#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 # # Recipe class import sys sys.path.append("../") import settings import pycrfsuite import json import db.db_settings as db_settings from db.database_connection import DatabaseConnection from Tagging.conllu_generator import ConlluGenerator from Tagging.crf_data_generator import * from difflib import SequenceMatcher import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot from plotly.subplots import make_subplots init_notebook_mode(connected=True) from graphviz import Digraph import itertools import plotly.io as pio pio.renderers.default = "jupyterlab" from IPython.display import Markdown, HTML, display # * sequence similarity matcher def similar(a, b): return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio() def string_similarity(a,b): """ does the same like `similar` but also compares single words of multi word tokens and returns the max similar value """ tokens_a = a.split() tokens_b = b.split() max_similarity = -1 max_a = None max_b = None for t_a in tokens_a: for t_b in tokens_b: s = similar(t_a, t_b) if s > max_similarity: max_similarity = s max_a = t_a, max_b = t_b, return max_similarity, max_a, max_b # * get vocabulary import importlib.util # loading ingredients: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "ingredients", "../" + settings.ingredients_file) ingredients = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(ingredients) # loading actions: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "actions", "../" + settings.actions_file) actions = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(actions) # loading containers spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "containers", "../" + settings.container_file) containers = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(containers) # loading placeholders spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "placeholders", "../" + settings.placeholder_file) placeholders = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(placeholders) # helper function since the lemmatizer not always lemmatize in a meaningful way :shrug: def check_ingredient(ing_token): form = ing_token['form'].lower() lemma = ing_token['lemma'].lower() if form in ingredients.ingredients: return True if lemma in ingredients.ingredients_stemmed: return True if lemma.endswith('s'): if lemma[:-1] in ingredients.ingredients_stemmed: return True else: if lemma + 's' in ingredients.ingredients_stemmed: return True return False tagger = pycrfsuite.Tagger() tagger.open('../Tagging/test.crfsuite') id_query = "select * from recipes where id like %s" def escape_md_chars(s): s = s.replace("*", "\*") s = s.replace("(", "\(") s = s.replace(")", "\)") s = s.replace("[", "\[") s = s.replace("]", "\]") s = s.replace("_", "\_") return s import json class Ingredient(object): @staticmethod def from_json(j): d = json.loads(j) ing = Ingredient(d['base']) ing._action_set = set(d['actions']) return ing def __init__(self, base_ingredient, last_touched_instruction=0): self._base_ingredient = base_ingredient self._action_set = set() self._last_touched_instruction = last_touched_instruction self._is_mixed = False def apply_action(self, action, instruction_number=0, touch=True): if action in actions.mixing_cooking_verbs: self.mark_for_mixing() else: self._action_set.add(action) if touch: self._last_touched_instruction = instruction_number def similarity(self, ingredient, use_actions=False, action_factor = 0.5): sim,_,_ = string_similarity(self._base_ingredient, ingredient._base_ingredient) if not use_actions: return sim return (1 - action_factor) + action_factor * similar(list(self._action_set), list(ingredient._action_set)) def mark_for_mixing(self): self._is_mixed = True def unmark_mixing(self): self._is_mixed = False def is_mixed(self): return self._is_mixed def most_similar_ingredient(self, ing_list, use_actions=False, action_factor=0.5): best_index = -1 best_value = -1 for i, ing in enumerate(ing_list): sim = self.similarity(ing, use_actions=use_actions, action_factor=action_factor) if sim > best_value: best_value = sim best_index = i return best_value, ing_list[best_index] def copy(self): result = Ingredient(self._base_ingredient, self._last_touched_instruction) result._action_set = self._action_set.copy() result._is_mixed = self._is_mixed return result def to_json(self): result = {} result['base'] = self._base_ingredient result['actions'] = list(self._action_set) return json.dumps(result) def __repr__(self): return f"{'|'.join(list(self._action_set))} 🠊 {self._base_ingredient} (last touched @ {self._last_touched_instruction})" class RecipeState(object): def __init__(self, initial_ingredients): self._ingredients = initial_ingredients self._seen_ingredients = set() self._seen_actions = set() self._mix_matrix = None self._mix_labels = None self._act_matrix = None self._act_labels = None self._ing_labels = None self._mat_need_update = True # set of (ing_a, ing_b) tuples self._seen_mixes = set() # set of (action, ing) tuples self._seen_applied_actions = set() for ing in self._ingredients: self._seen_ingredients.add(ing.to_json()) def copy(self): return RecipeState([ing.copy() for ing in self._ingredients]) def apply_action(self, action: str, ing: Ingredient, instruction_number=0, sim_threshold = 0.6): # find most similar ingredient to the given one and apply action on it sim_val, best_ing = ing.most_similar_ingredient(self._ingredients) # if sim_val is good enough, we apply the action to the best ingredient, otherwise # we add a new ingredient to our set (and assume that it was not detected or listed in the # ingredient set before) self._mat_need_update = True if sim_val > sim_threshold: if action not in actions.stemmed_mixing_cooking_verbs: self._seen_actions.add(action) self._seen_applied_actions.add((action, best_ing.to_json())) best_ing.apply_action(action, instruction_number) self._seen_ingredients.add(best_ing.to_json()) else: self._ingredients.append(ing) if action not in actions.stemmed_mixing_cooking_verbs: self._seen_actions.add(action) self._seen_ingredients.add(ing.to_json()) self._seen_applied_actions.add((action, ing.to_json())) ing.apply_action(action, instruction_number) self._seen_ingredients.add(ing.to_json()) def apply_action_on_all(self, action, instruction_number=0, exclude_instruction_number=None): self._mat_need_update = True for ing in self._ingredients: if exclude_instruction_number is None or exclude_instruction_number != ing._last_touched_instruction: if action not in actions.stemmed_mixing_cooking_verbs: self._seen_actions.add(action) self._seen_applied_actions.add((action, ing.to_json())) ing.apply_action(action, instruction_number) self._seen_ingredients.add(ing.to_json()) def apply_action_by_last_touched(action, last_touched_instruction, instruction_number=0): self._mat_need_update = True for ing in self.get_ingredients_touched_in_instruction(last_touched_instruction): if action not in actions.stemmed_mixing_cooking_verbs: self._seen_actions.add(action) self._seen_applied_actions.add((action, ing.to_json())) ing.apply_action(action, instruction_number) self._seen_ingredients.add(ing.to_json()) def get_combined_ingredients(self): combined = [] for ing in self._ingredients: if ing.is_mixed(): combined.append(ing) ing.unmark_mixing() for x in combined: for y in combined: self._seen_mixes.add((x.to_json(), y.to_json())) self._mat_need_update = True return combined def _update_matrices(self): ing_list = list(self._seen_ingredients) idx = {} m = np.zeros((len(ing_list), len(ing_list))) for i,ing in enumerate(ing_list): idx[ing] = i for x,y in self._seen_mixes: m[idx[x], idx[y]] = 1 self._mix_matrix = m self._mix_labels = [Ingredient.from_json(j) for j in ing_list] ing_list = list(self._seen_ingredients) idx_i = {} act_list = list(self._seen_actions) idx_a = {} for i,ing in enumerate(ing_list): idx_i[ing] = i for i,act in enumerate(act_list): idx_a[act] = i m = np.zeros((len(act_list), len(ing_list))) for act, ing