2023-03-26 20:26:26 +02:00

3654 lines
108 KiB (Stored with Git LFS)

"aberforth": {
"word": "aberforth",
"senses": [
"Younger brother of Albus Dumbledore (first name)",
"Owner of the Hog's Head inn (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dumbledore": {
"word": "dumbledore",
"senses": [
"Sister of Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore (last name)",
"Attacked by muggle boys, resulting in her unstable magical powers (last name)",
"Killed during a duel between her brothers and Grindelwald (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"alastor": {
"word": "alastor",
"senses": [
"Retired Auror (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Polyjuice Potion victim (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"moody": {
"word": "moody",
"senses": [
"Retired Auror (last name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Polyjuice Potion victim (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"albus": {
"word": "albus",
"senses": [
"Headmaster of Hogwarts (first name)",
"Founder of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Defeated Gellert Grindelwald (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"alecto": {
"word": "alecto",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (first name)",
"Professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Sister of Amycus Carrow (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"carrow": {
"word": "carrow",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (last name)",
"Professor of Dark Arts at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Brother of Alecto Carrow (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"alice": {
"word": "alice",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange (first name)",
"Mother of Neville Longbottom (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"longbottom": {
"word": "longbottom",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Destroyed Nagini, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"amelia": {
"word": "amelia",
"senses": [
"Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Murdered by Voldemort's Death Eaters (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bones": {
"word": "bones",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Niece of Amelia Bones (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"amos": {
"word": "amos",
"senses": [
"Father of Cedric Diggory (first name)",
"Employee of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (first name)",
"Member of the Wizengamot (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"diggory": {
"word": "diggory",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Champion of the Triwizard Tournament (last name)",
"Killed by Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort's orders (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"amycus": {
"word": "amycus",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (first name)",
"Professor of Dark Arts at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Brother of Alecto Carrow (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"andromeda": {
"word": "andromeda",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Sister of Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy (first name)",
"Mother of Nymphadora Tonks (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"tonks": {
"word": "tonks",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Metamorphmagus (last name)",
"Married to Remus Lupin (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"anthony": {
"word": "anthony",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Participated in the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"goldstein": {
"word": "goldstein",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Participated in the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"argus": {
"word": "argus",
"senses": [
"Squib caretaker of Hogwarts (first name)",
"Hated by students for his strict enforcement of rules (first name)",
"Owner of Mrs. Norris, his cat (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"filch": {
"word": "filch",
"senses": [
"Squib caretaker of Hogwarts (last name)",
"Hated by students for his strict enforcement of rules (last name)",
"Owner of Mrs. Norris, his cat (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ariana": {
"word": "ariana",
"senses": [
"Sister of Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore (first name)",
"Attacked by muggle boys, resulting in her unstable magical powers (first name)",
"Killed during a duel between her brothers and Grindelwald (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"arthur": {
"word": "arthur",
"senses": [
"Father of the Weasley family (first name)",
"Employee of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"weasley": {
"word": "weasley",
"senses": [
"Daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley (last name)",
"Cousin of Victoire, James, Albus, Lily, and Hugo (last name)",
"Sorted into Gryffindor house (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"astoria": {
"word": "astoria",
"senses": [
"Wife of Draco Malfoy (first name)",
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Mother of Scorpius Malfoy (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"greengrass": {
"word": "greengrass",
"senses": [
"Wife of Draco Malfoy (last name)",
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Mother of Scorpius Malfoy (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"augusta": {
"word": "augusta",
"senses": [
"Grandmother of Neville Longbottom (first name)",
"Member of the Wizengamot (first name)",
"Believed to be a powerful witch (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"barty": {
"word": "barty",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (first name)",
"Impersonated Alastor Moody using Polyjuice Potion (first name)",
"Participated in the torture of the Longbottoms (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"crouch": {
"word": "crouch",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (last name)",
"Impersonated Alastor Moody using Polyjuice Potion (last name)",
"Participated in the torture of the Longbottoms (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bathilda": {
"word": "bathilda",
"senses": [
"Author of \"A History of Magic\" (first name)",
"Friend of Dumbledore's family (first name)",
"Killed and impersonated by Nagini (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bagshot": {
"word": "bagshot",
"senses": [
"Author of \"A History of Magic\" (last name)",
"Friend of Dumbledore's family (last name)",
"Killed and impersonated by Nagini (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bellatrix": {
"word": "bellatrix",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (first name)",
"Fanatically devoted to Voldemort (first name)",
"Killed by Molly Weasley during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"lestrange": {
"word": "lestrange",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (last name)",
"Husband of Bellatrix Lestrange (last name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bill": {
"word": "bill",
"senses": [
"Oldest Weasley sibling (first name)",
"Curse-breaker for Gringotts (first name)",
"Married to Fleur Delacour (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"blaise": {
"word": "blaise",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of the Slug Club (first name)",
"Participated in the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"zabini": {
"word": "zabini",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of the Slug Club (last name)",
"Participated in the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"cedric": {
"word": "cedric",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Champion of the Triwizard Tournament (first name)",
"Killed by Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort's orders (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"charity": {
"word": "charity",
"senses": [
"Professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Killed by Voldemort's Death Eaters (first name)",
"Was strapped to the ceiling at Malfoy Manor (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"burbage": {
"word": "burbage",
"senses": [
"Professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Killed by Voldemort's Death Eaters (last name)",
"Was strapped to the ceiling at Malfoy Manor (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"charlie": {
"word": "charlie",
"senses": [
"Second oldest Weasley sibling (first name)",
"Works with dragons in Romania (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"cho": {
"word": "cho",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Dated Harry Potter briefly (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"chang": {
"word": "chang",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Dated Harry Potter briefly (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"colin": {
"word": "colin",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Muggle-born wizard (first name)",
"Died during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"creevey": {
"word": "creevey",
"senses": [
"Younger brother of Colin Creevey (last name)",
