#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pygame from OpenGL.GL import * from pygame.locals import * import argparse import sys import random import time #TODO: remove global vars pygame.init() window_w = 1600 window_h = 900 livingSpaceWidth = 64 livingSpaceHeight = 36 creatureW = window_w/(livingSpaceWidth) creatureH = window_h/(livingSpaceHeight) FPS = 60 NORTH = 0 EAST = 1 SOUTH = 2 WEST = 3 livingSpace = [] livingSpaceColor = [] update_queue = [] old_update_queue = [] # doubled draw buffer because of display double buffering draw_buffer = [] draw_buffer_old = [] antPosition = (livingSpaceWidth // 2, livingSpaceHeight // 2) antRotation = NORTH num_colors = 2 color_list = [] code = [False,True] # store number of active cells num_active_cells = 0 # helper function for colors: def HSVtoRGB(h,s,v): c = v*s x = c*(1-abs((h/60)% 2 -1)) m = v-c rr=0 gg=0 bb=0 if(h<60): rr=c gg=x bb=0 elif (h < 120): rr = x gg = c bb = 0 elif (h < 180): rr = 0 gg = c bb = x elif (h < 240): rr=0 gg=x bb=c elif (h < 300): rr = x gg = 0 bb = c elif (h < 360): rr = c gg = 0 bb = x return(rr+m,gg+m,bb+m) def generate_colors(): global color_list global num_colors color_list = [] for i in range(num_colors): color_list.append(HSVtoRGB(i * 360.0 / num_colors,1,1)) def resize(shape): width, height = shape if height == 0: height = 1 glViewport(0, 0, width, height) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0.0, livingSpaceWidth * creatureW, livingSpaceHeight * creatureH, 0.0, -6.0, 0.0) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() def init(): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def initLivingSpace(): for x in range(livingSpaceWidth): livingSpace.append([]) livingSpaceColor.append([]) for y in range(livingSpaceHeight): livingSpace[x].append(0) rgba = [float(x)/float(livingSpaceWidth), float(livingSpaceWidth-x)/float(livingSpaceWidth), float(y)/float(livingSpaceHeight),0.15] livingSpaceColor[x].append(rgba) draw_buffer.append((x,y)) def isAlive(x,y): return livingSpace[x][y] != 0 def draw(): global draw_buffer global draw_buffer_old #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glLoadIdentity() glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,3.0) glBegin(GL_QUADS) for column,row in draw_buffer + draw_buffer_old: r,g,b,a = livingSpaceColor[column][row] #glColor4f(255, 0, 0, 1.0) glColor4f(a * r, a * g, a * b, 1.0) x = column * creatureW y = row * creatureH glVertex3f(x,y,0.0) glVertex3f(x + creatureW-1.0,y,0.0) glVertex3f(x+creatureW-1,y+creatureH-1,0.0) glVertex3f(x,y+creatureH-1,0.0) # draw langton's ant quad: x = antPosition[0] * creatureW y = antPosition[1] * creatureH offX = creatureW / 2 offY = creatureH / 2 glColor4f(1,1,1,0.5) glVertex3f(x + offX, y, 0.0) if antRotation != SOUTH else glVertex3f(x + offX, y + creatureH/2, 0.0) glVertex3f(x + creatureW - 1, y + offY, 0.0) if antRotation != WEST else glVertex3f(x + creatureW/2, y + offY, 0.0) glVertex3f(x + offX, y + creatureH - 1, 0.0) if antRotation != NORTH else glVertex3f(x + offX, y + creatureH/2, 0.0) glVertex3f(x, y + offY, 0.0) if antRotation != EAST else glVertex3f(x + creatureW/2, y + offY, 0.0) glEnd() draw_buffer_old = draw_buffer draw_buffer = [] def activate(i,j,key = 1): global num_active_cells if livingSpace[i][j] == 0: num_active_cells += 1 livingSpace[i][j] = key if num_colors > 2: livingSpaceColor[i][j] = [ color_list[key - 1][0], color_list[key - 1][1], color_list[key - 1][2], 1.0 ] else: livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] = 1.0 update_queue.append((i,j)) def deactivate(i,j): global num_active_cells if livingSpace[i][j] != 0: num_active_cells -= 1 livingSpace[i][j] = 0 # correct color: livingSpaceColor[i][j] = [ float(i) / float(livingSpaceWidth), float(livingSpaceWidth - i) / float(livingSpaceWidth), float(j) / float(livingSpaceHeight), 0.6 ] update_queue.append((i,j)) def update_field(): global old_update_queue global update_queue old_update_queue = update_queue update_queue = [] for i,j in old_update_queue: draw_buffer.append((i,j)) if livingSpace[i][j] <= 0 and livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] > 0.15: livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] *= 0.98 if livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] < 0.15: livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] = 0.15 update_queue.append((i,j)) elif livingSpace[i][j] > 0 and livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] > 0.6: livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] *= 0.98 if livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] < 0.6: livingSpaceColor[i][j][3] = 0.6 update_queue.append((i,j)) def move_ant(dx, dy): global antPosition global antRotation # finally move: antPosition = (antPosition[0] + dx, antPosition[1] + dy) # wrap around: if antPosition[0] < 0: antPosition = (livingSpaceWidth - 1, antPosition[1]) elif antPosition[0] >= livingSpaceWidth: antPosition = (0, antPosition[1]) if antPosition[1] < 0: antPosition = (antPosition[0], livingSpaceHeight - 1) elif antPosition[1] >= livingSpaceHeight: antPosition = (antPosition[0], 0) update_queue.append(antPosition) def update_ant(): global antPosition global antRotation # if we have only two colors, we will switch between on and off if num_colors == 2: # switch cell if isAlive(antPosition[0], antPosition[1]): deactivate(antPosition[0], antPosition[1]) else: activate(antPosition[0], antPosition[1]) # turn if isAlive(antPosition[0], antPosition[1]): # turn right antRotation = (antRotation + 1) % 4 else: # turn left antRotation = (antRotation + 3) % 4 else: # if we have more than 3 colors, we use the color code old_key = livingSpace[antPosition[0]][antPosition[1]] - 1 new_key = (livingSpace[antPosition[0]][antPosition[1]]) % num_colors + 1 # avoiding key zero, it is deactivated if not isAlive(antPosition[0], antPosition[1]): # first activation time, increase key: new_key += 1 old_key += 1 #determine direction: if code[old_key]: # turn left: antRotation = (antRotation + 3) % 4 else: # turn right: antRotation = (antRotation + 1) % 4 # then activate with new key activate(antPosition[0], antPosition[1], new_key) # move on step: dx = 0 dy = 0 if antRotation == NORTH: dy = -1 elif antRotation == SOUTH: dy = +1 elif antRotation == EAST: dx = +1 elif antRotation == WEST: dx = -1 move_ant(dx,dy) def main(): global livingSpaceWidth global livingSpaceHeight global creatureW global creatureH global antPosition global antRotation global window_w global window_h global color_list global num_colors global code # parsing args: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="langton's ant simulation tool", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--steps', dest='steps', default = 20 , help='steps per second') parser.add_argument('--w', dest='w', default = livingSpaceWidth, help = 'field width') parser.add_argument('--h', dest='h', default=livingSpaceHeight, help = 'field height') parser.add_argument('--calc', dest='calc', default=0, help='calculate steps and only display result') parser.add_argument('--fullscreen', dest='fullscreen', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--window_w', dest='win_w', default=window_w, help='window width') parser.add_argument('--window_h', dest='win_h', default=window_h, help='window height') parser.add_argument('--configurator', dest='configurator', action='store_true', help='start in field edit mode') parser.add_argument('--code', dest='code', default='01', help='binary code for the ant (\'01\' corresponds to the starndard ant behaviour)') parser.add_argument('--file', dest='file', default='', help='writing number of living cells per step in this file') parser.add_argument('--pattern', dest='pattern', default='0', help='initial pattern for the field. Possible values:\n' + '\t * 0: all fields inactive\n' + '\t * 1: all fields active\n' + '\t * check: checkboard pattern\n' + '\t * horizontal: horizontal stripes\n' + '\t * vertical: vertical stripes\n' + '\t * random: random values\n') parser.set_defaults(fullscreen=False) parser.set_defaults(configurator=False) args = parser.parse_args() steps_per_sec = int(args.steps) livingSpaceWidth = int(args.w) livingSpaceHeight = int(args.h) calc = int(args.calc) filename = args.file fileobj = None if len(filename) > 0: fileobj = open(filename, mode='w') video_flags = OPENGL | HWSURFACE | DOUBLEBUF # parse code: code = [] for c in args.code: if c == '0': code.append(False) else: code.append(True) # generate colors: num_colors = len(code) generate_colors() if args.fullscreen: video_flags = OPENGL | HWSURFACE | DOUBLEBUF | FULLSCREEN dinfo = pygame.display.Info() window_w = dinfo.current_w window_h = dinfo.current_h else: window_w = int(args.win_w) window_h = int(args.win_h) creatureW = window_w / (livingSpaceWidth) creatureH = window_h / (livingSpaceHeight) antPosition = (livingSpaceWidth // 2, livingSpaceHeight // 2) pygame.display.set_mode((window_w,window_h),video_flags) initLivingSpace() resize((window_w, window_h)) init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() frames = 0 counter = 0 logic_frame_pause = FPS / steps_per_sec configurator_mode = bool(args.configurator) field_draws = 0 # apply pattern if args.pattern == '0': # nothing to do pass elif args.pattern == '1': for i in range(livingSpaceWidth): for j in range(livingSpaceHeight): activate(i,j) elif args.pattern == 'check': for i in range(livingSpaceWidth): for j in range(livingSpaceHeight): if (i + j) % 2 == 0: activate(i,j) elif args.pattern == 'horizontal': for i in range(livingSpaceWidth): for j in range(livingSpaceHeight): m = j % num_colors if num_colors > 2: m += 1 if m != 0: activate(i,j,m) elif args.pattern == 'vertical': for i in range(livingSpaceWidth): for j in range(livingSpaceHeight): m = i % num_colors if num_colors > 2: m += 1 if m != 0: activate(i,j,m) elif args.pattern == 'random': r = random.Random(time.time()) for i in range(livingSpaceWidth): for j in range(livingSpaceHeight): k = r.randint(0,num_colors - 1) if num_colors > 2: k += 1 if k != 0: activate(i,j,k) else: print("error. unknown pattern") parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) if (calc > 0): for i in range(calc): update_ant() #main loop: while True: ticktime = clock.tick(FPS) #print ticktime event = pygame.event.poll() if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): break update_field() draw() field_draws += len(draw_buffer) + len(draw_buffer_old) frames += 1 if frames % FPS == 0: print("average field draws per frame: " + str(field_draws/FPS)) field_draws = 0 pygame.display.flip() if configurator_mode: # move with keys: if event.type == KEYDOWN: draw_buffer.append((antPosition[0],antPosition[1])) if event.key == K_DOWN: move_ant(0,+1) elif event.key == K_UP: move_ant(0,-1) elif event.key == K_LEFT: move_ant(-1,0) elif event.key == K_RIGHT: move_ant(+1,0) elif event.key == K_SPACE: new_key = (livingSpace[antPosition[0]][antPosition[1]]) % num_colors + 1 if not isAlive(antPosition[0], antPosition[1]): new_key += 1 activate(antPosition[0], antPosition[1], new_key) elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE: deactivate(antPosition[0],antPosition[1]) elif event.key == K_LCTRL: antRotation = (antRotation - 1) % 4 move_ant(0,0) elif event.key == K_RCTRL: antRotation = (antRotation + 1) % 4 move_ant(0,0) elif event.key == K_RETURN: configurator_mode = False else: if (calc == 0): counter += 1 if logic_frame_pause >= 1: if counter > logic_frame_pause: update_ant() if fileobj != None: fileobj.write(str(num_active_cells) + '\n') counter = 0 else: # multiple calculations per frame: for i in range(int(1 / logic_frame_pause)): update_ant() if fileobj != None: fileobj.write(str(num_active_cells) + '\n') # switch to configurator mode: if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_RETURN: configurator_mode = True if fileobj != None: fileobj.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()