in self._seen_applied_actions: m[idx_a[act], idx_i[ing]] = 1 self._act_matrix = m self._act_labels = act_list self._ing_labels = [Ingredient.from_json(j) for j in ing_list] self._mat_need_update = False def get_mixing_matrix(self): if self._mat_need_update: self._update_matrices() return self._mix_matrix, self._mix_labels def get_action_matrix(self): if self._mat_need_update: self._update_matrices() return self._act_matrix, self._act_labels, self._ing_labels def get_ingredients_touched_in_instruction(self, instruction_number = 0): ings = [] for ing in self._ingredients: if ing._last_touched_instruction == instruction_number: ings.append(ing) return ings def get_ingredients(self): return self._ingredients def __repr__(self): s = "" for ing in self._ingredients: s += f"• {str(ing)}\n" return s class Node(object): def __init__(self, id, label, shape): self.id = id self.label = label self.shape = shape class GraphWrapper(object): def __init__(self, comment="recipe graph"): self._comment = comment self._nodes = set() self._nodes_by_id = {} self._nodes_by_label = {} self._edges = set() self._to_node = {} self._from_node = {} def node(self, id, label, shape = None): assert id not in self._nodes_by_id n = Node(id, label, shape) self._nodes.add(n) self._nodes_by_id[id] = n if label not in self._nodes_by_label: self._nodes_by_label[label] = set() self._nodes_by_label[label].add(n) self._to_node[id] = set() self._from_node[id] = set() def edge(self, a, b): assert a in self._nodes_by_id and b in self._nodes_by_id self._edges.add((a,b)) self._from_node[a].add(b) self._to_node[b].add(a) def remove_edge(self, a, b): self._edges.discard((a,b)) if a in self._from_node: self._from_node[a].discard(b) if b in self._to_node: self._to_node[b].discard(a) def remove_node(self, id, redirect_edges=False): assert id in self._nodes_by_id if redirect_edges: f_set = self._from_node[id].copy() t_set = self._to_node[id].copy() self.remove_node(id) for a in t_set: for b in f_set: self.edge(a,b) return # remove all edges b_set = self._from_node[id].copy() for b in b_set: self.remove_edge(id, b) a_set = self._to_node[id].copy() for a in a_set: self.remove_edge(a, id) # remove node itself n = self._nodes_by_id[id] self._nodes_by_label[n.label].remove(n) if len(self._nodes_by_label[n.label]) == 0: del(self._nodes_by_label[n.label]) self._nodes.remove(n) del(self._nodes_by_id[id]) del(self._from_node[id]) del(self._to_node[id]) def merge(self, a, b): """ merge a with b and return id of merged node """ assert a in self._nodes_by_id and b in self._nodes_by_id if (a,b) in self._edges: self.remove_edge(a,b) if (b,a) in self._edges: self.remove_edge(b,a) to_merged = set() from_merged = set() if a in self._from_node: from_merged = from_merged.union(self._from_node[a]) if b in self._from_node: from_merged = from_merged.union(self._from_node[b]) if a in self._to_node: to_merged = to_merged.union(self._to_node[a]) if b in self._to_node: to_merged = to_merged.union(self._to_node[b]) from_merged.discard(a) from_merged.discard(b) to_merged.discard(a) to_merged.discard(b) merged_node = self._nodes_by_id[a] self.remove_node(a) self.remove_node(b) self.node(merged_node.id, merged_node.label, merged_node.shape) for x in to_merged: self.edge(x, merged_node.id) for x in from_merged: self.edge(merged_node.id, x) def insert_before(self, node_id, insert_id, insert_label, insert_shape): assert insert_id not in self._nodes_by_id assert node_id in self._nodes_by_id to_node = self._to_node[node_id].copy() for a in to_node: self.remove_edge(a, node_id) self.node(insert_id, insert_label, insert_shape) for a in to_node: self.edge(a, insert_id) self.edge(insert_id, node_id) def merge_adjacent_with_label(self, label): """ merge all adjacent nodes with given label """ assert label in self._nodes_by_label node_set = self._nodes_by_label[label] mix_set = set() connected_clusters = {} for x in node_set: for y in node_set: if (x.id, y.id) in self._edges: # mark for merge mix_set.add(x.id) mix_set.add(y.id) if