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"cormac": {
"word": "cormac",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Tried out for Keeper on the Quidditch team (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"mclaggen": {
"word": "mclaggen",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Tried out for Keeper on the Quidditch team (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"cornelius": {
"word": "cornelius",
"senses": [
"Minister for Magic (first name)",
"Refused to believe Voldemort had returned (first name)",
"Forced to resign after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"fudge": {
"word": "fudge",
"senses": [
"Minister for Magic (last name)",
"Refused to believe Voldemort had returned (last name)",
"Forced to resign after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dean": {
"word": "dean",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Dated Ginny Weasley briefly (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"thomas": {
"word": "thomas",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Dated Ginny Weasley briefly (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dedalus": {
"word": "dedalus",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Follower of Dumbledore (first name)",
"Accidentally blew up Aunt Marge (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"diggle": {
"word": "diggle",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Follower of Dumbledore (last name)",
"Accidentally blew up Aunt Marge (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dennis": {
"word": "dennis",
"senses": [
"Younger brother of Colin Creevey (first name)",
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dolores": {
"word": "dolores",
"senses": [
"High Inquisitor of Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of the Ministry of Magic (first name)",
"Imprisoned Harry Potter and his friends in the Forbidden Forest (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"umbridge": {
"word": "umbridge",
"senses": [
"High Inquisitor of Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of the Ministry of Magic (last name)",
"Imprisoned Harry Potter and his friends in the Forbidden Forest (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dominique": {
"word": "dominique",
"senses": [
"Daughter of Bill and Fleur Weasley (first name)",
"Sister of Victoire and Louis Weasley (first name)",
"Attended Hogwarts during the same time as Teddy Lupin (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"draco": {
"word": "draco",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (first name)",
"Reformed and fought against Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"malfoy": {
"word": "malfoy",
"senses": [
"Son of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass (last name)",
"Sorted into Slytherin house (last name)",
"Friend of Albus Potter (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dudley": {
"word": "dudley",
"senses": [
"Muggle cousin of Harry Potter (first name)",
"Son of Vernon and Petunia Dursley (first name)",
"Rescued by Harry from Dementors (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dursley": {
"word": "dursley",
"senses": [
"Muggle husband of Petunia Dursley (last name)",
"Uncle of Harry Potter (last name)",
"Despised magic and anything related to it (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dumbledoresarmy": {
"word": "dumbledoresarmy",
"senses": [
"Secret organization led by Harry Potter",
"Trained students in defense against the dark arts",
"Fought in the Battle of Hogwarts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"elphias": {
"word": "elphias",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Close friend of Dumbledore (first name)",
"Attended Hogwarts with Dumbledore and Grindelwald (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"doge": {
"word": "doge",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Close friend of Dumbledore (last name)",
"Attended Hogwarts with Dumbledore and Grindelwald (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ernie": {
"word": "ernie",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Prefect and member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Participated in the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"macmillan": {
"word": "macmillan",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Prefect and member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Participated in the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"fenrir": {
"word": "fenrir",
"senses": [
"Werewolf (first name)",
"Member of the Death Eaters (first name)",
"Bitten by Greyback as a child (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"greyback": {
"word": "greyback",
"senses": [
"Werewolf (last name)",
"Member of the Death Eaters (last name)",
"Bitten by Greyback as a child (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"filius": {
"word": "filius",
"senses": [
"Professor of Charms at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Head of Ravenclaw house (first name)",
"Part-goblin (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"flitwick": {
"word": "flitwick",
"senses": [
"Professor of Charms at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Head of Ravenclaw house (last name)",
"Part-goblin (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"frank": {
"word": "frank",
"senses": [
"Former caretaker of the Riddle family (first name)",
"Witnessed Voldemort's return (first name)",
"Killed by Voldemort (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bryce": {
"word": "bryce",
"senses": [
"Former caretaker of the Riddle family (last name)",
"Witnessed Voldemort's return (last name)",
"Killed by Voldemort (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"fred": {
"word": "fred",
"senses": [
"Weasley twin (first name)",
"Prankster and co-owner of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes (first name)",
"Died during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"gabrielle": {
"word": "gabrielle",
"senses": [
"Sister of Fleur Delacour (first name)",
"Participated in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament (first name)",
"Rescued by Harry Potter during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"delacour": {
"word": "delacour",
"senses": [
"Sister of Fleur Delacour (last name)",
"Participated in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament (last name)",
"Rescued by Harry Potter during the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"gellert": {
"word": "gellert",
"senses": [
"Dark wizard (first name)",
"Albus Dumbledore's childhood friend and later enemy (first name)",
"Defeated by Dumbledore and imprisoned (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"grindelwald": {
"word": "grindelwald",
"senses": [
"Dark wizard (last name)",
"Albus Dumbledore's childhood friend and later enemy (last name)",
"Defeated by Dumbledore and imprisoned (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"george": {
"word": "george",
"senses": [
"Weasley twin (first name)",
"Prankster and co-owner of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes (first name)",
"Lost an ear during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ginny": {
"word": "ginny",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Youngest Weasley sibling (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"godric": {
"word": "godric",
"senses": [
"Founder of Hogwarts and Gryffindor house (first name)",
"Wielded the Sword of Gryffindor (first name)",
"Known for his bravery (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"gryffindor": {
"word": "gryffindor",
"senses": [
"Founder of Hogwarts and Gryffindor house (last name)",
"Wielded the Sword of Gryffindor (last name)",
"Known for his bravery (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"gregory": {
"word": "gregory",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Follower of Draco Malfoy (first name)",
"Member of the Inquisitorial Squad (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"goyle": {
"word": "goyle",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Follower of Draco Malfoy (last name)",
"Member of the Inquisitorial Squad (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"hannah": {
"word": "hannah",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Owner of the Leaky Cauldron in the epilogue (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"abbott": {
"word": "abbott",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Owner of the Leaky Cauldron in the epilogue (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"harry": {
"word": "harry",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Defeated Voldemort and saved the wizarding world (first name)",
"Chosen one and member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"potter": {
"word": "potter",
"senses": [
"Mother of Harry Potter (last name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Sacrificed herself to save Harry from Voldemort (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"helga": {
"word": "helga",
"senses": [
"Founder of Hogwarts and Hufflepuff house (first name)",
"Believed in hard work and loyalty (first name)",
"Known for her fair-mindedness (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"hufflepuff": {
