alone without appeal to experience, such as in mathematical systems" ], "antonyms": [ "sensationalism", "irrationalism", "traditionalism", "mysticism" ], "synonyms": [ "apriorism", "intellectualism" ], "word": "rationalism", "num_translations": 29 }, "stickout": { "senses": [ "To protrude", "to extend beyond", "To be prominent, noticeable, or obtrusive", "To persist until the end", "stick it out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:stand out", "Thesaurus:persist" ], "word": "stickout", "num_translations": 33 }, "tuckin": { "senses": [ "To pull the blankets or duvet up over", "to put to bed", "To push under the pants", "To acquire something tiny", "To score from with a casual motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tuckin", "num_translations": 15 }, "smallbeer": { "senses": [ "Beer with a low alcoholic content", "Something that is of relatively little importance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "peanuts" ], "word": "smallbeer", "num_translations": 12 }, "sortof": { "senses": [ "Approximately", "in a way", "partially", "not quite", "somewhat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kind of" ], "word": "sortof", "num_translations": 28 }, "planimeter": { "senses": [ "An integrating device used to measure the area of an irregular figure via tracing its outline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "platometer" ], "word": "planimeter", "num_translations": 13 }, "nopain,nogain": { "senses": [ "One must be willing to endure some inconvenience or discomfort in order to achieve worthwhile goals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nothing ventured, nothing gained" ], "word": "nopain,nogain", "num_translations": 88 }, "inexperience": { "senses": [ "A lack of experience" ], "antonyms": [ "experienced" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inexperience", "num_translations": 20 }, "fairyland": { "senses": [ "The imaginary land or abode of fairies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dreamworld" ], "word": "fairyland", "num_translations": 27 }, "falconer": { "senses": [ "A person who breeds or trains hawks or other birds of prey for taking birds or game", "One who follows the sport of fowling with hawks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hawker" ], "word": "falconer", "num_translations": 25 }, "cosmopolitanism": { "senses": [ "The idea that all of humanity belongs to a single moral community" ], "antonyms": [ "tribalism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cosmopolitanism", "num_translations": 12 }, "speedometer": { "senses": [ "A device that measures, and indicates the current speed of a vehicle", "Such a device incorporating an odometer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tachometer" ], "word": "speedometer", "num_translations": 36 }, "paraglider": { "senses": [ "One who paraglides", "A lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure, wherein the pilot sits in a harness suspended below a hollow fabric wing whose shape is formed by its suspension lines, the pressure of air entering vents in the front of the wing and the aerodynamic forces of the air flowing over the outside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paraglider pilot", "pilot" ], "word": "paraglider", "num_translations": 39 }, "incubator": { "senses": [ "Any apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a reaction", "An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby", "An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs", "A place to maintain the culturing of bacteria at a steady temperature", "A support programme for the development of entrepreneurial companies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brooder", "brooder" ], "word": "incubator", "num_translations": 85 }, "denver": { "senses": [ "capital city s/Colorado", "town county/Bremer County s/Iowa", "town county/Miami County s/Indiana", "village county/Worth County s/Missouri", "borough s/Pennsylvania", "community p/Nova Scotia", "town s/Victoria c/Australia", "village dist/King's Lynn and West Norfolk co/Norfolk cc/England", "surname", "male given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mile High City" ], "word": "Denver", "num_translations": 14 }, "canopener": { "senses": [ "A device used to open tin cans, usually by slicing the lid off", "A shoulder hit to the chest, usually accomplished while moving from a crouched to a standing position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tin opener" ], "word": "canopener", "num_translations": 56 }, "kingstown": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "rural village r:suf/New England s/New South Wales c/Australia", "townland co/Fermanagh p/Northern Ireland", "The former name of D\u00fan Laoghaire, a > in >, >", "CDP co/Queen Anne's County s/Maryland c/USA", "town co/Cleveland County s/North Carolina c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Kingstown", "num_translations": 14 }, "titfuck": { "senses": [ "The stimulation of a penis by someone's breasts, usually until the point of ejaculation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Russian" ], "word": "titfuck", "num_translations": 16 }, "hubcap": { "senses": [ "A decorative and protective disk that covers the hub of a motor car wheel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wheel cover" ], "word": "hubcap", "num_translations": 28 }, "uncircumcised": { "senses": [ "Not circumcised, intact", "Not Jewish or Muslim", "gentile", "Spiritually impure", "irreligious", "Closed in, so as to work imperfectly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:uncircumcised" ], "word": "uncircumcised", "num_translations": 14 }, "viscometer": { "senses": [ "An instrument used to measure the viscosity of a liquid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "viscosimeter" ], "word": "viscometer", "num_translations": 11 }, "bideone'stime": { "senses": [ "To wait, especially for a suitable opportunity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cool one's heels" ], "word": "bideone'stime", "num_translations": 10 }, "harpist": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays a harp, especially a pedal harp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harp-player", "harper" ], "word": "harpist", "num_translations": 32 }, "corpulence": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being corpulent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corpulentness", "obesity", "pudginess" ], "word": "corpulence", "num_translations": 18 }, "stroller": { "senses": [ "A seat or chair on wheels, pushed by somebody walking behind it, typically used for transporting babies and young children", "One who strolls", "A vagrant", "Men's semiformal daytime dress comprising a grey or black single- or double-breasted coat, grey striped or checked formal trousers, a grey or silver necktie, and a grey, black or buff waistcoat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pushchair", "baby buggy" ], "word": "stroller", "num_translations": 64 }, "philologist": { "senses": [ "A person who engages in philology , especially as a profession", "a collector of words and their etymologies", "A person devoted to general learning and literatureBrown, Lesley The New shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles, pub Clarendon Oxford 1993 isbn0-19-861271-0", "A person devoted to classical scholarship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "philologer" ], "word": "philologist", "num_translations": 45 }, "unwritten": { "senses": [ "Not written", "Oral or otherwise communicated without writing", "Implicit or understood but not formally articulated", "Containing no writing", "blank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unwritten", "num_translations": 32 }, "noiselessly": { "senses": [ "In a quiet manner, without any noise" ], "antonyms": [ "noisily" ], "synonyms": [ "quietly" ], "word": "noiselessly", "num_translations": 11 }, "barrette": { "senses": [ "A clasp or clip for gathering and holding the hair" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hairclip", "hair-slide", "hairslide" ], "word": "barrette", "num_translations": 10 }, "lezgi1": { "senses": [ "The Northeast Caucasian language spoken by these people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lezgian" ], "word": "Lezgi", "num_translations": 16 }, "eavestrough": { "senses": [ "A trough under the eaves of a building for draining water from the roof", "gutter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eavestroughing", "gutter", "rain gutter" ], "word": "eavestrough", "num_translations": 14 }, "pacifism": { "senses": [ "The conviction that it is morally wrong to settle disputes by war or other violent means", "The additional challenge of winning a game without attacking any enemy characters" ], "antonyms": [ "bellicism" ], "synonyms": [ "Gandhism" ], "word": "pacifism", "num_translations": 31 }, "nuptials": { "senses": [ "A wedding ceremony" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wedding" ], "word": "nuptials", "num_translations": 14 }, "zaragoza": { "senses": [ "city/regional capital r/Aragon c/Spain", "province r/Aragon c/Spain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Caesaraugusta", "Salduba" ], "word": "Zaragoza", "num_translations": 27 }, "resinous": { "senses": [ "of, or pertaining to, resin", "negative" ], "antonyms": [ "vitreous" ], "synonyms": [ "resinaceous" ], "word": "resinous", "num_translations": 12 }, "lady'sman": { "senses": [ "A man who attracts women and enjoys their company", "A womanizer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:libertine" ], "word": "lady'sman", "num_translations": 11 }, "analgesia": { "senses": [ "The inability to feel pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "analgia" ], "word": "analgesia", "num_translations": 11 }, "anathematize": { "senses": [ "To cause to be, or to declare as, an anathema or evil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condemn" ], "word": "anathematize", "num_translations": 13 }, "overwrite": { "senses": [ "To destroy by recording new data over it", "To cover in writing", "to write over the top of", "To write too much", "To write in an unnecessarily complicated or florid way", "to produce purple prose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "overwrite", "num_translations": 17 }, "oakgall": { "senses": [ "A gall produced by an oak by a wasp larva" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gall-nut", "oak apple", "oak leaf gall" ], "word": "oakgall", "num_translations": 18 }, "crystallattice": { "senses": [ "A regular three-dimensional geometric arrangement of atoms, molecules or ions in a crystal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "space lattice" ], "word": "crystallattice", "num_translations": 10 }, "underpay": { "senses": [ "To pay someone less than the value of their work" ], "antonyms": [ "overpay" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "underpay", "num_translations": 10 }, "digitaldivide": { "senses": [ "The gap between those with regular, effective access to digital technologies and those without" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "digital gap" ], "word": "digitaldivide", "num_translations": 23 }, "whitespace": { "senses": [ "White area between written characters and graphic regions on a produced page or computer display", "blanks and the vertical blank lines in between paragraphs, or other organized rows of text lines", "Any single character or series of characters that represents horizontal or vertical space in typography" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whitespace character" ], "word": "whitespace", "num_translations": 12 }, "contingencyplan": { "senses": [ "An alternative plan to be put into operation if needed, especially in case of emergencies, or if a primary plan fails" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plan B" ], "word": "contingencyplan", "num_translations": 15 }, "have-nots": { "senses": [ "The poor or underprivileged, contrasted with those who have possessions, power or wealth: the haves" ], "antonyms": [ "haves" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "have-nots", "num_translations": 10 }, "forgod'ssake": { "senses": [ "An exclamation of anger, surprise, or impatience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for Christ's sake", "for crying out loud", "for fuck's sake", "for Goddess's sake", "for goodness' sake", "for heaven's sake", "for Pete's sake", "for pity's sake" ], "word": "forGod'ssake", "num_translations": 45 }, "newlywed1": { "senses": [ "recently married" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "newlywedded" ], "word": "newlywed", "num_translations": 10 }, "nodoff": { "senses": [ "To fall asleep, especially while in a seated position or in inappropriate circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:fall asleep" ], "word": "nodoff", "num_translations": 10 }, "biteme": { "senses": [ "An expression of discontent or aggravation to another party", "A taunting phrase, essentially meaning \"I don't care\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bite my ass", "kiss my ass", "eat my shorts", "fuck off", "suck my cock" ], "word": "biteme", "num_translations": 11 }, "milksop": { "senses": [ "A piece of bread sopped in milk", "A weak, easily frightened or ineffectual person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "milquetoast" ], "word": "milksop", "num_translations": 31 }, "cabdriver": { "senses": [ "One who drives a taxi for a living", "One who drives a carriage for a living" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cabman", "cabbie", "taxi driver" ], "word": "cabdriver", "num_translations": 17 }, "inversefunction": { "senses": [ "For a given function f, another function, denoted f\u22121, that reverses the mapping action of f", "given a function f: X\\rightarrow Y, a function g: Y\\rightarrow X such that, \\forall x\\in X,\\ f = y \\implies g=x" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anti-function" ], "word": "inversefunction", "num_translations": 27 }, "elliptic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to an ellipse", "Of or pertaining to a broad field of mathematics that originates from the problem of calculating arc lengths of an ellipse", "That has coefficients satisfying a condition analogous to the condition for the general equation for a conic section to be of an ellipse", "Oval, with a short or no point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elliptical" ], "word": "elliptic", "num_translations": 16 }, "superordinate": { "senses": [ "Greater in degree, rank or position", "The relation of a universal proposition to a specific proposition of the same form with the universal quantified variable replaced by a specific instance", "hypernymic" ], "antonyms": [ "subordinate", "hyponymic" ], "synonyms": [ "supraordinate" ], "word": "superordinate", "num_translations": 10 }, "bipolardisorder": { "senses": [ "A psychiatric diagnostic category, previously called manic depression, characterised by mood swings between great energy and clinical depression" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manic depression", "schizomania" ], "word": "bipolardisorder", "num_translations": 78 }, "screencapture": { "senses": [ "A picture or image captured from a computer screen", "a screenshot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "screencap" ], "word": "screencapture", "num_translations": 14 }, "vacuumtube": { "senses": [ "An electrical device containing a heated filament inside an evacuated container and used to produce rectification , amplification or other functions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "valve", "electron tube" ], "word": "vacuumtube", "num_translations": 33 }, "gametheory": { "senses": [ "A branch of applied mathematics that studies strategic situations in which individuals or organisations choose various actions in an attempt to maximize their returns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "theory of games" ], "word": "gametheory", "num_translations": 35 }, "serrate": { "senses": [ "Having tooth-like projections on one side, as in a saw", "Having tooth-like projections pointed away from the petiole" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jagged" ], "word": "serrate", "num_translations": 13 }, "waterbear": { "senses": [ "A member of the animal phylum Tardigrada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moss piglet", "pudgy wudgy", "space bear", "tardigrade" ], "word": "waterbear", "num_translations": 73 }, "greatbear": { "senses": [ "A bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky, said to resemble a large bear It is part of the constellation Ursa Major and includes the stars Mizar, Dubhe, and Alkaid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Big Dipper", "Charles' Wain", "the Plough", "the Wain" ], "word": "GreatBear", "num_translations": 11 }, "kingship": { "senses": [ "The dignity, rank or office of a king", "the state of being a king", "A monarchy", "The territory or dominion of a king", "a kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "kingship", "num_translations": 16 }, "knitter": { "senses": [ "A person or a machine that knits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knitster" ], "word": "knitter", "num_translations": 13 }, "knock-kneed": { "senses": [ "having the knees abnormally close together, and the ankles spread apart", "suffering from genu valgum" ], "antonyms": [ "bow-legged" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "knock-kneed", "num_translations": 17 }, "probabilitydensityfunction": { "senses": [ "Any function whose integral over a set gives the probability that a random variable has a value in that set" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "density function" ], "word": "probabilitydensityfunction", "num_translations": 10 }, "reconnoitre": { "senses": [ "To perform a reconnaissance (of an area", "an enemy position)", "to scout with the aim of gaining information", "To recognise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scout" ], "word": "reconnoitre", "num_translations": 13 }, "bankstatement": { "senses": [ "A communication from a bank to a person holding an account in that bank, usually issued monthly, detailing the value of the holdings in that account and the effects of all transactions occurring with respect to that account" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "account statement" ], "word": "bankstatement", "num_translations": 29 }, "snobbish": { "senses": [ "Having the property of being a snob", "arrogant and pretentious", "smugly superior or dismissive of perceived inferiors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cliquish" ], "word": "snobbish", "num_translations": 23 }, "headdress": { "senses": [ "A decorative covering or ornament worn on the head", "A hairdo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headgear" ], "word": "headdress", "num_translations": 16 }, "evolutionarydevelopmentalbiology": { "senses": [ "A branch of biology that studies the interaction of evolutionary and developmental processes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "evo-devo", "evolution of development" ], "word": "evolutionarydevelopmentalbiology", "num_translations": 21 }, "proteomics": { "senses": [ "The branch of molecular biology that studies the set of proteins expressed by the genome of an organism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proteonomics" ], "word": "proteomics", "num_translations": 15 }, "supersymmetry": { "senses": [ "A theory that attempts to unify the fundamental physical forces and which proposes a physical symmetry between bosons and fermions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SUSY" ], "word": "supersymmetry", "num_translations": 21 }, "juggler": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of juggle", "one who either literally juggles objects, or figuratively juggles tasks", "A person who practices juggling", "A person who performs tricks using sleight of hand, a conjurer, prestidigitator", "A magician or wizard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "juggler", "num_translations": 34 }, "lord'sprayer": { "senses": [ "The prayer which, according to the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus Christ taught his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Our Father", "paternoster" ], "word": "Lord'sPrayer", "num_translations": 130 }, "cut-out": { "senses": [ "A hole or space produced when something is removed by cutting", "A piece cut out of something", "A trusted middleman or intermediary, especially in espionage", "Clip art", "Any of several devices that halts the flow of a current, especially an electric current", "a trip-switch or trip", "A switch that changes the current from one circuit to another, or for shortening a circuit", "A railway cutting", "The separation of a group of cattle from a herd", "the place where they are collected" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cut-out", "num_translations": 17 }, "beatit": { "senses": [ "To leave", "to go away", "To masturbate, usually a man of himself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beat a retreat", "beat off", "Thesaurus:go away" ], "word": "beatit", "num_translations": 43 }, "vocalization": { "senses": [ "The act of vocalizing or something vocalized", "a vocal utterance", "Any specific mode of utterance", "pronunciation", "The use of speech to express an idea", "The production of musical sounds using the voice, especially as an exercise", "The vowel diacritics in certain scripts, like Hebrew and Arabic, which are not normally written, but which are used in dictionaries, children's books, religious texts and textbooks for learners", "The addition of these diacritics and the respective phonemes to a word", "the spoken form the word thereby receives", "The change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant sounds as vowels For example, the syllabic /l/ in words like people or the coda one in words like cold or coal are variably realized as a high back vowel or glide\u2014\u028a, u, \u0264 or o\u2014in many dialects of English in the US, UK, and the Southern Hemisphere For example, in African American Vernacular English, one common pronunciation of the words \"people\", \"cold\", and \"coal\" is p\u02b0ip\u028a, k\u02b0o\u0264d, or k\u02b0o\u0264 respectively" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vowelization", "tashkil", "nikud" ], "word": "vocalization", "num_translations": 45 }, "votary1": { "senses": [ "A person, such as a monk or nun, who lives a religious life according to vows they have made", "A devotee of a particular religion or cult", "A devout or zealous worshipper", "Someone who is devoted to a particular pursuit etc", "an enthusiast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "votary", "num_translations": 15 }, "menstrualcycle": { "senses": [ "The recurring cycle of physiological changes in the uninseminated females of some animal species that is associated with reproductive fertility", "especially the cycle in a human woman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "period" ], "word": "menstrualcycle", "num_translations": 18 }, "snowmobile": { "senses": [ "A vehicle with skis at the front and a caterpillar track at the rear, used for travelling over snow, sometimes as sport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Skidoo", "snowmachine" ], "word": "snowmobile", "num_translations": 37 }, "alphorn": { "senses": [ "A long, curved, wooden horn used by mountain-dwelling herders in the Alps, originally to call cattle but now only as musical instrument in classical and folk tunes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Alpine horn" ], "word": "alphorn", "num_translations": 13 }, "underone'sbreath": { "senses": [ "Softly, so as not to be heard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sotto voce" ], "word": "underone'sbreath", "num_translations": 12 }, "backtalk": { "senses": [ "Verbal impudence or argumentative discourse, given in response" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "backchat" ], "word": "backtalk", "num_translations": 15 }, "phytosterol": { "senses": [ "Any of a group of steroid alcohols, phytochemicals naturally occurring in plants They are white powders with mild, characteristic odor, insoluble in water and soluble in alcohols" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plant sterol" ], "word": "phytosterol", "num_translations": 10 }, "unspoken": { "senses": [ "Not spoken", "not said", "Not formally articulated or stated", "implicit or understood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unsaid", "unacknowledged" ], "word": "unspoken", "num_translations": 18 }, "squared1": { "senses": [ "Covered with a grid of squares", "Raised to the second power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u00b2", "square" ], "word": "squared", "num_translations": 17 }, "extrusive": { "senses": [ "Jutting out", "extruding", "Of rocks: forced, while in a plastic or molten state, on to the Earth's surface to lie atop existing rocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "effusive" ], "word": "extrusive", "num_translations": 10 }, "podiatrist": { "senses": [ "A health care practitioner who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of foot ailments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chiropodist" ], "word": "podiatrist", "num_translations": 32 }, "narrow-minded": { "senses": [ "Having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas", "Intolerant, bigoted or prejudiced" ], "antonyms": [ "broad-minded" ], "synonyms": [ "bigoted", "close-minded", "closed-minded", "hidebound", "illiberal", "insular", "intolerant", "myopic", "parochial", "prejudiced", "provincial", "short-sighted", "strait-laced", "thin-minded" ], "word": "narrow-minded", "num_translations": 52 }, "narrowness": { "senses": [ "the state of being narrow", "a constriction" ], "antonyms": [ "broadness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "narrowness", "num_translations": 17 }, "naturalization": { "senses": [ "The action of naturalizing somebody", "act of granting citizenship", "The admission or adoption of foreign words or customs into general use", "The introduction and establishment of an animal or plant into a place where it is not indigenous" ], "antonyms": [ "denaturalization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "naturalization", "num_translations": 13 }, "primarysource": { "senses": [ "An original work, especially one by a notable author whose work is now the subject of commentaries", "A historical object, especially a written document, that was created at or near the time of the events studied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "primary work" ], "word": "primarysource", "num_translations": 15 }, "textbox": { "senses": [ "a rectangular widget that accepts textual input on an interactive electronic display" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "input field" ], "word": "textbox", "num_translations": 16 }, "billboard": { "senses": [ "A very large outdoor sign, generally used for advertising", "A flat surface, such as a panel or fence, on which bills are posted", "a bulletin board", "A piece of thick plank, armed with iron plates, and fixed on the bow or fore-channels of a vessel, for the bill or fluke of the anchor to rest on", "A sprite that always faces the screen, no matter which direction it is looked at from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "billboard", "num_translations": 39 }, "downplay": { "senses": [ "To de-emphasize", "to present or portray as less important or consequential" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trivialize", "understate" ], "word": "downplay", "num_translations": 19 }, "commitsuicide": { "senses": [ "To kill oneself", "to take one's own life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "suicide", "top oneself", "take one's own life", "kill oneself" ], "word": "commitsuicide", "num_translations": 90 }, "innotime": { "senses": [ "Very soon", "Very quickly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in no time flat", "in nothing flat" ], "word": "innotime", "num_translations": 21 }, "mandrel": { "senses": [ "A round object used as an aid for shaping a material, eg shaping or enlarging a ring, or bending or enlarging a pipe without creasing or kinking it", "A tool or component of a tool that guides, grips or clamps something, such as a workpiece to be machined, a machining tool or a part while it is moved" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spindle" ], "word": "mandrel", "num_translations": 23 }, "moneydoesn'tgrowontrees": { "senses": [ "Wealth cannot be obtained without some effort", "hence currency is not always available for a prospective purchase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "there's no such thing as a free lunch" ], "word": "moneydoesn'tgrowontrees", "num_translations": 21 }, "byword": { "senses": [ "A proverb or proverbial expression, common saying", "a frequently used word or phrase", "A characteristic word or expression", "a word or phrase associated with a person or group", "Someone or something that stands as an example for something else, by having some of that something's characteristic traits", "An object of notoriety or contempt, scorn or derision", "A nickname or epithet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "byword", "num_translations": 29 }, "studs": { "senses": [ "plural of \"stud\"", "Tires/tyres with metal protrusions used for improved traction on snow and ice in winter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Shoes with studs on the bottom to aid grip: cleats", "spikes" ], "word": "studs", "num_translations": 11 }, "horrify": { "senses": [ "To cause to feel extreme apprehension or unease", "to cause to experience horror" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frighten" ], "word": "horrify", "num_translations": 11 }, "unease": { "senses": [ "Trouble", "misery", "a feeling of disquiet or concern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "uneasiness" ], "word": "unease", "num_translations": 12 }, "rales": { "senses": [ "plural of \"rale\"", "Abnormal clicking, rattling or crackling sound heard from the lungs, often audible only with a stethoscope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rale", "crackles" ], "word": "rales", "num_translations": 17 }, "user-friendly": { "senses": [ "Designed to be easy for an untrained user to use" ], "antonyms": [ "procrustean", "user-hostile", "user-unfriendly" ], "synonyms": [ "ergonomic" ], "word": "user-friendly", "num_translations": 33 }, "usurious": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to usury", "Exorbitant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "usurial" ], "word": "usurious", "num_translations": 13 }, "pardonme": { "senses": [ "Sorry", "said as an apology", "Polite expression used to soften a contradiction", "Polite expression to ask someone to repeat an utterance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come again" ], "word": "pardonme", "num_translations": 34 }, "whiteout": { "senses": [ "A heavy snowstorm", "a blizzard", "Any weather condition in which visibility and contrast are severely reduced by snow or sand causing the horizon and physical features of the terrain to disappear", "Correction fluid", "A sporting event where all in attendance are urged to wear white apparel", "The simulated erasure of a file, etc on a read-only volume", "The suppression of a story by the media, analogously to deleting information with correction fluid", "The silencing of voices and perspectives other than those of white men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whiteout", "num_translations": 14 }, "whodunit": { "senses": [ "A novel or drama concerning a crime in which a detective follows clues to determine the perpetrator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "detective novel", "detective story", "mystery story" ], "word": "whodunit", "num_translations": 33 }, "ossification": { "senses": [ "The normal process by which bone is formed", "The calcification of tissue into a bonelike mass", "the mass so formed", "The process of becoming set in one's ways or beliefs", "rigid conventionality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ossification", "num_translations": 53 }, "vacuity": { "senses": [ "Emptiness", "Physical emptiness, an absence of matter", "vacuum", "Idleness", "listlessness", "An empty or inane remark or thing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "vacuity", "num_translations": 14 }, "forlornhope": { "senses": [ "A small troop picked to make an advance attack, or the first attack", "a storming party", "Any dangerous or hopeless venture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cannon fodder" ], "word": "forlornhope", "num_translations": 14 }, "videophone": { "senses": [ "A telephone capable of transmitting both audio and video signals in both directions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vidphone", "viewphone" ], "word": "videophone", "num_translations": 15 }, "frankish": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the Franks", "In or of the language of the Franks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Franconian" ], "word": "Frankish", "num_translations": 18 }, "frankish1": { "senses": [ "The language of the Franks, an extinct West Germanic language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Old Frankish" ], "word": "Frankish", "num_translations": 11 }, "southernlights": { "senses": [ "The aurora of the southern hemisphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aurora australis" ], "word": "southernlights", "num_translations": 15 }, "superhuman": { "senses": [ "Beyond what is possible for a human being" ], "antonyms": [ "infrahuman" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "superhuman", "num_translations": 23 }, "foreignexchange": { "senses": [ "The exchange of currency from one country for currency from another country", "Foreign currency" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forex" ], "word": "foreignexchange", "num_translations": 28 }, "wakeful": { "senses": [ "Awake", "not sleeping", "Sleepless", "Vigilant and alert", "watchful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "wakeful", "num_translations": 29 }, "littlegreenman": { "senses": [ "A Martian", "One of the supposed extraterrestrial occupants of UFOs", "A soldier lacking identification as to create uncertainty around their allegiance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:extraterrestrial" ], "word": "littlegreenman", "num_translations": 25 }, "horsetail": { "senses": [ "The tail of a horse", "Any of various simple vascular plants, of the order Equisetales, that have hollow stems and produce spores", "A Turkish standard denoting rank", "A mare's tail, a water plant in genus Hippuris", "Any waterfall, the descending water of which maintains contact with bedrock most of the time", "cauda equina, a bundle of nerve fibers", "A ponytail hairstyle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "horsetail", "num_translations": 66 }, "individualist": { "senses": [ "Someone who believes in individualism as a sociopolitical system", "Someone who believes in the philosophy of individualism", "a solipsist", "Someone who does as they wish, unconstrained by external influences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "free spirit" ], "word": "individualist", "num_translations": 15 }, "moonlit": { "senses": [ "Lit by moonlight" ], "antonyms": [ "moonless" ], "synonyms": [ "moonlight", "moonlighted", "moonshiny" ], "word": "moonlit", "num_translations": 15 }, "interconnect": { "senses": [ "To connect to one another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anastomose" ], "word": "interconnect", "num_translations": 12 }, "intermezzo": { "senses": [ "A short piece of music or act in the interval of the main spectacle", "a theatrical interlude", "A palate cleanser", "a small snack with a bright light neutral taste", "a fruit", "a fresh sparkling wine", "or a fruity or milky cocktail", "that is served between courses in a meal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "intermezzo", "num_translations": 10 }, "staging1": { "senses": [ "A performance of a play", "The scenery and/or organization of actors' movements on stage", "The arrangement or layout of something in order to create an impression", "The organization of something in order to prepare for or facilitate working with it", "A structure of posts and boards for supporting workmen, etc, as in building", "The act or process of putting on an event", "The business of running stagecoaches", "The act of journeying in stagecoaches", "The classification of a patient or tumor into its stage of cancer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "staging", "num_translations": 15 }, "grossly": { "senses": [ "In a gross manner", "without delicacy", "Roughly", "approximately", "inexactly", "sketchily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "grossly", "num_translations": 10 }, "antipodal": { "senses": [ "On opposite sides of the globe", "pertaining to antipodes", "diametrically opposite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diametrical" ], "word": "antipodal", "num_translations": 11 }, "unscrew": { "senses": [ "To loosen a screw or thing by turning it" ], "antonyms": [ "screw" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unscrew", "num_translations": 15 }, "declaim": { "senses": [ "To object to something vociferously", "to rail against in speech", "To recite, eg, poetry, in a theatrical way", "to speak for rhetorical display", "to speak pompously, noisily, or theatrically", "bemouth", "to make an empty speech", "to rehearse trite arguments in debate", "to rant", "To speak rhetorically", "to make a formal speech or oration", "specifically, to recite a speech, poem, etc, in public as a rhetorical exercise", "to practice public speaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "declaim", "num_translations": 15 }, "extenuate": { "senses": [ "To lessen", "to palliate", "to lessen or weaken the force of", "to diminish the conception of, as crime, guilt, faults, ills, accusations, etc", "To make thin or slender", "to draw out so as to lessen the thickness", "To become thinner", "To lower or degrade", "to detract from" ], "antonyms": [ "aggravate" ], "synonyms": [ "mitigate" ], "word": "extenuate", "num_translations": 13 }, "unplug": { "senses": [ "To disconnect from a supply, especially an electrical socket", "To stop using electronic devices, especially for relaxation or to reduce stress", "To remove a blockage from" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disconnect", "unclog" ], "word": "unplug", "num_translations": 19 }, "flavorless": { "senses": [ "Lacking taste or flavor", "without seasoning, spice, or discernible qualities of taste", "Flat", "lacking character or definition", "Without flavor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insipid", "insipid" ], "word": "flavorless", "num_translations": 25 }, "provident": { "senses": [ "Possessing, exercising, or demonstrating great care and consideration for the future", "Showing care in the use of something , so as to avoid wasting it", "Providing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cautious", "economical" ], "word": "provident", "num_translations": 25 }, "lactase": { "senses": [ "A \u03b2-galactosidase enzyme that is involved in the hydrolysis of the disaccharide lactose into constituent galactose and glucose monomers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lactase-phlorizin hydrolase" ], "word": "lactase", "num_translations": 18 }, "washboard": { "senses": [ "A board with a corrugated surface against which laundry may be rubbed", "Such a board used as a simple percussion instrument", "A board fastened along a ship's gunwale to prevent splashing", "a splashboard", "A stretch of ripples or bumps on a dirt or gravel road, mostly occurring at corners", "which is caused by wear from traffic, erosion from wet weather, or poor grading", "baseboard", "skirting board" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "washboard", "num_translations": 23 }, "selcouth": { "senses": [ "Strange, unusual, rare", "unfamiliar", "marvellous, wondrous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bizarre", "infrequent", "amazing" ], "word": "selcouth", "num_translations": 10 }, "heterochromia": { "senses": [ "An anatomical condition in which multiple pigmentations or colorings occur in the eyes, skin or hair" ], "antonyms": [ "homochromia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heterochromia", "num_translations": 15 }, "regale1": { "senses": [ "To please or entertain", "To provide hospitality for", "to supply with abundant food and drink", "To feast", "To entertain with something that delights", "to gratify", "to refresh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "regale", "num_translations": 20 }, "segment": { "senses": [ "A length of some object", "One of the parts into which any body naturally separates or is divided", "a part divided or cut off", "a section", "a portion", "A portion", "A portion", "A part of a broadcast program, devoted to a topic", "An Ethernet bus", "A region of memory or a fragment of an executable file designated to contain a particular part of a program", "A portion of an itinerary: it may be a flight or train between two cities, or a car or hotel booked in a particular city", "A bearing representing only one part of a rounded object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lith", "line segment", "circular segment" ], "word": "segment", "num_translations": 31 }, "eutrophic": { "senses": [ "Being rich in nutrients and minerals and therefore having an excessive growth of algae and thus a diminished oxygen content to the detriment of other organisms", "Promoting nutrition" ], "antonyms": [ "oligotrophic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "eutrophic", "num_translations": 11 }, "congee2": { "senses": [ "A type of thick rice porridge or soup, sometimes prepared with vegetables and/or meat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rice porridge", "porridge" ], "word": "congee", "num_translations": 43 }, "sphalerite": { "senses": [ "A yellow, brown or black, sometimes red, green white or colorless mineral with cubic crystals, of a chemical formula S, often containing also minor metals, such as cadmium, gallium, germanium and indium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blende", "zincblende" ], "word": "sphalerite", "num_translations": 11 }, "short-sighted": { "senses": [ "Near-sighted", "myopic", "unable to focus on distant objects", "Unable to see long-term objectives", "lacking foresight" ], "antonyms": [ "far-sighted" ], "synonyms": [ "myopic", "near-sighted" ], "word": "short-sighted", "num_translations": 10 }, "neitherherenorthere": { "senses": [ "Having no significance or influence on the question at hand" ], "antonyms": [ "germane" ], "synonyms": [ "beside the point" ], "word": "neitherherenorthere", "num_translations": 17 }, "longjump": { "senses": [ "An athletics field event where competitors attempt to jump as far as possible, after taking a run-up", "a jump such as one performed in such an event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "broad jump" ], "word": "longjump", "num_translations": 17 }, "blue-green": { "senses": [ "Of a color between blue and green", "darker shades are called teal, lighter ones are cyan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green-blue" ], "word": "blue-green", "num_translations": 10 }, "futanari": { "senses": [ "A genre of Japanese anime or manga featuring hermaphrodite characters, generally with female bodies plus a penis", "A hermaphrodite character in such works" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "futa" ], "word": "futanari", "num_translations": 13 }, "chignon": { "senses": [ "A roll or twist of hair worn at the nape of the neck", "a bun", "A temporary swelling on a neonate's head after a ventouse-assisted delivery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bun" ], "word": "chignon", "num_translations": 13 }, "weatherforecaster": { "senses": [ "A person who forecasts the weather" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meteorologist" ], "word": "weatherforecaster", "num_translations": 16 }, "weatherstrip": { "senses": [ "A narrow piece of material used to prevent cold air from entering a building through the edge of a window or a door" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draughtproofing" ], "word": "weatherstrip", "num_translations": 16 }, "payoff": { "senses": [ "To bribe, especially to deter oversight", "To become worthwhile", "to produce a net benefit", "To pay back", "to repay", "To pay back the entirety of a loan, thereby effecting the release of a lien on", "To fall to leeward, as the head of a vessel under sail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "payoff", "num_translations": 64 }, "attendee": { "senses": [ "A person who is in attendance or in the audience of an event", "A visitor or participant of an event", "A person who is attended" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "audience", "attender" ], "word": "attendee", "num_translations": 18 }, "unshod": { "senses": [ "Not shod", "without shoes", "Of a vehicle, not fitted with tyres on the wheels" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barefoot" ], "word": "unshod", "num_translations": 10 }, "epigraph": { "senses": [ "An inscription, especially on a building", "A literary quotation placed at the beginning of a book or other text", "The set of all points lying on or above the function's graph" ], "antonyms": [ "hypograph" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "epigraph", "num_translations": 33 }, "syllabification": { "senses": [ "the division of a word into syllables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "syllabation" ], "word": "syllabification", "num_translations": 15 }, "synagogal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a synagogue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "synagog", "synagogic", "synagogical", "synagogue" ], "word": "synagogal", "num_translations": 10 }, "naker": { "senses": [ "A small drum, of Arabic origin, and the forebear of the European kettledrum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nakir" ], "word": "naker", "num_translations": 12 }, "burnone'sbridges": { "senses": [ "To destroy one's path, connections, reputation, opportunities, etc, particularly intentionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cross the Rubicon" ], "word": "burnone'sbridges", "num_translations": 34 }, "overstate": { "senses": [ "To exaggerate", "to state or claim too much" ], "antonyms": [ "understate" ], "synonyms": [ "exaggerate" ], "word": "overstate", "num_translations": 13 }, "egoistical": { "senses": [ "Caring about oneself and the gratification of one's own desires rather than others", "Egotistical" ], "antonyms": [ "altruistic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "egoistical", "num_translations": 11 }, "close-fitting": { "senses": [ "Snug, tight, form-fitting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clingy" ], "word": "close-fitting", "num_translations": 10 }, "modeling1": { "senses": [ "The art of sculpting models from clay etc to create a representation of something", "The representation of depth in a two-dimensional image", "The profession of someone who models clothes", "The construction and use of a computer model of a physical system", "The learning of a new skill by copying other people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "modeling", "num_translations": 18 }, "tamarisk": { "senses": [ "Any of several shrubs, of the genus Tamarix, native to arid regions in Eurasia and Africa, often invasive in other arid regions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salt cedar" ], "word": "tamarisk", "num_translations": 33 }, "myarse": { "senses": [ "Indicates incredulous disapproval, contradiction or disbelief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiddlesticks" ], "word": "myarse", "num_translations": 15 }, "oldness": { "senses": [ "The state of being old", "age", "* c 1605, William Shakespeare, King Lear, Act I, Scene 2," ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agedness" ], "word": "oldness", "num_translations": 16 }, "substantivise": { "senses": [ "To use as or convert into a substantive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nominalize", "substantive" ], "word": "substantivise", "num_translations": 15 }, "hobgoblin": { "senses": [ "A small, ugly goblin that makes trouble for humans", "A source of dread, fear or apprehension", "a bugbear" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goblin" ], "word": "hobgoblin", "num_translations": 10 }, "growup": { "senses": [ "To mature and become an adult", "To start to develop", "to flourish", "To stop acting as or like a child" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "age", "blossom" ], "word": "growup", "num_translations": 60 }, "greekfire": { "senses": [ "A highly flammable substance of unknown composition first used by the Greeks of Constantinople in the 7th century CE to set fire to enemy ships, buildings etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Grecian fire" ], "word": "Greekfire", "num_translations": 41 }, "cinchona": { "senses": [ "The bark of these plants, which yield quinine and other alkaloids useful in reducing fevers and particularly in combatting malaria", "Any medicine chiefly composed of the prepared bark of these plants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quinquina", "cinchona-bark" ], "word": "cinchona", "num_translations": 25 }, "cinematographer": { "senses": [ "A photographer who operates a movie camera, or who oversees the operations of the cameras and lighting when making a film", "One who exhibits motion pictures", "a projectionist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cinematographist", "director of photography" ], "word": "cinematographer", "num_translations": 15 }, "planter": { "senses": [ "One who plants something", "A box or pot for plants, usually large and standing on the floor", "Any of the early English settlers, given the lands of the dispossessed Irish populace during the reign of Elizabeth I", "A machine used for planting seeds", "The owner of a plantation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "planter", "num_translations": 22 }, "dethrone": { "senses": [ "To depose", "to forcibly relieve a monarch of the monarchy", "To remove any governing authority from power", "To remove from any position of high status or power", "To remove from a position of power or paramount importance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dethrone", "num_translations": 31 }, "dumbness": { "senses": [ "The state of being dumb or mute: that is, of not communicating vocally, whether from selective mutism or from an inability to speak", "Muteness, silence", "abstention from speech", "Show or gesture without words", "pantomime", "dumb-show", "The quality of being stupid or foolish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dumbness", "num_translations": 13 }, "takeintoaccount": { "senses": [ "To consider or regard", "to include or pay attention to", "to notice", "to allow for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take into consideration" ], "word": "takeintoaccount", "num_translations": 35 }, "speakto": { "senses": [ "To give evidence regarding something", "to attest or provide evidence for", "to bespeak", "To address a particular topic", "To resonate with, to feel emotionally relevant to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "speakto", "num_translations": 17 }, "blahblahblah": { "senses": [ "A put-down to silence someone who would otherwise not stop talking", "A stand-in for trivial, obvious, or boring content" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yada yada yada" ], "word": "blahblahblah", "num_translations": 25 }, "forfuck'ssake": { "senses": [ "An expression of anger or frustration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for goodness' sake", "for mercy's sake", "for pity's sake", "for God's sake", "for heaven's sake", "for Pete's sake", "for Christ's sake" ], "word": "forfuck'ssake", "num_translations": 13 }, "cleanup": { "senses": [ "To make an area or a thing clean", "to pick up a mess", "to tidy", "To become clean, handsome, smart in appearance, eg for a special occasion, especially when it is out of character to be seen as such", "To make a large profit", "to win by a large margin, or to win a large amount, especially in gambling Also clean house" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cleanup", "num_translations": 13 }, "nablus": { "senses": [ "city r/West Bank c/Palestine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Shechem" ], "word": "Nablus", "num_translations": 11 }, "polytechnic1": { "senses": [ "An educational institute that teaches applied arts and sciences rather than academic subjects", "An exhibition of objects illustrating many arts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "professional university" ], "word": "polytechnic", "num_translations": 10 }, "kinase": { "senses": [ "Any of a group of enzymes that transfer phosphate groups from high-energy donor molecules, such as ATP, to specific target molecules , in a process termed phosphorylation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phosphokinase" ], "word": "kinase", "num_translations": 19 }, "payload": { "senses": [ "That part of a cargo that produces revenue", "The total weight of passengers, crew, equipment and cargo carried by an aircraft or spacecraft", "That part of a rocket, missile, propelled stinger or torpedo that is not concerned with propulsion or guidance, such as a warhead or satellite", "The functional part of a computer virus or another type of malware program, rather than the part that spreads it", "The actual data in a data stream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "payload", "num_translations": 43 }, "pedicab": { "senses": [ "A tricycle having a hooded cab to seat paying passengers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becak", "bike cab", "cycle rickshaw", "cyclo", "rickshaw", "trishaw", "velotaxi" ], "word": "pedicab", "num_translations": 32 }, "philosophaster": { "senses": [ "A pretender to philosophy", "a petty or charlatan philosopher" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "philosophe" ], "word": "philosophaster", "num_translations": 10 }, "polyuria": { "senses": [ "The production of an abnormally large amount of urine", "one symptom of diabetes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diuresis" ], "word": "polyuria", "num_translations": 25 }, "recuperation": { "senses": [ "Gradual restoration to health", "convalescence", "Instance of getting something back", "Process by which radical or subversive ideas are co-opted by mainstream society" ], "antonyms": [ "detournement" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "recuperation", "num_translations": 10 }, "nearsightedness": { "senses": [ "The property of being nearsighted, myopia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shortsightedness" ], "word": "nearsightedness", "num_translations": 57 }, "postbellum": { "senses": [ "Of the period following a war", "In the United States, of the period following the Civil War, especially used in reference to the South" ], "antonyms": [ "antebellum" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "postbellum", "num_translations": 20 }, "hoarder": { "senses": [ "One who hoards", "one who accumulates, collects, and stores, especially one who does so to excess" ], "antonyms": [ "declutterer" ], "synonyms": [ "pack rat" ], "word": "hoarder", "num_translations": 20 }, "poacher": { "senses": [ "A person who trespasses in order to take game illegally, one who poaches", "a person who illegally takes animals or plants from the wild", "A vessel with shallow cuplike compartments in which eggs are cooked over boiling water", "Any of type of elongated fish in the family Agonidae, also known as alligatorfish, starsnout, hooknose and rockhead", "The American wigeon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "poacher", "num_translations": 48 }, "podiatry": { "senses": [ "chiropody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "podology", "chiropody" ], "word": "podiatry", "num_translations": 12 }, "polemicist": { "senses": [ "A person who writes polemics", "A person who puts forward controversial views" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polemist" ], "word": "polemicist", "num_translations": 10 }, "homegrown": { "senses": [ "Grown at home", "Created or constructed in an informal or amateur manner", "done without formal assistance, as from a business, organization, or professional", "Raised or brought up in one's own country", "Originating in one's own country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "homegrown", "num_translations": 10 }, "maleficent": { "senses": [ "Harmful or evil in intent or effect" ], "antonyms": [ "beneficent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "maleficent", "num_translations": 16 }, "cinephile": { "senses": [ "An enthusiast of films and the cinema", "a cineast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "filmaholic", "filmgoer", "moviegoer", "movieholic", "cineast" ], "word": "cinephile", "num_translations": 11 }, "specialization": { "senses": [ "The act or process of specializing", "The area in which someone specializes", "The adaptation of an organism to a specific environment, or adaptation of an organ to a particular function", "A proof, axiom, problem, or definition whose cases are completely covered by another, broader concept" ], "antonyms": [ "abstraction" ], "synonyms": [ "particularization" ], "word": "specialization", "num_translations": 22 }, "distinguishable": { "senses": [ "Able, or easily able to be distinguished" ], "antonyms": [ "indistinguishable", "confusable", "mistakable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "distinguishable", "num_translations": 26 }, "armoured1": { "senses": [ "Possessing, wearing, or fitted out with armour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mailed", "mechanized" ], "word": "armoured", "num_translations": 25 }, "politicization": { "senses": [ "The state of being politicized" ], "antonyms": [ "depoliticization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "politicization", "num_translations": 10 }, "politicize": { "senses": [ "To discuss politics", "To give something political characteristics", "to turn into a political issue", "To make someone politically active or aware" ], "antonyms": [ "depoliticize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "politicize", "num_translations": 25 }, "sotospeak": { "senses": [ "In a manner of speaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as it were", "in a manner of speaking" ], "word": "sotospeak", "num_translations": 54 }, "stupefied1": { "senses": [ "Experiencing stupefaction", "Experiencing the influence of an ingested mind-altering substance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intoxicated" ], "word": "stupefied", "num_translations": 10 }, "precognition": { "senses": [ "Knowledge of the future", "understanding of something in advance, especially as a form of supernatural or extrasensory perception", "The practice of taking a factual statement from a witness before a trial" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clairvoyance", "foreknowledge", "anticipation" ], "word": "precognition", "num_translations": 12 }, "antiabortion": { "senses": [ "Opposed to the practice or legalization of abortion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pro-life" ], "word": "antiabortion", "num_translations": 12 }, "antiabortionist": { "senses": [ "One who is opposed to the practice of abortion, or to it being legal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antichoicer", "fetus fetishist", "forced-birther", "pro-lifer", "right-to-lifer" ], "word": "antiabortionist", "num_translations": 11 }, "wrongnumber": { "senses": [ "A telephone number dialled by mistake, for example by transposing digits", "A telephone call received from an unfamiliar caller, due to a mistake in the number dialled", "An incorrect notion or understanding concerning a person or situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misapprehension" ], "word": "wrongnumber", "num_translations": 14 }, "postnatal": { "senses": [ "after being born, of or pertaining to the period immediately after birth", "after giving birth" ], "antonyms": [ "prenatal", "postpartum" ], "synonyms": [ "postpartum" ], "word": "postnatal", "num_translations": 19 }, "assort": { "senses": [ "To sort or arrange according to characteristic or class", "To be of a kind with", "To be associated with", "to consort with", "To furnish with, or make up of, various sorts or a variety of goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assort", "num_translations": 17 }, "assessor": { "senses": [ "One who assesses a property for tax or insurance evaluation", "A specialist who assists the court in determining a matter", "A civil servant entrusted with checking the veracity of data and criteria used by a taxpayer to complete a tax return", "One who assesses a project for cost evaluation", "An official responsible for student welfare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "assessor", "num_translations": 39 }, "poverty-stricken": { "senses": [ "Very poor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:impoverished" ], "word": "poverty-stricken", "num_translations": 12 }, "drapery": { "senses": [ "Cloth draped gracefully in folds", "A piece of cloth, hung vertically as a curtain", "a drape", "The occupation of a draper", "cloth-making, or dealing in cloth", "Cloth, or woollen materials in general" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drapery", "num_translations": 12 }, "apartfrom": { "senses": [ "Except for", "besides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barring" ], "word": "apartfrom", "num_translations": 51 }, "eveningstar": { "senses": [ "The planet Venus as seen in the western sky in the evening", "Any star seen in the evening, especially the planets Mercury and Jupiter", "An evening primrose" ], "antonyms": [ "morning star", "morning star" ], "synonyms": [ "Hesperus", "Hermes" ], "word": "eveningstar", "num_translations": 44 }, "inguinal": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the groin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crotchal", "groinal" ], "word": "inguinal", "num_translations": 10 }, "imaginable": { "senses": [ "Able to be imagined", "conceivable" ], "antonyms": [ "unimaginable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "imaginable", "num_translations": 20 }, "artilleryman": { "senses": [ "A soldier enlisted in an artillery unit or who uses artillery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "artillerist" ], "word": "artilleryman", "num_translations": 24 }, "ducksanddrakes": { "senses": [ "A pastime of throwing flat stones across water so as to make them bounce off the surface", "squandering of resources, especially money" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stone skipping", "squandering" ], "word": "ducksanddrakes", "num_translations": 13 }, "intouch": { "senses": [ "In contact, or in communication", "outside the playing area or touching the touchlines of the playing area" ], "antonyms": [ "out of touch" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intouch", "num_translations": 15 }, "wienie": { "senses": [ "A wiener", "The penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weenie" ], "word": "wienie", "num_translations": 21 }, "treering": { "senses": [ "The annual growth ring in the trunk of a tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "growth ring", "annual ring" ], "word": "treering", "num_translations": 19 }, "asis": { "senses": [ "as it is", "its present state or condition, especially as a contractual condition of sale" ], "antonyms": [ "to-be" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "asis", "num_translations": 17 }, "booleanalgebra": { "senses": [ "An algebraic structure where \\vee and \\wedge are idempotent binary operators, \\sim is a unary involutory operator , and 0 and 1 are nullary operators , such that is a commutative monoid, is a commutative monoid, \\wedge and \\vee distribute with respect to each other, and such that combining two complementary elements through one binary operator yields the identity of the other binary operator #Axiomatics)", "Specifically, an algebra in which all elements can take only one of two values and are subject to operations based on AND, OR and NOT", "The study of such algebras", "Boolean logic, classical logic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "switching algebra" ], "word": "Booleanalgebra", "num_translations": 19 }, "glandular": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to a gland or glands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glandulous" ], "word": "glandular", "num_translations": 20 }, "opacity": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being opaque, not allowing light to pass through", "The state or quality of being inaccessible to understanding", "A measure of relative impenetrability to electromagnetic radiation such as light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "opaqueness" ], "word": "opacity", "num_translations": 27 }, "piscatory": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to fishermen or fishing", "Of or pertaining to fish", "piscine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piscatorial" ], "word": "piscatory", "num_translations": 15 }, "willowy": { "senses": [ "Resembling a willow", "Tall, slender and graceful", "Having willow trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "willowish", "lithe", "willowed" ], "word": "willowy", "num_translations": 11 }, "renewable": { "senses": [ "Able to be renewed", "capable of renewal", "Sustainable", "able to be regrown or renewed", "having an ongoing or continuous source of supply", "not finite" ], "antonyms": [ "non-renewable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "renewable", "num_translations": 32 }, "shopper": { "senses": [ "A person who shops", "A free local newspaper containing advertisements for local shops etc", "sometimes includes discount coupons", "A kind of bicycle suited to riding short distances", "A plastic shopping bag" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shopper", "num_translations": 18 }, "winemaking": { "senses": [ "The process of making wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vinification" ], "word": "winemaking", "num_translations": 43 }, "mouldy": { "senses": [ "Covered with mould", "Neglected", "worthless", "lousy", "rotten" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mouldy", "num_translations": 43 }, "wintergreen": { "senses": [ "Any evergreen plant", "One of various unrelated evergreen plants, including:", "The spicy red berries of Gaultheria procumbens", "The oil, methyl salicylate, obtained from these berries", "The aroma of the oil, methyl salicylate, however derived" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shinleaf", "boxberry" ], "word": "wintergreen", "num_translations": 10 }, "womenfolk": { "senses": [ "Women collectively", "The adult female members of a community" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ladyfolk" ], "word": "womenfolk", "num_translations": 17 }, "workweek": { "senses": [ "The range of days of the week that are normally worked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "working week" ], "word": "workweek", "num_translations": 11 }, "worldview": { "senses": [ "One's personal view of the world and how one interprets it", "The totality of one's beliefs about reality", "A general philosophy or view of life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "weltanschauung" ], "word": "worldview", "num_translations": 108 }, "worm-eaten": { "senses": [ "Eaten by worms, especially having a worm inside", "Rotten or decrepit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maggoty" ], "word": "worm-eaten", "num_translations": 15 }, "wristband": { "senses": [ "the cuff of a sleeve that wraps around the wrist", "a strip of material worn around the wrist, eg to absorb perspiration, especially in sports", "a band that supports a wristwatch", "a cord worn around the wrist, used to hold a small object such as a knife: a lanyard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wristlet", "lanyard" ], "word": "wristband", "num_translations": 29 }, "roshhashanah": { "senses": [ "The Jewish holiday marking the start of the liturgical year, taking place on the first two days of Tishrei, 163 days after the first day of Passover" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jewish New Year" ], "word": "RoshHashanah", "num_translations": 12 }, "frequentative1": { "senses": [ "Any of a subclass of imperfective verbs that denote a repeated action, no longer productive in English, but found in eg Finnish, Latin, Russian, and Turkish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "iterative" ], "word": "frequentative", "num_translations": 12 }, "perilla": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beefsteak plant", "shiso" ], "word": "perilla", "num_translations": 16 }, "motorist": { "senses": [ "One who drives a motor vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "driver" ], "word": "motorist", "num_translations": 31 }, "precondition": { "senses": [ "A requirement which must be satisfied before taking a course of action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prerequisite" ], "word": "precondition", "num_translations": 28 }, "cameraman": { "senses": [ "Somebody who operates a movie camera or television camera" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camera operator", "cameraperson" ], "word": "cameraman", "num_translations": 40 }, "bactericide": { "senses": [ "Any substance that kills bacteria, especially one that is otherwise harmless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bacteriocide" ], "word": "bactericide", "num_translations": 13 }, "bacteriological": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to bacteriology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bacteriologic" ], "word": "bacteriological", "num_translations": 16 }, "fennoscandia": { "senses": [ "the area comprising the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Finland and Denmark", "Baltic Shield", "the culture group comprising the Finnic, Sami, and Scandinavian cultures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fenno-Scandinavia" ], "word": "Fennoscandia", "num_translations": 18 }, "misericord": { "senses": [ "Relaxation of monastic rules", "The room in a monastery for monks granted such relaxation", "A ledge, sometimes ornately carved, attached to a folding church seat to provide support for a person standing for long periods", "a subsellium", "A medieval dagger, used for the mercy stroke to a wounded foe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mercy seat" ], "word": "misericord", "num_translations": 19 }, "westphalia": { "senses": [ "A former realm of Germany", "city s/Iowa", "city s/Kansas", "village s/Michigan", "city s/Missouri" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Westphalia", "num_translations": 20 }, "westphalian1": { "senses": [ "Someone from Westphalia", "One of the major dialect groups of West Low German spoken in Westphalia", "A European phase of the upper Carboniferous period", "A warmblood horse bred in the Westphalia region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Westfalish" ], "word": "Westphalian", "num_translations": 13 }, "banyan": { "senses": [ "An Indian trader, merchant, cashier, or money changer", "A tropical Indian fig tree, Ficus benghalensis, that has many aerial roots", "A type of loose gown worn in India", "A vest", "an undershirt", "a singlet", "A camping excursion on shore, to give a ship's crew a break from shipboard routine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banyan tree" ], "word": "banyan", "num_translations": 59 }, "raspy": { "senses": [ "Rough, raw, especially used to describe vocal quality", "Irritable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grating", "irritable" ], "word": "raspy", "num_translations": 13 }, "bungler": { "senses": [ "Someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blunderer" ], "word": "bungler", "num_translations": 27 }, "wheelclamp": { "senses": [ "A device locked to the wheel of a motor car to prevent it from being driven", "normally used to enforce payment of a traffic violation fine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boot", "Denver boot" ], "word": "wheelclamp", "num_translations": 21 }, "boxwood": { "senses": [ "The box tree, Buxus sempervirens", "The hard, close-grained wood of this tree, used in delicate woodwork and in making inlays", "Any tree of genus Buxus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common box", "European box" ], "word": "boxwood", "num_translations": 34 }, "boxtree": { "senses": [ "Any of several trees, of the genus Buxus, often used as a hedge and as a source of boxwood", "Any trees of diverse species in Lophostemon, Eucalyptus, or other genera native to Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "box", "boxwood" ], "word": "boxtree", "num_translations": 13 }, "burlap": { "senses": [ "A very strong, coarse cloth, made from jute, flax or hemp, and used to make sacks, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hessian" ], "word": "burlap", "num_translations": 25 }, "constitutive": { "senses": [ "having the power or authority to constitute, establish or enact something", "having the power or authority to appoint someone to office", "extremely important, essential", "that forms a constituent part of something else", "that is continuously produced at a constant rate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "constitutive", "num_translations": 12 }, "calciumhydroxide": { "senses": [ "A soft, white powder, Ca2, obtained by the action of water on calcium oxide", "slaked lime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cal", "slaked lime" ], "word": "calciumhydroxide", "num_translations": 27 }, "xiangqi": { "senses": [ "Chinese chess", "a variant of chess created and mainly played in China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese chess" ], "word": "xiangqi", "num_translations": 15 }, "caries": { "senses": [ "The progressive destruction of bone or tooth by decay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cavity" ], "word": "caries", "num_translations": 41 }, "santafe": { "senses": [ "Places in Argentina:", "small town dept/Oruro c/Bolivia", "area city/Bogot\u00e1 c/Colombia", "Places in Cuba:", "Places in Honduras:", "major business district city/Mexico City p/Mexico", "Places in Panama:", "Places in the Philippines:", "municipality p/Granada acomm/Andalusia c/Spain", "Places in the United States:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "SantaFe", "num_translations": 12 }, "mordacious": { "senses": [ "Biting, causing a physical bite or sting", "corrosive", "sharp or caustic in style or tone", "Prone to biting, aggressive", "Sharp in intent, sarcastic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mordacious", "num_translations": 20 }, "mercilessness": { "senses": [ "The property of being merciless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ruthlessness", "unmercy" ], "word": "mercilessness", "num_translations": 13 }, "ruthlessly": { "senses": [ "In a ruthless manner", "with cruelty", "without pity or compassion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cruelly" ], "word": "ruthlessly", "num_translations": 39 }, "rowboat": { "senses": [ "A small open boat propelled by oars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rowing boat" ], "word": "rowboat", "num_translations": 40 }, "zincoxide": { "senses": [ "An amorphous solid, ZnO, white when pure but often pale yellow, used in pigments and cosmetics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calamine", "Chinese white", "flowers of zinc", "nihil album", "philosopher's wool", "white snow", "zinc white" ], "word": "zincoxide", "num_translations": 10 }, "capstone": { "senses": [ "Any of the stones making up the top layer of a wall", "a coping stone", "A crowning achievement, culmination or finishing touch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "copestone" ], "word": "capstone", "num_translations": 13 }, "greatercelandine": { "senses": [ "A European perennial herb, Chelidonium majus, a flower of the poppy family with yellow flowers, native to Europe and western Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swallowwort" ], "word": "greatercelandine", "num_translations": 13 }, "lessercelandine": { "senses": [ "A European perennial herb, Ficaria verna, having heart-shaped leaves and solitary yellow flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pilewort" ], "word": "lessercelandine", "num_translations": 35 }, "charades": { "senses": [ "plural of \"charade\", particularly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acting charades" ], "word": "charades", "num_translations": 17 }, "checkerboard": { "senses": [ "A pattern of squares of alternating colours", "A board, usually square, covered with such a pattern", "especially such a board with 8\u00d78 squares, used to play chess and draughts/checkers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draughtboard" ], "word": "checkerboard", "num_translations": 18 }, "choreographer": { "senses": [ "A person who choreographs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "choreographist" ], "word": "choreographer", "num_translations": 26 }, "londonunderground": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the Tube", "the Underground" ], "word": "LondonUnderground", "num_translations": 22 }, "chronologist": { "senses": [ "A person skilled in chronology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chronologer" ], "word": "chronologist", "num_translations": 11 }, "insensate": { "senses": [ "Having no sensation or consciousness", "unconscious", "inanimate", "Senseless", "foolish", "irrational", "Unfeeling, heartless, cruel, insensitive", "Not responsive to sensory stimuli" ], "antonyms": [ "sentient" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insensate", "num_translations": 54 }, "cockcrow": { "senses": [ "The time of day at which the first crow of a cockerel is heard", "dawn or daybreak", "first light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break of day" ], "word": "cockcrow", "num_translations": 11 }, "collectivism": { "senses": [ "An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled by the people collectively", "The practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it" ], "antonyms": [ "individualism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "collectivism", "num_translations": 21 }, "rosewater": { "senses": [ "A liquid produced by steeping rose petals in water, used as a coloring agent and flavoring ingredient in certain foods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rose syrup" ], "word": "rosewater", "num_translations": 22 }, "counterespionage": { "senses": [ "All those activities undertaken to neutralize or exploit the espionage activities of another nation or an enemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counterintelligence" ], "word": "counterespionage", "num_translations": 20 }, "counterfoil": { "senses": [ "the part of a cheque that is retained in the chequebook as a record", "a stub" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counterstock" ], "word": "counterfoil", "num_translations": 11 }, "bookmarklet": { "senses": [ "A small piece of JavaScript code stored as a URL within a bookmark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "favelet" ], "word": "bookmarklet", "num_translations": 10 }, "regression": { "senses": [ "An action of regressing, a return to a previous state", "An action of travelling back in time", "A psychotherapeutic method whereby healing is facilitated by inducing the patient to act out behaviour typical of an earlier developmental stage", "An analytic method to measure the association of one or more independent variables with a dependent variable", "An equation using specified and associated data for two or more variables such that one variable can be estimated from the remaining variable", "The reappearance of a bug in a piece of software that had previously been fixed", "The diminishing of a cellular mass like a tumor, or of an organ size" ], "antonyms": [ "progression" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "regression", "num_translations": 49 }, "downwind": { "senses": [ "in the same direction as the wind is blowing", "positioned relative to something in such a way that it can be smelled in the wind", "in the direction opposite that of landing in a traffic pattern" ], "antonyms": [ "upwind", "windward" ], "synonyms": [ "leeward" ], "word": "downwind", "num_translations": 10 }, "mourningdove": { "senses": [ "A grey-coloured dove, Zenaida macroura, that has a mournful call, native to North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American mourning dove", ": Carolina pigeon", "Carolina turtledove" ], "word": "mourningdove", "num_translations": 10 }, "peephole": { "senses": [ "A small hole, opening or piece of glass, especially in a door, through which one can look without being seen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spyhole" ], "word": "peephole", "num_translations": 41 }, "atomization": { "senses": [ "The act or an instance of atomizing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aerosolization", "normalization" ], "word": "atomization", "num_translations": 11 }, "generality": { "senses": [ "The quality of being general", "A generalization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oftenness" ], "word": "generality", "num_translations": 11 }, "heliport": { "senses": [ "A facility, such as a small airport, designed to let helicopters take off and land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "helidrome" ], "word": "heliport", "num_translations": 14 }, "highwayman": { "senses": [ "A person usually mounted on horseback who robbed travelers on public roads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:highwayman" ], "word": "highwayman", "num_translations": 41 }, "boatman": { "senses": [ "A man in charge of a small boat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boatsman" ], "word": "boatman", "num_translations": 29 }, "pusher": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that pushes", "A person employed to push passengers onto trains at busy times, so they can depart on schedule", "A girl or woman", "A drug dealer", "An aircraft with the propeller behind the fuselage", "A device that one pushes in order to transport a baby while on foot, such as a stroller or pram", "A defensive player who does not attempt to hit winners, instead playing slower shots into the opponent's court" ], "antonyms": [ "pushee" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pusher", "num_translations": 10 }, "bigoted": { "senses": [ "Having the characteristics of a bigot", "strongly prejudiced", "forming opinions without just cause" ], "antonyms": [ "tolerant" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "bigoted", "num_translations": 32 }, "antioch": { "senses": [ "The name of a number of cities founded by kings of the Seleucid dynasty:", "small unincorporated community co/Clarke County s/Alabama c/USA", "city co/Contra Costa County s/California", "unincorporated community co/Hillsborough County s/Florida c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Polk County s/Georgia c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Troup County s/Georgia c/USA", "village co/Lake County s/Illinois", "unincorporated community twp/Jackson Township co/Clinton County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community twp/Wright Township co/Greene County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community twp/Pike Township co/Jay County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community twp/Posey Township co/Switzerland County s/Indiana c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Harrison County s/Kentucky c/USA", "former unincorporated community co/Lyon County s/Kentucky c/USA", "unincorporated community par/Claiborne Parish s/Louisiana c/USA", "unincorporated community par/Jackson Parish s/Louisiana c/USA", "unincorporated community par/Lincoln Parish s/Louisiana c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Clark County s/Missouri c/USA", "ghost town co/Sheridan County s/Nebraska", "village co/Monroe County s/Ohio", "neighborhood city/Nashville s/Tennessee", "unincorporated community co/Cass County s/Texas c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Delta County s/Texas c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Henderson County s/Texas c/USA", "ghost town co/Houston County s/Texas c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Smith County s/Texas c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Antioch", "num_translations": 29 }, "powerstation": { "senses": [ "an industrial complex where electricity is produced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "power plant" ], "word": "powerstation", "num_translations": 64 }, "arbitrariness": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being arbitrary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arbitrarity" ], "word": "arbitrariness", "num_translations": 10 }, "sanddune": { "senses": [ "A large, semi-permanent mound of windblown sand, held together by specialized plants, common along seashores and in deserts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dune" ], "word": "sanddune", "num_translations": 17 }, "dentition": { "senses": [ "The set of natural teeth of an individual", "The type, number and arrangement of the normal teeth of an organism or of the actual teeth of an individual", "An arrangement in an organism or object of projections that resemble teeth", "The process of growing teeth", "teething" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dentition", "num_translations": 24 }, "dextrose": { "senses": [ "The naturally-occurring dextrorotatory form of glucose monosaccharide molecule" ], "antonyms": [ "L-glucose" ], "synonyms": [ "D-glucose", "dextroglucose" ], "word": "dextrose", "num_translations": 16 }, "digitize": { "senses": [ "To represent something as a structured sequence of binary digits", "To quantize a continuous or analog value", "to convert it into a discrete value", "To finger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "digitalize" ], "word": "digitize", "num_translations": 17 }, "birdhouse": { "senses": [ "A small house for birds", "An aviary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nest box" ], "word": "birdhouse", "num_translations": 20 }, "friendless": { "senses": [ "Without friends" ], "antonyms": [ "enemyless" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "friendless", "num_translations": 13 }, "reminiscence": { "senses": [ "An act of remembering long-past experiences, often fondly", "A mental image thus remembered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recall", "recollection" ], "word": "reminiscence", "num_translations": 25 }, "unimaginable": { "senses": [ "unable to be imagined", "inconceivable or mind-boggling", "beyond belief" ], "antonyms": [ "imaginable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unimaginable", "num_translations": 23 }, "pallas": { "senses": [ "Any of several people in Greek mythology:", "female given name of mythological origin", "rare in English" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "2 Pallas" ], "word": "Pallas", "num_translations": 17 }, "raygun": { "senses": [ "A fictional weapon that emits harmful rays" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "energy weapon" ], "word": "raygun", "num_translations": 10 }, "don'tmentionit": { "senses": [ "A polite way of responding to thanks, by suggesting that the service is too trivial or humble to warrant thanks", "you're welcome" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "it's all right", "it's a pleasure", "you're welcome", "no mention", "my pleasure" ], "word": "don'tmentionit", "num_translations": 80 }, "rightofway": { "senses": [ "The right to proceed first in traffic, on land, on water or in the air Also in metaphorical senses", "A legal right of passage over another's land or pathways", "A legal easement granted for the construction of a roadway or railway", "The area modified for passage of a railway", "often specifically the railbed and tracks", "The priority granted to the first person to properly execute an attack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rightofway", "num_translations": 46 }, "tranquilize": { "senses": [ "To calm or put them to sleep using a drug", "To make tranquil", "To become tranquil" ], "antonyms": [ "madden" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "tranquilize", "num_translations": 19 }, "expediency": { "senses": [ "The quality of being fit or suitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended", "suitability for particular circumstance or situation", "Pursuit of the course of action that brings the desired effect even if it is unjust or unprincipled", "Haste", "dispatch", "An expedient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "expedience", "expedience" ], "word": "expediency", "num_translations": 11 }, "galvanic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to galvanism", "electric", "Energetic", "vigorous", "Of a current that is not alternating, as opposed to faradic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "galvanical" ], "word": "galvanic", "num_translations": 22 }, "disposable1": { "senses": [ "That can be disposed of", "That is designed to be discarded rather than reused, refilled or repaired", "Available to be used" ], "antonyms": [ "non-disposable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disposable", "num_translations": 41 }, "divergence": { "senses": [ "The degree to which two or more things diverge", "the operator which maps a function F= from a n''-dimensional vector space to itself to the number \\sum_{i=1}^n \\frac{\\partial F_i}{\\partial x_i}", "disagreement", "difference", "The process in which two or more populations accumulate genetic changes through time" ], "antonyms": [ "convergence" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "divergence", "num_translations": 35 }, "individualism": { "senses": [ "The tendency for a person to act without reference to others, particularly in matters of style, fashion or mode of thought", "The moral stance, political philosophy, or social outlook that promotes independence and self-reliance of individual people, while opposing the interference with each person's choices by society, the state, or any other group or institution", "The doctrine that only individual things are real", "The doctrine that nothing exists but the individual self" ], "antonyms": [ "collectivism" ], "synonyms": [ "solipsism" ], "word": "individualism", "num_translations": 94 }, "setter": { "senses": [ "A long-haired breed of gundog", "The player who is responsible for setting, or passing, the ball to teammates for an attack", "A function used to modify the value of some property of an object, contrasted with the getter", "A game or match that lasts a certain number of sets", "One who hunts victims for sharpers", "One who adapts words to music in composition", "A shallow seggar for porcelain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mutator" ], "word": "setter", "num_translations": 28 }, "puremathematics": { "senses": [ "Mathematics which is done for its own sake rather than being motivated by other sciences" ], "antonyms": [ "applied mathematics" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "puremathematics", "num_translations": 17 }, "gunpowderplot": { "senses": [ "A failed plot, in November 1605, to kill the Protestant king James I of England and VI of Scotland, and to blow up the House of Lords using gunpowder, annually commemorated on Guy Fawkes Day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gunpowder Treason" ], "word": "GunpowderPlot", "num_translations": 19 }, "sweetbread": { "senses": [ "The pancreas or thymus gland of an animal, especially a lamb or calf, as food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belly sweetbread", "gullet sweetbread" ], "word": "sweetbread", "num_translations": 21 }, "secondofarc": { "senses": [ "An angle, one sixtieth of a minute of arc or one 3600th of a degree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arcsecond", "arcsec", "as" ], "word": "secondofarc", "num_translations": 11 }, "minuteofangle": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arcminute", "minute of arc" ], "word": "minuteofangle", "num_translations": 10 }, "publicholiday": { "senses": [ "A national or regional holiday from work on a specific day, usually for cultural reasons or celebrations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PH" ], "word": "publicholiday", "num_translations": 29 }, "steamlocomotive": { "senses": [ "A locomotive, usually for use on a railway, that is powered by steam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steam engine", "steam loco", "pufferbelly" ], "word": "steamlocomotive", "num_translations": 33 }, "summarily": { "senses": [ "In a summary manner", "Over a short period of time, briefly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unceremoniously", "ephemerally" ], "word": "summarily", "num_translations": 25 }, "sundog": { "senses": [ "Either of two bright spots, caused by the refraction of sunlight through ice crystals, sometimes seen on the parhelic circle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mock sun", "parhelion" ], "word": "sundog", "num_translations": 20 }, "sporangium": { "senses": [ "A case, capsule, or container in which spores are produced by an organism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capsule" ], "word": "sporangium", "num_translations": 14 }, "awesome": { "senses": [ "Causing awe or terror", "inspiring wonder or excitement", "Excellent, exciting, remarkable" ], "antonyms": [ "aweless" ], "synonyms": [ "see", "see" ], "word": "awesome", "num_translations": 109 }, "swimbladder": { "senses": [ "A gas-filled sac within the bodies of most fish that variously acts as a float, lung, sound-producing organ or an aid to hearing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air bladder", "gas bladder" ], "word": "swimbladder", "num_translations": 23 }, "booming": { "senses": [ "Experiencing a period of prosperity, or rapid economic growth", "Loud and resonant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "remugient" ], "word": "booming", "num_translations": 12 }, "inattentive": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to lack of attention", "not paying attention", "careless" ], "antonyms": [ "attentive", "vigilant" ], "synonyms": [ "absent-minded", "distracted", "distrait", "unconcentrated" ], "word": "inattentive", "num_translations": 22 }, "fireescape": { "senses": [ "Any of the series of emergency doors, ladders, or stairs used to evacuate a building if a fire breaks out", "The entire escape route viewed as a whole", "Any apparatus designed to allow people to escape a burning building, such as a canvas tube for sliding down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emergency escape", "emergency stairs", "fire stairs" ], "word": "fireescape", "num_translations": 42 }, "confucianism": { "senses": [ "The philosophy and teaching of Confucius", "The school of thought and philosophy centered on Confucian principles, originating in China, including later teachings of scholars such as Zhu Xi", "A saying, epithet or idea attributed to Confucius" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ruism" ], "word": "Confucianism", "num_translations": 53 }, "meteorological": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to meteorology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meteorologic" ], "word": "meteorological", "num_translations": 26 }, "moonbeam": { "senses": [ "A shaft of moonlight", "Moonlight generally", "Any of various Australasian lycaenid butterflies of the genus Philiris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moon ray" ], "word": "moonbeam", "num_translations": 10 }, "insufficiency": { "senses": [ "The lack of sufficiency", "a shortage or inadequacy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unsufficiency" ], "word": "insufficiency", "num_translations": 13 }, "conservator": { "senses": [ "One who conserves, preserves or protects something", "A person appointed by a court to manage the affairs of another", "similar to a guardian but with some powers of a trustee", "An officer in charge of preserving the public peace, such as a justice or sheriff", "A judge delegated by the pope to defend certain privileged classes of persons from manifest or notorious injury or violence, without recourse to a judicial process", "A professional who works on the conservation and restoration of objects, particularly artistic objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "conservator", "num_translations": 17 }, "brigadier": { "senses": [ "An army rank", "an officer commanding a brigade", "the highest field officer grade, below general officers, NATO grade O7" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brigadier general", "senior colonel" ], "word": "brigadier", "num_translations": 24 }, "springy": { "senses": [ "That returns rapidly to its original form after being bent, compressed, stretched, etc", "Lively", "bouncy", "Characteristic of the spring season" ], "antonyms": [ "unspringy" ], "synonyms": [ "bouncy", "bouncy", "springlike" ], "word": "springy", "num_translations": 16 }, "hardtack": { "senses": [ "A large, hard biscuit made from unleavened flour and water", "formerly used as a long-term staple food aboard ships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pilot biscuit" ], "word": "hardtack", "num_translations": 33 }, "ill-mannered": { "senses": [ "Having bad manners", "impolite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bad-mannered" ], "word": "ill-mannered", "num_translations": 39 }, "circulatorysystem": { "senses": [ "The parts of an animal body comprising the heart, veins, capillaries and arteries", "The parts of a machine responsible for the circulation of some fluid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cardiovascular system" ], "word": "circulatorysystem", "num_translations": 27 }, "unfruitful": { "senses": [ "Not bearing fruit" ], "antonyms": [ "fruitful" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unfruitful", "num_translations": 27 }, "perfidious": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or representing perfidy", "disloyal to what should command one's fidelity or allegiance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disloyal" ], "word": "perfidious", "num_translations": 19 }, "calciumoxide": { "senses": [ "A white powderous substance, CaO, normally made by heating calcium carbonate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burnt lime" ], "word": "calciumoxide", "num_translations": 27 }, "highgerman": { "senses": [ "The standard variety of German spoken and written throughout the German language area", "linguistically a compromise form of Central German and Upper German" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "High Dutch" ], "word": "HighGerman", "num_translations": 31 }, "skyrocket": { "senses": [ "A type of firework that uses a solid rocket engine to rise quickly into the sky where it emits a variety of effects such as stars, bangs, crackles, etc", "A rebuke, a scolding", "Pocket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maroon" ], "word": "skyrocket", "num_translations": 14 }, "skyrocket1": { "senses": [ "To increase suddenly and extremely", "to shoot up", "to surge or spike" ], "antonyms": [ "plummet" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "skyrocket", "num_translations": 37 }, "flagpole": { "senses": [ "A tall pole up which one or more flags may be raised and flown" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flagstaff" ], "word": "flagpole", "num_translations": 85 }, "ptolemaic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the Ptolemies, rulers of Hellenistic Egypt", "Of or pertaining to the astronomer Claudius Ptolemy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ptolemaean" ], "word": "Ptolemaic", "num_translations": 10 }, "atthat": { "senses": [ "In addition to what has been said", "furthermore", "moreover", "Now that it has been mentioned", "Thereupon", "directly after, and as a result of, that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "atthat", "num_translations": 15 }, "sapwood": { "senses": [ "The wood just under the bark of a stem or branch, different in color from the heartwood" ], "antonyms": [ "heartwood" ], "synonyms": [ "alburnum" ], "word": "sapwood", "num_translations": 35 }, "escritoire": { "senses": [ "A writing desk with a hinged door that provides the writing surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bureau" ], "word": "escritoire", "num_translations": 12 }, "runinto": { "senses": [ "To enter by running", "To collide with", "To cause to collide with", "To encounter or meet unexpectedly", "To reach, to flow into", "To blend into", "to be followed by or adjacent to without there being a clear boundary", "To cause to blend into", "To reach a large figure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "runinto", "num_translations": 18 }, "cradlecap": { "senses": [ "A form of seborrheic dermatitis that occurs on the scalps of infants, causing scaly, flaky, itchy, red skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cradle crust" ], "word": "cradlecap", "num_translations": 13 }, "gavial": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fish-eating crocodile", "gharial", "Indian gharial", "gavialid" ], "word": "gavial", "num_translations": 33 }, "self-propelled": { "senses": [ "Having its own means of propulsion that moves with it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "automotive", "self-propelling" ], "word": "self-propelled", "num_translations": 13 }, "aisle": { "senses": [ "A wing of a building, notably in a church separated from the nave proper by piers", "A clear path through rows of seating", "A clear corridor in a supermarket with shelves on both sides containing goods for sale", "Any path through an otherwise obstructed space" ], "antonyms": [ "window" ], "synonyms": [ "isle", "aisle seat" ], "word": "aisle", "num_translations": 76 }, "horse": { "senses": [ "Any of several animals related to Equus ferus caballus", "Equipment with legs", "Type of equipment", "A mass of earthy matter, or rock of the same character as the wall rock, occurring in the course of a vein, as of coal or ore", "The sedative, antidepressant, and anxiolytic drug morphine, chiefly when used illicitly", "A translation or other illegitimate aid in study or examination", "tomfoolery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horsie", "pommel horse", "knight", "dobbin" ], "word": "horse", "num_translations": 288 }, "italophile": { "senses": [ "An admirer of Italy or of its language, culture or people" ], "antonyms": [ "Italophobe" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Italophile", "num_translations": 13 }, "ruleofthumb": { "senses": [ "A general guideline, rather than a strict rule", "an approximate measure or means of reckoning based on experience or common knowledge", "Approximated, guesstimated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:saying" ], "word": "ruleofthumb", "num_translations": 32 }, "guidedog": { "senses": [ "A dog that is trained to be of assistance to a blind person and is able to guide him or her" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dog guide", "seeing-eye dog" ], "word": "guidedog", "num_translations": 23 }, "excavator": { "senses": [ "A person who excavates", "A curette used to scrape out pathological material", "A vehicle, often on tracks, used to dig ditches etc", "a backhoe", "digger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "excavator", "num_translations": 102 }, "cherimoya": { "senses": [ "A subtropical tree, Annona cherimola, native to mountainous areas of South America", "A conical fruit with white flesh from that tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "custard apple", "Jamaican apple" ], "word": "cherimoya", "num_translations": 10 }, "houseleek": { "senses": [ "Any of several succulent plants, of the genus Sempervivum, having a rosette of fleshy leaves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ay-green", "bullock's eye", "cyphel", "foose", "fouat", "full", "healing blade", "healing leaf", "homewort", "house-green", "imbreke", "jubarb", "Jupiter's beard", "Jupiter's eye", "liveforever", "seagreen", "sedum", "sempervive", "semper-vivens", "sempervivum", "sengreen", "thunder-plant", "welcome-home-husband-though-never-so-drunk" ], "word": "houseleek", "num_translations": 27 }, "blowaway": { "senses": [ "To cause to go away by blowing, or by wind", "To disperse or to depart on currents of air", "To kill by shooting them", "To flabbergast", "to impress greatly", "To overwhelm", "To cause to go away, to get rid of", "To delete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "blowaway", "num_translations": 14 }, "scribbler": { "senses": [ "One who scribbles", "a hasty or untalented writer or artist", "A machine for coarse carding or teasing of wool", "A ruled notebook or exercise book, especially in grade school" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hack", "ink-slinger", "phrase-monger", "scrawler", "second-rate writer", "shmock", "third-rate writer", "notebook", "exercise book" ], "word": "scribbler", "num_translations": 31 }, "seniority": { "senses": [ "A measure of the amount of time a person has been a member of an organization, as compared to other members, and with an eye towards awarding privileges to those who have been members longer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eldership" ], "word": "seniority", "num_translations": 11 }, "scalper": { "senses": [ "One who scalps, or removes the scalp of another", "One who scalps tickets to popular entertainment events: buying them in advance and then selling them , often at inflated prices", "A person on an open outcry exchange trading floor who buys and sells rapidly for his or her own account, aiming to buy from a seller and a little later sell to a buyer, making a small profit from the difference", "A machine for removing the ends of grain, such as wheat or rye, or for separating the different grades of broken wheat, semolina, etc", "A surgical instrument for scraping carious bones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "scalper", "num_translations": 23 }, "screenwriter": { "senses": [ "One who writes for the screen, who writes drama for film or television", "especially a professional who knows the conventions appropriate to such work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scriptwriter" ], "word": "screenwriter", "num_translations": 47 }, "adhesivetape": { "senses": [ "Tape with an adhesive film on one side, used to attach materials to something", "Surgical tape, such tape made specifically for medical purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medical tape", "surgical tape" ], "word": "adhesivetape", "num_translations": 71 }, "apartmentbuilding": { "senses": [ "A residential building containing multiple apartments or flats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apartment house", "block of flats", "tenement" ], "word": "apartmentbuilding", "num_translations": 41 }, "superclass": { "senses": [ "A high-level class that passes attributes and methods down the hierarchy to subclasses", "A taxon ranking below a phylum and above a class" ], "antonyms": [ "subclass", "subset" ], "synonyms": [ "base class", "superset" ], "word": "superclass", "num_translations": 12 }, "railroadtrack": { "senses": [ "A pair of formed steel rails, separated and supported usually on wooden or concrete ties or sleepers, forming a track along which flange-wheeled railroad vehicles may travel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "railway track", "train track", "permanent way" ], "word": "railroadtrack", "num_translations": 17 }, "nodoubt": { "senses": [ "without a doubt", "probably" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "without a doubt" ], "word": "nodoubt", "num_translations": 42 }, "latinity": { "senses": [ "The quality of a particular person's Latin speech or writing", "the Latin language, as an area of study or interest", "Latin character", "Latin literature considered as a whole", "A Latinism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Latinhood", "Latinness" ], "word": "Latinity", "num_translations": 10 }, "degreeoffreedom": { "senses": [ "Any of the coordinates, a minimum number of which are needed to specify the motion of a mechanical system", "Any of the independent variables required to specify the thermodynamic state of a system containing components and phases", "Any unrestricted variable in a frequency distribution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "d.o.f" ], "word": "degreeoffreedom", "num_translations": 26 }, "tumbledryer": { "senses": [ "An electrical device that dries clothes in a rotating drum which tumbles the clothes in a flow of hot air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clothes drier" ], "word": "tumbledryer", "num_translations": 35 }, "symphonyorchestra": { "senses": [ "A large orchestra that traditionally