import pathlib from typing import List import argparse # create a new pyscript project def create_project(root_folder: pathlib.Path, title: str, packages: List[str], paths: List[str] = None, pyscript_css_url: str = "", pyscript_js_url: str = ""): pyenv = "- git+" for package in packages: pyenv += f"\n - {package}" if paths is not None: pyenv += "\n - paths:" for path in paths: pyenv += f"\n - {path}" pyenv += "\n" html = f""" {title} {pyenv}
""" py = f""" """ if not root_folder.exists(): root_folder.mkdir(parents=True) (root_folder / "index.html").write_text(html, encoding="utf-8") (root_folder / "").write_text("", encoding="utf-8") def main(): argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="create a new pyscript project") argument_parser.add_argument( "root_folder", type=pathlib.Path, help="the root folder of the new project") argument_parser.add_argument( "title", type=str, help="the title of the new project") argument_parser.add_argument( "packages", type=str, nargs="*", help="the packages to include in the new project") argument_parser.add_argument("--paths", type=str, nargs="+", help="additional local python files to include in the new project") argument_parser.add_argument("--pyscript_css_url", type=str, help="the url of the pyscript css file", default="") argument_parser.add_argument("--pyscript_js_url", type=str, help="the url of the pyscript js file", default="") arguments = argument_parser.parse_args() create_project(arguments.root_folder, arguments.title, arguments.packages, arguments.paths, arguments.pyscript_css_url, arguments.pyscript_js_url) if __name__ == "__main__": main() exit(0)