"word": "hufflepuff",
"senses": [
"Founder of Hogwarts and Hufflepuff house (last name)",
"Believed in hard work and loyalty (last name)",
"Known for her fair-mindedness (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"katie": {
"word": "katie",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Chaser on the Quidditch team (first name)",
"Possessed by a cursed necklace (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bell": {
"word": "bell",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Chaser on the Quidditch team (last name)",
"Possessed by a cursed necklace (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"kingsley": {
"word": "kingsley",
"senses": [
"Auror (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Appointed Minister for Magic after the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"shacklebolt": {
"word": "shacklebolt",
"senses": [
"Auror (last name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Appointed Minister for Magic after the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"lavender": {
"word": "lavender",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Dated Ron Weasley briefly (first name)",
"Attacked by Fenrir Greyback during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"brown": {
"word": "brown",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Dated Ron Weasley briefly (last name)",
"Attacked by Fenrir Greyback during the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"lee": {
"word": "lee",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Commentator for the Quidditch matches (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"jordan": {
"word": "jordan",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Commentator for the Quidditch matches (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"lily": {
"word": "lily",
"senses": [
"Mother of Harry Potter (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Sacrificed herself to save Harry from Voldemort (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ludo": {
"word": "ludo",
"senses": [
"Former Quidditch player (first name)",
"Employee of the Department of Magical Games and Sports (first name)",
"Fled after losing a bet with the Goblins (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bagman": {
"word": "bagman",
"senses": [
"Former Quidditch player (last name)",
"Employee of the Department of Magical Games and Sports (last name)",
"Fled after losing a bet with the Goblins (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"luna": {
"word": "luna",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Believed in nargles and wrackspurts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"lovegood": {
"word": "lovegood",
"senses": [
"Father of Luna Lovegood (last name)",
"Publisher of the Quibbler magazine (last name)",
"Wore a necklace with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"lucius": {
"word": "lucius",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (first name)",
"Father of Draco Malfoy (first name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"madam": {
"word": "madam",
"senses": [
"Owner of the Robes shop in Diagon Alley (first name)",
"Provided Hogwarts robes to students (first name)",
"Was a victim of Voldemort's takeover of the Ministry (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"hooch": {
"word": "hooch",
"senses": [
"Flying instructor at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Referee for the Quidditch matches (last name)",
"Skilled Quidditch player (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"malkin": {
"word": "malkin",
"senses": [
"Owner of the Robes shop in Diagon Alley (last name)",
"Provided Hogwarts robes to students (last name)",
"Was a victim of Voldemort's takeover of the Ministry (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"marcus": {
"word": "marcus",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Captain of the Quidditch team (first name)",
"Tried to illegally curse Harry Potter during a match (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"flint": {
"word": "flint",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Captain of the Quidditch team (last name)",
"Tried to illegally curse Harry Potter during a match (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"marietta": {
"word": "marietta",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Betrayed the group to Umbridge (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"edgecombe": {
"word": "edgecombe",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Betrayed the group to Umbridge (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"marvolo": {
"word": "marvolo",
"senses": [
"Ancestor of Voldemort (first name)",
"Obsessed with pureblood wizarding heritage (first name)",
"Father of Merope Gaunt (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"gaunt": {
"word": "gaunt",
"senses": [
"Mother of Tom Riddle (last name)",
"Used a love potion on Tom Riddle Sr. (last name)",
"Died shortly after giving birth to Tom Riddle (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"merope": {
"word": "merope",
"senses": [
"Mother of Tom Riddle (first name)",
"Used a love potion on Tom Riddle Sr. (first name)",
"Died shortly after giving birth to Tom Riddle (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"michael": {
"word": "michael",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Dated Ginny Weasley briefly (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"corner": {
"word": "corner",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Dated Ginny Weasley briefly (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"millicent": {
"word": "millicent",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Friend of Pansy Parkinson (first name)",
"Attacked Hermione Granger during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bulstrode": {
"word": "bulstrode",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Friend of Pansy Parkinson (last name)",
"Attacked Hermione Granger during the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"minerva": {
"word": "minerva",
"senses": [
"Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Head of Gryffindor house (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"mcgonagall": {
"word": "mcgonagall",
"senses": [
"Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Head of Gryffindor house (last name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"molly": {
"word": "molly",
"senses": [
"Mother of the Weasley family (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Defeated Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"mundungus": {
"word": "mundungus",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Dealer in stolen magical objects (first name)",
"Betrayed the Order of the Phoenix (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"fletcher": {
"word": "fletcher",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Dealer in stolen magical objects (last name)",
"Betrayed the Order of the Phoenix (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"narcissa": {
"word": "narcissa",
"senses": [
"Mother of Draco Malfoy (first name)",
"Sister of Bellatrix Lestrange (first name)",
"Faked Harry Potter's death to save her son (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"neville": {
"word": "neville",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Destroyed Nagini, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"nymphadora": {
"word": "nymphadora",
"senses": [
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Metamorphmagus (first name)",
"Married to Remus Lupin (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"oliver": {
"word": "oliver",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Captain of the Quidditch team (first name)",
"Obsessed with winning the Quidditch Cup (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"wood": {
"word": "wood",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Captain of the Quidditch team (last name)",
"Obsessed with winning the Quidditch Cup (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"padma": {
"word": "padma",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Twin sister of Parvati Patil (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"patil": {
"word": "patil",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Twin sister of Padma Patil (last name)",
"Attended the Yule Ball with Harry Potter (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"parvati": {
"word": "parvati",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Twin sister of Padma Patil (first name)",
"Attended the Yule Ball with Harry Potter (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"pansy": {
"word": "pansy",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Friend of Draco Malfoy (first name)",
"Member of the Inquisitorial Squad (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"parkinson": {
"word": "parkinson",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Friend of Draco Malfoy (last name)",
"Member of the Inquisitorial Squad (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"percy": {
"word": "percy",
"senses": [
"Weasley sibling (first name)",