plays Western classical orchestral music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "philharmonic" ], "word": "symphonyorchestra", "num_translations": 63 }, "oldsaxon": { "senses": [ "A west Germanic language historically tied to Anglo-Saxon and Old Low Franconian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Old Low German" ], "word": "OldSaxon", "num_translations": 17 }, "frompillartopost": { "senses": [ "From one place to another", "from post to pillar, hither and thither" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "from post to pillar", "hither and thither" ], "word": "frompillartopost", "num_translations": 19 }, "wholemilk": { "senses": [ "Milk from which none of its constituents has been removed" ], "antonyms": [ "skim milk", "skimmed milk" ], "synonyms": [ "full cream milk" ], "word": "wholemilk", "num_translations": 22 }, "chocolatebar": { "senses": [ "A bar of chocolate, either solid or with a filling such as nuts or caramel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "candy bar", "band candy" ], "word": "chocolatebar", "num_translations": 15 }, "rhesusmacaque": { "senses": [ "A monkey, Macaca mulatta, common throughout southern Asia, that is extensively used for medical research" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bandar", "rhesus monkey" ], "word": "rhesusmacaque", "num_translations": 16 }, "fistful": { "senses": [ "The amount that can be held in a closed fist", "A blow with the fist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handful", "punch" ], "word": "fistful", "num_translations": 16 }, "conveniencestore": { "senses": [ "A small retail store, often in a residential area, that carries a limited selection of items such as staples, junk food, and drugstore items, and which is open long hours for the convenience of shoppers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corner shop" ], "word": "conveniencestore", "num_translations": 45 }, "schoolie": { "senses": [ "A schoolteacher", "An education officer", "A juvenile gamefish at a stage where it tends to swim with others in schools rather than stay to itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leaver", "schoolie bass" ], "word": "schoolie", "num_translations": 17 }, "byoneself": { "senses": [ "Alone", "without assistance or help from others", "Alone, without another's company" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on one's own" ], "word": "byoneself", "num_translations": 65 }, "semiology": { "senses": [ "Semiotics, the study of signs", "The science of the signs or symptoms of disease", "symptomatology", "The art of using signs in signalling", "The symptom expression of an epileptic seizure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "semiotics" ], "word": "semiology", "num_translations": 10 }, "tailless": { "senses": [ "Without a tail", "not having a tail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acaudal" ], "word": "tailless", "num_translations": 11 }, "nakedasthedayonewasborn": { "senses": [ "Completely naked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "naked as the day one entered the world", "naked as a jaybird" ], "word": "nakedasthedayonewasborn", "num_translations": 10 }, "magnesiumoxide": { "senses": [ "A white powder with a high melting point", "it occurs naturally as periclase, an ore of magnesium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "magnesia" ], "word": "magnesiumoxide", "num_translations": 14 }, "goatcheese": { "senses": [ "Any cheese produced by taking goat milk and using the process to make cheese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ch\u00e8vre" ], "word": "goatcheese", "num_translations": 12 }, "shoplifter": { "senses": [ "A person who shoplifts, one who steals from shops" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shop stealer" ], "word": "shoplifter", "num_translations": 19 }, "aproposofnothing": { "senses": [ "Without reference to anything", "Without any apparent reason or purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "without rhyme or reason" ], "word": "aproposofnothing", "num_translations": 14 }, "curable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being cured" ], "antonyms": [ "incurable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "curable", "num_translations": 13 }, "jumprope": { "senses": [ "The activity, game or exercise in which a person must jump, bounce or skip repeatedly while a length of rope is swung over and under, both ends held in the hands of the jumper, or alternately, held by two other participants Often used for athletic training and among schoolchildren Variations involve speed, chants, varied rope and jumper movement patterns, multiple jumpers and/or multiple ropes", "The length of rope, sometimes with handles, casing or other additions, used in that activity", "A single jump in this game or activity, counted as a measure of achievement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skip rope", "skipping rope", "rope-jump" ], "word": "jumprope", "num_translations": 20 }, "brunswick": { "senses": [ "city c/Germany", "Braunschweig", "Any of several towns in the United States and elsewhere", "suburb city/Melbourne c/Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Braunschweig" ], "word": "Brunswick", "num_translations": 13 }, "bagatelle": { "senses": [ "A trifle", "an insubstantial thing", "A short piece of literature or of instrumental music, typically light or playful in character", "A game similar to billiards played on an oblong table with pockets or arches at one end only" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bag of shells" ], "word": "bagatelle", "num_translations": 51 }, "glassblower": { "senses": [ "A person skilled in the art of glassblowing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gaffer" ], "word": "glassblower", "num_translations": 22 }, "harebell": { "senses": [ "A perennial flowering plant, Campanula rotundifolia, native to the Northern Hemisphere, with blue, bell-like flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bluebell" ], "word": "harebell", "num_translations": 11 }, "maidenhair": { "senses": [ "a woman's pubic hair", "Either of two species of genus Adiantum of fern with delicate, hair-like stalks, especially Adiantum capillus-veneris", "Designating various types of moss or flowering plants", "Either of two ericaceous plants, the creeping snowberry or the checkerberry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maidenhair fern" ], "word": "maidenhair", "num_translations": 44 }, "inturn": { "senses": [ "One after the other", "one at a time", "in succession", "successively", "In due order", "in proper sequence", "in a determined or measured sequence, as a waiting line or queue", "In response", "in return", "Having a relationship sequentially comparable to one just mentioned", "accordingly or similarly, with respect to sequence, precedence, or hierarchy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in order" ], "word": "inturn", "num_translations": 53 }, "nuclearpower": { "senses": [ "Power, especially electrical power, obtained using nuclear fission or nuclear fusion", "A nation that possesses nuclear weapons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "atomic power" ], "word": "nuclearpower", "num_translations": 43 }, "numeracy": { "senses": [ "The quality of being numerate", "numerical skill" ], "antonyms": [ "innumeracy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "numeracy", "num_translations": 12 }, "numismatic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to currency, especially to coins" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "numismatical" ], "word": "numismatic", "num_translations": 15 }, "parabolic": { "senses": [ "Of, or pertaining to, or in the shape of a parabola or paraboloid", "Of or pertaining to a parable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parabolical" ], "word": "parabolic", "num_translations": 11 }, "earlytobed,earlytorise,makesamanhealthy,wealthyandwise": { "senses": [ "A person who sleeps early and wakes up early will have a more successful life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the early bird gets the worm" ], "word": "earlytobed,earlytorise,makesamanhealthy,wealthyandwise", "num_translations": 12 }, "seemly": { "senses": [ "Appropriate", "suited to the occasion or purpose", "becoming" ], "antonyms": [ "unseemly" ], "synonyms": [ "apposite" ], "word": "seemly", "num_translations": 14 }, "cheapen": { "senses": [ "to decrease the value of", "to make cheap", "to make vulgar", "to become cheaper", "to bargain for, ask the price of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cheapen", "num_translations": 19 }, "schoolmate": { "senses": [ "A person who was a fellow attendee at one's school" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fellow" ], "word": "schoolmate", "num_translations": 25 }, "recordchart": { "senses": [ "A ranking of music according to popularity during a given period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "music chart" ], "word": "recordchart", "num_translations": 11 }, "entwine": { "senses": [ "To twist or twine around something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intertwine" ], "word": "entwine", "num_translations": 23 }, "lonewolf": { "senses": [ "A wolf that is not part of a pack", "A person who avoids the company of others", "a loner", "an independent or solitary person", "A criminal who acts alone, not as part of a group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lonewolf", "num_translations": 15 }, "raincloud": { "senses": [ "A cloud from which rain is falling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nimbus" ], "word": "raincloud", "num_translations": 48 }, "speleothem": { "senses": [ "Any secondary mineral, deposited in a natural cave by the action of water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cave formation" ], "word": "speleothem", "num_translations": 10 }, "comewhatmay": { "senses": [ "In spite of anything that might happen", "whatever may occur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anyway" ], "word": "comewhatmay", "num_translations": 14 }, "loseone'svirginity": { "senses": [ "To have sexual intercourse for the first time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pop the cherry" ], "word": "loseone'svirginity", "num_translations": 12 }, "tothepowerof": { "senses": [ "Indicating an exponent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to the" ], "word": "tothepowerof", "num_translations": 13 }, "tobaccopipe": { "senses": [ "A small, hand-held device consisting in its simplest form of a bowl and stem", "used for inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smoking pipe" ], "word": "tobaccopipe", "num_translations": 96 }, "microcomputer": { "senses": [ "A computer designed around a microprocessor, smaller than a minicomputer or a mainframe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "micro", "PC", "personal computer" ], "word": "microcomputer", "num_translations": 35 }, "inlightof": { "senses": [ "given, considering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in view of" ], "word": "inlightof", "num_translations": 21 }, "full-time": { "senses": [ "Involving a full amount of time spent on some activity, especially a job" ], "antonyms": [ "involving a full amount of time" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "full-time", "num_translations": 28 }, "nuzzle": { "senses": [ "To touch someone or something with the nose", "To nurse", "to foster", "to bring up", "To nestle", "to house, as in a nest", "To go along with the nose to the ground, like a pig" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nuzzle", "num_translations": 16 }, "autumnalequinox": { "senses": [ "The moment when the sun appears to cross the celestial equator while tilting away from the observer, taking place in September in the northern hemisphere and March in the southern hemisphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fall equinox" ], "word": "autumnalequinox", "num_translations": 48 }, "chickennugget": { "senses": [ "A small, boneless piece of chicken in batter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nugg" ], "word": "chickennugget", "num_translations": 11 }, "cockfighting": { "senses": [ "A gambling blood sport in which two roosters have spikes placed on their feet and are made to fight each other, usually to the death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alectoromachy" ], "word": "cockfighting", "num_translations": 24 }, "brazilnut": { "senses": [ "Bertholletia excelsa, a tree native to tropical South America", "The nut produced by this tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nigger toe" ], "word": "brazilnut", "num_translations": 85 }, "balearicislands": { "senses": [ "A group of Mediterranean islands of the east coast of Spain, formed by Mallorca, Minorca, Ibiza and Formentera", "Catalan-speaking region formed by these islands that now is an autonomous community and province of Spain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Balearics" ], "word": "BalearicIslands", "num_translations": 58 }, "unitarianuniversalism": { "senses": [ "A religion which encourages theological liberalism and an individual search for truth and the adherents of which draw on many different theological sources and have a wide range of beliefs and practices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "UUism" ], "word": "UnitarianUniversalism", "num_translations": 11 }, "trinitarianism": { "senses": [ "The monotheistic Christian doctrine that defines God as three divine persons or hypostases: the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "triunitarianism", "tri-unitarianism" ], "word": "trinitarianism", "num_translations": 10 }, "conciseness": { "senses": [ "The property of being concise", "succinctness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concision" ], "word": "conciseness", "num_translations": 16 }, "rollerskate": { "senses": [ "A boot having small wheels or casters attached to its sole", "used for roller skating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roller boot" ], "word": "rollerskate", "num_translations": 36 }, "beautician": { "senses": [ "One who does hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beauty specialist" ], "word": "beautician", "num_translations": 32 }, "unpalatable": { "senses": [ "unpleasant to the taste", "unpleasant or disagreeable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "distasteful" ], "word": "unpalatable", "num_translations": 16 }, "chevrotain": { "senses": [ "Any of several small hornless ruminants, of the genera Hyemoschus and Tragulus, native to tropical rainforests" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mouse deer" ], "word": "chevrotain", "num_translations": 29 }, "galosh": { "senses": [ "A waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow", "A waterproof rubber boot, intended to be worn in wet or muddy conditions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wellington boot" ], "word": "galosh", "num_translations": 48 }, "garfish": { "senses": [ "Any fish of the needlefish family Belonidae, with a long narrow body and needle-shaped jaws, especially the European species Belone belone", "Any North or Central American fish of the family Lepisosteidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "needlefish", "gar" ], "word": "garfish", "num_translations": 26 }, "garrulity": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being garrulous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garrulousness", "loquaciousness", "talkativeness" ], "word": "garrulity", "num_translations": 13 }, "predicament": { "senses": [ "A definite class, state or condition", "An unfortunate or trying position or condition", "a tight spot", "That which is predicated", "a category" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:difficult situation" ], "word": "predicament", "num_translations": 46 }, "gastroenteritis": { "senses": [ "Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine", "often caused by an infection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gastro" ], "word": "gastroenteritis", "num_translations": 22 }, "onthecontrary": { "senses": [ "Opposite of what had earlier been expected or assumed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "au contraire", "contrariwise" ], "word": "onthecontrary", "num_translations": 64 }, "dantesque": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or in the style of Dante", "characterized by a formal, elevated tone and somber focus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dantean" ], "word": "Dantesque", "num_translations": 28 }, "guardrail": { "senses": [ "A rail set alongside a dangerous place in order to improve safety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crash barrier", "guard railing", "guide board", "guide rail", "side rail", "traffic barrier" ], "word": "guardrail", "num_translations": 24 }, "guileless": { "senses": [ "Free from guile", "honest but na\u00efve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:naive" ], "word": "guileless", "num_translations": 14 }, "frownupon": { "senses": [ "To disapprove of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frown on", "frown at" ], "word": "frownupon", "num_translations": 20 }, "transclusion": { "senses": [ "The inclusion of part of one hypertext document in another one by means of reference rather than copying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "interpolation" ], "word": "transclusion", "num_translations": 17 }, "baiji": { "senses": [ "A freshwater dolphin , only found in the Yangtze River Declared functionally extinct in 2006" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese river dolphin", "Chinese white dolphin", "whitefin dolphin", "Yangtze dolphin", "Yangtze River dolphin" ], "word": "baiji", "num_translations": 40 }, "quotationmarks": { "senses": [ "plural of \"quotation mark\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "of the plural" ], "word": "quotationmarks", "num_translations": 78 }, "welscatfish": { "senses": [ "Silurus glanis, a scaleless fresh-water catfish recognizable by its broad, flat head and wide mouth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sheatfish" ], "word": "welscatfish", "num_translations": 18 }, "registry": { "senses": [ "A building in which things are registered or where registers are kept", "A record", "an account", "a register", "The act of registering", "registration", "A database of configuration settings etc maintained by the Microsoft Windows operating system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "registry", "num_translations": 24 }, "turboprop": { "senses": [ "A type of gas turbine aircraft engine that drives and obtains essentially all thrust from an external propeller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "propjet" ], "word": "turboprop", "num_translations": 21 }, "preheat": { "senses": [ "to heat something in preparation for further action, especially cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foreheat" ], "word": "preheat", "num_translations": 16 }, "homology": { "senses": [ "A homologous relationship", "A theory associating a system of groups to each topological space", "A certain system of groups associated to a chain complex", "The relationship between the elements in the same group of the periodic table, or between organic compounds in a homologous series", "A correspondence of structures in two life forms with a common evolutionary origin, such as flippers and hands", "The presence of the same series of bases in related genes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "homology", "num_translations": 30 }, "acquiredimmunedeficiencysyndrome": { "senses": [ "An infectious disease, caused by HIV, that causes the gradual degeneration of the body's immune system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "AIDS", "GRID", "gay cancer", "gay plague" ], "word": "acquiredimmunedeficiencysyndrome", "num_translations": 34 }, "gardengnome": { "senses": [ "A small statue of a gnome used as a garden ornament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lawn gnome" ], "word": "gardengnome", "num_translations": 16 }, "comestible": { "senses": [ "Suitable to be eaten", "edible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eatable" ], "word": "comestible", "num_translations": 32 }, "tahini": { "senses": [ "A paste made from ground sesame seeds, and used to make hummus, baba ghanoush etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ardeh" ], "word": "tahini", "num_translations": 23 }, "shantytown": { "senses": [ "An area containing a collection of shacks, shanties or makeshift dwellings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hooverville", "slum" ], "word": "shantytown", "num_translations": 23 }, "shirker": { "senses": [ "One who shirks a duty or responsibility", "One who is lazy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goldbrick" ], "word": "shirker", "num_translations": 16 }, "shoebill": { "senses": [ "Balaeniceps rex, a tall wading bird related to the stork, native to tropical African swamps", "the sole species of the family Balaenicipitidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whalehead" ], "word": "shoebill", "num_translations": 57 }, "bassclef": { "senses": [ "A symbol showing that the second line from the top of the staff represents the F below middle C" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "F clef" ], "word": "bassclef", "num_translations": 18 }, "wildstrawberry": { "senses": [ "A species of strawberry growing naturally throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, Fragaria vesca" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wood strawberry" ], "word": "wildstrawberry", "num_translations": 36 }, "puebla": { "senses": [ "city in central c/Mexico", "municipality c/Mexico, whose municipal seat is the city of the same name", "state c/Mexico, whose capital is the city of the same name", "A Roman Catholic archdiocese in Mexico" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Puebla City" ], "word": "Puebla", "num_translations": 16 }, "compulsorypurchase": { "senses": [ "The power of a state to expropriate private land within its jurisdiction for public use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compulsory acquisition", "eminent domain", "expropriation" ], "word": "compulsorypurchase", "num_translations": 10 }, "serfdom": { "senses": [ "The state of being a serf", "The feudal system that includes serfs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "serfage", "serfhood" ], "word": "serfdom", "num_translations": 44 }, "sheetbend": { "senses": [ "A type of knot that can be used to join two ropes of different diameters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becket bend", "weaver's knot", "weaver's hitch" ], "word": "sheetbend", "num_translations": 10 }, "inpatient": { "senses": [ "A patient whose treatment needs at least one night's residence in a hospital", "a hospitalized patient" ], "antonyms": [ "outpatient" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inpatient", "num_translations": 14 }, "eligibility": { "senses": [ "The state, quality, or the fact of being eligible" ], "antonyms": [ "ineligibility" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "eligibility", "num_translations": 20 }, "derry": { "senses": [ "city in northwestern p/Northern Ireland", "One of the traditional counties in northwestern Northern Ireland", "town co/Rockingham County s/New Hampshire c/USA", "borough co/Westmoreland County s/Pennsylvania c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Derry", "num_translations": 16 }, "negotiable": { "senses": [ "Able to be traversed", "Able to be transferred to another person, with or without endorsement", "Open to negotiation or bargaining" ], "antonyms": [ "non-negotiable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "negotiable", "num_translations": 22 }, "overpass": { "senses": [ "A section of a road or path that crosses over an obstacle, especially another road, railway, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "underpass subway" ], "synonyms": [ "flyover" ], "word": "overpass", "num_translations": 27 }, "workingday": { "senses": [ "The part of a day in which work is done", "the number of hours one must work per day for a specified wage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "workday", "9 to 5", "weekday", "business day" ], "word": "workingday", "num_translations": 27 }, "ollapodrida": { "senses": [ "A Spanish stew made from a mixture of highly seasoned meat and vegetables", "A miscellaneous assortment or collection", "a hodgepodge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "olio" ], "word": "ollapodrida", "num_translations": 11 }, "addfueltothefire": { "senses": [ "add fuel fire", "To worsen a conflict between people", "to inflame an already tense situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pour gasoline on the fire", "add insult to injury", "fan the flames", "make matters worse" ], "word": "addfueltothefire", "num_translations": 39 }, "samara": { "senses": [ "oblast c/Russia", "tributary riv/Volga in c/Russia, which meets the Volga at the city of the same name", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kuybyshev" ], "word": "Samara", "num_translations": 33 }, "tersely": { "senses": [ "In a brief, concise, or to the point manner" ], "antonyms": [ "verbosely" ], "synonyms": [ "concisely" ], "word": "tersely", "num_translations": 17 }, "hardhat": { "senses": [ "A helmet, usually made from rigid plastic, used on construction sites to protect the head from falling objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bump cap", "construction helmet" ], "word": "hardhat", "num_translations": 20 }, "reclusive": { "senses": [ "Of, characterized by, or preferring privacy and isolation", "secluded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hermit", "withdrawn" ], "word": "reclusive", "num_translations": 15 }, "spreader": { "senses": [ "An object or person who spreads", "A spacer or device for keeping two objects apart", "A device used to spread bulk material", "A knife or spatula used to distribute a substance such as butter or jelly", "A horizontal athwartships spar attached to the mast of a sailboat in order to extend the shrouds away from the mast", "A machine for combining and drawing fibers of flax to form a sliver preparatory to spinning", "The moving platform of a container crane", "A member of a cracking group who distributes warez" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spreader", "num_translations": 22 }, "memberstate": { "senses": [ "A sovereign state which is a member of some kind of confederation of other such states" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "member country" ], "word": "memberstate", "num_translations": 18 }, "dayoff": { "senses": [ "a day of vacation", "a day when one does not attend work, school etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break" ], "word": "dayoff", "num_translations": 34 }, "bodymassindex": { "senses": [ "A statistical measure of the weight of a person scaled according to height, used to estimate if a person is underweight or overweight BMI units are defined as \\mathrm{kg}/\\mathrm{m}^2 \u2248 \\mathrm{703*lb}/\\mathrm{in}^2" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Quetelet index" ], "word": "bodymassindex", "num_translations": 17 }, "equalize": { "senses": [ "To make equal", "to cause to correspond in amount or degree", "To be equal to", "to equal, to rival", "To make the scoreline equal by scoring points", "To clear the ears to balance the pressure in the middle ear with the outside pressure by letting air enter along the Eustachian tubes", "Said of a morphism: to pre-compose with each of a parallel pair of morphisms so as to yield the same composite morphism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "equalize", "num_translations": 38 }, "st.stephen'sday": { "senses": [ "A Christian holiday commemorating Saint Stephen the protomartyr (first Christian martyr", "died 34 CE), falling immediately after Christmas Day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Boxing Day", "Feast of Saint Stephen", "Wren Day" ], "word": "St.Stephen'sDay", "num_translations": 38 }, "shamelessness": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being shameless", "An utterance or action which is shameless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "immodesty" ], "word": "shamelessness", "num_translations": 31 }, "pungency": { "senses": [ "The state of being pungent", "A foul odor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pungence" ], "word": "pungency", "num_translations": 31 }, "cross-countryskiing": { "senses": [ "An endurance sport and method of getting about involving travelling on skis, uphill as well as downhill", "A leisure activity using cross-country skis and ski poles for traversing natural terrain during winter" ], "antonyms": [ "downhill skiing" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cross-countryskiing", "num_translations": 20 }, "skinhead": { "senses": [ "Someone with a shaved head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baldie", "boot boy", "bovver boy", "skin", "slaphead" ], "word": "skinhead", "num_translations": 58 }, "playtruant": { "senses": [ "To be absent from school without permission" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:play truant" ], "word": "playtruant", "num_translations": 36 }, "sinless": { "senses": [ "Without sin", "never having sinned" ], "antonyms": [ "sinful" ], "synonyms": [ "innocent", "pure" ], "word": "sinless", "num_translations": 27 }, "goto": { "senses": [ "To attend an event or a sight", "To attend classes at a school as a student", "To tend to support", "To get to work", "come on", "Used imperatively to express protest or surprise", "\"come, now!\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "goto", "num_translations": 20 }, "picket": { "senses": [ "A stake driven into the ground", "A type of punishment by which an offender had to rest his or her entire body weight on the top of a small stake", "A tool in mountaineering that is driven into the snow and used as an anchor or to arrest falls", "One of the soldiers or troops placed on a line forward of a position to warn against an enemy advance", "or any unit performing a similar function", "A sentry", "A protester positioned outside an office, workplace etc during a strike", "also the protest itself", "The card game piquet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "picket", "num_translations": 40 }, "tencommandments": { "senses": [ "A particular list of religious and moral imperatives which, according to the Old Testament of the Bible or the Hebrew Bible, were given from God to Moses on Mount Sinai inscribed on two stone tablets", "The ten fingernails, used by women when fighting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Decalogue" ], "word": "TenCommandments", "num_translations": 105 }, "sleepingpill": { "senses": [ "A pill or tablet having a soporific effect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleeping tablet" ], "word": "sleepingpill", "num_translations": 23 }, "lenticular": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a lens", "Shaped like a biconvex lens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lentiform" ], "word": "lenticular", "num_translations": 18 }, "sheatfish": { "senses": [ "The wels catfish , a catfish, the largest freshwater fish in Europe", "Other catfish of genus Silurus", "Any of the species in family Siluridae, including" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sheat" ], "word": "sheatfish", "num_translations": 16 }, "inbox": { "senses": [ "A container in which papers to be dealt with are put", "An electronic folder serving the same purpose", "The aggregate of items that demand one's attention or effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in-basket" ], "word": "inbox", "num_translations": 44 }, "sherbet": { "senses": [ "A food of frozen fruit juice with a dairy product such as milk added", "a sorbet with dairy ingredients", "An effervescent powder made of bicarbonate of soda, sugar and flavourings, intended to be eaten alone or mixed with water to make a drink", "A traditional West and South Asian sweet drink prepared from fruits or flower petals", "An alcoholic drink, especially beer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sharbat" ], "word": "sherbet", "num_translations": 101 }, "lysergicaciddiethylamide": { "senses": [ "A powerful synthetic hallucinogen, commonly abbreviated LSD" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:LSD" ], "word": "lysergicaciddiethylamide", "num_translations": 14 }, "nutritionist": { "senses": [ "An expert or specialist in nutrition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nutritionalist" ], "word": "nutritionist", "num_translations": 21 }, "tvguide": { "senses": [ "A book, magazine or website that lists the television schedule", "An interactive menu-based system displaying the television schedule on the television screen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "EPG" ], "word": "TVguide", "num_translations": 23 }, "incidence": { "senses": [ "The act of something happening", "occurrence", "The extent or the relative frequency of something happening", "The manner of falling", "bearing or onus, as of a tax that falls unequally", "The striking of radiation or a projectile upon a surface", "A measure of the risk of a person developing a new condition within a specified period of time, usually a year", "The falling of a point on a line, or a line on a plane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "incidence", "num_translations": 11 }, "subjugation": { "senses": [ "The act of subjugating", "The state of being subjugated", "forced control by others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conquest" ], "word": "subjugation", "num_translations": 18 }, "midpoint": { "senses": [ "A point equidistant between two extremes", "A point which divides a line segment into two lines of equal length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:midpoint" ], "word": "midpoint", "num_translations": 31 }, "pornstar": { "senses": [ "An actor or actress famous for appearing in pornographic films", "A person who performs sex acts in a pornographic film" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adult actress", "adult star" ], "word": "pornstar", "num_translations": 33 }, "subscript": { "senses": [ "A type of lettering form written lower than the things around it", "A numerical index into an array" ], "antonyms": [ "superscript" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "subscript", "num_translations": 22 }, "skimmer": { "senses": [ "A device that skims", "A person who skims", "Any of three species of bird in the genus Rynchops of the family Laridae, that feed by skimming the surface of water bodies with their bills in flight", "Any of several large bivalve shells, sometimes used for skimming milk, such as the sea clams and large scallops", "A ballet flat shoe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scissorbill" ], "word": "skimmer", "num_translations": 19 }, "short-tempered": { "senses": [ "Easily angered", "frequently losing one's temper" ], "antonyms": [ "cool", "cool-headed", "even-tempered" ], "synonyms": [ "hotheaded", "quick-tempered", "impatient", "temperamental" ], "word": "short-tempered", "num_translations": 11 }, "untidiness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being untidy" ], "antonyms": [ "tidiness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "untidiness", "num_translations": 18 }, "plugin": { "senses": [ "To connect to a plug socket" ], "antonyms": [ "unplug" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "plugin", "num_translations": 15 }, "guy-wire": { "senses": [ "A metal guy rope used to stabilize a tall structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guy rope" ], "word": "guy-wire", "num_translations": 10 }, "mailbox": { "senses": [ "A box into which mail is put", "A folder or account for the storage of e-mail", "an electronic in-box or mailstore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "letterbox", "post box" ], "word": "mailbox", "num_translations": 53 }, "milch": { "senses": [ "Giving milk", "in note", "Tender", "pitiful", "weeping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "milch", "num_translations": 12 }, "oldhand": { "senses": [ "A person who is experienced at a certain activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "veteran" ], "word": "oldhand", "num_translations": 14 }, "shellshock": { "senses": [ "A stunning shock", "A psychiatric condition characterized by fatigue caused by battle", "A person with the condition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "battle fatigue" ], "word": "shellshock", "num_translations": 11 }, "thirdly": { "senses": [ "In the third place", "third in a row" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "3rdly" ], "word": "thirdly", "num_translations": 15 }, "biblicalhebrew": { "senses": [ "the archaic form of the Hebrew language, spoken by the Israelites in the area known as Canaan/Israel in the first millennium BC, best-attested in the Tanakh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Classical Hebrew" ], "word": "BiblicalHebrew", "num_translations": 13 }, "installer": { "senses": [ "One who installs", "A program that installs software and prepares it for use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "setup" ], "word": "installer", "num_translations": 30 }, "spinylobster": { "senses": [ "a crustacean superficially resembling a true lobster, belonging to the family Palinuridae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rock lobster" ], "word": "spinylobster", "num_translations": 30 }, "hastemakeswaste": { "senses": [ "Being too hasty leads to wasteful mistakes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "look before you leap" ], "word": "hastemakeswaste", "num_translations": 27 }, "manuallabor": { "senses": [ "Work done by hand or using basic tools rather than by machines", "usually physically demanding but unskilled labor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "manual work" ], "word": "manuallabor", "num_translations": 13 }, "matchstick": { "senses": [ "A small, slender piece of wood or cardboard serving as a component of a match", "Any similarly small and thin piece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shred" ], "word": "matchstick", "num_translations": 25 }, "cathetus": { "senses": [ "A line perpendicular to a surface", "in particular, either of the sides of a right triangle other than its hypotenuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "leg" ], "word": "cathetus", "num_translations": 23 }, "pimento": { "senses": [ "A red sweet pepper, a cultivar of Capsicum annuum, used to make relish, stuffed into olives, or used as spice", "A tropical berry used to make allspice", "The tree on which it grows" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cherry pepper", "allspice" ], "word": "pimento", "num_translations": 11 }, "peduncle": { "senses": [ "The axis of an inflorescence", "the stalk supporting an inflorescence", "A short stalk at the base of a leaf or reproductive structure", "A bundle of neurons connecting different parts of the brain", "A stem attaching a mass of tissue to the body", "A collection of nerves in the appendage of an animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "peduncle", "num_translations": 11 }, "punctually": { "senses": [ "In a punctual manner", "on time", "Precisely", "exactly", "minutely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on schedule", "accurately" ], "word": "punctually", "num_translations": 10 }, "currencyrisk": { "senses": [ "A form of risk resulting from changes of currency exchange rates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exchange rate risk", "foreign exchange risk", "FX risk" ], "word": "currencyrisk", "num_translations": 10 }, "noidea": { "senses": [ "I don't know", "Indicates that the speaker is completely ambivalent about something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beats me", "dunno" ], "word": "noidea", "num_translations": 17 }, "supportive": { "senses": [ "Providing support" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "supportful" ], "word": "supportive", "num_translations": 12 }, "yukitup": { "senses": [ "To clown around: to behave clownishly", "to joke idly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "act out" ], "word": "yukitup", "num_translations": 18 }, "middleschool": { "senses": [ "A school which crosses the traditional divide between primary school and secondary school" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intermediate school", "junior high school" ], "word": "middleschool", "num_translations": 28 }, "well-behaved": { "senses": [ "Having good manners and acting properly", "conforming to standards of good behaviour", "Having intuitive, easy to handle properties, especially: having a finite derivative of all orders at all points, and having no discontinuities" ], "antonyms": [ "ill behaved", "degenerate", "pathological" ], "synonyms": [ "well-mannered", "seemly" ], "word": "well-behaved", "num_translations": 34 }, "well-defined": { "senses": [ "Having a clean and distinct outline", "Accurately and precisely described or specified", "Defined in an unambiguous and consistent way: specifically, such that any two objects implied to be identical are indeed identical" ], "antonyms": [ "ill-defined" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "well-defined", "num_translations": 11 }, "singlet": { "senses": [ "A vest", "a sleeveless garment with a low-cut neck, often worn underneath a shirt", "A multiplet having a single member, especially a single spectroscopic peak", "A quantum state having zero spin", "A single person occupying one human body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "undershirt" ], "word": "singlet", "num_translations": 59 }, "conductive": { "senses": [ "Able to conduct electrical current or heat", "Of, or relating to conductivity of a material" ], "antonyms": [ "nonconductive" ], "synonyms": [ "conductant" ], "word": "conductive", "num_translations": 15 }, "freshen": { "senses": [ "To become fresh", "To become stronger", "To begin or resume giving milk, especially after calving", "to cause to resume giving milk", "To make fresh", "To give redness to", "To make less salty", "to separate, as water, from saline ingredients", "To relieve, as a rope, by change of place where friction wears it", "or to renew, as the material used to prevent chafing", "To top up", "To top up in a firearm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "freshen", "num_translations": 15 }, "calvinism": { "senses": [ "The Christian religious tradition based upon the doctrines and forms of Christian practice of several Protestant reformers, especially John Calvin, in contrast to Catholicism, Lutheranism, Anabaptism, and Arminianism One distinctive trait of the system is its Augustinian doctrine of predestination, which teaches that God has elected some for salvation, apart from anything they do or believe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Reformed" ], "word": "Calvinism", "num_translations": 23 }, "multicolored": { "senses": [ "Having multiple colors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "multicolor", "polychromatic", "multichromatic", "particolored", "multihued", "Thesaurus:multicolored" ], "word": "multicolored", "num_translations": 60 }, "disyllabic": { "senses": [ "Comprising two syllables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bisyllabic" ], "word": "disyllabic", "num_translations": 28 }, "wingedbean": { "senses": [ "A tropical legume, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, having clusters of purple flowers and pods with four jagged wings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asparagus pea" ], "word": "wingedbean", "num_translations": 22 }, "gasgiant": { "senses": [ "A large planet composed mostly of gaseous hydrogen and helium, along with methane and ammonia", "possibly with a solid core" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jovian planet", "gas giant planet" ], "word": "gasgiant", "num_translations": 15 }, "break-evenpoint": { "senses": [ "The point where total costs equal total revenue and the organization neither makes a profit nor suffers a loss" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BEP" ], "word": "break-evenpoint", "num_translations": 16 }, "intersexuality": { "senses": [ "The state of having the physical features of both sexes, or of having ambiguous sex, ie not unambiguously male or female" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intersex" ], "word": "intersexuality", "num_translations": 30 }, "myass": { "senses": [ "Indicates disapproval, disagreement, or disbelief, often with a tone of disregard, disdain, or disgust, referring to the buttocks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fiddlesticks" ], "word": "myass", "num_translations": 27 }, "frontpage": { "senses": [ "The first, and initially visible, page of a publication" ], "antonyms": [ "back cover", "back page" ], "synonyms": [ "front cover" ], "word": "frontpage", "num_translations": 18 }, "marianatrench": { "senses": [ "A submarine trench in the North Pacific Ocean, noted for having the deepest known point on Earth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Marianas Trench" ], "word": "MarianaTrench", "num_translations": 20 }, "alltalkandnoaction": { "senses": [ "Speaking, promising, or boasting much, but doing little" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all bark and no bite", "all talk and no cider", "all talk, no show", "all booster, no payload", "all crown, no filling", "all foam, no beer", "all hammer, no nail", "all hat and no cattle", "all icing, no cake", "all lime and salt, no tequila", "all mouth and no trousers", "all mouth and trousers", "all shot, no powder", "all sing, no dance", "all sizzle and no steak", "all talk", "all wax and no wick" ], "word": "alltalkandnoaction", "num_translations": 11 }, "pointofnoreturn": { "senses": [ "The point in an aircraft's flight when there is insufficient fuel to reverse direction and return to the place of origin", "The point in any process or sequence of events where some development becomes inevitable", "The moment when orgasm is inevitable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rubicon", "threshold" ], "word": "pointofnoreturn", "num_translations": 24 }, "bas-relief": { "senses": [ "A low or mostly-flat sculpture which is carved into a wall, or is in the form of a tile mounted flat to a wall, rather than a fully three-dimensional, free-standing figure" ], "antonyms": [ "alto-relievo" ], "synonyms": [ "basso-rilievo", "cameo", "low relief" ], "word": "bas-relief", "num_translations": 18 }, "drunkasaskunk": { "senses": [ "Highly inebriated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drunk as a cunt", "drunk as a fiddler", "drunk as a fiddler's bitch", "drunk as a lord", "drunk as a piper", "drunk as a sow", "drunk as a wheelbarrow", "drunk as an owl", "drunk as Chloe", "drunk as David's sow", "full as a goog", "pissed as a fart", "pissed as a newt", "tight as a tick", "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "drunkasaskunk", "num_translations": 16 }, "beechnut": { "senses": [ "The small, triangular, edible nut of the beech tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beech mast" ], "word": "beechnut", "num_translations": 19 }, "feverfew": { "senses": [ "A European aromatic perennial herb, Tanacetum parthenium , having daisy-like flowers", "valued as a traditional medicine, especially for headaches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bachelor's buttons" ], "word": "feverfew", "num_translations": 17 }, "delusionofgrandeur": { "senses": [ "The false belief that one is important or powerful, accompanying certain mental disorders", "Conceitedness or overconfidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "megalomania" ], "word": "delusionofgrandeur", "num_translations": 21 }, "haram1": { "senses": [ "Forbidden by Islam: unlawful, sinful" ], "antonyms": [ "halal" ], "synonyms": [ "nonhalal" ], "word": "haram", "num_translations": 32 }, "popularscience": { "senses": [ "An interpretation of science intended for a general audience, rather than for other scientists or students", "Of, or having to do with science, but aimed at ordinary people as opposed to scientists", "intended for general consumption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "popular scientific", "popsci", "pop. science" ], "word": "popularscience", "num_translations": 22 }, "geigercounter": { "senses": [ "A device designed to detect radioactivity and measure its intensity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Geiger-M\u00fcller counter" ], "word": "Geigercounter", "num_translations": 24 }, "fanfiction": { "senses": [ "Amateur fiction created by fans, incorporating the characters and concepts of a commercial media property, typically without permission from the author or owner", "Fiction about fans and fandom created by members of fandom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "faan fiction" ], "word": "fanfiction", "num_translations": 19 }, "giardiasis": { "senses": [ "An infectious diarrheal disease caused by the Giardia lamblia parasite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beaver fever" ], "word": "giardiasis", "num_translations": 10 }, "riverbed": { "senses": [ "The path where a river runs, or where a river once ran", "the bottom earthen part of a river, not including the riverbanks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stream bed" ], "word": "riverbed", "num_translations": 20 }, "pistonengine": { "senses": [ "Any of several types of engine having cylinders containing reciprocating pistons, in which a crankshaft is turned by pistons moving up and down within cylinders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reciprocating engine" ], "word": "pistonengine", "num_translations": 10 }, "commonality": { "senses": [ "The common people", "the commonalty", "The joint possession of a set of attributes or characteristics", "Such a shared attribute or characteristic", "A quality that applies to materiel or systems: possessing like and interchangeable parts or characteristics enabling each to be utilized, or operated and maintained in common", "having interchangeable repair parts and/or components", "applying to consumable items interchangeably equivalent without adjustment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commonship" ], "word": "commonality", "num_translations": 10 }, "pan": { "senses": [ "A wide, flat receptacle used around the house, especially for cooking", "The contents of such a receptacle", "A cylindrical receptacle about as tall as it is wide, with one long handle, usually made of metal, used for cooking in the home", "A deep plastic receptacle, used for washing or food preparation", "a basin", "A wide receptacle in which gold grains are separated from gravel by washing the contents with water", "synonym of \"pipe\": a channel for lava within a volcano", "the cylindrical remains of such channels", "Strong adverse criticism", "A loaf of bread", "The chamber pot in a close stool", "the base of a toilet, consisting of the bowl and its support", "A human face, a mug", "A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating as part of manufacture", "The part of a flintlock that holds the priming", "The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain", "The brain, seen as one's intellect", "A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frying pan", "saucepan", "See", "Thesaurus:chamber pot", "See", "Thesaurus:toilet" ], "word": "pan", "num_translations": 110 }, "pan1": { "senses": [ "To disparage", "to belittle", "to put down", "to criticise severely", "With \"out\" , to turn out well", "to be successful", "To beat one's opposition convincingly", "To criticize harshly a work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pan", "num_translations": 15 }, "predicative": { "senses": [ "Used after a verb, as a predicate", "contrasted with attributive" ], "antonyms": [ "attributive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "predicative", "num_translations": 17 }, "predicative1": { "senses": [ "Examples", "He seems nice", "Bob is a postman", "We painted the door white", "They elected him president" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "predicative", "num_translations": 20 }, "categorically": { "senses": [ "In a categorical manner", "By the use of categories", "Absolutely, by all means", "truly" ], "antonyms": [ "exceptionally", "conditionally" ], "synonyms": [ "definitively", "unconditionally" ], "word": "categorically", "num_translations": 15 }, "categorical": { "senses": [ "absolute", "having no exception", "of, pertaining to, or using a category or categories" ], "antonyms": [ "exceptional" ], "synonyms": [ "absolute" ], "word": "categorical", "num_translations": 20 }, "wildcherry": { "senses": [ "The uncultivated cherry tree, Prunus avium, native to Europe and western Asia", "Prunus serotina of North America", "The fruit of these trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweet cherry", "black cherry" ], "word": "wildcherry", "num_translations": 44 }, "stiletto": { "senses": [ "A small, slender knife or dagger-like weapon intended for stabbing", "A rapier", "An awl", "A woman's shoe with a tall, slender heel", "A beard trimmed into a pointed form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stiletto", "num_translations": 31 }, "rhumbline": { "senses": [ "A line that cuts all meridians at the same angle, the path of a vessel that maintains a constant compass direction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rhumb", "loxodrome" ], "word": "rhumbline", "num_translations": 15 }, "subhuman1": { "senses": [ "Anything which is less than human" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonperson", "lessperson" ], "word": "subhuman", "num_translations": 13 }, "blinddrunk": { "senses": [ "So intoxicated as to appear to have difficulty seeing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drunk" ], "word": "blinddrunk", "num_translations": 13 }, "callback": { "senses": [ "The return of a situation to a previous position or state", "A return telephone or radio call", "especially one made automatically to authenticate a logon to a computer network", "A product recall because of a defect or safety concern", "A function pointer passed as an argument to another function", "a follow-up audition", "a joke which references an earlier joke in the same routine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "running gag" ], "word": "callback", "num_translations": 20 }, "puducherry": { "senses": [ "Union territory in southern India, consisting of four exclaves of former French India, namely its capital, Karaikal, Yanam and Mahe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pondicherry" ], "word": "Puducherry", "num_translations": 18 }, "automorphism": { "senses": [ "An isomorphism of a mathematical object or system of objects onto itself", "The ascription to others of one's own characteristics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-map", "projection" ], "word": "automorphism", "num_translations": 12 }, "stinkbug": { "senses": [ "Any of several insects, usually shield-shaped, possessing a gland that produces a foul-smelling liquid, usually containing aldehydes which they use to discourage predators", "A common name applied to various insects of the Hemiptera order , in the Heteroptera suborder, principally in the superfamilies Pentatomoidea and Coreoidea", "A pinacate beetle or stink beetle that releases a pungent odor when threatened" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shield bug" ], "word": "stinkbug", "num_translations": 11 }, "standard-bearer": { "senses": [ "A person who carries a flag or banner", "A person who visibly leads" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flag-bearer", "flag carrier" ], "word": "standard-bearer", "num_translations": 23 }, "partaker": { "senses": [ "One who partakes of something", "A partner or accomplice" ], "antonyms": [ "abstainer" ], "synonyms": [ "imbiber" ], "word": "partaker", "num_translations": 18 }, "abstractalgebra": { "senses": [ "The branch of mathematics concerned with algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, and fields" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "modern algebra" ], "word": "abstractalgebra", "num_translations": 22 }, "obon": { "senses": [ "A Japanese festival to honour the spirits of one's ancestors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bon", "Bon Festival" ], "word": "Obon", "num_translations": 14 }, "sponsorship": { "senses": [ "The state or practice of being a sponsor", "The aid or support provided by a sponsor", "backing or patronage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gossipred" ], "word": "sponsorship", "num_translations": 10 }, "cityhall": { "senses": [ "The building that houses a city's government", "The city government", "government in general" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "town hall" ], "word": "cityhall", "num_translations": 59 }, "viniculture": { "senses": [ "The cultivation of grapes, especially those used to produce wine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "viticulture" ], "word": "viniculture", "num_translations": 10 }, "diethylether": { "senses": [ "A clear, colorless, highly flammable liquid with a low boiling point and chemical formula CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3 Used as a solvent and in the past as a general anesthetic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ether", "ethoxyethane", "ethyl ether", "ethyl oxide" ], "word": "diethylether", "num_translations": 10 }, "primaryschool": { "senses": [ "The first formal, obligatory school Usually begins with nursery school or first grade and ends at fifth or sixth grade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elementary school", "grade school" ], "word": "primaryschool", "num_translations": 72 }, "altitudesickness": { "senses": [ "A pathological condition caused by oxygen deficiency at high altitudes", "symptoms include shortness of breath, nausea, and nosebleed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apoxia", "mountain sickness" ], "word": "altitudesickness", "num_translations": 23 }, "measuringworm": { "senses": [ "The larva of a moth of the family Geometridae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geometrid", "inchworm", "looper", "spanworm" ], "word": "measuringworm", "num_translations": 16 }, "otolith": { "senses": [ "A small particle, comprised mainly of calcium carbonate, found in the inner ear of vertebrates, being part of the balance sense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "otoconium", "otosteon", "statoconium", "statolith" ], "word": "otolith", "num_translations": 33 }, "angelhair": { "senses": [ "A type of pasta, thinner than spaghetti or vermicelli", "fios de ovos", "A sticky, fibrous substance reported in connection with UFO sightings and other paranormal manifestations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capelli d'angelo" ], "word": "angelhair", "num_translations": 21 }, "campground": { "senses": [ "An area where tents are pitched", "An area where a camp meeting is held" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "camping ground" ], "word": "campground", "num_translations": 24 }, "gotohell": { "senses": [ "To go out the window", "be ruined", "be now useless", "Expression of anger and contempt directed at someone, especially after that individual has done something very wrong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go out the window", "go to Halifax", "get fucked" ], "word": "gotohell", "num_translations": 43 }, "monolingualism": { "senses": [ "The condition of being monolingual", "the ability to speak only a single language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monoglottism", "unilingualism" ], "word": "monolingualism", "num_translations": 21 }, "multilingualism": { "senses": [ "the condition of being multilingual", "the ability to speak multiple languages" ], "antonyms": [ "monolingualism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "multilingualism", "num_translations": 39 }, "slotmachine": { "senses": [ "Any machine operated by placing a coin or token into a slot", "A gambling machine so operated", "a fruit machine or one-armed bandit", "A vending machine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fruit machine", "one-armed bandit", "poker machine", "pokie machine" ], "word": "slotmachine", "num_translations": 43 }, "capitalistic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to capitalism or to capitalists", "Organised on a capitalist basis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capitalist" ], "word": "capitalistic", "num_translations": 14 }, "pencilcase": { "senses": [ "An object purposed to contain different stationery like pencil, rubber, correction fluid, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pencil box" ], "word": "pencilcase", "num_translations": 85 }, "spin-off": { "senses": [ "An offshoot", "An incidental benefit or unexpected pay-off", "By-product", "A fictional work where the protagonist was introduced in a preceding work or at least shares the same setting, often in a different aspect", "The formation of a subsidiary company that continues the operations of part of the parent company", "the company so formed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "derivate", "descendant" ], "word": "spin-off", "num_translations": 23 }, "paradoxical": { "senses": [ "Having self-contradictory properties" ], "antonyms": [ "self-consistent", "self-evident" ], "synonyms": [ "oxymoronic", "self-contradictory" ], "word": "paradoxical", "num_translations": 19 }, "payslip": { "senses": [ "A small document, included with an employee's wage or salary, giving details of money earned and tax and insurance paid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pay advice", "pay stub" ], "word": "payslip", "num_translations": 11 }, "steelworks": { "senses": [ "A place where steel is manufactured and/or shaped" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steel mill", "steel plant" ], "word": "steelworks", "num_translations": 51 }, "steelworker": { "senses": [ "A person who manufactures or shapes steel", "A person employed to build steel structures, an ironworker" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steelman", "steelwright", "steeler" ], "word": "steelworker", "num_translations": 13 }, "educated": { "senses": [ "Having attained a level of higher education, such as a college degree", "Based on relevant information" ], "antonyms": [ "uneducated" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:learned" ], "word": "educated", "num_translations": 21 }, "highereducation": { "senses": [ "Education at university level or beyond" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tertiary-level education", "further education", "higher learning" ], "word": "highereducation", "num_translations": 31 }, "telecommunication": { "senses": [ "The science and technology of the communication of messages over a distance using electric, electronic or electromagnetic impulses", "A message so transmitted", "Systems used in transmitting such signals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "telecom" ], "word": "telecommunication", "num_translations": 27 }, "goosefoot": { "senses": [ "Any of many flowering plants, of the subfamily Chenopodioideae, having small greenish flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pigweed" ], "word": "goosefoot", "num_translations": 16 }, "signboard": { "senses": [ "A board carrying a sign, or on which signs may be posted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "noticeboard" ], "word": "signboard", "num_translations": 26 }, "railwaystation": { "senses": [ "A place where trains stop for passengers to embark and disembark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "railroad station", "train station" ], "word": "railwaystation", "num_translations": 106 }, "hardpan": { "senses": [ "A distinct layer of soil that is largely impervious to water", "synonym of \"dry lake\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pan" ], "word": "hardpan", "num_translations": 12 }, "ge'ez": { "senses": [ "An Ethiopian language which is extinct but still used liturgically" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ethiopic" ], "word": "Ge'ez", "num_translations": 19 }, "promissorynote": { "senses": [ "A document saying that someone owes a specific amount of money to someone else, often with the deadline and interest fees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "note payable" ], "word": "promissorynote", "num_translations": 33 }, "rosewine": { "senses": [ "A pale pink wine made by removing the dark grape skins at the required point during fermentation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ros\u00e9", "pink wine" ], "word": "rosewine", "num_translations": 40 }, "ophiuchus": { "senses": [ "A zodiacal constellation of the northern summer said to depict a man holding a serpent", "the serpent is the constellation Serpens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Serpentarius" ], "word": "Ophiuchus", "num_translations": 21 }, "coronaaustralis": { "senses": [ "A small summer constellation of the northern sky said to resemble a crown" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Corona Austrina" ], "word": "CoronaAustralis", "num_translations": 13 }, "pedipalp": { "senses": [ "Either of a second pair of appendages, near the mouth of a spider, homologous to the mandibles in crustaceans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "palp" ], "word": "pedipalp", "num_translations": 10 }, "somnambulism": { "senses": [ "sleepwalking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleepwalking", "noctambulism", "somnambulance", "somnambulation" ], "word": "somnambulism", "num_translations": 29 }, "hitlerism": { "senses": [ "The political philosophy and practices of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nazism" ], "word": "Hitlerism", "num_translations": 16 }, "sightly": { "senses": [ "Attractive, pleasing to the eye", "affording gratification to the sense of sight", "aesthetically pleasing", "Open to sight", "conspicuous" ], "antonyms": [ "unsightly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sightly", "num_translations": 11 }, "rounding1": { "senses": [ "The act by which a numerical value is rounded", "The numerical value obtained by this process", "The act of making anything round, as the lips in pronouncing some vowels", "A rounded surface", "a curve", "In bookbinding, the shaping of the folded and sewed sheets into a convex form at the back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rounding", "num_translations": 23 }, "slimming": { "senses": [ "Making a person seem or become slimmer" ], "antonyms": [ "fattening" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "slimming", "num_translations": 15 }, "dumpsterdiving": { "senses": [ "The act of recovering, for any purpose, discarded items that would otherwise be sent to a landfill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "binning", "garbage gleaning", "skip-raiding", "trashing" ], "word": "dumpsterdiving", "num_translations": 16 }, "generalstore": { "senses": [ "A store which sells a large variety of useful things, without specializing highly in any particular type of merchandise, and which is not departmentalized" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "general merchandise store" ], "word": "generalstore", "num_translations": 13 }, "rowhouse": { "senses": [ "One of a row of houses situated side by side and sharing a common wall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "terraced house", "townhouse", "rowhome" ], "word": "rowhouse", "num_translations": 16 }, "grumbler": { "senses": [ "A person who persistently grumbles", "a complainer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:complainer" ], "word": "grumbler", "num_translations": 10 }, "statesmanship": { "senses": [ "The craft or skill of being a statesman, of leading a government well" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "statecraft" ], "word": "statesmanship", "num_translations": 13 }, "barbarity": { "senses": [ "The state of being barbarous", "brutality", "A barbaric act", "crudity", "A crude act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "barbarity", "num_translations": 11 }, "harbin": { "senses": [ "prefecture-level city/and/sub-provincial city/provincial capital p/Heilongjiang in northeastern c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ha'erbin", "Ha-erh-pin" ], "word": "Harbin", "num_translations": 22 }, "hefei": { "senses": [ "prefecture-level city/provincial capital p/Anhui in central c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Luchow" ], "word": "Hefei", "num_translations": 13 }, "shenyang": { "senses": [ "sub-provincial city/provincial capital p/Liaoning in northeastern c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mukden" ], "word": "Shenyang", "num_translations": 20 }, "allthatglittersisnotgold": { "senses": [ "Things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so", "things that look nice might not be as good as they look" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "you can't judge a book by its cover" ], "word": "allthatglittersisnotgold", "num_translations": 43 }, "betweenarockandahardplace": { "senses": [ "Bankrupt", "In a difficult and inescapable position", "Having the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options", "in a predicament or quandary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "caught between the devil and the deep blue sea", "between Scylla and Charybdis", "be on the horns of a dilemma" ], "word": "betweenarockandahardplace", "num_translations": 38 }, "bob'syouruncle": { "senses": [ "\"No problem\", \"the solution is simple\", \"there you have it\", you have what you want, all will be well", "indicates a desirable conclusion has been reached" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hey presto" ], "word": "Bob'syouruncle", "num_translations": 15 }, "compradorbourgeoisie": { "senses": [ "A section of an indigenous middle class allied with foreign investors, multinational corporations, bankers, and military interests" ], "antonyms": [ "national bourgeoisie" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "compradorbourgeoisie", "num_translations": 11 }, "cattail": { "senses": [ "Any of several perennial herbs, of the genus Typha, that have long flat leaves, and grow in marshy places" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bulrush" ], "word": "cattail", "num_translations": 23 }, "causeless": { "senses": [ "Having no obvious cause", "fortuitous or inexplicable", "groundless or unreasonable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by accident" ], "word": "causeless", "num_translations": 11 }, "encomium": { "senses": [ "Warm praise, especially a formal expression of such praise", "a tribute", "A general category of oratory", "A method within rhetorical pedagogy", "The eighth exercise in the progymnasmata series", "A genre of literature that included five elements: prologue, birth and upbringing, acts of the person's life, comparisons used to praise the subject, and an epilogue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "encomium", "num_translations": 17 }, "lineartransformation": { "senses": [ "A map between vector spaces which respects addition and multiplication" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "linear map" ], "word": "lineartransformation", "num_translations": 12 }, "tartu": { "senses": [ "The second-largest > in >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dorpat" ], "word": "Tartu", "num_translations": 28 }, "fluidmechanics": { "senses": [ "The branch of mechanics dealing with gases and liquids, either at rest or in motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hydromechanics" ], "word": "fluidmechanics", "num_translations": 10 }, "nonprofit": { "senses": [ "Not seeking to produce a profit" ], "antonyms": [ "for-profit" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nonprofit", "num_translations": 22 }, "nonprofit1": { "senses": [ "An organization that exists for reasons other than to make a profit, such as a charitable, educational or service organization" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "not-for-profit", "NPO" ], "word": "nonprofit", "num_translations": 20 }, "woodanemone": { "senses": [ "Either of two plant species of the family Ranunculaceae, Anemone nemorosa and Anemone quinquefolia", "The snowdrop windflower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "windflower", "snowdrop windflower" ], "word": "woodanemone", "num_translations": 17 }, "commonhepatica": { "senses": [ "The flowering plant species Anemone hepatica" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liverwort" ], "word": "commonhepatica", "num_translations": 10 }, "institutional": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or organized along the lines of an institution", "Instituted by authority", "Elementary", "rudimentary", "Arising from the practice of an institution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "institutional", "num_translations": 13 }, "chairwoman": { "senses": [ "A female chairperson", "A charwoman" ], "antonyms": [ "chairman" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "chairwoman", "num_translations": 13 }, "reification": { "senses": [ "The consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete, or of an inanimate object as if it were living", "The consideration of a human being as an impersonal object", "Process that makes a computable/addressable object out of a non-computable/addressable one", "The transformation of a natural-language statement into a form in which its actions and events are quantifiable variables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypostatization", "objectification", "pathetic fallacy", "thingification" ], "word": "reification", "num_translations": 18 }, "pocketmoney": { "senses": [ "A small sum of money given to a child, by a parent or guardian", "A small sum of cash, carried on the person, for small, daily expenses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allowance", "pin money" ], "word": "pocketmoney", "num_translations": 55 }, "ibiza": { "senses": [ "One of the Balearic Islands of Spain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "White Isle" ], "word": "Ibiza", "num_translations": 47 }, "geometer": { "senses": [ "A mathematician who specializes in geometry", "Any species of geometrid moth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geometrician" ], "word": "geometer", "num_translations": 10 }, "madasahatter": { "senses": [ "Demented or crazy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disturbed", "insane", "loopy", "nutty", "mad as a March hare", "Thesaurus:insane" ], "word": "madasahatter", "num_translations": 12 }, "jackofalltrades,masterofnone": { "senses": [ "A person who has a competent grasp of many skills but who is not outstanding in any one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "factotum" ], "word": "jackofalltrades,masterofnone", "num_translations": 17 }, "laughingstock": { "senses": [ "An object of ridicule, someone who is publicly ridiculed", "a butt of sport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:laughingstock" ], "word": "laughingstock", "num_translations": 41 }, "inlayman'sterms": { "senses": [ "Phrased simply, without jargon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "simplistically" ], "word": "inlayman'sterms", "num_translations": 30 }, "asto": { "senses": [ "With reference or regard to", "According to", "in a manner conforming or corresponding to", "in proportion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as for", "by" ], "word": "asto", "num_translations": 31 }, "dueto": { "senses": [ "caused by", "resulting from", "because of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as a consequence of", "as a result of", "because of", "thanks to", "on account of" ], "word": "dueto", "num_translations": 55 }, "charlatanry": { "senses": [ "The state of being a charlatan", "The act of a charlatan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charlatanism" ], "word": "charlatanry", "num_translations": 10 }, "sparkler": { "senses": [ "A hand-held firework that emits sparks", "A gem or ornament that sparkles", "A vivacious and charismatic person", "A sparkling wine", "A tiger beetle", "One who scatters", "especially, one who scatters money", "an improvident person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sparkler", "num_translations": 20 }, "harden": { "senses": [ "To become hard", "To make something hard or harder", "To strengthen", "To modify to make it resistant to malicious attacks", "To become or make resistant or less sensitive", "To become or make more fortis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "harden", "num_translations": 75 }, "vial": { "senses": [ "A glass vessel or bottle, especially a small tube-shaped bottle used to store medicine, perfume or other chemical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ampoule" ], "word": "vial", "num_translations": 55 }, "internationalism": { "senses": [ "Political, economic and cultural cooperation between nations", "A loanword that occurs in several languages with the same or similar meaning and etymology" ], "antonyms": [ "nationalism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "internationalism", "num_translations": 35 }, "stuttering": { "senses": [ "A speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words or phrases, and by involuntary silent pauses or blocks in which the stutterer is unable to produce sounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stammering" ], "word": "stuttering", "num_translations": 15 }, "allthetime": { "senses": [ "Always", "constantly", "for the complete duration", "Very often", "frequently" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at all times" ], "word": "allthetime", "num_translations": 58 }, "objectification": { "senses": [ "The process of objectifying something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reification", "thingification" ], "word": "objectification", "num_translations": 17 }, "checkin": { "senses": [ "To announce or record one's own arrival at a hotel, airport etc", "To verify a person's information and record their arrival, such as at a hotel, airport, etc", "To contact another person in order to keep the other person informed of one's situation", "To return", "To visit in order to see how someone is doing", "To enter solitary confinement at one's own request for protection from other prisoners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "checkin", "num_translations": 26 }, "competitiveness": { "senses": [ "The state of being competitive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "competitivity" ], "word": "competitiveness", "num_translations": 13 }, "sakha1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Yakutia", "Sakha (Yakutia)" ], "word": "Sakha", "num_translations": 10 }, "yakut1": { "senses": [ "The language of these people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sakha" ], "word": "Yakut", "num_translations": 26 }, "yakutia": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"Sakha\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sakha", "Sakha (Yakutia)" ], "word": "Yakutia", "num_translations": 18 }, "chesspiece": { "senses": [ "Any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chessman" ], "word": "chesspiece", "num_translations": 65 }, "contagiousness": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being contagious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contagiosity" ], "word": "contagiousness", "num_translations": 24 }, "creaky": { "senses": [ "Tending to creak", "Worn down by overuse", "decrepit", "arthritic or rheumatic", "Of or relating to a special kind of phonation in which the arytenoid cartilages in the larynx are drawn together, compressing the vocal folds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "creaky", "num_translations": 25 }, "arcticfox": { "senses": [ "Vulpes lagopus, a fox-like carnivore of the family Canidae living in the Arctic regions of North America and Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polar fox" ], "word": "arcticfox", "num_translations": 34 }, "billhook": { "senses": [ "A medieval polearm with a similar construct, fitted to a long handle, sometimes with an L-shaped tine or a spike protruding from the side or the end of the blade for tackling the opponent", "a bill", "An agricultural implement often with a curved or hooked end to the blade used for pruning or cutting thick, woody plants", "Written as bill-hook: a part of the knotting mechanism in a reaper-binder or baler", "Written as bill hook: a spiked hook used in offices and shops for hanging bills or other small papers such as receipts", "Written as bill hook: a sharply pointed spike growing from the tip of the upper mandible of the hatchlings of honeyguides, used to destroy the eggs and kill the chicks of the host species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handbill", "pruning hook", "hack", "hacker", "hedging bill", "hedging-bill", "hedge bill", "bill", "broom hook", "block hook", "Yorkshire bill", "vine hook" ], "word": "billhook", "num_translations": 46 }, "pawa": { "senses": [ "An edible univalve mollusc of the genus Haliotis, having a shell lined with mother-of-pearl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "p\u0101ua", "abalone", "ear-shell", "ormer", "perlemoen" ], "word": "pawa", "num_translations": 18 }, "amusementpark": { "senses": [ "A commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fun park", "holiday park" ], "word": "amusementpark", "num_translations": 49 }, "axiomofchoice": { "senses": [ "One of the axioms of set theory, equivalent to the statement that an arbitrary direct product of non-empty sets is non-empty", "any version of said axiom, for example specifying the cardinality of the number of sets from which choices are made" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "AC" ], "word": "axiomofchoice", "num_translations": 13 }, "heart-shaped": { "senses": [ "Having the traditional shape of a heart , that is pointed at one end and indented at the opposite side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cordate" ], "word": "heart-shaped", "num_translations": 27 }, "cesspit": { "senses": [ "A cesspool", "a pit or covered cistern used to collect sewage and waste water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "septic tank", "cesspool", "gongpit" ], "word": "cesspit", "num_translations": 11 }, "clarinetist": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays the clarinet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clarinet-player" ], "word": "clarinetist", "num_translations": 16 }, "cross-dress": { "senses": [ "To wear clothes typically associated with the opposite sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transvest" ], "word": "cross-dress", "num_translations": 13 }, "loveletter": { "senses": [ "A letter written about the author's love for the intended reader", "A work that shows great passion or enthusiasm for something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "billet-doux" ], "word": "loveletter", "num_translations": 51 }, "speedwell": { "senses": [ "A plant of the genus Veronica" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "veronica" ], "word": "speedwell", "num_translations": 22 }, "protectionist": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to protectionism, or an advocate thereof" ], "antonyms": [ "nonprotectionist" ], "synonyms": [ "protectionistic" ], "word": "protectionist", "num_translations": 11 }, "europeanbeaver": { "senses": [ "A species of beaver, Castor fiber, native to Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurasian beaver" ], "word": "Europeanbeaver", "num_translations": 21 }, "nimbleness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being nimble" ], "antonyms": [ "sluggishness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nimbleness", "num_translations": 17 }, "jihadist": { "senses": [ "One who participates in a jihad", "a mujahid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mujahid" ], "word": "jihadist", "num_translations": 46 }, "potatocrisp": { "senses": [ "A thin slice of potato that has been fried, typically packaged and sold as a snack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "potato chip" ], "word": "potatocrisp", "num_translations": 36 }, "atatime": { "senses": [ "In a single, continuous period of time", "Simultaneously at each occurrence" ], "antonyms": [ "individually" ], "synonyms": [ "in a row", "at once" ], "word": "atatime", "num_translations": 25 }, "oneatatime": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "at the same time" ], "synonyms": [ "individually" ], "word": "oneatatime", "num_translations": 15 }, "mashedpotatoes1": { "senses": [ "mash potato", "A dish consisting of potatoes that have been boiled, mashed to a pulpy consistency, and mixed with such ingredients as butter or milk", "Partially melted snow with a pulpy texture, making for slow skiing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mash" ], "word": "mashedpotatoes", "num_translations": 53 }, "everytime": { "senses": [ "At each occasion that", "Used to express a strong preference for something" ], "antonyms": [ "never" ], "synonyms": [ "each time" ], "word": "everytime", "num_translations": 38 }, "intime": { "senses": [ "At or before the time assigned", "Sufficiently early", "As time passes", "In rhythm", "At the same rhythm as", "In the correct tempo" ], "antonyms": [ "behind time", "late", "all at once" ], "synonyms": [ "early", ")", "as time goes by" ], "word": "intime", "num_translations": 61 }, "hardhearted": { "senses": [ "Lacking in compassion", "cold and pitiless" ], "antonyms": [ "softhearted" ], "synonyms": [ "stonehearted" ], "word": "hardhearted", "num_translations": 12 }, "inforapenny,inforapound": { "senses": [ "Having started something, one must see it through to its end, rather than stopping short", "one must \u201cgo the whole hog\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in for a dime, in for a dollar", "in for an inch, in for a mile" ], "word": "inforapenny,inforapound", "num_translations": 17 }, "primetime": { "senses": [ "Spring", "A new period or time of youthfulness", "the beginning of something", "The block of programming on television during the middle of the evening, usually between 19:00 and 23:00", "Maturity", "the state at which a person or product will be accepted by the mainstream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "primetime", "num_translations": 32 }, "bassoonist": { "senses": [ "A person who plays the bassoon, a musical instrument in the woodwind family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bassooner" ], "word": "bassoonist", "num_translations": 33 }, "taketime": { "senses": [ "To require a comparatively long period of time", "To volunteer to spend one's time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take a long time", "take some time", "make time" ], "word": "taketime", "num_translations": 12 }, "timeandtidewaitfornoman": { "senses": [ "Action should be undertaken without delay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "time is of the essence", "procrastination is the thief of time", "there's no time like the present" ], "word": "timeandtidewaitfornoman", "num_translations": 12 }, "motorcyclist": { "senses": [ "Someone who rides a motorcycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biker" ], "word": "motorcyclist", "num_translations": 27 }, "object-orientedprogramming": { "senses": [ "A programming paradigm that uses \"objects\" to design applications and computer programs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OOP" ], "word": "object-orientedprogramming", "num_translations": 28 }, "clubfoot": { "senses": [ "A congenital deformity of the foot in which the ankle, heel and toes are twisted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polt foot", "talipes" ], "word": "clubfoot", "num_translations": 15 }, "provable": { "senses": [ "Of a statement or hypothesis that can be proven" ], "antonyms": [ "unprovable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "provable", "num_translations": 11 }, "publicist": { "senses": [ "A person whose job is to publicize information or events", "a publicity agent", "a public relations agent or worker", "A journalist, often a commentator, who focusses on politics", "A scholar, of public or international law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "publicist", "num_translations": 22 }, "adyghe": { "senses": [ "A Northwest Caucasian language spoken in the Republic of Adygea, in the Russian Federation, also known as West Circassian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Adygean" ], "word": "Adyghe", "num_translations": 24 }, "blackrat": { "senses": [ "A common species of rat, Rattus rattus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asian black rat" ], "word": "blackrat", "num_translations": 12 }, "termofendearment": { "senses": [ "A word, phrase, or nickname used as a term of address expressing affection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "endearment" ], "word": "termofendearment", "num_translations": 32 }, "bedwetting": { "senses": [ "Involuntary urination while asleep" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enuresis" ], "word": "bedwetting", "num_translations": 14 }, "demagogic": { "senses": [ "of or pertaining to demagogy or a demagogue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "demagogical" ], "word": "demagogic", "num_translations": 10 }, "decimalplace": { "senses": [ "the position of a digit to the right of the decimal point in a decimal number" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decimal", "place of decimals" ], "word": "decimalplace", "num_translations": 17 }, "machinelanguage": { "senses": [ "The set of instructions that a particular computer is designed to execute", "generated from an assembly language by an assembler, or from a high-level language by a compiler or interpreter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "machine code" ], "word": "machinelanguage", "num_translations": 68 }, "marketprice": { "senses": [ "The price at which a product, financial instrument, service or other tradable item can be bought and sold at an open market", "the going price", "On restaurant menus, used to mean the price charged depends on the price of supplies, which may vary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mp" ], "word": "marketprice", "num_translations": 15 }, "raccoondog": { "senses": [ "The canid Nyctereutes procyonoides, the only extant species in the genus Nyctereutes of the Canidae or dog family, native to East Asia and widely introduced elsewhere in other cool parts of Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mangut", "tanuki" ], "word": "raccoondog", "num_translations": 29 }, "assoonaspossible": { "senses": [ "As soon as is possible", "at one's earliest convenience", "at the earliest possible time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ASAP" ], "word": "assoonaspossible", "num_translations": 83 }, "ilmenite": { "senses": [ "A weakly magnetic dark gray mineral found in metamorphic and igneous rocks", "it is a mixed oxide of iron and titanium, FeTiO3" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "menaccanite" ], "word": "ilmenite", "num_translations": 18 }, "genitalwart": { "senses": [ "A wart associated with a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection, caused by some types of human papillomavirus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "condyloma", "condylomata acuminata" ], "word": "genitalwart", "num_translations": 29 }, "homeeconomics": { "senses": [ "The study of homemaking, including cookery, needlework, cleaning etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "household arts" ], "word": "homeeconomics", "num_translations": 17 }, "dispensable": { "senses": [ "Able to be done without", "able to be expended", "easily replaced", "Capable of being dispensed", "distributable", "Subject to dispensation", "possible to relax, exempt from, or annul", "Not essential to be taken in as part of an organism's diet, as it can be synthesized de novo" ], "antonyms": [ "indispensable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dispensable", "num_translations": 14 }, "unresponsive": { "senses": [ "Not responsive", "unreactive", "Indifferent or apathetic", "emotionless" ], "antonyms": [ "responsive" ], "synonyms": [ "nonresponsive" ], "word": "unresponsive", "num_translations": 12 }, "anticipation": { "senses": [ "The act of anticipating, taking up, placing, or considering something beforehand, or before the proper time in natural order", "The eagerness associated with waiting for something to occur", "Prepayment of a debt, generally in order to pay less interest", "Prolepsis", "A non-harmonic tone that is lower or higher than a note in the previous chord and a unison to a note in the next chord", "Hasty notion", "intuitive preconception" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "expectingness" ], "word": "anticipation", "num_translations": 25 }, "thriftshop": { "senses": [ "A shop which sells used goods at low prices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charity shop", "op shop", "second-hand shop", "thrift store" ], "word": "thriftshop", "num_translations": 21 }, "wu": { "senses": [ "Suzhou, a city in southern Jiangsu province in China, whence:", "A historic and cultural region of China around the mouth of the Yangtze River, whence:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gusu", "Wuxian", "Wujun", "Wu Chinese", "Gou Wu", "Dong Wu", "Huainan", "Wuyue", "Woo" ], "word": "Wu", "num_translations": 34 }, "inexact": { "senses": [ "Imperfectly conforming", "exceeding or falling short in some respect", "Imprecisely or indefinitely conceived or stated", "having a path-dependent integral" ], "antonyms": [ "exact", "exact", "exact" ], "synonyms": [ "imperfect", "loose" ], "word": "inexact", "num_translations": 11 }, "bodyodour": { "senses": [ "The unpleasant smell emitted by a person's body, caused by bacteria multiplied by sweat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BO", "bromhidrosis", "osmidrosis", "ozochrotia", "fetid sweat" ], "word": "bodyodour", "num_translations": 38 }, "homingpigeon": { "senses": [ "A variety of domesticated rock pigeon that has been selectively bred to be able to find its way home over extremely long distances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carrier pigeon" ], "word": "homingpigeon", "num_translations": 27 }, "rockpigeon": { "senses": [ "The bronzewing pigeons, or bronzewings of Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rock dove" ], "word": "rockpigeon", "num_translations": 22 }, "woodpigeon": { "senses": [ "Any of several related species of pigeon in the genus Columba", "A very large species of pigeon native to New Zealand, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "culver", "kereru" ], "word": "woodpigeon", "num_translations": 38 }, "feralpigeon": { "senses": [ "A variety of rock pigeon, Columba livia domestica, that has reverted to the wild and adapted itself to living in urban or rural areas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "domestic pigeon" ], "word": "feralpigeon", "num_translations": 14 }, "barrelorgan": { "senses": [ "A musical instrument in which air from a bellows is admitted to a set of pipes by means of pins inserted into a revolving barrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roller organ", "street organ" ], "word": "barrelorgan", "num_translations": 34 }, "slowmotion": { "senses": [ "A technique of film, photography and video to stretch time and allow visibility of things normally happening too fast to be conveniently examined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slo-mo" ], "word": "slowmotion", "num_translations": 19 }, "timeflies": { "senses": [ "Time passes quickly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tempus fugit" ], "word": "timeflies", "num_translations": 38 }, "timeofarrival": { "senses": [ "The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to arrive" ], "antonyms": [ "departure time", "time of departure" ], "synonyms": [ "arrival time" ], "word": "timeofarrival", "num_translations": 12 }, "luminousenergy": { "senses": [ "The radiant energy of the visible portion of a spectrum of light" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quantity of light" ], "word": "luminousenergy", "num_translations": 10 }, "thermalenergy": { "senses": [ "The internal energy of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium due to its temperature", "A form of energy", "sensible energy", "heat", "The energy released by an explosion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "thermalenergy", "num_translations": 14 }, "doomsayer": { "senses": [ "One who makes dire predictions about the future", "one who predicts doom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apocalyptic", "doomtard" ], "word": "doomsayer", "num_translations": 12 }, "littlebylittle": { "senses": [ "A small amount at a time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bit by bit" ], "word": "littlebylittle", "num_translations": 71 }, "bitbybit": { "senses": [ "A small amount at a time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "little by little" ], "word": "bitbybit", "num_translations": 36 }, "prolactin": { "senses": [ "A peptide gonadotrophic hormone secreted by the pituitary gland", "it stimulates growth of the mammary glands and lactation in females" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lactotropin", "luteotropic hormone", "luteotropin", "mammotropin" ], "word": "prolactin", "num_translations": 18 }, "interestrate": { "senses": [ "The percentage of an amount of money charged for its use per some period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cost of money" ], "word": "interestrate", "num_translations": 28 }, "broad-minded": { "senses": [ "Having an open mind", "tolerant of diversity" ], "antonyms": [ "narrow-minded" ], "synonyms": [ "catholic", "cosmopolitan", "dispassionate", "flexible", "free-thinking", "liberal", "open-minded", "permissive", "progressive", "receptive", "tolerant", "unbiased", "undogmatic", "unprejudiced" ], "word": "broad-minded", "num_translations": 14 }, "mountainhare": { "senses": [ "A Eurasian species of hare, Lepus timidus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alpine hare", "blue hare", "Irish hare", "tundra hare", "variable hare", "white hare" ], "word": "mountainhare", "num_translations": 10 }, "paralympicgames": { "senses": [ "An international sports competition for people with physical disabilities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Paralympics" ], "word": "ParalympicGames", "num_translations": 24 }, "antananarivo": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Madagascar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tana" ], "word": "Antananarivo", "num_translations": 62 }, "daressalaam": { "senses": [ "largest city c/Tanzania, and former capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dar" ], "word": "DaresSalaam", "num_translations": 10 }, "birthdefect": { "senses": [ "Any of several medical disorders that are present at birth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "congenital disorder" ], "word": "birthdefect", "num_translations": 10 }, "nolonger": { "senses": [ "Not any more", "no more" ], "antonyms": [ "still" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "nolonger", "num_translations": 46 }, "piehole": { "senses": [ "Mouth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cakehole" ], "word": "piehole", "num_translations": 15 }, "asparagine": { "senses": [ "A nonessential amino acid C4H8N2O3 found in plants such as asparagus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asn" ], "word": "asparagine", "num_translations": 16 }, "stubby": { "senses": [ "Abounding with stubs", "Like a stub", "short, especially cut short, thick and stiff", "stunted", "stubbed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "squat" ], "word": "stubby", "num_translations": 10 }, "keycard": { "senses": [ "A usually plastic card which stores a digital signature that is used to operate an electronic access control lock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "card key" ], "word": "keycard", "num_translations": 21 }, "botanicalgarden": { "senses": [ "A place where a variety of plants are grown, primarily for scientific or educational reasons, but are normally open to the public, and include ornamental plants from around the world" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "botanic garden" ], "word": "botanicalgarden", "num_translations": 32 }, "maximal": { "senses": [ "Largest, greatest , highest, most" ], "antonyms": [ "minimal" ], "synonyms": [ "maximum" ], "word": "maximal", "num_translations": 15 }, "booster": { "senses": [ "Something that boosts", "The first stage of a multistage rocket that provides the thrust for liftoff and the initial flight", "A motor-generator set used for voltage regulation in direct current electrical power circuits", "Someone who is a fan or supporter of something", "Someone who promotes a town or business", "A term that serves to amplify or strengthen an utterance, such as \"really\"", "A power-up item", "A package of cards or figurines designed to add to a player's collection", "A thief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "booster", "num_translations": 19 }, "consensual": { "senses": [ "with permission, with consensus, without coercion", "allowed without objecting or resisting", "existing, or made, by the mutual consent of two or more parties", "excited or caused by sensation, sympathy, or reflex action, and not by conscious volition" ], "antonyms": [ "non-consensual" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consensual", "num_translations": 13 }, "wuther": { "senses": [ "To make a rushing sound", "to whizz", "To shake vigorously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whither" ], "word": "wuther", "num_translations": 13 }, "ballsack": { "senses": [ "The scrotum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrotum" ], "word": "ballsack", "num_translations": 12 }, "overandover": { "senses": [ "Repeatedly", "again and again", "many times" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "again and again" ], "word": "overandover", "num_translations": 20 }, "presupposition": { "senses": [ "An assumption made beforehand", "a preliminary conjecture or speculation", "The act of presupposing", "An assumption or belief implicit in an utterance or other use of language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assumption" ], "word": "presupposition", "num_translations": 17 }, "amenorrhoea": { "senses": [ "Absence of menstrual discharge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonmenstruation" ], "word": "amenorrhoea", "num_translations": 23 }, "solfege": { "senses": [ "A method of sight singing that uses the syllables do , re, mi, fa, sol , la, and si to represent the seven principal pitches of the scale, most commonly the major scale The fixed-do system uses do for C, and the moveable-do system uses do for whatever key the melody uses The relative natural minor of a scale may be represented by beginning at la" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "solfeggio", "solmization", "solmisation", "sol-fa" ], "word": "solfege", "num_translations": 16 }, "commonalty": { "senses": [ "The common people", "the commonality", "A group of things having similar characteristics", "A class composed of persons lacking clerical or noble rank", "commoners", "The state or quality of having things in common", "A shared feature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "commonalty", "num_translations": 16 }, "communicable": { "senses": [ "Able to be transmitted between people or animals", "contagious or catching", "Readily communicated", "Talkative or expansive" ], "antonyms": [ "incommunicable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "communicable", "num_translations": 10 }, "homeric": { "senses": [ "Resembling or relating to the epic poetry of Homer", "Of or pertaining to Greece during the Bronze Age, as described in Homer's works", "Fit to be immortalized in poetry by Homer", "epic, heroic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Homerical", "Homerican" ], "word": "Homeric", "num_translations": 19 }, "forcefield": { "senses": [ "A region of space in which a force operates", "contains lines of force", "a field of force", "A mathematical description of the potential energy of a system of atoms", "An invisible barrier used as a protective shield" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "forcefield", "num_translations": 22 }, "reinforcedconcrete": { "senses": [ "A building material made from Portland cement concrete with a matrix of steel bars or wires to increase its tensile strength" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ferroconcrete" ], "word": "reinforcedconcrete", "num_translations": 26 }, "concavity": { "senses": [ "The state of being concave", "A concave structure or surface" ], "antonyms": [ "convexity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "concavity", "num_translations": 28 }, "tainan": { "senses": [ "major city in southern c/Taiwan, dating to the 16th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fort Orange", "Fort Zeelandia", "Fort Provintia", "Tainan City", "Phoenix City" ], "word": "Tainan", "num_translations": 25 }, "crystalclear": { "senses": [ "Completely clear and understood", "Visually clear, a sharp image, high acuity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pellucid", "plain as day" ], "word": "crystalclear", "num_translations": 25 }, "conformance": { "senses": [ "The act of conforming", "conformity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conformation" ], "word": "conformance", "num_translations": 17 }, "lumbarpuncture": { "senses": [ "A diagnostic and at times therapeutic procedure performed to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid for biochemical, microbiological, and cytological analysis, or rarely to relieve increased intracranial pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spinal tap", "LP" ], "word": "lumbarpuncture", "num_translations": 34 }, "conservatism": { "senses": [ "A political philosophy that advocates traditional values", "A risk-averse attitude or approach" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conservativism" ], "word": "conservatism", "num_translations": 66 }, "turtleneck": { "senses": [ "A high, close-fitting collar, turned back on itself and covering all or most of the neck, on a sweater or similar garment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polo neck", "turtleneck collar", "polo neck sweater", "turtleneck sweater" ], "word": "turtleneck", "num_translations": 29 }, "depilate": { "senses": [ "To remove hair from the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epilate" ], "word": "depilate", "num_translations": 23 }, "filthyrich": { "senses": [ "Very rich" ], "antonyms": [ "dirt-poor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "filthyrich", "num_translations": 11 }, "stowage": { "senses": [ "The act or practice of stowing", "A place where things are stowed", "Things that are stowed", "Amount of room for storing things", "A charge for stowing and storage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "stowage", "num_translations": 25 }, "wastetime": { "senses": [ "To allow time to elapse in an unproductive manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piss away", "piss about", "piss around", "faff", "piddle", "dick around" ], "word": "wastetime", "num_translations": 35 }, "deanery": { "senses": [ "The position held by a dean", "The house in which a dean lives", "The group of parishes for which a rural dean has responsibility" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deanship" ], "word": "deanery", "num_translations": 13 }, "constructor": { "senses": [ "A person who, or thing that, constructs", "A class method that creates and initializes each instance of an object" ], "antonyms": [ "destructor" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "constructor", "num_translations": 25 }, "dodger": { "senses": [ "Someone who dodges", "A frame-supported canvas over the companionway of a sailboat providing the on-deck crew partial cover from the splashes of the seas that break against the hull of the boat", "An advertising leaflet", "a flyer", "bread" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sprayhood" ], "word": "dodger", "num_translations": 15 }, "warmthecocklesofsomeone'sheart": { "senses": [ "To provide happiness, to bring a deeply-felt contentment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "warm someone's heart" ], "word": "warmthecocklesofsomeone'sheart", "num_translations": 18 }, "platformgame": { "senses": [ "A video game of the genre characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "platformer" ], "word": "platformgame", "num_translations": 16 }, "skeletoninthecupboard": { "senses": [ "A shameful secret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skeleton in the closet" ], "word": "skeletoninthecupboard", "num_translations": 24 }, "analects": { "senses": [ "A collection of excerpts or quotes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "analecta" ], "word": "analects", "num_translations": 15 }, "extremesport": { "senses": [ "Any sport taking place at potentially dangerous speeds or heights, or involving a high level of physical exertion, highly specialized gear, or spectacular stunts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "action sport", "adventure sport", "adventurous sport" ], "word": "extremesport", "num_translations": 17 }, "saygoodbye": { "senses": [ "To wish someone farewell upon their leaving", "To separate from someone or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take one's leave" ], "word": "saygoodbye", "num_translations": 44 }, "concept": { "senses": [ "An abstract and general idea", "an abstraction", "Understanding retained in the mind, from experience, reasoning and imagination", "a generalization , or abstraction , of a particular set of instances or occurrences", "In generic programming, a description of supported operations on a type, including their syntax and semantics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conception", "notion", "abstraction" ], "word": "concept", "num_translations": 123 }, "fixedasset": { "senses": [ "Asset or property which cannot easily be converted into cash, such as land, buildings and machinery" ], "antonyms": [ "current asset" ], "synonyms": [ "non-current asset" ], "word": "fixedasset", "num_translations": 14 }, "counterrevolutionary1": { "senses": [ "A person who opposes a revolution and attempts to reverse the changes made by it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counterrevolutionist" ], "word": "counterrevolutionary", "num_translations": 18 }, "cowherd": { "senses": [ "A person who herds cattle", "a cowboy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cowherder" ], "word": "cowherd", "num_translations": 51 }, "criminality": { "senses": [ "The state of being criminal", "Criminal activity", "A criminal act" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "criminalness", "Thesaurus:villainy" ], "word": "criminality", "num_translations": 18 }, "cross-legged": { "senses": [ "Having one leg over and across the other", "Having one ankle over and across the other, and the knees far apart" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "criss-cross applesauce" ], "word": "cross-legged", "num_translations": 13 }, "cultivable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being cultivated or farmed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cultivatable", "arable" ], "word": "cultivable", "num_translations": 12 }, "custom-made": { "senses": [ "Made according to the specifications of a particular individual", "unique" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:custom-made", "bespoke", "custom" ], "word": "custom-made", "num_translations": 57 }, "daunting": { "senses": [ "Discouraging", "inspiring fear", "Intimidatingly impressive", "awe-inspiring, overwhelming", "Appearing to be difficult", "challenging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "daunting", "num_translations": 46 }, "drowse": { "senses": [ "To be sleepy and inactive", "To nod off", "to fall asleep", "To advance drowsily", "To make heavy with sleepiness or imperfect sleep", "to make dull or stupid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drowse", "num_translations": 19 }, "cassiterite": { "senses": [ "A generally black mineral, composed of tin oxide, SnO2, which is an important ore of tin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stream tin", "tinstone", "wood tin" ], "word": "cassiterite", "num_translations": 10 }, "fastforward": { "senses": [ "To cause an audio or video tape, digital media stream, etc to move forward very fast, so that when the device is played, it will start at a later point", "To be fast-forwarded", "to move ahead in this fashion", "To shift one's attention or focus toward a later point in time", "To accelerate" ], "antonyms": [ "rewind" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fastforward", "num_translations": 11 }, "crimeantatar": { "senses": [ "A Turkic language of Crimea , Turkey, Romania, Russia, Bulgaria and Uzbekistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Crimean", "Crimean Turkish" ], "word": "CrimeanTatar", "num_translations": 53 }, "reachable": { "senses": [ "Within easy reach", "accessible", "That may be reached from another node in a graph by passing along one or more lines" ], "antonyms": [ "unreachable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reachable", "num_translations": 24 }, "bolshevism": { "senses": [ "The strategy used by the Bolsheviks in attempting to gain power in Russia", "The Communist political ideology adopted by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", "Marxism-Leninism" ], "antonyms": [ "antibolshevism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Bolshevism", "num_translations": 16 }, "centreofmass": { "senses": [ "A point, near, or within a body at which the object's mass can be assumed to be concentrated", "it coincides with the centroid for a body of uniform density, and with the centre of gravity in a uniform gravitational field" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "centre of gravity", "centre of inertia" ], "word": "centreofmass", "num_translations": 16 }, "kitchencabinet": { "senses": [ "Built-in cabinet found in a kitchen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kitchen dresser" ], "word": "kitchencabinet", "num_translations": 13 }, "bullhorn": { "senses": [ "A megaphone which electronically amplifies a person's natural voice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blowhorn" ], "word": "bullhorn", "num_translations": 16 }, "beekeeping": { "senses": [ "The practice or profession of keeping and caring for bees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apiculture" ], "word": "beekeeping", "num_translations": 41 }, "bedsore": { "senses": [ "A lesion caused by unrelieved pressure to any part of the body, especially portions over bony or cartilaginous areas, such as frequently develops on a person confined to a bed by infirmity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pressure ulcer" ], "word": "bedsore", "num_translations": 26 }, "practicability": { "senses": [ "The state of being practicable", "feasibility" ], "antonyms": [ "impracticability" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "practicability", "num_translations": 16 }, "bloodstained": { "senses": [ "Stained, spotted or otherwise discolored with blood", "Having the color of something which has been stained with blood", "Responsible for the deaths of others", "guilty of murder", "Guilty of wrongdoing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bloodstained", "num_translations": 16 }, "emotionless": { "senses": [ "Lacking emotion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:alexithymic" ], "word": "emotionless", "num_translations": 11 }, "courtofcassation": { "senses": [ "In many legal systems, the highest court of appeal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "court of last resort" ], "word": "courtofcassation", "num_translations": 18 }, "vampiress": { "senses": [ "A female vampire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vampirina" ], "word": "vampiress", "num_translations": 16 }, "traitorous": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of a traitor", "disloyal", "Constituting treason", "treasonable or seditious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "traitorsome", "treacherous" ], "word": "traitorous", "num_translations": 20 }, "spacewoman": { "senses": [ "A female astronaut" ], "antonyms": [ "spaceman" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "spacewoman", "num_translations": 11 }, "deferment": { "senses": [ "An act or instance of deferring or putting off", "Officially sanctioned postponement of compulsory military service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deferral" ], "word": "deferment", "num_translations": 22 }, "tattooartist": { "senses": [ "A person who draws tattoos on others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tattooer", "tattooist" ], "word": "tattooartist", "num_translations": 35 }, "articulatedbus": { "senses": [ "A bus fitted with a joint to increase its manoeuvrability" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bendy bus", "accordion bus" ], "word": "articulatedbus", "num_translations": 18 }, "capriccio": { "senses": [ "A sudden and unexpected or fantastic motion", "a caper", "a gambol", "a prank, a trick", "A fantastical thing or work", "a caprice", "A type of landscape painting that places particular works of architecture in an unusual setting", "A piece of music, usually fairly free in form and of a lively character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:prank", "Thesaurus:whim" ], "word": "capriccio", "num_translations": 10 }, "disingenuously": { "senses": [ "In a manner that is not frank or open", "deceptively", "In an unnoble manner", "in a manner unbecoming of true honor or dignity", "unworthily", "In a manner that adopts a pose of naivete, possibly to make a point or to deceive" ], "antonyms": [ "candidly", "nobly" ], "synonyms": [ "deceitfully", "ignobly" ], "word": "disingenuously", "num_translations": 10 }, "leninist": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to Vladimir Lenin , a Russian revolutionary and politician", "Of or relating to Leninism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Leninian" ], "word": "Leninist", "num_translations": 27 }, "eyeblink": { "senses": [ "An act of blinking one's eyelids one time", "A moment", "a very short period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blink of an eye" ], "word": "eyeblink", "num_translations": 13 }, "carbonatedwater": { "senses": [ "Water containing carbon dioxide dissolved in it under pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fizzy", "sparkling", "soda water", "seltzer", "seltzer water", "club soda" ], "word": "carbonatedwater", "num_translations": 24 }, "taxcollector": { "senses": [ "One who has the responsibility for collecting taxes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "taxman" ], "word": "taxcollector", "num_translations": 40 }, "uninterruptedly": { "senses": [ "Without interruption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceaselessly" ], "word": "uninterruptedly", "num_translations": 10 }, "two-spirit": { "senses": [ "A Native American gender-variant, homosexual or bisexual person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "berdache" ], "word": "two-spirit", "num_translations": 91 }, "unobtrusively": { "senses": [ "In an unobtrusive manner", "in a manner that is not noticeable or blatant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inconspicuously" ], "word": "unobtrusively", "num_translations": 19 }, "extramarital": { "senses": [ "Taking place outside marriage", "Adulterous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "illegitimate" ], "word": "extramarital", "num_translations": 40 }, "ironfist": { "senses": [ "Ruthless and usually unrestricted control", "Symbol of an army's tank or cavalry branch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "iron hand", "armoured fist" ], "word": "ironfist", "num_translations": 36 }, "enchantress": { "senses": [ "An attractive woman skilled at using magic", "an alluring witch", "A beautiful, charming and irresistible woman", "A femme fatale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "siren" ], "word": "enchantress", "num_translations": 25 }, "pharisaic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the Pharisees", "Emphasizing the observance of ritual or practice over the meaning", "Self-righteous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pharisaical" ], "word": "pharisaic", "num_translations": 13 }, "physiography": { "senses": [ "The subfield of geography that studies physical patterns and processes of the Earth It aims to understand the forces that produce and change rocks, oceans, weather, and global flora and fauna patterns", "The descriptive part of a natural science as distinguished from the explanatory or theoretical part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geosystems" ], "word": "physiography", "num_translations": 11 }, "grudgingly": { "senses": [ "In a manner expressing resentment or lack of desire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "petulantly" ], "word": "grudgingly", "num_translations": 14 }, "maputo": { "senses": [ "capital city c/Mozambique", "river in southeastern cont/Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Louren\u00e7o Marques", "City of Acacias", "Pearl of the Indian Ocean" ], "word": "Maputo", "num_translations": 11 }, "bao": { "senses": [ "Any of various types of steamed bread or bun used in Chinese cuisine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:dim sum" ], "word": "bao", "num_translations": 21 }, "mechanicalpencil": { "senses": [ "A pencil with a replaceable and mechanically extendable lead that wears away with use, designed to provide lines of constant thickness without requiring sharpening, and typically featuring a small eraser at the end opposite the tip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "retractable pencil", "propelling pencil", "pacer", "clutch pencil", "lead pencil", "automatic pencil", "click pencil" ], "word": "mechanicalpencil", "num_translations": 45 }, "eosinophil": { "senses": [ "A white blood cell responsible for combating infection by parasites in the body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acidophil", "eosinophil granulocyte", "eosinocyte" ], "word": "eosinophil", "num_translations": 13 }, "unobtainable": { "senses": [ "Unable to be obtained: not able to be acquired or reached" ], "antonyms": [ "obtainable" ], "synonyms": [ "ungettable" ], "word": "unobtainable", "num_translations": 11 }, "carthaginian": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to Carthage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Punic" ], "word": "Carthaginian", "num_translations": 25 }, "bloodsucker": { "senses": [ "An animal that drinks the blood of others, especially by sucking blood through a puncture wound", "a hemovore", "Any parasite", "One who attempts to take as much from others as possible", "a leech", "A vampire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bloodsucker", "num_translations": 44 }, "malechauvinism": { "senses": [ "A belief in the innate superiority of men over women" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misogyny" ], "word": "malechauvinism", "num_translations": 16 }, "cantopop": { "senses": [ "Cantonese popular music, originating from Guangdong and Hong Kong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HK pop", "Canto" ], "word": "Cantopop", "num_translations": 27 }, "marketeconomy": { "senses": [ "An economy in which goods and services are exchanged in a free market, as opposed to a state-controlled or socialist economy", "a capitalistic economy" ], "antonyms": [ "command economy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "marketeconomy", "num_translations": 19 }, "smokedsalmon": { "senses": [ "edible salmon that is cured by smoking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lox" ], "word": "smokedsalmon", "num_translations": 14 }, "boater": { "senses": [ "Someone who travels by boat", "One who works on a boat, especially as captain", "A straw hat, very stiff, with a flat brim and crown" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boatman", "leghorn" ], "word": "boater", "num_translations": 12 }, "bloodrelation": { "senses": [ "A person who is relation through birth, as opposed to marriage or adoption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blood relative" ], "word": "bloodrelation", "num_translations": 26 }, "hanse": { "senses": [ "A merchant guild, particularly the Fellowship of London Merchants given a monopoly on London's foreign trade by the Normans or its successor, the Company of Merchant Adventurers , incorporated in 1497 and chartered under Henry VII and Elizabeth I", "The rights and privileges of such guilds, particularly their trade monopolies", "A commercial association of Scottish free burghs in the Middle Ages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guild", "Hanseatic League", "hanse" ], "word": "Hanse", "num_translations": 12 }, "peacetime": { "senses": [ "The period of time when a nation or people is at peace, not fighting a war" ], "antonyms": [ "wartime" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "peacetime", "num_translations": 30 }, "ammonite": { "senses": [ "An explosive prepared from ammonium nitrate", "amatol", "Any of an extinct group of cephalopods of the subclass Ammonoidea", "a fossil shell of such an animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ammonid", "ammonoid" ], "word": "ammonite", "num_translations": 10 }, "uniqueness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being unique or one of a kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "distinctiveness", "unicity", "uniquity" ], "word": "uniqueness", "num_translations": 30 }, "linker": { "senses": [ "That which links", "a computer program that takes one or more objects generated by compilers and assembles them into a single executable program", "A short oligonucleotide containing a recognition sequence for a restriction enzyme, used to blunt the ends of sticky DNA segments", "A word that serves to link other elements", "A linked bond, one for which the principal is indexed to inflation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "link editor" ], "word": "linker", "num_translations": 13 }, "holiday-maker": { "senses": [ "Someone who is on holiday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "holidayer", "vacationer" ], "word": "holiday-maker", "num_translations": 29 }, "dockworker": { "senses": [ "A person who works on the dock of a harbor or shipyard, usually employed to load or unload freight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stevedore", "docker", "longshoreman", "wharfie" ], "word": "dockworker", "num_translations": 19 }, "dreamland": { "senses": [ "An imaginary world experienced while dreaming", "An imagined world that is ideal yet unrealistic", "a fantasy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slumberland" ], "word": "dreamland", "num_translations": 24 }, "bragger": { "senses": [ "a person who brags" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boaster" ], "word": "bragger", "num_translations": 25 }, "self-confident": { "senses": [ "Confident in one's own abilities" ], "antonyms": [ "insecure" ], "synonyms": [ "selfsecure" ], "word": "self-confident", "num_translations": 33 }, "essentialism": { "senses": [ "The view that objects have properties that are essential to them", "The view that all members of certain groups of people have common, essential traits inherent to the defining feature of the group", "behavior or statement that reflect such a view", "The doctrine that there are certain traditional concepts, values, and skills that are essential to society and should be taught to all students", "A lifestyle that seeks to minimize nonessentials in order to focus on what is important", "The theory that human beings are by nature good and that evil is the product of society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "essentialism", "num_translations": 18 }, "heatsink": { "senses": [ "An object, system or environment that absorbs and dissipates heat from objects in thermal contact with it", "A place toward which the heat moves in a system", "A material capable of absorbing heat" ], "antonyms": [ "heat source" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heatsink", "num_translations": 11 }, "putback": { "senses": [ "To return something to its original place", "To turn back", "to return", "To postpone an arranged event or appointment", "To drink fast", "to knock down alcohol", "To change the time in a time zone to an earlier time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "putback", "num_translations": 22 }, "enrolment": { "senses": [ "The act of enrolling or the state of being enrolled", "The people enrolled, considered as a group", "The number of people enrolled", "The record of such enrolling", "registration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enrolment", "num_translations": 31 }, "enrollment": { "senses": [ "The act of enrolling or the state of being enrolled", "The people enrolled, considered as a group", "The number of people enrolled", "The record of such enrolling", "registration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "enrollment", "num_translations": 30 }, "bestfriend": { "senses": [ "An especially close and trusted friend", "An object or concept considered very useful or helpful" ], "antonyms": [ "worst enemy" ], "synonyms": [ "best bud" ], "word": "bestfriend", "num_translations": 53 }, "overcharge": { "senses": [ "To charge more money than the correct amount or to surpass a certain limit while charging a bill", "To continue to charge beyond its capacity", "To charge with an inflated number or degree of legal charges", "to upcharge", "To charge or load too heavily", "to burden", "to oppress", "To fill too full", "to crowd", "To exaggerate" ], "antonyms": [ "undercharge" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "overcharge", "num_translations": 16 }, "aeolianharp": { "senses": [ "An open box over which strings are stretched that sound when the wind passes over them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wind harp" ], "word": "aeolianharp", "num_translations": 11 }, "yourmother": { "senses": [ "A general purpose insult" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yo momma" ], "word": "yourmother", "num_translations": 14 }, "boardinghouse": { "senses": [ "A private house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals", "A boarding school building where boarders live during term time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "digs", "guesthouse", "lodging house", "rooming house" ], "word": "boardinghouse", "num_translations": 55 }, "bobolink": { "senses": [ "An American migratory songbird, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, resembling a blackbird with the bill of a finch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bob Lincoln" ], "word": "bobolink", "num_translations": 38 }, "bone-dry": { "senses": [ "totally dry", "without moisture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dry as a bone" ], "word": "bone-dry", "num_translations": 12 }, "botcher": { "senses": [ "A person who mends things, especially such a cobbler or tailor", "A clumsy or incompetent worker", "a bungler", "A young salmon", "a grilse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "botcher", "num_translations": 19 }, "undrinkable": { "senses": [ "Not drinkable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impotable" ], "word": "undrinkable", "num_translations": 11 }, "skirtingboard": { "senses": [ "A panel, normally made of wood, between the floor and the interior wall of a structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baseboard" ], "word": "skirtingboard", "num_translations": 36 }, "energetically": { "senses": [ "In an energetic manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bustly" ], "word": "energetically", "num_translations": 17 }, "expensively": { "senses": [ "In an expensive manner" ], "antonyms": [ "cheaply" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "expensively", "num_translations": 15 }, "unforgivable": { "senses": [ "Not forgivable", "inexcusable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inexcusable", "unpardonable", "unremittable" ], "word": "unforgivable", "num_translations": 25 }, "unshorn": { "senses": [ "Not shorn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unsheared" ], "word": "unshorn", "num_translations": 12 }, "empty-headed": { "senses": [ "silly and lacking sense or discretion", "featherbrained or scatterbrained" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pea-brain" ], "word": "empty-headed", "num_translations": 10 }, "periphrasis": { "senses": [ "The use of a longer expression instead of a shorter one with a similar meaning, for example \"I am going to\" instead of \"I will\"", "Expressing a grammatical meaning using a syntactic construction rather than morphological marking", "The substitution of a descriptive word or phrase for a proper name", "The use of a proper name as a shorthand to stand for qualities associated with it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beat around the bush", "circumlocution" ], "word": "periphrasis", "num_translations": 13 }, "perjurer": { "senses": [ "someone who has committed perjury by lying under oath" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "false witness", "knight of the post" ], "word": "perjurer", "num_translations": 13 }, "pestiferous": { "senses": [ "containing organisms that cause contagious diseases", "annoying, vexatious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pestilent" ], "word": "pestiferous", "num_translations": 17 }, "dustjacket": { "senses": [ "The detachable paper cover of a book", "used to protect the binding, and to provide blurb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bookjacket", "dustcover" ], "word": "dustjacket", "num_translations": 20 }, "couchgrass": { "senses": [ "A species of grass, Elymus repens, usually considered a weed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quitch", "quackgrass", "scutch grass", "twitch", "witchgrass" ], "word": "couchgrass", "num_translations": 55 }, "hereinafter": { "senses": [ "In the parts of this document, statement, or book that follow", "after this" ], "antonyms": [ "hereinbefore", "heretofore" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "hereinafter", "num_translations": 19 }, "ithyphallic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the erect phallus that was carried in bacchic processions", "Of or pertaining to an upward pointing, erect penis", "of an artistic depiction of a deity or other figure: possessing an erect penis", "Lascivious, obscene", "Pertaining to a metrical combination of two trochees followed by one spondee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "ithyphallic", "num_translations": 21 }, "jackfruit": { "senses": [ "A tree, Artocarpus heterophyllus, of the Moraceae family, which produces edible fruit", "The large fruit from this tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jack", "jackfruit tree" ], "word": "jackfruit", "num_translations": 117 }, "lifepreserver": { "senses": [ "A buoyant ring or vest intended to keep a person afloat", "A short club with a weighted end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "life-buoy" ], "word": "lifepreserver", "num_translations": 27 }, "printable": { "senses": [ "Worthy or capable of being printed" ], "antonyms": [ "unprintable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "printable", "num_translations": 12 }, "piggyback1": { "senses": [ "On somebody's back or shoulders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pooseback" ], "word": "piggyback", "num_translations": 13 }, "piggyback2": { "senses": [ "To attach or append something to another object or event", "To obtain a wireless internet connection by bringing one's own computer within the range of another's wireless connection without that subscriber's permission or knowledge", "To utilize \"last-mile\" wiring rented from a larger owner ISP by a smaller ISP", "to carry someone on the back or shoulders", "To transport on a flatbed railway waggon", "To enter a secured area at the same time along with someone having authorized access", "to tailgate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "piggyback", "num_translations": 16 }, "flat-chested": { "senses": [ "Having a flat chest", "having small breasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breastless" ], "word": "flat-chested", "num_translations": 11 }, "primitiveness": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being primitive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "primitivism", "primitivity" ], "word": "primitiveness", "num_translations": 12 }, "blindasabat": { "senses": [ "Nearly totally blind, having a very poor sense of vision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blind as a beetle", "blind as a mole", "blind as an owl" ], "word": "blindasabat", "num_translations": 10 }, "prayerrug": { "senses": [ "A small rug on which Muslims kneel to pray" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prayer mat" ], "word": "prayerrug", "num_translations": 40 }, "longago": { "senses": [ "At a time in the past, especially the distant past" ], "antonyms": [ "recently" ], "synonyms": [ "long since" ], "word": "longago", "num_translations": 64 }, "enoch": { "senses": [ "In the Bible, one of the few people recorded as being taken by God before death", "The title of three apocryphal books of the Bible", "male given name of biblical origin", "First Nation reserve p/Alberta c/Canada", "the postal name of Stony Plain Indian Reserve No 135" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Enoch", "num_translations": 16 }, "aerosolcan": { "senses": [ "A canister whose pressurized contents may be released as an aerosol when a button is pressed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aerosol spray can", "spray", "spray can" ], "word": "aerosolcan", "num_translations": 13 }, "tasmanianwolf": { "senses": [ "thylacine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tasmanian tiger" ], "word": "Tasmanianwolf", "num_translations": 15 }, "pinworm": { "senses": [ "Any of several nematode worms, of the family Oxyuridae, that are parasitic to mammals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "threadworm" ], "word": "pinworm", "num_translations": 22 }, "touch-me-not": { "senses": [ "Any of several unrelated plants which react when touched", "Lupus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "noli-me-tangere" ], "word": "touch-me-not", "num_translations": 14 }, "sexology": { "senses": [ "The study of sex and sexuality, usually from a psychological or clinical perspective" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sexual" ], "word": "sexology", "num_translations": 40 }, "reducible": { "senses": [ "Capable of being reduced", "Able to be factored into polynomials of lower degree, as x^2-1", "Able to be factored into smaller integers", "composite", "Containing a sphere of codimension 1 that is not the boundary of a ball" ], "antonyms": [ "irreducible", "increasable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "reducible", "num_translations": 11 }, "endpoint": { "senses": [ "Either of the two points at the ends of a line segment", "A defined occurrence during the observation period of an experiment or study", "The stage in a titration at which a change in the colour of an indicator indicates that no more titrant should be added", "The entity at one end of a connection", "Either of the two nodes of a graph of degree 1" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "endpoint", "num_translations": 18 }, "selma": { "senses": [ "female given name", "surname", "city/county seat co/Dallas County s/Alabama", "city s/California", "city s/Texas", "town s/North Carolina", "named for the city in Alabama", "town s/Indiana", "CDP s/Oregon", "CDP s/Virginia", "village canton/Graub\u00fcnden c/Switzerland", "community s/Nova Scotia", "unincorporated community s/Arkansas", "unincorporated community s/Iowa", "unincorporated community s/Kansas", "unincorporated community s/Missouri", "named for the place in the Ossian cycle", "unincorporated community s/Ohio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Selma", "num_translations": 16 }, "powderkeg": { "senses": [ "A barrel containing gunpowder", "An explosive or otherwise volatile situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tinderbox" ], "word": "powderkeg", "num_translations": 20 }, "naturallogarithm": { "senses": [ "The logarithm in base e: either the function that given x returns y such that ey = x, or the value of y'' given by the function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hyperbolic logarithm", "ln", "Napierian logarithm", "Naperian logarithm" ], "word": "naturallogarithm", "num_translations": 22 }, "haulm": { "senses": [ "The stems of various cultivated plants, left after harvesting the crop to be used as animal litter or for thatching", "An individual plant stem", "Part of a harness", "a hame" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "straw" ], "word": "haulm", "num_translations": 25 }, "showergel": { "senses": [ "A commercial gel soap, used to wash oneself, especially in the shower" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "body wash" ], "word": "showergel", "num_translations": 20 }, "equestrianism": { "senses": [ "The art or sport of riding horses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "equestrianship", "equestrian sports", "equitation", "horseback riding", "horsemanship", "horseriding", "horse riding", "horse sports", "horse training", "riding" ], "word": "equestrianism", "num_translations": 28 }, "sensationalism": { "senses": [ "The use of sensational subject matter, style or methods, or the sensational subject matter itself", "behavior, published materials, or broadcasts that are intentionally controversial, exaggerated, lurid, loud, or attention-grabbing Especially applied to news media in a pejorative sense that they are reporting in a manner to gain audience or notoriety but at the expense of accuracy and professionalism", "A theory of philosophy that all knowledge is ultimately derived from the senses" ], "antonyms": [ "antisensationalism" ], "synonyms": [ "sensualism" ], "word": "sensationalism", "num_translations": 15 }, "onthewarpath": { "senses": [ "Very angry or upset and eager for confrontation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enraged" ], "word": "onthewarpath", "num_translations": 14 }, "bulbul": { "senses": [ "Any of several passerine songbirds, of the family Pycnonotidae , native to Africa and parts of Asia, sometimes known as the \u2018nightingale of the East'" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bristlebill", "brownbul", "greenbul", "leaflove" ], "word": "bulbul", "num_translations": 22 }, "right-handedness": { "senses": [ "The state of being right-handed" ], "antonyms": [ "left-handedness", "sinistrality" ], "synonyms": [ "dextrality" ], "word": "right-handedness", "num_translations": 10 }, "pinwheel": { "senses": [ "An artificial flower with a stem, usually plastic, for children: the flower spins round in the wind, like a small paper windmill", "A firework which forms a kind of spinning wheel", "A cogged gear", "A pastry which resembles the artificial flowers above, with some filling or topping in the center", "Any food product consisting of layers rolled into a spiral, visually similar to a cinnamon roll" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "pinwheel", "num_translations": 29 }, "headofgovernment": { "senses": [ "The chief officer of the executive branch of a government, often presiding over a cabinet", "usually called Prime Minister or President" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:head of government" ], "word": "headofgovernment", "num_translations": 28 }, "anglegrinder": { "senses": [ "A usually hand-held grinder which uses a pair of internal gears to place the rotational axis of the grinding or cutting wheel perpendicular to that of the driving motor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "disc grinder", "side grinder" ], "word": "anglegrinder", "num_translations": 27 }, "castersugar": { "senses": [ "Granulated sugar that has been sifted to have a finer crystal size, so that it can be shaken out of the holes of a caster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "berry sugar", "superfine sugar" ], "word": "castersugar", "num_translations": 12 }, "privatize": { "senses": [ "To release government control of to private industry", "To make private in scope" ], "antonyms": [ "nationalize" ], "synonyms": [ "denationalize" ], "word": "privatize", "num_translations": 19 }, "tourettesyndrome": { "senses": [ "a neurological disorder characterized by the presence of physical and vocal tics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tourette's syndrome", "Tourette's disorder", "Gilles de la Tourette syndrome", "Tourette's" ], "word": "Tourettesyndrome", "num_translations": 18 }, "bitterroot": { "senses": [ "Lewisia rediviva, a small, low, pink flower with a yellow center", "Apocynum androsaemifolium, fly-trap dogbane", "Gentiana lutea, great yellow gentian, bitterwort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Oregon bitterroot" ], "word": "bitterroot", "num_translations": 10 }, "globalist1": { "senses": [ "An advocate of globalism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "globocrat" ], "word": "globalist", "num_translations": 10 }, "licenseplate": { "senses": [ "An identifying tag, usually of metal, bearing a unique sequence of letters, numbers, or both, and placed at the back and, sometimes, also at the front of a motor vehicle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "number plate" ], "word": "licenseplate", "num_translations": 60 }, "goodhearted": { "senses": [ "kind, generous and altruistic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:affectionate", "warm-hearted" ], "word": "goodhearted", "num_translations": 15 }, "gratefulness": { "senses": [ "The state of being grateful" ], "antonyms": [ "ungratefulness", "ingratitude", "unthankfulness" ], "synonyms": [ "gratitude", "thankfulness" ], "word": "gratefulness", "num_translations": 16 }, "greenness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being green", "green colour", "Vitality, freshness", "Inexperience", "The fact of being environmentally or ecologically conscious", "commitment to environmental conservation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "greenness", "num_translations": 17 }, "grandniece": { "senses": [ "A granddaughter of one's sibling", "a daughter of one's nephew or niece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "great-niece" ], "word": "grandniece", "num_translations": 18 }, "diffidently": { "senses": [ "In a diffident manner", "without confidence in oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bashfully" ], "word": "diffidently", "num_translations": 14 }, "clingfilm": { "senses": [ "A plastic film that is so light and thin that it clings to any object about which it is wrapped", "used to cover and preserve foodstuffs etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plastic" ], "word": "clingfilm", "num_translations": 14 }, "columella": { "senses": [ "Any of various small structures in plants or animals that are columnar in shape", "The skin at the end of the septum which separates the nostrils", "In birds, reptiles, and amphibians, the small bone which carries vibration from the tympanum to the inner ear", "In gastropods, the structure at the center of the whorls of the shell", "The structure at the center of the calyx where the septa join together", "The central sterile portion of the sporangium in various fungi", "A rod-shaped reinforcing element of the sexine layer of a pollen grain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "columella", "num_translations": 11 }, "paraphernalia": { "senses": [ "Miscellaneous items, especially the set of equipment required for a particular activity", "stuff", "Things a woman owns, apart from her dowry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parapherna" ], "word": "paraphernalia", "num_translations": 29 }, "druidism": { "senses": [ "The religion, philosophical beliefs, and attendant ritual practices of the druids" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Druidry" ], "word": "druidism", "num_translations": 11 }, "cogeneration": { "senses": [ "The production of heat and/or power from the waste energy of an industrial process", "The simultaneous or serial production of heat and electricity from the same source", "Joint generation", "cocreation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CHP" ], "word": "cogeneration", "num_translations": 20 }, "nightcap": { "senses": [ "A warm cloth cap worn while sleeping, often with pajamas, being common attire in northern Europe before effective home heating became widespread", "A beverage drunk before bed that is usually alcoholic", "Something the person reads or listens to before bed", "The final match of a sporting contest, especially the second game of a baseball doubleheader", "A cap drawn over the face of the condemned person before they are hanged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nightcap", "num_translations": 26 }, "ternary": { "senses": [ "Made up of three things", "treble, triadic, triple, triplex", "Arranged in groups of three", "To the base three", "Having three variables", "Containing, or consisting of, three different parts, as elements, atoms, groups, or radicals, which are regarded as having different functions or relations in the molecule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tern", "trinary" ], "word": "ternary", "num_translations": 17 }, "stringtrimmer": { "senses": [ "A powered, hand-held garden implement that uses a rotating monofilament line to cut grass etc without damaging other objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "edge trimmer", "line trimmer", "strimmer" ], "word": "stringtrimmer", "num_translations": 13 }, "hieratic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to priests, especially pharaonic priests of Ancient Egypt", "Of or pertaining to the cursive writing system developed by Ancient Egyptian priests alongside the hieroglyphic system", "Extremely stylized, restrained or formal", "adhering to fixed types or methods", "severe in emotional import" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "hieratic", "num_translations": 20 }, "athlete'sfoot": { "senses": [ "A fungal infection of the skin of the foot, usually between the toes, caused by pathogen fungi, such as Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton interdigitale, syn Trichophyton mentagrophytes, or Epidermophyton floccosum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tinea pedis" ], "word": "athlete'sfoot", "num_translations": 46 }, "jackhammer": { "senses": [ "A portable percussive power tool that combines a hammer and chisel used to drill or break hard matter, for instance rock or concrete" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pneumatic drill" ], "word": "jackhammer", "num_translations": 46 }, "fearlessness": { "senses": [ "The quality of being fearless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ballsiness" ], "word": "fearlessness", "num_translations": 33 }, "fellowman": { "senses": [ "A kindred member of humanity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neighbour" ], "word": "fellowman", "num_translations": 10 }, "flyby": { "senses": [ "A flight past a celestial object in order to make observations", "A low-level ceremonial flight, typically in connection with an airshow or a military parade", "A brief visit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flypast" ], "word": "flyby", "num_translations": 16 }, "subdirectory": { "senses": [ "A directory located inside another directory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subfolder" ], "word": "subdirectory", "num_translations": 19 }, "filmmaker": { "senses": [ "A producer or director of films/movies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moviemaker" ], "word": "filmmaker", "num_translations": 30 }, "fixate": { "senses": [ "To make something fixed and stable", "to fix", "To stare fixedly at something", "To attend to something to the exclusion of all others", "used with on", "To attach oneself to a person or thing in a pathological or neurotic manner", "used with on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fixate", "num_translations": 26 }, "hypocaust": { "senses": [ "An underfloor space or flue through which heat from a furnace passes to heat the floor of a room or a bath", "An underfloor heating system, even without such an underfloor space or flue, as adapted for modern housing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hippocaust", "floor" ], "word": "hypocaust", "num_translations": 16 }, "oystermushroom": { "senses": [ "The mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus, which in the wild grows chiefly on hardwood trees, and is cultivated for food", "Any of several mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus cultivated for food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tree oyster" ], "word": "oystermushroom", "num_translations": 29 }, "rollerblade": { "senses": [ "A roller skate with all wheels aligned in a single row along the sole, resembling an ice skate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in-line skate" ], "word": "rollerblade", "num_translations": 30 }, "basispoint": { "senses": [ "One hundredth of one percentage point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "permyriad" ], "word": "basispoint", "num_translations": 10 }, "snowcone": { "senses": [ "A confection of crushed ice covered with flavored syrup or fruit juice, usually served in a paper cone or a plastic glass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snowball" ], "word": "snowcone", "num_translations": 20 }, "alcoholicsanonymous": { "senses": [ "A self-supporting organization of alcoholic people, which proves mutual support to obtain and maintain sobriety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "AA", "friends of Bill W" ], "word": "AlcoholicsAnonymous", "num_translations": 16 }, "harddisk": { "senses": [ "One of a series of parallel magnetic recording disks in a drive unit, used for the recording and retrieval of digital information", "used especially in personal computers", "The unit itself, and all the disks within it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fixed disk", "hard drive", "hard disk drive", "Winchester disk" ], "word": "harddisk", "num_translations": 79 }, "fraudulence": { "senses": [ "The condition of being fraudulent", "deceitfulness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fraudulency" ], "word": "fraudulence", "num_translations": 15 }, "flatfoot": { "senses": [ "A condition in which the arch of the foot makes contact with the ground", "A person having the above condition", "A policeman" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:police officer" ], "word": "flatfoot", "num_translations": 29 }, "gobankrupt": { "senses": [ "To become bankrupt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go bust", "go under", "go belly-up" ], "word": "gobankrupt", "num_translations": 36 }, "fleshly": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the body", "Of, relating to or resembling flesh", "composed of flesh", "having a lot of flesh", "Of or relating to pleasurable sensations", "Of or relating to non-spiritual or non-religious matters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fleshly", "num_translations": 14 }, "cistercian": { "senses": [ "A member of a monastic order which follows the Benedictine rule and emphasizes silent contemplative prayer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "White Monk" ], "word": "Cistercian", "num_translations": 20 }, "foreperson": { "senses": [ "A leader of a work crew", "The member of a jury who presides over it and speaks on its behalf" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "work foreman", "work foreperson", "work forewoman", "foreman" ], "word": "foreperson", "num_translations": 21 }, "suslik": { "senses": [ "Any of several large Eurasian squirrels, of the genera Citellus or Spermophilus", "The fur of these animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sisel" ], "word": "suslik", "num_translations": 20 }, "grocer's": { "senses": [ "A shop or store that sells groceries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grocery", "grocery store", "groceteria" ], "word": "grocer's", "num_translations": 13 }, "tenderloin": { "senses": [ "The tenderest part of a loin of meat, especially of pork or beef", "A district of a city where corruption is common, often because the district is devoted to questionable businesses which are easy for police to blackmail and extort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "striploin", "red-light district" ], "word": "tenderloin", "num_translations": 15 }, "fluting2": { "senses": [ "A decoration consisting of parallel, normally vertical, flutes incised into the surface", "The act of making such grooves", "A flute-like sound", "A fluted pleat", "a small, rounded or pressed pleat used as trimming on a garment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "fluting", "num_translations": 15 }, "flypaper": { "senses": [ "A strip of paper coated with a sticky, often poisonous, substance that catches and kills flies that land on it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fly ribbon" ], "word": "flypaper", "num_translations": 21 }, "gummybear": { "senses": [ "A confectionery made of gelatin, often, but not always, in the miniature shape of a toy bear, and somewhat harder than a gummy worm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gummy" ], "word": "gummybear", "num_translations": 31 }, "unscientific": { "senses": [ "Not scientific" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonscientific" ], "word": "unscientific", "num_translations": 13 }, "republicofkorea": { "senses": [ "Official name of South Korea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ROK" ], "word": "RepublicofKorea", "num_translations": 56 }, "coimbatore": { "senses": [ "large city s/Tamil Nadu c/India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kovai" ], "word": "Coimbatore", "num_translations": 13 }, "andalusian1": { "senses": [ "Someone from Andalusia", "Someone from Al-Andalus", "A horse of a breed from the Iberian Peninsula, with long, thick mane and tail", "The dialect of Spanish spoken in Andalusia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Andalusian", "num_translations": 43 }, "caruncle": { "senses": [ "A small, fleshy excrescence that is a normal part of an animal's anatomy", "A similar excrescence near the hilum of some seeds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elaiosome" ], "word": "caruncle", "num_translations": 10 }, "swinefever": { "senses": [ "a contagious, usually fatal, disease of pigs, causing fever, skin lesions and convulsions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "classical swine fever", "CSF", "hog cholera", "pig plague" ], "word": "swinefever", "num_translations": 16 }, "dehumanize": { "senses": [ "To take away humanity", "to remove or deny human qualities, characteristics, or attributes", "to impersonalize" ], "antonyms": [ "humanize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dehumanize", "num_translations": 25 }, "takecareofthepenniesandthepoundswilltakecareofthemselves": { "senses": [ "If you take care of little things one at a time, they can add up to big things" ], "antonyms": [ "don't be penny-wise and pound-foolish" ], "synonyms": [ "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", "many a mickle makes a muckle", "every little helps" ], "word": "takecareofthepenniesandthepoundswilltakecareofthemselves", "num_translations": 11 }, "lookbeforeyouleap1": { "senses": [ "Do not jump into something too precipitously", "employ some foresight or circumspection" ], "antonyms": [ "he who hesitates is lost" ], "synonyms": [ "haste makes waste", "marry in haste, repent at leisure" ], "word": "lookbeforeyouleap", "num_translations": 22 }, "shiraz1": { "senses": [ "A variety of black grape used to make wine", "A wine made from these grapes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Syrah" ], "word": "Shiraz", "num_translations": 17 }, "starofdavid": { "senses": [ "A generally recognized symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism, having the shape of a hexagram, the compound of two equilateral triangles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u2721", "hexagram", "rhombus star", "Star of Life", "kagome" ], "word": "StarofDavid", "num_translations": 52 }, "self-improvement": { "senses": [ "The following of a disciplined programme to improve one's physical health, mental health or character", "The bettering of one's status" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-help" ], "word": "self-improvement", "num_translations": 20 }, "flyingspaghettimonster": { "senses": [ "A deity consisting of spaghetti and meatballs, the creator of the universe according to the religion of Pastafarianism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "FSM" ], "word": "FlyingSpaghettiMonster", "num_translations": 30 }, "epazote": { "senses": [ "A pungent herb used in Latin-American cooking and tea making, and in folk medicine", "Dysphania ambrosioides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jerusalem oak" ], "word": "epazote", "num_translations": 12 }, "opponent": { "senses": [ "One who opposes another", "one who works or takes a position against someone or something", "one who attempts to stop the progress of someone or something" ], "antonyms": [ "supporter", "respondent" ], "synonyms": [ "adversary", "antagonist" ], "word": "opponent", "num_translations": 81 }, "jamo": { "senses": [ "Any of the 24 building blocks of the Korean alphabet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chamo" ], "word": "jamo", "num_translations": 17 }, "trade-off": { "senses": [ "Any situation in which the quality or quantity of one thing must be decreased for another to be increased" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compromise" ], "word": "trade-off", "num_translations": 27 }, "muteness": { "senses": [ "The characteristic of being mute" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dumbness" ], "word": "muteness", "num_translations": 18 }, "fluvial": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, inhabiting, or produced by the action of a river or stream" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fluviatile", "riverine" ], "word": "fluvial", "num_translations": 21 }, "unpopularity": { "senses": [ "the property or degree of being unpopular" ], "antonyms": [ "popularity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "unpopularity", "num_translations": 16 }, "earlessseal": { "senses": [ "Any of the seals in the taxonomic family Phocidae characterized by lacking external ear flaps", "true seals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "true seal" ], "word": "earlessseal", "num_translations": 12 }, "greyseal": { "senses": [ "A seal species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Atlantic grey seal", "Atlantic seal", "horsehead seal" ], "word": "greyseal", "num_translations": 23 }, "pouting2": { "senses": [ "A fish in the cod family , Trisopterus luscus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bib" ], "word": "pouting", "num_translations": 12 }, "tradefair": { "senses": [ "An exhibition at which members of a specific industry exhibit or demonstrate their products to prospective customers and to each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trade show" ], "word": "tradefair", "num_translations": 33 }, "ambassadress": { "senses": [ "A female ambassador", "The wife of an ambassador" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ambassadrix", "ambassadrice", "ambassatrix", "ambassatrice", "embassadress" ], "word": "ambassadress", "num_translations": 18 }, "resoluteness": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being resolute", "determination or resolution" ], "antonyms": [ "irresoluteness" ], "synonyms": [ "fortitude" ], "word": "resoluteness", "num_translations": 13 }, "felt-tippen": { "senses": [ "A pen that holds quick-drying ink conveyed to a writing surface by means of a felt nib" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "felt-tip" ], "word": "felt-tippen", "num_translations": 35 }, "mullein": { "senses": [ "Any of several European and Asian plants, of the genus Verbascum, that have yellow flowers and downy leaves", "the velvet plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aaron's rod" ], "word": "mullein", "num_translations": 41 }, "spray": { "senses": [ "A fine, gentle, dispersed mist of liquid", "A pressurized container", "an atomizer", "Any of numerous commercial products, including paints, cosmetics, and insecticides, that are dispensed from containers in this manner", "A jet of fine medicated vapour, used either as an application to a diseased part or to charge the air of a room with a disinfectant or a deodorizer", "A side channel or branch of the runner of a flask, made to distribute the metal to all parts of the mold", "A group of castings made in the same mold and connected by sprues formed in the runner and its branches", "The allocation and filling of blocks of memory with the same byte sequence, hoping to establish that sequence in a certain predetermined location as part of an exploit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spray", "num_translations": 63 }, "spray1": { "senses": [ "To project a liquid in a dispersive manner toward something", "To project in a dispersive manner", "To project many small items dispersively", "To urinate in order to mark territory", "To allocate blocks of memory from , and fill them with the same byte sequence, hoping to establish that sequence in a certain predetermined location as part of an exploit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spray", "num_translations": 40 }, "chordophone": { "senses": [ "Any musical instrument that produces sound from one or more vibrating strings", "a string instrument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "string instrument" ], "word": "chordophone", "num_translations": 11 }, "forgivable": { "senses": [ "Able to be forgiven", "excusable", "Of a loan, or a portion of it: such that repayment may be deferred for a period if the lender meets certain obligations" ], "antonyms": [ "unforgivable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "forgivable", "num_translations": 12 }, "glabella": { "senses": [ "The space between the eyebrows and above the nose", "The axial protuberance on the cephalon of certain arthropods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mesophryon" ], "word": "glabella", "num_translations": 13 }, "premarital": { "senses": [ "Before marriage", "before getting married" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prenuptial", "antenuptial" ], "word": "premarital", "num_translations": 14 }, "unitedstatesvirginislands": { "senses": [ "An island group in the Virgin Islands, a dependency of the United States of America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "U.S. Virgin Islands", "U.S.V.I" ], "word": "UnitedStatesVirginIslands", "num_translations": 15 }, "chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease": { "senses": [ "Any of a group of diseases characterized by the pathological limitation of airflow in the airway that is not fully reversible May be caused by reactive airways, chronic infection, congenital defects, or, most commonly, cigarette smoking Generally does not include neoplasms, which could also obstruct airways" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "COPD" ], "word": "chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease", "num_translations": 19 }, "fourfold": { "senses": [ "Four times as great", "quadruple", "Comprised of four individual members" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quadruple" ], "word": "fourfold", "num_translations": 12 }, "fourfold2": { "senses": [ "to increase to four times as much", "to multiply by four" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "quadruple" ], "word": "fourfold", "num_translations": 13 }, "drumkit": { "senses": [ "A collection of drums and other percussion instruments designed to be played together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drum set" ], "word": "drumkit", "num_translations": 15 }, "yataghan": { "senses": [ "A type of sword used in Muslim countries from the mid-16th to late 19th centuries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Turkish sword" ], "word": "yataghan", "num_translations": 19 }, "pre-ejaculate": { "senses": [ "The clear, colorless, viscous fluid that is secreted from the penis before ejaculation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cowper's fluid", "precum", "pre-cum" ], "word": "pre-ejaculate", "num_translations": 31 }, "jerusalemite": { "senses": [ "Of, from, or pertaining to Jerusalem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hierosolymitan", "Hierosolymite" ], "word": "Jerusalemite", "num_translations": 21 }, "jerusalemite1": { "senses": [ "A native or resident of Jerusalem", "A residual mineral of the sands of Jerusalem, as with Trinitite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Qudsi", "Maqdisi", "Hierosolymitan", "Hierosolymite" ], "word": "Jerusalemite", "num_translations": 23 }, "memorialday": { "senses": [ "A federal holiday honoring fallen soldiers, sailors, and other servicemen observed on the last Monday in May", "A provincial holiday held in July 1 in Newfoundland and Labrador commemorating the fallen members of the Newfoundland Regiment during the Battle of Beaumont-Hamel in World War I", "synonym of \"Tomb Sweeping Day\", a Chinese holiday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Decoration Day" ], "word": "MemorialDay", "num_translations": 11 }, "baggageclaim": { "senses": [ "The designated location for receiving checked luggage such as the baggage carousels at an airport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baggage reclaim" ], "word": "baggageclaim", "num_translations": 18 }, "circularargument": { "senses": [ "A term often conflated with begging the question in philosophy", "An argument which commits the logical fallacy of assuming what it is attempting to prove" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circular reasoning", "begging the question", "petitio principii" ], "word": "circularargument", "num_translations": 11 }, "filingcabinet": { "senses": [ "A piece of office furniture composed of drawers or shelves sized to standard file folder widths, traditionally used for storing documents in order" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "file cabinet" ], "word": "filingcabinet", "num_translations": 22 }, "fullscreen": { "senses": [ "Of a window occupying all the available display surface of a screen" ], "antonyms": [ "windowed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fullscreen", "num_translations": 16 }, "tumulus": { "senses": [ "A mound of earth, especially one placed over a prehistoric tomb", "a barrow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burial mound", "burian" ], "word": "tumulus", "num_translations": 18 }, "sylvester": { "senses": [ "male given name used in English since the sixteenth century", "community co/Pictou County p/Nova Scotia c/Canada", "city/county seat co/Worth County s/Georgia c/USA", "unincorporated community co/Fisher County s/Texas c/USA", "small town co/Boone County s/West Virginia c/USA", "town co/Green County s/Wisconsin c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Sylvester", "num_translations": 17 }, "leafthrough": { "senses": [ "To turn the pages of idly, reading short sections at random" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "riffle", "browse", "scan", "skim" ], "word": "leafthrough", "num_translations": 23 }, "baleenwhale": { "senses": [ "Any of several large whales, of the suborder Mysticeti, that have plates of whalebone instead of teeth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whalebone whale", "great whale", "mysticete" ], "word": "baleenwhale", "num_translations": 11 }, "pharmacovigilance": { "senses": [ "The detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects of medicines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PV", "drug" ], "word": "pharmacovigilance", "num_translations": 16 }, "dermatological": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to dermatology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dermatologic" ], "word": "dermatological", "num_translations": 13 }, "wordsearch": { "senses": [ "A word game consisting of a grid of letters, the aim of which is to find an array of given words hidden within the grid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wonderword" ], "word": "wordsearch", "num_translations": 11 }, "otolaryngology": { "senses": [ "The study of diseases of the ear, nose and throat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ENT" ], "word": "otolaryngology", "num_translations": 59 }, "utilisation": { "senses": [ "The act of using something", "The manner in which something is used", "The state of being used" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "use" ], "word": "utilisation", "num_translations": 15 }, "pokefun": { "senses": [ "To subject someone to laughter or ridicule" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make fun of", "Thesaurus:ridicule" ], "word": "pokefun", "num_translations": 14 }, "excisetax": { "senses": [ "Any of various taxes levied on the production or sale of certain goods, especially on luxuries, tobacco, alcohol etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "excise duty" ], "word": "excisetax", "num_translations": 21 }, "smallfry": { "senses": [ "One or more small or immature fish", "One or more children", "One or more persons or things of relatively little consequence, importance, or value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "small potatoes" ], "word": "smallfry", "num_translations": 20 }, "adposition": { "senses": [ "An element that combines syntactically with a phrase and indicates how that phrase should be interpreted in the surrounding context", "a preposition or postposition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "preposition" ], "word": "adposition", "num_translations": 21 }, "majordomo": { "senses": [ "The head servant or official in a royal Spanish or Italian household", "later, any head servant in a wealthy household in a foreign country", "a leading servant or butler", "A manager of a hacienda, ranch or estate", "Any overseer, organizer, person in command" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seneschal" ], "word": "majordomo", "num_translations": 35 }, "incoherence": { "senses": [ "The quality of being incoherent", "Something incoherent", "something that does not make logical sense or is not logically connected", "Thinking or speech that is so disorganized that it is essentially inapprehensible to others" ], "antonyms": [ "coherence" ], "synonyms": [ "unintelligibility" ], "word": "incoherence", "num_translations": 21 }, "macula": { "senses": [ "An oval yellow spot near the center of the retina of the human eye, histologically defined as having two or more layers of ganglion cells, responsible for detailed central vision", "A small chamber of the inner ear of certain vertebrates filled with endolymph and containing an otolith", "A spot, as on the skin, or on the surface of the sun or of some other luminous orb", "A rather large spot or blotch of color", "In planetary geology, an unusually dark area on the surface of a planet or moon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "macula", "num_translations": 30 }, "leafspring": { "senses": [ "A spring in the form of a curved length of steel, used in the suspension of wheeled vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carriage spring", "cart spring", "laminated spring", "semi-elliptical spring" ], "word": "leafspring", "num_translations": 24 }, "ripcurrent": { "senses": [ "A strong flow of surface water, away from the shore, that returns water from incoming waves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rip" ], "word": "ripcurrent", "num_translations": 19 }, "actionmovie": { "senses": [ "A motion picture whose storyline involves fast-paced activity and conflict, usually including such elements as a heroic protagonist, violent fights, acrobatic stunts, chase scenes, and gunplay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "action film", "actioner" ], "word": "actionmovie", "num_translations": 23 }, "gladwrap": { "senses": [ "Thin plastic film used as a wrap for food, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clingfilm" ], "word": "gladwrap", "num_translations": 10 }, "plasterofparis": { "senses": [ "A hemihydrate of calcium sulfate, made by calcining gypsum, that hardens when moistened and allowed to dry", "used to make casts, molds and sculpture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "plaster" ], "word": "plasterofParis", "num_translations": 27 }, "fuckit": { "senses": [ "An expression of great indifference or nonchalance", "An expression of frustration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I don't care", "screw it", "Thesaurus:screw this" ], "word": "fuckit", "num_translations": 11 }, "carriageway": { "senses": [ "The part of a road that carries traffic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roadway" ], "word": "carriageway", "num_translations": 18 }, "circumfix": { "senses": [ "An affix containing both a prefixing and a suffixing element existing as a single morphological unit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ambifix", "confix" ], "word": "circumfix", "num_translations": 19 }, "heartbreaker": { "senses": [ "Someone, usually attractive, who flirts with or otherwise enamours a person, but does not reciprocate their love", "Something that causes sorrow, grief or extreme disappointment", "A match which ends in defeat for a promising player or team", "An independent role-playing game that attempts to fix various perceived design flaws in an established RPG, but whose few innovations will not reach a wide audience due to its lack of marketability", "A curl or lovelock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "heartbreaker", "num_translations": 15 }, "bethatasitmay": { "senses": [ "Even if that is the case", "whether that is true or not", "nevertheless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be it as it may" ], "word": "bethatasitmay", "num_translations": 14 }, "right-handman": { "senses": [ "A trusted assistant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "right hand", "man Friday" ], "word": "right-handman", "num_translations": 10 }, "hematite": { "senses": [ "An iron ore, mainly peroxide of iron, Fe2O3" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kidney ore", "martite" ], "word": "hematite", "num_translations": 15 }, "moorland": { "senses": [ "Open land that has an acidic peaty soil and is mostly covered with heather or bracken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moor" ], "word": "moorland", "num_translations": 16 }, "guelderrose": { "senses": [ "A cultivated plant, Viburnum opulus, having small white flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water elder", "European cranberry bush", "cramp bark", "snowball tree" ], "word": "guelderrose", "num_translations": 25 }, "antisymmetric": { "senses": [ "Having the property that, for any two distinct elements of S, at least one is not related to the other via R", "equivalently, having the property that, for any x, y \u2208 S, if both xRy and yRx then x=y", "Whose sign changes on the application of a matrix transpose or some generalisation thereof:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skew-symmetric" ], "word": "antisymmetric", "num_translations": 10 }, "full-blown": { "senses": [ "Completely developed or formed", "At the peak of blossom", "ripe", "Filled with wind", "puffed up" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "full-bore" ], "word": "full-blown", "num_translations": 15 }, "nonexistence": { "senses": [ "The state of not existing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:inexistence" ], "word": "nonexistence", "num_translations": 15 }, "full-blooded": { "senses": [ "Of purebred ancestry", "Having a florid or ruddy complexion", "Hearty or lusty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pedigree", "pedigreed", "purebred", "pure-breed", "thoroughbred" ], "word": "full-blooded", "num_translations": 13 }, "buttonup": { "senses": [ "To fasten with a button or buttons", "To fasten all the buttons on a coat, or similar item of clothing, to keep warm", "to conclude", "to finalize", "to put the finishing touches", "To seal off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "buttonup", "num_translations": 10 }, "futurology": { "senses": [ "The scientific forecasting of future trends in science, technology or society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "future studies" ], "word": "futurology", "num_translations": 22 }, "nightstand": { "senses": [ "A small table or cabinet, typically with drawers, placed at the head side of a bed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bedside table", "night table" ], "word": "nightstand", "num_translations": 32 }, "lovehandle": { "senses": [ "A protruding area of fat on the side of the body, above the hips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spare tyre", "Kummerspeck" ], "word": "lovehandle", "num_translations": 13 }, "guillemet": { "senses": [ "Either of the punctuation marks \u00ab or \u00bb, used in several languages to indicate passages of speech Similar to typical quotation marks used in the English language such as \u201c and \"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "angle quote", "chevron", "duckfoot quote", "double angle quotation mark" ], "word": "guillemet", "num_translations": 29 }, "autoracing": { "senses": [ "Any of various sports in which automobiles are raced, either around a track, on roads or across country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "automobile racing", "autosport", "motor racing", "motorsport" ], "word": "autoracing", "num_translations": 18 }, "motorracing": { "senses": [ "Racing in motor vehicles, such as cars, motorboats, or motorbikes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "motorsport" ], "word": "motorracing", "num_translations": 17 }, "carrental": { "senses": [ "The hiring of automobiles for relatively short periods", "A business that hires out automobiles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "car hire" ], "word": "carrental", "num_translations": 20 }, "portalvein": { "senses": [ "A short, wide vein located in the abdominal cavity formed by the union of the superior mesenteric and splenic veins that channels blood from the gastrointestinal tract and spleen to capillary beds in the liver" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hepatic portal vein" ], "word": "portalvein", "num_translations": 14 }, "daikon": { "senses": [ "An East Asian cultivar or subspecies of radish bearing a large, white, carrot-shaped taproot consumed throughout East and South Asia but grown in North America primarily as a fallow crop for its fast-growing leaves and as a soil ripper", "Particularly, the usual Japanese cultivar, Japanese radish", "Closely-related cultivars such as the enormous turnip-shaped Sakurajima or green-and-red watermelon radish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese radish", "Chinese white radish", "daikon radish", "icicle radish", "Japanese radish", "lo bak", "long white radish", "mooli", "Oriental radish", "Raphanus sativus subsp. Oleiferus", "Raphanus sativus var. hortensis Backer", "Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus L.H. Bailey", "Raphanus sativus var. oleifera Stokes", "Raphanus sativus var. oleiformis Pers", "white radish", "fodder radish", "forage radish", "oil radish", "radish ripper", "tillage radish", "See", "Sakurajima radish", "beauty heart radish", "Chinese green radish", "Korean radish", "red daikon", "roseheart radish", "shinrimei", "watermelon radish" ], "word": "daikon", "num_translations": 87 }, "supervillain": { "senses": [ "A fantasy-fiction criminal or evil-doer, often with supernatural powers or equipment, in popular children's and fantasy literature who can present a credible challenge for a superhero" ], "antonyms": [ "superhero" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "supervillain", "num_translations": 14 }, "gaymarriage": { "senses": [ "A marriage between two people of the same sex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "same-sex marriage" ], "word": "gaymarriage", "num_translations": 56 }, "traditionalchinesemedicine": { "senses": [ "The medical theory and practices of Chinese culture, especially herbal medicine, acupuncture and osteopathy, for preventing or treating illness, or promoting health and well-being", "abbreviated as TCM" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese medicine", "Chinese traditional medicine" ], "word": "traditionalChinesemedicine", "num_translations": 22 }, "inhabitable": { "senses": [ "Fit to live in", "habitable" ], "antonyms": [ "uninhabitable", "unhabitable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inhabitable", "num_translations": 11 }, "self-consciousness": { "senses": [ "The awareness of the self as an entity", "Shyness", "a feeling of unease in social situations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shyness" ], "word": "self-consciousness", "num_translations": 21 }, "deathpenalty": { "senses": [ "A punishment in which the offender is put to death by the state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capital punishment" ], "word": "deathpenalty", "num_translations": 52 }, "cargoship": { "senses": [ "A ship that carries cargo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freighter", "merchant ship", "merchantman" ], "word": "cargoship", "num_translations": 43 }, "crystalball": { "senses": [ "A globe of glass or crystal used to foretell the future", "A way of seeing into the future", "One of the magickal tools of Wicca, used for divination and altar purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crystal sphere" ], "word": "crystalball", "num_translations": 29 }, "impeccably": { "senses": [ "In a perfect or flawless manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flawlessly" ], "word": "impeccably", "num_translations": 29 }, "incompletely": { "senses": [ "In an incomplete manner", "To an incomplete degree" ], "antonyms": [ "completely" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "incompletely", "num_translations": 10 }, "incontrovertibly": { "senses": [ "In an incontrovertible manner", "in a manner not capable of being denied, challenged, or disputed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "indisputably" ], "word": "incontrovertibly", "num_translations": 20 }, "inexplicably": { "senses": [ "In an inexplicable manner", "for an unknown reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unexplainably" ], "word": "inexplicably", "num_translations": 17 }, "extractorhood": { "senses": [ "An electrical kitchen device fitted over a cooker and connected to a flue designed to suck off any vapours from cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cooker hood", "cooking canopy", "electric chimney", "exhaust hood", "extraction hood", "extractor fan", "fume extractor", "kitchen hood", "range hood", "rangehood", "stove hood", "ventilation hood" ], "word": "extractorhood", "num_translations": 22 }, "harmfulness": { "senses": [ "The characteristic of being harmful" ], "antonyms": [ "harmlessness", "innocuousness" ], "synonyms": [ "poisonousness" ], "word": "harmfulness", "num_translations": 10 }, "rollover": { "senses": [ "To make a rolling motion or turn", "To cause a rolling motion or turn", "To give in to", "To reinvest funds from a maturing financial security in the same or similar investment", "To reinvest funds from a lottery into a subsequent one, because nobody won it", "To move the cursor over", "To increment, especially back to an initial value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rollover", "num_translations": 21 }, "believability": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being believable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "believableness", "credibility", "plausibility" ], "word": "believability", "num_translations": 11 }, "decentralize": { "senses": [ "To cause something to change from being concentrated at one point to being distributed across a number of points", "To reduce the authority of a governing body by distributing that authority among several bodies" ], "antonyms": [ "recentralize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "decentralize", "num_translations": 30 }, "competence": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being competent, ie able or suitable for a general role", "The quality or state of being able or suitable for a particular task", "the quality or state of being competent for a particular task", "A sustainable income", "the legal authority to deal with a matter" ], "antonyms": [ "inability", "ineptitude", "incompetence" ], "synonyms": [ "ability", "competency", "nous", "savoir-faire", "knack", "aptitude", "Thesaurus:skill" ], "word": "competence", "num_translations": 50 }, "negativity": { "senses": [ "The characteristic of being pessimistic or contrarian", "Negative sentiment", "The characteristic of having a negative charge" ], "antonyms": [ "positivity" ], "synonyms": [ "negativeness" ], "word": "negativity", "num_translations": 11 }, "shootone'smouthoff": { "senses": [ "To make reckless or exaggerated statements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mouth off", "shoot from the lip" ], "word": "shootone'smouthoff", "num_translations": 23 }, "knockback": { "senses": [ "To stun", "to surprise", "To drink an alcoholic beverage swiftly or often", "To reject", "to refuse", "To press or knead so as to remove air bubbles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "knockback", "num_translations": 14 }, "in-kind": { "senses": [ "consisting of goods or commodities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "non-monetary" ], "word": "in-kind", "num_translations": 12 }, "patienceofjob": { "senses": [ "A great amount of patience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "patience of a saint" ], "word": "patienceofJob", "num_translations": 10 }, "feastfortheeyes": { "senses": [ "visually pleasing sight" ], "antonyms": [ "a visually pleasing sight" ], "synonyms": [ "a visually pleasing sight" ], "word": "feastfortheeyes", "num_translations": 10 }, "savin": { "senses": [ "The evergreen shrub Juniperus sabina, endemic to Europe, which yields a medicinal oil", "The poisonous dried tips of this plant, with anthelmintic properties, used as a drug", "The eastern red cedar, Juniperus virginiana, of eastern North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cover-shame" ], "word": "savin", "num_translations": 31 }, "silverfir": { "senses": [ "Any of several species large evergreen coniferous trees of genus Abies :" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Abies pectinata" ], "word": "silverfir", "num_translations": 12 }, "todeath": { "senses": [ "To a great degree", "to the greatest degree possible, to excess", "See to , death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ad nauseam", "to pieces" ], "word": "todeath", "num_translations": 14 }, "finwhale": { "senses": [ "a whale of the rorqual family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "finback" ], "word": "finwhale", "num_translations": 24 }, "tapwater": { "senses": [ "Water that has come from a tap", "State of having water available from taps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "running water" ], "word": "tapwater", "num_translations": 49 }, "dehumidifier": { "senses": [ "A device for removing the moisture content from air" ], "antonyms": [ "humidifier" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dehumidifier", "num_translations": 12 }, "demonetization": { "senses": [ "The act or process of demonetizing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "notebandi" ], "word": "demonetization", "num_translations": 12 }, "howmuchdoesitcost": { "senses": [ "What is its price?, How much money do you want for it?" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "how much is it" ], "word": "howmuchdoesitcost", "num_translations": 101 }, "samogitian": { "senses": [ "Of, from, or pertaining to the region of Samogitia, or its people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u017demaitian" ], "word": "Samogitian", "num_translations": 15 }, "samogitian2": { "senses": [ "A Baltic language spoken in Samogitia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u017demaitian" ], "word": "Samogitian", "num_translations": 20 }, "drollery": { "senses": [ "Comical quality", "Amusing behavior", "Something humorous, funny or comical", "A puppet show", "a comic play or entertainment", "a comic picture", "a caricature", "A joke", "a funny story", "A small decorative image in the margin of an illuminated manuscript" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drollery", "num_translations": 11 }, "islamophobe": { "senses": [ "A person who fears or hates Islam and Muslims" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Muslimophobe", "Islamophobist", "Muslimphobe", "anti-Muslimist" ], "word": "Islamophobe", "num_translations": 16 }, "islamophobia": { "senses": [ "Fear or hatred of Islam or Muslims" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Muslimophobia", "Muslimphobia" ], "word": "Islamophobia", "num_translations": 49 }, "diametrical": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a diagonal or diameter", "Completely opposed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diametral", "antipodal" ], "word": "diametrical", "num_translations": 11 }, "pitch-dark": { "senses": [ "Absolutely dark or black", "as dark as pitch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coal-black, dark as night, jet-black, pitch-black" ], "word": "pitch-dark", "num_translations": 17 }, "czechoslovakian": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the former nation of Czechoslovakia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Czechoslovak" ], "word": "Czechoslovakian", "num_translations": 16 }, "czechoslovakian1": { "senses": [ "A person from Czechoslovakia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Czechoslovak" ], "word": "Czechoslovakian", "num_translations": 13 }, "housemate": { "senses": [ "Someone living in the same house" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flatmate", "roommate" ], "word": "housemate", "num_translations": 16 }, "infiltrator": { "senses": [ "One who infiltrates an organization or territory", "an undercover or covert agent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "informant" ], "word": "infiltrator", "num_translations": 10 }, "parkinggarage": { "senses": [ "A building for vehicles to park in, typically with several floors and sometimes underground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "car park", "multi-storey", "parkade" ], "word": "parkinggarage", "num_translations": 26 }, "trainingwheels": { "senses": [ "A pair of small wheels attached on either side of the rear wheel of a child's bicycle so that the bicycle is easier for the child to learn to ride", "Anything designed to make something easier for a novice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stabilisers" ], "word": "trainingwheels", "num_translations": 18 }, "aspirated1": { "senses": [ "Pronounced with an audible breath" ], "antonyms": [ "unaspirated" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "aspirated", "num_translations": 20 }, "plainsong": { "senses": [ "A form of monophonic chant in unison using the Gregorian scale, sung in various Christian churches", "A cantus firmus or theme chosen for contrapuntal treatment", "so called because often an actual fragment of plain-song", "The simple notes of an air, without ornament or variation", "A plain unvarnished statement, without exaggeration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "plainsong", "num_translations": 12 }, "compilate": { "senses": [ "To put together", "to assemble", "to make by gathering things from various sources", "To use a compiler to process source code and produce executable code" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compile" ], "word": "compilate", "num_translations": 15 }, "rus": { "senses": [ "The medieval East Slavic state established by these same warrior merchants in the 9th century, whose capital was first in Novgorod and then in Kiev" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kievan Rus", "Russia", "Kiev" ], "word": "Rus", "num_translations": 99 }, "pingo": { "senses": [ "A conical mound of earth with an ice core caused by permafrost uplift, particularly if lasting more than a year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hydrolaccolith" ], "word": "pingo", "num_translations": 15 }, "patsy": { "senses": [ "A person who is taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sucker", "scapegoat" ], "word": "patsy", "num_translations": 19 }, "volcanism": { "senses": [ "Any of the natural phenomena and processes associated with the action of volcanos, geysers and fumaroles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "volcanicity" ], "word": "volcanism", "num_translations": 18 }, "courtoflaw": { "senses": [ "A court presided over by a judge which is empowered to decide all aspects of legal disputes", "A court which was empowered to decide questions of law and award monetary damages, but could not provide equitable relief, which was reserved for a court of equity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "court of justice" ], "word": "courtoflaw", "num_translations": 37 }, "selfheal": { "senses": [ "A small, herbaceous European plant with blue-violet flowers from any species of genus Prunella" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heal-all" ], "word": "selfheal", "num_translations": 11 }, "sympathize": { "senses": [ "To have, show or express sympathy", "to be affected by feelings similar to those of another, in consequence of knowing the person to be thus affected", "To support, favour, have sympathy", "To say in an expression of sympathy", "To have a common feeling, as of bodily pleasure or pain", "To share", "To agree", "to be in accord", "to harmonize" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sympathize", "num_translations": 19 }, "takin": { "senses": [ "A goat-antelope, species Budorcas taxicolor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cattle chamois", "gnu goat" ], "word": "takin", "num_translations": 10 }, "flense": { "senses": [ "To strip the blubber or skin from, as from a whale, seal, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flay" ], "word": "flense", "num_translations": 11 }, "mazandaran": { "senses": [ "A land mentioned in Shahnameh and Avesta", "A northern province of Iran" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tabarestan", "Tabaria", "Tapurestan", "Tapuria" ], "word": "Mazandaran", "num_translations": 22 }, "judastree": { "senses": [ "A small deciduous tree, Cercis siliquastrum, noted for its prolific display of deep-pink flowers in spring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "European redbud" ], "word": "Judastree", "num_translations": 44 }, "fool'smate": { "senses": [ "The quickest possible checkmate in the game of chess" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "two-move checkmate" ], "word": "fool'smate", "num_translations": 46 }, "atfirstblush": { "senses": [ "Upon first impression or consideration", "seemingly, apparently, ostensibly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at first glance" ], "word": "atfirstblush", "num_translations": 27 }, "thumbscrew": { "senses": [ "A screw that can be turned with the thumb and fingers", "An instrument of torture used to crush the fingers", "A weakness that can be taken advantage of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pilliwinks" ], "word": "thumbscrew", "num_translations": 12 }, "childsafetyseat": { "senses": [ "A car safety restraint designed for infants and young children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baby seat" ], "word": "childsafetyseat", "num_translations": 11 }, "watchone'smouth": { "senses": [ "To be careful about what one says, especially with regard to disrespectful or profane language", "In the imperative form, used as a warning to avoid or stop using inappropriate language, especially profanity, or disrespectful utterances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "watch one's language", "watch one's tongue" ], "word": "watchone'smouth", "num_translations": 11 }, "rollup1": { "senses": [ "To make something into a particular shape, especially cylindrical or fold-like", "To close", "To make into a bundle", "To roll the dice necessary to create a character for a game, especially a role-playing game", "To arrive by vehicle, usually by car" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rollup", "num_translations": 23 }, "wastewater": { "senses": [ "Any water that has been used in some human domestic or industrial activity and, because of that, now contains waste products" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sewage" ], "word": "wastewater", "num_translations": 19 }, "rockgroup": { "senses": [ "A group of musicians who regularly perform rock music together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rock band" ], "word": "rockgroup", "num_translations": 34 }, "returnticket": { "senses": [ "A ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back again" ], "antonyms": [ "one-way ticket" ], "synonyms": [ "round-trip ticket" ], "word": "returnticket", "num_translations": 31 }, "shrovetide": { "senses": [ "The three days immediately preceding Lent", "Shrove Sunday, Shrove Monday, and Shrove Tuesday, preceding Ash Wednesday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fastens", "fasterns-een", "fastgang-tide" ], "word": "Shrovetide", "num_translations": 25 }, "barbican": { "senses": [ "A tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town", "A fortress at the end of a bridge", "An opening in the wall of a fortress through which the guns are levelled", "a narrow loophole through which arrows and other missiles may be shot", "A temporary wooden tower built for defensive purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guardhouse" ], "word": "barbican", "num_translations": 14 }, "woodwindinstrument": { "senses": [ "A musical instrument in which sound is produced by blowing against an edge or by vibrating a thin piece of wood or metal known as the reed, and in which the pitch is governed by the resonant frequencies of an enclosed air column" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "woodwind" ], "word": "woodwindinstrument", "num_translations": 37 }, "patisserie": { "senses": [ "a shop that sells pastries and cakes", "pastry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cake shop", "cakery", "pastry shop" ], "word": "patisserie", "num_translations": 11 }, "stuntman": { "senses": [ "In films, someone who performs stunts that are deemed too dangerous or physically difficult for the main actors to attempt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stunt performer" ], "word": "stuntman", "num_translations": 23 }, "backgroundmusic": { "senses": [ "Any music played in a public space whose main function is to create an atmosphere suitable to a specific occasion, rather than to be listened to", "Any music in a film, video game or other medium that establishes mood and is not meant to have the audience's focus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piped music" ], "word": "backgroundmusic", "num_translations": 28 }, "nurseryschool": { "senses": [ "A school where pre-school children play and learn at the same time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kindergarten", "preschool" ], "word": "nurseryschool", "num_translations": 44 }, "headstall": { "senses": [ "The part of a bridle that fits over a horse's head and supports other elements", "A phorbeia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headpiece", "headcollar" ], "word": "headstall", "num_translations": 15 }, "helpmate": { "senses": [ "A person who supplies help or companionship", "A wife or spouse", "A recreational problem in chess in which both sides cooperate to achieve a specific goal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aide", "helper", "helpmeet", "tutor", "Thesaurus:spouse" ], "word": "helpmate", "num_translations": 12 }, "vaginalflatulence": { "senses": [ "A noisy emission or expulsion of air from the vagina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fanny fart", "queef", "vart" ], "word": "vaginalflatulence", "num_translations": 14 }, "isobutane": { "senses": [ "A hydrocarbon, a particular isomer of C4H10 found in natural gas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "2-methylpropane", "methylpropane", "trimethylmethane" ], "word": "isobutane", "num_translations": 16 }, "ribcage": { "senses": [ "A part of the skeleton within the thoracic area consisting of ribs, sternum and thoracic vertebrae", "The enclosed area created by and within the ribs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thoracic cage" ], "word": "ribcage", "num_translations": 24 }, "schoolofhardknocks": { "senses": [ "The source of an education consisting of real-world experiences, especially adverse experiences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "university of life" ], "word": "schoolofhardknocks", "num_translations": 12 }, "halloffame": { "senses": [ "A structure housing memorials to famous or illustrious individuals , often containing a collection of memorabilia relating to them", "A group, sometimes formal, of the famed or illustrious in a given field", "A high-score table" ], "antonyms": [ "hall of shame" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "halloffame", "num_translations": 17 }, "astrologicalsign": { "senses": [ "Any of twelve signs, corresponding to constellations, that are used as the basis of astrology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "star sign" ], "word": "astrologicalsign", "num_translations": 54 }, "stringedinstrument": { "senses": [ "Any of very many musical instruments in which taut strings are plucked, bowed or struck in order to produce a sound" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chordophone", "string", "string instrument" ], "word": "stringedinstrument", "num_translations": 26 }, "snakehead": { "senses": [ "A family of perciform fish native to Africa and Asia, Channidae", "A Chinese smuggler, especially one who smuggles people", "A showy perennial plant, Chelone glabra, found in North American marshlands", "the turtlehead", "A loose, bent-up end of one of the strap rails, or flat rails, formerly used on American railroads It was sometimes so bent by the passage of a train as to slip over a wheel and pierce the bottom of a car", "The guinea-hen flower, Fritillaria meleagris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "snakehead", "num_translations": 22 }, "bringforth": { "senses": [ "To produce, bear as fruit", "To give birth", "To create, generate, bring into existence", "To adduce, bring forward" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forthbring" ], "word": "bringforth", "num_translations": 27 }, "bymeansof": { "senses": [ "by using" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by dint of", "via" ], "word": "bymeansof", "num_translations": 33 }, "inorderto": { "senses": [ "As a means of achieving the specified end", "to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for to" ], "word": "inorderto", "num_translations": 76 }, "cowbane": { "senses": [ "Any of several related poisonous plants of the genus Cicuta", "Cicuta virosa, the name species of this genus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water hemlock", "northern water hemlock" ], "word": "cowbane", "num_translations": 22 }, "bumpercar": { "senses": [ "A small electric-powered vehicle encircled with a rubber bumper, used in an amusement ride" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dodgem" ], "word": "bumpercar", "num_translations": 13 }, "civilpartnership": { "senses": [ "A union similar to marriage which same-sex couples, and in some jurisdictions opposite-sex couples, may form, which affords rights and responsibilities similar or identical to those afforded by civil marriage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "see" ], "word": "civilpartnership", "num_translations": 29 }, "self-service": { "senses": [ "The practice of serving oneself, usually when purchasing items" ], "antonyms": [ "full-service" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "self-service", "num_translations": 35 }, "mindfulness": { "senses": [ "Awareness", "Inclination to be mindful or aware", "Paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally", "A form of secular meditation practice with roots in Buddhist meditation" ], "antonyms": [ "mindlessness" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "mindfulness", "num_translations": 25 }, "steelwool": { "senses": [ "Fine strips or threads of steel, usually formed into pads or balls and used as an abrasive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wire wool" ], "word": "steelwool", "num_translations": 20 }, "tollgate": { "senses": [ "A barrier across a toll road or toll bridge that is lifted when the toll is paid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tollbar" ], "word": "tollgate", "num_translations": 11 }, "gowiththeflow": { "senses": [ "To act as others are acting, conforming to common behavior patterns with an attitude of calm acceptance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow with the wind", "float with the stream" ], "word": "gowiththeflow", "num_translations": 10 }, "stubbornasamule": { "senses": [ "Extremely stubborn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obstinate" ], "word": "stubbornasamule", "num_translations": 10 }, "sleepwith": { "senses": [ "To share a bed or bedroom with", "To have sexual intercourse with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sleep", "Thesaurus:copulate with" ], "word": "sleepwith", "num_translations": 20 }, "dozeoff": { "senses": [ "to fall asleep unintentionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drop off", "sack out", "Thesaurus:fall asleep" ], "word": "dozeoff", "num_translations": 17 }, "lipbalm": { "senses": [ "A substance topically applied to the lips of the mouth to relieve chapped or dry lips, angular cheilitis or stomatitis, and cold sores" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lip salve", "chapstick" ], "word": "lipbalm", "num_translations": 41 }, "pleasantness": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being pleasant", "Something pleasant" ], "antonyms": [ "unpleasantness" ], "synonyms": [ "agreeableness" ], "word": "pleasantness", "num_translations": 11 }, "traditionalist": { "senses": [ "A person who adheres to tradition, especially in cultural or religious practices", "A traditional climbing climber" ], "antonyms": [ "reformer" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "traditionalist", "num_translations": 17 }, "traditionalism": { "senses": [ "The adherence to traditional views or practices, especially with regard to cultural or religious matters", "The continuation of theological rituals on the basis that the ritual has always completed, rather than the ritual being a manifestation of theology", "A philosophical system which makes tradition the supreme criterion and rule of certitude", "the doctrine that human reason is of itself radically unable to know with certainty any truth or, at least, the fundamental truths of the metaphysical, moral, and religious order" ], "antonyms": [ "rationalism", "progressivism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "traditionalism", "num_translations": 14 }, "putoutofone'smisery": { "senses": [ "To submit to euthanasia", "To end or destroy something for the good of the individuals involved in it", "To give somebody information he/she has been waiting for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "euthanise", "euthanize", "shoot me" ], "word": "putoutofone'smisery", "num_translations": 13 }, "eventhough": { "senses": [ "although, though", "despite or in spite of the fact that", "Even if" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "albeit" ], "word": "eventhough", "num_translations": 70 }, "formfactor": { "senses": [ "The ratio of the RMS value to the absolute mean of a sinusoidal wave", "Any of several functions that describe the unknown internal state of a particle", "The emissivity of a material", "A function that describes the scattering power of an atom as function of the scattering angle", "A factor describing the stress distribution of a body", "The geometry of an object, especially in engineering design", "configuration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "formfactor", "num_translations": 12 }, "sergeantmajor": { "senses": [ "A senior non-commissioned appointment in the Army of a company or unit, directly responsible to the officer in charge for their soldiers' performance, standards, discipline, morale, welfare, et al, that can be held by a Warrant Officer or above", "The most senior rank of non-commissioned officer in the United States Army, ranking above a first sergeant In the United States Marine Corps it ranks above First Sergeant and is equal in grade to Master Gunnery Sergeant", "An appointment in the British Army and Royal Marines, denoting the most senior non-commissioned officer in a battalion, regiment or company", "An appointment in the Singapore Army and National Cadet Corps, denoting the most senior non-commissioned officer in a battalion, regiment, company or unit", "A fish, the pintano" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sergeantmajor", "num_translations": 17 }, "dehydrogenase": { "senses": [ "Any of several enzymes that catalyze the removal of hydrogen from biological compounds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dehydrase" ], "word": "dehydrogenase", "num_translations": 11 }, "terce": { "senses": [ "The third hour of daylight", "The service appointed for this hour", "A widow's right, where she has no conventional provision, to a liferent of a third of the husband's heritable property" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "undern", "undern-song" ], "word": "terce", "num_translations": 12 }, "truckdriver": { "senses": [ "A person employed to drive a truck, especially a tractor-trailer or other large industrial truck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lorry driver", "trucker", "truckie" ], "word": "truckdriver", "num_translations": 32 }, "busdriver": { "senses": [ "A person employed to drive buses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "busman" ], "word": "busdriver", "num_translations": 32 }, "parkingbrake": { "senses": [ "A brake in a vehicle that can be set to avoid the vehicle rolling down a hill or being pushed away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handbrake" ], "word": "parkingbrake", "num_translations": 13 }, "prudery": { "senses": [ "The condition of being prudish", "prudishness", "Prudish behaviour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prudishness", "erotophobia", "antisexuality" ], "word": "prudery", "num_translations": 15 }, "pin-up": { "senses": [ "A photograph, printed in a magazine or other publication, of a sexually attractive person , and intended to be removed and pinned up on a wall", "The person so depicted", "Figurehead, person who represents an idea, cause etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "centerfold", "centerfold", "pin-up girl" ], "word": "pin-up", "num_translations": 21 }, "harmlessness": { "senses": [ "The characteristic of being harmless", "the absence of harm" ], "antonyms": [ "harmfulness", "nocence" ], "synonyms": [ "innocence", "innocuity" ], "word": "harmlessness", "num_translations": 17 }, "earthscience": { "senses": [ "Any of the sciences dealing with the planet Earth, such as geology and meteorology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:earth science" ], "word": "earthscience", "num_translations": 18 }, "proofreader": { "senses": [ "A person who proofreads", "A person whose occupation is to proofread" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corrector", "reviser" ], "word": "proofreader", "num_translations": 48 }, "wipetheslateclean": { "senses": [ "To make a fresh start, for example by forgetting about previous differences and disagreements" ], "antonyms": [ "hold a grudge" ], "synonyms": [ "bury the hatchet" ], "word": "wipetheslateclean", "num_translations": 13 }, "transvestism": { "senses": [ "The condition of being a transvestite", "A paraphilia typically found in heterosexual males characterized by compulsively seeking and deriving sexual arousal from cross-dressing, especially if the urges and behavior cause the patient distress or social impairment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "transvestitism" ], "word": "transvestism", "num_translations": 12 }, "soccerfield": { "senses": [ "A playing field on which the game of soccer is played" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "football pitch" ], "word": "soccerfield", "num_translations": 11 }, "unavoidably": { "senses": [ "In an unavoidable manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inevitably" ], "word": "unavoidably", "num_translations": 27 }, "uncertainly": { "senses": [ "In an uncertain manner" ], "antonyms": [ "certainly" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "uncertainly", "num_translations": 11 }, "supremecourt": { "senses": [ "A court of law which represents the highest legal authority within a jurisdiction", "In certain provinces, a superior court of original jurisdiction, which however is inferior to the province's court of appeals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "high court", "court of last resort" ], "word": "supremecourt", "num_translations": 32 }, "getfucked": { "senses": [ "A term used to express contempt Usually used after the individual in question is retaliated upon and the user has no sympathy", "Go away, get lost", "A curse meaning \"go