2021-06-17 16:02:50 +02:00

287 lines
8.6 KiB

import json
import random
import numpy as np
from string import digits
import pathlib
import logging
def get_database(lang: str = "en") -> dict:
if lang not in get_database._dbs:
current_folder = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0]
db_file = str(current_folder / f"{lang}.json")"loading database: %s", lang)
with open(db_file, "r") as f:
db = json.load(f)
get_database._dbs[lang] = db"database loaded")
return get_database._dbs[lang]
get_database._dbs = {}
class NoDataException(Exception):
class WordInfo(object):
def __init__(self, word:str, y:int, x:int, is_vertical: bool, database: dict):
self._dictionary_database = database
self._y = y
self._x = x
self._word = word
self._hint = None
self._is_vertical = is_vertical
def get_attribute(self, attr: str):
attr = self._dictionary_database[self._word][attr]
if attr is None:
raise NoDataException
return attr
def get_best_antonym(self) -> str:
antonyms = self.get_attribute("antonyms")
return random.choice(antonyms)
def get_best_synonym(self) -> str:
synonyms = self.get_attribute("synonyms")
return random.choice(synonyms)
def get_best_sense(self) -> str:
senses = self.get_attribute("senses")
return random.choice(senses)
def choose_info(self):
# first choose antonyms, then synonyms, then senses
self._hint = f"opposite of {self.get_best_antonym()}"
except NoDataException:
self._hint = f"other word for {self.get_best_synonym()}"
except NoDataException:
self._hint = self.get_best_sense()
def get_hint(self) -> str:
return self._hint
def get_hint_location(self):
x = self._x if self._is_vertical else self._x - 1
y = self._y - 1 if self._is_vertical else self._y
return (y, x)
def is_vertical(self):
return self._is_vertical
def create_word_grid(w: int, h: int, lang_code: str = "en", target_density = 0.5):"generate new crossword")
database = get_database(lang = lang_code)
list_words = list(database.keys())
grid = np.full(shape=(h,w), dtype=np.unicode, fill_value = ' ')
locations = {}
word_hints = {}
def store_location(char: str, y: int, x: int):
assert len(char) == 1
if char not in locations:
locations[char] = []
remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits)
n_words = len(list_words)
def get_word(max_length: int, min_length = 0):
assert max_length > 1
index = random.randint(0,n_words-1)
word = list_words[index][:]
while len(word) >= max_length or not word.isalnum() or len(word) <= min_length:
index = random.randint(0,n_words-1)
word = list_words[index][:]
return word
def normalize_word(word:str):
word = word.translate(remove_digits)
return word.lower()
def place_word(word:str, y: int, x:int, vertical:bool = False):
normalized_word = normalize_word(word)
n = len(normalized_word)
if vertical:
assert grid.shape[0] - n >= y
for i, char in enumerate(normalized_word):
grid[y + i,x] = char
store_location(char, y+i, x)
assert grid.shape[1] - n >= x
for i, char in enumerate(normalized_word):
grid[y,x + i] = char
store_location(char, y, x+i)
word_hints[normalized_word] = WordInfo(word, y, x, vertical, database)
def density():
return 1 - (grid == " ").sum() / (w * h)
def check_if_fits(word:str, y:int, x:int, vertical:bool):
n = len(word)
if vertical:
# check if there is space before and after
if y - 1 >= 0 and grid[y - 1, x] != " ":
return False
if y + n < grid.shape[0] - 1 and grid[y+n,x] != " ":
return False
if grid.shape[0] - n < y or y < 0:
# print("over board")
return False
for i, char in enumerate(word):
char_x = x
char_y = y + i
if not (grid[char_y, char_x] == " " or grid[char_y, char_x] == char):
# print("not matching")
return False
if grid[char_y, char_x] == " ":
# check for horizonatal neighbors:
if char_x - 1 >= 0 and grid[char_y, char_x - 1] != " ":
# print("3")
return False
if char_x + 1 < grid.shape[1] and grid[char_y, char_x + 1] != " ":
# print("4")
return False
# check if there is space before and after
if x - 1 >= 0 and grid[y, x - 1] != " ":
return False
if x + n < grid.shape[1] - 1 and grid[y,x + n] != " ":
return False
if grid.shape[1] - n < x or x < 0:
# print("over board")
return False
for i, char in enumerate(word):
char_x = x + i
char_y = y
if not (grid[char_y, char_x] == " " or grid[char_y, char_x] == char):
# print("not matching")
return False
if grid[char_y, char_x] == " ":
# check for vertical neighbors:
if char_y - 1 >= 0 and grid[char_y - 1, char_x] != " ":
# print("1")
return False
if char_y + 1 < grid.shape[0] and grid[char_y + 1, char_x] != " ":
# print("2")
return False
return True
def get_crossover(word: str):
# returns Tuple of: (y,x, is_vertical?) or None
shuffled_order = list(range(len(word)))
for index in shuffled_order:
# check for existing locations
char = word[index]
if char in locations:
char_locations = locations[char]
for char_loc in char_locations:
# test vertical
y = char_loc[0] - index
x = char_loc[1]
if check_if_fits(word, y, x, vertical=True):
return (y,x,True)
# test horizontal
y = char_loc[0]
x = char_loc[1] - index
if check_if_fits(word, y, x, vertical=False):
return (y,x,False)
return None
min_shape = min(w,h,30)
# place first word:
first_word = get_word(max_length=min_shape, min_length=min(10,grid.shape[1] - 2))
# find random place:
x = random.randint(0, grid.shape[1] - len(first_word) - 1)
y = random.randint(0, grid.shape[0] - 1)
place_word(first_word, y, x, vertical=False)
i = 0
current_density = density()
while current_density < target_density:
word = get_word(max_length=(1 - current_density ** 0.4) * min_shape,
min_length=max(min(10, 0.5 * (1 - current_density ** 0.3) * min_shape), 2))
normalized_word = normalize_word(word)
if normalized_word in word_hints:
# check if matching characters exist:
crossover = get_crossover(normalized_word)
i += 1
if i % 100000 == 0:
if i > 100000:
if crossover == None:
current_density = density()
y,x,is_vertical = crossover
place_word(word, y,x, is_vertical)
current_density = density()"crossword generation done after %s iterations", str(i))
return grid, word_hints