"Prefect and Head Boy at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Disowned by his family for his loyalty to the Ministry (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"peter": {
"word": "peter",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of the Marauders (first name)",
"Betrayed James and Lily Potter to Voldemort (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"pettigrew": {
"word": "pettigrew",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of the Marauders (last name)",
"Betrayed James and Lily Potter to Voldemort (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"petunia": {
"word": "petunia",
"senses": [
"Muggle sister of Lily Potter (first name)",
"Married to Vernon Dursley (first name)",
"Raised Harry Potter after his parents were killed (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"pomona": {
"word": "pomona",
"senses": [
"Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Head of Hufflepuff house (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"sprout": {
"word": "sprout",
"senses": [
"Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Head of Hufflepuff house (last name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"poppy": {
"word": "poppy",
"senses": [
"Nurse at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Treated students and staff for injuries and illnesses (first name)",
"Healed Harry Potter after he faced Voldemort (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"pomfrey": {
"word": "pomfrey",
"senses": [
"Nurse at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Treated students and staff for injuries and illnesses (last name)",
"Healed Harry Potter after he faced Voldemort (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"quirinus": {
"word": "quirinus",
"senses": [
"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Possessed by Voldemort (first name)",
"Killed by Harry Potter (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"quirrell": {
"word": "quirrell",
"senses": [
"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Possessed by Voldemort (last name)",
"Killed by Harry Potter (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"regulus": {
"word": "regulus",
"senses": [
"Brother of Sirius Black (first name)",
"Death Eater who turned against Voldemort (first name)",
"Destroyed one of Voldemort's Horcruxes (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"black": {
"word": "black",
"senses": [
"Mother of Sirius Black (last name)",
"Member of the pure-blooded Black family (last name)",
"Portrait in the Black family home that screamed insults at visitors (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"remus": {
"word": "remus",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Werewolf and member of the Marauders (first name)",
"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"lupin": {
"word": "lupin",
"senses": [
"Son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks (last name)",
"Metamorphmagus (last name)",
"Godson of Harry Potter (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"rita": {
"word": "rita",
"senses": [
"Journalist for the Daily Prophet (first name)",
"Sensationalized stories for her own benefit (first name)",
"Animagus who can transform into a beetle (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"skeeter": {
"word": "skeeter",
"senses": [
"Journalist for the Daily Prophet (last name)",
"Sensationalized stories for her own benefit (last name)",
"Animagus who can transform into a beetle (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"rodolphus": {
"word": "rodolphus",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (first name)",
"Husband of Bellatrix Lestrange (first name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"rolanda": {
"word": "rolanda",
"senses": [
"Flying instructor at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Referee for the Quidditch matches (first name)",
"Skilled Quidditch player (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ron": {
"word": "ron",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Best friend of Harry Potter (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"rose": {
"word": "rose",
"senses": [
"Daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley (first name)",
"Cousin of Victoire, James, Albus, Lily, and Hugo (first name)",
"Sorted into Gryffindor house (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"rowena": {
"word": "rowena",
"senses": [
"Founder of Hogwarts and Ravenclaw house (first name)",
"Known for her intelligence and wit (first name)",
"Created the diadem that became a Horcrux (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ravenclaw": {
"word": "ravenclaw",
"senses": [
"Founder of Hogwarts and Ravenclaw house (last name)",
"Known for her intelligence and wit (last name)",
"Created the diadem that became a Horcrux (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"rubeus": {
"word": "rubeus",
"senses": [
"Gamekeeper at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Cares for magical creatures (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"hagrid": {
"word": "hagrid",
"senses": [
"Gamekeeper at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Cares for magical creatures (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"salazar": {
"word": "salazar",
"senses": [
"Founder of Hogwarts and Slytherin house (first name)",
"Believed in pure-blooded wizarding heritage (first name)",
"Created the Chamber of Secrets (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"slytherin": {
"word": "slytherin",
"senses": [
"Founder of Hogwarts and Slytherin house (last name)",
"Believed in pure-blooded wizarding heritage (last name)",
"Created the Chamber of Secrets (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"scorpius": {
"word": "scorpius",
"senses": [
"Son of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass (first name)",
"Sorted into Slytherin house (first name)",
"Friend of Albus Potter (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"seamus": {
"word": "seamus",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Accidentally blew up part of Hogwarts during his fifth year (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"finnigan": {
"word": "finnigan",
"senses": [
"Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Accidentally blew up part of Hogwarts during his fifth year (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"septima": {
"word": "septima",
"senses": [
"Professor of Arithmancy at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Worked in the Department of Mysteries (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"vector": {
"word": "vector",
"senses": [
"Professor of Arithmancy at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Worked in the Department of Mysteries (last name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"severus": {
"word": "severus",
"senses": [
"Professor of Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (first name)",
"Former Death Eater (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"snape": {
"word": "snape",
"senses": [
"Professor of Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of the Order of the Phoenix (last name)",
"Former Death Eater (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"sirius": {
"word": "sirius",
"senses": [
"Godfather of Harry Potter (first name)",
"Member of the Marauders (first name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"stan": {
"word": "stan",
"senses": [
"Conductor on the Knight Bus (first name)",
"Later became a Death Eater (first name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"shunpike": {
"word": "shunpike",
"senses": [
"Conductor on the Knight Bus (last name)",
"Later became a Death Eater (last name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"susan": {
"word": "susan",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Niece of Amelia Bones (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"sybill": {
"word": "sybill",
"senses": [
"Professor of Divination at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Made the prophecy about Voldemort and Harry Potter (first name)",
"Descendant of the Seers (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"trelawney": {
"word": "trelawney",
"senses": [
"Professor of Divination at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Made the prophecy about Voldemort and Harry Potter (last name)",
"Descendant of the Seers (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"teddy": {
"word": "teddy",
"senses": [
"Son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks (first name)",
"Metamorphmagus (first name)",
"Godson of Harry Potter (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"terry": {
"word": "terry",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Worked in the Department of Mysteries (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"boot": {
"word": "boot",
"senses": [
"Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Worked in the Department of Mysteries (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"fatfriar": {
"word": "fatfriar",
"senses": [
"Ghost of Hufflepuff house",
"Friendly and helpful",
"Died of indigestion"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"greylady": {