to hell\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fuck you", "go fuck yourself", "fuck off", "go away", "get lost", "Thesaurus:go away" ], "word": "getfucked", "num_translations": 10 }, "piecework": { "senses": [ "Work that a worker is paid for according to the number of units produced, rather than the number of hours worked", "work done and paid for by the piece or by the job" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "taskwork", "task work" ], "word": "piecework", "num_translations": 13 }, "dansemacabre": { "senses": [ "A conventional subject in art, literature and drama, or a particular work in that style, in which death is shown leading people to the grave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dance of death" ], "word": "dansemacabre", "num_translations": 27 }, "plastercast": { "senses": [ "A cast made of a stiff material in order to immobilize a broken bone for the period of healing", "A copy of a piece of art or other object cast in plaster" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cast", "plaster", "pot" ], "word": "plastercast", "num_translations": 24 }, "governor-general": { "senses": [ "An official appointed by the reigning British monarch to govern a Commonwealth realm as the monarch's representative", "An official in a similar position in other countries", "A zongdu" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GG" ], "word": "governor-general", "num_translations": 35 }, "downturn": { "senses": [ "A downward trend, or the beginnings of one", "a decline" ], "antonyms": [ "upturn" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "downturn", "num_translations": 22 }, "hereyouare": { "senses": [ "Said when handing something over to someone or doing a favour to them, usually to draw the recipient's attention to the exchange", "equivalent to \u201cthank you\" when receiving something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "here you go", "there you go", "there you are" ], "word": "hereyouare", "num_translations": 86 }, "rainyseason": { "senses": [ "The portion of the year during which the most rain falls" ], "antonyms": [ "dry season" ], "synonyms": [ "monsoon", "monsoon season", "wet season" ], "word": "rainyseason", "num_translations": 61 }, "candybar": { "senses": [ "A kind of candy in the shape of a bar, often made of chocolate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chocolate bar" ], "word": "candybar", "num_translations": 14 }, "soccerplayer": { "senses": [ "One who plays soccer, especially professional soccer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footballer" ], "word": "soccerplayer", "num_translations": 29 }, "basketballplayer": { "senses": [ "A person who plays basketball, especially professionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "basketballer" ], "word": "basketballplayer", "num_translations": 43 }, "yellowlight": { "senses": [ "A traffic light, between the green light and the red light, indicating that vehicles may proceed with caution", "Limited approval or permission to proceed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "or amber light" ], "word": "yellowlight", "num_translations": 12 }, "praetor": { "senses": [ "The title designating a Roman administrative official whose role changed over time:", "A high civic or administrative official, especially a chief magistrate or mayor Sometimes used as a title", "The title of the chief magistrate, the mayor, and/or the podest\u00e0 in Palermo, in Verona, and in various other parts of 17th- and 18th-century Italy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "provost" ], "word": "praetor", "num_translations": 11 }, "plasterboard": { "senses": [ "A construction material consisting of a rigid panel of several layers of fibreboard or paper bonded to a gypsum core" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:drywall" ], "word": "plasterboard", "num_translations": 11 }, "bubbletea": { "senses": [ "Sweetened tea with milk and tapioca pearls, often including fruit juice, syrup and other ingredients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boba" ], "word": "bubbletea", "num_translations": 20 }, "syntacticsugar": { "senses": [ "Additions to the syntax of a computer language that make code easier for humans to read or write, but that do not change the functionality or expressiveness of the language" ], "antonyms": [ "syntactic salt" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "syntacticsugar", "num_translations": 23 }, "fallapart": { "senses": [ "To disintegrate", "To be emotionally in crisis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "break", "break apart", "break up", "come apart", "come apart at the seams", "disintegrate", "fall to bits", "fall to pieces", "come undone", "crack up" ], "word": "fallapart", "num_translations": 25 }, "payout": { "senses": [ "To distribute money", "to disburse", "To slacken a rope by lengthening it", "to allow a rope to run out", "To repay, take revenge" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "payout", "num_translations": 13 }, "dryseason": { "senses": [ "Any season in which little rain falls", "used especially in the tropics where it alternates with the rainy season" ], "antonyms": [ "rainy season" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "dryseason", "num_translations": 21 }, "getuponthewrongsideofthebed": { "senses": [ "To feel irritable", "to be in a bad mood", "to have a bad day from the start, for no particular reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "get out of bed on the wrong side", "wake up on the wrong side of bed", "wake up on the wrong side of the bed" ], "word": "getuponthewrongsideofthebed", "num_translations": 29 }, "messwith": { "senses": [ "To eat with", "To interfere with", "To diss", "to put down", "To joke around with or dupe someone, in either a friendly or unfriendly manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "play the devil with", "play hob with" ], "word": "messwith", "num_translations": 20 }, "futsal": { "senses": [ "A form of soccer played indoors, with five players per team" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "five-a-side", "indoor soccer" ], "word": "futsal", "num_translations": 18 }, "humaneness": { "senses": [ "The property of being humane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "humanity" ], "word": "humaneness", "num_translations": 12 }, "humanize": { "senses": [ "To make human", "to give or cause to have the fundamental properties of a human", "To make sympathetic or relatable", "To become humane or civilized", "To convert into something human or belonging to humans" ], "antonyms": [ "dehumanize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "humanize", "num_translations": 15 }, "portwine": { "senses": [ "A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "port", "Porto" ], "word": "portwine", "num_translations": 47 }, "finnic1": { "senses": [ "Finnish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Baltic-Finnic" ], "word": "Finnic", "num_translations": 11 }, "headwaiter": { "senses": [ "A waiter who has a supervisory position over the other wait staff", "chief waiter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ma\u00eetre d'" ], "word": "headwaiter", "num_translations": 23 }, "professorship": { "senses": [ "the office of a professor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "professorate" ], "word": "professorship", "num_translations": 10 }, "head-to-head1": { "senses": [ "Facing one another", "Directly, one-to-one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "t\u00eate-\u00e0-t\u00eate" ], "word": "head-to-head", "num_translations": 14 }, "multitasking1": { "senses": [ "The simultaneous execution of multiple tasks under the control of an interrupt-driven operating system", "The practice or capability of handling more than one task at the same time" ], "antonyms": [ "monotasking", "single-tasking", "unitasking" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "multitasking", "num_translations": 21 }, "prioritized1": { "senses": [ "with priority, having priority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "priority" ], "word": "prioritized", "num_translations": 17 }, "mantling1": { "senses": [ "The representation of a mantle, or the drapery behind and around a coat of arms", "Cloth suitable for making mantles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lambrequin" ], "word": "mantling", "num_translations": 12 }, "hazelgrouse": { "senses": [ "A bird in the grouse family, Tetrastes bonasia, native to most of temperate-cool Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hazelhen" ], "word": "hazelgrouse", "num_translations": 32 }, "greypartridge": { "senses": [ "A game bird in the pheasant family, Perdix perdix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English partridge", "hun", "Hungarian partridge" ], "word": "greypartridge", "num_translations": 21 }, "confucian1": { "senses": [ "One who follows the teachings of Confucius" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Confucianist" ], "word": "Confucian", "num_translations": 18 }, "maidenhood": { "senses": [ "The condition of being a maiden", "the time when one is a maiden or young girl", "A woman's virginity or maidenhead", "Freshness", "newness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maidhood" ], "word": "maidenhood", "num_translations": 30 }, "manege": { "senses": [ "The art of training and riding horses", "dressage", "A riding school", "A riding arena", "The movements of a trained horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "manege", "num_translations": 25 }, "recruiter": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of recruit", "one who recruits, particularly one employed to recruit others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one employeed to recruit others" ], "word": "recruiter", "num_translations": 11 }, "runafter": { "senses": [ "To follow quickly, often in an effort to catch or catch up with", "To make a determined effort to win someone's affections or to have a sexual relationship with them", "To endeavour to find or obtain", "To seek the company or assistance of", "to frequent", "to consult", "To seek to participate in, devote oneself to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pursue", "chase" ], "word": "runafter", "num_translations": 17 }, "arbil": { "senses": [ "The capital of Iraqi Kurdistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arbela", "Hawler" ], "word": "Arbil", "num_translations": 11 }, "neverending": { "senses": [ "Having no end or being endless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unending", "eternal" ], "word": "neverending", "num_translations": 10 }, "meticulousness": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being meticulous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meticulosity" ], "word": "meticulousness", "num_translations": 11 }, "hipbone": { "senses": [ "One of two roughly symmetrical skeleton parts, each composed of the fused iliac, ischial and pubic bones, that together form the sides of the pelvis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "innominate bone" ], "word": "hipbone", "num_translations": 31 }, "militarist": { "senses": [ "One who believes in the use of military force" ], "antonyms": [ "pacifist" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "militarist", "num_translations": 11 }, "master'sdegree": { "senses": [ "A postgraduate degree which aims to assist students in developing a mastery for a particular academic field or profession" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "master" ], "word": "master'sdegree", "num_translations": 30 }, "matriarchal": { "senses": [ "Governed by a matriarch", "Governed by females, rather than by males" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "matriarchial", "matriarchic" ], "word": "matriarchal", "num_translations": 19 }, "shorty": { "senses": [ "A short person", "A term of endearment for a child, younger sibling, shorter person, etc", "A child", "An attractive young female, especially one who is sexually available", "A girlfriend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "shorty", "num_translations": 11 }, "timingbelt": { "senses": [ "a part of an internal combustion engine that controls the timing of the engine's valves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cam belt", "cambelt" ], "word": "timingbelt", "num_translations": 14 }, "capitalcity": { "senses": [ "A city that is a seat of government", "A city much larger or more important to a country than all others, regardless of the actual seat of government (cf, Moscow and Saint Petersburg regardless of moves of the Russian government", "Amsterdam despite the Dutch government having been situated in The Hague since 1588)", "The major metropolitan areas of Australia , all of which happen to be state capitals, and by extension the major metropolitan areas of other countries", "note that other state capitals Hobart, Darwin, and national capital Canberra are often excluded" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capital" ], "word": "capitalcity", "num_translations": 191 }, "wetone'swhistle": { "senses": [ "To have a drink", "to quench one's thirst" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wet one's beak" ], "word": "wetone'swhistle", "num_translations": 12 }, "immateriality": { "senses": [ "the state of being immaterial" ], "antonyms": [ "materiality" ], "synonyms": [ "immaterialness" ], "word": "immateriality", "num_translations": 14 }, "immediacy": { "senses": [ "The quality of being immediate, of happening right away", "Lack of mediation", "directness", "Immediate awareness or apprehension" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:instantaneity", "plainness" ], "word": "immediacy", "num_translations": 10 }, "novice": { "senses": [ "A beginner", "one who is not very familiar or experienced in a particular subject", "A new member of a religious order accepted on a conditional basis, prior to confirmation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amateur", "Thesaurus:beginner" ], "word": "novice", "num_translations": 76 }, "takedown": { "senses": [ "To remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed", "To remove something from a hanging position", "To remove something from a website", "To write down as a note, especially to record something spoken", "To remove a temporary structure such as scaffolding", "To lower an item of clothing without removing it", "To arrest someone or to place them in detention", "To crush", "to destroy or kill", "To force one's opponent off their feet in order to transition from striking to grappling in jujitsu, mixed martial arts, etc", "To collapse or become incapacitated from illness or fatigue" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "takedown", "num_translations": 30 }, "humpbacked": { "senses": [ "Having a hump on the back, either naturally or due to a medical condition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hunchbacked" ], "word": "humpbacked", "num_translations": 24 }, "shakeoff": { "senses": [ "To remove by shaking", "To dissociate oneself from", "To lose someone who is tracking you", "To rid oneself of a malady or its symptoms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "forshake" ], "word": "shakeoff", "num_translations": 13 }, "harvestman": { "senses": [ "A field-worker who works to gather in the harvest", "An order of terrestrial, non-venomous arachnids with often very long legs: Opiliones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carter", "daddy longlegs" ], "word": "harvestman", "num_translations": 51 }, "mistreatment": { "senses": [ "Cruel, abusive, bad, unfair, or thoughtless treatment of a person or animal (only rarely of an object or a machine", "usually: mishandle)" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maltreatment" ], "word": "mistreatment", "num_translations": 11 }, "unwearied": { "senses": [ "Not wearied, not tired", "Never tiring", "tireless", "Not stopping", "persistent, relentless" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unwearied", "num_translations": 10 }, "mishandle": { "senses": [ "To manipulate something roughly, causing physical damage", "To deal with a situation incorrectly or ineffectively", "to make a mistake in handling a situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misuse", "mismanage" ], "word": "mishandle", "num_translations": 11 }, "downbeat1": { "senses": [ "Sad or pessimistic", "Cautiously optimistic" ], "antonyms": [ "upbeat" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "downbeat", "num_translations": 11 }, "drop-off": { "senses": [ "A sudden downward slope", "A sudden decrease", "A space reserved outside a bus or railway station for vehicles stopping to drop off passengers for onward transit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "set-down" ], "word": "drop-off", "num_translations": 11 }, "drawout": { "senses": [ "To make something last for more time than is necessary", "prolong", "extend", "To physically extract, as blood from a vein", "To extract, bring out, as concealed information", "elicit", "educe", "To use means to entice or force from its hole or similar hiding place", "To cause to be more open or talkative", "To improve a losing hand to a winning hand by receiving additional cards", "To leave the place , etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "drawout", "num_translations": 16 }, "shoemaking": { "senses": [ "The making of shoes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cordwainery", "the gentle craft" ], "word": "shoemaking", "num_translations": 11 }, "swallowup": { "senses": [ "To completely enclose or envelop", "To take over or absorb something so it no longer has a separate identity", "to assimilate", "To voraciously consume resources, such as money", "to devour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "swallowup", "num_translations": 14 }, "neem": { "senses": [ "Azadirachta indica, a large, mostly evergreen tree from India, whose seeds yield the insecticide azadirachtin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "margosa" ], "word": "neem", "num_translations": 31 }, "atfirstglance": { "senses": [ "After only a superficial examination or review" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at first blush" ], "word": "atfirstglance", "num_translations": 33 }, "audiocassette": { "senses": [ "A cassette designed to hold recorded sound or music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cassette tape", "compact cassette" ], "word": "audiocassette", "num_translations": 14 }, "garbagecan": { "senses": [ "A receptacle, usually roughly cylindrical and wider at the top than at the bottom, which serves as a place to discard waste materials" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ashcan", "dumpster", "dustbin", "garbage pail", "rubbish bin", "trash can", "wastebin", "Thesaurus:waste bin" ], "word": "garbagecan", "num_translations": 100 }, "high-class": { "senses": [ "Upper-class", "Recognized for its quality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "upscale" ], "word": "high-class", "num_translations": 18 }, "comehellorhighwater": { "senses": [ "Regardless of the hardships" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come what may", "rain or shine", "no matter what" ], "word": "comehellorhighwater", "num_translations": 15 }, "terraforming1": { "senses": [ "The hypothetical process of deliberately modifying the atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology of a planet, moon, etc to make it similar to those of Earth and thus suitable for human life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "terraformation", "planetary engineering" ], "word": "terraforming", "num_translations": 42 }, "high-speed": { "senses": [ "That operates, moves or takes place at a greater than normal speed" ], "antonyms": [ "low-speed" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "high-speed", "num_translations": 21 }, "asyouwish": { "senses": [ "A formal expression of agreement to something, especially with the connotation that one does not really agree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as you like" ], "word": "asyouwish", "num_translations": 20 }, "humph": { "senses": [ "Used to express doubt or disapproval" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "humbug" ], "word": "humph", "num_translations": 11 }, "indivisibility": { "senses": [ "The state of being indivisible The state incapable of being divided", "An indivisible factor or object" ], "antonyms": [ "divisibility", "uncombinability", "unmergeability" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "indivisibility", "num_translations": 12 }, "inevitability": { "senses": [ "The condition of being inevitable", "An inevitable condition or outcome" ], "antonyms": [ "evitability", "impossibility", "contingency" ], "synonyms": [ "certainty", "necessity" ], "word": "inevitability", "num_translations": 18 }, "infectiousness": { "senses": [ "The state or condition of being infectious" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infectiosity" ], "word": "infectiousness", "num_translations": 19 }, "informality": { "senses": [ "The condition of being informal" ], "antonyms": [ "formality" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "informality", "num_translations": 14 }, "insensitivity": { "senses": [ "The condition of being insensitive" ], "antonyms": [ "sensitivity" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "insensitivity", "num_translations": 13 }, "graywater": { "senses": [ "Water that is not clean enough to be potable, such as having been used for washing, but not contaminated with fecal matter or other source of dangerous bacteria or dangerous or noxious materials" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sullage" ], "word": "graywater", "num_translations": 16 }, "foodie": { "senses": [ "A person with a special interest in or knowledge of food, a gourmet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chowhound" ], "word": "foodie", "num_translations": 13 }, "nationalholiday": { "senses": [ "A statutory holiday enacted by a country to commemorate the country itself", "A public holiday" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "National Day" ], "word": "nationalholiday", "num_translations": 11 }, "dozy": { "senses": [ "Quite sleepy or tired", "Intellectually slow", "Decaying, rotten, spongy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doty" ], "word": "dozy", "num_translations": 11 }, "inbreeding1": { "senses": [ "breeding between members of a relatively small population, especially one in which most members are related" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incest" ], "word": "inbreeding", "num_translations": 18 }, "bosomfriend": { "senses": [ "A very close friend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bosom buddy" ], "word": "bosomfriend", "num_translations": 33 }, "onesie": { "senses": [ "A one-piece garment for an infant or small child, generally worn over a diaper", "One-piece adult loungewear jumpsuit", "One-piece fashionable streetwear worn mostly by teenagers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "romper" ], "word": "onesie", "num_translations": 15 }, "transnistria": { "senses": [ "A governorate of Romania during World War II, established in 1941 and captured by Soviet forces in 1944", "An autonomous territory within Moldova, not internationally recognized as a nation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Transdniestria", "Trans-Dniester", "Pridnestrovie" ], "word": "Transnistria", "num_translations": 55 }, "lasvegas": { "senses": [ "A desert >, the > of >, >, >, known for its large hotels, extravagant entertainment and dining, and gambling", "city co/San Miguel County s/New Mexico" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Vegas", "Sin City", "The Strip" ], "word": "LasVegas", "num_translations": 17 }, "russiansovietfederativesocialistrepublic": { "senses": [ "The official name for modern day Russia under the Communist Party from 1936 to 1991 Part of the USSR from 1922 to 1991" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Russian SFSR", "RSFSR" ], "word": "RussianSovietFederativeSocialistRepublic", "num_translations": 11 }, "balkans": { "senses": [ "geographical region in southeastern cont/Europe, roughly equivalent to the area covered by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia , sometimes including Romania, Slovenia, and European Turkey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Balkan Peninsula" ], "word": "Balkans", "num_translations": 57 }, "inextinguishable": { "senses": [ "Incapable of being extinguished, not extinguishable" ], "antonyms": [ "extinguishable" ], "synonyms": [ "unquenchable" ], "word": "inextinguishable", "num_translations": 19 }, "evenso": { "senses": [ "In spite of the preceding remark or facts", "In exactly such a manner", "of exactly such a nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "be that as it may", "exactly" ], "word": "evenso", "num_translations": 24 }, "intheknow": { "senses": [ "Informed, aware" ], "antonyms": [ "in the dark" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "intheknow", "num_translations": 30 }, "nokidding": { "senses": [ "An exclamation of amazement", "Said in response to an obvious statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "really", "duh" ], "word": "nokidding", "num_translations": 31 }, "aziridine": { "senses": [ "A three-membered heterocycle containing two methylene groups and an imine", "the nitrogen equivalent of ethylene oxide", "Any derivative of this basic structure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ethyleneimine", "azacyclopropane" ], "word": "aziridine", "num_translations": 21 }, "detritivore": { "senses": [ "An organism that feeds on detritus", "a detrivore, a saprophage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "detritophage", "detritus eater", "detrivore", "saprophage" ], "word": "detritivore", "num_translations": 26 }, "doss-house": { "senses": [ "A place where homeless people can sleep for the night" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flophouse" ], "word": "doss-house", "num_translations": 26 }, "cowparsley": { "senses": [ "Anthriscus sylvestris, a weedy biennial umbellifer native to the Old World", "Any of a variety of plants of similar appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keck" ], "word": "cowparsley", "num_translations": 23 }, "inflectional": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to inflection", "Of or pertaining to a point of inflection of a curve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flectional" ], "word": "inflectional", "num_translations": 11 }, "intellectualism": { "senses": [ "The use or development of the intellect", "The doctrine that knowledge is derived from pure reason", "The use of mental attributes as a criterion or value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rationalism" ], "word": "intellectualism", "num_translations": 12 }, "slab": { "senses": [ "A large, flat piece of solid material", "a solid object that is large and flat", "A paving stone", "a flagstone", "A carton containing 24 cans of beer", "An outside piece taken from a log or timber when sawing it into boards, planks, etc", "A bird, the wryneck", "The slack part of a sail", "A large, luxury pre-1980 General Motors vehicle, particularly a Buick, Oldsmobile or Cadillac", "A very large wave", "A sequence of 12 adjacent bits, serving as a byte in some computers", "Part of a tectonic plate that is being subducted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slab", "num_translations": 72 }, "panthercap": { "senses": [ "The highly poisonous agaric Amanita pantherina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "false blusher", "panther mushroom" ], "word": "panthercap", "num_translations": 12 }, "red-eye": { "senses": [ "The names of animals that have red eyes", "Types of beverages", "Redness of the conjunctiva", "especially when caused by conjunctivitis", "Redness in the eye of someone in a colour photograph, as an unwanted consequence of refracted light from a flash", "An overnight airplane flight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "red-eye", "num_translations": 20 }, "right-winger": { "senses": [ "A person who belongs to the political right", "A member of the right wing of a party or group", "A winger who plays on the right" ], "antonyms": [ "left-winger" ], "synonyms": [ "rightist", "reich winger" ], "word": "right-winger", "num_translations": 20 }, "consonance": { "senses": [ "The repetition of consonant sounds, but not vowels as in assonance", "Harmony", "agreement", "lack of discordance" ], "antonyms": [ "dissonance", "discordance" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "consonance", "num_translations": 16 }, "disillusioned": { "senses": [ "Disappointed", "experiencing disillusionment", "having lost one's illusions" ], "antonyms": [ "inspired" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "disillusioned", "num_translations": 18 }, "celestine2": { "senses": [ "A mineral with orthorhombic crystals, SrSO4, colourless or white with blue and sometimes red shades" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celestite" ], "word": "celestine", "num_translations": 13 }, "stableboy": { "senses": [ "A boy or young man who attends in a stable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "groom", "stablehand", "stableman" ], "word": "stableboy", "num_translations": 14 }, "parexcellence1": { "senses": [ "Most excellently, variously intending" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "proper" ], "word": "parexcellence", "num_translations": 12 }, "nottomention": { "senses": [ "Used by the speaker to mention another important point", "an apophasis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to say nothing of" ], "word": "nottomention", "num_translations": 29 }, "gastricacid": { "senses": [ "The acidic secretion of the stomach", "mostly hydrochloric acid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gastric juice", "stomach acid" ], "word": "gastricacid", "num_translations": 36 }, "anti-fascism": { "senses": [ "The opposition to fascist ideologies, organizations, governments and people" ], "antonyms": [ "fascism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "anti-fascism", "num_translations": 11 }, "moralism": { "senses": [ "The act or practice of moralizing", "A maxim or saying believed by the speaker to embody a moral truth", "an instance of moralizing", "Religious practice that focuses on morality while placing little emphasis on doctrine or the metaphysical", "adherence to a system of morality with little or no reference to religion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "moralism", "num_translations": 10 }, "wahhabism": { "senses": [ "A branch of Sunni Islam practised by those who follow the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Salafism" ], "word": "Wahhabism", "num_translations": 18 }, "teochew": { "senses": [ "A dialect of Min Nan Chinese, spoken in the Chaozhou region of eastern Guangdong", "A city in the eastern part of China's Guangdong province, now more commonly called Chaozhou" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chaozhou" ], "word": "Teochew", "num_translations": 19 }, "rhombohedral": { "senses": [ "Having three equal axes and oblique angles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rhombohedric" ], "word": "rhombohedral", "num_translations": 10 }, "sexlife": { "senses": [ "That part of a person's life that is directly concerned with sexual activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "love life" ], "word": "sexlife", "num_translations": 22 }, "teamsport": { "senses": [ "A sport played by two competing teams", "All sports involving competing teams, collectively" ], "antonyms": [ "individual sport" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "teamsport", "num_translations": 15 }, "dateofbirth": { "senses": [ "The date and year something or someone was born" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "DOB", "birthdate" ], "word": "dateofbirth", "num_translations": 41 }, "intheend": { "senses": [ "Eventually, finally", "After a thorough examination of the situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at last", "all things considered" ], "word": "intheend", "num_translations": 29 }, "grammaticality": { "senses": [ "The state or attribute of obeying the rules of grammar", "grammatical correctness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grammaticalness" ], "word": "grammaticality", "num_translations": 11 }, "permille": { "senses": [ "A part or other object per thousand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u2030", "mill", "mU" ], "word": "permille", "num_translations": 20 }, "skatingrink": { "senses": [ "A specially prepared ice surface on which people skate or play ice hockey", "A building that houses such a surface", "a roller rink", "A building that houses a roller rink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ice skating rink", "ice skating rink" ], "word": "skatingrink", "num_translations": 20 }, "microcephaly": { "senses": [ "A neurological disorder in which the person affected has an abnormally small head due to a failure of brain growth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "microcephalia", "microcephalism" ], "word": "microcephaly", "num_translations": 18 }, "onomasiology": { "senses": [ "A branch of lexicology concerned with the names of concepts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "onomastics", "onomatology" ], "word": "onomasiology", "num_translations": 19 }, "austria-hungary": { "senses": [ "A former country in Central Europe from 1867 to 1918" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Austro-Hungary" ], "word": "Austria-Hungary", "num_translations": 57 }, "allies": { "senses": [ "The countries allied against the Axis Powers during World War II The major signatories included the Soviet Union, Britain, France, United States, Canada and China", "The countries allied against the Central Powers during World War I, including especially the United Kingdom, the Russian Empire and France" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Allied Powers", "Entente Allies" ], "word": "Allies", "num_translations": 14 }, "diencephalon": { "senses": [ "The region of the human brain, specifically the human forebrain, that includes the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the epithalamus, the prethalamus or subthalamus, and the pretectum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "'tweenbrain" ], "word": "diencephalon", "num_translations": 24 }, "inarow": { "senses": [ "successively, one after the other", "Placed in a straight line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on the trot" ], "word": "inarow", "num_translations": 28 }, "taimen": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Siberian salmon", "Siberian taimen" ], "word": "taimen", "num_translations": 24 }, "forebrain": { "senses": [ "The anterior part of the brain, including the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus" ], "antonyms": [ "afterbrain" ], "synonyms": [ "prosencephalon" ], "word": "forebrain", "num_translations": 27 }, "sowthewind,reapthewhirlwind": { "senses": [ "Every decision has consequences", "a person's actions will come back to them", "if one starts trouble or takes actions in spite of the discontent they cause, one will incur negative consequences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "what goes around comes around", "reap what you sow" ], "word": "sowthewind,reapthewhirlwind", "num_translations": 20 }, "divideandrule": { "senses": [ "To gain and maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "divide and conquer" ], "word": "divideandrule", "num_translations": 15 }, "thrombocytopenia": { "senses": [ "An abnormally low number of platelets in the blood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thrombopenia", "SFTS" ], "word": "thrombocytopenia", "num_translations": 18 }, "rightist": { "senses": [ "One who believes in the politics or policies of the political right", "One who supports the rights of a specified group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "right-winger" ], "word": "rightist", "num_translations": 13 }, "diazepam": { "senses": [ "A minor tranquillizer of the benzodiazepine family, with sedative effects, taken to reduce anxiety" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Valium" ], "word": "diazepam", "num_translations": 17 }, "abeliangroup": { "senses": [ "A group in which the group operation is commutative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commutative group" ], "word": "abeliangroup", "num_translations": 32 }, "ascites": { "senses": [ "An accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, frequently symptomatic of liver disease" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hydroperitoneum", "abdominal" ], "word": "ascites", "num_translations": 13 }, "runnynose": { "senses": [ "A condition of discharge of mucus from the nose, often a symptom of the common cold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rhinorrhea" ], "word": "runnynose", "num_translations": 22 }, "badbreath": { "senses": [ "unpleasant-smelling breath" ], "antonyms": [ "good breath" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "badbreath", "num_translations": 17 }, "loseheart": { "senses": [ "To despair", "to experience reduced morale" ], "antonyms": [ "take heart" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "loseheart", "num_translations": 28 }, "danewort": { "senses": [ "A European dwarf version of the elder, Sambucus ebulus, that has a bad smell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dwarf elder" ], "word": "danewort", "num_translations": 18 }, "glover": { "senses": [ "A person who makes or sells gloves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glovemaker" ], "word": "glover", "num_translations": 37 }, "autotelic": { "senses": [ "Containing its own meaning or purpose", "deriving meaning and purpose from within", "Not motivated by anything beyond itself", "thematically self-contained" ], "antonyms": [ "non-autotelic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "autotelic", "num_translations": 15 }, "irishmoss": { "senses": [ "A species of edible seaweed, Chondrus crispus", "Soleirolia soleirolii, a plant in the nettle family", "The plant Sagina subulata" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carrageen" ], "word": "Irishmoss", "num_translations": 10 }, "lineofcredit": { "senses": [ "A financial agreement under which a bank or other lender agrees to provide a client with loans of money up to an approved limit during a predefined period The client may borrow the entire credit amount all at once or in portions during the specified period", "The maximum borrowable amount specified in such an agreement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "credit line" ], "word": "lineofcredit", "num_translations": 18 }, "letterofcredit": { "senses": [ "A document, used primarily in trade finance and issued generally by a financial institution, in which the institution promises to pay debts up to a certain limit to be acquired by the beneficiary against delivery of documents specified in the letter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "documentary credit" ], "word": "letterofcredit", "num_translations": 14 }, "palmar": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the palm of the hand or comparable appendage", "In the direction of the palm", "Of or relating to the underside of the wings of birds" ], "antonyms": [ "dorsal" ], "synonyms": [ "palmal" ], "word": "palmar", "num_translations": 12 }, "actsoftheapostles": { "senses": [ "The fifth book in the New Testament of the Bible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Acts" ], "word": "ActsoftheApostles", "num_translations": 90 }, "cashcrop": { "senses": [ "A crop that is grown for sale rather than for personal food or for feeding to livestock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "money crop" ], "word": "cashcrop", "num_translations": 17 }, "waxingmoon": { "senses": [ "The moon when it appears larger each night as it progresses from a new moon to a full moon" ], "antonyms": [ "waning moon" ], "synonyms": [ "crescent moon" ], "word": "waxingmoon", "num_translations": 14 }, "waningmoon": { "senses": [ "The moon when it appears smaller each night as it progresses from a full moon to a new moon" ], "antonyms": [ "waxing moon" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "waningmoon", "num_translations": 17 }, "oldmoon": { "senses": [ "The phase of the moon when it is waning", "The moon when it is waning" ], "antonyms": [ "new moon", "young moon" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "oldmoon", "num_translations": 12 }, "customerservice": { "senses": [ "The act of providing services to customers before, during and after a purchase", "A department that provides services to existing customers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "client service" ], "word": "customerservice", "num_translations": 40 }, "bearout": { "senses": [ "To corroborate, prove, or confirm", "to demonstrate", "to provide evidence for", "To maintain and support to the end", "to defend to the last" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bearout", "num_translations": 15 }, "quanzhou": { "senses": [ "prefecture-level city in southeastern p/Fujian c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Zeitoun" ], "word": "Quanzhou", "num_translations": 14 }, "oaxaca": { "senses": [ "city c/Mexico", "A municipality whose municipal seat is the city of the same name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Oaxaca City" ], "word": "Oaxaca", "num_translations": 24 }, "saygrace": { "senses": [ "To recite a prayer of invocation or thanksgiving at meal time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "give thanks", "say a blessing" ], "word": "saygrace", "num_translations": 10 }, "bosphorus": { "senses": [ "The narrow waterway beside Istanbul connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara, the northern end of the Turkish Straits connecting the Black Sea with the Aegean and Mediterranean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Constantinople", "Istanbul" ], "word": "Bosphorus", "num_translations": 85 }, "anarcho-capitalism": { "senses": [ "A political and economic philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and other coercive institutions in favour of individual self-ownership and free market" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ancap" ], "word": "anarcho-capitalism", "num_translations": 35 }, "hypo-": { "senses": [ "Below", "beneath", "under", "Deficient", "less than normal", "Designating oxoacid and oxyanions with a low amount of oxygen" ], "antonyms": [ "hyper-", "per-", "e.g. perchloric acid" ], "synonyms": [ "sub-", "sub-" ], "word": "hypo-", "num_translations": 20 }, "ultra-": { "senses": [ "Greater than normal quantity or importance, as in ultrasecret", "Beyond, on the far side of, as in ultraviolet", "Beyond, outside of, as in ultrasonic" ], "antonyms": [ "infra-" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ultra-", "num_translations": 20 }, "songofsongs": { "senses": [ "The twenty-second book of the Christian Old Testament and the seventeenth book of the Hebrew Bible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canticles", "Canticle of Canticles", "Song of Solomon" ], "word": "SongofSongs", "num_translations": 95 }, "byname": { "senses": [ "A secondary name for a person or thing", "a person's surname", "A nickname", "A pseudonym", "nom-de-plume", "A ritual title for a god or goddess used in Heathenry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cognomen", "sobriquet", "to-name" ], "word": "byname", "num_translations": 13 }, "kievan1": { "senses": [ "A resident of Kiev" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kievite", "Kyivan", "Kyivite" ], "word": "Kievan", "num_translations": 18 }, "sichuanpepper": { "senses": [ "The outer pod of the tiny fruit of a number of species in the genus Zanthoxylum widely grown and consumed in Asia as a spice Not closely related to black pepper or to chilli peppers", "Spice made from this pod", "A plant producing the pods, Zanthoxylum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fagara pepper" ], "word": "Sichuanpepper", "num_translations": 13 }, "asyousow,soshallyoureap": { "senses": [ "The personal consequences of one's actions are in proportion to the good or bad intentions towards others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reap what one sows" ], "word": "asyousow,soshallyoureap", "num_translations": 30 }, "rightasrain": { "senses": [ "Very good", "all in order", "healthy", "Correct", "factually accurate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rightasrain", "num_translations": 12 }, "proto-slavic": { "senses": [ "An undocumented hypothetical language from which all the Slavic languages later emerged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Common Slavic", "Old Slavonic", "Slavonic" ], "word": "Proto-Slavic", "num_translations": 35 }, "tuva": { "senses": [ "A republic of the Russian Federation in southern Siberia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tyva" ], "word": "Tuva", "num_translations": 18 }, "gynecomastia": { "senses": [ "Excessive development of breasts in males, resembling the breast development in women" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moobs", "bitch tits" ], "word": "gynecomastia", "num_translations": 38 }, "garbagebag": { "senses": [ "A plastic bag produced for the disposal of household waste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bin bag", "black bag", "rubbish bag", "trash bag" ], "word": "garbagebag", "num_translations": 12 }, "standardlamp": { "senses": [ "A lamp supported by a tall vertical pole in order that light comes from above those seated in the vicinity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "floor lamp", "torch\u00e8re" ], "word": "standardlamp", "num_translations": 16 }, "fine-grained": { "senses": [ "Consisting of fine particles", "Having a fine, smooth texture", "Highly detailed" ], "antonyms": [ "coarse-grained" ], "synonyms": [ "subtle" ], "word": "fine-grained", "num_translations": 14 }, "firstmate": { "senses": [ "An officer on a merchant ship next in rank to the captain and responsible to the captain for the safety and security of the ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chief officer", "chief mate", "first officer" ], "word": "firstmate", "num_translations": 12 }, "sothat": { "senses": [ "Indicates purpose", "in order that, with the result that", "Indicates purpose", "in such a way that, with the intent that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in order that", "that" ], "word": "sothat", "num_translations": 63 }, "economicgrowth": { "senses": [ "The growth of the economic output of a country" ], "antonyms": [ "negative growth" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "economicgrowth", "num_translations": 14 }, "accountfor": { "senses": [ "To explain by relating circumstances", "to show that some one, thing or members of a group are present or have been processed", "To be the primary cause of", "To constitute in amount or portion", "To make or render a reckoning of funds, persons, or things", "To be answerable for", "To destroy or put out of action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "accountfor", "num_translations": 34 }, "circularletter": { "senses": [ "A freely distributed letter or pamphlet on routine matters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circular" ], "word": "circularletter", "num_translations": 25 }, "bogbilberry": { "senses": [ "A shrub native of the cool temperate areas of northern hemisphere, Vaccinium uliginosum", "The berry of that shrub" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bog blueberry", "northern bilberry", "western blueberry" ], "word": "bogbilberry", "num_translations": 21 }, "donator": { "senses": [ "Donor, one who donates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "donor" ], "word": "donator", "num_translations": 15 }, "inconsiderate": { "senses": [ "Not considerate of others", "Not giving enough consideration to one's actions, conclusions, etc", "acting too quickly without considering the risks and consequences", "Resulting from insufficient consideration", "Of too little value to be considered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inconsiderate", "num_translations": 26 }, "honeydipper": { "senses": [ "A turned kitchen tool used to transfer honey", "A worker who collects household sewage from sewage tanks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "honey drizzler" ], "word": "honeydipper", "num_translations": 10 }, "thirdwheel": { "senses": [ "A person or thing that serves no useful purpose", "An unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fifth wheel" ], "word": "thirdwheel", "num_translations": 23 }, "hitherandthither": { "senses": [ "To here and to there", "In a disorderly manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "from pillar to post" ], "word": "hitherandthither", "num_translations": 18 }, "picklock": { "senses": [ "A device designed to pick locks", "One who picks locks", "a thief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lock pick", "pick" ], "word": "picklock", "num_translations": 11 }, "busstation": { "senses": [ "A major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bus depot" ], "word": "busstation", "num_translations": 61 }, "economiesofscale": { "senses": [ "The characteristics of a production process in which an increase in the scale of the firm causes a decrease in the long run average cost of each unit" ], "antonyms": [ "diseconomies of scale" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "economiesofscale", "num_translations": 13 }, "bulletproofvest": { "senses": [ "A garment worn over the torso that protects against projectiles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ballistic vest" ], "word": "bulletproofvest", "num_translations": 32 }, "flat-footed": { "senses": [ "Having feet which are flat", "Having the specific physical condition of flat feet", "Holding firmly and maintaining a decision", "standing one's ground", "Blunt and unsubtle", "lacking finesse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "flat-footed", "num_translations": 10 }, "livebythesword,diebythesword": { "senses": [ "One who uses violence can expect a violent response", "it is better to try to use peaceful means wherever possible", "One can expect dire outcomes from any vice", "used to convey a sense that poetic justice is inevitable", "The means of one's success can become the means of one's downfall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "livebythesword,diebythesword", "num_translations": 28 }, "safecracker": { "senses": [ "One who breaks into safes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yegg" ], "word": "safecracker", "num_translations": 12 }, "relive": { "senses": [ "To experience again", "to live over again", "To bring back to life", "to revive, resuscitate", "To come back to life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "relive", "num_translations": 16 }, "spellchecker": { "senses": [ "A software application that attempts to verify spelling in a document" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speller", "spelling checker" ], "word": "spellchecker", "num_translations": 34 }, "minorplanet": { "senses": [ "An astronomical object in direct orbit around the Sun that is not a planet or a comet" ], "antonyms": [ "major planet" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "minorplanet", "num_translations": 12 }, "miai": { "senses": [ "Formal marriage interview, marriage meeting", "In the game of go, the situation where two plays are available such that if one player takes one, the opponent will take the other one The term applies most commonly when both possibilities give the same result" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "omiai" ], "word": "miai", "num_translations": 21 }, "attimes": { "senses": [ "On occasion, sometimes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at turns" ], "word": "attimes", "num_translations": 37 }, "gluestick": { "senses": [ "A solid adhesive in a twist- or push-up tube, most commonly seen in schools and offices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pritt stick" ], "word": "gluestick", "num_translations": 15 }, "littleboy": { "senses": [ "A male child, especially one younger than ten years of age", "A small saveloy often consumed with tomato sauce at parties, also known as a cocktail sausage or a cheerio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boykin" ], "word": "littleboy", "num_translations": 28 }, "quinquennium": { "senses": [ "A period of five years" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lustrum", "quinquenniad" ], "word": "quinquennium", "num_translations": 10 }, "hairdye": { "senses": [ "Any of various materials used to dye hair on the head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hair", "haircolor" ], "word": "hairdye", "num_translations": 14 }, "sabre-toothedtiger": { "senses": [ "Any of numerous species of extinct cat-like mammals, of the Machairodontinae subfamily of the Felidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sabrecat", "sabre-tooth", "sabre-toothed cat" ], "word": "sabre-toothedtiger", "num_translations": 22 }, "missout": { "senses": [ "To miss an experience or lose an opportunity, etc that should not be missed", "To leave out, to omit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exclude" ], "word": "missout", "num_translations": 32 }, "theotherwayround": { "senses": [ "The same but with the mentioned things or people in reverse order or position", "In reversed orientation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conversely", "backwards" ], "word": "theotherwayround", "num_translations": 23 }, "theotherwayaround": { "senses": [ "The same but with the things or people mentioned in reverse order" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "vice versa" ], "word": "theotherwayaround", "num_translations": 14 }, "gender-neutral": { "senses": [ "Applicable or available to all genders", "Not indicating or restricted by gender, and thus applicable or available to those of any gender and to those of no gender", "In languages where words are assigned to one gender or another, lacking such an assignment" ], "antonyms": [ "gender-specific" ], "synonyms": [ "gender-inclusive", "epicene" ], "word": "gender-neutral", "num_translations": 21 }, "gunner": { "senses": [ "Artillery soldier, or such who holds private rank Abbreviated Gnr", "A person who operates a gun", "An excessive go-getter", "one exhibiting over-ambition", "A player on the kicking team whose primary job is to tackle the kickoff returner or punt returner", "A fan of the Arsenal Football Club", "The great northern diver or loon", "The sea bream, especially Pagellus bogaraveo", "A player who can reliably shoot baskets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gunner", "num_translations": 16 }, "cabinboy": { "senses": [ "A boy or young man who is employed to serve as an attendant for passengers or crew members on a ship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ship's boy" ], "word": "cabinboy", "num_translations": 18 }, "grammarnazi": { "senses": [ "A person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language usage of others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grammar cop", "grammar police" ], "word": "grammarNazi", "num_translations": 14 }, "erlenmeyerflask": { "senses": [ "A glass laboratory flask of a conical profile with a narrow tubular neck and a flat bottom, used to manipulate solutions or carry out titrations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conical flask", "erlenmeyer" ], "word": "Erlenmeyerflask", "num_translations": 21 }, "polyethyleneterephthalate": { "senses": [ "A thermoplastic resin of the polyester family used particularly in the manufacture of plastic bottles and fabrics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PET", "PET-E", "PETE", "PET-P", "PETP" ], "word": "polyethyleneterephthalate", "num_translations": 16 }, "blinkofaneye": { "senses": [ "A very short period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eyeblink" ], "word": "blinkofaneye", "num_translations": 14 }, "dhole": { "senses": [ "An Asian wild dog, Cuon alpinus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asian wild dog" ], "word": "dhole", "num_translations": 61 }, "withoutadoubt": { "senses": [ "certainly", "doubtlessly", "unquestionably", "indisputably", "doubtless", "probably", "no doubt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "withoutadoubt", "num_translations": 26 }, "denialism": { "senses": [ "The practice of rejecting propositions which are strongly supported by scientific or historical evidence, and often of seeking to influence policy processes and outcomes accordingly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "negationism" ], "word": "denialism", "num_translations": 13 }, "tellon": { "senses": [ "To inform on, to rat out", "to tell a person in authority that someone else has done something wrong", "To cause visible strain to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bewray" ], "word": "tellon", "num_translations": 16 }, "incommensurability": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being incommensurable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incommensurableness" ], "word": "incommensurability", "num_translations": 10 }, "conspiracytheorist": { "senses": [ "One who believes in, follows, or advances a conspiracy theory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conspiratard", "conspiracist", "tinfoil hat", "truther", "conspiracy analyst", "historical revisionist" ], "word": "conspiracytheorist", "num_translations": 36 }, "commonhorsetail": { "senses": [ "A plant in the taxonomic genus Equisetum", "Equisetum arvense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "field horsetail" ], "word": "commonhorsetail", "num_translations": 12 }, "fieldhorsetail": { "senses": [ "A plant in the taxonomic genus Equisetum", "Equisetum arvense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common horsetail" ], "word": "fieldhorsetail", "num_translations": 13 }, "shadehorsetail": { "senses": [ "A plant in the taxonomic genus Equisetum", "Equisetum pratense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meadow horsetail" ], "word": "shadehorsetail", "num_translations": 10 }, "lookupto": { "senses": [ "To show respect or admiration for", "to see as a role model" ], "antonyms": [ "look down on" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lookupto", "num_translations": 19 }, "getdrunk": { "senses": [ "To intoxicate oneself with alcohol", "To make drunk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bedrink" ], "word": "getdrunk", "num_translations": 110 }, "nativityscene": { "senses": [ "A depiction\u2014which may be pictorial, dramatic, or by means of figurines\u2014of the birth of Jesus Christ in a manger, as described in the New Testament account" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cr\u00e8che" ], "word": "nativityscene", "num_translations": 24 }, "gemsbok": { "senses": [ "A large African antelope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gemsbuck" ], "word": "gemsbok", "num_translations": 10 }, "multiset": { "senses": [ "A generalized type of set in which multiple occurrences of an element are permitted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bag" ], "word": "multiset", "num_translations": 10 }, "wisdomofsolomon": { "senses": [ "A book of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canon of the Old Testament, considered apocryphal by Protestants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wisdom" ], "word": "WisdomofSolomon", "num_translations": 12 }, "sickle-cellanemia": { "senses": [ "A disease characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cells" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sickle-cell disease" ], "word": "sickle-cellanemia", "num_translations": 15 }, "oldmaid": { "senses": [ "An old woman who has never married", "a spinster", "The Madagascar periwinkle", "The common zinnia", "An unpopped kernel in a batch of popped popcorn kernels", "The unmatchable card in that game" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spinster" ], "word": "oldmaid", "num_translations": 12 }, "dark-skinned": { "senses": [ "Having a relatively dark skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swarthy" ], "word": "dark-skinned", "num_translations": 39 }, "coaltit": { "senses": [ "One of the smallest birds of the tit family Paridae, Periparus ater, with a black cap, white nape patch and greyish body with buff underparts", "Periparus ater melanolophus, the similar black-crested tit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Periparus ater" ], "word": "coaltit", "num_translations": 67 }, "pearlbarley": { "senses": [ "Barley that has had the husk and bran removed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pearled" ], "word": "pearlbarley", "num_translations": 14 }, "repurpose": { "senses": [ "To reuse for a different purpose, on a long-term basis, without alteration", "To alter to make more suited for a different purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "remodel" ], "word": "repurpose", "num_translations": 12 }, "constitutionalmonarchy": { "senses": [ "A monarchy that is limited by laws and a constitution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "limited monarchy" ], "word": "constitutionalmonarchy", "num_translations": 62 }, "goodsandservicestax": { "senses": [ "A tax very similar to the value added tax, levied, for example, in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "value added tax" ], "word": "goodsandservicestax", "num_translations": 10 }, "polltax": { "senses": [ "A tax determined as a uniform, fixed amount per individual", "A tax that must be paid in order to vote" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capitation", "head money", "head tax" ], "word": "polltax", "num_translations": 12 }, "phycology": { "senses": [ "The scientific study of algae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "algology" ], "word": "phycology", "num_translations": 31 }, "phantompain": { "senses": [ "A sensation of pain coming from a part of the body that has been amputated, or in which the nerves have been destroyed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pseudaesthesia" ], "word": "phantompain", "num_translations": 10 }, "seeyou": { "senses": [ "Used as a farewell, stating the next time the speaker and interlocutor will see each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CU" ], "word": "seeyou", "num_translations": 75 }, "coast": { "senses": [ "The edge of the land where it meets an ocean, sea, gulf, bay, or large lake", "The side or edge of something", "A region of land", "a district or country", "A region of the air or heavens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coast", "num_translations": 155 }, "coast1": { "senses": [ "To glide along without adding energy", "to allow a vehicle to continue moving forward after disengaging the engine or ceasing to apply motive power", "To make a minimal effort", "to continue to do something in a routine way, without initiative or effort", "To draw near to", "to approach", "to keep near, or by the side of", "To sail by or near", "To slide downhill", "to slide on a sled upon snow or ice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "coast", "num_translations": 16 }, "ghosttrain": { "senses": [ "A fairground attraction in which participants ride through a haunted house in a railcar", "An excursion done by many tourist railways around the world Usually, a fictional story is created and performed with static displays or live actors on either side of a train Actors and actresses play out a story on the long and narrow stage provided by the railcar aisles", "A rail service which does not appear in the public timetables", "A supernatural manifestation of a railway locomotive or passenger cars", "an unmanned train rolling on the train line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "runaway train", "glider" ], "word": "ghosttrain", "num_translations": 17 }, "-ery": { "senses": [ "Art, craft or practice", "Place of art, craft or practice", "Class or group, collection of", "Behavior characteristic of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "-ing", "-age" ], "word": "-ery", "num_translations": 30 }, "onyourmark,getset,go": { "senses": [ "A three-command start when racing:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ready, set, go", "ready, steady, go" ], "word": "onyourmark,getset,go", "num_translations": 39 }, "africanbuffalo": { "senses": [ "A large African bovid, Syncerus caffer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cape buffalo" ], "word": "Africanbuffalo", "num_translations": 13 }, "numbat": { "senses": [ "A small marsupial carnivore, Myrmecobius fasciatus, endemic to western Australia, that eats almost exclusively termites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banded anteater" ], "word": "numbat", "num_translations": 17 }, "unshakable": { "senses": [ "Not able to be shaken", "firm, solid", "resolute, unfaltering, unwavering", "Having no errors or loopholes", "unassailable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "unshakable", "num_translations": 15 }, "discoball": { "senses": [ "A suspended rotating mirrored sphere which casts moving spots of light across a room when light is projected on it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glitter ball" ], "word": "discoball", "num_translations": 12 }, "emirati1": { "senses": [ "A person born in, or a citizen or inhabitant of, the United Arab Emirates", "A person descended ethnically from the Arab people of the United Arab Emirates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Emirian", "Emiri" ], "word": "Emirati", "num_translations": 12 }, "withrespectto": { "senses": [ "Regarding", "concerning", "pertaining to", "Taking as the independent variable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as regards" ], "word": "withrespectto", "num_translations": 46 }, "kingdomofheaven": { "senses": [ "A concept of heaven as a hierarchical dominion with God at the top and a court of saints, archangels and angels", "The place where God rules and reigns" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kingdom of God", "Reign of God" ], "word": "KingdomofHeaven", "num_translations": 34 }, "cadaverine": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "1,5-pentanediamine", "pentamethylenediamine" ], "word": "cadaverine", "num_translations": 25 }, "embarge": { "senses": [ "To put in a barge", "To board a barge", "to embark" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impose" ], "word": "embarge", "num_translations": 20 }, "baywindow": { "senses": [ "A window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building and forming a bay in a room", "A protruding belly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:paunch" ], "word": "baywindow", "num_translations": 13 }, "waterfountain": { "senses": [ "A mechanical device designed to dispense small quantities of drinking water, usually in a public place such as a school or office" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drinking fountain", "bubbler" ], "word": "waterfountain", "num_translations": 11 }, "jinglebell": { "senses": [ "An enclosed spherical metal ball containing an unattached clapper with only a small slit opening, for higher pitched ringing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleigh bell", "cascabel" ], "word": "jinglebell", "num_translations": 17 }, "snowblindness": { "senses": [ "A painful condition of the eyes caused by exposure of unprotected eyes to the ultraviolet rays in bright sunlight reflected from snow or ice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "photokeratitis" ], "word": "snowblindness", "num_translations": 10 }, "catachresis": { "senses": [ "A misuse of a word", "an application of a term to something which it does not properly denote", "A misapplication or overextension of figurative or analogical description", "a wrongly-applied metaphor or trope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misnomer", "malapropism", "abusio" ], "word": "catachresis", "num_translations": 15 }, "keratitis": { "senses": [ "Inflammation of the cornea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corneitis" ], "word": "keratitis", "num_translations": 14 }, "pinchofsalt": { "senses": [ "A small amount of salt", "Caution, doubt, consideration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grain of salt" ], "word": "pinchofsalt", "num_translations": 24 }, "banquet": { "senses": [ "A large celebratory meal", "a feast", "A dessert", "a course of sweetmeats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feast" ], "word": "banquet", "num_translations": 138 }, "haloalkane": { "senses": [ "Any alkane in which one or more hydrogen atoms has been replaced by that of a halogen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alkyl halide" ], "word": "haloalkane", "num_translations": 10 }, "whistleinthedark": { "senses": [ "To make a show of bravery despite one's fears", "to put on a brave front", "To speak of something despite having little knowledge of it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whistle past the graveyard", "talk through one's hat" ], "word": "whistleinthedark", "num_translations": 10 }, "pullanall-nighter": { "senses": [ "Stay awake throughout the night, usually when working or studying" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "burn the midnight oil", "elucubrate" ], "word": "pullanall-nighter", "num_translations": 22 }, "totellthetruth": { "senses": [ "An attestation to the truthfulness and frankness of an associated statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tell the truth" ], "word": "totellthetruth", "num_translations": 19 }, "filmmaking": { "senses": [ "The activity of preparing edited video works, formerly principally films, whether for entertainment or other purposes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moviemaking" ], "word": "filmmaking", "num_translations": 11 }, "dyke": { "senses": [ "A long, narrow hollow dug from the ground to serve as a boundary marker", "A long, narrow hollow dug from the ground to conduct water", "Any navigable watercourse", "Any watercourse", "Any small body of water", "Any hollow dug into the ground", "A place to urinate and defecate: an outhouse or lavatory", "An embankment formed by the creation of a ditch", "A city wall", "A low embankment or stone wall serving as an enclosure and boundary marker", "Any fence or hedge", "An earthwork raised to prevent inundation of low land by the sea or flooding rivers", "Any impediment, barrier, or difficulty", "A beaver's dam", "A jetty", "a pier", "A raised causeway", "A fissure in a rock stratum filled with intrusive rock", "a fault", "A body of rock originally filling a fissure but now often rising above the older stratum as it is eroded away" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ditch", "puddle", "den", "bank", "bank" ], "word": "dyke", "num_translations": 49 }, "dyke2": { "senses": [ "A lesbian, particularly one with masculine or butch traits or behavior" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:female homosexual" ], "word": "dyke", "num_translations": 22 }, "marxism-leninism": { "senses": [ "A communist ideological stream that emerged as the mainstream tendency amongst the Communist parties in the 1920s as it was adopted as the ideological foundation of the Communist International during Stalin's era, and was later adopted by the People's Republic of China, Cuba, Vietnam, and several other nations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bolshevism" ], "word": "Marxism-Leninism", "num_translations": 25 }, "byfar": { "senses": [ "To a considerably large extent, easily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by a long chalk" ], "word": "byfar", "num_translations": 30 }, "firechief": { "senses": [ "A leader of a fire station", "an officer in charge of firemen and fighting fires" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fire marshal", "fireward" ], "word": "firechief", "num_translations": 12 }, "gideon": { "senses": [ "A warrior judge of Israel mentioned in the book of Judges", "male given name, popularized by Puritans", "An surname", "city s/Missouri c/US", "CDP s/Oklahoma c/US" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Gideon", "num_translations": 16 }, "pansexuality": { "senses": [ "A sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love and/or sexual desire for people regardless of their gender or sex", "Sexuality that encompasses all kinds of sexuality" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "omnisexuality" ], "word": "pansexuality", "num_translations": 36 }, "siberiancrane": { "senses": [ "A large white crane, Grus leucogeranus, which breeds in Arctic Russia and western Siberia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Siberian white crane", "snow crane" ], "word": "Siberiancrane", "num_translations": 15 }, "-'s": { "senses": [ "Possessive marker, indicating that an object belongs to the noun or noun phrase bearing the marker", "In the absence of a specified object, used to indicate \u201cthe house/place/establishment of\"", "Indicates a purpose or a user", "Used to indicate a quantity of something, especially of time", "Used to indicate various other kinds of relationship, such as source or origin, object of an action, subject depicted, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "of" ], "word": "-'s", "num_translations": 59 }, "bottomlesspit": { "senses": [ "A pit with no visible bottom", "Hell", "An endless resource or supply", "A person with an apparently boundless appetite", "an entity or problem which consumes seemingly endless resources" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bottomlesspit", "num_translations": 16 }, "peipus": { "senses": [ "A large freshwater lake on the border between Estonia and Russia in Northern Europe It is the fifth-largest lake in Europe, and the largest in Estonia The lake consists of three parts: Peipsi , Pihkva , L\u00e4mmij\u00e4rv" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pskovsko-Chudskoye" ], "word": "Peipus", "num_translations": 13 }, "healthclub": { "senses": [ "A facility with exercise equipment, and sometimes instructors, open to the public or those on some membership list" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fitness center", "gym", "gymnasium" ], "word": "healthclub", "num_translations": 16 }, "squirtgun": { "senses": [ "A toy gun used to shoot water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water pistol", "water gun" ], "word": "squirtgun", "num_translations": 17 }, "whitegold": { "senses": [ "A precious metal alloy consisting of gold and a platinum group metal such as platinum or palladium or other white metal such as nickel", "Cotton, seen as a valuable commodity", "Sugar, seen as a valuable commodity", "China or porcelain, seen as a valuable commodity", "Cocaine", "Platinum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "whitegold", "num_translations": 23 }, "prosodic": { "senses": [ "Of, or relating to, prosody" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prosodiac", "prosodiacal", "prosodial", "prosodical" ], "word": "prosodic", "num_translations": 12 }, "vortical": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to a vortex", "containing vortices", "moving in a vortex" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turbulent" ], "word": "vortical", "num_translations": 19 }, "pruningshears": { "senses": [ "A tool consisting of two blades with bevel edges, connected by a pivot, used for gardening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garden shears", "secateurs" ], "word": "pruningshears", "num_translations": 10 }, "lifeinsurance": { "senses": [ "A form of insurance on the life of a person If the person dies then the insurance policy pays out a sum of money to the beneficiary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "life assurance" ], "word": "lifeinsurance", "num_translations": 31 }, "comeby": { "senses": [ "To obtain", "to get, especially by chance or involuntarily", "To come near to", "to pass", "to visit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comeby", "num_translations": 23 }, "electricitymeter": { "senses": [ "A device that measures the consumption of electricity, normally in terms of watt-hours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "energy meter" ], "word": "electricitymeter", "num_translations": 15 }, "anthropological": { "senses": [ "Relating to anthropology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anthropologic" ], "word": "anthropological", "num_translations": 30 }, "ventricularfibrillation": { "senses": [ "An abnormal heart rhythm in which the ventricles of the heart quiver instead of pumping normally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "VF" ], "word": "ventricularfibrillation", "num_translations": 10 }, "writeoff": { "senses": [ "To reduce the book value of to zero", "To record as an expense", "To remove a portion of a debt or an amount of an account owed, counting it as a loss", "To record a notional expense such as amortization or depreciation", "To assign a low value to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "writeoff", "num_translations": 21 }, "relyon": { "senses": [ "To be confident in", "To be dependent upon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bank on", "count on", "depend", "hang one's hat on", "lean on" ], "word": "relyon", "num_translations": 13 }, "flushtoilet": { "senses": [ "A toilet that uses water to flush urine and feces through a pipe to another location, typically a sewer main in urban settings or a septic tank elsewhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:toilet" ], "word": "flushtoilet", "num_translations": 139 }, "anthropophobia": { "senses": [ "A profound fear of human beings, or of human society" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "social anxiety", "social phobia" ], "word": "anthropophobia", "num_translations": 10 }, "yellow-eyedpenguin": { "senses": [ "Any of a species of small penguin, Megadyptes antipodes, with a distinctive yellow band around its eyes, native to New Zealand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoiho" ], "word": "yellow-eyedpenguin", "num_translations": 11 }, "gentoopenguin": { "senses": [ "A species of penguin, Pygoscelis papua, with a distinctive wide white stripe extending like a bonnet across the top of its head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gentoo", "gentoo" ], "word": "gentoopenguin", "num_translations": 17 }, "makeknown": { "senses": [ "To announce generally", "To disclose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "declare", "reveal" ], "word": "makeknown", "num_translations": 15 }, "trafficcone": { "senses": [ "A cone-shaped marker, generally made out of plastic or rubber, that is placed on roads or footpaths to temporarily redirect traffic in a safe manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "road cone", "safety cone", "construction cone", "pylon", "witch's hat" ], "word": "trafficcone", "num_translations": 33 }, "stand-upcomedy": { "senses": [ "comedy performed on stage by a single comedian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "standup", "stand-up" ], "word": "stand-upcomedy", "num_translations": 10 }, "well-endowed": { "senses": [ "Having a substantial income, wealthy", "Having a significant measure of a natural gift or ability", "Having large breasts or buttocks", "Having a large penis" ], "antonyms": [ "underendowed" ], "synonyms": [ "well off", "Thesaurus:wealthy", "talented", "curvaceous", "shapely", "Thesaurus:voluptuous", "Thesaurus:macrophallic" ], "word": "well-endowed", "num_translations": 16 }, "dogeatdog": { "senses": [ "Ruthlessly acquisitive or competitive Describes a business or other set of circumstances where people try to succeed at the expense of other people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "every man for himself" ], "word": "dogeatdog", "num_translations": 11 }, "oldasthehills": { "senses": [ "extremely old" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aged" ], "word": "oldasthehills", "num_translations": 17 }, "coldasice": { "senses": [ "Very cold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ice-cold", "Thesaurus:cold" ], "word": "coldasice", "num_translations": 10 }, "sleeplikealog": { "senses": [ "To sleep heavily, long and without disturbance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sleep like a baby", "sleep like a top" ], "word": "sleeplikealog", "num_translations": 25 }, "directress": { "senses": [ "A female director" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "directrix" ], "word": "directress", "num_translations": 13 }, "lightasafeather": { "senses": [ "extremely light, having minimal weight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "featherlight" ], "word": "lightasafeather", "num_translations": 10 }, "shameonyou": { "senses": [ "An expression of disapproval" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shame upon you", "for shame" ], "word": "shameonyou", "num_translations": 26 }, "soymilk": { "senses": [ "A milky liquid made from soy beans and used as a beverage, cooking ingredient or substitute for dairy milk", "An individual serving of such a beverage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soya milk", "soybean milk" ], "word": "soymilk", "num_translations": 32 }, "asusual": { "senses": [ "As is usually the case" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "usually", "as always", "as per usual", "typically", "generally" ], "word": "asusual", "num_translations": 24 }, "verymuch": { "senses": [ "Extremely", "Indeed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "a lot" ], "word": "verymuch", "num_translations": 18 }, "happyending": { "senses": [ "A clich\u00e9d conclusion in which all loose ends are tied up and all main characters are content See also happily ever after", "A hand job, especially one provided by the masseuse to the client at or towards the end of a massage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eucatastrophe" ], "word": "happyending", "num_translations": 30 }, "comedown": { "senses": [ "To descend, fall down, collapse", "To be demolished", "To decrease", "To reach a decision", "To be passed through time", "To return from an elevated state of consciousness or emotion", "To graduate from university, especially an Oxbridge university" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "comedown", "num_translations": 25 }, "sonofawhore": { "senses": [ "The son of a prostitute", "The son of unmarried parents, an illegitimate child, a bastard", "An objectionable person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bastard", "son of a bitch", "whoreson" ], "word": "sonofawhore", "num_translations": 26 }, "glassharmonica": { "senses": [ "A musical instrument composed of a series of spinning glass bowls, played with the fingers, invented by Benjamin Franklin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bowl organ", "glass armonica", "hydrocrystalophone", "hydrodaktulopsychicharmonica", "musical glasses" ], "word": "glassharmonica", "num_translations": 15 }, "chemnitz": { "senses": [ "independent city s/Saxony c/Germany" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Karl-Marx-Stadt )" ], "word": "Chemnitz", "num_translations": 20 }, "propertytax": { "senses": [ "A tax, usually ad valorem, charged on the basis of the fair market value of property The scope of taxable property varies by jurisdiction and it may include personal property in addition to real estate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "council tax", "personal property tax", "rates", "real estate tax" ], "word": "propertytax", "num_translations": 24 }, "standfor": { "senses": [ "To mean", "to symbolize", "to represent", "To advocate, to support", "To tolerate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "standfor", "num_translations": 18 }, "bootlicker": { "senses": [ "A person who behaves in a servile or obsequious manner", "a toady" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:sycophant" ], "word": "bootlicker", "num_translations": 22 }, "post-itnote": { "senses": [ "A small piece of paper with an adhesive strip on one side" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stick note", "sticky note", "sticky-note" ], "word": "post-itnote", "num_translations": 25 }, "coprime": { "senses": [ "Having no positive integer factors in common, aside from 1", "Having no positive integer factors, aside from 1, in common with one or more specified other positive integers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "relatively prime", "relatively prime" ], "word": "coprime", "num_translations": 26 }, "navyblue": { "senses": [ "A dark blue color" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "navy" ], "word": "navyblue", "num_translations": 32 }, "miniaturegolf": { "senses": [ "An informal form of golf, played with a putter on a short course featuring novelty obstacles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crazy golf", "putt-putt" ], "word": "miniaturegolf", "num_translations": 10 }, "inprivate": { "senses": [ "Privately, where no one else can see or hear" ], "antonyms": [ "in public" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "inprivate", "num_translations": 19 }, "berliner": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of Berlin", "A doughnut with a sweet filling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bismarck", "Burlington bun", "jambuster", "jelly doughnut" ], "word": "Berliner", "num_translations": 47 }, "blackalder": { "senses": [ "A tree , of many practical uses, growing in moist conditions in Europe", "Wood or other product of the tree", "American winterberry, Ilex verticillata" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alder", "common alder", "English alder", "European alder", "European black alder", "Irish fearnog", "sticky alder" ], "word": "blackalder", "num_translations": 42 }, "sobeit": { "senses": [ "An indication of acceptance, especially of a situation which is not entirely favorable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "it is what it is", "that's life" ], "word": "sobeit", "num_translations": 33 }, "giantpanda": { "senses": [ "A rare, black and white mammal Ailuropoda melanoleuca, commonly, but mistakenly known as the panda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "panda", "panda bear" ], "word": "giantpanda", "num_translations": 48 }, "lookback": { "senses": [ "To reconsider or regret" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wax nostalgic", "recall", "remember", "hark back", "review", "think back", "recollect" ], "word": "lookback", "num_translations": 45 }, "bakedpotato": { "senses": [ "A potato that has been baked for eating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jacket potato", "potato in its jacket" ], "word": "bakedpotato", "num_translations": 21 }, "scythian": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of Scythia, an ill-defined region centered in southern Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Scyth" ], "word": "Scythian", "num_translations": 29 }, "chukchi2": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Luoravetlan", "Chukot", "Chukcha" ], "word": "Chukchi", "num_translations": 23 }, "holepunch": { "senses": [ "A tool that is used to make holes in stationery for ease of filing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paper punch", "perforator" ], "word": "holepunch", "num_translations": 39 }, "ithaca": { "senses": [ "island sea/Ionian Sea", "according to the legend Odysseus was its king", "community s/Georgia c/USA", "city/county seat co/Gratiot County s/Michigan", "village s/Nebraska", "city/county seat co/Tompkins County s/New York", "town co/Tompkins County s/New York, surrounding the city of the same name", "village s/Ohio", "town s/Wisconsin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ithaca", "num_translations": 10 }, "rangefinder": { "senses": [ "Any of several designs of optical instrument that is used to measure the distance to an object" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RF" ], "word": "rangefinder", "num_translations": 14 }, "europeanrobin": { "senses": [ "A small passerine Old World bird", "Erithacus rubecula" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "robin" ], "word": "Europeanrobin", "num_translations": 16 }, "hindbrain": { "senses": [ "The posterior part of the brain, comprising the cerebellum, pons and medulla, the rhombencephalon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rhombencephalon" ], "word": "hindbrain", "num_translations": 22 }, "curlybracket": { "senses": [ "Either of the two characters and with the shape of a curved, pointed line, having various uses in math, music, and computer programming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accolade" ], "word": "curlybracket", "num_translations": 37 }, "gegenschein": { "senses": [ "A faint brightening of the night sky in the region of the ecliptic directly opposite the Sun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "counterglow" ], "word": "gegenschein", "num_translations": 18 }, "hydropower": { "senses": [ "hydroelectric power" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water power" ], "word": "hydropower", "num_translations": 12 }, "regularverb": { "senses": [ "A verb which conjugates regularly In English, a verb which uses an -ed suffix to form its past participle" ], "antonyms": [ "irregular verb" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "regularverb", "num_translations": 17 }, "policedog": { "senses": [ "A dog trained and employed by the police to pursue suspects or sniff out contraband", "synonym of \"German shepherd\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "K-9 unit", "service dog" ], "word": "policedog", "num_translations": 38 }, "glycemia": { "senses": [ "Presence of glucose in the blood , and average concentration thereof over time, and its regulation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glycosemia" ], "word": "glycemia", "num_translations": 11 }, "purchasingpower": { "senses": [ "The amount of goods and services that can be bought with a unit of currency", "The amount of goods and services that can be bought by consumers", "available income", "spending power", "The ability of a large collective or company to negotiate more favourable prices and terms than a smaller group or company" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buying power" ], "word": "purchasingpower", "num_translations": 25 }, "spiralgalaxy": { "senses": [ "A galaxy having a number of arms of younger stars that spiral out from the centre containing older ones" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whirlpool galaxy" ], "word": "spiralgalaxy", "num_translations": 14 }, "cardinalpoint": { "senses": [ "Any of the four principal compass directions \u2014 north, south, east and west" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cardinal direction" ], "word": "cardinalpoint", "num_translations": 23 }, "ruthenia": { "senses": [ "The territory between Central and Eastern Europe inhabited by Rusyns, on the slopes of the Carpathian Mountains in parts of Ukraine, Poland and Slovakia", "Lands inhabited by Ukrainians of the former Austrian Empire kingdom of Galicia , corresponding to parts of Western Ukraine", "Western portions of East Slavic lands, including the principalities of Galicia-Volhynia and Kyiv, which united with Lithuania and Poland , corresponding to what is now Ukraine and Belarus", "Rus, an East Slavic medieval state , corresponding to what is now Ukraine and Belarus, as well as western Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Carpathian Ruthenia", "Transcarpathia", "Subcarpathian Rus", "\u010cervona Rus'", "Galicia-Volhynia", "Kievan Rus", "Kievan Russia" ], "word": "Ruthenia", "num_translations": 13 }, "ethnographic": { "senses": [ "Relating to ethnography" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ethnographical" ], "word": "ethnographic", "num_translations": 19 }, "lightrail": { "senses": [ "A kind of passenger railway in urban and suburban settings typically crossing streets at grade crossings and usually powered by electricity" ], "antonyms": [ "heavy rail" ], "synonyms": [ "LR", "light rail system", "light rail transit", "light rail transport system", "light train" ], "word": "lightrail", "num_translations": 11 }, "bellringer": { "senses": [ "A person, especially one of a group, who rings bells", "A door-to-door salesman", "An assignment, usually done at the beginning of a class, usually intended as a warm-up before other classroom activities start, and is usually done regularly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bellist" ], "word": "bellringer", "num_translations": 23 }, "chinesenewyear": { "senses": [ "An annual Chinese holiday, marking the beginning of a new year according to the traditional Chinese calendar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Spring Festival", "Lunar New Year", "Yuan Tan" ], "word": "ChineseNewYear", "num_translations": 43 }, "capotasto": { "senses": [ "A device, placed across the strings of a fretted instrument such as a guitar, to shorten the strings and thus allow upward transposition without altered fingering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capo" ], "word": "capotasto", "num_translations": 10 }, "shedatear": { "senses": [ "To have a tear released, to cry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shed tears", "Thesaurus:weep" ], "word": "shedatear", "num_translations": 15 }, "farter": { "senses": [ "Someone or something that farts", "One who ambles along slowly", "A bed or sleeping bag" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cheese cutter" ], "word": "farter", "num_translations": 25 }, "dressingroom": { "senses": [ "A room used for dressing or changing clothes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toilet room" ], "word": "dressingroom", "num_translations": 34 }, "manchuria": { "senses": [ "The area traditionally inhabited by the Manchu people and their Jurchen predecessors, now divided between China and Russia", "synonym of \"Later Jin\": the Manchu state preceding the Qing Empire", "synonym of \"Manchukuo\": a former puppet state of Imperial Japan", "The three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang in northeastern China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Northeast" ], "word": "Manchuria", "num_translations": 70 }, "whatif": { "senses": [ "Used to introduce a suggestion or proposal for a future event", "Used to introduce a speculation about a future event", "Used to introduce a speculation about a past event Often the basis for counterfactual historical interpretations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "how about" ], "word": "whatif", "num_translations": 24 }, "charitableorganization": { "senses": [ "An organization with charitable purposes only" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charity" ], "word": "charitableorganization", "num_translations": 16 }, "mypleasure": { "senses": [ "A polite reaction to receiving thanks, meaning that the speaker enjoyed helping the listener" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "it's my pleasure", "you're welcome", "don't mention it", "no problem", "no worries", "Thesaurus:you're welcome" ], "word": "mypleasure", "num_translations": 43 }, "blindman'sbuff": { "senses": [ "A game where one person is blindfolded and tries to catch the other players" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoodman-blind" ], "word": "blindman'sbuff", "num_translations": 56 }, "oilrig": { "senses": [ "A rig, consisting of platform and machinery, used to drill for oil and other petroleum products like natural gas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drill rig", "drilling rig" ], "word": "oilrig", "num_translations": 27 }, "ischemic": { "senses": [ "Characteristic of, or accompanied by ischemia\u2014local anaemia due to mechanical obstruction of the blood supply" ], "antonyms": [ "intraischemic", "microischemic", "nonischemic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "ischemic", "num_translations": 11 }, "bogironore": { "senses": [ "Deposit of porous, impure limonite found in bogs and swamps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bog iron", "bog ore" ], "word": "bogironore", "num_translations": 19 }, "ascension": { "senses": [ "entering heaven while still alive", "specifically, the believed entry of Jesus Christ into heaven after his resurrection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "assumption", "translation", "Ascension Day" ], "word": "Ascension", "num_translations": 25 }, "makeamistake": { "senses": [ "To err, to be wrong" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:make a mistake" ], "word": "makeamistake", "num_translations": 38 }, "deathwarrant": { "senses": [ "An official warrant that authorizes capital punishment", "That which definitively spells the end of something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "execution warrant" ], "word": "deathwarrant", "num_translations": 15 }, "goodstrain": { "senses": [ "A train used for the transportation of goods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freight train" ], "word": "goodstrain", "num_translations": 24 }, "oxeyedaisy": { "senses": [ "A widespread flowering plant native to Europe and temperate regions of Asia, Leucanthemum vulgare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marguerite", "white oxeye daisy" ], "word": "oxeyedaisy", "num_translations": 18 }, "swimcap": { "senses": [ "a silicone, latex or lycra cap worn on the head by recreational and competitive swimmers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bathing cap" ], "word": "swimcap", "num_translations": 23 }, "lucite": { "senses": [ "The tough transparent thermoplastic polymethyl methacrylate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Perspex" ], "word": "Lucite", "num_translations": 11 }, "heathland": { "senses": [ "A tract of scrubland habitats characterised by open, low growing woody vegetation, found on mainly infertile acidic soils Similar to moorland but with warmer and drier climate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heath" ], "word": "heathland", "num_translations": 13 }, "basicresearch": { "senses": [ "Research performed without regard to practical applications" ], "antonyms": [ "applied research" ], "synonyms": [ "blue skies research", "less common", "pure research" ], "word": "basicresearch", "num_translations": 11 }, "districtattorney": { "senses": [ "The title of the local public official who represents the government in the prosecution of alleged criminals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "DA / D.A. / D. A" ], "word": "districtattorney", "num_translations": 18 }, "thereyougo": { "senses": [ "You have done it, or are doing it, correctly", "Expressing exasperation", "Expressing that the conclusion is the same as it was suggested before", "the other party's statement actually implies the same thing as one's own idea", "Used while giving someone something Here you are" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "well done", "good job", "here you are", "here you go", "there you are" ], "word": "thereyougo", "num_translations": 17 }, "handball": { "senses": [ "A team sport where two teams of seven players each pass and bounce a ball trying to throw it in the goal of the opposing team", "The medium-sized inflated ball used in this sport", "The offence of a player other than the goalkeeper touching the ball with the hand or arm on the field during play", "A sport in which players alternately strike the ball against a wall with their hand Irish and American variants have slightly different rules", "The small rubber ball used in this sport", "An act of passing a football by holding it with one hand and hitting it with the other", "A schoolyard game in which a tennis ball is struck with the hand, played on a improvised court on the asphalt or pavement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "European handball", "Olympic handball", "team handball", "court handball" ], "word": "handball", "num_translations": 94 }, "setsquare": { "senses": [ "A flat triangular piece of plastic or other material, having corners of precise angles, used in technical drawing", "A right angle tool used to determine if two surfaces join at a 90-degree angle, composed of two arms, usually made from metal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "triangle" ], "word": "setsquare", "num_translations": 24 }, "almondmilk": { "senses": [ "A milky liquid made from almonds and used as a milk substitute, cooking ingredient or beverage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amygdalate" ], "word": "almondmilk", "num_translations": 13 }, "shoppingcentre": { "senses": [ "A large retail outlet consisting of several shops" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shopping mall" ], "word": "shoppingcentre", "num_translations": 57 }, "falldown": { "senses": [ "To fall to the ground To collapse", "To sail or drift toward the mouth of a river or other outlet", "To fail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drop", "fall", "collapse", "fall" ], "word": "falldown", "num_translations": 24 }, "decimalsystem": { "senses": [ "A numerical system of counting in tens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "denary" ], "word": "decimalsystem", "num_translations": 14 }, "lightup": { "senses": [ "To illuminate, to bring light to something, to brighten", "To show an increase in activity or a brightening of mood", "To light a cigarette, pipe etc", "To make happy", "To open fire on a target or group of targets", "To shock with a stun gun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lightup", "num_translations": 22 }, "commonkestrel": { "senses": [ "A small falcon, Falco tinnunculus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kestrel", "windfucker", "windhover" ], "word": "commonkestrel", "num_translations": 45 }, "automechanic": { "senses": [ "A person skilled in repairing and maintaining automobiles and other motor vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "UK", "Australia" ], "word": "automechanic", "num_translations": 12 }, "loseone'stemper": { "senses": [ "To become angry or annoyed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow one's top", "go ape", "go apeshit", "go ballistic", "go postal", "hit the roof", "hit the ceiling", "lose it", "lose one's cool", "lose one's rag", "pop one's cork", "go bitchcakes" ], "word": "loseone'stemper", "num_translations": 33 }, "withdrawalsymptom": { "senses": [ "Any of a wide range of symptoms associated with the discontinuance of a drug by a person who has become addicted to it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drug withdrawal" ], "word": "withdrawalsymptom", "num_translations": 17 }, "cryovolcano": { "senses": [ "A volcano on an icy moon that ejects volatile materials rather than magma" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ice volcano" ], "word": "cryovolcano", "num_translations": 19 }, "stumbleupon": { "senses": [ "To discover or find something by accident", "To meet somebody by chance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come across", "come upon", "stumble across", "stumble on" ], "word": "stumbleupon", "num_translations": 16 }, "cisgender": { "senses": [ "Having a gender identity which matches the sex one was assigned at birth", "or, pertaining to such people" ], "antonyms": [ "transgender", "genderqueer", "third-gender", "genderfluid" ], "synonyms": [ "cisgendered", "nontrans", "nontransgender" ], "word": "cisgender", "num_translations": 20 }, "bottlecap": { "senses": [ "Any of several designs of closure used to seal bottles", "Certain mushrooms of genus Psilocybe, such as Psilocybe baeocystis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bottle top" ], "word": "bottlecap", "num_translations": 47 }, "setfree": { "senses": [ "to release, to free, to give freedom to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "befree", "let loose", "set loose", "turn loose" ], "word": "setfree", "num_translations": 26 }, "gpsreceiver": { "senses": [ "An audiovisual device, fitted to a civilian road vehicle, that uses the military Global Positioning System as an aid to navigation", "By extension, such a device that uses any global positioning system satellite network, not just the US Navstar GPS" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "satnav" ], "word": "GPSreceiver", "num_translations": 10 }, "passivesmoking": { "senses": [ "The inhalation of tobacco smoke by a non-smoker due to proximity to smokers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "secondary smoking" ], "word": "passivesmoking", "num_translations": 14 }, "nationalisation": { "senses": [ "The act or process of nationalising:" ], "antonyms": [ "privatisation" ], "synonyms": [ "patriotisation" ], "word": "nationalisation", "num_translations": 19 }, "planetarynebula": { "senses": [ "A nebulosity surrounding a dying red giant, consisting of material expelled by the star" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PN" ], "word": "planetarynebula", "num_translations": 41 }, "largemagellaniccloud": { "senses": [ "An irregular galaxy, the largest satellite of Milky Way" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LMC", "Nubecula Major" ], "word": "LargeMagellanicCloud", "num_translations": 15 }, "dwarfstar": { "senses": [ "A star that is located in the main sequence in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram", "fuses hydrogen into helium in its core" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dwarf", "main sequence star" ], "word": "dwarfstar", "num_translations": 20 }, "aphthousulcer": { "senses": [ "An ulcer in the mouth, caused by a break in the mucous membrane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "canker sore", "mouth ulcer", "aphthous stomatitis", "Sutton's Disease" ], "word": "aphthousulcer", "num_translations": 29 }, "letout": { "senses": [ "To release", "Of a school: to finish for the day or term, allowing the pupils to go home", "To allow to operate at higher speed by adjusting controls", "To enlarge by adjusting one or more seams", "Of sound, to emit", "To disclose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "letout", "num_translations": 12 }, "militaryexercise": { "senses": [ "A large-scale activity involving military forces from multiple countries or commands, designed to demonstrate the level of alliance between those forces and their ability to coordinate, as a signal to potential military adversaries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "war game" ], "word": "militaryexercise", "num_translations": 10 }, "bushbuck": { "senses": [ "Either of two species of antelope found in Sub-Saharan Africa", "Any relatives of the above that share the same habitat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bush antelope", "k\u00e9wel", "marsh buck", "imbabala", "Cape bushbuck" ], "word": "bushbuck", "num_translations": 11 }, "omasum": { "senses": [ "The third part of the stomach of a ruminant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bible", "manyplies", "psalterium" ], "word": "omasum", "num_translations": 63 }, "captainobvious": { "senses": [ "Someone who makes superfluous and/or obvious statements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "master of the obvious" ], "word": "CaptainObvious", "num_translations": 13 }, "inshort": { "senses": [ "As a summary", "as a shortened version of what has been told or what would have been told" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the end of the day" ], "word": "inshort", "num_translations": 19 }, "rapanui": { "senses": [ "Easter Island", "An Eastern Polynesian language spoken by the inhabitants of Easter Island" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pascuan", "Pascuense" ], "word": "RapaNui", "num_translations": 13 }, "silenceisgolden": { "senses": [ "Peace and quiet have great value", "Often the best choice is to say nothing" ], "antonyms": [ "speech is silver" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "silenceisgolden", "num_translations": 36 }, "expectedvalue": { "senses": [ "The weighted average of outcome values, using probability as the weighting function" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mathematical expectation" ], "word": "expectedvalue", "num_translations": 12 }, "bearmarket": { "senses": [ "A stock market where a majority of investors are selling , causing overall stock prices to drop" ], "antonyms": [ "bull market" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "bearmarket", "num_translations": 10 }, "brome": { "senses": [ "Any grass of the genus Bromus", "bromine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bromegrass" ], "word": "brome", "num_translations": 18 }, "lolcat": { "senses": [ "An image macro of, usually, a kitten or a cat with a humorous caption", "The deliberately misspelled and grammatically quirky form of English associated with such images' captions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lolspeak" ], "word": "lolcat", "num_translations": 14 }, "diarchy": { "senses": [ "Rule by two people", "A state under the rule of two people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:government" ], "word": "diarchy", "num_translations": 22 }, "securityguard": { "senses": [ "A person who is employed to provide security for people or property" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "watchman", "watchperson" ], "word": "securityguard", "num_translations": 23 }, "imperativemood": { "senses": [ "The grammatical mood expressing a command" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imperative", "imperative mode" ], "word": "imperativemood", "num_translations": 60 }, "happyasaclam": { "senses": [ "Very happy and carefree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:happy" ], "word": "happyasaclam", "num_translations": 11 }, "caninetooth": { "senses": [ "One of the pointed teeth behind the incisors and in front of the premolar teeth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eye tooth" ], "word": "caninetooth", "num_translations": 64 }, "deepfryer": { "senses": [ "A heated vessel for frying food by immersing in hot oil, as opposed to shallow frying in a frying pan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deep-fat fryer" ], "word": "deepfryer", "num_translations": 21 }, "cooldown": { "senses": [ "To become cooler, to be reduced in temperature", "To cause the temperature of an item to decrease", "To become less agitated", "To cause to become less agitated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calm down" ], "word": "cooldown", "num_translations": 90 }, "airfreshener": { "senses": [ "Any of many forms of device containing substances that neutralize or mask unpleasant odours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air refresher" ], "word": "airfreshener", "num_translations": 12 }, "dysgraphia": { "senses": [ "A language disorder that affects a person's ability to write" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agraphia" ], "word": "dysgraphia", "num_translations": 24 }, "streetart": { "senses": [ "Visual art created in public space and executed outside of the context of traditional art venues" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "urban art" ], "word": "streetart", "num_translations": 14 }, "capslock": { "senses": [ "A mode in which capitalization of typed letter is reversed", "All caps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capslock key" ], "word": "capslock", "num_translations": 21 }, "greatauk": { "senses": [ "A large extinct auk, Pinguinus impennis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garefowl" ], "word": "greatauk", "num_translations": 21 }, "stepbystep": { "senses": [ "From one stage to the next in sequence", "Gradually and steadily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in order", "bit by bit" ], "word": "stepbystep", "num_translations": 50 }, "anopia": { "senses": [ "State or condition of sightlessness, often due to medical reasons" ], "antonyms": [ "sight" ], "synonyms": [ "blindness", "sightlessness" ], "word": "anopia", "num_translations": 11 }, "yes-noquestion": { "senses": [ "A question that can only be answered by yes or no and does not allow for elaboration or detail" ], "antonyms": [ "open question", "wh-question", "multiple-choice question" ], "synonyms": [ "yes-or-no question" ], "word": "yes-noquestion", "num_translations": 13 }, "kosovan": { "senses": [ "From, of, or pertaining to Kosovo or its people, culture or language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kosovar" ], "word": "Kosovan", "num_translations": 24 }, "kosovan1": { "senses": [ "Someone from Kosovo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kosovar" ], "word": "Kosovan", "num_translations": 39 }, "referencework": { "senses": [ "A compendium of information which is not intended to be read from beginning to end, and is compiled for ease of reference Examples include encyclopedias and dictionaries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:reference work" ], "word": "referencework", "num_translations": 15 }, "worldpower": { "senses": [ "A nation or state so powerful that it can influence world affairs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "global power" ], "word": "worldpower", "num_translations": 10 }, "rearwindow": { "senses": [ "The window at the back of a car" ], "antonyms": [ "windshield/windscreen" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "rearwindow", "num_translations": 13 }, "randomvariable": { "senses": [ "A quantity whose value is random and to which a probability distribution is assigned, such as the possible outcome of a roll of a dice", "A measurable function from a sample space to the measurable space of possible values of the variable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "random quantity", "aleatory variable" ], "word": "randomvariable", "num_translations": 16 }, "chorusline": { "senses": [ "A line of performers in a revue or other show, dancing in unison" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corps de ballet" ], "word": "chorusline", "num_translations": 11 }, "sweetcorn": { "senses": [ "Corn suitable for eating by humans, as distinguished from corn raised as animal feed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pole corn", "sugar corn" ], "word": "sweetcorn", "num_translations": 11 }, "privatedetective": { "senses": [ "Any agent hired by a private party for the purpose of investigation or evidence gathering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dick", "gumshoe", "PI", "private dick", "private eye", "private investigator", "snoop#Noun" ], "word": "privatedetective", "num_translations": 16 }, "dieselengine": { "senses": [ "an internal combustion engine which operates using diesel fuel", "a diesel locomotive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diesel motor" ], "word": "dieselengine", "num_translations": 19 }, "baptismalfont": { "senses": [ "A large basin used for baptism in or near a church" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baptismal" ], "word": "baptismalfont", "num_translations": 51 }, "globalpositioningsystem": { "senses": [ "Any system which enables a mobile receiver to determine its precise location based on signals received from satellites such as those of the US military, the Russian GLONASS system, or the proposed Galileo European alternative system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GPS", "global navigation satellite system" ], "word": "globalpositioningsystem", "num_translations": 14 }, "saola": { "senses": [ "Pseudoryx nghetinhensis, a rare ruminant of Vietnam and Laos" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Vu Quang ox", "Vu Quang bovid" ], "word": "saola", "num_translations": 13 }, "briticism": { "senses": [ "A word or figure of speech used in Britain exclusively or primarily" ], "antonyms": [ "Americanism" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Briticism", "num_translations": 12 }, "dictationmachine": { "senses": [ "A sound recording device most commonly used to record speech for later playback or to be typed into print" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dictaphone" ], "word": "dictationmachine", "num_translations": 18 }, "telencephalon": { "senses": [ "The anterior part of the forebrain", "the endbrain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cerebrum", "endbrain", "Thesaurus:telencephalon" ], "word": "telencephalon", "num_translations": 14 }, "cablecar": { "senses": [ "A streetcar moved by gripping to rotating loop of cable running along the track", "A hanging carriage or car for transporting people or cargo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aerial tramway", "ropeway", "gondola" ], "word": "cablecar", "num_translations": 37 }, "argos": { "senses": [ "city r/the Peloponnese c/Greece", "The dog of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey", "town s/Indiana", "named for the city in Greece", "river r/Murcia c/Spain", "flowing from Caravaca de la Cruz into the Segura at Calasparra", "alternative form of \"Argus\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Argos", "num_translations": 11 }, "poachedegg": { "senses": [ "An egg that has been cooked by gently breaking it into simmering water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dropped egg" ], "word": "poachedegg", "num_translations": 21 }, "cryout": { "senses": [ "To shout in a loud voice, due to pain, or fear, or unhappiness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:shout" ], "word": "cryout", "num_translations": 24 }, "learningdisability": { "senses": [ "A disability which prevents the sufferer from learning in a typical manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "learning difference", "learning difficulty" ], "word": "learningdisability", "num_translations": 19 }, "handbrake": { "senses": [ "A brake in a vehicle, set by hand, and usually locking on until released by hand, enabling its use when parked", "The mechanism, particularly the locking hand-operated lever in a motor car, which is used to set and release such a brake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parking brake" ], "word": "handbrake", "num_translations": 24 }, "sacrificer": { "senses": [ "Someone who sacrifices, one who makes a sacrifice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sacrificant", "sacrificator", "sacrificatrix", "sacrificial", "priestess", "sacrificing", "sacrificing priestess" ], "word": "sacrificer", "num_translations": 16 }, "straight-laced": { "senses": [ "Having narrow views on moral matters", "prudish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tight-laced" ], "word": "straight-laced", "num_translations": 14 }, "feetontheground": { "senses": [ "feet on ground", "Used to indicate behavior or manner characteristic of a practical person" ], "antonyms": [ "head in the clouds" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "feetontheground", "num_translations": 11 }, "eurasianbullfinch": { "senses": [ "A small passerine bird, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, in the finch genus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bullfinch", "common bullfinch" ], "word": "Eurasianbullfinch", "num_translations": 11 }, "fiscalyear": { "senses": [ "An accounting period of one year, not necessarily coinciding with the calendar year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "financial year", "budget year", "tax year", "accounting reference period", "FY" ], "word": "fiscalyear", "num_translations": 24 }, "petshop": { "senses": [ "A shop that sells domestic animals and products for feeding and caring for them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pet store" ], "word": "petshop", "num_translations": 18 }, "nannygoat": { "senses": [ "A female goat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nanny", "she-goat" ], "word": "nannygoat", "num_translations": 27 }, "naturereserve": { "senses": [ "An area of land managed to conserve wildlife or plant habitat or other natural features" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bioreserve", "nature preserve", "natural reserve", "reservation", "natural preserve", "wildlife reserve", "wildlife sanctuary" ], "word": "naturereserve", "num_translations": 18 }, "noseband": { "senses": [ "The part of a bridle or halter that goes over the nose of an animal, particularly a horse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bosal", "musrole" ], "word": "noseband", "num_translations": 30 }, "oldeastslavic": { "senses": [ "A Slavic language used from the 10th to the 14th centuries by East Slavs in the state of Kievan Rus and its successors The ancestor of Belarusian, Russian, Rusyn and Ukrainian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Old East Slavonic", "Rusian", "refers to both Rus and Russia", "specific to Ukrainian or dialects different from common OES", "specific to Belarusian or dialects different from common OES" ], "word": "OldEastSlavic", "num_translations": 36 }, "devshirme": { "senses": [ "Systematic collection of non-Muslim children from rural Christian populations of the Balkans, practiced by Ottomans, in which every three or four years 1 healthy boy or young men out of 40 families had to be taken to Istanbul, converted to Islam and educated for military profession or religious disciplines" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blood tax" ], "word": "devshirme", "num_translations": 20 }, "illyrian2": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant of ancient Illyria", "An inhabitant of Roman province of Illyricum", "for a South Slav, especially a Croat, used in 17th-19th centuries", "A Proto-Albanian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Illyrian", "num_translations": 15 }, "declinable": { "senses": [ "Capable of being declined" ], "antonyms": [ "indeclinable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "declinable", "num_translations": 13 }, "orphanhood": { "senses": [ "The state of being an orphan", "the losing of both parents through their death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orphancy", "orphandom" ], "word": "orphanhood", "num_translations": 11 }, "gay": { "senses": [ "Happy, joyful, and lively", "Festive, bright, or colourful", "Sexually promiscuous , engaged in prostitution", "Homosexual:", "A pejorative:", "Upright or curved over the back" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gay", "num_translations": 306 }, "gay1": { "senses": [ "A homosexual, especially a male homosexual", "see also lesbian", "An ornament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "and" ], "word": "gay", "num_translations": 160 }, "eelgrass": { "senses": [ "Any of several species of aquatic plant, with very long and narrow leaves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common eelgrass", "seawrack" ], "word": "eelgrass", "num_translations": 18 }, "cornflour": { "senses": [ "A very fine starch powder derived from maize used in cooking as a thickener, to keep things from sticking, or as an anti-caking agent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cornstarch" ], "word": "cornflour", "num_translations": 15 }, "glutinousrice": { "senses": [ "A variety of short-grain rice popular in Southeast and East Asia, known for its stickiness when cooked" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "biroin chal", "botan rice", "mochi rice", "pearl rice", "sticky rice", "sweet rice", "waxy rice" ], "word": "glutinousrice", "num_translations": 25 }, "cephalic": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the head", "headlike", "Of, or pertaining to, the cephalon" ], "antonyms": [ "caudal" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "cephalic", "num_translations": 16 }, "greatgreyowl": { "senses": [ "Strix nebulosa, a very large owl" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lapland owl" ], "word": "greatgreyowl", "num_translations": 14 }, "goldenjackal": { "senses": [ "Canis aureus, a common jackal that can be found in southwest Europe, the Middle East and South Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adive", "common jackal", "Asiatic jackal", "oriental jackal", "\u2020Austro-Hungarian wolf", "reed wolf" ], "word": "goldenjackal", "num_translations": 46 }, "gerenuk": { "senses": [ "A type of long-necked gazelle, Litocranius walleri, native to central and eastern Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "giraffe gazelle", "Waller's gazelle" ], "word": "gerenuk", "num_translations": 18 }, "mexicanwolf": { "senses": [ "A rare subspecies of grey wolf, Canis lupus baileyi" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mexican gray wolf" ], "word": "Mexicanwolf", "num_translations": 13 }, "eurasianblackvulture": { "senses": [ "Aegypius monachus, a species of large vulture living in Europe and Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black vulture", "cinereous vulture", "monk vulture" ], "word": "Eurasianblackvulture", "num_translations": 18 }, "slothbear": { "senses": [ "A nocturnal bear, Melursus ursinus, native to South Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lip bear", "ursiform sloth" ], "word": "slothbear", "num_translations": 25 }, "motherearth": { "senses": [ "The personification of the Earth, conceived as a fertile, nurturing, and loving mother", "The goddess of the earth in various cultures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Earth", "Gaia", "Gaea", "Ge", "Rhea", "Demeter", "Terra", "Tellus", "Earth Mother" ], "word": "MotherEarth", "num_translations": 16 }, "kievanrus": { "senses": [ "A medieval principality in Eastern Europe centred around Kiev", "considered an early predecessor of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kievan Russia", "the", "Kiev", "Kyiv", "Ruthenia" ], "word": "KievanRus", "num_translations": 55 }, "blackswan": { "senses": [ "Cygnus atratus, an Australian swan whose feathers are black", "Something believed impossible or not to exist, of which an example is subsequently found", "A rare and hard to predict event with major consequences" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chenopis atratus" ], "word": "blackswan", "num_translations": 32 }, "massproduction": { "senses": [ "The process of manufacturing products on a large scale" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flow production" ], "word": "massproduction", "num_translations": 18 }, "greenlandshark": { "senses": [ "Somniosus microcephalus, a large shark that inhabits the northern Atlantic Ocean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ground shark" ], "word": "Greenlandshark", "num_translations": 21 }, "henhouse": { "senses": [ "A small house or hutch for chickens or, more specifically, hens to live in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chicken coop", "hencoop" ], "word": "henhouse", "num_translations": 53 }, "tripwire": { "senses": [ "A cord or wire arranged so that when snagged or pulled by an intruder, it will trigger a detector or trap or a device, such as a land mine", "Any means of detecting intruders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tripline", "trip cord" ], "word": "tripwire", "num_translations": 16 }, "ruddyshelduck": { "senses": [ "A migratory duck, Tadorna ferruginea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Brahminy duck" ], "word": "ruddyshelduck", "num_translations": 24 }, "seadog": { "senses": [ "A sailor accustomed to the sea", "A pirate", "A seal", "A charge resembling the talbot but with scales, webbed feet and a broad tail", "A dogfish", "An omen of bad luck", "A white-topped wave in an estuary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "old salt" ], "word": "seadog", "num_translations": 22 }, "harpyeagle": { "senses": [ "A neotropical eagle, Harpia harpyja" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American harpy eagle" ], "word": "harpyeagle", "num_translations": 28 }, "chinesemountaincat": { "senses": [ "A small wild cat, Felis bieti, living in western China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese desert cat" ], "word": "Chinesemountaincat", "num_translations": 12 }, "cruciancarp": { "senses": [ "Carassius carassius, a species of carp found in northern Europe and northern Asia", "A fish of any species in genus Carassius" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crucian" ], "word": "cruciancarp", "num_translations": 29 }, "kingjamesversion": { "senses": [ "An English translation, published in 1611, of the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek commissioned for the Church of England, which is the version most quoted and influential in English literature and English Protestant religious culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "US", "British" ], "word": "KingJamesVersion", "num_translations": 25 }, "skedaddle": { "senses": [ "To move or run away quickly", "To spill", "to scatter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flee", "vamoose", "scat", "take off", "make tracks", "get lost", "kick rocks", "hightail", "Thesaurus:move quickly", "Thesaurus:rush", "Thesaurus:flee" ], "word": "skedaddle", "num_translations": 34 }, "magiccarpet": { "senses": [ "A carpet capable either of magical flight, or instantaneous transport from one place to another, used as a means of travel", "a conveyor belt to transport skiers/snowboarders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carpet lift" ], "word": "magiccarpet", "num_translations": 19 }, "anhinga": { "senses": [ "A fish-eating bird of North America with a thin, pointed bill and a long, thin neck" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American darter" ], "word": "anhinga", "num_translations": 15 }, "englishstudies": { "senses": [ "An academic discipline that includes the study of literatures written in the English language, English linguistics, and English sociolinguistics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Anglistics" ], "word": "Englishstudies", "num_translations": 16 }, "softserve": { "senses": [ "A frozen dessert or snack, similar to ice cream but softer, as a result of air being introduced during freezing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "soft ice cream" ], "word": "softserve", "num_translations": 27 }, "muntjac": { "senses": [ "Any of various species of east Asian deer of the genus Muntiacus, having short antlers and a barking call" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barking deer" ], "word": "muntjac", "num_translations": 47 }, "medicaltourism": { "senses": [ "Travelling across international borders, generally from a rich country to a poor country, to deliver healthcare, often on a temporary basis", "Travelling across international borders to obtain health care" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "health tourism" ], "word": "medicaltourism", "num_translations": 17 }, "whitlow": { "senses": [ "An infection under the cuticle of a fingernail or toenail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nimpingang", "paronychia", "wicklow" ], "word": "whitlow", "num_translations": 13 }, "varenyky": { "senses": [ "Boiled dumplings stuffed with potato, cheese, or other filling", "a serving of these", "plural of \"varenyk\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perogies", "perogy", "potsticker" ], "word": "varenyky", "num_translations": 26 }, "grossprofit": { "senses": [ "the difference between net sales and the cost of goods sold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sales profit" ], "word": "grossprofit", "num_translations": 10 }, "childpornography": { "senses": [ "Pornographic material depicting minors", "sexually explicit images of children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kiddie porn", "child porn" ], "word": "childpornography", "num_translations": 15 }, "mean": { "senses": [ "To intend", "To convey", "To have conviction in", "to be sincere in", "To cause or produce", "to bring about", "To be of some level of importance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "convey, signify, indicate", "want or intend to convey", "intend; plan on doing", "have conviction in what one says", "have intentions of a some kind", "result in; bring about" ], "word": "mean", "num_translations": 253 }, "mean2": { "senses": [ "Common", "general", "Of a common or low origin, grade, or quality", "common", "humble", "Low in quality or degree", "inferior", "poor", "shabby", "Without dignity of mind", "destitute of honour", "low-minded", "spiritless", "base", "Of little value or account", "worthy of little or no regard", "contemptible", "despicable", "Ungenerous", "stingy", "tight-fisted", "Disobliging", "pettily offensive or unaccommodating", "small", "Selfish", "acting without consideration of others", "unkind", "Causing or intending to cause intentional harm", "bearing ill will towards another", "cruel", "malicious", "Powerful", "fierce", "harsh", "damaging", "Accomplished with great skill", "deft", "hard to compete with", "Difficult, tricky" ], "antonyms": [ "lofty", "noble", "honorable" ], "synonyms": [ "causing or intending to cause intentional harm", "Thesaurus:stingy", "low-minded; acting without consideration of others", "powerful", "accomplished with great skill; deft; hard to compete with", "UK", "US", "inferior", "UK slang" ], "word": "mean", "num_translations": 146 }, "mean4": { "senses": [ "A method or course of action used to achieve some result", "An intermediate step or intermediate steps", "Something which is intermediate or in the middle", "an intermediate value or range of values", "a medium", "The middle part of three-part polyphonic music", "now specifically, the alto part in polyphonic music", "an alto instrument", "The average of a set of values, calculated by summing them together and dividing by the number of terms", "Any function of multiple variables that satisfies certain properties and yields a number representative of its arguments", "or, the number so yielded", "a measure of central tendency", "Either of the two numbers in the middle of a conventionally presented proportion, as 2 and 3 in 1:2=3:6" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "mean", "num_translations": 90 }, "fat": { "senses": [ "plump", "not lean or thin", "Thick", "Bountiful", "Oily", "greasy", "unctuous", "rich", "said of food", "coarse", "heavy", "gross", "dull", "stupid", "Fertile", "productive", "Rich", "producing a large income", "desirable", "Abounding in riches", "affluent", "fortunate", "Of a character which enables the compositor to make large wages", "said of matter containing blank, cuts, or many leads, etc", "alternative form of \"phat\"" ], "antonyms": [ "Of sense lean", "skinny", "slender", "slim", "thin" ], "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:obese", "thick", "bountiful", "prosperous" ], "word": "fat", "num_translations": 199 }, "fat1": { "senses": [ "A specialized animal tissue with a high oil content, used for long-term storage of energy", "That part of an organization deemed wasteful", "An erection", "A poorly played shot where the ball is struck by the top part of the club head", "The best or richest productions", "the best part", "Work containing much blank, or its equivalent, and therefore profitable to the compositor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in animals", "derogatory slang when used of human fat", "grease", "lard", "fatty", "Thesaurus:fat person" ], "word": "fat", "num_translations": 181 }, "manchukuo": { "senses": [ "A puppet state of Imperial Japan, existing from 1932 to 1945, conceived as a Manchu nation-state under the restored Qing dynasty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Manchuria" ], "word": "Manchukuo", "num_translations": 18 }, "anxiolytic1": { "senses": [ "A drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety" ], "antonyms": [ "anxiogenic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "anxiolytic", "num_translations": 10 }, "co-religionist": { "senses": [ "A fellow follower of one's religion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "co-religionary" ], "word": "co-religionist", "num_translations": 15 }, "horizontalbar": { "senses": [ "A horizontally-aligned bar used in gymnastics, upon which acts of swinging are performed", "The dash symbol", "The horizontal form of the fraction bar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "high bar", "quotation dash" ], "word": "horizontalbar", "num_translations": 20 }, "honeybuzzard": { "senses": [ "Any of certain birds of prey in family Accipitridae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pernis", "Pernis ptilorhynchus" ], "word": "honeybuzzard", "num_translations": 19 }, "currentasset": { "senses": [ "An asset on the balance sheet which is expected to be sold or otherwise used up in the near future, usually within one year, or one business cycle - whichever is longer, such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventory" ], "antonyms": [ "non-current asset", "fixed asset" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "currentasset", "num_translations": 11 }, "againsttheclock": { "senses": [ "In a time-restricted manner, to meet a deadline, hurriedly, timed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "against time" ], "word": "againsttheclock", "num_translations": 12 }, "airpistol": { "senses": [ "A pistol that propels a pellet or other projectile by using compressed gas, rather than an explosion of gunpowder or other means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air gun", "BB gun", "pellet gun", "air rifle" ], "word": "airpistol", "num_translations": 15 }, "airticket": { "senses": [ "A pass entitling the holder to travel in an aeroplane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "airline ticket", "flight ticket", "plane ticket" ], "word": "airticket", "num_translations": 27 }, "alligatorclip": { "senses": [ "A spring-loaded metal clip, usually attached to a wire and used to make temporary connections" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crocodile clip" ], "word": "alligatorclip", "num_translations": 11 }, "swissroll": { "senses": [ "A type of sponge cake rolled up into a cylinder, typically but not exclusively with jam or chocolate filling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jelly roll", "log" ], "word": "Swissroll", "num_translations": 26 }, "lexicalcategory": { "senses": [ "A linguistic category of words , generally defined by the syntactic or morphological behaviour of the lexical item in question, such as noun or verb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "word class", "lexical class", "part of speech" ], "word": "lexicalcategory", "num_translations": 15 }, "feedingbottle": { "senses": [ "A bottle for feeding milk to babies or to the young of other animals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baby bottle" ], "word": "feedingbottle", "num_translations": 25 }, "logopedics": { "senses": [ "The study, and correction, of speech and language defects, disorders in communication and swallowing disorders" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speech therapy" ], "word": "logopedics", "num_translations": 10 }, "historicallinguistics": { "senses": [ "The scientific study of language change" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diachronic linguistics" ], "word": "historicallinguistics", "num_translations": 67 }, "peakseason": { "senses": [ "In the tourist industry, the period of highest demand" ], "antonyms": [ "low season" ], "synonyms": [ "high season", "red week" ], "word": "peakseason", "num_translations": 11 }, "candidiasis": { "senses": [ "A fungal infection of any of the Candida species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thrush", "yeast infection" ], "word": "candidiasis", "num_translations": 18 }, "ukrainiansovietsocialistrepublic": { "senses": [ "The Bolshevik state of Ukraine , a constituent republic of the Soviet Union" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Republic of Soviets of Ukraine", "a predecessor 1917", "Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic", "official name 1919-1936", "Ukrainian SSR", "UkrSSR", "UkSSR", "from Russian", "Ukrainian RSR", "URSR", "Ukrainian SRR", "USRR", "from Ukrainian" ], "word": "UkrainianSovietSocialistRepublic", "num_translations": 13 }, "czechoslovak1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Czecho-Slovak", "Czechoslovakian" ], "word": "Czechoslovak", "num_translations": 14 }, "heirapparent": { "senses": [ "Someone who will definitely inherit if surviving the one whose property is to be inherited" ], "antonyms": [ "heir presumptive" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heirapparent", "num_translations": 34 }, "heirpresumptive": { "senses": [ "Someone who will become an heir only if no-one with a better claim is born" ], "antonyms": [ "heir apparent" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heirpresumptive", "num_translations": 11 }, "graphicscard": { "senses": [ "A circuit board that generates and controls the visual display on a computer screen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "display adapter", "graphics accelerator card", "graphics adapter", "video adapter", "video board", "video card", "video display board" ], "word": "graphicscard", "num_translations": 20 }, "seaofgalilee": { "senses": [ "lake in northern c/Israel, located about fifteen miles northeast of the ancient city of Nazareth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lake Tiberius", "Lake of Gennesaret", "Sea of Kinnereth" ], "word": "SeaofGalilee", "num_translations": 18 }, "cyanobacterium": { "senses": [ "Any of very many photosynthetic prokaryotic microorganisms, of phylum Cyanobacteria, once known as blue-green algae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blue-green alga" ], "word": "cyanobacterium", "num_translations": 12 }, "slouchhat": { "senses": [ "A broad-brimmed felt hat worn by soldiers, often with a clasp on the left side to allow a rifle to be carried over the shoulder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Australian bush hat", "Kossuth hat" ], "word": "slouchhat", "num_translations": 12 }, "dizygotic": { "senses": [ "Derived from two eggs that have been separately fertilized", "dizygous" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dizygous", "fraternal" ], "word": "dizygotic", "num_translations": 14 }, "epidemiologic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to epidemiology" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epidemiological" ], "word": "epidemiologic", "num_translations": 12 }, "infantryfightingvehicle": { "senses": [ "An armoured combat vehicle designed to carry infantry soldiers and provide fire support for them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IFV", "mechanized infantry combat vehicle", "MICV" ], "word": "infantryfightingvehicle", "num_translations": 13 }, "baijiu": { "senses": [ "A clear, Chinese distilled alcoholic beverage, generally about 40-60% alcohol by volume, usually distilled from sorghum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shaojiu" ], "word": "baijiu", "num_translations": 10 }, "pettybourgeoisie": { "senses": [ "A social class of that bourgeoisie that typically works alongside their employees if they have any, exemplified by shopkeepers and professionals" ], "antonyms": [ "haute bourgeoisie" ], "synonyms": [ "petite bourgeoisie" ], "word": "pettybourgeoisie", "num_translations": 11 }, "queenofspades": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bitch", "\ud83c\udcad" ], "word": "queenofspades", "num_translations": 14 }, "jackofspades": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knave of spades", "\ud83c\udcab", "J\u2660" ], "word": "jackofspades", "num_translations": 16 }, "kingofhearts": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "suicide king", "\ud83c\udcbe" ], "word": "kingofhearts", "num_translations": 16 }, "queenofhearts": { "senses": [ "A woman who has gained the adoration of the public" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\ud83c\udcbd" ], "word": "queenofhearts", "num_translations": 19 }, "aceofhearts": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\ud83c\udcb1", "A\u2665" ], "word": "aceofhearts", "num_translations": 16 }, "aceofdiamonds": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\ud83c\udcc1", "A\u2666" ], "word": "aceofdiamonds", "num_translations": 19 }, "kingofdiamonds": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "man with the ax", "one-eyed king", "\ud83c\udcce" ], "word": "kingofdiamonds", "num_translations": 16 }, "aceofclubs": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\ud83c\udcd1", "A\u2663" ], "word": "aceofclubs", "num_translations": 20 }, "jackofclubs": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knave of clubs", "\ud83c\udcdb" ], "word": "jackofclubs", "num_translations": 12 }, "rollupone'ssleeves": { "senses": [ "To prepare to work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belly up to the bar", "get down to brass tacks", "get one's act together", "pull one's socks up", "shape up" ], "word": "rollupone'ssleeves", "num_translations": 38 }, "hockeypuck": { "senses": [ "A small black flat roundel of hardened rubber used as a playing piece in ice hockey to score points by moving the puck into the opponent's goal net" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "puck", "ice hockey puck" ], "word": "hockeypuck", "num_translations": 59 }, "pinewood": { "senses": [ "The wood of a pine", "A forest or grove of pine trees, either natural or as a plantation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pinery", "pinetum" ], "word": "pinewood", "num_translations": 33 }, "goodoffices": { "senses": [ "The beneficial services and acts of a third party, particularly mediation between two parties in a dispute" ], "antonyms": [ "ill offices" ], "synonyms": [ "office" ], "word": "goodoffices", "num_translations": 16 }, "roodscreen": { "senses": [ "A carved screen that separated the chancel and nave in a medieval church", "it originally carried a large crucifix", "an altar screen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "altar screen", "chancel screen", "choir screen" ], "word": "roodscreen", "num_translations": 11 }, "honeyfungus": { "senses": [ "A parasitic mushroom of the genus Armillaria that lives on trees and shrubs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "honey mushroom", "bootlace fungus", "shoestring mushroom" ], "word": "honeyfungus", "num_translations": 10 }, "dialecticalmaterialism": { "senses": [ "The concept of reality in which material things are in the constant process of change brought about by the tension between conflicting or interacting forces, elements, or ideas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diamat" ], "word": "dialecticalmaterialism", "num_translations": 20 }, "positivity": { "senses": [ "The condition of being positive", "positivism Optimism", "The result of being positive", "The characteristic of possessing a positive electric charge" ], "antonyms": [ "negativity" ], "synonyms": [ "positiveness" ], "word": "positivity", "num_translations": 10 }, "partyanimal": { "senses": [ "A person known for frequent, enthusiastic attendance at parties, especially one whose partying behavior is exuberant or excessive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "life of the party" ], "word": "partyanimal", "num_translations": 26 }, "ornithosis": { "senses": [ "A zoonotic infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia psittaci, it can be transmitted to humans and other animals When carried by any species of bird belonging to the Psittacidae family , it is called psittacosis or parrot fever" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "avian chlamydiosis", "parrot disease", "parrot fever", "psittacosis" ], "word": "ornithosis", "num_translations": 18 }, "commongood": { "senses": [ "The general interest of the population as a whole", "A good that is rivalrous and nonexcludable", "The corporate property of a burgh in Scotland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "public interest", "public good" ], "word": "commongood", "num_translations": 11 }, "feminize": { "senses": [ "To make feminine", "To become feminine" ], "antonyms": [ "masculinize", "masculinise", "masculize", "masculise" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "feminize", "num_translations": 23 }, "beautyparlor": { "senses": [ "A salon where hairdressers, beauticians, and cosmeticians work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beauty salon" ], "word": "beautyparlor", "num_translations": 35 }, "shihtzu": { "senses": [ "A small dog breed which originated in China", "a dog of that breed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese lion dog", "chrysanthemum dog" ], "word": "ShihTzu", "num_translations": 19 }, "officechair": { "senses": [ "A chair that is designed for use at a desk in an office It is generally comfortable and adjustable and can swivel 360 degrees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desk chair" ], "word": "officechair", "num_translations": 10 }, "bureaudechange": { "senses": [ "A place where foreign currency can be exchanged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "currency exchange" ], "word": "bureaudechange", "num_translations": 44 }, "memorystick": { "senses": [ "One of a series of memory devices manufactured by the Sony Corporation ranging in size from a USB drive down to a flash card", "A portable solid-state electronic flash memory data storage device equipped with a USB plug for direct connection to a corresponding port", "a USB drive, thumb drive or pen drive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "data stick", "pen drive", "thumb drive", "USB drive" ], "word": "memorystick", "num_translations": 33 }, "digitalize": { "senses": [ "To digitize, to make digital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "digitize" ], "word": "digitalize", "num_translations": 23 }, "silverlining": { "senses": [ "A good aspect of a mostly bad event" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bright side" ], "word": "silverlining", "num_translations": 16 }, "flaxseed": { "senses": [ "The seed of the flax plant", "a source of linseed oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "linseed" ], "word": "flaxseed", "num_translations": 19 }, "deadlanguage": { "senses": [ "A language which no longer has any native speakers" ], "antonyms": [ "living language", "revived language" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deadlanguage", "num_translations": 30 }, "headteacher": { "senses": [ "The most senior teacher in a school who is responsible for its management and administration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "principal", "head", "headmaster", "headmistress", "school director" ], "word": "headteacher", "num_translations": 30 }, "audiobook": { "senses": [ "A recording, usually made available for sale, of a reading of the full text or of an abridgement of a book" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "talking book" ], "word": "audiobook", "num_translations": 50 }, "mentallyill": { "senses": [ "Having a psychological disorder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crazy", "not all there" ], "word": "mentallyill", "num_translations": 12 }, "comeafter": { "senses": [ "To pursue or follow", "to pursue with hostile intent", "To follow or succeed", "to be the successor of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chase", "follow on" ], "word": "comeafter", "num_translations": 14 }, "nightterror": { "senses": [ "A sleeping disorder, where sleep is interrupted by anxiety, panic or screaming" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pavor nocturnus", "sleep terror" ], "word": "nightterror", "num_translations": 10 }, "dnipropetrovsk": { "senses": [ "oblast in southeastern c/Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dnepropetrovsk", "Dnipro-Petrovske", "Dnipro-Petrovs'ke", "Sicheslav", "Novorossiysk", "Katerynoslav", "Yekaterinoslav", "Dnipropetrovsk Oblast" ], "word": "Dnipropetrovsk", "num_translations": 14 }, "donetsk": { "senses": [ "oblast in eastern c/Ukraine", "town obl/Rostov c/Russia, on the Donets river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Stalino", "Trotsk", "Yuzivka", "Yuzovka", "Donetsk Oblast", "Stalino Oblast", "Voroshilovhrad Oblast", "Gundorovka" ], "word": "Donetsk", "num_translations": 32 }, "kharkiv": { "senses": [ "A province in eastern Ukraine in which this city is located" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kharkiv oblast" ], "word": "Kharkiv", "num_translations": 55 }, "lviv": { "senses": [ "oblast in western c/Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "L'vov", "Lw\u00f3w", "Lemberg", "Leopolis", "Lviv Oblast" ], "word": "Lviv", "num_translations": 51 }, "mykolaiv": { "senses": [ "A shipbuilding >, the > of >, on the > in southern >", "oblast in southern c/Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mykalaiv Oblast" ], "word": "Mykolaiv", "num_translations": 12 }, "sevastopol": { "senses": [ "A > in >, internationally recognized as part of > but de facto in > It is the base of the Black Sea Fleet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aqyar" ], "word": "Sevastopol", "num_translations": 42 }, "zaporizhia": { "senses": [ "The region \u201cbeyond the rapids\" in the lower reach of the river Dnieper in Ukraine, base of the Zaporozhian Cossacks" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Zaporozhe", "Zaporozhye", "Zaporozhie", "Aleksandrovsk", "Aleksandrovs'k", "Alexandrovsk", "Zaporizhia Oblast", "Zaporizhzhia Oblast", "Zaporizhzhya Oblast" ], "word": "Zaporizhia", "num_translations": 22 }, "intheact": { "senses": [ "In the process of doing something considered criminal or otherwise wrong", "used to emphasize the eye-witness evidence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red-handed", "in flagrante delicto" ], "word": "intheact", "num_translations": 10 }, "torbaysole": { "senses": [ "An Atlantic flatfish, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus", "witch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flet" ], "word": "Torbaysole", "num_translations": 10 }, "grandmaster": { "senses": [ "A player of the highest rank, as determined by FIDE, with an Elo rating of at least 2500" ], "antonyms": [ "patzer" ], "synonyms": [ "International Grandmaster" ], "word": "Grandmaster", "num_translations": 30 }, "chickenleg": { "senses": [ "The cooked leg of a chicken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drumstick" ], "word": "chickenleg", "num_translations": 13 }, "stonepine": { "senses": [ "A species of pine native of southern Europe, Pinus pinea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Italian stone pine", "umbrella pine" ], "word": "stonepine", "num_translations": 17 }, "asthough": { "senses": [ "As to suggest the idea that", "as if, as would be true if" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "like" ], "word": "asthough", "num_translations": 40 }, "asamatteroffact": { "senses": [ "Actually, in fact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in reality" ], "word": "asamatteroffact", "num_translations": 44 }, "calendrical": { "senses": [ "Of, pertaining to, or used by a calendar system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calendric" ], "word": "calendrical", "num_translations": 10 }, "teletype": { "senses": [ "A teleprinter", "A message printed by a teleprinter", "An early input/output device for mainframe computers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "teleprinter", "TTY" ], "word": "teletype", "num_translations": 14 }, "retirementhome": { "senses": [ "A multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eventide home", "old people's home", "old-age home", "old folks' home" ], "word": "retirementhome", "num_translations": 21 }, "straightrazor": { "senses": [ "A razor with a blade that can fold into its handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "open razor", "cut-throat razor" ], "word": "straightrazor", "num_translations": 10 }, "deadcalm1": { "senses": [ "The condition of a perfectly flat sea with no waves and no wind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clock calm" ], "word": "deadcalm", "num_translations": 11 }, "ramsons": { "senses": [ "A wild relative of chives, Allium ursinum, having edible leaves and roots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buckrams", "wild garlic", "broad-leaved garlic", "wood garlic", "bear garlic", "bear's garlic" ], "word": "ramsons", "num_translations": 47 }, "funnelchanterelle": { "senses": [ "An edible mushroom, Craterellus tubaeformis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Craterellus tubaeformis" ], "word": "funnelchanterelle", "num_translations": 10 }, "nuxvomica": { "senses": [ "The strychine tree, Strychnos nux-vomica, an evergreen tree found in southeastern Asia", "The fruit of Strychnos nux-vomica, which contains strychnine and brucine", "A preparation made from the fruit of Strychnos nux-vomica, traditionally used as a stimulant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poison-nut", "vomit nut", "poison nut", "vomit nut" ], "word": "nuxvomica", "num_translations": 13 }, "witchhazel": { "senses": [ "Any of several small deciduous trees, of the genus Hamamelis, having yellow flowers", "An extract of the bark and/or leaves of this plant, used as an astringent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American witch hazel" ], "word": "witchhazel", "num_translations": 10 }, "rousseauian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rousseauesque" ], "word": "Rousseauian", "num_translations": 13 }, "gastank": { "senses": [ "A fuel tank for gasoline built into equipment, especially vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "petrol tank" ], "word": "gastank", "num_translations": 30 }, "yellowperil": { "senses": [ "The alleged threat to Western nations by East Asians, especially Chinese or Japanese people, due to their vast population, non-Western cultures, or supposed antagonism to the West", "East Asian nations or peoples, conceived as threatening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yellow horde" ], "word": "yellowperil", "num_translations": 13 }, "taichi": { "senses": [ "A soft form of martial art developed in China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "taiji", "taijiquan" ], "word": "taichi", "num_translations": 34 }, "giveway": { "senses": [ "To yield to persistent persuasion", "To collapse or break under physical stresses", "To be followed, succeeded, or replaced by", "To give precedence to other road users", "To allow another person to intervene to make a point or ask a question whilst one is delivering a speech", "To begin rowing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "accede" ], "word": "giveway", "num_translations": 51 }, "targetaudience": { "senses": [ "The primary group of people that something, usually an advertising campaign, is aimed at appealing to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "target group" ], "word": "targetaudience", "num_translations": 17 }, "targetgroup": { "senses": [ "The primary group of people that something, usually an advertising campaign, is designed to appeal to" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "target audience" ], "word": "targetgroup", "num_translations": 10 }, "oldturkic": { "senses": [ "The earliest attested Turkic language, found in inscriptions by the G\u00f6kt\u00fcrks and the Uyghurs in ca the 7th to 13th centuries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "East Old Turkic", "Orkhon Turkic", "Old Uyghur" ], "word": "OldTurkic", "num_translations": 14 }, "glutealcleft": { "senses": [ "The groove between the buttocks that runs from just below the sacrum to the perineum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anal cleft", "gluteal sulcus", "intergluteal cleft", "Thesaurus:gluteal cleft" ], "word": "glutealcleft", "num_translations": 35 }, "overheadprojector": { "senses": [ "A projector that projects an image over the heads of the viewers onto a screen in front of them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OHP" ], "word": "overheadprojector", "num_translations": 26 }, "tabletcomputer": { "senses": [ "a portable computer, that uses an integral combination flat panel display screen / graphics tablet or touch screen/graphics tablet for primary input and primary display, the size of a notebook computer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tablet", "tablet notebook", "tablet notebook computer", "notebook tablet", "notebook tablet computer", "Tablet computer" ], "word": "tabletcomputer", "num_translations": 47 }, "outofone'sleague": { "senses": [ "In a situation in which one is mismatched with one or more others whose accomplishments, preparedness, or other characteristics are on a significantly higher or lower level than one's own", "Out of one's depth", "in a situation which one is poorly prepared to handle", "Too good or too expensive for one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "out of one's depth", "beyond one's depth", "beyond one's scope" ], "word": "outofone'sleague", "num_translations": 10 }, "spacealien": { "senses": [ "An extraterrestrial being", "a visitor from outer space" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alien", "ET", "little green man" ], "word": "spacealien", "num_translations": 17 }, "spanishinfluenza": { "senses": [ "An influenza pandemic that spread to nearly every part of the world between 1918 and 1920, killing from 20 to 100 million people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "purulent bronchitis", "1918 flu / 1918 influenza" ], "word": "Spanishinfluenza", "num_translations": 14 }, "eyeforaneye,atoothforatooth": { "senses": [ "compensation for injury caused by a person, in the form of inflicting of an identical injury on that person" ], "antonyms": [ "turn the other cheek" ], "synonyms": [ "tit for tat" ], "word": "eyeforaneye,atoothforatooth", "num_translations": 65 }, "dnieper": { "senses": [ "A large river flowing southerly through Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine into the Black Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Borysthenes", "Dnipro", "Slavutych", "Slavutich" ], "word": "Dnieper", "num_translations": 43 }, "donbas": { "senses": [ "An industrial region in eastern Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Donets Basin", "Donbass" ], "word": "Donbas", "num_translations": 13 }, "chernivtsi": { "senses": [ "oblast in southwestern c/Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chernovtsy", "Cern\u0103u\u0163i", "Csernovic", "Czernowitz", "Chernivtsi Oblast" ], "word": "Chernivtsi", "num_translations": 13 }, "luhansk": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lugansk", "Lugans'k", "Voroshylovhrad", "Voroshilovgrad", "Luhansk Oblast", "Voroshilovhrad Oblast" ], "word": "Luhansk", "num_translations": 23 }, "simferopol": { "senses": [ "capital city arep:Pref/Crimea c/Ukraine", "and capital city rep:Pref/Crimea c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Simferopil", "Aqmescit" ], "word": "Simferopol", "num_translations": 39 }, "uzhhorod": { "senses": [ "A city in the Carpathian Mountains in western Ukraine, administrative centre of Zakarpattia province" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Uzhgorod", "Ungvar", "Ungv\u00e1r" ], "word": "Uzhhorod", "num_translations": 13 }, "zhitomir": { "senses": [ "city c/Ukraine, administrative centre of Zhytomyr province", "Zhytomyr province , in north-western Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Zhitomyr Oblast" ], "word": "Zhitomir", "num_translations": 13 }, "volyn": { "senses": [ "Volhynia, a historic region between the Prypiat and Buh rivers in northwestern Ukraine and part of Poland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wo\u0142y\u0144", "Volyn Oblast", "Volyn' Oblast" ], "word": "Volyn", "num_translations": 12 }, "zakarpattia": { "senses": [ "Carpathian Ruthenia, a historic region in the Carpathian Mountains of western Ukraine, eastern Slovakia, southeastern Poland, and northwestern Romania" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Transcarpathia", "Transcarpatia", "Transcarpathian Oblast", "Zakarpatia Oblast", "Zakarpattia Oblast", "Zakarpattya Oblast" ], "word": "Zakarpattia", "num_translations": 10 }, "toothsocket": { "senses": [ "A socket in the jaw in which the roots of teeth are held in the alveolar process with the periodontal ligament" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dental alveolus" ], "word": "toothsocket", "num_translations": 11 }, "europeanperch": { "senses": [ "A species of fish in the family Percidae, Perca fluviatilis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "redfin perch", "English perch", "perch" ], "word": "Europeanperch", "num_translations": 22 }, "forwhatit'sworth": { "senses": [ "Considering what limited worth this advice, opinion, or suggestion might have for you", "used to soften the presentation of unsolicited advice or information that may not be relevant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "FWIW" ], "word": "forwhatit'sworth", "num_translations": 18 }, "sealamprey": { "senses": [ "A parasitic lamprey found in Europe and North America, Petromyzon marinus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eel sucker", "green lamprey", "lamper", "shad lamprey", "spotted lamprey" ], "word": "sealamprey", "num_translations": 10 }, "tearoff": { "senses": [ "To rip away from", "to pull a piece from forcibly", "To leave or depart rapidly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "detach", "flee" ], "word": "tearoff", "num_translations": 11 }, "muscovyduck": { "senses": [ "A large duck which is native to Mexico, Central and South America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Barbary duck", "Muscovy", "Biziura lobata" ], "word": "Muscovyduck", "num_translations": 26 }, "townsquare": { "senses": [ "An open area commonly found in the heart of a traditional town, used for community gatherings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "city square", "public square", "piazza", "urban square" ], "word": "townsquare", "num_translations": 18 }, "ruffe": { "senses": [ "Gymnocephalus cernua, a small Eurasian freshwater fish", "Other species in the same genus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ruff", "pope", "Eurasian ruffe" ], "word": "ruffe", "num_translations": 15 }, "bloodsupply": { "senses": [ "Donated blood which is stored in a blood bank", "The volume of blood flowing to part of the body over a particular time period" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circulation" ], "word": "bloodsupply", "num_translations": 11 }, "sickleave": { "senses": [ "Paid absence from work specifically to recover from illness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medical leave" ], "word": "sickleave", "num_translations": 19 }, "centralbusinessdistrict": { "senses": [ "The central area of a city in which there is a concentration of certain retail and business activities, especially in older cities with rail transportation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "city", "city center", "town centre", "downtown", "town" ], "word": "centralbusinessdistrict", "num_translations": 18 }, "direstraits": { "senses": [ "A difficult position" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:difficult situation" ], "word": "direstraits", "num_translations": 21 }, "dobusiness": { "senses": [ "To be engaged in business, to be involved in commerce or trade", "To urinate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take care of business" ], "word": "dobusiness", "num_translations": 12 }, "radio-controlled": { "senses": [ "Controlled remotely using radio signals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "remote-controlled" ], "word": "radio-controlled", "num_translations": 17 }, "novosibirsk": { "senses": [ "oblast c/Russia in r/Siberia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Novonikolayevsk" ], "word": "Novosibirsk", "num_translations": 33 }, "novgorod": { "senses": [ "oblast in northwestern c/Russia", "former principality/and/medieval state located in modern c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Veliky Novgorod" ], "word": "Novgorod", "num_translations": 39 }, "volgograd": { "senses": [ "oblast in southwestern c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Stalingrad", "Tsaritsyn" ], "word": "Volgograd", "num_translations": 34 }, "europeanbullhead": { "senses": [ "A European species in the Cottidae family, Cottus gobio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bullhead", "miller's thumb", "tommy logge" ], "word": "Europeanbullhead", "num_translations": 18 }, "viviparousblenny": { "senses": [ "A fish in the family Zoarcidae, Zoarces viviparus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "viviparous eelpout" ], "word": "viviparousblenny", "num_translations": 12 }, "cusk": { "senses": [ "A marine cod-like fish in the ling family Lotidae, Brosme brosme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brismak", "brosmius" ], "word": "cusk", "num_translations": 13 }, "atlength": { "senses": [ "For a long time", "At last, finally", "In full", "without omission or abbreviation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abidingly", "at length", "entirely" ], "word": "atlength", "num_translations": 49 }, "pricetag": { "senses": [ "The tag or sticker attached to a product, displaying its price" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "price ticket" ], "word": "pricetag", "num_translations": 26 }, "subgenus": { "senses": [ "A subdivision of a genus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subg" ], "word": "subgenus", "num_translations": 10 }, "darnel": { "senses": [ "A species of ryegrass, Lolium temulentum, often found in wheat fields and often host to a fungus intoxicating to humans and animals", "Various species of Lolium, especially as a weed in wheat fields" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poison darnel" ], "word": "darnel", "num_translations": 28 }, "driveshaft": { "senses": [ "A shaft used to transmit rotary motion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cardan shaft", "propeller shaft" ], "word": "driveshaft", "num_translations": 11 }, "politicaleconomy": { "senses": [ "Interdisciplinary studies drawing upon economics, law, and political science in explaining how political institutions, the political environment, and the economic system \u2014 capitalist, socialist, mixed, and so on \u2014 influence each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ergonomics" ], "word": "politicaleconomy", "num_translations": 15 }, "traverse1": { "senses": [ "To travel across, often under difficult conditions", "To visit all parts of", "to explore thoroughly", "To lay in a cross direction", "to cross", "To rotate a gun around a vertical axis to bear upon a military target", ", To climb or descend a steep hill at a wide angle", "To across the gradients of a sloped face at safe rate", "To act against", "to thwart or obstruct", "To pass over and view", "to survey carefully", "To plane in a direction across the grain of the wood", "To deny formally", "To use the motions of opposition or counteraction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "traverse", "num_translations": 41 }, "colocynth": { "senses": [ "The powdered pulp of this fruit, a powerful hepatic stimulant and hydragogue cathartic used as a strong laxative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bitter apple", "bitter cucumber", "egusi", "vine of Sodom", "desert gourd" ], "word": "colocynth", "num_translations": 29 }, "lexicalitem": { "senses": [ "A term\u2014word or a sequence of words\u2014that acts as a unit of meaning, including words, phrases, phrasal verbs and proverbs, exemplified by \"cat\", \"traffic light\", \"take care of\", \"by-the-way\", and \"don't count your chickens before they hatch\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lexical unit" ], "word": "lexicalitem", "num_translations": 12 }, "bicyclelane": { "senses": [ "A lane of a roadway designated for use by cyclists" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bike lane", "cycle lane" ], "word": "bicyclelane", "num_translations": 21 }, "editorinchief": { "senses": [ "The highest ranking editor on an editorial staff" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chief editor", "executive editor", "EIC" ], "word": "editorinchief", "num_translations": 27 }, "usufruct": { "senses": [ "The legal right to use and derive profit or benefit from property that belongs to another person, as long as the property is not damaged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "liferent" ], "word": "usufruct", "num_translations": 39 }, "drawup": { "senses": [ "To compose , especially following a standard form", "To arrange in order or formation", "Cause to come to a halt", "Come to a halt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make out", "formate", "freeze", "brake", "retract" ], "word": "drawup", "num_translations": 43 }, "loseone'smind": { "senses": [ "To become frustrated, angry", "To become crazy, insane" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blow one's top", "go ape", "go apeshit", "hit the roof", "hit the ceiling", "lose it", "lose one's cool", "lose one's head", "lose one's marbles", "lose one's rag", "lose the plot" ], "word": "loseone'smind", "num_translations": 12 }, "northernlapwing": { "senses": [ "A crested plover, Vanellus vanellus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green plover", "lapwing", "peewit" ], "word": "northernlapwing", "num_translations": 29 }, "onpinsandneedles": { "senses": [ "Feeling sharp anticipation or anxiety", "in a state of suspense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on tenterhooks" ], "word": "onpinsandneedles", "num_translations": 14 }, "makemake": { "senses": [ "The creator deity in the mythology of Easter Island", "A celestial body orbiting in the Kuiper belt and a likely dwarf planet, discovered in 2005" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "2005 FY9" ], "word": "Makemake", "num_translations": 20 }, "virtualmachine": { "senses": [ "A software emulation of a computer that runs in an isolated partition of a real computer", "A computer system that is implemented in software rather than hardware and that runs bytecode" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "VM" ], "word": "virtualmachine", "num_translations": 12 }, "nutlet": { "senses": [ "A small nut" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nucule", "acorn" ], "word": "nutlet", "num_translations": 10 }, "subfolder": { "senses": [ "A folder within another folder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subdirectory" ], "word": "subfolder", "num_translations": 21 }, "cybercrime": { "senses": [ "Crime committed using computer networks", "An individual crime of this kind" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "e-crime" ], "word": "cybercrime", "num_translations": 18 }, "non-violent": { "senses": [ "Without violence", "Opposed to violence", "Sentenced for a crime that did not involve violence" ], "antonyms": [ "violent" ], "synonyms": [ "pacific" ], "word": "non-violent", "num_translations": 15 }, "metrostation": { "senses": [ "A railway station for a rapid transit system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "subway station", "underground station" ], "word": "metrostation", "num_translations": 15 }, "dragonfruit": { "senses": [ "The fruit of certain cacti of the genus Hylocereus, cultivated in Southeast Asia and Central and South America, having cerise-pink- or yellow-coloured skin and a white or pink sweet fleshy interior with black seeds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pitaya", "pitahaya", "strawberry pear", "thanh long" ], "word": "dragonfruit", "num_translations": 75 }, "combinable": { "senses": [ "Able to be combined" ], "antonyms": [ "incombinable", "divisible", "separable" ], "synonyms": [ "mergeable", "unitable" ], "word": "combinable", "num_translations": 12 }, "heavyindustry": { "senses": [ "Industrial processes that are very complex or involve large and heavy equipment, facilities, or end products" ], "antonyms": [ "light industry" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "heavyindustry", "num_translations": 17 }, "almaty": { "senses": [ "The largest city in and former capital of Kazakhstan, formerly known as Alma-Ata" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Verniy" ], "word": "Almaty", "num_translations": 33 }, "putonweight": { "senses": [ "To experience a weight gain, to increase in weight" ], "antonyms": [ "lose weight" ], "synonyms": [ "gain weight" ], "word": "putonweight", "num_translations": 28 }, "heddle": { "senses": [ "A component in a loom, being one of a number of similar components, through the eye of each of which a distinct strand of the warp is threaded", "One of the sets of parallel doubled threads which, with mounting, compose the harness employed to guide the warp threads to the lathe or batten in a loom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heald" ], "word": "heddle", "num_translations": 18 }, "mordovia": { "senses": [ "republic c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mordvinia" ], "word": "Mordovia", "num_translations": 23 }, "bashkortostan": { "senses": [ "A republic of Russia in the south of the country, with capital Ufa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bashkiria" ], "word": "Bashkortostan", "num_translations": 69 }, "gynaecologist": { "senses": [ "A physician who specialises in diseases of the female reproductive system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gynie" ], "word": "gynaecologist", "num_translations": 42 }, "multiuser": { "senses": [ "Of a operating system, etc, having capabilities for serving many users simultaneously" ], "antonyms": [ "single-user" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "multiuser", "num_translations": 11 }, "abakan": { "senses": [ "The capital city of Khakassia, Russia", "A river in Khakassia, Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ust-Abakanskoye" ], "word": "Abakan", "num_translations": 27 }, "ethylacetate": { "senses": [ "The ethyl ester of acetic acid" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ethyl ethanoate", "ethyl ester", "acetic ester", "EtOAc", "EA" ], "word": "ethylacetate", "num_translations": 10 }, "drugaddict": { "senses": [ "A person with a chemical or psychological dependency on a drug, especially one which is illegal or improperly procured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:addict" ], "word": "drugaddict", "num_translations": 93 }, "radio-controlledcar": { "senses": [ "a model car controlled by radio waves from a battery-powered remote control unit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RC car" ], "word": "radio-controlledcar", "num_translations": 14 }, "russki1": { "senses": [ "Russian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "katsap" ], "word": "Russki", "num_translations": 38 }, "deuteragonist": { "senses": [ "A person in a secondary role, specifically the second most important character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sidekick" ], "word": "deuteragonist", "num_translations": 18 }, "intersex1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "dyadic" ], "synonyms": [ "intersexed", "intersexual", "hermaphroditic", "hermaphrodite", "pseudohermaphroditic", "pseudohermaphrodite", "indeterminate", "X" ], "word": "intersex", "num_translations": 10 }, "agarwood": { "senses": [ "Heartwood from Aquilaria trees infected with mold, which produces an aromatic resin in response to this attack" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aquilaria" ], "word": "agarwood", "num_translations": 31 }, "brideprice": { "senses": [ "A sum of money or other valuables paid by a bridegroom or on his behalf to the family of the bride, in some cultures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bride gift", "bride-gift", "bridegift", "bride token", "bride wealth", "bride-wealth", "bridewealth", "reverse dowry" ], "word": "brideprice", "num_translations": 59 }, "lastword": { "senses": [ "The finest, highest, or ultimate representative of some class of objects", "Concluding remark", "final observation, advice, or instructions", "The final statement uttered by a person before death", "A final decision, or the right to make such a decision" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exemplar" ], "word": "lastword", "num_translations": 22 }, "timeofdeparture": { "senses": [ "The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to depart" ], "antonyms": [ "arrival time", "time of arrival" ], "synonyms": [ "departure time" ], "word": "timeofdeparture", "num_translations": 19 }, "arcticskua": { "senses": [ "A seabird, Stercorarius parasiticus, of the skua family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parasitic jaeger" ], "word": "Arcticskua", "num_translations": 11 }, "noria": { "senses": [ "A water wheel with attached buckets, used to raise and deposit water", "Any machine using buckets to raise water to an aqueduct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water wheel" ], "word": "noria", "num_translations": 11 }, "bewick'sswan": { "senses": [ "A small swan, Cygnus columbianus, of the family Anatidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whistling swan", "tundra swan" ], "word": "Bewick'sswan", "num_translations": 14 }, "blackguillemot": { "senses": [ "A seabird, Cepphus grylle, of the auk family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tystie" ], "word": "blackguillemot", "num_translations": 21 }, "waxpaper": { "senses": [ "A semi-translucent, moisture-proof paper made with a waxy coating, used primarily for wrapping and packaging" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "butter paper", "paraffin paper", "sandwich paper", "waxed paper" ], "word": "waxpaper", "num_translations": 13 }, "gallowsbird": { "senses": [ "A person who deserves, or is likely, to be hanged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hangdog" ], "word": "gallowsbird", "num_translations": 15 }, "euboea": { "senses": [ "a Greek island just off the eastern coast of Boeotia, Greece, in the Aegean Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Negropont" ], "word": "Euboea", "num_translations": 49 }, "withallduerespect": { "senses": [ "A phrase used before disagreeing with someone, usually considered polite" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "with due respect", "no offense" ], "word": "withallduerespect", "num_translations": 21 }, "kibitka": { "senses": [ "A Russian type of telega or sleigh with a cover over the passenger seats", "A circular tent or yurt used by various nomadic peoples such as the Kalmyks and Kyrgyz" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yurt" ], "word": "kibitka", "num_translations": 10 }, "purpleswamphen": { "senses": [ "A species of the Rallidae family, Porphyrio porphyrio" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "African purple swamphen", "purple coot", "purple gallinule", "purple moorhen", "sultana bird" ], "word": "purpleswamphen", "num_translations": 12 }, "backmatter": { "senses": [ "The parts of a book that appear after the main portion of the body text, including the afterword, index and bibliography", "the end matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "end matter" ], "word": "backmatter", "num_translations": 10 }, "fingermillet": { "senses": [ "A plant, Eleusine coracana, grown as a cereal in parts of Africa and Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "African millet", "African finger millet", "ragi", "goosegrass", "coracan", "coracan millet", "natchnee" ], "word": "fingermillet", "num_translations": 21 }, "sighthound": { "senses": [ "A hound that primarily hunts by speed and sight, instead of by scent and endurance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gazehound" ], "word": "sighthound", "num_translations": 13 }, "firstlieutenant": { "senses": [ "An equivalent rank in other military forces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lieutenant" ], "word": "firstlieutenant", "num_translations": 29 }, "capitolhill": { "senses": [ "The hill in Washington, DC, on which is located the Capitol, where Congress holds its sessions", "neighborhood city/Washington, DC c/USA", "Congress", "neighborhood city/Denver state/Colorado c/USA", "neighborhood city/Seattle state/Washington c/USA" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cap Hill", "Cap Hill" ], "word": "CapitolHill", "num_translations": 14 }, "shakeone'shead": { "senses": [ "To move one's head from side to side, in a repeated swiveling motion from the neck, to indicate disagreement, negation, disbelief, disapproval or dismay", "To move one's head up and down, in a repeated hinge-like motion from the top of the spine, to indicate agreement, affirmation, approval, or simply polite attentiveness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nod" ], "word": "shakeone'shead", "num_translations": 15 }, "markmywords": { "senses": [ "Listen to me", "used before a statement one wishes to emphasize, especially a prediction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hear ye", "read my lips" ], "word": "markmywords", "num_translations": 13 }, "billofexchange": { "senses": [ "A document demanding payment from another party, especially used in international trade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draft" ], "word": "billofexchange", "num_translations": 19 }, "usonian": { "senses": [ "Of or relating to the United States of America", "Of Frank Lloyd Wright's vision for a utopian United States", "Of or relating to a style of construction introduced by Frank Lloyd Wright", "Pertaining to Usonia, New York, or similar Wrightian communities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American", "US American", "United Statesian", "US-ian", "Usanian", "Usonan", "Prairie", "Prairie-style" ], "word": "Usonian", "num_translations": 30 }, "usonian1": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant or citizen of the United States of America", "An inhabitant of the Wrightian community of Usonia, New York" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "American", "US American", "United Statesian", "US-ian", "Usanian" ], "word": "Usonian", "num_translations": 25 }, "kermesoak": { "senses": [ "An oak, Quercus coccifera, native to the western Mediterranean region and growing 1-6 meters tall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prickly oak" ], "word": "kermesoak", "num_translations": 12 }, "inthefuture": { "senses": [ "From now on" ], "antonyms": [ "in the past" ], "synonyms": [ "later on", "as of now" ], "word": "inthefuture", "num_translations": 34 }, "thesedays": { "senses": [ "Currently, at present" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nowadays" ], "word": "thesedays", "num_translations": 32 }, "medicalstudent": { "senses": [ "A student enrolled at a medical school, who is training to become a physician" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "student doctor" ], "word": "medicalstudent", "num_translations": 11 }, "usonia": { "senses": [ "A one-word name for the United States of America that does not have the ambiguity of \"America\"", "Frank Lloyd Wright's utopian vision of the United States", "In geopolitical and international economic modeling, a prototype superpower that, in competing with an antagonistic superpower Russonia , allows Thirdonia to extract considerable wealth from both" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "America", "United States", "USA", "Usania" ], "word": "Usonia", "num_translations": 10 }, "huggable": { "senses": [ "Capable of, or suitable for, being hugged" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cuddly" ], "word": "huggable", "num_translations": 14 }, "antsinone'spants": { "senses": [ "The condition of being agitated and constantly fidgeting", "The condition of being sexually excited" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shpilkes", "heebie-jeebies" ], "word": "antsinone'spants", "num_translations": 10 }, "paptest": { "senses": [ "A screening test to detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells by taking a sample of cells from the cervix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "smear test", "cervical smear", "Pap smear" ], "word": "Paptest", "num_translations": 10 }, "screenprinting": { "senses": [ "A printing technique in which ink is forced through a woven mesh with an ink-blocking stencil on it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "silk-screen printing", "serigraphy" ], "word": "screenprinting", "num_translations": 47 }, "concretejungle": { "senses": [ "An urban or other populated area containing a high density of buildings constructed of concrete or similar materials, especially one which lacks greenery and which seems unattractive, harsh, or unsafe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concrete desert" ], "word": "concretejungle", "num_translations": 13 }, "yekaterinburg": { "senses": [ "city/administrative center obl/Sverdlovsk c/Russia, the fifth-largest in the country by population" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sverdlovsk" ], "word": "Yekaterinburg", "num_translations": 44 }, "clockspeed": { "senses": [ "The rate, measured in hertz, at which a processor performs its fundamental operations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clock rate" ], "word": "clockspeed", "num_translations": 16 }, "pineneedle": { "senses": [ "An adult leaf of an adult pine tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "needle" ], "word": "pineneedle", "num_translations": 18 }, "americanbittern": { "senses": [ "A medium-sized bittern most commonly found in North America, Botaurus lentiginosus, known for its resounding calls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dunkadoo", "Indian billet", "Indian hen", "mire-drum", "stake-driver", "thunder-pumper" ], "word": "Americanbittern", "num_translations": 20 }, "pneumothorax": { "senses": [ "Presence of air inside the pleural cavity, usually caused by injury either to the lung or the chest wall" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aerothorax", "aeropleura" ], "word": "pneumothorax", "num_translations": 13 }, "physicalexamination": { "senses": [ "The examination of the patient's body with the use of such methods as inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clinical examination" ], "word": "physicalexamination", "num_translations": 16 }, "firstofall": { "senses": [ "Firstly", "before anything else" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "first" ], "word": "firstofall", "num_translations": 45 }, "dustmite": { "senses": [ "A microscopically small mite, of the Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, or Dermatophagoides farinae species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HDM", "house dust mite" ], "word": "dustmite", "num_translations": 12 }, "nervegas": { "senses": [ "A toxic chemical compound and banned weapon of mass destruction which, when inhaled or ingested, impairs nervous system functions, typically causing extreme physical distress and death by asphyxiation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nerve agent" ], "word": "nervegas", "num_translations": 15 }, "correctionfluid": { "senses": [ "A white, opaque fluid, applied to paper to mask textual errors", "used especially to mask errors in typing so that corrections may be overtyped" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tippex", "whiteout", "Twink", "liquid paper" ], "word": "correctionfluid", "num_translations": 34 }, "patchworkquilt": { "senses": [ "A decorative quilt made of pieces of cloth having diverse sizes, colors, and shapes, sewn together either to form a regular pattern or in a deliberately mismatched fashion without a pattern", "Something having a haphazard or disorganized structure", "something composed of seemingly random parts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hodgepodge" ], "word": "patchworkquilt", "num_translations": 10 }, "suchas": { "senses": [ "For example", "Like, of the kind mentioned" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for example" ], "word": "suchas", "num_translations": 21 }, "islamize": { "senses": [ "To convert to Islam", "To make someone, or a society, conform to Islamic law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Islamicize", "Muslimize", "Muslimify", "Muhammadanize" ], "word": "Islamize", "num_translations": 18 }, "instrumentalize": { "senses": [ "To make into an instrument for achieving a goal", "To transcribe for instrumental execution a piece of music written for the human voice" ], "antonyms": [ "deinstrumentalize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "instrumentalize", "num_translations": 10 }, "wroclaw": { "senses": [ "A city, located in Silesia in what is now southwestern Poland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Breslau" ], "word": "Wroclaw", "num_translations": 83 }, "heatingoil": { "senses": [ "A petroleum product used as fuel in a heating system and not requiring preheating for use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fuel oil" ], "word": "heatingoil", "num_translations": 11 }, "divingbellspider": { "senses": [ "A spider, Argyroneta aquatica, living almost entirely underwater, using hairs on its abdomen and legs to trap air" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water spider" ], "word": "divingbellspider", "num_translations": 13 }, "comealong": { "senses": [ "To accompany", "To progress", "to make progress" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come with", "rock along" ], "word": "comealong", "num_translations": 21 }, "doyoucomehereoften": { "senses": [ "A common phrase for initiating conversation with a stranger, especially one for seeking romantic involvement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "do you come here much" ], "word": "doyoucomehereoften", "num_translations": 18 }, "balanceoftrade": { "senses": [ "The difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trade balance" ], "word": "balanceoftrade", "num_translations": 16 }, "intakemanifold": { "senses": [ "Part of an engine that supplies the fuel/air mixture to the cylinder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inlet manifold" ], "word": "intakemanifold", "num_translations": 10 }, "nomatter1": { "senses": [ "Irrespective of, regardless of, in spite of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "regardless" ], "word": "nomatter", "num_translations": 24 }, "babybottle": { "senses": [ "A bottle equipped with a teat, used for feeding infants" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feeding bottle", "\ud83c\udf7c" ], "word": "babybottle", "num_translations": 59 }, "itdoesn'tmatter": { "senses": [ "it is not important", "do not fret", "I withdraw my previous statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "never mind", "never mind" ], "word": "itdoesn'tmatter", "num_translations": 55 }, "nomatterwhat": { "senses": [ "Whatever", "Regardless of anything or everything", "under all and any circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come hell or high water", "come rain or shine", "come what may" ], "word": "nomatterwhat", "num_translations": 45 }, "lick": { "senses": [ "a stroke of the tongue", "A quick and careless application of anything, as if by a stroke of the tongue", "A small watercourse or ephemeral stream It ranks between a rill and a stream", "A stroke or blow", "A small amount", "a whit", "An attempt at something", "A short motif", "A rate of speed", "An act of cunnilingus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lick", "num_translations": 53 }, "lick1": { "senses": [ "To stroke with the tongue", "To lap", "to take in with the tongue", "To beat with repeated blows", "To defeat decisively, particularly in a fight", "To overcome", "To perform cunnilingus", "To do anything partially", "To lap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "lick", "num_translations": 147 }, "megabat": { "senses": [ "Any of the bats in the suborder Megachiroptera consisting of one family, Pteropodidae", "a fruit bat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flying fox", "fruit bat" ], "word": "megabat", "num_translations": 13 }, "opensandwich": { "senses": [ "Any dish consisting of only one slice of bread, with any topping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sandwich" ], "word": "opensandwich", "num_translations": 17 }, "bureaucratese": { "senses": [ "A style of language, typically used by bureaucrats, that involves jargon or euphemism to the detriment of broader understanding", "Wordy, ostentatious talk or writing that resembles bureaucratic writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "officialese", "legalese" ], "word": "bureaucratese", "num_translations": 16 }, "goodjob": { "senses": [ "well done", "congratulations!" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:well done" ], "word": "goodjob", "num_translations": 15 }, "bowhead": { "senses": [ "A large whale, Balaena mysticetus, having a large, rounded head, that inhabits Arctic waters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bowhead whale" ], "word": "bowhead", "num_translations": 42 }, "beattoapulp": { "senses": [ "To beat up more than usually severely", "To defeat severely in various, even non-contact, competitive sports" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pulp" ], "word": "beattoapulp", "num_translations": 10 }, "oldenglishsheepdog": { "senses": [ "A herding dog of a particular breed , with shaggy grey and white fur also covering its face, and a docked tail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bobtail" ], "word": "OldEnglishSheepdog", "num_translations": 23 }, "olecranon": { "senses": [ "The bony process at the top of the ulna forming the point of the elbow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elbow bone" ], "word": "olecranon", "num_translations": 10 }, "lessismore": { "senses": [ "That which is of smaller quantity could be of higher quality", "That which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated", "brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity" ], "antonyms": [ "less is a bore", "more is more" ], "synonyms": [ "little goes a long way" ], "word": "lessismore", "num_translations": 12 }, "dungenesscrab": { "senses": [ "Metacarcinus magister, a species of crab found in the Pacific Ocean that has sweet-tasting meat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cancer magister" ], "word": "Dungenesscrab", "num_translations": 17 }, "newcastledisease": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chicken pest", "fowl pest" ], "word": "Newcastledisease", "num_translations": 13 }, "insidertrading": { "senses": [ "The illegal buying or selling of securities of a publicly held company by a person who has privileged access to information concerning the company's financial condition or plans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "inside dealing" ], "word": "insidertrading", "num_translations": 15 }, "rosechafer": { "senses": [ "A metallic-green beetle, Cetonia aurata, with a distinct V-shaped scutellum, found over central and southern Europe", "A tan-colored beetle, Macrodactylus subspinosus, found in North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "green rose chafer" ], "word": "rosechafer", "num_translations": 15 }, "goupinsmoke": { "senses": [ "To catch fire and burn", "To be completely ruined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to nothing" ], "word": "goupinsmoke", "num_translations": 15 }, "cometonothing": { "senses": [ "To fail completely", "to have no result" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to nought", "die in the ass", "go to shit" ], "word": "cometonothing", "num_translations": 21 }, "commonraven": { "senses": [ "A large all-black passerine bird in the crow family, Corvus corax", "A dark-colored South Asian swallowtail butterfly, Papilio castor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "northern raven" ], "word": "commonraven", "num_translations": 22 }, "hoodedcrow": { "senses": [ "A grey and black Eurasian crow, Corvus cornix" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Danish crow" ], "word": "hoodedcrow", "num_translations": 67 }, "hairpinbend": { "senses": [ "An acute curve in a road, especially on a steep incline" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hairpin curve", "hairpin turn" ], "word": "hairpinbend", "num_translations": 16 }, "feijoa": { "senses": [ "A South American evergreen shrub, Acca sellowiana", "The green, ellipsoid fruit of this shrub, having a tart and sweet taste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guavasteen", "pineapple guava" ], "word": "feijoa", "num_translations": 26 }, "newsanchor": { "senses": [ "A presenter of news broadcasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anchorman", "anchorperson", "anchorwoman", "newscaster", "newsreader" ], "word": "newsanchor", "num_translations": 17 }, "context-sensitive": { "senses": [ "Sensitive to context", "exhibiting different behaviour depending on a task or situation", "Involving transformations that are affected by more of the sentence than merely the section under scrutiny" ], "antonyms": [ "context-free" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "context-sensitive", "num_translations": 16 }, "classifiedadvertisement": { "senses": [ "Any of a list of newspaper or website advertisements included with others under a heading describing the category of product or service offered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "classified ad", "classified" ], "word": "classifiedadvertisement", "num_translations": 18 }, "gettothepoint": { "senses": [ "To state directly", "as opposed to in a long-winded way" ], "antonyms": [ "beat around the bush" ], "synonyms": [ "cut to the chase" ], "word": "gettothepoint", "num_translations": 21 }, "takeflight": { "senses": [ "To begin flying", "to become airborne or aloft", "to take off and fly", "to flee" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fly" ], "word": "takeflight", "num_translations": 14 }, "yangmei": { "senses": [ "The edible crimson fruit of the subtropical tree Myrica rubra", "The tree itself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yumberry", "Chinese strawberry" ], "word": "yangmei", "num_translations": 13 }, "dropwort": { "senses": [ "A perennial herb, Filipendula vulgaris, closely related to meadowsweet", "Any plant of genus Oenanthe", "Any plant of genus Oxypolis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fern-leaf dropwort" ], "word": "dropwort", "num_translations": 16 }, "bladdercherry": { "senses": [ "A plant, Physalis alkekengi, having a bright paper-like covering over its fruit, native to southern Europe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese lantern" ], "word": "bladdercherry", "num_translations": 45 }, "guillain-barresyndrome": { "senses": [ "Rapid-onset muscle weakness, often severe and sometimes fatal, resulting from impaired peripheral nervous system function, associated with various viral and other infections" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GBS" ], "word": "Guillain-Barresyndrome", "num_translations": 29 }, "infavorof": { "senses": [ "For", "in support of", "approving, supporting", "For the benefit of", "to the order of", "Out of preference for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "infavorof", "num_translations": 32 }, "angiography": { "senses": [ "A medical imaging technique in which an X-ray image is taken to visualize the inside of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries, veins and the heart chambers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arteriography" ], "word": "angiography", "num_translations": 15 }, "araks": { "senses": [ "river c/Turkey, Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan and empties into Kura river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Yeraskh" ], "word": "Araks", "num_translations": 15 }, "shadda": { "senses": [ "A diacritic used in the Arabic script to indicate gemination of a consonant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tashdid" ], "word": "shadda", "num_translations": 27 }, "westerncapercaillie": { "senses": [ "The bird Tetrao urogallus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heather cock", "wood grouse" ], "word": "westerncapercaillie", "num_translations": 34 }, "seamonster": { "senses": [ "A large and aggressive creature living in or under the sea that attacks ships", "Any huge marine animal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mermonster" ], "word": "seamonster", "num_translations": 51 }, "beautypageant": { "senses": [ "A competition in which participants compete for a determination that one is the most physically attractive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beauty contest" ], "word": "beautypageant", "num_translations": 42 }, "compositenumber": { "senses": [ "A natural number that is expressible as the product of two natural numbers other than itself and 1" ], "antonyms": [ "prime number" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "compositenumber", "num_translations": 16 }, "lacrimalsac": { "senses": [ "The upper dilated end of the tear duct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nasolacrimal sac", "tear sac" ], "word": "lacrimalsac", "num_translations": 10 }, "carefreeness": { "senses": [ "The property of being lighthearted, joyous, cheerful, without a care" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:apathy" ], "word": "carefreeness", "num_translations": 11 }, "humpbacksalmon": { "senses": [ "a small salmon , which ascends Pacific coast rivers of Asia and of America from California to Alaska" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pink salmon", "humpie" ], "word": "humpbacksalmon", "num_translations": 12 }, "ex-husband": { "senses": [ "A former husband" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wasband" ], "word": "ex-husband", "num_translations": 17 }, "hairtie": { "senses": [ "A circular piece of elastic used to hold hair in place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hairband", "ponytail holder", "hair elastic", "ponytailer", "bobble", "hair dillie", "hairup" ], "word": "hairtie", "num_translations": 13 }, "ignorable": { "senses": [ "That can be ignored", "Unrelated to the parameters being estimated" ], "antonyms": [ "unignorable", "informative" ], "synonyms": [ "negligible" ], "word": "ignorable", "num_translations": 10 }, "sugarsubstitute": { "senses": [ "A food additive that replicates the sweetness of sugar but is not sugar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "artificial sweetener" ], "word": "sugarsubstitute", "num_translations": 20 }, "sidestreet": { "senses": [ "A secondary road", "a road that is not intended for heavy traffic" ], "antonyms": [ "main road" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sidestreet", "num_translations": 16 }, "drygoods": { "senses": [ "Any product for sale that does not require special storage treatment, especially textiles", "Dry food that can be transported and stored without immediate danger of spoiling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "white goods" ], "word": "drygoods", "num_translations": 10 }, "candiedfruit": { "senses": [ "Any fruit that has been preserved by treatment with a sugar syrup and dried" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glac\u00e9 fruit", "crystallized fruit" ], "word": "candiedfruit", "num_translations": 11 }, "kurilislands": { "senses": [ "A group of islands between Japan and Kamchatka, separating the Sea of Okhotsk from the North Pacific Ocean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kurils", "Kuriles" ], "word": "KurilIslands", "num_translations": 41 }, "walkingframe": { "senses": [ "A framework device used to support either an infant learning to walk or a person with walking difficulties" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "walker", "rollator", "Zimmer frame", "zimmer frame" ], "word": "walkingframe", "num_translations": 17 }, "herbalism": { "senses": [ "The use or study of medicinal herbs", "Botany, the study of plants in general" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "herblore" ], "word": "herbalism", "num_translations": 17 }, "bluemussel": { "senses": [ "A medium-sized edible mussel, Mytilus edulis, found on the North Atlantic coast of North America, Europe, and in other temperate and polar waters around the world" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common mussel" ], "word": "bluemussel", "num_translations": 21 }, "earedseal": { "senses": [ "A seal belonging in the Otariidae family", "a fur seal or a sea lion, differing from the true seals in having small, visible ears and the ability to walk on land" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "otariid" ], "word": "earedseal", "num_translations": 12 }, "kettlebell": { "senses": [ "A weight consisting of a cast iron ball with a single handle for gripping the weight during exercise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "girya" ], "word": "kettlebell", "num_translations": 39 }, "meadowsweet": { "senses": [ "A Eurasian perennial flowering plant of Rosaceae family, Filipendula ulmaria", "Any plant of the genus Spiraea of the Rosaceae family, native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere and consisting of about 80-100 species of shrubs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "queen of the meadow" ], "word": "meadowsweet", "num_translations": 17 }, "brazilwood": { "senses": [ "A Brazilian timber tree, Caesalpinia echinata, used primarily to make bows for string instruments", "The wood of such tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pau-brasil" ], "word": "brazilwood", "num_translations": 18 }, "halftitle": { "senses": [ "A page before the title page in a book, bearing the title but no further details", "An abbreviated title of a book at the head of the first page of the text, or a title of any subdivision of a book when printed in a full page" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bastard title", "fly title" ], "word": "halftitle", "num_translations": 11 }, "non-nativespeaker": { "senses": [ "Antonym of native speaker: someone who has another native tongue than the language being used" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "allophone", "NNS" ], "word": "non-nativespeaker", "num_translations": 14 }, "fabricsoftener": { "senses": [ "A chemical agent used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer by coating the surface of the cloth fibers with a thin layer of chemicals", "these chemicals have lubricant properties and are electrically conductive, thus making the fibers feel smoother and preventing buildup of static electricity", "usually available as a liquid or as dryer sheets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fabric conditioner" ], "word": "fabricsoftener", "num_translations": 36 }, "rulemaking1": { "senses": [ "The process of creating regulations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lawmaking", "normmaking" ], "word": "rulemaking", "num_translations": 12 }, "thisevening": { "senses": [ "During the evening of today" ], "antonyms": [ "this morning" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thisevening", "num_translations": 33 }, "grey-haired": { "senses": [ "Having grey hair", "old, wise, experienced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grizzled", "hoary", "frood" ], "word": "grey-haired", "num_translations": 31 }, "olomouc": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Olm\u00fctz", "Olomouc District" ], "word": "Olomouc", "num_translations": 18 }, "comingoutofthecloset": { "senses": [ "present participle of \"come out of the closet\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coming out" ], "word": "comingoutofthecloset", "num_translations": 13 }, "executivebranch": { "senses": [ "The branch of government that oversees the carrying out of the laws" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "executive", "government" ], "word": "executivebranch", "num_translations": 13 }, "legislativebranch": { "senses": [ "The branch of government which is concerned with the making of laws" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "legislature" ], "word": "legislativebranch", "num_translations": 15 }, "gonuts": { "senses": [ "To become mad", "Go ahead", "feel free" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go crazy", "go wild" ], "word": "gonuts", "num_translations": 60 }, "hydraulicfracturing": { "senses": [ "A technique in which a mixture of water and sand is forced down an oil well in order to create fractures in the oil-bearing rock and thus release more oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fracing", "hydrofracking" ], "word": "hydraulicfracturing", "num_translations": 27 }, "goodfaith": { "senses": [ "Good, honest intentions, even if producing unfortunate results" ], "antonyms": [ "bad faith" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "goodfaith", "num_translations": 19 }, "shavingcream": { "senses": [ "A substance, usually a foam or gel, that is applied to the face or wherever else hair grows, to provide lubrication and avoid razor burn during shaving", "A type of cosmetic cream, combined with water and whipped into a lather using a shaving brush to provide lubrication and avoid razor burn during shaving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shave cream", "shave foam", "shaving foam", "shaving gel" ], "word": "shavingcream", "num_translations": 16 }, "samarkand": { "senses": [ "city in eastern c/Uzbekistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Maracanda" ], "word": "Samarkand", "num_translations": 78 }, "coconutcrab": { "senses": [ "A species of terrestrial hermit crab, Birgus latro, that lives on the shores of the Indian Ocean and the central Pacific Ocean and feeds on fruits, nuts, seeds and coconut flesh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "palm thief" ], "word": "coconutcrab", "num_translations": 23 }, "garlicchive": { "senses": [ "A plant, Allium tuberosum, with long, thin, white-flowering stalks, related to chives", "The garlic-flavoured leaves of this plant used as a vegetable in cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese chives" ], "word": "garlicchive", "num_translations": 29 }, "longpepper": { "senses": [ "The flowering vine Piper longum in the genus Piper of family Piperaceae, cultivated for its characteristically long fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Indian long pepper", "Javan long pepper", "Indonesian long pepper" ], "word": "longpepper", "num_translations": 45 }, "leavebehind": { "senses": [ "To abandon", "To forget about", "To not live longer than", "to be survived by", "To leave", "To outdo", "to progress faster than", "To pass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "leavebehind", "num_translations": 54 }, "getdressed": { "senses": [ "To dress", "to put on clothes", "to clothe oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dress" ], "word": "getdressed", "num_translations": 21 }, "fromnowon": { "senses": [ "From this moment indefinitely" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as of now" ], "word": "fromnowon", "num_translations": 71 }, "atmost": { "senses": [ "At the most", "at a maximum or upper limit" ], "antonyms": [ "at least" ], "synonyms": [ "less than or equal to", "at the outside" ], "word": "atmost", "num_translations": 64 }, "pseudoscientist": { "senses": [ "A practitioner of pseudoscience" ], "antonyms": [ "scientist", "alethoscientist", "aletho-scientist", "\u1f00\u03bb\u03b7\u03b8\u03ae\u03c2", "\u03c8\u03b5\u03c5\u03b4\u03ae\u03c2", "\u1f00\u03bb\u03ae\u03b8\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", "Aletheia", "alethic", "aletho-", "alethiology", "alethology" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pseudoscientist", "num_translations": 19 }, "falungong": { "senses": [ "A spiritual practice founded in China by Li Hongzhi in 1992" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Falun Dafa" ], "word": "FalunGong", "num_translations": 29 }, "legalperson": { "senses": [ "An aggregate of persons, legal entity, or body corporate who have the legal rights and responsibilities of a natural person under the law" ], "antonyms": [ "natural person" ], "synonyms": [ "artificial person", "fictitious person", "juridical person", "juristic person" ], "word": "legalperson", "num_translations": 26 }, "shea": { "senses": [ "A tree indigenous to Africa, occurring in Mali, Cameroon, Congo, C\u00f4te d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Togo, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Burkina Faso and Uganda", "The fruit of this tree, having a thin, tart, nutritious pulp that surrounds a relatively large, oil-rich seed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shea tree", "vitellaria", "Butyrospermum parkii", "Butyspermum paradoxum", "shea nut" ], "word": "shea", "num_translations": 17 }, "governorgeneral": { "senses": [ "An official appointed by the reigning British monarch to govern a Commonwealth realm as the monarch's representative", "An official in a similar position in other countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "GG" ], "word": "governorgeneral", "num_translations": 35 }, "nationalsocialism": { "senses": [ "The ideology of the NSDAP in Germany, including an authoritarian government, ethnic nationalism and adequate territory , and economic cooperation between the state and capital", "The ideology of any other Nazi party", "Nazism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nazism", "Hitlerism", "Strasserism" ], "word": "NationalSocialism", "num_translations": 29 }, "emergencyroom": { "senses": [ "A department of a hospital where seriously ill or injured patients, often with life-threatening conditions that require urgent or immediate treatment, are brought in, usually by ambulance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "emergency department", "accident and emergency", "casualty", "emergency ward", "emerg", "ER" ], "word": "emergencyroom", "num_translations": 34 }, "fullwidth": { "senses": [ "Of a text character, occupying the space of two alphanumeric characters in a monospace font, or two \"normal\" text columns" ], "antonyms": [ "halfwidth" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fullwidth", "num_translations": 11 }, "fatherfrost": { "senses": [ "In Slavic culture, a traditional Yuletide gift-bearing character" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ded Moroz" ], "word": "FatherFrost", "num_translations": 23 }, "all-knowing": { "senses": [ "Knowing everything", "omniscient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "omniscient" ], "word": "all-knowing", "num_translations": 12 }, "miscellaneous": { "senses": [ "Consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts", "Having diverse characteristics, abilities or appearances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diverse" ], "word": "miscellaneous", "num_translations": 62 }, "statolith": { "senses": [ "A specialized form of amyloplast involved in graviperception by plant roots and most invertebrates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "otolith" ], "word": "statolith", "num_translations": 