from pyscript_bootstrap_templates import bootstrap_templates from pyscript_bootstrap_templates import bootstrap_HTML as bHTML from pyscript_bootstrap_templates import bootstrap_inputs as bInputs from pyscript_bootstrap_templates import HTML as HTML import numpy as np from PIL import Image import cv2 loaded_img:np.ndarray = None app = bootstrap_templates.PyScriptBootstrapDashboard(parent_element="pyscript_app", brand_name="Pyscript Cell Colony Detector") main_div = bHTML.BootstrapContainer(parent=app.main) main_div.w = 100 result_div = bHTML.BootstrapContainer (parent=main_div) def process_image(image, hough_min_dist = 500, hough_param1 = 80, hough_param2 = 500, minRadius = 100, maxRadius=500, inner_hough_param1 = 25, inner_hough_param2 = 50, inner_hough_circles=True, cell_colony_color_channel:int = None): for child in result_div.children: child.destroy() # Convert the image to grayscale if cell_colony_color_channel is None: gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) else: gray = image.astype(float)[...,cell_colony_color_channel] gray = (255 * gray / gray.max()).astype(np.uint8) # Use median blur to reduce noise gray = cv2.medianBlur(gray, 5) # Apply Hough transform on the image to find circles circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2, minDist=hough_min_dist, param1=hough_param1, param2=hough_param2, minRadius=minRadius, maxRadius=maxRadius) if circles is None: app.alert_danger("No cell areas detected in image") return False # Convert to integers circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles)) # Loop over all detected circles and add them to the image #for i in circles[0,:]: # # Draw outer circle #,(i[0],i[1]),i[2],(0,255,0),2) # # Draw center of circle #,(i[0],i[1]),2,(0,0,255),3) first_wells = [] first_wells_gray = [] for i in circles[0,:]: center = (i[0], i[1]) radius = i[2] # Cut out the well well = image[center[1]-radius:center[1]+radius, center[0]-radius:center[0]+radius] well_gray = gray[center[1]-radius:center[1]+radius, center[0]-radius:center[0]+radius] first_wells.append(well) first_wells_gray.append(well_gray) if inner_hough_circles: second_wells = [] second_wells_gray = [] for well, well_gray in zip(first_wells, first_wells_gray): circles = cv2.HoughCircles(well_gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, minDist=hough_min_dist, param1=inner_hough_param1, param2=inner_hough_param2, minRadius=int((min(well.shape[0],well.shape[1]) // 2)*0.79), maxRadius=int((min(well.shape[0],well.shape[1]) // 2)*0.95)) if circles is not None: circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles)) i = circles[0,:][0] center = (i[0], i[1]) radius = i[2] - 1 min_y = max(center[1]-radius, 0) max_y = center[1]+radius min_x = max(center[0]-radius, 0) max_x = center[0]+radius second_wells.append(well[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x]) second_wells_gray.append(well_gray[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x]) else: second_wells.append(well) second_wells_gray.append(well_gray) else: second_wells = first_wells second_wells_gray = first_wells_gray tabs = {} for well in second_wells: well_gray = cv2.cvtColor(well, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) _, binary = cv2.threshold(255 - well_gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # Perform some morphological operations to remove small noise - you can change the kernel size kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.uint8) cleaned = cv2.morphologyEx(binary, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) radius = min(well.shape[0], well.shape[1]) // 2 -1 # Now clear all pixels outside the circular well. # We do this by creating a mask for the well and applying it to the image. well_mask = np.zeros_like(cleaned, dtype=np.uint8), (well.shape[1] // 2, well.shape[0] // 2), radius, 1, thickness=-1) cleaned = cleaned * well_mask circle = well_mask > 0 # now create an image overlay to display ratio = np.sum((cleaned > 0).astype(int)) / np.sum(circle.astype(int)) div_result = bHTML.BootstrapContainer(f"ratio: {ratio * 100}%") div_result.shadow = bHTML.Shadow.LARGE div_result.rounded = True div_result.w = 75 div_result.h = 75 div_result.rounded_size = 50 div_result.p = 3 well = well.copy() well[cleaned > 0,0] = 255 final_img = bHTML.Image.from_numpy_array(well, parent=div_result) final_img.rounded = True final_img.rounded_size = 50 final_img.shadow = bHTML.Shadow.LARGE final_img.w = 100 tabs[f"Well #{len(tabs) + 1}"] = div_result tabs = bHTML.Tabs(tabs, parent=result_div) tabs.w = 100 div = bHTML.BootstrapContainer("Controls", parent=app.sidebar) div.font_size = 4 image_input = bInputs.InputFile(label_text="choose image file", parent=app.sidebar) btn = bHTML.ButtonPrimary("Process", parent=app.sidebar) btn.w = 100 = 3 btn.mb = 3 = 4 = 4 i_hough_min_dist = bInputs.InputInt("hough min distance [px]", parent=app.sidebar, help_text="minimal distance between wells in pixels") i_hough_min_dist.value = 500 i_hough_param1 = bInputs.InputInt("hough param1", parent=app.sidebar, help_text="parameter for canny edge detector") i_hough_param1.value = 80 i_hough_param2 = bInputs.InputInt("hough param2", parent=app.sidebar, help_text="increase this value to prevent false circle detection") i_hough_param2.value = 500 i_hough_min_radius = bInputs.InputInt("hough min radius [px]", parent=app.sidebar, help_text="min radius for circle detection") i_hough_min_radius.value = 100 i_hough_max_radius = bInputs.InputInt("hough max radius [px]", parent=app.sidebar, help_text="max radius for circle detection") i_hough_max_radius.value = 500 i_inner_hough = bInputs.InputCheckboxSingle("nested hough transform?", parent=app.sidebar, help_text="if set, circle detection will be applied twice on detected wells") i_inner_hough.value = True i_inner_hough.m = 3 i_inner_hough_param1 = bInputs.InputInt("inner hough param1", parent=app.sidebar) i_inner_hough_param1.value = 25 i_inner_hough_param2 = bInputs.InputInt("inner hough param2", parent=app.sidebar) i_inner_hough_param2.value = 50 i_use_color_channel = bInputs.InputSelect(["all", "red", "green", "blue"], label_text="cell colony color channel", parent=app.sidebar, help_text="if cells are more present in a specific channel, select it here") i_use_color_channel.value = "blue" def on_image_change(f, *args): try: global loaded_img img = np.array( for child in result_div.children: child.destroy() bHTML.BootstrapContainer("input image:", parent=result_div) output = bHTML.Image.from_numpy_array(img, parent=result_div) output.rounded = True output.rounded_size = 10 output.shadow = bHTML.Shadow.LARGE output.width = "100%" output.height = "100%" loaded_img = img app.toast("successfully loaded image", "info") #toast = bHTML.Toast("successfully loaded image", title="info", parent=toast_container) #toast.animation = True except Exception as e: for child in result_div.children: child.destroy() bHTML.AlertDanger(f"error while loading image: {str(e)}", parent=alert_container) image_input.onchange = on_image_change def on_click(*args, **kwargs): if loaded_img is None: app.alert_danger("No image loaded") return for child in result_div.children: child.destroy() try: h_min_dist = int(i_hough_min_dist.value) h_param1 = int(i_hough_param1.value) h_param2 = int(i_hough_param2.value) h_inner_param1 = int(i_inner_hough_param1.value) h_inner_param2 = int(i_inner_hough_param2.value) h_min_radius = int(i_hough_min_radius.value) h_max_radius = int(i_hough_max_radius.value) inner_hough = bool(i_inner_hough.value) color_channel = { "all": None, "red": 0, "green": 1, "blue": 2 }[i_use_color_channel.value] process_image(loaded_img, hough_min_dist=h_min_dist, hough_param1=h_param1, hough_param2=h_param2, minRadius=h_min_radius, maxRadius=h_max_radius, inner_hough_param1=h_inner_param1, inner_hough_param2=h_inner_param2, inner_hough_circles=inner_hough, cell_colony_color_channel=color_channel) app.toast("successfully processed image", title="info") except Exception as e: for child in result_div.children: child.destroy() app.alert_danger(f"error while processing image: {str(e)}") btn.onclick = on_click