"word": "greylady",
"senses": [
"Ghost of Ravenclaw house",
"Revealed the location of the diadem Horcrux",
"Daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bloodybaron": {
"word": "bloodybaron",
"senses": [
"Ghost of Slytherin house",
"Killed Helena Ravenclaw and then himself",
"Feared by most students at Hogwarts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"sortinghat": {
"word": "sortinghat",
"senses": [
"Magical hat used to sort Hogwarts students into houses",
"Can sing songs and has a personality",
"Originally owned by Godric Gryffindor"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"theodore": {
"word": "theodore",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Friend of Draco Malfoy (first name)",
"Attended Hogwarts during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"nott": {
"word": "nott",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Friend of Draco Malfoy (last name)",
"Attended Hogwarts during the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"thorfinn": {
"word": "thorfinn",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (first name)",
"Participated in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower (first name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"rowle": {
"word": "rowle",
"senses": [
"Death Eater (last name)",
"Participated in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower (last name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"tom": {
"word": "tom",
"senses": [
"Dark wizard also known as Lord Voldemort (first name)",
"Student at Hogwarts who opened the Chamber of Secrets (first name)",
"Killed by his own backfiring curse (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"riddle": {
"word": "riddle",
"senses": [
"Dark wizard also known as Lord Voldemort (last name)",
"Student at Hogwarts who opened the Chamber of Secrets (last name)",
"Killed by his own backfiring curse (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"vernon": {
"word": "vernon",
"senses": [
"Muggle husband of Petunia Dursley (first name)",
"Uncle of Harry Potter (first name)",
"Despised magic and anything related to it (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"viktor": {
"word": "viktor",
"senses": [
"Seeker for the Bulgarian Quidditch team (first name)",
"Competed in the Triwizard Tournament (first name)",
"Dated Hermione Granger briefly (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"krum": {
"word": "krum",
"senses": [
"Seeker for the Bulgarian Quidditch team (last name)",
"Competed in the Triwizard Tournament (last name)",
"Dated Hermione Granger briefly (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"vincent": {
"word": "vincent",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Follower of Draco Malfoy (first name)",
"Killed by his own Fiendfyre spell during the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"crabbe": {
"word": "crabbe",
"senses": [
"Slytherin student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Follower of Draco Malfoy (last name)",
"Killed by his own Fiendfyre spell during the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"walburga": {
"word": "walburga",
"senses": [
"Mother of Sirius Black (first name)",
"Member of the pure-blooded Black family (first name)",
"Portrait in the Black family home that screamed insults at visitors (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"walden": {
"word": "walden",
"senses": [
"Executioner for the Ministry of Magic (first name)",
"Death Eater (first name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"macnair": {
"word": "macnair",
"senses": [
"Executioner for the Ministry of Magic (last name)",
"Death Eater (last name)",
"Imprisoned in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"xenophilius": {
"word": "xenophilius",
"senses": [
"Father of Luna Lovegood (first name)",
"Publisher of the Quibbler magazine (first name)",
"Wore a necklace with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"zacharias": {
"word": "zacharias",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (first name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (first name)",
"Criticized Harry Potter in the Daily Prophet (first name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"smith": {
"word": "smith",
"senses": [
"Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts (last name)",
"Member of Dumbledore's Army (last name)",
"Criticized Harry Potter in the Daily Prophet (last name)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"acromantula": {
"word": "acromantula",
"senses": [
"Giant spider",
"Capable of speaking and understanding human speech",
"Aragog was the leader of a colony of acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"basilisk": {
"word": "basilisk",
"senses": [
"Giant serpent",
"Can kill with its gaze",
"Released from the Chamber of Secrets by Tom Riddle"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"boggart": {
"word": "boggart",
"senses": [
"Shape-shifting creature",
"Takes on the form of its victim's worst fear",
"Found in a cupboard in the drawing room at 12 Grimmauld Place"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bowtruckle": {
"word": "bowtruckle",
"senses": [
"Tree-dwelling creature",
"Protects wandwood trees",
"Pickett was Newt Scamander's pet bowtruckle"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"centaur": {
"word": "centaur",
"senses": [
"Half-human, half-horse",
"Reside in the Forbidden Forest",
"Divination is one of their areas of expertise"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"chimaera": {
"word": "chimaera",
"senses": [
"Creature with the body of a lion, head of a goat, and tail of a serpent",
"Breathes fire",
"Lived in the Triwizard maze during the Triwizard Tournament"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"cornishpixie": {
"word": "cornishpixie",
"senses": [
"Small, mischievous creature",
"Can fly",
"Gilderoy Lockhart released a group of Cornish pixies in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dementor": {
"word": "dementor",
"senses": [
"Dark creature",
"Feeds on happiness and leaves its victims in a state of despair",
"Guards the wizard prison of Azkaban"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"diricawl": {
"word": "diricawl",
"senses": [
"Flightless bird",
"Capable of disappearing and reappearing at will",
"Commonly known as the \"dodo\""
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"doxy": {
"word": "doxy",
"senses": [
"Small, fairy-like creature",
"Covered in black hair and sharp teeth",
"Often found infesting the homes of wizards"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"dragon": {
"word": "dragon",
"senses": [
"Large, fire-breathing creature",
"Classified by their number of horns and type of scales",
"Used as a test of bravery in the Triwizard Tournament"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"flobberworm": {
"word": "flobberworm",
"senses": [
"Maggot-like creature",
"Consumes vegetation and is used as a potion ingredient",
"Often kept as a pet by Hogwarts students"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ghoul": {
"word": "ghoul",
"senses": [
"Mischievous creature",
"Resembles a slimy, buck-toothed ogre",
"Often found living in attics and basements"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"gnome": {
"word": "gnome",
"senses": [
"Small, pest-like creature",
"Live in burrows in gardens",
"Often removed by gardeners using the \"gnome-tossing\" method"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"grindylow": {
"word": "grindylow",
"senses": [
"Water-dwelling creature",
"Resembles a cross between a octopus and a crustacean",
"Found in the Black Lake at Hogwarts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"hippogriff": {
"word": "hippogriff",
"senses": [
"Mythical creature with the head, wings, and forelegs of an eagle and the body and hind legs of a horse",
"Proud and easily offended",
"Buckbeak was a hippogriff that lived in the Forbidden Forest"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"houseelf": {
"word": "houseelf",
"senses": [
"Small, humanoid creature",
"Usually employed by wizarding families to perform domestic tasks",
"Known for their powerful magic and loyalty"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"kappa": {
"word": "kappa",
"senses": [
"Water-dwelling creature",
"Resembles a cross between a monkey and a turtle",
"Feeds on the blood of humans"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"knarl": {
"word": "knarl",
"senses": [
"Resembles a hedgehog",
"Easily offended and can become a boggart-like pest",
"Mistaken for a hedgehog by Muggles"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"manticore": {
"word": "manticore",
"senses": [
"Dangerous creature with the body of a lion, the head of a human, and a scorpion's tail",
"Poisonous and highly aggressive",
"Often featured in Defense Against the Dark Arts classes"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"merpeople": {
"word": "merpeople",
"senses": [
"Water-dwelling creatures",
"Resemble humans with fish-like features",
"Reside in the Black Lake at Hogwarts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"niffler": {
"word": "niffler",
"senses": [
"Small, black-furred creature with a long snout and a love of shiny objects",