12 }, "sickpay": { "senses": [ "Money paid to an employee during his or her sick leave" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sickness allowance", "sickness benefit", "sick benefit", "incapacity benefit" ], "word": "sickpay", "num_translations": 17 }, "ingenuine": { "senses": [ "false, not genuine or authentic" ], "antonyms": [ "genuine", "authentic", "real", "natural", "true" ], "synonyms": [ "ungenuine", "false", "fake", "Thesaurus:fake" ], "word": "ingenuine", "num_translations": 10 }, "musicalnotation": { "senses": [ "A system that represents aurally perceived music through the use of written symbols" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "music notation" ], "word": "musicalnotation", "num_translations": 15 }, "brainmushroom": { "senses": [ "A fungus common in Europe and North America and one of several species of fungi known as false morels, especially Gyromitra esculenta" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lorchel", "turban fungus" ], "word": "brainmushroom", "num_translations": 14 }, "barline": { "senses": [ "A vertical line in musical notation used to separate two bars or measures", "synonym of \"crossline\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bar" ], "word": "barline", "num_translations": 18 }, "metanarrative": { "senses": [ "A narrative which concerns narratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge and offers legitimation of such through the anticipated completion of some master idea", "a grand story that is self-legitimizing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grand narrative" ], "word": "metanarrative", "num_translations": 15 }, "pleophony": { "senses": [ "The phenomenon by which the Late Proto-Slavic \"liquid diphthongs\", formed from a vowel followed by a liquid *r or *l, become disyllabic -oro-, -ere- and -olo- reflexes in East Slavic languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "polnoglasie" ], "word": "pleophony", "num_translations": 11 }, "succade": { "senses": [ "Candied citrus peel", "A sweetmeat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sucket" ], "word": "succade", "num_translations": 11 }, "hectopascal": { "senses": [ "SI unit of pressure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hPa" ], "word": "hectopascal", "num_translations": 11 }, "druglord": { "senses": [ "A person who controls a large network of people involved in the illegal drug trade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drug baron", "crime lord", "kingpin" ], "word": "druglord", "num_translations": 10 }, "antigovernment": { "senses": [ "Opposed to a government currently in power", "Opposed to government in general" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "opposition", "anarchist" ], "word": "antigovernment", "num_translations": 12 }, "rutlandbeauty": { "senses": [ "Calystegia sepium, a species of bindweed found throughout the Northern Hemisphere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "larger bindweed" ], "word": "Rutlandbeauty", "num_translations": 10 }, "trafficwarden": { "senses": [ "A civilian employed by the police to regulate traffic and issue parking tickets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meter attendant", "meter maid", "parking enforcement officer", "parking inspector" ], "word": "trafficwarden", "num_translations": 12 }, "fromatoz": { "senses": [ "Covering a complete range", "comprehensively", "from beginning to end" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "from A to izzard", "from soup to nuts" ], "word": "fromAtoZ", "num_translations": 30 }, "singleparent": { "senses": [ "A parent who is the only guardian of offspring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sole provider" ], "word": "singleparent", "num_translations": 10 }, "repeatoffender": { "senses": [ "A person who has previously offended against the law, often someone who may be deemed incorrigible", "One who performs a specific action on multiple occasions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "recidivist", "reoffender" ], "word": "repeatoffender", "num_translations": 21 }, "franco-provencal": { "senses": [ "A Romance language spoken in east-central France, western Switzerland, and northwestern Italy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arpitan" ], "word": "Franco-Provencal", "num_translations": 30 }, "bowlcut": { "senses": [ "A haircut where the hair is cut short on the sides and back and allowed to grow long on the top, as though only the hair not covered by an inverted bowl had been removed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crock haircut", "mushroom cut", "pudding bowl" ], "word": "bowlcut", "num_translations": 18 }, "tatra": { "senses": [ "A mountain range on the border of Poland and Slovakia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tatra Mountains", "Tatras" ], "word": "Tatra", "num_translations": 13 }, "depoliticization": { "senses": [ "The act or process of depoliticizing" ], "antonyms": [ "politicization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "depoliticization", "num_translations": 10 }, "taxevader": { "senses": [ "One who illegally avoids paying tax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tax dodger" ], "word": "taxevader", "num_translations": 17 }, "utilityknife": { "senses": [ "A cutting tool that has an interchangeable blade that retracts into the handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boxcutter" ], "word": "utilityknife", "num_translations": 13 }, "seaeagle": { "senses": [ "An eagle with a distinctive white tail", "specifically, the white-tailed eagle", "A genus of eagles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "erne" ], "word": "seaeagle", "num_translations": 11 }, "white-tailedeagle": { "senses": [ "A sea-eagle with a distinctive white tail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "white-tailed sea eagle", "erne" ], "word": "white-tailedeagle", "num_translations": 41 }, "themesong": { "senses": [ "A song which accompanies a television or radio program, usually as an intro or outro" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "signature tune" ], "word": "themesong", "num_translations": 39 }, "printinghouse": { "senses": [ "A commercial company dealing in printing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "printshop" ], "word": "printinghouse", "num_translations": 33 }, "sandmartin": { "senses": [ "A migratory passerine bird of the swallow family, Riparia riparia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bank swallow" ], "word": "sandmartin", "num_translations": 17 }, "cyberbullying": { "senses": [ "Acts in cyberspace intended to make life unpleasant for another person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bullying online", "cyberharassment", "harassment online", "online bullying", "online harassment" ], "word": "cyberbullying", "num_translations": 28 }, "spinner": { "senses": [ "Agent noun of spin", "someone or something who spins", "A conical cover at the center of some aircraft propellers", "A device that is spun in games to choose a number or symbol", "The coin thrower in a game of two-up", "Primarily in the adult film industry, an actress or prostitute with a tiny frame, usually very thin and small-breasted", "An input control for entering a number, with accompanying arrowed buttons that increase or decrease the value", "A spin bowler", "A type of lure consisting of wire, a rotating blade, a weighted body, and one or more hooks", "An ornamental hubcap that spins independently of the wheel", "A goatsucker", "A kind of dumpling, shaped by \"spinning\" it in the hands", "A spin doctor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "spinner", "num_translations": 15 }, "people'sliberationarmy": { "senses": [ "The military arm of the People's Republic of China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PLA" ], "word": "People'sLiberationArmy", "num_translations": 26 }, "lowerhouse": { "senses": [ "One of the two parts of a parliament in some countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lower chamber" ], "word": "lowerhouse", "num_translations": 36 }, "upperhouse": { "senses": [ "One of the two parts of a parliament in some countries, usually smaller and having more restricted power than the lower house" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "upper chamber" ], "word": "upperhouse", "num_translations": 32 }, "parallelimport": { "senses": [ "A legitimate product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grey product" ], "word": "parallelimport", "num_translations": 10 }, "callfor": { "senses": [ "To shout out in order to summon", "To ask for in a loud voice", "To request, demand", "To necessitate, demand", "To stop at a place and ask for" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "callfor", "num_translations": 28 }, "jumpthequeue": { "senses": [ "To move into a queue ahead of others who have been waiting longer or that have a higher priority", "push in", "To receive preferential treatment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cut in", "cut in line", "jump the line", "push in" ], "word": "jumpthequeue", "num_translations": 16 }, "sexualization": { "senses": [ "The act or process of sexualizing" ], "antonyms": [ "desexualization" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sexualization", "num_translations": 13 }, "airshaft": { "senses": [ "A vertical opening running from a courtyard to the sky, thus allowing air to circulate to high-rise apartments or offices", "A passage supplying ventilation into a mine tunnel or other underground facility", "A device used for handling winding reels in the processing of web-fed materials, such as in continuous-process printing presses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "air well" ], "word": "airshaft", "num_translations": 15 }, "nailgun": { "senses": [ "An electrically or pneumatically powered gun used to drive nails into a surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nailer" ], "word": "nailgun", "num_translations": 17 }, "freesoftware": { "senses": [ "Software that can be freely copied, redistributed and modified, including source code", "software that is libre", "Any software that is free of charge, such as freeware" ], "antonyms": [ "proprietary" ], "synonyms": [ "freedomware", "freeware" ], "word": "freesoftware", "num_translations": 31 }, "internationalairport": { "senses": [ "An airport that accepts international flights" ], "antonyms": [ "domestic airport" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "internationalairport", "num_translations": 14 }, "centreforward": { "senses": [ "The most central of the strikers", "traditionally the player who makes the kick-off" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "number nine", "target man" ], "word": "centreforward", "num_translations": 10 }, "highdefinition": { "senses": [ "Enhanced picture quality on a TV or any other display", "A television or display device displaying images in an enhanced picture quality format or such images" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "HD" ], "word": "highdefinition", "num_translations": 12 }, "hieromonk": { "senses": [ "a monk of the Eastern Church who is also a priest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "priestmonk" ], "word": "hieromonk", "num_translations": 12 }, "red-tailedhawk": { "senses": [ "Buteo jamaicensis, a medium-sized bird of prey found throughout North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chickenhawk" ], "word": "red-tailedhawk", "num_translations": 14 }, "bufflehead": { "senses": [ "A duck in the goldeneye genus, Bucephala albeola", "One who has a large head", "a heavy, stupid fellow" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "woolhead" ], "word": "bufflehead", "num_translations": 24 }, "outofthecornerofone'seye": { "senses": [ "Sideways, obliquely, askance", "With suspicion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "askance" ], "word": "outofthecornerofone'seye", "num_translations": 10 }, "tombak": { "senses": [ "A type of goblet drum used heavily in Persian music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zarb" ], "word": "tombak", "num_translations": 13 }, "tombak1": { "senses": [ "A brass alloy also known as red-bronze Term used where zinc content is below 28% Usually consists of 84-90 % copper and 16-10% zinc, sometimes including arsenic to mimic gold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dutch brass", "German brass" ], "word": "tombak", "num_translations": 14 }, "autist": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "allist", "neurotypical", "NT" ], "synonyms": [ "autie", "autistic" ], "word": "autist", "num_translations": 17 }, "harborseal": { "senses": [ "A species of true seals, Phoca vitulina" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common seal" ], "word": "harborseal", "num_translations": 37 }, "nursinghome": { "senses": [ "A place of residence for people who require constant nursing care and have significant deficiencies with activities of daily living, such as the elderly and younger adults with physical disabilities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "care home", "old-age home", "old folks' home", "old people's home", "rest home", "senior citizens' home" ], "word": "nursinghome", "num_translations": 35 }, "informationsecurity": { "senses": [ "The protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access and disruption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infosec" ], "word": "informationsecurity", "num_translations": 11 }, "exclusionary": { "senses": [ "Acting to exclude something" ], "antonyms": [ "inclusionary" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "exclusionary", "num_translations": 13 }, "deadman'sswitch": { "senses": [ "A switch that automatically stops a machine or vehicle after a set period of inactivity from the operator" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Driver's Safety Device", "dead man's trigger", "dead man's pedal", "dead man's handle", "dead man's control", "dead man's brake", "kill switch", "vigilance control", "live-man switch" ], "word": "deadman'sswitch", "num_translations": 14 }, "hungeristhebestsauce": { "senses": [ "Being hungry makes one less concerned about the taste of one's food" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hunger is a good sauce", "hunger is the best spice" ], "word": "hungeristhebestsauce", "num_translations": 10 }, "oldarmenian": { "senses": [ "The oldest attested form of the Armenian language, first written down at the beginning of the 5th century AD and spoken until 12th century", "then replaced by Middle Armenian Served as a literary language until the 18-19th centuries Partly intelligible to speakers of modern Armenian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Classical Armenian", "Grabar", "Liturgical Armenian" ], "word": "OldArmenian", "num_translations": 23 }, "seizeup": { "senses": [ "To stop functioning", "to come to a halt", "To stiffen or become tight and difficult to move", "To stop working suddenly, and become impossible to start again" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freeze" ], "word": "seizeup", "num_translations": 10 }, "psychometry": { "senses": [ "The paranormal ability to discover information about an object's past, and especially about its past owners, merely by handling it", "The use of psychological tests to measure intelligence, abilities, attitudes, and personality traits" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "psychometrics" ], "word": "psychometry", "num_translations": 23 }, "futurescontract": { "senses": [ "A standardized contract, traded on a futures exchange, to buy or sell a standardized quantity of a specified commodity of standardized quality at a certain date in the future, at a price" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "futures", "forward contract" ], "word": "futurescontract", "num_translations": 20 }, "redenvelope": { "senses": [ "A monetary gift which is given during holidays or special occasions, such as the Chinese New Year" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red packet", "red pocket" ], "word": "redenvelope", "num_translations": 30 }, "suzhou": { "senses": [ "prefecture-level city p/Jiangsu c/China between Lake Tai and the Yangtze River", "Su, a > imperial > in modern >, >, surrounding the city" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wu" ], "word": "Suzhou", "num_translations": 14 }, "leavealone": { "senses": [ "To stop bothering", "To desist or refrain from involvement with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "let alone" ], "word": "leavealone", "num_translations": 16 }, "krasnodar": { "senses": [ "krai c/Russia, unofficially called Kuban" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Yekaterinodar" ], "word": "Krasnodar", "num_translations": 29 }, "rollingpaper": { "senses": [ "A small sheet of paper used for rolling cigarettes, joints , and the like" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cigarette paper" ], "word": "rollingpaper", "num_translations": 16 }, "nizhnynovgorod": { "senses": [ "oblast c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gorky", "Nizhny" ], "word": "NizhnyNovgorod", "num_translations": 45 }, "asregards": { "senses": [ "regarding, concerning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "with respect to" ], "word": "asregards", "num_translations": 23 }, "cherrylaurel": { "senses": [ "An evergreen cherry in the section Prunus sect Laurocerasus, some of which are cultivated as ornamentals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English laurel" ], "word": "cherrylaurel", "num_translations": 10 }, "revanchism": { "senses": [ "The political policy of endeavouring to regain lost territory" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "revanche" ], "word": "revanchism", "num_translations": 36 }, "e-reader": { "senses": [ "A hardware device used to read e-books" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "e-book reader" ], "word": "e-reader", "num_translations": 46 }, "fijihindi": { "senses": [ "The Indo-Iranian language spoken by people of Indian descent in Fiji" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Fijian Hindustani", "Fijian Hindi" ], "word": "FijiHindi", "num_translations": 15 }, "gallerist": { "senses": [ "The owner or operator of an art gallery" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "art dealer" ], "word": "gallerist", "num_translations": 13 }, "lemonverbena": { "senses": [ "A deciduous perennial shrub native to South America, used for its lemon-like fragrance and flavor, Aloysia citrodora" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lemon beebrush", "Verbena triphylla and others" ], "word": "lemonverbena", "num_translations": 16 }, "nightperson": { "senses": [ "A person whose preference or custom is to remain awake and active during the evening and early morning hours, and who usually sleeps during part of the daytime" ], "antonyms": [ "morning person" ], "synonyms": [ "nighthawk" ], "word": "nightperson", "num_translations": 11 }, "bonedensity": { "senses": [ "Bone mineral density", "a measure indicating the amount of mineral in bones, used to estimate the risk of osteoporosis or fractures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BMD", "bone mineral density" ], "word": "bonedensity", "num_translations": 11 }, "geolocation": { "senses": [ "The identification of geographic location, as of an electronic device or an animal being tracked", "The latitude and longitude coordinates of a particular location Term and definition standardized by ISO/IEC 19762-5:2008" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "geolocalisation", "geopositioning" ], "word": "geolocation", "num_translations": 13 }, "einkornwheat": { "senses": [ "A type of wheat, characterised by the presence of a single grain in each spikelet, that was cultivated in the Fertile Crescent and was one of the first grains to be domesticated", "any subtype of said wheat, considered as a unit", "in particular, the domesticated form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "little spelt" ], "word": "einkornwheat", "num_translations": 16 }, "khabarovsk": { "senses": [ "krai c/Russia, in the Russian Far East" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Boli", "Achansk", "Khabarovka" ], "word": "Khabarovsk", "num_translations": 31 }, "innermongolia": { "senses": [ "An East Asian region, south of Outer Mongolia , with closely related native Mongolian population, mostly north of the Great Wall, which however became part of the Chinese empire, and later an autonomous region in the People's Republic of China, comprising several northern provinces" ], "antonyms": [ "Outer Mongolia" ], "synonyms": [ "Nei Mongol", "Nei Menggu", "Southern Mongolia" ], "word": "InnerMongolia", "num_translations": 67 }, "outermongolia": { "senses": [ "An East Asian region, south of Siberia, west of Manchuria and north of Inner Mongolia , well north of the Great Wall, which never became an integral part of the Chinese empire, and later achieved autonomy and full independence of China, as the republic of Mongolia" ], "antonyms": [ "Inner Mongolia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "OuterMongolia", "num_translations": 26 }, "tver": { "senses": [ "oblast c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kalinin" ], "word": "Tver", "num_translations": 30 }, "gothrough": { "senses": [ "To travel from one end of something to the other", "To execute or carry out", "To examine or scrutinize", "To enact or recite the entire length of", "To undergo, suffer, experience", "To use up or wear out", "To progress to the next stage of something", "To reach an intended destination after passing through some process" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "gothrough", "num_translations": 50 }, "falsetrevally": { "senses": [ "A fish of the species Lactarius lactarius" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big jawed jumber", "milk trevally", "milkfish", "laktarid" ], "word": "falsetrevally", "num_translations": 39 }, "planetarysystem": { "senses": [ "A group of smaller bodies that orbit one or more stars" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "solar system" ], "word": "planetarysystem", "num_translations": 23 }, "classicalchinese": { "senses": [ "The written Chinese language used from the Zhou Dynasty , through to the end of the Han Dynasty In Chinese, \u53e4\u6587 or, formally, \u53e4\u5178\u6f22\u8a9e The language of many classics of Chinese literature", "The written Chinese language used from the Zhou Dynasty to the early 20th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Literary Chinese" ], "word": "ClassicalChinese", "num_translations": 25 }, "arcticraspberry": { "senses": [ "A species of slow-growing bramble belonging to the rose family and bearing a dark red, sweet fruit", "Rubus arcticus, native to arctic, subarctic, and alpine regions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pacific Northwest US" ], "word": "arcticraspberry", "num_translations": 15 }, "languageexchange": { "senses": [ "A method of language learning based on mutual practice by learning partners who speak different languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "language swap" ], "word": "languageexchange", "num_translations": 24 }, "ulyanovsk": { "senses": [ "oblast c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Simbirsk" ], "word": "Ulyanovsk", "num_translations": 38 }, "gorno-altaysk": { "senses": [ "capital city rep/Altai Republic c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gorno-Altaisk" ], "word": "Gorno-Altaysk", "num_translations": 18 }, "bookbag": { "senses": [ "A bag for holding books for school" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "backpack", "satchel" ], "word": "bookbag", "num_translations": 15 }, "castoreum": { "senses": [ "The bitter exudate of the castor sacs of mature beavers", "A hat made from beaver fur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "castor", "beaver" ], "word": "castoreum", "num_translations": 29 }, "postwoman": { "senses": [ "A female letter carrier, a woman who delivers mail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mailwoman" ], "word": "postwoman", "num_translations": 23 }, "blackwater": { "senses": [ "Water containing loam, tannins, etc, giving it a very dark appearance", "malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum", "Waste from domestic toilets", "water containing fecal matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brown water" ], "word": "blackwater", "num_translations": 15 }, "complication": { "senses": [ "The act or process of complicating", "The state of being complicated", "intricate or confused relation of parts", "complexity", "A person who doesn't fit in with the main scheme of things", "an interloper", "A disease or diseases, or adventitious circumstances or conditions, coexistent with and modifying a primary disease, but not necessarily connected with it", "A feature beyond basic time display in a timepiece" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "complication", "num_translations": 28 }, "bitterorange": { "senses": [ "A citrus tree of the species Citrus \u00d7aurantium, also called Citrus aurantium", "A citrus tree of the species Citrus limetta", "The fruit of these species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Seville orange" ], "word": "bitterorange", "num_translations": 44 }, "prograde": { "senses": [ "Moving in a forward direction, especially with respect to other bodies in the same system", "Being a metamorphic change resulting from a higher pressure or temperature" ], "antonyms": [ "retrograde" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "prograde", "num_translations": 11 }, "intelligenceagency": { "senses": [ "A governmental agency that is devoted to the information gathering for purposes of national security and defense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intelligence service" ], "word": "intelligenceagency", "num_translations": 27 }, "standingwave": { "senses": [ "A wave form which occurs in a limited, fixed medium in such a way that the reflected wave coincides with the produced wave A common example is the vibration of the strings on a musical stringed instrument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fixed wave", "stationary wave" ], "word": "standingwave", "num_translations": 11 }, "antifascism": { "senses": [ "Opposition to fascism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antifa" ], "word": "antifascism", "num_translations": 18 }, "arrestwarrant": { "senses": [ "An official document that authorizes law-enforcement officials to arrest a named person and to bring that individual before a court of law or other authority" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "capias" ], "word": "arrestwarrant", "num_translations": 30 }, "kirov1": { "senses": [ "oblast c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Vyatka" ], "word": "Kirov", "num_translations": 23 }, "lacrimalgland": { "senses": [ "Either of a pair of almond-shaped glands, one for each eye, that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tear gland" ], "word": "lacrimalgland", "num_translations": 12 }, "saluki": { "senses": [ "An ancient sighthound breed of dog with a silky coat originating in the Middle East, once sacred to the Egyptians" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gazelle Hound", "Persian Greyhound", "Royal Dog of Egypt" ], "word": "Saluki", "num_translations": 20 }, "buildingsite": { "senses": [ "The site, the place where a building is located, is currently under construction, or shall be constructed", "The site of a former structure, indicated by an assemblage of features, artifacts or debris, remote-sensing data, or historic records", "A messy, disorganized area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "construction site" ], "word": "buildingsite", "num_translations": 36 }, "caprid1": { "senses": [ "Any member of the subfamily Caprinae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goat antelope" ], "word": "caprid", "num_translations": 11 }, "setdown": { "senses": [ "To write", "To fix", "to establish", "to ordain", "To place, especially on the ground or a surface", "to cease carrying", "to deposit", "to allow passengers to alight", "To humiliate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drop off" ], "word": "setdown", "num_translations": 14 }, "italianism": { "senses": [ "A loanword from the Italian language", "A characteristic of Italy or the Italian people", "A tendency to assimilate or imitate the culture or customs of Italy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Italicism" ], "word": "Italianism", "num_translations": 14 }, "attentiondeficithyperactivitydisorder": { "senses": [ "A developmental disorder in which a person has a persistent pattern of impulsiveness and inattention, with or without a component of hyperactivity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ADHD", "hyperkinetic disorder" ], "word": "attentiondeficithyperactivitydisorder", "num_translations": 26 }, "blacklocust": { "senses": [ "A tree, Robinia pseudoacacia, in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae, native to the southeastern United States, but widely planted and naturalized elsewhere in temperate North America, Europe and Asia", "considered an invasive species in some areas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "false acacia" ], "word": "blacklocust", "num_translations": 27 }, "malthouse": { "senses": [ "A plant where malt is produced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maltery" ], "word": "malthouse", "num_translations": 11 }, "gac": { "senses": [ "The Southeast Asian fruit Momordica cochinchinensis, a reddish spiny gourd with high lycopene content" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Momordica cochinchinensis" ], "word": "gac", "num_translations": 15 }, "tormentil": { "senses": [ "A low-growing herb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shepherd's knot" ], "word": "tormentil", "num_translations": 11 }, "ottercivet": { "senses": [ "A semi-aquatic civet found in South-East Asis, taxonomic name Cynogale bennettii" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mampalon" ], "word": "ottercivet", "num_translations": 10 }, "asset-backed": { "senses": [ "Having assets as collateral" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collateralised" ], "word": "asset-backed", "num_translations": 13 }, "belltower": { "senses": [ "A tower in which a bell is hung", "a belfry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bellhouse" ], "word": "belltower", "num_translations": 40 }, "woodcudweed": { "senses": [ "A weedy plant, Gnaphalium sylvaticum, found in the north temperate zone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heath cudweed" ], "word": "woodcudweed", "num_translations": 14 }, "caucasianalbania": { "senses": [ "An ancient region and kingdom south of Caucasus mountains, east of Armenia and west of the Caspian Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aghvank", "Arran" ], "word": "CaucasianAlbania", "num_translations": 17 }, "asarule": { "senses": [ "In general", "most often" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by and large" ], "word": "asarule", "num_translations": 34 }, "wearthetrousers": { "senses": [ "Of a woman: to be the dominant partner in a relationship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rule the roost", "wear the breeches", "wear the pants" ], "word": "wearthetrousers", "num_translations": 18 }, "boost1": { "senses": [ "To lift or push from behind", "to push up", "To help or encourage to increase or improve", "to assist in overcoming obstacles", "To steal", "To jump-start a vehicle by using cables to connect the battery in a running vehicle to the battery in a vehicle that won't start", "To amplify" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "boost", "num_translations": 29 }, "bromance": { "senses": [ "A close but non-sexual relationship between men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brolationship", "man crush" ], "word": "bromance", "num_translations": 11 }, "dialogbox": { "senses": [ "A window that prompts the user to enter information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dialog" ], "word": "dialogbox", "num_translations": 12 }, "sofa-bed": { "senses": [ "A sofa that unfolds into a bed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "daybed" ], "word": "sofa-bed", "num_translations": 18 }, "vladikavkaz": { "senses": [ "a city, capital city of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ordzhonikidze" ], "word": "Vladikavkaz", "num_translations": 32 }, "tskhinvali": { "senses": [ "capital city c/South Ossetia", "city c/Georgia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cchinvali", "Cxinvali", "Tskhinval", "Chreba", "Staliniri", "Land of Hornbeams" ], "word": "Tskhinvali", "num_translations": 18 }, "doorknocker": { "senses": [ "A knocker mounted on a door" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knocker" ], "word": "doorknocker", "num_translations": 42 }, "jaeger": { "senses": [ "Any of three seabirds in the skua genus Stercorarius", "A hunter's guide", "A rifle", "A sharpshooter, a rifleman, light infantry", ": a robotic exoskeleton used in combat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "skua" ], "word": "jaeger", "num_translations": 13 }, "palletjack": { "senses": [ "A manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pallet truck", "pump truck" ], "word": "palletjack", "num_translations": 20 }, "batchfile": { "senses": [ "A file containing a series of instructions to be carried out by the operating system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shell script" ], "word": "batchfile", "num_translations": 16 }, "yoshkar-ola": { "senses": [ "The capital of Mari El Republic, Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tsaryovokokshaysk", "Krasnokokshaysk", "Charla" ], "word": "Yoshkar-Ola", "num_translations": 21 }, "springcleaning": { "senses": [ "A systematic cleaning of a residence at the end of winter", "A systematic cleaning, reorganization, or weeding out of a system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spring clean" ], "word": "springcleaning", "num_translations": 34 }, "nogai": { "senses": [ "A Turkic language spoken in the northern Caucasus region of southwestern Russia and in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nogay", "Nogai Tatar" ], "word": "Nogai", "num_translations": 21 }, "lithuaniaminor": { "senses": [ "An ethnographic region of Lithuania, located in the west of the country, south-west of Samogitia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Prussian Lithuania" ], "word": "LithuaniaMinor", "num_translations": 14 }, "afro-eurasia": { "senses": [ "A supercontinent that comprises Africa and Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Africa-Eurasia", "Eurafrasia", "Afrasia", "World Island" ], "word": "Afro-Eurasia", "num_translations": 18 }, "petropavlovsk-kamchatsky": { "senses": [ "A city in the far East of Russia, administrative centre of Kamchatka kray, also called Petropavlovsk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Petropavlovsk" ], "word": "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky", "num_translations": 29 }, "yuzhno-sakhalinsk": { "senses": [ "city/administrative centre obl/Sakhalin on isl:Suf/Sakhalin in the Far East of c/Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Vladimirovka", "Toyohara" ], "word": "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk", "num_translations": 30 }, "africanwildcat": { "senses": [ "Felis silvestris lybica, a subspecies of the wildcat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "desert cat", "desert cat" ], "word": "Africanwildcat", "num_translations": 12 }, "salekhard": { "senses": [ "A >, the > of > , >, located on the Arctic Circle and the >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Obdorsk", "Polnovat-Vozh" ], "word": "Salekhard", "num_translations": 24 }, "disorganizedschizophrenia": { "senses": [ "A form of schizophrenia marked by disorganized behavior and speech as well as inappropriate emotional responses or affect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hebephrenia", "hebephrenic schizophrenia" ], "word": "disorganizedschizophrenia", "num_translations": 14 }, "love-in-a-mist": { "senses": [ "Nigella damascena, an annual flowering plant of the genus Nigella, the blooms of which are generally blue in colour, though also found in shades of pink, white or pale purple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nigella" ], "word": "love-in-a-mist", "num_translations": 22 }, "nigella": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "love-in-a-mist", "black onion seed", "Nigella seed" ], "word": "nigella", "num_translations": 39 }, "yardlongbean": { "senses": [ "A vigorous climbing annual vine grown primarily for its strikingly long immature pods with uses very similar to that of a green bean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "long-podded cowpea", "asparagus bean", "snake bean", "Chinese long bean" ], "word": "yardlongbean", "num_translations": 13 }, "kaohsiung": { "senses": [ "The second largest city in Taiwan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Takau", "Takow", "Takao" ], "word": "Kaohsiung", "num_translations": 25 }, "extenuatingcircumstance": { "senses": [ "Any fact that mitigates or lessens a crime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "attenuating", "mitigating" ], "word": "extenuatingcircumstance", "num_translations": 12 }, "loseone'sshit": { "senses": [ "To lose one's temper", "To have a sudden burst of emotion, regardless of the type of feeling", "To break down in laughter" ], "antonyms": [ "hold it together" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "loseone'sshit", "num_translations": 20 }, "latchkeykid": { "senses": [ "A schoolchild who carries keys to his or her house because there is usually no parent home when school finishes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "latchkey child" ], "word": "latchkeykid", "num_translations": 10 }, "several": { "senses": [ "Separate, distinct", "particular", "A number of different", "various", "Consisting of a number more than two but not very many", "diverse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "several", "num_translations": 93 }, "crashbarrier": { "senses": [ "A barrier on the side of a road, to keep vehicles on the road" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "traffic barrier" ], "word": "crashbarrier", "num_translations": 12 }, "barbarylion": { "senses": [ "A subspecies of lion, Panthera leo leo, now extinct in the wild" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Atlas lion" ], "word": "Barbarylion", "num_translations": 19 }, "ethiopianwolf": { "senses": [ "An African wolf, Canis simensis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Abyssinian fox", "Abyssinian wolf", "red jackal", "Simien fox", "Simien jackal" ], "word": "Ethiopianwolf", "num_translations": 12 }, "northernhawkowl": { "senses": [ "A medium-sized owl native to boreal forests of North America and Eurasia", "Surnia ulula" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hawk owl" ], "word": "northernhawkowl", "num_translations": 12 }, "portuguesewaterdog": { "senses": [ "A water spaniel breed of gun dog originating in Portugal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Portie", "PWD" ], "word": "PortugueseWaterDog", "num_translations": 25 }, "waterdog": { "senses": [ "A retriever type of gun dog bred to flush and retrieve game from water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water spaniel" ], "word": "waterdog", "num_translations": 42 }, "basenji": { "senses": [ "A hunting dog of a particular African breed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "African Bush Dog", "African Barkless Dog", "African Dingo", "Ango Angari", "Avuvi", "Congo Dog", "Zande Dog", "Egyptian Dingo" ], "word": "Basenji", "num_translations": 15 }, "cub": { "senses": [ "A young fox", "The young of certain other animals, including the bear, wolf, lion and tiger", "A child, especially an awkward, rude, ill-mannered boy", "A young man who seeks relationships with older women, or \"cougars\"", "A stall for cattle", "A cupboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cub", "num_translations": 99 }, "southcaucasus": { "senses": [ "A mountainous region in the easternmost part of Europe, lying between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, comprising republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan Also known as Transcaucasus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Transcaucasia", "Transcaucasus" ], "word": "SouthCaucasus", "num_translations": 23 }, "hungarianhound": { "senses": [ "A breed of hunting dog originating in Hungary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Erd\u00e9lyi Kop\u00f3", "Transylvanian Bloodhound", "Transylvanian Hound" ], "word": "Hungarianhound", "num_translations": 22 }, "spanishwaterdog": { "senses": [ "A herding water dog originating in Spain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SWD" ], "word": "SpanishWaterDog", "num_translations": 23 }, "nagorno-karabakhrepublic": { "senses": [ "An unrecognized Armenian-populated republic located in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the South Caucasus, between Armenia and Azerbaijan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Artsakh Republic", "NKR" ], "word": "Nagorno-KarabakhRepublic", "num_translations": 24 }, "hohhot": { "senses": [ "capital city ar/Inner Mongolia in north-central c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Huhehaote", "Hu-ho-hao-t'e" ], "word": "Hohhot", "num_translations": 20 }, "exomoon": { "senses": [ "A moon that is outside the Solar System" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extrasolar", "exosolar" ], "word": "exomoon", "num_translations": 18 }, "gastroscopy": { "senses": [ "An examination of esophagus, stomach and duodenum using endoscope" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "esophagogastroduodenoscopy" ], "word": "gastroscopy", "num_translations": 17 }, "labialize": { "senses": [ "To round, make labial" ], "antonyms": [ "delabialize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "labialize", "num_translations": 12 }, "getmarried": { "senses": [ "To become married", "To become married" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "get hitched", "marry", "wed" ], "word": "getmarried", "num_translations": 85 }, "usamerican": { "senses": [ "An inhabitant or citizen of the United States of America, as opposed to others who might be called Americans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "United Statesian" ], "word": "USAmerican", "num_translations": 23 }, "atthetopofone'svoice": { "senses": [ "Of vocal sounds: very loudly", "as loudly as possible" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the top of one's lungs" ], "word": "atthetopofone'svoice", "num_translations": 13 }, "behindthetimes": { "senses": [ "Out of date", "old-fashioned", "obsolete", "outmoded", "outdated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antiquated" ], "word": "behindthetimes", "num_translations": 13 }, "changsha": { "senses": [ "prefecture-level city/provincial capital p/Hunan in south-central c/China", "former island in the Yangtze estuary in eastern c/China, now part of Chongming Island", "town district/Kaizhou direct-administered municipality/Chongqing c/China", "township county/Zongyang preflcity/Tongling p/Anhui c/China", "village town/Huangqi county/Lianjiang preflcity/Fuzhou p/Fujian c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Changsha", "num_translations": 16 }, "qinghai": { "senses": [ "province in northwestern c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Amdo", "Koko Nor" ], "word": "Qinghai", "num_translations": 19 }, "kodiakbear": { "senses": [ "A large species of brown bear, Ursus arctos middendorffi, found in throughout the Rocky Mountains and the northwest of North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kodiak" ], "word": "Kodiakbear", "num_translations": 49 }, "sunbear": { "senses": [ "A species of relatively small bears, Helarctos malayanus, found in Southeast Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "honey bear" ], "word": "sunbear", "num_translations": 24 }, "highsociety": { "senses": [ "The socially interacting wealthy fashionable elite of a society, especially in Western societies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "upper crust" ], "word": "highsociety", "num_translations": 12 }, "swineflu": { "senses": [ "Influenza caused by orthomyxoviruses, which pass from pigs to humans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pig flu" ], "word": "swineflu", "num_translations": 25 }, "pygmychimpanzee": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"bonobo\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dwarf chimpanzee" ], "word": "pygmychimpanzee", "num_translations": 11 }, "newari": { "senses": [ "A Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Nepal, India and Bhutan by the Newa people, and the only Tibeto-Burman language written in Devanagari script" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nepal Bhasa", "Newah Bhaye" ], "word": "Newari", "num_translations": 25 }, "proofbycontradiction": { "senses": [ "Proof of a statement adduced by deriving a contradiction from the statement's negation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apagoge", "reductio ad absurdum" ], "word": "proofbycontradiction", "num_translations": 11 }, "tosomeextent": { "senses": [ "Partly", "in part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to an extent", "somewhat" ], "word": "tosomeextent", "num_translations": 16 }, "accordingtoone'sunderstanding": { "senses": [ "As far as one can understand with the data and knowledge available at the moment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as one understands it", "by one's lights" ], "word": "accordingtoone'sunderstanding", "num_translations": 13 }, "inone'sopinion": { "senses": [ "According to one's subjectively formed thoughts, not necessarily having any formal basis in fact" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in one's book", "to one's way of thinking" ], "word": "inone'sopinion", "num_translations": 12 }, "lividity": { "senses": [ "The state or quality of being livid", "A livid area of skin, such as a bruise, or as is often found on cadavers", "Livor mortis, suggillation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lividness" ], "word": "lividity", "num_translations": 10 }, "slavoniangrebe": { "senses": [ "A freshwater grebe of Europe, Podiceps auritus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horned grebe" ], "word": "Slavoniangrebe", "num_translations": 14 }, "butterflyknife": { "senses": [ "A folding pocket knife with two handles counter-rotating around the tang such that, when closed, the blade is concealed within grooves in the handles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balisong", "Batangas knife" ], "word": "butterflyknife", "num_translations": 11 }, "littlegrebe": { "senses": [ "A small freshwater bird of Europe, Tachybaptus ruficollis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dabchick" ], "word": "littlegrebe", "num_translations": 16 }, "you'renevertoooldtolearn": { "senses": [ "It is possible to learn new things, at any age", "follow your desires and dreams" ], "antonyms": [ "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "you'renevertoooldtolearn", "num_translations": 12 }, "castrator": { "senses": [ "One who castrates" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gelder" ], "word": "castrator", "num_translations": 10 }, "strongsuit": { "senses": [ "A field in which, or task at which, one is quite capable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:forte" ], "word": "strongsuit", "num_translations": 11 }, "songthrush": { "senses": [ "A songbird in the thrush family, found across Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mavis" ], "word": "songthrush", "num_translations": 38 }, "terracottaarmy": { "senses": [ "A collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China, located in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Terracotta Warriors" ], "word": "TerracottaArmy", "num_translations": 11 }, "pollakiuria": { "senses": [ "Abnormally frequent passage of relatively small quantities of urine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frequent" ], "word": "pollakiuria", "num_translations": 11 }, "nativelanguage": { "senses": [ "One's first language, learned in early childhood", "The language of a Native or Aboriginal people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mother language" ], "word": "nativelanguage", "num_translations": 11 }, "onigiri": { "senses": [ "A rice ball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "omusubi" ], "word": "onigiri", "num_translations": 25 }, "adversity": { "senses": [ "The state of adverse conditions", "state of misfortune or calamity", "An event that is adverse", "calamity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nakba" ], "word": "adversity", "num_translations": 59 }, "retard": { "senses": [ "delay", "A slowing down of the tempo", "a ritardando", "An extremely stupid person, or one who is slow to learn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delay", "retarded", "idiot", "tard", "Thesaurus:fool" ], "word": "retard", "num_translations": 39 }, "retard1": { "senses": [ "To keep delaying", "to continue to hinder", "to prevent from progress", "To put off", "to postpone", "To be slow or dilatory to perform", "To decelerate", "to slow down", "To stay back" ], "antonyms": [ "accelerate", "come forward" ], "synonyms": [ "decelerate", "postpone", "reluctant", "decelerate", "hang back" ], "word": "retard", "num_translations": 18 }, "co-wife": { "senses": [ "In a polygamous marriage, another wife of a woman's husband" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "co-bride" ], "word": "co-wife", "num_translations": 25 }, "hoatzin": { "senses": [ "A bird, Opisthocomus hoazin, with claws on the wing fingers of the juvenile and an enlarged crop used as a rumen" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stinkbird" ], "word": "hoatzin", "num_translations": 46 }, "co-father-in-law": { "senses": [ "the father of one's son- or daughter-in-law", "that is, the father-in-law of one's son or daughter, or, the father of one spouse in relation to the parents of the other spouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "co-grandfather" ], "word": "co-father-in-law", "num_translations": 34 }, "co-mother-in-law": { "senses": [ "The mother of one's children-in-law", "that is, the mother-in-law of one's children, or, the mother of one spouse in relation to the parents of the other spouse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "co-grandmother" ], "word": "co-mother-in-law", "num_translations": 28 }, "co-brother-in-law": { "senses": [ "One's wife's sister's husband", "or more generally one's spouse's brother-in-law, the brother of one spouse in relation to the siblings of the other spouse", "One's brother-in-law or sister-in-law's brother", "that is, one's sibling's spouse's brother" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "co-brother", "co-uncle" ], "word": "co-brother-in-law", "num_translations": 22 }, "co-sister-in-law": { "senses": [ "One's husband's brother's wife", "or more generally one's spouse's sister-in-law, the wife of a brother in relation to the spouses of his siblings", "One's brother-in-law or sister-in-law's sister", "that is, one's sibling's spouse's sister" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "co-aunt" ], "word": "co-sister-in-law", "num_translations": 21 }, "crosstabulation": { "senses": [ "A presentation of data about categorical variable in a tabular form to aid in identifying a relationship between the variables" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "contingency table" ], "word": "crosstabulation", "num_translations": 11 }, "non-binary": { "senses": [ "Not binary", "Having or pertaining to a gender identity which is outside of the gender binary", "not exclusively male or female", "genderqueer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "genderqueer" ], "word": "non-binary", "num_translations": 30 }, "godwilling": { "senses": [ "Used to indicate acceptance of God's will when expressing an intention or hope", "Barring unforeseen circumstances" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lord willing, Deo volente, inshallah", "Lord willing and the creek don't rise", "gods willing" ], "word": "Godwilling", "num_translations": 49 }, "stockdove": { "senses": [ "A species of pigeon in the bird family Columbidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stock pigeon" ], "word": "stockdove", "num_translations": 39 }, "mingrelian": { "senses": [ "A Kartvelian language spoken in parts of Georgia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Megrelian" ], "word": "Mingrelian", "num_translations": 10 }, "inrelationto": { "senses": [ "concerning", "in reference to", "in comparison with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in terms of", "compared with" ], "word": "inrelationto", "num_translations": 21 }, "frontline": { "senses": [ "A front, or a boundary between opposing positions", "A site of a conflict, effort, or controversial matter of any kind", "The site of interaction with outsiders, such as customers", "A low level", "attack, collectively the attackers or forwards" ], "antonyms": [ "back line" ], "synonyms": [ "the trenches" ], "word": "frontline", "num_translations": 17 }, "cushaw": { "senses": [ "Any of certain cultivars of Cucurbita argyrosperma , one of the species of winter squash" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Japanese pie pumpkin", "pipian", "cushaw pumpkin", "cushaw squash", "winter crookneck squash" ], "word": "cushaw", "num_translations": 12 }, "belgradian1": { "senses": [ "Someone from Belgrade" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Belgrader" ], "word": "Belgradian", "num_translations": 12 }, "baghdadi1": { "senses": [ "Someone from Baghdad" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Baghdadian" ], "word": "Baghdadi", "num_translations": 14 }, "gobletdrum": { "senses": [ "A drum with a goblet-shaped body, usually one-headed", "A drum, shaped like a goblet, from the Middle East and North Africa", "a darbuka" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chalice drum" ], "word": "gobletdrum", "num_translations": 24 }, "enoughisenough": { "senses": [ "One should be satisfied", "nothing additional is required", "The limit of patience or tolerance has been reached" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "enough is too much" ], "word": "enoughisenough", "num_translations": 16 }, "keepone'scool": { "senses": [ "To remain composed, calm, and even-tempered, especially in a provocative situation" ], "antonyms": [ "blow one's cool", "lose one's cool" ], "synonyms": [ "keep a cool head", "have one's wits about one" ], "word": "keepone'scool", "num_translations": 10 }, "fingerring": { "senses": [ "A ring designed to be worn on a finger" ], "antonyms": [ "ankle ring", "neck ring", "nose ring", "toe ring" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "fingerring", "num_translations": 10 }, "sevruga": { "senses": [ "A type of sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus", "An expensive caviar made from its eggs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "starry sturgeon" ], "word": "sevruga", "num_translations": 11 }, "integrity": { "senses": [ "Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code", "The state of being wholesome", "unimpaired", "The quality or condition of being complete", "pure", "With regards to data encryption, ensuring that information is not altered by unauthorized persons in a way that is not detectable by authorized users", "The ability of a system to provide timely warnings to users when they should not be used for navigation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "decency", "goodness", "honesty", "probity", "purity", "rectitude", "sincerity", "unity", "uprightness", "virtue", "wholeness" ], "word": "integrity", "num_translations": 57 }, "bitingmidge": { "senses": [ "Any Ceratopogonidae, a family of small flies in the order Diptera" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "midgie" ], "word": "bitingmidge", "num_translations": 10 }, "withoutlossofgenerality": { "senses": [ "With a constraining assumption that, however, makes it clear how to apply the proof performed under this assumption to the general case unconstrained by the assumption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "w.l.o.g" ], "word": "withoutlossofgenerality", "num_translations": 11 }, "attheexpenseof": { "senses": [ "Paid for by an individual or group", "At one's responsibility", "In a way as to harm somebody or something", "to the detriment of", "Making somebody seem foolish following a joke aimed at them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "attheexpenseof", "num_translations": 20 }, "grainsofparadise": { "senses": [ "The seeds or seed capsules of the Aframomum melegueta, used as a medicine and spice, especially as a substitute for black pepper and in flavoring alcoholic beverages", "The Aframomum melegueta itself, a herbaceous perennial plant native to the swamps of the West African coast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "guinea grains", "Guinea pepper", "malagueta", "melegueta", "alligator pepper", "malagueta pepper", "cardamom" ], "word": "grainsofparadise", "num_translations": 17 }, "onthefaceofit": { "senses": [ "Seemingly", "to all appearances", "as far as can be seen or determined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at first glance" ], "word": "onthefaceofit", "num_translations": 11 }, "sublimeporte": { "senses": [ "The monumental portal at the Ottoman palace where the supreme tribunals were held", "became the surname of the first palace in Bursa, transferred to the even grander Topkapi palace after the capital's transfer to Istanbul", "A pars pro toto for the Ottoman sultanic court, hence for the imperial government, notably the vizierial divan and the entire empire" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Istanbul" ], "word": "SublimePorte", "num_translations": 10 }, "ifmyaunthadballs,she'dbemyuncle": { "senses": [ "It is fruitless to speculate about counterfactual situations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "if pigs had wings they would fly" ], "word": "ifmyaunthadballs,she'dbemyuncle", "num_translations": 20 }, "oneofthesedays": { "senses": [ "One day, some day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "someday" ], "word": "oneofthesedays", "num_translations": 14 }, "northossetia-alania": { "senses": [ "Formal name of North Ossetia, a federal subject of Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Alania" ], "word": "NorthOssetia-Alania", "num_translations": 17 }, "substanceabuse": { "senses": [ "An overindulgence in and dependence on a drug or other chemical" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drug abuse" ], "word": "substanceabuse", "num_translations": 16 }, "paralleluniverse": { "senses": [ "A universe that exists separately alongside another universe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parallel world" ], "word": "paralleluniverse", "num_translations": 13 }, "bearnaisesauce": { "senses": [ "A sauce made of clarified butter emulsified in egg yolks and white wine vinegar and flavored with herbs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "b\u00e9arnaise" ], "word": "bearnaisesauce", "num_translations": 10 }, "tobehonest": { "senses": [ "Frankly, honestly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "if I'm honest", "TBH" ], "word": "tobehonest", "num_translations": 28 }, "hellespont": { "senses": [ "The strait connecting the Sea of Marmara with the Aegean Sea to the west" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Dardanelles" ], "word": "Hellespont", "num_translations": 10 }, "dardanelles": { "senses": [ "The strait connecting the Sea of Marmara with the Aegean Sea to the west" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hellespont" ], "word": "Dardanelles", "num_translations": 30 }, "graupel": { "senses": [ "A precipitation that forms when supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake", "The result of this process, a small ball of rime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snow pellet", "snow pellets", "popcorn snow" ], "word": "graupel", "num_translations": 15 }, "smyrna": { "senses": [ "An > on the Aegean coast of western > founded in circa the 11th century BC on the site of the present-day Turkish city of \u0130zmir", "former settlement co/Kern County s/California", "town co/Kent County and co/New Castle County s/Delaware", "city co/Cobb County s/Georgia c/USA", "unincorporated community twp/Salt Creek Township co/Decatur County s/Indiana", "unincorporated community co/Jefferson County s/Indiana, also called Creswell", "neighborhood city/Louisville s/Kentucky", "small town co/Aroostook County s/Maine", "unincorporated community twp/Otisco Township co/Ionia County s/Michigan", "unincorporated community co/Nuckolls County s/Nebraska", "town/and/village co/Chenango County s/New York", "locality co/Carteret County s/North Carolina", "tiny town co/York County and co/Cherokee County s/South Carolina", "sizable town co/Rutherford County s/Tennessee", "unincorporated community co/Grant County s/Washington" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Smyrna", "num_translations": 26 }, "privatesector": { "senses": [ "All organizations in an economy or jurisdiction that are not controlled by government, including privately owned businesses and not-for-profit organizations" ], "antonyms": [ "public sector" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "privatesector", "num_translations": 10 }, "sabbatarian": { "senses": [ "A person who regards and keeps the seventh day of the week as holy in conformity with the fourth commandment of the Decalogue, such as an Orthodox Jew, Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh Day Baptist, a member of the Church of God", "a Sabbath-keeper, a Saturday-keeper", "A person who regards and keeps the first day of the week as holy and often considers it as a replacement for the seventh-day Sabbath, a Sunday-keeper", "A person who favors the strict observance of the Sabbath", "A member of a non-Jewish religious sect originating in Russia distinguished by observance of Jewish rites and festivals including Saturday as the day of rest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Sabbatarian", "num_translations": 24 }, "sabbath-day": { "senses": [ "The day of the Sabbath", "Saturday, the seventh day of the week" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Shabbat Day", "Shabbat day", "shabbat day", "Shabbath Day", "Shabbath day", "shabbath day", "Shabbos Day", "Shabbos day", "shabbos day" ], "word": "Sabbath-day", "num_translations": 25 }, "spottedredshank": { "senses": [ "Tringa erythropus, a species of wader" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spotshank" ], "word": "spottedredshank", "num_translations": 16 }, "cuffontheear": { "senses": [ "A box on the ear", "a painful smack on the side of the head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "slap in the face" ], "word": "cuffontheear", "num_translations": 10 }, "seaofmarmara": { "senses": [ "A deep inland sea in north-western Turkey connecting the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea via the straits of Bosphorus and Dardanelles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Marmara", "Propontis" ], "word": "SeaofMarmara", "num_translations": 23 }, "thismorning": { "senses": [ "The morning of today" ], "antonyms": [ "this evening" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "thismorning", "num_translations": 43 }, "publiclife": { "senses": [ "The aspects of social life which occur in public, in the open, as opposed to more private social interaction within families, private clubs, etc", "Politics, as in the profession of being a politician" ], "antonyms": [ "private life" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "publiclife", "num_translations": 15 }, "maytheforcebewithyou": { "senses": [ "Used to wish someone luck with a difficult endeavor" ], "antonyms": [ "may the Force be without you", "may the Force not be with you" ], "synonyms": [ "MTFBWY", "God be with you", "good luck", "lots of luck", "lotsa luck" ], "word": "maytheForcebewithyou", "num_translations": 73 }, "templemount": { "senses": [ "One of the hills in Jerusalem, where the Biblical king Solomon built his great temple, which the Roman emperor Vespasian's son and successor Titus levelled in 70 AD during a failed Jewish rebellion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Noble Sanctuary", "Haram al-Sharif" ], "word": "TempleMount", "num_translations": 10 }, "inplaceof": { "senses": [ "instead of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in lieu of", "instead of" ], "word": "inplaceof", "num_translations": 11 }, "armenianhighland": { "senses": [ "A plateau in the north of Western Asia, connecting the Lesser Caucasus with the Taurus Mountains Total area: about 400,000 km\u00b2 Average elevation: 1500 to 2000 metres, highest point: Mount Ararat The area lies mostly in eastern Turkey", "also includes the whole of modern Armenia, southern Georgia, western Azerbaijan, northwestern Iran, Nakhichevan and Nagorno-Karabakh" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Armenian Plateau", "Armenian Upland" ], "word": "ArmenianHighland", "num_translations": 16 }, "saltcod": { "senses": [ "cod that has been dried and salted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clipfish", "saltfish" ], "word": "saltcod", "num_translations": 38 }, "withregardto": { "senses": [ "Concerning", "about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "with respect to", "in regard to" ], "word": "withregardto", "num_translations": 26 }, "wirecutters": { "senses": [ "A hand tool resembling pliers, intended for cutting wires" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diagonal pliers", "diags", "side cutters" ], "word": "wirecutters", "num_translations": 12 }, "saintandrew'scross": { "senses": [ "A diagonal cross, the figure of a cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars", "The national flag of Scotland", "The plant Hypericum hypericoides", "An upright X-shaped frame to which a participant can be tied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "saltire", "crux decussata" ], "word": "SaintAndrew'scross", "num_translations": 44 }, "thirdtime'sacharm": { "senses": [ "One is sure to succeed at a task or event on the third try" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "third time lucky" ], "word": "thirdtime'sacharm", "num_translations": 26 }, "durres": { "senses": [ "An Adriatic port city in Albania, on the site of ancient Epidamnus", "A Catholic archiepiscopal see since 1300, which lost its metropolitan status and was merged into one archbishopric with the Albanian capital Tirana", "An Orthodox archbishopric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Durazzo", "Dyrrhachium" ], "word": "Durres", "num_translations": 56 }, "przewalski'shorse": { "senses": [ "A rare, endangered horse, Equus ferus przewalskii, native to the steppes of Central Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asian wild horse", "Dzungarian horse", "Mongolian wild horse", "takhi" ], "word": "Przewalski'shorse", "num_translations": 18 }, "jackalope": { "senses": [ "A folkloric animal, a supposed cross between a jackrabbit and an antelope, goat, or deer, usually portrayed as a rabbit with antlers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antelabbit", "stagbunny" ], "word": "jackalope", "num_translations": 11 }, "whangdoodle": { "senses": [ "A whimsical monster in folklore and children's fiction", "a bugbear", "Term of disparagement", "A ruling in which the opening stake limits are doubled for the next play after the appearance of a very good hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bogeyman" ], "word": "whangdoodle", "num_translations": 19 }, "amudarya": { "senses": [ "A major river in Central Asia flowing across the border of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan parallel to Syr Darya and into the Aral Sea Known in classical times as Oxus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Amu River", "Jayhoun" ], "word": "AmuDarya", "num_translations": 55 }, "passcode": { "senses": [ "A string of characters used for authentication on a digital device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "password" ], "word": "passcode", "num_translations": 11 }, "appellatecourt": { "senses": [ "A court having jurisdiction to hear appeals and review a lower court's decisions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appeals court" ], "word": "appellatecourt", "num_translations": 20 }, "alcohol-free": { "senses": [ "Containing no alcohol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonalcoholic" ], "word": "alcohol-free", "num_translations": 30 }, "saka1": { "senses": [ "town prefecture/Hiroshima c/Japan", "village county/Ida-Viru c/Estonia", "village r/Courland c/Latvia", "commune r/Oriental c/Morocco" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Saka", "num_translations": 13 }, "wintercoat": { "senses": [ "A warm coat, often an overcoat, fit to be worn in winter", "An animal's seasonal appearance in winter, notably thicker and/or otherwise camouflaged plumage or fur after moulting" ], "antonyms": [ "summer coat" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "wintercoat", "num_translations": 15 }, "kashgar": { "senses": [ "prefecture autonomous region/Xinjiang c/China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kashi" ], "word": "Kashgar", "num_translations": 33 }, "sujuk": { "senses": [ "A dry, spicy sausage eaten from the Balkans to the Middle East and Central Asia Consists of ground meat , with various spices including cumin, sumac, garlic, salt, and red pepper, fed into a sausage casing and allowed to dry for several weeks", "A sausage-shaped confection, made from walnuts sewn onto a string, and dipped in thickened grape must and dried" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "churchkhela" ], "word": "sujuk", "num_translations": 24 }, "barnacle": { "senses": [ "A marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia that attaches itself to submerged surfaces such as tidal rocks or the bottoms of ships", "In electrical engineering, a change made to a product on the manufacturing floor that was not part of the original product design", "On printed circuit boards, a change such as soldering a wire in order to connect two points, or addition such as an added resistor or capacitor, subassembly or daughterboard", "A deprecated or obsolete file, image or other artifact that remains with a project even though it is no longer needed", "An instrument like a pair of pincers, to fix on the nose of a vicious horse while shoeing so as to make it more tractable", "A pair of spectacles", "A good job, or snack easily obtained", "A worldly sailor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "barnacle", "num_translations": 46 }, "bodyofwater": { "senses": [ "Any significant accumulation of water, usually covering the Earth or another planet, such as a river, lake or a bay" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "waterbody", "water body" ], "word": "bodyofwater", "num_translations": 20 }, "apennines": { "senses": [ "A mountain range stretching 1,200 km from the north to the south of Italy along its east coast, traversing the entire Apennine Peninsula, and forming the backbone of the country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Apennine Mountains" ], "word": "Apennines", "num_translations": 29 }, "sugarbowl": { "senses": [ "A small receptacle for serving sugar on a table or on a tray", "The legal maxim that searches must be limited to areas which could reasonably contain evidence relevant to the purpose for which the search warrant was granted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sugar basin" ], "word": "sugarbowl", "num_translations": 21 }, "aleopardcannotchangeitsspots": { "senses": [ "One cannot change one's own nature" ], "antonyms": [ "once an Eagle, always an Eagle" ], "synonyms": [ "the wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature", "the fox may grow grey but never good" ], "word": "aleopardcannotchangeitsspots", "num_translations": 56 }, "keepsomeoneinthedark": { "senses": [ "To deliberately not tell someone details about something" ], "antonyms": [ "keep someone in the loop" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "keepsomeoneinthedark", "num_translations": 13 }, "oriental": { "senses": [ "Of a pearl or other precious stone: having a superior lustre", "Pertaining to the eastern part of the sky", "happening before sunrise", "Happening in the eastern part of a given place or location", "Pertaining to the regions east of the Mediterranean, beyond the Roman Empire or the early Christian world", "of the Near East, the Middle East or the Far East, now especially relating to East Asia", "Designating various types of aromatic tobacco grown in Turkey and the Balkans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Oriental", "num_translations": 24 }, "oriental1": { "senses": [ "A precious stone, especially an orient pearl", "A member or descendant of the peoples and cultures of the Orient", "A lily cultivar of a widely varied group, with strong scent", "A person from the eastern region of a place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:Asian" ], "word": "Oriental", "num_translations": 22 }, "zurna": { "senses": [ "A double-reed outdoor wind instrument, usually accompanied by a davul in Anatolian folk music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sorna", "shawm", "suona", "lettish horn" ], "word": "zurna", "num_translations": 27 }, "onychomycosis": { "senses": [ "Fungal infection of the nail, especially the toenail" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nail fungus", "ringworm", "tinea unguium" ], "word": "onychomycosis", "num_translations": 14 }, "warsawpact": { "senses": [ "A pact signed on May 14, 1955 in Warsaw by the Soviet Union and its Communist military allies in Europe", "The Warsaw Treaty Organization that was established by the above treaty", "a strategic alliance comparable and opposed to NATO" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Treaty of Friendship", "Cooperation and Mutual Assistance" ], "word": "WarsawPact", "num_translations": 19 }, "bearwitness": { "senses": [ "To deliver a testimony, especially as witness", "To prove, demonstrate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "testify" ], "word": "bearwitness", "num_translations": 18 }, "copernicium": { "senses": [ "The transuranic chemical element with atomic number 112" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eka-mercury", "ununbium" ], "word": "copernicium", "num_translations": 42 }, "loosechange": { "senses": [ "Coins of little value kept in one's pocket or bag", "A sum of money considered small or insignificant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "small change", "spare change", "shrapnel" ], "word": "loosechange", "num_translations": 26 }, "commonbuzzard": { "senses": [ "A bird of prey species, Buteo buteo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tourist's eagle" ], "word": "commonbuzzard", "num_translations": 11 }, "roughbreathing": { "senses": [ "The sound equivalent to an initial \"h\" before a vowel or an \"r\" in Ancient Greek", "The mark used to indicate the occurrence of the sound: \u1ffe" ], "antonyms": [ "smooth breathing" ], "synonyms": [ "spiritus asper" ], "word": "roughbreathing", "num_translations": 12 }, "allkiddingaside": { "senses": [ "Used to attempt to make a serious point in a jocular conversation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seriously" ], "word": "allkiddingaside", "num_translations": 24 }, "manyamicklemakesamuckle": { "senses": [ "A lot of small amounts, put together, become a large amount" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "every little helps", "take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves", "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", "little and often fills the purse" ], "word": "manyamicklemakesamuckle", "num_translations": 21 }, "wraparoundone'slittlefinger": { "senses": [ "To successfully control or exert influence over, especially for a sustained period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "play someone like a violin" ], "word": "wraparoundone'slittlefinger", "num_translations": 15 }, "shiftwork": { "senses": [ "Scheduled work outside of customary daylight working hours", "A mode of employment in which sets of workers are rotated to maintain a continuous 24/7 operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "three-shift work" ], "word": "shiftwork", "num_translations": 17 }, "longabsent,soonforgotten": { "senses": [ "Love fades away when people are distant and don't keep close physical contact" ], "antonyms": [ "absence makes the heart grow fonder" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "longabsent,soonforgotten", "num_translations": 14 }, "flatscreen1": { "senses": [ "A screen or device of this kind" ], "antonyms": [ "roundscreen", "roundscreen" ], "synonyms": [ "flatpanel" ], "word": "flatscreen", "num_translations": 10 }, "multipleinheritance": { "senses": [ "The ability to inherit from more than one superclass in a single subclass" ], "antonyms": [ "single inheritance" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "multipleinheritance", "num_translations": 11 }, "arshin": { "senses": [ "An obsolete Russian length unit, equal to 7112 centimeters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Russian cubit" ], "word": "arshin", "num_translations": 17 }, "chernozem": { "senses": [ "A fertile black soil containing a very high percentage of humus and high percentages of phosphoric acids, phosphorus and ammonia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black earth" ], "word": "chernozem", "num_translations": 29 }, "socialclass": { "senses": [ "A class of people, based on social power, wealth or another criterion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "social standing", "social status" ], "word": "socialclass", "num_translations": 16 }, "unitedkingdomofgreatbritain": { "senses": [ "the Kingdom of Great Britain", "United Kingdom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Great Britain", "United Kingdom" ], "word": "UnitedKingdomofGreatBritain", "num_translations": 57 }, "kitchenpaper": { "senses": [ "Paper towels intended for kitchen purposes such as absorbing spillages and wrapping sandwiches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kitchen towel", "paper towel" ], "word": "kitchenpaper", "num_translations": 10 }, "constructible": { "senses": [ "Of a land, suitable or allowable for constructing a building on", "Of a building or other thing, capable of being constructed", "That can be constructed in a plane using only a pair of compasses and a straightedge", "Such that the line segment joining it to the origin can be constructed using only a pair of compasses and a straightedge" ], "antonyms": [ "inconstructible", "destructible" ], "synonyms": [ "buildable" ], "word": "constructible", "num_translations": 14 }, "adjara": { "senses": [ "autonomous republic c/Georgia located in its southwestern corner, bordered by Turkey to the south and by the Black Sea to the west Predominantly populated by Muslim Georgians Capital: Batumi" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Autonomous Republic of Adjara" ], "word": "Adjara", "num_translations": 13 }, "makeaspectacleofoneself": { "senses": [ "To embarrass oneself or others in public" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make a fool of oneself" ], "word": "makeaspectacleofoneself", "num_translations": 17 }, "answerto": { "senses": [ "To be accountable or responsible to", "to account to", "to report to", "To justify oneself to", "To respond to", "to treat as one's own name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "answerto", "num_translations": 14 }, "blackcoal": { "senses": [ "high-quality coal", "coal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bituminous coal" ], "word": "blackcoal", "num_translations": 11 }, "conservatoire": { "senses": [ "A music academy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "college of music", "conservatory", "conservatory of music", "musical school", "music conservatory", "music school", "school of music" ], "word": "conservatoire", "num_translations": 25 }, "komatsuna": { "senses": [ "A leaf vegetable, a form of Brassica rapa, used in Japanese cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Japanese mustard spinach" ], "word": "komatsuna", "num_translations": 11 }, "ferroconcrete": { "senses": [ "A building material made from Portland cement concrete with a matrix of steel bars or wires to increase its tensile strength" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "reinforced concrete" ], "word": "ferroconcrete", "num_translations": 11 }, "fishmonger's": { "senses": [ "A shop that sells wet fish and seafood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fish shop" ], "word": "fishmonger's", "num_translations": 27 }, "that'sall": { "senses": [ "That is all I want to say There is no more to it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "is all", "that's it", "that's your lot" ], "word": "that'sall", "num_translations": 15 }, "sifu": { "senses": [ "A pair of Cantonese terms, homophones, used in English to mean \"master\" or \"teacher\" in the context of martial arts, especially kung fu and tai chi, also used to denote \"spiritual father\" in esoteric uses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sensei", "guru" ], "word": "sifu", "num_translations": 18 }, "oilpalm": { "senses": [ "Elaeis guineensis, the principal source of palm oil and palm kernel oil", "Any species of palm which can usefully produce palm oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "African oil palm", "macaw fat" ], "word": "oilpalm", "num_translations": 26 }, "musictheory": { "senses": [ "The field of study dealing with how music works, typically examining the language and notation of music, the patterns and structures in composers' techniques, and so on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "theory of music" ], "word": "musictheory", "num_translations": 24 }, "squirtingcucumber": { "senses": [ "The plant Ecballium elaterium, a member of the cucumber family" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "exploding cucumber" ], "word": "squirtingcucumber", "num_translations": 65 }, "itcan'tbehelped": { "senses": [ "It is inevitable There is no alternative" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "there's no getting around it" ], "word": "itcan'tbehelped", "num_translations": 42 }, "howdoyoupronouncethisword": { "senses": [ "Please say this word out loud so that I can learn how it is pronounced" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "how is this word pronounced" ], "word": "howdoyoupronouncethisword", "num_translations": 46 }, "oleaster": { "senses": [ "A plant in the family Elaeagnaceae," ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "silverberry" ], "word": "oleaster", "num_translations": 25 }, "augmentedreality": { "senses": [ "The merging of a view of the real-world environment upon a digital image in real time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "AR" ], "word": "augmentedreality", "num_translations": 14 }, "moocher": { "senses": [ "A person having a tendency to take advantage of the help of others, especially if making little effort to help themselves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:scrounger" ], "word": "moocher", "num_translations": 13 }, "guestworker": { "senses": [ "A person with temporary permission to work in another country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "migrant worker", "foreign worker", "gastarbeiter" ], "word": "guestworker", "num_translations": 46 }, "errandboy": { "senses": [ "A male employed to run errands", "Someone in a responsible position who performs relatively menial tasks for a senior manager" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cat's paw" ], "word": "errandboy", "num_translations": 18 }, "lookdownon": { "senses": [ "To regard or treat as inferior" ], "antonyms": [ "look up to" ], "synonyms": [ "look down one's nose" ], "word": "lookdownon", "num_translations": 40 }, "taiwanstrait": { "senses": [ "The strait dividing mainland China from Taiwan and connecting the East and South China Seas" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Black Ditch", "Formosa Strait", "Strait of Fokien", "Channel of Formosa" ], "word": "TaiwanStrait", "num_translations": 20 }, "bluecard": { "senses": [ "A proposed EU-wide work permit allowing high-skilled non-EU citizens to work and live in any country within the European Union, excluding Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom, which are not subject to the proposal", "An identity card issued with police approval, stating that the person is of suitable character to work near children and young adults", "An application for pursuing a certain merit badge, which must be signed by a Scout's unit leader and their merit badge counselor before pursuing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Blue European Labour Card" ], "word": "bluecard", "num_translations": 10 }, "ajourneyofathousandmilesbeginswithasinglestep": { "senses": [ "Even the longest and most difficult ventures have a starting point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves", "many a mickle makes a muckle", "every little helps", "little and often fills the purse" ], "word": "ajourneyofathousandmilesbeginswithasinglestep", "num_translations": 36 }, "hartebeest": { "senses": [ "A type of grassland antelope, Alcelaphus buselaphus, native to parts of Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kaama" ], "word": "hartebeest", "num_translations": 25 }, "hebron": { "senses": [ "city c/Palestine", "holy in both Judaism and Islam", "town s/Connecticut", "CDP s/Kentucky", "named for the city in Palestine", "town s/Indiana", "named for a local Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, itself named for the city in Palestine", "village s/Ohio", "town s/New York", "named for the town in Connecticut", "city/county seat co/Thayer County s/Nebraska", "named for the city in Palestine", "town s/Maine", "CDP county/Lebanon County s/Pennsylvania", "village s/Illinois", "town s/Wisconsin", "town s/Maryland", "named for the city in Palestine", "city s/North Dakota", "named for the city in Palestine", "town s/New Hampshire", "town s/Texas", "hamlet island/Anglesey c/Wales", "community p/New Brunswick", "community p/Nova Scotia", "community p/Prince Edward Island", "named for the city in Palestine", "unincorporated community s/Iowa", "named for the city in Palestine", "unincorporated community county/Douglas County s/Missouri", "named for the city in Palestine", "unincorporated community county/Potter County s/Pennsylvania", "named for the city in Palestine", "unincorporated community county/Marion County s/West Virginia", "named for a local church", "unincorporated community county/Pleasants County s/West Virginia", "named for the city in Palestine", "former settlement s/California", "ghost town county/Shelby County s/Missouri", "named for the city in Palestine", "ghost town s/Utah", "named for the city in Palestine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Hebron", "num_translations": 17 }, "sufficientuntothedayistheevilthereof": { "senses": [ "No need to worry about the future", "the present provides enough to worry about" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "never cross a bridge before you come to it" ], "word": "sufficientuntothedayistheevilthereof", "num_translations": 13 }, "openbook": { "senses": [ "Something of which salient aspects are obvious or easily interpreted", "A person who through naivete responds candidly to questions or openly displays their emotions or intentions", "An inside angle in the rock" ], "antonyms": [ "closed book" ], "synonyms": [ "emotionally:" ], "word": "openbook", "num_translations": 21 }, "epic": { "senses": [ "An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a deity, demigod , other legend or traditional hero", "In software development, a large or extended user story" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u00e9pop\u00e9e", "epos" ], "word": "epic", "num_translations": 47 }, "federalrepublicofgermany": { "senses": [ "The official name of a German-speaking country in Europe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "FRG" ], "word": "FederalRepublicofGermany", "num_translations": 69 }, "komsomolsk": { "senses": [ "city krai/Khabarovsk Krai c/Russia, on the Amur river", "town obl/Ivanovo c/Russia", "urban-type settlement obl/Kemerovo c/Russia", "rural locality krai/Khabarovsk Krai c/Russia", "The name of several other > in >", "city obl/Poltava c/Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Komsomolsk", "num_translations": 45 }, "papertowel": { "senses": [ "A sheet of absorbent paper, used for cleaning and food preparation, usually sold in and dispensed from rolls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kitchen paper" ], "word": "papertowel", "num_translations": 31 }, "commonlavender": { "senses": [ "The species Lavandula angustifolia or a plant of the species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English lavender", "Lavandula officinalis" ], "word": "commonlavender", "num_translations": 19 }, "eldercare": { "senses": [ "Care for elderly people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "aged care", "elderly care" ], "word": "eldercare", "num_translations": 19 }, "imbecile": { "senses": [ "A person with limited mental capacity who can perform tasks and think only like a young child, in medical circles meaning a person who lacks the capacity to develop beyond the mental age of a normal five to seven-year-old child", "A fool, an idiot" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:idiot" ], "word": "imbecile", "num_translations": 55 }, "dither": { "senses": [ "To tremble, shake, or shiver with cold", "To be uncertain or unable to make a decision about doing something", "To do something nervously", "To render an approximation of by using dot patterns to approximate colors not in the system palette", "To intentionally add noise to a signal to randomize errors" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "dither", "num_translations": 16 }, "intempestivity": { "senses": [ "Unseasonability", "untimeliness" ], "antonyms": [ "tempestivity" ], "synonyms": [ "unseasonableness" ], "word": "intempestivity", "num_translations": 12 }, "camelspider": { "senses": [ "Any arachnid belonging to the order Solifugae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red roman", "solifuge", "solifugid", "sun spider", "wind scorpion", "jerrymander", "jerrymunglum" ], "word": "camelspider", "num_translations": 16 }, "nonfree": { "senses": [ "Not free, not free of charge, that costs money, that must be paid for, that must be purchased", "paid", "pay", "cash", "With copyright restrictions that prevent unrestricted distribution or reuse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "nonfree", "num_translations": 25 }, "atallcosts": { "senses": [ "Absolutely imperative", "sparing no effort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "by any means", "no matter what" ], "word": "atallcosts", "num_translations": 49 }, "ankylosingspondylitis": { "senses": [ "A particular arthritis disease that affects usually the joints between vertebrae and the sacroiliac joint" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bekhterev's disease", "Marie-Str\u00fcmpell disease" ], "word": "ankylosingspondylitis", "num_translations": 11 }, "candyapple": { "senses": [ "An apple with a hard sugar candy coating" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toffee apple" ], "word": "candyapple", "num_translations": 15 }, "integraldomain": { "senses": [ "Any nonzero commutative ring in which the product of nonzero elements is nonzero" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "entire ring" ], "word": "integraldomain", "num_translations": 10 }, "limbate": { "senses": [ "Having a distinct edge, especially one of a different colour", "bordered" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bordered" ], "word": "limbate", "num_translations": 13 }, "whitepoplar": { "senses": [ "Populus alba, a poplar found in Central Europe, Morocco and central Asia", "bigtooth aspen, Populus grandidentata", "American aspen, Populus tremuloides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "abele" ], "word": "whitepoplar", "num_translations": 26 }, "soupup": { "senses": [ "To modify the engine of to give a higher performance than the specifications" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tune up" ], "word": "soupup", "num_translations": 10 }, "littlegirl": { "senses": [ "A female child, especially one younger than ten years of age", "A weak-willed person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "young girl", "mollusc" ], "word": "littlegirl", "num_translations": 59 }, "onthestreet": { "senses": [ "Without a home", "without the means to afford good shelter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "homeless", "unhoused", "unsheltered" ], "word": "onthestreet", "num_translations": 17 }, "four-wheeldrive": { "senses": [ "A four-wheeled vehicle with a drivetrain that allows all four wheels to receive torque from the engine simultaneously", "the type of vehicle transmission system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "4WD" ], "word": "four-wheeldrive", "num_translations": 33 }, "pearlmillet": { "senses": [ "A widely grown type of millet, Pennisetum glaucum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bulrush millet" ], "word": "pearlmillet", "num_translations": 10 }, "prosomillet": { "senses": [ "Panicum miliaceum, a grass species used as a crop" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "broomcorn millet" ], "word": "prosomillet", "num_translations": 15 }, "sweepsomethingundertherug": { "senses": [ "To conceal a problem expediently, rather than remedy it thoroughly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweep something under the carpet", "rug sweep" ], "word": "sweepsomethingundertherug", "num_translations": 17 }, "andthelike": { "senses": [ "And other similar items", "et cetera" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "and alike", "and so on" ], "word": "andthelike", "num_translations": 13 }, "x-rayradiation": { "senses": [ "electromagnetic radiation consisting of X-rays, radiation in the X-ray spectrum, of shorter wavelength and higher frequency than ultraviolet and longer wavelength and lower frequency than gamma rays" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "X-radiation" ], "word": "X-rayradiation", "num_translations": 10 }, "costtheearth": { "senses": [ "To be a huge expense" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cost a fortune", "cost a king's ransom", "cost an arm and a leg", "cost a pretty penny" ], "word": "costtheearth", "num_translations": 12 }, "carpathians": { "senses": [ "A large mountainous system in Central Europe, mainly in Transylvania and the Polish -Slovak border region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Carpathian Mountains" ], "word": "Carpathians", "num_translations": 30 }, "dotmatrixprinter": { "senses": [ "A type of printer that prints characters using an array of small wires that produce an array of dots when striking the paper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "impact matrix printer" ], "word": "dotmatrixprinter", "num_translations": 15 }, "consumergood": { "senses": [ "Goods that consumers or end-users buy", "contrast with goods that are sold to businesses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consumption goods" ], "word": "consumergood", "num_translations": 12 }, "officebuilding": { "senses": [ "A commercial building containing spaces for offices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "office block" ], "word": "officebuilding", "num_translations": 10 }, "greatskua": { "senses": [ "A large seabird, Stercorarius skua" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bonxie" ], "word": "greatskua", "num_translations": 22 }, "epicanthus": { "senses": [ "A skin fold of the upper eyelid, typical of East Asians" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epicanthal fold", "epicanthic fold", "Mongoloid fold" ], "word": "epicanthus", "num_translations": 38 }, "birdcherry": { "senses": [ "A cherry tree, Prunus padus, native to northern Eurasia", "Any of several species of cherry trees sometimes grouped in the subgenus Prunus subg Padus or section Prunus sect Laurocerasus of Prunus subg Cerasus", "A berry produced by these trees", "Sweet cherry, Prunus avium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hackberry" ], "word": "birdcherry", "num_translations": 94 }, "kingoystermushroom": { "senses": [ "An edible mushroom, Pleurotus eryngii" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boletus of the steppes", "king Brown mushroom", "king trumpet mushroom" ], "word": "kingoystermushroom", "num_translations": 13 }, "oppositesex": { "senses": [ "Women in relation to men or men in relation to women" ], "antonyms": [ "same sex" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "oppositesex", "num_translations": 30 }, "foronce": { "senses": [ "For the first time, after many instances to the contrary", "in a rare exception to the rule", "as an exception to the usual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for a change" ], "word": "foronce", "num_translations": 10 }, "forachange": { "senses": [ "As a departure from the usual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for once" ], "word": "forachange", "num_translations": 11 }, "particlephysics": { "senses": [ "A branch of physics that studies the elementary constituents of matter and radiation, and the interactions between them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "high energy physics" ], "word": "particlephysics", "num_translations": 48 }, "incurability": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being incurable\u2014not being able to be cured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "incurableness" ], "word": "incurability", "num_translations": 10 }, "allthingsconsidered": { "senses": [ "Generally speaking", "in terms of the big picture", "Despite possible indications to the contrary", "Within the constraints of the situation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all in all", "by and large", "for the most part", "in the main", "on the whole", "Thesaurus:mostly", "Thesaurus:generally", "actually", "nevertheless" ], "word": "allthingsconsidered", "num_translations": 16 }, "bullroarer": { "senses": [ "An ancient ritual musical instrument and means of communicating over extended distances, consisting of a slat of wood tied to the end of a thong or string, with which the slat is whirled so as to cause an intermittent roaring noise" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rhombus" ], "word": "bullroarer", "num_translations": 17 }, "labradorretriever": { "senses": [ "A dog of a medium to large breed, popular as guide dogs and in other service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lab", "labrador" ], "word": "Labradorretriever", "num_translations": 13 }, "runamok": { "senses": [ "To go on a rampage", "to be in an uncontrollable rage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go postal" ], "word": "runamok", "num_translations": 19 }, "diatomaceousearth": { "senses": [ "A light soil consisting of siliceous diatom remains and often used as a filtering material or microabrasive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "diatomite" ], "word": "diatomaceousearth", "num_translations": 21 }, "cherrytomato": { "senses": [ "A type of small tomato" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cherry tom" ], "word": "cherrytomato", "num_translations": 17 }, "opticchiasm": { "senses": [ "The part of the brain where the optic nerves partially cross" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "optic chiasma" ], "word": "opticchiasm", "num_translations": 18 }, "norwayspruce": { "senses": [ "A species of spruce native to Europe and naturalized in temperate northeastern North America, Picea abies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "European spruce" ], "word": "Norwayspruce", "num_translations": 13 }, "bandedmongoose": { "senses": [ "A mongoose of the species Mungos mungo, commonly found in the central and eastern parts of Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "zebra mongoose" ], "word": "bandedmongoose", "num_translations": 10 }, "sidewalkcafe": { "senses": [ "an outdoor portion of a restaurant, coffeehouse or cafe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cafe terrace", "patio", "pavement cafe" ], "word": "sidewalkcafe", "num_translations": 13 }, "foronething": { "senses": [ "Used to introduce the first item in a possible sequence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "for a start" ], "word": "foronething", "num_translations": 16 }, "bathsheba": { "senses": [ "In the Old Testament, the wife of Uriah and later of David", "female given name of biblical origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bathshua" ], "word": "Bathsheba", "num_translations": 27 }, "uriah": { "senses": [ "Any of a number of Old Testament men, including the husband of Bathsheba whom David sent to death", "male given name of Biblical origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Urias" ], "word": "Uriah", "num_translations": 23 }, "argali": { "senses": [ "Ovis ammon, the largest wild sheep, which roams the highlands of Central Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mountain sheep" ], "word": "argali", "num_translations": 17 }, "letloose": { "senses": [ "To free", "to release from restraint", "To shout, make a loud sound, or perform a sudden, vehement action", "to behave in a raucous, frenzied manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loose", "explode" ], "word": "letloose", "num_translations": 18 }, "chastetree": { "senses": [ "A shrub native to the Mediterranean region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "agnus castus" ], "word": "chastetree", "num_translations": 35 }, "coatrack": { "senses": [ "A rack or stand with hooks or pegs for holding hats and coats, often placed near an entrance for temporary use" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coatstand" ], "word": "coatrack", "num_translations": 18 }, "sourcetext": { "senses": [ "The original text from which a translation is done into another language, often abbreviated as ST" ], "antonyms": [ "target text" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sourcetext", "num_translations": 13 }, "targettext": { "senses": [ "The finished product of a translated text, often abbreviated as TT" ], "antonyms": [ "source text" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "targettext", "num_translations": 10 }, "translationstudies": { "senses": [ "The study of the theory and practice of translating and interpreting, especially in an academic context, combining elements of social science and the humanities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "traductology", "translatology" ], "word": "translationstudies", "num_translations": 50 }, "theshoemaker'schildrengobarefoot": { "senses": [ "One often neglects those closest to oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "the cobbler's children are the worst shod" ], "word": "theshoemaker'schildrengobarefoot", "num_translations": 28 }, "worksomeone'sassoff": { "senses": [ "To cause a person to work excessively or to the point of exhaustion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "work someone's butt off" ], "word": "worksomeone'sassoff", "num_translations": 10 }, "thatshiphassailed": { "senses": [ "That opportunity has already passed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "that train has left the station" ], "word": "thatshiphassailed", "num_translations": 12 }, "bittermelon": { "senses": [ "A vine, Momordica charantia, which produces a bitter, though when properly prepared edible, fruit", "A similar fruit-bearing vine, Citrullus lanatus Citroides Group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "balsam pear" ], "word": "bittermelon", "num_translations": 77 }, "fireweed": { "senses": [ "A perennial herbaceous plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rosebay willowherb" ], "word": "fireweed", "num_translations": 10 }, "discountstore": { "senses": [ "A type of department store which sell products at prices lower than those asked by other department stores" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "discount department store" ], "word": "discountstore", "num_translations": 12 }, "huaqiao": { "senses": [ "A person or people of Chinese ethnicity, living in a non-Chinese country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "overseas Chinese" ], "word": "Huaqiao", "num_translations": 18 }, "clownaround": { "senses": [ "To have fun in an irresponsible manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "act out" ], "word": "clownaround", "num_translations": 11 }, "schwannoma": { "senses": [ "A benign nerve sheath tumour composed of Schwann cells" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neurinoma", "neurolemmoma" ], "word": "schwannoma", "num_translations": 12 }, "baozi": { "senses": [ "A Chinese steamed stuffed bun" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bao" ], "word": "baozi", "num_translations": 23 }, "headsail": { "senses": [ "Any sail set forward of the foremost mast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foresail" ], "word": "headsail", "num_translations": 14 }, "asscheek": { "senses": [ "A buttock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "buttcheek" ], "word": "asscheek", "num_translations": 12 }, "marryme": { "senses": [ "the shortest form of marriage proposal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "will you marry me?" ], "word": "marryme", "num_translations": 28 }, "women'sstudies": { "senses": [ "The academic field which examines topics concerning women, feminism, and the relationship of gender and politics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "feminology" ], "word": "women'sstudies", "num_translations": 12 }, "setinmotion": { "senses": [ "To trigger movement or progress", "to get going" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "put in motion" ], "word": "setinmotion", "num_translations": 12 }, "inthenameof": { "senses": [ "With appeal to", "often used to introduce oaths", "By the authority of", "Under the name or possession of", "Under the designation or excuse of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inthenameof", "num_translations": 43 }, "lovehotel": { "senses": [ "A short-stay hotel found in Japan and elsewhere, operated primarily for the purpose of allowing lovers privacy to have sexual intercourse" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:love hotel" ], "word": "lovehotel", "num_translations": 26 }, "halfnephew": { "senses": [ "son of one's half brother or half sister" ], "antonyms": [ "half niece", "half aunt" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "halfnephew", "num_translations": 10 }, "believeitornot": { "senses": [ "You may not believe this, but it is true" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "believe or not", "surprisingly" ], "word": "believeitornot", "num_translations": 14 }, "greengrocer's": { "senses": [ "A shop where fresh fruit and vegetables are sold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "produce store", "greengrocery" ], "word": "greengrocer's", "num_translations": 17 }, "jambul": { "senses": [ "An evergreen tropical tree, Syzygium cumini", "The plum-like fruit of this tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jambolan", "Java plum", "black plum", "jamun" ], "word": "jambul", "num_translations": 27 }, "psychologicalwarfare": { "senses": [ "The use of various techniques to demoralize or intimidate someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "war of nerves" ], "word": "psychologicalwarfare", "num_translations": 10 }, "chuchotage": { "senses": [ "The interpretation or translation of speech in a whisper to a single person in proximity to other people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whisper" ], "word": "chuchotage", "num_translations": 16 }, "right-handed1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "left-handed", "lefthanded" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "right-handed", "num_translations": 26 }, "adjustablespanner": { "senses": [ "An adjustable hand tool for tightening and loosening nuts and bolts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "adjustable wrench", "Crescent wrench", "crescent wrench", "crescent spanner" ], "word": "adjustablespanner", "num_translations": 25 }, "varanasi": { "senses": [ "large city s/Uttar Pradesh c/India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Banaras", "Benares" ], "word": "Varanasi", "num_translations": 21 }, "tetchily": { "senses": [ "In an annoyed or irritated manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "irascibly" ], "word": "tetchily", "num_translations": 10 }, "lowchen": { "senses": [ "An uncommon bichon bred in