README for PyFTGL Introduction ============ FTGL is a free, open source library to enable developers to use arbitrary fonts in their OpenGL applications. Unlike other OpenGL font libraries FTGL uses standard font file formats and the Freetype font library to open the fonts. PyFTGL in turn wraps the functionality of FTGL into a Python module so that it can be used in conjunction with PyOpenGL. How to build ============ Prerequisites ------------- Make sure you have the necessary libraries installed before attempting to build PyFTGL. * FTGL * FreeType * boost::python Build ----- $ python build Install ------- $ python install How to use ========== Overview -------- To use PyFTGL, start by import it: >>> import FTGL PyFTGL supports six different rendering modes: * Bitmap * Anti-aliased pixmap * Anti-aliased texture maps * Outlines * Polygon meshes * Extruded polygon meshes The first two modes draw directly to the screen raster, the texture map mode draw textured quads, while the last three draw actual geometry. The indivdual modes are encapsulated in their respective class: * BitmapFont * PixmapFont * TextureFont * OutlineFont * PolygonFont * ExtrdFont However, the protocol for all modes are the same: >>> font = FTGL.PolygonFont("example.ttf") >>> font.FaceSize(24) True >>> font.line_height 37.51171875 >>> font.Render("foo") Obviously, you need to set up the OpenGL environment to make it useful. Please see the script for a demonstration of PyFTGL. Classes ------- class BitmapFont() class PixmapFont() class TextureFont() class OutlineFont() class PolygonFont() class ExtrdFont() Methods defined here: Advance(string) Get the advance width for a string. Attach(font_file_path) Attach auxilliary file to font e.g font metrics. Note: not all font formats implement this function. BBox(string) Get the bounding box for a string. Returns tuple. Depth(depth) Set the extrusion distance for the font. Only implemented by ExtrdFont. FaceSize(size[, res]) Set the char size for the current face. Render(string) Render a string of characters. UseDisplayList(useList) Enable or disable the use of Display Lists inside FTGL. __init__(font_file_path) Properties defined here: ascender The global ascender height for the face. descender The global descender height for the face. line_height The line spacing for the font.