"Often used for treasure hunting",
"Newt Scamander had a soft spot for them"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"occamy": {
"word": "occamy",
"senses": [
"Two-legged, winged creature",
"Can grow or shrink to fit available space",
"Lays eggs made of pure silver"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"phoenix": {
"word": "phoenix",
"senses": [
"Mythical bird",
"Capable of bursting into flames and then being reborn from its ashes",
"Fawkes was Albus Dumbledore's loyal phoenix companion"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"thestral": {
"word": "thestral",
"senses": [
"Skeletal, bat-winged horse",
"Only visible to those who have witnessed and fully comprehended death",
"Used by Hogwarts to pull the carriages that transport students from Hogsmeade to the castle"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"troll": {
"word": "troll",
"senses": [
"Large, brutish creature",
"Often considered slow-witted and aggressive",
"One of them guarded the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"unicorn": {
"word": "unicorn",
"senses": [
"Mythical horse with a single horn on its forehead",
"Symbol of purity and grace",
"Forbidden to harm or kill according to wizarding law"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"werewolf": {
"word": "werewolf",
"senses": [
"Human who transforms into a wolf during the full moon",
"Often feared and misunderstood by the wizarding community",
"Remus Lupin was a werewolf who taught at Hogwarts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"demiguise": {
"word": "demiguise",
"senses": [
"Ape-like creature with long, silky hair",
"Can become invisible and see into the future",
"Sought after for their hair, which can be spun into Invisibility Cloaks"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"horklump": {
"word": "horklump",
"senses": [
"Mushroom-like creature",
"Feeds on plants and is considered a garden pest",
"Known for producing a foul smell"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"aragog": {
"word": "aragog",
"senses": [
"Acromantula leader in the Forbidden Forest",
"Once a pet of Hagrid's",
"Fathered many other acromantulas"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"buckbeak": {
"word": "buckbeak",
"senses": [
"Hippogriff that lived in the Forbidden Forest",
"Executed on false charges but later rescued by Harry, Ron, and Hermione",
"Renamed Witherwings to protect him from the Ministry of Magic"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"crookshanks": {
"word": "crookshanks",
"senses": [
"Half-Kneazle, half-cat pet of Hermione Granger",
"Helped Sirius Black communicate with Harry, Ron, and Hermione",
"Disliked by Ron Weasley"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"fang": {
"word": "fang",
"senses": [
"Hagrid's pet boarhound",
"Often used to intimidate students who misbehaved",
"Saved Harry, Ron, and Hermione from a Devil's Snare plant in the Forbidden Forest"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"fluffy": {
"word": "fluffy",
"senses": [
"Three-headed dog owned by Hagrid",
"Guarded the trapdoor to the Philosopher's Stone",
"Calmed by music"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"fawkes": {
"word": "fawkes",
"senses": [
"Albus Dumbledore's loyal pet phoenix",
"Capable of healing with its tears",
"Accompanied Dumbledore on many important missions"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"firenze": {
"word": "firenze",
"senses": [
"Centaur who lived in the Forbidden Forest",
"Rescued Harry Potter from Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest",
"Taught Divination at Hogwarts after being banished from his herd"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"grawp": {
"word": "grawp",
"senses": [
"Giant half-brother of Hagrid",
"Captured by the Death Eaters and rescued by Hermione and Harry",
"Lives in the Forbidden Forest"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"griphook": {
"word": "griphook",
"senses": [
"Goblin who helped Harry, Ron, and Hermione break into Gringotts bank",
"Later betrayed them to the Ministry of Magic",
"Captured by the Death Eaters and later killed by them"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"hedwig": {
"word": "hedwig",
"senses": [
"Harry Potter's pet snowy owl",
"Delivered messages for Harry and protected him from danger",
"Killed by a Killing Curse meant for Harry"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"kreacher": {
"word": "kreacher",
"senses": [
"Black family house-elf who served the Malfoys after Sirius Black's mother died",
"Hated Sirius Black and took orders from Bellatrix Lestrange",
"Later redeemed himself by helping Harry, Ron, and Hermione"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"nagini": {
"word": "nagini",
"senses": [
"Snake and one of Voldemort's Horcruxes",
"Often accompanied Voldemort and acted as his protector",
"Killed by Neville Longbottom during the Battle of Hogwarts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"norbert": {
"word": "norbert",
"senses": [
"Baby Norwegian Ridgeback dragon",
"Hatched from an egg in Hagrid's hut",
"Later given to Charlie Weasley to be taken care of"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"pigwidgeon": {
"word": "pigwidgeon",
"senses": [
"Ron Weasley's pet owl",
"Often brought small packages and messages for Ron and Hermione",
"Annoyed by everyone except Ron"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"scabbers": {
"word": "scabbers",
"senses": [
"Ron Weasley's pet rat",
"Later revealed to be Peter Pettigrew, a Death Eater and member of Voldemort's inner circle",
"Killed by Ron's broken wand during the Battle of Hogwarts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"trevor": {
"word": "trevor",
"senses": [
"Neville Longbottom's pet toad",
"Often went missing or tried to escape",
"Played a small but memorable role in the Philosopher's Stone"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"winky": {
"word": "winky",
"senses": [
"House-elf formerly owned by the Crouch family",
"Lost her job when Barty Crouch Jr. was imprisoned",
"Struggled with alcoholism"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"accio": {
"word": "accio",
"senses": [
"Summoning charm used to bring an object to the caster",
"Can be used on a variety of objects, including brooms and wands",
"Frequently used by Harry, Ron, and Hermione"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"aguamenti": {
"word": "aguamenti",
"senses": [
"Water-making charm",
"Produces a jet of water from the caster's wand",
"Used to fill containers or extinguish fires"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"alohomora": {
"word": "alohomora",
"senses": [
"Unlocking charm",
"Used to unlock and open doors, windows, and other objects",
"Can be blocked by more advanced magical locks"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"avadakedavra": {
"word": "avadakedavra",
"senses": [
"Killing curse",
"Causes instantaneous death and is one of the Unforgivable Curses",
"Only known to have been successfully cast by a handful of powerful wizards"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"avis": {
"word": "avis",
"senses": [
"Bird-conjuring charm",
"Produces a flock of birds from the caster's wand",
"Used in duels to distract opponents"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"colloportus": {
"word": "colloportus",
"senses": [
"Locking spell",
"Used to magically lock doors or other objects",
"Can only be undone by a counter-curse"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"confundo": {
"word": "confundo",
"senses": [
"Confusion charm",
"Causes the victim to become confused and disoriented",
"Can be used to manipulate the thoughts and actions of others"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"crucio": {
"word": "crucio",
"senses": [
"Torture curse",
"Causes intense, excruciating pain",
"One of the Unforgivable Curses"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"defodio": {
"word": "defodio",
"senses": [
"Gouging spell",
"Used to dig or gouge through materials such as stone or metal",
"Can be used to create tunnels or bore through walls"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"deletrius": {
"word": "deletrius",
"senses": [
"Erasing spell",
"Used to remove the traces of spells, such as footprints or the effects of a spell",
"Often used in conjunction with the Prior Incantato spell"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"diffindo": {
"word": "diffindo",
"senses": [
"Severing charm",
"Used to cut objects, such as fabric or ropes",
"Can be used to cut through magical barriers"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"duro": {
"word": "duro",
"senses": [
"Hardening charm",
"Used to harden or solidify objects",
"Can be used to create makeshift shields or barriers"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"engorgio": {
"word": "engorgio",
"senses": [
"Enlarging charm",
"Causes objects to grow in size",
"Used to enlarge objects such as food or furniture"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"episkey": {
"word": "episkey",
"senses": [
"Healing spell",
"Used to heal minor injuries such as cuts or bruises",