x.id not in connected_clusters: connected_clusters[x.id] = set() if y.id not in connected_clusters: connected_clusters[y.id] = set() u = connected_clusters[x.id].union(connected_clusters[y.id]) u.add(x.id) u.add(y.id) for n in u: connected_clusters[n] = u clusters = [] while len(mix_set) > 0: arbitrary_node = mix_set.pop() # get cluster for node: c = connected_clusters[arbitrary_node] c_list = list(c) # merge all nodes: for i in range(len(c_list) - 1): # note: order matters since 'merge' keeps the id of the first node! self.merge(c_list[i + 1], c_list[i]) # subtract cluster set from mix_set mix_set = mix_set.difference(c) def merge_sisters(self): sister_nodes = set() sisters = {} for label, node_set in self._nodes_by_label.items(): for x in node_set: for y in node_set: if x.id == y.id: continue if len(self._from_node[x.id].intersection(self._from_node[y.id])) > 0: sister_nodes.add(x.id) sister_nodes.add(y.id) if x.id not in sisters: sisters[x.id] = set() if y.id not in sisters: sisters[y.id] = set() u = sisters[x.id].union(sisters[y.id]) u.add(x.id) u.add(y.id) for n in u: sisters[n] = u if len(sister_nodes) <= 1: return False while len(sister_nodes) > 0: arbitrary_node = sister_nodes.pop() # get cluster for node: c = sisters[arbitrary_node] c_list = list(c) # merge all nodes: for i in range(len(c_list) - 1): # note: order matters since 'merge' keeps the id of the first node! self.merge(c_list[i + 1], c_list[i]) i = 0 mix_id = "mix0" while mix_id in self._nodes_by_id: i += 1 mix_id = f"mix{i}" self.insert_before(c_list[-1], mix_id, "mix", "diamond") # subtract cluster set from mix_set sister_nodes = sister_nodes.difference(c) return True def get_paths(self): cluster = {} nodes = set() for a,b in self._edges: if len(self._from_node[a]) == 1 and len(self._to_node[b]) == 1: if a not in cluster: cluster[a] = set() if b not in cluster: cluster[b] = set() nodes.add(a) nodes.add(b) u = cluster[a].union(cluster[b]) u.add(a) u.add(b) for n in u: cluster[n] = u paths = [] while len(nodes) > 0: arbitrary_node = nodes.pop() # get cluster for node: c = cluster[arbitrary_node] paths.append(c) nodes = nodes.difference(c) return paths def clean_paths(self): for path in self.get_paths(): seen_labels = set() for n in path: l = self._nodes_by_id[n].label if l == "mix" and len(self._to_node[n]) == 1: self.remove_node(n, redirect_edges=True) elif l in seen_labels: self.remove_node(n, redirect_edges=True) else: seen_labels.add(l) def simplify(self): changed = True while changed: # merge all adjacent nodes with the same label for key in self._nodes_by_label: self.merge_adjacent_with_label(key) # and now merge all sister nodes with the same label # (just to make it more clean structured) changed = self.merge_sisters() self.clean_paths() def compile_graph(self, simplify = False): if simplify: self.simplify() dot = Digraph(self._comment) for n in self._nodes: dot.node(n.id, label=n.label, shape=n.shape) for e in self._edges: dot.edge(e[0], e[1]) return dot class RecipeGraph(object): def __init__(self, initial_ingreds=None): self._base_ing_nodes = set() self._dot = GraphWrapper(comment="recipe graph") self._ing_state_mapping = {} # key: ingredient, value: state_id self._seen_actions = set() self._ings_connected_with_state = {} # key: state_id, value: set of ingreds self._seen_actions_for_ingredient = {} if initial_ingreds is not None: for ing in initial_ingreds: self.add_base_ingredient(ing) def add_base_ingredient(self, ingredient): if type(ingredient) == Ingredient: self.add_base_ingredient(ingredient._base_ingredient) return self._base_ing_nodes.add(ingredient) self._dot.node(ingredient, label=ingredient,shape="box") self._ing_state_mapping[ingredient] = ingredient self._ings_connected_with_state[ingredient] = set([ingredient]) self._seen_actions_for_ingredient[ingredient] = set() def add_action(self, action, ingredient): if type(ingredient) == Ingredient: return self.add_action(ingredient._base_ingredient) if ingredient not in