North-Western Europe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Little Lion Dog" ], "word": "Lowchen", "num_translations": 20 }, "basqueshepherddog": { "senses": [ "A herding dog bred in the Basque regions of Northern Spain and Southern France" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Basque Sheepdog", "Basque Shepherd", "Euskal Artzain Txakurra" ], "word": "BasqueShepherdDog", "num_translations": 13 }, "makeuse": { "senses": [ "To use, usually productively and/or for a specific purpose", "To help oneself" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "employ" ], "word": "makeuse", "num_translations": 12 }, "bangaway": { "senses": [ "to strike or hit repeatedly", "to work tirelessly", "to constantly and irritatingly talk" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bang on" ], "word": "bangaway", "num_translations": 12 }, "croatiansheepdog": { "senses": [ "A herding dog bred in Croatia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Croatian Shepherd", "Croatian Shepherd Dog" ], "word": "CroatianSheepdog", "num_translations": 22 }, "icelandicsheepdog": { "senses": [ "A spitz herding dog bred in Iceland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Icelandic Spitz" ], "word": "IcelandicSheepdog", "num_translations": 31 }, "beauceron": { "senses": [ "A large dog bred in Northern France for herding and guarding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bas Rouge", "Beauce Shepherd", "Berger de Beauce", "French Shorthaired Shepherd" ], "word": "Beauceron", "num_translations": 13 }, "financialcrisis": { "senses": [ "A period of serious economic slowdown characterised by devaluing of financial institutions often due to reckless and unsustainable money lending" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "economic crisis" ], "word": "financialcrisis", "num_translations": 17 }, "payot": { "senses": [ "curly sideburns worn by Jewish men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "payess" ], "word": "payot", "num_translations": 10 }, "nidify": { "senses": [ "To make a nest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nidificate" ], "word": "nidify", "num_translations": 12 }, "beehummingbird": { "senses": [ "A species of hummingbird, Mellisuga helenae, native to Cuba, noted for being the smallest living bird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Calypte helenae" ], "word": "beehummingbird", "num_translations": 10 }, "uttarakhand": { "senses": [ "state in northern c/India with Dehradun as its interim capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Uttaranchal", "Devbhumi" ], "word": "Uttarakhand", "num_translations": 29 }, "chinesecresteddog": { "senses": [ "A toy dog that resembles a long-snouted Chihuahua with tufts of hair about the head and ears, tail and feet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese Crested" ], "word": "ChineseCrestedDog", "num_translations": 23 }, "bendover": { "senses": [ "To bend one's upper body forward and down while standing or kneeling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stoop" ], "word": "bendover", "num_translations": 17 }, "liquidcrystaldisplay": { "senses": [ "A display device that uses liquid crystals to control luminance of each pixel or pattern" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LCD" ], "word": "liquidcrystaldisplay", "num_translations": 10 }, "proto-norse": { "senses": [ "An Indo-European language spoken in Scandinavia that is thought to have evolved from Proto-Germanic over the first centuries AD" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ancient Nordic", "Old Scandinavian", "Primitive Norse", "Proto-Nordic", "Proto-North Germanic", "Proto-Scandinavian" ], "word": "Proto-Norse", "num_translations": 11 }, "theroadtohellispavedwithgoodintentions": { "senses": [ "Well-intended acts can lead to disasters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works" ], "word": "theroadtohellispavedwithgoodintentions", "num_translations": 41 }, "kashida": { "senses": [ "A type of justification used in some cursive scripts, particularly -Arabic, where characters are elongated rather than separated by spaces", "A character representing this elongation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tatweel" ], "word": "kashida", "num_translations": 10 }, "belgiansheepdog": { "senses": [ "One of four variants of sheep herding dog bred in Belgium", "The Groenendael variant of the above" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Belgian Shepherd Dog", "Belgian Groenendael" ], "word": "BelgianSheepdog", "num_translations": 31 }, "dressedup": { "senses": [ "Wearing formal clothes", "Wearing a costume" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "endimanched" ], "word": "dressedup", "num_translations": 10 }, "givesomeonetheshits": { "senses": [ "To annoy or frustrate someone to a great degree", "To creep someone out", "to scare someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piss off", "creep someone out" ], "word": "givesomeonetheshits", "num_translations": 19 }, "circumcircle": { "senses": [ "A circle that passes through every vertex of a given triangle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "circumscribed circle" ], "word": "circumcircle", "num_translations": 17 }, "afternoontea": { "senses": [ "A formal afternoon meal comprising light snacks, accompanied by tea", "A small meal or snack eaten between lunch and dinner", "a period of time set aside for this purpose, taken as a break from work or from a conference" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tea" ], "word": "afternoontea", "num_translations": 18 }, "northernthai": { "senses": [ "The language spoken in the northern region of Thailand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lanna" ], "word": "NorthernThai", "num_translations": 14 }, "eveningdress": { "senses": [ "An elegant dress worn by women, especially for social events in the evening, an evening gown", "formal attire worn for evening social events" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "evening gown" ], "word": "eveningdress", "num_translations": 11 }, "exercisebicycle": { "senses": [ "a stationary exercise machine with pedals, saddle, handlebars arranged like a bicycle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cycloergometer", "exercise bike", "exercycle", "spin bike", "stationary bicycle" ], "word": "exercisebicycle", "num_translations": 21 }, "gotobedwith": { "senses": [ "To have sex with someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lie with" ], "word": "gotobedwith", "num_translations": 14 }, "translatability": { "senses": [ "The quality or property of being translatable", "ability to be translated" ], "antonyms": [ "intranslatability", "untranslatability", "untranslatableness" ], "synonyms": [ "translatableness" ], "word": "translatability", "num_translations": 12 }, "kopiluwak": { "senses": [ "Coffee made from the beans of coffee berries eaten, digested and defecated by civets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "civet coffee" ], "word": "kopiluwak", "num_translations": 23 }, "undernocircumstances": { "senses": [ "never ever, not for any reason" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "on no account" ], "word": "undernocircumstances", "num_translations": 13 }, "makeaface": { "senses": [ "To make a facial expression, often for humor, as a taunt, or to indicate distaste" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pull a face" ], "word": "makeaface", "num_translations": 12 }, "privatelaw": { "senses": [ "The area of law pertaining to the relationships between private persons , as opposed to relations between the state and private persons" ], "antonyms": [ "public law" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "privatelaw", "num_translations": 11 }, "foldingknife": { "senses": [ "A kind of knife whose blade or blades can be folded inside the handle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pocketknife" ], "word": "foldingknife", "num_translations": 11 }, "doubleact": { "senses": [ "A comic pairing in which humor is derived from the uneven relationship between two partners, usually of the same gender, age, ethnic origin and profession, but often with drastically different personalities or behavior, maybe with a stooge or straight man", "Two objects, senses, etc working as one" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "comedy duo" ], "word": "doubleact", "num_translations": 13 }, "videinfra": { "senses": [ "see below" ], "antonyms": [ "vide supra" ], "synonyms": [ "v.i" ], "word": "videinfra", "num_translations": 12 }, "eyebright": { "senses": [ "Any of the flowering plants of the genus Euphrasia, originally as used to treat eye infections" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "euphrasy" ], "word": "eyebright", "num_translations": 13 }, "asfor": { "senses": [ "Regarding", "about", "concerning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "about" ], "word": "asfor", "num_translations": 26 }, "egg-shaped": { "senses": [ "Having the shape of an egg" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ovate", "oviform", "ovoid" ], "word": "egg-shaped", "num_translations": 23 }, "allahabad": { "senses": [ "large city s/Uttar Pradesh c/India" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Prayag" ], "word": "Allahabad", "num_translations": 21 }, "sterilizable": { "senses": [ "Able to be sterilized", "able to go through sterilization" ], "antonyms": [ "unsterilizable" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sterilizable", "num_translations": 18 }, "gohome": { "senses": [ "To die", "To be eliminated in a competition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pass away" ], "word": "gohome", "num_translations": 14 }, "topolect": { "senses": [ "The speech form, variety of a particular place or region", "A regional variety of Chinese", "especially a lect other than Standard Mandarin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fangyan" ], "word": "topolect", "num_translations": 10 }, "courtjester": { "senses": [ "A person in colorful garb and fool's cap who amused a medieval and early modern royal or noble court" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jester", "joker" ], "word": "courtjester", "num_translations": 52 }, "willy-nilly": { "senses": [ "Whether desired or not", "Without regard for consequences or the will of those affected", "Seemingly at random, haphazardly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nolens volens" ], "word": "willy-nilly", "num_translations": 60 }, "paschallamb": { "senses": [ "The lamb eaten at Passover", "Jesus Christ symbolized as a sacrifice", "A lamb depicted with nimbus and bearing a flag" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Agnus Dei", "Holy Lamb" ], "word": "PaschalLamb", "num_translations": 42 }, "kicksled": { "senses": [ "A type of small sled consisting of a handlebar mounted on a pair of flexible metal runners The driver stands on the runners and kicks the sled forward with one foot In front of the handlebar there's often a seat for a passenger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spark" ], "word": "kicksled", "num_translations": 17 }, "vaseline": { "senses": [ "Petroleum jelly", "Any particular kind of petroleum jelly or of any similar lubricant", "A greenish-yellow coloured glass, or the colouring used in the manufacture of this glass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "E905b" ], "word": "vaseline", "num_translations": 17 }, "eaudetoilette": { "senses": [ "A lightly scented perfume to freshen the skin, usually applied directly to the skin after bathing or shaving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toilet water" ], "word": "eaudetoilette", "num_translations": 31 }, "expresstrain": { "senses": [ "A train making limited stops" ], "antonyms": [ "local train" ], "synonyms": [ "crack train", "fast train", "limited" ], "word": "expresstrain", "num_translations": 28 }, "mandopop": { "senses": [ "Mandarin popular music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "M-pop", "Mandarin pop", "Mando" ], "word": "Mandopop", "num_translations": 20 }, "whatapity": { "senses": [ "Used to express regret or disappointment about an unfortunate event or piece of information" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "what a shame" ], "word": "whatapity", "num_translations": 44 }, "oldportuguese": { "senses": [ "A language spoken in western Iberia during the High Middle Ages, the ancestor of modern Portuguese and Galician" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Galician-Portuguese", "Medieval Galician" ], "word": "OldPortuguese", "num_translations": 13 }, "intermsof": { "senses": [ "of one variable or unit of measurement x which has a known relationship to another y Using equivalent expressions in y in place of expressions in x", "mapping x to y", "in relation to a particular aspect", "with respect to", "as regards", "concerning", "regarding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apropos" ], "word": "intermsof", "num_translations": 20 }, "mungbean": { "senses": [ "The seed of Vigna radiata, native to Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mung" ], "word": "mungbean", "num_translations": 67 }, "letbe": { "senses": [ "To not disturb or meddle with", "to leave alone", "To stop, to stop doing something", "to leave off", "Used to assign a value to a symbol" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "letbe", "num_translations": 18 }, "sassanian": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to the Sassanid Dynasty who ruled Persia during 224-651 CE", "Of or pertaining to the empire ruled by that dynasty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sassanid" ], "word": "Sassanian", "num_translations": 10 }, "crab-eatingfox": { "senses": [ "Cerdocyon thous, a medium-sized canid endemic to central South America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "maikong" ], "word": "crab-eatingfox", "num_translations": 17 }, "black-backedjackal": { "senses": [ "Canis mesomelas, a species of jackal which inhabits the southernmost and central-eastern regions of the African continent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red jackal", "silver-backed jackal" ], "word": "black-backedjackal", "num_translations": 18 }, "directspeech": { "senses": [ "the writing of speech, using the exact words of the speaker, usually between quotation marks" ], "antonyms": [ "indirect speech" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "directspeech", "num_translations": 15 }, "medicalhistory": { "senses": [ "Details of a patient's previous medical experiences, such as existing comorbidities, past infections, operations undergone, and medications taken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "medical record" ], "word": "medicalhistory", "num_translations": 18 }, "wallplug": { "senses": [ "A fixing that allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls, a dowel or screw anchor", "An electric socket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rawl plug" ], "word": "wallplug", "num_translations": 14 }, "willyoumarryme": { "senses": [ "Used to propose marriage to someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "marry me" ], "word": "willyoumarryme", "num_translations": 59 }, "likethat": { "senses": [ "In that particular manner", "Quickly", "unexpectedly", "Used to indicate agreement with another speaker's statement" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "what he said" ], "word": "likethat", "num_translations": 32 }, "izmir": { "senses": [ "A major Turkish port city situated midway along the western Anatolian seaboard, geographically continuous with the ancient city of Smyrna" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Smyrna" ], "word": "Izmir", "num_translations": 14 }, "glasscutter": { "senses": [ "One who cuts glass to make objects from it", "A hand tool used for scoring a piece of glass so that it can be snapped cleanly in two" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glazier's diamond" ], "word": "glasscutter", "num_translations": 12 }, "three-legged": { "senses": [ "having three legs", "Having a large penis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tripedal", "Thesaurus:macrophallic" ], "word": "three-legged", "num_translations": 11 }, "canadiandollar": { "senses": [ "The official currency of Canada" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CAD", "C$" ], "word": "Canadiandollar", "num_translations": 22 }, "primaryelection": { "senses": [ "A preliminary election to select a political candidate of a political party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "primary" ], "word": "primaryelection", "num_translations": 20 }, "doorchain": { "senses": [ "A device that allows a door to be partially opened from the inside, whilst preventing it from being fully opened from the outside" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "security chain" ], "word": "doorchain", "num_translations": 10 }, "monothematic": { "senses": [ "Dealing with only one theme or topic", "Composed of a single traditional name element" ], "antonyms": [ "deuterothematic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "monothematic", "num_translations": 13 }, "milkthistle": { "senses": [ "Any of the thistles in the genus Silybum, especially Silybum marianum", "Lactuca serriola, prickly lettuce", "Various plants of genus '''' with milky sap:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "blessed milkthistle", "holy thistle", "variegated thistle" ], "word": "milkthistle", "num_translations": 27 }, "downwith": { "senses": [ "Expressing disapproval of or encouraging actions against a person, organization, practice, belief, etc, typically in a public protest", "Away with!, cease!" ], "antonyms": [ "long live", "up with" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "downwith", "num_translations": 49 }, "drivesomeonecrazy": { "senses": [ "to cause someone to become insane", "to annoy or irritate", "to cause to be infatuated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drive someone insane", "drive someone mad" ], "word": "drivesomeonecrazy", "num_translations": 20 }, "fattyliver": { "senses": [ "The abnormal retention of triglycerides within the vacuoles of the liver" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hepatosteatosis", "steatohepatosis" ], "word": "fattyliver", "num_translations": 24 }, "victoryday": { "senses": [ "Any of various public holidays in various countries to commemorate victories in important battles or wars in the countries' history" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "V-Day" ], "word": "VictoryDay", "num_translations": 47 }, "russophobe": { "senses": [ "Someone who fears or hates Russians or Russian influence" ], "antonyms": [ "Russophile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Russophobe", "num_translations": 14 }, "beachsoccer": { "senses": [ "a variant of soccer played on a smaller-sized sand pitch" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beach football" ], "word": "beachsoccer", "num_translations": 10 }, "nippo-": { "senses": [ "Japanese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Japano-" ], "word": "Nippo-", "num_translations": 16 }, "sportsground": { "senses": [ "a stadium or piece of land used for sport" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sports venue" ], "word": "sportsground", "num_translations": 12 }, "gardenhose": { "senses": [ "A type of hose used for light residential applications such as watering lawns or gardens, or washing and rinsing passenger vehicles, etc", "A length of hose as above, usually with a male connector on one end and a female connector on the other end, which can carry water from a hose bib for use on a garden or lawn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hosepipe" ], "word": "gardenhose", "num_translations": 15 }, "saltflat": { "senses": [ "A dry lake or playa whose level bed contains abundant salt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "salt pan" ], "word": "saltflat", "num_translations": 11 }, "bitstock": { "senses": [ "A hand tool consisting of a crank which holds a fitted rotating drill bit tip, designed to bore holes in rigid materials, by cutting a disc in a spiral fashion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brace", "bitbrace" ], "word": "bitstock", "num_translations": 17 }, "pleaseturnright": { "senses": [ "When giving directions to a person , indicates that he or she should turn right" ], "antonyms": [ "please turn left" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pleaseturnright", "num_translations": 31 }, "pleaseturnleft": { "senses": [ "When giving directions to a person , indicates that he or she should turn left" ], "antonyms": [ "please turn right" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "pleaseturnleft", "num_translations": 28 }, "i'msingle": { "senses": [ "Indicates that the speaker does not have a spouse or romantic partner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I'm not married" ], "word": "I'msingle", "num_translations": 65 }, "deepstate": { "senses": [ "A large group of people, typically members of government agencies and the military, believed to have long-lasting political influence that is difficult for an administration voted into power to counter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shadow government", "state within a state" ], "word": "deepstate", "num_translations": 17 }, "canicomein": { "senses": [ "Asks for permission to enter a room" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "may I come in" ], "word": "canIcomein", "num_translations": 35 }, "workwonders": { "senses": [ "To be highly successful as a solution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "work miracles" ], "word": "workwonders", "num_translations": 12 }, "i'mlookingforajob": { "senses": [ "Indicates that the speaker is looking for a job" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I'm looking for work" ], "word": "I'mlookingforajob", "num_translations": 48 }, "dictionaryform": { "senses": [ "the basic form of a word used as a dictionary entry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "canonical form", "citation form", "basic form" ], "word": "dictionaryform", "num_translations": 15 }, "westernconcertflute": { "senses": [ "A transverse woodwind instrument made of metal or wood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "C flute", "transverse flute" ], "word": "Westernconcertflute", "num_translations": 10 }, "seminarist": { "senses": [ "A student training to be a priest at a Roman Catholic seminary", "A member of a seminar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seminarian" ], "word": "seminarist", "num_translations": 12 }, "chiron": { "senses": [ "An old, wise centaur who served as Achilles' mentor and teacher", "A centaur and comet-like/asteroid-like object, orbiting between Saturn and Uranus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "2060 Chiron", "\u26b7", "Cheiron" ], "word": "Chiron", "num_translations": 26 }, "mixedmartialarts": { "senses": [ "A style of combat sport allowing a wide range of combat techniques such as striking and grappling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "MMA" ], "word": "mixedmartialarts", "num_translations": 17 }, "thebill,please": { "senses": [ "Indicates the speaker wishes to pay the bill" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "could I get the bill", "could we get the bill" ], "word": "thebill,please", "num_translations": 35 }, "doyouhaveanypets": { "senses": [ "Used to ask whether the interlocutor is an owner of pets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "have you got any pets" ], "word": "doyouhaveanypets", "num_translations": 18 }, "draglineexcavator": { "senses": [ "Any of several very large vehicles used for lifting, especially in the process of mining: basically an excavator which drags its bucket to fill it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dragline" ], "word": "draglineexcavator", "num_translations": 18 }, "iknow": { "senses": [ "A response used to indicate that speaker was in agreement with the preceding statement before it was made", "An emphatic assertion that one has a solution, an answer, or an idea" ], "antonyms": [ "I don't know" ], "synonyms": [ "you're telling me", "eureka" ], "word": "Iknow", "num_translations": 65 }, "iceresurfacer": { "senses": [ "A machine for smoothing the surface of an ice rink" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Zamboni" ], "word": "iceresurfacer", "num_translations": 19 }, "qualifiedmajority": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "qualified minority" ], "synonyms": [ "supermajority" ], "word": "qualifiedmajority", "num_translations": 14 }, "meadowpipit": { "senses": [ "A small passerine bird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Anthus pratensis" ], "word": "meadowpipit", "num_translations": 32 }, "intertidalzone": { "senses": [ "The part of a shore between high water and low water, especially the beach exposed at maximum ebb spring tides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foreshore", "tidal zone" ], "word": "intertidalzone", "num_translations": 17 }, "cableway": { "senses": [ "A system of suspended cables from which cable cars are hung" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ropeway" ], "word": "cableway", "num_translations": 19 }, "rostov-on-don": { "senses": [ "large city/administrative center obl/Rostov in southern c/Russia Often abbreviated Rostov" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rostov-na-Donu", "Rostov-on-the-Don", "Rostov" ], "word": "Rostov-on-Don", "num_translations": 33 }, "wintermelon": { "senses": [ "A vine of the species Benincasa hispida cultivated throughout Asia", "A green, fuzzy melon fruit with sweet white flesh, which grows on this vine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ash gourd" ], "word": "wintermelon", "num_translations": 56 }, "alphacentauri": { "senses": [ "The brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus It is actually a binary star with Proxima Centauri as a third component" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Rigil Kent", "Toliman" ], "word": "AlphaCentauri", "num_translations": 49 }, "cellophanenoodle": { "senses": [ "A transparent Asian noodle made from starch and water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bean thread", "bean thread noodle", "Chinese vermicelli", "crystal noodles", "glass noodle", "Thesaurus:pasta" ], "word": "cellophanenoodle", "num_translations": 18 }, "tailpiece": { "senses": [ "An appendage or appendix", "An element, often triangular, to which the strings of a violin, guitar, etc are attached at the lower end of an instrument", "A short joist between a header and a wall", "The part of a telescope containing the adjusting device for the eyepiece, etc", "The part of a lock that transmits motion from the hub to the latch bolt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tailpiece", "num_translations": 18 }, "timeandagain": { "senses": [ "Often", "repeatedly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "time and time again" ], "word": "timeandagain", "num_translations": 22 }, "dorama": { "senses": [ "Japanese TV drama" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "J-drama" ], "word": "dorama", "num_translations": 16 }, "southernwood": { "senses": [ "An aromatic shrub, Artemisia abrotanum, related to wormwood" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lad's love", "southern wormwood" ], "word": "southernwood", "num_translations": 25 }, "courtesyname": { "senses": [ "From Chinese culture, a given name to be used later in life in place of one's given name, as a symbol of adulthood and respect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese style name" ], "word": "courtesyname", "num_translations": 10 }, "piemontite": { "senses": [ "A monoclinic sorosilicate mineral of the epidote group, reddish in colour" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piedmontite" ], "word": "piemontite", "num_translations": 17 }, "cornett": { "senses": [ "An early horn wind instrument used in European music of the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods Not to be confused with later brass instrument" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cornetto" ], "word": "cornett", "num_translations": 42 }, "vesak": { "senses": [ "A Buddhist holiday celebrating the birth, enlightenment, and passing of the Buddha" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Buddha Day" ], "word": "Vesak", "num_translations": 24 }, "phanerogam": { "senses": [ "Any plant that produces seeds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spermatophyte" ], "word": "phanerogam", "num_translations": 10 }, "inthewayof": { "senses": [ "In relation to", "in connection with", "with respect to", "In or into a position of being likely to obtain, to attain, or to achieve", "Similar to", "as an instance of", "as a kind of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "inthewayof", "num_translations": 19 }, "andthat": { "senses": [ "And everything related to that", "and so on", "etc", "And the others", "used after a name to denote the friends or social group of that person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "and all that" ], "word": "andthat", "num_translations": 11 }, "mobocracy": { "senses": [ "Rule or control by the mob", "a mob as a politically powerful force" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ochlocracy" ], "word": "mobocracy", "num_translations": 14 }, "anymore": { "senses": [ "From a given time onwards", "longer, again", "Now, from now on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "any longer", "going forward" ], "word": "anymore", "num_translations": 31 }, "sillyseason": { "senses": [ "A period, usually during the summertime, when news media tend to place increased emphasis on reporting light-hearted, offbeat, or bizarre stories", "A period of time, as during a holiday season or a political campaign, in which the behavior of an individual or group tends to become uncharacteristically frivolous, mirthful, or eccentric" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gooseberry season" ], "word": "sillyseason", "num_translations": 14 }, "raelism": { "senses": [ "A UFO religion with liberal sexual views, holding that all life on Earth was created in scientific laboratories by extraterrestrials" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Raelianism" ], "word": "Raelism", "num_translations": 11 }, "baikonur": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Leninsk", "Tyuratam", "Zvezdograd" ], "word": "Baikonur", "num_translations": 27 }, "glasswool": { "senses": [ "An insulating material, made from fiberglass, arranged into a texture similar to wool" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fibreglass wool", "fibreglass" ], "word": "glasswool", "num_translations": 17 }, "teachsomeonealesson": { "senses": [ "To punish someone" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fix someone's wagon" ], "word": "teachsomeonealesson", "num_translations": 12 }, "floortile": { "senses": [ "A tile, made from any material, designed to be laid as flooring" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paving tile" ], "word": "floortile", "num_translations": 12 }, "javantiger": { "senses": [ "An extinct tiger that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the 1980s, Panthera sondaica" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Panthera tigris sondaica" ], "word": "Javantiger", "num_translations": 10 }, "throwatantrum": { "senses": [ "To have a temper tantrum", "to display a fit of childish anger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "throw a wobbly" ], "word": "throwatantrum", "num_translations": 12 }, "northerncyprus": { "senses": [ "a de facto state in the Northern part of Cyprus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "North Cyprus" ], "word": "NorthernCyprus", "num_translations": 63 }, "hairgrip": { "senses": [ "A flat hairpin having two prongs that hold bobbed hair together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bobby pin", "grip", "kirby grip" ], "word": "hairgrip", "num_translations": 10 }, "sessileoak": { "senses": [ "A large, deciduous tree, Quercus petraea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "durmast oak" ], "word": "sessileoak", "num_translations": 25 }, "misandristic": { "senses": [ "Exhibiting or pertaining to misandry: hating or prejudiced against men" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antiman", "misandrist", "misandric", "misandrous" ], "word": "misandristic", "num_translations": 14 }, "pastrybag": { "senses": [ "A flexible bag from which icing is forced through a small nozzle to make various designs of piping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "piping bag" ], "word": "pastrybag", "num_translations": 22 }, "warofnerves": { "senses": [ "Warfare or other physical conflict in which one or more combatting parties use especially demoralizing and frightening tactics to attempt to unnerve their opponents", "A situation in which opposed parties refrain from direct conflict but maintain a tense, contentious relationship in which each uses annoyances or intimidating psychological tactics to attempt to dishearten and unnerve the other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "psychological warfare" ], "word": "warofnerves", "num_translations": 23 }, "brevier": { "senses": [ "The size of type between minion and bourgeois, standardized as 8-point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "small text", "petit" ], "word": "brevier", "num_translations": 10 }, "pixelate": { "senses": [ "To divide an image into pixels, or to display an image in pixels", "To transform an image into large pixels in order to hide an identity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pixelize" ], "word": "pixelate", "num_translations": 20 }, "liquefiedpetroleumgas": { "senses": [ "A mixture of propane and butane with traces of some other gases, which is kept in a liquid state at high pressure in metal bottles, and used as a source of gas for cooking, heating and as a fuel in internal combustion engines in vehicles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LPG", "autogas" ], "word": "liquefiedpetroleumgas", "num_translations": 14 }, "dubitation": { "senses": [ "The process of doubting or the state of being in doubt", "hesitation, uncertainty", "A thing to be doubted", "a matter that calls for doubt", "A pang or expression of doubt" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doubtfulness" ], "word": "dubitation", "num_translations": 21 }, "remoteviewing": { "senses": [ "A paranormal ability by which a person can gather information about a distant unseen target" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "remote sensing" ], "word": "remoteviewing", "num_translations": 10 }, "plannedeconomy": { "senses": [ "An economic system in which government directly manages supply and demand for goods and services by controlling production, prices, and distribution in accordance with a long-term design and schedule of objectives" ], "antonyms": [ "market economy" ], "synonyms": [ "command economy" ], "word": "plannedeconomy", "num_translations": 12 }, "sweatgland": { "senses": [ "An exocrine gland found under the skin in mammals for regulating body temperature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sudoriferous gland" ], "word": "sweatgland", "num_translations": 18 }, "gehenna": { "senses": [ "In rabbinical literature and Christian and Islamic scripture, the place where the souls of the wicked go after death, where they suffer eternal damnation or annihilation", "Hell", "A place of suffering and misery", "The valley of Hinnom outside Jerusalem" ], "antonyms": [ "heaven" ], "synonyms": [ "Gehenom", "Jahannam" ], "word": "Gehenna", "num_translations": 45 }, "betweenthehammerandtheanvil": { "senses": [ "With the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options", "in a predicament or quandary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "between a rock and a hard place", "between Scylla and Charybdis" ], "word": "betweenthehammerandtheanvil", "num_translations": 14 }, "half-naked1": { "senses": [ "With very few clothes on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seminude", "semi-naked" ], "word": "half-naked", "num_translations": 18 }, "murabba": { "senses": [ "A kind of sweet fruit preserve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "varenye" ], "word": "murabba", "num_translations": 22 }, "velvetscoter": { "senses": [ "An arctic sea duck, Melanitta fusca" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "velvet duck", "whitewing" ], "word": "velvetscoter", "num_translations": 12 }, "qilin": { "senses": [ "A mythical Chinese hooved chimerical creature, said to appear in conjunction with the arrival of a sage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kirin" ], "word": "qilin", "num_translations": 13 }, "troak": { "senses": [ "To barter or trade, especially outside a government monopoly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "swap" ], "word": "troak", "num_translations": 11 }, "mid-autumnfestival": { "senses": [ "A harvest festival celebrated by ethnic Chinese and Vietnamese people, held in late September or early October" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Moon Festival", "Zhongqiu Festival", "Tsukimi", "Tsukimi Festival", "Otsukimi", "Otsukimi Festival", "Japanese Mid-Autumn Festival", "Japanese Moon Festival", "Japanese Thanksgiving", "Japanese Harvest Festival", "Chuseok", "Chuseok Festival", "Hangawi", "Hangawi Festival", "Korean Mid-Autumn Festival", "Korean Thanksgiving", "Korean Harvest Festival", "Tet Trung Thu", "Vietnamese Mid-Autumn Festival", "Vietnamese Moon Festival", "Vietnamese Thanksgiving", "Vietnamese Harvest Festival" ], "word": "Mid-AutumnFestival", "num_translations": 23 }, "senkakuislands": { "senses": [ "A chain of islands in the East China Sea: the Japanese name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Diaoyu Islands" ], "word": "SenkakuIslands", "num_translations": 20 }, "westmanislands": { "senses": [ "archipelago off the south coast of c/Iceland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Westmans" ], "word": "WestmanIslands", "num_translations": 11 }, "unstinted": { "senses": [ "Not constrained, not restrained, or not confined" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unconstrained" ], "word": "unstinted", "num_translations": 19 }, "oceanicwhitetipshark": { "senses": [ "a large pelagic shark, taxonomic name Carcharhinus longimanus, characterized by the white tips on the fin, often prone to attack humans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oceanic whitetip", "whitetip" ], "word": "oceanicwhitetipshark", "num_translations": 21 }, "kabardian2": { "senses": [ "A North Caucasian language spoken in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia, also known as East Circassian" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "East" ], "word": "Kabardian", "num_translations": 16 }, "thankgod": { "senses": [ "Used to express gratitude or relief" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thank fuck", "thank goodness", "thank gods" ], "word": "thankGod", "num_translations": 54 }, "schengenarea": { "senses": [ "The group of European countries that have signed the Schengen Agreement, abolishing border controls between each other" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Schengenland" ], "word": "SchengenArea", "num_translations": 17 }, "daugava": { "senses": [ "river r/Eastern Europe, flowing through Russia, Belarus and Latvia to the Gulf of Riga" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Duna" ], "word": "Daugava", "num_translations": 12 }, "betterthannothing": { "senses": [ "Barely useful", "almost worthless or pointless, but nevertheless better than having nothing at all" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "better than a kick in the teeth", "better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick" ], "word": "betterthannothing", "num_translations": 10 }, "hoisanese2": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to the area of greater Hoisan of Guangdong Province, China", "its people", "their descendants", "the main dialect of the region" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Taishanese" ], "word": "Hoisanese", "num_translations": 11 }, "aleutianislands": { "senses": [ "An archipelago of more than 300 small volcanic islands forming an island arc in the Northern Pacific Ocean, between Alaska and the Kamchatka Peninsula of Asia They are part of the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Catherine Archipelago", "Aleutic Islands", "Aleut Islands" ], "word": "AleutianIslands", "num_translations": 28 }, "nobody'sperfect": { "senses": [ "Used when someone's mistakes or flaws are acknowledged, to remind that everyone else makes mistakes and has flaws" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "we all make mistakes" ], "word": "nobody'sperfect", "num_translations": 13 }, "barbarymacaque": { "senses": [ "Macaca sylvanus, an Old World monkey found in Gibraltar and the Atlas Mountains in Algeria and Morocco" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Barbary ape", "magot" ], "word": "Barbarymacaque", "num_translations": 13 }, "dogmeat": { "senses": [ "Meat from a dog eaten as food", "Meat prepared to be given to a dog as food", "An insult intended to assert hyperbolically that another person has value only as a corpse to be fed to a dog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dog", "fragrant meat", "dog food" ], "word": "dogmeat", "num_translations": 41 }, "ding-dongditch1": { "senses": [ "To perform this prank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "knock-knock ginger", "A full list of other names for this prank can be found at" ], "word": "ding-dongditch", "num_translations": 10 }, "sinitic": { "senses": [ "Relating to the group of Chinese languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Sino-Tibetan" ], "word": "Sinitic", "num_translations": 17 }, "privateproperty": { "senses": [ "Property to which individuals or corporations have certain exclusive property rights, but do not necessarily possess", "Property to which the state or other public organizations do not have exclusive property rights" ], "antonyms": [ "public property" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "privateproperty", "num_translations": 13 }, "buyinto": { "senses": [ "To believe", "to accept a craze or fad as valid", "To buy stocks or shares of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fall for" ], "word": "buyinto", "num_translations": 10 }, "chink": { "senses": [ "A person of perceived Chinese ethnicity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinaman" ], "word": "Chink", "num_translations": 29 }, "japonic": { "senses": [ "A language family spoken in Japan, consisting of Japanese proper and the Ryukyuan languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Japonic language family" ], "word": "Japonic", "num_translations": 10 }, "spinydogfish": { "senses": [ "Squalus acanthias, one of the best known of the dogfish which are members of the family Squalidae in the order Squaliformes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spurdog" ], "word": "spinydogfish", "num_translations": 23 }, "huchen": { "senses": [ "Hucho hucho, a species of freshwater fish in the salmon family of order Salmoniformes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Danube salmon" ], "word": "huchen", "num_translations": 27 }, "ibegyourpardon": { "senses": [ "A phrase used to request something, for example if a statement was not heard", "A phrase used to express an apology for an action", "A phrase used to ask for clarification of something said if it is unexpected, odd or seen as rude without context" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:say again" ], "word": "Ibegyourpardon", "num_translations": 10 }, "bywayof": { "senses": [ "By the route of", "For the purpose of", "as a means, instance, type or form of", "Possessing the characteristics, nature, or standing of", "in the state or condition of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "bywayof", "num_translations": 21 }, "iblis": { "senses": [ "Satan", "the Devil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Azazel", "shaitan", "Thesaurus:Satan" ], "word": "Iblis", "num_translations": 43 }, "giftcard": { "senses": [ "A gift certificate in the form of a card issued by retailers as an alternative to a non-monetary gift, allowing the bearer to purchase goods up to its face value" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gift certificate", "gift token", "gift voucher" ], "word": "giftcard", "num_translations": 19 }, "comeintobeing": { "senses": [ "To form", "to start to exist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "appear" ], "word": "comeintobeing", "num_translations": 14 }, "toothedwhale": { "senses": [ "A whale of the Odontoceti suborder of the cetaceans, including sperm whales, beaked whales, dolphins, and others" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "odontocete" ], "word": "toothedwhale", "num_translations": 10 }, "corsacfox": { "senses": [ "Vulpes corsac, a medium sized Asiatic fox species" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "steppe fox" ], "word": "corsacfox", "num_translations": 17 }, "silentasthegrave": { "senses": [ "Saying absolutely nothing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "silent as the tomb" ], "word": "silentasthegrave", "num_translations": 21 }, "lagrangepoint": { "senses": [ "a point in an orbital configuration of a two-body system where a small object affected only by gravity can theoretically be stationary relative to the two larger objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "L-point" ], "word": "Lagrangepoint", "num_translations": 11 }, "oneforall,allforone": { "senses": [ "Each individual should act for the benefit of the group, and the group should act for the benefit of each individual" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "all for one, one for all" ], "word": "oneforall,allforone", "num_translations": 21 }, "carpaltunnelsyndrome": { "senses": [ "form of repetitive stress injury caused by compression of the median nerve travelling through the carpal tunnel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CTS" ], "word": "carpaltunnelsyndrome", "num_translations": 25 }, "carpaltunnel": { "senses": [ "A fibro-osseous passageway on the palmar side of the wrist that connects the distal forearm to the middle compartment of the deep plane of the palm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "carpal canal" ], "word": "carpaltunnel", "num_translations": 12 }, "toneofvoice": { "senses": [ "The way someone speaks, as characterised by tone, pitch, speed, rhythm, melody, accent, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "intonation", "tone" ], "word": "toneofvoice", "num_translations": 10 }, "againandagain": { "senses": [ "Repeatedly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "over and over" ], "word": "againandagain", "num_translations": 16 }, "constructionsite": { "senses": [ "A place where a building or other physical structure is under construction" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "building site" ], "word": "constructionsite", "num_translations": 27 }, "publishinghouse": { "senses": [ "A company that produces books, magazines, brochures and other texts in print or electronic form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "publisher" ], "word": "publishinghouse", "num_translations": 38 }, "radiodrama": { "senses": [ "dramatized, purely acoustic performance, broadcast on radio or published on audio media, such as tape or CD" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "audio" ], "word": "radiodrama", "num_translations": 11 }, "soakingwet": { "senses": [ "Extremely wet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drenched", "soaked to the bone", "sopping wet", "wet through", "wringing wet" ], "word": "soakingwet", "num_translations": 10 }, "soakedtotheskin": { "senses": [ "Extremely wet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drenched", "soaked to the bone", "soaking wet", "wet through" ], "word": "soakedtotheskin", "num_translations": 12 }, "ghostofchristmasyettocome": { "senses": [ "A fictional ghost in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens", "it visits Ebenezer Scrooge in order to show his impending fate of death and loneliness in a future Christmas that is ultimately avoided" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ghost of Christmas Future" ], "word": "GhostofChristmasYettoCome", "num_translations": 11 }, "isthatso": { "senses": [ "Really? Is it true?" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "no kidding", "no way", "really", "you don't say" ], "word": "isthatso", "num_translations": 27 }, "picturedictionary": { "senses": [ "a dictionary that includes pictures to help identify things" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pictorial", "visual" ], "word": "picturedictionary", "num_translations": 11 }, "inrespectof": { "senses": [ "Regarding", "concerning", "pertaining to", "with reference to", "On account of", "by reason of", "because of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as regards", "by dint of" ], "word": "inrespectof", "num_translations": 22 }, "urad": { "senses": [ "Vigna mungo, a South Asian bean used to make dal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "black gram", "black lentil" ], "word": "urad", "num_translations": 22 }, "localsupercluster": { "senses": [ "The supercluster that includes the Milky Way galaxy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LS" ], "word": "LocalSupercluster", "num_translations": 10 }, "anglicancommunion": { "senses": [ "A worldwide network of Churches that are are in communion with the Church of England as represented by the Archbishop of Canterbury" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Anglican Church" ], "word": "AnglicanCommunion", "num_translations": 43 }, "speakingintongues": { "senses": [ "The act of speaking a language one does not know, or speaking elaborate but apparently meaningless speech, while in a trance-like state", "glossolalia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "glossolalia", "speaking with tongues", "tongues-speaking" ], "word": "speakingintongues", "num_translations": 11 }, "squattoilet": { "senses": [ "A toilet, usually consisting of a hole in the ground and sometimes a tank, which is used while squatting instead of sitting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "squatter" ], "word": "squattoilet", "num_translations": 13 }, "two-waystreet": { "senses": [ "A street in which traffic is allowed to proceed in two directions", "Any interaction in which both parties give and take equally" ], "antonyms": [ "one-way street" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "two-waystreet", "num_translations": 10 }, "morningstar": { "senses": [ "The planet Venus as seen in the eastern sky around dawn", "Jesus Christ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Phosphor" ], "word": "MorningStar", "num_translations": 28 }, "doll'shouse": { "senses": [ "A miniature house used by children as a toy for recreating domestic settings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dollhouse" ], "word": "doll'shouse", "num_translations": 28 }, "rhombicuboctahedron": { "senses": [ "An Archimedean solid with eight triangular and eighteen square faces" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "small rhombicuboctahedron" ], "word": "rhombicuboctahedron", "num_translations": 10 }, "rough-leggedbuzzard": { "senses": [ "Buteo lagopus, a medium-large bird of prey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rough-legged hawk" ], "word": "rough-leggedbuzzard", "num_translations": 33 }, "elanidkite": { "senses": [ "Any of several small, long-winged, hovering raptors of the Elaninae subfamily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elanine kite" ], "word": "elanidkite", "num_translations": 11 }, "youtuber": { "senses": [ "A user of the video-sharing website YouTube", "A video creator of the video-sharing website YouTube" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "YouTubian" ], "word": "YouTuber", "num_translations": 22 }, "straitofgibraltar": { "senses": [ "A strait between Spain and Morocco, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "STROG" ], "word": "StraitofGibraltar", "num_translations": 24 }, "straitofkerch": { "senses": [ "A strait connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kerch Strait" ], "word": "StraitofKerch", "num_translations": 22 }, "posterestante": { "senses": [ "A postal service in which mail is held at a post office to be collected by the recipient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "general delivery", "to be called for" ], "word": "posterestante", "num_translations": 10 }, "fomite": { "senses": [ "An inanimate object capable of carrying infectious agents , and thus passively enabling their transmission between hosts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fomes" ], "word": "fomite", "num_translations": 12 }, "arrangedmarriage": { "senses": [ "A marriage of two people planned by someone other than the two people who are united in it" ], "antonyms": [ "love match" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "arrangedmarriage", "num_translations": 30 }, "bedroomcommunity": { "senses": [ "An urban community that is primarily residential, from which most of the workforce commutes out to earn their livelihood", "often a suburb of a nearby metropolis that workers travel to daily" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "commuter town" ], "word": "bedroomcommunity", "num_translations": 13 }, "hindi-urdu": { "senses": [ "The name of the language which constitutes the Hindi and Urdu registers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hindustani" ], "word": "Hindi-Urdu", "num_translations": 10 }, "necrocracy": { "senses": [ "A government that still operates under the rules of a dead former leader" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "thanatocracy" ], "word": "necrocracy", "num_translations": 18 }, "inlivingmemory": { "senses": [ "In recent history, in recorded history amongst the lifespan of extant people", "events or situations which can be remembered by people that are still alive" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in recent memory", "within living memory" ], "word": "inlivingmemory", "num_translations": 11 }, "schoolshark": { "senses": [ "Galeorhinus galeus, a hound shark of the family Triakidae, the only member of the genus Galeorhinus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tope shark", "soupfin", "soupfin shark", "snapper shark" ], "word": "schoolshark", "num_translations": 19 }, "baycat": { "senses": [ "Catopuma badia , a small feline endemic to the island of Borneo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bornean cat", "Bornean red cat", "Bornean marbled cat", "Bornean bay cat" ], "word": "baycat", "num_translations": 11 }, "deathcamp": { "senses": [ "A prison camp in which a large number of prisoners die for various reasons, such as starvation, disease, brutality and neglect", "A facility built during the Holocaust by the Nazis to kill especially the Jewish people through gassing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extermination camp" ], "word": "deathcamp", "num_translations": 39 }, "koreastrait": { "senses": [ "A strait between Korea and Japan, connecting the East China Sea with the Sea of Japan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tsushima Strait" ], "word": "KoreaStrait", "num_translations": 23 }, "creationistic": { "senses": [ "Of or pertaining to creationism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "creationist" ], "word": "creationistic", "num_translations": 15 }, "liquefiednaturalgas": { "senses": [ "natural gas that has been cooled and compressed to liquid form for transport and storage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LNG" ], "word": "liquefiednaturalgas", "num_translations": 10 }, "cometogether": { "senses": [ "To assemble", "to congregate", "To harmonize socially", "to come to an amicable agreement", "to ally or band together" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "cometogether", "num_translations": 17 }, "witch'smilk": { "senses": [ "Milk secreted from the breasts of newborn babies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "neonatal milk" ], "word": "witch'smilk", "num_translations": 10 }, "christchurch": { "senses": [ "coastal town/and/borough co/Dorset cc/England, formerly in Hampshire The borough was abolished on 1 April 2019", "city c/New Zealand, which is the largest in the South Island" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ChCh" ], "word": "Christchurch", "num_translations": 19 }, "sunyata": { "senses": [ "Emptiness, in terms of a meditative state", "an Eastern concept of a high meditative state of calm and freedom from distraction", "* 1986, White Lotus Sutra - Unchecked by Sangharakshita", "STUDY LEADERS SEMINAR 1986 Padmaloka", "The cosmic void", "in the East-West dialogue, an Eastern term for metaphysics of nothingness" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "sunyata", "num_translations": 11 }, "finishedproduct": { "senses": [ "The final version of a product" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "end product" ], "word": "finishedproduct", "num_translations": 10 }, "arrowkey": { "senses": [ "Any of a set of keyboard keys marked with directional arrows, used for navigation through documents and lists etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cursor key" ], "word": "arrowkey", "num_translations": 12 }, "brother-in-arms": { "senses": [ "comrade in arms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "battle buddy" ], "word": "brother-in-arms", "num_translations": 25 }, "jazzband": { "senses": [ "A musical band that plays jazz music", "A children's marching band, often using kazoos" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jazzbo", "jazzman", "jazzperson", "jitterbug" ], "word": "jazzband", "num_translations": 14 }, "cicely": { "senses": [ "Myrrhis odorata, a plant in the genus Myrrhis, in the family Apiaceae", "sweetroot, any of several plants in the genus Osmorhiza" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sweet cicely", "myrrh", "garden myrrh", "sweet chervil" ], "word": "cicely", "num_translations": 17 }, "supermoon": { "senses": [ "a full moon or new moon, when the Earth-Moon distance is in the lowest tenth of its range" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "perigee moon" ], "word": "supermoon", "num_translations": 13 }, "drivingtest": { "senses": [ "A test required in order to acquire a driver's licence" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "road test" ], "word": "drivingtest", "num_translations": 11 }, "miliaria": { "senses": [ "A rash caused by blocked, malfunctioning, or underdeveloped sweat glands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heat rash", "sweat rash", "prickly heat" ], "word": "miliaria", "num_translations": 19 }, "sexbomb": { "senses": [ "Someone who is highly physically attractive", "a bombshell" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bombshell", "sex kitten", "sexpot" ], "word": "sexbomb", "num_translations": 10 }, "plannedobsolescence": { "senses": [ "A policy of deliberately planning or designing a product with a limited useful life, so it will become obsolete or nonfunctional after a certain period" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "built-in obsolescence", "programmed obsolescence" ], "word": "plannedobsolescence", "num_translations": 11 }, "findoneself": { "senses": [ "To learn, or attempt to learn, what kind of person one is and what one wants in life", "To unexpectedly or unintentionally begin to do or experience something", "To be in a particular state of mind", "To find for oneself", "To discover oneself to be in a particular place" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "findoneself", "num_translations": 18 }, "oneafteranother": { "senses": [ "In single file", "Individually, in sequence in time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "one by one", "one at a time" ], "word": "oneafteranother", "num_translations": 22 }, "nogooddeedgoesunpunished": { "senses": [ "Beneficial actions often go unappreciated or are met with outright hostility If they are appreciated, they often lead to additional requests" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eaten bread is soon forgotten" ], "word": "nogooddeedgoesunpunished", "num_translations": 20 }, "tyubeteika": { "senses": [ "a Central Asian skull-cap" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "t\u00fcb\u00e4t\u00e4y" ], "word": "tyubeteika", "num_translations": 15 }, "tamarillo": { "senses": [ "A small tree or shrub which bears edible fruits", "A fruit of that tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tree tomato" ], "word": "tamarillo", "num_translations": 16 }, "weightloss": { "senses": [ "The reduction of total body mass due to loss of fluid, fat, tissue, etc" ], "antonyms": [ "weight gain" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "weightloss", "num_translations": 23 }, "liplessness": { "senses": [ "Absence of lips" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acheilia" ], "word": "liplessness", "num_translations": 20 }, "shammarriage": { "senses": [ "A marriage of convenience entered into purely for the purpose of gaining a benefit or other advantage arising from that status, usually with the intent of deceiving public officials or society about its purpose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fake marriage", "false marriage", "fictitious marriage", "mock marriage" ], "word": "shammarriage", "num_translations": 17 }, "odisha": { "senses": [ "State in eastern India which has Bhubaneswar as its capital" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Orissa" ], "word": "Odisha", "num_translations": 46 }, "masdar": { "senses": [ "Arabic verbal noun, also used in Georgian grammar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nomen verbi" ], "word": "masdar", "num_translations": 19 }, "gypsiology": { "senses": [ "The study of the life and culture of gypsies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ziganology" ], "word": "gypsiology", "num_translations": 24 }, "weaselout": { "senses": [ "To shirk, avoid, or fail to fulfill", "To obtain or extract, especially with effort and by cunning methods" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cop out", "dig up" ], "word": "weaselout", "num_translations": 14 }, "nowthat": { "senses": [ "As a consequence of the fact that", "since" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "as" ], "word": "nowthat", "num_translations": 13 }, "voicerecognition": { "senses": [ "The function of a front-end software system which processes input in the form of spoken language into electronic commands for a computing system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "speech recognition" ], "word": "voicerecognition", "num_translations": 18 }, "javasparrow": { "senses": [ "A species of finch Padda oryzivora, native of Java, but very commonly kept as a cage bird" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lonchura oryzivora", "Java finch", "paddy bird", "ricebird", "rice sparrow" ], "word": "Javasparrow", "num_translations": 56 }, "voicemessage": { "senses": [ "A message left on a voice mail system" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "voice mail" ], "word": "voicemessage", "num_translations": 15 }, "woodapple": { "senses": [ "Bael , a tree native to India", "Limonia acidissima, a tree of Southeast Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elephant apple" ], "word": "woodapple", "num_translations": 27 }, "basculebridge": { "senses": [ "A movable bridge consisting of one or two opening leafs equipped with balancing and stabilizing counterweights that ease and speed up their operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "drawbridge" ], "word": "basculebridge", "num_translations": 16 }, "wouldn'thurtafly": { "senses": [ "Has a very gentle nature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wouldn't harm a fly" ], "word": "wouldn'thurtafly", "num_translations": 10 }, "breadmaker": { "senses": [ "A household appliance which makes bread or dough from raw ingredients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bread machine" ], "word": "breadmaker", "num_translations": 14 }, "leadastray": { "senses": [ "To cause to believe an untruth", "To misguide or misdirect", "To influence to have bad habits or to behave improperly or illegally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "misguide", "misdirect", "corrupt", "lead off", "deceive", "demoralize", "mislead", "misinform" ], "word": "leadastray", "num_translations": 25 }, "honeybadger": { "senses": [ "Mellivora capensis, a badger-like mustelid native to Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent", "A person who displays indifference or disregard for others' opinions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ratel" ], "word": "honeybadger", "num_translations": 83 }, "fucktard": { "senses": [ "An extraordinarily stupid person, especially one who causes harm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "asshat", "arsehole", "bastard", "dumb fuck", "jerk", "tosser", "wanker", "fuckwit" ], "word": "fucktard", "num_translations": 15 }, "largewhite": { "senses": [ "The big, white and black butterfly Pieris brassicae, of the family", "A domestic pig of a breed originating in Yorkshire", "Yorkshire pig" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cabbage white" ], "word": "largewhite", "num_translations": 10 }, "broad-shouldered": { "senses": [ "Having broad shoulders", "Having a sturdy construction or constitution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "big-shouldered" ], "word": "broad-shouldered", "num_translations": 13 }, "loseone'slife": { "senses": [ "To die, especially to be killed during involvement in an activity or in some other undertaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:die" ], "word": "loseone'slife", "num_translations": 14 }, "saltbush": { "senses": [ "Any of the genus Atriplex of plants, especially Atriplex hortensis or Atriplex patula, found in dry habitats, that have edible leaves resembling spinach, including many desert and seashore plants and halophytes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "orach" ], "word": "saltbush", "num_translations": 49 }, "ear-piercing": { "senses": [ "extremely loud" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "deafening", "ear-splitting" ], "word": "ear-piercing", "num_translations": 10 }, "footwrap": { "senses": [ "A strip of cloth worn around the feet before the wide availability of socks or to avoid chafing, absorb sweat and improve the foothold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "footcloth", "bandages", "rags", "portyanki" ], "word": "footwrap", "num_translations": 24 }, "copewith": { "senses": [ "To come to terms with", "to overcome any difficulties presented by" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to terms with" ], "word": "copewith", "num_translations": 12 }, "purchasingpowerparity": { "senses": [ "A theory of long-term equilibrium exchange rates based on relative price levels of two countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PPP" ], "word": "purchasingpowerparity", "num_translations": 27 }, "cementmixer": { "senses": [ "A device used in construction in which cement, aggregate and water are slowly mixed together in a revolving drum to form concrete", "A truck mounted with a rotating drum for mixing, transporting, and pouring concrete", "A cocktail made of Irish cream and lime juice or lemon juice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "concrete mixer" ], "word": "cementmixer", "num_translations": 21 }, "technicalsupport": { "senses": [ "A range of services providing assistance with technology such as televisions, computers, and software, typically aiming to help the user with a specific problem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tech support" ], "word": "technicalsupport", "num_translations": 16 }, "atlantictomcod": { "senses": [ "A gadiform fish of the northwest Atlantic, Microgadus tomcod" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frostfish" ], "word": "Atlantictomcod", "num_translations": 17 }, "eardrop": { "senses": [ "Medicine to be administered to the ear", "A pendant for the ear", "an earring", "A plant of the genus Ehrendorferia in the family Papaveraceae, native to California" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bleeding heart" ], "word": "eardrop", "num_translations": 20 }, "breakthesabbath": { "senses": [ "To violate the Sabbath" ], "antonyms": [ "keep the Sabbath", "observe the Sabbath", "sabbatise" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "breaktheSabbath", "num_translations": 10 }, "arboriculturist": { "senses": [ "A person who practices arboriculture", "a tree surgeon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arborist", "tree surgeon" ], "word": "arboriculturist", "num_translations": 11 }, "orontes": { "senses": [ "river r/Western Asia, about 400 km long, flowing from Lebanon through Syria before entering the Mediterranean Sea near Samanda\u011f in Turkey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asi" ], "word": "Orontes", "num_translations": 14 }, "ratout": { "senses": [ "To inform authorities", "to tell on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dob" ], "word": "ratout", "num_translations": 18 }, "rollup": { "senses": [ "Food made by wrapping ingredients in another food, eg fajitas", "A self-made cigarette of tobacco and rolling paper", "A business technique where multiple small companies in the same market are acquired and merged", "A collection of software updates distributed as a single package", "That which is rolled up", "a summation", "an aggregation", "a total" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "rollup", "num_translations": 13 }, "measuringcup": { "senses": [ "a kitchen utensil used primarily to measure the volume of liquid or bulk solid cooking ingredients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "measuring jug" ], "word": "measuringcup", "num_translations": 15 }, "mahwatree": { "senses": [ "Madhuca longifolia, a fast-growing Indian tropical tree cultivated for its oleaginous seeds" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mahua" ], "word": "mahwatree", "num_translations": 33 }, "archeress": { "senses": [ "A female archer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "markswoman", "shootress" ], "word": "archeress", "num_translations": 15 }, "telephotolens": { "senses": [ "A lens having a long focal length which produces a magnified view of distant objects", "A lens which produces a magnified view of distant objects and which is sufficiently compact to have a physical length shorter than its focal length" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "long lens" ], "word": "telephotolens", "num_translations": 13 }, "makefriends": { "senses": [ "To form friendships with others", "To befriend" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chum up" ], "word": "makefriends", "num_translations": 50 }, "makesomeone'sbloodruncold": { "senses": [ "To cause a person to feel fear, horror, dread, or strong forboding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:frighten" ], "word": "makesomeone'sbloodruncold", "num_translations": 11 }, "idon'tcare": { "senses": [ "Indicates that the speaker has no interest or emotional investment in the topic at hand" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I" ], "word": "Idon'tcare", "num_translations": 60 }, "labneh": { "senses": [ "Yogurt that has been strained to filter or remove the whey and thus has a consistency between that of yoghurt and cheese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "strained yoghurt", "yoghurt cheese" ], "word": "labneh", "num_translations": 10 }, "he-wolf": { "senses": [ "A male wolf" ], "antonyms": [ "she-wolf" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "he-wolf", "num_translations": 15 }, "leastcommonmultiple": { "senses": [ "The smallest positive integer which is divisible by each of a specified finite set of integers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lowest common multiple" ], "word": "leastcommonmultiple", "num_translations": 22 }, "whatareyoudoing": { "senses": [ "Used to ask what the interlocutor is currently doing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "what", "whatcha" ], "word": "whatareyoudoing", "num_translations": 98 }, "applicationprogramminginterface": { "senses": [ "A set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications, which makes it possible for software components to interact with one another, leading to the ability to share data over a network" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "API" ], "word": "applicationprogramminginterface", "num_translations": 18 }, "masalachai": { "senses": [ "Various beverages including sweetened black tea with milk, ginger, and cardamom" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chai" ], "word": "masalachai", "num_translations": 17 }, "roanantelope": { "senses": [ "A savanna antelope, Hippotragus equinus, found in West, Central, East Africa and Southern Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bastard gemsbok" ], "word": "roanantelope", "num_translations": 14 }, "tutelarydeity": { "senses": [ "A deity, usually minor, serving as a tutelary for a place, person, group, or activity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tutelar" ], "word": "tutelarydeity", "num_translations": 12 }, "nuclearpowerplant": { "senses": [ "A power plant that obtains its primary energy from the heat generated in nuclear reactions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nuclear power station" ], "word": "nuclearpowerplant", "num_translations": 31 }, "sakyamuni": { "senses": [ "The Gautama Buddha" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gautama" ], "word": "Sakyamuni", "num_translations": 14 }, "ustinadlabem": { "senses": [ "city c/Czech Republic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aussig" ], "word": "UstinadLabem", "num_translations": 11 }, "areyousingle": { "senses": [ "Used to ask whether the interlocutor does or doesn't have a partner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "are you seeing anybody" ], "word": "areyousingle", "num_translations": 35 }, "suckmycock": { "senses": [ "An expression of discontent or aggravation to another party" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bite me", "eat my shorts", "fuck off", "kiss my ass", "smoke one's pole" ], "word": "suckmycock", "num_translations": 10 }, "lecturetheatre": { "senses": [ "A room in a university with many seats and a sloped floor, used to hold lectures" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lecture hall" ], "word": "lecturetheatre", "num_translations": 24 }, "jeddah": { "senses": [ "city c/Saudi Arabia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bride of the Red Sea" ], "word": "Jeddah", "num_translations": 23 }, "bananapeel": { "senses": [ "The several outermost layers of a banana, especially once removed from the rest of the banana, which may be slippery if stepped on", "A cause of difficulty, or potential embarrassment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "banana skin" ], "word": "bananapeel", "num_translations": 39 }, "antigypsyism": { "senses": [ "Hostility, prejudice or racism toward Romani people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "antiziganism" ], "word": "antigypsyism", "num_translations": 20 }, "makepeace": { "senses": [ "To end hostilities", "to reach a peace agreement", "To settle a dispute or disagreement", "To initiate or resume a cordial relationship after a period of animosity", "To accept something, especially if it is considered unfavourable" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bury the hatchet", "come to terms with" ], "word": "makepeace", "num_translations": 11 }, "asmuch": { "senses": [ "precisely that" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "so much" ], "word": "asmuch", "num_translations": 10 }, "roselle": { "senses": [ "Hibiscus sabdariffa, an edible flower in the hibiscus family used to make hibiscus tea, also known as agua de jamaica or sorrel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bissap" ], "word": "roselle", "num_translations": 19 }, "univerbation": { "senses": [ "The diachronic process of forming a new single word from a fixed expression of several words" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monophrasis", "word-amalgamation", "monolexis", "monolexia" ], "word": "univerbation", "num_translations": 10 }, "minecart": { "senses": [ "A wheeled container that travels on tracks, used for moving mining materials" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cocopan" ], "word": "minecart", "num_translations": 17 }, "bminor": { "senses": [ "a minor key with the notes B, C\u266f, D, E, F\u266f, G, A", "the minor chord with a root of B" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bm", "B-" ], "word": "Bminor", "num_translations": 10 }, "cminor": { "senses": [ "a minor key with the notes C, D, E\u266d, F, G, A\u266d, B\u266d", "the minor chord with a root of C" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cm", "C-" ], "word": "Cminor", "num_translations": 12 }, "powerstrip": { "senses": [ "A block of electrical sockets that attaches to the end of a flexible cable and allows multiple electrical devices to be plugged in" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "extension block", "power board" ], "word": "powerstrip", "num_translations": 34 }, "surgeprotector": { "senses": [ "An appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes by limiting the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or by shorting to ground any unwanted voltages above a safe threshold" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "surge suppressor" ], "word": "surgeprotector", "num_translations": 10 }, "transwoman": { "senses": [ "A transgender or transsexual woman, ie, a woman who was assigned male at birth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "TG girl", "shemale" ], "word": "transwoman", "num_translations": 18 }, "transman": { "senses": [ "A transgender or transsexual man, ie, a man who was assigned female at birth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "trans guy", "hefemale" ], "word": "transman", "num_translations": 20 }, "mamabear": { "senses": [ "A female bear currently rearing one or more cubs", "A woman, especially a mother, who is extremely protective of a child or children" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mama grizzly", "helicopter mom", "tiger mom" ], "word": "mamabear", "num_translations": 14 }, "kathoey": { "senses": [ "In Thailand, a male-to-female transgender person or person of a third gender, or an effeminate homosexual male" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ladyboy" ], "word": "kathoey", "num_translations": 10 }, "publicserviceannouncement": { "senses": [ "An advertisement intended to serve the public interest by raising awareness of an issue, affecting public attitudes and potentially stimulating action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PSA" ], "word": "publicserviceannouncement", "num_translations": 10 }, "untune": { "senses": [ "To cause to be out of tune", "to make incapable of harmony, or of harmonious action" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "detune", "distune" ], "word": "untune", "num_translations": 14 }, "intheblinkofaneye": { "senses": [ "immediately, instantaneously" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in the twinkling of an eye", "in the wink of an eye" ], "word": "intheblinkofaneye", "num_translations": 36 }, "badtrip": { "senses": [ "A psychedelic crisis, the undesirable dysphoric psychological effects during hallucinogenic drug use, most often fear, paranoia, and especially horrifying hallucinations" ], "antonyms": [ "euphoria" ], "synonyms": [ "psychedelic crisis" ], "word": "badtrip", "num_translations": 11 }, "marne": { "senses": [ "river c/France, a right tributary of the Seine in the area east and southeast of Paris", "One of the d\u00e9partements of Champagne-Ardenne, France", "city s/Iowa", "census-designated place s/Ohio", "town s/Schleswig-Holstein c/Germany" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Marne", "num_translations": 11 }, "sexualminority": { "senses": [ "The state of being a minor in sexual matters", "A group outside of the mainstream of accepted sexual expression or orientation in a given culture" ], "antonyms": [ "sexual majority" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "sexualminority", "num_translations": 15 }, "cassettetape": { "senses": [ "A magnetic tape in a cassette, used to record and play audio or video" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "compact cassette", "or (most often) simply:" ], "word": "cassettetape", "num_translations": 11 }, "republicofpoland": { "senses": [ "The official name of Poland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "RP" ], "word": "RepublicofPoland", "num_translations": 45 }, "republicofthegambia": { "senses": [ "The official name of The Gambia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Islamic Republic of The Gambia" ], "word": "RepublicofTheGambia", "num_translations": 11 }, "slovakrepublic": { "senses": [ "The official name of Slovakia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SR" ], "word": "SlovakRepublic", "num_translations": 39 }, "republicofsouthafrica": { "senses": [ "The official name of South Africa", "The Transvaal state from 1852 to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland's annexation in 1902" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Azania", "South Africa", "RSA" ], "word": "RepublicofSouthAfrica", "num_translations": 31 }, "commanderislands": { "senses": [ "a group of Russian islands near Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, in the Bering Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Komandorski Islands" ], "word": "CommanderIslands", "num_translations": 11 }, "papess": { "senses": [ "A female pope, ie the fictitious Pope Joan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "popess" ], "word": "papess", "num_translations": 13 }, "cleftchin": { "senses": [ "An anatomical genetic trait in which a fissure in the lower jaw causes a visible dimple in the center of the chin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "butt chin", "chin cleft", "chin dimple", "superhero chin" ], "word": "cleftchin", "num_translations": 23 }, "rightnow": { "senses": [ "At the present moment", "Immediately" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "at the moment", "this instant" ], "word": "rightnow", "num_translations": 43 }, "manxcat": { "senses": [ "A domestic cat of a breed that is native to the Isle of Man, principally characterized by suppression of the tail, and with a short-haired coat and a medium-sized, rounded, cobby body" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Manx" ], "word": "Manxcat", "num_translations": 36 }, "cunningfolk": { "senses": [ "professional or semi-professional practitioners of magic who were active from at least the 15th up until the early 20th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "conjurers", "pellars", "white witch", "wise men", "wise women", "wizards" ], "word": "cunningfolk", "num_translations": 29 }, "americancivilwar": { "senses": [ "A war fought in the United States between 1861 and 1865, between the Northern states and Southern states" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Civil War", "War Between the States", "War of Northern Aggression", "War of the Rebellion", "Great Rebellion", "Secession War", "U.S. Civil War" ], "word": "AmericanCivilWar", "num_translations": 32 }, "asiftherewerenotomorrow": { "senses": [ "To an excessive degree, oftentimes with little to no regard to future consequences", "desperately", "recklessly or wantonly", "frantically", "very quickly or very much" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "like one's life depended on it" ], "word": "asiftherewerenotomorrow", "num_translations": 11 }, "creosotebush": { "senses": [ "A common North American desert shrub used as a medicinal herb, Larrea divaricata" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "greasewood", "chaparral" ], "word": "creosotebush", "num_translations": 10 }, "cocklebur": { "senses": [ "Any of the coarse composite weeds of the genus Xanthium, with a prickly fruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "clotbur" ], "word": "cocklebur", "num_translations": 17 }, "eurasianeconomicunion": { "senses": [ "an economic union between the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurasian Union" ], "word": "EurasianEconomicUnion", "num_translations": 36 }, "chukar": { "senses": [ "A species of partridge native to central Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chukar partridge" ], "word": "chukar", "num_translations": 10 }, "fortuna": { "senses": [ "The Roman goddess of luck, fortune and fate, equivalent to the Greek goddess Tyche", "city co/Humboldt County s/California c/US", "ghost town s/Arizona", "city/and/village s/North Dakota", "settlement island/Saint Thomas c/United States Virgin Islands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "19 Fortuna" ], "word": "Fortuna", "num_translations": 14 }, "beesting": { "senses": [ "A hypodermic puncture from a bee, resulting in envenomation and often involving the penetration and lodging of the stinger", "Very small breasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bee bite" ], "word": "beesting", "num_translations": 13 }, "sexualappetite": { "senses": [ "One's desire to engage in sexual practices" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "libido", "horniness" ], "word": "sexualappetite", "num_translations": 10 }, "midgard": { "senses": [ "The Earth of traditional Germanic cosmology, conceived as a middle realm between heaven and hell", "the abode of human beings, between those of the gods and the dead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Middle Earth" ], "word": "Midgard", "num_translations": 11 }, "worldheritagesite": { "senses": [ "A place listed by UNESCO as being of special cultural or physical significance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "world heritage" ], "word": "WorldHeritageSite", "num_translations": 18 }, "ayu": { "senses": [ "A sweetfish, an amphidromous fish of East Asia, the only member of its genus and family, Plecoglossus altivelis, named and prized for its sweet-tasting flesh It is a game fish and is also subject to extensive aquaculture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ai" ], "word": "ayu", "num_translations": 20 }, "deathrate": { "senses": [ "The number of deaths per given unit of population over a given period of time" ], "antonyms": [ "birth rate" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "deathrate", "num_translations": 19 }, "catholicize": { "senses": [ "To make Catholic", "to convert to Catholicism", "To become Catholic", "to convert to Catholicism" ], "antonyms": [ "de-Catholicize", "un-Catholicize" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Catholicize", "num_translations": 10 }, "anthroposophic": { "senses": [ "of or pertaining to anthroposophy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "anthroposophical" ], "word": "anthroposophic", "num_translations": 10 }, "laughingkookaburra": { "senses": [ "A species of kookaburra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laughing jackass" ], "word": "laughingkookaburra", "num_translations": 48 }, "monkeypuzzle": { "senses": [ "A large coniferous tree, Araucaria araucana, native to Chile" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chile pine" ], "word": "monkeypuzzle", "num_translations": 18 }, "caodai": { "senses": [ "A syncretic monotheistic religion founded in the 20th century in Vietnam, which worships a deity of the same name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Caodaism" ], "word": "CaoDai", "num_translations": 12 }, "hound'stongue": { "senses": [ "A biennial weed with soft tongue-shaped leaves and an offensive odour It bears nutlets covered with barbed or hooked prickles" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rib" ], "word": "hound'stongue", "num_translations": 11 }, "toggleswitch": { "senses": [ "A switch actuated by moving a small lever", "usually an on/off switch with two positions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "toggle" ], "word": "toggleswitch", "num_translations": 13 }, "wholegrain": { "senses": [ "A cereal grain that contains cereal germ, endosperm, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which retain only the endosperm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "whole", "wholemeal", "whole-wheat" ], "word": "wholegrain", "num_translations": 19 }, "naturalperson": { "senses": [ "A human being, as opposed to an organization" ], "antonyms": [ "legal person" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "naturalperson", "num_translations": 16 }, "personallubricant": { "senses": [ "Any lubricant used during human sexual activity to reduce friction between body parts, or between body parts and other objects" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lube" ], "word": "personallubricant", "num_translations": 14 }, "openday": { "senses": [ "A casual event where an institution is open for inspection by anyone interested" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "open house" ], "word": "openday", "num_translations": 13 }, "ceskebudejovice": { "senses": [ "A statutory city in the south of the Czech Republic located in the center of a valley of the Vltava River, at the confluence with the Mal\u0161e" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Budweis" ], "word": "CeskeBudejovice", "num_translations": 11 }, "prisonguard": { "senses": [ "An armed person working to provide order, security, discipline, punishment, and prevent escapes of prisoners in a jail that answers to a warden" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corrections officer" ], "word": "prisonguard", "num_translations": 19 }, "garlandchrysanthemum": { "senses": [ "An herb eaten in Asia as greens, Glebionis coronaria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chop suey greens" ], "word": "garlandchrysanthemum", "num_translations": 20 }, "watercaltrop": { "senses": [ "An East Asian water plant with a horn-like nut, Trapa bicornis", "The nut from this plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "water chestnut", "paniphal" ], "word": "watercaltrop", "num_translations": 18 }, "electricaltape": { "senses": [ "A poorly conductive plastic tape used to insulate electrical wires" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "insulating tape", "gaffer tape", "duct tape", "friction tape" ], "word": "electricaltape", "num_translations": 18 }, "greenlandish": { "senses": [ "Of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people, or its language" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Greenlandic" ], "word": "Greenlandish", "num_translations": 19 }, "greenlandish1": { "senses": [ "The official language of Greenland, an Eskimo-Aleut language written with the Latin alphabet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Greenlandic", "Kalaallisut" ], "word": "Greenlandish", "num_translations": 58 }, "bael": { "senses": [ "A tropical fruit tree from India, Aegle marmelos", "The fruit of the tree, also called the wood apple" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Bengal quince" ], "word": "bael", "num_translations": 26 }, "homs": { "senses": [ "city c/Syria" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hems" ], "word": "Homs", "num_translations": 16 }, "householdappliance": { "senses": [ "A machine which accomplishes a household function, such as cooking or cleaning" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "domestic", "home" ], "word": "householdappliance", "num_translations": 13 }, "paracelislands": { "senses": [ "A group of islands in South China Sea, administered by China, claimed by Vietnam and Republic of China" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "The Paracels", "Paracel", "Xisha" ], "word": "ParacelIslands", "num_translations": 21 }, "hypogamy": { "senses": [ "The seeking of a spouse of lower socioeconomic status or caste than oneself" ], "antonyms": [ "hypergamy" ], "synonyms": [ "marrying down" ], "word": "hypogamy", "num_translations": 12 }, "doumpalm": { "senses": [ "Hyphaene thebaica, a palm tree with edible oval fruit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doum" ], "word": "doumpalm", "num_translations": 11 }, "europeanseabass": { "senses": [ "A highly appreciated marine food fish found in the coastal waters of eastern Atlantic from Cape Verde to southern Norway and in the Mediterranean," ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bronzini" ], "word": "Europeanseabass", "num_translations": 28 }, "otherthan": { "senses": [ "Except, besides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apart from" ], "word": "otherthan", "num_translations": 16 }, "balearicsea": { "senses": [ "Part of the Mediterranean Sea, between the Balearic Islands and Levante" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Iberian Sea" ], "word": "BalearicSea", "num_translations": 10 }, "collectivesecuritytreatyorganisation": { "senses": [ "An intergovernmental military alliance of several post-Soviet countries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CSTO" ], "word": "CollectiveSecurityTreatyOrganisation", "num_translations": 37 }, "tosaynothingof": { "senses": [ "An apophasis used to mention another important, usually related, point: not taking into account, not to mention, without considering" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "let alone", "not to mention", "much less" ], "word": "tosaynothingof", "num_translations": 18 }, "northcaucasus": { "senses": [ "the northern part of the Caucasus region between the Black and Caspian Seas and within European Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ciscaucasia" ], "word": "NorthCaucasus", "num_translations": 21 }, "mentaldisorder": { "senses": [ "A behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or a poor ability to function in life" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mental illness" ], "word": "mentaldisorder", "num_translations": 47 }, "marram": { "senses": [ "Ammophila arenaria, a coarse grass found on sandy beaches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "beachgrass" ], "word": "marram", "num_translations": 12 }, "springtolife": { "senses": [ "To start to exist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:come into being" ], "word": "springtolife", "num_translations": 26 }, "cocoyam": { "senses": [ "malanga", "taro" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yautia", "taro", "tanier" ], "word": "cocoyam", "num_translations": 15 }, "bats": { "senses": [ "A Northeast Caucasian language of the Nakh family, spoken in Georgia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Batsbi" ], "word": "Bats", "num_translations": 25 }, "standingcommittee": { "senses": [ "An established parliamentary or congressional committee to which all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials and other matters regarding a defined scope of subjects get referred to and then returned to parliament or congress along with a recommended measure" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "permanent" ], "word": "standingcommittee", "num_translations": 14 }, "rivergod": { "senses": [ "The tutelary deity of a river" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "naiad" ], "word": "rivergod", "num_translations": 20 }, "baldmoney": { "senses": [ "Meum athamanticum, an ornamental plant in the Apiaceae family", "Gentianeae tribe plant, gentian or felwort" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spignel" ], "word": "baldmoney", "num_translations": 18 }, "quickbuck": { "senses": [ "A large sum of money earned easily and quickly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "easy money", "fast buck" ], "word": "quickbuck", "num_translations": 10 }, "cockpigeon": { "senses": [ "A male pigeon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "he-pigeon" ], "word": "cockpigeon", "num_translations": 21 }, "henpigeon": { "senses": [ "A female pigeon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "she-pigeon" ], "word": "henpigeon", "num_translations": 17 }, "flerovium": { "senses": [ "The chemical element with atomic number 114" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eka-lead", "Fl" ], "word": "flerovium", "num_translations": 26 }, "livermorium": { "senses": [ "The chemical element with atomic number 116" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "eka-polonium", "ununhexium" ], "word": "livermorium", "num_translations": 23 }, "memorandumofunderstanding": { "senses": [ "A document that outlines the legal and factual premises believed by the parties to have been agreed to between them" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "MoU", "MOU" ], "word": "memorandumofunderstanding", "num_translations": 14 }, "he-cat": { "senses": [ "A male cat", "a tomcat" ], "antonyms": [ "she-cat" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "he-cat", "num_translations": 21 }, "she-cat": { "senses": [ "An female cat" ], "antonyms": [ "he-cat", "male", "tom", "tomcat" ], "synonyms": [ "female", "queen", "molly" ], "word": "she-cat", "num_translations": 46 }, "lcm": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"least common multiple\"" ], "antonyms": [ "gcd" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "lcm", "num_translations": 10 }, "he-ass": { "senses": [ "A male ass, male donkey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jack", "male" ], "word": "he-ass", "num_translations": 31 }, "tourguide": { "senses": [ "A person who provides assistance and information to people on organised tours" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tourist guide" ], "word": "tourguide", "num_translations": 27 }, "faroish": { "senses": [ "Faroese" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Faroese" ], "word": "Faroish", "num_translations": 26 }, "cakeshop": { "senses": [ "A shop where cakes can be bought" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cakery", "patisserie", "pastry shop" ], "word": "cakeshop", "num_translations": 15 }, "poorthing": { "senses": [ "Someone or something to be pitied" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "poor devil" ], "word": "poorthing", "num_translations": 42 }, "headcovering": { "senses": [ "A covering for the head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "headcover", "head-cover", "head cover" ], "word": "headcovering", "num_translations": 14 }, "hairsalon": { "senses": [ "The establishment of a beautician or barber" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hairdressing salon", "hairdresser's" ], "word": "hairsalon", "num_translations": 49 }, "auxiliarylanguage": { "senses": [ "Any language , such as Volap\u00fck, Esperanto, Swahili, French, Russian or English, used or intended to be used for intercommunication by speakers of various other languages", "A local minority language which has official recognition", "A liturgical language, such as Latin, Sanskrit, or Old Church Slavonic, used in religious services" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auxlang" ], "word": "auxiliarylanguage", "num_translations": 23 }, "mealwormbeetle": { "senses": [ "A species of darkling beetle , Tenebrio molitor, in the family Tenebrionidae, whose larvae are typically used as a food source for reptile, fish, and avian pets" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "yellow mealworm beetle" ], "word": "mealwormbeetle", "num_translations": 11 }, "streetorgan": { "senses": [ "A type of mechanically-played barrel organ designed to be played in the street" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hurdy-gurdy", "roller organ", "barrel organ" ], "word": "streetorgan", "num_translations": 11 }, "schlemm'scanal": { "senses": [ "a circular channel in the eye that collects aqueous humour from the anterior chamber and delivers it into the bloodstream", "if it is blocked, a glaucoma results" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scleral venous sinus" ], "word": "Schlemm'scanal", "num_translations": 12 }, "slippeddisc": { "senses": [ "A vertebral disc that protrudes into the spinal canal, exerting pressure on spinal nerves and causing backache or sciatica" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spinal disc herniation" ], "word": "slippeddisc", "num_translations": 14 }, "lateron": { "senses": [ "At some time in the future", "subsequently", "later" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in the future" ], "word": "lateron", "num_translations": 18 }, "systemiclupuserythematosus": { "senses": [ "A systemic autoimmune disease , where the immune system attacks the body's cells and tissue and causes inflammation and tissue damage" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lupus" ], "word": "systemiclupuserythematosus", "num_translations": 10 }, "checkup": { "senses": [ "To verify through brief investigation or revisit for assurance that there are no problems", "To verify something's accuracy", "To seem correct or plausible", "to comport with known facts", "to check out" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "checkup", "num_translations": 22 }, "hornedlark": { "senses": [ "A lark, Eremophila alpestris, with distinctive facial markings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shore lark" ], "word": "hornedlark", "num_translations": 35 }, "olympiad": { "senses": [ "A period of four years, by which the ancient Greeks reckoned time, being the interval from one celebration of the Olympic games to another, beginning with the victory of Corbus in the foot race, which took place in the year 776 BC", "An occurrence of the Olympic games" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Olympics", "Olympic Games", "Games of the Olympiad" ], "word": "Olympiad", "num_translations": 31 }, "ticketmachine": { "senses": [ "A machine that prints tickets automatically after the customer determines the destination and pays for it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ticket printer", "ticket vending machine" ], "word": "ticketmachine", "num_translations": 12 }, "mexicanmarigold": { "senses": [ "A wild flowering plant, Tagetes erecta, native to Mexico and Central America, with numerous small orangish petals", "Mexican tarragon, Tagetes lucida" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "African marigold", "Aztec marigold", "bid marigold" ], "word": "Mexicanmarigold", "num_translations": 16 }, "intersectionality": { "senses": [ "The quality or state of being intersectional, that is, of being characterized by intersection", "The study of overlapping or intersecting social identities and related systems of oppression, domination, or discrimination" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cross-sectionality" ], "word": "intersectionality", "num_translations": 18 }, "nothingbut": { "senses": [ "only" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:merely" ], "word": "nothingbut", "num_translations": 11 }, "snapfastener": { "senses": [ "a pair of male/female interlocking disks used to fasten a piece of clothing in place of buttons" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pop fastener", "popper", "press stud", "snap button" ], "word": "snapfastener", "num_translations": 16 }, "capsulehotel": { "senses": [ "A type of hotel with a number of very small \"rooms\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pod hotel" ], "word": "capsulehotel", "num_translations": 14 }, "self-actualization": { "senses": [ "Psychological development that can be achieved when all basic and mental needs are fulfilled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-realization" ], "word": "self-actualization", "num_translations": 11 }, "handfan": { "senses": [ "A hand-held device designed to be waved back and forth in order to induce airflow for the purpose of cooling the user" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fan" ], "word": "handfan", "num_translations": 24 }, "hanseaticcity": { "senses": [ "A member city of the Hanseatic League", "A former member city of the Hanseatic League" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hanse city" ], "word": "Hanseaticcity", "num_translations": 10 }, "dolichocephaly": { "senses": [ "The quality or condition of being dolichocephalic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dolichocephalism" ], "word": "dolichocephaly", "num_translations": 16 }, "philippineeagle": { "senses": [ "Pithecophaga jefferyi, a species of eagle endemic to forests in the Philippines that has brown and white-coloured plumage, and a shaggy crest" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "monkey-eating eagle" ], "word": "Philippineeagle", "num_translations": 37 }, "wayfaring-tree": { "senses": [ "A much-branched European shrub of large size , with dense cymes of small white flowers, the foliage and young shoots thickly covered with soft mealy down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoarwithy" ], "word": "wayfaring-tree", "num_translations": 19 }, "wildrice": { "senses": [ "Any one of the four species of grasses which form the genus Zizania, which have edible grains and edible stems", "The edible grain which is harvested from these grasses", "Oryza rufipogon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Canada rice", "Indian rice", "water oats" ], "word": "wildrice", "num_translations": 20 }, "spratlyislands": { "senses": [ "A group of islands, atolls, reefs and cays in the South China Sea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Spratlys" ], "word": "SpratlyIslands", "num_translations": 15 }, "pointingstick": { "senses": [ "An isometric joystick used as a pointing device" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "track stick" ], "word": "pointingstick", "num_translations": 15 }, "batteryelectricvehicle": { "senses": [ "A type of electric vehicle that uses chemical energy stored in rechargeable battery packs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "BEV" ], "word": "batteryelectricvehicle", "num_translations": 12 }, "evennumber": { "senses": [ "A positive integer that can be divided by two, and two itself", "An integer that is divisible by two" ], "antonyms": [ "odd number" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "evennumber", "num_translations": 29 }, "oddnumber": { "senses": [ "Any positive number that cannot be divided by two without leaving a remainder" ], "antonyms": [ "even number" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "oddnumber", "num_translations": 26 }, "snailfish": { "senses": [ "Any member of the Liparidae, a family of scorpaeniform marine fish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "seasnail" ], "word": "snailfish", "num_translations": 10 }, "byblos": { "senses": [ "port city in Lebanon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jubayl" ], "word": "Byblos", "num_translations": 43 }, "syntacticsalt": { "senses": [ "Additions to a computer language that make it harder to write bad code" ], "antonyms": [ "syntactic sugar" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "syntacticsalt", "num_translations": 13 }, "commonshrew": { "senses": [ "A shrew, Sorex araneus, one of the most common mammals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eurasian shrew" ], "word": "commonshrew", "num_translations": 33 }, "whiteoak": { "senses": [ "An oak tree with rounded leaf lobes and relatively pale wood, native to eastern North America, Quercus alba", "A similar oak tree in a subgenus, Quercus subg Quercus, especially section Quercus", "The wood of such trees" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pyramid tree", "Norfolk Island hibiscus" ], "word": "whiteoak", "num_translations": 11 }, "sweet-and-sour": { "senses": [ "Between sweet and sour taste", "Having both positive and negative traits, or inspiring conflicting good and bad feelings" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bittersweet" ], "word": "sweet-and-sour", "num_translations": 12 }, "europeanhedgehog": { "senses": [ "Erinaceus europaeus, the hedgehog that inhabits much of Western and Central Europe" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common hedgehog" ], "word": "Europeanhedgehog", "num_translations": 56 }, "water1": { "senses": [ "to moisten", "to irrigate", "To urinate onto", "To dilute", "To overvalue , especially through deceptive accounting", "To wet and calender, as cloth, so as to impart to it a lustrous appearance in wavy lines", "to diversify with wavelike lines" ], "antonyms": [ "refine" ], "synonyms": [ "water down" ], "word": "water", "num_translations": 101 }, "goodswagon": { "senses": [ "A railway wagon for carrying freight" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "freight car", "freight wagon" ], "word": "goodswagon", "num_translations": 10 }, "seaonion": { "senses": [ "Drimia maritima, the sea squill, native to Mediterranean and adjoining coasts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "squill", "maritime squill", "red squill" ], "word": "seaonion", "num_translations": 25 }, "set-off": { "senses": [ "That which is set off against another thing", "an offset", "That which is used to improve the appearance of