var style = getComputedStyle(document.body); var n = style.getPropertyValue("--tictactoe_n"); var tilesize = style.getPropertyValue("--tile-size"); var default_opacity = style.getPropertyValue("--opacity"); var ground_color = style.getPropertyValue("--ground-color"); var main_container = document.getElementById("main-container"); var main_menu = new Infobar(main_container, "infobar-container"); var grid = new Grid(n, main_container, tilesize, tilesize, ground_color); var sub_menu = new Infobar(main_container, "infobar-container"); // fill containers with buttons and containers: // empty dummy container on top (to force other containers to be at the bottom) dummy_main = main_menu.create_infocontainer(); dummy_sub = sub_menu.create_infocontainer(); // start container: create_game_container = main_menu.create_infocontainer("Start Local Game"); b_local_game = create_game_container.create_button("Local Game"); // register container: register_container = main_menu.create_infocontainer("Login to play online"); i_register_username = register_container.create_input("username"); i_register_pw = register_container.create_input("password", true); b_register = register_container.create_button("register/login"); //register_container.create_label("(creates new account for a new username)"); // logout TODO: rename container: logout_container = main_menu.create_infocontainer("Logged in as: "); b_logout = logout_container.create_button("Logout"); b_show_highscores = logout_container.create_button("Highscores"); highscore_container = main_menu.create_infocontainer("Highscores"); b_close_highscores = highscore_container.create_button("Close Highscores"); l_highscores = highscore_container.create_label("..."); = "left" // fill subcontainer: match_slot_container = sub_menu.create_infocontainer("Running Matches
(click to open)"); // match control: match_control = sub_menu.create_infocontainer(" -- vs. --"); b_end_game = match_control.create_button("Close Match"); // search match: search_match_container = sub_menu.create_infocontainer("Create Online Match"); b_match_search = search_match_container.create_button("random match"); search_match_container.create_label("invite player by name:"); l_match_op = search_match_container.create_input("player name"); b_match_invite = search_match_container.create_button("invite player"); search_match_container.create_label("Invite friends:") //status: status_container = main_menu.create_infocontainer("Status"); l_status = status_container.create_label(""); // global vars: game_manager = null; logged_in = false; // connection stuff: var connection = null; var session_id = null; // cookies: function get_cookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } function set_cookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; } function check_cookie(cname) { var tmp = get_cookie(cname); if (tmp != "") { return true; } return false; } status_message = function(text, blink = true) { l_status.innerHTML = encodeHTML(text); if (blink) { status_container.blink(theme_color_highlight); } } status_error = function(text, blink=true) { l_status.innerHTML = encodeHTML(text); if (blink) { status_container.blink("rgba(128,0,0,0.5"); } } l_status.innerHTML = "select gamemode. click
[here] for the rules!"; status_container.blink(theme_color_highlight); // global funcs: disable_all_containers = function() { create_game_container.hide(); register_container.hide(); logout_container.hide(); match_slot_container.hide(); search_match_container.hide(); match_control.hide(); status_container.hide(); highscore_container.hide(); dummy_main.hide(); dummy_sub.hide(); } end_local_game = function() { disable_all_containers();;; if (logged_in) {;;; } else {; } game_manager = null; } on_close_click = function() { if (game_manager != null) { game_manager.end_game(); end_local_game(); } else if (connection != null) { connection.on_close_click(); match_control.hide(); } } start_local_game = function() { console.log("clicked"); disable_all_containers();;;;; b_end_game.innerHTML="Close Match"; game_manager = new LocalMatchManager(grid, l_status, match_control, end_local_game); } // connection stuff: login_callback = function() { logged_in = true; if (game_manager != null) { game_manager.end_game(); } end_local_game(); logout_container.update_head("logged in as: " + encodeHTML(connection.player.get_name())); //logout_container.blink("rgba(128,128,128,0.5)"); set_cookie("sessionid", connection.session_id, 30); } logout = function() { logged_in = false; if (connection != null) { connection.close(); if (check_cookie("sessionid")) { // delete session: session_id = get_cookie("sessionid"); set_cookie("sessionid", session_id, -100); session_id = null; } } connection = null; grid.unblock_all(); grid.deactivate_all(); grid.block_all(); end_local_game(); } reconnect = function() { if (check_cookie("sessionid")) { session_id = get_cookie("sessionid"); if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } connection = new WebsocketConnection(server_url, server_port, grid, status_message, status_error, match_slot_container, match_control, b_end_game, logout_container, search_match_container, login_callback, on_connection_error); connection.reconnect(session_id); } } on_connection_error = function() { connection = null; logout(); } login = function(){ if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } connection = new WebsocketConnection(server_url, server_port, grid, status_message, status_error, match_slot_container, match_control, b_end_game, logout_container, search_match_container, login_callback, on_connection_error); connection.connect(i_register_username.value.toLowerCase(), i_register_pw.value); } search_match = function() { if (connection != null) { connection.send_match_request(null); } } invite_player = function() { if (connection != null) { if (l_match_op.value == "") { status_error("choose your opponent first!"); } else { connection.send_match_request(l_match_op.value); } } } show_highscores = function() { l_highscores.innerHTML = ""; var new_text = ""; if (connection != null) { if (connection.top_names != null && connection.top_elos != null) { var n = connection.top_names.length; var i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { name = connection.top_names[i]; if (name.length > 10) { name=name.substring(0,10) + "…"; } new_text += "\#" + (i+1) + ": " + " [" + encodeHTML("" + connection.top_elos[i]) + "]" + encodeHTML(name) + "
"; } l_highscores.innerHTML = new_text; } } logout_container.hide();; } close_highscores = function() { highscore_container.hide();; } // initiate stuff and connect events: end_local_game(); b_local_game.addEventListener("click", start_local_game); b_end_game.addEventListener("click", on_close_click); b_register.addEventListener("click", login); b_logout.addEventListener("click", logout); b_match_search.addEventListener("click", search_match); b_match_invite.addEventListener("click", invite_player); b_show_highscores.addEventListener("click", show_highscores); b_close_highscores.addEventListener("click", close_highscores); reconnect(); // register resize event: window.addEventListener("resize", function() { var tilesize = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--tile-size"); grid.on_screen_orientation_change(tilesize, tilesize); }); window.onload = function() { window.onfocus = function() { if (session_id != null && connection == null) { reconnect(); } }; };