import numpy as np import json import base64 from tools import debug # decoder/encoder took from: def Base64Encode(ndarray): return json.dumps([str(ndarray.dtype), base64.b64encode(ndarray), ndarray.shape]) def Base64Decode(jsonDump): loaded = json.loads(jsonDump) dtype = np.dtype(loaded[0]) arr = np.frombuffer(base64.decodestring(loaded[1]), dtype) if len(loaded) > 2: return arr.reshape(loaded[2]) return arr def SimpleEncode(ndarray): return json.dumps(ndarray.tolist()) def SimpleDecode(jsonDump): return np.array(json.loads(jsonDump)) class Match(object): FIELD_EMPTY = 0 FIELD_USER_A = 1 FIELD_USER_B = 2 FIELD_DRAW = 3 def __init__(self, n, match_id, player_a_name, player_b_name, json_state=None): self.n = n = match_id self.complete_field = np.zeros(shape=(n*n, n*n), dtype=int) self.global_field = np.zeros(shape=(n, n), dtype=int) self.player_won = None self.is_draw = False self.game_over = False self.last_move = None self.is_player_a = True self.player_a_name = player_a_name self.player_b_name = player_b_name if json_state is not None: self.from_json_state(json_state) def from_json_state(self, json_state): match_obj = json.loads(json_state) self.complete_field = np.array(match_obj['complete_field'], dtype=int) self.global_field = np.array(match_obj['global_field'], dtype=int) self.player_won = match_obj['player_won'] self.game_over = match_obj['game_over'] self.last_move = match_obj['last_move'] self.is_player_a = match_obj['active_player'] == self.player_a_name # draw state w.r.t backward compability self.is_draw = match_obj['is_draw'] if 'is_draw' in match_obj else False def to_json_state(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict_state()) def to_dict_state(self): return { 'complete_field': self.complete_field.tolist(), 'global_field': self.global_field.tolist(), 'last_move': self.last_move, 'game_over': self.game_over, 'player_won': self.player_won, 'active_player': self.player_a_name if self.is_player_a else self.player_b_name, 'player_a': self.player_a_name, 'player_b': self.player_b_name, 'is_draw': self.is_draw } def switch_player_names(self): tmp = self.player_a_name self.player_a_name = self.player_b_name self.player_b_name = tmp def get_current_player(self): return self.player_a_name if self.is_player_a else self.player_b_name def is_move_valid(self, sub_x, sub_y, x, y): if sub_x < 0 or sub_x >= self.n: return False if sub_y < 0 or sub_y >= self.n: return False if x < 0 or x >= self.n: return False if y < 0 or y >= self.n: return False if (self.last_move is not None): last_x = self.last_move['x'] last_y = self.last_move['y'] last_sub_x = self.last_move['sub_x'] last_sub_y = self.last_move['sub_y'] if sub_x != last_x and self.global_field[last_y, last_x] == Match.FIELD_EMPTY: # user is not allowed to place everywhere! wrong move! return False if sub_y != last_y and self.global_field[last_y, last_x] == Match.FIELD_EMPTY: return False if self.complete_field[sub_y * self.n + y][sub_x * self.n + x] != Match.FIELD_EMPTY: return False return True def is_full(self, field): return not field.__contains__(Match.FIELD_EMPTY) def check_win(self, field, x, y): is_col = True is_row = True is_main_diag = False is_sec_diag = False val = field[y, x] for i in range(self.n): if (field[i, x] != val): is_col = False break for i in range(self.n): if (field[y, i] != val): is_row = False break if x == y: is_main_diag = True for i in range(self.n): if field[i, i] != val: is_main_diag = False break if x + y == self.n - 1: is_sec_diag = True for i in range(self.n): if field[i, self.n - i - 1] != val: is_sec_diag = False break return is_col or is_row or is_main_diag or is_sec_diag def move(self, move_dict): sub_x = int(move_dict['sub_x']) sub_y = int(move_dict['sub_y']) x = int(move_dict['x']) y = int(move_dict['y']) abs_x = sub_x * self.n + x abs_y = sub_y * self.n + y player_mark = Match.FIELD_USER_A if self.is_player_a else Match.FIELD_USER_B if not self.is_move_valid(sub_x, sub_y, x, y): debug("invalid move") return False # else: move! self.complete_field[abs_y, abs_x] = player_mark # encode move: self.last_move = {'sub_x': sub_x, 'sub_y': sub_y, 'x': x, 'y': y} # check whether this indicates changes in the global field: if self.global_field[sub_y, sub_x] != Match.FIELD_EMPTY: debug("field not empty") return False subgrid = self.complete_field[sub_y * self.n: ( sub_y + 1) * self.n, sub_x * self.n: (sub_x + 1) * self.n] if self.check_win(subgrid, x, y): self.global_field[sub_y, sub_x] = player_mark if self.check_win(self.global_field, sub_x, sub_y): self.game_over = True self.player_won = self.player_a_name if self.is_player_a else self.player_b_name elif self.is_full(subgrid): self.global_field[sub_y, sub_x] = Match.FIELD_DRAW if self.is_full(self.global_field): self.game_over = True self.player_won = None self.is_draw = True self.is_player_a = not self.is_player_a return True