anything", "a decoration", "an ornament", "A counterclaim", "a cross debt or demand", "a distinct claim filed or set up by the defendant against the plaintiff's demand", "An offset" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "set-off", "num_translations": 13 }, "wideareanetwork": { "senses": [ "A computer network that covers a large geographic area" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "WAN" ], "word": "wideareanetwork", "num_translations": 18 }, "localareanetwork": { "senses": [ "An interconnection of computers that are in relatively close proximity to each other, such as within a building", "A network on which all devices communicate using OSI model device layer addressing", "A network on which all communication is delivered by way of MAC addresses and that is not routed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "LAN" ], "word": "localareanetwork", "num_translations": 31 }, "hispanicamerica": { "senses": [ "The region comprising the countries in the Americas inhabited by Spanish-speaking people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Spanish America" ], "word": "HispanicAmerica", "num_translations": 49 }, "orwell": { "senses": [ "An surname", "village co/Cambridgeshire cc/England", "river co/Suffolk cc/England", "town s/New York", "village s/Ohio", "settlement p/Prince Edward Island", "town s/Vermont" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Orwell", "num_translations": 121 }, "femalecondom": { "senses": [ "A device that is inserted into the vagina during sexual intercourse as a barrier contraceptive to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "femidom" ], "word": "femalecondom", "num_translations": 12 }, "pussinboots": { "senses": [ "A 17th-century French literary fairy tale about a cat who uses trickery and deceit to gain power, wealth, and the hand of a princess in marriage for his penniless and low-born master" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Master Cat", "Booted Cat" ], "word": "PussinBoots", "num_translations": 31 }, "mures": { "senses": [ "A river which runs through Romania, starting in the eastern Carpathians and joining the Tisza in Hungary, being about 761 km long" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Maros" ], "word": "Mures", "num_translations": 11 }, "escapekey": { "senses": [ "A key on a computer keyboard that can be used to cancel an operation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Esc", "escape" ], "word": "escapekey", "num_translations": 10 }, "sharetaxi": { "senses": [ "A vehicle for hire, typically smaller than a bus, taking passengers on a fixed or semi-fixed route without timetables, departing when all seats are filled" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "taxibus", "jitney", "dollar van", "taxi", "matatu", "dolmus", "louage", "songthaew", "sherut", "daladala", "tro tro" ], "word": "sharetaxi", "num_translations": 20 }, "pseudoword": { "senses": [ "A unit of speech or text that respects the phonotactic restrictions of a language, but is not part of the lexicon" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wug word" ], "word": "pseudoword", "num_translations": 11 }, "tosh1": { "senses": [ "A Hassidic community", "neighbourhood city/Boisbriand p/Quebec c/Canada", "synonym of \"Nyirtass\"", "village c/Hungary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Tosh", "num_translations": 17 }, "mongolianspot": { "senses": [ "A benign, flat, congenital, usually blue to blue-black birthmark in lower back with wavy borders and irregular shape, prevalent among East Asians, South-East Asians, Polynesians, Native Americans, East Africans, and the Turkish people It normally disappears three to five years after birth and almost always by puberty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "congenital dermal melanocytosis" ], "word": "Mongolianspot", "num_translations": 30 }, "cricothyrotomy": { "senses": [ "An incision made through the skin and cricothyroid membrane to establish a patent airway during certain life-threatening situations, such as airway obstruction by a foreign body, angioedema, or massive facial trauma" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "coniotomy", "cricothyroidotomy", "intercricothyrotomy", "thyrocricotomy" ], "word": "cricothyrotomy", "num_translations": 17 }, "hairroller": { "senses": [ "A small tube that is rolled into a person's hair in order to curl it, making a new hairstyle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hair curler" ], "word": "hairroller", "num_translations": 24 }, "cyclerickshaw": { "senses": [ "A rickshaw with two wheels in the back for the carriage and one wheel in the front for steering, propelled by the action of a driver's feet upon pedals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "becak", "bike cab", "cyclo", "pedicab", "trishaw", "velotaxi" ], "word": "cyclerickshaw", "num_translations": 16 }, "hardcandy": { "senses": [ "A candy prepared from one or more syrups boiled to a temperature of 160\u00b0C , thereafter becoming stiff and brittle at room temperature" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boiled sweet" ], "word": "hardcandy", "num_translations": 16 }, "silk-cottontree": { "senses": [ "Any of several large tropical trees:" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ceiba" ], "word": "silk-cottontree", "num_translations": 14 }, "softsign": { "senses": [ "The Cyrillic letter \u042c/\u044c, which in modern languages serves to denote a soft consonant" ], "antonyms": [ "hard sign" ], "synonyms": [ "yer" ], "word": "softsign", "num_translations": 39 }, "hardsign": { "senses": [ "The Cyrillic letter \u042a/\u044a, which in modern languages serves to denote a hard consonant" ], "antonyms": [ "soft sign" ], "synonyms": [ "yer" ], "word": "hardsign", "num_translations": 19 }, "kingcake": { "senses": [ "A decorative cake distributed among friends or visitors on Epiphany In many traditions it contains a pea, a trinket or some other small object which entitles its finder to be the \"king\" for one day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "epiphany cake", "three kings' cake", "twelfth cake", "twelfth-day cake" ], "word": "kingcake", "num_translations": 27 }, "kipchak": { "senses": [ "A member of a nomadic Turkic tribal confederation that overran the Eurasian steppe in mid-11th century" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Cuman" ], "word": "Kipchak", "num_translations": 10 }, "tisza": { "senses": [ "river r/Central Europe, mainly flowing through Hungary and Serbia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Theiss" ], "word": "Tisza", "num_translations": 12 }, "mindong": { "senses": [ "A Chinese language, spoken in the eastern part of Fujian, including its capital city Fuzhou" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Eastern Min" ], "word": "MinDong", "num_translations": 10 }, "groundivy": { "senses": [ "Glechoma hederacea, an aromatic, perennial, evergreen creeper of the mint family Lamiaceae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gill-over-the-ground" ], "word": "groundivy", "num_translations": 41 }, "earthlybranch": { "senses": [ "One of the twelve terms used in East Asian cultures to represent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "terrestrial branch" ], "word": "earthlybranch", "num_translations": 12 }, "heavenlystem": { "senses": [ "One of the ten terms used in East Asian cultures to represent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "celestial stem" ], "word": "heavenlystem", "num_translations": 12 }, "passedpawn": { "senses": [ "A pawn that has passed beyond enemy pawns on its own or adjacent files, and that hence has a clear run to the eighth rank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "passer" ], "word": "passedpawn", "num_translations": 11 }, "icecreamparlor": { "senses": [ "A retail business that sells ice cream and related products" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ice cream shop", "creamery" ], "word": "icecreamparlor", "num_translations": 16 }, "douglasfir": { "senses": [ "An evergreen conifer of genus Pseudotsuga", "there are four to six species native to western North America and eastern Asia", "The wood of the tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Douglas tree", "Oregon pine" ], "word": "Douglasfir", "num_translations": 11 }, "cherryplum": { "senses": [ "Prunus cerasifera, a deciduous ornamental Eurasian shrub or small tree, having white flowers and small red to yellow edible fruits", "The fruit of such a tree" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "The Plant List", "myrobalan plum", "myrobalan plum" ], "word": "cherryplum", "num_translations": 32 }, "brother-german": { "senses": [ "A full brother: a brother born to the same mother and father, as distinguished from half-brothers , step-brothers, or 'brothers' established through relationships such as wardship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "full" ], "word": "brother-german", "num_translations": 10 }, "writingsystem": { "senses": [ "A system for writing one or more languages", "a particular alphabetic, syllabic, logographic, or other scheme For example, the Latin alphabet or the Cyrillic alphabet", "The basic type of a system for writing languages For example, alphabetic writing or logographic writing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "script" ], "word": "writingsystem", "num_translations": 15 }, "beadtree": { "senses": [ "Melia azedarach, a deciduous or semi-evergreen tree with poisonous fruit, native to India, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "azedarach", "chinaberry", "white cedar", "Persian lilac", "pride of China", "pride of India", "syringa berry" ], "word": "beadtree", "num_translations": 18 }, "frenchrepublicancalendar": { "senses": [ "The republican calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "French Revolutionary Calendar" ], "word": "FrenchRepublicanCalendar", "num_translations": 89 }, "bitcoin1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "\u20bf", "BTC", "XBT" ], "word": "bitcoin", "num_translations": 20 }, "christ'sthorn": { "senses": [ "Paliurus spina-christi, a deciduous shrub or small tree of the Mediterranean and parts of Asia, with spiny shoots" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "garland thorn", "Jerusalem thorn" ], "word": "Christ'sthorn", "num_translations": 12 }, "dothelaundry": { "senses": [ "To wash the laundry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "washing" ], "word": "dothelaundry", "num_translations": 22 }, "broodmare": { "senses": [ "A stud mare, a female horse used for breeding" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "stud mare" ], "word": "broodmare", "num_translations": 14 }, "epoophoron": { "senses": [ "A group of tubules, a remnant of the Wolffian body, often found near the ovary or oviduct" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parovarium", "organ of Rosenm\u00fcller" ], "word": "epoophoron", "num_translations": 12 }, "dishtowel": { "senses": [ "A piece of absorbent cloth for drying or wiping dishes, cups or silverware", "A piece of cloth similar in size or texture, but used for other functions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kitchen towel" ], "word": "dishtowel", "num_translations": 13 }, "hanseaticleague": { "senses": [ "The commercial and military alliance of Low German merchant guilds and privileged market towns which dominated trade along the coasts of northern Europe from the mid-12th to mid-17th centuries" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hansa", "Hanse", "Hanses" ], "word": "HanseaticLeague", "num_translations": 18 }, "mantisshrimp": { "senses": [ "A stomatopod, a marine crustacean of the order Stomatopoda, with powerful claws and a carapace which covers only the rear part of the head and part of the thorax" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prawn killer" ], "word": "mantisshrimp", "num_translations": 48 }, "takeforaride": { "senses": [ "To deceive someone", "To drive to a remote location where they are killed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "take for a drive" ], "word": "takeforaride", "num_translations": 11 }, "hyrcania": { "senses": [ "region in the southeastern sea/Caspian Sea, corresponding to parts of modern-day Iran and Turkmenistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gurgan" ], "word": "Hyrcania", "num_translations": 15 }, "threequarters": { "senses": [ "The fraction that represents the real number 075", "\u00be" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "three fourths" ], "word": "threequarters", "num_translations": 15 }, "consideritdone": { "senses": [ "Used to indicate an intent to fulfil a request or order promptly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "right away" ], "word": "consideritdone", "num_translations": 16 }, "waterspinach": { "senses": [ "Ipomoea aquatica, a green leafy vegetable used as a food in several cuisines of East and Southeast Asia", "Amaranthus dubius, often bearing red or purple marks", "Amaranthus tricolor, edible amaranth", "Basella alba, Malabar spinach, with thick, succulent, heart-shaped leaves" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "kangkong", "red spinach", "rau den", "spleen amaranth", "Joseph's coat", "Chinese amaranth" ], "word": "waterspinach", "num_translations": 12 }, "paramita": { "senses": [ "perfection or culmination of certain virtues" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "parami" ], "word": "paramita", "num_translations": 17 }, "groinvault": { "senses": [ "A vault resulting from the intersection of two barrel-vaults crossing in a right angle Its thrusts are concentrated along the groins or arrises and eventually at the four corners" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "groined vault" ], "word": "groinvault", "num_translations": 10 }, "occupationalsafetyandhealth": { "senses": [ "The activities and policies aimed at protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OSH", "occupational health and safety", "OHS", "occupational health", "workplace health and safety", "WHS", "occupational health and occupational and non-occupational safety" ], "word": "occupationalsafetyandhealth", "num_translations": 11 }, "lapti": { "senses": [ "A pair of the old traditional East Slavic bast shoes, an obsolete traditional footwear of forest areas of Northern Europe, formerly worn by poorer members of the Finnic peoples, Balts, and East Slavs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bast shoes" ], "word": "lapti", "num_translations": 28 }, "no.1": { "senses": [ "abbreviation of \"number\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Unsupported titles/Number sign", "\u2116" ], "word": "No.", "num_translations": 41 }, "cuppingglass": { "senses": [ "A glass vessel used in cupping" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cupping jar" ], "word": "cuppingglass", "num_translations": 24 }, "federalreservesystem": { "senses": [ "The central banking system of the United States" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "The Fed", "Federal Reserve" ], "word": "FederalReserveSystem", "num_translations": 14 }, "blackkite": { "senses": [ "A species of kite, Milvus migrans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shitehawk" ], "word": "blackkite", "num_translations": 17 }, "iftheshoefits,wearit": { "senses": [ "If a description fits, it is probably the case" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "if the cap fits", "wear it", "if it looks like a duck", "swims like a duck", "and quacks like a duck", "then it probably is a duck" ], "word": "iftheshoefits,wearit", "num_translations": 13 }, "northernwildrice": { "senses": [ "Zizania palustris, a species of wild rice, native to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, and Canada north and west of the Great Lakes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Indian rice", "Canada rice" ], "word": "northernwildrice", "num_translations": 11 }, "dwarfelder": { "senses": [ "A small European herbaceous perennial elder, species Sambucus ebulus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "danewort" ], "word": "dwarfelder", "num_translations": 19 }, "drugaddiction": { "senses": [ "Dependency on drugs, especially which are illegal or improperly procured" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "narcomania" ], "word": "drugaddiction", "num_translations": 36 }, "taoteching": { "senses": [ "A Chinese classic text fundamental to both philosophical and religious Taoism" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Laozi" ], "word": "TaoTeChing", "num_translations": 10 }, "cathoderaytube": { "senses": [ "A vacuum tube that displays still or moving images , by controlling the direction of a cathode ray emitted towards the front of the tube The front is coated by a layer of fluorescent material, so that it emits light when struck by the beam" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CRT", "picture tube" ], "word": "cathoderaytube", "num_translations": 13 }, "notrespassing": { "senses": [ "Used on notices, indicating that entry or access to a place is forbidden" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "keep out" ], "word": "notrespassing", "num_translations": 18 }, "nietzscheanism": { "senses": [ "The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche", "Support for Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical views" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nietzscheism" ], "word": "Nietzscheanism", "num_translations": 15 }, "newenglish": { "senses": [ "The form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift in England, completed in roughly 1550" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Modern English" ], "word": "NewEnglish", "num_translations": 21 }, "floorlamp": { "senses": [ "A lamp supported by a tall vertical pole in order that light comes from above those seated in the vicinity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "standard lamp", "torchiere" ], "word": "floorlamp", "num_translations": 17 }, "eastjerusalem": { "senses": [ "The portion of Jerusalem controlled by Jordan between 1948 and 1967" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "East al-Quds" ], "word": "EastJerusalem", "num_translations": 10 }, "goldenyears": { "senses": [ "Old age", "especially, the leisure years in later life after one has retired from employment", "The period during which someone or something flourishes" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "twilight years", "prime" ], "word": "goldenyears", "num_translations": 17 }, "samesex": { "senses": [ "The same gender to which one is referring, often when referring to oneself" ], "antonyms": [ "opposite sex" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "samesex", "num_translations": 10 }, "roastpork": { "senses": [ "Pork cooked by roasting" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pork roast" ], "word": "roastpork", "num_translations": 21 }, "yeasayer": { "senses": [ "One whose attitude is positive, optimistic, confidently affirmative", "One who habitually agrees uncritically" ], "antonyms": [ "naysayer" ], "synonyms": [ "optimist", "yes man" ], "word": "yeasayer", "num_translations": 12 }, "coloredpencil": { "senses": [ "A pencil with a wax-like colored core" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crayon", "pencil crayon" ], "word": "coloredpencil", "num_translations": 33 }, "digit": { "senses": [ "The whole numbers from 0 to 9 and the Arabic numerals representing them, which are combined to represent base-ten numbers", "Similarly fundamental numerals in other systems", "the apparent diameter of the sun or moon, as a measure of the totality of an eclipse", "synonym of \"inch\"", "A narrow extremity of the human hand or foot: a finger, thumb, or toe", "Similar or similar-looking structures in other animals", "synonym of \"degree\": of a circle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "place", "finger", "finger" ], "word": "digit", "num_translations": 136 }, "slackoff": { "senses": [ "To be deliberately unproductive in one's work or study", "To decrease in intensity", "to ease off", "to diminish", "to die down" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "slackoff", "num_translations": 13 }, "wildservicetree": { "senses": [ "A tree with edible fruit, Sorbus torminalis, native to central and southern Europe and neighboring parts of Asia and Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chequer tree" ], "word": "wildservicetree", "num_translations": 54 }, "nafld": { "senses": [ "initialism of \"non-alcoholic fatty liver disease\": a spectrum of disorders characterized by predominantly macrovesicular hepatic steatosis occurring in individuals in the absence of significant alcohol consumption" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nonalcoholic steatohepatitis", "NASH" ], "word": "NAFLD", "num_translations": 21 }, "ophiophobia": { "senses": [ "A morbid fear of snakes" ], "antonyms": [ "ophiomania" ], "synonyms": [ "ophidiophobia", "snake fear", "snake-fright" ], "word": "ophiophobia", "num_translations": 12 }, "thermalconductivity": { "senses": [ "A measure of the ability of a material to conduct heat, often denoted k, \u03bb, or \u03ba" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "heat conductivity" ], "word": "thermalconductivity", "num_translations": 13 }, "advancepayment": { "senses": [ "The part of a contractually due sum that is paid or received in advance for a good, service or social security payment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "advance" ], "word": "advancepayment", "num_translations": 22 }, "generalsecretary": { "senses": [ "Chief officer or leader of a political party or organization, especially in Communist contexts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "First Secretary", "Secretary General" ], "word": "GeneralSecretary", "num_translations": 17 }, "youthdetentioncentre": { "senses": [ "A secure residential facility for young people, often termed juvenile delinquents, awaiting court hearings and/or placement in long-term care facilities and programs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "juvenile hall", "juvie" ], "word": "youthdetentioncentre", "num_translations": 13 }, "privateinternationallaw": { "senses": [ "The law of a state that decides the law of which state is applied to legal relationships in civil and commercial matters that contain foreign elements" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rules on the conflict of laws, conflict of law rules", "collision law" ], "word": "privateinternationallaw", "num_translations": 15 }, "finity": { "senses": [ "The state or characteristic of being limited in number or scope", "Something which is limited in number or scope" ], "antonyms": [ "infinity" ], "synonyms": [ "boundedness" ], "word": "finity", "num_translations": 12 }, "wheatweevil": { "senses": [ "A common species of weevil that occurs worldwide and causes damage to harvested grain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grain weevil", "pope" ], "word": "wheatweevil", "num_translations": 20 }, "sweetosmanthus": { "senses": [ "a shrub or tree of the species Osmanthus fragrans, native to east Asia and prized for its fragrant flowers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fragrant olive", "tea olive", "sweet olive" ], "word": "sweetosmanthus", "num_translations": 12 }, "chinesecinnamon": { "senses": [ "An evergreen tree originating in southern China, and widely cultivated for its aromatic bark, which is used to produce cinnamon", "The bark of this tree when used as spice, and when distinguishing it from \"true cinnamon\", the bark of the C verum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chinese cassia" ], "word": "Chinesecinnamon", "num_translations": 10 }, "pekingopera": { "senses": [ "A form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Beijing opera", "jingju", "jingxi" ], "word": "Pekingopera", "num_translations": 28 }, "skitrack": { "senses": [ "A trail left by a pair of skis, or one artificially created for the purpose of skiing on" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "loipe", "ski trail" ], "word": "skitrack", "num_translations": 18 }, "surgicalmask": { "senses": [ "A mask worn to catch bacteria shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer's mouth and nose" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "procedure mask" ], "word": "surgicalmask", "num_translations": 50 }, "russianoven": { "senses": [ "A kind of oven/furnace that first appeared in the 15th century, used for both cooking and domestic heating in traditional Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian households, and designed to retain heat for long periods of time by channeling the smoke and hot air of combustion through a labyrinth of passages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pechka" ], "word": "Russianoven", "num_translations": 18 }, "russianism": { "senses": [ "A word or other feature originating in the Russian language that has been borrowed by another language", "A nationalist ideology that promotes Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Russism", "Russicism", "Ruscism" ], "word": "Russianism", "num_translations": 25 }, "stepwell": { "senses": [ "A well in which the water can be reached by descending a set of steps" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baoli", "barav", "bawdi", "kalyani", "pushkarani", "vaav" ], "word": "stepwell", "num_translations": 10 }, "emergencyphysician": { "senses": [ "A physician who works at an emergency department to care for acutely ill patients" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "A & E doctor", "accident and emergency doctor", "emergency doctor", "ER doctor", "ER physician" ], "word": "emergencyphysician", "num_translations": 15 }, "mountofolives": { "senses": [ "A mountain ridge east of and adjacent to the Old City of Jerusalem, a holy place for both Judaism and Christianity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mount Olivet" ], "word": "MountofOlives", "num_translations": 18 }, "nikolayevsk-on-amur": { "senses": [ "a city in Primorsky Krai, Russia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nikolayevsk" ], "word": "Nikolayevsk-on-Amur", "num_translations": 15 }, "onega": { "senses": [ "a freshwater lake in the north-west European part of Russia, located on the territory of Republic of Karelia, Leningrad Oblast and Vologda Oblast" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lake Onega" ], "word": "Onega", "num_translations": 10 }, "criminalcode": { "senses": [ "A document which compiles all, or a significant amount of, a particular jurisdiction's criminal law" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penal code" ], "word": "criminalcode", "num_translations": 13 }, "marvelofperu": { "senses": [ "Mirabilis jalapa, an ornamental flowering plant from the Americas, used until the 19th century also medicinally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "four-o'clock" ], "word": "marvelofPeru", "num_translations": 23 }, "trabzon": { "senses": [ "a port on the Black Sea coast of north-eastern Turkey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Trebizond" ], "word": "Trabzon", "num_translations": 22 }, "sanliurfa": { "senses": [ "city in southeastern c/Turkey" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Urfa" ], "word": "Sanliurfa", "num_translations": 10 }, "feodosia": { "senses": [ "A > and > in >, internationally recognized as part of > but de facto in >" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Caffa" ], "word": "Feodosia", "num_translations": 24 }, "hamadan": { "senses": [ "city in western c/Iran" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ecbatana" ], "word": "Hamadan", "num_translations": 10 }, "cheops": { "senses": [ "a pharaoh of Egypt, who ruled in the first half of the Old Kingdom period and is renowned as the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Khufu" ], "word": "Cheops", "num_translations": 11 }, "burningbush": { "senses": [ "A biblical object described in Exodus 3:1-22, used by Yahweh to communicate with Moses", "Any plant of several species of Euonymus:", "A perennial herb which gives off so much essential oil that it can sometimes be lit and will burn briefly without harming the plant", "Combretum paniculatum, a plant native to Africa", "Bassia scoparia , a large annual herb in the family Chenopodiaceae, native to Eurasia, introduced to many parts of North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "wahoo", "fraxinella" ], "word": "burningbush", "num_translations": 26 }, "medicalcertificate": { "senses": [ "A statement from a physician or other health care provider that attests to the result of a medical examination of a patient" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doctor's certificate" ], "word": "medicalcertificate", "num_translations": 19 }, "chukchipeninsula": { "senses": [ "peninsula in northeastern c/Russia, bordered by the Chukchi Sea to the north, the Bering Sea to the south, and the Bering Strait to the east", "part of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chukotka" ], "word": "ChukchiPeninsula", "num_translations": 12 }, "chukotkaautonomousokrug": { "senses": [ "a federal subject of Russia located partly on the Chukotka Peninsula" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chukotka" ], "word": "ChukotkaAutonomousOkrug", "num_translations": 32 }, "brushtailpossum": { "senses": [ "A nocturnal, arboreal, Australian possum, Trichosurus vulpecula, that has a furred tail with a naked tip" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "brushtail" ], "word": "brushtailpossum", "num_translations": 10 }, "unspokenrule": { "senses": [ "A rule that is understood to apply but does not exist in written form" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unwritten rule" ], "word": "unspokenrule", "num_translations": 20 }, "electricvehicle": { "senses": [ "Vehicle that uses an electric motor as the means of propulsion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "EV" ], "word": "electricvehicle", "num_translations": 13 }, "luggagecart": { "senses": [ "A small vehicle pushed by travellers to carry individual luggage, usually suitcases" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baggage cart", "luggage trolley" ], "word": "luggagecart", "num_translations": 10 }, "adhesivecapsulitis": { "senses": [ "A disorder in which the shoulder capsule, the connective tissue surrounding the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder, becomes inflamed and stiff, greatly restricting motion and causing chronic pain" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "frozen shoulder" ], "word": "adhesivecapsulitis", "num_translations": 10 }, "handsanitizer": { "senses": [ "A disinfecting liquid used as an alternative to washing the hands with soap and water" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hand rub" ], "word": "handsanitizer", "num_translations": 17 }, "barofchocolate": { "senses": [ "A flat slab of chocolate, usually oblong in shape, which can be broken into smaller segments when being eaten", "a chocolate bar" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "block of chocolate" ], "word": "barofchocolate", "num_translations": 15 }, "minbei": { "senses": [ "A variety of Min Chinese, spoken in northern Fujian, represented by the Jian'ou dialect" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Northern Min" ], "word": "MinBei", "num_translations": 11 }, "foreignbody": { "senses": [ "An unwanted, intruding object or piece of matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foreign" ], "word": "foreignbody", "num_translations": 11 }, "isis": { "senses": [ "A Sunni jihadist group active in Libya, Nigeria, Iraq and Syria, where it has proclaimed an state" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Daesh" ], "word": "ISIS", "num_translations": 23 }, "placeofworship": { "senses": [ "A place, usually a building such as a church, mosque, synagogue or temple where believers can practise their faith" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "house of worship", "temple" ], "word": "placeofworship", "num_translations": 15 }, "advocacygroup": { "senses": [ "An organised group of people who use various forms of advocacy to influence public opinion and policy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "campaign group", "interest group", "lobby group", "pressure group", "special interest group" ], "word": "advocacygroup", "num_translations": 19 }, "rangeofmotion": { "senses": [ "The distance that a movable object may normally travel while properly attached to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ROM", "range of travel" ], "word": "rangeofmotion", "num_translations": 13 }, "sovok": { "senses": [ "A person uncritically supporting Soviet values or having a Soviet mentality", "The Soviet Union, Soviet times, or things associated with the Soviet Union" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Homo sovieticus", "sovdep", "vatnik" ], "word": "sovok", "num_translations": 16 }, "rousong": { "senses": [ "A Chinese dried meat product with a light and fluffy texture, made by stewing cuts of pork in a sweetened soy sauce mixture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flossy pork", "meat floss", "meat wool", "pork floss", "pork sung" ], "word": "rousong", "num_translations": 15 }, "illegalimmigrant": { "senses": [ "Someone who has immigrated into a country by bypassing customs and immigration controls" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crimmigrant", "undocumented immigrant" ], "word": "illegalimmigrant", "num_translations": 26 }, "privatelife": { "senses": [ "The aspects of one's life that are personal, such as family, friends and other personal relationships, as opposed to the elements that make up one's public or professional life" ], "antonyms": [ "public life" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "privatelife", "num_translations": 10 }, "frothatthemouth": { "senses": [ "To spew saliva as froth", "To rage, to vent one's anger" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "foam at the mouth", "frothing at the gash" ], "word": "frothatthemouth", "num_translations": 12 }, "thun": { "senses": [ "city/and/municipality can/Bern c/Switzerland" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lake Thun" ], "word": "Thun", "num_translations": 27 }, "alcoholpoisoning": { "senses": [ "A high blood level of alcohol, toxic enough to injure or kill a person" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "alcohol intoxication", "drunkenness", "inebriation" ], "word": "alcoholpoisoning", "num_translations": 12 }, "volhynia": { "senses": [ "region r/Eastern Europe, now divided between Poland, Ukraine and Belarus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lodomeria" ], "word": "Volhynia", "num_translations": 25 }, "constructionworker": { "senses": [ "An employee working on a physical construction site" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "building worker" ], "word": "constructionworker", "num_translations": 25 }, "gallipoli": { "senses": [ "city c/Turkey, the former Byzantine Callipolis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Gelibolu", "Chersonese" ], "word": "Gallipoli", "num_translations": 10 }, "sandwichbar": { "senses": [ "A restaurant or takeaway food shop that primarily sells sandwiches", "A self-service area where sandwiches can be prepared" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sandwich shop" ], "word": "sandwichbar", "num_translations": 10 }, "christianophobe": { "senses": [ "A person who hates or fears Christ, Christians, or the Christian religion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christophobe" ], "word": "Christianophobe", "num_translations": 13 }, "white-haired": { "senses": [ "Having white hair, especially from old age" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hoary" ], "word": "white-haired", "num_translations": 20 }, "komi-zyrian": { "senses": [ "A Uralic language, the more common of the two main regional varieties of the pluricentrical Komi language, the other variety being Komi-Permyak It's the standard language of Komi people in Komi Republic and, along with Russian, an official language in the republic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Komi" ], "word": "Komi-Zyrian", "num_translations": 10 }, "redriver1": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hong He", "Yuan River", "Song Hong" ], "word": "RedRiver", "num_translations": 10 }, "mariupol": { "senses": [ "city obl/Donetsk in eastern c/Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Pavlovsk", "Zhdanov" ], "word": "Mariupol", "num_translations": 11 }, "novorossiya": { "senses": [ "An area north of the Black Sea which was conquered by the Russian Empire at the end of the 18th century, located in present-day Ukraine", "A proposed confederation of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, breakaway states involved in the ongoing Ukraine crisis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "New Russia", "Novo-Russia" ], "word": "Novorossiya", "num_translations": 16 }, "oldcatholic": { "senses": [ "Pertaining to a group of churches that split from the Roman Catholic Church over the dogma of papal infallibility, which they did not agree with" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christian Catholic" ], "word": "OldCatholic", "num_translations": 11 }, "smell-brain": { "senses": [ "The part of the brain involved with smelling" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rhinencephalon" ], "word": "smell-brain", "num_translations": 31 }, "smallpica": { "senses": [ "The size of type between long primer and pica, standardized as 11 point" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "philosophy" ], "word": "smallpica", "num_translations": 12 }, "badmintonplayer": { "senses": [ "A person who plays badminton, especially professionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "badmintonist" ], "word": "badmintonplayer", "num_translations": 19 }, "snakegourd": { "senses": [ "The vine Trichosanthes cucumerina, found across much of southern and southeastern Asia, from Pakistan to southern China to northern Australia", "The long fruit of this vine, which is used as food, in medicine, and in crafting didgeridoos" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "serpent gourd" ], "word": "snakegourd", "num_translations": 16 }, "norfolkislandpine": { "senses": [ "Araucaria heterophylla , a conifer endemic to Norfolk Island, but grown as an ornamental tree in mild climates and as a container plant indoors worldwide" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "star pine" ], "word": "NorfolkIslandpine", "num_translations": 11 }, "takepleasure": { "senses": [ "To have enjoyment" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "delight in" ], "word": "takepleasure", "num_translations": 11 }, "cultfilm": { "senses": [ "A film that has acquired a cult following" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cult movie" ], "word": "cultfilm", "num_translations": 15 }, "two-wheeltractor": { "senses": [ "a tractor with one axle, self-powered and self-propelled, which can pull and power various farm implements such as a trailer, cultivator or harrow, a plough, or various seeders and harvesters" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "walking tractor" ], "word": "two-wheeltractor", "num_translations": 13 }, "programtrading": { "senses": [ "High-volume and high-speed buying and selling of investment securities, such as stocks and bonds, which is initiated and executed by brokerage firms' computer programs that continually monitor market conditions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "high-frequency trading" ], "word": "programtrading", "num_translations": 17 }, "desdemona": { "senses": [ "A character in Shakespeare's play The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice, the wife of Othello", "An inner moon of the planet Uranus" ], "antonyms": [ "Eudaimonia" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Desdemona", "num_translations": 12 }, "godthefather": { "senses": [ "The aspect of the Trinity or Godhead corresponding to the God of Abraham and the Jewish scriptures and considered the creator of mankind and father of Jesus Christ" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See" ], "word": "GodtheFather", "num_translations": 28 }, "godtheson": { "senses": [ "The aspect of the Trinity or Godhead corresponding to Jesus Christ, considered the son of God the Father either directly or through the intermediation of the Holy Spirit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Jesus", "Lord" ], "word": "GodtheSon", "num_translations": 24 }, "godtheholyghost": { "senses": [ "The aspect of the Trinity or Godhead corresponding to divine essence present in the faithful and considered to proceed either from God the Father alone or from Him together with God the Son" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "God the Holy Spirit", "see others at" ], "word": "GodtheHolyGhost", "num_translations": 31 }, "parchmentpaper": { "senses": [ "Cellulose-based paper used in baking as a disposable non-stick surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bakery paper", "baking paper", "baking parchment", "bakery release paper" ], "word": "parchmentpaper", "num_translations": 15 }, "atlanticpuffin": { "senses": [ "A species of puffin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common puffin", "pope" ], "word": "Atlanticpuffin", "num_translations": 24 }, "armeniancucumber": { "senses": [ "Cucumis melo var flexuosus, a long, slender variety of muskmelon which resembles a cucumber in taste and inner appearance" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snake cucumber" ], "word": "Armeniancucumber", "num_translations": 48 }, "sidecap": { "senses": [ "A foldable military cap with straight sides and a creased or hollow crown sloping to the back where it is parted" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "field service cap", "garrison cap", "overseas cap", "wedge cap" ], "word": "sidecap", "num_translations": 17 }, "penaltymark": { "senses": [ "a small white spot, painted on the grass, twelve yards in front of the centre of the goal line, from which all penalty kicks are taken" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "penalty spot" ], "word": "penaltymark", "num_translations": 10 }, "khujand": { "senses": [ "Capital of the Sughd province in north of Tajikistan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Khodjend", "Leninabad" ], "word": "Khujand", "num_translations": 35 }, "varenye": { "senses": [ "A kind of sweet fruit preserve" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "murabba" ], "word": "varenye", "num_translations": 20 }, "naturalchild": { "senses": [ "An illegitimate child, a child born to unmarried parents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "love-child", "born in the vestry", "bastard", "son of a whore" ], "word": "naturalchild", "num_translations": 27 }, "long-tailedduck": { "senses": [ "An Arctic sea bird, Clangula hyemalis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "calloo" ], "word": "long-tailedduck", "num_translations": 22 }, "tigergrass": { "senses": [ "The grass Saccharum spontaneum", "The grass Thysanolaena latifolia", "The grass Thysanolaena maxima", "The flowering plant Centella asiatica", "mazari palm" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "tigergrass", "num_translations": 11 }, "televisionshow": { "senses": [ "A live or recorded broadcast or program, or series of broadcasts or programs, meant to be viewed on television", "The taping of a television broadcast before a studio audience" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "TV show" ], "word": "televisionshow", "num_translations": 51 }, "logos": { "senses": [ "In Ancient Greek philosophy, the rational principle that governs the cosmos", "The word of God, which itself has creative power", "a hypostasis associated with divine wisdom", "The word of God as incarnate in or identified with the second person of the Trinity", "Jesus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Logos", "num_translations": 40 }, "italianhoneysuckle": { "senses": [ "Lonicera caprifolium" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "goat-leaf honeysuckle", "Italian woodbine", "perfoliate woodbine" ], "word": "Italianhoneysuckle", "num_translations": 23 }, "islamicstate": { "senses": [ "A Sunni jihadist group active in Libya, Nigeria, Iraq and Syria, where it has proclaimed an state", "The unrecognized state proclaimed by this group" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IS", "Daesh", "ISIS", "Islamic State in Iraq", "al-Qaeda in Iraq" ], "word": "IslamicState", "num_translations": 53 }, "holodomor": { "senses": [ "The 1932-33 famine affecting rural Ukraine and other territories of the Soviet Union, a result of the forced collectivization of land-owning peasants by the Soviet government" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "famine-genocide", "Great Famine", "terror-famine" ], "word": "Holodomor", "num_translations": 24 }, "moisturisingcream": { "senses": [ "A cream that moisturises the skin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "moisturiser" ], "word": "moisturisingcream", "num_translations": 37 }, "eurasiansparrowhawk": { "senses": [ "A bird of the species Accipiter nisus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "northern sparrowhawk", "sparrowhawk" ], "word": "Eurasiansparrowhawk", "num_translations": 84 }, "shilajit": { "senses": [ "A tar-like substance used in traditional medicine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mumijo" ], "word": "shilajit", "num_translations": 20 }, "carryingpole": { "senses": [ "A yoke of wood or bamboo, used by people to carry a load" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pingo", "shoulder pole", "milkmaid's yoke" ], "word": "carryingpole", "num_translations": 45 }, "indianmyna": { "senses": [ "Acridotheres tristis, an omnivorous open woodland bird of the family Sturnidae with a strong territorial instinct that has adapted extremely well to urban environments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common myna" ], "word": "Indianmyna", "num_translations": 35 }, "socialanxietydisorder": { "senses": [ "The most common anxiety disorder, characterized by intense fear in one or more social situations, causing considerable distress and impaired ability to function in at least some parts of daily life Symptoms of fear, distress, anxiety, avoidance of social situations, and impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of daily life, are persistent, typically lasting for a minimum of at least 6 months, and are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "social anxiety", "social phobia" ], "word": "socialanxietydisorder", "num_translations": 14 }, "australianwhiteibis": { "senses": [ "Threskiornis molucca, a species of wading bird of the ibis family, Threskiornithidae, which is widespread across much of Australia and has a predominantly white plumage with a bare, black head, long downcurved bill and black legs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bin chicken" ], "word": "Australianwhiteibis", "num_translations": 24 }, "basicform": { "senses": [ "The uninflected form of a word used as a dictionary entry" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "canonical form", "citation form", "dictionary form", "headword", "lemma" ], "word": "basicform", "num_translations": 10 }, "wymysorys": { "senses": [ "A West Germanic language spoken in the Polish town of Wilamowice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Vilamovian" ], "word": "Wymysorys", "num_translations": 20 }, "makhorka": { "senses": [ "A coarse, strong type of tobacco , especially grown in Russia and Ukraine" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Aztec tobacco", "mapacho", "wild tobacco" ], "word": "makhorka", "num_translations": 22 }, "smoothbreathing": { "senses": [ "A diacritic mark in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Greek used to indicate absence of aspiration for an initial vowel, and sometimes for a rho" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spiritus lenis" ], "word": "smoothbreathing", "num_translations": 10 }, "danicize": { "senses": [ "To make Danish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Danify", "danify" ], "word": "Danicize", "num_translations": 13 }, "northernpintail": { "senses": [ "A large duck of the species Anas acuta, of wide geographic distribution" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pintail" ], "word": "northernpintail", "num_translations": 24 }, "chainofcommand": { "senses": [ "The command hierarchy or structure in which one rank obeys the one above it, which obeys the one above it, and so forth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "command hierarchy" ], "word": "chainofcommand", "num_translations": 19 }, "europeanrabbit": { "senses": [ "An animal of the species Oryctolagus cuniculus, native to southwestern Europe and northwest Africa, introduced and invasive elsewhere" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common rabbit" ], "word": "Europeanrabbit", "num_translations": 12 }, "postofficebox": { "senses": [ "A uniquely addressable lockable box located on the premises of a post office that may be hired as collection point for mail", "A test instrument once used by telephone engineers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "PO box", "postal box" ], "word": "postofficebox", "num_translations": 19 }, "lotusseed": { "senses": [ "Any of the seeds derived from the plants in the genus Nelumbo, particularly the species Nelumbo nucifera, as used in East Asian cuisine, traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese desserts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "lotus nut" ], "word": "lotusseed", "num_translations": 20 }, "urbanrenewal": { "senses": [ "A process where older areas of a city are redeveloped, including slum clearance, replacement of outdated buildings and infrastructure", "A specific instance in which this process is used" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "urban regeneration", "urban renew" ], "word": "urbanrenewal", "num_translations": 19 }, "commandingofficer": { "senses": [ "The officer in command of, and typically having ultimate authority over, a military unit" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "CO" ], "word": "commandingofficer", "num_translations": 12 }, "livormortis": { "senses": [ "A settling of the blood in the lower portion of the body, causing a purplish red discoloration of the skin, typically occurring after death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hypostasis", "lividity", "suggillation" ], "word": "livormortis", "num_translations": 11 }, "barrechord": { "senses": [ "A guitar chord played by pressing down multiple strings on the fretboard" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bar chord" ], "word": "barrechord", "num_translations": 16 }, "gyumri": { "senses": [ "the second largest city in Armenia and the capital of the Shirak Province in the northwestern part of the country" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Leninakan" ], "word": "Gyumri", "num_translations": 14 }, "slavicstudies": { "senses": [ "A field of academic study concerned with Slavic areas, Slavic languages, literature, history, and culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Slavistics" ], "word": "Slavicstudies", "num_translations": 13 }, "celticstudies": { "senses": [ "the academic discipline occupied with the study of any sort of cultural output relating to a Celtic people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Celtology" ], "word": "Celticstudies", "num_translations": 16 }, "italianpeninsula": { "senses": [ "A large peninsula in Southern Europe protruding into the Mediterranean Sea and shaped like a boot The mountain range of Apennines runs across it from north to south Occupied almost entirely by Italy" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Apennine Peninsula" ], "word": "ItalianPeninsula", "num_translations": 20 }, "europhobe": { "senses": [ "One who dislikes Europe or the European Union" ], "antonyms": [ "Europhile" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Europhobe", "num_translations": 10 }, "housesparrow": { "senses": [ "A bird of the species Passer domesticus, native to much of Eurasia, introduced in many other temperate environments" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "English sparrow" ], "word": "housesparrow", "num_translations": 134 }, "aloevera": { "senses": [ "an extract, often a gel, made from the plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Barbados aloe" ], "word": "aloevera", "num_translations": 47 }, "chinesestudies": { "senses": [ "An academic discipline that includes the study of literature written in the Chinese language, Chinese linguistics, and Chinese sociolinguistics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sinology" ], "word": "Chinesestudies", "num_translations": 35 }, "koreanstudies": { "senses": [ "An academic discipline that includes the study of literature written in the Korean language, Korean linguistics, and Korean sociolinguistics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Koreanology" ], "word": "Koreanstudies", "num_translations": 13 }, "castoroilplant": { "senses": [ "A plant of the species Ricinus communis, used in the production of castor oil and of the poison ricin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "palma christi" ], "word": "castoroilplant", "num_translations": 38 }, "bang-ua-ce": { "senses": [ "A Latin alphabet-based orthography for Min Dong, abbreviated as BUC" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Foochow Romanized" ], "word": "Bang-ua-ce", "num_translations": 10 }, "japanesemacaque": { "senses": [ "A species of macaque, Macaca fuscata, native to Japan" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Japanese monkey", "snow monkey" ], "word": "Japanesemacaque", "num_translations": 15 }, "kingdomofgreatbritain": { "senses": [ "The name of the United Kingdom from 1707-1801" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "United Kingdom of Great Britain", "United Kingdom", "Great Britain" ], "word": "KingdomofGreatBritain", "num_translations": 47 }, "crowncap": { "senses": [ "A type of bottle cap made by pressing a circular piece of metal around the top of the bottle" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "crown cork", "crown seal" ], "word": "crowncap", "num_translations": 23 }, "angleofview": { "senses": [ "The angular extent of a given scene as imaged by a camera" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "AOV" ], "word": "angleofview", "num_translations": 10 }, "unitednationsgeneralassembly": { "senses": [ "One of the six principal organs of the United Nations and the only one in which all member nations have equal representation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "General Assembly" ], "word": "UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly", "num_translations": 23 }, "welfaretrap": { "senses": [ "A situation where the welfare system discourages people who receive government public assistance payments from entering low-paid work because such work does not produce a significant income increase" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "unemployment trap" ], "word": "welfaretrap", "num_translations": 10 }, "sheepliverfluke": { "senses": [ "A parasitic flatworm, Fasciola hepatica, of the class Trematoda, that infects the livers of various mammals, including humans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common liver fluke" ], "word": "sheepliverfluke", "num_translations": 13 }, "russianist": { "senses": [ "A person who studies Russian language, culture or history" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Russicist" ], "word": "Russianist", "num_translations": 12 }, "tuftedpuffin": { "senses": [ "A species of puffin, Fratercula cirrhata, easily distinguished by its thick bill and the pair of tufts on its head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lunda cirrhata", "crested puffin" ], "word": "tuftedpuffin", "num_translations": 14 }, "skylantern": { "senses": [ "An ornament consisting of a small hot air balloon made of paper, with an opening at the bottom where a small fire is suspended" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Kongming lantern", "Chinese lantern" ], "word": "skylantern", "num_translations": 10 }, "oraltradition": { "senses": [ "Cultural material transmitted orally from one generation to another" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oral lore" ], "word": "oraltradition", "num_translations": 17 }, "juristicact": { "senses": [ "Any conduct by a person intended to create, modify, transfer, preserve, or extinguish a right, obligation, or legal relationship" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "juridical act", "legal act", "legal transaction" ], "word": "juristicact", "num_translations": 15 }, "simultaneousinterpretation": { "senses": [ "A type of oral translation from one language into another which is produced at the same time as a person is speaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "simultaneous interpreting" ], "word": "simultaneousinterpretation", "num_translations": 19 }, "consecutiveinterpretation": { "senses": [ "A type of oral translation from one language into another which is produced after a person has finished speaking and typically with the aid of notetaking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "consecutive interpreting" ], "word": "consecutiveinterpretation", "num_translations": 18 }, "ottavarima": { "senses": [ "An arrangement of stanzas of eight lines in heroic verse, with three rhymes, the first six lines rhyming alternately and the last two forming a couplet" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ottava" ], "word": "ottavarima", "num_translations": 26 }, "internationalcourtofjustice": { "senses": [ "a judicial body of the United Nations, established in 1945 to decide disputes brought by nations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "World Court" ], "word": "InternationalCourtofJustice", "num_translations": 65 }, "crossoneself": { "senses": [ "To make the sign of the cross" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bless oneself" ], "word": "crossoneself", "num_translations": 14 }, "doorhandle": { "senses": [ "A mechanism attached to a door and used to open or close it" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "doorknob" ], "word": "doorhandle", "num_translations": 24 }, "emptyhanded": { "senses": [ "With nothing in one's hands", "Impoverished, having no money or resources", "Having nothing to offer", "Having received or acquired nothing", "Having failed at a task", "Unarmed" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "emptyhanded", "num_translations": 37 }, "denali": { "senses": [ "The highest mountain peak in North America , located in central Alaska" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mount McKinley" ], "word": "Denali", "num_translations": 18 }, "judeo-tat": { "senses": [ "An Iranian language, very closely related to Persian, spoken by the Mountain Jews" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Juhuri" ], "word": "Judeo-Tat", "num_translations": 10 }, "schizoidpersonalitydisorder": { "senses": [ "A personality disorder characterized by social withdrawal, flat affect, very few, if any, close friends or personal relationship, excessive preoccupation with fantasy and insensitivity to prevailing social norms and conventions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SPD", "SzPD" ], "word": "schizoidpersonalitydisorder", "num_translations": 54 }, "herzeg-bosnia": { "senses": [ "alternative form of \"Bosnia and Herzegovina\"", "A short-lived, unrecognised political entity that existed during the Bosnian war, consisting of the Croat communities of Bosnia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia", "Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia", "Croat Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia", "Croat Community of Herzeg-Bosnia" ], "word": "Herzeg-Bosnia", "num_translations": 15 }, "scarecampaign": { "senses": [ "An effort to make a large group of people afraid of someone or something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fear campaign" ], "word": "scarecampaign", "num_translations": 11 }, "foodbowl": { "senses": [ "A bowl that is used to serve food, especially to pets", "A region that has the conditions required to produce a large amount of food", "a breadbasket" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breadbasket" ], "word": "foodbowl", "num_translations": 21 }, "bodytext": { "senses": [ "Within a book, the main portion of text, excluding the front matter and back matter" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "body matter" ], "word": "bodytext", "num_translations": 12 }, "stellersealion": { "senses": [ "A species of sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus, the largest of the eared seals" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "northern sea lion" ], "word": "Stellersealion", "num_translations": 24 }, "gasplant": { "senses": [ "A fragrant perennial in the rue family, Dictamnus albus, that gives off so much volatile essential oil that it sometimes can be lit and will burn briefly without harming the plant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fraxinella" ], "word": "gasplant", "num_translations": 43 }, "sausagetree": { "senses": [ "A large African tree with fruits that look like sausages, Kigelia africana" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cucumber tree" ], "word": "sausagetree", "num_translations": 13 }, "cherrypie": { "senses": [ "A pie baked with a cherry filling", "Heliotropium arborescens" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common heliotrope", "heliotrope" ], "word": "cherrypie", "num_translations": 11 }, "flatpeach": { "senses": [ "A variety of peach, Prunus persica var platycarpa, with white flesh and a flattish, round shape" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "belly-up peach", "Chinese peach", "custard peach", "donut peach", "doughnut peach", "hat peach", "Jupiter peach", "pan tao peach", "paraguayo peach", "pita peach", "Saturn peach", "saucer peach", "sweetcap peach", "UFO peach" ], "word": "flatpeach", "num_translations": 11 }, "inputmethod": { "senses": [ "A set of mnemonics for inputting a foreign script or exotic symbols not found on a physical keyboard", "By extension, a program that facilitates input using these mnemonics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "input method editor" ], "word": "inputmethod", "num_translations": 16 }, "blackcaraway": { "senses": [ "A Middle-Eastern spice plant related to buttercups, Nigella sativa, with dark black, aromatic seeds", "These seeds as spice", "A spice plant related to caraway and cumin, with dark seeds and an edible root, Bunium bulbocastanum" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "nigella", "onion seed", "black cumin" ], "word": "blackcaraway", "num_translations": 127 }, "thingamajigger": { "senses": [ "An item that one does not know the name of" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gizmo", "whatchamacallit", "whatshumacallit", "thingamajig", "whatsitsname", "widget", "thing", "thingamabob", "thingy", "thinger", "doojigger", "doohickey", "Thesaurus:thingy" ], "word": "thingamajigger", "num_translations": 11 }, "chef'sknife": { "senses": [ "A type of general purpose kitchen knife used for food preparation, typically measuring eight inches by one and a half inches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cook's knife" ], "word": "chef'sknife", "num_translations": 10 }, "treesparrow": { "senses": [ "A bird of the species Passer montanus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "German sparrow" ], "word": "treesparrow", "num_translations": 13 }, "asianblackbear": { "senses": [ "A bear of the species Ursus thibetanus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Asiatic black bear", "moon bear", "white-chested bear" ], "word": "Asianblackbear", "num_translations": 11 }, "sandlance": { "senses": [ "Any of the slender fish of the family Ammodytidae" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sand eel" ], "word": "sandlance", "num_translations": 10 }, "unitednationseconomicandsocialcouncil": { "senses": [ "One of the six principal organs of the United Nations, dedicated to coordinate global economical and social affairs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ECOSOC" ], "word": "UnitedNationsEconomicandSocialCouncil", "num_translations": 22 }, "usethetoilet": { "senses": [ "To use a toilet to urinate or defecate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "go potty", "go to the toilet", "use the bathroom", "go to the bathroom", "go to the washroom", "go to the restroom", "use the washroom", "use the restroom", "use the facilities", "do one's duty", "see a man", "see a man about a dog", "see a man about a horse", "Thesaurus:urinate", "Thesaurus:defecate" ], "word": "usethetoilet", "num_translations": 22 }, "non-aggressionprinciple": { "senses": [ "The ethical principle asserting that initiating physical force against persons or their justly acquired property, or threatening to do so, is illegitimate" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "non-aggression axiom", "nonaggression axiom", "nonaggression principle" ], "word": "non-aggressionprinciple", "num_translations": 13 }, "handballplayer": { "senses": [ "A person who plays handball, especially professionally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "handballer" ], "word": "handballplayer", "num_translations": 21 }, "snowgoose": { "senses": [ "A goose of the species Chen caerulescens, native to North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Anser caerulescens", "blue goose" ], "word": "snowgoose", "num_translations": 24 }, "oceansunfish": { "senses": [ "A large, heavy species of bony fish, Mola mola, native to tropical and temperate waters around the world" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common mola" ], "word": "oceansunfish", "num_translations": 14 }, "sweetclover": { "senses": [ "A plant of any species in the genus ''Melilotus" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "melilot" ], "word": "sweetclover", "num_translations": 19 }, "fieldmaple": { "senses": [ "A maple tree of the species Acer campestre" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hedge maple", "common maple" ], "word": "fieldmaple", "num_translations": 29 }, "swisspine": { "senses": [ "A pine tree of the species Pinus cembra, native to alpine Europe, North Africa, and western Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Swiss stone pine", "arolla pine", "Austrian stone pine", "stone pine" ], "word": "Swisspine", "num_translations": 18 }, "northernfulmar": { "senses": [ "An Arctic seabird, Fulmarus glacialis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Arctic fulmar" ], "word": "northernfulmar", "num_translations": 13 }, "constitutionalcourt": { "senses": [ "a high court whose jurisdiction is focused on constitutional law or constitutional issues, such as the review of the constitutionality of laws, draft laws, political and bureaucratic decisions, acts of political parties, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "charter court" ], "word": "constitutionalcourt", "num_translations": 14 }, "greatcormorant": { "senses": [ "A seabird of the species Phalacrocorax carbo" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "great black cormorant", "black cormorant", "large cormorant", "black shag" ], "word": "greatcormorant", "num_translations": 13 }, "rockhyrax": { "senses": [ "A guinea pig-like, but larger, animal , native to much of Africa and the Arabian peninsula" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rock badger", "Cape hyrax", "dassie" ], "word": "rockhyrax", "num_translations": 10 }, "cryptovirus": { "senses": [ "Malware that specializes in extortion by encrypting user files and asking for payment in exchange for the decryption key", "A kind of plant virus associated with latent infection of the host, and not transmissible by many means" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cryptoransomware" ], "word": "cryptovirus", "num_translations": 28 }, "internationalkleinblue": { "senses": [ "An intense deep blue hue achieved by means of ultramarine pigment and a binder" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "IKB" ], "word": "InternationalKleinBlue", "num_translations": 18 }, "eurasiansiskin": { "senses": [ "A bird of the species Spinus spinus, common throughout Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "European siskin", "common siskin", "siskin", "black-headed goldfinch", "barley bird", "aberdevine" ], "word": "Eurasiansiskin", "num_translations": 35 }, "westernasia": { "senses": [ "The westernmost subregion of Asia, which includes Anatolia, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, the Levant, Mesopotamia, the Sinai Peninsula, and Transcaucasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Southwest Asia", "West Asia" ], "word": "WesternAsia", "num_translations": 32 }, "uglyassin": { "senses": [ "Extremely ugly" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "like the back end of a bus", "Thesaurus:ugly" ], "word": "uglyassin", "num_translations": 17 }, "jew'sharpist": { "senses": [ "Someone who plays a Jew's harp" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "jaw harpist", "mouth harpist", "mouth organist" ], "word": "Jew'sharpist", "num_translations": 13 }, "graphicdesigner": { "senses": [ "An artist who creates images for a specific purpose, such as advertising or web design" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "designer", "graphic artist" ], "word": "graphicdesigner", "num_translations": 22 }, "brasd'honneur": { "senses": [ "An obscene gesture in which an arm is bent into an L-shape, with the closed palm pointing upwards, while the other hand then grips the biceps of the bent arm, and the bent forearm is then raised vertically", "it conveys the sense of \u201cup yours!\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Iberian slap", "Italian salute" ], "word": "brasd'honneur", "num_translations": 17 }, "adderstone": { "senses": [ "A stone of varying forms and usually glassy with a naturally formed hole, which is often used as an amulet or bead" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hag stone", "self-bored stone", "serpent's egg", "snake's egg", "snakestone", "witch stone" ], "word": "adderstone", "num_translations": 11 }, "frisianislands": { "senses": [ "archipelago in the eastern sea/North Sea, off the coasts of mainland Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Wadden Islands" ], "word": "FrisianIslands", "num_translations": 16 }, "kadam": { "senses": [ "A tropical evergreen tree, Neolamarckia cadamba , native to South and Southeast Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "laran" ], "word": "kadam", "num_translations": 24 }, "cow'smilk": { "senses": [ "A white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a cow, and used as food by humans" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cow milk", "cowmilk", "milk" ], "word": "cow'smilk", "num_translations": 27 }, "goastray": { "senses": [ "To develop bad habits", "to behave improperly or illegally", "To behave in an adulterous manner", "To come to believe an untruth", "To become lost or mislaid", "To be undesirable or unhelpful" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "goastray", "num_translations": 17 }, "threefourths": { "senses": [ "The fraction that represents the real number 075", "\u00be" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "three quarters" ], "word": "threefourths", "num_translations": 15 }, "falsehellebore": { "senses": [ "Any plant in the genus Veratrum", "A flowering plant, Adonis vernalis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corn lily", "pheasant's eye" ], "word": "falsehellebore", "num_translations": 18 }, "fieldmushroom": { "senses": [ "A commonly eaten mushroom, Agaricus campestris" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "meadow mushroom" ], "word": "fieldmushroom", "num_translations": 12 }, "ricehull": { "senses": [ "The hard protecting covering of a grain of rice" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rice husk" ], "word": "ricehull", "num_translations": 11 }, "markinggauge": { "senses": [ "tool used in woodworking and metalworking to scribe a line parallel to a reference edge or surface" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "scratch gauge" ], "word": "markinggauge", "num_translations": 15 }, "summerroll": { "senses": [ "G\u1ecfi cu\u1ed1n, a Vietnamese roll made of pork, prawn, vegetables, rice vermicelli, and other ingredients wrapped in rice paper" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Vietnamese spring roll" ], "word": "summerroll", "num_translations": 10 }, "hilsa": { "senses": [ "Tenualosa ilisha, a fish in the herring family, and a popular food fish in South Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ilish" ], "word": "hilsa", "num_translations": 12 }, "pinballmachine": { "senses": [ "a machine specially built to be used to play games of pinball" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pin" ], "word": "pinballmachine", "num_translations": 10 }, "familymember": { "senses": [ "A person belonging to a particular family", "a close relative or relation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "member of the family" ], "word": "familymember", "num_translations": 17 }, "musicofthespheres": { "senses": [ "A continuous, glorious, harmonious set of sounds that are not audible to ordinary human beings, produced by the movement of the celestial bodies", "Sublime, mysterious music" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "harmony of the spheres", "musica universalis" ], "word": "musicofthespheres", "num_translations": 16 }, "mare'smilk": { "senses": [ "Milk from a mare" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "horsemilk" ], "word": "mare'smilk", "num_translations": 14 }, "endinitself": { "senses": [ "Something with no other purpose than to be itself" ], "antonyms": [ "means to an end" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "endinitself", "num_translations": 12 }, "groundpecker": { "senses": [ "A species of bird in the tit family Paridae, Pseudopodoces humilis" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ground tit", "ground jay", "Hume's groundpecker" ], "word": "groundpecker", "num_translations": 16 }, "interslavic": { "senses": [ "Between Slavs or Slavic nations" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Inter-Slavic" ], "word": "Interslavic", "num_translations": 33 }, "interslavic1": { "senses": [ "An international auxiliary language based on Slavic languages" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Slovianski" ], "word": "Interslavic", "num_translations": 34 }, "uplandsandpiper": { "senses": [ "A small wader, Bartramia longicauda, breeding in North America and wintering in South America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "upland plover", "Bartram's sandpiper", "bartramian sandpiper", "papabotte" ], "word": "uplandsandpiper", "num_translations": 13 }, "co-owner": { "senses": [ "Someone who owns something together with one or more other people" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "joint owner" ], "word": "co-owner", "num_translations": 15 }, "threedaysago": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "day after the day after tomorrow", "in three days" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "threedaysago", "num_translations": 35 }, "greateradjutant": { "senses": [ "A bird of the stork family native to India and Southeast Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "argala" ], "word": "greateradjutant", "num_translations": 13 }, "degreeofcomparison": { "senses": [ "A form of an adjective that indicates a different degree of the attribute the adjective denotes", "the positive, comparative and superlative forms" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "degree" ], "word": "degreeofcomparison", "num_translations": 20 }, "incaseof": { "senses": [ "If there should be" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "in the event of" ], "word": "incaseof", "num_translations": 33 }, "groundmeat": { "senses": [ "Any meat that has been ground" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "mince", "minced meat" ], "word": "groundmeat", "num_translations": 14 }, "liturgyofthehours": { "senses": [ "A liturgy for daily use at each of the canonical hours obligatory to all Catholic bishops, priests, and transitional deacons and composed of psalms, hymns, and readings but lacking the eucharist" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "breviary" ], "word": "LiturgyoftheHours", "num_translations": 13 }, "eurasianeagleowl": { "senses": [ "Bubo bubo, the largest owl, native to almost all of temperate Eurasia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "great eagle owl" ], "word": "Eurasianeagleowl", "num_translations": 19 }, "purgatory": { "senses": [ "An intermediate state after death in which some of those ultimately destined for Heaven must first undergo purification prior to entering Heaven" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "See", "Thesaurus:afterlife" ], "word": "Purgatory", "num_translations": 52 }, "chowchow": { "senses": [ "a chow, a Chinese breed of dog" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chow" ], "word": "ChowChow", "num_translations": 10 }, "crabstick": { "senses": [ "processed seafood made of surimi , shaped and cured to resemble the leg meat of crab" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "imitation crab stick", "surimi stick" ], "word": "crabstick", "num_translations": 12 }, "ghostgoal": { "senses": [ "An apparent goal in which it is not clear whether or not the ball crossed the goal line" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "phantom goal" ], "word": "ghostgoal", "num_translations": 10 }, "red-tailedtropicbird": { "senses": [ "A species of tropicbird native to the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Phaethon rubricauda" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "amokura" ], "word": "red-tailedtropicbird", "num_translations": 10 }, "dairycow": { "senses": [ "A cow bred for the ability to produce large quantities of milk, from which dairy products are made" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "milk cow" ], "word": "dairycow", "num_translations": 11 }, "nihonium": { "senses": [ "The synthetic transactinide chemical element with atomic number 113" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Nh", "ununtrium", "Uut", "eka-thallium" ], "word": "nihonium", "num_translations": 17 }, "tennessine": { "senses": [ "The chemical element with atomic number 117" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Ts", "ununseptium", "Uus", "eka-astatine" ], "word": "tennessine", "num_translations": 29 }, "oganesson": { "senses": [ "The chemical element with atomic number 118 It is the heaviest known element Highly radioactive, it does not occur naturally Originally expected to be a noble gas, it is now predicted to be a reactive metallic solid, and a semi-conductor or a post-transition metal" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Og", "ununoctium", "eka-radon" ], "word": "oganesson", "num_translations": 20 }, "moscovium": { "senses": [ "The chemical element with atomic number 115" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Mc", "ununpentium", "eka-bismuth" ], "word": "moscovium", "num_translations": 18 }, "sociablelapwing": { "senses": [ "A plover, Vanellus gregarius" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sociable plover" ], "word": "sociablelapwing", "num_translations": 12 }, "europeanturtledove": { "senses": [ "A bird of the species Streptopelia turtur" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "turtle dove" ], "word": "Europeanturtledove", "num_translations": 11 }, "carpart": { "senses": [ "A part that can be fitted to a car, often as a replacement for a worn-out or damaged part" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "auto part" ], "word": "carpart", "num_translations": 10 }, "birthweight": { "senses": [ "The weight of a baby at birth" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "baby weight" ], "word": "birthweight", "num_translations": 12 }, "drugtrafficking": { "senses": [ "The process of smuggling, distributing and selling illegal drugs" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "narcotraffic" ], "word": "drugtrafficking", "num_translations": 15 }, "afterbrain": { "senses": [ "A posterior subdivision of the hindbrain", "the myelencephalon" ], "antonyms": [ "forebrain" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "afterbrain", "num_translations": 11 }, "occupationalhealthandsafety": { "senses": [ "The activities and policies aimed at protecting the safety, health, and welfare of people at work" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "OHS", "occupational safety and health", "OSH", "occupational health", "workplace health and safety", "WHS", "occupational health and occupational and non-occupational safety" ], "word": "occupationalhealthandsafety", "num_translations": 13 }, "bullelephant": { "senses": [ "A male elephant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elephant bull", "male" ], "word": "bullelephant", "num_translations": 16 }, "cowelephant": { "senses": [ "A female elephant" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "elephant cow", "female" ], "word": "cowelephant", "num_translations": 15 }, "fromtoptotoe": { "senses": [ "of a person's appearance or equipment, completely, all over" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "from head to foot" ], "word": "fromtoptotoe", "num_translations": 22 }, "anti-jewish": { "senses": [ "Opposed to Jews" ], "antonyms": [ "pro-Jewish" ], "synonyms": [ "anti-Semitic" ], "word": "anti-Jewish", "num_translations": 13 }, "anti-jew": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "pro-Jew" ], "synonyms": [ "anti-Semite" ], "word": "anti-Jew", "num_translations": 15 }, "cometoone'ssenses": { "senses": [ "To reawaken after having lost consciousness", "To become reasonable, comprehending, or responsible, especially after having behaved in an unreasonable, uncomprehending, or irresponsible manner" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "come to", "smarten up" ], "word": "cometoone'ssenses", "num_translations": 11 }, "pieiron": { "senses": [ "An electrical device for making sandwiches" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "sandwich toaster" ], "word": "pieiron", "num_translations": 14 }, "unjustenrichment": { "senses": [ "a benefit gained at another's expense without legally justifiable grounds, such as one gained by mistake" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "undue enrichment", "unjustified enrichment" ], "word": "unjustenrichment", "num_translations": 12 }, "companylaw": { "senses": [ "the branch of law which deals with the formation and running of companies" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "corporate law", "corporation law" ], "word": "companylaw", "num_translations": 10 }, "post-soviet": { "senses": [ "After the dissolution of the Soviet Union", "After the formation of the Soviet Union" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "formation" ], "word": "post-Soviet", "num_translations": 16 }, "hormuz": { "senses": [ "island in the strait of the same name, five miles off the Iranian coast", "strait that connects the Persian Gulf with the Gulf of Oman", "district county/Qeshm province/Hormozgan country/Iran", "city country/Iran", "capital of the district of the same name", "synonym of \"Hormozabad\"", "alternative spelling of \"Hormud\"", "alternative spelling of \"Ormus\"" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Qal\u02bfeh-ye Hormoz" ], "word": "Hormuz", "num_translations": 11 }, "besilent": { "senses": [ "To refrain from speaking", "to say nothing" ], "antonyms": [ "speak", "talk" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "besilent", "num_translations": 86 }, "brothel-keeper": { "senses": [ "A person who runs a brothel, either legally or illegally" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "madam", "bawd" ], "word": "brothel-keeper", "num_translations": 16 }, "exhibitiongame": { "senses": [ "A practice game which does not count on a team's record" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "friendly", "preseason game", "exhibition match", "scrimmage", "warmup match", "preparation match", "challenge match", "friendly match" ], "word": "exhibitiongame", "num_translations": 28 }, "pro-jew": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "anti-Jew" ], "synonyms": [ "philo-Semite" ], "word": "pro-Jew", "num_translations": 10 }, "tenancyincommon": { "senses": [ "A form of ownership by two or more individuals in which each owner has a distinct, separately transferable interest which does not pass to the other owner or owners upon death" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "TIC" ], "word": "tenancyincommon", "num_translations": 13 }, "flightnumber": { "senses": [ "A callsign assigned to a commercial flight for the purposes of reservation and ticketing, typically consisting of a 2 character airline code and a 1 to 4 digit number to indicate a particular service" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "flight code" ], "word": "flightnumber", "num_translations": 35 }, "masscommunication": { "senses": [ "Communication directed to the mass of the people or through mass media", "The field of study concerning this" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "communication arts" ], "word": "masscommunication", "num_translations": 10 }, "amitabha": { "senses": [ "The name of a buddha", "an artistic depiction of this buddha", "A class of deities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Amida Nyorai" ], "word": "Amitabha", "num_translations": 23 }, "chicklingvetch": { "senses": [ "A plant with edible seeds similar to peas and chickpeas, Lathyrus sativus, used as a famine food but causing lathyrism if eaten in large amounts or over a long time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "grass pea", "blue sweet pea", "chickling pea", "Indian pea", "white pea", "white vetch" ], "word": "chicklingvetch", "num_translations": 23 }, "warfilm": { "senses": [ "a cinematic production with a wartime setting or theme" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "war movie" ], "word": "warfilm", "num_translations": 11 }, "imean": { "senses": [ "A delaying filler", "A mild intensifier", "An indication of approximation or uncertainty" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "like", "well", "you know", "like", "well", "you know", "like", "well", "you know" ], "word": "Imean", "num_translations": 13 }, "olomouccheese": { "senses": [ "a kind of ripened soft cheese, characteristic with its strong scent, distinctive pungent taste and yellowish colour, nowadays made in the town of Lo\u0161tice, the Czech Republic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Olomouck\u00e9 tvar\u016f\u017eky" ], "word": "Olomouccheese", "num_translations": 12 }, "cognateaccusative": { "senses": [ "An object of kindred sense or derivation", "specifically, that which may adverbially follow an intransitive verb" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cognate object" ], "word": "cognateaccusative", "num_translations": 10 }, "minorthing": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bagatelle", "chicken feed", "detail", "little something", "little thing", "nothing", "trifle" ], "word": "minorthing", "num_translations": 10 }, "powdersnow": { "senses": [ "Freshly fallen, uncompacted snow, especially in the context of Alpine skiing" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "powder", "pow" ], "word": "powdersnow", "num_translations": 11 }, "holyprepuce": { "senses": [ "The sacred or holy foreskin is one of several relics attributed to Jesus, a product of the circumcision of the baby Jesus on the eighth day" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Holy Foreskin" ], "word": "HolyPrepuce", "num_translations": 14 }, "ambika": { "senses": [ "Name of the goddess Parvati", "Name of one of the female domestic deities", "Name of the second daughter of the king of Kasi and wife of Vichitravirya in the epic Mahabharata", "Name of a river in the Indian state of Gujarat", "female given name" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ambika", "num_translations": 12 }, "fidgetspinner": { "senses": [ "A type of stress-relieving toy that is intended to be spun around in one's hand, and that generally consists of a bearing in the center of a design made from any of a variety of materials including brass, stainless steel, titanium, copper and plastic" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "spinner" ], "word": "fidgetspinner", "num_translations": 16 }, "urban-renew": { "senses": [ "To carry out urban renewal", "to redevelop an urban area", "To make something or someone more urban in character", "to urbanize", "To undergo urban renewal", "to be redeveloped" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "urban-renew", "num_translations": 10 }, "oiltanker": { "senses": [ "A ship that transports oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "oiler", "tanker" ], "word": "oiltanker", "num_translations": 45 }, "children'shospital": { "senses": [ "A hospital which offers its services exclusively to children and adolescents" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "paediatric hospital", "pediatric hospital" ], "word": "children'shospital", "num_translations": 17 }, "wearone'sheartonone'ssleeve": { "senses": [ "To be very transparent, open, or forthright about one's emotions" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "to be an open book" ], "word": "wearone'sheartonone'ssleeve", "num_translations": 10 }, "houbarabustard": { "senses": [ "Chlamydotis undulata, a bustard, chiefly of North Africa and south-east Asia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "North African houbara" ], "word": "houbarabustard", "num_translations": 10 }, "ajam": { "senses": [ "non-Arab", "Persian", "Persia, land of the Iranian peoples", "The name of a maqam", "Kuwaiti citizens of Iranian origin" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "Ajam", "num_translations": 11 }, "appearancesaredeceptive": { "senses": [ "It is not possible to judge a person's character from their outward appearance" ], "antonyms": [ "fine feathers make fine birds" ], "synonyms": [ "clothes don't make the man", "you can't judge a book by its cover" ], "word": "appearancesaredeceptive", "num_translations": 13 }, "europeanroller": { "senses": [ "Coracias garrulus, a European species of roller" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "roller" ], "word": "Europeanroller", "num_translations": 11 }, "ratpoison": { "senses": [ "Poison used to kill rats and other rodents", "A West African shrub , whose seeds are used to destroy rats" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "raticide", "rodenticide" ], "word": "ratpoison", "num_translations": 21 }, "barcodereader": { "senses": [ "An electronic device that can read and output printed barcodes to a computer" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "barcode scanner" ], "word": "barcodereader", "num_translations": 12 }, "raisedbog": { "senses": [ "A type of bog in which the center is higher than the edges, resulting in ombrotrophic, acidic, wet habitat that is poor in mineral salts" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ombrotrophic bog" ], "word": "raisedbog", "num_translations": 16 }, "spurcell": { "senses": [ "A pathological, irregularly spiked red blood cell without central pallor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "acanthocyte" ], "word": "spurcell", "num_translations": 10 }, "starofbethlehem": { "senses": [ "The bright star in the Gospel of Matthew that lead the \"wise men from the East\" to travel to Bethlehem" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Christmas star" ], "word": "StarofBethlehem", "num_translations": 50 }, "fattouch": { "senses": [ "A traditional Lebanese, Syrian, or Levantine fresh salad with crispy bread , usually with mint, parsley, and olive oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Lebanese salad" ], "word": "fattouch", "num_translations": 10 }, "strictosensu": { "senses": [ "In the narrow sense", "narrowly" ], "antonyms": [ "lato sensu" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "strictosensu", "num_translations": 10 }, "westernbarnowl": { "senses": [ "A barn owl of the subspecies Tyto alba alba, endemic to western Eurasia and most of Africa" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Billy Wix" ], "word": "westernbarnowl", "num_translations": 54 }, "hudsoniangodwit": { "senses": [ "An American wader, Limosa haemastica, gathering on the shores of Hudson Bay to migrate to South America each autumn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "red-breasted godwit" ], "word": "Hudsoniangodwit", "num_translations": 18 }, "falloutoflove": { "senses": [ "To cease to be in love" ], "antonyms": [ "fall in love" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "falloutoflove", "num_translations": 10 }, "joanofarc": { "senses": [ "A historical figure known for her involvement in the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War who was later captured and executed by the English" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Maid of Orl\u00e9ans" ], "word": "JoanofArc", "num_translations": 86 }, "chotki": { "senses": [ "a rope of usually thirty-three, fifty or one hundred knots used in meditative prayer in the Eastern Christian tradition" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "prayer rope", "komboskini" ], "word": "chotki", "num_translations": 25 }, "orodes": { "senses": [ "any of several rulers of Parthian Empire and kings of its nearby kingdoms including Elymais, Armenia, and Hatra" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Hyrodes", "Worod", "Worodes", "Vorod", "Vorodes", "Urud", "Ouorodes" ], "word": "Orodes", "num_translations": 14 }, "aorticarch": { "senses": [ "The curving portion of the aorta that bends between the ascending aorta and the descending aorta", "One of a series of six paired embryonic vascular structures which give rise to the great arteries of the neck and head" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "arch of the aorta" ], "word": "aorticarch", "num_translations": 10 }, "blue-gray": { "senses": [ "Of a bluish grey color" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "gray-blue" ], "word": "blue-gray", "num_translations": 28 }, "slavist": { "senses": [ "A specialist in the Slavic languages, literature or culture" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Slavicist" ], "word": "Slavist", "num_translations": 16 }, "tractordriver": { "senses": [ "One who drives a tractor" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "tractorist" ], "word": "tractordriver", "num_translations": 28 }, "boombarrier": { "senses": [ "A bar or pole that can be lowered to block vehicular access through a controlled location, or raised to allow traffic to pass" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "boom gate" ], "word": "boombarrier", "num_translations": 19 }, "collegetown": { "senses": [ "A town or city that is dominated by its university population" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "university town" ], "word": "collegetown", "num_translations": 13 }, "domesticpolicy": { "senses": [ "A government's policy relating to issues and activity within a nation's borders" ], "antonyms": [ "foreign policy" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "domesticpolicy", "num_translations": 11 }, "deafperson": { "senses": [], "antonyms": [ "hearing person" ], "synonyms": [ "deafie" ], "word": "deafperson", "num_translations": 11 }, "makeashowofoneself": { "senses": [ "To embarrass oneself or others in public" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "make a spectacle of oneself" ], "word": "makeashowofoneself", "num_translations": 16 }, "fuckthis": { "senses": [ "A dismissive expression of great indifference or nonchalance", "An expression of frustration" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I don't care", "screw this", "Thesaurus:screw this" ], "word": "fuckthis", "num_translations": 12 }, "screwthis": { "senses": [ "A much less offensive version of fuck this" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "I don't care", "fuck this", "Thesaurus:screw this" ], "word": "screwthis", "num_translations": 10 }, "cropmilk": { "senses": [], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dove milk", "dove's milk", "penguin milk", "flamingo milk", "pigeon milk", "pigeon's milk" ], "word": "cropmilk", "num_translations": 24 }, "legalrepresentative": { "senses": [ "A lawyer, solicitor, etc, who acts on behalf of a client in legal matters", "One who represents or acts on behalf of another under authority recognised by law, such as a parent or guardian of a minor, a manager of a legal person, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "statutory agent" ], "word": "legalrepresentative", "num_translations": 13 }, "bebored": { "senses": [ "To suffer from boredom" ], "antonyms": [ "have fun" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "bebored", "num_translations": 16 }, "autumnfoliage": { "senses": [ "The brightly colored leaves of deciduous trees that appear in the autumn" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "fall foliage", "autumn colours" ], "word": "autumnfoliage", "num_translations": 10 }, "tudigong": { "senses": [ "A tutelary deity of a locality and the human communities who inhabit it in Chinese folk religion" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tudishen", "Tudi" ], "word": "Tudigong", "num_translations": 10 }, "whitegoosefoot": { "senses": [ "Chenopodium album, probably native to Europe, now widely cultivated" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Chenopodium album" ], "word": "whitegoosefoot", "num_translations": 10 }, "latinchurch": { "senses": [ "One of the 24 particular churches in full communion with the Holy See and the rest of the Catholic Church which uses the Latin liturgical rites" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Roman Catholic Church", "Western Church" ], "word": "LatinChurch", "num_translations": 37 }, "s-train": { "senses": [ "A type of hybrid urban-suburban rail serving a metropolitan region", "A train that runs on such a railway" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "metro" ], "word": "S-train", "num_translations": 11 }, "culinaryart": { "senses": [ "The art of cooking, generally", "synonym of \"cuisine\": The art of cooking in particular way, a characteristic style of cooking" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cooking" ], "word": "culinaryart", "num_translations": 34 }, "thecallofsouthafrica": { "senses": [ "a former national anthem of South Africa, created during the 1920s and used from the 1930s to the 1990s" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "apartheid anthem", "Die Stem" ], "word": "TheCallofSouthAfrica", "num_translations": 16 }, "pencilholder": { "senses": [ "A small opened container for stationery such as pencils, rubber, correction fluid, etc" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pencil pot" ], "word": "pencilholder", "num_translations": 10 }, "oilcompany": { "senses": [ "A company that is dedicated to trade or exploitation of petroleum/oil" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "petroleum company" ], "word": "oilcompany", "num_translations": 15 }, "europeanholly": { "senses": [ "Ilex aquifolium, a species of holly known for its use during Christmastime" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "common holly", "English holly", "Christmas holly" ], "word": "Europeanholly", "num_translations": 16 }, "splittingfield": { "senses": [ "Given a polynomial p over a field K, the smallest extension field L of K such that p, as a polynomial over L, decomposes into linear factors", "given a set P of polynomials over K, the smallest extension field of K over which every polynomial in P decomposes into linear factors", "Given a finite-dimensional K-algebra , an extension field whose every simple module is absolutely simple", "Given a central simple algebra A over a field K, another field, E, such that the tensor product A\u2297E is isomorphic to a matrix ring over E", "A field K over which a K-representation of G exists which includes the character \u03c7", "a field over which a K-representation of G exists which includes every irreducible character in G" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": null, "word": "splittingfield", "num_translations": 11 }, "mineralwool": { "senses": [ "Any fibrous material formed by spinning or drawing molten mineral or rock materials such as slag and ceramics" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "rockwool" ], "word": "mineralwool", "num_translations": 11 }, "standarddialect": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"standard language\"" ], "antonyms": [ "nonstandard dialect", "vernacular dialect" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "standarddialect", "num_translations": 16 }, "standardvariety": { "senses": [ "synonym of \"standard language\"" ], "antonyms": [ "nonstandard variety", "vernacular variety" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "standardvariety", "num_translations": 19 }, "bouilloncube": { "senses": [ "A small cube, consisting of dry ingredients, that can be dissolved to make a broth or soup stock" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "broth cube", "stock cube" ], "word": "bouilloncube", "num_translations": 15 }, "splitpea": { "senses": [ "An agricultural or culinary preparation consisting of the dried, peeled, and split seeds of Pisum sativum, the pea" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dry pea", "dried pea", "yellow split pea", "dry split pea", "dry yellow split peas" ], "word": "splitpea", "num_translations": 12 }, "debtcollection": { "senses": [ "The process of pursuing payments of debts owed by individuals or businesses" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "collection", "encashment", "cashing", "money collection", "money squeezing", "collection procedure" ], "word": "debtcollection", "num_translations": 20 }, "bulkywaste": { "senses": [ "A waste type that is too large to be accepted by the regular waste collection" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "bulky refuse" ], "word": "bulkywaste", "num_translations": 11 }, "camelrider": { "senses": [ "Someone who rides a camel" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "cameleer" ], "word": "camelrider", "num_translations": 10 }, "shavingbrush": { "senses": [ "A small brush used to create a lather from shaving cream or shaving soap and apply it to the face or other area before shaving" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shave brush" ], "word": "shavingbrush", "num_translations": 43 }, "soapacacia": { "senses": [ "Acacia concinna, also known as shikakai" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "shikakai" ], "word": "soapacacia", "num_translations": 12 }, "beawake": { "senses": [ "To not sleep, to stay awake" ], "antonyms": [ "sleep" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "beawake", "num_translations": 14 }, "parishpriest": { "senses": [ "The main priest serving a parish" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "pastor" ], "word": "parishpriest", "num_translations": 17 }, "commonpurslane": { "senses": [ "Portulaca oleracea, an annual succulent" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "summer purslane" ], "word": "commonpurslane", "num_translations": 71 }, "wrong-waydriver": { "senses": [ "A driver who drives in the wrong direction, particularly on highways" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "ghost driver" ], "word": "wrong-waydriver", "num_translations": 12 }, "crosstobear": { "senses": [ "A problem, or unpleasant or painful situation or person that you have to accept and deal with, although you find it very difficult, or it causes trouble or worry for you over a long period of time" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Thesaurus:difficult situation" ], "word": "crosstobear", "num_translations": 30 }, "paymentterminal": { "senses": [ "An electronic device which interfaces with payment cards to make electronic funds transfers" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "POS terminal", "credit card terminal" ], "word": "paymentterminal", "num_translations": 10 }, "frostfair": { "senses": [ "A winter event held on top of frosty, frozen, or snow covered ground, or on a frozen body of water It typically consists of a variety of vendors and/or a variety of hands-on games, sports, or rides" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "snow festival", "winter carnival" ], "word": "frostfair", "num_translations": 10 }, "eveningmeal": { "senses": [ "A meal eaten in the evening", "supper", "dinner when eaten in the evening" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "dinner" ], "word": "eveningmeal", "num_translations": 12 }, "self-caused": { "senses": [ "Of self-sufficient causality/causation" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "self-causal", "self-created", "self-composed", "self-content", "self-decidable", "rare", "self-originated", "self-fulfilled", "self-fulfilling", "two-worded", "self-satisfied", "self-generated", "self-justified", "self-justifiable" ], "word": "self-caused", "num_translations": 10 }, "northmacedonian1": { "senses": [ "A native or inhabitant of North Macedonia" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Macedonian", "Skopian", "Skopjan" ], "word": "NorthMacedonian", "num_translations": 11 }, "beright": { "senses": [ "To be correct in one's judgment or statement about something" ], "antonyms": [ "be wrong", "be mistaken", "err" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "beright", "num_translations": 32 }, "fallintoatrap": { "senses": [ "To make a mistake, a bad decision or act senselessly and get into an extremely difficult situation", "To be fooled and get into a difficult situation by relying on someone or responding to a scam, trick or prank" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "walk into a trap", "fall for" ], "word": "fallintoatrap", "num_translations": 12 }, "bewrong": { "senses": [ "To have an incorrect belief, to be mistaken about one's judgment or statement concerning something" ], "antonyms": [ "be right" ], "synonyms": [ "be mistaken", "err" ], "word": "bewrong", "num_translations": 35 }, "fusha": { "senses": [ "Modern Standard Arabic and Classical Arabic, taken together: \"standard\" Arabic, used in religious texts, in writing, and in formal speech, as opposed to the regional \"dialects\" used for most daily communication" ], "antonyms": [ "colloquial Arabic" ], "synonyms": null, "word": "Fusha", "num_translations": 27 }, "suitoneself": { "senses": [ "To do whatever one wants to do" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "do one's own thing", "help oneself", "knock oneself out", "whatever floats your boat", "you do you" ], "word": "suitoneself", "num_translations": 11 }, "hyperkineticdisorder": { "senses": [ "A developmental disorder in which a person has a persistent and pervasive pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "hyperkinesis", "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", "ADHD" ], "word": "hyperkineticdisorder", "num_translations": 25 }, "wuhanpneumonia": { "senses": [ "A form of pneumonia due to infection by a coronavirus , which is genetically similar to SARS and MERS" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "COVID-19" ], "word": "Wuhanpneumonia", "num_translations": 12 }, "leastflycatcher": { "senses": [ "A small insect-eating passerine bird in the tyrant flycatcher family, and the smallest member of the genus Empidonax, native to North America" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "chebec", "chebecker" ], "word": "leastflycatcher", "num_translations": 19 }, "drawattentionto": { "senses": [ "to rouse someone to notice something, to cause someone to focus on something" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "draw attention" ], "word": "drawattentionto", "num_translations": 15 }, "socialdistancing": { "senses": [ "The practice of maintaining physical distance between people to reduce the spread of communicable diseases by isolating those with such diseases in quarantines, maintaining space between individuals, and prohibiting certain activities" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "physical distancing" ], "word": "socialdistancing", "num_translations": 40 }, "nyirtass": { "senses": [ "village county/Szabolcs-Szatm\u00e1r-Bereg c/Hungary" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "Tash", "Tosh" ], "word": "Nyirtass", "num_translations": 13 }, "sinoatrialnode": { "senses": [ "A group of cells located in the wall of the right atrium of the heart that originates the impulses stimulating the heartbeat" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "SA node" ], "word": "sinoatrialnode", "num_translations": 10 }, "infectiousdiseasespecialist": { "senses": [ "A specialist on infectious diseases" ], "antonyms": null, "synonyms": [ "infectiologist", "infectologist", "infectionist" ], "word": "infectiousdiseasespecialist", "num_translations": 14 } }