"Often used by Hogwarts students in their Herbology class"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"expectopatronum": {
"word": "expectopatronum",
"senses": [
"Patronus charm",
"Creates a patronus, which is a guardian that protects against dark creatures",
"Often used to repel dementors"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"expelliarmus": {
"word": "expelliarmus",
"senses": [
"Disarming spell",
"Used to disarm an opponent by causing their wand to fly out of their hand",
"One of the signature spells of Harry Potter"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ferula": {
"word": "ferula",
"senses": [
"Bandaging spell",
"Used to splint or bandage broken bones",
"Often used in conjunction with other healing spells"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"finiteincantatem": {
"word": "finiteincantatem",
"senses": [
"General counter-spell",
"Used to stop or reverse the effects of many spells",
"Often used to cancel out jinxes or hexes"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"flickendo": {
"word": "flickendo",
"senses": [
"Knockback jinx",
"Causes the victim to be pushed or knocked back",
"Often used to gain distance from an opponent"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"furnunculus": {
"word": "furnunculus",
"senses": [
"Pimple jinx",
"Causes the victim to break out in painful, pus-filled boils",
"Often used as a mild form of punishment"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"impedimenta": {
"word": "impedimenta",
"senses": [
"Impediment jinx",
"Slows or immobilizes an opponent",
"Often used in dueling or to gain an advantage in a chase"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"imperio": {
"word": "imperio",
"senses": [
"Imperius curse",
"Gives the caster complete control over the victim's actions",
"One of the Unforgivable Curses"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"incarcerous": {
"word": "incarcerous",
"senses": [
"Rope-tying spell",
"Used to bind and immobilize a target",
"Often used by Aurors or in combat situations"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"legilimens": {
"word": "legilimens",
"senses": [
"Legilimency spell",
"Allows the caster to read the thoughts and memories of the victim",
"Often used by skilled wizards in interrogations or investigations"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"levicorpus": {
"word": "levicorpus",
"senses": [
"Lifting spell",
"Causes the victim to be lifted into the air by their ankles",
"Invented by Severus Snape"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"liberacorpus": {
"word": "liberacorpus",
"senses": [
"Counterspell to Levicorpus",
"Releases the victim from the lifting spell",
"Also invented by Severus Snape"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"lumos": {
"word": "lumos",
"senses": [
"Light spell",
"Creates a small beam of light at the tip of the caster's wand",
"Often used to illuminate dark areas"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"muffliato": {
"word": "muffliato",
"senses": [
"Muffling charm",
"Fills the surrounding area with a buzzing sound that muffles conversations",
"Invented by Severus Snape"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"obliviate": {
"word": "obliviate",
"senses": [
"Memory charm",
"Erases the victim's memories of a specific event or time period",
"Often used by the Ministry of Magic to modify the memories of Muggles"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"petrificustotalus": {
"word": "petrificustotalus",
"senses": [
"Full body-bind curse",
"Immobilizes the victim completely",
"Often used to temporarily incapacitate a target"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"priorincantato": {
"word": "priorincantato",
"senses": [
"Spell-reversing spell",
"Reveals the last spell cast by the target's wand",
"Often used by wizards to identify their opponents' spells"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"protego": {
"word": "protego",
"senses": [
"Shield charm",
"Creates a protective shield that repels spells and physical objects",
"Often used in duels or battles"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"reducto": {
"word": "reducto",
"senses": [
"Reducing spell",
"Causes objects to disintegrate or break into smaller pieces",
"Often used to destroy obstacles or barriers"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"riddikulus": {
"word": "riddikulus",
"senses": [
"Boggart-banishing spell",
"Transforms a boggart into a humorous, non-threatening form",
"Often used to overcome fear or anxiety"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"sectumsempra": {
"word": "sectumsempra",
"senses": [
"Dark curse",
"Causes deep and bloody lacerations on the victim",
"Invented by Severus Snape"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"silencio": {
"word": "silencio",
"senses": [
"Silencing charm",
"Temporarily silences the target, preventing them from speaking or making noise",
"Often used in situations where silence is necessary"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"sonorus": {
"word": "sonorus",
"senses": [
"Amplifying charm",
"Amplifies the caster's voice to a greater volume",
"Often used in situations where the caster needs to address a large group"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"stupefy": {
"word": "stupefy",
"senses": [
"Stunning spell",
"Causes the target to become unconscious or stunned",
"Often used to incapacitate an opponent"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"tarantallegra": {
"word": "tarantallegra",
"senses": [
"Dancing feet spell",
"Causes the victim's legs to move uncontrollably in a dance-like manner",
"Invented by Severus Snape"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"wingardiumleviosa": {
"word": "wingardiumleviosa",
"senses": [
"Levitation charm",
"Causes objects to levitate and move at the caster's will",
"One of the first spells taught to Hogwarts students"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"amortentia": {
"word": "amortentia",
"senses": [
"Love potion",
"Causes the drinker to become infatuated with the person who administered the potion",
"Has a unique aroma that varies for each person"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"babblingbeverage": {
"word": "babblingbeverage",
"senses": [
"Babbling potion",
"Causes the drinker to speak in gibberish",
"Often used as a prank or to cause chaos"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"elixiroflife": {
"word": "elixiroflife",
"senses": [
"Life-prolonging potion",
"Grants immortality to the drinker",
"Difficult to brew and requires rare and expensive ingredients"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"felixfelicis": {
"word": "felixfelicis",
"senses": [
"Luck potion",
"Causes the drinker to have a run of good luck",
"Known as \"liquid luck\" and is extremely difficult to brew"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"gillyweed": {
"word": "gillyweed",
"senses": [
"Water-breathing plant",
"Allows the user to breathe underwater for an extended period of time",
"Used by Harry Potter during the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"polyjuice": {
"word": "polyjuice",
"senses": [
"Transformation potion",
"Allows the user to take on the appearance of another person",
"Requires a piece of the person's body, such as hair or fingernails"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"skelegro": {
"word": "skelegro",
"senses": [
"Bone-regenerating potion",
"Regrows bones that have been damaged or removed",
"Has a terrible taste and requires several weeks to take effect"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"veritaserum": {
"word": "veritaserum",
"senses": [
"Truth serum",
"Causes the drinker to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets",
"Only to be used under extreme circumstances"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"volubilis": {
"word": "volubilis",
"senses": [
"Tongue-tying potion",
"Causes the drinker's tongue to become tied in knots",
"Often used as a prank or to silence someone"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"wiggenweld": {
"word": "wiggenweld",
"senses": [
"Healing potion",
"Restores stamina and energy",
"Often used to recover from strenuous physical activity"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"wolfsbane": {
"word": "wolfsbane",
"senses": [
"Werewolf potion",
"Allows werewolves to retain their human minds during the full moon",
"Requires a complex and dangerous brewing process"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"azkaban": {
"word": "azkaban",
"senses": [
"Wizarding prison",
"Located on a small island in the North Sea",
"Known for its inhumane conditions and use of Dementors as guards"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"borginandburkes": {
"word": "borginandburkes",
"senses": [
"Dark arts shop",
"Located in Knockturn Alley",
"Known for selling cursed and illegal magical objects"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"diagonalley": {
"word": "diagonalley",
"senses": [
"Wizarding shopping district",
"Located in London, accessible through the Leaky Cauldron",
"Home to a variety of shops and services for witches and wizards"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"durmstrang": {
"word": "durmstrang",