self._seen_actions_for_ingredient: self._seen_actions_for_ingredient[ingredient] = set() if action in self._seen_actions_for_ingredient[ingredient]: return False self._seen_actions_for_ingredient[ingredient].add(action) action_id = action + "0" i = 0 while action_id in self._seen_actions: i += 1 action_id = action + str(i) self._seen_actions.add(action_id) self._dot.node(action_id, action) # get to the bottom of our tree (last known thing that happened to our ingredient) last_node = self._ing_state_mapping[ingredient] # update the reference of the last known state for all connected ingredients # (and for ourselve) connected_ingredients = self._ings_connected_with_state[last_node] for ing_id in connected_ingredients: self._ing_state_mapping[ing_id] = action_id # set ingredient set for new node self._ings_connected_with_state[action_id] = connected_ingredients.copy() # connect nodes with an edge self._dot.edge(last_node, action_id) return True def add_action_if_possible(self, action, ingredient): # extract actions for ingredient action_set = ingredient._action_set if action_set.issubset(self._seen_actions_for_ingredient[ingredient._base_ingredient]): return self.add_action(action, ingredient._base_ingredient) return False def mix_ingredients(self, ingredient_list): assert len(ingredient_list) > 0 if type(ingredient_list[0]) == Ingredient: self.mix_ingredients([ing._base_ingredient for ing in ingredient_list]) return last_nodes = set([self._ing_state_mapping[ing] for ing in ingredient_list]) # create mixed ingredient set ing_set = set() for state in last_nodes: ing_set = ing_set.union(self._ings_connected_with_state[state]) mix_action_id = "mix0" i = 0 while mix_action_id in self._seen_actions: i += 1 mix_action_id = f"mix{i}" self._seen_actions.add(mix_action_id) self._dot.node(mix_action_id, "mix", shape="diamond") self._ings_connected_with_state[mix_action_id] = ing_set.copy() for ing in ing_set: self._ing_state_mapping[ing] = mix_action_id for state in last_nodes: self._dot.edge(state, mix_action_id) def mix_if_possible(self, ingredient_list): assert len(ingredient_list) > 0 assert type(ingredient_list[0]) == Ingredient # check whether ingredients are mixed already state_set = set( [self._ing_state_mapping[ing._base_ingredient] for ing in ingredient_list] ) if len(state_set) <= 1: # all ingredients have the same last state → they're mixed already return False # check if action sets are matching the requirements for ing in ingredient_list: for act in ing._action_set: if act not in self._seen_actions_for_ingredient[ing._base_ingredient]: return False # now we can mix the stuff: self.mix_ingredients(ingredient_list) return True @staticmethod def fromRecipeState(rec_state: RecipeState): # get all ingredients base_ingredients = set([ing._base_ingredient for ing in rec_state._ingredients]) mix_m, mix_label = rec_state.get_mixing_matrix() act_m, act_a, act_i = rec_state.get_action_matrix() graph = RecipeGraph(base_ingredients) # create list of tuples: [action, ingredient] seen_actions = np.array(list(itertools.product(act_a,act_i))).reshape((len(act_a), len(act_i), 2)) # create list of tuples [ingredient, ingredient] seen_mixes = np.array(list(itertools.product(mix_label,mix_label))).reshape((len(mix_label), len(mix_label), 2)) seen_actions = seen_actions[act_m == 1] seen_mixes = seen_mixes[mix_m == 1] seen_actions = set([tuple(x) for x in seen_actions.tolist()]) seen_mixes = set([tuple(x) for x in seen_mixes.tolist()]) # for each ingredient get the list of unseen applied actions. (They were applied # before the first instruction) seen_actions_per_ingred = {} for act, json_ing in rec_state._seen_applied_actions: ing = Ingredient.from_json(json_ing)._base_ingredient if ing not in seen_actions_per_ingred: seen_actions_per_ingred[ing] = set() seen_actions_per_ingred[ing].add(act) unseen_actions_per_ingred = {} for ing in rec_state._ingredients: base = ing._base_ingredient if base not in seen_actions_per_ingred: unseen_actions_per_ingred[base] = ing._action_set.copy() else: unseen_actions_per_ingred[base] = ing._action_set.difference(seen_actions_per_ingred[base]) # for each ingredient: apply unseen actions first for ing in rec_state._ingredients: base = ing._base_ingredient for act in unseen_actions_per_ingred[base]: graph.add_action(act, base) # iterate over all mixes and actions until the graph does not change anymore # TODO: there are more efficient ways to do that! changed = True while changed: changed = False changed_ingreds = True while changed_ingreds: changed_ingreds = False for mix in list(seen_mixes): if graph.mix_if_possible([mix[0], mix[1]]): changed = True changed_ingreds = True changed_acts = True while changed_acts: changed_acts = False for act in list(seen_actions): if graph.add_action_if_possible(act[0], act[1]): changed = True changed_acts = True return graph class Recipe(object): def __init__(self, recipe_db_id = None): self._sentences = None self._title = None self._part = None self._ingredients = None self._recipe_id = recipe_db_id self._get_from_db() self._extracted_ingredients = None # TODO self.annotate_ingredients() self.annotate_sentences() def _get_from_db(self): result = DatabaseConnection.global_single_query(id_query, (self._recipe_id)) assert len(result) > 0 result = result[0] self._title = result['title'] self._part = result['part'] raw_sentences = json.loads(result['instructions']) raw_ingredients = json.loads(result['ingredients']) # throwing the raw data through our connlu generator to annotate them right cg_sents = ConlluGenerator(["\n".join(raw_sentences)]) cg_ings = ConlluGenerator(["\n".join(raw_ingredients)]) cg_sents.tokenize() cg_sents.pos_tagging_and_lemmatization() cg_ings.tokenize() cg_ings.pos_tagging_and_lemmatization() # TODO self._sentences = cg_sents.get_conllu_elements()[0] self._ingredients = cg_ings.get_conllu_elements()[0] #self._sentences = json.loads(result['instructions']) #self._ingredients = json.loads(result['ingredients']) def avg_sentence_length(self): return sum([len(s) for s in self._sentences])/len(self._sentences) def n_instructions(self): return len(self._sentences) def max_sentence_length(self): return max([len(s) for s in self._sentences]) def keyword_ratio(self): sentence_ratios = [] for sent in self._sentences: # FIXME: only works if there are no other misc annotations! sentence_ratios.append(sum([token['misc'] is not None for token in sent])) return sum(sentence_ratios) / len(sentence_ratios) def predict_labels(self): features = [sent2features(sent) for sent in self._sentences] labels = [tagger.tag(feat) for feat in features] return labels def predict_ingredient_labels(self): features = [sent2features(sent) for sent in self._ingredients] labels = [tagger.tag(feat) for feat in features] return labels def _annotate_sentences(self, sent_token_list, predictions): # test whether we predicted an label or found it in our label list for i, ing in enumerate(sent_token_list): for j, token in enumerate(ing): lemma = token['lemma'] # check for labels if check_ingredient(token): token.add_misc("food_type", "ingredient") continue if lemma in actions.stemmed_curated_cooking_verbs: token.add_misc("food_type", "action") continue if predictions[i][j] == 'ingredient': token.add_misc("food_type", "ingredient") continue #if predictions[i][j] == 'action': # token.add_misc("food_type", "action") # continue if lemma in containers.stemmed_containers: token.add_misc("food_type", "container") continue if predictions[i][j] == 'container': token.add_misc("food_type", "container") continue if lemma in placeholders.stemmed_placeholders: token.add_misc("food_type", "placeholder") if predictions[i][j] == 'placeholder': token.add_misc("food_type", "placeholder") def annotate_ingredients(self): self._annotate_sentences(self._ingredients, self.predict_ingredient_labels()) def annotate_sentences(self): self._annotate_sentences(self._sentences, self.predict_labels()) def recipe_id(self): return self._recipe_id ''' # TODO: