from pyscript_bootstrap_templates import bootstrap_templates from pyscript_bootstrap_templates import bootstrap_HTML as bHTML from pyscript_bootstrap_templates import HTML as HTML from pyscript_bootstrap_templates import bootstrap_inputs as bInputs import numpy as np # wrapper class to create editable numpy matrices: class NumpyGrid2D(HTML.Table, bHTML.BootstrapContainer): def __init__(self, numpy_grid: np.ndarray, parent: HTML.Element = None): # store numpy grid self._numpy_grid = numpy_grid.copy() m,n = self._numpy_grid.shape super().__init__(parent=parent) self.m = 0 self.p = 0 # create a grid of inputs self._inputs = [] for i in range(m): row = [] # to keep it simple: use plain html table elements tr = HTML.Tr(parent=self) for j in range(n): th = HTML.Th(parent=tr) cell = bInputs.InputFloat(parent=th) cell.p = 0 cell.m = 0 cell.value = self._numpy_grid[i,j] row.append(cell) self._inputs.append(row) def _update_ndarray(self): for i, row in enumerate(self._inputs): for j, cell in enumerate(row): self._numpy_grid[i,j] = float(cell.value) @property def numpy_grid(self) -> np.ndarray: self._update_ndarray() return self._numpy_grid.copy() @numpy_grid.setter def numpy_grid(self, value:np.ndarray): assert value.shape == self._numpy_grid.shape self._numpy_grid = value.copy() # update input grid for i, row in enumerate(self._inputs): for j, cell in enumerate(row): cell.value = self._numpy_grid[i,j] # create default values matrix_a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) matrix_b = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) matrix_result = np.zeros((3,3)) app = bootstrap_templates.PyScriptBootstrapDashboard( parent_element="pyscript_app", brand_name="03_numpy_grid_demo") div = bHTML.BootstrapContainer("Matrix operations", parent=app.sidebar) div.font_size = 4 matrix_row = bHTML.Row(parent=app.main) matrix_row.p = 1 matrix_row.m = 1 matrix_row.display_property = bHTML.DisplayProperty.INLINE_FLEX # create row of three matrices mat_widget_a = NumpyGrid2D(matrix_a) mat_widget_b = NumpyGrid2D(matrix_b) mat_widget_result = NumpyGrid2D(matrix_result) # just for fanciness: wrap the matrices in bootstrap cards col_a = bHTML.Col(parent=matrix_row) col_b = bHTML.Col(parent=matrix_row) col_result = bHTML.Col(parent=matrix_row) card_a = bHTML.Card(mat_widget_a, card_header=bHTML.Div("Matrix A"), parent=col_a) card_b = bHTML.Card(mat_widget_b, card_header=bHTML.Div("Matrix B"), parent=col_b) card_result = bHTML.Card(mat_widget_result, card_header=bHTML.Div("Result"), parent=col_result) card_a.shadow = bHTML.Shadow.MEDIUM card_b.shadow = bHTML.Shadow.MEDIUM card_result.shadow = bHTML.Shadow.MEDIUM operations = { '+': np.add, '-': np.subtract, '*': np.multiply, '/': np.divide, 'dot product': } for op in operations: btn = bHTML.ButtonPrimary(op, parent=app.sidebar) btn.w = 100 btn.m = 1 def onclick(event, numpy_func=operations[op]): mat_widget_result.numpy_grid = numpy_func(mat_widget_a.numpy_grid, mat_widget_b.numpy_grid) btn.onclick = onclick