"senses": [
"Wizarding school",
"Located in Northern Europe",
"Known for its emphasis on Dark Arts and its secrecy"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"forbiddenforest": {
"word": "forbiddenforest",
"senses": [
"Forest on Hogwarts grounds",
"Home to many dangerous creatures and hidden secrets",
"Restricted to students and staff of Hogwarts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"godricshollow": {
"word": "godricshollow",
"senses": [
"Birthplace of Godric Gryffindor",
"Also the location where Harry Potter's parents were killed by Voldemort",
"Contains many magical artifacts and is a popular destination for wizarding tourists"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"gringotts": {
"word": "gringotts",
"senses": [
"Wizarding bank",
"Located in London, accessible through Diagon Alley",
"Known for its impressive security measures and use of goblins as bankers"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"hogwarts": {
"word": "hogwarts",
"senses": [
"Wizarding school",
"Located in Scotland",
"Home to the iconic Hogwarts Castle and many magical creatures and artifacts"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"hogsmeade": {
"word": "hogsmeade",
"senses": [
"Wizarding village",
"Located near Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry",
"Home to many shops and services for Hogwarts students"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"knockturnalley": {
"word": "knockturnalley",
"senses": [
"Dark arts shopping district",
"Located in London, accessible through Diagon Alley",
"Known for its seedy reputation and illegal magical objects"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"littlehangleton": {
"word": "littlehangleton",
"senses": [
"Village where Voldemort was born and raised",
"Home to the Gaunt family, who were descendants of Salazar Slytherin",
"The location of the Riddle House, where the murder of the Riddle family took place"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"malfoymanor": {
"word": "malfoymanor",
"senses": [
"Home of the Malfoy family",
"Located in Wiltshire, England",
"Used as a base of operations for Voldemort and the Death Eaters"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"ministryofmagic": {
"word": "ministryofmagic",
"senses": [
"Governing body for the wizarding world",
"Located in London, accessible through the phone booth in a red British street phone box",
"Responsible for enforcing laws and regulating magic use"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"grimmauld": {
"word": "grimmauld",
"senses": [
"Black family home",
"Located in London, hidden behind the Fidelius Charm",
"Used as the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"privetdrive": {
"word": "privetdrive",
"senses": [
"Home of the Dursley family",
"Located in Little Whinging, Surrey",
"Harry Potter's childhood home and the location where he was raised by the Dursleys"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"roomofrequirement": {
"word": "roomofrequirement",
"senses": [
"Secret room in Hogwarts",
"Appears when a person is in need of it",
"Used by Dumbledore's Army as a secret meeting place"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"mungo": {
"word": "mungo",
"senses": [
"Wizarding hospital",
"Located in London",
"Known for its high-quality care and magical treatments"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"burrow": {
"word": "burrow",
"senses": [
"Home of the Weasley family",
"Located near Ottery St. Catchpole",
"Known for its magical architecture and cluttered appearance"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"leakycauldron": {
"word": "leakycauldron",
"senses": [
"Wizarding pub",
"Located in London, accessible through the Leaky Cauldron",
"Known for its connections to the wizarding world and its role in the transportation of wizards"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bezoar": {
"word": "bezoar",
"senses": [
"Stone-like object found in the stomach of certain animals",
"Has healing properties and can cure some poisons",
"Often used in potions and antidotes"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"deluminator": {
"word": "deluminator",
"senses": [
"Magical device",
"Can turn off and restore lights, as well as absorb and release light",
"Invented by Albus Dumbledore"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"elderwand": {
"word": "elderwand",
"senses": [
"Powerful wand",
"Has the power to overcome and conquer other wands",
"One of the three Deathly Hallows"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"firebolt": {
"word": "firebolt",
"senses": [
"Broomstick, Known for its speed and maneuverability",
"Considered one of the best brooms on the market"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"snitch": {
"word": "snitch",
"senses": [
"Small, golden ball with wings",
"Used in the game of Quidditch as the game-winning object",
"Known for its speed and agility"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"horcrux": {
"word": "horcrux",
"senses": [
"Object containing a piece of a person's soul",
"Created by dark magic and used to achieve immortality",
"Can only be destroyed through difficult and dangerous means"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"maraudersmap": {
"word": "maraudersmap",
"senses": [
"Magical map",
"Displays the location of all people and objects within Hogwarts",
"Created by the Marauders (James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew)"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"erised": {
"word": "erised",
"senses": [
"Magical mirror",
"Shows the viewer their deepest desires",
"Can be dangerous if used too often or obsessively"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"nimbus": {
"word": "nimbus",
"senses": [
"Known for its speed and handling",
"Considered one of the best brooms on the market before the release of the Firebolt"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"philosophersstone": {
"word": "philosophersstone",
"senses": [
"Alchemical substance",
"Has the power to create the Elixir of Life and turn any metal into gold",
"Highly sought after for its power"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"portkey": {
"word": "portkey",
"senses": [
"Object enchanted to transport a person to a specific location",
"Can be any object, such as a boot or a kettle",
"Often used as a means of transportation in the wizarding world"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"resurrectionstone": {
"word": "resurrectionstone",
"senses": [
"Magical stone",
"Has the power to bring back the dead",
"One of the three Deathly Hallows"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"timeturner": {
"word": "timeturner",
"senses": [
"Time-traveling device",
"Allows the user to travel back in time for short periods",
"Highly regulated by the Ministry of Magic"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"vanishingcabinet": {
"word": "vanishingcabinet",
"senses": [
"Cabinet enchanted to transport objects or people between two locations",
"Used by the Death Eaters to infiltrate Hogwarts during the Second Wizarding War",
"Requires a second cabinet to be set up at the desired destination"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"wand": {
"word": "wand",
"senses": [
"Magical instrument used to cast spells",
"Unique to each wizard and has a core of magical substance, such as phoenix feather or dragon heartstring",
"Considered an extension of the wizard's body and highly valued in the wizarding world"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"whompingwillow": {
"word": "whompingwillow",
"senses": [
"Magical tree",
"Located on Hogwarts grounds and is highly aggressive",
"Used to conceal the entrance to the Shrieking Shack"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"bludger": {
"word": "bludger",
"senses": [
"Iron ball used in Quidditch",
"Hit by beaters to disrupt play and knock opposing players off their brooms",
"Can cause serious injury if not avoided or deflected"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"broomstick": {
"word": "broomstick",
"senses": [
"Primary mode of transportation in Quidditch",
"Used by all players to fly around the field and catch the snitch",
"Different types of brooms offer varying levels of speed and maneuverability"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"quaffle": {
"word": "quaffle",
"senses": [
"Red, leather ball used in Quidditch",
"Thrown through the opposing team's goal hoops by chasers to score points",
"Can be intercepted or blocked by opposing players"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"comet": {
"word": "comet",
"senses": [
"Broomstick, Known for its speed and durability",
"Considered a popular choice for Quidditch players"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"cleansweep": {
"word": "cleansweep",
"senses": [
"Broomstick, Known for its affordability and ease of use",
"Considered a popular choice for beginner Quidditch players"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1
"shootingstar": {
"word": "shootingstar",
"senses": [
"Broomstick, Known for its speed and power",
"Considered a popular choice for aggressive Quidditch players"
"antonyms": [],
"synonyms": [],
"frequency": 1