only conllu module compatible, and not with our own conllu classes def serialize(self): result = "# newdoc\n" if self._recipe_id is not None: result += f"# id: {self._recipe_id}\n" for sent in self._sentences: result += f"{sent.serialize()}" return result + "\n" ''' def display_recipe(self): display(Markdown(f"## {self._title}\n({self._recipe_id})")) display(Markdown(f"### Ingredients")) display(Markdown("\n".join([f" * '{escape_md_chars(self.tokenlist2str(ing))}'" for ing in self._ingredients]))) display(Markdown(f"### Instructions")) display(Markdown("\n".join([f" * {escape_md_chars(self.tokenlist2str(ins))}" for ins in self._sentences]))) def tokenlist2str(self, tokenlist): return " ".join([token['form'] for token in tokenlist]) def tokenarray2str(self, tokenarray): return "\n".join([self.tokenlist2str(tokenlist) for tokenlist in tokenarray]) def __repr__(self): s = "recipe: " + (self._recipe_id if self._recipe_id else "") + "\n" s += "instructions: \n" for sent in self._sentences: s += " ".join([token['form'] for token in sent]) + "\n" s += "\nscores:\n" s += f"avg_sent_length: {self.avg_sentence_length()}\n" s += f"n_instructions: {self.n_instructions()}\n" s += f"keyword_ratio: {self.keyword_ratio()}\n\n\n" return s # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # functions for extracting ingredients def extract_ingredients(self): self._extracted_ingredients = [] for ing in self._ingredients: entry_ing_tokens = [] entry_act_tokens = [] for token in ing: t_misc = token['misc'] if t_misc is not None and "food_type" in t_misc: ftype = t_misc['food_type'] if ftype == "ingredient": entry_ing_tokens.append(token) elif ftype == "action": entry_act_tokens.append(token) # find max cluster of ingredients and merge them index_best = 0 best_size = 0 current_size = 0 for i, ing_token in enumerate(entry_ing_tokens): if i == 0 or entry_ing_tokens[i - 1]['id'] + 1 == ing_token['id']: current_size += 1 if current_size > best_size: best_size = current_size index_best = i - current_size + 1 if best_size == 0: # unfortunately, no ingredient is found :( continue ingredient = Ingredient(" ".join([entry['lemma'] for entry in entry_ing_tokens[index_best:index_best + best_size]])) # apply found actions: for action in entry_act_tokens: ingredient.apply_action(action['lemma']) self._extracted_ingredients.append(ingredient) return self._extracted_ingredients def apply_instructions(self, confidence_threshold = 0.4, max_dist_last_token = 4, debug=False): current_state = RecipeState(self._extracted_ingredients) self._recipe_state = current_state instruction_number = 0 for sent in self._sentences: instruction_number += 1 if debug: display(Markdown(f"----\n* **instruction {instruction_number}**:\n`" + escape_md_chars(self.tokenlist2str(sent)) + "`\n")) instruction_ing_tokens = [] instruction_act_tokens = [] ing_dist_last_token = [] act_dist_last_token = [] last_token = -1 for i, token in enumerate(sent): t_misc = token['misc'] if t_misc is not None and "food_type" in t_misc: ftype = t_misc['food_type'] if ftype == "ingredient": instruction_ing_tokens.append(token) ing_dist_last_token.append(1000 if last_token < 0 else i - last_token) last_token = i elif ftype == "action": instruction_act_tokens.append(token) act_dist_last_token.append(1000 if last_token < 0 else i - last_token) last_token = i # cluster ingredient tokens together and apply actions on it: clustered_ingredients = [] clustered_conllu_ids = [] clustered_last_tokens = [] i = 0 n = len(instruction_ing_tokens) current_token_start = 0 while i < n: current_token_start = i clustered_conllu_ids.append(instruction_ing_tokens[i]['id']) clustered_last_tokens.append(ing_dist_last_token[i]) ing_str = instruction_ing_tokens[i]['lemma'] while i+1 < n and instruction_ing_tokens[i+1]['id'] - instruction_ing_tokens[i]['id'] == 1: ing_str += " " + instruction_ing_tokens[i+1]['lemma'] i += 1 clustered_ingredients.append(ing_str) i += 1 def matching_action(ing_str, ing_id, action_token_list): action = None action_dists = [act['id'] - ing_id for act in action_token_list] # so far: simple heuristic by matching to next action to the left # (or first action to the right, if there is no one left to the ingredient) for i in range(len(action_token_list)): if action_dists[i] < 0: action = action_token_list[i] return action ingredients_used = set() actions_used = set() if debug: print("apply actions regular rule based:") for i, ing_str in enumerate(clustered_ingredients): ing = Ingredient(ing_str) # get matching action: action = matching_action(ing_str, clustered_conllu_ids[i], instruction_act_tokens) if clustered_last_tokens[i] < max_dist_last_token: if action is not None: actions_used.add(action['lemma']) ingredients_used.add(ing_str) # apply action on state current_state.apply_action(action['lemma'], ing, instruction_number=instruction_number) if debug: print(f"\tapply {action['lemma']} on {ing}") if debug: print("try to match unused actions:") # go throuh all actions. if we found an unused one, we assume it is applied either on the next right ingredient. for act_token in instruction_act_tokens: if act_token['lemma'] not in actions_used: # fing next ingredient right to it next_ing = None for i, ing_str in enumerate(clustered_ingredients): if clustered_conllu_ids[i] > act_token['id']: actions_used.add(act_token['lemma']) ingredients_used.add(ing_str) ing = Ingredient(ing_str) current_state.apply_action(act_token['lemma'], ing, instruction_number=instruction_number) if debug: print(f"\tapply {act_token['lemma']} on {ing}") break actions_unused = [] ingredients_unused = [] for act_token in instruction_act_tokens: if act_token['lemma'] in actions_used: continue actions_unused.append(act_token['lemma']) for ing_str in clustered_ingredients: if ing_str in ingredients_used: continue ingredients_unused.append(ing_str) if debug: print(f"\nunused actions: {actions_unused} \nunused ings: {ingredients_unused}\n") if (instruction_number > 1): if debug: print("mixing ingredients based on mixing actions with last instruction:") for ing in current_state.get_ingredients_touched_in_instruction(instruction_number -1): ing.mark_for_mixing() for ing in current_state.get_combined_ingredients(): if debug: print(f"\t* {ing}") if debug: print("mixing all ingredients in this instruction:") for ing_str in clustered_ingredients: current_state.apply_action("mix", Ingredient(ing_str), instruction_number=instruction_number) for ing in current_state.get_combined_ingredients(): if debug: print(f"\t* {ing}") # if no ingredient is found, apply actions on all ingredients so far used if len(clustered_ingredients) == 0 and len(actions_unused) > 0: if debug: print("\nno ingredients found. So apply actions on all ingredients that are touched so far:") for action in actions_unused: current_state.apply_action_on_all(action, instruction_number, exclude_instruction_number=0) if debug: print(f"\nstate after instruction {instruction_number}:") print(current_state) print("\n") def plot_matrices(self): if self._recipe_state is None: print("Error: no recipe state found") return mixings, mix_labels = self._recipe_state.get_mixing_matrix() x_labels = [f"{ing._base_ingredient} 🡸 ({' '.join([act for act in ing._action_set])})" for ing in mix_labels] y_labels = [f"({' '.join([act for act in ing._action_set])}) 🢂 {ing._base_ingredient}" for ing in mix_labels] fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap( z=mixings, x=x_labels, y=y_labels, xgap = 1, ygap = 1,)) fig.update_layout( width=1024, height=1024, yaxis = dict( scaleanchor = "x", scaleratio = 1, ) ) fig.show() actions, act_labels, ing_labels = self._recipe_state.get_action_matrix() fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap( z=actions, x=[f"{ing._base_ingredient} 🡸 ({' '.join([act for act in ing._action_set])})" for ing in ing_labels], y=[str(a) for a in act_labels], xgap = 1, ygap = 1,)) fig.update_layout( width=1024, height=1024, yaxis = dict( scaleanchor = "x", scaleratio = 1, ) ) fig.show()