2017-05-21 11:11:24 +02:00
.. programming assignment AL PA_B done 2017-05-21 11:11:24 +02:00 programming assignment AL PA_B done 2017-05-21 11:11:24 +02:00

Langton's Ant Simulator

usage: [-h] [--steps STEPS] [--w W] [--h H] [--calc CALC]
               [--fullscreen] [--window_w WIN_W] [--window_h WIN_H]
               [--configurator] [--code CODE] [--pattern PATTERN]

langton's ant simulation tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --steps STEPS      steps per second
  --w W              field width
  --h H              field height
  --calc CALC        calculate steps and only display result
  --window_w WIN_W   window width
  --window_h WIN_H   window height
  --configurator     start in field edit mode
  --code CODE        binary code for the ant ('01' corresponds to the starndard ant behaviour)
  --pattern PATTERN  initial pattern for the field. Possible values:
                     	 * 0: all fields inactive
                     	 * 1: all fields active
                     	 * check: checkboard pattern
                     	 * horizontal: horizontal stripes
                     	 * vertical: vertical stripes
                     	 * random: random values


key function
return enter/leave configuration mode
arrow keys move langton's ant (in configuration mode)
space activate field or switch field's color (in configuration mode)
backspace deactivate field (in configuration mode)
ctrl left / ctrl right rotate ant (in configuration mode)
escape exit program